67 - 74

Chapter 67. Capturing Kwak-jung's heart (pt. 3)

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

'God dammit'.

He had no idea why his luck was so bad, just when he was about to get through the remaining guards and run away, he had to meet this monster.

'Why! Why! Why do you have to do this to me, god!'

Kwak-jung despaired in his mind.

'God dammit, this damned bastard! Why does he have to do this to me!'

And not only that, rage seeped outside from inside his belly. He was so angry that his eyes nearly popped out.

After all, Kang Chul-s in's expression right now was no different to a child's after playing a prank against someone else. It was as if Kwak-jung was Son Goku, trying to escape from the palm of Buddha.

"U-uh, the thing is…"

Kwak-jung was surprised, flustered, frustrated and afraid at the same time.


Although he was extremely angry right now, he couldn't express it outwardly. Otherwise, he would be beaten into a pulp like he had been in Park Doo-sik's office.

"Oh, the thing is…"

Kwak-jung made an innocent expression and scratched his head.

He thought that he had grasped the perfect timing, but he had just pushed his head inside a tiger's mouth.

"U-uhh.. I was testing the guards to see their s-strength! Yes, that's it. I was playing around to test how good they are! Uhh.. S-so, I will get back into my room now. Haha!"

Kwak-jung turned his back after pretending nothing had happened. He was begging Kang Chul-in to pretend that nothing had ever happened.

"Stop moving."

But Kwak-jung's footsteps stopped midway when a voice colder than the depths of hell spoke.


Kwak-jung answered Kang Chul-in without even turning around. It wasn't intentional, just that he was too afraid of Kang Chul-in right now.

"It seems like… you won't be very easy to control."

For some reason, Kwak-jung felt worried because of those words.

'If Lee Gong-myung is white, you're black. Black should be controlled like the color black.

Although Kang Chul-in wasn't as cautious or as good as pretending as that damned Rothschild, he still knew how to treat people.

Of course, although the best way to treat someone was with kindness and sincerity, but that definitely was not Kang Chul-in's style.

His style was to pressure them and impress them with his god-given charisma and his military might, and Kwak-jung was completely similar to Kang Chul-in in that way.

They were both humans that would start crawling up if they weren't controlled very strictly.

"Turn around."

"…T-turn around."

The afraid Kwak-jung turned around and unintentionally repeated Kang Chul-in's words out of fear.


Kang Chul-in spoke.

"Will begin by getting hit by me."

And after those words, Kang Chul-in's fist flew towards Kwak-jung's stomach.


That night.

In the 14th floor VVIP hopsital room of the XX hospital, it was said that two gunshots, as well as a pig squealing could be heard until dawn.

The next morning.


Kang Chul-in's fists were definitely no laughing matter. The peacock dragon, as well as a berserker in the state of outrage had both been beaten up by Kang Chul-in with his fists; it was easy to do the same for just another adventurer.

"Good morning."

Kang Chul-in opend the door and walked in.

The shamelessness nearly made Kwak-jung flip over, but he didn't show it outwardly. If he got hit just a little bit more, he would have to bid his farewells to this world.


"The fact that you're not answering makes me feel like I need to make you do some more Mental Training…"

"G-good morning!"

Kwak-jung spoke as enthusiastically as possible, his fear winning out on his pain.

"From now on, be careful."



Suddenly, a note of papers fell in front of Kwak-jung. Since he had punished him, it was now time for a bait.

"Read it, and sign it."

"W-what is it?"

"It's a servant contract, as well as the rewards in it."

"Read it, and decide for yourself."

'This crazy bastard! Even if there really is a reward, a servant contract? This damned bastard! Am I a slave or something? Huh?'

Although Kwak-jung swore inwardly, he didn't make any expression outwardly.

'Humph…what kind of reward! I bet he'd only give me a few thousand won (a thousand won is around a dollar) and make me do some ridiculous things…Well, I guess I could have a look at it, can't I."

Kwak-jung opened the pack of notes. But inside came out a car key.

"What is t… BMW?"

"It's a 5th Generation i8 (a hybrid supercar that got famous after coming out in the movie Ghost Protocol)."

"Y-you're giving this to me? Seriously?"

"Do I look like someone that likes to joke around?"


Kwak-jung apologized.

"Continue looking."

'A house… Seocho-gu Banpo 4… Seorae Maeul? (All names of areas in seoul) And… the name… MINE?!'

Reading the sort of benefits that he would get, Kwak-jung's eyes turned wide, and nearly popped out.

'My bank account… 2,000,000 dollars? Is mine right now?'

A super-car, a good villa in Seorae Maeul (one of the two richest areas in Seoul probably), and 2,000,000 dollars in the bank right now. It was huge things that a gangster like him would definitely be unable to get. You needed to be at least the boss of a mafia or a gangster group for these kind of benefits.

And of course, that was not all.



is my ID card… wait… the ID…wait a minute… This, this isn't my ID card…!'

A new identity was waiting for Kwak-jung.

"Gangster Kwak-jung the previous Kwak-jung died while doing surgery for lung cancer."

Kang Chul-in threw out one of his hidden cards.

"From now on, you will make a new start. You will be a clean, innocent civilian and not the Kwak-jung that was living like trash.

And from this, Kwak-jung's face brightened.

'M-my death? New identity? Will I really be able to escape from this trashy life as a criminal…?'

"I made a high school identity, but college seems a bit tough. Of course, I can let you into a good school in the form of donations. Of course, Seoul University (the best university in Korea) is impossible. It'd have to be a private university for that to work."

This was the greatest bait that he had.

But instead of rejoicing, Kwak-jung was afraid.

"W-what do you want me to do…?"

He had no idea on what he'd have to do and the risks he would have to take to earn this kind of money.

"What I want?" Kang Chul-in spoke.

"Read that scroll."

Kwak-jung felt that the paper Kang Chul-in pointed at was the 'servant contract' that Kang Chul-in had talked about earlier.

'God dammit… I can't not read it now… this man, he figured out everything about me and got ready for it. There's no choice but to listen to him now.'

Kwak-jung didn't want to read the scroll which had a terrifying name. He knew that if he read it, Kang Chul-in would definitely force him to sign it.

But if he didn't read it, he also knew that he would be beaten up by Kang Chul-in anyway.

'Whatever, f*ck it.'

After closing his eyes once, he opened the 'servant contract'. And the information in it was as follows:

- Servant contract:

This contract is for the owner Kang Chul-in and servant Kwak-jung to promise and trust, and swear an oath that they will follow the rules set here, and not violate it.

Rule 1 (Rule of Obedience)

If the servant does not follow the orders of the owner, death is not enough. If the order of death is given, then suicide will take place for the obedience.

Rule 2 (Rule of Freedom)

From the beginning of the contact, all of the rights belonging to the servant will go to the owner.

The servant will not be angry or complain against any sort of physical or verbal violence against them.

(…Skip…) (This is what comes out in the original text)

Rule 7 (The longevity of the contract)

This contract is set for over 15 years since agreed to.

Rule 8 (Business Information)

No matter what business it is either in Earth or Pangaea, the servant will follow the orders of the owner in a happy way, and follow their orders to the utmost.


Rule 11 (Duty of the owner)

The owner will give the servant over 1,000,000 dollars a year, and will give extra if the servant makes significant contributions.

The owner will not spare any 'resources' in order to help the servant in doing their jobs.


'God dammit! It really is a servant contract?!'

And reading Rule 7, Kwak-jung nearly swore out loud at the conditions. The second he signed, he would have to be a servant for over 15 years.

"Excuse me, but…"

"Isn't this a little bit overboard?"

"What is?"

Kang Chul-in argued back.

"Even if the pay is 1,000,000 dollars, isn't this… just a modern-time slave?"

"Is that what you really believe?"


"You have no conscience at all, do you."

"After all, my life is on stake…"

"Your lung cancer, who do you think asked them to check it?"


"You aren't someone who would get a health check regularly, and you even smoke 3 or even 4 cigarettes a day, do you really think that you would have a future without me?"

With Kang Chul-in's outburst, Kwak-jung couldn't speak.

"After saving a dead man, I gave him a house, a car, cleaned his identity, and said that he would be paid a million dollars a year, is it reasonable to say no to this kind of servant contract?"

His words were true, and there was nothing that Kwak-jung could say back to it.


Kang Chul-in pointed at the servant contract there.

"Read a bit more. There are still some lines left."

Although Kwak-jung tried to argue back, he still decided to read it first before talking.


Reading the next few lines, Kwak-jung nearly coughed out loud. It was because the next few lines were truly shocking to him, and were the core of this contract.

The owner will find the 'servant's lost younger sister, Kwak Jung-mi and bring her to him in less than a month.'

If the statement stated above does not work out, this contract will become null, and the servant has no duty or need to give back the house, car, money and other forms of resources.

Kwak-jung was startled twice.

'J-jung mi!'

He was startled at the fact that his little sister's name came out in the slave contract…

'How… Even the existence of my little sister…'

And was again startled at the fact that Kang Chul-in knew about his little sister.

'He knows everything… absolutely everything…'

And Kwak-jung had to admit defeat to Kang Chul-in's well laid, intricate plans. And not only that, Kang Chul-in, who had just recently added this clause to the contract, smiled involuntarily.

"I will do it!"

Kwak-jung spoke hurriedly.

"I will definitely do it."

After reading about the terms on his little sister, there was no choice for Kwak-jung but to sign the contract.

"Is that so? Have you also read the last clause in the contract? This scroll isn't a normal one. This is a scroll created with high-ranked magic, and is a 'soul binding contract'.

The last cause in the contract was as follows.

Rule 17 Subclause 3 (Solution to what happens if the contract is defied)

- Whether it is the servant or owner, whichever defies the contract the contract will become null, and the one that defies the contract will die of a heart attack.

It was a terrifying condition..

In the last condition was a terrifying penalty where one would die of a heart attack if the conditions and the rules in the contract were defied.

"I'm doing it."

Kwak-jung didn't run away.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I'll do it."

"For the signature, use some of your blood instead. That is how your soul will bound."

And listening to Kang Chul-in's words, Kwak-jung bit his thumb and put the thumb mark on the area where it was marked as: signature.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, it is."

"One month…"

"One month?"

Kang Chul-in interrupted Kwak-jung's words.

"What do you mean one month. You there, bring her in."


And the second Kang Chul-in's words finished the door opened and a girl, who looked just like Kwak-jung entered the room. This was Kang Chul-in's finishing blow, the appearance of his joker card!


Kwak-jung looked at the only blood relative he had left, and started crying.

"B-bro… Sniff… Bro…"

Kwak Jung-mi was the same too.

When she had heard that Kwak-jung had cancer, all the negative emotions she had felt towards Kwak-jung disappeared like smoke.

The two, who hadn't met for over 3 years hugged each other, and started crying crazily. This was the harsh reality for those who lived tough lives, after their parents had passed away.


Looking at this scene, Kang Chul-in sighed.

Although this scene was moving, his brain was still cold and calculating.

Was it because he was a psychopath or a sociopath>

… No way.

He had been a Lord for a long time now, and he was waiting to play the final card that he had in play. Kang Chul-in was definitely a natural-born Lord, not feeling much emotion to a scene like this.


With a sound suggesting that something had been torn into pieces, a yellowish scroll had become split into two, before falling onto the ground.

This was behavior that only those truly magnanimous would have. Those who were narrow-minded would never be able to do something like this.


Kang Chul-in didn't want forced loyalty that came from threats and rewards, or pressure from the contract. What he wanted was Kwak-jung's 100% loyalty and respect.

'This man…!'

And looking at this scene while somewhat still scatterbrained, Kwak-jung's face stiffened like ice.

Chapter 68. Young Businessman Kang Chul-In (pt. 1)

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

'T-the contract….'

Kwak-jung was startled.

After ripping the soul-contract in half, it vanished into thin air, burning itself with flames.

"I think you understand what this means." Kang Chul-in spoke.

'Trust, it's trust. This man, he really wants me to work for him.'

Kwak-jung could understand what Kang Chul-in was trying to tell him.

Of course, why wouldn't he.

Who wouldn't feel a powerful message stemming from Kang Chul-in after he had ripped the soul-binding contract?

"I've done everything I could have. If you still don't work under me… it seems like we don't have fate together."

Kang Chul-in wanted loyalty that came from true respect, instead of 'duty and responsibility' that came from the contract.

If what Kang Chul-in forced Kwak-jung to do some labor work from the soul-contract, then he would just be a slave; and it would just be someone with their servant.

But what Kang Chul-in wanted wasn't something that the contract would cover, and wasn't something that you could force on someone.

After all, Kang Chul-in's goal was to conquer all of Pangaea. And would he drag along someone that he had forced as a tactician for him?

….There was no way that would happen.

Although Kwak-jung may work for him quite enthusiastically at first because he had found his little sister for him, as time went by, Kwak-jung probably wouldn't use his full ability on attacking a single territory for Kang Chul-in, let alone conquering all of Pangaea.

Kang Chul-in didn't want Kwak-jung to work under him using these shameless strategies.

The contract was just to send a message that Kang Chul-in truly valued and wanted Kwak-jung, and it really didn't mean anything else at all.

Soul-Contract? A4 Paper? Or newspaper?

All of these things worked.

"Well, I will give you some space here." And saying that, Kang Chul-in moved out of the hospital room.

Whether he would follow him, or not. The choice was up to Kwak-jung himself.

'Why…. Why does a man like him want someone like me….!'

Feeling Kang Chul-in's manliness and boldness, Kwak-jung temporarily forgot about his sister, and was confused.

"Jung-mi, Jung-mi."

Kwak-jung held the shoulders of his little sister who was in his embrace.

"Huk… Huk huk… Why, you bastard! Why! Why!"

And Kwak Jung-mi tried to fight back from the pain she had felt until now.

"Wait. wait just a little bit here."

"W-where are you going? Are you going to follow that scary person from earlier?"

"Yes, I have to say my thanks at least, as that big brother (it is respectful to call one that in Korea) was the one that let us meet."

Kwak-jung unknowingly had changed how he called Kang Chul-in from a monster-like bastard, to 'the big brother.'

Kang Chul-in's magnanimous actions had truly captured Kwak-jung's rebellious heart.

"Sniff! D-do you have to go right now?"

"Of course. That big brother paid for my operation, and bought me a house and a car. He even got me a workplace too."

"R-really? That big brother?"

"Jung-mi. He said he'll even send you to college. And if you wanted to, you could even go abroad to study. If I don't go now to thank him, I wouldn't be human."

"Although I am thankful… I… D-don't really want to study… I get sleepy if I look at a book…Uhh…Can I just not… Go?"

Because she had some family problems since a long time ago, she had disliked studying from a young age. Even if she could go to a good college, she still wouldn't want to go.

"… W-we'll talk about this at a later date."

Kwak-jung said, and covered his face with his palms. Although he himself was a mess, his little sister had also been a troublemaker since a young age.

"Just stay here for now. I'll be back soon/"

"M-me too! I'll go too."

"It's because we have an adult to adult talk to do. Okay?"

"… As if your an adult?"

"Kwak Jung-mi!"

"Go! Go, you bastard of an older brother! Hmph!"

Although she made a ruckus, it was nothing more than the tantrum of a cute little sister.

"Oi, where's big brother Kang Chul-in?"

Kwak-jung asked to the guard who was in front of the door. It was one of the guards he had knocked out yesterday.

"You goddamned… Kuhuk."

"Hey, I'm talking right now. Where is big bro Kang Chul-in right now."

Kwak-jung grabbed the guard by the collar.


"Bastard, do you have something up your nose, huh?"


The guard struggled to breathe.


Realizing the situation right now, he let go of the guard. Although he was locked up, he was an adventurer, and had some fighting skills.

'This f*cker! What did I ever do to him! Why does he always have to do something to me! Why!'

The guard swore in all sort of curses. Of course, he didn't really say that to Kwak-jung, as he was still afraid right now.

"Oh, sorry."

Kwak-jung apologized drly. He was still bitter that he had been locked up before.

"Is it okay to tell me now? Where. Is. He."

"Kuk… Cough! T-there, in the VVIP floor drinking coffee…"

And Kwak-jung left the spot straight away, walking towards the VVIP floor, looking for Kang Chul-in.


And kneeled in front of him.

"Big brother!"

Kwak-jung lowered his head.

"Your words, I think I know what you mean."

"Is that so."

After taking some espresso from the coffee machine, Kang Chul-in sat down on the sofa as Kwak-jung kneeled in front of him.

"The word big brother, it makes me uncomfortable."

The only gangster he needed around him was Park Doo-sik.

"Then big boss…"

"That too."


"Address me as a Lord."


"I am the Lord of Laputa, located in the Southwest area of the Pangaea continent, in


the chaotic region called 'Pandemonium'."


Kwak-jung remembered when he had heard of the existence of Lords.

Although Lords weren't very well known because there were so little of them, people still knew that there were some people that had gotten territories during the Great Summoning.

"Yes, milord. But…. can I ask just one thing?"

"Of course."

Kang Chul-in nodded his head.

"I wouldn't dare ask why milord was looking for me, or how milord knew about my existence. I honestly don't think that those details are very important."


"However… there really isn't a reason to treat me so well although I am an adventurer."

"That's something that I choose, not you."

Kang Chul-in drew the line.

"I decided that you had potential, and wanted you to work under me. That's it."

Telling him only the reason simply, that was Kang Chul-in's style.

"Yes, milord."

Kwak-jung nodded his head.

"This Kwak-jung although I am just a gangster from a piss-poor family, since milord wants me, I will use my utmost to serve milord. There will be no occasions where the trust that milord gives me will be given away."


Looking at the Kwak-jung swearing loyalty to Kang Chul-in, he smiled. He had finally gotten his hands on the master tactician that was equal to Lee Gong-myung.

"He has potential. I can feel it."

The Kwak-jung that Kang Chul-in saw truly had potential, felt like diamond, though coarse and rough around the edges right now.

Although it was hard to expect some significant contributions immediately, Kang Chul-in felt that as Kwak-jung got used to how the Pangaea continent worked, as well as learnt some of the tactics and troops as well as their traits, he would be invaluable.

'Black and white, righteousness and trickery. Lee Gong-myung, how would an elite like you feel if you were outsmarted and beaten by some unknown backstreet gangster like Kwak-jung?"

Just imagining the scene made Kang Chul-in joyful.


Kang Chul-in patted Kwak-jung's shoulders.

"I will say this again, I believe that you have hidden potential within you. No, I know that you do."

"Milord… Ku…Huk…"

Kwak-jung started crying abruptly.

"T-to think that… a gangster like me… stupid… not knowing anything… the trash of society…"

This was the regrets and pain that had Kwak-jung had felt until now. It was definite that Kwak-jung felt depressed and sad that he couldn't leave a normal social life like the 'others'.

"Kwak-jung." And Kang Chul-in called the crying Kwak-jung.

"Kuhuk…Yes, mi…milord."

"Clench your teeth."


"You shouldn't cry here."

To Kang Chul-in, tears were something that were useless and shouldn't come out, unless they were celebrating with happiness.

Of course, someone like Kang Chul-in wouldn't normally cry, no matter what emotions he felt.

"The day that you and me finally accomplish our grand goal. That's when both of us will cry."

"Your goal?"

"My final goal is to take total control and dominance over all of the Pangaea continent."


"Of course, I don't think I need to talk about the value that Pangaea has."

He definitely didn't need to talk about that.

In Pangaea was mana, and due to mana there were many kinds of special powers and magic. There were unique medicine as well as monsters, and different types of energy and resources too.

To take total control of a place like that didn't mean that he would only take control there, but also gain a lot of influence of Earth too.

"Kwak-jung." Kang Chul-in spoke again.

"Do you remember what you mumbled back in Park Doo-sik's office?"

Out of all of the things that Kwak-jung had said, the one that Kwak-jung had said back them was his favorite by far.

"Taking Gangnam… is that what you were talking about?"

"That's the kind of thing I want from you."

"… You want me to think on a large scale?"

Kwak-jung could understand what Kang Chul-in was saying.

"Even if you take some places in Gangnam, it wouldn't be much. Think about taking total control of all of Pangaea. Wouldn't that be much better?"

Kwak-jung felt his chest swelling with pride from those words.

'Pangaea… The alternate world connected with Earth… Take control of it? By helping milord?'

It was a dream. It was encouragement for Kwak-jung, who just wanted to live a comfortable and rich life.

'Milord gave me a life, a house, a car. And not only that… he has even found me my only family left. Not only that… he has given me a dream…'

Remembering the scene when Kang Chul-in had ripped the Soul-Contract in half, Kwak-jung felt loyalty, an emotion he had never experienced before in his life.

"Milord." Kwak-jung spoke.

"I will do it. I will follow you, and definitely help you take control of all of Pangaea!"

Although this was a common saying, a man would give their life to those who recognized them.

This was like that.

Kang Chul-in had given Kwak-jung a chance to show his prowess and given him another life, as well as unpayable debt.

Even if Kwak-jung had some rebellious spirit, at this point, it would be just stupid not to feel undying loyalty.

"Very good, I like that sort of spirit."

Kang Chul-in laughed, and felt greatly satisfied.

"Kwak-jung, I hereby name you as a soldier of our Laputa territory."

This was the moment that Kwak-jung had entered the Laputa territory.

A few days later.

Kang Chul-in was looking at himself in a mirror, taking care of his suit.

The brand he chose was called 'Ermenegildo Zegna', a suit that he thought was trendy, yet also fit him well at the same time.

'This should be enough…'

And after putting on a Breguet (a watch company that sold their watches to nobles and royalty since a long time ago), Kang Chul-in looked at himself again, and nodded.

Although the styling wasn't perfect, it was still enough to let him look presentable for today.


Kang Chul-in called for his mother, Park Sun-ja.

"Wow… Son, look at you. You could be a celebrity. It seems like your suit aren't your wings, but you yourself are the wings."

Park Sun-ja couldn't hide her shock when she saw her son dressed so well like this, especially because she herself hadn't worn a high-end, luxurious suit like this. Of course, until now.

"Ahh… I'd bet when you pass by, women would go crazy over you. Hoho!"

Listening to his mother's compliments, he didn't get happy, and his face stiffened instead. He wasn't used to these kind of compliments. Especially when they came from his own mother. He would rather ride into the battlefield than be complimented like this.

"… The car, it's here."

"Alright. Husband, I'll be back. Our son has finally gotten himself a job." Park Sun-ja spoke to a picture of Kang Chul-in's father.

"Oh, are we riding that car over there?" Park Sun-ja asked, surprised.

Was it because Kang Chul-in's car was the jaguar f type coupe?

…Of course not.

Kang Chul-in wasn't rude enough to driving with his mother in a sports car like that.

"Miss, please come sit here."

The driver greeted her politely, and asked her to move to one of the back seats. The car that was waiting for them was a XJ Jaguar Sedan.

"S-son… Is it okay for mother to ride in a car like this?"

"Our president has prepared it."

Kang Chul-in told her about Old man Kwon.

"Huu… you said his name was Old man Kwon, right? It seems like he has seen you in a very good way."

Park Sun-ja was completely unaware that the situation was the exact opposite. It was Kang Chul-in that chose Old man Kwon, not Old man Kwon that chose Kang Chul-in.

"Manager Kang, shall we go now?"

And as Kang Chul-in nodded his head, the car rushed off smoothly into the heart of Seoul, Gangnam.

The destination was Yeoksamdong, Tehran street.

Ever since 2010, a lot of the IT company's buildings that were located around this area had moved to the new area: Pangyo, and thus there were a lot of empty buildings here. And thanks to that, Old man Kwon was able to cheaply (?) purchase a corporate building that connected Pangaea to Earth.


Kang Chul-in and Park Sun-ja was heading towards the official opening ceremony of Old man Kwon's new business, called the Galaxy Corporation.

'Is it finally beginning.'

Although there were many things in Pangaea, the trade between Earth was also an unimaginably important resource to a Lord.

After all, the only thing that you could bring to Pangaea from Earth was gold, and it was the most effective way to bring gold into Pangaea.

Therefore, Kang Chul-in's plan was to take all of his share of profit from the Galaxy Corporation and change it all into gold.

'The talking-tree sap, we'll definitely spread it across the country in a month.'

Using this talking-tree sap, Kang Chul-in was planning on conquering and dominating the whole of the East Pandemonium region.

It was pretty ironic.

Kang Chul-in was going to destroy the foreign language education system, to bring a great battle into Pangaea.

Chapter 69. Young Businessman Kang Chul-In (pt. 2)

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

Gold was a form of currency that was accepted both on Earth and Pangaea.

And thanks to that, a system that used gold as a basis became the most popular trade between Earth and Pangaea.

After all, this was the most important things to the Lords of Pangaea.

To Lords, gold was like minerals and resources in a popular game called Starcraft.

They could buy units and items with gold, expand their territory, as well as pay their soldiers and workers with Gold. The importance of gold was obvious.

The Kang Chul-in of the past often sold expensive items, necklace, bracelets, rings and other types of magical accessories, earning his gold in this way.

But although the profits and gold he earnt were quite a lot, it wasn't enough for him.

When Kang Chul-in himself had been dominating the battlefield with his powerful strength, the Overlords of the Gulveig Union had been changing Earth by selling items that could be used in everyday life.

Just like the smartphone that had come out in 2010 that changed the way of living, the Overlords had changed ways of living by selling everyday items.

And as a result, 5 years after Ragnarok, Kang Chul-in had been completely pushed away in terms of economic strength.

So this time, he had to make sure the same thing didn't happen.

Because he knew that by selling only magical artifacts he wouldn't be able to control the market worldwide, he was going for a different approach.

And to him, the Galaxy Corporation was the first step to his world-wide economic domination between Earth and Pangaea.


In front of a certain building located in Yeoksamdong, Tehran Street. As the door of the Jaguar XJ sedan opened, the workers of the Galaxy Corporation bowed to him, evident that they had been waiting for his arrival.

"Director Kang, you're here."

It was all planned.

Old man Kwon was ready to do anything to completely capture Kang Chul-in's heart and in the end, this was the plan he had come out with.

Instead of trying to capture the mind of the impenetrable fortress that was Kang Chul-in, they would go for his mother, Park Sun-ja instead.

After all, what mother wouldn't like it if their son had been promoted. And not only that, the Old man Kwon that Park Sun-ja knew was just a wealthy businessman, not some sort of underworld boss.


Park Sun-ja was greatly surprised at their grand reception.

"Did you get promoted a lot?"

"W-well… I got a high position because the chairman thought highly of me."

"My son?"

To think that her son, who wasn't even thirty years old would get such a high position, Park Sun-ja was completely moved.

"Oh my god…"

"Mother, this way please."

But Kang Chul-in wouldn't let her be so impressed and led her into the building. After all, he knew that all of this was Old man Kwon's plan to get in his mother's good books.

And they were escorted into a meeting hall, where they sat in the VIP area, where only the most important people sat.

"Director Kang, nice to see you."

The first ones to greet them was Park Doo-sik and his underlings.

"Hello, Director Kang's mother."

Although Park Sun-ja was surprised at Park Doo-sik's somewhat intimidating short, sporty hair, she was soon relieved by the sight of his dumb, dull looking face.

"Director, you're here!"

"And his mother too, nice to meet you!"

And with these loud greetings, everyone in the meeting hall looked at them.

'These bastards.'

A vein nearly popped out from Kang Chul-in's forehead.

'It seems


like I need to induce some mental-training to them soon.'

Although he liked the fact that they gave up their gangster activities to become businessmen, he didn't like that their gangster-ish tendencies were still there.

'Well, thank god that at least Kwak-jung isn't…'

And at that moment, Kang Chul-in's smartphone rang, indicating that a message had come. It was from Kwak-jung, who was enjoying his free-time with his sister.

-Kwak-jung: Milord! How is this?

File: Loyalty. Jpg

And when he clicked on the file, it was a man's back with the letters '忠誠' (traditional chinese characters for Loyalty) tattooed on.

-User: What's this?

-Kwak-jung: It's a tattoo that I put on to show my undying faith and loyalty to milord.

-User: You really have a talent in making people wanting to hit you.

-Kwak-jung: … Sorry.

It seemed like he also needed to make Kwak-jung join the gangsters in the mental-training.

And after that, various different big shots from Korea came to greet him.

"Oh, you're the famed director Kang?"

"Huhu~ You've become a director with this young age? Kuuu~ I'm truly surprised. I know that Old man Kwon is very picky after all."

"Huk… Huk…"

And finally, Park Sun-ja had to wipe her tears with an expensive chanel handkerchief that Kang Chul-in had gotten her recently.

"Son… mother hasn't even done anything…"


"Mother has no more wishes left, none."

Park Sun-ja's tears didn't stop flowing.


Kang Chul-in couldn't understand why she was crying. After all, she had been the one to take care of him this whole time and he was grateful for it.

"Guys, she's crying. It's time for a barricade."

And the quick witted Park Doo-sik and his underlings barricaded their area, blocking the others from seeing the crying Park Sun-ja.

'I will never tell her.'

And meanwhile, Kang Chul-in made up his mind never to tell her the fact that he was actually a Lord in Pangaea.

Although he had recently told her that he was an adventurer in Pangaea, he didn't know how his mother would react if she knew he was a Lord.

And by the time the event was nearly over, Kang Chul-in was told over and over by his mother that she was proud of him and thanked him.

"Huu… If only my son… could get married now."

And pressured Kang Chul-in like this.

Because he had finally gotten a job and had financial stability, a terrifying pressure called family pressured him. To Kang Chul-in, this was much more terrifying than fighting an army of over a million men.

"I wish I could have a pretty granddaughter quickly…"

"Mother, I will go to the toilet."

And faced with this relentless pressure, even the mighty Kang Chul-in had to run.

After the ceremony was over, Kang Chul-in and his Galaxy Corporation immediately got to work for producing the Talking-tree saps.

And Kang Chul-in was especially busy, having to travel back and forth between Earth and Pangaea, trying to find a way to ship the products more effectively.

And as a result, they were able to create a 'dimensional door' that connected Laputa and the Galaxy Corporation, and were able to ship 500 liters over.

And the main work force for this was the civilians of Laputa.

"La la la~ La la la~"

The daughter of Mr. Rustler, Lana, hummed while roaming through the forest of Talking-trees.

Although she was forced to work, she was still happy.

And Kang Chul-in didn't make them work for free, he still paid them.

"Milord~ Our lord~ How can you be so cool~"

But Lana was busy singing to herself, and praising Kang Chul-in endlessly.

But it was understandable, as Lana did have quite a bond with him. Kang Chul-in had saved her and her father from the orc when he first stepped into Laputa, and Kang Chul-in also only took in Lana's offerings after slaying the Peacock Dragon.

Lana once again thought of her beloved Lord Kang Chul-in and blushed.

She was 15 this year.

In Pangaea you reached adulthood at the age of 16, and after this fall, she would finally become an adult. And when she did, she would finally be able to go with her beloved Kang Chul-in. Or so she thought.

- Kuku… You stupid girl, all you think of is your Lord. A young girl like you want to marry? Haha. Stop being foolish.

The Talking-tree said, telling her.

- Do you really think that your mighty Lord will even take a second glance at you? Just give up.

Although the Talking-tree kept on telling her to give up and poured insults on her, Lana still continued to hum, and work. After all, she couldn't hear them. It was due to the cute ear muffs that she were wearing.


Everyone working in this area worked while wearing Ear Muffs. This was because the Talking-trees would look into their minds and tempt them into doing things, which sometimes drove people insane.

Ear Muffs were very important.

"La la la~"

Lana hummed, as she used a steel rod to poke the Talking-tree.

-Argh, t-that place is…

The talking-tree started making weird groaning noises.

But the Lana who wore Ear Muffs didn't listen and continued to hit the same place, making the tree sap flow out.

-W-weaker… uhhhh…

The talking-tree she hit kept making weird noises. This was his private pleasure(?), seperate from the things he kept telling Lana.

Lana squatted down in front of the Talking-tree and once again thought of Kang Chul-in. But… she suddenly heard a strange voice, and turned her head.

- Come here…

"W-Who are you?'

Lana was surprised she could hear this voice despite the fact that she wore ear muffs.

- Come here… I'm waiting…

Lana stood up from the spot.

"I-I have to work…"

But while she said that, she started moving towards the voice, as if she was entranced.

Chapter 70. Lang Bro, goes huge!

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

Jang Woo-sun was a senior in high school who was trying to get into law school and become an inspector.

Since a young age, he had been entranced by their charm and had studied harder than anyone to become a respectable politician.

But after looking at his mock test results in april, he was in despair.


The problem was his english.

"Do I have to get tutored…"

… He mumbled, but he also knew that would never happen.

Because his family was poor, he couldn't afford to go to either academies or have private tutoring sessions.

"Law school… do I have to give up."

Jang Woo-sun spoke bitterly.


He knew that if he went on like this, he would definitely fail on the real test that was in June.

"You there, student!"

Someone called him.


Jang Woo-sun was startled, looking at the big man that called him.

"Come here and take a look at this. This might be of some help to you."

Oh Gwang-pil, who had once been the right hand man of Park Doo-sik beckoned Jang Woo-sun over and handed him a glass bottle that had a milky white liquid inside.

"Galaxy… corporation?"

"Haha, student you know that products from Pangaea are the new trend? Well, this here is from Pangaea."

Realizing that this product was from Pangaea, Jang Woo-sun's eyes turned round in surprise.

Everywhere around the world, including Korea was purchasing items from Pangaea like crazy.

From the most basic potion to fascinating artifacts, as well as medication that came from the dead bodies of monsters. If it was from Pangaea, there were many fascinating things that could not be seen in Earth. It was truly the great 'Pangaea Age'.

"Here, look at this."

Oh Gwang-pil pointed at a pamphlet, while giving his most 'friendly' smile.

"Our company is called the Galaxy Corporation, and we transport things in and out of Pangaea. And the thing I just gave you is the 'Talking-tree sap'.

"T-talking-tree sap? What does it do?"

"If you drink it, you can learn a foreign language."

"If it's a totally unknown language you might have to drink 7, 250ml bottles to master it, but something like English would be mastered in just three."

"I-is that so?"

Jang Woo-sun half believed, half disbelieved.

"This bottle here contains 50ml, so have it a go. If you drink it and see some effects, don't forget to share it and like it on either Facebook or Instagram. Or


of course if you have a lot of followers on Twitter, you can tweet it."

The conditions weren't bad.

"Really, bro?"

"Of course~"

And Jang Woo-sun, believing in Oh Gwang-pil's lax attitude believed in the effects of this talking-tree sap. And while heading home, his eyes were glued on the sticker.


Type of product: Drink

Due Date: 1 year from production

Volume: 50ml (sample, the real product is 250ml)

Effects: Allows you to easily master a language. For more details, go to the website.

Finish your english studies at once!

We take care of all your foreign language studies!

Galaxy Corporation.)

Lang bro seemed like a reliable title.

And hearing that the product was from Pangaea, Jang Woo-sun thought that it may really be possible to learn a foreign language quickly.

'Well, I don't think I'd die, so…'

Jang Woo-sun muttered and drank the whole drink in a single gulp.

"Not even one gulp, huh."

A 50ml drink could be drunk in one gulp.

"Well, the taste is…. Kuk."

Suddenly, Jang Woo-sun scrunched his forehead in pain, due to a headache.

'W-what is this?!'

In his head, information about English flowed through. Words, sentence structures, spelling, pronunciation etc. Everything was there for him.

And this scene was repeated in many other households.

And soon enough, the 'Lang Bro' became famous.

[Alliance News] Lang Bro, when will they start selling officially?

[Daily News] Lang Bro, showing the importance of Pangaea.

And a few days later, the Galaxy Corporation finally revealed it's production date and started a promotion with six thousand bottles in the beginning.

This was known as the 'mastering english with Lang Bro!'

Master english with Lang Bro!!! Set.

You too can master english with just three bottles of Lang Bro.

Price: 15,000,000 won (15000 dollars) for one set, one set has 3 Lang Bros.

Amount: 2000 sets, limited offer (Needs reservations.)

Ways of reservation: Homeshopping (1000 sets), Homepage (1000 sets)

- Will also choose 5 students with good grades that drank Lang Bro and pay their college fees.

And when this went online, South Korea was in chaos.

The S-grade celebrity that had everyone's 'trust' became the show-host of homeshopping, and started the revolution of homeshopping itself….

And the E-shop of the galaxy corporation went down sometimes, because the server couldn't have so much people online at once.

It was a huge success.

'This is just the start.'

Kang Chul-in said, riding on his newly bought Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, satisfied with their great start.

Although this seemed like a huge deal, both to Kang Chul-in and Old man Kwon, it really wasn't.

Lang Bro was just to get the trust of the civilians for the Galaxy Corporation, they still had some of their groundbreaking products left, hidden in store.

Although the start may be weak, the end will be strong!

This Lang Bro product was just a weak beginning compared to all that would come.


The Sesto Elemento drove through the highway with its maximum speed of 350 km/h.

And Kang Chul-in was headed to the area where the Talking-tree sap would be shipped.

Today was the day that they would receive the 500l, so he had decided to go himself.

"You're here, director!"

"Good afternoon, director!"

As soon as he got there, the people related to the Galaxy Corporation all bowed to him.

'Old man Kwon, not bad.'

Looking at the guards that stood around holding guns, he was satisfied.

"Well, let's receive it immediately."

When it finally became 00:00am, Kang Chul-in put his mana into the Dimensional Door.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Sparks flew from the magic circle, showing that the Laputa side had answered.

And as the lights dimmed down… 30 of the 10L containers came out.


Kang Chul-in's face contorted, looking at the meagre amount of bottles.

One was 10L, and they needed 50, so that they would have 500L.

30 of them was 300L.

So where had the rest gone?

Chapter 71. The man with the flute?

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

Kang Chul-in was truly angry.

They definitely needed the 500L of tree sap by today. If not, they wouldn't be able to get 1500L, which made the 6000 bottles of Lang Bros.

In order to deliver their products in time, they needed to make sure that nothing went wrong.

But… only 60% of their expected amount had come.


Kang Chul-in inhaled deeply, trying his best not to explode in rage.

There must be a reason for this. Otherwise, there would be no shortage in supply. He knew that it wasn't the civilians being lazy, there must be a cause. Whether it was enemy raid, a monster appearing, or something else.

But even though he knew this, it didn't change the fact that he was angry.

This was a problem of trust.

Old man Kwon had completely put his trust in Kang Chul-in, and marketed a huge product, using his personal money and constructing the Galaxy Corporation.

He had taken care of Kwak-jung for him, given him a mansion in Seocho, as well as gotten him several cars.

If he was unable to meet his end of the bargain, that would make him nothing else but a liar.

Their harmonious relationship might break off, and it would also be embarrassing to face Old man Kwon like this.

For someone like Kang Chul-in, who never went back on his promises, this was very rage-inducing.

"Director, don't you think we're missing just a bit of products?"

The one in charge of shipping the products said.

"Yes, we are missing some."

"There must be a problem in Pangaea. I will tell the higher-ups about the problems, so you should just get to putting it in the storage area."

The 'higher-ups' he said was referring to Old man Kwon.

"Yes, director."

And as soon as he ordered them, he rode on his Sesto Elemento, and headed towards Yeouido.

Because this dimensional door was not for humans, he had to go to the 63 building and move back towards Laputa.

"Old man." Kang Chul-in decided to call Old man Kwon on the way.

"Kuku, what is it? Oh, is today when the products come in?"

"Old man, there's a problem."

Kang Chul-in decided to tell him the truth, and apologize. It wasn't like Kang Chul-in to avoid these kind of things.

"Huh? What do you mean problem?"

"Only 300L of the products have come in. It looks like there's a problem in our territory."

"Oh, and here I was, thinking it was something big."

Old man Kwon was surprisingly calm, and didn't seem to care much.

"Kuku, these things happen when you do business."

"You shouldn't be feeling to well though?"

"Well, I trust you, so what is there to be upset about? Aren't you going to solve the problem soon enough anyway?"

Old man Kwon really didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, let me ask you one thing."

"What is it?"

"Remember… the peacock dragon meat? Hmm… hmm… yes, that thing… was very good."

Kang Chul-in suddenly felt that the talk was going to get annoying.

"The, you know, right?"


"The celebrity Lee Eun-mi! Ms. Lee Eun-mi."

"Who is…"

"Huhu, do you not even watch TV shows or Drama? Tzzt tzzt, to think that you don't even know the famous 'Korean aunt."

Hearing the phrase 'korean aunt', Kang


Chul-in thought of a middle-aged woman that was elegant.

"… Old man, are you doing romance?"

"Hmm… it just worked out this way…"

"You guys might have a large difference in age though…"


It seemed like Old man Kwon was having the quite 'greyish romance.'

"Anyway… can I ask you for some more of that Peacock Dragon meat?"


"… Fine."

"HAHA! I knew you were a reliable man. Well, how long would this take?"

"One week."

"Well then, I'll leave this to you. I have an appointment with Ms. Lee Eun-mi tomorrow, so…"

And at that moment…

"Mr. Hyung-woo, who are you calling?"

A voice that Kang Chul-in was familiar with spoke. It was a voice that he heard in TV.


Kang Chul-in hung up the call, and threw his phone to the seat next to him. Old man Kwon… this man truly had no scruples.


When Kang Chul-in stepped out of the magic circle, Lucia came forth, and kneeled.

And of course, the same came for a lot of others. Nilus, Timothy, James, as well as the newly accepted Michael. All of the high-ranked members of Laputa came forth and bowed to him.

'It seems that there truly is a problem.'

Kang Chul-in didn't rage at them.


Michael came forward, and once again kneeled before Kang Chul-in.

"Please kill me."

And he handed his blade to Kang Chul-in.

'What's with this guy?'

Kang Chul-in was startled at Michael's ominous behavior.

"Milord… this incapable knight… has failed milord's orders in guarding the perimeter around the Talking-trees. According to the military law, please kill…"

"Michael." Kang Chul-in interrupted him.

"I will decide what to do."


"What is it?"

"Well, the thing is… Lana Lovely has gone missing."

"Lana Lovely?"

"It's that girl that milord had saved when you first came to Laputa from the orcs. She was also the one that you accepted the flowers from when you came back after slaying the Peacock Dragon."

And listening to the explanation, Kang Chul-in nodded his head.

"But is the disappearance of one girl that important?"

Kang Chul-in spoke coldly.


Kang Chul-in wasn't some sort of weak Lord who would go searching for just one missing civilian. What kind of Lord would do that? Only a weakling would.

"No, I'd bet that this isn't everything."

Kang Chul-in felt that there was another reason, that wasn't this.

"Yes, milord."

Lucia spoke.

"The disappearance of Lana is just one of many."

"One of many?"

"Yes, 37 teenagers under the age of 16 have gone missing. All vanished. Without a single trace."

And listening to this, Kang Chul-in understood.


Kang Chul-in called Podolski.

"Have you investigated?"

"Yes, milord. After the disappearance, I've called in adventurers to go scout for information."

"And the result?"

"Everyone went missing."

The more they spoke, the worse it got.

To think that his precious 'Team Slayers' went missing?

"Is there a chance that it is an attack of another Lord or a group of monsters?"

"No, sir."

"None at all?"

"There is none at all. There are no footsteps, blood, or any trace that they have invaded the territory. This Podolski, I can bet my life on this."

It was a mystery.

There were no trace of enemies, but only missing teenagers and adventurers?

…What kind of situation is this?

'It's not like it is Pied Piper of Hamelin or something.'

Kang Chul-in sighed, thinking of the german folk-tale about the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

"Ugh, I nearly died."

It was that moment.

"I found it, I found it!"

A man walked into the hall, with a proud expression.

Ruff Ruff!

And a Welsh Corgi followed behind that man.

'God dammit.'

Looking at the man with the dog, Kang Chul-in's facial expression got even worse.

"Yo, Chul-in!"

The man, Dorian Explorer waved his hand at Kang Chul-in, smiling.

And the one following him was the S rank unit, a seeker.

Dorian had picked an S rank unit in the past, but to think that he would do so again. It was true that a man that succeeds one could do so again.

"Why are you in my territory?"

Kang Chul-in spoke, even more annoyed now.

"Cuz' I'm bored? There's nothing much to do around my territory, so I decided to go adventuring. And when I came near this area, I thought of you, and came here!"

"… But your secretary will start nagging you again?"

Kang Chul-in remembered Dorian's secretary, a small fairy like tinkerbell, that nagged all day.

"… Please don't talk about Pixie."

Dorian spoke in a tired expression. It seemed like he too, was fed up.

"Oh, right!"

Dorian slapped his forehead, and spoke.

"I found it!"

"Found what?"

"Where the missing ones are!"

Surprisingly, it seemed like Dorian was here in order to help him with this situation.

"Dungeon, it's a dungeon."

"A dungeon?"

"Kang Chul-in, there's a dungeon right under your territory."

Chapter 72. Hidden Quest

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy


Kang Chul-In found it difficult to swallow Dorian's words.

There was no dungeon within the Laputa territory.

There was an underground prison, but it was just a small prison, not reaching even 300 square meters.

And it was even harder to believe that it would only pop up when they were flying.

"Oh, then is it not a dungeon?"

Dorian changed his words.

"I mean, there is a quest tab that popped up, but I can't really see it. It says I don't have the permission to."

"A quest tab?"

"It says that only the Lord of the Laputa territory can see it."

Kang Chul-In was interested in what Dorian's words meant.

'Only I can see it? It must be a hidden quest then.'

Within Pangaea, there were some rare occasions and instances where a hidden quest would pop up. And it would seem that this time was one of those cases.

"Can you show it to me?" Kang Chul-In said.

" 'Course!"

Dorian opened his quest tab and showed it to Kang Chul-In.

- The Final Safehouse, 'The Royal Palace'

- (Unknown)

Aim: (Unknown)

Reward: (Unknown)

Difficulty: (Unknown)

- This quest is only doable by the Lord of the Laputa territory.

- (Unknown)


It was said that Dorian did not have the permission, and everything was filled with unkowns.

'Maybe it's a jackpot.'

Looking at this unidentifiable quest, Kang Chul-In thought that this might be a very lucky chance for him.

These kinds of quests would have rewards that were great, no beyond great and would be a jackpot even out of jackpots. And not only this, only the Lord of Laputa could complete the quest.

"Lord of the Laputa territory, Kang Chul-In's quest tab."

Kang Chul-In spoke the command words.


And the quest tab in front of Dorian's disappeared, while a quest tab in front of Kang Chul-In had appeared. The one in front of him however, had no 'unknowns'.

- The Final Safehouse, 'The Royal Palace'

- Investigate the ruins of the Ancient Kingdom!

Aim: Clear 'The Royal Palace'

Rewards: Exp. +3000 / +2 Levels / Ticket of Territory Enrichment / Needle of the Empress (Epic Item)

Difficulty: Immeasurable (Epic)

- The Quest is only doable by the Lord of the Laputa Territory

- The Quest is doable by the allies of the Lord of Laputa, but the rewards will only go to the Lord.

Be careful, unfamiliar one.

That if you are not the true Lord and owner of Laputa, you shouldn't challenge this quest.

Only, only the 'True Lord of Laputa' will be able to finish this quest… fake Lord, face death for challenging the might of the ancient royal family.

"This is some bull**** they're spouting."

Kang Chul-In grimaced, as if he were unsatisfied with the contents of the quest.

"Milord, why are you so angry?"

Lucia spoke calmly towards Kang Chul-In, trying to calm him down.

"This stupid quest told me not to challenge it if I am not the true Lord and owner of the Laputa territory. It even warned me saying that I could just be the fake, false Lord.

This made all of the high ranking official's faces of Laputa go grim.

"Where can one see such a stupid, ignorable quest like this?!"

And Nilus's rage was especially great.

"The whole of the Pangaea continent is milord's territory, how can there be such an ignorable quest like this?!"

Although Nilus was going overboard with this matter, what he said was true.

No matter who saw it, Kang Chul-In was the rightful owner and Lord to the Laputa territory.

"It's been a long while since I've been so angry." Kang Chul-In roared in a low voice.



"This quest, where have you received it? Tell me from when you said that there was a dungeon at the bottom of my territory."

"Oh, so…'

Dorian lifted up the dog.

"It's thanks to this guy over here. He is…"

"The S rank unit, 'Seeker'. Is he not a 'Treasure Seeker'? You probably named him 'Lucky', so we will go over that story."

Kang Chul-In answered quickly.

"Huh? No it's not…"

Dorian shook his head.

"..What's not?"

"He is an S rank unit and he also is a seeker, but his name isn't 'Lucky'. This guy's name is Jack! Like from 'Jackpot', ya know?"

It seemed like Dorian picked the same unit from the Random Unit Selection, yet had named his unit differently.

"Isn't that right, Jack?"

"Bark, Bark!"

"Well anyway, continue on with the story."

Every single minute, every single second was important. There was a 6 day time limit for when he had to hand in all of the Talking Tree saps in.

"Well, it wasn't really much. Since there were no traces of kidnapping, I could only rely on Jack to help me. I tried to take the clothes and shoes of the kidnappees, and tell Jack to follow after the people who had been kidnapped. And as a result… Well, do you have a map here?"

Listening to Dorian's request, Timothy handed a map of the area.


And after thanking Timothy, Dorian pointed at the Northwestern Region of Laputa.


It was towards the outermost regions of where the Talking Tree saps were being harvested, and was near a cliff.

"Because of the fact that there is a cliff here, it's a place that requires equipment and gadgets used for climbing, and it's also where the tracks of them stopped. So…"

"The kidnappees suddenly teleported, or


started flying there?"

Kang Chul-In finished the sentence.

"Yes, you're right. And if not for that, there were would be a bunch of corpses lying at the bottom of the cliff."

"If it were done by monsters, there would be blood. It seems like you've gone down there before."

"Yes, you're right."

"And what happened?"

"Well, everyone that's gone inside has died."

Dorian spouted some terrifying words to hear from his mouth.

"From the entrance to 300m in it's only 5 meters wide, and all of the monsters there are level 30. So many of them there. And looking at the direction of it, it's right under your territory."

300m inside is just the beginning of a dungeon. And if the monsters at the beginning and the outskirts were all level 30, that meant that the monsters in the inner regions would have to be at least level 40 or higher.

"I went inside once, and nearly died because of the monsters inside. I had to run away from there without even talking a single look back."

"Did the monsters have any special characteristics or traits?"

"Hmm… Well, they were quite peculiar. Wooden dolls, Plush dolls, Wax Dolls. All of them were really well made and cute, but they were also all ridiculously powerful."

Dorian seemed to take being chased by those cute monsters as a loss of pride, and spoke sourly.

"I mean, those monsters aren't even ogres or minotaurs, they're just stupid dolls…"

Dorian continued to complain, but Kang Chul-In was too focused on what Dorian had said before to listen to his incessant complaining.

'This boss monster is absolutely terrifying. The distance from the dungeon entrance is over 5km long. To charm and control the minds of the children from that distance… That's some terrifying mind control ability. And if it had to use Telekinesis to lift the children up from the cliff, then that's even worse. And not only that… If the monsters at the front were dolls… It's a very high-class esper type, a Puppeteer.'

It seemed like this boss monster was a hard nut to crack.

'At least level 45, and level 50 at worst case scenario? There's a high probability that it's a named unit too.'

A puppeteer was a ridiculously rare class, and there was almost a 99% chance that the ones with this class was not a monster, but an NPC instead. And there was also a high chance that they were like Nilus, with very high stats too.

"Chul-In. Oi, Kang Chul-In."

Dorian suddenly spoke to Kang Chul-In, who was working hard to figure things out.


And Kang Chul-In finally stopped thinking, and turned to face Dorian.

"You listening?"

"Yes, I am. Continue."

"Hmph… don't think you are."


"Looking at the fact that there were no corpses at the entrance, or blood stains, there is a high possibility that they were dragged further into the cave."


"Is it obvious?"

"Listening to your story, this dungeon's boss, or at least some mid-way boss or guardian of this dungeon is a puppeteer with some tremendous Telekinesis. And these Puppeteers…"

Kang Chul-In spoke as if disgusted.

"Love to play with people in ways that they want. Turning them into their own slaves to do their bidding."

"I.. Is that so."



"In some extreme cases, they rip out the innards of a human, and plant inside machinery inside their instead for fun. No matter which type it is, they both are crazy; and need to be stopped."

"Those damnable bastards!"

Dorian said loudly, not masking his displeasure.

"Well, thanks anyway for the information."

Kang Chul-In nodded his head.

"Then what shall I get ready?"


"Don't we need to get ready in order to beat that stupid guy up? He seems powerful, and I don't think we can just dive in headfirst without any sort of plan."

Dorian said something that was worth listening to.

"You're going to join in raiding the dungeon?"

"Of course I am! There's a stupid psychopath in the middle of my friend's territory, and you want me to sit still? There's no way in hell I'm doing that! I'm going too! A man is nothing without integrity!"

Dorian showed his integrity and showed his will to help.

"Well, even if you do help, there are no rewards for you here. Looking at the quest, there will only be rewards for me, the owner of Laputa. Will you still participate?"

Kang Chul-In asked again.

"Reward? Peh. INTEGRITY!"

Despite Kang Chul-In telling Dorian there would be no rewards, Dorian still decided to participate.

'Hmph, you're always that same guy.'

Dorian was the same as he was in Kang Chul-In's past life, and due to this attitude of his, he was always dragged around by not just Kang Chul-In, but others too.

Otherwise, there was no way that a level 150 adventurer would raid a dungeon in the middle of the Land of a Lord that was level 20.

But even after Dorian realized the truth of the things there, he told himself 'well, I guess these kinds of things happen'. And that was the problem about him. His nature was just too kind.

"Very well."

Kang Chul-In nodded his head.

"If you want to take a loss that much, I guess I'll let you taste it."

Although other things were uncertain, one thing that you could trust about Dorian was his skill. And not only that, he even had Jack by his side now. There was no way that they would get lost in the dungeon now.

"Milord, I wish to follow you too!"

Lucia held her hands up, reacting quickly.

"Of course."

To Kang Chul-In, Lucia was good help, due to her ridiculously high defense she had.

"Your highness, please don't forget about this old one!"

Nilus also wanted in the expedition.

"Milord! Even the children of the territory of Laputa have disappeared; it wouldn't make sense for I, Podolski to not join in!"

Podolski also volunteered to go.

"Milord, I've had no chances to prove myself! Please, please give this James a chance to show his worth in battle!"

Even the Knight commander James applied himself to go. After all, he was a titled and esteemed commander of the knights, and due to the fact that he had no chances to fight, his whole body was pent up with fighting will.

"Dorian, Lucia, Nilus, James, and me. The raid will by done by the five of us. According to Dorian, the dungeon was only 5m wide. An elite squad of small numbers would be better."

Kang Chul-In chose the line-up without hesitation.


Podolski, who wasn't included in this line-up, made a crying face.

"How could you do this to poor Podolski…"

"The children are gone. The civilians right now are frightened, and it is no position for someone like you to leave, as you will have to keep the security in check."


"You showed your worth well back in Dorado. Just rest for this one time."

"Yes, milord."

Podolski nodded his head.

"Commander of the White Lion Knights, James. Hear me."

Kang Chul-In looked back at James, who was still waiting for his punishment.

"Yes, milord.."

"Although failing your duty as patrol was your fault, it is also true that sometimes, things just happen."


"It is also partially my fault that I didn't realize there was a dungeon within our territory, and therefore I will give a punishment befitting of your faults."

"Thank you, milord!"

Michael bowed his head graciously.

"Commander Michael, as well as his knights from now on will patrol the Laputa territory and defend it against invaders until the day that Lord Kang Chul-In comes back from the dungeon expedition. Is that clear?"

Kang Chul-In gave a punishment that couldn't really count as a punishment.



Kang Chul-In spoke.

"While I'm gone, you have to protect the territory with all of your might. No matter whether an army of monsters, a dragon, outside forces, you will have to take responsibility for the territory and defend it."

Everyone in the hall was surprised at Kang Chul-In's words.

Of course they were surprised.

Although it was a 'punishment' it was more of a sign of trust, due to the heavy responsibility given to them.

Especially to the knight group who had already failed in their duty once. It was a very rare thing to do as a lord.


Startled, Michael's face turned red out of embarrassment and emotion, and didn't know what to do.

"Since you understand, I will trust you."

Saying this, Kang Chul-In disappeared deep into the Lord's hall. To Michael, it was a heaven-sent blessing and opportunity.

Chapter 73. Puppeteer Raid Squad

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

They had to go.

If only one of the girls of the territory that was mentioned before, Lana Lovely, was kidnapped, Kang Chul-In would not go himself.

It wasn't right for a Lord to risk his life to save a life of just one commoner girl. But if it involved the lives of many kidnapped children, then it would matter, as it would involve the risk of losing the trust of the citizens.

And not only this, the quest offered +3000 exp, +2 Levels, 1 ticket of territory enrichment, and most importantly, the Epic Item: the Needle of the Empress.

Finally, this was also linked to the talking tree sap problem. There was no choice but for Kang Chul-In to start the expedition.

The next morning, Kang Chul-In, along with Dorian, Lucia, Nilus, and James rode on a horse, and headed towards the Talking Tree forest, under the watchful and hopeful gazes of the citizens.

"I will go first, so follow after 30 minutes."

Kang Chul-In spoke, as he led his horse forward in a gallop.

"Milord, why don't I go instead…"

"No worries, I have a plan."

After quickly responding to Lucia's question quickly, he headed quickly into the forest.

The reason for this was because he didn't want to wear ear muffs.

For a grown man to go inside the Talking Tree forest was quite a pain.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for yourself to realize your own true, hidden thoughts? And for this reason, ear muffs inside the Talking Tree forest was a must.

But the problem with this was that there was only one type of ear muff in the whole of the Laputa territory. And whoever wore that seemed to be cute, due to the sheep-shaped design.

If Kang Chul-In wore that, then he would be vulnerable to people laughing at him, and that was not something that he wanted as a Lord.


Lucia licked her lips in an unsatisfied manner, still staring at the disappearing silhouette of Kang Chul-In's back.

"Why do you do that?"

Commander James asked cautiously.

"I could have seen milord's cu… I… I mean… Never mind."

Lucia mumbled, but soon returned to her cool, collected self.

"Nothing. It's absolutely nothing."

Although James was confused, he didn't speak back to Lucia, who had the second highest position in the whole of Laputa.

At the same time, Kang Chul-In had to endure the constant talking of the Talking Trees.

- Your that guy who took away our brothers?"

- Kh… What's the almighty Overlord doing over here?

- Your thinking of taking all of Pangaea for yourself! You crazy, wartorn bastard! Your just a bloodthirsty dictator!

And the talking trees even talked about the past, when Kang Chul-In had yet to come back with his Soul Backup.

'It's a good thing I came alone'.

Even though the others wore ear muffs, there was still a chance that they could accidentally hear something. Just because of that small possibility, Kang Chul-In came into the forest alone.

Kang Chul-In didn't rage at the constant mutterings of the Talking Trees, nor did he even respond to them. He wasn't someone fainthearted, and could not be shook by these mere trees. However…

- All you think about is work,


work work. Just like your mother said, when will you ever get married? Tzzt tzzt… a young man like you should think more about chicks and women while you have the chance. Otherwise you will never be able to get your mother her beloved granddaughter she wants so badly, and will remain a virgin for… AGHH!!

The Talking Tree who had touched Kang Chul-In's reverse scale screamed, and the sap from it came flooding down. Kang Chul-In had gone and slashed the tree while it was talking.

No matter who it was, there was a limit to where someone could take. Whether it was a human, or a tree.

One hour later.

As the Raid Squad' followed under Kang Chul-In's lead, they took out their gadgets and gears used to climb down the cliff, and started going down carefully.

Tat, Tahat!

But as the others were doing that, Kang Chul-In jumped from pointy stones to other pointy stones on the walls.

"Sigh… is he even human anymore?"

Dorian saw this scene, gasped in shock.

Unlike the others, Kang Chul-In didn't use any equipment to get down the precarious cliff. Kang Chul-In, with his overdrive on for a short burst of time, could make even Dorian, who was once part of the British special forces SAS, go slack in shock.

"We can't lose to him! Let's go, Jack!"

Muttering, Dorian hugged Jack, and followed behind Kang Chul-In, also without equipment.

He was the junior of the famous host of the Man vs Wild show, Bear Grills. There was no way that he couldn't do what Bear Grills could. And not only that, he could also use mana.


Of course, he couldn't go down the cliff like Kang Chul-In did, without the use of his hands.

"Ugh… I think my bones will break by the end of this."

Bark Bark!

Dorian was having a rough time, mainly due to his useless, competitive spirit.

"Sigh, I don't think those two are normal at all."

James said, shaking his head.

"Is that so?"

And saying this, Lucia also jumped down the cliff without safety equipment, grappling into the walls with her iron-hard fists.

"Hmph… at least this it will be hard for this old man then. Hmph… Yes, I bet it is."

But as he said that, Nilus used the magic spell 'Fly', getting to the bottom of the cliff the easiest out of all the members.

"… Oh god."

James, who was left behind stared at the others at the bottom with envious eyes, staring at the others as if they were not human. And he also had to get down via ropes and equipment, something that he thought made him look lame.

"It's humid in here."

Kang Chul-In muttered, as he got inside the dungeon.

Just like Dorian had said, the dungeon was about 5m wide, and was very tightly packed. And due to the fact that it was pitch black, they couldn't see what was in front of them.


Abruptly, some letters came out in front of Kang Chul-In's face.

[Laputa's Soul Core Detected! Verifying… It is real.]

And out of the two swords that were placed in Kang Chul-In's belt, one of them, which was the Soul Core of Laputa, started shining crazily. He had brought it just in case, but he didn't know that this would happen.

[… Verification, Complete! Due to the entry of the Lord Kang Chul-In, the difficulty of the dungeon falls to 'Level 50'.]

'Going down to Level 50?'

Kang Chul-In once again looked at the difficulty of the quest.

- Difficulty: Level 50 (Epic, -50 levels)

'Holy crap.'

Looking at these words, it would seem that the dungeon was originally made for Level 100.

He could well understand why there was a warning towards the 'Fake Lords'. A level 100 dungeon could prove to be quite troublesome to even the Kang Chul-In of the past.

If he was to go in there right now, he would be absolutely annihilated.

'This dungeon is insane.'

After being surprised by the high difficulty of the dungeon, Kang Chul-In started walking again.

"Be careful. These guys are super strong. I couldn't even put up a proper fight."

Dorain said as if nervous, holding up the two red gauntlets he had attached as weapons.

"Of course."

Kang Chul-In nodded.


And as he said that, Kang Chul-In took out a light pinkish 'katana' that he had bought before coming on the raid.

This item was a unique item of the fire category, that was specialized for stabbing. And it costed 700 gold, and was something that he bought specifically for this dungeon, as he realized how difficulty of it.

"Lucia, stay with me."

"Yes, milord."

With a happy smile on her face, Lucia walked to the front of her group, conveniently protecting Kang Chul-In. It was the best formation, with Lucia as the tanker and Kang Chul-In attacking.

And as they walked around 5 minutes, the first battle began.


It seemed like the cave was ringing.



The whole cave collapsed.


And the second Kang Chul-In cursed out loud, couple tens of will' o wisps stared at them.

"…They're coming!"

And Kang Chul-In clasped the katana in his hand, ready for battle.



And with loud footsteps, 'they' showed themselves in the dark.

Chapter 74. The ruins of an Ancient Empire

Editor: Arya

Translator: Leyy

'W-What the hell…'

Kang Chul-In cursed, and nearly dropped his katana due to the astonishment he felt.


Nilus also sighed, as if he was speechless.

"S-Secretary Lucia."

James, who was also startled, called for Lucia.

"D-Do you know what those things are?"

"Do you think I would know?"

Lucia also said, and closed her eyes tightly.

"Be careful guys!'

Those things are very powerful!"

Only Dorian, who had experienced those 'things' was still tense, and nervous.

"This puppeteer's tastes… sigh…"

Kang Chul-In said, and sighed loudly.

The monsters that came out from the dark were… like Dorian said, dolls. They were dolls, and dolls that had cute designs.

They were even diverse.

Dolls ranging from teddy bears, wooden dolls with tuxedos, metal dolls shaped like knights, and even wax dolls shaped like beautiful ladies. It was as expected of a dungeon that seemed to have a puppeteer.

"Kang Chul-In! Be careful!"

Dorian said, like a stressed cat.

"I know."

Kang Chul-In then regained the focus that he had momentarily lost.

Although these dolls had cute exterior appearances, Kang Chul-In knew that they were monsters that just followed the order of the evil puppeteer.

The second that they relaxed was the second that they would die to the arms of these dolls.


Lucia warned in her angelic voice. There was a gigantic teddy bear doll that was running towards them.


Inside the small cave, the loud footsteps of the doll reverberated around the walls.

"I will stop it!"

Lucia held up her shield, Aegis, and stood in front of the Teddy Bear.


And Lucia faltered.

'I-I'm getting pushed back?!'

Lucia was someone who had even stopped the attacks of an ogre. And she had even fought for a while against a female peacock dragon while using her 'War Machine mode'.

And that Lucia lost in terms of power. Although the Teddy Bear was over 3 meters tall, it was a sight that was difficult to believe.

Kang Chul-In caught the faltering Lucia. And holding the katana, 'Ifrita' in his hands, he stabbed towards the Teddy Bear.


And the pinkish sword stabbed itself in the midriff of the doll.


After swinging a couple times, Kang Chul-In started using his most powerful moves. Due to the fact that these dolls had power exceeding that of an adult ogre, it was better to finish them off as quickly as possible.

Pzzt.. Pzzztt..

Sparks flew, and Kang Chul-In's mana flowed through Ifrita, before going inside the Teddy Bear. And….


With a loud sound, the Teddy Bear exploded, and fell backwards.

'Its working!'

Kang Chul-In was satisfied with the effect that the intraburst had on these dolls.

However impossibly… what Kang Chul-In thought was thoroughly wrong.

Like a zombie, the Teddy Bear stood back up, despite it's poor shape. Although the Intraburst and the fact that Ifrita was of the fire category, the Teddy Bear was on fire, it was still fully capable of moving.


Kang Chul-In was surprised.

He thought that if he had broken the machinery inside the doll it would be over, but that was not true.

There was just cotton inside. Just cotton, and no 'core' that most monsters would have.

'To think that it was pure Telekinesis…'

In order to control all of these monsters, the boss monster in this dungeon would have to be ridiculously powerful, and have to be the highest of the highest ranked Espers.

Did this make any sense?

Kang Chul-In thought to himself.

No named unit he had seen before, or even Overlord that he had seen before had this level of Telekinesis, and this was completely overturning everything that he had learnt about psychic users.

"Milord! The 'Dispel' spell isn't working on them!"

Nilus spoke, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"These things… they seem to be pure…"

"I know!"

Kang Chul-In shouted back.

"They are controlled purely by Telekinesis."

And as Kang Chul-In said that, he started chopping up a wooden doll in front of him.

"But there is no other way. We have to just fight."

If Nilus's dispel or Kang Chul-In's Intraburst didn't work, they could only force through using brute strength.


"Yes, milord!"

"Let's go!"

And the fantastic duo started running towards the dolls, and fought.

"I'm going to!"

And as Dorian shouted, a spike about 40cm came out of his gauntlet.



And Dorian, who had learned from Kang Chul-In, started also using his own version of 'Intraburst'.

"Kuku… Telekinesis, huh."

Nilus chuckled, and two flames from each hand started to rise.

And these flames started to divide into many pieces before becoming snake-shaped, and wrapping around the dolls. Due to the fact that Nilus's mana control was so good, the serpents seemed to be alive, as they coiled around the dolls.

'Stupid dolls'.

Although these things were not technically dolls, it still made Kang Chul-In angry, as their attacks seemed to be useless against these cute little things.


And as Kang Chul-In raged, a whirlpool comprised of mana started forming around him.


"Stay back."

Kang Chul-In with Overdrive, an angry Kang Chul-In started dashing towards the dolls.

They stood up if he beat them up?

… Well then he would cut them up so bad that these dolls would not be able to move at all. Kang Chul-In was someone that could not stand frustration.


Kang Chul-In's sword started shining brightly, due to the fact that so much mana was


compressed into the sword at once.

This move was 'Sword Light', where once would be able to cut through anything.


Kang Chul-In started to rampage around the battlefield…


Crack, Crackk…

And the limbs of the dolls were cleanly chopped off.

"What the hell is that…"

Dorian, who was already shocked at the fact that Nilus was literally melting the living daylights out of the dolls, was once more shocked when he saw 30+ arms and legs being chopped off at once due to Kang Chul-In's Sword Light.

"Finish them off quickly."

Saying this, Kang Chul-In slowly and quietly left the battlefield.


Knowing that Kang Chul-In had slightly overexerted himself, Lucia looked at him with worried eyes.


But as Kang Chul-In ordered, she quickly began to finish off the dolls left behind.

"Nilus, burn them all up."

While the rest of the squad were fighting, Kang Chul-In leaned against the wall. Just like Lucia had thought, Kang Chul-In had overexerted himself while fighting.

Although it was for a short while, he had turned on Overdrive, and even activated 'Sword Light'. For someone of his level, this was something that should be carefully controlled.

Kang Chul-In was currently Level 36.

Although he was definitely at the top of the top out of all of the Dimension Travellers, it still was a little bit off of using Sword Light.

Sword Light was a move only meant for high leveled warriors.

Looking at the fact that Kang Chul-In had learned 'Sword Light' when he was Level 60, he had used a move that exceeded his Level by 24.

And thanks to this, Kang Chul-In's mana was at a measly 10%.

'Why was such a hard, difficult quest issued towards me?'

Kang Chul-In thought, while drinking a mana potion.

Normally, these kinds of insanely difficult quests would not be given without a reason. Yes. A reason. There must be a reason behind all of this.

"Milord, are you alright?"

Lucia was the first one that headed towards Kang Chul-In.

"I'm alright, I just used up an excessive amount of mana."

Kang Chul-In waved her away, showing that he was fine.

"From now on, we move slowly. We will try to avoid unnecessary fights, and keep our focus on finding and beating the owner of this dungeon quickly."

2nd day of the Dungeon Raid, Morning.

After fighting over 7 battles, the squad decided to take a short rest. The one on guard duty was Lucia.


Lucia looked at the sleeping Kang Chul-In with warm feelings.

'He always tries to carry the weight of everything…'

The past two days, the one that had done basically all of the work was Kang Chul-In.

And the main reason for this was that the further they went in the narrower the cave got, which made Nilus unable to cast his wide-range spells that he was especially proficient in.

And due to the fact that Kang Chul-In was by far the strongest in One on One situations, he had to do most of the work.

'This Lucia, wants to become powerful…'

Nilus wasn't able to show his true prowess due to the size of the cave, and although Dorian was learning the 'Sword Light' from Kang Chul-In, he still had a long way to go.

Although James was doing his role fine and Lucia was also her doing her role well, the difficulty of the dungeon was just to high.

And due to these reasons, it came to the fact that Kang Chul-In was doing over 50% of the team's work.

'I must train more.'

Lucia told herself, thinking that she had to get rid of Kang Chul-In's load and help him.

'But the way he sleeps…'

Looking at the sleeping Kang Chul-In, Lucia's face turned red.

Kang Chul-In when sleeping had an ability to shake a woman's heart.

Due to the fact that Kang Chul-In lacked 'human like emotions', his sleeping self was something that was completely unexpected.

And especially for women like Lee Chae-rin or Lucia who had Kang Chul-In in their minds, it was easy for their thoughts to go astray.

'Milord… I… Milord… '

Thinking about this matter, Lucia's shoulders fell. It was obvious that something made her feel sad, and upset.

2nd day of the Dungeon Raid, Afternoon.

"Ohhh? Is this how it works?"

Dorian finally succeeded in putting some sword light onto the Needles of his gauntlet, albeit the fact that it was just a meagre amount. It was as expected of Dorian, who had monstrous natural talent.

3rd day of the Dungeon Raid, Morning.

The dungeon was like a maze.

No matter where they went, they seemed to be lost.

"Go on, dog."

Kang Chul-In used Jackpot, the seeker of Dorian actively.

Ruff… Ruff…

Jackpot looked exhausted, but always followed Kang Chul-In's orders, maybe out of fear.

"… Why are you bullying little Jack?"

Dorian complained.

"You should practice a bit more, untalented student."

But Kang Chul-In couldn't care less.

"This, I thought you said that I was the first person to learn this technique within two days…"

"Obviously, due to the fact that you were the first person I've taught this technique."

"… You conman."

Bark Bark!

But at that moment, Jackpot, who had traced the smell of the hostages, led the way.

'There is no blood stains or marks.'

Following Jack, Kang Chul-In thought that the hostages might still be alive.

3rd day of the Dungeon Raid, Afternoon.

"Damned… Bastard.. Psychopath… I will kill you…"

Out of Dorian's mouth came some terrifying words.

It made sense that he was angry.

If someone had to make it through everyday while fighting against gigantic doll monsters, barely making it alive every single encounter, it was understandable that one would be angry.

"I'm sick… and tired… of these dolls now…"

James, who was severely injured in his midriff and his left arm, spoke. No matter how powerful they were, they were just dolls. And due to this, their pride was severely damaged.

"Just endure for a little while. The dog while lead us there."

Kang Chul-In pointed towards Jackpot.

He was also very angry, and wanted to see the owner of the Dungeon right this instant to beat him up, but for now, Jack was the shortcut and the fastest way to the Boss.

4th day of the Dungeon Raid, Afternoon.

At this point, they lost track of time, and just followed aimlessly to where Jack went.

"This way."

Following Dorian and Jackpot, it lead to the end of the cave, and a gigantic metal door that was waiting for them.


Looking at this, Nilus shouted in shock, as well as excitement.

"Your highness."

"What is it?"

"This place is no dungeon! This is your final safehold!"

Listening to this ridiculous story, Kang Chul-In's veins throbbed.

"Are you joking with me?"

"Your highness, I'm not joking right now! Look at this symbol over here!"

Nilus pointed at a symbol carved into the door, a mythical beast shaped like a Tiger.

"This is the god-beast of the Ancient Kingdom, the Altaica. This is definitely the emblem of the Ancient Kingdom, and there's no doubt that this is your safehold."

"This is an old ruin of an old kingdom, it seems."

What 'your highness'. Kang Chul-In only heard the words that he deemed useful to him.

"God-beast? A tiger that hatches from an egg? Don't tell me that there's going to be a tiger's egg in here or anything, right?"

Dorian said, without any sort of common sense.

'The ruins of an Ancient Republic, huh. It seems like the real dungeon begins from here onwards.'

With the end of the maze-like cave, the appearance of these huge metal doors meant the beginning of the true dungeon inside.

'I have to finish this off quickly, or the promise with Old man Kwon will become a mess. Do I really have to use that…'

But instead of showing interest, Kang Chul-In was preoccupied with other thoughts, and wanted nothing more than to kill the boss, collect the rewards, and leave.

But it was at that moment.


Lucia spoke, surprised, and pointed towards Kang Chul-In's waistband. She was pointing at the Soul Core of the Laputa territory.

'It's reacting!'

Just like when they had first arrived in the dungeon, the Soul Core was shining in a bright light.


The giant metal doors started opening, and within the door came golden lights that flooded their eyes.

- I've been waiting, Lord of the Laputa territory. Now, I will test you…

A deep voice spoke towards them in the dark.