24-7 -- 24-10

Book 24 Chapter 07 - Qixia Sword Meet

After Lan Gongyuan departed, Feng Fei interrogated with disdain: "I heard she sleeps around. Is Great General interested in this kind of women?"

Xiang Shaolong is walking her back to the main building. Taking in her words, he retorted: "Since when did I express any interest in her? How is Shuzen doing?"

Feng Fei proudly proclaimed: "With Feng Fei personally instructing her, how bad can she turn out? Don't change the topic. How did you get involved with her?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "Can you not use the words: get involved? It is so demeaning! Little Brother and her are just platonic friends. She said she wanted to visit you and ask for your forgiveness; can I say no to that? Look at yourself. Earlier, you are so sweet and accommodating towards her, as if she is your own sister. The minute she left, you began criticizing her and portraying her as somebody without any good attributes."

Covering her mouth as she giggled, Feng Fei warned: "This is how a jealous woman looks like. Since you chose to ignore me, I would not allow you to pay any attention to other women. Otherwise, you'll get it from me.

By now they have arrived at the stairs of the main building. Xiang Shaolong was about to leave when Feng Fei held onto his sleeve and dragged him into the building. Turning around, she threw herself into his arms, whispering: "Is Great General thinking of leaving Feng Fei behind and leaving by himself?"

Although Xiang Shaolong is embracing a fragrant and enticing body, his mind is brimming with bitterness. He did planned to make use of the snowboard and slip away first while getting someone to take care of Feng Fei and the others. Unexpectedly, this peerless beauty with her matching intelligence has exposed his secret. He could not bear to lie to her but feared her overreaction should he chose to confess the truth. What should he do?

Raising her exquisite face, Feng Fei pitifully squirmed: "You need not reply. Your expression has given me the heartrending answer."

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath: "Do you know that as long as I am alive, no one would dare to lay a finger on you."

Feng Fei quizzed: "Didn't you mention that Zongsun Long will protect us?"

Xiang Shaolong explained: "The problem lies with your ex lover and his close relationship with the Zongsun Family. I just received news that due to Han Jie's facilitation, Lu Buwei and Zongsun Long had a two-hour secret discussion. What do you think they are planning to do?"

Momentarily stunned, Feng Fei melancholically replied: "Since this is the case, why are you still abandoning me?"

Hit by a brainwave, Xiang Shaolong mused: "Why don't you leave one day before me. I will meet up with you after that. Lord Longyang should be able to make the necessary preparations."

Hugging him with all her strength, Feng Fei grieved: "Before knowing the result of the duel, how can Feng Fei leave Lin Zi? Fine! Do whatever you want with me. Feng Fei will leave my fate in your hands."

Xiang Shaolong can fully comprehend her helpless feelings of being alone and deserted. Based on her beauty and talent, all the men in the world would be won over by her. Maybe Heaven is jealous of her accomplishments, letting her fall in love with a scoundrel and crossing paths with himself who is unwilling to fall in love with her, eventually breaking her heart into pieces.

Comforting her to the best of his abilities, Xiang Shaolong finally left for his own room after Feng Fei has recomposed herself. He had barely rested when Zongsun Xuanhua came to look for him.

Seating themselves in the Eastern Chamber, Zongsun Xuanhua started: "Does Great General know that Lu Buwei paid us a visit?"

Xiang Shaolong deduced that he has held a discussion with his father and advisors, deciding that Lu Buwei cannot be trusted and is trying to salvage the situation with him. He naturally would not bring Guo Kai, Li Yuan or the others into the picture.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Even if I did not see it personally, I could easily imagine it. What other new tricks can Lu Buwei come up with? Moreover, Han Jie is your martial brother. Oh yes! What is the relationship between the two of you?"

Faced with Xiang Shaolong's abrupt interrogation about his Achilles' heel, Zongsun Xuanhua freaked out on the spot. He stammered: "Our relationship is not clearly defined but we are definitely acquainted."

Xiang Shaolong openly declared: "Compared to Lu Buwei, Han Jie should be more eager to kill me. This is because Lu Buwei assumes that he has a trump card that would cause my complete downfall. Han Jie should be insanely jealous of me and an insane man would act without thinking twice about the consequences."

Zongsun Xuanhua is no fool and he already guessed that Feng Fei's lover is Han Jie; otherwise, why would he be so familiar with Feng Fei's activities? His face losing colour, he lowered his head to conceal it. As he stared at the floor, he probed with a deep voice: "Has Great General decided on your departure date?"

Xiang Shaolong is highly amused, knowing that through his intricate scheming, he has caused both father and son to lose their bearings. He somberly remarked: "After careful consideration, I would officially bid farewell to your Great King and Second Prince. At the same time, I would request for soldiers to protect me and openly parade back to Qin. It is way better than sneaking around and becoming a lightning rod for rumours."

Zongsun Xuanhua nodded: "Xuanhua fully agrees. Great General can seek Official Xie's assistance in relaying the message. I guarantee that everything will be well-arranged."

With these sentences, Xiang Shaolong knows that Zongsun Long father and son would not dare to participate in any more anti-Xiang Shaolong schemes after weighing the pros and cons.

If Xiang Shaolong is sent home by Qi's official escort, both Li Yuan's team and Lu Buwei's team would lack the grounds to instigate Zongsun Long father and son to assassinate him.

Nevertheless, this is not an ideal outcome. The King of Qi cannot afford to dispatch an army to escort him. Moreover, there may be spies within the escort team. With these unknown factors, it would be a miracle if he can travel safely through Chu and the Three States.

The Qi escorts would not serve him wholeheartedly. If they run into trouble, they would scatter like mice.

But in Feng Fei's case, this would be an excellent arrangement. He made a mental note to approach Tian Jian about this. Hopefully, this would relieve him of this pressing issue.

Zongsun Xuanhua frowned: "Min Tingzhang came to see me earlier, saying that Great General has agreed to participate in the Sword Meet tomorrow. I have been doing my best to reject these meaningless appointments. Why did Great General give him your consent?"

Xiang Shaolong refuted: "I did not give him my consent. I only gave a perfunctory reply, saying that I will think about it!"

Zongsun Xuanhua was incensed: "This fellow is getting out of hand and even dared to overstep his boundaries. I must teach him a lesson."

Xiang Shaolong assured: "Relax! There is no reason for me to go too."

Zongsun Xuanhua swore: "Actually, there is no harm going. Whoever dares to cross Great General's path would have to deal with me first. Xuanhua will warn all those frog-in-the-well fellows that whoever is upset with Great General, it is as good as being upset with me, Zongsun Xuanhua."

Xiang Shaolong knows that he is trying to make up for his earlier mistake by flattering himself. He casually dismissed: "Let's see what happens tomorrow!"

Zongsun Xuanhua suggested: "Tonight…"

Xiang Shaolong interrupted him: "It is not appropriate for me to indulge in night activities. Otherwise, I would lack the vitality to deal with Grandmaster Cao's saintly sword."

Zongsun Xuanhua can detect that Xiang Shaolong is no longer as friendly and trusting as before, recognizing that Lu Buwei's issue has cast a shadow over their relationship. Stuck without a choice, he left dejectedly.

After carefully studying his options, Xiang Shaolong sent a messenger to invite Xie Ziyuan over. He went straight to the point: "Little Brother has something that requires Brother Xie's assistance."

Xie Ziyuan was overjoyed: "You can count on me. Brother Xiang can speak without reservations."

Xiang Shaolong honestly explained the whole scenario, as he is concerned that any misunderstandings would result in unnecessary troubles. The only thing he held back was Zongsun Long father and son ganging up with Li Yuan and company. He only hinted that the people of Chu and the Three States are not reliable, for they are secretly planning to increase the hostility between Qin and Qi.

Exhaling a breath of cold air at the end of his lecture, Xie Ziyuan was disappointed: "Doesn't Zongsun Long understand the intentions of the Great King and Second Prince? Even a fool can tell that Lu Buwei would have a terrible ending."

Xiang Shaolong reminded: "On the surface, you must pretend that everything is normal. Privately, please inform Second Prince that I may leave without saying goodbye and beseech him to take care of Feng Fei, Dong Shuzen and the others."

Patting his chest, Xie Ziyuan agreed: "You can count on Little Brother. After Brother Xiang's departure, I will advise Second Prince to offer them temporary residence within the palace. Once everything has died down, I would send them over to Xianyang."

His face revealing an expression of reluctance, Xie Ziyuan sighed: "Without Brother Xiang, life would be less exciting."

Xiang Shaolong chuckled: "Are you afraid that you cannot fool around anymore?"

His face turning red, Xie Ziyuan prayed: "Wifey is much more lenient with Little Brother now. It would be wonderful if she can maintain this attitude even after the departure of Brother Xiang."

Several jokes and conversations later, Xie Ziyuan took his leave.

Next, Xiang Shaolong looked for Dong Shuzen. After giving her the necessary instructions, the eyes of Dong Shuzen began to turn red. In a flustered tone, she wailed: "Right now, we are so worried about your duel with Cao Cuidao two nights later."

Xiang Shaolong can understand where she is coming from, as he seems to be reading out his will through the instructions that he gave her. By planning all their future activities, it sounded inauspicious. Luckily, he is confident that he would survive the duel with Cao Cuidao. With a smile, he consoled her: "Everyone would have to face different challenges in life. Your top priority is to train hard for your performances. In the future, you must come to Xianyang and perform for me."

A grateful Dong Shuzen leapt into his bosom.

Embracing her alluring body, this is the first time Xiang Shaolong could feel the absence of all 5exual connotations. What he felt instead was an awesome borderless friendship that surpasses the kind of love between a man and a woman. Due to his past restraints, he was rewarded with this mind-blowing sensation.

Within his heart, an immense fighting spirit began to stir. For his loved ones and for himself, he would fight till the end, never giving up and never surrendering.

That night, everyone from the Song & Dance Troupe gathered in the main hall for a pre-celebration. Regardless of their status, every person is exhibiting their support and enthusiasm for the Troupe, unlike the fearful and selfish behavior that was witnessed earlier.

During the banquet, Xiang Shaolong officially announced that he would be inviting the Dong Shuzen-inherited Song & Dance Troupe to Xianyang for a performance. All expenses will be borne by his Wu Family, much to the delight of the crowd.

Although Feng Fei is no longer actively involved, she was enjoying herself too.

With Xiang Shaolong's support, it is the equivalent of providing the Song & Dance Troupe with a reliable backer. This is highly beneficial for the standing of the Troupe. The only shadow looming over the celebration is Xiang Shaolong's duel with Cao Cuidao two days later. Of course nobody dares to mention this.

Many people are wasted that night, including Feng Fei.

Xiang Shaolong, on the other hand, did not touch a single drop of wine. After carrying Feng Fei back to her room, he went to the rear garden all by himself to practice his Sabre skills.

He can feel his cultivation of the sabre improving by leaps and bounds.

This was forced by Cao Cuidao.

After exchanging blows with this earth-shattering grandmaster swordsman, he caught a glimpse of an unimaginable level of martial arts that he never thought existed. With the mind and the sword combined as one united force, the pressure radiating from this stance is several times more powerful than one who is fighting with ferocity or kamikaze adrenaline.

In the past, Xiang Shaolong is able to overcome other swordsmen mainly because of his deep knowledge of Mozi Swordplay Meditation, on top of his physical health and innate strength. During the duel, he is able to maintain absolute calmness and display the essence of the swordplay.

Cao Cuidao has unknowingly aroused his willpower, confidence and an indescribable type of mental and physical strength combination. This newfound aura is critical to one's victory in battle.

That night, he meditated for an hour before retiring to bed. Sleeping all the way till dawn, he woke up fully rejuvenated and felt so powerful that he can kill a tiger with his bare hands. Proceeding to the garden, he did some warm up exercises before starting to practice his sabre once again.

Recalling that day when he scored victory with one sabre stroke, causing Ma Chenjia to discard his weapon and flee, he realized that besides mastering the precision of the attack, the main reason behind his success was that he was holding the sabre with both hands. By following a samurai attacking style, the strength of his blow would increase by several folds.

He can feel a sense of excitement surging within him, thinking that this may be the only way to counter Cao Cuidao's colossal strength.

Finding the appropriate time and method to execute it is vital to its success.

With a mere ten strokes, he does not believe he cannot withstand the blows.

Even if Cao Cuidao has three heads and six arms, he would be able to counter him with his sabre and scabbard combination. Moreover, the ten strokes will be over in a flash.

Remembering the earlier days when he was depressed and despondent, lacking confidence in even handling the ten strokes, he could not help but feel amused. Deep inside, he was deeply grateful towards his good buddy Xiao Yuetan.

His earlier notions of fear and escape have disappeared without a trace.

Now that he has completed all his preparations, he looks forward to face Cao Cuidao tomorrow night with an undistracted mind. At the end of the duel, he would make use of the cover of the night to make good his escape, heading back to Xianyang to reunite with his wives and son.

With this formidable foe exerting pressure on him, Xiang Shaolong can literally feel himself unleashing his hidden potential as he practice his moves. With every strike, he can experience himself reaching another peak in his mind. It was a surreal sensation that he had never encountered before.

Out of the blue, he felt as if he is in the centre of a massacre. As his men collapsed one by one around him, followed by Zhou Liang tragically dying in front of his eyes and King Eagle attacking the enemy to avenge its master, his mind was crammed with feelings of grief and anger.

Recalling his friends who had betrayed or abandoned him due to differences in loyalty, he came to the conclusion that while all things may change, the Hundred Battle Sabre in his hand would forever serve as a trusty companion.

He released a weak slash.

Time seemed to have stopped still.

Shan Rou's voice sounded from his back: "I'm not fighting you today! You are becoming more and more powerful."

Returning the sabre back into the scabbard, Xiang Shaolong came to Shan Rou's side, jesting: "I thought Elder Sister Rou does not know the meaning of fear?"

Shan Rou elbowed an area near his waist, causing him to cry out in pain. She cursed: "To he11 with your nonsense. Outside the Villa, Min Tingzhang and the others are awaiting your esteemed arrival, ready to escort you to Qixia College to attend the Sword Meet. If not for them, I would have kicked you all the way back to Xianyang."

Rubbing the painful bruise, Xiang Shaolong pleaded: "I have to trouble you to tell them that I am planning to stay indoors today, conserving my energy…"

Shan Rou interrupted him: "You are not allowed to back out. I am all excited and looking for someone to be my punching bag. Tell you what, you can tag along with me to join the festivities."

Before Xiang Shaolong can recover from his daze, Shan Rou is dragging him so hard that he stumbled along.

More than five hundred Qixia Swordsmen are performing the opening formation named Sword Salute.

Their movements are well synchronized and neat, resulting in an awesome performance.

Xiang Shaolong is seated at the VIP seats of the college parade square. On his right is Tian Jian, followed by Lu Buwei, while Tian Dan is seated on his left. Shan Rou has somewhat disappeared into the crowds.

Each and every one of Lin Zi's rich and famous, officials, minsters and even the royal family were in full attendance. It was a grand and imposing sight.

There are plenty of warriors and commoners who are here to join in the festivities. With at least four thousand of them in attendance, they filled the four corners of the parade square to the brim.

At the end of the Sword Salute display, Tian Jian enthusiastically represented King Qixiang in reading out the rules of the Meet. A Qixia Tutor himself, Zongsun Xuanhua led a pack of several Tutors and swordsmen into the parade square, simultaneously conducting tests for swordsmanship, riding and archery. Min Tingzhang is a Tutor too and wasted no time in showcasing his abilities.

Seated on the other side of Tian Dan is Xie Ziyuan. Skipping Tian Dan who is in between them, he winked at Xiang Shaolong, indicating the smooth execution of his requests.

Lu Buwei who was chatting with Tian Jian suddenly leaned closer and proposed: "Let me escort Shaolong to Qixia College tomorrow evening! This matter concerns the glory of our Great Qin, we must have a decent entourage."

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself: You can come, but I would certainly slip away and make you lose face in front of your men. Smiling in return, he could not be bothered with him.

Unexpectedly, Tian Jian overheard this exchange and interrupted: "Let me and Imperial Uncle escort Great General together, giving him a boost of courage."

Xiang Shaolong groaned to himself and helplessly agreed.

On the other side, Tian Dan chortled: "By now, First Mistress should have entered the palace in preparation for tonight's performance!"

Xiang Shaolong found it hilarious, recognizing that he is trying to make small talk. Muttering a reply, he turned his attention back to the parade square. Coincidently, a warrior happened to hit the bull's eye on a target two hundred steps away, earning a series of wild cheers.

Compared to the ambience of Qin's Hunting Fair, the Qixia Sword Meet is much more inferior, illustrating the pathetic culture of martial arts in Qi vis a vis Qin.

At this juncture, someone came to Tian Dan's side and whispered a few sentences to him.

After the man left, Tian Dan faced Lu Buwei and chuckled: "There is a challenger who is interested in dueling Imperial Uncle's Shangcai Number One Swordsman. I wonder if Imperial Uncle is open to allowing Xu Shang to enter the ring and have some fun?"

Xiang Shaolong can smell a rat, deducing that it is Qi Yu instigating this fight, hoping to ruffle the feathers of his love rival.

After getting to know Soft Boned Beauty better, he is conscious that regardless of Qi Yu or Xu Shang, they would definitely end up with a huge disappointment if they thought that she would fall in love with them. Nonetheless, Xu Shang is an expert swordsman, almost as good as Guan Zhongxie. Even if it was Zongsun Xuanhua or Min Tingzhang taking the fight, they may not be able to overcome him.

Momentarily stunned, Lu Buwei quizzed: "With our super swordsman Great General here, why would the people of Qixia want to go for anyone else?"

Tian Jian officially replied: "My royal father has just issued a strict decree that nobody is allowed to challenge Great General before and after his duel with Grandmaster Cao. Ma Chenjia has already been punished."

Lu Buwei lightly sniggered to conceal the awkwardness and unease in his heart.

Tian Dan's face darkened, as he is partly responsible for Ma Chenjia's case.

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong applauded this decision and also knew that it is Tian Jian helping him in secret. He intentionally blurted: "Maybe it is Brother Qi Yu who wants to have some fun with Commander Xu."

Realizing that Xiang Shaolong has learnt about the two men fighting over Lan Gongyuan, Lu Buwei and Tian Dan started to fidget unnaturally.

Lu Buwei was about to say something when the crowd suddenly erupted into loud cheering.

As everyone turned their attention back to the parade square, the faces of Xiang Shaolong, Tian Dan and Xie Ziyuan had a change in expression.

Shan Rou was proudly walking to the centre of the square. She shrilly called out: "It is now the beginning of our dueling event. Shan Rou wishes to seek the guidance of Tian Bang."

Tian Dan violently shuddered once, knowing that Shan Rou is banking on her husband Xie Ziyuan's rising authority, openly bullying him and is now using his precious son as a revenge target.

Although Tian Bang's swordsmanship is above average, it cannot be compared to Shan Rou who happens to be one of Cao Cuidao's top disciples. Fighting her is as good as sending him to the slaughterhouse.

If Tian Bang were to reject her, he can forget about raising his head high up again. Moreover, his opponent is a female, exacerbating the situation.

Zongsun Xuanhua and the other senior disciples who are organizing the Sword Meet are thrown into disarray, not knowing how to resolve this kind of scenario.

Seated at the back of the grandstand, Tian Bang's face turned deathly grey.

If the challenger was an ordinary Qixia swordsman, he could send a representative. But his opponent this time happens to be the prestigious Madam Xie who asked specifically for him. By hook or by crook, he has to take her on in person.

Tian Jian guffawed: "Madam Rou is even braver than some of our men."

With this comment from him, no one would dare to voice any objection.

Tian Bang was about to stand up but Dan Chu, who was seated beside him, held him back. Standing up himself, he icily grunted: "Since Madam Rou is in such high spirits, why don't Dan Chu have a go first!"

This time round, it was Xie Ziyuan and Xiang Shaolong who flinched.

After all, Shan Rou has given birth to two kids and her physical stamina is a far cry from before. Against a master swordsman like Dan Chu, she may bear the brunt of the fight.

Left without a choice, Xiang Shaolong boisterously laughed before Shan Rou can reply: "My hands are itching too. Let Little Brother have this fight on behalf of Madam Rou!"

In a split second, the entire crowd exploded with deafening cheers, drowning out Shan Rou's protest and objection.

Book 24 Chapter 08 - Goodbye Kiss

Dan Chu lingered on the same spot, not exhibiting the slightest intention to enter the ring while Xiang Shaolong remained in his seat. By now, the crowds have shouted until their voices are hoarse. Witnessing this strange phenomenon, the rowdy calls gradually came to a stop and the parade square is now completely silent.

Exchanging glances with the exasperated Shan Rou who is still standing in the middle of the square, Xiang Shaolong grinned to himself.

Before he offered to take Shan Rou's place, he already knew that Dan Chu would not dare to take him on.

This risk is not worthwhile for Dan Chu. Before leading his army to war victories and obtaining Hundred Battle Sabre, Xiang Shaolong is already a force to be reckoned with. The present Xiang Shaolong is definitely much more formidable, causing Dan Chu to lack the confidence in winning the fight. Moreover, Cao Cuidao will personally take him on tomorrow; there is no need to risk his life now.

As anticipated, Dan Chu politely state: "The Great King has issued a strict decree, forbidding anyone to duel with Great General. Grandmaster Cao is the only exception. How can I defy the decree?"

The spectators instantly jeered with disappointment.

Seated within vicinity of Tian Jian, Zongsun Long stood up and loudly roared: "Who dares to defy Great King's decree!"

The crowd instantaneously subsided, feeling bizarre that Zongsun Long is the one showcasing his authority.

Shan Rou was pleased: "In this case, why don't General Dan show me a thing or two!"

Dan Chu glanced pleadingly at Tian Jian.

Tian Jian understood his dilemma and laughed: "Everyone in Lin Zi stands in awe of Madam Rou's swordsmanship. General Dan probably reacted in the spur of the moment. Although Great General has made his offer, the fight would be unlawful. Let's annul this duel."

These words are highly appropriate, hinting that Tian Bang is inferior to Shan Rou, preserving her prestige.

With this future King of Qi intervening, Shan Rou knows that the fight is over even before it begun. Shooting a vicious glare at Xiang Shaolong, she dejectedly returned to her seat.

Xiang Shaolong is aware that Shan Rou will not let him off. However, he is not worried at all because suffering under her fists and scolding is one of the happy events of life.

Xie Ziyuan glanced at him with gratitude in his eyes.

The Sword Meet progressed on and despite some duels, there was nothing worth cheering for the crowd. Before midday, it came to a close and nothing was further heard about Xu Shang's supposed challenge.

At Qixia College, Xiang Shaolong joined Tian Jian, Tian Dan, Lu Buwei and the others for lunch. Xiang Shaolong could not endure it any longer and used this break to question Zongsun Xuanhua: "Why didn't I see any emissaries from the other States? Didn't Brother Xuanhua invite them?"

Zongsun Xuanhua behaved as if he is very intimate with Xiang Shaolong. In a hush-hush secretive manner, he replied: "Two days ago, our Great King held a meeting with the emissaries of the other States. Due to differences in opinion, the meeting ended on a distasteful note. Today, they must have intentionally given us the cold shoulder; otherwise, the Sword Meet would be much more lively."

From his words, Xiang Shaolong was enlightened that their discussion must be concerning Qin resistance efforts. Since Qi is persisting in outdated methods of engagement, their negotiations with the other eastern States would surely end up in a deadlock.

He recalled that he himself was responsible for destroying two rounds of allied military campaigns. The first time, he employed a scheme. By releasing Wei Zhen back to his country and using him to arouse the Wei King's suspicions of Prince Xinling, he was able to deceive the King of Wei into recalling Prince Xinling from the battlefield. Left leaderless, the coalition fell apart.

The second time, he personally led an army and defeated the allied forces soundly as they were en route to Xianyang, causing them to suffer heavy losses and eventually disintegrating.

In the eyes of the five eastern States, he can be considered their greatest enemy. No wonder Li Yuan and his other old buddies are turning their cannons on him, Xiang Shaolong.

Seated besides Tian Jian, Xiang Shaolong used this opportunity to tell him that Feng Fei's performance tonight will be her last and farewell performance before she retires. He hopes that Tian Jian can make an official announcement regarding this occurrence.

Tian Jian suggested: "My royal father has the highest admiration for First Mistress's performances. Getting him to announce it would be even better."

Xiang Shaolong praised: "That would be really wonderful! After I offer my congratulations tonight, I will return home earlier to rest in preparation for the duel tomorrow night. Please confer my thanks to the Great King on my behalf."

Tian Jian acknowledged and agreed to his requests.

Using this opening, Xiang Shaolong bid farewell and slipped away.

Back at Tingsong Villa, most of the Troupe members have entered the palace for the performance, leaving only a few maids and servants to watch over the premises. The ambience is now cold and uninviting.

Just as Xiang Shaolong was about to climb the stairs to the main hall, Yao Sheng caught up to him from the back, exclaiming: "Great General, your servant has something to report."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong remember that he had instructed him to put Guo Kai and Han Chuang under surveillance. After he discovered Zongsun Long father and son secretly working with his enemies, and thinking that Yao Sheng is from Zongsun Family, he did not follow up with his progress.

Once the two men sat down at a corner, Yao Sheng narrated with a serious expression: "For the past two days, emissaries of the Three States, Chu and Yan were engaged in one meeting after another. The most frequent meetings occur between the two States of Zhao and Yan. After further investigation, my subordinates reported that swordsmen of both States have sneaked into Lin Zi City while posing as tourists or guests of the birthday celebrations."

Xiang Shaolong asked his first question: "Did you tell Master Long or Brother Xuanhua about these information?"

Yao Sheng shook his head, declaring: "Young Master has given specific instructions, saying that as long as we are assigned to Great General, we need not report anything to them. Therefore, they have no idea about this."

Xiang Shaolong praised: "Only people like you and your men who are familiar with Lin Zi and local issues are able to distinguish the real identities of these Yan and Zhao swordsmen."

Suppressing his voice, Yao Sheng added: "Yesterday evening, Yan's Xu Yizhe and Zhao's Guo Kai went on a tour of Qixia College together. According to the observation of my stalkers, they seemed to be conducting some sort of site inspection."

Xiang Shaolong was hit by realization: Could Guo Kai and company be so intelligent to correctly guess that he would make his getaway tomorrow and is therefore laying an ambush for him?

Of course that would only happen after the duel with Cao Cuidao.

For the sake of their own States, everyone is resorting to ruthless methods; even Xu Yizhe is of no exception. If they can somehow impersonate themselves as Qi swordsmen and murder Xiang Shaolong in the territory of Qi, it would be a miracle if Qin and Qi can avoid going to war.

Yao Sheng updated: "Is Great General aware that Grandmaster Cao has requested the Great King to issue an imperial decree, stating that no one is allowed to view or disturb the duel between him and Great General. As a result, before the end of the duel, everyone must stay within the city and even we are not allowed to step into the perimeter of Qixia College."

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong grasped that while this is highly beneficial for him who is planning a getaway, it too, provides great convenience for anyone who is trying to ambush him.

Frowning, he interrogated: "Does the report include details such as where they make special stops or spent an extended period of time?"

Producing a geographical map of Qixia College and its surroundings, Yao Sheng painstaking and clearly indicated the travelling path of Guo Kai and Xu Yizhe, where they stopped and how long was each stop.

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Your stalkers are truly meticulous!"

Yao Sheng cheerfully answered: "Your servant recognizes the importance of this matter and was personally involved in the stalking."

From the bottom of his heart, Xiang Shaolong praised him and instructed him to keep this report strictly confidential.

Yao Sheng was hoping mad: "The people of Yan are scoundrels and it is so obvious to me that they are here with malicious agendas, trying to disrupt the friendly diplomacy between us and Qin. Why don't Great General directly feedback this scheme to the Great King, beseeching him to send soldiers to protect Great General or specially allowing us to wait for Great General's triumphant return at the bottom of Stargazing Platform?"

As Xiang Shaolong have other plans in mind, he would not accept his suggestion. Smiling as he patted his shoulder, Xiang Shaolong wondered: "They would not dare to make any moves within the vicinity of Qixia College. In my opinion, they would probably lay an ambush on the road back to the city. Both sides of the road are thick, snow-covered forests, making it a perfect ambush location. Can you prepare a fire rocket for me? When I am on my way back to the city, I will light the rocket and summon you guys to me."

Agreeing that this is the best way out, Yao Sheng could not help but ask: "Isn't Great General angry with them?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Xu Yizhe and Guo Kai can be considered my acquaintances. Although we would surely meet on the battlefield one day, I hope I can avoid these petty clashes with them. Live and let live."

With admiration written all over his face, Yao Sheng excused himself.

Sitting alone in the hall, his mind is once again filled with thoughts. Recovering from his short daze, he returned back to the rear courtyard.

As he strolled along, he can sense the cold and lonely aura of Tingsong Villa, feeling melancholic as it is now an empty nest with its occupants all gone.

But once he reminded himself that he is going back to Xianyang tomorrow night, his heart immediately warmed up and felt fuzzy instead.

Back home, he must do his best to comfort his pretty wives and lovely maids. Recalling that year when he was returning to Qin from Zhao, Ting Fangshi passed away while pining for him. He could not help but start to feel helpless and frustrated again.

'You rascal! I finally found you!'

As Xiang Shaolong turned around in shock, Shan Rou was racing towards him, ready to vent her anger on him.

With all his unhappiness chased away by this beauty, Xiang Shaolong opened his palms, challenging: "What does Elder Sister Rou plan to do to Little Brother?"

Grabbing his shirt at the chest area, Shan Rou glared at him with her almond shaped eyes and cursed: "How dare you spoil my fun! Who needs your help? Do you really think you are better than me?" Finishing her sentences, she could not help but burst out in giggles.

Xiang Shaolong cannot resist her allure and patted her smooth face, chuckling: "As a mother of two kids, you are still indulging in violence and fighting. Elder Sister Rou should spare a thought for Brother Xie and avoid getting into scuffles with others."

Since they met in Lin Zi, this is the first time they are sharing such physical intimacy. Her face turning slightly red, Shan Rou wailed: "Do you believe I will hack off your hand if you continue to touch me?"

Xiang Shaolong groaned: "I am leaving tomorrow night; let me take advantage of you while I can!"

Shan Rou was incredulous: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xiang Shaolong whispered: "I just made up my mind. You must not tell anyone about this. After withstanding ten blows from your Master, I'll be on my way."

Revealing her concern for Xiang Shaolong, Shan Rou checked: "Except for the river route that is passable, all road leading away from Lin Zi are all blockaded by snow. Tomorrow, you will be at the centre of everyone's attention; how can you possibly sail away? Who is the person arranging your transport?"

Pulling her to the garden, Xiang Shaolong explained: "I have a safe and excellent travelling method; otherwise, how could I avoid the massive manhunt of the Three States? Do you want to pass a message to your two beloved sisters?"

With a 'Pu Ci', Shan Rou laughed: "Tell them I would definitely outlive Tian Dan. In fact, I am spending my days relishing his suffering and decline."

Her face reddening again, Shan Rou bit her lower lip and suggested: "Since there is nobody around, why don't we go into the room and be intimate with each other!"

Xiang Shaolong had a big shock and stammered: "How can we do this? Brother Xie is my buddy."

Shan Rou retorted: "I purposely allowed him to fool around because I wanted to fool around with you too. That will equalize the score and it is very fair and just."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "You are wrong about Brother Xie. Only when he is in a brothel setting can his creative juices start to flow and allow him to compose new songs. He did not commit any shameful acts behind your back."

Momentarily dazed, Shan Rou passionately leaned closer and offered her lips, declaring: "Then let's share a kiss! Treat it as a kiss of encouragement for your duel and also a goodbye kiss for your trip!"

Shan Rou had barely left when Xie Ziyuan arrived.

Xiang Shaolong thought: What a close shave!

After scrutinizing him for a while, Xie Ziyuan heaved a sigh of relief: "Little Brother thought she would have given you a beating! Xuanhua told me that after she learnt that you had returned home, she hurried over here like a mad woman."

With his fingers crossed, Xiang Shaolong remarked: "Sister in law is not an unreasonable person. It is just that her temper is unbearable!"

Taking a seat, Xie Ziyuan observed: "Now that this place is deserted, I find it rather peaceful instead. We can speak our hearts without fear."

Sitting down beside him, an astonished Xiang Shaolong probed: "What is on Brother Xie's mind?"

Xie Ziyuan sighed with a breath of air: "You might find it unbelievable but I am thinking of quitting! However, Second Prince would not hear of it."

Xiang Shaolong was puzzled: "Brother Xie is doing very well in your official career. Why are you suddenly thinking of retiring?"

Xie Ziyuan bitterly smiled: "As officials, most of us would have a terrible ending. The higher our ranks, the more enemies we have. When you are riding high, nobody could touch you but when you eventually make mistakes, others would start vying for your position. Besides managing your subordinates, you have to live in constant fear of offending your superiors. Such a life is truly meaningless. Wifey has always mentioned that I am ill suited for an official career as I am not vicious enough. For example, Zongsun Long father and son have disappointed me thoroughly. Till now, they have not told me about their secret meeting with Lu Buwei."

Sighing along with him, Xiang Shaolong advised: "There is a trick to quitting an official career. Just feign an illness."

Enlightened by his words, Xie Ziyuan's eyes began to glow. Slapping the table, he exclaimed: "Brother Xiang is wise indeed. That's it. For all you know, I may be able to visit Brother Xiang in Xianyang in the near future; and not forgetting Talented Lady Ji. Hey! With Brother Xiang's connections, I may even get to meet Widow Qin!"

Xiang Shaolong knows that he is not aware of the relationship between Qin Qing and himself. Patting his chest, he swore: "You can count on Little Brother."

Concurrently, his heart skipped a beat as he recollected Xiao Pan's identity crisis.

Gazing at the sky outside the hall, Xie Ziyuan suggested: "I have to enter the palace earlier than usual. Later, allow me to get somebody to fetch Brother Xiang!"

Xiang Shaolong politely rejected his offer and personally sent him off before returning to his room. Lying on his bed, he took out Yao Sheng's map and began analyzing it.

If he was Xu Yizhe or Guo Kai, he would definitely place an ambush on both sides of the mile long official road between Qixia College and the City highway. If an arrow attack is launched under the cover of the thick and snowy forests on both sides of the road, the target would be unable to react in time and his death is guaranteed.

If he had pretended to walk back to Lin Zi City but suddenly run away in the direction of the snowy wilderness, how would the ambushers react?

The sound of knocking is heard and in came Xiao Yuetan.

Xiang Shaolong jumped out of bed and passed the map to him while repeating Yao Sheng's report.

Pointing to a southwestern mark outside Qixia College, Xiao Yuetan described: "Tomorrow, I will bury travelling clothes and the snowboard on top of a small hill over here. It will be at the top of a west facing slope, allowing you to conveniently slide down."

Xiang Shaolong was delighted: "Is it completed?"

Xiao Yuetan shook his head: "It should be completed after a night's work. I will be skipping the banquet tonight and at the same time, prevent Lu Buwei from identifying myself."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling bad: "Isn't it a waste?"

Xiao Yuetan nonchalantly state: "Entertainment accounts for nothing. Only when Shaolong has safely returned to Xianyang can we continue our campaign against Lu Buwei. You may not see me tomorrow. Elder Brother came here specially to bade farewell to you."

Stretching out his own hand and strongly gripping Xiao Yuetan's hand, Xiang Shaolong gratefully thanked: "The deepest gratitude lies beyond thanking. I do not know what to say to express the emotions in my heart."

Xiao Yuetan grinned: "I am sure these thoughts would change in the near future. Everything I do is for your own good. Help Elder Brother send my regards to Yanran and the others, tell them Elder Brother misses them terribly."

Xiang Shaolong was baffled: "Why is Elder Brother speaking like this? No matter what happens, I, Xiang Shaolong, would never blame you for anything."

Staring intently at Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Yuetan warned: "A man's heart is impossible to fathom. Do not keep thinking that you can get away with merely ten strokes. You must always take precautions in case he changes his mind due to aggravation."

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "After making the mistake of trusting Li Yuan and Han Chuang, I am not as gullible as before."

Hearing his words, Xiao Yuetan became visibly relaxed. He further reminded: "If you can survive this difficulty and successfully return to Xianyang, your victory would be complete. Otherwise, all your previous efforts would have gone down the drain."

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong knows that he still have to resolve Xiao Pan's identity predicament. Unfortunately, he cannot share this burden with Xiao Yuetan. He solemnly swore: "I would not lose this fight."

Xiao Yuetan was elated: "Shaolong has finally regained your confidence!"

Xiang Shaolong muttered to himself: "It is very mysterious. Having lost Hundred Battle Sabre and repossessing it later, I felt like a completely different person. I felt as if I did not suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of Li Mu. It was a full recovery from the period of time when I was utterly depressed."

Xiao Yuetan stood up and bade: "There is no need to send me off. Please take good care of yourself. There may come a time in the future when we will head out to the borders together and turn our sights to the huge grasslands."

His eyes trailing Xiao Yuetan's back until he disappeared at the extreme end of the corridor, Xiang Shaolong suddenly remember the first time when he met Xiao Yuetan in Handan. After this talented and capable man finished their official discussions, he immediately requested a courtesan from the Wu Family to accompany him to bed, leaving him a bad impression of this man. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect Xiao Yuetan to be a righteous hero and even ended up as his soul mate.

The path of life is never a straight line.


Since he is going to the birthday banquet, he might as well be early.

Since he became a fugitive, not a day goes by without him pining for his home. Only at home can he find the long awaited feelings of true happiness and peace.

Book 24 Chapter 09 - The Grand Banquet At The Palace Of Qi

On the way to the palace, Xiang Shaolong observed that the roads leading to the Small City where the palace was located was packed with numerous carriages and they were travelling at a snail's pace. He could not help but praised himself for making the excellent choice of riding a horse. Riding along the walkway or squeezing between carriages according the available road conditions with Yao Sheng and his team, they agilely and swiftly made their way towards the palace.

Wherever he rode, people started staring at him. Regardless of girls from rich families or the wives of officials, everyone pulled aside their carriage curtains to catch a glimpse of his elegant demeanor, wanting to see for themselves the appearance of this man who is able to win the heart of Talented Lady Ji.

Of course Xiang Shaolong would not disappoint them. With a warrior headband around his forehead, an exquisite inner shirt and a long and huge cape, he was particularly outstanding. In addition, his back is straight, his handsome features are well-defined and the corner of his lips is portrayed in a somewhat faint smirk. Coupled with the world famous Hundred Battle Sabre hanging around his waist, he exudes a mesmerizing charm that would overwhelm all the beauties under the sky.

Yao Sheng and the others share his glory too. With puffed chests and straightened backs, they are awe-inspiring in their own right.

Overtaking every carriage they met, they soon came to the entrance of Small City. The Imperial Guards solemnly saluted Xiang Shaolong upon laying their eyes on him.

Xiang Shaolong, on the other hand, is feeling as calm as still water, beyond the reaches of happiness or sadness.

Before he set off, he meditated for a full two hours before taking a shower and getting a change of clothes. He can feel his own alertness and energy level at a peak that he has never attained before. Brimming with hope and confidence, he can feel that he is in complete control of everything that is about to happen.

The troubles in life will repeat themselves endlessly.

Since he left Xianyang and took his first step into the battlefield, he has been living under immense stress and danger every second of his life. When he became a fugitive, he was forced to make life and death choices on an hourly basis. Up till this point when he was about to pit his skills against this behemoth of swordsmanship for a clear cut victory and trek through countless hills and cross numerous rivers to return to his warm and inviting home, he felt as if his entire life has accomplished an incredible sense of fulfillment.

He must always remind himself of this wonderful feeling. Although the sounds of people and carriages are conjured around him, he felt as if they are a long distance away from him.

Everything that enters his sight seemed to be surreal. The only genuine sensations he can experience are his own body and the movement of the horse.

He is deeply entrenched in this amazing time travel dream, sinking to the innermost sanctum of it. There, he is beyond salvation, beyond redemption and cannot even wake up even if he wants to.

Out of the blue, someone called out: Great General, taking his out of his stupor.

Xiang Shaolong reduced his horse-riding speed and turned his head in the direction of the voice. Three carriages behind him, he noticed someone sticking his head out of the carriage window and is waving at him. It turned out to be Guo Kai.

The Zhao riders surrounding Guo Kai's carriage saluted him.

Xiang Shaolong held his horse on the same spot. After much difficulty, the carriage managed to catch up from the back. Guo Kai sighed: "I finally get to meet Shaolong. In Shouchun, we were facing each other but I did not recognize you. Now, we can officially talk with our real identities. Empress Jing has been pining for you!"

This crafty ghost Guo Kai has aged considerably, becoming so fat that his face is completely round, losing much of his past grandeur. Although Xiang Shaolong dislike him and knew that he is scheming against himself, he pretended to be intimate with this old friend, chuckling: "Chancellor Guo must be living a good life without worries and stress, causing you to put on weight. If we met on the streets, I may not be able to recognise you!"

His gaze shifting to the Hundred Battle Sabre, Guo Kai emotionally remarked: "Back in the past, the late King made a wrong decision and placed his trust in Zhao Mu. Otherwise, not only would Shaolong and I still be best friends, we may even be partners working hand in hand to resist our common enemies."

Adjusting his horse to match the slow speed of the carriage, Xiang Shaolong is rotating between occasional stops or sluggish canter. With Yao Sheng and his compatriots escorting him from the front and back, they are inadvertently drawing more attention to themselves.

Crossing into Small City, the celebratory aura in the air is even more prominent than before. Every household is lavishly decorated with lighted lanterns and red banners while the sound of firecrackers popping consistently invaded his eardrums.

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "Unfortunately, there is no 'otherwise' in real life. For example, after a man has died, he cannot be brought back to life. Even if you can re-experience a past moment of your life, things will still turn out the same way."

Of course Guo Kai is unable to comprehend the true essence of his feelings. Continuing his previous topic, he added: "Reminiscing about the past, one cannot help but feel emotional. Nevertheless, an outstanding talent will shine wherever he goes. Shaolong is a fine example."

Xiang Shaolong was restless, being able to sense that an emotional Guo Kai is exhibiting rare honesty, given his deplorable character, due to his knowledge about tomorrow's event. From his point of view, Xiang Shaolong would either perish under the hands of Cao Cuidao or the ambush that he has laid.

Why is he feeling so confident?

Did he really correctly guess that Xiang Shaolong is prepared to slip away tomorrow night?

Unless there is a spy within the Song & Dance Troupe who had told him that Xiang Shaolong has been delivering instructions in a manner that resembles a dying man reading out his will, an outsider should not have been able to make such a wise deduction.

At this juncture, his mind suddenly recalled Zhu Xiuzhen's personal maid Little Ning'er. He had suspected that she was the one who stole the song sheet for Zhang Quan but was unable to prove it

If Guo Kai managed to get in touch with Zhang Quan, they could easily track Xiang Shaolong's activities. All along, Guo Kai is a clever and scheming person. Observant and sharp, he is able to link small incidents to a bigger picture. Moreover, he is knowledgeable about Xiang Shaolong's character and it is not impossible for him to lay an inescapable ambush.

If this is proven to be true, the element of danger for tomorrow night would be significantly higher. Besides ambushing the road back to the City, the Yan and Zhao attackers may extend their ambush to cover other areas. To make it worse, nobody else can help him. This has to be a solo battle.

Guo Kai was astonished: "What is Shaolong thinking about?"

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "I was thinking that if Chancellor Guo were to send someone to try and kill me, I would not bear any hatred against you."

Guo Kai violently trembled: "But I would not feel good about it. If not for Shaolong sparing my life at Handan's Hostage Residence years ago, I, Guo Kai, would not be able to accomplish what I have today. This development is truly regrettable."

Xiang Shaolong did not expect him to remember that incident and his goodwill towards him increased by a few notches. However, he did not know what to say for the time being.

Guo Kai suddenly questioned: "Back then, Lady Ni left a son after passing away. Did he follow Shaolong to Xianyang? Why didn't I hear anything about him? Lady Ni is a good lady, someone worth commemorating. Unfortunately, Heaven is jealous of her beauty. Aye!"

Suppressing the tsunami erupting in his mind, Xiang Shaolong is conscious that Lu Buwei's willful spreading of Xiao Pan's questionable heritage is akin to throwing a huge boulder into a pool of still water; throwing up many scenarios and questions. For example, Guo Kai is now suspecting that Xiao Pan is Yingzheng himself.

This is no laughing matter. If Lu Buwei gets wind of this and matching the testimony of the couple he kidnapped from Handan, this would become a debate they cannot hope to win.

He instead replied: "Grieving for his mother's passing, the kid refuses to eat or drink during the journey. Due to the harsh travelling conditions, he eventually succumbed to illness and death."

Guo Kai acknowledged with an 'Orh', but his expression tells Xiang Shaolong that he had already anticipated this answer from him.

No longer keen to stick around him, Xiang Shaolong bid farewell and pushed the horse to go faster. Overtaking ten odd carriages in a row, he entered the palace.

The palace of Qi was extravagantly adorned and it was an imposing sight.

The throne and the VIP tables are located on the top of Henggong Platform, numbering close to a hundred. At the square below Henggong Platform, over a thousand tables were neatly arranged. They were assigned to the lower ranking civil and military officials, as well as the rich tycoons or educated scholars who are invited to the banquet.

The performing stage for the Song & Dance routine is the raised stage in the centre of Henggong Platform. The musicians are based on the lower level and facing the throne.

Within the palace, every available spot is crowded with people who are dressed to the nines. For the ladies, they cannot avoid competing with each other in terms of their dressing.

Covered with a blanket and lying down, the King of Qi is at Dianjiang Platform, the lower deck of Henggong Platform. With a delighted expression, he was busy receiving congratulations from his well wishers.

Tian Jian is even more enthusiastic than him. With his kingly future secured, everyone is flattering him nonstop and trying their best to get into his good books. Even those who didn't know what is going on would somehow have an idea that he would become an important figure of Qi.

After Xiang Shaolong offered his congratulations to the King of Qi, he noticed Zongsun Long fighting for Tian Jian's attention and sweet-talking him. Inversely, Tian Dan is standing at a side with a look of contempt on his face while chatting idly with Lu Buwei and Guo Kai. He could not help but think of Xiao Pan again.

Whoever that becomes King would certainly be corrupted by power and the flattery of officials, blinding himself to the truth in time to come. This kind of side effect has become the norm. Xiao Pan is visibly a changed man. How long can their mutual trusts last?

Li Yuan's voice sounded beside his ear: "Shaolong! Let's find a quiet place and have a chat."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Is there a quiet place here? Do we need to walk a few miles?"

Li Yuan laughed along and pulled him towards the door of the platform. As they walked past a group of concubines, the various ladies were staring intensely at the two of them.

Thinking of Lady Qingxiu and Shan Rou, Xiang Shaolong scanned their faces but did not manage to pinpoint the two ladies among them.

Squeezing out of the overcrowded hall, the two men climbed to the top of Henggong Platform. There, palace maids are busying themselves by laying the tables as well as arranging delicious food and wine. It was a lively scene.

Making their way to a corner of Henggong Platform that was far away from the throne where one can see the wilderness and horizon over and beyond the city walls, Li Yuan leaned on a railing under the bright illumination of lanterns, checking: "When does Shaolong intend to return to Xianyang; are you open to travelling with Little Brother?"

Xiang Shaolong is unable to find any traces of hatred for him within his heart. He plainly answered: "There is no need to trouble you. Travelling through Wei would be faster and sailing is much more comfortable."

Li Yuan agreed: "You can save half the travelling time; however, are there any security concerns?"

Xiang Shaolong responded: "I will officially ask Qi to send a team to escort me home. Coupled with Zongsun Long's protection and arrangements, there shouldn't be a problem."

Li Yuan kept probing: "When do you plan to leave?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "I can only leave after the Qixia College Performance, otherwise, it would be hard for me to put my mind at ease."

Li Yuan suppressed his voice: "Tomorrow night, you must take extra precautions. I am confident that Shaolong would survive your duel with Grandmaster Cao. However, the people of Qi would not take this lying down. I have heard rumours saying that the Extremists of Qixia are preparing to ambush you on the way back to the city should you emerge victorious from the fight. Why don't I fetch you personally? You can use a fire signal to communicate with me."

Xiang Shaolong secretly praised his formidability. If he does not know that Li Yuan is Guo Kai's accomplice, it would be a miracle if he did not fall into their trap.

From his sentences, he could also be testing Xiang Shaolong to see if he would slip away under the cover of the night.

With such 'kind intentions', it would be illogical for him to refuse. Xiang Shaolong promptly agreed and indicated the fire signals that he would employ.

He then intentionally brought up: "When you are back at Shouchun, please send my regards to your wife and Empress."

A sensation of deep pain flashed past his eyes as Li Yuan suddenly grabbed Xiang Shaolong's shoulder's, stammering: "Shaolong…"

Xiang Shaolong was feeling agitated too but he calmly wondered: "Yes?"

Extracting himself from his emotional state, Li Yuan loosened his grip and shook his head, lamenting: "Nothing. Thinking that we would soon be separated from each other and may even meet on the battlefield, fighting for our right to live, I could not help but feel exasperated! It is really nothing."

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself!

Han Chuang's laughter filled the air as he approached them: "I didn't know Chancellor Li and Great General were hiding here. Shaolong is truly remarkable, with the Three Famous Courtesans taking turns to ask me where is our handsome friend. Little Marquis is so jealous I feel like committing suicide!"

If not for their enmity, Han Chuang would definitely make an excellent partying companion.

Thinking that he should do his bit to stimulate the morale of the Song & Dance Troupe, especially Dong Shuzen who is taking centerstage for the first time, Xiang Shaolong enquired: "Where are they?"

Arriving at the front of the two men, Han Chuang replied: "They are at the lowest platform, Cihuai Platform. Shall Little Marquis lead the way?"

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "I shall visit them and subsequently find an opportunity to leave early."

Li Yuan understandingly agreed: "That's the way. Sufficient rest is crucial. Let us accompany you!"

Walking between the two men, Xiang Shaolong took the chance to request: "Regardless of what happens between the various States, I hope that both gentlemen can grant me a favour: Take good care of Shuzen."

Han Chuang sighed: "Relax! If we cannot even do something as simple as that, can we be considered human?"

Xiang Shaolong took his word for it.

Stepping into Cihuai Platform, Xiang Shaolong was stunned. Originally, a gigantic hall, it was partitioned by cloth into three areas and it is swarming with people. The sound of ladies giggling and teasing each other sounded continuously.

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "Let's part ways here. I wish to meet them alone."

With a heavy expression on their faces, Li Yuan and Han Chuang held his hands as a form of goodbye. Li Yuan offered: "Let us escort you out of the city tomorrow."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I'll be fine! Lu Buwei and Second Prince have already informed me that they will be escorting me."

Sitting alone in front of a bronze mirror, Feng Fei is receiving last minute touching up of her make up by Little Ping'er and Yunniang.

Xiang Shaolong was moved by her beauty. He acknowledged: "No wonder First Mistress is able to head the Three Famous Courtesans. With your beauty alone, it is more than enough to convince anyone that you are an angel from heaven."

Feng Fei gave him a sweet smile but complained: "Without you appreciating at the side, being an angel is meaningless! After all, this is my last performance!"

The next second, she laughed: "Ignore my whining. Great General's duel tomorrow night is critical. Be a good boy and go to bed early tonight! Feng Fei will spend her whole day with you tomorrow."

Keeping a lookout from the corner of his eye, Xiang Shaolong noticed Zhu Xiuzhen's personal maid Little Ning'er making an excuse to get close to them. Confirming his suspicions that she plans to spy on their conversation, he intentionally declared: "After Little Brother's triumphant return, I shall accompany First Mistress to go sightseeing."

Feng Fei happily agreed.

Approaching Dong Shuzen, Xiang Shaolong inquired: "Are you feeling nervous?"

Standing beside Dong Shuzen, Zhu Xiuzhen giggled: "Second Mistress dare not speak the entire day for fear of spoiling her vocal cords. What does Great General think about her nervousness?"

Dong Shuzen secretly gripped his hand tightly and leaned towards his ear, whispering: "The night after tomorrow, I shall accompany you to bed."

Xiang Shaolong left with a bitter smile. Touring one round within the partition, he observed that various Troupe members are highly spirited and do not require him to boost their morale. Feeling satisfied and fulfilled, he pushed aside a cloth partition in order to leave the area. Unexpectedly, he ran into Boss Jin who consequently dragged him to meet Shi Sufang.

Covered with a hooded cape, Shi Sufang is standing at one corner like a ghost, silently watching the other members of her troupe completing their assigned tasks. She appeared to be isolated from the rest of them and in the same context, no one dared to disturb her tranquility.

Boss Jin whispered into Xiang Shaolong's ear: "Since she was young, Sufang has always maintained her withdrawn character. Nevertheless, her talent cannot be denied. She cannot be bothered with anything but the minute she learns something, she would easily surpass her teachers. In her whole lifetime, she only respects Feng Fei and no other."

Xiang Shaolong could imagine that she does not have any regards for Talented Lady Ji too. Otherwise, why didn't she pay her a visit.

Leading Xiang Shaolong to Shi Sufang's side, Boss Jin softly called: "Sufang! Sufang! Great General is here to visit you!"

Hearing the Great General title, Shi Sufang's petite frame faintly shuddered and brilliance started to return to her hollow eyes. Turning her pretty head, she looked at the direction of Xiang Shaolong.

At this juncture, all her fellow courtesans and troupe workers stopped what they were doing and gazed at Xiang Shaolong with astonishment. When Boss Jin waved them off with a gesture, they unwilling continued their original work, such as applying make up or tuning their musical instruments.

Patting Xiang Shaolong, Boss Jin remarked: "The two of you should have a good talk!"

Visibly annoyed with the intermittent peeping by the other troupe members, Shi Sufang lightly invited: "Great General, please follow Sufang!"

Pulling a curtain behind her, it turned out to be a specially partitioned small area. The ground was covered by a mat and there are sitting cushions as well. A long bronze mirror and a rack full of costumes are present too.

Both of them sat on the floor.

Despite being surrounded by noise and the occasional tuning sounds from musical instruments, this enclosed area is surprisingly quiet and private.

With her pitiful-looking and mesmerizing eyes slowing scanning Xiang Shaolong, Shi Sufang then turned her gaze to a curtain by the side and plainly questioned: "Does Great General enjoy loneliness?"

After careful consideration, Xiang Shaolong gingerly answered: "Some of the time, I need my personal space and silence, which allows me to go into deep contemplation."

With a melancholic tone, Shi Sufang inquired: "What do you contemplate about?"

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck: "There is no fixed thought. It depends on what are the matters that are troubling me!"

Shi Sufang nodded: "You are very frank. In fact, among all the men that Sufang has met, Great General's complete honesty and un-hypocritical character is rare indeed. Most of them love to boast about their own achievements, as if they are afraid that I do not recognize them for their talents. It is truly disgusting."

Shifting her gaze back to his face and looking at him in such a manner than Xiang Shaolong can start to feel something for her, Shi Sufang divulged: "After our meeting at Xianyang, Great General has left a deep impression in Sufang's heart. At that time, Sufang was thinking, is Great General someone I can confide in?"

Xiang Shaolong cannot help but utter: "I heard Mister Pu Hu is on good terms with Miss!"

Revealing bitter smile on her face, Shi Sufang lowered her gaze and calmly professed: "It is either A kill B or B kill A. Moreover, everyone has to die one day and become a star in the sky. What is there to be worried about?"

Xiang Shaolong quietly pondered on the meaning of her words and the negative connotation. For a period of time, he was dumbfounded.

Shi Sufang seems to be mired in her self-created dreamy state that she can never hope to exit. In a gentle voice, she described: "Sufang's only desire is to simplify my life and does not wish to have too many people or circumstances involved. Aye! More often than not, the people and situations in life are but a fleeting moment. Although they truly exist, they remained meaningless to me. How I wish I can become a tree, slowly and quietly growing up all by myself in the wilderness. All I need is sunshine, rainwater and soil."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "No wonder Miss enjoys the theories of Zhuang Zhou."

Shi Sufang added: "And Li Er. For everything in life you can do with, you can also do without. A small state with an even smaller population, there is zero social interaction. What a thorough understanding of life! Fame and riches will only bring about inequality in society. The tussle between humans is never-ending. Great General, what are your views on this?"

This is the first time Xiang Shaolong has seen someone from this era who loves to be left alone and with an anti-progression and anti-human advancement mindset. In addition, this person happens to be a female. He nodded: "Presently, the situation is not that bad. With a massive increase in population and the grasslands transforming into cities, and the resources of nature are being consumed non-stop until they are lacking, on top of animals having nowhere to reside because of urbanization, that would be scary."

Shi Sufang vividly shivered: "Great General has more foresight than Sufang."

Xiang Shaolong exhaled with a breath: "This development will certainly materialize itself. From the beginning of time, human intelligence has been sitting on the opposite fence of nature. We are unlike plants and animals who coexist peacefully with our environment."

After some thought and displaying signs of unhappiness, Shi Sufang quizzed: "When does Great General intend to return to Qin?"

Xiang Shaolong answered: "Probably these few days. Hey! I need to make a move too."

Nodding her head slightly, Shi Sufang did not reply and sank into deep contemplation.

Standing up, Xiang Shaolong left as quietly as possible.

Book 24 Chapter 10 - Farewell Letters

Feng Fei and the others got home around one am that same night. Everyone is behaving in a joyful manner, indicating that the performance is a great success.

Several of the courtesans quietly entered his room to check on him. Resisting the urge to get up, Xiang Shaolong pretended to be sleeping in response to their invasion.

When the rear courtyard has more or less resumed its tranquility, Xiang Shaolong sat down in lotus position and began meditating according to Mozi's teachings and rejuvenating breathing techniques. Before dawn, he took Hundred Battle Sabre to the garden for another round of practice.

He was glad that he left before the end of the banquet last night and is able to preserve the tiptop condition of his mental and physical strength.

Using both his hands to hold the sabre, he repeatedly maneuvered several moves, trying to simplify the process. Placing speed as his top priority, he fought an imaginary Cao Cuidao.

Fighting against this Sword Saint, even the ever-changing and incredible swordplay of Mozi became useless moves.

He can only gather the essence of scientific and modern attacks, merging it with his sabre play.

At that time, most of the other Troupe members are either dead drunk or still in dreamland. Delighted to be left undisturbed, he can focus his mind and concentrate on his warm up exercises.

He proceeded to the bathroom and enjoyed a cold shower. With his alertness at full capacity, he returned back to his room for another round of mediation. Shortly thereafter, Little Ping'er came to summon him.

At the breakfast table, the courtesans are in full attendance. Yunniang, the Head Musician cum Conductor, as well as several other accomplished musicians were present too.

For a start, Feng Fei represented everyone in expressing their gratitude for Xiang Shaolong. With her eyes full of reminiscence, she recounted: "At the end of Shuzen's song, Prince (Tian) Jian officially announced the retirement of Feng Fei. The standing ovation of the audience is something I can never forget."

Yunniang giggled: "Everyone who is present is honoured to have viewed First Mistress's last performance."

Zhu Xiuzhen enthusiastically described: "Last night, First Mistress's performance is simply fantastic and even we are intoxicated by her singing. No one is able to retain his or her senses at her spellbinding vocals. For a while, we were worried that Second Mistress may put up an inferior performance due to the pressure from First Mistress. Luckily, Second Mistress is able to deliver a spectacular song, cumulating in a breathtaking finale of the Song & Dance presentation."

Xiang Shaolong was perplexed: "Are you people trying to make me feel bad?" The ladies burst into shrill laughter at his teasing.

Dong Shuzen gratefully extended: "Li Yuan of Chu, Marquis Chuang of Han and Lord Longyang of Wei have officially invited us to perform at their respective States…"

Xinyue interrupted: "Only Great General of Qin has yet to officially invite us."

The ladies began laughing again and the ambience is relaxing and friendly. This is also because the depressing mood of troupe disbandment no longer exists. Xiang Shaolong guffawed: "We are one big family right? When you people come over to Xianyang, it is as good as coming home. See, isn't this better than an invitation?" The ladies burst out in giggles again.

Dong Shuzen wondered out loud: "What does First Mistress and Great General think of Fei Chun?" Both of them can tell that she is picking a new manager and praised her foresight.

After breakfast has concluded, Xiang Shaolong and Fei Fei went for a stroll in the garden. Both parties can feel a lump in their throats.

Feng Fei calmly state: "For the time being, I will not be going to Xianyang!"

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Where does Mistress intend to go?"

Gazing at a particularly large cluster of clouds floating in the sky, Feng Fei replied: "Feng Fei is thinking of following Lady Qingxiu back to Chu and staying there for some time. I have grown tired of the extreme cold weather and would like to experience the marvelous sights of the south."

Xiang Shaolong made a wild guess that she wanted to avoid Han Jie and nodded: "It is good to have a change of environment. Xianyang's winter is quite tormenting as well."

Feng Fei shot him a look: "Do not think that you have gotten rid of me; maybe one day, I will come looking for you at your residence and refuse to leave."

Xiang Shaolong is conscious that she is joking and loudly laughed: "This is something no man in his right mind would reject. Seriously speaking, First Mistress must not forget to come and visit Little Brother."

With a melancholic tone, Feng Fei enquired: "Is Great General leaving tonight?"

Xiang Shaolong answered in a deep voice: "If I can survive the duel, it would be unwise for me to hang around here."

Feng Fei cheerfully exclaimed: "Great General is finally trusting Feng Fei wholeheartedly. With this knowledge, I will no longer have any regrets in life."

She added in a gentle voice: "Feng Fei will rather die than divulge Xiang Shaolong's secret."

Xiang Shaolong reminisced that both of them have progressed from mutual distrust to mutual scheming to this final stage of mutually regarding each other as a confidante and could not help but feel his heart brimming with delight and comfort.

One of the touching moments about life is that ugliness and beauty can coexist in the same dimension. The human nature is an uneven object; depending on the angle you are viewing from, you will get a different perspective every time.

For example, it is challenging for him to classify Li Yuan or Han Chuang as villains.

Every person has his or her principles. When there are benefits involved and others are forced to act against you, you would naturally get angry and regard them with hatred.

Feng Fei suddenly mentioned: "It will be sunset before you know it. Aye, it is truly heartrending when I do not know if I can ever see Great General again in the future."

At this juncture, Xiao Yuetan came to look for Xiang Shaolong, interrupting their farewell speeches. At the Eastern Chamber, Xiao Yuetan produced a stack of parchments and snickered: "I wrote these letters for you this morning. They are farewell letters to Lu Buwei, the King of Qi, newly promoted Crown Prince Tian Jian, Xie Ziyuan and not forgetting Li Yuan, Lord Longyang, Han Chuang and Zongsun Long. The letters to Li Yuan and Han Chuang are imbued with special meaning. After browsing through, do sign them if you have no issue with the content. After your successful departure, I will get Feng Fei to send them out on your behalf."

Xiang Shaolong was worried: "Aren't you concerned that Lu Buwei would recognize your handwriting?"

Xiao Yuetan assured: "I am well-versed in all kinds of handwriting and forgery; I guarantee that he would be unable to recognize it."

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a praise: "Not harnessing the abilities of a talented man like yourself, Lu Buwei is as stupid as can be."

Xiao Yuetan viciously reasoned: "He is purposely sacrificing me to divert suspicions away from himself. At the same time, he can use this opportunity to weaken the prowess of his Old Guard."

Xiao Yuetan is a man who values relationships and is especially disgusted with Lu Buwei's ungrateful behavior.

Right now, he is doing everything he can to assist Xiang Shaolong without any reservations is precisely because they are similar in nature.

Xiang Shaolong casually selected one of the letters and opened it up for a look. The letter read: Greetings to Marquis Chuang. By the time Lord Marquis is reading this letter, Shaolong is miles away. For me to leave without saying goodbye, I am forced by circumstances and Lord Marquis should know better than myself. I trust that you will not blame Shaolong for being impolite. Life is full of happiness and sorrow; coming and going; love and hatred, friendship and enmity. Now that we have split paths once again, our next meeting remains an unknown. I pray that everything will go smoothly for Lord Marquis and may Lord Marquis live a life of longevity. Yours sincerely, Shaolong.

Holding the letter, Xiang Shaolong burst out laughing: "When Han Chuang reads this letter, he would be experiencing a hundred and one emotions simultaneously. He would have trouble expressing his difficulties."

Xiao Yuetan proudly selected another letter and passed to him, remarking: "This is for Li Yuan."

Xiang Shaolong held up the letter and read: "Chancellor Li, my respected elder brother. Life is unpredictable and full of gatherings and separations. Recalling the times when we fight side by side and watching each other's back with no reservations, the memory is still fresh within me. Regrettably, times have changed and the past cannot be repeated in the present. It is painfully lamentable. Now that Little Brother is on my way home, I sincerely wish Chancellor every success in your career and may you never be toppled."

Slapping the table, Xiang Shaolong suggested: "Can we add two sentences? However, the copywriting has to be done by Elder Brother. I really love the hot-cold sarcastic style of writing." He proceeded to tell Xiao Yuetan about last night when Li Yuan offered to escort him back from Qixia College.

Readied with a brush and ink, Xiao Yuetan held his laughter as he added to the end of the message: Regarding Chancellor's desire to escort me, pardon Little Brother for not taking it up. I will never forget your kind gesture.

Xiang Shaolong slapped the table again and praised his intellect.

The other letters to the King of Qi, Zongsun Long, etc were rather ordinary and there was nothing noteworthy about the dictation. The letter to Lord Longyang is the most polite-sounding and appropriate emotions were highlighted in the letter, demonstrating Xiao Yuetan's creative writing talent.

Scrutinizing Xiao Yuetan's eyes, Xiang Shaolong observed: "Elder Brother must have worked through the night and even had to write these letters early in the morning."

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: "Skipping a night of sleep is no big deal. The most important thing right now is to ensure that there is nothing distracting you. These letters also serve as a means to boost your fighting spirit. If you somehow lost the fight, these letters would have to be burnt."

Slapping the table and standing up, Xiang Shaolong faced the sky and let out a long laughter: "Relax. I am current at the peak of my abilities. Be it a Sword Saint or a Sword Demon, I will give it everything I've got and would deny him victory at all costs."

Stroking his beard, Xiao Yuetan smiled: "I am going to disguise myself and leave the city, heading to the designated place to bury your escaping equipment for tonight. I will send out the letters for Shaolong tomorrow!"

After Xiao Yuetan's departure, the newly promoted Manager Fei Chun approached him to show his appreciation. Hit by a brainwave, Xiang Shaolong instructed: "Get someone to secretly spy on Little Ning. If she left the Villa and meet up with an outsider before I leave for my duel, tell Miss Xiuzhen to terminate her employment but do not punish her."

According to his observations, if Little Ning is a spy, she would surely have to provide a latest update about himself to the person who had bribed her. He added: "If nothing happened, take it that you never hear this from me."

Fei Chun realized what is going on and acted on his instructions.

Stretching his back, Xiang Shaolong is feeling totally relaxed.

What appeared to be some challenging difficulties are eventually beautifully resolved. All that remains is Cao Qiudao's challenge and avoiding the ambush of the Yan and Zhao swordsmen. With the snowboard, he has to speed back to Zhongmou before the snow melts. Once he reunites with Teng Yi and his other brothers, they would return to Qin together and this horrible chapter would come to a close.

Of course Xiao Pan's identity crisis needs to be solved but for the time being, he can only trust that history will not be altered.

At least in the records of history, it was not mentioned that Qin Shihuang is born outside the royal family and he is definitely not documented as the son of Lu Buwei.

In the same aspect, he could not comprehend the obvious absence of an earth-shattering figure such as himself.

In the middle of this troublesome reflection, Lord Longyang came to him with two reddish eyes. Needless to say, Xiang Shaolong knew that he had had a sleepless night.

Coming to a small pavilion in the garden, Lord Longyang sighed with a breath. It seems like he has so much to say but didn't know how to begin.

Xiang Shaolong consoled him instead: "Life and Death are predetermined; Wealth and Poverty depends on Fate. If Heaven is not ready for my death, even ten Cao Qiudaos cannot lay a finger on me."

Lord Longyang grudgingly smiled: "Perhaps Shaolong believes that Cao Qiudao is capable of showing mercy. Last night, I received news that Tian Dan had a two hour discussion with him; what do you think Tian Dan is doing?"

Xiang Shaolong was unnerved, believing that since Cao Qiudao has given his word to Xiao Yuetan, no one would be able to influence his decision.

Patting the scabbard of Hundred Battle Sabre once, Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "If he wants to kill me, he has to ask my best friend first."

Lord Longyang forcefully recomposed his spirit and clarified: "I am not trying to be a wet blanket but it is my desire to remind Shaolong not to underestimate the enemy. If you can fight, so be it. If you cannot, simply run away. He is an old man after all and I don't think he can outrun you."

Xiang Shaolong was not agitated at all. He mused: "At the end of the day, you are concerned that he may take my life."

Staring intently at him for some time, Lord Longyang professed with astonishment: "Shaolong is truly extraordinary. If it was anybody but you, it would be impossible for him to remain unaffected when faced with such a formidable fighter."

Xiang Shaolong honestly expressed: "Worrying is futile. I might as well apply the energy towards handling my opponent during the fight. Isn't that a better strategy?"

Leaning on a railing, Lord Longyang lowered his head and disclosed: "Li Yuan and Han Chuang…"

Interrupting him with a determined tone, Xiang Shaolong concluded: "Your Lordship need not go on. From now until I am done with Cao Qiudao, I do not wish to hear anything that concerns the two of them."

Lord Longyang was visibly shaken. He uttered: "Shaolong… …"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "You say it best, when you say nothing at all. Your Lordship should go home and have a good rest. Don't think so much. I will speak with you tomorrow!"

Lord Longyang slowly stepped to his front and gave him a light embrace, commending: "Shaolong's overwhelming confidence has convinced me that you will surely surmount all sorts of difficulties. Take care of yourself."

Watching the back of Lord Longyang gradually disappearing under the cover of the trees, Xiang Shaolong felt immensely apologetic.

Under the leadership of Feng Fei and Dong Shuzen, every single Troupe member is assembled at the courtyard square, bidding farewell to their hero. Their eyes trailed his back until he boarded the carriage of Lu Buwei and the new Crown Prince Tian Jian.

With their flags fluttering in a grand appearance, scores of Qi soldiers neatly rode out of Tingsong Villa, paving way for the carriage carrying the three men. It was an awe-inspiring sight.

With a team of one hundred Imperial Guards protecting them, they entered the highway. On both sides of the roads, people have gathered to send them off. It is not known if they are supporting Cao Qiudao or admiring Xiang Shaolong's 'act of valor'.

Including Xiang Shaolong himself, nobody can ever imagine Cao Qiudao losing a duel. The question is: Can Xiang Shaolong survive this catastrophe?

This carriage is especially wide and the seats are constructed near the tail end of the carriage. Due to the extra room, up to four men can sit side by side. As Xiang Shaolong is the main character for tonight, he could not reject and naturally had to sit in between Tian Jian and Lu Buwei.

In the recent years, it is rare for him to be so intimate with this great nemesis Lu Buwei. Feeling completely out of place, Xiang Shaolong prayed for the journey to end as quickly as possible.

He firstly congratulated Tian Jian for becoming the new Crown Prince and Tian Jian was chortling so cheerfully he could not keep his mouth closed. Lu Buwei interrupted: "Earlier on, Prince and I were discussing the best way to rule a State. Prince mentioned Guan Zhong's Book of People Governance and singled out the theory of: Through Education, everyone will know the laws; Well-fed and well-cloth, everyone is aware of glory and shame. This is a sign of true wisdom. With Prince Jian succeeding the throne, the prosperity of Qi is something we can anticipate."

Tian Jian is overwhelmed with happiness. He articulated: "A well-managed country is always prosperous while an ill-managed state will always remain poor. As every good king should know, we must first enrich the population before exercising our rule over them."

Xiang Shaolong could not help but ask: "How does Prince plan to enrich the population?"

After a short spell of silence, Tian Jian pondered: "A strong army and a rich State is inseparable. Without a strong army, the State is insecure. Without a rich State, the army cannot grow strong. This is an ageless truth."

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself, recognizing that he did not have a good method to offer. By blindly regurgitating Guan Zi's theory, it is just empty talk.

Although the time he spent in Lin Zi is limited, just by observing the existence of people like Zongsun Long, he can deduce that while Qi appears to be thriving, there is a huge divide between the rich and the poor. This is because the King has allowed members of the royal family to join hands with unscrupulous businessmen in setting up shady industries. Every day, they are competing with one another to open up gambling dens, brothels or loansharking companies. In addition, due to a lack of ordinary schools, the education level of the population is not unanimous, leading to this income disparity as well. However, Tian Jian chose to ignore this glaring truth and make baseless comments such as building a strong army and enriching the population. He is making a joke out of himself.

Xiao Pan is far more successful than the other Kings because he is able to understand the sentiments of the population. With the brilliant advisor Li Si assisting him, his policies are practical and are not based on some empty debate.

Going all out to flatter, Lu Buwei praised: "Crown Prince's assessment is not inferior to Guan Zhong or Qi Heng!"

Despite expressing modesty, Tian Jian is thrilled and accepted the praise wholeheartedly.

At this juncture, they are almost reaching the city gates and the crowds here are significantly thicker. Someone shouted out in a loud voice: "Grandmaster Cao will win! Grandmaster Cao will win!"

Within a short span of time, everybody caught on and began cheering wildly. With thousands of Qi citizens shouting simultaneously, it was an intimidating scene.

Revealing an unnatural expression on his face, Tian Jian kept his silence.

Lu Buwei secretly observed Xiang Shaolong's countenance and noticing that his facial expression is as calm as a mirror, he grinned: "Shaolong, your nerves are like steel."

Xiang Shaolong was highly amused.

This is exactly like a soccer team playing in an AWAY match. The host had gained the home ground advantage. If they could not withstand the sounds of booing, they would have lost the match before it even begun.

With a smile, he pointed: "If a swordsman's fighting spirit is easily affected by external factors, how can he even qualify for the duel?"

Rolling his eyes, Lu Buwei acted as if he had forgotten something and suddenly remembered it. He articulated: "I nearly forgot to tell Shaolong something. After discussing with Empress and Little Ai, I have sent my men to look for that Handan couple who raised Crown Prince. I wish to invite them to Xianyang and allow them to retire without any worries. If everything goes according to plan, they should be in Xianyang by now!"

Xiang Shaolong can feel his hatred rising, knowing that Lu Buwei intentionally revealed this matter at this point in time to cause disarray to his mental state, hoping to distract and add to his worries, causing him to be unable to focus on handling Cao Qiudao's saintly swordplay. There is no other scheme as ruthless as this.

Fortunately, Zongsun Xuanhua had told him about this matter when he was testing his reaction. Otherwise, this abrupt input which tallies with his speculation may really cause him to lose his bearings.

Tian Jian became more alert upon hearing this. In the past, someone must have brought this to his attention.

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be surprised and declared: "I am sure Imperial Uncle did not communicate this intention to Crown Prince."

Lu Buwei loudly chuckled: "It is Empress and my objective to give Crown Prince a surprise. That is why we kept him in the dark."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "If Imperial Uncle had consulted Crown Prince, you could have saved the effort. A long time ago, Crown Prince Zheng has already fetched that couple back to Xianyang. Regarding this matter, he kept a low profile so even Empress has no idea!" This time round, it is Lu Buwei who had a drastic change of countenance and was fidgeting with suspicions.

Among the cackling of firecrackers, the convoy drove out of the city gates.

Li Yuan, Han Chuang, Guo Kai, Xu Yizhe, Lord Longyang, Zongsun Long father and son, Min Tingzhang and a group of Qi officials were already gathered at a piece of barren land outside the city gates, forming a send-off party.

The carriage came to a halt.

Xiang Shaolong got off the carriage first and received the blessings of the crowd. The officials of Qi would naturally avoid phrases such: A speedy victory or A successful combat.

After entertaining the crowd for a while, Xiang Shaolong rode towards Qixia College with Zongsun Xuanhua and Min Tingzhang accompanying him. Bearing lanterns to illuminate the way, eight other swordsmen dressed in warrior suits escorted them from the front and back.

With a solemn tone, Zongsun Xuanhua explained: "After escorting Great General into Qixia College, we have to return to the city at once, for the Great King has issued a strict decree according to the wishes of Master. Only when Master releases a fire arrow can we come back to Qixia College for a look."

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck: "Are you saying that there is nobody else at Qixia College beside Grandmaster Cao?"

On the other side, Min Tingzhang answered: "Exactly. According to esteemed Master, he made this special request because he is concerned that with a live audience, they would definitely cheer for him and affect Great General's fighting spirit. Judging from the earlier scene, I guess Master's consideration is not unwarranted."

At this juncture, they have travelled to a ground of higher elevation. Entering their sights was Qixia College. Besides lanterns hanging at the main door and some illumination at the southeast corner, the entire area is completely dark.

With his horsewhip, Zongsun Xuanhua pointed to the lighted area that was further away and informed: "That is Stargazing Platform. It is situated at an open square besides the East entrance and stands at three stories high. At the tip of it is a flat stage two hundred feet wide. Master will be waiting there respectfully for Great General's arrival."

His gaze focusing on the area that the lanterns are shining down on, Xiang Shaolong suddenly recalled Lord Longyang's words.

If the fight didn't turn out in his favour, he should just run for his life.