560 - 569

Chapter 560: Gossip Porcelain Doll

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Aamir finally realized that the war had long since eroded the meaning of family and friendship, and he had already gotten used to it. However, Wang Tong was the only person he had met so far who still held onto those values.

"My Lord, tell me what to do. I am afraid that Egypt City will not let us get away with this. We need to prepare."

"Don't fret! It will be a good opportunity to teach them a lesson." Ye Zi announced. One might think that Ye Zi was an idealist, since she had always been a medic inside the camp. However, years of tumbling and rolling with a local war band had installed measures of pragmatism in her.

"I am here to break the rules. Aamir, I know what to do. We will have to purchase at the original price no matter what, and that is my promise. Make sure we have enough storage room, and leave the rest to me. " Wang Tong cracked a smile as he intentionally filled Aamir's mind with questions.

Ye Zi felt proud for being part of Wang Tong's team. She knew that he was fighting for all human on Mars and not for his own benefits like all the other warlords on Mars.

Wang Tong challenged the status quo and punished the pompous a*shole; he did it to remind Aamir of his original intention when the latter first created the Blizzard brand. Time might have made Aamir numb to the injustice of the world, but it would not change his heart.

By then, Wang Tong had finally gotten Aamir's approval as a competent leader. Although Aamir had limited abilities, he was determined to do all he could to help the former achieve his goal.

"Sister Yuyu, I have noticed that you have been distracted ever since you came back from Maersa City. What is so interesting in that city that could make you want to return?" Susu half asked and half-joked with Xiao Yuyu.

Xiao Yuyu's advancement into legendary level had been sensational news in the sect. Leveling into level twenty-one straight from level nineteen was unheard of.

Xiao Yuyu and her crew had been one of the weakest medic crews before she joined Battle Wolf. However, after she returned the sect, she brought back with her a group of level nineteen field medics. This development shocked everyone in the Sect. In addition, the two spells she had learned at Battle wolf, the Divine Light and Super Healing, had also impressed everyone.

"Aw-you… Stop that! " Xiao Yuyu blushed.

"Come on! Tell me what Wang Tong is like. " Susu asked curiously; her mind was filled with questions. Wang Tong had made her brother compromise, and to Susu, he was the biggest mystery in the world. Susu always had a sense of superiority for being a Martian, and she wondered if this Earthling boy would really measure up to the heroic warriors of the Mars.

"He is… It is difficult to explain. " Xiao Yuyu searched her mind for words to describe Wang Tong, his sincerity, his gallantry, and his ambitions. Failing that, Xiao Yuyu giggled embarrassingly. Meanwhile, her mind already veered off to the time that she had spent with Wang Tong,

"Hey… HEY!" Susu waved her hand in front of Xiao Yuyu and then she chuckled. "Is he really that awesome? Everyone on your team has been talking about him ever since you came back."

Gossiping was in the blood of martian girls, even if they were field medics. These field medics were the elite units from the Sect. They underwent training in the Sect until they had learned all they needed to serve in the military. Michaux and his sister had created this unit in order to serve the people of the Mars better.

Although most field medics would be sent away to be stationed at different human resistance factions, those who possessed exceptional talent stayed in the sect, and were groomed to be chief medics and trainers. Xiao Yuyu's mission in Battle Wolf had been very special, since never before had the Sect lent their permanent field medics to another party. Once the field medics returned, the other girls surrounded the group and pressed them with questions about the outside world. Their curiosities were further piqued by their sisters' drastic increase in power. Xiao Lin, for example, had been a level sixteen medic when she left, but she had leveled up to level nineteen by the time she returned. This was a miracle! Xiao Lin and her sect sisters praised Wang Tong's talent and handsomeness every day, and it was the first time another man's name, other than Michaux's, was heard in the halls of the Divine Mastery Sect.

"Tell me, sister…Please!" Susu pleaded for more information about Wang Tong.

"I really can't explain it. You would have to spend some time with him yourself."

Ever since Xiao Yuyu returned the sect, she had been yearning to return to Battle Wolf, to the real world. Here in the ivory tower of the sect, she did nothing but teach one or two hours a day, and spent the rest of the day wandering around the palace, trying to find anything to do. It was a drastic contrast to her busy but fulfilling days at Battle Wolf. Although she had only been away for two months, she felt that she might as well have been gone for a year. Time was a strange thing; it was not measured with the tick of a clock, but with the memories.

"Hmph! You guys are jerks! You and my brother." Susu pouted. She could wear the mask of the holy goddess of the Sect during formal settings; but in everyday life, she was still a young girl with an inquisitive mind.

Xiao Yuyu studied the porcelain-doll-like features on Susu's face, and she pinched her cheek as she would to a cute little sister. It had never occurred to her that all girls in this ivory tower were nothing but dolls; but after she had tasted the life in the real world, she could finally see things for what they really were.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was having a meeting with Syracuse.

"My lord, you are a true leader through and through! Only two weeks after you established yourself in Maersa, you have already beaten up the district's only food supplier. What do you want me to do?" Syracuse grimaced sarcastically.

"Hehe… Well, I thought I still have you to turn to." Wang Tong beamed from side to side.

"Oh…Oh…that… My lord, I am not as resourceful as you might think."

"What a stingy b*stard you are! Help us out, will you? People are starving."

"Yes, yes. I have already ordered a shipment; it should reach you in five days."

The meeting went well. After having to deal with each other for a few months, they could finally get down to business with a great measure of trust with each other.

Syracuse turned off the sky-net and lit up a cigar. Wang Tong sounded much less desperate than he had expected. He wondered if the latter had a plan B. Even if he did, Syracuse would be the first person to know about it, thanks to his enormous web of contacts.

When Wang Tong hung up the phone, he heard a commotion outside of his window. Was that Tan Bu?

"Duo Lun, what the heck is going on outside? What is Tan Bu shouted about?"

"Boss, we better not go out there. Tan Bu can't control himself, so he went and joined the march."

Wang Tong listened carefully, and he heard words such as "Long live Wang Tong", and "We love our Lord."

"What is this all about?" Wang Tong was confused.

"Boss, people are marching. They heard about what you had done to Han Dun, and they were deeply moved. So, they organized a march to express their admiration for you. "

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "Fine, let them go home now. We have lots of things to do."

"Yes, my lord!"

Wang Tong didn't think he had been extra benevolent to his citizens, but the people of the city worshiped him as he was the best city lord in the world. Not only had he exempted them from their tax duties, but he also treated everyone like family.

The soldiers and the merchants inside the city wouldn't be affected by Wang Tong's rule as much as the ordinary people. Soldiers and merchants both served for the city, but what about the ordinary people? Everyone knew that there was no free lunch in the world, so they were curious as to what Wang Tong wanted from them. Rumors had it that their city lord was not very kind to people whom he didn't like; the Cherry Blossom was a good example.

Not sure who had spread the news about what had happened to Xiao Jin. A few hours later, the news was verified as people found the heir of the Egypt city in the dungeon with wounds all over his body.

Dignity had been a remote memory to a lot of people. But, when the citizens finally remembered what it was like to live like a human, they felt lucky to have such a benevolent lord.

"Li Xiu, good job on leaking the news to the public." Marcos smiled approvingly.

"It was nothing, haha. I would do anything to help Captain Wang Tong." Li Xiu answered calmly.

"What do you think we should do next?" Marcos asked.

"I will follow you in whatever you do."

"Hehe…Good! I am determined to follow Wang Tong. His goal is not just the Maersa City, but the world. He will need our talents."

"But, do you think our talent will be truly valued?" Li Xiu asked.

"Of course, we might not be the best soldiers yet, but we are much better equipped for many other tasks."

Chapter 561: Let Me Be The Champion

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Marcos and Li Xiu looked at each other with a knowing smile. They both knew that if they wanted to follow Wang Tong, they needed first to adjust their attitudes. Base on the current situation, it was impossible to oppose Wang Tong's rule. Not even a legendary warrior could go against him, much less the two of them. Therefore, they either had to come to terms with working for him for the rest of their lives, or they had to pack up and leave the city right now.

Marcos knew that although there seemed to be two choices for him, he only had one option: support Wang Tong.

He had leaked the details of the incident involving Han Dun in order to help Wang Tong gain the trust of his people. Solidarity inside the city wall was essential for survival. Without full trust in Wang Tong, Marcos would not do him a favor for free. During several conversations, Wang Tong had alluded other options to him, and today, he had finally given him the answer.

After some time, a soldier came in.

"Captain Marcos, Lord Wang Tong invites you to his office." It was Duo Lun who came to deliver the message.

Marcos cracked a smile and then said, "I will be there in a moment."

"Ah-if Mr. Li Xiu has time, Lord Wang Tong would like to meet him as well."

"Me?" Li Xiu pointed the finger at himself and asked incredulously.

"Yes." Duo Lun answered firmly.

Unlike Tan Bu, Duo Lun was a more introverted person, and was better suited for more clandestine duties, such as Wang Tong's personal guard. Wang Tong initially didn't want a guard, but the other leaders insisted their suggestion, quoting that all City Lords had a personal guard on their side. Being the closest person to Wang Tong, Duo Lun was regarded as the most trusted friend of his.

Li Xiu's heart throbbed in the chest as excitement shot through his body. 'What? Wang Tong wanted to see me?'

The lord of the Egypt City found it hard to believe that his son was held hostage in the Maersa City. It was a blatant kidnapping of a member of a prestigious family. Such a barbaric act had never been heard of in human-settled soils on Mars.

After the reality set in, the Lord refrained from making military retaliation. First of all, it was his son's fault. He shouldn't have bailed out on the agreement that he had already made. That being said, he couldn't just let the matter slide and agree to the kidnapper's terms.

Military might was useless under such situation as it called for a very different form of power

"Boss, representatives from the Egypt city have arrived."

"Oh? Did they bring our goods?" Wang Tong's face was lit up with glee.

Ross shook his head. "I don't think they are here to apologize. There is a legendary warrior among them, looking angry and all." Ross' face was contorted with anger. Ever since he underwent the crystal space training, he was constantly wired up as if he were going into a battle the next moment.

"Very good. Show them our hospitality, please. They are our guests after all."

"Yes, boss!" Ross turned around and stormed out. Unlike Aamir and Marcos, these young warriors wanted to test their new power eagerly. Although they had done so during the Zergs' siege, they hadn't used their power on any human opponent yet.

From an outsider's point of view, the City of Maersa and the power of the new faction that dwelled within it was both pathetic: the city was a ruin, and the faction a motley crew.

As soon as the dozen or so representatives from the Egypt city arrived at Maersa, they started shouting boisterously. "Who is in charge here? Who is the City Lord?"

"Please wait for a second. Our Captain will be here in a minute." Tang Duo spoke. Although he was much more powerful than the then hooligans combined, he spoke in a polite voice just as he was told.

The representatives didn't even look Tang Duo straight in the eyes. One of them snorted, and another shouted, "F*ck off, peasant! How dare you speak to me?"

Tang Duo didn't mind the insult as he kept a smile on his face and welcomed the group into the meeting hall. The fighters entered the lobby and waited for Wang Tong impenitently.

Soon, Aamir arrived at the lobby.

"Ah! Welcome, everyone. Please sit! My lord will be here very soon."

"Who the hell are you?" The leader of the pack asked arrogantly. This was the first time that Aamir had been greeted in such a manner.

"I am Aamir, and I am in charge of most of the domestic duties in the city," Aamir spoke calmly; however, the smile on his face slowly faded.

"Aamir of the Blizzard?"

"Yes. That will be me." Blizzard was one of the biggest war bands in the Maersa district, and its name always made it to the top list of the warbands on the Mars.

The leader of the pack softened his expression and then said, "I am the vice general of the Egypt City, Captain Lewinsky. We have received a report that your Captain has held our young lord hostage and beaten him up. This is unacceptable!" Lewinsky knew that Aamir was quite a character, and therefore, he turned down a notch while he spoke to him. However, he wondered why a renowned veteran would be willing to serve under a young fledgling. Five years ago, when the world first discovered Wang Tong, he was far away from becoming a legendary warrior. How much could he have improved in the short five years? Perhaps, Aamir was not as powerful as he had thought.

"Captain Aamir, what is your job in Maersa?" Lewinsky figured that Aamir was someone whom he could talk sense with. After all, he was the one who had first negotiated a business deal with Han Dun. He remembered that the city lord of Egypt wanted him to persuade Aamir to join his side.

"Just random chores…helping our Captain Wang as much as I can." Aamir said indifferently.

"Gosh! The leader of Blizzard doing chores? That is not fair! What a waste of talent! You know what? The City of Egypt will always have a place for you and your band."

"Brother Lewinsky, you think too highly of me. I am very content with my current position." Aamir said with a placid expression. He might seem amiable at first, but he did so because he had to, but not because he liked to.

The guests finally sat down as they ran out of energy to continue the farce. The one sitting in the middle of the group had an exceptionally well-built stature, and was unusually quiet.

As the guests were about to protest for the long wait again, Wang Tong finally appeared. The guests stood up in unison and Lewinsky closed in.

"Wang Tong, where is our young lord!"

"Hehe, you guys are very quick to respond. Did you bring us the goods?"

"What goods? Are you thick? You kidnapped our young lord and tortured him, but you still want your goods?" Lewinsky's face turned red as he found Wang Tong's question preposterous.

Wang Tong was unaffected by Lewinsky's harsh tone. He shrugged and said, "Pay up what you owe us, that's all that I care about. Then, and only then, we will talk about your young turd. Also, as a token of our goodwill, I will cover the expense of your stay here in Maersa."

"Haha! That is very nice of you, my lord." Li Xiu put in.

Seeing the negotiation was going nowhere, the group of warriors started their GN force at once. Wang Tong could sense that their average power was of level seventeen to eighteen. However, there were four warriors who didn't join in the other fighters. Although Wang Tong could not gauge their power, he knew that they were much more powerful than the first group.

"Wang Tong, hand over our young lord. Otherwise…"

"Alright, alright! Save your energy. You won't leave without that prick, and we won't let him go until we see the goods. So, why don't we settle it with a match?" Wang Tong cut Lewinsky short and waved his hands impatiently.

"Very well. Best two out of three!"

"Bah! You guys are our guests, so I will be fair and play nicely. If you can win one match against us, I will let you take your young turd, no questions asked." Wang Tong said with a smirk.

"How… arrogant!" Lewinsky murmured under his breath.

"My lord, the space is very limited here. Why don't we do it outside?" Li Xiu proposed politely.

"Good point! " Wang Tong nodded at Li Xiu and walked out of the meeting hall with the group of guests in tow.

Sensing the promise of a good fight, Maersa City suddenly became alive. It was Battle Wolf versus the warriors from the Egypt City. The drama of the fight itself had piqued many citizen's interests.

"Boss, let me do it!"

"Captain, give me a chance."

The streets of the Maersa City boiled over as warriors were eager to fight for justice.

Chapter 562: Champion Security Guard

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Boss, don't forget about the Flame Squad. Give us a chance please!"

Hearing the eagerness in the soldier's voice, Lewinsky's face turned black. "Who do they think they are? They are supposed to be afraid of us."

The soldiers in the Maersa city were so undisciplined and rowdy that they looked only a little better than street hooligans. Even the security staffs at the site, who were supposed to maintain order, had raised their hands and stuck their neck out in order to be noticed by Wang Tong.

"Shut up! Shut up all of you! We have guests today!" Wang Tong shouted. Lewinsky felt that Wang Tong didn't shout at his soldiers to install order; instead, that was just the way he talked to his men.

"Boss, we are in charge of the security in the city. Pick one from my team, please." Tan Bu pleaded to Wang Tong. His crew had been urging him to put in a good word for them as soon as they heard that he would need a few champions.

"Buzz off! You all have a job to do! Brother Bu, can you help me chose one of your men?" The warriors who had come back from the crystal space had been separated into three groups, and each was lead by Tan Bu, Lun Duo, and Bu Zhihuo.

"Yes, my lord!" Bu Zhihuo mostly kept things to himself. However, he was trustworthy and honest. Ever since he came back from the crystal world, he had found his place in Battle Wolf. He found hope in Wang Tong, which gave him strength and determination.

"Valentin, make it quick." Bu Zhihuo pointed randomly at a soldier. As Valentin scurried toward the battleground, the rest of the soldiers' heads drooped in disappointment.

"Well, well! Cornwall, have you seen how full of themselves they are? I believe that you will know what to do." Lewinsky was beyond furious. The casualness in Bu Zhihuo while he picked the champion was in stark contrast to the process of hand-picking the soldiers Lewinsky had brought with him.

Champions of both sides arrived at the battleground. Cornwall unsheathed his long blade and let his powerful level twenty soul energy pour out of his sea of consciousness. He was confident that he would be able to prevail in any fight as long as he was not facing against faction leaders such as Aamir.

Sensing his opponent's soul energy, Valentin stood unflinchingly. He took his time and channeled out a trickle of soul energy. His action went against the rule of thumb of fighting, to crank up the soul energy as soon as possible.

Cornwall's face blackened as he felt being insulted by the security guard's action. He was a level twenty lieutenant; how dare the latter not take him seriously? This was unacceptable!

Cornwall didn't want to waste any more time, so he attacked directly. His long blade sent out numerous razor slashes of burning lights at his opponent. Valentin dashed left and right to dodge the attacks coming from all directions, not wasting any of his energy on unnecessary moves.

Even after a few seconds, none of Cornwall's attacks had landed on Valentin, making the former anxious. It was evident that his opponent was much faster than him. He still had the initiative right now, but sooner or later, Valentin was going to counterattack. The thought scared Cornwall greatly, as he didn't want to be defeated by a no account security guard.

Hence, Cornwall gathered strength and released all of his power at once while charging at Valentin, hoping to end the battle with one powerful strike. His move was the most common technique used by Martians, the Belligerent Dash.

But, right before the powerful attack was about to land on Valentin, the young security guard's soul power suddenly surged. A fire of deadly power burned inside his eyes as he cranked up his GN force and poured it into his weapon, slashing at his attacker.

After an ear-deafening explosion, the battleground became so quiet that the audiences could even hear a pin drop. Even the soldiers in Maersa were shocked by the power in Valentin. No one inside the city had seen the power of warriors who were trained by Wang Tong himself until today.

After a single exchange of blow. Cornwall's blade was snapped in half. A cold blade now rested against the nap of Cornwall's neck as blood trickled along the sharp edge and dripped to the ground. Holding the blade, Valentin no longer looked like an ordinary security guard; he was a bloodthirsty demon straight from hell.

The guests from the Egypt city were high-level warriors, but even they were shocked by the display of strength.

Lewinsky hurried to the stage and admitted defeat in the first round before Cornwall received more wounds. The citizens and the soldiers alike cheered and applauded for Valentin's decisive victory.

"I hope I didn't disappoint you, my lord." Valentin bowed to Wang Tong.

"You have done well. Take a rest." Wang Tong dismissed Valentin with a wave. Lewinsky wanted to say something, but he failed to find words in his mouth.

"Mr. Lewinsky, that's round one. Who would you like to fight in round two?" Wang Tong asked with a smile.

"I have heard a lot about the famous mastery caster Guan Dongyang, and I wonder if I will have the honor of fighting him today?" The quiet warrior who stood in the middle of his teammates finally spoke out.

"This is the legendary sword master, Flame Blade Chamucha." Lewinsky introduced the warrior to Wang Tong with a smug smile. He represented the strongest power in the Egypt City, and had always been Han Dun family's "fire-fighter."

Ever since the farce started, Lie Xuan and Guan Dongyang had kept their silence. After living with Guan Dongyang, Lie Xuan had changed her personality. She no longer saw herself as the privileged princess of House Lie; instead, she was a member of Battle Wolf, just like everyone else around her. Therefore, she rarely spoke up her own mind, since she felt the other's opinions were equally as important. However, seeing someone challenging her loved one. She couldn't resist speaking up. "Dongyang, teach him a lesson."

Guan Dongyang didn't reply. It was not his place to decide if he would accept the challenge or not, since Wang Tong was the one making the calls.

Wang Tong held Chamucha's gaze for a while and then announced, "Mr. Chamucha, I am not sure if it is wise to unleash legendary spells in this crowded city. Why don't you pick a METAL warrior instead? Yin Tianzong, would you please spar with Mr. Chamucha?"

"Yes, my lord." Yin Tianzong stepped forward. He had been so quiet that no one had realized that he was with Wang Tong. A swell of murmur rose among the Maersa warriors. Everyone had heard that Yin Tianzong had reached level twenty-three.

Lewinsky gasped after seeing that even Guan Dongyang had to obey Wang Tong's order.

Chamucha furrowed his brows as he had never heard of his opponent's name. However, as he scanned Yin Tianzong with his soul energy, he registered that they were on the same level.



Both high-level warriors were extremely polite to each other as they started off the fight.

Zing! Zing!


The audiences heard explosions and saw sparks everywhere, but they were shocked to see that neither of the two warriors had even moved a hair.

"Brilliant technique! May I ask who you are?"

"Yin Tianzong…Master of the Martian Branch, Templar's court."

Yin Tianzong had worked clandestinely on Mars for his entire life, but since Wang Tong was here, he could finally reveal his real identity to the world.

Wielding a blade and a shield fluently at the same time, Yin Tianzong was a much more skilled warrior than people had thought. He had been one of the best students of the grandmaster while he trained in the court.

Seeing this, the court brothers felt their blood boiling. They had to hide their identity and operate under shadows for so many years. Thanks to their young master, Wang Tong, they could finally tell people who they were with pride and honor.

"Who are you?" Yin Tianzong was also intrigued by the power of Chamucha and wanted to know more about him.

"The Flame Blade Chamucha…I trained under the school of the Reckless Blades."

Although not a lot of people had heard the name of Chamucha, everyone knew about the Reckless Blades. Some called him the Blade Demon because of his devastating power. However, he was never interested in helping humans in eliminating the Zergs, as he spent most of his time perfecting his sword techniques. He was an eccentric hermit who was merciless toward anyone who dared to disturb his peace, regardless if the trespassers were human or Zergs.

Like Zambrotta, the Demon Blade had been on the list of the ten deadliest warriors on Mars.

Unlike the onlookers, Yin Tianzong was unmoved by his opponent's background. He studied in the Templar's Court, a much more prestigious and wholesome place than the school of a heartless demon.

The two warriors started to crank up their power; sensing danger, the audiences backed away from the stage. At that moment, Chamucha attacked suddenly. As the natural power gathered in his system, he channeled them to the long edge of his blade until it was red hot and packed with deadly force. The stage was surprisingly quiet, since both warriors tried to minimize their sound to hide their moves away from their opponents.

Chapter 563: Templar Branch Master

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Energy slowly concentrated on Chamucha's blade as the shade of redness turned from that of fire to blood. Chamucha attacked, and his blade clanked on Yin Tianzong's sword; the impact sent an enormous explosion throughout the stage. Chamucha's attack was able to come on top of Yin Tianzong, so he immediately followed with another attack. This was a fight between two legendary warriors, a rare scene for the soldiers of the Maersa. They watched the movements of the two warriors attentively, trying to learn from them.

Yin Tianzong was one of the best in terms of blade techniques, since he had studied swordplay from the grandmaster of the Templar's Court. The grandmaster's teaching focused heavily on physical conditioning and the understanding of the way of the Blade. Once succeeded in both aspects, Yin Tianzong's power increased exponentially with the increment of his soul energy. Unlike many other sword styles, the Templars rarely struck their opponents from the side unexpectedly, and this was particularly true for the high-level Templars. The style of swordplay was a reflection of one's character. Those who would trick their enemy often possessed a tainted soul, and were unfit to be high-level Templars.

Inside the crystal space, while the group had encountered extreme situations, Yin Tianzong was the only one who was able to remain calm and carried out his task with aplomb.

Chamucha's attack had started to gain frequency and vigor. Meanwhile, the force in his attack remained concentrated on the blade edge. Two level twenty warriors might be able to make more noise on the stage than Chamucha and Yin Tianzong; however, much of those extra energies were wasted on sound, heat, and light.

"Boss, what is brother Yin doing? He could have done away with him a long time ago." Tan Bu asked restlessly. He had seen Yin Tianzong's full power at the display, and he knew that he could finish this battle in mere seconds.

Wang Tong filliped Tan Bu's head with a finger and refuted, "Do…do…do…do away you're a*s! Watch and learn!"

"Whatever…" Tan Bu murmured. Sensing Wang Tong's scathing glare, he decided to keep his silence.

In the crystal space, everyone thought that Wang Tong's power was equivalent of a legendary warrior. However, when he had later become their "enemy" in the space and fought with the group, he was able to overcome Yin Tianzong's level twenty-three power. Therefore, even now, no one knew exactly how powerful Wang Tong was.

Although Wang Tong's exact power had always been the topic of much debate, no one could say for certain what level he was at. Some claimed that Wang Tong had already achieved the level of a super Einherjar, a mysterious level that existed only in legends.

Curiosity eventually had driven the soldiers to press Yin Tianzong for an answer. Annoyed by their insistent questions, Yin Tianzong finally told them what he thought, and his answer only added more mystery.

As for the legendary soldiers from the Egypt City, Wang Tong would be able to kill a dozen of them in the blink of an eye. However, Wang Tong had told Tan Bu and Duo Lun many times that killing wouldn't solve any problems in life. If he were to kill any warrior that dared to challenge him, there would be no one left on Mars to fight against the Zergs.

Wang Tong was convinced that the Zergs hadn't revealed their real elite soldiers yet. The Zerg warriors such as the golden dark ones were nothing but failed experiments that were sent to the human world as cannon fodders.

In any case, human on Mars should not let their guards down. Earth and the Moon were destroyed, and no one knew what was it like in the Andromeda Galaxy any longer. Mars had become the only hope for humans to reclaim their territory and save humanity from the brink of destruction.

Therefore, Wang Tong could no longer be reckless in disposing of the humans who challenged him. He needed friends more than ever.

Tan Bu finally knew that he would never be a hero who would save the world, since he lacked the Wang Tong's abilities. However, he was willing to follow such a hero and do his bidding.

Chamucha had finally warmed up and started to strike his opponent with full force. The stage was lit up by a flurry of Blade Aura flashes.

Chamucha's fighting style was quintessential of the capricious style of the Demon Blade. It changed erratically from being predictable to delirious, passive to belligerent. Every attack carried the deadly fire element which was uncommon among other sword fighters. It was generally accepted that adding natural elemental force into weapon attacks was unwise, since it was detracting for the sword fighter. However, the fire element in Chamucha's attacks was the result of the sword technique itself. In other words, it didn't require Chamucha to cast it on purpose. The way that the blade movement stirred up the air naturally created the fire element. As a matter of fact, the energy only appeared to be the natural fire energy, but it was made out of GN force through and through.

The two warriors' attacks were both deadly and powerful; however, their concentrated strikes meant that their movements resulted in much less noise than any normal fights.

The audiences had expected the two legendary warriors to take the stage apart; however, their fine control of power meant that their power could only be felt within a very small radius.

As the battle dragged on, fear started to creep into Chamucha's mind. He noticed that his opponent had been fighting without any defensive measures. Despite his belligerent attacks, Chamucha was not able to even land a single solid blow on Yin Tianzong. Chamucha knew that it was time to unleash his real strength and turn the heat of the battle up a notch.

Deciding that, Chamucha executed a frontal jab, and the sight elated everyone from the Egypt City. They knew this move: it was the coup de grace of the Flame Blade—Five Petal Strikes!

The jab suddenly forked into five attacks in five different directions, forming a flower made out of cold blades. This was not an illusion; it was the result of the unique sword technique.

The attack covered all angles, and therefore, Yin Tianzong had nowhere to dodge; so, he pulled back. With an approving smile on his face, Yin Tianzong retreated while blocking the attack with his sword. He wasn't able to completely counter and halt his opponent's attack until he had pulled back a dozen meters.

The blade had carved a deep scar on the hard floor in front of Yin Tianzong. However, he was unharmed by the Flame Blade's coup de grace.

Warriors from the Egypt city were disappointed after seeing the result. They noticed that Chamucha didn't unleash all of his might at one time; instead, he had increased his attack's intensity gradually, and therefore, had given Yin Tianzong time and energy to counter his killing blow.

The aplomb on Yin Tianzong's face was a drastic contrast with the seriousness and concern in Chamucha. "You are the first person who was able to defend my coup de grace. You are a worthy opponent who deserves my fullest power."

Yin Tianzong smiled assuredly and then nodded as a courteous reply to the other's compliment. Chamucha pinned the tip of his blade onto the ground and poured out his GN force as he let out a deep roar.

It was a level twenty-two soul energy!

No one had thought that Chamucha had already reached level twenty-two; he had hidden his power well indeed.

The Egypt warriors were elated by the development. As they cast a smug glance at their Maersa counterparts, they were shocked to see that none of the soldiers from Maersa were surprised, neither were they concerned.

"Your sword technique is much more powerful than mine. I should have admitted defeat there and then, but I also have a duty. I will have to keep on fighting." Chamucha said.

"No problem." Yin Tianzong said indifferently. Finally, he was about to attack.


The attack was straightforward and steady, but it was able to block all of Chamucha's escape routes. Chamucha paused for a second, and then he decided to stay put and watch the rest of the move.


The attack forked into eight branches and the blade bloomed like a flower! It was the Eight Petal Strikes.

Chamucha's face paled. Even at level twenty-two, he could at best unleash five petals. He had even thought that he had reached the ultimate form of the technique.

The GN force surged, and Chamucha blocked the eight beautiful but deadly petals with his blade.


When the strobes of blade aura finally faded, Yin Tianzong remained where he was, and his face still wore that placid and indifferent smile. On the opposite side, Chamucha had received three lashes. Despite his level twenty-two soul energy, he was not able to block all of the eight attacks.

It was not just more GN force that had made a sword master's attacks so much deadlier than ordinary fighters; it was their understanding of the way of the Blade.

Chamucha's face was ashen. He threw back his head and heaved a deep sigh. He had just reached level twenty-two, but compared to Yin Tianzong, he was still too weak.

Soldiers of the Maersa city didn't cheer for their victory; instead, they reflected on the moves of the battle, trying to comprehend and analyze Yin Tianzong's power. This opportunity was precious, since nowhere else would they see such powerful moves.

"I admit defeat!"

"A good fight!"

The Egypt soldiers were at a loss. What were they going to do for the last match?

Lewinsky was already drenched in sweat. He had been so confident in his mission, and he had never thought that he would encounter so many deadly warriors in Maersa. Yin Tianzong was only a personal guard of Wang Tong, yet he could overcome a level twenty-two warrior with ease. So, how powerful exactly was Wang Tong?

Running out of champions, Lewinsky decided to walk to the stage by himself. "I would like to see how powerful the heir of the blade warrior himself is." Lewinsky threw off his jacket and sauntered onto the stage. He already knew that he would lose the fight, but he couldn't let others look down upon Egypt City.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "Very well! I will see what you are made out of." Seeing that Wang Tong had accepted the challenge, the soldiers of the Maersa City boiled over.

Chapter 564: Rain of Aura

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Lewinsky was ready. He wagered that even at level twenty, he should be able to unleash at least one powerful attack. He didn't plan to impress anyone with fancy moves, so he decided to attack Wang Tong using the simplest, the most effective attack he knew—Belligerent Dash!


The sharp blade went through Wang Tong's body, but there was no blood or sound; Lewinsky knew that his attack had missed. Before he was able to gather himself, he heard a wave of cheer, and it wasn't until a few seconds later he realized what they were cheering.

It had occurred to Lewinsky that his blade was gone; it was in Wang Tong's hand.

"Mr. Lewinsky, would you like to try one more time?" Wang Tong asked as he tossed the blade on the ground in front of Lewinsky. The latter picked it up and then said, "There is no need. The goods will arrive Maersa in three days. Please fulfill your end of the deal by then."

The citizens of Maersa cheered again. They were determined to fight against the Egypt City till the end. As long as everyone was united under Wang Tong's leadership, they would win this fight for justice.

The soldiers from the Egypt city lowered their heads for now. Their mission was to see to it that Maersa released their young lord. However, the City of Maersa was much more powerful than they had thought, and this convoy lacked the strength to counter the might of the warriors of their host. They stayed put inside their hotel, keeping their heads low as they waited for the arrival of the shipment.

This incident had made a name for Wang Tong, and he was praised as a tough and unyielding leader. The lesson that he gave the Egypt city had deterred many other factions leaders who were eyeing Maersa City, mistakenly thinking of him as a pushover. Here on Mars, only the fittest survived; being able to let others fear him was paramount in preventing unnecessary conflicts.

Three days later, the shipment from the Egypt City arrived as promised. As soon as Aamir cleared the inventory list, Lewinsky took Han Dun and fled the city. News spread quickly to the ears of every business partner of the Maersa City. Fearing the same fate would be bestowed upon them, they hurried to pay up what they had owed Wang Tong. A balanced accounting book quickly made Aamir the happiest man on Mars.

"Captain's approach to things is very similar to us Martians, don't you think?" Ever since they joined the force, Aamir and Marcos and practically joined at the hips as they suddenly found a lot of common interests.

"Hehe, Maersa is a new faction, so we need to act tough. Otherwise, no one will take us seriously. Although Wang Tong is younger than us, he is more prudent and shrewder. Both of us had been focusing too much on rapid expansion, but failed to realize the importance of patience and strategy." Marcos said as he extended a cigar to his friend.

"Yes, I am not worried about him at all."

"I know that you worry about House Lie. Xiao Yuyu's departure is a sure sign that they have taken notice of us."

"Exactly! If House Lie decides to make a move on us, the sect will not hesitate a second to join forces with Lie Jian. We will be doomed if that happens."

"I doubt they will make a military advance against us yet. However, it's difficult to say what will happen under the table. I bet you that someone was behind that little prick from Egypt City."

"Haha… Why should we trouble ourselves with this farce? It's beyond our pay-grade now. To tell you the truth buddy, I really want to see what will happen to Wang Tong in the end. I like that boy. Ever since I joined him, I felt like I have become ten years younger. It's great!"

"Same here… Haha! He is what anchored us down and tied us together. I like him a lot too, and I thank him for what he has done for us."

"Very well! Let's work together to ease his burden so that he can progress his plan faster."

On the Skynet, the altruistic yet controversial actions of the mysterious Einherjar were a topic of much debate. Many legendary warriors supported him and praised his selfless act of saving the innocents while putting his life under grave danger.

However powerful those golden dark ones were, they were not invincible. A legendary warrior would be able to eliminate them in a one on one combat. However, as soon as the Zergs learned about the existence of a legendary warrior, they would insistently harass the settlement with more powerful Zergs for days on end until they knew the legendary warrior was either gone or had been killed.

The Zergs had spared no expense in their goal of eliminating powerful legendary warriors. Therefore, staying put during the Zerg raids was a much wiser option than killing them. All legendary warriors were renowned soldiers in their own circle of friends, and therefore, egotism rendered it impossible to persuade them to stay put once they had embarked on the path of self-destruction.

People debated fiercely over the skynet. Eventually, most people reached a consensus that fighting back should not be outright banned, but the timing of the strike should be chosen carefully.

As the discussion furthered, more and more people started to blame the current situation on the policymakers: House Lie and the Sect. As the de facto leaders of Mars, they had failed to prevent the Zergs from infiltrating behind the lines and wreaking havoc. In addition, their silence over the issue also made them look irresponsible and indifferent to the well being of Martians.

The dissidents turned in to anger, and the situation quickly reached to the point where Michaux and Lie Jian could no longer ignore it. Lie Jian was a calculating leader with a stone-cold heart. He believed that the sacrifice of the civilians' lives in order to preserve strength was simply a battle tactic. Human lives were nothing but numbers to him. To win the war, he would need the combined strength of all legendary warriors, and therefore he could not afford to lose them to save a few peasants…

His rules had been working well before the mysterious Einherjar stirred things up. Once the public awakened to their rights and started to demand it, they wouldn't stop until Lie Jian gave them a satisfactory answer. Lie Jian knew that it was dangerous to ignore the public's demand.

"Father, do you think we should pull back a few of our elite soldiers to guard the city?"

"Tell me, what you plan to do?" Lie Jintian nodded and asked. Ever since the Divine Master had sacrificed himself during the fight against Moye, Lie Jintian had become the most powerful human warrior on Mars.

"I want to call back ten level twenty-one soldiers from the front line…"

"Hehe, do you think it will work?" Lie Jintian cut his son short.

Lie Jian furrowed his brow as he sensed his father's disapproval.

"I have been watching you these couple years, and your actions have been satisfactory overall, but not perfect. This issue, for example, you should have handled it much earlier."

Lie Jian chewed on his father's words for a while and then finally realized what he meant. "You mean, I should be that mysterious Einherjar and save the people?"

"Hehe, you are not stupid after all. What are ten soldiers going to do now? The key job of a leader is to establish the right and wrong for his people. Zergs are our sworn enemy. So, we should never let the public see us faltering in front of the Zergs."

Lie Jintian's words had helped the latter see things much clearer. It occurred to him that his father didn't expect him to save everyone in every city; the key was public perception. If Lie Jian could do what the mysterious Einherjar had done in just a few cities, he would be able to convince the public that he was a benevolent and caring ruler. And, that was all that mattered.

The support of the people was the number one priority for Lie Jian, especially when the world's existing order had fallen apart and loyalty could be as fragile as an eggshell. Lie Jian was a smart person; he would not forget about the golden rule of the leader.

But, what was the ultimate goal of this mysterious Einherjar? The Martian lord never liked things that he could not control. Luckily, his other problem, Wang Tong, had been acting very predictably ever since he took over the Maersa City. Lie Jian already had him under 24/7 secret surveillance. He was biding his time for the perfect opportunity to use Wang Tong's power to his advantage.

However, Lie Jian simply could not stand the Mysterious Einherjar that challenged the status quo. He was a real deal, that one; a real Einherjar, so people treated him like a god. Bah! They even called him the God of War. His appearance at the Apollo City had directly resulted in the city to go astray from the leadership of House Lie.

However, soon after his appearance, he was nowhere to be found while both House Lie and the Zergs were searching for him.

The retaliation from the Egypt city never came, and Han Dun had become a laughing stock of everyone around him. However, the Maersa City needed to thank Han Dun for giving the people of a city something to fight for.

As days went by, the city started to prosper thanks to everyone's hard work as well as the help from Syracuse. Wang Tong had repaid Syracuse's assistance with spell crystals, which fetched a handsome return for the businessman.

"Haha…Mr. Syracuse, I want to thank you for your help on behalf of the city and its people."

"Haha… You are welcome! I am here to bring you good news. I have finally found an expert on GN force crystals guns. However, I have to warn you. I have seen too many start-up projects that tried to archive the same thing but go nowhere. This could potentially be very costly."

"It's alright; I am willing to give it a try." Wang Tong smiled and then continued, "Thank you for your continuing support. Maersa City needs you."

Chapter 565: The Final Preparation

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Haha…We are on the same team now. Many people back home want me to fail, so please don't disappoint me." Syracuse said hopefully. Wang Tong nodded and then saw the GN weapon specialist Syracuse was talking about. The specialist was of the same age as Wang Tong, but that was not where their similarity ended, as their names also struck a resemblance: his name was Wang Tung.

Wang Tung was wearing a stained lab coat; dark circles haunted around his eyes, and below his eyes was a full set of unruly beard. He went straight to the point as soon as he started talking to Wang Tong.

"In my humble opinion, I could comprehend the theory in my mind, but unable to describe it in any meaningful sentences. It's rather easy to understand, you see? Allow me to explain it to you. The amplification coefficient of the crystal was in linear correlation with that of the humans' GN force. This correlation allowed the two to establish a certain kind of synchronization, which will, in turn, construct a force matrix. This force matrix was not very hard to reproduce on an individual basis, but it was nearly impossible to…"

"To mass produce. Yea, yea, I know all of that." Wang Tong cut Wang Tung short.

"You have heard of the force matrix?" Wang Tung asked incredulously. He had never thought that anyone other than himself would have such a firm grasp on the secret weapon of the Kaedeians.

"Yes. You must have heard of those special crystals. They work on the same principle. Loading mastery spells into the energy crystal was the same process as that of loading GN force. They also face the exact same problem: mass production."

"Hold on a second. How could you load a spell?" Wang Tung asked attentively.

"First of all, I am a mastery caster. Secondly, I have an ability called the Soul Scan."

Wang Tung paused again while he chewed on the answer. The quietness inside the room unnerved Syracuse, who was standing outside and having a cup of coffee. He trusted the skill of Wang Tung as a weapon expert, but he was less sure about his temperament. 'May the Gods be good to him and refrain him from starting an argument with Wang Tong.' Syracuse still wanted him alive before he had solved the technical difficulties for him.

Worried and curious, Syracuse cracked open the door and peeked through a slit. He needed to be very careful as Wang Tong was his most valued client right now.

There were no arguments or fights; instead, he saw a crystal gun laid on the ground, while Wang Tong was conducting a soul scan on it. Syracuse watched as Wang Tong channeled out his soul energy and pointed the finger at the forehead of Wang Tung, connecting their sea of consciousness. This way, Wang Tung was able to see exactly what Wang Tong was viewing underneath the surface of the crystal gun.

As Wang Tong started the soul scan. Wang Tung was lost in the intricate patterns of energy inside the crystal gun, while he had completely forgotten about the Wang Tong's incredible control over his power.

After a while, Wang Tung drew a large gulp of air and pulled his mind back into reality. He shot Wang Tong an admiring glance and then said, "I got it!"

Wang Tong grimaced. "I understand what the problem is just like you did, but I have no idea how to fix it."

"I have brought my lab with me. I won't leave Maersa until I figure out a satisfactory solution for you!"

Wang Tung's determination reminded Wang Tong of his soldiers before they walked into a battle of life and death. Wang Tong had given him a problem, and now it was his turn to find the answer.

Without sparing any more words to his host, Wang Tung turned around and started to unpack his lab equipment. All the while, he murmured to himself as if Wang Tong was not there.

Wang Tong backed out of the room quietly, but as soon as he went through the threshold, he was stopped by Syracuse.

"How did it go?"

"Good! I need this man."

"No way! He works for my family; he can't stay here. My father is going to kill me if he finds out." Wang Tong didn't speak; instead, he stared at Syracuse with a searing glare until the latter's hair stood on their ends.

"Don't…Don't look at me like that! Fine, fine! I will let him stay here. But, be quiet about it! I am taking a huge risk in doing this."

"If he succeeds, your family would have the rights to the pattern. "Wang Tong said plainly.

"I want fifty-fifty." Syracuse's face became serious as soon as he started to talk about business.

"Ten and ninety!" Wang Tong's expression didn't change, but his counteroffer had startled Syracuse. This was outright blackmailing!

"Are you kidding me? Even if we were able to mass-produce the weapon, I can't survive on just ten percent! I have employees, and they all have families to feed. What about thirty and seventy?"

"I meant ten percent for me, and you get the ninety percent." Wang Tong explained.

Syracuse was shocked again. He took out a cigar and lit it in between his lips as he took time to ponder what exactly Wang Tong was after. He knew that Wang Tong's too-good-to-be-true offer must come with a caveat.

"What do you want?" Syracuse asked.

"I want only one thing: you need to sell it as cheap as possible so that all human forces can use them. The final battle is near…We need to hurry."

"Stopping bluffing me! The situation on Mars is very stable. It is true that we are not able to push the Zergs back right now, but it's not as bad as you make it sound." Syracuse piped up.

"Both the Earth and the Moon have fallen under the Zergs' control, leaving Mars the last bastion of human civilization. If the humans on Mars fail to turn the situation around soon, only death awaits them when the Zergs finally join the forces. Perhaps, the human resistance on Mars will not even last that long. The dark lord hasn't even revealed one-tenth of his real military might to the humans, since he is still waiting for the completion of his master plan."

"What plan?" Syracuse asked curiously.

"Perhaps there are still people out there hoping that the struggle between Moye and Patroclus would provide a turning point for the human to strike back. I call them delusional dreamers! The Zerg that had burrowed into Patroclus's chest was the Zerg's highest commander, the Mother Supreme.

Therefore, the conflict between Patroclus and Moye would never escalate any further. Moye's plan right now was to improve the abilities of his dark ones using human as a practice target. If he wanted to, he could raise an army big enough to overwhelm the entire planet. "

"You mean, Moye is using us humans to level up his soldiers in order to prepare for his final showdown with Patroclus?"

"It's a competition between two of the evolution branches. To the Zergs, only two things really matter… evolution and the destruction of the others. The general direction of their evolution train was already set, which was to evolve closer to a human. However, somewhere along the line, the original path forked into two branches. But in the end, only one branch can be adopted by the Zergs. This war is no longer between the humans and the Zergs. It is a war among the humans, immortals, and the dark ones. So far, the humans have been the weakest of the three parties."

"What makes it even worse for the humans is that some of us still haven't realized how bad their situation has gotten." Syracuse puffed a cloud of smoke and then said. Wang Tong's words had rendered him at a loss. Truth to be told, humans on Mars lived a much more comfortable life than their earth and moon counterparts. Over time, they came to believe that there was something special about themselves that had made them thrive during the crisis. However, their wishful thinking was far from the truth. As the weakest of the three parties, both the other two factions had treated the humans like a practice target. So much so, that Moye didn't even want to spend his best soldiers on them, as he had deemed the humans unworthy.

"I see where you are coming from. I can try to talk to my old man back home. But, I doubt his old mind will accept your idea." Syracuse announced.

Although Syracuse was a businessman, he was a citizen of Mars first. At that end, he knew very well where his duty lied.

Wang Tong cracked a smile. "Let's focus on the Energy crystal gun first. If we are able to achieve mass production, we will be able to increase the number of human soldiers by a few folds."

"As soon as our friend finishes his research, I can help you contact more resourceful families. I assume that you don't mind House Lie joining our venture, do you?"

"Of course not!" Wang Tong nodded. "Meanwhile, I will try to create a perfect storm for the Zergs while we wait. "

"Haha, I will take you up on that." Syracuse laughed. He wondered what kind of storm Wang Tong was brewing this time.

Chapter 566: Sweet Success

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Syracuse had spent a lot of resources on helping Wang Tong with his research of the GN crystal gun. He had acquired samples of the gun and a talent who really understood the inner workings of the machine. Wang Tung was a sour and bitter scientist straight out of the Dexter's Laboratory. He was paid handsomely for his work by Syracuse, yet, he constantly put the latter down because he believed that businessmen were useless parasites.

Although the project was a corporation between Maersa and Syracuse, Maersa's contribution was very limited. Therefore, Syracuse ended up having to provide for Wang Tung's more expensive and sophisticated needs

"Here, this is the Ph-Ah alloy. Why do you need it?" Syracuse stayed in the Maersa city in order to facilitate the research.

"It's too complicated to explain it to you." Wang Tung brushed his boss off and didn't even spare him a glance. Syracuse felt hurt every time he talked to him. He was only curious, but Mr. big brain had shot him back as if he was a dimwit. However, from the light that shone inside Wang Tung's eyes, he knew that he had found a breakthrough.

When Syracuse first started the project, he had employed over a hundred scientists, and had the best equipment in the world. However, the project was a failure in the end. He found it hard to believe that just one person with an improvised lab would have achieved more than a hundred persons and a state of the art facility.

"Syracuse, I need Wang Tong. Fetch him for me." Syracuse heard an imperious command as he was about to take a sip of his afternoon coffee. He looked up and found it to be Wang Tung; then, he looked back at his hot steamy coffee, paused for a second, and then he put the cup down.

"Right away!" Syracuse shouted.

"What's up?" Wang Tong asked.

"Dr. Frankenstein needs to see you. Not sure what it is though."

Wang Tong arrived at the front of Wang Tung's lab and then knocked on the door. The door cracked open, revealing a husk-like body, a dehydrated face, and a pair of glinting eyes. Despite being consumed by exhaustion, excitement and joy were written all over his face.

"Come in! I have a new idea. Come and see!"

Wang Tong was pleasantly surprised by Wang Tung's words and his spirit. Although he had the soul scanning ability, he was not an expert. He could detect the problem, but lacked the necessary knowledge to fix it. However, with Wang Tung's technical skills and the newfound understanding after viewing the soul scan diagram, he was very close to a breakthrough.

Wang Tong hurried into the room, and Syracuse followed him out of curiosity. After hovering over the project board for over a week, Syracuse had started to fancy himself as at least half an expert in the area.

"No amateurs allowed!"


Wong Tung shut the door on Syracuse with discernible aversion.

"Come now, Wang Tong. It had suddenly occurred to me that the key to solving the problem is you! All force matrices have an energy imprint, and I think that if we can find a proper material that is able to copy these energy imprints onto other crystals, we might be able to reproduce these guns very easily." Wang Tung announced with elation.

"Are you able to reproduce these imprints?"

"Like you had said, it is impossible in theory. However, after the crystal was touched by your soul energy, these imprints somehow surfaced. Let me put it this way…It is like walking along a railway track. What we are doing was to build a connection between the humans' GN force with the energy inside the crystal. The end product might not reach the full damage output as the original copy, but it should suffice for now. "

"What about the special material you were talking about?"

"Exactly! That is the last piece of the puzzle. I have been experimenting with over three hundred materials, and I have great confidence in this new material I have created using the Ph-Ah alloy. The final test is this afternoon. The results of that experiment will either make or break our project." Wang Tung said in an overly excited tone. His eyes were fixed on the gun. Should he succeed, he would be forever remembered as the genius who brought new technology to the humans when it was most needed.

However powerful the human soldiers were, they were unable to catch up with the Zergs' reproduction rate. Plus, only a certain percentage of the human population were fit for the battlefield, and every single one of the Zergs had only one purpose ever since they were born: to kill. That would be where the crystal gun came in to save the day. Once the guns were introduced to the battlefield, anyone with the even the least amount of soul energy would be able to shoot deadly energy bolts at enemies from afar.

Wang Tong gave Wang Tung a thumb up, and the latter was slightly uncomfortable by this intimate human interaction. "I… I was just lucky. I had been trying such experiments for many years, but failed. I think, it worked this time because the crystal had been handled by you. Without seeing the energy diagram, I would still be poking in the darkness."

Despite Wang Tung's humility, he had worked round the clock for this project. For three days, he ate only two pieces of toasts, and didn't sleep at all, as if he was possessed by his work. He had been working on the subject for many years, and finally found the last element that he needed to piece the puzzle together.

He was very confident in the outcome of the final testing this afternoon.

Wang Tung drew a deep breath and gathered himself. The moment of truth this afternoon would tell him if the direction of his research was right or wrong. If it were the latter case, it meant that he had to ditch years of research efforts and start all over again. He could not wait that long, and neither could the human world.

In the afternoon, Wang Tung invited Wang Tong to come to the lab and witness the historical moment.

The timer started ticking as Wang Tung opened his eyes and turned the machine on. Robotic arms swayed around while the conveyor belt hummed. Through a clear glass panel, Wang Tong watched as a core of the GN gun started to take shape at the heart of the steel cocoon. A tiny robotic arm carrying a needle sized carving tool closed in and started to work the roughly shaped core into the exact copy of the original crystal.


The machine peeped. Wang Tung took out the copy and studied it in his hand for a while before he placed it in a slot on the Gun.


Suddenly, sparks shot out of the gun as it started to glow. However, the light didn't last long as it dimmed down in just a few seconds. Wang Tung removed the crystal from the slot, his face streaked with tears.

Wang Tong was not sure if those were the tears of joy or sadness.

When Wang Tung first started this research topic, he had over a hundred colleges with all areas of expertise. However, over time, more and more of his companions died at the hands of the Zergs, and the team was eventually dismissed. He was able to pick up where his team had left off after he was hired by Syracuse's family. Whatever he had achieved today, he didn't do it alone.

These elites of the human society were highly sought after talents during the time of peace. However, as soon as the war broke out, their talent became useless. People were struggling to get by, and no one was willing to put in a huge amount of resources in researches that did not guarantee results. Even groups as powerful as Syracuse's family only committed a very small amount of resources to pick up the research haphazardly.

However, even if he were working all by himself, Wang Tung never gave up. What he was holding was not just a crystal core, it was his entire life.

The future of the human race was packed nicely inside that crystal core held by Wang Tung's trembling hand.

Wang Tung gritted his teeth; he knew that his task had not finished yet. Although he had crossed the most difficult hurdle, there were still much left to do done. Thinking that, he started to assemble the gun; by now, he could practically do it in his sleep since he had done it thousands of times.

When Wang Tung was done assembling the other parts, he dropped the safety and was ready to fire. It was the final test.

"May I have the honor?" Wang Tong asked. He was concerned for the mad scientist's safety, since most new inventions were extremely unstable.

Wang Tung shook his head and politely refused the offer. "This is my test. If anything happens to me, you can find all of my papers in that safety." Wang Tung said as he pointed at an iron box in a corner.

Wang Tung rounded his eyes as he focused on his soul energy. He had only a level three soul energy, weaker than even a sixteen-year-old boy. However, what he was about to achieve could change the course of human history.


The blast startled Syracuse who was standing outside the lab. Fearing that the experiment had gone haywire, he stormed into the lab. The first thing he noticed was the large hole on the concrete wall. Wang Tong and Wang Tung stood at the other side of the room seeming like time had slowed down for them. However, both of their faces had betrayed their complicated feelings inside.

Wang Tung slowly handed the gun to Syracuse, the very first mass-production-ready crystal gun in the world. He said slowly, "Remember, it belongs to the human world." As soon as he finished his words, he fainted out of exhaustion.

Wang Tong held onto the scientist and channeled his soul energy into his body to help him recuperate.

"We…did it?" Syracuse asked under his breath. When the reality finally set in, he couldn't believe his eyes. This was supposed to be his side project, and he never had high hopes for it. But there and then, a world-changing invention was right in his arms.

Chapter 567: Old Friends

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Syracuse, the rest is all up to you." Wang Tong didn't ask a lot from Syracuse, but he knew that he could trust him. However, if the latter betrayed him, he would kill the two-faced SOB in a heartbeat.

Syracuse was well aware of his situation, and he was smarter than to think of double-crossing Wang Tong. Although he was a businessman, his aspiration was not only to make money. He was a firm believer that making money and helping the human world were not mutually exclusive.

After all, what would be the point of having a huge pile of wealth without the life to enjoy it?

Syracuse went straight to his office and called for a conference call meeting.

"Syracuse, what the heck are you doing in Maersa! Did you finish the task I told you to?"

"Father, I have urgent news for you," Syracuse said earnestly.

Syracuse's father had never seen his son act so seriously before, so he asked, "What is it? I know you have made some progress lately, but don't take the family's trust for granted. "

"We have overcome the technical difficulties in mass producing the crystal gun," Syracuse said slowly.

"What!" The old man exclaimed incredulously. He had dreamed of such a day; this breakthrough would make his family the biggest weapon provider of the world.

"Haha! Good! Excellent!" The significance of this development was beyond description. The old man simply found himself at a lack of words to praise his son's achievement.

"It came with a caveat though."

"Caveat?" the old man frowned.

"The inventor had requested us to provide assistance in spreading the technology," Syracuse explained.

The old man knew right away that "assistance" meant making the pattern a public asset, essentially giving up a large share of the profit to other manufacturers.

"We can't make the call between the two of us. We need to call the board."

"Yes, father. However, the inventor was very adamant in his request. Right now, we still don't have access to it. The pattern is still in the hands of Wang Tong."

Hearing Wang Tong's name, the old man nodded in resignation. The breakthrough in the crystal gun was highly classified information, and only the core leaders of the Maersa city knew about it. They had to keep it to themselves before the guns finally hit the production line. The dark ones were as smart and cunning as humans, and their spies were everywhere.

The development had inspired enthusiasm among the core leaders. Once the gun was mass produced, every citizen inside the city could become part of the defense force. This would allow the METAL warriors to charge out of the city and meet the opponent in the open field without worrying about defense. The introduction of these weapons into the battlefield would case a paradigm shift and completely change how the battles were fought.

By now, Aamir and Marcos had become Wang Tong's most trusted advisers, and were in charge of managing the city. Wang Tong, on the other hand, had focused completely on training the elite soldiers. He had grouped the soldiers into different units, and let them perform military drills against each other.

Although he was the city lord, Wang Tong had spent little time on affairs concerning the city. He didn't take over the Maersa City because he wanted to control the Maersa district; he did it to prepare for something much greater: his coup de grace.

The soldiers' spirit rose as they felt their strength increase by the day. Wang Tong had handpicked five hundred soldiers as the elite unit. It consisted of a hundred or so Mastery casters, and four hundred METAL warriors. The main duty of the elite group was to inspire the other soldiers around them.

Mass production of the energy gun was never part of Wang Tong's plan. However, the gods were kind this time and bestowed the gift to the humans. However, despite the positive effect it would make on the battlefield, Wang Tong knew that he could not rely on it to change the fate of humanity.

"Tianzong, how was the drafting of the reserve parties."

"Slow. We have lots of applications, but not a lot of them can make the cut."

"Hehe, let's try the best we can. This is going to be a hell of a fight. We can't force others to risk their lives either."

"Yes, young master." Yin Tianzong was the only person in whom Wang Tong had confided his real plan. Although it was a very risky move, it would be extremely effective in inspiring the human soldiers while delivering a huge blow to the Zergs. However, if Wang Tong's plan failed, many lives would be lost, and that had greatly unnerved Yin Tianzong.

If the human world consisted of only Mars, Yin Tianzong might have strongly advised Wang Tong to take his time. However, it was not only the humans on the Mars that was threatened by the Zergs, but also the ones on the moon and Earth. The situation on there had deteriorated so much that Wang Tong simply could not afford to take thing slowly.

"What about the Divine Mastery Sect?" Yin Tianzong asked. He was not too worried for the warriors' life, since he had expected them to be ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice. Plus, they were well prepared in preserving the soldiers' lives, and a key element in that planning was the return of Xiao Yuyu and her field medics.

No one other than Wang Tong could persuade Michaux to let go of his best medics.

"I will have to pay Michaux a visit sooner or later." Wang Tong said as he cracked a smile. He would carry out his plan with or without Michaux's help, but at least he should try to enlist him.

As the headquarter of the Sect, the city of the Divine Mastery was considered to be the safest city on Mars. At the city center, a giant tower was erected with an insurmountable height. It stood tall and straight, reaching high above the clouds. For centuries, this was the spine that supported all Martians' spirit and resolution.

The city of the Divine Mastery and a few other cities around it were under the Sect's total control. The strong presence of the Sect didn't allow any room for the Zergs. Therefore, this area prospered in absolute safety, forming a stark contrast with the war-torn and poverty-stricken scenes that were so common in other parts of the planet. Michaux was not a god, so he could not fix the problem that did not have a solution. All he could do was increase his zone of influence slowly.

After days of traveling, Wang Tong had finally arrived at the legendary city where Li Feng and the Divine Master had first met. Unlike Li Feng, who traveled as a renowned warrior, Wang Tong arrived in the city as a nobody.

"Excuse me, where can I find the young master of the sect?" Wang Tong asked a vendor who was selling hot breakfast.

"Hehe, are you a refugee from other districts? It's easy. Follow the road till you reach the tower."


"Hey! Do you want to join the sect? Don't keep your hopes too high." The competition to become one of the sect members was fierce after all.

Wang Tong nodded and then walked straight toward the direction he was given. It had been five years since he last met Michaux, and he was interested to know how much more he had learned about the Divine Path.

"Hold on a second; I will give you breakfast for free." The vendor liked Wang Tong, and decided to offer him some food. The latter didn't refuse, so he sat down and started eating.

"You are a pig!" A girl chided. "How many days have you not eaten anything for?"

Wang Tong shot the girl a glance and buried his face into the bowl again.

"Are you looking for the young master?" The girl asked curiously.

"Two more bowls please." Wang Tong announced, continuing to ignore the girl.

"Hey, I am talking to you! How rude!" The girl protested.

"It's rude to meet me while wearing a mask. " Wang Tong said blankly. He didn't know who this person was, and neither did he care.

The girl was taken aback by Wang Tong's reply. "So, you can tell?"

Wang Tong didn't answer. He stood up, paid the vendor, and walked away.

"Hey, hey! Wait for me!" The girl hurried to stop Wang Tong.

"What is it?" Wang Tong asked impatiently.

"What kind of a gentleman are you? Who ignores a lady like that?"

Wang Tong rolled his eyes as he turned around and started off toward the tower.

Chapter 568: Fraternity For Princes

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong didn't make it too far before he was stopped by the girl again.

"Dear sir, I would like to warn you that if you think that you can just walk into that tower and see the young master, you might as well pack up and leave the city right now. "

"Oh? Then do you know how I can meet him?"

"Bah! And here I had started to think that you are dumb! Well, I could have helped you if you hadn't treated me so horribly." The girl pouted and waited for Wang Tong to apologize to him.

"Okay." Wang Tong said plainly and then was on his way again. The girl furrowed her brows and trailed behind him quietly.

The tower was the biggest structure in the city, visible from miles away; so, Wang Tong didn't have any trouble finding it. When he reached the reception desk, he told the worker his reason of visit. The receptionist's smile froze for a second, and then she said: "The young master is busy with many tasks. Would you like to leave him a message?"

The girl behind Wang Tong covered her mouth, trying to suppress a laugh. If just anyone could be able to walk to the tower and be granted an audience with the young master, Michaux might as well work at the receptionist desk himself.

"Can I talk to the chief medic Xiao Yuyu?"

"I am so sorry sir. Medic Xiao is very busy right now. You can just ask me if you have any questions." The receptionist's smile faded; her patience was waning. A line up had already formed behind Wang Tong.

"Hey, dude! Are you a paparazzi? Go stand outside if you are. We are here for urgent matters."

"No kidding! If you are looking to join the sect, you can fill out the application to your right." The crowed sizzled with dissatisfaction.

Wang Tong wanted to tell them who he really was, but fearing the situation might get out of control, he left the people and the receptionist in peace.

As soon as Wang Tong walked out of the threshold, he saw a smirk on the girl's face.

"I told you so!"

"Can you help me?"

"Excuse you? Do I know you?" The girl pouted and crinkled her nose.

"Now you do." Wang Tong answered whimsically.

"How about this? Let's play a game. You guess who I am, and I will guess who you are. If you win the game, I will have a present for you."

"How the hell will I know who you are?" Wang Tong shrugged.

"Are you thick in the head? This is a game. Urgh! You are so boring!"

"Fine, fine. Now, tell me who I am." Wang Tong gave in.

The girl studied Wang Tong for a while and asked wilily, "You going to play with me if I guessed it right, eh?"

Wang Tong shook his head. "I am busy. Choose something else."

"Whatever! They told me that Wang Tong was a gallant and mighty hero. I would like to see his power for myself." The girl said with a bright smile on her face.

"So, you are prepared. Let me guess. First of all, the reason that you need to put the glamor on is that you are a public figure in the city. Secondly, the fact that you could cast this glamor spell means that you have powerful soul energy. I bet you are one of those hotshot Sect medics who live in the ivory tower." Wang Tong said.

"Go on." The girl tried to remain calm, but her face had betrayed her thumping heart.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and decided to end this game by telling her who he thought she was. But suddenly, he heard a crowd charging toward them. Wang Tong pulled the girl out of the cohort's way as they stormed into the reception room, cramming the small space.

Some guests who were irritated by the boorish group started to complain and railed against them, but their protest was quickly quelled by fists and kicks thrown at them.

"Who else wants to complain?" The young man spoke in an arrogant manner as he scanned the crowed intimidatingly. The face of the girl beside Wang Tong paled as soon as she saw the speaking young man.

The receptionist plastered a welcoming smile and walked to the young man. "Mr. Zhang, welcome! What can I do for you?" As soon as people heard his name, they knew why the young man acted so conspicuously arrogant.

His name is Zhang Guanming, and he was the nephew of the late Divine Master and the lord of the Divine Will City, also the youngest city lord on Mars. Due to his special background, even Michaux let him have his way without bridling his actions. He was also a member of the Prince-ling fraternity, whose infamous members included Lie Jian and Han Dun.

Therefore, he was well connected with such great power on Mars.

"I have heard that Xiao Yuyu has been back for days! Have you delivered my words to her?" Zhang Guanming questioned loudly.

"What happened to Michaux? Why did he allow such a douchebag in his city?" Wang Tong murmured to himself.

"Quiet! Are you tired of living?" A Samaritan nudged Wang Tong's elbow and urged him to be quiet. However, the exchange didn't escape Zhang Guangming. He had been sour and bitter ever since Michaux was crowned the next Divine Master. With his fragile ego shattered, Zhang Guangming demanded everyone's respect, and had become extremely sensitive to impudent comments toward him.

"Who said that?" Zhang Guangming looked to the corner where Wang Tong was standing, his face contorted by anger. Suddenly, everyone around the latter backed away, leaving him at the forefront of Zhang Guangming's searing glare.

"It was me. What the heck happened to you, dude? Your uncle was the Divine Master for god's sake. Pull yourself together." Wang Tong shook his head and said.

Zhang Guangming was taken aback at first, but then he burst out laughing. "Very well! You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this. "

Without him issuing a command, his bodyguards surrounded Wang Tong. Everyone scurried out of the room, and even the security guard stood far away, watching the fight unfold.


As Zhang Guangming's entourage was about to rain fists onto Wang Tong, Xiao Yuyu appeared in the room and called out to them.

The security guards bowed to her and murmured embarrassingly: "Chief Medic, we…"

Xiao Yuyu waved in dismissal. They didn't need to explain as she was well aware how much of a headache Mr. Zhang could be. He was not even a member of the sect for god's sake, but he demanded to be treated as if he was the reincarnation of his selfless uncle.

"Yuyu, you are back!" Zhang Guangming's face beamed from side to side. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just really wanted to see you."

"I told you many times, I have nothing to do with you! Go back to the Divine Will! This is not your place to throw a tantrum." Xiao Yuyu scanned the crowd, and her eyes landed on Wang Tong, causing her to blush.

Zhang Guangming was quick to pick up the nuance in Xiao Yuyu's expression. It finally occurred to him that this insolent teenage boy was here to steal the love of his life.

"Hey, you. What is your name? How dare you disgrace the sect so brazenly?" Zhang Guanming asked, trying to provoke his opponent.

"Zhang Guangming!" Xiao Yuyu shouted in a harsh voice.

"What? Are you feeling sorry for him?" Zhang Guanming didn't waver. The audiences heard the exchange of the two, and they realized that even a chief medic's word could slide off Mr. Zhang's mind as easily as rainwater off a leaf blade.

Zhang Guanming studied Wang Tong's face as a cat would to his prey. Wang Tong would just be another fool he could use to demonstrate his control over the sect. Michaux was only a puppet, and he was the real master who pulled the strings.

"You? Too weak." Wang Tong flipped Mr. Zhang off.

"I am too weak? Haha! Who else is stronger than me? Who can stop me?" Zhang Guanming shouted.

"STOP!" At that moment, a booming voice could be heard in the room.

"Stop my a*s! KILL!" Mr. Zhang shouted.


Zhang Guanming received a forceful slap on the face, which threw him off balance. The only person who dared to slap him was Michaux.

"Michaux! How dare you! Without my uncle, you would still be someone eating dirt in the street! You ungracious b*stard!" Zhang Guanming shouted as he had completely fallen into delirium. Michaux remained calm, but everyone else could no longer hold their anger.

Chapter 569: The First Generation Divine Master

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Zhang Guangming, you are the one who is ungracious. Young master is trying to save your life. Once you start a fight with him, no one will be able to help you." Xiao Yuyu said coldly.

"Save me? I think he is trying to save this prick! Who the hell is he anyway? Your other boyfriend?" Zhang Guanming scorned.

Michaux didn't even spare Zhang Guanming another look as he held the gaze of Wang Tong. Their fight that took place five years ago seemed to have happened just yesterday.

Everyone felt the connection between Wang Tong and their young master; it was a connection between two old friends.

"Welcome, Wang Tong." Michaux finally said after a few moments of silence. Even though Michaux was not able to tell how powerful Wang Tong had gotten in the five years, he knew that the latter didn't stop training.

"Brother Michaux, long time no see!" Wang Tong smiled sincerely. Michaux was one of the very few people whom he still considered his equal.

"You are… Wang Tong?" Zhang Guangming stuttered.

"I will spare your life for the sake of my old friend Michaux. Leave now, before I change my mind." Wang Tong shot Zhang Guanming a searing glance, and the latter felt a blow on his sea of conscious.

"Michaux, you will pay for this!" Zhang Guanming grunted and then left the room with his gang. As soon as he turned on his heels, the crowd in the reception room cheered.

"I apologize for that," Michaux said.

"No worries. This is a big city, with all kinds of people. But, it seems like you are still a pushover… Haha." Wang Tong laughed.

"Susu, why are you bothering him?" Michaux shot an expository glance at the girl Wang Tong had met.

Susu stuck her tongue out and made a face. "I was just welcoming him. Right, Wang Tong?"

Wang Tong paused for a second, and then nodded.

Xiao Yuyu looked at Wang Tong wistfully. When she had first left Battle Wolf, she had thought that she would be soon be occupied with her task at the Sect and gradually forget about the idea of going back to Wang Tong. However, it had been easier said than done. As soon as she saw Wang Tong's face, memories that she had tried hard to bury deep flooded back into her mind.

After some time, the crowd in the reception room dissipated.

"Sister Yuyu, stop ogling at him." Susu jested.

"Yes, I will go with him." Susu murmured unconsciously.

Susu burst out laughing. "Go with him? Haha! Go with your boyfriend! Haha!"

"Excuse you!" Realizing that she had misspoken, Xiao Yuyu blushed.

"Hehe… I think that Wang Tong is on a mission today. But, what does he want? Or…should I say, who does he want?" Susu asked rhetorically. Xiao Yuyu knew that it was Susu's way of begging for compliments. "My little Sister Susu is the prettiest girl in the world." She quickly improvised one.

"I know that already. Everyone knows that." Susu was not impressed yet.

"And, she is also the friendliest and most helpful investigator. I am sure she will find no trouble in figuring out why Wang Tong is here." Xiao Yuyu said, her voice almost pleading. She really wanted to know the purpose of Wang Tong's visit. Somehow, she had a feeling that Wang Tong was here to recruit her again. Was that a woman's instinct or a wishful thinking? She needed to find out.

"Fine, fine! Such a small task is a piece of cake for me. However, did you know that I have recently been collecting the Wawa series doll?"

"I will give you all my dolls."

"We have a deal then!" Susu turned around toward her brother's office to eavesdrop his conversation with Wang Tong.

"I had never thought that we would meet in this way. Anyhow, I am so happy to see you again."

"Bother Michaux, I have something that I meant to tell you. It might not sound nice to you, but I think I have to say it." Wang Tong took a sip of tea and then said earnestly.

Michaux paused for a second and then said, "Do tell."

"You should be responsible for the current situation on Mars." Wang Tong said slowly.

Wang Tong's words riled up Susu, who was eavesdropping outside of Michaux's office. She clenched her fist and tried hard to hold back the urge of storming inside and punching Xiao Yuyu's pretty boyfriend in the face. Did Wang Tong know how much her brother had done for the people on Mars? Susu quickly categorized Wang Tong as one of those "bad people", perhaps even worse than Zhang Guangming. Why did Xiao Yuyu fall for him?

"I would like to know why," Michaux asked without any resentment in his voice.

"You failed to unleash the full potential of the Divine Master Sect. It is such a pity." Wang Tong spoke frankly. He was not here to fawn over the young master; he was here to deliver a warning.

"How so?" Michaux asked calmly. Outside of the door, Susu's face was reddened by anger.

"The sect is a symbol of hope to the Martians. To live up to the expectation, you should strike the Zergs with abandon, as the late Divine Master did. You need to let the humans on Mars know that other than fighting back, they have no other choice." Wang Tong explained slowly and calmly.

"The members of the sect are stationed everywhere on Mars, risking their lives for the people on Mars. Is that not enough?" Michaux asked.

"No. You can't think only in terms of Mars. The Zergs are also on the Moon and the Earth. When the fire of resistance finally gets put out on those two planets, the Zergs will gather their forces. Do you think Mars will stand a chance by then?"

"Of course not."

"The moon was already under the total control of Patroclus, and he is not too far from claiming Earth. The humans' last hope is here on Mars. We need to turn the situation around as soon as possible, so that we can rescue our friends and families on Earth and moon one day. I know that you and other factions are planning to fight a prolonged war with the Zergs, but do you really think that that is a smart idea? Even if Mars could be able to survive while on its last leg, do you think the people on Earth and moon would? We are running out of time." Wang Tong urged assertively, but not in a condescending way.

From the Earthlings' perspective, the reason for the relative peace on Mars was simply because they had kept Patroclus distracted. If the Martians failed to act quickly and do away with the dark lord before he joined forces with Patroclus, all that was left of humanity would be doomed.

Humans should never underestimate the brutality and savagery of their enemy, particularly when the enemy was Patroclus.

So far, the human forces had always been under Moye's mercy. Should the dark lord one day decide to change his mind, the reprieve of the Martians would be gone in a snap of a finger.

Michaux had got the drift of Wang Tong's words; he knew that the latter was right.

"Brother Wang Tong. how dare you open your trap before even realizing what is really going on?" Lie Jian's voice boomed from outside of the room.

Wang Tong was not surprised by Lie Jian's appearance. He didn't travel under disguise, and therefore, he knew he had been followed.

"Come to sit down. Don't be so boorish! Wang Tong is right. The situation is not optimistic at all." Michaux called out to Lie Jian.

Lie Jian chose a seat across from Wang Tong and sat down. In the five years, his ability grew by leaps and bounds, and so did his confidence and ego. Lie Jian had matured a lot, and the adolescent expression that had been his characteristic feature had disappeared over time.

"Wang Tong, let's focus on the present and talk about our reality here. Both Michaux and I want to know how you will be able to turn the tables around on Mars?"

Lie Jian get right down to the point. Truth be told, although he preferred the slow but steady approach he had been taking, he was not oblivious of the dangers that Wang Tong had brought up. If he could have done something to improve the situation, he would have already. But, there should be a limit. He couldn't blindly send his brothers and sisters to their death.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then revealed his plan. When he was done, both listeners were shocked.

Susu tired hard to discern the words in Wang Tong's mouth; however, she could not hear a thing. It was as if he had put a muzzle over his mouth.

After a while, Lie Jian smiled candidly. "Haha! You are truly a fearless SOB! If you can pull it off, I will lead the entire Martian army to join you."

Wang Tong nodded; his goal had been achieved. He was not the supreme commander of the Martians, and therefore, only in alliance could he be able to leverage the Martians' power.

Lie Jian left the room as soon as they had reached an agreement on their next move. He was neither Wang Tong's enemy nor friend, and therefore, he simply didn't care what other business Wang Tong had with Michaux.

"Brother Wang Tong, the first Divine Master Andres had left a gift for you. I think it is about time to give it to you." Michaux said as soon as Lie Jian was gone.

"The first Divine Master?"