593 - 601

Chapter 593 Live With Me

Even though emotions rarely affected her, seeing Zed made her poker expression slightly change.

The memories she shared with him were far less than the one she had with elder brother - Kiba. But very often, when she would look at the moon and remember the adventures she had with Kiba, she would compare it with the ones she shared with his younger brother.

The comparison would bring a rare smile on her face and brighten her mood.

Kiba was brazen, sadistic, and shameless. He loved to kill enemies with style after toying with them.

But Zed was different. He was innocent, kind, and sincere, to such an extent that he would even help people who were malicious towards him.

Ashlyn's lips slightly curved up as she recalled the differences. She looked behind Zed to check if Kiba was also coming.

A minute passed, and by then, Zed was inside the hall. Yet there was no sign of his elder brother.

Suddenly, she thought of Zed's visit to the forest. He had arrived there in secret, without letting his brother know, and when they were about to meet Kiba at the destined point, he had fleed!

He had made sure Kiba never knew he was there!

She realized he must have run from the home again, or at least left without informing his brother.

Her heart sank with disappointment, but she didn't let it affect her.

Stepping down from the balcony, she walked towards Zed, ignoring the stares and comments her steps brought.

Many young and old gazed at her, wondering where the cursed beauty was going.

The females who felt jealous and inferior due to her awe-inspiring beauty sneered, believing she was leaving. They thought she finally realized someone like her wasn't welcome among humans, no matter how great her beauty was!



Zed's arrival barely attracted attention as everyone was engaged in conversations with friends and acquaintances.

The debutantes were surrounded by the young admirers, making it impossible for them to notice the arrival of the handsome youngster radiating an aura of innocence and kindness.

Zed thanked the waiter for the glass of water and took a sip. Just then, a figure moved past him and stood in front of him.

His eyes turned wide in surprise as enchanting emerald-green eyes locked on him. He stepped back a few paces, as he looked at the creamy-white face and realized who it was.

"Lady Ashlyn!" Zed got over his surprise and bowed before her. "How have you been?"

Ashlyn looked at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"That's good to know," Zed replied politely.

He had long learned she didn't speak through words but rather motions of her head.

Ashlyn nodded again.

She thought of his elder brother, someone who really cared about Zed.

Feeling Kiba might be worried, she spoke far more words than she had in weeks to ask, "Why aren't you at home?"

Zed scratched the back of his head in embarrassment before answering, "It got destroyed, so I'm kinda homeless."

"!" Ashlyn's eyes flashed with shock.

She thought of Kiba and her heart twisted with worries.

Given Kiba's strength, how was it possible for their home to be destroyed?

Indeed, a calamity must have fallen on him!

This made her twisting heart erupt with fear, making her remember the last few minutes she shared with him. (Chapter 446)


Attacking Kiba as he tried to stop her taking from the virus, and warning her of the danger it carried. And when he realized she was burning her life-force to fight him, with a look of resignation, he stopped.

The sadness with which he looked at her had stabbed her heart.

But she forcefully turned around and left the spaceship, while making a promise to herself:

After everything was over, she would reunite with him. And then she would live her life instead of merely existing!

She would love, grow, explore, make mistakes, and, most importantly, have fun.


Now though, the promise held no value, just like life. A gloomy mist erupted in her eyes.

"Though everyone is safe, so no worries!" Zed said as he noticed gloom in her eyes. "But if you see brother, don't let him know I'm here!"

The gloom in her eyes instantly vanished, replaced with joy. Soon it was replaced by the usual coldness.

Knowing Kiba was safe and realizing Zed might be troubling him, she smiled.


By now, almost half the guests at the party had shifted their gazes on Ashlyn and Zed, especially Zed.

"He is very handsome, so why is he with that bitch?" A female in mid-twenties wondered.

"Who is he?" A middle-aged man in the distance asked. "He looks a bit familiar."

"Isn't he The Zed?!" A stunning debutante gasped as she ignored her suitors and stared at the blue-eyed youth.

"The Zed!?"

The two words rang through the hall like claps of thunder, instantly bringing the spotlight on Zed.

He might have never been to the State of Eaakins before, but he was renowned here, especially among the high society.

"The one who contributed over a billion dollars to help Delta City?!"

"A son of House of Hestia!"

Many old men and women muttered in disbelief.

"Restricting his identity to House of Hestia would be an insult, no matter how glorious that identity is!"

"For least we forget he has been to the core region of Desolate Blood Fores!"

"And if those rumors have even a little bit of substance, he had achieved what not even the Chosen of Nine Great Aristocrat Families could!"

The old codgers wielding the greatest influence in the city rose to their feet and stepped in his direction.

After the events in Delta City, his name has spread throughout the globe. And anyone who knew him from Desolate Blood Forest, or even saw him there, shared details about him, indirectly increasing his fame.

As the old codgers approached him, their eyes brightened as if they were approaching a gold mine.

This party was just a distraction, serving no real purpose for people of their standing, despite what the younger generation might feel.

Though after seeing Zed, not only were they happy, but also excited. They already decided to gift him their granddaughters.

Ashlyn was a bit startled to see the spotlight Zed had attracted. Unlike most people here, she was disconnected from society and knew nothing of the news.

In the distance, her adopted parents were stunned. Just like others here, they learned of Zed after the tragedy struck Delta City.

Though even they were unaware that he was an acquaintance of Ashlyn.

As they saw the old codgers rushing towards Zed like thieves to a treasure chest, they continued to sit where they were. It wouldn't suit their image as generous philanthropists to join the old codgers in what they wanted to.

Besides, there was no real need.

What they wanted would soon be within their grasp... and then, nothing in this world would matter!

Neither the World Government nor the nine families, much less a youngster, no matter how special he was!

"All we need is to find a way to stop Ashlyn's condition from deteriorating!" Hansen and Stina thought. "Then everything would be ours! Even Dharma Chakra would bend before us!"


As the old men and women approached Zed, the debutantes left their suitors.

The party acted as a sort of debutante ball, and it was natural for them to socialize with someone who was cut above the rest. If there was to be a prospective relationship, it obviously would be with the prince!

So they left the commoners, no matter how deluded they were their image of grandeur!


The old and the debutantes encircled Zed and Ashlyn just when Ashlyn told him, "You can live with me."

"What?!" Everyone around her gasped with wide eyes.

Even those sitting at the tables and in the distance were dumbstruck.

Ashlyn's voice was low and soft, sweet like an angel, but the words she spoke were heard by all as if it was an explosion.

As she felt the countless stares on her and heard the gasps, Ashlyn was confused.

Knowing Zed was homeless and thinking how worried sick Kiba would be, she did what natural -- Inviting him to live with her.

It wasn't like it was the first time.

They had share camp houses in the forest.

So why was everyone staring at her like fools?

She naturally didn't understand her simple words could be perceived in an entirely different manner.

Most of the debutantes stared at Ashlyn with disdain. They opened their mouths to tell her that she was mas making a joke of herself with her outlandish statement!

Before the angry words could leave their mouths, Zed bowed towards Ashlyn and said, "Thank you. I will pay the rent as soon as I'm able to."

Ashlyn nodded, though she signaled him he didn't need to pay.

"Thanks again," Zed politely expressed his gratitude once again.


The jaw of debutantes slacked, and their silly expressions shocked their forgotten admirers.

Chapter 594 Don't Live To Impress Others! I/II

As Zed thanked Ashlyn, everyone at the party became dumbstruck.

He had accepted her invitation and would live with her?

In the distance, Hansen and Stina frowned.

Their adopted daughter had practically invited a stranger into their house.

With the recent events, they had shifted to their other home, with far more enhanced security thanks to Dharma Chakra.

Now, with her inviting this youngster, she was compromising their security. Sure, the kid might not be related to that man who attacked them, but with the plan being this close, it wasn't the time to compromise by having a guest.

At the same time, the debutantes encircling Zed and Ashlyn stared at Ashlyn with hatred.

How could this cursed witch entrap Zed with just a single statement?

They eyed Zed and realized the reason.

With him being new to the city, he must be unaware she was a Cursed One!

Yes, that would explain why he got swindled by her beautiful outer shell.

After all, even if they had met in the forest, there was no way Ashlyn would reveal what she was:

A cursed existence! A failure of the era of evolution!

The debutantes decided to expose her secret, but just then, one of the young suitors - Usman- broke through the crowd and stepped before Zed.

"I challenge you!" Usman announced, startling everyone, especially Zed.

Since the party acted as a debutante ball, the suitors could challenge others for a duel, in order to showcase their might and prove they were more deserving of the woman they fancied.

Usman wasn't doing this for Ashlyn, but rather to steal the limelight so that the debutantes who stupidly ran away for Zed's affection would realize their mistakes and know who was worthy of their affections.

The other suitors realized this, and they cursed him for acting fast. If only they had thought it first, they could have robbed the limelight.

Zed looked at Usman.

He has no interest in some stupid battles to impress women and win their hearts.

For that, Kiba was there.

If Kiba wanted, leaking his charm - that he always sealed - was enough to make the women drop their panties.

Still, declining a request to challenge would be disrespectful, something that went against his persona as Zed.

So, he slightly bowed before Usman while covering his right fist with the open left palm.

"Please go easy on me," Zed requested as he accepted the challenge.

Usman smirked.

Seeing him so submissive, he couldn't help but feel the rumors were far too exaggerated, just like that was often the case.

The old codgers nodded appreciatively at Usman. Not because of his stupid desire to win women, but rather for giving them an opportunity to see Zed in battle. This would help them in deciding if what they heard about him has any truth.


A few minutes later.

Across the party hall, there was a massive battle stage, with its ceiling being almost a thousand feet away from the floor. Except for the closed top, the stage resembled an arena.

Zed silently stood at the center with a respectful expression. Hazy flames surged out of him, bathing him in a red hue.

Usman leaped from the entrance and landed some fifty meters away from Zed.

He was three years older than Zed, and if the sensors in his watch were working fine, Zed was at the initial stage of Level IV. But he was at the peak of Level IV!

Just the difference in power level was enough for him to defeat Zed.

Lifting his hand to the side, transparent green energy appeared on the palm, and in the blink of an eye, it stretched out, turning into a sword.

Grabbing the sword like an expert swordsman, Usman pointed it at Zed and said, "My sword knows no mercy so admit defeat while you still can!"

In the audience, as the young women saw Usman's cool pose and heard his domineering words, many of them cheered for him. For a moment, they forgot they had left him for Zed.

The fellow suitors scoffed.

Snorting coldly, a young suitor said, "What a show-off! He is purposely using a sword to make himself look like he's some knight!"

"Bastard! He's impressing the women even now!"

The suitors reeled from jealousy, and theyagain cursed him for his quick wits. Now, after defeating Zed, his reputation would skyrocket.

After all, a simple win would leave behind no impression. But a cool, overpowering win would turn into a legend, spreading far.

Even as they swore at him, Usman charged at Zed, for he showed no sign of admitting defeat. This was what he wanted, and now, once he started beating him, he wouldn't give him the chance to admit defeat. He would only stop after turning him into a bloody pulp.

With his determination surging, his energy stirred out, making him look like a ferocious lion pouncing on a helpless prey.

His sword chopped out diagonally.

Flames amassed in front of Zed, turning into an ethereal shield. As the sword slashed, green energy erupted like a beam and heavily collided against the shield.

An explosion ensued, and the shield split, splashing out flames. By now, Zed had retreated, and he lifted his hand to unleash an attack.

Usman grinned. His speed suddenly accelerated, and he appeared right above Zed.

"You are far too slow!" Usman roared as he slashed down.

As the sharp sword arrived for Zed, flames erupted under his feet, and using its impact as propelling force, he jumped back.

The sword slashed into the tiles he was standing barely a moment ago, sending their broken fragments into the air. Through the fragments, the sword followed, disintegrating them, and cleaved into Zed before he could land on the floor.

"I already said you are too slow!" Usman reminded him icily.

The audience gasped, and he grinned, knowing he had succeeded. Yet the next moment, his eyes constricted, and he realized the real reason the audience gasped.

The sword slashed through "Zed" in front of him, splitting him into, but instead of blood and gore, there were only water vapors.

"A virtual phantom created by condensing water vapors?! How!?"

Just like water vapors distort the air, the slashed Zed did the same before fading away.

Usman didn't wait to see this after the phantom started splitting.

For Zed to create a phantom amid his strikes and moving away, it meant he was launching an attack from behind!

At sound speed, Usman spun around. His eyes reflected a fist - engulfed in flames - approaching his face, emitting scalding heat.

The target was his head, but now that he had turned, his face turned into the target.

Terrified, he frantically pulled his face to the side, and the fist narrowly slipped past. Even though the fist missed, the heat dried his face, making it seem as if he was sunburned.

Ignoring his skin that was ready to peel-off, Usman slashed down to chop the arm that was moving past.

Lifting his right leg covered with flames, Zed kicked the knee to the side, smashing it into Usman's ribs.


Usman was knocked backward by dozens of meters.

The spectators were stunned, especially the young women who were cheering Usman barely a minute ago.

"Did you see what Zed did there?!"

"His reflexes are lightning fast!"

Even though Zed's punch had failed and his arm moved forward due to the battle inertia, he was still able to kick and turn the failed attack into a success! All the while, not suffering a single scratch or losing balance!

Usman's eyes flashed with hatred.

He was doing everything to impress the women and awe-inspire the men.

Now, with just one little mistake of going easy on Zed to look cool, his face had turned ugly.

He traced the dry patches of his skin and then ran a hand over his ribs.

After what happened to his face, he had covered his body with protective energy, and this was why his ribs weren't burned or dried.

Snapping his teeth, Usman raced towards Zed. This time he left behind afterimages, and as he ran in a zig-zag manner, it was impossible to know where exactly he was.

Instead of doing anything to stop charging Usman, Zed jumped up. Fire erupted underneath his feet like pillars, instantly taking him hundreds of meters high in the air.

"Childish trick!" Usman snorted in contempt.

Does this bastard think jumping like a frog would save him!?

He slashed his sword straight, and a thin green light flashed out. The light condensed into a vertical line, and it cut at Zed.

As the line hurtled towards him with fierce winds, Zed pressed his hand down. Flames burst out in the form of an enormous python, its roar unleashing a rain of fire.

"!" Usman was startled.

The phyton opened its mouth and shot down, to devour the green line.

"There's no way the python could devour my energy!"

Usman was sure because the phyton wasn't real; it was just a manifestation of Zed's flame powers.

Chapter 595 Don't Live To Impress Others! II/II

Usman was proven right as the python started tearing from inside, leaking out green energy.


Usman cursed as realization struck him for why the opponent used such a move.

Drifting back, he waved the sword in a circular motion.

The python had shot down at him, and as it ripped apart, it was already above him.


The python imploded in a mass of flames and green sword energy intertwined together. It swept through the afterimages, engulfing them while spreading further, destroying the floor.

Usman didn't suffer any damage as by waving his sword, he created a formless barrier around him.

Still, he was regretful of another failed attack and felt he should have chased Zed in the mid-air. He could only blame himself for lack of battle experience.

As the flames and sword energy started vanishing, Usman heard a whistling sound from above, and he titled his head up.

"You are really fast!" Zed said as he closed into Usman, his shoes encased in wild flames.

"!" Usman's scalp tingled and he hastily lifted his sword before his face.

Zed pulled his legs up, brought his calves to his chest, and then brutally thrashed them down, smashing his boots on the sword.

The flames bombarded down on the sword, and even though the sword nullified the explosive power, the impact thrust the sword on Usman's face along with Zed's boots.


Spitting blood, Usman violently crashed on the floor. The sword fell over him while disintegrating into specks of green light.

"Damn!" As the green specks floated across him, he brought his hands to his face.

If earlier his face looked ugly, it was now unsightly.

With the sword and boot mark embedded on his sunburned face, the women who loved beautiful things looked away.

They focused on Zed as he gracefully landed after launching modified flying double kick.

"What an amazing style of fighting!" The debutantes exclaimed while observing Zed.

"And that too without using any powerful moves!"

"He was going easy on Usman by only kicking instead of using some terrifying flame abilities!"

"Just like what the rumors claims, he is kind even while handling opponents!"

Usman's purpose was to bathe in glory, but sadly, all the glory was taken by Zed. If earlier the debutantes were not sure of the rumors, they now completely believed them.


"I hope I don't sound rude when I ask this," Zed started politely. "But did you used pills and genetic experiments to evolve to your present level?"

Usman clenched his fists, his heart pumping with rage.

Just like Zed guessed, he had used countless medications and underwent genetic experiments to gain his strength. Without their help, he barely would be at Level II.

Of course, there were side effects.

When a bodybuilder expands his muscles through steroids, his muscle strength would be comparably lower than the person who got similar muscles through natural means.

The same applied to mutants choosing the path of science to evolve.

"You speak like your strength is natural!" Usman roared while jumping on his feet.

Hardly there was any mutant on Earth that neither used pills or genetic experiments to evolve. It even applied to those from Nine Aristocrat Families!

The reason was simple: without the help of outside means, natural evolution would be far too slow, no matter the talent.

This was why science came into the picture, acting as a catalyst.

"Sadly yes," Zed replied politely.


The audience went into an uproar.

Zed never used any pill or experiment to boost his strength or evolve?

Surely, he must be lying! Otherwise, how could he be a Beta this young?

The old codgers were especially stunned.

The had heard about Zed's talent in the science of genetics, believing him to be a capable scientist of at least Rank VI.

Obviously, no one knew that even if he wanted to rely on science to evolve, his body wouldn't allow him.

To be specific, it was the Cosmic Spark.

Every time he would transform into his alter ego, the cosmic powers would wash away all impurities inside him, including enhancements or medication. Because as far as his powers were concerned, they weren't an innate part of him, and as such, didn't deserve to exist.

Usman didn't care if Zed was being honest or not.

A sticky green substance oozed out of his pores and coiled around him, turning into a thick layer.

Now that he had failed to defeat Zed in gracious style, he would do it in this form, no matter how ugly it looked.

The humiliation Zed gave him, he would pay it tenfold.

"Slime? You have another ability?" Zed was startled.

Usman didn't bother to answer. Arrows of slime shot out of him, charging at the speed of sound.

Zed's eyes flashed and he darted to the side while casting a fire blast towards Usman. Before the blast can ripple out, the arrows that narrowly missed him, exploded into sticky droplets.

Wherever the droplets landed, acidic fumes trailed off. They might be slime but they were acidic in nature.

The droplets splashed toward Zed, and if not for the flames bathing over his body, they would have made contact with his body, and corroded him.

Still, even though they failed to make contact with his body, they dissolved the flames.

"I never wanted to fight like this!"

Usman said as waves of slime spread out of him, and covered the floor. On the borders, the slime stretched up, turning into borders; effectively turning the arena into a prison of slime.

"But you left me with no choice! So die!"

Usman roared and the slime crawled out from all sides, sweeping at Zed at breathtaking speed.

This move was one of his strongest as it used the slime to annihilate instead of overpowering or bounding the target. There was nowhere the opponent could run or flee!

Zed was a bit amused.

The one who challenged him was now blaming him for not getting defeated? What sort of logic was that?

As the slime rushed at him, his body erupted with spiraling flames. With him as the center, they started spinning, soon coursing with heat that could scorch the sky.


Zed commanded, and a blazing firestorm burst into existence.


The spectators jumped to their feet as they stared at the screen in horror. Despite being protected by the force shield, they could feel the heat. Droplets of sweat started trailing off their foreheads, only to evaporate.

A seething sound filled the arena.

The sticky slime might be channeling the power of acid, but when it came in contact with the volcanic heat, it exploded. The acidic fumes nowhere to be seen amidst the raging fire.

"No way!" Usman was shocked.

Quickly regaining his wits, he gathered slime around him, turning it into a cubical barrier.

As the power of the firestorm spread, the barrier shook and heat sipped in, melting the layer protecting him.


With an ear-piercing boom, the barrier exploded and the flames blasted into slime-covered Usman, sending him flying into the ceiling.

Perhaps he was lucky, as even as he crashed into the ceiling, the firestorm vanished.

Conjuring firestorm drained far too much energy, and if not for the fact that Zed was revolted by the idea of slime touching him, he wouldn't have used it.

"Argh!" Usman broke out of the ceiling.

The slime covering him has mostly burned away, but believing that Zed might be exhausted, he decided now was the best time to act.

He could still win and save his face!

A sword made of green energy and slime appeared in his hand. Tapping his feet on the ceiling, he shot at Zed.

Zed didn't even bother to look up. He waved his hand and streams of flames condensed, turning into a whip.

With the sound of air slicing apart, the whip slithered at Usman who was half the floor away.


Usman was startled and he quickly slashed his sword onto the whip. Sadly what he slashed was the swinging motion of the whip, a transparent afterimage.

The real whip ominously crushed into the hand holding the sword, slicing it apart. Even before blood could burst out like a fountain, the scorching temperature evaporated the blood, and the whip continued to move forward.

It brutally smashed onto his face, leaving a blazing trail that extended from his face to his torso, making it seem as if the fire had slashed into him.

He was defeated... without getting a chance to impress the ladies or terrify the men.

Chapter 596 Art of Giving

Painful cries rang out of Usman's mouth as the brutal whipping sent him rolling through the air, shooting him towards the force field.

After completing its task, the whip vanished in thin air.

"Thank you for letting me win."

Zed bowed by placing his right fist on his left hand.

The awe-struck audience cheered, whistled, and exclaimed. The debutantes cheered the loudest, gazing at him with admiration and desire.

What type of person did they want as their man?

The Zed type!

Strong, smart, handsome, but also humble and kind.

Even in impressive victory, gracious towards the opponent, with no sign of arrogance.

The suitors in the audience acknowledged him for his humble and kind response. If the roles were reversed, they would have taken silly digs and laughed.

While most of the audience was focused on admiring Zed, a man in late forties turned into a beam of light and shot at the arena. He was a beginning-stage Level V mutant, named Chinon - the father of Usman.

Before his son could slam into the force field and further crush his body, Chinon grabbed him with his right hand.

"Usman!" Chinon gasped.

From face to the torso, every part of his son's body was burned, making him look incomparably hideous.

Seeing his own flesh and blood in such a condition, murderous thoughts flooded into his consciousness.

He glanced at Zed who was walking out of the arena.

"You think you can leave after committing such brutality?!"

Chinon swiftly shot down, instantly arriving before Zed.

Everything happened in less than a second, and except for the extremely powerful people in the audience, none noticed.

Ashlyn jumped to her feet and released the rotating discs. The old-timers also jumped in action, not daring to allow a son of House of Hestia murdered here.

He might be a bastard son, but a son nevertheless! The blood of Hestia flew through him, and if the house knew, they would all pay the price.

Sadly, by the time they started taking action, Chinon's left hand had transformed into a metallic claw, resembling a mutated eagle's. The claw thrust straight towards the heart of the one responsible for his son's state.

"Damn! That kid is done for!" The old-timers' expressions turned ugly.

Ashlyn's eyes constricted. She liked him, but most importantly if he died, how could she ever face Kiba?

The discs slashed through the air, just two meters away from Chinon.

Chinon smirked while bringing his gaze on the face of that damn bastard. He wanted to see the look of horror that would flash briefly when the claw bore a hole through the heart.

What he noticed actually made his own heart pound in nervousness.

Zed's face was serene, without a hint of panic. This wasn't what made Chinon nervous, rather it was the eyes.

From the sky-blue color, they had turned the color of blood, crimson.

They radiated an inviolable radiance, making him feel as if he was before the majestic king, in the midst of committing a capital crime.

His claw was barely an inch away from the heart, and as this majestic sensation surged in his consciousness, the flesh inside his claw twisted.

A scorching radiance erupted in his blood, but instead of vaporizing the blood, it made the blood burn.

It was like every droplet of blood had turned into burning coal, making the veins seem as if they were braziers.

"AHHHHH!" A miserable scream rang out of his mouth, startling both Ashlyn and the old-timers.

Glowing flames drifted out of the braziers, igniting his flesh and the claw encasing it.

He crashed on the floor, dropping his son alongside. Perhaps it was for good, as just as he crashed, the discs whistled through where his head and claw was.

Ashlyn made a grasping motion and the discs returned back to her.

By this time, most of the audience had noticed what was going on.

And seeing Chinon's claw shaking amidst dancing crimson flames, their eyes widened and their jaw slacked.

"What on Earth happened here?!"

The debutantes and the suitor were shocked out of the wits.

The flames made them feel as if they were pigs about to be roasted from inside out, causing their bodies to shake.

Involuntarily, their vision sifted on the one who reduced them to a sorry state without doing anything.


There was a veil of mystery around him, and they couldn't help but become fascinated with him, wondering what his capabilities were.

The old-timers and other powerful people didn't feel the terror but they were equally fascinated.

"What sort of attack did he used?" Stina asked.

"Blood Ignition!" Hansen replied to his wife. "It isn't some ordinary technique that a Level IV mutant could use! Because it is a pseudo-Alpha level technique!"

From what he knew, at an advanced stage, the caster of this technique could reduce one to ashes just from a single glance.

"!!" Stina was amazed and she stared at Zed.

Zed ignored the attention that was on him. With a look of regret, he quickly crouched before Chinon and waved his hand through the crimson flames.


The flames vanished, leaving behind badly melted flesh.

"I'm really sorry.

Zed apologized sincerely.

"My instincts took over and I subconsciously used a forbidden technique."

Chinon didn't say anything, or to be precise, he was incapable of saying anything. The flames might have extinguished, but a lot of his blood had burned.


Realizing his mistake, Zed quickly pulled out a healing capsule and stuffed it in Chinon's mouth. The latter was shocked, believing it to be a poison capsule, but by the time he could do anything, the capsule melted, sending out streams of healing energy through his body.

His burned flesh started brightening, regaining its former vitality, and soon skin formed over it.

"I apologize for my conduct," Zed said to dumbstruck Chinon. "What I did was unforgivable but I hope you can forgive me."

"!!" Chinon's jaw dropped.

What's wrong with this kid?! He's apologizing?!

The old-timers were similarly stunned though Ashlyn wasn't at all surprised. Even if she was, her poker face wouldn't show.

She had seen him in the forest, helping those having antagonistic thoughts towards him. So his conduct didn't surprise her at all.

After apologizing, Zed rose to his feet and stepped towards Ashlyn.

"What the hell! Not only he showed mercy to someone who tried to murder him, but he even asked for forgiveness!"

"The rumors about his kindness weren't overexaggerated, but understated!"

The old-timers who have read about him exclaimed. Despite their old age, they were shocked to see good-hearted people like Zed existed.

"No wonder he isn't with House of Hestia! That house is full of ruthless, cold-blooded people!"

"Right! He would be a misfit!"

As people discussed him, Zed joined Ashlyn. She looked at him, examining his body.

"I'm fine," Zed replied to her unasked question. "Though very exhausted."

Ashlyn nodded.

A technique like Blood Ignition consumed a lot of strength. This was only natural as he would have to inject fire energy directly into the opponent's blood, without any medium.

And like Ashlyn's father believed, this wasn't a technique suitable for an ordinary Beta.

Of course, Zed wasn't ordinary.

In his alter ego's form, he could create flame abilities he liked, and knowing their functioning in both body and soul, he could replicate in his Zed form.

It could be said he has a cheat.


The debutantes were far too stunned to remember that they have to tell Zed about Ashlyn's existence as a Cursed One.

By the time they regained their sensed, Zed and Ashlyn were nowhere to be seen.

"I have to marry him!"

This thought flashed through their minds.

Their young admirers couldn't read their thoughts, but they could see the dreamy looks.

"Damn!" A young suitor swore. "Instead of one, he got them all!"

"That too without trying!"

"And he's supposed to be kind! Can't he be magnanimous and leave a few for us?!"

"Our luck is too bad!"

Sadly, they didn't know their luck was far too good.

If not, they would have met Kiba, and if that had happened, not only would they lose these the debutantes, but also their sisters and mothers.

The citizens of Delta City would have died to get their bad luck.



A few minutes later.

Outside the party.

Stina and Hansen exchanged glances before focusing back on Ashlyn. She didn't say anything, but her silence spoke volumes.

She wanted Zed to live with her.

"Of course, my love! You don't even need to ask for such a thing!" Stina broke into a warm smile and said, "I'm glad you are finally bringing a friend to our home!"

"We are very pleased!" Hansen beamed at her like a happy father.

Ashlyn silently thanked her mom and dad. She was very happy with their decision and was grateful to them.

Naturally, she couldn't know that they were agreeing to her because they had no choice. If they disagreed and her mood soured, it might affect their plans.

So, with a welcoming smile, they turned towards Zed.

Stina walked to him and hugged him, "Welcome to The Ivies!"

"Thank you!" Zed thanked her.

She broke the hug and examined his body language. With her skills in psychology, she could easily conclude he was nervous and somewhat resistant to the idea.

"No need to be so rigid!" Stina took his face between her hands and kissed him on the forehead. "You are one of us and everything is yours!"

"She's right," Hansen seconded her.

"Everything?" Zed muttered in disbelief.

"Of course! We believe in the art of giving!" Stina and Hansen said in unison.

Zed was surprised but he nodded in understanding.

"You also believe in it, right?" Stina asked with a radiant smile.

"Yes, I do!" Zed answered before hugging her.

Stina was a bit surprised by his hug, but she accepted it. She could understand that he was overwhelmed with emotions.

Zed, on the other hand, thought of everything she said and his mind flashed with the scenario of her "giving" him all her holes.

Her husband has also said that everything was his. And if he didn't take everything, wouldn't that hurt them for they were philanthropists?

"Soon, I would show you just how much I believe in the art of giving!" Zed promised as his hug tightened.

"Good child!" Stina rubbed his back. "I can't wait!"

"Me as well!" Zed echoed her sentiments.

He couldn't wait to give her a heavy load deep in all her holes, and show the extent he was ready to go.

The hug ended and Zed scratched the back of his head.

"What's wrong?" Stina asked as she noticed him redden, as if embarrassed.

With her skills in psychology, she easily deduced that losing control of his emotions and hugging her would have embarrassed him.

Zed blushed as he replied, "I had a moment of identity crisis!"

Chapter 597 Villainy Is Contaminable!

Fifteen kilometers from the mansion that was destroyed, The Ivies had established themselves in a new estate that was equally grand. Unlike the former, this was defended on the round clock with state of the art tech and powerful spells that originated from Celestial Elysian Plane; ensuring no one could step in the estate, not even with spatial teleportation.

Sadly, the person they were against was already in, that too by the warm welcome of the owners.

Zed stepped into the mansion with a bit of nervousness, making Hansen and Stina feel he was a sheep stepping into the wolves' den.

"You have a nice home!" Zed politely remarked as he looked at the elegant and splendid interior.

"Glad you think so!" Stina responded with a motherly smile that could melt any apprehension. "And please, call it 'our home' for it now belongs to you as well!"

Zed was stunned and his eyes turned watery, pretty much telling he was greatly moved by her gesture. He quickly turned around while pretending something was wrong with his eyes.

With a warm smile, Stina then gave him a personal tour of the mansion, making it seem as if he truly owned it. She even showed him the secret routes which one could take in case of emergencies.

It was like she was incapable of even thinking that he couldn't be trusted just because he was new.

In the end, she left him in his room and said, "It is late, so have rest now. I will introduce you to the family tomorrow."

"Yes," Zed replied politely and bid her goodnight. After closing the door and changing his clothes, he lied down on the bed, soon falling asleep.

Just a few minutes after he slept, Stina appeared beside him, without emitting any sign of her presence. She took out a mirror and reflected its silvery portion on Zed.

It was a mirror capable of seeing through everything, including origin. Even if something was placed within any space storage items, the mirror could see it.

On the other side of the mirror, Stina saw everything about Zed, including his body structure, his genetic links, and the contents inside his storage ring.

When she examined the items within the ring, her mouth formed an "O".

There were mechanical gloves that could be used to operate robotic gadgets, advanced surgery orbs, high-rank genetic pills, energy crystals, power shards, rare herbs, precious serums, high-tech devices to perform experiments, and hundreds of other items.

Stina was rich and influential, but even she staggered by the wealth Zed owned. Ordinary wealth wouldn't surprise her, but this was a different type of wealth, something that could lead to riot among high society!

Suppressing her astonishment, she recorded his body stats and his wealth in the mirror and vanished from the room, leaving behind no traces.

Across the mansion, there was a mountain, and within, there were hidden facilities. Stina appeared there and shared the recording with the core members of The Ivies.

"If one can be rich without financial wealth, then it is this kid!" June exclaimed. "If those spoiled brats from the nine families know of his wealth, they would die of shame!"

Lebeau vocally agreed with her while Rita stayed silent, playing with her hair. Three members that were seen during the former crisis – Aminah, Joane, and Stones – only nodded, not showing that much interest.

Hansen didn't bother with their reactions and discussed Zed's body stats with researchers.

"He has no spy chip or any foreign power inside him," The head researcher said. "In fact, his body is perfect… there isn't even an iota of any medical residual!"

"That's to be expected with the pills he is carrying!" Another researcher added with envy. "All of them are either Rank VI or Rank VII! There would be no side effects!"

The other researchers agreed and many of them openly suggested to rob him. Studying those pills would expand their knowledge and help them evolve as researchers.

"Snort! Are you all idiots?!"

Stina unleashed her pressure, and bulldozed it into the researchers, nailing them against the wall.

"You want to anger Ashlyn and ruin all our efforts?!"

The researchers forcefully shook their heads while gasping for breath.

"We have no need of his wealth, not even those precious pills and resources!"

Stina said while retracing her pressure, making the researchers slip on the floor.

"But his knowledge, it is a different matter!"

Hansen exchanged glances with her and their eyes glinted.

"He is here on God's command, to help us cross the last hurdle!"

The state of Avalon.

House of Hestia.

"The Ivies…"

Lord Harley tapped on the table as he read the latest report on Zed. He was a bit surprised when Zed suddenly disappeared in Delta City, but knowing that he was seen again, this time in a new city, he felt everything was still going as per the plan.

"Hansen and Stina… they have a perfect image of philanthropists – generous and warm! But anyone who reaches a position of their level, they can be anything but generous and warm!"

Lord Harley opened a virtual window and scanned through a file, reading about Dharma Chakra.

"If not for Ksitigarbha's recent actions, we would never know their connection to The Ivies!"

He broke into a cold chuckle, realizing everything was a farce.

"Dharma! How interesting! The son following the path that the father was so revolted by!"

In another room.

"What would you do, mistress?" Heather asked.

"Nothing," Rebecca replied in a serene tone. "It is his life and I have no right to interfere."

"But the other families and powers could target him!" Heather reminded her how Dream Rise House was destroyed. "With his whereabouts now known…!"

Rebecca let out a soft sigh and walked into her daughter's bedroom, leaving behind Heather.


On her bed, Kirstie was playing virtual games when she heard the door opening. She closed the game simulation and turned towards her mother.

"How are you feeling?" Rebecca asked.

"Good!" Kirstie answered and leaned her body slightly up. Rebecca swiftly arrived before her and took her in the arms, bringing her to the window.

"Brother is sure popular! The maids whisper about him all the time!"

Kirstie suddenly said with an awe-struck look.

"According to them, his name has spread due to his many adventures! But surprisingly none of them are about him being very good at sports!"

"…." Rebecca flinched for she recalled the last time her daughter had used similar words.

And as she expected, her daughter didn't disappoint.

"Mom! Brother is so physically active that he became a father just at twenty-one! So why is everyone only discussing him for his adventures in some forest?! Doesn't his activeness also deserve discussion and praises?!"

Her main maid – Leyla – had claimed becoming a father requires a lot of effort. So, she was genuinely shocked that none discussed her brother's achievements and efforts in this department.

Rebecca stood silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Ultimately, she decided to change the topic.

"The gift your brother gave has worked well."

Kirstie nodded to her statement, and said, "Yes! Brother is the best! But why didn't he give it to me personally?"

"…" Rebecca turned silent.



"Does brother dislike you due to me?"


Rebecca was astonished and she quickly hugged her daughter.

"No! There's nothing like that!"

"But then why isn't he here?" Kirstie asked. "Surely it must be due to my creation----"

Rebecca placed a finger on her daughter's lips and shut her.

"He loves you! And that's all matters!"

House of Neville.

In Sophia's bedroom, Katherine arrived with the news of Zed.

"Your boyfriend might be cheating on you!" Katherine teased as she handed her a picture of Zed with Ashlyn at the party. "He's now living with her!"

Sophia blushed at the mention of "boyfriend," and as she thought of correcting her mother, she saw the picture.

"Ah! It is Ashlyn!" Sophia exclaimed with a relieved smile. "She's only a friend of his There's nothing between them!"

"You know her?" Katherine asked, surprised.

"Yes!" Sophia nodded. "She might look cold, but she's a good person! Though her judgments can be questionable at times."

"Questionable?" Katherine was curious.

"She is also a friend of that shameless villain!" Sophia explained. "And she even defended him!"

Katherine gritted her teeth at the mention of the villain.

The "invitation" of M.I.L.F. International was the most brazen display of shamelessness she ever witnessed. It made her understand why he was labeled as a rascal and the ultimate villain.

"Sadly, that villain's luck is good!" Sophia continued as she checked the photo. "He never met Zed! Had he, Zed would have made him give up the path of villainy and guided him the path of sages!"

"Or maybe the villain would change Zed!" Katherine said. "Villains are impossible to change!"

"!!!" Sophia gasped.

Her mother was the wisest person and she had never been wrong.

Sophia gave up the plans of inviting Zed to correct the path of that villain.

Villainy might be a contaminable disease and she didn't want to take a risk!

Zed must remain innocent!

Chapter 598 Award-Winning Drama

fThe next morning, after freshening up, Zed stepped into the hall for breakfast. There, Rita and Hansen were sitting with "the family."

Noticing his arrival, Stina introduced him to his family members. In a polite tone, he greeted Rita, June, and others, and they all responded warmly, even hugging him as if he was their younger brother.

Though not related by blood to each other, the affections made it seem "the family" was far more perfect than even those related by blood.

The Ivies proved blood doesn't have to be thicker than the water…

At least, that was the impression they wanted to give to Zed.

In the afternoon, as the family gathered for lunch, Stina asked, "What do you plan to do?"

It was an open secret that his home was destroyed and that he had to leave Delta City due to the threats there. And while they didn't know the details, they were aware he has no functional relationship with the House of Hestia.

"I haven't decided," Zed answered.

Stina nodded, understanding that the threats he had faced gave him no time to plan.

If it was possible, she wouldn't have wanted him to be associated with The Ivies either since he would draw attention of many powerful factions. But she then thought of the recent developments and felt he couldn't make the situation any worse. They were already in the spotlight due to the attack of that mysterious attacker.

"We have great academic institutions here," Hansen said while passing him a dish. "Why don't you join the one you like the most?"

"Thanks, but I have lost interest in studies," Zed replied, slightly embarrassed.

"You might find girls of your age there!" Rita teased. "Or if you are shy, I can introduce you to my younger friends and help you get a girlfriend or even two!"

"Even three!" June added.

"...." Zed flushed at the idea of multiple girlfriends.

"Don't tease him!" Stina refuted the girls before rubbing Zed's back in motherly affections. "He is a one-woman-for-life man!"

Ashlyn – who knew him – slightly nodded in agreement of her adopted mother's words.

She might not understand much about the relationship between men and women, but she knew, Zed was the opposite of his elder brother.

For the next four days, Zed stayed in the mansion, enjoying meals that were no less than king's royal feasts.

The "brothers and sisters" even helped him train by suppressing their powers to his level and going easy on him.

In the training room, Lebeau launched a rain of diamond shards and Zed jumped in the air, retaliating with a flame tornado. The shards and tornado clashed, and through them, Lebeau chased Zed in the mid-air.

"Never wait for the first attack to land before you launch another!" Lebeau said as he struck out with his diamond fist.

With the help of flames, Zed quickly darted his body to the side, but the punch grazed his ribs, slashing through the layers of flames around him.

His skin tore open, and from the wound, blood gushed out, dyeing his clothes

"Your defense is weak!" Lebeau pointed out.

Zed started dropping towards the ground, but he lifted his hand and cast a flame blast. It bombarded on Lebeau's face just as he lowered his head.

"How dare you!" Lebeau turned berserk.

Ever since his battle with the mysterious attacker, his face was his reverse scale for he was punched, kicked, and even slammed by a block there!

Now suffering a flame blast on that same place, that too by a mutant far weaker than him, his eyes surged with murderous rage. Not caring that it wasn't Zed's faults as attacks have no eyes, or that his diamond covering saved him from any real harm.

Turning into a crystalline beam, he appeared before Zed just as he was about to land. His right hand's knuckles protruded out with spikes and he thrust them at Zed's chest.

Zed was shocked and he rippled out circles of fire, turning them into a shield. The shield crumbled and the hand moved unhindered.

Just then, a thread shot through the air, and coiled around the hand, stopping the spikes from piercing Zed.

"Are you out of your mind?!" June's angry voice followed.

He was indeed out of the mind as he smacked at Zed with the other hand, this time aiming for his head.

"Don't take out your frustration on this kid!" Rita appeared behind Lebeau and struck a palm on his back.

"Argh!" Lebeau cried as his energy surged out of him and flew into Rita. His spikes and diamond skin vanished, and from Rita's palm, a brutal force detonated.


He was blasted into a wall.

"I'm sorry for his conduct," Rita said as she helped Zed. "Due to some accident, he loses sanity whenever his face is touched."

"Ah!" Zed nodded, though visibly shocked. Consuming a healing pill, he rushed to Lebeau along with the two women, and apologized, "You have been really good to me, and yet, I offended you in the worst possible way. Please accept my apologies."

Rita and June were stunned even though they have read a detailed file on him.

"No wonder Stina feels he could be manipulated perfectly in a week!" June thought. "It wasn't just because of charity!"

Lebeau suppressed the rage he felt, and with a sorrowful expression, stopped Zed and apologized.

"Let me face you in this round!" Rita changed the topic. "I will only defend so don't worry!"

"Yes!" Zed expressed his gratefulness to have a battle experience with a mutant of her ability. "I will try my best!"

The air before him turned into the color of the fire, and through it, rays of heat swept out, like the rays of sun, melting everything in their path.

"It is impossible to defeat me! Not even that Alpha could do it!" Rita thought as she absorbed the heat and transformed it into vitality. "Next time I would absorb him! But now, time to train this kid!"

On the fifth day, Lebeau and June fought each other to help Zed learn about different fighting styles. In the heat of battle, as June was about to release multiple threads, her face suddenly turned dark and black blood sputtered out of her mouth.

"Damn! Another poison backlash!" Lebeau said as he rushed to help June who fell on her knees. "Why does it have to be now when the researchers are on leave?!"

The threads she released from her body were made of an alien poison. Its lethality was so high that even an Alpha-rank mutant would suffer damage.

But since the poison was inside her, genetically blended into her very existence, it would sometimes react against her, making her suffer.

Arriving before June, Lebeau quickly examined her and shouted at Rita.

"Her condition is bad! Contact help now!"

Rita swiftly nodded and left to contact emergency personals. Zed – who was shocked- quickly gathered his wits and ran towards June.

"Please hang on!" Zed said as he took six mechanical orbs from his storage ring.

"What are you doing---" Lebeau was saying but stopped. The orbs floated above June and released a transparent energy field to wrap her.

Zed scanned her condition and read the readings on the virtual tablet, and then tapped on the screen, issuing commands.

Alongside, he took out a few capsules with his eyes reading a sea of genetic data that left Lebeau amazed.

In record time, June's face brightened and the poison started leaving her face. She was shivering but her condition was gradually improving.


Meanwhile, in the secret facilities, a giant screen projected the live stream from the training room.

"Lebeau's acting skills might be average but he has done his role well!" Stina remarked.

"His act worked because June's genuinely suffered the backlash!" Hansen said coldly. "Had she taken her regular dose of medicine, the backlash wouldn't have come for a few more weeks!"

"Well, she has taken a lot of pain for our sake!" Stina praised.

"Only because it benefits her!" Hansen corrected.

Stina nodded while observing Zed.

"He has reacted as we expected! Our efforts weren't in vain!" Stina smirked. "With the stage set, now it is time for him to help Ashlyn!"

Hansen chuckled.

He wondered how the poor kid would react when everything was over and learn that his help has pushed his friend into the pit of suffering.

The tragic irony made him laugh and he hoped he would be able to witness Zed falling into despair.

An hour later.

In June's room, the family looked over June as she slept. Stina and Hansen's expressions were filled with gloom and their eyes red from tears.

Ashlyn's poker face showed slight traces of sadness, and her gaze moved to Zed.

"Please don't worry," Zed said while showing her medical scans. "She's fine and will recover soon."

Ashlyn didn't say anything while Stina and Hansen wiped their tears, and turned towards Zed.

"I was right! You are God's blessing to us!" Stina wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for saving my daughter's life!"

Her acting skills could put award-winning actresses to shame...

Chapter 599 Operation Screwing I

Another hour later, as June recovered from the backlash of poison, Stina "unknowingly" slipped about Ashlyn's condition, lamenting about the poor fate of the daughters in the family.

"Ashlyn's lifeforce is rapidly dwindling?!" Zed asked, horrified.

Ashlyn remained silent as if it has nothing to do with her. Stina further broke down in tears, begging God to exchange her life with her young daughter.

Seeing her condition, Hansen stepped up and rubbed his wife's back, requesting her to stay strong. He then nodded at Zed and said, "You are a part of the family so there's nothing to hide. My daughter is what the world calls Cursed One, but there's nothing cursed about her! She's a blessing! But… her condition is such that it would be a miracle if she could live past three months!"

Zed staggered back, the news hitting him like a bolt of lightning. Through the tears, Stina observed him.

With the knowledge she had of his personality from secret files and the recent interactions, she knew he wouldn't care for Ashlyn's existence as a cursed being. The nature of her existence would only make him vulnerable, make him feel bad for Ashlyn. This with her friendship would make him desperate… desperate to save her!

"Three… months?" Zed turned towards Ashlyn, his eyes turning bloodshot. "No, she wouldn't die! Never!"

And as Stina expected, next he did what she wanted: make an oath to save her at any cost!

Ashlyn shook her head as if telling he didn't need to worry about her. But Zed was adamant and he begged her parents to give him a chance… he would use every skill he had to save her.

Moved by his determination, they accepted, though telling him it was an impossible task and he shouldn't feel bad if he failed.

"I will save her!" Zed promised.

"Hehe, this kid is so easy to control!" Stina said after Lebeau and Rita took Zed and Ashlyn to their lab facilities. "He is at least a Rank VII scientist so we have great chances!"

"God is on our side!" Hansen agreed.

On Earth, the ranking of scientists was from Rank I to Rank IX, Rank IX being the highest. The only scientist to achieve the highest rank was no more, or at least had disappeared.

Castor Damon.

With him missing, Rank VIII was the highest, but throughout the planet, the number of such scientists wouldn't be even five. Obviously, they were with the factions of the world powers, either with the government, the revolutionaries, or independent.

Even Rank VII scientists were similarly with the top factions, though their numbers would be in dozens. The reason was simple: resources.

The top factions would not only treat the scientists with wealth and respect, but also give them access to secret data from World Fragments.

As such, finding a scientist of that caliber was impossible to find, at least without bringing attention. That's why The Ivies never had a scientist of such rank as they didn't want to arouse suspicion. This made the time frame required for completing their objective to stretch to over two decades.

And The Ivies didn't mind for they were cautious in nature.

The lab facilities in the mountain were distributed among three floors.

The third floor was dedicated to the virus and the goal for which The Ivies existed. The first and second floors existed for other purposes, including healing.

Beneath the lab floors, there was another floor where tamed mutated beasts existed. These beasts were used for both research and their fighting powers, a gift by Dharma Chakra.

When Zed first arrived in the mansion, Stina had told him about the beasts and the lab, obviously skipping about the third floor or their purpose.


Now Zed stepped on the first floor where the researchers had "returned". They acted as per the script, showing shocked reactions after he was introduced as a great scientist despite his young age.

Zed greeted them politely and got a good understanding of the facilities available. After making himself familiar, he started.

On his request, Ashlyn laid down on the examination table and a glass shell covered her. In a few minutes, beams of multi-colored lights wrapped her, scanning her genetically.

Hundreds of pages of data flashed before Zed and he analyzed them in the span of a few minutes, genuinely astonishing the researchers.

He found the genetic defects in the data, and kept them aside, before conducting an essence examination.

Two hours slipped past like seconds.

After he got the needed data, he opened a virtual screen and started building a solution. The holographic projection of Ashlyn's DNA floated in front of him, and as he worked through the solution, parts of DNA broke and restructured.

"You got to be kidding me! Without affecting her existence as a Cursed One, and thus not risking her life, he is fixing the parts responsible for the lifespan loss!"

The head researcher muttered as he stared at the DNA projection.

A Cursed One was the proof of failed evolution - something that happens when one is nothing but an embryo. It would forever keep in the transitional state between mutant and ordinary human, without giving the benefits of either but the drawbacks of both.

This was why the radiation emitting from them was harmful to mutants, for it carried traces of failed evolution.

Zed wasn't trying to evolve her or change the essence of her existence. Perhaps he was incapable of that, or maybe he just didn't want to.

Yet what he was doing was virtually impossible: overriding the defect that made her generate power by burning lifespan.

An evolved being would generate power through foreign mediums (any form of nutrition), but a failed, transitional being consume use their own body vitality to achieve that.

Yet that defect was being removed, or at least that's what the projection denoted.

"How the hell is this even possible?! Is he even a human?!"

The other researchers echoed the head researcher's sentiments, eyeing Zed as if he was a monster.

What they couldn't do in decades… he was doing in hours!

Sure he might have the data they provided him, but he ignored it, building everything from scratch! It was like the data they gave him was a pile of trash, not worthy of his attention.

At other times, they would have complained and shouted for being arrogant, but now they didn't dare. After observing the data Zed had unearthed in a matter of hours, they felt they were worse than trash and wished they could hide.

How were they researchers? They were just garbage!

By the time ten hours passed in the lab, a prototype solution was ready!

The researchers were already sweating, and seeing the prototype solution, their poor hearts thumped violently, ready to jump out of their chests.

"Who the hell is he?!"

"Could he be the reincarnation of legendary Castor Damon?!

They wondered as their eyes popped out and jaw dropped.

Lebeau didn't understand what Zed was doing, but looking at the faces of the researchers, he understood it was something impossible!

This made him revaluate Zed's worth.

Two days later.

"The preparations are complete," Zed announced in front of everyone. "If things go as per plan, the treatment would be completed in 5 days. It would take an additional 3 days to restore the lifespan Ashlyn had already burned. So, a total of 8 days."


Even though they were keeping eyes on his research, the adopted parents were still awestruck. They wondered if he was a Rank VIII scientist.

As for the rest of the family, they were dumbstruck, not able to believe their ears. Only Ashlyn remained neutral, without showing any emotions.

She only nodded at him, perhaps in gratitude for the hope he gave her. Maybe she would now remain alive to meet his elder brother... and live the life he so wanted for her.

"Then let's not delay!" Hansen urged. "We don't lack any resources you need!"

After injecting Ashlyn with powerful sedatives and shifting her to a glass pod, Zed started the treatment.

Every day, he would conduct the treatment on her for 4-5 hours, while ensuring she remained in hibernation till the treatment wasn't completed.

On the third day of treatment, after completing his work for the day, Zed retired in his room. Stina and Hansen personally handed him the meal before leaving.

Zed took a bite of the desert and feeling the sweet taste, he craved for something far sweeter.

And the only thing that could satisfy this craving was screwing.

"Now is the time to start Operation Screwing!"

Zed whispered to himself, his eyes flashing the devilish glint his other persona was known for. He stepped to the bathroom and started the shower.

"Women I would screw but men… hehe!"

Covering his hands with gloves, he took out an icy-blue capsule around which red mist swirled.

"It took me a fortune to create it... but since the fortune was of others, I don't mind!"

Alongside the capsule, he retrieved a hair, something that belonged to Hansen.

Body hair were easy to retrieve as they fall regularly, so grabbing one without arousing any detection was a child's play.

If he was right, Hansen and Stina would have examined him, to check if he was a spy or what he carried. Furthermore, they would be watching over him.

But they wouldn't do that here. Not because they respected his privacy, but because here he was free without anything to do, and he might detect any spy item due to his sensitivity to his heat.

Furthermore, with all communications intercepted by the gadgets in the mansion, there was no risk of him contacting anyone from outside.

Zed knew at this moment, none was watching over him, not even with supernatural perception.

Otherwise, his sixth sense ability would tell him, just like it had in the last few days.

He crushed the capsule and the energy particles within twisted out, wrapping the hair. Then, in a flash, the hair and the energy particles disappeared, merging with the air.

"Claudia, this time we are doing something new! I wish you were here to see it!"

With this thought in his mind, he enjoyed the shower.

Hansen was resting next to his wife, chatting with her about their grand plans to dominate the world after Ashlyn recovers.

An invisible, formless mist slipped into him as he pictured the bright future, not knowing the future was anything but bright.

Chapter 600 Operation Screwing II

(A/N: The chapter is a bit dark! Read at your risk!)

In the morning, the sun splashed out warm rays that glittered through the dewdrops in the garden, making it seem they were jewels.

Stina admired the beautiful scenery along with her husband.

"I feel terrific!" Hansen said while closing his arm around his wife's waist. "Today is going to be a great day!"

"It has to be!" Stina smiled, eyeing her yellow-eyed, blond hair husband who was both well-built and tall.

He was the love of her life, the shrewd man with whom she would soon rule the world and dominate all those who believed themselves infallible.

Hansen similarly observed her, the cunning woman he so loved and wanted.

With her deep auburn shade hair, sparkling blue eyes, and pearly white skin, there was no other woman that could ever grab his eyes.

Not only was her face flawless, so was the rest of her body, from her perky breasts down to her tight, little ass.

She was perfect, looking like a model in early thirties despite her actual age being far higher. That was the miracle of evolution, aging no longer affecting the body as long as one was powerful.

The couple glanced at each other for minutes before leaving the room. They have eternity to love each other, but for now, it was the time to work and ensure everything worked as they wanted, leaving nothing to chances.

With the motherly smiled that could melt ice, Stina greeted Zed before starting the breakfast. Hansen did the same, hugging Zed in a fatherly embrace.

Half an hour later.

Zed stepped into the lab to continue the treatment of Ashlyn, who was in hibernation. Stina arrived with him to give him "moral support."

"Please have a seat," Zed requested her and then instructed the researchers on today's work.

They nodded, and the treatment resumed, with Stina sneakily observing Zed, examining his body language.

"Everything is going as per the plan!"


Every floor inside the mountain was more than a hundred meters tall due to the massive lab equipment and other infrastructure machines, such as radiation generators, power sources, and so on.

The floor reserved for the beasts gifted by Dharma Chakra was even taller, reaching a height of three hundred meters. This was natural given the floor had multiple beasts, many of them humongous.

Hansen stepped onto this floor to conduct daily supervision. The robots had already fed the beasts through the slight gap in cages, and all he has to do was confirm there was nothing amiss.

As he walked past the cages, a formless scent drifted off his body and entered the nostrils of the beasts. The scent erupted an inexplicable excitement within them, making their gazes flash with desires, and they stared at the source of the scent.

The excitement flooding inside them made them feel like they were dry farms suffering from droughts for decades, and Hansen the relief - the bringer of rain.

The only thing that separated them from the rain was the cages.



One after another, the beasts roared and started attacking the cages.

Hansen was taken aback by the roars and rattling sounds. He looked at the cages and was shocked by the bloodshot eyes of the beasts.


A blue rhinoceros slashed his horn against the cage bars. The pointed end of the horn released a bright flash that detonated the bars, giving it a chance to rush out.


Hansen was astonished for this happened within seconds. One moment the rhinoceros was docile and peaceful, and the other moment, extremely violent.

While the cages were strong and resilient, they weren't made to act as prisons for the beats were tamed.

Hansen lifted his head to establish mental contact with the rhinoceros and stop it. But he didn't get much time as other beasts also broke out of the cages and charged at him.


The robots that were in the path or the ones that tried to act were brutally trampled by the beasts. Even the human beast tamers weren't spared, their blood dyeing the floor.

"Stop all of you!"

Hansen commanded while unleashing his powers. There was no time to contact others, but he didn't need to, for he was powerful!

Black glow erupted from all his sides, and through them, countless fists punched out, slamming into the coming beasts, and knocking them into the air. Yet, even as the beasts were about to smash on the floor, they regained stability and pounced back.

Hansen didn't stop with his rapid punches, but neither did the beasts.

As the attacks continued, the air distorted, and terrifying energy waves wreaked havoc, shaking the floor.

A dark panther opened its mouth, and a globe of yellow energy emerged, slamming through the fists and exploding on Hansen.

The impact blasted him back, but since he was encircled, he collided into a lion.

The lion's tongue lolled out, and its mouth drooled at the golden opportunity that was before him.

It did what it desired, tearing Hansen's clothes to shreds and slam something hard in his neither region.

"!!" Hansen's blood turned cold, and his eyes popped out, not daring believe what the lion was actually doing.

This was only for a moment before he exploded in rage.

"How dare you!"

His body bulged and expanded, turning him into a fifty feet tall man with multiple hands. Three of his hands crushed the lion's skull while the other ripped the body.

Hansen looked at the bloody face of the lion as it dropped, and he was astonished.

The lion had died with an expression of extreme satisfaction! There was no regret!


Hansen exploded again as when he was busy killing the lion, the rhinoceros took the opportunity. It tried to impale something, but when that failed due to Hansen's quick reaction, the rhinoceros turned furious and slammed out with his horn.

The furious reaction of the rhinoceros further incensed Hansen.

How dare this beast act like he was its bitch?!

He acted on time and twisted his body, but the rhinoceros was equally fast. The horn pierced into his stomach, creating a hole from which blood gushed out.

Hansen also succeeded as his punches sent the rhinoceros flying, smashing it into the incoming gorillas.

Sadly, the other beasts didn't stop, and soon, his resistance was overpowered. The black glow died, and his fists dropped.

The beasts then thrust into forbidden regions, and when many other beasts didn't get the regions they needed, they created the space in the body.

Some crafty beasts took advantage of other beasts' hard work. Like for an example, a vicious hound used the bloody hole in the stomach.

As for what happened next... let's say it is far too horrifying to even describe.

On the first floor, Zed slightly modified the genetic arrangement in Ashlyn's DNA, working with extreme concentration.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking moan echoed, startling not only him but others, especially Stina.

Given the lab's metallic walls and their design, how was it possible for a sound to echo here? The only explanation was that the sound was far too loud, defying the limit!

"Was it a moan?" The head-researcher wondered aloud.

"!" Stina's eyes constricted, and more moans followed.


She thought when she analyzed the moans. They were filled with pain… but there was something else as well.

Pleasure! Extreme pleasure!

Shocked, she turned into a mirage of light and left the lab. The researchers followed her, not daring to stay behind when their mistress was in so much panic.

A minute later.

Stina stopped in the track. The researchers similarly stopped; their gazes filled with disbelief at the scene just a few hundred meters ahead.

Some of the weak-willed threw up their breakfasts while the rest slapped themselves, trying to awaken from the nightmare they were witnessing.

Yet the powerful moans and the sound of hundreds of things slapping against someone were brutally crystal-clear.

Then there were the beastly roars as some beasts attacked the ones having the golden opportunity, telling them to be not greedy and giving others their quota.


Stina felt the world spin as she saw her husband filled to the brim. Her strength left her knees, and she started dropping to the floor.

Just as her body was about to hit the ground, a hand slipped on her waist and grabbed her.

Through her hazy eyes, she saw the hand belonged to Zed.

She could feel the hand holding her shaking just like the rest of his body, perhaps, due to shock, just like her.

Yet despite his weakness, he begged her, "Please be strong!"

Stina was startled.

He was feeling weak, and despite the situation, he was looking after her. Then again, knowing his personality, it was hardly shocking.

Stina gritted her teeth and pulled herself up.

She was Stina of The Ivies! The one who would rule the world! The one who knew the art of manipulating!

Nothing could terrify her! Not even her husband's beastly adultery!

These thoughts surged her with determination, and she got on her feet. But then the moans of her husband echoed, more powerful than ever.

Her strength left her again, and she passed out.

No matter how smart and determined she was, some things could break her.

"Lady Stina!"

Zed cried. He hastily took her in his arms and rushed back into the first floor. A few researchers followed while the rest stayed behind, too shocked to do anything.


Zed placed Stina on a glass table and injected a relaxation serum. Her eyes shook, and she started waking up.

Her face was filled with confusion, but then she remembered what happened. Feeling it was a nightmare, she rose to her feet, but then the moans again echoed.

Chapter 601 Operation Screwing III

Stina was in a loop, falling unconscious and then regain consciousness. Only after multiple injections did she gained enough strength to retain her consciousness.

Being conscious was one thing, and sane another. The memories of what she witnessed made her shiver. It filled her body with a vile feeling and shattered her heart.

Seeing her state, one of the researchers felt she was blaming herself for her husband's actions. Thinking it as an opportunity to get her in good books, he said, "Mistress, cheating on one's spouse is like throwing away a diamond to pick up trash, and in your case, it is far worse!"

The other researchers were startled. Not daring to let him get all the limelight, they too jumped in to suck upon her.

"Cheating isn't a mistake, but a choice, that has nothing to do with the cheated spouse!"

"Right! It occurs in the head, long before it occurs in the bed… or in this case, on the floor!"

"I never thought Hansen would do such a thing! Cheating despite having an absolutely stunning wife!"

"That too by sleeping with beasts and so many of them!"

"He is moaning even now with no regard to his wife!"

If the researchers were trying to brighten her mood, then they were failing epically, for her face turned ashen. She was on the verge of throwing up.

Then again, the researchers weren't to be blamed as they were mostly stuck up in labs with no idea on how to deal with such situations. So, all they did was repeat popular sayings they knew of and blame Hansen.

"Stop trying to create discord between them!" Zed's thunderous voice broke through the lab, instantly silencing the researchers.

Even Stina was taken aback to see the usually calm Zed shouting.

"Lady Stina, please don't listen to their words," Zed took a chair and sat before her. "And don't overthink. I'm sure there must be a suitable explanation for what's going down there."

Suitable explanation?

Like hell, there would be!

This was what the researchers wanted to shout, but they didn't dare to, for they now realized Hansen wouldn't forgive them if he came to know of their conduct.

Stina didn't say anything, but her expression spoke volumes – she didn't believe there was any plausible explanation.

"I didn't see what really happened there for the sounds were enough," Zed started. "But I did notice splashes of blood and beasts rampaging! So, don't you feel Sir Hansen isn't to be blamed?!"

"!" Stina's expression changed and she lifted her head up.


Due to the shock of her husband's actions, she didn't see everything on the floor, but she did witness her husband's bloodied state and beasts pouncing to take "their fill."

As she tried to think rationally, negative thoughts also flooded in, reminding her that her husband might have let the beasts turn berserk. After all, the beasts were tamed and someone like Hansen – who had a mental contract with them – could easily fill them with lustful desires.

As for blood and wounds… maybe he wanted to be treated rough? She could still hear his moans filled with both pain and pleasure!

"Please don't let negative thoughts impact you!"

Zed requested as her thoughts were clear to all thanks to her expression.

"And even if Sir Hansen is doing what we all think is doing willingly… none of us should judge him!"

"What?!" Stina and others stared at him like he was some idiot to take Hansen's side.

"When I was a student, I read the mind is always curious about the forbidden – the taboo! It wants to experience what others never could!"

Zed explained.

"Sometimes a person gives in to such curious desires and commits mistake! But that doesn't mean the person is bad!

"Ever since I have been here, I have seen Sir Hansen's exemplary character! He has shown nothing but kindness and fatherly love to me!

"As for you… he only showed love and trust!

"So, ask yourself, can a person like him be bad? Can he willingly do something when he knows it might hurt someone?"

Stina didn't want to ask herself. Not because the answer was yes, but because the answer was a roaring no!

Just like her, Hansen was a great actor, a master of psychology.

He was fooling Ashlyn, Zed, and many others with his facade so Zed's words meant opposite to her!!

Meanwhile, on the beast floor, help arrived in the form of Leabeu, Rita, June, and others.

A few of the researchers had sent messages, and unlike Stina whose thoughts were clouded by personal emotions, Leabeu and the others weren't affected. So, they instantly saw what she missed – the debris of robots and the bloodied paste of beast tamers.

While they were indeed shocked to see Hansen experiencing the ride of a lifetime, they didn't stop and rushed to help him.

Leabeu released a storm of shards, and as the shards pierced the beasts, blood erupted like fountain. Yet, the beasts continued what they were doing.

Startled by their determination to continue despite getting hurt, Leabeu blasted a gigantic diamond block, smashing it on gorillas.


The gorillas kicked the block away and eyed Leabeu with intense hatred, their eyes almost saying – Wait for your turn, like we had! Get in the queue instead of being a loser!

"Are they for real?!"

Leabeu morphed his hands into diamond axes and jumped to separate Hansen from the beasts.

A mutated lizard, that was patiently waiting for its turn, noticed Leabeu's movements, and it turned furious.

Here it was waiting for its turn! But that bloody human is jumping through the queue!

Shameless! Extremely shameless! This human has no manners!

Wrapping its tail with electricity, the lizard whipped it at the jumping Leabeu.


The tail smacked on his face, leaving a clear imprint on his diamond shell.

"Fucking bastards! Why does everyone target my face?!" Leabeu shouted and charged at the lizard.

The lizard growled and camouflaged itself to launch another attack. It wasn't going to let this human take away its chance.

If the human wanted to fight, then let him!


June gushed out dozens of threads from her hands, and like divine rays, they shot forward, impaling the beasts taking Hansen.

The threads channeled the power of poison, and the poison particles surged into the bloodstreams.


With acidic sound, the impaled beasts withered, and as their decayed parts started falling, they still didn't stop. Even if they were going to die, it would be within the source of extreme satisfaction!

A few meters behind, Rita saw everything with wide eyes. Even though she has a fun and twisted personality, something even Kiba acknowledged, the scene left her tensed.

"This has to be a joke!"

How can the beasts not even care for their life and just carry on with Hansen?!

"Every woman wants such lovers but only Hansen got them! His luck is too good!"

Rita remarked.

This startled Hansen who was finally free. He spurted blood and lost consciousness.

Rita: "Well, he lost consciousness from a compliment and not the love he got! The beasts must be seriously lacking!"

Others: "...."

They were sure, if Hansen heard this statement, his poor heart might give up.

Shaking their heads, they placed Hansen in a stretcher by using their powers. They didn't dare touch his defiled body.


An hour later.

Stina finally got out of her trance state and stepped into the healing chamber.

Under the requests of others, especially Zed, she saw the CCTV footage – only the starting part – and felt maybe, her husband was innocent.

That might be, but what happened to him was forever imprinted in her mind. Just thinking about it turned her body numb.

Forcing herself, she eyed her husband who was awake and getting healed through energy rays. She turned away and suppressed the urge to throw upon him.

"Stina!" Hansen snapped his teeth, his body pumping with rage and humiliation.

The woman he so loved couldn't even bear to look at him.

The same woman with whom he shared good and bad of life.

The one with whom he not only duped Ashlyn, but countless others – everything so that they could rule the world.

Now, that love of his life wasn't even willing to see him.

"I'm sorry," Stina turned back to him.

Hansen nodded while noticing that despite her looking at him, she was maintaining some gap. He could feel the idea of touching him revulsed her.

"Forgive me for being so weak���" Stina apologized again. "But know I love you."

They had a strong will, but the events of the last few hours smashed it to pieces, reminding them how fragile they were, despite their mastery of psychology.

"Maybe it is karma?" Hansen wondered with a self-ridicule smile. "We have used 15 Cursed Ones… brainwashed them from the times they were children, placed them in different shelters around the world… manipulated their entire lives. Only Ashlyn survived… and now, soon…"

"Karma and fate?! Stop with the nonsense preached by the branches of Dharma Chakra!" Stina's expression twisted. "We both know it is nothing but bullshit to fool the masses! To make them submissive! And we aren't going to be submissive!"

Hansen nodded, and replied, "Yes! We would overpower everyone and rule the world, no matter what it takes!"

Stina suppressed her repulsion and took his hand.

"What happened to you… surely it wasn't an accident! Someone must have either used supernatural powers or gave you some type of pill or serum!"

Hansen's eyes flashed with murderous glint.

He had done his best to not think of what happened to him. Now that he thought, he shivered from killing intent.

"Who could it be?" Hansen asked. "We should think of those within our house… Zed?"

Stina's eyes glinted but she shook her head and replied, "Most likely not… I'm not saying this because of his personality or that he has no reason to, but because he is always under our observation. And in the time he isn't, he wouldn't have the opportunity to manage what happened to you."

Hansen agreed with her.

"Then who?"

At the same time, high in the sky, above the mountains. A crimson explosion surged through the clouds, and through it, Madison and Lillian emerged.

"Tada~ Daddy's Lil girls are here!"

Mission lifted her left hand, summoning a bow made of blood.

"And we would be the catalyst of Operation Screwing – Stage II!"

She drew the bowstring back with her right hand, and an arrow made of blood energy appeared.

A frightening power surged out as the arrow got ready to leave the bowstring, about to destroy everything in its path.

Lillian stopped her sister by saying, "We are talking about Screwing! So, how can you do it like this?!"

"Ah!" Madison gasped. "I almost forgot my manners!"

The arrow tip blossomed in the shape of a heart, and from her back, little wings of blood emerged.

"Daddy's cupid is ready!"