49 - 57

Chapter 49: Spy, Traitor, and Kang Chul-In


Translator: Leyy

Podolski's act continued long into the night.

The reason being that he wanted Lee Chae-rin's guards to relax their guard around him.

After that, Podolski and Chae-rin started laughing crazily, like two idiots.

"KUHAHAHA! Kuuuk, I'm getting drunk!"

After drinking the ground grape (grape that grows in the ground, I didn't know that this even existed) wine, Podolski's face turned red, as he started throwing a fit.

"Kuuu, this wine, it's really good. We don't seem to have this kind of wine in home, do we?"

The 'home' that Podolski referred to was obviously Earth.

"Hoho! This is only found in our territory. It's realllllllly strong wine. Want another one?"

Chae-rin followed Podolski's act perfectly. Her will to become a strong Lord like Kang Chul-in allowed her to get through the humiliation she felt.

"Huuuu! Hey, Chae-rin."

After drinking even more wine, Podolski started staring at Chae-rin with one eye.

"Don't you think it's been quite a time since we've shared our love? I think the last time we did was at 'that' place."

For a second, Chae-rin's body froze from the strong words that Podolski spouted.

"Huhu." laughed Podolski, as he started hugging Chae-rin.

Of course, it was an act.

"Huuu, not right now."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Need more wine…"

"Hahaha, of course, of course."

Podolski nodded his head.

"You always needed wine to make you go hot. Then later today after your plenty drunk?"

"Hohoho! Well, I guess we'll see when I really get that drunk, won't we?"

Unexpectedly, their acts were almost perfect. This was because Chae-rin tried her absolute hardest in order to match his act.


"Who are those bastards over there? I looked earlier, but your underlings seemed plenty disrespectful to you. Like you said, they deserve to be beaten.

As Podolski let out his feelings, Chae-rin seemed like she didn't want to miss this chance and spoke.

"Yes, they truly are arrogant and disrespectful."

And she ground her teeth.

"Arrogant and disrespectful?!"

"Instead of listening to their lord's orders, they treat her like a scarecrow, and ignore her instead. What a bunch of stoneheads (a way of saying idiot in korean)"

"Stoneheads, huh?"

"Huuu, I don't think there are any underlings as ridiculous and unfaithful as mine."

"W-What? Hmph, I guess they need to get educated then."

As he said that, Podolski flexed his muscles.

"Dwarves are idiots."


"They only think of retaking their territory, and don't know how to use their brains. Oh, did I mention that we were in a war right now?"

"Oh, you mentioned that last week."

"Oh, did I?"

"Hehe, maybe you forgot after that passionate night with me."

"Humph… Oh you!"

Now, they had almost a perfect harmony when they acted.

"Anyway, the dwarves only focus on retaking that area. They almost spent 2000 of their forces in retaking it. But do you know what happened?"

"No way."

"Yes. Even after spending 2000 of their soldiers, these stupid dwarves failed to take back the land. If we had spent that much of our men in striking another Lord, the story would be different. But since they do these things, how can I say that they are anything but idiots. Hohoho!"

'Ohh, seems like this Lord also has a sort of strategy too, not bad.'

Podolski listened to Chae-rin's talking, and was impressed. But he didn't show any reaction about it.

"Those stupid bastards. Why don't you do anything to them?"

"Sigh, if only I could. There's no one on my side. They don't listen to my orders, so what am I supposed to do against them?"

"Hmph, I guess I'll


help you then."

"Tomorrow morning, I'll help you educate those short bastards. Then, won't you be able to your authority back?"

"Can you do that for me?"

"Of course I can."

"My friend has a territory 100 km from here. With my skills and his army, we would easily get rid of your stupid dwarves and get your authority back for you."

"If only that worked… Haha, I would be able to spend blissful days with you if that worked."

After that, their conversation continued for a couple of more hours, until Chae-rin finally couldn't resist the effects of the wine and fell asleep.

"Hmm, did I make her drink to much?"

After Chae-rin fainted, Podolski took her to her bedroom while wobbling the whole way.

After leaving her there and walking away, he mumbled to himself, although it was just mutterings of a drunk.

… until he fell down on the grass and fell asleep there, completely drunk.


"Secretary Sledge."

The dwarf who was acting as a spy came to Sledge to report as soon as their drinking was over.

"They finally stopped drinking."

"How was it?"

"It was utter chaos, sir. They couldn't stop talking about ridiculous plans on taking her authority back."

"Huh. The b*tch I knew would drink wine sometimes, but wouldn't engage in stupid conversations like this."

They called her a b*tch in order to discriminate her, and this was now commonly said by the dwarves whenever Lee Chae-rin wasn't present.

"As I saw it, her true personality began to surface when she got drink. According to her friends words, she become passionate when she drinks too much."

The one acting as a spy began talking enthusiastically.

"Sigh~ then she really is a b*tch, isn't she."

"As expected, human females who pretend to act weak and nice do bad things behind one's back huh."

"Yes, that's exactly it, sir."

"What do you mean that's it? Is there more?"

"It seems like they had a plot in order to take back her authority."

"Plot? What kind of plot."

"That bastard that drank with her said that he'd help her retake her authority."

"HAHAHA, it seems like that guy isn't very simple either?"

"Yes, I'm very sure he isn't very simple too."

"Okay then, continue."

"He said that he has a friend who's a Lord, located around 100km away from here. He said that he could gather the help of that Lord and help her retake her authority."

"WHAT!" Sledge stood up and shouted in shock.

"H-how dare she think of bringing outside forces…"

"S-sir, please calm down."

"AS IF I COULD! That b*tch of a woman isn't thinking of helping us retake Nidavellir, but rather thinking of getting outside help in order to wreck chaos and chase us out."

"Secretary, please calm yourself…"


"But I don't think you need to worry so much, sir."

"Huh? Why not?"

"It seemed like her friend was a huge boaster. He kept on saying things on how great he was. To me, it seemed like he was just boasting, and seemed like a con-man. Not only that, his drinking habits are so bad that he fell asleep in the garden, drunk."

"Ohhh, so that's how things were, huh." Sledge starting laughing sinisterly.

"Kuku, no matter what you do, you won't be able to escape from my fingertips. It seems like this b*tch has no luck either. But… I can't just leave her alone."

He didn't completely relax his guard.

"Look carefully at how the adventurers behave. There's a chance that they will make a deal with them, or try to convince them to join their cause."

"Yes, sir!"

"Not only that, if someone comes to try and meet her now, tell them that she's unable. Don't let her see anyone, got it?"

At this moment, Sledge stepped over the line that he never should have, which was betraying his own Lord.


Lee Chae-rin's dry throat made her wake up from her sleep.

'Sigh, I drank too much.'

Although it seemed like she had slept for a long time, her head hurt a lot.

Well, maybe it was to be expected after drinking 7 bottles of wine with Podolski. It was already impressive that she was able to keep up her part of the act.

She stretched her hands towards the bottle of water.

No, she tried to, but she couldn't.

This was because she was startled by the presence of a man, sitting near her.

The man had a pelt that seemed like a Black Leopard draped over his whole body, giving off a mysterious feeling, as the moon was covered by his silhouette.

"You finally woke up. I was going to, if you didn't."

The cold voice was able to calm her startled heart. It was the voice of Kang Chul-in.

"Haha, Mr. Chul-in!"

"B-but… how did you get up here?"

"Through the window."

"The window?!" she was surprised.

Below the window was a cliff that stretched for over 30 meters, it was something that no human should be able to scale.

"It's not that difficult for me."

Kang Chul-in spoke indifferently. For him with overdrive on, it truly was nothing.


"Take this."

Kang Chul-in threw 2 scroll of parchment to her.

"What's this?" she asked.

"One of them is for the contract, and the other one…" Kang Chul-in spoke.

"Is a 'death list'."

It was a book that would determined who died, and who lived; a 'death list'.

Chapter 50: Death List


Translator: Leyy

Listening to the unexpected and unpleasant word, Lee Chae-rin's face stiffened.

"A death list…"

Like the word suggested, a death list was a list to write the names of the ones who would perish. It meant that they would see their blood,

"Right now, we need to get rid of the internal enemies, before the external ones. Why? Are you hesitant?" Kang Chul-in asked.


"I haven't killed someone yet, I am afraid…"

"Well, at least you're honest."

"Is there really use in acting tough with you? I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later anyway."

Kang Chul-in didn't say anything after hearing her honest response. At least it was better than forcefully lying.

'Well, that's not my problem.' was what he thought.

But he decided to let her face the reality.

"You decided to live as a Lord. And that's why you called me."

"You're right."

"Then you need to kill."

"Is that… the only way?"

"Authority and power comes from blood."

"The blood of the enemies…"

This was something you couldn't argue against.

"If you didn't lose your control and authority here in the first place, this never would have happened.

"You mean it's already late?"

"Yes, it's too late."

Kang Chul-in knew this was the only way.

"Humans and dwarves, dwarves and humans. These two races are like water and oil. They can't live together. If there was a powerful human Lord that had the respect of the dwarves and acted as an intermediate between them the story could be changed, but as of now… Not only that, your total population is 60% dwarf. Almost the whole territory is in control of those disrespectful bastards.

"…You're right."

"I left where I was supposed to stay during noon, to see how things were here. Do you know what my thoughts were?"

Lee Chae-rin didn't respond.

"The Lord is clearly human, yet it seemed like the humans were the slaves of the dwarves."

Out of the total population of 1000, the 600 dwarves were living in good houses, drinking good wine and enjoying themselves.

On the other hand, the 400 humans had to live in poverty stricken conditions, having almost nothing to eat and drink.

"Is it… that bad?"

"Did you not check your own territory?"

"Yes, I'm almost trapped here. Even to go to Earth, I have to leave my soul core behind here."

"The working force of the dwarves are incredible." he said.

"But they are incredible difficult to rule over, especially if it's someone of a different race. Since the conflict has come this far, there's no turning back now. Therefore…"

And he finished it off.

"You decide. Whether we see blood, or not. If you decide not to, then our deal from earlier is cancelled. There is no possible way for me to help you without drawing blood from our enemies. That's the ways of a saint, and trust me. I am no saint. If you're going to say no, then just leave the Pangaea continent forever. At least in Earth, there won't be these kind of horrors."

After saying this much, Kang Chul-in closed his eyes. This meant he would give her some time to decide.


Lee Chae-rin kept on thinking of such a foreign


word to her.

For someone like her, who had been working as a normal employee at a small company, killing was something that she wouldn't have even dreamed of.

Especially if it was removing ones allies, and not the enemy. Even if the ally was scarier than the enemy.

Of course, she could run away to Earth, and live a rich woman's life, selling goods from the Pangaea continent that no-one would dare to hope for.

But… was there really a point in a life like that?

Was it really honorable and good, running from her destined life and living a plain, and ordinary life?

What would the 400 humans do after she left? If she left, there was no doubt that they would suffer even more from the dwarves, and be discriminated against even more.

'I am a Lord. I have the authority, and the responsibility to take care of my own territory!"

It was as if there was a knife sharpening itself in her mind.

'I will not run.'

With her two fists clenched together, her mind suddenly recalled her secretary, Sledge.

She recalled the contents of their discussion just this week. His attitude really made her incensed, and it didn't help that he tried to lock her in.

'Sledge, you've already crossed over the line you never should have' she thought.

The originally kind and compassionate eyes suddenly let out a bit of bloodlust.

"Seems like you've decided."

Of course, Kang Chul-in could tell from the change in her expression.

"Yes, I did."

"Although it might be difficult, you have to face it. A merciful Lord? There are none. There are only those that look kind and compassionate, none that really are."

"I think I get what you mean. I need to get rid of the dwarves, and become the ruler of the humans instead. It's too late for them."

"You're right." Kang Chul-in nodded his head in agreement.

Although the best method was to let the humans and dwarves cooperate and compromise, as they had said before, it was already too late.

So even if it was wasteful, they had to get rid of the rotten 60%, in order to save the 40% that was remaining.

Although it would be a huge hit to their forces, they still had to do so in order to avoid total chaos.

"I'll do it" she said, as she took a pen out to write on the 'Death List'.

"Then start writing."

"The ones who die, and the ones who live. You decide."

"Yes" she nodded her head, and opened the parchment.

"The first… one…"

Her hands slowly wrote down the name of the person who would perish first.

"It's you, Sledge."

It was none other than the secretary of Dorado, Sledge himself.

After the 'Death List' was written, Kang Chul-in immediately began to move.

Apparently, the biggest hurdle was going to be a special group of dwarves, lead by Secretary Sledge, called the 'Iron Hammer group'.

These were the ones that they definitely had to remove.

Other than them, written on the list was General Smith (another dwarf), along with Entwan the spy, and the Sage 'Majestic', who worshipped the 'god of the blacksmiths'.

'Quickly, we'll move quick.'

Kang Chul-in wanted to get rid of these guys as soon as possible.

'Tomorrow night, all at once.'

If this got delayed, there was a chance that all 600 of the dwarves would get pulled into this.

First, they had to get rid of the 'Iron Hammer group'.

This elite group who should be guarding the Lord was instead 'Sledgified', meaning that they had all turned against their own Lord.

But after they got rid of this group, they needed another group to protect Chae-rin.

'Well, this is her own responsibility. I'm not going to help out in this' he thought.

The next night.

The high-ranking dwarves living in Dorado all got a message from Chae-rin, requesting an urgent meeting.

Although they really didn't care in the beginning, the contents of the message made them come to the meeting. This is what it said.

- I'm planning on helping to take back Nidavellir with you guys, so make sure that everyone is present in this meeting. If anyone is missing, everything that I said will be cancelled.

Nidavellir was a holy, sacred place for the dwarves, as well as where their workplaces were.

Comparing it to Earth's standards, it was similar to Mecca, or Jerusalem, if the cultural significance was multiplied by 10.

So when the dwarves received the message, everyone had to come.


Lee Chae-rin greeted her vassals.

"I've been waiting."

At this moment, they felt that she had changed.

The her right now was very different to the past her.

Her depressed face wasn't here anymore, just calm eyes surveying everyone around her. She had changed overnight.

"There's only one reason that I called all of you guys here" she spoke.

"Those who wish to live, those who serve me. Kneel right now. If you do, I will forgive you. However!"

Her originally calm eyes suddenly showed killing intent.

"Those who do not… I will execute as a punishment for not obeying their Lord. Now, you can decide."

Chapter 51. The Purging


Translator: Leyy

Listening to the words of Lee Chae-rin, the faces of the dwarves turned stiff. But that was only for a short while.

The dwarves started staring at her like she was crazy, and some couldn't even contain their ridicule in their eyes. This was because her words sounded like nothing but an empty threat to them.

Punishment for not obeying?

Killing them?

This was something that was only possible for powerful, influential Lords, not someone like her.

"HAHAHA! I don't know what you're on about, you stupid woman. Haha." Said Sage Majestic, while stroking his long, white beard.

"You said that you were going to help us take back Nidavellir, but to think that you came here to spout some nonsense instead… It seems like our Lord has gone crazy, dragging us out in the middle of the night for this."

After saying that, Sage Majestic's stared at Lee Chae-rin as if she were a bug, one that he could step on and kill at any time.

"Huhu, don't tell me that's it's because of that stupid drunkard that visited you a few days ago? Please." Sledge, whom she wanted to rip to shreds, spoke at this moment.


"I have no-one around me that is a drunkard. I have no idea who you're referring to, secretary."

"Haha, you can stop pretending now."


"Are you not saying this right now because of that 'Podolski' that originates from your home?" Sledge said this proudly.

"Even though milord tries to escape from her fate, it seems like she still doesn't know that she is stuck at the palm of my fingertips. HAHAHA!"

"It seems like you've overheard our conversation."

"How dare you. Spying on your own Lord." Saying this, Lee Chae-rin's countenance turned incomparably frosty, like the tundra in the north.

"Dare? Are you finished speaking now?"

"If you spied on your own Lord's private matters, even 'dare' is not a word that expresses the reality of things. You disrespectful, disloyal secretary."

"Did you just call me disrespectful and disloyal?"

"Yes, I did. Sledge, you're nothing but a traitor. No matter how much you beg, I have no plans on saving your life anyway."

"Save my life? HA!" Sledge laughed as if he heard the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Sigh… You stupid, uneducated b***h."

And he crossed the line.

"Excuse me, secretary Sledge."

A dwarf holding a pickaxe stood in the middle of the two.

"Even though the Lord may have used some excessive words, don't you think you've stepped over the boundary? Even though she didn't help us in trying to take back Nidavellir, she is still our Lord."

It was the leader of all the workers based in Nidavellir, the Work Force leader, Urad.

"I think you should beg for your forgiveness right now."

To Urad, he really didn't care about this fight for authority. All he wanted to do was go back to Nidavellir and work. He was one of the only ones that had remained loyal to Lee Chae-rin.

"Tut tut. You can shut up, you uneducated dwarf who only knows how to work and mine."

Sledge looked down on Urad.

"Excuse me?"

Dwarves had a lot of pride. Even though it was an indisputable fact that Urad had a lower rank than


Sledge, he still didn't care and started staring daggers at him.

"Did you just call me stupid?'

"Yes. I just called a stupid person a stupid person. Is there something wrong with that?"

"You piece of s**t. Even after insulting our Lord, you still dare to blabber on with that filthy mouth of yours?"

"HA! This stupid dwarf." Saying this, Sledge shook his head.

"It seems like to you, that b***h on the chair is our leader?"

"Of course our Lord is our leader. Who else could be the leader then? HA! Secretary Sledge… No. Sledge. It seems like you really are just a traitor."

After saying this, Urad took out his gigantic pickaxe that he had slung across his shoulders earlier.

"Even though I agreed with you that we should try and take back Nidavellir, I can't take an insult to our own Lord, you traitorous bastard." Urad's face was totally red by now. It seemed like he wanted to just charge towards Sledge and beat him up.

But Sledge still remained seated, calm.

"This is why I'm calling you a stupid dwarf. Urad, do you know what that b***h tried to plot against us?"


"You see, she has a friend from her hometown named Podolski. Those two seemed to be discussing about taking over Dorado by bringing in another Lord's force. The traitor here is not me, but her!" Sledge shouted.



"Sigh… I knew she was fishy… To think she pretended to be all nice and quiet."

The dwarves, who were dissatisfied with her from the beginning started to rant.

"Outside force?!" Even the righteous Sledge's brain grew chaotic from that word.

"Are you sure about this, Sledge?" Stated General Smith, of the dwarven army.

"Of course, general."

"And how do you know this?"

"I sent a man named Entwan to spy on her, because I thought she was suspicious. Who would have thought…."

"Yes, I overheard them! I swear on my dwarf's beard that what secretary is true." Said Entwan passionately.

"Sigh, this won't do." Was what General Smith said, before picking up his battleaxe and started walking towards Lee Chae-rin.

"General Smith! Even though you're angry, you can't be thinking of harming our Lord, can you?" Urad still blocked his way.

"Out of the way."

"General, this isn't right. Think about it again. You shouldn't be hurting our own Lord."

"This b***h isn't my Lord!" Smith shouted.

"Sigh… if even the General says so, I guess I'll have treat you like a traitor too, then."

"You stupid worker."

"You traitor."

They glared daggers at each other. But as they were about to face each other, Sledge smirked and brought 'them' in.

"Iron Hammer group, take down Urad."

With a loud BOOM, the door that was made of the expensive and fabled 'Damascus Steel' was opened, to let in the elite force of the Dorado territory, the Iron Hammer group.

"YOU DISLOYAL BASTARDS! AND YOU STILL CALL YOURSELF THE ELITE FORCE OF DORADO?" Although Urad shouted and tried to run towards them, it still wasn't enough.

Urad, who was a miner, had no way to fight against the elite, battle-hardened veterans of the Iron Hammer group.


POW! The group punched Urad in the stomach, enough to make a human adult faint.

"HAHAHA! Now, what will you do?"

Sledge and his Iron Hammer group started walking towards Lee Chae-rin's seat leisurely, smirking.

"Your plot is over now. Or should I say, it was already over from when you started."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Answered Lee Chae-rin in a dry voice.

"That Podolski is nothing but a con-man."

"No way."

"HA! You dumb b***h. From the beginning, he wasn't going to help you anyway. He only came because of the vast amount of resources and gold you possessed. Not only that, he should be locked in the cells by now, getting tortured. After all, I locked him up already."

'I've endured enough until now.' She thought, not caring about the others.

'I have no need for mercy anymore.' Instead, rage boiled inside her.

Even though she tried to lead the dwarves and Dorado into a better future, she only got ignored, and it had gotten even worse when they had gotten invaded by the other Lords.

But the fact that she originally had a kind, benevolent nature proved to be a disaster to her, as she could do nothing but get dragged around.

"It's time for the cleansing to commence." She spoke.

"I can't take anymore of this disrespectful and ridiculous farce anymore. If you want to live, kneel. This is your only chance."

"HA!" Sledge ignored her saying and laughed at her.

"You only know how to talk. Do you honestly think that we are going to believe you?" Was what Sledge said until…

"You're worse than trash."

A piercingly cold voice suddenly spoke.

"If your Lord tells you to kneel, you kneel. Why do you talk so much and argue against her."

It was… him.

"Kill all the ones that don't kneel. Of course, except him." Kang Chul-in spoke, as he pointed at Sledge.

And at the same time, black shadows filled the hall, coming down from the windows…

Chapter 52. Disloyalty Leads to Death


Translator: Leyy

All the adventurers that came in from the windows were part of 'Team Slayers' the group of adventurers that had helped him hunt the Peacock Dragon.

"You guys."

The leader of the adventurers, Billy Halford took out his fearsome mace, 'Evening Star', and spoke.

"Our leader says to kill all the ones that don't kneel."

And as soon as he finished speaking…



You could hear the sounds of screaming dwarves everywhere.

'She's grown.'

Kang Chul-in stood in a corner leisurely, watching the adventurers fight. He couldn't care less of the scene of blood.

He, had had once killed tens of thousands of men in one day wouldn't even blink at a slaughter of this level.

"Mr. Chul-in…"

Lee Chae-rin called Kang Chul-in in a nervous voice.

"Why. Are you afraid?" He replied in a dry voice.

"It's… terrible. Truly." She spoke with a trembling voice.

'It should be.'

Kang Chul-in could sympathize with her feelings completely. Why? It was because there was also a time where he was like her. 10 years ago.

'But you still have to conquer your fear. If you cannot stand something of this level, you won't be able to survive here.'

Maybe if she was a Lord in the main continent he wouldn't push her this far, but this was the Pandemonium region. This was the haven of slaughter and death.

There was no way to survive until Ragnarok until she faced her fears.

"It should be painful." He opened his mouth.

"It should be terrifying, disgusting, and terrible. I know what you feel to."

"But you have to be tough."


"The second you show weakness, there are many who try to strike you. Just like these traitors." He said, and pointed towards the dwarves, that were now fighting against his group of adventurers.

"But you have to endure when it's sad. When it's painful. When you feel lonely. And even when you're afraid. If not, then at least try not to show it. Always try to cloak yourself in a veil of bravado."

This was all he could really say from what he had experienced.

"That is a lord. Pretending to be resourceful even when not, pretending to know even if you don't. That's what a Lord is. If you want to become a good Lord, then you will need to learn how to become a good pretender first."

"Did you… endure all of it? The fear and the loneliness? Alone? The words that you're speaking right now… Is only those spoken by the truly experienced."

She really couldn't see through him. The only thing she knew about Kang Chul-in was that he was the one that radiated overwhelming imposingness, as well as a tough strongness.

"One more thing." He continued.

"Although you shouldn't avoid and hate killing, you should never enjoy it. Although there's only a miniscule difference, that's what differentiates a Lord and a murderer. Always remember this. The words of a Lord can influence another one's life and death."

She could somewhat understand what Kang Chul-in meant.

Endure, and be strong.

'Although deciding to do so or not is your choice, Lee Chae-rin.' He thought.

He had no more advice. He had no more to say, or no more he wanted to say either.

'It's time to join in'

While she was trying to calm herself down, Kang Chul-in realized that it was finally time for him to join in the fight.

At this moment, Billy shouted across the hall.

"Don't fight them directly! These guys, they have stupidly strong strength!"

It was true.

If an average adult human male struggled with holding up 100 kg, an adult male dwarf would be able to hold up over 200 kg.

This was the difference in muscle mass and genetics; the dwarves that averaged around only 150cm (which is around 4'9) weighed 30 kg more than a healthy, tall human.

Long story short, dwarves were 1.5-2 times stronger than humans.

"What the f*ck?! How come these damned dwarf bastards are so strong?"

Billy shouted and aimed for a member of the Iron Hammer group.


The sound of metal hitting metal rang throughout the whole hall.


The Billy who was over 190cm (which is around 6'2) was knocked over. The hand that held the mace had blood splattering everywhere, though by some miracle he had managed to hold onto it.

Seeing this scene, a few dwarves took this opportunity and ran towards Billy.

'Oh sh*t.' He thought, and tried to move his body, but it wouldn't move. At this rate, there was no doubt that his head would split into two after the impact of the hammer.


"Get out."

At that moment, Kang Chul-in appeared and body slammed BIlly away, and faced the two dwarves running towards Billy.

'Speed, precision over strength.'

Kang Chul-in's eyes gleamed like those of a hawk.


The rapier that Chae-rin bought for Kang Chul-in showed it's power, as it precisely drilled into the area where the dwarf's helmet had a gap.


Blood splattered out from the inside of the helmet.

But even after the dwarf became fatally injured, he tried to move towards Kang Chul-in. As expected of a dwarf, their mentality was something that deserved praise.

But the opponent was too strong.

"Then take this."

Kang Chul-in, who held the rapier in his right hand dashed towards that dwarf in a lightning-quick manner, and stabbed the dwarf multiple times, quickly ending his life.

In a space of not even a second, 4 unbelievably fast strikes hit the dwarf on his mouth. In stead of just piercing the mouth though, it even went through his tough skull.


Billy, whom Kang Chul-in had saved, looked at him as if he were Billy's wife.

'Hmm, this seems usable.'

Kang Chul-in was pretty satisfied with the new rapier that he had received, Punto.

This item was meant purely for stabbing, and it also had an option to allow his attacking speed to rise by 20%, allowing him to aim for the weak spots of the dwarves easily.

Of course, to use this item to its fullest potential, the user itself had to be skilled in the way of the sword, and had to stab absolutely precisely and perfectly, matching the timing as well as the area of where he stabbed.

Although this didn't matter to Kang Chul-in, who was proficient in swordpaly.


After instantly killing two of the Iron Hammer group, Kang Chul-in spoke.

"Yes, leader!"

The Billy who had fallen down earlier stood back up.

"We need to end this quickly. We don't have time."

And he dashed off.

This wasn't the only problem.

In an hour, he needed to use Lee Chae-rin's newly purchased units to purge absolutely all of the traitors and high ranking members of her territory.

'Finish this within 5 minutes.'

After deciding on his goal, he used the Mana that was stored inside of him to go into the state of Overdrive.


Kang Chul-in alone wreaked havoc among the dwarves, injuring all the dwarves that seemed to have an advantage against the adventurers.

But there were no instances where he personally finished them off.

He just needed to help his allies to make it an advantageous fight for them.

The reason was because his 'Overdrive' effect only lasted for a single minute.

But that in itself was enough to lead his allies to victory.

By the time the effect was over, the fight which was once even was now heavily in the favor of the adventurers.

"T-that monster…!" Sledge could not believe the situation right now.

The Iron Hammer group. The elite force of Dorado began falling one by one. The Sledge that believed in his own military might felt like the sky was falling down on him,

But there was no time for regrets.

…Because that was already the past.


After the final member of the Iron Hammer group fell to Billy's repeated attacks, Sledge felt dread and hopelessness inside of him.

"P-please… Spare me!"

Sage Majestic had knelt down, and had given up on his dwarf's pride, wanting to survive.


Meanwhile General Smith already lost both of his arms and ws throwing up blood.

And the spy, Entwan, was already rolling on the floor, his corpse missing his head.

Over. It was all over.

'It seems like I've found someone that is going to be usable in the future.' Kang Chul-in thought of the 'Death List' that Lee Chae-rin had wrote earlier and marveled.

The 'Death List' was just to test her willingness to kill, and was nothing but a piece of tissue paper.

But… the List that Lee Chae-rin wrote perfectly corresponded to the high-ranking members of the Dorado territory.


This was proof that his eye for talent was not faded, and that Lee Chae-rin truly had hope in surviving in the Pandemonium region in the future.

'Not bad. She's someone that could be useful if I ally with. I'll make sure to keep tabs on her and check up on her after this.' But while he was thinking of this, Sledge started moving.

"You disgusting B*TCH!"

Holding his fearsome hammer, Sledge started running towards Lee Chae-rin in a fearsome speed.

"Ms. Chae-rin! Be careful!"

Although Billy desperately tried to chase behind Sledge, he was too late. Sledge had almost arrived in front of her.

It was dangerous.

If Lee Chae-rin's small head took the brunt of that hammer, there was no doubt at all that she would perish instantly. However…

"How dare you."

Suddenly, Podolski appeared out of nowhere, and bound Sledge's right ankle up with a whip.



As if he had fallen into a hunting trap, Sledge's body did a 360 turn in the air, and fell to the ground.

"Is it over?" Kang Chul-in looked around the hall.

There was no-one alive that was written down on the list by now. Even the Iron Hammer group that Sledge had put so much faith in was all lying on the floor by now, dead.

The only one that was alive now was Sledge.


"Yes, leader."

"Get rid of the corpses. And don't let anyone move a muscle or speak from the ones that are alive."

"Just leave it to me!"

The adventurers all started moving, following his orders.

"Traitor." Kang Chul-in put his rapier on Sledge's forehead, making a drop of blood fall from his forehead down to his lips.

"And how should I kill you." Looking at Sledge, Kang Chul-in's gaze was frostier than a glacier.

No, it was closer to rage than a cold expression.

He was a man that never accepted betrayal. Especially if it was against one's on Lord.

Not only that, the one who should be taking care of the Lord best, the secretary was the one that lead the charge against his lord. Before he had been reborn, it was not a rare sight to see some Lords married with their secretaries. So seeing this, how could he not be angered?

"You… dirty human!" Sledge looked towards Kang Chul-in wrathfully.

"To think that you plotted against me with that stupid b*tch… You will fall into the depths of hell! You will die unknown in a desert, your parent's necks will die by the hands of your enemies, and your children will become slaves of your enemies and be humiliated!!!" And he started cursing at Kang Chul-in."

"If you're going to curse, at least try to make it more detestable." But Kang Chul-in didn't even snort.

"Oi, traitor." Kang Chul-in gave Sledge a terrifying smile.

"There are over hundreds and thousands of guys like you, who cursed me to death."

Out of the past Lords, if they made a ranking to see who had gotten the most hate, Kang Chul-in would definitely be at the forefront.

Because he was the greatest 'villain'. After all, there was a reason that the fact that his name was synonymous with 'the strongest', and also 'the most evil'.

"But do you know what happened to the ones that did curse me?" Kang Chul-in clenched his two fists.


He started to violently beat up Sledge.

Chapter 53. The Fate of a Traitor


Translator: Leyy


Even while getting beat up, Sledge endured.

After all, his dwarven pride would not allow him to make any sounds after getting beaten up by a mere human.



Kang Chul-in's fists flashed by like lightning and hit all over Sledge's body, like the full force of a waterfall.


Out of Sledge's sealed mouth came a small whimper.

"So you're saying that your bones are quite tough, eh?" Kang Chul-in smirked as if he was proud of Sledge. It was a gesture to admit that Sledge wasn't all that bad.

"Kuh… Do you think someone like you will truly be able to control me? Huhu, there's no way, THERE'S NO WAY! HAHAHA!" Sledge started laughing maniacally at Kang Chul-in.

"Oh, is that so?" replied Kang Chul-in, as he started showcasing hits that couldn't be expressed in just words. To him, there existed methods to make these tough dwarves scream with every hit he landed.

"Kuk… Argh… AGHH… GUHH… With just this… You cannot…Defe…ARGHH! P-P-PLEASE!"

As soon as Kang Chul-in started using some of his real force behind the hits, Sledge's mouth begged for mercy.


And they were soon replaced by ear-splitting screams.



"ARGH! S-stop… KUGH…Hitting…Stop…Please…"

Not even 5 minutes later, a crying Sledge started to beg Kang Chul-in.

'How the hell does he hit like that?'

'Wow, I really shouldn't mess with our leader. Yep, definitely.'

The adventurers watching themselves started trembling with fear. That was how terrifying the hits were. He truly showed how killing someone quickly and cleanly was actually a type of mercy.

"As expected of a dwarf, it actually feels quite good." While in the middle of torturing Sledge, Kang Chul-in muttered. If there was anyone that heard him at this moment, they would surely stare at him like a freak.

"M-mr. Chul-in?" Lee Chae-rin cautiously spoke. After all, who wouldn't after seeing such a scene?

If a normal person saw Kang Chul-in beating up and torturing Sledge until the point where he couldn't even speak properly, they would surely be terrified.

"What do we do with him then? Will we kill him now?"

"No." Kang Chul-in shook his head.


"We make an example out of him."


"Tomorrow, I plan on publicly executing him, in front of all of your civilians. Then, they would probably what happens to the ones that rebel against you. They need to see with their own eyes what happened if they think about some things they shouldn't against their leader."

"Oh...!" Realizing Kang Chul-in's thought process, Lee Chae-rin gasped in enlightenment.

"That's right. If I killed Sledge after losing control of my emotions, it would have been bad. I just needed to wait one more day… Then I would also be able to reinstate my authority…" She nodded her head.

"You've improved." Kang Chul-in had a rare smile on his mouth. He could finally communicate to Lee Chae-rin like another Lord. It was almost unknowingly teaching a disciple.

"The death won't be pretty."

"… It'll be a gruesome execution."

"Do you not want to do it?"

"No. I also hate this man. Although I could maybe forgive the other dwarves, he is the only one I won't be able to."

"Well, the execution will be very bloody. Something that would instill the fears into the hearts of the ones watching."

"I only hope that I can withstand that then." Lee Chae-rin's body unwittingly shook after Kang Chul-in described the events that would take place. She couldn't imagine an execution that even Kang Chul-in said was gruesome.

"Podolski." Kang Chul-in called Podolski.

"Yes, milord."

"Wrap him up and put him in the dungeons. You have to wrap him up very tightly, so that he isn't able to kill himself."

"Understood, milord."

Kang Chul-in didn't know anyone as experienced and trustworthy as Podolski when it came to the ways of tying someone up as Podolski.

"Hmm." After taking a glance at the unconscious Sledge, Podolski began to work.

And as expected of him, he tied up Sledge as if he was a piece of ham. Looking at it maked one feel amazed, it seemed impossible for Sledge to even move his eyebrows.

"Mr. Chul-in."

"What do we do? If the news is leaked to the dwarves, they will begin a protest." Lee Chae-rin's worries were well founded.

"There's a method." But to Kang Chul-in, it was no problem.

"Don't tell me… You plan on massacring the dwarves?"

"As if."

"The working rate of the dwarves is insane. They are the number one among all the races in working. If we kill all of them, it'll be a loss to you. It'll also be a loss to me, since we are allied together."

"Then what are we…."

"We use him."

Kang Chul-in pointed at the Sage Majestic that was trembling in fear right now.


"When you wrote the Death List, what was the reason that you wanted to spare him?"

"That's because… he's the leader of the religious group. Although he did try and betray me, I was afraid of the rebellion and protests that the dwarves would do."


"Excuse me?"

"If we just use him, it won't be hard to get the respect and authority that you so needed from the dwarves."

"Oh…" She sighed in enlightenment.

"And… that dwarf." Kang Chul-in pointed at workforce leader Urad.

"That man still has loyalty towards you. If you are able to control him well, you will be able to earn the hearts and respect of the dwarven miners." Kang Chul-in had already calculated what to do after the purging.

"60-70 people at max? We only need to kill around that much. The ones that had actively helped the rebellion."

"I understand."

"Well if you do, you should start moving." Lee Chae-rin started moving towards Urad.



leader Urad."

"Yes… milord."

"I had no choice. If I didn't do this, my life would be severely endangered.

"I… understand."

"I want you, Urad. Although you did stand by their side, I know it was because of your wish to take back Nidavellir."

"You mean….!"

"Yes. I have no intention on giving up Nidavellir. Just that I was planning on taking it back after taking care of the invaders in our territory. Can you just wait until then? I promise, we will be able to take it back after just a month."

"Just a month?"

"Yes, no matter what."

Lee Chae-rin showed her steely determination.

"Milord!" And Urad kneeled down to Lee Chae-rin

"This Urad, I will definitely remain loyal to milord until the day I die. Please forgive my disloyalty of before!!!" And thanks to this, Urad as well as his 150 miners that followed him were now under Lee Chae-rin's control.

"You're a sage?" Kang Chul-in asked.

Sage Majestic was Kang Chul-in's task.


"Will you make a speech debasing and vilifying Sledge tomorrow or not?"

He wanted to make Sledge the 'biggest son of a b*tch' after the speech.

"Do it! I'll do it! Of course I'll do it! I will also tell the civilians on how much I support our Lord Lee Chae-rin! Just leave it to me!"

The Sage even promised that he would support Lee Chae-rin from now. It seemed like he definitely wanted to live.

"And if you speak nonsense?"

"No, no. Never. Please, just spare my life…!"

"I'll watch and see how things play out then."

"Yes sir, just leave it to me! Oh, milord! Would you please forgive this unloyal idiot of a sage?" He emotionally said, before running and kneeling before Lee Chae-rin.

'It seems like all the high-ranked people are cleaned up for now. After just a few more, the authority of this territory will be completely by hers.'

Now it was time to get rid some of the rotten parts.


"Can you take some of your underlings to get rid of the trash of this territory?"

""T-the thing is…" Urad hesitated, as he still had no idea who Kang Chul-in was. Kang Chul-in had popped up and single-handedly turned the tables against the Iron Hammer group, so he was cautious of him.

"Urad." Lee Chae-rin spoke.

"This is another Lord from a different territory that allied us."

"Is… Is that so?"

"And he is also the one who will act as the commander of the army until the day we conquer and take back Nidavellir. You should think of his orders as mine."

Only then did the suspicion and caution on Urad's face disappear.

"Then of course I will, commander." Urad took Kang Chul-in's orders.

"Good. If you do well on this, I will spare you and your miners, as well the 'good' dwarves that did not participate in the rebellion. I'm not telling you to kill them all. Just think of it as getting rid of the trash. I will leave it to you on who should and should not be killed."

"Ok. Go now. Prove your loyalty to your Lord. But don't make it too obvious. You have to get rid of them slowly, and quietly."

"Yes, sir!"

"Billy, take twenty adventurers and assist Urad."

"Yes, leader."

Urad and Billy as well as the twenty adventurers left the Lord's hall soon after. With this, all of the 'bad guys' of the Dorado territory had been taken care of."

"It's finally… over. The only thing that's left now it the execution of Sledge tomorrow, and how I use that as an opportunity to get the civilian's respect and loyalty."

"Well, that guy's role will be important." Kang Chul-in glanced at the Sage.

"But I believe in him. He has a lot of fear after all. Because he's afraid, he won't be able to think of anything else."

"Lee Chae-rin."


"You have an eye for people."

"What… do you mean?"

"It's just as I said. It's a good talent so make sure you hone it even more. It's something that I don't possess."

After saying it this far, Kang Chul-in made Lee Chae-rin follow him.

"Let's go."


"We need to make you a personal guard."

He meant for her to use the 'Lord's shop'.

After the purging she was left without guards, and so he wanted her to have a new group that protected her.

She needed a steady grip on her control of this territory, and the guards would play a big role in that.


In the deepest area of Dorado was a dome-shaped gym. It was ironic that Kang Chul-in brought Lee Chae-rin here, as the Lord of this territory had not been here before.

"I don't know what sort of units you've used before, nor do I want to know." Kang Chul-in spoke.

"You need to differentiate the units that will be used as guards, and those that will be used in a war. Units that are good at fighting in groups normally shouldn't be used as guards." Lee Chae-rin carefully listened to Kang Chul-in's words, afraid that she would miss a single word.

"The most useful unit to you is one that you can control even with your lacking charisma. They need to be easy to control."

"You're right. I can't control the units whenever I summon them."

"Well, there's a good unit on sale right now. Open the Lord's shop.


Listening to Kang Chul-in's words, she held her Soul Core in her hands and opened the [Unit] menu of the Lord's shop.

-Unit Shop-

— D, E, F Rank units are purchasable.

— The rank of the units sold will change depending on the Lord's level.

[Land Unit]

[Mobile Unit]

[Water Unit]

[Air Unit]

[Special Unit]

[Named Unit] (Locked. Only available for Overlords.)

[Items related to Units]

- Unit purchases require gold, jewellery or Lord points etc.

- Units from the S rank and above cannot be purchased in the shop.

"It's open." Lee Chae-rin spoke.

"Click on the sub-menu of the 'Land Units' to demi-humans."


"Then purchase the 'Dog-men'(half dog/half human as the name suggests) of the ones in the D rank."


"Dog-men guards."

"It's quite expensive. 80 gold."

"But they're definitely worth it. Long story short, they're the best choice for the current you."

"I'll buy it. If you say so, then I definitely will." She nodded her head and then moved her fingers to click the purchase button.


As soon as she hit the purchase button, a gigantic 'Magical Formation' appeared, and many of the 'dog-men' appeared.

Surprisingly enough, they looked quite majestic and imposing.

Wearing black tuxedos and hats that made them seem like English policemen, and they were armed with a 1.1m long staff each. Not only that, each of these guards had different heads, that were of different dog breeds.


Staring at this scene, Kang Chul-in shook as he thought of the price of his Laputa territory.

Because he had no money, he couldn't even think of expanding his own territory, let alone buying 30 units that costed 80 gold each. So watching this scene, his stomach felt bitter.

But he wasn't jealous.

After the deal with Lee Chae-rin, he knew that he himself would become rich over time.

While Kang Chul-in was thinking of the future, the leader of the dog-men walked in front of Lee Chae-rin. This specific dog-man had the head of a 'Doberman', and had a muscular build.

Then the leader greeted her, doing a salute that only the dog-men did.

"It's an honor to meet you, sire! This one's name is Anubis, and I will use my heart and soul to serve you from now!"

As expected of a dog-man, Anubis seemed reliable, and loyal.

"Nice to meet you, Anubis." She nodded her head.

"I will now appoint you and your squad as the elite group and force of this Dorado territory."

"Yes sir!"

"I will give you your first mission now. Please guard the place while me and commander Kang Chul-in talk."

"We will do so immediately, sir!"

And as soon as her orders were given, the dog-men all started rushing towards the ends of the gym, guarding the place perfectly.

"My orders… are working."

"Dog-men start of with a max loyalty of 100. But whether you are able to keep it that way is up to you."

"Oh. Thank you, Mr. Chul-in."

"No need to thank me. It's in the contract."

"Oh, but… what's this 'random unit' in the middle of the special units? What costs 500 gold?"

"That…" Abruptly, Kang Chul-in's face stiffened.

"That… I advise that you just leave it alone."


"That's a rigged gamble."


"And that's a very low quality gamble. As it suggests, the units are completely random. You don't know what unit comes out but… in my experience… one hundred times out of a hundred…."

"Something like a goblin scout comes out."

Kang Chul-in's brain thought of a past memory that he didn't want to remember.

Chapter 54. (Title Includes Spoiler) (At the Bottom)


Translator: Leyy

Everyone had at least one memory they didn't want to recall.

Even the mighty Overlord of Blood and Iron, Kang Chul-in was the same.

If he thought of it, Kang Chul-in's one was when his head was chopped off by his eternal rival, the damned Rothschild, but it wasn't something that he couldn't tell anyone.

He would maybe tell Lucia, or maybe his future wife later on.

But the bad memories he had about this 'Random Unit' was one that he truly didn't want to tell anyone. That was the first, as well as last time that he had gotten teased by someone.

This event occurred 7 years before he had gone back in time, 3 months before Ragnarok had started. This was one he and Dorian had gone into a dungeon as a duo.

"Look at 'im, him."

Dorian pointed at a dog that was inside the dungeon. This was a dog that Dorian had brought with him this time, saying that he was the 'ace' of this dungeon exploration.

"What do you plan on doing with that small, puny dog?"

Kang Chul-in didn't like small dogs like poodles, yorkshire terriers, and shit'tzus. It was because he didn't like the fact that they kept on barking as if were ignorant on how big and scary the world was, compared to them.

"Hmph, you would be surprised if you knew the true value and abilities of this guy."

The Dorian who had always been on the receiving end of the teasing said proudly. His expression almost bordered on being annoying.

"No matter how he looks, he is still an S rank unit after all."

"Do you really expect me to trust you on that?"

"Sigh~ to think that even the great 'Lord hunter' Kang Chul-in can't see the true worth of our Lucky. Hey! Lucky!" Dorian called his dog.

'Rough, Rough!'

The dog named Lucky came towards Dorian and greeted him with bright and cheerful barks.

Lucky then performed a flip, and then suddenly dashed towards a deep part of the Dungeon.

"Do you call a well trained dog an S rank unit now, Dorian?" Kang Chul-in laughed.

"What are you going to do with that dog that doesn't radiate the slightest bit of mana?"

"As expected of a battle maniac. Not all units are used for fighting, you know? Think about utility! The utility!"

"If that dog has good utility, then are you telling all the units famous for their utility to kill themselves of shame?"

"Hmph. Seems like you don't believe me. Then look for yourself. You will see how amazing our Lucky is soon." Dorian was confident in Lucky, and Lucky truly did not let him down.

"What the…" Kang Chul-in was very surprised.

"You see, our Lucky is amazing!" Dorian happily chimed in.

"How does this… make sense?" Kang Chul-in was truly startled right now.

After all, the results that Lucky brought were truly amazing.

Lucky found a secret pathway inside the obscure dungeon ruins, and single-handedly found and activated a hidden lever that lead to a chamber.

And inside was…

A huge amount of gold and other jewels, as well as a terrifying amount of unique rank items.

"Hahaha, now do you see how amazing our Lucky truly is? He's a seeker."


"Treasure seeker, hunting for treasures. He reacts and senses items or gold that is at least of the unique rank. With this guy, I wouldn't be lying if I said I would be able to take the items of all the dungeons and ruins in the Pangaea continent."

"… That's why it's an S rank unit?"

"Of course! It's kind of like the victory of utility?"

"But where the hell did you find a dog like this?" Kang Chul-in was very curious to see where the dog was from. He had no idea where Dorian had found something like this.

"Oh, that. I'll tell you. It's not something that amazing anyway."

"You'll tell me?"

"Of course! I picked Lucky by purchasing the 'Random Units'. I used around 1500 gold to kill time on that."

"…I didn't know that good units could even come out in that."

"Well, that depends on the individual's luck. I'm 'Lucky', a lucky guy after all. Haha."

"That sounds like a lie to me." Kang Chul-in didn't believe Dorian's words.

He too had spent 2000 gold on random units too, but the result was him obtaining the lowest-rank units like 'Goblins, Gnolls, Skeletons'.

Of course, it was not just him. Other Lords had also talked trash about buying this, as they had only lost money.

In fact, there were some Lords who tried to spend all their money buying this, and went broke.

But to think that there was actually an


S rank unit like Lucky from the 'Random Unit' purchase, who would believe it?

"Hahaha. For someone as kind and nice as me, there is luck. Of course, that's different from a villain like you, Kang Chul-in."

This taunt lead to the start of the nightmarish memory.

"You're saying that I'm not lucky because I'm a villain?"

Because it was so ridiculous that Dorian had gotten Lucky, Kang Chul-in fell for Dorian's taunt.

"Like they say, Santa Claus doesn't give presents to the naughty. Unless you're a kind person like me, there's no way to obtain an S rank unit!"

"Sigh, I think you're ridiculous to spend money on that sort of gambling. Why don't you just go and gamble in Los Vegas instead?"

"Oh, that place. I got on the blacklist of the casinos there because my luck was too good. I can't enter."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"What, have you been lied to for all your life? The next time I go to earth, I'll prove it to you!"

And after arguing and bickering for a long time, they decided to have a bet to see who would get the better unit using the 'Random Unit' option.

The two of them went back to their territories and connected to each other using the 'Node Network', a network that allowed the two of them to communicate, and started a video call, and began to buy the 'Random Units'. The result… Kang Chul-in was absolutely destroyed.

"HAHAHA! Even though you show off all the time, you have absolutely terrible luck."

Although Dorian had spent 2500 gold in obtaining an A rank unit called the 'Illusionist'…

"It seems like a goblin field over there, eh?"

Even after Kang Chul-in spent 8500 gold (he had to later watch the scene of Albert bleeding blood and tears from his eyes) Goblin Scout, Goblin Assassin, Goblin Archer… It was as if he was collecting the 'Goblin Series'.

It almost seemed like Dorian was right when he said that villains couldn't pick good things from the random unit selection, and the kind ones had good luck on it.

"See, good units come out too! Oh, since I won this bet, the next time we party, you're going to have to pay for it, okay? Well, see ya then. Have fun with those goblins you earned, you unlucky bastard. HAHAHA!"

And that stupid bet ended up with Kang Chul-in's loss. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had truly lost.

That was the only battle in which Dorian had beaten Kang Chul-in, and it was still a sore spot for Kang Chul-in. Not only that, it was the day that Dorian had teased Kang Chul-in to no end.

'Dorian, you motherf*cker."

Kang Chul-in thought of Dorian, who would be receiving verbal abuse from his secretary soon for not coming back for so long. Thinking of that, he involuntarily smiled.

"Mr. Chul-in?" Lee Chae-rin called him.

"What is it? Were you thinking of some bad memories?"

"No, it's nothing."

Although he tried to deny it, it was the truth when she said that he remembered some bad memories.

"Anyway, just leave that button alone. There are some Lords I know that went bankrupt after using that button too much. Just think of it like a menu or option that doesn't exist."

What he said was true, the only one he knew that had truly benefited from using that option was Dorian.

He didn't realize this until later, but Dorian's luck was ridiculously good.

After asking and researching for a bit, he found out that out of the 200 Lords, there was no one who had benefited from using that menu.

"Don't try to lean on your luck. There's no kind of system or gamble that's as rigged as that stupid thing. Doing it once costs 500 gold, equivalent to 2 hundred million krw (which is around 200,000$). Of course, it's your choice if you want to pick a goblin that's worth 2 hundred million krw."

Kang Chul-in thought that the stupidest thing he had done between his present and past life was gambling like that. Everyone had a secret that they wanted to hide, and for Kang Chul-in, it was this.

"Whatever, I'll just do it for fun then."

Surprisingly, Kang Chul-in heard the nonchalant voice of Lee Chae-rin.

"Is one time okay?"

'Is this stress?'

He thought that it might be from watching the bloody scenes of watching dwarves die.

'Well, I guess once is okay.'

Kang Chul-in didn't stop Lee Chae-rin from doing so, as he wanted her to experience first-hand why you shouldn't do it.

If things went overboard, he would stop her. Yes, once would be okay, right?

'Pzzt, Pzzt!'

After Lee Chae-rin clicked the button that shouldn't be pressed, a magic circle descended. And inside was…


… The most primitive type of wild goblin. It was the worst unit of all.

"It's a goblin?" Lee Chae-rin laughed as if she didn't care. It definitely was stress, laughing after losing that much money.

"Hmm… should I try some more? Maybe a unit worthy of being my new secretary might come out."

Lee Chae-rin, full of her false fantasies tried 3 more times to pick a random unit.

But the result was like Kang Chul-in expected. The sight of a Goblin Assassin, Orc, and a Goblin Labourer greeted Lee Chae-rin.

"This… I shouldn't do this again. What a waste. Why did they even make this? Thinking about it, I don't even know why I decided to do it. Even when Mr. Chul-in warned me."

Lee Chae-rin's face looked painful now, it seemed like her stress had been relieved.

"That was fast. Maybe it's because her special ability is related to money."

If it was another Lord, it was highly probable that they would have spent at least 5000 gold before stoppinh.

"Yep… I'm definitely not doing this again."

"As long as you understand."

"But thats me… Mr. Chul-in, want to give it a go?"

"Now is not the the time to be gambling like this." Kang Chul-in's cold voice replied.


Since they had already gotten their hands on an elite force, they should be getting ready for executing Sledge, not relaxing like this.

At this moment, the adventurers and Urad was also working.

"But it doesn't even take that long."

"I have no plan in using my precious resources and money in that sort of rigged gambling."

"Well then I'll just pick it for you then. I went to test it out."

"Test what?"

"Mr. Chul-in's luck."

And before he could even reply to her, she gifted him a 'random unit'.

'Pzzt, Pzzt!'

Another magic circle descended and you could see that inside it was a small silhouette, though it disappeared soon after.

'Another goblin, I don't even want to look at it.'

Looking at the small silhouette, Kang Chul-in obviously thought it was another goblin, and looked away, his interest dimmed.

Since he knew that it was a type of goblin, he didn't have any hope or curiosity towards it. To him, the 'random unit' menu was a sort of sore spot, that he would never be able to forget. At least… until today.

"M-m-mr. Chul-in?" Lee Chae-rin called Kang Chul-in with a trembling voice.

"What, is it a goblin sorcerer?"

Kang Chul-in asked with a calm voice. Goblin sorcerers were the most expensive and usable out of the goblins. Although it was worth 3 gold, compared to the 500 spent.

"N-no… It's not a goblin…."

"Then is it a gnoll?"

"No! It's a boy, a boy came out!"


Thinking that something was odd, Kang Chul-in finally turned his head.

[Congratulations! You have successfully obtained the SS Rank named unit, Ark Mage Nilus!]

Chapter 54. (Successfully obtaining a SS rank unit)

Chapter 55. SS rank Mage, Nilus Lhotsechart!


Translator: Leyy

In front of Kang Chul-in's was an explanation of the SS rank unit, Nilus.

-Name: Nilus Lhoteschart

-Title: The Ark Mage (yes it literally says ark mage in the o.g, not arch mage)

-Age: 12 years old

-Rank: C rank (Potential SS rank)

-Job: Magician, War mage

-Specialty: Magic Barrage

Detailed Info: Grand Mage of the Royal family of the Great Ancient Empire

Is proficient with all types of magic, but is most suited for wide-area spells that barrage the enemy with magic.

As he gets older, his potential awakens, allowing him to become stronger.

- Grows until age: 87

- Sleeps a lot (Over 16 hours a day)

- Expert of Magic Engineering

'What kind of bullsh*t is this…!'

Kang Chul-in couldn't believe the situation right now.

Although currently a C rank, he had earned a unit with the potential of an SS rank! And not only that, it was a named unit!

…This was more ridiculous than when he met the person he assumed to be Kwak-jung coincidentally in Park Doo-sik's office. Not only that, he should have bad luck according to Dorian, because of his status as the biggest villain in Pangaea.

"Your majesty…"

The ark mage Nilus walked before Kang Chul-in and kneeled.

'Majesty? Am I an emperor now?'

Though Kang Chul-in was used to people calling him 'milord', he wasn't used to being called 'your majesty'. This was even after he had become an Overlord.

According to Akan, the right-hand man of god, you needed to become the sole ruler of Pangaea and become emperor, in order to be called 'your majesty'.

But this SS rank unit was calling Kang Chul-in your majesty. It was as if they had known each other before.

"Again… To meet you again… This servant is so happy, the tears are blocking my sight…"

Nilus spoke as if he weren't a twelve year old. And he started crying tears of joy too.

"Your majesty… The leader of this old man forever! The only emperor in all of this continent!"

Although he definitely got an SS rank, it seemed like the one Kang Chul-in had received was a bit odd.

Although he looked like a smart boy, he talked like an old man. Not only that, talking to Kang Chul-in as if they knew each other. Although he had the potential of an SS rank, it was odd.

"Something's weird…"

"That's also what I think."

"Mr. Chul-in, are you actually an emperor?"

"As if." Although he had been an Overlord, he had not been emperor.

"Nilus, was it?" Kang Chul-in spoke.

"I am no emperor."

"No!" Nilus spoke back loudly and denied it.

"No matter what you say, your majesty is the one and only Emperor of Blood and Iron!"

"Stop saying that nonsense."

"I am not speaking nonsense! Although you might no recognize me after reincarnating, this old man recognizes you perfectly well. Not only that, even your majesty's face is exactly the same, how could I ever forget you?"

"…Is he a broken good or something?"

Kang Chul-in thought that the mighty SS rank Nilus was junk. After all, he had been told that he was an emperor who had reincarnated, as well as some other nonsense.

"I don't want to hear it. Stop calling me your majesty."

"Not being able to call your majesty your majesty (not a mistake)… Then what does your majesty wish this one to call you?"

"My name is Kang Chul-in. Just call me as 'milord'."


"How can a great man like you use such an insignificant title like lord?"

"I'm saying this for the second time now. I am no emperor."

"Your majesty definitely is. The 27th emperor of the Ancient Empire, 'The Emperor of Blood and Iron', Emperor Ulius Berlinetta Pawn Aurangjeb.

"Uli… what?"

"Ulius, Emperor Ulius Berlinetta Pawn Aurangjeb!"

"…I have no idea what you're saying."

"I can understand that you're confused, your majesty. It's obvious that you don't have the memories of your past life after you reincarnated."

'Reincarnation? Pft.'



he could believe that he had gone back in time using the Soul Backup, he truly couldn't believe in reincarnation.

He thought that life was only precious if you lived once, not tens, or hundreds of times. He believed that if he went through the process of life and death over and over, there was no point in life.

"I don't believe you. And I don't want to listen to your story. So don't say anything about being reincarnated."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Also, stop calling me that."

"Although this servant can carry out any kind of order or mission, that is the only exception. I cannot stop calling you your majesty."

Kang Chul-in shook his head and looked away from Nilus. He thought he would have to listen to another weird story if he kept on talking with him.

'It doesn't matter to me'.

It happened sometimes.

If it was a named unit and not a normal one, there was a chance that they had memories of their past. It was before they had fallen asleep, and when the Pangaea continent was still bustling and prospering.

He somewhat understood it.

-Nearly 97% of Pangaea's items and relics are from thousands of years ago. Although it was impossible to know what occurred back then, humans and civilization was wiped out from the world a thousand years ago, and it had turned into the ownerless Pangaea that it was now.

Although this honestly didn't make sense, almost nothing did. After all, the great summoning from the first place didn't make sense.

Kang Chul-in and the other dimension travelers just knew that there was a big event a thousand years ago in the continent. The truth was known to only god, and his right-hand man, Akan.

'It seems like his emperor looks similar to me then.'

That was what Kang Chul-in figured out.

After sleeping for a long time, there was a chance of mistaking someone else for another. Especially as an SS rank unit, it wasn't really unusual that he had some 'special' behavior after reawakening.

"Your majesty."

Nilus wiped his tears and looked at Kang Chul-in with his red, bloodshot eyes.

"Being able to serve your majesty is an honor, a great honor!" Said Nilus, and kneeled down towards Kang Chul-in.

"Huu…" Kang Chul-in let out a deep breath as if he was tired.

"Mr. Chul-in…?" Lee Chae-rin spoke.

"I think this boy knows about the past of Pangaea?"

"No, he doesn't."


"If you ask what happened and why he was sealed and asleep for so long, he wouldn't know. That is the answer for every unit, no matter who their facing."

"Is that so…"

"It's better if you don't know about the pasts of your units."

"Anyway… it seems like you have very good luck, Mr. Chul-in."

"Good… luck?" Listening to the words of Lee Chae-rin, Kang Chul-in face turned into a startled expression.

"Of course. Didn't you say that the Random Unit selection is absolutely rigged?

"Well yes, I did."

"But you obtained an SS rank unit on your first try, so your luck must be very good."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. I predictions were right."


"Kind people have good luck. Because Mr. Chul-in helped me in taking back authority, isn't a sign of karma?"

That was true.

In Kang Chul-in's mind, the memory of Dorian talking surfaced.

'Santa Claus doesn't give bad children presents. Picking an S rank unit is impossible, unless you're kind like me.'

But Dorian's argument that his luck was bad because he was a villain was proven to be wrong.

Lucky was an S rank seeker unit, while Nilus was an SS rank. In the end, Kang Chul-in had won.

Although the argument that Dorian made on how the random unit selection could be beneficial was also proven to be true.

"Congratulations, Mr. Chul-in!"

Lee Chae-rin congratulated him from the depths of her heart. Even though it wasn't her who had picked the SS rank unit with 500 coins, she was truly happy for Kang Chul-in.

"… Then thank you."

Since his territory had no gone from having no magician to getting an SS rank one, he was truly lucky.

Especially when Nilus reached his full potential and finally became SS rank, it would truly be a sight to see.


"Yes, you called, your majesty."

"Although it may be temporary, I name you the magician of our Laputa territory."

"It's an honor, sir. This, Nilus, will truly use his full potential and use in order to help your majesty in his conquest."


"Yes. After all, your majesty is the reincarnation of my emperor, the former owner of this continent. Since you've reincarnated, the continent should rightfully belong to you."

Somehow, they fit together. It seemed like the past emperor he served was like Kang Chul-in, and strived to unite and conquer the continent.


Although he didn't like being called your majesty, he agreed when Nilus had said they would rule the continent. After all, his final goal was to boss over all of the Overlords, and take total control over the whole of pangaea.

"We're finished here today then. Go rest." Kang Chul-in persuaded her to rest.

"No." Kang Chul-in knew how tiring today was to her.


"Do you plan on letting the civilians see the best of you, or you when you're tired, and about to fall asleep?"

"T-that is…"

"Fine then." She finally nodded her head.

After Kang Chul-in said goodbye to Lee Chae-rin, he helped Urad and the others get rid of the traitors.

'We finished quickly'.

After taking care of the final dwarf, Kang Chul-in stared at the rising sun and sighed.

"Take the ones that truly deserve to be killed, and hang their heads up on the walls tomorrow. As for the rest, put them in the dungeon. I will bring them back to Laputa."

Kang Chul-in hurriedly accepted forty dwarf laborers.

"We didn't know what to do with them anyway, but thankfully that's solved now."

'Ark Mage Nilus and forty dwarf laborers. To think that I would earn so many unexpected benefits…'

As Kang Chul-in earned two unexpected profits, he was very satisfied. Who knew, maybe Lee Chae-rin was his lucky charm.

'Is it going to be war now?'

'We'll solve it quickly again though'. Kang Chul-in was very confident.

Why? Because he was planning on using the Magic Satellites against the enemy during this war!

Chapter 56. Bloody Execution


Translator: Leyy

Kang Chul-in didn't participate in Sledge's execution.

Executing him was not his, but Lee Chae-rin's responsibility, and so he didn't want to meddle with it too much.

But he did so for the method of execution.

"Tie Sledge up inside a glass container, and prepare 500 'Bloody Wyrms'.

"Don't tell me… milord plans on doing that as his punishment?"

Podolski's face turned pale after hearing Kang Chul-in's orders.

"It's because of his betrayal as the secretary."

Hearing this, Podolski nodded as if it maked sense.

"Since that truly is a terribly crime, I guess it's not too far-fetched to give a punishment like this."

"If an example is done wrong, and it's sloppy, it's sure to have side-effects. When we need to instill fear on the people, we'll have to do it properly."

"Kuku… As expected of your highness, you truly speak words like an emperor."


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Can't you do anything about your way of speaking?"

"That… although this servant's body might only be twelve years old, my mind is that of an 80 year old man…I will try to fix it, your majesty."


"Well, I'm going to go sleep. Wake me up during the evening."

Saying this, Kang Chul-in walked to a bed and fell asleep. Since he hadn't slept for 48 hours straight, he definitely had the right to sleep.

And while Kang Chul-in was sleeping, the execution continued as planned.

-All of those living in the Dorado territory, meet up at the central plaza at 11:30 am. Unless you're on guard duty on another part of the territory, it is necessary to come.

If there are those that do not follow my orders, they will be locked up in prison for 5 years.

Thanks to this cruel order, all of the civilians in the Dorado territory came to the central plaza by 11:30. And the sight that greeted them was…

"I-it's the secretary! The secretary is locked up in a glass box!"

Was a Sledge that was twisted and tied up like a pretzel.

"What the…"

"What are you doing? Milord? What are you doing to your own underling?"

And a large number of dwarves started showing their discontent.

"Quiet, quiet." Said Anubis imposingly, showing off his mighty physique.

"Since Lord Lee Chae-rin has not come out yet, be quiet. If you take another step forward, I will crush that mouth of yours."

And behind Anubis, 29 different dog-men started growling; intimidating the crowd.

And while the crowd was filled with chaos.

"Hur Hur… Can our brothers bother to listen to this old man for a bit?" The Sage spoke.

"Secretary Sledge, no. Sledge was an absolute bastard. After all, he tried to rebel against our own lord!" And with this, his rant against Sledge began.

"Ooopppp… Ooooffppp…"

The Sledge who was tied up tried to speak up and against his former ally, but couldn't, due to the ropes that tied him up.

"Let his workforce leader speak as well." And Urad also came up.

And the two of them successfully appealed to the civilians of their Lord, as well as Sledge's mistakes.

And with that, all of the discontent that the dwarves had towards Lee Chae-rin vanished like smoke.

Instead, they turned their disgust and discontent towards Sledge.

"Hey, you dirty bastard!"

"Disgusting. Kak, tweh!" Some dwarves even spit on him.

"You're a scumbag, and deserve to die!"

The angry dwarves seemed like they were about to kill Sledge.

And at this moment, Lee Chae-rin showed herself. When accompanied with Billy and the other adventurers, she seemed like an imposing Lord.

"I'm sure you've heard Urad, and the Sage speaking. And that's all true. Sledge, as well as the dead Entwan and General Smith all tried to humiliate me, and force us into losing Nidavellir. But today, as I, Lee Chae-rin execute Sledge, we will fight against those dirty invaders who took Nidavellir, and take it back! We can do it!"

They say that being honest worked.

By showing her confidence and determination to take back their holy land, the crowd erupted in cheers for her.

"And you humans in the crowd."

"You have worked so hard until now. I


don't know how much suffering you've been through with a weak leader like me in power. I have no words to say as a Lord, even if I had 10 mouths."

And she pointed at Sledge, who was tied up, and shouted.

"But this was because I had fallen into that sinister one's trap! The dwarves have no fault in this! Although humans and dwarves should unite, it was all because of that stupid Sledge that we couldn't. So we will, today, execute him in front of the public. Then, you guys can wave goodbye to the suffering and mistreatment you had received until now. As the Lord of this territory, I guarantee the rights of our humans civilians too!"

And when she was finished, an ear-splitting applause came from the crowd.





And as they spoke, Lee Chae-rin sighed to herself.

'Mr. Chul-in. How did you predict all of this was going to happen? Sigh, I can't even imagine how great of a person you are.'

Lee Chae-rin marveled once again at Kang Chul-in's ability. If not for him, what would have happened to her by now?


"Yes, milord."

Although Sledge struggled, he couldn't escape from the ropes that bound him.

And as soon as she gave her word to start the execution, the dog-men poured in the Bloody Wyrms, that were now inside of a sealed steel bag.

"AHHHHH!!!" Sledge screamed.


"Is.. Is that a bloody wyrm?"

"Is… he going to get eaten alive?"

The residents of Dorado screamed as well. The punishment they had for Sledge was much worse than what most people did as execution, such as beheading, or hanging.


Chomp, chomp.

The red worms slowly gouged out Sledge's flesh.

No matter whether he struggled or screamed, there was no effect on the merciless Bloody Wyrms. They instinctively went for the flesh of the dwarf hanging there.

'Endure, I have to endure. If I fail to endure here, then everything that Mr. Chul-in did for me would go to waste!'

Although Lee Chae-rin wanted to look away, she still held on toughly, her eyes glued to the sight that wasn't meant to be seen.

Because her civilians were watching, she needed to be strong, and composed.

'I'll do it, Mr. Chul-in!'

It didn't take very long for Sledge to become a skeleton.

And the civilians of Dorado were now truly impressed and entranced by their Lord's charisma.

How could a woman like her resist the sight of a dwarf being eaten? Most likely, not even the elite soldiers of the dwarven army would be able to resist turning away.

"Rebellion means death, a gruesome death."

"If you have a plot against me, I strongly advise that you give up right now. After all, I never forgive traitors."

"But since we have gotten rid of one of the traitors, our future is bright. In a month, we will take back Nidavellir, and get rid of the invaders that took the place."

Lee Chae-rin promised the residents of Dorado.

"And not only that, we allied with another Lord at the Northwest of our territory. We now have a strong, trustworthy ally."

Hearing that they had an alliance with another Lord gave the residents a glimmer of hope.

"Thankfully for us, the Lord of Laputa, Lord Kang Chul-in said that he would be the commander of our army for this war. He is definitely a strategist that is incomparably better than General Smith."

As Lee Chae-rin said this, the crowd started mumbling amongst themselves.

"New commander?"

"How great of a person is he for our Lord to speak of him like that?"

"Do you know who he is?"

Conversations about Kang Chul-in popped up everywhere. Since she had called him an incomparable strategist, the civilian's hopes for him were great.

"Because he has travelled so far and gotten rid of the rebels here, he's taking a short rest right now. So it seems appropriate that I introduce him to Dorado later instead."

As Lee Chae-rin said this, the crowd sighed. They definitely wanted to see the face of their new, awe-inspiring commander.

"I will promise everyone here. We will take back Nidavellir in a month and take revenge against the invaders. I will definitely not allow those bastards to take control of our territory for much longer. Well, that's it for today."

"Huu.." After her speech was finished, Lee Chae-rin walked into the strategy-room, exhausted.

Although she wanted nothing more than to go sleep in her bed, she didn't feel like it would be appropriate, before she thanked Kang Chul-in.

"Mr. Chul-in?"

In the empty room was nothing but Kang Chul-in asleep.

'What a terrifying person'.

Looking at the sleeping Kang Chul-in, she shook her head, as if it were ridiculous.

Terrifyingly enough, Kang Chul-in had a very detailed map of all the areas around Dorado in front of him, and that map was open, while he was asleep on his chair.

It was obvious that he had taken a short break while thinking of strategies and tactics all night long.

The sight was similar to looking at an energetic, passionate workaholic that had a short nap after doing some extra work.

"How truly…"

Lee Chae-rin started walking towards Kang Chul-in, mumbling.

Pound! Pound!

Lee Chae-rin's heart forgot the stress and exhaustion at that moment, and beat very hard at that moment.


At that moment, deep inside Lee Chae-rin's heart, a certain emotion towards Kang Chul-in started appearing.

Kang Chul-in had a special charm that entranced her.

As a Lord, he had pride that bordered on being too arrogant, and a cold personality, terrifying insight, as well as almost unrivalled military prowess. She wondered whether there would even be a drop of blood that came out if she stabbed him with a pike. It was like he had no weak spots.

Of course, if you looked at only those points it wouldn't feel like he was even human at all, but looking at his sleeping face right now, that was not the case.

When she realized that the terrifying Kang Chul-in also had a human side to him, it took away Lee Chae-rin's heart instantly.

'Mr. Chul-in… If he was good to me, how good would it be if he only looked at me…'

And she unknowingly greeded for him.

Although it was unimaginable, thinking of a scene where Kang Chul-in was hugging and being warm to another woman made her incomparably furious.

Funnily enough, she was jealous and angry at a person that didn't even exist.

'I… want him.'

At that moment, Lee Chae-rin moved her face right in front of Kang Chul-in's, as if she were entranced.

Chapter 57. Magically Engineered Satellite


Translator: Leyy

Lee Chae-rin was conflicted.

What would happen if she kissed the sleeping Kang Chul-in right now?

Would he dislike it?

Or would he like it?

What feeling would it be, kissing with a man?

Due to all of this imagination and curiosity, her mind state was already half-crazy by now.

That was how much charm Kang Chul-in had towards her.

It was as if she had been infected by the 'bad boy syndrome', where she wanted to be loved by a man who didn't show interest or attraction towards her, but didn't care at all.

It wasn't normal.

Nowadays, what kind of woman would try to take the lips of a sleeping man? Maybe Lee Chae-rin's eccentric behavior right now was because of all of the stress stacked up between the past few days.

"… Mr. Chul-in… Whatever. I don't care anymore. I'll just do it."

But the temptation was too great.

Lee Chae-rin leaned her face towards Kang Chul-in like she didn't care anymore, moving towards Kang Chul-s in's lips.

And she closed her eyes.

No, she tried to.

If Kang Chul-in didn't open his eyes abruptly and look at her.


The two people stared at each other, their faces so close that their noses almost touched.

"Uhh… Can I ask what you're doing right now?"

Kang Chul-in's face turned cold.

"M-Mr. Chul-in.. That…"

"Stay back."

"I-I'm sorry."

Lee Chae-rin apologized and hurriedly stepped back. Because of this, her attempting in stealing his lips ended in a failure.

"Lee Chae-rin."

Kang Chul-in asked her with an uncomfortable expression.


"What did you try to do to me just now?"

"U-uhh…I… I was trying to… get something off your face, because something was on it!"

"Is that so?"

"O-Of course!"

"Well, your intentions were good, but don't do something like that ever again."


"Or you'll get hurt."

Kang Chul-in's face again turned cold.

Lee Chae-rin didn't know, but she was lucky that a knife didn't go flying at her right now. Battle maniacs like Kang Chul-in hated people going near them while they were vulnerable, after all.

"To think that I would show weakness at this kind of time… I would have truly died if that was an assassin there."

"Mr. Chul-in…."

"What, is there a problem?"

"You really…"


"Huu… Never mind."

Lee Chae-rin looked as if she was going to say something, but stopped mid-way, and sighed.

"The execution is also over."

"Hmm, so it seems like you've overcome it then."

"Yes, I just followed what you told me to do."

"Well, let's rest for the rest today, and talk again tomorrow. I think you need a day at least to take in what just happened after all. Oh, and…"


"Don't lean too heavily on alcohol because you're tired and feeling down."


"It's like advertising that you drank alcohol, especially what that red face of yours. Although you don't smell of alcohol, it is a negative in itself that a Lord seems drunk."

"Stop." Lee Chae-rin stopped his words midway.

"I'm leaving."


"You shouldn't sleep in a place like this, Mr. Chul-in. Now, goodbye." And as she said bye to him, she dissappeared from the room as if she was never there.

"I guess it could be very tiring."

Looking at her, Kang Chul-in thought that the work could be too stressful for the current her to handle, making her angry right now.

The next day, the higher ranked members of the Dorado-Laputa allies discussed about how to approach the war.

"First of all, our problem is our lack of information." Kang Chul-in spoke.

"How much they have, what they are doing, how their army is formatted. Do we have answers to any of these questions?"

No-one raised their hand.

'As expected.'

It was hard for them to even send out a scout, so obviously they had no information about their opponents.

"Mr. Chul-in." Lee Chae-rin spoke.

"Should we try using some scouting hawks? I think that we should send about five into their territory…"

"No." He shook his head.

"The range is too short. Our operations will cover around 80 km. What will we do with a unit that has a maximum range of 20?"

"Hmm… Then shall we send soldiers?"

"No, that's pointless too. By sending them, it would just be just killing them off."

"Oh, I forgot to ask. What is the special ability of this territory?"

"Oh, that…. Pft." Lee Chae-rin laughed like she hadn't for a long time.

"Ehem, ehem."

"The thing is, the special ability of Dorado is linked to me."

"With you?"

"Uhh… So…"


"The special ability of this territory is called 'embarrassed moon'."

"I have no idea what you're saying though…"

"Uhh… Well, it's hard for me to explain… Urad, will you tell him for me?" Lee Chae-rin asked help from Urad.


"Yes, milord."

"…I will take your orders."

Although looked awkward, he still didn't disobey Lee Chae-rin's orders.

"Hmm… milord Kang Chul-in?"


"The thing is… our Dorado territory gets a special buff twice a year."

"And when is this?"

"When it's a full moon."

'As expected of the name, embarrassed moon.'

"And the effects?"

"Ehem… well…"

"Just say it quickly. The meeting is more important."

"Oh, well. I'll just speak. When the effect is on… it's 100 percent."

"Don't avoid it."

"When a man and a woman makes love at a full moon… the male becomes a father, and the female a mother."

At that moment, Kang Chul-in's countenance stiffened.

'God dammit, I shouldn't have asked.'

But it was at that moment.

"Huu… to think that there was a great buff like that…"

The old Nilus nodded his head and expressed his joy.

"Your majesty, I guess we don't need to worry about your descendants then." And made Kang Chul-in feel awkward.


"Later when you take in our empress, I think that we should use the first night here, during the special buff."


"Does your majesty not think this would be the best place to take in our empress? Keeping the royal bloodline alive is the most important after all.

The Nilus that looked like he would go to primary school was speaking like this, and the atmosphere soon turned weird because of him. And because Kang Chul-in couldn't tell him to just get older, he made Kang Chul-in feel awkward too.


"Yes, you're majesty!"

"Stop saying things that an old man would say."

"But I am an old man though…"

"Go outside and kneel there, while raising your hands up."

"Y-your majesty… how could you do this to an old man like me…"


Eventually, Nilus had to go out of the meeting and kneel down there, holding his hands up for more than just a couple of hours.

"Ho, how old are you to come out here and do this?"

"You got in trouble by your parents? You shouldn't come close here though, it's for authorities only."

"Huu, you're a troublemaker, huh?"

The maids and servants passing by all talked to him, and poor Nilus had tears flowing down from his eyes.

"Well, no we'll start to talk about the battle we're about to fight in."

And with Kang Chul-in's annoyed face, the meeting began.

"Now, I will began our scouting mission."

And as Kang Chul-in said that, he took out the Soul Core of his Laputa territory, and opened the Cosmic Force menu for the first time.

- Cosmic Force

Type: Magical Satellite

Uses: For many things

Explanation: A satellite with Magic applied in it.

Level: Level 1 (Maximum level 5)

Level 1: Search (Able to use)

Level 2: Area Search System (Unable to use)

Level 3: Pulse Wave (Unable to use)

Level 4: (Unable to use, unlocked when get level 4)

Level 5: (Unable to use, unlocked when get level 5)

Kang Chul-in was shocked.

'So many types…'

He was very surprised… to think that there were also so much type of searches…

'What a money-eating machine…'

And he was also surprised at how much money it took to use it.

Search (Max Level 5)

Explanation: Scans the area around you, going up to a maximum of 50km.

Basic Scan: 500 gold per scan

Live-time Scan: 1200 gold per minute

Live-time heat wave scan: 1800 gold per minute

Note: Can only be used in a 500km radius of Laputa, the range increases as the Level of Cosmic Force increases.

It really made one scream in horror at the price.

The basic scan took 200,000 dollars per scan. And that was the cheapest option.

Even someone like Lee Chae-rin, who specialized in making money, would feel pain looking at the options.

'Is it a sort of penalty?'

Well, if this sort of thing was cheap, it would be totally unbalanced, and completely broken; OP.

But Kang Chul-in accepted the cost.

'Well, at least I will try it out.'

After spending the 500 gold, Kang Chul-in bought the Basic Scan option, and used it immediately. And as he did so, the space around him fluctuated, and brought up a mini-map, telling him to select an area.


Kang Chul-in selected the Dorado territory area. He wanted to see around them first.


As soon as he clicked on the area, many pictures of the 50 km around the territory also came up, but as a hologram.


"Is this the ground from a bird's eye view?"

"What an incredible map!"

"What in the world… is this?"

The people watching this scene nearly fell from their chairs with shock.

"Mr. Chul-in… is that… a satellite?"

But only Lee Chae-rin was shocked for another reason. To think that there would be satellites in Pangaea…

"Shh, quiet."

Kang Chul-in pointed at specific places of the map, and spoke.

"Here, here, and here."

Looking at the map in front of him, he put a red flag where the enemies where concealed, and were prepared to launch guerilla attacks on them.

"Although I'm not sure how much of their troops are covered by the trees and the forest, but this is what we got to know. Now we know that they don't have a particularly large amount of troops waiting nearby."

"Then since we know where they are, shall we get rid of them?"


Kang Chul-in shook his head.

"Getting rid of them in such an open manner is a stupid thing to do. If we attack them and they get information of us after that, it would be a loss for us."

"Yes, that's true."

"But something is off."

Looking at some special things in the hologram, Kang Chul-in furrowed his eyebrows in discomfort.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you guys had lost multiple times already. It wouldn't be exactly weird if they just came against you guys, going all in. But there are not much troops around here. This doesn't make sense at all.

That's right.

The Dorado territory had almost lost 2000 soldiers while trying to take back Nidavellir.

But to think that the enemies wouldn't attack them during this weakened state? Even when they were 1 hit away from being destroyed?

It was impossible that they would just let her go, and try to humiliate her. This was not how things worked.

'Should I do a live time scan… No, that's too expensive.'

Kang Chul-in tried to think of the reasons for why this would happen.


'Is there a possibility that…'

And as he was thinking, there was an explanation that made sense, and came to mind.

"To think that they have no finishing ability."

If the scenario was what he was thinking of, the war wouldn't take a month, it wouldn't even take a week to finish.

"Why? Did you figure something out?" Lee Chae-rin asked.

"These bastards, they are celebrating too early."


"Yes. They have decided that your territory is already done for."

"What… does that mean?"

Lee Chae-rin tilted her head to show that she didn't understand. And neither did the ones sitting down in the tactics meeting.

"These guys…"

Kang Chul-in spoke in a convincing manner. "They are fighting each other."