23-2 -- 23-6

Book 23 Chapter 02 - Unfinished Love

Just as he left Feng Fei's bedroom, he was intercepted by a subordinate who made the following report: Zhang Quan was ambushed outside the Villa, suffering heavy injuries and is barely alive.

Although Xiang Shaolong knows that Xiao Yuetan is behind this incident, he cannot choose not to attend to him. Outside Zhang Quan's room, he ran into his (Zhang Quan) trusted follower Kun Shan. This scoundrel was enraged: "It must be the doing of Zongsun Long. Lin Zi is a lawless place, full of outrageous hooligans calling the shots."

Xiang Shaolong is secretly glad that they are mistaken, saving him the trouble to mislead them. He questioned in a low voice: "How are his injuries?"

Kun Shan responded: "He received a few punches to his head and face. Now, his eyes are puffy and he can barely see while the corner of his lips is bruised and bleeding. It is upsetting to see him in such a condition."

Completing his answer, he walked away, sighing.

Stepping into the room, Xiang Shaolong was amazed to see Dong Shuzen and two maids tending to Zhang Quan's wounds.

As per Kun Shan's description, Zhang Quan's head is swollen like a pig's head. It would be impossible for him to face the public in the near future.

This is the vicious strategy employed by Xiao Yuetan, intentionally causing Zhang Quan to lose his usefulness to Lu Buwei, indirectly forcing Lu Buwei to rely on Xiang Shaolong instead.

Sitting by Zhang Quan's bedside, Dong Shuzen gave Xiang Shaolong a sad look and sighed: "These people are really ruthless. Look! They have beaten Assistant Manager to such a sorry state."

Zhang Quan groaned: "Is it Brother Shen?"

Recalling the fact that this gorgeous Dong Shuzen did spend a few nights with this ruffian, Xiang Shaolong's heart is brimming with hatred. He faced Dong Shuzen and demanded in an uncouth manner: "All of you need to leave the room for a while. I need to talk to Brother Zhang."

An annoyed Dong Shuzen frowned with her brows knitted together. After dismissing her two maids, she firmly insisted: "What secrets are there that Shuzen has to be kept in the dark about?"

With much difficulty, Zhang Quan begged: "Second Mistress, please excuse yourself for a short while."

Dong Shuzen was taken aback and left unhappily.

It is now Xiang Shaolong's turn to take Dong Shuzen's seat. Lowering his head, he asked in a soft voice: "Brother Zhang, how are you doing?"

His mouth swollen like a pig's lips, Zhang Quan can only mumble his words vaguely: "My body is fine as they only hit my head, forcing me to tell them why did I visit my employer. Of course I refused to tell them anything. Aye! My biggest loss is the sum of money from my employer, which they robbed! The money is actually meant for you."

This clearly demonstrates the brilliance of Xiao Yuetan's stratagem. Not only did Zhang Quan fail to come up with the money to bribe Xiang Shaolong, he cannot go back to see Lu Buwei.

Xiang Shaolong probed: "Who did Brother Zhang went to visit?"

Zhang Quan cautioned: "I cannot tell you yet. Aye! I did not anticipate Zongsun Long's involvement. Presently, every one of our Troupe member is placed under close supervision by his cronies."

Xiang Shaolong is not in mood to chat further and stood up, advising: "Brother Zhang, please have a good rest!"

Pulling his sleeve to restrain him, Zhang Quan anxiously beseeched: "No matter what, you must help me. I will definitely get the money for you as soon as possible."

Xiang Shaolong questioned: "What can I do for Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Quan briefed: "Try to become Feng Fei's confidante and find out what is the relationship between Lord Longyang and herself."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "If you were Feng Fei and I am now your confidante, would you tell me your life-changing secrets?"

Zhang Quan replied after much agony: "Feng Fei trusts no one but herself, and that includes Lord Longyang. Moreover, the King of Wei harbours designs on Feng Fei so at the end of the day, she can only rely on you. Do you understand?"

Xiang Shaolong was momentarily shaken before he nodded: "Fine! I shall see what I can do about it. But until I receive my money, Brother Zhang can forget about my collaboration."

Pushing his hand away, he walked out of the room all by himself.

Dong Shuzen was waiting by the door and saw him leaving the room. Dragging him to a pavilion in the garden, she lamented: "Are you still upset with me?"

Xiang Shaolong denied: "Your lowly servant dare not. No matter how Second Mistress tries to scam me or distrusts me, I, a lowly manager, can only submissively follow your commands."

With a 'Pu Ci', Dong Shuzen giggled: "Look at your angry countenance. Shuzen begs your pardon, ok? Aye! I really do not know how to gain your affections. Are you someone who prefer males and not females?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "Is every acquaintance of Lord Longyang considered a gay man?"

Pressing her entire body onto Xiang Shaolong and using her exquisite hands to entangle his neck, Dong Shuzen smiled: "There is no use hiding it. Witnessing his coquettish expression when he stares at you and the excitement in his eyes, I am certain that you are his male lover. Unless you are not his partner, he would not react in such a fashion. Now, Shuzen's only hope is that besides men, you are also into women."

Xiang Shaolong was stupefied, thinking that he has reached a dead end and he could never redeem himself from this wrongful grievance. Exerting some strength to give her butt a playful slap, he helplessly pleaded: "You can continue to evaluate me along those lines. Second Mistress, can you please release me back to my room for a rest?"

Dong Shuzen exaggeratedly cried out in pain and gave him a bear hug. Biting his ear, she hinted: "If you are into other forms of deviant 5ex, Shuzen is willing to play along."

Xiang Shaolong grabbed her aromatic shoulders and pushed her slightly away before declaring in an official tone: "Your lowly servant has to pass up Second Mistress's kind intentions. Nonetheless, there is something you still do not comprehend: Even if you and Xiuzhen do not sleep with me, I, Shen Liang, would make suitable arrangements for you two and no one will have to end up as a concubine or mistress of the rich and powerful. If there is any falsehood in my words, may I, Shen Liang, die a horrible death."

Dong Shuzen calmed down and hazily eyed him with suspicion for a while. She softly quizzed: "What is in it for you? Are you aware that one wrong move can result in death and disaster? If Feng Fei gets to know that you are out to spoil her plans, she will be the first to come after you."

Xiang Shaolong swore: "You can label me a fool, an id1ot or whatever you desire but I have committed myself to make this a reality. All I need is your full obedience and I will definitely come to a solution."

Wriggling her body sensually, Dong Shuzen cajoled: "Are we not obedient?"

Xiang Shaolong counselled: "Your obedience has gone overboard and your obedience is not only limited to me but also towards Zhang Quan, Sa Li and whoever that is useful to you. This is not the obedience I am looking for. Please go back and give it some thought but time is not on your side. We must make our move immediately after the performance. If you miss the boat, do not blame me for not offering you salvation."

Her entire body trembling, Dong Shuzen leaned into his bosom, flustering: "Shen Liang ah! I am at a complete loss after hearing your words! Can you please tell me clearly what plans do you have for Shuzen?"

Xiang Shaolong lovingly kissed her charming face and sincerely revealed: "If the two of you are still unwilling to place complete trust and share all your information with me, there is a limit to how much I can assist you. My plan is to promote you to become another famous courtesan to continue Feng Fei's legacy, allowing her to retire peacefully and living the life she wants to live."

A frightened Dong Shuzen pitifully reminded: "This would be an ideal arrangement but how is it possible? Feng Fei regards me as her enemy and would never give her consent. Even if she somehow agrees, it would require the approval of everyone in the troupe. This is an impossible task."

Xiang Shaolong was full of conviction: "I will settle Feng Fei's side. But whether can you eventually become another famous courtesan comparable to Feng Fei will have to depend on your own abilities."

Dong Shuzen was shocked: "What abilities?"

Xiang Shaolong articulated: "I will convince Feng Fei to allow you to play the role of the main character in one of the Song & Dance routines. As long as you do a good job, I can sing your praises in front of Lord Longyang and other influential figures, persuading them to invite you to perform at their official banquets. Ha! What do you think will happen next?"

Dong Shuzen jolted once and suddenly moved away from him. With a pair of lovely eyes shining with never-seen-before brilliance, she pondered in a throbbing voice: "Can you really convince Feng Fei?"

Stretching his hand out and lifting her pretty head, Xiang Shaolong unconsciously gave her a deep kiss on her lips. Only until she started panting did he release her, promising: "Give me three days and I will get Feng Fei to give you her consent personally. However, Xiuzhen and you must give up all your devious plans. Right now, I need you to go to bed obediently."

Her body turning limp from his kissing and her pupils dilated, Dong Shuzen pestered: "Can I spend the night with you? Shuzen is feeling so h0rny from your provocation."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling desperate too, secretly cursing himself for stirring her flames of passion. Strengthening his will, he turned her 5exy body around and pushed her for ten over steps, reaching the corridor leading to her bedroom, laughing: "Didn't you mentioned I am into males? Go and look for Xiuzhen and tell her about this good news! You must remember not to let a third person know about this plan; otherwise, it will not come true!"

Finishing, he quickly fled back to his room.

Before he could have his breakfast the next morning, a subordinate came to report that Xie Ziyuan is looking for him. Xiang Shaolong was alarmed, for his greatest fear is Shan Rou telling him about their relationship. If this was the case, it would be really awkward to see him.

Fortunately, Xie Ziyuan is still as friendly as ever when Xiang Shaolong came to meet him in the front sitting hall. After getting him to dismiss the serving maids, Xie Ziyuan excitedly expounded: "Brother Shen is superb. Not only did wifey not give me a hard time last night; she gave me permission to befriend you. She mentioned that with you looking after me, it is all right even if I go out and have a bit of fun. Ah! Brother Shen is truly my best friend and savior!"

Xiang Shaolong groaned inwardly, knowing that Shan Rou still harbour feelings for himself, resulting in this decision which made Xie Ziyuan deliriously happy.

"Brother Xie need not attend morning court today?" Xiang Shaolong was curious.

Xie Ziyuan answered: "Our great King caught a cold last night so today's court session has been adjourned. Hey! Is Brother Shen available tonight?"

Noticing that he is as joyful as a dog without a lease, Xiang Shaolong cautioned: "You better be careful for your significant other could be testing you."

Slapping his chest as a sign of guarantee, Xie Ziyuan swore: "My wifey is a woman of her words and will not lie to me. She wants to invite Brother Shen to our humble abode tonight for dinner before allowing us to go out and have fun, giving Little Brother (me) an opportunity to play a good host. Ha!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "You looked as if you can't wait for tonight."

Without the slightest trace of guilt, Xie Ziyuan validated: "Of course. Only when lying in the arms of an unknown lady and breathing in her womanly scent can my creative brain juices start flowing. Aye! You have no idea how much pressure the great King is exerting on me. If I do not come up with the lyrics for Soft Boned Beauty's congratulatory birthday song, I will be in hot soup."

Realizing the genuine motivation behind it all, Xiang Shaolong became agitated: "Over the past two days, did you attend Lan Gongyuan's rehearsal?"

With a pained expression, Xie Ziyuan grieved: "Without an excellent composition, I do not dare to face her. I ran into her lover Qi Yu in the palace yesterday and was at the receiving end of his sarcasms and insults. Fortunately, I was in a good mood or else I would teach him a lesson or two."

As if he suddenly recalled the matter, he rapidly enquired: "What is going on between you and Zongsun Long?"

After Xiang Shaolong cut the story short and explained the chain of events, Xie Ziyuan groaned: "This is bad. Yesterday, he sent someone to probe about our relationship. Not suspecting anything amiss, I truthfully mentioned that we are newly acquainted. Oh. I better speak with him personally. If he is still adamant, I will get the Second Prince to intervene. That will surely force him to yield."

Wanting to keep things simple, Xiang Shaolong assured: "It is not wise to blow up the matter and Brother Xie need not intercede. Even if things go out of hand, I will be able to handle it."

Xie Ziyuan was suspicious: "Does Brother Shen knows about Zongsun Long's incredible influence in Lin Zi? He is more powerful than a Marquis and now that he has suffered at the hands of Brother Shen, he would not give up his quest for revenge so easily."

Xiang Shaolong promised: "Relax! If I do require Brother Xie's assistance, I would not refrain from asking for it!"

Xie Ziyuan affirmed: "In the future, feel free to confide your problems in me. I have to rush back to my official ministry for work; shall I pick you up tonight?"

Xiang Shaolong has nothing to say about that and nodded his head in agreement.

As Xie Ziyuan rose with delight, out of a sudden, the sentry announced: "First Mistress is here!"

Xie Ziyuan had a big shock and welcomed her respectfully with Xiang Shaolong.

Clothed in an ordinary yellow dress adorned with white flowers and decked with a cotton singlet on the outside, Feng Fei lightly stepped into the hall, escorted by a bevy of maids. Xie Ziyuan's eyes started to glow at the sight of her elegance and captivating beauty.

After giving Xiang Shaolong a vicious glare, Feng Fei knitted her brows and frowned at Xie Ziyuan: "What is the matter with Official Xie? It is normal for someone to pass by without entering, but now that Official Xie has passed by and entered, you did not even say hi to Feng Fei? Is Feng Fei someone unworthy of Official's attention?"

Xie Ziyuan is justly worth his weight in gold; prostrating himself to the floor without a moment's hesitation, he narrated: "Miss Feng has wronged me! Ever since I first laid my eyes on Mistress during the palace banquet, my soul has been hooked away by Mistress's charisma. Only today did I finally reclaim my soul and thus, dare not pay another visit to Mistress."

Feng Fei and the maids could not hold back their laughter.

Feeling like a child playing games, Xiang Shaolong put an arm over Xie Ziyuan's shoulder and used the other hand to cover his eyes, pushing him towards the main gate. Towards Feng Fei, he laughed: "Your servant (I) had better escort Official Xie out."

Feng Fei was laughing vigorously, causing Xiang Shaolong to quickly look away, afraid that he would lose his soul like Xie Ziyuan.

Pushing Xie Ziyuan out of the Villa, he removed his hand covering his eyes.

Xie Ziyuan exhaled a breath: "Such a pristine treasure, such a rare encounter. No wonder Zongsun Long is going all out to obtain her."

Xiang Shaolong mused: "Brother Xie is interested as well?"

Xie Ziyuan solemnly state: "You may not believe my words but every time I reached home, I would cleanly forget about all my external liaisons."

Xiang Shaolong was gratified and commended: "How wonderful. I finally got it! Brother Xie chose to fool around because it is your unique way of getting inspiration to compose music and write lyrics."

Xie Ziyuan sighed: "Only Brother Shen knows me."

After sending Xie Ziyuan off, Xiang Shaolong found Feng Fei waiting in the hall for him to have breakfast together, resembling a wife anticipating to serve her husband, sending chills down his spine.

Dismissing Xiao Ping'er, the beauty interrogated: "When you are around, Xie Ziyuan seems like a totally different person and appears to be in great spirits. Why is he looking for you?"

Xiang Shaolong intentionally hid the truth from her: "It is boys stuff. It is better for Mistress to be unaware of it."

Feng Fei loudly wailed: "You are becoming more and more insolent. Don't you forget that I can be nasty too."

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Please be appeased my Mistress. We are simply going to have some fun at a brothel tonight."

Feng Fei was astounded: "Are all men born cheap and low-class? We have top rated beauties right here and yet you are paying money for those normal looking girls."

Xiang Shaolong was startled: "Is Mistress implying that your servant (I) can kiss you any old how?"

Feng Fei was annoyed: "How dare you speak like this!"

Xiang Shaolong was greatly amused: "Mistress must not forget that it was you who said that you are being forced!"

Feng Fei was so angry she nearly wanted to box him but instead calmed herself down, sighing: "Looks like I am the one who has lost my soul to you. Whenever you want me to be happy, Feng Fei must be happy. When you want me to be angry, Feng Fei must be angry. Can you please tell Feng Fei once and for all, what do you want me to do?"

Xiang Shaolong gently remarked: "Of course I want to you obediently listen to my instructions, allowing me to accomplish my dream."

Resuming her icy demeanor, Feng Fei stared at him for a second before softly asking: "Speak!"

In an official tone, Xiang Shaolong enunciated: "My dream is to allow everyone in this Troupe to realize their wishes and ambitions."

Feng Fei sighed: "I am beginning to believe your sincerity but my question is: What makes you think that you, Shen Liang, has the ability to achieve all these? It is not as simple as getting my consent for this issue involves several other parties."

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "The most crucial factor lies with Mistress's approval. I will take care of the other matters."

Feng Fei challenged: "All right! Take it that you have my consent. How are you going to deal with the likes of Han Chuang, Zongsun Long, Lu Buwei and Tian Dan?"

Xiang Shaolong was about to give his reply when a servant came to report that Han Chuang is here.

Book 23 Chapter 03 - Rectifying Misjudgments

From afar, Han Chuang paid his respects to both of them: "My greetings to Miss Feng and Shen Liang!"

Xiang Shaolong instantly loosen up, knowing that Han Chuang came over after learning his whereabouts from Lord Longyang. Thus, he would be mentally prepared to see Xiang Shaolong here and not arouse further doubts about his identity.

Feng Fei was stupefied: "Marquis is an acquaintance of Shen Liang?"

Striding over in huge steps, Han Chuang chuckled: "Years ago in Handan City, Brother Shen assisted me greatly regarding several matters. How can I not recognize him?"

Feng Fei did not show any signs of suspicion and it appears that Xiang Shaolong's standing in her heart has been enormously elevated due to Han Chuang's testimony. She joyfully offered: "Shall Feng Fei (I) excuse herself so that Marquis can have a good catching up with this old friend?"

Of course she is just being polite but to her dismay, Han Chuang vigorously nodded his head: "Miss Feng is truly considerate and hospitable to our needs."

Feng Fei was taken aback because this signifies that Xiang Shaolong is more revered by Han Chuang than herself. But since she had made the offer and could not withdraw her suggestion, Feng Fei retreated from the hall together with her serving maid Little Ping'er.

Sitting down beside Xiang Shaolong, Han Chuang gleefully remarked: "Knowing that Shaolong is safe, I was so happy I could not sleep at all!"

Xiang Shaolong was in a daze after hearing his declaration. All along, he wasn't a fan of Han Chuang and never expected him to place their friendship above his loyalty to his country.

He bitterly laughed: "Do not forget that little brother (I) is still the most wanted man of your esteemed country (Han)!"

Han Chuang sighed with a breath of air: "That is something beyond our control as we all strive to serve our own kings. For all you know, we may meet in the battlefield once again. However, our countries are not at war now so it is friendship above everything else!"

After a bitter smile, his eyes began to glow with deep gratitude before Han Chuang softly revealed: "In that battle which I lost and was eventually captured, I thought I was destined to die there and then. Unpredictably, Shaolong set me free without the least hesitation. I, Han Chuang, have never been so touched all my life. Right now, even if someone points a sword to threaten me, I would never do anything against Shaolong's interest."

Xiang Shaolong swore in a low voice: "The day of the official coronation of the Crown Prince is the same day I will depart Qin for the wild plains beyond the borders. Therefore, Marquis need not worry about facing me in battle."

Han Chuang was shocked: "Why would Yingzheng release you? Without you, Qin is as good as a body which has lost a limb."

Xiang Shaolong reminded: "This is a pact between me and the Crown Prince. However, you must not be complacent because of my departure. Qin possesses countless valiant generals. Wang Jian, Huan Qi, Meng Wu and Meng Tian are not to be trifled with."

Han Chuang disagreed: "I do not believe there is any general who is as good as you."

Xiang Shaolong recapped: "Lest you forget, Li Mu gave me a thorough trashing and reduced me to a state of desolation."

Han Chuang articulated: "Winning and losing is part and parcel of a military life. Moreover, you were defeated in the most splendid fashion and maintained the strength of your core army. So it can hardly be considered a genuine defeat. After the skirmish, Li Mu and I had a good discussion over it and he expressed his admiration for your war strategies. He originally intended to annihilate your entire army since it is deep in foreign territory but did not expect your faction to put up a fierce resistance in sacrifice. With this dragging him down, he is unable to pursue Teng Yi's main army body before they returned to Zhongmou City, missing this golden opportunity. If he had been successful, we may organize another allied campaign and attack all the way to Xianyang Capital. Aye! The difference between a win and a loss is often determined by a single stratagem."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Going by your reasoning, you should hate me to the core."

Han Chuang awkwardly countered: "Shaolong need not tease me. After all, whatever happened has happened. The fact that I can still stay alive and have a good time now is all due to Shaolong's kindness."

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "Since we are all comrades, we can dispense with the pleasantries and formalities. I suppose there is more than meets the eye concerning your current trip to Lin Zi."

Han Chuang smiled: "Shaolong knows me best. I personally cannot be bothered with the birthday of the King of Qi. However, I would never object to a trip to Lin Zi. Have you tried the local Qi girls? They will give you a night to remember."

Xiang Shaolong was not the least surprised: "You are incorrigible, womanizing wherever you go."

His face turning red, Han Chuang corrected: "Do not mock me for this is called: Living life to the fullest. In the future when the great Qin army marches east, the first to be eliminated is our State of Han. When that happens, it will be impossible for me to womanize even if I wanted to."

Xiang Shaolong joked: "I am just kidding."

Han Chuang heaved a sigh of relief: "Frankly speaking, I am fearful of you to a certain extent but in a respectful manner. As a result, you must speak to me in a lenient tone. Otherwise, it would be disastrous if I develop a phobia of womanizing."

Both men exchanged a look and could not hold it any longer, bursting out in wild laughter, reveling in the sensation of barrier-less brotherhood.

Recalling an issue, Han Chuang brought up: "Did you know that the idi0t Guo Kai presented your strange weapon to the King of Qi as a birthday gift, causing a huge dilemma over whether he should accept it or not. Ultimately, somebody suggested a counter strategy where the King of Qi would bestow the weapon upon Cao Quidao and enshrined it in the main hall of Qixia College."

Xiang Shaolong is itching all over with agony: "I shall steal my Hundred Battle Sabre tonight."

Han Chuang was aghast: "You must never do that. With his maturing years, Cao Cuidao that old fellow has made tremendous advancements upon his already godly sword skills. Shaolong may be an adept sword wielder but it would be inadequate against him."

Xiang Shaolong laughingly jested: "I am going to steal, not going to rob. What is there to fear?"

Still worried as ever, Han Chuang advocated: "After Shaolong make your way back to Qin, you can request Yingzheng to write a letter demanding Qi to return your weapon. I guarantee Qi would obediently follow his instructions. Why should you risk your life at this juncture?"

Xiang Shaolong inquired: "Let me think about it. Hey, it may be good to flex my muscles and see some action. Oh yes, did you have a secret agreement with Feng Fei?"

Han Chuang was awkward: "So you knew about it too. Is there a problem?"

Focusing his gaze on him for a while, Xiang Shaolong smiled: "You really do fear me, don't you?"

Han Chuang bitterly laughed: "Even Li Mu is terrified of you, not to mention me. Just tell me what you have in mind! I can never envisage your motives."

Xiang Shaolong probed: "On this occasion when Feng Fei requested for your assistance, what benefits did she promise you?"

Han Chuang sighed: "Originally, it is a fair deal but since Shaolong is intervening, I shall have to painfully surrender my only opportunity to kiss Feng Fei on her lips." Xiang Shaolong was astounded: "What?"

Han Chuang was surprised: "You did not know about it? If I knew you have no idea, I would not have told you about it."

Inside his mind, Xiang Shaolong is experiencing a rising tsunami. Since the beginning, regardless of Dong Shuzen or himself, everyone has been utterly deceived by Feng Fei into believing that Feng Fei will present Dong Shzuen and her fellow courtesans to Han Chuang in return for his assistance. As this arrangement appears logical from all angles, even Xiang Shaolong did not have any doubts about its existence. Only now did he realize that it was a smokescreen by Feng Fei.

Why is she lying? What is the Head of the Three Famous Courtesans really cooking up?

When they first met, Feng Fei disclosed that she has accepted an assassination contract to poison him but decided to give up her attempt. The mastermind behind this assassination could be her secret lover.

He, Xiang Shaolong, has enemies all over the land. He is unable to make a guess from the countless possibilities.

After a long while, Xiang Shaolong inhaled a deep breath to clear his mind before whispering: "What does Feng Fei ask of you?"

Han Chuang divulged: "She needs to hide in one of my villas in Han for about three months. When the public has lost interest in her affairs, she will take her leave."

Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Does that mean she will leave Lin Zi under your escort?"

Han Chuang confirmed: "Of course. Who would dare to undermine my authority?"

Xiang Shaolong has unearthed another lie of Feng Fei for she did mentioned she would require Xiang Shaolong to assist her in leaving Lin Zi before meeting up with Han Chuang.

What is she trying to accomplish with all these schemes?

Han Chuang sighed: "Aye, we never expected Shaolong to be involved; I guess Lord Longyang and I can only watch helplessly as our missions end in failure!"

Xiang Shaolong had a big shock: "The two of you are assisting her while harbouring selfish motives?"

Han Chuang replied in a grieving tone: "She is a rare and exceedingly attractive beauty. Who, in their right minds, would allow her to enter a reclusive life? Aye! In actual fact, Lord Longyang and I had a deal, letting me enjoy her for some time before allowing Lord Longyang to present her to the King of Wei. Presently, this deal is as good as gone, landing Lord Longyang in a predicament."

Xiang Shaolong instead breathed in a mouthful of cool air before enquiring: "Do you know who is Feng Fei's secret lover?"

Han Chuang was mystified: "Her heart has finally found a home? No wonder she became much more appealing and dazzling!"

Xiang Shaolong had a brainwave: "When did you first notice this change in her?"

After some contemplation, Han Chuang slowly announced: "It should be after her trip to Xianyang."

Xiang Shaolong slapped the table and exclaimed: "In this case, her lover must be someone she met in Xianyang, paving the path for her retiring and marrying mindset. But why did she have to come all the way here before slipping away? Based on her intellect, she should know that no one is reliable, even the two of you."

Han Chuang bitterly laughed: "After hearing your deductions, I am only more confounded than before. How should I proceed from here?"

Xiang Shaolong pondered: "Pretend that you are still in the dark and continue to liaise with her just like before. You must take care not to leak any information. We shall discuss further at a later date."

Han Chuang agreed: "All right. I will now speak briefly with her before leaving. Are you aware of my current lodgings? I am residing at Tingmei Villa just two blocks away. Feel free to come to me if you need any help."

When Han Chuang left for the inner courtyard to look for Feng Fei, Xiang Shaolong remained in the hall deep in thought.

Assuming that Feng Fei's lover is from Xianyang and it is the same guy who instigated her to kill himself, Xiang Shaolong, therefore, it is highly probable that her lover is someone who belongs to Lu Buwei's organization. But who can it be?

For someone to gain the affections of Feng Fei, he cannot be an ordinary folk. Can it be Guan Zhongxie or even Xu Shang?

On a more insightful level, it doesn't make sense because if her lover is working for Lu Buwei, Lu Buwei need not go to the extent of bribing Zhang Quan to investigate the identity of her lover.

Additionally, regardless of whether it is Guan Zhongxie or Xu Shang, neither man would abandon his glorious career for Feng Fei.

If her lover is not related to Lu Family, then who can he be?

In the middle of his intense, troubling speculation, Little Ping'er came and invited him to see Feng Fei. He easily concluded that Han Chuang has left before entering Feng Fei's room on the second storey of the main block. Once Little Ping'er excused herself to the lower floor, the conniving beauty glared unwavering at him with her lovely eyes, interrogating: "It seems like the powerful and influential men from various states are all your old buddies. This is really baffling, isn't it? Based on your impeccable connections, why were you living in desolation for two years in Daliang and eventually lowering yourself to become an ordinary carriage driver?"

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong was as steady as a rock for Zhang Quan genuinely recruited him from the official stables of Daliang. He plainly state: "It is because they are indeed my friends that I do not wish to implicate them."

Bewildered, Feng Fei pressed on: "What do you mean by that?"

Xiang Shaolong explained in a serious tone: "Guo Kai, the Premier of Zhao, and I are on irreconcilable terms. Moreover, if not for my intricate maneuvers, Great General Lian (Po) may have difficultly leaving Zhao in one piece. Thus, whoever that takes me in is akin to making himself an enemy of Guo Kai."

Stunned for a short spell, Feng Fei slowly remarked: "You are well acquainted with several influential men all over the land but your relationship with them is not clear to me. How do I know I can trust you?"

Xiang Shaolong snapped: "Is there a difference? You had never trusted me."

Her charming face turning frosty, Feng Fei unhappily disputed: "Except for the early stages of knowing you, when did I display any signs of misgiving?"

Hardening his resolve, Xiang Shaolong coldly hissed: "Who is Mistress's secret lover?

Feng Fei was thunderstruck: "Didn't I tell you already?"

His face wearing a cool smirk as his eyes glowed like an icy blizzard, Xiang Shaolong very slowly shook his head, exposing: "That is just a delay tactic you used on me. Otherwise, Mistress would want to go to Zhongmou and not Xianyang."

Upset, Feng Fei rebutted: "Is Manager Shen being too reckless when you assumed my distrust based on this singular point?"

With thoughts running through his mind at the speed of electricity, Xiang Shaolong simply proposed: "Why don't your servant (I) try to guess the identity of Mistress's secret lover, the man whom you are willing to live together with for the rest of your life."

With a composed demeanor, Feng Fei serenely dared: "Your mouth belongs to you. Guess all you want."

Xiang Shaolong is aware that she thinks he would never make the correct guess and to be honest, he had no idea too but is just employing a scare tactic. He laughed: "Does Mistress think it would be a difficult guess?"

Feng Fei shot him a look: "Any more rubbish from you and I will chase you out of my room."

Brimming with confidence, Xiang Shaolong challenged: "Mistress would not bear to do so, for you love to play the scheming game. With a worthy opponent like myself, you are secretly overjoyed at my presence."

Feng Fei howled: "How dare you pass this judgment on me!"

Xiang Shaolong was steadfast: "Like spotting glow worms among chicken feed, Mistress need not conceal the obvious. You should know better than anyone whether my words are true or false."

Feng Fei was in a stupor: "Glow worms in chicken feed? Are there really worms that glow? How clever of you to think of that."

She continued in a worried tone: "Say it! Do not beat around the bush."

Xiang Shaolong was thrilled: "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. Based on your words, it is obvious that Mistress's secret lover is not Xiang Shaolong."

Her mouth curling up with disdain, Feng Fei remarked in an ordinary tone: "I am only curious at your crazy ideas. At no time did I acknowledge or deny anything."

Moving to her back, Xiang Shaolong stretched out his hand, caressing her tender, zero fat abdomen with a small amount of strength, causing Feng Fei to moan in her sweet voice as she collapsed into his arms.

Nibbling her cute ear lobe and deeply inhaling her womanly fragrance, Xiang Shaolong gently revealed: "Your lover is from Qin and not only is he not Xiang Shaolong, he happens to be Xiang Shaolong's nemesis."

Feng Fei's petite frame trembled but she insisted: "You have gone over the top. Where is the logic in all these predictions?"

Sticking his own face to her smooth face, Xiang Shaolong laughed: "It is very simple logic. You believed Zhang Quan is in cahoots with me and is using me to relay a message via Zhang Quan to Lu Buwei, causing him to mistakenly assume Xiang Shaolong is your lover."

Feng Fei wondered: "But how did you infer that he is at loggerheads with Xiang Shaolong?"

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize he has exposed his own shortcoming. In his eagerness to succeed, he has inadvertently disclosed too much of his own knowledge. Only he himself knew about the incident when Feng Fei tried to assassinate him and he obviously could not divulge this piece of information. Frowning his brows, he spouted gibberish: "This news would serve to increase the enmity between Lu Buwei and Xiang Shaolong. If not for the fact that your lover is Xiang Shaolong's enemy, why would you sabotage him in such a manner?"

Feng Fei whined: "Do not utter nonsense. Firstly, I did not suspect you and Zhang Quan were partners and secondly, my lover is indeed Xiang Shaolong. Aye! I am confused after hearing your analysis. Can we take a break and will you please give me a kiss?"

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "Is Mistress afraid of what I am going to say next?"

Feng Fei viciously struggled and extracted herself from his embrace. Turning her slender body around to face him, she confronted: "Bring it on! I want to hear what other outrageous thoughts that you may have!"

Using a finger to prop up her chin, Xiang Shaolong lightly pecked her lips before smiling: "What remains is an easy guess! In Xianyang, Xiang Shaolong's mortal enemies are Lu Buwei and Lao Ai's organizations. Whoever that can gain the affections of Mistress must hold some standing in society and is likely someone with both brains and brawn. It is neither Lu Buwei nor Lao Ai themselves because otherwise, Mistress need not scheme and lie your way through. Thus, it is as clear as day who our mystery figure is."

With a mixture of fear and shock initially printed on her face, Feng Fei instantaneously recomposed herself. Lowering her head, she conceded: "Please stop your meaningless charade. Feng Fei will definitely do your bidding in the future!"

Xiang Shaolong pressured on: "Finally showing your true colours? Or else you would not be singing a different tune now."

Feng Fei angrily threatened: "These are my heartfelt words; if you don't believe me, get lost."

Out of the blue, Xiang Shaolong stood up and served another scare: "I know who he is."

Feng Fei tranquilly commented: "I am very tired and I don't care if you know or do not know. I only wish for some peace and quiet right now."

As Xiang Shaolong made his way towards the stairs, he suddenly turned back with his body shaking. Glaring ferociously at Feng Fei, he declared: "He is Han Jie."

Feng Fei was visibly shaken and there was no trace of blood on her face anymore.

Book 23 Chapter 04 - Evil Upon One's Door

Despite Feng Fei's lack of admission, Xiang Shaolong is unwaveringly assured that her lover is Han Jie.

He can visualize Feng Fei getting to know Han Jie in Xianyang and both parties begin to rendezvous with full awareness that Lu Buwei or Lao Ai would surely object to their relationship. The critical factor is Lu Buwei is in cahoots with Lao Ai so even if Lao Ai approves of their relationship, it would still be in jeopardy.

As a result, the couple has decided to reunite in Qi before eloping or executing a similar plan. Since Han Jie is one of Cao Cuidao's top disciples, he can openly travel with Lu Buwei to Qi with good reason.

In this aspect, Xiang Shaolong's role as a troupe manager is absolutely crucial as Feng Fei requires someone to see to her travel arrangements and an appropriate cover up, allowing her to leave Qi unmolested.

Supposing Han Jie is Feng Fei's Prince Charming, the perpetuators behind his assassination must be a joint scheme between Lao Ai and Lu Buwei. For Feng Fei to change her mind, it must be due to her intention to elope with Han Jie. It would be unwise to bear the risk of this murder charge.

Delving deeper, Feng Fei could be acting on Tian Dan's instructions and was given the poisonous ring by Lu Buwei. With a slow acting venom taking his life several days later or a venom that causes blindness, she can safely depart once she completed her assignment.

He may not possess all the fine details but Xiang Shaolong is confident that he has a good grasp of the big picture.

Before he could step out of the front hall, he collided with Xiao Yuetan who had came looking for him. The two men isolated themselves in the quiet eastern chamber.

Xiang Shaolong began: "Is there a way for you to obtain a blueprint of Qixia College?"

Xiao Yuetan was incredulous: "What do you want it for? Cao Cuidao is not to be trifled with."

Xiang Shaolong explained: "I am only going to steal something that rightfully belongs to me. The King of Qi has bestowed my Hundred Battle Sabre to Cao Cuidao and it is now hanging in the main hall of Qixia College."

Xiao Yuetan questioned: "I was about to tell you about it. Who did you get this information from?"

Xiang Shaolong told him everything about Han Chuang's morning visit. Knitting his brows in a giant frown, Xiao Yuetan thought long and hard in complete silence.

He finally warned: "Shaolong must not blame me for being a nag but I know Han Chuang's character very well. He is a greedy pervert and is extremely selfish. To achieve his goals, he can forsake his integrity and morals. Although he owes you a huge debt of gratitude, it makes no difference when it comes to fulfilling his agenda."

Recalling Han Chuang's sincere outlook this morning, Xiang Shaolong found it arduous to agree with Xiao Yuetan's point of view. Nevertheless Xiao Yuetan meant well and momentarily, Xiang Shaolong did not know what to reply.

Doing his best to persuade Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Yuetan advised: "Shaolong cannot afford to let your guard down. Presently, you are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. You are not out of the woods yet. If I were you, I would never trust anyone from the Three States (Han Wei Zhao). Inversely, Li Yuan is much more reliable because at the end of the day, Chu is not under direct threat from Yingzheng's aggressiveness."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I am alone by myself. It would be awfully easy for Han Chuang or Lord Longyang to take my life."

Xiao Yuetan shook his head: "You are too gullible. Firstly, Han Chuang and company knows that they must remain confidential about your presence. If Qi knows the truth, the King of Qi may welcome you as a VIP and honourably escort you back to Xianyang."

Pausing, he added: "Or he may simply use this opportunity to get rid of you for good and no one will be the wiser."

Xiang Shaolong kept silent.

Xiao Yuetan continued: "Currently, no one would dare to shoulder the responsibility of being your murderer. He who kills you today can expect the Great army of Qin descending on his city gates the next morning. I can assure you this is hardly amusing."

Xiang Shaolong wondered: "If they killed me in secret, who would know about it?"

Xiao Yuetan replied: "At least Li Yuan would know. Han Chuang and Lord Longyang cannot choose to sit idle too."

He added in laughter: "Our Shaolong is not a sitting duck and your sword skills are top notched. If you managed to escape a murderous attempt and coupled with the fact that this is not the territory of the Three States, who would have the guts to try and take your life a second time round? If I were in their shoes, I would do my best to reduce your suspicions and defenses, thereafter steadily luring you into an inescapable dead end before making my move. Even with your consummate abilities, strength and tricks, it would all be useless as you are ambushed and butchered."

Though his entire body is breaking out in cold sweat, Xiang Shaolong is still doubtful and gave a cursory assurance: "I will be careful!"

The objective Xiao Yuetan nodded: "Maybe I have been thinking too much! But it is better to be safe than sorry. Theoretically, Lord Longyang has tried to harm you before and it would be more challenging for him to harden his resolve to repeat this crime. However, a man's heart is unfathomable. Furthermore, this implicates the survival of one's country and clan. Shaolong had better give it some serious thought!"

Patting Xiao Yuetan's shoulder, Xiang Shaolong gratefully thanked: "Now, Senior Brother you is the only man I can place all my trust without any reservations. Feng Fei's issue has grown in complexity."

Xiao Yuetan hastily enquired and after Xiang Shaolong revealed his conclusions, Xiao Yuetan mused with his brows locked in a frown: "I do not know Han Jie personally but seeing that he came all the way to Xianyang to seek his fortune, would he be willing to give up his career over a lady?"

Xiang Shaolong agreed: "It is said that Han Jie is a member of the Han Royalty and got acquainted with Lao Ai in Han a long time ago. For someone to be a close friend of Lao Ai, one can hardly expect him to be a man of integrity. If he is out to deceive Feng Fei and does not truly love her, the problem will be bigger than what I imagined."

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: "As outsiders, it is tough for us to comprehend the truth. Feng Fei is a definitely a beauty who can cause a man to sacrifice everything for her. Why don't Shaolong have a go at her, at least it is better than letting Han Jie obtain her."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "Knowing that her lover is Han Jie, I would be less inclined to get involved with her."

Slamming the table, Xiao Yuetan exclaimed: "I've got it! Feng Fei must have decided to elope to Xianyang and become Han Jie's secret mistress. This matter has been approved by Lao Ai and all they need to do is keep Lu Buwei in the dark."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Feng Fei is really a cunning fox. Back on the ship when I confess to her that Lu Buwei is the mastermind behind Zhang Quan, she pretended to be surprise and desperate, thoroughly misleading me and implicating me in her devious scheme."

Xiao Yuetan disclosed: "I have discovered a piece of information that will only add to your worries. Are you keen to hear about it?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "I am already numb to all these upheavals. It would not affect me much even if I know about it."

Xiao Yuetan went on: "Upon my instructions, Zongsun Heji went looking for Zongsun Long to gather intelligence and he found out that this bloodsucker secretly spread rumours among the wayward students of Qixia, professing that you are proud of your capable swordsmanship and regarded the swordsmen of Qi with contempt. Aye! What a despicable cad. He is afraid of offending Li Yuan or Xie Ziyuan to resort to this underhand, indirect attack."

Xiang Shaolong shrugged his shoulders, remarking: "Someone already tried to assault me but he failed miserably. If they wish to attack me in an open manner, there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't tell me Cao Cuidao will personally come for me!"

Xiao Yuetan cautioned: "You must be extra vigilant against Ma Chenjia and Min Tingzhang. These two men enjoy creating trouble wherever they go and they simply thrive in chaos. In addition, their sword skills are truly amazing."

Before he could complete his sentence, family warrior Fei Chun came to report in a flustered manner: "Manager, bad news, a gang of hostile swordsmen have come barging in, demanding to see nobody but you."

Both men exchanged a look of astonishment, secretly startled at the coincidence.

Xiang Shaolong do not wish for Xiao Yuetan to be embroiled in this troublesome affair and expose their intimate friendship. He insisted on facing this rowdy crowd all by himself.

Since he uncovered Feng Fei's lies from his conversation with Han Chuang this morning, his act of chivalry is being replaced by feelings of disillusionment.

With regards to Han Jie, which swords skills are comparable with his own, Xiang Shaolong neither adore nor detest him but if he were to label this man, Han Jie is unquestionably a man with dubious morals. Still, Feng Fei has fallen in love with his handsome looks so Feng Fei's standing in his heart has fallen drastically. He may not be interested in Feng Fei but in the end, he would want her to dedicate the rest of her life to someone of good character.

With his new change of heart, he dreams of arranging the future paths of Dong Shuzen and her fellow courtesans, thereby accomplishing his mission and retiring from the scene. He would head back to Xianyang to reunite with his pretty wives and lovely son, and wait patiently for Xiao Pan's coronation and his showdown between Lu Buwei and Lao Ai's organization.

Xiao Yuetan may have pointed out Han Chuang's unreliability but he still holds faith that Han Chuang places their friendship beyond the reach of the dark side.

Until today, he still has the naïve mindset that there is goodness in everyone's heart because he himself is one shining example.

There is no one who abhors war and violence like himself but in these ancient times, it is as common as breathing.

In the midst of his thoughts, Xiang Shaolong crossed the door ledge and took his first step into the main hall of the front courtyard.

Five young Qi swordsmen of uneven height were standing in a single file in the centre of the hall. In the instant he treaded into the hall, he became the single focus of the ten eyeballs.

They were dressed in lavish warrior uniforms and by simply observing their ornate swords; one could tell that they are either the descendants of high ranking officials or the sons of rich businessmen.

Zhang Quan's trusted follower Kun Shan, together with family warriors Feng Liang and Lei Yun'er were wearing an angry expression on their faces as they stood at a side. It is obvious that they are annoyed at these arrogant and overbearing ruffians.

To be honest, Xiang Shaolong is not in the best of moods and would not mind venting his frustration on these men who had volunteered to be his punching bag. He is fully aware that acting out his emotions would only serve to blow the matter out of proportion and eventually lead to confrontations with the likes of Zongsun Xuanhua, Dan Chu, Ma Chenjia and Min Tingzhang, all the best fighters of Qi.

From their composure and aura, the five men in front of him are many notches below these accomplished swordsmen.

Nonetheless, he could not appear too subservient. Otherwise, these opponents would take advantage of the situation, causing him to lose his standing in Lin Zi.

Finding a balance among these factors is the true test of his competency.

Among them, the tallest and most burly youngster coldly grunted: "Are you the self-proclaimed Sword without Equal, dog-slave Shen Liang?"

Xiang Shaolong icily snorted and advanced quickly towards them.

The five men were shocked and all their hands move to press down on the hilt of their swords.

Halting suddenly about five feet away from the five men, his keen eyes speedily scanned and memorized the reactions of every one of them before Xiang Shaolong guffawed: "Who is this gentleman here and why did you make two mistakes in a single sentence?"

The lanky and stout youth seems to be the leader of the five men pack. Staring back, he answered in a sharp voice: "Throughout my life, my name is the owner of all my actions and will never change; 'Fast Sword' Nian Chang is the gentleman you are referring to. What mistakes did I make?"

From his tone, Xiang Shaolong knew that he (Nian Chang) has been stifled by his (XSL) own awe-inspiring aura. Secretly tickled, he plainly retorted: "Firstly, I do not think very much of my sword skills and secondly, I am not a dog-slave."

Another shorter and stocky youth jested: "As a servant to the courtesans, who are you but a dog-slave?"

As the other four men began to jeer and howl with laughter, somebody added: "Get your Master to come out and apologise and we will consider letting you off!"

The expressions of Kun Shan, the two family warriors as well as Fei Chun who came in with Xiang Shaolong started turning ugly at the insults. In the same breath, they acknowledge that these men cannot be trifled with and were dejected with helplessness.

With an air of unaffectedness, Xiang Shaolong acted surprised and yelled: "AH! So anyone who is working for somebody else is classified as a dog-slave. Therefore, in Qi, everyone besides the King is a dog-slave too?"

The five men are all brawn and no brains. Dumbfounded, they did not know how to verbally counter him.

His voice turning gentle, Xiang Shaolong saluted: "May I boldly ask the five gentlemen here, who personally told you I boasted about my swordsmanship as being without equal. Can we find this man to corroborate his statement with me? If it turns out to be true, I, Shen Liang, would kowtow to make amends."

The five men glanced at one another speechlessly.

Using this break, Kun Shan interrupted: "Your servant had already told you it must be somebody slandering Manager Shen!"

With an irritated expression, Nian Chang dared: "Since we came all the way here, we cannot leave empty handed. Why don't Manager Shen show us a move or two?"

Xiang Shaolong cackled: "This is easy. My sword skills may not be as good as the five gentlemen but I have some other tricks of my own. Watch it!"

In the middle of his roar, he lifted his left and right arm concurrently, allowing two concealed daggers to smoothly slide into his hands from his sleeves. In the same momentum, he shot out both daggers horizontally to his front, flawlessly and accurately embedding them into the frame of a window. There is no difference in height between the positions of the two daggers.

The faces of everyone present became void of colour, including Kun Shan.

The most challenging part is a simultaneous attack from both hands with deadly speed and accuracy.

Conscious that he has displayed enough prowess to satisfy these clowns, he bowed and paid his respects: "I have errands to run and will not send gentlemen off!" He solemnly turned his back to them and left the hall.

Under the cover of Xiao Yuetan's carriage, Xiang Shaolong left Tingsong Villa and proceeded in search of the 'most reliable' Li Yuan.

Xiao Yuetan praised: "Shaolong understood the psychology of Qi citizens very well, mindful that they value their reputation above all else. After your excellent display, the five kids would surely hide the truth and lied that you apologized to them, causing other troublemakers to lose interest in you."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and sighed: "Zongsun Long is a Qi national too who values his reputation more than anyone else. He will not give up easily."

Xiao Yuetan grinned: "Now that you are getting Li Yuan to intercede, Zongsun Long will have to let you go no matter what happens."

Pausing, he questioned in a low voice: "Do you know that just a while ago, Feng Fei and Little Ping'er were escorted by several of her trusted subordinates out of the Villa through the back door?"

Xiang Shaolong was astounded: "How did you know?"

Xiao Yuetan responded: "It was Yun Niang who saw it and told me about it."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "Are they going to rendezvous with Han Jie? How I wish I can stalk her."

Xiao Yuetan advised: "You are not familiar with Lin Zi and it would be a miracle if no one discovers you."

In this moment, the sound of hoof beats can be heard as several horses tried to catch up to the carriage from the back.

Sticking his head out for a look, Xiang Shaolong saw that it was Boss Jin, Jin Chenjiu chasing him with several of his troupe members. Boss Jin called out: "Manager Shen, please wait up."

Xiao Yuetan commanded the driver to stop the carriage.

Cantering to the side of the carriage window, Boss Jin professed: "Is Manager Shen available for a quick chat?"

Xiang Shaolong would never reject him and nodded his head in consent. To Xiao Yuetan, he whispered: "Senior Brother must remember to get me a map of Qixia College. I will make my way to Li Yuan's residence on my own."

As Xiang Shaolong disembarked from the horse carriage, Boss Jin dismounted from his horse and led him to a nearby wine house. After locating a secluded and quiet corner, he sat down and cautioned: "Brother Shen! Trouble awaits you."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "My troubles are endless as of now. An extra one would not make any difference."

Gesturing a thumbs up, Boss Jin praised: "Brother Shen is a true hero indeed. I, Boss Jin, did not befriend the wrong person."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his heart warming up: "Boss Jin is the better buddy between the two of us. What is it about?"

Boss Jin explained: "Tian Dan hosted a welcoming banquet for Lu Buwei last night and both Sufang and I were present. Incidentally, I was seated at the same table with a subordinate of Zongsun Long. As we chatted idly, he asked if I knew who you are. Of course I did not tell him the truth about our friendship."

Xiang Shaolong chortled: "Are they issuing a reward for my precious head?"

Laughing raucously, Boss Jin commended: "Brother Shen is really open minded. Things are not so serious yet though. Have you heard of Qixia Sword Meet?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head to indicate his ignorance.

Boss Jin articulated: "On the first day of every month, Qixia College would host a riding and archery jamboree, providing newcomers a platform to showcase their abilities. Today is the 27th. The next Sword Meet is three days later. As usual, they would invite some guests to participate. Hey! It is just a polite way of saying it. In actual fact, they are looking for dueling opponents."

Xiang Shaolong snickered: "If they try to invite me, I would fake an illness to reject the invitation. Don't tell me they can make me attend the Sword Meet by force!"

Boss Jin sighed: "The invitation cards are sent out by the King of Qi. Does Brother Shen have the guts to reject the King's invitation? I heard that Zongsun Xuanhua, the son of Zongsun Long, is infuriated with Brother Shen and has decided to personally teach you a lesson on the dueling ground. He would not dare to take your life and only wooden swords are used but due to his sword strength, he can easily break one of Brother Shen's legs."

His brows immediately creased into a huge frown. Xiang Shaolong is not concerned about the unbeatable fighter of Lin Zi, Zongsun Xuanhua. He is more concerned that Tian Dan and Lu Buwei may be spectators at the Meet and it would be a miracle if they failed to single him out.

Boss Jin assured in a low voice: "Brother Shen should leave Lin Zi under the cover of the night. I am positive Miss Feng would not bear grudges against you."

Xiang Shaolong is highly motivated for this is a brilliant plan but what about Dong Shuzen and the other ladies? If he left without a care, this episode would surely become a knot in his heart and he will never find peace for the rest of his life.

Boss Jin continued to egg him on: "Zongsun Long's influence is overwhelming such that even high ranking officials and men of influence and stature are terrified of him. Brother Shen can never hope to overcome him."

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath of air: "My utmost appreciation for Boss's reminder. I may just have a way to manage this situation."

Finishing his sentence, he patted Boss Jin on his shoulder and went in search of Li Yuan.

Book 23 Chapter 05 - Touring Cow Mountain

Li Yuan is a guest resident at Tingzhu Villa, which is located just two streets away from Tingsong Villa. From this arrangement, one can infer that Feng Fei's status is equivalent to that of a State Chancellor Li Yuan.

Arriving at the Villa entrance, he reported his name Shen Liang to the sentry. Upon hearing his name, the guard came to attention and respectfully saluted: "Good day to you Master Shen, Chancellor has left instructions about your possible visit. However, Chancellor has just left the Villa. Would Master Shen like to leave a message?"

Xiang Shaolong initially wanted to leave a note asking Li Yuan to come and look for him but rationalize that it is inappropriate given his lowly status. He simply remarked: "I have to trouble Mister to inform Chancellor that I did came by. That's all."

At this juncture, the central gate swung wide open and an elaborate carriage escorted by several riders in the front and back drove out of the residence. As the carriage window curtains are not drawn up, the passenger could not been seen.

As the carriage drew further and further away, Xiang Shaolong suppressed the urge to inquire about its occupant and began trekking his way home.

The weather was excellent; it was cold but it was a comfortable kind of cool. As Xiang Shaolong strode along the congested and lively streets among other pedestrians and vehicles, his heart, on the other hand, was feeling lonely and solitary.

While he was on the run, all his energy and time is dedicated towards avoiding enemy search teams and related considerations. Although he has entered Lin Zi and is now surrounded by both old and new friends, he was feeling lonesome instead.

He glanced about his surroundings, soaking in the magnificent views of the Qi Capital, deeply experiencing the meaning of the proverb 'Surrounded by luxury, feeling sad and lonely'.

Besides Xiao Yuetan, there is no one he could trust.

The most maddening fact is that he did not have any warriors at his personal disposal. Otherwise, he could simply send someone to keep Han Chuang under surveillance and easily determine if Han Chuang would betray him or not. For example, if Han Chuang visits Guo Kai on a regular basis, it would indicate his disloyalty.

The Three States have always been on intimate terms with one another and Guo Kai's Lady Boss is Han Chuang's clanswoman Han Jing. If he wants to do something against Xiang Shaolong's interests, both men would definitely form a partnership. Under those circumstances, even Lord Longyang could not voice his objection.

Their only stumbling block is Li Yuan but whether Li Yuan would risk offending the Three States to protect him is still an unknown fact.

As his mind weighed down with these issues, his senses suddenly tingled with alarm. A single horseman is seen riding towards him from the front and as he got nearer, the rider gazed downwards at him, checking: "How do I address Brother?"

Xiang Shaolong stared at him with astonishment and after confirming that he has never seen this man before in his life, he raised his alertness and quizzed: "What is going on?"

The rider was reasonably polite and smiled: "My Mistress is Lady Qingxiu and I was commanded by her to invite Mister to meet her. As Mistress did not tell me the honourable name of Mister, I had to trouble you for it."

Realizing that the convoy which departed earlier from Tingzhu Villa belongs to Lady Qingxiu, Xiang Shaolong secretly thought: either Li Yuan has told her about his presence in Lin Zi or his disguise is really terrible.

Thus, he gave his name as Shen Liang and accompanied the horseman to meet this beauty who has had an unhappy marriage.

Boarding Lady Qingxiu's carriage that was waiting by the roadside, the beauty who has concealed her gorgeous face behind a few layers of veil greeted in her usual wintery voice: "How are you doing, Great General! Please sit beside Qingxiu."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling disappointed that he did not get to see her face. Additionally, he is conscious that her invitation for him to sit down beside her is not because of intimacy but rather a more convenient way to hold a secret conversation. He hurriedly stabilized his emotions and sat down.

A whiff of womanly fragrance began invading his nose and mind as the carriage move slowly along the busy highway of the ancient capital.

All of a sudden, his loneliness has completely evaporated. As the carriage shook occasionally, causing their shoulders to knock against each other, he could not help but recall the wonderful and moving time in Daliang when Ji Yanran shared a similar episode with him.

Lady Qingxiu plainly state: "Great General's masquerade is truly brilliant. If not for Qingxiu hearing about Great General's arrival in Lin Zi from Chancellor Li (Yuan), I would not have recognized you."

A relieved Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I certainly hope Chancellor Li would not tell everyone he met that I am here in the State of Qi."

Lady Qingxiu was displeased: "Chancellor Li is not someone who does not know what he is doing. He did not hide the truth from me because after all, Qingxiu is the best friend of Grand Tutor Qin!"

Xiang Shaolong shot his mouth off: "I thought Your Ladyship is not on good terms with Chancellor Lee!"

Looking out of the window through the curtain, Lady Qingxiu kept silent for some time before softly suggesting: "It is snowing again. I wonder what scenery Cow Mountain will offer? Is Great General interested to accompany Qingxiu for a tour of Cow Mountain?"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect her to propose a tour out of the blue and even invited him to accompany her. He stammered: "Cow Mountain?" At the same time, his heart was filled with surprise and shock at her warm hospitality.

The sky began to darken as flakes of snows gently and feebly descended on earth.

Appearing to be in deep contemplation, Lady Qingxiu stared out of the window and gently articulated: "Touring Cow Mountain during the rainy Spring season is widely regarded as the top attraction among the eight top touring locations of Lin Zi. Due to recent deforestation, Cow Mountain is wastefully degenerating into a barren highland. Fortunately, after a bout of tree planting, it is overheard that it has regained its spread of bountiful forestry and seas of greenery. Of course this cannot be seen as it is still winter!"

Xiang Shaolong finally discovered the origin of the saying: As barren as Cow Mountain. He nodded: "Since Your Ladyship is feeling adventurous, I dare not reject your offer."

After instructing the convoy to proceed towards Cow Mountain, Lady Qingxiu enthused with anticipation: "When Qingxiu was young, I did visit Cow Mountain with my late father. It was in March during Spring. There were gushing streams formed by spring water seeping out of crevices of Cow Mountain, materializing into a descending body of water. With mass evaporation, it resembles a combination of rain and mist, giving the impression of a smoky downpour. Till today, the scene is deeply ingrained in my memory."

Listening to her eloquent description and witnessing her graceful aura, Xiang Shaolong was immensely mesmerized. Secretly picturing her face veils to be the smoky rain of Cow Mountain, he was bedazzled at her attractive though blurry face.

Lady Qingxiu continued: "Qingxiu is always perturbed when revisiting past sites of beautiful sceneries. I am deeply fearful that it may become different from what I previously remembered."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Then why are we revisiting this attraction?"

Lady Qingxiu shook her head slowly: "I do not understand too. Maybe it is because I am presently accompanied by the earth-shattering figure Xiang Shaolong!"

Xiang Shaolong noted: "It appears that I hold certain weightage in the heart of Your Ladyship."

Glancing at him, Lady Qingxiu whispered: "Earlier, when I noticed Great General standing alone outside the Villa gates and comparing it to Great General being at the top of the command chain in Xianyang, I can clearly experience a world of difference between the two and the intense sensation of how things have changed with the times. Finally, I could not bear it and had to stop my carriage to see Great General. Does Great General find me ridiculous?"

Xiang Shaolong was startled: "So Your Ladyship is feeling sympathetic towards me."

Shaking her head, Lady Qingxiu clarified: "It is not sympathy but adoration. Does Great General know that you are in grave danger?"

At this moment, the carriage drove through the city gates and headed towards the south.

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I am sure there is a logical explanation behind Your Ladyship's words. Shaolong is all ears."

Lady Qingxiu simply admired: "In my entire life, it is once in a blue moon for Qingxiu to experience anything that matches Great General's nonchalance and indifference about his safety. Even if it is not on the account of Senior Sister Qin, Qingxiu would assist you all the same."

Suppressing his voice to a lower volume, Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Can your bodyguards be trusted?"

Lady Qingxiu assured: "Great General can put your mind at ease! These family warriors have been in my service for over ten years; in addition, they would never have guessed that you are Xiang Shaolong!" After a pause, she leaned in closer and speak with her breath landing on his ear and her veil occasionally rubbing against his face: "Chancellor Li entered the palace yesterday to look for my sister, Lady Ning and was wearing a depressed and pained expression. Only upon my interrogation did he reveal your affairs."

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck: "This is bad. Did he say anything else?"

Lady Qingxiu lamented: "He would never confide the truth to me but I am certain that he truly appreciates and view Great General as his bosom buddy. However, he is the Chancellor and it is more often than not where he has to put aside his personal feelings and put the State's interests above his own. Otherwise, he would not be so troubled."

As if she does not want to get too close to him, Lady Qingxiu suddenly turned her face away, sighing a breath as she gazed out of the window.

Sighing along with her, Xiang Shaolong was speechless for some time. He concluded that when Li Yuan initially saw him, that was his genuine and authentic behavior but in afterthought, reality and practicability would set in. His troubled mind could also be due to Han Chuang giving pressure.

Except for Xiao Yuetan, who else can he trust now?

A word at a time, Lady Qingxiu slowly advised: "If not for the terrible weather, I would recommend Great General to simply depart now that we are outside the city. It will be a good and clean getaway."

Recalling the days when he was critically ill and staggering along the unfamiliar roads of Daliang, Xiang Shaolong was filled with apprehension. He sighed: "I still have some unfinished business. Besides, I would certainly not be a sitting duck even if someone tries to come after me. Aye! Before Your Ladyship's warning, I did anticipate this development."

Lady Qingxiu nodded: "History has long proven Xiang Shaolong to be someone who is able to overcome danger and difficulties. Until now, no one has a clear picture of what is going. Maybe I am just overly worried!" Abruptly, she joyfully pointed to a faraway hill beyond the window and exclaimed: "Look! That is the tomb of Guan Zhong, the famed Premier who assisted Henggong to acclaimed success and dominance."

Naturally leaning forward and trailing her far gaze, Xiang Shaolong can only see the mountainous wilderness blanketed with a layer of silver snow and every tree branch laden with snowflakes. It was an absolutely spotless, breath-stopping white wonderland. The snowy landscape seems to have merged with the sky, resulting in no difference between the two.

Not far away a huge mountain stood erected as River Zi and River Nv, the two rivers meandered from east to west. Lined along the river shores were towering, centuries-old pine and birch trees. The backdrop was unbelievable.

Several mountains were connected to the first along the southern direction, forming a series of peaking mountain range. It was a breathtaking sight.

Lady Qingxiu lowered her head, softly remarking: "Great General, you…"

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize his own chest is tightly pressed against the side of her shoulder. He awkwardly shifted away and after observing the environment, he perceived: "Without a ship to cross the river, we cannot ascend the mountain and enjoy the fantastic view from above!"

Lady Qingxiu simply decided: "It is time to go back! If I wanted to look for Great General in the future, what should I do?"

Noticing her tone turning chilly, Xiang Shaolong can feel his pride swelling and replied in a low voice: "Your Ladyship has better not get involved in this matter. Life and Death is predetermined. If Heaven does not bless me, Xiang Shaolong, what can I do? Man cannot go against the Will of Heaven."

Lady Qingxiu lightly shuddered: "Man cannot go against the Will of Heaven. Great General is indeed open-minded. I shall not interfere any further."

Back at Tingsong Villa, Xiang Shaolong's mind is still persistently filled with images of Lady Qingxiu.

He could not understand the strong influence she exerts over him. It could be due to her indifferent and cold attitude towards life or her graceful style of cool arrogance that has moved his heart.

Fortunately, he is bristling with alertness at the slightest sign of danger. Using his spare time, he analyzed the layout of Tingsong Villa down to the smallest details in readiness of a swift evacuation in times of peril. Only after retrieving his grappling hooks and ropes and securely fastening them around his waist did he finally steadied his frayed nerves.

Once he settled some routine troupe responsibilities and visited the bedridden but recovering Zhang Quan, he retreated to his own room for a break. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Dong Shuzen came a knocking.

Hugging his blanket, Xiang Shaolong sat up as Dong Shuzen nestled herself on the side of his bed. She was astonished: "Has Manager Shen caught a cold?"

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "I am as fit as a fiddle and can kill two tigers right now. What is the purpose behind Second Mistress's visit?"

Calming down from her shock, Dong Shuzen patted her perky bosom, exclaiming: "You gave me a fright!" Shooting him a look, she admonished: "Must I visit you only when I have a purpose? Come! Let me give you a massage. I guarantee you will have a good nap thereafter."

Flipping his body and lying prostrate on his bed, Xiang Shaolong was pleased: "Let me experience the excellent massage skills of Second Mistress."

Dong Shuzen took off her outer coat and conveniently kicked her cotton shoes away. Sitting on his back, she reached out and grinded his shoulder muscles, revealing in a low voice: "I have discovered the culprit who switched the song sheet."

Without thinking at all, Xiang Shaolong remarked: "It is Little Ning." Little Ning is Zhu Xiuzhen's personal serving maid.

Dong Shuzen was thrilled: "This time round, Manager Shen is wrong. The criminal is Zhang Quan himself. Little Ning did catch him acting sneakily near her room and found the room to be slightly untidy upon entering but did not think too much about it. She only confessed to this after Xiuzhen's interrogation."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "I do not believe a word of it. It is Little Ning framing Zhang Quan for her own wrongdoing. Ow! This spot is really comfortable. I am going to doze off!"

Dong Shuzen panicked: "Do not doze off yet. Do you have any news regarding the promise you committed to me?"

Xiang Shaolong knows she is asking about the issue of Feng Fei allowing her to sing solo for one of the routines. Distressed, he honestly admitted: "I have not had the opportunity to talk to her about it. Shall I update you tomorrow instead?"

Dong Shuzen prone down and embraced him in a bear hug, biting his ear as she questioned: "I heard that you and Han Chuang go way back and are old buddies. Would you assist him in harming me?"

Xiang Shaolong is not as confident about Han Chuang as before. He bitterly smiled: "We are just acquaintances! And definitely not old buddies as you mentioned. Second Mistress can put your mind at ease. As long as I am still breathing, I would do my best for Second Mistress."

Dong Shuzen shivered once and wondered: "Shen Liang, why are you sounding so negative today? Where has your confidence and willpower disappeared to?"

Xiang Shaolong did a big body flip, pressing her below his body and greedily kissing her tender lips. It was only when she began to moan did he release her, explaining: "Life is unpredictable; no man can be confident about everything in the future. We can only strive to do our best which is why I require full trust and cooperation from both of you."

Her pupils dilating as she stared at him, Dong Shuzen's eyes begin to shine with searing flames of passion as she whispered: "You are not only into men (but women as well)."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "When did I ever admit I am into men?" At the same time, he was becoming highly aroused.

Ever since he reckoned the possibility of betrayal by Han Chuang or the others, his spirits have sunk to unfathomable depths and are at an all time low. He was desperate to indulge in some excitement to distract himself and Dong Shuzen has 'volunteered' to provide the excitement he needs.

Maybe it is only through her 5exy figure can he forget about all the unhappy events.

Hooking his neck with her arms, Dong Shuzen softly dared: "Words are just empty talk. I need to see some real action to prove that you are into women."

As his wall of determination came crashing down, Xiang Shaolong lowered his head and was about to taste the lipstick on her lips when someone called out beyond his door: "Master Shen, Official Xie Ziyuan is here and is waiting for you in the main hall."

Xiang Shaolong can feel a sense of uneasiness. There are several hours till sunset. Why is Xie Ziyuan so early?

Book 23 Chapter 06 - Expired Love

Xie Ziyuan had a ghastly expression on his face and appears to be in distress. The moment he saw Xiang Shaolong, he began dragging him towards the main entrance, explaining: "Little Brother unexpectedly has something urgent to attend to and may not be able to fetch Brother Shen at the predetermined time. Therefore, I chose to come by much earlier."

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "Since Brother Xie has an important task at hand, we can simply postpone our activities."

Xie Ziyuan shook his head and apologized: "That would land me in hot soup. Originally, I thought of sending someone to fetch you but felt that was inappropriate after reconsideration. Moreover, it is more convenient this way, as I will be passing by. Once I delivered Brother Shen back to my residence, you'll have to make do without Little Brother for some time."

As the two men stepped out of the main gate, they entered the square where thirty odd family warriors were awaiting their esteemed presence with horses and a carriage.

This is the first time Xiang Shaolong witness Xie Ziyuan in such a grand and imposing procession. He was amazed: "Brother Xie is truly awe-inspiring."

Shaking his head, Xie Ziyuan sighed: "It is not my style to take on a high profile but Zongsun Long demanded I do so. Let's speak further in the carriage."

An attendant opened the carriage door and the two men climbed aboard, taking their respective seats. As the carriage drove out of the Villa, Xie Ziyuan sighed with a breath: "Don't be misled by the lively and prosperous appearance of Lin Zi. Behind the scenes, every person can barely fend for themselves and one will never know when trouble will come knocking."

Xiang Shaolong probed in a low voice: "Is Brother Xie referring to the two princes fighting for the throne of Qi?"

Xie Ziyuan was astounded: "I did not expect Brother Shen to know about these insider information."

Xiang Shaolong wondered: "I just have a rough idea about what is going on. Looking at Brother Xie's heavy frown, has something abrupt happened, causing Brother Xie so much anxiety?"

Sighing again, Xie Ziyuan insisted in a deep voice: "For Brother Shen, some things are better left unknown. I shall send Brother Shen to my residence first for a talk with my wife. After meeting Zongsun Long, I shall return back to see Brother Shen. Hey! No matter what, we must definitely have a good time tonight. Brother Shen should be capable of negotiating with my wife, right?"

Xiang Shaolong had a good laugh: "I thought Brother Xie has forgotten all about it."

Xie Ziyuan bitterly laughed: "Compared to all previous occasions, Little Brother is most wanting now for a visit to a brothel to de-stress."

Xiang Shaolong is concerned about Shan Rou and his love covers her family, which includes Xie Ziyuan as well. Nonetheless, he is conscious that Xie Ziyuan would not easily reveal the intricacies of the palace infighting to an outsider like himself. His mind thinking at the speed of electricity and grasping the genuine reason, he tested his theory: "Is it Lu Buwei deploying some devious scheme?"

Xie Ziyuan was thunderstruck: "How did Brother Shen know about this?"

Lowering his voice, Xiang Shaolong clarified: "I did stay in Xianyang for a period of time and was on extremely good terms with the movers and shakers of the Qin Court, leading to my familiarity with Lu Buwei's evil methods, resulting in my calculated guess."

Xie Ziyuan was caught in a daze for a while before reflecting: "Movers and Shakers. This is the first time Little Brother has heard this phrase and after thinking thoroughly, it is such an apt description. Who are the people that Brother Shen is familiar with?"

Xiang Shaolong mentioned the names Li Si, the Lord Changping Brothers and naturally included his own name.

Upon hearing, Xie Ziyuan was left gaping with his mouth wide open and tongue-tied. Exhaling a breath, he observed: "That means Brother Shen is well-acquainted with the loyal subjects of Yingzheng? The best of the lot is Xiang Shaolong. Despite using every trick in the book, Lu Buwei is still unable to trip him up. By the way, Brother Shen, is Yingzheng the son of Lu Buwei and Zhu Ji?"

Xiang Shaolong resolutely affirmed: "Of course not! Otherwise, their relationship would not be so strained. What did Lu Buwei do exactly that has caused Brother Xie so much agony? Did he make some remarks to your Great King?"

Xie Ziyuan is truly a kind soul. Shaking his head, he enlightened: "The affairs which I am involved in are of such importance that any allusions would result in the extermination of one's clan. Little Brother is afraid of implicating Brother Shen. It is better for Brother Shen to stay out of this."

Xiang Shaolong knows that it would be unkind to press on any further and he secretly swore to prevent anyone from exterminating the household of Shan Rou. However, he is unable to come up with a suitable solution for he is unaware of the whole picture.

Xie Ziyuan changed the topic: "It seems like Feng Fei holds Brother Shen in high regard!"

Remembering the ever-complex relationship between Feng Fei and himself, he plainly muttered a reply. Focusing his attention back to the succession dispute of Qi, he realized that he could not longer ignore this event for it has a direct impact on Shan Rou's household.

Tian Dan and Lu Buwei are professionals when it comes to the scheming game. Faced with opponents like Zongsun Long, Xie Ziyuan and supported by the other States, it is still unclear who will be the final victor.

It would be wonderful if Zou Yan is still around. All this world-famous fortune telling grandmaster has to do is to point to the stars and say a few words to overpower all the persuasion and debating strategies thrown at the King of Qi.

By this time, the carriage has arrived at Xie Residence and Xiang Shaolong disembarked. Without dismounting at all, Xie Ziyuan rode the same carriage to Zongsun Long's Villa for a secret meeting with their allies.

A maid led Xiang Shaolong into the inner residence to see Shan Rou. Along the way, Xiang Shaolong repeatedly warned himself mentally, reminding himself that Shan Rou has become the wife of another man and there must not be any rekindling of past love. Otherwise, he would be acting against his own conscience.

Shan Rou, without a doubt, is still Shan Rou. Without the slightest display of womanly vulnerability, she expectedly chased all her servants to the side hall before going straight to the point: "Have I become a man-eating tiger after getting married? How dare you flee for your life at the first sight of me? Have you developed a habit of running for your life?"

Continuing with a 'pu ci' giggle, she shot him a look with the aura of a milf, laughing as she panted: "An ******* will be an ******* wherever he goes. How dare you collaborate with Ziyuan to deceive me? If not for Zhi Zhi's (Zhao Zhi) account, I would have broken both your dog legs."

Witnessing Shan Rou's ferociousness, Xiang Shaolong was instead relieved. Vulgarly taking a seat, he smiled: "Why aren't you bringing me your two white and chubby sons for a look? Little Brother is extremely fond of anyone who resembles Madam Rou. Are they born inherently with fist fighting and leg kicking skills?"

Shan Rou laughed heartily like the shaking of flowers on branches, collapsing onto the floor. She wailed: "How I wish I can give you a beating right now. Aye! After become the Mistress of the Xie household, it is not easy to find someone who would retaliate physically or verbally. With Master unwilling to duel and coupled with his batch of useless disciples, my hands are really itching."

Xiang Shaolong finally understood: "No wonder Brother Xie is terrified of you."

Glaring viciously at him, Shan Rou hissed: "Don't make me sound so frightening. Shall we have a friendly duel using wooden swords?"

Xiang Shaolong had a brainwave: "Your Master has four top disciples and I know two of them are Han Jie and Zongsun Xuanhua. Who are the other two?"

With a look of contempt on her face, Shan Rou disparaged: "What four top disciples? I have no idea. I only know Master is most fond of me, Shan Rou. That turtle egg Zongsun Xuanhua is just a cowardly good for nothing. Every time I suggested a friendly exchange, he would make up all sorts of excuses. How I wish I could cut his balls off. Hee!"

Hearing that, Xiang Shaolong could not help but hold his tummy and burst out into laughter. Even though this obstinate beauty has become a mother of two children, she did not lose a single bit of her unique style, satisfying him to a great extent. He took the opportunity to ask: "Does Tian Dan know you have become Madam Xie?"

Shan Rou coldly grunted: "So what if he knows about it. That old crook should prepare a huge prayer session to thank his ancestors and Heaven that I did not pursue the matter any further. Aye! It is really bizarre. After killing the fake dummy, all the hatred and anger in my heart has dissipated. Although that villain is still alive and kicking, I have long regarded him as a dead man."

Xiang Shaolong grew solemn: "Shall we talk about something more serious? Are you familiar with Han Jie? What kind of person is he? What is his character like?"

Pouting her cute little mouth, Shan Rou scorned: "What kind of good man would end up as Lao Ai's partner in crime? He has earned neither my admiration nor respect. However, his sword skills do hold water."

She suddenly frowned: "Why are you not on your way back to Xianyang? Zhi Zhi must be worried sick."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I ended up here because there was no other way out. Do you think I am here to tour the local sights?"

Shan Rou nodded: "I heard both the roads and the river has been blockaded due to several days of continuous snow storm. One cannot survive without a decent fire stove. When the weather gets better, I will get Ziyuan to send you away!"

Xiang Shaolong had a big shock: "You must never do that. Brother Xie must not know about my real identity. If this matter leaks out, he would be found guilty of deceiving the King."

Shan Rou proudly declared: "Based on the reputation of the Xie Family, worse come to worse, he would only lose his official post. What's so good about being an official?"

Xiang Shaolong is aware that her hatred and opposition is due to her father holding an official post and eventually facing a clan extermination order. He agreed: "Brother Xie is too kind and gullible! It is not very suitable for someone of his character to thrive in officialdom."

Shan Rou chuckled: "Neither you nor him are good people anyway; forever thinking of having a good time outside with other women. You nearly became an accomplice."

Xiang Shaolong simply reasoned: "The less he gets, the more he wants. You can try forcing him to visit brothels for ten straight nights. I guarantee he would be so sick of them he would avoid them like plague in the future. Besides, he visits brothels for inspiration for his music composition and is not really sleeping around."

Her almond shaped eyes staring at him, Shan Rou interrogated: "Did he plead with you to negotiate with me on his behalf?"

In actual fact, like Xie Ziyuan, Xiang Shaolong is terrified of Shan Rou. He raised his arms, surrendering: "Big Sister Rou should know whose side I am on!"

Thawing, Shan Rou sweetly smiled: "Of course I know la! It is wonderful that you are here. How about this? While Ziyuan is having a good time outside, you shall accompany me."

Xiang Shaolong stammered: "What?"

Shan Rou justified: "It is only fair!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "To be honest, I am spending every day thinking of how to preserve my life. I…"

Shan Rou scolded: "Forget it! You think you are so desirable? Who needs your company? Both of you better scram as far as you can; otherwise, do not blame me for being merciless."

Xiang Shaolong was dumbfounded at her words.

Shan Rou instead shot him a look and cackled with a 'pu ci': "I'm just scaring you. How would I bear to chase you away? Master Xiang is little girl's first lover. If I cannot even grant such a small request, how can you face up to Ziyuan's expectations? How about this? I shall permit the two of you to have all the fun you want tonight but you must return by 11 o'clock, otherwise, Ziyuan will have to sleep at your place." Rubbing her tummy, she wailed: "We shall not wait for Ziyuan any longer! I'm hungry."

When dinner is over and there is still no sight of Xie Ziyuan, Xiang Shaolong took the opportunity to bid farewell and made his way back to Tingsong Villa. Just as he stepped into the Villa, the sentry reported: "Chancellor Li from Chu sent someone to look for Master Shen but Master Shen is not around so he left. Hey. Master Shen is truly well connected. Our band of brothers will follow you in the future!"

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong was thinking: I can barely fend for myself, how am I supposed to take care of so many of you? As he gave a token response, this young family warrior named Chi Zichun lowered his voice and disclosed: "Your servant has something to report to Master Shen. It is something for Master Shen to be aware of and it mustn't be known to others that it was I who leaked this information to you."

Xiang Shaolong was surprised: "What is it?"

Chi Zichun began: "Earlier today, I saw Gu Ming and Fang Sheng behaving in a suspicious manner and the two men slipped out into the streets. I decided to stalk them and witnessed them conversing with Sa Li. I believe they are up to no good and I am worried that they are plotting something against you, Master Shen."

Xiang Shaolong thought: I have my limitations and cannot cope with so many issues cropping up at the same time.

The best solution is to make another pair of ice skis and while the snow outside the city is waist deep, it is the perfect timing to 'skate' away. Even if all the soldiers of the six states were to jointly pursue him, it would still be fruitless.

This plan is indeed appealing but the problem lies with him being unable to convince himself. Moreover, Xie Ziyuan's problem is unresolved and he can never leave with a peace of mind.

Patting Chi Zichun's shoulder and dispatching some words of encouragement, he ambled towards the inner courtyard.

Chi Zichun instead caught up to him and pulled him to a corner before adding: "These is something more I need to tell Master Shen. Upon Gu Ming's return, he went to look for Second Mistress. Following that, Second Mistress and Miss Xiuzhen left the Villa too."

Xiang Shaolong was burning with rage. Up till today, Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen don't know what's good for them and have remained in cahoots with Sa Li. To think he is still risking his life by staying behind for their sake.

Back at the inner residence, Xiao Yuetan is waiting for him in a small side hall in the same courtyard where his bedroom is located. He gleefully exclaimed: "Big Brother has fulfilled your request. Look!"

As he spoke, he produced a roll of parchment from his bosom and opened it up for Xiang Shaolong's perusal. It was indeed a blueprint of Qixia College that Xiang Shaolong desired.

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: "That's fast." Xiao Yuetan enlightened: "It took me four long hours to finish drawing it."

Pointing to the city gate drawn on the right side of the map, he gushed: "This gate is named Beishou Gate and is situated at the west of Big City. It is also known as Qi gate and the college is beyond it. Qixia College is built near the river, increasing transportation conveniences. With the river flowing partially around it, the college becomes even more mesmerizing to look at and is among the top eight touring sites of Lin Zi. It is a must-see attraction."

Scrutinizing the parchment map, Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Qixia College is like a small city outside the city. It even has its own city wall and roads. If I were to abruptly barge in looking for my sabre, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

Drawing attention to a cluster of magnificent buildings, Xiao Yuetan indicated: "This is Qixia Hall, serving as the assembly grounds for the college as well as the place where all ceremonies and prayers would be held. Your Hundred Battle Sabre is hanging on the south wall of the big hall."

Xiang Shaolong was fiercely determined: "Tonight is the night I will get my sabre back."

Xiao Yuetan was stunned: "This is not the best time, right? Why don't Shaolong steal the sabre when you are about to leave Qi?" Xiang Shaolong swore: "After I steal the sabre tonight, I will leave Lin Zi first time tomorrow morning, saving Han Chuang and his conspirators plenty of headache and consideration."

Xiao Yuetan was mystified: "The heavy snow has paralyzed all forms of transportation beyond Lin Zi City, how are you going to leave?"

Xiang Shaolong confidently assured: "I have my ways of travelling across heavy snow, otherwise, I would not have landed up here. Big Brother can put your mind at ease."

Xiao Yuetan frowned: "It would be best if you can leave here immediately but didn't you commit to assisting Feng Fei, Dong Shuzen and the other courtesans?"

Xiang Shaolong coldly hissed: "That is purely my one-sided and naïve thinking. In fact, I am merely one of their pawns. Presently, I am feeling disheartened and will only make plans for myself."

His words are filled with strong emotions. Right now, his only worry is Shan Rou. However, the internal strife of Qi is beyond his jurisdiction and he cannot help much even if he stays.

The minute he decides to leave the next morning, he can feel his entire body relaxing tremendously. Whatever that is about to happen is totally none of his business.

Since Feng Fei, Dong Shuzen and the others are treating him like an id1ot, why should he occupy himself with their affairs?

Xiao Yuetan supported: "I will prepare clothing and provisions for you at once. Tomorrow morning, I shall smuggle you out of the City."

Suddenly recalling something, he frowned: "How are you going to steal your sabre tonight? Unless you have a special travel pass, nobody is going to open the city gates for you in the middle of the night."

Slapping his forehead, Xiang Shaolong cursed: "I forgot the city gates would be closed." He began to feel anxious as he can foresee snow accumulating on the walls of the city, causing them to be impossible to climb. But he continued brainstorming at the speed of light, rationalizing that if even Mount Everest can be scaled, what is a measly city wall? Inspired, he wondered: "Is there any way Elder Brother can get his hands on a dozen iron chisels?"

Seemingly understanding his intentions, Xiao Yuetan was pleased: "Tomorrow, I will buy them for you from the blacksmith along the neighbouring street! Do you need a hammer too?"

Xiang Shaolong chuckled: "Since I am going to steal, I might as well steal the hammer and chisels tonight. It would shield Elder Brother from any future implications too."

Xiao Yuetan agreed: "Since you are planning on leaving, it is always better to leave earlier than later." Reaching out and holding Xiang Shaolong's hand, he hinted: "After Lu Buwei's downfall, I may accompany you to the borderlands. I am really sick of the Central Plains."

When Xiao Yuetan left, Xiang Shaolong retrieved Bloodwave and inspected the climbing equipment on his body. Upon completion, he is still feeling agitated so he concealed a dagger on each calf and had a short rest before putting on his clothes and heading to the rear entrance of the Villa.

With heavy snow continuously landing from above, everybody within the Villa is keeping to his or her respective bedrooms.

When the rear entrance came into sight, Xiang Shaolong's senses suddenly picked up something and he hastily scrambled behind a large tree.

The rear entrance door sprung open and three silhouettes slipped in.

Borrowing whatever blurred illumination the faraway lanterns could offer, Xiang Shaolong recognised two of them to be Feng Fei and Little Ping'er. The third person is a tall and imposing man whose face remains hidden.

After a reluctant Feng Fei converse briefly with the man, he reminded in a deep voice: "You must not let your heart soften. This Shen Liang is only after your money and body."

Xiang Shaolong was shaken for he could pinpoint the voice to be that of Han Jie's.

There is a difference between knowing something and affirming something. All of a sudden, he is beginning to resent Feng Fei. Based on her intelligence, she could not tell that beyond Han Jie's handsome outlook, he is basically a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Feng Fei had wanted to say something but held herself back and sighed with a breath.

When Han Jie left, both owner and servant returned back to their building.

Hit by a brainwave, Xiang Shaolong ran out in pursuit. In the dark alley, the carriage Han Jie was using to send Feng Fei home was about to drive off.

As the alley is narrow and slippery, the carriage is moving at a slow pace.

Xiang Shaolong darted over and scaled the back of the carriage, noiselessly landing on the roof and prostrating down.

He did not think about the purpose of this tactic and is just trying his luck. If the carriage is not heading towards his ideal direction, he can leave anytime he wants.

With this kind of weather, it is a perfect setting for crime.