145 - 155

Chapter 145. Money, damned money.

Translator: Leyy3

In the new region, Kang Chul-In had to spend every day without rest.

There were just too many things to do.

Building their fortress, making new farmlands, finding water sources nearby, building roads, etc.

"I don't want to see a single person slacking off, so make sure that you all work hard! Everyone that is caught slacking off will be punished."

While Kang Chul-In gave these strict orders,

"Those that have a high and efficient work rate will be given incentives and work bonuses for their work."

He also gave rewards to those who worked hard, as to increase the work efficiency of the workers.


But to this, Timothy seemed like he was going to cry.

"P-Please can you reduce the rewards? As each day goes by, the economy of the territory is getting poorer and poorer. Even though we reduced the pay of the officials and cut the spending rate..."

Timothy's words made sense.

After their move, the money of the Laputa territory was being spent at an extremely quick rate.

This was because they weren't getting a stable source of income other than from Lee Chae-rin's mines.

And as the one that took care of the economy of Laputa, Timothy had an extreme headache going on.

"You can use my personal money to spend on this. Wouldn't that work?"

Looking at a map in his office, Kang Chul-In answered as if it wasn't a big deal.


But listening to this, Timothy's face darkened even more.

"I think Milord is misunderstanding something here."


Shaking his head, Timothy handed a report to Kang Chul-In.

"Please, take a look at this."

"What is it."

"This is the record of Milord's spending. Please take a look after..."

Like Timothy said, Kang Chul-In looked at the report.


"It's a minus..."

Kang Chul-In's face stiffened.

"That's right... it's been over 2 months since Milord's personal money has also hit rock bottom."

And with a desperate expression, Timothy begged Kang Chul-In to reconsider his decision.

"Milord, I really think that we have to take back the rewards... Even though the citizens are living a plentiful life due to Milord's generosity, it's hard for the officials."

"How bad is it for you to say that?"

"Commander James goes around with holes in his socks."


"For Sir Podolski, he's had to go hunt some boar meat himself since he lacked the funds to eat a feast with his friends. As for Secretary Lucia, she's going around without makeup, since she lacks the money to buy new products."


"And that's not even it... Commander Michael of the White Lion..."


Feeling that he wouldn't want to continue listening, Kang Chul-In interrupted.

The trade between Earth and Pangaea through the Galaxy Corporation, the money from Lee Chae-rin's mines, and money earned from their conquest activities--- the money that Kang Chul-In had earned last year was a truly astonishing sum.

But now, where had all that money gone?

Kang Chul-In felt lost and sad, as he himself hadn't spent all that money. He only used some of it buy cars, as that was his only hobby.

Money and gold were like floating clouds to Kang Chul-In, as they kept on escaping his grasp no matter how much he earned.


Finally, Kang Chul-In opened his mouth again.

"Yes, Milord?"

"How much money do we need? Tell me the exact sum of money we require."

"If we want to continue this... I think


that at the very least, we would need 23,000 gold."

At such an enormous sum, Kang Chul-In's expression hardened.

"Milord, that's why we need to reduce the rewards and slow down the construction..."

"No, no."

But Kang Chul-In shook his head stubbornly.

"We don't have time, Timothy. Continue as we are."

Kang Chul-In had felt that as of late, Baruk Al Yusuf wasn't up to any good. They couldn't delay any longer on the construction.

"M-Milord, then at least reduce the incentives and the rewards..."


Kang Chul-In spoke quietly.

"Even though I am the Lord of the people, would the citizens look up to me if I asked them to work for me without getting paid? That's not a Lord; that's a slave trader."


"The promise of a Lord is heavy."


"I know that we are running out of money and that our account balance is in a negative."


"But we still have time, don't we? If on the day that we need to give out the rewards we are still lacking money, we can think of reducing the rewards then, can't we?"


"Don't worry, I'll bring the money we need by that time."


At Kang Chul-In's confident words, Timothy's eyes widened.

"I really don't understand why people comment like that when I make a promise. Why is everyone like that? Am I really that untrustworthy?"

"Well, Milord always makes some unbelievable promises... After all, how many promises has Milord made that sound truly achievable for a normal human..."

"Has there been a time where I didn't keep my promises?"

"T-That's true, Milord. Milord has always made the seemingly impossible into something that's possible."

Timothy nodded.

"Then trust me. I will definitely bring the 23,000 gold by the deadline day."

"Yes! Then this Timothy will continue working like this, believing in Milord!"

Timothy said enthusiastically.

After all, there was no subordinate who wouldn't relax when their Lord said they would bring money. And just like Timothy had said, Kang Chul-In was a man who made the impossible into something that could be done. There was no way that Kang Chul-In would fail to bring back a 'mere' 23,000 gold.


Even though Kang Chul-In had promised Timothy, it was indeed hard for Kang Chul-In to find a way to get that much money.

"Old man."

Which was the reason why Kang Chul-In went to go find old man Kwon. It had been a long time, so he was planning on ripping(?) old man Kwon off.

"Oh, you're here? Kuhaha!"

Without knowing Kang Chul-In's intentions, old man Kwon greeted him enthusiastically.

After the Omega Clan had been crushed into pieces by Kang Chul-In, it seemed as if old man Kwon was spending his days without worry.

As a result, old man Kwon's body had bulked up to the point that even some bodybuilders had to blush in shame. He was truly worthy of being called an 'old monster'.

"Anyway, why are you here? Have you finally found a way to suddenly mass-produce the plant that helps grow hair?"

Old man Kwon said enthusiastically.

This was something that old man Kwon hoped for, as it would help their company grow explosively.

"Not yet."

Kang Chul-In shook his head.

"Though there is some progression in that, we still need some time."

"Tzzt, that's a shame. Then..."

Licking his lips, old man Kwon's gleaming eyes showed his enthusiasm. To this old man, Kang Chul-In was an existence akin to that of Santa Claus, bringing him unexpected presents.

"Have you brought a new item?!"

Though old man Kwon clenched his fists, what Kang Chul-In said was:

"I've come here to take your money."


"You only have to give me... 40 million dollars."


"In a week. Oh, and that has to all be in gold."

As Kang Chul-In said this so shamelessly, old man Kwon's face paled. It was a hard task for even old man Kwon, turning 40 million dollars into gold and giving it all to Kang Chul-In.

"I know that you can do it."

Kang Chul-In pressured old man Kwon.

"That's true, but..."

"You've made a lot of money up until now."

"...But I spent a lot of money on making a branch of the company in Japan..."

"Think of the mass-production of the Hair Bros, old man."

"Of course, it's possible that a mere 40 million is nothing... Whatever. Fine, consider it done. What can I do if you ask for it? Huhuhu~. Look at this robber of a man."

"...I'll take that as a compliment."

Since this would be at least 10,000 gold of the required 23,000, Kang Chul-In didn't flinch when old man Kwon called him a robber.

"But, there's a condition."


"I mean, I can't just give you 40 million dollars for free. Just take a request from me."

"Say it."

As he didn't think a single request could be worth 40 million dollars, Kang Chul-In accepted it readily.

"Then... Get me a pet."

"...A pet?"

Kang Chul-In tilted his head in confusion as the conversation took an abrupt turn.

"Yes, that's right. A pet. I can't live like this. My pride is being ruined because of those damned pets! Dammit!"

Old man Kwon suddenly raged, and even his face turned red out of anger. It seemed as if he were truly angry.

Chapter 146. Old man Kwon's request.

Translator: Leyy3

"I didn't notice before, but you have quite a weird habit of getting angry for something trivial at times."

Kang Chul-In stared at old man Kwon, speechless.

"Huh? I do?"

"I mean, why is your face red in anger over such a small thing?"

Truly, old man Kwon's response was quite strange.

An old man that hadn't raised a single dog before was suddenly asking for a pet from him?

"Well... that's because I want a pet from Pangaea..."

"Then, why don't you just buy one from an adventurer? It's not like you don't have the money... Do you want me to ask for some?"

"Of course, you might think that. It makes sense that you are quite astonished since I'm giving you a large sum of money for this."

"That's right."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

"But no matter how much I think about it, you're the only that can help me get a pet that I want."


"As you may already know, it's kind of a trend, raising pets from Pangaea."

This was something that had occurred after the dimensional gate appeared.

When the people from Earth changed Pangaea, things from Pangaea also came to Earth and changed people's lives.

This was the same for pets.

The strange and mysterious pets from Pangaea were a step above the ones on Earth.

Talking cats, unicorns, and even spirits like the salamander. There were so many things that would make a mere cat or dog look normal in comparison.

"But the thing is... I don't have a pet myself."

"Then buy one? You can buy one, so why are you asking me? Don't tell me that you're going to take all the money you've gotten and take it with you to your grave..."

When Kang Chul-In said that, old man Kwon's body shivered involuntarily. Was this young man in front of him trying to take his entire fortune?

"T-That's not true. Of course I'm planning on spending it before I die."


Kang Chul-In muttered.

W-Was he for real...

Cold sweat running down his back, old man Kwon once again realized how great Kang Chul-In's appetite for money was.

"What's the problem, then?"

"Well... there's a club that I'm part of. It's a kind of Silver Club."

"Is that a sort of college for old people?"

"Well, it's sort of different. If you want to join this club, even having 100 million dollars won't be enough."

"...Of course."

It seemed like there was a group of old, rich people that had a hobby of raising Pangaean pets.

"The people in our club go around showing off their own pets, but me... I don't have a pet! Does that make sense? Think about it. My partner isn't a random adventurer; it's you. This isn't befitting of a powerful person like you."

"Ah, I understand now."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

"So basically... you wanna raise a pet, but it'd be kind of shameful and lame to raise an ordinary one... So you want me to get you a precious and rare one."

"Exactly! That stupid Kim... Just because he has some stupid dark leopard cubs he dares to ignore me and show off in front of me like that? Just wait, I'll definitely tear..."

Though a dark leopard wasn't an extremely powerful breed, it was precious and famed for its incredible


speed and beautiful fur.

"Anyway, to crush that Kim... I need a pet that's better and more precious than a Dark Leopard. Alright?"

"Don't tell me..."


"Is that Kim you're talking about... President Kim Hyun-Sung of the Gusung company?"

"H-How'd you know that?"

"...It's a female then."


"The pet of that Kim Hyun-Sung is from her daughter, who is an adventurer. Her pet is a Dark Leopard."

"I-Is that so? Don't tell me that you won't... be able to get something more precious than a Dark Leopard..."

Old man Kwon said, his face downcast. It seemed like he really wanted to show off in front of that President Kim.

"Though it will take some time, I'll get you a beast that's more precious than a Dark Leopard. But it'll take at least a month or two."




Old man Kwon started laughing.

"As expected of you! Who can I make such a request to, other than you! Haha!"


"Yep, what worth is a mere 40 million when you're letting me show off in front of that stupid Kim? Kuhahaha~! Just you wait, stupid Kim!"

Old man Kwon laughed, seemingly fantasizing about showing off in front of President Kim of the Gusung company.

What is this? It's like they're kids showing off their toys.

Kang Chul-In shook his head, looking at old man Kwon. They said that when a man grew old, they would grow childish, and this was a perfect example of that.

"Oh, and..."

Old man Kwon added.

"Is... a dragon impossible? If I was able to have a charismatic beast like a black dragon as my pet..."

Old man Kwon spoke, excited.

"Everyone will..."

It seemed as if he really wanted to become the owner of a dragon. And not just a normal dragon, but the black dragon, which was famed to be the fiercest of all dragons.

"Old man."

Kang Chul-In interrupted old man Kwon's words, speechless.


"Do you hate society?"


"I don't think it'd be a bad idea to transport a black dragon here if you want to make the nearby areas disappear. Maybe your name will go up in a history book as the crazy psychopath that destroyed all of Seoul."

"I-Is it that bad?"

"Of course."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

At this time, who else but Kang Chul-In knew the true might of a dragon?

A magical barrier that bullets would definitely be unable to pierce through. Terrifying magic called 'breath', and added to a large body at around 60m tall, the dragon was an absolutely terrifying monster.

Kang Chul-In predicted that even if a bunch of F-22 jet fighters tried to fight against the dragon, they wouldn't be able to do anything. A dragon was a monster that was terrifying to deal with, unless one had equally terrifying power.

"If there's someone that can control dragons like that, as pets... They would be a god. And not only that."


"It's practically impossible to tame a dragon. And the black dragon that you said earlier is the fiercest of the bunch. It'd definitely be impossible to tame."

"Haha, to say that someone who controls dragons is a god? Isn't that an overstatement? It's not like you've actually seen a dragon before... Huhu~. It seems like a serious man like you also knows how to make jokes?"

Old man Kwon laughed.

Stupid old man.

Though it annoyed him somewhat, Kang Chul-In ignored old man Kwon's response.

"Old man."

"W-What is it... stop staring at me like that."

"If you don't know, then don't talk."


"Let's not continue about the dragons anymore."

Kang Chul-In cut the conversation.

D-Don't tell me... he's actually seen a dragon?

Feeling something strange in Kang Chul-In's gaze, old man Kwon thought.

"I'm going now. I'll send you the pet as soon as I can."

Kang Chul-In turned away.

"Huh? You're going already? C'mon, have a drink with me!"

"I'm busy."

"What are you doing that makes you so busy?"

"I'm going to get money."

"...Whose money are you trying to rip off this time."

And Kang Chul-In answered simply.

"Well, I've found out that when you're running out of money, hunting Lords is a good way to make more."

"H-Hmm? What do you mean?

D-Don't tell me... Are you planning on starting a war in that other world?"

"I mean, why not?"

Kang Chul-In answered nonchalantly.

T-This crazy guy! He's going to start a war to take their money?

The old man's face turned pale.

Even though he knew Kang Chul-In was a terrifying person, he didn't think that it would be to this extent.

Saying that, Kang Chul-In left old man Kwon behind. He didn't need to tell him the truth.


After returning to Pangaea, Kang Chul-In immediately summoned his officials.

That was right.

If he lacked money, he could take it.

The Lord hunter, the Overlord Kang Chul-In, would now start his conquest in order to take the money of the other Lords!

Chapter 147. A shocking event occurs

Translator: Leyy3

There are 5 Lords around this region. One Lord every week, so it'd take 5 weeks.

It would be an extremely easy for Kang Chul-In.

There was no need to even use the Cosmic Force.

Kang Chul-In knew all about the surroundings, and he also knew what kind of Lords there were.

How hard would it be for him to conquer some Lords that he had already defeated in his previous life?

Whatever the challenge was, it was much easier the second time around.

The problem is Baruk Al Yusuf and Rothschild.

Kang Chul-In's true attention was elsewhere.

Even though Rothschild's current pace is quite frightening...

Rothschild was currently ranked 14th among the all Lords, coming up the leaderboard at an extremely quick pace.

The one I need to really watch out for is Baruk Al-Yusuf.

Currently, the biggest threat to Kang Chul-In was none other than the psychopathic Baruk Al-Yusuf.

Kang Chul-In had only brought 40% of his entire force here, with the remaining 60% still stationed within the Pandemonium region. But unlike him, Baruk Al-Yusuf had all his troops with him.

If they faced off right now, it was obvious that it would be a difficult fight. Wasn't that why he trusted Kwak-Jung?

I'll trust your potential, Kwak-Jung.

Even though Kang Chul-In didn't like Kwak-Jung's normal gangster-like behavior, that didn't matter when it came to war. To Kang Chul-In, all was okay if Kwak-Jung was able to show his worth during battle.


At that moment, Kwak-Jung arrived.

"Have you called for me, Milord?"

"Why are you rushing so much? Calm down."

"T-That... Haha... Isn't it obvious that I would rush here after hearing that Milord was looking for me?"

Kwak-Jung rubbed the back of his head. It wasn't the first time Kang Chul-In had experienced this.


"Why are you in such a mess?"

Kwak-Jung's current appearance was quite a shock.


"Take a look at yourself."

Kang Chul-In said, pointing at the mirror.


Looking at his reflection, Kwak-Jung gasped.

"H-Hahaha... Hahaha..."

Kwak-Jung's embarrassed laugh filled Kang Chul-In's room.

To think that he is really the one to make all those achievements in the future...

Kang Chul-In pressed his fingers against his forehead, speechless.

Kwak-Jung was in an absolute mess.

He had been scratched, with claw marks on his face and on his shirt. His hair was also in a mess.

"...It seems like you were taught a lesson by that cat-secretary of yours."


"If you're trying to hook up with her, try to do it properly. And try not to get beaten up."

"What can I do? I just touched her ears once and she started to scratch me..."

"...Great job."

It seemed like Kwak-Jung truly didn't have a talent for handling women.

And while they were chatting, more and more of the officials arrived in Kang Chul-In's room.

When they had finally all arrived,


Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.

"I'm sure you all know why I called you here. We will start our conquest activities again. Tomorrow afternoon, I am planning send an advance team to go check out the other Lords first."

Kang Chul-In said.

"Who will volunteer to be the leader of this advance team?"

And the reaction to this,

"Milord, I would like to..."

"This one will..."

"Leave it to me..."

Almost everyone put their hands up, enthusiastically volunteering.

It was as expected of Kang Chul-In's subordinates; they had the same eagerness as Kang Chul-In to do battle.


"H-Help me!!"

"P-Please... we surrender..."

A terrifying, one-sided slaughter was occurring.

-Allahu Akbar! [1]

-Allahu Akbar!

-Allahu Akbar!

In the course of a year, the soldiers of Anatolia had completely been brainwashed into becoming Muslim warriors, fighting for their religion.

These soldiers mercilessly slaughtered the enemy's soldiers, before passing through the castle gate.

Lee Gong-Myung...

Baruk Al-Yusuf looked at the enemy's falling territory, and thought of the 'present' that Alex Rothschild had given him.

Lee Gong-Myung.

This strategist under Alex Rothschild made Baruk Al-Yusuf question whether he was truly human.

Great Khalifa, if you give this humble one control over the military, I will definitely slaughter and punish the non-believers around this place in a month.

Baruk Al-Yusuf recalled the conversation he had with Lee Gong-Myung.

In a month, I will take 2 territories in the East, and one territory in the North.

That doesn't seem possible, non-believer. How are you planning on conquering 3 territories in a month?

I'm sure that I can do it, Great Khalifa.

And if you can't keep your words?

If I can't do it, please take the head of this poor subordinate.

And if you succeed?

If I'm able to keep my promises... please have the grace of allying with my Lord, Alex Rothschild.

The result was a big success.

Exactly 26 days after Lee Gong-Myung was given control of Anatolia's military, he succeeded in conquering 3 territories.

The territory that was falling right now was the last of the 3.

"Great Khalifa."

While Baruk Al-Yusuf was inwardly shocked, Lee Gong-Myung came near him and spoke.

"Thanks to the Great Khalifa handing this one control over the military, I was able to seize 3 territories within a month."

"Isn't that all due to you?"

"That's not true. This one is just a mere tactician, so all I did was think of some plans. If not for the Great Khalifa's powerful army, how could I have been able to conquer the other territories?"


Baruk Al-Yusuf touched his beard.

Do I have to kill him?

Baruk Al-Yusuf seriously contemplated.

To let a man of this caliber go... It was too frightening to think of the consequences if the relationship between him and Alex Rothschild worsened.

If he were my subordinate...

No matter how useless someone was, Lee Gong-Myung would be able to turn them into an Overlord. That was the Lee Gong-Myung that Baruk Al-Yusuf had watched for the last 26 days.

And due to this, it made Baruk Al-Yusuf want to either kill Lee Gong-Myung or persuade him to join his banner, rather than allying with Alex Rothschild.

"Great Khalifa."

At that moment.

"This one has just thought about it, but how about going south to conquer some more territories? Since I have a little more time, it makes me want to service the Great Khalifa a bit more. If you give me just two more weeks, I'll definitely make 2 of the 5 territories in the South yours."


"Yes, Great Khalifa."

It was a tempting offer.

Was there a reason to decline, when such a genius strategist was offering his free service?

"Very well."

Baruk Al-Yusuf nodded.

"We will go south."


"Lucia will be the leader.

But first of all..."

When Kang Chul-In was about to speak---


A voice that was closer to a scream could be heard. It was the voice of Podolski.


The tightly closed door to the meeting was opened.


Podolski, who was supposed to have gone with Arshelly to fish spoke, his body matted with blood and sweat.

"T-The princess... Arshelly has been... kidnapped..."


A terrifying silence filled the hall.

That was right.

A terrifying and shocking event had occurred.

[1] Arabic for "God is most great." Read more at: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Allahu_akbar

Chapter 148. Finding the Perpetrator.

Translator: Leyy3


The armrest of the throne Kang Chul-In sat on shattered into pieces, unable to withstand Kang Chul-In's force.


At such a ridiculous event, Kang Chul-In was unable to come to his senses immediately.

"Someone kidnapped my daughter..."

Kang Chul-In's eyes started to glow with anger.

"What dog-like bastard dares to kidnap my one and only daughter?"

Though it was a deep growl, the sound seemed as if it came from the greatest depths of hell. Even though Kang Chul-In hadn't shouted, one could tell how angry he was through his eyes.


No one spoke.

What kind of disaster was this?

The princess of the Laputa territory was kidnapped?

This was one of the worst things that could happen to them.

To Kang Chul-In, Arshelly was one of the only existences that made him show his caring, humane side. To kidnap her was suicide. Kang Chul-In was someone that would kill not only the main perpetrator, but also the others involved, including their entire families.


Kang Chul-In called Podolski with a low voice.

"Yes... Milord..."

Covered in blood, Podolski barely managed to answer.

Even though he was covered in injuries and it seemed like he would faint at any moment, Podolski resisted the urge to lay down.

This was his responsibility and duty as the subordinate of Kang Chul-In.

He had to say what happened, even if he died from the injuries; even if he died due to Kang Chul-in's hands.

"Who was it?"


Podolski kneeled.

"T-This one was unable to identify the exact identity of the perpetrator..."

"You don't know?"

"Please kill me!"

It meant that they had been attacked by people they didn't know.

"So, you don't know who they were..."

"Yes, milord... Urk..."

Podolski coughed out blood.


But Kang Chul-In didn't seem to care about whether Podolski was coughing up blood or not. All he wanted to know was what happened.

"Tell me what you saw, heard, and felt. Without missing any details."

"Yes, milord... Kuhuk."

As Podolski tried to bow, he nearly fell on the ground. It seemed that he had reached his limits.


Alfred, who had been standing nearby, came forward.

"It seems difficult for Sir Podolski to make a full report in his current state. Let this old man help Podolski quickly recover so that..."

"N-No, it's okay."

Using his near super-human mental fortitude, Podolski stopped Alfred from helping him up.

"It was when we had... arrived at the river."

Podolski tiredly started to explain.


Arshelly and Podolski had woken up extremely early, before traveling for around 5 hours to get to a river in the north.

"Sir Podolski!"

"Yes, princess?"

"Can I really catch a golden carp?"

Her large eyes shining, Arshelly asked Podolski.

"Of course, princess!"

Podolski answered, laughing.


"Of course, princess. Aren't you good at everything? I'm sure that you'll be able to succeed! Even though they say that it's an extremely rare breed of fish, I'm sure that you'll be able to catch it!"


Arshelly clenched her small fists enthusiastically.

Oh princess, you are truly too cute.

Podolski involuntarily smiled, looking at the cute and lovely Arshelly.

"Come on. Golden carp! Let me


get you so I can give you to grandmother~"

Arshelly sang.

That was right.

The reason why Arshelly was trying to catch this golden carp was so that she could offer it to her grandmother.

With an average length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 500 kilograms, the golden carp was an extremely rare breed of fish within Pangaea.

Though it would change depending on the situation, each fish was priced at around 2000 gold, or around 800,000 USD.

If a whale was like the lotto of the sea, the golden carp was the lotto of the river.

The scales of the golden carp weren't just for decoration. They were truly made of gold, making them extremely useful for art and design.

And the meat.

The meat of the carp was extremely healthy, and it would even allow some normal people to get mana after consuming it.

Arshelly was planning on catching this fish and cooking it for her grandmother.

"Haha! You've caught another one?"

The fishing was quite successful.


"Haha, just how many is this now? Princess is definitely talented at this."


Podolski was inwardly shocked.

Even though they hadn't been able to catch the golden carp yet, it was a given that whenever Arshelly pulled up her fishing rod, an extremely large fish would come up. She had skill that would make fishermen blush in shame.


But Arshelly sighed.

"What is it, princess?"

"I still haven't been able to catch the golden carp. Even though I've waited so long..."

"It's only to be expected. The golden carp is an extremely rare catch that is normally a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

While Podolski was trying to cheer Arshelly up...


Arshelly used her full strength in tugging her fishing pole.


Don't tell me!"

On the surface, one could barely see the golden outline of a fish. It was obvious that it was a golden carp.

"...It seems that some people do it in just 2 hours."

Podolski muttered, in astonishment.

"Come on, let's help the princess!"

"Come on!"

An hour later.

Arshelly was finally able to use the help of Podolski and her escort soldiers to pull up the golden carp.


Looking at the beautiful carp, Arshelly gasped.

"It's a very beautiful and big fish! I'm so happy! Now I can cook this for grandmother to eat!"

"Haha! Congratulations, prin..."

As Podolski was laughing and congratulating Arshelly,


A terrifying explosion sounded,


And with a single scream, a soldier fell down.


At an unexpected ambush, Podolski quickly turned his body.


There was nothing much that happened afterwards.

All that happened was that a small army had attacked them, and they were defeated.


Podolski called Kang Chul-In, tired.

"The leader of the kidnappers... The princess's magic didn't work against the person at all... All the magic... Me and the soldiers tried to protect..."

Podolski stopped mid-sentence multiple times. It seemed that he would soon die of blood loss.


Kang Chul-In added.

"Under... the commands of the princess... this subordinate came to report... to Milord... the princess... has used a spell... that transported her into another... pocket dimension..."

"Is she safe?"

"She said... she could last... for at least a week..."

Podolski started to gasp for breath,


And fell down on the ground. He had fainted after fulfilling his duty.


Kang Chul-In said.

"Quickly heal Podolski. Make sure that you definitely save him."

"I will gladly comply, Milord!"

Alfred quickly left the hall, carrying Podolski.


The only sound that could be heard in the silent hall was Kang Chul-In's cold sigh.

"All troops. We head out. We go north. We will head out and take the life of the perpetrator that kidnapped Arshelly."

The orders were strange.

How could they go north and catch the person behind this when they didn't know who the perpetrator was?

"I know who it is."


Kwak-Jung answered.

"I know the person who kidnapped Arshelly, so just listen to my commands and don't ask any more questions."

Kang Chul-In pointed towards the map showing the Ishtar region.

"Over here."

A territory located at the extreme north. It was the territory of the current 19th Ranked Lord, Sheville Polanski.

This lord that had the ability to turn all magic into nothingness had also been conquered by Kang Chul-In in the past.

"This stupid bastard was the one who kidnapped my daughter."


The soul core of Laputa in Kang Chul-In's hands smashed against the area that Kang Chul-In was pointing at.

"Until I take the head of this ignorant bastard and get my daughter back, I will not stop."

Kang Chul-In growled ferociously.

Chapter 149: Kang Chul-In's Regrets

Translator: Leyy3

There was only one reason why Kang Chul-In thought that Sheville Polansky was the villain.

Sheville Polansky was a Lord with the nickname 'The Spellthirster,' due to his ability that negated all magic.

He was able to absorb the magic that the enemy casted, and make it so that it instead gave him body enhancements.

This meant that he was the bane of all mages and magicians, since he was able to counter them perfectly.

I'll rip you to shreds when I meet you.

Kang Chul-In gritted his teeth.

Kang Chul-In had no doubt in his mind that the one behind all of this was Sheville Polansky.

Just hearing Podolski's explanation was enough.

Arshelly Berlinetta Pon Aurangzeb was a ridiculously powerful S rank mage, esper, and warrior with an immeasurable potential.

And someone stopped Arshelly's magic completely?

Of course, Arshelly could just use her high-level swordplay, but she was just too young to use it properly.

First of all, she was lacking in height.

Since she wasn't very tall, her arms and legs were short, meaning that she was at an absolute disadvantage in a fight--- not to mention her light weight.

Even though she did have ridiculous potential, it was safe to say that she wouldn't be able to overcome her current physical disadvantages. That meant that Arshelly would have no choice but to deal with the enemies with her magic, but due to Sheville Polansky's ability, that wouldn't work.

Who dares... to hurt my daughter?

Looking at the territory of Sheville Polansky on the map, Kang Chul-In's terrifying aura swept the room.

At that moment.



At that moment, Kang Chul-In felt like someone was stabbing his heart with a knife, making him nearly grasp his chest in pain.

His heart... his heart throbbed intensely.

It felt like it hurt hundreds or thousands times more than when Rothschild had stabbed his heart.

He also felt empty.

In the morning, and during the night. The fact that his lovely daughter that came to visit him all the time to say hello wasn't here made his heart feel empty.

"Father~! I'll definitely go get a golden carp for grandmother!"

Kang Chul-In recalled the conversation he had with Arshelly this morning.

"Yes, daughter. Make sure that you don't get injured."

"Yes, father! But..."


"W-Will you... k-kiss..."


"I-Is that not possi..."

"There are many eyes around. Don't you see all the maids?"


"Maybe later."

"Hng... Though it's a shame... Then maybe later?"

Why did he recall this conversation?

Was this the feeling of 'I should have been better to her when she was here' that ex-lovers felt?

I should have done it... it wasn't even difficult...

Even though his dignity as a Lord was important, wasn't it just a kiss?

This was the first time Kang Chul-In had ever felt regret.

"Right now."

Kang Chul-In stood up.

"We will leave the minimum amount of troops, and march north immediately. I will give you exactly 1 hour to prepare. In that time, make sure everyone gets ready to leave."

And gave immediate orders.

"Yes, Lord!"

"We will move immediately!"

The officials of Laputa answered back at the same



"That f*cking bastard... Is he a psychopath? You are so dead to me, stupid..."

Kwak-Jung showed the killing intent that hadn't flared up since he had quit being a gangster.

"You... bastard! This Drakan will rip you to shreds!"

Drakan also gritted his teeth, showing his anger.

"With my shield... with this aegis, I will make your head explode!"

Lucia also muttered ferociously, before leaving the hall.

"I will kill you... kill you..."

"How dare he kidnap the princess..."

Leaving the hall, all the officials had terrifying expressions on their faces.

This was how special Arshelly was in the territory.

Arshelly was polite and kind to everyone, and was also cute and lovely. It was like she was the daughter of everyone.

And in actuality, there really was no one in Laputa who didn't love or like Arshelly. Everyone liked her. Even excluding the fact that she was the daughter of Kang Chul-In, she was someone they needed to save.


The Altaica growled, standing next to Kang Chul-In. The godbeast also cautiously tapped the feet of Kang Chul-In.

It looked like the beast was trying to calm Kang Chul-In down. As a godbeast, it looked as if it understood what had happened.


Kang Chul-In sighed deeply.

"I should have at least made her take you with her..."


As if it understood Kang Chul-In's words, the Altaica started to nod.


After making sure Podolski was alright for the moment, Alfred came.

"I know how you feel, but please don't stress too much about it. What kind of child is princess Arshelly? Not only is she a smart child, but she has also hidden herself in a pocket dimension, which means that she'll be unharmed."

"I know that too."

Kang Chul-In answered.

Like Alfred had said, Arshelly would be fine for a couple of days.

The spell that Arshelly had cast was a defensive spell called 'Untouchable Barrier,' which would defend the caster from all outside threats. Using this spell, one would be able to negate even the strongest of spells, such as a dragon's breath.


"It will only last for a week at max."

Even a powerful mage like Arshelly would only be able to activate it for a week at the very maximum.

Although Sheville Polansky couldn't absorb the spell since it wasn't an offensive one, the chance that something would go wrong increased as time went by.

"Once Arshelly's mana runs out, her safety won't be guaranteed."

"Milord, please think about it calmly. Since you're going, isn't the safety of the princess already guaranteed?"

"I feel so terrible. I feel so dirty that killing intent keeps flaring up."

"Is it because Milord recalls that man's true face?"

Alfred remembered Sheville Polansky.

Previously when they were conquering Sheville Polansky's territory, Kang Chul-In and Alfred had witnessed a hideous scene within a forest in Sheville Polansky's territory.

Sheville Polansky was a psychopathic murderer that had a weird fetish for children.

What did he do?

He had a hobby of locking young girls and boys within a glass cage, and watching them.

And after?

He killed them by poisoning them, would dismember their bodies, and would label the body parts by their name. Sheville Polansky was a man who used his position of Lord as a tool to continue his hideous behavior in Pangaea where he wouldn't be found out.

"To think that despicable bastard will.... My daughter. Daughter..."

Finally leaving the hall, Kang Chul-In muttered one last time.

"Wait a little bit."


At the same time.

Inside the 'Untouchable Barrier', Arshelly was getting carried on a wagon.

"Don't just stay inside, come out."

An old man who looked to be about 60 spoke to Arshelly while sitting on the wagon.

"This old man isn't trying to hurt you."


"Huhu, it seems like you're still afraid. Take a look. There are so many delicious sweets here."


No matter how much the old man tried to persuade her, Arshelly didn't respond. She pretended not to hear anything.

"Let me introduce myself properly."


"This grandpa's name is Sheville Polansky. I'm not a bad person. I'm actually a Lord who controls the 'Bittermoon' territory. Think about it. Why would a lord like me try to hurt you?"


Even though Sheville Polansky introduced himself, Arshelly still remained silent.

It was a smart decision.

As the child of Kang Chul-In, Arshelly's strategic value was incomparable. If news that his daughter had been kidnapped was spread, there was no doubt that many lords would start to salivate at the thought of taking Arshelly hostage.


Finally unable to stand it, Sheville Polansky exploded.

"You stupid girl! How dare you ignore me? Fine! Let's see if you're still able to stay like that once we arrive at my secret place. Huhu..."

Sheville Polansky stared at Arshelly with lustful eyes.

Chapter 150. The March of Apocalypse. (Pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3


The gates of Laputa opened.


The loud sounds of horses' hooves clattering on the ground reverberated around the area.

The 5000-man army with Kang Chul-In at the front all had determined expressions on their faces.

We will save the princess!

Death to the one who dared to kidnap her!

We will stomp on the Bittermoon territory!

The rage and hatred that the soldiers of Laputa had built up for the one who kidnapped their princess was so huge that it coalesced to form one invisible, terrifying aura.

It was obvious.

Their princess, the lovely princess Arshelly was kidnapped.

This was basically the same as if England's Queen Elizabeth had gotten kidnapped.

The goal to save their princess and their responsibility as soldiers of Laputa had made them into terrifying soldiers, ready for war.

"We will speed up the march!"

Kang Chul-In spoke, quickly urging the army north.

This rescue plan was a race against time.

They had to save Arshelly before her mana ran out, or something terrible would happen to her.

There are 2 territories in the way of our territory and Sheville Polansky's, and 2 behind. 5 in total... we only have this many troops, while the enemies will have more. Even though it would be best to move northwards without shedding blood... At a moment like this, if we are backstabbed... that would spell the end of us.

Even while marching, Kwak-Jung was setting plans.

He was the strategist.

Rather than being thrown around by his emotions, he had to deal with the situation coolly, and come up with the best possible plan for them.


Kwak-Jung opened his mouth.

"What is it?"

"There are 5 territories on our way north, all lined up."

"I know that."

"And our aim is the third one, straight in the middle."

"What are you trying to say?"

"If we want to beat that bastard up, we have 2 territories we need to pass. Even though this may seem a little rude, Milord definitely has to trample those territories before going further north."

"What's the reason for that?"

Kang Chul-In questioned, in an extremely cold voice.

"It's because we need to be careful of what comes from behind us. Think about what would happen if all 5 of the territories allied and sandwiched us. We wouldn't be able to survive that."


Kwak-Jung added.

"There's a high chance that the weak lords will ally with each other to knock down a stronger lord."

Why wouldn't he know that?

Kang Chul-In had also struggled in the past because of this. He also knew better than anyone of what would happen if smaller lords allied together.

"Very well. I won't trust the two territories in the very front."

"Yes, milord. I think that we shouldn't even declare war on them. The answer is to quickly trample the territories and break everything in the way. Even though Milord's infamy might go up, what does that matter when we need to save the princess? Our aim is to get to the princess quickly, and rescue her before any harm comes."


But Kang Chul-In himself didn't mind his infamy spreading.

If you weren't my strategist, who could be?


He thought that Kwak-Jung was the perfect strategist for him.

Infamy going up?

Lords spreading that he was violent?

No matter what, Kang Chul-In was a villain.

He wasn't like Rothschild who hid his true motives behind his back but was rather straight up a bad guy.

He had been planning on going and plundering from the other Lords, so what was stopping him now? It was good luck for Sheville Polansky that Kang Chul-In didn't break into the Bittermoon territory by himself right now, and wreak havoc.


At that moment.

"3 kilometres in front of us, there are around 200 Cavalrymen approaching!"

Lucia's shout reached Kang Chul-In's ears.

And his response,

"Sweep them up."

Was a death sentence.

"We will kill them all, and keep marching. There is no negotiating in this march."

This was the start of what would later be recorded on the annals of history as: The March of Apocalypse.


Whilst the advance team that Lucia commanded swept up the cavalry, Kang Chul-In took out the Soul Core of Laputa, and held it up.

The Soul Core worked as a kind of Antenna, connecting Kang Chul-In to the Magic Satellites.

[Level 3 Cosmic Force, activate!]

Under Kang Chul-In's will, the Cosmic Force started to activate.

[Level 3: Pulse Wave.]

There were currently 3 levels that Kang Chul-In could choose from, and he planned to activate the Pulse Wave in order to stop any communication in the territory.

It was so that the first Lord that stood in the way couldn't use the Illusion Network to call for help, or warn the other Lords of Kang Chul-In's existence.

[Pulse Wave]

Blasts a Pulse Wave at a designated area, turning off any communication in the area.

Effect: Paralyzes Communication

Cooldown: 240 hours

Lasts for 10 hours

Price: 5000 gold (per blast)

-Can only use in a 500km radius from the Laputa territory

Though it was ridiculously expensive, money wasn't what was important to Kang Chul-In right now.

To save Arshelly, a mere 5000 gold was nothing.

It was the same for tens of thousands of gold.

Because no matter how much it would cost, Kang Chul-In would gladly pay it to save Arshelly.

[Will you purchase the 1-time Pulse Wave? Yes / No]

Kang Chul-In pressed the 'Yes' button without hesitating, and immediately blasted the Pulse Wave towards the territory.

[Will you activate the Pulse Wave right now? Yes / No]

[Pulse Wave, launch approved! Time left until blast: 3... 2... 1... Launch!]

As Kang Chul-In approved of the blast, a blinding light flashed for a second, before creating a blue forcefield that covered the enemy's territory.

"Until the enemy's territory is destroyed."

With a deep, cold voice, Kang Chul-In spoke to his soldiers.

"We will not stop."

And to this, the soldiers of Laputa answered enthusiastically.

"Yes, Lord!"

"All troops, charge!"

Kang Chul-In shouted.



Under Kang Chul-In's [conquest] buff, the soldiers of Laputa started to rampage.


Sheville Polansky's secret chamber was extremely luxurious.

A white chandelier attached on the ceiling. Luxurious mahogany furniture. An extremely beautiful carpet.

This area that was deep in the Bittermoon territory, made one think of a famous boutique in Europe.


Unlike the beautiful interior, the other things that were inside the chamber were terrifying and hideous.

Almost 50 glass cages, with children that had lost all signs of vitality.

Sheville Polansky truly was a psychopathic child murderer.

"Beautiful, how pretty."

Not realizing his impending doom, Sheville Polansky was busy enjoying his time.


Looking at Arshelly, Sheville Polansky laughed in joy.

"How are you so pretty...? This grandpa is so happy to find you coincidentally. Come on and get out of that damned forcefield now. You will be this grandpa's beautiful decoration. Forever and ever, my child..."

Sheville Polansky muttered, entranced by Arshelly's beauty.

And to this, Arshelly...

I... won't forgive this!

Was burning up in fury, rather than being scared. It was as expected of Kang Chul-In's daughter.

"Huu... I will specially make it so that..."

Whilst Sheville Polansky was muttering.


A beeping sound started to ring in the chamber, and Sheville Polansky's secretary, Ocatnus's, voice could be heard.

-Milord, an emergency call has come.

"Tell them that I'm busy right now, and that I'll call them back. Haven't I told you already? Don't bother me when I'm enjoying myself in my chamber. Are you disobeying my orders?"

-N-No, sire! It's because it was such an important...

"What is it to be so important? Is there something important enough to disturb my enjoyment?"

Speaking to Octanus, Sheville Polansky's voice suggested that he was extremely agitated.

-M-Milord, it truly is something important.

But Octanus didn't stop his report.

-According to the report from the Muirdon territory...

The Muirdon territory was located at the very North of the Ishtar region and was the territory that shared its borders with Anatolia, the territory of Baruk Al Yusuf.

-It seems that Baruk Al-Yusuf's army is planning to come southward...!

Chapter 151: The March of Apocalypse (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

Lee Gong-Myung was leading 15,000 troops from the Anatolia territory.

Clack, Clack.

Riding on a chariot pulled by two unicorns, Lee Gong-Myung looked at a map of the Ishtar region, and smiled faintly.

5 territories in a straight line. If I'm able to take these down... Nearby Lords won't dare to attack Baruk Al-Yusuf, and he will then have force on par with Kang Chul-In.

Thinking like this, Lee Gong-Myung's plan of 'strengthening Baruk Al-Yusuf' was a success.


Because due to this, Alex Rothschild would gain a powerful ally, or rather meat-shield, in Baruk Al-Yusuf.


If we conquer these 5 territories, Baruk Al-Yusuf would be sharing borders with two other Overlords, Hecate and Aleister.

This was the frightening foresight that only Lee Gong-Myung could have.



The Altaica roared, on top of the castle walls.

The sound was so loud and fearsome, that the remaining soldiers trembled in terror.

"Don't worry, and come up!"

It was Kang Chul-In, riding atop the Altaica.

As soon as the battle had started, he and the Altaica had scaled the castle wall, slaughtering any that dared to come near.

"Yes, Milord!"


Following Kang Chul-In's shout, the soldiers of Laputa soon followed.

Watching the soldiers of Laputa quickly climbing up the wall, the remaining enemy soldiers tried to gang up on Kang Chul-In.


"Small fry should get lost."

With one cold message, Kang Chul-In waved his right hand. It was his authority that let him control miniature tornadoes, Vortex.


The tornado that he sent out soon spread out, and started to cut through the bodies of the opposing soldiers.


Fresh blood splattered on the castle walls.

"T-That's not a human..."

"What kind of monster..."

The lucky survivors stared at Kang Chul-In in horror, realizing they would never win.


The godbeast Altaica also showed its might, using its large legs to sweep aside any soldier that came close.

It wasn't an overstatement to say that the terrifying synergy between Kang Chul-In and the godbeast was unparalleled in terms of strength.

"You bastards!"

Drakan shouted, wielding his giant greatsword.


Kang Chul-In shouted.

"Yes, Milord!"

"Take the castle walls, and I'll go hunt down the Lord of this territory."

"This one will definitely do his best to stand guard while Milord is gone! Good luck, sire!"


Kang Chul-In nodded.

"Let's go!"

Tapping the Altaica slightly, Kang Chul-In started moving deeper into the Daox territory.


Where Kang Chul-In went, a trail of blood followed.


Kang Chul-In vowed.

I won't leave anyone alive.


In the Lord's hall of the Daox territory---


"M-Milord! Quickly, you need to go into hiding!"

The secretary of the Daox territory, Douglas, spoke.

"D-Dammit! What the hell is happening?"

The Lord of the Daox territory, Steve, shouted.

"Why the hell is Kang Chul-In, that madman, wreaking havoc in my territory? What have I ever done to make him angry?"

"Milord! It's not time to..."

As Douglas was trying to warn Steve to hide himself...


With a large explosion, the door was opened by a man who was riding a giant tiger.

Douglas was incredibly shocked.

Kang Chul-In was covered in blood. No matter how powerful one's mind was, it was difficult to be calm after killing so many people. But currently, Kang Chul-In was the epitome of calmness, looking as if he didn't have a single care in the world.

There was no violent, bloodthirsty demon.

Just a father looking to save his daughter.

"O-Overlord Kang Chul-In...."

Looking at Kang Chul-In, Steve could only open his mouth in shock.

After all, what could he do, when he was powerless to resist against Kang Chul-In?

"W-Why are you invading my territory? Have I done anything to offend you?"

"You have."


"You definitely did do something wrong."

Steve couldn't understand.

He had been stuck in his territory looking after his own internal affairs, and Kang Chul-In had busted in, telling him that he had made a mistake.

"Answer the questions I ask. If you lie to me, I'll start to chop off your body parts. Do you know the Lord of the Bittermoon territory?"


"Answer me."

"I-I know him."

"Then, do you also know that the Lord of the Bittermoon territory, Sheville Polansky, was here just a few days ago?"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Then tell me, what was his purpose in visiting?"


Steve suddenly went quiet, unsure of what to say.

Dammit! What the hell is he trying to get me to say?

Steve tried his best to think.

What kind of relationship does he have with that crazy old man? Is he trying to punish me for my deal with him? It can't be, right? He doesn't look like a man that would look for honor, after all...

"M-Me and Lord Sheville Polansky are just Lords that share similar regions, so we don't have any special relationships to speak of. The purpose of his visit was so that we can form an alliance..."

At that moment.


White flesh dropped onto the floor of the Daox territory,

Soon after,


Steve's shout of pain filled the hall. Kang Chul-In had chopped off his right arm.

"Say something that makes sense."

Kang Chul-In said, his voice extremely cold.


Sheville Polansky used the illusion network to try and communicate with the other Lords near him, in fear of Baruk Al-Yusuf.


Sheville Polansky muttered in rage.

No matter how many times he had called, the 'Alun territory' didn't respond. There was a high possibility that it had already been conquered.

If Baruk Al-Yusuf was really coming south, then the next target would be the Iago territory.

And if the Iago territory was also conquered?

"I-I'm also in danger!"


At that moment.

"A request for help has come in from the Chermart territory!"

"W-What?! The Chermart territory? W-What is it? Don't tell me that Baruk Al-Yusuf is coming from both sides...?"

"N-No, sir! O-Overlord Kang Chul-In has just trampled the Daox territory with his army, and is planning to march North! We don't have an accurate estimate of their numbers!"

"O-Overlord Kang Chul-In?! What the fuck?!"

Sheville Polansky was astonished.

"Why in hell is that Overlord from the Pandemonium region..."


While Sheville Polansky was still thinking, a new report came in.

"A request has come in from the Iago territory! Baruk Al-Yusuf is approaching quickly, with... 15,000 soldiers!"


Sheville Polansky once again shouted in shock.

Chapter 152: The March of Apocalypse (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3

D-Dammit! What in hell is going on!

Sheville Polansky started to blink his eyes, confused at what was happening.

From the South, Kang Chul-In's army.

From the North, Baruk Al-Yusuf's.

If he just waited as this went on, he would definitely die.

What could he do when he was stuck in the middle of a fight between the current top-ranked Lords?


The soldier continued to give his report.

"The Lords of the Iago and Chermart territory are both requesting help... they both said that the battle will start tomorrow morning at the very latest..."

"Stop, stop!"

Sheville Polansky shouted at the soldier giving the report.

"I understand, so shut up! You're making me anxious enough, so stop saying that. What am I supposed to do if from above me Baruk Al-Yusuf is coming, and from below me, Kang Chul-In?"

Sheville Polansky started to scream, terrified at this abrupt turn of events.

It made sense.

If he were to send reinforcements to the south, the north would be insecure, and the same vice versa. It was impossible for him to support one side.

"What do I do... What do I do..."

As the situation got worse, he had to think of a plan quickly.

But the problem was that he couldn't think of anything.


Hesitating, his secretary, Octanus, spoke.

"I think... you need to quickly make a decision."

"Decision? What decision do I make! These crazy bastards are coming from both sides! I can't help anyone!"

"T-That's true. Both the Iago and Chermart territories aren't enough to deal with the two powerful Overlords... I think that it's all over."

Octanus was right.

According to their scouts, both territories would be conquered by tomorrow morning if it was quick, or the day after tomorrow at the very latest.

"Milord... At this point, I think that you will have to decide between trusting either Baruk Al-Yusuf, or Kang Chul-In."

"Decide? Do you want me to surrender to those two?"

"N-No, sire."

It seemed that no matter what the situation was, Sheville didn't want to surrender.

"Then what is it?"

"Rather than surrendering... offering a truce would be better."


"If this situation continues, it's obvious that Baruk Al-Yusuf and Kang Chul-In will clash in our territory."


"If that happens, wouldn't Kang Chul-In and Baruk Al-Yusuf simply take our territory? To them, we can be conquered at any time."

"What?! You... No, no. Ehem... Continue on."

Though Sheville Polansky was extremely annoyed hearing that, he urged Octanus to continue on.

"Then what if we ask either Kang Chul-In or Baruk Al-Yusuf for a truce? If we ask Lord Kang Chul-In for a truce, and then ask him to help defend our territory when Baruk Al-Yusuf strikes..."

"Ho... So you're saying that Kang Chul-In will recognize the threat that is Baruk Al-Yusuf, and ally with us?"

"Yes, Milord. After all, it's true that for both Kang Chul-In and Baruk Al-Yusuf, they feel threatened by each other. The fight between the 1st and 2nd ranked Lords... wouldn't it be easier for the Lord that uses our territory in the fight to win?"

"Oh! Exactly! Perfect!"

As this was quite a believable idea, Sheville Polansky nodded.

"However... we still need to be cautious."


"Even if one of the two Overlords decide to ally with us, we don't know what will happen at the end of the war. What if they turn on us after? And not only that..."

"Not only that?"

"We also can't be sure of who will win anyway. If the Overlord we ally with loses, then our territory..."


"That's why we need to be cautious in our decision, Milord."

"I-Is that so."

This was also a difficult decision.

If he made the slightest mistake here, it would mean the end of Sheville Polansky's life as a Lord.

"Kuhum... Such a difficult choice..."

Sheville Polansky moaned, his head starting to ache from



"How about if we put a leg on each of them then? If we ally with the one that gets to our territory first..."


But, Octanus disagreed.

"If both of the Lords are trustworthy, then we should definitely do that. However..."


"Milord will prioritize taking care of our territory, right?"


"Then, we should ally with whichever Overlord seems more trustworthy. If the two Overlords find out that Milord was weighing the pros and cons of allying with them... I'm afraid that Milord will be hunted down."

"Hm... You're right."

Sheville Polansky nodded.

"Please think of just keeping our territory, Milord. That will be the easiest way."

"You're right! I don't want to lose my position as Lord."

Sheville Polansky clenched his fists.

How could I ever give up my enjoyment of playing with those cute little children... Hehe...

Even though he looked like an ordinary man, the real reason that Sheville Polansky wanted to keep his position as Lord was so that he could continue his little 'hobby'.

What other job was there where he could do this so freely?

Who is more trustworthy...

Just like Octanus had said, rather than thinking of whoever was stronger, Sheville Polansky decided to ally with the more trustworthy lord.

Is it Kang Chul-In... or Baruk Al-Yusuf...

The decision wasn't easy.

The first Lord meetings had just finished, and he hadn't had an opportunity to get closer to them, since Kang Chul-In had cut the meeting short.

He knew nothing other than the fact that both Kang Chul-In and Baruk Al-Yusuf had extremely bad tempers.

Ring! Ring!

As Sheville Polansky continued to think, requests for reinforcements came from both Lords.

Of course, they was useless to Sheville, since he had already decided to discard both of them.

Baruk Al-Yusuf is a psychopath that's famous on Earth, so rather than trusting him...

That's right! I think Kang Chul-In would be better.

Sheville Polansky would choose Kang Chul-In, who had showed off his incredible charisma during the Lord meetings.


Sheville Polansky opened his mouth.

"Yes, Milord."

"Go send a messenger to Kang Chul-In, telling him what's happening, and that I want to ally with him."

Of course, Sheville Polansky didn't realize his mistakes.

He didn't know two things.

First, the reason Kang Chul-In was heading North was in order to kill him. And second, that Kang Chul-In had almost a third of the troops that Baruk Al-Yusuf had.

"Huhu! Kang Chul-In, I'll trust you!"


Inside the Chermart territory, the Lord's hall---

"Why... what's the reason you're doing this? Shouldn't there at least be a declaration of war, or a reason for starting this war?"

The Lord of the Chermart territory, Orlean looked at Kang Chul-In in hatred.

"If you asked for a surrender in the beginning? Maybe I could have said yes. Then we could have at least reduced the casualties. Why did you have to come into our territory without a single warning, to kill these people? Why?! I'm curious. Why in hell are you trying to start these terrible wars? Were you a war maniac? Is that the reason? Are you a psychopath that enjoys slaughter?"

Orlean said, despairing.

"How dare you!?"

"How dare you scream at our Lord!?"

The officials of the Laputa territory started to curse at Orlean.

Did the soldiers of Laputa want to do this too?

Of course not.

The reason they had started this war was so that they could save Arshelly. There were no other viable options otherwise.


The one who got pissed off the most was none other than Kwak-Jung.

"You bastard... No. Ehem... Orlean, was it? Talk after you know our circumstances... Do you really think that our Lord enjoys this slaughter? Even though you say that he's a psychopathic murderer... Do you know what's happened? If not, then shut up!"


But Kang Chul-In stopped Kwak-Jung.


"I said enough, Kwak-Jung."



Sitting on Orlean's throne, Kang Chul-In spoke in a low voice.

"What do you want?"


"Will you die here, or go back to Earth?"

"W-What do you mean by that? Are you saying you will save me?"

"Of course."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

"I have won, and your territory has lost. There's no reason to shed more blood."

At this, Orlean's face became complicated.

The man who had just come into their territory and slaughtered their people was saying he didn't want to shed more blood? What was this?

"I don't get what you're thinking. If there are some unspeakable circumstances..."

"No. Don't ask me, and don't try to figure it out. Just answer me. Will you get out of here alive, or die?"

"I-Isn't that obvious? I'm a person. No one wants to die."

"Then throw away your position as Lord, and go back to Earth. That's the only way you can live."


But unexpectedly, Orlean sighed.

"I want to live. I want to live, but..."


"If I go back to Earth alive, how much will my dead soldiers hate me? Even though I am a weak Lord, I know how heavy this position is. Victory can be mine, but so can failure. I have failed as a Lord. I have no qualifications to be alive. Kill me."

Saying this, Orlean closed his eyes.


At this, Kang Chul-In's face stiffened.

To think he was this kind of man...

If Orlean was scum, Kang Chul-In wouldn't have hesitated in killing him, but hearing this made him hesitate.

"I will do it."

At that moment, Kwak-Jung stepped forward.

"Haven't you killed enough already? This time, I..."

"No. I will do it."

But Kang Chul-In declined.

"Any last words?"


Orlean answered coolly.

"Then rest in peace..."

Just as Kang Chul-In had opened his mouth---


A messenger came in quickly, and kneeled before Kang Chul-In.

"A messenger has come from the Lord of the Bittermoon territory, Sheville Polansky!"

Chapter 153. The turning tides, time running out. (pt 1)

Translator: Leyy3


At that moment, Kang Chul-In stopped moving.

And thanks to this, Orlean's life was extended.

"He's... sent an envoy?"

Kang Chul-In asked.

"You're saying that damned bastard sent me a messenger?"

"Y-Y-Yes, sire..."

Kang Chul-In's messenger nodded.

"Is that so..."

Kang Chul-In nodded.



A terrifying aura was exuded from Kang Chul-In's body.


The messenger clutched his chest in pain.

"M-Milord... Milord..."

It seemed that the messenger was finding it extremely difficult to withstand the aura that Kang Chul-In was exuding.


Looking at the state his messenger was in, Kang Chul-In finally retracted his aura.


Kang Chul-In sighed.

It had been a long time since he had lost his temper like this. He had even kept cool and calm when Rothschild had chopped off his head.


For some reason, it was difficult for him to control his emotions right now.


There was no other plausible explanation, other than the fact that Arshelly's absence was causing this.

What is the intent behind this?

Kang Chul-In needed time to think.

What was the reason Sheville Polansky had sent an envoy to him?

Was it so that he could threaten him using Arshelly?

Or was he trying to send back Arshelly, afraid of the consequences?


My daughter isn't foolish enough to state her own identity.

But Kang Chul-In thought that there was a low possibility of this.


Unsure of what it was, Kang Chul-In consulted in Kwak-Jung.

"What do you think?"

"Hmm... Well, I highly doubt that it's about the princess. It's probably him trying to negotiate with you, afraid because you're charging north, Milord. The most that will happen is that the envoy will threaten you by saying that the 3 territories above will ally against you, Milord."

"Very well. Everyone, hear me out! There will be no one who talks about this! Make sure you stay on guard!"

Kang Chul-In ordered his troops harshly, since Arshelly's life was on the line.


"...So, Lord Polansky wants to ally with Overlord Kang Chul-In."

But the envoy's reason for visiting was extremely different from what Kang Chul-In had expected.

This is too quick.

Kang Chul-In was extremely startled at the fact that Baruk Al-Yusuf had started his conquest of the south so quickly.

"So, basically,"

Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.

No matter what it was, it was obvious that Sheville Polansky hadn't figured out Arshelly's status, and couldn't threaten him using that.

"You want me to stop invading, and fight with you guys?"

"Yes, Milord."

The envoy nodded his head.

"The army of Baruk Al-Yusuf is powerful. If Milord doesn't agree with the alliance that lord Polansky has given..."

"You're trying to say that you can only ally with Baruk Al-Yusuf to live."

"Though it is rude to say this, that's true."

They had chosen Kang Chul-In in order to live. That was the reason Sheville Polansky had sent an envoy over.


The envoy continued.

"Our Lord Polansky trusts Milord far more than that Baruk Al-Yusuf. Otherwise, there would be no reason not to ally with Baruk Al-Yusuf, who has


15,000 confirmed troops."

"You must have a condition."

As an experienced Lord, Kang Chul-In didn't agree immediately. There was still a need to listen to the envoy's story.

"Yes, Milord."

"Speak up."

"Our Lord Polansky wants to keep the Bittermoon territory as his even after this battle is over. If Milord keeps this promise, then we will..."

They were trying to tell Kang Chul-In not to backstab them afterwards.

"Very well. I promise you that."

Kang Chul-In nodded his head.

"Since Polansky isn't here we can't sign a soul contract, so I will make the treaty myself. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Milord. That is definitely enough."

Even though the treaty was a mere piece of paper, he decided to trust in Kang Chul-In.

It was because he didn't think that Overlord Kang Chul-In wouldn't honor his promises.

Hmph. What promise.

But the envoy was making a big mistake.

The opinions of the onlookers?

Kang Chul-In had just gone and trampled over two territories without even declaring war on them. At this point, he didn't care what others thought of him.

Wasn't this a good opportunity?

If Sheville Polansky trusted Kang Chul-In, it would be even easier for him to betray Polansky at the last moment.

"Wait, and I will bring you the treaty. I will move my army immediately in order to help your Lord."

"Thank you so much, Overlord Kang Chul-In."

The envoy bowed, showing his gratitude.

Of course, neither Sheville Polansky nor the envoy knew what kind of consequences would follow after allying with Kang Chul-In.


"Milord, we need to make sure before we do this. Isn't it possible that Polansky is actually secretly allying with Baruk Al-Yusuf in order to f*ck us over?"

"Of course, that makes sense too."

Kang Chul-In agreed with what Kwak-Jung said.

"Milord, please use our satellites in order to check. Using them, wouldn't it be possible to check whether Baruk Al-Yusuf's army is really moving or not?"


A little time passed, and Kang Chul-In finished scouting the Bittermoon area.



Kang Chul-In spoke with a stiff voice.

"Yes, Milord?"

"Get ready to head out. We will be heading north immediately."


"Look at this."

Whilst Kang Chul-In and the envoy had been chatting, Baruk Al-Yusuf had lead his troops and completely surrounded the Bittermoon territory.


Kwak-Jung was startled.

"This isn't a trap for us."

"T-That's right, Milord. This is a formation for war..."

"We need to go, right now!"

"Y-Yes, Milord."

That was right.

Sheville Polansky was about to get taken over by Baruk Al-Yusuf at any moment.


At that moment.

"The Illusion Network, it's back up again!"


Ring! Ring!

As soon as the report came in, a request for a video call came.

"Milord! A request for a video call has come from Sheville Polansky, lord of the Bittermoon territory!"

"Fine. Accept it."

"Yes, Milord."

As soon as Kang Chul-In said this, a faint screen formed in front of him, allowing him to see a hologram of Sheville Polansky.

-O-Overlord Kang Chul-In!

Polansky shouted urgently.

-Q-Quickly, we need reinforcements! Baruk Al-Yusuf's army is right in front of us! If you don't come right now... Please!

"Wait a little bit, I'll go immediately."

Kang Chul-In said.

Of course, he was raging inside.

Even though he wanted to rip that disgusting child-murderer's body into pieces immediately, he had to be patient. For the sake of Arsrhelly.


"I will go and crush Baruk Al-Yusuf's army. Just wait."

-H-How long will it take? Baruk Al-Yusuf's army isn't even 50 kilometres away from...

"A day."

Kang Chul-In cut off Sheville Polansky's words.

"I will move the army immediately. Try to hold your position for a day, and I will save you. Well, I'm off now."

-Then I will wait for you! Overlord Kang Chul-In!


As soon as the call finished, Kang Chul-In looked towards the people watching.

"I'm sure you heard that."

Kang Chul-In's voice was heavy.

"To be completely honest, that's a stretch."

He was right.

They had just conquered 2 territories, and the soldiers were exhausted. There was no way that they could get to the Bittermoon territory in just a day.

"There will be no reinforcements."

Of course, what he had told Polansky was a lie.

"Strategist Kwak-Jung will command our troops, and make it so that we have a defensive line against Baruk Al-Yusuf. And..."

Kang Chul-In's eyes started to gleam.

"I will... go save Arshelly myself."

Chapter 154: The Turning Tides, Time Running Out (pt 2)

Translator: Leyy3

Baruk Al-Yusuf's unexpected journey south. The exhausted soldiers. Arshelly in grave danger.

All of these are what pushed Kang Chul-In to come up with this reckless, almost suicidal plan.

There's nothing I can do but go on a rampage.

Kang Chul-In clenched his fists.

Seeing as Baruk Al-Yusuf had come south, it would be nothing but a burden to bring his army with him, since there was a chance that they would get decimated.

There was no other option but to create a small elite squadron to follow him and go.

It was an extremely dangerous operation.

Although Kang Chul-In was strong, he still needed an army so that the enemies didn't all focus on him. There was a limit to a one-man-army.

He hadn't grown to the point where he could show the power he had in his prime.


This is my daughter.

It wasn't the time to be thinking of that.

I will save her.

Even a beast would rage if their precious child was stolen from them, and it was the same for Kang Chul-In.

"Lucia, Drakan."

Kang Chul-In called the two arguably strongest officials of Laputa.

"You will lead 250 soldiers each to follow me and head North. I will rescue Arshelly myself, and you will help secure the escape route in case I emerge injured."

Basically, Kang Chul-In was saying that he would get past Baruk Al-Yusuf's 15,000 soldiers and save Arshelly himself before getting out.


"That's too reckless!"

The officials of Laputa tried to stop Kang Chul-In.

They tried, but failed.


Kang Chul-In shook his head, and signaled his subordinates to quiet down.

"It's no use trying to persuade me now. I will not change my decision, so let's get going now."

"Please reconsider..."


"Am I going there to die?"

Kang Chul-In stared at his subordinates with a confident gaze.

"I'm not going there to suicide. I'm just going to kill that damned Sheville Polansky and rescue my daughter from him. Before worrying about me, you should worry about how to deal with Baruk Al-Yusuf."

"Yes, Milord."

Knowing that Kang Chul-In wouldn't change his mind anymore, the officials of Laputa all conceded.


Everyone started to move quickly.

Lead by Kang Chul-In, the small elite squadron rushed towards the Bittermoon territory, whilst Kwak-Jung started to position the troops in the Chermart territory in preparation for Baruk-Al Yusuf's arrival.

Meanwhile, Lee Gong-Myung was talking to Baruk Al-Yusuf.

"Great Khalifa."

Lee Gong-Myung called Baruk Al-Yusuf, who was traveling on a giant lizard.

"Before we start our siege, we should probably split our troops into two."

"Hmm... Is there a reason for you to report that to me? I have already handed the military's authority over to you."

"That is not true, great Khalifa."

"And the reason behind that is?"

"We have a great army of 15,000. This army is rightfully the Great Khalifa's, so how can I make such a decision without permission?"

At Lee Gong-Myung's flattery, Baruk Al-Yusuf laughed.


Giving such reports even while taking care of the army, it made Baruk Al-Yusuf really 'feel' like a Lord.

"Great Khalifa, please let me split the troops into 5,000 and 10,000."

"And the reason?"

"It's because I'm afraid of what will happen behind us."


"The people in the Bittermoon territory have locked themselves up, almost as if they're waiting for reinforcements. If we split our troops like this, we can stop their reinforcements from coming."

"Then do as you wish. However..."

"Yes, Khalifa?"

"Do you think that you can stop their reinforcements with just 5000 troops? If the two territories in the South come they will have around 7 or 8 thousand troops. Why not just split our army in half?"

"Don't worry about that. This one will come up with plans beforehand to make sure that it's okay. 5000 will definitely be enough."

If this man was under me, it wouldn't be impossible to build an Islam Empire in Pangaea...

Baruk Al-Yusuf stared at Lee Gong-Myung, with greed in his eyes.

He was tempted.

Although Lee Gong-Myung wasn't able to show his worth against Sheville Polansky yet, what he had already proved was enough to absolutely impress Baruk Al-Yusuf.

Lee Gong-Myung. You will have to decide whether to stay with me, or to die.

Baruk Al-Yusuf vowed that he would recruit Lee Gong-Myung after this. He was too tempting to let go of.


Kang Chul-In once again urged the Altaica on.

There was no time.

Arshelly's mana was running out, and the Bittermoon territory was about to fall into the hands of Baruk Al-Yusuf.

In order to not be a useless father, Kang Chul-In had to get there in time and rescue her.


As if answering Kang Chul-In's worries, the Altaica also started to run at its maximum speed.

After running for around 40 kilometres, Kang Chul-In was finally able to spot Arabian writing on a black flag.

It was obvious that they were troops of Baruk Al-Yusuf.

"Stop right there!"

The man at the very front warned Kang Chul-In.

"Stop there, and reveal who you are! If you don't stop right now..."

As the man was talking---


The Altaica jumped on the man.


A terrifying scream was heard, and blood splattered all around.


The remaining soldiers started to step backwards, all afraid of the display of power that the Altaica had shown.


Stepping off the Altaica, Kang Chul-In spoke.

"Kill them all. Don't leave a single one alive."

An advance group being here meant that the main army was also nearby. If news spread, they would be in deep trouble.


Growling, the Altaica knocked down the fleeing soldiers.

"Where are you running!"

Drakan who had arrived late joined in on the chaos, swinging his giant greatsword.

"P-Please have mercy..."

The remaining soldier kneeled down, begging for mercy.

"P-Please let me live..."

"Is there an army nearby?"

Kang Chul-In asked, his voice cold.





"In order to stop reinforcements from joining..."

5000... if we let them do what they want, our escape route will be cut off.

Even though they could avoid them right now, it would be different when they try to escape with Arshelly.

Though it will be tough...

Kang Chul-In turned to look at Lucia, as well as Drakan.

"Lucia, Drakan."

Kang Chul-In called out.

"Yes, Milord?"

"Please speak."

The two most powerful subordinates Kang Chul-In had spoke at the same time.

"I will give you a mission. According to this soldier, there is an army that is cutting us off from joining the Bittermoon territory. Is it possible for you two to lead the army and create some chaos, through guerrilla warfare?"

It was an extremely difficult mission, having to fight against an enemy that had 10 times as many soldiers as them.


"This girl will show off her ability!"

"I have been waiting for this day, Milord."

Lucia and Drakan nodded, happy that Kang Chul-In had entrusted this mission to them.

"Very well."

Kang Chul-In nodded, and turned around.


At that moment, the remaining soldier opened his mouth.

"W-Will you let me live now?"

One could see hope on the soldier's face.


Kang Chul-In said.

"T-Thank you!"

The soldier answered, happiness evident on his face.

But that wasn't what Kang Chul-In meant.

"W-Well then, I'm of-- Kuk..."

Without a scream.


The soldier's head fell onto the ground.

Kang Chul-In hadn't said that he would ever let him go. Not even once.

Chapter 155: The Turning Tides, Time Running Out (pt 3)

Translator: Leyy3

The siege on the Bittermoon territory was extremely intense.

-Allahu Akbar!

-Allahu Akbar!

Using Baruk Al-Yusuf's specialty in brainwashing, the soldiers of Anatolia turned suicidal in their attempt to scale the castle wall.

It was impossible for the soldiers of the Bittermoon territory to not be shocked when they saw a 10,000-man fearless army climbing the castle walls.

"Get lost, you stupid heretics!"


But the soldiers didn't lose their will to fight.

"The reinforcements will be here soon!"

The general of the Bittermoon territory, Berenas, said.

"If we endure a little longer, our reinforcements will come! So don't die, and we will show these stupid soldiers our true strength later!"

At Berenas' shout, the soldiers answered enthusiastically.

"We will endure!"

"We can do it!"

Surprisingly, the morale of the army was high. It was because they knew that reinforcements were coming, and that the army of Kang Chul-In would arrive soon.

-The army of Overlord Kang Chul-In is coming!

That was right.

Sheville Polansky completely trusted in Kang Chul-In's promise, and raised the morale of his troops. He was using Kang Chul-In's fame in order to keep up the morale.

But the raised morale was only a temporary. These hopes would crumble as soon as they found out that Kang Chul-In's promise was a lie.


Inside the Lord's hall, Sheville Polansky shouted in anger.

"When are those damned reinforcements coming? When?"

Sheville Polansky raged.

"M-Milord, please wait a little while longer!"

Cold sweat also pouring down, his secretary Octanus tried to calm Sheville down.

"Overlord Kang Chul-In will come when the battle is at its climax so that he and we can completely decimate Baruk Al-Yusuf's army."

"That's true, but..."

"Milord, Kang Chul-In is the man that completely supressed Baruk Al-Yusuf during the lord meetings. A lord like him is just waiting for the right timing."


At Octanus's words, Sheville was able to barely regain his calm.

"Dammit! If they had a lot of mages in their army instead! Then I would absolutely..."

As the Spellthirster, Sheville was extremely confident in matching up against any mage. He would win in the end, as the stronger the mage was, the stronger he would get.

However, the soldiers of Anatolia that were lead by Baruk Al-Yusuf didn't have many mages inside, so it was hard for Sheville to join the battle and turn the tides.

"I'm sure that Overlord Kang Chul-In will come."

Octanus once again tried to calm Sheville down.

Even though he himself was extremely nervous and fretting inside, the only thing he could do was wait. Wait and believe that Kang Chul-In would keep his promise.


Around 15 hours after the siege had started, Lee Gong-Myung felt that he needed to retreat for the moment.

Their morale is way too high.

Lee Gong-Myung was able to see that unlike what he had imagined, the soldiers of the Bittermoon territory had extremely high morale. And due to this, the Bittermoon territory was fighting around 2~3 times better than he thought they would.

The reinforcements of the Daox and Chermart territory of the south aren't that trustworthy.

Just by looking from afar, Lee Gong-Myung was able to guess that someone was behind the Bittermoon territory.

Who could it be...

Lee Gong-Myung looked at the map again.

If it's not the reinforcements of the Daox and Chermart territory... could it be the alliance between Overlord Hecate and Aleister?

That was the only plausible explanation. Only the two Overlords combined would be able to match up against the powerful Baruk Al-Yusuf.

If that's the case...

Hecate and Aleister joining up.

If one had to put that as a percentage, maybe a 0.001% chance?

Though it


wouldn't occur unless something absolutely weird happened, if the allied soldiers of Hecate and Aleister came in during the battle, even the soldiers of Anatolia would be screwed over.

However... Lee Gong-Myung trusted himself.

No, I don't believe that. It can't be Hecate and Aleister. Then is it a 3rd party? And if they are, who could...

"Khalifa, I will ask the soldiers to retreat for the time being."

Finally, Lee Gong-Myung decided to put things at a rest just in case disaster struck.

"Why so? Aren't we in an intense battle right now? If we push them a little bit further..."

"The enemies are waiting for us to do that. Why don't we change our tactics to lead a war of attrition? Since we have a lot of soldiers waiting in the back line, we can rotate the soldiers."

"Hm... Very well. Do as you wish."

"Yes, great Khalifa. Thank you."

Bowing towards Baruk Al-Yusuf, Lee Gong-Myung was thinking of all the possibilities on who or what the 3rd party could be.

The reason for them to struggle so desperately...

Praying that his assumption of there being a 3rd party was wrong...



He could hear the screams of the falling left-wing of the Anatolian army.


Lee Gong-Myung turned his head to the left.

"D-Don't tell me..."

Lee Gong-Myung was shocked.

"What kind of..."

The reason Lee Gong-Myung was shocked was not because the 3rd party he had expected was here, or that the left-wing of the army was falling.

The only reason he was shocked was because there was one man breaking through the 10,000 man Anatolia army by himself.

Riding on a tiger the size of a small house, he strode through and wreaked chaos on the Anatolia soldiers.

It was,

"Overlord... Kang Chul-In..."

The first meeting between Kang Chul-In and Lee Gong-Myung after Kang Chul-In returned.


An ordinary long sword caused terrifying sword-winds to occur, sweeping through the Anatolia soldiers.

Not bad.

Kang Chul-In was satisfied with the 'Iron Sword' he had received.

The sword that his blacksmith, Vulcanos, handed him was an ordinary sword, without any options on it.

But Kang Chul-In thought that it wasn't bad to use.

This Iron Sword had one good part, which was its durability. It had better durability than many unique items, making it suitable for Kang Chul-In to use.

"W-What kind of crazy..."

Kang Chul-In and the Altaiaca, the terrifying combination between them was enough to sweep through the soldiers and get past them quickly.

-Allahu Akbar!

At that moment---


An explosion occurred, causing blood and flesh to splatter on the ground.


Even the Altaica stopped momentarily.


And sitting on the Altaica, Kang Chul-In sighed.

"He's taught them something nice, that disgusting psychopath."

What Kang Chul-In meant by 'something nice' was what people usually referred to as 'suicide bombing.'

-Allahu Akbar!

-Allahu Akbar!

-Allahu Akbar!

As Kang Chul-In stopped, 3 more soldiers who were turning red came running towards him. It was obvious that they wanted to kill Kang Chul-In with their explosions.

"How dare you trash..."

With an angry voice, Kang Chul-In jumped off the Altaica.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

And with that, sparks started to fly around Kang Chul-In's body. It was the activation of Overdrive.


I need to think of something...

While Kwak-Jung was thinking of the best way to stop Baruk Al-Yusuf's army, he came to the conclusion that it would be difficult to do so.

First of all, the Chermart territory wasn't at a territorial advantage to defend, and there wasn't even a fortress. Even though Kang Chul-In had entrusted him with setting up a defensive line, he couldn't come up with any ideas.


Unable to withstand the stress and pressure, Kwak-Jung came up with a strange and weird idea.

"Messenger! Hey, messenger!"


"Turn on the Illusion System right now!"


"From now, we will go and communicate with each Lord. Understood?"

"Y-Yes, sir."

"Let's see..."

Kwak-Jung's eyes skimmed through the contacts Kang Chul-In had on the Illusion Network.


Kwak-Jung laughed evilly.

"Stupid, psychopathic terrorist... Have a taste of this!"

It seemed like he had come up with a plan.

"Commander James!"

Whilst the messenger was activating the Illusion Network, Kwak-Jung looked for James.

"Yes, strategist Kwak?"

"All soldiers will follow Milord, and head north."

"W-What? What do you... Milord has clearly told us to make a defensive line in the Chermart..."

"Fucking..." [1]

Kwak-jung swore.

"Hey, Commander James."


"If I tell you to do something, you should just do it, damn it. Don't speak back to me."


"Who do you think is in charge right now?"


James couldn't say anything back to Kwak-Jung.

Since Kang Chul-In had handed authority over the soldiers to Kwak-Jung, the one in command definitely was Kwak-Jung. No matter whether he liked it or not, he had to follow orders from a superior.

"If you're pissed off, then just try to become a strategist yourself, yeah?"


"Just trust me. There is a reason that Milord hired me."

"O-Of course..."

"Enough, we will do as I say. All soldiers will go north."


"What the fuck? Huh?"

Finally, Kwak-Jung exploded.

"As the strategist of the Laputa army, I'm speaking."

At times like this, it was best to bring out one's position.

"Commander James, get the entire army ready to go. I will not accept any complaints or disagreements. Any that disagree will be... executed according to the law."

At this point, Kwak-Jung had to push everything on.

[1] I sorta-kinda enjoyed editing Kwak-Jung's dialogue. Let my gansta spirit out, y'all kno wat I mean? Don't tell Leyy!