432 - 442

Chapter 432: The Hybrid Monster

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Of course! I bet both of us will be chosen to join the fleet, but he will keep us away from his secrets."

"I am waiting for the opportunity that I mentioned to you. " Li Shiming nodded.

"Hehe, brilliant! Although your chance is slim, as long as Ma Dutian is still on the fence, you are likely to regain Ma Xiaoru's hand. It's a pity that she is no longer a virgin. I hope you are OK with that…" Porten gave Li Shiming an ugly grin. To him, women were no more than clothing that he could change at will.

Li Shiming didn't reply, so Porten left it at that. He knew Li Shiming too well; he had purposely folded some sharp edges in his comments to anger the other. An angry beast was always easier to manipulate than a calm one after all.

Li Shiming fell for Porten's trap for a second. The series of defeats and setbacks had taken a toll on Li Shiming's confidence and his ability to reason. A few months ago, he would simply shrug off the insult and carry on his business. However today, Porten's sharp words jabbed at his heart like a cold needle.

After the meeting was over, the 3D projection of Porten faded away.

"My lord, should I teach this jerk a lesson?"

Li Shiming waved in dismissal. "He is a barking dog, but I still have the leash in my hand. I need to keep him for use later on."

"As you wish, my lord."

"We need to prepare. I need all information we can get on the Noah's Ark. The more detailed the information, the better."

"Yes, my lord."

A sudden urge to acquire information had come over Li Shiming after his defeat. The situation had gone entirely out of his control right under his nose, yet he had failed to find the culprit based on current information.

Although Porten's proposal regarding Ma Xiaoru was very tempting to him, he reckoned that it was a bad move, not because it was immoral, but because the price was too high. In addition to that, Li Shiming reminded himself that in order to achieve greatness, he needed to learn to control his desires.

Li Shiming was not after Ma Xiaoru's warm embrace, nor the title of the champion; he wanted the whole world. In a way, the chaos stirred up by mighty warriors such as Wang Tong and Patroclus was not entirely a bad thing, since turmoil would bring opportunities.

Thinking on these lines, Li Shiming reckoned that the most urgent task at hand was to sieve through the shreds of evidence, piece together critical information, and decide on a logical and clear path amidst the chaotic situation.

"You are interested in the Noah's Ark's expedition?" Zhang Jin asked with astonishment on her face.

"I can't pass up such an exciting adventure, can I." After Patroclus' first ever defeat in his life, he seemed to have changed into a different person.

Patroclus's personality shift had unnerved Zhang Jin. It was well known that most geniuses were eccentric and stubborn. Therefore, Zhang Jin had been quietly observing the Ivantian prince ever since he returned to the Moon, just in case the defeat had done harm to his sanity.

"Alright! Maybe it's a good thing for you to go out and have some fresh air. The Noah's Ark has really caught the Confederation off guard. I was called to assist their investigation as well."

"Hehe, I don't think you can pry anything out of me." Patroclus jested and continued his painting.

He dipped the paintbrush into the water and slapped the wet brush on one leg of the easel violently. "Beat the devil out of it," Patroclus said as he turned to Zhang Jin and gave her an eerie smile. The creepy curl on his lips made her hair stand on their ends.

"Just a happy little tree...right here. " Patroclus said as he completed the final touch, his voice like a whisper of a ghost.

"Here, isn't it pretty?" Patroclus flipped the canvas around and revealed his work to his visitor.

Zhang Jin was horrified. It was a menacing creature—half human and half Zerg, a morbid display of grotesqueness in full glory.

What was Patroclus thinking?

"Jin, you worry too much," Patroclus said after reading Zhang Jin's overwrought face.

"I know you have researched this creature. Have you find anything?"

"It's an advanced living organism. We still have no clue how Zerg was able to produce such a terrifying creature. But, one thing is clear: the bugs know about us more than we do about them. However, it also seems to suggest that the Zergs are losing confidence in the capability of their bodies."

"Touché! But, we can't relax just yet. I don't think their ultimate goal was to scare us with their half-blood hybrid. "

"Since when did you become so interested in the outside world? Why don't you let the military worry about those issues and focus on your own problems?"

Patroclus didn't reply. Instead, he fixed his gaze on the painting and said, "Can't you feel the energy in the brush strokes?"

Ever since Michaux came back to Mars, he had locked himself inside the tower of the Divine Masters. Disappointed by his back to back defeats on the Moon and the Earth, his best friend/advisor's disappearance had added more fuel to the anger inside Lie Jian.

Lie Jian thought he would enjoy a period of peace after the ordeals on the Earth and Moon. However, the Ark's expedition had made that impossible. Even if Lie Jian were not yet ready to face Patroclus and Wang Tong, he had to since the family name was at stake. The first thing that Lie Jian would need to take care of was to choose some expedition candidates from the members of House Lie; the more, the better. Since House Ma had revealed the new technology to the public, the other houses would try their best to gain as much information as they could, and House Lie could not afford to lag behind.

Meanwhile, House Ma also knew that it was impossible to stop the other houses from prying. Ma Dutian's strategy was clear: instead of being overly protective of his hard-earned knowledge, he chose to be inclusive and encouraged anyone who was interested in handing in their application. In reality, he knew that it was impossible for the other houses to replicate the new battery, not with the current level of technology. The knowledge that Wang Tong had brought back from the Hall of the Valhalla was at least half a century ahead of the world. It included over twenty breakthroughs in multiple fronts of technology.

The other houses regraded House Ma as a fierce protector of their own secret technologies. However, House Ma never wanted to horde the knowledge to themselves, as they believed that the secrets passed down from the Blade Warrior belonged to the entire human race.

House Ma quickly realized that one month was not enough to prepare for the expedition, as it started to attract the interests of people with over-qualified political status. This was meant to be a military mission, but the fame had driven many politicians, who had never seen a drop of blood in their life, to apply.

The unexpected interested was a double-edged sword to the expedition. On one hand, Ma Dutian was more than happy to accept the generous donations from affluent applicants, since the battery research and construction of the Ark and depleted House Ma's coffer, on the other hand, non-military involvement would undermine the goal of the mission. Fair treatment of all crew members had also become a problem, as the powerful brought up increasingly ridiculous demands. One of the applicants had even demanded to bring his mistress along with him on this "vacation trip." However, Ma Dutian was not worried, because he had full confidence in the capability of the ship.

The news about the Ark had immediately piqued Wang Tong's interest. He had always wanted to become a captain of an unsinkable spaceship. The irresistible temptation of the Ark's expedition and the boredom at the Templar's court had caused Wang Tong to make up his mind to return to Ayrlarng.

On the day he left, Wang Tong felt light-hearted as he saw the envious look on Old Fart's face.

"Eat your heart out, Old Fart!"

"Xiaoru, will I be on the list?"

"Don't you worry, I will make sure of that!"

"Haha! Awesome!" Wang Tong shouted out. He wished that he could one day become the captain of the super battle-cruiser.

Chapter 433: Space Battle of the Einherjars

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The competition to for the Ark's crew membership was incredibly fierce. Wang Tong had heard that even the ones with connections inside House Ma were not guaranteed a spot on the team. Therefore, he felt lucky to be able to get enlisted thanks to Ma Xiaoru.

Ma Xiaoru watched Wang Tong as he was absorbed in the imagination of his life on the ship. She hugged him gently and felt that she had never been so happy before.

House Ma was not entirely altruistic—profits would be made, and influence would be exerted after the successful expedition, and rightfully so, since the Ark project had almost exhausted House Ma's resources. Ma Dutian had to make sure his efforts were worthwhile.

Although House Ma had the sole rights on the ownership of the technology and the battleship, they were not free to use the power at will. The captain of the ship would have to obey the Confederation's orders. Otherwise, it would be treated as mutiny.

Ma Xiaoru was fully aware of her situation on the ship during the expedition. However, she believed that as long as she worked hard, she would be able to eventually move up the rank despite the watchful eyes around her.

Although Ma Xiaoru was about to sit in for her father, she knew practically nothing about the ship. Not only was she excited to learn more about the mighty ship, but she was also happy that Wang Tong would be traveling with her. The expedition was sort of like a romantic road trip for the couple.

Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru finally landed at Shangjin, Wang Tong's hometown.

Ma Xiaoru's fame was no less than a rock star, but the citizens of Shangjin showed their excitement courteously without being intrusive and annoying. Wang Tong was grateful for their politeness. People's attitude towards him was like day and night compared to when he was just a no-account.

After resting for a couple of days, Wang Tong started his training again. He also looked after the S-Club, since Zhou Sisi was still at the Templar's Court. Soon, he was overwhelmed by the task, so Ma Xiaoru also stepped up to help him. Her attention to detail made her a great assistant. Even after a few days of recuperation, Wang Tong's body was still sore from the injury he had sustained during the tournament.

Although Wang Tong was not able to obtain any solution for Mr. Wannabe's imprisonment, the old ghost knew that the boy had already tried his best.

Based on the evidence he had gathered, Mr. Wannabe was convinced that his imprisonment was related to Li Feng, and he would not be able to get out of the crystal for a while. With a slight sense of resignation, he felt less urged to get out of his entrapment, and started to take time and enjoy his life.

However, he still thought to finish on the PA system, and Einherjar Lee Moshan's patience was wearing thin.

Lee Moshan had learned that his goddess, Lan Qinyue, had left a message for Einherjar Wannabe, but she didn't receive a reply. The story circulated wildly on the internet, and everyone felt that initiating a conversation with a stranger went against Lan Qinyue's cold and distant personality. Ever since Einherjar Wannabe accepted the challenge, he had ghosted the entire PA community.

"Mr. Wannabe, aren't you gonna do anything about that challenge? " Wang Tong said and yawned. The paperwork of the S-Club had quickly tired him out.

Mr. Wannabe was playing poker with Charcoal, and he didn't spare Wang Tong a glance as if he didn't hear a word. Charcoal sensed that Wang Tong had something important to say, so he put down the cards and listened.

"He is an Einherjar, and you need to prepare. I have a reputation to keep, you know?"

"Oh, come on! I am at least as powerful as you are now. I could kick his a*s!" The thought of exchanging blows with an Einherjar excited Wang Tong.

"Wow, look at you, tough guy. You think you can defeat an Einherjar just because you had defeated Patroclus? That was a close call. By the way, you were not supposed to win." Mr. Wannabe rolled his eyes at Wang Tong.

"Is Patroclus really that much more powerful than Wang Tong?" Ma Xiaoru asked.

"Yes. What gave that little sh*t an edge was his adaptive and improvising skills. However, that advantage has a very short shelf-life. He will have his a*s handed over to him on a platter if they have a second battle. The match against Patroclus was more of a test of each other's power than actual fighting. Otherwise, Patroclus would not have waited until the end to unleash his coup de grace, and give Wang Tong an opportunity to strike his down."

"Balls! Don't put me down! After all, I am the winner, am I not?"

"Yes, yes, you have won. But, I wish that you had lost the match, so that you wouldn't be so full of yourself. If you keep on acting the way you do, you will become history very quickly!" Mr. Wannabe announced.

Sensing the harshness in his tone, Mr. Wannabe tuned it down a notch and then continued, "I understand that you need to rest, but you should never let your guard down. I can't see into the future, but I have the nagging feeling that something terrible is coming. You have not only made a name for yourself, but also many enemies. The battle has just begun!"

"Enemies? What are you talking about?"

"Are you an idiot? You are a threat to many factions, especially the powerful ones. Anyways, as I said, it's a suicide for you to fight Lee Moshan right now." Mr. Wannabe refuted.

Wang Tong reflected on his recent inactivity on the training ground and conceded that cultivation had been put on the back burner. He reckoned that it was very naive of him to believe that the rest of his life would be smooth sailing after he was crowned the champion of the tournament. If anything, his publicity only exposed himself to new enemies.

Mr. Wannabe was right, Wang Tong needed to keep improving himself.

"What do you think I should do, Mr. Wannabe?"

"That's the attitude I want to see! I know you are thinking of joining the Ark's expedition, so we have to put an end to the PA match before you leave. You have to try to enter the Einherjar state, and we have to work together." Mr. Wannabe announced. He felt frustrated by Wang Tong's inability to release his full power.

Although Wang Tong's power would increase over time, the sense of urgency had nibbled at Mr. Wannabe's patience. Patroclus had opened his mind ever since he was five, so he had massive head-start over Wang Tong.

"Ok, let's set up a time then, say in fifteen days? Let's try the power of Einherjar in fifteen days!" Mr. Wannabe shouted.

"Alright! Fifteen days it is!" Wang Tong pumped his fist in the air as he announced.

"Xiaoru, you will have to look after the S-club now. I need to focus on my training. "

"No problem. Why don't you come over to my place? It's much quieter than the school."


Lee Moshan had finally received a message from Einherjar Wannabe: they would carry out their fight in the outer space in fifteen days!

Chapter 434: The Riddle

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Although the Ark's expedition still was the most sensational news, the space battle between the two Einherjars was quickly catching up its popularity.

This would be a milestone in METAL combat history. A fighter so mysterious that he might as well be imaginary was going to come out of the digital backstage to reality.

There were still many rumors about Einherjar Wannabe's background floating around on the internet. The previous school of thought that believed Einherjar Wannabe was related to the Blade Warrior had been utterly discredited due to the new development at the tournament. However, it only made the real identity of Einherjar Wannabe a bigger mystery.

A small group of people was convinced that Lan Qinyue was the only person who would know the answer. She had entered the inner world of the warrior during their last fight, and based on her recollection, Einherjar Wannabe used to be a soldier who had faced thousands of Zergs alone by himself.

However, no one could recall such heroic deeds in the entire human history since the first contact with the Zerg. At any rate, even if there was such a hero, how could he be still alive after many centuries?

Was he a ghost? An immortal soul? If so, why would he choose to step into the fighting pit right now?

Perhaps he had lost his memory, and fighting was the only way for him to hold on to the fading pieces of his past self.

After she walked out of Valhalla, Heidi went straight back to Mars. She had achieved her first goal and confirmed Wang Tong's identity. However, she was at a loss as she didn't know what to do next.

"Grand Priestess, what did you see?"

"The darkness is fast approaching. Hurry up, my Princess!"

"Is he ready? He is not even an Einherjar yet."

"We won't know until he has tried."

"He only has one shot..."

"Do your best, Heidi. Let your destiny guide you. You need to prepare for the Ark's expedition. Our entire race's survival depends on it."

Heidi was very confused. The threat of the Zerg had been brought under control over the centuries, so what kind of world-ending catastrophe was the grand priestess talking about?

Was it a full on civil war? No, there was no sign of it whatsoever. However, a civil war would force the Kaedians into a very awkward position; they would have to choose Wang Tong's side.

The more Heidi thought about the mess, the more question surfaced.

Space pirates controlled many back-water space cities in the darkest corners of the boundless deep space. Although these territories were technically under the control of the Confederation, one would likely get lost without a star chart while trying to navigate to these cities.

Pirates became a significant player during the great war between the humans and the Zerg. For a very long time, the Martian government had even funded some pirate activities due to the lack of proper space fleet. During the time of financial hardship, the Martian government had painted their warship black and turned it into a pirate ship. After Martians had finally developed their own fleet, the pirates had already grown out of their control. The Martians eventually drove the pirates out of their doorstep, but lacked the funding and the technology to eradicate them entirely.

In order to reach the backwater places where the pirates were hiding, the government would need a long-distance cruiser, such as the Ark. Although the pirates had learned beforehand that the Ark was coming after them, they were not afraid. The audacious pirates couldn't wait for the Ark's arrival, as they were confident that they would be able to capture it.

Whoever captured the Ark would yield so much power that even the Confederation would fear them, and he or she would become the Pirate King!

Soda's pirate band was a mid-size, relatively unknown band with just over one thousand crew members. The leader of the band, Soda, wore an eye patch, hiding the eye that he had lost during a battle with the Anti-Smuggling unit.

"My lord, what is your order?" Soda asked.

"I need something on that battlecruiser."

"As you wish my lord. We will retrieve it for you." Soda said obediently.

"You are not strong enough. I will have to do it myself."

Excitement list up Soda's eyes as he asked, "Does it...does it mean the new era is about to come?"

"Gather all of our forces. We need the Ark and two children on it, alive."

"I understand, my lord. You had chosen your candidates."

"Go now, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, my lord." Soda answered as a light flickered in his eyes that was definitely not human.

"Ahh!" Wang Tong howled. Inside the virtual space, no one would hear him and come to his aid.

"I'm almost there. Let's try it again."


"METAL!" Wang Tong shouted. As soon as a shimmering METAL covered Wang Tong's body, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Balls! That's all you got? How many more times do we have to do it?" Mr. Wannabe complained.

"Go on!"

"Hey, can we take a break? I need to eat something!"

"No! Keep going!"

"It's torture!"

"I said...KEEP GOING!" Mr. Wannabe refuted.

In the real world, Ma Xiaoru was preparing a delicious meal for Wang Tong. She had taken on the responsibility of looking after Wang Tong's life. Although she felt it being difficult in the beginning, she was pleased with her life now.

Twelve days later, Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru boarded the Ark to take a peek at the battlecruiser. The giant battleship was parked right in between the earth and the moon. Its size dwarfed all the other transport ships around it, making it look like a floating city. In addition to satisfying his curiosity, another reason that made Wang Tong come to the vessel was to learn about the deep space, since the battle with Lee Moshan was fast approaching. Although he had practice space fighting in a simulation, he was not certain how the real fight was going to pan out.

Wang Tong reckoned that he had to be very careful during the fight, as the fight was deeply personal for Lee Moshan.

Despite the wild rumors about Einherjar Wannabe and Lan Qinyue, Wang Tong was certain that Mr. Wannabe was not interested in Lan Qinyue at all. Wang Tong always had a nagging feeling that Mr. Wannabe already had a love interest, but had chosen to keep his silence about it.

Lee Moshan had proposed the fight to take place right next to the giant spaceship. He never agreed with the blind worshiping of technology. The location of the battleground was symbolic of his protest. Time of advanced machinery had already past, and only cultivating inner power could bring humans the salvation they needed.

It went without saying that many spectators would not join the fight. In the space and without any protective measures, the audience would be easy victim of collateral damage.

A few days later, the fight was finally about to start!

Lee Moshan was in a full suit of Einherjar METAL, and the Thunder Blade was strapped onto his back. With the help of the METAL, an Einherjar could survive the deep space with ease.

Chapter 435: Ugly METAL

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Members of the Marshall Hall had been waiting anxiously for the return of the legend. Would Einherjar Wannabe show up as he had promised?

Despite the technical difficulty of broadcasting a fight in the deep space, the media didn't encounter many roadblocks, as neither of the fighters opposed to streaming their fight. Watching a live stream of a real fight was a much more visceral experience than watching a virtual session.

On the screen, Lee Moshan hovered in the space, a solid METAL suit covering his body. His expression belonged to an Einherjar, and it reflected the dominating force inside him. A mere glance at the overbearing countenance would deter any temptation to challenge him.

All cameras were operated remotely via drones, since standing anywhere near the combat zone indeed meant suicide. Due to the technical limitations, interference and white noise was inevitable during the heat of the battle.

Although Lee Moshan never opposed the media's presence, he would not compromise the fight for pixel quality. To Lee Moshan, this was not a publicity stunt. Instead, he wished to use the battle to force himself to make another breakthrough in his cultivation. Since he was relatively new among the rank of the Einherjars, he had less dead weight to worry about, so he could fight whoever he wanted to. Plus, the mysterious fighter's ambiguous flirting with his goddess made the fight an overdue punishment.

Based on his performance in the virtual world, it was apparent that Einherjar Wannabe had already reached the level of Einherjar. However, whether his performance in the virtual world could translate equally to that in the real world was yet to be determined. The combat between Einherjars was much more sophisticated than that of lower level fighters, as many seemingly minor factors would spiral out of control to become the determining ones.

In general, there were three stages in the Einherjar's power progression, and the soul energy was also a critical element while gauging the combat ability of an Einherjar.

Patroclus lolled on a large sofa and watched the broadcast of the battle on a screen. Outside of the two combatants, Patroclus would benefit the most from this fight, as he had the capacity to understand every move of the two fighters and learn from their mistakes or successes.

Zhang Jin sat quietly beside Patroclus. She knew that although Patroclus appeared relaxed, he needed her company after his defeat more so than ever. All geniuses, however smart they were, dreaded loneliness, and the best way to distract Patroclus from such forlorn sentiment was a friendly conversation.

"Is that the METAL of Thunder God? Incredible! "Zhang Jin exclaimed, trying to strike up a short conversation. Zhang Jin's excitement was shared with millions of viewers as they marveled at the Einherjar level METAL suit.

Every set of Einherjar METAL was a work of art, crafted with unmatched skills. It took the time and resources that were equivalent to fifteen level five METAL suits to make just one piece of Einherjar METAL. It was not only expensive, but also a perfect combination of aesthetics and cutting-edge technology.

So far, there were only a few known set pieces, and they belonged to Li Zhedao, Andres, Lee Moshan, and House Lie. There could be other sets scattered around the world, but no one had found any yet.

The Thunder God METAL tightly hugged Lee Moshan's buffed body, and the helmet was crowned with a fist-sized energy crystal. The usage of energy crystal on the METAL suit was reserved for only high tier suits. However, even on a level five or six METAL suit, the size of the crystal was no larger than a grain of sand. It was usually embedded in critical parts of the suit, such as the knees and neck, as local reinforcement measures. Such a large chunk of energy stone was a rare sight to behold.

Without the Einherjar METAL, Lee Moshan looked just like a normal person, but with the METAL, he immediately transformed into a dominating warrior who commanded legions of forces. Such an imposing manner had won him the hearts of many followers.

Li Shiming watched the screen quietly. He was very close to becoming an Einherjar, and once he made the breakthrough, the outlook of his life would improve drastically. However, he was running out of time. Patroclus was already ahead of him, so he needed to catch up. The sense of inferiority had set Li Shiming's fighting will ablaze, and forced him to double down on his training. Despite the urgency, Li Shiming also reminded himself not to let anxiety get the better of him. As they said, 'slow and steady wins the race.'

On Mars, Lie Jian was watching the screen alone without the company of Michaux, who had locked himself up in his tower. Ever since the tournament, Lie Jian seemed to have lost his old passion for lust. Otherwise, he would have a girl sitting on his lap right now.

Too many things had happened during the tournament, and even the Martian brute had learned to be modest.

Although he had passed the test of the Phoenix, his opponents had made even greater leaps in cultivation. So, in relative terms, his position didn't change at all, if not having been deteriorated.

He was faced with the same roadblock as Li Shiming: Einherjar. Lie Jian was convinced that as long as he could enter the level of Einherjar, Patroclus could be defeated with ease.

Watching Lee Moshan's shiny Einherjar METAL, Lie Jian's eyes were filled with the blaze of desire.

On earth, Wang Tong's friends in a half circle while watching the TV.

Karl asked curiously, "How much did he pay for the METAL suit?"

An awkward silence fell into the room. Zhou Sisi finally broke the silence and refuted, "It's not always about money!"

"It's priceless."

"No kidding! It's Einherjar METAL. Only the government can afford it... Wait a minute, where did he get it from?" Hu Yangxuan finally registered that something was amiss.

Money was just one side of the problem. Every Einherjar METAL was not only made out of the most advanced technology, but also the rarest materials in the universe, most of which were outright banned from public trading. So, how did Einherjar Wannabe get his hands on a set of Einherjar suit?

There could only be three possible providers for the suit. If it were as old as the confederation, it could only come from House Ma. The origin of the Einherjar METAL suits could be traced back due to its distinct style, and perhaps, the provider of the suit could shed some light on the mystery surrounding the warrior.

"Is he gonna show up this time?" Everyone waited anxiously.

Lee Moshan about-turned and looked up. In the sky, a white dot, no larger than a speck of light, was approaching the battlefield. Einherjar Wannabe had arrived!

Everyone in front of TV pressed their eyes as close to the screen as possible, trying to catch a glimpse of the warrior's face.

After a while, people noticed that the METAL suit had covered the warrior's entire body from head to toe, and it was ugly as hell.

Compared to Lee Moshan's shiny armor, it lacked sophistication and technical finesse. The only worth-mentioning feature of the suit was its complete coverage of the wearer's body.

"Is this a joke? He is gonna have his a*s handed to him!" Karl exclaimed in disbelief.

Although all the earthlings were cheering for Einherjar Wannabe, some of them couldn't help but feel ashamed of such an abysmal set of armor.

Despite the ugliness, Einherjar Wannabe's METAL boasted an energy stone set haphazardly on the full hamlet. However, its size was only a fraction of Lee Moshan's

"What a clown! If he worked for me, I would at least give him a better set of a suit!" Lie Jian lamented.

Chapter 436: Counterfeit Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Lee Moshan cast a stern glance at Einherjar Wannabe. The chill in the former's eyes made Wang Tong's hair stand on their ends.

Thanks to the training under Mr. Wannabe, Wang Tong was able to adjust himself quickly, and didn't let his opponent's imposing manner get the better of him. Nonetheless, Wang Tong reckoned that he had to be extra cautious, since this was a real fight in a deadly environment. Even without the threat of his opponent, he would quickly perish without proper protection against the elements.

Doubts flickered in Lee Moshan's eyes. He could only charitably assume that Einherjar Wannabe was better equipped inside than the METAL he wore outside.

Was his opponent really an Einherjar like everyone had claimed? Such unorthodox METAL suit and unorthodox tactics!

"I am Lee Moshan, and this is my Thunder Blade. What should I call you?" Lee Moshan introduced himself coldly.

"Einherjar Wannabe. A no account, just wanting to have some fun!" Wang Tong said in a nonchalant and witty tone.

Lee Moshan's face knotted; his opponent's voice sounded like a fledgling.

"Fine, if you so choose. Let's begin!"

Before Lee Moshan's voice faded away, lights burst out from the energy crystal atop his helmet and flooded the dark, unforgiving space.

This was the light that only belonged to Einherjars. This was the power of a demi-god!

If it were a new Einherjar such as Patroclus, he might find it hard to unleash his deadly force in the outer space, but it was not a problem for a veteran like Lee Moshan.

The process of transforming the soul energy into damage output through the Mastery was much easier on a planet where the substance of various attributes was abundant than in the absolute vacuum of the space. Unknown to most people, a primordial force flew freely in the space, although only a handful of top warriors could harness it.

Wang Tong was quickly overwhelmed by his opponent's overbearing power, and Lee Moshan felt his hesitation as well.

Lee Moshan registered that something was amiss: if his opponent were really an Einherjar, he shouldn't have been surprised by the power. However, if the mysterious fight were not an Einherjar, how could he have defeated so many powerful opponents?

Wang Tong quickly gathered himself. Although he was not yet an Einherjar, he had the valuable aid of his Soul Essence. It was the power of the soul essence that had thrown Lee Moshan's senses off.

Before Wang Tong could decide on an opening move, his opponent was already charging toward him, carrying the momentum of a mountain. Wang Tong registered that Lee Moshan's power was much deadlier than that of Patroclus.

Energy gushed towards Wang Tong from all directions, and it was not a move that could be quickly pulled off by a mortal. Luckily, this was not Wang Tong's first time fighting against an Einherjar, and therefore, he had expected such a struggle. He shifted his body left and right, trying to find a breakthrough, and he did.

Suddenly, Wang Tong's body flickered out of the view and reappeared a dozen feet away from where he was floating, out of harm's way. This one-second evasion was what set Wang Tong apart from 99 percent of the warriors in the world.

Although Wang Tong was out of the way, he blushed as if he had made a serious mistake. He knew that his opponent had detected the flaw in his last movement since he was off six feet from where he was aiming to land.

Wang Tong's soul essence could bring the soul energy up a few notches so that it was on par with that of an Einherjar, and Wang Tong had tapped directly into Mr. Wannabe's GN force so that he didn't have a disadvantage in that respect. However, since neither of the powers belonged to him, Wang Tong could not control them with ease.

Mr. Wannabe had given Wang Tong full access to his GN force as he reckoned that Wang Tong had grown up and needed to learn how to control his power.

Mettle and bravery were only half of the recipe for victory; the other half was finesse and cunning.

Lee Moshan was at a loss again, as it was clear as daylight that his opponent lacked the basic ability to control his power.

Could it be that he was not used to fighting in space? Lee Moshan decided that he should observe more before he made a judgment.

Lee Moshan floated in the space as the outline of his haughty figure was highlighted by the bright light coming off from the energy stone. Suddenly, a burst of energy shot out of the stone, and almost simultaneously, Lee Moshan sliced the space in front of him with his arms. Two bright Blade Aura materialized out of thin air, forming a cross that charged at Wang Tong. As the blade aura flew towards Wang Tong, it increased in size. In a blink's time, it had grown to the size of a small spaceship.

Wang Tong knew that he could no longer fight so passively; it was time to face his opponent head on!

While thinking, Wang Tong raised his fist and channeled GN force into it. As he tapped deeper into the primordial force in space, he felt a gush of energy running generously into his sea of consciousness. Mr. Wannabe was helping him with his power. With a newfound confidence, Wang Tong doubled down on his counter-attack and buried his fist into the center of the cross.

After a bright flash of light, the cross disappeared, and Wang Tong was unharmed.

Despite being ill-equipped, Wang Tong was able to fend off the deadly attack of an Einherjar.

The Cross had shattered into millions of tiny fragments, most of which evaporated into thin air almost as soon as they formed. Some larger chunks of fragments could still be seen around the two warriors, as the omnipresent stars surrounded them in the sea of nothingness.

With such power, Lee Moshan could have easily eliminated a Level Six fighter.

"Incredible!" Zhang Jin exclaimed. How much did she wish that it was her in that suit of Einherjar METAL?

Zhang Jin was not alone in her excitement, as every young boy and girl watched the screen and wished that they would become as powerful as the two Einherjars one day.

In addition to envy and admiration, the audiences also felt unnerved by Einherjar Wannabe's poor equipment. Although he had proven his might in his previous fights, he should have taken the fight with a real Einherjar more seriously.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jin asked Patroclus who pulled a tout face.

"Something is not right," Patroclus said as he bit his nails nervously.

"What is it?"

"Einherjar Wannabe is much weaker than he used to be." Patroclus was a keen observer, and he had caught the small changes in Einherjar Wannabe's movement. It was too overwrought compared to his earlier performance.

Disappointment flickered in Lee Moshan's eyes. Based on his opponent's last counter strike, he had already gotten his number, and it was a letdown. At the very most, the so-called Einherjar Wannabe was at the same level as the youngster Patroclus.

However, Lee Moshan had already accepted the challenge, and therefore, he needed to finish it.


Although the audiences couldn't hear the sound in the space, they knew that Lee Moshan was about to bring the battle to its end.

Standing face to face with an Einherjar, Wang Tong watched and observed carefully.

In the eyes of the amateurs, Einherjar Wannabe was doing very well. It seemed that the mysterious fighter's counterattack had aggravated the real-life Einherjar to unleash his full power—a nod to his opponent's strength.

However, that was far from the truth. Wang Tong could feel an immense pressure coming at him from all sides. The Battle Qi was so aggressive that he couldn't even move an inch. Maybe it was for the better since a daring movement might evoke the fire of retribution.

The dire situation made Wang Tong reflect on his training with Mr. Wannabe. As he did so, he realized that Mr. Wannabe had held back his power for the sake of safety. In addition, it was questionable whether Mr. Wannabe would be able to unleash his full power in the crystal space even if he wanted to.

Chapter 437: Struggle

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

It was not the first time that Wang Tong had pondered over such questions, but after the exhilarating victory, it was hard for him to stay focused, neither did he feel the need to. However, the fight against Lee Moshan was a wake-up call. As soon as the battle started, Lee Moshan had been the aggressor and didn't allow Wang Tong even a moment of respite.

By then, Lee Moshan had gained a pretty good knowledge of Einherjar Wannabe's overall power. So, he decided to finish the match with his killing blows finally.


Lee Moshan looked as if he was standing still despite a flurry of blade auras that shot out around him. The blade aura attacked Wang Tong from all angles, leaving no room for him to escape.

This attack was impossible to dodge. What was worse, Lee Moshan had not even used his weapon yet. He was confident that only using his hand-blade's blade aura would be enough to finish the match.

Wang Tong knew that he could not evade the attack. His instincts kicked in as he hurled a fist at the incoming blade aura without any hesitation.


As Wang Tong's fist inched closer to the blade aura, he doubled down on his attack as he reckoned that GN force alone would not be able to break the Einherjar's deadly spell. He tapped into the primordial power around him and channeled the energy into his fist. In a blink, Wang Tong's fist was coated with an iridescent glow.

"Kom! Kom! Kom!"

The dark space was lit up by a shower of shimmering blade aura. Explosions erupted whenever the blade aura collided with Wang Tong's fist. Wang Tong jabbed out both fists with accuracy, eliminating the thousands of blade auras one or two at a time. His arms moved so fast that the audiences could not even trace his movements.

Soon, the battleground was entirely covered by a white glow. No one, except for a few experts knew what was happening inside the white light.

With an expert's eye, one would quickly see who had the total control of the battlefield. Lee Moshan's attacks were everything but serious. However, such careless attacks had exhausted Einherjar Wannabe and forced him to tap into the primordial natural force. Even with the help of the natural force, Einherjar Wannabe's defense was still inadequate, so much so that he had to use his body to shield vital points from time to time.

Wang Tong didn't have much time to plan his defense nor a counterattack as he was too occupied with dealing with the next blow.


A blade aura finally reached Wang Tong and threw him off balance. Like a master of painting, Lee Moshan had used only a few brush strokes and painted a symphony of deadly colors.

When the white light eventually faded away, even an ordinary citizen could tell who had the upper hand. Einherjar Wannabe's usual smirk on his face was gone. Instead, the lines on his face were so hard it looked like it was carved into a stone. On the other hand, Lee Moshan had stood where he had always been, looking imposing as ever.

The Ivantians heaved a deep sigh of relief. The outcome of the fight was clear as daylight now. Although Einherjar Wannabe had reached the power of Einherjar, he was still too weak against a veteran.

There was no miracle today, and Einherjar Wannabe was not a god. Over the course of human history, the gods visited the mortal world only once every few thousands of years. Even the Blade Warrior's godhood was still fiercely debated, since many considered him merely mortal.

It was clear by then that however smart Einherjar Wannabe was, his power had been blown out of proportion by propaganda, and he was no match for a real Einherjar.

His name should have been a giveaway: the power of a Wannabe and the real deal ought to be entirely different.

So far, Lee Moshan had used only sixty percent of his power, while Einherjar Wannabe had spent over ninety. Yet, he still struggled to level the field in this fight.

Despite the relief, the Ivantians also felt a hint of disappointment, as many of them had wished to behold the power of the legendary Thunder Blade, the blade that could decimate an entire lair of Zergs in a blink.

The difference between the two combatant's power was unbridgeable. Einherjar Wannabe could have kept his fame and glory if he stayed away from the real deals.

The earthlings watched the development and became increasingly gloomy. There didn't appear to be even a sliver of hope for Einherjar Wannabe to claim the victory. His battered METAL suite was a tell-tale sign of his inferior power compared to his opponent in his shiny armor.

The audiences conceded that he should have stayed in the PA system and kept the sense of mystery about him as a disguise over his real power that failed to live up to his fame.

Most Ivantians and Martians had their money on the real-world Einherjar like rational people would. However, Einherjar Wannabe's fans—blinded by their fantasies—had convinced themselves that their hero would swoop down and claim victory with ease.

"Kom, Kom, KOM!"

After having received the first blow, Wang Tong was dealt a few more in different parts of his body. The match would have already ended if Wang Tong didn't have the METAL to protect him.

Wang Tong had taken these hits on purpose as he had realized that it was impossible to break the encirclement without making any sacrifices.

Wang Tong swallowed down the pain and dug in for a counterattack. He noticed an opening right above him, a result of him taking the few hits, so he seized the opportunity and launched himself up. But, before he was completely out of harm's way, he caught a glimpse of a flash below him. Without looking down, he covered his chest with both arms out of protective instinct. He was blown away by a violent gush of energy shooting upwards at him, and the energy penetrated his defense and shot through his body.

Just as Wang Tong thudded back to the ground, so did his attempt to counterattack.

Einherjar Wannabe's fans were stunned by the development as the inferiority of their idol laid bare in front of their eyes. The role of Einherjar Wannabe in the battle had reversed, since it was Einherjar Wannabe who had to hold back his power during his previous fights. But right then, he couldn't even fight back.

Ma Xiaoru's heart wept, as she regretted not persuading Wang Tong to give up such a senseless fight. She should have known that Wang Tong was no match for a real Einherjar. It was true that warriors should fight for their name and honor, but there was no point of walking into a battle knowing he wouldn't win.

Acting was the only right option for many things in the world, since it was difficult to draw a line between right and wrong. What would be the point of living if one was so worried about consequences and never chose to act? Wang Tong was never afraid of actions, and that was why Ma Xiaoru found him so addictive. Only if she could have helped him more...

The thought brought an epiphany to Ma Xiaoru. If she could have pushed her boundary a little more while they practiced the Karmamudra in the bed, Wang Tong might have been able to harness just enough energy from her body to escape the danger facing him right now. A sense of guilt rose inside Ma Xiaoru as she realized that her stubbornness and shyness had hindered Wang Tong's ability.

Nevertheless, what was done was done, and it was time to face the problem at hand.

The blow had paralyzed Einherjar Wannabe. He stood still, and couldn't even live a finger.

After decades of cultivation, Lee Moshan had learned to blend his power so perfectly with the natural force that he could change the attribute of the natural force at will. During the last attack, not only had he neutralized the energy in Einherjar Wannabe's defense, but had also turned them into the lightning element to increase the intensity of his attack.

"You are too weak for me. Promise me that I will never see you again, and I will let you go." Lee Moshan announced, his voice was laced with disappointment.

This was the perfect moment for Wang Tong to call it for the day. Should he choose to continue, his life would be at stake.

Chapter 438: How To Provoke An Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong was aware of his choices and the risks, so he hesitated.

"I just don't understand how someone delinquent like you would have won Lan Qinyue's favor." Lee Moshan complained. On the surface, the fight was a battle between two Einherjars. However, the real reason that motivated Lee Moshan to fight was Lan Qinyue. As an Einherjar, he could have anything he wanted in the world, except for Lan Qinyue's heart. He had courted her fruitlessly for many years, but time didn't dull his enthusiasm. Even after Lee Moshan was married, he never hid his admiration and affection towards the goddess. Lee Moshan's current wife was not a fighter, so naturally, he felt they lacked a common ground. After their honeymoon period and the birth of a child, Lee Moshan had stopped paying attention to his wife entirely.

As of recently, loneliness and years of suppressed desires had spurred him to crave for Lan Qinyue even more—a typical middle life crisis. He dreamed of toiling in bed with her goddess and drinking her nectar of love. What a life it would be!

Lee Moshan's words didn't sit well with Wang Tong. He never minded insults towards himself, but he couldn't bear a second of listening to his opponent undermining Mr. Wannabe's power.

Wang Tong was an orphan, so very few people had cared about him, and neither did he care about the rest of the world. However, Mr. Wannabe was one of those who was near his heart.

Although Wang Tong never admitted it, he admired Mr. Wannabe even more than the Blade Warrior. Compared to the delinquent Old Fart, Mr. Wannabe was more like a father to Wang Tong in many aspects.


Wang Tong had reminded himself to remain calm, but he felt the anger already reaching his throat, about to burst out. The anger spurred the GN force to spread across his body and neutralized the paralyzing effect.

Once he had regained his mobility, he gathered strength and was ready to unleash his retribution.

Wang Tong attacked with abandon. He had chosen to drop all attempts at defense and use the aggressive Layered Fist of Tong. The defense would be useless if his offense failed.


Wang Tong's first strike had missed.

Lee Moshan flickered in and out of view in a zigzag pattern like a snaking lightning. It was impossible to predict where he would appear next.

"Haha. Someone's upset. Anger is not going to take you far. You need strength to back it up."


A blade aura landed squarely on Wang Tong's back and made him stagger. Before he had regained balance, Lee Moshan reappeared behind him like an apparition.

Another blade aura landed on Wang Tong and sent him lurching forward. Despite the METAL suit's protection, he had taken a considerable portion of the damage. Before he had time to react, he was dealt another blow, and it was on his head this time. The consecutive blows quickly snuffed the fire inside Wang Tong as he conceded that he was much weaker than his opponent.

Strength needed to be complemented by a strong will, and it was the other way around as well. Wang Tong was not the only martial arts genius, since almost every Einherjar was as talented as him.

With his limbs dangling, Wang Tong's body floated in space like a ragdoll. He had lost the control of his body. Lee Moshan could have done away with him then and there, but he didn't think Wang Tong was even worthy of being killed by an Einherjar, and neither was he interested in learning his real identity. To him, the floating Wang Tong was nothing more than a piece of space garbage.

Thus it was, the fight of Einherjars had reached a very anti-climatic ending.

No one spoke a word on Earth while on the Moon, everyone was savoring the victory, a payback for their recent defeat at the tournament.

"Mother..." Qinyue was not sure what to make of the ending. Her mother had never been so obsessed with any other individual as she was with Einherjar Wannabe. However, the outcome of the fight made it clear that there was nothing unusual about the mysterious fighter, other than his mysteriousness.

If Lan Qinyue felt a sense of doubt, she didn't show it on her face.

Was that overwhelming sense of regret and sorrow she felt during the fight nothing but an illusion?

"I can hear your thoughts, you know? And, I don't like what I hear."

A voice boomed behind Lee Moshan as he was about to exit the battlefield.

Lee Moshan was so absorbed in his victory that he didn't even notice that his opponent had already stood up, and was well and alive

If the audiences had blinked their eyes, they would have missed Einherjar Wannabe's lightning fast dash to reach Lee Moshan. Suddenly, a wave of belligerent Battle Qi came over the Einherjar, and it was gaining intensity by the second.

In a heartbeat, the pulsing energy pouring out of Einherjar Wannabe had reached such intensity that it threatened to tear apart the fabric of space.

Mr. Wannabe had lost the count of years that he had been imprisoned, and this was the first time he had a body to command. The feeling was intoxicating.

Lee Moshan knotted his face and tried to counter the intense energy around him.

Many audiences had already left their seat, but they froze in their track as they noticed that the battle had not ended.

Lee Moshan attacked as he launched a fist squarely at Einherjar Wannabe's face.


The strike hit home, but Einherjar Wannabe didn't even flinch. Instead, it was the attacker who had stumbled back and lost his balance.

As the audiences looked closer, they were surprised to find out that Einherjar Wannabe's face was not even scratched. Something was slightly off about the warrior that made him look a little bit different if one looked closely.

Mr. Wannabe stared into the distant stars and was still drunken with the joy of freedom.

Lan Qinyue's eyes lit up with glee, 'That's it! That's the Einherjar Wannabe she had fought with.'

Patroclus jumped out of his seat out of sheer surprise and stormed out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Jin shouted out her question, but she didn't receive an answer.

Lee Moshan didn't mind the minor setback as he quickly gathered himself. However, he could feel that his opponent's power had increased by leaps and bounds.

"Are you the youngster called Lee Moshan? I will give you three free attacks. How's that" Mr. Wannabe announced?

Lee Moshan was not sure what to make of Einherjar Wannabe's comment, but he didn't hesitate. He waved his hands in the air and rained blade aura onto his opponent. Einherjar Wannabe did not spare Lee Moshan a glance and took the onslaught of blade aura with its full intent. However, not only was he unharmed, the expression on his face suggested he was very pleased.

"One down, two more to go." Mr. Wannabe said lightly, but his words carried the weight of a mountain. The world boiled over at the sudden turn of events. The tide of the battle had turned! What was worse, he had called a veteran a youngster! Was that confidence or arrogance?


Spurred by his opponent's words, Lee Moshan unsheathed the thunder blade in a smooth action which he performed exquisitely. A blinding blade aura ran down the sharp edge of the blade and flew towards Einherjar Wannabe.

Even if it were Andres or Li Zhedao, they would have chosen to dodge the blade aura. But not Mr. Wannabe. He extended two fingers with a nonchalant finality. As the deadly aura slice through space, it was caught in between the two fingers, and with a subtle and gentle squeeze, the aura had turned into stardust.


Einherjar Wannabe's supporters shouted hysterically at the screen as they were unable to vent the immense excitement in any other way. The development had lit up the hope in everyone's heart to see the power that was greater than the Einherjars.

Li Shiming couldn't believe his eyes. Something told him that this Einherjar Wannabe must be related to the Blade Warrior.

Chapter 439: Rise Of A New God

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"How...How is this possible!" Qinyue was dumbfounded. She was well aware of the power of the Thunder Blade, more so than most people, since her master had an unwanted connection with its wielder. It was a blade that was capable of cracking open a mountain, but it was stopped so easily by bare hands. She doubted if even an Einherjar would be able to achieve that.

Qinyue snuck a peek at her master, and just as she had expected, Lan Qinyue's eyes were filled with infatuation.

Lan Qinyue was not in awe of Mr. Wannabe's power, but his imposing manner and his dedication to something near his heart. The mystery itself was killing her.

"Who is he?"

Like a butterfly, Lan Qinyue's heart fluttered as she plunged into the fire of desire.

There was one last free move left, and Lee Moshan had finally woken up and realized that his opponent was much stronger than he had estimated. It was about time to unleash the killing blow, the full power of the Einherjar.

Light ran down the Thunder Blade's shiny spine, and a thousand thunders appeared in the dead space. As the dark abyss was being torn apart by the sizzling lightning, the thunder blade cast a blazing light to its surroundings, like a newborn star.

Lee Moshan had altered the primordial force in space into the lighting element. It was a display of strength to proclaim his ownership of the victory.

This battlefield belonged to him, and so did this world.

Every Einherjar had their specialty elements, and Lee Moshan's was lightning. In some aspects, a fight between two Einherjars was a competition for controlling the natural forces. Whoever could control more natural force and turn it into his or her own element was bound to be the winner.

During so many battles in Lee Moshan's life, he had never encountered an opponent who had freely given him the full control of the natural force. Did he not care?

"Father." Li Shiming bowed to Li Zhedao, who walked into the room.

Li Zhedao didn't reply. Instead, he stood by the door and watched the live stream quietly. The father and son pair had prepared years for the perfect moment to claim what was rightfully theirs, but Wang Tong had stopped them cold in their track. Till this day, they still moaned over their losses.

Brilliant light shooting out of the energy stone painted the dark space where lightning webbed across, forming a magnificent painting that sprawled across the dark velvety background. Lee Moshan's sol reading soared as he tapped deeper into the primordial force.

Across him, Mr. Wannabe looked relaxed. Instead of focusing on his opponent, he gazed at a floating space city far away as if he were marveling at its scale. Did that structure remind him of his past? Had he lived in a space city before?

As Mr. Wannabe was absorbed in reflections, the sound and smell of the city came back to him. It was all so painfully familiar.

Before Mr. Wannabe could pull himself out of the memory, his opponent was already right in front of him.

Einherjar's Power, Thunder Blast!

Soaked with the primordial energy, the Thunder Blade glared brighter than the sun as it was hewed at Mr. Wannabe. This attack was so powerful that it could annihilate a fifty million ton warship.

Still, Mr. Wannabe paid no attention to the attack. He simply extended a finger at the blade and stopped the attack like brushing away a piece of fallen leaf.

Lee Moshan was shocked. He had never thought that anyone could have countered his ultimate Einherjar attack with only GN force and a finger.

Such power was unprecedented, and it didn't stop there as a new surge of energy kept on pulsing into the finger, one wave stronger than the last.

Mr. Wannabe reluctantly let go of his gaze on the space city and looked at his opponent. The attack had interrupted his train of thoughts, and awakened him from his intoxicating but painful dream.

The chill in Einherjar Wannabe's eyes made even the other Einherjar's hair stand on their ends. What he had done was outright impossible.

However powerful was the Thunder Blade, it could not push further than Mr. Wannabe's finger. The pulsing energy inside the finger was no any less powerful than all the natural forces combined.

"It's my turn now." Mr. Wannabe said quietly, almost like a murmur. But, the soft words stretched his opponent's nerves, threatening to tear it apart like ripping a wing off an insect.

As Mr. Wannabe pulled his finger back, the built-up energy at the tip of the Thunder Blade gushed forth like a deluge. It was a suicidal move! Such a move would never happen in any other fight, since Mr. Wannabe had to face the danger of being attacked by the sudden release of condensed energy. Even if Lee Moshan wanted to halt the attack, he would have no means to do so. As Lee Moshan was still trying to wrap his mind around the development, Mr. Wannabe had punched at him with a fist. Tightly clenched inside the fist was the power of a small universe. It was not Lee Moshan who Mr. Wannabe was attacking, it was his own destiny.


Mr. Wannabe's fist jabbed into the light that surrounded his opponent like a needle into a jar of butter. Nothing could withstand his attack.

There were rumblings, explosions, and then silence. An Einherjar had fallen as a new god had risen.

Mr. Wannabe heaved a sigh as he could feel his power diminishing over time. He knew that his time was about to come.

He felt grateful for having met Wang Tong, for he had given him something he had never had: a family.

It was all worth it!

While thinking, Einherjar Wannabe's body faded into the dark background.

Looking at the thunder blade that had been shattered into pieces, Lee Moshan felt defeated inside out. His beloved blade was gone, along with his pride.

The blow had gravely injured Lee Moshan despite his Einherjar METAL suit. But without it, Lee Moshan would have already been dead.

Perhaps Einherjar Wannabe had purposely allowed him to live, to wear the scar everyday like a dressed up clown in a parade.

Einherjar Wannabe!

Einherjar Wannabe!

Einherjar Wannabe!

The one and ONLY Einherjar Wannabe!

No, he was not a Wannabe. He WAS the Einherjar!

The Ivantians had failed once again, but admittedly, it was the constant failure and rise again that had forged the unbending will of the Ivantian warriors.

Chapter 440: A New Epiphany

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Despite the fact that the Ivantians were somewhat accustomed to defeats, they had to take this particular one very seriously. Einherjar Wannabe didn't just defeat an Ivantian; it was a provocative act towards all Einherjars.

"Einherjar Wannabe," the name that used to carry a sense of self-pity now seemed to reflect a hint of sarcastic undertone that undermined the power of Einherjars. Little did they know that the name was just a casual banter between Wang Tong and Mr. Wannabe. One could call it either coincidence or destiny.

Patroclus had finally arrived at the battleground, but he was too late. He carried Lee Moshan back to a nearby spaceship, but found it hard to calm himself.

Li Zhedao left the room without leaving a word to his son. Andres shut off the screen and quietly sat in the darkness, absorbed in his thoughts. They both held the same question in their mind: Although the world no longer needed the protection of the Blade Warrior, did it mean that their cultivation could stop at the level of Einherjar?

Wang Tong had a good rest and didn't wake up until noon. Yesterday's fight was "trippy", since he felt like both a participant and a spectator.

Wang Tong knew that Mr. Wannabe was a badass, but he didn't know the extent of his bad-ass-ness until yesterday. His power was outright terrifying, and no wonder he had considered Lee Moshan a weakling. Meanwhile, Wang Tong reckoned that last fight had given him a valuable lesson, as it had demonstrated to him just how badly he needed to improve.

His journey had just started, and his current power was abysmal compared to the real mighty warriors. Although his power was bound to grow over time, he conceded that he needed to straighten his attitude and rid of his contentment.

As soon as Wang Tong woke up, he went straight to comfort Ma Xiaoru, who had been worrying all night.

"Don't you worry about me! I am like a ...a... main character in the Martian novel, protected by an invincible plot armor. Haha!"

Ma Xiaoru knew he was just joking, so she said, "Don't be silly. That's all fiction, but this is real life! I will help you in the bed if you need to..."

Wang Tong was lighthearted after hearing her reply, but after he noticed the dark circles around Ma Xiaoru's eyes, he reckoned that stress had rendered her sleepless. He hugged her tightly around him until her breath became even and dream-sweet.

Even in her sleep, Ma Xiaoru held on to Wang Tong's arm and wouldn't let go.

Wang Tong patted Ma Xiaoru's long hair and heaved a sigh. He had embarked on the journey of a Blade Warrior and danger was inevitable. The only way to protect his loved ones was to become stronger. Yesterday's fight was a close call, and he survived only thanks to Mr. Wannabe. Although Wang Tong had taken the backseat during the second half of the battle, he could sense that Mr. Wannabe's every move was a condensed form of centuries of knowledge and practice. However, even though Mr. Wannabe could defeat an Einherjar with ease, he still refused to call himself a Super-Einherjar. As Wang Tong became curious about the power of a Super Einherjar, he decided to call on his trusty adviser.

"Mr. Wannabe, can you come out for a second, please? Mr. Wannabe... Hello?"

After a while, charcoal appeared out of the crystal, but Mr. Wannabe was still nowhere to be seen.

"Charcoal, what is he doing in there?"

"Master, Mr. Wannabe had overspent his soul energy, so he is recuperating."

"Just normal reputation? He can't even come out and say hi?"

"Master, Mr. Wannabe had consumed part of his soul essence during last fight. I am afraid those damages are irreversible."

Sensing the seriousness in Charcoal's words, Wang Tong straightened his back and asked, "What do you mean Irreversible? You just said he is recovering."

"He can only recover it to a certain extent. To put it simply, he can only do it three more times. After that, his soul essence would be completely spent, and he would perish forever."

Wang Tong sat still as a stone as his mind raced. In the past, whenever he called upon Mr. Wannabe's aid, Mr. Wannabe could always tap into the power of the space crystal. However, the situation yesterday called for using his own soul essence in order to defeat Lee Moshan. Although the Einherjar was defeated, it was a very costly victory.

Wang Tong had never thought that yesterday's fight had such devastating consequences.

"Do you mean that as long as he doesn't use his soul essence again, he would be fine?"

"Theoretically, yes. Unlike me, Mr. Wannabe's existence was not tied to yours. However, if he didn't intervene, it would be a master who would perish."

Charcoal had to spell it out loud and clear: Wang Tong was too weak.

But, why would Mr. Wannabe force him to fight against such a powerful foe? He knew Wang Tong would lose.


As Wang Tong pondered the question, revitalization finally dawned upon him. Mr. Wannabe did so to push him to his limit. Mr. Wannabe never told him directly, but he had noticed that Wang Tong had reached a bottleneck in his cultivation.

Although it was true that battle was the best way to break the bottleneck, the price to achieve such a breakthrough was too high.

"Charcoal, why do I have to do this? If everything is fine, which they are, why do I have to become stronger?"

"Master, the end of the world is coming."

"What are you talking about? Can anyone in this world explain anything like a normal person? If you know what the threat is, then TELL ME!" Wang Tong raised his voice out of frustration.

"Can not locate answer to that question." Charcoal said with his usual mechanical voice.

Half-leaning against the wall, Wang Tong felt reality had dealt a huge blow to him. He wished that Mr. Wannabe would have discussed it with him before plunging headfirst into a deadly battle.

Wang Tong hated when people had to make a sacrifice for him. Deep down he still refused to believe his own destiny, nor did he believe in himself.

Wang Tong resented Charcoal for failing to report Mr. Wannabe's true motive to him in time. However, the innocent look on the little robot quickly changed his mind and attitude.

It was all his fault.

He should have been stronger and trained harder. None of his friends had ever asked anything from him. All they wanted was for him to become stronger.

Wang Tong slowly gathered himself and made up his mind to break the bottleneck, not to protect the world, but to the people he cared for.

"That is it for now. "

Charcoal disappeared, and Wang Tong shut off the light and went to bed. Even in the bed, he still couldn't stop thinking about the "end of the world" that Charcoal had mentioned. It could either be a civil war or a Zerg invasion, and the latter was more likely.

Ninety percent of the invitations for joining the Ark expedition had been accepted. Within a few days, flurries of young warriors, including a few young Templars as well as Zhang Jin, had arrived at the Ark to prepare for the voyage.

Chapter 441: Tour Of The Space Fortress

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

House Ma knew that they wouldn't hide anything from the public, and therefore, they welcomed visitors instead of keeping their doors closed. Although most of the crew aboard the ship had thought that the chance of encountering a battle was slim, the Confederation military had drafted a squadron to safeguard their journey.

There were also many scientists, since many scientific experiences would be conducted during the voyage.

In addition to the crew members who had a useful post on the ship, there were also those so-called "vacationers", who had paid their way into the expedition. Their main duty was to simply have fun.

House Ma had depleted their coffers to build the Ark and new battery, and it was time to make those investments pay back. The idea to have the military pay up-front was thrown out of the window after a few meetings in which the military was clear that they wouldn't pay a penny until they have a clear understanding of the Ark's capacity. Therefore, House Ma had to look for other sources of revenue, and space tourism was one of them. Since the ship was lauded as the largest and the most advanced ship ever built, the ticket for its virgin voyage was outrageously expensive. Thankfully, they were sold out almost immediately and helped alleviate House Ma's financial pain.

All eyes were on this expedition, and it was a make or break moment for House Ma. If the expedition were a success, House Ma would firmly reinstate its dominant position among competitors, but should they fail, House Ma would very likely be kicked out of the rank of the Great Houses. Like many other things, this expedition was a double-edged sword for the House Ma; crisis and opportunity were often two sides of the same coin.

So far, House Ma seemed to be doing very well, and was confident that their battleship would pass the test. Before they made the announcement, House Ma had already calculated and re-calculated their odds, and they would not make such a big decision and introduce the new ship without knowing that the odds were on their side. Once the Ark had returned to Earth, it would be introduced into the military as an integral part of the space defense program. With its long-distance cruising capability, it ought to deal a blow to the rampant pirate activities. The result would be more safe territory for humans to settle in, and more market for House Ma to unlock.

The Ark was docked at a military space city while replenishing its supplies and receiving new crew members. The entire spaceship was divided into two sections, the combat area and the living quarters. The living quarters were further divided into classes, just like a space city. It also had a capable team of security staff to maintain order.

The combat area was where the technique and military personnel would stay for most of the time during the expedition. It was where decisions were made and orders were given. The captain wielded an absolute authority on board. He or she would be both the military commander as well as the arbitrator for civil affairs.

The competition for the position of Captain was fierce; some might even say that it had waged war between different factions. The Ivantians and the Martians had decided to stay out of the competition since they knew their chances of becoming a captain on an Earthling's ship were almost zero.

After a few rounds of saber-rattling between House Ma, House Li, and the Golden Hawk, a final decision was made. Captain Kaost, a fifty-five years old lieutenant general, was elected to be the captain of the Ark. At the age of 39, he had already been the captain of a Zeus class battleship, and after three decades of services in the defense department, his prestige and reputation were unmatched.

Despite Kaost's solid resume, his appointment as the captain came out as a surprise to many people who were astute in politics. Kaost was not from any Great Houses, and in fact, his public words often bore a certain degree of resentment towards the great houses. Although he did not have partisanship, his actions and beliefs were more in tune with the Golden Hawk. While the fight for the captain had entered a stalemate, House Li had surprisingly veered towards the Golden Hawk and voted for Kaost.

Some had anticipated the increasingly larger divide between House Ma and House Li after House Ma's series of actions that were out of sync with the Li's interests.

Once the captain had been chosen, the rest of the positions were decided on very quickly.

The second in command on the ship was the first mate. His or her responsibility included mostly administrative work, and providing strategic advice to the captain. Samantha was assigned the position after a unanimous vote. The fame she had garnered for her brilliant management of Ayrlarng had helped her a long way.

The day Samantha was sworn into her position, her face showed up on the cover page of the TIME magazine.

The innocent new graduate from Capth who everyone laughed at for her innocent goals had grown up to be one of the most influential women in the confederation.

Samantha's success didn't stop there. Due to Einherjar Wannabe's mind-breaking performance, DREAM stocks had risen more than ten folds, making her one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Overnight, she had become the epitome of beauty, intelligence, and power. Her every smile tugged at the heartstrings of young men, and her feminist viewpoint had also won many hearts of female supporters. In a few more years, she would be ready for the position of the council chairman.

Samantha didn't take the appointment lightly, since she knew that her performance would be crucial for her future promotion. She scanned the data crawling over the dashboard of the ship and took a sip of coffee.

"Haha! Boss, this is awesome here! Ah! Did they tell you that all of us had been chosen to serve on the ship as well?" Karl shouted out. Almost all of Wang Tong's friends had been appointed a position on the ship, including Karl, Zhou Sisi, and Lumi.

"I heard there would be skirmishes against the pirates. I wish that's true." Hu Yangxuan announced as he rubbed his hand excitingly.

"Yes, and no. I'm sure there will be battles, but the military will likely handle it for us."

"Well, we could be useless cannon fodder, but not bosses."

Wang Tong cracked a smile and said, "Haha, it will be great if I can go out there and fight."

Since it would still be a couple of days until the ship set sail, the group had decided to explore the interior of the mammoth structure fully. They were immediately amazed by its scale and design. Not only was it a death machine on the outside, but it was also a living city inside. It was practically a flying fortress. Although humans boasted about their perceived control stretching over a few galaxies, they barely could maintain a tight grip on various rogue factions within the solar system. The incompetence was largely due to a limited capacity of long-distance flights, and that of providing viable conditions over a long period of time. But, the introduction of the Ark would change all of that, and make the universe much smaller than it really was.

Wang Tong and his friends lived inside the combat area. Since comfort was not the main design criteria in this area, they had to sleep in bunk beds and had the most rudimentary amenities.

All high-rank officers were assigned accommodation in the living quarters; some even brought their families here. House Ma had encouraged crew members to bring families with them, since long-term separation with loved ones was proven to take a toll on the morale.

Chapter 442: Handyman

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The Ark had provided the humans with a key to unlock the ability to explore the deep space. When the Ark started mass production, the entire universe would open itself up to humans, and only imagination would be the limitation.

Everyone believed that this day would come in the near future.

Three days later, the much-anticipated voyage was about to begin. The Battlecruiser set sail into the frigid space amidst the humming and chattering of thousands of spectators.

Wang Tong and his friends had soon received their orders, and all of them had to work for eight hours every day.

"Boss, what is your shift like? I am assigned to a post at the command center."

Karl stormed into the room and found out that Zhou Sisi and others had already arrived, and the atmosphere in the room was not quite right.

"It has to be a mistake! Let me talk to them. How could they assign you to the maintenance crew?" Hu Yangxuan said with fire in his eyes.

"WHAT! Maintenance? Hell no they didn't! I will talk to them!" Karl shouted.

"Calm your underpants. We are not sure if it is a mistake yet. I had a nagging suspicion that they did it on purpose." Zhou Sisi said.

"You mean..."

"Li Shiming and Patroclus's treatment was no better. Although they were assigned to the combat units, their rank was pathetic. I have heard that the Captain has quite an attitude, particularly towards Great House's members."

"Balls! Boss is not even from the Great Houses." Karl was a loss.

Although Wang Tong was not a member of any Great House, he was the heir of the Blade Warrior, and the young master of the Templars. What was worse, Kaost was also aware that Wang Tong had an unusual relationship with Ma Xiaoru, whose father was the de facto owner of the ship. Adding all clues together, Kaost was convinced that Wang Tong was even more sinful than those great house members.

The old captain was determined to use Wang Tong's case as an example to showcase his absolute power on the ship.

After hearing Zhou Sisi's explanation and analysis, the crowd finally understood the reason for Wang Tong and other top fighters' unfair treatment.

"That is not fair. He is getting his personal preference into business."

"That's the way it is. He has unrestricted power over everything on the ship, even a matter of life and death. You guys better lay low and don't create trouble for yourself." Apache said coldly.

"Balls! He can't do it to me!"

"He can, and the sooner you accept that, the better it is for yourself. We are not in a school anymore, kid." Apache said with a cold snicker hanging on his face. After toiling in the anti-smuggling unite, he had long since shed the bookish ideologies such as democracy and freedom.

"The maintenance crew is not that bad of a deal anyways. We are soldiers, and we have to obey our orders." Wang Tong said, but failed to hide the regret on his face.

"Xiaoru, what did they say?" As soon as Ma Xiaoru stepped into the room. Anxious faces greeted her.

"It is not a mistake. It's an order directly from the captain himself." Ma Xiaoru said helplessly. As soon as the ship left the dock, the captain was the only arbitrator in all matters on board.

Even Zhou Sisi's position carried more weight than Wang Tong. Not only was Wang Tong dumbfounded by the captain's decision, but he was also fearful of the boring life under the deck, inside the dark and squalid maintenance room.

However, an order was an order was an order. By noon, every soldier was to report to their duty, so everyone had to leave for their room to prepare for their first shift.

Samantha furrowed her brows as she scanned the list of assigned duties. Although she agreed that it was a smart move for Kaost to use Wang Tong's case to establish his authority on day-one, she felt that his methods had gone overboard.

Samantha didn't rush to Kaost and appeal for Wang Tong's assignment, but decided to wait for a while. She knew that Kaost would not back down since the purpose of this assignment was to make him look strong. Even if he listened to her, he would not change his orders so quickly, as it was bad for the morale.

The setback in Wang Tong's life might not be entirely a bad thing anyway. It would be a good reminder to him to not be carried away by his recent success. The only concern that Samantha had was that Wang Tong would publicly disobey the order and make a spectacle out of himself.

"Brother Shiming, you are the sneakiest person I have ever met! Now, do you think Wang Tong is going to make a fuss about his treatment?" Porten said with an ugly, smug look on his face. Porten himself had been assigned a cushy position. Kaost was a shrewd old fox, and was well aware of all parties' interests. Without being an expert at balancing interest of all sides, Kaost would not have been chosen as the captain.

Kaost's real target was clear: Wang Tong. The relatively unfavorable assignment of Li Shiming and Patroclus was merely a smokescreen.

"Maybe." Li Shiming said slowly as he scanned the data files in front of him. However, his joy didn't escape Porten.

After pulling some strings, Porten had learned that although Kaost was with the golden hawk publicly, he had maintained a connection with House Li, and their collaboration was more subtle than anyone could imagine. The old fox had used the confrontation between House Li and the golden hawk to his own advantage to set him apart from his colleges. He knew that golden hawk would support whoever House Li opposed the most, and conveniently for him, House Li had fought ferociously when golden hawk had proposed his name, along with ten others, on to the table. The next day, the list had reduced to just one: himself.

Despite the joy all around him, Wang Tong found it hard pressed to be happy. He plodded through a heavy gate and walked into the maintenance office.

He was a student of METAL combat, not a mechanic. All he knew about fixing things was left-lose-right-tight, and that was it! What else could he do other than tighten bolts?

Although he was disappointed by the assignment, Wang Tong didn't wear it on his face.

"You are...Wang Tong?"


Everyone paused what they were doing and looked at the young fellow they had seen on TV.

"I am sure you will do well here! Cheer up!" Duolang offered his counsel to the boy who was down on his luck.

"Yes, sir!"

"You can skip the formality and just call me Duolang. We will show you around here today. Our main duty is to make sure the machinery functions the way they are designed to."

"OK." Wang Tong nodded and cracked a smile. Duolang and his team gave him a friendly vibe, so he knew he was in good hands.

"Bang Bang Bang!" Someone was at the door.

A female mechanic in her twenties walked in, and Duolang started introducing. "Tee, come here. This is Wang Tong. I want you to show him around."

"Yes, boss."

After Tee walked out with Wang Tong in tow, she turned around and asked curiously, "So, you are Wang Tong?"


"Cool, call me sister Tee, and you will be under my charge from now on."