508 - 518

Chapter 508: This is Robbery!

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Although Aamir was the one who had warned Guan Dongyang about Thunder Fire's invasion, he didn't do it because he was altruistic. Marcos was his biggest threat, and therefore, he wished that the war would consume his strength. However, he had never thought that Guan Dongyang would be able to deliver such a huge blow to Marcos and utterly annihilate his heavy METAL unit.

The outcome couldn't be any better for Aamir, since Aamir and the Blizzard had become the strongest faction in the Maersa district without firing even a single shot by himself. After losing his heavy METAL units during the catastrophic defeat, Marcos could no longer compete with the Blizzard.

Aamir knew that if he chose not to purchase these one hundred heavy units, someone else would. So, his best option was to make a deal with the Battle Wolf.

"Hans, how much do they want for them?"

Hans gave him an ugly grin and then said, "They want fifty mid-tier METAL and fifty high-tier METAL in exchange."

"This is robbery!"

"Indeed! I had thought of offering them one hundred mid-tier METAL, and even that would already be a heavy discount out of good-will. But, they asked for fifty high-tier METAL... That is just...ridiculous."

"Guan Dongyang has become brazenly audacious."

"I remember that they had already amassed many mid-tier or above METAL suits during the tournament a few months ago. The Battle Wolf is a small band. It is such a waste for them to horde so many high-quality METAL suits." Hans paused for a second and then continued. "Our reports say that Guan Dongyang is no longer the one in charge of the Battle Wolf. It is someone called furface, and he was the one who has made the ridiculous offer."

"Interesting! Not even Lie Jian or Michaux can make Guan Dongyang listen to them, so how could a no account do that? Who is this...furface?" Aamir's interest was piqued.

"I have investigated him, but all I learned was that he had recently joined Battle wolf. Not only does Guan Dongyang rely on him for almost everything around the camp, all the soldiers, including Ross, respect him as if he was the captain of the band."

"Even Ross? Hmm...I can't imagine that thick skull of his would have room for another leader other than Guan Dongyang."

"Boss, there have been too many strange developments around Battle Wolf, and almost all of these events are related to their new leader. What do you think of this business deal then? In my opinion, this is a bad deal. I wager that Battle Wolf has given us the offer without even consulting the market value of their equipment."

"So, you think we should say no?" Aamir asked.

"Not exactly… We can bargain with them. Meanwhile, I can meet this furface while I am at it. Something tells me that things are more than what meets the eyes."

"What if they don't budge?"

"At least we can try. Hans, you should meet this furface and see if we can trust him." Aamir said as he rubbed his chin.

Ross waited anxiously in the reception room. He knew as well that Wang Tong's asking price was outrageous. If it were up to him making the deal, he would have been very happy if he could get even 100 sets of mid-tier METAL suits. Ross heaved a sigh; although he respected Wang Tong's strength, he sincerely doubted if the mechanic had any aptitude for business. The moment Ross saw Hans' astonished expression when he delivered Wang Tong's offer to him, he knew that this deal was doomed. What was worse, their ridiculous offer would also harm the friendly relationship with Blizzard. Ross had been waiting for half an hour, and he wondered if he should just leave.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from the meeting room; it was Hans.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," Hans said with a smile.

"No worries."

"Your asking price is too high." Han paused, letting the message sink in. Although Ross had been expecting the same answer, the news took the wind out of his sail all the same.

"But..." Hans continued, "our Captain wanted me to pay Guan Dongyang a visit. We haven't seen each other for a long while, and we can take a look at the merchandise while we are at it," Han said politely.

Astonished by Han's decision, hope flashed cross Ross' face.

"Of course, let's set off for Battle Wolf right now." All the while, Ross wondered what difference would it make to see the equipment. They were not going to turn into a pile of gold overnight. Confused, Ross decided to leave the difficult task to Wang Tong.

Meanwhile, in Battle Wolf's war camp, the soldiers worked industriously to sort out the piles of junks into different categories.

While Ye Zi and Lie Xuan stood under the blazing sun, overseeing the progress of the project, Wang Tong found a shade and was taking a snooze.

"Captain, Ross has sent us the news: the adviser of the Blizzard is coming to meet with you about the deal." Castro rushed towards Wang Tong and shouted.

Everyone was shocked by the news as they wondered what had made the Blizzard even consider such a preposterous offer.

Wang Tong made a noise in his sleep that could barely pass for a reply.

Castro closed in and was about to shout in Wang Tong's ears before he was dragged away by Ye Zi.

"He hasn't slept in two days. Let him rest."

"Ye Zi, can you believe it? Even we thought this deal was no different than a robbery, but why did the Blizzard consider it?" Castro asked incredulously. Nonetheless, he hoped that the deal would go through, since that would mean a brand new METAL suit for him.

Although Battle Wolf had reaped fifty high tier METAL suits during the last tournament, Wang Tong had given all of those to the Mastery casters.

"Stop asking so many questions and just do your job. Go help out the others."

"Roger that!"

Ye Zi turned back and glanced at the sleeping Wang Tong as doubts crept into her mind.

"Let's go. You are ogling him again. Haha… I am going to talk to Dongyang. Will you be fine here by yourself?"

"Yes. I don't think captain Guan would ever get up again." Ye Zi jested.

"Stop making fun of me. Don't forget that you also have a sweetheart that you can't forget."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Listen to me Ye Zi, forget about Michaux. He is even more obsessed with his cultivation than Lie Jian. A man like that will never give you happiness. You need to look elsewhere." Lie Xuan nudged Ye Zi towards Wang Tong's direction.

"Oh, you... Stop that." Ye Zi blushed.

"Don't pretend that you are not interested."

Ye Zi shook her head and said: "I am... But, he is too good for me. Plus, we don't have the chemistry between us." Ye Zi would be lying to say that she was not interested in Wang Tong at all.

"What are you talking about? There are many guys like him in this world. He should feel grateful for your feelings toward him." Lie Xuan rose to the comment.

"I don't want to force him. Why don't you deal with your problem and let me handle mine?"

"Fine, fine! I will be going now. Let me know if you need help." Lie Xuan gave up and decided not to press her any longer.

Ye Zi heaved a sigh. Wang Tong's real identity had caught her by surprise. He was the only person to have defeated Michaux and Patroclus. So, If anyone who could bring down Patroclus again, it would be him.

Chapter 509: Charcoal, The Real Super Mechanic

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Every human knew the story of Patroclus, of his betrayal and disloyalty. His very existence was like a cancer in the human world, and it was growing stronger with a greater malice each day.

He had demonstrated his unchallenged power by defeating two Einherjars, and with the gift the Zergs had given him in exchange for his loyalty, he had become the epitome of invincibility.

Ye Zi used to overhear Michaux Odin telling his followers that he was not very optimistic about the outcome if he were forced to fight Patroclus. At best, the battle would end with him dragging Patroclus to the gates of the hell by sacrificing himself, unless the heir of the Blade Warrior could intervene.

Ye Zi would never have imagined that the only person whom Michaux thought would be able to defeat Patroclus would be right next to her. Even if she had imagined such person, he should be much more handsome and take things more seriously than the nonchalant furface.

She wanted to report this finding to the Divine Mastery Sect, but Guan Dongyang had forbidden her from doing so.

Meanwhile, Guan Dongyang was enjoying his quality time with Lie Xuan. So far, the two had progressed from barely being able to hold hands longer than three seconds before breaking off the contact due to shyness to the state where Lie Xuan was able to hold Guan Dongyang's gaze and let him touch her wherever he wanted to. However, they still had a long way to go before the two figured out how to take each other's clothes off.

"Dongyang, what do you think about Blizzard's visit? I think they are up to no good! " Lie Xuan passed a slice of pineapple to Guan Dongyang and then asked.

"Hehe… Aamir is a smart guy, so he won't choose to be our enemy. I think Hans is going to do two things: first, he is going to inspect the merchandise, and second, he will be eyeing on the talents in our band." Guan Dongyang said with a smirk.

"How do you know?"

"Because I am smarter than him." Guan Dongyang said with a smoldering voice. Wang Tong had told him that girls liked confident and mature men, so he would have to change the tone of his voice to reflect that.

"Then, why did you still let them come? I am sure Blizzard can offer much better living conditions to our warriors than we can."

Guan Dongyang gave her a smile and then said, "Not just any warriors, they want furface. Believe me, honey… they can never persuade furface to leave me. " Guan Dongyang wanted to disclose more information about Wang tong, but he stopped, fearing that too much information would blow his cover. Judging from Lie Jian's current course of actions, he would not be happy to see Wang Tong's return. He would first try to enlist him, and if that failed, he would kill Wang Tong in a heartbeat.

This was a lawless age, and therefore, no one was safe regardless of his or her power. It was not uncommon nowadays for a high level, if not legendary level, warrior to be overwhelmed by hundreds or even thousands of killers. Therefore, letting the House Lie know about Wang Tong's existence was the same as outright killing him.

Guan Dongyang was convinced that Wang Tong and Lie Jian would eventually cross paths. Mars could only have one dominating power, and Guan Dongyang wished it to be Wang Tong.

Before Wang Tong and Lie Jian's final showdown, Guan Dongyang wagered that it was for the best to join forces and repel the aggression of the Zergs. He reckoned that the stronger the Battle wolf was, the longer it would be able to protect Wang Tong's identity and deter Lie Jian's murderous intent.

Wang Tong didn't wake up from his slumber until midnight, when everyone else in the camp had already fallen asleep. He walked to the training ground to find out that the METAL equipment had been arranged neatly in different piles, and then he nodded.

"Charcoal, are you ready?"

"Yes, Master."

Wang Tong circled around the training ground and then arrived at the center. He folded his hands for a moment, then bent down and pressed his palm against the ground.


A web of soul energy rose around Wang Tong, lifting his body until he was a dozen feet above the ground. Wang Tong spread his arms and poured out his soul energy, covering every piece of the METAL equipment.

"Areal Soul Scan!"

Golden light ran down from the surface of the heavy METAL suits, revealing thousands of intricate lines, indicating the patterns of internal circuits.

"Charcoal, it's all up to you now!"

"Yes, master!"

Charcoal twirled around his body as two of his arms transformed into two solder guns. Charcoal closed in onto a pile of broken METAL while brandishing the guns like an evil doctor would on his patients.

A wave of squeaking and clattering dins rose in the quiet night.

After Charcoal was upgraded, it had received useful add-on functions, many of which even Wang Tong had no idea that they existed. The only way to find out was to keep on testing Charcoal's functions.

Wang Tong had figured the repairing process down to an art. The soldiers were in charge of sorting the parts into different piles, he was in charge of diagnosing, and Charcoal was the one doing the actual "repairing" work. There were over hundreds of heavy METAL suits, and it would take Wang Tong years to finish repairing all of them without Charcoal's help.

After having received instructions from Wang Tong, Charcoal's job was very easy…for a robot. However powerful Wang Tong was, he would never be as efficient as a robot when it came down to repetitive mechanical tasks.

It would take Charcoal two to five minutes to fix one heavy METAL. Time was of the essence, so Charcoal doubled down on his efficiency and deployed a few more arms to speed things up.

Although maintaining the soul energy web was draining on Wang Tong's sea of consciousness, he carried out the soul scan without any difficulties. Looking at heavy METAL being restored into their former glory one after another, Wang Tong's eyes glinted with dollar signs. After the repair, these heavy METAL suits were not exactly the same copy as the original, since many parts had been swapped. Even Wang Tong was not certain the exact level of each of the pieces, but he was confident that these refurbished items were much higher quality than the ones one would get on the black market.

Whenever a METAL suit was restored, Wang Tong's face bloomed like a flower. While he was waiting, he lamented about the financial difficulties that plagued the Battle Wolf. If not for the money he made from the loot they earned previously, Wang Tong would be hard pressed to find any funding for the moving expenses. The financial disaster Wang Tong inherited from Guan Dongyang spurred him to look at other ways to fund the band's activities. The Zerg's invasion and completely crushed the human's well-established credit system, and only material goods were exchanged instead of credits, with a few exceptions, such as the IOU notes from the major factions.

Wang Tong looked to the distant sky; dawn was about to break.

"Charcoal, hurry up. Only a couple left."


Charcoal picked up speed and finally finished up the final two METAL suits when the first ray of sunlight found Wang Tong's face.

"Good job! Take a rest now, Charcoal!"

Tan Bu and Duo Lun were the first to arrive at the training ground. Right when they were about to start training, they found a strange light coming from the storage room.

"What is that?"

"Let's go and take a look."

When they arrived at the storage, they found Castro standing at the threshold while gawking at something inside. He was so engrossed in the view that he didn't even notice the two.

Castro pinched his cheek and mumbled, "Am I dreaming?"

Tan Bu and Duo Lun were also shocked by the one hundred or so brand new METAL suits set neatly in a row on the storage shelf.

"They look so real! "

"Kick me," Castro said in a half asleep voice.


"Balls! You want to kill me? It hurts…hurts? Haha… I am not dreaming!" Castro flailed his arms in the air like a madman and stormed through the gate.

"Be careful! Don't leave your fingerprints on them! They are for sale."

"For sale? Why? We can use them for ourselves!" Castro complained.

Chapter 510: No Cheap Goods

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"This is what we are going to use to exchange with the Blizzards for their METAL suits. By the way, why are you up so early, lazybum?" Tan Bu remarked with a smirk.

"Pff...! Do you really think that you are the only one who has trained hard? We all did." Castro said in a smug tone.

"That's right! You two had a head start because you kissed up to Captain Tong. I swear that we will catch up with you two in no time." Another soldier who came to see the commotion chimed in with Castro. When they discovered the new heavy METAL inside the storage room, they were shocked.

"That's incredible! Did Captain Tong do that?"

"It's awesome! Not even the Divine Mastery Sect would be able to achieve that! "

"Is there anything that he does not know or cannot do?"

The commotion attracted many Mastery Casters who had come to the training ground for their morning practice. Practicing spells required a clear mind and concentration; therefore, there was no better time than the morning for training.

"Aida, once these heavy METAL were shipped out, they will be gone forever."

"Yes, this is not fair! We got nothing from the tournament's loot either."

"Buzz off Castro! If you want these METAL suits, you will need to prove that you are worthy!"

"So, you think we METAL fighters are any less than you casters?"

"Prove it if you think otherwise!"

Warriors on both sides stared at the rows of heavy METAL with green eyes. During the time of war, man's best friends were not women or dogs, but their weapons and armors.

Although Battle Wolf had no use of this sophisticated heavy weaponry, they could exchange them for equipment with more practical use. Wang Tong's method of distributing these METAL suits was based on the fighter's strength: the strongest would get the best METAL. Wang Tong knew that as long as a fighter had paid attention during his class and carried out the instructions to the letter, he or she would be guaranteed to have improved their cultivation compared to a few months ago.

Tan Bu and Duo Lun didn't join the arguments; instead, they walked back to the training room and started their practice. Ten minutes of practice they could squeeze into their schedule while others were idling translated into a slight advantage that would eventually build up to a decisive advantage.

When Castro finally realized that Tan Bu and Duo Lun were gone, he cursed quietly under his breath and stopped his bickering with the Mastery Casters. Mastery units used to be the only backbone of the Battle Wolf, but Castro believed that that was no longer the case, since Wang Tong had significantly beefed up the power of the METAL warriors. Whether it would be the METAL fighters or the Mastery casters who would get the best equipment was yet to be seen.

Ye Zi woke up around six as usual while Lie Xuan was still in slumber. The Martian princess believed that waking up too early was bad for her skin complexion.

When she walked to the training ground, she immediately noticed that something was not quite right with the soldiers, as they were all training with an unprecedented enthusiasm. When she finally saw the array of shiny heavy METAL, she was stunned. Was this the work of a God?

As a devoted follower of the Divine Way, Ye Zi believed in the existence of Gods and the transcendence to godhood through cultivation. But, how was Wang Tong able to crack open the gate that held the secrets to achieving godhood while so many others had failed? What was so special about him? If Wang Tong had already entered the Divine Way, why would he return to this material world?

Had he come to the human world to finish his unfinished task of saving the world? Ye Zi's mind reeled. The more she thought about it, the more Wang Tong resembled the savior that was promised by the Sect's augurs. Why was the savior not Lie, Jian, as the Sect wanted everyone to believe? Should she still follow the Sect's order or should she follow Wang Tong? If she chose the latter, would the Sect view it as apostasy?

As a member of the Divine Mastery Sect, her duty, in addition to being a field medic, was to veer the direction of Battle Wolf towards the House Lie and the Sect. However, over time, she had nurtured a sense of belonging towards the group. The part of her mind that was independent and true to her heart told her to follow Wang Tong and to fight for the freedom of Mars.

Her feeling was shared by the other soldiers. No one wanted to become just another brick in the wall; they wanted to fight for a noble cause: the liberation of the human race. It was this noble cause that had driven the soldiers to wake up early in the morning and endure all the hardships during training.

Ever since Wang Tong took over the training program, Ye Zi felt the obvious changes in the soldiers' attitude and behavior. No longer did they waste their time on chattering, focusing solely on their training. Although these soldiers were not the elite casters from the Sect, they contributed to humanity's freedom using their blood and sweat nonetheless.

Much like the piles of junks that had turned into deadly weapons, Wang Tong was quickly transforming this band of local militias into a deadly and disciplined force for the greater good.

If Lei Jian's strength came from his ability to enlist powerful fighters, then Wang Tong's came from his ability to transform the weak into the powerful.

During lunchtime, soldiers exchanged their experiences with each other with a newfound fascination for the new techniques they had learned. Their improvements encouraged them to train harder and spend more time on thinking about their cultivation.

Lie Xuan studied the new heavy METAL carefully. At her level, she was able to discern the differences in METAL suits manufactured from different plants. She could tell from the sub-par craftsmanship of the parts that these METAL suits were products of a manufacturing plant on Mars. These were the most basic line of the heavy METAL, with only the most rudimentary functions, and she doubted that neither the House Lie nor the Sect would be interested in these low-quality METAL suits. However, Lie Xuan conceded that this would be quite a fortune for any resistance factions.

As Lie Xuan studied these machines more carefully, she noticed that something was amiss: although these METAL suits appeared to be cobbled together with low-quality parts, they were put together so well that their overall quality felt nothing like low-grade METAL suits made on Mars. Lie Xuan knew right away that this was the work of Wang Tong, the super mechanic.

How did he finish repairing over one hundred sets of suits overnight?

Lie Xuan marveled at furface's efficiency and skills, and thought that instead of a super mechanic, he should be called a legendary mechanic. What was worse, Lie Xuan had never heard of such a person on Mars before. If not for Guan Dongyang's feelings, she would have enlisted furface to House Lie in a heartbeat. Such a well-rounded talent was harder to come by than even Guan Dongyang. The thought of enlisting furface made her wonder why Guan Dongyang was so confident in the former's loyalty.

After last night's hard work, Wang Tong didn't wake up until the afternoon, and soon after that, Ross and Hans also arrived at the camp.

"What's up? You guys want to try these suits on?" Wang Tong asked after he saw the rueful faces of Tan Bu and Duo Lun.

"Captain, don't you think we should leave a dozen of them for ourselves?"

Wang Tong nodded and replied, "Yes, we will leave twenty or so for ourselves. Our priority right now is to gather as many METAL suits as possible. Don't worry, we will have enough heavy METAL in the future."

Although no one wanted to see this valuable equipment going to another band, they reckoned that selling them was their best option for now.

Wang Tong went to the training room and inspected the soldiers' training progress. Although the Focus Group's attempts at casting a group mastery with hybrid elements had failed, they felt they were getting very close to success. All they need was just one successful trial. Learning to cast a spell was very much like learning to ride a bike; once one got the hang of it, it would be difficult to fail again.

Satisfied with the soldiers' improvements, Wang Tong walked into Guan Dongyang's office to discuss a few questions on Mastery.

"What do you think if I try to expand my repertoire to include other elements?" Guan Dongyang asked.

Wang Tong shook his head and replied, "You need to have your specialty; knowing a lot of spells doesn't result in an increase in power. The wind element should complement your main fire element, but it should never be the main focus."

Guan Dongyang nodded; if he could not be remembered as the strongest mastery caster in the world, he was determined to become the strongest fire element caster.

Chapter 511: Steal A Talent

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"The mastery's advantage is in its area of effect, but it falls short in dealing with a single target. The fight against Nihlathak was a close call, and if I were to fight him again, I would not prevail."

"You nailed it! What gives mastery its advantage is its ability to borrow power from nature. However, unlike the GN force, the natural force is almost impossible to be compressed in order to concentrate its effects. I wager that you should be able to find a solution to this problem by modifying the fire spear and firedrake spells. The simpler the mastery spells, the easier it is to manipulate and improve." Wang Tong remarked.

Curiosity flashed in Guan Dongyang's eyes as he asked, "Do you mean to layer those spells with each other to compound the damage output?"

"That's a good start. Fire elements are the easiest to stack. However, the difficulty would be in the timing."

Guan Dongyang mauled over Wang Tong's words; he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that the latter had left the room.

When Hans from Blizzard saw the brand new heavy METAL, he was stunned and could not speak for a few minutes. He was not a METAL warrior, so he was not sure if these METAL suits were as powerful as they looked. He turned to the person standing right beside him; the Blizzard's lieutenant, a METAL soldier called Roseau. Roseau was not at all impressed by what he saw.

Roseau glanced at Wang Tong and then piped up, "Captain Tong, these METAL suits look nice, but no way would they be worth the amount you have asked for. Blizzard won't agree with your offer, not if I am still the lieutenant."

Hans' eyes shifted between Roseau and Wang Tong, and he was not sure what to do. These METAL suits looked nice to him, but Lieutenant Roseau would surely know more about METAL suits than him.

Seeing that Wang Tong had kept his silence, Ross furrowed his brows and said, "Lieutenant Roseau, you can try it for yourself."

"These are standard units, and I have seen many of them. There is no point in testing them. "

"Hehe… Roseau, since we are here, we might as well send someone to test it out." Hans knew it was about time for him to play the good cop.

"Mao Jin, try it out."

"Roger that!"

The METAL warrior called Mao Jin climbed gingerly into the heavy METAL. With a blare of the engine, he started the METAL.

Heavy METAL warrior was a very specialized profession. The operator not only needed to maneuver the heavy machine on difficult terrains to avoid the Zergs' attacks, but also angle the shots to inflict maximum damage to the target.

Roseau watched attentively while listening to the machine's whir at different pitches. He could tell that these heavy METAL suits were of high quality; however, he was still convinced that Wang Tong's asking price was outrageous.

The young soldier Mao Jin wanted to show off his heavy METAL skill in front of everyone, so he attempted to execute a pirouette while he jumped into the air. When Mao Jin landed on the ground, he suddenly lost balance and tripped over himself.

Everyone watched the heavy machine fall to the ground, kicking up a plume of dust.

Everyone from the Battle Wolf was taken it back by the dramatic fall. Was there anything wrong with the METAL? Hans also cast a suspicious glance at Wang Tong.

Mao Jin scrambled out of the fallen suit and immediately ranted, "What a piece of sh*t! If I were in a real war, I would have been dead! This is a suicide machine!"

A swell of angry murmurs rose from the Blizzard soldiers. Despite the brand-new look of these METAL suits, there was nothing good about them.

Although Hans maintained his composure, he turned to Wang Tong and asked with an accusatory tone, "Captain Tong, I thought we were friends. Why do you want to blackmail me with this faulty equipment?" Han asked with a fake smile.

Feeling embarrassed, the soldiers of Battle Wolf looked to Wang Tong for an answer.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "Sorry Hans, but you are wrong. That wasn't blackmailing; instead, that price already came with a discount for our friendship."

Wang Tong turned around and walked to the fallen heavy METAL. He climbed into the steel husk and activated the machine.

After a few clatters, the arms of the METAL suit turned into two supercharge cannons. Suddenly, the giant machine picked up speed as it spun to the left in a half pirouette. Before its outer leg landed back on the ground, it leaped into the air, finished a full spin, and then fired the cannons.


The strike landed squarely at a raised ground on a hill.

Wang Tong didn't stop, as he repeated the same actions and then fired the cannons a couple of times, all the shots landing at the exact same spot.

After the final spin in the air, Wang Tong let the weight of the METAL sink in as he bent his knees as if recoiling a spring. When the spring was fully loaded, Wang Tong launched himself high up into the air and landed back to the ground with the gracefulness of a cat.

The control chamber opened up, and Wang Tong climbed out of it.

Stunned by Wang Tong's performance, the audiences could only stare dumbfoundedly.

Seeing Wang Tong walk right in front of him, Hans swallowed and tried to gather himself. Wang Tong's movements had put tremendous strain on the METAL suit, so much so that if these suits were just ordinary in quality, they would have already fallen apart.

However, Hans conceded that it would be up to Roseau, the METAL expert, to give the verdict.

Roseau licked his parched lips and then asked with a trembling voice, "Every set is the same quality as this one?"

"You bet." Wang Tong said with a broad smile.

"Deal, it's a deal! Hans, let's buy them. We will buy as many as they have. "Roseau's voice trembled. He reckoned that these heavy METAL were above level E; they were super heavy METAL! Jin Mao had slipped up because he was not used to METAL of such high quality.

"Hehe… Lieutenant Hans, shall we talk about the details in the meeting room?"

"Haha! Of course! After you, Captain Tong."

Soldiers of the Battle Wolf cheered at this turn of events.

"Do you think if there is anything that our Captain cannot do?"

"There has to be one. Ah-ha! I bet he doesn't know how to have a baby… Haha!"

"Haha… Touché! But, I just can't think of anything else!"

"Balls! Do you think our price is too low?"

Jin Mao heard the Battle Wolf's banter and frowned ruefully. He regretted not paying attention to how differently these heavy METAL were handled; otherwise, he would have never taken this high-grade equipment as junk.

Nevertheless, the quality of these heavy METAL had become apparent. The price Wang Tong asked for was lower than even the same number of E class heavy METAL suits.

After Hans followed Wang Tong to the meeting room, they sat down by a table.

"Hehe… I apologize for the misunderstanding earlier. I will understand if you would like to offer us a new price, considering the exceptional quality of the goods." Hans said with a smile.

"Hehe… I told you that I would give you a discount based on our friendship. We are still friends, aren't we?"

"Really?" Hans was pleasantly surprised by Wang Tong's goodwill.

"Really! However, you know that Battle Wolf is facing some financial difficulty. So, it would be great if you could offer us some support."

Chapter 512: I Will Survive

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong said with a smile. He refrained from raising the price not only because the Battle Wolf owed the Blizzard a favor, but also because there were not a lot of buyers out there.

Reputation was also one of the main aspects that influenced a warband's power, and therefore, Wang Tong knew that he should strike a balance between reputation and profit.

"There would be no problem at all. Although I am not in charge of our group, I can guarantee you enough food and supply that will fill up five space crystals, in addition to the agreed payment."

"Excellent! Thank you, Lieutenant Hans!"

"You are welcome! We will be working together many times in the future. You really have made a name for yourself, Captain Tong!"

"It's very nice of you to say that. I am just lucky." Wang Tong said with a broad smile.

"Roseau, why are you still standing here? Take your men to try on those METAL suits. This time, be more careful!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Ross, please accompany Lieutenant Roseau." Wang Tong announced in a commanding tone.

Hans had always thought that Ross and Wang Tong were of the same rank, but every word that Wang Tong spoke suggested that it was otherwise. He didn't even see Guan Dongyang throughout this bargaining, and it occurred to him that Wang Tong had taken charge of all businesses in the camp.

"You look very young. Who is your Shifu? Are you a new generation martian?" Hans asked.

Neither Wang Tong's demeanor nor his appearance looked like a native Martian's. So, Han guessed that he settled on Mars because of the war, a part of the so-called "New Generation."

"Yes, I am. Unfortunately, my shifu had lost his memory. So, I don't know who he exactly is."

"What a pity! Your Shifu must be quite a character, just like you. Captain Tong, since we are friends, please allow me to be frank with you… Don't you think Battle Wolf is a little bit too small for your talent? Why don't you join a larger war band such as the Blizzard? You have my word… If you come to us, you can have any position you would like!" Hans remarked confidently. He had finished the first half of his mission, and now, he moved onto the second half.

"Hey, Hans! Are you trying to steal our beloved captain? Did Aamir send you here?" A sassy voice rose at the door; it was Lie Xuan.

Hans let out an ugly grin after he heard Lie Xuan's voice; he knew that he had already failed in his second mission. "Haha… What are you talking about, Princess Lie Xuan? We all love talents, don't we?"

"Hehe… Then look elsewhere." Lie Xuan shot back.

Finding no other excuses for his actions, Hans changed the topic, "Ah-Ha… Miss Lie Xuan, you look so pretty today! I believe everything is going well with Captain Guan, eh?"

"Pff... None of your business. Now, are you going to pay us or are you waiting for me to raise the price?"

"Yes, yes, right away. I have already confirmed the deal with our captain. I'm just going to ask Brother Guan a few questions about Mastery while I wait."

"Fine, you better be quick. Wang Tong, Ye Zi is looking for you."

"Hehe… Mr. Hans, please excuse me for a second."

"No worries! Please think about what I have said." Hans didn't mind Lie Xuan's interference in his mission. In fact, he suspected that Lie Xuan was on the same mission herself.

Before Wang Tong walked out of the meeting room, He gave Lie Xuan a thumbs up for saving him from the awkward conversation.

After Blizzard confirmed the quality of the heavy METAL, they paid the full amount that Wang Tong had asked for. Although it was a small fortune for them, Hans felt that it was well worth it. Plus, it was never a bad idea to help each other out during the time of hardship.

After having received the payment from Blizzard, Battle Wolf finally had the chance to survive normal warfare without using any tricks. Survival was always the number one priority of any warrior after all.

Wang Tong reckoned that the time had finally come to test Battle Wolf's limits. Without having experienced the brutality of a real war, no one would have the right to call themselves a warrior.

Lunar City was no longer humanity's paradise that it used to be; instead, it had become the headquarters of the Immortals. There were not so many resistance forces left on the moon. At best, they could be called underground operations. The entire moon had become the base for Patroclus, and even the Iron Curtain, House Zhang, had moved to the Earth.

One would think that the streets of the Lunar City would be empty and lifeless; however, it was far from the truth. The streets were still filled with clamor and commotion, but those who moved about in the bustling streets were not humans; they were Immortals. At the center of the Lunar City was a magnificent place called the Divine Place; it was Patroclus' residence.

Inside the palace, Patroclus held a cup of red wine with the color of blood.

"My Lord, she has arrived." Einherjar Lee Moshan spoke to his master in a servile tone.

Sitting on his throne that was set high up on a platform, Patroclus didn't have to try hard to look imposing and stunningly lordly.

"Noted." Patroclus waved to dismiss him.

Lee Moshan was one of the greatest warlords serving under Patroclus. Among the four great warlords under the latter, there were also some dark ones.

Forced by the pressure to keep his family safe, Lee Moshan had switched his alliance with the feeling of guilt and resignation. However, after he had received the immortal gift from Patroclus, he no longer felt sorry for himself. There was nothing that felt better than being alive.

As Lee Moshan left the room, he saw a woman walk into the hall; he lowered his head and stepped aside to let her pass. Although Lee Moshan was one of the four warlords, he had to bow to the women that even Patroclus had to respect.

Seeing the approaching girl, Patroclus smiled and then said, "it's rare to see you here."

"What's up?" The girl's voice was neither cold nor warm; it was indifferent.

"He is out in the world again."

The girl's body quivered, and then she gathered herself. "How is that possible?"

Patroclus pushed himself off the throne. He walked to a large glass panel and looked out at the bustling street scene. Not only did the five years of war not destroy the moon, but it had actually made it the place to live for the Immortals. This had been his dream: a stronger race, and a more efficient city.

Patroclus never wanted to conquer people using fear; instead, he wanted to win the population over with respect.

Right then, looking out of the window, he thought that he had done it.

To him, there was nothing he couldn't achieve, and success was only a matter of time. House Dower knew that the essence of patience was to pretend that one was not waiting. As the heir of House Dower, Patroclus had done an even better job at waiting than his glorious ancestor, thanks to the new perspective that the Zergs had given him. He was no longer a human, he was a God, and therefore, time was irrelevant.

Although perfection could be an imperfection in itself, it was only true for people who thought they were perfect. This was not the case for Patroclus; he was already beyond being perfect and imperfect due to his godhood.

However, Patroclus conceded that even a God could not change the mind of the girl in front of him. It had been five years, but Patroclus still failed to persuade the girl to join his ranks, much less make her forget her loved one who left her five years ago.

Nevertheless, Patroclus had kept her well and alive; every setback he faced while trying to persuade the girl was refreshing to him. Never had he hurried his persuasion by using unnecessary violence; he had time, and he was good at waiting.

"I hope this news brings you joy. I have always thought that he was dead over the past five years. But now, I can feel him. He is on Mars." Patroclus remarked.

A hint of joy flashed across the girl's face. Although Patroclus was her enemy, she knew that he would never lie to her… He didn't need to.

"Let's play a game. I will catch him for you, and you can decide his fate."

"You think you can catch him?" The girl said with a cold sneer.

"Hahahahah!" Patroclus burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"I like your attitude! I am already on it; you can just sit and wait for my good news." Patroclus said with an eerily placid face that made one think of a mask.

Chapter 513: A New Mastery

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Hehe… I am afraid that Moye is not going to let you do whatever you want on his turf."

"Save your energy. Moye couldn't do a thing to stop me… you know that." Patroclus brushed off the threat.

"Very well then, I will be waiting for the news of your defeat!" The girl shot back at him and turned on her heels. Despite her brazen ignorance and lack of respect, Patroclus let her walk out of the hall freely.

The girl clenched her hands together as she tried to cope with the immense joy inside her: he was back!

The belief that Wang Tong was still alive was what had kept her going for the last five years. Regardless of Patroclus' motive in telling her the news, this was what she needed to hear the most.

"My lord, why did you tell her that? Aren't you worried that she is going to be even more stubborn?" Lee Moshan asked with a quiet voice.

"Moshan, are you doubting me?"

"No, never my lord. Your words are the truth." Lee Moshan hurried with an obsequious reply. However, he found it hard pressed to agree with Patroclus' methods for winning the girl's heart. If it were him, he would have taken the girl's body first and then worried about her mind and heart. Patroclus had the ability to give her eternal life, and perhaps the gift would change the way she saw the world. However, Patroclus kept her human form and seemed to have enjoyed the fruitless persuasion and waiting.

But, no matter how perplexed Lee Moshan was over the matter, he didn't dare ask for Patroclus' reason in doing things this way.

"Have they arrived on Mars?"

"Yes, my lord. They have already begun the search. Moye had made a bit of fuss over it. Do you think I should go there and help them out?" Lee Moshan always wondered why Patroclus cared so much about Wang Tong, since he was only an outdated public idol of a different era. Not only did no one remember him any longer, but his power would be puny compared to the new generation of the human race. Thanks to the new body given by Patroclus, the immortals were able to test tactics and techniques that would be outright banned in the old times due to their dangerous nature. These fearless experiments had widened the landscape of METAL combat significantly for the immortals, and made them much stronger than their human counterparts.

"Give them some time. If he keeps on harassing our men, then we will deal with him." Patroclus' voice held a measure of anticipation.

"Yes, my lord." Lee Moshan replied and then bowed. He knew that there were not a lot of worthy opponents left for Patroclus in this world, since he had already reached the Divine Way. However, the former wagered that Patroclus' defiant nature would eventually lead him astray from the Divine Way to seek alternatives that would break the circle, which in his view, had shackled the humans' real potential. Wang Tong was too weak even for the new Lee Moshan, much less Patroclus himself.

Blizzard quickly finished testing all the heavy METAL; their soldiers gawked at these shiny new METAL suits with anticipation flashing in their eyes.

On the other side, no one at Battle Wolf wanted to see these heavy METAL go. However, their financial constraint meant that they had to make some sacrifices.

Roseau and Mao Jin guarded these heavy METAL while waiting for their transport fleet to arrive, making sure no one from the Battle Wold could get near these precious METAL suits. Their overly protective act had rubbed Ross the wrong way. "Balls! They haven't paid us yet, have they? Why can't we even take a look at them? " He murmured.

Ross walked to Roseau and asked, "Time for lunch, lieutenant Roseau. The table is set for you inside the dining room, please."

"Haha… Thank you Lieutenant Ross, but no. We like to eat out here."

Ross rolled his eyes, and caught a glimpse of the heavy METAL behind the two guards. His eyes lit up with surprise and regret. If he knew how powerful these suits were, he would not have to stomach Blizzard's cold sneers while he was in their camp. He conceded that he should never have doubted Wang Tong's words.

Meanwhile, Hans and Guan Dongyang were discussing some questions regarding Mastery. Hans was a notable leader in the Maersa District, and he was a few years older than Guan Dongyang, who enjoyed the discussion with someone at the similar level as himself. Unlike the discussion with Wang Tong, in which Guan Dongyang's thoughts were guided by the latter, he felt that his mind was free and open during the conversation with Hans.

METAL combat had not developed in one day; it was the result of decades of collaboration among powerful fighters. The Mastery casters was not any different in that respect either. For the greater good, Guan Dongyang didn't hold back any knowledge that he had, and neither did Hans. After a long conversation and exchange of ideas, Guan Dongyang's knowledge and his candor had won Hans' respect.

After his visit, Hans was convinced that the Battle Wolf would one day rise to power because of their astute leader and his powerful adviser.

After Aamir got the confirmation from Hans, he sent out a transport fleet to the Battle Wolf's camp without a second thought. He trusted Hans' judgment as much as he trusted himself. Hans' report had also confirmed Wang Tong's incredible ability, but warned Aamir about the difficulties in enlisting him.

Although the camp had visitors, Battle Wolf didn't stop their training.

Ye Zi and Hamir had finally successfully completed a spell with combined elements, and the damage of the spell had nearly doubled. From there, the training became much easier, as their success rate increased drastically.

Wang Tong watched their training with a pleased smile. Although the spells wouldn't be useful in a real war until every mastery caster had mastered the technique, it was a good start nonetheless.

After getting Wang Tong's approval, Hamir started to teach the rest of the mastery casters the technique to blend the fire and wind element together. The key to learning any mastery spell was understanding but not memorizing; muscle memory only worked for METAL combat training.

Wang Tong called Ye Zi to him. She played both the role of a mastery caster as well we a field medic; however, she never complained about the heavy responsibilities.

"Ye Zi, I feel that you are much more talented in mastery spells than being a medic, not that you are a bad medic." Wang Tong remarked. He was not sure if it was just him or Ye Zi had become very quiet of late.

Ye Zi didn't hold Wang Tong's gaze as she looked down and then replied, "We need a field medic more than just another mastery caster."

"Saving lives is important, but so is preventing loss of life using aggressive means. I have an idea that could boost your mastery skills. You have already learned the hybrid mastery. Don't let that talent go to waste."

Ye Zi furrowed her brows and replied, "I am interested, but mastery attacks are really not my expertise."

"Hehe… I have a spell that is not an attack spell but a buff. It will be able to increase the damage output of all the friendly soldiers around you by at least two folds." Wang Tong cracked a smile.

"...The divine burst?"

"No, no… The divine burst can only be applied to the caster. This one is more difficult, and it is called the Divine Light. If it is successful, I am planning to build an entire mastery team that will focus on casting these buffs."

"Divine Light..." Ye Zi murmured the name and imagined what it would be like.

"Let me show you what it is like."

Wang Tong opened his arm, and a bright white light beamed from the sky down on Ye Zi. She could feel a gush of energy enter her system and replenish her sea of consciousness.

As an avid mastery user, Ye Zi was stunned by the spell. Of all the buff spells she knew, the source of the buff came from the target itself. However, Ye Zi was certain that she didn't overdraft her soul energy, and the extra energy was coming from the light beaming down on her.

Chapter 514: The Jade City

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The effect lasted on Ye Zi for more than ten minutes.

"Hehe… Do you like it? Feels good, right? "

"Yes, it was amazing!" Having said that, she was not entirely caught off guard by Wang Tong's yet another surprising ability. By then, she was convinced that he could do anything that he claimed he would, regardless of how preposterous the claim sounded.

"Hehe… Actually, I have a small favor to ask." Wang Tong said reluctantly, embarrassment written all over his face.

Ye Zi failed to suppress a snicker. "What do you want? I can't imagine that you would ever need my help."

"It is difficult for us to recruit more Mastery casters, especially with our financial situation. I was wondering if you could be kind enough to talk to the Divine Mastery Sect and see if they could lend us some mastery casters?" Wang Tong asked.

"Why do you ask me? I am just a lowly field medic."

"No, no. You are the goddess of Battle Wolf, the greatest field medic in the entire Maersa district!" Wang Tong announced with conviction.

Ye Zi gave him a smirk and asked, "Is your mouth always that sweet in front of girls? Fine, I will do it. But, I will only ask them once."

"Thank you so much! Please accept the Divine Light spell as a token of my appreciation."

"Does Guan Dongyang know about your plan? "

"Yes, he does. I know you are from the Divine Mastery Sect, but I hope that you also feel that you belong here. Please help us out this time. "

Ye Zi thought for a second and reckoned that it would be a great opportunity to visit her old friends in the Sect.

Considering the perils during her travel, he conceded that she would need to spend some time to prepare for the long and dangerous journey ahead.

It took Blizzard one day and one night to complete the transportation of the METAL suits. Not all those one hundred or so heavy METAL were made out of brand new parts. However, Hans could tell that they were very well put together, and were all of very high quality.

Hans had never made the connection between these high-quality METAL suits and the pile of junk that Wang Tong had demanded from Thunder Fire. The possibility that these were second-hand heavy METAL from the Thunder Fire had been only a fleeting thought in his mind. It was impossible for anyone to fix all of these heavy METAL suits in just a few days after all.

Calm and quietness finally returned the camp after the Blizzard soldiers were gone. There were still twenty five heavy METAL suits left, and the sight of these 'survivors' of the business deal lit up Ross' face with joy. Once Battle Wolf shifted its focus from training to expansion, these heavy METAL would be put to use.

Improving the overall quality of a team took time, and it could not be rushed. The key was concentration and focus, and not to spread training objectives too thin.

After much preparation, Wang Tong, Ye Zi, Duo Lun, and Tan Bu set off to the Divine Mastery Sect's territory, the Jade City. By then, there were only four factions that were still powerful enough to hold cities: the Divine Mastery Sect, House Lie, Kaedeians, and the Sect of Thunder Drum.

Although Jade City was one of the closest city to the City of Maersa, Wang Tong decided to escort Ye Zi for her safety. In this way, he could also pay the Divine Mastery Sect a visit while he was at it. He left the band business to Guan Dongyang as he trusted that he could manage the band as well as he used to.

The Battle Wolf had been growing at an incredible rate ever since Wang Tong joined the team. Not only had its recent victories instilled much respect in other factions, but it had also gained them a powerful ally in the district: Blizzard.

Wang Tong knew that sooner or later, Battle Wolf was going to take off, and it was up to him to fill up its ranks, especially those of the mastery casters.

Most mastery casters on Mars were trained at the Divine Mastery Sect, and therefore, Wang Tong had to do some head hunting under the Divine Master's nose.

"Ye Zi, who is in charge of Jade City?"

"It will be one of the chief priests. I am not sure who it is. Don't push them too hard to join you; it won't work." Ye Zi remarked.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "I am not there to rob them. It would only be a win-win situation for everyone should they decide to join us."

Ye Zi heaved a sigh, "I know it will be a good thing if you can enlist some talent. But, I need to warn you: not everyone in the Sect is a benevolent saint. Be careful!"

"Doesn't Michaux discipline his followers? He is the leader of the sect after all."

"He does, but he can only do it to a certain degree. He will have to rely on his men when the Zergs are at the door." Ye Zi lamented.

Wang Tong was not surprised at all. Since the Divine Mastery Sect was forced to face the war, they also had to face real-world problems.

Wang Tong didn't keep on prying Ye Zi, since he knew that she was hesitant to criticize the Sect.

The four traveled light and fast. Although they had encountered a few Zerg scouting parties that roamed everywhere on Mars, these low-level Zergs were quickly dealt with by Tan Bu and Duo Lun.

During one encounter, Tan Bu and Duo Lun went ahead of the other two to finish off the Zergs, and when they returned, they brought someone else with them.

"Captain, we saved him. What should we do with him?" Duo Lun asked.

Ye Zi walked to the stranger and examined his vitals. "He is in a coma. Looks like he is with a group." Ye Zi remarked on seeing the uniform the stranger was wearing.

Ye Zi brought some water to the stranger's lips, and soon, life returned to the pale face. The pair of alerted eyes darted left and right, and he didn't lower his guard until he found out that he was with four humans.

"Who are you guys?"


The stranger patted himself down, making sure he still had four limbs.

"We have tended to your wounds; you should be fine now." Ye Zi said.

"Are you a field medic?" The man in the purple uniform asked.


"You have saved me?"

Seeing Lun Duo nodded, and only then did the stranger exhale and say, "Thank you."

"No worries! We are all humans. Do you want to accompany us or will you be on your own way?" Lun Duo asked.

The stranger's face was eerily placid, making his appreciation seem less sincere than it should be. His unblinking eyes had been glued to Ye Zi ever since he woke up.

Chapter 515: Dark Souls

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"My name is Charles. Would you please be so kind to take me to Lothar's camp? It's not very far from here." Charles said.

"We are heading towards the Jade City, and we are not planning to veer off too far from our course." Duo Lun said reluctantly. The stranger didn't seem to be a warrior type to Duo Lun, so he would only be a dead weight if the situation got hairy.

"Jade City? Lothar's camp is on your way. If you can take me there safely, I can get you guys a maglev. That should save you at least a few days worth of time, considering what you are using now." Charles pursed his lips towards the run-down old maglev the group was using.

"Well, if it's on the way, we might as well escort you there free of charge. We can get by with this old clunker." Wang Tong said.

Charles was delighted after hearing Wang Tong's decision. He turned to Ye Zi and said, "Thank you so much, my beautiful lady. I will reward you handsomely for your trouble." Charles exclaimed.

After the group started their journey again, they found that Charles was a very talkative fellow, and a very funny one at that. The conversation revealed that the Jade City had been victorious in the recent series of skirmishes against the Zergs, although it was on the defensive side during every assault.

Although they had to sidetrack slightly to get to Charles' destination, they conceded that saving a man's life should be their priority, particularly when they were not in a hurry to get to Jade City.

They had been walking in the direction that Charles pointed out for a day and still didn't see the sign of any human activity.

"Tan Bu and Duo Lun, scout ahead and see what's going on." Wang Tong commanded.

"Yes, captain."

Charles stood up and volunteered to join the two.

"Mr. Charles, we are on a mission. We can at most escort you until tomorrow noon." Wang Tong said politely and assertively.

"No problem! We should be there before noon." Charles replied, and then he started off with Tan Bu and Duo Lun.

Ye Zi heaved a sigh. "I like him. He is a goofball."

Charles had a great sense of intuition when carrying out a conversation, and it didn't take long for him to catch the subtle reluctance in Ye Zi while she was talking to Wang Tong. So, Charles added a joke here and there and quickly made Ye Zi open up to Wang Tong after waves of lighthearted laughter. Wang Tong appreciated his help, and therefore, he had decided to escort him for another half a day after the next dawn.

Who wouldn't try to suck up to his or her savior out of desperation?

After the three scouts walked for a while, they arrived at the bottom of a hill. Against Tan Bu and Duo Lun's will, Charles insisted on getting to the other side of the hill.

"Please help me out. I remember that there should be an outlook post on the other side. If someone happens to be on duty, it will save you guys another half a day worth of walking."

Charles was able to convince the two soldiers, and he led the way through the jungle to the other side of the hill.

After thirty minutes of walking and climbing, there still was no sign of any lookout tower.

"Are we close yet?" Tan Bu was losing his patience.

"Almost there… Look! there is a light!" Charles pointed to the distant and smiled," We are lucky today!"

"We are finally here!" Duo Lun heaved a sigh of relief. Behind him, Tan Bu saw something in the shadows of the trees and shouted, "What was that?"

Duo Lun turned towards the direction where Tan Bu was looking, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a dagger in Charles's hand. The dagger went towards the unsuspecting Tan Bu and slashed a large opening on his belly.

"Charles, are you crazy?" Tan Bu shouted out, hands cupping over his wound. Suddenly, he noticed a few dozen dark shadows emerge from under the trees.

Charles flipped and twirled the flat dagger in between his fingers as he smirked at the two young soldiers. The band of outlaws that had surrounded them sneered at them.

"Idiots! Our boss Charles is not crazy. He is just going to kill you."

"Haha! I was waiting for the merchants to pass by, but I ran into a racy little medic. It's even better! Haha! " Charles laughed pruriently.

"What a great catch, boss! I have heard many good things about the medics from the Divine Mastery Sect."

"Don't worry! I am not going to let you guys hang two blue balls in between your legs. Everyone will have his turn after I am done with her! I am sure she will fetch a good price on the market too!"

Another burst of laughter erupted among the group of vile men.

Tan Bu and Duo Lun's faces were taut; they knew that their situation was dire. Not only their opponents had the edge in number, but some of the outlaws were of a higher level than them.

"The dagger is poisonous." Tan Bu spoke under his breath. Despite the peril they were in, he had kept his calm. Duo Lun gritted his teeth and let out a few words between his clenched jaws. "What should we do?"

"Can you fend them off for a while? I need to bring the poison under control."

Charles didn't mind the two's quiet exchange of murmurs. "Haha! Have you heard of the X-593 nerve agent? I have never heard of anyone who was able to expel the poison by himself."

Tan Bu's face twitched slightly, as he could feel the position getting out of control and attacking his sea of consciousness directly.

Charles slowly took out a bottle and announced, "Here is the antidote. Follow me from now on. We have everything here! I bet you wish to taste that little spicy medic too, don't you?"

Despite the fury inside of Tan Bu and Duo Lun, they didn't lose their calm. Duo Lun scanned their surroundings and conceded that they were trapped. If Tan Bu were not injured, they might have had a chance at breaking the encirclement. They had been walking for a long time, and therefore, Duo Lun didn't expect Wang Tong to notice the commotion this far away.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill us after we saved you? Do you have any shred of humanity left in you?" Duo Lun chastised Charles.

"Humanity? Haha! What a joke! I just want to live… No, I want to live like a king! Haha... Hurry up and make your decision. I have already drugged the other two. I have a nice curvy body to enjoy after I am done away with you!"

"Charge!" Tan Bu's voice boomed.

With that, the two young soldiers charged at Charles at the same time.

"You are courting death!" Charles didn't flinch, and summoned two mastery fireball which he hurled at the two soldiers. The two fireballs were meant to stagger the two soldiers, but not to kill.

Tan Bu was still struggling with the poison inside his system, so he was not fast enough to evade the attack. Duo Lun, on the other hand, quickly veered to the left and dodged the attack. Without any hesitation, Tan Bu corrected his course and continued his charge.

By then, Charles had already unleashed the second mastery attack: the Fire Drake. The rest of the outlaws swarmed at them as well.

Despite being outnumbered and outclassed, Tan Bu and Duo Lun fought bravely and didn't show any signs of backing down.

A cold sneer found Charles's lips. "Kill!" He issued a command.

The attacks from the bandits that surrounded Tan Bu and Duo Lun suddenly gained both speed and vigor. Life was draining out of Tan Bu's face by the second. Every time he used his soul energy, the poison would gnaw at his sea of consciousness.

"Leave, Duo Lun! " Before Tan Bu could finish his words, he was dealt another blow.

"Buzz off! We will get out of here alive together!"

Suddenly, Tan Bu shouted and charged up all of the remaining GN force with abandon.


In a blink, his eyes had become bloodshot, his face pale like a piece of paper. "Go!"

He snatched Duo Lun by his shirt and threw him over the crowd. And then, he charged at Charles despite the excruciating pain from the poison.

By then, Tan Bu had fallen deep into a battle trance and unlocked his full potential as a level fourteen warrior. But, Duo Lun didn't leave the battlefield either; he charged at Charles after he gathered himself from the fall.

Charles cursed quietly. He wanted to finish the two as quickly as possible, but the fight had been dragging on for too long.

"Kill! Just kill them all!"

A few dozen sharp blades hewed towards Duo Lun and Tan Bu.

"Aim at the head. Don't damage their METAL suit!" Charles put in.

Suddenly, a flare shot out from nowhere and disoriented the bandits. When they opened their eyes again, the two young soldiers had disappeared.

Chapter 516: Revenge

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Charles looked around and found out that the two soldiers had been teleported away by Wang Tong and Ye Zi. Wang Tong set his palm on Tan Bu's forehead, and before long, a few moving red dots appeared on the back of his hand. Wang Tong pulled a sullen face and let Ye Zi take over the healing.

Charles finally found out that something was amiss, and wondered if the drug he used on Wang Tong actually worked or not. It should have, since he had seen to it that they had consumed it last night. They shouldn't have awakened up until the next day morning, so how did they manage to show up here right now?

"Hehe… Kid, fancy being a hero, don't you? Leave the girl here and I will spare your life." Charles demanded.

Charles' words ignited the anger inside of Duo Lun. But, as he was about to close in onto the pervert for another round of attack, Wang Tong stopped him.

Wang Tong scanned the enemies around him and then shook his head with a smile. "There have only been two things that have really gotten on my nerve till now: the first is Patroclus's betrayal, and the second one is yours."

"Buzz off! Who do you think you are? You sound like Patroclus will care how you feel about him." Charles said with conceit.

"Boss, I bet he thinks he is the heir of the Blade Warrior. What was that guy's name again? He is long gone! Haha!"

"His name was Wang Tong…Ah, what a coincidence! It's the same name as yours…" Even as Charles tried to finish his words, he and his cohorts sensed a force suddenly seize their body.

"What a coincidence, isn't it?" Wang Tong said with a stone cold sneer.

Although Duo Lun and Ye Zi already knew Wang Tong's real identity, Wang Tong's disclosure of the truth had sent the two's blood boiling.

"Kill! Kill him!" Charles shrieked with fear as he took half a step back.

The smirk on Wang Tong's face evaporated, and with it, the temperature dropped by a few degrees. A few words stumbled out from in between his teeth, "Sometimes, humans are even more despicable than Zergs."

Wang Tong snapped two fingers and one of the outlaw's head burst open, blood and brain matter spraying all over the people around him. Fear was written on everyone's face, but no one was able to move a hair.

"Are you afraid?" Wang Tong walked past a row of bandits, their heads exploding one after another.

Charles' legs gave in as he watched the heads burgeon to the size of pumpkins before they burst like over-inflated balloons. He tried to break off the hold on his body using his level fifteen soul energy, but to no avail.

"You can't kill me! I…I am the nephew of the major of the Jade City, Sanders. If you kill me, you will be the enemy of the Divine Mastery Sect." Charles shouted.

"Sanders? Not even Michaux can make me stop."

"Hold on! If you are really Wang Tong, let's have a duel! Unless you are not! Unless you are a coward!" Charles's eyes darted left and right as he tried to save his life with a last-ditch effort.

Suddenly, Charles felt that the constraint on his body had disappeared. He quickly took out an energy crystal and started chanting a spell. Ye Zi's heart sank at the sight of the spell: it was a high-level Divine Master Sect spell which only a selected few were able to learn.

"Watch out! It's Ice Matrix!" Ye Zi hurried to caution Wang Tong.

Charles let out an ugly smirk, "It's too late!"

The energy crystal that Charles wielded was a "lifesaver", a high tier powerful energy crystal that would allow him to unleash a level seventeen cold element spell.

"Zen… Zen… Zen!"

In a blink, a dozen or so ice spears lined up in a row and shot at Wang Tong from point blank.

"Die… Die… DIE!"

Even if Wang Tong was powerful enough to get out of harm's way, one of the ice spears was bound to pierce right through the three behind him.

But, Wang Tong didn't dodge, and the ice spears simply stopped cold in their tracks, continuing to float in the air.

"Is this your best?" Wang Tong asked. He reached out a finger and gently touched the ice. With that, the cold element suddenly reverted back to the natural force in its neutral state.

Elemental Conversion!

Ye Zi could no longer hold back her astonishment and gasped. She had only heard of such ability in great tales.

"Who… who are you? Only the Divine Master has the ability to convert element attributes." Charles asked while shaking his head in denial.

"He is the only person who has defeated Michaux Odin. Save your breath. No one is going to save you today." Duo Lun shouted in anger.

The man whom he only heard about in legends had been living right beside him all this while.

Out of sheer fright, Charles threw the dagger at Wang Tong, but it thudded onto the ground along with his hand.

With a swell of soft whir, a dozen or so golden wheels charged at Charles.

When Tan Bu finally woke up, he saw Wang Tong, Ye Zi, and Duo Lun standing right side him; he heaved a sigh of relief.

Wang Tong had used his soul essence to expel the poison inside Tan Bu's system and saved his life.

"Am I lucky or what? With such luck, I am deemed to enter the legendary level!" Tan Bu said with a smug smile.

"You are alive not because you are lucky, but thanks to Wang Tong." Duo Lun helped Tan Bu to sit up.

"Where is our enemy?" Tan Bu asked.

"He is in many different pieces. Which piece are you talking about?" Wang Tong said coldly.

"Ah-ha! He got what he deserved! What a prick! No one save any strangers from now on, please!"

"Sorry, it's all my fault." Duo Lun blamed himself.

"You have done nothing wrong, Duo Lun. We just need to be careful. It is a tumultuous time, and we can't easily trust anyone." Wang Tong remarked.

Both Duo Lun and Tan Bu smiled and nodded.

"It sounds like we might have a tough nut to crack in Jade City. I have heard of many unsavory deeds of Sanders. But, Michaux couldn't easily discipline him because of his excellent combat abilities. What is our plan?" Ye Zi asked.

Wang Tong was undeterred by the warning. "We will carry out our task. Even if we can't get help from the Divine Mastery Sect, we can at least enlist some talents from amongst the mercenaries. Plus, if the Divine Mastery Sect was really corrupted as you said, I don't mind helping Michaux instill some discipline into his men. "

Duo Lun and Tan Bu exchanged an admiring glance. However, Ye Zi was not sure what to think of Wang Tong's words. She didn't want a major conflict between Wang Tong and the Sect.

Seeing that Tan Bu had regained consciousness, Duo Lun pressed his mouth close to his ear and uttered a few words.

"Are you sure?"

"Ye Zi was there too. He said it himself. Haha!" Duo Lun laughed broadly.

"Duo Lun, we have struck lucky and met our savior. We need to work hard and pay him back for what he has done for us."

"Of course! And, we will make a name for ourselves as well. You too, Ye Zi. You need to make a decision between Boss and your Sect." Duo Lun announced.

Tan Bu struggled to his feet and pressed on, "Ye Zi, sorry for being so blunt, but please don't pass up this opportunity. Follow boss so that you will have no regrets in your life."

Chapter 517: Enter the City

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Let me think about it." Ye Zi answered, as she needed time to weight her options. She wouldn't have given the question a second thought if Wang Tong was only a legendary level warrior. However, he was beyond legendary; he was a god.

Every field medic that got sent out of the Divine Mastery Sect was told to serve the host faction with a full heart. However, most field medics refused to sever the ties with the Sect, and therefore, it was difficult for them to become truly loyal to their team. Ye Zi was an exception; after having gone through the difficult time with Battle Wolf, she and the band had developed a special bond. Not only did she genuinely feel that she was part of the band, but her feeling could be considered even stronger than that of the original band members, such as Hamir.

Wang Tong came back to the camp after some time and saw the rueful expression on Ye Zi's face, so he asked.

"What did you guys do to her?"

"Nothing, boss." Duo Lun answered with a reluctant smile.

"It was not me anyway." Tan Bu murmured.

"Buzz off! Did you just throw me under the bus?" Duo Lun refuted. If Tan Bu was not injured, he would have kicked his a*s.

Ye Zi was still engrossed in her thoughts. She thought about Michaux, and the time she had spent with Battle Wolf; the latter seemed much more lurid than the face of the young master. She knew that if she chose to be loyal to the Sect, she would regret it later.

Duo Lun explained what had happened, and Wang Tong nodded. He had anticipated Ye Zi to arrive at this moment. He conceded that even if he had never appeared in Battle Wolf, she would still have to make a choice between Michaux and Guan Dongyang. If Ye Zi stayed, she would play one of the most pivotal roles in Battle Wolf.

Wang Tong trusted Ye Zi's judgment. So, he didn't try and persuade her to think one way or another.

The three waited patiently for a while until Ye Zi finally stood up and walked to them with a solemn face.

"As a Martian, I cannot defy the Sect. Plus, I have learned everything from the Sect."

Duo Lun and Tan Bu's hearts sank, thinking that Ye Zi was going to leave them because of the pressure.

"However, the goal of the Sect was to help everyone on Mars. Therefore, I will stay with you guys and continue to save your hides." Ye Zi announced with a mischievous smile.

Hearing this, Duo Lun and Tan Bu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ye Zi, don't do this again. Finish your words in one sentence, please! You scared me!" Tan Bu lamented.

"Good! Be scared, you rascal!"

"Yes, yes... Tan Bu, you are a little rascal. How dare you pressure our goddess Ye so hard? " Duo Lun chimed in and threw his best friend under the bus like he had done to him earlier. His words made everyone chuckle.

"Welcome aboard, Ye Zi." Wang Tong reached out his hand for a handshake.

The warmth in Wang Tong's palm felt comfortable in Ye Zi's hand.

Wang Tong was delighted by the development. With Ye Zi on their side, things would be much easier once they entered Jade City. Wang Tong was convinced that the Divine Mastery sect, however powerful it was, would never become the dominating power on Mars. The culprit for the Sect's downfall was none other than their young master, Michaux.

Although Michaux was hands down one of the best fighters and the most benevolent leader Wang Tong had ever seen, the world had never been kind to nice people such as Michaux, much less if he were a leader.

Michaux had always been obsessed with the cultivation of the divine way. However, the circumstances forced him to focus on the war. The hasty swelling of the Sect's ranks, albeit necessary, had significantly tarnished their reputation. Wang Tong doubted that the young master would ever know about the crimes his new additions had committed.

To put it simply, he was not good at managing people.

Wang Tong, on the other hand, had grown up from the ghettos and had seen all sorts of sordid businesses. He knew the thoughts of the people at the bottom of the totem pole better than any leader would.

Wang Tong wagered that Charles was not the only case of corruption in the Sect.

After a few Zerg encounters, Wang Tong and his entourage finally reached the Jade City. Duo Lun and Tan Bu had driven the Zergs away with ease despite the latter's injuries.

When they reached the city gate, they felt that they had finally reached civilization. The gate was big and heavy, and was guarded by many soldiers. It was estimated that there were over a hundred thousand soldiers stationed inside the city. The deep ranks combined with the wide and tall city walls quickly taught Zergs a lesson about human defense.

Although the Zergs had an advantage in number, their siege ability was crippled at the beginning of their invasion. However, ever since the dark ones were introduced into the battlefield, their learned ability started to shine, and the Zergs were finally able to breach a well-fortified city wall. As human settlements fell one after another, the humans also changed their strategy from defense to offense. They were thus able to revert the crisis and drag their imminent extinction into a stalemate.

By the law of the city, anyone who passed through the city would be questioned about their loyalty to the city and the human race. It was not uncommon for individuals to turn themselves into the enemy and work for them as spies. However, thanks to Ye Zi's connection with the Sect, the four were let into the City without any questioning.

Despite the bustling streets, the war had left its mark at every turn of the streets. The city had been taken over by the Zergs, and its dark history was brazenly visible in the piles of rubble and on the blood-stained pavement. It was only recently that the dark ones started to preserve the human architecture within the cities they occupied.

"I haven't seen so many people in a long while! It makes me feel more like a human than an animal."

"Hehe! Things are expensive though! If not for Ye Zi, we might not even be able to afford the entrance fee at the gate."

"So, not just anyone can live in the city?" Wang Tong asked.

"Of course not! The population of the city is tightly controlled and monitored, and only those deemed valuable to the city are allowed to stay. I, at best, could be a temporary laborer in the city."

"Not a laborer, a slave." Tan Bu put in.

Wang Tong glanced at Ye Zi for a confirmation, and the latter nodded.

"Although this is against the teachings of the Divine Master, Michaux can't do much about it. The leaders are not altruistic sect commissioners… they are warlords."

It was apparent that some people were reveling in the time of chaos, enjoying their life to the full extent at the expense of others' suffering.

"Duo Lun, you can help Tan Bu with selling our goods."

"We are not meeting Sanders today?"

"There's no hurry."

"Okay! I will contact my friends in the city." Ye Zi said.

"Sounds good! Let's meet here in two hours."

After everyone was gone, Wang Tong summoned charcoal.

"What is the city's defense level?"

Charcoal's screen flashed, and then it announced, "Level B."

hapter 518: Divine Hostel

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"That is not low. It seems like only the powerful ones had a chance of surviving the Zerg invasion." Wang Tong murmured.

He conceded that there were many things he needed to do. Not only did he need to worry about fending off the Zerg attacks, but he also wanted to find out the real motivation behind the Zergs' inactivity of late.

Wang Tong knew the Zergs temperament well, so he found it hard pressed to believe that they would leave the Jade city alone and give up the aggression.

Something was amiss; it was as if the Zergs had purposefully preserved human life for some perverted intent.

Wang Tong could not find an answer to his questions, but he knew it was important to figure it out.

Charcoal walked alongside Wang Tong like a trusty companion. It was not uncommon to be accompanied by a personal robot, but no robot was as antiquated as Charcoal. Although only the rich people had the money to buy personal robots, a safe city never lacked rich people.

Meanwhile, inside a city shrouded by a dark cloud, the Dark Lord held a glass full of blood. Patroclus liked the taste of fine wines, but Moye preferred real human blood.

"What are Patroclus' men doing?"

"They have been quiet. I think they are looking for something."

"How dare he! This is my turf, and I want him to know it. Don't alert them yet, but follow them as close as possible."

"My lord, are we still going to carry out our plan?"

Moye was a dark one, meaning that he had never been a human. There were still reminiscences of his Zerg origin; however, that didn't affect his almost perfect face.

"Of course, we are. "

"We don't care about the presence of Patroclus' men?"

"No!" Moye refuted, his voice booming in the hall.

The rest of the dark ones dropped to their knees with heads lowered. Moye twirled the cup in his hand and roiled the blood slowly. "Patroclus has chosen his own path, and it is not the Zerg way. Never should we question the decision of our Mother Queen. Plus, I want to see how my beloved children will fare in a real-world mission. I have spent a lot of resources on them."

"Yes, my lord. The first generation is about to hatch; the mission will be a good test for them."

"Hehe… There are rewards along with risks. Make sure we keep track of their performance."

"Yes, my lord."

"Our human researchers are a bunch of turn-cloaks. Make sure they remember who they work for."

"Yes, master. I will discipline whoever dares to undermine your authority." The high ranking dark one replied.

Somewhere deep in the dark castle, a giant egg shone a with light passing through its translucent membrane. The membrane undulated as something inside struggled to break free.

After Wang Tong and the other three met again, they looked for a place to spend the night. They quickly decided on a hostel for traveling Sect members as they found out how expensive the normal hotels were.

Since Ye Zi was a member of the sect, she could stay at the hostel for free. This was only one of the many reasons that drove people to join the Sect.

"Boss, we have looked around all the weapon shops. Their offer for our equipment was pathetic. We might as well sell to Blizzard. "

"That's true, and we also need to pay taxes."

"That's fine. We can't count on it to get rich. We will try the auction later; maybe we can get a better price there." Wang Tong said and then nodded. Every city had its black market, where anything could be exchanged for money.

"It's true that we are likely to get a better price on the black market, but it's also risky. Anything can happen there." Ye Zi was concerned.

"Hehe… Worry not Ye Zi! You seem to have forgotten who our boss is." Tan Bu said.

Ye Zi grinned; she knew he was right.

"What about your contacts, Ye Zi?"

"I have met a few of my friends, and they told me that one of the four chief field medics, sister Xiao Yuyu, was going to visit the city tomorrow. So, I think we won't be able to meet Sanders anytime soon."

Even as a Sect member, it would be difficult for Ye Zi to meet the city lord anytime she wanted to, particularly when there was going to be an important guest visiting the city.

"Chief Field Medic? What kind of job is that?"

"Our ranking system is pretty straightforward. Susu is the head medic, and is assisted by the four chief medics. Under the chiefs are a hundred or so normal field medics like me, as well as countless trainees."

"Oh? So, you are just one step away from being the chief? Awesome!" Wang Tong exclaimed.

Ye Zi blushed and then waved her hands. "No, I am just a lowly field medic. The four chiefs are at least level eighteen."

"That's nothing, Ye Zi. I guarantee you that with my help, you will be able to reach level eighteen in half a year!" Wang Tong announced.

"Are you ...serious?" Ye Zi felt her heart skip a beat.

"Since when did I lie to you? Do you know this Xiao Yuyu? Perhaps we should talk to her too." Wang Tong asked.

Although Wang Tong had never met Sanders before, the encounter with his nephew did not bode well for the business negotiation. Wang Tong did not fear any retribution, but he knew it would be hard to do business with someone who resented him. In a nutshell, he needed to find another business partner.

"Yes, I do, but I don't think she even knows of me."

Ye Zi said and then lowered her head, feeling ashamed for her uselessness and powerlessness. However, none of the three males had picked up the cue, as, like most men, they were insensitive to women's subtle feelings.

"Boss, why don't you charm this Xiao Yuyu and make her join Battle Wolf."

"You have my backing, boss!"

"Who do you think I am? Michaux is going to kill me if I steal one of his best so blatantly." Wang Tong refuted.

The other two young soldiers smiled at him with a great measure of levity. As long as they were with Wang Tong, they didn't feel the need to fear and respect the powerful.

Inside the hostel, the members of the Divine Mastery Sect could be seen in two types of outfits: one was a robe-like dress, and the other was a gym suit.

Ye Zi was in one of those robes; she changed into her Sect outfit as soon as she entered the city to blend in. Due to her relatively high rank in the Sect, the four enjoyed better than normal services.