639 - 648

Chapter 639: Dark Lord's Head

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Moye's transformation wasn't just in terms of aesthetics; it had also improved his skills. Moye's last form, the second form, excelled in brute strength. However, regardless of how heavily he could hit, if he couldn't land a solid blow, all that strength and energy was wasted. The last stage of his transformation refined his technical finesse while further boosting his raw power.

"This blade technique looks familiar."

"It's House Li's Tactics of Vayu." Lie Jian furrowed his brows and answered. He wagered that the blade technique would become more powerful when used by Moye than Li Zhedao.

"Air Splitting Whirl Wind Hell!"

Moye twirled and spun as he rose into the sky. He squeezed the blade with both hands, as the purple energy crystal on his helmet started to gleam. The purple light flowed to the blade and clung to it as Moye hacked at Wang Tong suddenly.

The air was stifled for a splitting second, and the earth trembled and mountain moaned. Countless blade aura lanced and swirled toward Wang Tong with a killing intent. It was a GN attack, and its potency was no less, if not more, than that of mastery.

The belligerent blade aura threatened to rip open the very fabric of space; Moye was not worried about energy consumption since he had a nearly unlimited supply of it.

A golden light flashed in Wang Tong's hands, and the Einherjar Lance appeared out of nowhere. He rested the lance firmly about his waist and formed a GN shield around him.


The blade aura rained on the shield like a sudden downpour. Moye held the purple blade in both his hands and channeled more energy from his body into the tip of the blade. When the tiny point could no longer hold any more energy, Moye finally attacked. With that, a beam of highly concentrated purple energy shot out of the tip of the blade.


The blade aura exploded in Wang Tong's face, sending a shower of sparks and cinders. Everyone's hearts were caught in their throats. Was Wang Tong alright?

As the dust and smoke finally receded, Wang Tong emerged unharmed. He twirled his lance around as if playing with a toy. "This is your final stage? No wonder Patroclus is not interested in you. You are still too far from the real power. Have you heard about the divine path?" Wang Tong said airily.

"That's bullsh*t! Strength is the only path! " Moye shouted. Without the husky and hoarse voice, he sounded like a girl screaming.

Wang Tong shook his head and lamented about how primitive and simple Zergs were. Despite their incredible evolution ability, their complete ignorance of the divine path would be their downfall. The humans had searched for the divine path for thousands of years, and by then, the name had been branded in humanity's collective memories. The Zergs were already too late to the party.

Wang Tong constantly spun the lance in his hand with an even and controlled level of soul energy. Wang Tong had kept his soul energy output steady ever since the beginning of the fight. Without knowing the full extent of his opponent's power, it was dangerous to unleash off of his power as Moye had just done.

However, Wang Tong didn't conserve his soul energy for that reason; he simply didn't think that he would need any more of it to subdue the dark lord.

Michaux marveled at the improvements that Wang Tong had made in the last five years. As a matter of fact, Wang Tong was already ahead of most people even five years ago once he possessed the soul essence. After five years of cultivation in undisturbed seclusion, it shouldn't come as a surprise to Michaux that he had come back so powerfully.

It was evident that Moye was not a worthy opponent, and Michaux would have to wait another day to see Wang Tong's full power on display. Wang Tong wouldn't reveal his real power for the same reason that Patroclus didn't reveal his while he fought with Li Zhedao. They were both watching each other's every move closely. If one showed a powerful coupe de grace, given some time, the other would be guaranteed to come up with a counter. Therefore, it was in their best interest to hide their power as much as possible and seek safety in the darkness before the final showdown.

Sensing that Wang Tong was going to attack, Moye gathered up his soul energy and increased his defense. However, he doubted that the former could even make a dent on his armor. Not only had he the absolute advantage in terms of strength, but his wings also provided unmatched agility.

The golden lance extended ahead, its tip shooting at the ground. Suddenly, Wang Tong charged out; his body started by flicking like a phantom and then disappearing completely. Before Moye knew it was too late, he felt the wind blow through his chest. He looked down and saw the hole on his chest. Blood spilled out of Moye's insides as he dropped down to one knee while Wang Tong re-emerged right in front of him.

This was the same move Wang Tong had pulled off five years ago in order to defeated Li Shiming: the Space Warping technique! But unlike five years ago, Wang Tong knew exactly what he was doing this time, and the power was much more devastating than when he had unleashed it by accident.

"What kind of move is that?" Moye's handsome face was distorted by pain. Thanks to his swift reaction, he was able to avoid the killing blow. By then, the large hole on his chest had already closed up as the wound started to heal.

Wang Tong didn't hurry to strike again while Moye was still weak. "I have heard that you are able to copy any move you have seen. Would you care to entertain me with that ability?" Wang Tong put the Einherjar lance down and said in a condescending voice.

Wang Tong had finally shown the sharp demeanor that befitted his power and donned the mask of the almighty Blade Warrior. Contempt and pride were carved into this mask, and Wang Tong wore them like a constant reminder of his superiority over the Zergs.

The humans hadn't seen this much confidence on display in the last five years. In those dreary five long years, if the humans were not in hiding from the Zergs, they were running away from them. Never once did they muster enough courage to truly stand before the Zerg army with an adequate measure of confidence.

When Moye had completed his final transformation, the human public was seized by despair and hopelessness. But, all of that defeatism was gone now while they basked under the reflected glory of Wang Tong.

In the space, Samantha watched the screen as she marveled at how quickly Wang Tong's mind had grown up and matured. No longer did he act on a whim; everything he did and said encouraged the human soldiers while straining the minds of the dark ones and immortals. He had finally started to see things as a bigger picture.

It was about time for a hero like Wang Tong to show up as humanity was on its last leg.

Samantha reckoned that if Wang Tong charged straight into the dark castle and done away with the dark lord as soon as he landed on the Mars, he would have changed only a fraction of what he had so far. If he had done that, the factions on Mars would still be fragmented while the big players bickered and squabbled about trivial matters. It would only be a matter of time before Patroclus weighed in and crushed the splintered Martian front in one fell swoop.

Moye starred at Wang Tong fearfully. His mind refused to acknowledge what he had seen. Wang Tong had broken the law of physics, that was impossible. It had to be some kind of a trick!

Moye gathered strength and suddenly was covered with blue flames. Lie Jian's face hardened at sight; he registered that Moye was going to combine the House Lie's Tactics of Blaze with House Li's Tactics of Vayu.

Although such a feat was impossible for a human, it was as easy as breathing for Moye.

As Moye gathered more energy, his belly and chest were filled to the brim with dancing blue flames. The fullness in his body bent him backward slightly, stretching his muscles and sinews as if stringing a bow.

Across the roiling energy, Wang Tong's face seemed relaxed. Harmon was taken aback by the former's expression. He knew Wang Tong had tricks up his sleeves, but without being there close up, he wouldn't be able to discern the nature of Wang Tong's counter. "The devil is in the details." Harmon lamented.

Blue Vayu Fire Wind!

In an instant, the earth around Wang Tong cracked open due to the bombardment of blade auras. The attacks bent and warped the fabric of space and made the air look almost like liquid. The ground trembled violently as the dark palace started to crumble.

Wang Tong didn't move a hair, but the attacks simply went through his body as if they held no physical substances.

"You are a great copycat, but that is not enough to end the human world." Wang Tong announced, still standing where he was while completely unharmed. Moye shot him a fearful glance as he tried to wrap his mind around what had happened. In his simple mind, speed and strength were the only things that mattered to a warrior's power. Plus, he had gone above and beyond to refine his skills, combining powerful techniques creatively. Was that still not enough? If so, what did he miss?

Moye watched as Wang Tong raised his lance. Confusion and fear had taken hold of him, rendering him motionless. Wang Tong pointed the lance at Moye's neck, making him feel a chill down his spine as he turned into a bundle of nerves.

Suddenly, Moye flapped his wings, and just as everyone thought he was going to attack first, the dark lord turned on his heels and flew in the other direction.

The audiences were shocked: Moye was escaping!

Anyway, Wang Tong didn't give Moye a chance as he hurled the lance at the nape of Moye's neck. The attack hit home, and Moye tumbled to the ground, still alive. He struggled to keep balance while the lance was lodged in his neck, and then tried to flap his win again, in vain. Wang Tong had gripped his wings with an iron grip. While Wang Tong held Moye's wings in one hand, he picked up the lance with the other as he lifted the latter's body off the ground and held it.

It was the cue for Lie Jian to avenge his father.

Lie Jian shouted a battle cry as blue flames covered his body and charged out. Fists of fire rained on Moye's pretty face. Compared to Moye's crime; this punishment seemed almost benign.

Harmon watched with astonishment. He had planned the start of this fight, but didn't expect it to end like this. He had doubts regarding Wang Tong's power, but Patroclus' conviction had persuaded him in the end. However, even if he were aware that Wang Tong's incredible abilities, he could have never seen him defeat Moye so easily even in his wildest imagination. In addition, he was also impressed by his ability of gaining Lie Jian's support by offering him the chance to avenge his father.

Lie Jian would owe Wang Tong a big one by being given the opportunity to redeem his family's reputation. It wasn't just Lie Jian he was helping, but also the Martian public. Wang Tong needed all of their support to lead the Martian troops to liberate the Earth and the moon. He was clearly killing two birds with one stone.

Harmon hesitated for a second and then started his spaceship. The battle is wrapping up, and he needed to bug out while he still could.

Meanwhile, the entire red planet was awash with elation and blissful joy. Women wept tears of joy while men shouted and hoorayed for the end of the dark age.

Moye's perfect body was already in tatters by then. The fire had melted his elegant METAL while his porcelain skin was charred to the color of coal. His neck was broken and his head lolled to one side. Lie Jian grabbed onto Moye's hair, and with a forceful yank, he pulled the head off of Moye's shoulder.

By then, the human warriors were surrounded by dark ones and Zergs coming from all over the area, but the scene had terrified them despite their overwhelming numbers. They saw a bloody human head on a pike, and then realized that it was Moye.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, the dark ones simply stood around, not knowing what to do. After a while, a few smart ones started running away, and then the entire army followed them.

Zambrotta announced Moye's death right away to encourage his soldiers. The darkest time had passed, and now, it was the time the clean up this planet of the Zergs. The news had convinced the human soldiers that they would be unstoppable from then on.

The Zerg army didn't dare to look at Moye's head, much less get near it. Little did they know that they had lost the best opportunity to kill the human elites.

Inside the dark city, soldiers collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. Even Wang Tong had started to feel fatigue. They would have never been able to defend against the Zergs if the latter had decided to attack them. Wang Tong had thought of that, and therefore, he had set Moye's head on a spike for all the Zergs to see. He knew the terrifying sight would scare away the dark ones.

Everyone cheered the heroes' names. This was an epic victory, and this day would be remembered and cherished for generations to come.

Wang Tong, Lie Jian, Michaux, Guan Dongyang, Xiao Yuyu, Vorenus, Yin Tianzong, and many other warriors were the pride of the human race.

Chapter 640: A Glorious Victory

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The soldiers inside the dark palace had all but fallen asleep after a brief celebration. They had completed their final mission, and they could now finally rest. Then and only then had they realized the bad shape they were in; some of them had carried wounds and injuries that they had sustained ever since the first day they entered the Zerg territory.

Wang Tong didn't rest until he had seen to it that all the injured soldiers were attended to. All the while, Lie Jian stood beside him but didn't say anything to express his gratitude. Lie Jian was not the type who would express his feelings easily. However, it was not difficult to catch the approval in his eyes.

Lie Jian would neither be in thrall nor afraid of anyone. However, he was deeply impressed by Wang Tong and felt beholden to him for giving him an opportunity to prove himself and redeem his family's dignity.

Lie Jian was badly injured during the fight with Moye, so he went to bed as soon as the battle was over. However, Wang Tong had found it hard to fall asleep as he was engrossed in reflections. He walked to the guard tower of the dark castle and looked down at the sprawling structure underneath him, wondering what the dark lord would be thinking every time he stood here and looked to the same vista.

Someone walked toward Wang Tong and sat down right beside him without making any noise.

"It's like a dream," Heidi spoke in a dreamy voice. She had taken off her military uniform and changed into a flowy dress.

Over the days, Heidi had seen Wang Tong's strength and resolution. She reckoned that he was the only person who could measure up to Patroclus' standards.

Five years ago the two had fought for the first time, but unlike their predecessors who ended up as comrades, Wang Tong and Patroclus went on their own ways and became rivals.

However, Heidi had sensed that both of them rather enjoyed their rivalry. She wagered that Wang Tong was thinking about Patroclus while he starred in the direction of earth.

"At least it's not a nightmare."

"Who are you thinking about?" Heidi asked abruptly.

"Who? How do you know it's not "what"?" Wang Tong asked.

"Because your eyes had betrayed your thoughts."

"I am thinking about someone, indeed." Wang Tong cracked a smile.


"Why would I think about him? He is not my wife." Wang Tong laughed wryly.

"Ma Xiaoru." Heidi murmured. "Is she really that nice?" She asked.

Wang Tong smiled knowingly and answered, "She is, and she completes me. No matter how far away I am from her, the thought of her always brings me warmth. Hehe…Am I too dramatic?"

The answer caught Heidi by surprise. She couldn't make the connection between the deadly warrior who had killed the dark lord with the romantic and committed husband. Suddenly, she was seized by a fit of jealousy.

"Will you marry me?" Heidi heard herself blurt out very quietly.

Wang Tong thought he had heard a question, so he sat up and asked, "Pardon me?"

Heidi blushed and replied, "Nothing." Then, she skittered away sheepishly.

Wang Tong looked at the starlit sky and lamented how difficult it was to be so popular.

After the dark lord was killed by the humans, the Zergs on Mars had fallen into chaos. The power vacuum left by the dark lord created numerous factions, giving the humans the opportunities to strike one faction at a time.

The Kaedeian force was the first to respond to the Zergs' weakened state. They dove right into the heartland of the Zerg territory to protect Wang Tong.

After the Kaedeian main army joined forces with Wang Tong, he had finally solidified his foothold at the dark castle. With the help of the Kaedeians, Wang Tong had made the castle an impenetrable fortress. Little did he know that he had overestimated the Zergs' unity; as the Zergs fragmented into smaller and smaller factions, they were too busy squabbling with each other to wage a counterattack.

That being said, the large number of dark ones on Mars still posed a threat to the humans. It would take all the human forces years to get rid of them completely.

Nonetheless, the final liberation of the human race seemed to be only a matter of time. After the Kaedeians had taken over the castle, Wang Tong returned to humans' command center; he was told that a friend was waiting for him there.

Knowing that Wang Tong was going to return to the human world, Zambrotta had planned an extravagant welcoming ceremony for the savior of Mars. However, the former had politely refused the proposal. He never liked to be at the center of attention; plus, it was time to plan their next move.

Zambrotta adjusted his plan so that Wang Tong would not meet with the media directly. Everyone on Mars knew that the Zergs' fate was sealed. More and more Zergs were being eliminated by the day. Meanwhile, Wang Tung and his research team had also made significant progress in their research. Soon, the GN crystal gun would become mainstream, and the Zergs would not stand a chance against the fully equipped human force.

The visitors from the Confederation's last armada had landed on Mars. Zambrotta had sent in his representatives to discuss plans of recapturing Mars' outer space with the visitors.

Before that, the dark ones' fleet and the human fleet had fought a few skirmishes in the space with no clear winner. However, the dark lord's sudden demise had rendered the Zergs lost all of a sudden.

It wasn't long before the dark ones received the Divine Lord's instruction to retreat to the Moon. Most dark ones were hesitant to follow Patroclus' orders, and confusion and chaos soon followed suit.

The Zergs' strength had always been their effective chain of command. The current state of disarray among the Zergs had significantly hampered their ability to fight despite their decisive advantage in numbers: the Zerg armada boasted five individual fleets while the humans had only one.

The Martians had guessed the purpose of the earthling officer's visit: they were going to plead for Wang Tong's help. Wang Tong would not hesitate even a second to offer his help, and everyone already knew that. But, the thought of Wang Tong leaving Mars made them feel gloomy.

The liberation of Mars was set in stone; everyone knew that Wang Tong was more needed on Earth than here. He would have to do what he had to do.

"Boss, wherever you go, I go. Don't leave me here!" Tan Bu said with a big frown and a worried look.

"Same here! I will follow you anywhere." Duo Lun put in as well.

"Wang Tong, don't forget that without me, your mastery is useless! So, take me with you too!" Guan Dongyang remarked.

"I can speak for the field medics, and we will go with you as well." Xiao Yuyu said firmly.

"Same here! My METAL warriors will join you." Bu Zhihuo announced.

Wang Tong cracked a smile. "Thank you for your offer, and I really appreciated it. Let me talk to the officers first, and then we will see. Mars also needs good warriors like you."

"Wang Tong, once I am done with my business in the sect, I will join you right away," Michaux said. He planned to check on the Sect for a few days and then join Wang Tong. He felt that his life was much more meaningful while fighting alongside him than sitting inside the ivory tower. Plus, he could not pass up the opportunity of witnessing the fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus, so he had made up his mind to accompany Wang Tong to Earth.

"I will have to say goodbye to you on Mars then. I got a lot to clean up here." Lie Jian said at last. No one expected to hear Lie Jian fawning over Wang Tong, but his voice was filled with respect and gratitude.

"Very well! I want to see three regiments of space marines from Mars when I ask for your help."

"Five regiments." Lie Jian said quietly. Nothing, not even a hundred regiments of space marines, would be enough to pay back Lie Jian's debt. House Lie was in charge of most of the resources on Mars. In between picking off the remaining Zergs and establishing order, House Lie should be able to spare five regiments of well-trained space marines with ease.

Wang Tong nodded. He knew Lie Jian wouldn't make a promise if he couldn't fulfill it.

"Heidi, what is your plan?" Wang Tong asked. He had expected the Kaedeian princess to stay with the rest of the Kaedeian forces at the dark castle. However, she had followed Wang Tong to the human territory.

"I will go to the Earth with you," Heidi said quietly but firmly.

"Why don't you stay?" Wang Tong asked. Heidi shot Wang Tong a glace and fluttered her lashes as a slight hint of tears surfaced in her eyes.

"Er…that's…fine. You can come with me." Wang Tong surrendered before it was too late. "But mind you, this journey is going to be dangerous."

"Never afraid of danger," Heidi said coldly; she was still mad at Wang Tong for suggesting her to stay.

The subtle exchanges of glances between Wang Tong and Heidi didn't escape Tan Bu. He couldn't suppress a snicker as he whispered to Duo Lun.

"Boss is a ladies' man…Hehe."

"No kidding! Heidi is such a babe!"

"Quiet! Ye Zi is right there! You don't want her to poison your food, do you?"

Everyone who heard the comment laughed under their breaths.

"Do you think Boss will take us with him?"

"I think so. We got those fat transport ships, should be plenty of room in them."

"Big ships are dangerous for space travel when so many Zergs are watching. "

"We have the big guns too. Those battlecruisers are commanded by no other than Admiral Samantha."

"If I land on earth, I HAVE to see what Ma Xiaoru looks like."

"Same here!"

Xiao Yuyu and Ye Zi's affection for Wang Tong was no secret to the warriors. The Martian girls were brave and true to their hearts, so they wouldn't consider the fact that Wang Tong already had a loved one.

In the three days that followed the killing of Moye, the human warriors had achieved more victories against the Zergs. The western warden was successful in his pursuit to become the next dark lord. But by then, the Zergs had lost most of the territory they had gained during the last few years, and the humans had started to gain the upper hand.

Despite the huge success, the human warriors were plagued by exhaustion, and therefore, they had also slowed down their advance in order to catch a breath.

Even during such favorable conditions, the humans could not let their guard down. They had to tread slowly and carefully, biding their time until their forces were fully equipped with the GN guns. Once they could counter the Zergs' advantage in numbers, they should be able to pick off the remaining dark ones with ease. Wang Tong had shown the world the power of mastery, and the world responded with the addition of many new mastery schools. The existing mastery casters were no longer treated as auxiliary forces; instead, they had become the backbones of every unit.

The few big players: Zambrotta, Lie Jian, and Kaedeians, had united together to rebuild Mars and plan for their next move.

However, Wang Tong had disappeared; other than those leaders, only one person knew where he was, and he was Syracuse.

Chapter 641: Divine Angel

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Syracuse stood out among his colleagues in the merchant's guild, managing to get a position at the small council which had only ten seats in total. When the humans were finally liberated, the ten on the small council and the factions that they represented would be the dominant force.

Wang Tong could have denied anyone's audience, except for Syracuse.

"Lord Wang Tong, on behalf of my family, I want to say thank you for all the good things you have done," Syracuse said emotionally. He knew from the start that Wang Tong would succeed, and what a smashing success it was. Wang Tong's achievement was so unprecedented that it sounded like a story from a legend. Looking at the young man in front of him, Syracuse registered that Wang Tong hadn't changed at all, and he still had no clue had the latter was thinking behind that thin veil of a smile.

"We are old friends, Syracuse. No need to be so polite."

Syracuse smiled faintly. He knew very well that Wang Tong had all the major faction wrapped around his fingers. Not only were Zambrotta's Knight units and the Kaedeians under Wang Tong's service, but Lie Jian was also beholden to the earthling boy. Amongst all of Wang Tong's loyalists, the technology committee spearheaded by Wang Tung was gaining more influence on Mars by the day despite its nascency. With this much support backing him up, no one on Mars would be able to rival Wang Tong's authority.

However, it was not a secret to Syracuse that Wang Tong's ambition on Mars was limited. If there were one person who could liberate the humans on Earth and the Moon, it would be him.

"Lord Wang Tong, etiquette is only reserved for a real hero of Mars like yourself. On behalf of the Syracuse family, I would like to let you know that we are at your beck and call." Syracuse said with the utmost sincerity. He knew that the young man in front of him was the de facto ruler of Mars. Syracuse had dug into Wang Tong's past and found out that not only Admiral Samantha was Wang Tong's principal, but also his lover, or so said the rumors.

"I appreciate your offer. After the war is over, your family will be rewarded the most handsomely." Wang Tong knew it was time to cue in his promises to seal the deal.

"Thank you, my lord! " Syracuse said as calmly as he could. However, his trembling voice had betrayed the overwhelming joy inside him. Wang Tong had displayed his power during the fight with Moye, and this power had cast an enormous fear-evoking shadow over everyone during peacetime. Syracuse scarcely dared to speak in a loud voice in front of this man's shadow.

"I hope all the other merchant groups would be as cooperative as you are."

"I will make sure they are," Syracuse answered.

It was Wang Tong's casual mark, but to Syracuse, there was nothing casual about anything that came out of the former's mouth. Wang Tong would need a fleet to ferry the Martians to the Earth and the moon, and the thing about large fleets was that they were expensive. Although Wang Tong had Lie Jian and Michaux's support, it would not be enough, and he would need support from the merchants.

Wang Tong's remark had made the merchants on Mars take a long hard look at their situation. They soon realized that helping him was not a sacrifice, but an investment. If Wang Tong succeeded, they would be paid back handsomely. Therefore, there was no reason not to help him; it was sound business after all.

Syracuse was the only businessman Wang Tong had received, and it had pushed the reputation of the Syracuse family to a new height. Many merchant factions used all tricks they could think of to bring Syracuse closer. The wanted to know what Wang Tong had discussed with him and what would be the fate of the merchant guild on Mars.

Unlike during the peacetime, there were many methods, including but not limited to, violence, for Wang Tong to retaliate against people who dared to oppose him. Since the Martian businessmen, except for Syracuse, had missed their only opportunity to win Wang Tong's favor, their hopes lied on Syracuse, the only connection between the business community and Wang Tong.

Wang Tong was anointed sainthood in the Divine Mastery Sect. He was the holiest saint of all saints: the Saint Savior. The followers of the sect had started the rumor that Wang Tong was the savior ever since he had evoked the miracle while he was at the Divine Mastery tower. By then, he had performed more miracles than anyone could count, among which, the most important of all was killing the Dark Lord. It was exactly as the Divine Master had prophesied.

It had been only ten days after Wang Tong had killed Moye, but the savior had already disappeared after his job was done. However, in every corner of every Martian city, people raised toasts in his name, and banners depicting his face were hung everywhere.

Wang Tong's meeting with Zambrotta was carried out in a relaxed atmosphere. Wang Tong knew he couldn't afford to be vague with Zambrotta, who would be in charge of most of the matters on Mars while he was gone. If Wang Tong were not specific and to the point, he would cause confusion among the Martians.

"Nice to meet you! Is this our first time meeting each other?" Zambrotta said with an approving smile.

"In person, yes. But, I saw your brilliant fight five years ago. "

"Haha, I am still grateful for Einherjar Wannabe's teachings on that day," Zambrotta said politely. He knew that both Wang Tong and the mysterious War God were over level thirty, if not super Einherjars. What was even more impressive about Wang Tong was that he was not only a powerful METAL warrior, but also a deadly mastery caster.

However, if Wang Tong were to pick a fight with Patroclus, which he very likely would, who would prevail?

"Haha…Mr. Wannabe was also very impressed by your skills. There are still many things left to be finished on Mars, and I will appreciate your continued support." Wang Tong said seriously. Dark ones were one thing, but Patroclus was another. The battle against the Divine Lord wouldn't be easy.

Wang Tong had improved his cultivation over the five years, and so had Patroclus. With the advantage of a strong body, Patroclus had an even greater potential than Wang Tong. In addition, after sitting on the Zerg throne for five years, Patroclus' strategic thinking had also improved by leaps and bounds.

"Will do!" Zambrotta announced with conviction. He was tempted to ask about the War God's whereabouts, but he thought better of it. He registered that the forces behind Wang Tong and the War God were way beyond his comprehension, just like the Blade Warrior.

Greetings over, Zambrotta and Wang Tong then discussed the current state of affairs. The situation on Mars was contained and improving by the day. However, there was still a heavy presence of Zerg fleet in Mars' outer space. Despite their numbers, the Zerg fleet was disorganized due to lack of authority. With the help of the Confederation's last armada, humans should be able to push those Zergs out of the way sooner or later.

After that, they also discussed topics of cultivation at length. Although Zambrotta was much more senior than Wang Tong, he acted more like the student during the conversation. This might be Zambrotta's only chance to chat with a super Einherjar, so he showered Wang Tong with questions.

Ever since Zambrotta had entered the Einherjar level, his cultivation had practically stopped improving. But, despite his age, he had not given up the hope of reaching a higher level.

"Once you have reached the Einherjar level, your power becomes less of a determining factor in leveling up. You need to learn to borrow the natural force around you." Wang Tong said with a smile. His words had hit the mark and evoked a fleeting moment of epiphany in Zambrotta. Zambrotta closed his eyes, trying to grasp the meaning again.

"Then what?" Zambrotta asked.

Wang Tong answered with only a smile, seeing which, Zambrotta said timidly, "Excuse me for being greedy."

Wang Tong shook his head. "It's not a secret, and I am willing to share it with you. However, I don't think it's the right time for you to know yet. It might slow you down than help you."

Zambrotta nodded; Wang Tong was right. Patience was the biggest virtual when it came down to cultivation.

At that moment, a knock on the door broke Zambrotta's train of thoughts; it was Brenda. "Dad, can I have a moment with Wang Tong along?"

Zambrotta's eyes glinted like an old fox as he smirked, "Hehe, sure! My daughter thinks I am too old to hear her conversation. Sorry for getting in your way, darling. Haha."

Before Brenda got mad at Zambrotta, he had disappeared behind the door, shutting the door quietly and locking it before he left. "How should I call you? Wang Tong? Savior? The Divine Angel?" Brenda asked slyly and sarcastically.

Wang Tong cracked a smile. "Whatever you like." Brenda didn't answer, not knowing what to say. Wang Tong looked at Brenda and exclaimed. "You look great in those military uniforms. You should be on the recruitment ad. Haha…Young men would flock into our ranks if they saw your face."

Brenda was amused by Wang Tong's words. "You've got a sweet mouth. Tell me, how many hearts have you broken?"

Wang Tong shrugged, "I am innocent."

"Jerk! Those two medics were head over heels for you, and you just ignored them."

Little did Wang Tong know that he had become the public idol among Martian girls. Surrounded by the gorgeous faces and the smartest minds, Wang Tong was powerful and mysterious; handsome and romantic; a character straight out of the most popular female genre books such as "My bossy handsome boss," "Fifty Shades of love" and "Dusk-light."

Wang Tong shrugged again and then said, "Well, I don't know what to do either."

Chapter 642: Old Friends

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong heaved a sigh. Xiao Yuyu and Ye Zi were different from Heidi, since they had been through so many things together that the thought of leaving them filled him with sorrow. He would be lying if he said that he didn't have any feelings for those two medics. However, neither of them had ever taken the initiative to tell him how they felt for him. If the Martian girls couldn't bring themselves to do that, it was even less likely for Wang Tong.

"You like them." Brenda caught the flash of pain in Wang Tong's eyes, her voice laced with jealousy which even caught herself by surprise. She had just met Wang Tong, so her feeling toward him was nothing more than infatuation. The thought of how little she knew about Wang Tong was a wake-up call for her. She regretted not meeting him before Xiao Yuyu and Ye Zi.

"Well, I'm sure it will sort out in the end. I have heard you are working at the command center, eh?" Wang Tong diverted the topic.

Brenda was offended by Wang Tong's question as she shot him an accusatory glance and then said, "Why? Don't you think I deserve the position? I am graduated from an A-Class academy on Mars. I am not a hero like you, but I do my part in this war. "

"Ok, ok… I was just asking." Wang Tong knew better to not argue with a girl.

"Whatever. You were talking to my dad about harnessing the power in nature…What was that all about?" Brenda had a sharp mind, and she knew that she should learn as much as she could from Wang Tong while he was still on Mars.

"It's about creation." Wang Tong answered readily.

Brenda pressed her lips on Wang Tong's cheek and said, "This is for all the girls on Mars."

Wang Tong was taken aback by the sudden change of topic. The smell of the lipstick made her take a deep breath unconsciously.

"That's my first kiss." Before she finished her words, she flitted away like a little bird. Wang Tong rubbed his cheek where he was kissed and smiled wryly.

Meanwhile, a group of warriors arrived at the command center and demanded to see Wang Tong. They were Wang Tong's comrades from City of Maersa, including Aamir and Marcos.

As soon as Wang Tong saw them, the warriors embraced each other emotionally. It was hard to believe that just a year ago, these two men were Wang Tong's rivals.

"Haha, you did it! We knew you could!"

"Hehe…How are things at Maersa?"

"Things are looking up. But, it is Maersa no more. It's called Wusunaer now. It's a Martian word for "Place of the War god." Marcos announced.

Wang Tong smiled slyly and then remarked, "What a pretty name."

"We changed the name to attract more young people, and it worked. Wusunaer has become the number one destination for the War god's followers to live and work." Aamir said and gave Wang Tong a wistful smile. He missed those days when he worked with Wang Tong and Battle Wolf. He felt lucky to have made the right decision of supporting the other, and wondered where he would have been if he had chosen the other route. Hell, maybe?

"How is Wang Tung's research?"

"Dr. Frankenstein had made the city his home. He built a research team that is the best on Mars. He has a message for you too, saying he would soon make a breakthrough in the application of the technology in space travel, and when that happens, he would be able to bring you a brand new state-of-the-art fleet." Marcos said. Wusunaer had become one of the most important cities on Mars. It not only hosted the most advanced scientific research team, but was also the home place of Wang Tong.

Although there were a lot of cities waiting to be rebuilt, the life in the human territory had mostly returned to normal. In addition, the humans on Mars had never been so united in solidarity before.

"When are you leaving Wang Tong? I hope you will come back and visit us once you are done your business on the Earth." Marcos said.

"Yeah, the city of Wusunaer always welcomes you," Aamir added.

Wang Tong nodded "I will be back." He had many good memories here on Mars, so he would definitely come back and visit the beautiful planet once his mission was over.

Aamir and Marcos didn't come alone, as they had also brought over twenty thousand soldiers to join the Martian united front's ranks. They had recruited these men from major cities as well as other factions that hadn't fully committed to the war for the concern of their own safety. With the dark lord's death, the threat was gone. So, more and more cities sent out their defense forces to join Zambrotta and House Lie in the fight against the Zergs.

After meeting with Aamir and Marcos, Wang Tong returned to his dorm, noticing that Mr. Wannabe had disappeared.

As Wang Tong reflected on Mr. Wannabe's achievement, he marveled at the old pirate king's astute methods. Once he had donned the mask of the War God, he had quickly transformed his disguise into a soft power to motivate the soldiers around him. It only took him weeks to form the Order of the War God's Knight. The Knights of the order were well known, not only for their fearlessness and mettle during battles, but also their incredible ability to use double GN force.

Wang Tong really wished that he could take the direwolves with him, since these beastly companions were extremely useful during small-scale skirmishes. However, that would mean that the two hundred riders would have to follow him to the earth as well. Plus, in order to fit that many people, they would have to board a mid-size transport ship that lacked stealth capabilities, increasing the risk of being intercepted by the Zergs. In the end, Wang Tong decided to give up that idea and face the new difficulties with new weapons.

The envoy from the Confederation space force had finally arrived.

When the representatives met Wang Tong, they smiled at each other like old friends.

It had been five years, and even Karl looked a lot different. He was trying to hold back his tears but failed. Apache cast him a glance and smiled wryly. Samantha had ordered him to stay on the ship, but he had broken the order and sneaked onto Apache's ship.

Apache's face had one addition scar, but other than that, he looked pretty much the same as five years ago.

"Wang Tong, tell us everything…We are very curious!" Apache asked.

"Yes, boss! Things are looking pretty good here, but on Earth…" Karl said with a big frown. Wang Tong's lips curved into a thin smile. "I have been trying to break the bottleneck in my cultivation. Otherwise, I wouldn't stand a chance before Patroclus. I have been late…I am sorry."

"I have seen your fight against Moye…It was amazing!" Karl's fist pumped the air as he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Moye is nothing. Wait until you see the battle between Patroclus and me. By the way, are you still this childish?"

"Haha…Don't worry! Karl only acts like this when he is not in a battle. Once in a space fleet battle, he is calmer than a cat." Apache remarked.

"You don't say! I have quite a reputation on my ship, especially among the girls." Karl said readily.

"Apache, are you sure? Look at him! I bet he is still a virgin." Wang Tong jested.

Karl blushed and waved his arms. "No, no, Apache, don't answer him!"

Apache ignored him and replied: "I have heard he is seeing someone from the third fleet. But, I don't know if they are actually dating. Karl usually makes things sound more serious than they really are."

"Awe…I hate you Apache! By the way. I am not a virgin since a long time. "

"How long?"

"Since last month!"

The room was quickly filled with snickers and laughter. At first, Karl was taken aback by people's reactions, but then he started laughing with the others.

"Jokes aside, what is your plan, Wang Tong? The situation on the Earth is…beyond bad."

"We need to act fast, but first things first, we need an able fleet."

"I agree! Our ships are so run down we can barely sustain one more attack." Karl complained.

"We don't lack talented officers, thanks to Samantha, but we don't have enough battleships to counter the Zergs' presence. Hopefully, things will start change after the Mars is finally liberated." Apache said.

"That will only be a matter of time. House Lie and the Sect had been preparing for the final attack for a while now. However, I fear that the Immortals would not just sit around and let humans reclaim Mars."

"Patroclus is not the actual ruler of Zergs. It is their mother supreme. With Moye's death, she might feel threatened by Patroclus, since she no longer has Moye to keep him in check. I wonder if the queen would allow Patroclus to extend his reach to Mars."

"We can't count on their squabbles. I think out priority should be strengthening our own fleet using the disorganized Zerg fleet around Mars."

"Using them as practice target?"

"That's the plan. However, we need to be vigilant against Patroclus' actions. We can't afford to fight at both fronts."

Wang Tong was not entirely sure what the Zergs' next move would be. However, he reckoned that his first task should be rebuilding a capable fleet so that he could return to Earth safely.

"I will introduce my companions to you tomorrow, and we better start plotting our routes now. "

Apache didn't reply, dragging out the silence. Karl finally broke the spell and urged Apache, "Come on! Spit it out!"

Wang Tong furrowed his brows and asked curiously, "What is it?"

"Well, it's complicated. Although Samantha is the official admiral, the captains had divided into three factions. Don't be surprised to hear unwelcoming voices when you get there."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Our faction is the biggest one out of the three, and we control the same amount of ships as the other two combined. The leader of one faction is called Xiao Se, and he used to work for the chief councilor. The other faction belongs to house House Li, and their leader is a house member named Li Hong. Those two factions used to be rivals, but they are now partners because neither of them like the way Samantha handles things." Apache said.

Although Wang Tong was a powerful warrior, to those faction leaders, he was a soldier, and not a leader. Therefore, they would not willingly hand over their ships to him.

Wang Tong smiled broadly and was scarcely concerned by the warning. "Thanks for the heads up! I am sure we'll figure it out."

"I told you, boss wouldn't mind these trivial matters. Haven't you seen how cocky Lie Jian used to be? Now, even he has to work for the boss! Don't worry Apache, Boss will teach them some lessons. "

Chapter 643: Interception

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

In the five years, Wang Tong didn't just improve his combat prowess, but also his ability to think strategically. Li Feng had to learn that ability as well, although his situation was much better than that of the former. Li Feng had used the influence as the Blade Warrior and become friends with all the leaders of the five houses. Unlike his illustrative predecessor, Wang Tong not only had to deal with the enemy of the human world, but also enemies within. Even his real enemy, Patroclus, was much more difficult to deal with than that of Li Feng: the Zergs.

Without proper preparation, Wang Tong would find taking any step difficult while the enemies on many fronts tried dismantling his plan. However, he was ready after the five years of learning. His skills in statecraft were evident in his dealings with Thunder Fire and the other factions on Mars, big and small.

If he had failed to nurture the relationship with any one of the parties, the situation on Mars would have been entirely different. Wang Tong might still be able to gain control over the planet, but at a huge cost of the Martians' strength. The more factions Wang Tong destroyed in order to claim the dominance, the less power he would have at his disposal to help Earth.

The key was to draw a clear line between enemies and competitors. If one faction was deemed as an enemy, Wang Tong would not let it exist on Mars.

Karl, Apache, and Wang Tong talked throughout the entire night. Karl and Apache had introduced the general state of affairs to him, including the conditions of the fleets and his old friends. Even when they realized that the sun had risen, they felt that they could still keep going for another day.

Ye Zi walked into the room and smiled, "Breakfast time! Wang Tong, have you decided who will go with you?"

"Wow! Hey hot stuff, do you have a boyfriend?" Karl smiled like an idiot.

"Captain Karl, are all earthlings idiots like you?"

"You know my name?"

"Of course! Karl the Space Wolf, everyone knows you here." Ye Zi smiled politely.

"Haha! I knew I would be popular one day!" Karl said as he shot Apache a smug glance which the latter shrugged off.

"This is the field medic Ye Zi." Wang Tong introduced the girl to the two.

The word field medic made Karl turn down a notch. He had heard of these mastery users from the sect, and rumors had it that they could light a man on fire—literately—with a snap of the finger.

However desperate Karl was, he would never flirt with a girl he couldn't handle.

"Let's go and grab some breakfast. I will introduce my new friends to you. Karl had said that the Dark ones still have a large fleet around Mars. We shouldn't use too many ships at one time, and we should focus on fleet combat for now."

"You have to bring me with you." Ye Zi insisted.

"Fine, fine!" Wang Tong knew that he wouldn't win the argument, so he agreed. Plus, Ye Zi was a legendary level medic, and her skills were needed regardless of whether she was on a ship or on the ground.

Ye Zi cracked a smile and followed Wang Tong to the breakfast station.

Apache and Karl had received ardent welcoming from everyone at the camp. The two earthling warriors were shocked by these Martian warrior's levels. Apache had just reached level twenty-one, and he was considered one of the best fighters on the ship. However, here on Mars, the Legendary level warriors alone could fill a few tables.

Karl was also shocked by the number of beautiful girls around the camp. He even saw his idol, the prettiest and the most gorgeous girl of all: Heidi.

Heidi cast a courteous smile at Karl, and nearly making his heart skip a beat.

As everyone enjoyed their breakfast with Wang Tong, they wondered who would be picked by Wang Tong to join him.

"Wang Tong, we have just built a new stealth ship of X-335 series. Despite its moderate size, it can accommodate thirty passengers. I can pilot the ship and travel to earth with you." Heidi said.

"Oh? Do we have enough time?"

"It is already here." Heidi cracked a smile. She had started preparing for this journey a while ago.

"Boss, you have to take me with you!"

"Buzz off! I am more useful than you."

The crowd suddenly boiled over as everyone nominated themselves. It was difficult to tell who was talking what to whom. Wang Tong waved a hand, willing everyone to be quiet. "Everyone, be quiet. I will prepare a list of names and post it this afternoon."

After the breakfast, Wang Tong picked up a pen and paper but couldn't write a single name for an hour. The X-335 was the best stealth ship he could ever shop for. It was reserved only for the royalties of the Kaedeians.

Heidi couldn't operate the ship all by herself, so she would need at least another three co-pilots; that left only twenty-six spots on the ship. Wang Tong wanted to take Deep Blue with him, but it would take up at least ten persons' space. After mauling over the matter for a while, he decided to take Deep Blue with him anyway. The beast was too useful to be left on Mars. With Deep Blue, Karl, and Apache on board, there were only thirteen spots available.

But whom to fill the thirteen spots with?

Yin Tianzong would have to stay on Mars since the Court would still need him to manage the branch here. Although the Earth and the moon were in a dire situation, Wang Tong could not ignore the importance of Mars. It was the last bastion of human civilization, and worth spending resources to strengthen its power.

Xiao Yuyu, Ye Zi, Wu Ling, and Linda, the four field medics would be useful…check.

Guan Dongyang was a mastery caster, so his power was limited in a space battle. However, Wang Tong doubted that he would be able to persuade him to stay on Mars…check.

One name after another, Wang Tong finally finished the list. It included Vorenus, Tan Bu, Duo Lun, Lie Xuan, and some other warriors that Wang Tong had deemed worthy.

Bu Zhihuo was not on the list. Although he was a powerful warrior, his band members would need his guidance. Xiao Libie was a renowned warrior on Mars, and assigning him to Mars would help the battle of driving out the remaining Zergs.

Wang Tong had thought about Michaux as well. Although he was an integral part of the forbidden power spell, the environment in outer space would not allow mastery spells to be cast easily due to the lack of natural forces. In addition, Michaux was tied up with matters in his sect, and therefore, he wouldn't be able to accompany Wang Tong even if the latter had requested it. That being said, Wang Tong had enjoyed working with Michaux, and looked forward to fighting alongside him again. The feeling was mutual for Michaux as well. Michaux had made up his mind to transfer his authority to the Martian war council and join Wang Tong as soon as possible. He never liked to be the sect leader anyway.

The situation didn't allow much delay, so Wang Tong and his chosen warriors took off on the X-355 the next day morning. In order to provide cover for their take-off, Samantha had waged a small attack to divert the Zergs' attention.

Karl sat right beside Deep Blue was he was fascinated by this majestic beast.

"Boss, can I pat him?"

"You can try if you want to get eaten." Wang Tong cracked a smile.

The spaceship ascended quietly through the atmosphere of Mars and arrived in the outer space. It glided quietly like a phantom closer to the human fleet. Fearing the risk of being bitten, Karl let the beast alone and set his attention on the spaceship. In less than ten minutes, he had understood how the ship worked and remembered the locations of its key components.

Suddenly, the siren went off. Although the x-355 was a stealth jet, it didn't mean that it would guarantee to slip under the Zergs' radar, particularly if they were prepared. A group of Zerg ships appeared in front of x-355, blocking its way.

"Can we make it?"

"You bet!" Heidi nodded and spoke through the intercom. "Hold on to something, everyone! It might get bumpy!"

Wang Tong turned and gave Deep Blue a nod, who lowered himself to the ground and spread on all fours.

"Let me help you," Karl said excitedly.


Heidi initiated the turbo charge function of the X-355 as the ship lunged through an opening in the Zergs' fleet. The Zerg ships hurried to turn around and chased after x-355. Soon, some Zerg ships were close enough to lock onto X-355, and they started firing.

"Level one evasion!" Heidi announced calmly. The spaceship started to spin and swirl to dodge the incoming missiles while not losing any of its speed.

The three co-pilots were handpicked by Heidi, and were all-star pilots from the Kaedeian force. Therefore, they had pulled off the evasion moves with ease and confidence.

Samantha's attack had diverted the attention of the Zergs' main fleet; however, there were still hundreds of scout parties scattered around Mars, and Wang Tong happened to run into one of them.

"Hold onto your seat!"

With a sudden boom of the powerful thrusters, the ship jerked forward in an abrupt acceleration and gained significant distance from its pursuers before they could form an encirclement.

Everyone's face paled as their stomach roiled and churned from the sudden and jerky moves.

"Are you getting motion thickness?"

"No, NO! " Duo Lun gritted his teeth and denied despite his urge to puke.

Karl checked the radar and realized that the Zergs were still hot on their heels.

"Let's shoot them down before they broadcast our location," Karl said.

"No problem. Do you have space METAL?"

"You bet!"

"I will go with you." Tan Bu volunteered.

"Hold your horses. You have never fought in the space before; it takes time to get used to."

Chapter 644: New Strategy

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Apache announced with a serious tone. Although these warriors were legendary level warriors, they were not used to fighting in space.

"Your job today is to observe. Apache and I will take care of these Zergs."

"Thank you, Boss."

Apache studied the Kaedeian's space METAL carefully and realized how similar it was to the Ivantian's METAL suits. They used to both boast the finest quality of METAL suits, but now, only Kaedeian suits could be found in the human world. This piece of METAL had all the bells and whistles on it; Apache reckoned that it was a very solid piece of armor.

"What about you Wang Tong?" Apache asked.

"I am fine…Don't need those." Wang Tong shook his head.

Apache didn't ask any questions. He knew that the super Einherjars wouldn't need such protection; their understanding of the universe was drastically different than a normal warrior.

The thought of fighting alongside Wang Tong gave Apache a sudden rush of blood. He wondered what kind of spectacular display of power he might see.

The spaceship darted out of Mars' outer space and charged toward Saturn's asteroid belt. It was an ideal location for space METAL fights.

Unaware that it was a trap, the Zergs followed the X-355 closely.

"Five seconds before hyperspace…Four, three, two, one…"

A white flash broke the dark space as the spaceship entered hyperspace, and the Zergs quickly followed suit. With the technology they had stolen from the Ivantians, the Zergs also possessed the ability to maneuver inside the hyperspace.

"Five minutes before we leave the hyperspace…Please be ready." Heidi's calm and firm voice drifted out of the intercom. The warped space and time continuum somehow didn't distort the Kaedeian Princess's musical voice. The Kaedeians were a space-faring race, and therefore, Heidi was unfazed by the routine of entering and exiting hyperspaces.

Wang Tong could feel the agitation in Deep Blue; however, he wagered that these Zergs would be too weak of an opponent for Deep Blue. As the countdown for exiting the hyperspace started, the warriors saw a bright light at the end of the hyperspace corridor. And before they knew it, they were out of the hyperspace and landing right in the middle of the asteroid belt.

Heidi opened the shipping gate as Wang Tong donned the Einherjar Armor. Apache and Wang Tong jumped out of the ship while Carl readied the ship's weapon system, aiming directly at the hyperspace corridor.

As soon as he saw the Zerg ships appearing through the threshold, he pulled the trigger and bombarded them all.

The Zergs' traveled in a column formation, so as soon as the cannon fodder at the front took the hits, the battleships at the back spread out and around the human ship.

Heidi was unflinching despite the Zerg ships crawling all over the radar. Her nerves were steely while her mind was as sharp as a knife. As her fingers danced over the control board, multiple weapons fired at the same time and set half a dozen Zerg ships on fire.

Apache and Wang Tong threw themselves at the Zerg formation. Sensing the incoming human soldiers, the space kamikaze Zergs swarmed at them, seeing which, Apache sped up and lured the swarm of suicidal Zergs away. The Zergs' battleship possessed no real advantages over the human counterpart in terms of weapon power. However, the Zergs had a nearly unlimited supply of kamikaze Zergs, which posed a serious threat to the human fleet.

However, it was evident that the space kamikaze Zergs were not nearly as agile and powerful as their cousins on the ground. Hence, Apache was able to finish them off with ease.

However, by the time Apache had finished clearing the way for X-355, the rest of the Zerg fleets had arrived and encircled the humans.

Karl looked like entirely a different person as soon as he entered the battle mode. His eyes glinted as he focused on the radar. Heidi had some doubts about the power of this human captain; however, the cockpit was short staffed due to the limited space abroad. Therefore, she accepted Karl's helping hand. But, it didn't take long before Karl's fluent skills and unrivaled talent started to impress Heidi; he was better than the best pilot she had ever seen. Therefore, she made a mental note to review the humans' space-faring capabilities thoroughly when this was all over.

Suddenly, a flash of intense light broke out at one comer of the vast battleground. Flames poured out of Wang Tong's body, attracting the Zergs to throw themselves at him like moths at a flame. But, before these Zergs were able to get near, they were shot down by the angry flames.


Over a dozen beams of fire lanced out with Wang Tong as the center, writhing across space like fire drakes and plunging into the remaining Zerg ships.

Sensing the danger, the Zerg ships tried to evade, but only half of them were successful. The sudden attack had thrown the Zerg formation into disarray. Seizing the opportunity, Heidi positioned the ship so that Karl could rain devastating fire onto the Zergs.

A few minutes later, the Zerg ships were all but destroyed.

When Wang Tong and Apache went back into the spaceship, they both gave everyone a V sign for their easy victory.

"Let's move!" Wang Tong announced.

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Amidst everyone's laughter, the spaceship traveled toward its destination. After another five hours of traveling, the human warriors finally saw the confederation's armada looming in the distance. On the flagship, Samantha had been waiting impatiently for them for hours.

"Admiral, they are back!" An officer shouted.

Samantha jumped out of her chair and announced, "Ready for their landing!"

"Roger that!"

The spaceship slowly landed on the docking platform. Tan Bu looked out of the window, and to his dismay, he didn't find any red carpet. Wang Tong walked out of the spacecraft and saw many old and new faces. At last, his gaze rested on Samantha.

"Greetings, Principal." Wang Tong saluted. Samantha managed to hold back the urge to embrace him as she said. "Welcome back, Wang Tong."

Perhaps Wang Tong had heard her wish, so he closed in and hugged Samantha like an old friend.

"Hi, Wang Tong." Cao Yi spoke.

Wang Tong let go of Samantha and pumped Cao Yi's hand vigorously.

As Wang Tong's new companions walked off the spacecraft, he introduced them to his old friends. With the greetings over, Deep Blue had quickly become the center of everyone's attention. The beast seemed to like it out here as he rolled around on the landing platform and panted heavily from time to time.

"Karl, you as*shole! I was supposed to go, not you!" Cisco complained.

"It's, all the same, isn't it? I saved you a trip…Haha!" Karl laughed.

The Martian and earthling warriors soon hit it off. Many earthling soldiers peered at the Kaedeian warriors; their beauty was irresistible to the young men's eyes.

Heidi didn't mind the ogling; she had already gotten used to it. Samantha assigned everyone their accommodation, and she had to order the soldiers to clear out an unused gym to house Deep Blue due to its size.

When the warriors regathered at the meeting room, Wang Tong was bombarded by questions as the ship crew—most of whom didn't know him—was curious as to how he could have turned the situation on Mars around so quickly. Some even suspected that Moye had not fully recovered when he had to face Wang Tong.

Suddenly, the intercom rang, announcing the visit of two captains: Xiao Se and Li Hong. Samantha nodded and turned on the screen. The screen was split into two down the middle, each side showing one of the two captains. Both of them looked to be in their forties. Lie Hong was a hulking giant with a broad face and a thicket of mustache, while Xiao Se was smaller and thinner in comparison.

"Welcome Wang Tong!" Li Hong's voice boomed.

"Wang Tong had been an academy student when he went missing. I propose to award him the rank of lieutenant, and the Peace Star for his contribution."

"I second it! I happen to in need of a METAL lieutenant. Might as well assign him to me! Haha! "

Chapter 645: Survival Of The Fittest

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Samantha's face hardened after she heard the comments. She could tolerate the two's ostentatious remarks at any time, other than right now in front of Wang Tong. Guan Dongyang and the other martian warriors furrowed their bows in displeasure as well. They came here to help the earthlings, not to be put under their servitude.

"Take it back! Wang Tong is the leader of the Martian united front, and you think the position of a lieutenant would be enough?" Lie Xuan piped up. She had learned to contain her fire over the time she had spent with Guan Dongyang. However, she could not manage to hold back her anger after hearing the insult.

Xiao Se's smile froze on his face while fire burst out of Li Hong's mouth, "Who the hell are you and who allowed you to speak while I am talking?"

"Captain Li Hong, my name is Lie Xuan, and I'm with Guan Dongyang. We represent the Martian united front. If you don't need our assistance, we will just head back home. We didn't come for you anyway; we are here for our leader Wang Tong."

"Don't try to threaten me! We will liberate the Earth with or without you! Without busting our a*s and keeping Patroclus busy, Mars would never have been liberated."

"Is that so? To me, it seemed like you had been chased around by Patroclus like a chicken. You are losing more ground on the Earth by the day, and you still think you can liberate it?"

"Followers of the Divine Mastery sect only listen to Wang Tong's command." Xiao Yuyu kept it brief.

"We would listen to your orders if you were the one who had defeated Moye." Some METAL warrior put in, and the rest nodded in agreement.

"I can speak for all the Kaedeians that we only follow Wang Tong's order." Heidi finally broke her silence. Although she was sitting in the corner of the room, she had always been under everyone's attention.

Kaedeians always had a special place in humans' hearts, and every young soldier dreamed of sharing a bed with one of these dangerously beautiful female warriors. The Kaedeians were grateful for the Blade Warrior's decision of letting them settle on Mars, and they had repaid the humans with their sacrifice at the front line. Even when they were used as cannon fodder during a space battle, they never spoke up against the confederation. However, their servitude had limits too, and Heidi would not obey the order of any human she didn't trust.

An awkward silence fell onto the meeting room. The two captains could ignore the METAL warriors complain, but they needed to heed the words from the leaders of the Sect and the Kaedeians.

Finally, Samantha broke the spell. "Why don't we ask what Wang Tong thinks about this? Although he used to be an academy student, he is the leader of many powerful factions. I think he deserves to be heard."

"What are you trying to insinuate? Are you suggesting us to take orders from a foot soldier? I don't care if he is the heir of Blade Warrior or not, commanding a fleet needs leadership skills, and not brute strength." Li Hong piped up.

Li Hong's words really got under the Martians' skins as a swell of discontented murmur rose from the meeting room. If Li Hong were with these warriors in person, he might have to call an ambulance right then.

If Wang Tong were angry at the two cocky captains, he didn't wear it on his face. He cracked a calm smile and willed the soldiers to be quiet. Suddenly, even the most foolhardy Martian soldier sat down in silence.

The two human captains were both shocked by the soldiers' obedience. They had initially thought the Martians fighters followed Wang Tong simply due to gratitude. However, they registered that they had followed Wang Tong's instruction as if it was their second instinct.

"Dear captains, I hope we don't get too caught up by my title, which is a trivial matter compared to our real mission. Please regard me as a foot soldier working under Admiral Samantha if you so choose. Both of you are renowned commanders, so I won't meddle in your affairs and will keep my own units close to myself. We share the same goal: to liberate the Earth and the moon. So, I hope we can work with instead of against each other." Wang Tong said with a faint smile on his face.

"You can keep your Martian soldiers, but this fleet belongs to the Earthlings. So, you and your soldiers need to obey our rule and law!" Li Hong insisted.

"Of course! I will also support those decisions that I agree with."

"What about those you don't agree with?" Xiao Se asked slowly.

"Captain Xiao Se, let me put it this way: I don't care about your fleet, neither do I want it. The Martians are building me a ten-thousand-sails strong armada equipped with the most advanced GN crystal technologies. You are an experienced leader, so you know what is best for everyone. As for those who dare to sabotage our plan, I also have prepared many punishments for them." Wang Tong held Xiao Se's gaze and announced his stern warning.

Samantha kept her silence and let Wang Tong do the talking. She had turned over the report on Wang Tong's rise to power on Mars many times, and after each reading, her faith in him increased even more. After seeing what he had achieved on Mars, Samantha knew that no one on her ship was able to make him bend his knees. Li Hong and Xiao Se should be very careful now; if they were deemed by Wang Tong as too stubborn to work with, not even Samantha would be able to save them.

The two captains were taken aback by Wang Tong's strong stance. They knew that he would be a tough nut to crack, but never would they have thought that he would threaten them, neither did they expect him to garner so much support among the Martians.

It was evident by then that Wang Tong's victory over Moye was not a coincidence. If he couldn't lord over a planet, he wouldn't have been able to kill Moye.

"Hehe, our goal is the same. I understand where you two are coming from. I will talk to Wang Tong about obeying our rules, please rest assured." Samantha finally spoke up. Li Hong snorted and then turned the terminal off while Xiao Se managed a fake smile and said, "I look forward to your good work!" before he turned off his Skynet.

"Balls! Who does that? We are here to help, for god's sake!" Tan Bu said.

"Don't be so antsy, Tan Bu! Try to place yourself in their shoes." Wang Tong said.

"Well said! They both had concerns because they don't know Wang Tong as well as you do. Most people have never heard of him before. Don't worry, I will handle it!" Samantha said. Since she had put in her two cents, everyone else kept their complaints unspoken.

Cao Yi looked troubled: the two factions had been going so close that they would start to threaten Samantha's position. Despite the awkwardness, Wang Tong cracked a smile. He had already been warned about Samantha's trouble in exerting her authority before he had arrived. After everyone had left the meeting room, he heaved a sigh of relief, then turned to Samantha and complimented her, 'You look more attractive than ever."

"Not as attractive as your army of secretaries…" Samantha said with an edge in her voice.

"I did nothing." Wang Tong managed an innocent shrug. Samantha's sumptuous breasts under her firm uniform made his heart hammer.

Wang Tong found an urge to press his face in between her bosom and shower her with his hot kisses. Samantha was different from all the other girls; she was his first love and had given him the first cut. First cut was always the deepest, but little did he know that this feeling was mutual.

Since the confederation's armada had arrived on Mars, it wouldn't leave empty-handed. Therefore, the Zergs' space fleets came on Samantha's radar as she sought to eliminate them. However, that was easier said than done. Not only did the Zergs have an advantage in numbers, the commander of the Zerg fleet was a powerful S level blood kin as well.

Chapter 646: Mission X-6

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

After Moye had died, this S level dark one's ambition started to grow. His armada was one of the reasons that Patroclus still hadn't reached Mars yet. Despite Moye's death, the competition between the dark ones and the immortals persisted.

The Dark Lord's death had ushered in chaos, and chaos was a ladder. S-Zhoudi quickly realized that he could be the next dark lord if he played his card carefully and turned the chaos into his favor.

Zhoudi was delighted after that moment of epiphany. Fertilized by the dead body of his former master, Zhoudi's desire for power grew rapidly on the soil of greed.

Once he eliminated the pestering human fleet, he should be able to swoop down on the Martians. He could feel that the supreme mother hadn't given up on them yet. She had worked industriously for countless decades to give birth to the dark ones, and she had been quite pleased with her creation until Wang Tong appeared. She was willing to give the dark ones more time. The dark ones had a special place in the queen's heart because they didn't require a human host, and therefore, were 100% Zerg.

In order to eliminate the human fleet, Zhoudi would have to get rid of Wang Tong. Once he could prove himself worthy, the queen would provide reinforcements with more ground force, so that he could retake Mars.

Zhoudi had sent out all the scout units in order to locate the humans' armada; He had never been so excited about anything, the desire for power superseding the desire for blood.

"The Zerg scouts are everywhere…I think it is only a matter of time before they catch our whiff," Samantha announced. Everyone noticed the change in her voice and fresh spruced up look.

In the meeting room sat Samantha's advisers and Wang Tong along with his field medics. The rest of his crew were busy training, trying to adapt to the space fighting environment.

The field medics had less to do in the spaceship battle than Wang Tong had expected, since the soldiers were protected by ships. Meanwhile, the mastery casters had met with a significant hurdle in harnessing any natural force from the space. So far, Wang Tong hadn't shed any light on their conundrum as he waited for the casters to figure it out themselves.

Since Wang Tong's party was not familiar with the situation in space, they sat and listened carefully as Cao Yi and the other captains discussed the current issues. It soon became evident to Guan Dongyang that the Zergs had outnumbered them greatly. It was impossible to wage a full-scale attack on the Zergs, and the current aggression was limited to small skirmishes and harassment.

After prolonged deliberation, the captains failed to formulate a plan on crushing the Zerg fleet. Samantha looked at Wang Tong and was amused by his languid posture.

"Wang Tong, what do you think of it?" Samantha shot him a glance and fluttered her lashes.

"In order to eliminate the Zerg fleet, we need to fight them head-on." Wang Tong said.

"We are outnumbered. How are we going to meet them 'head on'?" Captain Sailuofu said, who was one of Samantha's loyalists. He was in the prime age of mid-thirties, and was head over heels for Samantha. Needless to say, he was not very pleased with Wang Tong's appearance. He had been chasing after Samantha for many years fruitlessly and tasted the bitter jealousy when he saw how much Samantha had changed after meeting Wang Tong. Sailuofu had heard rumors that she was in love with Wang Tong, but how was that possible? Sailuofu simply wouldn't believe it.

"You are right only if we fight in the conventional method of space warfare. Please turn on the star charts." Wang Tong said. The Zergs had such a huge advantage that if the humans fought without deploying any tricks, there was no chance of winning.

An officer brought out the star chart with locations of Zerg fleet mapped after tremendous scouting efforts.

"The Saturn's asteroid belt, that's where we will pick a fight with them." Wang Tong said.

The other officers furrowed their brows in disagreement. It was a common knowledge that the Zergs excelled in space combats in clustered environments.

"Although we would be able to block the mother ships of the Zergs, those asteroids won't be able to stop the Zerg fighter jets. They are much better equipped than us in fighting in a confined space." Sailuofu said disappointingly. He had hoped that Wang Tong would bring up some more constructive ideas. He wagered that if the humans' rank were swelled five times, they might have a chance against the Zergs within the asteroid belt. But, with such a limited number of jets, it would be suicide.

Everyone looked to Wang Tong and waited for his reply. But, he didn't speak, dragging out the silence. After a while, he finally broke the spell, "That is all that I can think of."

A swell of dissatisfaction rose among the officers. The had expected Wang Tong to be more useful than that. Samantha cleared her throat and said, "We can't just sit around and wait. The Zergs' frequent activity suggests that they are on the move. We need to contain them as soon as possible. I will communicate with Li Hong and Xiao Se on that matter."

Wang Tong was ordered to stay after the meeting was over.

"What was that?" Samantha asked bitterly.

Wang Tong cracked a smile. "Dear Admiral, I don't think it's in our best interest for me to disclose my plan too early."

"What do you mean?"

"However good my plan is, I will need support, which seems non-existent. Plus, you don't want the plan to be leaked out, do you? "

Despite being a newcomer on the ship, Wang Tong had already gotten a handle on the overall situation. He knew that without the support from Li Hong and Xiao Se, he wouldn't be able to command the fleet effectively.

Only in unity would his plan work.

"Do you mean there's a mole among us?"

"No, that's not what I mean. What I want to say is we have to solve the problem within our ranks first before we can make a move on the Zergs. I know you have been trying to strike a balance among all factions, but it has directly led to the lack of solidarity among your men." Wang Tong said readily.

Samantha smiled wryly. "People are always the problem."

Wang Tong cracked a consolatory smile "It's not your fault. You have done a good job."

"A good job?"

"Yeah!" Wang Tong nodded.

Samantha had doubted herself, but Wang Tong's approval boosted her confidence. She could have doubted herself, but she would never question his judgment.

"What's your plan? I am always with you." Samantha pressed Wang Tong. She knew that he already had a solution, and had been testing her faith in him.

"How many of those X-6 light cruisers do we have in our fleet?" Wang Tong asked.

"A hundred or so under my direct control, and another hundred or so under those two d*ckheads."

"One hundred should be enough. I need the best pilots. Can you hand pick them for me?"

"Don't you dare make any more trouble for me! I don't want to hear Li Hong and Xiao Se complaining about you." Samantha shot Wang Tong a searing glance.

"Why do you think I am here? Haha! Anyways, make sure you draft the best pilots and the sharpest shooters."

"We don't lack good people. Don't you worry your pretty head about it." Samantha said proudly. Over the years, she had trained many capable warriors who had gained tremendous experience during the war.

After ironing out the details with Wang Tong, Samantha announced the initiation of the special mission: X-6

"Samantha, what is the meaning of this?" It wasn't long before Samantha heard protests and questions rise around her.

Chapter 647: Admiral's Promise

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"Captain Xiao Se, this is a classified mission with a special purpose."

"What are you talking about? What special mission? Why haven't I heard about it?"

"Hehe…General Xiao Se, do I have to report to you on everything?"

"Is it about Wang Tong? Admiral, you need to keep a level head. Don't put all of our eggs in one basket."

"Nonsense! This is not a gamble. I have the right to approve every mission. And, I don't need to justify myself to you. I have only used a hundred X-6 jets, so none of your jets will be used." Samantha said thinly.

"One hundred? Those X-6 pilots are our best men. We can't risk their lives and let an amateur lead them. I have to express my objection to your plan officially."

"We agree to disagree. I have already made up my mind. I will be fully responsible should the plan fail." Samantha said with resolution. She knew that she had to be assertive right then; otherwise, this plan would never carry through.

Lacking unchallenged authority within the fleet, Samantha needed to fight for every step she took. Xiao Se was surprised by how much she had changed. He could no longer push her around ever since Wang Tong arrived her ship.

The promise of the mission's failure amused Xiao Se. He cracked a smile and then said, "Would you please write what you just said down, so we have the record?"

"Are you trying to threaten me? Fine, I will draw it down for you and make it official. However, during the operation, I will need your full cooperation."

"No problem!" Xiao Se answered readily. If Samantha failed, it would cost him nothing, but the failure would smear her reputation, giving him the opportunity to replace her

It wasn't before long that Li Hong also called Samantha, huffing, and puffing. However, as soon as he got the official document indicating that she would be solely responsible for the defeat, he turned down a few notches immediately.

Till this day, Li Hong regretted the infighting between him and Xiao Se which gave Samantha an opportunity to rise above them. Samantha was well known for her prudent and careful style, and therefore, she rarely gave the two competitors any chance to smear her reputation. However, Wang Tong's arrival had emboldened her, making her more willing to take risks.

The day of final liberation on Mars was near as humans prepared for their final attack. At this crucial moment, the Admiral of the Confederation would play a critical role. Whoever could sit on that spot would be remembered in history as the hero.

Even if the Martians could have to build a large number of ships, they would still need pilots. The Martian united front would have to beg the confederation fleet for help since even during the peacetime, Martians were not well known for their pilots. Using these pilots as a bargaining chip, the admiral of the fleet could garner significant political clout on Mars.

Having survived many political turmoils, Li Hong and Xiao Se were well aware of their situation and the opportunities.

Meanwhile, Li Hong and Xiao Se were sitting on a sofa across from each other and sipping on their hot coffees.

"What do you think of it? Do you think Wang Tong has some trick up his sleeve?"

"I doubt it! We are in the space, so his power is practically useless. " Xiao Se said disinterestedly.

"She has acted so recklessly lately. How disappointing! I can't believe she would be influenced by one of her subordinates."

"Li Hong, why are you still on her side? She is a woman, so it was in her nature to be carefully but easily influenced by…"

"By what?"

"By love."

"So, the rumors are true?"

"You tell me. Have you ever seen her smile so many times during a meeting? And that new makeup on her face… She is head over heels for that dipsh*t, and she is in no condition to be the admiral!" Xiao Se said hotly.

"We need to stop that boy. We can't just sit around and let him destroy our fleet." Li Hong said.

"Let's play by the ear. He is regarded as a hero on Mars, and it's unwise to butt heads against him when he is strong. Let's wait until they come back from their mission. If he fails, we will then act."

"Alright! Thank gods that they only used light jets. If they were to use space cruisers, they better cross my dead body first."

"I have heard some good news coming from the Earth. What a relief!"

"You don't say! I never expected Li Zhedao's death would end up being a blessing in disguise. The soldiers' spirits have risen after his death, and I bet Patroclus is injured too."

"So I have heard. This is our best opportunity." Xiao Se nodded. Their alliance was emblematic of the close tie between House Li and the council.

Li Zhedao's sudden death had crippled House Li's influence; therefore, they had to improvise an alliance with the new rising power, the councilors. Xiao Se was one of the high ranking councilors, and he would replace Samantha as the Admiral should she prove to be unworthy. In honoring their alliance, he would appoint Li Hong as his first mate.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong had started to organize the X-6 fleet. The news had elated Karl and Cao Yi as they rolled up their sleeves and were ready to fight. However, their enthusiasm was not shared by everyone, since everything was carried out in secrecy, where doubts started to breed.

The X-6 jets were highly maneuverable small fighter jets. But, due to their size, they had very limited capacity in dealing with larger ships. Therefore, they were mainly used for scouting missions. It was difficult to imagine that Wang Tong would be able to change the course of the war with only a hundred of such weak force.

No one knew what Wang Tong was planning. Although they knew of his incredible prowess, how much of his power could be used during space combat was yet to be seen.

Bisu and Flash also joined Wang Tong's mission. Although they were not directly within Samantha's purview, they were not only sick of the infighting, but also eager to help their old friend.

The two fleet commanders had attempted to work closely with Samantha for a while, and Wang Tong's appearance had provided them such an opportunity.

When the older veterans were blinded by their petty political games, the young soldiers who were not burdened by such selfish thoughts were able to see things much clearer. The Zergs posed a threat to the very existence of human race; it was not the time to dawdle on meaningless politics.

They conceded that they had very limited resources to change the way their captains viewed things, and the best they could do was fight for the cause that they believed in.

"Flash, do you really have to drag me into this?" Bisu smiled wryly. Their actions meant severing their ties with House Li.

Flash was unfazed by the question. "It's about time to make this decision. Don't you remember why we joined the fleet?"

Bisu smiled wistfully and then said, "Yes."

"We can't change other peoples' mind, but we can lead by example. I know Wang Tong…he wouldn't start a mission unprepared. You and I know better than anyone that Wang Tong is a competent space commander. Don't you remember how he defeated us at the tournament?" Flash asked.

"Those old foxes won't count the tournament as a legit experience."

"Legit experience… hehe…" Flash was amused as he mauled over the words. He shook his head and then grinned wryly as he lamented that experience had become a tool for the captains to secure their positions. General Li Hong was a capable commander; however, he had failed to see the big picture—his experience had failed him after all.

"What do you think Wang Tong is up to? What could he do with only a hundred fighter jets?" Bisu asked. He never doubted Wang Tong's abilities, but one could not make brick without straw.

Samantha had vouched for Wang Tong's plan so unequivocally that she would resign from the position should Wang Tong fail. This seemingly foolhardy move was necessary to convince the other captains and gain their support.

Flash's eyes glinted as his mind raced. "I bet you that these hundred jets are just a lure. He has something else in store for the Zergs."

"Same here. We lack reinforcements, so we need to be very careful and not lose any of our ships in vain. The Zergs know our weakness, and they are trying to turn it into their advantage."

"Our problem right now is that we had focused too much on our enemies' strength, so much so that we have forgotten ours," Flash said slowly.

Chapter 648: Martian Brutes

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Despite their young age, Flash and Karl were both paragons of skills and talent among the fleet commanders. However, their reputation was limited only in the technical field.

If Flash were the commander in chief, he would not allow the armada to simply sit around in the name of 'preserving strength'. What human force needed right then were real actions that produced real results. However, such actions also meant taking risks. Over the five years, the human fleet had been circumspect and distant from any risk-taking actions. This approach had maintained the strength of the Armada, but also lost many opportunities to make meaningful progress.

Risk and reward were two sides of the same coin, and one could not look for one while ignoring the other. That being said, Flash was certain that he had made the right decision this time.

"Judging by the makeup of the fleet, it's more likely than not that we are going to wage a harassment tactic on the enemy. The point is not to damage the opponent, but to lure them to the location where Wang Tong wants them to be."

"True that! But, if I were him, I wouldn't expect the armada to provide him any assistance fire."

"The key is in unpredictability, to confuse the Zergs and catch them by surprise constantly."

"Haha…I think we should stop guessing and simply wait for a couple of days to see what Wang Tong has in store for us. Damn, it's been a while since I was so excited about a mission."

"Tell me about it! It's about time!" Flash smiled broadly. He had served House Li long enough to pay back the debt he owed. He took no joy in working for House Li, but now, he could finally work for someone who he really supported: Wang Tong.

Flash's involvement was sensational news among the commanders. At first glance, his decision seemed to have gone against the grain of his pragmatic and prudent personality.

Preparation of the mission had stirred things up; everyone was talking about Wang Tong's plan. What would be done with such a small force? The lack of diversity in the fleet's composition made his plan of attack sound almost absurd. Meanwhile, Wang Tong was having a good time reuniting with his old friends and carrying out the preparation at his own pace.

While the METAL warriors from Mars were getting used to space METAL combat, Wang Tong decided to teach the casters how to harness the natural force from the nothingness of the space.

The five legendary warriors—Guan Dongyang, Xiao Yuyu, Ye Zi, Wu Ling, and Linda—followed Wang Tong's lead as they slowly channeled their soul energy to tap into the primordial force in the space. When they finally felt the raw and silent energy resting around them, the casters' hearts were filled with awe.

Unlike the energy present on any planet, these energies were silent and raw. They lacked any attributes as their planet counterparts, and all energy pooled together to form a reservoir of placid and boundless power. Due to its unthinkable magnitude, even a small ripple in this sea of energy was enough to devour an unskilled caster.

For the sake of those five casters' safety, Wang Tong had protected them with his soul essence. When the five of them finally opened their eyes and beheld the vast vista of endless energy, they were trembling with fear and excitement.

Guan Dongyang grimaced and said, "I don't think I can handle it." He was shaken with fear before the power at the display. Although he was one of the best casters in the human world, he scarcely dared to channel his soul energy anywhere near the deadly silence.

Wang Tong knew he could not rush them; this was a challenge they had to overcome by themselves.

"Let's take a rest for now." Wang Tong announced and then pulled back his soul energy. The rest of the caster followed suit, and afterward, they filed back into the ship.

Although they were not METAL warriors, they had sufficient soul energy to yield the space METAL with ease. Truth be told, the environment in space was more facilitating than that on a planet due to its lack of gravity. Should the warriors learn to tap into the primordial forces, they could unleash spells ten times more powerful than on Mars.

The five casters returned to the ship, worming themselves out of the space METAL. Their faces were pale as a parchment paper as fear still gripped their nerves. They had been staring at the calm sea of primordial force for over an hour, and no one moved a muscle.

Wang Tong conceded that he could not do anything to help them at this point. He possessed the soul essence which alleviated, if not canceled, the overwhelming fear before the primordial power. Therefore, although he knew how the casters felt, he did now know how they could cope with it.

"Wang Tong, why don't you check on Vorenus and his crew> We need some time to reflect. Balls! It's so embarrassing. I know exactly what to do, but I can't help but panic!" Guan Dongyang very rarely let fear override his body to completely. He was level twenty three, and Xiao Yuyu was level twenty-two, while the other two casters were at level twenty one. Since he had the highest achievement out of all three casters, he had to be the first one to try.

Inside the gym, Vorenus and his crew were training in zero gravity chambers. Their activities had garnered a lot of spectators. Apache was sparring with Vorenus; although the latter was one level higher than Apache, the latter had significantly more experience in space combat. Vorenus reckoned that it would not be an easy battle, and he would have to get used to the zero gravity as soon as possible in order to prevail.

Many people wanted to spar with the Martians; their reputation as the deadliest warriors on Mars spurred the earthling soldiers to challenge them.

As soon as Wang Tong walked into the training room, a pin drop silence fell into the gym. The officers on board were mostly from two categories: the METAL warriors and the commanders. Most METAL warriors were awestruck after seeing Wang Tong's fight against Moye. However, most commanders lacked the skills to appreciate his finesse and prowess.

Wang Tong was caught off guard by the sudden silence and thought that he had walked into the wrong room at the wrong time. Even as he was about to turn on his heels, a swell of applause erupted and filled the room. Wang Tong cracked a smile in return.

One would always find someone who appreciated their work, so one couldn't give up!

"Wang Tong, why don't you show us your moves?" Apache smiled broadly.

"I think you are feeling itchy. Let me scratch it for you." Wang Tong jested.

"What? Being scratched by the most fearsome warrior in the universe? Suits me! Haha! Come one!" Apache laughed. It was a perfect time to let Wang Tong impress the space METAL warriors on the ship.

"No worries, I would gladly scratch the thick hide of yours…Haha! "Wang Tong laughed as he climbed on to the sparring stage. Tan Bu watched as Wang Tong hopped right into the zero gravity zone. He had taken a beating from the space warriors during training. Despite his superior power, it had been difficult for him to adjust to the gravity. Nonetheless, he didn't give up and kept on finding ways to handle the curveballs the environment threw at him constantly.

The space warriors had been really hard on their Martian visitors, but it wasn't long before empathy bested their ego and they started to slow down. The Martians' pained faces reminded them of their gruesome training while they first joined the fleet. It had taken a month to get used to fighting in the space eventually; however, these Martian soldiers had only days at most.

Standing before Wang Tong, Apache pulled a serious face. When they first met five years ago, the two warriors' power was at par with each other. However, five years later, even Apache conceded that victory was impossible for him.

The warriors cheered for their champion. Apache attacked first, his first coming at Wang Tong with the same ferociousness of a solar storm. Apache had improved his fighting techniques a lot over the five years by matching the moves to his strength. His attack came at Wang Tong from all directions, leaving the latter nowhere to evade.

Wang Tong countered Apache's moves with equal measure of aplomb and repose, being able to block attacks from all directions with ease. He knew Apache's fighting style like the back of his hand. The latter had spent half of his life training in the military, so Wang Tong knew Apache's attacks would be direct and open like most military fighting styles. Compared to the combat moves five years ago, Apache's attacks were even more to the point and uncompromisingly straightforward.

If the soldiers were to learn anything from the two warriors sparring, they would have learned it from Apache instead of Wang Tong, since the latter was way above their league. Copying Wang Tong's move without truly understanding what it meant would be a hindrance rather than help.

The heat of the battle quickly cracked up amidst cheers and shouts. After a while, Apache finally released his coup de grace: Starlit Slash!

His GN force burst out around him, turning into flashes of intense lights, each flash being a deadly slash of blade aura aimed at Wang Tong.

Suddenly, the flashes were gone as if Wang Tong had snuffed them at the same time—he did, but no one was fast enough to catch him doing so.

Apache grimaced, "Well, that was embarrassing." He turned to face his space warriors and remarked in a booming voice, "Behold, this is the power of the heir of blade Warrior, the hero who had killed Moye with ease. I have known him for many years, and he has yet to let me down. I will follow him to liberate our people! What do you say?"

"Yeah!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

The METAL warriors valued strength more than anything. After Wang Tong's impressive display of strength, he had quickly won the hearts of all METAL warriors, further solidifying his position.

In the days that followed, Wang Tong took his time and handpicked each and every one of the team members with the help of Karl and Flash. Skills and talents were not the only requirements to be drafted into Wang Tong's team since he also expected his pilots to be extremely disciplined and good team players.

Samantha had made sure that they could choose anyone into any position that seemed appropriate without considering their rank and experiences.

Karl and Flash didn't miss that opportunity to shake things up. They had promoted a few lieutenants to the rank of captains, and gave them each a former captain as their first mate.