542 - 551

Chapter 542 This World Deserves To Exist!

Crimson Wolf transformed into a beam of light and shot at Extermination. As he closed in, he drew a massive circle in the sky and poured a vast quantity of crimson energy into it.


The circle turned into a crimson moon, glittering enticingly.

"Judgement of the Moon!"

Crimson Wolf was a peak Level VII Alpha, and this was one of the strongest moves he had. It was something he didn't wish to use as it would further harm this damaged land, but he had no choice.

He lowered his claw and aimed it at Extermination.


The crimson moon bombarded down, surging with the power of murder and judgment. It broke through the grayish aura and smashed on Extermination.


A shocking crimson explosion filled the air, rumbling through the destroyed space.

At the same time, miles above the ground, Miria's katana diced the grayish energy soaring to the skies, breaking its contact from the outer space dust.


Acidic fumes swept out of the katana as its surface corroded completely. Before her eyes, it exploded into gray shards and merged with the grayish mist.

Miria let out a bitter sigh at the loss of weapon that has accompanied her since her birth.

Some distance away from her, Maldonado broke the strands of grayish energy with mountain peaks and created a layer of white mountains around them.

"Seems like we succeded in stopping him!"

Miria barely made this statement when her eyes constricted. Maldonado's face fell as well and he reinforced the mountains around them with another layer.

Down below, in just a fraction of second, the explosion cloud turned absolute gray.


Crimson Wolf's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't expect his attack to kill Extermination, but did hope to exhaust him further, and force him on backfoot.


Seeing the worst-case scenario, he turned into a puff of crimson smoke and retreated. Even as he did, an illusory gray palm cut through the explosion cloud and charged at him.

His pupils dilated with terror as the palm shrouded his field of vision.

"I have failed!"

He wasn't afraid of death. If he was, he wouldn't have come here to stop Extermination, knowing the possibility of death when facing a Level VIII mutant.

Still, he wanted to live and protect this world from Extermination.

No matter how bad this world was, it didn't deserve to be wiped out!

High above, Miria and Maldonado snapped their teeth. It was impossible for them to save him as everything occurred at lightning speed.

Crimson Wolf closed his eyes. The illusory palm was on him, ready to absorb him into the chaos.


Like the rustling of autumn wind, a soft sigh ringed out. It was impossible to say where this sigh came from, much less from who, but as it came, the time seemed to stop.

Extermination's expression changed for the first time. He lifted his head towards the boundless, gray sky.

Violet petals rained down, emitting intense glow. The grayness that terrified even Hyperion jerked back.


Between these petals, the figure of a woman emerged.

She was ethereal and transparent, dressed in royal red attire. Her face was covered with a thin veil, making it impossible to see her facial features.

Extermination didn't need to see her face to know her identity.

"Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose!"

The violet petals danced around her, bursting with frightening power.


Maldonado and Miria felt intense dread, countless times greater than they felt from Extermination. This dread stabbed into their minds, causing their bodies to shake violently.

The layers of majestic mountains around them just vanished, as if they never existed.

Crimson Wolf's breathing turned heavy. The illusory palm had vanished, but he felt an incredibly strong pressure squirming through his body.

In Earth's orbit, the advanced military-grade satellites that had arrived to capture visuals similarly vanished. There was no explosion, no crack, nothing. It was like they were directly erased from existence.

Around the globe, the councilmen and important figures trembled. There were no more visuals nor readings, but what little visuals and readings they saw before satellites disappearing was enough to scare them out of wits.

"Those readings must be false....!!"

Lord Harley muttered to himself.

The energy readings had increased explosively before returning to zero. In normal cases, zero would signify an ordinary human. But that definitely didn't apply here given what they saw!

So the only possible explanation was that the satellites were incapable of reading the new energy signals!

"For such a thing to happen... her powers must surpass the limitations of Alpha!"

Lord Harley's eyes widened and ears buzzed at this thought.

"That would mean she's....!!!"


Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose came down from the sky. She glanced in the direction of Maldonado, Miria, and Crimson Wolf, and before they could feel her glance, they disappeared.

When they appeared, they found themselves far away from Delta City, in another city.

"She teleported us away?! I didn't feel any fluctuation!" Maldonado muttered in disbelief.

"Who was she?!" Miria wondered aloud.

"No idea! But whoever she was... she saved our lives!" Crimson Wolf replied.


Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose landed some distance away from Extermination. She slowly stepped towards him and said, "Dream Seeker... It seems you have ignored my warning[1]."

Extermination gripped the Cosmic Spark tightly as he replied, "I'm not Dream Seeker!"

A gentle breeze passed by him, carrying violet petals. By the time they flew past, Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose was in front of him, her left hand on his face.

Extermination was startled and as he borrowed power from the Cosmic Spark to make up for his exhaustion, she smiled behind the veil.

"Changing the outer shell or appearance doesn't change what you are."

The power flowing from the Cosmic Spark stopped, suppressed by her. He has pushed his body beyond limit, and tapping more of its power was lethal, and perhaps that was the reason she stopped him.

Extermination didn't reply as he struggled to overcome the suppression on the Cosmic Spark.

With another sigh, she traced her hand gently on his face before stopping on his forehead. A burst of violet energy flooded into his mind.


He let go of the Cosmic Spark and grabbed his head. He felt a pounding headache like never before, forcing him to shut his eyes and concentrate on his consciousness.

The consciousness of every living being was no different than an independent realm. Everything in it was based on thoughts, emotions, and imagination.

In this realm of consciousness, Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose appeared. Everything here was gray with no land or sky.

She arrived at the core of the realm where she saw Kiba, wrapped in the webs of anger and hatred. Since she was in his consciousness, his every thought and emotion was open to her.




A world without Hope doesn't deserve to exist!

Wipe it out!

"Is that what you all want?" Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose asked. "And does this world really not deserve to exist?"

Strands of violet energy rippled out of her and pulled him from the webs of anger and hatred.

Kiba nodded in response to her questions.

'How can the world deserve to exist without my daughter?! Destroying it is all I want!'

The webs of anger and hatred seethed excitedly. They stretched out and wrapped him again, and just as it seemed they have succeeded, the violent energy simulated his memories.

The realm flashed with images of Elissa. How she smiled at him when she requested him to pray for her. How she promised to rescue him from the slums and kill the caretaker if she succeeded in her life.[2]

As he remembered her, he started struggling inside the webs of anger and hatred.

Elissa deserves a world to live in! To thrive! To succeed!

But was she alive?

Before his thoughts could turn negative, the realm flashed with scenes of Ashlyn.

How she always had a cold, poker face, and how rarely would a smile greet her lips. How she used his motto of "Work smart, not hard!" to create the most terrifying art known to men - Nutcracking!

Kiba tore through the webs and jumped out.

Yes, Ashlyn deserves a world to not only exist but live! She had earned that right and her status as a Cursed One didn't matter!

She has to live happily! Free from the conditioning of her adopted parents!

The webs refused to let him go. They entangled his feet and just then, the realm flashed with visuals of Eva. How she always helped him... and how she sported the shy and kind woman persona in front of others.

Kiba pushed the webs back.

Yes! Eva deserved a world where she could work on the feelings they had developed for each other!

The world then flashed with projections of Agatha. How she was always there for him, without any expectation. How even before she gave him the greatest gift, she only wanted the best for him.

As he thought of her, and what she was feeling now, he knew what he has to do. He destroyed the webs around him and shouted.

Agatha deserves happiness... and his support! The world needed to exist for her! Not only the world, but he also has to be there for her, now more than ever!

"Destroying the world is not all I want! Many those I care about are alive, and for them, this world has to exist!"


A dazzling golden glow blasted out of him. It smashed into the grayness, starting a fight for supremacy over this realm.

A series of rumbling explosions followed...

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose's lips curled up into a beautiful smile.

The violet energy continued to simulate his memories and thoughts to motivate him further.

The rumbling realm flickered with illusory scenes of Claudia. She might be an AI, but for him, she was no less than a living person.

How could he ever forget about her? Her retorts, sharp comments... and her mission to support him.

He hasn't yet a created body for her! She deserved much more than a body, she deserved a world she could explore on her own!


He then remembered Sophia. How she always spoke of her mother's teachings in every matter. How she wrongly labeled Kiba as a shameless villain... and how rightly she found Zed as a figure worthy of respect!

She (and her mom) deserved a world!

He then remembered Felicity and Jessica. They deserved a world to live and succeed with him!

Amidst the rumblings, the images of customers who benefitted from his non-profit ventures (Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd, Maiden Love Circle, Mistress Massage Center, etc) appeared.

Suzane, Sarah, and countless other wives deserved a world where they could gain the ultimate happiness! The same applied to the maidens and girlfriends!

Then there was Olly. He was at a marriageable age and the world has to exist for his future wife to gain happiness!

And lastly, there was Erone! The loyal follower deserved a world where he can establish the church for his Lord!

Kiba: "....."

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose: "......"

[1] "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely." It was her warning in Chapter 262 which he heard through a virtual recording.

[2] Chapter 105. She was introduced in a flashback.

Chapter 543 She's Really Hope!

In the realm of consciousness, the glow erupting from Kiba cut into the grayness, illuminating the realm with golden radiance. As the grayness declined, endless bolts of lightning flashed into existence, opening the sky and splitting the sky.


Kiba's aura exploded, forming a golden cyclone. The swirling force sucked the remnant webs of anger and hatred, freeing him fully.

In the real world, the grayness in the fifty sq. miles instantly disappeared. Extermination's body twisted and warped, changing into that of Kiba's.


As soon as he regained control and returned, Kiba collapsed on the ground while coughing out an arrow of blood. Every single part of his body ached terribly, making it difficult for him to even stand.

Kiba took a deep breath. He has never felt so weak and exhausted in his life.

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose stood before him without saying anything. Her ethereal body flickered, dimming.


Kiba lifted his head and looked at her. When she entered his realm of consciousness and helped him, he wasn't in the state to react at her appearance.

Now seeing her, his face was plastered with the look of shock and disbelief.

"Claudia... she must have awakened you!" Kiba said, his voice shaking. "Long before the time I promised...!! Your true body wouldn't be able to handle the side effects!!"

She gazed at him before nodding.

"Don't blame Claudia for breaking our contract," Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose replied with a sigh. "She cares about you so she did the only thing she could to bring you back."

After saying this, the violet petals carried her figure into the sky.

Kiba didn't say anything.

He already knew what type of price she must have paid to send her soul form away from the Divine Shrine. As for blaming Claudia, there was no way he would do that. She has rescued him, but he didn't know if he wanted to be rescued now that he lost what he cherished the most.


In the sky, Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose suddenly stopped. Her eyes behind the veil flickered with astonishment as she sensed something that should be impossible!

She stared into the distance, her vision passing through space and time, arriving into the isolated restaurant. Cosmic Emperor looked back at her, his serious face breaking into a smile.

"It has been a while," He said while holding sleeping Hope in his arms. "Then again, maybe not."

Despite her boundless powers that had no limit, Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"How!? You are...!!"

She jerked her head towards Kiba who was still collapsed, his eyes moist with memories of his daughter. She then moved her eyes back on Cosmic Emperor before locking them on Hope.

From Hope, she sensed traces of multiple powers that transcended the universe. And one of that power was her own, radiating boundless vitality!

"You were in deep sleep so I didn't get a chance to get your permission," Cosmic Emperor said, as if sensing her thoughts.

She didn't reply. Instead, she scanned the powers inside Hope.

Grayness, Violet, Golden... and two more!

Grayness was the absolute beginning, violet was life, and golden was the evolution! At least that's what golden and grayness signified before they were corrupted!

One of the last two powers was Time... somewhat impure. She didn't care about this power as much as the last power that shocked her.

Eternal Darkness!

"You fused them with Eternal Darkness! You must have broken the equilibrium...!!" Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose stared at him.

"That was the only way," Cosmic Emperor gazed at Hope. "To get what I want."

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose didn't say more on this topic. Given her powers and knowledge, she understood everything, even though it shocked her.

Cosmic Emperor walked out of the isolated time and space, and appeared above an area filled with debris. Most of them were part of the building where "Hope" died by the astral finger of Hyperion.

With a complicated expression, Cosmic Emperor placed Hope on the debris and disappeared.

At the same time, far away, Kiba's face constricted in shock. He snapped his head towards the debris as he felt the presence of someone he missed the most!

His daughter!


He forced his exhausted body to rise and transform into a beam of golden light. Breaking through the sound barrier, he arrived before Hope.

She was asleep, in deep slumber, but otherwise, everything about her was the same as he remembered!

The feeling he sensed from her, it was the same he always felt from her! Her being the extension of his life, sharing his source!

Something that couldn't be fabricated or cloned! Because it arrived straight from the soul!

He didn't wonder how she could be alive after exploding into a mass of blood before his eyes. He didn't care about reasons or logic!

Even if he was living an illusion, he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. The mist in his eyes turned into tears and dripped down on her.

In the sky, Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose glanced in the direction of Cosmic Emperor. He was back in the isolated space and time.

"I don't have to tell you about the consequences of playing with Time and Fate," She said before turning around. "But rest assured, I will do what you want."

Cosmic Emperor nodded and replied, "Thank you."

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose vanished.

Cosmic Emperor let out a barely audible sigh.

"My time is near end..."


Sometime later.

The underground facility, Dream Rise House.

The lab was damaged and as were the other sections. Deep cracks ran everywhere, showing fissures even in indestructible metallic walls.

Eva helped the droids in fixing up the broken equipment under Claudia's guidance. Just as she completed fixing one equipment, the space around her twisted.

"He's here!"

She was too familiar with the teleportation fluctuations created by Kiba. The twisted space erupted with a column of white light, converging into Kiba and someone she couldn't believe!

"Hope?!" She spoke aloud in shock.

[[Lady Hope?]] Claudia was similarly startled.

"Claudia, it's urgent! I need scanners for Hope now!" Kiba commanded. It was very difficult for him to teleport here in his present condition, but he has to.

[[Understood, sir.]]

Two medicinal droids stepped in to support Kiba as he placed Hope on the examination table. The high-tech sensors wrapped her body with streams of colorful light.

Kiba sat down on a chair nearby. One of the droids injected multiple energy serums into his body to help him fight the weariness.

Eva stood beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. She didn't need to speak to make him know she was there for him.

Kiba took her hand and held it tightly. He was nervous, something that his terrific powers and devilish wits couldn't help him deal with. But Eva was there to do that, just like Claudia.

He didn't know how long he stared at the examination table. Maybe it was hours before he heard Claudia's voice.

[[Sir, she's indeed Lady Hope. The genetical heritage, brainwaves, and energy imprints are the same as I last recorded.]]

Kiba nodded, waiting for her to continue.

[[The only difference is that she is in deep asleep, similar to an embryo. As you know, the embryo undergoes development in the womb, by absorbing nutrients from the mother to form tissues and organs. Lady Hope's body has those nutrients in the form of multiple powers, and her body is using them to awaken her consciousness.]]

The virtual screen above the examination table flashed with readings of those powers. Claudia wasn't able to examine them, but she was able to determine that some of them were similar to the ones Kiba informed her about.

[[As for how she revived... perhaps she didn't die, to begin with. After all, many higher forms of life remain alive as long as even a single droplet of blood remains. Since Lady Hope was born with power Cosmic, we don't know the extent of her strength...]]

Claudia wasn't sure of her theory.

Kiba: "....."

[[Sir, have proper rest. Only then would you be in a condition to examine her.]]

Claudia requested after seeing no response from him.

[[I can't confirm most of what I spoke, but I can guarantee she's truly Lady Hope. So please, have rest for now.]]

Kiba spread his lips into a smile and nodded.

"Thanks for everything, Claudia. I will follow your advice."

He then glanced towards another table where Agatha was asleep.

[[I will wake her up.]]

Chapter 544 The Deaths I Have Caused

The next morning.

In the lab, Agatha placed Hope on her lap and looked at her with eyes full of love. When Claudia awakened her, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. For hours, she felt she was being delusional until Eva and Claudia helped her realize her everything was real.

It took her a long while to accept the new reality and she was more than grateful for it.

When Hope died before her eyes, she had lost her will to live and was no better than a living corpse. Now, she regained her spirits even though she was sad by the constant sleep of Hope.

As she continued to stare at her daughter, her attention was pulled by the sound of the automatic door opening. She turned towards her right and saw Kiba stepping into the lab. His face was pale and he looked worn-out.


Agatha looked at him with a complicated expression. The first thing she remembered was how she shouted at him when they lost their daughter. She had chided him for breaking his promise, for failing to protect Hope.

"I'm sorry... I was unfair to you."

Agatha apologized.

"Forgive me."

Maybe it was her sorrow that made her say mean things, but now thinking with a clear mind, she knew his sorrow was no less than hers. He might be a devil but she knew the extent he loved Hope.

And now she couldn't express how bad she felt for being mean to the love of her life...

Kiba sat before her and took her face between his hands. He wiped the tears in her eyes before saying, "There's nothing to forgive for."

Agatha opened her lips to disagree and apologize again, but before she could, he placed his mouth on hers. His lips softly pressed against hers, kissing her. She responded by kissing him back, their lips joining passionately.

Her hands moved to the back of his head to pull him closer, and their lips fully melted with each other.

They lost themselves in the feelings they had for each other...

In the corner of the lab, Eva smiled.

"At least they are happy now."

She was glad for them.

A minute passed, and she was surprised them showing no sign of stopping. They continued to kiss and express their love as if they were alone.

Eva was amused by this. She crouched before them and whispered in their ears, "Get a room!"

Agatha was startled. Like a shocked cat, she pulled back, her face flushed with warm blood. Kiba, on the other hand, showed no such reactions. He turned towards Eva, and to the surprise of both women, locked his lips with hers!


Eva gasped as he caressed her soft, rosy lips, tantalizing her. His fingers pushed her brown hair from her neck and traced a circle there, making her feel goosebumps.

She obviously knew he was smooth and had his ways to get in women's pants, but this kiss truly caught her off-guard! She didn't expect this side of his personality to return soon!

"You are always welcome in our room," Kiba told her as he broke the kiss. "And join us."

Agatha and Eva: "...."

Kiba took Hope in his arms and left the speechless women. He stepped towards the end of the lab where an empty genetic pod was placed. The pod opened on his command and he placed Hope inside.

On the digital screens beside the pod, he pressed a few virtual buttons. The pod closed and crystalline liquid started filling up, wrapping Hope.

Claudia was resourceful and master in genetics, but her expertise was nowhere near him. And now was the time for him to use that for the only thing that truly mattered.

[[Sir, you have barely recovered by 2%. Despite the rest and heavy medication, your body and spirit are still exhausted beyond limit.]] Claudia's voice ringed inside the lab. [[You need more time.]]

"Claudia... I need to know that I'm not living an empty reality."

Kiba replied as he placed a hand on the pod and enveloped it with his powers. Readings and graphs popped on the screen.


Claudia understood his point of view.

While he was obviously happy beyond words to see Hope alive, he wanted to confirm that she would open her eyes, sooner or later. Time wasn't important to him as much as the confirmation that she would ultimately be back.


Late evening.

In the living room, Kiba, Eva, and Agatha sat around the dining table. Two droids served lavish dinner dishes to them.

Fresh pasta with white truffle sauce, lobster, stuffed rigatoni, carrot purée, smoked salmon potato cakes, etc.

Claudia chose a great dinner to brighten the mood, but none of them were really in the mood to eat.

"Kiba... what would we do?" Agatha asked, her voice strained.

Kiba looked at her and answered with a smile, "We would take help from Section IV."

Agatha was shocked but she slowly nodded.

Kiba has successfully examined Hope with the combination of both his powers, lab gadgets, and vast knowledge. Just like Claudia, he found Hope was real. She wasn't some clone or dual copy.

Furthermore, he realized the true purpose of the powers inside Hope.

They were used to create her body and bring stability to her existence. But since she was a child, the powers were too much for her to handle. This was why she was in a state of slumber.

Based on his observation, this state would last till these powers fully fused. Then her consciousness would awaken.

The only issue was how long this process would take. He might have a long life but he couldn't wait for decades. He wanted to shorten this process while making sure no side effects.

"Agatha... she would awaken soon, and that's a promise I intend to keep."

Agatha gently smiled and placed a hand on his.

"I know."

The mood instantly brightened. Eva broke into a smile and said, "Well, then, let's eat!"

The dinner started...


A few hours later.

Kiba arrived on the terrace of a thirty-stories building. He looked ahead where there was nothing but a crater, spanning for over fifty kilometers. To his other side, there was another crater, though smaller.

They were barricaded by military forces from the World Government. Despite that, thousands of people and media came for observation.


A gust of wind brushed past Kiba, bringing dust and debris particles from the craters. Through them, he sniffed the smell of blood and destruction.

"So many people died for no fault of theirs... all due to me."

Chapter 545 Mom! I Have Found Him!

"So many people died for no fault of theirs... all due to me."

Kiba laid down on the terrace.

He absentmindedly stared at the night sky while wondering about the countless families destroyed by him.

"There are also lakhs of indirect victims. They would have to face the drastic consequences of losing homes and source of livelihood... poverty is worse than death."

Claudia listened to his bitter words. He was angry, not at others but himself... for becoming a disaster in others' lives.

"Claudia... I have become a monster."

[[...Sir, you had lost sanity and your powers took advantage of that. Don't blame yourself for something you had no control on.]]

Kiba smiled bitterly.

"Insanity defense... yeah, if I was on a trial, the jury would set me free. But Claudia, the jury here is me... and I can't free myself for this."


Kiba jumped back to his feet. If there was anyone who didn't deserve self-pity, it was him.

His eyes flashed with a golden glow and his vision crossed miles in an instant, arriving in a relief camp. Many there were injured and hungry, getting no help from authorities. The same applied to other relief camps.

Even if the World Government sent money to help them, a great part of it would be lost in between, thanks to the corrupt nature of humans. Crisis were always the breeding ground of corrupt...



"Use all our financial resources to help people I have destroyed. Do it now."


Claudia was startled.

His bank balance was over 1.2 billion dollars and then there were his properties in multiple cities. If combined together, his contribution would be enough to not only help the people of Delta City but also in other cities that faced gray asteroids.

"Claudia, you don't have to worry about me. If I need anything, I can always borrow."


If Claudia has a humane form, she would have rolled her eyes. Unlike others, she knew his definition of borrowing meant looting.


A few minutes later.

Rays of white light enveloped Kiba and he teleported away.


He teleported inside a broken building.

The building was damaged beyond recognition but he knew it like the back of his hand. It was the first property he brought after creating his house!

He walked on the crushed staircase and stopped when he saw a pamphlet under a stone. He leaned down to pick it up.

The pamphlet was covered with dust and he has to clean it to read the text.

{{ Congrats, lucky husband! Your wife has been chosen by Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt Ltd. to enjoy the best service the industry has to offer, and that too for free! Isn't that exciting?!

{{ What's more, Chairman Kiba would personally serve your wife! All you have to do is sit back and relax, while your wife experiences the ultimate happiness!

Kiba shook his head. He tossed the pamphlet away and continued walking.

Long before the disaster struck here, his employees had escaped. And since almost half the city was safe, they weren't harmed or injured.

Still, looking at the condition of this building, he couldn't help but feel sad. This was where his greatest dream started...

He stepped into what used to be his office room. There were sofas, couch, and office desk, and looking at them, his lips curved up as it was on them that so many women gained happiness.

The building might be destroyed, but the happiness he has provided remained.

His legacy lived in the hearts of satisfied wives and lucky husbands...

A destroyed building couldn't change that.

"Life is all about losses and gains..."

With a smile on his face, he left the remains of Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd.

Kiba teleported to his other properties.

Most of them were in a similar state, damaged beyond recognition. Only Mistress Massage Center remained intact without any harm.

Kiba stepped his naked feet on the pebbles leading to the massage center. Walking on these pebbles was far more beneficial than most massages as they were specially created to relax both body and mind. Furthermore, the greenery on either side provided a soothing effect.

Kiba lifted his head towards the sky while stepping forward.



"Do you remember the sense of crisis I felt when Hank told me his plan to carry out a heist on Sky Fiend Group?"[1]

[[I do, sir.]]

"I believe we both misunderstood what that sense of crisis meant.]]

Claudia was astonished.

Back then, they had assumed the warning was about the threat possessed by Sky Fiend Group. Based on what she knew now, it would mean Hyperion.

"The warning was never about Hyperion or anyone else... it was about the threat I carry for myself."



The state of Avalon.

House of Neville.

With her chin resting on her hand, Sophia checked the latest news from Delta City. Just like others, she was also blown away by the events there.

"Nothing new. Everyone is clueless."

Sophia let out a yawn and lied down on the bed. She moved a finger in the air to close the virtual screen when her eyes constricted by a new image.


She somersaulted and jumped on her feet. She then zoomed the image and stared at the image.

"It is really him!"

Her misty blue eyes sparkled as she read the wall of text next to the image. By the time she completed, her lips flashed into a mesmerizing smile.

"No doubt! Just like mom said, only a person like him could do such a thing! Mom is always right!"

As she exclaimed aloud, an absolutely gorgeous woman stepped in. She was in her late thirties, her features radiating maturity and wisdom.

No matter if it was her slender frame, the incredible busts, and the looks of a sultry vixen, she was a true beauty through and through!

"I'm right about what?" The woman asked.

"Mom!" Sophia hugged her. "I have found him!"

[1] Chapter 22. Kiba felt an intense sense of deadly crisis.

Chapter 546 Great Families Learn!

"Mom!" Sophia hugged her mom tightly and said, "I have found him!"

"Found who?"

Katherine was startled by her daughter's behavior. She has never seen her so excited and so happy.

Oh, wait.

She did recall the times Sophia used to be so excited. It was when she spoke of her time in Desolate Blood Forest.

As she thought of this, her eyes caught the sight of the virtual screen floating above the bed. She focused on the zoomed picture and the corresponding news article.

"Mom! Isn't he amazing?!" Sophia asked with sparkling eyes.

Katherine scanned the picture of the youth whom the article referred to as Zed. She knew it wasn't his handsome face that her daughter found amazing. Rather, it was the content of the article, and by the time Katherine read it, she agreed with her daughter!

And how could she not?

Zed has contributed over $1.2 billion dollars to support the victims of recent tragedy!

If the article was to be trusted, this was just an initial contribution! He was in the middle of selling his properties to generate more money to contribute!

Except for his home, he was selling everything!

Based on the article, Katherine believed his contributions were meant to be anonymous, but it was an impossible thing to do given the amount involved. After all, such big transactions would be noticed by banks, charity representatives, authorities, etc. The mention of "sources" pretty much confirmed her theory.

On her side, Sophia smiled cheerfully and said, "He is as kind as I remember!"

Katherine brought her eyes back on her daughter and replied, "I know!"

Ever since Sophia returned from Desolate Blood Forest, all Katherine listened to was tales of two persons who left a strong impression on her.

One was a shameless scoundrel whose slyness would make even the greatest villain feel ashamed.

The other was Zed - the most selfless and kindest person in existence.

Katherine agreed with her daughter's impression of Zed.

She knew how he helped people in situations when others would have either run or tried to take advantage!

What's more, he showed kindness to even those with whom he didn't share friendly relationships!

"Launcelot and Carmen. Those two kids are from great families, and they loved each other in ways the society despises! They hated Zed, but when they were caught in action, it was Zed who made others understand the love they share with each other! He helped them gain acceptance![1]"

Katherine couldn't help but have a good impression of Zed. She has always told her daughter to respect relationships she couldn't understand, but it was actually Zed who taught her.

When she thought of how Sophia repeatedly consoled Carmen after he lost Launcelot, Katherine felt proud.

"Zed even protected hen-like creatures in one of the trials! Everyone targetted them for points and rewards, but not him! He was ready to become everyone's enemy for their sake!"

Katherine was stunned by tales of his kindness and selflessness.


Katherine's attention was pulled back to reality as she heard the sound of steps. She turned around and noticed her husband - Alan- entering the room, followed by the personal servant of Sophia - Aileen.

"Dad!" Sophia smiled and pointed at the screen. "Zed is in Delta City! I will soon leave to meet him!"

Alan has come to wish the apple of his eyes goodnight, but just as he entered, his body turned stiff.

His daughter has found that kid named Zed?! And she's leaving to meet him!?

Alan instantly hated Zed.

He has heard the stories of his kindness, but to him, that didn't matter! He was her father and he couldn't handle her leaving him for some guy!

Not to mention, she was young! There was no need for her to be interested in the opposite sex at this age!

"Zed! Young Miss, it is really him!" Aileen exclaimed as she checked the screen. "And he hasn't changed!"

"So what?" Alan snorted coldly.

"Sir, he is The Zed! The one who skipped the trials!" Aileen stressed on the last part.

The moment she completed, Katherine's and Alan's expressions turned grave.

How could they forget that?!

"He might be kind and selfless... but he's very strong for his age! That's hardly shocking when we consider the one he is acquainted with!

"The entity that governs Hall of Legacies!


"In the middle of trials, she personally came to meet him! And gave him artifacts that could be used to not only skip the remaining trials, but also choose any treasure he wants from the treasure vault!"

As Katherine and Alan thought of this, their eyes flashed with awe, shock, and horror.

Over 90% of those who entered the core region had died, and only a few survivors who participated in the trails knew about this.

When Katherine and Alan learned of this story, they were in a state of disbelief.

And how could they not?

Enchantia was someone even the Nine Great Sovereigns would have to be respectful! The present rulers of the Nine Great Families would need to spend a lot of effort to get an opportunity to meet her!

But Zed?!

Not only she came to meet him, but she also spoke with him as if they were friends! If it was others, they would flatter her with artifacts and treasures, but in Zed's case, it was her who gifted him!

This turned the anger inside Alan into dread.

He swallowed forcefully and glanced at the picture of Zed. As he observed the picture, he felt something strange.

"He looks a bit familiar..." Alan wondered aloud.

"Yeah, I also thought that..." Katherine joined in.

"You two find him familiar as well?!" Sophia clapped her hands and said. "I thought it was only me who felt he shares features with Lady Rebecca of Hestia Family!"


Alan's and Katherine's face fell. They then thought of something they had heard long ago, and their eyes constricted in further shock.

"But he has never been to the State of Avalon so I'm sure it is just a coincidence!" Sophia concluded.

In one of the trials, she has seen pieces of his memories from the slums so she was sure. After all, no member of an aristocrat family could ever face poverty, not even after banishment!

Alan and Katherine weren't in a condition to speak. Their minds had crashed with the realization of who Zed was.

Sophia didn't notice the change in the demeanor of her parents, but Aileen did. She hasn't met Rebecca nor seen her pictures so she didn't recognize the familiarity she shared with Zed.

But based on Alan and Katherine's reactions, Aileen knew it wasn't a coincidence!

"That kid... he's connected to House of Hestia! No wonder he was a freak!!"


House of Hestia.

In the conference room, the echelons of the family discussed the events at Delta City.

"We have lost the chance to acquire the Cosmic Spark!" Xalion slammed his fist on the table. "If only we have taken action!"

"And died of foolishness," Lord Harley interjected coldly. "Have you forgotten what the satellites captured towards the end?!"

Xalion stopped, his face turning ashen. There was no way he could forget the readings from that mysterious woman. It was far too horrifying.

The others in the room either listened to the discussion or analyzed reports from the World Government agents.

~beep~ beep~


Everyone looked at the end of the room where a servant was standing. He seemed to be an old-man in mid-sixties, but the vitality he emanated was powerful.

The beeping sounds were from the tablet in his hand.

"Apologies," The servant named Ralph bowed his head. "Someone from House of Neville has called on the secure line reserved for the echelons of our family. Since everyone is here, the call has been transferred to me."

"You can take it," Lord Harley told him to go ahead.

As the head of the family, he knew the other aristocrat families wouldn't use the secure line unless it was important. While the meeting was far more important, they could spare a minute.

Ralph nodded and tapped on the screen. A digital holographic projection flashed up, displaying Katherine and Alan.

Everyone in the room knew Katherine and Alan as they were counted among the echelons of Neville Family. While the relationship they shared with Hestia Family wasn't deep, it was cordial enough.

"We wish to have a private conversation with Lady Rebecca," Alan said as the call started. "It is urgent."

Ralph glanced in the direction of Rebecca.

"What is it about?" Rebecca tossed the report and looked at the projection.

Katherine and Alan eyed each other before the latter replied, "Can we answer that in private?"

"I'm in a meeting," Rebecca said, her tone emotionless. "So you can answer here."

Alan's eyebrows knotted. Her response was too arrogant, but then he remembered she has the power and influence to back that attitude.

"It is about your son," Katherine replied before Alan could make a decision.

"My son?! What happened to him!?" Kurtis jumped to his feet and demanded loudly.

Yesterday, Steve has gone on a trip to wild mountains. Could he have faced some calamity there? This question made his skirt squirm.

"Not your son, Kurtis," Katherine answered politely. "But Lady Rebecca's son..."


The entire room turned pin-drop silent. Some members eyed Kurtis and noticed his face turning unsightly. They couldn't help but snicker in silence.

Rebecca's pupils constricted in disbelief. She rose to her feet, and asked, "You mean Zed?!"

Katherine nodded.

"What about him?" Lord Harley joined the conversation.

"Well..." Katherine turned silent.

"Sooner or later, we all would learn," Lord Harley knew her dilemma so he continued. "Trust me, we all have our means. The knowledge you have would be ours even if you had a private conversation from the start."

Katherine didn't reply to him. She obviously knew he would learn in an hour or so. After all, each family had spies among other families, and unless it was some top-secret information, everything else would become common knowledge.

What she wanted to share was already informed to the head of Neville Family. And she knew when anything was known to more than one person, it would never be a secret! Never!

Rebecca didn't refute Lord Harley. She didn't care about anything other than learning what Katherine and Alan have to share.

"We have heard that Lady Rebecca has been searching for her son," Katherine answered after a long pause. "And we believe we know where he is."

Rebecca's heart skipped a beat. She has a feeling that was what Katherine wanted to share, but hearing from Katherine's mouth was like a clap of thunder.

Her hands trembled and she held the table tightly before asking, "Where?"

This was a question whose answer she has been looking for over two decades. Now reaching so close, she started trembling, from both excitement and nervousness.

Excited because she could meet her son finally. Nervous because the answer could be another dead end.

"Delta City!" Katherine answered.

Simultaneous to her words, the news article about Zed's contributions appeared.

Everyone in the room stared at the picture of Zed. He has striking blue eyes, sharp facial features, and refined black hair.

"Well... he does share some similarities!"

Lord Harley remarked while narrowing his eyes.

"But let's make sure before we reach any conclusion."

He made a gentle motion with his elderly hand and the photo of Zed turned into a virtual hologram.

[[Analysing physical similarities.]] A mechanical voice of AI ringed out.

Alongside the hologram, two pictures flashed up on either side; labeled Subject A \u0026 B. One was of Rebecca and the other was of a man.

It was the same man whom the warden in Stormseal Island whipped for laughing nonstop! The one who declared the beginning of the end has started!

AI scanned the three pictures; from shape to complexion, nothing was spared. It took two seconds for AI to complete the task.

[[The target shares over 80% similarities with Subject A \u0026 B. As such, it would be safe to assume the target is their son.]]

"!!" Lord Harley and everyone else was stunned. Unless the picture was doctored, the youth on the screen was Rebecca's son!

The one who has been missing soon after his birth!

"It seems luck is on our side," Lord Harley said with a smile.

Rebecca didn't listen to AI's assessment nor Lord Harley's words. From the time she saw the picture of Zed, she entered a trance-like state.

One glance at the picture was enough for her to know he was her blood and flesh. The one she was forced to part with due to events at Solitary Snow Island.

Her eyes flashed with flames. Now was not the time to waste.

She turned towards Ralph and ordered, "Fire up the jet now! I will bring him to where he belongs!"

Lord Harley: "..."

No one in the room was surprised by her decision. It was something obvious to them with all they knew about her and the events that unfolded long ago. While their moods did change, almost all of them hid it well.

Except for Kurtis!

If earlier his face was ugly, now it turned unsightly to such an extent that it couldn't be described.

"This fucking bitch! She wants to bring that bastard here!"

He cursed Rebecca in his heart.

"And showcase the sign of my shame to the world!"

[1] Chapter 354-355. Zed sneakily used lust-inducing hormone pills on them... and when they were caught, Zed gave a great speech about acceptance!

[2] Chapter 400

Chapter 547 I Came Here to Verify!

Seven hours earlier.

Section IV – The Divine Shrine, Dream Rise House.

Violet streams of energy whipped forward as Kiba arrived in front of the casket. He held Hope tightly as the violet energy burst at him.

Both of them had donned advanced, high-tech spatial suits. Despite the protection from suits and his own powers, Kiba felt suffocated. Perhaps if he was alone, he could resist the pressure from the violet energy, but with him protecting Hope, he was under heavy strain. Not to mention, he hasn't recovered from his recent usage of powers.

The energy streams brushed past him and moved forward, sweeping at the dazzling objects that resembled planets and stars. Most of the energy disappeared by the time it reached the end of this dark dimension that formed Section IV.

Kiba ignored the danger possessed by the dimension and focused on the casket.


An innumerable amount of violet rays erupted from the casket and concentrated together, transforming into the ethereal projection of Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose.

"I needed a favor," Kiba said while holding Hope in his front.

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose didn't seem surprised. She almost seemed to expect this.

With a gentle nod, she replied, "There's a way to achieve what you want."

Kiba hasn't stated what he wanted, but he knew, for someone like her, everything would be obvious. Hearing her response, he sighed in relief, and requested, "Please do it. I would repay you in the future."

She looked at him for a moment before focusing on Hope.

"The only way to shorten the time period required for fusion of energies inside her is for someone else to handle the resulting stress and strain," Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose explained.

Kiba nodded in understanding. Since Hope was only a month old, the rate by which she can absorb the energy or handle them was obviously limited, and not to mention, very slow.

"And since my body is in slumber, I can't do that," Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose concluded.

Kiba's lips spread into a smile. He kissed Hope on her forehead and said, "You already know what my response would be."

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose nodded before replying, "Of course. Still, let me explain to you the consequences. As your body is in a terrible state, the moment you take the stress from your daughter, your condition would deteriorate further. At the very least, for a week or so, you would be in no condition to use your powers."

"It doesn't matter," Kiba replied. "Compare to what I could have lost, this would be nothing."

Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose let out a barely audible sigh.

"You had lost... but in a different timeline."

She thought to herself...

Without wasting time, her ethereal hands touched the forehead of Kiba and Hope. Violet flash ripped out.


An hour later, in the lab.

After leaving Section IV, Kiba quickly rushed to the cryogenic chamber. Before Agatha or Eva could ask him anything, he placed Hope in the chamber and said, "Make her enter cryosleep for a week... the end her cryosleep would coincide with her awakening!"


After saying this, he dropped unconsciousness on the floor.

"Kiba!" Agatha and Eva were shocked. They quickly grabbed him and brought him to the examination table.

Claudia, in the meantime, did what Kiba commanded and also sent medical droids to treat him.

"Would he be alright?" Agatha asked with concern.



A few hours later.

Simultaneous to the time Sophia gained information about the kindest person she knew, the shameless scoundrel she wanted to teach a lesson regained consciousness.

"You scared all of us!"

A sweet voice greeted him as he opened his eyes. He looked around and found himself in the bedroom, close to someone he truly cared about.


She smiled and sat down on his lap. He didn't have any strength left to lift his head from the pillow and have a proper conversation with her.

"Claudia told me you have no strength left."

Agatha brought his hands to her hips and then leaned down, bringing her lips dangerously close to his.

"But I told her that's impossible! You will always have strength for the Holy Mission!"

Kiba was startled by her words.

"And I'm here to verify my claim!"

She pressed her lips on his, initiating a passionate kiss. Her lips were soft, and they pressed with a burning warmness that melted through his icy exhaustion.

She felt his breathing turning heavy but she didn't stop. Instead, she kicked it up a notch by pushing her tongue between his lips, forcing him to open his mouth.

Her tongue delved into his mouth, starting a dance of seduction.

As she further explored his mouth, a shiver ran through her as she felt something hard stirring up between her thighs.

He was turning excited and she knew it!

His hands drifted to her waist and he pulled her closer to him.

"I was right!"

This thought barely registered in her mind when her eyelids started fluttering in amazement. Her tongue was in his mouth and he began sucking on it!


Agatha gasped.

She might be seriously lacking in experience but she refused to let him win. She darted her tongue to the side and wrapped it with his, initiating a battle of lust.

Their lips slid back and forth...


After a long time, the kiss broke and their mouths drifted back.


Agatha rested enough to take a deep breath when his fingertips slipped down her hips and moved to the expanse of her thighs, reaching to the hem of her skirt!

Her heartbeat quickened and she felt her excited body on fire.

At the same time, he slid his lips close to her ear, playfully licking her earlobe. She arched her back from the resulting tantalizing sensation.

As waves of pleasure erupted in her body, he whispered something she wanted to hear from long ago:

"I love you!"


The sudden declaration of love made her feel as if her heart was going to escape her chest. He didn't give her a chance to react though as he started nibbling on her neck.

"Oooh god!"

Agatha squirmed on his lap.

"I consider that as - I love you too!"

Kiba said as he moved his lips further down her neck.

Agatha barely managed to nod. She has never been this happy...

Chapter 548 Legacy of Cosmic Emperor! I/II

The dimension known as Hall of Legacies was limitless. There was neither a beginning nor an end. There was no ground either, or perhaps there was when one counts the neverending pool of crystalline liquid, sparkling seductively. If there was sky, it was impossible to see thanks to the countless glowing orbs floating above the pool, swirling with tempting stardust.

In the silent dimension, out of the blue, a thin line of darkness erupted. A dreadful aura swept out of it, tearing the fabric of space apart.


Enchantia was shocked. Her incorporeal face emerged from the crystalline pool and she stared into the cut that has appeared.

Cosmic Emperor stepped out of it.

Every step he took distorted space enough to make it collapse, and perhaps if it was not for the invulnerability of the dimension, the impact from his steps would destroy Hall of Legacies.

Enchantia began to bend. This terrified her out of the wits. She has no physical presence and even her face was just a materialization of the Will of the dimension.

Yet, the pressure emanating from him bent her. She began to submerge in the pool and the dimension started shaking violently.

"My bad," Cosmic Emperor said as he blocked the pressure leaking from him. "The excitement of coming to where everything started made me careless."

Enchantia was finally able to see him. His extremely refined facial features, his stunning, long dark hair, and finally the robe he was clad in.

[[Eternal Darkness!]]

Enchantia exclaimed in disbelief as she observed the robe made of twisting darkness.

[[How is this possible?! The last Cosmic Emperor sealed the darkness at the cost of being slaughtered! So how could you wield it!?]]

Cosmic Emperor ignored her questions. He arrived between the sea of orbs and gazed at the pool below.

"This is where it started, isn't it?"

Cosmic Emperor asked no one but himself.

"A devastated teenager falling in the pool... a foreign existence trying to take advantage of his desperation, tempting him with the grandeur of power."

Cosmic Emperor observed the orbs for a long time before bringing his vision on Enchantia.

"Watching people do stupid things while they are lured by power and greed..."

Cosmic Emperor said with a smile that returned to his face after countless years.

"You always used to get jollies from that, right?"

Enchantia was bewildered. It was the first time she met him, and yet, he talked as if they had known each other for a long time.

While she couldn't identify him, she felt his smile and tone strangely familiar, especially the innuendo about jollies.

Cosmic Emperor lifted his hand. A strange force erupted over his palm, something that originated from the power of this dimension.

A whirlwind of dark energy surged out of Cosmic Emperor and fused with the force. As they fused, the resulting mass swirled into a circular motion, glowing brightly.


It soon turned into the shape of an orb!

Legacy Orb!

Enchantia was dumbstruck.

[[How can you create a Legacy Orb without my will?!]]

Her face shook and she gazed into the orb to check the visuals inside:


A young man watched his daughter die before his very eyes. Unable to handle the loss, he turned berserk and took revenge on her killer. After some time, a powerful figure helped him regain sanity, but he remained depressed.

Thankfully before the depression could ruin his life, his greatest strength kicked in - the power to move on! He moved forward in his life, fulfilled all his dreams, and yet despite everything, one regret remained.

He failed to keep his promise... the only promise that mattered. He has to change that!

And what has he to lose?


The stakes were high for he has reached the pinnacle. A single mistake could ruin the universe!

But he didn't care!

He was ready to pay any price!



Enchantia was terrified. She knew the man in the visuals, even though she wasn't aware of the events he underwent!

She jerked towards Cosmic Emperor for she also knew the visuals inside this new Legacy Orb were his memories!

This crashed her mind with boundless shock as the realization hit her.

[[That would mean you are... Dream Seeker!!]]

Cosmic Emperor didn't reply as he continued to create the Legacy Orb.

Enchantia's figure twisted in more shock as she further scanned the orb.


Dream Seeker - the man the world referred to as Zed/ Kiba/ Extermination - did everything possible to revive his daughter. His powers were such that he was able to create a new body and even a soul... but in the end, the daughter he got was just a clone, a replica! This wasn't what he wanted! He wanted his real flesh and blood! The one who made him feel she was a part of his! The one who loved to run her little hands on his face! The one he loved unconditionally!

And to bring her back, he did the impossible!

He played with reality!


Enchantia was horrified by what she saw next.


Since no one has ever achieved what he wanted, and he has no one to seek guidance from, he experimented!

In one reality, he killed the titan before he could awaken! In second, he saved his daughter from being killed. In third, he secretly gave his past self a boost in strength to rescue his daughter. In fourth, he manipulated events to make sure his daughter was far beyond the battle site.

He experimented thousands of times... creating thousands of alternate realities!

And yet, his daughter always died!

The Fate ensured that! And so did The Time!

No matter the sequence of events, his daughter died! Sometimes she would be killed by the titan, sometimes by a stray attack, sometimes by a random accident, and sometimes by an enemy when he was occupied.

That was the power of The Fate! The road can be changed, but the destination would remain the same!

This was also the power of The Time! No one can exist beyond their destined time!

And to overcome that... Cosmic Emperor fooled The Fate and made The Time his enemy!


[[The reality I exist in... this is where you fooled The Fate and made The Time your enemy!!]]

Enchantia was distressed as she further checked what he did in this reality. Even though she has no materialistic existence, she started sweating.

She stared at Cosmic Emperor with both dread and anger.

[[Do you even realize what you have done?! You have created a paradox!!]]

Cosmic Emperor turned towards her and replied, "So? What about it?"


Chapter 549 Legacy of Cosmic Emperor II/II - End of Vol. 2

Paradox: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well-founded or true.

The definition was neither frightening nor threatening. That was only true when it concerned ordinary phenomenons that didn't threaten the very existence.

The paradox Cosmic Emperor created didn't fit this criterion. Because it actually put the entire plane of existence in danger!

And how could it not?!

He had influenced spacetime!

In every plane of existence, time served the role of providing direction. What was considered as past, present, and future were just relative directions depending on the position in space.

And there was a catch. Time could only move forward!

Thinking logically, that made sense as moving backward would result in contradictions and consistency issues.

It would result in what we consider as a paradox.

Did it sound frightening? Not yet.

But consider this: When a future event was the cause of a past event, which in turn was the cause of the future event.

What problem would arise from such a scenario?

A loop!

Time loop!

It would trap everyone on the plane of existence into a reiterating time stream, that too without them realizing!

[[You have created a temporal paradox!]] Enchantia screamed at him, her voice filled with both dread and anger.

"So? What about it?" Cosmic Emperor replied without any emotion.


Enchantia was gobsmacked.

His reckless actions have put reality at risk! And yet, he was so casual about it, like what he did wasn't worth mentioning!

[[Could he have turned insane?! Yes! That's a possibility! He created thousands of alternate realities to save his daughter's life, failing every time! There's no way he could maintain sanity after all this!]]

Enchantia violently trembled as she thought of this.

"Insane? You could say so!"

Cosmic Emperor could easily perceive her thoughts. He raised his head and started laughing.

"But everything in this universe is relative, including what you refer to as insanity!"

Cosmic Emperor grabbed the Legacy Orb tightly. It wasn't still complete as so far it only recorded the memories of his life.

The most important part remained: His legacy!

The very reason he arrived in this dimension.

As he started adding his legacy to the orb, Enchantia gazed into the orb once again. Till now, she scanned the memories in a hurry so she missed the details.

One scene caught her attention, something that happened a few years from the present time:


Kiba was coronated as the Emperor of Earth!

The day he became Emperor, everything changed on the cultural, religious, and social levels. So much that if someone from the present time saw those changes, they would find them absurd and impossible to believe!

Every union between a man and a woman was conducted in the branches of Holy Church; founded by the devoted followers of Emperor.

The absurd part was that the couples wouldn't be considered married until Emperor bedded the bride!

Furthermore, no groom dared kiss his bride, much less consummate the relationship, before Emperor used his lawful right to turn them into a cuckold!

So every year, millions of grooms would beg Emperor to complete the most important part of the wedding ceremony.

Alas, it would often take years for Emperor to respond. After all, every day, thousands of single, gorgeous women begged for his affections.

It was difficult for him to find time for weddings!

Still, Emperor was fair to his subjects. He believed in equality and hated discrimination.

So he sent his clones to fulfill the requests of grooms, in their homes!

With happy smiles, the grooms would serve him delicious food and rich wines as he started the process of officiating marriage!

Sadly for many new husbands, Emperor would become fond of their wives after experiencing their soft lips, pliant breasts, and tight holes!

And to the joy of these lucky wives, he would reward their dedication by allowing them to become a part of his special category of harem!

The men would remain husbands, without ever tasting the benefits of marriage! Thankfully Emperor was just, and to make them feel they have contributed to the well beings of their wives, he levied a special tax on them!

Wife Happiness Tax!



As Cosmic Emperor continued to complete the Legacy Orb, Enchantia stared at him with a speechless look.

[[He really fulfilled his greatest dream! And this was only a scene from a few years now...!! I dread seeing what he had done decades later to continue fulfilling his greatest dream!]]

Enchantia thought absentmindedly. She was so dumbstruck by what she saw that it took her a while to remember her earlier terror.

[[You have a vast harem! Furthermore, you have love from thousands of women whom you grew attached romantically! And there's the boundless power you possess that I can't even imagine!]]


[[You have achieved more than you ever wanted from the time you were a poor kid trying to survive!]]


[[So why would you threaten everything you have achieved for someone... who barely occupied a moment of your life that has lasted for millions of years?!]] Enchantia asked.

"Because I can!" Cosmic Emperor answered. "What's the use of having everything if I can't risk them to have what I want?"

[[!!]] Enchantia was frightened by his attitude. [[You have turned crazy!]]

"Maybe I have."

Cosmic Emperor nodded.

"But I still won't allow the onslaught of reality to harm her!"


Piercing beams of dark light swirled out of the orb as it condensed completely.

"Enchantia... you know the function of this Legacy Orb."

Cosmic Emperor brought his vision back to her.

"And you also know what you have to do unless..."

Enchantia gulped down. She didn't need to hear his threat to do what he wanted.

The twinkling stars on her ethereal face dulled as she imagined the changes butterfly effect would create, sooner or later.

Cosmic Emperor let the orb float away.

"My time on this plane of existence...is near end."


Dream Rise House.

In the bedroom, Agatha's body entwined with Kiba.

After the strain he took a few hours ago, he was weaker than an ordinary human, but when Agatha kissed him, his body forgot the weakness...

"I love you too!"

Agatha whispered as his lips stopped sensuously attacking her ears and neck.

"I have always known that! And I'm sorry for confessing so late!"

Kiba said while lifting her skirt and tossing it away. Underneath, her gorgeous curves were wrapped by her bra, her milky cleavage spilling out.

"Let me make up for the delay!"

He zeroed his lips to her cleavage, kissing it, planting soft kisses. She braced her hands on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his lips on her soft skin.


A moan escaped her lips as he started kissing her breasts through the thin fabric of her bra. Her chest heaved up and down as he moved between one breast to another, kissing her hotly, making her flush with excitement.

She could imagine just how great his lips would feel on her direct skin.

She slipped her hands on her back to unfasten her bra. She then slowly lowered her bra strap off her shoulders, seductively exposing her breasts, letting the bra fall.

His eyes feasted on her breasts before he cupped them in his hands. He massaged them gently, enjoying their soft firmness.

"You were always a breast man!"

Agatha remarked as he squeezed her breasts and kneaded her nipples, savoring the sensation of goosebumps erupting on her sweet skin.

She could feel her nipples swelling from excitement and this made her flush further.

A droplet of milk escaped her left nipple and Kiba clamped his mouth on it.

"Ohhh god!"

Agatha arched her head back as he wrapped his lips around her nipple. He was suckling her breast milk, sending a tantalizing current throughout her body.

At the same time, his hands moved on her back, slowly tracing her backbone, slipping past her tailbone, and stopping when he found the fabric of her panties. He tucked them down, his hands now squeezing her smooth ass.

Agatha dropped on the bed. Her entire body was on fire and she felt a wet sensation erupting between her thighs.

Kiba lifted his head and once again sealed her lips with his. She felt the sweet taste of her breast milk, and as the kiss turned intimate, he darted his tongue into her mouth.

Her light body crushed under his, her breasts pressing tightly into his chest.


As the kiss continued, she used her powers to isolate his clothes. She then ran her hands on the sides of his sculpted chest before moving on his back, feeling his hard muscles.

He was her man! The love of her life!

Kiba broke the kiss and slipped down, brushing his lips throughout her body, planting soft kisses. He stopped when he reached between her thighs.

Agatha felt embarrassed as he stared at her vaginal foldings. She knew he could see her juices tickling down, glistening her foldings with shining wetness.

She clamped her thighs tight but he stopped her.

"Don't hide the beauty of your essence from me!"

Kiba requested as he pushed her thighs away and pressed his lips on her thigh. Agatha relaxed under his kisses and anticipated more of his passion.

He kissed every portion of her smooth thigh, slowly moving to the inside of her thigh.


Agatha gasped as his lips arrived on her clit. He took it directly between his lips, slowly sucking on it.

His thumb traced her wet foldings, teasing them with his light touches before gently licking over them. He then licked along her slit, feeling her flesh quiver against his tongue.

Her hips began to rotate on their own and as she squirmed, he shoved his tongue between her excited, pink flesh, twisting into it. He was unpredictable, wild, and yet, gentle, making her feel her pussy overheat with pleasure.


Agatha grabbed the bedsheet tightly. She was no longer able to keep her eyes open as a delightful, orgasmic sensation began exploding in her.

Her pussy trembled and flooded out with her warm juices...


Agatha's breathing turned heavy. It took her a while to settle her heartbeats and open her eyes.

"I love your way of making up!" Agatha said while taking long breaths.

Kiba didn't reply as he leaned up to kiss her. She was surprised by the taste of her juices and as she savored them from his lips, she felt his hard flesh aiming at her entrance.

She slid a hand down to guide him.

As she held his thick, hard flesh, she felt the pulsing heat. It throbbed, making her shiver from the anticipation of being inside her.

She pressed it against her pussy, making him rub up and down her slit. The sensation was too much for both of them, and they knew what they wanted.

He pressed into her.

Her head jerked back as he slipped inside her. She quickly wrapped her arms around him as he filled her completely and stopped.

"I'm ready, my love!"

Agatha whispered in his ear.

She kissed the side of his face as he started making love to her; slow and gentle.

He enjoyed the slippery, warm sensation of her as he stroked into her. Agatha was the same as she enjoyed the feeling of his throbbing flesh in her, making her breath slow.

As minutes passed and they swapped position, she sent her hips forward with his every thrust, feeling scorching flames of ecstasy waiting to erupt inside her.

Kiba took her right nipple in his mouth and suckled on it, milking her.

"It feels great!"

Agatha exclaimed as she enjoyed dual pleasures, pushing her to the edge.

"For me as well!" Kiba felt her tightening around him. She moaned loudly with every thrust, her body shaking.

"Faster my love!"

She begged him to increase his pace, and he did by hammering into her. His long, thick cock stretched her, and in no time, she started gripping him, her pussy squeezing with delicious feeling.

"Ooohhh yesss!!"

Agatha yelped with orgasmic delight. She nuzzled into his hair as intense pleasure exploded in every corner of her body.

Her eyes glazed over and she dropped on him.

Kiba felt her shuddering as the climax hit her. He didn't hold back and allowed himself to erupt inside her...


Half an hour later.

Agatha rested her head on his chest. She ran a finger on his strong abs, feeling their tightness.

"Are you awake?" Agatha asked.

"Yes," Kiba answered.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like in heaven!"

Agatha giggled at his response.

She turned her face towards his, and, in a serious voice, said, "I mean like in real..."

Kiba didn't reply but she felt him tense up under her.

"Is it that bad?" She asked.

Claudia has informed her about the condition of his body.

As per her, every cell of his body has taken a very heavy toll. They were now trying to ease the tension and in no condition to generate power.

"It is," Kiba replied with a sigh. "But trust me, I will recover in less than a week!"

Agatha nodded. She knew how strong his recovery ability was.

"You know... when you recover enough... you should resume your mission of making every woman happy!" Agatha suggested with a teasing smile.


"Why are you looking at me like that?! I'm serious! Believe me! You don't?! That devoted follower of yours... what was his name? Erone, right? Well, just today, he claimed that you would bring salvation on Earth!"


"And I only know one way you bring salvation! Holy Mission!"


Outside the room, Eva shook her head and smiled.

"Oh well, they both are happy! And that's what matters!"


The State of Avalon.

On the runway of a private airport, a modified military aircraft fired up. Its boosters emanated flash of red flames.

"Lady Rebecca, we are ready to leave!" A butler rushed to Rebecca and informed her.

Rebecca nodded before glancing at her wheelchair-bound daughter.

"Mom! I would be fine!" Kirstie assured her with a smile. "Go and reunite with brother!"

Rebecca rubbed her head and said, "I will return in no time."

"I know! And I will get to meet brother as well!" Kirstie wrapped her arms around her mother for a hug. She then naively asked, "He would bring me gifts, right?"

Rebecca nodded and replied, "Yes, he would."

After hugging her daughter, she turned around and stepped into the aircraft. A minute later, the aircraft took off, disappearing between the layers of clouds.

On the ground, Lord Harley brought his eyes from the clouds to a file in his hands.

"That kid is sure interesting!"

Lord Harley's eyes glinted with an icy glow as he read the content of the files.

Chapter 550 Reunion!

House of Hestia.

Lord Harley scanned through the thick file on Zed. Just like the rest of his family, he learned about Zed barely a few hours ago, and in such a short span of time, his subordinates have gathered quite a lot of information.

"Very impressive!" Lord Harley remarked.

The information was not only from Delta City, but also from Core Region in Desolate Blood Forest!

It has to be remembered that many youngsters have witnessed a few of Zed's memories in the first trial. While those memories had no sound, focused only on events that made him desperate, and stopped long before any of his secrets could be exposed... the youngsters still got a good understanding of his life in the slums!

Furthermore, they also witnessed the special treatment that allowed him to skip the trails and seek any treasure he wanted!

And when every age group of contestants was brought together after Zed left, the youngsters who knew about Zed shared details with the older contestants.

This was how Aileen learned about what Zed did after they got separated. And when Aileen returned to House of Neville, she shared those details with the higher-ups!

As for Sophia... Well, she firmly believed in her mother's teaching of not breaking the trust! That's why she never shared any event that might reveal his secrets. She only shared those tales where others could learn about his kindness and pure heart, and learn how different he was from that shameless villain!

While it was also true that almost everyone who went to the Core Region died, there were survivors other than Sophia and Aileen.

Verna, Jenina, Divya, Alistair, Carmen, etc. Perhaps the total number of survivors weren't above thirty.

And out of them, many shared stories about Zed with their families and friends. Of course, the stories were biased, along with a lot of exaggeration and downplaying.

"He has connections with the revered existence of Hall of Legacies! How shocking!"

Lord Harley rubbed his hands excitedly.

"And if these details are to be trusted, Revered Enchantia pretty much gifted him any Legacy Orb he wished, and yet, he refused! Now that's impossible to believe!"

He flipped through the file and stopped on the page that focused on Dream Rise House. The page has multiple pictures of the villa, including images captured from satellites.

"He lived around eighteen years of his life in the slums, where there's nothing but extreme poverty... Yet, out of blue, he got rich enough to build a villa that's overly vain! And also donate over a billion dollars!"

Lord Harley closed the file and looked towards his right where Xalion was reading a similar file.

"What do you think?" Lord Harley asked.

"That kid must have a terrific secret!" Xalion replied, his eyes glowing malevolently. "Something that could tempt the greed of other aristocrat families!"

"Fufufu! You are right!" Lord Harley laughed sinisterly. "We can't allow others to take advantage of him!"

Xalion smirked.

"Indeed! We are family!"


Delta City Bank.

In the manager's cabin, Zed sat across the manager, signing transaction papers.

He looked pale and weak, and from time to time, sweat droplets ran down his face. His hand even shook as he signed.

The manager didn't make a comment on his condition though.

Many survivors were either injured or seriously weak after they did everything they could to survive the disaster that crashed in the city. Looking at the condition of Zed, the manager knew Zed was the same.

"Are you sure you wish to proceed with this transaction as well?"

The manager continued with a heavy tone.

"Your bank balance is pretty much nil! And now you are selling almost every property you own to us, instead of going through proper route, just so that you can generate funds quickly!

"You are suffering a loss so think carefully, and decide, is this what you really want?!"

Zed nodded and replied, "Yes. Please rest assured I'm fully sane nor under any duress."

"If you say so!"

The manager looked at the multiple declarations Zed has signed. His duty was to remind his client about the consequences and if the client still wished to proceed, it was none of his business.

"I do have to say, you have a very kind heart!" The manager exclaimed while completing the formalities. "No other person has been as generous as you!"

Zed smiled bitterly.

The manager noticed his bitterness and as he thought of saying more, his attention was pulled by the sudden opening of the door.

"Who dares step in without basic courtesy of knocking?!" The manager jumped to his feet with anger.

The anger didn't even last for a second as he saw the one opening the door.

Sylvan[1]! The Chief Supervising Officer!

"It is my honor to see you here, sir!" The manger's demeanor drastically changed.

In this world, money was precious but not as much as influence and power!

And Sylvan was the direct representative of the World Government! His position was far stronger than that of the mayor! The things he could achieve through his influence were far too many to count!

Even as the manager greeted Sylvan, another person stepped in. The presence of this person made his heart jolt with shock because his influence was far stronger than even Sylvan!

"Senator Patrick Weisz?!"

The manager exclaimed. Chief Supervising Officer was just a representative of the government, but Senator was a part of the government! The difference was too big!

Patrick ignored the shocked manager and walked in.

"Zed!" Patrick quickly rushed to him. "They are looking for you!"

Zed was startled by the arrival of Felicity's father, especially the words he spoke.

"Who?" Zed asked.

Before Patrick could answer, Sylvan said, "No time in wasting time here! Come with me!"

His voice was cold and commanding, and he stretched his hand to pull Zed, without caring about his consent.

Zed's eyes narrowed.

Just as the hand was about to grab Zed, Sylvan's face turned ashen and he started trembling violently.

A dreadful sensation swept into him from distance, almost burning his blood.

"!" He swallowed forcefully and backed away, his eyes shifting towards the window leading to the corridor. The window was obscured by roller binds, but he could see multiple silhouettes.

"They are here!"

Sylvan whispered.

The manager and Patrick swiftly turned towards the door.

The first to enter was a team of a male and a female, both in black clothes. They stood on either side of the door, almost as if they were guards.

The vitality they emanated made the manager stumble back. Even before he could wonder about their level of power, his eyes noticed their shoulders.

They were embedded with an emblem: Bird on fire!

"This emblem... House of Hestia!" The manager was alarmed. "An aristocrat family!"

Chief Supervising Officers and Senators were just representatives and parts of the World Government. But aristocrat families owned the World Government!

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The manager felt his poor heart about to escape his chest.


The stepping sounds of heels echoed in the pin-drop silent room. Still sitting in the chair, Zed turned towards the direction of the door.

A woman stepped in.

She was dressed in pure white, her beautiful hands wrapped in magenta gloves. Her body was slender and tall, blessed with a stunning fair complexion that made a charming contrast with her fiery-red hair.

Every step she took was backed by an extraordinary, aristocratic grace.

One glance at her was enough to make every man and woman drop their jaw and become awestruck by her staggering beauty.

She slowly stepped towards Zed.


The face of this woman reflected in his eyes. Instantly, it overlapped with the image of a woman made of blue flames.[2]

As the two images overlapped, his fingertips unconsciously dug into the armrests.

At the same time, Patrick broke out of his trance. Wiping the sweat off his face, he said, "Zed, let me introduce you to Lady----"

Patrick never got a chance to complete as Zed spoke.


Rebecca stopped.

His fingers almost crushed the armrest as he continued, his tone now filled with coldness, "From House of Hestia."

Patrick, Sylvan, and others were startled. They were sure Zed hasn't seen the emblems on the guards' shoulders, and yet, he knew of her background as well.

Sylvan also noticed something others didn't when Zed spoke about the House of Hestia.


Utter disrespect!

Sylvan got over his shock and shouted, "Kid! Be respectful!"

Zed lifted his head and stared into the eyes of silent Rebecca.

"Is that right? Do I have to be respectful, mother?"

[1] Sylvan has appeared in Volume 1 and the initial part of Volume 2

[2] Kiba has a nightmare about the assassination attempt on him as a newborn. A woman made from blue flames rescued him. Chapter 238.

Chapter 551 A Proper Meeting I

As Sylvan and Patrick worked for the World Government, whenever any echelon from the government wished to enquire anything about Delta City, they would do it from them. So when House of Hestia sent a command to help them find Zed, they naturally jumped in action to fulfill it.

While neither Sylvan nor Patrick knew why the great representatives of the aristocrat family wanted to find Zed, they believed it must be for something important, especially when they saw Lady Rebecca stepping out of the jet.

Still, when Zed became disrespectful, Sylvan couldn't control his anger. In this world, no one had the right to be cold or disrespectful in front of an aristocrat!

No one!

And since he wanted to show his loyalty to the great families, Sylvan shouted at Zed to be respectful!

He expected Zed to cower and apologize but what Zed did made him feel faint.

Zed lifted his head and stared into the eyes of Rebecca. In an emotionless tone, he asked, "Do I have to be respectful, mother?"


Everyone in the room tensed up, and let out cold gasps, unable to believe what they heard. Patrick felt his ears ring with the word "mother" while Sylvan looked uglier than crying.

"She's... his mother?!"

Sylvan didn't dare believe it. While it was the first time he has seen Rebecca, he has heard stories about her, especially her beauty and powers.

She was called Fire Queen and everyone dreaded her.

Yet, such a powerful figure was the mother of the kid he just shouted at?! Surely it must be a mistake!

Patrick was similarly in a state of shock. He knew more about Zed than others due to Felicity and since he was aware of many details, he couldn't believe what he heard.

Rebecca gently gazed into the eyes of her son as he stared into hers.

Whenever she thought of their first possible meeting, she always imagined telling him who she was.

She would gently tell him she was his mother... and that she was more sorry than he can ever imagine for being so late in finding him.

She visualized different scenarios based on his possible reactions. In some, he would be angry, and resent her for taking far too long. In others, he would show the longing like she always had, and express the love he has for her.

But nothing went as per her expectations...

He knew who she was, or at least, realized her identity after seeing her. She was ready for this situation as she imagined such a scenario.

But what she didn't expect was what she saw in his eyes.


There was no anger, resentment, love, or longing.

Yes, there was a coldness but it only appeared when he spoke of House of Hestia.

For her?

Nothing... nothing at all.

Like she didn't matter to him, or at least, not enough for it to let it show in his eyes.

Perhaps, he was hiding what he felt... Maybe his emotions were waiting to erupt like a raging volcano.

It was impossible to tell.

Rebecca blinked her eyes.

"No, you don't."

She answered.

Zed let go of the almost crushed armrests. He turned towards Sylvan, and said, "It seems I don't."

Sylvan didn't dare take even take an audible breath, much less respond.

Zed planted his feet on the floor and rose to his feet. He was now face to face with Rebecca, their eyes meeting.

Neither of them spoke.

They only looked at each other.

Perhaps this lasted for minutes, or hours, and would have infinitely if not for a new voice echoing in the room.

"Zed! You are here!"

A sweet voice entered his ears.

As he turned towards the direction of the voice, his eyes caught a series of rapid blurs. Before he knew, two soft arms wrapped around him for a hug.

A pleasant, familiar fragrance greeted his senses.

"It has been a while!" Zed remarked as misty blue eyes peered at him.

"It has!" Sophia nodded before saying. "You didn't even bid goodbye!"

Zed smiled as he replied, "Because I told you, we will meet later!"

"You indeed did!" Sophia exclaimed as she remembered what he said to her in the last meeting. "Mom was right! An honest, kind, and sincere person never go back on their words!"

While saying so, she pointed towards the entrance. As Zed looked in that direction, he saw a stunning woman, her features resembling Sophia's.

"She's my mom!" Sophia introduced him to Katherine. "When I told her you were here, she agreed to allow me to visit!"

A sharp glint flashed in his eyes as Sophia made the last statement.

He didn't let what he felt appear on his face as he said, "I have heard a lot about you, ma'am."

Katherine suppressed a smile as she replied, "Hopefully, only good stuff."

Zed didn't respond. He grabbed the desk and took a deep breath.

Sophia was shocked and so was everyone else by what they saw next: His body shaking and blood trickling out of his facial orifices!

Rebecca took a step ahead to help him, but stopped when she noticed the look on his face as he sensed her movements. It was chilling; like he would prefer death than taking help from her!

A flash of light swept out of his storage ring, turning into what appeared to be a small, crystalline container.

He placed it on his other hand to empty it.


A terrifying surge of energy erupted out of his hand. The energy swept like a whirlwind, and wherever it passed through, everyone felt their blood circulation speeding up.

Sylvan was dumbstruck as he sensed his hidden injuries disappearing. These injuries were on a cellular level, something even advanced treatment couldn't heal, and yet, they disappeared in an instant!

He stared at Zed's hand, to find what caused such a phenomenon.

"A pill?!"

The pill was circular, made of what appeared to be crystal fibers. An enticing, crimson glow splashed out of it, so bright that one couldn't bear to look at it.

Katherine's eyes constricted with shock. She was a high-ranking member of an aristocrat family. The number of advanced, powerful drugs she had seen in her life were many.

And that's why she was shocked.

Because the pill in his hand was a treasure!

A miracle of science!

"A Rank VII genetic pill!" Katherine whispered in disbelief.

Even in aristocrat families, such high-ranking pills were rare, very rare! They were something no amount of money could buy!

"What?!" The guards from House of Hestia were terrified by what they saw next.

Another pill fell from the container! It was a golden pill, its presence so strong that everything in the room began to shake with wisps of golden light flashing out.

"Another Rank VII pill?!" Katherine was awestruck.

Sylvan, Patrick, and the bank manager almost fainted as they felt their bodies revitalized from the wisps of golden light.

Zed stuffed the pills in his mouth. Streams of crimson and golden energy rippled out of him, swirling around his body like a cyclone.

Soon, his pale face regained some of its healthy glow.


Zed released a heavy sigh. He now felt strong enough to stand without taking support from the desk.

"What happened to you?!" Sophia asked as he turned around.

"Some minor side effects of my usage of power," Zed replied with a smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine now."

Sophia turned silent.

"He is anything but fine!" Katherine thought as she gazed at him. "Those precious pills hardly made any difference in his body!"

The others in the room also noticed his condition.

Rebecca lowered her eyes without saying anything.

"I have to leave," Zed said to Sophia. "Maybe we can meet tomorrow for breakfast."

Sophia nodded. Before, in her excitement, she didn't notice his state. Now that she did, she felt terrible.

Zed walked past Rebecca and stepped out of the door.

Katherine eyed Rebecca before closing her eyes.

"The gods have been cruel to her!"


An hour later.

Dream Rise House.

Zed sat before the waterfall.

He silently observed the water plummeting over the dark rocks as mist brushed past his face, carrying a soothing feel.

The sight of the scene in front of him was gorgeous, no less than the famous waterfalls around the globe.



"A feast for vultures is about to start!"


"If Sophia knows about me being here... many of those who knew me from the forest would also similarly know. And they will share with others what they know, even if Sophia doesn't."

[[I apologize, sir.]]

After he left the forest, he had commanded her to remove all possible information that could lead to his Zed persona. That meant spreading false information on the internet, creating firewalls around local information, deleting/doctoring pictures on online portals, and so on.

Sadly, manipulating the flow of information became impossible when Delta City became the focus of the world. It was practically impossible to stop his real pictures from surfacing.

"It is impossible to retain control during chaos... so don't blame yourself."

He obviously expected a day will come when people learn about him being here. He just didn't expect it to be this soon, and that too when he was weakened.

Claudia observed him silently.

She knew that had he waited for some time to recover and then take stress from Hope, his condition wouldn't be this bad. Still, she didn't say it aloud for she knew that even if he had known about the hidden vultures, he wouldn't change his decision.

Because there were times when emotions overpower rational thinking!

"Claudia... I have survived far worse before fusing with the Cosmic Spark," Zed said with a smile. "So stop worrying about me!"


~beep~ beep~


A virtual screen flashed in front of him, displaying the live feed from the entrance of the villa. A car had stopped outside the gates.

"Allow it in."

Zed commanded.

[[As you wish, sir.]]


Rebecca stepped into the living hall. Behind her, the two guards followed, their gazes scanning the high ceilinged hall.

They were used to seeing luxurious, breathtaking architectural features rooms, and even they were a bit impressed by the hall.

"Have a seat," Zed pointed to a chair across his.

Rebecca sat down.

"So what brings you here?" Zed asked

Rebecca gazed at him for a moment before stretching her right hand. The air above distorted with spatial fluctuations and the next moment, a fiery-red crystal appeared.

The crystal was incorporeal and when Zed saw it, his breathing turned heavy. His body might be in a mess but he was able to sense a familiar feeling from it.

That of his daughter!

"Whenever a child sharing the origin source of Soverigness Hestia is born, a crystal emanating the source power appears," Rebecca explained. "Since you weren't where you belong, the crystal rushed to me."

The crystal flew into his hand.