265 - 274

Chapter 265: Resurrection

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Since Wang Tong's physical strength had reached that of an Einherjar, his body could output an incredible amount of GN. However, his old sea of consciousness was not strong enough to withstand the strain of discharging such a significant amount of GN force, and would eventually collapse under such weight. However, his new sea of consciousness had turned the situation around.

Wang Tong realized that he had been given a second life. Due to massive consumption of power, Goldie was still in slumber, and Mr. Wannabe seemed to have sustained heavy losses in his soul energy as well. But Mr. Wannabe still guided Wang Tong to complete his first round of the tactics using the new soul energy.

The room was messy; random object were scattered around the floor and on the bed. Wang Tong conceded that he had underestimated Li Ruoer's power, and felt pity for her because she wouldn't be able to level up in her cultivation until she had regained that lost soul energy.

Looking at the unconscious girl that had accidentally given him the second life, Wang Tong no longer felt angry. He saved her life once, and now, her debt was paid.

Wang Tong wanted to walk away then and there, but the joy of regaining his power made him walk to Li Ruoer and wake her up.

Li Ruoer slowly opened her eyes and saw Wang Tong's face right in front of her. She yanked her arm to slap him, but Wang Tong stopped her hand. "Save it. You almost went into derangement earlier. Karma kills you know; I would consider being a better person from now on if I were you."

Li Ruoer's mouth twitched, conceding her defeat as she shouted, "You b*stard! Finish me off!"

Li Ruoer closed her eyes but held her indignant expression. She had lost control of her power and wasted too much soul energy. She would need at least a couple of days to recover from this incidence. Should Wang Tong have touched her on any other day, she would already have his arm chopped off.

Wang Tong picked Li Ruoer up and laid her down on a sofa, "I don't want to harm you, and neither do I expect to become friends with you. Let's just call it off for now."

Wang Tong turned back and walked away.

"Wait! You have recovered your soul energy?" Li Ruoer asked incredulously.

"Thanks to you, yes." Wang Tong turned around and cracked a smile.

Wang Tong could see a mixture of feelings inside of Li Ruoer through her eyes. He held her emotional gaze for a while and decided to leave the room. The longer he stayed here, the more trouble he would be in.

"Hold on!" Li Ruoer shouted out to him, but Wang Tong didn't slow down. He had just recovered, and if he got caught by one of the House Li's warriors, he was as good as dead.

"Don't you want to know what happened to Ma Xiaoru?" As Soon as Li Ruoer finished her sentence, Wang Tong froze in his track.

Li Ruoer's lips curled up into a smirk seeing that Wang Tong had yet again risen to the bait.

"If you beg me, then I might tell you."

Li Ruoer's words seemed to evoked reason in Wang Tong's frozen mind. He took a step towards the door.

"You a*shole Wang Tong! Ma Xiaoru was so nice to you, and you don't even care about her injury!"

"Now I know she is alive. Thanks again!"

Wang Tong almost lost his voice at the end of the sentence. He tried as much as he could to conceal his excitement, but his excited voice still caught Li Ruoer by surprise. He slowly walked out of the room, trying to look as normal as he could. Then, he shut the door close and collapsed against the wall.

"She is still alive! I knew it!"

Li Ruoer was shocked as she had never expected Wang Tong to lose his cool. Even when he was under her torture, he had never even flinched. But one word about Ma Xiaoru had almost brought the tear to his eyes.

Could it be?

A trace of bitterness crawled under Li Ruoer's skin.

No one knew what had happened to Ma Xiaoru since all activities around her had been done in extreme secrecy. Li Ruoer only knew that Ma Xiaoru was gravely injured when she was brought back from the battlefield. However, she reasoned that despite the bell and whistles the Ma Family had gotten, House of Ma would not be able to bring Ma Xiaoru's life back without experience and powerful soul energy —something the Ma lacked but the Li had an abundance of.

Li Ruoer knew that her father and brother would not pass up this opportunity, twisting the Ma's vulnerability to their advantage. So, she was convinced that they were going to table the marriage proposal as a bargaining chip to House of Ma, and Ma Dutian would have no choice but to accept.

In other words, Wang Tong would never have a chance with Ma Xiaoru.

Wang Tong dragged his exhausted body to his bed. The excitement still lingered in his mind. He clenched his fists, trying to reflect on the information he had gained about Ma Xiaoru. He no longer held resentment towards Li Ruoer. After all, she had brought him two good news.

He wanted to visit Ma Xiaoru, to bang on her door and plead to let him in. But, he knew that House Ma wouldn't crack open the gate for him. He knew he needed to find help if he wanted to see Ma Xiaoru again.

The only person he thought that might help him was Samantha. However, she was barely on the campus recently. The council had summoned her to report on the results of the student's military campaign.

Judging by Li Ruoer's tone, Wang Tong doubted that House of Ma would even allow Samantha to visit Ma Xiaoru. Wang Tong reasoned that the only person who could persuade Ma Dutian would have to be from the House of Li.

"Should I go back to beg Li Ruoer?" Wang Tong asked himself. It was a terrible question, and the thought of Li Ruoer gave him the jitters. However, if she were the only one who could help him, then so be it.

The recovered soul energy had given Wang Tong some confidence in handling Li Ruoer's devious tricks. He was further emboldened by his suspicion that the Tactics of Blade was the perfect counter for the Tactics of the Enchantress. If it weren't the case, Wang Tong figured he would have already been killed by Li Ruoer's flood of deadly soul energy.

The next day morning, Wang Tong told Zhou Sisi about the recovery of his soul energy. Zhou Sisi hugged Wang Tong out of sheer happiness. The rest of his classmates also felt happy for him and the S club. Thanks to his influence in the S club, Wang Tong's recovery meant the club's deteriorating morale would soon correct its course.

When the news reached Bernabeu, Cao Yi and his friends were elated as well. This was a much-needed turning point in the S Club's recent spiraling down path. The students' enthusiasm had faded, and the process of recruiting new members had also been halted. Like any other organization, the S club was soulless without an influential leader.

Cao Yi knew that the main selling point of the S club to the students of A or B academy was its legendary leader, the boy who had defeated Capth. So, Cao Yi was distraught about the club's future once he heard about Wang Tong's injury. However, Cao Yi didn't bring his concern to Wang Tong, fearing it would distract him from his treatment.

To everyone's surprise, Wang Tong had done the impossible once again.

"You rock! It looks like I would never become the number one at Ayrlarng" Hu Yangxuan gave Wang Tong a warm hug.

"What's the big deal! I knew he could do it from the beginning. He is Wang Tong." Lips twitching and hands trembling, Karl's seemingly calm voice could not hide his excitement.

Among all of the S club members, Karl had benefited the most by following around and learning from Wang Tong.

"Haha, yeah that was very lucky. I now just have to wait for it to stabilize."

"Take your time. We are always here for you!" Zhou Sisi nodded at Wang Tong. Everyone knew that Zhou Sisi had a crush on him, but his heart already belonged to someone else.

With everyone's support, Wang Tong became even more focused on strengthing and stabilizing his new sea of consciousness. He didn't tell anyone that his sea of consciousness hadn't just recovered, but was washed clean and then refilled with a purer form of energy—an upgrade. If the sea of consciousness was the field where one could harness the soul energy that grew out of it, Wang Tong's field had an infinite supply of nutrients.

The S clubbed talked about going to a restaurant to celebrate this great news, but they didn't end up going since Wang Tong was frail and overeating might hinder his recovery. Instead of going to the restaurant, they decided to help him with the study he had missed while he was in the hospital.

Wang Tong recognized that although most subjects were entirely useless, there were a few important ones that he would need to catch up with.

Chapter 266: Attack Missed

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Zhou Sisi had prepared her tutor notes and made it into an interactive program for Wang Tong. She had cleared her schedule so that she could use to time to help him with his study.

After a night of tutoring, Wang Tong had caught up with most of the materials that he had missed. The two both heaved a sigh of relief. Zhou Sisi didn't ask him about his soul energy, knowing that she wouldn't be able to help him on that anyway. After tutoring Wang Tong, she set off to make some night snacks for the two of them.

Thanks to Wang Tong's new soul energy, he felt his study was much easier than before. The two chatted joyfully while enjoying the night snack. Wang Tong briefly talked about the incidence with Li Ruoer at the five-star hotel.

"That girl is crazy! But I am luckier though. Her soul energy had stimulated my sea of consciousness. You should be very careful around her. " Wang Tong said while chewing mouthful of food.

"She is so..." The word evaporated from her mouth, and she found it difficult to find a replacement.

"Don't take it too personally. I heard that it was normal for the Enchantress to go crazy for a while, side effects and all. Just be careful, that's all."

Wang Tong's concern for her safety made Zhou Sisi feel a sense of warmth. She asked, "Are you planning to find Ma Xiaoru?"

"I am trying. So far, I have gotten no luck. Even her Skynet is offline."

"I am sure she would contact you once she is awake. But if she is still in a coma, I don't think House of Ma would let anyone be near her. That being said, since Li Ruoer knows about her condition, I suggest we start with her." Zhou Sisi reasoned. Zhou Sisi always felt that Ma Xiaoru would be a better girlfriend for Wang tong than Samantha, not only because the latter was a principal, hence the scandalous undertone, but also because Ma Xiaoru was a more caring person than Samantha.

"To ask her for help? I would if I could trust her. But I don't trust a coo coo." Wang Tong shook his head quickly. He would give in to Li Ruoer if all she wanted were to beat him up. But he was convinced that what Li Ruoer wanted was much grimmer than that.

"Let me handle it for you." Zhou Sisi smirked.

"Fine, but don't confront her face to face. No one knows what she would do. Be careful!" The thought of Li Ruoer's ability to create illusions made Wang tong worried for Zhou Sisi.

Zhou Sisi smiled and then said, "I know I know! Eat your food and shut up, will you? I'm going to head home soon. Don't forget to review what we had gone through today."

"Will do!" Wang Tong answered as he extended two fingers into a V. His new sea of consciousness had been very useful in helping him remember all of the knowledge in the textbook.

After Zhou Sisi left, Charcoal appeared out of the crystal. Although Goldie was still in the recovering mode, Charcoal was unharmed, and was able to act without Goldie's control.

Although charcoal lacked the same intelligence as Goldie, he had been weaponized and would help Wang Tong on the battlefield.

Wang Tong patted the top of Charcoal's head and gave a command, "Charcoal, would you please help me with cleaning the dishes?"

"Yes, Master!"

Despite the new weapon updates, Charcoal had been doing what he used to do all the time: cleaning.

Wang Tong started to cultivate the Tactics of the Blade. He used to have to prime the tactics by first moving a smaller number of nodes and slowly progressing to the full version of 256 nodes. However, with the new sea of consciousness, he would be able to initiate all GN nodes at the same time. As he looked down at the GN nodes and the Soul energy surrounded them, He was surprised to find out that they had changed their color to gold.

The morning next day, Hu Yangxuan dragged Wang Tong to the training field as he had been doing every morning since Wang Tong's injury. After Wang Tong's soul energy had recovered, his life also returned to normal, and so did the S club. New members joined the group with even greater enthusiasm as they were marveled at Wang Tong's miraculous recovery.

They were convinced that Wang Tong was not only powerful but also very lucky.

After a day of class, Wang Tong's head felt heavy after learning about many equations and law of physics. He wished that the Blade Warrior should give him another gift: a calculator brain. With his friends' help, Wang Tong barely passed the exams. Cao Yi also joined ranks among Wang Tong's tutors. Everyone wanted him to become not only a force to be reckoned with on the battle field, but also a well-rounded leader.

The second the class bell rang, signaling the end of a class, Hu Yangxuan picked up his textbook and darted towards the door with Wang Tong hot on his heels. But when he got to the door, he was stopped cold in his track. Wang tong didn't have the time to react, so he rammed into Hu Yangxuan.

"Balls! Move, will you? Why stop?" Wang Tong cupped his forehead with his palm. But when he saw what had stopped Hu Yangxuan, he was shocked.

Li Ruoer stood right in front of him, blocking the sunlight behind her. Wang Tong's hair stood on ends as he felt a coldness crawl under his skin.

Due to the Great Houses' appreciation for their privacy and their substantial influence in the Media, not a lot of people knew what Li Ruoer looked like. However, Hu Yangxuan would stop for a beautiful girl at any time, regardless of her family background.

Before Hu Yangxuan started drooling, Wang Tong closed in and asked in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

"Doesn't Ayrlarng accept visitors? Just want to see what this famous historical academy is all about." Li Ruoer said in an innocent voice.

"Wang Tong, you gonna have to talk politely to our beautiful guest." Hu Yangxuan then turned around and smiled at Li Ruoer, then said, "Your face is beautiful… and familiar. Have we met before? Do you need a guide?"

Li Ruoer ignored Hu Yangxuan. She threw Wang Tong a glance and then closed in. Wang Tong's body tensed up, ready to use his tactics at any time.

Li Ruoer approached Wang Tong very slowly and without any ill intention. She hooked her wrist into the crook of Wang Tong's arm and whispered into Wang Tong's ears. "Do as I say… Otherwise, you will never see Ma Xiaoru."

Wang Tong's body relaxed, but his mind was even more tensed up since Li Ruoer's threats had stricken home.

"That's it. Make me happy and I will lead you to her." After her words, Li Ruoer glanced at Hu Yangxuan pitifully, "Sorry handsome, I'm here for my boyfriend."

Wang Tong wanted to protest, but he couldn't find the words.

Disappointed and frustrated, Hu Yangxuan went off to the lunch room. He swore that he had seen that girl somewhere.

"That girl was hot… and she looked so familiar!"

"No kidding, I think she looked like Li Ruoer."

"Li Ruoer?"

"How do Wang Tong and Li Ruoer know each other?"

After a night of reflecting on her strategy so far, Li Ruoer conceded that she had overlooked Wang Tong's personality. She decided to use more devious and indirect methods to continue her plan of revenge.

"Wang Tong, how many girlfriends do you have? Zhou Sisi was at my door first thing this morning."

"Where is she now?" Wang Tong thought to himself.

"What? Why are you so afraid of me? I don't bite!" Li Ruoer beamed joyfully as if she really meant no harm to him.

"Are you sure? Plus, do you know anything that's called friendship? Oh, wait... I forgot that you don't have any friends." Wang Tong rebuked.

" Careful, Wang Tong! Be very careful!" Li Ruoer chided.

"I am honest. that's what you want me to do right?" Wang Tong protested.

"Whatever. Anyhow, you can forget about Ma Xiaoru. Her father had already agreed to her marriage with my brother." Li Ruoer said while watching Wang Tong's change of expression.

"Xiaoru is safe now? Thank God!"

"Are you listening or not? I said MARRIAGE with my brother!" Disappointed by Wang Tong's gleeful expression, Li Ruoer reminded Wang Tong about the marriage.

Wang Tong rounded his eyes at Li Ruoer and then said, "Ma Xiaoru didn't agree yet, so it doesn't count."

"Are you really that dumb? Do you think Ma Xiaoru will have a say in this matter?" Li Ruoer watched at Wang Tong's face carefully, waiting for the panic to surface at any moment.

However, she was disappointed again.

After having been to death and brought back alive, Wang Tong had finally realized that Ma Xiaoru was his true love. He had promised himself that he would never give up on her as long as he was still breathing.

Chapter 267: A Deal Is A Deal

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

It had occurred to Wang Tong that it was the time for him to make an effort in winning Ma Xiaoru back, and the lack of family background should not be his excuse.

Li Ruoer would never understand the strong bond between Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru.

"If your father is going to marry you off to someone you dislike, tell me, what would you do?"

"That's easy… I'll kill you." Li Ruoer answered with a sharp edge in her voice.

"You see my point now?" Wang Tong shrugged.

"Dream on. I would never choose you as my lover. Ew."

"That makes two of us."

"Whatever. I'm hungry, let's go to the cafeteria."

"Maybe somewhere else? I will...pay?" Wang Tong scowled and said unwillingly. Someone in the cafeteria would eventually recognize Li Ruoer, and Wang Tong didn't want any rumors to spread.

"Did I really hear you say that you will buy me lunch? Why am I not feeling honored? Well, I only want some cafeteria food, and yes, you are still paying for it. Let's go!"

Wang Tong gritted his teeth and followed Li Ruoer to the cafeteria.

As soon as the two stepped into the cafeteria, silence fell into the hall. The rumor was true; the heir of House Li, Li Ruoer was here. Upon entering the lobby, Li Ruoer quickly plastered a poised and aloof expression onto her face and switched her identity from a crazy little prick to a cold and distant goddess, whose appearance would make any young man smile.

Wang Tong rolled his eyes as he tried to improvised a plan to play along with Li Ruoer's trick.

"We will see who is laughing in the end." Wang Tong thought to himself.

Wang Tong led Li Ruoer directly to Karl's table. "Give us some space. This is Li Ruoer; I think she won't need an introduction. She was our OPPONENT during the tournament at Capth. " Wang Tong put extra emphasis on the word "opponent."

Li Ruoer had seen through Wang Tong's plan, so she said polity to everyone, "It was a good fight, and it is nice to meet you all again."

"Please sit."

In a blink, an ample space appeared at the table.

Wang Tong cursed at his classmates in his mind. He wanted them to refuse to give her a place at the table by reminding them about the feud between Ayrlarng and Capth.

No matter what kind of hint Wang Tong dropped, no one except for Zhou Sisi would be able to pick up the cue, as they were unaware of what had happened between Wang Tong and this seemingly doe-eyed girl.

"Be our guest! What would you like to eat? Meat? Vegetable? Salty or sweet?" Hu Yangxuan puffed out his chest to make himself look manlier in front of the beautiful young lady.

"Yea, let us know. Ayrlarng's cafeteria is pretty well known for its… "

Seeing his friends were no help, Wang Tong interrupted the conversation, "She will eat anything, right?"

"I'm not a piggy. A little bit of vegetable will do. I have a body to keep." As soon as Li Ruoer finished her words, she was greeted with more praises for her beauty, most of which came from Hu Yangxuan.

As Wang Tong lamented over the ineffectiveness of his improvised plan, Zhou Sisi came and sat down at the table. As she looked at Li Ruoer, she didn't seem to be surprised. Instead, the two girls held each other's knowing gaze for a fraction of seconds before they looked away. Wang Tong was puzzled by this detail, so he dragged Zhou Sisi to a corner and asked, "What the hell is going on?" Wang Tong lowered his voice but not the urgency in his tone.

"Don't you worry about it. Everything is under control. I will explain later." Zhou Sisi patted Wang Tong's shoulder and said.

Zhou Sisi' calm and assuring tone somehow made Wang Tong feel even more unnerved. He worried that Li Ruoer had cast a spell of the Enchantress on the innocent girl.

Wang Tong conceded that his only option seemed to be playing along. Also, Wang Tong found that Zhou Sisi's pronunciation of words was clear, unlike the hypnotized slur that one uttered when under mind control spells.

Everyone, expect for Wang Tong, had enjoyed the lunch. Wang Tong constantly worried about his friends' lives as they chatted with the seemingly benevolent princess from House of Li.

After the lunch, Li Ruoer continued with her plan as she clutched Wang Tong's arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

"Please! Can you smile just once? Am I really that bad of a person?" Li Ruoer's face lit up with glee. Thanks to Zhou Sisi's idea, she finally found a way to torture Wang Tong by embarrassing him and stressing him out.

Wang Tong didn't want to carry out any unnecessary conversation, so he asked, "What's next?"

"Hold your horses. If you behave well today and make me happy, I can let you see Ma Xiaoru as early as tonight. However, if you dare piss me off again... "

"All right, all right! Enough threats."

"Good. Now, show me a smile, will you? You should feel honored to be my boyfriend, even if we are just pretending."

Wang Tong rolled his eyes at her outrageous comment.

In the cafeteria, the S club sat in a circle.

"Sisi, how was our acting?"

"Very good!" Zhou Sisi gave everyone a thumb up.

"How dare she underestimate us! She thought we were all under her spell."

"We will let Wang Tong handle the rest." Zhou Sisi nodded.

"I think my acting skill is the best among all of you. I can tell that she was charmed by my looks."

"You can only charm yourself with that face of yours!"

"None of you had acted as calm as I did in front her seduction. I would never let lust affect me, unlike you guys!" Karl announced.

The rest of the students rolled their eyes at the two narcissists.

It turned out that Zhou Sisi had orchestrated the entire event. She had registered that only Li Ruoer would be able to help Wang Tong, but their grudge held against each other had made things more complicated. Based on the information Zhou Sisi had gathered about the two's confrontations, Zhou Sisi wagered that Li Ruoer's intention wasn't to harm Wang Tong but to humiliate him. Zhou Sisi reasoned that if she could help Li Ruoer reach her goal safely, she might be able to strike a deal with her to help Wang Tong.

To put her plan into action, Zhou Sisi also enlisted help from Hu Yangxuan and other friends of Wang Tong to put on a show for the enchantress in the cafeteria. That being said, Hu Yangxuan would be lying to say that he was merely acting and was not attracted by Li Ruoer at all. After all, Li Ruoer's beauty was irresistible to any young man.

After the show was over, the curtain fell and the stage was cleaned. Zhou Sisi conceded that it was all she could do for Wang Tong, and the rest was up to him.

Wang Tong soon realized that he had to fight an entirely different battle this time. Li Ruoer didn't scream or yell for his death. Instead, she smiled satisfyingly every time she squeezed a few credits out from his half-empty pocket.

Although Wang Tong felt sad to see his hard-earned money being wasted on useless trinkets, he understood that he had to keep the show going. He also learned that a bit exaggeration of his painful expression might help him to end her spending spree sooner. So, Wang Tong played on.

After an entire afternoon of splurging using Wang Tong's money, Li Ruoer seemed to be finally satisfied. Wang Tong was surprised by how quickly her anger had been pacified, since he was expecting more outrageous orders from her after she had used up his money.

The two hopped onto a luxurious limousine that Li Ruoer had arranged. Wang Tong sat in the backseat with a solemn face. A feeling rose inside of him that was a mixture of anticipation and anxiousness.

Li Ruoer's expression became calm and placid as soon as she stepped into the car. "Ma Xiaoru had gotten injured twice, and you were involved in both cases. To put it simply, you didn't really leave a good impression on her dad. If you really want to see her, we have to do secretly."

Hearing that she had finally started to talk about what he wanted to hear, Wang Tong heaved a sigh of relief. "How is she doing right now?"

"You two were both lucky. The nuke didn't harm her, but she was in no better shape than you. Her soul energy was also depleted thanks to the overuse of super METAL."

Li Ruoer gave Wang Tong a side-glance as she marveled at Wang Tong's miraculous recovery. Even right then, she could feel his fresh and vigorous soul energy pumping through his body. She conceded that it would only be a matter of time before Wang Tong's sea of consciousness was fully charged with higher grade soul energies.

"My family had dispatched our best therapist to help her. However, the progress has been slow. My father had also requested Uncle Ma's permission to marry Ma Xiaoru to my brother. " Li Ruoer said indifferently. She knew that it was more of a blackmail than a request.

"Why do you want to tell me this?"

"Because you intrigue me. I had never thought you would have a chance with Ma Xiaoru, but then I realized that I was wrong. I had made sure that Ma Xiaoru returned Capth, and I had also made sure that you survived in the hospital. The reason I want to help you is because I believe you are the only person that would pose any real threat to my brother." Li Ruoer laughed alluringly.

Wang Tong kept silent. What he had heard so far didn't bode well. He realized that he had unknowingly gotten involved in a family feud. However, one valuable information he had gained from Li Ruoer was that the Ma didn't seem very cooperative in dealing with the Li.

Li Ruoer studied the severe expression on Wang Tong's face, attempting to guess his thoughts.

"Aren't you afraid of your family eventually figuring out your intention?"

"Ha-ha. You mean you would tell them that? Well, think again!"

Wang Tong marveled at Li Ruoer's enormous ambition held inside her petite body, and wondered if she believed that everything in the world could be reduced to just a game between her and her brother.

Chapter 268: The Source of All Problems

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The news Li Ruoer brought to him didn't deter Wang Tong.

Wang Tong boarded her private jet and arrived at a Villa somewhere in Europe. This villa and the few hundred square kilometers area around it that was the property of House of Ma. Thanks to Li Ruoer, no one stopped them as they landed at the private airport.

When Wang Tong landed, he noticed that the entire place was heavily guarded. Even the guards at the entrance wore METAL suits. Wang Tong didn't overthink about it. After all, he was not here to fight but to see Ma Xiaoru.

"Wang Tong, you can watch her from a distance. Don't worry; I will let you know if her situation gets better or worse in the future." Li Ruoer whispered in Wang Tong's ear.

Wang Tong wasn't sure if Li Ruoer was going to pull any trick on him. But so far, she seemed genuinely helpful. "Thanks anyway." Wang Tong replied.

The two of them walked through the entrance, and Li Ruoer used her identification card for the both of them. Therefore, no one stopped them. "There are three levels of security check ahead of us. If anyone asks who you are, just tell them that you are from House Li. We had sent many of our experts to help Ma Xiaoru. Remember, Ma Xiaoru was still very frail, and cannot withstand any stress or strain on her body and mind."

Ma Xiaoru's words sounded like she genuinely cared about Ma Xiaoru's life, which made Wang Tong change his opinion of her quite a bit.

Right before the two were about to pass through the final gate, two METAL warriors stopped them.

"Lady Li, our Lord has ordered that no one was allowed to disturb our lady."

"This is an expert specializing in soul energy recovery. I brought him here today with me to help Ma Xiaoru. "

"I will send the request through. Would you please wait here for a second?" The METAL warrior requested.

Li Ruoer's brow furrowed and then she said with a cold and sharp voice, "Get out of my way! How dare you question me? Are you going to question House of Li as well?"

The two METAL Warriors were ruffled by Li Ruoer's harsh tone. They looked at each other helplessly and were going to let Li Ruoer and her companion through when a voice came out from inside of the room.

"Ruoer, let him in. I want to see him."

The two soldiers straightened their backs as soon as they heard the voice. Li Ruoer grimaced and heaved a sigh, "Let's go. Remember, don't do anything stupid!"

"This is?"

"Ma Dutian. Ma Xiaoru's father. "

Wang Tong didn't care because he understood Ma Dutian's feelings as a father. Even if Ma Dutian intended to beat him up, Wang Tong reasoned that he would not resist.

"Ruoer, you can take a rest outside. I want to see him alone." Ma Dutian commanded. Li Ruoer didn't protest. Instead, she gave Wang Tong a stern stare, a final reminder to behave himself in that room.

Following a METAL fighter, Wang Tong stepped through the seventh checkpoint, and saw one of the most influential men of the Confederation sitting in front of him.

Rumors had it that Ma Dutian was a mediocre fighter. He had shown limited talents during his youth, so he had chosen to cultivate the tactics of Vayu, which he gave up halfway through. However, Ma Dutian was the best at managing business, just like all of his ancestors.

However, when Wang Tong saw Ma Dutian for the first time, he had sensed that he had the purest form of soul energy within him. It was hard for Wang Tong to believe that Ma Dutian had been a dropout.

Wang Tong was able to sense the quality of other's soul energy because the Tactics of the Blade was the granddaddy of all other tactics. Wang Tong could use his soul energy as a standard measurement to compare with other people's soul energy, and then make an assessment. All the tactics of the world could be in one way or another traced back to the Tactics of the Blade. The fact that Li Feng had chosen to leave the Tactics of the Blade in this world meant that it could be a trump card over other deadly tactics, such as the Tactics of Vayu and the Tactics of the Enchantress.

Wang Tong and Ma Dutian held each other's gaze for a second and Wang Tong didn't find any anger in the latter's eyes. Instead, his eyes were filled with disappointment. Then suddenly, a light flashed in Ma Dutian's eyes, and he said, "Sit, please."

Wang Tong felt nervous meeting with one of the most influential men in the world, but the tense feeling only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared. He grabbed a seat and sat down calmly.

Ma Dutian didn't speak but stared at Wang Tong for a while. The silence unnerved Wang Tong again.

"Your tactics… Who taught you them?" Ma Dutian asked abruptly.

Wang Tong's heart sank at the question, worried that Ma Dutian had somehow deciphered the origin of his real power.

Wang Tong conceded that the rumor about Ma Dutian were merely rumors. The real Ma Dutian was a very powerful cultivator.

Ma Dutian had seen through Wang Tong's thoughts and was surprised to realize that this young boy could feel his real power. "You can feel my power? Hehe. Interesting. I have eluded that from everyone in the world, but not a 16-year-old boy. Haha."

Ma Dutian's laughter lightened up the mood of the conversation significantly. Wang Tong was convinced that Ma Dutian meant him no harm. He was the father of a caring and friendly girl, a living proof of her father's friendliness and righteousness.

"It was the Tactics of the Blade. My... stepfather taught me that. I can feel a pure energy pulsing inside of you, the kind of energy that only appears within an Einherjar. " Wang Tong said. He decided that there was no point in hiding anything, since Ma Dutian would be able to see through his lies easily.

Ma Dutian smiled the topic away and then asked, "I thought your sea of consciousness was depleted."

"Yes, but luckily I got it back. Not sure how I did it though." Wang Tong had spoken the truth; he had no clue how his sea of consciousness had recovered.

"You are indeed lucky. Well, since you are here, feel free to take a look. She is still in a coma, so she won't be able to speak. "

Wang Tong was surprised how quickly Ma Dutian had accepted his request.

The thought of Ma Xiaoru made his heart ache. An immense guilt rose inside of him as he said, "I am sorry."

Although Wang Tong had nothing to do with Ma Xiaoru's injury, he had failed to protect the girl he liked, and that was a sin to a real man. Ma Dutian was pleased by Wang Tong's sense of accountability, and he nodded approvingly.

"You will leave her alone after seeing her for the last time today." Ma Dutian announced. Wang Tong's body froze. He knew that Ma Dutian had disapproved his affection for Ma Xiaoru.

If it were before he met Ma Xiaoru, Wang Tong would have given up. However, ever since he met Ma Xiaoru, many things had happened, and Wang Tong had learned one valuable lesson: Don't give up on one's true love.

"Uncle, how can I prove that I am worthy?" Wang Tong asked in a calm voice. The placidity in Wang Tong's voice caught Ma Dutian by surprise.

"I wager that you have heard about the marriage proposal between my family and House of Li. Ma Xiaoru had put her life in danger twice for you. The first time she lost her memory, and the second time she almost lost her life. Without her, you'd be dead for a long time."

"You are right. For the sake of Ma Xiaoru's feelings for me, please give me a chance to prove that I am worthy of her affection." Wang Tong pleaded.

Wang Tong knew that this was his only chance.

Ma Dutian held Wang Tong's gaze and then asked, "So, you think you are worthier than Li Shiming?"

"First, yes, I am. Second, Ma Xiaoru doesn't like him. Third, you don't want to see their marriage happen either."

Wang Tong's list of reasons were like three arrows that each had hit the mark squarely.

Ma Dutian finally smiled, as a newfound interest in this young boy flashed in his eyes. Wang Tong wasn't sure if what he said was appropriate, so he had turned into a bundle of nerves.

"You better walk the talk, young man. There is going to be a pan-solar system tournament coming up, and all of the top fighters of the Great Houses would attend that tournament. If you could become the champion of the tournament, I will deem you worthy of my daughter's hand. How about that?"

Wang Tong tried to control the elation sprouting out from his heart, and nodded his head.

"Leave here as soon as you see her. Don't let her mom catch you here. She will skin you alive, and that's not a joke." Ma Dutian waved his hand.

A door opened, and a robot led Wang Tong to an inner chamber.

Ma Dutian sat down next to a desk and knocked on it twice. A shadowy figure appeared behind Ma Dutian's reclining chair.

"Is that him?"

"Yes, master." The shadow whispered.

"Young and inexperienced. He would be dead in no time should the Li find him first. Luckily, I am a step ahead of the Li. " Ma Dutian cracked a smile.

"Master, what is your plan?"

"I don't care if it is Li Shiming or Wang Tong, as long as Xiaoru is happy. Wang Tong needs to prove himself worthy, and I will give him a chance to do so."

"As you wish, master."

An eerie light flashed in the shadow's eyes that clearly weren't human.

Chapter 269: Humans' Counter Attack

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Across the glass pane, Wang Tong finally saw Ma Xiao's face, and a tear streaked his face right away.

Wang Tong never felt so concerned about someone's well being that he knew he would give up his life for her. Before he met Ma Xiaoru, he never felt so happy and sad for anyone or anything. The whole world meant nothing to him, but after he had found his true love, Ma Xiaoru had become his world, and she meant everything to him.

Ma Xiaoru lied in the medical bay as if she were sleeping. Ma Dutian's request had given him a sliver of hope. It was a fight he had to win, and nothing would be able to stop him.

Li Ruoer watched the development with curiosity and questions. She didn't expect Ma Dutian to be so friendly with Wang Tong, much less accepting Wang Tong's request of proving himself.

The marriage between the two houses came at a very high price for the Ma. Not only were they going to send their daughter to the Li, but also all the secrets of the VAPE battery. It was also the most critical matter on House of Li 's agenda. If things didn't get hairy again on Norton, Li Shiming would have returned earth and focused on wooing the bride and her family.

The real intention behind the Enchantress's sudden change of heart to help Wang Tong was much more devious than it appeared. She had wagered that Ma Dutian would reject Wang Tong's request outright, and therefore, Wang Tong would completely lose hope. Without the hope supporting Wang Tong, Li Ruoer reasoned that he would collapse from within very quickly.

She had not been deceived by Zhou Sisi's little trick. After all, she was merely playing along just like everyone else. However, even with the loaded dice, Wang Tong was still the biggest winner in this rigged game.

Had Ma Dutian done it in the name of love? No.

Li Ruoer knew that sentiments such as love belonged only to ordinary people in the streets. There was only one motive in Ma Dutian's decision: to gain the upper hand against other Great Houses.

But, Wang Tong was just a nobody compared to House Li. So, how did he manage to persuade Ma Dutian?

Wang Tong turned around and was startled by Li Ruoer, who was standing behind him. Li Ruoer was surprised when she saw the tear streaks on Wang Tong's cheeks. She never expected to see Wang Tong being emotional, much less cry.

Wang Tong felt that he owed her a favor. If it were not for Li Ruoer, he would never have gained the chance to prove himself to Ma Xiaoru's father.

Family background aside, Wang Tong believed that he was the worthiest of Ma Xiaoru's hand.

The two of them left the villa quietly. Wang Tong knew that it was time for him to act.

Li Ruoer wanted to ask Wang Tong many questions, but she was not sure where to start. Her mind raced as she wondered if she had spoiled her bother and father's plan. They had forced house of Ma to a corner by using Ma Xiaoru's recovery as a bargaining chip. But, Li Ruoer knew that it did not mean that Ma Dutian wouldn't change his mind on the issue of the marriage.

Li Ruoer figured the only saving grace of this development was that she had gained Wang Tong's trust. Soon, Li Ruoer would be able to unleash the real power of the Enchantress onto the unsuspecting victim.

At the thought of Wang Tong's suffering, Li Ruoer's lips curled up into a faint smile.

"You got a love problem, Wang Tong? I will solve it for you." Li Ruoer thought to herself.

Wang Tong had caused her enough problems. Every time they had a run in, Wang Tong was always able to stir up her soul energy by humiliating her. The worse was the last encounter when she had wasted all of her hard-earned soul energy, and so, she had to start from scratch in leveling up. Wang Tong had practically become the biggest roadblock in her cultivation, and had left Li Ruoer with no choice but to do away with him.

Without Wang Tong's disturbance, Li Ruoer would become the youngest person in reaching the highest level of the Tactics of the enchantress among all cultivators except for the creator of the tactics.

She was born with a mischievous and deceiving personality, a perfect match with the Tactics of the Enchantress. She secretly hoped that Wang Tong would be strong enough to withstand her initial attacks, because Li Ruoer's power fed off on Wang Tong's power.

Meanwhile, the council meeting was discussing a pressing issue. Based on the NNT's report, the Zergs were conducting an unprecedented experiment to further evolve their species by mixing superior human gene with that of the Zergs. The war had provided an excellent opportunity for them to collect human gene samples.

After reviewing all the evidence laid out by the NNT, the Li family conceded that the Zergs intention in this war was not to conquer the planet, but to conduct their hideous experiments.

The progress of the cleaning up the planet had been slow, NNT argued that the Zergs would gain the upper hand and reach a breakthrough in their research if the military didn't take action right away. The only viable option NNT had proposed to eradicate the Zergs in such a short period was to annihilate the planet.

This proposal shocked the council since its implication would be significant. There were many parties involved in the development of Norton, and convincing any one of them to give up their investment would be nearly impossible. The Zergs had been collecting the human genes for a while, which it was an indication of their slow progress in hacking into the human gene. However, if they ever succeeded, the outcome could be catastrophic. The time was ticking.

The students had already been pulled back, and the military's retreat would only be a matter of giving the orders since House Li were among the firm supporters of the retreat plan.

It seemed that Ma Sa's plan was about to follow through, but he had overlooked another critical player, the Golden Hawk. The Golden Hawk had been the strongest opposer of the retreat plan, and they were convinced that the NNT had broken its vow of not getting involved in politics, and had formed a secret alliance with the House of Li. However, after seeing the evidence Ma Sa had given to the council, they changed their mind. Golden Hawk had always been the most hawkish faction, and they were more eager than anyone else to deliver a fatal blow to the Zergs. After watching the video of Zergs collecting Li Shiming's blood, the Golden Hawk wagered that once the Zergs evolved into a creature as powerful as Li Feng, that would be the end of human civilization.

However, the theory of a Zerg-Li Feng hybrid super being sounded preposterous to the majority of the council members. More than half of the council member opposed the retreat plan, and the opposers were also backed by the environmentalist who thought the humans would be no different from the Zergs if they destroyed an entire planet and the lives on it for the sake of their own well-being.

The two voices clashed with each other and the only thing that NNT could do was wait. Their jurisdiction was the investigation, but not in the decision making. After insistent persuasion and lobbying by the Li, the recent opinions of the council members seemed to favor the retreat plan finally. After all, despite how ridiculous their theory sounded, it was not unthinkable. And if the Zergs succeeded, that would be the end of the human race.

Once again, survival instinct trumped morality and common sense.

As the earthlings seemed to have reached a consensus on the issue, the Martians threw another wrench into the gears by dispatching a few fleets towards Norton. The secrets were no longer a secret, since everyone had heard the news that the military was going to blow up the planet. If the earthlings did that, the Martian investments would be all lost. The Martians had recently finished constructing a warp portable on its moon to Norton, betting on the prosperity on the planet after the war. If planet Norton were reduced to ashes, so would their years of investments.

After the Martians, the Ivantians followed suit to protect their precious metal mines, and the council was back to the drawing board.

At this point, the situation had already gone out of control. Even the mighty House Li was finally silenced under the pressures from all sides. Ma Sa knew then that his plan had failed. The most likely outcome from this political disaster was a full force attack led by all three factions. However, that, Ma Sa thought, was exactly what he wanted to see from the beginning.

"Father, that was the summary of the council meeting." Li Shiming said.

"Ma Sa has already gotten what he wanted."

"What do you mean?"

"He knew it was impossible just to blow the planet apart. That wasn't his intention. He simply wanted the Confederation to see the danger they are in by suggesting a desperate and extreme method. His plan was a ruse to coax the Confederation to dispatch more forces to the battlefield."

"I see! Why did you play along?"

"The outcome is not bad for us, is it? Zergs are everyone's enemy, plus now, NNT owes us a huge favor. Ma Sa is a very influential person, and it doesn't hurt to keep him close to our side. Sometimes, you need to focus on the future instead of the present."

"Yes, father."

"There is no need for you at the front line any longer. You should return and focus on handling your marriage proposal."

Every four years, the young warriors of the Confederation would gather together in a tournament to compete for the title of the champion. It would not be an easy task for Wang Tong, but if he started to focus on strengthening his new sea of consciousness, he might have a chance.

The student's experience in the military campaign had put a positive spin on their preparation for the tournament, as it motivated them to train with a newfound determination.

On the battlefield, the students had finally realized how small and vulnerable they were. The ruthless war would not give them a second chance to revisit the chapter on Zerg's attack formation, nor would it give them another few weeks to strengthen their body so that they could move just an inch further away from death. If they didn't train hard, they would have to the pay the ultimate price—their lives.

Chapter 270: A Wrench From Mars

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The students' motivation also helped the S club extend its member list. S club had become a platform where students from A class academies could exchange information and insights. It also existed as a reminder of their determination to surpass the S academies. The Zhang Brother had established an online forum for all the S club members to facilitate the exchange of information. The most talked topic was the fleet combat techniques, such as the one used by Karl.

After confirming Ma Xiaoru's condition, Wang Tong had no more things to worry about, so he spent all his time on cultivation and physical training. He would have a work cut out for him when he faced the Li in the tournament. He thought it was ironic that he had gotten his tactics from Li Feng, yet he would have to stand up against his descendants.

Unlike when he first started cultivating, Wang Tong was no longer hasty in making progress. After going through the war and witnessing his comrades' death, Wang Tong felt that he was not as powerful in a real war as he was in the PA system. It lit up the determination in him to train with much more attention to the detail and technical finesse.

In addition to the cultivation of soul energy, he also poured more vigor into learning textbook knowledge that would help him make a decision on the battlefield. After the war, he had noticed that a right decision could save more lives than a power fighter. For example, if he had seen that the cave he entered into was a trap, Ma Xiaoru would not have been injured, and Big Head, Iron Tooth, and Over Bite would still be alive.

Nothing seemed to be able to disturb Wang Tong any longer, so he returned to his study with resolution.

Hu Yangxuan had also learned valuable lessons from the battlefield. The 5g environment shocked him at first, but then, he conceded that this was something that he had to work hard to get used to if he wanted to become a real soldier.

As Wang Tong was experimenting different training routines, he found that his soul energy was recovering rapidly. With the solid understanding of the techniques he had acquired and combined with the real-life combat experience, the power of his Tactics of the Blade had increased by leaps and bounds. This unexpected benefit had made him understand the importance of the depth of one's sea of consciousness. The academy's teaching had focused mainly on charging and exploding one's soul energy in one deadly attack. This method was effective in tournaments when one needed only to face a few opponents, but it would tire the user out very quickly on a battlefield. Endurance and stamina became more critical players in a real war against the Zergs. Wang Tong had slipped up many times because he didn't pay attention to his overdrawing soul energy. Luckily, Goldie had saved him last time, but Wang Tong knew that Goldie wouldn't be there for him all the time. He needed to find a way to increase the depth of his sea of consciousness.

Wang Tong had never been more craving for power as he was then. However, he never regretted his training methods in the past, because back then, he had no ambitions but only one goal in his life: to improve his and Old Fart's living condition.

The last battle seemed to have gravely injured both Goldie and Mr. Wannabe, but Charcoal was unharmed. Looking at Charcoal's blinking eyes, Wang Tong envied his robot friend's simple life.

Wang Tong had been preparing for his fight with Lie Jian, but his bigger problem was travel expense. He wouldn't be able to afford a ticket to the Moon, much less the Mars. Besides, he felt that he was unprepared, since he was still recovering from his injury and recharging his sea of consciousness. After all, Lie Jian was the best among fighters of his age.

Lie Jian vented his anger and frustration on the PA system, brutally murdering any players that dared to fight with him. Mr. Wannabe had teased out his thirst for a real fight, but then dropped the ball on him. So, Lie Jian sent out his four deadliest fighters on the PA system, looking for an alternative before Mr. Wannabe resurfaced again.

This was the origin of the recent infamous incident on the PA system called the "Martian Killers." The four Martians challenged anyone they saw fit, and murdered whoever dared to accept their challenge. So far, they had been victories in all their fights.

The four of them were all capable of deploying poison flame, which would melt the METAL suit upon contact. Many students from the A-Class academy had accepted their challenges, but they all failed the moment the agonizing flame burned through their METAL and scorched their virtual flesh. To force Mr. Wannabe to fight with him, Lie Jian had practically held the entire PA system hostage, turning it into his own playground.

Lie Jian hoped that his outrageous brutality would also be able to draw out one or two worthy opponents among the ranks of the Great House. However, none of the fighters from the Great Houses had risen to the bait.

The four killers were all top notch fighters in the S class academy, who had mastered the Tactics of the Blaze. Therefore, without the intervention of the great houses, they were invincible in the PA system.

There were some that might be able to hold their ground against the four, but they either didn't have any interest in fighting them, or were afraid of Lie Jian's power. For example, none of the fighters from the S class Academies on the Moon had partaken in stopping Lie Jian's rampage. They understood that Lie Jian was after the earthling boy Einherjar Wannabe. So, if they intervened, it would make them look like the earthling boy's goons.

The four Martians' target was very clear: powerful fighters of age thirty and under.

Wang Tong and Zhou Sisi were discussing techniques for the close quarter combat.

"The Lancaster's law has stated this: Providing a linear formation during close quarter combat, the strength of each combatant is proportional to the number of units to the power of two. Therefore, if the average strength per unit of the blue army were four times that of the red army, 100 unit of the blue army would be equivalent to 400 red army units in ranged combat. However, in a close quarter combat, when the blue army was decimated, the red would still have 346 units left. " Zhou Sisi said patiently.

"Hmm...close quarter combat must be very beneficial to us humans since the Zergs outnumber us."

"This law could also be used while fighting against the humans. The military had also deployed this strategy, which was why they could afford to downgrade the solider's METAL suit to tier one. As long as the soldiers were well positioned, their power as a team could grow exponentially, thanks to the Lancaster's Law."

"Ah ha! I see now. So, the humans would be able to even out the disadvantage of the smaller number of force and the lower tier METAL."

"Hey, Boss! Look at this! These four sons of Martian b*tches were posting their challenge notice again. For f*ck sake, I can't believe you could just sit through this!" Karl rushed in and interrupted the discussion.

"Forget it. I'm still recovering. Otherwise, I will pack them each a knuckle sandwich and send them home."

"I have checked their profile, and these four are all hell of a fighter. Lie Wushuang was also among the four; perhaps he was the leader. He must have been quite touchy lately, since Einherjar Wannabe had parried his Tactics of the Blaze with a single finger. The other one worth noting is the so-called Fire Beast, Lie Xuan. It had said that she could dish out an incredible amount of damage when her inert ability was triggered."

"She is also extremely hot, hence the name: Fire Beast. Her body is like..." Hu Yangxuan joined in the conversation and traced an exaggerated hourglass shape with two of his fingers. He had been increasingly fickle in his love affairs after he knew that Ma Xiaoru had already set her eyes on Wang Tong.

"Hu Yangxuan, do you want to give it a try and fight against her? I think you can do it. Teach her a lesson!"

Chapter 271: Enchantress versus Enchantress

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Karl shouted at Hu Yangxuan, encouraging him to accept the challenge.

"I am already too late. Haven't you heard that there were already two who had risen to the challenge? Wang Ben and Jiang Long. It would be quite a show to watch. " Hu Yangxuan cracked a smile.

"Wang Ben?" A sense of pity rose inside of Karl. Among all the S Club members, he had admired Wang Tong and Wang Ben the most. He admired Wang Tong for his power and accountability, and respected Wang Ben for his iron will and steadfastness. However, after the tournament at Capth, Wang Ben had become much quieter, perhaps because he felt guilty that he couldn't fight alongside with his friends.

"Alright Karl, cheer up. Your sad face is going to upset your fans." Zhou Sisi jested.

Karl had an excellent performance while working on the fleet. His execution of Karl's Style was the most effective. With the improvement of his soul energy and micromanagement, he was making progress in his technique by the day. In addition, he had made up his mind about joining the fleet, since he had conceded that he was not that talented in METAL combat.

"Among the four troublemakers, there was one nicknamed the "lightning kicks". His name is Qin Kun, and his kicks are extremely powerful. The last one of the four is from the Sect of the Divine Master."

"Sect of the Divine Master? Why would they follow Lie Jian's order?"

"The two have a strong alliance on the Mars."

"What about these sect members? Are they...strong?" Karl asked curiously.

"Although the sect is not one of the Great Houses, they are similar to the Templar's court. Have you ever heard the saying that 'all tactics are from the court'? Well, the sect is the only exception to that rule. The sect has its own unique tactics and training methods." Hu Yangxuan announced as he was stuffing potato chips into his mouth.

Although the sect of the Divine Master was only active on the Mars, unlike their Templar counterpart, one should not mistake their obscurity for weakness.

"So...you mean a good show is about to start? Perfect!"

In a comfortable and spacious room, Ma Xiaoru lolled on the bed with a book in her hand. A breeze blew in and revealed the gorgeous scenes outside of the room. Ma Xiaoru stared into the distance, not minding the wind that had tousled her hair.

"Who are you thinking? Don't lose yourself, my princess." Li Rouer jested.

"Ruoer, could you please tell my dad to let me return to school? It's too boring here."

"I wish I could. I count myself lucky to be able to stay here with you thanks to our same tactics. They somehow think our similar soul energy would help you recuperate. Otherwise, I would have to be kicked out of here as well. I have never seen your dad so mad before."

"My body is recovered. It would just take some time to recharge my soul energy. I can't stay here forever, you know."

"Why are you so antsy to get out of here? Ah-Ha... you want to see my brother? Awww, how cute."

"Stop it. Can you look someone up for me?" Ma Xiaoru had been thinking about Wang Tong ever since she had awoken, and she had wagered that Wang Tong was still alive. Due to Ma Xiaoru's protest, the marriage between the two family had been put up on hold. Ma Xiaoru wished that her parents could accept her real love interest, but she knew it would be impossible for her mom to like Wang Tong, since she was convinced that Wang Tong was the culprit behind Ma Xiaoru's serious of unfortunate events.

"Already did! That prick is reveling in his new life right now. I suggest you worry about yourself first."

"Ruoer, I have another favor to ask. It might be difficult for you..."

"Spit it out. I don't like it when you are so cautious around me. I know you are not interested in becoming my sister in law, but I am still interested in becoming your friend."

"I feel bad for leaving Ayrlarng, and Wang Ben has also left. So, I was worried that Samantha might be having a difficult time. Could you please help her?" Ma Xiaoru pleaded. In addition to Wang Tong, she was also worried for Ayrlarng since they had recently lost two of their best students.

Li Ruoer's brow furrowed as she reflected on the question. The Li Family was the strongest supporter of Capth, and it was a well-known fact. Should she change her school to Ayrlarng, there would be consequences. However, Li Ruoer reasoned that if she could stay at Ayrlarng, she would be able to bring news about Wang Tong to Ma Xiaoru.

"Well, that was a tough one. But alright, I will help you." Li Ruoer answered hesitantly.

Ma Xiaoru hugged Li Ruoer out of sheer excitement, "Thank you so much! I don't know how I would be able to repay you for this."

Li Ruoer looked out of the window, trying to hide the faint smirk on her face.

"Don't you worry about it! But tell me, you want me to help Wang Tong or Samantha?" Li Ruoer asked.

Ma Xiaoru flushed and then said, "You know the answer to that one."

Ma Xiaoru's openness caught Li Ruoer off guard.

"You have no idea the feeling I had when I thought I was going to die. I have never felt so regretful, and I thought if I could live again, I should be with the someone who I truly love."

Watching as the longing for love burnt in Ma Xiaoru's eyes, Li Ruoer felt like Ma Xiaoru was a different person. She wondered what exactly had happened between Ma Xiaoru and Wang Tong that had changed her so drastically.

"Don't be melodramatic, please! That's infatuation; love is too big of a word. Anyhow, I will spy on your love interest for you." Li Ruoer replied. Her goal was to gain Ma Xiaoru's trust. Therefore, she never praised her brother nor would she slander Wang Tong behind his back.

Li Ruoer was convinced that what had attracted Ma Xiaoru in Wang Tong was his grassroot background. Some ladies of the great houses were particularly fascinated with that quality, thanks to the widespread media's re-rendering of love stories. Time, Li Ruoer reasoned, would eventually break the spell. But any external force that attempted to separate the two before time had worked its magic would only pull the two closer.

Ma Xiaoru smiled away Li Ruoer's hint that Wang Tong was fickle in his love affair.

"Don't smile at me like that. You know all men's brains are in between their crotch. Both of our dads had been playboys before they settled down."

"Fine. I didn't say you were wrong. That is why I need you there." Ma Xiaoru answered.

Looking at the gleeful expression on Ma Xiaoru's face, Li Ruoer was not convinced at all that Ma Xiaoru was worried about Wang Tong's fidelity.

"You are not worried that he might take an interest in me? I am, too, an Enchantress, you know." Li Ruoer narrowed her eyes as if uttering a threat.

"Haha. Well, you should try it. I want to see what's gonna happen." Ma Xiaoru laughed.

Li Ruoer gave up. Ma Xiaoru didn't seem to doubt Wang Tong at all, no matter how hard she tried to plant the seeds of doubt into her mind. Humans were such strange creatures; their determination could be as impenetrable as a formidable castle, but once the suspicions and paranoia ate away the pillars of the mighty structure like the scourge of termites, the castle would crumble in an instant.

The series of miraculous incidences that happened to Wang Tong made Li Ruoer fall into deep thought. How did he survive the Arctic Blizzard when both Ma Xiaoru and herself had given up hope? How did he survive the nuke blast? How did he manage to persuade Ma Dutian? One question bade another, and soon, Li Ruoer realized that there must be more than what met the eyes.

She then pulled her thoughts back to her family business. The top priority for her family right then was to settle the marriage agreement. Li Ruoer had tried to separate the two before they had officially declared their feelings for each other. However, her plan backfired on her. Without Li Ruoer's manipulation, Wang Tong would still be with Samantha, and none of these problems would have occurred.

She figured that her best option right then was to make Wang Tong fall in love with another girl, perhaps herself. She conceded that she would take much pleasure in dumping Wang Tong after Ma Xiaoru and her brother's marriage was set in stone. Ma Xiaoru's request right then had just given Li Ruoer a cause belli to put her plan into action.

Satisfied with the promise of revenge, Li Ruoer's face beamed from side to side. She left Ma Xiaoru's room after chatting with her for a bit longer. All the while, Li Ruoer had overlooked one detail: Ma Xiaoru was also a cultivator of the tactics of Enchantress.

Chapter 272: Paragon of Perfection

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong's soul energy had reach level four after a week of recovering. Although he would have to breach the bottleneck of level five once again, Wang Tong was confident that when he did, he would be much stronger than he had ever been. He was also optimistic that he would make vast improvements in the field of spaceship combat.

Previously, Wang Tong had been relying heavily on his APM technique, using his excellent micro control to subdue opponents. He had also used this strategy in his invention of two combat styles.

Students from six different academies had joined the S club so far. In addition to Bernabeu, there were Kucusu, Washington, Salo, three A-Class Academies, and one B class Academies named Turnbull.

The weekend was the day for the students of different academies to flex their muscles and compete against each other. The match between Wang Tong and Karl was the last match of the day. Everyone was eager to witness how the inventor of Karl Formation would execute his own technique. After toppling three opponent defenses, Karl challenged Wang Tong directly, skipping through the rest of the competitors

Karl's challenged had unnerved Hu Yangxuan, since the latter was not very confident in Wang Tong's condition after recovery. Hu Yangxuan worried about the reputation of Wang Tong as the club leader should he slip up and lose the fight.

Wang Tong accepted Karl's challenge candidly. For a while, he had registered Karl's frustration, and he reasoned that Karl must have sensed certain shortcomings in his combat techniques, but was not sure how to pinpoint it due to lack of a worthy opponent. The only two that Karl knew would stand up against him were Flash and Bisu. However, the two had not been active ever since their last defeat, so Karl could only practice with Best, and it got boring pretty quickly.

This was Wang Tong's first spaceship battle since he was injured and already, Wang Tong was confident that he would win with ease. He felt that he could read much more than before in between the lines of Karl's deployment, and he quickly picked up his opponent's weakness.

Karl had lost three matches in a row and was caught off guard by the catastrophic defeat. He watched the replay many times, trying to figure out how he had lost.

Even Wang Tong was pleasantly surprised by the ease in his victory, and he was pleased with the new-found ability to command the fleets as a whole to crush the opponent's weak points.

No one left the exercise room after the match as they lingered to discuss the recent event on the PA system. Without Einherjar Wannabe, the martian brutes had dominated the PA system until the two strong opponents emerged recently: Wang Ben and Jiang Long.

Wang Ben accepted their challenges because of his friendship with Einherjar Wannabe, while Jiang Long had done so for the sake of his reputation.

The four Martians were a rowdy lot; not only had Einherjar Wannabe fallen victim to their profanities, but also many other great fighters, including Jiang Long. As the heir to the Firmament Palm Strike, Jiang Long was well respected among the fighters on the moon. His reputation has suffered collateral damage from the crossfire between the fans of the Einherjar Wannabe and the four Martians. To save his reputation as a competent fighter, he decided to accept the challenge.

Jiang Long would be up against Lie Wushuan, and Wang Ben's opponent would be Qin Kun.

When the group turned on the TV, Jiang Long was already defeated by Lie Wushuang. Despite the vigorous attacks of the Firmament Palm Strike, both the soul energy and experience of Jiang Long had fallen short during the contest. Lie Wushuang was a much more experienced fighter. He fought his opponent patiently, biding his time until his opponent tired himself out.

When Jiang Long collapsed onto the ground, the martian audiences cheered for their hero's victory. Their voice was laced with shouts of taunt and contempt.

Jiang Long felt indignant; he registered that he had lost the battle not because of the lack of soul energy, but because the tactics he had cultivated were inferior to the Tactics of the Blaze.

He had recognized his opponent's advantage from the beginning of the match, and had wanted to finish him in the first few strikes before Lie Wushuang was able to materialize the power of his tactics. However, Lie Wushuang didn't give him a chance and dominated the combat from the first moment till the last.

Other audiences were appalled by the Martians' excessive pomposity. Some even booed at the cheerers.

"I can't stand this! These Martians are arrogant and conceited b*stards! Why would they humiliate other fighters like this?"

Looking at Jiang Long who had collapsed on the ground, Lie Wushuang extended his thumb downward with a smug look on his face. The Martians pompous actions had angered the Ivantians and the Earthlings.

Although Wang Tong really wanted to teach these four bullies a lesson, he conceded that he should exercise caution, as he was not sure if he would be able to defeat Lie Jian without a fully recharging his sea of consciousness.

The audiences had been expecting Wang Ben to revenge the fallen warriors, but the performance of Lie Wushuang make them doubt if even Wang Ben would be able to defeat the Martian. Although Wang Ben had leveled up to the fifth level, his opponents were no less potent than him. Three out of the four Martians were already graduated and serving the military, while the other one was the official member of the Sect of the Divine Master. It was clear that they had never planned on having fair fights.

Even after defeating Jiang Long, Lie Wushuang still felt anger burning inside him. Despite the double attribute of Wannabe's GN force, he wouldn't lose the battle if he had paid more attention. After all, he held an advantage in terms of superior soul energy.

"Is this all you Ivantians got? What a pathetic, useless piece of sh*t." Lie Wushuang bawled out at the audience.

Ivantians had two of the five greatest tactics. However, one of the two was not meant for combat, and the other was so difficult that even the House Dower had not been able to succeed in their cultivation for many generations.

"Bullsh*t!" Lie Wushuang spat on the floor and was about to leave when someone stepped calmly onto the stage as silence fell into the entire arena.

This young man's face could be said to be elegant, if not slightly effeminate.

"If you can counter just one strike from me, I will consider it your victory. "

Li Jian leaped out of his chair in excitement as the sudden turn of event caught him off guard, "More and more interesting!"

Li Shiming had also been watching the live broadcast. When he saw the new combatant, he pushed aside the paperwork and furrowed his brows.

The ostentation smug on Lie Wushuang's face faded away as soon as he saw the approaching young man. He immediately tightened his body into a defensive posture.

If there were one young fighter that Lie Wushuang needed to be wary of, it would be this one right in front of him, the paragon of perfection: Patroclus Dower.

Chapter 273: Super! Tactics of the Deva King

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Lie Wushuang's new opponent snuffed out the pompous flame in an instant. Lie Wushuang used to listen to his cousin, Lie Jian, commenting on the heirs of the great houses, and concluded that only Patroclus's tactics were perfect.

The Tactics of the Deva King were well known for its difficulty, as they were difficult to master it even for the heir of the Dower family, until Patroclus.

Patroclus's appearance had caught everyone off guard, because it went against his usual quietness and lowkey lifestyle. Sensing that he had no way out of this confrontation, Lie Wushuang decided to accept the fight.

The silver lining for Lie Wushuang was that he would only need to counter Patroclus's strike once. Lie Wushuang wagered that he would have a chance to save face after all.

Patroclus didn't bring any weapon, despite the fact that the Dower were well known for their skills in using spears, as thousands of Zergs had died under the tip of Rilangalos Dower's silver spear. Wielding a spear had always been an honor in the Dower family, and only the ones that had mastered the Tactics of the Deva King would earn the rights to wield a spear. While faced with such a weak opponent, Patroclus figured that there was no need to use a weapon, much less a spear.

The other Martians' faces became taut; they knew that Patroclus would very likely ruin their plan.

Martians were a very conceited lot; their obsession with their own bloodline was even more undue than that of Earthlings and the Ivantians.

Patroclus stood still, holding a calm expression on his face. He looked more like an onlooker rather than a combatant. He was sending a message to Lie Wushuang: 'You should attack first. Otherwise, you would lose for sure.'

The entire arena became so quiet that one could even hear a pin drop. The DREAM was also shocked at this development.

Everyone stared at Lie Wushuang and wondered why he hesitated to make the first move. Some blamed him for holding back the first appearance of the Tactics of the Deva King in many years.

Wang Tong was also staring at Patroclus, waiting to see his tactics. However, he felt that Patroclus was staring at him with a belligerent expression, so much so that Wang Tong felt his body had started the Tactics of Blade by itself. Wang Tong reasoned that it would either self-defense or the excitement of meeting a strong opponent. Either way, Wang Tong was intrigued to see the real power of the Tactics of the Deva King.

Lie Wushuang finally attacked. He used the flaming palm technique and bore down on Patroclus with resolution.

Facing the attack that had reached two hundred seventy soul energy, Patroclus stood still at about ten steps away from Lie Wushuang, and stared at the approaching attacker with calm.

On Lie Wushuang's third step, he suddenly stumbled and then fell. He never got back up again.

Was that the power of the Deva King?

Patroclus didn't even move!

Ivantians applauded with their usual composure. Their expressions remained poised and civilize. To them, there had been no question about the outcome of this match, since they knew that once the Dower family had agreed to something, they never let the Ivantians down.

Patroclus didn't even grace the Martians a glance as he turned around to the audience and then announced, "Have you seen this? If you want to challenge me, I will gladly accept."

He bowed and then disappeared.

Wang Tong's blood was about to boil. He knew that the Patroclus was speaking to him instead of the Martians. Somehow, Wang Tong had a nagging feeling that Patroclus knew that he had used the Blade Warrior's Tactics of the Blade.

Patroclus had made a move; it was not done with his body, but with his soul energy. He had invaded the fire attribute of Lie Wushuang's soul energy with his ice attributes. The invasion had rattled Lie Wushuang's sea of consciousness until it crumbled.

Control of the elemental attributes was the real power of the Tactics of the Deva King. As the only perfect tactics of the entire world, the Tactics of the Deva King required much deeper understating about soul energy than any other.

Seeing the power of the Tactics of the Deva King, Wang Tong would finally relate to Li Feng's joy of having Rilangalos as a competent opponent and friend. Wang Tong was the only person who understood the motives of Patroclus's appearance and what had instigated it. Patroclus was after Einherjar Wannabe, because the latter could also command different elemental attributes.

"Kiddo, this guy would almost definitely be your strongest opponent in your life." Wang Tong heard Mr. Wannabe's voice.

Wang Tong nodded in agreement. Tactics of the Deva King was the closest to the Tactics of the Blade. No wonder even the Blade Warrior himself had marveled at the power of Rilangalos.

However, Wang Tong was convinced that if Li Feng could gain the upper hand in their rivalry, so could he.

"Hold on, kid! You are still recovering. It would be too dangerous for you to fight him right now. "

"What made you think that I will?" Wang Tong cracked a smile.

"Well, you sounded like you were going to."

"I was just thinking about it. If he could provide all the transportation fee and accommodation, then maybe, just maybe… I will consider his challenge. "

Mr, Wannabe was speechless at Wang Tong's stinginess, and found it hard to connect Wang Tong with an image of a macho hero.

"Balls! Be a man, do the right thing! " Mr. Wannabe bawled out at Wang Tong.

"Don't get so rattled up; you are still recovering as well." Wang Tong smirked. However, he knew that Mr. wannabe was right. He was still recovering and fighting such a strong opponent without being at his best was a shameful waste of an opportunity.

Mr. Wannabe had left, but Wang Tong's excitement lingered. He had learned a lot from Patroclus's fight. However, Wang Tong was still confident that he would be able to defeat Patroclus once he was fully recovered. His confidence partly came from his tactics and partly from his unwavering personality.

Wang Tong didn't care about many small day-to-day issues, but regarding the things that he did care, he would never give up in his pursuit.

"Omg! Boss, have you seen that? I say it's magic. He didn't even move… Could his smile kill as well?" Karl scratched his head, unable to comprehend what he had seen on the match replay.

Everyone else was in the same boat, and they turned to Wang Tong for an explanation.

Wang Tong smiled and then said, "Perhaps that was the power of Tactics of the Deva King."

Even Hu Yangxuan could not grasp what was going on. None of Wang Tong's classmate had yet reached that deep of understanding about the soul energy.

"Brother Shiming, what do you make of this? Who is Patroclus challenging?" A young man who sat beside Li Shiming asked him a question. This young man was called Porten, and he was the son of the chair of the councilors, a firm supporter of the Golden Hawk.

Li Shiming smiled blankly and then answered, "The Tactics of the Deva King are indeed very powerful. To answer your question, Patroclus was challenging Einherjar Wannabe."

Porten was surprised by the answer, "Are you sure it was not you? I have heard that the Einherjar Wannabe was simply a nobody. Fifteen seconds of fame, that's all."

"This Einherjar Wannabe's tactics and techniques are bizarre, and he is not a nobody. I already have a rough idea of who he really is."

Porten's eyes glinted, and then asked, "I have heard that even the DREAM could not pinpoint his identity, How did you do that?" Porten had also conducted his own research, and clearly, he had failed.

"It was easier than you think. If you table out the time that he was online, you will notice a pattern. He only shows up on the weekend during the night, so he has to be a student. He had disappeared from the PA system for the entire duration of the student's military campaign, so I wager that he must be one of the students that got sent to Norton."

Li Shiming glanced over the shoulder of Porten and looked at the image of Patroclus on the screen.

Every heir of the Li family was told that there was only one real opponent in his life: the heir of the Dower.

Even the fame and reputation of Li Feng was not able to tump that of the Rilangalos.

Patroclus had broken his quietness, and he was going to lead the Dower family back to their former glory. To rival such a strong adversary, Li Shiming reasoned that the House of Li would need someone as powerful and influential as Li Feng.

"Good call! Well, let me do the heavy lifting for you. I promise I would figure out the identity of this sneaky little fish." Porten announced.

Li Shiming's expression remained placid and indifferent.

Chapter 274: The Pirate King

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Lie Xuan and the other martian fighters looked at Lie Wushuang's blank expression with confusion. Even Lie Wushuang himself had no idea how he was defeated.

Lie Jian gestured everyone to be silent as he mulled over Patroclus's challenge. Lie Jian knew that while facing an opponent such as Patroclus, he needed to control his urge to act on a whim.

After a while, Lie Jian suddenly spoke to screen, "You have also taken an interest in Einherjar Wannabe. Einherjar Wannabe... Interesting."

It occurred to Lie Jian that he would have to re-evaluate his opponent. He had thought that Einherjar Wannabe was just a freak; he might be powerful, but his power would not last long. However, Patroclus's involvement was a sign that Lie Jian's initial estimation of Einherjar Wannabe was incorrect. He knew that Patroclus would never interfere with Lie Wushuang's rampage since he wouldn't care to fight with such weak opponents.

When the earthling and the Martians were still filled with admiration and disbelief, most Ivantians were calm. They knew that their prince would be able to teach the Martians a lesson, since he was the paragon of perfection. Not a single Ivantian would doubt the heir of the Dower, especially Patroclus Dower.

The Ivantians considered Parooclus the closest to his ancestor Rilangalos in terms of looks, power, as well as personality.

When the Ivantians talked about power, they didn't mean the strength of the GN power or soul energy; they also referred to the overall control of the battlefield. Back in the days of Rilangalos, he had destroyed eighty percent of the Earth Fleet by waiting over ten years for the perfect moment to strike. It had proven that in addition to strength, he also possessed wisdom, and that was what set him apart from other Einherjars.

Patroclus had inherited the talent and the tradition of working hard. However, it was yet to see if he would be able to unleash his power to its full potential. He needed a strong opponent, since without one, his power and strength would all be useless.

Although Patroclus considered a few of the young fighters his worthy opponent, the Ivantian public was convinced that neither Li Shiming or Lie Jian would stand a chance against their perfect prince.

The match came to a jarring halt as the four Martians retreated. Their original intention was to force Einherjar Wannabe to fight with them, but it seemed that the joke was on them as they had become the laughing stock.

The audiences boiled over on internet forums about the recent fight.

The match was replayed over and over again, and through every replay, everyone marveled at the power of Patroclus to defeat such a strong opponent without even moving a finger.

The reality was cruel to Lie Wushuang, since he didn't even know how he was defeated and had become a ladder for his opponent to reach a new height in his popularity.

The popularity of Patroclus had soared, and in a few days, he replaced Einherjar Wannabe as the second most popular public face, closely following the number one on that list: the masked dancer. Although Einherjar Wannabe had shown an incredible power, Patroclus's display of strength was even more impressive. He had proven that the legend surrounding him was correct. His perfectionism might be the only quality that could out-rival Einherjar Wannabe's mysteriousness in winning public's attention.

He was the pride of the Ivantians. It was the power of House of Dower and Patroclus that had given them the sense of nonchalance and indifference regardless of what Li Shiming or Lie Jian accomplished.

Wang Tong finally realized that Patroclus was the opponent he really needed.

Wang Tong had also realized the gap between him and top fighters from the Great Houses. People like Patroclus not only cultivated the deadliest tactics of the world, but also had instructors that used to be Einherjar. These teachers would not only teach Patroclus about the secrets of the tactics, but also strategies that did not involve fighting.

The thought of the gap between Wang Tong and his opponent made him sleepless as he rolled back and forth on his bed.

Wang Tong was caught off guard by the power of Patroclus. He registered that Patroclus's power did not only came for his soul energy, but also his confidence and a good understanding of his opponent.

Due to the lack of a challenge, Wang Tong had started to overestimate his strength. He paid the price for his conceit on Norton, so he reckoned that maybe he should reconsider his match with Lie Jian. He conceded that a battle was only meaningful when the power of the two fighters was close. If it were otherwise, like the one-second fight between Patroclus and Lie Wushuang, Wang Tong reasoned he would not be able to learn anything from it.

Wang Tong genuinely felt that he needed much improvement in many areas.

Although Wang Tong had experienced the moment of life and death on the battlefield, he conceded that it was different than the life-threatening moment during a duel.

In fact, there was one teacher right beside him, the real Einherjar Wannabe. However, his teaching skills were limited, to say the least. So, Wang Tong reasoned that the best way to learn from Einherjar Wannabe would be to fight him. Wang Tong only needed to figure out how to get his teacher out of his prison.

As Wang Tong pondered on the possible method of helping Mr. Wannabe jailbreaking out of the crystal, his soul energy slowly seeped into the crystal, but he found nothing out of the ordinary. He figured that if this crystal indeed belonged to the Blade Warrior, Li Feng must have gained advanced alien technology when he was alive. The thought of Mr. Wannabe saving his life on Norton made Wang Tong feel a sense of guilt. So far, Wang Tong had not attempted to fulfill his promise to Mr. Wannabe of taking him to the Hall of Valhalla. With the guilt in mind, he remembered that the reward for the top ten students of the pan-solar system tournament was a ticket to the Templar's boot camp. Since the Templar were the guardians of the Hall of Valhalla, Wang Tong reasoned that if he could make it to the Templar's court, he might have a chance delivering Mr. Wannabe to his destination. A sliver hope rose inside of Wang Tong.

Suddenly, Wang Tong's world went dark. He felt that he had traveled into another space and time. He tensed up his body and drew out his soul energy, and in a blink of eyes, he was back on his bed again.

Wang Tong was very confident that he was not hallucinating, so he wondered if he was able to enter the crystal, as Mr. Wannabe did.

As he mulled over the question, his soul energy seemed to have found a gate in the crystal space, so he entered.

As soon as he entered the crystal space, he saw Einherjar Wannabe's solemn face.

Wang Tong looked around and found that they were standing on a barren ground like an ancient battlefield that sprawled endlessly to the horizon.

Einherjar Wannabe stood up slowly and said, "Kiddo, you are finally here." His eyes burned with an eerier luster.

"Is this where you stay? Amazing!" Curiosity was written all over Wang Tong's face.

Mr. Wannabe's lips curled into a smile as the world around them started to take shapes.

"Do you have any idea how boring it is down here? But its OK now, I finally got a ticket out of here!"

Mr. Wannabe's words alerted Wang Tong. He realized that the gate behind him was closed and he had no way out of here.

"Save your energy. Since you are here, might as well have some fun." The smile on Mr. Wannabe's face became even more twisted. "We are friends, so I will give you another chance. If you can survive for ten days, then I will let you leave. If not, I will have your body."

An other-worldliness flashed in Mr. Wannabe's eyes.

Wang Tong's heart sank. He had noticed that something was off about Mr. Wannabe the moment he had met him. However, ever since Wang Ton befriended Mr. Wannabe, he seemed to have gotten used to the old ghost's strangeness.

Mr. Wannabe looked at Wang Tong as if he had seen through Wang Tong's thoughts. "I saved you not because I cared about you, it was because I don't have the patience to wait for the next idiot to pick the crystal up. And curse this damn seal, I can't even lure you in here. But I strike lucky after all. Haha... Well I know we have been through a lot together, so I give you two options. The first option, you will stay here and let me go out with your body. But don't worry, I will find another scapegoat for you soon. Second. We will fight for ten days. If you are still alive after ten days, I will let you return unharmed. "

Seeing Wang Tong was unruffled by his dire situation, Mr. Wannabe nodded approvingly and said, "Do you have any other questions? I will give you one day to prepare, and within that one day, you can do whatever you want. Lad, don't blame me for this, it was all because of that jerk Li Feng. I will take revenge for both of us when I get out, don't you worry about that!"

Wang Tong was shocked by the insult Mr. Wannabe threw at Li Feng. Watching Mr. Wannabe's conceited expression, recognition finally downed on Wang Tong's face, "You have recovered your memory?"

Mr. Wannabe let out a wicked laugh and then said, "You bet. I am the Pirate King Zachery"