20-5 -- 20-8

Book 20 Chapter 5 – Luring The Enemy In

The next day Teng Yi went back, leaving Jing Jun to stand guard at the base to arrange matters for the 'reinforcement troops'.

Xiang Shaolong patrolled the camp as usual and when he was high above surveying the enemy's camp, he found their inactivity to be almost illogical and queried, "Have they always been like this?"

Cheng Jun replied respectfully, "They only stared becoming this quiet about 10 odd days ago, before that they were constantly sending troops to disrupt us day and night, but it's usually a small scale attack of 20,000 to 30,000 men."

Xiang Shaolong felt that something is terribly wrong and suddenly had a thought, "If the enemy has reached the opposite bank, can they make a big detour upstream, and then cross the river again to surround us by the back?"

Cheng Jun replied, "General Meng has long thought of this point and deliberately placed fire beacons along the river. Once the enemy is sighted, the beacons will be lighted immediately. Besides, the River De is wide and its water rapid with tall cliffs on both sides of the bank. There're no bridges as well so even if our enemy have such intentions, I'm afraid it'll be extremely difficult to accomplish."

Xiang Shaolong is still worried and instructed Zhou Liang who was standing on his other side, "Send Eagle King to the opposite bank to have a look, it'll be better if he can fly a little further."

Zhou Liang set off gladly to follow up on his order.

Ever since he got Eagle King, Zhou Liang seemed to have changed into another person.

Cheng Jun saw that Xiang Shaolong did not trust his assessment and his expression became a little unnatural.

On seeing that, Xiang Shaolong said with a smile, "General Cheng, please do not take this to heart. In war, anything can be changed and we're never far from these four words 'unexpected tactics brings victory'. For Pang Nuan to enjoy such reputation, he must be a capable person. That's why I have to be on the alert against any surprise tactics he may have that we will not expect. If my guess is correct, Pang Nuan must have set up temporary floating bridges with thick ropes upstream of where our scouts will find difficulty in reaching. Once they have crossed the difficult river, they'll keep the floating bridges and move up behind us and repeat the same thing with the floating bridges and let their army cross the river swiftly. Ha, no wonder they had to wait for our reinforcements to arrive before they attack!"

Cheng Jun was speechless on hearing this and secretly commented to himself that 'you're the Great General, of course you can say whatever you like.'

Xiang Shaolong pointed at a dense forest on the right near the hills and continued, "If I'm Pang Nuan, I'll order men to hide the chariots and heavy machinery etc in the woods and camouflage them with branches and leaves so when the time comes for them to attack us, the distance needed to move these things will be shortened."

Cheng Jun replied, "I'll take note of that."

Xiang Shaolong guffawed, "Is General Cheng thinking of setting fire to the whole thing?"

Cheng Jun was taken aback, "That dense forest is close to the enemy camp and with ditches and forts everywhere, how can we get near enough to set fire?"

Xiang Shaolong pointed at the tall hills on the left and said, "Climb up that hill and you can throw down the torches, but it is most important to time the use of this tactic correctly. If it's used when the enemy is attacking, it will cause the greatest effect."

Cheng Jun was astounded and replied, "I understand now."

The both of them discussed the various ways they can block the enemy. Because they have to at least make a show of trying to fend off the attack for a few days before pretending to be defeated and retreat, otherwise no one would believe in their act.

Right at this time Zhou Liang returned with Eagle King and said excitedly, "Great General has indeed predicted correctly. From the area that Eagle King has covered while flying, we can know that our enemy have at least 10,000 men who have snuck up about 15 miles behind us on the opposite bank and getting ready to cross the river for a sneak attack."

Cheng Jun immediately broke out in sweat and said with shame, "I will immediately tighten defenses around that area."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed, "Hold on! Won't this be as good as telling them that we've seen through their secret plan?"

He reached out his hand, intending to touch Eagle King but on seeing it turn around with its beak open and ready to attack, Xiang Shaolong hurriedly retracted his hand in fright.

Zhou Liang said apologetically, "I deliberately trained it not to get close to anyone else, I seek Great General's forgiveness and understanding."

Cheng Jun was more anxious about the enemy crossing the river and asked with utmost admiration, "So what should I do? If we allow the enemy to get behind us and cut off our paths, followed by a frontal assault, we'll be in dire situation."

Xiang Shaolong did not reply him first but said to Zhou Liang instead, "Brother Zhou will be in charge of taking note of our enemy's activities on the opposite bank. You can rest during the day but once it's dark, you have to be extra vigilant."

Zhou Liang asked excitedly, "So should I go back to the tent with Eagle King now and nap?"

Xiang Shaolong chortled, "Exactly!"

After Zhou Liang left, Xiang Shaolong told Cheng Jun, "General Cheng, you don't have to worry. Just leave it to me to burn the woods and deal with the enemy troops on the opposite bank. You'll just have to take good care of our base camp and instruct everyone to take turns and rest during the day so that they will have the energy to deal with our enemy at night."

Drum beats can be heard from the enemy side.

A few hundred war chariots rushed out, followed by thousands of foot soldiers approached them steadily.

Xiang Shaolong sighed, "The enemy has found out that my reinforcements have arrived so now they're starting their relentless attacks."

He turned towards Cheng Jun and added, "Now do you understand why I said they can only take turns to rest."

Cheng Jun replied with total admiration, "I am enlightened."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly finding it comical that he is winning because he has 2000 more years of military knowledge. He just have to randomly choose one or two beautiful tricks from famous ancient wars and he'll be able to make use of them.

He immediately snuck out of camp with the 18 Warriors and rode along the bank upstream.

Just like what Cheng Jun has said, there were tall fire beacons every 10 miles along the way, each about 50 feet high and at the platform on top there was a wooden beam about 30 feet tall with a horizontal board which can be moved up and down the beam so that the soldiers can climb up to look far away. At the edge of every board there was a large cage stuffed with hay. If they see traces of the enemy, it will give out smoke during the day and fire during the night and with the appropriate signal, inform them of the enemy's numbers and distance.

There's also a huge drum at the top of the platform, made for long distance communication.

But in Xiang Shaolong's perspective as a Special Task Force member, as long as the night is dark with no moon and making use of floating devices, it's not impossible to cross the river and get rid of the signal men atop these beacons. Once he thought of this, he shuddered, already knowing what the enemy is waiting for.

They are waiting for a dark and moonless night, when dark clouds will cover the night sky.

Only under such a situation will they be able to carry out the sudden sneak attack by moving their troops across the river.

Xiang Shaolong came to the where Zhou Liang had pointed out, about 20 miles upstream and realized that the water is less rapid around this area and there are no dangerous cliffs on either side of the bank, an ideal place to build floating bridges to cross the river.

And it just so happens that there is a beacon there as well. From this it can be seen that when Meng Ao was building these beacons, he did put a lot of effort into it.

By now he knows what he should do and went back to camp.

The war cries of the enemy as well as their own men rang in the frontlines but the soldiers at the camp are all so used to it and those who have been given permission to rest are all sleeping, seemingly immune to the deafening battle drums and cries.

Xiang Shaolong went around on inspection and gave encouragement to the troops. He felt like he's the Minister of Defence who is visiting the hardworking soldiers at the frontline as everyone cheered when he approached and morale was boosted.

In the wars of ancient civilization, the morale of an army can directly influence the success or failure of a battle.

When he returned to his commander's tent, he saw Zhou Liang feeding fresh rabbit meat to Eagle King. As it turned out, he was unable to fall asleep.

Xiang Shaolong smiled, "Don't worry, as long as the sky remains clear, the enemy will find it difficult to cross the river. So don't be too tensed."

Zhou Liang heaved a sigh of relief, "That's much better."

Xiang Shaolong fell into a deep sleep once he returned to his tent and dreamt of Ji Yanran, the other ladies and Xiang Bao'er. He also dreamt of Qin Qing, whom he has lost contact for a long time and when he woke up he was hit with a painful wave of yearning.

That night, their enemy intensified their attacks and threw huge rocks with their siege machines and destroyed the Qin's first line of wooden barriers and filled up the ditches. The Qin army was forced to retreat to their second line of defense about half a mile away and only manage to drive the enemy away when they increased their numbers. There were casualties on both sides but of course the enemy suffered much larger losses as they are the attackers.

The next evening, Jing Jun leading an elite team of 2,000 cavalry arrived in camp and reported that the wounded and sick soldiers who were withdrawn are already on their way towards Zuicheng, and the grand army can come tonight.

Xiang Shaolong told Jing Jun about the enemy's intention to cross the river. Jing Jun commented, "The sky is red in the morning and night, looking at the sky it'll definitely rain within these two nights. You can leave this matter to me. The enemy will need at least one night's work in order to build a floating bridge large enough to cross the river."

Cheng Jun who was standing by the side asked, "What does General Jing intend to do?"

Jing Jun thought for a moment before replying, "I will withdraw the sentry at the beacons there and if the enemy is bold enough to cross the river, I will wait until they are right in the middle of the river where they cannot retreat or advance and launch a massive attack. We just have to put a few dozen siege engines up there and I'll make them drink the waters of River De."

Xiang Shaolong complimented him, "Xiao Jun have indeed improved a lot. You'll be in total charge of this matter. Just remember that you must bring Zhou Liang with you."

He then asked Jing Shan in and ordered him, Wu Guang, Wu Da and Dan Quan to prepare torches and to climb the hill to burn the forest once it's night.

After the various teams of men have set off, Teng Yi's 'reinforcement troops' arrived.

Dotted across the hills were campfires and lights, most of them were lanterns hung up in the air. There were only a few thousand men but it was made to look as if an impressive tens of thousands men were there.

That night, dark clouds indeed covered the sky. The clouds were thick but yet to rain, a most opportune time for sneak attacks.

Xiang Shaolong went up the viewing post at the frontline and saw that their enemy has gathered a large group of chariots, horses and foot solders with a few thousand siege engines and were preparing for a massive attack. Instead the dense woods on the left was totally quiet so he can imagine that in the midst of the battle, if a huge group of soldiers were to suddenly charge out from there, they will certainly be able to break through their solid defenses.

War drums were heard and the Wei army led the attack, moving in from the right. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

On the left near the bank, the Zhao army followed by moving in as well and immediately their morale was greatly boosted.

After working with each other countless times, the coordination of the coalition army is now flawless. No wonder that the Qin army has to take a defeat every time.

The war drums sounded again and close to a thousand chariots rushed out from the middle of the enemy formation, followed by tens of thousands of archers behind them. Because they do not have cumbersome machineries like the siege machine, they were able to overtake the Wei and Zhao armies on both sides in an instant and come straight at them.

The chariots were about ten feet wide with two huge wheels on the sides, pulled along by four handsome horses. It's speed was astounding, giving one the feeling of great power and in an instant they have crossed the flattened ditches, crossed the first line of defense that was destroyed and approaching the rolling hills at the end of the flat grassland.

Just as Xiang Shaolong was about to give the order to meet the attack head on, the chariots suddenly stopped and the horses were unbridled. The chariots were joined together to form a camp about two miles long.

The strangest thing is that every 30 feet, there will be a space wide enough for three men to pass side by side, making one wonder what is the use of that.

By now the enemy's foot soldiers came up running and after hiding behind the chariots, prepared their crossbows and arrows to prevent the Qins from coming out and counterattacking.

As the chariots were out of the range of the siege machines, Xiang Shaolong had no way of retaliating.

Cheng Jun sighed, "Great General's prediction is correct. Our enemy's move is to block our way in front and if they can really attack us from the back, we'll definitely cannot escape from the fate of being exterminated."

At this point in time they saw another team of vehicles coming up but it's no ordinary chariots but cumbersome supply trains. It advanced at an achingly slow pace, even with eight donkeys they were dragging them with much labor so it's obviously those vehicles are filled with things like rocks.

Only now did Xiang Shaolong and Cheng Jun understand that the gaps that the chariots left in between earlier is to let these rocks vehicles pass to build another layer of base defenses nearer to themselves.

If they were to allow the other party to build up this vehicle base, their second line of defense may very well be breached by tonight.

But because the other party has already prepared chariots and archers for protection, they indeed have a chance to succeed in using vehicles to build up a base camp.

War cries were heard from their two sides, the enemy on their left and right are beginning their attacks.

Xiang Shaolong surveyed the area and according to his estimation, the enemy has at least invested 200,000 men in tonight's attack and their actual force is already more than twice of theirs. If their base camp is breached, they can only just wait to be killed.

On the enemy's side, five different colored banners were hung high up as they organized their formation. He can expect that Han Chuang will be one of them.

Cheng Jun and the other dozen odd generals all turned pale, obviously shell-shocked by their enemy's expertise in military stratagems and their overwhelming manpower.

Xiang Shaolong calculated the time and gave his order, "Call for a batch of 10,000 strong shield soldiers and archers, prepare the siege machines. When the dense forest on the left side is on fire, leave camp immediately and attack to destroy the enemy's vehicle fortress."

The immediately went to carry out the orders.

War cries were heard again, a team of close to a thousand foot soldiers dashed out from the vehicle fortress and shot out fiery arrows.

The Qin's army camp immediately retaliated by throwing rocks to stop the enemy.

It's an extremely tragic situation. The originally dark sky is now shining a bloody red from all the fires being lighted.

It's the first time that Xiang Shaolong is personally experiencing a large scale attack and defense battle in ancient settings. He could feel his adrenalin rushing and at the same time a sense of sorrow welled up in him. This sort of mixed feelings is something that he cannot really explain.

When the enemy's hundred odd supply trains carting rocks and their siege machines were slowly approaching them, the dense forest on the right suddenly caught fire in a few areas and the fire was quickly spreading.

Just as Xiang Shaolong expected, countless soldiers who were in hiding ran out in alarm from the forest, most of them were riders who are the most reflexive.

The morale of Cheng Jun and the others were greatly boosted and their confidence in Xiang Shaolong soared as their enemy started panicking.

The war drums of the Qin army started beating as their gates opened and three groups of shield soldiers advanced forward with the archers following behind, launching a counterattack before the enemy's vehicle fortress had a chance to be formed again.

About 10,000 odd cavalry dashed out from the left and right sides simultaneously, charging at and killing the enemy and to disrupt the enemy's two huge army at the sides.

For a moment tens of thousands of men were thrown into the battle, bodies filled the plains and blood flowed like river.

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize how brave and elite the Qin army is. On first contact they had dispersed the enemy's frontlines, killing them so mercilessly that they abandoned their vehicles and escaped. The most fatal blow to the enemy is that their transport vehicles and chariots have now become the stumbling blocks to their escape route and now the Qin archers can come nearer behind their vehicle base and launch a long distance attack while the enemy is still in frenzy.

War drums were heard again.

The Qin's archers now rushed out in a swarm to take over the cavalry who are now retreating back to camp, leaving behind a mess of overturned and burning chariots in their wake and totally disintegrating the enemy's first wave of attacks.

Xiang Shaolong knows that because the other party wants to coordinate the attacks with the surprise troops who will be crossing the river to attack, they will not give up the battle so easily now. Their own wooden barriers and forts had been destroyed in many places either by the huge rocks thrown at them or burned by the fiery arrows, so he ordered the main force to retreat to the third line of defense.

By now the dense forest on the right is all covered in a fiery blaze, illuminating the whole battlefield with a reddish glow.

After their enemy retreated, the 50,000 to 60,000 enemy soldiers, under the cover of their various protection vehicles, launched a three pronged attack from the left, middle and right. This is the second wave of attack.

The battle thus continued in such heart-stopping situation.

The injured soldiers were constantly carried off the camp and by the time the second line of defense was almost lost, the sun was up. The enemy was too tired to continue and had to retreat.

Jing Shan and the rest returned safely at this point and Xiang Shaolong finally eased his worry.

Reports later came that Jing Shan had waited until after the enemy have built the floating bridges and were crossing it before launching a massive attack to destroy the floating bridges, causing the enemy to lose close to 10,000 men.

The morale of the Qin army soared immediately on hearing this news.

But Xiang Shaolong knows that they are bound to lose and won't be able to last thru this night and gave the orders for men to be retreated in batches. But he did not forget to put up a show so that the enemy won't see through his plan.

After breakfast, the enemy launched their attacks again. Obviously they are still unaware that the river crossing soldiers had met with mishap.

They braced themselves until dusk and the second line of defense was finally lost. It's now time for the total retreat.

Xiang Shaolong is the last batch to leave. The whole camp was engulfed in flames, even spreading to the nearby hills so that it will make it difficult for the enemy to come after them. Only in such dangerous mountainous terrains can they make use of such methods to block the pursuing soldiers.

The coalition army indeed fell for the trap and ran after them.

Xiang Shaolong set up another second base at the westward roads and put up defenses there and had another round of fierce fighting with the coalition army for another five days until the main force had safely left the area. He then made a detour around the camp and escaped, planting traps and spikes along the way so that the enemy's cavalry will have difficulty running after them in full speed.

They had a few more skirmishes after that, and pretended to be defeated every time. By the time they retreated until Zuicheng, Xiang Shaolong knows that success is already at hand.

Book 20 Chapter 6 – Battle Of Zuicheng

Huan Qi came about 30 miles out of the city to receive them.

By now, the mounted troops which were originally made up of 10,000 cavalry and 20,000 backups were now left with a little over 20,000 men. From this it can be seen how intensive the battle chase was along the way.

They left the mountainous area and arrived at the wide open plains on the eastern side of Zuicheng where hills surround them on all sides. The Wei River that leads to the Yellow River is about 50 miles north, flowing from the west to the east. Because of the numerous hills, unless one climbs up to a tall spot, one won't be able to see the grand view of the magnificent river flowing.

From Hangu all the way up north here, it's a distance of 300 miles.

Xiang Shaolong rode alongside Huan Qi as the army moved towards Zuicheng. The former saw that the defenses were done up very well, at the top of all the high points there were forts made from stones and said with satisfaction, "Xiao Qi is really capable. Just looking at the formation shown here will be enough to cause disappointment to Pang Nuan."

Huan Qi was overjoyed to be complimented, "Great General is risking your life at the frontline, how can I just hide here and enjoy my luxuries. Now Zuicheng has joined the army that had just retreated and the total force is now about 150,000 and everyone has been resting to conserve their energy. They are very clear Great General has now arrived to help them defend Zuicheng and are aware that you are luring the enemy westward to tire them out before giving them a painful blow, so now they're all rubbing their hands in anticipation and are willing to lay down their lives for Great General."

Jing Jun who was behind them had always been very close and open with Huan Qi so he chided jokingly, "So Xiao Qi is so crafty to know how to spread rumors. Luckily these rumors have the effect of boosting morale, otherwise we'll certainly have you punished under martial law."

Everyone laughed.

Huan Qi waved at Zhou Liang, who was behind Xiang Shaolong and complimented, "Brother Zhou has made a great contribution this time. Now everyone in camp is addressing you as God of Eagles and once you're around, no one will have to worry about sneak attacks from the enemy."

Zhou Liang mouth split open into a wide smile as he caressed Eagle King who was on his shoulder and said some humbling words.

Amidst their jokes and conversation, they crossed the drawbridge over the river surrounding the city and went into the city.

The scene immediately gave Xiang Shaolong and the rest a huge shock.

The soldiers and civilians in the city have all gathered at the sides of the main street as they cheered wildly. It's as if they have already won the battle and returned in pride but in fact, the actual main battle has not even started.

Three days later, the coalition army's vanguards arrived at the eastern plains of Zuicheng.

Huan Qi made use of the fact that they were still tired from the long travel and their weakness in their unfamiliarity with the terrain to launch continuous attacks at them day and night, burning their camps and supplies. The coalition army was forced to retreat more than 20 miles before they could stabilize themselves but by then they have lose close to 10,000 men and the impact to their morale was especially great.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest made use of this time to rest and recover their strength, practicing their formation all day at Zuicheng.

From the Mohist military stratagems, Xiang and Teng chose the formation that is most suited for their enclosed situation, the 'crab formation', which is to abandon the usual way of concentrating their force in the middle upfront but to use 'Frontal Troops', and to concentrate their force on both sides to attack using 'Secondary Troops'.

Because they are fighting with the city behind them, the 'Frontal Troops' can make use of the siege machines and archers situated on the high walls to strengthen their defenses so they're not worried that the enemy will make a frontal full force attack.

As for the secondary troops on either sides, they will be made up of mainly the best mounted troops and with their thick blades, are most suitable in missions such as this that requires them to use slash and assault tactics.

The enemy came from the west and along the way there are numerous hills so that cumbersome attack vehicles and siege machines will have to be abandoned along the way, reducing the threat to the Qin army. Currently the only factor advantageous to the coalition army is their sheer numbers.

Now it's slowing going into autumn and if the coalition army cannot take over Zuicheng before the arrival of the harsh winter, they will be stuck in an icy situation or maybe even lose the whole army. That's why Xiang Shaolong is not worried that they will set themselves up for a long siege.

So as long as Xiang Shaolong is willing to leave the city to battle, Pang Nuan will only thank the Heaven and hope for a swift battle.

Ten days later, the coalition army moved closer to Zuicheng once again, slowing moving into the wide plains about 50 miles across outside the city of Zuicheng, setting up tents and camps on the side of the mountainous range and using war chariots to for defensive barriers.

Xiang Shaolong gave orders to cease all attacks on the enemy and allow them to stabilize themselves.

But the impending arrival of the great battle is looming over both the enemy and their own men, tightening the nerves of everyone.

Another three days later, all the troops of the coalition army arrived. Xiang Shaolong and the rest stood on top of the city wall and looked over and on the surface, their enemy indeed looked energetic without a trace of fatigue at all.

Huan Qi looked more intently and after a while, said with a smile, "If we talk about the quality and training of the generals and soldiers, other than the Zhao army, the other four states in the coalition army are far below our standard. This time, General Meng kept getting defeated is due to the many years of fighting between them and Pang Nuan has already become very familiar with his fighting tactics. Therefore he can easily use various methods to target his weaknesses and hence gain victory."

He paused and added, "General Wang Jian once said, looking at all the famed generals of the recent generation, only Bai Qi and Li Mu does not have a set formula in all their battles, nor do they follow any rules so others are unable predict their actions. As for the others, there will always be traces to be found. Now, General Wang should include General Xiang into that list as well."

Xiang Shaolong chided jokingly, "You're really getting better at boot-licking."

Everyone joked and laughed together and the atmosphere relaxed. Teng Yi said, "Although the enemy suffered losses, they still have about 500,000 men left. But I'm not worried about that because all of them still harbor their own intentions and it's not easy for them to work together. Besides the weather, water and terrain here is not advantageous to southern armies like the Chus. We've also blocked their nearby streams with rocks and sand so that it will make lives even more difficult for their tired soldiers. So although they have 500,000 men, we should take into consideration only 200,000 men, which is not far off from our own numbers. However we have solid city walls to protect us and we're not worried about an extended war. The other party will have to hastily launch attacks to make the best use of time, so it's needless to point out who will have the better advantage."

Huan Qi looked far ahead and said, "Messengers are riding towards the left and right from the middle of the enemy camp. Obviously they are going to gather the various leaders to got to the middle army for a discussion. It seems like the enemy is going to launch a full scale attack soon."

Xiang Shaolong had an idea and said nonchalantly, "In my opinion this is just a show put up for us. If I am Pang Nuan and my troops are really strong and energetic with high morale, I will pretend to look tired and listless to lure us out of the city to attack. Now that they are pretending to show how fierce and active they are, it goes to show that they are actually guilty of being afraid that we'll attack them instead."

By this point in time Cheng Jun has already regarded Xiang Shaolong as a general from Heaven and agreed with his comment, "It's also written in military books, 'Whether the soldiers and horses appear brave will determine my victory or weakness. If the formation of an army is neat it instead shows that I will not engage in battle'. Great General's views are indeed wise."

Huan Qi, Teng Yi and Jing Jun's expressions all seemed interested.

Jing Jun immediately requested for permission to engage in battle.

Xiang Shaolong was worried that something will happen to him and ordered Huan Qi to back him up.

An hour later, the city gates opened and both of them, each leading 20,000 foot soldiers and cavalry as well as siege machines crossed over the plains and attacked the enemy formation.

Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi led another force behind, in case they had to cover their retreat.

They fought until dusk, destroying a few enemy camps before coming back to the city.

The next day it was the enemy's turn to approach for battle but the Qin army refused to come out, their only answer is a rain of arrows and the enemy had no choice but to return.

After three days of such tussles with both sides having casualties, on the fourth morning the coalition army finally lost their patience. Using their newly built siege vehicles, battering rams etc they launched a wide scale attack on the city.

Xiang Shaolong insisted on not moving and waited until the enemy is exhausted and retreating before launching his full force and setting up the prearranged formation outside the city.

Although the coalition army was unwilling to face this battle, they also did not want to miss the opportunity of fighting. Even more so they were afraid of being flushed by the Qin army so they sent all their troops to set up formation on the other side of the plains as well.

Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi went up a small hill near the middle of the army to survey the enemy's military formation.

By then the sun has risen high up in the sky and the sun's bright rays reflected off the armors and weapons on men on both sides. The glittering lights filled the plains on both sides, filled with the tense atmosphere of an impending battle.

The coalition army's numbers are visibly lesser, only about 400,000 men split into five main formations.

The main force is concentrated in the middle, with foot soldiers forming the main bulk. In front of them are the chariots, behind them the cavalry, forming a front, middle, back formation.

On the left and right sides were swift cavalry.

The foot soldiers in the middle were further separated into nine small groups according to army type. The three at the foremost were the shield soldiers and light infantry while the other six groups were the main attack force consisting of the heavy armored infantry with about 20,000 men in each group holding defense equipment or weapons for long distance attacks like crossbows, spears, swords, shields, barricades, halberds etc. The space each group takes up and the distance between them fits the rule of military formations and they're definitely not a motley crew.

Teng Yi sighed, "It may be Third Brother's first attempt at leading an army but every time you predict things so accurately. Just like right now we're avoiding the enemy's main force in the middle and splitting our heavy infantry on the two sides, that's indeed a very wise move. Now even if Pang Nuan knows that something is wrong, it'll be difficult for him to change his formation. Besides he doesn't even know that all of our cavalry carries a thick blade that's at least half as formidable as Hundred Battles Blade which will guarantee to place our sword wielding enemy at a great disadvantage."

The battle drums of the enemy suddenly rung out and the almost 3,000 chariots gathered at the front gave a shout and started advancing with the infantry coming right behind them.

It seems that Eagle King, which was perched on Zhou Liang's shoulder, could feel the deadly battle atmosphere in the air and started flapping its wings and gave a low squawk.

Xiang Shaolong gave orders to stay put and the battle drums sounded immediately while the signal soldiers informed Huan Qi and Jing Jun who were on both ends using signal flags.

Just as they were about to approach shooting distance, the first two rows of the 3,000 chariots which was split into six rows suddenly increased speed and rushed forward.

Every chariot, other than the driver and some vehicle personnel, there were also a team of vehicle infantry soldiers, each having their own duties,

The driver will control the vehicle, the vehicle personnel were given weapons like bows, crossbows, spears and halberds. Bows and crossbows will be used while they are still a distance away and spears and halberds will be used in close distance battles. The vehicle infantry will follow the chariots and work closely with the chariot to cover each other in defense and attack to magnify their fatality and defense.

The chariot's driver and vehicle personnel need not walk so they are attired with heavy armor and are not worried about arrows. With the war horses charging, they can really ride roughshod over the battlefield. If they are allowed to break into the formation, the defending troops can forget about maintaining their formations again and if the enemy continues with another wave of attack, they will certainly be doomed.

For a moment shouts and drums were heard on both sides as arrows flew and battle cries filled the air.

The enemy's cavalry on both two sides each sent out about 10,000 men to provide cover for the two sides of the centre attack force.

It's finally the start of the great battle.

Xiang Shaolong waited until the enemy is within shooting distance before ordering the siege engines at the top of the city to be fired.

Huge rocks rained down on the approaching enemy chariots from time to time.

Even as the vehicles overturned and the people fell, there were still close to a hundred chariots still making their way forward.

Xiang Shaolong gave an order and the Qin soldiers at the front line fell back like receding waves, revealing the countless ditches behind which was dug to make the horses fall. The enemy never expected the Qin army to have such a trick and immediately the chariots overturned and the people fell off, giving the Qins the opportunity to finish them off.

Arrows rained down from above the city walls and the foot soldiers who have lost the protection of the chariots all fell to the ground. The scene was so horrible that Xiang Shaolong could not bear watching it but there was nothing he could do.

In war, it's death for either you or me. There's no place for compassion at all.

By now the enemy's cavalry on the two sides have arrived.

Xiang Shaolong ordered the signal soldier to send out the flag signals and their own cavalry charged out from the left and right, each of them holding a broadsword and sliced their way through the sword wielding enemy cavalry, turning them into a mess as they fell off their horses.

The Qin's cavalry have always been better than the eastern soldiers and now that they have a new weapon that is most suited to be used while on a horse, they are virtually unstoppable.

After Xiang Shaolong's army shattered the enemy's first wave of attack, they began to advance about a hundred steps forward towards the enemy's second wave of attacking chariots and foot soldiers. They arranged their formation again and used catapults and arrows for long distance attacks on the enemy.

By now the enemy's cavalry on both sides have lost terribly and the enemy's center army was worried that they will lose their protection cover on the two sides and end up being attacked on three sides so they hurriedly retreated.

However, chariots may be unstoppable when they are charging forward but they are not very easily turned or maneuvered so now that they are hastily reversing right in the middle of battle, the chariots knocked against one another and there was extreme chaos.

But it's not the fault of the coalition army for who would have thought that the cavalry on the two sides would be so utterly defeated so quickly.

Xiang Shaolong knows that the opportunity has arrived and once again gave orders for a full force attack.

Firsly Huan Qi and Jing Jun's 20,000 odd cavalry on both sides were hot on the tails of the defeated enemy, followed by the 60,000 infantry who were behind the cavalry who charged towards the enemy formation on the two sides.

With a center army made up of 40,000 foot soldiers, 10,000 cavalry and 1,000 Wu family warriors, Xiang Shaolong started the attack on the enemy's center army who were retreating. Their charge left the enemy's corpses everywhere, blood flowed like rivers and the scene was extremely horrifying.

The cavalry on the two sides swiftly broke into the enemy's formation and the coalition army panicked immediately as disruptions washed over them like waves and affected the whole situation.

Pang Nuan knows that something has gone wrong and sounded the drum signals to order the whole army to continue their fight against the enemy but now instead of being actively aggressive they have now become passive participants.

When the coalition army finally looked as if they are successfully keeping the Qin army away, Xiang Shaolong and a thousand Wu family warriors came charging out like tigers falling upon a flock of sheep, absolutely destroying the most formidable center army of the coalition army.

By now it goes without saying that the coalition army has lost and even if Sun Wu were to come back to life or if Bai Qi is here, they will not be able to overturn this outcome. After just an hour, the Chu army started by retreating and this move caused the coalition army to break down and the situation was chaotic.

The coalition army all abandoned their machinery and armor to escape, no longer having the energy to fight back at all.

The Qin army went after them for about 20 odd miles, killing about 80,000 of them and captured about 20,000 men.

Never has the coalition army been defeated so badly in their united effort to attack Qin.

That night, Xiang Shaolong set up camp in the mountains, planning to get a good rest before running after the enemy again the next day so that they can regain whatever land they had lost.

Suddenly his men came to report that they have captured the enemy's Great General.

Xiang Shaolong did not even have time to wear his armor properly and dashed out of the tent to take a look. He was shocked to see a bloody and dirty looking Han Chuang being escorted dejectedly towards the tent. He saw Xiang Shaolong and said with a wry smile, "Brother Xiang, just give me an easy way out."

Xiang Shaolong was startled and shouted, "Untie him immediately!"

His men all treated him with the respect due to a deity and on hearing that, cut off the ropes immediately.

After Xiang Shaolong ordered his men to clean and treat Han Chuang's wounds, he invited him into the tent for a meal.

Han Chang laughed bitterly, "The story of Shaolong's battle will be spread all across the land and your reputation will be on par if not better than Bai Qi. I concede defeat."

Xiang Shaolong sighed, "We each work for different masters, this battle is something beyond all our control. Brother Han may sleep here tonight and you can ride back to your country tomorrow morning."

Han Chuang was taken aback, "Shaolong, it's a great crime to release en enemy general without permission, how can I not feel bad about it?"

Xiang Shaolong replied in all earnestly, "I can't be bothered with this now. I will return your retainers to you as well. Brother Han, you must leave Qin's borders as soon as possible. With the current situation, we have no choice but to pursue while we're at an advantage."

Han Chuang by nature is someone who's afraid to die and now that he's had this chance to live, he was overcome with tears of gratitude, "If I have to leave, I might as well go tonight. Ai! Shaolong is a true friend indeed."

That night Shaolong sent Han Chuang and close to a thousand of his personal retainers away. The next morning, he sent the prisoners of war to Zuicheng and at the same time pursued the retreating enemy as well.

Although Pang Nuan tried to reassemble the coalition army along the way, but because of the low morale and lack of weapons and grains, they were forced to retreat in less than three days. Xiang Shaolong charged in and once again took control of Hangu Pass, totally destroying the dream of the five states to eliminate Qin.

Xiang Shaolong ordered the rebuilding of the pass and strengthen Hangu Pass's defense ability. After winter, Xiao Pan sent an envoy with an imperial edict that he and Zhu Ji ordered, promoting Xiang Shaolong as Commander-General while the other officials were promoted by another rank. Huan Qi and Cheng Jun were both promoted to Great General while Teng and Jing were promoted to the rank of General. Zhou Liang was promoted to become Deputy General. The others were also rewarded according to the contributions they made. The soldiers were given three times of their pay and at that moment everyone was overjoyed.

Other than Cheng Jun who had to stay behind to guard Hangu Pass, Xiang Shaolong and the rest were summoned back to Xianyang to take over their new posts.

This battle has made Xiang Shaolong famous far and wide, his reputation is now above Wang Jian and Meng Ao and is now regarded together with Wang Jian as Western Qin's two newest and bravest generals.

Book 20 Chapter 7 – Victorious Return

Xiang Shaolong and the rest went up the ships which Xiao Pan sent to them and followed the river back to Xianyang, avoiding the arduous journey of a long road travel.

On the ships that came there were Ji Yanran, Zhao Zhi, Zhou Wei and Lu Dan'er, which was a pleasant surprise for Xiang Shaolong, Wu Guo and Jing Jun.

Wu Tingfang, the perfect mother who loves her son more than her own life did not come along because she wants to stay at home with Xiang Bao'er. Naturally the Tian sisters will have to stay behind as well.

All of them happily updated one another of the events that had happened.

During dinner at the dining area of the ship, Xiang Shaolong asked about Qin Qing and Ji Yanran's expression became gloomy as she said, "Lady Huayang just passed away last month and Sister Qing wrote a letter back to say that she wants to observe a mourning period of one year for Lady Huayang and at the same time take care of the family business. She won't be able to return to Xianyang for the time being."

Dan'er, who was being all lovey-dovey with Jing Jun and whispering to him, said smugly, "Third Brother have yet to thank me. This time if not for me who kept pestering his Highness such that he cannot reject, how can you possibly be hugging Learned Lady Ji on your left and Sister Zhi on your right?"

Everyone saw that although she is already a wife, but she still retains the innocence of a young girl and they all smiled.

Zhou Wei said with a sigh, "Ever since all of you left for war, not only us, but the whole of Xianyang was really worried. The people on the streets all lost their smile, afraid that the coalition army will arrive at our gates. Only when the reports came, the whole city erupted in joy and everyone rushed out to the streets, dancing and singing all night long and constantly cheering his Highness and Master Xiang's names. They believed that the Black Dragon has protected them, that's why we have such a miraculous outcome to the war."

Everyone was proud and touched at the same time.

Lu Dan'er's focus suddenly turned towards Huan Qi and with the air of an elder sister, commanded, "Xiao Qi, on your return to Xianyang this time, you should settle down and start a family. I'll make arrangements on this matter, you just have to listen to my instructions."

Wu Guo chortled, "If you listen to Lady Jing's suggestion, won't that be a blind marriage?"

Immediately everyone in the hall roared out in laughter.

As Lu Dan'er was staring angrily at Wu Guo, Ji Yanran said, "We heard that once Lu Buwei received news of your great victory, he lost his appetite for three days. Three days before we left to come here, he led his people and went to his new house at Donggun. But we suspect he has another ulterior motive, maybe he's gone to see people like Cheng Qiao and Du Bi."

Teng Yi asked, "How's Lu Buwei's relationship with Lao Ai now?"

Lu Dan'er fought to reply, "There's nothing much between the two of them, they even appeared close during Guan Zhongxie and Lu Niangrong's wedding, talking and laughing. But the people under them were having a good time fighting one another. Now the city guards are obviously split into two factions, on one side is Guan Zhongxie and Xu Shang and on the other side is Han Xie. And Xu Shang and Han Xie are fighting over Drunken Wind Loft's Yang Yu, arguing all the time."

She turned towards Xiang Shaolong and said, "Lord Changping instructed me to inform all of you first that he will be arranging another celebratory feast for all of you at Drunken Wind Loft."

Huan Qi was concerned about the reinforcement troops he singlehandedly trained and started asking about the Meng brothers and little Wang Bi's situation.

Zhao Zhi said, "His Highness has promoted Xiao Bi to General and sent him to Dongjiang to support Wang. That Li Mu is really formidable, all of his battles are swift. If not for Commander General Wang who is there to hold the fort, I'm afraid we'd have lost the four counties in the east."

Teng Yi asked about Meng Ao and Ji Yanran sighed, "He fell sick shortly after he was summoned back to Xianyang. That heartless man Lu Buwei was very cold towards him. Now Lu Buwei is fully supporting Guan Zhongxie, Xu Shang, Zhao Pu and Lian Jiao. Recently he sent Guan Zhongxie and Zhao Pu to attack Han and I heard they even manage to take over a city."

Xiang Shaolong thought that this is a big headache. After all Lu Buwei does hold power in his hands and now that he is in cahoots with Cheng Qiao and the rest, he'll be even more difficult to deal with. Guan Zhongxie is well versed in both scholarly and martial pursuits, if he turns into another Meng Ao and start to rebel at a later date, there will be even greater trouble.

Everyone chatted for a while longer before returning to their own bunks to rest.

The two ladies happily helped Xiang Shaolong shower and change and when lying on the bed, Ji Yanran said softly, "The dowager went to Yongdu again, accompanying her was Lao Ai and Mao Jiao, can Husband guess what is happening?"

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, "She's expecting again?"

This is her second pregnancy with Lao Ai.

Ji Yanran nodded her head silently when Zhao Zhi plaster herself behind him from the back and said with emotion, "Xiang-lang! We missed you so badly!"

Learned Lady Ji who was in front of him blushed immediately as she gave him a coy look.

What followed after, is of course what everyone knows will happen.

When Xiang Shaolong and the rest were disembarking at the jetty outside Xianyang, the musicians started playing a welcome tune. Xiao Pan, Lord Changping and the other court officials have already been waiting a long time on shore.

On the way back to the Palace, the people filled the streets, cheering and letting off fireworks. Lanterns and banners were hung up in every household and the atmosphere was lively, filled with the Qin people's gratitude and enthusiasm.

The Crown Prince and Xiang Shaolong's name was constantly being chanted.

Under Xiao Pan's lead, all of them went to the temple first to offer their prayers to the ancestors and late rulers of the Qin royal family and at the same time mourn for the warriors who perished in the war. After that, it was announced that a state feast will be held that night where the three armies will be given their rewards.

After that, Xiao Pan had a meeting with Xiang Shaolong at the inner court and with them were Xiao Pan's three other trusted aides, Wang Ling, Li Si and Lord Changping.

By this time, Xiao Pan is 19 years old in name, but in actual fact he is 21 years old. He's already an adult.

Although he is half a head shorter than Xiang Shaolong, but compared to the average person he is already considered well built. Besides, he has wide brows and a solid back, full of self confidence, his eyes deep with unfathomable knowledge. The power and influence that is befitting a ruler can indeed convince one to put down their lives for him.

He was just sitting casually but his imposing aura is enough to make one have the urge to rush forward and throw themselves at his feet.

After everyone congratulated Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan said happily, "So do you prefer me to address you as Grand Tutor or Commander General?"

Everyone roared in laughter.

Xiang Shaolong replied with a laugh, "I think Grand Tutor still sounds much better."

Xiao Pan shook his head and sighed, "Victorious but not proud. I'm afraid Grand Tutor is the only person like this in Great Qin. Grand Tutor's battle have solidified Great Qin's foundation to unify the world and have helped me regained my reputation greatly. Now no one will dare to talk behind my back and said that I've been treating Grand Tutor too well."

Lord Changping smiled, "Lu Buwei has long been making a fuss over his Highness's treatment of Han Chuang but his Highness just replied that 'there's no such thing' and it's enough to hold off Lu Buwei's arguments. If anyone asks about it in future, Shaolong can use the same famous words as an answer."

A warm feeling welled up in Xiang Shaolong's heart.

Xiao Pan said, "This is just a small matter. Even if Han Chuang is released, how capable is he of doing anything substantial. This goes to show that Grand Tutor is not a heartless person like that Lu Buwei. But if you do manage to capture Li Mu in future, Grand Tutor must never release him."

Once Xiang Shaolong thought of the possibility that he will meet the most respected and most fearsome Li Mu on the battlefield, his heart sank.

Wang Ling understands his feelings and said with a smile, "But for now such a situation will not arise. Right now Li Mu is moving his troops to attack Qi. Not only has he fought back the Qi troops who were trying to make use of the opportunity to take over the Zhao people's land, he has also taken down Rao'an which belongs to Qi which gave his King some relief. Li Mu is indeed formidable. As long as this person remains, he will become our greatest obstacle in moving easy."

Li Si said, "This time Shaolong has executed his prowess. Even is Sun Wu is resurrected, he won't be able to win this battle as swiftly and beautifully."

After Xiang Shaolong expressed some humility, he had a thought and said, "Now that your Highness's power and influence has grown so greatly, it's time to summon Wang Jian back."

Lord Changping said, "That is indeed his Highness's intention, that's why he is planning to send the two brothers Meng Wu and Meng Tian to Wei for war. Once they have the experience, they can take over Wang Jian. But if we act rashly on this matter, this important position which will hold great power over the border soldiers may end up in the hands of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai's men."

Xiao Pan lowered his voice, "Meng Ao is very seriously ill now. When I visited him some days ago, he was full of praise for Grand Tutor so it seems that he is indeed sorry."

Xiang Shaolong told them about how Meng Ao had asked him to take care of the Meng brothers.

Xiao Pan got excited, "Once the Dowager returns, I want to appoint Grand Tutor as Marquis. No matter what, Grand Tutor's position cannot be any lower than Lu Buwei."

Xiang Shaolong saw that there are others around and it's inconvenient to raise his objections so he just accepted without much enthusiasm.

In another three years Xiao Pan will be crowned as King. His only hope is that before that day arrives, if he need not to face Li Mu on the battlefield, this is enough to thank the Heavens.

Xiang Shaolong saw that there's another 6 hours before the state feast begins and after he managed to extricate himself, he went back to the Wu residence.

His welcoming neighbors filled the outside of the Wu residence and as soon as he stepped through the main door, firecrackers were lighted in the square and the whole atmosphere was celebratory.

Wu Yingyuan lead the family our personally to welcome him. He rushed forward to grab Xiang Shaolong's hands and said with emotion, "Our Wu family has finally come out with a famous general whose reputation will shake the earth, I'm so happy that I don't know what to say."

Xiang Bao'er covered his ears and ran into his arms.

After that Wu Tingfang and the Tian sisters also rushed towards him with tears and smiles.

Xiang Shaolong pacified them and hugging his wives and beloved son, went into the house. They first paid respects to the Wu family ancestors, showered and changed before going back to the main hall again to receive the congratulatory wishes from their clansmen.

Ji Yanran, Zhao Zhi, Shan Lan, Lu Dan'er and the rest all changed into exquisite gowns to come out and play hosts to friends and family.

Teng Yi, Huan, Zhao Da and the rest have all returned and this added to the atmosphere of joy in the air.

Zhou Liang made great contributions thanks to the Eagle King so now his status in the Wu family is vastly different. The Eagle King also became the main focus of attention, even more than Xiang Shaolong as the children all gathered around it, pointing and expressing their admiration.

Wu Tingfang clung herself to Xiang Shaolong and behaved coquettishly. Although this pretty wife of his is more than 20 years old, but her looks and behavior is still as lively as when they just met when she was a young girl.

Xiang Shaolong found a chance to discuss with Teng Yi, "I plan to suggest to his Highness that I want to resign from the position of Cavalry Commander, so 2nd Brother will have to take care of them in future."

Teng Yi replied with a laugh, "Third Brother should know very well that I am not interested in a career at all. In my opinion, why don't we let Xiao Jun take over, with Wu Guo and Zhao Da supporting him. We can try to promote two more people at the same time."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "Then make it Zhou Liang and Wu Yan! The other guards can be rearranged to join the cavalry, they need not follow us back to the farm and live a boring life."

Teng Yi nodded his head in agreement and thus the matter was settled.

By this time Wu Yingyuan had walked over and pulled both of them aside to say, "I just came back from the borders last month. Your sworn brother Wang Jian is indeed a brave general with both wits and courage that even the Xiongnus are not his match at all."

He paused and added, "The Xiongnus have always been running roughshod at the northern borders. Their men, women, old and young are all good at horse riding and archery, vicious and brave. They come and go like the wind and can take hardship. How would they to expect that they'll first be defeated by Li Mu and after that suffer another defeat under your fourth brother. Wu Zhuo is now building a mountainous city around Lake Baikal and the nearby tribes who had often suffered under the Xiongnus have now come forward to seek protection. It's best if we can send a thousand of our family warriors over to strengthen our hold, then we can have more confidence to expand."

Xiang and Teng kept on nodding their agreement and both looked extremely eager about the idea.

Only when one is in his own country and home can one really feel the freedom and happiness.

That night at the Palace, Xiao Pan hosted the celebratory feast and all the citizens in the city were given food and wine.

To Xiao Pan, Xiang Shaolong's victory in battle felt like his own victory in battle so he was especially satisfied and happy.

Naturally Xiang Shaolong became the focus of the feast as wine cups keep getting topped up. Halfway through the feast he was already so dead drunk that he didn't even know how he managed to leave the place. When he woke up the next day, he realized he was sleeping on the future Emperor Qin's dragon bed. It turned out it was Xiao Pan who insisted on giving him such treatment.

Ji Yanran and the rest all stayed in the Palace as well, waiting for him to wake up.

When Xiao Pan returned, he had lunch with Xiang Shaolong at the rest and it feels like a close family enjoying bonding time together.

Xiang Shaolong brought up the suggestion of letting Jing Jun become the Cavalry Commander with Wu Guo, Zhou Liang and Zhao Da as the Deputy Commander and Xiao Pan agreed immediately, saying with a smile, "It's just a mere Cavalry Commander position, and really should not be under Commander General's portfolio as well."

Xiang Shaolong again took the chance to bring up the issue of him returning to the farm to spend some relaxing time. Although Xiao Pan was not very willing, he still agreed.

After the meal, Xiang Shaolong went back to the Wu residence with his wives and son and after a nap, woke up feeling refreshed.

Ji Yanran with his pretty wives and the Tian sisters were sitting on the mat chatting away, talking about Xiang Bao'er's funny antics. The happy atmosphere was enough to melt his heart, giving him a sense of warmth and sweetness.

Compared to the cruelty of war, this is indeed a loving heaven.

The ladies saw that he has woken up and hurriedly helped him up.

Ji Yanran whispered quietly in his ears, "Housekeeper Tu asked to meet you at the usual place at dusk and Lord Changping have booked a courtyard at Drunken Wind Loft tonight and invited you to the feast. Hai! Doesn't Lord Changping know that after your return, you've yet to have time to stay at home and accompany your wives and children?"

Wu Tingfang, who was at the side, pouted, "If you don't come back tonight, Fang'er will not go up the bed to sleep."

Xiang Shaolong almost had to make a vow that he will come back early before the two ladies were happy again.

A long parting is even more meaningful than a new marriage so when the Tian sisters helped him bath, Xiang Shaolong pulled Wu Tingfang and the rest all into the bath and consoled his wives and concubines with action.

He played with Xiang Bao'er for a little before leaving 'incognito' to meet Tu Xian.

After they met at the secret place, Tu Xian made some small talk before going into the main topic, "Shaolong has managed to show off your prowess and defeated the coalition army and at the same time disrupted Lu Buwei's plans. Now that Meng Ao is seriously ill, he'll have no choice but to change his tactics. Now not only is he in cahoots with Du Bi and the rest, he's also trying to pull Lao Ai to his side and still trying to struggle against imminent death."

He paused and added, "That old thief has totally lost faith with his Highness, knowing that the day his Highness is crowned King will be the day of his defeat so he'll definitely make a final fight before that day and rebel. We must be on the alert against this."

Xiang Shaolong furrowed his brows, "Now that his Highness's power is growing day by day, Lao Ai won't believe him so easily. What tricks can that Lu thief still be up to?"

Tu Xian sighed, "If there are benefits, there will be collaborations and the problem is that Lao Ai wants to rebel. You must know that Lao Ai is after all an evil and unrepentant hooligan, a scoundrel at heart. Although he has Zhu Ji's favor but in the eyes of the Qins, he's just a lucky servant who manages to jump ranks and don the outfit of a eunuch official. Other than Lu Buwei, who has an ulterior motive, who else would be willing to support him. Under such circumstances, it's not impossible that the two of them will once again collude with each other. Of course their relationship will not last and I think the day that the rebellion is successful will be the day they fall apart."

Xiang Shaolong asked worriedly, "Will Zhu Ji really just sit and watch while Lao Ai topple her own son?"

Tu Xian signed, "Zhu Ji has already sunken in too deeply, besides Lao Ai is especially skilful is handling women. And Zhu Ji's craving for a moment of fun has accidentally resulted in Lao Ai's grow to power, enough for him to form his own cohort. After Shaolong went to war, Lao Ai interfered in all matters big and small his capacity as leader of the court officials, to the extent of addressing himself as 'Foster Father' so one can see his true intentions."

Xiang Shaolong guffawed, "Foster Father? To think that he could think of that. First it was Lu Buwei, then it's Lao Ai. Don't they ever think that by riding on the head of the ruler, they might attract death?"

Tu xian signed, "How many people can be like Shaolong who will retreat once mission is accomplished and avoiding the outcome of being a 'dead rabbit or cooked dog'*. I heard from Mister Tao that the day His Highness is crowned King will be the day all of you will retire to the north. I wonder if you'd be willing to let my clan follow behind you as well?"

* dead rabbit or cooked dog – a Chinese idiom referring to the King of Yue during the Warring States Period. King of Yue is a person whom one can only share hardship with, but never fortune and glory. When he was fighting against Wu, he was very good with his men and formed deep friendship but once they won the war, his attitude changed and those who helped him risk being put to death for minor matters.

Xiang Shaolong replied solemnly, "To be able to ride side by side with you on the great plains of the north would be something that I will absolutely wish for."

Tu Xian was so touched that he reached out and grabbed his hands, unable to speak at the moment.

Xiang Shaolong asked about Lu Buwei's situation and Tu Xian replied, "I almost forgot one thing. Two swordsmen from the state of Qi came recently, they are both disciples of Jixia Academy's Sword Sage, Cao Qiudao. One of them is called Ren Qianli and the other is Fang Yong. They seldom show themselves and are very secretive. If my guess is correct, they must be skilled fighters sent to Xianyang by Tian Dan under Lu Buwei's request in case there is a need to assassinate Shaolong."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed, "If that is the case, why would they let Brother Tu find out about their identities?"

Tu Xian chortled, "That's because I have a lot of spies and links, and they overheard the private conversation between them and Xu Shang, and with the facts I was able to guess that Tian Dan is behind this. Now the person Lu and Tian hates most is Shaolong so even if benefits is not a consideration in killing Shaolong, it will at least give them a sense of joy in getting rid of you."

Xiang Shaolong guffawed, "You think there're not enough people who want me dead? Oh right, is that Xu Shang fighting with Han Jie over Yang Yu? Isn't that almost like their version of a continuation of Lu's fight over Meimei?"

Tu Xian gave a cold snort, "What's there to fight over, Lu Buwei have already given strict orders to Xu Shang not to fight with Han Jie, that's how I found out that Lu Buwei intends to collude with Lao Ai. Humph! Ever since that lad became an official, he's getting more and more conceited. Any verbal disagreements and he'll start hitting proplr and because he has the backing of Lao Ai, even his Highness can't do anything to him. But now Han Jie have lost interest in Yang Yu because a new beauty, who is even prettier than Dan Meimei have arrived at Drunken Wind Loft. This lady can indeed evoke pity from anyone who sees her and she has insisted that she will only sell her craft but not her body so which man would not want to have a taste of her."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed in surprise, "There's such a thing as selling only the craft but not the body? Who can protect her?"

Tu Xiang replied, "Just based on her name Feng Fei from 'Dainty Swallow' alone is enough to ensure her chastity. But she came at a very coincidental time, just three days before Shaolong came back to Xianyang. Now she's already creating a big stir amongst the officials and royalty and everyone is making a beeline for Drunken Wind Loft now."

Xiang Shaolong furrowed his brows, "Is Brother Tu hinting that she's here to deal with me?"

Tu Xian sighed, "Feng Fei is the best of the three famed courtesans and very respected amongst the royalty in the various states. She used to be a Princess from Song but for some reason ended up as a courtesan. Rightfully speaking, no one should be able to make her do anything but it doesn't hurt to be on the alert so Shaolong better be careful. Now Shaolong is the man most wanted dead among the 6 states."

Xiang Shaolong smiled wryly, "The problem is I'll be going to Drunken Wind Loft tonight and hopefully my bunch of friends have not picked her to accompany me."

Tu Xian said with a smile, "If she's willing to drink with you, then Shaolong should be even more careful because ever since she arrived in Xianyang, she has not agreed to drink with anyone yet."

Xiang Shaolong laughed ironically before he sighed, "Beauties just have that kind of mesmerizing power. We men obviously know that they are up to no good but no matter what, we'll always be able to find some good points about them and forget that maybe behind their exterior beauty is an evil heart."

Tu Xian said with a smile, "You'll understand once you see Feng Fei. She definitely is a stunner who possesses both interior and exterior beauty as well as intelligence. Maybe because of the different stands, she will become a manipulative enemy. Luckily Shaolong has always been able to resist beauties so no matter what ulterior motive Feng Fei has, she will not be able to execute them."

After chatting a little longer, the both of them parted.

Xiang Shaolong suddenly have the urge to visit the critically ill Meng Ao but because he had to attend Lord Changping's banquet, he had no choice but to leave this visit until the next day.

Book 20 Chapter 8 – Dainty Beauty

When Xiang Shaolong and his 18 guards arrived at Drunken Wind Loft, Wu Fu came out personally to welcome him and after inviting him into the side hall and asking the servants to leave, he knelt down and kow tow.

Xiang Shaolong is long used to his flunky ways so he stood proudly and asked with exasperation, "Please dispense with ceremony, what are you up to this time?"

Wu Fu stood up in shock and said respectfully, "I wouldn't dare to use trickery in front of Commander General. This time I have important news to report to you."

Xiang Shaolong sat down and said, "Sit down and talk!"

Wu Fu sat down and after looking left and right, as if afraid there's someone in the side halls, he lowered his voice and said, "Lu Buwei is plotting to kill you and Wang Jian."

Xiang Shaolong chortled, "Of course he's thinking about it, but whether he succeeds or not is another matter."

Wu Fu said tactfully, "It was only after a long period of eavesdropping that I managed to string together all the bits of information and found out about their nefarious plot!"

Xiang Shaolong remembered the metal pipes he used to eavesdrop and asked doubtfully, "Why is Lu Buwei still coming here since Dan Meimei has already become the Empress of Wei?"

Wu Fu said, "That's what you are unaware of. Half a year ago I spent a fortune in Chu to buy over a great beauty from Yue called Bai Yaya and Lu Buwei is very much enchanted with her so he comes to Drunken Wind Loft regularly. Now Yaya has taken over Meimei's position to become the head of the four beauties. Hai! Meimei's departure almost cost me my life, but of course! I would never dare to blame Master Xiang, I do deserve the punishment."

Xiang Shaolong said with exasperation, "Stop beating around the bush, come straight to the point!"

Wu fu lowered his voice and came closer, "First they are going to deal with General Wang. Because General Wang is battling at the Zhao border, there are many areas which he will need to rely on the support of Du Bi and Cheng Qiao and Lu Buwei is going to make use of Du Bi to sabotage General Wang when he is fighting against Li Mu. The outcome should be expected."

As Xiang Shaolong is not aware of the situation over that side and so have never expected such a possibility, he paled and asked, "Isn't Li Mu fighting against the Qi?"

Wu Fu commented, "That could be an evil plan to lure General Wang deeper into the Zhao border!"

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, "Why didn't you reveal such an important piece of news earlier, even if I'm not in Xianyang, you can always tell Lord Changping!"

Wu Fu said apologetically, "Well, I only heard bits and pieces of information so I can't be very sure. Until the day before, Yang Yu told me that Xu Shang was boasting to her that you are going to be very short-lived that my thoughts start to clear up. Xu Shang was saying that your victory in battle this time have planted the seed to your demise in future. Yang Yu was puzzled and asked him further but he only said that no matter how formidable you are, you will not be able to win Li Mu, and he did not elaborate further. That's why I thought that only if they cause the death of Wang Chi, will you need to meet Li Mu on the battlefield in such a short period of time, that's why…"

Xiang Shaolong suddenly stood up, "Go and tell Lord Changping that I will be there late."

He then left hurriedly and went to the Palace to seek an audience with Xiao Pan.

Xiao Pan was having fun playing chess with his beloved concubine Wang Meixiu when he saw him arriving in such haste and knew that something urgent has happened. He immediately summoned to meet him in the inner hall.

After Xiang Shaolong expressed Wu Fu's deduction, Xiao Pan's expression changed, "This is indeed an extremely vicious plan. It's obvious that as long as Cheng Qiao is not eliminated, my position will always be shaky."

Xiao Pan then summoned his guard and gave instructions for him to send out a messenger with a swift horse to Shangchuan and warn Wang Chi to be on his alert.

After this matter is settled, the future Emperor Qin said seriously, "If anything untoward happens to Great General Wang, we'll deal with Cheng Qiao and Du Bi immediately and get rid of these thorns in my flesh. By that time I'll want to see how Lu Buwei ends up."

He then smiled and said quietly, "The Crown Princess is expecting!"

Only now did Xiang Shaolong suddenly realize that he has indeed grown up, and congratulated him from the bottom of his heart.

Xiao Pan said worriedly, "Given the opportunity that Lu Buwei and the Dowager are both not in Xianyang, it's best to give the child a good name first so they won't have the chance to change it. What suggestion does Tutor have?"

Xiang Shaolong blurted out, "Then it must be Fu Su."

Xiao Pan looked at him in shock for a few moments and just when Xiang Shaolong was secretly cursing himself, this future Emperor Qin nodded his head, "This is quite a unique name. But I'll need a name for a girl as well, so no matter if it's a boy or girl, there's already a name."

Xiang Shaolong heaved a sigh of relief, "I only thought of a boy's name, seems that this must be a baby boy so there's no need to think of another girl's name."

Xiao Pan silently mumbled the name Fu Su a few times and said happily, "If it's really a son, then let's call him Fu Su!"

Xiang Shaolong felt a little awkward, knowing that he has influenced history with his own knowledge of history. The took the opportunity to take his leave and by the time he rushed to Drunken Wind Loft, he's already more than an hour late.

Besides Lord Changping and his brother, Li Si, Huan Qi, Jing Jun, Wang Ling, Wu Guo, Zhou Liang etc, he did not expect to see Wang Wan, Cai Ze, Ying Ao and Ying Lou as well and obviously these people have leaned towards Xiao Pan's political faction. Teng Yi came only for a while because he wanted to spend time with his wife and child.

Yang Yu, Gui Yan and Bai Lei were all there with the prettier ladies of Drunken Wind Loft, providing one to one service, with each lady attending to a person and the atmosphere was lively.

Xiang Shaolong was given the seat at the head of the table and the Yue beauty Bai Yaya have been waiting a long time for him to arrive. This lady was dressed in Chu garb, about 18 years old and indeed very pretty, comparable to Dan Meimei. Not only is she refined but most enchantingly, she is very gentle, her pretty eyes filled with intense feelings. Her voice is sweet and soft and indeed she is a rare treasure. No wonder Wu Fu can use her to handle Lu Buwei, who had suffered the loss of Dan Meimei.

But when he thought of how ultimately, her fate may end up to become Lu Buwei's concubine, he felt sad.

Before Xiang Shaolong could even warm his seat, he was made to drink 3 cups of wine as punishment and raised his arms in surrender, "If I go on drinking, I'm afraid I'll have to be carried out immediately. Everyone, please have mercy on me and let me off this time!"

Wang Wan laughed, "Last night Lord Xiang only collapsed after drinking more than 20 cups, so tonight you must at least drink another 7 cups before we forgive you for coming late."

Just as they were arguing, Bai Yaya smiled delicately and said, "Then let Yaya drink a few cups of punishment wine in Great General's place."

Everyone shouted their agreement.

Cai Ze said with a smile, "But this punishment wine must first go into Great General's mouth first before our Yaya can drink on his behalf.

There was another uproar of agreement.

Bai Yaya whined as she fell into Xiang Shaolong's arms, her pretty eyes half-closed and her sweet face blushing, like a little bird leaning towards him.

Although Xiang Shaolong has long gotten used to such lascivious styles in this Warring States Period but because this youthful beauty is so hot and fresh, he felt excited and making use of his slightly intoxicated stage and the cheers of everyone, he enjoyed her fragrant lips thoroughly.

Only then did they let him off.

Ying Ao said with a smile, "I heard that after Pang Nuan lost in the war, the other states in the coalition army all berated him for being careless and stretching himself too far and lost this great opportunity to defeat us Qins and now his reputation is in tatters. Seems that it will be quite impossible for them to come together again."

Ying Lou added, "After the defeat, everyone is trying to push the blame to others. At the battle of Zuicheng this time, the ones who left the earliest were the Chus, so now they've become the target of blame for the others and everyone is very unhappy. The five states will be on bad terms for quite some time."

Li Si clapped his hands, "Tonight we will only speak of enjoyment and not business. The Dainty Swallow Dance which was prepared for Shaolong should be able to start now!"

Lord Changping made an eye signal at Wu Fu, who was seated at the end of the table and the latter hurriedly left to make arrangements.

Jing Jun said with a laugh, "Just by seeing how our Lord Minister of Justice is even more nervous than Third Brother, we know how attractive Feng Fei can be!"

Everyone expressed their agreement and Li Si, who seldom steps into such places of entertainment, became extremely embarrassed.

Xiang Shaolong was totally relaxed as he enjoyed the feeling of camaraderie among them.

Bai Yaya leaned closer and whispered in his ears, "Master Xiang did not harbor grudges and helped Miss Meimei become her Queen of Wei, all the sisters in Drunken Wind Loft are extremely grateful."

Xiang Shaolong lowered his voice to ask, "So won't whole city learn of this matter."

Bai Yaya said with a smile, "This is called good news travel far! Now Master Xiang just have to crook your fingers and everyone will come running to help Master Xiang spend the night!"

Of course Xiang Shaolong did not believe her because at least Guiyan alone hates him to the core.

Bai Yaya looked at him coquettishly and asked shyly, "I wonder if Yaya would be able to receive Master Xiang's attention?"

Xiang Shaolong saw that she was entirely bewitching and the fatal point is that she is so graceful that he can't help but feel a surge of lust and said quietly, "Not tonight, let me see when!" Bai Yaya breathed out softly into his ear as she nibbled his lobes and said, "Daytime is fine as well, then Master Xiang's wives won't find out."

Xiang Shaolong thought of his dedicated wives at home and immediately awoke from the haze. He was about to tactfully reject her when Wu Fu came in with a look of helplessness, attracting everyone's attention.

Lord Changping knows that something has gone wrong and asked, "Is the beauty blaming us for being late?"

Wu Fu replied bitterly, "Seems like that's the case. Miss Fei have returned to her quarters to sleep and no matter what good words I say, it's of no use."

Strangely not only is everyone not feeling that she's throwing airs, but they think that what she has done is very reasonable indeed.

Lord Changwen smiled, "Shaolong's the one who caused all this trouble and offended our dainty beauty. I suggest that Shaolong should go apologize and pacify her back here."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed, "What?"

For some reason Li Si was especially excited and he actually agreed, "The dainty beauty will be going to Wei the day after, Shaolong you better go quick and think of a way."

Huan Qi asked in surprise, "Are you people actually here to congratulate Great General Xiang or to see the dainty beauty?"

Lord Changping and the rest all roared out in laughter. The situation was chaotic but very interested as well.

Xiang Shaolong's curiosity was piqued and he reluctantly stood up and sighed, "I will try my best but if I get thrown back here, all of you must not blame me."

Amidst thunderous applause, Xiang Shaolong followed Wu Fu out but he had only taken a few steps when Jing Jun, Wu Guo and Lord Wenchang ran out after him, saying that they want to see what happens from the door.

Xiang Shaolong was influenced by the playful atmosphere and gathered up the valor he had when he was fighting and creating trouble during the 21st century and led the three of them, with Wu Fu leading the way, towards the buildings at the back.

In a quiet corner at the back yard of Drunken Wind Loft, next to the pond there was a small wooden cottage, looking very antique and exquisite with the fragrance of flowers surrounding it.

Wu Fu said, "That's where Feng Fei lives. Her personal maid is very fierce, she was the one who kept me out earlier."

Jing Jun was taken aback, "Doesn't she know you're the boss? How dare she be so rude to you."

Wu Fu replied, "She's specially invited by the Crown Princess to perform at the Dowager's birthday feast, would I dare to offend them?"

Only now did Xiang Shaolong understand what's happening and he was slightly less worried. He gave a dry cough and said, "Watch me!"

He had just taken a step when Lord Wenchang pulled him back with a reminder, "I heard that Feng Fei is as light as a swallow, and she is quite skilled so Great General better not let her kick you into the pond."

The three of them laughed over his misfortune at the same time, their attitude extremely irritating.

Xiang Shaolong cursed silently, swept Lord Wenchang aside and walked towards the cottage with his chest puffed up.

The wooden door opened easily as he pushed but the lower level of the cottage was quiet with no one around. Xiang Shaolong took a look around and saw the stairs leading up to the second level so he took a deep breath to steady his nerves before going up the stairs.

The wooden steps creaked under his feet and the sound can indeed make one nervous.

A clear, crisp voice came from above, "Who's that?"

Xiang Shaolong did not answer deliberately and when he reached the second level, a handsome looking young boy lifted the curtain to the room and walked right into him.

Both of them were equally shocked.

Xiang Shaolong did not expect himself to knock into a pretty boy instead of a pretty maid, while the other party did not expect a strange man to find his way upstairs.

Xiang Shaolong took a quick glance inside but because the door curtains were dense and heavy, naturally he could not see anything at all.

The thought of it is quite funny.

In the short span of two years, he had met with three famed courtesans and at least one of them tried to take his life. And then they left.

The Spring-Autumn Warring States period is indeed a unique, splendid and very uninhibited era. Even though everyone is constantly at war but amidst the partings and reunions, the Qi people can go to Wei, the Wei people can enter Qin, the Yan people comes down south while the Chu people went up north, selling their skills in exchange for fame and fortune or travelling and expounding their studies and theories. Everyone is fighting for a chance to shine, like thousands of flowers blooming at the same time.

A world famous courtesan like Feng Fei has superseded the fights amongst the states. No matter where she goes, she is well respected and can throw tantrums whenever she likes, put on airs whenever she likes. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, it'll really be very difficult to imagine.

The Three Famed Courtesans came one after another to Xianyang and this goes to show that Xianyang has become one of the center of the arts in the world and that's what attracted them here because of various reasons.

Just as he was pondering, the handsome young boy shouted angrily, "Who are you, how dare you barge into a lady's private chambers?"

Xiang Shaolong saw that 'he' is guarding outside the door with such hostility so he replied with a slight smile, "I am Xiang Shaolong and I've come especially to seek forgiveness with Miss Feng."

There was no response from inside at all.

Xiang Shaolong had expected her to put on airs so he was not embarrassed. He took two steps towards the pretty boy and was almost face to face with her.

The pretty boy's nose and forehead creased at the same time, as if afraid that Xiang Shaolong would have body odor but he did not scold him at all, for example, scolding him for being rude. The pretty face looks almost displeased but not yet, and is extremely alluring.

Xiang Shaolong's heart lurched and he said quietly, "If young lady would make way, I'll go in to see Miss Feng but if young lady disallows, I have no choice but to leave immediately."

He deliberately lifted his voice so that Feng Fei who is inside can hear everything clearly.

The pretty kid is obviously not Xiang Shaolong's match and was totally at a loss, not knowing how to deal with him.

A gentle, sweet lady's voice rang out from within the room, "Little Sister, please let Lord Xiang come in for a talk!"

The pretty kid called out in acknowledgement and lowered her head as she stood aside, giving him access to the room.

Xiang Shaolong gave a smile in reply before stepping over the ledge and lifting the curtains into the room.

He did not expect the hall inside to be even wider and bigger than the outer hall. There were windows on three sides and on the left, a bamboo curtain segregated the living quarters where the bed is placed.

Feng Fei was seated on the floor, leaning on a soft pillow with a long table in front of her with a five-stringed zither on it. She looked as if she's elegant, rapturous and warmly comfortable.

The leader of the Three Famed Courtesans lifted her melon-seed shaped face and looked towards him, her jewel like bright eyes matched with her fair and pinkish skin exuding an attractive aura which seems to come from within her made Xiang Shaolong's eyes brighten.

But what is most attractive about her is her air of heartrending gracefulness, which anyone would take pity on upon seeing her. This made him think of Li Yanyan who is far away within the Chu borders.

Any man who shows concern and protection of ladies will not bear to hurt her.

Just by sitting there casually, she has already displayed the most attractive and alluring pose a woman can make to perfection. Her dainty and striking body makes one have the urge to press her down with one's body, no wonder even Tu Xian is extremely interested in her as well.

Her ability to enchant men is indeed better than Shi Sufang and Lan Gongnuan.

Just as the two of them were measuring up each other, the little girl outside who was disguised as a boy called out, "Missy! Do you want tea or wine?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head, "It's all right, I'm here especially to apologize to Miss and wouldn't dare to disturb your tranquility."

Feng Fei guffawed, "Tranquility? Living in a mundane world, how can there be tranquility? Lord Xiang, please take a seat. Lass, prepare tea for our guest."

When Xiang Shaolong sat down, he suppressed the urge to give her the once over and just looked straight ahead. Just as he was about to speak, Feng Fei asked gently, "It's not like Lord Xiang's style to come and apologize, I wonder if you were coerced or did you come willingly?"

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, "It's the first time I met Miss, but why do you seem so knowledgeable about me?"

Feng Fei smiled and replied slowly, "Xiagn Shaolong is the most talked about person amongst the powerful circles in all six states, I've heard so many things about you. Besides, before I came to Qin I've heard of Lady Meimei of Wei speak of you, so of course I should have an impression of you!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned, "Miss Feng deliberately refused to perform this time, is it because…. Hai! Is it because…"

Feng Fei seemed very interested as she encouraged him, "Why are you hesitating? Just speak your mind."

Xiang Shaolong said wryly, "I wanted to ask if this is a deliberate trick by Miss to make me come here to see you but I'm afraid my frankness will shock you, that's why I was hesitating. You must find this a joke."

Feng Fei let out a tinkling laughter, her mesmerizing eyes glanced at him as she lifted her slender left hand and lowered her head to look at the shiny and exquisite silver ring at her little finger, saying gently, "Lord Xiang's guess is correct but I'm afraid you did not expect that Feng Fei is up to no good this time. This silver ring is made by a talented smith from Wei and can shoot out poisoned needles, injecting poisoned liquid into a person's body. If it's shot at the right position, the person shot will die very swiftly of poison."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, "If that's the case, why is Miss Feng telling me that?"

Feng Fei took off the ring nonchalantly and threw it down on the ground and said tenderly, "Because I've changed my mind! Until I came to Qin and saw Ying Zheng did I understand why all these talented people like Shang Yang, Gongsun Yan, Zhang yi, Gan Mao, Lou Huan, Fan Wei, Cai Ze, Li Si, Lu Buwei and Xiang Shaolong were willing to work under the Qin royalty. Even though Zhao has Li Mu and Lian Po but they still lost battle after battle and Lord Xinling have to end up committing suicide by drinking poisoned wine. The Hans are idling in their own state, the Yans think too highly of themselves, the Qis are just all talk while the Chus are engrossed in enjoyment. The 6 eastern states have lost their power so why should I become the bad guy in vain and end up losing my life as well?"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect her to say something so intellectual and shook his head and sighed, "Miss Feng is indeed a rare lady. But I still do not understand why Miss Feng is so frank. If you do not disclose this, no one would know about this matter."

Feng Fei said happily, "You silly, because I've taken a liking to you! That's why I'm reminding you. Now Lord Xiang is the person that the all the eastern 6 states would like to kill the most. So you must not trust anyone, including those friends whom you have once helped in the past."

Xiang Shaolong looked at her in shock, unable to speak for now.

Feng Fei covered her mouth and laughed, "Please do not misunderstand, taken a liking to you does not equal to giving you my heart. It's just that I feel that you're truly a hero who deserves your good reputation and it'll be very difficult for me to forget you in future. That's all."

Xiang Shaolong immediately heaved a sigh of relief, yet at the same time felt a little dejected. This Feng Fei is even more unfathomable than Shi Sufang.

Feng Fei looked outside the window and said gently, "It's late! Unless Lord Xiang wants me to accompany you to bed, otherwise I will have to go into dreamland and search for the beautiful dream that I cannot find in real life. I'll be leaving Qin early tomorrow morning."

Xiang Shaolong almost wanted to blurt out and ask her to stay so that he will not miss this opportunity that he may regret for the rest of his life but when he thought of his dutiful wives at home, he had no choice but to stand up and take his leave.

Li Si will have to be disappointed tonight.

He had just walked down the stairs when Jing Jun rushed in and said, "Meng Ao has passed away!"