789 - 797

Chapter 789: Each Person's Monday

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

9:30 a.m., Backlund Bridge area, Iron Gate Street, Bravehearts Bar.

Emlyn White stood rooted to his spot after he got down from the carriage. He stared ahead in a daze, nearly forgetting to avoid the sunlight.

At that moment, the bar's main door was shut with no signs of it opening.

As a Sanguine who seldom left his home and only went to places like bars at night, Emlyn never expected the bar to be closed in the morning. He had left the Harvest Church in a rush via the transportation system after seeing the paper slip, hoping to obtain any first-hand intelligence.

To save time, he even tolerated the cramped environment and stench of the metro.

At that moment, Emlyn was somewhat peeved, but he knew that he had made the mistake. All he could do was pull a face and circle around Iron Gate Street to not waste his trip.

Just as he was about to approach a rental carriage that stood along the street, he caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

The person was wearing a brown rounded top hat and an old coat while carrying a ragged haversack. He was none other than Ian, the underground arms dealer and intelligence merchant.

Hehe, I have quite good intuition. I knew he would appear early! Emlyn was delighted as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and leisurely walked over, blocking Ian's way as he chuckled.

"Good morning."

Ian looked up and glanced at the handsome man before him, replying in puzzlement, "Good morning, Mr. White. You should've come in the evening."

"It seems to be a suitable time now," Emlyn said with a smile, clearly in a good mood. "Ian, why do you always wear the same clothes and outfit every time I see you?"

Ian answered without minding the question, "This can make me appear more mature while allowing me to keep a low profile.

"Of course, the main reason is that I lack money."

The final sentence was added with a joking tone.

"I look forward to your attire in summer," Emlyn said with a scoff.

"I'll take off my coat," As Ian spoke, he took out two pieces of paper from his ragged haversack. They were the bounty notices that Emlyn had previously given him. "Someone in East Borough saw this person."

He handed over one of the papers to Emlyn, and on it was the name, Argos.

Realizing that there really were clues to the Primordial Moon believers, Emlyn asked in delight, "Where is he?"

Ian didn't reply as he looked at him with a silent smile.

Experienced, Emlyn immediately took out his wallet and gave 150 pounds to Ian.

"That's your reward."

Ian smiled and said, "There's still another half to go."

Another half? Emlyn nearly wanted to let this merchant in front of him know the prowess of a Sanguine. This was because an effective clue cost 20 pounds, while an exact location cost 150 pounds.

However, he quickly read between the lines as he asked in pleasant surprise, "Another one was found?"

"Yes." Ian handed him the remaining piece of paper in his hand. "While my friend observed Argos and confirmed his residence, it was discovered that he had met with this person named Galis Kevin. Therefore, I've obtained the residence of the two targets at the same time."

"…Very good." Emlyn emptied his wallet and gave another 150 pounds to Ian.

He was abnormally delighted; he felt that the Ancestor and Mr. Fool were blessing him. This was because there were only five targets, and he had successfully hunted one. Now, with two additional clues, all he needed to do was succeed in order to declare himself victor regardless of what the other Sanguine did.

Ian seriously counted and checked the notes before saying with a suppressed voice, "Argos is on the third story of the apartment block at East Borough's 6 Limestone Street, opposite the public washroom.

"Galis Kevin is similarly in East Borough. He stays in the room beside the staircase on the first floor at 19 Beluga Whale Street."

"I will confirm your intelligence. I believe you wouldn't wish to abandon your business for a mere 300 pounds." Emlyn nodded gently as he gave a warning. Following that, he chuckled and said, "They were found so easily?"

Ian's red eyes darted around slightly as he said, "First, many bounty hunters are my friends. They have many informants in East Borough.

"Second, those two gentlemen didn't have great disguises. Despite being in East Borough, they wore very different attire from the people around them. If they were willing to wear more ragged clothes and did more than twelve hours of labor work, I believe they would be hard to find in the messy East Borough."

Is that so… One needs to take note of the difference in environment when hiding oneself… Emlyn muttered silently to himself, feeling as though he had learned a new trick.

He didn't plan on heading to East Borough immediately. This was because even if he took action in the day, it would be very difficult to escape without causing a commotion. It was a rather dangerous act in Backlund, as it meant that the Mandated Punishers or Nighthawks might come knocking at the door just after he sneaked back home.

Emlyn planned on verifying the situation and taking action between eight to nine in the evening after the Tarot Gathering.

The Primordial Moon believer from before was quite strong. These two likely aren't weaker. Although I have confidence, it feels unsafe only relying on myself… As Emlyn considered the problem, he waved his hand and bade Ian farewell. He rode on a rental carriage, heading back for the south side of the Bridge.

East Chester County, Stoen City.

Audrey stood behind a railing, watching the servants placing the items that had been brought from the family castle in suitable spots. The scene was bustling but orderly.

I'll send someone to Associate Professor Michele later and tell him that I'll be paying a visit to the Relic Search and Preservation Foundation… I hope that they've obtained some items that have been tainted with Beyonder effects… As Audrey's mind wandered, she couldn't help but smile. She was proud of her decision of donating the funds to establish the foundation.

When her eyes that were as beautiful as emeralds saw the time on the wall clock, she hurriedly reined in her thoughts and turned to return to her bedroom.

Susie was slumped in a corner of the bedroom. Its front paws were crossed, giving it a sense of elegance.

In front of it was an opened book. There were dense lines of text written on it.

Susie would raise one of her front paws from time to time to flip the page as she read with great seriousness.

Every time I see Susie like that, I feel a little ashamed… Audrey, you mustn't slack off on your education! Audrey encouraged herself in silence as she approached, planning to get Susie to head outside to guard the door.

Susie looked up and glanced at Audrey before standing straight up, saying, "I got it!"

After saying that, it briskly ran out the bedroom without closing the door.

"…I haven't said anything." Audrey blinked as she softly muttered to herself.

She had given such instructions many times. To prevent Susie from detecting that she wanted to be alone in the room from 3 to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, forbidding humans and dogs from coming close, she had also done similar matters at other times, pretending that there was a gathering, wanting alone time while maintaining an irregular pattern.

I have to say that Susie's existence has effectively raised my motivation to learn, as well as how strictly I handle matters… I can't be inferior to a dog! But, being better than this dog doesn't seem to be something worthy of praise… Audrey puffed her cheeks with a self-deprecating comment as she sat by her bed, awaiting the beginning of the Tarot Gathering.

3 p.m. above the gray fog.

Dark red figures shot up along the two sides of the long bronze table, materializing into different blurry figures.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~" Audrey's greeted with a cheery voice as she bowed.

The other members greeted one after another until the existence at the seat of honor nodded in response.

While sitting down, Fors couldn't help but look at Mr. World, wondering what she should use as an opening.

Apart from passing on her teacher's reply to Ma'am Hermit, she planned on doing a few matters. One, she wanted to tell Mr. World that due to the difficulty of the mission, she would pay him more, but it required him to wait. This was because the sale of the houses took time. Second, after brainstorming, she thought of a good way that could earn money and raise her strength. She had gained inspiration from The World's actions: Rent out Leymano's Travels!

When a member needed an item to temporarily raise their combat strength to deal with certain situations, they could rent Leymano's Travels from her. The rent could be paid in two forms—cash which wasn't too expensive or to record Beyonder powers instead. This also meant that the renter had to guarantee that the spellbook was returned with more filled pages.

Of course, as the provider, Fors would record useful Apprentice powers like Door Opening, providing the renter with relevant help.

A problem that could easily happen in this transaction was that the renter might not return it, but with Mr. Fool witnessing these exchanges in the Tarot Club, Fors believed that no one would be blinded by greed.

And the death of the renter was a low probability event for losing Leymano's Travels. But with everyone knowing that they could pray to Mr. Fool in times of danger, death was an even smaller probability!

How can there not be any risks when doing business… I will talk to Mr. World about when he will use it so that there won't be any conflicts… Fors retracted her gaze and heard Ma'am Hermit speak.

"Honorable Mr. Fool, I have two pages of Roselle's diary this time."

Ever since contact was made with Queen Mystic, the receiving of diary pages has stabilized in a rather terrifying manner… Klein nodded slightly and chuckled.

"Very good."

After a brief silence, Cattleya conjured two yellowish-brown pieces of paper. They leaped into Mr. Fool's palms as if they had tunneled through the spirit world.

Klein slowly lowered his gaze at the diary in his hands.

"29th December. It's almost a new year again.

"All the mausoleums have been built. What's done cannot be undone."

Chapter 790: The End of the Diary

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

All the mausoleums have been built… What's done cannot be undone… Klein looked at the diary page in his hand as his thoughts boiled over as ideas kept emerging and shattering.

From his point of view, this diary page of Emperor Roselle nearly proved his previous conjectures. He had chosen to forcefully switch to the Black Emperor pathway in his later years, doing so at the cost of going mad to become a Sequence 0 true god!

What drove the emperor to make such a decision? What did "He" discover that resulted in "His" agitation, rashness, and loss of composure in the previous diary entry? And compared to back then, "His" emotions in this diary entry appear calm and composed, but it feels like "He" is even more extreme… It's hard to imagine what the emperor experienced or encountered in "His" later years that resulted in "Him" having such an abnormal situation… The madness that Angels are embroiled with to begin with, or is it something that had happened to the faith of the believers that kept him anchored "His" rationality? Hmm, if "He" was normal, shouldn't "He" hold back a little and strive for certain outcomes before finding an opportunity to devour the Hidden Sage? Klein instantly thought of many things, but he was unable to find any evidence.

And on this page of goatskin, there were only two short lines of text, as though it indicated the final diary page of Emperor Roselle's life. The end of the year or the beginning of the new year was the day "He" was suspected to have perished in the White Maple Palace.

An emperor of an era, a transmigrator's last words? Klein sighed silently as he flipped to the goatskin beneath.

The diary page didn't have a date, but at the top of the page was a line in Feysac:

"Immediately follows the previous page."

The words were written neatly and elegantly, very different from Emperor Roselle's handwriting. It was obvious that it was added by someone else.

It's probably a note by Queen Mystic… To indicate that this is the last part of the diary, written after the emperor said that what's done cannot be undone? But why isn't there a date? Klein was deeply puzzled as he read the corresponding content, his gaze freezing up.

"I believe I'm not the only transmigrator in this world.

"If there's anyone else who can read my diary, remember to carefully select your Beyonder pathway.

"Once you choose this, it pretty much confirms your allies and your enemies.

"I'm unable to give any actual suggestions because I myself can't see the true faces of the seven deities or those evil gods. This might be partially related to the second Blasphemy Slate that the ancient organization hides. Unfortunately, I only have a rough idea of the hidden parts, and I'm unable to verify them.

"Similarly, I don't know what's written on the first Blasphemy Slate either.

"A useful warning is to not choose pathways with Sequence 0s that are occupied, and also be careful of neighboring Sequence 0s and Sequence 1s. I've suffered tremendously on this aspect.

"As for what Sequence 0 represents, search for my other diary pages if you aren't aware.

"Heh heh, this page is equivalent to the afterword of my life. If I succeed, I'll be a god, and it will be another story. If I were to fail, there wouldn't be a future. Perhaps, well—you know.

"Go, my friend who understands my diary, go seek out the secret of transmigration and the truth hidden within. I'll be watching you, if I'm still alive.

"Finally, let me warn you that you have to remember:

"Be careful of the moon!"

Klein wasn't surprised about there being more than one transmigrator. After all, he had long known of a "senior" in the form of Emperor Roselle.

He was puzzled about the details that the emperor had used to determine that there wasn't only one transmigrator.

This was a very important point, as it held great meaning as to whether there were incomparable problems in his bid to return home.

This was like an unknown equation. Without enough examples and conditions, there was no way to obtain the correct answer no matter how he tried to solve it. Only with enough equations could he find the correct answer.

Hmm… The emperor should've written his discoveries on this matter in the previous diary entries. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing where it is in order to do a targeted search and recovery… Klein silently sighed before considering the other contents in the "afterword."

The hidden contents in the second Blasphemy Slate which the Twilight Hermit Order showed?

Did they deliberately hide the contents, or did they not actually obtain it… The second Blasphemy Slate was actually split into two parts, with the other half landing in the hands of other factions?

My pathway has already been determined. It was selected based on the exclamation found in Emperor Roselle's diary… From the emperor's afterword, I can be a bit assured. The Seer pathway doesn't have a Sequence 0 because the mad Sequence 1 Zaratul is still alive. And according to the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Conservation, heh heh—this subdivision part can probably be called the Law of Incompatibility. If there's a Sequence 1, there's no Sequence 0.

I need to be careful of Zaratul, Mr. Door, Blasphemer Amon, and Pallez Zoroast, as well as the other Sequence 1s who exist in these three pathways.

What does being careful of the moon mean?

Be careful of the Primordial Moon?

That could be said directly…

Wait, the emperor apparently had thoughts of exploring the crimson moon before. Could it be that he finally committed himself to do it and discovered something on the moon, which is why he warned other transmigrators to be careful of the moon?

The moon has something to do with transmigration?

Yes… the emperor's tone indicates that "He" still has some contingency plans, and he might not completely perish. He might be watching me… There should also be clues to such matters, and they should also be written in the earlier diary entries…

As conclusions and puzzlements flashed through Klein's mind, he finally turned solemn.

He made the diary in his hand vanish and looked towards Cattleya.

"Do you have anything you want to ask?"

Cattleya nudged the heavy glasses on her nose and politely bowed her head.

"Honorable Mr. Fool, I wish to know if Emperor Roselle is still alive."

This question snapped the other members of the Tarot Club out of their own thoughts as they looked towards the end of the bronze table in agitation.

Although Emperor Roselle being alive wasn't directly related to them, nor would it bring any obvious influence, this topic was enough to stir the thirst hidden deep in the hearts of people regarding rumors and gossip!

I thought I would be immune to such matters after advancing to a Psychiatrist… Sigh, I'm really curious! Audrey looked at Mr. Fool with bright eyes as she waited for "Him" to give the answer.

Only Derrick was uninterested in the matter. The reason why he looked at Mr. Fool was solely because everyone else had done so.

Indeed, Queen Mystic's questions are basically targeted at the diary pages she provides… Klein didn't feel stumped as he skillfully chuckled.


By using the answer "perhaps," he was expressing that Emperor Roselle had the hope of saving himself. As for whether he eventually succeeded or whether there was an accident, it wasn't in the scope of the question that might not have an answer.

Perhaps… Mr. Fool is implying that Emperor Roselle might still be alive? Cattleya and company felt as though they had heard the greatest secret in the world as they felt a little agitated and excited.

However, they could also sense the underlying tone in Mr. Fool's words. Due to the lack of diary entries and with him having just awoken recently, "He" was unable to determine if Emperor Roselle had seized an opportunity. To determine that would require more clues and evidence in the future.

Regardless, Emperor Roselle was likely mentally prepared for the assassination.

Without giving Justice, The Hanged Man, and company to think of the related problems, Klein leaned back and said with a calm tone, "That's all from me."

Fors hurriedly snapped out of her fantasizing of Roselle's late years as she looked to the end of the bronze table.

"Honorable Mr. Fool, I wish to communicate privately with The World. It will end quickly."

What does she want to communicate with Gehrman Sparrow about? Isn't Mr. X's matter over? Klein thought in puzzlement as he nodded gently.


Following that, he blocked the senses of the other members and controlled The World to chuckle hoarsely.

"Is there anything else?"

Fors deliberated for two seconds and said, "This is the matter. Mr. X's head allowed me to receive a handsome reward. I believe that I didn't pay enough on this matter to match the difficulty of the mission. Therefore, I wish to compensate you.

"How much do you wish to receive."

Not bad. You actually want to compensate me without any prompting… Although Miss Magician is a little greedy on gaining petty advantages, she's still an honest person. Hmm, it's very normal to earn some profit while making a transaction. It's not considered greedy… The pleasantly surprised Klein sighed inwardly in praise as he made The World chuckle.

"How much can you pay?"

Fors hesitated for a moment and said, "5,000 pounds."

She had used the 10,000-pound price she had informed her teacher, and planned to split it evenly with Mr. World. Furthermore, she needed the recipe, crystal ball, and Beyonder ingredient; thus, she planned on selling the two properties and give him money directly.

And as for the reason why Fors was this generous, it had to do with the mission being harder than she had expected while also paying too low a price. In addition, she was increasingly fearful of The World Gehrman Sparrow. She didn't dare to offend the crazy adventurer and terrifying bounty hunter.

The Abraham family gave quite a huge reward… Klein controlled The World to say with a laugh, "If you can use large amounts of gold coins in place of notes, you can pay less. It will just depend on how much you can gather."

"I'll try my best." Although Fors was very puzzled over why Mr. World valued gold coins that much, she didn't dare to ask. He had done the same with Ma'am Hermit's transaction previously.

She paused before asking, "Mr. World, when would you need to use Leymano's Travels? I plan on renting it out before and after that period in order to earn some money and Beyonder powers."

Rent it out? Rent out a mystical item? Klein was taken aback upon hearing that. He never expected Miss Magician to have such business-oriented mind!

Chapter 791: New Model

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As a youth that came from the Internet age on Earth, Klein quickly understood Miss Magician's idea, how she prepared to do it, and what she was relying on.

Isn't this sharing economy? With the Tarot Club and The Fool, there's no technological limitation… Miss Magician is usually lazy and doesn't have a strong presence, but I never expected her to have sharp acumen on such matters Hmm, it also stems from me requesting to borrow the spellbook… Regardless, to be able to quickly be inspired and set up a business model is pretty good… Klein deliberately made The World Gehrman Sparrow hesitate for a few seconds before saying, "I might need it this weekend and next week."

He was estimating this based on the time it took Mr. Hanged Man to return from the Abyss Maelstrom to the Rorsted Sea, while also allocating time for him to stabilize his spirituality and replenish his supplies.

When the time came, they would join forces to explore the primitive island with many Beyonder creatures.

Fors hurriedly nodded.

"Alright, I will make the arrangements to prevent others from using it."

As she heaved a sigh of relief, she requested Mr. Fool that he bear witness for the subsequent rental agreements. After obtaining a confirmation from "Him," she indicated that she was done with the private communication.

Following that, she conjured Leymano's Travels and surveyed the table.

"Everyone, I have here a mystical item.

"It has a total of 38 pages. Each page can help the user record Beyonder powers they encounter. They will then be able to release it when needed, but it will be slightly weaker than the original power…

"Each page can be repeatedly recorded. Each record can only be used once… Amongst them, three pages can be used to record demigod level Beyonder powers, but the chances of success are very low. It might not succeed one in ten times…"

Fors simply explained the traits of Leymano's Travels and its negative effects. It lit up the eyes of Audrey and company.

With them no longer being novices in the domain of mysticism or the Beyonder world, it wasn't difficult for them to tell the value of Miss Magician's notebook without her making it explicit to them. At the same time, they viewed it as a demigod-level artifact.

It resembles a Shepherd and the Creeping Hunger. They allow the use of the Beyonder powers from other pathways, but there aren't as many negative effects. There's also a chance to record a demigod power… Draw my own blood… Audrey suddenly shrank her hand back in fear as she thought over the matter.

As a powerful noble's daughter, she had almost never been injured from a young age. Therefore, she had an extreme fear of pain that remained an unknown to her.

Taking the opportunity when Fors paused, she raised her hand slightly and asked, "Miss Magician, how much do you wish to sell it for?"

Audrey believed that her father, Earl Hall, would also be able to recognize the value of Leymano's Travels, so it was certain that she could be reimbursed by him. Therefore, she planned on fully satisfying Fors's requirements.

She must be lacking money recently, or else she wouldn't be selling such an important and useful mystical item… While Audrey thought in pity, she considered whether she should offer to buy it at a premium.

Damn it… Why can't it be put on sale after I return from the primitive island… Alger had a strong interest in Leymano's Travels, but he wasn't able to produce the money or materials needed to purchase this mystical item.

1,300 pounds was money that an ordinary person might not be able to save up even in ten to twenty years, but compared to an item at the level of Leymano's Travels, it was nothing!

It's worth at least 10,000 pounds. If I encounter Beyonders that are backed by powerful factions, it wouldn't be a problem selling it for more than 30,000 pounds… Alger swept his glance at Justice, who was inquiring about the price, as well as Cattleya, who had nudged her glasses, looking as though she was planning to join the bid. He couldn't help but sigh. He didn't believe that the transaction would fail according to his wishes, having it left unsold before he returned from the primitive island.

Miss Justice has money, and The Hermit has Queen Mystic and the Moses Ascetic Order. They don't lack money or resources. Sigh… Alger adjusted his seating posture as he looked across the table with a heavy look.

Emlyn and Derrick were similarly interested in Leymano's Travels, but it was simply interest. They knew that they lacked the ability to provide anything in a fair exchange.

When she heard Miss Justice's question, Fors realized that she had forgotten to mention the most crucial point. She hurriedly added, "No, it's not for purchase. I'm only renting it."

"When you need it, you can rent it for a short period which will be witnessed by Mr. Fool."

Rent? You can do that? At that moment, everyone except Klein and Derrick were surprised.

Without a doubt, they knew what a rental transaction was, but they never expected it to be applied to a mystical item, much less have it appear in the Tarot Club!

This was apparently very doable. It was relatively useful for every member of the Tarot Club, and it wouldn't cost them much while remaining affordable. Furthermore, Miss Magician could slowly build up quite a sizable fortune by doing so, but in fact, the best result was to record Beyonder powers. She could gather different kinds of Beyonder powers from various pathways in this way, making it far more efficient than seeking the chance to record it on her own! Alger quickly realized the key to the rental transaction as he was delighted. He asked, "How much is the rental fee?"

Leymano's Travels corresponds to a Sequence 6. It's usually about 5,000 pounds, but due to its uniqueness, it costs at least 10,000 pounds… Fors had built up quite a bit of experience during her time in the Tarot Club, so after some consideration, she said, "Each rental basically starts at 300 pounds. Every additional day is an additional 50 pounds. And when returning it, the notebook needs to have two additional pages of Beyonder powers than when it was rented out. If there's only one blank page or no blank pages when it's rented, one just needs to fill up the full book."

Having two additional pages didn't mean two additional powers. That also meant that they could use any of the Beyonder powers in Leymano's Travels. One just needed to make up for it later. There was no need for it to be of the same type, as pages were all that mattered.

50 pounds a day, 1,500 pounds a month… if it's possible, I can keep renting it… Audrey did a simple count of the costs.

Alger was thrilled when he heard that as he said with an unperturbed look, "I plan on renting it for two days, but the exact price needs negotiation. It will be adjusted based on what Beyonder powers are recorded in the notebook."

He felt more confident towards his exploration of the primitive island!

"When do you plan to rent it?" Fors asked, delighted that she had business right away.

"I'll be renting it for two days sometime between this weekend to next weekend. The exact time hasn't been determined," Alger replied without any hesitation.

Fors immediately frowned as she said apprehensively, "This period of time has already been reserved for Mr. World."

Reserved for The World? When did this happen? Alger was surprised as he looked at the other end of the long bronze tale.

He soon came to a realization that it had been agreed upon during their private communication.

Why would they come to such an agreement? Miss Magician doesn't need to have informed him ahead of time… They had other transactions during the private communication? What kind of communications and transactions would they have… Hmm, Miss Magician had commissioned the assassination of an Aurora Order Oracle. The World had accepted the mission, and one of the traits of the Oracle is the ability to record and use the Beyonder powers of others once. Heh heh, this is identical to Leymano's Travels… Does this mean that The World has already succeeded? As such, Miss Magician is indebted to him, and she hadn't fully resolved it. Now, she came up with this method to pay off the rest? Alger eliminated the possibilities and finally felt that he had found the truth.

Without anyone catching wind of it, The World Gehrman Sparrow had already hunted an Aurora Order Oracle, an Oracle suspected to be a Sequence 5!

This secretly made Alger feel alarmed because he was about to cooperate with The World soon.

Thankfully, there's Mr. Fool bearing witness… As a Blessed, Gehrman Sparrow wouldn't violate the agreement he makes in front of a god… Alger consoled himself and retracted his gaze from The World.

Meanwhile, Audrey and Cattleya had recalled the matter of the Aurora Order Oracle from the transactions involving both Miss Magician and Mr. World, as well as how the Oracle's powers were similar to Leymano's Travels; hence, they believed that The World might've already completed the mission. Renting the spellbook was one of the parts to completing the transaction.

Emlyn didn't think about such matters, putting his focus on the unavailability of Leymano's Travels this weekend and the following week.

In other words, I can borrow it for the next few days? If I have help from this notebook, those two primitive believers wouldn't be able to pose a threat… Emlyn looked around and turned anxious as he leisurely said, "Can I rent it for today and tomorrow?"

"400 pounds plus two pages of Beyonder powers," Fors directly announced the price.

Emlyn nodded gently.

"Introduce what Beyonder powers are recorded first. If they aren't very useful to me, I wish that the price can be lowered because I'll need to waste time recording powers."

Fors flipped through Leymano's Travels and began to give a vague introduction.

Door Opening… Black Screen… Tumble… Teleport… Lightning Strike… Float… Flight… Windblades… Eh, why are there so many Beyonder powers in the Storm domain? The World has used it before? He recorded the Beyonder powers corresponding to Sea God from Mr. Fool? When I return to the cathedral, I should find out what recently happened in Backlund. That Oracle couldn't have died without a trace… As Alger listened, he began thinking of investigating the matter.

Chapter 792: The Fool's Authority

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Hermit similarly thought of The World Gehrman Sparrow from hearing the Beyonder powers which were recorded in Leymano's Travels.

I wonder if I can pay a certain price to get The Fool to showcase demigod powers of the Storm pathway as well as "His" domain… This will be better than seeking the help of the Moses Ascetic Order. That will make them know of my possession of Leymano's Travels… Hmm, I should first write to Her Majesty. Perhaps, she will come to the Future to showcase her powers… Cattleya was increasingly convinced that the spellbook had a value that exceeded its level and was very regretful that Miss Magician was only renting it.

After hearing the description, Emlyn heaved a sigh of relief. This was because the Beyonder powers like Lightning were very lethal against artificial vampires.

Of course, it was the same for Sanguine.

Very good. I was still worried about needing to seek The Sun's help and passing Leymano's Travels to him to get him to showcase purification powers to be recorded… Emlyn instantly became relaxed as he glanced at Derrick beside him while saying to Fors, "Deal."

400 pounds with the recording of a few Beyonder powers was nothing compared to the completion of his mission.

I can earn money quickly and also obtain Beyonder powers this way… Fors suddenly felt that her future was bright as she hurriedly smiled.

"Alright, I'll get Mr. Fool to transfer it to you after the gathering."

Right on the heels of that, she turned to say to Cattleya, "Ma'am, the Abraham family's direct descendant has given a reply. Do you wish to communicate privately or have me directly say it out loud?"

Cattleya thought and said, "Let's do it privately."

Soon, the others had their senses blocked as Fors recounted what her teacher said:

"They don't know much about Mr. Door either. They only know two things, no—three."

"First, among their ancestors, there is an existence known as Mr. Door.

"Second, this ancestor vanished in the War of the Four Emperors. They've been struggling to find him.

"Third, they will hear ravings that can cause a loss of control during the full moon and Blood Moon.

"In addition, they temporarily do not wish to make any direct contact."

The third point was added by Fors by herself. She wished that Ma'am Hermit and the Queen Mystic behind her could use this to further understand Mr. Door's matters. This was beneficial in helping the Abraham escape the fate of being cursed.

Mr. Door is the Abraham family's ancestor and "He" vanished in the War of the Four Emperors. "He" would create ravings during full moons? Hmm, the latter was confirmed by Mr. Fool, so there's nothing suspicious… That is to say that although Mr. Door has vanished, "He" still can affect Beyonders of the same bloodline, as well as living beings that used certain items during the full moon and Blood Moon. This means that "He" hasn't completely lost his connection with the real world… This is how the emperor was able to interact with "Him"? Her Majesty once said that there were members of the Abraham family who worked for the emperor back then… Cattleya had some theories as she gently nodded.

"If there are any questions, I'll get you to pass them on.

"I'll pay the remaining 650 pounds today."

With 650 pounds, along with Mr. Moon's 400 pounds, I've made a profit of 1,050 pounds today. Together with the 730 pounds from before, as well as the sale of the two properties to pay Mr. World, I might still have a thousand left. My savings are about to exceed 3,000 pounds! This way, I'll have the money needed to purchase the other main ingredient for Scribe. I might still have some leftover… At that moment, Fors suddenly found herself a little wealthy.

This made her consider helping purchase the Interrogator Beyonder characteristic for Xio to make up for the risk she had to endure over Mr. X's assassination.

After the blocking of senses was lifted, Fors heard The World Gehrman Sparrow speak before she could say a word.

"I need a mystical item from the Marauder pathway. It can be at Sequence 9 or 8."

Cattleya considered for a moment and said, "I can ask around for you. However, items of the Marauder pathway aren't common. There might be a premium involved."

"No problem." Klein controlled The World to provide the response.

He then made his marionette look at the now wealthy Miss Magician.

"I want to sell an Interrogator Beyonder characteristic for only 1,000 pounds."

Typically, this Sequence 7 Beyonder characteristic which could be used as a main ingredient should've been priced around 1,200 pounds, but Klein had two sets at the moment. Furthermore, considering how he had used Miss Xio's identity to participate in Mr. X's gathering, there was a certain degree of danger he was bringing to her; therefore, he gave a slight discount.

It's only 1,000 pounds. That's like a sale at a department store! But why does Mr. World know that I want it? He is Mr. Fool's Blessed. The Interrogator Beyonder characteristic was in his hands, and he is also aware that I can now afford it… Fors was stunned for two seconds as she nearly forgot to reply.

During this process, Audrey held back the urge to engage in shopping, because she knew that Xio needed the item.

1,000 pounds? An Interrogator's Beyonder characteristic? Cattleya seriously thought over the hidden intent behind The World when she heard Miss Magician say, "Deal!"

…I haven't even made my offer… Cattleya mumbled inwardly as she maintained her silence.

She could tell that The World and The Magician had reached a strange level of understanding on this matter, so she didn't interject.

Similarly, she also sensed that something good had happened to The Hanged Man this week. He appeared more spirited than before, appearing more confident.

He previously purchased the potion formula and main ingredients to Ocean Songster… He had also asked me where Obninsks that do not belong to the Church of Storms can be found… This is likely related to the ritual… He has already advanced? Cattleya suddenly felt a sense of danger.

As the Admiral of Stars who was famous throughout the Five Seas, she always felt a sense of superiority in the Tarot Club. But in recent times, with The World Gehrman Sparrow showing his ability at hunting pirate admirals, followed by The Hanged Man reaching Sequence 5, a Sequence 5 that made him adept at sea battles, she felt that she no longer had the right to belittle others. She felt a sense of urgency that hadn't existed in her for a long time.

However, I have Sequence 4 ahead of me. It's the boundary between spirituality and godhood. It's not that easy to advance… I still don't see any hope despite preparing for years… Cattleya sighed inwardly as she looked at The World Gehrman Sparrow and asked, "Any chances for the blood of a Mythical Creature?"

I've been waiting for you to ask this! The Fool Klein smiled while watching the transactions as he controlled The World to hoarsely laugh.

"That angel got me to ask you what you can give 'Him' in exchange for a drop of blood.

"'He' emphasizes that it needs to satisfy him."

Angel? Mr. World directly contacted an angel? Furthermore, he has convinced the angel to provide a drop of blood!? Audrey was first alarmed before her thoughts raced as she turned to look at the seat of honor.

She suspected that The World, Mr. Fool's Blessed, had contacted an angel that was in service to Mr. Fool!

She was like The Magician, believing that The World only knew of clues to the location of an angel or its remains. They never expected him to directly converse with an angel!

One had to know that the Grounded Angels were equivalent to the leaders of the seven Churches!

Indeed… Alger sighed silently, believing that his guess has been verified.

As expected of Mr. Fool's Blessed… Cattleya held back her surprise and shock as she pondered.

"May I know what pathway this angel is from?"

The World surveyed the area and said, "Monster."

Monster, which means it's an angel from the Fate pathway? It's no wonder Mr. Fool's honorific name has the words King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck… Audrey, Derrick, and company were enlightened, believing that their inferences matched the actual situation and the inherent logic.

Their gazes and guesses stirred Klein. He realized a corresponding problem. In the honorific name he fabricated, the description of wielding good luck had successfully been directed towards the mysterious space above the gray fog!

Is this related to why the people from the Fate pathway can see my uniqueness? Could this be related to why the Snake of Mercury, Will Auceptin, took the initiative to establish friendly ties with me? In my honorific name's three lines, the first line is a description of my inherent self, and the second is about the corresponding divine domain. Only the third line involves the authority. Wields good luck… Of course, The Fool itself can also contain a certain amount of authority… Klein suddenly felt that he needed to find an opportunity to communicate with the unborn fetus.

However, he suspected that the paper crane would tear at any moment. This was because just erasing the original content was already a rather precarious process.

At this moment, Cattleya said, "Thanks for your help. I will seriously consider it and give you a response as soon as possible."

She planned on consulting Queen Mystic to see if there were any conditions that would entice an angel from the Fate pathway.

With the conversation between The World and The Hermit ending, the transactions came to a formal end. The Tarot Gathering then proceeded into a period for free communication.

Fors thought for a moment and looked at Emlyn.

"I'd like to remind you of two things. First, be familiar with the powers on each corresponding page. It will be very dangerous if you were to flip to the wrong page and use the wrong power in combat."

Emlyn scoffed immediately as he said, "I'm very confident in my intelligence."

Fors didn't speak further and switched to mentioning:

"A serious case involving Beyonders happened in East Borough. The surrounding region is on high alert. If you plan on carrying out any operations, take note of that."

Emlyn viewed this piece of information with great importance as he asked, "Are you aware of what happened?"

Chapter 793: Surprise Visitor

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Upon hearing Mr. Moon's question, Fors nearly blurted out, "Of course! Better than anyone else! I'm just not too aware of the details."

However, she controlled her mouth in time as she apprehensively looked at Mr. World.

At the same time, Alger, Audrey, and Cattleya vaguely guessed that the serious matter that had happened in Backlund's East Borough was the assassination of the Aurora Order's Oracle. Based on the inferences they had before, it was done by The World!

And as Emlyn wasn't a Spectator, he wasn't able to tell from her eyes. All Fors could do was force a smile at Emlyn.

"I'm unable to tell you the specifics.

"I only know that demigod-level Beyonder powers of the Storm domain appeared back then. The Church of Storms places a great deal of attention over the matter."

She didn't dare divulge the reasons on behalf of Mr. World, simply describing what she had seen.

She believed that if Mr. World was willing to reveal more, he definitely would've added on to her answer.

Demigod-level Beyonder powers of the Storm domain? Audrey and company were taken aback as they instinctively doubted the accuracy of their theories.

They had previously imagined that Leymano's Travels had been created after the death of the Aurora Order Oracle; therefore, The World had no way of borrowing Mr. Fool's demigod-level powers to record them before the assassination!

The serious case involving Beyonders in East Borough has nothing to do with Mr. World? No, Fors's glance is enough proof that it was caused by Mr. World! But why would a demigod-level Beyonder power of the Storm domain appear? One possibility is that Leymano's Travels isn't a result of this assassination but that it originally belonged to Fors. Another possibility is that a Cardinal of the Church of Storms or a Beyonder with the corresponding Sealed Artifact had delivered an attack…

If it were the former, needing Mr. World to use the Beyonder powers at the demigod level implies that the Oracle was relatively powerful with the possible existence of a Saint backing him. If it were the latter, to have Mr. World still be able to leave safely after such an assault implies his formidableness…

Of course, the possibility can't be eliminated that he deliberately lured the Church of Storms to encounter the Aurora Order's Oracle, and while a battle broke out between demigods, he efficiently carried out an assassination during the chaos… Audrey made some guesses based on the details she had observed, and each guess implied one thing:

The World had the strength, intelligence, support, and ability, making him one of the top Sequence 5 Beyonders below that of demigods!

How terrifying. As expected of Mr. Fool's Blessed… When I arrive at a cathedral, I should be able to figure out what happened… Alger also made a basic judgment of the situation as he sighed. All he could do was console himself. With such a helper, the exploration of the primitive island would only be easier.

As for Cattleya, she shared similar thoughts with Audrey. She planned on asking Queen Mystic about the situation. This owner of the Dawn had previously revealed in her letter that she would be in Backlund for the time being.

Demigod-level Beyonder powers of the Storm domain… Emlyn repeated Miss Magician's words as his head ached.

Although he enjoyed staying at home and not heading out, he still needed to head out to get some blood to drink from the hospitals. Being in a big city, he was equipped with common knowledge. Together with his elders warnings and guidance, he knew a lot about the official organizations like the Machinery Hivemind, Mandated Punishers, and Nighthawks. He knew the influence that a serious case would bring to the area.

If I don't have a good disguise while infiltrating East Borough, I might be caught by the Mandated Punishers before I even approach my targets… Although I have the identity of being part of the Church of Mother Earth and wouldn't be impounded underground or made into a test subject of Sealed Artifacts, this also means that my operation has failed. I might even have Leymano's Travels taken away… During such times, taking the sewers would be even more dangerous. Who knows how many official Beyonders are lying in ambush over there… Emlyn suddenly felt that what seemed like a simple mission had turned difficult.

He quickly came to a decision that he would take action in the latter half of the night. During this time, the low-class residents of East Borough would begin returning home from work. Although it was dark, the streets would be bustling. Even if the Mandated Punishers had ten times more manpower, it was impossible to carry out any strict surveillance and single out every possible suspect.

The next important step is to plan the operation to finish off the two artificial vampires without causing much of a stir… Hmm, I'll have to consider a situation of an intense battle that's impossible to hide… Wait, Miss Magician had just mentioned that Leymano's Travels has a Beyonder power known as Teleport… The problem is resolved! Emlyn heaved a sigh of relief and chuckled.

"I will keep that in mind."

He had said that sentence very calmly and with great confidence, as though everything was in control.

Heh, this fellow Emlyn was first stumped before feeling relieved. There's a 90% chance he recalled the Traveler's Door in Leymano's Travels… If I hadn't obtained Traveling, I definitely would've added the condition that no one is to touch that spellbook's page before The World Gehrman Sparrow… Klein scoffed silently without a word.

To him, as there was only one Traveler's Door in Leymano's Travels, he definitely needed to use Creeping Hunger for his return trip to the primitive island. In that case, he might as well exploit the glove as he needed to feed a death row convict to it. He didn't want to waste it.

"Anyways, I've warned you." Fors didn't speak further, wishing that everything would go smoothly for Mr. Moon.

At that moment, Alger turned to look at Little Sun.

"Are you still in the City of Silver?"

"Yes, my recent mission is to acquaint myself with my powers and patrol the surrounding area," Derrick replied honestly.

Alger thought for a moment before saying, "Has that Shepherd Elder not looked for you recently?"

"No." Derrick paused. "The six-member council seems to be busy with the former Chief's mausoleum. As for what it is, I'm not privy to the information."

Klein had heard Little Sun mention of the former Chief of the City of Silver. It was said that he had built a mausoleum that reached deep underground before moving into it, and he hadn't appeared again. It was suspected that his attempt to switch to Sequence 3 of the Death pathway had failed.

I wonder what happened inside the mausoleum. My spiritual intuition tells me that there's danger involved… Before Klein spoke, he heard Alger say, "Take note of this matter. To investigate the former Chief's mausoleum at such a critical moment means that it's something important. It might bring you danger."

"Okay!" Derrick nodded strongly. "I'll do my best to figure out the specifics."

The exchange continued. As the members didn't encounter much this week, this segment quickly came to an end. The Tarot Club members began teaching The Sun mysticism languages of the outside world as they learned about ancient myths from him.

During this process, Audrey was a little disappointed and depressed. She had failed to buy anything or share anything this week, and her participation appeared lacking.

Sigh… My life has been too quiet and stable. I have nothing to share… However, this is normal. As the daughter of one of the top three bankers in the kingdom, a daughter of East Chester's earl, if I were to frequently encounter Beyonder matters, experiencing alarming and exciting matters every week, that means that the present society and government structure is unable to maintain the order of the Beyonder world. It would definitely result in a fundamental change to everything… Hmm, when I return to Backlund, my contact with the Psychology Alchemists will increase. I'll be able to change this situation… Audrey rapidly became optimistic, and she stood up and bade Mr. Fool farewell.

Over the past half a year, she had read quite a number of useful books thanks to Susie. In terms of profundity and maturity, she was a lot better than before.

Böklund Street North Borough, 160 Böklund Street.

After ending the Tarot Club, Klein walked to the attached balcony to his bedroom, and he looked at the surrounding environment which was filled with vegetation.

With Miss Magician's attempt to rent out Leymano's Travels, there will be more of such Tarot Club transactions in the future. Heh heh, they might not have realized that their own Beyonder powers can be sold! Once the rentals happen more frequently, someone will ultimately request someone to help record a particular power… When the time comes, I'll be able to supply Beyonder powers of various domains thanks to the numerous mystical items I have…

It won't be too expensive, but it's long-lasting, and it will often be in demand.

Heh, I wonder who will be the first to muster their courage to seek The Fool for help, hoping that a demigod power can be recorded… This needs to be a fair exchange, and a sufficient price needs to be paid… If no one dares take that step, afraid that it's blasphemous, I can let The World be an example. After all, Mr. Fool has shown his friendliness and casualness from the beginning. As long as no mistakes are made, similar transactions can be made…

Having the precedent of punishing Ma'am Hermit, I don't believe anyone will belittle The Fool as a result. They would be honored, delighted, and fearful… Klein thought about the Tarot Club as his thoughts wandered, filled with anticipation towards the trade of Beyonder powers in the future.

At this moment, he heard knocking at the door.

"Please enter," Dwayne Dantès with his gray sideburns turned around and said.

The doorknob turned and the door opened. Butler Walter in his white gloves walked in and said respectfully, "Sir, Ma'am Mary from the National Atmospheric Pollution Council is here to visit you.

"Do you wish to meet her?"

Mary Schott? The major shareholder of the Coim Company, the lady who got me to investigate her former husband's adultery? Why is she here? Don't tell me that Dwayne Dantès has caught her fancy… Klein was slightly puzzled as he nodded with a smile.

"It's almost tea time. Let's have it a little earlier."

"Alright, I will invite Ma'am Mary to the activity room on the second story." Walter easily understood his employer's intentions.

Klein nodded slightly without saying anything else. With the help of his valet, Richardson, he wore his coat and went down to the second story.

Soon, he saw Ma'am Mary with her tall cheekbones in the activity room.

This lady was dressed in a dark blue dress with elegant accessories in an ostentatious but restrained manner. Compared to last year, she appeared more classy and with a higher temperament.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am. I've always been considering finding a time to visit you. I would wish to hear about your investigations on Backlund's atmospheric pollution." Klein took the initiative to speak politely.

Mary replied with a smile, "Unfortunately, I didn't manage to wait for it."

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries as they talked about the recent weather, Klein sat on a single-seater as he raised his porcelain teacup.

"Ma'am, you seem to have something troubling you?"

He could tell that Mary was hesitant and deliberating.

Mary laughed as she sighed.

"I've heard about your experience and wisdom. I believe that you're a gentleman with excellent foresight.

"This is the thing: Are you interested in purchasing some of the Coim Company's shares?"

"Why? Ma'am, are you in trouble?" Klein asked in a staid manner

Mary shook her head.

"Someone else is selling them."

Chapter 794: Short-Term Investment

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Someone else is selling? Klein ruminated over those words without immediately asking. After the servant placed the silver three-layered tray down for high tea and left, he said with a smile, "Ma'am, why don't you purchase it yourself?

"Even a blind person knows that Loen will place more attention on environmental pollution in the future. Therefore, the Coim Company, that deal with anthracite and high-quality charcoal, definitely has a promising future. It being worth half a million or even a million pounds wouldn't be a fantasy. Of course, the premise is that the company's management can keep up with the corresponding expansion.

"In such a situation, the acquisition of shares in the Coim Company is definitely a profitable business. If I were you, I'd take it for myself, no matter how much debt I get myself into."

Mary used two fingers to pick a cucumber sandwich from the bottom silver tray, took a tiny nimble, and slowly chewed before swallowing it down.

With this as a buffer, she finally organized her words.

"Ever since the law to fix atmospheric pollution was passed, the Coim Company has been rapidly developing. The faces of the shareholders have begun changing. As you know, people who have their sights on money will often have good business sense. And behind them, there are usually some powerful figures at play.

"If I weren't a member of the National Atmospheric Pollution Council, and had used this to get to know quite a number of nobles and high-ranking government officials, I believe I wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure, and I would end up selling my shares at a relatively good price. I would then leave the stage with a considerably good profit.

"But even so, most of the shares will quickly concentrate, and I'll quickly lose my status as the highest shareholder, losing control over the company's direction.

"This is something I inherited from my father. I don't want it to become somebody else's toy. I wish for it to slowly develop into the biggest anthracite and high-quality supplier to Backlund, or even all of the Loen Kingdom. Heh heh, it's not that I haven't tried other solutions. I've pledged my shares and sold my property, investing a large sum of my liquidity into it, absorbing 15% of the shares in secret, as well as requesting friends that I can trust to help. I've obtained a total of 10% of the shares, and together with the 20% I originally had, I hold 45% in total.

"The current situation is that a minor shareholder suddenly decided to liquidate his 3%, and my friends and I temporarily do not have the money to acquire it."

This is a commercial war… This was a first for Klein, who was accustomed to dealing with Beyonders; he found it fresh but also unfamiliar.

He similarly reached out his hand and selected a sandwich which had high-quality turkey at the bottom of the three-layered tray. As he ate, he contemplated for about ten seconds and said, "The shares that you acquire later can also be pledged, right?"

"There won't be enough time. The other party has already provided an offer, and the transaction can be closed at any time," Mary said as she finished the food in her hand.

Klein leaned back into his sofa in a relaxed manner.

"Why did you come to me?"

Upon hearing the question, Mary heaved a slight sigh of relief.

"First, you must've brought quite a sizable amount of money to Backlund. You wouldn't need to raise funds through different means. Second, you just came to Backlund, so you aren't deeply involved with the other party or in other aspects. This also means that I'm not afraid that you would violate the terms of the agreement. Even if you choose to align with them, you'll have to consider if it's worth violating the law. Third, although we've only met once, I believe you are a very dignified and knowledgeable gentleman."

Your praise is leaving me a little embarrassed… However, it also means that my acting performance as Dwayne Dantès is effective. At the very least, everyone knows that he's a middle-aged gentleman with foresight and competence, with plenty of money that he has nowhere to invest… Hmm, considering the original 16,493 pounds and Miss Magician's 5,000, no—6,000 pounds, as well as the 48 pounds provided by Mr. X, I have a total of 22,991 pounds and 5 gold coins. Even if I deduct the 5,987 pounds I owe Miss Messenger, I'll be considered a true tycoon… Many people with assets worth a hundred thousand pounds might not have that much liquidity… Klein couldn't help but do a count of his wealth as he asked with a smile, "Ma'am, what do you wish for me to do?"

Mary sipped some tea and said eloquently, "Acquire the 3% shares. But before that, I'll sign two contracts with you. The first contract stipulates that I'll forcefully purchase the shares from you in three months and buy it at the highest price over this period of time. The corresponding tax will be shouldered by me. The second contract stipulates that we act in concert…

"In addition, I will make you a member of the board of directors for the Coim Company. You will enjoy the corresponding perks as you monitor the company's development. This will help you be integrated even better into high society."

Sounds like a sure-win. It's equivalent to me providing a loan, and Ma'am Mary will repay me with a certain amount of interest and social resources… And compared to a debt agreement, I'll be holding onto the shares of an excellent company. It's more secure; after all, we are considered strangers… Of course, that's under the premise that the Coim Company itself is alright. Hmm, this is also why she's making me a director… Klein analyzed the conditions proposed by Ma'am Mary and slowly felt enticed by them.

From his point of view, Dwayne Dantès needed some investments. Otherwise, he would appear suspicious. Then, selecting the kind of investment was a rather important problem since it had to be considered that Dwayne Dantès might have to give up everything and leave Backlund because of his operation's failure or success.

When the time comes, there's a chance to take away the money, but I can forget about the shares… This kind of investment, one that allows me to quickly recoup my investment, meets my requirements… I might even earn quite a bit… Klein contemplated for a moment before warmly smiling.

"Helping a lady resolve problems is something that I need to do."

Ma'am Mary immediately felt relieved. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Dwayne Dantès's attractive voice continue:

"However, I'm rather cautious in regards to any investments I make.

"I will hire a lawyer and an accounting team to investigate the Coim Company's situation. I'll try to reach a conclusion as quickly as possible, and if there aren't any problems, we can begin our cooperation."

Aside from that, I will also do a divination… Klein silently added inwardly.

"Definitely." Ma'am Mary smiled and added, "I'll bear the costs for such expenses."

Klein didn't reject the offer as he nodded and said, "How much would the 3% shares cost?"

"The current valuation is 9,600 pounds, but the shareholder believes that the Coim Company has a promising future, so it can't be lower than 12,000 pounds." Mary gave him the exact details.

Phew… Klein used a calm and relaxed manner to smile.

"That's still alright."

Dwayne Dantès is indeed rich… Mary thought as she said, "Dwayne, can I invite you to visit the Coim Company tomorrow?"

"That's exactly what I wish for," Klein replied with a smile.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of something. His former landlord, Stelyn Sammer's husband, was likely still a manager at Coim Company.

Yet another familiar face, but it's not one for Dwayne Dantès… Klein felt wistful for some baffling reason.

At 8 p.m. there were still crowds of people entering East Borough from the other streets. Fatigue obviously colored their faces.

And this continued almost until ten.

Emlyn White had changed into a grayish-blue worker's attire, wore a cap, and hid himself in the alley of the Backlund Bridge area while observing the poor that sauntered back and forth.

Although he didn't have any experience in disguising himself, he had eyes and brains. Just a short observation was enough for him to discover the problems with his attire.

The most important point was that, compared to the poor who had dirty and ragged clothes, the work attire he had bought in the afternoon was too new and clean, easily attracting the attention of others.

Emlyn thought for a moment, returned to the dark alley, and reached out his fingers. Using what he had seen, he began tearing open the areas that were easily damaged.

Then, he observed his surroundings as his facial muscles gradually distorted into a grimace.

With a look of contempt, Emlyn came to the wall, closed his eyes, and began dabbing the dirt onto his clothes and pants.

The smell of coal… the smell of rotting mud… the smell of p-p*ss… Emlyn subconsciously extended his palm away from himself as he covered his mouth with his other hand. He nearly vomited.

At this moment, he realized that having an extraordinary sense of smell wasn't necessarily a good thing.

After a few minutes of excruciating torture, Emlyn finally finished his disguise. Even his handsome face was stained with coal.

With this disguise, he hunched his back, and slipped into the crowd, quickly entering East Borough without garnering any attention.

As he walked, Emlyn realized a problem.

He wasn't familiar with the roads at all!

He had no idea where Limestone Street or Beluga Whale Street was in East Borough, while most of the street signs had already been damaged.

An assassination attempt really is a troublesome matter… Emlyn mumbled as he began asking around for directions.

After nearly an hour of hard work, he finally arrived at Limestone Street. The streets were narrow, with the buildings on both sides leaning close to each other. Even in the day, it appeared dark. At night, it gave off a terrifying sense of creepiness and darkness. But to the Sanguine, such an environment wasn't bad. The only problem was the dirt and messiness.

After spraying a medicine that eliminated his scent, Emlyn walked into the condominium at Unit 6, went to the third story, and approached the public washroom with his nose pinched before standing outside the room of Primordial Moon believer, Argos.

Emlyn cocked his ears to listen for a while before he stopped pinching his nose in puzzlement.

He nearly fainted from the stench wafting over from the washroom. It took him a great bit of effort to focus his gaze on the room.

His sense of smell told him that there wasn't anyone inside, nor were there any corpses.

He moved away? Or he isn't back? Emlyn muttered silently in a daze.

He never expected his hunt to be so unsuccessful.

After reining in his emotions, Emlyn left the condominium and rushed to 19 Beluga Whale Street.

This time, he was delighted to discover that someone was home. Galis Kevin was home.

At that moment, Emlyn caught the scent of another person. It was very identical to Argos's apartment at Limestone Street.

Two people… There are two people in the room! Argos isn't home because he came to Galis Kevin… Two… Emlyn's expression suddenly froze.

He wasn't worried if it was one-on-one. But if it was one against two, he was still a little fearful with Leymano's Travels. After all, the two of them were artificial vampires with rather significant strength!

Chapter 795: Patience

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As a Sanguine who liked to stay home, the number of battles Emlyn had involved himself in could be counted on one hand. Furthermore, he had never attempted fighting in the state of a numbers disadvantage.

Be it his attack on the previous Primordial Moon believer, or resisting Bishop Utravsky from the Harvest Church, he basically had the numerical advantage in being the worst at one-on-one fights.

Thinking back to the failure of his family of three attempting to defeat the half-giant bishop, Emlyn's expression turned livid as though he had recalled the torture he suffered back at the Harvest Church.

As there weren't many residents living here, and with Galis Kevin having sharp senses as an artificial vampire, he didn't dare stay outside the door for too long. He quickly walked past the area and walked to the end of the corridor and hid in the shadows.

What should I do next… Emlyn leaned against random objects that blocked the crimson sunlight as his thoughts rapidly whirled in an attempt to find a solution with his pitiful amounts of experience.

Gradually, the words which The Hanged Man had taught The Sun surfaced in his mind:

"Patience is an important premise when dealing with many situations…

"Only by being able to curb your urges and irascibility will you be able to avoid danger to the greatest extent…

"At times, tolerance is very important…"

Tolerance… Emlyn nodded indiscernibly and knew what he needed to do.

He planned on laying in ambush until Argos left!

As this wasn't the artificial vampire's residence, it was certain that he would leave. When the time came, Emlyn could deal with a one-on-one situation.

Patience, tolerance, waiting… Emlyn repeated these words inwardly so as to resist the damage the surroundings were dealing to him.

The air wafting through the first floor of the condominium was filled with the stench of piss, rotting moisture, the unflushed smell of feces, the odor of some of its residents, as well as all kinds of nauseating, unpleasant, and disgusting smells. Mixed together, they were like a poison that ate at Emlyn's senses.

For the first time in his life, Emlyn wished that he could slice off his nose. He had the feeling as though he was stuck in an abyss or was in hell suffering torture.

Patience… Tolerance… Waiting… he mechanically chanted the principles, finding each second that passed excruciatingly long.

Finally, he saw Galis Kevin's door open. A thin dark-brown figure walked out. His cheekbones protruded, and he had a high, sharp, and crooked nose. He was none other than the Primordial Moon believer, Argos.

At that moment, his face had patches of swollen festering that looked disgusting.

Indeed, as that young boss, Ian, said, these fellows wear clothes that are clean and tidy, completely unlike the residents of East Borough… Emlyn became spirited as he watched Argos leave the condominium.

After patiently waiting for nearly five minutes, he stood up and decided to take action.

As his target, Galis Kevin, was an artificial vampire, Emlyn was rather aware of his opponent's strengths and traits. Hence, he had made preparations in a targeted manner.

Galis Kevin's sense of smell isn't weaker than mine when I just came of age. Heh, this actually cannot be confirmed. For him to stay in such an environment, he might've already lost his nose and brains… Besides, his spirituality can't be weak, and he has an innate instinct that's geared towards danger… His vision and hearing can't be too bad either… As Emlyn viewed his opponent with scorn, he consumed a potion and sprayed out a liquid to cover his body's scent again.

Right on the heels of that, by consuming the potion and spraying it on like last time, he hid his body and attire, disappearing as though he had been wiped away by an eraser.

In a dark, uninhabited corner, a palm-sized notebook which was bronze-green in color had suddenly appeared out of thin air, as though it had passed through a transparent screen.

It began flipping itself almost silently before fixing onto a white page that was filled with astromancy symbols.

As these symbols vanished, the surroundings brightened up a little.

This was the disruption ability of an Astrologer!

Then, Leymano's Travels was retracted, disappearing inch by inch as it was completely concealed by the invisible screen.

Prepared, Emlyn recalled his plans. He lightened his footsteps and silently arrived outside Galis Kevin's apartment without approaching the door.

The notebook appeared out of thin air once again before being flipped to the Door Opening page.

An illusory sound immediately resounded in Emlyn's mind as it "prompted" him to reach out a hand towards the wall.

At the same time, Emlyn cautiously pulled back Leymano's Travels into his clothes, using his invisible coat to hide it.

When Emlyn's palm finally pressed the wall, he saw a ghostly-blue, incorporeal, blurry door appear before his eyes. It was embedded in the wall, but it also showed signs of masonry at the bottom.

Cocking his ear to hear the goings-on inside the house, he took a sniff of the air before taking a step forward. He then passed through the ghostly-blue door as if he was passing a screen of water.

The scene before him changed immediately. It was filled with walls covered in stains and three wooden beds on the side, a worn-out cupboard, and all kinds of miscellaneous items.

This was the inside of Galis Kevin's apartment!

As for the ghostly-blue door behind Emlyn, it had long vanished as if it had never existed before.

Cautiously surveying the area, Emlyn caught sight of his target, Galis Kevin.

This Primordial Moon believer was a good-looking mixed-blood. He had long hair that reached his shoulders, and his eyes were a little red, as though he didn't fully acquire the eyes of a Sanguine.

At that moment, he was sitting by the side of the bed, staring at the door; his thoughts a mystery.

Emlyn circled to his side without causing a commotion. He took out Leymano's Travels which he ensured was in a blind spot, and he flipped to a page that left his fingers slightly numb.

It was a yellowish-brown goatskin page. The surface was filled with all kinds of ancient and distorted symbols and patterns. Together, they constructed a figure that looked like a thin tree with outstretched branches.

After adjusting his angle, Emlyn slid his finger across the page.

Suddenly, silver lightning illuminated the room as if it was daytime.

A sizzling sound was heard as the lightning smote Galis Kevin on the head, charring the Primordial Moon believer instantly. His body convulsed as his eyes lost focus.

The silver bolts of lightning continued snaking around while Emlyn's figure surfaced behind the frozen target's back. He reached out his right palm and clenched his opponent's neck.


He calmly snapped Galis Kevin's neck and yanked off his head and tossed the body away, eliminating the possibility of letting his opponent heal himself with his strong restorative powers.


Galis Kevin's headless corpse collapsed to the ground as blood sprayed everywhere.

An artificial vampire lost its life just like that.

Emlyn's calm expression was quickly replaced with surprise. He looked at the head in his hand with disbelief. He realized that Galis Kevin didn't realize what was happening even upon death. Fixed in his eyes were pain and puzzlement.

It's that easy? It happened like a breeze? Although Emlyn was proud, he didn't believe that he could finish off an artificial vampire that easily. However, reality told him that it was as easy as a breeze.

A Lightning Strike that can cause paralysis, together with my high movement speed, had allowed me to instantly kill my target… Heh, the premise is that he's weak to lightning, allowing him to be easily paralyzed… Also, I had interfered with his spiritual intuition ahead of time and avoided attacking him head-on by passing through the wall. Those were key to my success… After a few seconds of surprise, Emlyn recalled the details and concluded plenty of useful experience.

This made him truly realize the potency of matching Beyonder powers, as well as the value of Leymano's Travels.

It's no wonder Mr. Hanged Man was the first one to have thoughts of renting it… Emlyn reined in his thoughts and looked at the blood that gushed out of Galis Kevin. His throat couldn't help but move.

He hadn't had that much fresh blood in a while.

However, he didn't dare drink it. This was because the deceased Beyonder characteristic had yet to appear. The blood would still contain parts of it, and drinking it would easily result in excessive Beyonder characteristics, adding the risk of losing control. This wasn't conducive to his subsequent operations.

Emlyn retracted his gaze and surveyed the surroundings. He found a stack of old newspapers and a tiny wooden chest. He planned on using that to store Galis Kevin's head in.

And before that, he sat down and waited for the Beyonder characteristic to appear.

Two minutes later, Emlyn suddenly looked up at the door.

He heard footsteps!

Immediately after that, he caught the scent of Argos!

Why is this artificial vampire back? He returned midway? Emlyn White instantly became a little nervous, unsure how he was going to handle the issue.


Argos knocked on the door from the outside without making a sound. This resulted in an abnormal silence.

Emlyn was stunned. He immediately understood that Argos had caught scent of the blood and knew that something had happened inside.

What should I do… Rush out and finish him? No, others will see me if I do so. I would then be caught by the official Beyonders… Emlyn instinctively took out a potion ad planned on hiding himself again.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

Exhaling silently, Emlyn placed Galis Kevin on the bed as he drank an invisibility potion and spewed out the corresponding amount of liquid. Slowly and very gently, he moved to a corner of the room and hid there.

This way, it made it seem like the assassination was completed and that the murderer had long fled the scene.

As time passed, aside from the occasional passing by of the residents, there was silence both inside and outside.

Suddenly, Galis Kevin's window creaked open as a pair of eyes shot its gaze inside.

After careful inspection, Argos, with a festering face, leaped into the room and slowly walked to the corpse which was still indistinctly expelling the Beyonder characteristic.

In the corner, Emlyn White secretly took out Leymano's Travels while Argos wasn't looking in his direction. He flipped to another page of Lightning Strike.

At this moment, Argos's sight landed on the bed and on his companion's head, as well as the stack of old newspapers and the tiny wooden chest.

His pupils suddenly constricted.

Chapter 796: Slowly Becoming Proficient

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Not good! Emlyn White traced Argos's gaze and realized that he had forgotten to deal with the old newspapers and the tiny wooden chest.

Although they were part of the room, they were placed in different parts of the room. Now, they were put together, making it appear rather odd. It was as though someone had wanted to do something with them before having to give up for the time being.

Then, why would there be a need to give up? Was the person alarmed by the knocking of the door? That means that the murderer hadn't left and is hiding in a particular corner of the room? Similar thoughts flashed in Argos's and Emlyn's mind at the same time. However, one of them was feeling perplexed, while the other was reverse-inferring the other party's thoughts.

No good!

The two vampires reacted at the same time as Argos lunged to the side as he emitted thick black gases that resembled a bat's wing. As for Emlyn White, his finger quickly swiped across the opened Leymano's Travels.

Suddenly, a silver hue appeared, illuminating the room again.

The Lightning that branched out didn't hit Argos and ended up hitting the ground beside the bed. It broke up into countless thin bolts that snaked towards conductive materials.

Here, the wing which Argos used thick black gases to create seemed to attract the lightning. It was pursued by the snaking lightning as they struck him, spreading across his body.

Argos became numb for a second and crashed down to the ground before he could leap up.

Emlyn hurriedly flipped through Leymano's Travels and once against slid his finger across a Lightning Strike page.

Although he didn't know why there were so many pages of Lightning Strike, with them taking up nearly half of the yellowish-brown goatskin, he was overjoyed that he could keep using them.

The silver bolts of lightning crashed down, smiting Argos, causing his body to emit black smoke despite having just recovered from his numbed state. Failing to leap away, his body began to convulse uncontrollably.

Seizing this opportunity, Emlyn White bent his knee and leaped forward with his feet, approaching Argos with afterimages trailing behind him. Then, he wrapped his right arm around target's head, easily flashing behind him.


Argos directly saw his back.

His eyes filled with blood as the few festering parts on his face burst open as deep and illusory darkness poured out from inside.

Emlyn had no idea what had happened. He slid backward instinctively as he kept changing his positioning.

Argos didn't pursue him as his eyes lost their rationality. All that was left was pure malicious intent, madness, and clear blankness.

He raised his hands and pressed them against his head before forcefully twisting it, allowing it to return to its normal orientation with a crisp crack.

And around this artificial vampire, the darkness surged as though it wanted to devour everything.

Then, Argos stretched his neck from side to side as his body swelled and oozed out disgusting pus.

He had come to Galis Kevin tonight because his body had shown signs of losing control. There was a need to discuss a solution. He returned midway because he suddenly came to a realization that perhaps the harsh environment had caused intense negative effects to him due to his extraordinary sense of smell and sensitivity; thus, resulting in him having signs of losing control.

And at that moment, he completely broke down with the shadow of death hanging over him. He had lost control.

Emlyn White's heart palpitated when Argos swept his gaze across him. He felt that he had encountered trouble again as he couldn't help but curse the Primordial Moon's believers for often making themselves into monsters.

He didn't immediately pray to Mr. Fool for two reasons. First, there wasn't any time as his opponent was about to launch an attack. Second, in a one-on-one situation, Emlyn believed that it wasn't too dangerous dealing with a Sequence 7 Rampager.

He made every second count by flipping through Leymano's Travels quickly, letting it land on the page with Lightning Strike again.


Thick, distorted bolts of silver lightning smote down heavily as it flailed its claws, striking the mutated Argos.

At that moment, the lightning seemed to shatter the surging darkness, but it also seemed to be devoured by it. The two vanished at the same time, leaving behind Argos who had finally locked his sights onto Emlyn.

This artificial vampire who had lost control produced afterimages as he pounced towards his target.

Emlyn crouched down and rolled, dodging the lethal strike.

At the same time, he reached his free right hand into his pocket and took out a metal bottle.


As Argos quickly turned around, he instantly appeared near his enemy.

Pa! Without any time to remove the cover, Emlyn clenched his fingers, pinching open a crack in the metal bottle.

Then, he threw the bottle ahead, letting the pure and radiant liquid inside splatter towards the approaching Argos.

This was Sun Water which he had concocted with his spirituality. It was extremely strong against vampires.

This was the preparation that a Potions Professor had to do in advance!


Being splashed by the liquid, Argos let out a blood-curdling scream. Wisps of black smoke billowed from his body as he lost his strength in midair.

Bang! Although he collided with Emlyn, he failed to make him lose his balance. Emlyn tumbled twice but didn't suffer any actual damage.

While tumbling, Emlyn ignored managing his injuries. He swatted his right hand which had made contact with a few drops of Sun Water and quickly flipped Leymano's Travels.


Another bolt of silver lightning smote down, causing Argos's tragic cries to come to an end.

This vampire who had lost control had appeared to be suffering the radiance of the sun from a close distance as he fell into a state of intense paralysis.

Emlyn seized this opportunity and took out another bottle of Sun Water. He unscrewed the cap and poured it towards his opponent.

This time, Argos didn't even manage to let out a cry. His body began to melt like wax.

It was only then that Emlyn heaved a sigh of relief. He then conjured a thick black fog behind him, turning it into illusory bats the size of a palm as they swarmed towards his target.

The black bats landed on Argos, enveloping him completely. Following that, they separated and flew back to Emlyn before vanishing.

Argos's body had shrunk quite noticeably, and he finally couldn't hold out any longer. In his half-melted state, he slowly collapsed.

Only then did Emlyn raise his right hand to check on the remnant pain. He saw that his palm and a few fingers had wounds that were corroding.

However, the flesh inside was rapidly squirming as they healed themselves.

It's over… I actually finished him… Emlyn retracted his gaze and looked at Argos's corpse in slight disbelief.

Although this hunt had quite a few ups and downs, he hadn't encountered any real danger the entire time. This made him realize that the existence of the Tarot Club made him far stronger than he imagined.

If Argos had checked Galis Kevin's corpse first and not notice the newspapers and wooden chest, he definitely would've figured out that I possess Beyonder powers like Lightning Strike. He wouldn't have used Wings of Darkness while dodging and end up being hit by the lightning.

But this way, he wouldn't have discovered any abnormalities and wouldn't have made any evasive maneuvers ahead of time. My Lightning Strike would've struck him directly and things would've been easier.

Viewing it from this angle, no matter what happened, I would be able to kill him as long as I didn't make a mistake in my handling of matters… They're really weak… So I'm already this powerful…

It's no wonder the Ancestor made me join the Tarot Club… This is a gathering that prepares the various races for the impending apocalypse. It's of a much higher level than the other secret organizations! Emlyn tipped his chin up a little as he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Following that, he heard footsteps outside, but no one dared to approach.

Argos's scream must've alarmed the surrounding residents, but they wouldn't dare enter because they're afraid of trouble… However, someone will definitely report it to the police… I need to clear the scene as quickly as possible and leave… Emlyn retracted his gaze from the door and walked to Galis Kevin's corpse. From the pooling blood, he picked up an item the size of a fist.

It was completely red in color and resembled a heart. It was expanding and contracting slightly, and its surface was translucent. He could vaguely see a liquid flowing inside, and it was none other than the Beyonder characteristic of a Sequence 7 Vampire of the Apothecary pathway.

This is my trophy… Emlyn momentarily felt unaccustomed to it. After calming himself, he wrapped the Beyonder characteristic and Galis Kevin's head with the old newspapers and stuffed it into the wooden chest.

After placing the wooden chest to the side, he yanked Argos's head whose form looked nothing like before. He then took out another bottle of medicine and scattered in every corner of the room.

During this process, Emlyn wasn't flustered at all. It was as though he wasn't worried that the official Beyonders in East Borough would rush over.

A few minutes later, he picked up Argos's mutated Beyonder characteristic, glancing at its surface, which was nearly black in color, and the indistinct human-faced patterns. Behind him, a black gas was emanated.

The black gas transformed into countless tiny bats again as they flew within the room. They combined with the potion liquid that had been sprayed earlier, forming a silent black flame that spread outwards.

The black flames burned away the blood and corpse, as well as the traces of the Lightning Strikes. All that was left was a layer of sticky liquid that resembled asphalt covering the different objects in the room.

Then, these liquid bodies turned into heavy black bats as they spiraled around Emlyn's body.

Emlyn didn't have extravagant hopes that his actions could completely interfere in subsequent investigations. He only had one goal—to make the situation look okay. This made the police or official Beyonders who took on the case write off the matter as something of little value. After a simple investigation, they would file it away and not pay any further attention to it.

After doing all of this, Emlyn, with his cap and blackened face, surveyed the room.

Following that, he bowed slightly at the crimson moon.

Meanwhile, he flipped the pages of Leymano's Travels and had it stop at Teleportation.

Emlyn's figure, along with the heavy bats, immediately turned transparent and formless as he vanished from the spot.

After nearly fifteen minutes, a few policemen from East Borough rushed in. They crashed through the door but didn't discover any residents or corpses.

They yawned languidly and forced the onlooking residents to admit that they had been hallucinating; thus, ending the investigation.

This was the efficiency and style of the East Borough police.

After leaving East Borough, Emlyn first headed home and hid Leymano's Travels. Then, with his spoils, he headed straight for Odora's house in West Borough.

He wanted to declare his victory and claim his reward!

Chapter 797: Reward

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Inside Odora's villa, Emlyn saw Cosmi, who was also a Baron like he was.

This Sanguine who seemed like a man in his prime was Nibbs Odora's spokesperson.

I'm also a Baron, and one that recently achieved adulthood at that… Emlyn mumbled inwardly. He got up from the sofa in the activity room and bowed.

"Good evening, My Lord."

Cosmi was just about to say something when his nose twitched. He then cast his gaze towards the wooden chest beside Emlyn's feet.

"The smell of fresh blood?"

As he asked in puzzlement, he seemed to connect the dots and added after a second of thought, "You killed another target?"

Emlyn curled his lips and shook his head.


Then, before Cosmi could ask further, his smile turned profound.

"Not one, but two."

Two? The middle-aged gentleman was taken aback as he watched Emlyn bend down to open the lid.

During this process, Emlyn's facial muscles winced a little as this series of actions had touched the wound on his right hand.

Holding back the change in his expression, Emlyn allowed his arm to hang down slightly, allowing the chest to tilt and reveal its contents to the Sanguine Baron opposite him.

Two charred, bloody heads were stuffed inside a pile of old newspapers. By the side were two transparent objects which resembled hearts—one red with vitality, and the other nearly black.

This impactful scene was reflected in Cosmi's eyes as he looked up in surprise, staring at Emlyn blankly as he blurted, "You did this?"

Although he had only managed to recognize one head being Galis Kevin's, but the two Vampire Beyonder characteristics couldn't be faked!

Emlyn put down the wooden chest and allowed his right hand to hang down naturally. Surreptitiously, he flicked his right hand very slightly along the corners of his trousers as he replied with a smile, "Of course.

"This is the thing: After receiving the 7,000-pound reward back then, I bought a particular Baron's legacy at a particular Beyonder gathering. With it, I advanced.

"I don't wish to use money to satisfy the murderers who hunt us Sanguine, but I didn't wish for this legacy to land in the hands of others; besides, the seller wasn't necessarily the hunter."

Taking this opportunity, Emlyn revealed the fact that he had already become a Baron. Furthermore, every word he said was the truth.

This was a technique he had learned from the Tarot Club.

I long knew that you were a Baron. Do you think your frequent purchases of all kinds of items with spirituality and the borrowing of books that explain potions would go unnoticed? If it weren't because of certain factors, we would've questioned you long ago… What I'm surprised about is your combat ability. You don't even have a single mystical item, and with you only wishing to buy dolls, it's not easy to hunt two artificial vampires without causing a commotion, even for a Baron… Even I would need to make plenty of preparations and acquire detailed intelligence before it's possible… Without anyone noticing it, Emlyn is already this strong? Cosmi Odora couldn't help but lampoon as he revealed a fake smile.

"So that's the reason…

"Emlyn, why did you hide it from us? Don't you wish to be addressed as 'Lord' by the other Sanguine?"

Emlyn glanced at the Sanguine's expression and tilted his chin.

"I was planning on telling everyone, but since there was the hunting competition, I decided to give everyone a surprise.

"Cosmi, I've already hunted three of the Primordial Moon believers, and you gave five targets. Does this mean that I've won?"

He couldn't wait to change his form of address from 'Lord' to 'Cosmi.'

Cosmi's eyelids twitched as he chuckled.

"Yes, that's right. You can ignore the two other targets. Leave it to Rus Báthory and the rest. This way, they might still be eligible for a consolation prize."

Having said that, Cosmi found his attitude a little too cold, so he hurriedly asked in concern, "Were you injured?"

"A little." Emlyn raised his right arm and stretched his fingers.

To be frank, on his hunt that night, the worst injury he suffered was after he teleported out of East Borough. He had ripped apart his skin to wipe his blood across the cover of Leymano's Travels.

Cosmi didn't develop the topic as he said after a few seconds of silence,

"Congratulations on being the victor of this hunting competition. You will receive two prizes.

"First, if there's a chance to become a Viscount in the future, you will enter the final list of candidates, receiving free help for the ritual.

"Second, you will obtain a mystical item. It's a ring personally created by the Ancestor. Although it doesn't contain any godhood, it possesses potent and very mystical powers. As the Ancestor didn't name it, we all call it 'Lilith's Ring.'

"Also, according to convention, these two Beyonder characteristics will belong to the entire Sanguine race. This way, we might be able to have two more newborns, and you would receive 3,000 pounds in cash in return."

A ring personally created made by the Ancestor… Although Emlyn was somewhat disappointed that the reward wasn't a Viscount's Beyonder characteristic, with it only being candidature and a free ritual, the ring made by Sanguine Ancestor Lilith herself was enough to put things right.

To a proud Sanguine with a sense of racial superiority, this was the highest form of honor!

As his joy was quelled, Emlyn, who had participated in several Tarot Gatherings and had completed two hunts, felt that things weren't that simple.

I was sent by the Ancestor to Mr. Fool, and now, I'm receiving a ring from the Ancestor? Isn't that too much of a coincidence? Emlyn thought for a moment and couldn't figure out the answer. He finally decided to pray to Mr. Fool later, describe the entire situation, and see what advice "He" could give him.

Noticing that Emlyn's joy had subsided and that he had remained silent for more than ten seconds, Cosmi cleared his throat.

"That ring and the cash will be given to you tomorrow.

"When the time comes, I'll summon Rus Báthory and company, officially announcing your victory in this hunting competition. Then, the ring will be given to you."

"No problem." Although Emlyn lacked the experience in such matters, he knew that "rewards" couldn't be given in private. It needed to be given in front of all the participants.

Without staying any longer, he bade farewell and left Odora's villa in a rental carriage.

As the carriage slowly drove off, Emlyn took a look at the crimson moon which was hanging silently in the sky. His mind gradually calmed as he couldn't help but recall everything that happened that very day. From that, he concluded lessons and gained experience.

Finally, he began counting how many Beyonder powers he needed to record onto Leymano's Travels.

I used all of the five Lightning Strikes… One Teleportation, one Door Opening, one Astromancy… A total of eight times. In addition to that, I need to pay two additional powers, making it ten.

This will be a little difficult. There are some Beyonder powers that probably can't be recorded; for example, my self-recovery powers… I can only repeat them… Heh, after I obtain the Ancestor's ring, I can try recording the Beyonder powers it possesses…

Lilith's Ring? Above the gray fog in the palace that looked like a giant's residence, Klein sat in the high-back chair belonging to The Fool as he quietly pondered over Emlyn White's prayer.

He had originally imagined that he would be woken up in the middle of the night, having to provide a particular inexperienced vampire help, but to his surprise, Emlyn had finished everything by eleven and had even "submitted" the mission in.

Back then, Emlyn prayed to The Fool because of a revelation from the ancient god, Lilith… Now, he has received "Her" ring… Regardless of who Lilith is, I need to be wary and observe… Klein seriously contemplated for a few seconds before replying to Emlyn's prayer in a staid manner, "When praying to me or participating in the Gathering in the future, take off that ring."

After giving his instructions, Klein returned to the real world. Without worrying about being woken up in the middle of the night, he slept till daybreak.

After breakfast and taking a rest, it was time for his etiquette lessons with Wahana. It was a special lesson for the ball he was hosting at his residence on the weekend.

Wahana's soft black hair flowed as the ends of her dress twirled while she led Dwayne Dantès into familiarizing himself with the opening dance.

In the brisk and comforting music, this etiquette teacher suddenly said, "I heard Ma'am Mary visited you yesterday afternoon?"

"Yes." As Klein poignantly reflected on how there weren't any secrets in the world of social networks, he nodded frankly.

Wahana nodded gently and said after two seconds of silence, "I heard that Ma'am Mary has pledged all her shares to the bank to borrow a large sum of money."

This is a warning for me to be careful, so that I wouldn't fall into a scam… The help I previously provided had not only allowed me to quickly enter the social circles in Böklund Street, but it has also continuously brought me benefits… However, Ma'am Mary's pledging of shares was to secretly acquire more shares… Klein listened in silence before revealing a warm smile.

"Thank you."

He paused and added, "I believe in the character of every friend, but in the field of business, caution is forever the first principle.

"I've already gotten Walter to hire an independent lawyer and accounting team to perform the due diligence, and come up with a proposal that can protect my interests and avoid taxes in the best way possible.

"Before that, I won't make any decisions."

Wahana raised her head a little and looked into Dwayne Dantès's deep blue eyes before suddenly sighing with a laugh.

"You truly are a wise person."

Klein originally wanted to attribute it to maturity, but thinking back to how Wahana's husband had previously been in a scam over his cloth, and he had only managed to reduce his losses thanks to him, such an answer easily made her imagine things and make comparisons. Since it would appear like a mockery, he changed his excuse and said with a chuckle, "My wisdom comes from the lessons I've received in the past."

"It's hard to imagine you being duped." Wahana chuckled as she lowered her head. "Is it due to all your experiences that you can appreciate the different kinds of charms for all kinds of ladies?"

When is this rumor ever going to end… Klein said with a helpless smile, "Every flower has something beautiful about it."

After familiarizing himself with the entire process and the corresponding dance, Klein walked Wahana out. Together with his valet, Richardson, he took up Ma'am Mary's invitation and headed for the Coim Company in Cherwood Borough.