738 - 743

Chapter 738: Ignorant Woman!

"Vile man, you are in for a surprise if you think Ass Breaker can best me!"

Martha declared, her sword pointed at Kiba.

Streams of energy emerged from the tip of the sword, but instead of rushing at Kiba, it channeled into her armor, concentrating in the area where the armor covered her butt.

Kiba's jaw dropped.

The energy surging from was extremely strong, something that reached a level VII Alpha. That meant she wasn't working for the mayor as an attraction!

But that wasn't what made Kiba's jaw drop.

The reason was what the energy did.

It enhanced the armor to defend her ass!

"No idea who she is and what she wants, but she's definitely serious!"

Kiba was shocked, to say the least.

He moved his vision from her butt to his pants, where his cock was trying to barge out.

"She's calling you Ass Breaker, and yet you want to help her! How could you be so selfless?!"

Kiba was moved.

Despite slander, his cock's determination to serve cunts and asses didn't waiver in the slightest.

Perhaps in this era of cynicism, only it could serve as a beacon of positivity and hope.

Martha didn't realize that, though. Her figure blurred forward, and she appeared before Kiba, her sword slashing out with everything she had.


The space in the sword's path ripped open, revealing a black rift that seemed to be a part of a black hole. Terrifying gravitational force burst from it, swallowing everything in its range, even light, causing the surroundings to turn pitch black.


The male guests at the party cried pitifully. The gravitational force seemed to target only them, pulling them into the rift.

Martha didn't care about them as they were minor targets. Her sword was about to hit the real target, but then her eyes constricted.

Like a puff of smoke, he disappeared and appeared behind her.

"Seems like you are really a warrior and not some cosplaying vixen! How exciting!"

Kiba grabbed her by the neck and slammed her face into the rift.

"Argh!" Martha grunted.

The gravitational force didn't affect her, but the insides of the rift were filled with ominous energy, and she felt like her face was smashed against a moving train. It was painful, but not anything she couldn't handle.

"Wait… this must be a diversion for his main move!"

She recalled the confidential videos from Female Empowerment University.

Kiba had pushed a teacher against the wall and attacked her with Ass Breaker from behind!

Martha's fine hair stood up in fright.

He must be attempting to break the defense around her ass!

But she couldn't let him succeed!

Not for her sake but that of the entire female race, which was depending on her!

She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes.

"Realm Treasure!"

Above her chest, a frosty yet crimson ruby appeared. Webs of crimson ice emerged from it, emitting a soul-freezing force.

Her rosy-brown skin began to cover with it, surging with a power that was at least Level VIII.

Kiba's eyes flickered, and he let go of Martha while jumping back. Just as he did, the space before him was covered with an ice web, freezing everything, even the black rift.

The male guests who were yet to be swallowed turned into cocoons of ice. The party that was supposed to bring them into the power hierarchy robbed them of their greatest treasure – life.

The female guests were horrified.

They weren't harmed by Martha's actions, but the males here were their companions. And now, in less than a minute, they were killed without even getting a chance to say goodbye.

Martha slowly turned towards Kiba, and the latter noticed the ruby-like artifact in her chest.

"How strange; it feels so familiar."

Kiba was baffled.

"And why does it feel that the ruby is not its true form? Maybe she's suppressing its true form as she couldn't handle its real power?"

Martha noticed his line of sight, and she scoffed.

"I didn't want to use it so soon, but I had no choice."

She pointed at the bulge in his pants.

"All because of that evil weapon of yours."

"Stop calling it names!" Kiba was offended. "It has feelings!"


Martha's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

"Now it makes sense! Ass Breaker is a Sentient Weapon!"


Kiba was left speechless.

Was this woman mentally challenged?

If she was, it was dangerous for her to possess such power!

After all, that made her incapable of understanding that with great powers came great responsibility!

"Sighs~ Not everyone is like me who uses their power for the greater good."

Kiba felt burdened, but what he could do?

Someone has to step up, otherwise who would take care of this world (and its beautiful women)?

Martha's eyes narrowed.

Why did he seem absent-minded?

Was he looking down on her?!

"Lady Martha!"

Savi – who was outside the estate so far- suddenly appeared beside her.

"What?" Martha eyed her.

"You have killed every man out here."

Savi said, her young face resolved with determination to speak.

"But you said only that man was the one you want to punish."

Martha snorted.

"Men are all the same," She replied. "By killing them here, I saved many women from sufferings."

Savi didn't dare retort her, even though she felt Martha was wrong.

How can one be killed for the crimes they have yet to commit? That's wrong, right?

In the distance, Kiba's eyes flashed with understanding as he heard Martha's words.

"You must be from Eden!"

Kiba guessed.

"That would explain your outfit and ignorance."

"Ignorance?" Martha tightened her grip on the sword.

"Obviously, you are ignorant."

Kiba pointed at the ice cocoons, his voice filled with anger.

"The ones you killed had families. They might have their shortcomings, but they were Good Sons, Good Husbands, and Good Fathers!

"And now by killing them, who would fill for their presence!? Who would take up the roles they left behind?!"

The female guests were moved, their eyes moistening up.

They had thought Kiba would have no regard for the men who brought their wives and daughters for him, but they were wrong!

Not only was he angry at their unfair deaths, but he was also defending them!

He even called them Good!

What a great man!

No wonder he had the power to shake the power hierarchy!

Chapter 739: Stupid Cow!

Martha was dumbstruck by Kiba's speech. She thought a man like him would be dispassionate towards the lives of others, especially that of fellow men.

But now she realized he did care about them.

He admired them for their roles as Good Husbands, Good Sons, etc.!

And now, he was brimming with righteous anger towards her. She had robbed the society of such Good Men, and for him, that was a sin that couldn't be forgiven!


Martha's eyes flickered with surprise, and she looked up.

The night sky was rumbling with endless bolts of lightning, bursting with a power that sent a shiver down her spine.

"No way!"

Martha looked at her body in disbelief. Despite being covered by a layer of ice, it was filled with goosebumps.

"I have summoned the power of Realm Treasure! It is he who should be terrified, not I!"

Martha reminded herself.

Kiba lifted his hand and made a grasping motion. A terrifying pressure descended, and the lightning rushed into his hand, turning into a golden spear.


Kiba swirled the spear, causing the pressure to rage out. The space was covered with webs of ice, but when he motioned the spear, lightning particles surged through them.

Martha's eyes squinted. She couldn't allow that to happen! The webs of ice was her Domain but he was trying to exert his authority over it.

The crimson ruby in her chest flashed brightly, and a burst of energy channeled into the webs. The energy moved to collide with the lightning.

Martha was waiting to see the result when her face drastically fell. The sharp sound of space being slashed followed from above her.


Martha was shocked. Kiba was above her, his spear slashing downwards to split her head into two.

Contrary to her thoughts, he didn't care about her Domain.

Martha reacted quickly. She was a warrior, and despite the shock, she managed to move back in the nick of time.


Blood splashed into the air.

Martha put a hand on her face, her eyes wide in disbelief.

She had retreated quickly, but the spear managed to graze her face, creating a slash on her beautiful cheek.

On other occasions, Kiba would be hesitant in damaging such a gorgeous beauty, but today he didn't care.

"You stupid cow! How dare you ruin my night?!"

Kiba's eyes flashed with anger, and he jumped forward, his spear aiming for her heart.

"You vile man! How dare you be angry when that's my right?!"

Martha gritted her teeth and slammed her sword forward.

"You torture women's ass, and yet you get so offended because I killed men in relationships?!"

An ear-piercing clang sound echoed as the sword met the spear. Black gravitational force boomed out from the clash along with flashes of lightning, merging together to turn into devastating shockwaves.

"Ignorant bitch, you lack the brains to understand the real role they served! How they benefitted the world!"

Kiba pursued his dream of bedding beautiful wives because they were married.

How could he not love the role of bringing a smile to the faces of husbands by putting a green hat on them?

But now?!

Over twenty candidates of Good Husbands were killed! Now, what good were his altruistic actions?!

The sex would feel so bland now!

And then there were thirty candidates of Good Sons!

With them not there to witness him helping their moms, how would he get the happiness he wanted?!

He didn't even want to think about the possible Good Brothers, Fiances, and Boyfriends!

Their loss made his blood boil.

"Oh no!!!!!"

Meanwhile, the grieving widows, daughters, and other women cried. The shockwaves were rushing outwards, consuming the sky and ground, disintegrating everything into oblivion.

It seemed like the end of the world, and the women felt they were done for.

While they missed their husbands, sons, and other male relatives, they weren't eager to join them so soon!

Savi's eyes flashed with determination.

"Force of Eden, protect them!"

She tapped on the pendant around her neck, a reward from Her Majesty for winning the recent championship of elite force.


Icy rays of light boomed out, enveloping Savi and the crying women.

Just then, the shockwaves reached them, but instead of obliterating them, they froze. It was like the rays were made of a power that couldn't be challenged.

"We are safe!" The women were relieved.

Savi wasn't so optimistic.

The pendant was powerful enough to protect her alone for a long time, but not many people. But she couldn't let these women die. They were innocents!

"Lady Martha needs to end the battle quick… otherwise, we are done for!" Savi prayed.

Martha's face twisted from rage.

How dare this lowly man call her ignorant and a stupid cow?!

She wasn't ignorant!

She knew many things about him and was also smart enough to defend her ass!

Martha pressed her sword against the spear. Kiba was a bit surprised as his spear was pushed back.

"Seems like that artifact of yours is very special," Kiba remarked with ease. "Though you aren't strong enough to channel its true power."

"Not strong enough?" Martha's lips curved into an evil grin. "Well, say that now!"


Suddenly, the sword released thousands of black webs, like a spider spinning out its web.

Kiba's expression changed.

Before he could react, the webs wrapped the spear of lightning and simultaneously surged out with terrifying gravitational force. It started pulling the spear from all directions, causing lightning to flicker out.

Kiba couldn't even act as the webs covered his hands along with the spear. He tried to pull back, but his hands were stuck, almost glued.

He looked at Martha, his face filled with shock. Just as she thought he was impressed, he said something that made her jaw drop.

"Wow! Your webs are sticky like the real ones!" Kiba exclaimed. "Is your real form that of a spider?"

Martha flinched.

Just what was his tongue made of for him to be a smartass in such a moment?!

Chapter 740: Eerily Familiar!

"Your webs are really sticky!"

Kiba exclaimed as his hands and spear were binded with spider silk.

"Don't tell me you will soon transform into a spider?"

Martha's face twisted. She had enough of his smart-ass comments.

She pulled her sword back and channeled her strength into it. With his hands and weapon tied by gravity-infused webs, he would be in no condition to evade her.

"Die, you vile man!"

Martha yelled and stabbed out. The sword point glinted sharply, ready to dye itself with crimson blood.

"Naa, I want to live, you stupid cow."

Kiba did a forward flip, rolling over her sword and head.

Martha was shocked. The terrifying gravitational force in the webs should have made such movements impossible.

"While your webs are really strong, using gravity against someone whose specialty is gravity attacks isn't exactly smart."

Kiba landed behind her, and simultaneously, she started turning around.


Just then, Kiba launched a back kick, smashing it straight on her face. That was the only part of her body not covered by the enhanced armor, and the kick took full advantage of that.


Martha felt like a mountain has hit her, and she was sent flying back. But the surroundings were covered with ice webs, and she slammed into them, stretching them backward.

"Lady Martha!"

Savi couldn't believe the scene playing before her eyes.

Martha was the second strongest person in Eden!

Not only that, she was even borrowing power from the Realm Treasure!

And yet she was kicked by someone whose hands and weapon were tied!!

If the world learned about it, Eden would turn into a laughing stock!!!

Kiba, in the meantime, tried to free his hands tied to the lightning spear.

He channeled destructive force from the spear into the silk. But the gravitational force inside them disintegrated it by pulling it apart.

"First time this has happened! I guess her silk is more resilient than I give her credit for," Kiba remarked. "And seems like her gravity abilities aren't exactly useless against me."

Martha spit out blood. Her eyes thirsted for vengeance, and she charged at Kiba, dragging the ice webs along with her.

Her sword moved to chop him apart.

"Oh well, no choice."

Kiba ducked down, causing the sword and Martha to fly past him. Simultaneously, the trapped spear morphed into the form he liked the best – a hammer full of sharp thorns!

They cut into the silk and protruded out.

"It will do for now!" Kiba thought.

Martha had turned down the air by now, and she slashed her sword at his ducking figure.


Her sword slashed into him, but her eyes constricted. His figure faded into thin air like a plume of smoke.

An afterimage!


At the same time, the sound of a sharp blow came from her rear end, shocking her.

No way!"

She looked behind to check her ass.

Bright sparks erupted from the armor portion covering her ass as Kiba slammed his hammer there.

"I want to smash something else in there, but the situation requires I improvise!"

Kiba explained, causing her eyes to land on his pants which caged his most terrifying weapon – Ass Breaker!

She instantly recalled the horrifying things he did with that; how it made women groan, cry, and scream!

"You won't succeed!"

Martha launched a rear kick accompanied by swirling her sword out.

Kiba evaded her attacks by moving away like a flash of lightning. His hands might still be glued, but he could move the hammer in the way he wanted, and that was enough.

As her attacks failed, he launched his own by pounding down on her ass.

Explosive sparks flew out, and Martha felt dents appearing on her armor.

If this continued, her ass was in real danger!!

"Vile man! I will kill you!"

Martha swung her sword out, slashing the fabric of space.

"You said that already. But I'm curious how exactly?"

Kiba asked while moving past the spatial rift.

"....." Martha didn't reply; she only chased after him.

Had she been calm, she would have used the web domain to trap him further, but sadly anger clouded her judgment.

"Oh well, seems like you lack ideas to kill me."

Kiba noted while skilfully evading the ice webs and appearing behind her.

"But if you are open to suggestions, I will like death by breast smothering! Though I think death by that butt of yours isn't bad either!"


Martha's back turned cold.

This evil man's fasciniation with ass has reached a dangerous level!

He would even die for it!!

"I will never allow my ass to be tortured!"

Martha yelled and blocked the attack on her ass.

"Then how about your cunt?"

Kiba asked with anticipation.

While he loved a good ass, cunts were his first love.

"...…" Martha almost stumbled down.

This man was beyond redemption!

Now not only for the female race but also for her own ass and pussy, he must be destroyed!

It has to be done, no matter the price!!

She gritted her teeth and tightened her grip on the sword.

Then like a vortex, she started rotating around, causing her sword's energy to violently explode out. Kiba was about to pound her ass, but her sudden move caught him off-guard, knocking him back.

Martha closed her eyes and concentrated on her chest.

There, the Realm Treasure erupted with a tentacle-like vein and rushed it into her heart, sucking her blood.

"Take as much as blood you want, but give me the power to destroy him!"

She prayed, and the Realm Treasure responded by releasing a fraction of its true strength. It fused with her energy, and the combined force came out as a black tsunami, dyed with a crimson hue!


In the distance, Kiba had just stabilized himself when the tsunami slammed onto him. Like a boat caught in the middle of a storm, he was engulfed by the tsunami, drowning in the massive energy flux.

"What the hell?!"

Kiba's head tingled with a sense of foreboding.

Even a confrontation with Lord Harley or Ksitigarba wasn't enough to alarm the ability he gained from his father's bloodline.

While thoughts ran in his mind, a stream of energy in the tsunami turned into a red beam. It was thin, very thin, like a silk thread.

But when Kiba saw it, his eyes widened.

"You got to be fucking with me!"

Now he finally realized why he felt that ruby-like artifact in her chest familiar.

Years ago, when he was nothing but a slum dweller, he was forced into a World Fragment by Castor Damon. It was there he fused with the Cosmic Spark – the source of his powers.

But before he fused with it, along with Castor Damon, he had witnessed records of it in the World Fragment. Those records showed him something he still found unbelievable: attempts to destroy the Cosmic Spark.

While the attempts didn't succeed, they did cause multiple fractures in the Cosmic Spark.

Something that ultimately lead to the emergence of Cosmic Shards!

And the form of these attempts looked eerily similar to the read beams he was seeing now!!

Kiba turned dead serious. Wings sprouted from his back, and he transformed into his Holy Form.

He didn't dare take her lightly anymore.

In Chapters 261-262, we saw attempts to destroy the Cosmic Spark.

Chapter 741: Dissapoint!

As the beam of light emerged, Kiba transformed into his Holy Form. An intense golden glow radiated out of him and his wings spread open, slicing through the black energy tsunami.

The power bursting through him tore the spider silk, and he swirled the hammer in front.

"Can't take her lightly anymore."

Kiba looked at Martha like an equal adversary instead of something he could toy with. No, she was even capable of being a life-threatening adversary with the artifact she was wielding.

It all depended on how well and how long she could use its power!

Martha flicked her wrist, and the beam of light rushed down.

Kiba started rotating the hammer like a wheel, and it seemed like a rotating shield from a distance. He transferred his full power into it.

The beam of light violently blasted into the hammer shield.


An explosion that was no less than the detonation of multiple atomic bombs erupted, but its range was minimal – barely the size of a human.

There were no shockwaves, for the Realm Treasure was capable of avoiding any energy wastage, something not even the mighty Alphas could achieve!


Cracks emerged in the hammer shield, and the explosion rushed through it like water through a bursting dam.

A droplet of sweat ran down Kiba's face.

He had faced a similar explosion before without suffering much damage as its destructive force was spread out. Sadly he wasn't that lucky this time.

His chiseled skin split open, and blood burst out, turning his muscular chest and shoulders red. But this was only outside damage.

Inside his chest, the remnant of beam energy hit the source of his power – the Cosmic Spark. It lacked the intensity to damage the Spark, but was enough to interfere with its connection, albeit briefly.

This caused his aura to drastically fall. His radiance dimmed, and his broken hammer disintegrated into dots of golden light.


Blood flew out of Kiba's mouth, and he stumbled back into the air.

"Hehe, even the wielder of the mighty Ass Breaker couldn't face the Realm Treasure!"

Martha beamed with happiness, her face pale.

The Realm Treasure was absorbing her blood like crazy, but she was satisfied with its effect.

"But I need to end this before it turns me into a bloodless corpse!"

Martha began to extract more strength from the Realm Treasure.


Just then, the space before her folded, like it was being pulled violently. Before she knew it, she was before Kiba.

"Spatial Contraction!"

She exclaimed.

Kiba clenched his fists and punched out. It has taken great efforts for him to use space ability in this state, and he didn't want to lose the advantage of his surprise move.

Alas, the brief loss of power had made him slower than her.

Before his fists could collide with her body, blinding red radiance flashed in her eyes.

"You just brought your death sooner with that move of yours!"

Martha declared, the radiance erupting out as beams.

One beam was enough to damage him like this. So it went without saying that two beams were more than enough to kill him!

"Fucking bitch!"

Kiba shot back with everything he had. The beams chased after him.

Kiba turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the sky. He crossed a thousand kilometers in a moment, but the beams weren't any slower. In fact, they were turning faster, shortening the gap between them.

He could have just teleported elsewhere if he faced such fatal attacks in other times. Sadly for him, the beams were powered by a force that made the space highly volatile to teleportation. If he used a teleportation channel now, it would be a suicidal move.

"This is all your fault, dickhead!"

Kiba looked below his torso, where his cock was still erect and rock-hard. It couldn't wait to barge out!

"We are facing the worst crisis since Castor Damon, and yet you are thinking about that bitch's cunt!

"Don't you have any shame?!"

Kiba asked.


Kiba suddenly stopped as he reached the Earth's orbit. His cock's throbbing has lit a spark in his brain.

"You might be a dickhead, but you are smart! I expected nothing less!"

Kiba grinned and turned towards the approaching beams. They were barely a second away, but that was enough time for Kiba.

"Teleportation is highly dangerous now, but that makes it my trump card!"

The space before Kiba started rotating, and a teleportation channel made of power Cosmic opened up. The beams couldn't divert at such a close distance, and they flew into the channel.

Meanwhile, many miles below, Martha's face fell.

Before her, a teleportation channel appeared, sending out two light beams.

"Help me!" Martha yelled.

The Realm Treasure inside her body flashed, and the beams stopped just a hairsbreadth from her.

"Phew~" Martha sighed in relief.

But at the very exact moment, her face twisted in horror.

The space was highly unstable for teleportation, but the beams were teleporting out.

That meant…!


The space literally exploded!

It emerged with countless cracks like a mirror crashing onto the ground, and then exploded out, sending out spatial shards in every direction.


The stopped beams turned unstable and detonated, joining the force of the spatial explosion.


Martha cried as the shards slashed into her body.

The Realm Treasure saved her from fatal damage, but her body became miserable. She started falling down, shooting towards the ground like a burning meteorite.

But before she could even reach halfway to the ground, Kiba appeared before her, flashing out his signature smile.

Even though her body was numb from blood loss, Martha felt a shiver down her spine.

His smile was demonic – pure sinister!

"Hi there, nice weather, isn't it?"

Kiba waved at her and then pointed to his crotch.

"The Ass Breaker wants to slam into you, but I don't think it's the right time for that."

Kiba said while striking down with his elbow, slamming it straight into her nose.

"You agree, right?"


Martha only screamed in response.

Her face caved down, and cracks snaked out in her skull.


Martha brutally smashed into the ground, creating a crater and blowing up the soil in the air.

In the distance, Savi's face turned unsightly.


Didn't just a few seconds ago Lady Martha force that man to run?!

So how can the conclusion be like this?!

Even before these thoughts can fully emerge in her mind, Kiba landed on the crater. A circle of light swept out from him, clearing the dust cloud.

Martha was able to see him through her barely open eyelids.

"You might be a stupid cow, but you deserve praise for wounding me like this."

Kiba praised her while looking at her cleavage, where a ruby-like gem protruded out.

"While it might be thanks to that artifact of yours, but you deserve credit for wielding its incredible power for a few seconds. Thankfully you lacked the strength to control it fully, otherwise…."

Kiba trailed off and leaned down, his hand approaching her cleavage.

This artifact's of hers fascinated him.

And how can it not?

It was connected to the method by which the Cosmic Spark was damaged! How the Cosmic Shards came into occurrence!

Martha grunted and tried to move.

Failure in defeating the devil was shameful enough, but if she let him gain Eden's Realm Treasure due to her reckless actions… she would never be able to show her face to Her Highness!

Sadly, even though her mind yearned to move, her body lacked the strength to do so.

Kiba clawed his hand and grabbed the ruby.

Martha's eyes erupted with tears.

"You disappoint me, Martha."

Martha's heart stirred up.

This voice….!


Kiba's eyes narrowed.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was filled with icy mist, surging with a presence that instilled fear and awe.

The mist spread far and wide, enveloping not only the battle site but dozens of cities in an instant. Everyone felt as if they were thrust into a blizzard.

A hand lightly landed on Kiba's shoulder. He didn't need to look at the side to know who it belonged to.

"It has been a while"

Kiba tightened his grip on the ruby. Simultaneously, the weight of the hand on his shoulder turned multifold, as if it was carrying the weight of the entire north pole.

Kiba turned his head to the side, bringing his eyes to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Ice Queen.

Her face was poker, just like the day he first met her.

"Is your face incapable of even expressing disappointment at the blunder of your servant?" Kiba asked.

Martha's heart forgot to beat.

She has disappointed her Queen… even her death couldn't make up for that!

But just then, to her shock, the mist surrounding her rushed into her body. The mist was cold, but inside her, it turned warm!

It turned into blood!

The price she had paid for using the Realm Treasure was undone in the blink of an eye!

Her wounds began to heal up, and she was able to see clearly, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat.

Her Queen was smiling at her!

There was no mistaking that!

Her misty blue lips were curved up!

"She disappointed me with her tears."

Ice Queen looked at Kiba.

"And not by what you consider as her blunder."

"Really?" Kiba's tone turned sarcastic. "Then you shouldn't mind taking me this artifact."

Ice Queen's smile didn't fade…

Chapter 742: Compromise

Martha was shocked.

She had assumed her reckless act of using the Realm Treasure disappointed her Queen. But after hearing Ice Queen's words, she realized just how wrong she was, just how much she didn't understand Ice Queen.

Even though she now understood her tears disappointed her, she couldn't help but tear up further.

"Seems like her heart is melted by your warm actions," Kiba noted sarcastically.

Ice Queen didn't respond, her hand still on his shoulder that was grabbing the ruby-like artifact protruding out of Martha's cleavage.

"Get your hand off me!" Martha sneered.

With the Ice Queen here, the tide has turned in her favor. Devil or demon, his fate was sealed.

Seeing Kiba still not taking his hand off, she raised her hand to push him off. But to her horror, she discovered she couldn't make any movement.

Her body refused to listen to her commands!

"How can this be?! Her Highness had healed me! I should have made a complete recovery!"

Martha just then noticed something above the Realm Treasure. From Kiba's grip, thin, golden roots emerged and ran along the length of the Realm Treasure, ultimately entering her chest and penetrating her central nervous system.

He had taken control over her body the instant Ice Queen placed a hand on his shoulder!

"This monster…. He can kill me in an instant!" Martha's face turned ugly.

Ice Queen remained silent. She had obviously noticed what Kiba did, but it didn't make her worry.

"You think I won't kill her?" Kiba asked.

"You want to, and you certainly can."

Ice Queen replied as a matter of fact.

"But you won't."

"..." Kiba's face turned rigid.

So she did know about his biggest fear – endangering the lives of his loved ones!

She might be nonchalant, cold, and cruel, but she definitely was not ignorant. But that was to be expected from the one who freed Legacy Masters and brought danger to the entire planet. All so that she could relieve her boredom!

"Your title suits you," Kiba noted.

Ice Queen turned silent.

They had only met once before, that too briefly in the Infinity Maze.

It was less of a meeting and more of a violent clash, but they understood each other – perhaps due to the resonance of their power source.

So Kiba knew that someone of her disposition would never commit the lowly act of threatening him with his loved ones. But that didn't mean she couldn't imply what would happen if a fight started here.

After all, given their powers, the battle would eclipse the entire city and much more! That would endanger his loved ones!

And killing Martha would undoubtedly lead to a fight. There was no doubt about that!

And with the icy mist sealing the space, he couldn't even teleport them elsewhere.

Martha's face brightened. She didn't understand what made Kiba's face so somber, but she realized he wouldn't dare harm her.

"How about you just let her go?" Ice Queen asked.

"Let her go? HAHAHAHA!"

Kiba lifted his head and started laughing.

"She ruined my night, killed Good Men, and on top of that, even tried to murder me! And you think I would let her go?

"Why? Because you say so, Your Highness?"

"...." Ice Queen's eyebrows creased.

"Well, then here's a news flash for you –

"You might be the ruler of a nation full of cunts, but I have fucked far more cunts!

"So get off your high horse, Queen of Cunts!"

Kiba's expression changed into that of the devil.

The night sky simultaneously burst with flashes of lightning, a prelude to the arrival of the legendary Evolution Field.

Ice Queen's expression changed.

She didn't expect him to react like this.

Her hand quickly released ice made of pitch-black darkness, but even as it began to flow on Kiba's shoulder and his wings, the sky split open and blasted out a streak of lightning.

It surged with the essence of Evolution Field, releasing pure annihilative force, and it extended from the sky to the ground.


Kiba grabbed it and slashed it towards Ice Queen's hand.

She pulled her hand back and jumped up, causing the streak to slash through the ice flowing out of her, annihilating it completely.

Martha was frightened out of her wits. She thought she had seen the extent of his powers when they fought but now realized he was holding back. Even though she had pushed him to the corner, he didn't show the extent of true powers.


Her chain of thoughts broke as a raging pain burst through her. Kiba pulled her up by her throat while swinging the streak of lightning with his other hand.

Ice Queen landed a few meters back, her face cold. Unlike Martha, she knew the extent of his powers.

"Do you want to do this?" Ice Queen asked.

"I don't," Kiba replied. "But there's no way I would just let her go either."

Ice Queen nodded.

His disposition was that of a monarch, and a monarch couldn't be forgiving. She naturally knew that but felt he would hold back given the situation.

She was wrong after a very long time. It was a refreshing change, and it made her gorgeous face bloom with a smile.

"We are caught in a stalemate," Ice Queen observed. "But you have the bargaining chip."

Kiba smiled. She wasn't a ruler for nothing.

"I can't forgive her as that goes against my principle," Kiba started.

He only followed one rule religiously in his life – never spare those who try to kill him or have sinister intentions towards him.

That's why in the Desolate Blood Forest, he allowed nanites to kill Ruby, even though she had turned into his loyal slave.

The rule made no exception for beauty, love, or relationships. Still, it did allow him flexibility and gave him as much time as he wanted.

That's why he didn't kill his stepfather Kurtis and Lord Harley yet.

"But I can let her go for now…." Kiba completed.

"In return?" Ice Queen asked nonchalantly.

"Well, I have spent my entire life in cities, surrounded by pollution of progress…."

Kiba let out a dramatic sigh.

"So I think it's time for me to take a vacation in some remote and secluded land… surrounded by nothing but natural beauty."

Martha's heart jolted violently.

This bastard! Surely he didn't mean what she was thinking!

If he was, she was done for!

That place was no man's land!

"OK," Ice Queen replied.

"!!!!!!" Martha's heart jumped to her throat.

Did she hear her right?

Did she really say OK to his proposal?!

No way!

How can one invite THE WOLF to the home of sheep?!

Chapter 743: Wedding Is Near!

Martha was shocked by Ice Queen's Ok…no, she was more than shocked. She was terrified.

With just one word, the sacred law of Eden was destroyed.

The rule that made men terrified to even glance in the direction of Eden was gone… so what if it was only for Kiba?

An exception to the law made the law useless!

The same was now.

Sooner or later, Kiba will step in Eden and pollute the holy land with his wickedness!

"Oh god! It's my fault! Eden is done for!"

Martha's body broke into sweat.

Kiba had destroyed female universities with his sinister ways, so how will Eden full of women survive?!

It was just a matter of time before his Ass Breaker impaled them and made them scream for their lives!

"If I hadn't taken the Realm Treasure and came here, none of this would have happened!"

Martha's heart brimmed with despair.

In the distance, Savi's eyes widened, but instead of despair, it was with excitement.

"A man will be on Eden!"

She almost clapped her hands but controlled herself.

"It will be so exciting!"

Until now, she regretted Martha's fight and her bitter defeat. But now, she was glad. If not for Martha, none of this would have happened!

"Well, if you want me to take a vacation in your kingdom, how can I be impolite?"

Kiba said to Ice Queen while ignoring the despair of Martha.

Ice Queen ignored his comment and looked at him. She didn't speak, but her eyes did.

Now that the deal was made, it was time for him to let Martha go.

"Ah, right," Kiba nodded and lifted Martha in front of him. "Just give me a minute."

He brought his eyes on Martha's cleavage where Realm Treasure protruded out.

"What you want is impossible."

Ice Queen's voice rang in his mind just as he thought of pulling it out.

He liked this wonderful treasure, and she knew why: it was related to how the Cosmic Spark was shattered. Its powers could only be imagined.


Kiba grabbed the ruby-like artifact and pulled it.


Martha cried as the pressure turned her cleavage bloody, but the artifiact didn't move to Kiba's shock.

Forget moving, it slipped from his grip, like it couldn't allow someone like him to touch it.

Kiba's eyes narrowed.

"So it has a Will?"

Kiba snorted and released telekinetic force to grab the artifact. But he got the same result, only with more of Martha's bloody screams.

Kiba glanced at Ice Queen.

"You lack what it needs," Ice Queen stated nonchalantly. "So you can't possess it."

She didn't mind Martha's cries. That was a punishment for her defeat.

"And what does it need?" Kiba retorted. "A woman's body?"

Surprisingly, Ice Queen nodded.

Kiba: "......…."

Kiba blinked and looked at the Realm Treasure.

Did it have a consciousness that desired beautiful women like him?

He shook his head.

That can't be… right?!

Treasures can't be perverted!

Oh, wait… wanting beautiful women wasn't a perverted desire! It was a holy desire born out of duty!

"It requires female blood of certain affinity," Ice Queen added.

She has a feeling if she doesn't clarify, he will reach some vile conclusion.

"...." Kiba sighed.

If that was true, there was nothing he could do. He has many abilities, but they wouldn't help with Ice Queen here.

Martha stopped screaming. She was in pain but seeing Kiba not getting what he wanted, she smirked.

Kiba noticed it, and he smiled. Martha flinched.

Why will he smile now?!

"I just remembered Christmas is here!"

Kiba placed a finger on her chest, just above her heart.

"And Christmas is the time of spreading happiness!"

Ice Queen's face fell.

She shot forward, but it was too late by the time she reached Kiba.

A point-size "gift box" emerged from Kiba's finger and settled into Martha's heart. Martha felt a jolt in her heart, but the feeling was euphoric instead of painful.

It was like how a child feels after receiving a gift from "Santa."

"You!" Ice Queen came face to face with Kiba. For the first time, her face was filled with anger.

"What me, Your Highness?" Kiba asked with confusion. "I'm letting her go as you wanted."

He dropped Martha.

Ice Queen stared at him. He hadn't violated the deal, at least not before the "gift box" opened. So she couldn't accuse him of going back on his words.

"It's getting late," Kiba looked at the night sky. "See ya in a few days, Your Highness."

Blinding glow wrapped him, and he teleported away.

"What did he do to me?" Martha asked.

Ice Queen sighed for the first time.

"He gave you a Gift of Happiness, wrapped with his reality-warping powers."

"?!" Martha was confused.

Ice Queen didn't explain further. The mist in the surroundings flickered, and she disappeared.


Martha and Savi didn't even notice it as the mist enveloped them and teleported them away.


Meanwhile, in the citadel located in the Holy City, beams of light flashed up. They turned into projections of the World Councilpersons, and without any greeting, started a conversation.

"So that man had another confrontation with the Ice Queen and survived!"

"Apparently, they didn't even fight properly if the satellite footage is to be trusted."

"He was able to make her step back!"

"How remarkable!"

"Our decision to not let the World Government confront him was right."

"Agree. Our forces would have died for nothing, and we will have made an enemy."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"We already made a decision before this confrontation, didn't we?"

"Yes, we did."

"Then no need to delay it further."

"But Lord Harley… he wouldn't like this."

"He is yet to regain consciousness. So what's the worry?"

"He can't complain after we are done."


"And we don't need to ask Ice Queen."

"That I agree with. She didn't ask before unleashing Legacy Masters on the planet."

"We don't owe her the courtesy of heads-up."

"Well, if it's decided, then I can do the needful."

"That will be good."

"Thank you, Lord Elliot, for taking the burden."

"It's nothing."

"Then we leave it to you. Feel free to use anything or anyone for this."

"I will."


The next day, in another part of the Holy City. A family meeting was taking place inside an apartment.

"The wedding invitations are done!"

Olly exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

"You have invited everyone?"

Olly's father, Morgan, enquired.

"Yes!" Olly declared happily.

"Ok," Morgan nodded. Even though he didn't show it, he was eagerly waiting for his son's wedding.

He couldn't wait to see his son turn into a real man and enjoy the bliss only married life could provide!

Meanwhile, Olly's sister- Loren- checked the guest list.

After finishing the list, a frown appeared on her face, and she said, "Kiba's name isn't there!"

Olly flinched while Morgan squirmed in his seat. While the father-son felt discomfort by the name, their reasons were different.

"That's for good!"

Morgan said while remembering how he had tried to humiliate Kiba in the past. He was now glad his attempts had backfired on him.

"What?" Loren was confused. "I thought you guys were friends!"

"Friends?" Morgan broke into cold sweat.

With Kiba's status as a powerful Alpha known to the world, Morgan knew he didn't even qualify to be his servant, forget friend!

"Kiba is a God! What happened in Delta City must have been his way of amusing himself!"

Morgan replied bitterly.

Back then, Kiba didn't reveal his powers as an Alpha, and Morgan and others believed they had the power to challenge him.

"God…" Loren uttered the word with respect.

"Yes! A powerful God!"

Morgan said with all seriousness.

"And we don't have what it takes to invite a God!"

"But we do!"

Olly muttered to himself, his eyes subconsciously drifting to his mother, – Suzane.

"We have something that can even make the god kneel!"

Olly started crying as he recalled the last time he saw god kneeling:

Suzane was on a chair, lifting her legs and spreading them apart.

The sight was so divine that Kiba dropped to his knees and started worshipping her with his mouth!

Olly recalled just how pleased she was by the god's devotion. She had started thrashing her head while squeezing her breasts, the ones that nourished her children.

This made Olly cry loudly.

"Why are you crying?!" Morgan, Loren, and Suzane were shocked.