561 - 570

Chapter 561 Sweet Revenge I

The sea grew restless as a bloody glow erupted through it, like an exploding volcano. The glow transformed the ordinary sea into a sea of blood, and then at the command of Madison, it curled up in waves, shooting straight to the skies.

Crimson blood joined the earth and the sky! It was truly a sight to behold!

But Dracon's face fell at this awe-inspiring scene.

The bloody waves had wrapped the perimeter of the sea, turning into a boundless cage! Even the sky was shrouded by the waves, leaving no point of escape!

"Dammit! This is the manifestation of the blood laws and not Domain!"

Dracon's heart sank as he sensed unfathomable power from the cage. Every Alpha could use a Domain but not everyone could manifest the laws related to their abilities!

Breaking laws were countless times harder than breaking the domain! Because they were the representation of nature!

"Evil uncle, why are you only giving attention to my younger sister!?" Lillian asked with a sad expression. "Are you trying to drive a wedge between us sisters!?"

His eyes constricted as she vanished from his sight and then appeared right behind him. The energy in the world turned chaotic as she gently flicked a finger on his back.


Dracon felt like he was brutally smashed by a hammer. His extraordinary defense broke and he shot into the sea below.

Winds rippled out of him, stopping him from falling in the sea. He then looked at Lillian who waved at him with a kind smile.

"Shiet! She's even more dangerous than her sister! She could control energy!"

Dracon couldn't believe this was happening to him.

He was an Alpha so he didn't fear other Alphas, but the twins were different. They were crazy, unpredictable, and evil!

Their stories were very common among the echelons of the world. So he knew they didn't even care for their lives when they target something!

Facing one such opponent was nothing less than mutual destruction and now he was facing two!

As for why they targeted him, he didn't bother asking about their reason because he knew they would have no reason! They would target anyone they please; hospitals, towns, and even World Fragments!


Blazing winds wildly surged out of him, shooting explosively at Lillian and Madison, like the scythe of the grim reaper.

"Evil uncle! First, you target our daddy and then attack his lil' girls! You are very cruel!" Madison said as a curtain of blood appeared in front of her, blocking the winds.

"Daddy?! Lil' girls!? What is this crazy woman talking about?!"

He knew their screws were loose so he wondered if they were having some mental hallucinations.

Alas, he didn't know that they had been in the city for the last four days, secretly observing their daddy from a distance.

Their daddy might be in a different form, but they knew him for they had a droplet of his Source Blood!


In the mansion, Zed sat across Sophia.

He didn't establish contact with Claudia since there was a risk of interception by Katherine or her family.

While he trusted Sophia, it wasn't the same for her mother and others.

After all, he had met her mother only a few days ago. She might have been kind to him, but then again, that might be an act. Even if she was truly kind, what was to say she might not be greedy just like others?

It was hard to resist the temptation of knowledge, power, and immortality! The temptation can make even the kindest of people into demons!

And his actions in the forest had tempted many!

Furthermore, he knew it better than anyone else how people manipulated others. Some used threats as a means and other kindness!

It was even possible that Dracon was a part of the plan by Katherine's family to make him trust her.

"I'm being far too cynical!" Zed thought with an amused expression.

"What are you thinking?" Sophia asked.

"Nothing much," Zed answered. "Just thinking about recent events."

Sophia nodded.


The next two days passed without any noticeable events, at least not for him. He did have a conversation with Felicity, but other than that he made no outside contact.


Zed was in the middle of breakfast with Sophia and Katherine when his body suddenly shook. The ladies were startled, and a bit worried, but Zed was happy!

The link he shared with the Cosmic Spark had turned stronger, emanating dazzling power. He knew what that signified.

"I have fully recovered!"

Flames flashed in his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

"You have recovered?!" Katherine was stunned.

Whenever she examined his body, she felt him extremely weak, his cells on the brink of collapse. Yet, he now recovered all of a sudden?!

Zed nodded, without explaining.

He didn't stay in the form of his alter ego after the day he took the strain from Hope so that the cells won't be stressed from the constant borrowing of power Cosmic.

With the help of Claudia, he had injected his cells with recovery genetic particles. Those particles slowly laid the foundation of recovery before erupting with their full powers when everything was ready.

This was why Katherine felt he suddenly recovered.

"Thank you for the hospitality," Zed politely expressed his gratitude as left the chair. "I have to leave now."

Sophia was shocked.

Even if he had recovered, it wouldn't make a difference if an enemy like Dracon appeared. Much less an Alpha, even if strong Betas appear, he would be as good as dead!

"Don't worry," Zed said to her. "Now that I have recovered, I can use the preparations I made long ago."


Sophia instantly thought of what he did during the trails. That made her flinch as his preparations had killed many strong opponents[1]!

"See you later."


Zed borrowed a hovercar from Katherine and drove into the city.

He confirmed there was no spy equipment in the car, but then again, the technology was so advanced that spy gadgets could be nano-size, making it impossible to detect. Not to mention, he might be secretly observed from a distance. It doesn't necessarily have to be from Sophia's family!

"Oh well..."

He arrived at Central District.

It was pretty much razed to the ground with many spatial cracks. The shockwaves from his alter ego's battle with Hyperion had broken the fabric of space, turning this area into an eternal graveyard.

As Zed stepped out of the car, he was in the middle of the remnant energy particles. They were beautiful like snowflakes but lethal, emanating a terrifying power.

He carefully walked between them, knowing well that if there was any spy gadget on him, it wouldn't emit a signal in this area.

After walking for almost an hour, he arrived before the depthless crater. Without even looking at the crater, he spread his arms and jumped into it!


"That kid jumped into the crater!?"

"Has he lost his mind?!"

"Obviously! He is committing suicide!"


"Stop him!"

Exclaimed gasps erupted from the distance. Multiple figures rushed forward, avoiding the energy particles. Sadly, by the time they arrived before the crater, Zed had long jumped into the crater...

The energy fluctuations made it difficult for them to scan the crater with their powers so they had no choice but to see it with their eyes. Not only check his dead body, but also to acquire any item Zed had on him.

Had they known he was here to commit suicide, they would have grabbed him before. Sadly they didn't as they believed he was here to retrieve some treasure or artifact. So they all secretly followed... now regretting their decision.


As everyone arrived before the crater, an overbearing attraction force grabbed them.


A mutant from a powerful faction wondered as the force violently pulled him into the crater.

He didn't get time to think through as his body turned into a trail of shadows, smashing into the end of the crater.


The brutal impact turned him into a bloody paste!

"Well, I wasn't committing suicide, but it seems you all are!"

A golden-haired figure remarked as other mutants too turned into pastes.

Obviously, he was none other than Kiba!

"Were your lives so bad for you to take such a drastic step?"

Kiba asked as he floated above the suicidal mutants. They had strong bodies so they hadn't yet died, but it was just a matter of a minute or two.

Their body state made it impossible for them to see the figure above them, but they could hear his question. This made those in a better condition cough up arrows of blood.

Damn you!

Our lives were good until we followed you!

"No matter how bad your lives were, suicide is not the answer," Kiba said as a matter of factly. "We should never give up on life!"

Alas, they didn't appreciate his words of wisdom. They internally cursed him before dying...

Kiba let out a sigh. He prayed for their departed souls before enveloping himself with rays of light.

"I guess this crater would become a popular suicide spot!"

Kiba thought as he teleported away...

[1] Chapter 390

Chapter 562 Sweet Revenge II

In the lab, Agatha played with her daughter.

Hope had awakened in the morning, almost at the same time as her father recovered.

As she played, her nascent eyes suddenly moved to the side. Agatha's lips curved up for she knew why.

The love of her life had appeared!

The instant he appeared, Hope stretched her little hands.

Kiba quickly crouched before her, allowing her to run her soft hands on his face.

Her touches made his eyes misty, reminding him how he almost lost this boundless source of joy.

He hugged her.

"I'm sorry... I swear, never again would I let you experience any agony!"

Hope was bewildered as she felt his tears drop on her. Since his words were spoken to her through the telepathic bond, she could understand the meaning of his words.

This made her confused.

She had never experienced any agony so why he would cry.

Nevertheless, she couldn't allow him to cry. Her little fingers wiped his tears and she smiled.

It was the most pleasing smile he ever saw.

"Thank you..." Kiba kissed her on the forehead. "You are the best!"

Hope clapped her hands at his remark of being the best. She then conveyed him the scene of the explosion she created not so long ago, and wondered if he was talking about that.


Kiba answered with a smile.

From her sparkling eyes, he could see she was looking forward to defeating him in creating explosions.

"I'm sure you would easily win this time!" Kiba added.

Hope nodded as if it was obvious.

"?!" Agatha was dumbstruck by the excitement shown by her daughter. Since she didn't have the telepathic power, she couldn't know her daughter's thoughts like Kiba.

"What are you two discussing?" Agatha asked.

"Just that how lucky we are to have you!" Kiba answered with a smile.

In the corner of the lab, Eva couldn't help but smile.

"This isn't a bad way to live."


Around 8 PM.

After putting Hope to sleep, Kiba and others sat on the examination table.

"We have lost our home," Agatha started with a bitter look. "And we can't stay in the underground facilities forever."

"Actually, we can't stay in the city for long," Eva corrected her.

Agatha nodded while glancing at Kiba.

The city was more than half destroyed and lost most of its charm. They could live with that, but not after the recent attention Zed attracted.

"Then we will live in a new city... somewhere far away."

Kiba said as teleportation force enveloped him.

"Have rest."

Agatha and Sophia did as he asked. Before he recovered, they were always on the guard, worried nonstop, barely sleeping.

Now that he had recovered, all their worries disappeared.


Kiba teleported thousands of meters above. He sat on the ruined ground where his home used to be.

[[Nothing remains of our home, sir.]]

Claudia said sullenly.

If anyone felt his pain at the destruction of the villa, it was her. They had built it together, nurturing till it became their home.

"Claudia... our home will remain as long as we exist! It is there in our hearts, in our dreams... as long as we can rise, the home would exist!"

[[You are right, sir.]]

Claudia agreed but her sadness wouldn't disappear. Building a new home can't make up for the loss.

Kiba grabbed a handful of darkened soil and clenched it tightly.

"Those who burned our home... we will burn them in their homes!"


"Those responsible for this mess... they would die in the flames of our fury!"


As the night descended, a party started in the corner of Delta City. It was hosted in a fancy six-storied building, charmed with vanity.

Many rich and powerful of the city had survived, and they arrived here to relax after the close encounter with death.

The waiters served lavish drinks while soul-stirring women danced and sung on the stage. Everything for the benefit of corporate chiefs, media tycoons, politicians, mutants, and their romantic partners.

Sandra - the widow of Lager Kestone - sat on one table, her mood bitter. Across her, sat her cheerful step sons-in-law and their better halves. [1]

Before the crisis that fell on the city, the situation was the opposite.

Sadly, after the crisis, Kiba was not seen. This naturally made rumors of his death appear as many powerful had died from the shockwaves. That, in turn, made the four sons of Lager Kestone very happy!

They no longer felt threatened so they corned Sandra to give up her claim on Kestone Fashion Company and the family estate.

"Kiba... I pray you are happy in the heavens."

Sandra whispered to herself.

Some distance away from her table, on another table, sat the most important government officer of the city.


He was accompanied by his pretty wife, Courtney. She looked stunning in her backless black floor-length halterneck dress, hiding her svelte legs.

Courtney glanced at her grumpy husband. In the last few days, he wasn't the man she had married.

"That night... after he went out saying it would change their lives for better... he had been acting strange! Just what happened to him?!"

She wondered to herself. He has lost interest in everything, especially her. Whenever she tried to tease him sexually, his face would turn resentful, as if she had touched a sore topic.

She let out a barely audible sigh and grabbed a glass of wine. She didn't want to ruin her night due to her husband's grumpiness.

Sylvan knew his wife was pissed, but so was he, though not at her.

"I have evolved to the higher-stage of Level V! I should be happy!"

Sylvan tried to brighten his mood.

As a smile appeared on his face, his smartphone vibrated with a notification popup. He took it out and clicked on the notification that was a message.

A video, without any audio, flashed up.


Despite his extraordinary might, his shoulders slumped and his expression turned incredibly gloomy.

His body broke out into cold sweat and he closed the video. As he put the phone down, it vibrated again.

Sylvan didn't want to but he checked the notification. This time he sighed in relief knowing it was a text message, but when he read the text, his heart almost exploded from rage and terror.

"Hmm?" Courtney noticed his unsightly expression. She opened her lips to ask when she felt the hall turning pin-drop silent.

If there was any sound, it was from the entrance of the hall.

A tall, handsome man slowly stepped in. He was dressed elegantly, but everyone's attention was on his stunning face.


"He's alive!?"

"The shockwaves didn't kill him!"

Sandra's eyes instantly brightened. Contrastingly, the hearts of her step sons-in-law sank.

At the end of the hall, Sarah and Daniel sat with other media tycoons. When they noticed Kiba stepping in, emotions erupted in their hearts.

Daniel felt disappointment and terror.

Sarah also felt what her husband did, along with an unspeakable excitement that she had forever tried to suppress for her husband's sake. This excitement made a wet, warm sensation flood in her cunt and her ass shiver.

Kiba greeted a few acquaintances with a smile before taking a glass of drink.

He then leisurely walked to a free table, much to the relief of many men...

As everyone started enjoying the party again, they were taken aback when they noticed Chief Supervising Officer of the city walking towards Kiba.

Courtney was also surprised by her husband's actions. They weren't acquainted with Kiba though they knew about him due to his infamy.

Kiba took a mouthful of drink when Sylvan arrived in front of him. Startled, he said, "Mr. Sylvan?"

Almost everyone was observing him and Sylvan.

Why would the representative of the World Government walk towards the infamous rake?

Sylvan swallowed forcefully before saying, "Kiba... can you do me... a favor?"

Kiba was stunned and so were everyone else.


What help can Kiba provide that others couldn't?! Could it be some government mission!?

Regardless, it must be something important for Sylvan to seek a favor here, in front of so many people.

Kiba thought for a moment before replying, "Well, Mr. Sylvan, it would depend on what it is."

Courtney and others agreed with him. No one would agree for a favor without knowing what it was.

"Would you please fuck my wife?"

Sylvan asked.

[1] In Chapter 500, Kiba consoled the widow of Lager and his four daughters-in-law.

Chapter 563 Prelude to Orgy

"Would you please fuck my wife?"

As Sylvan stated the favor he wanted, the jaws of everyone in the party dropped. Even the beautiful female singers on the stage stopped, their ears ringing by his words.

None of them could believe what he just requested to Kiba.

Asking his wife to be fucked?!

Surely they must have heard it wrong! There was no way Chief Supervising Officer would ask for such a thing, at least not in front of so many people!

Courtney was dumbstruck for a few moments before exploding in anger.

"Sylvan! How dare you say such a thing?!"

She was his wife and not some slut that he could give to anyone! So how dare he make such a preposition, that too without discussing with her?!

Had his gain in powers and status turned him senile?!

Sylvan clenched his fists tightly. Just like his wife, he hated himself for asking her to be fucked by someone else.

But he had no choice!

Just a minute before Kiba arrived, he had received a video.

The video contained his most horrifying nightmare... something that happened a few days. Mostly due to his carelessness when he grabbed the capsules in Dream Rise House.

The video was of crystal-clear quality, full high-definition. It showed everything that was done to him by two of his companions!

Sylvan was obviously terrified to see his worst-nightmare in the video form. So he hastily closed it.

But he then received a text message! That message was far worse than the video if that was even possible! It pretty much stated the demands of the blackmailer and what would happen in case the demands were not met!

Unless he had his wife fucked by Kiba in the party, the video would be made viral!


He didn't fear a mortal enemy, not even a strong mutant. But he did fear his secret being exposed!

After all, killing an opponent was easy!

But how was he supposed to stop the internet?!

Once a video was viral, there was no scope of him doing anything! Sure he had the government machinery, but by the time he could take action, the video would be already seen by thousands! And who knows how many would share the details with others!

He didn't want to become a laughing stock in the world! He didn't want everyone to gossip about him, making fun of him, taking pleasure in his misfortune!

So his only choice to keep the secret safe was to request Kiba to fuck his wife.

"Daamit! This is equally bad!" Sylvan thought. "But I have to choose between the lesser evil!"

He swore he would kill Kiba after this was over. It was obvious to him the blackmailer was Kiba... or at least, someone connected to Kiba!

Controlling his anger, he turned towards his wife, and said, "Courtney, if you love me, you would fulfill my wish!"

Courtney was shocked, her expression twisting in disbelief.

He was using the love she had as a bargaining chip?! Just to have her fucked by Kiba!?

"Could he be having the fantasy of becoming a cuckold?! Yes, he must have! That's why he wants me to be fucked by Kiba!"

Courtney thought to herself.

Sarah, Daniel, Sandra, and pretty much everyone else was similarly shocked.

What was wrong with Sylvan?!

How could he request for his wife to be fucked by Kiba!?

Was he out of his minds!?

Sure, Kiba was the right person to request for such a thing... as fucking wives was natural to him as breathing was to living beings.

But still!

Sylvan shouldn't show his cuckold fascination at the party! He was ruining his reputation!

"Or maybe it was his fantasy to see his wife screwed in front of others!" A singer wondered.

She had heard people from higher society have strange fetishes, and today, she felt she would witness one!

As everyone entered a state of shock, Kiba put the glass on the table and placed a hand below his chin to contemplate.

After thinking for a few moments, he replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sylvan, but I would politely decline your request."


Everyone gasped.

Kiba was refusing?!

Had something happened to our hearing!?

If not, how could this be?!

How can Kiba decline a free pussy!?

That was impossible!

A few in the party had former spouses/girlfriends fucked by Kiba so they refused to believe this. Daniel was still married to his wife, but even he agreed with others.

The Kiba they knew wouldn't let go of any opportunity to fuck a pretty woman, especially a hot wife!

And Courtney was more than pretty and hot!

That was why she was the wife of an influential government officer!

"!" Courtney was stunned by Kiba's refusal.

It should be her who should refuse! Not the other way!

Yet he was refusing a chance to sleep with her!


Was something wrong with her!?

She had stories about him so she knew he didn't care about status. In fact, he loved to screw the wives of powerful corporate chiefs and officers!

So just why?! Did he not found her attractive enough!?

Sylvan was also astonished.

When he received the message, he was sure Kiba would readily agree. After all, it was obvious that Kiba was the part of blackmail circle!

But now seeing him refuse, Sylvan wondered if Kiba was innocent!

Regardless, Kiba had to fuck his wife otherwise he would be ruined! Being cuckold was still better than what the video could do to him!

Sylvan opened his mouth to request again, but before he could, Kiba rose to his feet. Ignoring Sylvan, he walked to the table where Sandra sat with her step sons-in-law and step daughters-in-law.

"I didn't get a chance to fully console you after Lager left us," [1]Kiba said as he arrived behind Sandra. "I apologize for that."


The four sons of Lager gritted their teeth.

Console and you?!


It was because of you that our father died! If you hadn't screwed his trophy wife, he wouldn't have got a heart attack!

They didn't dare voice out their thoughts though.

"I missed you!" Sandra said as she rose and leaned into Kiba.

"I know!"

Kiba pressed her body against his, kissing her firmly on the lips. She eagerly responded to the kiss, her lips melting into his.

Everyone at the party was dumbstruck.

The young widow of Lager Kestone was making out with Kiba, that too so openly?!

And didn't Kiba just refuse Sylvan's wife?! So why was he making out with a widow?!

Kiba took her lower lip between his lips, sucking it, finding her taste that of strawberries.

Soft and sweet just like caramel, with a hint of spices.

Sandra slid a hand down, reaching his pants. She felt his raging hard-on, and as she rubbed it through the fabric, she felt it pulsate, grow.

The day he saved her, she had sworn her pussy was only for him, and him alone. Now that they started making out, she knew he would soon fill her needy pussy.

It was months since she had him and just the thought made her dripping wet.

Kiba grabbed her by the arms and spun her around, planting his lips on her neck. Sandra exclaimed as his hands then moved to her breasts, squeezing them.

The sons of Lager were dumbstruck, too shocked to even react. The same was for their wives.

Kiba glanced at their wives and said, "I'm leaving the city permanently, and before I leave, shouldn't we remove all the misunderstandings between you ladies?"

Everyone in the hall was astonished by the first half of his sentence!

The men were pleasantly surprised, glad that the infamous rake was leaving! Most wives and girlfriends, on the other hand, were disappointed.

"!" Daniel noticed his wife's face sinking.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked, startled.

Surely she wouldn't be missing him, right!?

"Ah! N-nothing!" Sarah answered hastily.

She didn't want her husband to worry about her fidelity... even though she had given Kiba her anal cherry after she reconciled with her husband!

Meanwhile, the four husbands were terrified by Kiba's question to their wives.

Remove misunderstanding?!

Surely he couldn't mean...

Even as they wondered, a teasing smile appeared on Sandra's face.

She eyed her step daughters-in-law and said, "Kiba is right! For the well-being of our family, we ladies need to unite so that no one can take advantage of our family!"

While saying so she pulled her eldest step daughter-in-law, Katy. She had seen Katy fucked by Kiba so there was zero resistance.

"I agree!" Katy replied with a smile.

She pulled Sandra's blouse down, helping Kiba in squeezing those lovely, wonderful breasts. She then locked her lips with Sandra while rubbing Kiba's pants.

Katy's husband was crestfallen by the development.

He had seen stepfamily members practicing various methods to become close... but nothing like this! This wasn't the type of unity he wanted between his wife and his step-mother! At least, not with Kiba as the sign of unity!

His brothers smirked, but before they could engage in schadenfreude, their wives joined Kiba.

"What the hell?!"

Their faces turned unsightly. They knew their wives might be potential gold-diggers, but they didn't expect them to do this!

One wife planted her lips on Kiba for an intimate kiss while the other two dropped to their knees, opening his pants!

"Brother, don't!" The youngest brother charged at his wife but his other brothers stopped him.

"This is the only way!" The second brother added, his voice filled with sadness. "Besides, it isn't like we could stop them!"

"!!" The youngest brother's face fell.

He could only bitterly stare as his stunning wife put her mouth on Kiba's underwear, kissing it, breathing the intoxicating, manly scent.


Throughout the hall, the women took long breaths as they sighted the outline of the bulge in the underwear. It was enormous and thick...

[1] Chapter 501. Kiba wasn't fully able to console Sandra and her step daughters-in-law as Hope was about to be born.

Chapter 564 Prelude to Orgy II/II

From behind, Kiba jiggled Sandra's firm breasts as Katy sealed her lips with Sandra.

At the same time, Beth and Isla, the step daughters-in-law of Sandra, pulled Kiba's pants down. Another step daughter-in-law, Anika, lifted her head, and kissed Kiba. Her lips tasted of mint and as their tongues sought each other, the women in the hall exclaimed.

The bulge in the underwear had grew as his tongue wrapped with Anika's!

Its dimensions were impressive just from the outline alone, and the women wondered, how it would look in the flesh.

Beth slowly kissed the bulge, tracing the entire outline of the shaft. She felt the intoxicating, powerful manly scent, something that made her pussy lips involuntarily tremble.

Isla kissed from the other side. Just like Beth, she eagerly waited to taste what her young stepmother-in-law had!

After a few minutes of teasing, she tucked his underwear down, freeing his manhood. Her mouth watered as she got the close-view of the hard, swollen cock.

It was very thick and long!

Its sight alone made her squirm from giddy anticipation of what it would feel like inside. A part of her felt it would break her little pussy, but the other part wanted it to rip her, stretch her as no one could.

A few tables away, Courtney was dumbstruck by the sight of the awe-inspiring cock. It was the biggest cock she had ever seen or heard of, and she wondered how a woman could even take that monster!

Even at this distance, she could feel its pulsating heat. It was enough to make her weak in the knees.

At the end of the hall, Sarah gripped the hem of her cocktail dress. Seeing Kiba's manhood again made her remember how it penetrated her tight ass, and this caused spasms to ripple throughout her body.

The males, on the other hand, cowered.

They felt ashamed of their inferior manhoods as they saw five women serving one man!

That too so openly in the middle of the party!

Ordinary men would feel nervous in the presence of even a small group of strangers, making it impossible for them to even get an erection! But not Kiba! His long cock stood straight, not at all affected by the stares!

What's more, as two women started kissing his cock, his hands continue to fondle Sandra's breasts while making out with both Katy and Anamika. His kisses would move from one woman to another, tasting their lips, exploring their sweet mouths!

"No wonder my wife cheated!" A long-divorced corporate chief exclaimed. "How are we supposed to compete with a monster like him?!"


Sylvan was dumbstruck.

How can Kiba have the guts to start a mini-orgy in the middle of the party?!

As he tried to process the new development, his phone vibrated, notifying him of a new message. It made his heart constrict and by the time he read the message, his face twisted with rage.

The message stated that if in the next few minutes his wife wasn't in the arms of Kiba, the video would be made viral!


Kiba had already refused his request!

So what he supposed to do?! Force Kiba to fuck his wife!?

"I need to calm down!"

Sylvan suppressed his emotions and turned towards his wife. He didn't have the guts to explain to his wife to explain about the blackmail as it concerned his worst nightmare.

Something that would ruin her image of him far worse than his request!

Forcing a smile, he took his wife's hand and said, "Please Courtney... if you love me, please do it! Please! I never asked you anything before!"


Courtney was once again shocked.

Till now, she never even made out in the open, much less had sex. Now she was begged to do the most brazen act.

Just from when he had this fantasy of getting cucked?!

And how could she not know about it until now?!

"No wonder they say the wife is the last to know about the thoughts of the husband!"

Courtney wanted to refuse, but she then noticed the desperation in her husband's eyes. It made her terrified.

It was almost like he would get a heart attack if she didn't fulfill his fantasy!

"If I don't, he might do something! I can't let that happen!"

She had felt humiliated when Kiba refused her. But now there was no choice.

So she joined her husband and stepped towards Kiba.

In the meantime, Beth swirled her tongue around the mushroom head of his cock before taking it between her glossy lips, slowly sucking on it.

Her lips moved back and forth on the head, emanating the enticing sucking sound.

Isla stroked the base of the cock to help her sister-in-law while pressing her tongue against the underside.

Her wet, nimble tongue felt pleasant against his warm, hard flesh, and this pleasant feeling only grew stronger with Beth's sucking.

"You two are good!" Kiba praised as he squeezed the stiff nipples of Sandra and moved to kiss Katy.

It was then that Sylvan arrived with his wife.

"Kiba! Please, fuck my wife!" Sylvan almost begged. His guts twisted from humiliation and anger, but he forced himself to request again.


Kiba broke the kiss and let out a soft sigh. With a look of resignation, he turned towards the couple and said, "Since you are requesting, again and again, it would be evil to refuse again. Fine, I will fuck your wife."


Everyone in the hall was stunned.

Not because he accepted the request, but the way he did. It was almost like he was forcing himself to fuck a hot wife!

Bloody hell!

He's getting a golden chance to explore a pretty woman and he is feeling forced!

If this is forced, please force us as well to fuck another man's woman!

Despite their thoughts, none dared say it aloud. Nor anyone had guts to stop the hot development.

"!" Courtney felt insulted.

Did he not found her attractive at all for him to speak like this?!

She eyed Isla who slithered her tongue on the cock, licking it like it was ice cream. She then glanced at Beth who sucked the start of the cock, showing her blowjob skills.

Surely, she was as beautiful as Isla and Beth, if not more!

Even as she thought, Kiba issued a command, "Mr. Sylvan, as you can see I'm rather occupied, so why don't you undress your wife and send her to me."

"!!!" Sylvan almost coughed up blood.

For a husband to undress his wife and send her to another man was far more degrading than begging her to be fucked! It was the ultimate act of a cuckold!

His mouth opened to roar in fury, but before the roar could leave his throat, his cellphone vibrated. The roar died and his mouth shut.

He controlled himself and moved behind his wife to halterneck dress. He didn't need to check the message to know what it would say...

Courtney felt strange. She was humiliated, yet somewhat excited.

This baffled her.

How could the act of undressing in open excite her? Surely she wasn't an exhibitionist!


As her dress dropped to the floor, she was in nothing but a matching pair of black bra and panties. To her surprise, the very next moment, she felt a gust of wind as Kiba took her in his arms and pinned her against the wall, leaving behind her shocked husband.

Kiba locked his lips with hers, kissing her, savoring her lips.

The kiss surpassed any kiss she ever had, even the most romantic and intimate ones!

It was filled with lust and passion, sending pleasure down her body.

A current passed through her spine as his tongue separated her lips and dived in, exploring her little mouth.

The act was not only pleasant but also arousing. It made her forget the strangeness of the situation.

Slowly, she responded.

Her tongue swirled around his, clashing in a battle of lust. His hands wandered on her slim body, enjoying the feel of her pliant skin.

Soft moans escaped her throat but settled in her mouth as her lips were sealed with his.

Sandra arrived behind Kiba with her step daughters-in-law. She pushed Anika on her knees and made her get underneath Kiba, commanding her to lick Kiba's balls.

She then signaled Katy and Isla to be on standby.

Meanwhile, Beth tucked down Courtney's panties, much to the shock of the latter. She couldn't say anything though as Kiba's kiss turned more aggressive, making her melt in ecstasy.

"Let's give everyone the show of a lifetime!" Sandra whispered in his ear.

Kiba broke the kiss and smirked.


Courtney gasped as at the same time he lifted her above his head. With his hands holding her ass, her legs dropped over his shoulders, falling behind his back.

It was the first time she found herself in this position.

She hastily wrapped her hands around his head just as he planted his face between her pussy.

"Oh, my god!" Courtney exclaimed.

In front of so many people, especially her husband, her pussy was about to be eaten! Just the thought made her adrenalin surge!

She was never so turned on in her life!

Kiba placed his mouth over her sweet entrance, feeling the delicious warmth from her pink flesh. Her scent was appetizing especially with the glistening juices leaking out of her lips.

Without wasting any time, he dived into her, tasting the amazing pussy.

Courtney felt firecrackers ready to explode before her eyes. A mind-blowing orgasm was waiting to erupt!

Underneath Kiba, Anika swirled her tongue around his balls before taking one of them in her mouth. Katy and Isla slid their lips on the shaft from either side, giving his cock the most wonderful open kisses.

Sandra traced his masculine back, feeling his well-sculpted muscles.

"Make him ready!" Sandra ordered Beth.


Beth readily dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Katy and Isla leaned back, shoving the cock in her mouth. Beth then sealed her lips around the cock and started bobbing up and down, blowing him.

It was heaven for Kiba.

He was eating pussy while multiple women worshipped his cock and balls.

In no time, Courtney orgasmed. She held Kiba tightly and erupted her juices into his mouth.

"I never felt this amazing before!"

Courtney thought as she caught her breath. She felt liberated and calm, something that was difficult to believe with how she acted like a slut in front of so many!

Kiba lowered her body as she enjoyed the euphoric sensation.

Her eyes turned wide as she felt something hard pressing against her cunt. She quickly looked down just in time to see Beth guiding the well-lubricated cock between her pussy lips.

"No! It won't fit!" Courtney shouted. "You would tear me apart!"

"Don't underestimate your potential!" Kiba assured her.

Courtney couldn't respond as the head of his cock slipped into her.

"Oh, godddddd!"

She dropped her head back and moaned. He was penetrating inch by inch, stretching her pussy muscles, making her erupt with more juices to lubricate her tight tunnel.


Courtney wrapped her legs around him tightly.

Sylvan was terrified by his wife's screams. He thought of acting but then he noticed most of Kiba's cock disappearing into his wife's cunt! It was like her cunt was a magician's hat!

"See? I told you, don't underestimate yourself!" Kiba said as he slowly started fucking her. "I have more confidence in you than your husband!"

Courtney couldn't say anything. He had reach depths she never knew even existed!

It made her eyes glaze from ecstasy, and slowly, she started grinding her hips.

Underneath them, Anika licked Kiba's balls before moving up, swirling her tongue between his stroking cock and Courtney's cunt. This increased the ecstatic pleasure of both, and Courtney screamed like there was no tomorrow...

Some distance away, as Sylvan noticed his wife's actions, he realized he had made the worst decision of his life.

In the corner of the hall, Sarah began rubbing herself all over. Her chest rose and her breathing turned heavy.

"Sarah!" Daniel shouted.

"Ahh!" Sarah broke out of the trance-like state. She pulled her hand that had slipped between her thighs.

"I'm sorry!"

Chapter 565 Orgy I/II


With a wave of Kiba's hand, a king-size bed materialized in the air and dropped on the floor, shocking everyone at the party.

Kiba continued to slam his cock into Courtney while moving towards the bed. She now eagerly responded to his strokes by bouncing up and down, no longer caring about countless voyeurs in the hall.

Her husband had begged her to be fucked by Kiba... so she would fulfill his fantasy by enjoying this moment!

Kiba dropped her on the bed so that her ass was on the edge. Standing before the bed, he grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs, positioning himself against her cunt.

"Ohhh yesss!"

Courtney let out an enticing moan as he slammed into her. He was now fucking her in earnest and she felt herself approaching another orgasm.

As this happened, her vision was shrouded by white ass cheeks. Sandra had lowered herself on Courtney's face, straddling it!

"Lick me, bitch!" Sandra commanded.

Courtney never had made out with another woman, much less lick a pussy. She wanted to refuse as the delicious pussy lips approached her mouth, and just then, Kiba spoke.

"Eat her nice, otherwise we stop now!" Kiba threatened while hammering into her. "I have no time for a selfish woman!"


The threat made her pussy constrict around his cock. She didn't want the most sexually satisfying moment of her life to end so soon!

So she stretched her tongue out to lick the first pussy of her life. Brushing her tongue against the glistening, soft flesh, she tasted a sweet yet bitter taste. It was twistingly delicious, and she eagerly started tasting it.

"She has potential!" Sandra remarked while leaning her face closer to Kiba.

They kissed, swirled their tongues while enjoying the tongue and pussy of their common woman.

At the same time, Beth sat on the bed, next to the fucking threesome. Extending a thumb, she brought it on Courtney's clit, rubbing it.


Courtney felt a jolt into her pussy. It made her pussy muscles spams with ripples of pleasure, and Kiba felt her tightening around him, jamming his cock.


She gasped with her mouth locked to another woman's cunt as she climaxed. Her toes curled and the fine hair on her neck stood up.

It was the most intense orgasm of her life!

Kiba didn't stop though. He continued to hammer her sensitive pussy, enjoying the feel of her shuddering soft flesh against him.

She approached another climax and this time her vision darkened as pleasure erupted into her very being.

"Oh yessss!"

She shuddered with pure ecstasy...

Kiba pulled out and Sandra jumped up.

"We have no time to waste!" Sandra grabbed Courtney by the back of her head and pushed her face towards Kiba's glistening cock!

Courtney was startled. She was a high-class lady, never having engaged in acts like blow job, even with her husband.

Yet she couldn't bring herself to say no. The cock in front of her made her lips open on her own and take it in her mouth.

She sucked the precum mixed with her juices, and as she started the first blowjob of her life, her fevered cunt turned hot.

Subconsciously, she extended a hand down her cunt, rubbing it.

Her skills were nonexistent as she sucked him, but just her actions alone would have not only aroused any man, but also made him incomparably happy.

Not Kiba though. He was disappointed!

"Wives in Delta City always suck in blowjobs!"

Kiba remarked as he grabbed the side of her face and slammed into her mouth. He then turned towards her dumbstruck husband and said, "This was why I refused! It takes so much effort to make them good fuck!"

Courtney was stunned.

But she couldn't speak as her mouth was stuffed with his cock.

He started treating her mouth like it was her cunt, hammering his cock back and forth, enjoying the slippery sensation.

With every stroke into her mouth, his balls slapped against her chin.

Meanwhile, Isla, Katy, and Anika arrived on the bed, sitting next to Courtney. They started making out with each other; kissing lips, cupping breasts, and rubbing pussies.

Their husbands were beyond shocked as the wives gave a hot show to please Kiba.

"You are the best!" Kiba nodded appreciatively at the hot lesbian action. He continued to fuck Courntye's mouth while extending a hand to grab Isla's tits. They were small, but a handful, and he squeezed one of them, enjoying the soft, delicate flesh.

"Come here!"

Kiba ordered.

Isla crawled to him and brushed her tits on his face. He opened his lips and took her left nipple into his mouth, making it stiff from arousal.


Courtney gagged as he planted his cock on the back of her throat as he started enjoying Isla's tits. She wanted to pull her head back to slip him out but Sandra stopped her. She pushed her face further on his crotch, making his cock jammed into her throat!

"Deep throat him, bitch!" Sandra commanded. "Make him cum!"

Courtney followed her instructions. She closed her lips tight and deep throated him, providing him intense pleasure.

His balls tightened and he shot out thick ropes of cum.

"!" Courtney was amazed by the amount of cum he shot, it filled her mouth. Some of it she swallowed unconsciously as he shot straight into her throat.

As he finally let go of her, threads of cum dripped out of her mouth.

"Don't waste it!" Sandra extended her tongue and licked the cum. She then wiped the cum off Courtney's lips by kissing her, before spitting into her mouth, making her swallow every droplet.

Kiba stretched his hands and lied down on the bed. He was still stiff hard and allowed the other wives to nurse his cock.

Isla, Beth, Katy, and Anika jumped into action. One of them licked his balls, showering it with her saliva, while two kissed the shaft from the sides while the last one pressed her tongue into the head of his cock.

There was not enough space, but the four acted well, pleasuring him. In less than a minute, he turned rock-hard, returning back to his former size.

The orgy started...

Chapter 566 Orgy II/II

One after another, Beth, Isla, Katy, and Anika got on their fours and raised their beautiful asses. They wiggled them enticingly, making everyone in the hall gasp as they got the lewd view of the crotches.

The people could only bitterly cry for they knew the asses weren't raised for them! It was for Kiba!

Kiba scanned the asses before choosing Isla's. He kissed her right ass cheek, caressed her firm flesh, and then moved on the left. After repeating his actions, he took her flesh between his lips, and nuzzled on it.

Isla shuddered with pleasure. He knew how to excite her, please her while enjoying the feeling of her ass cheeks!

As she grew used to the feeling, his index finger moved between her ass cheeks, approaching her sacred flesh.


She let out a soft moan. The finger parted her pussy lips and slipped in, turning wet from the glistening moisture inside.

"You are really wet!"

Kiba remarked as he pulled his finger and sniffed it. There was her lingering scent, something that made him throb.

Not wasting any more time, he spread her ass cheeks and buried his mouth into her pussy. He ran his tongue around her entrance before plunging right into her, licking her, tasting her.

Isla arched her back as she shivered from ecstasy. He nuzzled on her flesh, tongued it, and then took it between his lips, sending current throughout her body.

At the same time, as he ate her, his hands moved to the crotch of the women either side of him. Beth and Katy gasped in anticipation as his hands approached their love caves, rubbing the outline of their pussy lips and flicking their clits.


They simultaneously moaned as he shoved fingers into their cunts, finger-fucking them.

Behind, Sandra gave a long kiss to Courtney before eyeing Kiba.

"He's really good, isn't he?" She asked.

"More than good!" Courtney agreed.

"Why don't you help him by serving Anika?" Sandra asked while tugging her teeth on Courtney's earlobe.

"Yes!" Courtney answered, squirming.

She knew her husband would love it as well! So she had a perfect reason to enjoy her time here!

Some distance away, Sylvan had enough. His wife had been fucked so there was no need for her to continue. He stepped forward, but just then, his phone vibrated.


Courtney and Anika got in 69, with Courtney down. She craned her neck to plant her face between Anika's pussy while Anika did the same to her. They started licking and eating each other...

Isla's head dropped on the floor as waves of pleasure crashed through her. An intense orgasm hit her, making her sopping pussy release enticing, wet sound as Kiba continued to lap on her.

At the same time, his finger-fucking brought orgasms to Beth and Katy. Their pussies furiously jammed his fingers as spams rippled through their flesh.

"We have only started!" Kiba said as he freed his lips from Isla's pussy. "So get ready."

The women nodded between their delightful yelps.

Kiba arrived before Courtney and Anika who had their naked bodies pressed into each other. He lifted Anika's ass and placed his cock on the lips of Courtney.


Courtney knew what he wanted. She eagerly took him in her mouth and started sucking him, lubricating him with her spit. She then pulled him out and guided him to the pussy entrance just a few centimeters away from her.

From this distance, she got the fascinating view of his enormous cock penetrating Anika's pussy.

Kiba grabbed her hips firmly and started fucking her.

Courtney didn't stop though. She licked Anika's clitoris, while Anika licked hers. Courtney alternatively moved from the clit to the moving shaft, sending more pleasure into Kiba.

"This is the best feeling ever!" Kiba was in heaven.

He continued to hammer Anika while taking a few strokes in Courtney's mouth from time to time, enjoying the best of both worlds.

In a few minutes, Anika orgasmed and sprayed juices on Courtney's faces. Kiba pulled out and shoved his cock back in Courtney's mouth. She eagerly sucked him...

"Time we start the main fest!"

Kiba said as he brought the naked women together. Using his lightning speed, he stacked one woman over the other, literally making a pile of wet pussies!

Courtney, Anika, Beth, Katy, Isla, and Sandra.

Six bewitching pussies for him to choose from! Or assholes!

Kiba didn't waste a second before sliding his cock in Courtney who was at the lowest of the pussy mountain.

As he entered into her with one deep thrust, her eyes fluttered.

"Oh god! You are the best!" Courtney exclaimed in the middle of her moans.

She never knew sex could feel so good, especially in front of others! She promised to apologize to her husband for not readily agreeing to his proposal!

Kiba pumped into her for a dozen times, sliding in and out rapidly, pushing her to the edge, enjoying her angelic moans.

Just as the climax was about to hit her, he pulled out and shoved his cock into the pussy above her.

Courtney complained of unfairness as she heard Anika moaning, enjoying the sensation of hard cock filling her just like she had!

Kiba's mouth didn't take rest as he fucked. He ate Sandra and she started rotating her hips, moaning in pleasure...

He floated further up as he moved to another pussy. Slipping in and out of a hot pussy was a feeling he could never get tired of! The more he got, the more he wanted!

A pussy was the work of the god, and it deserved to be worshipped with long, powerful strokes.

And he did more than that!

As his cock arrived behind Isla, instead of penetrating her pussy, he plunged into her little brown ring.


Isla screamed as her virgin ass was penetrated. She felt a burning sensation washing through her, making her shiver.

Even though his cock was lubricated with juices, her little asshole had a hard time growing used to it.

In the distance, Sarah stared as the ass fucking started. She understood Isla's pain and if not for her husband, she would have shouted - 'Just hang on! It would feel a lot better!'

And it did get better!

Isla felt a bit of ecstasy mixing with the pain, and slowly, she moved her ass back, enjoying the slow strokes. She was tight, very tight, and in just a few more strokes, she gushed with a string of orgasms!

Kiba pulled out to allow her to savor the orgasms. Instead of moving up the stack, he slammed the head of his cock right into Courtney's asshole.

"Ahhh! You would kill me!"

Courtney knew he might take her ass, but there was no warning.

"Why are you underestimating your potential again?" Kiba asked as his powerful hips moved forward, slipping more of his shaft inside her.

In the distance, Sylvan stared wide-eyed at the scene. He never even got a blowjob from his wife, much less a chance to fuck her asshole!

Now, his wife was eagerly taking that thick cock, allowing it to slip into her unexplored holes!

He could only imagine how good it must feel and that made him hard.

"Noo! I'm not a real cuckold!" Sylvan cried.

Courtney remained oblivious to the cries of her husband as tears erupted in her eyes. She felt waves of pleasure but also pain, something that made her eyes whiten.

She was on the verge of passing out!

Kiba pumped in a few more strokes before moving up, tapping other pussies...

The scene of his long cock hammering pussies was simulating, arousing. The nipples of many women in the hall turned hard and erect, to such an extent that they became visible on the dresses. Many of them cupped their breasts and started rubbing the spot between their thighs.

Ten minutes later, the six women collapsed on the bed, panting for breath.

"Get ready!" Sandra pointed his cock at the other five women and jerked it furiously, waiting for him to erupt.

Kiba closed his eyes as he was about to climax. His balls tightened and constricted as a huge load of cum splashed out, landing on the gorgeous faces and breasts.

Courtney opened her lips and sucked him, milking the remaining droplets of cum. Isla and Beth followed by blowing him.


As Beth sucked his spend cock, Kiba turned his head as he felt stares, especially from Sylvan. If looks could kill, Kiba would have died countless times by now.

"You don't have to thank me."

Kiba said while moving his cock towards Courtney. It was coated with saliva and he brushed it against her face.

"Nor you need to feel grateful for the favor I did to you."

Kiba squeezed a final drop of cum into her lips, something she eagerly swallowed.

Sylvan was ready to kill him but once again, the phone vibrated. He suppressed his fury for the hundredth time while glancing at his wife.

Her pussy was trembling, her asshole was shivering, and her eyes were glazed!

She was even bathed in the cum! Sure, most of it was licked by the other women, but he could see the sticky traces!

But despite everything, he couldn't do anything to her! Because it was him who begged her to do so!

A part of his brain told him, she would never be happy with him again, not after experiencing this mind-blowing sex.

At the same time, as everyone else in the hall heard Kiba's last statement, their jaws dropped.

'Nor you need to feel grateful for the favor I did to you!'


You actually consider the act of fucking someone's wife as doing favor!?

They glanced at Courtney and then remembered how she moaned while being fucked. There was no doubt Kiba had enjoyed her in ways not even her husband had!

And yet Kiba felt he was doing a favor!


Was he for real?!

Kiba ignored their gazed and brought his eyes to the sons of Lager.

"I'm glad I got the opportunity to bring your family members closer," Kiba said with a smile. "If only Lager remained to see this day."


The four sons cursed.

This wasn't the way they wanted their wives and young stepmother to become close! It would have been better if they had remained separate!

As for father seeing this day... damn you! Had he seen this, he would have died by another heart attack!

"Lager would be happy though," Kiba continued as he moved past the naked women. "He would be sending us blessings from heaven."


If not for the fear they had of him, the four sons would have unleashed attacks on him.

The others in the hall remained dumbstruck as they saw Kiba walking. He didn't even flinch by their stares, despite being naked!

"Well, my lovely ladies, do you need help?"

Kiba asked as he arrived before two tables occupied by five couples.


The husbands trembled for they had seen how their wives rubbed themselves during the mini-orgy!

The five wives glanced at each other, their faces flushed. They knew Kiba was leaving the city soon and this might be the last time they meet him!

"No!" The husbands cried as the wives rose to their feet and joined Kiba.

"Honey, you can send divorce papers to my lawyer!" A wife in forties said as she pressed her lips on Kiba.



Kiba kissed the women, fondled their breasts, eat their pussies, and fucked them in various positions.

Face-off, doggy, G-whiz, magic mountain, cowgirl, missionary... he fucked them in every position, enjoying every hole of theirs!

It wasn't like this group of husbands didn't try to stop them, but a golden force field erupted, blocking their attempts.

Sylvan and others could only look in shock as another orgy started. The only good part was that their wives weren't a part of it...


The next day.

The people of the city were shocked as news popped up on a web portal. The news spread from the portal and become a popular gossip.

"Did you read the new post on Wife Hunter Society?!"

"No? Why?"

"It claims Kiba is alive!"

"What?! But he wasn't seen for over a week!"

"Surely, the shockwaves from that battle must have killed him like many others!"

"Well, the portal had shared proof!"


A group of youngsters quickly opened Wife Hunter Society to check the proof.

Chapter 567 Lord! Thank You!

[The heretics claimed Lord was dead! Forgetting Lord is immortal!]

A headline flashed on the portal.

[Thankfully, with the miracle he performed in front of heretics, they would never dare make such claims!]

The people reading the sub-heading were confused about what sort of miracle he performed. Caught by the clickbait headline, they opened the post.

As they started reading the post, they were dumbstruck from shock. The post was actually epic poetry, praising Lord and his miracles.

It wasn't too complex and most of them understood its meaning when they checked the blurred photos at the end of the post.

"Damnit! This is called performing miracle?!" A youngster shouted in front of his girlfriend.

The photo had blurred faces and body parts, only showing Kiba's face as he performed "miracles" on multiple women!

"Well, it should be!" The girlfriend nodded, her eyes glittering. "See the number of women!"

The boyfriend swallowed forcefully, too shocked by his girlfriend's response.


In Chief Supervising Officer's bungalow, Sylvan's eyes almost popped out as he checked the post. He was informed by his secretary about the post and as he checked it, he understood why.

The poetry was rather vague, but it hinted about the higher-ups of Delta City being the beneficiary of the miracles. One of the photos even had his blurred face... as he stared at his wife as she received a miracle in her forbidden hole!

"Bloody hell!"

Those who knew him closely would be able to guess the face was his!

Snapping his teeth, he smashed the monitor and turned towards his secretary.

"Find me who runs this portal!"

He had used government machinery to make sure the blackmail video couldn't be shared on the internet. Of course, the mechanism he used infringed on the rights of people, but he didn't care. Just when he thought it was time to handle the blackmailer, he got to know of this post.


In his apartment, Erone clapped his hands excitedly as he checked the view count exploding. A smile appeared on his face as he noticed how the donation was erupting!

There were just far too many donations to support his endeavor to build the Holy Church!

"No wonder people say religion sees no recession!"

The city was hit with a financial crisis due to the recent calamity, and yet, many survivors were donating. Sure, it was mostly due to the "punishments" the Lord would give to those who don't donate, but it was impressive nevertheless[1].

"Lord is really awe-inspiring! When the church is established, I would become super-rich!"

Erone joined his hands and prayed.

"O' great Lord, continue to bless the world!"


In the middle of his prayers, the wall to his apartment blasted apart, sending debris into the air.

Startled, Erone turned his body into a series of blurs and retreated just as the place he was sitting collapsed.

He quickly turned around and noticed a man emerging out of the dust.


Before he could ask anything, Sylvan's eyes shot out glowing, yellow beams. They pierced through the falling debris and rushed at him.

Sylvan had evolved to the high-stage of Level V so it was impossible for Erone to dodge.

But to Sylvan's surprise, Erone showed no fear. He only closed his eyes as the beams approached him.

"Life and death are in the hands of Lord!" Erone muttered his final words. "Forgive me for failing to establish the church!"


A golden spear charged through the air, smashing right into the beams as they were about to stab.


The collision shot out sparks in the air.

Sylvan's expression changed as his beams vanished from the collision, not even creating a single destructive ripple.

"I survived!?" Erone's eyes opened as the spear faded into thin air. "Lord must have decided today is not the day I die!"

Sylvan ignored Erone's statements and gazed in the distance. Almost a mile away, he noticed Kiba floating in the sky.

"This is rather embarrassing."

Kiba had heard what Erone said and this made the corners of his mouth twitch.

"Claudia! Just why do you have to create so much trouble for me?"

Just like Sylvan, he was caught unaware by the post. But when he checked it, he was sure how Erone got such information, especially the pictures.

Claudia didn't bother to respond.

"I will kill this kid later!" Sylvan shouted as he shot at Kiba. "But first I will rip you apart!"

He had only emitted weak beams at Erone so he wasn't shocked to see them nullified by Kiba. But now he would take it seriously and kill this wife-fucking bastard!


Dazzling glow erupted in his eyes, blasting out powerful energy beams. They were enough to topple hundreds of buildings!

"Here I thought you would be thanking me, but it seems I misjudged you."

Kiba let out a sigh. The city had seen enough destruction due to him and he has no wish of contributing any further.

Lifting a hand, he waved it towards Sylvan.

"Gravity Cage."


The terrifying Alpha-rank ability manifested in the air, locking Sylvan and the beams. In the time that couldn't even be described, the overpowering gravitational force tore the beams on the molecular level, pulling the energy particles in all directions.

Sylvan was the same as the gravitational force pulled him in all directions, disintegrating him! Much less scream, he didn't even realize he was killed! Everything happened far too quickly, not even taking a second!

A powerful mutant died just like that!

In the distance, Erone was awestruck. In one moment, Sylvan was there and in the other, he vanished!

Erone didn't know what happened as unlike Sylvan, he didn't notice Kiba. But he was sure it must be the work of the great Lord!

"O' great Lord! Your kindness knows no limit! Thank you!"

Erone expressed his gratefulness.

Knowing the Lord was omnipotent, he continued.

"Bless this lowly follower with the Holy Scripture so that he can guide the unruly women with your methods!"


Kiba felt compelled to massage his forehead.


A few hours later.

In the only remaining five-star hotel in the city, Rebecca stood on the balcony of the tenth floor, gazing at the evening sky.

She had returned back after helping her daughter, but by then, many developments had taken place here.

"Thankfully you had requested Lady Katherine before you left," Heather said from behind. "Her backup worked."

She knew her mistress had paid benefits to Katherine's family for sharing information about her son. Now with the help Katherine provided, she knew her mistress would repay this favor as well.

Rebecca didn't reply. She peered at the sky, letting out a soft sigh.

"Not everything in this world works as we want... no matter how powerful you are," Heather said as she gazed at the lonely back of her mistress. "So please don't feel bad about what happened here."

Rebecca didn't say anything.


She lifted her head and looked in the distance.

A body wrapped with flames rushed through the sky, leaving behind a trail of blazing flames.

Heather was startled as the flames rushed towards the balcony. Just as she took a step to take action, she stopped as she saw the body inside the flames.



He landed on the balcony. The flames vanished as he slowly stepped forward...

[1] Chapter 138-139. It shows why people must donate.

Chapter 568 Gift!

After landing on the vast balcony, Zed stepped towards the end where Rebecca was standing. The wind brushed past him, swaying his hair back and forth.

Heather was astonished by his arrival.

After he left Katherine's safety, she was worried. The only thing she knew was that he drove to the battle site infected with energy particles. After that, there was no sign of him, none at all. She checked the battle site and while she found fresh bloody corpses, she was relieved to see none belonged to him. Still, his disappearance baffled her as there were zero clues of where he might be.

And now he arrived here... completely out of the blue!

Heather scanned him as he moved.

His presence was no longer sickly and weak. Now it was strong and healthy, even imposing. His handsome face glowed with vigor and his eyes gleamed with life.

He was entirely different than the Zed she met a few days ago!

"So he really recovered from whatever that plagued him!" Heather thought.

Zed stopped next to Rebecca and rested his hands on the railing. Just like her, he peered at the evening sky.

The orange tinge was slowly replaced by the velvety dark of night.

"We both like seeing the sunset," Zed observed. "I guess we have more in common than what Red Fox claimed."

Rebecca looked at him for a few moments before replying, "Yes."

Zed turned from the sky to her. With a smile, he said, "I'm here to thank you for your recent help."

"I thought so." Rebecca let out an inaudible sigh before continuing. "But there's nothing for you to thank me for."

She loved that he had smiled in front of her and that he was cheerful, unlike the last time they met, but the purpose of his visit disappointed her.

He didn't ower her anything... it was her who owed him for the last two decades of her failure.

"There is," Zed corrected her. "Heather helped me due to you, and I believe, also Lady Katherine, even though she might also have done on Sophia's behalf."

If not for their intervention, Claudia would have hastily opened Section IV without enough preparations to save him. That would have resulted in serious consequences.

So he owed Rebecca.


His storage ring flashed out ripples of light and through them, a small, metallic briefcase emerged.

"Lady Katherine told me why you had to temporarily leave the city."

Zed said as he opened the briefcase.

Heather was shocked.

The reason her mistress had to leave the city was due to her daughter so for him to mention that now could only mean one thing.

"Surely he couldn't mean what I'm thinking!" Heather quickly eyed the contents of the briefcase.

There were seven crystalline containers, each filled with a serum responding to the colors of the rainbow. The containers were sealed tight, making it impossible for serums to radiate energy.

Rebecca observed the serums. Given her powers, the seals didn't make a difference to her.

Each serum was made of different compositions, containing various rare and extraordinary minerals. Some of those could be only found in forbidden regions where World Fragments of Celestial Elysian Plane existed.

For her to acquire these precious minerals was rather easy, but when she scanned them, her expression changed.

These minerals were organically coded to serve as genetic boosters! To be precise, they were coded to serve as source enhancers!

"I don't know what sort of genetic imbalance your daughter has. So I made a generic cure to enhance weak genetic links from where we derive our very existence." Zed closed the briefcase. "It should reduce her reliance on Source Blood."

Heather was dumbstruck.

Those serums could reduce the reliance on Source Blood!?

She didn't dare believe him.

Kirstie's condition was far too bad.

That could be imagined from the way that despite House of Hestia having access to the best doctors and scientists in the world, they weren't able to cure her.

Much less cure, it took many detailed examinations to even create medicines that could keep her alive and help her in sustaining basic life functions.

So how could Zed claim of making genetic booster for her just from hearing her condition by Katherine?! Because even Katherine didn't know the full details!

Even if Zed knew the details, it should be impossible!

As such thoughts run in her mind, she noticed the slight change in the expression of Rebecca.

"Surely... it couldn't mean there was some truth in his words!"

Heather didn't dare believe what the change in expression signified.

Zed only came to know about Kirstie in the last 3-4 days... and till yesterday morning, he was with Katherine!

So he must have prepared these serums in less than 36 hours!!

That was impossible to believe!

How could he manage something that scientists couldn't manage in over a decade?!

Heather continued to stare at him as he handed the briefcase to Rebecca.

"Thank you," Rebecca accepted the briefcase. "But I'm not accepting it as some gratitude you wrongly assume you owe me, but rather accepting on Kirstie's behalf... as a gift from an elder brother to his younger sister!"

He might have referred Kirstie as "her daughter" instead of "his sister", but that didn't change the relationship between them.

Before she arrived here, Kirstie had naively asked if her brother would bring her gifts. She had answered in positive... and she was glad she did.

Zed broke out into a smile as he replied, "You are free to think what you want. We live in a free world."

Rebecca transferred the briefcase to her spatial bracelet and looked at him.

He was gazing back at the darkened sky, observing the stars.

This wasn't the type of meeting she wanted, but it was far better than she thought was possible after the first meeting.

He was still indifferent to their relationship, but at least, there was no resentment or coldness...

Minutes passed as they continued to observe the sky without saying anything to each other.

"This is farewell," Zed said as flames erupted under his feet. "I will be leaving the city and move on with my life. And so should you!"


The flames wrapped him in a column of fire and he shot into the sky, leaving behind a blazing trail.

"Goodbye, my child."

A tear escaped her eye as her lips spread into a genuine smile.

Chapter 569 Breach!

"Goodbye, my child."

Rebecca wiped the tear and left the balcony.

Heather was startled. She hadn't seen her mistress smile in a long while.


The flames under his feet acted as jet, making Zed fly through the night sky. The cloudy mist around him evaporated, and as he looked at the point-size buildings far below, his lips curled up.

Over a decade ago, he desired the ability to fly as flying represented freedom. He envisioned how he could fly like birds, leave areas he doesn't like, and enjoy beautiful sceneries from high above while savoring the feeling of fresh air greeting his face.

Now that he had this ability, he seldom used it.

"We desire what we can't have... and when we have them, they become mundane!"

Claudia heard his musing through the mechanical band clasped on his wrist.

[[Not really, sir, at least not in your case.]]


[[Your greatest desire was always sex, especially with wives of others! Something that never became mundane!]]


Zed almost lost his balance and dropped from the sky.

Why does she always make such comments?!

After letting out a sigh, he accelerated his speed and shot into the clouds.


An hour later.

Kiba stood outside the entrance of Section III. The section might be closed but he could easily see inside and observe Red Tiger as she slept between her cubs.

They were at peace, sleeping happily.

The day Zed met Sophia in the city, he brought Red Tiger and her cubs to Section III where the aircraft was parked. He didn't want them to be harmed in the slightest so he kept them out of the battles that followed, despite Red Tiger's protests.

"Sleep well, my friends."

Kiba whispered as he left.

All he ever wanted for them was to be happy and he would do everything in his power to ensure that...

As he moved through the corridor, the lights behind dimmed on their own while the lights in front brightened.

Just a few meters away was the entrance of Section I - the lab. The sliding door opened as the sensors detected his presence, allowing him to step in.

The lights here were off as the people important to him were resting.

Agatha slept on a new bed, alongside Hope and Eva.

Kiba observed them with a smile before moving to the end of the lab. After creating a light and sound restricting barrier, he stepped before the console system.

Above the system, an ethereal crystal floated, wrapped with light. It was the crystal Rebecca gave him, something that emanated the presence of his daughter!

[[The scan is complete.]]

Claudia said as the report flashed in front of him.

[[Since Hope derives most of her source from your present form and Lady Agatha's, the crystal is rather incomplete and hence, defective. But there's no doubt about its identity.]]

Kiba nodded as he read the crystal name.

"Source Hounding Crystal!"

[[Celestial Elysian Plane was limitless, far powerful than one can ever imagine. It thrived for seven billion years before meeting its end.]]

Claudia started based on the records acquired from BSE-79 expedition.

[[Countless, mighty empires emerged and vaned there, disappearing in the sands of time. But one grand empire was an exception to that! It survived from its inception to the very end of the world!]]

Kiba glanced in the direction of Section IV before saying, "The Empire of De Rose."

[[Yes! Only the Empire of De Rose never vaned! Empires that were once far powerful than it collapsed but never De Rose! And power was never the reason!]]

If power meant longevity, no kingdom or empire would ever fall.

[[Empires always fell due to treachery and ambitions of one of their own! The new and the old, they desired more authority, more power, and more freedom! And that's what bring an empire to its ruins!]]


[[The founder of De Rose protected the empire from that!]]

[[Every member even remotely connected to the family's bloodline could be tracked... no, hounded!]]

[[No matter how powerful one was, they could never resist the mechanism as long as they were related by blood.... by very source of life!]]

[[With each successive generation of the emperor, the mechanism evolved! From hounding only those connected to the emperor's bloodline, the Empire was able to ensure every subject could be influenced by the mechanism!]]

In a world where power Cosmic wasn't rare and where technology had reached the pinnacle, building such a mechanism was almost impossible. It took not only extraordinary strength and brains, but also boldness that could be only described as cruelty!

"Source Hounding Crystal... it was one of the basic means used by the empire."

Kiba read the report.

"Even if a royal member or a subject hide their offspring far away from the empire, the mechanism would know! No, the instant any thoughts against the empire's stability were generated, the emperor would know! And that would mean bloodbath!"

Kiba grabbed the ethereal crystal and held it tightly.

"But that was Celestial Elysian Plane! There's no way House of Hestia would have that powerful mechanism! At least, not strong enough to ensure total subordination! Otherwise, I would have been long dead!

"I was born on an island filled with snow... If Gotten Whiteskins was right when he claimed he was hired by House of Hestia to assassinate me... a thought would have been enough to kill me!"

Since Rebecca got Hope's crystal instead of him, it meant the crystal could be received within a specific area. This also meant that when he was born at Solitary Snow Island, the crystal that was connected to him was received by someone other than Rebecca!

And since assassins found him on the island, it also implied how they got his location! The crystal was with those who didn't want him to live!

"Of course, there's also a possibility that I was protected from the mechanism that could kill me directly by using the crystal... this might be why I was only tracked back then..."

As he arrived at this possibility, his eyes constricted.

"Tracking! That Psychic Hunter!"

Claudia was startled. Before she could enquire, he opened the records about technology related to source mechanism. He scrolled through a mass of data before stopping on a diagram that showed multiple cubes in a formation.


"I now know what happened to me eight months ago!" Kiba's eyes turned icy cold. "That monk affiliated to Dharma Chakra... Akshobhya! He used my source connection when he attacked me through the satellite!"


"Yes, that would explain why he targetted Zed and was astonished by my transformation into Kiba!"

Claudia processed what he said and analyzed the records before speaking.

[[Since nothing happened to you for twenty years... the Source Hounding Crystal related to you either had been destroyed or is missing. This is at least confirmed by how everyone came to know of you only after the news of the charity broke.]]


[[So the only way monk could have attacked you must be using blood source! That would mean someone related to either of your parent collected blood...!!]]


Kiba nodded as his lips curled into a murderous smile.

"Whoever that is... I'm going to give them a free trip to the underworld."


Morning. 10 AM.

After freshening up, everyone gathered for breakfast. As the droids served the dishes, Kiba sat before Hope as she ran her hands on his face.

"She always runs her hands on your face!" Eva remarked with a smile. "Does she never get tired of it?"

"I don't think so!" Kiba answered.

He enjoyed every little action of his daughter. So he was more than happy with her habit.

Claudia observed him without saying anything. Despite knowing him, she was always surprised by his quick transitions between his murderous, sadistic persona to his present persona of a loving man.


As the breakfast completed, Agatha took Hope in her arms. Seeing her half-shut eyes and the yawns that escaped her mouth, Agatha smiled.

"Well, little lady, it seems time for your morning nap!"

Kiba started working as Agatha took Hope to Section III for the nap. By the time Agatha returned, Kiba completed arrangements to produce a new batch of hormone pills.

"You are creating those pills again?!"

Agatha and Eva were dumbstruck. Just like him, they never saw the effects, but knew the results.

Kiba nodded and replied, "Yes, they are necessary----"


His words stopped as the lights in the lab turned from white to red and alarms erupted. Weapons emerged from the walls as the lab entered crisis.

[[Impossible... the lab's defenses have been breached!]] Claudia exclaimed.


Everyone was shocked.

No one knew about the underground facilities so how was this possible?! Not to mention, the lab was impenetrable unless...!!

Before the thoughts could complete, the air around Kiba turned chaotic.

"Daddy! Did you miss us?!"

Chapter 570 Surprise!

In the lab, everyone was flustered as alarms continued to ring, warning of intrusion.

"Daddy! Did you miss us?!"

A soft, sweet voice asked as the air in front of Kiba erupted with a bloody glow.

"!" Kiba knew the voice and despite that, he was shocked.

Two slender arms slipped out of the glow and wrapped around him while hot pink lips pressed against his, kissing him.

"He must have!" Another sweet voice said from behind Kiba. Its speaker too hugged him while pressing her glossy silver lips on his neck.

Obviously, they were none other than Madison and Lillian!

Kiba was only shocked but Agatha and Eva were stupified. Even Claudia was dumbstruck as she observed the twins hugging and kissing Kiba.

This wasn't what none of them expected when the sensors detected breach into the top-secret lab!

"Did they called him daddy!?" Agatha wasn't able to belive the development that was taking place in front of her.

"I think so!" Eva answered absentmindedly as she stared at shocked Kiba.

Madison crushed her breasts on his chest while slipping her tongue into his mouth, seeking his tongue. He responded subconsciously as his tongue darted to hers, starting a wild dance.

Lillian nibbled on his neck while pressing her breasts against his incredible, muscular back. Slowly, she slid a hand down and moved it towards his pants, feeling the outline of his big pole.

"Even if daddy hadn't missed us, the evil dragon definitely has!" Lillian remarked as she separated her lips from his neck.

"You are right! I felt it too!" Madison agreed as she broke the kiss. "The evil dragon might have nefarious intentions against us, but at least it didn't forget us, unlike daddy!"

Kiba ruefully smiled.

When the twins bid him goodbye in the forest and promised reunion soon, he didn't expect this soon. At least not in the city, and definitely not in the lab!

As he wondered about how they tracked him to his secret base, his eyes dropped to her chest.

Her black top was in cross bandage style, exposing the swells of her breast and her cleavage.

It wasn't her seductive breasts that caught his attention. Rather, the crystal pendant that rested on her cleavage. In it, there was a droplet of blood.

Not ordinary blood but rather Source Blood!

His Source Blood!

In every evolved lifeform, the amount of Source Blood wasn't even 1% of total blood.

Ordinary blood could be easily replaced but not Source Blood! Because it was the very essence of life, the source of power, and the proof of existence!

He was obviously stunned to discover a droplet of his Source Blood missing, that too without him ever knowing!

A smile crossed Madison's face as she noticed the bulge in his pants expanding.

"The evil dragon is growing stronger! It is getting big!" Madison said aloud.

"I know why!" Lillian slipped her hands on Kiba's face to shut his eyes. "Daddy! The evil dragon is getting power by your stare! So close your eyes!"


Kiba didn't know how to react.

The twins were far too devious! They didn't give him the chance to speak about the droplet of blood!

"Daddy! You have to protect your lil' girls!" Madison once again leaned into him and brought her lips dangerously close to his. "The evil dragon hadn't given up on its mission of infiltrating our sealed, little caves!"

Some distance away, Agatha stared at Kiba and the twins with eyes wide open. She couldn't believe the words coming out of twins' mouths.


Lil' girls...

Evil dragon...

Little caves...

Just what on Earth is going here?!

"Hmm?" The twins felt her stare and they turned towards her.

Madison clapped her hands excitedly and said, "You must be our mommy!"

"..........." Agatha stumbled back from shock.

Lillian vanished in a puff of smoke and appeared behind Agatha, saving her from slipping to the floor.

"Mommy! Are you fine?!" Lillian asked with concern.


Agatha bitterly nodded. Even though she had only met them now, she realized why Kiba smiled ruefully after they arrived here.

These girls were mad!

She was barely a few years older than them at the age of twenty-nine and now she was their mommy?!

"That's good!" Lillian helped Agatha regain her balance. She then towards Eva. "Ah! Are you also our mommy?!"

Eva looked at her for a moment before replying, "Yes, I'm."

Agatha and Kiba: "........"

"Amazing!" Madison once again clapped her hands. "Two beautiful mommies!"


Lillian tucked a strand of her silver-blonde hair and checked the lab. Being the master of energy manipulation, she felt an entity was observing them.

"Do we have another mommy as well?" Lillian asked.

Claudia: [[......]]

Without waiting for an answer, Lillian rushed to Kiba. She glanced at her twin and the latter nodded.

With a flick of her finger, a brilliant flash of energy surged out, transforming into a chopped arm that was covered with strange tattoos.


A look of shock appeared on Kiba's face as he gazed at the familiar tattoos. Not only him, but others were similarly shocked, including Claudia.

[[This arm... it belongs to Dracon Moonfall?!]]

Claudia exclaimed.

Just a few days ago, Dracon Moonfall had exploded their home. If it was another mutant, they could have perhaps stopped but not him as he was an Alpha!

And now his arm was here... that too chopped!

[[These two... they are Alphas!!]]

The sensors weren't able to read their energy levels due to Lillian's powers, but now seeing the arm, Claudia was sure they must be Alphas!

Agatha and Eva looked at the twins in alarm.

These twenty-something twins were Alphas?!

As others looked shocked, Lillian and Madison appeared downcast.

"We failed you, daddy!" Madison started sadly. "That bad uncle escaped and all we could get was his arm!"

Kiba turned towards them as Lillian continued the explanation, "He was too sneaky! He used some demonic wind art and escaped little sis' blood world!"

"We chased him for five days... but couldn't catch him!" Madison concluded bitterly. "Forgive us for failing you!"

Kiba was surprised by their explanation. For them to be chasing for so many days, it would mean they were here in the city when Dracon attacked the villa. So they must have been observing him when he was weakened and living as Zed.

"You have made me proud," Kiba lifted their chins with his hands. "And thank you for protecting me in secret."

"You're welcome!" Lillian's mood instantly brightened.

She jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his torso. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she zeroed her lips to his, kissing him passionately.

Madison grinned and crouched down on the floor. Much to the shock of Eva and Agatha, she opened Kiba's zip and pulled his throbbing cock out!

"Daddy! The evil dragon might be dangerous but it deserves love for missing us!" Madison said as Lillian continued to kiss Kiba.

His cock pulsated in Madison's hand as she started stroking it.

"And we know the proper way for it to be loved!" Lillian broke the kiss and licked her lips. "Don't we, little sis?"

"Yes!" Madison nodded just as Lillian twisted her body and jumped back. The twins joined their hands on his cock and jerked it, slowly up and down.

Madison brought her lips closer to it, letting her breath fall on his exposed portion. His cock pulsated in excitement.

Just as her lips were about to touch, she vanished in a crimson glow. At the same place, a new, gorgeous woman appeared on her knees, her red lips open.

Lillian guided the cock between those open lips.

The new woman started bobbing her mouth up and down the thick cock, sucking it, glistening it with her saliva.

Her mouth emitted the enticing sound of wet sucking as she quickly increased her pace and took him to her throat.

Kiba felt pleasured by her wet, warm mouth, but he was shocked by the presence of this new woman.

As he started to enquire, another woman appeared in place of Lillian. This woman was in mid-thirties and as she appeared, she pulled his pants down. Without saying anything, she then planted her mouth on his balls, servicing him with her incredible lips and nimble tongue.

Kiba was caught off-guard by the magical mouths of these two sensuous women.

As they worshipped his cock and balls, he looked down and was surprised to see both their necks covered by black bands.

No, they weren't bands, but rather collars!

Slave collars!


Even as he observed the collars, the space behind the women swirled with a crimson glow. Through it, ten women emerged... each beautiful and stunning, no less than a fashion model!

Just like the earlier two, their necks were clasped with collars!

Behind Kiba, Lilian and Madison leaned their lips close to his ears and whispered:
