105 - 114

Chapter 105. Valhalla Dungeon (Pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

That was the end of the message.

"Did the message pop up for you too?"

"Huh? What message."

"It says, 'Can you handle their rage and hatred?'"

"Hmm. let's see... Tomb of the Orc King... Record of the Magic tower... hatred and spite? Rage... Hatred... Uhh... Nope, I can't see it."

'As expected.'

'This time, it's different from the quest in Laputa. This was my territory, and this was where my past self reigned supreme. It would have been the norm for me to select the Valhalla territory, but... 'rage' and 'hatred'? Hmm...'

After thinking about it for a while, Kang Chul-In probably figured out what it was.

'Rage and hatred, huh. It's all aimed at me.'

And while Kang Chul-In was deep in thought, Dorian tried his best to not feel left out.

"Hmph... Always keeping everything to himself and not telling me anything."


"Over there."

After walking around for about 2km, Dorian pointed in front of them.

And where he pointed were... a bunch of monsters that seemed as if they were turned into stone.

It was at that moment:

[You have entered the forgotten territory, the 'Raging Valhalla'.]

After this alarm popped up, a quest was then issued.

[Epic] The forgotten territory, Raging Valhalla


The rage and hatred of the citizens that have been discarded by their previous Lord goes beyond anyone's imaginations.


Aim: Get to the end of the Lord's hall, and defeat the Boss.


Reward: Epic Item '' (Consumable)


Difficulty: Extremely Difficult (+10% of intruder's level)


You cannot obtain Exp. in this Quest.


You cannot obtain Lord Points in this Quest.

Though Kang Chul-In was unsure if this was intentionally done by the system or not, he knew why the Valhalla territory had become like this. It was a kind of 'penalty' placed upon him for not choosing his old territory, 'Valhalla'.



"Get ready to fight."

"Already? Just by looking at them, those monsters all seem very low-leveled. I'm not even sure if they'd last more than a hit from me. Well, I guess it would take around 5 minutes if they came up against me as a pack."

Dorian's response was a normal adventurer's response.

For the most part, the monsters in the beginning or entrance of a dungeon were extremely low-leveled. It made sense that Dorian thought he could fight against all of them alone.


"Is that so?"

Kang Chul-In disagreed with Dorian.

"Well, let's see if you can say that after the fight is over."

And with those words, the monsters that had turned into stone slowly started moving.

After that, another alarm popped up.

[The monsters are in an extremely angry state.]

[The rage of the monsters will head towards only 1 person.]

[The power of the monsters will increase greatly due to their rage.]

[The entire dungeon has been swept up by rage and hatred.]


This time, it seemed like even Dorian had gotten the alarm.

"W-What is this..."

"Careful! They're coming now."

Kang Chul-In spoke, looking in front of them. A dark-slime that had just woken up tried to leap up and ambush them.

"I got this one!"

Rushing out bravely, Dorian swung his fist equipped with a gauntlet towards the slime.


Though the gauntlet was made of metal, it was unable


to hurt the dark slime, and the collision created a huge impact.


Dorian moaned, grabbing his wrist.

"W-What the hell? Why is this slime so strong?!"

"They have levels that are 10% higher than yours."


If it was 10% higher than their levels, that would be 40 (Kang Chul-In's level)

+4 (the 10% increase), meaning that the monsters would be Level 44.

"The hell?"

Cursing, Dorian prepared to clash against the slime again, but this time it ignored him and instead started hopping towards Kang Chul-In.


Dorian was extremely confused.

It was strange.

It wasn't just the dark slime, but the eyes of all the monsters were focused on Kang Chul-In, ignoring Dorian.


Kang Chul-In decided to handle this situation in front of him as their former Lord.

Who else would receive their hatred and rage if it wasn't him, their former Lord?

Betrayal, sadness, rage, hatred, etc. This was the shared feeling of all those in the Valhalla territory that had been discarded by their Lord.

Kang Chul-In had a 'responsibility' to take care of those that were within this Valhalla Dungeon. He knew this was something that only he could do, and instead of running away from it, he decided to fight against it head-on. Kang Chul-In wasn't a cowardly man that only knew how to hide behind his allies.


Kang Chul-In grabbed onto the hilt of Kaiforce with more strength than ever.


It took over an hour to 'tidy-up' all the monsters that were waiting near the entrance of the Secret Passage.

"Huuk... Huuk..."

Panting, Dorian shook his head.

"What the hell is this... It's just a slime. I'd bet that not even an ogre would be a match for that thing..."

"Yeah, it's Level 44 after all."

"Don't you feel angry? The monsters are only aiming for you."

Dorian's eyes gleamed.

"I know you're hiding something from me, Kang Chul-In. Am I right? Like the fact that only you're receiving these hidden messages, or the fact that only you were targeted during that dog of a fight... "

"I won't say you're wrong about that."

"It's just a little bit difficult to say, isn't it? Well, I won't ask if you won't tell. But..."


"What's the reward for this quest?"

"Oh, that? It's an Epic Item.""Huh?"

"The name of the item is covered in black so I don't know what it is, but it's an Epic Item, as well as a consumable."

"Hmmm... After the quest is finished, can I put the details of that item into my Encyclopedia of Pangaea? I'm not asking for it. I just want to sketch it, and know it's options."

"That's fine."

"Great! Let's go."

Dorian seemed extremely happy that he could have an Epic Item as a sample to use in his encyclopedia. It made sense for someone as 'weird' as him to be happy about this, as he was making an encyclopedia about items, animals, and plants in Pangaea.


It took a total of 3 days to get to the end of the Secret Passage. That was how long the passage was, and that also showed how many monsters were fighting against them.

As they ended the 'trek' through the passage, they finally arrived in the main Square of Valhalla.


Dorian gasped in awe.

"Are we really underground? Why is it so bright in here? Wait... Even the sun is up. What's the difference between here and outside?"

Dorian pointed at the top of the Valhalla Square towards the "sun".

"That's a 'Sun Crystal.'"

Kang Chul-In replied.

"T-There's something like that, too? It seems expensive..."

While Dorian was busy looking at his surroundings...

Kang Chul-In was busy recalling the past.

The Sun Crystal... Was an item that he personally stole from another territory in order to help his civilians. In the past, Kang Chul-In had just gone and stolen from other Lords if he wanted something.



At that moment, white, gassy Ghosts started appearing.


Milord... Milord...


Why did you discard us... Milord...

Hundreds, no, thousands of ghosts started appearing, and rushed towards Kang Chul-In.

However, Kang Chul-In was focused on something else entirely.

"Do you hear that?"

"Huh? Hear what?"

"Something that sounds like a tornado."


Stepping away from the ghosts, Kang Chul-in closed his eyes and focused.


It sounded as if there was wind.


The sound was getting even closer.


Kang Chul-In suddenly pushed Dorian out of the way.


With a huge explosion, the floor of the Square flipped over revealing a small tornado that was heading towards Kang Chul-In and Dorian at frightening speeds.

"W-What is that?"

Dorian shouted, caught completely off guard and surprised.


Kang Chul-In was also surprised, but for a completely different reason.

Kang Chul-In knew the attack that was flying towards them.

How could he not?

....He was the one who taught it after all.

Chapter 106. Valhalla Dungeon (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

The 'authority' that allowed one to take control of tornadoes, Vortex.

Unlike a Lord's ability or an Overlord's authority, Vortex was not given to the user through the seemingly god-like system. Nor was there a method to train this authority, unlike other ridiculous powers like Overdrive.

Only the one that directly consumed the Leviathan's heart was able to use this authority.

Lucy... is it Lucy?

Dodging Vortex, Kang Chul-In prepared for Lucy's other attacks.

It wasn't just Vortex.

Though Lucy was very skilled in archery, she also had talent in magic.

Battle Mage.

A class that buffed their own physical attributes and abilities through the use of their magic.

Lucy was a perfect example of a Battle Mage.

There was a high possibility that she would make the best use of her archery. Not only would she look for opportunities to use Vortex but she would also try to catch them off guard through ambushes.

Not even Kang Chul-In could tell when the arrow that contained Vortex would come, or where it would come from. It seemed like Lucy was using the spell 'dimensional cloak' to hide perfectly.


And finally, a victim arose from the ferocious and persistent attacks. It was Dorian who had taken damage from an arrow aimed at Kang Chul-In.

"Ugh, my arm... What kind of unfair ability is that?"

Looking at his bloody right arm, Dorian sighed.

Though his arm thankfully wasn't chopped off, it was still a severe injury. It was difficult for Dorian to think of what would happen if he had gotten hit head-on instead of taking the collateral damage of an arrow aiming for Kang Chul-In.

Kang Chul-In, what are you...

Dorian gazed deeply at Kang Chul-In, who was dodging the seemingly endless hail of arrows.

It was almost ridiculous.

Kang Chul-In's movements didn't seem fancy, nor technical. It would actually fit better to call his movements humble.

With just those movements, the fact that he was able to dodge those Vortex arrows was ridiculous to Dorian. And this was not even mentioning the fact that these arrows came from almost every direction, as Lucy was covered by the dimensional cloak.



Unlike Dorian's dumbstruck gaze that showed otherwise, Kang Chul-In wasn't faring a good time.

Which meant what?

...It meant that he had to use Overdrive.

Using the 1st phase of Overdrive which boosted 40% of his physical stats and attributes, Kang Chul-In was able to dodge through the Vortex arrows with explosive speed. If not for the use of Overdrive, he would have been doomed from the very beginning.

Come out, Lucy.

Kang Chul-In was just waiting for the moment that Lucy would show herself.

Lucy, how long are you going to hide?

Though Kang Chul-In had dodged over 50 arrows, Lucy still hadn't shown herself. And to Kang Chul-In who was using Overdrive, it would be more disadvantageous for him as time passed.

Where could she be? Where...

While Kang Chul-In was frustrated and figuring out where Lucy was...


A dark shadow seemed to dart to his left.


As Kang Chul-In noticed that, he held his soft-sword Kaiforce up to clash directly against the 'falchions' that the dark elves used.


Kang Chul-In immediately turned his body around, pushing Lucy's falchions away from his body and rushing towards the left.


As Kaiforce and the falchions clashed once more, Kang Chul-In and Lucy faced each other.

"It's been a while, Lucy."

Kang Chul-In spoke.

"...How do you know of my name?"

But Lucy spoke back in an


uninterested, bored tone. It seemed as if she couldn't remember who Kang Chul-In was.

"Do you not remember me?"

"Unfamiliar human, I do not know who you are. Just... it's just my frozen, discarded heart seems to tell me to hate you."

And at the word discarded, Kang Chul-In stiffened for a moment.

Though he was suspecting it to be this way, it was still a different feeling when he heard it from Lucy herself.

"I do not know who you are, and how you know my name. I don't even know why I hate you. I... just... do."

Lucy spoke.

"So, you're going to have to die."

At these words, Kang Chul-In's answer...

"So what?"

Was a scoff. He could understand completely that his former subordinates might dislike and despise his decision.

And due to this reason, he had set his mind to take the rage and hatred of his citizens and loyal subjects in the Valhalla dungeon.


He did not have the slightest intention of forfeiting his life in a land like this.

There were new subordinates and subjects around Kang Chul-In now. There were already over 3000 citizens that were worshipping and serving him in the Laputa territory.

So telling Kang Chul-In to die just for their hatred and rage?

There was no way that would work.

Kang Chul-In further responded,

"If you'd like to throw a tantrum, you can do that. I do not know of a method to apologize to you and Valhalla. Therefore..."

Kang Chul-In decided to put even more strength than before onto his arm holding Kaiforce, and swung it even harder.

"Release your rage."


Due to the sudden increase in force by Kang Chul-In, Lucy involuntarily got pushed 2 steps back.

"Use all of the emotions in your raging heart, and release them onto me. I will accept all of it."

The method that Kang Chul-In chose was battle.

The emotions of rage, hatred, sadness, betrayal, and disappointment. This was the way he chose to let Lucy get rid of it all.

"Who... are you?"

Lucy spoke to Kang Chul-In, in a shaky voice.


An enormous explosion rang out in the Plaza.

"D-Do you know me?"

Lucy's strength seemed as though it could rival Kang Chul-In's.

"Do you know why? Why my heart is so murky and lost right now? Answer me, unfamiliar one!"

Suddenly buffing herself with her spells 'acceleration', 'strengthening', 'vitality', and 'shadow', Lucy started swinging her falchions at Kang Chul-In ferociously.

Kang Chul-In was pushed onto the defensive.

The close-quarters fighting strength of Lucy was strong enough to make even the past Kang Chul-In appreciate her, and the ghosts of the citizens that clung onto Kang Chul-In made him weaker.


Dorian tried to quickly assist Kang Chul-In.

"Don't bother."

But Kang Chul-In declined Dorian's help.

"This is my fight."

Shrugging off the ghosts and once again pushing Lucy away, Kang Chul-In warned Dorian.

Yep, this is definitely my fight.

It would be troublesome if anyone got involved in this slugfest of a fight.

The one to take on the pent up emotions of Lucy and the ghosts had to be Kang Chul-In himself.

With this fight, time passed on.

Even the seemingly untiring ghosts seemed to be tired, and the movements of Lucy which seemed to be able to finish off Kang Chul-In in a few strikes also grew slower due to her tiredness.

"Haa, Haa... I hate you... I, I... I hate you... So... Much..."

While gasping and panting for her breath, Lucy showed her true feelings to Kang Chul-In.

"I... I can't stand how much I hate you... I don't even know why... yet I hate you so much..."

Lucy looked pained.

Of course.

She didn't know why she hated the man who stood in front of her, yet she aimed to kill him. It made sense that she would be so pained.

"I... don't think I can stop. I know you have been considerate of me. You are strong. There were multiple openings and opportunities for you to have killed me. But... now, the only fuel that drives me is the rage and desire to kill you."

Saying this, Lucy held up her bow once again. And...


Using the 'teleport' spell, she teleported a few hundreds of meters away from Kang Chul-In.

"If... If I can get rid of these emotions inside of me with this..."

Saying this, a blue-greyish current started forming around Lucy and started to spin around her, increasing speed by each following second.

I guess there's no choice then...

Kang Chul-In knew what Lucy's actions right now meant. This was the final and ultimate stage of the Vortex, the 'Mega Vortex'. It was the final card that Lucy possessed to defeat and kill Kang Chul-In.


Huge winds started storming around Lucy, sucking in everything around her.


-How could you have thrown us away...?

-You're heartless, milord...

And as the ghosts got sucked up by the winds, they spoke their final sayings to Kang Chul-In.

And finally, Lucy pulled the strings of her bow.


The tempest that was focused within that one arrow of Lucy's was astonishing. This compressed tempest of her's would definitely be enough to destroy the Plaza, and still have enough power to wreak more havoc.


Lucy spoke.

"The target of my hatred, and my escape from my emotions."

With that...


She released the bowstring.


The miniature tempest, the Mega Vortex, rushed towards Kang Chul-In with terrifying speeds, engulfing him.


Dorian shouted.

Chapter 107. Valhalla Dungeon (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3

This was definitely a big crisis for Kang Chul-In.

If he got hit by the Vortex, the body part that was struck would definitely be torn off.

But what if it was the Mega Vortex?

... He would die if even the slightest bit of it touched him.

In the past, Lucy was able to use this powerful authority of her's to wipe out over 10,000 soldiers of Alex Rothschild in one blow.

He had to dodge it.

Unless he wanted to be swept up by the winds and ripped into shreds, Kang Chul-In had to dodge the Mega Vortex.


Listening to Dorian's fierce roar, Kang Chul-In activated the second phase of Overdrive.


The mana inside of his body started to rampage...


Badum! Badum!

And the beating of his heart started to disperse the mana throughout his body.

I can dodge it. I'm fast, and I... have no limits.

Hypnotising himself, Kang Chul-In tricked himself into believing that he wasn't the level 40 Kang Chul-In right now, but rather Kang Chul-In in his prime.

His leg muscles contracted to their limits, and the phase two Overdrive allowed Kang Chul-In to transcend the limits of his body.


Creating a sonic boom, Kang Chul-In 'distorted' the space around him. He had shown the most he could, no, more than what his most should be able to show.

"Kang... Chul-In?"

Dorian was startled. Kang Chul-In was no longer anywhere to be seen.

But there was no more time to be startled.

It was because the Mega Vortex that had been aiming for Kang Chul-In hit the ground, and created a huge tornado that ripped apart the Valhalla plaza.


Screaming pitifully, Dorian was hit by flying debris and smashed against a nearby wall.

"What in hell..."

Looking around, everything was in ruins.

"Kang Chul-In... What about Kang Chul-In?"

Dorian quickly looked for his comrade.

"Kang Chul-In!!!"

Shouting while looking through the rubble, Dorian looked for Kang Chul-In. And...


He was able to find Kang Chul-In, who was pointing Kaiforce at Lucy's neck.


"It's over."

Kang Chul-In said.

However, Lucy's answer disappointed him.

"I... am an unstoppable existence."


"You must know too... My life force is no longer here."

"...There might be an opportunity."

"Will there be one though?"

Lucy faintly smiled.


She started scattering into dust particles. First it was just parts of her, and then it was her entire body--- purplish particles in the shape of


a dark elf.

And finally, she was gone.


Kang Chul-In hoped the best for his former subordinate in the afterlife.

He didn't apologize for discarding her. It was because he still didn't regret choosing Laputa over Valhalla.

If I hadn't had been defeated, this would have never happened.

Instead, the desire to take revenge on his previous life became even more intense.

Everything started that day when they had lost the war.


This time, I won't fail.

He didn't want to see any more suffering from his subordinates.

I won't lose anymore.

Kang Chul-In promised himself.

"Kang Chul-In."

At that moment, a stiff voice interrupted Kang Chul-In's thoughts. It was Dorian, who seemed to have a lot of questions to ask.

"Who... are you?"

"No. Not right now."

"...Will I ever be able to hear the truth from you?"

"Maybe another day."


Dorian suddenly pointed to where Lucy had vanished.

"What's that?"

Kang Chul-In instinctually followed Dorian's finger, to where...

The Core of the Abyss...

It was the core, which Kang Chul-In had given to Lucy in the past.

Walking closer to it, Kang Chul-In stretched his arms towards it.

The grey bluish sphere that was the Core slowly dissipated, being absorbed into Kang Chul-In's body.

With that, Kang Chul-In was able to obtain Vortex.

[You have learned 'Tempest: Vortex' Level 1 (Maximum Level 5)]

[Tempest: Vortex is extremely compatible with Lord Kang Chul-In.]

[+30% Mastery]

[Tempest: Vortex has been increased to Level 3]

[When you reach Level 5, you will be able to use 'Mega Vortex'.]


Arshelly was having a wonderful experience every day in Seoul, South Korea.

Although she was unable to enter elementary school because she still didn't have some common knowledge, she was able to quickly absorb the things she looked at and studied.

Arshelly was smart, sensible, and most of all, could learn 100 when she was only taught 1. If geniuses in this world existed, Arshelly would definitely be considered as one.

But just as most geniuses have problems within their lives, Arshelly did too. Recently, she had gotten bullied in the Piano Academy she went to.

The reason... was because she was too talented.

"S-She... She must be a genius!"

Even the piano teacher who had attended the famous 'Berklee School of Music' thought that she was a genius.

It had to be so.

Who wouldn't be surprised if a 9-year-old girl that had only been learning piano for a week memorized not only all of the musical scores in the academy, but also all the notes on the piano?

That wasn't even it.

She had a perfect pitch which allowed her to copy any song perfectly after listening to it once, confusing everyone on how such a genius came to be.


One day, when the piano teacher had left for just a while, a girl called Park Seul-Gi suddenly shouted at Arshelly.

"How can I help you?"

Arshelly answered politely.

"You... you don't have a dad, right?"

But Park Seul-Gi laughed.


Arshelly continued to respond calmly.

"I also have a wonderful dad. It's just that he's busy and can't come to pick me up right now."

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying..."

"Ha! Be quiet. You don't even have a dad. You liar."

"Hmm... you can think of it in that way if you want. Do as you like."

Arshelly spoke one last time to Park Seul-Gi, and put her fingers back on the piano.


Because Arshelly ignored her, Park Seul-Gi screamed in rage. She then...

"You little..."

Started grabbing onto Arshelly's pitch-black hair...

"How dare you ignore me!"


And started pulling.

Chapter 108. Valhalla Dungeon (pt. 4)

Translator: Leyy3

When her hair was suddenly pulled, Arshelly calmed herself down from habitually exploding with her mana.


If she activated her S rank power along with her mana... The girl who had tried to pull the hair of the 'little princess' of Laputa would definitely be turned into ash and dust.


Arshelly not only tried to calm herself down, but also tried to calm Seul-Gi down as well.

"We can play together and whatnot, so can you please just let go of my hair? It hurts..."

"Then you should get hurt more!"

...Saying that, Park Seul-Gi decided to continue to pull on Arshelly's hair, but even harder.


Arshelly looked as though she was about to cry.

"Be quiet, you beggar without a dad! I heard that you don't even go to school. It's because your family doesn't have enough money to support you, isn't it? Right?!"

Pulling Arshelly's hair, Park Seul-Gi's expression was ferocious.

You... Who are you to make me feel like this!

Park Seul-Gi despised Arshelly. She hated her so much that she wanted Arshelly to die.

Not only was Arshelly pretty and nice, but she also learned to pick up the piano so quickly that she was called a genius.

Arshelly had so many things that Park Seul-Gi didn't have, and this naturally led to dislike and jealousy.

"I'll let you go if you admit that you're lying."

"Lying? I never lied."

"Yes, you did. The lie about having a dad and not being poor. If you admit to those, I'll let go."

"Seul-Gi, I do have a dad. He's just on a business trip right now and is busy."

"Business trip? Nice joke. Where does your dad work then? Does he work at a construction site like a beggar? Or sell fruits at a market, like a beggar without any ability?"

At that moment, Arshelly felt as if the world was turned upside down.

She didn't have a dad?

He was a beggar?

If the one that was insulted had been Arshelly, she would be able to shrug it off. It wasn't really much to her after all.

But an insult to her father, Kang Chul-In was something that Arshelly could absolutely not tolerate.




Arshelly spoke, her small hands wrapped up into a fist.


When Arshelly looked at Park Seul-Gi, Park Seul-Gi stepped back in fright.

"My father told me."

"Your dad? Lying until the end..."

"That he won't let me go easily if I get beaten up."This was the truth.

As Arshelly went to many different academies, this is what Kang Chul-In had told her.



"Yes, dad?"

"Don't go around getting beaten up by others, alright?"


"Our family does not go around getting bullied by others."


"If you get hit once, remember to hit them back 10 times. Don't worry about the hospital fees. Your dad will cover all of that for you."


"Apologize to me."

Arshelly finally said as this was her bottom line.

"If you don't apologize to me, I'll beat you up."

"Beat me up? Who do you think you... Agh!"


Park Seul-Gi, who was trying to scratch Arshelly's face, was knocked down screaming.

It wasn't 'slap', it was 'POW'.

That's right.

Rather than slapping Park Seul-Gi like a normal child of their age would, Arshelly put her back into place by punching her.


Park Seul-Gi started crying.

"Sob... Sob... Oww..."

And when the piano teacher finally came back...

"T-Teacher... Arshelly's too scary... She punched me in the face like this..."

Park Seul-Gi and her friends did their best to tell the teacher.


"Yes, teacher?"

"You made me very disappointed. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't go around punching people. Alright?"


"Go stand in that corner, and put your hands up. You should really reflect on your behavior.

And saying that, the teacher went to Seul-Gi.

"Seul-Gi, are you alright? Come over here."

"Yes, tea... Huh?!"

Right as Seul-Gi was about to embrace the teacher with a hug, she felt something and almost started to cry again.

It was something hot that she felt in her nose...


It was a nosebleed.

"M-My tooth..."

And the white 'corn' that fell on the floor was one her teeth.


Park Seul-Gi started crying again, and her tantrum made it impossible for other students in the academy to practice.

"Wahhh!!! Mom!! Dad!!"

It was this moment when the visit of Park Seul-Gi's parents was confirmed.


As Kang Chul-In and Dorian finished recuperating after their fight against Lucy, they started walking into the heart of the territory: into the Lord's hall.

When they got to the door that was the entrance to the hall, Dorian was startled.

"Woah... Look at this, man. Is this all gold?"

Dorian pointed at the giant golden door in front of them.

"It's a door made of black-steel, and it's also infused with the bone of a Gold Dragon."

"Woah, a dragon?! Anyway... there's someone that's beyond this door, right?"

"Most likely, yes."

"Uhh... Well, she won't be stronger than that terrifying tornado lady, right?"

Dorian referred to Lucy as the 'tornado lady'.

"I'm not sure. Stop talking to me, you pushover."

While Kang Chul-In and Dorian bickered with each other, the door was already around 1m open.

"What?! Pushover? I am not a..."

And just as Dorian was about to argue back...


A dark shadow came out of nowhere and stabbed a black dagger into Dorian's stomach.

Chapter 109. Valhalla Dungeon (pt. 5)

Translator: Leyy3


Dorian stared down at his own abdomen as if he couldn't believe it.

A black dagger that came out of nowhere was inserted inside his midsection.


Kang Chul-In turned to retaliate against the one who had ambushed Dorian.


And with a large collision...


The opponent jumped back.

"It's you..."

Kang Chul-In could see the one who had ambushed Dorian.


It was his old subordinate, the one who had been paired with Lucy to form his personal guard, the dark elf Bellatrix.

"Dorian. Just take care of yourself and your injury. I'll settle this."

Leaving Dorian behind him in pain, Kang Chul-In started to walk forwards.

And there... were his old subordinates.

It wasn't just Bellatrix there.

The 'Immortal Vanguard', which was formed late in his reign near 2028, was also there. This was one of the most elite armies that Kang Chul-In boasted of, and was formed of demi-humans that were injured, and chose to be 'mechanized' for war.

Close call there.

Kang Chul-In sighed in relief, staring at the group that was once his.

It was lucky that Kang Chul-In met the Immortal Vanguard in this dungeon.

At the time that Kang Chul-In had met his end, each of the members of the Immortal Vanguard were over Level 80. And that wasn't even it. They also knew how to use the minor version of Overdrive, due to the tutelage of Kang Chul-In himself.

It would have been impossible to hope for a victory if the Immortal Vanguards were at their former levels.

"So, any last words?"

Bellatrix asked Kang Chul-In, with a voice that seemed to contain rage.

"Not yet."

Kang Chul-In answered.

"N-not yet?"

Listening to Kang Chul-In's answer, Bellatrix threw back her head, and started laughing maniacally.

"Pft... Hehe... Hahaha... HAHAHAHA!"

At this point, Bellatrix's mouth was almost touching the tip of her ears due to the laughter.

"You... You really think that you can live? Kuku..."

Whilst Lucy seemed depressed and melancholic due to the hatred of Kang Chul-In, Bellatrix seemed to have gone mad due to it.

"You...Will never get out of here alive. This is going to be your burial ground. It'll make me feel better when I rip you to pieces, and spread your body parts around Valhalla.

"Is that all you've got to say?"

"No, I have a lot more to say... But rather than talk so much..."


Bellatrix vanished.

"I'd rather..."

And appeared next to Kang Chul-In, whispering...

"Separate your head from your body."

Saying that, she launched another black dagger, a spike that was formed of her own shadow, towards Kang Chul-In's neck.


Blood flew from around Kang Chul-In's neck.


Bellatrix didn't stop.


With Kang Chul-In as the focus of her attacks, Bellatrix appeared and disappeared, and used her shadow as a weapon to attack Kang Chul-In.

Slowly but surely, more and more wounds started appearing on Kang Chul-In's body.

Shadows, huh... This might be difficult.

But even while he was taking these losses, Kang Chul-In's head remained as calm and collected as ever.

Bellatrix's nickname was 'Shadow Runner'. This was also based on the 'authority' she gained from consuming the heart of a Shadow Leopard. And of course, this was another authority that Kang Chul-In had passed on to them.

The ability to phase between shadows, hiding one's body within shadows of objects was difficult to deal with for someone that was adept in close combat like Kang Chul-In.

I guess I'll just let her have some of me.

The method that Kang Chul-In thought of right now was an extreme method that was harmful to both oneself and dangerous to the opponent, and that was to give up one's flesh and take the enemy's bones.

And that thought was immediately carried out due to Bellatrix's next move.

"Hey, you're not going to guard here?"

Bellatrix suddenly appeared behind Kang Chul-In...


And stabbed her dagger into Kang Chul-In's back.

While fierce pain assaulted Kang Chul-In, he ignored it and turned his body to avoid an even


worse injury.


And releasing the mana flowing in his heart, Kang Chul-In thought of the mechanism of Vortex.


As a miniature tornado started to form around Kang Chul-In's body, Bellatrix was interrupted from hiding inside another shadow. This gave Kang Chul-In an opportunity, and...


Kang Chul-In immediately dashed to Bellatrix, and started to choke her throat.

"Maybe it's better that you went crazy..."


"That makes me at least feel better."

It meant that Kang Chul-In would feel less emotional guilt for killing a crazy, raving Bellatrix than a depressed Lucy.

"Now, rest."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In attempted to snap the neck of Bellatrix.

But... Kang Chul-In had to let her go due to the arrival of the Immortal Vanguard.

"Vahalla, hall of the warriors."

Under the leadership helmet of one of the Immortal Vanguard members, the official military cadence started to ring throughout the Vahalla dungeon.

"My honor be in battle."

"My honor be in battle."

And the other Immortal Vanguard members repeated what one of their members said, while dashing towards Kang Chul-In.

"There be no defeat, no surrender. This breath, stop after the battle ends."

"There be no defeat, no surrender. This breath, stop after the battle ends."

The Immortal Vanguard's glorious and loud cadence, as well as powerful military might started to pressure Kang Chul-In.

"...These bastards."

Kang Chul-In unconsciously muttered in rage. And...


With Kang Chul-In at the center, a large shockwave formed of Kang Chul-In's mana pushed away the Immortal Vanguard and Bellatrix.

"You guys."

"I'll just finish you off quickly."

Pzzt, Pzzt!

And as soon as those words came out of Kang Chul-In's mouth, powerful and large sparks started coming out from Kang Chul-In's body. This was the activation of Phase 2 Overdrive.


Swinging Kaiforce which had just turned into a lance, Kang Chul-In motioned to his enemies.




Bellatrix laughed.

"You...cough! Will definitely... die... Kuk... Definitely..."

Even though Bellatrix was dying, with Kaiforce puncturing a hole through her chest, she spoke towards Kang Chul-In like a raving madman. Just like Lucy, it seemed as if she had difficulties in reining in her emotions.

"Rest now."

Kang Chul-In spoke.


Kaiforce made its way to the heart, and ripped it open.


The remains of Bellatrix's body turned to dust, and was swept off by the wind and carried away.

And next was the leader of the Immortal Vanguard, Robert.

"Who do I serve... My lost loyalty..."

Even while his arms and legs were brutally chopped off, Robert tried his best to remember the Lord he had once served. Even though Kang Chul-In was right in front of him... It made Kang Chul-In frustrated.


Kang Chul-In wordlessly stabbed through Robert's throat.

"Kuk... I... can't seem to recall Milord's face..."


Robert fell to the floor, dead.

"...How long do I have to do this for..."

Kang Chul-In spoke, disarrayed and lost for the first time.

Thinking of the fact that he might have to kill even more of his old subordinates as he progressed through the dungeon, the stress was getting to him.


And leaving behind the countless corpses, Kang Chul-In finally leaned against a half-broken wall, and sat down.

"Let's rest for a little while."

"...Even monsters rest?"

"I'm getting to my limit now."

Kang Chul-In didn't try to act tough in front of Dorian.

"Honestly, I think I'm going to die of exhaustion."

Bellatrix after Lucy, as well as the Immortal Vanguard. Due to the fact that Kang Chul-In had to activate the Phase 2 Overdrive so often and for such extended periods of time, his body was in a mess.

Only 15% of his mana was remaining, and his stamina was also hitting rock bottom. And worst of all, he wasn't recovering because of the countless bloody wounds he had.

"It seems like these might be the last potions I drink here."

Drawing a breath, Kang Chul-In then proceeded to gulp down a Health potion, and a mana potion that he had.


Like this, Dorian and Kang Chul-In rested for another two hours.

Putting bandages on his wounds and consuming some emergency food and water, Kang Chul-In was able to somewhat regain his strength.

And they started to move again.

Though they wanted to rest a bit longer, the sense of danger impeded this exhaustion. If they rested for a little longer, who knew if they wouldn't get ambushed and sent to the underworld.

Thankfully, they didn't meet any enemies while on their way to the Lord's hall. Though some ghosts that seemed to be maids came and cried their eyes out and complained to them, nothing major occurred.

The boss should be in the Lord's hall, right?

Walking across the red carpet that led to the Lord's hall, Kang Chul-In thought of who the final boss might be.

There were many possibilities.

It could be any of the 5 generals of the Valhalla Army, or it could also be his Vampire Butler Alfred.

But seeing as though it would be impossible to determine who the boss was in a short period of time, Kang Chul-In gave up and decided to just prepare for the upcoming battle.

Finally, Kang Chul-In and Dorian were able to reach the Lord's hall, where the final boss of the Valhalla territory resided.

But... something was off.

"So you've come, cold-hearted one."

The boss was someone that Kang Chul-In had never even seen before.

Long, white hair. Pale skin. A tall, skinny body. Sharp eyes, and sharp claws. A man that Kang Chul-In had never seen in his past life, or his current life at that, sat down on the throne that Kang Chul-In had once graced.

"Are you prepared to pay the price?"

With a reddish hue in his eyes, the white-haired man stared at Kang Chul-In coldly. It occurred to Kang Chul-In, observing the man's features, that the opponent might be a vampire.

"Who are you?"

Kang Chul-In asked.

"State your name."

"My name, huh?"

Listening to the answer, Kang Chul-In almost dropped Kaiforce due to his astonishment. It was because this white-haired man was completely different from the 'man he knew before...'

Chapter 110. Reunion (1)

Translator: Leyy3

"Me? I am a 'true' vampire! Not one of those dirty half-bloods you can see just about anywhere."

The blonde-haired man opened his mouth.

True Vampire.

These were beings superior to normal vampires and were also known to be contenders for being a 'Vampire Lord', the kings of all vampires. Basically, they were the nobles of the Vampire race.

"Thaddeus, Alfred Northrod de Thaddeus. That's me."

As soon as Kang Chul-In heard the name of the vampire, his expression turned extremely ominous.


This young, blonde-haired man standing in front of him was his old secretary?

'How can this be...'

He couldn't believe it.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get himself to believe that this blonde-haired man in front of him was Alfred.

Though Alfred in Kang Chul-In's memory also had blonde hair, he wasn't as young as this.

Kang Chul-In tried his best to remember how Alfred looked like in his memories and compared his image to the Alfred standing in front of him.

It wasn't easy.

They were polar opposites; one a handsome young man, while the other an old man who just liked to speak to him as if he were Kang Chul-In's own mother, always talking to him about marriage.

It was a stereotype that only Kang Chul-In possessed.

To him, Alfred was an old man. Whether it be 10 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago. Even when Alfred was born.

Kang Chul-In had never thought about Alfred's appearance when he was younger.

'Is this... really Alfred?"

Kang Chul-In looked carefully at Alfred's face.

'Eyes... nose... they're all similar.'

As for his hair... he was always blonde, so he didn't need to look at that.

'And his mouth...'

The distinguishing thing about Alfred's appearance was his noble-looking mouth.

'It's the same.'

Though it was difficult to believe due to him having such a different appearance than the one from before, it was undeniable that he could see traces of Alfred within the face before him.

'Alfred... Alfred. The Valhalla Territory, no, the people inside the Valhalla Dungeon are not sane. Lucy, Bellatrix, and even the Immortal Vanguard. That means...'


Kang Chul-In called out to his old Secretary, with a wisp of a smile on his face.

"It's been a long time."

Though it had been a long time and his appearance was not the same, Alfred was still Alfred. It had to be a pleasant surprise for Kang Chul-In.

So instead of fighting, he asked another question.

"Do you remember me, Alfred?"

Kang Chul-In asked, with a sliver of hope remaining inside of him.


But Alfred laughed.

"Kuku... Remember you...? Do I remember you...? Kukuku..."

"A true vampire that had risen to the status of a Lord Candidate... Would he remember you? A puny human? Ha!"

His words were full of insanity and bloodlust, and it didn't seem that he remembered Kang Chul-In at all.

But Kang Chul-In wasn't flustered.

"Is that it...? Even you cannot remember me and have to fight, Alfred?"

"Kuku... A lowly human like you... you're going to speak to me


like that? Kuku... HOW DARE YOU!"

Kang Chul-In and Alfred, the two who once had the relationship of servant and master, faced each other and growled.

After that...



Not even 5 minutes into the fight.

"Kang Chul-In... is being pushed back?"

Dorian was astonished.

It was surprising to Dorian because to him, Kang Chul-In was meant to be invincible. He had never been pushed back so hard in a fight before.

However, at this very moment, Kang Chul-In was fighting an extremely dangerous battle against a True Vampire.



Charged with the spell Vortex, Kaiforce pierced through the heart of Alfred.

A few moments afterwards, Alfred's stomach was completely blown away from the aftershock of the Vortex. However...

"Puny and useless tricks."

Though his heart was punctured, Alfred laughed maniacally and dashed towards Kang Chul-In.

"As if they would work on me!"

Saying that, Alfred grabbed Kang Chul-In's collar, and slammed him into the ground. The wound that he had from before had already healed.

"Kang Chul-In!"

Though Dorian was running towards Kang Chul-In in worry...

"Don't intervene!"

"Don't come any closer."

He was stopped by Kang Chul-In's shout, as well as Alfred's words.

"How dare you."

The young Alfred stared at Dorian with bloodshot eyes.

"A stupid idiot like you dares to interrupt this noble one's enjoyment?"


"Does such a thing like you not have eyes?"

Laughing, Alfred started swearing and dissing Dorian.

"Small height, no dignity in your behavior, and a stupid way of talking--- and not only that! I can sense that you don't belong anywhere, so you just travel around. A lonely wanderer."

Considering that Dorian's height was 173cm while Alfred was almost 190cm, it made sense that Alfred would call Dorian 'short'.

"You disrespectful vampire!"

An angry Dorian rushed towards Alfred even with Kang Chul-In telling Dorian not to do so.


Controlled by the telekinetic powers of Alfred, Dorian stopped midway in his attack, and had to slowly watch as Alfred walked closer, and grabbed his throat with an iron grip.


"Did you really think that you could do anything to me, pitiful human?"


Though Dorian tried his best to struggle and put up a fight, Alfred's choke was just as powerful as Kang Chul-In's grip, if not stronger.

"You do understand what will happen if I just put a little bit more strength here, right?"

Laughing, Alfred looked at Dorian with his bloodshot eyes.

"Now, it's time for you to die. Pitiful tra..."

Before he could finish...


Vortex around it, Kaiforce flew towards Alfred's head, before completely blowing it up.

"I don't know if it's because he's a true vampire, but that healing factor of his is just ridiculous."

"Stay back now."

Kang Chul-In looked at Dorian, his face serious.

"But, you're being pushed back."

"With your current level of strength, you won't be of help to me in this fight."


"I'm warning you right now. Don't. Join. The. Fight."

Kang Chul-In emphasized each word.

The opponent was Alfred.

And to Kang Chul-In, the one who had to put rest to his old secretary was none other than him. It was his way of apologizing to his old comrade.

"Seeing as how he doesn't like you, that's definitely the Alfred I know."

Though he was in a pitiful state, Kang Chul-In still laughed. It was because he once again witnessed Alfred disliking Dorian.

"As a human, you're not bad. Not bad, but..."

Alfred, who had already healed up from the previous attack, looked at Kang Chul-In again.

"How dare you look down on me, a true vampire? Do you wish to die?"

"Of course I look down on my servants. Should I look up to them instead?"

Laughing, Kang Chul-In once again retorted.

"Servant? Kuku... You're just a guy who doesn't know his place. For you, I'll be especially violent in tearing up your body into pieces and devouring you."

Though it was a terrifying threat, it didn't have an effect on Kang Chul-In.

"You're welcome anytime."

To Kang Chul-In, it didn't matter what happened to him after death. He wasn't one to really care about those things.

"But first, it's time for you to get punished for speaking like that to your Lord."

Though his body was severely injured, Kang Chul-In walked forward as if the fight was just beginning.

Of course there was no way that Kang Chul-In, who had laughed at Alex Rothschild and the Lord alliance as he died, would be afraid of a situation like this.

Maybe I'll have a chance if I use 'that'...

It was at that moment.

-Do you want my strength?

Vibrating, Kaiforce talked to Kang Chul-In with sweet temptation.

Chapter 111. Reunion (2)

Translator: Leyy3

As Kaiforce spoke, Kang Chul-In was dragged into a world of nothingness, or more exactly, was about to get pulled into it.

"Shut up and get lost."

Kang Chul-In instead used his inhuman mentality and mental strength to reject the offer to go into that abyss.

-You want this strength, don't you?

Kaiforce's voice tickled Kang Chul-In's ears.

-The strength to slaughter that disrespectful vampire.

'I don't need something like you, so get lost.'

-Huu... showing unnecessary bravery even in the face of certain death? You don't have a way to suppress that vampire's healing factor. So, what are you going to do?

Kaiforce spoke, teasing Kang Chul-In.

-You're not even using 10% of my full potential right now. Me, such a wonderful sword... and you can only use me to this extent? Every moment, I'm disappointed at the fact that someone like you is my master. What is this, if not casting pearls before swine?

What a waste.

'These bastards...'

Even with Kang Chul-In's mentality, he was about to burst after being belittled by not only Alfred, but also Kaiforce.

-Come on, now.

Kaiforce tried once again to persuade Kang Chul-In.

-10 minutes? No, even 5 minutes would be enough. Just let me borrow your body and I'll destroy that vampire for you. Not a bad deal, eh?

'... F*** off.'

-... You still have some pride left even in this state? Huhu... well, we'll talk again when you're almost dead because of that vampire over there. It'll be much easier to take control of your body when you're injur...

Kaiforce couldn't even finish its words.


This was because without saying a word, Kang Chul-In dropped Kaiforce on the ground without care.

"Stupid and disrespectful piece of scrap metal. I'll put you inside a furnace as soon as I get back from this fight."

Kang Chul-In roared ferociously.

This was an obvious choice for him.

The Soft-Sword Kaiforce was a sword with consciousness, a cursed Ego Sword.

Kang Chul-In knew that borrowing the strength of this sword to get over precarious situations would land him in a heap of trouble. The position of master and sword might be switched around, with Kang Chul-In being dragged around by Kaiforce instead.

For Kang Chul-In who had a strong sense of domination and didn't like being dragged around, there was no way that this sort of temptation would be able to sway him.

I am the great Overlord, Kang Chul-In.

Calming himself down, Kang Chul-In walked closer to Alfred.



In the past, Kang Chul-In was able to overcome his enemies without the help of an Ego Sword like Kaiforce. Using just Fragarch, he was able to make Pangaea tremble in horror just with the mention of his name. Kaiforce? He didn't necessarily need something like that.


Though Kaiforce that was thrown away vibrated in rage, Kang Chul-In didn't even spare it a glance.

He was going to throw it into a furnace after the fight anyway.

"What are you muttering about?"

Alfred looked at Kang Chul-In with a terrifying smile.

"None of your business."

"Oh? So you don't recognize your inferiority and your weakness until the end, puny human."

Kang Chul-In decided to ignore the piercing words of Alfred. Instead...


He punched Alfred's face as hard as he could.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Alfred, who had recovered from his wounds instantly, taunted Kang Chul-In with a smile.

"I wonder, how do you taste?"

As soon as he said this...


Though Kang Chul-In felt a strong suctioning force near his heart and tried to turn his body around, it was a tad too late.

A fistful of blood was taken out of Kang Chul-In's body and was sucked into Alfred's body. It was the ability that only powerful True Vampires had that allowed them to drain blood from afar, 'Psychic Bloodsucking'.

"Huuu... This doesn't taste nice. For some reason, your blood feels familiar. The blood of a Lord... of a tyrant."

To Kang Chul-In, this felt very hypocritical. This young Alfred seemed to have the same arrogance and ambition inside of him that Kang Chul-In has, if not even more.

Overdrive phase two... would last for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Kang Chul-In tried his best to remain cool, and calculated his full strength.

1 second. Just 1 second is all I need. Just one blow.

And Kang Chul-In thought of a method.

Walking forward in large strides, Kang Chul-In started emitting a terrifying aura.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Overdrive's 2nd phase, drawn out to its fullest extent. He also had Vortex wrapped around his two fists, so it made sense that the mana around him would create a terrifying aura.

"You made yourself that much stronger in your current state?"

Alfred was



"A final stand before you fall. Using up your life-force for that..."


Before Alfred could even finish his words, Kang Chul-In interrupted him by punching his face.

30 seconds.

Though it was a short period of time, to the two that were fighting, it seemed much longer.


Alfred screamed in pain.



Wrapped around with Vortex, Kang Chul-In's fists hammered into Alfred's body. He was overloading Alfred's healing factor, punching and hitting Alfred too quickly for the healing factor to be able to catch up to the damage taken.

Of course, Alfred wasn't just getting beaten up one-sidedly.


The claws of Alfred managed to scratch Kang Chul-In's abdomen, and...


Through the wound, blood spurted out. The claws of a true vampire were famed to be as dangerous and sharp as most swords, and this feat proved that.

It was a brutal slugfest.

It was a fight between the two of them where retreating meant certain death.

I can sense it. His healing factor is weakening!

During the fight, Kang Chul-In tried his best in order to slowly, but surely slow down Alfred's healing factor.

It was obvious.

Although Alfred was a true vampire, the healing wouldn't last forever. It was apparent that a bit of Alfred's life-force was used in order to continue healing.

This stupid, lowly human. How long does he think he can go on like this for?

Alfred also had his own plan.

I'm sure he'll run out of fuel soon. 1 minute? 2 minutes? When all of your strength is gone, I'll rip you to shreds.

He was aiming for a counter once Kang Chul-In ran out of stamina.

These were the thoughts that flashed through Kang Chul-In and Alfred's minds. After a few seconds, Kang Chul-In was falling into a state of grogginess due to the backlash.

"I'll rip your heart out!"

Witnessing the rapid fall of strength in Kang Chul-In, Alfred laughed maniacally. He stretched his arm out to rip Kang Chul-In's still-beating heart straight out from his chest.

But as soon as he moved to do so,


With one last explosion, the space between Kang Chul-In and Alfred started to distort as Kang Chul-in hit Alfred's abdominal section.


Finally, after many blows, Alfred fell to his knees before Kang Chul-In.

"H-How... could a lowly human like you..."

Alfred looked down at his stomach in absolute shock. What he saw was an empty midsection.

"The core inside of me... the entirety of it! It's broken...? How could it be... how...? How is this possible? How!"

Thankfully this time, there was no regeneration. The source of the healing factor had finally been destroyed.


Kang Chul-In sighed deeply.

He, too, wasn't fine.

His body was in an absolute mess due to the overuse of mana. And... for the last exchange, the use of the 3rd phase of Overdrive had completely drained him.

That's right.

At the last moment, Kang Chul-In had activated the 3rd phase of Overdrive combined with Vortex, to destroy the core of Alfred. Obviously Kang Chul-In was going to be in a terrible state. After all, he used a move that he shouldn't have attempted until after Level 100.

"K-Kang Chul-In!"

After witnessing everything, Dorian ran towards Kang Chul-In urgently.

"A-Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You look like you're going to die! Sit down!"

"I'm not finished with my job yet."

"Then, let me help you."

"No, not now. This is not the time."

Rather than accepting Dorian's help, Kang Chul-In walked slowly towards the dying Alfred.

Alfred... you too, huh...

Kang Chul-In bit his lower lip in bitterness.

It was a pleasant surprise when he saw his old subordinates in the dungeon, but it soon turned into bitterness as he had to go through each of them, killing them.

But... now that was finally over. By giving rest to Alfred, this dungeon would finally be over.

As soon as he thought this,

[You have cleared the Epic dungeon, the forgotten territory, the 'Raging Valhalla'!]

The notification that signified the end of the dungeon popped up in front of Kang Chul-In's eye.

[The anger of the monsters have dissipated!]

[The rage of the monsters will now head toward the intruders.]

[The monsters have returned to their original strength.]

[The rage and hatred that once filled this dungeon has disappeared.]

That wasn't it.

Soon after, the rewards for clearing the dungeon came rushing down, like a flood bursting through a dam. Though he wasn't able to get Lord points or experience from this, the other rewards more than made up for it.

[Reward 1: Epic Item 'Memory transfer device' (consumable)!]

[Reward 2: The 'Valhalla territory' will be given to the Lord Kang Chul-In.]

[Reward 3: Mythical HP potion.]

An epic item, the Valhalla territory, as well as an HP potion that he didn't know of. Though the rewards weren't life-changing, it was still quite a reward that befitted the hardships he went through.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Sparks flew up, and a golden crown, along with a flask containing a rainbow-colored liquid appeared in front of Kang Chul-In.

Although he wasn't interested in the items due to the shock of losing Alfred, the options were shown in front of him anyway.

[Epic]: Memory Transfer Device (consumable)

Made from the Ancient Kingdom's magic technology academy. The effects are not clear, due to it being only a prototype.

Durability: Consumable

Option: Can send one's memories into another.

The item had quite a weird explanation.

[Epic]: Mythical HP potion

Contains 100ml.

Effect 1: Can restore 20% of lost life-force.

Effect 2: Can increase regeneration up to 200% for 5 minutes.

It seemed that the Mythical HP potion would be able to save a dying person.

Wait a minute...

Though it seemed a little sketchy since it was a prototype, Kang Chul-In imagined the possibility of what would happen if he gave his memories to Alfred, and saved him using the health potion.

It's all or nothing.

His heart beating, Kang Chul-In picked up the items, and put the Device on his head.

[Will you activate the 'Memory Transfer Device'?]

"I will."

[Now, a scan will occur for 1 minute. Please hold still. 0: 59... 0:58...]

1 minute passed.

[Scanning complete. Put the device onto the one who will get the memory transfer.]

Kang Chul-In walked towards the dying Alfred, and put the machine on his head.

[The memories that have been scanned will now be transferred. It will take 1 minute. Please hold still. 0: 59... 0: 58...]

"W-W-What the hell do you think you're doing t-to me?"

At this point, Alfred seemed like a middle-aged man, as he rapidly aged without his regeneration factors.


But rather than answering Alfred, Kang Chul-In punched him, and force fed him the HP potion.

The 1 minute that seemed like a year for Kang Chul-In, finally passed.

"...Is it a failure?"

Looking at Alfred, Kang Chul-In bit his lips in bitterness.

It seemed as if not even the Mythical HP potion could stop Alfred's aging, as Alfred had already gone past being middle-aged, and looked like an old man now. If this continued, Alfred would surely die.



Alfred changed his gaze, and looked towards Kang Chul-In, and spoke.

"M-Milord? Is that really you? I-Is it the Kang Chul-In that I know?"

Tears flowed down Alfred, the old Alfred's face.


Alfred started to cry his heart out.

Chapter 112. My dad is the best! (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3


Kang Chul-In asked, just to make sure.

"Kuk... Kuk..."


Alfred didn't talk back to Kang Chul-In, and just continued to cry.


Taking the risk of being attacked, Kang Chul-In walked closer to Alfred, and put a hand on his back.

"Calm down and listen to me."


"Do you remember me, Alfred?"

"H-How could I forget you, milord? Of course I do. Milord is the conquest Lord, the War God of the Valhalla territory, and greatest among the 10 Overlords! If I could not remember even that, how could this one be the secretary under milord!"

Alfred bowed towards Kang Chul-In.

H-He remembers me?

Kang Chul-In didn't think that Alfred would remember him.

Of course, that wasn't to say that getting Alfred's memories back was impossible.

The Soul Backup was given to him by god. It made sense that ridiculous things like these would be able to occur if an omnipotent being like god decided to step in. If one thought about it logically, places such as Valhalla shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Kang Chul-In was convinced that there was a purpose in the creation of the Valhalla Dungeon, as well as being able to give Alfred his memories back.

There's no other explanation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense that the 'Memory Transfer Device', and the Mythical HP potion would come out in that very moment.

It was too coincidental.

It was as if someone was telling him to save Alfred again.

...The answer would lie within only Akan, the one who had given the power of the Soul Backup.

Though he wanted to know the answer desperately...

Akan... the power and authority that he holds within the Lord Meetings are absolute.

Even for the violent Kang Chul-In, it was true that trying to fight back against Akan's representative in the Lord Meetings was a terrifying prospect.

There was an instance like this.

What would happen if a Lord decided to start a fight within the Lord meetings, where every Lord met? Kang Chul-In had also thought of this possibility.

But he wasn't one of the two idiots that actually decided to carry this plan out, getting his head chopped off.

In the Lord meetings, Akan's power seemed godly.

After all, during the meetings, each of the Lord's total stats fell by a whopping 95%.

I'm going to have to find a way. No, I will find a way to find out. Whoever made me do this... will pay for this.

Kang Chul-In promised himself that he'd find out the one who put him in this situation.

...I won't let you go easily.

Even if it were an omnipotent god, Kang Chul-In hated the fact that he had to play around on their fingertips. It was absolutely humiliating for Kang Chul-In to put rest to Lucy, Bellatrix, and even the Immortal Vanguard.


While Kang Chul-In was deep in thought, Alfred looked at Kang Chul-In in the way he used to; his eyes full of deep respect and admiration.

"I missed you, sire... To think that I would have to split up with you prematurely like that..."

Tears once again flowed down Alfred's cheeks.

"I didn't think that... Our territory would fall like that... in the hands of that stupid Rothschild. I also didn't think that that filthy traitor, Aleister..."

Alfred showed his


rage towards Aleister, and Rothschild.

"W-Wait a minute..."

Dorian suddenly spoke.

"Sorry... But what the hell are you guys talking about right now? Care for an explanation?"

"Y-You... Dirty traitor! How dare you step into the sacred territory of Valhalla with those filthy feet of yours!"

Alfred cursed at Dorian immediately. Even with his body in a mess, he radiated a force not inferior to that of before, and it seemed that he would leap at Dorian at any moment.

"What? Traitor? Shut up! You were the one trying to murder Kang Chul-In just a minute ago!"

"Sigh... Do you really think your petty methods of trying to tear me and milord apart will work? As if, you stupid traveler!"

"Shut up, old man!""Stupid traveler!"


Watching Alfred and Dorian bash heads against each other made Kang Chul-In laugh, as it reminded him of the past.

"Hey there, both of you. Be quiet."

For Kang Chul-In, who was exhausted and wanted to just lie down at any moment, he had no time to listen to the two of them bickering.

"But that vampire..."

"But that stupid traveler is the one who stuck with Rothschild..."

The two of them continued to argue with lowered voices.

"Please, save it for later."

They both shut their mouths, looking at the tired Kang Chul-In.

"Dorian. Dorian Explorer."

"Yeah, what?"

"I'll give you the explanation that you wanted when we get out of the dungeon."

"Oh... Wait, wait."


"I just thought about it..."Dorian looked at Kang Chul-In with a serious expression on his face...

"I don't think it would be good if I heard it right now."

And coolly gave up the chance to know about Kang Chul-In's secrets that he was curious about.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Of course I am. But... I have a feeling that a story that's too hard for me to handle right now might come up. It's like I feel that I'd be more comfortable not hearing your story. Later, much later. Let's have a talk about this when we can finally relax."

Saying that, Dorian shook his head and walked away.

"I'll take my leave now. Don't forget that you'll have to buy my one in the future!"

Dorian was cool about these things for some reason.


A few days after Kang Chul-In had left the Valhalla Dungeon (now the Valhalla territory), the start of a terrifying fight within South Korea seemed to have started.

"...My husband should start being cautious when he travels around. He's doing too well these days so the luck might run out for him! Hohoho... So how's your husband? Is he doing fine in his work? Ahh~! That seems rough... Oh, my husband? Haha, well... He gets at least $100,000+ a year, so it does feel good living like this."

Cho Eun-Sil was sitting down on the backseat of an S-class Benz and calling

her friend.

"Oh, and what car does your husband drive? What? Domestic? Pft... This time around, my husband bought a Benz just for me! Yeah, yeah... what? C class? Haha, as if... E Class? No, no. My husband told me that it would be uncomfortable if I were to ride in that, so he instead bought me an S Class and also gave me a personal driver! Haha!"

Although, it did seem like she was boasting, rather than talking.

"Yeah, yeah~. Alright. I'm sure there will be a day when you'll get benefits off your husband too... Though I'm not sure when that day will come."

Saying that, Cho Eun-Sil hung up the call, and threw the phone randomly.



The driver, who was hit by the corner of the phone, groaned in pain. It was lucky that there wasn't a car crash from that.


Rather than paying attention to the driver, Cho Eun-Sil started to talk trash about her friend, or rather the woman who she used to be envious of.

"Arrogant woman... It seems that you're jealous of my husband now, huh? As if I don't remember the times you used to boast to me about having a professor as your husband. Hmph! Just you wait, when my husband gets promoted even further, I'll have him fire your husband from his job... Hey! You, watch where you're going! Don't you see that truck in front of us?"

"Sorry, Mistress. I'll immediately move the car to the side."


Snorting, Cho Eun-Sil closed her eyes, wanting to take a nap. A few minutes later.


The mobile phone that was behind the driver started to ring.


It was a call from her daughter's, Park Seul-Gi, piano teacher.

"Ah, so annoying."

Recalling that today was the day that her husband, Park Chul-hwan, was going to pick their daughter up, Cho Eun-Sil crinkled her face in displeasure.


"Is this Seul-gi's mother?"

"Yes, what is it?""The thing is..."

About 1 minute later, Cho Eun-Sil slammed her phone on the ground and shouted,


Her boisterous shouting clobbered the eardrums of the driver.

"Turn the car around! Turn the car around right now!"


"Turn the car around! Right now!"

"W-Where to?"


Cho Eun-Sil shouted crazily.

"Go to Seul-Gi's piano academy! Right now!"

The mother of Park Seul-Gi, Cho Eun-Sil. She started to head over to the piano academy.

Chapter 113. My dad is the best! (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

At the same time in a different location:

"Mr. Billy~!"

Kang Chul-In's mother, Park Sun-ja, motioned over to Billy Halford.

"Yes, mistress!"

"Please move that big table over there for me, please!"

"Got it!"

Billy, who stood 190cm, moved the large table at the order of Park Sun-ja.

"Haha, how are you so strong?"

"Kuhahaha~! Mistress is very humorous!"

It seemed that Park Sun-ja and Billy were pretty close now.

"Hello, mistress!"

"Ah, Mr. Kwak-Jung is here too?"

"Yes, this is..."

"Haha, you didn't need to buy a present like that! Take a seat."

"Milord... I mean, how could I come into Director Kang's house with empty hands?"

Kwak-Jung laughed, and gave a bag of fruit to Park Sun-ja.


And Kwak Jung-mi, from behind Kwak-Jung, also said hello.

"Oh, you're the little sister of Mr. Jung? You look very pretty!"

"Thank you, mistress."

"Now, come and take a seat over there."

Park Sun-ja pointed towards the living room, where there was a large table. There were already over 40 people gathered around the table.

That's right.

When Kang Chul-In had left Earth in order to visit the Valhalla dungeon, Park Sun-ja called the 'employees' of the Galaxy Corporation to come have dinner together.

It was in order to ask the people in the corporation to take good care of her son, Kang Chul-In, and also to have some liveliness within the Kang house, which was normally empty except for her.


Park Sun-ja, who had left the living room and went to the kitchen to get food, sighed... with tears flowing down her face.

"Sob... to think a day like this would come..."

Park Sun-ja felt as if she was dreaming for the past few months.

It seemed so much like a dream that every morning, when she woke up, Park Sun-ja would once again check in order to make sure this was not a dream.

She was very... very happy.

For her, who had no one but Kang Chul-In left as her family, it was very special to have a bunch of people like this over in their house to have dinner together.

Who could have guessed?

That her son would suddenly become rich and buy her a new house, buy her a good car, give her guards to take care of her, as well as set up a cafe and a flower shop for her?

And though it was very sudden, she had suddenly received an extremely cute granddaughter, so Park Sun-ja had nothing, or no one, to be envious of anymore.

Just one thing, Kang Chul-In...

"If my son got married..."

If her son got married, Park Sun-ja would feel as if she could die happy.


Lee Chae-rin, who had gone to find Park Sun-ja, saw the tears on her face, and quickly pulled out a handkerchief.

"W-Why are you crying?"

"N-No, it's nothing."


Lee Chae-rin wordlessly held Park Sun-ja's hands. She felt as though she could empathize with her, because...

Mistress, I'm happy too. Because... I also have no family to speak of.

Though she had gotten rich due to her powers as a Lord, she was also without family members. She had also felt extremely happy to see all of these people gather up due to Kang Chul-In.


"Omega clan, those bastards..."

While Park Sun-ja and Lee Chae-rin were together, the employees of the Galaxy Corporation were talking about the recent ongoings in their company.

"Hey, why are you talking about that, when we're here to eat?"

"That's true... But those bastards, what the hell are they? I don't know why the CCTVs and cameras all break when those bastards come out. Do they have control over EMPs or something?"

This was the reason why they still couldn't take care of the Omega Clan.

"Haha, as if. Even though they may be adventurers, they're still human, not antennas."

"That's true..."

"Whatever, whatever. I don't want to talk about that while we're eating. I'm just here to eat all the good food."

While conversations went around the table, the phone in the living room rang.


Billy Halford called Park Sun-ja.

"The phone's ringing!"

"Oh~. I'm coming, Billy!"

Park Sun-ja, who was busy having a conversation in the kitchen with Lee Chae-rin, immediately ran towards the phone.


-Hello, this is the grandmother of Arshelly, right?"

"Oh, yes. Hello."

-I... think you should come here...

"What? I thought there was still 1 hour left before the lesson ended today..."

-There... is a problem, so I think you should get here as soon as possible, Miss.

"What happened?"

-Arshelly... Arshelly.

Listening to the teacher speak, Park Sun-ja quickly hung up the call, and rushed out the door.



The S class Benz stopped suddenly in front of the Piano Academy.

"Open it, quickly!"

Cho Eun-Sil shouted at the driver as if she didn't have hands or legs. It seemed like she didn't want to open the door by herself no matter how much of a rush she was in.

"Yes, yes!"

The driver quickly ran, opened the door, and...


Got slapped in the face. The pissed-off Cho Eun-Sil did it.

"Why can't you move quicker? Huh?"

Saying that Cho Eun-Sil opened her wallet and handed several 50,000 won bills to the driver.

"Stay here and ready the car. Don't turn off the engine."

"Yes, mistre... Argh!"

The driver screamed in pain. It was because


using her high-heel, Cho Eun-Sil had intentionally stepped on his foot.

Soon afterwards, around 500,000 Won worth of bills was thrown at the face of the driver.

"Which b*tch is it... Who touched my daughter?"

Cho Eun-Sil left the driver without a care, and walked menacingly towards the academy.

"S-Seul-gi's mother..."

The piano teacher greeted Cho Eun-Sil with a nervous face. And...


It was another slap to the face.


Cho Eun-Sil shouted at the teacher.

"You think it's everything if you graduated from that Berkeley or something? Is that it?"

And again...


The piano teacher's face was slapped.

"What are you doing, huh? I thought you were supposed to be taking care of the children here! Do you think I sent Seul-Gi here to get treated like that, huh?"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

The piano teacher could only apologize after getting slapped in the face.

It made sense.

After the great summoning, adventurers and the family of the adventurers became part of the elite class--- the nobles of the new era.

No one knew what would happen if one touched the family of an adventurer.

Not only that but, Park Seul-Gi's father was an adventurer who had enough force to terrify a crime syndicate member. To get over this by just receiving a few slaps in the face was something that the piano teacher could live with.

"Where is she!!"

"...Sorry?""Are you deaf or something? Where's Seul-Gi?"

"S-She's in the office over there..."

"Lead the way."


The piano teacher had to lead the way, pushed by Cho Eun-Sil, to where Arshelly and Park Seul-Gi were.


The scheming and cheeky Park Seul-Gi immediately burst into tears when she saw her mother.

"Daughter! Daughter!"

Cho Eun-Sil hugged Park Seul-gi, and tried to calm her down.

"Wahhh... M-Mom... It hurts... It hurts..."

"Okay, okay. It's alright now, Seul-Gi. How much did it hurt? Oh, my daughter..."

"Sob... Sob... It hurts... Mom..."

"Who did it? Who hit my daughter?!"

Cho Eun-Sil looked around the room, her eyes red.

"Who was..."

Looking for the one that had hit Park Seul-gi, Cho Eun-Sil found a small girl next to Park Seul-gi, with a sad expression on her face.

"It's you, isn't it."

Cho Eun-Sil let go of Park Seul-Gi, and walked towards Arshelly.

"You... You're the b*tch who hit our Seul-Gi?"


"So it was you, huh. You..."

The body of Cho Eun-Sil started to shiver.

You, you're screwed now! Ha!

My mom is terrifying, did you know that? You're soooo screwed now.

You don't have a strong mom like this, huh? Do you?

Behind Cho Eun-Sil, Park Seul-Gi looked at Arshelly with a laughing expression.

Seul-Gi... Is a terrible person.

Arshelly could read her thoughts from her expression.

For an S rank psychic like Arshelly, it was all too easy to read the emotions of a little girl like Park Seul-Gi.


Cho Eun-Sil poked a finger at Arshelly's forehead.

"You... You..."

Kuk. Kuk.

"You hit my daughter?!"

Arshelly was pushed back due to the poking of Cho Eun-Sil.

"I'm sorry, ma'm."

"You're sorry?"


"This b*tch. Do you think it's okay if you're sorry, huh? After you break the teeth of my beautiful child?"

"Seul-Gi... Seul-gi was the one that first pulled my hair and teased me... it was because I got angry... I'm sorry."

"Teased you? Our Seul-gi?"

"Yes... she said that I didn't have a father... and also belittled me by saying that my family is poor..."

"Your family is poor?"

Cho Eun-Sil didn't seem to care about anything that Arshelly had said before.


Instead, Cho Eun-Sil called the piano teacher.

"This girl, is her family poor?"


"Are you deaf? I asked, is this girl's family poor?"

"W-What do you mean by that..."

"What does her father do? Does she really not have one?"

"I've heard that he is a businessman... But he's never come here in person, so..."

"How about her mother?"

"I've heard... that she doesn't have a mother, so normally her grandmother comes to pick her up. Or sometimes a woman..."

"Is that so?"

Making the judgment that Arshelly had a poor and weak family, Cho Eun-Sil smirked evilly.

"Hmmm? So... a girl who doesn't have any backing and isn't properly educated hit my daughter? I mean, for someone who doesn't have a mother, I guess it makes sense because she wouldn't have ever gotten education about manners and everything. Well, I wonder how the father who taught her for her to grow up like this is..."

"Seul-gi's mother."

And at that, Arshelly spoke back clearly. She wasn't one to just go down like this, not after Cho Eun-Sil had cursed about her family.

"Though it is true that I hit Seul-gi, she was the one that first pulled my hair, and then teased me. Of course... it's my fault for hitting her so hard. I apologize for that."

After bowing towards Cho Eun-Sil...

"But... to talk about my family like that, doesn't that seem a little bit rude? I'm not poor. And even if I were poor, I don't think that you should be speaking to me like that."

Arshelly spoke her thoughts.


The piano teacher rushed to stop Arshelly from speaking.


"It makes sense that I am getting punished for hitting Seul-Gi. It makes sense, so I admit my fault for that. But please don't speak like that about my family."

"T-This... look how this b*tch is speaking!"

Cho Eun-Sil couldn't speak back because of how dumbstruck she was. She didn't think that she would get retorted like that by a 9-year-old child.

"They said you don't have a mother... It seems like you don't have manners too, huh?"

"That seems a little bit rude."

"What? Shut up, you little b*tch!"

Unable to repress her anger, Cho Eun-Sil's hand went up. It was in preparation to slap Arshelly's face. But...

Suddenly, someone grabbed the hands of Cho Eun-Sil.

"This woman, you don't seem to have good manners, eh? How dare you try to raise your filthy hands against my grand-daughter!"

It was the appearance of Arshelly's grandmother, Park Sun-ja!


Cho Eun-Sil screamed as if she were in pain.

"Let go! Let go of my hand!"

"Shall we talk it out, or talk with our fists now?"

The strength of Park Sun-ja who had worked in the market for 20 years was not something that Cho Eun-Sil could handle.

"A-Alright, alright. Let go first."

"I'll trust you."

Park Sun-ja finally let go of Cho Eun-Sil's hands.

"I'm warning you right now, but if you touch a single hair on my beautiful grand-daughter, it won't end with just your wrist. You hear me?"

"You... you're just a woman who's a little bit strong. Do you really think that you can handle my husband? Huh?"

...Is what Cho Eun-Sil shouted, but Park Sun-ja didn't listen, as she was busy hugging Arshelly.

"G-Grandma... sorry for making a mess."

"It's alright, you can just apologize to each other and be friends again, right?"


"Were you lonely, Arshelly?"

"...A little..."

It seemed that even the Royal Princess was just a little girl at times.

"Y-You guys... Pissing me off. You don't have money, but you're strong. Is that it? When my husband gets here... Just you wait for what happens..."

As soon as she finished those words, a black Rolls Royce appeared outside. Park Seul-Gi's father, the adventurer Park Chul-Hwan, had come!


At the same time.

Finally returning from Pangaea, Kang Chul-In hopped into hisBugatti Veyron supersport, and turned on the engine.

The destination was supposed to be home, but...


Since it was also about time that Arshelly's piano academy finished, Kang Chul-In had the urge to see his daughter. He also felt somewhat guilty due to the fact that he had never picked her up from the academy after registering her.

I'm coming, Arshelly.

Thinking that, Kang Chul-In changed his destination to the Piano Academy. Off to pick up Arshelly!

Chapter 114. My dad is the best! (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3

The Rolls-Royce Ghost lived up to its name, making all the other cars that were parked nearby seemed as if they were stupid hunks of metal.

It wasn't just the Rolls Royce that came though.

Soon after, 5 large and black sedans parked themselves in front of the Rolls-Royce. It seemed that they were stopping by on the way.

As the front door was swung open, a bodyguard who had a Ω sign on himhurriedly moved back, and opened the door for a man to get out of the car. It was Park Seul-gi's father, Park Chul-hwan.

"I'll be out soon, so just wait here for a bit."

Expensive suit, large and muscular build, and a powerful first impression; Park Chul-hwan could be said to be charismatic.

"Yes, master."

The bodyguard bowed his head, calling Chul-hwan his 'master'.


Cho Eun-sil's driver found Park Chul-hwan and spoke.

"Is my wife here?"

"Yes, chairman."

"Today's friday, though."

"I heard... that sire's daughter had been hurt."

"My... Seul-gi's been hurt?"

"Yes... apparently while fighting with a friend..."

At the words that his daughter had been hurt, Park Chul-hwan immediately moved.

"You two over there, follow me."

Park Chul-hwan led two of his subordinates and entered the building.

"...Her father actually came..."


"Poor Arshelly's screwed now..."A few of the students that were in the academy whispered.

She's not here.

After looking around and not finding Park Seul-gi, Park Chul-hwan decided to check the seemingly empty Office. As he was about to step in the room...


Cho Eun-Sil ran towards him, and explained what had happened.

"Husband, husband... Do something to t-that stupid old woman over there, as well as that little girl..."

Knowing that she herself was unable to beat Park Sun-ja, Cho Eun-Sil asked her husband to do so instead of her.

"My... My daughter was hurt here?"

And saying that, Park Chul-hwan turned to look at the piano teacher.

"Oi, teacher."

"Yes, Seul-gi's father?"

"What were you doing.""Sorry?"


"T-The thing is... I left... momentaril... Ack!"

With a POW! The piano teacher fell to the ground. It was because Park Chul-hwan had slapped her face.


Park Sun-ja was astonished.

"T-Teacher? A-Are you alright?"Arshelly even left Park Sun-ja's embrace to take a look at her teacher's situation.

"What in hell were you thinking? I'm not paying this much money to send my daughter to an academy where she gets beat up!"

Rather than being ashamed of what he had done, Park Chul-hwan seemed to be completely unfazed by the fact that he, as an adventurer, had hit the innocent teacher.


Park Seul-gi ran into the arms of Park Chul-hwan.

"Dad... t-that grandma hit my mom... Sob... And she... hit my face, so my teeth...Sob...My teeth..."

"...Two teeth fell out..."

"Dad... educate those mean people for me, okay? Sob... Please, dad...""Alright, alright. Daughter, calm down. Stop crying, okay?"

Like the saying that said that even the porcupine loves their own children, Park Chul-hwan calmed the crying Park Seul-gi.

"Young man."

Meanwhile, fire seemed to shoot out of the eyes of Park Sun-ja.

"No matter how much you care about your daughter, how can you hit an innocent woman like that teacher over there, huh?"

As if proving that she was the mother of Kang Chul-In, Park Sun-ja didn't back up even a little bit while in the face of Park Chul-hwan.

"Young man, what in hell will your daughter learn from your behavior, huh? Do you start a fight just because you get angry? What in hell were you thinking when you decided to hit the teacher over there?"

"Shut up, old woman. Stop meddling in the business of other people."


"It seems that the one who hit my daughter is that little girl over there, huh."

Park Chul-hwan gaze headed towards Arhselly.

"You... how dare you hit my precious daughter. Old woman. No, are you her grandmother? Anyway, tell the parents of that little girl to get ready. Their daughter is going to get punished for being educated poorly."

"Sigh... It seems like you really are a terrible human being, huh? Just because your little daughter has been hurt, you dare to threaten my granddaughter's parents? Do you really think that's something an adult like you should say?"

The angry Park Sun-ja shouted towards Park Chul-hwan.


Park Chul-hwan spoke.

"I climbed all the way up here, to the top, with this terrible life. And you want me to care about little things like that? Ha. Only people like you care about small things like this.


Shut up, and don't talk to me like that if you're poor. Alright?"

This terrible way of thinking that Park Chul-hwan had was one that was made from when he had risen from the position of being poor to incredibly rich over a short period of time. He couldn't see properly, due to becoming rich so quickly.

"Even if you are rich, and even if you have a high position, you shouldn't act like that."

Park Sun-ja shook her head.

"You should live with the responsibility to save people, and not hurt them. If you have power, you're bound to get beaten down by an even stronger individual or get clawed down by multiple people that are weaker than you. Don't you know that?"

"Shut up."

"Do you really think that there's no one out in the world that is richer, and more powerful than you?"

"There is, I'm sure there is... But... I'm going to surpass them all. I'm already surpassing most of them, right now. And even if they're stronger than me currently, soon..."

Park Chul-hwan smiled ominously.

"Oh, is that so?"

A terrifying voice came from behind Park Chul-hwan.

"Then try to surpass me too."

"W-Who... Kuk!"

"Who the hell are you, to run your mouth off like that in front of my mother?"

Kang Chul-In smiled, while holding the face of Park Chul-hwan.

"Sigh...I told you, young man. Now, what the hell are you going to do when there's a stronger, richer man in front of you? My son has one hell of a temper... And I'm not in the mood to stop him right now."

Park Sun-ja shook her head as if she was truly regretful.

Park Chul-hwan could do nothing but stay in the grasp of Kang Chul-In, while flapping around as if he were a fish struggling.

"Though there is a lot of trash around the world... I really can't stand trash who speaks like that to my one and only mother."


Saying that, Kang Chul-In grabbed Park Chul-hwan's face, before throwing him into a wall.


Soon after, cracks began to appear on the wall that Park Chul-hwan was thrown into.


Park Chul-hwan moaned and crawled on the floor. It was because he had received too much shock when he was thrown into the wall.


"Dad!"Arshelly and Park Sun-ja called at the same time.

"Dad..."Arshelly ran, and hugged Kang Chul-In.


Kang Chul-In then turned to look towards Park Sun-ja.

"I'm sorry that I showed my violent side to you. I didn't think that..."

"No, it's alright."Park Sun-ja shook her head.

"It's good to educate people like this. In fact, I want you to teach a lesson to a guy like this, who dares to scare our Arshelly."

Park Sun-ja had unknowingly(?) put a death sentence on Park Chul-hwan. Kang Chul-In's answer to that...

"I'll definitely do some mental training on him."

Was obviously an OK.


"Yeah, dad?"

"I want you to immediately go to the house with grandma, alright?"

"B-But... I thought dad said not to use magic while on Earth..."

"I'll let you use it right now. Oh... and when you get home, tell Billy that the Omega Clan members are here."


Saying that, Arshelly immediately used a spell that caused herself and Park Sun-ja to teleport back home.

"...They're gone."

Confirming that his mother and daughter were now gone, Kang Chul-In slowly walked towards where Park Chul-hwan was lying on the floor.

"You maggots."

Kang Chul-in gazed at Park Chul-hwan and his family with cold, ruthless eyes.

"It's too small."

Kang Chul-In looked at the office....

"Let's go to a wider area."

And slowly walked out of the office. It was a sign for the family to follow him.


Park Chul-hwan still didn't give up.

"Go out? You want me to go out? Fine! Huhu... no matter how strong you may be, do you honestly think that you alone would be able to beat all of my clan members combined?"

But... what greeted Park Chul-hwan was not his trustable clan members.

"You wanted the help of these people over here, eh?"

Kang Chul-In snickered, pointing at the already fainted Omega clan members.

"Y-You madman... what kind of stupid...""Is it really stupid though?"

Kang Chul-In started to walk towards Park Chul-hwan.

I-I'm going to die!

Park Chul-hwan sat down, terrified by the pressure of Kang Chul-In's aura.


His survival instincts warned him to run, and the mana around Park Chul-hwan started to rumble.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Sparks started to fly around Park Chul-hwan's body.

Pow, Pow!

And within a 100m radius, all electronic devices started to explode one by one. It seemed that a mana wave had been made by Park Chul-hwan, due to the extreme fear he had.

"As expected of the Omega Clan master. EMP, huh?"

"Shut up, you bastard!"Saying that, Park Chul-hwan swore, and started to run towards Kang Chul-In, but...


He fell to the ground, without being able to attack once.


Park Seul-gi, who had just come out of the building, shouted in fear.

But... ignoring the fact that Park Seul-Gi was looking at him, Kang Chul-In pummeled Park Chul-hwan into the ground. It was the start of the 'mental education' that all the high ranking officials in Laputa feared.



Arms, legs, shoulder, hip, face, neck etc... It was a beating that contained all the parts of the body.

"P-Please... have mercy..."

Though Park Chul-hwan tried to communicate with Kang Chul-In...

"I'm not curious about what you have to say."



As Park Chul-hwan, whom Park Seul-Gi and Cho Eun-Sil believed would definitely be able to take care of Kang Chul-In was beaten up, the mood between them turned gloomy.

"P-Please... don't kill me... M-My daughter is...looking at me too..."

"You decided to belittle my mother and my daughter in front of me."

"P-Please... it was my mistake... have mercy on me..."

"Did you know?"

"Sorry?""I'm the director of the Galaxy Corporation, you moron."


Park Chul-hwan was terrified.

"It still pisses me off, even thinking about the losses in the company due to you guys."

"I-I'm sorry director! I'm sorry!"

Park Chul-hwan stood up, before kneeling down in front of Kang Chul-In, and bowing repeatedly.

"P-Please... As long as you let me live... I'll do anything... Please, director!"

"I'll let you live."

Strangely, Kang Chul-In was thinking of giving mercy to Park Chul-hwan. If someone who knew Kang Chul-In was here, they would have been surprised beyond belief.


"Of course. I don't go back on my word."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"Well, is it really something to thank?"

Kang Chul-In was definitely not planning on letting Park Chul-hwan go so easily. Without killing him, he was planning to show hell to Park Chul-hwan.

Until when?

...Until right before death.

"But before that..."

Kang Chul-In said.

"Let's talk again, after being educated."

"Agh!!"That day, the Omega Clan of South Korea ceased to exist.