810 - 818

Chapter 810: Heart and Trace

Closing his eyes, Lucien felt that his consciousness suddenly soared like a little bird that finally got rid of the cage and was embracing the blue sky. It kept rising higher and higher, and finally, it could look down upon the entire earth.

Facing the seven top legendaries, like a poet full of romantic thoughts, Lucien did not cast any defense on himself. However, none of the devils seized the chance to launch an attack. Instead, they stared at Lucien, frowning, as if Lucien was not even in the same dimension as them!

Lucien's consciousness started getting blurry as it kept soaring. When Lucien felt that it had hit his limit, he felt his consciousness ran into something soft and intangible.


Instantly, Lucien felt his soul tremble, and his spiritual power had just broken some kind of shackles and then spread out like waves.

The dark sky, the red soil, the gold palace, the court, and even the primeval devils cracked like a mirror falling onto the ground.


The entire hell had split into countless tiny pieces, and behind the pieces, it was this primeval chaos that comprised of colorful light.

The illusionary light was like lines, sketching and outlining the figures of human beings, dragons, and devils as they kept changing. There was no order at all, and some faces on the figures looked furious, some looked greedy, some looked painful, and some had apparent desires.

Such a colorful but illusionary world of "negative emotions" was boundless. However, around Lucien, the part of the world had collapsed into a very vivid and real scene.

Beneath Lucien's feet, there was an amusingly tiny planet. It was blue and was covered in something blurry. Underneath the planet, there was a city flying in the air. The magic tower built in the city was so tall that the tip of it could almost touch the blue planet.

Underneath the city in the sky, it was the chaotic reflection of Aalto, the City of Psalm.

All of these were under constant changes, like a human mind that was full of all kinds of thoughts.

Lucien did not try to see what was at the end of the world. He opened his eyes and looked back. He saw that behind the gate, it was the very bottomless canyon that he saw when he came in!

In the canyon, the old bronze door now looked rather gauzy and dimly discernible.

In front of the gate stood a young man wearing a black, double-breasted suit. He had a good-looking face, but his eyes had lost focus, and his expression was blank. His right hand pressed against the bronze door as if it was firmly glued on it!

It was Lucien himself!

But this Lucien now seemed to be part of the bronze gate, and thus, his figure also looked illusionary and blurry.

As he expected, this was the place where all negative emotions gathered, and the bronze gate was in fact the gate of his mind!

Lucien looked around and saw the seven primeval devils. They no longer looked like Lucien. They looked like figures made of light spots. However, the negative feelings coming out were still rather intense.

This place was, of course, not only Lucien's mind. To be more accurate, through touching the gate, Lucien's mind had mixed with the countless negative emotions together in this dimension, and thus, a creepy and mysterious primeval hell was reflected. Therefore, the hell looked different to each individual!

But now, Lucien had seen the true primeval hell. His body was standing outside, and his soul had entered in to explore his mind.

The so-called primeval devils were also reflections of one's own negative emotions amplified by this dimension, and therefore, they could not be destroyed. Due to the unusual nature of the Stellar Core, it could hide here.

In most cases, top legendaries usually had great control of their minds, and therefore, most of them could see up to four primeval devils. However, something went wrong, or perhaps there was a conspiracy behind it, but all seven of them showed up at the same time.

Therefore, as long as one could imagine, the dimension could be anything, even if it went against the rules of arcana!

Hypocrisy, which had lost its shape and was now a cluster of white light, asked again, "How did you know?"

Underneath the white light, there was dark miasma churning.

Lucien smiled. "You can copy my spells. I don't think that's strange. After all, this place can amplify all the negative emotions, and perhaps you can connect to my mind…

"… Although I don't understand how you did it and what are the rules behind it, it's still within my comprehension, and I've seen it somewhere else. But now, you can even copy a top legendary item and its power. I can't even do this. I'm a top legendary specializing in time and space, and I can't do this, then how can you?

"… The only possibility is that there were another seven similar space-time legendary items in this dimension, which means among those souls that got lost here, there were seven as powerful as me.

"… If it had been just one or two, possible, but all of you were too greedy. That's the biggest commonality shared by all devils!"

In fact, Lucien knew it well because he got this idea a long time ago.

"You're too arrogant. Why can't we?" Arrogance shouted. It was now only a golden light ball. "You just got lucky!"

Jealousy, the green light ball, sneered, "Don't celebrate too early. What can you do after this? You've triggered the true power of the primeval hell, and sooner or later, you'll be infected and become another lost soul!"

Hypocrisy also said coldly, "There are a primeval hell and seven primeval devils in everyone's mind. You can never get rid of us! Even if you can get out this time, after what had happened, we live forever in your mind, and we'll torture you, and we'll corrupt you every second of your life. How long can you resist that? The final victory is ours!"

"I'll now turn you into a monster so full of hatred that you won't even be able to recognize yourself!" roared the devil of abhorrence.

The seven primeval devils joined again, but this time, they had changed their way of fighting. From each of them, a fine line had reached all the way to Lucien. The seven lines were in different colors!

Lucien, however, started clapping while facing the threat. "Good point. There are a primeval hell and seven primeval devils in everyone's mind. Ever since I was born, I've been dealing with you all."

The seven primeval devils had no idea what Lucien meant.

"I've heard a saying before. It tells us that we can only look at a person's specific motivation when he does something, but not all the thoughts he has. If not, then all the human beings in this world are corrupt…

"If we probe into a person's mind, true, it is always full of bad and filthy ideas." Lucien smiled in a half self-mocking tone. "I admit that I do have some shameful thoughts from time to time, but in the end, the thoughts would never come true because I've conquered them!

"Every time when I did something, I did have more or less some bad thoughts, but in the end, I defeated all of them, so I can stick to the good things that I believe in."

Lucien looked more serious, and he said to the seven devils, "The way I think and the belief I have all come from the many fights with you, devils. And I have always been the winner. Now, do you think I'd be afraid of you, losers?"

As he was speaking, Lucien took a step out, and his figure suddenly looked extremely tall and big. In fact, it was because the seven devils had suddenly become much smaller and shorter as they bent their backs low.

Arrogance finally realized what was going on and said furiously, "You're arrogant, too arrogant. You've defeated us before, but that doesn't mean you always do. Your attitude will lead to your final failure!"

Hypocrisy's body started shaking fiercely after hearing Arrogance's words. Such an idiot!

Arrogance was basically telling Lucien how to defeat them!

The rest of the five devils remained silent.

In Lance, in a spacious underground hall at the bottom of the Bright Hall.

There was an old cross in front of the hall that had witnessed the passage of time. Apart from this, there was only a rusted candlestick.

This was the first sanctuary that the Saint Truth had during its development.

At this time, the candles suddenly lit up. The twelve grand cardinals including Saint Kati, Saint Maria, Philibell, and Astira were standing there, each in one corner.

In the middle of the hall, there was a strange three-dimensional structure that looked very different from those normal divine circles and magic circles. It was like a collection of childish scrawling.

Around the strange structure, Benedict III kept walking back and forth and checking. The rest of the grand cardinals also did the same to make sure that they wouldn't be sacrificed or devoured by it like Harex, the Lord of the Boundless Ocean.

"Ready?" Benedict III asked in the weak tone.

After multiple confirmations, the grand cardinals responded together, "Your Holiness, we're ready!"

Chapter 811: The "Real" Viken

Benedict III turned around abruptly. With his back against the old cross, he said solemnly, "Let's begin."

After a brief hesitation, Saint Kati suggested, "Your Holiness, should we wait for a while longer? Such an attempt is very dangerous. You may be heavily wounded and fall into dormancy even though you are a demigod. Why don't we have another few minimal simulations? Or we can wait until the Angel King wakes up. He'll be able to separate you from Monster Viken with God's Guard at the critical moment."

What he did not say out aloud was that, if the ritual to gather negative feelings and primeval devils to summon the primeval hell failed, His Holiness might be unable to control Monster Viken anymore after being heavily wounded and that he would even be swallowed. By then, with Monster Viken's personality, which was close to that of primeval devils, they wouldn't end well at all. The South Church would definitely fall apart, and even the Congress of Magic and the Dark Congress would suffer destructive strikes.

That was because Monster Viken did not have boundaries or anything that he needed to protect. His sole interest was destruction and corrupting other people. With that in mind, he might attack the magic apprentices, bishops, and arcanists alike without considering the consequences.

Faced with a demigod, only the experts above level three of legendary had a chance to save their lives or stall the enemy. Therefore, unless the other people stayed in Allyn or the Holy City forever, their destiny would be unavoidable. After all, there were few experts who could protect them.

Kati's concerns were exactly what was on the mind of most Grand Cardinals. However, before they said anything, Benedict III already said slowly but peacefully, "I'm very confident about it, and I have to thank Lucien Evans for his remarkable contributions to the studies of the observer effect.

"Let's begin. After I overcome the insidious problems and I'm no longer restrained by Monster Viken, I'll be the strongest demigod under the Lord. With the help of God's Arrival, all the enemy forces will bend before us!"

He did not mention destroying the Congress of Magic or the Dark Congress because all the Grand Cardinals knew that the organizations protected by demigods would never really die until the demigods perished. Their worst outcome was to change their appearance and exist in a different form. Another cruel and cold fact was that demigods never died. They could always return from the river of fate.

Of course, after Lucien discovered the sun and confirmed the existence of planets, the Grand Cardinals were much more open-minded now. After all, there were so many more planets and resources. All they needed to do was to drive the Congress of Magic out of this world rather than seeking to eliminate them.

Hearing the pope's confident declaration, the saints calmed down too. They believed that His Holiness would certainly not joke with his own life.

They left the corners and reached the twelve pillars that supported the weird cubic circle. Then, their bodies blurred into mists, and intense negative feelings flowed out.

Pope Viken stepped into the center and stuck his platinum staff against the hole at the top. Then, with his eyes half-closed, he chanted an evil, weird, and eccentric spell that was entirely different from the sacred and solemn divine power.

A wind started to blow. The feelings of gloom, darkness, corruption, and pain immediately filled this ancient sanctuary.

Centered at the platinum staff and Pope Viken, lines and symbols glittered. Some were silver, some crimson, some pure gold, and some dimly green. They changed nonstop exactly like the erratic mind of human beings.

The light and symbols flowed toward the twelve pillars, dyeing the misty shadows of the Grand Cardinals in different colors. They floated fuzzily like phantoms made of the light that represented different negative feelings.

As the shadows that looked like the primeval devils took shape, screams, moans, and roars suddenly echoed inside the ancient sanctuary, making the place look like the most horrifying and brutal hell.

As if he had heard the summoning of the devils and corrupt souls, a deep dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Pope Viken, also with intense hate and fury. It was exactly Monster Viken.


The moment Monster Viken appeared, dark air emerged from the void of the circle and exploded. Then, colorful light was condensed in the black air and stretched out boundlessly.

In the cluster of light, the faces of miserable human beings, devils, dragons, and vampires appeared. For a moment, all the crazy faces were moving in a mess. It truly felt like the primeval hell!

His eyes half-closed, Viken made another step forward and uttered obscure words, as if he were a god berating the devils.

The platinum staff glowed, and the primeval hell simulated at the center of the circle rose. After it gradually left the ground, the floor was no longer as vintage and gray as a while before. The strange symbols were gone, replaced by a deep, dark, and bottomless abyss.

The simulated primeval hell kept rising, and spots of light glittered in the abyssal darkness down below. Lights in different colors were emerging, and the faces of countless intelligent creatures were also showing up, exactly like the reflection of the fake primeval hell up above. The only difference was that the darkness here was high, mighty, manipulative, and intangible.

Viken had indeed summoned the primeval hell!


Inside the primeval hell, as Lucien pressed forward, making Arrogance, Greed, Hypocrisy, and the other primeval devils smaller and smaller, the void and the rays of light in it suddenly began to tremble!

In the meantime, twelve shadows similar to the primeval devils were generated nearby, and the seven primeval devils expanded as if they had drunk tonics. They all laughed gloatingly and terrifyingly.

"Haha. Somebody summoned the primeval hell!" Hypocrisy looked at Lucien mockingly. "How unlucky of you. In such a case, it won't be just a battle of your heart!"

Abhorrence gnashed its teeth. "Too many negative feelings and too many lost souls have been gathered in this place. The power when they are combined will be unforgettable for you! Face my fury and hate, and cry!"

"This is already the power of demigods, and your body is still outside, making it impossible for you to carry out all your strength!" Arrogance looked down at Lucien. "Kneel and beg. Perhaps I'll give you a quick death!"

"Summoning the primeval hell…" Lucien looked at the void, stunned. So fast?


Seeing that the primeval hell was summoned, Philibell, Philip, and the other Grand Cardinals were all relieved. They had survived one of the two dangers. Then, they would summon the projection of Mountain Paradise to balance the projection of the primeval hell so that the pope could complete the melting.

They thought and struggled to resist because the primeval hell had a strong attraction force on them in their current state. They might be lost and swallowed by the primeval hell if they were careless.

Right when they waited for Pope Viken to summon the projection of Mountain Paradise with the platinum staff, Viken suddenly opened his eyes, which glowed like two suns.

In the meantime, the dark and corrupt Monster Viken behind him stepped forward and melted into his body.

As a result, Viken's left eye dimmed like the darkest night, which was a major contrast to the bright right eye. However, a strange balance seemed to have been maintained. He put on a mocking smile.

"What exactly has happened?"

"They have melted so easily?"

"Damn it!"

Different thoughts occurred to the Grand Cardinals, who subconsciously wanted to get out of the circle. However, the powerful force of assimilation from the primeval hell stalled them.

Viken laughed blatantly and pointed his platinum staff ahead. "You are fortunate and favored, and you will receive the greatest glory, which is to melt with me, the incarnation of the Lord, to wake up the one true god and become part of Him."

As he pointed his platinum staff and uttered his crazy declaration that contained supernatural powers, the simulated primeval hell dispersed and tied up the Grand Cardinals. All of a sudden, they felt that Pope Viken was their destiny, and they sincerely wanted to melt into him!

"Why is this happening?" Saint Kati exclaimed in shock.

Viken, both the pope and the monster, sneered, "Because I am the greatest primeval devil, and you are equal to my clones! This is decided by the feature of primeval devils. I'm sorry that I neglected that in the files I gave to you. Those who did not become a demigod based on this path can never sense it."

"No wonder you were willing to share it!" Philip cried desperately.

"Are you out of your mind? You are dissolving the foundation of the Church!" Philibell roared, stressing that the dissemination of faith couldn't be done without them.

The colorful lights of negative feelings jumped among the Grand Cardinals, causing them to assimilate with Viken faster and faster.

In a warm smile, Viken said, "That cannot be helped. Although I appreciate Lucien Evans' contributions to the observer theory and the two thought experiments, it is not a perfect theory after all. Our integration is not temporary, and we will be separated again.

"Of course, the most important reason is that I am not strong enough as an observer. So, I need you to melt into me in order to really summon the primeval hell. Only after I become a true god that everything can be perfectly solved.

"If I succeed, the Church will never collapse with me as the true god, and it doesn't matter if you are here; if I fail, I'll fall into a long dormancy and even get swallowed by Monster Viken, in which case the Church matters little to me! I don't care if the world will be destroyed after my death!"

The Grand Cardinals couldn't have been more regretful, but they were not devastated yet. They talked in private before and predicted possible changes. At this moment, if they were to take action together according to the emergency plan, and since Viken could not be distracted, there was a good chance that they could escape!

They were certainly no fools that would believe everything that the pope said!

Right when they mobilized all their strength and attacked together, Saint Maria and Grand Cardinal Philip suddenly lost focus and fell into madness, melting into the simulated primeval hell voluntarily!

Had they been controlled by Viken already?

Desperation, regrets, pain, and other feelings rose in the hearts of the other Grand Cardinals, making it even less possible for them to resist the assimilation. As a result, they were melted and reflected in the real primeval hell!


The darkness on the floor rose and embraced the fake primeval hell in the sky, gathering into a world that was full of betrayals, slaughters, jealousy, and lust!


Behind Viken, the space was torn apart, and the hallowed, wondrous hymns came out. The glorious and brilliant Mountain Paradise had arrived!

The two of them moved toward each other, raising an uncanny air that surged toward the sky. In every corner in the entire world, the unusual view of half night and half day was showing up.

In the City in the Sky, Douglas sensed something when the primeval hell was gathered. He blinked to the midair and looked at the direction of the Holy City in a daze. Stars emerged in his eyes and moved in mysterious trajectories, as if he were performing astrology with them as the crystal balls.

"What is Viken trying to do?"

Chapter 812: Blockage

"What is Viken trying to do?"

At the bottom of the Boundless Ocean, in a magnificent black palace, the Lord of Hell, who was holding the gold trident, suddenly stood up from the throne. His red eyes that were always filled with mockery stared at the sky in shock. Through the blue water and the surging waves, he "saw" the unusual phenomenon where one half of it was evil and dark and the other half was sacred and bright.

At the same time, his real self deep inside the hell suddenly felt palpitation, as if something very close to him had gone out of control.

"The primeval hell?"

Maltimus' voice of confusion echoed in the palace of the sea emperor. It was safe to say that the primeval hell and him were in a relationship of duality. However, he was not a representation of the primeval hell, and the primeval hell was not a part of him. They were only connected to some degree.

Even so, the primeval hell was of paramount importance for him!

Suddenly, his lips, which had been wearing a mocking smile, were frozen as he thought of a possibility. "Viken intends to become a true god? Has he lost his mind? Does he not fear that he will lose all his consciousness and get melted by 'Mountain Paradise' or the primeval hell?

"Now that he balances Mountain Paradise with the primeval hell, it's possible that he can really grasp the tiny chance of hope…"

Although Maltimus would love to observe whether or not it was viable, he knew very well that Viken had to be stopped. If Viken really surpassed the limits, the demigods like him would probably perish for real!

No demigods other than him could make the advancement!


In the Valley of Fiery Stone in the Dark Mountain Range…

Alterna, whose long blond hair was tied up and dangled on her shoulder, pressed her hands on the Sword of Origin and Destiny on the ground and stared at her pet, Danisos the Dragon of Time and Luminosity, carefully, with her mouth moving vaguely, as if she were trying to hold back her saliva.

Danisos kept his head low and dared not look at Alterna, fearing that he might be eaten if he looked at her again.

Suddenly, he had uncanny fear and couldn't help but raise his head, and Silver Moon Alterna before him had vanished at some point!

The high sky that was full of space gaps and dark mists had been completely covered by the half darkness and half brilliance.

"Is it caused by demigod advancement? No! What's Viken trying to do?" With the preliminary control over time. Danisos had a basic perception of fate. So, he realized what was going on very quickly.


In the Maple Palace in Antiffler in the Holy Heilz Empire…

Rudolf II clenched his right hand hard, with both mockery and fury.

"Viken is crazy enough to lay fingers on Mountain Paradise? Does he hate that his life is too long and he can never really die?

"Soon, although he will not really perish, it will definitely be more miserable than the real demise!"

Many thoughts occurred to him, but they eventually gathered into a concern.

"Will Viken succeed?"


In the ancient sanctuary below the ground of the Holy City, when the Desperate World gathered by the projection of the primeval hell encountered the projection of Mountain Paradise summoned by the platinum staff, a storm of energy swept out in circles, blowing down the wall of the hall and knocking up the dome!


The clerics in the Holy City heard a dull but extremely loud explosion. Their ears hummed first, and soon, they lost their hearing.

The ground rolled up and down like a gigantic snake. The churches, ashrams, and abbeys protected by the divine power collapsed abruptly.


Stunned, the clerics watched the Bright Hall, which was a symbol of the center of the Church, being blown away, while a blurry, colorful world that was full of pain and desperation entangled with the glorious Mountain Paradise where hymns were resonating, before they rose into the clouds like a blast!

Immediately, from the evil and dark knight, intelligent creatures appeared. There were humans, dwarfs, elves, dragons, and many ancient species that had been extinct for a long time. In a sacred and bright day, the angels with pure wings on the back and the holy spirits sang and praised in the infinite light.

In the place where they were gathered, an old man who was wearing a sacred crown stood straight despite the pain on his face. His whole body was both illusionary and real, and it was as transcendental and intangible as the pictures next to him. It seemed that he was really in a different world; a marvelous world that was higher than the earth and the sky!

"His Holiness?"

"What's he doing?"

The clerics were shocked. In their eyes, the pope extended the platinum staff in his right hand, illuminating a corner of the dark and corrupt world, and the dark and evil shadow on the left side stepped forward, contaminating the bright and sacred heaven.

Such a view could not only be seen in the Holy City but in every place, including Allyn, Rentato, Antiffler, Syracuse, and Aalto!

"Isn't it Benedict III?" Having just played a game, Heidi was stretching her arms to relax when she suddenly stiffened. She just saw the astonishing sky outside the window.

Annick, who had been well-tortured by the eraser experiment and the delayed choice experiment, also raised his head and looked at the pope in a daze, not knowing what was happening.

Was the unusual phenomenon caused by demigod advancement? But he was already a demigod!

In the marvelous world where he could be seen in every place, Viken couldn't have looked more twisted. He maintained his sanity with the power of the primeval hell and prevented himself from being melted by Mountain Paradise while avoiding the corruption and assimilation of the primeval hell with the enhancement of Mountain Paradise. He tried to seize the point of balance and seek the gate of breakthrough with the enormous power!

As a result, he shouldered excruciating pain, but he still mumbled to himself, "Not enough! Not enough!"

The brightness that the projection of Mountain Paradise let out was even more dazzling. The clerics and believers in the Holy City suddenly felt something. They all kneeled on the ground.

"Almighty Lord, you are one, and everyone."

In every place that worshiped the God of Truth, the devout believers and clerics, regardless of their locations and ages, were all caught in a certain holy, touching atmosphere. They all kneeled on the ground and prayed at the same time.

"You are the beginning, and the end."

"You are the moment, and forever."

From them, brilliant, pure, and sacred light flew out into the midair and melted into the day!

The dark world was immediately suppressed. It was almost purged, but it still managed to deal with it.

Viken kept on murmuring as if he had gone mad, "Not enough! Not enough!"

Suddenly, a cold and bright moon appeared in the sky. Driving away part of the darkness as well as the brightness, the pure and dreamy moonlight enshrouded Viken at the center.

On the other side, noises of tide burst out, and a gold trident rose to the sky with overwhelming blueness. In the seawater, there were no fish or seaweeds, but erupting volcanoes, bottomless canyons, silent battlefields, and other sceneries of hell!

"Life Deprivation!" The Lord of Hell pointed the gold trident at Pope Viken!


Above the City in the Sky, Douglas said solemnly, "Brook will stay in Allyn. Hathaway and Fernando will come with you. The other members of the Highest Council except for the legends who are supervising the branches will all return to Allyn."

At such a moment, only top legends could play a role on the battlefield. Therefore, Douglas did not ask the other legendary sorcerers to join him.

Douglas' voice was not loud, but every sorcerer in the City in the Sky heard it clearly. They immediately panicked.

"Master, why am I the one who stays here? It should be Hathaway." Brook flew into the sky and expressed his confusion.

Douglas said solemnly, "You are the person most likely to reach the demigod level other than Lucien. Bear the big picture in mind and don't be stubborn."

He was not subtle at all.

"Master…" Brook fell silent.

At this moment, Fernando and Hathaway had already joined Douglas. The Lord of the Undead had also teleported himself over.

"Vicente, don't play tough." Fernando glared at him.

Vicente sneered with his skinny cheek that did not have any muscles. "Old pervert, I am a top legend as well! If you fail, there is no place that I can hide in!"

The Resting Place appeared in his back. From the black tombstones, roars echoed from the depths of hell. It was the first call and the initial cry of life!

Chapter 813: Mayhem

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"The Original Body?" Douglas, Fernando, and Hathaway were all knowledgeable sorcerers. Based on the black tombstones, the screams of death, and the initial cry, they recognized that Vicente's real body was indeed the legendary Original Body of the school of necromancy!

However, at such a critical moment, they did not have the time to ask about the details. After Douglas enhanced themselves with a legendary spell that was similar to the telepathic bond, the four of them blinked to the unusual view of half hell and half heaven in the high sky.

Although Viken's real body was above the Holy City, his attempt seemed to have placed him in a strange domain that was marvelously connected to every corner of the main material world. He was in the middle of this world but somewhat beyond it.

It was truly an unimaginable state. That was why the unusual phenomenon created by Viken was seen by all intelligent creatures, and that was why Silver Moon Alterna, the Lord of Hell, Douglas, Fernando, and the rest of them could enter the strange domain and attack Viken directly without spending time on space jump!

The Silver Moon fell in cold light, and the tide surged crazily with the life-depriving air of hell. However, the moment they approached Viken, the intimidating heaven on one side where angels and holy spirits gathered unleashed sacred and ivory light that filled up the space next to Viken, creating a shelter where there was nothing but the holy light. Chaos, darkness, evilness, and pain were gone.

Viken was now able to perform the legendary divine powers like the Blessed Realm without chanting!

Even though he hadn't succeeded yet, such a change seemed to be indicating something!

The bright moonlight from the falling moon hit the Blessed Realm, making a light splash out. A layer of black fire was raised, and the holy light was burnt into nothingness.

The moment the tide hit the Blessed Realm, it lost all the splendor and became gray and dim, as if most of its vitality had flowed away. It was exactly "Life Deprivation", the Lord of Hell's best skill!

Under the collective attack of two demigods, a crack echoed in everybody's heart. The Blessed Realm had collapsed.

The remaining black fire and the black water spread out to Viken, but he showed no reaction at all because illusionary ripples were spreading out of his body as if he were in the middle of "God's Guard". He was placed in a different world that was more marvelous and strange. He was higher and more intangible than demigods. Therefore, the remaining power of the two demigods after being blocked by Blessed Realm could not break the gap and really touch Viken's body.

It meant that Silver Moon Alterna and the Lord of Hell's strongest attacks had been blocked! Even though Viken was focused on his breakthrough and could not spare his attention, he was not on the losing side at all!

"Is this really the correct path?" The Lord of Hell habitually thought of retreating first and solving the problem with schemes later, but he got control of himself quickly. If Viken was not stopped and taken care of now, there wouldn't be another opportunity in the future however many plots and schemes he had.

Not overestimating the power of true gods while inferring based on existent levels, true gods could definitely crush the general demigods exactly like demigods could crush general legends. Perhaps only Viken could've survived the attack of a true god with "God's Arrival". No other demigods could achieve the same.

"Eternal Blaze!"

Suddenly, Douglas' solemn and intimidating voice echoed next to the ears of Maltimus and the Silver Moon.

The Silver Moon rose again and got away from the center. The tide ebbed crazily, revealing the empty "beach". Viken seemed to have sensed danger. He drove the scared kingdom that was formed by the power of Mountain Paradise to spew out thick and divine light again, letting the Blessed Realm reappear.

He was now really able to perform divine powers freely without any chanting!

However, it was the end of it. The dim, desperate, and devastating "incarnation" of the primeval hell spurted out streaks of light in different colors, which moved as unpredictably as the treacherous human mind. They had interwoven into a gigantic and transparent heart that covered Viken and the Blessed Realm.

At the same time, the half illusionary and half real holy light flew from all directions in places like the Holy City, San Ivansburg, Aalto, and Rentato. Except in the Dark Mountain Range, the City in the Sky, and the dozen regimes of fake gods, almost every place had pious believers or clerics who kneeled on the ground, touched as they offered their power of faith.


The most dazzling light burst out, eclipsing the brilliant heaven and the dark hell. If it were not in the marvelous domain, the creatures who raised their head and looked at the sky at this moment would have been blinded.

The high temperature at the center twisted everything, but nobody could see it. They could only sense part of the secrets from the crazily raging storm of energy and the heat that seemed to be igniting all matters.

The ebbing tide manifested the views of hell at the edge of the marvelous domain, blocking the energy storm, which was already far away from the center.

"This is almost as powerful as 'God's Arrival'!" Although Maltimus hated to admit it, he had to draw the conclusion that Douglas' Eternal Blaze was no weaker than God's Arrival after he became a demigod. "However, this is a ranged spell and the power is not concentrated enough. Its damage on demigods is not as good as that of God's Arrival. Also, it cannot erase all the traces. But of course, it has certainly reached the maximum of pure violence."

As the energy storm rushed over nonstop, Maltimus frowned slightly. "It's exactly because the energy is not focused that I and the glutton cannot cooperate with his attack. I only hope that this 'Eternal Blaze' can blow up Viken's defense and prevent him from recovering for now."

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the Lord of Hell and the Silver Moon to give Viken more attacks, which would have been "drowned" by the energy storm and the super-high temperature. If they had attacked in advance, they couldn't have avoided the Eternal Blaze themselves, because if they left enough time for themselves to dodge, Viken, who could perform legendary divine powers directly, could also set up defenses. It would have only been a waste of time!

After the energy storm was more or less pacified, Maltimus and Alterna hurried to sense Viken through the barriers, ready to seize the opportunity to completely shatter his defenses.

At this moment, the corrupt mind made of the power of the primeval hell next to Viken had already been vaporized, and the Blessed Realm, where hallowed hymns were echoing, had been broken as well. Even his body that was transforming between illusionary and real was dimmed, as if the marvelous domain that separated the reality from him could not take such massive energy and such terrifying heat.

Of course, the Lord of Hell believed that it was because the marvelous state was not perfect enough and had not touched the essence. Otherwise, it could never have been broken by pure violence.

Maltimus was delighted at Viken's situation. Eternal Blaze was indeed almost as powerful as God's Arrival.

However, before he had the opportunity to attack, the divine kingdom and the primeval hell on Viken's two sides spurted out their powers again, and the Blessed Realm and the Corrupt Mind reappeared, protecting Viken at the center.

His cooldown seemed to have been reduced to the minimum, and he had infinite and incessant energy.

Under such circumstances, the Lord of Hell and the Silver Moon naturally failed to seize the momentary opportunity!

Viken was not bothered by the collective attacks of three demigods and multiple top legends at all. He continued roaring crazily, "Not enough! Not enough!"

Together with his roar, the whole world seemed dimmed. In the primeval hell that was jumbled with various colors, the faces of humans and dragons were more vivid than ever. The twelve figures were even leaking out actively.

Inside the Holy City…

A priest who prayed piously was dwelling in the touching atmosphere that was devoid of pain and sadness when he suddenly sensed excruciating pain on his back. A red heart appeared on the ground before him and kept beating in inertia.

He looked at his chest, only to see a gigantic, bleeding hole.

"It's… It's my heart?" He used the last bit of his strength to turn back, only to see a priest that he knew.

The priest's facial muscles were twisted, and infinite hate beamed out of his eyes. He put his right hand on his mouth and licked the blood on it.

He did not look like a human being any longer, but more like a hateful devil!

Why? Since when had he been paying tributes to the primeval devils?

The pious priest collapsed; his question unanswered.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!"

Screams echoed in the Holy City, Aalto, Ifai, Rentato, and many other small cities and towns. Dark, twisted, and illusionary shadows that were brimming with negative feelings flew into the sky and embraced the corrupt and desperate mind that the primeval hell turned into!

The evil and dark world spread out and reached another balance with the divine kingdom. The twelve figures in it kept flying to the ground and then flying back in cycles.

The City in the Sky was already covered in a mist, with a starry sky popping up.

After Douglas and the rest of them left, Brook fully activated the defense without the slightest carelessness.

However, the sorcerers in Allyn were still more or less panicked. Mr. President's order and the uncanny view of the sky that they could see had given them uncanny fear.

Suddenly, an explosion burst out, attracting the attention of all the sorcerers around. They saw that a sorcerer had been blown into two halves by an enormous fireball, and his body was still burning in the flame. On his opposite side was a young sorcerer whose face was full of jealousy. He was attacking everyone around him crazily.

What's going on?

The sorcerers in Allyn were even more panicked.

On the top floor of the headquarters, Brook sensed the accident and gave the order calmly. "With the help of the city defense, the Punishment Department will execute the sorcerers who have been corrupted by primeval devils before. The other sorcerers are allowed to defend themselves with magic without being restrained by the rules of the Congress of Magic. Everyone, there is no need to panic. No more people will be corrupted under the blockage of the city defense."

At this moment, an archmage came to his library and reported, "Mr. Brook, something strange has happened!"

Chapter 814: Plan of the Devils

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Brook's spiritual power spread out in the whole library, controlling the pivot of the magic circles, commanding the tower guard, supervising the defense of Allyn, and watching over the big picture of the whole City in the Sky. He could not spare much of his attention to the archmage. So, he asked from far away, "What happened?"

How could he have neglected any accident in the City in the Sky when he controlled the city defense?

The archmage said quickly, "A few members of the Highest Council who should've returned did not return!"

While saying, he walked into the library in a panic, but Brook was too occupied to remove the defense circle. He simply asked, "Who didn't come back?"

"There are…" The archmage spoke something, but suddenly, he lunged forward. His body became blurry and twisted, as if it was jumbled by streaks of light in different colors.

Zi, Zi, Zi.

In weird noises, the devil-like phantom passed the first magic circle, but it was soon condensed between the two magic circles.

Then, it traveled through the magic circles and lunged at Brook who was at the center.

Every time the magic circle took effect, it would turn from real into illusionary, as if it were in a different world, in order to pass them. However, such a status could not last. So, it had to sense the fluctuations of the magic circle keenly in order to find places for it to step on.

It was not until then that Brook realized that the guy had been corrupted and possessed by a powerful primeval devil through the seed that was planted into his heart a very long time ago.

He stared at the primeval devil. His eyes were filled with electricity as he tried to identify the person.

The devil's face changed all the time, now old and now young, now handsome and now hideous. It was quite dazzling.

Brook, however, recognized one of the faces. He asked in shock, "Melmax?"

He was the only top legendary knight at present!

"Melmax" laughed crazily. "Melmax is already dead. Standing before you is an incarnation of the True God Viken!"

Brook sighed, as if he realized something. "You're the most determined and devout knight that I know. I didn't know that you would also choose the path of primeval devils, and by using the primitive way without sharing the negative feelings with a container, no less."

Not every Grand Cardinal could find a legendary fake god or Demon Lord as their container. Therefore, many of them chose Thanos' version, which had a lot of problems. Melmax, who felt that he was determined enough to overcome the negative feelings, was the one who accomplished it first. Also, there wasn't really any influence after he completed it, at least none he could see.

However, after he was utilized and possessed by Viken, the negative feelings in his heart completely burst out.

Manipulated by Viken, the primeval devils that the twelve Grand Cardinals turned into possessed different people through the seeds of corruption that they planted earlier, attempting to raise havoc and create more negative feelings for Viken to absorb.

Of course, the seeds of corruption that could avoid the blockage of city defense had high requirements. The targets had to voluntarily allow the devils to enter, and they had to have abundant negative feelings in the first place.

The more inconspicuous projects were the projections with which Viken controlled Saint Maria and Philip. It had been made when they resonated with Mountain Paradise and received the grace of the God of Truth. The target would feel none of it until it was possessed at the critical moment.

"This is my offering to the Lord. You faithless sorcerers would never understand it." Melmax suddenly became solemn. Then, a sun rose slowly behind him, illuminating the horizon and driving the darkness away.

The devil was capable of using his "Morning" blood power!

It seemed that his knowledge of the blood power was beyond that of all the legends. No wonder he was the only top legendary knight at present.

Brook sighed again and asked Prospell to lock the top three levels of the magic tower. Electric currents burst out of his body, and magnetic fields appeared, twisting the darkness. The Kingdom of Electromagnetism had arrived.

He tried to drag "Melmax" into his own demiplane for the battle, in case the other sorcerers of Allyn were affected.

However, "Melmax" had come to create chaos and more negative feelings. How could he drop the opportunity? Although the body and soul of an archmage could only carry out the strength of top legendary briefly, it was enough to resist the magnificent attraction from the Kingdom of Electromagnetism.

He's George, Atlant's student. Where's Atlant? When they were about to fight, Brook suddenly thought of that.


In Nekso Palace in Rentato City…

After a silver sword flashed, a knight in a solid, delicate full armor watched his body cut into halves in shock. His face was still twisted with jealousy and hate.

Crack, crack, crack.

The two parts of his body were separated into countless pieces and bones and fell on the ground like raindrops.

Looking at the tall figure before them as well as her purple long hair and silver armor, the nobles who were hiding in the Nekso Palace heaved a long sigh in relief. It was too dreadful! A radiant knight turned into a devil and killed plenty of nobles. If the queen hadn't arrived in time, they would have been brutalized!

Winston, the other legendary knight of Holm, was watching over the colony in the alternate dimensions. So, they placed all their hope on Queen Natasha.

"Rest assured. The Congress of Magic has remarkable studies on primeval devils. Few powerful knights were possessed, or they couldn't have escaped our attention. As for the knights of lower ranks, they do not have enough negative feelings to be corrupted. I've asked the Sword of Truth's Knights to eliminate the corrupted with the police. The peace of Rentato will be restored," Natasha said calmly.

He knew that the corrupted could only cause limited chaos and damage. What would decide everybody's fate was the battle of demigods and top legends that was going on in the sky.

The queen's unhurried tone and steady attitude tranquilized the trembling nobles. All their negative feelings began to disperse.

At this moment, John walked out of a secret room within the palace with Joel, Alisa, and Grand Duke of Orvarit. He carried a thick-barreled gun that emitted silver metal colors on his back. It was a Gauss Rifle that Lucien created for him in person. Every shot equaled an attack of a radiant knight.

"Go to the Atomic Universe," Natasha said to her father, Joel, and John, not bothering that many other nobles were around. They would be absolutely safe over there.

John nodded and walked into the portal on Natasha's left side with Grand Duke of Orvarit who looked rather complicated.

Looking at that, the nobles were suddenly enlivened and filled with hope and expectations. If they could also enter the Atomic Universe, wouldn't they be able to avoid the havoc outside and the unpredictable attacks?

"Your Majesty, could you also allow us to enter the Atomic Universe? We'll only add to your trouble in your place," an earl said first.

"Yes! We'll be safe if we hide in the Atomic Universe!"

"Your Majesty, we are all your loyal subjects. Please protect us!"

All the nobles echoed excitedly. For a moment, the idea seemed to be supported by everyone.

Natasha stepped forward and stopped before the portal. She looked around at the nobles and said solemnly, "You can hide here. There's no need to go to the Atomic Universe."

"Why? Your Majesty, are we not your subjects?"

"Your Majesty, are you going to renounce the contract between the sovereign and the nobles and stop protecting us?"

"You don't deserve to be the queen!"

Suspicions and criticisms came out of the nobles. The near-death experience just now had filled them with fear, which burst out after Natasha turned them down.

"My father, Aunt Camil, and Lucien's Uncle Joel and Aunt Alisa have been under the protection of Lucien and me. I'm very certain that they are not corrupted or possessed, but I'm not very sure about you. So, for the safety of the Atomic Universe…" Natasha said as calmly as if she were ordering the food for tonight. "Whoever approaches the portal will die."

"Don't bother her. Let's go over and enter the Atomic Universe. She dare not kill us unless she doesn't want to be the queen anymore!" a noble shouted in the crowd and was cheered by everyone. All the nobles swarmed toward the portal.

A cold and indifferent sword flashed, and the few nobles in the lead watched each other's upper half bodies leaving their lower half bodies. Their blood sprang and sprayed on the people behind them.

"She… She really dares to kill us…" The nobles were stunned, not having the courage to move further.

Natasha then said indifferently, "As I said, whoever approaches the portal will die."

She pointed the Sword of Truth at the ground, and the nobles backed off subconsciously.

Right then, an old voice echoed in the crowd, "When did you discover me?"

The nobles dispersed in fear, revealing the old man who had been hiding at the center since nobody knew when. His face changed between an earl that everybody was familiar with and an old man. The only thing they had in common was that their eyes were all closed.

"Atlant, it's you…" Natasha raised the Sword of Truth and chuckled. "There were indeed some flaws. For example, the nobles were too moody, and the radiant knight somehow drove them to this place just now. However, it mattered little to me, because even without your manipulation, I would've killed anyone who approached the portal.

"At a moment like this, the safety of the Atomic Universe must be guaranteed. After all, all of Lucien's resurrection methods are kept in Babel. I cannot be careless about that."

Suddenly, the portal glittered, and John walked out.

"Why are you here?" Natasha asked in confusion.

John said solemnly, "I am your knight and the captain of the Sword of Truth's Knights. At such a moment, I have to stay with my teammates and protect the peace of Holm."

Natasha was silent for a moment. Then, she nodded her head. "Go now."

Atlant quietly watched John leave and the nobles run out of the palace before he said with a bitter smile, "A real knight… I wanted to be someone like him, but I didn't know until today that you people would be controlled by Viken after turning into the status of primeval devils.

"Although you have the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Truth, you cannot stop me from destroying all of Lucien's resurrection facilities, because I am an authentic level-three legend now."

After Lucien left, the portal from the Allyn magic tower to the Atomic Universe had been half-closed. Nobody could enter without the permission of the people inside. Therefore, the "gate" in the Nekso Palace became Atlant's target.

Natasha listened quietly before she suddenly slashed backward.

The silver light flashed, and the portal dimmed before it collapsed in a crack in the end.

Looking at Atlant's shock and disbelief, Natasha put on a smile of satisfaction that was as beautiful as a rising sun.

"Now, I cannot go in either."

Chapter 815: Get the Situation Under Control

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the City in the Sky…

A senior-rank sorcerer shot out Dissociation crazily, making the common and middle-rank sorcerers as grim as the dead. Desperation was spreading out.

Suddenly, a mist fell and imprisoned the senior-rank sorcerer, covering and dissolving "Dissociation". Then, a deep and dark ray pierced out of the mist and hit the senior-rank sorcerer.

Immediately, his magic effects were gone, and he could no longer cast any spell. Even though he was despising other people in arrogance, he was briefly stunned. After all, magic was already his instinct!

That was the reaction that most sorcerers had after they were hit by Antimagic Ray.

At this moment, spells came from all directions, completely taming the senior-rank sorcerer in neat cooperation.

The order that Brook gave the sorcerers of the Punishment Department was that they should try to control and seal the targets if their safety could be guaranteed, but if they felt it was dangerous based on their abundant battle experience, they could execute the targets without fearing investigations or penalties in the future.

It was not until the crazy sorcerer up ahead was shackled that the middle-rank and low-rank sorcerers who were desperate and anguished finally woke up from the nightmare. They saw people walking out of the white mist. The badge of black staff on the strangers' chests suggested that they worked for the Punishment Department. The young man leading them smiled at the sorcerers who hadn't entirely recovered from their shock yet and said, "Don't worry. Few people are corrupted, and we have basically cleared them. However, you'd better not run about on the street, in case my subordinates accidentally hurt you."

Hearing the reliable, comforting voice, the middle-rank and low-rank sorcerers around were finally relieved. They looked ahead, only to discover that the fire in the burning magic tower had been extinguished. Although smoke was still popping up, the explosions and cries were dying down.

After the young man left, a low-rank sorcerer finally confirmed with other people. "Is he Mr. Jurisian?"

"Yes, that's him. It seems that the corrupted have indeed been curbed!" The middle-rank sorcerer next to him heaved a long sigh.

Jurisian was a weirdo among sorcerers for choosing to join the Affair Committee instead of the Arcana Review Board after he won the highest honors including the Silver Moon Medal. However, it was for the same reason that he was one of the most powerful and influential persons in the Affair Committee. His intelligence couldn't have been false.

The low-rank sorcerer who asked at the beginning was obviously relieved. "That's only natural. Except for the legends who are watching over the major branches, all the legends have returned. The corrupted cannot cause much harm."

He did not believe that legendary sorcerers could be affected.

The middle-rank sorcerer who answered his question nodded, but then he remembered something and pointed at the sky with a bitter smile. "What we have here is just some minor trouble. The real danger is out there.

"If Mr. President cannot stop Viken, we…"

For a moment, the atmosphere, which had been getting better, became quiet and depressing again. All the sorcerers on the spot raised their heads and looked at the battle in the sky, where the fate of the whole world would be decided, but there was nothing they could do about it.

It was cruel yet undeniable that several people could decide the future of the majority. The differences in capabilities were too obvious. This was not arcana, where a certain genius might be able to "defeat" a legend because of certain inspirations. Even someone as talented as Mr. Evans spent more than ten years practicing before he finally caught up to the few guys in the sky.

As the chaos was settled, more and more sorcerers in the City in the Sky paid attention to the battle in the sky. Heidi, Annick, Samantha, Felipe, Ataman… There was no exception.

Only Oliver, Hand of Annihilation, and Bergner, the Prophet, were teleporting themselves to the thirty-fourth floor of the Allyn magic tower, ready to assist Brook to deal with the devilized Melmax.

It was not because they did not trust Brook. Even if he were to duel with Melmax's original self, Brook wouldn't be on the losing side. Right now, Melmax arrived as a projection in a body, and he could only briefly carry out the top legendary capabilities, so it wouldn't be too hard for Brook to defeat him with the help of Allyn's defense.

The only thing that was tricky was that the battle had to be finished quickly or transferred to a demiplane, in case great losses were caused to Allyn. Although the city was well-defended, it might not be able to take an explosion that burst out from within.


Inside the third generic school…

Shivering, Ali and his classmates hid in the classroom while they watched a devil, whose body had turned enormous, chasing after the teachers and janitors who were organized to defend the school. Some of them were sorcerers or magic apprentices, some were retired soldiers, and some were knight teachers who taught fighting and knight's code of conduct. Although they were not of high levels, they were still able to resist the enemy for a while.

Looking at the twisted face and the burning eyes on the devil, Ali felt fear from the bottom of his heart. What's going on? How is this happening?

Terrorized, he couldn't have admired the teachers who protected them with magic or blood power more. That was the "essential ability" after all the fancy exteriors were gone, like the knowledge he had picked up.

Scary roars echoed in the school building nonstop, building up the tension in the atmosphere. The whole classroom was like a warehouse full of alchemical dynamites that were waiting for a tiny spark to blow up.


A huge noise of collision came over. Stunned, Ali saw that the devil, which was getting stronger and stronger and suppressing his teachers, fell on the ground and cramped before it split apart.

"What attack was that?"

"Have the knights come to our aid?"

In their exclamations, Ali saw that a team of fully-armored knights came from far away on an aircraft, and the golden-haired man standing in the lead of the massive aircraft was holding a thick rifle in his head. Obvious electric arcs were still dancing out of the barrel.

"Dear students, I am John Wesley, captain of the Sword of Truth's Knights. There's no need to panic. The situation is already under control. We will take over the defense in this area and clear the rest who are corrupted. Please don't panic and don't run amok."

John's voice was shivering as he spoke. It could not be helped. In order to stabilize the situation and everybody's mind to stop the negative feelings from gathering, he made use of the senior-rank electromagnetic gun just now. As a result, he could barely control his body at this moment.

However, even his shivering voice sounded like "hymn" for Ali and the other students. Many of them were crying; their fear and hate flowing out with their tears.

Ali collapsed against the wall. It was too dangerous just now. A dead body was lying in his classroom! If it were a music class or one on noble etiquette today, instead of a magic-related class where the teacher killed the corrupted student as soon as possible, there might have been dire consequences.

Noble etiquette, noble… He suddenly remembered Jane and grew nervous. How was the Mills School? Was Jane alright?

The more he thought, the more worried he was. Although he knew that the Mills School was much better defended than his school, he still could not stop himself from worrying.

It's dangerous to run out. It's dangerous on the street… Hesitating and struggling, Ali suddenly stood up and was about to run to the Mills School.

Suddenly, a shadow jumped before him and stopped him with a sword. "Where are you going?"

Obviously, he had been treated as a corrupted.

Looking at the knight before him, Ali decided to confess the truth after hesitating for a moment. "Mr. Knight, I have a friend in the Mills School. I want to confirm her safety."

The knight frowned. "Those who were corrupted in the Mills School had been cleared out. Since none of the teachers were weak, no innocent people were hurt."

Ali almost collapsed again after hearing that, feeling fortunate after the disaster. He never believed that a kind girl like Jane would be corrupted anyway.

At this moment, John went into the office and turned on the loudspeaker.

"Dear friends, this is 'Arcana Voice'. I will broadcast to you the updates in Allyn, Rentato, and other places…" "Nightingale" Louise was given the important task of calming everybody down.

"… Mr. Raventi is watching over the Holm Royal Magic Tower, and Mr. Morris is going to the Nekso Palace to activate the defense circle and help the queen…

"… The report of the Mills School is provided by Jane, an intern at our radio station. She would like to tell all her friends that she is safe and there is no need to worry about her. Also, she would like her friends to call XXXXXX…"

Ali was completely relaxed now. He turned his eyes at the sky and looked at the battle scene that was beyond his imagination while praying silently in his heart, Great God of Truth, Emperor of Arcana, and Atom Controller, please help us make things better…

Similar prayers and hope were everywhere in Rentato City.


Inside the primeval hell…

The lost souls and the streaks of light in different colors joined into the bodies of Arrogance, Greed, and Hypocrisy, making them larger, taller, and more and more concrete.

"You are dead for sure!" Abhorrence grinned hideously at Lucien.

Lucien, who was considering what had happened, suddenly raised his head. His deep and bottomless eyes made the cranky devil shut its mouth.

Chapter 816: Confirmation

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Sensing that it could not be daunted by Lucien who hadn't even said anything yet, Hypocrisy raised its head and laughed. "Seven authentic top legends, twelve incarnations that are formed through the reverse summoning of the main material world, and countless more lost souls. Lucien Evans, there is no way that you can resist it. No top legend can resist them. Also, you have no escape in this place because your body is still connected to the Gate of Desire!"

Its words sounded half true and half false. There was no telling whether it was shaking Lucien's confidence or creating a desperate atmosphere, but since it was an external reflection of the mind, such communication did not delay their attack at all. Therefore, together with the laughter of Hypocrisy and the roars of Abhorrence, the transparent, illusionary souls, which were mixed with black, gold, or green negative feelings, lunged at Lucien from various directions.

In the meantime, the primeval devils like Arrogance and Greed also changed their forms, appearing as Fernando, Hathaway, Brook, Lucien, Danisos, and other top legends as they tried to replicate their abilities to attack Lucien. For the primeval devils that did not have real bodies, the top legends who were more like spell casters were more suitable for them to carry out their supernatural powers to affect the mind.

As a result, Lucien was faced with Fernando's "Furious Storm", Hathaway's "Luxury Cracking", Brook's "Electromagnetic Decline", Danisos' breath of time, Harex's "Death Vortex", and his own "Positron Cannon". Also, such attacks were not simple illusions but carried actual damage!


In the high sky, inside the marvelous realm that the whole world could see.

When Viken absorbed negative feelings and the corrupt souls crazily, making the Desperate World projected by the primeval hell darker and more obvious, Vicente's body suddenly trembled at the edge, and the dim fire in his eye sockets was blackened. However, his face was dead and his muscles had withered a long time ago, making it impossible for him to show any additional expression.

Hehe. Vicente snorted. His body burst out into a cluster of grayness that was full of the scent of death. It revolved in the sky nonstop and opened a black gate that seemed to be made of pure death.


The gate let out a long and distant sigh because it was opened all of a sudden. A black body taller than all giants walked out like a mountain.

Enveloped in the black air, the body seemed to be wearing a misty coat. Through the black air, it could be vaguely seen that it was made of dragons, humans, elves, dwarfs, werewolves, demons, devils, and other intelligent creatures. It emitted enormous and astounding pressure.

The moment it appeared, the intelligent lives in the black air opened their eyes at the same time. As a result, black, transparent shadows appeared in the void, only to be swallowed by the intelligent lives that constituted the Original Body, before they screamed and became part of it. The intense pain and abhorrence were dwarfed by the everlasting death.

Fernando, Hathaway, the elven queen, and the other top legends cleared the ambush of the primeval devils in their own ways. Douglas, the Silver Moon, and the Lord of Hell were having a relatively easy time because the dark shadows could not approach them at all.

At this moment, Vicente's "Original Body" suddenly opened its eyes, and two dim red flames bounced out. Wherever his eyes reached, everything became a dead and cold void. Even the Corrupt Mind and the Desperate World around Viken were gradually stiffened into eternal peace. Only the Blessed Realm was barely affected.

It was the most special ability of the Original Body, known as "Original Stare" or "Stare of the Death". It was similar to Apsis' Life Removal but was more powerful, and it was almost on par with the Lord of Hell's Life Deprivation.

Under the "Stare of the Death", one of the defense layers around Viken was immediately dissolved. Only the Blessed Realm was left there standing.

It did not mean that Vicente was as strong as demigods. It was only because the legendary product of necromancy plus alchemy was unique and suppressed the corrupt phantoms that did not have real entities.

That was also the specialty of magic. By choosing the right magic, it would be possible to resist an enemy that was much more formidable than oneself.

Seeing what the Original Body had achieved, the Lord of Hell seized the opportunity. He did not say anything but simply raised his gold trident as he commanded the ocean to attack the Blessed Realm.

"Passage of the Styx!"

Maltimus did not discuss with Alterna and Demartes because he believed that they would definitely see and grasp the opportunity!

The blue water immediately turned gray. Floating in it were the translucent, dull souls. It flowed from the void and into the void, as if it had penetrated the whole process from life to death.

It was the mysterious Styx, the center of hell and abyss! Naturally, the attack was also one of the Lord of Hell's most powerful attacks.

At this moment, Douglas seemed to sense that the origin and destiny of the Styx was the Furnace of Souls that he was already very familiar with.

The gray Styx surged to the front of the Blessed Realm without a sound. In the blink of an eye, the ivory, holy light of the Blessed Realm became gray and dim. The exuberant vitality began to fade and collapse.

After the Styx broke the Blessed Realm and reached Viken, and when Viken hadn't reestablished defense with the power of the sacred paradise and the primeval hell, the high moon that observed everything fell abruptly toward Viken, leaving a chilling tail behind. Around its course, a black fire of the void was vaguely burning.


A clear and somewhat inaudible crack echoed, which deprived Viken of the feeling that he was in a different world. He was no longer a unique existence that nobody could touch or attack!

After the marvelous domain was broken, the silver moon rose rapidly while a boundless cosmos appeared above Viken's head. The clear and brilliant stars in it denoted everyone's fate.

It was the starry star of destiny!

In the illusionary starry sky of destiny, the star that represented Viken suddenly glowed and fell like a meteorite, hitting Viken brutally.

It was exactly Douglas' "Fateful Meteor"!

After he became a demigod and his Host Star of Destiny was connected to the starry sky of destiny, the legendary spell went through drastic changes and was a real demigod-level attack now!

"Positron Cannon!"

"Grandeur Obliteration!"

"Nature's Punishment!"

When the "Fateful Meteor" landed, Hathaway, Fernando, the elven queen, and the other legendary experts also took the opportunity to attack, swearing to disrupt Viken's breakthrough.

Hardly had the brilliance spread out when the explosions, which were loud enough to kill everyone, burst out.


Dazzling brightness raged out, and the energy storm was sweeping, eclipsing the dark evil world and the hallowed paradise.

The Lord of Hell thought to himself, After this attack, Viken must be heavily wounded and disrupted from the breakthrough even if he is not dead… The guy had been smashed by a demigod's "Fateful Meteor", "Positron Cannon", and many other supernatural powers without even the slightest protection. Even he would've been heavily wounded. Even though his life wouldn't be in danger, he certainly wouldn't be able to finish what he was doing.

Due to the energy storm, Douglas and Fernando could not see clearly the situation inside, but they had guessed a thing or two based on their experience.

In the City in the Sky, except for Brook and those involved in the battle, all the sorcerers who were looking at the sky felt intense hope and joy. Had the crisis been resolved? Was Viken stopped before he became a true god?

A disaster seemed over now!

In the third generic school of Rentato…

Ali listened to the broadcast and looked at the sky. Although the scene was changing too fast for them to see clearly, the final picture that had been frozen gave them expectations and delight.

Was the nightmare over?

It had to be. Now that three demigods and more top legends had joined their hands, they could even kill a true god!

The energy storm gradually died down, and the scene at the center was revealed. The incarnation of the primeval hell that was full of negative feelings and the most sacred Mountain Paradise was still there, but Viken, who was supposed to be in between them, was nowhere to be seen.

"Is he dead?"

"Can he only return from the river of fate a very long time later?"

The attackers were both delighted and suspicious. Suddenly, Douglas saw a black spot there.

Right when he was about to cast another Fateful Meteor, the black spot expanded and wriggled, turning into Viken again, and the Desperate World that was full of faces of intelligent creatures and the sacred kingdom where angels and holy spirits sang nonstop slowly descended, gradually melting into his body!

"Hahaha." Darkness and light replaced each other incessantly in Viken's eyes as he burst into laughter. "If I did not have any confidence, why would I have decided to make the advancement in the main material world instead of a secret alternate dimension?

"Thanks to your help, I have broken the most difficult barrier. After I melt Mountain Paradise and the primeval hell, you will receive the audience of a true god!"

At this moment, he was placed in a marvelous state where he could not be attacked again. Also, it seemed even more perfect and unbreakable than just now!

Even such attacks did not kill him? The demigods and top legends calmed down after the slight shock and continued their attacks. For them, they would never give up until the last moment.

The sorcerers and civilians in Allyn and Rentato, on the other hand, did not have such great self-control. After Viken's crazy announcement, their faces were grim and full of desperation.

If the super-luxury lineup of three demigods and multiple top legends failed to stop Viken at the beginning, what could possibly stop Viken right now?

Done. Everything was done.

They stared at the sky with their faces stiff and dull, as if they had been caught in an eternal nightmare of desperation.


Inside the primeval hell and faced with the attacks of Arrogance, Lucien suddenly sighed and put on his symbolic smile before he said in a low voice, "I'm here to confirm something, and your presence helped me to confirm it. Therefore…"

Before he finished his sentence, he stepped forward. Although his body did not turn taller or bigger, his aura became extremely horrifying all of a sudden. The phantoms that lunged at him backed off quickly in screams, and the seven primeval devils that were ready to cast "spells" could barely stand steadily on their feet.

What's going on?

What has he confirmed?

What's he trying to do?

The moment the questions popped up in the minds of the primeval devils, Lucien's body dispersed and became illusionary, and his face was solemn and grave!

A vast, fascinating cosmos slowly appeared in hell.

Chapter 817: Back Against Back

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The boundless cosmos in hell was profound and dark, with brilliant and dreamy stars in it. It looked like the starry sky of destiny, but there were some indescribable differences between them.

The cosmos slowly surfaced in every corner of hell, but it did not collide with the Death Swamp, the Silent Hell, the Burning Metropolis, or the Endless Canyon, and the devils were not affected at all. It looked like a supermassive hologram.

A heavy, thick, boundless vibe that dwarfed everything appeared with the cosmos, giving everybody the feeling that they were looking at the stars at night. Even the most evil and brutal devils felt that their minds were empty and the universe was too magnificent for them. Their busy lives were so hilarious, and the only thing worth respecting and embracing was the vast cosmos.

For a moment, the schemes, betrayals, slaughters, fire, and blood that filled the whole hell stagnated, replaced by quietness. The primeval hell that was made of the streaks of lights in different colors seemed to have been caught in a slowed time and space, in which pain, hate, and all the other negative feelings were much thinner.

The seven primeval devils stayed where they were and stared at Lucien in a daze. Their minds were too overwhelmed for them to launch an attack or to stop him from taking the unusual action.

Lucien, on the other hand, did not consider the attacks of the seven primeval devils at all because he was now in a marvelous state similar to that of Viken in the main material world. He could both affect this world and remain untouchable and unattackable because he was in a different time and space.

His eyes half closed, Lucien suddenly opened his arms, making the gesture that he was about to embrace the cosmos. At this moment, a shadow suddenly crawled out of the back of his pure soul.

The moment the shadow crawled out, Lucien's face had minor changes. It kept the original handsomeness but emitted a strange ordinariness. He became someone that the primeval devils wouldn't mistake for Lucien based on both the air and other features!

Lucien, however, did not find it strange at all, because it was still himself. It was him from his previous life, Xiafeng!

It was Xiafeng, whose face was entangled with Lucien's on the Furnace of Souls!

The shadow that crawled out of Lucien's back just now stuck its back against his back. Getting more and more clear, it turned out to be another Lucien with distinctive features and qualities that the primeval devils couldn't have failed to recognize. However, this Lucien did not have a gentle and stubborn vibe.

"What is this?"

"Why has Lucien been divided into two parts?"

The primeval devils stared at that in confusion, having no idea what was going on at all.

Suddenly, a void split in the gap, and an enormous and terrifying attraction force came over, dragging the whole primeval hell into the world that was both dark and bright.

"Viken is summoning the primeval hell and trying to melt us!" Arrogance roared in shock and fury. Changes and more dreadful things were happening on two sides at the same time. Which side should they focus their attention on?

The primeval hell and the primeval devils were two sides of the same coin in the first place. If the primeval hell was swallowed and melted, there would be no more primeval devils. Or rather, a stronger primeval devil would show up, but it would only be one side of Viken!

While the primeval hell moved toward the world which was both evil and sacred slowly but surely, Lucien showed absolutely no reaction and remained the same. The Lucien on his back opened his arms and made exactly the same gesture.


The moment Lucien's two souls leaned against each other with their hands open, Lucien's body outside of the Gate of Desire collapsed and spread out into the world of the mind and the soul, crawling into both Luciens.


In the soundless roar, the souls of the two Luciens were vaguely concrete, and their backs were connected to each other due to a certain special relationship.


As a real explosion burst out, Lucien's soul that had the features of Xiafeng suddenly opened its eyes. The reflection of the vast universe that showed up everywhere in hell was immediately zoomed in. It was no longer a river of brilliant stars, and an enormous fireball, as well as many planets of different sizes, could be seen clearly. Among them, a blue planet was particularly beautiful!


The soul that carried the features of Lucien opened its eyes at the same time. However, what his arms were embracing was the colorful cosmos of elements. Then, the stars from the Atomic Universe spread out and got more and more real. Also, the perspective rose higher and higher, revealing a planet that was shrouded in mist.

Then, the views of two different universes constricted quickly. They were clearly separated from each other, with the two Luciens at the center as the boundary!

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

The scene was barely completed when the whole primeval hell collapsed and let out the noises, which suggested that it was on the brink of destruction, as if it could not shoulder the invisible pressure anymore.

Arrogance, Hypocrisy, and the other primeval devils looked at each other in bewilderment and realized the same thing.

"Lucien Evans is attempting to break into the demigod level!"

But his way was different from that of Thanos, Viken, or Douglas!

Was it because their cognitive worlds were different?


In the City in the Sky and Rentato, most sorcerers and civilians looked at the sky in desperation. Even the joint attack of three demigods and multiple top legends did not stop Viken's advancement. Who could possibly stop him now?

Under normal circumstances, some sorcerers and ordinary people would've told themselves that Viken's advancement was not the end of the world. Chances were that Viken would become benevolent after he turned into a true god. However, the madness of the corrupted and the blood and chaos they created were still fresh. Nobody expected that Viken, who was known as King of Calamities, would suddenly change his personality.

Seeing that Viken was gradually melting the primeval hell and Mountain Paradise, and seeing that the attacks of Douglas, the Silver Moon, and the Lord of Hell achieved no result except for breaking Viken's defense and blowing him out of the intangible marvelous statue, the sorcerers, nobles, and civilians got more and more desperate.

Under the pressure of doom, many experts tried to fly into the marvelous domain, ready to offer their strength. It was better to be killed in a battle than to be killed in waiting!

However, Viken's melting was not as slow as it seemed. Before they approached, the melting had already approached the end.

Inside the Atom Institution, Heidi said with a self-mocking smile, "I wonder if the curse worked at all…"

Because of the defense of Allyn, it was impossible for the sorcerers to attack.

Annick comforted her by saying, "It doesn't mean that the breakthrough is successful. At the very least, Viken's form of existence has no substantial changes yet."

Of course, that was only for now.

In the third generic school, although none of the students could understand such a sophisticated battle, the fact that Viken remained undestroyed and was even laughing out loud informed them of the situation. Their hearts were heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, Ali narrowed his eyes and blurted out, "There seems to be a cosmos in the primeval hell!"

"Primeval hell" was a term that they just picked up from the broadcast.

There's a cosmos in the primeval hell? The other students all looked over, finding it hard to believe Ali's words.

However, their eyes told them that, in the primeval hell that was gradually being pulled into the main material world, there was indeed one, no, two separated cosmoses. One of them had a gigantic fireball and a blue planet, and the other was the same as what Ali saw in the cosmic observatory, albeit with an additional planet that was enshrouded in a fog!

"Is this the planet that we are in?" Douglas, as a demigod of the school of astrology, felt that the planet enshrouded in the fog was so familiar, and that the other cosmos was so strange!

Suddenly, his eyes were frozen. "That is the real cosmos!"

"Mr. Evans!"

"It's Mr. Evans that is at the center of the cosmoses! Two Mr. Evanses!"

Exclamations echoed near Ali in Rentato, Allyn, and every place that could see the anomaly in the sky. Suspicion and shock were flowing everywhere.

"It's really our teacher!" Heidi was immediately cheered up.

Although she did not quite understand why her teacher appeared in the primeval hell at such a critical moment, it was always a delight that something interrupted Viken's breakthrough.

Sprint said in a low voice, "The melting seems to have been slowed!"

Before he finished his sentence, they saw that both Luciens leaned backward. Their backs gradually melted with each other, and an overlapping boundary appeared.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Cracking sounds burst out in the primeval hell as it shook violently. All the negative feelings, lost souls, and primeval devils appeared to be dispersing.

Although the melting cosmoses did not have the dreamy and hazy sound and visual effects, the slow, determined, and soundless approach gave everyone a shock from the bottom of their heart!

"The melting has been slowed!"

"Mr. Evans slowed down Viken's melting!"

"Is he trying to break into the demigod level?"

Exclamations of surprise, happiness, and gratitude burst out in Allyn, Rentato, and many other places. Intense hope had emerged out of desperation!

Heidi said excitedly, "If our teacher breaks into the demigod level successfully, the primeval hell that Viken intends to melt will probably be dissolved directly!"

"Haha. It's really fortunate of us that our teacher is making the advancement in the primeval hell at such a moment!"

The depression and desperation were entirely gone. Other than the people who were still fighting, all the sorcerers, knights, and ordinary people looked at their sky nervously, praying for Mr. Evans' successful breakthrough.

The Lord of Hell was stunned for a moment, before he laughed, "Viken, today is not your lucky day. Lucien is trying to make a breakthrough at such a time in such a place!"

Viken stopped laughing crazily and said as cold as ice, "It's just a minor accident and will not change the final outcome." He couldn't have appeared more confident.

Maltimus smiled in mockery. "In any case, Lucien has delayed your advancement, which has given me time and an opportunity!"

Then, he tore off his left arm, and his real body that was hidden deep inside the hell broke its left arm too.

Without making a sound, the left arm exploded into a spring of blood, which then turned into an evil and chaotic "gate".

Chapter 818: Screams

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The "gate" was full of evil eyes that were yellow and white. They were dense and did not blink at all. Despite the blockage of the marvelous domain, the sorcerers, knights, and ordinary people who looked up from the ground felt that their minds were in chaos. They could barely control the madness of their souls and their surging desire for slaughter.

The left arm of Maltimus' real body did not recover as quickly as before and remained missing, but the chaotic and bloody gate took shape rather slowly. Of course, it was only slow compared to how Viken melted the primeval hell earlier. It actually only took several seconds.

During the few seconds, the two reflections of the cosmoses surpassed the boundary slowly but surely. Their edges overlapped but did not affect each other. Even two asteroids that seemed to be colliding passed each other and flew away. They seemed next to each other, but at the same time, they seemed to be in two completely different worlds, not knowing each other's existence at all!

As the edges of the two cosmoses overlapped, Lucien's soul with the features of Xiafeng and the soul that was half Lucien leaned more and more into each other, starting to melt miraculously!

Just now, they were like two independent persons holding the cosmos before them with their backs against each other, but right now, they were like conjoined twins who shared the back!

There was no dazzling brilliance, violent noises, or other unimaginable phenomena. The two Luciens began to melt in a strange and unique way just now. The more they melted, the more obvious the feeling that they did not belong to this world was.

For some reason, the lost souls and primeval devils began to tremble in fear. Even though they no longer had concrete bodies and were entirely made of negative feelings, they couldn't help but feel intimidated.

Gold, green, black, red, and all the other colors began to shiver. The lost souls and the primeval devils were dismembered, releasing the powerful attraction force that only negative feelings and primeval devils could perceive.

The elven queen was just pulling the Bow of Nature's Punishment when her body became blurry and a shadow was about to crawl out.

Aglaea had to stop and melt her body into the reflection of the elven tree behind her, restraining the shadow with its root.

On the thirty-fourth floor of the Allyn magic tower…

Although Brook was stronger than Melmax and had the help of Oliver and Bergner, he had to focus most of his attention on controlling the aftermath to prevent Allyn from being ruined. The three legendary sorcerers were engaged with Devil Melmax in such a fierce battle that Brook's library was razed to the ground.

Had it not been for the deep, dark magnetic field and the cage made of silver, terrifying electric snakes, the battle of top legends would've definitely destroyed the magic tower and half of Allyn.

However, even though the battle was difficult, Brook was not anxious, because he knew very well that Melmax's project could not last. The real key was still the battle of demigods and top legends in the sky.

Suddenly, Melmax froze, and shadows and negative light spurted out of his body into the sky. Due to the changes caused by Lucien, it was impossible for him to resist the attraction force now that he did not have a real body or his longsword.

Although Brook, Oliver, and Bergner had no idea what was happening in the sky, Melmax's changes were certainly no secrets for them. Seizing the opportunity, Brook's Kingdom of Electromagnetism constricted and confined Melmax, and Oliver and Bergner pushed him into the demiplane with their legendary spells.

Zi, Zi, Zi.

Melmax was shoved into the Kingdom of Electromagnetism. Brook was immediately relieved. He would be fearless in his demiplane. After all, the students and servants had already evacuated. Also, in his demiplane, he was as strong as a demigod.

"I'll finish him. You go to control Allyn's defense circle," Brook said in the telepathic bond as he entered the Kingdom of Electromagnetism.

Although the control pivots on this floor had all been destroyed, there were other control pivots in Fernando, Hellen, and Hathaway's libraries on the thirty-third floor.

Under the help of Prospell, Oliver entered Fernando's library, which was unlocked, and controlled the defense of Allyn.

It was not until this moment that they had the time to observe the battle in the sky.

"Lucien is trying to break into the demigod level…" Slightly frowning, Oliver said, "However, it is entirely different from Mr. President's. It's not demiplane versus the cognitive world plus the starry star of destiny, but the real cosmos1 versus the actual cosmos2."

The primeval devils might have neglected it, but Oliver, as a legendary sorcerer, keenly sensed the fundamental difference between the two breakthroughs. During Lucien's advancement, his demiplane was merely a medium and not an important part.

Bergner asked in confusion, "Is it based on the observer effect? Is the feedback of the real world an observer effect?"

"Maybe…" Oliver hesitated. "In any case, if he can advance successfully, there will be no way for Viken to make the breakthrough."


In Rentato, in Nekso Palace.

A silver sword that carried hideous cracks of the void broke Atlant's defense and hit him, but he put on a weird smile and collapsed quickly like a broken mirror.

Another illusion? Natasha, who was holding her Sword of Truth, slightly changed her expression and blinked. Exactly at this moment, an ancient and distant sound echoed at the perfect timing.

"Visual Deprivation!"

Natasha's body was immediately bent as if she had been smashed by a hammer. Blood flowed out of her eyes, and she went through a lot of trouble to get back on her feet. However, her silver eyes lost their splendor. It seemed that she couldn't see anything anymore.

Having been transformed into the status of primeval devils, Atlant was truly mysterious and unpredictable. Since the battle began, Natasha had hit him seventeen times, but he was an illusion ten times, and some noble or knight outside died on behalf of him the other seven times!

Despite the help of Morris, Natasha could not tell whether or not the Atlant before her was real or fake. So, as she attacked with her full strength, she gradually lost her hearing, touch, smell, and vision.

Closing her eyes, Natasha sensed the environment with her willpower. Suddenly, she slashed out again; her sword flashing coldly and indifferently.

The cracking sound of the void echoed, and Atlant's body was hit by the light of the sword.

However, the body broke again like a mirror, not giving any sense of reality.

"Sense Deprivation!" Atlant's voice came from all directions, and everything became dim all of a sudden in Natasha's eyes. She seemed to be left alone standing where she was in the whole world.

Seeing that, Atlant's images appeared everywhere around her. He smiled and said, "I said that you cannot stop me. I'll ask for somebody inside the Allyn magic tower to turn on the portal in exchange for yourself."

Faced with such a tough and strong legendary knight, Atlant could not deprive her of her senses and intuitions once and for all. He could only do it step by step.

Hardly had he concluded his sentence when his eyes were opened, and a silver sword glittered.


All the images were broken, and a body made of twisted colorful light showed up, falling apart under the hideous illusionary gaps.

"How… How could you find me?" Atlant struggled to say, filled with disbelief. How could Natasha find him right now when she failed to with all her senses and intuitions?


A unique-shaped necklace appeared in Natasha's hands, which emitted the crisp sound of metal collisions.

Although Atlant did not recognize the item, he could tell that it could help Natasha resist multiple attacks that were based on illusions. However, just now…

"You…" His body was even closer to destruction.

As if she heard his question, Natasha's lackluster eyes gradually recovered. She chuckled and replied, "It was on purpose.

"This is a legendary item that Lucien crafted with the materials in the treasury of Holm, but it cannot help me find you. I intentionally let you deprive me of my senses and intuitions because my eyes, ears, and intuitions would deceive me… Only by eliminating their interferences and sensing with the mind could I really 'see' this world and you who were hiding in the dark.

"Well, since a long time ago, I've been practicing in seclusion where it's quiet and I can't sense anything."

She changed Lucien's words so that Atlant understood what had happened.

At this moment, the enormous attraction force from the primeval hell came over, and the negative feelings inside Atlant's body flew out. His eyes became clear again. He coughed and said in regrets, "Why… Why couldn't it happen sooner? In that case, I wouldn't have been manipulated by Viken."

Natasha stepped forward. Her war boot let out crisp sounds on the ground as she said solemnly, "Although I hate to speak to someone dying so bluntly, I have to say that instead of complaining that the changes in the primeval hell are too late, you should complain that you made a decision too early. You should've waited to choose your path until Mr. President became a demigod."

Atlant heaved a long sigh, and his body collapsed completely.

Under the Sword of Truth, there was absolutely no chance for him to be resurrected.

Natasha raised her head and looked at the changes in the high sky with her half-recovered vision. She said with a smile, "Why didn't you do it sooner? That way, I wouldn't have taken such a risk…"

She could've hidden in the Atomic Universe with the Grand Duke of Orvarit as it would be impossible for Atlant to break in. However, she felt obliged to stick with her subjects at such a moment.


The foul and chaotic gate was opened in a loud noise, and a meatball with countless eyes and the limbs of countless species rolled out, spreading out the air of blood, slaughter, and craziness.

Exactly at this moment, the breakthrough of the two Luciens approached the end. Their bodies below the head had been completely melted, but their faces were still facing their respective cosmos.

The two Luciens suddenly put on a miserable expression. They leaned backward at the same time and began the final melting. The two cosmoses with a blue planet and a misty planet did not seem as independent from each other. A strange, cracking sound of rubbing came out!


The volcanoes inside the hell erupted at the same time. Every devil sensed that the void next to them was trembling and creaking, as if the world was about to fall apart, and from the places they could not see, another enormous cosmos was running over!


The illusionary feeling made all the devils cry and scream from the bottom of their hearts. For a moment, the whole hell was filled with such noises. Even the few devil dukes were trembling, having no idea where their fear came from.

In Allyn and Rentato, Heidi, Annick, Ali, and the other people also heard the squeaking sound from the void next to them, as if something was crushing it from the other side, and it was on the verge of destruction under the enormous pressure.

What was going on?

Shock, panic, fear, delight, and all the other feelings burst out!

Some were scared, some trembled, some kneeled, and some cheered!