333 - 343

Chapter 333: Super Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Through centuries of scientific development, the Earthling and the Kaedeian individuals were finally equipped with necessary means to overcome Zergs in one on one combat. However, the Zerg race held a decisive advantage over the humans in their number.

The Zergs were capable of consuming an entire planet, since they could multiply infinity and rapidly. Even the newest mass destruction weapons seemed to fail to wipe out the Zergs completely.

Wang Tong took a shower after his routine cultivation; his mood was brightened by the comfortable life the new apartment had offered.

Charcoal also enjoyed the new environment, as he repeatedly circled the room like a kid in a new house. Charcoal's company comforted Wang Tong when he laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling blankly to let go of his stress. As Wang Tong did so, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a dark ghostly apparition; the haunting image spurred him out of his bed as he screamed hysterically like a little girl.

"Mr. Wannabe! Please! Could you give me a heads up next time you want to show up?" Despite the horrified look on Wang Tong's face, he was pleased to find out that Mr. Wannabe had recovered fully, as his presence pulsed with powerful soul essence.

Mr. Wannabe glanced at Charcoal, and the latter greeted him as amicably as the binary codes could compute.

"Hey, old man! It looks like you have fully recovered. What about another round of the 'Zachery the Pirate' game?"

Mr. Wannabe didn't reply. Instead, he held a serious expression and glared at Wang Tong, dragging out the silence.

Sensing something was amiss, Wang Tong sat up and asked, "What's up?"

Mr. Wannabe heaved a sigh and then replied, "I have recovered much faster than I had thought, and I remembered something about my past."

Wang Tong straightened his back as the gravity of Mr. Wannabe's words set in. "You recovered your memory? That's awesome! Tell me what you have remembered!"

Mr. Wannabe's face twisted as if he were mustering the courage, and eventually, a few words tumbled out between his teeth. "I need your help, please!"

"Yea...spit it out. I will... try my best." Wang Tong was disheveled by Mr. Wannabe's unusual courtesy.

"I need you to arrange fights for me against all of the current Einherjars."

Wang Tong paused for a second to reflect on Mr. Wannabe's request. To an ordinary human, the Einherjar was a god-like existence, but Wang Tong believed that there ought to be a way to coax them into a fight.

"It would be hard, but I can try to track them down first. Nothing is impossible." Wang Tong announced with determination; he was unruffled by the challenge ahead. Wang Tong didn't press Mr. Wannabe with more questions regarding the reason behind such an odd request, knowing that Mr. Wannabe would tell him only when he was ready to do so. However, Wang Tong had other questions related to the task.

"Once we have tracked them down, how are you going to convince them to fight with you?" Wang Tong asked.

Wang Tong's question had taken the wind out of Mr. Wannabe's sail. He furrowed his brows at the thought of wasting his time in the crystal space weighted heavily on his mind. Silence found its way into the room.

"Master, do you require my assistance?" Charcoal suddenly broke the silence.

Just as Wang Tong was about to dismiss him, he noticed the two golden lights shining in charcoal's eyes. Wang Tong paused and then asked, "As a matter of fact, yes! I would like you to bring Mr. Wannabe out of the crystal."

"Master, the request is beyond my current configuration."

"Hmm... Can you let him fight in the PA system?"

"Yes, master. As long as you permit me to access the virtual battleground."

Wang Tong and Mr. Wannabe exchanged a knowing glance.

"You are the best, Charcoal! Common, give me a kiss!" Wang Tong picked Charcoal up and pressed his lips to Charcoal's iron cheek.

"Master, please don't! Your bodily fluids are going to make me rust. Besides, my exterior cover was not sterilized, and it might make you sick. Oh—No…" Charcoal protested helplessly.

Wang Tong patted Charcoal's head and then said, "Fine, fine, you can go about your business now."

The development had given Mr. Wannabe a sliver of hope, and somewhat brightened his mood. However, he was still not convinced that they could coax any elite soldiers, much less an Einherjar, to willingly battle a ghost in a game. It sounded preposterous even to Mr. Wannabe himself.

"Don't lose hope just yet! You always taught me to think positively. Now, it's time for you to practice what you preach."

"I don't need you to remind me, you little prick! Tell you what, thanks to my recovered memory, I have already found a way out of here by myself." Mr. Wannabe said as a smug crept onto his face.

Wang Tong jumped out of his bed and cheered, "For real? That's...AWESOME! So, you can get out as long as you fight with an Einherjar? Is that it?"

"You need to calm your underpants. Aren't you afraid that I am the evil pirate king? I don't even know who I am. What makes you think that I'm a nice guy?" Mr. Wannabe turned his face and then cast a chilly sidelong glance at Wang Tong.

"Whatever, you can be whoever you want, but you would always be the Mr. Wannabe I know. Plus, I am no saint either." Wang Tong smirked as he retorted.

"Don't try to kiss my a*s; I will fart on you! Anyways, my memories seemed to come back after I wasted so much energy on you little ungracious prick. During my recent recovery, I was enlightened by some long forgotten knowledge that I used to possess.

You see, Einherjar's power was the limit of a human body. However, being a human is more than just being a stinky sack. Look at me for example! I have noticed that my ghostly form might have given me a unique edge to take my cultivation to the next level, to become a ... Super Einherjar, and to finally set me free from this imprisonment."

"... Super Einherjar? Is... that a thing?"

"Balls! Of course, it is! 'Li b*stard Feng' was living proof! It's just... very hard! If you think the transformation from level six to Einherjar was difficult, well, think again. The only way to become a Super Einherjar is to relent their physical existence in this world and reach nirvana in battle. It is much easier said than done." Even as Mr. Wannabe spoke about the matter, he projected an overbearing presence that left Wang Tong in awe.

Although the illusive power of the Super Einherjar sounded tantalizing, for now, Wang Tong reasoned that his priority was to become an Einherjar.

"If that's true, I wager that the other Einherjars would have realized it as you did. You mentioned that the only way to transcend into the next level was through a battle with another Einherjar, and that explains why no one had ever done it, because it would be a political earthquake if two Einherjars ever fought with each other. Now, how do you think they would react to the appearance of an Einherjar on the PA system, which has no political affiliations ?" The promise of seeing the fight between two Einherjars made Wang Tong's eyes glint. There had been no confrontation between Einherjars for more than two decades.

"As for Einherjars, there are two on earth, two on the moon, and another one on the Mars. I will find a match for you." Wang Tog said as he beamed from side to side.

Mr. Wannabe pouted and then said, "You are too young, too simple, and sometimes naive. There are more than just six Einherjar in the world. The ones that you mentioned must have already reached at least mid-tier. Oh. I had seen one on TV before… Li...Zhidao, he is no doubt a high tier Einherjar."

"Tiers?... Is that also a thing?"

"Balls! of course, it is! Come on now, think with that oversized head of yours and get me a dozen of Einherjar to beat up already!"

Wang Tong grimaced and pondered on. After a while, he said, "You could use my ID in the PA as a disguise. We will have to be prudent of course, and probably would require some assistance from DREAM."

"Ah-ha! I like that idea. Send the Invitation now!"

"For god's sake! I need to think about it and plan ahead! We are fighting Einherjars, not squashing flies."

"Ah... I see. Alright, I have faith in whatever the swindle—I mean strategies you will cook up… Haha!" During the battle in the crystal, Mr. Wannabe was impressed by Wang Tong's ability to deceive and cheat his opponent.

"I learned from the best." Wang Tong smirked.

"Well, don't dawdle then. Hurry up!" The thought of the thrilling fight invigorated the old ghost. He eventually disappeared into the crystal to wait there in excitement.

Wang Tong was pleased with the development; two birds with one stone. On one hand, letting Mr. Wannabe use his ID would lessen others' suspicion on him, and on the other, the fights between Einherjars would definitely be an invaluable lesson for him.

Above all, Wang Tong was the happiest about the fact that he could finally do something to help Mr. Wannabe.

Chapter 334: Zhang Jin's Probing

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong was confident that his ID at the PA system should help Mr. Wannabe find some opponents, but he doubted if any Einherjar would be interested just yet.

Only a coward would compensate his incompetency by picking on someone who was much weaker, and no Einherjar that Wang Tong knew of was a coward.

Although many Einherjars looked down on the PA system, they did not despise the platform itself, but rather the weaklings that filled its stage. Should a worthy opponent show up, Wang Tong reasoned that even the Einherjars would jump the gun on it.

Although Wang Tong was not familiar with the lives of Einherjars, he wagered that the lack of opportunity to fight with a worthy opponent ought to have frustrated them. Perhaps, Mr. Wannabe would have a chance after all.

Sensing the promise of success, Wang Tong reminded himself to plan the stage carefully. To minimize the suspicion, they would have to increase the difficulties of the fight gradually, to make it look like as if Einherjar Wannabe had been increasing his power steadily.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was eager to learn from the fight, to find out the limits of human capability. Wang Tong conceded that with a level four soul energy, he had no chance of winning if he were to fight against a level six fighter. All the while, he wondered how Mr. Wannabe would fare if he were to be tossed into the same situation.

The thought of seeing Mr. Wannabe's fight and to have his question answered exhilarated Wang Tong. Truth be told, he felt that his improvement had come to a halt, and he reckoned that the tournament would be an opportunity to breach this bottleneck. However, he found the wait unbearable, as he was continually frustrated by the weak opponents he had met during the qualification matches. Should he be able to materialize the fights between Mr. Wannabe and other Einherjars, the combats, themselves would be the best shot he would have at further improving himself. He believed that he not only could he learn through fighting by himself, but also through observing fights between highly skilled players.

Soon, Wang Tong drifted off to sleep with a pleasant smile.

The next day, Hu Yangxuan had also succeeded passing the area-qualification match. Wang Tong also saw his old friend Wang Ben on the stage.

It had been half a year since the last time they met each other. Wang Tong was pleased to notice the improvement in Wang Ben's power, as he finished off his opponent with one single punch. After the tournament with Capth, Wang Ben had since walked out of his defeat and learned many lessons, the most valuable of all being that instead of complaining, he needed to act proactively to change his life. He had started to understand that his father's choices did not matter; his success and happiness had always been in his own hands.

The fighters who caught the most attention of the day were the four inner disciples from the Templar's Court. Each of the four fighters wielded a weapon- blade, sword, lance, and halberd.

The Court's training method drastically differed from that of the military. Instead of focusing on maximizing the damage output as the military did, the court focused on increasing the power reserve.

Unsurprisingly, the four inner court disciples had passed their qualification match without any difficulties.

The four fighters were:

Zhang Buyu, the Whitewater Blade

Yao Bai, the Swing Lance

Ye Kai, the Gentlemen Sword

Wu Gang, the Rebellious Halberd

In the district of Shangjin, the lack of high-level fighters meant that the fight between contestants was less lopsided, but more entertaining to watch than that of other districts. Although It only took Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan a couple of minutes, if not less, to defeat their opponents, many fights between A-class students had dragged on for an hour, since the tournament committee had adopted a lenient stance regarding rules and time restrictions. The committee understood that to most students, the tournament was simply a chance to learn, since they knew that their chance of winning was slim. Sometimes, a good fight could be a life-changing lesson as well.

After the intense and exhausting training, Hu Yangxuan decided that he could finally relax during the tournament while he was not fighting. He had quickly turned the qualification matches into "bird watching" activities, as his eyes darted left and right, scanning attractive looking girls. Despite Wang Tong's recent rise to fame, Hu Yangxuan had always enjoyed a relatively stable fan-base. Unlike Wang Tong, who rarely spent time socializing with other schoolmates, Hu Yangxuan was a social butterfly. Therefore, a lot of students found him more approachable than Wang Tong. The mere presence of Wang Tong would cast a solemn air about him, like a battle heartened veteran, and it was a conversation killer.

"Wow! Look at that pair of beautiful legs!" Hu Yangxuan shouted as he ogled at a girl standing in the distance. The students around him burst out laughing. Wang Tong was quickly bored of the bird-watching, and therefore, he started back to his new apartment before the other fights were finished.

Although Wang Tong didn't think that any opponents at the qualifications would pose a threat to him, he conceded that he would need to prepare well for the fights with opponents later on. He had tried to watch a few video recordings of the "Fantastic Five". However, their opponents were so weak that Wang Tong hardly found the footage useful in analyzing their moves.

That being said, those videos did confirm a lot of rumors about their power.

Michaux for example, Wang Tong was impressed by his aggressive soul energy. Just as the rumors suggested, the young master' fighting style was aloof and calm.

As for Princess Heidi, Wang Tong could not find anything extraordinary about her based on the video clip other than her exquisite face. However, he conceded that he could not evaluate Heidi's power using such a weak opponent. There ought to be more to her ability than what met the eyes.

On the way back to his apartment, Wang Tong indulged himself with a BBQ skewer from a food truck vendor. After taking the first bite, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. Wang Tong paused for a second while chewing the meat industrially, then turned and saw a girl in an oversize hat and oversize sunglasses. He was surprised to find out that it was Zhang Jin.

"Follow me… We need to talk." Zhang Jin urged.


The two walked away from the clamor near the arena into a little alley. Zhang Jin finally asked, "You are brave to follow me. Very confident, aren't you."

"Haha, no, I am the most skittish. I didn't notice you coming until you were right next to me."

"Don't be modest. I can tell what you think. I have the Tactics of the Conscious Heart, remember?"

"Ah-ha! I see." Wang Tong scratched his head as he admired Zhang Jin's ability to conceal her power. "Anyhow, what's up?"

"Nothing, just want to see how busy you are. It's no easy job to please the House lord of Ma, isn't it?"

"It's... fine. How are you doing?"

Chapter 335: The Last Fight?

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"I'm doing fine. Jokes aside, I was wondering when Einherjar Wannabe would show up at the PA system again? It's kinda boring without him, don't you think?"

Zhang Jin asked as she batted her lashes, as if reminding Wang Tong about her telepathic ability due to the Tactics of the Conscious Heart.

"Yea? Yea...I mean, he had been quiet for a while. But haven't you heard? He had just sent out a challenge invitation, but it is only for anyone who has soul energy of five hundred and above. Damn it! I was hoping that I would get a chance to spar with him." Heart hammering, Wang Tong plastered a disappointed look on his face.

Zhang Jin didn't speak for a while, and instead, she observed Wang Tong's shifty eyes. When Wang Tong's eyes finally locked onto hers, they both smiled at each other knowingly. Wang Tong knew that Zhang Jin knew that he was hiding something.

Finally, Zhang broke the awkward silence and then said, "I am looking forward to watching the fight then. So, he wanted to fight a level six fighter? I truly admire his ambition. I wonder how powerful he is exactly."

"I say he is crazy. Maybe he won't last long. On another note, do you have a boyfriend?"

Wang Tong's sudden question disheveled Zhang Jin.

"No, why?"

"Do you want me to set you up with anyone? I know lots of handsome boys who would love to please you."

Zhang Jin had just taken a sip of coffee before Wang Tong's reply came out of his mouth. She rounded her eyes and stared at Wang Tong incredulously, unable to hold back the urge to laugh. Ultimately, her mouth gave in, and she spayed coffee all over Wang Tong's face.

Not only Zhang Jin was the daughter of one of the five great houses, but she was also considered one of the most beautiful women in the Confederation, and knew it herself. However, she had just heard a boy sincerely worried that she might be lacking suitors. The foolishness aside, it was Wang Tong's expression while he expressed his concern that had tickled Zhang Jin.

It wasn't until Wang Tong had wiped away the coffee on his face that he had realized how silly his question was. He conceded that he had gotten too familiar with Zhang Jin, and forgot about her family background.

"Ah... I am so sorry. Let me help you!" Zhang Jin was modified by her sudden burst, as she offered her help to clean up Wang Tong's face. All the while, the humorous development lingered, and she had to fight back the urge to laugh out loud again.

"That... that's fine." Wang Tong was visibly distressed by the embarrassment. Nonetheless, he had successfully diverted the topic, and the thought offered him some comfort despite the cost of making a spectacle of himself.

"And thank you for your offer. If I ever have trouble finding a boyfriend, I would definitely give you a call."

"I don't think you would need my help on that. Come on, let's stop talking about it, as if it weren't embarrassing enough. I could help you on other matters too, you know? Just let me know."

"Sure... On that note, I do have a small favor to ask you. I always wanted to watch the Einherjar Wannabe's fight live, but I don't want to go alone. Would you please go with me?" Zhang Jin had finally found the opportunity to unleash her coup de grace.

"No problem!" Wang Tong agreed without any hesitation. All the while, he felt lucky for his near escape of blowing his cover had it been himself fighting as Einherjar Wannabe.

Although Wang Tong didn't mind others to know that he was the heir of the Blade Warrior, he felt reluctant to acknowledge that he was Einherjar Wannabe, while the real deal—Mr. Wannabe—was still alive and well.

Wang Tong held his BFF, Mr. Wannabe, in even higher regard than the Blade Warrior.

Feeling that she could no longer get any information out of the boy, Zhang Jin parted ways with Wang Tong after the two walked a few blocks in the alley. She was surprised how quickly Wang Tong had agreed to her request, and the development spurred doubt inside her. After Zhang Jin was gone, Wang Tong skipped towards the virtual café while carrying a pleasant tune.

The exchange with Zhang Jin had proven Wang Tong's caution in dealing with the Great Houses was not unnecessary. His would-be opponents were backed by their families' tremendous financial and intelligence resources, that would make Wang Tong's effort seem laughable. Wang Tong wagered that although Zhang Jin was driven by curiosity—a beguine intention —the same could not be said about his real enemies.

Wang Tong had thought that he was ready for the world to know his identity as the Blade Warrior's heir, but right then, he laughed at his naivete. He conceded that he had been over-confident after the training in the crystal space, and he should have heeded the warning after the assassination attempt. After much thought, Wang Tong decided to double down on his disguise and only reveal his secret under reduced circumstances.

The METAL combat tournament would no doubt be a feast for the fans, especially those who were not able to pass the "mind-opening" operations. Their failure in the operation only spurred their passion for the sport.

Although the public's fever for the tournament was at par with that of previous years, a different expectation hung about in the air during this year's tournament, as many IPA players waited online for the return of their idol—Einherjar Wannabe. Rumors spread over the internet regarding the reason behind his disappearance. Some said that he was defeated by Lie Jian and had forfeited his career as a PA player. Others were convinced that he simply didn't have time for the PA fights, because he had joined the tournament. Many had adopted the theory that the mysterious fighter was actually an academy student based on his inactivity while school was the busiest.

With that assumption firmly rooted in people's mind, Wang Tong had quickly fallen under their suspicion after he had earned the title of champion at the fleet combat tournament. However, after having examined Wang Tong's solid yet seemingly ordinary METAL combat ability, the public quickly ruled out Wang Tong's name from the list of candidates.

Like many other hidden truths of the world, the real identity of the mysterious fighter was set behind a shroud of self-contradictory evidence, denying an audience to the public.

So loyal were the IPA fans that even months of fruitless waiting did not erode their patience. Unlike the IPA players, who fiercely believed that Wang Tong was invincible, many TPA players simply took the prolonged silence as Einherjar Wannabe conceding his defeat against Lie Jian. In the TPA players' eyes, Einherjar Wannabe was not invincible, not by a long shot. His failure in defeating Lie Jian meant that he would forever be counted as an amateur.

No doubt that Einherjar Wannabe could return to the PA at some point in time, but what of that? Would he then resort to fighting against opponents who were weaker than Lie Jian? What was the point then in being so obsessed with his real identity? Those were the questions that plagued the TPA players' minds. Although most of the TPA players was impressed how far Einherjar Wannabe had gone, they believed that his glory days were numbered.

However, when Einherjar Wannabe appeared months later, he pulled the rug from under the TPA players by announcing that he could challenge anyone who has soul energy of five hundred or more.

The news hit Einherjar Wannabe's fans and foes like a nuclear bomb. Challenging people with soul energy higher than five hundred meant he would stand up against the highest level of fighters that were below Einherjar. The undertone of the challenge seemed to suggest that even Einherjars were included in the message as well.

Many TPA players doubted that as a seventeen years old boy, he would be able to comprehend the gravity of his actions.

However, the news was exhilarating for Einherjar Wannabe's supporters and the DREAM. After Cameron had accepted Wang Tong's request, he knew that there was no way for DREAM to back out of this deal due to its profoundness. Therefore, he decided to double down on DREAM's commitment.

Hours after DREAM posted Einherjar Wannabe's challenge, they published an ad on major media outlets to entice the public.

"Are you still sad that you weren't able to witness the legend of the Blade Warrior? You don't have to any longer. Watch Einherjar Wannabe retell the story and reenact the legend! "

After DREAM had drawn a connection between Einherjar Wannabe and the Blade Warriors, public's views on the mysterious fighter were instantly split into three factions—the die-hard supporters, the ones still on the fence, and the haters.

A quick online poll suggested that over ninety percent of the public were "haters." The mere thought of comparing a 17-year-old boy to the god-like Blade Warrior was blasphemous.

Did the PA system become desperate for an audience, or was it going to be Einherjar Wannabe's last performance? No one would know the answer, since so far, not a single level six fighter had risen to the challenge yet.

Any level six fighter would have enjoyed a respectable reputation, and there was no point in tainting their name by bullying a kid in a game.

Chapter 336: Baby Steps, Please!

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

After reading the comments on a few major online forums, Wang Tong had noticed that the tournament had more or less diverted public's attention away from the PA system. Many of his supporters had also left the discussion after a long but fruitless waiting.

Nonetheless, Wang Tong's fan base was still solid. Therefore, he wagered that there were still hope in successfully carrying out his plan. Once he was able to find the first level six opponent, Wang Tong thought, the rest of the plan would unfold smoothly.

Wang Tong simply could not wait to see the fight between Mr. Wannabe and a high-level fighter, as he constantly wondered what kind of performance he would see.

The thought of Mr. Wannabe standing in the arena again tugged at Wang Tong's heartstring. It had always been Wang Tong's wish to help his ghost friend fight again. Wang Tong knew better than anyone that there was nothing worse for a fighter than being denied the rights to fight.

Wang Tong opened his inbox and found out that it was filled to the brim with responses to his challenges, although none of the respondents were actually from a level six player. Wang Tong shook his head and turned the terminal off.

After reading the news about Einherjar Wannabe's challenge, Li Shiming furrowed his brows, as he wondered what the mysterious fighter's intention was.

Li Shiming found that Einherjar Wannabe's goal was so unrealistic that it was laughable. There was a wide range of power among the level six fighters, since five hundred sol of soul energy marked only the entry level of the level six. Some of the level six fighters could be as powerful as an Einherjar. Li Shiming wagered that it was arrogance rather than bravery that had inspired such an absurd challenge.

Although Li Shiming had too little time to spend on too many businesses, he had closely followed Wang Tong's every move. A report from one of his spies had caught his attention; it described a meeting between Wang Tong and Zhang Jin. Based on the close ties between the Zhang and the Dower, Li Shiming deduced the Zhang Jin was there probing the boy's identity on behalf of Patroclus.

The thought of the Zhang and Dower's alliance made Li Shiming lament about their broken alliance with Ma. Should the Li have gained the wholehearted support of the Ma, they would have already dominated the entire world.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong's every move had also been watched closely by Patroclus on the Moon. After being informed that Zhang Jin had a brief meeting with Wang Tong, Patroclus found the probing redundant. Not only did he have an unswerving faith in Wang Tong's real identity, but he also was afraid that the probing would force Wang Tong to make his identity public while he was not yet ready for the consequences.

As for Wang Tong's challenge to all the level six fighters, despite the absurdness, Patroclus was not altogether surprised. Patroclus was well aware of how powerful some of the level six fighters could get, as there were at least two living examples of such fighters in his family. However, Patroclus was convinced that the chance of such powerful level six fighters showing up in the PA system was almost zero...almost.

On that note, Patroclus turned on the terminal and called Zhang Jin on the Skynet.

"Jing, I need your help…"

Zhang Jin cut him short as she knew exactly what Patroclus was going to ask, "No problem, let's give him an opportunity, since he was so confident. That shall confirm his real identity."

"Hehe, thanks, Jin, you know me the best!"

Patroclus and Zhang Jin had decided to play along Wang Tong's ruse and arrange a level six opponent for Einherjar Wannabe. After all, it would be an effective test to see if Wang Tong was really the heir of the Blade Warrior.

Due to the strict family rules, Patroclus found it hard pressed to convince any of his family members to partake in the challenge, and therefore, he needed Zhang Jin's help.


A message alert suddenly caught Wang Tong's attention—a challenger! Wang Tong looked through the profile, and it seemed like the challenger was indeed a level six fighter through and through.

He was a thirty-six years old Ivantian named Peter Lynn. He was also the captain of one of the Silver Units in the Anti-Smuggling Force. It was well known that the Silver Unit was one of the top three units of Ivantians special forces, and every captain of the unit had been freakishly powerful. More importantly, one of the minimum requirements for being a captain was to reach level six in their cultivation.

Peter Lynn had sworn loyalty to House Zhang, and he had received the order to dispatch Einherjar Wannabe on the PA system.

At first, Peter Lynn had found the order strange. He had heard of the name of his opponent, but why would the Zhang wanted him to defeat someone on a gaming system? However, the emblem of House Zhang on the message's seal meant that the order came from the high up. Therefore, Peter Lynn put aside his questions and accepted the task without any hesitation. This was the first time since Peter Lynn had sworn the oath to the House Zhang that he had received an order from someone who was so close to the center of power.

Although he was convinced that he would be able to defeat a 17 years old boy with ease, the high profile of the task giver seemed to suggest that there was more than what met the eyes.

Even after studying some of Einherjar Wannabe's fighting videos, Peter Lynn found it difficult to see himself failing the mission. Despite the fact that his opponent wielded a strange tactics and utilized double GN force, Peter Lynn noticed that the boy was somewhat inexperienced in controlling his GN force, which, Peter Lynn believed, would be the boy's downfall.

Unlike the soldiers in the Military who were under strict rules, the members of the Anti Smuggling(AS) Units enjoyed a much greater measure of freedom during their own time. However, it was rare to see an AS unit member show up in the PA system, since the widespread pirating activity meant that the SA units had enough practice in real life already.

Peter Lynn stared at the emblem on the broken seal and felt the gravity of this mission for his future. He didn't want to be stuck at the Silver Unit. Now that his employer had finally taken notice of him, it was the time for him to prove himself. Holding the letter in his hand, Peter Lynn felt that as if he was holding the key to his success.

Wang Tong accepted the challenge without any hesitation. Although he was convinced that Peter Lynn's power was much weaker than Mr. Wannabe, he decided to take baby steps for Mr. Wannabe's first couple fights.

DREAM delivered Wang Tong's reply immediately and started to arrange the logistics of the match. The match was set to happen before the start of the final matches of the tournament to minimize distraction. However, many media persons seemed to be uninterested in the match between Einherjar Wannabe and Peter Lynn. To them, the real combat of the "Fantastic Five" was much more enticing than the PA fights.

Although people were naturally drawn to Einherjar Wannabe's mysteriousness, his prolonged inactivity had more or less dulled the public's interest.

That being said, the news about the match had been sensational among the die-hard fans of the PA system. They reckoned that the outcome of the fight would be conclusive evidence in determining the real power of Einherjar Wannabe and the outcome of his fight with Lie Jian.

Wang Tong was pleased by the timing of the fight, since the school was canceled during the tournament. Therefore, he had nothing to do until the finals started.

Seeing that the fight had been arranged, Wang Tong sauntered away from the internet cafe.

"Oh, balls! I waited for two days, and I only got a newbie?" Mr. Wannabe grumbled while hovering in the air. Ever since his soul energy recovered, he had been much more active, and started to come out of the crystal more often than before.

"He is not a newbie. Baby steps, please!"

"Fine. Fine!" Mr. Wannabe sat down on top of Charcoal's head. "Let's go charcoal, let's watch some movies."

Wang Tong smiled amiably after seeing how well Mr. Wannabe and Charcoal had gotten along. He found it difficult to make the connection between Mr. Wannabe and the malevolent Zachery. However, as the memory of the Pirate King in the crystal space flashed in his mind, Wang Tong shuddered and felt less certain of his conviction.

Wang Tong shook his head to clear the thoughts, and started off to the gym. There would be tough battles ahead, and he needed to work harder. The thought of his opponent falling at his feet pleased him, somehow, Wang Tong wondered if he were the heir of the unscrupulous Zachery, instead of the benevolent General Li Feng.

Chapter 337: Pretender

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The qualification matches were carried out amidst clamor and enthusiasm. All three major factions had treated the tournament as their top priority, and they had set aside prizes to encourage their fighters.

The competition in the tournament was a real-life depiction of the rivalries between factions. The stake was high, since the outcome of the matches directly influenced the public's perception of the power of different factions. A faction that was perceived to be strong would be much stronger because of that.

The three colonized planets had fought against the other factions' attempt to annex their players. In the end, the three planets in the Andromeda Galaxy were allowed to partake in the tournament as independent factions.

That being said, for the time being, the three major factions wagered that the three newly independent planets would not pose too much of a threat to them, since they had never heard of any exceedingly powerful fighters from those planets.

As the qualification matches at Shangjin District carried on, Ayrlarng started to fight against the nearby five A-Class Academies. Although Ayrlarng had enjoyed a brief period of improvements, it's overall power were still quite a way from that of the S Class Academies. However, the elite fighters at the Ayrlarng fought with such potency that they had been practically invincible.

Wang Tong had won another fight with ease, and once again, he was disappointed by his opponent's power. Meanwhile, as the leader of the S club, he was adored by the audiences. Many members of the club who were not from Ayrlarng had never met him until right then.

However, Wang Tong did not indulge himself in the vanity affairs; his ambition was much greater than just being adored by students.

Hu Yangxuan, on the other hand, seemed to be reveling in the attention he had garnered. Although he had become much stronger after the training at TNN, his moves were still showy as ever.

As the Templar's disciple, he had already built a rock-solid foundation for his cultivation. Under the constant encouragement of Wang Tong, Hu Yangxuan had transformed from an ordinary student to a potent warrior.

During one of his qualification match, he had encountered a level five fighter, who had already graduated. Despite his inferior soul energy level, Hu Yangxuan eventually overcame his opponent thanks to his superior techniques and experience.

Hu Yangxuan's victory had not only caught many off-guard, making the fight one of the most memorable ones so far, it had also encouraged the other students at Ayrlarng. Before they saw Hu Yangxuan's victory, students at Ayrlarng had thought that it was absurd for them to fight against a level five player. But right then, they seemed to be less afraid of such an opponent.

Many students at Ayrlarng had come to the arena and watched their schoolmates' qualifications matches. Whenever students from Ayrlarng won a fight, swells of cheers and applause would rise from the audiences which spurred the Ayrlarng contestants to fight even harder in their next round.

Karl had shown up in the arena and stole some of the cheers from whoever was fighting on the stage. Ever since the fleet combat tournament, he was seen by many of his schoolmates as the only person who was able to compete against Wang Tong in addition to Flash.

"Haha! congrats to everyone!" Karl shouted out to his friends.

"Come on Karl, do you really have to come crash the party? You better buy everyone dinner tonight."

"No problem! I will buy, and you will pay" Karl pounded his chest and announced.

"Thank you, that was very...nice of you." Hu Yangxuan grimaced, and said with a sarcastic tone.

Karl put one arm over Hu Yangxuan's shoulder and then said, "You are welcome Prince Hu. You know, money is the source of all evil. I am simply helping you unload your worldly burden. You can thank me later when I have spent all of your money."

The others looked at each other and tried to hold back their laughs.

"Alright everyone, I was told that there would be a fight of Einherjar Wannabe on the PA system. We should watch it together. Plus, I have a guest tonight that I want to introduce to you all. " Wang Tong cracked a smile and then announced.

"Oh? Who is that, Boss? Have you been keeping secrets from us again?" Karl asked.

"Haha, turn around and see for yourself. "

Zhang Jin had quietly approached the group as Wang Tong announced the invitation. She waved at everyone and then said with a beautiful smile, "I am that 'secret' guest, nice to meet you, Karl."

Everyone was shocked by the development, since the one standing right before them was one of the most brilliant young adults in the confederation.

"Nice to meet you." Karl hurried a reply and then murmured to Wang Tong. "Boss, I find it hard to see a connection between you and rich people. "

"I will take that as a compliment." Wang Tong said.

"Sister Jin!" Zhou Sisi called out to Zhang Jin with a smile. During their brief interaction at the hospital, Zhou Sisi had already been captured by Zhang Jin's wits and kindness.

"Long time no see, Sisi. You look so pretty!"

"Save the courtesy for later, let's go have a feast today. I will buy!" Hu Yangxuan suddenly announced. The presence of beautiful girls could always tease out his generosity.

"NO! I will buy, and you will pay! We talked about this." Karl retorted as everyone laughed.

Eager to impress the charming guest, Hu Yangxuan wanted to take everyone to a fancy restaurant. However, Wang Tong had chosen to go to the DREAM cafe. Although it had just been recently renovated, it was no more than a mom and pop venue after all.

The sudden drop in sales and the disappearance of his lucky charm after the renovation had distressed the owner of the cafe, so when he saw Wang Tong and his friends, the owner's face bloomed like a flower.

"Welcome, WELCOME! Wang Tong, it's been a while. We have missed you. Are those you friends, please come in!"

"Where is your receptionist? Are there still spots at the booth close to the TV? we are here to watch the fight."

"Yes, of course, there would always be seats available for you and your friends."

All the while, the owner's eyes were fixated on Zhang Jin, as he found her face surprisingly familiar. As if noticed the owner's stare, Zhang Jin looked to the owner and smiled. Her smile reminded the cafe owner of her identity, and the sheer gravity of the fact sent a tremor down to his knees. The cafe owner took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. However, he could not hide his shaky fingers.

A few minutes later, it was the owner who had delivered the drinks to the group on a silver platter. "This first round would be on the house. Let's toast for Wang Tong's coming victory at the METAL tournament." The owner shouted out to everyone in the cafe.

Unfamiliar faces turned to Wang Tong as they suddenly realized that they were in the same room with the champion of the fleet combat tournament.

"Hey, what about a second round too?" Karl shouted out.

Wang Tong smiled and then said, "This is Karl, my bro."

The owner had immediately recognized the name, "The Art of Karl, ah-ha! Of course, your second round would be on me as well!"

The crowd in the cafe cheered for both Wang Tong and Karl with a great measure of enthusiasm.

"I didn't know you are so popular here." Zhang Jin jested.

"Just so-so." Wang Tong replied. Although he would rather enjoy a low key setting, he appreciated everyone's support. It made him feel good about himself.

The owner was a shrewd businessman. The clamor inside the cafe had quickly attracted more customers, and some even sent messages to their friends, inviting them to come over to spend time with Wang Tong and Karl.

Amidst the cheers and shouts, Charcoal slipped into the terminal number five, while Mr. Wannabe rode on its square head.

Charcoal turned on the terminal and connected Mr. Wannabe to the PA system.

Excitement contorted Mr. Wannabe's face. Finally, after centuries of imprisonment, he would enjoy the thrill of a battle.

Two golden lights shone in Charcoal's eyes as he announced, "Establishing a connection, ten percent...twenty...fifty... a hundred. Connection complete."

Everyone who was already waiting for the fight watched as Einherjar Wannabe stepped into the arena.

Chapter 338: Return of An Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Einherjar Wannabe stood still and felt the grains of sand under his feet, savoring every moment in the palpable world like one would in a fictitious wonderland.

As a warrior, he yearned for only one thing: Battle.

As Mr. Wannabe strode across the threshold of the arena, a strong mixed feeling shot through his body. The sentiment belonged only to himself, since no one would be able to fathom the profoundness of this one single step to a ghost who had long parted his way from the tangible world.

With an unswerving conviction that glory and fame would return to him soon, Einherjar Wannabe continued his steps and strode into the battleground like an Einherjar.

Peter Lynn had already been waiting for his opponent. Many years ago, he might have enjoyed fighting in the PA system. But right then, he considered it no more than a child's play.

A cheer erupted from the IPA audiences as soon as they saw Einherjar Wannabe. Even the warrior's prolonged silence didn't seem to dull their enthusiasm.

Most TPA audiences, however, were still on the fence, and unsure whether Einherjar Wannabe would last long in this fight.

"VICTORY!" someone shouted out loudly. Enchanted with the unwavering belief, the voice pierced through the air and persuaded many IPA players to stand on their feet and join the chant. "Victory…Victory…Victory!"

The DREAM workers were shocked by the audiences' enthusiasm. The poll before the match didn't seem to indicate that. Plus, due to the slip up in DREAM's advertisement, many DREAM's workers had been uncertain of how this match would turn out.

The same concern was shared by Wang Tong as well, and the audiences' enthusiasm had caught him by surprise. But, he genuinely appreciated them for their unconditional support. Wang Tong was confident that Mr. Wannabe would give them an excellent show in return.

Zhang Jin's jaw almost dropped when she saw Einherjar Wannabe appear in the PA system while Wang Tong—the prime suspect —was sitting right next to her.

"How...How is that possible?"

Zhang Jin knew that everyone's ID was gene coded, so there was zero chance that someone else was fighting in Wang Tong's stead. Her mind raced as doubts sprouted. Were she and Patroclus both wrong about their conjecture, or was the whole event a hoax? No matter how hard Zhang Jin had tried to solve the puzzle, she failed.

Einherjar Wannabe looked at his feet while listening to the swell of cheers and shouts. He felt as if he had traveled back to the old days. A knot of fire started to burn inside him, awakening the old memories.

"Match begin!"

Peter Lynn studied the seventeen years old boy; he wondered how this match had happened in the first place. What had made his employer so interested in such an ordinary boy.

Peter Lynn was aware that the House of Zhang loathed conceit among their employees. Therefore, he didn't dare lower his guard.

A blade appeared in Peter Lynn's hand out of nowhere, and he started to channel his energy into the blade, until it was crackling with lightening GN force. Peter Lynn raised the blade and attacked the boy. As a veteran level six fighter, his execution was flawless and deadly without measure.

Peter Lynn was sure that his opponent didn't move while he attacked, but when the blade finally fell towards the boy, it cut through the air where the boy was standing and missed the target. The boy was seen standing a few inches away from the blade.

Peter Lynn didn't hesitate as he attacked again. This time, his GN fore projected further out from his blade, effectively extending the reach of his weapon. It was the technique popular among the Ivantians. When used right, it would be able to hail attacks on opponents continuously. Peter Lynn's second attack aimed at Einherjar Wannabe's neck. He was convinced that this attack should end the match then and there, since he had made this move many times before and never missed once.

However, the attack missed again, as the boy disappeared into thin air and then reappeared right in front of where the tip of the blade had rested.

Peter Lynn's heart sank at this development. He registered that his opponent didn't even use his GN force, and worse, he had no clue as to how the boy had done it.

The pressure was mounting. His promotion and a brighter future were hinged upon the success of this match; he could not fail.

The thought of his failure spurred Peter Lynn to recharge his blade with GN force and attack with abandon at Einherjar Wannabe anew.

Einherjar Wannabe didn't engage in combat this time. Instead, he swayed his body deftly left and right to dodge the attacks while maintaining a close distance with the veteran soldier.

After a few dozen continuous assaults, Peter Lynn still failed to land a solid blow, but he didn't give up, as he continued the lightning fast, although mechanical, moves. The close distance had given the Ivantian veteran an edge regarding speed, as he was able to unleash more than twelve attacks in one second.

But no matter how fast and furious the attacks were, none landed on Einherjar Wannabe so far.

The audiences' breath was caught in their throat as the suspense of the fight seized their attention.

Eyes glued to the screen, Wang Tong marveled at Mr. Wannabe's seemingly effortless evasion; only an Einherjar was capable of pull off such a defense. Wang Tong's eyes were quick enough to pick up Mr. Wannabe's moves. However, the method to execute these moves escaped him.

The constant missing had eventually thinned Peter Lynn's patience, and was slowly driving him deeper into madness. He had been at it for over half a minute, and still, his attacks had been useless.

Sensing that Peter Lynn's soul energy had faltered, Einherjar Wannabe immediately unleashed his counter-attack. Calling it a counter-attack was an understatement, it was more like a cataclysm on the battleground.

A deafening ear blare came out from Einherjar Wannabe's body and sent a shockwave throughout the arena, stirring up the dust. The blaring noise seemed to have numbed Peter Lynn's senses, as he simply stood still and did not even move a finger.

Mr. Wannabe's power shocked Wang Tong, and he registered that the match was near its end.

When the dust finally settled, Peter Lynn fell onto his face and never got up.

Shocked by the sudden turn of event, TPA players looked to the display board, trying to get a reading of the soul energy in Einherjar Wannabe's last attack. However, the display board showed nothing. Either the attack was not based on soul energy, or the amount of soul energy was so significant it had fried the soul energy sensors; no one knew.

Throwing his head back as he stared into the sky, Mr. Wannabe stood in silence. Although he had finally gotten the chance to fight again, his opponent was too weak; he needed someone much more powerful than Peter Lynn.

Although he didn't regain any lost memories, he could read the silhouette of the shadows cast by his forgotten memories to know this much: he had been a formidable warrior.

After a while, the referee finally announced, "Einherjar Wannabe, Win!" A tsunami of cheers followed the announcement.

No one, expect Wang Tong, had anticipated such a result. Many had believed that even a draw would be an incredible victory for Einherjar Wannabe. However, not only had Einherjar Wannabe won the match, he had done so with ease.

Among the different methods of utilizing the GN force, sound wave attack was widely used among warriors of all factions. However, none of the sound wave method's power came close to the roar that Einherjar Wannabe had used.

The outcome of the match had caught many experts by surprise. Before the fight, they had been convinced that Einherjar Wannabe was a relatively unknown warrior in real life, who sought glory in the PA system. It was commonly believed that no ordinary fighters, regardless of how powerful they were among their peer, could overcome a reputable, level six warrior. However, the power that Einherjar Wannabe had displayed suggested that he was not a nobody. It was impossible to go unnoticed in real-life while having such great power.

The mysterious fighter had surprised everyone with his power so many times, that the experts wondered precisely how powerful Einherjar Wannabe was, and who exactly was Einherjar Wannabe. Was he really a seventeen years old boy?

Chapter 339: Who's Next?

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Hu Yangxuan and his friends looked at each other in bewilderment. They had thought that it would be a tough battle. However, it had ended in mere minutes.

A question rang like a bell in Hu Yangxuan's mind. If Einherjar Wannabe was really only seventeen years old, who would be able to stand against him in the tournament?

In a matter of seconds, analysis videos of the fight were uploaded to the internet. While watching the video in slow motion, the students noticed that one of Einherjar Wannabe's feet had never left the ground while he was dodging Peter Lynn's attacks. He had pivoted his body on that feet and spun like a top.

To the students, the technique as unimaginable.

In Cao Yi's analysis video, he also pointed out the fact that Einherjar Wannabe's eyes had been closed while he was dodging the lethal attacks, as if he were savoring the battle.

As for the roar, no one was able to offer any conclusive analysis, since the technique was beyond the measuring capability of all known instruments. However, it had proven to everyone that Einherjar Wannabe was not just a copycat. His own attacks were even deadlier than what he had copied from other players.

Loneliness flickered In Einherjar Wannabe's eyes at the end of the tournament. Everyone could feel his yearning for a stronger opponent.

An Einherjar Wannabe's fan club called the "Martial Hall" was formed on the same day. His fans included people who were mind opened and those who weren't. They believed that Einherjar Wannabe's decisive victory against the level six player meant that he was invincible in the PA system.

His young age only highlighted his achievements, making the performances more akin to miracles. Perhaps, Einherjar Wannabe was the returning savior, the heir of the gods.

The fight had proven that Einherjar Wannabe's soul energy was boundless, and he had broken the code of cultivation by ignoring the age factor.

The Marshal Hall's member-list had expanded rapidly. More and more people were convinced that it was Lie Jian who had lost the battle during his last "close-door" fight against Einherjar Wannabe.

However, the voice of concern from those who opposed Einherjar Wannabe was loud as well, and the situation quickly escalated beyond DREAM's control.

Some suspected that DRAM had cheated the PA system for Einherjar Wannabe to win. However, many audience members, who were experts in virtual security, had quickly cleared the air by stating that they could not find any trace of evidence supporting the conjecture.

Samantha had also declared in a TV interview that DREAM would do anything they could to ensure the fairness of the fight.

Like Einherjar Wannabe, who had won the hearts of his fans using his excellent performance, Samantha had done the same to the councilors thanks to her superior management skills. Samantha's ancestor, Galber, had been one of the first members of the council, and he was also a fierce follower of the Blade Warrior. Samantha's family had always honored their relationship with the god-like Blade Warrior, and considered themselves as "servants" who waited patiently for the return of the god.

With many odds in favor of her, Samantha had quickly risen to fame and garnered much higher support than all of her competitors combined. Since Samantha was a woman, she also easily gained the support of the feminist groups.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong and Mr. Wannabee were watching the replay of the fight.

"I told you to be careful and not show your power all at once. It would raise other's suspicions."

"Balls! I used only a fraction of my power! What do you want from me? " Mr. Wannabe retorted while straddling on top of Charcoal's shoulder. Charcoal had protested in the beginning, but after a while, he seemed to have come to terms with his new function as a bench.

"Just be careful! " Wang Tong knew that to continue to keep a lid on other's suspicions, they needed to be prudent in choosing Mr. Wannabe's next opponent. Slow and steady would win the race after all.

Wang Tong noticed that so far, everyone seemed to be trapped in the box, thinking that only one person would be able to use one ID in the PA system. Wang Tong and Mr. Wannabe needed to play along and act as if Einherjar Wannabe had gradually gained more power, and reinforce the false assumption in the audiences' mind. Wang Tong knew that to lure Einherjar into a fight; he would need to slowly coax the public's opinion into thinking that the mysterious fighter was also an Einherjar, thereby creating a temptation that no real Einherjar would resist.

With the increase in opponent's power, Wang Tong reasoned that he would also be able to learn more by watching the fights. However, Wang Tong reckoned that it would take some time to get to that point, since he didn't expect any powerful level six fighters to rise to the bait just yet.

"What about a fight with me, Mr. Wannabe? I need a warm-up before my daily cultivation anyways!"

"You? No, I don't want to hurt you before your tournament." Mr. Wannabe brushed Wang Tong's request off with a casual answer.

"You have to! Otherwise, I would unplug the TV. It won't take long! " Wang Tong threatened Mr. Wannabe.

"Fine, fine, be quick about it!"

The two then disappeared into the crystal, leaving Charcoal alone in the room. But only two seconds later, Mr. Wannabe appeared in the room again, and he immediately was engrossed in the TV show as if nothing had happened.

Inside the virtual space, Wang Tong laid on the ground; he was defeated faster than he had thought. In order not to miss any of his show, Mr. Wannabe didn't hold back his power, and therefore, the fight ended in mere seconds.

Wang Tong laid on his back as he stared at the sky quietly. The pain in his body constantly reminded him of his defeat; he had a creeping suspicion that something was off. Otherwise, he would not be defeated so easily.

As he reflected on the fight, he remembered that Mr. Wannabe's soul energy was never that impressively high. Wang Tong also noticed that unlike other fighters who would need to maintain their soul energy at a certain level in order to effectively wield it, Mr. Wannabe's soul energy reading changed drastically. But every time it was summoned, it would come to Mr. Wannabe's aid obediently.

After a while, Wang Tong dragged himself to his feet and started his cultivation. What he had learned from the brief confrontation with Mr. Wannabe had reaffirmed the importance of soul energy. Without solid soul energy, any grandiose ambitions were nothing but empty talk.

Meanwhile, on the Moon, Patroclus and Zhang Jin had quietly re-watched the recording of the fight. After the video ended, Zhang Jin asked. "What is your take on this?"

Patroclus shook his head and then replied, "I don't know, something was not right."

"That's what I felt too. I think we might have underestimated the Einherjar Wannabe."

"I think this only proves that he is the heir of the blade warrior! That's exciting!" Patroclus's face suddenly beamed.

"I'm glad to see you so happy."

"Thanks to you, Jing!"

Einherjar Wannabe's return and his victory against a level six fighter had shocked the PA community, as people become more eager to see what would this seventeen years old boy become. However, the one victory was not enough to pique the elite fighters' interests. Therefore, Einherjar Wannabe re-posted his challenge.

That being said, Einherjar Wannabe's roaring technique had caught the attention of a few powerful fighters.

In addition to the five major tactics, many other equally powerful tactics had been invented, and the tens of the most powerful ones formed the so-called "Miraculous Ten." Two out of the ten tactics in the "Miraculous Ten " deployed sound wave attacks, and they were the number six—Tactics the Soul Harp, and the number eight—Tactics of the Thunder Drum.

Ivantians used tactics of the Soul Harp, which started as a soul energy technique similar to that of the Tactics of the Enchantress. After centuries of improvement, it had become deadly tactics that would kill its opponent unwittingly using the sound wave of a harp. At the highest level, the Tactics of the Soul Harp would even be able to take control of opponent's mind, much like an Enchantress would.

On the other hand, the tactics of the Thunder Drum originated from Mars. The creator of the tactics had been a drummer in the military marching band in addition to being a talented cultivator. He had invented the ingenious tactics accidentally when he fused his drum beats with soul energy to save his comrades, who had been surrounded by Zergs. The story of him inventing the tactics had been retold many times on Mars, and eventually, it had become a legend.

Chapter 340: Greater Challenge

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Einherjar Wannabe's fan club, The "Marshal Hall," touted Mr. Wannabe's Lion Roar technique as the equal of the other two renowned tactics. Although the Ivantians didn't mind it, the bold claim had greatly upset the Martians.

Zambrotta, the Master of the War Drum Hall on the Mars, was pleased by the support of his people on the Mars. The Soul Harp had been the only tactics that were neck to neck with Thunder Drum regarding fame and power. Others had tried to replace them, but they had all failed. The thought of Einherjar Wannabe's fans blindly slapping the title of "sound wave attack" to a roar was laughable to Zambrotta. Also, he found the name of the fan club resembled an insolent parody on the name of the "War Drum Hall."

Zambrotta was a powerful and ambitious cultivator, and the same went for the other nine masters on the list of the "Miraculous Ten." Truth be told, it was hard to rank the power of the ten cultivators, except for the top three, who had a palpable advantage over the other seven. And for the rest seven cultivators, their rank was primarily determined by their fame of their sect and the size of their followers. On the other hand, it was also crucial for a sect to be adamant in their effort to improve their rank on the list, since the more famous a sect was, the more followers it would attract.

The competition was fierce, and not losing a battle in public was one of the most effective ways to retain the sect's rank. Over time, the sect leaders, such as Zambrotta, grew content and conservative.

Although Zambrotta had reached the ultimate level in his cultivation, he had yet to find a successor who was as talented as that of the Sect of Soul Harp. Therefore, Zambrotta knew that a defeat would impact the sect significantly at this most vulnerable moment.

All things considered, Zambrotta decided to remain silent despite the voice of anger surrounding him. However, that changed ever since he had received the letter from House of Lie.

Lie Jian had been infuriated by Einherjar Wannabe's return and the subsequent victory. It spoke loudly to the public about the humiliating outcome of his last fight with the mysterious fighter. After seeing Einherjar Wannabe unleash the sound wave attack, an idea sprung into his mind. Hadn't the sect of the War Drum's request to establish a branch in the city of Esell just got shelved by House of Lie? To maintain the dominant power on Mars, House of Lie not only needed to utilize the talents from the Hall of War Drum, but also prevent them from growing too powerful and too bold.

Lie Jian reasoned that he would use Zambrotta's request as a reward to lure him to accept Einherjar Wannabe's challenge. If Zambrotta succeeded in defeating Einherjar Wannabe, it would not only be sweet revenge, but would also serve a reminder to those who thought that the House of Lie had become weakened. As for the construction of another War Drum's branch, Lie Jian planned to use government red tapes to slow its process as much as possible.

As Lie Jian had expected, Zambrotta had accepted the deal right away. Zambrotta knew that this was the only chance he had in growing his sect's influence.

With Zambrotta rising to the challenge, Einherjar Wannabe finally found a fighter that was in the elite class.

The Lord of the Thunder Drum—Zambrotta!

Although the level six fighters seemed only to make up a fraction of the total human population, the actual number of level six fighters was not small at all, due to human race's gargantuan population base. However, there were only a handful of level six fighters who could stand out among their peers, because the determining factor in a level six warrior's power was his or her tactics.

Thanks to the incredible power of his unique tactics, Zambrotta ranked high among his peers.

At one time, he had been an unchallenged champion on Mars until he was defeated by Lie Jian's father, Lie Jintian, who was at the time on the verge of becoming an Einherjar. The fight between the two most potent level six warriors had been intense. Only after a few hours of struggle, the Tactics of the Blaze had finally overcome the Thunder Drum by a small margin.

Even till this day, Lie Jintian still marveled at the incredible power of the Thunder Drum whenever he reflected on the fight that had helped him rise to fame.

Unfortunately for Zambrotta, ever since he was defeated, he seemed to have lost his steam. Therefore, he had never breached through the sixth level and reached the state of Einherjar.

Nevertheless, Zambrotta was respected on Mars as one of the grand masters, since his sect had over four thousands followers. Therefore, everyone felt that his would-be opponent, Einherjar Wannabe, was out of his league.

One thing worth mentioning was the fact that although the Moon and the Earth government also tolerated the existence of sects, they had strictly prohibited these sects from recruiting any followers. On Mars, however, this sect follower could swear loyalty to their sect masters who carried out agendas different from the government. But on the other two planets, even the sect masters would have to align their goal with that of the state in order to exist.

All three factions had chosen their own development path, and therefore, the culture and customs varied wildly among them. Martians had always been firm believers of Darwinism, and thus, the society saw to it that the emergence of new power to challenge the old authority was unrestricted. However, on the Earth and the Moon, such insurgence would never be tolerated in the first place.

It was this unique martian culture that had spurred Zambrotta to accept House of Lie's request. Zambrotta was aware that although he was a relatively new player in the game of power, his sect had gained huge influence on Mars, and it was only a matter of time before he would have to confront House of Lie. Meanwhile, he wagered that his rise to power had not gone unnoticed, and soon, House Lie would be on the move against him as well. House Lie had been tightening the noose already by denying his request of establishing a branch. Zambrotta feared that if he didn't make a move quickly, he might lose the initiative.

DREAM was pleasantly surprised by Zambrotta's reply. Cameron doubted that even the DREAM officials would be able to persuade someone as powerful as the sect leader of the Thunder Drum to the fight. Cameron had received a series of instructions from every top level of the DREAM corporation, ordering him to spare no expense in preparing for the fight.

The Lord of the War Drum Hall was the most influential fighter the PA system had ever seen ever since its conception. Everyone believed that Zambrotta had accepted the challenge because he was interested in Einherjar Wannabe's Lion Roar technique.

Right after Zambrotta's announcement, workers at the DREAM had already encountered their first problem in organizing the match, the problem being the martian's weapon. Unlike other warriors who fought with iron and steel, Zambrotta fought with a legendary war drum. The War Drum Hall had sent a formal request to the PA system, stating that for the sake of fairness, it was absolutely paramount to create a replica in the virtual space for Zambrotta to unleash his full power.

Wang Tong welcomed the request since his first and foremost concern was the opponent being too weak like the last challenger, Peter Lynn. However, a gut feeling told Wang Tong that Zambrotta was much stronger than Peter Lynn, despite the fact that they were on the same level.

Due to the complication in re-creating the war drum, the fight wouldn't be carried out until next week.

When Wang Tong told Mr. Wannabe about the exciting news of his new opponent, Mr. Wannabe simply grunted in reply, and didn't even care to look away from the TV screen. To Mr. Wannabe, all level six warriors were fodders, and only a real Einherjar would pique his interest.

After three days of intense competition, the qualification matches were close to their end. There were three hundred and fifty successful candidates from the Shangjin district, and all of them would go to Yalen to fight against other thousands of warriors from all over Earth for the rights of representing their home-planet.

The successful students would then be sent to the Moon to attend the playoffs.

Although Ayrlarng had improved its overall strength by leaps and bounds over one short year, the qualification match had indicated that Ayrlarng still lacked in the METAL combat department. Only six students from Ayrlarng had prevailed in their qualification match and earned the rights to compete at Yalen.

Chapter 341: Carnival

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The six students who made the cut were Wang Tong, Hu Yangxuan, Kyaero, Sayni, Sunfang, and Jiang Xiuzhe. Three among the six were first-year students, and the other three were in their fourth year. Although no one seemed to have high hopes for the students' performance at Yalen expect for that of Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan, it was already a victory for Ayrlarng, since this was the first time in decades that any student from Ayrlarng had ever passed the Shangjin district's qualification match.

This year's competition was incredibly intense due to the participation of many graduates who had not been drafted into the army.

This tournament was an excellent opportunity to promote themselves for those who were working at private firms, to impress potential employers to land them the next employment contract.

The city of Cypress, the city where Yalen was located, had become a carnival ground. Wang Tong had thought that he would arrive earlier than others, but he already saw throngs of teenagers in different school uniforms hanging about in the streets.

Wearing the school uniforms not only made it easier to identify friends from foes, but it also gave the students a sense of honor and belonging. Wang Tong sensed that every contestant was enthusiastic about the coming fight.

In addition to the academy students, Wang Tong had also seen many students from private schools. Founders of these private schools were of the same age as Wang Ben's father, General Hu Ben, and their power was also at par with each other. Not all of the powerful fighters were found in the military, due to its bureaucracy, which would hinder their personal and financial growth. Also, the military was already filled to the brim with talents from prestigious families, making it impossible for a talented person with an ordinary background to stand out among his peers.

General Hu Ben had been a rare exception, as he had worked his way up from the very bottom. However, not everyone could be as lucky as him.

To the citizen of Cypress, team Capth was their nemesis, since Yalen and Capth were the only two S-Class Academy on Earth, and the competition was fierce. This year, both schools' performance had been steady so far. There were one hundred and twenty students from Capth, and one hundred and ten from Yalen that had made into the planet-wide qualification. Students from the S-Class academies made up the bulk of the contestants, and didn't leave much room for the others.

The A-class academies each had no more than forty successful candidates. In total there were over five thousand contestants that had arrived at Cypress. However, only less than ten would remain in the end.

The feud between Capth and Yalen was entrenched in the students' minds. Yalen's students had even hosted a celebration party when they had heard the news of Capth's defeat by the Ayrlarng-Bernabeu alliance.

However, it was this very feud between the two schools that had kept them competitive.

Every student had to be ID'ed before they entered the Yalen campus. The ID process was quick and easy, and Yalen had set up a dozen identification booths at the two squares near its campus.

When Wang Tong arrived at the town square, it was already packed with students. The team from Ayrlarng was only a drop in the ocean of contestants. Wang Tong marveled at the popularity of METAL combat compared to Fleet battle.

"Look! They are from the Capth!"

"Wow! that's a lot of people!"

"No kidding! I see Li Ruoer, Wang Ben, and...Cisco? Balls, they had even sent in their fourth-year student. That's cheating!"

In most competitions, Capth never dispatched their fourth-year students. However, the challenge of this year tournament had made them break the rule.

The tournament happened only once every four years, and it represented the pinnacle of strength and skills. Therefore, no school would pass up the opportunity to showcase their power.

The crowd opened up to make way for Team Capth. Leading the team was Li Ruoer, the first Enchantress to partake in the tournament.

Although no one knew exactly how powerful Li Ruoer was, since her tactics were one of the five major tactics, people were convinced that she was worth the role of the team captain. Strapped to the back of the enchantress was the legendary sword "Rosy."

To the left of Li Ruoer stood Wang Ben. Wang Ben's power had increased a great deal, and he had passed his qualification matches with ease. His growth had surprised everyone at Capth. In a year, he had already defeated the fourth year student, Cisco.

Anyone who had fought with Wang Ben felt a sense of helplessness under his merciless attacks.

To the right of Li Ruoer stood a young man who was about a few inches taller than the enchantress. There was a badge with four lines on his school uniform; his name was Turbolix, the number one of fourth-year students at Capth. He was about to graduate and join the military.

Turbolix also came from a prestigious family, as he was the heir of the "Wind Cloud Kick" technique. It was one of the top ten techniques on Earth.

The three students that formed the front line of the team were all teenagers that were destined to rise to fame, and had more or less convinced the world that they were worthy of their roles.

The three's ambition was as great as their power. Unlike the older generations of their families, they were not content to be just an heir of famous tactics. They wanted to be involved in the politics using their family background as a stepping stone.

All the other students looked at the team from Capth with envy as the latter paraded across the town square. The emblem of Capth, a three-headed sphinx, seemed scintillating under the bright sunlight.

Li Ruoer was the first to finish the identification process. She typed in her student number, placed her palm on the scanning station, and then looked into the pupil imitating device.

Right after Li Ruoer had finished her process, a swell of clamor rose from the students at the town square. Another group had just arrived; their emblem on the uniform was a fire-breathing dragon, and they were the home team.

Students from Yalen should have already finished the identification process. Therefore, it was not difficult to interpret their appearance as a taunt.

The dragons and the sphinxes finally met and formed two lines that were three meters apart. They stood face to face, chest puffing up as if they were measuring each other.

"Balls! Are we just going to stand here and watch this?" Hu Yangxuan shook his head. He could have been one of the Capth's students. However, he had eventually chosen Ayrlarng, a decision he had never regretted.

"It's not the number that matters. Look there!" Zhou Sisi announced.

Hu Yangxuan then saw four boys in plain robes saunter towards the booth. Their hair were pulled back and tied up into a bun —an archaic hairstyle that one could see on TV. Hu Yangxuan recognized them immediately; they were from the Templar's court.

The one carrying the blade was Zhang Buyu, the shortest was Yao Bai, the most handsome looking one was Ye Kai, and the most muscular one was Wu Gang.

Legend had it that the Templar's court was the birthplace of all tactics. No one had ever seen an inner court disciple; their prestige and secrecy had immediately piqued everyone's interest.

Chapter 342: Super Space Hive

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The four young disciples didn't seem to pay attention to the stares that surrounded them, as they continued sauntering towards the ID booth nonchalantly. Although the Templar's Court distanced themselves from the conflicts between major factions, they had not withdrawn from the world altogether. It was evident that the four inner court disciples were excited about the fight, and were confident in their ability.

The four didn't even spare a glance at the students from S-Class Academies. However, they all cast a sidelong glance at Li Ruoer. The relationship between House of Li and the Templar could be traced back to the age of General Li Feng. So far, the Templar still lacked tactics that could out-rival that of the five dominant houses.

"The Inner Court." Hu Yangxuan gasped and then heaved a sigh.

"What about them?"

"Majority of the Templar's disciples, such as me, only received training in building up soul energy. Only the inner court disciples were worthy of learning the secret tactics of the Templars. "

When Hu Yangxuan had first attended the Templar's Court, he had lived a different life and dreamt different dreams. His life goal at that time was to take over the family business and therefore, becoming a Templar's disciple was only the icing on the cake. Never once he had thought that he would be so invested in becoming a fighter. At the hindsight, Hu Yangxuan found his former goals childish and laughable.

Among the four inner court disciples, one was Hu Yangxuan's old friend.

In addition to the three big players—Capth, Yalen, and the Templar's Court—there were many other renowned fighters at the town square. Representing their districts, these fighters meant business here. Although they were not from S class Academies, they had brought with them potent tactics and techniques that they had inherited from their family.

Based on recent statistics about the makeup of the contestants, the combats would bring over half of the current renowned private tactics—ones that were not taught by academies— into the tournament. It was apparent that all contestants wanted to use the tournament to spread the influence of the tactics they practiced.

Once a tactics had reached enough influence, it would earn the recognition of the Confederation, and all practitioners would receive a tag with the name of the tactics on it. Wang Tong watched as many cultivators wearing such badges greeted each other perfunctorily. The act was laughable to Wang Tong, as he knew that many of these people had never met each other, and they were merely faking their friendliness.

"Ah-Ha! Isn't it Brother Hu? Long time no see!" Ye Kai, the Gentlemen Sword, walked towards Hu Yangxuan as he spoke.

Hu Yangxuan had been avoiding eye contact with Ye Kai. However, he was spotted by his old friend after all. Hu Yangxuan forced a smile and then replied, "Oh Hi, Brother Ye!"

"Nice to see you here brother, and hi everyone, my name is Ye Kai." Although Ye Kai seemed very friendly, everyone could still feel that Hu Yangxuan was somehow embarrassed by this encounter.

"Allow me to introduce… This is...my court brother Ye Kai. He was one of the chosen disciples to enter the inner court. He is a master of swordplay, there's no doubt about that." Hu Yangxuan announced.

Before Hu Yangxuan had time to introduce his friends in Ayrlarng, Ye Kai saw the other three had already finished their identification processes and were calling him over. Ye Kai nodded to his teammates and then turned to Hu Yangxuan. "My court brothers are calling me; I need to go. I hope I get the chance to fight with you, brother Hu!" Ye Kai bowed at everyone and then started back to his teammates.

"How old is this kid? 'Brother' this and 'brother' that, he sounded like an old man... Haha." Kyaero jested.

"Fifteen." Hu Yangxuan heaved a sigh. The conversation with Ye Kai had taken the wind out of his sail.

"What? The Templar had chosen a kid to do their biddings?" Sayni laughed.

"He seemed very... polite and educated. No wonder they call him the gentleman." Sisi announced. She was impressed by Ye Kai's courtesy, since as an inner court disciple, Ye Kai ought to be much stronger than Hu Yangxuan.

Hu Yangxuan grimaced and then rolled up his right sleeve, revealing a scar. "He did this to me."

Everyone stared at the long and ugly scar incredulously, unable to draw a connection between the refined young man and his savage act.

As if Hu Yangxuan had sensed everyone's disbelief, he went on and elaborated on the details, "He is a Mr. Nice only when he is out of combat. When he is on a battlefield, he could turn into a monster faster you can blink. I had been unfortunate enough to be his examiner for his entrance exam, and that was when he did this to me. He had injured a lot of teachers during training as well. Simply put, nine out of ten inner court disciples are insane, if not outright monsters."

Hu Yangxuan shook his head again. The flashback made Hu Yangxuan doubt if he were ready to stand up to the challenge ahead.

"Nine out of ten? Haha, so there was at least one warden in that insane asylum after all!" Sun Fang joked.

"Wrong. He was no warden, he was the craziest of them all. But, he was more methodical than the others, which made him even scarier. I can say that among all of our friends, only Wang Tong could stand up against him."

"You are talking about Zhang Buyu, the so-called White Water Blade?" Wang Tong asked.

"How did you know that?" Hu Yangxuan asked in disbelief. Zhang Buyu's real power had always been a secret even among the outer court disciples.

"Among all the four disciples, his energy flow was the strongest and the steadiest." Wang Tong replied.

"Uh?... What's energy flow?" Jiang Xiu was confused by Wang Tong's jargon.

"Haha, don't even bother yourself trying to figure it out. He says that gibberish all the time" Kyaero announced with a broad smile.

Wang Tong scanned the clamorous mob at the town square; he could feel their swelling enthusiasm and vibrating vigor. All of them had been waiting for this day for too long.

Suddenly, a presence of a strong force drew away Wang Tong's attention. As Wang Tong sought the source of the power, the din of the world around him seemed to have disappeared altogether. Wang Tong was not the only one who had felt the sudden insurgence of the powerful presence, as Zhang Buyu had also felt the power hijack his senses. He paused and started to scan his surroundings.

"What's up, Brother Zhang?" Yao Bai asked.

Zhang Buyu's face remained stoic, "Someone is watching us. Not Li Shiming though, it is someone perhaps even stronger than Li Shiming."

"Master had warned us about potential tough opponents hidden among the people. Maybe this it?" Ye Kai speculated.

"Don't take master's words literally. He was just warning us not to overlook any opponent."

"I have probed all the fighters here who were on the same level as us, but I still couldn't locate the source of the energy I am getting." Zhang Buyue announced.

"Bahh! It's difficult… Too many people here. Anyhow, you two stay low… Remember what master had said."

"Roger that!"

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was elated by the powerful presence; it was just another lab rat for him to test his new techniques.

"Well, since we are here at Yalen, we might as well enjoy the S-Class environment. "


Except for Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan, none of the Ayrlarng's students had high hopes for the outcome of their matches. Being able to join the playoff matches on the moon would be their greatest achievements.

Wang Tong wasn't bothered by Li Ruoer's presence, since he had long since forgiven her for helping Ma Xiaoru. Based on his experience of fighting against Li Ruoer, Wang Tong was confident that she would do well in this year's tournament.

After team Ayrlarng had loitered in the Yalen's campus for a while, everyone received a message containing the details of the planet-wide qualification matches.

To minimize unnecessary injuries, the qualification match would take place in the virtual space in three days. The email didn't reveal any details, but everyone wagered that it would be a combination of combats and survival tests.

Meanwhile, in the outer space, a spaceship from the Andromeda Galaxy had entered warp space. Aboard the ship were METAL figures, who were on their way to the tournament.

"Captain, two more hours till we reach the solar system."

"Slow it down."

"Yes, captain."

The spaceship glided slowly across a backdrop of countless stars. The ship seemed like a grain of sand in the desert.

As the ship was about to exit the hyperspeed, a dark shadow loomed in front of it. The alarm on the ship went off, warning the passengers of the encroaching danger. The ship had nothing to defend itself, and was soon engulfed by the dark shadow.

Slowly, the shadow exited the hyper speed and emerged from the warp space; it was an enormous creature that was half machine and half flesh.

A Space Hive!

No one had seen a Zerg Space Hive so hideous in its design and so vast in its size. It hovered in the dark space, as a green light glowed from inside its half translucent substance. After a while, the belly of the space hive convulsed, and from its rear end, the ship was pushed out like a newborn infant.

The space hive convulsed more violently and opened up a portal in front of it. The glowing space hive quickly went through the gaping hole before the portable closed itself.

Such was the power of the Zerg's continuous evolution… It had defied all human knowledge, and made space travel possible for carbon-based living organisms.

The human ship went on its journey as if nothing had happened.

Three days later, the qualification test had officially started at Yalen.

Chapter 343: Promoted

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The confederation had spared no expenses in making sure that the test was effective in picking the gem out of the sand.

As the students signed into the virtual space, they found themselves in a bleak-looking ancient battleground, as they waited impatiently for their turn of the test. Since there were no details of the test posted, no one knew what it entailed.

"Attention everyone, the test will start momentarily. The top ten contestants of the test would earn the right to enter the play-off directly, without partaking in the qualification matches."

Outside Yalen's simulation room stood Zhou Sisi and the friends of the other contestants. Although Zhou Sisi was certain that Wang Tong would pass the test as long as it involved straightforward fighting, she was anxious for him, fearing that it would be tricky and require the contestant to use their brains more than their muscles.

The crowd inside of the simulation room boiled over after hearing the announcement. The reward for acing the test was tempting.

"Right now, you are at the starting location of your test, and before you is a maze filled with Zergs and virtual fighters. Your goal is to get out of this maze as quickly as possible, or kill as many monsters and vital fighters as possible. You will be graded in terms of both speed and number of kills. Only the top ten contestants will pass the test. The maze will open in five minutes. May the odds be in your favor!"

As the announcement faded away, the students saw a giant clock appear in the sky.

Outside the simulation room, the screen displayed a map with groups of shimmering dots, with each dot representing one player.

As soon as the clock started ticking, the contestants swarmed towards the entrance of the maze. However, there were a few fighters, such as the four inner court disciples, who didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Wang Tong and Hu Yangxuan didn't join the excited crowd either, as they waited for the crowd to dissipate. After a while, Wang Tong announced, "Let's start!"

Hu Yangxuan nodded, and then the two disappeared into the maze.

Once the two stepped through the threshold, they found themselves alone in the maze—the virtual system had automatically switched to single mode. Inside the labyrinth, the system had made sure that the challenge was fair but unique to everyone.

The Inner Court Disciples were unruffled when they find out that they were separated from each other, since it did not affect the difficulty for them anyways.

This test format was not uncommon. However, the current test was much more intense than any other similar test the students had undertaken.

Wang Tong didn't want to waste too much time on the test, as he had seen through the illusions in the maze with ease.

Outside the testing room, the crowd watched as a couple hundred dots on the screen moved directly towards the exit; those players could see through the illusion of the maze just like Wang Tong did.

However, among the couple hundred who were heading towards the right direction, some could only detect the path right in front of them, and others could see the path miles away clearly in their head. The further they could see, the more time they would be able to save.

That being said, even if the contestant was able to wade through the illusions efficiently, they still had to face the real challenge, that was the Zergs and the fighter bots.

The Zergs and bots were powerful foes, even though their numbers were kept at the minimum. They were placed at strategic locations, so that an encounter was inevitable.

A few dozen out of the couple hundred contestants slowly outpaced the rest and formed the leading group.

The Tactics of the Blade was the bane of all illusions, and even the master of all illusions— the Enchantress—was helpless in front of Wang Tong, much less the illusions created by AI. To Wang Tong, differentiating the illusion from reality had already become an instinct.

Wang Tong darted towards the exit without taking any detours. All the while, he was eager to beat up some Zergs.

In addition to Wang Tong, a dozen others, including Li Shiming, were able to see through the illusionary walls with ease too, and they ran straight towards the exit.

Wang Tong soon met his first opponent —a virtual bot. The bot had about level four soul energy; it would be a tough opponent for any contestants except for Wang Tong.

With a single strike, Wang Tong had ended the bot's service life; the bot exploded behind Wang Tong, who had already pressed on. Cool guys wouldn't look at explosions after all.

In a different virtual space, Li Shiming had also just finished his first opponent and was on his way again.

In addition to Wang Tong and Li Shiming, the four inner court disciples also saw through the illusions and stormed directly towards the exit. So determined they were in achieving the best results in the test that they were leading the first formation.

The four didn't bring their weapon with them, but it did not slow them down.

Li Ruoer had quickly made her way to the front of the line. The illusion was mere child's play for her. About twenty contestants had formed the leading group, and they would be competing for the top ten.

Ten minutes later, Li Shiming had finally made his way to the exit. As he stepped out of the maze, the system disengaged the single mode, and Li Shiming saw someone else was already there waiting for him.

"Brother Zhang Buyu, long time no see."

"Brother Li, our master asked me to send your father a message. He missed your lord father a lot, and looked forward to having another round of Go with him."

"I will deliver the message for you. Father had been busy. Otherwise, he would have already visited Master Huang."

Zhang Buyu nodded, then he heard footsteps coming from the direction of the maze exit.

"Brother Zhang! Brother Li! How long have you been waiting? Ah! I am exhausted!" Ye Kai rushed out of the maze and smiled broadly.

Since Li Shiming had also attended the Templar's Court before, the disciples didn't mind calling him "brother."

As soon as Ye Kai walked out of the exit, Li Ruoer followed suit.

"Nice to see you, Sister Li!" Ye Kai smiled at Li Ruoer.

Li Ruoer acknowledged Ye Kai with a nod, then she cast a knowing glance at her brother. The four waited at the exit for the rest of the six contestants, who would join them at the finals.

The fifth contestant that went through the exit was a fighter who looked like in his early twenties. He was followed by Yao Bai, Wu Gang, and the others. Turbolix was the ninth player that emerged out from the exit.

Li Ruoer stared at the exit expectantly, wondering why it took Wang Tong so long to finish the test.

Finally, Li Ruoer watched as Wang Tong sauntered through the gate. The exit shut off immediately behind Wang Tong, signifying the end of the test for top ten contestants.

Many strong fighters, such as Wang Ben, were not included in the top ten list. Instead of speed, he favored complete annihilation of Zergs and bots in the Maze, and therefore, he didn't make it to the top ten regarding speed.

As if Wang Tong had felt Li Ruoer's stare, he looked towards the Enchantress, who immediately looked away. Her expression was cold as ever. Among all the hotshots, Wang Tong felt he had once again become a no account. Many of the top ten players had no idea who this boy was, as they had been expecting Wang Ben or other elite fighters from S-Class academies.

"Hi, are you friends with Brother Hu?" Ye Kai asked.

"Are you always so talkative?" Wang Tong replied with a question.

Embarrassed by Wang Tong's comment, Ye Kai scratched his head, trying to find words in his mouth. "Ah...Haha...hmm... I like to make new friends, that's all."

"Haha, don't mind me, I was just kidding!" Wang Tong laughed.

"Come here, Ye Kai!" Wu Gang called Ye Kai over to him, as he didn't want him to talk to a stranger who could potentially be their opponent.

"Fine, brother!" Wu Gang's command seemed to have taken the wind out of Ye Kai's sail as he plodded back to his group.

The ten players waited for a few minutes, and a gate opened up in front of them. They couldn't see anything through the gate except for light.

As the ten players stepped into the light, they were greeted with cheers and applause. They had earned their ticket to the final matches on the moon.

Zhou Sisi walked to Wang Tong and said, "I knew you could do it!"

"Haha, thanks! Should we wait for Hu Yangxuan?"