663 - 670

Chapter 663: Open Class

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

On the last Friday of April in 827, the thirty-first floor of the Allyn magic tower was crowded with noisy people.

"This is probably the place with the highest density of official sorcerers…" In the crowd, Heidi spoke to her friends, including Katrina and Annick, jokingly.

Lucien 'Atom Controller' Evans was about to have an open class about the microscopic world this morning. Most of the sorcerers had been captivated and searched for every opportunity to attend it. As a result, the leadership of the Holt Magic College had to issue a restraint: the teachers and students of the college were free to choose whether or not to attend it, but for the external sorcerers, it all depended on the time of their application whether or not they had the privilege to attend it whatever rank they were at.

Sprint frowned at Heidi. "Why did you drag us here? If you have any questions, you can ask our teacher in private."

Heidi chuckled. "It's been a long time since we saw our teacher on the podium. How could we miss the opportunity?"

With her as the example, most of the arcanists in the Atom Institution had a part-time job in the Holt Magic College, returning the 'privileges' they enjoyed from their teacher to society.

"That's right. How I miss the carefree life when I studied in the magic school." Layria followed Heidi into the classroom.

Prospell, the tower guard, had temporarily turned on a space-folding magic circle, allowing the classroom to accommodate thousands of people.

Unable to consider questions in such an environment, Annick defended Heidi's sudden idea. "It's indeed a rare opportunity. Our teacher wouldn't hold the lecture systematically from the beginning on other occasions. This will help us pick up what we missed and what we were wrong about. Look. Mr. Gaston, Ms. Isabella, Mr. Larry, Mr. Dieppe, Mr. K, Mr. Samantha and Ms. Rachel… They're all here."

He intended to speak the names of all the sorcerers he knew, but he soon discovered that it was even more troublesome than the studies of the microscopic world.

"Yes, exactly. What Annick said is my key point." Heidi borrowed Annick's theory unashamed and led everybody to their spots.

Katrina took a breath. "What is our teacher going to lecture on today?"

Even Layria and she were almost dazzled by the development in the microscopic world today and had to work very hard to keep up with the trend. Had it not been for the solid mathematical foundation that Lucien laid for them, they would've been left behind by the best arcanists in the microscopic domain.

"This is an open class towards all teachers and students. Mr. Evans certainly won't dive too deeply. It will probably be an overall analysis for everybody's understanding." Alfalia had made remarkable progress after staying in the Atom Institution for four years, but she was still rather ignorant about the microworld and needed such a general review to help herself understand it.

Sprint, on the other hand, said hopefully. "Will our teacher propose a new theory that answers why the microscopic particles have uncertainties?"

"Probably not… That's the greatest puzzle in the microscopic domain and perhaps represents the truth of the world." Annick shook his head. "According to the idea that our teacher persisted in, probabilities and uncertainties are the intrinsic qualities of the microscopic particles, not the unavoidable interferences caused by observation. So, if we find why the microscopic particles have such intrinsic qualities, it will mean that we have a full understanding about the microscopic domain."

Heidi sniffed. "Our teacher's explanation is at loggerheads with determinism. No wonder the arcanists of the school of astrology such as Isabella and Samantha have come."

In everybody's whispers, Thompson, the vice principal of the Holt Magic College and a member of the Affair Committee, walked in. Pushing the gold-edged glasses on his nose, he said, "Silence."

Under the assistance of the broadcast rune array, the crowded classroom immediately fell quiet.

"The rest of the time will be given to Mr. Lucien Evans, who will interpret the mysteries of the microworld for us." Knowing that he would be barraged with any further ado, he finished the introduction quickly.

Then, Lucien, in a double-breasted suit and wearing a bow-tie of the same color, walked in from a side door. He dropped the top hat on the desk.

"Everybody's time is precious. Let's get down to our business right now. The studies on the microworld dated back to the War between Wave and Particle about light. That's how we began to understand the specialty of the microscopic particles…" Lucien peacefully began with the classic wave experiment of the light and continued with the confirmation of the particle nature of light.

It was the information that the sorcerers were very familiar with. They understood it very well and soon submerged in Lucien's pace.

…The discovery of the cathode ray, the confirmation of electrons, the revelation of the internal structure of atoms, the verification of protons, the proposition of the new alchemy… The wave-particle duality that was extrapolated from light to all the microscopic particles, the disagreement between many experiments in the microscopic domain with reality, the design of matrix mechanics, the explanation of the wave function, and the debate caused by the explanation and the wave-particle duality, as well as the opinions that different grand arcanists and senior-rank arcanists held. All the information was introduced to the attendees clearly by Lucien.

There wasn't any difficult calculation or knowledge. Having a general understanding about the microscopic domain, they were fascinated and forgot the passage of time.

"Mr. Evans has introduced all the explanations unbiasedly. He even analyzes why there is disagreement. He never says that his theory is absolutely correct and the other theories are worthless." Dieppe nodded in admiration. Mr. Evans' arcana attitude was absolutely healthy, considering that he had accomplished so many achievements at such a young age.

Very soon, Lucien finished the general introduction. He smiled at everyone. "This concludes the first part of my lecture. Here, I would like to remind you that, although I tried to avoid the intricate mathematics in my previous narration, what we can and only can depend on is mathematics and experiments in the microscopic domain."

Heidi and her friends of the Atom Institution were not surprised at Lucien's speech, because it was what their teacher had repetitively told them. As for the arcanists who were not taught by Lucien, they understood the importance of mathematics, but they did not understand why it was so important.

Looking around, Lucien said solemnly, "The microscopic domain is a world that we cannot directly observe with the naked eye. All methods of observation we have so far will inevitably influence it and result in the most peculiar phenomena, which will be answered by different explanations and theoretical models. At first look, all of them seem to make sense."

"However, I'd like to point out that, in the microscopic domain, where our experience in the past is no longer applicable and where the methodology we are used to errs, all the explanations and theoretical models must be strictly built on mathematics. Otherwise, there will be no explanations or hypotheses, but illusions and fantasies!"

"Math doesn't lie…" Neeshka said in a low voice. Lucien's confidence and his words at that time left him an unforgettable impression.

Lucien's solemn attitude woke up most of the arcanists, who gained a deeper understanding about the importance of mathematics in the microscopic domain.

"I believe that you are all somewhat suspicious about the wave-particle duality of the electron, about the cloud of probabilities that is ubiquitous in space, and about whether or not the electron can pass two slits simultaneously…" Lucien suddenly brought up the question.

Most of the arcanists nodded their heads quickly. It was the most difficult and controversial problem so far. Annick and Lucien's other students, however, all widened their eyes. They knew their teacher too well. Things were certainly not as simple as that!

"Has our teacher finished the preparation of the double-slit experiment with electrons?" After a brief silence, Heidi quickly recalled the project that their teacher had been busy with. It would be an important confirmation of the electron's wave-particle duality!

Annick and Sprint had lost interest in talking with her. They focused their eyes on the podium, waiting for their teacher's next sentence with pounding hearts.

After a long pause, Lucien said, "We will have a five-minute break. Then, I will present to you the double-slit experiment with electrons."

"What"? Exclamations of shock echoed in the classroom. Such an important experiment was to be presented on such an occasion?

After the initial shock, they soon grew excited. Would they be witnesses of history and miracles?

Lucien did not talk to them anymore. He simply brought out a common metal plate which did not seem to have any slit. Or rather, the slits were too small to be observed.

"Such tiny slits need months of engraving even with legendary magic." The arcanists whispered to each other. Some of them hurried to inform their teachers to join the gala. They believed that archmages wouldn't be stopped.

Alchemical devices were brought out by Lucien one after another. Very soon, a platform to confirm the double-slit interference of electrons was established. In the meantime, Lucien extracted the image of the sensor screen with other magic circles and projected it to a wall after magnification.

At this moment, Brook and Oliver, two grand arcanists, arrived. They were not surprised that Lucien had completed the metal plate that the double-slit experiment needed earlier than they did. After all, he was an expert close to level three of legendary himself and the unquestionable No. 1 authority in the microscopic domain.

They could've waited for the final result of the experiment, but the pursuit for arcana and truth had prompted them to stand in the classroom to witness it in person without bothering about their own identity.

After a minute, Douglas was there, Fernando was there, Hellen was there, Hathaway was there, and so were the other legendary sorcerers and archmages.

Lowering his head and hiding his eyes, Lucien let out an inaudible bitter chuckle. Then, he opened his eyes and walked to the experiment device. "In the next, we are going to have the double-slit experiment with electrons."

Chapter 664: Observation Changes the World

In the big classroom, it was so quiet that even a single breath would be heard.

Once Lucien turned on the device, within the projection on the wall, many light spots appeared. They followed no order, No one could predict where the next light spot would show up.

There were more and more light spots. Heidi's mouth opened big out of surprise. In her eyes, there was this classic and beautiful interference image!

The arcanists took a deep breath from their surprise. There was no more doubt about an electron's wave properties. No pure particle theory could explain this.

"Double-slit interference of electrons…" said Douglas in a low voice at the back of the classroom. The experiment result was still bearable to him.

In the past year, the secret of Pathway of Immortality, the rapid development of microscopic domain, and the results of many experiments had made Douglas, Fernando, and the rest of the leading arcanists mentally prepared for the idea of electronic cloud and they had also gained a deeper understanding of wave-particle duality. However, what they disagreed with Lucien was that they believed in a further explanation behind the properties, and thus Lucien's quantum mechanics was not perfect yet.

Even though, when seeing this interference image, the grand arcanists were still deeply thrilled – They had never expected it that an electron could perform such pure wave properties!

Using the dream-like image of bright and dark streaks, Lucien slightly turned aside and pointed at it, "Many of you might be doubting your own eyes, or my alchemical device. If it's the latter, you can feel free to check it later, but if it's the former, I will tell you that you're seeing exactly what you're supposed to see!"

"If an electron only has wave properties, it would only go through one slit at a time, and thus we'll see the two diffraction images simply overlapping. But the experiment has proved that it isn't true. This is a standard, typical diffraction image, which means that an electron was either influenced by another of its peers from behind or the electron itself went through two slits at the same time and thus self-interference was achieved. Therefore, as a result, the image on the screen was produced."

"No matter which one is the correct explanation, both of the possibilities have proved pure wave properties."

Lucien's voice was serious and solemn, and the pace of his talking was well-controlled. Those arcanists who were listening were going through veils of mysteries but they knew that they were approaching the sacred truth, despite its ambiguity.

"In fact, I have done further experiments. After reducing the power of the emitter, only one electron could be produced at a time, and the next electron would only be emitted after the one before it has gone through the two slits to rule out the possibility that there was interference between electrons. As I expected, after a while, the interferometric fringes were the same!"

"To be more precise, electrons are probability waves. They are everywhere in space and can interfere with themselves and go through two slits at the same time!" Lucien announced.

Isabella and Samantha were totally shocked, as well as the many arcanists present. They did not know how to take it. Electrons had mass, electric charge and trace, but they could also be everywhere in space! How was that possible?! Did electrons still belong to matter?

If electrons were still matter and they carried such properties, then what about human beings? Human beings consist of microscopic particles, then can human beings be everywhere in space? If that was the case, then they should be able to get to Lance and Aalto at the same time in one step!

Microscopic domain was part of this world. Arcanists were for sure connecting the microscopic domain to the macro!

Hellen stared at the image attentively, her fingers pressing against her cheek. She had fallen into deep thoughts. With some difficulties, the members of the Highest Council could accept the idea of an electronic cloud as they had seen Lucien's experience and the Pathway of Immortality. Their heads were temporarily safe.

As for other arcanists, they did not even have an understanding of the microscopic domain deep enough to make their heads explode. They never tried to use any theories in the microscopic domain to construct their cognitive worlds, and thus their heads were also safe as well.

However, when the description of the electronic cloud came out, more than a hundred arcanists suffered. They could not imagine how electrons should exist in their cognitive worlds.

Their cognitive worlds had reached the limit. They could take no more.

"Electronic clouds do exist, but probability isn't necessarily the most essential property…" Samantha murmured in a low voice in pain. If they were going to admit that probability was the intrinsic nature of an electron, they were to accept that probability was the intrinsic nature of the world. Then determinism would become largely problematic. She had to stick to a reason to secure the baseline.

However, she was also well aware of the fact that this kind of insistence would never help her reach legendary level, not even the archmage level!

Those arcanists from the school of astrology were also suffering. Fortunately, Lucien did not bring the experiment he just mentioned here today.

Lucien dropped his hand and looked around in the big classroom. He said calmly, "Since the experiment that electrons are emitted one by one takes a long time, I am not going to show it to you. You may apply to the Atom Institution for the permit of using the devices and conduct the experiment on your own."

"If you want to skip the waiting line, you may also use the experiment on light inference as an analogy. The device requirement is much lower, and you all are able to do the experiment in your own lab."

Lucien then repeated the experiment in detail.

Then he concluded, "After a long period of time, you should be able to see the fringes. That means a single photon also has the property of interfering with itself."

Some arcanists remained completely silent as they were afraid, while some were slightly trembling because of the great excitement.

At this time, Oliver asked, "Lucien, so far all of your theories are built on wave-particle duality. If it is only pure waves, then its particle properties are no more than wave packets, then neither double-slit experiment nor the self-interference feature is worth our surprise, as they both conform to wave properties. Also, I've got a question here: Under what circumstance can a quantum superposition state exist? Why doesn't it apply to the macro-world?"

"Then why would your probability waves suddenly collapse into a certain spot when reaching the screen and lose its probability?" Oliver added.

His explanation made sense to those arcanists who followed wave theory. From this perspective, this experiment seemed to be less shocking and incredible.

Fernando responded before Lucien, "Oliver, if electrons and other microscopic particles are pure waves, why don't they show wave properties? We are made up of those particles! Your question also involves how we transit our theory from microscopic domain to the macro. You don't need me to remind you that waves do 'die' without the support of particle properties!"

Although Fernando did not totally agree with Lucien, he respected the power of mathematics and results of solid experiments.

Fernando's response made many arcanists frown tight. When it came to the connection to the macro-world, the real trouble came.

Seeing that an intense debate was about to take place at any time, Lucien raised his hand and smiled, "In terms of double-slit experiment with electrons, I have another follow up experiment, an altered version, to show to you."

What?! There were more experiments coming?

Lucien pointed at the alchemical device and said, "We can add a recording magic item to each slit to see whether it is one electron passing through two slits at the same time or it is just one. I'll set up different alarms so we can know whether it is through the slit on the right, on the left, or both."

Lucien took out the magic items for recording and showed them around to have the arcanists present make sure that he did nothing to them.

When he was setting up the items, the arcanists present could not help discussing.

"Annick, so according to our teacher's description, we're supposed to expect that the two alarms will go on at the same time in different sounds, right?" Heidi asked Annick, who was rather talented in the microscopic domain.

Oliver cut in, "I don't understand why Mr. Evans wants to do this. If both of the alarms go off at the same time, that means an electron can pass through two slits at the same time, and then pure wave properties will be proved, just as I said. If they don't, the concept of self-interference that Mr. Evans just mentioned would become invalid…"

In other words, such an experiment would do no good to Mr. Evans!

Annick heard the discussion silently. After a while, he finally responded, "My guess is that only one alarm would go off. Mr. Evans is trying to verify the particle properties of electrons…"

"Then what about self-interference?" Layria asked. She had some feelings and started being very concerned.

Neither Annick nor Sprint made more comments. Both of them had turned to look at the device in the front, waiting for the result.

Lucien said to his audience and said in a soft tone, "I'll slow down the speed of emitting so you can tell the alarms better."

Then the patterns on the magic circle lit up. The different alarms both went off, but never together!

"So one slit at a time?" Heidi murmured, "…Then what about self-interference?"

At this time, someone gasped. Then many could not help asking aloud in great confusion, "Where are the interferometric fringes?!"

Heidi turned to look at the wall but was shocked to find that the light spots congregating were not forming any interferometric fringes that they saw earlier, but the properties of particles only!

Staring at the wall, Douglas's eyes slightly opened wide, "The attempt to observe the particle properties of electrons made the wave properties disappear…?"

Just like how uncertainty principle described momentum and position…?

Oliver was slightly shaking his head. Somehow, it seemed that there was some dark air surrounding him.

Standing in the front, Lucien pointed at the experiment image with his right hand,

"When we are not observing, electrons are in the superposition state and this can be described using a model of electron cloud. However, when we want to see its wave properties and conduct an experiment for it, electrons will show us their pure wave properties and the feature of self-interference…"

"…When we want to see an electron's particle properties, it will follow our wish and show us pure particle properties…"

"…Therefore, its state and nature depend on our observation, on what result we want!"

How creepy that was! The arcanists present were even more confused now! One's observation can change the world?!

That was even more magical than magic!

Chapter 665: The Explanation

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

When we wanted to see wave properties in an electron using double-slit experiment, we would see the more distinct wave features – interferometric fringes, while when we wanted to see particle properties by adding the devices for recording, only pure particle properties would be left…

Was that the truth of the world? Electrons would show us what we want, and thus our observation changed the world?

Their heads were in such a mess that their entire understanding of the world and even of themselves had become beyond their recognition! They thought that the world would only be strange when magic spells were cast. However, they had now realized that the microscopic domain was even stranger and creepier than magic!

Larry felt very shocked, but also thrilled. He started thinking of the arcana principle behind this experiment. Was this how the principle of complementarity was applied to wave-particle duality? Wave properties and particle properties could not show up at the same time – When one appeared, the other would disappear. Was this how it worked?

He kept telling himself that he should avoid connecting the microscopic domain to the macro at this point, or his cognitive world would be totally messed up, and lots of things in this world would appear totally contradictory to him.

Meanwhile, Annick, Sprint, Dieppe, Timothy and many other arcanists were also telling themselves that there must be other reasons affecting this during the transition from the microscopic domain to the macro, other reasons that collapsed wave function and made particle properties fixed. They had to warn themselves this all the time or their cognition would be shaken by the experiment at any time!

This was the only way that they could try to accept the experiment results shown by Lucien Evans.

This perhaps was the most incredible and unimaginably queer domain in the history of arcana and magic!

Although the low and middle-rank arcanists were still starters in the microscopic domain and they never tried to use the knowledge to build their own cognitive world, the experiment results had still greatly impacted their outlook on the world, on life, and on their values. This was their first time tasting the pain that an arcanist had to face when his or her cognitive world had to shift.

Lucien was indeed the Destroyer of Three Outlooks. Many arcanists, honestly speaking, disliked Lucien Evans.

When the initial shock gradually calmed down, many good arcanists including Larry, Dieppe, Annick, and Sprint started to feel the thrill. The experiment had made them have a deeper understanding of wave-particle duality and the principle of complementarity, and now their hearts were full of the drive to explore further.

"I've got a question."

At this time, Oliver asked. The look on his face was a bit distorted, but the dark air surrounding him had disappeared. A moment earlier, his cognitive world was almost shaken, but fortunately, he handled it trying his best.

Lucien slightly nodded, "Go ahead, please."

Larry and Dieppe turned to look at Mr. Oliver with curiosity.

Oliver slightly took a breath and then asked, "You said that 'observation changes result'…Then how do you define 'observation'? This has to do with the transition from microscopic domain to the macro."

"It refers to all the means that we take to study electrons." answered Lucien calmly. He slightly looked down, so no one could tell the emotions in his eyes.

Oliver had totally calmed down. Some light smile appeared on his face and he said in the poetic tone, "So we are the ones that matter. Then I've got a thought experiment here. All of us know the decay of the nucleus, right?"

The arcanists present all nodded. Studying the decay of elements was one of the several major branches in the microscopic domain, and the Lord of Storm and the Lord of Elements had just won the Evans Prize in Arcana with their research on it. This also represented a new direction for using alternative energy, a new legendary lethal spell with massive power. Therefore, all of them knew it!

Oliver continued, "So if we assume that a nucleus has a chance of fifty percent to decay, and then we design such an experiment device…"

Oliver then described a fine and exquisite device. In this device, when a nucleus decayed and emitted neutrons, a series reactions would be activated and finally break a glass bottle containing a fatal curse.

"…So if we put a poor cat in the device, logically speaking, we can say that there is a chance of fifty percent that the cat will be killed," said Oliver.

When Oliver was describing the device, Sprint's and Annick's face turned pale. They had a feeling of what was coming.

Dieppe, Larry, Jurisian and other arcanists good at the microscopic domain also looked very apprehensive. They knew what Oliver was trying to do!

– He was using this device to connect the microscopic world and the macro!

This was the part of the problem that they had been running away from all the time!

Under the gaze of the many arcanists present, Oliver's volume slightly increased, "If we close the device and do not observe it, according to Lucien's theory, the atomic nucleus would be in the quantum superposition state and thus in the quantum superposition of both decaying and not decaying, and this amazing state would only collapse to settle when we peek at it."

"But my question is," said Oliver, "what about that poor cat? If the nucleus decays, it will be killed; if it doesn't, it will stay alive; then during the superposition state, can we say that the cat will be both alive and dead in the inclosed device?"

"Is that possible?"

"Or are you saying that our observation of the cat will also lead to the collapse of wave function and thus settle down the result?" Oliver asked aloud.

Many arcanist's hearts missed a beat. Their faces had turned completely pale. Both alive and not alive? Both dead and not dead? There was no such magic spell that could lead to this state. The fine experiment design had sent the creepy strangeness of the microscopic domain to the macro-world!

They could ignore this problem no more. They had to face such a huge conflict and give thoughts to this transition.

Sprint wished that he could just take the cat by the throat!

They felt that they just got a good slap in the face for agreeing with Lucien.

Oliver asked again, and his target was Lucien Evans who remained silent in the front, "What state is this cat in?"

Oliver wasn't averse to the idea of quantum superposition state, since he had seen what happened in Pathway of Immortality and what happened to Lucien Evans. However, what was the premise of this state? What was the boundary? Was it only for microscopic particles? Or could this extend all the way to molecules, cells, and even creatures and intelligent lives? Only by figuring out this boundary could they find the reason behind the disappearance of quantum superposition state and thus a solid theoretical foundation could be set up for ascending to the demigod level!

Therefore, he was not very happy with Lucien's general conclusion. If a human being's observation can cause the collapse, then what about observing other intelligent creatures? What about a cat? A molecule?

Everyone was waiting for Lucien's answer.

Lucien still looked down, but he answered, "Yes, the cat is in the quantum superposition state, between life and death."

"What?!" Some arcanists burst out.

Then what about human beings? What if a human was in that device?

The rest of the grand arcanists remained silent, listening to their conversation.

Oliver asked in a low voice, "Then what if a human being was in there? Is that the same?"

"No. At this time, the wave function would collapse, and the result would have settled," said Lucien fast, "either alive or dead, There's no overlapping."

Oliver took a step forward, "Then what is the difference between a human being and a cat? Why can the former make the function collapse, but the latter can't?"

Lucien slightly twitched the corner of his mouth but still answered, "Because of the involvement of consciousness. Only a conscious observer with intelligence can collapse the wave function."

All of the arcanists were deeply shocked. They had never expected such a response. Following Lucien's theory, many terrible and unimaginable facts might be emerging!

Fernando had been remaining silent for a long time, but he had reached his limit. He yelled in the classroom, "So you are saying that before a conscious observer showed up, the entire world, universe was in the state of wave function, in the substance-less state of electron cloud? After a very long time, the first observer was born, and at that moment, the universe and world collapsed and became what we see right now?"

The billions of years of chaos and uncertainty of the universe was all waiting for a loving glimpse?

That was beyond ridiculous! That was a joke from a lunatic!

"Why not? We don't know what the world was like before the first observer was born." Lucien avoided looking into Fernando's eyes.

Douglas also said seriously, "So you're saying that the first observer was the first supreme observer? Is that what you mean?"

Not only Brook and Oliver, even Hellen and Hathaway who were more open-minded to Lucien's explanation were shaking their heads in disapproval.

Lucien suddenly looked up at all the arcanists, "Have you ever thought of why there is supreme power? Why is there magic?"

"If we start from the existence of consciousness, from the effect of the observer, we might be able to find the explanation." said Lucien.

Lucien's voice lingered in the big classroom, and his question hit all the arcanist's minds. Yes, what was the nature of magic? That was the question that the Congress of Magic had been pursuing since its establishment? That was the problem for sure to be asked after human beings seeing all kinds of extraordinary phenomena! The problem would only be ignored if human beings stopped thinking and decided to waste their lives like animals!

The arcanists were getting more and more confused on their way approaching the truth of the world. The relationship between the world and magic was just like the uncertainty principle put forward by Lucien which was so hard to capture. It seemed that the truth of the world never left a space for magic!

Was consciousness the explanation? Was it the effect of the observer?

Annick stared at his teacher in the front. His heart was struggling. His teacher was always so elegant and well-mannered, authoritative and determined that people could not help following him. He was the master in the microscopic domain and the macro star sky!

In Annick's heart, Mr. Lucien Evans was as magnificent as a mountain peak that he had to look upon for his entire life.

But why would his teacher make such an explanation for such a transition? Why would he say that the collapse of the wave function decided the world today?

Was he wrong? Was the past experience and his imagination wrong?

Was Mr. Lucien Evans wrong?

Annick turned around and saw that his friends were all looking very confused. Sprint looked a bit pissed, as his teeth were slightly grinding against each other.

In the weird silence, Lucien said in his low voice again, "The first observer was not necessarily an extraordinary existence. Maybe it's just like us."

"We don't have to care about the supreme observer, the god which tossed the dice. We don't have to."

"Let's recall the experiment. My observation led to the change in nature of the electrons, and yours also can!"

"There's this so-called god which tossed the dice, but it is not existing somewhere outside. Instead, it is in our mind. We are all our own supreme gods!"

The grand arcanists looked at Lucien in astonishment, just like the other arcanists. No one said anything.

After a while, suddenly, someone directly stood up from his seat.

"Annick?" Lucien looked at his student.

"Sir…" Annick's throat was a bit dry, but in the end he still said in great determination.

"I don't think your explanation is correct."

This time, he did not shy away. His eyes were looking into Lucien's eyes.

"Sir, I agree with Annick." At this time, Sprint also stood up and said aloud to Lucien, which surprised many arcanists present, including his friends, Heidi, Katrina, and Layria.

His fists clenched tight.

Chapter 666: The Correct Attitude towards Arcana

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Annick looked at his teacher nervously, but also in great determination. Shy as he was, opposing his teacher was basically like jumping down to the ground from the edge of Allyn without any magic protection. However, his own understanding of microscopic domain was urging him to step out and speak out his own opinion!

Would Mr. Evans be angry at him? Or disappointed?

However, when Annick looked into Mr. Evans's eyes, to his great surprise, there was no look of anger or disappointment at all. It was a very calm, peaceful face.

"What's the problem that you think?" Under the arcanists' gaze, Lucien asked in a calm tone.

Annick took a deep breath and said, "Observation indeed can change results, but we can't say that it's conscious. Observation should be objective, and any life forms or even lifeless things could do. It still requires further exploration and research for us to know when a quantum superposition state is formed."

He only had some rough thoughts. He could not make it any clearer.

"I think so as well." Sprint said aloud, who was a bit surprised that Annick had successfully expressed himself under such huge pressure.

Douglas agreed, "Although there is no mathematical model to support it yet, this sounds more objective. Lucien, your theory is too subjective."

Fernando did not say anything, but the look on his face showed that he was on Annick's side. Although it did not mean that he believed Annick was right, it still appeared that Lucien's theory was too ridiculous.

The rest of the grand arcanists also showed the same attitude.

"I see. But in this case, how can we explain magic? How can we explain divine power and the power of faith? Annick, your words did not leave a space for supernatural power." Lucien's tone remained gentle.

Annick's mouth slightly opened as he tried to explain, but he did not know how.

"Lucien, don't connect two irrelevant things to each other. The fact that there is no space for magic in the microscopic domain doesn't mean that there is also no space in other domains." Fernando cut in.

Lucien smiled, "My theory is still a guess, a guess that can contain the rationality of all the supernatural powers. Neither of us have a solid argument so far, so let's take our time to explore further and do more experiments. I hope that we can find the truth of the world."

The arcanists were a bit surprised. For the first time, Mr. Evans did not throw out a series of rigorous experiment designs and theories to claim his victory as he always did. However, they also felt relieved.

After all, this should be the result that one would expect.

At this time, Lucien smiled and looked at the grand arcanists and his students. He switched the topic, "So far I have some ideas on the three experiments which I haven't been able to carry out. I hope that with our joint effort, we can achieve them, which will provide great support to our explanation of the microscopic domain."

"We all know that different temperatures come from the thermal motion of molecules to different extents. Therefore, in the first experiment, if we can restrain microscopic particles from moving around, we will be able to be even one step closer to the absolute zero. Under this circumstance, also, microscopic particles might be in the same quantum state, so we can test many of our thoughts…"

He roughly described how to make "traps" to catch microscopic particles using strong magnetic fields or laser, and he "speculated" how to observe the quantum superposition state using appropriate research steps within an extremely short moment, although they were all theoretical guesses like fantasies.

Every arcanist present was familiar with the idea of strong magnetic fields, and Lucien had put forward the explanation of lasers after learning Vengeful Gaze. Rubies and many magic crystals and gems could amplify a sorcerer's ray spells and produce very high temperature. But of course, there was a limit on distance.

Therefore, it wasn't difficult for the audience to understand the concept that the first experiment was based on. Hellen was listening with special attention, as this idea seemed to be reasonable for explaining many of the questions that she had when studying her legendary ice and snow spells. However, as for how the traps should be set up, even if Lucien had had some ideas, he was not going to share them with his audience, as he would save it for himself.

But still, for grand arcanists, direction was always more important than any specific steps!

Oliver did not look too happy, but there was also excitement on his face. If they could see the real superposition state, they would become certain that the secret of the demigods indeed existed in the microscopic domain. However, there were so many great obstacles that had to be overcome first for setting up the experiment, which could not be done within a short period of time.

"But this is not going to explain how this state transits from microscopic domain to the macro, as this experiment only proves that the superposition does exist…" said Annick.

Both Annick and Sprint believed that the experiment mentioned by their teacher was of great significance, but they also believed that there was more coming.

Lucien nodded and continued, "In this experiment, we can make another two changes."

"The first change is that after an electron passes the double slits and self-interference happens, we make our decision whether we want to see wave properties or particle properties. Then before it hits the screen, we make the corresponding changes to the screen. In this case, what experiment image will it show?"

"Of course we'll see wave properties. At that time the electron will have passed the slits and interference has happened…" an arcanist spoke out the thought shared by many. However, he quickly stopped himself – They had learned their lesson in the microscopic domain, which was a domain that was totally unpredictable. No one knew for sure whether our observation would change a fact that already happened. In that case, the law of cause and effect in chronological order would no longer exist all the time!

Lucien purposefully twisted the experiment design a little bit in case that the answer would be found too early and the person who found it would definitely explode his or her head. Then he continued, "The second change is that we observe which slit an electron passes using a method that interferes with the motion even less, but after the record, our alarm will not make any noise or signals to let us know. Instead, the device would delete the record immediately. Then will we see wave properties or particle properties"

Annick's face turned pale again. The purpose of the change was to tell whether it was the observation of the device that played the role, or "their" observation.

That was the three experiments that Lucien wanted to share. After that, he released a sigh and asked, "That's all for today's sharing. Any questions and ideas?"

For a while, no one answered, as they were still reflecting the three experiments that Lucien shared.

Douglas thought for a while and then said in his calm but also determined tone, "I've also got a thought experiment: According to your explanation, before observation happens, a microscopic particle is in the form of an electron cloud where many possible states overlap. And you assume that some changes will happen to the particle and make it divide into two even smaller particles heading for different directions. During this process, without the involvement of an observer, the two smaller particles will still be in the state of superposition and stick to its conservativeness…"

"When there is enough distance, an observer's investigation into one particle leads to the particle's state settling down, and thus the other particle follows and collapses immediately. Is that right? Does this action at a distance go against the special theory of relativity?"

Douglas's words made most arcanists' heads dizzy. They had gone through a lot today from Oliver's cat to Lucien's experiments to Douglas's entangled particles. Those were all thought experiments complicated and shocking enough to explode their heads. They did not quite understand, and thus they were afraid of them.

"I think that will happen, but this does not go against special relativity. Before observation, microscopic particles spread out everywhere in the space following wave function. The two particles are still one unit that cannot be further divided." Lucien said roughly, as he dared not to be too accurate and specific.

Douglas nodded, "I'll try to carry the experiment out to see if it's true."

Finally, the lecture bound to be remembered by the history of magic had come to an end. Walking out of the classroom, Lucien felt tired. He rubbed his brows and then walked back to his study.

Soon his students came to visit him, using the excuse of asking him questions.

After asking the several obviously not carefully-prepared questions, Heidi took courage and asked, "Aren't you angry at us, sir?"

"For what?" asked Lucien.

Heidi pointed at the door of the study and said, "Annick and Sprint dared not to come and see you sir. They are worried that you are angry at them for challenging you, for not being on your side."

Lucien smiled and shook his head, "No, not at all. Instead, I was happy to see that."

"What?" The students were confused.

"In arcana, we believe in results of experiments and observation, and the theories based on this foundation, not a specific person as authority." said Lucien seriously, "Although since I joined the congress I have always been correct and I indeed overturned many theories, this does not mean that people should blindly follow me and say nothing when I put forward ridiculous guesses that contradict basic mathematical logic."

"…That is the most horrible attitude towards arcana! When I was putting forward a probabilistic explanation, the uncertainty principle, and the effect of the observer, I got scolded by my teacher and the opposite opinion from the president. This was not because they were stubborn, but because they had their own beliefs in arcana, which are built upon the many experiment results and phenomena. It doesn't matter that they don't agree with me as long as they have their beliefs…"

"If they had agreed with me easily, they would never have become grand arcanists. Sprint and Annick were right for insisting on themselves before I can provide any solid support to my theories." Lucien smiled, seizing the chance to give the students a lesson about correct attitude.

"What if I was wrong?" Lucien asked.

Heidi forced a smile on her face and said, "I have become totally confused with microscopic domain, so currently I am going to focus only on formulas and experiments to study artificial intelligence. I'll not follow the overturning theories for now."

Layria, Katrina, and Chelly also nodded. To some extent, their heads had exploded.

Chapter 667: Golden Age (End of Volume VII)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Inside the Atomic Universe…

After Natasha fell asleep, Lucien rose and walked to his desk. He took out a thick pile of papers from his magic pouch and turned to a certain page. While considering, he drew seven lines under the word 'self-awareness', which were connected to 'Greed', 'Arrogance', 'Pain' and the other emotional expressions that represented the seven primeval devils.

Then, he left a big question mark behind the seven words and wrote: "The quantum transformation of the soul requires the superposition of more possibilities? The superposition of other feelings and self-awarenesses?"

"On the other hand, the pure congregation of faith and self-awarenesses will offset one's own self-awareness, thereby preventing one from collapsing from the quantum superposition state? However, one's self-awareness will also be greatly affected as a result, which may lead to other problems?"

"How should the problem be resolved?"

Lucien put on a smile as he wrote on. He tapped the paper with his fingers, as if he were inferring and guessing something.

Shaking his hands with a half smile, Lucien collected the paper and took out a piece of blank paper, on which he wrote:

"The Relativistic Wave Equation of a Single Electron."

Natasha, exhausted, was sleeping and recovering, when she suddenly sensed the terrifying force of obliteration and destruction. She opened her eyes warily, only to discover that the magnetic field around Lucien who was in his pajamas had been twisted. A dreamy spectrum appeared like a picture, and the most overwhelming power was descending from the infinite heights!

Half of the colors nearby were black, and the other were white. When they collided, they were destroyed in an unimaginable state, before they were born from the void again.

"Feedback from the real world…" Looking at the constantly-changing, black-and-white scene, and feedback of the World she realized what was going on. Also, she somewhat sensed that it was the cycle of the creation and destruction of matter.

The experiences she had when she tried to become a legendary knight, and the problems that occurred to the blood power of Sword of Truth that was purely destructive, were all answered at this moment.

She pulled on her pajamas and walked to Lucien's side quietly, watching him finish the paper.

"…I once tried to avoid the negative energy result that Dieppe, Larry and Jurisian concluded. However, after constructing the equation and theoretically explaining all the current experiments, I have realized that negative energy is unavoidable. With that in mind, however unreasonable it is, we can only include it in our arcana theories and build a new system that can accommodate it. I hereby predict that there is an antielectron whose electric charge is positive. When it encounters an electron, they will immediately be destroyed by each other and yield tremendous energy…"

"If we think more broadly, there may be other antiparticles, and the matter made of such antiparticles can be called antimatter…"

As he wrote on, Lucien remembered certain concepts in the quantum field theory that he confirmed before. Therefore, the vacuum surged, from which the positive and negative electrons were born, before they obliterated each other and released energy.

Inside his cognitive world, the universe background became hazy, as if matter was being generated and destroyed all the time. The infinite starry sky arrived from far away again, bringing in tremendous feedback from the real world. The objects inside the cognitive environment were changed as a result, and an incomplete new legendary spell was constructed!

Also, 'Eternal Blaze' in Lucien's cognitive world was naturally engraved into his soul, allowing him to step into level three of legendary directly, even though he had only ten legendary spells.

"Positron Cannon" Lucien wrote a full stop for his paper and closed his eyes, feeling the incomplete, new legendary spell. He knew that he had to find 'antielectrons' in reality in order to complete it.

"It's really hard to make advancements simply by practicing and perceiving the blood power without understanding the mysteries of the world…" Natasha sighed with mixed feelings. That was the reason why legendary knights of higher levels were fewer than sorcerers of the same level. However, as an optimistic girl, she soon cheered herself up and declared, full of ambition, "It's still not too bad. Although I don't understand the specific arcana theories, I think I will be able to become a legendary knight with your interpretation and illustration…"

Lucien smiled at her. "All the classes will reach the same direction when they arrive at the top level. It's about understanding the mysteries of the world. However, the arcanists have the best and most effective approach to explore the world's mysteries."

All the different roads led to the same destination.


After Lucien's open class, the Congress of Magic was caught in a weird state of 'silence' in general. Everybody discussed the double-slit experiment with electrons, Oliver's cat, Douglas's entangling particles, Lucien's experiment of deferred choice, etc., but nobody discussed the influence of a conscious, considerate and intelligent observer on the microworld. They subconsciously evaded the most horrifying explanation.

However, just because they avoided it did not mean that the distinguished arcanists and the grand arcanists would. The papers on that aspect had been submitted to the Arcana Review Board.

Larry sat inside the dark library like a statue, as if he hadn't moved at all for hundreds of years. Oliver's cat panicked him, and Lucien's observer theory terrified him, making it impossible for him to calm down for his own research and adventure. His head was swarmed by questions in that regard.

Suddenly, he sighed and picked up the pile of papers before him that needed reviewing.

"'What Exactly Is Consciousness?'… by Mr. Vicente…"

"'The Boundary Between Spirit and Flesh… by Mr. President…"

"'Differences Between Soul and Self-Awareness: A Problem of the Observer Effect… by Mr. Fernando…"

"'What Is Observation?'… by Ms. Hathaway…"

Reading those papers, Larry felt that his head was unusually swollen and chaotic. After Mr. Evans introduced consciousness into the microworld, the objective, concrete domain of elements were suddenly filled with colorful fantasies. The incredible speculations were about to destroy his worldview.

He pressed his temples and put those papers on self-awareness, soul and observation aside, deciding to leave them alone for now. Suddenly, he saw a paper that was rather thick.

"'The Relativistic Wave Equation of Single Electron', by Lucien Evans…"

He wrote similar papers about that before, so he was refreshed and devoted himself to it.

As he read on, he became so excited that he kept pulling his bow-tie with his left hand, as if he were trying to spread out the heat in his heart. "He has come up with an equation by speculation and then explained it."

"Also, this equation is full of mathematical and arcane beauty. It is short, beautiful and seems to contain the deepest and most fundamental laws and mysteries!"

Then, his eyes were suddenly widened, because all the problems that occurred to the microscopic domain in the past years had been explained by Lucien with the equation rigorously and self-consistently. Brook's scattering experiment, the unusual splitting of magnetic fields, the accurate structure of the spectrum… Everything was perfectly unified by the equation. Even the hypothesis of electron spin that Annick and Sprint proposed had been inferred by Lucien with the equation, showing that it was the relativistic effect when the electrons abide by the law of conservation.

When he read such a paper, Larry felt that one achievement after another was flying at his face. Dazzling, Larry thought to himself, "This is a perfect summary of the grand development in the microscopic domain for a long time in the past. The brilliant and dazzling golden age has been compressed into one paper!"

"When we studied the microscopic domain before, it's like ordinary people picking apples. They must spend a lot of time before they can get one of the apples from a tree. However, Mr. Evans' equation and paper show that the apples are all ripe, and they are falling like rain…"

After the remark and shock, he noticed what was in the latter half of the paper. He was more or less upset after he saw Lucien's speculation on antiparticles and antimatter, "…Why did I never have the courage to make such bold predictions?"

Of course, he also knew that his previous equation had many other problems. It was not just about negative energy.

"Are there really positive electrons…" Larry murmured to himself and began to write the review.

"This is without a doubt the most deep, shocking and classic equation of the microscopic domain that surpasses everything else. To distinguish it from the Evans field equation, I call it the Lucien equation. With this equation, all the problems that have taken place recently are answered. This is a sublimation of the age of the great arcana development! Of course, I don't think that it is the end of the golden era of the microscopic domain. It is only the conclusion of the overture, and the first movement is about to begin for real!"

Nobody anticipated that, Lucien did not dedicate himself to the problems concerning self-awareness and the observer effect after he proposed them. Instead, he announced the integration of the special theory of relativity and quantum mechanics with an astounding equation that drove away the mist in the microscopic domain. It was like lightning piercing the sky and illuminating the darkness. Nobody ever doubted the promising future of quantum mechanics and the new alchemy again.

"If we don't consider why the probabilistic explanation and the uncertainty principle exist, and why the wave function would collapse, this is absolutely a golden age in the history of arcana…"

Almost all the arcanists sighed as such, but they too knew that they would have to face the uncanny phenomenon if arcana and magic were to be developed any further. They had to figure out the arcana significance behind them and settle the problems about soul, magic and quantum state. When that day came, they would have to make a choice for arcana and magic:

To live, or to die?

Or maybe, to live AND to die?

(End of Volume VII)

Chapter 668: A Letter from the Forest

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Inside the magic hall on the top floor of Babel…

The deep black, heavy bricks, reflecting the light of the elemental planets outside, presented a layer of weird, flowing colors. The silver lines made of unknown materials the center gave off a cubic feeling, as if quite a few planes were changing nonstop there, disrupting the normal flow of time and space.

Standing at the center of the magic circle, Lucien took out his delicate, complicated pocket watch and checked the time, before he turned around and looked at the flashing sword in the Atomic Universe outside of the window.

It had been a month since he submitted 'Lucien equation' that integrated the special theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He had stabilized himself on level three of legendary. Thanks to him, Natasha was able to see the mysteries of the generation and destruction of matters, and she was now closer and closer to the legendary domain. She was making her final preparations for her breakthrough.

Therefore, Lucien did not tell Natasha when he set up the magic circle for space jump in case she got distracted. He simply prepared it himself in silence.

"Thankfully, I only went to the space nearby, instead of searching for planets through super-remote space jumps or reaching the fixed orbits. Otherwise, it would've taken much longer for me to finish the preparation…" Lucien put the pocket watch inside the pocket of his waistcoat behind his double-breasted suit, while he remarked with mixed feelings.

It was the first time he had prepared for a space jump aiming for outer space instead of somewhere within this world. He had met a lot of difficulties, but thankfully, his purpose was different from that of regular space jumps. He did not have a high demand on precision, and the distance was within one year. He merely intended to complete a certain experiment in space. That was why he had finished the preparations so quickly.

It must be noted that Douglas and Oliver often had to spend two to three times that on the preparation for a super-remote space jump when they searched for planets. As for an orbit jump that demanded a high precision, it was not a big deal for Douglas, but he would have to spend months practicing it.

"However, after the experience this time, I have a deeper understanding about time and space. It will be much easier for me to establish similar space jump circles in the future…" Lucien cleaned his bow-tie. The silver lines around him were enshrouded by the dazzling brilliance, and the whole magic tower began to absorb the power of the demiplane.

Light was gathered into a clear, vast shield, before it collapsed abruptly with Lucien as the center.

Lucien felt sometimes heavy and sometimes light. Curves of space were changing all the time. The defense he cast on himself with 'Space Staff' was barraged and destroyed again and again.

After a long time, Lucien suddenly felt that he completely lost his weight. Floating in the dark void, he found countless rays with fatal curses surging at himself.

"Elemental Protection" As Lucien's strange and abstruse voice vibrated and influenced the space around him, colorful spots of light immediately surfaced. They were gathered into a translucent layer of defense in mysterious trajectories, blocking the dangerous rays in time.

Taking a breath in relief, Lucien knew that he had successfully reached space. He was now exposed to the cosmic rays that contained many amazing particles.

Suddenly, Lucien's face changed. He chanted again inside the shield of 'Elemental Protection', "Space Staff!"

Some of the cosmic rays had ignored 'Elemental Protection' and penetrated through it!

Ripples of light gathered into a watery staff in Lucien's hands. He pointed it slightly, and the space around it was twisted. The few strange cosmic rays brushed past him at a close distance.

"This place is really full of dangers…" Lucien was unclear whether or not those rays would damage his body and his soul, but he dared not be careless.

He came to the vast space not to search for the traces that implied the existence of planets, but to complete the discovery of 'positron' (antielectron), so that his legendary spell, 'Positive Electron Cannon', would be intact and carry out the maximal power.

antiparticles were opposed to particles, and the antimatter they were made of were opposed to matters. When they encountered each other, they would collide and obliterate each other, releasing horrifying energy. According to the mass-energy formula, the efficiency of energy release in such a reaction far exceeded that in a fusion. As a result, the antimatter of a moderate weight was enough to trigger an unbelievably destructive effect. It wouldn't take a lot of antimatter for the whole world to be destroyed by them.

Therefore, the 'Positive Electron Cannon' (or the antimatter cannon, to be more exact) based on such a mechanism was absolutely Lucien's most powerful attack spell targeting individuals. When it was faced with most defenses, it could 'obliterate' both the defenses and the people behind them.

Since it would take a while longer for him to complete 'Snow Goddess's Forgiveness' based on 'Snow Goddess's Anger', Lucien would certainly not disrespect his life security. Therefore, he had come to space searching for 'antielectrons' as early as possible!

After throwing out the alchemical device, Lucien performed magic, allowing the cosmic rays to pass through the electromagnetic field in it, while he observed the deviation.

It was a mission where patience was tested, because he had to find the trace he wanted from its millions of peers. Also, it was possible that 'antielectrons' were not around at all.

Days went by, and Lucien changed quite a few different locations.

The traces of deviation appeared inside the cloud room. Lucien identified and calculated them attentively. Suddenly, he felt something and blinked after clutching his alchemical device. Then, a stone the size of a hill crashed into the spot he had been at from the darkness at an unimaginably high speed.

"An asteroid…" Lucien thought to himself. What Mr. President and the other arcanists could not find was the regular planets. Such asteroids which wandered the universe, on the other hand, had been discovered now and then. They were one of the hazards in space.

Shaking his hands, Lucien did not pay any more attention to it. He brought out his crystal ball and confirmed the situation with astrology, before he continued his experiment.

A beautiful trajectory was gathered inside the cloud room, whose familiar arc and opposite direction were so warm and lovely in Lucien's eyes!

It was a positive electron!

The starry sky that represented the real world arrived illusionary again, adding more complicated magic patterns to Lucien's cognitive world. They were soon connected into a whole.

After a long time, Lucien, who was floating in the vacuum, extended his right hand after chanting the long, esoteric spell:

"Positive Electron Cannon!"

Countless inexplicable things were gathered. A pillar of light that was mixed with the colors of illusionary fire suddenly expanded and surged out, hitting another asteroid that was passing by.

The asteroid was even more intimidating and behemothic than the one just now, but it burst out the brilliance as dazzling as that of stars after it was hit by Lucien's 'Positive Electron Cannon'. The terrifying rays surged out.

After a short while, everything died down. There wasn't the slightest trace of any asteroid on the spot. It had been completely obliterated in space.

Lucien nodded at such great power. He activated the space-time landmark on himself. With brilliant stars glowing around him, he disappeared.

After another long time, the sight before Lucien's eyes became clear. He had returned to the top floor of Babel!

Taking out the Moon Timer, Lucien thought deeply, "A curvature voyage? A wormhole? A journey through the higher dimensions?"

Subtracting the twenty days he spent on his experiment, he calculated the time cost during the space jump, hoping to figure out its mysteries.

Suddenly, Lucien sensed something. He turned his eyes out of the window, only to discover that a silver sword flashed with the illusionary air that could chop everything.

After the flash, an elemental planet fell into two halves abruptly, before it was reduced into countless pieces by the spreading gaps.

An intense quake suddenly happened inside the Atomic Universe. As if a source of destruction was emitting infinite powerful flashes at the center, the elemental planets split one after another, and the stars were all extinguished. It seemed that the end of this universe had come!

Lucien curled his lips, genuinely delighted. He summoned his spiritual power and restored everything inside the Atomic Universe back to normal.

A tall figure in silver armor stepped in from the window, with uncontrollable excitement on her face. "Lucien, I am now a legend!"

"I knew that this day would come, but I didn't know that it would come so soon." Lucien smiled at Natasha.

Natasha paced back and forth happily, but she chuckled mischievously in her good mood. "So, you will listen to me tonight."

Lucien raised his eyebrow. "You said before that I should encourage and comfort you by listening to you because it was difficult to become a legend, and since it made sense to me, I didn't object to it. But why am I still listening to you now that you've already made the breakthrough?"

Natasha said solemnly, "Are you not happy for me after my successful breakthrough? This is much more meaningful than birthdays and calls for celebration!"

"…You are always 'reasonable'." Lucien shook his head in amusement.

Natasha held her head high proudly. "Of course, I am the fairest of all!"


A few days later, an emergency meeting was held in the Highest Council.

Inside the conference, the ambiance did not become weird because of Lucien's explanation with the observer effect. Both Douglas and Fernando were seniors who had seen too many debates, and Lucien was also a considerate gentleman. The academic argument would not be extended into their regular relation, particularly when they had only speculations, unlike what happened when Brook conclusively proved the wave theory and overthrew the particle theory with the double-slit experiment, laying a solid foundation for the victory of the second War between Wave and Particle.

Solemnly, Douglas said, "The elvish queen of the Stroop forest wrote me a letter."

"A letter?" Asked Oliver, finding it strange. A top legend wrote a letter for communication? It was not like she couldn't hear Fernando's roar!

Douglas nodded. "Because it's an official letter asking for help."

Hearing his words, all the members of the Highest Council in the meeting became serious, because the elves were among the most important allies of the Congress.

Douglas went on. "Aglaea, the elvish queen, discovered that part of the elves had been corrupted. Even the Elvish Tree had been polluted for unknown reasons. As for the druid elders, some of the members went missing, too. Since she needed to control the elvish tree, and the whole thing was rather weird, she asked us for help, hoping that we could dispatch one or two legendary sorcerers to aid her. After all, magic can be very useful in certain aspects."

He looked around. "Who is willing to go?"

After a brief silence, Lucien raised his hand. "I happen to be free."

He had already advanced into level three of legendary, but the Moon Timer, his unique legendary item, required more materials to catch up with his current level. The space-time legendary materials were so rare that one could hardly meet them. Therefore, he might as well try his luck among the elves who had a history of hundreds of thousands of years.

Chapter 669: Delegation

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The elves had a proud and glorious history. They once ruled the whole continent and many alternate dimensions. However, when a few apertures appeared and connected Abyssal Maw to the main material world, and the Demon Lords arrived with their subordinates in a scourge, bringing forth slaughter and destruction, everything became their memories.

In the war, the Elvish Court finally crushed the demonic army and sealed the channels, but the elves suffered brutal casualties, too. Their population plummeted. Because of their low birth rate, they never recovered from the disaster, and they were gradually replaced by other races. They had retreated to the 'Nature's Inhabitance sss' where the few elvish trees were located. One of their habitants was the Stroop forest that was one third the size of Holm.

During the long time, the other forests that had elvish trees were destroyed, occupied and melted into human society one after another, but the Stroop forest, where the court was located, was still dominated by elves thanks to their experts and the Elvish Royal Tree. It was the sanctuary for the Sun Elves, the Moon Elves, the Wood Elves, the Sea Elves and all the other types of elves.

According to the file of the Congress of Magic, more than a hundred thousand elves lived in the Stroop forest. Also, their territory extended all the way into the Boundless Ocean, where they reigned a fairly large area together with the tribe of the Sea Elves. It was hard to for them to expand, but they could easily protect themselves.

"The Elvish Court has six legends. The strongest of them is Queen Aglaea who has half melted with the Elvish Royal Tree. She is at the peak of legendary and good at natural spells."

Now that Lucien had volunteered to go, Douglas introduced the situation of the Elvish Court for him. "Of the other five legends, three are druids. Grand Druid Malfurion, who came to the Congress before, is one of them. Together with another two non-elvish legendary druids, they established 'Elder Council of the Druids' to coordinate the relationship between the non-elvish druids and elves."

"That is to say, there are only eight legends in the Stroop forest?" Lucien did not know much about elves and druids.

Holding his chin, Brook added for Douglas, "Yes, the remaining two elves are legends similar to legendary knights. They can perform natural spells with the tattoos on their body. They will be half a level stronger when they fight in a forest. The details will be given to you later."

"As a matter of fact, we planned to ask for their help when we fought the South Church last time. Although they needed to defend themselves, it shouldn't be a problem for them to spare two to three legends. However, the total war had already ended before we did so…" Said Oliver regretfully. He was interested in the elves who were good at art and history, particularly those who were females. "It's a shame that I have to go to the World of Souls…"

Knowing that Monster Viken and Pope Viken were mortal enemies, quite a few legendary sorcerers had decided to study the Furnace of Souls and observe the Pathway of Immortality from closer. For them, it wouldn't be too dangerous as long as they did not encounter the pontiff of the North Church.

That was because the legendary creatures in the World of Souls had suffered heavy losses in the Congress' first adventure. Even the Primordial Mummy had been killed by Lucien. Half of the intelligent legendary spectres had perished, too!

As for the Realm of Gates, although Monster Viken wouldn't attack the strangers with full strength, one could easily happen upon the Angel King and the six seraphs. None of the legendary experts except for Douglas, Brook, Fernando and Hathaway were willing to take the risk.

Pondering for a moment, Douglas said, "This will only be a preliminary investigation. Our main purpose is to figure out why the gap of Abyss, which was steady for tens of thousands of years, suddenly went out of control and even corrupted the Elvish Royal Tree… Erica, Atlant, you are demon experts. Which of you will go with Lucien?"

"I'll go. I happen to need some demons for my research." Atlant nodded, his eyes closed, but his voice seemed to be echoing in everybody's heart.

After the candidates were decided, the emergency meeting ended. Most of the members of the Highest Council left in a hurry.

They had some ideas about the future of quantum mechanics after reading Lucien's recent papers, but they met a lot of difficulties in their actual research, because they needed the support of powerful mathematical tools!

Although mathematics had been flourishing since Nature was established, the improvement was not as significant as the leap in the microscopic domain. Therefore, they had to stop for now and focus on mathematics to build up the foundation.

Due to the limitation of mathematics, the surging tide in the microscopic domain was slowed down, waiting for the next rise.

Douglas led Lucien and Atlant to a room on the thirty-fifth floor. Two blond elves rose and asked earnestly, "Mr. Douglas, have you settled on your candidates? Will the two gentlemen come with us? Well, Lu…"

They were exactly Princess Iristine and Prince Arcelion, Lucien's old acquaintances, so they blurted out after they saw him. But they soon remembered Lucien's identity and changed their attitude, "…Mr. Evans."

After the greeting, Arcelion and Iristine both had complicated feelings. When they met Lucien ten years ago, he was merely a second-circle sorcerer, but after only ten years, he had become a level-two legendary legendary sorcerer. In comparison, they were almost on the same level as they had been ten years before!

For elves, ten years was not a long time, but when they met Lucien again, they suddenly had a feeling that time really flies, which transformed forests into oceans and dried oceans into continents.

"No wonder Lucien Evans stressed that time manifests itself by changes…" Iristine only had a basic understanding about arcana.

They looked almost the same as ten years ago, albeit a bit more mature, and they were still wearing the clean, natural attires. Therefore, Lucien also recognized them. He nodded at them with a smile as a greeting.

"Lucien 'Atom Controller' Evans and Atlant 'Eye of Curse' Forman will lead part of the senior-rank and middle-rank sorcerers to the forest and provide help for you." Douglas introduced them officially.

Taking a breath to ease her anxiety, Iristine said, "Your Excellencies, I'll explain the situation to you briefly…"

According to her, there was a gap that leads to Abyss in the Stroop forest. It was attacked by demons now and now, but since the gap was not large enough, the Will of Abyss and the Prince of Abyss could not arrive. Without their leadership, the Demon Lords tended to attack each other. Therefore, the Elvish Court and the Elder Council of the Druids could defend the place easily.

However, the supposedly stable gap suddenly went out of control and expanded a few months back. Many demons surged in with their lords. Thankfully, it was Malfurion who defended the place back then, and the worst outcomes were avoided.

After a battle, the demons were banished back to Abyss, and the gap was sealed. However, the elvish queen discovered that the elvish tree was contaminated by the air of chaos and slaughter. After that, part of the elves were corrupted and demonized.

"I hope that you can help us find out why the gap went out of control and figure out a way to stabilize it. That's the only way for us to eliminate the air of Abyss and prevent the spread of corruption. However, whatever happens in the end, you will have the sincerest thanks from the elves." Iristine was much more polite and better at talking than before.

However, whether or not the contamination and the corruption were related to the gap of Abyss required investigation.

Lucien nodded. "I need to make preparations and summon my assistants."

Many things could be investigated by the senior-rank or middle-rank sorcerers. It was a way to improve the talents of the Congress, too.

"Alright, Your Excellency." Arcelion held back his anxiety and said.

He was as brilliant as the sun previously, but what happened recently had upset and exhausted him, making him as lackluster as the sunset.


Inside the Atomic Universe…

After asking the Affair Committee to recruit personnel, Lucien went home and told Natasha the situation.

"The Elvish Court? The Stroop forest? Demon invasion?" Natasha's eyes immediately glittered. Having just become a legendary knight, she seemed to be in dire need of a target to practice her skills.

Seeing her face, Lucien immediately scratched his chin and chuckled, "You want to go?"

Natasha 'solemnly' said, "The system of parliament, cabinet and prime minister ensures that nothing will go wrong in the kingdom even if I'm away for a couple of months. You always took adventures on your own, and now I can finally accompany you. This is my wedding vow for you!"

"But I feel that accompanying me is only a secondary reason for you. Well, I can hear your roaring blood and pulse right now." Lucien made fun of her.

Not embarrassed at all, Natasha declared, "Our minds are truly connected! It's officially decided then!"

Lucien could only shake his head, smiling in indulgence.


At noon the next day, in a room next to the conference room of the Highest Council, Lucien met the sorcerers who had been summoned to join the trip with him.

"Annick? Sprint? Why are you here?" Lucien discovered that his four students were among them.

Heidi smiled, "They have been quite taciturn recently, so I've dragged them for a walk. Is it not good for them to complete their mandatory mission under your watch? It's a pity that it's Chelly and Layria's turn to supervise the institution."

"Alright, this is not bad." Lucien nodded approvingly. His students could not be weaklings in battles. Nobody knew whether or not a major war would break out later. As for what was on Heidi's mind, Lucien knew it very clearly, but there was no need to point it out, because she certainly meant well.

Annick and Sprint stood next to them awkwardly, not knowing what they should say.

The member of the Affair Committee to follow Lucien on the grip was also an old friend. He was Jurisian, from the Moonsong League, but he was accompanied by an unexpected member.

"Felipe?" Lucien looked at the sickly-looking man who walked in.

The Eye of Curse, standing next to Felipe, smiled. He is very interested in natural genetics and applied to join us on the journey to the Stroop forest, and I happen to need an assistant. So, I accepted his application."

"That's your right." Lucien did not say anything. Felipe was no longer someone he needed to be cautious about, and Felipe obviously thought so, too. The guy was simply standing next to them, not nearly as aggressive as before, because the gap between them was simply too wide.


Hourly news from 'Arcana Voice':

"Today, Mr. Lucien Evans, a grand arcanist, a member of the Highest Council and a legendary sorcerer, has left Allyn with Her Majesty Natasha 'Righteous Sword' Orvarit for a one-month visit to the elves in the Stroop forest. The delegation also includes Mr. Atlant Forman and Jurisian…"

That was the excuse on the surface.

Chapter 670: Nature's Residence

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Alright, everybody is here." Jurisian, black-haired and brown-eyed, checked the names on the roster.

Hearing his words, Arcelion put on a smile and turned around towards Lucien. "Mr. Evans, Mr. Forman, are we ready to go?"

He was too anxious when he thought of the contaminated elvish tree and his corrupted compatriots to control his feelings and manners.

Lucien meant to look at Atlant and see his attitude, but he only saw a pair of closed eyes after he turned his head. He immediately shook his head in amusement. Natasha's chuckle also entered his eyes. She had obviously noticed his awkwardness. Habits and experiences tended to lead people to mistakes.

"Mr. Atlant, is there anything else you need to do?" asked Lucien.

Atlant smiled amiably. "No, there isn't. I'm supposed to be your assistant in the investigation."

Relieved, Iristine was about to speak, when her head became dizzy, and all the colors around her faded away, leaving only the densest darkness behind. Then, she saw a boundless cosmos where stars did not shine but emanated various colors like elements. Some of them were silver, some gold; some were green, and some were vermilion…

"Atomic Universe…" The name somehow popped up in her heart. The middle-rank and senior-rank sorcerers except for Heidi and Lucien's students all said it out in a low voice.

Felipe was as pale as before. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was holding back the dizziness caused by the space jump. He stood straight with his hands in the pockets of his coat, raising his head high to observe the elemental planets around him thoughtfully. There was no telling what was on his mind.

Iristine's sickness hadn't been relieved yet, when she saw that the planets were suddenly accelerating and connecting into weird symbols, leaving arcane trajectories behind them.

When she saw the symbols, her eyes were blurry again, making it impossible for her to perceive the sight around. She had the strange illusion that she was traveling inside a long, dark tunnel.

In her ignorance, Iristine did not know how long it passed, but light suddenly glowed before her eyes, so dazzlingly that she squinted. Her head was extremely heavy, and she felt like throwing up.

"We're in the Stroop forest now. Please lead us to Nature's Residence." Lucien's pleasant voice seemed to have passed countless worlds before it finally reached Iristine's voice obscurely.

'Nature's Residence' was a powerful defense of the elves. It was also a reference to the habitat of the elves within the Stroop forest.

Iristine shook her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but she suddenly saw a beautiful and energetic face whose silver eyes contained a vague smile. There was a finger-sized fruit on the lady's opened hand. She said with a delighted voice, "Chirga, a special fruit of Holm, grows only next to the Chirga River and can remove the dizziness caused by space transfer quickly."

Iristine took the fruit and put it into her mouth. Feeling the sweet sourness, she was immediately refreshed. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

As a diplomat, she certainly knew the queen of Holm, Mr. Evans's wife.

Natasha smiled. "In fact, you will be better after you are used to it. Space jump isn't that terrible."

She turned back and walked to Lucien, chuckling in the telepathic bond that had been preset. "Even princesses of elves are so weak, too? I am truly one of a kind among princesses."

"Do you not know what level she is at?" Lucien was rather satisfied that his wife did not keep talking with Iristine.

Natasha said gloatingly, "I came to Holm through 'Element Paradise' when I was little. I didn't find it as unbearable as she did."

"Of course, you are unique." Lucien sensibly ended the conversation with a compliment.

Taking a few deep breaths, Iristine was completely recovered and found that the sorcerers of the Congress of Magic had all been woken up one way or another. Therefore, she said with a graceful and polite smile, "Everybody, please follow me to 'Nature's Residence'."

They left the place earlier through Malfurion's natural power, and the dizziness was less severe. Not all legends had a demiplane. The saint cardinals did not, most legendary knights did not, and nor did the druids. Only the legendary sorcerers and the experts who occupied a certain demiplane or alternate dimension of special qualities had such a thing, like Apsis with his 'Skeleton Land' and Tiphotidis with his 'Silent Hell'.

Of course, it was generally accepted that their demiplanes were granted by the Lord of Hell or the Will of Abyss. Their strength would be improved by half a level if they fought in those areas.

"Is this a space jump based on demiplanes?" Arcelion was behind his sister. He felt that he had only been giddy for a while before the familiar Stroop forest appeared again before his eyes.

The heat of June couldn't be felt at all inside the Stroop forest. The breeze passed the leaves with the unique fragrance of coolness of the woods, bringing the pleasant bird songs to them.

Alferris, whose body size had been reduced, walked at the front of the team like a dog. He observed the environment so attentively that even Jurisian, a battle sorcerer, felt ashamed of himself. The dragon was simply too meticulous!

"Alferris, what are you looking for?" Heidi was particularly close to the lovely pet.

Alferris coveted the forest like a detective, terrifying all the creatures within thousands of meters with his dragon air, but he said childishly and carefully, "I remember that a sorcerer found a gem mine in this forest!"

"But it's obviously not here…" Katrina couldn't help but remind him of the natural geography.

Alferris was not frustrated at all. "There are many gifts of nature in places where elves live!"

That was the biggest reason why he begged Lucien to go with him. Considering that elves did not hate dragons although some of them might be biased against humans, he accepted the dragon's plea in the end.

Iristine looked at the little guy with translucent crystal scales on his body, not surprised at his dragon nature, but she couldn't help but shake her head at the dragon's tycoon garments.

The foreclaws of the dragon were adorned with glittering rings, and quite a few medals, including the Silver Moon Medal that represented the highest honor, were hanging on his chest. There were also the items that he borrowed from Lucien. Since he had to return them to somebody, he wore them all the time and seized every second to 'bond' with them, acting as if they could not be separated. Naturally, the gesture was all for Lucien to watch.

Lucien's destination in the space jump was not far away from Nature's Residence. Led by the two elves, the 'Delegation of the Congress of Magic and the Kingdom of Holm' soon saw a place that was enshrouded in a mist. In a haze, all the trees rose high exuberantly. Under the direction of the magic power, their branches constituted cottages in midair. The lake at the center was as smooth as a gem. The flowers and fruits around were peculiar and colorful. It was both a residence and nature!

"How beautiful…" Heidi, Katrina and the other girls complimented the beautiful environment. Even the gloomy sorcerers such as Felipe felt that their mind had been pacified and cleansed after witnessing Nature's Residence that seemed to be in a fairy tale.

At this moment, Malfurion, an old elf with dark green skin, walked out from the mist with an undecorated wood staff in his hands, followed by many elves whose skin and hair colors varied.

"Welcome, honorable guests." Malfurion spoke on behalf of the Elvish Court. "Forgive me for my lack of manners, but all the elves are in pain because of the damage that the Elvish Tree suffered. Evans, Forman and Natasha, please come to the center of the lake with me."

"That's our purpose." Lucien appreciated the importance of the elvish tree for elves, and he was thinking whether or not he could take a valuable fruit back with him. That way, he would be able to hold the best life-extending legendary ritual for himself and Natasha together with the Fountain of Youth.

In the meantime, Lucien asked Jurisian, Sprint, Heidi and the other sorcerers. "Walk around and talk to the elves. Figure out the details of the incident, particularly the signs of the dozens of corrupted elves before their corruption."

"As your wish, Your Excellency." Jurisian had always been serious on missions. His usual humor was nowhere to be found.

Therefore, the three legends flew towards the Elf's Royal Palace at the center of the lake under the lead of Malfurion who was a Dark Elf. The elvish tree was at the pivot of the palace.

Halfway through their flight, Lucien and Natasha had already seen a gigantic tree whose diameter was the distance between one end of the Nekso Palace and the other. The crown of the tree was so high into the clouds that they could barely see it. The rind was a weird color of brown and green, fluctuating as if it were vigorously alive.

The elvish tree emitted a feeling of transcendence. It was clearly located in this place, but it seemed to be in a different world. Lucien was no stranger to such feelings, because the Furnace of Souls was even more intangible than it.

"It has indeed been polluted…" Natasha's eyes were keener when Lucien hadn't performed his magic. She saw quite a few dense black spots on the trunk, which corrupted the rind around and were spreading slowly.

At this moment, a shadow flew out of a naturally-formed house on the elvish tree. It was a black-haired, silver-skinned and tall elf with pointy ears, who had a vintage bow on his back.

"This is Lankshear, 'Vengeful Hunter', our chief of guards." Malfurion introduced him to Lucien, Natasha and Atlant.

The other level-three elf… Lucien nodded. The male elf who had a lot of mysterious tattoos on his neck was a legend who grew with his own elvish talents, not a druid.

"This is Lucien 'Atom Controller' Evans, this is his wife, Natasha 'Sword of Adjudication' Orvarit, and this is Atlant 'Eye of Curse' Forman. I believe you are familiar with him.' Malfurion talked to Lankshear. Then he frowned, "Where is Ferragond?"

Lankshear easily struck everybody as a melee warrior, but his body figure was smooth and there were barely any bulging muscles. He snorted, "Ferragond does not want to welcome guests. You know that he is the leader of Nature's Abhorrence."

He did not seem to be Ferragond's best friend, and he intentionally pointed it out.