541 - 550

Chapter 541: All Big Things Have Small Beginnings

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Soon, the Zergs' bodies piled around outside the manufacturing facility. The Battle Wolf's defense was impenetrable, with the METAL warriors at the front forming an iron shield, while the mastery warriors dished out damage to the Zergs from the back.

Battle Wolf's mastery casters were well equipped, powerful warriors. Every mastery caster had an energy crystal from which they could draw energy and rain destruction on the Zergs.

The Zergs attacked the humans relentlessly and didn't give them any time to rest. Waves after waves of Zergs rushed onto the piles of dead bodies, only to be immediately killed at the top of the hill, adding another few inches to the pile. The attacks lasted until midnight, after which, there was not even one Zerg left in the City.

The warriors and casters were so exhausted that they found it difficult even to lift their arms. However, the battle had not ended yet, as the bulk of the Zerg army was on their way.

"Clean the battlefield, rest in rotations. Keep your guns loaded!" Yin Tianzong took upon himself to become the leader of Battle Wolf, since he had the most experience in dealing with the Zergs.

Seeing the piles of dead Zergs, Lie Xuan's stomach churned. The facility had turned into a slaughterhouse. Leveraging the terrain's advantage, the METAL warriors could block the incoming Zergs while the Mastery casters annihilated the majority of the wave with AOE spells. The METAL warriors would then quickly kill the remainder of the gravely injured Zergs. Battle Wolf worked as an efficient line in a Zerg slaughterhouse.

The endurance of most warriors fell short after such exertion, except for Yin Tianzong. Most people started dozing off even while standing guard.

"Don't fall asleep! Start your tactics, NOW!"

Hearing Yin Tianzong's warning, many soldiers shook their heads, trying to shake away the sleepiness. If they fall asleep right then, they might not be able to wake up when the Zergs came again.

As the soldiers recuperated, Yin Tianzong flew into the air and surveyed the surrounding area. He noticed many humans emerging out of the thicket around the city. These had been the Zergs' servants, and they had fled the city the moment Battle Wolf started attacking. Hearing the commotion in the city subside, they moved out of the forest, wanting to see what had happened to the city and the Zergs.

"We are free! We are FREE! Everyone, the Zergs are gone… The dark ones are all killed!" Someone shouted in excitement.

Suddenly, from the shadows of collapsed walls and locked underground cellars, a few thousand Zerg captives emerged in the streets. It was evident that many people were not able to flee the war, and had been hiding all this while.

"Thank you, warrior! Thank…" An elderly survivor walked to Xiao Yuyu, but then quickly fainted out of sheer joy.

"Everyone, listen up! They Zerg Army is on its way to the city. If you want to live, help us clear things up and build up the defense." Vorenus announced.

"This is the Chief Medic of the Divine Mastery sect. We must unite together when the Zergs came!"

"Let's do it! I have had enough of the Zergs!" Someone piped up.

"Yea! Let's kill them all!" The crowd was quickly sizzling with anger and indignation, but the din was laced with murmurs of doubts.

Yin Tianzong landed right in the middle of the citizens. His legendary armor and stately composure lent the crowd confidence, and convinced them to fight together with the warriors. As they started to clear the battlefield, the soldiers could finally get some rest.

"What did you say? Has Battle Wolf attacked the Maersa city? Haha! That is the funniest thing I have heard this year. Did Guan Dongyang take the city for a little settlement?" Marcos was amused by Guan Dongyang's adolescent act.

"But…captain… the report said that they have just sacked the city…" Randolph said as he shuffled his feet on the ground hesitantly. He was also taken aback by the surprising news when he first heard of it. But, he conceded that it was not fake after he saw the images on Skynet.

"Captain, a large number of Zergs are headed our way. Our camp is on their way back to the city. Some dark ones have already passed us; they didn't seem to be interested in us. Should we attack? "

"Balls! Of course! What are you waiting for?" Marcos shouted.

"Captain, we…"

"It's no time for petty feuds. Guan Dongyang will have my support as long as he is after the Zergs. But, are you sure Guan Dongyang has sacked the city?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Captain, I have heard that Battle Wolf had purchased a lot of dynamite,, and they used it against the Zergs that were besieging their camp. What should we do?"

"Use our heavy METAL. Don't let the Zergs sneak away."

"Boss, what should we do?" The Flame Squad also received the elating news of Guan Dongyang's victory.

"Move all our forces out to reinforce Maersa. The resistance along the Zergs' way won't be able to stop them. Guan Dongyang will need help."

"Yea! Move out!"

"Let's kill some bugs! "

Soon, all the resistance factions followed suit and joined Battle Wolf's side. Battle Wolf's one daring initiative had ignited the will to fight back in all soldier's hearts, regardless of their faction.

Despite the constant infighting among the factions, everyone hated the Zergs. The combined strength of the local factions had grown to a considerable size, and all they needed was a leader.

"What did you say? Battle Wolf has sacked Maersa?"

"Yes, the Zerg forces that went to Battle Wolf's camp are retreating. All factions are on the move to run down the fleeting Zergs."

"Well, what are we doing here then? Move out!"

"Boss, the Zergs are still strong right now. They were going to lose their home, so they fought with extra ferociousness."

"Buzz off! Maersa is OUR home, not the Zergs'! Although we are a small team, we are not cowards!" The leader of Iron Tooth shouted. Iron Tooth was not alone, as all the factions, small or large, had rushed out of their camps to intercept the Zergs.

All human forces were finally united under one common goal once again.

Although the resistance factions were able to slow down the movement of the primitive Zergs, the dark ones were able to pass through the human blockades with ease.

Although Kun and other dark ones were injured by the sudden explosion to various degrees, their tenacious body had granted them incredible healing abilities. Kun had to get back to his city. The struggle between Moye and Patroclus had reached its crux, and he could not afford to make such a mistake during this sensitive time. Anger roiled inside Kun as he lamented that he should not have listened to Turbolix and underestimated the strength of Wang Tong. If he failed to capture Wang Tong and allowed the human force to take Maersa, he might as well be dead.

As an intelligent creature, unlike their primitive counterparts, dark ones feared death as much as humans would.

Inside Maersa City, all soldiers were on high alert. They knew the Zergs were coming back, so they waited patiently. Thanks to the leadership of the legendary warrior, Yin Tianzong, the soldiers were confident that they would prevail.

Chapter 542: Zergs At The Doorstep

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

None of the soldiers on Ross' team were afraid of dying on the battlefield, and had prepared themselves for the ultimate sacrifice. Many soldiers and warriors had done so before them to save the last bit of hope for humanity, and now, they knew that it was their time.

Fear was just a passing thought on the minds of Lun Duo and his comrades. These soldiers were heroes who were ready for risking their lives for the freedom of others. Maersa District needed them, and so did Mars.

Yin Tainzong didn't let the others doubt his credibility as the branch leader of the Divine Master Sect, quickly arranging roles for one thousand or so civilians inside the wall to prepare for the war. Some of them were drafted as reserves for the coming battle, and others took up the role of caretakers for the wounded and assistants to the field medics. The rare ones who were too squeamish to witness the imminent brutality were allowed to pack up and retreat deeper behind the front line.

"I hope everything is OK with Wang Tong." Guan Dongyang looked concerned. Despite the motherload of explosives that Wang Tong had prepared for the Zergs, it was no joke if his plan failed. Being surrounded by swarms of high-level Zergs spelled dome for even legendary level warriors.

"Fret not! The young master would never walk into such a situation unprepared. " Yin Tianzong's voice was calm and confident. However, a twitch of his lip betrayed his stress that was otherwise so perfectly hidden. After all, Wang Tong was the only hope left for all humans, and a lot was at stake on his success.

After a while, silence crept into the fields just outside the camp. The tired soldiers took advantage of the precious reprieve for taking much-needed naps, while those who were less tired started to meditate and cultivate their tactics.

Although they had warded off the attacks of the Zergs, it had been a costly victory. The men and women who survived the first battle did not find it in themselves to celebrate. More Zergs were on their way, and the soldiers needed rest.

"It is us whom you need to worry about." Ye Zi announced. "Other than Yin Tianzong and Vorenus, we have lost all the high-level warriors amongst us." She added.

Everyone knew that the key to their next survival lied in four warriors: Vorenus, Yin Tianzong, Xiao Yuyu, and Guan Dongyang. Without them, the entire group would be doomed.

As the field medic, Xiao Yuyu could have stayed behind the front line. However, her recent ascent to the legendary level had lent her confidence. That being said, she was not entirely sold on the second battle while being severely outnumbered. However, she never forgot about the oath she swore when she took up the cloak of a field medic. She couldn't leave the wounded on the battlefield unattended; it was her sworn duty.

Clearly, the strength of the Divine Mastery Sect did not entirely lay in their young master, but in the unswerving faith of its followers as well.

It wasn't before long the Battle Wolf received messages over the skynet, informing the defenders about the movement of the Zerg armies in the Maersa District. The resistance forces outside the city were on the move, nibbling at the heels of the Zergs' marching column, harassing them but unable to cause any real damage.

The earth started to tremble before the dawn break.

"Sh*t! They are here!" Ross sprung to his feet; his booming voice wrenched the soldiers' sleeping minds out of their dreams.

"Weapons ready!"

The campground outside the city was suddenly lit up by beams of white spotlights. Soldiers took up their assigned posts before giving each other a few knowing glances.

"They are here… It's the vanguard. There are dark ones among their ranks." Yin Tianzong broke the silence.

As the earth trembled more violently, people on the city wall started to see the outline of the Zerg army on the horizon, where the tip of the rising sun was eclipsed by rolling hills.

Ross saw his enemy and roared, agitated and eager to fight. "Brothers and sisters, this is your moment! Kill every single one of them!"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone knew that as soon as the Zergs crossed the line of defense, the mastery casters, which made up the bulk of the humans' offensive force would be unable to inflict any meaningful damage to the enemy.

The forest of concrete and cement, as well as the twisted alleyways, provided cover for the human defenders. In addition, since the Zergs had already made a home in this city, even the brutes in the Zerg army would tread carefully and try not to damage any of the structures which they used to call home. The Zergs' reservation had given the humans another edge while defending themselves.

After a while, Guan Dongyang and the mastery casters started to cast the spells. Hearing the chanting, the dark ones sent in their flying units; however, the sky was guarded by Yin Tianzong and Vorenus. Unable to best two of the best human fighters, the flying Zergs fell to the ground.

Holding the energy crystals in their hands, the mastery casters pronounced the magical words one word after another as they weaved a hybrid elemental spell using each and every syllable. They had been practicing this hybrid spell for months, and by now, they could cast this powerful spell even with their eyes closed. Only the original mastery casters from the Battle Wolf had partaken in the casting, and those casters from the Divine Mastery sect were ordered to stay put for now. Casting such a powerful spell required tremendous energy, and resting was necessary after each casting. The second team of casters would need to keep the pressure on the enemies during the first team's rest.

The front edge of the Zergs' formation was near, and behind them was a dark sea of monstrosities. A few dark ones were scattered around the roiling sea, their glinting eyes looking like the moonlight reflected off the sea waves.

The dawn-lit sky was brightened by a warm red glow, and in a blink, the red glow turned into flames, setting the sky on fire. The fire sucked the power out of the energy crystals as the latter dimmed. As the fire danced more violently, the sky started to spin. A second later, the dancing flames gathered together and formed a tornado which quickly grew in size and brightness. The mastery casters' eyes were lit up with anticipation and the promise to kill. There was no way back: this was the final battle!

The fire tornado wiggled its tail like a dragon, but it didn't lash out at its target; it was waiting for them to get closer.

Sweat started to form and trickle down Guan Dongyang's cheeks. The longer he held the spell, the more powerful it grew. At the same time, it got more and more taxing on the casters' system.

The Zergs were still not close enough, hence, Guan Dongyang gritted his teeth and swallowed down the pain while waiting.

When the frontline of the Zerg formation finally reached the defense line, Ross led his warriors out of their covers and engaged them. Not far from the heat of the battle, a column of the casters from the Divine Mastery Sect stood anxiously, waiting for orders. This was going to a long battle, and every soldier counted.

Guan Dongyang waited; he wouldn't unleash the spell until the Zergs' heavy artillery came within the range.

Finally, four Tank Zergs moved their massive bodies across the defensive line and started shooting deadly flames at the human soldiers.

Tornado Fire Drake!


Guan Dongyang finally unleashed the spell, causing the fire serpent to bear down on the dark sea of Zergs below it. The deadly flame melted the thick shells of the Tank Zergs almost instantly, not to speak of the lower tier Zergs.

The fire drake carved an ugly scar on the moving mass of Zergs and filled the air with the stench of charred meat and chitin. Seeing the powerful spell work, the human soldiers cheered in joy. However, the opening in the Zergs ranks was quickly filled by more of them.

"Formation!" Ross shouted.

The human soldiers tightened their formation and blocked the choke point, leaving only two small exposed sections to engage the attackers. Behind them, the mastery casters from the Sect were already busy at work. Xiao Yuyu had also replaced Guan Dongyang as the caster's captain while the latter recuperated his strength.

The human force had the advantage of terrain, but were outnumbered and outranked. Still, Yin Tainzong and Vorenus were in charge of taking out the dark ones. Leveraging the terrain advantage, the two warriors were able to fend off the attacks of a dozen dark ones at the same time.

Every minute or so, Guan Dongyang would send a dark one to its maker along with an ear-piercing shriek. Not only was he a legendary level warrior, but also a veteran who had survived many wars. Therefore, he was much more powerful than a normal level twenty-one legendary warrior.

The human warriors stood their ground firmly while the Zergs kept on pouring through the choke point. Many of these warriors were survivors of the horror during the Zerg occupation of the city, and therefore, they fought with vindictiveness and courage that were unseen before.

After all, they would rather die while fighting than becoming the Zergs' slaves again.

Chapter 543: Unstoppable

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

As the battle drew out, the soldiers started to show signs of exhaustion. Although the Zergs had sustained heavy casualties, their corpses piled up at the choke point, forming an access bridge that threatened the defenders. After some time, even Vorenus and the Templar warriors started to slow down. However mighty they were, their vigor and endurance were limited. Meanwhile, the soldiers from the Battle Wolf were on the verge of collapsing. However, they didn't waver and formed a wall using their bodies to protect the casters behind them.

The casters were in no better shape. Despite the help from the Divine Light spell, the casters had overspent their energy on four hybrid elemental spells. As fatigue crept into their system, hallucinations and delusions followed suit. As the leader of the casters, Guan Dongyang's consumption of energy was the most severe of them all, and he knew that he was close to his limits.

The field medics ran around the camp behind the front line, tiredness and stress written all over their pale faces. They were the best of the best as field medics; however, treating wounds at such a magnitude was nothing like what they were used to. That being said, under the leadership of Xiao Yuyu, the sect medics had saved many lives. Without their help, at least half of the wounded warriors would have died.

If Yin Tianzong were tired, he didn't wear it on his face. Vorenus admired his state of calmness, which was the sign of a true legendary veteran. The Zergs followed their codes strictly and pursued the strongest human warrior on the battlefield as the priority target. Therefore, Yin Tianzong had fought with more Zergs than all the other warriors combined. At the center of the Zergs' attention, he soaked up most of the damage for the rest of the human warriors.

But, no matter how powerful Yin Tianzong was, Vorenus knew that they all would not last until the next dawn.

"Medics of the Divine Mastery Sect, listen to my words! This is the moment of life and death. Let us die in the name of the Divine Way and lift our soul up to join our Divine Master. It is a good day to die! FOR HONOR" Xiao Yuyu shouted at the top of her lungs and led her fellow medics to the front line. There was no point in healing the wounded if the camp was over overwhelmed.

Lun Duo, Tan Bu, and Ross were the only few who were still struggling to push the Zergs back, while the rest of their teammates were cornered, fumbling to defend themselves.

A few mastery casters rushed to the front line to save a group of soldiers from the Zerg. They threw ice spears at the Zergs one after another, but how much more energy did they still have left in them?

Following Xiao Yuyu, Ye Zi also charged into the battle. She had exhausted her soul energy on healing soldiers, but still didn't hesitate when she heard the Chief Medic's calling.

The Divine Mastery Sect had always been the protector of the humans on Mars even since its conception. It was more than their duty as sect members to fight for Mars; it was their dogma. To ignore the calling was apostasy.

'Ice Spear Blizzard!'

As soon as Xiao Yuyu arrived at the battlefield, she unleashed a level nineteen mastery spell. As a hundred or so ice spears shot out from around her, color and life drained from her face. The spell killed many Zergs, but it caused merely a ripple in the sea of darkness.

Seeing the human soldiers being overwhelmed, Yin Tianzong let out a sigh of resignation. 'This is it.' He thought, 'This is the day for me to die.'

"Warriors of the Templars…Follow me! Charge!"

Before Yin Tianzong's voice faded, the longsword in his hand split into two as the veteran wielded them in one hand each. This would be the last charge of the battle, and the last charge of his life.

The dark one had sensed the incoming attack and unleashed the Kamikaze Zergs. While Yin Tianzong was busy dodging the suicide bombs, a dark shadow landed behind him. It was the Zerg lord, Kun; he had decided that it was finally the time to show himself.

Once he had done away with this level twenty-one human soldier, the rest of the human force would not last long.

Even when his life was hanging on by a thread, Yin Tianzong didn't lose his composure and acted with a great measure of assuredness. He turned around swiftly like a panther and attacked Kun with a backhanded sweep of his blade while he was still in the air.


The attack hit home and made Kun stagger. However, as soon as Yin Tianzong landed on the ground, the Zergs swarmed at him without giving him much time to gather himself.

Sensing their leader being in grave danger, the templar warriors rushed to save him. By this time, Kun had also regained balance, charging at the Templars.

"You shall not pass… BREAK!"

A booming voice rippled across the city, every syllable containing a god-like power. The sound carried a magic that slowed everyone's movements as if the time itself had stopped to listen to his words.

Kun's bone dagger was only a few inches away from Yin Tianzong's spine, inching toward its target at a snail's pace.

A figure appeared above Kun and kicked the bone dagger to a side. Kun was a level twenty-one dark one, and therefore, he was the only one who could still move while under the influence of the time-slowing spell. Yin Tianzong, on the other hand, was slowed down by the fatigue and injuries.

Kun gathered himself and expanded his wings. The crystals embedded in his body let out bright lights, trying to penetrate the grip of the spell. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the person who had cast the spell, and a bone dagger appeared in his hand ut nowhere.

With that, Kun attacked back, but he was too slow; the dagger had missed its target. And now, he saw Wang Tong's hand coming for his neck. He panicked and shapeshifted into a dozen configurations in an instant. Failing to escape the spell, he started to smell something in the air—his death.

Wang Tong grabbed Kun's head and twisted. The dying howl of the latter was unpleasantly loud and penetrating. The reverberations shocked the ground once, and then it was over.

Wang Tong had returned!

Despite the pesky harassment from the Zergs on his way to the City of Maersa, he had made it just in time to save the day.


A firewall drew a line near the choke point, separating the humans from the Zergs. The death of the Zerg leader had sent the Zerg force into a panic and disarray.

In the past, before the time of the dark ones, the death of the Zerg leader was a death sentence for the entire Zerg army. However, the dark ones were intelligent creatures who were capable of placating their panicking subordinates.

All this while, the dark ones wondered who Wang Tong was.

Zergs were not alone in their confusion as soldiers who fought alongside Wang Tong a few months ago were also at a loss. Of course, the Templars knew Wang Tong's name, but they didn't know what he really meant to the world. Not even Yin Tianzong had grasped half of the meaning of Wang Tong's existence.

When the human soldiers had retreated to safety, the firewall finally disappeared. A set of golden discs appeared in Wang Tong's hand. It was a familiar sight to the warriors of Battle Wolf, as they were the same discs that had destroyed Thunder Fire's heavy METAL squad. Little did they know that it was not a weapon like they had suspected, but Wang Tong's combat technique: Golden Disc Saw.

As the two golden discs charged into the mass of Zergs, it sliced through their chitin plates like butter. Wherever the discs land, death followed.

While the two golden discs wreak havoc behind enemy lines, Wang Tong landed on the ground and led his comrades into a triumphant charge.

"Did I miss anything?" Wang Tong smiled at Yin Tianzong.

"You were just in time!" Yin Tianzong smiled back as he clenched his blade. The tide of the battle had turned.

"Just a little longer. After this is done, we will celebrate in our city!" Wang Tong beamed from side to side.

Sensing the promise of victory, Lun Duo and Tan Bu pushed themselves to their feet and followed Wang Tong.

"Wang Tong…Wang…Tong…WANG TONG!" Xiao Yuyu repeated Wang Tong's name in her mind until realization finally dawned upon her.

"Wasn't he dead?" Xiao Yuyu was shocked by her realization. Her mind still denied it, but her heart knew the truth all this while.

Who else, other than THE Wang Tong, could be able to bring Guan Dongyang under his control? After all, he was the only person who had defeated Patroclus…He was humanity's only hope.

Wang Tong folded his hands, and an incredible scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes. His body started to look blurry, and then it was split into two, then four, and then eight.

The eight copies of Wang Tong stood in a row, looking exactly the same; no one could tell the real Wang Tong from his copies.

The eight Wang Tongs all held a glowing white ball each in their hands. Within each ball were dark roiling clouds that were lit up by the flashes of strobing lightning that were eclipsed by the thunderclouds. The balls were increasing in size and brightness; when they reached half meters in diameter, blinding ray of lights shot out of each of them.

The lights simply melted the Zergs in front of them. When everyone thought that it was the end of the spell, they heard a blaring explosion as the beams of light dispersed into hundreds of smaller lightning bolts, spreading in all directions and killing hundreds of Zergs in just one zap. Chaos fell amidst the Zergs as they trampled over each other while trying to get out of harm's way.


The seven copies of Wang Tong finally disappeared, and a golden spear appeared in his hands.

It was the Lance of Einherjar!

Chapter 544: The Brave Victory

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Amidst the golden light emitted by the lance, the soldiers found a new strength and courage; and with that, they charged out of their covers toward their enemies.

At the front of the line was Wang Tong, Yin Tianzong, Vorenus, Guan Dongyang, and Xiao Yuyu, plunging deep into the Zergs like spearheads. Under Wang Tong's protection, the warriors lashed out at the Zergs, unloading their vindictiveness and hatred. On the other side, the Zergs panicked and scattered, only to be trampled by their own kind.

Even as the Zergs pulled out of the city, new battle cries rang from outside the city wall—the Flame Squad had arrived. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The entire Zerg army, including the dark ones and their primitive cousins, fell into a disarray and fled. The Flame Squad was praised for its ferociousness during battle. They dove headlong into the retreating band of Zergs and started killing.

As more dark ones followed Kun's footstep to the underworld, the Zerg army crumble in an instant. The Zerg reinforcement never arrived as they were tied up in the battle with the human resistance on their way to the city.

When the sun finally reached its zenith, the humans had retaken the city of Maersa. As the last group of Zergs retreated into the woods, everyone was too exhausted to chase after them; they simply watched them run away in disarray.

With their remaining strength, the soldiers and the civilians cheered. They had done the impossible and liberated the city of Maersa.

Wang Tong spotted the back of the last dark one and threw his spear to kill it instantly. When the Einherjar Lance flew itself back into his hand, everyone cheered in a frenzy. The humans had finally found the leader who could lead them out of their misery.

The soldiers of Battle Wolf were overspent and needed immediate rest, so it was up to the Flame Squad to clean up the battlefield. The scene on the battlefield reflected the most brutal battle that mankind had ever fought. However, it didn't scare Bu Zhihuo, who was prepared to die on the battlefield with Battle Wolf. Wang Tong was convinced that not all resistance groups were full of cravens when he searched for brave warriors, and he finally found what he was looking for in Bu Zhihuo and his band.

However dangerous this operation sounded, Wang Tong would never blindly send his friends to their deaths. He had calculated the odds over and over again, weighing his options and meticulously planning every single detail of the operation.

A calm sea would never develop good sailors; a little bit of struggle and discomfort would help to toughen up the human forces. After the battle, everyone felt that they had learned something significant from their struggle.

The news of victory spread quickly all over the district. It was exciting news to everyone on mars, regardless of their history with Battle Wolf.

Marcos was a shrewd tactician; while Battle Wolf was risking their lives inside the city, he and his soldiers watched the battle unfold. Only when he sensed the promise of victory did he order his soldiers to charge at the fleeing Zergs.

When the news of the victory finally reached him, he felt a mixture of admiration and jealousy. He never thought that Wang Tong and Guan Dongyang would make it, yet they had proven him wrong again.

"Haha! These guys are the toughest SOBs I have ever met!" Aamir slammed the commander's desk with a heavy fist.

"Touché! Who would have thought that they could have done the impossible! Well done, Guan Dongyang!" Hans said with glee.

"Haha! Hans, I don't think it has anything to do with Guan Dongyang. It must be Wang Tong!"

"Wang Tong? Oh… Isn't he…" At that moment, Han suddenly remembered something, an old name that had been long forgotten by the people.

"It has to be him! Who else could bring Guan Dongyang and Yin Tianzong under his command?"

"No wonder the Divine Mastery Sect had sent their chief medic to assist him. Isn't Yin Tianzong the branch leader of the Templars?"

"I am not sure if he is the leader, but he and his warriors were definitely related to the Court. Also, I don't think that Xiao Yuyu joined Wang Tong with the knowledge of his real identity. That being said, she must have realized it by now as well."

"Wang Tong's reputation will definitely help him on Earth, but I am not sure if Martians will react the same as the earthlings will."

"Come on! There has to be a reason that made him choose Mars. I think we need to get on board with whatever he is up to."

"Are you suggesting an alliance with Battle Wolf?"

"Why not? We are after the same goal. But, we have to tread carefully. Wang Tong is not the only person who has an agenda" Aamir said.

Wang Tong had been keeping his head low until now. His real identity explained Marcos' series of crushing defeat at the hands of Battle Wolf.

But, no matter how powerful Wang Tong was, his own strength was no match for the might of House Lie. Nonetheless, he had made a good start by taking control of the city of Maersa.

When the Zergs retreated, the Pamir Eagle didn't miss the opportunity of picking off the frightened Zergs. After the battle, Pamir and his soldiers started cleaning the battlefield. With expert eyes, many treasures could be found amongst the dead bodies of the Zergs. The Tank Zergs, for example, held a flame core inside their bodies. It was highly sought after by the mastery casters as the ingredients for making energy crystals. Even the most primitive Zergs had something to offer with their dead corpses, as their thick chitin provided excellent material for making armors.

Pamir was not at all optimistic about Battle Wolf's crazy operation in the beginning. He thought that the whole thing was an act of reckless improvisation which would definitely fail in the end. He felt that the addition of a few level twenty-one soldiers had lent too much confidence to Battle Wolf. Pamir often cautioned himself to never put too much faith in just one or two powerful fighters and ignore the rest of the crew. Once the elite soldiers were eliminated, which they very often were, the entire army would quickly fall apart.

Pamir was a firm believer of his own ways, so when the news of Battle Wolf's victory reached him, he was speechless. The Battle Wolf's first occupation of the defenseless city was not a surprise to him, but the biggest shock came when the messenger told him that Guan Dongyang intended to make a camp in the city and defend it. He thought that it would be the last time he heard from Guan Dongyang. It was a shame to lose such a talented warrior, but he had to pay for his recklessness. Pamir was convinced that the vanguard of the Zerg army alone would be able to overwhelm the Battle Wolf, regardless of the help of a level twenty-one veteran.

As he was ready to moan over the loss of the human resistance, he was told that Battle Wolf had won the battle. This was the first time that Pamir ever doubted his own judgment.

The news quickly spread to the nearby cities. Like everyone else, Sanders was stunned by the result. After he had gathered himself, it finally occurred to him that he had gained the most powerful frenemy of his life. Knowing that the Sect's chief Medic had partaken in the battle, Sander wondered if Battle Wolf was affiliated with the Sect, and Guan Dongyang was groomed by the sect to replace him. Enemy or not, Sanders thought that he had to extend an olive branch to the rising star nonetheless.

Although Syracuse was only a businessman, Battle Wolf's victory had benefited him greatly. Without a human foothold within the district, it was difficult for even the most cunning businessman to travel safely. It was sufficient to say that the liberation of Maersa City had opened many doors for Syracuse in the district. ( Updated by NovelFull.Com)

When Syracuse first heard of the news, he thought that the messenger was telling him some fairy tale. As long as he had been a businessman, never once had he heard of a small war band that was able to win a city from the Zergs. After much investigation, the elements that lead to Battle Wolf's success slowly surfaced in front of Syracuse. He discovered that Battle Wolf had acquired a legendary warrior, a miracle in itself, and used him as a bait to divert the attention of the Zergs. The diversion, together with the explosives that they had mooched off from him had delivered a huge blow to the Zerg army. When the Zergs realized what was going on, it had already been too late: Gaun Dongyang had already taken over their home base. Once Battle Wolf had taken control of the city, it set up barricades and gathered forces at the choke points. After the bulk of the Zerg army escaped the harassment of the human resistance forces along their way to home, they were annihilated by the well-prepared defenders.

However, there were many details in the plan that still baffled him. How did Guan Dongyang know that the other resistance forces, some of whom were his old enemies, would surely join his operation?

It occurred to Syracuse that Battle Wolf had been playing a very risky game from the very beginning.

Chapter 545: Overbearing Impression

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Another thing that had confused Syracuse was the ability of the legendary warrior to attract such a large number of Zergs by himself. Syracuse doubted that even the most powerful human warrior was not able to stir up that much interest in the Zergs. There had to be someone else there with the legendary warrior…Was it Xiao Yuyu? Yes, it had to be her.

A legendary warrior and the chief medic from the Sect ought to be able to lure the entire Zerg army out of the city. The businessman's instinct of his told him that there was more than what met the eyes. Battle Wolf had to be somehow related to the Divine Mastery Sect in one way or another.

Anyway, regardless of the Battle Wolf's relation with the Sect, their victory had earned everyone's respect; therefore, Syracuse decided to increase the client relationship budget which he planned to spend on them.

Once the resistance forces at the Maersa district heard about the news, they sent out their scouts to learn more about the current situation inside the city. None of the resistance groups were in a hurry to move their troops into the city, since the remaining Zergs could come back at any time.

Unlike everyone's expectations of the heroes that conquered the city to be drinking and celebrating, warriors of Battle Wolf spent the victory night in quietness. Overspent and exhausted, everyone fell asleep as soon as they finished dinner, and a few moments after that, the camp was filled with the soft snores. Although Vorenus was a high-level warrior, the intense battle had taken a toll on his vigor as well. Even then, he found it hard to believe that a second-class war band such as Battle Wolf could have possessed such discipline and professionalism that was unrivaled by even the most well organized and funded military units.

The strength of an army came from its soldiers' will, and such strength could only be tested during the time of extreme hardship. Battle Wolf had passed the test. Brave, courageous, and disciplined, these were the words used to describe an elite militia group such as the units from the Divine Mastery Sect. They were well trained, and fueled by an unswerving faith toward the Sect. But, what about the Battle Wolf? What made them so special?

Watching the tired faces around him, Vorenus heaved a long sigh of relief. This was the most intense battle that the chief medic had ever participated. But, no matter how exhausted she was, she didn't let the fatigue show up on her face. As the leader of the field medics, she needed to constantly wear the mask of calmness and serenity, regardless of the situation. Sometimes, the mask got too heavy, and she just wanted to wrench it off her face, but she couldn't. She represented the Sect, the last beacon of hope for the human on the Mars.

Some might blame her for the reckless act of charging into the front line, but she did it anyway, and she had never felt better for herself. This was the first time after she had become the chief medic that she was able to do what she wanted, and earned the respect of others from her actions rather than the Sect's overshadowing reputation.

"Wang Tong…" He was THE Wang Tong, and now everyone knew about it.

Being one of the caucus members within the Divine Mastery Sect, Vorenus had heard of the name many times. Compared to the young boy who had shocked the Confederation five years ago, Wang Tong had changed a lot. He was no longer a boy, but a man. Not only had he put one some muscles in the five years, but his mind had also matured, which made him much wiser than before.

It was needless to say that Wang Tong's reappearance was great news to the human resistance forces. However, exposing himself so soon was not a good idea for his safety. What would House Lie think of Wang Tong's return?

House Lie and the Divine Mastery Sect were long-term allies. Even during such reduced circumstances, the two great power still found a way to co-exist peacefully. But, the same could not be said about the relationship between Wang Tong and House Lie.

If it were anyone else, House Lie might be able to tolerate his or her existence. However, Wang Tong was not just anybody: he was the only person who had defeated Patroclus, and the heir of the Blade Warrior. Therefore, he had to be taken down if House Lie ever wanted to claim dominance over Mars. Wang Tong only had a small number of soldiers under his command; if he were to be in charge of a full-fledged war band, he might have already killed the dark lord by then.

Vorenus reflected on the battle, and he noticed that the seemingly reckless operation was carefully planned and orchestrated. The situation might have seemed perilous, but everything was under Wang Tong's control.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong and Yin Tianzong stood on the top floor of a skyscraper and scanned the streets below them. Just as Vorenus had suspected, Wang Tong had taken everything into consideration; he even meticulously calculated the time it would take for him to get to the city. The time he had spent with Charcoal outside Maersa city wall was not wasted, since he had collected enough data to estimate his travel time accurately. That being said, Wang Tong could not foresee everything, and the success was also due to the bravery and mettle of his warriors, particularly that of Xiao Yuyu and Yin Tianzong. Without these two powerful fighters stretching themselves to the limits during the most critical moment of the battle, Wang Tong's plan would have failed.

The Templars had used their blood to prove to the public that they could still believe in the Court. Meanwhile, Wang Tong's astonishing display of power had greatly impressed these proud and haughty warriors. Before the battle, they only followed Yin Tianzong's order. But now, they all considered Wang Tong to be their true leader.

Standing beside Wang Tong, Yin Tianzong was finally content. He knew that he could, at last, take a rest from the role as the Templars' leader, since Wang Tong was much more competent in that role than him. He was convinced that Wang Tong would lead them to the Templars' final destination: their home on earth.

Although Yin Tianzong was not sure how many people would be still alive when they finally reached Earth, going back home with Wang Tong was a very comforting thought nonetheless.

"I am going to leave the city for a while. Guard the fort for me, will you?" Wang Tong said as he stretched his arms and yawned.

"The Zergs will come back for us. Plus, since you have revealed your identity, we have more than just the Zergs to worry about."

"There will always be troubles. Haha… I just don't want to be bored before the next fight." Wang Tong cracked a smile. He didn't seem to be alarmed by Yin Tianzong's warning. Ever since he made up his mind about making a move against the City of Maersa, Wang Tong had been adamant in his course. He was not afraid of the Zergs, much less House Lie. As long as House Lie was under the influence of the Sect, it would not be able to amass an army large enough to threaten Battle Wolf. Even if they were so stupid as to make a move against him, Wang tong had more tricks up his sleeves to help him.

Trying to subdue one's opponent with conspicuous brute force was never a wise thing to do. The real victory was better achieved with the most subtle but effective strategies.

Yin Tianzong never doubted Wang Tong's ability to weather whatever storm that might come; instead, he was worried about Wang Tong's attitude in this crucial moment. Wang Tong needed to strike a balance between becoming a fatalist and being reckless. He needed to be prudent in every decision he made, without being overshadowed by the fear of defeat. It was difficult for Yin Tianzong to put his advice into words, which didn't help to ease his concern. However, so far, he was very pleased with Wang Tong's sangfroid disposition under such great strain.

At such a young age, Wang Tong had already achieved a great measure of aplomb and equanimity—the hallmark of a legendary Templar.

It wasn't long before the news spread to House Lie and the Divine Master Sect. Albani studied Lie Jian's face as he read the news to him.

"What do you think about it?" Lie Jian asked.

"I… I don't know if it was my place to make a comment on it."

"Bullsh*t! I want you to speak your mind."

"As you wish, my lord. I think our priority is to recruit him. Failing that, we will have to do away with him." Albani answered in a short sentence.

"The wheel of fortune has its ways. Haha! Who would have thought that Wang Tong will work for me one day? You don't know him well enough. It is impossible to bring him under my control, ever."

"Time had changed, and so have people. However, if we can't make him one of us, we will have to kill him sooner than later." Albani was the chief intelligence officer, and he knew that Wang Tong would one day rise to challenge House Lie if left unchecked.

"So, it is true, all the rumors about how merciless your KKBO was. You want to kill the heir of the blade warrior."

"It is an honor to be considered merciless as the chief intelligence officer. His title as the Heir of the Blade warrior means nothing on Mars, and his popularity is not my main concern either. His actually ability and power should be much more alarming to you than his fame. He had brought down an entire Zerg Army with a small motley crew. We need to stop him before he gathers more strength…or it could be too late."

"I see your point. However, we can't make a move right now. First of all, you have grossly underestimated Wang Tong's power. Even now, I cannot say for sure that I can overcome him in a one on one battle, much less with that level twenty-one warrior on his side. Even if we manage to remove him from the world, it would be in a PR nightmare. He is regarded as a hero for saving the people in Maersa, and I don't want my future subjects to see a hero's blood on my hands. Secondly, it is not just us who wanted to get rid of Wang Tong. I believe Moye is more interested in killing him than me. We can use their conflict to our advantage and strike at both of them when the time is right."

"What a brilliant plan, my lord! " Albani announced ingratiatingly.

"Of course! I am the future lord of Mars. I should be able to handle a teenager hero easily." / NovelFull.Com

All things considered, Lie Jian concluded that it would be better to stay put and observe as the situation developed. Wang Tong and his war band were still too weak to threaten his position on Mars, and removing Wang Tong by force would definitely anger the population. That being said, he did not worry about the toll on his conscience by murdering an innocent hero. When Wang Tong started to pose a threat to him, Lie Jian would not hesitate to kill him. But for now, he would wait and leave the former alone.

Chapter 546: Back Away

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Michaux Odin had finished his cultivation for the day. Searching for the Divine Path remained his only hobby when he was not tied up by the worldly turmoils. He wished to devote 100 percent of his time to his pursuit, but the world needed him badly.

"Master, I have a piece of news for you…It's from Xiao Yuyu." A girl spoke quietly to Michaux. She wore an overall white jacket; soft and elegant features decorated her oval face. Her dark eyes gleamed under the light, making her look docile and mysterious at the same time. Luster ran down her dark, silken hair that was thin, straight, and exquisitely beautiful. Every move and every breath she took made her resemble a goddess in the paintings.

"Susu, what is it? I had never thought that you would be so interested in anything." Michaux asked. His stately voice was powerful but calm, and was placating in nature, like the way a father spoke to his child. It was a residual effect of his cultivation.

"Haha…Don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about. Once I say the name, you won't be so calm any longer. " Susu announced.

Michaux's body quivered slightly, and then he asked, "Wang… Tong?"


"Haha! Wang Tong! It is him. Finally!"

Susu watched Michaux's eyes as they lit up with glee. She had always admired her elder brother for his talent, and never had she thought that anyone in the world would be his equal. Even though she had witnessed his defeat at the tournament, she was convinced that Michaux had lost the fight not because he was weak, but because he simply didn't care much about the game. What Michaux was after was the ultimate state of mind, but not power or might.

However, ever since Michaux returned from the tournament, he kept on bringing up Wang Tong's name with apparent admiration. She had been convinced that Michaux had reached the peak of all aspects relating to cultivation, which was especially the case in his understanding of the Divine Way. She doubted that even Patroclus hadn't peered deeper into the mysterious source of power than her brother had.

Michaux's obsession with Wang Tong didn't reduce at all in the five years. It made Susu wonder exactly how powerful Wang Tong was.

When the initial excitement faded, Michaux finally found peace in himself because he knew that he was no longer alone in his search for the Divine Path.

"Master, haven't you heard what your old acquaintance has done? He stole our most precious talent, our chief medic Xiao Yuyu."

Michaux Odin was not surprised by the news. He paused for a second and then said, "Susu, from now on, we will not interfere with Wang Tong's business. This is an order. "

"Are you serious? What if the situation gets out of our control? We don't even know what his motives are. Plus, what about House Lie?"

"I have made my decision. Remember, if House Lie and Wang Tong start to butt heads, we will stay out of it." Michaux spoke in a firm voice.

Seeing that she couldn't change Michaux's mind, Susu let the matter slide. She studied him and noticed that a mixture of joy and worry hung on his face. However, Michaux, who had already grasped the fundamental essence that made the world—the so-called "Dao"—knew that both his joy and concern were two sides of the same coin.

Patroclus had also grasped the meaning of Dao, but he interpreted it in his wicked ways. On the other hand, Michaux's understanding was pure and untainted.

Susu had expected that the news would arouse Michaux's interest, but he had chosen to treat it as if it was nothing.

If she didn't know better about his personality, she might have doubted his decision like many other sect members. Despite the doubts, no one dared to disobey the master. Their faith alone would drive them to carry out the Sect Master's order to the letter.

However, what was Michaux really planning? This was a question that even Susu had no answer to.

To the soldiers inside the Maersa City, their miraculous victory still felt like a dream. Despite being able to hold the city, this battle had taken a toll on the strength of the human resistance within the district. Battle Wolf had lost thirty of their best soldiers. However, the victory of the battle was still a miracle.

The Flame Squad had arrived just in time to save Battle Wolf from their doom. However, both Guan Dongyang and Bu Zhihuo knew that their real task had just begun. The first hurdle they needed to face was not the threat from the Zergs, but the matter of how to distribute the city to all contributing members. Although Battle Wolf was responsible for defeating the Zerg's army, it alone would not be able to guard such a large city. He needed the other factions' help, at a price.

Bu Zhihuo was an honest and decent man, so he had spent most of his time on rebuilding the crumbled city without much interest in claiming territories. However, the same could not be said about the other factions.

Knowing that the city was acquired and the Zergs wouldn't return for a while, many factions moved toward Maersa to claim their piece of the pie. Three days later, just like Wang Tong had expected, leaders of all factions had arrived there one after another. Although Battle Wolf was the one that eliminated the Zergs, they would not be able to achieve the impossible without the other factions tying down the Zerg's reinforcements. Therefore, their claimant to the spoil was not unfounded.

To maximize Battle Wolf's claimant, Wang Tong only needed to form an alliance with a few powerful groups and deny the claims of all the other smaller factions. However, he did no such thing, and allowed all factions, big or small, to enter the city and stake their claims. Everyone knew the importance of the City, since it would allow humans to establish a strong foothold within the district finally. Cities were also centers for exchange of goods, which would mean an abundant supply of goods and equipment.

As of now, the Battle Wolf and the Flame Squad formed the bulk of the human forces that stationed inside the city. This was because the other factions had only sent in their representatives, since the mass mobilization of troops required preparation and time.

Meanwhile, Guan Dongyang called for a summit meeting of all the factions leaders in order to plot the future course of the Maersa District.

"He is a smart lad. He knew that Battle Wolf alone would not be able to manage such a large city, and is willing to share the benefits with everyone."

"Haha, excellent! I wager that we should be able to get an entire block in the city."

"Haha, that would be awesome! Battle Wolf has worked for us for free."

Many representatives felt really good about their situation; it was almost too good to be true. It had been a while since the last time they had slept in a soft bed and had warm breakfast, so they quickly turned their attention to the comfort and entertainment the city could offer.

Aamir and Hans from the Blizzard also arrived at the city, bringing only a dozen people with them instead of three hundred like the other leaders would. Aamir was convinced that the smaller his entourage was, the smoother the negotiation would go.

"Tomorrow is the day…Are you sure you are ready? This city is a mess!" Hans complained. He and Aamir had arrived at the city a few days ago, and they had been observing the other factions since then.

"We need to observe more. I am still not sure what Wang Tong is after. He is a smart guy, but it's a foolish move to pull all banners together while completely disregarding their intention."

"I hope he didn't confuse our situation with that during the confederation. We can no longer afford to hear the voice of every single one of us. It will only bring chaos!" Hans looked concerned. However, by then, it was already too late to drive those settlers out of the city.

If history had taught the rulers a lesson, it would be that it was easier to conquer the world than maintain the rule. Wang Tong needed to think things through before he made any decisions.

"The Battle Wolf had banned the act of illegal settlement, but other than us and the Flame Squad, no one else followed the order. "

"Boss, don't you think we should move more of our boys into the city and compete with the other factions? If we don't do it now, we might miss our opportunity. We are the strongest band in the city, so we should be able to claim the best area of the city if we act now." One soldier remarked.

Aamir gave the soldier a faint smile, "You seemed to have missed the actions of another old friend of ours."

Aamir's remark had puzzled everyone except for Han. "Marcos! The Thunder Fire is here as well, and they have been awfully quiet too."

"I bet he is afraid of Wang Tong. Plus, ever since his defeat, the Thunder Fire has been going downhill. "

"There is no point in shooting in the dark. We will know the answer tomorrow. " Aamir announced calmly. He had been through a lot of turmoil, and life had taught him a valuable lesson: the ones that stuck their heads above others, thinking life was a game of 'first come first serve', always ended up having their heads chopped off.

Chapter 547: I Am A B*tch, and I Am Your Hell

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The next morning, Kun's supersized meeting hall was packed with human leaders. This strange building was an exposed platform built twenty or so meters above the ground. The dark ones adored such style of architecture for its openness. It was apparent that the dark ones' taste differed quite significantly from that of humans. The platform was able to accommodate thousands of visitors, but it was already full by then. Warbands of all stripes gathered together regardless of their size and strength, eager to claim a share of the pie.

If the Maersa City was conquered by large warbands such as the Thunder Fire or Blizzard, no one would dare to request anything from the conqueror. However, Battle Wolf was a small band, and therefore, no one was afraid of trying their luck.

It was never going to be a quiet meeting, but Thunder Fire and Blizzard kept their silence amidst the clamor. The quietness went against the grain of Marcos' usual temperament, since he was always the loudest at any gathering. Right then, Marcos sat in a chair and was sipping his tea slowly. It was as if he was not interested in the gathering at all.

After half hour of waiting, the host, Battle Wolf, finally arrived. The din in the meeting room slowly died down. Most people were not familiar with Battle Wolf, and they still considered it a weak band, and their achievement a stroke of luck.

Three leaders of the Battle Wolf: Wang Tong, Yin Tianzong and Guan Dongyang, stepped onto the stage. Wang Tong walked in the middle of the other two. Yin Tianzong and Guan Dongyang then took a half step back, indicating the real leader of the three. Many warriors had met Guan Dongyang, and Yin Tianzong, or at least had heard of them before; but, no one knew who the other young man was.

Wang Tong gave everyone a welcoming smile and then announced, "Thank you for coming to this summit."

Only a few people knew Wang Tong's real identity, and even fewer clapped their hands.

"Hey, punk! Who the hell are you? Let Guan Dongyang talk."

"Hell yea! Get off the stage!"

The crowd was quickly sizzling with discontent as they considered Wang Tong unworthy as the speaker.

Standing at the front of the crowd, Aamir and Marcos didn't say anything.

Guan Dongyang stepped into the spotlight and cracked a smile. "This is my captain, captain Wang Tong."

Silence fell into the meeting room and then a swell of confused murmurs rose. Who was this teenager? Was he from House Lie or the Sect?

"Alright, Captain Wang. What do you think we should do with the city?"

"Yea, we not coming all the way to the city to hear your babbling. Get down to the business. "

"The Cherry Blossom had contributed tremendously to your victory. We demand Area C. Our Captain had lived in area C before the Zerg came."

"Buzz off! Cherry Blossom did nothing! Area C should belong to us, Demon Blades!"

The audiences quickly boiled over as they bickered and squabbled with each other. A few factions had already armed their weapons, ready to strike down their opponents. There had been many fights in the back alleys before the summit, since no one had taken the Battle Wolf's public announcement seriously.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "I understand that you are all eager to contribute to the liberation of the humans on Mars. The City of Maersa belonged to each one of you. Plus, we will need your support in rebuilding the city."

Although Wang Tong's words had placated the agitated group, it had lent more conceit to some of his audiences.

"Whatever you say. Area C belongs to Cherry Blossom!"

"I don't believe a single word you say! I will bust your sorry ass right now!"

Everyone started their GN force at once, and the situation quickly spiraled out of control.

Suddenly, everyone felt a strong presence of power weighing on them like a mountain.

A Legendary Warrior!

Yin Tianzong let out an almost inaudible humph, but it sounded so loud that it was a deafening blast in everyone's ears. The humph quell the troublemakers' agitation.

"Balls! You are an Einherjar Level Warrior, so what?"

"Yea! Aren't you supposed to protect us instead of oppressing us?"

The words stirred the audiences' mob mentality, and the crowd boiled over again.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "We are here to negotiate, not fight. Even if you want to test each other's might, please wait until the meeting is over. Please be assured that we have already come up with a fair and just plan on how to divide the city. If I may have your attention…"

Wang Tong and Yin Tianzong played the perfect game of the good cop and the bad cop. Wang Tong's warm smile and Yin Tianzong's stern warning had placated the crowd as the room became quiet.

"Thank you all for your understanding. We are one family, so we should be able to sit down and talk things through. After all, without your support, Battle Wolf would not have been able to conquer the city. However, I don't remember ever seeing the Cherry Blossom on the battlefield. On the contrary, I recalled many robberies committed by this war band against us fellow human resistance factions. After the battle, you and your five hundred hooligans and done many 'good things' for the people inside the city."

"Buzz off! who the heck do you think you are?"

"You are courting death! The Cherry Blossom had never committed any robberies! "

"Take your words back, or else we will teach you a lesson! "

The soldiers from the cherry blossom waded through the crowd to just below the stage.

Wang Tong still maintained the warm smile on his face. "Please be reasonable…"

"Get off from there! I want to teach you how to speak properly!"

"Yea! I dare you to get off the stage, you a*shole!"

There were about fifty or so high-level warriors from the cherry blossom that had gotten near the stage. Everyone knew that the Cherry Blossom had committed many crimes under the name of saving the humans from Zergs. By then, its army was three hundred strong, and no one dared to speak out against these rascals.

Wang Tong heaved a sigh and then said, "Please, everyone! I am trying my best to be reasonable although I am not a very reasonable person."

Before Wang Tong finished his words, a wild gale blow across the hall and the heads of the fifty soldiers popped like balloons. People only noticed that Yin Tianzong's body went blurry for a second, and then they saw him clear the blood off of his hands.

With that, a fearful silence fell into the hall. The size of the mob no longer offered them a sense of safety. It only took Yin Tianzong less than three seconds to kill all the fifty high-level warriors.

"What a pity! I was going to talk reason with them. But they wouldn't listen! Guan Dongyang, would you mind persuading them for me please?" Wang Tong said with a twisted smirk.

Guan Dongyang elevated his body into the air as a mastery staff appeared in his hand. The shiny crystal on the staff was ripped off from the body of the former owner of the residence, Kun.

Guan Dongyang was cloaked in flame as the energy in the crystal poured into him; a giant fire dragon was forming right in front of everyone's eyes. This was no ordinary mastery spell, and many mastery casters from the Battle Wolf had seen this terrible spell before. Immense heat emanated from the fire dragon and roasted the soldiers below it. Some soldiers who sat close to the stage had already started the GN shield to ward off the heat. However, Guan Dongyang didn't stop as he kept on channeling energy out of the energy crystal, adding more fuel to the intense flame.

Slowly the fire dragon became a fireball, and with its size and intensity increasing, the soldiers started to fall to the ground one after another. The mighty power of a level nineteen caster was too much for them to bear. Even Marcos and Aamir were forced to start their GN shield. They had heard of Guan Dongyang's powerful fire spell, but this was the closest they had gotten to its power.

Soon, the fireball stopped spinning, but its intensity kept on increasing. Guan Dongyang had started to blend the wind element into the spells in order to drastically increase the damage output.

More and more people either fell to the ground or had retreated further away from the source of the heat. Despite being the closest to the scorching fireball, neither Wang Tong nor Yin Tianzong showed any sign of distress.

Finally, Guan Dongyang let go of the fireball as it shot out toward its target: the building with the flag of the Cherry Blossom.

In an instant, the building was gone, together with the hundreds of souls in it.

When Guan Dongyang landed back to the ground, he still held a placid expression as if the losses of hundreds of the human lives meant nothing to him.

Everyone finally understood why Marcos had kept his silence all the while: they were dealing with a crazy psychopath.

Chapter 548: We Are All Square

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

After losing so many times at the hands of Battle Wolf, Marcos had learned a hard lesson: appearances could be very deceiving.

"Hehe…I apologize for the noise. Where was I? Ah… Only with unity will we be able to win the war against the Zergs. Unlike our enemy, we are intelligent creatures, and intelligent creatures follow the rules and work together. If we can't even co-exist in a small city, maybe we deserved the Zerg's invasion. " Wang Tong with the same warm smile on his face.

The people who that had been shouting at Wang Tong lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at him in the eyes. Wang Tong scanned the crowd with his soul energy, and all that he could sense was fear.

Marcos remained calm, and a smug curve even found the corner of his lips. He knew all the while that Wang Tong was the least reasonable person.

Guan Dongyang and Yin Tianzong's display of strength had completely silenced all voices of dissidence. They no longer regarded Wang Tong and Yin Tianzong as reckless teenagers, but as overbearing and terrifying warriors. The leaders of other factions also started realizing the reason behind the quietness of Thunder Fire and Blizzard: fear.

The barking dog wouldn't bite, and the same went the other way around. Knowing that Wang Tong would not hesitate to kill, everyone felt that their good days were numbered. No one was certain how strong Battle Wolf had become, and who was behind their sudden rise to power.

After finishing scanning the hall, Wang Tong knew the time for him to exert Battle Wolf's dominance had come. Fear might be able to keep the leaders in check for a while, but without a real display of might, they would never learn their lessons. It had been a while since the Maersa district was united under a strong leader, and Wang Tong was determined to remind them that humans had to unite together under one banner in order to defeat the Zergs. As Wang Tong was going to speak more about the meeting, Divine Master Sect's Chief Medic, Xiao Yuyu, arrived at the stage.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of Xiao Yuyu, thinking that Wang Tong would not kill any more people in front of the representative of the Sect.

However, the fact that even the chief medic from the Sect had joined Battle Wolf spoke loudly about the real power of the band. It was evident that, despite the sky-net, not all the factions had gone through the memo. The factions who had learned about the recent development inside Battle Wolf had kept their lips sealed: it was not wise to gossip about things that one didn't understand fully yet.

Xiao Yuyu had received the young master's order to not meddle in Battle Wolf's business, but remain where she was and observe. Not only did she not expect that order, but she was also very confused by it. She had thought that Michaux would be intrigued by the re-emergence of Wang Tong. If he were not, why would he order her to remain in Battle Wolf and be his eyes? The revelation of Wang Tong's real identity had pulled the rug from under her. Even now, she still found it difficult to make the connection between the greedy businessman at the auction house and the teenage warrior that had defeated Patroclus.

Having learned Wang Tong's real identity, everyone regarded him with a newfound reverence and respect.

Getting over with the greetings, Xiao Yuyu gave the most generic speech to the audiences with perfunctory praises and appreciation for the hard work of everyone involved. After that, she spoke on behalf of the young master and acknowledged the leader status of Battle Wolf in Maersa District.

Although it was just a verbal approval, the words of the young master carried a long way on Mars. Going against the young master's will was an act of apostle, which no other factions would tolerate.

In addition to the seal of approval from the Sect, Wang Tong had made it clear that anyone who dared to oppose him would not end very well; the Cherry Blossom was an example.

Right after Xiao Yuyu's announcement, Wang Tong declared the merging of Battle Wolf with the Fire Squad. Together, they would rule the Maersa City, and they welcomed all other factions to join them. However, they would have to follow the rules like everyone else.

Wang Tong didn't try to impress anyone with his might, but his modesty added more mysteriousness to his power. After the meeting was over, everyone was convinced that he was the young warrior that had defeated the Patroclus in the tournament, the heir of the Blade Warrior. However, being the heir of the blade warrior meant nothing on Mars if Wang Tong was a useless weakling. By then, the power of the warriors serving under him had provided more than enough insight to the other leaders about his ability. Although no one was certain of Wang Tong's exact power, they knew that he was not simply a no account. The ambiguity in his power gave birth to the imagination in the other leaders' minds. The less they knew about Wang Tong, the wilder the imagination became. However, only those who really understood him knew that even the wildest imaginations had caught merely the tip of an iceberg.

Wang Tong's levelheadedness and assertiveness, together with the help from the Divine Mastery Sect, had helped Wang Tong exert dominance in the City of Maersa. Needless to say, the joining of the Fire Squad was of great help to Wang Tong. Without enough competent warriors, it would be impossible to manage such a large city. Ever since they first met, Wang Tong knew that Bu Zhihuo was different from the other greedy b*stards. Instead of fame, money, and power, Bu Zhihuo only cared about the wellbeing of the people on Mars.

Truth be told, When Bu Zhihuo confided in Wang Tong about his intention to provide his service, the latter was quite shocked. Bu Zhihuo used to be the first person who had spoken up against him when the two of them were strangers. However, he had provided the most needed help when they finally got to know each other. They said trust and true friendship were forged under extraordinary circumstances, and it was evident here indeed.

Blizzard was the first to support Wang Tong's proposal. Aamir announced that he would like to station inside the city, and was willing to follow Wang Tong's rules. The Blizzard would fight alongside Battle Wolf as an independent force.

This relationship was more delicate than what appeared on the surface. It was true that Wang Tong would have a say in the matters relating to the sister band Blizzard while it was stationed inside his territory. However, Blizzard did not technically serve Battle Wolf, and therefore, it expected a certain degree of autonomy. It would take more than just respect for Wang Tong to maintain this relationship.

Thunder fire and the Pamir Eagle quickly followed Blizzard's footsteps and seconded Wang Tong's motion. Both bands knew that they needed the resources in the city; meanwhile, Battle Wolf also needed the manpower. Joining forces with Wang Tong was a win-win situation.

As soon as the three of the biggest warbands made their unanimous decision, the rest of the factions followed suit without much hesitation. The crisis was averted by Wang Tong with ease, but there were still many things left undone. The city wouldn't rebuild by itself; in addition, they needed to beef up the defense system and prepare for the impending Zerg counterattack.

The news of the factions' pact quickly reached the ears of ordinary people who were struggling to survive outside the city. The promise of peace and hope drove them to flock into the Maersa City.

As more refugee poured into the city, the administrative gears of Battle Wolf started cranking. Despite the onerous paperwork, everything worked in order without turning into a mess. The extra time that the soldiers spent on helping the refugees didn't interrupt their training routines. Instead, it had given them a healthy dose of reality and spurred them to train even harder.

Seeing the suffering of the refugees, all the major factions realized that although Maersa City did not belong to them, they would have to work together to defend it so that the Zergs would not ravage the innocent people again.

The news about the death of Turbolix quickly reached the Moon, and Patroclus even got a copy of the recording of the fight.

Patroclus watched the tape as if he was appreciating a piece of fine art.

Underneath his throne, two rows of dark ones waited patiently for their lord to finish the clip.

"My lord, let me go and investigate it for you." Lee Moshan requested. He was the only person who dared to speak up while the rest of the dark ones were still guessing what kind of mood Patroclus was in.

"Hehe…Let's leave him to Moye for now. I think he is more eager to meet him than you." Patroclus waved one hand with an indifferent expression, and then continued, "And, I want all the immortals to cooperate with Moye's operation."

Lee Moshan was taken aback by the order. However, with only the slightest hesitation, he nodded. Although he was not sure why Patroclus wanted to help Moye, it was not his place to question his master.

"Have you released Zhang Jing?"

"Yes, my lord…just like you have ordered. We encircled her camp and let her and her team escape through the opening we had left for them." an immortal stood up and answered.

Patroclus nodded. Zhang Jing was his only friend during his human life, so he had decided to allow her three chances to live. By then, Zhang Jin had used up all her three chances, and Patroclus was relieved that he was finally able to sever another tie with his past.

Chapter 549: Missing In Action

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Zhang Jing might have thought that her near escapes were due to his luck, but little did she know that her old friend had planned every single move of hers, including her escape. Not long ago, the Immortal army encircled Li Ruoer's camp, baiting other factions to come for rescue. Knowing that it was a trap, no one moved their forces; however, the human forces could not afford to lose another beacon of hope.

The rescuing duty finally landed on the shoulders of Zhang Jing, just like Patroclus had planned.

As soon as Zhang Jing's reinforcements arrived, the encircling Zergs created an opening for the human forces to escape.

The miraculous escape rendered Li Ruoer speechless. Still bewildered, she said, "Thank you, sister Zhang."

Zhang Jing cracked a smile. "No worries! We are a family. However, I am afraid that I have used up my chances, and there will be nothing that can stop him from now on."

"That's not true. Zhou Sis is still alive and well. I don't think Patroclus could do anything to her." Li Ruoer replied.

Zhang Jing shook her head and lamented how naive Li Ruoer was. Zhou Sisi had known too much, and therefore, Patroclus would not leave her alive for too long.

Meanwhile on Mars, Wang Tong and his new "cabinet" gathered together in the meeting hall. Many issues had surfaced ever since he took control of Maersa, a great number of them even catching him by surprise. These problems, such as the refugees, provisions, and logistics, were reasons why the old fox Marcos had not demanded immediate control of the city.

That being said, Wang Tong had enough resources to handle any crisis that would rise. Yi Tianzong was mainly in charge of organizing and training the newly formed Battle Wolf, along with the additions from the Flame Squad. However, the situation outside the training camp worried him. Despite the many hot messes Wang Tong needed to take care of, Yin Tianzong was surprised to see that he was still full of confidence and assuredness.

Although the Super Healing spell was a tough nut to crack, Xiao Yuyu was confident that she could master it. She and Vorenus stayed with the Battle Wolf as they were instructed. Even without the orders from the young master, Wang Tong's insistent request for her to stay would have swayed her to do so.

Wang Tong and Battle Wolf were in dire need of talents, and therefore, he would not let Xiao Yuyu leave without trying to persuade her to stay. Yin Tianzong, Guan Dongyang, and Xiao Yuyu had quickly become a synonym of the city. They were the reason that people kept on pouring into the city, as the public believed that the combined strength of a Legendary Warrior, a high-level Mastery caster, and a Medic Chief would provide them safety.

At the meeting, Hamir tabled a long list of problems that Battle Wolf was facing. Although Hamir was of average talent as a mastery caster, he was exceptionally good at management and administrative matters. With the help of Ye Zi, Hamir was able to prevent many would-be crises from happening.

When the group had made decisions on all the issues that Hamir had brought up, Wang Tong gave Bu Zhihuo a glance. Although Bu Zhihuo was relatively new in the group, Wang Tong had welcomed him like an old friend. It was evident that Bu Zhihuo was not at all interested in any of the administrative issues. As a warrior, his thoughts went to strengthening the forces in Maersa district and delivering a killing blow to the remaining Zergs in the district.

Everyone agreed that Hamir had the right idea, but things were easier said than done. The first step in strengthening Battle Wolf's military might was recruiting, and that needed money…a lot of money. So far, other than the luxury items that the dark ones had left the city, Battle Wolf was not able to scrap a penny from the city. Although there had been soldiers coming to join Battle Wolf of late, they did it because of the fame of warriors such as Yin Tianzong. Battle Wolf seemed to have a promising future for them, but so far, they had only been given empty promises without real incentives.

Even with the addition of the Flame Squad, Battle Wolf had just over two thousand members, a pathetic number compared to any other equally famous warbands. In addition, its main competitors, Blizzard and Thunder Fire's ranks had continued to swell. If this trend continued, even the fame of Yin Tianzong and Xiao Yuyu would not be able to revert the downfall of Battle Wolf.

However powerful Yin Tianzong was, he was the special weapon of the band, and his power was not limitless. The deciding factor of the band's overall strength was in the boots on the ground. Everyone knew that the current status quo could only last very briefly. Should all the independent forces in the city decide to band together to challenge Battle Wolf, they would have no other option but to give up. On the other hand, defeating the Zergs could not be achieved without a sense of unity, and therefore, it was impossible to drive the other factions out of the city at the cost of the ultimate goal.

Everyone sensed that the power balance inside the city was very fragile, but they had faith in Wang Tong to untangle the knots that had kept the human factions from forming a united front.

"I appreciate your concern, but I would like to make a note that it is not the size of the band that matters, but the quality. We have two thousand men, and in my opinion, this is more than enough to deter the first comeback wave of the Zergs." Wang Tong remarked confidently.

Wang Tong's words shocked everyone at the meeting. Reports coming in from all directions said that the Zergs were amassing an army of a size that had never been seen before. Why did Wang Tong think that merely two thousand soldiers were enough to defend against such a massive wave of attack?

"Brother Bu, how many levels nineteen warriors do you have in your squad? And how many more level twenty warriors besides you yourself?"

"There are fifteen nineteen level nineteen warriors and two more level twenty warriors in addition to me. "

Wang Tong nodded and then said, "Among the Templars, there are five who are level twenty and twenty who are level nineteen. Although we don't have that number for Mastery casters, we do have Guan Dongyang and Xiao Yuyu, both of whom are level nineteen. In addition, Ye Zi and the other seventeen mastery casters are level seventeen. These are the elite core of our force. Despite its small number, we should have time to expand the army before the Zergs come. They are still recovering from a huge blow dealt by Lie Jian. Hamir, don't you worry about the expansion of the other factions. They are not so foolish as to gang on us yet."

Wang Tong's words eased the nerves of many warriors. They knew that their leader already had a plan.

"Hey Wang Tong, haven't you forgotten about me?" Lie Xuan shouted.

Meanwhile, she winked at Guan Dongyang; the two never shied away from public affection.

Wang Tong didn't mind including Lie Xuan in his plan, but he had decided to wait before she came forward by herself. Despite her connection with House Lie, Wang Tong was confident that she would be a loyal member once she had made her intention clear.

"Let's assign the work to the chosen staff and make sure everything is ready in two weeks. I will be away for a few days, and you can talk to Hamir while I am gone."

"Wait, Captain! I am afraid I won't be able to handle it. " Hamir was startled by the announcement.

"Don't worry, you can do it! As for the others, make sure the soldiers are not slacking during their training. Don't be cheap on supplies…Make sure the soldiers have proper care. As for the infighting among other factions, leave them be. "

"Young master, will I be accompanying you on your trip?" Yin Tianzong asked.

"Hehe, of course. You have reached a bottleneck at level twenty one, so it's about time for you to advance further." Wang Tong remarked nonchalantly,

but everyone felt the weight in his words. Once a warrior achieved the legendary level, advancing further was almost impossible. Yin Tianzong had been stuck at level twenty one for five years, so would Wang Tong really be able to help him surpass himself?

Xiao Yuyu and Vorenus exchanged a shocked glance. They were not sure what Wang Tong was going to do as they had never heard of such a bold claim even in the Divine Mastery Sect.

Vorenus had been stuck at level twenty for years, and he would give anything to realize the dream of his life: becoming a legendary warrior.

If Wang Tong were able to bring Yin Tianzong to the next level, what could he do to him?

Vorenus's question was shared with everyone at the meeting. Although what Wang Tong was planning to achieve sounded impossible, everyone believed that he could do it.

They looked at him with admiration, but he didn't say a word.

Unlike the other bands inside the City, Battle Wolf was quiet. Their mediocre benefits and wages had deterred many capable warriors from joining them. Meanwhile, the ranks of other factions quickly swelled. At this point, it was hard to tell that Battle Wolf was the actual owner of the City.

Chapter 550: On The Horns Of A Dilemma

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"What did you just say?" Aamir found it hard to believe what he had just heard.

"It's true! Both Yin Tianzong and Wang Tong had disappeared. Well, truth be told, we haven't been able to locate any of the high-level warriors from the Battle Wolf since last week."

"How is that possible? The city is only this big… They can't hide half a dozen people without anyone noticing it. Where could they have gone anyway?"

Aamir puffed a cloud of smoke as he wondered what Wang Tong was up to this time. Ever since Battle Wolf conquered the Maersa City, Wang Tong had been in everyone's radar. His every move was closely watched by the other factions.

Like Aamir, Wang Tong's disappearance had perplexed Marcos. The recent activities of Battle Wolf were so strange that he found them hard to comprehend. Since Wang Tong had claimed the city for himself, why wouldn't he expand his army as quickly as possible to get the most out of his labor? Battle Wolf had always been an insignificant player, even more so before Bu Zhihuo switched alliances.

The fact that Bu Zhihuo had made such an unreasonable decision was a sign that he lacked the basic judgment as a leader. With proper management, the Flame Squad should have become one of the most powerful factions on Mars. However, due to an idealistic leader, their ranks never increased.

With only two thousand or so soldiers, Battle Wolf would slowly lose control over the Maersa City.

"What is Wang Tong up to this time?" Marcos pondered for a while but failed to find an answer. Li Xiu was Marcos's most trusted adviser, and he was the first to have noticed the unusual quietness inside Battle Wolf.

"In my opinion, Wang Tong is definitely up to something big, but I don't think that we are his target."

"What do you mean by it?"

"Captain, can't you tell that Wang Tong is after something much bigger than just the Maersa District? To be frank, I don't think he considers us worthy opponents. His real enemies are the Zergs, and the Zergs want him dead as well. I am confident that the Zergs are preparing for a comeback sometime soon. Defeating Wang Tong is the best way for Moye to prove it to Patroclus that he is still the most powerful Zerg lord." Li Xiu explained.

Although Li Xiu was not a powerful warrior, he possessed exceptional analytical skills.

Marcos frowned and then said: "Do you mean that there is a possibility that we will suffer collateral damage?"

"Although I am not sure where all the elite soldiers from the Battle Wolf have gone, I am certain that they don't think Maersa is even worth defending."

"You mean… he had intentionally let us grow stronger so that we could be his shield in front of the Zergs?"

"Hehe, I am not sure about that. But regardless of whether that is true or not, there is no harm in expanding our forces." Li Xiu did not know the real intention of Wang Tong, so he improvised an answer to console Marcos who were unnerved by the report.

But, what exactly was Wang Tong up to? Assassination? No, the number of missing persons would make the most ostentatious assassin team.

When the other factions were busy carving out their territories, Battle Wolf spent all of their time on training. Not only were the original Battle Wolf soldiers well trained and disciplined, but the new additions from the Flame Squad were as well. They came to Wang Tong's service voluntarily, and had never hoped of getting rich by joining them.

"Brother Wang, you are very good at concealing your power, aren't you?" On the screen, Syracuse said with a knowing smile.

"Haha, it was just luck!" Wang Tong replied.

Syracuse didn't press Wang Tong for his fake modesty. Instead, he changed the topic and got down to the point: "Do you need anything from me?"

"Hehe. You know our situation, so I will make it short for you. The Zergs left nothing but their eggs for us in the city, but the dark ones had left some luxury items. I am wondering if I can exchange those fancy trinkets for some supplies with you. " Wang Tong asked.

Syracuse appeared to be distressed by the question. "Brother Wang, you know better than me that these things are almost impossible to sell."

'Undervalue the goods to be bought'— Wang Tong knew that this was an old business tactic, so he replied, "Of course we will compensate you for the trouble handsomely. The Zergs are planning a counterattack, and if we lose the Maersa District, Battle Wolf will lose everything, and be unable to fulfill any promises we made with you. However, if you help us win the battle, we will give you the sole rights to sell our crystals from now on."

"Awesome! We have a deal then! "

Syracuse knew very well that there would be no problem in selling luxury items, although it might take a bit longer than other merchandise. On the other hand, the supplies that Wang Tong needed were hot sale items, and Syracuse was the latter's only hope in getting his hands on any.

Nonetheless, Syracuse knew this was a terrific deal for him. Even if the Zergs eliminated the Battle Wolf in the ensuing battle, he would still have those luxury items to cover the cost of this transaction. And if everything went well, the exclusive rights in selling the spell crystals would make him a very rich man.

After the meeting, Wang Tong ordered Hamir to discuss the details of the deal. He knew that Syracuse was a cunning businessman, and unless it were absolutely necessary, he would not want to deal with the latter. Wang Tong had just risen to power, and therefore, lacked a comprehensive web of contacts. Syracuse was his only hope in getting any help right now.

Wang Tong knew that in many aspects, he was five years behind his enemy: Patroclus.

As he turned off the sky net, Charcoal appeared behind him. "How's the situation out there."

"Everything is running according to plan." Wang Tong replied.

"Well, looks like this is a good place to spend the energy you had been cultivating for five years."

Wang Tong nodded. In order to become a leader on Mars, he would have to establish his base first. Maersa City was good enough as his first base; however, he realized that he also severely lacked capable warriors under him. Relying only on Yin Tianzong was not enough. Wang Tong knew that once the Zergs started attacking the Maersa City, Battle Wolf would not last very long, particularly if the Zergs knew that he was in the city. That was the reason why he hid himself out here in the middle of nowhere.

"Master, we have a situation!" Charcoal announced.

"What it is?" Wang Tong pulled his mind out of his reverie.

"Zerg activity near Apollo City, one thousand and two hundred kilometers away from Maersa."

On the screen, Wang Tong saw a blob of red dots closing in onto the city of Apollo. Meanwhile, the scene inside the Apollo City was chaotic as civilians ran for their lives.

"My lord, let me lead our troupes to defend our city!"

The lord of the Apollo city sat on a high chair languidly. "Are you out of your mind? Why should I care about the invasion if House Lie didn't send in help? We all know that these Zergs are here to collect human samples of high-level warriors, I will not fall into their trap. Let the citizens hide for a while…The Zergs will be gone once they can't find what they are looking for."

Si Ke was very pleased with his current situation. The Apollo city was far behind the front line, and was guarded by both House Lie and the Divine Mastery Sect. Thanks to the city's geopolitical advantage, Si Ke never had to lead his forces into a real battle, other than some small skirmishes. In the five years, Si Ke had put on fifty pounds. However, the continuous harassment on the city from the legendary level dark ones had been a thorn in his side lately. Luckily, his liege, the House Lie, never expected him to defend the city, and therefore, he was able to preserve the strength of his forces. He had heard that some city had risen to the Zerg's invasion with the help of a legendary level warrior; however, the act had spurred the Zerg to reinforce the attack with more of its deadly soldiers.

Since the House Lie didn't order Si Ke to defend the city and his life was not under immediate danger, he found it simply easier to just wait out the attack. In the end, he could cover up his cowardliness with the excuse of the "bigger picture."

Sensing the anger in his soldiers, Si Ke knew he needed to placate them before his warriors saw through his ruse.

"Zhan Si, I am as angry with the Zergs as you are. But, I can't afford to lose you out there. Without an Einherjar, going out there is a suicide! Please, think about the bigger picture."

Zhan Si was a level twenty warrior, and he had been following Si Ke for many years. He had witnessed his leader fall from grace over the years.

"My lord, I am willing to sacrifice myself for the city. We can't stand by and do nothing while the Zergs ravage our city and out people! " Zhan Si announced.

"My lord, we are willing to join Captain Zhan Si! " A dozen soldiers behind Zhan Si pleaded.


Ke Si slammed his desk and jumped out of his comfortable seat in a fury.

"Zhan Si, don't forget your place. I am the City Lord. Plus, do you really think you stand a chance against those dark ones? If they get their hands on your genes, it would only make them stronger! Guards! Take this ungracious b*stard to a cell. "