35 - 41

Chapter 35. The Incomplete Genius, and the Completed.


Translator: Leyy

There was nothing particularly special about the next morning.

As usual, Team Slayers ate breakfast as soon as dawn came, then Podolski did an informal roll call to check on the health of the adventurers.

The results were good health. They were good to start their day.

An hour before departure, Kang Chul-In and Dorian moved to a secluded location.

One could say that it was a type of private tutoring.

In order to solidify their relationship, Kang Chul-In decided to teach Dorian 1 on 1. It was an act to keep Dorian away from the bastard Rothschild once Ragnarok came.

Dorian was a man that showed loyalty to those that showed him favor. If Kang Chul-In was to help him grow quickly, at the least, they would not become enemies.

"Sigh...This doesn't seem to be working out too well?"

Having blossomed a deep blue flame on to his hand, Dorian suddenly furrowed his brows. With the sound of a 'bang!', the flame disappeared.

"You're struggling with something so easy."

Kang Chul-In's mouth made a tiny smirk as he teased Dorian.

"Such an easy thing….."

As he spoke such words, a flame bigger than the one that Dorian had created appeared on Kang Chul-In's hand.

It was the skill Mana Fire.

It was a skill that wasn't particularly special.

Mana Fire utilized the root of mana for all supernatural powers to create the flame. And, although it was just the spirit of the natural laws, it was a skill that wasn't known to the adventurers. To put it simply, it was the most basic of basic skills.

"You can't even do an easy thing like this. How incompetent."

Kang Chul-In made fun of Dorian as he proceeded to teach him the basic skill.


Dorian exploded.

"Why, why isn't it working!"

Dorian suddenly created the flame, but it did not last long. It would last for about 20-30 seconds and disappear. Compared to Kang Chul-In who had had his flame going for over 5 minutes, it was a drop of water in the middle of an ocean.

"Who knows."

Kang Chul-In smiled.

"You….you you...Are you pitying me?"

"What pity? I have no pity for an incompetent person."


The angry Dorian clenched his teeth.

"Ah….Why, why isn't it working? Why?"

It was normal for him to be angry.

They were both lords, at the same levels, using the same skill, yet Kang Chul-In's was like an active volcano while Dorian's was nothing more than a match flame. Being on equal terms, it was normal for Dorian to get angry when he's trying so hard.

"Chet, nothing is coming out of me teaching you."

Kang Chul-In shook his head.

"T-there's no point in teach me? But, isn't this considered to be good?"

"Go somewhere else if you want to hear compliments."

"If you think that everything is going to work out just because you're trying, than there would be no such things as failure in this world."

"T-that's true."

"Find the cause. Your skills won't get any better if you're not fixing the fundamental problem."

"I'm telling you that I don't know what that is!"

"If you don't know, then you will stay as an incompetent person."

"Wh, what?!"

"That's the way this world works."

Kang Chul-In continued to admonish the depressed Dorian.

'He seems to be quite angry.'

Keeping to himself that he was quite happy.

'No matter how talented you are, it's still too much for you.'

Although Dorian's learning abilities were quick, it would take some time for him to catch a clue. At the least 2 months? It was impossible for him to create an intact Mana Fire before then. However.....

'If I give him the answer, it would be different.'

He may understand at a moment's notice.

Kang Chul-In was also a talented individual, and knew how to use Mana Fire like the back of his hand, so he knew exactly how he was to guide Dorian.

"It's because your head is too stupid."

Kang Chul-In spoke.

"Head? Mine?"

Dorian was surprised.

"How? I'm not stupid..."

Saying that he wasn't stupid when he was stupid made Kang Chul-In laugh, but he decided not to react to those words. Although Dorian had slow senses and was clumsy, he was definitely at the top when it came to utilizing mana, compared to the 300,000 people that had crossed over to this world.

"Close your mouth and listen."

"….Yes, sir."

"I'm not sure if it's because you've spent a lot of your time in the military, but your head has gotten a bit dull. Although you might be good at following orders and doing as you're told....You probably don't know where those orders came from, and why those orders were being given. It may have also just been a waste of time to be questioning the orders that were given to you."

"I-is that so?"

"From what I can see...although you don't want to admit it, you are extremely smart when it comes to specific fields. Only, you're unable to apply everything because of how dull your head has gotten."

"Mmmm...so, what's your point?"

"The reason why you're not able to properly command your Mana Fire."

At Kang Chul-In's words, Dorian's eyes grew wide.

"It's very simple."


"Do you want to learn it?"

"Of course!"

With Kang Chul-In's subtle question, Dorian nodded his head with strength.

"You need to come to me whenever I call for you."

"Whenever? When are you going to call for me? I also have a schedule...."

"Whenever you're completely free and have time."



I'll do it. Is that enough? Now tell me."

Dorian did not know that he was signing into a type of slave contract.

'You are now my little slave.'

Kang Chul-In kept Dorian hard at work in the past, and now he had set himself up to do the same in the present. He was quite the ruthless man.

"What's the fundamental for the Mana Fire?"

Hiding his bad intentions, Kang Chul-In spoke.

"That is….you said that I had to focus my mind onto my mana and release it? And, think of a flame as I'm releasing it? At least, that's what you said."

"That's just if you're talking theoretically. What you do you think you need to do if you want to create a flame that lasts as long as mine, and is as strong as mine?"

"It's the power of your imagination."


Dorian asked back regarding the unexpected answer.

"Is that the solution?"

"I'm sure I told you that it was simple."

"Y-you did...."

"When you use Mana Fire, I'm sure you simply think of a flame. Something like a bonfire or a as fire."

"How did you....!"

"That is the difference between you and me."

"I'm sure I have told you before that we do not use the mana within our hearts with the strength of our heartbeats or the use of muscles."

"That's right. You told me that it was my concentration, and the power of my imagination."

"You can't expect your Mana Fire to be strong when your imagination is so weak."


"When I use Mana Fire, I picture an active volcano or floating lava."

"If you use your whole mind to focus on the image, and completely solidify your image making...this can happen. Watch."


A deep red flame rose up from Kang Chul-In's hand and shot up 5m into the air. This was the true Mana Fire. In his prime days, Kang Chul-In had used the basic Mana Fire skill to kill a company of enemies.


Dorian gulped.

'H-how can such a thing.....!"

The current Mana Fire was on a completely different level to any of the ones that Kang Chul-In had shown till now.

It was strong, and looked dangerous. There was no doubt about it that the damage would be immense as well.

"It doesn't always work just because you think about it. You need put yourself through intense meditation every day to grind and polish the flames within your heart."


As if he finally understood, Dorian gave a shout.

"Only, bear in mind that you will deplete a lot of mana if you release something this big."


"Try it."

Kang Chul-In pointed at Dorian with his chin.

"Already? It hasn't even been a minute since you've taught me!"

"You should be able to do it after seeing it once."

"T-that's too much!"

"If it's too much, then don't learn it."

"...I'll try it."

Dorian lowered his tail as soon as Kang Chul-in made a scene. The only one disappointed was Dorian himself.

'A bigger flame….concentrate, and concentrate some more.'

Using what he had learned from Kang Chul-In, Dorian focused his mind.

Whoosh, whoosh!

A Mana Fire appeared.

"Huh, uh?"

Dorian was surprised to see that the flame was stronger than before. It was obvious that it was unbelievable for him, even though he had created it himself.

"I-it worked!"

"I'll give you 10 points out of 100."

Kang Chul-In smiled as he rated the flame.


"Because, it's smaller than mine."

"If you think it's unfair, then do better."

After saying such words, Kang Chul-In began to move before Dorian could say anything. Just in time for Podolski to leave for his morning hunt.

The afternoon of that day.

Dorian applied his Mana Fire for 10 minutes, and played the leading role for the engineering group.


Dorian had hit the Orc in its chin....


Quickly turning his body, he threw out his elbow.


With a dull sound, the Orc fell to the ground whilst vomiting. Surprisingly, Dorian could take down his opponent with his bare hands.


Having just finished a fight, Dorian took a deep breath.

"Wow, Dorian's getting stronger?"

"How was he able to take down an Orc with his bare hands?"

"That, what is that blue thing that's wrapped around his hands?"

Seeing the rapid growth within Dorian, many surprised adventurers were speaking amongst themselves.

'Kang Chul-In is much stronger than this....how exactly did he become so strong?'

Dorian was not fazed by the attention he was getting from the adventurers.

The only thing running in his mind was his curiosity towards Kang Chul-In's strength, and the strong desire of wanting to reach that same level. Kang Chul-In had no way of knowing that he had become a God within Dorian's mind.

'He's quick, but he's too hasty.'

On the other side, Kang Chul-In was very cold with his evaluation of Dorian.

'I'm sure you want to hurry and get stronger. However, there are steps for everything, Dorian.'

Kang Chul-In could see Dorian's psychological state like a ghost.

'The you right now is too hasty. No matter how much of a genius you are, you're going to end up paying dearly for it if you rush things.'

He even knew how much of a dangerous state Dorian was currently in.

The period where it's most dangerous for anyone. That was the situation Dorian was currently in. It was a situation where, with the slightest mistake, one could be filled with rage acting with haste.

And, Kang Chul-In's worries did not go long as it became a reality right in front of his eyes.

1 hour later.

It happened when Team Slayers was on their way back to Base Camp after a tough fight with an Orc.


As a gigantic tree fell to the ground, a huge greenish gray giant appeared and blocked their path. It was a distance of about 150 meters.


The loud roar was like thunder as it shook the entire forest.

With the sudden appearance of a giant, the adventurers were frozen with fear.

"Leader! Let's hurry and retreat!"

Lucia yelled out.

"It's dangerous!"

Podolski also urgently yelled.

It was because they knew the identity of the monster.

'It's still a young…..'

Just like Lucia and Podolski, Kang Chul-In was also able to tell the identity of the monster with a quick look.


It was a level 35 Ogre, that was often known as the king of the forest.

"Lucia, Podolski! To the front!"

Kang Chul-In yelled out.

"Yes, General!"

"On my way!"

Having received orders, Lucia and Podolski rushed out like lightning.

'This, might be dangerous.'

A fully-grown Ogre was about 5m tall, however, the Ogre that had just appeared was only about 3.5m.

Yet, it was still dangerous.

Even if the Ogre is considered to be young, it was still dangerous for the current adventurers, and with the slight mistake, they may be unable to escape total annihilation.


With a loud roar, the Ogre began to rush towards them.

"Parvis, equip the parvis!"

Kang Chul-In issued his orders.

The 5 parvis shields that were given to the adventurers were about 8 kg in weight, and were used to ram into the ground as obstacles.

"Swords, to the front! Spear, parvis to the back!"

With Kang Chul-In's orders, the adventurers quickly moved. They knew that the only person they could believe in at this moment was Kang Chul-In.

It was at that moment.

"Mister Dorian!"

Lucia yelled out.

"That crazy bastard."

A vein popped up on Kang Chul-In's forehead.

Dorian Explorer was the first to rush out, and was trying to fight against the Ogre head on.

Being able to take down an Orc with bare hands, he must have thought that the Ogre was easy game. Even if he was able to use Mana Fire, the Ogre was currently way out of his league.

The desire to become strong, it was the outcome of a hasty heart.


Kang Chul-In kicked the white horse in the ribs.


The horse began to gallop forward.

'I can't leave you to die like this.'

Dorian was an indispensable human resource that had to be fully used. There was no way that Kang Chul-in was going to leave him to die a dog's death. The 'completed' was attempting to correct the mistakes of the immature genius.

Chapter 36. To The Dragonia Mountain Range…


Translator: Leyy

However, it was impossible to prevent Dorian, who had already dashed out. As both sides were rushed towards each other, Kang Chul-In did not have a chance to cut in between them.

'That's just your luck.'

Kang Chul-In left Dorian's life to pure chance.

There was no doubt in the fact that Dorian will lose, regardless of the mana fire, because a 3.5m mass of muscle was about to collide with Dorian, who topped at 171cm.


Equipped with mana fire, Dorian's fist collided with the Ogre's fist.


With a sound of something breaking,


Dorian fell back with a single scream.


Kang Chul-In called out for Lucia as he rushed.


Recognizing Kang Chul-In's call, Lucia removed a large shield, Aegis, from her back, and protected Dorian, who has fallen.


A loud noise rang out as the metal of Lucia's shield clashed against the ogre.


A painful scream exploded from the Ogre.

Surprisingly, the side that lost was the Ogre while Lucia remained unwavering.

'Especially skilled in shielding.'

Kang Chul-In was amazed to see that.

Without even being pushed back a step, Lucia has perfectly defended against the Ogre's punch. The only thing that happened was that there was a hole 10cm deep, where she was standing.

However, there wasn't any time to be marveling at that. The Ogre rushed to attack again as fallen Dorian looked helpless. Someone had to come and divert the Ogre's attention.


Already on his saddle, Kang Chul-In was storming towards the Ogre.


Levitating in the air, Kang Chul-In looked for a point of attack, using the height advantage like a falcon's eyes.


With this, Kang Chul-in's Blood Sword had cut through the Ogre's collarbone.

If this attack were to be judged, it would undoubtedly be given full marks.

The Ogre's muscle fiber was overwhelmingly hard, strong, and elastic beyond that of iron. His skull was also as hard as steel.

Kang Chul-In had aimed at what seemed to be the least attractive point of attack (in fact, it wasn't) and went after the most vulnerable area! If the shoulders had been targeted, the Wing bone and the muscles around it could not have been penetrated, and if the head had been targeted, the Blood Sword would have been shattered into little pieces.

– Aaaaaaah!!!

The Ogre let out a painful scream after the unexpected attack.

'Continue to hit the fatal wound….'

Kang Chul-In quickly thought of delivering a fatal wound to Ogre, using mana fire. However, he wasn't able to do so. Unexpectedly, the Ogre executed an agile, reflexive move and attempted to crush Kang Chul-In by swinging both of his arms.


Calmly abandoning the attack, Kang Chul-In swiftly moved to beside Lucia and out of the range of Ogre's attack.

"His conditions?"

Kang Chul-In asked keeping his eyes on the Ogre.

"His right arm is broken and he has even lost his consciousness."

"Pick out four soldiers and move him. He cannot die! Must keep him alive!"

"Yes, my lord! There, guards! This way! Take Dorian!"

Upon hearing Lucia's commands, the four guards that were moving towards the Ogre quickly made their way towards them and took Dorian.

Meanwhile, suppressing the pain, the Ogre glared at Kang Chul-In and rushed to attack him.

"Let's go, Lucia."

"It's my honor!"

Kang Chul-In and Lucia rushed towards the approaching Ogre.

The synergy between the two was perfect.

The collaboration between Kang Chul-In, who played as the offense, and Lucia, the master of defense, displayed perfect teamwork.


As Lucia's shield blocks the Ogre's attack,


Kang Chul-In came forward and sought the Ogre's vital point.

'Lucia, to the left!'

'I will bypass my attack to the top.'

Kang Chul-In and Lucia were communicating without speaking, using only their movements and their eyes while defending against the Ogre.

The coordination and harmony was incredible.

Even though they have never coordinated their movements before, Kang Chul-In and Lucia worked in perfect unison as if they have been in practice for a long time. It was as if the Gods of War were in telepathic communication.

In the meantime, the confused adventurers came back to their senses and began to assemble, holding on to the rare items distributed by Kang Chul-In.

"Lucia, stay back!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Both, Kang Chul-In and Lucia simultaneously sprang.

– Grrr…!!!

Immensely angered, the Ogre clenched every one of his muscles as if to explode. Having reached the limit of his rage, his wrath was uncontrollable and this was an indication that the Ogre had raised his capacity to battle to the limit.

In contrast, Kang Chul-In no longer had the intention of continuing the fight with the Ogre. Putting the Ogre down belonged to the adventurers, not him and Lucia.

"Pavise, assemble."

The thick, authoritarian voice of Kang Chul-In led the adventurers.


Eight adventurers of excellent physiques assembled, raising their Pavise shields.

"Spear, to the back!"

An adventurer, holding a Black Thorn spear, and six troops from Laputa territory stood behind the shield.

"Swords, next to me."

Adventurers, holding Blood swords assembled next to Lucia and Kang Chul-In.

"Podolski, iron shackles."

Lastly, Podolski and 3 adventurers with powerful physiques grabbed on to the iron shackles of bondage.

With that, the line up was completed as Kang Chul-In had planned for the purpose of fighting monsters.

"Don't be afraid."

Kang Chul-In spoke to the nervous adventurers.

"We will win, just focus on my commands."

By the assurances carried in the voice of Kang Chul-In, the adventurers were reassured. It was the power of charismatic invocation that is only available to those with the Lord class.

– Roar!!!

The Ogre catapulted his heavy body towards the humans, confronting them with a roar.

"Swords, this way! Pavise, prepare for impact!"

The line of Pavise shields met


the Ogre as Kang Chul-In side-stepped.


The Ogre and the Pavise line have collided.

"Spear, pierce!"

25 Black Thorn spears pierced the Ogre's abdomen.

"Iron shackle, restraint!"

Spinning the chain splendidly, Podolski tied up the Ogre's left leg, using the iron shackle. 3 adventurers followed up by coming close and pulling the iron shackle with all their might.


The Ogre fell, losing its balance. It would have sustained its balance had it been an adult Ogre. However, not having been fully grown, that much force was sufficient against the Ogre.

"Swords, let's go!"

Lastly, Kang Chul-In led the adventurers, holding Blood swords, towards the Ogre.



Crimson blood sprang out.

'This is it, this is it.'

This was the fight that Kang Chul-In wanted. That is, training the adventurers with strong individual personalities to coordinate in a military formation to fight against the monsters!

After that, there was just futile resistance coming from the Ogre. The result was…

– Croak, croooak…!

Soon, honeycombed by the swords, the Ogre gave a death cry. It was the victory of the attack unit led by Kang Chul-In, it was Team 'Slayer's' victory.

After the day the 'Slayers' had been victorious, they kept hunting monsters like Ogres and Minotaurs.

Dorian, who was severely injured and unconscious, was rushed to Laputa territory for treatment. Kang Chul-In was disappointed in missing Dorian's camaraderie, but he continued on with his agenda as he took satisfaction that Dorian was not dead.

And 1 week has passed.

As the adventurers have reached level 20, Podolski eavesdropped on the adventurers following Kang Chul-In's order. He was performing his secret duties as the security head.

"Hugh… this is insane, insane."

"What is?"

"This crazy hunting is killing everyone."

Some adventurers complained.

"Still, you are getting stronger."

"Tough is still tough."

"You are speaking like a rich man. How much was earned up to now. Just tallying up trophy items would be enormous?"

"That's true."

"However… What is the identity of our General, anyway?"

Other adventurer expressed curiosity over Kang Chul-In.

"Mr. Dorian seems extraordinary, but the General does not seem be a human?"

"That's right!"

"For crying out loud, how can that be a human? When the General confronts an Ogre alone with a sword."

"Just forget it. Thinking about it over and over would not give an answer. We should just sit back and enjoy the spoils. I have no interest in the identity of the General. Just do as you're told then make money and grow stronger, that's all."

Some 10 or so adventurers were busy murmuring stories around the bonfire.

"Still, isn't it awesome? We can destroy anything as long as we follow the General's instructions."

"That, I agree. I'm thinking that we can hunt anything as long as we are with the General."

"Now our levels have gone up so high that we can even easily capture an Ogre, even without the General? On top of that, if the General and Lucia join forces, everything becomes a piece of cake."

"Certainly! We are strong!"

"I'm not sure, but wouldn't our level be the top class among the adventurers?"

The conversation of the adventurers was full of praise, trust, and extreme confidence regarding Kang Chul-In.


Podolski, who was listening in on the adventurers' conversation was elated as he ran over to Kang Chul-In to report.

"The time has come."

Kang Chul-In nodded his head upon hearing the report.

This what he wanted.

The respect, trust for the leader, harmony among the adventurers, and most importantly, strong confidence that anything can be overcome. Finally, the preparations to pursue his objective is complete.

'Although it will be accompanied by sacrifices,'

After ordering Podolski to assemble the adventurers, Kang Chul-In fell into a thought.

'I'm the lord, my territory is more important.'

It was certain that someone will meet their death in the hunt for the Peacock Dragon.

Minimum 10, maybe 20 deaths, in an extreme case, could be possible. In the worst case, Kang Chul-In and Lucia may be the only survivors.

However, for that purpose, this army of slayers has been organized. They were the mercenaries that would preserve the power of Raputa, and become the future customers of the territory.

Although it was callous, to a lord, other than towards his own citizens, being merciful towards non-citizens of his land was not a virtue. Besides, as it was unavoidable for the lord to cast his own people into hell, Kang Chul-In has assembled the adventurers to hunt for the Peacock Dragon without hesitation.

"We are setting out to hunt a level 40 monster."

Kang Chul-In spoke.

"That's a strong monster. As a subspecies of a Dragon, it is a monster on a different plane than anything else that we have faced."

If it had been just 2 weeks ago, such speech would be considered as explosive however, there was not even a single adventurer that showed fear or stirred any unrest.

"Death is possible, no, someone right here will certainly die. Maybe 10. Maybe more."

Kang Chul-In raised the stakes.

However, it was the same.

No one stirred up unrest.

Some adventurers even showed expressions of feeling bored.

"What is the problem."

Billy, an American adventurer, standing 190cm, shouted. He has become a devout new believer and admirer of Kang Chul-In since some time ago.

"We will do it! Being an adventurer, are we not staking our lives for being adventurers, anyway?"

In a short time, Billy has realized what being an adventurer is all about.

That was it.

Putting his life as a pawn, moving around the great land of Pangaea was what being an adventurer is all about.

"I'll do it! With the General, what is there to fear? Besides, more the dangerous it is, the more we have to gain! Isn't that so?"

"That's right."

Kang Chul-In responded.

Then he spoke of the spoils to gain once the Peacock Dragon would be hunted, in order to mesmerize the adventurers.

"The meat of the monster that I wish to hunt is a medicine that gives a weakling health and longevity, and drinking its blood will increase mana. The feather of its tail can be used to make an item that can cause strong hallucinations. Its eyeballs are ingredients for making an anti-spell item."

It was like throwing a double edged sword, both carrot and stick.

However, the responses of the adventurers were….

"We will do it."

Another adventurer, other than Billy led the chant.

With that, every member of Team Slayer came forth, committing to participate in the hunt for the Peacock Dragon.

"I will do it, too."

"General, count me in, too!"

"We can do it!"

"With you General, what is there to fear!"

"You only die once, not twice!"

"Let's turn our fortunes around!"

"We will do it, we will do it!"

With the exception of 3 that put family matters for reason, everyone said that they will follow Kang Chul-In.

The adventurers that have been exposed and mesmerized by Kang Chul-In's power and control, fear was nowhere to be seen. Even the confidence that death can be overcome, which Kang Chul-In wanted, existed among Team Slayer.

"All right."

Showing a satisfactory smile, Kang Chul-In nodded his head.

"It is my honor to be with you."

He was sincere.

Kang Chul-In used to think highly of those who would jump into fire for one's own ambition.

"The monster that you will be hunting is called… The Peacock Dragon."

Then the Slayers led by Kang Chul-In left the dark forest and headed towards the Dragonia Mountain in search of the Peacock Dragon.

The Peacock Dragon was an easy monster to track.

An Asian dragon, this monster displayed well integrated features of a dragon and a peacock, hence, it would often drop it tail feathers in and around its habitat, unknowingly exposing its location.

"There is a basin in the cypress forest, about 7km straight ahead from here. That appears to be the nest area of the Peacock dragon."

Mr. Paschurmers, a veteran hunter in the Laputa territory, who was ordered by Kang Chul-In to track the Peacock dragon in advance, provided the decisive intel. As a result, Kang Chul-In did not have to search the wide area of the Dragonia Mountain range.

"Have you seen it yourself?"

"I have not seen it. I might've come close to my death…."

Mr. Paschurmers did not finish his sentence. He appeared to be in fear of certain imminent chastisement from Kang Chul-In.

"Well done."



"It took a lot of guts for sure. I shall reward you soon. Return to the territory and wait."

"M-my lord!"


"I'm overwhelmed, your highness!"

After being promised a reward, Mr. Paschurmer bowed to Kang Chul-In many times before returning to the territory.

'We shall meet within the day.'

It has been 10 hours since he has been lying in ambush with the adventurers. Kang Chul-In felt the imminent face off against the Peacock Dragon.

Such feeling has never proven untrue. Kang Chul-In had that what has often been called 'sixth sense'. And… That feeling soon materialized.

Flap, flap!

The sound of wings was heard.

Chapter 37. Hunting the Peacock Dragon.


Translator: Leyy


A green monster softly landed from the sky.

Measuring about 11m from head to toe, this was a unique monster species, displaying features of a dragon and a peacock.

It was beautiful.

Like all peacocks, the Peacock Dragon's figure was elaborate and had unmatched beauty. It was appropriate that it ranked at the top among the dragon species with respect to aesthetics.

'A Male.'

Kang Chul-In has determined the gender of the Peacock Dragon after observing a half moon shaped feather around its waist (In fact the feather is also on the peacock's waist). The females of the Peacock Dragons did not have the half moon shaped feather that symbolized the gender of the peacock dragons.

'A female would have been easier.'

Kang Chul-In smacked his lips.

The fighting power between the male and female was like the heavens and the earth.

If the fighting power of the male was more or less like 4, 5 fully grown Ogres, and that of the female was far short of that.

'No, perhaps, it is a good thing.'

However, as the heart of a male dragon is more precious, Kang Chul-In switched the disappointment with a thought of anticipatory rewards.

– Podolski, you, you are first.

Kang Chul-In sent a hand signal to Podolski.

– Just leave it to me, my lord.

Podolski nodded his head.

The best, first step in battling a Peacock Dragon, or any other winged monsters, was to take away its mobility. It required breaking its wings or shackling up its ankles. That was the reason for engaging Podolski, the master of shackles.

– Wait, wait.

Kang Chul-In waited for the most opportune time without taking his eyes off of the Peacock Dragon. Hunting demands patience.

It has been about 30 minutes.

The Peacock Dragon finally came to a rest in the middle of the basin after moving around the area for a while. Then twisting its body, it buried its beak into the left wing.

'It's sleeping, this is the chance.'

It was the best opportunity for Kang Chul-In and the adventurers as the Peacock Dragon prepared to sleep.

– I will lure its attention from the front.

Kang Chul-In sent a hand signal.

– In that time, tie it up. Failure will not be tolerated.

Podolski's eyes looked suddenly piercing as it was the first strict order that he had received since he had come to Laputa territory.

As failure will not be tolerated meant strict accountability will follow, for Podolski, he had to ensure that his duty was carried out with all his might.

– Lucia, let's synchronize.

– Anytime, I'm always waiting, my lord.

After giving strict commands to Podolski, Kang Chul-In turned to Lucia and requested the same performance that he had shown during the battle with the Ogre.

– On three, we shall attack.

After the final hand signal to the adventurers, Kang Chul-In tightened up his entire body muscles.

'Inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling, exhaling.'

Kang Chul-In observed the sleeping Peacock Dragon's body as he waited for the right timing.

This was utilization of the feature that Dorian had discovered in the past, where the time that it took a peacock dragon from inhaling to exhaling takes a long time and that it becomes quite sensitive while inhaling.

However, during exhaling, the peacock dragon becomes completely defenseless, and this could afford about 10 seconds.

If the attack was made right at that moment, it was possible to gain the advantage when engaging in a battle.

'Inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling, exhaling… Inhaling… Now!'

Finally, Kang Chul-In stood up after finding the right time to attack. After him, Lucia, the adventurers with Blood swords followed.


The front line of the Slayers led by Kang Chul-In began rushing towards the Peacock Dragon.

'Lucia, throw me!'

Kang Chul-In stretched his hand toward Lucia.


As soon as their hands met, Lucia turned her body, using her right leg as the axis, and threw Kang Chul-In with all her might. It was an incredible power similar to a war catapult.


Springing forward in an instant, Kang Chul-In reached next to the sleeping peacock dragon in a blink of an eye.


Having transitioned from exhaling to inhaling, the Peacock Dragon felt someone and opened wide its unique emerald eyes and leered at Kang Chul-In. Then, spreading its wings, it prepared to punish the human that dared to attack it.

However, as Kang Chul-In had come as close to the tip of its nose, there was no way that it could dodge his blow.


Kang Chul-In's Blood sword was coated with an intense mana fire, and it flared up as it struck the peacock dragon.


The beak of the peacock dragon and the Blood sword met, causing a clashing sound as if metal and metal have collided.

It's head knocked back, the peacock dragon stumbled. It illustrated the destructive power that Kang Chul-In's attack carried.

This was the chance.

Kang Chul-In's strike partially stunned the peacock dragon's brain and prevented it from taking flight, even buying time for the adventurers to approach.

"Let's go!"


The leading adventurers attacked like a colony of bees as they swung the Blood swords at the peacock dragon.

Snap, snap!

The adventurers with Pavise shields and the adventurers with Black Thorn spears assembled, following right behind.

"Podolski, hurry!"

Kang Chul-In did not look towards the adventurers. He kept his eyes on only Podolski, who was holding the


iron shackles, Billy the adventurer, and the 2 other adventurers. The most important issue was to succeed in tying up the peacock dragon to the ground.

Chuk, Chuk!

Aiming the left leg of the peacock dragon, Podolski has launched the iron chain.

Click, click, snap!

The iron chain has successfully wrapped around the left leg of the peacock dragon.


Upon seeing what Podolski had done, Kang Chul-In thought that bringing him was an amazing move. As a master of the shackles, he was certainly a useful talent.

"Everyone, attack!"

Kang Chul-In suddenly shouted and led the adventurers.

Having been ambushed suddenly and left leg tied up tightly, the peacock dragon did not even have a chance to fly, and was getting indiscriminately pummeled by more than 40 or so humans. All the while, Podolski tied up the iron shackles around a number of Cyprus trees in order to strengthen the hold.

However… even with the successful ambushing and shackling, the peacock dragon was not an easy opponent.

– Kooooo!!!

The dragon blood wasn't flowing inside the peacock dragon for nothing as its large body mass alone was sufficient to overcome the Team Slayers' attack.

On top of that, as if the shackled left leg was maddening, it crazily shook its body.

As a result of that shaking, the first casualty occurred.


An adventurer's neck snapped after receiving a direct head=shot by the wildly wielded tail (feathers are on its back) then fell and rolled to the ground. Anyone could tell that it was an instant death by the broken neck.


With the first casualty, some adventurers showed shock in their eyes. They could not have imagined that someone would meet instant death, right in front of them. That was the discrepancy between having confidence and realty.


Helping them overcome that discrepancy was Kang Chul-In's role.

"All will die if you retreat! Killing it is the only way to live!"

It only takes a matter of seconds for a team to disintegrate before a colleague's death. Well aware of this, Kang Chul-In saw a need to severely push the adventurers, so that they do not break.

Nonetheless, there was nothing that Kang Chul-In could do as the number of casualties rose one by one. As his level was also low at the moment, it was impossible for him to save every adventurer.

With a sheeek sound, an adventurer, with a Blood sword, fell as he was sliced in half from the top of his head. Another adventurer was killed by getting his upper body pierced with the peacock dragon's beak.

The movements of the crazed peacock dragon produced immense power.

'Just to here, losing more will mean no future.'

When the number of casualties rose to seven, Kang Chul-In felt a crisis. If the casualty count kept rose like this, there was a very high chance that the adventurers would collapse. Something had to be done before reaching that point.

"Lucia, let's go!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Ultimately, leaving the large formation that he had formed with the adventurers, Kang Chul-In joined Lucia, rushing towards the peacock dragon for a full frontal assault.

It was a highly risky maneuver, but someone had to carry the torch. As it is also a life form, the peacock dragon will eventually become exhausted, hence the real key to victory is who lands the fatal blow.

The duo of Kang Chul-In and Lucia faced the peacock dragon. As a result, the peacock dragon's attention was focused on the two, providing the adventurers with some breathing room. As defending against the peacock dragon's attacks fell almost entirely on Kang Chul-In and Lucia, they felt like it would be the death of them.

Kang Chul-In was nearly burnt out, but he did his best to sustain himself. As long as he was able to sustain himself, the adventurers' attacks would become more active.

'Damn it!'

While he was holding himself up, his inside was filling up with the inferno of wrath.

He felt suffocated.

Since he was engaged in a battle with an opponent that his old self, would have been cut in to two pieces with effortless wielding of his great sword, Fragarach, he realized how powerless he was at the moment.

'Be patient. Being impatient is a poison. I will strong after this hunt. What I need right now is patience, not wrath.'

He grew angry, but did not lose control. He focused on battling the peacock dragon, suppressing the sense of suffocation. He knew that by overcoming the current situation, he will obtain a dragon heart that will become the platform for recapturing his old power.

And patience had finally opened up a chance.

The peacock dragon, having shed so much blood after being stabbed countless times with the Black Thorn spears, has become very weak and the tail that was being swung wildly became useless by the Pavise shields. Along with that, with the advanced coordinated attacks by the adventurers, Kang Chul-In and Lucia have caused the hard exterior leathery scales to begin to show cracks as it became brittle.

"Abdomen, lower abdomen!"

Kang Chul-In shouted. He couldn't lose this great chance.

"Let's go!"


"Die, you bastard!!!"

Filled with rage, the adventurers wildly stabbed the lower abdomen of the peacock dragon as they shouted. Designed just for the purpose of stabbing, the sharpness of the 24 Black Thorn spears was beyond imagination.




Blood began to pour out of the lower abdomen of the peacock dragon. Some areas showed scarlet skin through torn leathery scale.

It was then.

Feeling that it's life was threatened, the peacock dragon roared and took out its secret weapon.


The feathers on the back of the peacock dragon opened wide and formed into a fan shape. The peacock dragon had initiated its 'Illusion feathers', it's most dangerous and lethal weapon.

Using the peacock dragon's fan shaped feather, the Illusion feathers, was a technique that causes one to suffer intense hallucination upon looking at them. Once falling into it, one enters near unconscious state for about 5 minutes, during which time the peacock dragon could devour them as they fell victim to the technique's crowd control mechanism.

Srrrr…. Srrr. Srrrr.

The peacock dragon's feather swayed as if to be dancing as it cast its illusionary spell. Without a counter, everyone was in danger of falling into the hallucination spell.


The peacock dragon tilted its head.

Something was strange.

None of the adventurers that were in the peacock dragon's spell showed any swaying at all.

It was because after using the Illusion feathers used to cause complacency in the skill. It must have looked impossible for the peacock dragon.


Kang Chul-In let out a long exhale as he raised mana level.

He gave a terrifying smile. It was as if he was saying, I knew it all along, it is a futile effort. Having drunk a focus potion in advance, he and the adventurers were free from the effects of the Illusion feathers.


Raising the Blood sword, Kang Chul-In became one with the flash of silver as he stormed towards the peacock dragon.


The Blood sword penetrated the peacock dragon in between the crack of its leathery skin. The target was lower abdomen, a single penetration, moving from bottom to top.

– Krrrrr!!!

The peacock dragon tried to shake, letting out a cry filled with pain.

'This is the end.'

However, Kang Chul-In had no interest in leaving the peacock dragon alone.

Scheek, scheeeek!

The Blood sword produced sparks.

'Mana fire,'

Kang Chul-In devised a way to neutralize his opponent even with a low sorcery power as he gathered up all his mana. It was explosion, great explosion that he visualized.


Kang Chul-In's mana transformed into an explosive and it flowed down the Blood sword into the peacock dragon's body.

The target was the head of the peacock dragon.

It took less than 1 second for Kang Chul-In's mana to travel from the lower abdomen, through the neck, into the brain.


With the sound of explosion,


…The skull and its contents of the peacock dragon broke into million pieces and fell to the ground.

[Level has been raised! Level 26 reached!] [Level has been raised! Level 27 reached!]

2 levels have been raised instantly, and…

[Secret Quest: 'Ambush of the peacock dragon' Cleared!] [Award for completing the Quest: Experience +1200/Gold +300/Buff: Dragon Species Prohibited/'One who bends air' title attained!] [Buff: With the effect of initiating dragon species prohibition, the monarch's region will be free of any presence of dragon species for 6 months!] [Level has been raised! Level 28 reached!]

Additional 1 level has been raised.

And that was how the peacock dragon hunt had ended.


As it appeared to have reached the finale, an uninvited guest appeared and threw a bucket of cold water on the Team Slayers, who were about to pop fire crackers in order to celebrate.

"Lord, milord!"

Lucia ran towards Kang Chul-In crazily.

Chapter 38. Awakening, Kang Chul-In! War Machine, Lucia!


Translator: Leyy


Kang Chul-In was surprised at the inexplicable behavior of Lucia, but immediately tried to find the cause.

First, he followed Lucia's gaze.

Lucia, who ran across, was staring at the sky far behind him, not at him.


Unless one's eyes were on the back of the head, it was impossible to spot an enemy from the rear.

Kang Chul-In turned his head and looked at Lucia's eyes.


At the moment Kang Chul-In's eyes filled with astonishment.

Something was diving at him, at a tremendous speed. The speed was great, and would only take a few seconds to hit him.


Kang Chul-In felt his stomach tighten as he realized the identity of the diving thing.

"Damn it, it's a female."

The Peacock Dragon he knew bred every spring.

It was unusual that Peacock Dragons, moreover a pair of male and female, were here at the cyprus forest basin in this season like now.

But, oh well.

Now, he had to find a way to live somehow rather than complaining.

Right now, Kang Chul-In was in a state that he had no power left for even lifting his finger, as he had fought for a long time and used the mana fire, as well as Intraburst. Completely, and utterly exhausted, Kang Chul-in needed time in order to move his body.


Kang Chul-In concentrated his whole mind and tried to move his legs.

"Move, move!"

In fact, he was completely spent and couldn't move his body due to exhaustion, but he had to move his body if did not want to die.

Despite the superhuman mentality, he was not able to move.


Kang Chul-In still tried to avoid the diving female peacock dragon even at the painfully slow speed which was all he was able to manage. It would have been nice if all the stamina and mana recharged because the level had risen, but that was only in a game.

"Rather, fight."

In the end, Kang Chul-In decided to give up and accept his fate.

He was Kang Chul-In the Kingslayer, the Overlord.

If he could not avoid it, even if he were to die, it suited his temper to die in one strike. He did not want to be beaten to death.


Kang Chul-In was aiming at the right eye of the female Peacock Dragon only a short distance away. Now it was only the eye he could damage now.


It was when Kang Chul-In squeezed out his strength and stretched out his Vampiric Sword.


Lucia appeared like a lightning, covering his front side.

"This Lucia…"

Chuck! The Aegis Shield covered Kang Chul-In.

"Will protect the Lord."

At the same time, the diving female Peacock Dragon and Lucia's Aegis Shield collided.


Kang Chul-In and Lucia flew for several tens of meters and were thrown against the cyprus forest surrounding the basin, with a roar and a tearful sound.


Blood gushed out of Kang Chul-In's mouth. It was his first injury after the resurrection.

"Sigh… That… almost killed me."

While muttered dryly, Kang Chul-In looked at his abdomen. At the moment of the collision, the Peacock Dragon's beak was scratched and his left side was pierced, and blood was pouring out.

"L-lord.. Are you alright…"

Lucia, who fell into Kang Chul-In's arms, lifted her head. And she was surprised to see the wound in Kang Chul-In's abdomen.


Lucia's expression hardened.

"My..my lord…how dare…an inferior beast…to the master of my soul…."

Lucia, who spoke to herself with rage filled voice, suddenly got up.

"Lord… This Lucia…will protect you, my lord…please..for a while..please close your eyes for a moment…close your eyes…"

With those words, Lucia left Kang Chul-In's side and started walking towards the Peacock Dragon.

Kang Chul-In couldn't see it, but suddenly Lucia's eyes were out of focus. Her facial expression was terrifying and it was frozen on her face, as if she was a doll. Soon after…A deep-black darkness started to spread in Lucia's eyes.

[War Machine Mode. R.E.A.D.Y]

A mechanical voice flowed out of Lucia's mouth.

[Target, confirmed!] [Exterminate.] [War Machine Mode, START!]

When the word 'start' came out, intense energy was emitted from Lucia's body. Even at first glance, it seemed to be several times stronger than the original Lucia.

[War Machine Mode time remaining 4:59… 4:58…. 4:57…]

Lucia ran.

With Zenith, the Sword of Heaven, on her left hand and Aegis, the Shield of God on her right, Lucia's appearance was dignified and frightening as she was indeed a Warrior born for Battle.


With a flat, emotionless and an eerie voice, Lucia began to attack the Peacock Dragon.


Lucia repeated the word only and fought the Peacock Dragon like a machine. How powerful were her attacks and defense that she was able to fight equally with the female Peacock Dragon that was 9m long?



While Lucia blocked the Peacock Dragon, Podolski and Billy urgently ran to Kang Chul-In.

"I-I will escort you."

Podolski was trying to support Kang Chul-In with great astonishment. But, surprisingly, the reaction of Kang Chul-In…

"Leave me."

His voice was so cold.


"Don't think about bringing me anywhere."

"Bu, but…"

"Is there a thread and a needle?"

"ARe you..going


to stitch up your wounds here?"

"Just tell me, whether you have it or not."

"I have it. I can do a simple surgical procedure."

"Do it."


"I won't say it twice."

Podolski opened his backpack due to Kang Chul-In's tough attitude, and pulled out thread, needle, bandage, and two bottles of potion.

"I do not have an anesthetic. It would be very painful so…"

"Right now."

Kang Chul-In had already turned away his eyes.

"I…Am I being protected by making my subordinates stand in front of me?"

It was natural that a Lord was protected by his subordinates, but Kang Chul-In was the world's strongest, and it was humiliating to be helpless.

"Quickly. There's no time."


At the command of Kang Chul-In, Podolski hurriedly began executing first aid on his wounds.


Kang Chul-In swallowed the pain inside.

He refused to cry out from the pain.

He endured the pain with iron will and thought only to get up once again.

"5 minutes… The War Machine Mode limit."

Lucia's War Machine Mode, that he saw, was obviously powerful, but it was impossible to beat Peacock Dragon by herself as long as there was a 5-minutes limit.

"The adventurers are exhausted. If Lucia lost, it's complete destruction."

Kang Chul-In sought to find a way to overcome the situation calmly while Podolski stitched his torn side. Kang Chul-In was the only person Kang Chul-In could believe now.

"Lord, I have finished the first aid treatment."

Podolski said it while tying a knot to cover the sutures with a bandage.


"Yes, Lord."

"Go and cut the Peacock Dragon's heart out."




Podolski ran in of hurry.

"Gen, General… just run away…"

Said by the big man, Billy with tearful face, that didn't match his image.

"Do you say run?"


"Look at that."

Billy's gaze turned turned to the direction that Kang Chul-In has pointed to.


The adventurers… The Adventurers were moving to support Lucia, while dragging their weary bodies from the battle before.

"Do you think it makes sense to ask me to flee this situation?"

"That's true, but."

"Do not worry."


"I will stand up, and… I will kill that god-damned stupid bird.""

Kang Chul-In declared.

Kang Chul-In swore keep his word, to make reality follow his will, even if the sky fell down on him.

"Lord! Here is the Peacock Dragon's heart!"

Podolski brought the heart of the dead male Peacock Dragon.

"Good work."

Kang Chul-In nodded slightly and accepted Dragon's hear from Podolski.

The Dragon's heart was small. The size was similar to human's heart. It doesn't make sense when you recall that the Peacock Dragon's body reached 12 meters.

However, Dragon's heart is originally like that, the higher the dragon's level, the smaller the heart, refining and purifying like a diamond. The Peacock Dragon's heart was small and nothing was wrong.

Kang Chul-In immediately brought Dragon's heart to his mouth.


There was a creepy sound as the flesh crunched.



Podolski and Billy were shocked.

The appearance of Kang Chul-In, chewing the dragon's heart with his mouth dripping blood, was diabolical. It looked like the Great King of Hell eating the enemy's heart.

"Eat, and after eating it will strengthen you."

Although it was dragon heart, it is not an ordinary thing to chew a lump of flesh with the blood still dripping, but Kang Chul-In has to endure the horrifying texture for him to recover his strength.

When he almost finished consuming the Dragon's heart, the reaction started.


[Level has been raised! Level 29 reached!] [Level has been raised! Level 30 reached!]

Kang Chu-In felt that his depleted mana had risen at the same time as the level. His physical strength has also recovered to some extent. Even if the Peacock Dragon was the weakest among the dragons, at least the dragon's heart was still useful.

"The potion."

At Kang Chul-In's words, Podolski immediately pulled out the potion and opened the lid. Kang Chul-In, who received it, gulping down the 250 ml potion to the dregs.


Kang Chul-In, who drank the potion, took a long breath and threw the potion glass bottle away.

"Lord, my Lord! If you get up already!"

"Move aside!"

Podolski tried to persevere, but Kang Chul-in was stubborn. It was not good that Kang Chul-In was still bleeding, staining the wrapped bandages.

"If you block, I'll cut you down."

Kang Chul-In, who uttered an obviously empty threat, used the Vampiric Sword as a staff as he raised his body.


From Kang Chul-In's body, white steam started to emerge. It grew like a haze, and the dense mana flowed from Kang Chul-In's insides.

"How dare you drive me into a corner."

Seen in Kang Chul-In's eyes, the man who came back to life with the power of Dragon, was a crazy light that wasn't there before.

"I will kill you."

According to common sense, Kang Chul-In's words were ridiculous.

However, it was true that his body was in very bad condition, although he stood up by the power of dragon heart. If it was put into numbers, would it be about 40% of his best condition? It was obvious that he was weak.

But, as soon as he reached level 30, Kang Chul-In had a trump card that could destroy the Peacock Dragon.

Now was the time to show it.

Lucia, who had turned on the war machine mode, proved her worth by holding her own against the Peacock Dragon.

Although it's a female, but the fact that only in five minutes, she drove the monster that even Kang Chul-In could not stand against alone, was enough to acknowledge Lucia's power and prowess.

But… By the time it reached five minutes, the limit of War Machine Mode, Lucia was in crisis.

[ 4, 3, 2, 1… 0! ]

The countdown ended,

[War Machine Mode, Shut Down. Cool Down time: 168 hours]

Lucia's declaration of war is over.


And the Peacock Dragon's counterattack has begun.

"Ms. Lucia!"

"It is dangerous!"

"Avoid it!"

The adventurers who fought together with Lucia shouted all at once, but Lucia, who suffered the aftermath of the ended war machine mode, was unable to move even a single step.

The giant hind legs of the Peacock Dragon fell on Lucia.

It would have been natural for Lucia to be crushed to death if she was trampled by the sharp claws.

"Aahh… milord…!"

Lucia could only feel satisfaction, and thought of Kang Chul-in, even though she was about to die.

'By now, you have escaped to a safe place, and because I have done my job, there is no lingering feeling even if I die now. Mr Timothy, please take good care of my Lord! Lord, even without me, I hope you accomplish your goal!'

Lucia closed her eyes.

She was the one who waited for Kang Chul-In for an eternity from the other dimension. It was a glorious end for her to be able to die for Kang Chul-In.

Of course, Kang Chul-In would not let it end like this.

"Good work."

Kang Chul-In, who appeared like a ghost, embraced Lucia. Then jumped. The Peacock Dragon's foot smashed the ground in vain.


Embraced in Kang Chul-In's arms, Lucia was surprised. Kang Chul-In's condition was severe. It did not make sense for him to be able to move so quickly.

"That's enough."


"I have the power to kill that thing."


"So, stand down."




Lucia was surprised and wriggled out from Kang Chul-In's arms. Her face turned red.

"10 seconds."

Kang Chul-In said.

"I will see the end of it."

And he rushed to the Peacock Dragon. "Put!" Kang Chul-In moved so fast there was the sound made by a sonic boom.

At that time, everyone on the scene was able to see and hear how poorly the Peacock Dragon fared against Kang Chul-In's devastating strikes.

Chapter 39 Overdrive, Activate!


Translator: Leyy

'Overdrive', which could be used from level 30, was a skill of the buff concept that increased the total ability of the user by 40%.

Kang Chul-In acquired this ability by discovering and exploring an ancient ruin, from the excavation, and since then he has swept into the battlefield as a Lord, a powerful force. In other words, Overdrive was the base and source of Kang Chul-In's armed might.

Kang Chul-In, who activated the overdrive, has nothing to fear. A Peacock Dragon? At that moment, it was just a sandbag!


Kang Chul-In's fist struck the abdomen of the Peacock Dragon.

– Urgh!

Surprisingly, the giant body of the Peacock Dragon was wobbling.

"Hit and kill."

Kang Chul-In did not draw a sword. Only two fists, the Peacock Dragon was 'crushed' with bare hands.

Pow, POW!

Everytime a simple punch hit the body of the Peacock Dragon, the Peacock Dragon rolled over in the basin with strange sounds. It was a scene that was unbelievably unrealistic and amazing.

"7 seconds."

Kang Chul-In remembered the Overdrive's time limit and rushed his attacks.

Overdrive was a crazy skill that consumed significant quantities of mana per second. Even after eating a Dragon Heart, it was hard to sustain it longer than 10 seconds. He had to finish it during that time.

– Kiieakk!

The Peacock Dragon spread her wings open widely with a strange sound. It was obvious that Kang Chul-In's attack was so brutal that she tried to fly away to the air.

"Where are you going?"

Kang Chul-In had no intention of releasing the Peacock Dragon.

Kang Chul-In jumped up on the right wing of the Peacock Dragon like a lightning bolt. And he caught the corresponding part of the Peacock Dragon's shoulder joint.


The red blood burst out while the right wing of the Peacock Dragon was ripped off. Kang Chul-In's marvelous strength was power that could make your jaw drop, there was no other way to explain it.

Kang Chul-In immediately got off the Peacock Dragon's back and landed in a good posture, then jumped back towards the crazy Peacock Dragon. All of this happened in only less than two seconds.


Kang Chul-In knew that there was not much time.

Soon his mana was about to run out. Now, he had to end it.


The two fists of Kang Chul-In knocked out the Peacock Dragon.


The speed of his fists was the speed of light. Kang Chul-In's fists were so fast that no one knows how many punches per second he made. They also contained powerful destructive power.

– Kyaaooo!

The Peacock Dragon was unilaterally devastated by the punches of Kang Chul In, which was not suitable for her big body. Even the Peacock Dragon was nothing but a mere sandbag in front of Kang Chul-In with Overdrive.


For the first time, a groaning sound came out of Kang Chul-In's mouth.


The bandage that Podolski bundled tightly pulled off and the red blood poured out. The movement made the stitched wound tear.

Kang Chul-In did not let it bother him.

He did not stop even though the blood flowing from his side.

He had the toughness to crush his enemy while ignoring his wound.

"I'm going."

By the time the duration of Overdrive was almost over, Kang Chul-in stretched out his fist once for all.


The Peacock Dragon's body leaned to the side and fell with a heavy sound.


Kang Chul-In leapt off the ground.

– Cluck?

The Peacock Dragon found Kang Chul-In on her back. So she shook her head to throw him off. But Kang Chul-In's attack ended that.


Kang Chul-In's fist pierced through the skull of the Peacock Dragon. The spark then sprang up and Kang Chul-In's remaining mana flowed into the brain of the Peacock Dragon. Intraburst, the technique that ended the male Peacock Dragon was again activated!


The results were the same as before.


The Peacock Dragon, which the head was blown apart, became a dead body and laid her enormous body in the basin.

"Huu… huu…"

Kang Chul-In, who walked on the ground, gasped his rough breath.

Swollen muscles, bloody eyes, shaking shoulders, and blood dripping from both hands. Kang Chul-In now was like a beast, an angry beast.


Lucia ran towards Kang Chul-In.

"I-I was so worried. Sob..! My Lord…. sob..sob…!"

Lucia, who ran to Kang Chul-In's embrace, sobbing and wailing. In just 10 seconds, she felt her heart choked and stomped endlessly.

"Stop.. Get off me."

On the other hand, Kang Chul-In was burdened and felt like he was dying because of Lucia, who suddenly come to his embrace. Lucia's weight was unbearable for him who had been completely exhausted. He could have collapsed.

"I'm okay."

Kang Chul-In pushed Lucia slightly and stood firmly on his legs.

"Gen… General… you won."

"Such a monster… How could you to that huge monster…"

"Win… We won!"

"Waaaa! General!!"


The adventurers jumped in towards Kang Chul-In.


For Kang Chul-In, the flocking adventurers who gathered like dogs were more pressuring than the dead Peacock Dragon, but he could not run away. Now it was really


the time for him to rest.

So, the hunting of the Peacock Dragon came to an end.

Kang Chul-In did not return quickly.

Kang Chul-In knew that if you started anything, you should finish it well.

The return of Kang Chul-In and the adventurers was very relaxed and calm.

First, they had to move the Peacock Dragon's body.

Kang Chul-In sent Podolski to Laputa to call up eight large wagons and loaded the dead bodies of the Peacock Dragons.

Unfortunately, except for the Dragon Heart, the dead body of the female Peacock Dragon had little value, so it was divided into two pieces to be loaded to two large wagon.

By the way… When the female's belly had been sliced open, there were three big eggs that surprised everyone. Kang Chul-In ordered the adventurers to take care of the eggs well. Peacock Dragon's eggs had a lot of uses.

Compared to the females, the male Peacock Dragon's body was treated better.

The expensive and colorful feather that reached 12 meters, was the symbol of the Peacock Dragon hunting by Kang Chul-In. Even if only to show off the dignity of the Lord to the people, the body of the male Peacock Dragon had to be fully preserved. Because of that, Podolski had to sew together all the pieces of the Peacock Dragon's head that was blown apart.

"Where are we going?"

Billy asked Podolski, who was carrying the body of the male Peacock Dragon.

"I go to my homeland. Go back to your hometown after a rest for a few days."

"To your homeland? Is there any place for a person to live?"

"You'll know if you go."

For the Lord Class, their existence is unknown to the public and there was no way for them to know about it.

It was the same for the other adventurers, but Kang Chul-In and other people of Laputa just responded the same, you will know when you go. Because Kang Chul-In's instructions said that rather than explain it in detail it would be better if they see, hear, and feel it by themselves.


While taking care of the Peacock Dragon's body, Kang Chul-In called Lucia secretly.

"Wash it off."


Lucia's face grew hot.

"I… Lord… Uh, how…"


"I…I… still…."

Because she seemed to have misunderstood something, Kang Chul-In explained what he wanted exactly with his eyes closed.

"Just literally like what I said, let's wash it."


"I can't return with this beggar-look."


It was Kang Chul-In, whose name became the Triumphant Lord. Considering the crowds, there was a need to return in a clean appearance.

"My body still doesn't work well. So, I need help. If you feel uncomfortable, I will ask Podolski or Billy."

"Oh, no no! I will do it!"

"Then, please."

"Yes.. My Lord"

Kang Chul-In and Lucia found a stream nearby.

"I just need you to wash my upper body only, so don't worry."

Kang Chul-In, who said that, took off the coat he was wearing.


Lucia, who saw it, can only moan inside (she clamped her mouth shut).

Kang Chul-In's body was beautiful. Also, it was like a sculpture.

The white broad shoulders, the rock-hard abs, the muscles which are not too small nor big, just the right size, and moreover the inverted triangle made his body perfectly balanced. Kang Chul-In's body had the charm that could make any woman stare at it in awe.




"…yes? Lord? did you call me?"

"Why are you thinking so deeply like that?"

"Ah, no, sir."

"Help me start from the wound site."

"Yes, Lord."

Lucia hid her embarrassment and quickly moved her hands to touch Kang Chul-In's wound.

She removed the bandages that was soaked with blood, poured the potion, added the regenerative power to the wound, cleaned it with cloth, and covered it with the new bandage. A series of processes just as good as any doctor or nurse.

"Lord, the blood still….!"

"Cover it with more bandage."


Finally, after she bandaged it several times then the blood barely stopped.

"Doesn't it hurt? How can you not let out even a moan?"

"This kind of wound.. was nothing at all."


"It's not amazing. Next please wash my hair and face."

"Yes, Lord."

Kang Chul-In was able to finish cleaning himself with Lucia's help.

"In black."

Kang Chul-In shook his head when Lucia was trying to hand over some white clothes.

"Pardon? Since you have been victorious, of course it is the pure white clothes…."

"Are you going to let the people see the blood?"


"No one should be aware of my injuries."

"How come you think so far?"

"The Lord that reveals his weakness, is not more than a third-rate. Even if I die tomorrow, I have to look good today, that is the weight in life that a Lord has to bear."


In his remarks, Lucia once again realized that Kang Chul-In was extraordinary.

"Indeed, my Lord is really a Lord to the bone."

Kang Chul-In's words were the word that usually could be said by a king.

It was an opportunity to make Lucia fully trust (though she already believed) Kang Chul-In's words, he who was the Overlord in the past.

Kang Chul-In said that he would take care of the bodies of the dead adventurers neatly and give them a brief funeral at Laputa.

He also promised to give some compensations to the bereaved families when he returned to Earth.

The adventurers were impressed and satisfied with Kang Chul-In's meticulous care.

No one complained.

It was purely their choice to join the Peacock Dragon hunting and not because there was a push or threat by Kang Chul-In.

"Let's go."

Kang Chul-In, who had been cleaned, turned to Laputa.


Podolski shouted.

The procession began to continue.

Kang Chul-In led the way, Lucia stood in a position slightly behind him. After that, two tiers of the adventurers followed up.

Kang Chul-In led the wagon carrying the bodies of the Peacock Dragons which were brought by 10 soldiers and 4 bulls, in addition, he was escorted by 20 soldiers lined up on both sides.

"Lord, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Don't mind me."

Lucia was worried about Kang Chul-In, but Kang Chul-In maintained his dignity like a frozen statue without as much as an eyebrow twitching. It was impossible to find traces of injury from that look.

The travel time was not long.

It takes about 2 hours to walk from Cyprus Forest to the destination, and the party was able to arrive at the entrance gate of Laputa soon.


"Where are you going?"

"Is there any place could be the General's place?"

The adventurers shook their heads.

"Lucia, go and get my soul core"


Lucia flew away and disappeared somewhere at Kang Chul-In's command.



The adventurers were surprised.

Since Lucia suddenly disappeared in front of them, they were bound to be surprised.

Lucia came back in less than 10 minutes and handed a luxurious sword to Kang Chul-In. It was the main controller of Laputa, the Soul Core.

Kang Chul-In, the owner of the Soul Core, slightly looked around the adventurers. The adventurers were bewildering because they do not know how things are going now.

"They seem shocked."

While thinking like that, Kang Chul-In released the hide function of the land using Soul Core.


Total maintenance time: 467 hours.

Total maintenance cost: 233.5 gold (0.5 gold per hour)

Do you want to deactivate the hide function? (Yes / No)? Yes


As soon as he press 'Yes', 233.5 gold in the inventory disappeared in a moment, and the land's hidden function was immediately deactivated.

Phajik, Phajijik!

The shroud that surrounded the land began to unravel, and the appearance of Laputa from the top of the Sky Fortress gradually began to show up.


"What, what is that…!"

The pupils of the adventurers, who looked at all of that, widened.

And… from the inside of the land, a thunderous applause and cheers burst out.

Chapter 40. Triumphant Lord Kang Chul-In


Translator: Leyy


"Kang Chul-In, Your Majesty, hooray! Hurray!"

"Your Majesty has defeated the evil monsters!"

"Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!"

The people of Laputa cheered enthusiastically like crazy.

Kang Chul-In was seen as a hero in the people's eyes.

How troubled you were because of the assault of the wicked Peacock Dragon.

The fear that it might hurt them or their family, was beyond imagination.

The Peacock Dragon, source of their fear, the two of them was dragged in by the men of the Lord. Even with the head shattered. No wonder that Kang Chul-In looked like a hero.

Besides, look at the stunning imposing appearance.

Although Peacock Dragon is a subspecies of dragons, but it is definitely a dragon.

Even though he hunted down such monsters, moreover two of them, Kang Chul-In was expressionless and wearied. He even showed they were not a big deal.

Could you not respect such a Lord? Could you not love him? No matter what is Kang Chul-In's nature, in the eyes of his people now, he became a foremost king that will not appear again in history for the second time.

On the other hand, the adventurers were still astonished.

"Actually, what is the true identity of General?"

"Who are these people?"

"Oh my gosh… There was such a castle in Pangea Continent…"

"Majesty? Do you mean The General is a real king?"

Everything was doubtful.

Laputa Fortress, The People of this Land, Kang Chul-In's real identity, etc… Lots of things were confusing the adventurers. Moreover, because there was no one who can explain it, it was natural that the frustration would grow like a snowball over time.

"Wow… Although I don't know, but I can see that General was really great. Is he from the Royal Family? I think even the Queen of England was not as popular as him."

"I think so… Where is it…. Ah! Wouldn't Mr. Kim from the north enjoy it too?"

"This idiot! He's a dictator! Do you call that as popular?"


"Look at those people. Look at their expressions. Everyone is just looking at the General. I don't know whether The General is the king of these people."

"Damn it! As long as that man is an earthling… Ah! What, What is that!"

The curiosity and the conversations of the adventurers was just up to there.


"The brave warriors ~"

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

"Come here~ Let's dance together with me ~"

The ladies of Laputa clung on to the adventurers.

The Adventurers were also heroes for the Laputa's people. It was reasonable for the ladies to cling on the proud and amazing adventurers.

"It's cool!"

"Haha! It was nothing!"

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"No, I just did what I had to do."

Warm scenes could be seen here and there.

"Young man ~ How can you be so strong? Look at these arms!"

"That, that is… errr…"

"Huh! Where are you going, young man? Young man!"

Dangerous scenes were also produced.

The condition was good.

By eliminating the evil monsters, The Lord proved his ability while the adventurers were given a very warm welcome. There is no one who is not happy, everyone was satisfied.

"The crisis has passed."

Kang Chul-In watched these scenes silently from the top of the white horse that he usually ride on. Although actually he also was in a good mood, but he did not show it. Being a Lord was generally a heavy duty.

"Your… Majesty…?"

"Your Majesty, please give us a chance to celebrate you victory."

When Kang Chul-In quietly watched the festive atmosphere, a group of ladies stepped forward into the procession. They were the young ladies of Laputa.


Kang Chul-In was embarrassed for a moment.

"Why are there so many?"

It seemed that all ladies from teens and twenties have come to him. The ladies who have come to Kang Chul-In were much more outstanding than the ladies who have come to the adventurers.

"Your Majesty… This is the watch that my late grandfather wore…."

"This is a 77 year old Mandrake Liquor."

"For the Lord, I devote this body and heart…."

"This is a ring that descended from my ancestors for generations."

Various ladies gave offering to Kang Chul-In.

There are diverse group.

The ladies with pure heart, the ladies full of lust, the ladies trying to get a chance to succeed, and so on… There were quite varied in goals and desires.


Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.

"I will only accept your hearts. But…."

Those who watched him saying this unexpected remark were surprised.

Did he refuse the offering?

Refusing the offerings which offered voluntarily and not by force was a pretty exceptional event. Moreover, ignoring the sincerity of the ladies who offered the tribute was a problem.



is not the time to take them now."

However, Kang Chul-In had a thought and made a wise judgement.

It didn't matter with the offerings.

It was Lord's right to receive offerings from the subordinates.

But, the things that weighed his mind the most was the place and the ladies as the subject who gave the offerings.

There is no position that needs someone to be careful and aware of other's gaze, as much as Lord. Those in high status are all like that, but especially Lord is the highest position, he had to do it more.

"There is no free things in the world. Even if it is not a big thing for me, but they are precious things for them. Besides, if that position is open to the public, there will be troublesome things. Every single act of my life here is going to be interpreted as the official Lord."

For example, let's say that Kang Chul-In receive the watch from the lady an with orange hair. So, what will happen?

It was the thing that her late-grandfather wore. Despite the price, that watch contains a symbolic meaning. Maybe the lady with orange hair would think that Kang Chul-In accepted her heart.

What if he take the ring that descended for generations?

The lady who offered that ring laughed, but showed her inner feelings in a glimpse. Perhaps she had been pushed by her parents to come out.

What if he takes everything?

If he takes everything like that, it would make gossip. How does he deal with the ladies who offered their body and heart? That would be more troublesome.

The person who became a Lord had to doubt even the simple tributes as being suspicious. There were many ladies with pure motives, but the problem is the haughty things within them. Who will be Kang Chul-In's woman also could be a problem.

Of course, there must be the kind heart within them.

However, it would be unfair to receive only the offerings of a specific individual. But it was not easy to not receive any of it at all. It was obviously a tiring situation in many ways.

Therefore, Kang Chul-In had to show his wisdom.


Kang Chul-In's finger pointed at the impressive girl with maroon hair. People's gaze turned to the girl whom Kang Chul-In pointed at once.


The surprised girl got in the wind.

"M-my Lord, I….!"

Rustler's daughter, Lana, was amazed and confused.

"I will accept yours. That tribute, gave it to me."

Said Kang Chul-In.

"My, my Lord… This… is very…. tacky…"

"It's fine."

"Then… My…my lord… I…will…give you…this thing…I made…by myself…."

Lana's offering was a flower wreath that looked like a necklace and made of wild flowers. As a matter of fact, based on price, her offering was the cheapest among all.

However, Kang Chul-In's choice was correct and wise.

"Why…is he choose that?"

"A wreath made of wildflowers… I offer this to you, lord!"

"A little lady and her flower wreath! It seems you will only take the pure heart only!"

As Kang Chul-In has chosen to take only the wreath of the little lady, he rejected the talk that he will ignore all of the sincerity, and dealt with the problem about women. The past Kang Chul-In would not have taken such a sophisticated political stance.

'I'd rather be in a battlefield a hundred times.'

While thinking about that, Kang Chul-In get down the horse and headed towards Lana.



Lana has collapsed.


Just by thinking of standing close to the Lord, would surely make somebody faint.


"Yes, lord."

"Take that child to her parents and hang the wreath on the horse saddle."

Kang Chul-In found a suitable compromise because he could not hang the wreath on his neck.

"Let's go."

Leaving behind the minor incident behind, Kang Chul-In climbed on his white horse with the wreath and headed towards the inside of the land.

Even after he arrived at the Lord's hall, Kang Chul-In did not rest.

First, he ordered Timothy to give the Slayers the land's first-class pass and paid for the accommodations and food

After that, he personally met the bereaved families of those lost in the Peacock Dragon's hunting, he came with informality, comforted them and paid the compensation.

He also met Commander James.

He received some awards because he was able to protect the land safely while Kang Chul-In was away.

The awards for Lucia, Podorski, and 10 elite soldiers were postponed. They had to received the bigger award, to take a break now is the first award.

"Be generous with alcohol and food. Let's not be hungry for today."

Lastly, Kang Chul-In ordered the festival to commemorate the Peacock Dragon subjugation. It was the one thing he can do to lift the mourning and sorrows of the people and to raise the happiness to the highest level.


Kang Chul-In, who had done all of this work, was finally able to sit down on the throne and take a deep breathe while looked like perfectly ripe green onion kimchi. The sound of singing praising the glory of Lord came loosely as if the festival had begun outside.

"Let's check this one last thing and rest."

Lastly, He opened [My Information].


[My Information]

Name: Kang Chul-In / Rank: Lord / Class: Warrior

Score: 140P / Complete Ranking: D-100 to the public

Level: 31 / Specialty: (B Grade) / Tendency: Conquest Lord

Race: Human / Skill: Locked (Unlocked when Overlord status is obtained)

Spouse: – (Maximum of 7)

Charisma: 77 (B++)

HP: 119 / 1412 (Warning, please take a rest)

Mana: 63 / 1954

Physical Attack: 248

Magic Attack: 79

Physical Strength: 187 / Intelligence: 141

Agility: 161 / Spell Management: 20

Accuracy Rate: B+

Evasion Rate: B-

Fatal Blow: B+

Defensive Power: 17 / Endurance: 14

Finance: D- / Internal Affairs: E-

Resource: B- / Politics: C+

Diplomacy: C- / Command: A+

Attack: A+ / Defense: C-

Military Force: A+ / Charm: A+

Obtained Points: 30 (+5 Per level)

Remaining Points: 30


'I have grown quite a lot.' Kang Chul-in thought.

Starting from the level, it was level 25, then hunting male Peacock Dragon +2,

While clearing the Secret Quest +1,

Ingested the Dragon Heart +2,

Then by killing the female Peacock Dragon +1 level, total it raised 6 levels, so it reached level 31.

As the effect of Dragon Heart the total amount of mana has also increased to 800.

In addition to this, if he eats Dragon Heart of the female Peacock Dragon, he can gain up to 1.5 level of the experience and mana.

Moreover, since he obtained 70P of Lord Points in this hunting, it would be more advantageous for him in the ranking competition of Overlord.

"Great. Now, if I can resolve the financial situation of the land, I can go conquest immediately."

Everything was fine except the lack of gold coins being the only obstacle. He was planning on getting the whole Eastern Plains right after finishing in the finances.

It was that time.


The pain began to spread out when the stitching on his side burst again.

"Now… I really need to get rest."

In a three-week hunt, he battled with the Peacock Dragon, he has done a variety of work with the serious injury on his body. If it happened to the others, they would have collapsed ten times at least.

"Your Majesty!"

It was when Kang Chul-In was trying to take the lid off the potion held to his mouth.

"M-Mr. Dorian… he!"

Lucia ran in a hurry and told him the bad news. It was a news similar to a Death Sentence to Kang Chul-In, who was just relieved of his stress.

Chapter 41. Kang Chul-in also has a limit.


Translator: Leyy

"… what could happen to that fellow."

Kang Chul-In answered with a grim voice as he is fatigued.

"He is recovering from the trauma, but due to the exhaustion of losing extreme mana, it seems that the flow of mana has mixed up. If we leave it like that, I think he won't make it through the night….!"

The matter was pretty serious.

"So, it was that."

But, Kang Chul-In's thoughts were different. He knew how to improve Dorian's condition. There was a very simple and easy way.

"Cut the heart of the Peacock Dragon in half and feed it to him, help him absorb the mana. He will be fine."

Female Peacock Dragon's heart, half. That's enough to cover Dorian's condition.


Lucia surprised.

"Dragon Heart is a spirit elixir. I think that Mr. Dorian's life is important, but it is a treasure…..!"



"Lucia, don't look at me like a small fry."

"I, how can I dare to see Your Majesty as such a disgraceful sight!"

Lucia glared to show she was being treated unfairly.

"How can you draw a big picture by being stingy? It seems like the value of the Peacock Dragon's heart made your hands tremble, I just want to do my best for the future instead of following the mainstream thinking of the continent."

"Your Majesty's words are right."

"It is not giving him all, just half, it is a plenty amount to invest. Moreover… it would be troublesome to let him die. He must live."

"Alright, sir. I will feed the Dragon Heart to Mr. Dorian and help him absorb the mana."

"No, I will do it myself."

Kang Chul-In stood up from his throne as though he had trouble.

"It will be more efficient if I do it myself."

Mana's intensive recovery using Dragon heart. Rather than simply ingesting, let someone help in absorbing the mana was the proper way. Of course, Kang Chul-In is a better choice than Lucia.

"Lord! With that body! You need to immediately rest!"

"I know. I'll take care this one thing only then rest. I have a limit too…"

But Kang Chul-In did not finish his crazy words.


Kang Chul-In fainted because of the dizziness and giddiness.

"The limit."

That was the last one thought by Kang Chul-In.

"Lucia.. wait a moment I need… help…."

Kang Chul-In tilted forward like in a slow motion. He kept on holding on but in the end he collapsed.

"My Lord!"

Lucia, who really startled, hugged Kang Chul-In immediately.

"My lord! Are you okay? Stay awake! Lord, Lord?"

Lucia, who was worried about the half-conscious Kang Chul-In's safety, found a strange thing at the end of his words that was unclear.

"Is, is he sleeping…."

Kang Chul-In didn't fall unconscious because of an emergency to his health. He just fell asleep as he was fatigued, there was no other signs to Lucia.

"Whew… He does everything so well but taking care of his jade body like a baby."

Lucia laughed while pulling Kang Chul-In to her embrace. Kang Chul-In is sleeping with his face stayed between her busty chest.

"Lord, please do not bear everything on you shoulder only. Lucia is here, and there are other loyal people too. So… please rest when it is the time to rest. This Lucia will do better so that My Lord can rest comfortably."

Lucia pledged to be a more faithful, more capable assistant.

"But… Your sleeping look… why so…"

Then her face blushed.

Kang Chul-In's face, who was usually as hard as a tiger, was calm after sleeping. His look when he was sleeping like a baby, stimulated her maternal love strongly.

"Lord, please forgive…."

Disgracefully, Lucia dared to touch Kang Chul-In's jade body.

Lucia's white fingers gently swept Kang Chul-In's head. Kang Chul-In, who fell into a sleep as deep as the deep sea, didn't notice it.

The next day.

In the end, Kang Chul-In had to be side by side with Dorian to get treatment.

"Does it make sense that the winner and the loser look the same."

Kang Chul-In was impressed while he was looking at Dorian, who was still sleeping.

Something was missing because the person, who did the stupid thing, or the person, who reached for the goal till the end and won, were both cared for as patients.


Since then, Dorian woke up two days later.

"Here, here is…"

"My land."


Dorian raised his upper body toward the voice that he heard.

No, he tried to raise it, but he had to lay down again because of the severe pain.


"It was impossible, though."

In the eyes of Dorian, who turned his head, he was seeing Kang Chul-In, who was lying on the bedside and reading the book of Pangea continent.

"How, how come….."

"You are dead and came back alive, that's all."


"You don't need me to nag at you, right? Because you, yourself, know what you did wrong better than I."


Dorian's face hardened by Kang Chul-In's admonition.

"I… I made that kind…. of mistake…."

Disgust swept out Dorian in a blink.



how stupid and foolish his action can be?

He was one of the first and the best soldiers in the world who served in special forces SAS, and was active in the conflict area. He knew better than anyone else how catastrophic an individual's recklessness in a team unit battle could be. Therefore, the feeling of disgust that Dorian felt was beyond imagination.

"It was possible."

The voice of Kang Chul-In flowed to the ear of such Dorian.

"Unfamiliar places, unfamiliar enemy, and unfamiliar skills. The distinction between you in the past and you in the present has totally ruined your judgement."


Dorian's face was covered with unexpected encouragement.

"We are the dimensional travelers."

Kang Chul-In said this.

"I am constantly in conflict and agony between the me from the earth and the me from Pangea Continent. Actually, it's not that different…. I'm just confused by the changed environment and abrupt power. I have ever been like that."


"If you get into that state, normal accidents would be impossible. Everyone does something crazy at least once. Like you."

"Is it…."

"It was something you had to go through once anyway. Because you got burned, you're better prepared for the future. Actually… even I do not feel like letting it go."


"If you have any reason to do it, then it would be better to do it. If you had been alone, you'd be dead by now."

It was like that.

Kang Chul-In's action, which caused Dorian get mad and stirred up, was actually meant to look ahead and as a test for Dorian.

"Don't be in a hurry. It has been two months since the summons took place. Just think about whether you were too greedy in these two months. I've seen it once, so I believe you won't do it again but…remember, it is important to hold on to the center of yourself tightly and not let it go."

Kang Chul-In, who had said that so far, took a sip of the beverage that the caretaker had left.

"Oh, I will send the bill to your land."

"What, bill? Treatment fees?"

Dorian was panicked when the money talk came out.

"If you swallowed the Peacock Dragon's heart, shouldn't you pay money?"


"Your mana got mixed, so I wrote it off as a remedy. You supposed to feel it, right? The total amount of mana must be increased much than before."


Dorian opened his eyes.

'Po-Powerful mana…. It seems added 20% more than before.'

Kang Chul-In's words were indeed true.

"How much can I charge?"

"Errr… I appreciate it but,…. how much would it be…. it seems….expensive…."

Dorian shed cold sweat. It was difficult to gauge how much Peacock Dragon's heart was worth.


Kang Chul-In smirked and said.


"Do you remember your promise to me?"

"The promise that I will come whenever you call?"

"Just remember that. Just be thankful and work it out to pay me."

"Alright! I will surely pay this debt."

Dorian grasped both of his fists. Kang Chul-In was in fact being restrained, but unfortunately Dorian did not notice it.



"Are we friends now?"


Kang Chul-In turned his eyes.


Has he ever had a relationship with a friend?

Probably not.

A relationship called friend for a Lord was like a proverb of the international relation that says there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Especially if the opponent was the same Lord, it was even harder. Because when the relationship breaks down, the crash is just different from just friends.

"Maybe it's okay."

But, he thought that if it was Dorian, it would not be bad.

Dorian could be regarded as Lord, which emphasized his own activities rather than having power, a godly strong adventurer. He wasn't a hitman of the Baldur Alliance.

"Anyway; the twisting moment is over"

If the distance in this life also get wider…. then that time he should eliminate Dorian.

"Friends or whatever…"

Kang Chul-In said.

"Think as you like."


"I'm tired."

Kang Chul-In, who did not want to let the words like 'friends' out from his mouth, closed his eyes by covering them using the book, as if he was reading. He stopped the conversation as he did not know what to say.

"Okay, as long you think that we are friends, then let's stop."

Dorian interpreted what Kang Chul-In said according to his thought then humming happily.

At that time.

"Your Majesty, it is time to eat."

A maid came in to the room and informed them it was lunch time.


Just at that time, Dorian's stomach alarm sounded.

"Will you wake up?"

"Ah, yes."

"Master Dorian's meal is not ready yet. You have to wait about 30 minutes."

Unfortunately, the meal brought by the maid was only enough for one person and there was not enough portion for Dorian.

"I'm fine."

Kang Chul-In spoke unexpectedly.

"Give it to him."

"Your Majesty, but this meal is made by Assistant Luca by herself."

"Give it to him."

"Yes, sir. Then I will prepare your meal right away."

"Do it."

She put the spectacular meal in front of Dorian and went out of the room.

"Wait a minute, are you sure is it okay to give yours to me?"

"I said I am not hungry."

"The maid said your assistant made it by herself. Can I really eat it?"

"It doesn't matter."


"Of course."

"Hmmm… then I'll eat it thankfully. I was so hungry that I thought I was going crazy."

Dorian picked up the fork.

"Wow, Lucia's skill was unexpectedly amazing. It looks appetizing and it even smells good. She seems to fight well and even cooks well."

"You said you are hungry?"

"Oh yeah. I'm hungry."

The fork took a piece of meat in the stew. If you look at the steaming meat in a glance, it was such a mouth-watering visual…

"Then let's try it…"

Dorian bit the meat.




He immediately spit it out.

"What, what is this! Why is it so bad?"

Dorian's face became pale, like a sick man.

"What was actually this thing made from?"

"The meat of the Peacock Dragon."


"It is good for your body. Eat it all to make quickly recovered your body."

"Is it that the Peacock Dragon's meat usually is not good?"

"No way."


"Lucia…. can't cook well."


"Still…. once your hand touches it, you should eat everything. Eat it, you won't like to see Lucia's anger."

"It is hell…. The meat tastes similar to tires…."

Dorian made the tearful face.

"A picky eater is the worst."

"It is not the problem of picky eater."

"Aren't you British?"

"I am Scottish…."

"The tasteless food is normal, though."

"Even though like that…. This is so bad…. Even the demons in the hell would not eat it."

"Whatever. But once you touch it, you need to finish it."


After all, Dorian was finally able to handle the dishes made by Lucia after repeatedly eating and vomiting at the toilet for several times.

"You….Kang Chul-In…this wicked fellow….!"

A fool was a fool like always.

At the same time.

– The phone you are calling is not active. You are connected to the voicemail and the connection fee will be charged.


– The phone you are calling is not active. You are connected to the voicemail and the connection fee will be charged.


– The phone you are calling is not active. You are connected to the voicemail and the connection fee will be charged.

And again.

"Chul-In…please…please take the call…please…"

Lee Chae-rin cried out.