516 - 522

Chapter 516: Support

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lucien could feel his teacher's complex feelings. He handed his papers over and said, "There's nothing subversive in it. It's just trying to explain Mr. Douglas's experiment on light speed and the related correlation. It shares some similarities with the previous assumptions put forward by several arcanists."

Lorentz Transformation. That was what Lucien prepared for his teacher to get him mentally prepared.

Fernando still felt quite suspicious, but he took the paper anyway and started reading. As he read further, the look on Fernando's face changed greatly.

Lucien could not help asking, "Sir, is it alright?"

Fernando grinned, "This is the second time this month that I read something like this."

Lucien was a bit surprised, "Someone submitted a similar paper already? But, I didn't find anything similar when I searched among the files in Arcana Review Board. I wouldn't bring it to you if I knew…"

Fernando temporarily put aside all his questions about fusion and fission and looked more cheerful now then he usually was, "I know, because he hasn't submitted it yet. He dared not. He brought it to me and asked my personal opinion."

"Who is he?" asked Lucien curiously. He was actually not too surprised since the data from the light speed experiment had been available for more than three years, and many wave theory supporters were trying to use the data to support their belief. It was not a big leap forward if an arcanist had found something like Lorentz Transformation.

Although the sorcerers in this world were experiencing lots of turnovers because they still had a lot to explore, when it came to sheer thinking, they were good.

"It was Oliver. Three years ago, he had a bet with Florencia, and he started working on it since then. His project was delayed because of the exploration of the new dimension, and he finally finished putting together the whole transformational equation group. His paper's saying that, using Ether as the observer, moving length contraction happens to compensate for the difference in light speed in all directions, which explains Douglas's experiment. I suppose your paper is about the same thing, right?"

Fernando just finished reading the introduction of Lucien's paper. He assumed that Lucien's paper was the same.

Lucien nodded, "Yes, but why did Mr. Oliver not submit it?"

Although Oliver was studying the Dark Dragon Lord, he should still be able to have his wife, Florencia, or his students submit the paper.

"Because he believed that there were still things, important things, missing, and he couldn't explain why the phenomenon exists. He then got a new direction to go in, but the reasoning couldn't go further. So he was kind of stuck, which was why he came to me." said Fernando.

"So what's your opinion, sir?" Lucien asked.

Fernando smacked his lips and said, "I told him that his thinking wasn't clear enough yet. He was still swinging from one side to the other. But I also couldn't help him with explaining the cause of the phenomenon. I told Oliver to find some time to talk to you. You're known for being open-minded and creative, so you probably could help."

Fernando put on a cunning smile and looked at Lucien, "I didn't expect that you'd come up with the same explanation, but I remember that you've been ignoring Ether all the time. There's no way that you suddenly decided to use Ether to explain Douglas's experiment. Also, part of the equations, here, the length contraction, is problematic, and I'm sure you know it. So, Lucien, what are you really trying to achieve throwing this paper at me?"

Lucien looked in his teacher's eyes, but did not say anything.

"I think you've dug in further. You are getting us prepared using this paper. You can take it out, your true paper." said Fernando.

Lucien saw his teacher's red eyes were very sincere and kind. He had to admit that his teacher knew him very well.

But should he just throw the special theory of relativity directly at Fernando?

Seeing that Lucien was still hesitating, Fernando glared at him and said, "What? You're worrying that I might not be able to take it? Come on. I've already got my lesson from light quantum and energy quantum. There's nothing that can explode my mind anymore. Even during that time, although I did lose control a bit, I'm still here, right? Safe and sound."

Lucien still remembered clearly how Fernando suffered from the great frustration and fury when this happened last time. But he dared not say.

Weighing his words, Lucien said, "I think the change in length doesn't come from the contraction of matter, but the contraction of space."

"Space contraction… Interesting. Maybe we should see space from another perspective… Oliver once mentioned it as well." Fernando wasn't too surprised because of the existence of space barriers, demiplanes, and space spells.

"If we just put aside Ether here, just based on Mr. Douglas's experiment, classical electromagnetic theory, and the studies on bodies in motion, we can put forward a postulate – the idea that the speed of light is a constant, independent of the relative motion of the source." Lucien explained further.

Fernando's right hand clenched and tapped his chin, "I see. If based on that, there'll be lots of things to talk about. You just give me the paper."

Lucien hurriedly added, "There's one more precondition – the principle of relativity. There are quite some papers talking about it. You probably have read some of them before."

Sorcerers often cast sound waves magic spells. A long time ago, they had found that when their enemies approached them quickly, the sound became quick and short; when their enemies fled away from them, the sound was prolonged. The change in sound waves seemed to be closely related to speed. The phenomenon was broadly discussed and therefore introduced the principle of relativity. Meanwhile, some arcanists were also looking at the changes in light waves from stars.

There was another common phenomenon that one could see in daily life to prove this: When a magic steam train approached from afar, the steam whistle would become increasingly sharper; but when it passed the observer, the steam whistle would become deeper.

Fernando nodded slightly, "Two preconditions only? Good. It's like your style: Start from less axioms and hypotheses, and use more logical reasoning. Give the paper to me. I'm prepared."

"Sir, why don't you further develop Mr. Oliver's transformational equations on your own based on the two preconditions? You can see the units in the equations from a brand new arcana perspective. In other words, they are no more mere math symbols."

Fernando was a bit pissed, but he still accepted Lucien's advice, "Let me see what conclusion you're hiding!"

He walked back to his desk and picked up the quill-pen. He first wrote down the two preconditions, and then started working on the equations.

When he first started, everything went very smoothly. A grand arcanist's knowledge was way more than enough for the initial deduction.

However, as he wrote down further, Fernando's quill-pen stopped above a certain line.

The black ink formed a small drop at the pen point, and then dripped down onto the parchment.

The ink slowly spread out.

The space they were in, Fernando's demiplane, Thunder Hell, suddenly became very stormy. The thundering and lightning were roaring.

Fernando looked up. His red eyes were full of shock.

Lucien did not look away. Instead, he looked right into Fernando's eyes.

Fernando took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then he started working on the equations again.

As Fernando wrote down more equations and more stage conclusions, certain changes were happening in the study.

Rulers, quill-pens, books were contracting, and the clock was ticking slower and slower.

Lucien closed his eyes and spread out his spiritual power. The changes were real.

However, the changes were so tiny that only a senior-rank or above could notice.

The changes taking place in Fernando's cognitive world was affecting the real world!

That was the power of a legendary sorcerer!

After a while, Fernando finally put down the quill-pen in his hand and looked at the final conclusion attentively. He laughed in a mocking way at himself, "I thought I'd had a basic idea about the truth of the world, but I was totally wrong. Space and time are in fact very, very different from what we feel. The equation shows that time is actually a function of speed, depending on the matter. If it wasn't my own derivation, I'd definitely yell at you badly."

Fernando then looked up and said very seriously, "But this conclusion is based on the single postulate, and we need things more solid than this, although this can be used to explain why part of the starlight saw spectroscopic redshifts."

Fernando had not fully accepted it yet. The conclusion had to be proved by some further evidence, or it remained a fancy toy.

"Well… We might be able to use it to explain some of the problems that we ran into working on the artificial planets. Of course, this theory is not complete yet. Gravity is not involved, so it must still be problematic." said Lucien.

Then Lucien mentioned some records of data that his students collected and the questions coming up, "… so when we accelerated particles, there was a difference between the result and what we expected, and the theory of relativity would be able to explain it: Mass increases as the speed increases, so the orbital period also changes. We can use this formula to work out the variable and adjust the changing frequency of the electric field. If the particles can be further accelerated without trying away from the field, the theory of relativity will be able to be indirectly proved."

Fernando decided to take action immediately. In his magic lab, Fernando did exactly as Lucien said.

Then Fernando got the particles that carried the greatest energy ever. Then, he released a sigh,

"Lucien, in your programme, Arcana Voice, you talked about outlook of world, on life, and on value. In my understanding, the outlook on the world is how an individual perceives the world. Apart from humanity and history, it equals a person's cognitive world."

Lucien had no idea why Fernando wanted to talk about it now.

Fernando grinned, "But when it comes to how to understand space, it also involves the outlook on life and values. So I'm thinking… Why don't we call you the Destroyer of Three Outlooks"

Lucien's face twitched a bit. He did not find Fernando's joke interesting.

Fernando looked Lucien up and down with a meaningful smile on his face,

"I've learned my lesson from you, Lucien. That's why I'm still here now after all of this. I am now more or less suspicious about every theoretical system. But for others, Lucien, you have to reveal your theory of relativity bit by bit, especially for Douglas. Your theory is a huge turnover to his, and he's been through a lot of things in the past one or two hundred years. The wave theory of light, quantum theory… I'm afraid that this might be too much for him to take. I mean, I don't think Douglas's head is going to explode or his demiplane is going to collapse. Not that bad. But what happened to Brook might happen to him again. Mental changes are possible, too."

"Sir, I never thought of throwing it directly at people. You insisted.." Lucien could not help complaining.

Lucien had started feeling more casual in front of Fernando.

However, Fernando just directly ignored Lucien, "I'll start with Oliver. He should be able to take it as he's seen the problems. Then I'll have him submit his paper to make the senior-rank and above think."

"Why senior-rank and above?" Lucien asked.

"Because those below can't understand," said Fernando succinctly.

Fernando then slowly walked back to his study and said.

"You're already level seven in terms of arcana credit. The argument between wave and particle theory is still going on, and the number of papers about your new alchemy should be booming soon. With all these, this paper should be able to take you to level eight. However, now you should work on improving your magic level, as it's just a matter of time for you to become a grand arcanist. You must have benefited from having the two legendaries temporarily living inside of your body, and I'm sure that the congress will also favor you to a great extent."

Currently, Lucien had fifteen thousand arcana credits, which meant he was halfway from hitting level eight. He also expected that the reward credits from new alchemy would be very considerable.

In the study, Fernando handed Lucien the paper, "Take a look at what's missing here. If there isn't, I will not have to read your paper."

Lucien took a glance at it and found that his teacher had also missed mass-energy equation as Einstein did. He smiled and picked up the quill-pen,

"Sir, there's one thing missing."

Lucien started writing on the parchment. The point of the pen slightly scratched the surface and made a tiny, soft noise. Fernando watched the entire process of derivation, and the look on his face changed several times: There was solemnity, shock, and then great excitement.

Lucien kept writing. Eventually, the formula came out: "E=mc^2".

A thick bolt of lightning flashed through the sky outside the window. For a moment, the entire demiplane was illuminated by it.

Then the deafening thunder followed. It's great power even made the window frames shake.

"I see! That's what that part of the structure means! The mutual conversion between mass and energy! No wonder extraordinarily high temperature is possible in new alchemy!" Fernando said aloud to himself, out of great excitement.

He was so thrilled that it sounded like he was roaring. Finally, he had seen direction in making further progress in legendary level using new alchemy and by putting together all the fields that he was good at together!

Although the two magic structures – fusion and fission – were still too complex for him, and it would take time for him to understand bit by bit, he finally saw hope for reaching the next level!


In the Bright Hall in Lance, the Holy City, the grand cardinals were discussing the latest report submitted by Sard.

"The priests and night watchers in Holm parish are not being reliable." said Saint Melmax, the leader of Temple Knights.

The rest of them remained silent. They all knew what caused the priests' mental instability. Part of it was because the Pope had been improving and modifying some fundamental theology theories. If they said anything improper, the Pope might be pissed.

"If we choose to launch a war right now, most priests and night watchers in Holm parish would be ready to fight, which is good. But right now we're not ready for a war. We have to focus our power on the new dimension where both population and resources are abundant," said Benedict II in cold voice, "so do as Sard proposed: punish the night watchers and gather the red robes, including Amelton."

Philibell hurriedly nodded, "As you command, Your Holiness. I'll assign a new red robe to the Inquisition."

No one else said no because this basically had nothing to do with them.


In the Radiance Church, Sard had received the written reply. He gently stroke the paper, smiling.

When his fingers came across, at the end of the punishment list, a new name appeared: Juliana.

But her punishment was much less severe, compared to the punishment for the other two night watchers who caught Baron Austin. She would be put into jail for a year, but the other two would be sentenced to death.

"Ask Octave to come." said Sard to the red robe outside through the divine circle.


A while later, Octave walked out of Sard's study. The look on his face was extremely gloomy and sombre. A couple of minutes earlier, he had been stripped of his title and duty as the leader of the Inquisition!

The position was only lower than a parish leader.

Octave felt that it wasn't really his fault. Radical night watchers came up almost every year.

Killing a noble who listened to Arcana Voice was not a big deal.

Should they just watch evilness spread out but do nothing?

The Church was getting more and more cowardly!

Walking in the Radiance Church, Octave felt the sympathetic eyes from other priests. He thought to himself in his heart,

"Your Holiness, do you see this? They think I am right! Your decision isn't proper!"


June 20th, after King Feltis and Princess Patrick's funeral.

In a long, black dress, Natasha had an interview with Count James, Russell, and Henson.

"The Church has decided on the punishment. The two leading night watchers are sentenced to death, and all the other night watchers involved will receive different punishments. You may inform Baron Austin's family, and please extend my heartfelt condolences." said Natasha, crossing in front of her chest.

Count James wasn't happy, "Only the night watchers? The lunatics won't learn their lesson! We can't live in fear all the time! The leader of the Inquisition must be punished, and any night watchers who are prone to go extreme must be controlled and killed! That's what we nobles, at least most of us, believe. It's also for your own safety, Your Majesty!"

In fact, the punishment decision was already acceptable to him. The Church, he knew, had made big compromise. He was saying this to see Natasha's attitude.

Count Henson and Russell nodded.

Natasha said seriously,

"The Church is at fault, of course, as they did not keep an eye on those extreme night watchers. But they have apologized and made an acceptable decision. The murders' death is the most important thing that Baron Austin would want. Also, Octave has been stripped of his duty. I believe that Saint Sard will keep the lunatics in line. I understand your concern, but what you ask for needs time."

Count James was a bit disappointed, "We obey your wish, Your Majesty."

After leaving Nekso Palace, both Russell and Henson jumped onto James's coach, but neither of them said anything on their way.

When they almost arrived at the villa, Russell released a sigh and broke the silence, "Her Majesty has always been a follower since she was young, and she grew up in Aalto where the Church's power is extremely powerful. It makes sense if she slightly favors the Church. Let's not be too pessimistic."

"But I'm afraid this is just the beginning. Her teacher's Beliel, God's Glory." said James with his sullen-looking face.

Count Henson nodded, and he lowered his voice, "We have to be prepared, just in case…"

At this time, a Dragon Scale horse came close to the coach. It was one of Jame's knights.

"What happened?" asked James.

Somehow the look on the knight's face was full of surprise, "Her Majesty is visiting Holm Royal Magic Tower to see the seniors!"

"What?" Count Henson could not believe his ears. The world had seemingly gone nuts in his eyes.


In a spacious living room in Holm Royal Magic Tower, Natasha was waiting to see the sorcerer members in the royal family in Holm. She said proudly, "I really have to thank those extreme night watchers, or I wouldn't be able to find a chance to come here. When Duke Rex asks, I'll say that I'm here to reassure the Liberals. The Church caused these troubles, so they won't say anything about this as well."

But Natasha was also aware that visiting the magic tower was the farthest she could go. She could never visit Allyn. Holm was different because many royal families still gathered here.

"You're not here just for this, right?" said Camil, who knew Natasha very well.

Natasha looked more serious now, "I took Lucien's suggestion and collected some of my uncle's hair and flesh. By testing them, we can know the accurate age of my uncle when he died to see if he was ever affected by the power of Heart of Time. This is very strong evidence, as time always leaves its trace!"

"'Heart of Time' could manipulate time after the princess's death." said Camil, who did not know much about the limit of Kritonia's ability.

Natasha shook her head, "He can't make time flow back. Also, Lucien told me that some changes only happened to people who were alive, unless he actually once brought uncle back to life."

"Sorcerers are always full of tricks." said Camil, who did not quite understand.

Natasha overlooked the city of Rentato from the high castle. After a while, she cheered up a little bit, "I've known Lucien for years, but I never got a chance to celebrate his birthday with him. I was quite upset that I was going to miss this one as well, but now the problem has been solved. I'll visit Duke Rex's manor and properties during the day and come back here on Lucien's birthday in the evening!"

Natasha thought to herself hard what gift should she prepare for Lucien.

She walked back and forth in the living room, and then noticed that Camil was staring at her.

"What is it, aunt Camil?"

"Look in the mirror," said Camil, using her chin to point at the mirror in the corner.

Natasha was confused, but she did as Camil said anyways. In the mirror, she saw a purple-haired lady whose cheeks were flushed with joy and excitement. Her face was glowing with a sweet smile extending all the way from the corner of her lips to her eyes.

"I look… different." murmured Natasha surprisedly.

Natasha remembered that the last time she was like this was years ago, when she was still with Silvia.

Camil said calmly, "You've fallen in love with Lucien Evans."

She was not asking, but saying a fact.

"What?!" Natasha's eyes suddenly opened big as if she just got struck by a bolt of lightning.

Chapter 517: The Preparation

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Camil's face was rather cold, but her eyes were shining with wisdom. She said straightforwardly,

"You're always happy when you see him. You always share lots of topics with him, but you still feel good even if you two are not talking. Simply being with each other is sweet enough. And you keep mentioning him when talking to me."

"You fancy him turning into a female. Is that normal?"

"For him, you chose not to stop the night watchers; For him, you faced great dangers and temporarily put aside your responsibilities. You distracted Prince Dracula for him; you protected him from Demigod-lich. You call yourself his friend?"

Natasha was totally shocked, "But… but he's a man. I've been helping him because we are good friends!"

Camil's blue eyes stared at Natasha until Natasha started feeling a bit uneasy, "True. You're a knight and you help your friends. But how have you been feeling? You were once in love before, so you should be able to tell."

Natasha started walking back and forth in the room restlessly.

Suddenly, she strode towards the door.

"Wait!" Camil did not expect this. She was worried that if Natasha would do something extreme, say, killing Lucien or hurting herself.

Camil softened her voice to comfort her, "Natasha, love comes regardless of sex. You always told yourself this, right? It just happened that you fell in love with a woman, but this time, it's a man. Don't panic."

As she was saying this, Camil was also a bit worried. She was worried if she just picked the wrong time to tell Natasha everything, if she would disappoint the grand duke.

Natasha slowly turned around, but the look on her face was full of joy.

Her eyes looked gentle and her cheeks flushed. There was great excitement between her brows. At this moment, she looked absolutely stunning.

Camil was so surprised that she became speechless. She felt that Natasha had somehow changed.

After encountering Demigod-lich, Natasha kept falling into confusion from time to time. But now, probably because she had found her new target, Natasha was no more at loss, instead, her eyes were shining with determination!

Natasha grinned, "Aunt Camil, don't worry about me. I'll work hard for my own happiness!"

"What…?" Now it was Camil's turn to feel lost.

Did Natasha already accept the fact within such a short period of time?

Natasha's clenched her right hand, she said with great determination, "I'm a knight. I don't dodge when there's a problem. I seek solutions."

Her voice gradually rose,

"My faith is to move forward, forward, forever. I'm going to defeat all the barriers in front of me!"

"No matter how he will respond to this, I'll not yield. I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him, defeat him, conquer him!"

That was the declaration from Natasha.

Camil should have thought about this as well. And so she had kind of expected this result.

Natasha grinned. Her left hand reached into her pocket. The small laurel box containing the godhood of the God of Love and Beauty was in it.

Natasha decided to be the one to solve the problem.

Lucien did not have to analyze Evans' Freezing Ray since he was the one who created the spell. After managing to control the fast-growing spiritual power, Lucien had built the structural model of the spell within his soul and became a seventh circle sorcerer.

Pushing open the window, watching the garden shining in the warm sunlight, Lucien's heart was full of joy. He was becoming stronger and stronger, the situation of the world was now relatively settled, and the lady he loved had come all the way to him. Although there were still many difficulties, things were heading to the positive side.

The monocle he was wearing was getting a bit hotter. Knowing that someone was contacting him, Lucien turned it on.

"Lucien, you know where I am right now?" It was Natasha's voice.

Lucien smiled, "You can't be in Allyn, right?"

"Haha, I'm at Holm Royal Magic Tower." said Natasha proudly.

Lucien was quite surprised, "Holm Royal Magic Tower? You don't care about the Church? They may overreact to it."

"No worries. I have to comfort the Liberals here, for what happened. It was the Church's bad, and they have to understand and support me." said Natasha half jokingly using the tone of a queen.

Words escaped Lucien's lips, "Then on June 25th can you…"

"On June 25, are you available…" Natasha asked him simultaneously.

They both stopped, and smiled.

According to the custom in this world, birthday celebration lasted for more than an entire day, from the night before to the next early morning.

Lucien rubbed his chin and the smile on his face was big, "I'm always available when the queen asks."

"Great. Then on June 25th, at Holm Royal Magic Tower, I'll celebrate your birthday with you," said Natasha cheerfully, "I've known you for so many years, but I never got a chance to do so."

After they ended the call, Lucien walked back and forth in his room excitedly. He wielded his right fist in the air out of great excitement.

"One more step forward." Lucien said to himself.

He could not sit down. Thoughts flashed through his mind. He believed that Natasha also had some feelings toward him. Maybe he should try to make a breakthrough.

Lucien decided to write it down – his plan:

"Target: To be with the girl I am in love with."

"Step 1: Prepare good ingredients and make a couple of good Chinese dishes."

"Step 2: Arrive at Holm Royal Magic Tower earlier. Make things romantic using candles, piano, and wine."

"Step 3: Lead the topic and try to see how Natasha will respond. Three choices available: Keep trying, speak it out, and temporarily stop."

"Step 4: Details – If Natasha doesn't like it, stay back but don't give up. Take more time to build it up. If Natasha's attitude remains ambiguous, keep talking about our past experience and building stronger connections. When things are right, seize the chance and speak it out."

"Notes: What to prepare"

"First, Natasha fancies sweet and main courses that are tender and juicy. She doesn't mind spicy and less common food. So the dishes can include sweet and sour fish, sautéed lamb liver, roast suckling pig, honey pumpkin, etc, depending on what ingredients are available."

"Second, get a piano and a violin ready. The music has to be romantic, but For Silvia and Exodus should be strictly forbidden in case sad memories triggered. Music list includes Marriage d'amour, Ballade pour Adeline, Canon In D Major.."

"Third, write down all the possible questions and get prepared…"

Lucien wrote a lot, like he was doing an experiment. He thought really hard, trying to find anything that he missed.

Lucien read the plan line by line. Then he started considering what might happen if his plan did work out. He felt the muscles in his arm and chest. Obviously, they were not very impressive, compared to that of the knight.

Lucien smacked his lips, slightly frowning.

"I gotta get prepared for this, too."

Ten minutes later, Lucien had arrived at Allyn Advanced Arcana Library. His face flushing, his throat a big dry, Lucien said to the alchemical life,

"Umm… I just… Umm… Pink Book, please."

After seeing the sorcerers from the royal family, Natasha walked to the top floor of the magic tower using the excuse to take a rest. But she walked to the entrance of Hathaway's demiplane, with a big, sweet smile on her face.

Her left hand was still gently stroking the small laurel box in her pocket. She had hope in her mind. She believed that when he chose to wear the ring, all the barriers between them would disappear.

Lucien was good looking. If he became a lady, he must be gorgeous. She had to keep a close watch on her girl, in case someone would steal her.

That was what Natasha was thinking to herself.

But her left hand touched something cold. The big smile kind of froze on her face.

It was Pale Justice.

"I am a man." said Lucien seriously. He once said this to Natasha.

The memories rushed back to her and filled her mind.

He was the black-haired, young man whose talent dazzled the audience;

He was that gentleman who she could talk to all day long about any topics without any stress or pressure.

He was the man that had great determination who never put her down from his back in the dark forest even when facing the greatest danger;

He was the resolved explorer who left Aalto for his magic dream;

He was that smart sorcerer who was always resourceful when Demigod-lich was chasing after them;

He was her knight, who cared about her, made fun of her, and stood in front of her.

Natasha stood where she was for a while. Then with a soft smile on her face, she turned around and left before she entered Element Paradise, Hathaway's demiplane.

The small laurel box had also been put into the bottom layer of her storage pouch.

Chapter 518: Birthday Gift

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

It was June 25. The sun was as bright as Natasha's mood right now.

Whispering in a delighted tone, she prepared her face and her clothes in front of a mirror. Since she was not a rookie in romance, and she had plenty of similar dates when she was with Sylvia, she did not reject skirts, broad-edged hats, earrings or necklaces. Therefore, it was no trouble for her to find a delicate black dress whose edge was slightly puffy, revealing the mysteriousness of the night and the attraction of the unknown.

"Huh. This is not so flirty that it contradicts my style and scares Lucien, and nor is it as tough and charmless as the knight suit." Natasha moved casually and commented in satisfaction.

The court dress was not in the style of the conservative Holm or that of the open Tria, but in the graceful style of Aalto between them. The neckline of the dress was slightly low, making it possible to see the fair and delicate skin down below, but if she did not bend, nothing inappropriate would be exposed at all.

The dress had been finely cut, too, highlighting Natasha's long beautiful neck, highly-rising breasts and slender but powerful waist in the most eye-catching way, filling her with the charm of a female.

Natasha observed herself and encouraged herself, "Sylvia used to envy my body figure a lot in the past. I am never too thin or too fat. Lucien will definitely be amazed."

She was not unsure of herself. However, after dropping Lucien's 'gender transitioning plan' the other day, when she recalled the past, she realized that she had never attempted to stress her femininity during her company with Lucien, and she had no idea whether she was a lady or a gentleman in his eyes. Therefore, she intended to correct her 'bad' impression of Lucien as soon as possible.

Queen Natasha was certainly not someone who would back off. Whenever she had a target, she always pressed forward determinedly and would fix the problems if she ever encountered any.


Allyn, in Lucien's magic tower…

Trays of Chinese dishes that had just been cooked were placed on the table in the living room, but there was no fragrance coming out, because they had all been kept with preservation magics.

Lucien took off the apron that he used for cooking and walked to the mirror while whispering a song merrily, observing himself, "Huh. Stick to the plan. I need to slightly change the style of my coat and give Natasha a brand-new feeling. I have to change the image of being just a good friend that I've built so far.

The black frock coat slightly wriggled into a black cloak. Inside it, there was a white shirt, a black waistcoat, and a rather casual bowtie on the neckline.

His pants that were in the same color were equally straight, covering his shiny black shoes.

Men's clothes were not as complicated as women's. However, the slight change of coat already changed Lucien's vibe. He was a quiet and even conservative man before, but he had additional passion and confidence right now, making him look even more attractive.

Putting on his monocle, Lucien combed his fringe, allowing it to cover the right side of his forehead from the left side.

After he cleaned himself up, Lucien frowned at himself, seeing that his hair had reached his ears, feeling that he was not masculine enough. He thought to himself, "Should I cut my hair short and keep a mustache?"

The idea had just occurred to him when Lucien realized something. He spoke to himself in amusement, "This should be what Natasha prefers. If I change myself into a masculine man, I will only achieve the opposite of my purpose!"

Lucien turned around, fixed the dishes with magic, and put them in the storage bag that was awarded to him after he became a senior-rank sorcerer. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and exclaimed 'I almost forgot' in his business. Then, he hurried to pick up a peppermint candy from the table in the living room and tossed it into his mouth.

"Keep your mouth fresh." Lucien said in a smile and then bumped his fist at himself in the mirror:

"Keep it up!"


Natasha was very satisfied with her look and barely put on any makeup. She merely changed her hairstyle to make her long hair even more alluring.

After she finished picking her clothes, as usual, she took out a few candies in different flavors from her storage bag.

"Which flavor will be better?" Natasha hesitated for a moment. Considering Lucien's preference, she selected a sweet violet sugar and put it into her mouth.

After she was all set, Natasha was about to leave and begin her 'quest', when she suddenly remembered something from a long time ago, "Sylvia mentioned that Lucien had been staring at her legs and her silk stockings like a wolf since the moment he saw her. Huh, although Lucien explained that it was because he did not expect to see such a byproduct of alchemy, I would rather believe that he likes it than go there unprepared. After all, he certainly does not dislike it."

Whispering again, Natasha opened her closet and picked a pair of black silk stockings and garters of the same color with her clothes.

Sitting on the sofa, Natasha took her right foot out of the black shoe and put it on the table. Her foot was slightly small compared to her height. It was graceful and chubby, and her toes were long and cute. There wasn't any messy potion on her fingernails, either, which emitted healthy and attractive pinkness, like five vague roses.

As she rolled the thin silk stockings and covered the tip of her foot, hazy blackness buried her skin bit by bit and enshrouded her long, straight right leg.

After finishing both feet, Natasha put on the garters and stood up again. She pulled her dress and observed the result. Her legs behind the black silk stockings were obscure and unbelievably captivating.

"It's really good to be a radiant knight. My legs that were too solid before are now perfect. Haha." Natasha praised herself without the least embarrassment.

Then, she looked at the beautiful girl inside the mirror. Some anxiety and worries beamed out of her face.

However, those emotions were soon dispelled by her resolution. Natasha clenched her right hand and said to herself in the mirror:

"Natasha, you can do this!"


Lucien walked out of the living room in a smile and reached the lift of the magic tower somewhat anxiously.

When he stepped into the lift, Lucien looked around and, upon seeing the garden outside of the enormous window, he thought of something. "Crap! I didn't prepare any flowers! I've forgotten such an important thing!"

Checking the time, Lucien realized that he barely had time to search for flowers elsewhere. Therefore, he focused his attention on his own garden. "Well, I can claim that I've raised and cared for the flower for years. That will definitely show my sincerity."

Comforting herself, Lucien left the lift and flew out of the window. Without any hesitation, he picked the violet, which was Natasha's impression in his heart.

"Thankfully, the bloom season hasn't passed in the high sky yet, or I'd have to make them blossom with magic." Lucien did not know Natasha's view on flowers and therefore merely picked eleven of them.

Having no time to think whether he had forgotten anything else, Lucien cleaned his clothes again and walked out of the magic tower, but Sprint, Katrina, Annick and other students stopped him.

"Master, where are you going? Isn't it your birthday today? We're planning to celebrate it with you." Heidi asked with delight and surprise. Why did her teacher seem so strange today? He had even changed his style.

Lucien did not expect to run into them, either. He said rather awkwardly, "I'm going to meet a friend. You can come again tomorrow night."

Heidi, Annick and Sprint were going to ask which friend it was, but they were stopped by Chelly, Layria and Katrina respectively. The three girls held back their laughter and said, "In that case, we will not delay you any longer, master."

That was exactly what Lucien wanted. He hurried to leave on a wagon.

"Why did you stop me from asking?" Heidi looked at the girls in confusion.

Chelly, who was the most experienced one of all, smiled, "Didn't you notice that master's spring has come?"

Huh? Sprint, Annick and the other bachelors were still baffled.


Reaching the royal magic tower of Holm on a wagon, Natasha entered the previous guest room with Camil gravely and met many members of the royal family in a hurry.

Then, she took a deep breath and said to Camil, "Aunt Camil, I'm leaving."

"Don't make it like a battle. Take it easy." Seeing how dominating and magnificent Natasha was, Camil hurried to ask her to be gentle.

"Okay." Natasha nodded, knowing that she was a little bit too obsessed about it. She put on a casual smile, walked to 'Lucien's Office' on the same floor, and knocked on the door.

Without any wait, the door was opened. Natasha's eyes immediately shined. She seldom saw Lucien in such a style, and freshness always meant unknown, further adding to his charm.

Lucien, on the other hand, was rather stunned. He had never seen such a gorgeous Natasha that was filled with femininity.

Natasha was very satisfied about Lucien's reaction. She smiled, "Are you not letting me in?"

Lucien was back to himself. He cleared the way and revealed the room that was in a hazy atmosphere.

In the office, the left side was a chamber with a bed, the right side was the library, and the living room was in the middle with a piano in a corner and a round table at the center. On the table were trays of unique, carefully-decorated food and two candles. As the dim light of candles flickered, the fuzzy and romantic atmosphere was building up.

Natasha, who used to have candle lit dinners frequently, never thought that such slight changes could make the common environment so fascinating.

Lucien directed her to the table, pulled the chair and asked the lady to sit down first. Then, he took out the champagne that was kept in ice. Pouring half a glass for each of them, he returned to his seat on the opposite side.

"After knowing you for almost eight years, I can finally celebrate my birthday with you now." Lucien raised his wine glass and said, while he considered his plans:

"First of all, I will direct the subject to the meaningful things that we've experienced together, so that Natasha will be emotionally softened. Then, I will play the piano and build the atmosphere as much as possible. After that, I'll be able to drop the hint."

Natasha raised the glass at Lucien. She smiled, "How time flies. You are 25 too now. Happy birthday, Lucien."

After a clink, both of them sipped the champagne. Lucien took the opportunity to review his plan. In a warm smile, he was going to direct the subject of their conversation.

At this moment, however, Natasha stood up and said in a smile, "I have a birthday gift for you."

"What gift?" Watching Natasha walk towards him gracefully, Lucien hurried to recall the other part of his plan that specified his reactions and directions after he received her birthday gift.

When he smelled vague fragrance, Lucien opened his mouth and was about to express his delight at Natasha's gift.

But suddenly, Lucien saw that Natasha bent over and held his chin with her right hand.

What's going on?

Lucien was stunned. Then he felt that Natasha's scarlet lips were pressed to his mouth, that her fresh and smooth tongue opened his teeth and stuck in with the sweet smile of violet, looking for a partner to dance with.

What's going on?

Lucien realized that all his plans seemed unable to follow the actual circumstances. He subconsciously hugged Natasha back, allowing their tongues to dance together.

After a long kiss, Natasha let go of his mouth. Her lips captivating and her eyes hazy, she looked at Lucien who was still perplexed about what was going on and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Do you like my birthday gift?"

Chapter 519: The Pace of a Knight

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Do you like my birthday gift?"

Natasha's voice was slightly hoarse. She tried to pretend to be casual, but her heart was still beating faster than usual, as if the anxiety deep inside her heart was spreading out. Did Lucien like it? Would he accept it?

Even though she was a queen and a brave knight, she found it hard to remain calm, and she was not as confident as she appeared

"Even if he refuses me, I will not give up. I will definitely conquer him someday!"

Natasha made up her mind and encouraged herself that one failure was acceptable.

Suddenly, she felt that there was a hand on her waist and her back, and she heard Lucien's deepened voice:

"I love it, but…"

The hand on her back suddenly pressed hard. Caught unprepared, Natasha leaned forward to Lucien and saw his eyes where a surging storm was rising.

"… but it is not enough!"

Huh? Natasha hadn't understood what he meant, when her mouth was already blocked by Lucien. She sensed his scorching breath spurting on her face.

Her lips were sucked and divided by Lucien, and a tongue broke into her mouth firmly. It went on a wild rampage, searching for the bold and open partner from a moment ago.

Well? Natasha seemed to understand something. She closed her eyes in delight and excitement. The dimness before her eyes seemed to have been completely illuminated.

Lucien kissed particularly wildly to express his long-repressed feelings, but he was still more or less ill at ease. Was it only a birthday gift just now? Did it mean anything else? Was he mistaken?

Uneasiness, expectations, anxiety… Everything had been mixed and cooked into a pot of indescribable feelings. Lucien slowed down and waited for Natasha to give an affirmative answer.

Suddenly, Lucien felt that the fresh and smooth tongue entangled his own. It was so powerful and so sweet that it was even trying to push back into his own mouth. In the meantime, two hands held his head.

Boom. Lucien felt fireworks blooming in front of his eyes. Natasha had given her answer obviously.

Their kiss gradually grew intense. After who knows how long, the two of them were finally separated.

Lucien was about to say something, when Natasha, whose face was flushing, said in delight, "Lucien, you taste better than I thought."

Her pink tongue licked her lips quickly and agilely.

Lucien was immediately embarrassed. It was indeed as expected of Natasha. However, that was why he liked her.

Natasha breathed heavily. "After overcoming my mental resistance, I realized that I fell in love with you a long time ago. No, Lucien. I want to solemnly tell you…"

Her silver purple eyes became serious. "… that I love you. I hope we can try living together. I want to share my remaining life with you until death do us part."

As a girl with enough romantic experience, Natasha knew very clearly that confessions of love could only be done when two people knew each other very well. Confessing love to a stranger that one barely knew would only terrify them, and if they were willing to accept it, they would be after the pursuer's fortune or sex.

Lucien suddenly felt that the date plan he drafted arduously was a waste of time, because it had proved useless before he had a chance to use it. Even the confession of love had been done by Natasha.

However, it was not the time to be bothered by that. Lucien looked at Natasha's eyes warmly and tried not to let his ecstasy shake his voice. "Natasha, I love you too. Since I don't know when, I have already been enjoying spending time with you. I realized what I wanted on our return to Aalto. Over the past years, I've been trying to approach you and pursue you. I also would like to share my remaining life with you. I want you to be my wife."

Always remembering that 'those who date not for the purpose of marriage are scoundrels', Lucien expressed his solemn attitude.

Natasha put on a brilliant smile. It was the best feeling in the world that the one you loved loved you back.

She seemed tired of keeping her back bent. Therefore, she descended with her hands on Lucien's shoulder and sat on Lucien's legs directly. Then, her face looked rather strange.

Lucien hurried to explain in embarrassment, "This… This is a normal reaction."

Crap. The romantic atmosphere was slightly sabotaged.

Natasha immediately realized what was going on. She slightly twisted her back and observed Lucien's funny face as she expected. Then, she craned her head and spoke alluringly next to Lucien's ear, "Lucien's Big Ivan?"

"Yes." Blushing, Lucien did not know how to reply.

Natasha opened her mouth and sucked Lucien's earlobe, letting the numbness spread throughout his body. Then, she let go and chuckled, "I like your reaction. Don't be shy."

More than embarrassed, Lucien turned his head and sucked Natasha's fair ear softly, too. Out of his expectation, he saw that her body was shivering, and that redness rose from her neck to her cheeks.

Was it her sensitive point?

"I like you doing this do me, too." Her eyes as hazy as a mist, Natasha spoke directly. Then she asked both curiously and happily, "You said you fell in love with me and tried pursuing me years ago. Why didn't I feel anything?"

"I feared that you were only into girls. So, I've been trying to build up my relationship with you and change you." Lucien replied honestly.

Natasha smiled and seemed moved. "Lucien, I'm still into girls, but you are the only exception. Despite your gender, I don't feel uncomfortable at all having physical contact with you."

While saying that, she turned her waist to further prove what he said, making it even more difficult for Lucien to hold it back.

"Hehe. Since you were trying to build up our relationship, you must've made plans for the birthday dinner, didn't you? Would you have done it if I didn't confess?" Natasha seemed to be enjoying Lucien's self-containment. She moved her waist slowly but unstoppably while she asked.

"Yes. I made a whole plan that included food preparations, subject guidance, piano-playing, love-confessing and everything." His brain filled with blood, Lucien simply confessed dutifully.

Natasha was stunned. It was just a casual question, and she did not expect that Lucien did have a plan. Therefore, she asked in great interest.

Now that he had accidentally blurted out the embarrassing thing, Lucien had no choice except to introduce his whole plan. In the end, he said, "As it turns out, the plan is absolutely useless."

Natasha burst into laughter. "This is so you! How hilarious!"

Her voice suddenly stopped as she laughed. Her eyes turned deep and profound as she said hoarsely, "But I like! I like it very much!"

Lucien sensed Natasha's breath was getting hotter. Looking at her in the eyes, he understood her happiness.

Although he had never been through such situations before, he suddenly felt that the plan was not entirely useless. While the content on the plan was never put into use, the plan itself successfully touched Natasha. Lucien immediately felt sweet and happy, but that was soon disrupted by Natasha's declaration.

"Lucien, let's have a baby." Natasha seemed unadapted to being emotional. She hurried to hold herself back and suggested delightedly.

Lucien almost passed out. Wasn't it going too fast?

Sensing nothing wrong, Natasha continued happily, "I was planning to make a child by means of artificial insemination that you mentioned with your bloodline. However, such trouble is unnecessary now. We can be more direct. Haha!"

Lucien was embarrassed again. "Natasha, don't you feel that you have ruined all the romance?"

Natasha finally realized it. She said regretfully, "Right…"

But she was soon refreshed. She looked at Lucien in a smile, "In fact, I think this is the atmosphere that is most suitable for you. Don't you think so?"

"Me too. It's relieving without any pressure." Replied Lucien honestly.

Natasha went on the previous topic, "Lucien, I really I hope that we can be together openly someday, and that our children can grow under the bliss of their parents. Yes, that's an idea that I'm certain of right now and a goal that I will strive for. Protection is the feeling from the real Lord at the bottom of my heart. It is there and it will always be, never to be shaken by anything else."

Her eyes were clear and firm, as if she had found her path to walk on.

"Me too. I hope that our children can grow up in a complete family." It was easy for a couple to fantasize about the future when they were together. Lucien, being no exception, smiled, too.

Natasha chuckled. "But first of all, we need to have a child."

"We can work it out later." Lucien responded in a smile.

Natasha, however, moved her waist again. "Is that so? Your Big Ivan seems to be suggesting otherwise. I want to take care of it right now."

Instead of waiting for Lucien to reply, Natasha sat straight with only the support of her spine and grabbed Lucien's hands.

"Natasha…" Lucien found it hard to keep up with the progress.

Hardly had he concluded his sentence when Lucien felt that his right hand, under Natasha's guidance, touched a highly-rising spot that had a tip on it.

"Do you like it?" Natasha's voice was even more hoarse, as if she were fascinated, too.

His blood flooding into his head, Lucien couldn't help but nod his head. Then, his left hand was pulled by Natasha through the layers of clothes and touched her smooth, elastic skin.

"Do you like it? Natasha leaned forward on Lucien and asked again hoarsely and sexily.

"I do." Lucien felt that he could no longer be called a man if he contained himself any longer. Getting both of his hands busy, he said, "Let's go to the bedroom…"

"Let's do it right here, on the table, on the rug or on the chair." Natasha chuckled and said, her voice filled with infinite charm.

Lucien felt that the first time was best on bed. Therefore, he tried to pick up Natasha. But all of a sudden, he felt that a slightly cold hand dug into his clothes and slipped all the way downwards from his chest until it grabbed his thing.

"I can't wait to taste your feelings."

Water seemed to be dripping from Natasha's silver purple eyes, as she kissed Lucien's lips again.

Chapter 520: Philosophical Time

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

There was no window in the bedroom. The bed was messy, filled with a fragrant and strange smell that brought blushing subtleties.

Holding Natasha, Lucien leaned against the headboard, deep in thought.

After relishing the wonderful feeling when their bodies and souls were melted together, he suddenly grew a lot and seemed to have become a psychologically real man after only a few hours. A heavy responsibility had been added to his shoulder. From today on, he would no longer be alone. He had a partner, and probably a few lovely new lives in the future, with whom he would walk together until the end of his life.

Therefore, Lucien began to review his life goals and adjust his plan, trying to figure out how to be together with Natasha openly.

"According to the files in the library, it's true a man's 'philosophical time' after doing that." Lucien made fun of himself after thinking that. Such heavy subjects had never occurred to him before.

As his eyes moved to the rug in the bedroom and the doorstep, Lucien's eyes saw the messy clothes that had been thrown all the way. That black dress had been torn into God knows how many pieces under their joint efforts. Lying on the floor, they outlined a shameful scene with the many suspicious traces around.

Looking at that, feeling the smooth and elastic skin under his right hand, and smelling the sweet fragrance that was mixed with a weird scent, Lucien suddenly felt hot, and his libido surfaced again. His right hand pressed slightly harder.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The bell of the Radiance Church echoed at this moment, announcing that it was already the 26th.

In a fragrant wind, Lucien was sealed by the pink lips again. The strong and sweet tongue softly divided his teeth and entangled his own.

The kiss was not intense but filled with warmth. They felt and tasted each other, not leaving out any corner.

After a long time, their lips were finally separated. Natasha said in a brilliant smile with her dreamy eyes, "Happy birthday, my knight."

Lucien hugged her again and gave her another long kiss. Then he smiled, "You didn't sleep?"

Natasha wriggled and leaned next to Lucien, before she said thoughtfully, "No. I've been considering my life path. I'm planning to figure out my confusion in my faith. I'm also thinking about what I should do to change Holm so that we can be together openly."

"It's going to be a long and difficult path, but I will not give up."

Lucien couldn't help but smile. Had Natasha entered the 'philosophical state', too? It was truly as expected of Her Majesty.

Thinking about that, Lucien turned to Natasha, only to discover that the thin, white velvet quilt had slipped during her previous movement, revealing the graceful and firm rising below. The tiny tip of redness on it made Lucien blush and pant again. He subconsciously turned around to avoid the wonderful view.

"Do you not like it?" How could Natasha have ignored Lucien's anomaly? She chuckled and laughed at his conservativeness. Then, her eyes passed Lucien's body and caught the broken clothes on the rug. "You were nothing like that before. You were as ferocious as a beast and tore my dress into pieces."

Holding back his urges, Lucien subconsciously argued, "It was torn by you."

"Is that so?" Natasha leaned her face to Lucien and said in a smile, "I remember it now. Somebody couldn't untie the dress a moment ago and forgot to use magic in his fury. Therefore, out of my love for him, I tore the dress myself. Lucien, do you prefer this explanation or the one where you were as ferocious as a beast?"

Lucien had nothing to defend himself. So, he could only reply gloomily, "I prefer the first one."

Natasha smiled and praised him, "However, your performance was indeed excellent. You appeared rather immature at first, but you were rather experienced in the second time and got me under you when I was unprepared. It felt rather good to enjoy myself without doing anything.

"Also, with all the magical assistance and your body condition as a grand knight, you gave me the ultimate pleasure that I had never experienced before. I have never been as exhausted without fighting."

"Although I am too tired to even move my finger, I can't feel more pleasant, particularly when we were melted. It's like our souls are interwoven. That must be love."

She talked about his performance without the least awkwardness.

Lucien secretly wiped his sweat. The atmosphere when he was with Natasha was too weird. They must be a unique couple.

"Me too. I had unprecedented happiness. Right, it must've been because of my instincts as a man that you felt that I was experienced." Lucien certainly would not say how knowledgeable he was and how pained his back was right now. "I don't think you experienced it before, right?"

Lucien realized that it was terrible the moment he said that, because it would remind Natasha of Sylvia.

Natasha was not bothered. "The knights' control over the muscles is very strong. Ordinary people can make them happy, too. When there was love, the enjoyment would be as good, but still, I had a feeling that I enjoyed it but did not enjoy it enough. In comparison, I almost passed out just now. Hehe. The last few of your magics are good. We can try the assistance of other strange magics in the future."

Queen Natasha was a curious but rational woman. However, she did not think she needed to contain herself when she explored things in that aspect with her partner.

"Okay…" Lucien replied almost he was almost at a loss for words. He was so hasty in the previous two sessions that he completely forgot the tricks on the Pink Book. He merely built up himself with the magics such as potency and rejuvenation.

In the meantime, Lucien thought to himself, "The body transformation of radiant knights lasts too shortly. It can only be used at the critical moment, or the cast will ruin the feeling. I need to develop a new transformation technique to let me have the strength and agility of the radiant knights but not their supernatural abilities. That way, it should be enough to extend the effect by half an hour."

It was not used for fighting, so supernatural abilities did not matter.

Thinking about that, Lucien recalled what happened to the living room a moment ago. Even though their magic and supernatural powers were within control, their exertion of strength had already collapsed the chairs and tables. The cuisines he prepared were also tasted by Natasha in a very weird way. If they hadn't entered the bedroom at the last moment, Lucien was suspicious that the bed would've been collapsed, too. "I have to craft magic furniture now…"

Natasha turned around and leaned on Lucien's chest, allowing their naked skin to contact directly. She asked worriedly, "Were we too hasty? I just couldn't control myself. After I realized that I fell in love with you a long time ago, my years of feelings burst out like a torrent."

Lucien was too inexperienced, which made Natasha, who had entered 'philosophical state', slightly uneasy.

"Not at all. I've waited for years." Lucien did feel that it went too fast, but he was gratified by the company of the girl he loved and did not feel anything wrong later.

Natasha nodded in satisfaction. After another long kiss, she said regretfully, "It's past dawn. Although I would like to stay with you, I need to go back to the Nekso Palace now, or I will raise the suspicion of the Church if I spend the night in the royal magic tower of Holm. We are both young and still have a long life ahead of us. I believe that we will be really together someday."

"I understand. The constraint right now is for the happiness in the future." Lucien hugged her and took out her storage bag, ready to put clothes on her.

Natasha suddenly winked. "Is that so? Your Big Ivan seems to be saying otherwise. It wants one more time, doesn't it?"

Lucien looked at the ceiling helplessly, "You need to go back."

"Well, there is still some time. It should be enough." Natasha's eyes were suddenly rippling like water. Then, Lucien felt that her long legs slipped past his own, whose smoothness was passed on to his heart in a numbing feeling. "Lucien, didn't you say that it was only because of shock? But why do I feel that you are really into silk stockings? Both the dress and underwear have been torn by you, but the silk stockings are still intact."

Lucien blushed and did not say anything. His body turned hot under the provocation, while the long leg slid all the way to the critical area.

Lucien couldn't hold it anymore and grabbed Natasha's leg, about to put her down.

Natasha reached Lucien's chest, her silver eyes glittering and her voice lascivious. "I will be on top this time."

The air was filled with panting and squeaky noises. Suddenly, the bed collapsed in a bam, but the two of them did not stop at all.

After a long time, Lucien lay on the bed, satisfied and fatigued, while Natasha stood next to the bed, sorting her black dress delightedly.

"I'm going back." Natasha bent and kissed Lucien. Then she said solemnly, "I wonder if you could invite the King of Nightmare to stay in Aalto for a while in case of any trouble."

"Rest assured. I'll take care of it. The Grand Duke will not be in danger." Lucien had already thought of it.

Natasha left the room in a light mood. After resting for a while and restoring part of his strength, Lucien got up from the collapsed bed and put on his magic robe. Walking to the living room, he watched Natasha get on the wagon and leave through the window.

"My life has entered a new phase after today." Lucien remarked in complicated feelings.

After Natasha returned to the Nekso Palace, Lucien talked to her for another hour through electromagnetism messaging. It was not until then that he finally sat on the rug and began to analyze the eight-circle magics, trying to improve his magic level.

Before he knew it, it was already morning. Lucien cleaned his clothes and opened the door tiredly, picking up the 'Holm Weekly' that he subscribed to.

"… His Excellency Saint Sard is worried about the mental faculty of the clergy and night watchers in the Holm parish. He has decided that the personnel will study in the Rentato abbey and communicate with the other four parishes on this side of the Storm Strait…"

"What is Sard trying to do exactly?" Lucien scratched his chin at the headline.

Chapter 521: Paradox

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lucien, who knew a thing or two about Sard, speculated his intention with the newspaper in his hands. "He is trying to influence the clergy and the night watchers of the Holm parish and build them into his own subordinates? The communication of personnel must be for the same purpose. He will also be able to send spies to other parishes…"

When he thought that Vera Amelton had mastered the inquisition in the Holm parish, Lucien felt quite reverential for Sard, who had made such great use of the incident where a few radical night watchers lynched a liberal noble.

"Chances are that Sard is behind the few night watchers… But what does he want exactly by doing so? Divide the Church after he grows powerful? However, both the new church that he creates in the future and the South Church will no longer be the best in the world. Even their own territory will be invaded by the Congress, the North Church, or the Court of Elves. Sard can't be that stupid, can he?"

"On the other hand, if the Lord of Hell is behind him, it would be understandable that his goal is to weaken the Church. However, for people like him, unless the benefits overwhelm his sanity, he will never degenerate into a servant of devils from a saint."

"Is Sard trying to replace Benedict II after the pope is summoned by the Lord?"

"It's been almost thirty years since Benedict II's coronation. According to history, he has no more than thirty years before he ascends to Mountain Paradise like the previous popes. Sard, whose longevity is still huge, can definitely afford the wait."

The phenomenon that popes in history always had a short time had been noticed by the Congress of Magic and other forces, but it never had a reasonable explanation. It was suspected that they were too close to the God of Truth and used the god's strength too often, and therefore their body and soul couldn't take it anymore.

Lucien shook his head and browsed through the newspaper, thinking to himself, "I hope Natasha learns a thing or two about Sard. If he intends to divide the Church, he will have the full support of the Highest Council. However, what I fear is that he is ambitious enough to instigate the Church to fight the Congress so that he can eliminate his opposition in the five parishes, before he ascends to the throne of pope with the secrets from the World of Souls.

"By then, he may very well break the limits of longevity for other popes, which will be a nightmare for any force."

While thinking, Lucien went to the top floor on the royal magic tower of Holm, ready to return to Allyn by way of the Element Paradise.

During the gap of the 'second battle', Natasha reminded Lucien that the Church paid even more attention to him after the new alternate dimension was discovered because a man who was likely to be at the peak of legendary must be suffocated in the cradle!

Therefore, she asked Lucien not to meet her too often, and she would contain herself, too. She also suggested that he jump via the demiplanes when he went to Allyn.

Strolling in the corridor, Lucien encountered many members of the Will of Elements. He greeted them in with a constant smile.

Those sorcerers, however, looked equally weird, which made Lucien rub his face and smell it in confusion. He had taken a hot bath before he left. There shouldn't be any scent of love on him anymore. What could be the problem?

"K, what's the look on your face?" By the time Lucien encountered the tall and frank K, who also had the weird expression, he finally couldn't help but ask.

Since Larry, K's teacher, was on a quest, K had been studying the 'new alchemy' independently for a while and met many problems that he would like to discuss with Lucien. At this moment, he tried to hold back his smile and scratched his head, "Lucien, you are like a man who just had his wedding. You have this foolish smile on your face, and you emit a weird sense of satisfaction. You are also walking unsteadily. Anyone with the preliminary experience can tell what happened."

His meaning between the lines was obvious.

Lucien rubbed his forehead in embarrassment. Did he show his cockiness so patently?

So, he hurried to hide his smile and tried to make himself not look so happy.

After talking to K for a while, Lucien stepped into the Element Paradise. After the change of time and space, he saw a pair of silver-grey eyes before he was adapted to the dizziness.

"Your Excellency Hathaway…" Having just slept with her junior, Lucien couldn't help but feel that she was some sort of 'mother-in-law' standing before him.

Not having any expression, Hathaway said very seriously, "She is a girl that is very serious about love. I hope you are not as a playboy as Oliver."

Grand Arcanist Oliver had always been used as a negative example by the rational ladies.

"Your Excellency Hathaway should know very well my love life in the past years. Commitment is the gentlest but most powerful strength in this world, and that is my attitude towards both magic studies and my love." Faced with his 'mother-in-law', Lucien was naturally both sincere and solemn.

After a brief silence, Hathaway nodded her head slowly, with slight delight on her face as if she was comforted by the fact that Natasha and Lucien were finally together. "I've been watching you. If you were otherwise, I would've stopped you. If you contradict yourself, we will be enemies."

Her words were always concise and sometimes subtly ambiguous.

Lucien secretly wiped his cold sweat. Thankfully, he had always been strict about himself. Except for his illusions, he abode by his principles even when he was alone, or it would've been hard for him to pass the test of his 'mother-in-law'. "I will cherish her, respect, comfort her, and accompany her from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live."

Under the pressure of his 'mother-in-law', it was hard for Lucien to organize his speech, so he simply modified the wedding vow from Earth.

Hathaway did not pursue any further but nodded, "He who honors his words is a qualified man. I have some questions regarding the new alchemy to discuss with you."

Hu. Finally passed. Lucien took a long breath in his heart. Discussing arcana questions was much easier than facing the interrogation of such an intimidating 'mother-in-law'.

Lucien and Hathaway did not stop the discussion until more than half a day later. Then, Lucien returned to Allyn, planning to ask for the files about the clergy in the Holm parish. The files specified which of them were radicals, which were reactionists, and which were appeasers who wished to live in peace with the Congress of Magic. The list could be given to Natasha for her reference.

It was the beginning of the operation that Lucien had come up during his 'philosophical state', partly based on the British Reformation.

He found the order that Henry VIII issued very agreeable. "Those who do slanderously and maliciously publish and pronounce, by express writing or words, that the king should be heretic, schismatic, tyrant, infidel or usurper of the crown… are guilty of high treason. "

Hardly had he left the magic tower of the Will of Elements when Lucien's monocle became hot. So, he turned on the magic circle.

"Lucien, where were you? Come here. Oliver has some questions that he wants to discuss with you." The Lord of Storm's loud voice echoed.

Lucien hurried to explain, "I spent the morning discussing 'new alchemy' with Her Excellency Hathaway…"

Fernando, however, had already cut the communication impatiently. He was rather bad-tempered when he was reverse-engineering 'fission' and 'fusion', and he was not interested in Lucien's explanation at all.

Turning off the monocle, Lucien raised his eyebrow. Had his master made Oliver accept it? That was rather fast…

On the 33rd level of the Allyn magic tower, Lucien walked into Fernando's library.

Fernando was scribbling when Lucien walked in. Suddenly dazed, he said in a vague smile, "Today is your birthday. Did you date the queen last night? Also, it seems that you've been well tasted by 'Her Majesty', haven't you?"

"Huh?" Lucien secretly suspected that his disguise was flawed. How could his teacher tell?

Fernando immediately laughed out aloud. "How inexperienced of you. I was just bluffing. However, I could tell that you had a date with Natasha even without using the prophecy magic."

"Why?" Asked Lucien, subconsciously.

Fernando chuckled, "I smelled the air of estrus when you were far away. How about it? Do you feel that your life has entered a new phase?"

Lucien was rendered speechless.

"How shocking. I thought that it would take you years before you made any progress, but it actually only took several days. I'm beginning to suspect that you are not my student Lucien!" Fernando 'mocked' Lucien, "but I'm completely relieved now. Natasha is now definitely on the Congress' side. We will try to support you to be the Prince of Nekso. But it will take time. Don't be hasty. Lucien, what a rarely-seen gem you are. Not only are you capable of arcana studies, but you are also good at sex-traps…"

Fernando was in such a good mood that he sounded more and more absurd as he rambled on, but he seemed more happy about Lucien's love life than about the Congress' increasing influence on Holm.

Prince of Nekso was a title for the queen's husband, originated from the title of the prince who built the Nekso Palace.

"Master, where is His Excellency Oliver?" Lucien hurried to change the topic.

Fernando grew serious when it came to arcana questions. He led Lucien to his demiplane and showed him Oliver, who was wearing a white wig. It must be admitted that he was a handsome, graceful middle-aged man.

"Evans, when Fernando gave me your paper, I found it unacceptable and believed that the view on time and space was ridiculous and wrong. However, after consideration, I realized that this view had germinated in my heart a long time ago, and I never had the guts to boldly take the step forward because of the boundary of the experience and common sense of the past." Said Oliver in a smile.

Lucien was slightly relieved. It seemed that this guy's cognitive world was not broken. "I feel relieved that Your Excellency Oliver does not reject it."

"In fact, when we studied electromagnetism, many sorcerers and I tried to integrate Mr. President's theory with Brook's theory, thereby constructing a real arcana system that can be used in every aspect. After all, the sources of all things should have the same nature, which we can call magic, or arcana, or truth, but it can't be in two different systems." Oliver spoke of his dream.

It was the common wish of all sorcerers to find a system that could explain everything. They had been pursuing it for thousands of years since the Magic Empire.

"During the integration, we found a lot of problems and conflicts, which were never resolved because we could not let go of our common sense in the past. It was exactly because of those experiences that I found it not difficult to accept your paper. I believe that many other sorcerers are the same, but of course, those who cannot accept it are definitely the majority."

Lucien nodded his head. He had estimated that the 'relativistic time' would be attacked by everyone and did not expect that certain sorcerers had already done remarkable research on the problem. The idea was so disruptive that Oliver and his fellows would certainly not write into papers but would only discuss in private until convincing proofs were found. Therefore, Lucien knew nothing about it earlier.

Oliver changed the topic. "But there are still a lot of problems in your paper. I would like to discuss them with you today."

"With pleasure." Lucien sat on the couch next to Oliver. Fernando was ready to join the discussion, too.

Oliver took out his paper and pen. "It's about relativity and the dilation of time. Consider a simplified experiment. There are two twins. The elder brother flies at a speed close to that of light, whereas the younger brother stays where he is. When his brother reaches a planet that the light can only illuminate with a journey of fifteen years, he returns immediately. Then, which of them will be younger when he meets his brother?"

"From the perspective of the younger brother, he was still, and his brother flew away at a speed close to that of light. According to the formula where high speed equals to slower time, his elder brother obviously should be younger than him."

"However, from the elder brother's perspective, according to the principle of relativity, he can regard himself as still, in which case his younger brother had fled away from him at a speed close to that of light. Then, obviously, the younger brother should still be younger."

"So, it is a paradox."

Lucien smiled. It was exactly the problem that he expected.

Chapter 522: On the Future

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lucien picked up a quill and drew two lines on the paper. "First of all, I admit that the system of relativity is very imperfect. It cannot explain inertia. It is also limited to the uniform-speed reference system and cannot be extrapolated to the uniform accelerated frame of reference."

"However, regarding the question that you presented, it is not a paradox in this case. Here are the timelines of the brothers, let's analyze them respectively. For the elder brother to fly away with a speed close to that of light, he would need an acceleration from stillness to his eventual speed, which is a process that cannot be neglected. If he intends to return, there would be another acceleration process in the opposite direction. It has to overcome inertia and cannot be neglected, either. In the meantime, considering the principles of relativity, the younger brother never overcame inertia…"

While analyzing, Lucien calculated with hypothetical data. The simplest approach was to explain inertia and gravity with the general theory of relativity, but Lucien couldn't do it just yet. He could only slightly introduce the concept and then calculate the two timelines with his knowledge in calculus to reach a result.

"… Therefore, the elder brother would be younger than the younger brother. To be more exact, his body changes were slowed down…" Lucien concluded.

Oliver rubbed the quill and read Lucien's calculation carefully. In the end, he nodded, "It was immature of me to have overlooked acceleration and deceleration. However, if his brother does not return but keeps wandering in space, after he reaches a stable speed, which one of them would be younger?"

"It's a moot question. If the elder brother does not return or meet his younger brother, they would be in two different reference systems and could not be compared, like two people living in two utterly unrelated worlds. They have their own lives, but they do not depend on each other." Lucien smiled and pointed at the air nearby. "Perhaps, there is such a real material world right next to us. It overlaps our world, but they have absolutely no influence on each other. Chances are that some people are holding a lively ball exactly in this place of that world."

Fernando did not find anything wrong with Lucien's explanation. However, he became solemn after hearing the random example that Lucien came up with. "That's a strange thought. If such a world does exist, our studies on time and space will be only at the beginning phase, because it's hard to imagine that two overlapping worlds that are both made of materials do not affect each other."

Lucien hurried to shake his head. "It's just a random thought. There's no need to ponder on it. It is not of any theoretical background or actual significance."

In his carelessness, Lucien proposed part of the content of a certain view on time and space in the spirit library. However, it was just an unproven speculation that was not appreciated by the mainstream.

"Then, we will move on to the next question…" Oliver opened his mouth again.

After extensive communication, since the relativistic effect had been proved by the accelerated particles, Oliver accepted the system for now, but he also reached a consensus with Lucien and Fernando that it was still an imperfect theory. Being that according to the theory, time flows slower on artificial planets than it does on the ground. However, according to actual data, the opposite is true.

"In any case, we have finally made a huge step on this path. I have a feeling that it will be a major reform in the macroscopic field, and we need to direct other arcanists carefully. Hehe. Lucien, you've shown remarkable abilities in both microscopic and macroscopic fields. It will be a dilemma for you to choose your legendary class. Other people's problem is that they can't find or construct a legendary class that befits their cognitive world, but you are wavering between two choices. How they will envy you!"

Oliver praised him, "I'll submit the matrix of transformation as soon as possible so that it will be published in the next issue of 'Arcana'."

Lucien had been cautious about the problem and explained everything based on experimental results and actual phenomena. After all, it was possible that the relativistic system or the quantum mechanics system suddenly proved unfit for the law of this world.

Soul, spiritual power, space barrier, world feedback, magic models and everything else reminded him that this was a world which seemed the same as Earth but might differ greatly in critical fields.

However, since he could find better approaches to study them, Lucien could only slowly grope forward on his current path.

After ensuring his relationship with Natasha, Lucien had a more detailed plan about his future path. He was planning to adopt a more conservative attitude. After all, he was no longer alone. Which meant that he would focus on quantum mechanics and use relativity only as assistance during the construction of his cognitive world later, and that he was ready to modify the theory of relativity anytime according to quantum mechanics.

At least, according to Lucien, quantum mechanics was the only theory that could explain the differences between the two worlds, including magic, spiritual power and bloodline assimilation, when they had a lot of identical parameters.

Now that he was taking a bet, Lucien preferred quantum mechanics to the general theory of relativity!

Of course, the gravity control and time control that the general theory of relativity brought were something that Lucien could not abandon, either.

"The new alchemy is not perfected yet, and the construction of a legendary class is far away. I haven't thought much of it yet." Lucien speculated that the legendary class should be something like 'Atom Control', which would lower the demands on his studies of 'fission' and 'fusion'. Chances were that 'Atomic Fission' and 'Eternal Blaze' would be the fundamental magics of the class, like 'Spirit Confinement' for Demigod-lich and 'Element Disintegration' for Hathaway.

Lucien did not say anything else. He suddenly changed the topic. "Your Excellency Oliver, I'm told that you were studying the Dark Dragon Lord. Have you found anything?"

Since Lucien proved himself to be a master of the field after submitting 'Report on the Changes of the Godhood of Ell', Oliver did not hide anything but said directly, "I met many problems. The moment the Dark Dragon Lord leaves his alternate dimension and enters the main material world, his godhood will decline. It seems that the power of faith cannot be imposed on him against the space barrier. So, he can only resort to his previous accumulation."

"But why is the Saint Truth not affected at all? Is this the difference between the Fake Gods and the True God?"

Although he was talking about the True God, Oliver showed no reverence. God for him was just a noun and a target to research on.

Lucien did not understand either. Recording what Oliver said in his note, he bid him farewell, ready to leave 'Thunder Hell' and went to apply for the files.

"Evans, wait a moment." Oliver suddenly stopped Lucien.

Lucien looked at Oliver in confusion. He was not familiar with the guy. What else could they talk about?

Oliver smiled, "I made certain mistakes recently. Therefore, I intended to write an opera as an apology for Florencia. Evans, you are the best musician. I want to cooperate with you. The tunes and melodies of the operas in the past were hardly satisfactory."

"I'll try when I have time." Lucien intended to build up his friendship with Oliver. It was always better to have one more supporter than one more enemy in the Highest Council.

Also, Lucien was also planning to write an opera as a gift for Natasha in the anniversary next year. Although he had the spirit library as his reference, he was hoping to adapt the works on a large scale. After all, it would seem more genuine if the gift that he offered to his love was actually created by himself. He could use Oliver's advice.

Receiving an affirmative answer, Oliver left in satisfaction, promising that he would send the script to Lucien in a few days.

After he left, Fernando scorned, "He will die in the hands of a woman someday. I'm even suspicious that Florencia will give him a critical attack when he is asleep after she is done tolerating him."

"A legendary sorcerer cannot be killed so easily…" Lucien was not worried about Oliver's safety.

Fernando did not say anything else. He turned to Lucien and said, "Don't speak to anybody after your relationship with Natasha. Take it slowly."

Although somebody could've guessed that Natasha celebrated with Lucien for his birthday last night from their traces, it remained obscure how close their relationship was since she left at dawn. Also, Lucien exposed his own traces on purpose, because he could've returned under a transformation mask.

In the Affair Committee, Lucien found Thompson.

"You want the files of the clergy of the Holm parish? Since when have you been interested in politics?" Thompson was rather surprised. In his eyes, Lucien was an ascetic sorcerer who was not interested in the outside world at all, as proved by the fact that he did not even have a partner.

Lucien smiled, "We all live in the Kingdom of Holm after all. If we want to run experiments in peace, we cannot ignore politics. Thompson, I believe I have the clearance, right?"

"Of course you do. Your clearance are only second to the members of the Highest Council now." Thompson asked his subordinates to find the files and gave them to Lucien. "You can't take them away or copy them but can read them here."

Lucien browsed through them and focused on the people who were willing to get in touch with sorcerers, recording the names on his spirit library.

"… Cardinal Richard, level eight, spoke that God loves people and cares about what they do but not who they are in his public sermon…"

Rubbing the name with his thumb, Lucien had a target.

In the Nekso Palace, Natasha met the nobles large and small according to the previous routine.

Although a brief conversation was not enough for her to grasp what everybody was thinking, it was something worth doing because it could deepen her impression on the nobles and their reverence for the crown deep in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, I have a summer resort in the suburbs. Would you honor us by your presence?" Duke James changed his previous rejective attitude and said to Natasha rather flatteringly.

Natasha smiled, "I will visit it if I have time."

As she expected, after her birthday celebration for Lucien was discovered by them, the liberals suddenly became much more enthusiastic and supportive of her.

After the baldy James bid farewell respectfully with a smile, Natasha finally asked Camil who just entered the hall. "Aunt Camil, what's the reaction of the Church?"

The Holm parish's reaction would be Sard's reaction!