103 - 112

Chapter 103: Right in Your Face, Sucker!

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

Without much effort, Best had got Wang Tong surrounded with his enormous fleets. He had obtained the advantage again.

"Hey as*hole, you wanna use the Cloning Technique? Fine, I'll give you two seconds, my armada is ten times bigger than yours, show me what are you gonna do to save your poor little *ss!" Best laughed boisterously.

"Principal Samantha, please forgive his rudeness, but actual strength is all that matters in a battle." Martyrus was trying to teach Samantha a lesson. The tension was building up between both of them.

"Principal Martyrus, it's still early to decide who will win."

Zhou Sisi was the best candidate amongst Ayrlarng's freshmen when it came to Battlecraft Combat; however, she claimed that Wang Tong was much stronger than her. Samantha wished that she was telling the truth, even though she expected that they would lose in this round, but she just couldn't handle the humiliation from Martyrus.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong's troops were cornered by Best's armada.

"Hey as*hole, why don't you surrender now, and I'll teach you how to score an A in Battlecraft operation?" Best sneered in arrogance. No doubt he was very good with his operating skills and perspective, even the ones from the other academies who got the first and second place would agree on this. When operating skills were mastered, one wouldn't even need to learn how to control Battlecrafts, the fleets would get the job done by themselves.

His ID "Best" was named by himself after winning the award for his excellent performance in operating skills.

All of Best's fleets were prepared for an all-out open fire, even though Wang Tong was given two seconds to set up his defense, Best was confident that his opponent wouldn't stand a chance against his ten times stronger military might.

However, Zhou Sisi and Ma Xiaoru remained calm, and Wang Tong who was goofing around earlier began to respond.

Bam… Bam… Bam… Bam… Bam…

Ear piercing explosions occurred as Wang Tong's arms disappeared into action.

He unleashed his Cloning Technique!

All of a sudden, the whole arena was illuminated by rays of lights, and sounds of countless explosions echoed in all directions. As the lights faded, a line of words appeared on the screen.

Winner: Wang Tong.

"No! That's impossible!" Best stood up and ripped off the cables, claiming that it was a system malfunction. He had two hundred and thirteen fleets aiming toward Wang Tong, so there was no way his opponent could lock onto each and every of his Battlecraft. Even the aces of Kaedeians were not able to do so!

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, even Samantha thought that it was a system error. A direct knockout would only occur when a person's fleets were completely wiped out.

Was there a bug in the system?

Best stared blankly at his monitor, the horde of red dots which indicated his Battlecraft fleets were all gone, how was that possible?

How could Wang Tong lock onto two hundred and thirteen fleets at once in a single cloning?

The crowd remained silent, they would believe that was possible if Wang Tong was the number one ace from Queen Kaedeian Academy, yet no one expected that a piece of F-Class trash from Ayrlarng was capable of doing so.

As a professional player, Best happened to know the best result achieved by a new recruit in Queen Kaedeian Academy this year was two hundred and nine fleets, but his opponent had achieved a record breaking two hundred and thirteen fleets in a single lock on!

Best was stunned, he had no idea how Wang Tong did it and even wondered if he was actually a Kaedeian instead of an Earthling.

Wang Tong, on the other hand, stretched his finger and gloated, "You were saying?"

Best's vision went blurry as he sat back down. He still couldn't accept the fact that his perfect advantage got crushed by some bug-like controlling maneuvers. This was not his first loss, but it was definitely the worst and most reluctant defeat he had ever suffered!

Operation skills were known by most Battlecraft Combat players as the most important set of skills to be mastered, yet Wang Tong's extraordinary controlling maneuvers got everyone surprised and even totally demolished Best's operation concept.

Martyrus's heart almost stopped beating, his mouth went dry, and it took him quite a while to gather himself and announce the result.

All of the non-METAL Combat matches had ended. Even though Bernabeu was still leading with a 3:2 score, their atmosphere had changed. In the beginning, they were hoping to subdue Ayrlarng on the first half of the tournament and maximized their winning advantage on the second half, but what happened in the last round had completely turned around the situation. Although Bernabeu was able to secure their lead, Ayrlarng was given hope for victory again. Moreover, Ayrlarng's aces Ma Xiaoru, Wang Ben, and Hu Yangxuan would be participating next, and all they needed was three more wins to obtain victory.

After taking a deep breath, Martyrus said with a smile, "Everyone, let's take a lunch break at the cafeteria, the other matches will begin later in the afternoon."

Usually, students of Bernabeu would go crazy when the word "lunch break" was mentioned, yet this time, everyone left their seats quietly with their heads facing downwards and kept glancing at the "guests" from Ayrlarng.

"Wow, Wang Tong, that was superb! I'm sorry if I was rude just now, good job buddy!" Tita hugged Wang Tong.

"As expected, you're the best!" Zhou Sisi smiled, her eyes were filled with adoration and admiration. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Wang Tong unleashed his full force counter.

"When you said 'You were saying?', gosh, that was so cool dude! It's definitely one of your best lines! Geez, Wang Tong, I think you have the potential to be an actor!" Hu Yangxuan clung his arms around Wang Tong as he said aloud. He had been holding back his fury since hours ago; nevertheless, he was able to rejoice all thanks to Wang Tong's triumph.

Meanwhile, Best left with the crowd looking dejected as he had suffered a baffle defeat. Not only had his opponent owned him in that round, but he had also wrecked and smashed his pride and confidence. If he wasn't able to regain himself after this, his life as a pro would be over.

Samantha gave Wang Tong a "well done" wink, even though the final outcome was yet to be known, at least for now she could happily enjoy her lunch in peace!

Apache was the last to leave amongst students of Bernabeu. Originally he was here to handle Ma Xiaoru and Wang Ben, but now Wang Tong had also gotten his attention. If Wang Tong were to participate in METAL Combat later, he would definitely change his target from Wang Ben to Wang Tong.

The best thing that could happen to a strong one was to be given a chance to defeat another strong and unique existence!

Everyone from Ayrlarng was having a good time in the cafeteria even though their score was hanging behind Bernabeu, they enjoyed the food very much and even thanked Bernabeu for their hospitality. On the other hand, Bernabeu's tables were filled with long faces even though they were leading; even Martyrus and Ovlor had no choice but to hide their frustration with a bitter smile.

However, no one could tell what would happen next.

Chapter 104: The Winning Sacrifice

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

More people began to pay attention to the upcoming matches in the afternoon due to the unexpected outcome that had happened earlier, the surprise had even caught the interest of many media reporters. As known by many, Bernabeu was on their way to advance as an S-Ranked academy; hence this tournament was important to their further development. Everyone was expecting them to lead by a huge gap, yet the result turned out to be 3:2, no one was happy with the outcome even though Bernabeu was still leading.

The METAL Combat matches were scheduled to begin in the afternoon, the remaining five matches were important to both Ayrlarng and Bernabeu. Everyone from Bernabeu began to worry that they might not be able to maintain their advantages completely due to the participation of the famous Ma Xiaoru, Wang Ben, and Hu Yangxuan; especially Ma Xiaoru, who wouldn't be holding back her actual strength during official matches. As the "princess" of the FFC and also the successor of Tactics of the Enchantress, she had a strong will to win.

However, the pairings were not sorted according to their opponent's participating order, but the principals of both sides were required to decide the order of their five candidates blindly. It was like playing blind chess, Both Samantha and Martyrus had five chess pieces each, and the fate of their academies was now laying in their hands.

Both parties were hoping to achieve winning sacrifice; hence the two principals had no choice but to guess each other's arrangements, it was no doubt a gamble of fate!

Fellow candidates began to pray of getting paired with the right opponent as all of them waited patiently for Samantha and Martyrus to announce the pairings. Martyrus knew this would be easy if they had won another round previously, but now things had changed. Ayrlarng would be crowned victorious if they were able to win another three rounds, and if that were to happen, his plan of advancing Bernabeu to an S-rank academy would vanish into thin air. In order to play it safe, he had to make sure Apache wouldn't face Ma Xiaoru. Martyrus understood the fact that when two strong forces collided, one had to be defeated. He had to secure two wins from Apache for the sake of Bernabeu even if he had to sacrifice one of his candidates to Ma Xiaoru, but somehow, losing against the successor of the Tactics of the Enchantress wasn't really a big deal anyway.

It only took both principals ten minutes to make up their minds, as both of them had been simulating and studying the pairings and the statuses of fellow candidates way before "D-Day". The atmosphere across the arena became a mixture of cheers and tears as the pairings were announced.

Round 1: Ma Xiaoru versus Shi Liang

Round 2: Wang Ben versus Luo Manman

Round 3: Hu Yangxuan versus Apache

Round 4: Wang Ben versus Cao Yi

Round 5: Wang Tong versus Apache

Both parties were pleased to see such pairings, especially Bernabeu's side. As Martyrus expected, Samantha would definitely send out Ma Xiaoru on the first or second round, which was why he arranged Shi Liang and Luo Manman in the earlier rounds; his plan worked even though he had to sacrifice Shi Liang. Furthermore, Martyrus was also happy for the match pairing between Luo Manman and Wang Ben. Luo Manman's soft fighting style was effective against Wang Ben's staunch and hardboiled techniques, even if she lost, she would be able to greatly interfere and weaken Wang Ben.

As for the third round, there was a high chance of Apache winning regardless if he was paired against Hu Yangxuan. However, the fourth round of Cao Yi versus Wang Ben was crucial, Cao Yi's fighting style was specifically created to counter Wang Ben's techniques, and if Luo Manman was able to weaken Wang Ben in the second round, Cao Yi's winning ratio would definitely increase.

Martyrus arranged Apache to fight in the final round for safety reason, he would also need time to regain his strength since Hu Yangxuan wasn't an easy target either.

Both parties still had a chance to win judging from the current situation. However, students and teachers from Bernabeu were somehow upset about Ayrlarng's unique victory condition, they had no idea why Principal Martyrus would agree to let Ayrlarng claim victory if they were able to win five rounds out of ten.

It wasn't a really big deal at the beginning, but everything changed when Wang Tong made his appearance. Hence Bernabeu couldn't afford to make any mistakes in the second half.

Samantha seemed to be quite pleased with the arrangements. She knew her opponent would focus more on Ma Xiaoru, yet Ma Xiaoru wasn't the key to their victory as all she had to do was to secure another win for Ayrlarng; there were still chances for Ayrlarng to win two rounds out of the first four matches. To be honest, Samantha was expecting a 0:5 defeat in the earlier matches in the morning; however, they were able to force Bernabeu into a deadlock instead due to Wang Tong's unexpected critical win.

Generally speaking, Ayrlarng would have fewer disadvantages in the upcoming METAL Combats, it was normal for Martyrus to look anxious.

Round 1 of METAL Combat began, since both parties agreed that Ma Xiaoru would only participate in one fight, Shi Liang knew he was the pawn to be sacrificed; nevertheless, he would try his best to struggle.

It was an expected result, Ma Xiaoru won easily as Shi Liang was totally not a match against her. Anyhow, the audience was given the chance to witness the elegance of the successor of the Tactics of the Enchantress for five minutes.

The next round was an important duel between Luo Manman and Wang Ben.

Both Wang Ben and Luo Manman accessed the TPA; however, unlike inside the common TPA which allowed players to use nicknames for their avatars, they had to use real names during school assessments or tournaments, yet there were no conflicts between these two formats.

No matter the angle, Luo Manman didn't look like a METAL fighter at all, somehow it just didn't seem right to throw a punch against the delicate and charming girl.

"Mr. Wang Ben, please be gentle with me." Luo Manman looked worried and intimidated, most guys who were affectionately drawn to soft spoken girls would definitely melt away as they saw her big and watery eyes. Most girls were born with this advantage, and guys would hesitate when they were to face a charming and fragile-looking girl; after all, who would have the heart to punch a beautiful girl in the face? It just didn't sound right!

Unlike the normal TPA, avatars for this tournament would be the exact copy of the real persons. Even though Luo Manman was wearing a neat and tight outfit for today, the figure of her avatar looked gorgeous with most of her legs exposed. Her chest was well-covered, yet her heaving cleavage loomed as she moved her body, topped up with her delicate and charming expression, she was no doubt the most voluptuous and seductive "lethal weapon" around.

She was the goddess that every "otaku" would dream of having a duel with, yet if that happened, they would be stunned and hesitate because gentlemen were not supposed to hit ladies.

Luo Manman was definitely one of the beauties in Bernabeu judging from the number of her fans and her enormous crowd of supporters. Since Martyrus was confident of selecting her as one of the candidates, clearly this pretty lady was armed with a couple of tricks besides her beauty. After all, skills were more important than beauty during a fight.

"So, what do you think will happen to Wang Ben?" Hu Yangxuan asked with an impish smile, he was best at coping with pretty girls, if Hu Yangxuan were paired to challenge Luo Manman, she would absolutely surrender to his charm and even leaving down her phone number and room address.

"Haha, I think the Principal of Bernabeu just made a terrible mistake."

"Totally agree!"

Chapter 105: Dead Heat

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

The match had begun! Not only was Luo Manman looking gorgeous, but she was also gifted in terms of Soul Energy and born with an alluring aura. The way she wielded her sword felt gentle and soft, instead of a fighter, she looked more like a dancer.

There was no menace in her movements.

Luo Manman bowed gently, Wang Ben bowed back looking normal, then the fight finally began.

Luo Manman whirled her long sword slowly as she began her gentle and graceful movements. Her sword technique might look slow and harmless, but realism was in the eyes of the beholder, her harmless sword would immediately turn into the sickle of a grim reaper on the proper timing.

It was a unique battle style, normally used against mankind instead of Zergs. To be honest, the atmosphere in the arena became strange as her sword dance began, but no one would have the heart to disturb her elegant movements.

Martyrus was pleased and happy as he saw Wang Ben hesitating, Wang Ben always took the initiative to attack yet this time he was startled. Wang Ben would be doomed if he underestimated Luo Manman due to her charming appearance; with Luo Manman's Soul Energy count that reached one hundred and three Sols, there was no way Wang Ben could withstand a single slash from her sword. More importantly, the unthreatening Soul Energy she possessed was deceiving, and it was the perfect combo with her mind-alluring ability.

Samantha sensed that something wasn't right as well, it would have been great if she had Ma Xiaoru handling Luo Manman because her Tactics of the Enchantress had the ability to suppress the alluring Soul Energy. She began to worry that Wang Ben might lower his guard when confronting Luo Manman's lethal allurement.

Luo Manman's bewitching eyes and charming figure were getting closer, and if she approached another half a meter, her elegant sword dance would immediately turn into a one-hit-KO sword strike.

All of a sudden, a brutal aura emerged from Wang Ben's eyes as he unleashed his Fist of the Racing Tiger!


His punch caught Luo Manman by surprise, immediately she tried to dodge his attack; unfortunately, her opponent was Wang Ben. It wasn't only a counter attack, but a forceful punch infused with tons of energy, and Wang Ben flung his ferocious fist right toward Luo Manman's face.

He was taught many things, except being gentle when fighting against women!

Even if Luo Manman wasn't able to win against Wang Ben's Fist of the Racing Tiger, she could definitely stall and hopefully exhaust him with her actual strength and her delicate tactics; however, she was being too confident with her charm, expecting that every man would kneel to her allurement.


Wang Ben's punch roared as the impact slammed right onto Luo Manman's face; his hideous punch even caused her contour to go out of shape. Although it was a fight in TPA, the crowd was heartbroken as they witnessed Wang Ben's punch sending Luo Manman flying across the arena with a cry.

Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan laughed like madmen when they saw that hilarious scene. Luo Manman's allurement would be effective against anyone, even Ma Xiaoru, but definitely not Wang Ben. Ma Xiaoru's Tactics of the Enchantress might be capable of handling Luo Manman's bewitching abilities, but Xiaoru's kindness would hold back her own strength if Luo Manman put on her game-changing fragile appearance. Luo Manman might even have stood a bigger chance to win if her opponent had been Hu Yangxuan or Wang Tong because obviously, seductive figure worked better on the desperate boys.

Unfortunately, she was assigned to fight against Wang Ben, the man of steel whose dream was to become stronger than his father, and instantly her tricks were busted like hitting a stone with an egg. The truth was, even if his opponent had been Ma Xiaoru, Wang Ben wouldn't hold back his strength if he were to fight a girl. Moreover, Wang Ben was cunning enough as he pretended to be affected by her charm, everyone expected this to be a long fight, but he turned it into a simple one hit KO match.

Luo Manman screamed aloud in her control room, what had happened really got her traumatized. She was infuriated by the fact that the man had no idea how to treat a lady with gentleness and care. If there weren't any audience member around, she definitely wouldn't hesitate to challenge Wang Ben again to a duel in reality.

Martyrus' expression turned as pale as a ghost. He couldn't believe that Ayrlarng had overtaken Bernabeu with the score of 4:3. They were put into a deadlock, if Ayrlarng was to win another round, he would be toasted. What happened a while ago was humiliating, losing over to an ungentlemanly idiot was the last thing he could have imagined.

Luo Manman fiery eyes glared toward Wang Ben like she wanted to swallow him alive. However, Wang Ben wasn't paying any attention to her. He had been taught to avoid this sort of femme fatale since a long time ago.

Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan rushed toward their buddy and asked, "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" Wang Ben looked puzzled.

"How was the feeling of hitting a girl of course! Gosh, I've never felt so good before, seeing a pretty girl getting send flying across the arena, that was superb, dude!" Hu Yangxuan joked as he imitated Luo Manman's "acrobatics" and even squeezed his face to mimic her traumatized expression.

"That was harsh, dude. If I were you, I'd have rather made her surrender in a gentler way."

"We should treat every fighter equally instead of categorizing them as men and women. Moreover, you won't be seeing Zergs treating ladies with care and gentleness during a fight."

Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan laughed out loud as Wang Ben replied in a serious manner. However, people of Bernabeu were pissed off by their laughter, like they were about to burn them alive.

"Haha, you were lucky that we lost, Principal Samantha. Let's move on to round eight!" Martyrus was angry at himself for making such a mistake since he was the one who came up with this strategy. He expected Wang Ben would have difficulties handling a female opponent, but it turned out that he wasn't bothered anyhow. In conclusion, Martyrus regretted his decision.

"Hu Yangxuan, you're up!"

"Get him, Apache!"

Both principals knew that this was the round of life and death! This could be the game point for Ayrlarng.

The candidates began with their preparations, this would be a rough wrestle between Bernabeu's legendary Apache and Hu Yangxuan, the boy genius from the Court of the Templar.

Carl and the rest of Ayrlarng were cheering, yet Wang Tong, Ma Xiaoru, and Wang Ben remained solemn.

"What's up with the long face dude? This is the game point! All of us will be going for a cruise on Aegean if we are able to win this!" Carl laughed.

"I'm sure our mighty Hu Yangxuan will be able to nail it," Tita praised as Kyaero nodded in agreement.

"I doubt it, that guy is stronger than you think!" Wang Ben shook his head, he was always honest even though what he said might hurt someone's feeling.

Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru remained silent because they knew the decision of who was stronger could only be made after the brawl.

Meanwhile, Apache carried his Horseslayer across his shoulder in a relaxed manner and looked toward Hu Yangxuan, "What a shame, I wasn't expecting you at all. But I have to win this for our principal's sake, so please don't blame me for your misfortune."

"Don't be too cocky, buddy. We shall see who's better," Hu Yangxuan replied with the manner of a nobleman.

"The strength of the boy genius from Court of the Templar, I guess I'll have to see for myself then!" Apache suddenly leaped across as he spoke and thrust his Horseslayer down toward Hu Yangxuan.


Hu Yangxuan managed to block with his sword, but he was pushed back by the recoil of the impact. Apache lifted his Horseslayer and placed it on his shoulder again.

"Not bad, so I guess you can be the target for my warm-up!"

Chapter 106: Surprise Surprise

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Tehrn

"Same here!"

Hu Yangxuan started the Tactics of the Hexa-Solaris to channel his soul energy into the sword. Infused with energy, the sword began to glow brighter by the second, and Hu Yangxuan hacked the glowing sword at Apache.

Cautiousness flashed in Apache's eyes, but he had kept his composure and did not lose his ground. Apache wrenched the long curved blade to meet his attacker. As the two steel clanked, a few bright sparks erupted from the impact.

These two contestants represented the cream of the crop at the school where they were from. Without Samantha's effort in bringing in exceptionally talented students into the first year, Ayrlarng would not have stood a chance against Bernabeu. The competition in the morning had heightened the morale among the students from Ayrlarng as they eagerly prepared for the fight in the afternoon.

Bernabeu was also very confident in their victory for this round. Despite the fame of Hu Yangxuan, students and teachers at Bernabeu had firmly believed that Apache was a much better fighter, after all, Apache had once defeated rivals from S-Class Academy.

On the stage, two combatants were engrossed in the battle. Hu Yangxuan's vicious attacks seemed to have let him gained the upper hand. The audience from Ayrlarng had started to cheer for Hu Yangxuan, even Rumi seemed to have recovered from his failure and joined the cheering.

Hu Yangxuan appeared to have the pace of the battle under his control. However, he could feel the firmness in every counter, and he knew that his opponent was blocking his attack with ease. Hu Yangxuan conceded that this was going to be a tougher fight that he had thought. When faced with a tough opponent, Hu Yangxuan figured that the best way to deal with it was to finish the opponent off as soon as possible.

Every move of Hu Yangxuan seemed elegant and effective, suggesting his training received from the prestigious Templar Court; his soul reading had sustained around 100 or so, and every single strike was packed with energy.

Any one of the good fighters knew how to boost their soul reading above 100, but only a handful knew how to sustain it for an extended period of time. This could only be achieved through rigorous training and strenuous physical conditioning. A constant high output of soul energy was the only way to guarantee the maximum effect of any tactics. In addition, the continued pressure exerted on the opponent would wear the opponent out much faster. Therefore, in the Templar's Court, as well as other prestigious S-Class Academies, training students to make sure they could sustain a steady output of high soul energy was one of their top priorities.

The same goes with Wang Ben's Fist of the Racing Tiger as every single punch he delivered had the same belligerent intensity and fluctuation in this soul reading was hardly noticed.

Faced with Hu Yangxuna's barrage of attacks, Apache held his ground firmly with ease. Apache's blocks and countermeasures were short but effective and thereby helped him to conserve much of his energy. On the other hand, Hu Yangxuan had spilled out his soul energy in attacks, and he knew that soon he would have nothing left in him. Apache's held a smug on his face as he lifted one corner of his lips that read: "I have a lot of energy left in me, how about you?"

He was sending a message that intended to unnerve his opponent.

Hu Yangxuan had noticed the smug, but he was unruffled. Controlling his emotion was part of the Templar's training; therefore, Hu Yangxuan was unaffected by Apache's effort to break him down from the inside.

Five minutes later, instead of winding down the attack, Hu Yangxuan revealed his real power, and his strike seemed to have gained a new level of aggressiveness as he sped up his movements and attacks. He reminded everyone with his action that even at Capth, he would have been one of their top students, and if his opponent had measured him with the standards of Ayrlarng, they would have made a huge mistake.

As Hu Yangxuan cranked up the intensity of his attacks, the smug on Apache's face also disappeared. He had attempted twice to break free from the storm of belligerence, but both time he was met with even more fearsome attacks which made him retreat. Hu Yangxuan had survived the brutal training of the Templar, and every move had already become muscle memory.

Suddenly, Hu Yangxuan took a swift step back but immediately followed up with a coup de grace, the Triple-cut. The sudden change of pace had caught Apache off-guard. He stumbled back to dodge out of harm's way.

Hu Yangxuan's soul energy spurred abruptly from 120 to about 150 sols as the sword bore down on Apache. This high amount of soul energy would have made the attack unstoppable; any attempt to block it would melt away instantly.

However, as the sword traveled to mere inches away from its target, a strange light glinted in Apache's eyes. Apache sprung upward in lightning speed, and before Hu Yangxuan had realized what had happened, he felt the coldness of Apache's blade against his neck.

The fight was over.

"You Templar's Followers fights, all the same, that's your downfall," Apache sounded so casual that it was almost condescending as if he had just finished a harmless spar with a younger classmate.

Martyrus nodded. He had expected this victory, but seeing how easily Apache had won the match made him regret to have placed Apache in the last round to face that no account Wang Tong. Martyrus considered it a waste since he believed that Wang Tong — who he considered much weaker than Hu Yangxuan — would never defeat Apache.

Never say never; Martyrus had miscalculated the effectiveness of Luo Manman, and so he might have just underestimated the power of the no-account Wang Tong as well.

The defeat had come so suddenly that Hu Yangxuan felt like he needed a moment to take it in. Apache had predicted accurately his movements as well as his thoughts, even the deception of him fumbling around right before his killing strike had eluded Hu Yangxuan. The Templar's Followers were indeed powerful, but their training was mechanic, and the tactics were every similar to each other. When Hu Yangxuan used the Triple-cut, the much more experienced Apache had already anticipated his next move since he had seen it numerous times in fights against other Templar's Followers.

Truth be told, Apache could have finished the fight much sooner should he had used his signature High-speed kicks, which he had used to finish off rivals from Yalen years ago.

Apache unsheathed the curved blade. Hu Yangxuan took a step back and then lowered his sword and said, "You won."

"Brother Hu, don't be so gloomy. Think of it as a free lesson." Apache grinned.

Hu Yangxuan felt even more helpless, but he could not deny the fact that his opponent was much stronger than him, perhaps not even regarding soul energy. Hu Yangxuan reckoned that what helped Apache won the match was his unmatched experience and well-thought-out strategy. Hu Yangxuan then conceded that even if Apache didn't notice his obvious downfall, he would have won the match nonetheless thanks to his unparalleled experience.

Hu Yangxuan quickly regained his usual perspective; failure was easy for him to swallow. When he was a fledgling at the Templar's court, he had to face humiliation inflicted by his elder Templar's brothers on a daily basis, so he had gotten used to it.

Apache didn't take any joy in defeating Hu Yangxuan. He knew from the get-go that victory was in the bag since the gap between him and his opponent's overall strength was enormous.

Samantha had never anticipated such power from Apache. She had heard stories about him making troubles at Yalen years ago, and after that, he seemed to have slipped under the radar. His sudden appearance and the show of incredible strength had caught Samantha off-guard as she realized that even S-Class Academies might have difficulties in dealing with him in a fight.

Martyrus had sensed fears rose among the students of Ayrlarng. Although Apache was still a student registered in Bernabeu, he had been working as an intern at the Confederation's Anti-smuggle special unit for a while. The special units carried out high-risk operations such as intercepting smugglers, hunting down space pirates, and warding off attacks of the Zergs. Due to its dangerous nature, students were usually not allowed to join the special units, so Martyrus had to use his connections to bend a few rules to send Apache there. Martyrus knew that with high risk also came high rewards, and the special unit had always been the perfect place to gain both combat and political experiences.

Chapter 107: Proved with Blade

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Tehrn

Apache didn't sign up for political experiences, he hardly even cared about the combat experience. He signed up for only one reason: to kill. In most cases, the criminals the special units dealt with were wanted dead or alive, due to their extremely dangerous nature and the heinous crime they committed.

After a year of killing and fighting, he no longer saw the world as a student would, he saw this world as a cold-blooded soldier. In contrary, Hu Yangxuan's green experience made him seem like a baby in the woods.

Apache had won the fight with ease as if it was a child's play.

If not because of the rule of the tournament, he would have suggested Martyrus to leave all of the five fights to him to ensure a total victory.

The score right then was four to four, and the next round was between Cao Yi and Wang Ben.

The consequence of the outcome of this round weighted on both Samantha and Martyrus's heart, since they knew that this round would be the most critical to their final victory. Both of them had excluded the final match between Wang Tong and Apache out of the list of variables in their equation for success since Apache's victory was evident.

Samantha had come to terms with the fact that Apache's experience would out-trump even the power of Ma Xiaoru, let alone Wang Tong.

"Wang Ben, make sure you get this!" Samantha patted the shoulder of Wang Ben.

Wang Ben nodded, he had been expecting this fight for a while; he knew that Cao Yi was the Skyscraper who fought with Einherjar Wannabe and was defeated by the mysterious fighter's, albeit counterfeit, Fist of the Racing Tiger. Therefore, Wang Ben wanted to find out through Cao Yi, as to whose Fist of the Racing Tiger was stronger.

Cao Yi was ready to step into the arena, but he was then called back by Martyrus. The old principal whispered something into Cao Yi's ear.

"Are you sure, Principal?"

"This is a matter of uttermost importance, make sure you follow my instructions," Martyrus answered without hesitation.

Cao Yi nodded, he knew it was wise to not to argue with the old fox. Martyrus had ruled the school with both benevolence and an iron fist; although Apache had been wild and unruly, he had answered Martyrus's call quickly and obediently agreed to partake in this tournament.

Although Cao Yi was still unsure about the instruction he was given, he decided to follow through.

"We are all counting on you now," Hu Yangxuan told Wang Ben. Hu Yangxuan had also registered the unbridgeable gap between Ayrlarng and Apache. He knew Wang Tong was a good fighter, perhaps even as good as himself, but that would not change Wang Tong's inevitable failure like his; he knew that Apache's combat experience would overwhelm Wang Tong. Hu Yangxuan thought that perhaps only the Four Princes of the Confederation would be able to challenge Apache since only they were so overpowered that they could ignore the role "experience" played in a fight.

Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan were bundles of nerves at the thought of being transferred to Bernabeu. Over the month they had spent at Ayrlarng, they had made friends and had gotten used to the life at Ayrlarng. Ayrlarng had grown on them, and they had felt that they belong to this school as much as the school belonged to them. A sudden departure from this familiar and beloved place would be undoubtedly heartbreaking.

Samantha was also unnerved by the elusive content of Martyrus's whisper. She wondered what trick would the old fox pull out of his bag this time.

Wang Ben was unruffled by this development. He felt confident and energetic; the first fight didn't cost him too much energy, and he was eager to make good use of what was left in him in the fight that he had been expecting for so long.

The judge signaled that the fight had begun.

The responsibility weighed heavily on Cao Yi shoulders. He unsheathed his twin blades strapped to his back and reminded himself to be circumspect. He knew that if he lost this fight, Bernabeu would have lost the tournament.

"I must win!" Cao Yi told himself.

Wang Ben felt satisfied as he watched lights of determination glinted in Cao Yi's eyes.

"Yes, that's the spirit, measure my power with your full strength, and tell me who is stronger, ME or Einherjar Wannabe?" Wang Ben screamed in his mind as he felt the blood rushed into his head.

Wang Ben gritted his teeth and was ready for his opponent to attack at any time, but to his surprise, Cao Yi held the twin blade about his waist and didn't make any move. The two fighters stood still, dragging out the silence.

Samantha suddenly understood Martyrus's trick: he was planning to leverage Cao Yi's advantage of the faster movement to drag the match into a stalemate. Since the victory of next fight was guaranteed to go to Bernabeu, a stalemate would substantially reduce the risk of losing the final victory.

Samantha's heart sank, but she couldn't blame Martyrus for using such a "cheap" method because if she were her in his shoes, she would have done the exact same thing. Fair fights only existed in fantasies, not in real-life.

Wang Ben seemed to have also realized Martyrus's trick, so he decided to be more aggressive and punched at Cao Yi, but he quickly realized that he was too slow.

Apache was impressed by the sheer force of Wang Ben's attack, he lamented over the fact that such a worthy opponent would have to be wasted by a cheap shot. If it were him fighting against Wang Ben, he wouldn't have to be so passive, and the fight would have been more fun.

Cao Yi was one of the exceptional students among the first-year freshmen of Bernabeu. He graduated from a rather unimpressive high school, and with equally unimpressive grades. He was not the kind of student one would expect to rise to become a star. If not for Martyrus, he would still be one of the ordinary no-account, struggling to graduate college. Thanks to Martyrus careful guidance, Cao Yi's had since discovered and released his potential; he had even passed the Level-A survival test, a test that was dreaded by most students.

On second thought, Apache felt that he was not entirely different than Cao Yi. They were both "imperfect" in other's eyes: Cao Yi was too shy and too quiet, and therefore his talent was ignored by most schools; Apache had been a trouble maker, rebellious, and unruly. However, despite their shortcomings, Martyrus had taken them in, treated them like everyone else, and gave them a second chance to grow stronger and to release their potentials. No matter how supercilious Apache was, whenever he spoke with Martyrus, there was always a deep respect in his voice.

Apache seldom received favor from others, and on the rare occasions that he did, he always paid back ten fold. However, he felt that the help he had received from Martyrus was a favor that he would never be able to pay back.

Cao Yi had followed Martyrus's order to the letters. He fought extremely passively if he could be considered fighting at all. With speed on his side, Cao Yi dodged Wang Ben's attack while running around the arena like a nimble monkey.

Wang Ben didn't know how to deal with his opponent other than delivering punches that kept on missing the target. He felt that he was not losing the fight, but neither was he gaining any edge. Wang Ben's fist of the Racing Tiger was powerful, that is if he could hit the target.

Wang Ben was very confident about his endurance in a prolonged fight, but even then he didn't find that he had any advantage over his opponent regarding that aspect.

Although none of Bernabeu's student felt proud of their principal's tactics, they let it ride as they eagerly hoped for the victory.

This turn of event delivered a blow to Ayrlarng's morale. Both Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan's faces turned black, contemplating unwillingly about the dark future. Should Ayrlarng lose the fight, they would have no option other than transfer to Bernabeu as they had agreed.

"You bet, you pay." Such was life.

"This is absurd! This is... despicable!" Tita and Kyaero protested, but their voices were drawn by the louder and louder cheers from the students of Bernabeu.

Wang Ben didn't give up; instead, he carefully and patiently looked for an opening in his opponent's defense.

Martyrus, on the other hand, relaxed his body into his chair, he knew Cao Yi was a solid fighter, and he seldom made mistakes.

Cao Yi questioned his blind obedience that turned this fight into a cheap shot, but no one paid much attention to Cao Yi's feeling, which was written in plain view on his face.

He despised old fox's strategy and felt that it was a disgrace to an honorable and worthy opponent like Wang Ben. The fight felt like a gone-show to Cao Yi, and although he knew that he had the ability to fight back, all he could do was to drag this fight into a stalemate.

Cao Yi's lucky dodges were in part thanks to his tremendous power. Should anyone who did not possess the same level of strength had tried to mess around with Wang Ben, he or she would have already hammered into pulp under Wang Ben's fists.

The seemingly simple act of dodging attacks was actually very difficult if not suicidal. A simple mistake would force Cao Yi into a dead corner, and all his previous miraculous evasions would end in vain. However, in nearly twenty minutes, Cao Yi did not make even one of such mistakes.

Truth be told, this tournament should not have ended like this for both combatants were top notched and honorable fighters.

Despite his tremendous desire to fight fairly with Wang Ben, Cao Yi continued to carry out his orders, after all, the victory of the tournament was more important than his personal values.

Samantha started to come to terms with the reality. She first felt anxious, then hopeful, and then hopeless. Martyrus had calculated this move very carefully, and he eventually decided to let Cao Yi take on the duty. Even if Cao Yi were not able to score this round, he would still be able to drag this match into a draw.

A few moments had passed, and the same game of mice and cat was still playing in the arena. Apache felt bored, so he closed his eyes to doze off for a while. Although he could not bring himself to agree entirely with the old fox's method, he understood where he came from. Nonetheless, he still lamented over this wasted opportunity of fighting a worthy opponent.

Apache did not care much about the sense of justice and righteousness like he used to. Years of heartless slaughtering had taught him one of the most valuable lessons: becoming indifferent was a small price to pay to grow up.

Only five minutes left until the time was up!

Both Cao Yi and Wang Ben had spent most of their energy, and their moves started to become sluggish. However, both remained adamant in their course. Cao Yi dared not to be less careful and had executed every single move by the book, leaving no weak spots.

Wang Ben had cracked many tough nuts before, but none had been as slippery as Cao Yi. No matter how hard Wang Ben taunted him, Cao Yi didn't rise to the bait once.

Wang Ben felt the pressure as he knew that the game was near its end.

"Hehe, less than two minutes left," Ovlor said as he glanced at his watch. He could not help to marvel at Martyrus's brilliant strategy.

On the other side of the area, students from Ayrlarng looked depressed. None of them had thought that this much-anticipated fight would have consummated in such an anticlimactic end.

Wang Ben suddenly stopped his attack and casually relaxed his fingers and necks, he then said, "Hey you, stop jumping around for a second."

Although slightly annoyed by Wang Ben's obnoxious tone, Cao Yi remained distant with his opponent, fearing that it was another trick to taunt him into a confrontation.

"Martyrus is not as great as most people had told me. He is rather despicable, and same goes with his students."

Wang Ben said as he rolled his eyes at Cao Yi.

The audiences boiled over after they heard the conversation inside the arena. To some degree, Martyrus was a legend at Bernabeu. It was him who had brought the former B-Class school into the A-Class, and some might even say that Bernabeu was not that far behind an S-Class. He was the pride of Bernabeu's teachers and students. He gave students hope, especially those who were struggling to keep up.

Cao Yi could swallow any humiliation Wang Ben throw at him; he figured that it would be the fair price to pay in exchange for a secure victory; however, he could never allow anyone to humiliate his principal.

Having sensed the barely contained anger in Cao Yi's eyes, Wang Ben let the corner of his lips lift a little. "I say Bernabeu should just stay an A-Class, S-Class has no place for cowards like your lot."

Cao Yi turned his face toward Wang Ben, and for the first time, he stood upright in front of his opponent. He grinned, "I know what you are up to. But I can't allow anyone to talk about my principal like that. He is the BEST!"

Cao Yi finally unleashed his GN force and bore down on Wang Ben. Although there was only a minute left on the clock, he simply could not sit and take the insult directed at his beloved principal. Students at Bernabeu regarded their principal with profound respect and with uttermost admiration as if he was their father.

Apache also regained interest in the fight, and he sat up to watch the actions.

The outburst of Cao Yi's GN force had surprised even his classmates as its intensity seemed to rival that of Wang Ben.

No one, except for Martyrus had thought that Cao Yi had possessed such power. An ordinary student might spend three or four hours a day on training, but Cao Yi would spend his entire day in the training room. He had never taken a holiday, neither had he spent any time on entertainment. He followed a very strict routine to ensure enough rest for the next day of training.

Not only he had spent more time on training, but he was also much more focused while doing so; therefore his training was also more intense than other students. The combination of time and intensity eventually had transformed him into a top notch fighter of extraordinary power.

It was Martyrus who had given him the chance to become stronger.

Wang Ben smiled broadly, "Excellent! Prove yourself with your blade!"

Wang Ben channeled his GN force into his clenched fist and delivered a punch that was aimed squarely at his opponent.

This Gong-show finally took a dramatic turn.

Chapter 108: Meaning of Victory

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Tehrn

Ovlor was shocked by the sudden change. He was ready to bawl out at Cao Yi but was stopped by Martyrus.

Martyrus didn't explain himself to his colleague. Instead, he stood and watched quietly as the fight unfolded.

Cao Yi's soul reading had reached an unbelievable 147. Ever since he had lost the fight with Einherjar Wannabe, he had trained even harder. Although his opponent was well known for his brutal aggressiveness, he chose to face the fearsome attack face to face.

Cao Yi sprung up and threw himself at Wang Ben. His blade sizzled with GN force. This was the final strike at the last moment of the fight.

"Killing Strike: Whirlwind X!"

"COME AT ME, BRO!" Wang Ben finally spill out his suppressed anger and thirst for battle. He wanted to know whose Fist of the Racing Tiger was stronger, his, or Einherjar Wannabe's.

"The eighteenth tiger: Trembling Roar!"

Wang Ben's fist bore down on Cao Yi with the weight of a mountain. An explosion erupted as the two combatants collided into each other. The loud blare flooded the arena; no one had heard the signal indicating the end of the fight.

Students and teachers from both schools stood up to watch the result screen, wondering who had come out as the winner.

It was Wang Ben!

The Fist of the Racing Tiger had never failed in a direct impact. Cao Yi was defeated at the very last second of the fight.

As the defeat sank in, students from Bernabeu slowly sat down on their chairs, looking depressed.

Martyrus stood still; he knew that his ambition of bringing the school into an S-Class had been shattered.

Tears started to pour out from Cao Yi's eyes. He had failed his school and his principal.

Wang Ben felt pain from the X-shaped wound on his chest. He didn't block his opponent's attack, and just then, he started to realize how risky that was. If his attack didn't finish off Cao Yi, he might have to face his first defeat after being mind opened.

He had watched the whirlwind X being executed last time while Cao Yi was fighting against Einherjar Wannabe. But somehow the attack felt much stronger. A sense of respect rose inside of Wang Ben toward Cao Yi for improving his technique so quickly and toward Martyrus for discovering such a talented fighter.

Respect aside; he had won the fight nonetheless.

"Samantha, I have lost," Martyrus spoke in a candid voice, without any hint of remorse.

Some of the girls from Bernabeu were sobbing, shaken by the unexpected defeat.

"The tournament isn't finished yet, perhaps you have spoken too soon, Mister," Samantha said with a smile.

Martyrus was perplexed by the answer: "I thought we had agreed that Ayrlarng would win the tournament with five victories?"

"Mr. Martyrus, I respect you just as much as your students do, and you holding on to your promise only made me admire you more. The goal of the tournament is to improve our student's ability, so let's stick to that. With all due respect, I say we decide the victor after the final bout of combat."

A round of applause erupted among the students of the Bernabeu; Samantha's kind gesture had moved them.

Martyrus smiled knowingly, "Very well, let's carry on, but Bernabeu will hand over our rights of fighting S-Class academies to Ayrlarng regardless of the outcome. Ayrlarng had earned it. I believe Ayrlarng will reach a new high under your leadership."

"I am so sorry." Cao Yi lowered his head to avoid Martyrus's eyes.

"Lad, you have done well. I was misguided by my own desire. You had fought brilliantly, and I am sure you will do even better next time."

Martyrus padded Cao Yi's shoulders. He realized one thing that he had overlooked earlier: the fighting spirit and the morale of his students. He regretted ever asking Cao Yi to fight passively and reckoned that winning the tournament at the cost of his student's morale went against the values of a school's principal.

The society might have taught them to give up principles to get what they wanted, but the academy should have focused on instilling the students with more noble spirits, and that was the value that a principal should stand up for. Martyrus had then realized how wrong he had been.

The applause grew louder as the students from Ayrlarng joined in. Everyone seemed to have put away their differences and united under the same banner of friendship.

"You are a good fighter, and I look forward to our next encounter!" Wang Ben extended a hand to Cao Yi.

"Next time, I will win!"

"Same here."

Another round of applause erupted. Wang Ben didn't ask the question that he had so eagerly wanted to because he already knew the answer. When the Whirlwind X attacked Einherjar Wannabe, he was barely scratched by it; therefore Wang Ben had conceded that the power of the mysterious fighter had to be above his.

However, knowing that he was the weaker one only made him want to become stronger.

"Here comes the finale that I had been waiting for so long!" Apache suddenly sprung to his feet.

"It's your turn!" Samantha's eyes locked onto Wang Tong's. "Remember our pact. If you lose…"

"Principal, make sure you dress up while fulfilling your promise!" Wang Tong winked at her, cutting her shot.

The outcome of the fight no longer mattered, but both parties still craved for the victory. To Ayrlarng, it would add more credence to their new-earned rights to fight with S-Class schools, and to Bernabeu, winning this round would be their much needed saving grace.

Although Bernabeu had lost the rights of fighting with S-class schools, they wished to wrap up the day on a good note. Since Apache had defeated Hu Yangxuan with ease, the students from Bernabeu were confident that Apache would win the fight against the no-account Wang Tong.

The two fighter entered the arena, both holding a casual expression on their face. The relaxed mood of the two combatant wasn't entirely unexpected since the audiences assumed that the two fighters had foreseen the outcome of this fight as clearly as they did.

"What do you guys think? Do you think Wang Tong got this?" Samantha asked.

"Not sure," Hu Yangxuan answered. "Apache might overwhelm him with his combat experience. And I don't think that we have yet seen his real strength. I could feel that he had reserved much of his power last round."

Wang Ben nodded in agreement and thought that given time, he could defeat Apache, but not at that moment since Apache's experience would grant him a definite advantage.

Ma Xiaoru pondered for a brief moment and then said; "I disagree, I think this will be a tough fight for both of them."

Thanks to the Tactics of the Enchantress, Ma Xiaoru had a heightened sense of perception for energies, and she had a few times felt a tremendous power within Wang Tong.

The five top tactics all had their hidden attributes. Ma Xiaoru could feel through her tactics' hidden power that there was something about Wang Tong attracting her and her tactics like flames attracting moth.

The two combatants were ready to fight. Apache regarded Wang Tong with a curious look, "Let's see if your luck is gonna help you this time."

Wang Tong cracked a smile and stepped forward. The PA system had automatically assigned a dagger to him, but Wang Tong doubted that he would ever use it.


Apache took one step forward and propelled his body toward Wang Tong like a cannon ball. His speed was incredible, and it was clear that he didn't reserve any strength like he did while fighting against Hu Yangxuan.

Wang Tong didn't flinch; he smashed at his attacker and met the incoming strike with full force.

Chapter 109: Heated Battle

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Tehrn

The jaw-dropping action in the arena had shocked the students from both schools including Tita. No one had expected Wang Tong to be able to counter Apache's attack.

Tita had never thought that Wang Tong would be able to stand against Apache, he considered Wang Tong an unctuous no-account who liked to rub shoulders with popular students such as Ma Xiaoru and Wang Ben. Although Wang Tong had demonstrated his unmatched ability in space battle simulation, proving his rightful place among his friends, his combat ability had caught Tita off guard.

"Atta boy, you do have one or two tricks up under your sleeve," Apache said.

"More than one or two, I have prepared a bagful of them just for you." Wang Tong shrugged.

Apache let out a loud and abrupt laughter and hacked the curved blade at Wang Tong without a warning. The blade flew mercilessly at Wang Tong with full force. Apache had marked Wang Tong as a somewhat strong opponent and was determined to finish him off.

The curved blade whizzed on top of Wang Tong's skull as Wang Tong wrenched a fist to block it. Although Wang Tong had used his flesh as a weapon, his fist was protected by a shield of GN force. Wang Ben had experienced this strange combination at first hand and was injured by it.

The fist and the steel clashed a few times, making loud clanks. During the previous battle in which Apache had defeated Hu Yangxuan, Apache had been more conservative in spending his energy comparing to the barrage of forceful attacks that he was pouring onto Wang Tong just then. To everyone's surprise, Wang Tong didn't waver. The more experienced fighters like Ma Xiaoru quickly registered what this meant for Wang Tong's true strength.

Apache had sensed the same kind of thirst for blood in Wang Tong that was also in him and reckoned that he should do whatever he could to finish the fight quickly; otherwise, he might be in a difficult situation.

Five minutes had passed, and the two combatants had engrossed themselves in the combat. Apache eventually relented the strategic disguises over his tactics and revealed unbelievable speed that he could achieve when he executed his tactics with full intent.

In contrary to Wang Ben's Tactics of the Racing Tiger which was characterized by its unstoppable force, Apache's tactics gave him inhuman speed. Both of his movements and attacks were faster than his opponent which accentuated the deadly force packed within the strikes.

However, despite being under the rain of lethal attacks, Wang Tong still held his ground firmly.

Apache's attacks were well structured and calculated, interwoven with his own unique fighting styles to form an epitome of combat theory and practicality. On the other hand, Wang Tong's movement did not seem to be planned; he seemed to be acting on a whim. Nonetheless, it was responsive and effective.

One might mistake Wang Tong's fighting style as the so-called "Think not, but go with nature" due to the similarity, but that required a much deeper understanding of the philosophy of cultivation that Wang Tong did not possess.

His actions seemed spontaneous and lacked calculations, but it was able to avert the crisis every time, and at a few occasions, even to disrupt the pace of his opponent.

Apache sprung up and bore down on Wang Tong with sharp blades. Wang Tong didn't hesitate and delivered a high kick at Apache. Wang Tong's foot traced a curve in the air; it started with an elegant curve, and then the curve bent eerily in a direction that seemed impossible.

Everyone was surprised by Wang Tong's attack as they realized the technique that was used: The Campus Arc.

Wang Tong twisted his hips and lowered his upper body to add more weight to the kick; the maneuver also helped him to dodge Apache's attack. With Wang Tong's foot only a few inches away from him, Apache's explosive GN force had saved the day as he pushed his body to spun to the side while blocking the kick with one of his arms. As Apache's hand felt the force of the kick, he loosened his body immediately to ride on that force and eventually turned Wang Tong's attack into a strong wind that helped him to sail out of harm's way.

Apache's body flew away from Wang Tong with the help of the kick but was unharmed by it. When Apache gathered himself, they were about twenty feet away from each other.

Both of them started to control their breath, knowing that they had met a worthy opponent, and this fight was likely to be longer than they had expected.

Apache had a taste of Wang Tong's attack and felt its lethal power. He conceded that the haphazard way in which Wang Tong's moves were executed was a façade, and hidden underneath was the strength that exceeded all of his younger classmates in Bernabeu.

Apache twirled the curved blades in his hands, planning his next move. After a while, he said, "The audience has become impatient, let's show them a real fight."

"I hope you talked less." Wang Tong smirked at him.

A faint discomfort flashed across Apache's face; this was the first time an opponent had jested him in a public arena.

Without thinking any further, Apache dashed forward and passed through the 20 feet of distance in a blink of an eye. Wang Tong saw a knee bashing at him, and it was already too late to react. The impact sent Wang Tong flying, but one of his feet was quickly caught by Apache while he was still in the air. Apache threw Wang Tong's body down with a twist of the arm and then he flipped Wang Tong's body around so that Wang Tong's face was going to kiss the curved blade he had already place on the ground with sharp edge pointing up.

The crowd boiled over after seeing this deadly combo, shocked by Apache's brutal methods, and thought that Wang Tong's defeat was evident.

This brutal and merciless move was the results of years of bloodshed and killing in the special unit. This combo was capable of sending a sense of impending doom that would have paralyzed any ordinary fighter.


In the fleeting moment right before the impact, Wang Tong dodged out of the way. Apache suddenly lost his balance, and being carried by the momentum, he crashed onto the floor. Apache supported himself with two hands; it was evident that he had taken the full impact of his own attack.

Apache rose to his feet and licked the blade, a streak a blood tainted the smooth and sharp surface of the edge.

The blade had carved a wound into the side of Wang Tong's neck; blood seeped out from the deep cut.

In that infinitesimally short movement, Wang Tong had avoided the lethal strike aimed at his artery by biting firmly onto the blade. With an almost impossible twirling of his body, Wang Tong even managed to break free from Apache's iron grip.

Wang Tong wiped away the blood on his neck; he didn't seem to be scared nor wavering after such a close escape.

Right then, Apache knew that his opponent was a rather exceptional fighter. He was aware that no ordinary fighter would be unaffected by the horror of such a life and death moment unless the fighter felt that he had no need to be afraid... or the fighter was utterly insane.

Wang Tong could smell his own blood in the air, and it engaged him. A crimson light flashed in Wang Tong's eyes, and he darted toward Apache.

Apache watched as his opponent unleashed his first attack. Wang Tong's movement was not as fast as Apache, but his footsteps were strange, almost otherworldly. The length of Wang Tong's stride seemed to disagree with the distance he had traveled, making one question his own judgment.

This was the visual trick that came with one of the top four footwork technique among the Confederation trope: the Inch Step. The other three were the Ivantian "Butterfly Dash", the Martian "Assault Stride", and the Kaedeian "Phantom Move".

The Inch Step looked straight forward, but it was very complicated and impossible to be mastered by a first-year student such as Wang Tong.

Chapter 110: Battle Trance

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Tehrn

Wang Tong's Inch Step had caught Apache off guard. He forced himself to shift sideway disregarding the large amount of strain that the shift of position had placed on his body; it was a better option than being caught in that web of Inch Step. Apache's mastery of speed was more advanced than Cao Yi's since Apache had learned to go beyond relying on his feet to execute incredible, if not outright impossible, maneuvers.

Although Wang Tong's Inch Step had impressed everyone, it could never be used to its full extent against a fast opponent like Apache since the latter would be able to step aside, out of harm's way, quickly.

However, while Apache and everyone else had thought that Apache was safe, Wang Tong appeared, as if out of nowhere, right in front of him. The two fighters stood facing each other, so close that Apache could almost feel Wang Tong's breath.

Apache was startled and hurried to maneuver to one side. Wang Tong kept up with his pace and followed him closely.

Having noticed that Wang Tong was closing in, Apache tapped deeper into his soul energy and poured out his GN force to help him accelerate. Apache moved further away at lightning speed and lengthened the gap. Apache felt that Wang Tong started to gain the control of the battle from his hand, and he was aware that to win, he had to shift the balance. He then decided to regain the control by being even more aggressive.

Apache executed a splendid 90-degree turn and closed in onto Wang Tong. The curved blade whizzed through the air toward Wang Tong. When the sharp edge was only a hair-thin away from Wang Tong's face, Wang Tong suddenly moved to one side.

Apache lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Martyrus's hand trembled slightly at the sight of Wang Tong's move.

"That was... the Phantom Move!"

It was said that only the Kaedeians were able to execute the Phantom Move physically. The Phantom Move was a more advanced technique than the shifty Butterfly Dash. It served the purpose of both aggression and defense, and the goal of the technique was to throw the opponent off balance.

Having failed twice, Apache tasted bile in his mouth, but he had no time to lament over it because Wang Tong's fist was already right in front of him.

Wang Tong's attack seemed to be a straightforward punch, but everyone could sense the incredible power that was packed within.

Still engaged, Apache didn't have much time to plan his move, he simply yanked up his curved blade to block the attack.

"Fool!" Martyrus muttered to himself, seeing what was coming.

It was a feint, Wang Tong's real attack came underneath: a roundhouse kick.

Wang Tong's fist slide through the opening in between Apache's body and the blade, and then he clutched the blade tightly under his arm. Meanwhile, Wang Tong hinged his weight on the leg that had been planted firmly on the ground and spun his hip to drive the other leg flying toward Apache's head like a cannonball.

Apache dropped his blade to cover his head. With the remaining strength, Apache backed his head just a few tenth of an inch away from the attack.

The kick sent Apache flying but the last second move of his head had saved him from defeat. Wang Tong's kick grazed Apache and landed heavily on the ground as the floor crumbled into pieces.

Wang Tong didn't give his opponent any chance to gather himself. He leaped high up into the air and bore down on Apache with a knee bash. Apache knew that it was a moment of life and death, so he forced the movements of energy inside of his body to facilitate his escape; however, this time, Apache had pushed his body too far, and a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Apache met the knee bash with full intent. He was pressed hard against the ground, and the force pushed him a few feet away.

Silence suddenly fell inside of the crowded arena. No one had expected this.

Despite Apache's advantage in speed and experience, his opponent had caught one small window to strike and was able to end the fight just like that.

Martyrus finally realized that Wang Tong was the real secret weapon, but the revelation came much too late.

Samantha had hidden her secret well, and no one had suspected Wang Tong ever since the beginning of the tournament. Even after Wang Tong's victory over the best, everyone still considered Wang Tong much weaker than Apache in a real fight.

However, in reality, Wang Tong was the strongest of all Ayrlarng's contestants.

"Kiddo, not bad, but you should have made sure that I am done for good." Apache was back on his feet and was staring at Wang Tong with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Apache had gone beyond anger; he had gone utterly mad — a side effect of years of merciless battles. The fall of his comrade had many times sent him into a battle trance like this. Apache no longer saw this as a tournament, to him this was as real as a battle, and he wouldn't stop until his enemy laid dead.

Although the traditional knowledge was that the rate of utilizing GN force averaged out to be the same among fighters, and therefore, the soul energy was the determining factor in a soldier's strength, it was far from the truth in case of an entranced fighter. Fighters in battle trance could temporarily ignore their injury and exponentially increase the efficiency of their GN force output.

No one had thought that Apache would enter a battle trance in a school tournament, not even Apache himself.

The first time he entered a trance was during a fight against pirates; it was triggered by the death of his captain who was trying to save Apache's life. No pirate had survived the bloodshed that followed on that day.

"Lightning Strike!"

Apache picked up the curved blade on the ground and immediately swirls of GN forced launched at Wang Tong. Although Apache's senses were limited during a battle trance, he also became unaffected by the illusions of Wang Tong's footsteps.

Students from Bernabeu saw a glimpse of hope rising in front of them. Although the battle trance was an unorthodox method, it was not entirely unheard of. If Apache could control his trance well, he might be able to tip the scale of the battle in favor of him.

Fighters in a trance had only one thing on their mind: annihilating their opponent. The lack of consciousness had removed restrictions on their soul energy; therefore, fighters in a trance could reach the limit of their soul reading.

One of the attacks hit Wang Tong, and the force sent him stumbling back a few feet. Before Wang Tong could gather himself, he saw another wave of belligerent barrage coming at him.

Apache had become unstoppable. Neither Martyrus nor Samantha knew what to think of this new development. It was exceedingly rare to see a fighter become entranced in a PA fight.

Wang Tong had already sustained a few hits, Apache's movements were so fast that his body had become a blur. The normal biological function of Apache's body had already taken the backstage while his body was filled to the brim with GN force that drove him deeper into his madness.

Wang Tong was hit by an uppercut, and his body flew up into the air. Like he did before, Apache caught his opponent's ankle and slammed the body hard onto the ground.

Apache followed right away with the blade that was then infused with sizzling GN force. This strike would break any defense of Wang Tong and would cut deep into Wang Tong's chest.

Hu Yangxuan's jaw dropped at the sight of the entranced Apache. He wondered what Wang Tong had done to have triggered Apache into a battle trance.

"Was it because of Wang Tong's aggressiveness?" Hu Yangxuan pondered. Truth be told, the answer to that question even eluded Apache himself.

Seeing the incoming killing-strike, Wang Tong pounded a fist at the blade.

The fist and the steel clashed once again.

A shockwave erupted from the center of the impact, laced with the sound of shattering metal.

Wang Ben saw a familiar light flashing across the arena, but he was still unable to discern what was inside of the light.

Apache's body finally dropped onto the floor one last time with a dull thud. The sound of Apache's body hitting the floor had awakened the mind of everyone in the audience.

Chapter 111: Keeping the Promise

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

"Sir, Apache fainted!"

"Send him to the infirmary at once, quickly!"

That was the symptom of a battle trance, even though Martyrus was experienced in handling such situation, it would still be very dangerous if that occurred in a real fight; luckily for him, it was just a match in TPA so Apache should be fine.

Students of Bernabeu gazed at Wang Tong in awe as he walked out from the control room.

Martyrus sighed, "The one who has him will be blessed with the power to conquer the world."

He was very familiar and confident with Apache's capabilities, but that boy was definitely the ultimate weapon against S-Ranked academies! Anyhow, he accepted the fact that he had lost fair and square.

At that moment, Samantha began to notice Wang Tong, the childish punk-*ss, had transformed into a manly figure.

"Congratulations, Principal Samantha. I believe Ayrlarng will be able to restore its former glory in no time, we are looking forward to your next splendid performance."

"Thank you for your kindness, let's discuss further later." Actually, Samantha wanted to discuss something else with Martyrus, but clearly now wasn't the perfect time and place to do so.

"Very well, as you wish. Fellow students, let's give a huge round of applause to our guests for their marvelous performances. Bernabeu might have lost this time, but we will take back our victory next time!" Martyrus said while grabbing his fist.

Students of Bernabeu were not spiteful anymore as they had witnessed Wang Tong's strength that was beyond one's imagination. Ayrlarng deserved to be crowned victorious!

Tita and the rest cheered as they welcome their well-deserved victory with open arms. Some of them might be covered in bumps and bruises, but the outcome was satisfying.

Without a doubt, Wang Tong's performance had proven to Tita and the rest that he was the real leader amongst them, and he was the backbone of Ayrlarng.

Ma Xiaoru might be strong, but she lacked in leadership skills. Wang Ben was a warrior, but he wasn't fond of leading the others. Hu Yangxuan was too carefree… Only Wang Tong had the ability to comfort them and gather their confidence when Ayrlarng suffered a setback.

Rumi's eyes were sparkling, but immediately, she grabbed hold of herself when she saw Zhou Sisi. To be honest, she had noticed that Wang Tong was an extraordinary person since they began to know each other, but she had never expected that he was THAT strong.

Ma Xiaoru was a soft and gentle person, but that didn't mean that she would accept a guy who was weaker than her, it was a common nature of mankind. After all, girls do prefer guys that are a little dominant, but not arrogant. Wang Tong might look like he was always goofing around, but he would always become indomitable during the critical moment. Ma Xiaoru felt that the door toward her heart was breaking open as Wang Tong threw out that forceful punch.

He had completely conquered her heart.

Even though Bernabeu had been defeated, Martyrus still prepared a celebration to honor Ayrlarng's success. Everyone attended except Apache who was still under recovery. Ever since the match between Wang Ben and Cao Yi was uplifted into a learning exchange, both parties buried their hatchets and had fun together, and everyone got familiar with each other in no time. Nevertheless, the rivalry between the two academies still existed.

Bernabeu might have lost the chance to challenge an S-Ranked academy, but that didn't mean that they would give up. They wouldn't challenge Capth before they could avenge their defeat against Ayrlarng.

Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru became the stars of the banquet. Xiaoru was always the center of attention no matter where she went; as for Wang Tong, he was the star because he had conquered everyone's heart.

Wang Tong might be a student for the time being, but he would not stay like that forever.

Unfortunately, Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru didn't have many chances to chit chat because both of them were separated by the crowd. It was a lively evening indeed.

Wang Tong managed to escape from the crowd after a while, he wasn't comfortable being in parties like this. Finally, he had accomplished his mission, and a flame of joy began to burn as he remembered the promise between him and Samantha.

He had won two rounds and helped Ayrlarng obtained the final victory, and as promised, Samantha would go on a date with him for one day!

This was his chance, he had to take the initiative to conquer the woman's heart!

Wang Tong was sick of being indecisive, so he decided to go all in. He would prefer to get rejected by Samantha rather than letting his feelings stay hidden forever in his heart. Even though he was forced to accept the ridiculous deal from Samantha, Wang Tong was happy by the fact that Samantha didn't say no back then; apparently, only an idiot would miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance!

"You really did it, I'm impressed," Samantha said as she walked toward the balcony, then she stretched her arms as she began to enjoy the mesmerizing sea view, "Bernabeu got some good view."

"The promise."

"Yes, I'm aware of it, dumb*ss. Relax, it's only a date. I'll see you tomorrow morning then. Come out quietly, okay?" Samantha threw him a mischievous wink and went back into the hall gracefully.

Wang Tong was startled, although Samantha agreed to go out on a date with him, yet somehow, he was feeling uneasy. It seemed like she was still treating him like a kid. Anyhow, he would stick to his journey of becoming a man.

At that moment, Wang Tong wished he could tell Old Fart that he was finally going out on a date with the girl he adored! What a beautiful night!

Meanwhile, Zhou Sisi turned pale as she saw what happened from the corner of the balcony. After all this times, she had been focused on the wrong direction; it wasn't Ma Xiaoru that Wang Tong fancied, it was Samantha instead!

Zhou Sisi felt a sudden pain in her heart, like something important had been taken from her. She was always prepared for the guessing and rivalry, but she had never braced herself to witness him showing his feelings to another girl!

Zhou Sisi was never afraid to compete against Ma Xiaoru because Ma Xiaoru had her own elegant characteristic while she also had her own tender personality. However, Samantha was filled with the fascinating charm of a mature woman; she was even ashamed when she compared her body to Samantha's gorgeous figure.

The candidates of Ayrlarng would be celebrating for the rest of the evening, as for their day-off on Sunday, everyone would have the chance to enjoy the loveliness of Bernabeu and witness the beautiful scenery of the Aegean Sea.

The next day, Hu Yangxuan came to Wang Tong's room but was surprised to see an empty bed instead. Perhaps that kid had an acquaintance in Bernabeu?

On the other hand, Wang Tong was having a stroll with Samantha on the coastal ring road which was surrounding the Aegean Sea. Maglev vehicles were prohibited in most of the districts around the Aegean Sea; apparently, mankind had done a great job in protecting this important landscape.

No one would have guessed that both of them were spending their time together in this romantic place.

"Why do you like me?" Samantha asked as she enjoyed the gentle breeze from the Aegean Sea. This was one of the last breathtaking places left on Earth.

"Why can't I?" Wang Tong replied with a smile, not everything required reasons.

"Boys had always preferred the types of girls like Xiaoru, not to mention the two of you are the same age; honestly, I couldn't find a reason for you not to like her. Moreover, she's the rare type of girl that doesn't have a temper." Samantha was very surprised when Wang Tong said he had feelings for her. The two of them didn't seem to have any connections in terms of affection from all aspects; hence Samantha was shocked when Wang Tong proposed that bold request of his.

Chapter 112: One Sweet Day

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

It could be due to her cleverness, or because her attention was all on her own career, but Samantha seemed to be not interested in the matter of love at all since her days in Capth, and she would remain the same in the present and the future. In other words, she was a career woman.

However, emotional crave existed in every human being, and somehow, an indescribable feeling rushed all over her body when Wang Tong confessed to her. He might be a few years younger, but he looked older than his age, and as long as Samantha dropped that business lady outfit, she too would look like a fresh grad.

"Perhaps I have a weird taste for girls." Wang Tong sulked.

"Oh, so you were trying to say I'm weird huh?" Samantha chided, "How dare you make fun of your principal!"

"We made a deal not to mention this for today, and since you broke the rules, I'ma have to punish you!" Wang Tong joked.

"Really? So how would you like to punish me?" Samantha said with a charming smile. She wasn't an inconsiderate woman; in fact, she had been able to see everything clearly due to her ultra-high intelligence. Samantha was never belittled with her own charm; however, she didn't expect that Wang Tong would fall for her.

Nevertheless, Samantha was a little happy when Wang Tong said he liked her instead of Ma Xiaoru. It was normal for a girl to be proud when she knew her charm was greater than the other girls.

"How about you gimme a kiss?" Wang Tong mustered his confidence and said something bold.

Samantha replied with a bright smile, "Hey Kid, I'd definitely show you your own expression if I had a mirror right now, and if it were Hu Yangxuan, he would have definitely dropped the 'how about' part. Relax kid, you're not going to war!"

Wang Tong knew he would be embarrassing himself, and apparently his "battle experience" in this category wasn't enough at all, not to mention his first "opponent" was way out of his league. However, things wouldn't be interesting if there wasn't any challenge. At that moment, he knew he had to divert the conversation.

"Let's do something else, shall we?"

"The yacht is waiting for us right there, you deserve a treat for your splendid performances yesterday." Samantha pointed toward the shore.

It was indeed a unique sensation for being able to enjoy the relaxing Aegean Sea breeze while having a drink, and it would be even more perfect if his drink was alcoholic;, however, Wang Tong didn't order because he was afraid things might go wrong. He was completely relaxing on the deck, a carefree person like him would always enjoy himself when he felt like it.

Wang Tong got up when he heard Samantha's footsteps approaching. Wang Tong wanted to say something, but he forgot what he wanted to say when he saw Samantha.

He would never forget how gorgeous Samantha was, like a beautiful goddess under the sunlight.

Samantha giggled when she saw Wang Tong's dumb-look, "Hey Kid, would you like to help me putting on some sunscreen?" Samantha then laid herself on the long bench beside Wang Tong, Wang Tong was completely mesmerized by her dynamic curves and her sexy figure. However, he was clear that he had more cravings for love instead of lust. In other words, his sensual admiration was much stronger than his sexual desire toward Samantha.

Even though Wang Tong was more mature than his peers, it was still too much to his senses. However, Wang Tong knew he had to calm down, or else he would totally fall under Samantha's control, and she would treat him like a little boy. Being passive was not how he rolled.

He set aside the sunscreen and said in a mischievous tone, "Hey Pretty Missy, have you ever tried 'the flying trapeze'?"

Samantha looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean this!" Samantha screamed in shock as Wang Tong lifted her up with a hug, this was his chance to impress her!

"Hey, what's wrong with you!"

Samantha wasn't mind opened so her physical strength was weaker than Wang Tong, if Wang Tong were to do anything to her forcefully, she would not be able to defend herself.


Wang Tong lifted Samantha upward and threw her off the yacht, then he immediately channeled his GN Force and joined her up in the air and pulled the panicking lady into his arms. He knew he had to create some "surprises" in order to break Samantha's calmness and steadiness.

"Hey Kiddo, what are you planning to do to me?"

Samantha wasn't as afraid as expected when she fell into Wang Tong's arms; obviously, her bravery was greater than anyone would've expected.

A weird sensation came flowing all across Wang Tong's senses when Samantha was in his arms, then he finally man-up!

He kissed Samantha as both of them fell into the crystal blue ocean.

Wham! Water splashed in different directions.

Wang Tong had never felt this kind of indescribable impulse before, Samantha on the other hand, never expected he would do something THAT bold.

It was truly an exciting kiss!


Wang Tong caught Samantha in his arms and swam toward the surface of the ocean, "Never underestimate a kiddo, Pretty Missy."

Samantha blushed, "Hmph, you'll be sorry."

At that moment, she had lost control of everything.

"I'm not sorry at all." Wang Tong wouldn't let this once in a lifetime moment slipped through his fingers.

Samantha wanted to stop him; however, her response was not as quick as Wang Tong since they were still in the water and she didn't have any GN Force at all.

It was a long kiss, Samantha turned weak as Wang Tong put his lips against hers and kissed her like a greedy little boy desiring for love.

"So, how do you feel?" Wang Tong asked as his eyes sparkled. It was a fantastic feeling of becoming a man.

"Nope, nothing!" Samantha immediately replied.

"I see, guess I have no choice but continuing to do so until you feel something!"

"No, stop! I'm going back!"

The yacht stopped somewhere nearby; however, it didn't approach them since they were "busy" at that moment.

"Aww, what a shame, Pretty Missy. I was just getting started. Up we go!"


Wang Tong unleashed his GN Force into the sea water which let its buoyancy support the both of them, then hugged Samantha and leaped above the water, his Tactics of the Blade was initiating perfectly; however, at that moment, everything about tactics and techniques didn't matter anymore.

With the help of his GN Force, Wang Tong began to run on the surface of the sea while carrying Samantha in his arms. The captain of their yacht was totally startled by this scene.

Samantha laughed cheerfully as he ran across the sea, she had never felt so relaxed before. All of a sudden, Samantha mischievously pinched Wang Tong on his nose, and immediately Wang Tong lost his strength and both of them submerged into the water. The couple laughed out loud as they resurfaced to the sea.

Everything else in their minds vanished in the midst of the laughter, it was definitely the happiest day in Wang Tong's life after all these years. Obviously, a woman plays an important role in a man's life, at every point a man needs a woman, and it is her presence that completes him.

Both of them went for lunch at a decent restaurant after a long day of fun. Not surprisingly, the customers and even the waiter were captivated by Samantha's gorgeous appearance.

"May I have your order?" The waiter kept glancing at Samantha from time to time. It couldn't be helped; apparently, her fantastic figure was "super effective" against every man of different ages. Everyone seemed to be jealous at the silly looking Wang Tong who was sitting right across Samantha. Somehow, they couldn't believe that cheap bastard would wear a ten dollar T-shirt to have dinner with the gorgeous lady.

"Any recommendations?" Wang Tong flipped over the menu as he asked. Yet he almost fainted as he looked at the name of the dishes, in the end, Wang Tong had no idea what he would order.

"We have poultry, seafood… Everything is good here, sir. Would you like to try some of our fresh seafood?" the waiter said in a lofty manner. Guys would tend to show off to each other when they tried to impress girls, especially against unintimidating "opponents".

He was an experienced waiter, just by looking at the way Samantha sat and how she looked at the menu, he knew she wasn't an ordinary person; meanwhile, the guy sitting across was pretending to be classy.

Samantha wasn't thinking of helping Wang Tong, she wanted to teach that boy a lesson for forcefully kissing her, so she kept quiet and watched how he reacted.

Wang Tong looked through the menu seriously, then he closed it slowly and turned toward the waiter, "I'd like to order the 'Braised Submarine', thank you."

As soon as he said that, the other guests burst into laughter, even Samantha laughed out loud at his ridiculous words; the waiter on the other hand somehow looked embarrassed.

"A-hem, excuse me sir, but we don't serve..."

"Soft potato balls with Gorgonzola cheese and pan-seared aubergine, Basil pesto squid ink linguini with mushrooms and asparagus… a cup of hot chocolate and one mocha ice-cream, that's all for the time being." Samantha barged in. She was impressed by the kiddo's spontaneous response, she wasn't expecting anything at the beginning, but it turned out to be a fun day.

"I'll be back with your order shortly." The embarrassed waiter dashed off quickly.

"So Pretty Missy, how am I doing?" Wang Tong laughed at the new nickname he gave Samantha since he had spent quite some time living with Old Fart, somehow Wang Tong had also learned his glib and flirtiness.

"Not as bad as I thought." Samantha looked at Wang Tong with her enchanting eyes.

She noticed Wang Tong wasn't acting as childish as the other young boys, he had his unique charm which was a mixture of a young boy's liveliness and the matureness of a grown up. To be honest, Samantha would have tons of excuses to decline Wang Tong if she was unwilling to go at the beginning; nevertheless, she agreed to go out on a date with him. At first, she did it for Ma Xiaoru's sake to observe how good he was as a person; but somehow, her intention changed, and now, she was really enjoying her time around Wang Tong.

In the end, Wang Tong paid for their wonderful lunch, the boy might be thrifty most of the time yet he was no miser during important occasions like this. Moreover, this was Wang Tong's first time having a date with a girl he fancied, of course, he would seize the chance to leave her a good impression.

The couple went for a game of bowling after their lunch, which was one of Samantha's favorite hobbies. Wang Tong seemed to have certain potentials even though it was his first time playing bowling; apparently, he mentioned mastering the skills with his exquisite sense of touch after a few misses, and it had nothing to do with his GN Force.

Samantha always liked challenges because they were able to make things more interesting. In the end, Samantha cheered in excitement for being able to defeat Wang Tong with her slightly higher points.

Fun times always passed in a blink of an eye, the sky was getting dark as the couple walked side by side along the beach, they were walking back toward Bernabeu.

"Wang Tong, I really had fun today," Samantha said in a soft voice.

Wang Tong knew this was the moment of truth.

"However, I think we do not belong together, or should I say this isn't the time for us to be in love, and I think both of us are the same type of people who have our own dreams and need to focus on our own goals… are you getting what I'm trying to say?" Samantha turned toward Wang Tong, she didn't fell for Wang Tong even though she was really happy being with him, not to mention Samantha was a lady with a firm determination.

Wang Tong appeared to be more mature than his peers due to his countless life experiences, which was why compared to Ma Xiaoru, he still preferred the mature charm of Samantha; yet he also understood that enjoying each other's companionship didn't mean it would be good enough to spark a relationship.

In the end, Samantha would still be Ayrlarng's principal, and to regenerate Ayrlarng wasn't her only dream. On the other hand, Wang Tong would still need to carry on with duties ahead, he had to uncover the truth behind his mystical Tactics of the Blade, the mystery of Einherjar Wannabe, and the disappearance of Old Fart.

Perhaps Samantha was right about them being the same type of person, which was why Wang Tong didn't feel really bad when he got rejected by Samantha, at least he knew it wasn't because he was not charming enough.

Wang Tong held Samantha's hands as he stared at the glittering Aegean Sea under the sunset, "Today I shall be defeated, but I shall return in the future!"

"Some confidence you have there, Kiddo."

"You taught me about that, Pretty Missy." Wang Tong was still holding Samantha's hands, he was able to sense her feelings at the moment.

"My original intention was to convince you to go after Xiaoru, but now I'm a bit jealous." Somehow it sounded partly true and partly fake when Samantha said that.

"Who knows what will happen in the future?" Wang Tong replied Apparently, Samantha rejected Wang Tong due to her own issues, yet Wang Tong was unwilling to move a step closer toward Ma Xiaoru because of her family status. Anyhow, Wang Tong convinced himself not to think too much, whatever will be will be; he would follow his heart as long as it was worth to be done.

It was a heart-warming and beautiful evening. For the first time, Samantha moved toward Wang Tong and gently kissed him on his lips; sadly, it was a goodbye kiss. The two of them gradually loosen their grips and let go of each other, then Samantha turned and walked away.

Wang Tong understood what it meant, but for some reason, it still hurt to accept the truth; bittersweet as hell.

That was Wang Tong's first love, it was the sweetest and saddest day of his life…

Still, he was happy that he had given his first kiss to the person he adored. All of a sudden, Wang Tong turned toward the sea and cried his heart out, he knew it was time to bid farewell to his old self!

The spurt of adolescence faded away for the time being.

Samantha got into a luxurious Maglev vehicle that had been waiting for her since long ago.

"Back to Bernabeu, Ma'am?"

"Let's drive around for awhile." Samantha touched her lips gently as she looked out her window. She had been spending too much time focusing on her great plans and missed out a lot of things in her life. She used to disdain the other girls that fell in love, not until she discovered how wonderful it felt. Unfortunately, finding love was not the goal of her life.