842 - 849

Chapter 842: Open Class

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After the adjustment of the environment, it was brighter and brighter, and a new day began in the Heidler Magic College.

Donnie, who could not sleep, jumped from his bed and rushed into the bathroom the moment he heard the echo of the Skull Bell. He shouted, "Sammy, Karl, rise and shine! Mr. Felipe has an open class today! We won't be able to get into the room if we are late!"

The open class, as its name suggested, was open to all apprentices, provided that they could find a spot in the hall.

Since he was woken up in the night, Donnie had considered seizing the opportunity and going to the teaching tower where the lecture was to be held in advance. However, he knew that during the period between midnight and when the Skull Bell was rung, nobody except certain senior-rank mentors with permissions was allowed to approach the three central magic towers of the college—the teaching tower, the experiment tower, and the office tower.

From the seniors that he talked to in the past few days, Donnie had heard a lot of stories where sorcerers broke into the three magic towers at night only to become zombie guards.

"So, it was indeed only a nightmare that we passed through the whole college without raising any alarm…" Donnie thought to himself.

Karl, who had fallen asleep at some point, sat up in confusion. After he combed his hair, his gem-like eyes finally glittered again. Then, he jumped off his bed and knocked on the metal rail of Sammy's bed, urging him to get up.

Sammy rubbed his head and yawned, as if he had forgotten what happened yesterday. Then, he was suddenly dazed and said nervously, "Karl, don't forget to send the message out."

"Rest assured. I always have the best memories," Karl said with a toothbrush in his mouth and foams all over his lips.

After Donnie was done washing his face and brushing his teeth, he browsed his notebook and patted his head. "Jones, let's go."

"You finally remember me." Fatty Jones seemed rather moved. "Only after you wrote me down in your notebook."

"Of course." Karl cleaned his shirt before the mirror, grimacing in dissatisfaction. However, whatever strange expression he made, he still looked like a pretty girl. "My father once said that below the senior rank, the best memories cannot compare with a short note."

He put on his magic robe and was about to walk out of the room. Opening the door, he said, "Remember to save a place for me."

"Not a problem." Donnie put on his magic robe.

After seeing Karl off, the three of them were suddenly caught in awkward silence. They were yet to fully recover from the nightmare last night. If it weren't for Karl's astonishing background, they wouldn't have been able to stay calm at all.

"Let's go. We will miss Mr. Felipe's speech if we are late." In the end, it was Donnie who broke the weird silence.

"Alright," Sammy said with bloated eyes.


"So many people are already here?" Donnie was blasted by the heat and the noises the moment he walked into the lobby on the first floor of the teaching tower. There were one and a half hours to go before the open class, and almost three hundred people were already waiting in lines!

Looking at the jam-packed lobby ahead of them, Sammy shook his head in surprise. "We got up immediately after the Skull Bell was rung. How could they be faster than us?"

"Perhaps they did not brush their teeth or wash their face. Perhaps they finished everything before the bell was rung and rushed here the moment they heard the knock." As a secret reporter, Jones was rather knowledgeable and experienced.

Sammy looked at him strangely. "Who are you?"

Having been struck too many times, Jones was already numb. He shrugged and said, "I am your—"

Before he concluded his sentence, Sammy had already turned around unconcernedly and talked to the ghost on his back. He did not care about who he was at all! Or rather, he felt that the question was not important.

"We aren't too late either." Noticing Jones' "fury", Donnie interjected, "The speech hall can accommodate five hundred people. We can definitely go in."

"Yes," Jones said in relief. That was the reward of a nightmare!

After half an hour, more and more queues had been lined up outside of the speech hall without leaving any empty ground. The apprentices and sorcerers who came late could only look at the crowd in regrets and leave reluctantly.

At this moment, Karl walked in from the outside. He was obviously shocked by the massive crowd, but he was agile enough to swim among the people like a little fish and approached his roommates.

The apprentices behind Donnie were all infuriated when they saw Karl cutting the line, but before they lashed out, Karl raised his head and smiled. "Forgive me, my friends have been keeping a place for me."

His smile was mixed with apology, shame, pitifulness, and gentleness. The apprentices' eyes bulged immediately as they said, "It… It doesn't matter."

It was not until then that Karl turned around and said to Donnie, Sammy, and Jones in a low voice, "I've already sent the message. We will receive the analysis and suggestions of professionals by tomorrow."

"Thank you, Karl," Donnie said honestly.

The four of them stopped talking and started to think about their own business until the gate of the speech hall was opened and the people before them moved forward in order.

Because they were not too late, Karl and the rest of them were at the center of the hall and could see the podium ahead rather clearly. Outside the gate, many magic apprentices and sorcerers who did not have a seat were standing and listening.

At this moment, a smaller gate on the other side squeaked, and a tall, slim man in a black coat walked in. He coughed with extreme indifference on his sickly face.

"Mr. Felipe is exactly like what's described in the paper," Donnie said in a low voice.

Felipe did not like being exposed to the public, so he rarely accepted the invitations of TV interviews and preferred newspapers or radio stations.

Karl smiled in a low voice. "I wonder if his arcana expertise is as what the newspapers described…"

"You don't know that?" Donnie asked, finding it odd. Such a renowned archmage who had good chances to become legendary should've received much attention in his family. Huh. Why is Mr. Felipe only wearing the badges of the Arcana Review Board and the Hand of Paleness, instead of arcana and magic badges like regular sorcerers would?

Karl shook his head. "I do not have enough arcana knowledge to decide his papers and his research, and my brother does not like to discuss him. However, he must be awesome to have won so many honors."

From the podium, Felipe looked around at the apprentices and sorcerers down below. Wherever his eyes reached, everybody fell silent. Then, he spoke with his special gloomy voice, "I am Felipe. You may call me mister or mentor. I'm here today to show you the bleeding-edge theories and achievements in genetics. It's possible that you do not understand them, but you must know them, or you will rot like the bodies in coffins without being able to present any valuable works…"

Donnie listened attentively. However, he keenly sensed that Mr. Felipe's eyes seemed to have stopped for a while on the few of them. Of course, the pause was so short that Donnie thought it was his illusion.

"Mr. Felipe is entirely different from the other mentors. The other mentors all said that they were here to share the latest knowledge with us, but he…" Sammy asked the ghost on his back to rub his forehead to keep himself calm.

Jones also nodded. "Yes, he is very blunt and straightforward, completely ignoring our feelings…"

As Felipe's speech went deeper, everybody was captivated by the marvelous genetics, which included chromosomes, genetic models based on alchemical reactions, and the speculations and experiments on heredity.

Most of the information was too much for the sorcerers and apprentices to understand, but they were indeed amazed by the wonders of the field that involved the secrets of life.

"That is all my speech. Do you have any questions?" Without them knowing it, it was already noon, and Felipe put his right hand back into his pocket.

The apprentices and sorcerers were just back to themselves and hadn't even raised their hands when a magnetic male voice said, "I have a question!"

Donnie looked at Karl, only to see his highly-raised hand and his fully-written notebook.

Felipe nodded and said casually, "What is your question?"

Karl stood up excitedly and bowed. "Hello, Mr. Felipe, I am Brades. I would like to ask your opinion on the current genetic model. Personally, I don't…"

Donnie held his forehead helplessly and moved his eyes away, pretending that he did not know Karl. Based on his experience, Karl would certainly ramble on.

However, instead of waiting for Karl to finish, Felipe answered the question, "It's obvious that the abundances and wondrousness of this world cannot be described and inherited by this simple model."

Everybody gasped hard. Was Mr. Felipe openly expressing his dissatisfaction regarding the current genetic model?


Karl seemed rather uncomfortable when his long speech was cut. So, he asked again, "Then, Mr. Felipe, do you think it is possible to change one's look by controlling genes? Is it possible to—"

Felipe interrupted him again, "That's not a problem at all. As a matter of fact, the blood power research in the Magic Empire is exactly a practice in that regard, except that they did not have any theoretical guidance and could only summarize the pattern by abundant human experiments."

Karl's face was so twisted as if he were being suffocated. "I have one more question…"

"Please give other people a chance. You've already asked two questions," Felipe said straightforwardly.

Karl could only sit down gloomily, but his lips were still moving up and down, as if he were talking to himself.

Donnie couldn't help but feel amused. Normally, there was no way that he could stop Karl from rambling. It was quite enjoyable to see the guy choked.

In the meantime, he raised his own hand, waiting to be picked.


After the open class, Felipe sat in a secret chamber in the teaching tower by himself. The artificial intelligence before him was playing all the pictures recorded in the college in the past three days. After the development of artificial intelligence and alchemical storage materials, it was much easier to save things now.

In the dim pictures, the whole college was in order, and when it came to night, everything was quiet without the slightest anomaly. Felipe stared at the pictures with a cup of red wine in his hand, not leaving out any detail. However, after half a day, he still did not find anything that deserved his attention.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door lightly.

"What is it?" Felipe asked.

"Mr. Felipe, somebody sent a note to you." It was a servant.

Felipe nodded, and the door of the room was opened. The servant walked in and handed a plain-looking note to him.

"Donnie?" Felipe saw the handwriting that he was rather familiar with on the note and read the word on it.


In Room 202 of the Life Tower…

"Hu. It's not dangerous. My brother asks us not to worry about it and just leave it alone." Karl jogged in from the outside and waved the note in his hands in great delight.

Chapter 843: The Heredity Laboratory

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Really?" Donnie, Sammy, and Jones stood up at the same time, with delight and disbelief beaming out of their faces.

Karl nodded heavily. "Of course. I'm too familiar with my brother's handwriting and seal."

"I mean, is he really confident about that? Did he specify the cause or tell you who was behind it?" Although Donnie knew that Karl's brother was probably a strong and influential big shot, he did not know the guy in person after all. Also, it was a matter that concerned his own safety. So, he couldn't help but ask again, refusing to believe it so easily.

Karl tossed the note in his hands to Donnie. "He couldn't have made the statement without a 90% confidence. Well, he only said that it was not a common dream in the domain of illusion but involved something more sophisticated. He did not point out who the mastermind was. I estimate that he must be still investigating and hasn't drawn any conclusion yet. The only thing certain is that the enemy is not as formidable as we thought. So, we'll pretend that we have forgotten the matter while we secretly observe and wait…"

Donnie looked at the note in his hands. The content was basically what Karl said, but of course, in a much more concise way. At the end of the note was a seal in the shape of a black hat, which seemed common but carried distinctive air.

"But I really don't think it's very safe…" Jones muttered. However, there was nothing he could do. Reporting it to the college recklessly might put himself in danger.

Sammy took a breath in relief. He extended his right hand to his left shoulder to pat the ghost, which had been rather lethargic recently. Then, he yawned and said obscurely, "Since Karl's brother put it that way, there is no need for us to be worried about the matter. I'm so sleepy."

Donnie's facial muscles twitched. "Sammy, I don't think you are taking it seriously. So far, the real cause of the matter and the mastermind haven't been found out. How can we not be worried?"

"So what? What else can we do except to be more careful?" Sammy was rather carefree. He took off his clothes and got on his bed.

Karl smiled, and his eyes were twinkling. "There's really nothing to be scared of now that my brother is on it. If that nightmare happens to us again, we are going to explore it well…"

He was obviously eager again.

Donnie couldn't help thinking to himself that the guy seemed rather confident in his brother.


The next day in the morning, the four people of Room 202 were busy washing up and brushing their teeth when they heard heavy door knocks.

Donnie put on his magic robe and walked over, opening the door. "Come on… Mr. Robert?"

It was the dead-looking Mr. Robert who stood outside of the door. The red needle-like brilliance in his eyes and the clear veins on his emaciated face chilled Donnie.

Why was he here in person?

Despite his horrible look, Robert had a gentle and comforting voice. "I happened to be passing the Life Tower, and I dropped by and came to ask you if you are willing to join the Heidler Branch of the Heredity Laboratory as apprentice-level assistants?"

"What Heidler Branch of the Heredity Laboratory? Is it an institution that Mr. Felipe has established in the college? Does 'you' include Donnie, me, Sammy, and Jones, or only some of us? Mr. Robert, I am really interested in genetic factors, and I have a reasonably good understanding of that…" Karl charged out with a toothbrush in his hands and white foams flowing from his mouth as he blurted out his questions and self-introductions.

At this moment, the apprentices who were going to the teaching tower noticed Robert who had a special appearance. They stopped and looked at Donnie and his roommates in shock.

The Heidler Branch of the Heredity Laboratory? Is it true?

Donnie, Sammy, and Jones were too shocked to speak anything. They were crammed at the door and looked at Robert earnestly, waiting for his answer.

"Because it is convenient to conduct certain experiments with high requirements in the World of Souls thanks to its special conditions, Mr. Felipe has been planning to set up a branch of the Heredity Laboratory here. A few days ago, the basic arrangements were settled, and the recruitment began. I was the first arcanist to be picked by Mr. Felipe," Robert explained the reasons unhurriedly. "Because of your questions in the open class, you left some impression on Mr. Felipe, so he asked me about you when he decided to hire apprentice-level assistants. Since I was very satisfied with your efforts, I recommended you to him seriously."

Pausing for a moment, he added, "It includes Karl, Donnie, and Jones."

The apprentices around were finally back to themselves as they gasped hard. It was really the Heidler Branch of the Heredity Laboratory! They were really going to study under Mr. Felipe! Why were they chosen instead of other people?

Shocked and jealous, many apprentices couldn't have regretted more. Had they known it in advance, they would have raced to ask questions like Karl did to leave a good impression on Mr. Felipe. Everybody in the Life Tower knew Karl's name because of his special appearance.

"Really?" Donnie and Jones asked in disbelief again. Sammy, on the other hand, lowered his head in frustration. He was an apprentice who majored in the soul, after all, and the Heredity Laboratory certainly wouldn't pick him.

Robert nodded. "Why would I lie to you about that? Mr. Felipe remembers you because he has always believed that the arcanists who do not ask whys are not qualified arcanists."

It was something President Douglas said before. All the apprentices knew it very well, but now that they heard it again, they felt that their remorse was biting their hearts like rats. They shouldn't have been restrained by shyness, fear, or other feelings! They must be bolder to ask whys in the future!

"It's… It's fantastic! Thank you, Mr. Robert…" Donnie expressed his gratitude excitedly. Although Mr. Felipe had asked about them, they wouldn't have been picked without their mentor's recommendation.

Jones was stunned. He had an ignorant smile on his face, as if he had entered his "domain". The surprise came too unexpectedly. He wasn't prepared at all!

Robert nodded and said expressionlessly, "It seems that you are all willing to accept the offer. Then, you can come to my office later. I'll bring you to the branch of the laboratory to check in."

"Mr. Robert, what will we mostly do as apprentice-level assistants? Help with experiment materials? Observe and feed the creatures we cultivate? Or will we analyze them with the knowledge in the studies of magic crystals?" Seeing that plenty of people were watching, Karl quietly put down the toothbrush and got rid of the foams in his mouth. He was a graceful gentleman who valued manners!

"Somebody will tell you what to do." Robert's lips twitched as he ignored Karl's storm of questions.

"How marvelous!" Jones wasn't back to himself until Robert was far away. He then waved his arms excitedly.


After the lift descended to the hall, it did not stop. Instead, it emitted a pale brightness that was connected to the mentor's badge on Robert's chest, before it continued descending into the darkness.

"Well, is the laboratory below the ground?" Karl looked around in excitement and curiosity.

Donnie turned around, pretending that he did not know the guy. Although his roommate looked as quiet and peaceful as a lake, the guy was actually like an energetic cat.

Robert simply turned a deaf ear to Karl's incessant questions.

After a while, the lift stopped, and the pale curtain of light was opened. A silver metal shuttle-shaped object appeared up ahead. Robert stepped on it first.

"We need to take an underground shuttle?" Karl asked joyfully.

Neither Donnie nor Jones had seen it before, and they were rather ill at ease. They were grateful for Karl's introduction.

"Yes." Robert nodded.

The underground shuttle was closed and moved forward along the tunnel quickly. After three minutes, it came to a stop slowly. On its left side were two silver metal gates that were cold and splendid.

Robert waved a strange badge at it, and the gate backed off from two directions, revealing a pathway with walls that were like an orange beehive. It was shaped in such an astounding style that even Karl subconsciously stopped talking.

After they passed the channel in silence, many different roads stretched out before them. At the end of every road was a different metal gate.

"I'll lead you to apply for the entrance badge first," Robert said briefly.

As he spoke, the metal gate on one of the roads was opened, and Felipe walked out with his hands in the pockets of his black long coat.

"Good morning, Mr. Felipe!" Donnie and Jones greeted him in excitement. Karl was late, but he also paid his respects.

Felipe glanced at them and briefly stopped on everyone's face. Then, he said casually, "This place is not your playground. I hope that you can remember that."

"Of course, Mr. Felipe." While Donnie and his roommates replied, Felipe had already moved past them and walked to the other side.

Suddenly, he stopped and said without turning around, "Do not ask Karl to run any experiment yet. Let him be familiarized with the work of the research groups first."

Donnie was secretly amused. Had Karl's notoriety as the "laboratory vandal" spread to the ears of Mr. Felipe too?

Karl pursed his lips and couldn't have looked more wronged.

At this moment, Donnie's heart suddenly raced, as if something deep inside the laboratory or further into the ground was summoning him.

What's that? Donnie stared at the wall in a daze, uncertain whether or not it was his illusion, because the feeling of being summoned flashed fast.

He observed Karl and Jones, whom he almost ignored, only to discover that they sensed nothing. He was even more confused. Did he really have an illusion because he was too worried?

"It's inconvenient to ask right now. We can discuss after we are back in the dormitory…" Donnie held back his anxiety.


At night, in Room 202 of the Life Tower…

Because Karl and Jones did not have the feeling, and neither did Sammy who was having a class, Donnie's strange feeling did not raise much attention. After all, they believed that somebody was taking care of it for him.

In his sleepiness, Donnie's heart raced again, and he seemed to see the color of fire in the darkness.

He opened his eyes quickly, only to find himself lying before a tombstone. Sammy, Karl, and Jones were not far away from him, and they were observing the environment with confusion.

Chapter 844: Action

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"How did it happen?" Donnie blurted out in shock and fear, but after his voice spread out, it seemed to be melted in the air and did not raise the slightest ripples. There was still nothing but quietness and serenity among the black and white tombstones.

Jones looked at him, frightened, and then at Karl. Didn't you say that we need not be worried? Then, why are we having the same nightmare?

They were very familiar with the experience, which was absolutely the same as the last nightmare!

Karl looked around, slightly confused. He then smiled gently. "It's just a nightmare. What's to be worried about?"

His voice echoed in Donnie's heart like some sort of spell. On his peaceful and gorgeous face, silver eyes were glittering like two beautiful stars. There wasn't the slightest fear but curiosity and the desire for exploration.


In the control pivot of the office tower of the Heidler Magic College…

The stream screens were displayed in every corner of the college. Light and shadows were altering all the time.

Some of the screens showed the same dormitory from quite a few perspectives. The plate on the door read "Life Tower 202".

In the darkness of night, the dormitory was as quiet as any other place without the tiniest anomaly. Under the illumination of the tender lamps, it emanated unusual coldness.

Standing before the screens, Felipe stared at them with his hands in the pockets of his long coat. They were not just manifesting the pictures but also playing the sounds and the simulated waves that were perceived, making one feel that they were on the spot.

However, Room 202 was still quiet and usual.

"Hehe." Felipe suddenly snorted.


"How can we not be worried? If our dream can be manipulated in the heavily defended college, who knows what will happen next?" In the "dream", Donnie seemed more temperamental than usual, because he sensed the summoning from far away again. His heart beat faster and faster.

Sammy was both scared and puzzled when he looked at Karl. "Didn't your brother say that we should leave it alone? But why are we entering the same nightmare again? I really thought that there was no need to worry about it…"

The ghost on his back, energized, was stretching its arms in great delight.

And you really stopped worrying about it? Jones secretly mocked Sammy.

Karl waved his hands. "When my brother says that there is no need to worry about it, there is no need to worry about it."

He seemed rather confident, but Donnie, Sammy, and Jones were not convinced. Does anybody know your brother? Who knows whether his promise is valid? After all, the one thing that is certain is that we have come into the same nightmare!

Blinking, Karl did not explain why he trusted his brother. Instead, he simply grimaced and said, "As a matter of fact, we weren't really harmed in the previous nightmares, were we?"

Well… Donnie was dazed. It was indeed true. The previous nightmares, though vivid and intimidating, did not really hurt them before they withdrew from the dreams under the watch of the Original Body. Not just that, but it seemed that the increase of their spiritual powers had also been greatly accelerated. Was it a benefit of such "dreaming"?

"However, the harmlessness of the previous nightmares does not mean that we won't be harmed in this one." Jones tried to cover his existence, fearing that a ferocious specter would suddenly emerge from the darkness.

Sammy nodded slightly. "It happens often in the field of soul and illusion that the victims could be killed when their dreams are controlled. The King of Nightmare is particularly good at that."

"That's right." Karl nodded solemnly and said with a peculiar smile, "However, now that we have already entered the dream, why don't we explore actively and find out the reason? After all, if danger awaits us, we will run into it in any case if we are being manipulated, and if there is no danger, we will not be harmed no matter how we explore. Besides, this is our dream. If we believe that we are strong, we will really be strong."

Donnie, Sammy, and Jones were all stunned. On second thought, Karl's words did make sense, because they all sensed that the summoning from far away was getting stronger and stronger. Even if they did not take any action, they would be attracted to it sooner or later!

Meanwhile, they vaguely felt that something was wrong with Karl's statement.

"However, before that, we need to see if we can break out of the dream!" Fatty Jones gnashed his teeth.

Huh, break out of the dream? Donnie and Sammy both looked at Jones, astounded. Neither of them had much adventure experience. They had no idea what Jones was planning to do at all.

Jones raised his left hand, put it in front of his mouth, and bit it hard.


A miserable cry burst out in everybody's heart and did not break the silence of the cemetery.

Putting his left hand right, and looking at the bleeding tooth marks on it, Jones said to the surprised Donnie and Sammy in self-mockery, "I'm told that pain can help people get away from dreams, but it seems that whoever controls our dream is very powerful."

"As I said, this is a very special 'dream'…" Karl mumbled before he continued with a smile, "The ordinary pain wouldn't do. Jones, why don't you knock the tombstone with your head? Maybe you will get away from the dream after you pass out."

In a bitter smile, Jones looked at the tough black tombstone, on which a pale epitaph was written in the ancient magic language—"He thought that he wouldn't die, but he did."

"Forget it. I don't think it will work." Jones compared the hardness of his head and that of the tombstone and backed off without a word. He tried to summon his "talent" and prevented himself from being watched.

Karl chuckled. "Then, should we set off to the central tomb?"

"Alright!" Donnie did not hesitate this time, because he could barely control his body right now. Therefore, they might as well seize the day and explore actively!

Now that Donnie had reached a decision, Sammy certainly wouldn't object to it. To be honest, he hadn't quite figured out the situation yet.

Now that there was no object, the four of them pressed toward the central tomb under Karl's lead.

The cemetery was covered in a vague black mist. The sky was as gray and dim as before. The enormous tomb loomed there quietly like a dark monster, and its half-open gate resembled the mouth of the creature.

Swallowing, Donnie suppressed his fear and walked into the monster's mouth behind Karl.

The moment they entered the pathway, they encountered the mummies that they were rather familiar with. However, they were not panicked this time thanks to their experience. They moved slightly to the side and avoided the route of the mummies' march so that they could react in time in case of an emergency.

With their gray cloths saturated with oil and their eyes full of pale fire, the mummies passed before Donnie and his roommates without a sound. Perhaps they were also releasing the stench of decay, but none of the intruders could smell it.

"So, they really cannot see us," Donnie said in a low voice.

The ghost behind Sammy stretched out as he asked, "Was it the same last time?"

In the previous nightmare, he was possessed by the ghost and did not sense much. He could only listen to Donnie's description.

"Yes. It's exactly like last time." Karl was even more excited as if he had remembered something.


Outside of the enormous tomb, the vague black mist seemed to be frozen. The place was in utter silence as it had always been.

Suddenly, in the middle of the black mist, ripples spread out, and a figure was gathered out of nothing!

He was wearing a black long coat with his hands in his pockets. With a tall nose, thin lips, and a sickly face… It was Felipe who watched the screens in the control pivot!

He had entered the dreams of Karl, Donnie, and the rest of them!

Looking around, Felipe nodded slightly with a grim face. In the monotonous gloom, he walked toward the gate of the tomb unhurriedly.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the back of the tombstones sharply, before he demanded, "Get out."

Behind the tombstone, many other ripples spread out and gathered into a human being.

He was wearing a black double-breasted suit with a top hat. He was very tall but not slender. He had black hair and black eyes, with a chiseled face. His eyebrows were dense and extended to his temples in a slant. He was a handsome and masculine man.

"You're here too." Felipe did not seem surprised.

The man said with a lazy smile, "Having discovered me so easily, Mr. Felipe, you are truly out of my expectation."

Felipe turned around and kept walking toward the gate of the tomb before he asked casually and indifferently, "I came here because I used the special help of the college's defense. Why could you?"

"As the child of a demigod and a top legend, I certainly have my own special abilities." The man also walked to the gate of the tomb at ease. However, from what Felipe could tell, his answer did not provide any information.

Felipe opened the tomb and walked in like a king who was inspecting his territory. "You didn't ask for anyone's help? Are you not scared that it may be dangerous?"

The man chuckled and was not nervous at all, as if he were on a vacation in the Land of Thousand Lakes. "As the child of a demigod and a top legend, I certainly have my own special abilities."

The same words meant different things. Felipe stopped talking and walked into the pathway.


After they opened the gate of the main vault, Donnie and his roommates immediately saw the dark coffin.

Their "harmony" with the powerful undead creatures on the way did not ease their anxiety at all. They all stared at the coffin in tension, fearing that the terrifying "Original Body" inside would suddenly sit up and banish them from the dream with its eyes that represented death, or even simply deprive them of their lives!

Of course, they were also more or less thinking of escaping from the dream with the Original Body.

The vague scent of death started circulating, and a dark abyss appeared below the dark coffin, as if something intangible had been hidden below.

In the meantime, screeches echoed inside the coffin, and the Original Body that was beyond the imagination of Donnie was about to sit up.

Donnie, Sammy, and Jones all had intense desires. The abyss was summoning them!

It made them unable to control themselves. Before the cover of the coffin was moved away, they threw themselves into the coffin "fluently".

Karl was briefly stunned. Then, gritting his teeth and touching an accessory on his chest, he stepped forward and lunged into the abyss too.

Chapter 845: The Eighth Research Institution of the Congress of Magic

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The dark mist spread out so densely that one could not see his own fingers or hear his own voice. They felt that they were caught in the purest and quietest death. Even their soul was befuddled, without the slightest idea occurring to them.

Suddenly, something gray penetrated through the intense black mist. Donnie shivered and got away from the mind frigidity. He found himself standing in the middle of a desert that was full of black sand. The sky was pale and gray, the same as any part of the World of Souls. Not far away up ahead, a black, ragged palace was standing. It was ancient and splendid, releasing the infinite air of death.

Dum, dum, dum.

Donnie's heart was beating fast again, as if something was summoning him inside that dilapidated palace. The call was so strong, so clear, and so irresistible.

"Is there something summoning me in the palace?" somebody asked, and the voice appeared in Donnie's mind.

Donnie turned back in confusion, only to discover that Sammy, Karl, and a fatty were standing behind him looking at the same palace not far away.

Well, who is this fatty?

Donnie did not ask it out. Since the guy had a nightmare together with them and was included in Karl's mind communication, he had to be very close to them. It was a shame that he did not carry his notebook…

The ghost behind Sammy trembled nonstop and buried its face on Sammy's neck, as if it were intimidated by the black palace and what was in it. However, in the meantime, its hands pulled Sammy's body, as if it were urging him to enter the palace and approach the thing.

"It's a dream of such a level?" Karl said to himself, half lost and half refreshed. Then, he announced as if he were giving an order, "Let's go in and take a look!"

Donnie and Sammy did not reply. Under the strong summoning, they had already walked off.

Passing the desolate wilderness, the four of them drew close to the black palace and saw the gate that was carved with pale patterns.

The patterns were weird, twisted, mysterious, and vintage. They seemed to be in a certain intangible rhythm.

Wu! Wu! Wu!

Suddenly, a loud and miserable cry came over. Donnie and Sammy almost tripped themselves over.

In a defense posture, Karl looked at the source of the sound eagerly. The "attacker" must be either strong or special to make sounds in the dream that was similar to the World of Souls!

They saw a half-rotten owl on the top of a broken pillar near the gate. Pale bones protruded from its body made of black, rotten meat, and its two wings were gray and slim. On its head, one of the eyes had decayed into a black hole, but the other retained the strange brownish colors and was staring at the strangers indifferently. It kept letting out miserable cries, which made Donnie, Sammy, and Jones tremble in intimidation. Was it the envoy of death? Was the sound here to claim their lives?

"An owl that can keep its original appearance in the palace shouldn't be surprising. Have you not seen any undead creatures? I must've dissected dozens of such owls…" Karl said in disappointment.

Donnie couldn't have thanked Karl's talkativeness more at such a moment, which relieved him from the devastating and strange cries of the owl. Otherwise, he feared that his soul would be broken one bit after another and transformed into part of the palace. Although he did not know why Karl was not affected, his feeling was definitely unmistakable!

"Let's go in." After an elaborate talk, Karl opened the gate with mysterious patterns.

The gate opened without a sound. It was nothing but pitch darkness inside, as if countless monsters were hiding.

Dum, dum, dum.

The moment the gate was opened, Donnie, Sammy, and Jones all clearly sensed something. It was right there in front of the palace!

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

The summoning had already turned into a concrete voice. Donnie and his other two roommates stepped forwardly subconsciously, but Karl looked around and observed the environment in great curiosity.

The more they stepped forward, the clearer the voices of summoning became.

"Come on! You will receive power and a long life!"

"Come on! Strength, wealth, glory, and beauties are waiting for you!"

"Come on! You need not study or research arduously anymore. You will grasp the unparalleled power immediately!"

"Pu." In the mind communication, Karl laughed in amusement, which slightly woke up Donnie, Sammy, and Jones whose heads were already swollen with blood.

"What are you laughing for?" Donnie asked subconsciously.

Unable to hold back his laughter, Karl said, "The temptation is glaringly inconsistent. The first two statements are formal and grandeur, but the last one is too specific. Haha. You need not study or research hard to grasp power. It seems to be specifically prepared for the students who have taken the College Entrance Exam. It's like a weaselly man holding a donut and saying to a little girl, 'You should come with me. You will have wonderful food every day, and you don't have to go to school or finish your homework'. Haha. Don't you find it petty and amusing?"

"No…" Sammy blurted out.

Donnie and Jones also nodded. Karl truly had strange humor.

"You can hear the summoning?" Donnie suddenly realized something. Didn't he say that he could not hear the summoning?

Karl chuckled. "I have certain special abilities…"

He did not explain much. Intense curiosity beamed out of his face, as if he could not wait to meet this tasteless tempter.

After they passed the hall, it was seven stairs before them. Above the stairs was a grave and intimidating throne.

Sitting on the throne was a unique black full armor that was glimmering in coldness. It was poised as if a real person were seated there.

It sat there quietly, but it seemed to have filled the whole universe and dominated everything. Before the mask of the helmet was the impenetrable darkness, exactly like death that nobody could escape or see through.

The moment they saw the full armor, Donnie, Sammy, and Jones' heartbeats were slowed. At a loss and enthralled, they extended their right hands and were about to touch it.

The overwhelming power was right before their eyes, and the ecstasy of controlling everything was so clear. As long as they took parts of the full armor and put it on themselves, they would obtain it easily!

How could Donnie, Sammy, and Jones, who were still magic apprentices, resist it?

Even Karl who had been conscious the whole time frowned, his face changing all the time. He simply watched Donnie and the rest of them acquire the black armor without doing anything.

In the black desert that was full of sand, two people were gazing at the enormous palace quietly. It was exactly Felipe and the vigorous handsome young man earlier.

"Just as I expected…" The young man chuckled, the laziness on his face unchanged at all.

Right when Donnie, Sammy, and Jones were about to touch the weird armor, he suddenly extended his right hand and pressed the void before him.

All of a sudden, he became illusionary, as if he had dispersed and existed everywhere. The whole black desert immediately shook violently, with the earth falling apart.

His hands in his pockets, Felipe observed the changes in silence without any expression on his face.

Power, fortune, and glory were near at hand. Donnie was so passionate that substantial desire oozed from his eyes. His palm was almost reaching the cold armor.

Right at this moment, the earth shook so violently that Donnie, Sammy, and Jones fell on the ground.

Donnie, who was slightly awakened, realized in surprise that cracks were appearing on the captivating armor. Then, it broke apart without a sound and turned into a cluster of dispersive black, white, and gray.

The moment he saw the indescribable and intangible black, white, and gray, Donnie felt that his mind was frozen in eternal quietness. Even his body started to rot.


Something clearly broke.

Donnie opened his eyes abruptly and observed the environment, but his face was frozen again. He thought that he had got rid of the dream, but the scene around him was still strange.

It was infinite darkness, with silver or gold magic runes glittering like stars. They were joined into different constellations and brilliant nebulae.

In the middle of the flowing magic symbols, the cluster of black, white, and gray couldn't have been quiet. Donnie did not have the feeling that he would die the moment he saw it anymore.

"What is this place?" Donnie asked subconsciously, not expecting an answer.

However, Karl's voice echoed. He replied in confusion, "A very familiar place…"

It was not until then that Donnie realized Karl, Sammy, and the fatty were still next to him.


A door seemed to be opened. Donnie looked over in shock, only to discover that a silver gate appeared in the starry cosmos. From out of the gate, a graceful old man in a red, glamorous magic robe came in. He seemed as energetic as ever.

"Ah…" Karl sighed in surprise and delight.

The old man seemed to have sensed something and suddenly turned his eyes at them. In the slightly dirty red eyes, electricity was glittering.

Donnie trembled and was paralyzed as if he had an electric shock. He then lost consciousness and fell into the darkness.

The darkness ebbed, and Donnie rolled over and sat up, breathing heavily nonstop. He looked around again and was finally relieved.

The rays out of the window were dim, and it was quiet and peaceful in the room. It was his own dormitory. He had finally got rid of his nightmare!

However, that old man was truly intimidating. After only one glimpse from the guy, he had been completely woken up.

"Finally awake…" He heard the voices of Sammy and the fatty.

Karl, however, chuckled in a low voice without any stop as if he had been deranged. Donnie was rather intimidated and feared that something was still not right.

"Karl, are you alright?" He ventured to ask.


After the dream was broken, Felipe and the mysterious young man did not appear in the place where they entered the dream. Instead, they emerged in a metal tunnel whose wall was full of decorations in the shape of hives.

The two of them walked forward in silence for a while until they reached a grim gate. Next to the gate were several words written in the common tongue.

[The Eighth Research Institution of the Congress of Magic: Lab of Demigods.]

Chapter 846: Seals

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

An invisible light passed Felipe and the mysterious man, and the silver gate was immediately opened, revealing a honeycomb-shaped pathway in splendid colors.

On the pathway, an old man in a red magic robe was staring at them with lightning bouncing out of his eyes. He lambasted, "Was Brades here just now? Otherwise, Hathaway's experiment couldn't have had such an accident! Also, I sensed him!"

The young man secretly grimaced. "Maybe…"

Then, he asked innocently, "What exactly has happened?"



The Skull Bell of the office tower let out a long and freezing echo.

Donnie happened to be drawing the last line in his soul. So, the magic model collapsed and absorbed the ocean of energy crazily. Life and death entangled, and "power" kept branching, resulting in fierce changes.

After everything died down, a complicated "crystal" was added into Donnie's soul. It flowed mysteriously as the vivid representation of a certain law. It also showed that Donnie had crossed the phase of apprentice and become an official sorcerer!

It was the breakthrough that countless magic apprentices had dreamed about, but most of the apprentices could barely fulfill their wish.

After they became official sorcerers, not only would they be given the power that could kill apprentices and ordinary people easily, but they would also automatically become the members of their hometown's parliament, same as the nobles. For the children of civilians, it meant that they had stepped into the upper society!

Donnie, who was not of a noble background, reviewed himself in delight. After he almost touched the black armor several months ago, Karl, Sammy, and he never had similar nightmares. Their lives and studies were rather peaceful, and it was much easier for him to make breakthroughs in spiritual power. So, after Karl and Sammy, he became an official sorcerer before the new year! It was a reasonably good achievement even considering all the apprentices of the Heidler Magic College.

Although some people had become official sorcerers before they were admitted by the Heidler Magic College, most apprentices were never qualified to fight for the rank until the end of their freshman year. Few of them made the breakthrough before the new year.

"I feel that the few nightmares polished my soul. That's why my spiritual power increased faster and more steadily…" Donnie had a lot of random thoughts. "The nightmares are enough to cause such changes. What could have happened if I touched the black full armor in the end?

"That's not right. Perhaps I would have been controlled by the black armor. I can't be too greedy… Well, I should visit home during the new year holiday and thank Mr. Dollos by the way. Without his generous help, it would've taken forever for me to become an official sorcerer…"


In year 24 of the arcana calendar, at the end of the Month of Ice, any drop of water would be frozen in the blowing wind immediately. The passersby on the street covered themselves in thick clothes and lowered their hats under the coldness.

"It's already so cold…" On the Hexagram Station, Karl pulled his man suit and intentionally exhaled, raising a white mist from his mouth.

Although Donnie had become an official sorcerer, he hadn't cast any spell that could resist the coldness. Therefore, he was also shivering. Holding back his black magic robe, he said, "Yes. Winter only feels like winter in Rentato."

The Heidler Magic College was in the World of Souls with a permanent temperature adjusted by the shield of the college, making it impossible for the students to perceive seasonal changes. After they were out of the World of Souls, Heidler City had been corrupted by the air of the World of Souls for too long and therefore looked more or less the same. On the magic steam trains, there were air conditioners that provided heat. So, although they had seen snow all their way here, Donnie and Karl did not feel that it was winter until this moment.

"I need to go home. See you after the holiday," Karl said in a sweet smile. Then, he waved his hands. "By the way, Happy New Year!"

Sammy and Jones were separated from them in the station in Heidler. After all, their destinations were different.

Watching Karl disappear into the crowd in the station, Donnie sighed faintly. It had been half a year, but he was still not used to Karl's look yet.

Shaking his head, he got rid of the thought and walked out of the station. He had booked a train ticket to return to his hometown tomorrow, and he could only visit and thank Mr. Dollos as well as the teachers who took care of him while he was in school today.

Near the Triumph Square, Donnie walked toward the Knowledge Bookstore in joy, eager to tell Mr. Dollos the good news that he had been promoted into an official sorcerer. It was a simple, understandable show-off that Donnie couldn't stop himself from doing.

"How did this happen?" Donnie stood before the Knowledge Bookstore in a daze, not understanding what happened.

He saw that the gate of the Knowledge Bookstore was closed, with quite a few pieces of dim and fuzzy paper stuck to it.

"How is it closed?" Donnie approached in surprise and identified the words on the paper carefully.

"This store has been closed for tax evasion by the Tax Office of Holm."

"This store has been co-closed by the Punishment Department of the Congress of Magic and the Police Department of Holm for selling banned books."

"This store has been co-closed by the Punishment Department of the Congress of Magic and the City Hall of Rentato for selling fake and unqualified magic items."

Donnie read the orders and mumbled to himself, "What exactly did Mr. Dollos do?"

Ten years ago, thanks to the further popularization of magic items and the growing number of alchemical workshops of different categories, the life in Holm changed greatly. One of the greatest new features was the division of labor. Therefore, Heinrich, the prime minister back then, separated the government departments that used to be combined, in order to deal with the new situation.

Although Mr. Dollos did seem to have committed crimes, Donnie remembered his help and was reluctant to leave. So, he looked for the owners of the nearby stores and asked them carefully.

"A few months back, people of the tax office summoned Dollos first, claiming that he committed tax evasion."

"Dollos never came back after he was summoned. In the days that followed, more and more people came to stick those seals. There were quite plenty of them."

"I'm told that Dollos has already been sentenced to prison and that he won't be released for another five years."

Faced with Donnie who had the badge of an official sorcerer on his chest, none of the store owners dared to lie or use the nicknames that they gave to the tax collectors and the police officers.

"Sentenced to prison…" Donnie murmured in a low voice and struggled for a moment, but he still decided to visit Mr. Dollos. After all, the man had offered tremendous help to him.

However, Donnie was soon disappointed, because the staff of the Congress told him that Dollos was kept in a prison far away, and that his whole holiday was only enough for a round trip. So, taking the suggestion of the staff, he wrote a letter to Dollos and left his own mailing address.



Clang! Clang!

The noise when the train came into the station scared off the kids who were playing around. Even the adults were more or less intimidated. It hadn't been long since the railway was extended to the town, and the folks were not used to the gigantic creature that could run on its own yet.

Donnie slowly walked out of the magic steam train. Seeing the familiar buildings and mountains, he had a lot of complicated feelings.

"Huh, isn't it Donnie White?" There were not many residents in the town. They were quite familiar with each other.

"That's right. It's Donnie. He seems much taller and bigger now. Wait, has the badge on his magic robe changed?"

"One black circle on the silver background. He… He is an honorable Mr. Sorcerer now!"

In the blink of an eye, the town residents whom Donnie was quite familiar with changed their expressions to one that was full of admiration and fear, as if he were no longer the Donnie they knew but a strange Mr. Sorcerer that was even more esteemed than the mayor!

Although they hadn't met an official sorcerer many times, the generous treatment that their petty mayor offered every time had left them a deep impression. Without them knowing it, had their neighbor's naughty kid become a high and mighty sorcerer too?

The residents' change of attitudes couldn't have escaped Donnie's senses, which were now keener and keener. He was both somewhat uncomfortable and somewhat delighted. No wonder everybody wanted to be a sorcerer and a noble. At the very least, until he could really explore the world, the feeling of being respected could motivate him to work hard.

After a brief silence, somebody left the station and shouted, "White, White, your little Donnie is back! He is now a Mr. Sorcerer!"

Donnie hurried to move forward to the exit.

Very soon, a middle-aged man whose face seemed to have been whetted by frostbite appeared on the street near the station. He was old and had gray hair. Had it not been for his lack of wrinkles, he would've convinced everyone that he was in his fifties. Behind him was a plump woman and a young and vigorous girl.

The three of them were equally excited and delighted. The two ladies were weeping already.

"Father, Mother, Lily…" Donnie walked to them. His voice was choked with tears.

His father held his hand tightly and patted it hard. "Great, great, so great…"

At this moment, Donnie felt that all his previous ordeals were worth it!


Passing the new year in easiness and delight, Donnie was quite satisfied with his new life. The only unpleasant thing was that the town was still very underdeveloped. Lamps were only set up near the station, and there weren't any home TVs. The only entertainment was Arcana Voice on the empty ground to the east of the town.

On that day, when Donnie, his parents, and his sister were about to go out to listen to Arcana Voice, a wagon with the sigil of a noble suddenly stopped before their house.

"Greetings, esteemed Mr. White. My lord, Baron Herdos, would like to invite you to his manor. He's hoping that you could help him resolve a problem that has bothered him for a long time." A butler-looking man got off the wagon.

Knowing that Baron Herdos was the lord of the few towns around, Donnie dare not disrespect him. "What is the nature of the problem? I would be happy if I can offer any help."

The butler did not lie. "My lord has an ancient castle that seems to be haunted by ghosts. We asked for the help of several magic apprentices and sorcerers before, but it did not work. Two magic apprentices even died inside. We're told that you have already become an official sorcerer, and you are a student of the Heidler Magic College. So, my lord sincerely asks for your help. You are a professional."

Donnie had a conditional reflex of fear about such things. However, before he declined the request, the butler already said, "Whether or not you can take care of the problem, my lord will offer you ten queen gold coins as a reward. If the matter is resolved, there will be even more!"

847 The Minor Negligence

Ten queen gold coins? Donnie's breath suddenly turned heavy. He knew that he would earn a lot of money after he became an official sorcerer, but he had been barely engaged in any deals in cash since most of the subsidies in school were exchanged to arcana points. Therefore, after he heard the offer of ten queen gold coins, his heart beat fast, and he swallowed hard.

Ten queen gold coins were nothing for nobles, wealthy merchants, and sorcerers. However, having been brought up poor in a civilian family in a small town, Donnie had never seen one gold coin in his entire life. Also, he could earn the tremendous wealth that could significantly improve his family conditions without promising that he could solve the problem. How could he not be tempted?

If he wished to continue on the path of sorcerers, materials, recipes, books, and extraordinary items were unavoidable. All of them needed the support of wealth!

If he could really take care of the problem, how much would Baron Herdos pay him?

Donnie thought about so many things that even his voice became slightly coarse. "If I can fix the issue, how much would the baron pay me?"

The butler's face was unchanged, and he did not mock Donnie's overconfidence even though a third-circle sorcerer had been hired before but failed. He said respectfully, "My lord said that, if Mr. White could restore the peace of the castle, you will be given an additional 'Magic Glove', which is a level-two extraordinary item, besides the ten queen gold coins."

An extraordinary item? Donnie felt that hot blood was surging into his head. He almost accepted the request immediately.

Thankfully, the meditation and casting exercises that he had been doing helped him maintain his last consciousness. He said calmly, "Baron Herdos is the lord of this town. I am very happy to help him. However, I need the records about how the previous sorcerers and apprentices handled the anomaly in the castle. If I am confident enough to solve it, I'll go to the castle in person."

He couldn't be more prudent about such a matter.

A smile appeared on the butler's respectful face. He took out a thick pile of documents from his suitcase and said, "These are the records you need."

Sensing Donnie's surprise, he explained with a smile, "My lord is no stranger to sorcerers, so he knew that you would need those."

Donnie's puzzle was answered. He took over the records and examined them with magic. Finding no sign of tampering, he read them carefully.

After a long time, he turned the pages and said peacefully, "Two apprentices were so surprised that they jumped out of the window of the castle, which got themselves killed. There is no death record of sorcerers. Well, it shouldn't be too dangerous for me. Mr. Butler, please lead me to the baron."

The first half of the sentences weren't meant for the butler. They were for his parents and his sister in case they were worried.

As he expected, after hearing his explanation, Lily and Mrs. White, who were concerned and about to stop him, were both relieved. It was an honor of their family that their son (brother) was appreciated by the lord. It was really the right decision to let him go to the generic school!

As civilians, they were more revered by their lord than the regular sorcerers were.

Donnie's father nodded in excitement, telling Donnie to go without concerns about the family.


Near the town were the rising and falling hills that were covered in evergreens. A deep, dark castle stood next to a beautiful peaceful lake and added to the magnificence of the scenery.

Inside the castle, Donnie and Baron Herdos, who was coughing all the time with an emaciated face, sat face to face on the couch.

"This castle has been in our family for nine hundred years. It's a symbol of the Herdos family. However, the haunting in the past decades has been bothering us. I hope that you can help fix the problem, Mr. White, as a professional of the school of necromancy," Baron Herdos said in a weak voice.

He had been living in his villa in the city and barely returned to the castle. Today, he had specifically come back to wait for Donnie. After the establishment of the electric system and the popularization of alchemical items, more and more nobles preferred to live in the city or the suburbs. Castles were gradually being abandoned unless the infrastructure could be extended deep into the woods in the future.

While Donnie was a necromancer majoring in body structure and genetic factors, the knowledge on ghosts and evil spirits was among the compulsory courses of the Heidler Magic College. So, he was no stranger to them. He asked solemnly, "I wonder what happened decades ago that caused the haunting ghost. I hope that you can tell me everything without neglecting any detail."

A ghost certainly could not have come out of nowhere.

"Nothing really happened. The previous sorcerers asked the same thing," Baron Herdos replied with a bitter smile.

The sorcerers he hired before were not the professionals of the school of necromancy, but since they were here to address the problem, they had certainly done their investigations. Unless they were out of their minds, no sorcerers would act recklessly.

"It seemed to have appeared all of a sudden. Maybe somebody did something in secret, but it's been too long, and the leads must be gone already," Baron Herdos added.

Donnie nodded his head. "I hope that you can give your family files during that period to me. All the files. I'll stay here tonight and kill my time with them."

"Thank you for your help in advance, Mr. Donnie." Baron Herdos nodded. Then, he left ten queen gold coins on the table, before he left the castle with his butler and returned to the city.

The servants of the castle all came during the day and left by the evening. None dared to spend the night here. Therefore, after Baron Herdos left, the castle resumed its peace and gloom. Fire was burning furiously inside the furnace, but it could not drive off the deep coldness.

Donnie examined the castle and found nothing. Then, he got into a bedroom and began to meditate to stay sharp, waiting for the night to come.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

After three bell knocks, the old clock suggested the arrival of ten o'clock. According to Donnie's files, all the ghost-related phenomena happened after this hour.


The moment the bell stopped, Donnie heard a dull and strange voice. He frowned. Was it the sound of the wind blowing at the window frame? However, he had checked a moment ago, and all the windows were closed!

Touching the sorcerer's badge on his chest, Donnie opened the door and entered the corridor, walking toward the source of the sound.


An enormous and dull collision echoed behind Donnie. He was so scared that he hurried to turn back, only to discover that the room that he just left was closed automatically!

Wu! Wu! Wu!

Weeping noise that was as feeble as an illusion found its way into Donnie's ears. He had goosebumps all over his body. Had it not been for his nightmare experiences, he probably couldn't have remained calm.


The sobbing wind suddenly blew in the corridor.

Candles died out one after another, and the castle was completely enshrouded in darkness.

Donnie hurried to cast a "Luminosity". His glove immediately glowed like a torch and illuminated the environment.

However, all of a sudden, a cold and gloomy breath blew at Donnie's neck, making his hair erect. Then, "Luminosity" ended without a sound!

"This evil spirit is even more horrible than described!"

Having seen all kinds of undead creatures in his nightmares, Donnie felt the power of the evil spirit more clearly than regular sorcerers would. He accelerated to the gate of the castle in uneasiness. "It interrupted my spell without alarming me at all! How could the previous sorcerers have survived?"

Generally speaking, such evil spirits were all stranded in a place. As long as he left the castle, he would be safe!

"Ge! Ge! Ge!"

A white fuzzy shadow floated before him and laughed devastatingly.

"If I didn't let them leave, would they have delivered food to me again and again?"

Donnie was greatly alarmed. It knew what was on his mind? Or maybe… was it shaking his determination with the illusion and the words?

"Rest assured. I will not simply eat you; I will suck your soul slowly and gradually." The shadow flashed here and there, not giving Donnie any chance to lock onto it. "Ever since I was woken up, I have been very abstemious. I will only suck half of your soul, which will make you forget what happened and come here once every few months."

Donnie moved forward warily, unaffected by the words. The evil spirit did not stop him either.

He was more or less relieved, feeling that the evil spirit was only bragging. At this moment, he had reached the gate of the castle.

All he needed to do was to run out!

Donnie pulled the gate, but it was the hall of the castle out of the gate!

Shock and coldness rose from his feet, paralyzing his whole body quickly.

"Haha. I like fear more than anything else." A pale, illusionary face appeared before Donnie. It opened its mouth and spewed stench out at Donnie's face brutally. He was so dizzy that he could not focus his attention to cast any spell again.

Looking at the face at a loss, Donnie felt colder and colder. His soul seemed almost frozen.

He survived those nightmares, only to be killed by this not-so-powerful evil spirit in the end?

Suddenly, Donnie sensed that something cold surged in his right hand. Then, it lifted beyond his control and snatched the face before him.

Is this my right hand?

A palm in the monotonous black, white, and gray appeared in Donnie's pupils. He felt that he saw the never-fading death the moment he saw this hand!

"No!" The evil spirit cried miserably, as if it had seen what it was most scared of.

Then, it was stiffened as if it were waiting for Donnie's right hand.

The right hand passed through it, and the evil spirit was dismembered and thrown into the black, white, and gray, vanishing into nothingness.

Donnie was back to himself. He hurried to cast Luminosity, only to discover that everything was the same as before although the candles were put out.

"An illusion? No, it must be real!" Donnie raised his right hand. Looking at the hand that showed no anomalies now, he mumbled, "What happened? Why did my right hand turn into that?"

In the previous moment, he felt that he was the dominator of death!

"It… It feels a lot like the black, white, and gray and the black armor in the nightmares!" Donnie suddenly raised his head, and his face was covered in a cold sweat.


Outside of the castle, a magnificent person stood quietly and smiled. "As I expected, all the problems cannot be resolved so easily."

848 Trump Card or Insidious Problem?

Cold wind passed by, and the sweat on his forehead was almost frozen into ice. Donnie trembled hard because of the coldness. However, he was not woken up but merely looked at his right hand half in delight and half in fear, recalling the picture from just now.

The monotonous black, white, and gray, the eternal silence that seemed to affect the environment and completely overwhelmed the evil spirit, and the snatch that could directly penetrate the defense of the evil spirit. His right hand was so strange and so powerful!

It felt very similar to the black full armor that he met in his nightmares and the black, white, and gray that was sealed at the center of the illusionary cosmos!

Did something go wrong during the nightmares, and he was corrupted by the "monster" without him knowing it?

Donnie felt scared from the bottom of his heart when he thought of the monster that could manipulate their dreams and that resembled the purest death when he looked at it. So, he shook his head violently, waking himself from the trance. He roared in his heart, I need to find Karl immediately! Only he and the big shots behind him can help me fix the problem! They must be very interested in the monster!

The roars in his heart drove Donnie to walk forward toward the gate of the real castle. At this moment, he saw the glimmering powder on the carpet.

Powder of the evil spirit?

Donnie came to an abrupt halt. Was it left by the evil spirit after it died?

The powder of the evil spirit was a middle-rank material that was very rare and precious. It was something that Donnie never thought he could have before!

However, Donnie was stunned. Before stooping to pick it up or retrieving it with a spell, he heard a clear voice in his heart.

"The evil spirit just now must've been as strong as a fifth-circle sorcerer. Chances were that it was close to the senior rank. Killing me should've been as easy as killing an ordinary person for it, but it could not resist my right hand at all under the weird black, white, and gray. It broke like a bubble after I poked it…

"Is my right hand so powerful?

"The contamination of the monster alone has already turned me so powerful?"

Sensing the power of his right hand for real, Donnie hesitated. For a civilian who had grown from an ordinary person to a magic apprentice to an official sorcerer through hard work, such capabilities were beyond his imagination before.

"With the hand, I will have the power to suppress the specters below the senior rank. It's possible that I can even affect the senior-rank ones…

"Also, it seems able to eliminate the extraordinary abilities below the senior rank like the 'Elimination' blood power. It may be even stronger than that…

"In such a case, I'll be able to take adventures in the World of Souls and explore the mausoleums that are considered dangerous. I will acquire all kinds of materials and astronomical wealth, which will significantly improve my strength…

"Strength means position. I will be treated respectfully even if I am faced with a grand noble…

"My father and my mother wouldn't need to worry about the grocery store anymore. They can enjoy the convenience brought by the alchemical items… Lily will have a chance to go to the generic school instead of helping with the family chores and waiting to be married without having a life of her own…"

Donnie's facial muscles were unprecedentedly twisted in horrifying hideousness.

"After all, nobody could tell that something is wrong with my right hand! At least, Karl and the big shots behind him did not notice it!"

Gradually, Donnie put his right hand back into the pocket of his magic robe.


The cold wind blew, and a window that was opened at some point bashed into the frame brutally.

Donnie was suddenly woken up. Sensing the freezing coldness, he was suddenly refreshed, and his desires were overwhelmed by his fear again.

"What happened to me just now? The monstrous air in my right hand makes me powerful, but who knows if it will corrupt me and turn me into an unconscious zombie one step after another?

"The power that is beyond control and of unknown sources must be studied carefully… Too many senior-rank sorcerers have been killed in reckless attempts…

"As long as I am alive, there will always be opportunities!"

Donnie finally made up his mind and decided to call Karl, who had left his personal number to him, immediately after he was back to the town. Then, the outcome couldn't be more severe than losing a right hand. Also, with any luck, there would be some power that was controllable and did not have insidious problems left.

Outside of the castle, the tall person chuckled. "It's good that the guy has a remarkable control over his desires. Otherwise, he would not just be corrupted by the air of death, and it's possible that 'Greed' would be triggered."

Primeval devils could never be extinguished as long as intelligent creatures existed. They would reappear and regather in a dozen years at most, except that they would not be as powerful as before for a while.

Donnie traveled in the quiet and dark forest by himself. Roars of beasts burst out now and then intimidatingly, but for Donnie, it was much easier and safer than the castle. Those beasts and ghosts combined could not compare to one "Paralyzing Breath" from the evil spirit.

He had left a note to Baron Herdos, indicating that he had fixed the problem of the evil spirit. Then, he returned to his town without any delay.

Enhanced by magic, Donnie saw the familiar town after only two hours. Except for the station of the magic steam train that was illuminated by the bright lamps, the other places were utterly dark and quiet.

Donnie chose to go to the station. He walked to the office and knocked on the closed door heavily.

"Who is it?" the cleric inside asked in fear. Could it be a bandit?

Many magic steam trains that shipped cargoes passed during the night, so somebody had to stay in the station for coordination. However, in such a small town, barely any of the staff had the power of the magic apprentice, and they could only deal with dangers with the burst guns, but the bandits had already learned their lessons. They knew how to dodge the weapon and wouldn't wait to be shot like what they did in the past.

If the bandits were as strong as knight squires or magic apprentices, it would be even more dangerous. After all, burst guns required human aiming and could not lock onto the target with spiritual power.

Donnie took off his sorcerer's badge and waved it at the window. "I am Donnie. I need to use the phone in the station. This is the right of the sorcerers."

According to the agreement of the Congress of Magic and many countries, the official sorcerers could use the communication facilities in public places with their badges in emergencies.

The cleric inside was greatly relieved. After confirming the authenticity of the badge, he opened the gate. "Come on in, Mr. Donnie. The phone is on the desk."

Donnie nodded. Having no time to thank the guy, he hurried to go to the desk and dialed Karl's number.

After three beeps, Karl's lazy and vague voice came over. "Who's calling me in the middle of a night? Do you not know that this is a very inhuman and brutal thing to do?"

He seemed to be rather angry to be woken up from sleeping.

Donnie was briefly stunned. Karl's voice sounded less magnetic on the phone. "Karl, this is Donnie. I have run into something weird."

"Donnie? What weird thing?" Karl seemed refreshed. Then, he said habitually, "If it is not weird, you will have to apologize to me. Interrupting other people's sweet dream is punishable by sentencing into prison. I have to stay energized to listen to Grandpa Victor's concert tomorrow, which is probably going to be his last one. I cannot miss it, and I cannot yawn during it…"

"The black armor monster in the nightmares is attached to my right hand," Donnie said straightforwardly. That was the only way to stop Karl's rambling.

In fact, he also knew that Victor's concert would be held in Rentato tomorrow, as had been introduced by Arcana Voice.

As Mr. Evans' music teacher, he was too old to hold concerts anymore even though he had been taking magic potions. It was said that he would hold a farewell concert in both Aalto and Rentato to show that he treated classic music and pop music equally.

Although Victor was known for his good student, all music lovers knew that Mr. Victor's achievements in music were enough to make him a master. His other few students had also distinguished themselves with their music even though they were not as good as himself or Mr. Evans. So, he had been praised to be the best music mentor.

Karl suddenly raised his voice. "The black armor monster in the nightmares? Does your right hand demonstrate frozen black, white, and gray, suppress the undead creatures, and eliminate spells?"

"How did you know?" Donnie was quite surprised.

Karl smiled. "Of course I know it. My father saw it and told me before. Hehe. It's great that you told me, or your vitality would fade away quickly. Perhaps in a couple of years, your body will start to rot…"

"Then, what should I do?" Donnie was glad that he made the right choice.

Hesitating for a moment, Karl said, "It's going to be fine for the time being. I'll come to find you after Grandpa Victor's concert. Alternatively, you can take the earliest train to Rentato tomorrow morning. I'll have someone pick you up."

"I'll come tomorrow!" Donnie dared not delay at all and decided to go to Rentato the next morning. "Thank you, Karl. I'll stop bothering you. I need to take a rest."

Karl chuckled. "You've woken me up, and you want to go to sleep? No, you have to chat with me!"

"But you have a concert tomorrow…" Donnie could not refuse it. He felt that he was exhausted.

Although Karl was talkative, he was certainly not insensitive. Noticing Donnie's reluctance, he ended the call.

Donnie went home quietly. He dared not go to sleep, fearing that he would have nightmares again. So, he began to meditate.

In the middle of the fuzzy and hazy meditation, Donnie's body suddenly trembled. He felt that the scene before his eyes changed greatly. Around him was the frozen, dull black, white, and gray, where mountains, rivers, cities, and villages were reflected and countless undead creatures were wandering everywhere without the slightest sound or color.

"The World of Souls? I'm having a nightmare again?" Donnie thought in shock. He had entered a dream without sleeping?

"This city is a mess, but it looks somewhat familiar… It's Aalto, 'Capital of Music', that the documentary of the Sky TV Station mentioned!"

Donnie had never thought that he would come to a city on the other side of the continent.

Outside of the city, two persons that seemed both real and illusionary looked at everything quietly. One of them said in a low voice, "Brother, aren't we going to do something?"

It was Karl's voice. As it turned out, he could speak in the World of Souls, except that he was also in black, white, and gray right now!

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The pale and dim sky, the topsy-turvy city, and the colorlessness and soundlessness covered the World of Souls in the eternal coldness and silence.

The taller of the two persons who were observing Donnie from outside of the city said in a low magnetic voice, "Rest assured. It's going to be fine. I'm only trying to figure out what he is trying to do and where he is going after releasing some of his air through such hard work."

"Alright." Karl trusted his brother very much and did not say anything else. "He must be looking for a way to get out of his quagmire. Hehe. If he seeks cooperation, we wouldn't seal and study him all the time. Grandpa Fernando has plenty of experiment materials, and Father has established a demigod path of arcanists. We're researching him just to figure out what 'death' is, how it can be included in the current arcana system, what extraordinary abilities it has, and whether they can be modified into the legendary spells of the school of necromancy…"

The taller person rubbed his temples. "You're not strong enough and can only count on your talents right now. So, you should not talk much in the World of Souls."

Donnie looked at everything around him in a daze. Staring at the Psalm Hall, which had appeared in the district of the poor for a long time, he was finally back to himself and thought bitterly, I've always hoped to visit the Capital of Music, but I did not plan to come under such circumstances.

He was rather ill at ease, not knowing why the mysterious existence dragged him into the World of Souls. So, he did not even have the interest to visit the Psalm Hall before him.

Suddenly, he felt that his right hand was cold. A distant, old, and hoarse voice echoed in his heart. "Go back! Go back to where you belong!"

The voice was both magnificent and cold, numbing Donnie's soul and making him feel the most earnest summoning from far away and from the bottom of his heart!

It deprived him of his resistance. Just like it was his own wish, he strode forward and pressed toward the deepest part of the World of Souls.

At this moment, Donnie hadn't lost the ability to think. He was puzzled about the source of the summoning and his own destination. However, he did not find it strange that he accepted the summoning, as though it were his own thought and the only reasonable action.

As he walked on, the cold, monotonous black, white, and gray surfaced on Donnie's right hand, before it covered Donnie's whole body. His blue eyes, the silver background of his magic badge, and the silver spots on his arcana badge were all highlighted. He flashed forward, and every step seemed to be covering a long distance.

After a long time, Donnie's eyes glittered. A group of magnificent, boundless palaces was reflected in his pupils. Many of the palaces rose into the pale sky, their tips beyond the eye, as if they led to the residence of the true god.

It was a splendid and magnificent view that Donnie had never seen before and could never imagine. So, he was stunned there like a vivid statue.

However, Donnie trembled hard and woke up from his shock, because he sensed the horrifying vibes that could collapse his soul. They were only secondary to the black armor in his nightmares and much more powerful than his mentor Robert, shaking both his body and his heart!

Looking at the mummy that was covered in brown, oily cloths, the monster in a black cape with a long scythe and a misty face, the gold skull that drifted up and down, and the enormous dragon of bones, Donnie hated that he had taken the creature identification class so carefully that he recognized what they were the moment he saw them.

The Primordial Mummy, the Servant of Death, the Demigod-lich, and the Dragon of the Death. They were all legendary undead creatures!

Further away, from the horde of the dense undead creatures, a lot of similar air was coming over.

"L… Legendary…" Donnie's eyes widened. He would've been covered in a cold sweat if he weren't in the World of Souls. He had never seen or got in touch with a legend in his entire life!

Despite the rapid development of arcana and magic, and even though telegrams, phones, satellite stream, and radio programs had made the world much smaller, "legendary" was still something that most intelligent creatures feared and admired. It represented the sublimation of life and absolute domination.

The fear in Donnie's heart made him back off subconsciously, but the ancient and overwhelming voice was still roaring, "Come back! Come back!"

It forced Donnie to step forward instead of backing off. He was about to approach the evil and horrifying Primordial Mummy.

Donnie's legs were shaking, and his teeth were chattering. He would love to pass out right now to avoid being torn apart and swallowed by the legendary undead creatures.

However, at this moment, the Primordial Mummy collapsed forward like a mountain and kneeled on the ground, placing its head next to Donnie's feet.

Without a sound, countless undead creatures fell on their knees, raising an enormous wave, as if they were embracing their dominator and their king!

Donnie looked at the scene in shock. Too many thoughts rolled in his heart. He was both shocked and somewhat satisfied. The feeling of being respected was so marvelous that no wonder so many people sought after it.

"It's a pity that those legendary undead creatures are not kneeling for me…" Donnie managed to stay awake and flew forward following his heart. Wherever he reached, both the legendary undead creatures and the small festered zombies that even Donnie could've killed easily kneeled before him.

After the undead creatures fell on their knees, Donnie was able to see further. Then, his eyes encountered a pair of transparent amber eyes!

It was a monster in the myths, but Donnie, who had been watching stream shows all the time, was no stranger to it. It was a dragon! It was a crystal dragon that was fully covered in transparent scales!

The crystal dragon seemed to be wearing something, which allowed its scales to emit cold and dreamy brilliance even in the World of Souls. However, it was in an extremely weird state. It was crouching among the undead creatures and picking something with its claws. Many gray, bulging bags were hanging on its back, and a black cloth that could only cover its nose was on its face.

The might of the dragon surged at him, and Donnie lost his calmness and shouted, "Monster!"

"Monster!" The crystal dragon was scared too, and its slightly juvenile voice turned sharp.

Then, the person and the dragon both turned around and fled, as if they were both scared of each other.

Observing it from far away, Karl said in amusement, "Why is he collecting garbage here again?"

"With the item that Father gave him, he cannot be perceived by the legendary undead creatures. Naturally, he has to come here to search for valuable materials and gems." The tall shadow chuckled. "Many materials here are very precious."

"That's so filthy!" Karl pinched his nose and raised his voice as he said, "I won't acknowledge him as my friend anymore!"

The taller person turned his eyes to Donnie. "Is there any secret in the Temple of Spirits that's worth his return?"

"Maybe something here can help him get out of the trap." Karl snorted at the crystal dragon's back, which was disappearing far away.

After he escaped from the dragon, Donnie entered the group of enormous black palaces from a side door. The roar in his heart was higher and higher, and the feeling of being summoned was stronger and stronger!

It made him move faster and faster, as if the greatest benefits were awaiting him up ahead!

Passing through the temples, Donnie suddenly beamed with interest, because one of the palaces was full of bookshelves on which countless yellow books were covered with an intense stench.

The instincts of an arcanist made Donnie stop and observe the surroundings.

"Those books must be very precious. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been preserved so thoroughly and emitted colors in the World of Souls…" Donnie thought in delight. He held the deepest love for books because they changed his fate!

Although he had the strong urge of drawing a book out and taking a look at it, the strong sense of summoning prompted Donnie to surpass the bookshelves and run to the exit.

After he left, a young male walked out of a corner that was blocked by the bookshelves. He had silver hair and silver pupils, with an eccentrically handsome face. In a red shirt and a black coat, he was holding an opened book in his hands.

"Hehe. You're back again? Interesting…" He closed the book and followed Donnie casually.


"Come back!"

Similar roars echoed in Donnie's heart. The black, white, and gray on his right hand gradually covered his whole body.

It slowed and paralyzed his mind. His body seemed to have been occupied and controlled by someone invisible.

Pale and dim fire was ignited inside his pupils. Then, he flew toward the exit up ahead earnestly.

Donnie, who managed to retain part of his consciousness, could only see the things ahead of him and lost the ability to control his body.

Karl, who was tailing him far away, said in amusement, "Is he trying to return to the Path of Immortality?"

"Maybe he has found something in his research, and he is confident to get out of his trouble through the Path of Immortality," the taller person said casually and did not hurry to stop them at all.

The wall where countless faces of souls were gathered, the channel that released the air of immortality, and the landscape that was dispersing and collapsing all the time… The weird pictures popped up in Donnie's head. Although he had seen none of them before, he had the clear vision that he was about to see them in a minute!

After he left the exit, Donnie saw a "familiar" square, and the wall where the soul faces were frozen stood at the entrance of the palace at the end.

However, there were plenty of other things that Donnie wasn't familiar with!

Above the palace hanged red banners that read:

[We sincerely welcome the God of Silver Moon to inspect our work…]

[By all the members of the Ninth Research Institution of the Congress of Magic…]

[Portal of All Realms!]

The cheesy decorations made the voice that echoed in Donnie's head burst out a miserable cry.


At this moment, a tall and kind-looking old man walked out of the back of the Furnace of Souls. In a tailcoat, he smiled gently and waved his hands, extracting the black, white, and gray inside Donnie's body and recovering him!

"Mr… Mr. President!"

How could Donnie not know the president of the Congress of Magic!

"This is one of the most advanced research institutions of the Congress. It was founded by Lucien in person for the travel and exploration between parallel universes. Now that you are here, you can visit it by the way." Douglas did not mention anything that happened just now.

Donnie bulged his mouth widely and forgot to close it. Why could he hear the name of Lucien Evans in such an uncanny place too?

Far away, Karl laughed rather delightedly.

(End of Side Story: Year 24 of the Arcana Calendar)