481 - 489

Chapter 481 After The Crisis

Above Dream Rise House, two drones flew through the clouds. The cameras and sensors in the drones focused on the stylish luxury villa.

The drones recorded the stunning landscape outdoor space where the blue pool shimmered and the flowers in the garden danced.

Noticing nothing suspicious in the villa property, the drones flew to another area.

The moment the drones disappeared, a buzzing sound rose from the villa and space warped. The beautifully landscaped gardens turned into decayed vegetation while the shimmering pool transformed into ruins.

Inside the bedroom on the second floor, Zed observed a virtual screen where information on the drones was displayed, including their present coordinates.

He guessed they belonged to Sky Fiend Group and were trying to find clues on the missing Dark Beasts.

[[We have avoided suspicion.]]

Claudia has created virtual reality to fool the drones in order to hide the signs of battles.

"For the time being."

Zed pushed the virtual screen away.

"Restore the outdoor space as soon as possible before advanced sensors scan this neighborhood."

There was no way a powerful organization like Sky Fiend Group wouldn't have access to high-tech satellites and advanced sensors. So, the chances of such tech being used were very high.

The underground villa facilities were safe from a detailed scan thanks to the cutting-edge technology of the villa. The same couldn't be said for the outdoor space though...

[[Please rest assured. It would be done in less than an hour.]]

Zed nodded.

"Check the tablet I gave you... we can't afford to be caught off-guard again."

[[I know, sir.]]

She has collected a few cell samples of the assimilated Dark Beast she killed. Presently, the samples were analyzed in the lab, and the information in the tablet studied.

"Thanks, Claudia."

Zed as he left the bedroom.

"You are the best."



In the hall.

Felicity, Jessica, Loren, and Olly sat across a table with their focus on the tv, checking the breaking news. The medical droids have provided them the necessary treatment, healing them fully though exhaustion was visible on their faces.


Olly heard a stepping sound and looked outside the hall. He saw Zed stepping down on the flying stairs.

"He isn't even exhausted!"

Olly muttered to himself, surprised. He hasn't seen Zed from the time the latter was brutally slammed into the villa by a Dark Beast.

After the battle completed, Claudia told him and others that Zed was fine and resting. It has barely been half an hour, and yet, Zed was not only healed, but there was not a single trace of fatigue.

"Olly, you look well," Zed said as he stepped into the hall.

"Ah... yes," Olly replied.

"That's good," Zed smiled and sat on a chair beside him. "Your mom and dad would be happy..."

"...." Olly turned silent. He has a feeling more than his parents, a certain golden-haired man would be happy knowing he was safe.

Zed checked the news and felt everyone moving their focus from the tv to him. It was to be expected as the news pretty much said the attack of Dark Beasts was on top factions of the Delta City... yet his house was also attacked.

His eyes met Felicity and she smiled.

"You are finally having excitement in your life!" She said, her eyes bright. "Well done!"

Everyone: "....."

Zed wryly smiled. He changed the topic by saying, "The attack is shocking for me just as much as it is for you... And I would be grateful if you guys wouldn't disclose what happened here."

Felicity didn't say anything for she knew Zed wasn't requesting her. Her silence was guaranteed.

Jessica was startled by the request but she was the first to nod.

"I appreciate it, Jessica," Zed looked at her with a smile. He knew, based on her personality, she wouldn't have revealed the incident. She was a loyal friend.

"Don't worry, we would forget this incident," Loren said on behalf of her and her brother. She could understand he didn't want to arouse attention at such times.

"I'm with Loren on this," Olly confirmed.

"Thanks," Zed thanked Loren first and then turned to Olly. "Thank you for being on the same wavelength as your sister. Till now, I only thought you were a good son, but now I know you are a good brother as well."


Olly visibly flinched.

Good Brother?!

His imagination turned wild. A chill crawled up his spine and goosebumps erupted all over his body.

"No! I'm not a Good Brother!" Olly shouted. "And I would never be a Good Brother! Never!"

Loren was dumbstruck by her brother's declaration.

While she and Olly didn't have a strong sibling relationship, she never expected the bond between them to be so weak that he would declare his intention in front of others, and that too in such a manner.

"He dislikes me this much?" Loren bitterly wondered in her heart.

The others were similarly dumbstruck by Olly's outburst and an awkward silence filled the hall. Olly was also shocked, realizing his outburst was misunderstood. But he didn't know what to say.

Being the kind guy, Zed decided to support Olly.

"Loren, please don't hate your brother," Zed started, his voice polite. " As you know, many people develop posttraumatic stress disorder after facing a crisis like the ones we faced. So, please be understanding of him."

Loren was startled. She has forgotten how PTSD could show up.

Olly, on the other hand, was astonished by how he was saved from embarrassment. He looked at Zed with rays of hope in his eyes.

"Olly, to ensure your sister don't misunderstand, please promise her you would be a good brother."

Zed requested sincerely.

The rays of hope in Olly's eyes died, replaced with gloom.

"I won't promise that...."

Olly wanted to say, but when he looked at the faces of Loren and others, he couldn't bring himself to say that.


He snapped courage, and said, "Loren, I promise to be a Good Brother!"

"That's great," Zed patted Olly. He then turned to Loren, and continued, "I'm sure your future is bright with such a great brother."

Olly's hands trembled and heart thumped loudly as he unconsciously imagined the said future. Strangely, in that future, he didn't see the golden-haired man but rather a black-haired youngster.


I'm overthinking!

Zed was only being polite by calling me Good Son and Good Brother, unlike Kiba who knows the real meaning of good!

Everything is only my imagination!!

Olly calmed himself.


An hour later.

The sun descended, dyeing the sky into an orange hue.

Zed waved goodbye to Loren and Olly as they left, leaving behind Jessica and Felicity.

They stood outside, admiring the beautiful sky.

A few minutes later, they sat down, their eyes still on the sky.

Jessica brought her eyes from the sky to the garden. The lush garden was back to its former glory.

"It might look the same... but it is different. Nothing is guaranteed in life."

She thought as she recalled how close she came to death. The life she took for granted was almost lost by outside elements.

The crisis might have passed, but it has changed her perspective of life.


Jessica glanced at Zed.

She felt his carefree nature from his face, the will to live from his eyes, and confidence from his body.

Despite everything, he looked relaxed and not at all troubled.

"Perhaps he is internally troubled... but he doesn't let that affect him. It was the same when Felicity got injured."

Jessica closed her eyes and remembered every memory she shared with him.

"Every time, no matter the situation, he tries to find humor."

She thought as she remembered his behavior when they were taken by Irina's gang. He has called her trouble magnet; implying this might be the reason she has an affinity with Felicity.

Her lips curled up and she opened her eyes. She turned towards him.

"Zed... could we...?"


Personal Recommendation: 'The Pleasure Lord' on Webnovel.com . A kingdom-building novel focused on pleasure 😉 Slow start but with a very interesting plot. Read it.

Chapter 482 Am I Capable Of Love?

Dream Rise House.

Under the orange sky, Jessica sat alongside Zed and Felicity.

She mustered her courage, and with a smile that could do little to hide her nervousness, she asked, "Zed... could we go out for dinner?"

Her question surprised Zed but he smiled, and replied, "Why not?"

Felicity observed Jessica and smiled. She has been close to Jessica for a long time and could understand more than Zed could.

"Well, you two have dinner," Felicity rose to her feet before continuing, "My parents are going to have guests so I have to entertain them."

Jessica internally thanked her.


An hour later.

A red sports car parked in the parking lot of a luxurious and lavish restaurant. The host of the restaurant quickly stepped up as a handsome youngster and an equally gorgeous woman stepped out.

The youngster has black hair with tempting facial features and a fit body that every woman would find attractive. The woman was almost twenty-years-old with brunette hair, fair skin tone, and a stunning figure. She has glasses but they didn't hinder her beauty, instead, they gave her the innocent, studious touch suiting her personality.

They were obviously Zed and Jessica.

"Please, follow me," The host guided them to their reserved table.

Like a perfect gentleman, Zed helped Jessica to her seat before sitting across her. The waitress offered them two menus and took her leave.

"How are your parents and brother?" Zed asked while scanning the menu.

"They are good," Jessica answered.

"That's great," Zed smiled. "You know sometimes I envy you."

"Envy me?" Jessica dropped the menu and looked at him.

"You have a great family," Zed explained with a smile. "Despite financial limitations, you support each other... something that rarely happens in more privileged families."

He said while thinking of his own birth parents who were supposedly from a very powerful background, and yet, discarded him. Then there was Felicity's family... her elder brother betrayed her for status and power.

"Thank you," Jessica replied and then with a smile, further added, "Your family might have died while you were young but you now have a family. Felicity loves you."

"Yes," Zed agreed. He has forgotten he has lied to her by saying his parents died when he was in the slums.

"Can I ask you something?" Jessica nervously rubbed her hands.

"Sure," Zed replied while deciding what to choose for starters and main course.

"Are you in a relationship?" Jessica asked.

"No, why?" Zed stopped and raised his head.

"Nothing," Jessica answered nervously. "I just asked so this dinner wouldn't be misunderstood if you were in a relationship."

Zed's eyes constricted.

If he was an ordinary youngster, perhaps he would be oblivious to Jessica's intent, but sadly, he was neither naive or oblivious.

He studied her body language and thought of everything that has happened until now... from the time he met her to this moment.

"She likes me... perhaps even..."

Zed looked into her eyes and saw something that any young man would be more than happy to find. Not him though, for it hurt what little conscience he had.

"How could I have been so stupid to not see what I have done to her?!"

Jessica has more than physical beauty. She has a kind heart, a soft personality, and a likable disposition.

She was the charming girl next door and this was why he couldn't let her on and ultimately break her heart.

"In a way, I have let her on... by helping her so many times...she was bound to be smitten..."

Everyone had the right to live the life they want, pursue the things they desire, in the ways they saw fit.

Her desires were simple... a comfortable life with one true love and trustworthy friends.

Perhaps her desires were not awe-inspiring, but they were great. To each their own.

She might not have stated her dreams and desires, but he could guess them, at least he thought he could.

"And that's why I couldn't hurt her."

Even if he was his alter ego, he wouldn't take advantage of her feelings. There were certain boundaries he would never cross unless the opposite party has done something he couldn't forgive. This was his principle...

A minute has passed since her reply and no more words were exchanged. Jessica didn't know how to continue the conversation and bring the matter she wanted to.

"Jessica," Zed started, his tone polite. "There is nothing to be misunderstood. Besides, any man would be more than happy to be in your presence."

Jessica smiled but when he said the next sentence, her smile faded and her heart sank.

"I'm sure someday you will find a Mr. Right and make him the happiest man in the world."

This statement was like a clap of thunder to her ears. She didn't have any experience with romance but even she could understand what he meant.

He was politely refusing her...

She realized he knew her intent and has refused her.

All her hopes of a possible date died and her eyes turned misty.

She knew he must have a reason for him to refuse her without even giving a chance of dating. She wasn't asking for a relationship, just dating: getting to know each other, spending some time, and finding if there was a chance of a prospective relationship.

Yet he didn't even want that...

"Can I know why?" Jessica asked.

She knew well enough to know it wasn't due to her poor background or her weak strength. He was not the type to judge a person on those factors or even physical appearance.

Zed could feel the hurt in her tone. He could even guess how painful it was for her.

In this world, there was nothing as painful as being refused by the first crush. The pain was far worse than a knife stabbed in the heart.

"I don't want you to drown in a sea of sorrow because of me," Zed answered her. "I couldn't have that on my conscience."

"That's not true! You are the kindest person I have known! So you are wrong!" Jessica strongly refuted him.

A person like Zed was incapable of giving sorrow to others.

"So far, just like the rest of the world, you have seen what I wanted you to see," Zed replied with a barely audible sigh. "My true self will disgust you."

"No! That's impossible!" Jessica exclaimed. "You help those in need, you don't take advantage of people in vulnerable situations and you are incredibly kind even when you don't have to..."

Zed couldn't help but smile. What she said was only true for Zed but not for his alter ego...

Kiba was everything a woman of her disposition wouldn't like.

"Jessica, I don't want to take advantage of you," Zed explained with a forced smile. "You are a dream and you deserve someone who could not only respect you the way you deserve... but also appreciate as you appreciate him... sadly, I'm incapable of that despite what you might believe."

Jessica turned silent. Tears erupted in her eyes and trickled down her cheeks.

The sight of her tears made his heart ache, but he knew he must continue. He has to kill her feelings.

"I don't want to sound patronizing but the liking you have for me is because of what I have done for you," Zed explained further.

He hoped to explain the psychological factors of her being smitten so that her heartbreak wouldn't be terrible. He felt, maybe if his words were offensive enough than she would build anger in her heart, quickly getting over her feelings. That would be for the best.

"Zed, for the first time I can say that you are wrong," Jessica replied confidently. The tears in her eyes died, replaced with burning self-confidence.

"Wrong?" Zed was startled by the sudden change in her disposition.

"You are right when you say my liking towards you is founded on things you have done for me... giving me the courage to stand up against bullies, saving my life from being ruined by the local gang, and helping me whenever I was in need...

"But you are wrong to actually believe my liking is some infatuation. People like each other for their qualities, for their deeds, for what they do... for what they contribute.

"So, in this world, is liking or love based on these factors only infatuation? Then, is there any couple in this world who share love?

"Because you like or love someone for what they do... you fall for their qualities. It could be as simple as sharing food, helping in studies, or even going together for a walk... I might be clueless, young, and naive... but even I know that!"

"!" Zed was astonished... both by her explanation and the change in her disposition.

For the first time, he realized he has failed to understand a person and that too someone whom he considered simple.

Zed's lips curled up and he smiled.

"I'm glad you proved me wrong," He said, "And I'm happy your tears are replaced by confidence. Now I don't have to worry about being thrashed."

"Thrash?" Jessica was startled by the sudden change in topic. She then thought of something she has forgotten till now and glanced around.

Many people in the restaurant were looking in her direction.


Jessica realized what happened between her and Zed has attracted attention. Her cheeks flushed with warm blood and cute dimples appeared.

"Please smile otherwise they will think I'm bullying you," Zed politely requested, "And if that happens, they will bring me to some dark alley and beat me to a bloody pulp. What's worse, I would have done the same if I was in their shoes."

Jessica couldn't help but giggle. The environment has turned serious and embarrassing, but he knew how to brighten her mood.



"You were right," Zed said with a wry smile, "But trust me when I say you don't know me."

"Then give me a chance to know!" Jessica begged.

After all, wasn't that dating about?

"I will, and don't think I'm doing you a favor," Zed continued, "You are the master of your fate. So, don't sell yourself short by believing any man is worthy enough for you to beg."

Jessica smiled. He was always considerate of her, building up her confidence and self-esteem.

"But before we date, give yourself time to think about what I have said," Zed stated his intent. "Think about what would you feel to learn I'm opposite of what you think... Give yourself the time to think logically, without any pressure."

Jessica nodded.

"We have all the time in the world," Zed continued, "So, taking a few months to decide is the best. Because by then, you will have enough rationality to overpower your emotions."

"I know what my decision would be... but I will do as you ask," Jessica replied. She could see the logic in his request and knew he was doing for her good.

"That's more than enough."

A few minutes later, the waitress served them lavish dishes.

Burrata with Heirloom Tomatoes, Prawn Cocktail, Avocado Salad, Sunchoke Ravioli, Reggiano Cream, and more.

They had a great dinner... far better than Jessica expected for she got what she wanted, even if it was delayed by a few months.


Three hours later.

Central District.

Between multiple skyscrapers, Kiba appeared above a fifty-story building. He looked down to see hundreds of vehicles passing through streets and intersections. On the footpaths, a sea of people walked past, including couples. The way the couples walked together with hands in hand and the smitten-looks they gave, it was clear they were in love.


Kiba let out a breath of air and sat down on the terrace. In his life so far, he only followed his dream of lust and vanity to the fullest. He pursued women for physical intimacy and never love.

In fact, he never sought love nor desired it.

Maybe it was because of the life he lived in the slums, or because of his world view in general, he never had any interest in gaining what people called love... The greatest emotion one could ever experience.

"What is love?"

Kiba wondered while checking the couples down on the streets.

"Is it romanticization of lust, need, and stability? Or something that transcends everything?"

As he thought further, he noticed an octogenarian couple, lost in the presence of each other. There was no lust, need, or any element he could give a negative touch.

Kiba shut his eyes.

His mind flashed pictures of every woman he has ever slept with. There was never a woman with whom he connected more than physically.


There was one.


Kiba remembered the last time he slept with her. It was a few days ago and for the first time, he felt what they were doing was more than sharing body warmth... the feeling was what people usually referred to lovemaking.

Eva's picture faded and another woman's picture flashed. It was someone with whom he has shared no physical intimacy, yet the feeling he has for her was far stronger than Eva.


He didn't try to deny for he knew what existed between him and Ashlyn was something special... was it love? He didn't know. Maybe he will know the next time they met.

Kiba then thought of the woman would be the source of the only pure love he was capable of... the mother of his yet to be born daughter.


Their relationship was complex despite appearing to be so simple.


He tried to clear his mind but more pictures emerged... some of them part of Zed's life.


Much to his surprise, a blurry picture of Jessica also emerged.

Finally, another picture emerged. It was special for it was hidden in darkness, masking the identity of the woman.

"Surely I can't be in love with so many?"

Kiba opened his eyes and smiled.

Without rising to his feet, he tapped his hands on the terrace and leaped ahead. He passed through the gap between skyscrapers.


The high altitude air currents brushed past him, making his hair float.

"Maybe I don't know much about psychology as I believe otherwise I would have known that..."

High in the air, he lifted his head and looked at the bright moon.

"Even I'm capable of love."

Chapter 483 Small Payback


Kiba woke with a fresh perspective of life. He would pursue his dreams but wouldn't stop his heart from developing feelings.

"If there is love... I want to experience it!"

Kiba mused as he took a shower. He quickly freshened up and stepped into the dressing room.

On one side, there were rows of shelves upon which a couple of hundred pairs of shoes were placed. On the other side, there were multiple closets, displaying hundreds of worth-dying-for-clothes, suiting both Kiba and Zed.

He chose an inspiring 3 piece suit. While dressing up, a virtual screen popped up in the center of the room, projecting a synthesis report of the Dark Beasts' sample Claudia collected.

[[As you expected, those beasts were enhanced to sense power Cosmic. They were sensitive enough to sense the residual traces of the burst of power Cosmic in the house... something that happens when you transform.]]

Kiba nodded while clasping a stylish watch on his left wrist.

[[Using their DNA, I was able to replicate that ability and wipe out the residual traces. Furthermore, I have enhanced the house to kill the traces of your power whenever you transform.]]


[[There is no need to thank me, sir.]]


[[As the worst-case precaution, please don't transform outside unless you have no choice.]]

"Don't worry."

Kiba assured her before focusing on the virtual screen. He scrolled a set of genetic data before pressing on a genetic strand of the assimilated Dark Beast. The genetic strand occupied the entire screen, showing the genetic structure in detail.

He studied the DNA major and minor grooves before focusing on antisense sequences. Compared to sequences of a natural living organism, the sequences on the screen seemed different yet the same. The difference was negligible, just like art and its expert forged copy.

Kiba instantly realized what it signified.

"The beasts were clones?"

He was surprised but then after some thinking, it made sense. Only that could explain how so many beasts appeared in the city.

While many species of Celestial Elysian Plane survived and were present in the World Fragments, the mass scale migration of them to Earth would be noticed by the World Government and other factions.

"Sky Fiend Group certainly has access to high-tech in order to create clones of an alien species."

[[It would seem so.]] Claudia agreed before adding. [[Thankfully, the clones were independent and not connected to a foreign consciousness.]]

"Yeah, we lucked out," Kiba agreed.

It was possible to make the consciousness of clones linked to the main body. Of course, linking consciousness has both advantages and disadvantages.

The major disadvantage would be clear in wide-scale cloning like the present case... the host body would have the burden of many consciousnesses connected to it... transferring countless sets of data.


Suddenly, as Kiba studied the data on the screen, his eyes flashed with a devilish glint.

"Claudia... are you interested in some payback?"


She was not the type to forgive those daring to invade her home.

"Well, it would ruin my plans for today, but it would be worth it..."

Teleportation force erupted under his feet and he teleported to the lab. The cryogenic pods sank into the floor, and in their places, incubator-like pods rose up, containing various genetic matters and samples.

If any scientist saw these samples, they would be shell-shocked, their jaws dropping to the floor. The samples contained organs of alien species. There were hearts, lungs, brains, and even organs that no scientist would be able to identify.

So much data, so many possibilities... the samples alone were every researcher's wet dream. The entire lab was a sea of knowledge.

[[Intelligence is superior to knowledge. People often say beauty is dangerous, but it is intelligence that is lethal.]]

"Well, yes, but Castor Damon used to say - Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

[[I'm aware. What you did in BSE79 would have proved how intelligent you are to him, but I'm sure he would cough up blood if he was alive and knew your ambition."

Kiba only smiled in response.

Ten digital screens appeared, projecting data from the samples.

[[We are ready for mental simulation based on the alien samples.]]

Kiba nodded before stepping in front of the pod containing the sample of assimilated Dark Beasts. From the ceiling, two tubes stretched out, coursing with crimson minerals. These tubes joined the pod from either side.

Near him, a floating board arrived, carrying multiple chemicals in glass vials. Most of the chemicals were synthesized to stabilize biological activities.

"The first step is bonding the sample with... And the second is forming a reverse clone link."

Kiba stretched his hands out and started. He prepared serums with careful precision before injecting them in the tubes.

Alongside this, his powers enveloped the sample to amplify the task rate.


Sky Fiend Group.

Underground research facilities.

The seventh underground floor has been rebuilt and the other damaged areas repaired.

Presently, on the third floor, in the command center.

Joshua grinned from ear to ear while checking the report of the recent beast attack.

The Dark Beasts caught the different factions by surprise and did enough damage to invoke the interest of the World Government and others. The damage was negligible and almost 90% of the Dark Beasts in the attack died, but that was enough to make factions wary.

Furthermore, given the loss of human life especially innocents, the government would have no choice but to act. This made Joshua further grin from satisfaction.

"Fufufu, we have got double benefits in our first phase itself," Joshua said while placing down the report.

If things continued as he wished, the day he will rule the world wasn't far away.

"Indeed, sir," A male officer replied. "The stupid government would send powerful mutants and we will succeed in phase two."

Joshua turned to the male officer and retorted, "Loqua, it is a sign of foolishness to consider the enemy as stupid."

"I apologize, sir," Loqua quickly bowed down. "I wouldn't dare underestimate anyone."

"Good," Joshua replied while bringing his attention to the command screen. "Any development on the death of those Dark Beasts?"

"No, sir," Loqua answered with a grim expression. "We only know what Carrie informed us and that isn't much."

Joshua's face constricted in anger but he didn't say much. The strange disappearance of the five Dark Beasts and the death of three mutants was the only setback he faced. While it didn't hamper his mood, it did give the victory a bitter taste.

"Make another team for the exploration of BSE79," Joshua commanded. "We have to complete the task the esteemed existence conferred upon us."

"Understood, sir," Loqua assured this time everything would work out. "I will get Dark Beasts ready for exploration."

Just then, the lights in the room changed from white to red and the sound of alarm rang out.

"Emergency protocols?! Has the World Government attacked!?"

Joshua's elderly figure winced and he jumped to his feet in shock.

Meanwhile, the screen flashed with the video feed from second floor.

"Second floor!" Loqua was alarmed.

It was where multiple cloning labs were located alongside the training zone of Dark Beasts. As such, it was one of the most important regions for the Sky Fiend Group.

Now, seeing the alarms reverberating so loudly, Loqua's guts twisted. If anything happened on those floors... the Sky Fiend Group would suffer.

"What are the Dark Beasts doing?!"

Joshua cried as he looked at the screen in dismay.

There were hundreds of Dark Beasts, and presently, every single one of them has turned berserk.


A Dark Beast ripped through the experiment pod containing it. As broken glass split everywhere, the claw of the beast connected with a researcher standing nearby. His head was shredded to pieces, and the Dark Beast jumped out.

Another beast roared thunderously, emitting a dreadful shot of black energy that blasted apart half the lab it was in.

In the training zone, the human trainers were dumbstruck as the Dark Beasts pounced on them, without any warning. Most humans were caught off guard and lost their lives without any struggles.

Blood splashed throughout the floor like a waterfall, dyeing the floor red.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Joshua was aghast. The Dark Beasts were loyal slaves of the almighty Titan, so how could they do such a thing?

Loqua typed a few commands and the brain scans of the beasts came on the screen. The dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, and the angular gyrus sections throbbed red, emitting readings that were far higher than the healthy range.


His face fell and heart sank.

"They are the areas responsible for aggressiveness! Why would the chemical activity in those areas be so out of control?!"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings - Salvador Dali

Chapter 484 Value of Time

In one of the cloning labs.

There was a row of hundred large stasis pods; filled with sticky liquid to the brim. The newly created Dark Beasts hibernated inside, their vitals stable.

Over ten researchers studied the body vitals of the Dark Beasts through digital consoles.

~beep~ beep ~

Suddenly, the vital signs were knocked up by hundreds and the sound of warning filled the lab.


The researchers tensed up. Before they could take action, the hibernating Dark Beasts inside the pods opened their eyes, looking extremely eerie.

When the researchers saw the beast eyes, they saw them clouded with a murderous glint.

One after another, crack lines appeared on the pods and sticky liquid splashed out. The claws flickered, shooting out beams of black energy that pierced right through the stunned researchers, making blood splatter.

Throughout the second floor, on all the labs, similar scenes played out. The beasts didn't stop at attacking humans for they attacked each other... it was like everyone was their enemy.


The walls crumbled, the high-tech equipment collapsed, and the floor underneath cracked as the beasts collided with each other.

In the command center.

Joshua shouted commands at his subordinates.

"Stop them!"

The scene of carnage made his distraught. The death of researchers and beast trainers along with the valuable loss of lab items put considerable strain on his elderly body.

"We are unable to!" Loqua informed as the brain stats of the beasts continued to fall in danger line, further amplifying their aggressiveness.


"No idea... but it is almost like something is assaulting them, making them aggressive."

"No choice then but to use...." Joshua stopped as he sensed something from the floor underneath.

On the second floor, the beasts continued to roar but suddenly, they lost their vocal capabilities and the blasts died in an instant.


A powerful voice swept through the research facility like the clap of thunder. Everyone felt repressed, their bodies cowering in fear.

The berserk Dark Beasts stopped in their tracks, their muddy eyes losing all signs of aggressiveness.

At the same time, high in the sky, hidden between the clouds, a transparent drone floated. It emitted incorporeal ripples filled with genetic energy on the Sky Fiend Group headquarters. The ripples were not only incorporeal but undetectable for they were similar to sound waves; of frequency that was never used for communication or attack... thus passing undetected and unhindered.

Now, as the powerful voice swept out, the drone ruptured and stopped emitting energy. It smashed on the ground.

"Using the principle of resonance to trigger my slaves... how ingenious!"

The voice from before said before fading in the dark recess of the underground facility.

For a long time, no words came out of anyone's throat. The entire command room turned as silent as a graveyard with everyone trying to make sense of great Titan's words.

The screen in front of them buzzed with the statistics of the ruptured drone and revealed a biological serum that was converted to genetic ripples.


Just like how bats resonate with specific sound frequency, the Dark Beasts resonated, but not with sound frequency but a biological matter!

"How was that even possible?!"

Loqua's heart thumped.

He could guess advanced genetics tech was used, but having access to technology would hardly justify the effect. Otherwise, Sky Fiend Group would be already invincible with the alien technology it has.

Technology could only show its full usefulness in the hands of an expert... in this case a scientist!

"To create an effect of such nature and that too on such a scale... the mastermind must be at least a Rank VIII scientist!"

Loqua felt like his brain had been slammed by a hammer.

Rank VIII!

In the entire World Government, there were barely 2 or 3 scientists with Rank VIII expertise! As for Sky Fiend Group or even the state where Delta City was located, there were none!

That's how scarce genius scientists of such rank were! They were the cream of cream!

Any faction would bend for having access to a great scientist of such rank! Their treatment would be far better than those served to the heirs of the Nine Families!

In fact, their status was equal to the all-powerful Alphas!

"It must be a Rank VIII scientist from the World Government!"

Loqua's body froze as he reached the conclusion with great horror.

When Joshua heard the conclusion of his subordinate, he looked uglier than crying.

"Just which old codger took action?"

Joshua wondered angrily.


Guest Room, Miss Delta Pageant Building.

While the echelons of the Sky Fiend Group cursed the scientist responsible for their mess, the scientist sat on a chair with his eyes shut, a delightful expression on his face. Those who might only know his mastery in science would mistake his delightful expression as some sort of scientistic enlightenment.

But if they moved from his face to his lap, they would almost die from a heart attack... because they would realize how wrong they were for misunderstanding his look.

A woman's face bobbed up and down on his lap, emitting the soul-stirring sound of sucking and licking.

"You suck in blow job," Kiba grabbed the sparkling amber hair of the woman and started fucking her mouth.

The woman whimpered appreciatively.


Half an hour later, outside.

The seventy-years-old Lager stepped towards the guest room, accompanied by his blonde trophy wife.

Five hours ago, Kiba has arrived and Lager introduced him to most of his family members. Afterward, Kiba said he wished to rest in the guest room and left.

Now, the first round of pageant was about to begin, and Kiba still hasn't left the guest room. He has sent messages and seeing no positive response, he decided to bring Kiba.

"Every second is precious!" Lager said to his trophy wife, Sandra. "But that man knows no value of time!"

"It would seem so!" Sandra agreed as they arrived before the room.

The door was locked but Lager carried the digital card which gave him access to every room. He didn't bother to knock for there was no reason to and stepped right into the room.

The moment he stepped in, he froze and stumbled back.

Some distance away, on a table, a naked woman laid with her legs spread. Between the legs, Kiba stood, pounding her tight cunt.

The woman moaned and screamed with profanities.

"Stretch my married pussy with that fat cock!"

She shouted while wriggling in deep pleasure. Kiba pounded her with powerful thrusts, and the sound of his balls slapping against her flesh ringed out.

"Oh fuck! This feels so good! If only I wasn't married to my tiny dick husband, I could feel this every day!" The woman cried.

Lager's face twisted as he felt like his heart has been struck with a knife. He wouldn't mind the profanities nor a woman screwed here, but now he did... because the woman fucked was the wife of his elder son!

She was not only cheating but also calling his son a tiny dick!

"No...way! This couldn't be real!"

Lager's throat turned dry and despite the rage he felt, he couldn't utter a single word. Spellbound, he stared at the scene of his daughter-in-law dripping with juices and her breasts swaying with every thrust of Kiba's cock.

"How could she do such a thing?! She used to be so silent, loving, and submissive to my son!"

Lager asked himself.

"And I introduced Kiba to her only a few hours ago! Damn bitch! She left by saying she has to get something!"

Lager snapped his teeth while observing the scene in silence.

Sandra was mesmerized as she watched the wet trail Kiba's cock left as he slipped in and out. She could see his extraordinary grith and thickness, and that made her swallow.

"He is enormous!" Sandra muttered to herself.

"Give me your big load!" The woman exclaimed as Kiba banged her tight pussy. "Fill my fertile cunt with your potent seed!"

"Katy!" Sandra called out in surprise. She was sure Lager wouldn't appreciate his daughter-in-law getting filled with cum.


Katy was shocked but the building climax was too powerful for her to care about anything. She only focused on heavenly pleasure and moaned.

Kiba noticed the newly arrived visitors, so, he grabbed the hips of Katy before turning towards Lager.

"Lager, give me a minute!" Kiba requested while banging the former's daughter-in-law.

Lager was dumbstruck, his jaw dropped to the floor.

He is requesting for a minute... to give my slutty daughter-in-law what she wants?!

"Honey, I think he knows the value of time!" Sandra remarked as Kiba violently thrust into Katy and gave her a mind-blowing climax. "He completed right in a minute!"


Lager was aghast. That wasn't what he meant when he said Kiba didn't know the meaning of time.

By the time Lager Kestone regained clarity, he saw Kiba slipping out of his daughter-in-law's cunt. The sight of cum dripping down her cunt made Lager wince.

"Well, Lager, thanks for waiting."

Kiba said while searching for his pants and shirt. He noticed them behind stunned Sandra, so, he requested her, "Excuse me, lady, could you pass my clothes?"


Sandra nodded before grabbing his pants from the floor. Kiba walked towards her, as naked as the day he was born, displaying his glorious body without any shyness.

Sandra felt tantalized as he neared her. His sculpted physique, chiseled abs and the spicy scent of arousal he radiated made her blush red.

"How dare you screw Katy?!" Lager shouted just as his wife entered a trance.

Kiba was surprised by the outburst.

"Old man, there is no need to react like that," Kiba said while wearing his pants. "What happened was between consensual adults. Why should it matter to you?"

Lager clenched his wrinkled hands into fists before replying, "Katy is my daughter-in-law! You still think it shouldn't matter to me?!"

"Of course, it shouldn't," Kiba replied as a matter-of-factly.

He slowly buttoned his chest, giving ample time for women in the room to admire his chest.

"Why should you care what your daughter-in-law does in her free time? It isn't like her getting a couple of orgasms is affecting you or harming your family."

Kiba said with a smile.

"Besides, her being happy would make your son happy and in turn, your entire family. It is something many studies have proved. "


Lager cursed in his heart.

"I must calm down! No matter what happens, I can't let my plan affected!"

Lager told himself. He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

He then gave a glance at his slutty daughter-in-law before turning around to leave the room.

"Sandra, we are leaving!" Lager commanded his young trophy wife.

"Yes, honey," Sandra followed her hubby.

Behind, Katy's senses awakened from the mind-blowing orgasm.

A few hours, barely after meeting Kiba, she was seduced. In an hour, under his playful words and charm, she gave herself to him...

Now, as she gained clarity, she realized she was in a deep mess.

"Relax, everything would be alright," Kiba said while buttoning his sleeves. "Next time, we will have fuck without time constraints."

Without looking at her, he left the room. She was a good fuck and he wanted to have her again.

Maybe others would be shocked by him seducing her in a few hours, he wasn't. Of many seduction techniques, one was focused on 'Situational Forces'. It explained how in the right conditions one could cheat despite having no intention to do so before.


Kiba quickly caught up with Lager.

"Hey, no need to rush," Kiba said, "We will start the first round in time."

"...." Lager didn't reply.

His face pretty much said he wasn't thinking of the pageant. Instead, it clearly said he planned to rat out his loving daughter-in-law. So, it was only a matter of minutes before Katy's husband learned of this episode.

"That's something I couldn't allow," Kiba thought with a smile.

As the rake, it was his responsibility to protect the marriage of Katy and ensure her husband remains clueless of his cuckold status.

Kiba arrived next to Lager and with a smile, slipped an arm around his shoulders like a close friend. Sandra on the other side was surprised by his action.

"How could he act like a close friend after screwing Katy?!" Sandra wondered in her heart. Technically, Kandra was her step daughter-in-law but age-wise, she was younger.

As she tried to think, Kiba started easing up Lager.

"Come on, old man, you are old enough to know people always shoot the messenger," Kiba said.

Lager's body stiffened. He was aware of that.

"Not to mention, you introduced your daughter-in-law and bragged so much about her beauty and achievements," Kiba further added.

"What?!" Lager felt his ears ringing.

'Could he be implying I'm responsible for him fucking Katy?! What sort of absurd logic is that!? I bragged so that he could be envious and I could show off! And not so that he can screw that slutty whore!'

Lager then thought of Kiba's reputation as playboy and rake. He obviously knew Kiba loved to fuck other's wives... so, in a way, by introducing a man like him to the family was no less than showcasing sheep to the sly fox!


'I never wanted this to happen!'

As the top corporate, he never considered the possibility of Kiba trying to put green hats on his family members. After all, he was the organizer of this pageant and one of the most influential names in the fashion industry! Not to mention, Kiba has been respectful and even established a good rapport with him!


Lager cursed under his breath. He realized he was another classic example of a man believing nothing bad could ever happen to him.

Kiba gave a long pause for Lager to contemplate before continuing, "While you did no wrong, angry husbands are prone to act without any logic. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience."

"..." Lager and his wife blindly believed Kiba on this.

"Not to mention, with the pageant starting, we don't want a scandal for all the wrong reasons," Kiba reminded him.

"Ahh!" Sandra gasped for it was obvious to her what he meant. The press would have a field day in digging dirt and scandalizing the Kestone Family for the dirty pleasure of masses.

Furthermore, not knowing how Katy's husband would react to the fling... the present situation was a perfect recipe for disaster!

Lager unblinkingly stared at Kiba in shock.

Bloody hell! This fucking bastard is blackmailing me!

Lager couldn't believe reality. Usually, it was the one caught in a compromising situation that was blackmailed... now it was the opposite!

This couldn't be happening to me!

Lager tried to awaken himself from this nightmare but didn't succeed.

"Besides, do you really want to break your son's happy marriage for a fling?" Kiba asked.


"Come on, old man, sometimes the devil makes us give to temptation," Kiba tightly held Lager before continuing. "By not forgiving a mistake, we are making the devil win and the god lose."

Lager felt faint and weak. He could only swallow what he saw and respond, "You are right. There is no need for me to overreact to a one-time mistake."

Kiba heard Lager emphasizing the last part but he didn't care.

Furthermore, he wasn't stupid to think Lager has forgiven his daughter-in-law. Lager has only delayed the conflict for time being, for a month or so, but what Lager didn't know was that it was what Kiba wanted.

"Promise me one thing though," Lager said while continuing to walk towards the auditorium where the first round would start.

"Hmm?" Kiba looked at him.

"You wouldn't fuck my remaining three daughters-in-law!" Lager demanded.

"..." Kiba was amazed and so was Sandra.

Before Kiba could reply, a spark flashed in Lager's mind and he remembered something. He turned towards his beautiful wife, and observed her gorgeous face.

She has a figure to-die-for and this was the reason he chose her as his sixth wife.

"Pomise you wouldn't try to screw my wife either!"

Kiba: "..."

Sandra: "...."

Lager stared at Kiba with a demanding look.

If his loving daughter-in-law could be screwed within a few hours, who was to guarantee his wife wouldn't?!

It was better to be safe than sorry!

"Well, of course," Kiba replied with a straight face. "You could trust me."

Lager flinched.

Like hell, you could be trusted! I will be keeping tabs on my wife and my daughters-in-law!

"Honey! How could you even say such a thing?!" Sandra thundered. "You think I could cheat on a loving husband like you?!"

Lager didn't reply for he no longer trusted women, especially a young woman like her. He stepped into the auditorium; leaving behind his fuming wife and Kiba in the corridor.

"Well, your husband is a good man," Kiba said with a warm smile. "He is always thinking of his family."

"...." Sandra turned silent.

"I look forward to knowing you," Kiba leaned forward and lifted her chin. "Without the restrictions of clothes."

Sandra was dumbfounded. Before she could respond, she found her lips locked by his.

A chill passed through her spine and a tantalizing sensation bloomed throughout her body.

The feeling left her heart beating rapidly and her face flushed with warm blood. Before she knew it, he slipped his tongue into the kiss...


He gave her the best kissing experience.

"Take care."

Kiba said as he broke the kiss and left.

"Next time I want those lips somewhere else."

Sandra stood dumbstruck. She never expected Kiba would kiss her so openly just after promising her husband.


Claudia has already hacked the security apparatus of the building, which was why he openly kissed Sandra, not worried about their privacy being invaded.

A minute later, Kiba stepped into the auditorium and sat in the row reserved for the judges.

Behind, two cameramen from SBC News adjusted their cameras.

"We are ready," One of the cameramen said.

The cameras could be rotated for 360° view to catch the reactions of anyone. Now, the cameras focused on the stage.

The curtains opened up to reveal Teresa standing with a mike in her hand.

"Wow!" Everyone in the auditorium looked at her with mouth agape.

She was dressed in a seductive black velvet dress that exposed the swells of her breasts and her glistening thighs. The diamond necklace around her neck further amplified her charm.

"A warm welcome and a very good evening to all of you," Teresa started with a crowd-pleasing smile. "I'm Teresa, your host for today!"

Kiba's demeanor changed as she announced the start of the first round.

He would judge the contestants on their talent, beauty, and performance! He wouldn't be biased!


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Chapter 486 Shocking Uproar!

Throughout the auditorium, multiple large screens showed Teresa in her glamorous dress, suiting the reputation of the host of the beauty pageant.


The audience looked at the glistening swells of her breasts and thighs with wide eyes and jaw dropped. She was a sight to behold and the audience marveled at her beauty with ridiculous expressions.

Teresa knew the effect she held on the audience. This was the reason she was the host. With a smile, she started the opening ceremony.

"After an extensive search through the Delta City, we have selected thirty contestants who would compete for the title of Miss Delta," Teresa said. "Each contestant is a feast to eyes, absolutely gorgeous. Yet, only one would be the winner."

Teresa took a short pause to build the momentum among the mesmerized audience.

"Can you imagine how difficult it is to decide who qualifies for Miss Delta among the sea of beauties?" Teresa asked.

"Yes!" The audience exclaimed and nodded with their eyes glued on her.

Usually, beauty was to the eyes of the beholder but not in a competition like Miss Delta Pageant. Here, every contestant was ridiculously beautiful, for they were chosen among the best of the best genetic pool.

And to decide who was the most beautiful meant heavy pressure.

"Thankfully, as the citizens of Delta City, you could enjoy the competition and root for your favorite contestant without the burden of this difficult task."

Teresa lifted a finger and pointed at the exclusive row in front of the stage.

"Because this task would be handled by our three amazing judges!"

The screens flashed with images of the three judges before focusing on the first judge. It was a woman with chocolate brown hair, sitting in a short red dress.

"Our first judge is Rivera! The Miss Delta of Year 2023!" Teresa announced.

As the screen locked on the beautiful twenty-eight years' old judge, the audience cheered and whistled.


"My idol!"

"You are gorgeous!"

"We love you!"

"Marry me!"

In response, Rivera smiled and blew an air kiss to the excited audience.

On the stage, Teresa allowed the audience to express their excitement and gave them ample time to settle down.

A minute later, she brought the mike near her lips and the screen focused on the second judge.

"We are blessed to have the pioneer of fashion in Delta City as our second judge! Ladies and gentlemen, please cheer up for Lager Kestone!"

Compared to the cheers for Rivera, he didn't receive much but that was to be expected as he was a male and that too over seventy. Still, many in the audience knew of his contributions and his status as the patron of fashion so they clapped excitedly.

As the claps faded, the screens focused on the final judge.

Even before Teresa started the introduction, a heavy commotion broke out among the audience.

The rich male patrons gnashed their teeth and clenched their fists in anger while the inexperienced young males cried in envy and fear they couldn't express.

But the response of the female audience was shockingly opposite!

The rich female patrons blushed with a dreamy look in their eyes. The young females felt their heartbeats increasing as they saw the source of their uncountable fantasies on the screens.

"Our final judge needs no introduction!" Teresa started with a smile. "Not only he is known for his great strength as a mutant, but also for his philanthropical endeavors benefitting women. He empathizes with the needs of others and helps them in every possible way."

In the audience, as Teresa's words rang, the eyes of many married men and boyfriends turned bloodshot. While for the females with dreamy looks, a tingling sensation erupted between their thighs.

"Please welcome Kiba!" Teresa completed.

The moment her words faded, the female audience rose with cheers and claps. Their sound made the entire auditorium echo with his name.


"Please look at me!" A nineteen-years old teen begged.

Girls of her age usually fantasize about handsome movie stars but not her. And how could she not when the devilishly handsome man stayed in her city?!

"I'm single!" A barely eighteen-years old blonde teen shouted much to the dismay of her new boyfriend.

"Girl, you don't stand a chance!"

A gorgeous woman in mid-thirties said while raising her left hand, showcasing her wedding ring.

"Kiba! I'm married!"

The woman shouted, her voice filled with confidence and anticipation.

For years, she has been envious of her married friends who got to spend quality time with Kiba. Now, she wanted the same chance and experience the ultimate erotic fantasy of being filled by him. Just the thought made her erupt with wetness.

Nearby, her husband's jaw slacked and eyes popped out. The words he heard were simple and not at all inappropriate, but for him, they were no less than the horrifying experience of seeing a ghost...

Many other married women learned from her and they too showcased their wedding rings, much to the terror of their partners.

"I married a few months ago!"

"I'm also married!"

"Me too!"

"Most of you were only married once! It is my fourth marriage and every divorce is thanks to Kiba!"

A woman in the early forties declared proudly.

Her husband shivered with a gut-wrenching feeling. For a second, he wondered if he should be grateful to Kiba for breaking her earlier marriages and giving him the opportunity of becoming the fourth husband, but then the gravity of the situation struck him.

"No! There was nothing to be grateful for! I could be the next ex-husband!"

The husband's face turned pale as he imagined the only way he could become the ex!

"No! That won't happen!"

He prayed as despair engulfed him...

The more women declared their married status, the stronger the gut-wrenching feeling developed in their husbands.

"So what if you old bitches are married?! We are single, younger and beautiful!"

The single women especially young refused to back down. They shouted, exclaimed, and some of them even flashed their twin assets!

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The cameramen were shocked by the situation. Their duty was to catch the reaction of the live audience and broadcast it for the consumption of the online viewers, but they never witnessed a situation like this.

The excitement showed by the audience, especially by the females even before the parade of the contestants was of epic proportions... it was no less than the uproar and excitement showed by frenzy fans for their favorite sports players.

But this excitement wasn't for players or players but a judge... to compare this situation with sports, the audience was cheering for the referee instead of the star players!

"This is beyond our scope of understanding!"

Getting their senses back, the cameramen moved the camera's focus from the women flashing to others due to the censorship laws. They did admire the sight for a few seconds before cursing Kiba for being so lucky.

"Why is he getting all the love?! We are also healthy males!"

Just like the male audience, the cameramen were having a hard time restraining themselves. They wished they could strangle Kiba, shapeshift into his figure and enjoy all the divine attention.

Sadly, they lacked the guts and powers. All they could do was pray for the gods to take mercy and hope their combined prayers would result in something...

On the stage, Teresa almost stumbled down. She steadied her heels before looking at the audience in disbelief.


She has associated Kiba with infamy so the reactions of the audience made her dumbstruck.

"You got to be kidding me! I knew his charm has an effect on me! But even on the masses and that too, to such an extent?!"

Months ago, when she was informed of Kiba being one of the judges, she felt the task of introducing Kiba was difficult. After all, he was known for affairs with single and married women, both young and mature.

Besides, there was no way she could tell the viewers that he was chosen as the judge... because he has experience in tasting a variety of beautiful women!

Just when she was at her wits' end, she came across a popular web portal named Wife Hunter Society - The Records of The Lord.

It introduced Kiba as the messiah that was prophesized by the sages of the past and boasted of claims that made her tongue-tied.

Getting over her amazement, she borrowed a few lines from there as an introduction; though secretly worried the crowd might boo at her.

But now, looking at the shocking reaction of the crowd, she felt her decision was right and chided herself for doubting the web portal.Wife Hunter Society was founded by Erone - the loyal devotee of Lord Kiba. It was introduced in Chapter 137.

Chapter 487 Preliminary Round

In the judge row, Rivera was amazed by the response Kiba received.

As the reigning Miss Delta, she was used to being the center of attention and enjoying the awe of the audience. Now, hearing the cheers for Kiba and seeing women flashing him their tits, her self-confidence took a big hit. She instantly knew she hasn't inspired awe to the extent he could, and that too despite being a man!

"He is cheered for all the wrong reasons!"

Rivera thought with disdain.

"The stupid crowd is mistaking notoriety for fame! They are oblivious idiots who don't know how beauty is admired or judged!"

Despite her thoughts of disdain, her expression didn't change. She continued to smile, giving the cheerful look the audience loved.

As a fashion model, this was the display of her talent. To handle any situation without carrying the emotions on the face.

As she thought of this, she snorted inside and eyed Teresa. The latter has looked like a deer in headlight for the briefest moment of the time.

"Hmm! I will take the sponsorships from that talentless bitch!" Rivera thought before glancing at Kiba. "So what if you are handsome and popular? I will show you the right place, under my heel!"

She looked forward to seeing Kiba begging for her affections...

At the same time, as the final introduction of the judge finished, the large screens focused on Kiba.

Kiba joined his hands together in the form of a heart. From the open gap between the two hands, strands of red light appeared and converged together to turn into real emojis of heart❤️.

One after another, hundreds of heart emojis flew to the women who have cheered for him.

The woman who showed her wedding ring first smiled as she saw the heart in front of her. She touched it with a finger and an arrow shot through it, turning it into the heart with an arrow 💘

"Thank you for your love!"

The words rang in her ears and the heart burst into glittering sparks. She was delighted as the sparks fell on her lap, a business card appeared.

Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt. Ltd.

She gasped in pleasant surprise while threads of blood snaked through her husband's eyes. He couldn't believe Kiba was sending a fucking invitation card to his wife, in front of him, and that too so openly.

Similiar things played throughout the auditorium.

The wife with the fourth husband clapped her hands excitedly as she saw the sparks turning into an exclusive voucher for Mistress' Massage Center.

"Thank god! It isn't related to Kiba!"

Her current husband sighed in relief. He has researched before, and based on it, Kiba has only connections with Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt. Ltd and Naughty Bunny Corporation.

If only he knew the truth...

The young maidens who flashed Kiba their beautiful breasts were rewarded with multiple cards and vouchers; giving them ample opportunities to enjoy Kiba's time.

Rivera continued to smile for the cameras while thinking, "What a showoff! He will be begging to give me one of those virtual hearts! And I will break his heart!"

The smile on her lips spread further at the thought.

Lager unblinkingly stared at the sights of virtual hearts bursting into sparks.

"Fucking bastard! He isn't satisfied by screwing my daughter-in-law and now....! He is even using the simple introduction for his benefit!"

A row behind him, unknown to him, a virtual card appeared on the lap of his trophy wife, Sandra. She was startled since she hasn't cheered for Kiba, and yet, she was directly receiving a card without any heart.

Controlling her surprise and making sure no one was focusing on her, she grabbed the card and read the message on it.

[Call me in the night. We need to bring those lovely lips in the right place.]

Sandra breathed hard.

Meanwhile, the cameramen focused on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your heartstrings for our beautiful contestants are coming!" Teresa announced. "To introduce themselves!"

The stage was built for the catwalk and it stretched through half the auditorium. As Teresa left, a group of five women appeared, their age between 20-25.


The audience toppled over at the sight of beautiful women, in short, exposing clothes. Two in skirts, one in a bikini and the last in a revealing dress.


With one foot in front of the other, the women walked with long strides, one behind the other. They tilted their shoulders and used their hips to sashay down the catwalk, making the audience spellbound.

Kiba looked on as the five women bounced their bodies up and down as they neared the end of the stage... right in front of the judge's row. He observed their poise, rhythm, makeup and finally, their slender bodies; analyzing every portion in detail.

"Not bad," Kiba observed.

After arriving at the end of the stage, the women spread out and stood with hands on their hips. One after another, they began introducing themselves.






Kiba analyzed the confidence they displayed while introducing themselves.

"On basic parameters, Viivi stands out," Kiba thought while giving the 5 ft 11-inch contestant a detailed look. She has light brown hair and blue sultry eyes with a 'C' cup bust.

"Athina is the second best," Kiba noted. "Her stomach has no flab and her thighs are well molded."

He jolted down a few points and remarks on the tablet provided to him.

A few seconds, the five contestants turned around and continued the catwalk effortlessly, returning in one line.

Five more gorgeous contestants appeared, walking on the catwalk, looking relaxed and bursting with confidence.






They introduced themselves in similar fashion and returned.


The introductions completed with six rounds. In the end, the thirty contestants appeared on the stage, walking straight and doing their best to catch the eyes of the judges.

Kiba studied the figure of every contestant in detail. He didn't want to seem biased so he reconfirmed every parameter, and unlike others, he didn't mind correcting his points if he has made a mistake.

"Viivi, Athina, Janine, Debora, Abena, and Renae have the best potential among the thirty."

Chapter 488 Could We Change Here?

An hour later, the preliminaries finished and Teresa shared important details with the audience.

The judges would get a day to choose the qualified contestants for the next round. Out of thirty, only fifteen would qualify for the next round. The competition was throat-cutting and every contestant knew it. No matter how beautiful or alluring they were, they were fully aware of who controlled their fates.

All they could do was pray...


Kiba walked out through the exclusive door and stepped into the posh VIP zone. He took short strides as he walked, lost in thoughts of performing his duty.


A soft, sultry voice called from behind.

"Hmm?" Kiba turned around to see Rivera approaching.

"Are you going to the guest lounge for grading the contestants?" She caught up with him and asked.

"Yes," Kiba nodded and turned around to resume walking forward.

Rivera was surprised by his response and so were the staff members in the corridor.

"Has he turned stupid?!"

"He has to be!"

"Right! Otherwise what type of man would leave the sexy Miss Delta!"

The present Miss Delta has approached him, giving him the chance to fawn upon her! Something every man and woman in the city could only dream of! And yet, instead of appreciating the chance, like a stupid idiot, he was leaving!

Rivera didn't pay attention to the chatter among the staff but she noticed the odd looks she got. Ever since she became Miss Delta, every man and woman would practically look at her with awe and subtly beg to be in her presence.

Yet, for the first time, she approached a man and he left her like she was some ordinary citizen! No, not only here, but even in the preliminaries, he didn't pay her any attention even though they were sitting next to each other! He has flirted with the female audience, but towards her, he has shown no appreciation!

"Dammit! I was only thinking of pressing him under him my heels, but now I would humiliate him!"

She swore in her heart. Still smiling and sporting the loving expression, she once again caught up with him.

"Kiba, we should judge together," Rivera said softly. "This would benefit the contestants."

As the most popular model in the city, her saying this was practically giving him another chance to get back in her good graces and learn about judging. After all, what would a playboy know about judging models?

Kiba turned his head at her. He examined her gorgeous face, her seductive lips, and her beautiful eyes.

Rivera internally smiled for she knew he was hooked on her looks.

"You are annoying and narcissistic, bitch," Kiba replied. "So, fuck off."

Rivera froze in shock. No matter how trained she was in hiding her emotions, his words made her face twist into anger for the flicker of a second.

Still, she tried her best to recover and make her expression turn into that of hurt. Her eyes turned misty and she asked, "How could you say that!?"

Kiba smiled and his body turned blurry.

All Rivera felt was a gust of wind before she found herself pinned to the wall. His head leaned on hers while his hands pressed her to the wall.

Rivera felt her face flush as his breathing fell on her lips, making her shudder.

"Narrcistic bitch, you are trying to work on the wrong man with no skills."

Kiba said, his smile spreading to a grin.

"Your little tricks of subtly teasing with a cute approach and making others fall for your charm are something I stopped using years ago."

As he said, his lips approached hers, barely separated by an inch.

"So, bitch, stop believing you have the skills to make me do your bindings."

She expected now his lips to lock on hers for a kiss, but much to her shock, he lifted his hands and freed her. The sudden shock made her stumble and land on her tight, little ass.

"Be a good little bitch and I might pay you some attention," Kiba said as he left. "But till then, let alone a kiss, you don't even deserve touch."

Rivera was stunned. In her entire life, she has never been treated like this.


Not even the rich and powerful of the city spoke to her in such a manner.


Seduction didn't always mean enticing for sex.

Most often, for women, it meant using their feminine charm to make the men astray and persuade them to do things they wouldn't. And women achieved that by not giving men what they want the most... sex.

Because the moment the men got sex, the women would lose their bargaining power.

So, the sign of an ultimate female seducer was bending men to her will without least of body contact.

Rivera and most sly women tried to follow this path of the ultimate seduction. Charming men with their cute approach, teasing them, getting what they want and then leave them.

But contrary to their beliefs, there was another step above this ultimate seduction!

It was seducing the seducer by resisting seduction!

[[And that's what master is doing.]]

Claudia observed through the monitoring system in the building.

[[When seduction fails, the reverse psychology comes in picture. The woman becomes self-conscious, doubtful, and...]]

This not only applied to female seducers but males as well.


Kiba stepped into the guest lounge reserved for him. It has lime green chairs, sofas, coffee tables, and linoleum flooring.

Kiba walked to the private bar cabinet where a quality selection of beers and fine whiskey was available. He picked a chilled beer bottle and laid down on the sofa while checking the lounge.

On the opposite end of him, there was a vanity room, something most women in the buildings needed.

"Good environment for working."

He brought the tablet given to him and started working.


"Excuse me, sir."

A few minutes later, Kiba heard the sound of knocking. He lowered the tablet and made a twisting motion.

The knob twisted and the door opened up.

"Come in," Kiba said.

"Thank you, sir."

Two women stepped in and to Kiba's surprise, they were contestants. One was a twenty-five-years old model - with amber hair - named Natalya. The other was twenty-four-old Rima who has beeline honey hair.

"What could I do for you?" Kiba asked as Natalya closed the door.

"We need to change," Rima replied. "But our room is undergoing maintenance due to a leak."

"So, we were wondering if we could change here if you don't mind," Natalya completed.

Kiba raised an eyebrow before nodding and pointing to the vanity room, "Sure, go ahead."

He then brought his attention back on the tablet.

Natalya and Rima exchanged glances before stepping towards the vanity room. But instead of entering it, they stopped outside.

Natalya tossed her bag. She was donned in a sweater pencil skirt and slowly, she pulled the sweater off her shoulders and threw it behind.

Perhaps by some coincidence, the sweater fell on Kiba's feet.


Kiba turned his head and noticed Natalya putting her hands on the hem of the skirt. She seemed oblivious to the fact she was visible to him... or that she has positioned herself to give him the best possible view.

She lifted the skirt and her black G-string thong panties came in sight, hidden between the creamy white ass cheeks.

With one hand lifting the skirt, she put the other hand on the sides of the thong. She inserted a thumb into the string and began to peel it down her smooth ass.


Natalya exclaimed and slide the thong back up.

"I need to change my bra first!"

She gasped at her obvious mistake and freed her hands off the skirt.

From behind, Kiba saw nothing but the straps of the sexy black bra on her back. He watched with some surprise as she placed her hands on her tailbone and then traced them up, bringing them to the hook and eye closure.

Natalya arched her back and unhooked the bra. She then brought a hand on her right shoulder and slid down off the black strap. She did the same with her other shoulder, and after dragging the straps almost half her shoulders, she pulled the bra off her breasts.

Kiba heard the soft sound of the bra falling to the floor as Natalya turned completely backless...

Chapter 489 Extra Points! R-18

In the guest lounge.

Completely backless and in nothing but the skirt and panties, Natalya stretched her arms over her head.

On the sofa, Kiba watched in amazement as to how wonderful her creamy back looked as she stretched. Her muscle movements were spectacular, especially how her ass shook.

"Now I need to remove my skirt!"

Natalya said aloud as she bent forward, wriggling her hips in the process. Her hands pulled the skirt up to her hips, and as she did, she thrust her ass back.

"Natalya! That's not how you remove your skirt!" Rima reminded her dear friend. "Stand straight and pull it down!"

"Ah! Right!"

Natalya exclaimed at her obvious mistake.

She undid the skirt and it began to slip down the beautiful thighs, leaving nothing but the black panties.

"Let me help you with the panties!" Rima - who was in a cross back dress - decided to volunteer. "You always had issues with skirts and panties!"

"I would definitely appreciate any help!" Natalya replied.

Rima kneeled behind Natalya and grabbed the sides of her panties, slowly peeling them off. Down to her knees to her ankles and finally to the floor.

"Your panties seem rather fresh!"

Rima remarked as she pulled the panties to her nose and smelled the aroma.

"Really?" Natalya asked.

"Yes!" Rima answered while tossing the panties back.

They landed right on Kiba's chest. Even without trying to take a sniff, her scent entered his nostrils, and he couldn't help but agree with Rima... they were fresh!

Not only fresh but also aromatic!

But Kiba wasn't a pervert so he didn't take a sniff. He placed the panties on the coffee table and looked in the front.

As Natalya's bare ass stuck out, Rima cupped it tightly. She squeezed the ass cheeks, making Natalya gasp.

Kiba was amazed by the way her ass writhed and rippled under the tight squeeze. The sight made his cock stir.

"Is it only me or your ass has gained some fat?" Rima wondered aloud.

"It is only you!" Natalya replied confidently. "I don't have an ounce of extra fat!"

"Really?" Rima didn't believe her.

"Well, if you don't believe, we can ask sir," Natalya said confidently. "As the judge, he is the most capable person of judging on this!"


Still kneeling, Rima turned her head towards Kiba. She slapped Natalya's tight ass and asked, "Sir, what do you think? Is her ass perfect?"

Kiba didn't reply.

"Rima! How could he judge from this distance?" Natalya asked.

"You are right!" Rubie gasped and agreed.

Slowly, Natalya turned her body around.

As Kiba's eyes were on her ass, so when she turned around, the first thing he saw was a neat patch of amber pubic hair. Below it, he could see traces of pink flesh hidden between two puffy foldings.

Kiba lifted his eyes up and arrived on her C-cup, alluring breasts. The pink areolas seemed to form a contrast with her creamy skin tone, making her nipples stand out.

Natalya took slow strides towards him, giving him plenty of time to examine her slender figure.

"Sir, please judge my ass on our behalf!" Natalya requested as she came in front of him. She spun around and thrust her ass out.

Kiba leaned forward and grabbed her ass cheeks. He examined the feeling of the soft, firm ass cheeks in his hands, "No unnecessary fat but then again, I need to check in detail."

He squeezed and jiggled the ass cheeks up and down, much to the pleasant surprise of Natalya. Her shoulders dropped while her body relaxed.

"Your ass seems perfect, but I need to check in more depth," Kiba observed.

"Please do, sir," Natalya requested. "I don't want Rima to have any doubts!"

"Yes, sir! Please confirm for once and all!" Rima begged while slipping next to him.

Kiba nodded and slid a hand through the ass crack.

Natalya shuddered from the feeling of his hand closing into her anal ring and pussy. His simple movement of slipping hand was tantalizing, touching at her all the right spots.

To give him better access for examination, she spread her legs. Kiba was happy with her active participation as it made his work easier.

His hand brushed past the end of her pussy and moved up to the anal ring without touching it; sliding in and out of the ass crack for a few times.

"Your ass is perfect," Kiba made the final observation. "In fact, I would give it a score of 8/10."

"Really? Thank you!"

Natalya was on cloud nine. To have an experienced man like him give her such a high score, she could understand how good her ass was.

Perhaps winning the preliminaries wouldn't be that hard!

Natalya turned around, and to express her happiness, she pulled him for a kiss. She let out a soft moan as he responded to her kiss and dived between her lips.

"Sir! What about my ass?"

Even before the kiss could be completed, Rima pulled her dress up and yanked off her white panties.

Kiba parted from Natalya's lips and looked at the woman next to him, standing with her naked ass.

"Check her as well! Let us know who is the best amongst us!" Natalya showed her competitive spirit.

Kiba once again nodded. He pulled Rima by her long beeline honey hair and made her stand in front of him.

To her amazement, he didn't use his hands to examine her ass. Instead, he used his lips to trace her soft skin, caressing every corner of her buttery cheeks.

Her breath slowed down considerably as his lips moved into her ass crack. His face slipped down further and further into the crack for examination, caressing the smooth skin.

After an eternity, his lips came close to the end of her pink slit and stopped there.

Rima arched her back and thrust her hips down to make her slit meet his lips. She squealed as they met for a lingering kiss.


Rima felt a tantalizing spasm in her cunt as she felt his lips retracing. She turned towards him, waiting for his judgment.

"Your ass is smooth, firm, and great to squeeze," Kiba stated his expert opinion. "Just as good as Natalya's. Hers is round and a bit larger, but the texture and feel are the same. I would reward you with 8/10 as well."

Rima was more than happy with the result. Just like her friend did earlier, she planted her lips on his lips for a wet, open kiss. Soon, his tongue slid into her mouth and licked around the insides of her.

"But that means we are equal!" Natalya said as the kiss broke. "Surely only one of us is superior to the other!"

Rima agreed with her friend's opinion.

"For deciding that, we have the pageant," Kiba replied and grabbed the tablet back to resume his work. "Excuse me."

Natalya and Rima exchanged glances. The former kneeled between his knees and traced her soft hands up his thighs.

"Surely, you could decide here!" Rima joined in by wandering her hands over his chest. "We are only two and you are the best person to judge us!"

"And how exactly would I judge you?" Kiba asked while checking the information on the tablet.

"Besides beauty, the pageant also tests talent, courage, and competitive spirit among other things," Natalya answered as she unsnapped and unzipped his pants.

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.

"She means you could judge us here on all the parameters, without any obstruction!"

Rima replied on her friend's behalf as she sat down on his stomach. She grabbed the tablet from his hand and tossed it away.

Below, Natalya wrapped his erection with both her hands and started stroking it. As he turned aroused, she looked in shock at the resulting length and thickness.

"He is a monster!"

She thought with her eyes glued to the erect cock. Just the feeling of his cock between her hands brought glistening moisture in her sweet pussy.

Rima didn't see the erection as she was busy kissing his neck and nibbling at his ears. Finally, she moved her lips to his for another kiss. But before their lips could lock into each other, he stopped hers with a finger.

"Are you two here trying to seduce me?!" Kiba thundered angrily.

Both Natalya and Rima were shocked.

Getting no response, Kiba further asked, "You think you could get a judge in your good grace by seducing him with your hot bodies?!"

Natalya and Rima swallowed deeply.

The allure of Miss Delta was not restricted to the popularity of being crowned as the most beautiful. The addition of a $5 million award and the multiple sponsorships were the true temptation.

Neither Rima not Natalya want to be disqualified, at least not in the first round itself. If they could proceed to the next round, even if they can't win the pageant, they would earn enough fame to earn contracts and few sponsors.

This left them with no choice but to earn extra points for qualification from the honorable judges.

Lager was a creepy old man and neither of them wanted to be in his presence, for he made their guts twist.

Then there was Rivera. She was a woman just like them so it was impossible to charm her unless she was a dyke.

And finally, there was Kiba. The most desired man in the city. Their option couldn't be more simple especially given his reputation as a ladies man.

But now, looking at his angry outburst, they regretted their decision.

"Dammn! We judged him wrongly! He is not the immoral man like the gossip channels claimed!"

Natalya thought as she unconsciously continued to stroke his throbbing erection.

"We are going to be disqualified!"

Rima thought fearfully as she continued to sit on him.

"No! We have to save ourselves! We need to make him understand this is just a misunderstanding!"

"Answer me! Do you think I'm the type of person who would be unfair just because you two are hot?!" Kiba asked.

Rima gulped a mouthful of saliva before responding, "Sir, you are not---"

The next words died in her throat as she felt thick, throbbing meat slipping into her slit. Her back arched and her eyes widened to the limit.


She trembled as the mushroom head of Kiba's erection jammed into her tight cunt.

Below, Natalya was shocked by the turn of events.

A few seconds ago, she was stroking him, but then he guided Rima's waiting cunt to it without any warning, in the flicker of a second.

"Answer me, Rima! Do you think I would be unfair just because you have a hot body?!" Kiba asked as he ripped her dress.

Rima was in no condition to think straight much less answer. All she could think was the feeling of having her little, tight cunt filled...