409 - 420

Chapter 409: The Reckless Prince

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Patroclus was in a white shirt, and he remained still while his opponent charged at him.

"Patroclus is confident as ever, even though he is facing off Lie Jian." Zhang Zhongren announced, his voice lacking the confidence he had during the last match.

"Haha! That's for sure. It takes time to charge up his GN force. I think the length of this match solely depends on the performance of Lie Jian." Rockefeller said as he beamed from side to side.

"Why does the Martian like to show off his body so much? Is he a gay?" Karl asked.

"Didn't you know that House Lie owned all the clothing factory on Mars? It's just an advertisement."

"Shut up you too! What did Lie Jian do to you?" Zhou Sisi snapped at the two.

"I just don't like him. He stares at girls with that perverted look. As the guardian of all young ladies in the world, it is my prerogative to despise him."

"Buzz off!" Everyone shouted out in unison, and some even gave Karl a middle finger for his shameless claim.

Karl was not affected by his friends' attitude, so he continued, "I like Patroclus much more than the martian pervert. But nevertheless, it will be most ideal if both of them get badly injured in this fight."

"I think you should give more support to Lie Jian then, as I am afraid that he will not last long."

"Are you afraid of Patroclus? Don't be, because Boss will kick his ass. He is the cure for arrogance, remember?"

Seeing Karl's blind confidence, everyone simply smiled back at him. Wang Tong's disadvantage was obvious. Even if Wang Tong were as strong as Patroclus, his serious injury would set him back during the final. Wang Tong's only hope of winning the final lied in the degree of injury either of the two fighters would receive during this match.

In other words, the results of this match would play a critical role in the outcome of the final.

"Lie Jian should pray for an aggressive opportunity. Otherwise, he will not be able to penetrate Patroclus's defense."

"Really? You think so too?" Karl was amazed by how similar his friends' opinions were, and how different they were from his own. He still refused to believe that Patroclus was as powerful as everyone thought. "Fine, fine! I will support Lie Jian, the pervert! "

On the stage, Lie Jian had gained the control of the flow of the battle thanks to his aggressiveness. However, so conceited was Patroclus that he didn't even seem to put in any effort in defending.

Lie Jian would have been livid if he were facing any other opponent. However, Patroclus's conceit only spurred him to be more methodical.


Lie Jian hurled his large fist directly at Patroclus. Patroclus sidestepped as the fist wheezed pass him just slightly, before it suddenly changed course and aimed directly at Patroclus's face.

"Inch Punch!"


"The blow landed!"

Did Patroclus finally receive a blow? The sudden development startled all Ivantians, as they wondered what had just happened. Did the Ivantian prince slip up? No, he would never make such a simple mistake.

Even Lie Jian was caught off guard by his luck. Seizing the opportunity, he followed the first attack with more fiery punches.

The brutal attacks rained on Patroclus one after another. The terrifying scene had scared a few young ladies in the audience, who even started to sob.

After a few seconds of belligerent attacks, Lie Jian suddenly noticed an eerie smile on Patroclus's face. The creepy smile startled him as he backed away and delivered a roundhouse kick on Patroclus, sending the Ivantian prince flying a dozen meters away.

Everyone was stunned by what had happened on the stage. A near-invincible warrior gotten beaten up without lifting a finger to fight back. What happened? Was Patroclus high on anything?

Zhang Jin shook her head in resignation as she lamented on Patroclus's recklessness. It had been so long that Patroclus had almost forgotten what it was like to be injured.

As Patroclus slowly picked himself up, the audiences were amazed to find out that not only he was unharmed, but his white shirt was also unmarred during that brawl.

Patroclus flattened the kinks on his collar and smiled broadly, "Is that the Fist of Blaze? It felt like a scratch."

The audiences boiled over after Patroclus made such a taunting comment. Meanwhile, the ineffectiveness of Lie Jian's attacks had taken the wind out of the Martian audience.

Lie Jian conceded that landing blows on Patroclus was much like punching a water surface while his target was hidden deep beneath the water. His mind raced as he wondered what technique Patroclus had used. Was it the Tactics of Deva King?

Realizing that he couldn't back down, Lie Jian took a deep breath and disappeared from everyone's view. Half a heartbeat later, he flashed out right in front of Patroclus and punched his face with a fiery fist that looked like a large torch.

However, halfway during his attack, he felt a blow on his chest, and his body flew a dozen feet back.

Patroclus didn't even move, or at least, it seemed so.

The development stunned Zhang Zhongren. Patroclus was supposed to be on the same level as Lie Jian, but the fight seemed to suggest otherwise.

Lie Jian gathered himself as he swallowed down the pain. A hand sign was seared into his swarthy chest.

With his GN force in check, Lie Jian started an attack anew. This time, he combined the Fist of Blaze with the Tornado Kick. However, Patroclus blocked the attack with only a nonchalant wave of his hands.

Zhang Jin grinned as she marveled at the vast gap between the two fighters' powers. No doubt that Wang Tong's victory had spurred Patroclus fighting spirit. Without the stimulation, Lie Jian might have been able to hold his ground for a bit longer. But, Zhang Jin doubted that the Martian would last long once Patroclus was ready to unleash his full power, which should happen any minute now.

In a blink of an eye, Lie Jian had lashed out over fifty punches and over thirty rounds of kicks, but he was yet to land a solid blow. While Lie Jian was still engrossed in pouring fruitless attacks on his opponent, Patroclus seized an opening in Lie Jian's movement and hacked his GN-infused palm at the Martian. Lie Jian reacted quickly as he ducked and lurched away.

It was a close call nonetheless; Lie Jian could feel his hair stand on their ends.

Although Patroclus didn't press on, the Ivantians cheered for their prince breaking his opponent's attacks.

Lie Jian conceded that if he didn't switch gears, he would lose the control of the battle very quickly. He gathered strength as a wave of red energy rippled out of him. He stomped the ground under his feet, causing a sizable explosion, punching at Patroclus very slowly.

As Lie Jian's fist glided through the air, it turned into an air pump that sucked the air around it, turning the air into liquid in front of the audiences' eyes.

"The Octave Fire Fist!"

Suddenly, the ripples of energy congregated and multiplied their amplitude before it whooshed out at Patroclus. Such a technique was called "Fist Aura," and although it was very similar to the Blade aura, it was much deadlier than the latter.

Patroclus took a half step back and shouted, "Break!" The deadly red energy disappeared in an instant. Patroclus gathered himself and asked his opponent with a smug look on his face, "Is that all?"

Patroclus's conceit was not unfounded, as he had countered the martian's deadly attack using just sound wave techniques.

It was clear then that Lie Jian had almost exhausted his tricks while Patroclus had just been getting warmed up.

Chapter 410: Unbearable Insults

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Lie Jian paused for a second before he could feel the knot of anger in his belly rise to his throat. He gritted his teeth and glared at Patroclus as a few words managed to escape his mouth, "I take insult from no one!"

The fiery GN forced boiled inside the Martian, calling for revenge. His only wish was to eliminate Patroclus from the face of the planet.

"The seventh level, Fiery Phoenix!"

Lie Jian's body levitated as sizzling angry flames surrounded him. Although the effect struck a resemblance with that of Mastery, Lie Jian's power came from his GN force instead of soul energy, and it was much deadlier than the latter.

The development deeply concerned Michaux Odin. He lamented that he had underestimated the Patroclus' power after all. However, he reasoned that Lie Jian was not entirely without any odds of success. As long as he could keep the fire of rage burning, he could draw limitless power from his tactics.

The seventh level of the Tactics of the Blaze was the highest and the most critical component of the tactics. It was said that it could grant a godlike power to the chosen one. Just like the other legendary tactics, the tactics of the Blaze was surrounded by myths and tales.

However, was such power enough to counter Patroclus and his Tactics of the Deva King?

Hovering in the air, Lie Jian had turned blazing red from head to toe. He rounded his eyes and knotted his face, looking just like the God of Fire on the murals of ancient temples.

"What's up with the temperature? Anyone got some water, please? Having a heat stroke here!" Karl shouted out and then took a sip of water from the bottle Zhou Sisi handed to him.

No one found his words funny, but many cast a questioning stare at him. Karl conceded that it was not the time for jests, so he lowered his head and became silent.

As the red-hot GN force expanded, it formed a layer of protective shield around Lie Jian. Suddenly, he swooped down on his opponent from above.


Patroclus raised his right hand as a blinding explosion erupted at the point of contact. Lie Jian's deadly attack was easily blocked.

Lie Jian had transformed his body into a weapon as he swooped down. However, Patroclus held his ground firmly, and the stage stayed an equal blend of silver and red. Lie Jian conceded that it was almost impossible to affect Patroclus with his fire poison, since his attack simply bounced off of Patroclus's silvery protection.

Lie Jian glared at Patroclus and gritted his teeth, trying to swallow down his resignation. He had poured all of his power into the last strike, but Patroclus quickly blocked his attack with a wave of an arm.

Neither skill nor strength worked, and Lie Jian wondered what he could try next. It was hard for him to admit that the power of the Tactics of the Blaze seemed so puny in front of the Tactics of the Deva King.

Although the five significant Tactics were considered equal, many people had forgotten that Patroclus was the only person other than Rilangalos who was able to master the tactics of the Deva King. Rilangalos had been a legend, an equal of General Li Feng. So, what would it make Patroclus?

Lie Jian's patience was wearing thin. Just as Patroclus thought that he had gained a number on Lie Jian's power, Lie Jian tapped into Michaux's energy stored inside him. These energies were enhanced by Michaux to counter Patroclus.

Suddenly, energy shot through Lie Jian's body as his power surged. The fiery red GN power started to change its color to that of crimson blood.

The sudden burst of energy brought pain to Lie Jian's body. Like a rebirth, Lie Jian knew that after of the pain was the new power that would make him stronger than ever.

Patroclus was taken back by the development. However, he paused for only a brief second and released a wave of energy from his left arm nonchalantly. The thrashing energy inside Lie Jian quieted down instantly.

The development enraged Lie Jian as he lurched towards his opponent without a second thought. However, before he could take a second step, he was thrown off balance by an unseen force. Everyone watched as a ball of fire plunged into the ground.


No one had seen Patroclus move, but somehow, he appeared at a different place than where he had been standing. Patroclus gathered strength and yanked his arm up, as car-sized boulders fell from the sky above Lie Jian. When the dust finally settled, the audiences saw a huge crater at the center of the stage, from where the audiences saw Lie Jian stumble out. His shambolic footsteps indicated that he had not yet fully recovered from the blow he had received.

With their breath caught in their throats, the Martians couldn't make a sound, neither had they anticipated such a sad ending. Across the stage and amidst the dust and smoke, audiences watched Patroclus's haughty statue with awe.

It was obvious that Patroclus was way ahead of his fellow cultivators, and his performance would outshine any opponent. Many people believed that even the reincarnation of the Blade Warrior was no match for Patroclus.

Lie Jian bit down on the tip of his tongue until it started to bleed. The pain was good for him right now, since it could clear his mind and make him focus. Even as everyone thought the match was about to come to an end, an eerie smile crept onto Lie Jian's face, revealing a row of stained teeth that looked as if they were freshly filed. What else could he be hiding under his sleeve?

Lie Jian took a deep breath and levitated his body again. He looked down at Patroclus and announced, "Patroclus! You will never defeat me! Once I'm done f*cking with you, I will do it all over again over your dead body!"

Before Lie Jian's threats faded away, he bore down on Patroclus as the deadly energy shot out of his fists. Everyone was perplexed by the development. Insulting Patroclus with profanity would only spur him to unleash more power; which was not good news for Lie Jian.

Like everyone had suspected, Patroclus furrowed his brows and doubled down on his counter-attack. In a blink, his right arm was coated with a layer of silver energy.

Almost simultaneously, Lie Jian let go of his defense shield as he continued flying towards Patroclus.

"What's going on?"

"Something is fishy!"

By exposing himself to mortal danger, Lie Jian had put the relationship of two major factions at stake. He was gambling against Patroclus's conscience while holding millions of innocent lives hostage.

Martians were firm believers of absolutism, and therefore, they considered it moral to deploy any means necessary for personal gains.

As everyone was kept to the edge of their seats wondering what Patroclus would do, the Ivantian prince answered their question loud and clear.


Patroclus landed a solid blow on the Martian with full intent.

Throwing his head back, Lie Jian fell backward as a gush of blood squirted out in between his teeth—he was done for.

Patroclus suddenly disappeared, not because he wanted to follow up with more strikes, but he simply didn't want to be splattered by the blood.

The development was sad and ironic.

As the heir of the great house, Lie Jian had to resort to such despicable and cheap measures. And what was worse, Patroclus didn't even care.

Before the referee announced the final result of the match, the medics had rushed toward the stage to rescue Lie Jian. No one wanted the ire of short-tempered Martian Legions.

To everyone's surprise, Patroclus waved his right hand in the air as an invisible wall formed around the stage, blocking the medics passage. The sudden turn of the event immediately angered the Martians, as a swell of complaints and insults rose.

Michaux Odin rushed to the interpreters' station and spoke through the mic. "Please be patient everyone. The match has not ended yet."

The arena suddenly becomes quiet, with hope and curiosity looming about.

Patroclus watched Lie Jian's collapsed body and announced, "Like a phoenix, he will rise again."

Chapter 411: The King of the METAL

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The angry martian mob finally quieted down, although they didn't do so without any confusion. A second life? They had only heard of such ability in great tales and children's books.

Even as the doubts and confusion bubbled among the audiences, the fire started anew around Lie Jian, and was increasing its intensity by the second. In two heartbeats, the flame had turned into a wildfire, and then transformed into a tornado. It burned with such intensity that the flame had turned from red to orange, blue, and then brilliant white.

An unbelievable scene laid out in front of everyone. Michaux smiled as he watched the utter confusion on the faces of two interpreters. "Patroclus was right. It had been over a couple of centuries that House Lie had used this incredible ability, since it was extremely dangerous."

After having discussed with Michaux before the fight, Lie Jian conceded that his chances of winning were slim, and drastic measures were needed. Therefore, he had come up with a plan that sought victory in the most unthinkable circumstances.

Lie Jian had already lost one tournament, and he could not afford another failure. He was not only to fight for himself, but for the entire population of Mars.

Lie Jian was far from being perfect, but on the battlefield, he was as determined as any perfect soldier.

A loud and clear shriek erupted from the center of the fire tornado as the swirling flames shrunk in size, until they resembled a human figure dressed in dancing flames.


Lie Jian's stoic face emerged from the flame first. "I'm back."

Patroclus nodded and then said, "I have been waiting."

After returned from the River of Styx, the Martian had considerably advanced his power, as the fire GN force had become blue.

Seeing that Lie Jian had safely returned from his death trip and was stronger than ever, Michaux heaved a deep sigh of relief. Zhang Jin could not believe how reckless Patroclus had become. She reckoned that Patroclus must have seen through Lie Jian's radical plan, but he let him carry it out with full intent anyways. She wondered what Patroclus was after that was worth taking such a high risk for.

Lie Jian didn't attack right away. Instead, he shouted to Patroclus, "I want you to know this before I defeat you…You have earned my respect today."

Lie Jian had not always been ready to fight with abandon, as he hesitated until he saw Patroclus's devastating power. Using the ultimate ability was no better than gambling with his life on the table. However, he was lucky enough to pull it through. Many of his predecessors had also attempted the "rebirth" ability, but most of them were not as lucky as him.


"Fist of Blue Blaze!"

Patroclus sidestepped and evaded the attack, but Lie Jian didn't care since the first attack was merely a test of the new power. The blow landed on the ground, and without a din, it melted the solid floor away, creating a fist-sized hole.

The intense heat and destructiveness of Lie Jian's new power immediately captured everyone's attention. Lie Jian was more than pleasantly surprised; the promise of immense power exhilarated him and spurred him to attack his opponent again.


Both fighters took a couple of steps back after Lie Jian's hurried attack. For the first time, Patroclus was dealt a blow from the front. The blue flame slightly seared his clean and slender fingers. He conceded that he could no longer fend off the blue poison fire with his GN force.

Martians were well known for their tendency of acting on a whim, and Lie Jian was no exception. Easily carried away by the sign of encouraging elements, Lie Jian looked nothing like a man just pulled out from death's jaws as his eyes shone livelily and were eager for victory.

The Ivantian audience's hearts sank as the gravity of the development set in.

Lie Jian scanned the terrified face of Ivantian audiences with a smug look that read, 'Your prince is no longer a match for me.'

Lie Jian channeled his energy to levitate himself. Despite the spike in his power, he conceded that he was still inferior in terms of skills compared to Patroclus. Therefore, his plan became clear: overwhelming his opponent with sheer power.

As the blue flames surged around him, Lie Jian doubled down on his strategy. He hadn't mastered the new ability yet, and therefore, it would be wise to finish his opponent in one go instead of being mired in a prolonged confrontation.

Surrounded by blue flames, Lie Jian swooped down on Patroclus like a blue cannonball. Every Ivantian screamed in their mind as the deadly attack drew closer to their prince. The thought of such belligerent attack landing on Patroclus filled the hearts of the audience with sorrow. Meanwhile, all Martians cheered and shouted, fueling the blue flame to burn with an unprecedented heat. Lie Jian knew that Patroclus would not back down; he had been playing along with his plan all the while after all, so why would he stop here?

As Lie Jian doubled down on his attack, he had sworn to let Patroclus pay the price of conceit.

Lie Jian had learned about the danger of being arrogant the hard way during the last tournament, and he could smell the same mistake from miles away.


Lie Jian shouted as he born down on Patroclus with his flaming fist. But from the corner of Lie Jian's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Patroclus's face and his ominous smile.

The small curl on Patroclus's lips seemed to turn the world upside down, tossing out the clamor and noise and leaving only a tranquil serenity. In this calm and placid world, a silver light emerged and turned into a lance.

Finally, the audiences had seen what they had come for: the legendary Deva Lance.

The blue flame reached Patroclus and immediately bounced off of him. Lie Jian thudded on the ground and helplessly watched the blue flame be drawn out by the cool silvery light of the lance.

Rockefeller was speechless at the sight of the lance. He had been dedicated his entire life to the research of Ivantian weapons, and it was the first time he saw the holy grail of his search: the Deva Lance.

The future had already been in the hands of Ivantians on the day of Patroclus's birth.

Patroclus's advantage over his opponent was overwhelming. Even Lie Jian's coup de grace under the aid of his newfound power had failed to beat him. Since the beginning of the battle, Lie Jian had no chance of delivering a solid blow: the gap in their power was unbridgeable.

With a simple swing of his lance, Patroclus had stolen the hearts of all audiences. No one could defeat him as long as he had the lance, and the world would kneel before him.

Inside the medic room, Wang Tong fixed his eyes on the screen as he marveled at Patroclus's power. His next opponent's performance had turned his blood boiling. It was not common for Wang Tong to feel the urge to defeat anyone, but he felt the desire—then and there—burning in his belly.

Aside from the eagerness for battle, Wang Tong also felt blessed that the Dower had given him such a capable opponent. Nothing meant more to a warrior than a good fight.

Patroclus, the heir of gods, had advanced into the final without a single scratch.

The Ivantian's excitement was beyond description as they basked under other race's envious stares.

All earthlings' thoughts were on Wang Tong's injury. They wondered if Wang Tong would be able to recover in time to face his seemingly invincible opponent.

To most people, the fate of the final match was already sealed. Once Patroclus used his lance, no one could defeat him, much less a now-wounded dark horse.

The outcome seemed so inevitable that despair quickly spread through the city of Shangjin, and even into Ayrlarng.

Wang Tong had tried, and he had already proven himself, but no one expected him to win against a god.

"Stop moving! The doctor told you to lay still!" Ma Xiaoru urged Wang Tong.

Despite her caution, she helped Wang Tong off the bed and walked out of the room with everyone's heart hanging in their throat.

Chapter 412: A Brazen Youngster

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Xiaoru, I can't just sit here and wait. Let's start practice."

Seeing the Patroclus' power, Wang Tong's patience was wearing thin. He conceded that he would have only a slim chance of winning the fight if he were at 100%. Without a full recovery, Wang Tong doubted the fight would last long. It would be such a pity to end the fight after he had come so far.

"Hey, kiddo! You better lay low" Mr. Wannabe appeared out of nowhere.

"Master, your body needs to rest." Charcoal agreed.

"Do you think I can just sit and let myself be defeated? I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't push myself now."

Ma Xiaoru was the only person who truly understood where Wang Tong came from. It would be a fight between the heir of Rilangalos and Blade Warrior. It was going to be a hell of a battle if Wang Tong did not fully recover by then.

A real warrior would never back down from a fight no matter what the reason was. The next fight was not only a fight for the Blade Warrior, but also for Wang Tong himself to conquer a powerful foe such as Patroclus.

"Well, I'm sorry to bring this to you, but you don't stand a chance against him. You might have had a chance if I had met you three or five years earlier." Mr. Wannabe said with a solemn face and credence.

"It's not that bad, Mr. Wannabe. I think Wang Tong can still win the fight" Ma Xiaoru replied.

"A fight? You have mistaken. This is a WAR!" Mr. Wannabe rebutted.

"A war?"

"Yes. Patroclus had that craziness in his eyes. He was looking for a bloody brawl, and if you show up limping and injured, it would aggravate him and make him want to take your life. "

"You talk too much, Mr. Wannabe. I will only be truly defeated if I give up. "

"As long as you know what's coming... It's your call, but I still strongly recommend you to give up the next fight."

Although Ma Xiaoru was taken aback by Patroclus's ulterior motive, she had long sensed that Patroclus was up to something more sinister than what met the eyes.

She reckoned that Patroclus had used his last fight against Lie Jian as a perfect warm-up. Now, he was more ready than ever. So much careful planning had been done by Patroclus to secure the fight against Wang Tong that if the latter showed up unprepared, the let-down alone would become the reason for murder.

"Don't give me that sour look. I will be fine! I am the heir of the Blade Warrior, remember?" Wang Tong relaxed and announced. Mr. Wannabe faded out of sight as he thought that there was nothing more to say. Regardless of the outcome, bards would sing songs about this fight for generations to come.

Despite the concerns that weighed heavily on her mind, Ma Xiaoru plastered an encouraging smile on her face.

No doubt the final fight of the tournament would attract million's attention. The arena had already started the preparation work to turn the fight into an extravaganza.

As workers decorated the stage, everyone was convinced that the winner would be Patroclus. The activity on the moon was more than the combination of that on Earth and the Mars. Those earthlings who still lingered in the arena would be watching the fight without much anticipation of Wang Tong's victory. That being said, Wang Tong had already won their hearts for being able to come this far while starting out as a no-account.

Most Martians had already left the moon. Only a handful of them remained, and even fewer of them would attend the final fight.

Despite the reduced rating from Mars and Earth, all major news outlets across the Confederation followed the reparation with enthusiasm. All experts' outlooks on the result of the fight were the same: Patroclus would win with ease. Even without injuries, Wang Tong was not likely to overcome the Ivantian, and his recent trauma would only eliminate more uncertainties. In the heat of battle, Wang Tong's injuries would become his downfall.

Meanwhile, inside a meeting room, the organizing committee members looked at each other with disbelief.

"Delay the match for seven days?"

"That cannot be done. I don't care who he is. Does he have any idea how important the final match is? Billions are watching."

The committee members talked while Zhang Jin sat quietly and listened.

"Miss Zhang, we wholeheartedly understand where Patroclus is coming from, but... this has never happened before. Plus, Wang Tong is already walking about outside the medic bay. So, he should be recovered in no time."

"I agree! It is unnecessary, if not outright preposterous." Another angry old man chimed in.

Zhang Jin felt their searing glares and conceded that no one on the committee would understand how Patroclus felt. They must have wished that Wang Tong simply ignored Patroclus's request. Zhang Jin understood the financial implications of delaying the final. However, she also knew that Patroclus would not give a damn about those things.

Nonetheless, she had delivered the message, and the rest was up to Patroclus and the committee. She knew Patroclus's request would upset the sleazy politicians. Despite the clout of House Dower on the moon, Patroclus was nothing but another pawn in their game of power. So far, the tournament had been carried out according to the plan, and they hardly saw any reason to disturb the status quo.

Seeing the strong opposition, Zhang Jin left the meeting with a faint smile that looked too smug—she knew no one could stop Patroclus from doing what he wanted.

After Zhang Jin had left, a dozen old men laughed out loud.

"Haha! Too young, too simple, sometimes naive! "

"Indeed! That's why we elders need to give them a lesson from time to time."

"True... But, what about the others? What would they think?"

"The moon doesn't belong to the Dower alone. Even if it does, I doubt the Dower family could reach a consensus on this matter."

"Haha! That's right! Haha!"

The crowd laughed again, their voices laced with conceit.

There was an untold truth about the world politics that no politician would like to admit openly: the Zerg should not be eradicated even if they could be. Without the need for weapons and armors, an entire industry would collapse and would follow suit. Some politicians saw the fact as a necessary evil, but others saw it as a useful tool in their arsenal of mass manipulation.

"Oh shit! Chairman! Where is the Chairman!"

"I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Patroclus is hosting a meeting with the media. I'm afraid he is going to—"

"WHAT!" Chairman Wakana jumped out his seat in disbelief and shock.

Chapter 413: Heir of the Blade

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

One point where Wakana had hit the mark was Patroclus' recklessness. Despite the low-key attitude of House Dower, Patroclus would never be slowed down by the constraints imposed by others. The Ivantian prince's sudden display of resolution had finally awakened the earthlings to the realization that their opponent meant business.

Patroclus' actions were against his usual restrained and reticent character. The media meeting had gathered all journalists who provided coverage on the tournament. Everyone watched the young Ivantian Prince with great anticipation, waiting for him to speak out.

An Ivantian walked to the stage and informed Patroclus that all things were ready.

Patroclus nodded with a smile and then announced, "Thank you for coming. I have only one announcement: I will delay the final match for a week."

The announcement landed in the crowd like a bomb. Everyone, including all the journalists, was shocked by the news. Sensing the promise of drama, all journalists raised their hands for questions. Like hungry carrions, they smelled a piece of fat and juicy headline in front of them.

"Mr. Dower, the match was scheduled for tomorrow. Do you think the organizing committee would approve of your decision?"

"Touché! You have the edge over your opponent right now. Why would you want to give it up?"

Questions came one after another. But surprisingly, none of the questions was about the match itself, instead intending to find out Patroclus' motive in making such a decision. If Patroclus went with the flow, he would have become the most dominant fighter of his age by tomorrow afternoon.

As the crowd bubbled with questions, Wakana rushed into the meeting room with a couple of his assistants. His face was pale and taut before he had seen the roomful of journalists. However, even as he stepped into the threshold, his expression turned milder by the second. Dower was not a power to be messed with, and therefore, caution and restraint were called for. As an avid politician with a bulging belly, changing his appearance and mood was much easier than changing his shirt.

"Mr. Dower, I hope you understand that all of us have to play by the rules, including you. Unless, you can present us with a legitimate reason for being otherwise." Through the smile that Wakana plastered onto his face, people could still see the fire of anger seeping out from the folds of his unimpressed double chin.

Patroclus remained placid and watched the politician quietly.

"Mr. Wakana is right. All of us deserve an explanation." A clear voice broke the silence.

Wakana was annoyed by the interruption as he turned his head around and surveyed the crowd for the speaker. "Who's speaking!"

Zhang Mi, the journalist, stepped out of the crowd with a confident smile. Ever since her coverage of Wang Tong, she had quickly become the most famous journalist at MTV. The sudden fame had encouraged her; she stared at the fat politician with a trace of despise in her eyes.

"Rules are made by humans such as yourself, Mr. Wakana. And as a reasonable and rational human being, you would understand that rules could also be bent when called for. Don't you agree?"

Agreement from an army of journalists quickly followed Zhang Mi's question. Faltering, Wakana's face turned sour and green. He turned towards Patroclus and announced, "You have violated the regulation. I am entrusted by the committee to put things back to order. But first, do explain yourself."

The room became quiet as everyone watched Patroclus with anticipation. Patroclus surveyed the crowd one more time before he broke the silence.

"I do it for the sake of fairness," Patroclus announced calmly.

His words had perplexed everyone, since no one thought the match was unfair in the first place.

Wakana was amused by Patroclus's reply, so he said, "Do you doubt the fairness of the event? I can guarantee you that much!"

Zhang Jin stood up from her seat. She alone knew what Patroclus meant, and she was going to explain it to everyone else.

"What he meant, Mr. Wakana, was not the fairness of the entire tournament, but rather the final match. Patroclus is not here to gain the title of the champion. That, he already has; what he is here for is to battle with Wang Tong in his full capacity."

Everyone felt it strange that the usually reticent Ivantian Prince would have become so passionate about a public tournament. But Zhang Jin's words finally instilled some sense into the audiences, as they saw the pieces coming together.

Wakana was taken aback by Zhang Jin's announcement. He paused to search for words, but before he could say anything, the same female journalist that had interrupted him stood up and spoke out again.

"Miss Zhang, do you happen to know more details?" Zhang Mi asked, her question to the point.

Zhang Jin smiled and locked her eyes with Patroclus'. It was time for the instigator to speak out for himself.

Patroclus cast an empty stare at the crowd and announced with a heavy tone, "In seven days, you will witness the battle between the heir of Rilangalos and the new Balde Warrior!"

Patroclus turned his back and walked away as his voice was still hanging in the air. As the profoundness of the meaning in his announcement set in, everyone knew that nothing could change his decision.

The condition must be perfect, since both fighters had waited for centuries for this match.

First bubbling with doubts and questions, the room then fell into a deathly silence.

"The heir of Rilangalos? That must be Patroclus himself. But, who is the heir of the Blade Warrior? Wang Tong?"

Ten minutes later, clamor returned to the meeting room as a journalist hurried to report this news to their station. No one paid any attention to the fat politician sitting quietly on a chair, staring blankly into the distance.

A few minutes later, all media were broadcasting the same news.

"In seven days, you will witness the battle between the heir of Rilangalos and that of the Balder Warrior!"

"The heir of Blade Warrior!"

"Wang Tong: The new Blade Warrior."

"The biggest news of centuries: Blade Warrior Reborn!"

"Wang Tong—who is he?"

In a blink, Wang Tong's name had become the most searched item on the internet, surpassing the second most popular search item by a large margin.

Chapter 414: Seven Days

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

As people reflected on what Wang Tong had achieved, the news gained more credence. Only the power of a Blade Warrior could transform a no account into a legend.

The impact of this turn of events was immeasurable. The influence of the blade warrior could still be felt three hundred years after his departure. Three hundred years later, as everyone thought that the era of the Blade Warrior had come to an end, his heir promptly showed up to prove it otherwise.

The dramatic development had to pull the rug out from under everyone. However, after people gathered themselves and started to piece evidence together, the entire affair became more convincing.

The announcement was made by Patroclus, the only possible heir of Rilangalos; it had to be true.

Just as it was prophesied, "Three hundred years later, in the Sky Arena, history will repeat itself once again..."

"Perhaps you were still lamenting the fact that you had missed the epic battle three hundred years ago and were unable to witness the creation of legends. There would be another opportunity for you to relive history in seven days! Are you ready?"

Wakana was soon laid off due to his mishandling of the recent case, and the new committee chair was a fast learner, as he brought himself up to speed with the public's opinion.

Ever since Patroclus's announcement, the ticket price for the final match had risen ten folds, that is if one were lucky enough to get hold of a seller on the black market.

The chance to witness a battle on such an epic scale was something that money could not buy.

This final match had been considered the one that would make an Einherjar out of Patroclus. But, ever since the revelation of Wang Tong's identity, the atmosphere about the match had changed considerably.

Wang Tong had achieved greatness against all odds, but the outcome of the final match largely rested on the degree of his recovery, which was yet to be determined.

To fulfill the destiny of the match and that of both combatants, no imperfection should be tolerated during the match; both fighters had to be in their prime condition.

Patroclus's proposal was approved without much discussion as no one on the committee dare spoke out against the plan. This made the new committee chair's job much easier, and he lamented his predecessor's stubbornness that eventually ruined his career.

With his attitude straightened, the new chair conceded that the committee was at the servitude of the combatant, and not the other way around. He needed to be as accommodating as possible to contestants' requests.

Enthusiastic fans and journalists surrounded Wang Tong's room on the first floor. A row of security guards blocked off the entrance, but that did little to deter the fans.

Inside the room, Wang Tong was chatting with his friends.

"I can't believe that Patroclus just spilled the beans! " Wang Tong lamented.

"So… It is all true?" Apache narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Kind of... I am not related to Li Feng; our only connection was the fact that I cultivate the Tactics of the Blade." Wang Tong shrugged.

"That's it?" Karl was astonished.

"That's it."

"What about saving the world? Or.. or... destroying a planet... Or...or..secret coup de grace?" Karl asked.

"Of course not! I don't even know if Li Feng is still alive. Do you think I would still be in the hospital if I knew any secret coup de grace?"

By then, Wang Tong's friends had gathered enough information to tell that Wang Tong had come across the power of the Blade Warrior by accident. And that, everyone realized, would make him just about half as qualified as the real heir of the Blade Warrior. In other words, Wang Tong's achievements were mostly self-made.

"Haha! The real heir or not, the news is going to make the S club even more popular." Zhou Sisi announced as she beamed from side to side. She knew there was something special about Wang Tong, so the news wasn't entirely uncalled for.

As Wang Tong cast a larger shadow on the world, people's perception of his power seemed to have grown in proportion. It made people wonder that if the power of the great houses were really as "great" as they perceived through the shadowy veil of fame.

The announcement had lit up the enthusiasm of Martians and Earthlings. In some way, the Martians were more connected with the Blade Warrior than anyone else, as the legendary warrior had spent most of his life fighting Zergs on Mars. To that end, most Martians supported Wang Tong wholeheartedly.

Lie Jian watched the news with a helpless smile, then asked Michaux, "Did you know of this all the while?"

Michaux smiled back and said, "I don't care about names and titles. But yes, I had my doubts."

"Well, lucky you! You have found a model to follow. Didn't the Blade Warrior ascend to godhood as a mortal?" Lie Jian jested.

Michaux stood up and looked out of the window into the bustling world of living colors and noises. "There will be an end to materialistic development, but human's ambition is boundless. To find the divine path is the only way for eternal peace. Wang Tong made me see the light at the end of the tunnel. You too can learn a great deal from him… Join me."

"Dream on! I can reach the Einherjar level sooner than later. Plus, I had just passed the test of the Phoenix. I am not worried about hitting a brick wall anytime soon. " Despite his defeat, Lie Jian was very proud of his advancement in cultivation, and rightfully so.

"You might have been right three weeks ago. But now, we have to follow Wang Tong's footsteps. It's not a power he inherited from the Blade Warrior… It was the secret formula to achieve immortality, of which, we are also part of the ingredients. Haven't you heard of the Super-Einherjar?"

"What nonsense!"

"You don't have to believe me, but it is our Master's own words."

"Really? Hmm... That explains it! I was wondering why Patroclus cared so much about that earthling boy. Anyways, all for the better. I was worried that I would lose the goal in my life after I have achieved the Einherjar level."

Michaux shook his head, "I don't think Patroclus needs Wang Tong to become a Super Einherjar. The first Super Einherjar in history was Rilangalos, so he must have written something down in the Tactics of the Deva King."

"I HATE that Ivantian dip-sh*t! Luckily, he is not that into political power." Lie Jian grunted.

Michaux smiled and said, "Are we talking about the same Patroclus? Heir of Rilangalos who wanted to rule the world?"

"You mean...he was pretending his disinterest?" Lie Jian gasped.

"No. But being someone that powerful, he ought to get bored very easily. Don't worry, you will always have my full support." As the young master of the Divine Master Sect, helping House Lie was Michaux's irrefutable responsibility.

Chapter 415: The Young Master

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Despite Wang Tong's now-revealed identity, no one around him felt that he had changed in any way. If anything, his friends felt immensely proud of him.

Cao Yi and Zhou Sisi were bombarded by the new applications for the S club. Even before the Ivantian prince's surprising announcement, Wang Tong had already been the biggest draw of the S club. After the announcement, the S club was forced to remove the registration cap and allow anyone to apply for membership. In addition to applicants from the Earth, Mars, and Moon, Zhou Sisi also noticed a dramatic increase of applications from Andromeda Galaxy. Owning a membership of the S club become a must-have for all elite students. The badge of the S club would draw others' envious look on any campus. This had brought a sense of honor and pride into the hearts of the founding members of the S club. They believed that this was only a start, as the club had the potential to grow even more influential.

Cao Yi was born to be a manager thanks to his meticulousness and attention to details. Zhou Sisi, on the other hand, was busy collecting information from all the club members and trying to estimate the current influence of the S club.

From the very start, Zhou Sisi was well aware of two things: first, Wang Tong was not an ordinary student, and he was capable of achieving greatness; second, Wang Tong's heart would never belong to her. Zhou Sisi thought so many times that she had made up her mind to remove herself from Wang Tong's life entirely for her own sake, but couldn't bring herself to put her thoughts into actions. Her obsession with Wang Tong started off as an addiction, and by then, it had become a necessity like oxygen.

Everyone knew that Wang Tong would be busy preparing for the upcoming battle, so they didn't want to stay for too long. However, before they were about to leave the room, four more people walked in without a knock; no one knew how they had passed the security.

They were the four inner court disciples from the Templar's court, and they made their intentions clear right away: they wanted to meet the self-proclaimed heir of Blade Warrior.

Blade Warrior was worshiped as a god at the Templar's court, and calling oneself his heir was outright blasphemous to these four devoted young Templars.

As the four closed in onto Wang Tong, Apache stepped out and blocked their way. Wang Tong was still injured, but he was never vulnerable while being surrounded by his friends.

Zhang Buyu didn't slow down. He walked pass Apache, almost rubbing his shoulder until he was right in front of Wang Tong. The air inside the room was stall and awkward.

Suddenly, the four young Templars saluted to Wang Tong with utmost respect as they announced in unison, "Greetings, YOUNG MASTER!"

The people in the room was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Something told them that there was more than what met the eyes about Wang Tong's power.

"No...no,no,no. You must have mistaken. I am NOT your young master. I'm not related to the Blade Warrior at all!"

Wang Tong's reaction slightly amused Zhang Buyu, "We are aware of who you are. Look, this is a letter to us from our grand master." Zhang Buyu turned on the Skynet and retrieved a letter.

"Who is your grandmaster? I don't know him!"

"The Templars are sworn to uphold the values of the Blade Warrior, to safeguard the humanity. Since you are the heir of the Blade Warrior, you are our next grand master." Wu Gang said with a serious face.

Wang Tong looked at the letter which read, "Hey little shit, get rid of that 'Papa-rose' or whatever the f*ck you call him, and come see me at the Hall of Valhalla!"

Wang Tong's face turned pale… It was Old Fart's writing!

"This...this A*SHOLE is your grandmaster?" Wang Tong shouted in disbelief.

Zhang Buyu was taken back by the disrespectful way Wang Tong addressed the grandmaster. But, the matter was away above his rank, so he kept his mouth shut and head low. As a matter of fact, Zhang Buyu had only received the letter a couple of days ago, and he didn't know that the grand master even existed before he suddenly appeared two years ago.

"Well, all I know is that this letter is from the grand master himself and, I assume that you and the grand master know each other already." Ye Kai asked curiously. The tone of the young Templar's voices suggested that they had already come to terms with the fact that Wang Tong was their new young master.

"Hell yeah! Yes, of course, I know him. He is the reason why I was in so much sh*t. Do you know how much money he owes me? A LOT! You tell him that he better have the cash ready. Otherwise, I will tear Valhalla apart!"

Wang tong jumped out of his seat as fire burst out of his mouth.

The four Templar looked at each other and did not know what to make of the idea that their young master was planning to turn down Valhalla. If it came to that point, they figured, there was nothing they could do to prevent that.

Being Wang Tong's most intimate friend, Ma Xiaoru knew Wang Tong's joy, although it might have come out the wrong way.

"Please don't mind him. Wang Tong and your grand master know each other almost too well."

"Whatever you say, young master. We will follow your order." The four Templars bowed to Wang Tong with a measure of respect. The Templars were as brainwashed as the lunatics in the Divine Master sect.

"Ok, ok...But I need to finish my fight with Patroclus first. Can we talk later?"

"Yes, master!" The four answered together and filed out of the room.

After everyone had left Wang Tong's room, he cast a helpless glance at Ma Xiaoru and lamented, "What the heck just happened?" A mixture of happiness and anger roiled inside him. He wondered if Old Fart knew how difficult he had made his life by leaving him alone.

Ma Xiaoru hugged Wang Tong from behind, pressing her chest against his iron back, "I understand how you feel. Nothing can compare to the feeling of being reconnected with family."

Wang Tong enjoyed Ma Xiaoru's fragrant embrace and took a deep sigh. Deep down, he never blamed Old Fart.

"Maybe, he left you alone as a test. Look at you now." Ma Xiaoru said as a sense of pride rose inside her.

"Thank you, babe. I would never have thought that he was the grand master of the Templars! He was greedy, greasy, and ... stupid!"

"Well, not everyone has to be like you. Plus, he had looked after you for so many years, and that was not a minor achievement either."

"Please, it had always been the other way around. He still owes me lots of money."

"Fine, fine, let's talk about something else." Ma Xiaoru said, and then kissed Wang Tong's forehead.

"What do you want to talk about?" Wang Tong asked and shifted his gaze to Ma Xiaoru's bosom.

"Whatever you want." Ma Xiaoru blushed as she had noticed Wang Tong's stare.

Inside a meeting room of house Ma, Ma Dutian was talking to an old gentleman.

"Grandmaster, I bet you had waited long enough for this moment."

"It was nothing. I need to thank you for your protection of the child."

"Haha, he is going to be my son in law. Of course, I need to look after him. On another note, what brings you here today?"

Chapter 416: The Invitation From a Princess

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The grand master's face suddenly became serious, "Whatever I am about to tell you, keep it between you and me."

Ma Dutian nodded. There was no need to explain the significance of what the grand master was about to reveal.

Inside the meeting room, Ma Dutian was driven deeper and deeper into terror as Old Fart explained the series of events that led to this point, After a while, he finally gathered himself and heaved a sigh. "So, it is like this, and there is no other way?"

"No. We can only play by ear. If the human race were wiped out from existence, we could only accept it as our fate."

"We can only hope for the best. Wang Tong is growing fast...but not fast enough."

"Don't bring up that dimwit again. I had almost given up on him, and that was why I arranged for him to go to Norton. But, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise after all."

"I have a plan that might be able to alleviate some of the damage."

"Do tell!"


After Ma Dutian had explained his plan, the grand master's eyes lit up with hope, "That sounds like a plan to me!"

"However, there is still a key piece missing in the technology."

"Haha! If it all came down to Wang Tong and the Hall of Valhalla, I wager that the Blade Warrior has already intervened."

"I hope so too."

The crowd gathered outside Wang Tong's room every day, but thanks to his four "disciples," none of the fans were able to enter the room. Wang Tong's visitors ranged from ordinary citizens to renowned politicians and even royalties.

As Princess Heidi nodded at Zhang Buyu, the young Templar blushed and stepped aside to make way for the Kaedeian princess.

Ever since the beginning of the tournament, Heidi had believed that Wang Tong was the chosen one. However, her pragmatic mind insisted on playing the devil's advocate until the Ivantian Prince's startling announcement.

"Brother Wang, sorry for visiting you without notice," Heidi said courteously and bowed slightly.

"Please help yourself to a seat and take your TIME." Ma Xiaoru plastered a smile on her face and emphasized the last word with a stern glare at Wang Tong, who was still slouching on his bed.

"Thank you, Miss Ma."

"What brings you here today? I have already told everyone that I am not related to the Blade Warrior at all. I don't even know if he is still alive. I just...know nothing." Wang Tong hurried to finish his sentence.

A giggle escaped Heidi's mouth; Wang Tong did not quite fit the character of the heir of the Blade Warrior.

"Brother Wang, I come here to ask you for a favor. We didn't come to the tournament for the title of the champion. Instead, we are here to seek the savior that was promised by the prophecy. I want you to come with me to Mars after the tournament is over. Your visit is of utter importance to the survival of our race." Heidi pleaded.

The mere mentioning of "savior" scared Wang Tong. There was no war nor genocide, so what was there to save, and HOW?

Li Feng had practically left nothing for Wang Tong except for the tactics of the Blade. Wang Tong found it hard pressed to think that he, or anyone, could save the world by himself.

"Um... I will probably need to stay in the hospital for a while after the final match, and I will need to go to the hall of Valhalla. I'm not sure when..."

"It's not urgent. We will be waiting for your visit to Mars."

Wang Tong watched Heidi's pitiful eyes and found it hard to refuse the princess's request. It occurred to him that he might have to wait a long time before he could live a quiet life with Ma Xiaoru in the middle of nowhere.

"No worries. As soon as Wang Tong finishes the urgent matters on the earth, he will visit Mars." Ma Xiaoru announced.

Heidi hurried to bow to the couple for their goodwill and left without saying a word. After she had disappeared in the street, Wang Tong turned toward Ma Xiaoru and said, "They are going to get your husband killed!" The word 'husband' came out so naturally that Wang Tong didn't even notice it.

Ma Xiaoru blushed but didn't rebut. "How could you refuse a princess's request?"

"A princess in a kingdom of women... Aren't you afraid that I would decide to stay there forever?"

"I won't let you go if I were."

Ma Xiaoru's healthy upbringing had taught her the importance of trust between couples, especially on the part of the woman. Like the sun and moon, one shoe as the other would wait; such it was the nature of man and woman in a marriage.

"Fine, fine. I will go. But I am not interested in becoming a savior at all! All I want to be is a good husband. I want you to come to the Templar's court with me. I want you to meet Old Fart."

"Can... can I?"

"Of course, you can! If the Old Fart dare says otherwise, I will make him puke up all the money he owes me!"

Meanwhile, the atmosphere inside House Li had never been more embarrassing and humiliating. Their connection with the Blade Warrior had always been the primary source of power, and the sudden development not only stripped them of their power, but also perplexed them. "Why didn't Li Feng choose one of his family members as his heir?"

Li Shiming had sustained much worse wounds than Wang Tong, and therefore, he was still bed-bound. Li Ruoer had been worried for her brother, unsure of how he was going to take the news. However, seeing her brother's calm and thoughtful face, she knew that her brother would eventually weather the sudden blow.

Patroclus's announcement also made Li Ruoer's mind race. If the Blade Warrior chose Wang Tong, it meant that he was one way or another related to House Li.

"Sister, what did our father say about it?"

"I didn't ask. Furious, I guess."

"You should talk to him and tell him not to butt heads against the Templar right now. Not only are the Templars behind Wang Tong, but also House Ma, who had been conspiring for a long time. We should be patient and wait for their strength to wane."

"What would you do?" Xi Ruoer asked.

"Sigh...No wonder Wang Tong would defeat you. I noticed that the tactics of the Blade would easily neutralize the power of the Enchantress. I want you to stay out of this from now on. I will wait, let him feast on his fame and success, and we will strike when he is belly-full and cannot move." Li Shiming said calmly.

"That's a good plan." Li Ruoer said thoughtfully. The biggest enemy of a hero was not any monster, but complacency.

"Who do you think will be the champion?" Li Ruoer asked. Out of all the combatants, Li Shiming was the most qualified to comment on the outlook of the final match. Not only was he the assumed enemy of Patroclus, but he had also fought Wang Tong at first hand.

"The Wang Tong I knew is no match against Patroclus. However, if he can unleash the final lance-strike again, I doubt Patroclus will be able to stop him. It would be a draw at best." Li Shiming was still not in favor of Wang Tong.

"But... he is the heir of the Blade Warrior!"

Li Shiming cast a searing glance at his sister and said, "Since when did you start to believe in fame? That was just a title."

Li Ruoer nodded.

"That will be it for now. Don't disturb me if you don't have anything important to say. I need to reflect and think quietly." Li Shiming said as he closes his eyes. His journey was far from reaching the end; instead, it had just begun.

Chapter 417: The Final Battle

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Li Shiming knew that the journey ahead of him would not be easy. However, good things never came for free, he had to work for it.

Even as Li Ruoer walked out of the hospital, her mind was seized by one question, "Could Wang Tong be able to repeat the final lance-attack?"

Although her brother was confident that Wang Tong's final strike was no more than a fluke, Li Ruoer knew that once unleashed, such moves would become muscle memory, and it would be difficult to forget even if Wang Tong wanted to. The Enchantress's instinct told Li Ruoer that the effect of Wang Tong's final strike on his cultivation, like that of Lie Jian's Phoenix's Test, was more profound than her brother had anticipated. However, knowing her brother's plan, Li Ruoer reckoned that Wang Tong was about to face his biggest challenge yet: his own contentment.

Seven days, 604,800 seconds, and Wang Tong could not waste even half a second. With Ma Xiaoru's help in the bed, Wang Tong's soul energy had been recovering quickly. When he was not in bed with Ma Xiaoru, he was training with Mr. Wannabe inside the Crystal Space.

Wang Tong knew that the odds were stacked against him, but he had already gotten used to it. Be it on Norton or in the Crystal Space fighting against Zachery, Wang Tong had always been teetering on the thin strip of ice along the border of life and death. It had almost become his method of cultivation, since every time he was pushed into a corner, desperation would drive him to make another breakthrough. Therefore, despite the seemingly imminent defeat, Wang Tong focused on his cultivation to uncover his full potential using the Soul Essence.

Patroclus had locked himself up inside his room ever since he had made the announcement to the world. As everyone thought that he was about to enter the final stage of preparation in order to further his condition during the final match, Zhang Jin knew that he was just relaxing without any training. Even Zhang Jin wondered where Patroclus's confidence came from. After all, he was about to face the heir of the Blade Warrior. Just like everyone else, Zhang Jin had become curious as to who would win the final battle.

Ever since the dramatic turn of events, the tournament had become the most crucial moment in human history, and had drawn everyone's attention, including those who were previously not interested in the tournament. Based on the results of the public pools, Wang Tong was leading in terms of popularity. Although the Ivantian Prince's handsome look had helped him win many young girls' hearts, the mere mention of blade warrior was enough to trigger a landslide victory in pool results.

Time flew by, and the seven days had already passed. The Sky arena was re-opened again to the public for the epochal battle.

The organizing committee had increased the number of protective layers to sixteen. People had started to gather at the arena gate since morning, and by noon, the entire arena was already packed with tens of thousands of people. A few kilometers away from the arena at the lunar plaza, millions of people gathered together in a giant street party to watch and celebrate the event.

The camera panned to the VIP section, displaying rows of important leaders from all over the world. Among them was Einherjar Andreas Dower, Patroclus's father. Sitting right beside Einherjar Andrea was Einherjar Lie Moshan, father of Lie Jian. Neither of them seemed to be too concerned with the outcome of the match. If not for the heir of the Blade Warrior, none of the Einherjars would attend this tournament.

The combatant section was filled to the brim with defeated contestants. No one wanted to pass up the opportunity to watch such an epic event.

Li Shiming, Lie Jian, Michaux, and Heidi were sitting in the combatant section with their heads up, none of them seeming upset by their defeat. These top fighters had cultivated nerves like steel, and they knew that showing any hint of sorrow for their failure would come off as weak in the public's eyes.

Plus, some of them, such as Li Shiming and Michaux, had nothing to feel regret for, since their opponent had won the competition by only a thin margin.

Although Li Shiming and Michaux were clearly much stronger than the other two, Lie Jian and Heidi, the power one wielded was not necessarily the only measure of the quality of a warrior. When it came down to the depth of one's understanding of Martial Arts, other aspects would also be considered.

The historic moment was about to arrive, and the audiences were kept on the edge of their seats as the interpreters of the event, Mr. Zhang Zhongren and Rockefeller, entered the broadcasting room and spoke into the mic. This battle was no ordinary fight, and therefore, both interpreters acknowledged that the Ivantian Prince would not get much home advantage. Wherever the Blade Warrior went, it would always be his home stage.

As the start of the match was fast approaching, citizens of the Confederation held their breaths and waited with great anticipation. They had waited for three hundred years for this battle, and finally, they would get what they wanted.

Inside Ayrlarng, in the streets of Shangjin, inside all public spaces and pubs on the earth, people had shown up to show their support for Wang Tong, the heir of the Blade Warrior.

Outside the entrance to the Dream cafe, people already filed up in wait to get in. This virtual cafe had become the most popular destination thanks to its unique connection with Wang Tong. What was more, people had purported that they had even met the heir of House Zhang, Miss Zhang Jin in this very pub. Because of that, the fat owner had garnered a lot of respect from his customer, as well as from his workers. The owner's face beamed from side to side. If the profit kept on rolling in, he would be able to open up a second branch in a few months.

"Praise the Lucky Charm!" The words blurted out of the owner's mouth, then hurried to cover his face as he realized that his lucky charm had already been the prestigious Blade Warrior in other people's eyes.

It was not only the Dream cafe that had benefited from its connection with Wang Tong. The grocery shop that belonged to Karl's grandmother had also seen soaring in its revenue. All the customers remembered that the old lady always mumbled to them about "Karl's good friend," but little did they know back then that the "good friend" was the Blade Warrior. Thanks to this connection, people started to view Karl and his grandmother in a very different light.

Under Wang Tong and his friends' influence, students at Ayrlarng had improved themselves by leaps and bounds, and so had the reputation of the school. In just a few short days, this A class academy had already become the most sought-after school in the entire confederation.

Samantha had arrived at the Moon City to cheer for Wang Tong. Due to her extraordinary work at Ayrlarng, her application for the council member had been approved without any difficulty. However, there was no time for politics, as she was about to witness her student complete his final transformation to become the hero of mankind.

Samantha had done her investigation and thought that she had got a number on Wang Tong's opponent, Patroclus. She wagered that the Ivantian Prince would fight relentlessly, and would not give up until one of them couldn't get up from the ground. The same could be said about Wang Tong as well.

Samantha knew that there was no use in persuading the two to do otherwise, and the only thing she could do was to pray for their safety.

"Samantha, where is Tong Tong Wang?" A cute little girl asked Samantha curiously.

"Bei Bei, remember what I told you? It's Madam Councilor." The girl's mother hurried to her daughter and scolded her for the faux pas.

"Oh no, that's fine. I like to be called Samantha." Samantha said as she picked up the girl and set her on the lap. "Your Tong Tong Wang is about to enter the stage. Aren't you scared?"

"No, Bei Bei is not scared. Bei Bei's father was a soldier, and so was Uncle Big Head and uncle Tong Tong Wang. They told me to be brave. "

"Yes, you are brave, Bei Bei. We all are."

Chapter 418: Dragon and Tiger

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The time was up.

As the arena quieted down, Rockefeller slowly stood up and announced through the mic, "WELCOME… to the final battle of the pan solar system METAL tournament! To my left is PA-TRO-CLUS!"

The name needed no more introduction. Rockefeller announced the Ivantian's name with such volume and vigor that he felt like he had done the best MC opening of his career.

Before the announcement faded away, Patroclus walked onto the stage in a silver jacket, while cheers and shouts erupted from the crowd.

The cheers lasted for about six minutes until Zhang Zhongren stood up and cleared his throat to the mic. His voice was much deeper than Rockefeller's, "To my right, the Earthling, WANG-TONG!" The word "Earthling" evoked the immense pride in all those who shared the same planet with Wang Tong.

As Wang Tong walked onto the stage and stood side by side with Patroclus, the sixteen layers of energy shield were initiated one after another. The arena had prepared this fight as if it were a battle between two Einherjars. One could never to be too prepared, especially when the host, the Ivantians, had a bunch of cash to throw away.

The cheers shot throughout the arena. Women's faces were wet with tears while standing beside the men who had taken off their shirts off and were waving them vigorously. However, neither of the combatants could hear any of the clamor around them. They locked eyes while both momentarily held a faint smile that evaporated quickly.

They had finally reached the last mile, and both were in the condition that they wished each other to be in.

The feeling of uncertainty tingled the hair on the back of Wang Tong's neck, and the sense of imminent defeat churned his stomach. Yet, it was a refreshing and exhilarating sensation.

The two combatants bowed to each other with a great measure of respect. When they raised their torso, two rays of energies shot up on the stage, one golden and the other silver.

Both fighters were able to control their newfound level six soul energy with ease as if they were veterans.


Both fighters stepped forward and executed the same move, as if one was mirroring another.

The earth trembled as lively energy rippled through Wang Tong's body. His fist punched through the fabric of the space with the new technique he had learned, "Space Warping Punch."

Li Ruoer's suspicion was right; unlike ordinary fighters, it only took Wang Tong one go to remember a set of complicated movements by rot.

Meanwhile, Patroclus finally acted more like a fighter than a disinterested on-looker, as it was clear that his powerful punch meant business. Although Patroclus's attack was as deadly as Wang Tong's, his strike did not resonate the same overbearing force in his opponent's movement.


The two fists collided in the air, sending a shockwave rippling across the stage. However, neither of the two fighters were harmed, as they started their attacks again from point blank.

"Wang Tong's punch is the exemplar for the school of technique that emphasized strength! Not just any strength, but a perfect blend of hard and soft forces."

"Patroclus's punch is even more terrifying. It seemed to have utilized pressure difference to cause harm to his opponent."

The best, or worst, part of the Tactics of the Deva King was its inclusiveness. Once it was mastered, it would boost the damage output of any other technique that the cultivator used. The general process of cultivating one's power was to accumulate small increments at a time. However, ever since Patroclus had mastered the Tactics of the Deva King, he had already reached the pinnacle of technical finesse, and this technical advantage showed clearly during the battle.

The so-called "pressurized punch" used by Patroclus was much more effective in wounding the opponent than Wang Tog's brute attack. It could defeat the opponent with only minimum amount of energy.

Neither of the fighters flinched at the incoming attacks. "Wang Tong, you need more speed!"

Even as everyone thought that the power of the two attacks was at par, Patroclus's first started to pick up speed, and in a blink, the Ivantian's power surpassed Wang Tong's and forced the latter to be on the defensive side.

As Patroclus rained assaults on Wang Tong, the latter's defense finally gave in. Losing its protection, Wang Tong suddenly disappeared out of thin air. The final battle was finally about to start.

The last bout of attack was only a test of each other's mettle and strength. Under no circumstances would Wang Tong allow himself to fight so passively.


Wang Tong suddenly appeared above Patroclus and bore down on him with a belligerent strike. Patroclus didn't waver as he glided his arm across the air like sharp scissor through silk, and diverted the surprise attack with ease. Wang Tong then doubled down on his aggression and forced Patroclus to crank up his defense. No one, not even Patroclus, dared take Wang Tong's full-on assault lightly.


Wang Tong finally unleashed his favorite move, the Layered Fist of Tong. This time, he executed the attack to its full intent, knowing that the opponent would be able to take a full hit. As the battle pressed on, Wang Tong started to gain the upper hand in terms of initiative. Patroclus had tried a couple of time to reverse the tide, but failed. The overbearing attacks were too fast to evade and too dense to penetrate.

The power of the layered fist of Tong combined with Wang Tong's rich experience in hand to hand combat made the attacks impossible to break through. Patroclus felt that he had been brought to the stage where Wang Tong held a decisive advantage over him. What was worse, the shocking attacks left no room nor time for him to unsheathe his lance; he had no option but to focus on defense.

Led by his attack, Wang Tong inched forward as his opponent start to lose the ground.

It was the first time for the Ivantians to see their prince been pushed back by his opponent. Meanwhile, the earthlings shouted out Wang Tong's name in a feverish craze.

Wang Tong was completely engrossed in his attack while the joy of fighting against a worthy opponent gripped his heart. Wang Tong was well aware of the full power of the Layered fist of Tong, so he knew that he would have already killed his opponent if the opponent weren't Patroclus. However, not only was he not able to land a single solid blow on him, Wang Tong could feel that Patroclus's counter-attack was gaining vigor and frequency by the second.

"Wang Tong is in full control of the battle. His power will soon reach a plateau." Zhang Zhongren announced. Experience told him that prolonged fight was particularly dangerous for the aggressor. Rockefeller nodded and agreed with his partner.

The two experts didn't make things out of thin air. The battle had come to a critical moment too soon; something was amiss.

Many people believed that if Wang Tong couldn't land a solid blow anytime soon, he was bound to make mistakes as his power continued to increase.

Suddenly, Patroclus took a 180-degree turn in his strategy and unleashed a counter-attack with abandon as Wang Tong's fist hurled towards him. It was no better than a gamble. However, little did people know that the dice were loaded since Patroclus had already calculated the damage received on both ends, and he knew that Wang Tong would get the shorter end of the stick.

But one question remained: Would Wang Tong continue his attack and take a full hit?

Patroclus's attack was much more vicious and calculated that Wang Tong's, so if the latter was committed to the exchange of blows, he was bound to lose all the advantage he had built up. Unless, he was willing to take the chance, a chance that had high costs.

Only the powerful fighters such as Li Shiming could appreciate the maneuver and the finesse in Patroclus's counter attack. As the two fighters continued their paths, Patroclus's body suddenly shifted by an inch to the left and evaded Wang Tong's blow.

The impossible move both astonished and disturbed the audiences.

Chapter 419: Freakishly Strong

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Having missed his target, Wang Tong was about to take Patroclus' blow with its full intent.

Patroclus' strike landed on its target, with the GN force turning the air into liquid as his hand cut through Wang Tong's defensive shield. However, his face suddenly became pale as the latter kicked him without a sign. Patroclus couldn't move his body, as if the kick had already landed on him.

After the impact, Patroclus stumbled back a dozen feet before he finally gathered himself. So intricate was the balance of the power on the battlefield that a slight change could cause the scale to slide from one side to the opposite direction.

Faint approving smiles crept onto the two Einherjar's faces. Except for the two Einherjars, no one else could make out what had just happened.

Patroclus clapped his hands as if congratulating Wang Tong, "You are like a box of chocolate, aren't you? Nice defense, by the way."

Picking up the reference, Wang Tong smiled and replied, "And you watch too many old movies."

In less than a heartbeat, the two fighters were at it again. Wang Tong showered blows onto Patroclus and managed to keep the latter in check. Busy defending himself, Patroclus finally opened up a position in front of his face, and Wang Tong's attack immediately filled it as the young Blade Warrior smashed the steel knuckle into the Ivantian Prince's delicate features. Patroclus was blown to the air and thudded heavily back to the ground.

It was Patroclus's first time being beaten by anyone.

"The energy from the layered fist of Tong had covered Wang Tong's entire body. Ha! Without using a weapon, it would be impossible for Patroclus to defeat him." Lie Jian said with an ugly and satisfied grin. This advanced version of the Layered fist of Tong worked the same way as his Fire Poison. It allowed the cultivator to be aggressive while still taking a defensive stance. The only difference was that it was much more potent than the fire poison.

"The effect is very similar to the Reverse Reverberation, a mechanical side effect. I had never thought that anyone would be able to achieve such effect at will." Michaux Odin smiled faintly. Although he was not interested in the specific technical details of the two warrior's skills, he found the match very entertaining to watch.

Wang Tong stood still, waiting for his opponent to gather himself. His haughty stature made him look like a real Einherjar.

The match had escalated very quickly as Wang Tong had unleashed abilities that were beyond audience's comprehension from the very beginning.

Patroclus gingerly picked himself off the floor and ran his slender fingers through his silken hair. The curls at the corner of his mouth suggested that he rather enjoyed the punishment. Without any sign, the Ivantian shifted his body through space, without leaving any trace of his movement.

Although Patroclus's technique looked like the Ivantian's favorite technique—the Phantom Step, it was not entirely the same. In a blink of eyes, Patroclus had already appeared in front of Wang Tong and punched without hesitation.

Acting out of instinct, Wang Tong greeted the attacker with a quick jab. However, even as his fist inched closer towards its target, his face suddenly hardened and body stiffened. Patroclus disappeared out of thin air and re-appeared at the corner of his eyes. Wang Tong gathered strength and pulled back as fast as he could. Patroclus didn't give Wang Tong a moment of respite as he flickered across the stage, chasing after Wang Tong like a nightmare. Conceding that he was not able to accurately predict Patroclus's movement, Wang Tong resorted to a more evasive strategy, trying to avoid being hit. Wang Tong was losing his edge over his opponent very quickly, but thanks to the passive-aggressiveness of the Layered Fist of Tong, he was not in any immediate danger.

"What a freak! Even Boss can't figure out his attacks!" Karl moved up and down, unable to stay still. Instinct told him that Wang Tong was in danger.

After a while, even Wang Tong's defense started to falter, as he eventually received a blow aimed squarely at his chest. As Wang Tong's body was sent flying into the air, Patroclus darted out, trying to deliver a follow-up attack.


An invisible wall suddenly stopped Patroclus as he face-planted into it. Meanwhile, Wang Tong had already landed on the ground in a push-up position Propelled by a forceful push, Wang Tong's body launched out towards Patroclus like a cannonball. Sudden, the invisible wall started to take a form in front of naked eyes. It was an Ice Wall!

The Mastery cultivators were all shocked by the development; Wang Tong had already advanced his skill so much that he could summon the power of natural force on a whim. Without any secret hand signs nor cryptic invocation, everything was completed while Wang Tong was executing a 720-degree turn in the air.

There was no time for Patroclus to dodge the assault, so he charged up his defense and watched as Wang Tong smashed through the ice wall and rammed into him. Both warriors backed away after the impact without a clear winner.

"Such Skill! You ARE the Blade Warrior! "

"It's just a small trick." Wang Tong said calmly although he knew he had understated his ability, which required a perfect understanding in the intricate connection between different forces, and most important of all, the connection of natural force with his Soul Essence.

"What else is he hiding up his sleeve? I had tried to use Mastery as well, but it didn't work that well." Lie Jian complained.

"You can do it too."

"For real? How?"

"In theory, yes. But Wang Tong has one thing that neither of us does."

Patroclus beamed from side to side and said, "Bravo! So, you had already cultivated the soul essence, eh?"

The word "soul essence" immediately lit up the fire in the two Einherjars' eyes, although no one else knew what it was about.

"Ah! Yes, but it still needs work." Wang Tong replied.

Patroclus didn't answer; instead, he threw his head back and heaved out all the anxiety of not having a powerful opponent.

"Excellent! Are you almost done warming up? Let's begin!" Patroclus finally announced. So far, both fighters were merely testing each other.

"So be it!" Wang Tong replied.

No other fighter could have survived the two warrior's warm-up session.

Patroclus reached out his right arm as a silver lance appeared out of nowhere in his hand. Meanwhile, a golden lance also flickered into Wang Tong's grasp. A burst of wild gale swept across the stage, carrying the belligerent battle qi. Wang Tong's battle qi soon met its equal as Patroclus also let loose his power.

Before the real battle started, the battle for dominance had already begun between the battle qi as energies swirled and intertwined, trying to surpass one another.

With a powerful shout, Lie Jian launched out with the silvery dragon in his hand.

"Dang...Dang, Dang!"

Its golden counterpart met the silver dragon, causing sparks to dance about the two fighters as the two lances collided. However, neither of them seemed to be able to get the upper hand.

Although Patroclus was the more elegant one in terms of movement, Wang Tong's seemingly unorganized moves had its nonchalant charm as well.

As the exchange of attacks went on, both fighters picked up their speed. Each impact represented the exchange of an unimaginable magnitude of energy, some of which went rogue and shot out of the stage, penetrating up to four layers of energy shield with ease.

The match turned into a standoff, painting the stage with broad strokes of silver and gold. Whoever slipped up the first would have to deal with the consequences.

"I often wonder how Patroclus gained such combat experience. He had never serviced in the military, had he? " Hu Yangxuan asked Zhang Buyu curiously.

Chapter 420: The Difference in Timing

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Patroclus always was on top of the Templar's watch-list. Although he had received rigorous training from his family, he had never participated in any military drills, neither was he interested in it. I have heard that he is a big fan of poetry and arts." Yao Bai said.

Zhang Buyu nodded in agreement. "Master used to tell us that the only person who was fit for the title of "genius" was Patroclus."

Cultivating the battle Qi required years of exercise and real-life combat experiences. However, Patroclus had gained his battle Qi with neither of those. Instead, he merely relied on his confidence and innate power. What made Patroclus an even deadlier foe was his nerve of steel. One could never predict his next move, neither had they ever seen him lose his focus.

Even his Einherjar father agreed that it was only a matter of time before Patroclus surpassed him. He knew that his son was destined to achieve greatness ever since the latter was a child. His perfect genes had said it all.

The focus of Wang Tong's technique was relentlessness if not carelessness. He knew that he needed to concentrate his energy at one point in order to break through his opponent's Einherjar-level defense. Despite the overbearing power and intensity, Wang Tong's attacks lacked finesses and efficiency.

On the other hand, Patroclus played along with his opponent's strategy and adopted a defensive stance. However aggressive Wang Tong's attack was, it was not able to pry open his impenetrable shell.

By then, a few audiences who had the strategic mind had caught the drift of the battle. Although unnoticeable, Wang Tong's attack was waning as his lack of training in using a lance surfaced. The fact that Patroclus took his time to understand his opponent's movement would make his further attacks even harder to deal with.

Wang Tong had almost exhausted all the tricks up his, which he had an abundance of, but he was still unable to land a solid blow. Sensing the imminent turning of the tide, Wang Tong gathered strength as an explosion of golden lights erupted on the stage. He was about to unleash the coup de grace—Triple Drill!

As energy gathered and was compressed into a singularity at the tip of the Einherjar Lance, it distorted and warped the space-time continuum as a bumble bee would to a spider web. Although the center of the energy was far away from the audiences, they could sense the trembling air as pulses of energy were being pulled into the singularity.

Spinning at an incredible speed, the sharp lance-tip thrust towards Patroclus, the same move that almost defeated Li Shiming. It was the attack from which Li Shiming had drawn inspiration and finally reached a moment of epiphany on how to become one with the blade.

However, what would Patroclus do?

Gripped by the suspense, Li Shiming was convinced that Patroclus could come out unharmed. If he could do it, so could Patroclus.


Another explosion of gold and silver shone so brightly that it was blinding. When the light faded away, the audiences saw the two fighters standing where they had been, as if nothing had ever happened.

Patroclus linked his hand behind his back and turned to look away. "Why didn't you borrow the power of causality this time?"

Wang Tong's final blow, the Triple Drill, was countered by Patroclus with ease.

Even Wang Tong was caught off guard by the development, and surprised by the fact that Patroclus had counter-attacked by using the same strike as his, compounding three layers of forces together.

Thus it was, the power of the Deva King was indeed omniscient.

The big-screen replayed the last couple of seconds in slow motion; people watched as Patroclus copied Wang Tong's move and dissolved the threat.

The development shocked everyone. Patroclus had countered Wang Tong's killing blow so easily, as if Wang Tong's advantage that he had worked so hard to build up meant nothing.

What about Wang Tong's Strike of Causality?

Before the final match, Wang Tong had already come to terms with the fact that the causality attack had been nothing but a fluke. He had even sparred with Mr. Wannabe, pushing himself to the limit and hoping the ability would return, but it never did.

"Well, let's see if you can force that ability out of me." Wang Tong answered Patroclus while smiling mischievously.

Patroclus paused for a second, letting the answer set in, and then smiled faintly. "Alright!" He announced as he charged up his energy and disappeared into thin air. Half a heartbeat later, the Ivantian prince re-emerged a few paces away from Wan Tong while plunging the tip of the lance into Wang Tong's chest. Wang Tong reacted quickly and raised the golden lance to meet his attacker. He could feel the air pressing against his face start to burn as Patroclus's lance inched closer to him. To cushion some of the blow, Wang Tong swayed to the side. However, Patroclus and his lance disappeared and reappeared again like a phantom. Wang Tong quickly adjusted his position and was just in time to block the attack.

By then, Patroclus had already merged his soul energy with the silver serpent. Like a devil's slippery tongue, the silvery lance weaved in and out, trying to lick Wang Tong's flesh.

This was the Dower's traditional coup de grace, the Phantom Strike!

"The Phantom Strikes consisted of sixty-two movements, but I had consolidated it for you to a mere twelve!" Patroclus announced.

Wang Tong was even more shocked by the fact that the Ivantian still had time to explain his tactics and the power of the attack.

In a blink of an eye, Patroclus had unleashed five of the twelve attacks he had promised, causing Wang Tong to be pushed back for a few feet. Wang Tong had overdrawn his energy during previous relentless attacks, and by then, he had started to fatigue. On the other hand, Patroclus's moves were not only still elegant as ever, but he also had the energy to explain his techniques.

"This is the EIGHTH!" Patroclus announced as he struck his enemy with the lance heavily. "The Twelfth will be the final blow. Your time is running out! "


As the ninth strike landed on Wang Tong. Patroclus's sol reading had surpassed that of Wang Tong by a large margin.

"How... How is that even possible?" Everyone was shocked as they saw the seven hundred sol sol-reading on the display board.

"This is so unfair! It will take us years to increase just a dozen sols. How are we ever going to catch up with him?"

With the help of the dominating soul energy, Patroclus's strike was able to force Wang Tong to take a large step back in order to cushion the blow.

The gap between the two fighter's soul energy was unbridgeable.

Zhang Buyu heaved a sigh and then lamented, "Patroclus opened his mind when he was only five. We shouldn't be so surprised to see his soul energy grow so powerful."

Everyone's jaw almost dropped when they heard the revelation. Mind opened when he was only five?

Wang Tong would never be in such a passive position if he only lacked skills. Instead, it was his inferior soul energy that really had held him back in the competition.

Wang Tong wanted to fight back. However, he sensed the sinister and deadlier attack lurking behind every strike coming at him, so he didn't dare to let his guard down, much less fighting back.

So profound was the difference in their soul energy that even the Blade Warrior's tactics would not help Wang Tong in the slightest.

"Young master was a little bit too late when it came down to opening his mind."

"Touché! If he had done it five years earlier, the fight might be an entirely different scene."

"There is no 'if' in the real world."

"What a shame! Young master was no less talented than the Ivantian, but the Ivantian had a ten-year head-start."

"It might not be as bad as you think. Without proper training, an earlier mind open operation wouldn't have helped young master a bit." Inside the Templar's Court, the senior Templars started arguing with each other. The grand master remained quiet and didn't join the debate.

"Eleven!" Patroclus shouted as the silver dragon knocked away the golden lance, exposing Wang Tong's chest. Being caught off guard, Wang Tong suddenly lost control over his GN force and caused the defense to shut down. Without the protection of the GN force, Wang Tong was practically naked. Patroclus had expected that the final blow to be able to trigger Wang Tong's ultimate ability. However, he was disappointed by Wang Tong's slip up.

"KILL!" Enraged by his disappointment, Patroclus's eyes burned with fire.

The Phantom strike started off with one hundred and fifty-six attacks. Perfectionism had driven every generation of the Dower to refine the coup de grace, and by the time it was Patroclus's turn, he had consolidated everything into only twelve seemingly simple moves.