167 - 174

Chapter 167. Are you looking for this?

Translator: Leyy3

The reason that Lee Gong-Myung was afraid wasn't simply because of the terrifying aura that Kang Chul-In was emitting. It was also because he had noticed that there was a small girl in Kang Chul-In's arms,

A girl? D-Don't tell me...! Overlord Kang Chul-In broke through Baruk Al-Yusuf's army just to save... a girl? With his life on the line?

Lee Gong-Myung started to think quickly.

I-I'm sure that's someone in his family. It might be his daughter or his little sister. If not, there's no way that he would risk his life just for a simple girl.

Lee Gong-Myung's guess was correct.

"Is that... your daughter?"

Lee Gong-Myung asked cautiously.

"Does it look like that?"

"Yes, it does."

"That's right. She's my daughter."

Kang Chul-In agreed readily.

"She was kidnapped by Sheville Polansky, the lord of the Bittermoon territory."


"What father would just stand by if their daughter was kidnapped? Did you not watch Taken?

Kang Chul-In asked.

Both Liam Neeson and Kang Chul-In had jumped into enemy territory willingly in order to save their respective daughters.


Lee Gong-Myung laughed, nearly speechless.

"Taken... I guess so. The scale seems a little big, though."

"Is that so?"

"How many have you killed so far?"

"Maybe a thousand? I don't really count when I kill people."

Kang Chul-In answered, unshaken.

"Amazing... I didn't know you were someone like this."

From Kang Chul-In's responses, Lee Gong-Myung could tell what kind of person Kang Chul-In was.

Ambition and bold. That was Kang Chul-In. He was a person that would be willing to do anything in order to reach their goal.

This kind of person couldn't be predicted once they set their minds to something, as they would be willing to do anything.

"Well... I think this is enough probing, so shall we have a chat face to face now?"

Laughing, Kang Chul-In started to move towards the edge of the cliff.

This man... is trying to kill me!

Lee Gong-Myung could feel cold sweat pouring down his back, his heartbeat starting to increase, and his legs start to shake. Even though his mind remained cool, his body didn't follow his will.

Not... negotiable.

Lee Gong-Myung completely erased the notion of trying to negotiate with Kang Chul-In.

Lee Gong-Myung... you die here.

Kang Chul-In's thoughts were that different.

To him, Lee Gong-Myung was a great enemy that couldn't be kept alive.

Unlike the useless lord that was Rothschild that only knew how to rely on his money, Lee Gong-Myung was extremely smart. After all, the reason that Alex Rothschild was able to push Kang Chul-In to his doom was because he had Lee Gong-Myung by his side.

Lee Gong-Myung was a big obstacle in Kang Chul-In's path to becoming the emperor of Pangaea. Even bigger than Alex Rothschild.

"I'll be back."

After saying that to the Altaica and the sleeping Arshelly...


Kang Chul-In jumped towards the other cliff, where Lee Gong-Myung was.


Looking at this, Lee Gong-Myung's eyes were filled with even more shock and fear.

The distance that separated the two cliffs was massive.

The originally short and narrow canyon had become wider because of Lee Gong-Myung's traps, and now they had at least 150 metres splitting them apart.

He couldn't believe it.

Even though he was an Overlord, he was trying to jump 150 metres with a standing long jump.

It wasn't like he had some flight abilities, or like he was the Hulk from Marvel.

He was closing the distance extremely quick, as he streaked across the sky like a rocket.

Looking at this, Lee Gong-Myung clenched onto his White Rain Fan harder.

The only thing that could save him from this situation was the White Rain Fan.



White Rain Fan had the powers of 'calling the rain and wind', as well as 'moving the mountains and rivers'.

I can do it!

Lee Gong-Myung put all of his remaining mana into the White Rain Fan.

Kang Chul-In was currently midair, and it was practically impossible for him to dodge in that state. This was Lee Gong-Myung's chance.

The moment when Kang Chul-In's feet weren't on the ground!


A white breeze started to swirl around Lee Gong-Myung's fan.



Lee Gong-Myung swung his fan in the direction of Kang Chul-In. Using the power of the wind, he was trying to push Kang Chul-In down.


The fierce winds traveled to where Kang Chul-In was, and tried to pull him down.


But unexpectedly, Kang Chul-In laughed.


Call whatever winds you want.

Kang Chul-In had the authority 'Vortex', which was able to completely overpower the winds that the White Rain Fan could bring.

"Take this."

Saying this, Kang Chul-In's right hand glowed with a blue light, and the vortex met with Lee Gong-Myung's winds.

And the result,


Was an overwhelming victory for Kang Chul-In and the vortex.

After negating Lee Gong-Myung's attack, the vortex started to fly towards Lee Gong-Myung.


Looking the massive vortex flying towards him, Lee Gong-Myung nearly let go of the fan in his hands.

To think that Kang Chul-In would be able to counter this attack... it wouldn't be an overstatement to say he had no future left.

I need to run...

Lee Gong-Myung threw his body with the remaining strength he had.


And the vortex swallowed the area that Lee Gong-Myung had been in.


After returning to the Bittermoon territory, Baruk Al-Yusuf called all of his troops, and hurriedly started to retreat towards his territory.

"Slow, too slow! Hurry up already!"

Since Baruk Al-Yusuf continued to command the soldiers, the soldiers didn't even have time to rest.


"So... tired."

This was a bad and stupid use of one's army.

If Baruk Al-Yusuf was smart, he wouldn't have moved his army from here even if he had to sacrifice his territory.

It was idiotic to try and return to Anatolia quickly after conquering the Bittermoon territory just 3 hours prior.

And not only that, but it was nighttime.

They needed at least a day to rest after fighting the battle, so it was obvious that the soldiers would be extremely exhausted.

What would he be able to do even if he returned to Anatolia when his army was so exhausted?

Even if Baruk Al-Yusuf used his authority to empower his troops, they wouldn't be able to fight unless they had stamina left.

"Quickly! I told you to move faster!"

But under pressure, Baruk Al-Yusuf didn't have a cool mind.

Anatolia was a key piece in Baruk Al-Yusuf's dream of building an Islam empire within Pangaea. It was a treasure that Baruk Al-Yusuf couldn't give up no matter what.

"These slow bastards..."

Unsatisfied with the marching speed, Baruk Al Yusuf shouted.

"Anyone that falls behind will be executed..."

Just when Baruk Al-Yusuf was shouting---


"What's that?!"

"Are they doing fireworks..."

Some soldiers looked up at the night sky, and questioned.

"What are you doing, in the middle of..."

Angrily, Baruk Al-Yusuf turned his gaze towards where the other soldiers were looking.

Something's shining?

There, he could see some shining things falling. A lot of them, and extremely quickly!

"What the fuck...?"

At this unexpected situation, Baruk Al-Yusuf swore.


At that moment, one of the soldiers put their hands out in curiosity at what these shining things were. Then,


That soldier's head blew up.


At this sudden explosion, everyone looked over.

Or to be precise, they tried to, but couldn't.


Because that explosion was just the beginning.



Bang! Bang! Bang!

Everywhere, small explosions occurred.

Although the blast radius wasn't that big, it was extremely effective.


The sound of rumbling hooves shook the ground...

"Where are you running!?"

"You weak trash!"

And around 1000 cavalrymen ambushed the Anatolia soldiers from the back. They were soldiers wearing black--- the cavalry of the Laputa army!

That wasn't all.

Flap flap!

With large flapping noises---



Wyverns started to pack up together and fly over the Anatolian soldiers. These were the reinforcements that Kwak-Jung had called.


"I'm here!"

A man that was riding on the biggest wyvern roared.


The wyvern rider, Dorian Explorer, shouted Kang Chul-In's name.

"I'm here! I'm here to repay my debts!!"

Dorian shouted to someone who wasn't there.

"We go!"

Dorian jumped off the wyvern.


Landing perfectly and rolling like an action star, Dorian stood up.

"Now, let's..."

When Dorian was about to show off his confidence and begin the fight, he started to look around him, as if something were weird.

"Uh... Well, haha..."

Dorian laughed awkwardly.

"Who the hell is this guy...?"

"What's this bastard doing...?"

The soldiers of Anatolia all stared at Dorian, as if they were looking at an idiot.

"Hey, why only... why me! Hey! You traitors!"

Dorian shouted towards the sky, or more accurately, towards his allies.

No one had jumped off with him.

The only person that had descended was Dorian.

Which meant,

"I-I'm, I'm just going to go now, okay...? Haha..."

That Dorian had just jumped into enemy territory by himself, just like an idiot.

Chapter 168: After Marching North (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3


Nilus laughed. The spell that had confused and damaged the Anatolian army was his, and he was laughing at the panicked enemies.

Uh... what kind of grade-schooler is this...?

Looking at Nilus laughing, Kwak-Jung thought that this kid might actually be an 80-year-old man.

The way that this young boy laughed seemed quite akin to that of an old man.


Noticing Kwak-Jung's gaze, Nilus' face stiffened.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Huh? Why, you mad?"

Kwak-Jung didn't stop staring at Nilus.

"Oh? Look at you."

Nilus also looked back at Kwak-Jung as if he were annoyed.

The two of them fought whenever they looked at each other.

Kwak-Jung thought that Nilus was insane for pretending to be an old man, while Nilus was angry at Kwak-Jung for not believing in his words.

"You rude bastard... why are you speaking to me like that? Hmph! Young men these days really don't know to respect their elders. Hmph! I need to die of old age right now, I can't stand this..."

Nilus stroked his 'invisible' beard, and stared at Kwak-Jung.

"Ha... you young bastard."

Not losing against this, Kwak-Jung stared back at Nilus.

"Ha, I didn't think that I would ever see something like this. A little kid is cosplaying as an old grandpa... Ha... I feel this whenever I see you, but you really aren't sane. Even if you are crazy, you should..."


"I'll definitely have to teach you a lesson one day... I'll give you some mental training."

Kwak-Jung referred to Kang Chul-In's trademark 'mental training', and shook his head.

"Hu... whatever, whatever! To think that this stupid grade-schooler is the head of the mages in the Laputa territory..."


At this, Nilus retorted angrily.

"What did you say? Grade-schooooooler?"


"You young brat... You should learn to respect your elders!"

As Nilus raged, Kwak-Jung thought that this Pangaean mage knew the true meaning of 'grade-schooler' and was startled for a second.

He didn't know that there was the concept of grade-school here in Pangaea, when he hadn't seen one before.

"You... do you even know what grade-schooler means?"

Kwak-Jung asked to check.

"You think I don't know what that swear word means? Even though I am an old man, I still keep up with the trendy words nowadays! Ehem."

"Is that so?"

"O-Of course!"

"What does it mean then?"


"Yeah? So what does it mean?"


Nilus hesitated.

"Hmph... Stop pretending to know."

"W-What?! Did you really think you would be fine after swearing at the elderly? You rude bastard!"

"Haha, you don't even know the meaning."

"I-I know what it is!"

"Then why don't you say it, 'Mr. Old Man'."

"Y... You..."

"Pft~! Don't talk to me until you know what it means. You got it? O.K?"

Kwak-Jung motioned with his hands.


"Ah... you don't know what that is either..."


"I'll have to talk to someone who knows what I'm talking about. What can I say to someone who doesn't know the 'trendy' words? Ha... C'mon, Kwak-Jung. You should be the good man, and let it go."

After murmuring to himself, Kwak-Jung turned away from Nilus because he didn't want to continue speaking.

And thanks to that,

"Grade-schooler... I must have forgotten because I'm so old. It must only be temporary... H-Have I gotten dementia?!"

Repeating the word that he had heard for the first time in his life, Nilus wondered whether he had gotten dementia or not.

At that moment,

"I'm here!"

Dorian jumped off the wyvern, before pointing towards his allies in the sky and shouting at them for not jumping off with him.

"...What in hell is that dumb ass doing?"

Kwak-Jung clenched his fists, and shivered.

"Ugh! I think I'm going crazy! How come the people near me aren't normal? First, there's a crazy grade-schooler and now, there's an Overlord that has brain damage... Ah, forget it."

While Kwak-Jung was complaining to himself, Dorian, who had jumped into enemy territory by himself,

"I-I surrender! S-Stop it! Ahhh!"

Was running away from nearly 8000 Anatolian soldiers, begging for his life.

"Why'd he even come in the first place if he was going to do that... Ugh..."

Kwak-Jung covered his eyes, sick of this madness.

If he had gone into enemy territory like that, it would have been cool if he as an Overlord tried to break through the enemy lines and show off his power, but instead Dorian was busy running around like a dog while being chased by the enemy soldiers. He truly was an Overlord that looked idiotic.

Ah, well... I wouldn't be following Milord like this if every Overlord was like that...

Kwak-Jung thought of Kang Chul-In, and decided to forgive Dorian for now.

If everyone could do that, then Kwak-Jung might not be the subordinate of Kang Chul-In.

Even though it was true that Kang Chul-In had saved him, one of the reasons Kwak-Jung had decided to


follow him was because of his charisma and power.

Of course, that wasn't to say that Dorian was useless or weak.

Although he wasn't able to destroy the enemies like Kang Chul-In, he was still able to continue running away from the 8000 soldiers unscathed.

This was something that was impossible unless someone had skill. The only problem was that he was quite stupid.

Now then, Anatolians, it's only 3 or 4 days before you have to say good bye to your territory. And then... Huhuhu... I'll be able to get a special bonus from Milord! Hahaha!

Once this happened, it truly wouldn't be impossible for Kwak-Jung to become the owner of a Ferrari.

After all, Kang Chul-In was famous for rewarding his subordinates well when they deserved it.


"Looks like this is the source of the wind and rain?"

Kang Chul-In stared at the White Rain Fan below his feet and murmured.

In truth, he already knew.

In the past, Lee Gong-Myung had used this weapon to make the armies of Hecate and Aleister retreat near the Hartum river.

He was even aware that the name of this fan was the 'White Rain Fan'.

But even still, Kang Chul-In pretended not to know.

It was just in case because he was still wary of Lee Gong-Myung's terrifying insight and foresight.

"Not bad."

As soon as he said that,


Kang Chul-In kicked the fan, and it bounced on the ground before landing in his hands.

"I'll use it well."

After holding the item that was like the symbol of Lee Gong-Myung, Kang Chul-In nodded with a smile.

This fan contained the authority to 'call the wind and rain' and 'move the mountains and rivers' and was an item that he could use much better than Kaiforce, as it had so many more uses.

Think about it.

Weather was something that could control one's normal day, but if one could control the weather depending on their mood... How convenient would that be?

Simply speaking, this was the most useful item that Kang Chul-In had obtained after returning to the past. It was a true treasure.

Amazing, as expected.

After putting the fan away, Kang Chul-In started to walk towards Lee Gong-Myung in order to kill him.


Kang Chul-In had none.

Lee Gong-Myung was arguably the biggest obstacle in Kang Chul-In's road to becoming Emperor.

He also didn't have any intentions to persuade Lee Gong-Myung to join him.

Even though he was quite silly, he had Kwak-Jung by his side. There was no reason to keep Lee Gong-Myung alive now.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Mana that had the lightning attribute was concentrated around Kang Chul-In's right hand. It was because he had absorbed the lightning strike earlier.


As death was approaching, Lee Gong-Myung thought of his friend and lord, Alex Rothschild.

There was no way out.

All of his plans had been obliterated by Kang Chul-In, he had lost his right arm, and he had lost the White Rain Fan.

Kang Chul-In was approaching him with killing intent apparent in his eyes. He couldn't even beg for mercy.

Please... achieve your goals...

In his final moments, Lee Gong-Myung wished for Alex Rothschild's goals to be achieved.


Kang Chul-In's fist flew straight towards Lee Gong-Myung's head. It was a death sentence from the Grim Reaper.

"Strategist Lee!"

But at that moment, a miracle occurred.


With a loud noise, a green fog covered Kang Chul-In.


At this abrupt attack, Kang Chul-In instinctively jumped away, and immediately blocked Arshelly's mouth and nose to stop the air from seeping in.

From his experience, most fogs that were green,


Had terrifying poison.

"Those that try to kill Strategist Lee will die!"

"Back off!"

Men wearing black armor and masks came out like ghosts and blocked Kang Chul-In's way. For some reason, they seemed quite akin to ninjas that came out of animations.

"Strategist Lee!"

While most of the ninjas were blocking Kang Chul-In, the man that looked to be in charge of all the ninjas handed a golden scroll to Lee Gong-Myung.

"T-This is!"

Looking at the golden scroll, Lee Gong-Myung gasped.

This golden scroll was an item known as the 'Absolute Return Scroll', and was the only consumable item that was classified as 'Epic' in the Lord shop. The price was a whopping 100,000 gold, or around 30 million dollars.

And not only that, but this item was something that each Lord could only buy once in their lifetime.

With that being said, the effects of this item could be guaranteed.

No matter where someone was, or what situation they were in, this item would teleport the user back to their territory within 5 seconds of being ripped.

It was basically the final resort that a Lord could use to run away.

"Quickly, go sir!"

"But... this is Milord's..."

Lee Gong-Myung hesitated.

This item could only be bought once.

If he used this, that would be like throwing away one of Alex Rothschild's lives, so it was difficult for the loyal Lee Gong-Myung to rip this scroll open so easily.

"Milord thinks that Strategist Lee is more important than that one mere scroll."


"Quickly, sir!"

"But you guys..."

"Saving strategist Lee is the priority!"

While the man and Lee Gong-Myung were having an argument.

"You bastards..."

Kang Chul-In's rage was at its peak.

"Kitty cat!"

Kang Chul-In shouted at the Altaica who on the other side of the canyon.

"Can you catch her?"


"Catch her!"

Saying that, Kang Chul-In threw Arshelly who was still in his arms to the other side.


Thankfully, the Altaica was able to catch Arshelly safely. It was truly a useful pet.

"Where are you!?"


Even though the poison fog was in Kang Chul-In's way, he ignored it. Through the Full Moon buff, he would be able to regenerate back from it.

"We won't let you get..."

Even though the ninjas blocked Kang Chul-In's way---


He was like a tank, and the soldiers fell like leaves.


At that moment, Lee Gong-Myung finally ripped the scroll.

I won't let you go!

Kang Chul-In ran faster.

If he let Lee Gong-Myung go here, he would definitely regret it later.

5... 4... 3...

The scroll started to emit light.

There was only 2 seconds left so he had to finish Lee Gong-Myung off quickly.

Pzzt, pzzt!

Kang Chul-In stretched his right hand.

He didn't use Vortex.

In order to use Vortex, he needed 2 to 3 seconds of preparation time, and Lee Gong-Myung would be able to escape during that short time frame.


The concentrated mana in Kang Chul-In's hand was blasted out like a laser.


The leader of the ninjas jumped in between Kang Chul-In and Lee Gong-Myung.


And he fell with his chest punctured by Kang Chul-In's attack.


Lee Gong-Myung himself wasn't perfectly fine either.

Even though the direction had been somewhat changed, the blast of mana had completely charred Lee Gong-Myung's left leg.

The golden aura coming from the scroll started to wrap around Lee Gong-Myung's body. There was only 1 second left.

Where are you going!?

Kang Chul-In's eyes were filled with terrifying killing intent.


Kang Chul-In threw the iron sword that blacksmith Vulcanos had made towards Lee Gong-Myung's chest.


The sword flew like an arrow and pierced through Lee Gong-Myung's heart.


His eyes were filled with absolute shock and terror.

Chapter 169: After Marching North (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3


A golden light flashed...

And Lee Gong-Myung's half-dead body rolled on the floor of the Cyamodus territory's Lord hall.


The subordinates that were sitting down, as well as Alex Rothschild who was sitting on his throne, were all shocked at Lee Gong-Myung's sudden appearance.

"L-Lee Gong-Myung!"

Alex Rothschild immediately moved to support Lee Gong-Myung.


With a weak voice, Lee Gong-Myung spoke.

"I am ashamed to see you like this..."

"Who made you like this...? Baruk Al-Yusuf, that dirty bastard..."

Alex Rothschild thought it was Baurk Al-Yusuf immediately.

The reason he had sent his ninjas there in the first place was just in case Baruk Al-Yusuf decided to get rid of Lee Gong-Myung after the war.

"O-Overlord... K-Kang Chul-In..."


"He... is... in the Ishtar..."

"K-Kang Chul-In?"

At this unexpected name, Alex Rothschild's face started to stiffen. He hadn't thought he would hear Kang Chul-In's name in this situation.

"Milord... need... to... prepare..."

Even while his life-force was slowing seeping away, Lee Gong-Myung didn't forget to advise Alex Rothschild.

"T-Take this..."

With his remaining left arm, Lee Gong-Myung took out a scroll from his body and handed it to Alex Rothschild.

"Need... to... do... what comes out on the scroll... Cannot... let... Kang Chul-in... Esmerelda..."

"Stop, stop!"

Alex Rothschild stopped Lee Gong-Myung from speaking.

"Do not speak anymore!"


"Preserve your strength, Lee Gong-Myung! This is an order!"

Kang Chul-In or whatnot, who cares! Lee Gong-Myung was on the verge of death.

Blood was leaking out of his chopped off arms and leg. Lee Gong-Myung would probably die of blood loss.

And even disregarding the chopped off arm and leg, it seemed impossible to get rid of the sword that had punctured through Lee Gong-Myung's chest.

It was obvious that when they took out the sword from his chest, blood would spurt out. It was right to think that Lee Gong-Myung had no hope of survival.


Lee Gong-Myung shook his head.

"This one... has no hope..."

"I told you to stop talking!"

"To meet Milord... and to... be able to serve..."

Lee Gong-Myung's almost lifeless eyes stared at Alex Rothschild's face. It was obvious that before he was gone, he wanted to look at his lord's face one last time.

"Lee Gong-Myung..."

Looking at Lee Gong-Myung like this, Alex Rothschild felt like he was boiling with rage.

"I will not, not let you die like this!"

"This one... has no hope... Milord, please don't... worry... too much about..."

"Shut up!"

Alex Rothschild shouted.

"What are you doing!? Hurry up and call for the doctor, and bring some potions! Quick!"

At Rothschild's shouting, his subordinates went running to save Lee Gong-Myung. However... the chance of Lee Gong-Myung surviving was almost zero in their eyes.

"Lee Gong-Myung, I will save you! I must!"


"I promise, no matter what!"

But even still, Lee Gong-Myung laughed as he had given up.

"Milord... this one... has something to tell you... I thought I wouldn't be able to say this forever... this one..."

Lee Gong-Myung murmured.

"Lee Gong-Myung! Lee Gong-Myung!"

Rothschild couldn't hear what Lee Gong-Myung was saying at all. His voice was so soft and quiet now, and it was impossible to see what he was saying through reading his lips.

"...That's it."

Saying that, Lee Gong-Myung's head suddenly dropped to the side.

"Lee Gong-Myung, Lee Gong-Myung? Lee Gong-Myung!!!"

Alex Rothschild grabbed Lee Gong-Myung's body, and sobbed.

"I will save you! I must!"

Rothschild vowed.


Kang Chul-In... how long are you going to bother me!? Even Lee Gong-Myung...! I will kill you...! I will rip you to shreds, and feed you to the dogs!

His hatred towards Kang Chul-In grew even more intensely.


As soon as Lee Gong-Myung disappeared, Kang Chul-In gritted his teeth.

"It had to be that damned scroll... Hu..."

Kang Chul-In wasn't satisfied.

Of course, he had gotten a lot of gains on this trip.

He had stolen the White Rain Fan,


as well as cut off one of Lee Gong-Myung's arms and legs. He had made him disabled.

Not only that, but he had also pierced through his heart.

Along with the brain, the heart was one of a human's most important body parts.

If one's heart was destroyed, it would be impossible for anyone to survive, except for maybe Arc Lich Aleister or one of Alex Rothschild's clones. Basically, it was safe to say that Lee Gong-Myung was on his way to meet the grim reaper.

But even still,

"That rat-like bastard!"

Kang Chul-In wasn't satisfied.

He felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Even though Lee Gong-Myung basically had a 99.9% chance of dying, that 0.1% chance still bothered him. He felt as if he had went to the toilet to poo, but hadn't wiped it off after doing so.

Well... I'll think of him as if he's still alive.

He wouldn't believe that he died unless he saw Lee Gong-Myung's dead body himself.

And even if Lee Gong-Myung did manage to survive from that, it would take at least 6 months of healing in order to bring him back to normal. During that time, it would be hard for Alex Rothschild to handle Lee Gong-Myung's absence.

Your shield.

Baruk Al-Yusuf's fall meant that Alex Rothschild was alone again.

And your lifeline.

The 'absolute return scroll' was used up, which meant that Alex Rothschild had lost an extra life.

That was how important Lee Gong-Myung was to him, and Kang Chul-In was satisfied.

Later when the time comes, it might have been worth it that he had made Lee Gong-Myung use the scroll up here.

"Ah, but I'm still angry."

As he murmured that, he found targets that were 'worthy' to pent his anger on. Around 10 of the ninjas that had tried to stop him from killing Lee Gong-Myung were still here.


"Quickly, run!"

The ninjas began to split off in different directions when they saw Kang Chul-In's terrifying gaze, like a pack of cockroaches.

"Hmph, just like your Lord, you guys are cowards."

Kang Chul-In smirked.

"Cockroaches... are just fit for being exterminated."

Kang Chul-In threw his body towards them.


"F... father?"

As soon as Arshelly woke up, she instinctively looked for Kang Chul-In.


The bright sunlight came through the window, and made Arshelly squint.

"I don't wanna... wake up..."

Arshelly instinctively laid back down.

The soft blanket and warm weather, as well as the pleasant smell of flowers, made Arshelly's body and mind feel at ease. Just like Kang Chul-In did.


At that moment, Arshelly sat back up, and wondered where she was.

I-I... I remember father gave me that potion...

The last of what Arshelly remembered was when Kang Chul-In had fed her the potion. After that, she had blanked out.

Arshelly looked around.

The bed, table, chairs... everything was familiar. She was back in her room in the deepest part of the Laputa castle.



Arshelly spotted Kang Chul-In.

He was sitting down on a chair, sleeping with his arms on the table. It seems that he had fallen asleep while looking after Arshelly for the whole night.

As evidence of that, on Arshelly's table was a giant pile of documents that Timothy had handed him.


Arshelly was deeply moved by Kang Chul-In.

A powerful, trustworthy... and loving father. Kang Chul-In was the perfect father in every way.


Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.


Arshelly was startled,

"Stop... giving me documents..."

But it was just Kang Chul-In sleep-talking.

"Don't tell me... we don't have... money..."


"I will... get some... just give me... some time..."

Looking at how he was sleep-talking about this topic, it was obvious that it had stressed him out quite a bit.


Arshelly involuntarily laughed at how adorable her father was.

How many people would know that this Overlord who seemed to have no emotions had this side to him?


At that moment, Kang Chul-In called out to Arshelly.

"F-Father?! Have you woken up?"

Startled, Arshelly answered back.

"I won't... lose you ever again... Father... will protect..."


"I love you... daughter..."

Once again, it was just Kang Chul-In sleep-talking.


Arshelly felt blissful.

I love you too.

It was because she could once again verify that Kang Chul-In truly loved her [1].


The march Northwards was over.

As soon as he got rid of the 'cockroaches', Kang Chul-In came back to the Chermart territory and realized he didn't even need to intervene.

That was how effective Kwak-Jung's strategy was.

While Kwak-Jung and the other allies fought off Baruk Al-Yusuf's army, Anatolia had been conquered and divided by the forces that had invaded, so Baruk Al-Yusuf had to wander around the Ishtar region without a place to settle. Of course, Kwak-Jung didn't stop chasing after him.


Sitting on his throne, Kang Chul-In narrowed his eyes.

His gaze was on the report that Timothy had given him, and there was a list of the gains they had made during this trip. It read as follows:

-Daox territory

-Chermart territory

-[Epic/Fan] White Rain Fan

-Treasures that were within the Bittermoon territory

-Spellthirster ability


-50,000 gold (Abubakar's bounty)


"Not bad."

It was truly not bad.

Even including the costs they had to spend while using the Cosmic force and maintaining the army, Kang Chul-In had gained a lot during this trip. Just Abubakar's bounty was enough to even out the losses.


"Here... is another reward."

Kang Chul-In's eyes shined like that of a predator looking at its prey.


The last 'reward' tried to move their body with a gag in their mouth, but couldn't. They had been completely tied up by a 'certain somebody' who was incredibly good at tying others up.

[1] Aww.

Chapter 170. After marching north (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3

"Hmm... not bad."

The one that had done all the tying up, Podolski nodded his head in satisfaction.


What kind of position is that...

Even though Podolski was able to capture the opponent and tie them up so well that they couldn't move, it put the one that was captured in a weird position.

Though it's somewhat strange...

Even though Kang Chul-In had similar thoughts to the other officials of Laputa,

Suits you.


Because the one that was in front of him, unable to move...

"Hey, terrorist."

Was the crazy terrorist, Baruk Al-Yusuf. He was the biggest 'gain' from the trip this time around.

"I like your position. Very good."

Kang Chul-In teased Baruk Al-Yusuf.

"Mmm!!! Mmm!"

Baruk Al-Yusuf stared at Kang Chul-In with eyes that seemed to be spewing fire, and tried to speak.

Of course, Kang Chul-In couldn't hear anything.


At this moment, Kang Chul-In called James.

"Yes, milord!"

With confident steps, James walked in.

He was fit to be proud like this.

After all, the one that had captured Baruk Al-Yusuf this time was James. Not only had he captured Baruk Al Yusuf, he had also gotten rid of many officials of the Anatolian army, and it was safe to say he had made arguably the biggest contributions during this war.

"Very good."

Kang Chul-In complimented James.


Deeply moved, James stuttered. Since he had gotten complimented by Kang Chul-In in front of everyone, he was proud.

"I heard that you did well, and that it might have been tough on you."

"No, sir! It wasn't a problem to capture Baruk Al-Yusuf. I am confident in catching even Alex Rothschild, sir!"


At James's confidence, Kang Chul-In smiled. It was obvious that he was satisfied to have useful subordinates.

"I'm sorry, James."

Suddenly, Kang Chul-In apologized.

"S-Sorry, milord? What do you mean..."

"I feel like I didn't give you many chances to prove yourself, even though you are a great warrior."

"N-No, sir!"

"But it's true. After all, you had to defend Laputa while the other officials went to fight in different regions."


"Of course, it wasn't because I didn't trust in you, or your skill. It was because I had someone like you in the back, protecting Laputa, that I could go out with a good mindset."


"So, I command you."

"Yes, milord."

"I will reward 10,000 gold to you."


At such a huge sum of money, James involuntarily choked.

10,000 gold?

1 gold was around 400$, which meant that 10,000 gold was around 4,000,000$.

You think I can't give you this much after how much you got me? Huhu...

Of course, inwardly Kang Chul-In wasn't so 'benevolent and kind'.

The bounty on Baruk Al-Yusuf was approximately 56 million dollars. Even if he gave 4 million to James as a reward, he would still profit massively.

And the sum of money he would get would become bigger once he added it up to the bounty from Abubakar.

"And next... Lucia, Drakan."

This time, Kang Chul-In called for Lucia and Drakan.

"Yes, milord!"

"Please speak!"

Drakan and Lucia kneeled in front of Kang Chul-In.

"Good job, you had a difficult time because of my orders. I also think that the two of you did as good as James. As reward, I will give you 5000 gold each and increase your pay by 20% starting next month."

Although they weren't rewarded as greatly as James, it was still a noticeable change.

"Thank you, milord!"

"This Drakan is deeply moved by milord's kindness!"

Both Drakan and Lucia stood up, and bowed before stepping back.

"Nilus, I will also give you 3000 gold and a 10% pay increase."

Kang Chul-In also didn't forget Nilus.

"Hmm... I definitely knew what it was... Hmm..."

But it seemed that Nilus was thinking of something else despite Kang Chul-In's rewards.


It was obvious he was focused on that other 'something'.

T-That crazy grade-schooler!

And at this, Kwak-Jung paled. It was the same for the other officials of Laputa.

But even still, Nilus couldn't focus.

And thanks to this, the atmosphere in the Lord's hall turned somewhat fierce.


Finally, Lucia stepped forward.

"Hmm... Yes?"

"Milord was talking until now towards you! Will you listen!"


Startled, Nilus kneeled in front of Kang Chul-In.

"Your majesty! This old one was thinking of something else... forgive me..."


"Your majesty... I am so sorry..."

"What is it that you were thinking of that you ignored me?"

Kang Chul-In spoke, speechless.



"It was because... this one couldn't think of something."

"Go ahead."

"Will you..."


"Tell me the meaning of what 'grade-schooler' means?"

"...Are you joking around with me?"

"T-That's not it... Strategist Kwak swore at me saying I was a grade-schooler... But for some reason, I couldn't think of what it was..."


"This one... is it possible that I have dementia? I am worried..."


Kang Chul-In interrupted Nilus's words.


"Get out, and go to the hallway and kneel down while raising your hands."

"Y-Your majesty! I..."

Even though Nilus tried to speak back...


Kang Chul-In didn't have any intentions of letting him go.

"Yes... Huk..."

And thanks to this, Nilus was able to find out the extreme pain that kneeling for an extended period of time could bring.

"Oho~ Sir Nilus, you've done something bad again?"

"Hohoho~ It looks like he's done something bad... Such a cute little troublemaker!"

The maidservants that walked past all laughed at Nilus.


"Strategist, Kwak-Jung."

The last person Kang Chul-In called was Kwak-Jung.

Since the person that had made the biggest contributions this time around was Kwak-Jung, he had been called upon last.

"Yes, milord!"

"Very good job. It was truly worth it, hiring you."

"Hehe... Thank you, sir! It was to prove and show that milord's trust towards me wasn't worth nothing... Hehe..."

Kwak-Jung rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. It seemed that Kang Chul-In's compliment had made him quite happy.

"Now, I will reward you."

"No, sir! How could I be loyal towards milord while looking for materialistic rewards? If I could just remain loyal to..."

"Is that so?"

Kang Chul-In suddenly interrupted midway.

"Well... if that's so... Too bad then, maybe we can go over it next..."

"M-Milord! W-Well, that's uh... you know too, right? Uh..."

Kwak-Jung seemed as if he was about to cry. He had said something halfheartedly, and nearly paid for it.


Kang Chul-In laughed.

"That's why you don't say something like that, idiot."


"I will reward you now."

"Ahh~ Thank you, milord!"


Kang Chul-In called Alfred, who handed a seemingly white 'stick' to Kwak-Jung.


Kwak-Jung tilted his head in confusion.

"What is this?"

"It's called the 'White Rain Fan'."

"It's an Epic item that can call upon the winds and rain. It was something that Lee Gong-Myung, Alex Rothschild's strategist, had been using before."

Even though Kang Chul-In had sincerely rewarded Kwak-Jung...

H-How about my car? M-My ferrari...

The problem was that Kwak-Jung wasn't interested in this item whatsoever.

Uh.... Ughhh....

Kwak-Jung felt like he was going to go crazy right now.

He couldn't say that he was unhappy with this gift since the others would get angry at him.

"Do you like it?"

Kang Chul-In asked, his facial expression suggesting that he wanted Kwak-Jung to be satisfied.

"Ah...Y-Yes! Definitely! I really like it!"

Kwak-Jung spoke, as cheerfully as possible.

"You don't seem to be so happy... Is it... You don't like my gi..."


Kwak-Jung stopped Kang Chul-In's words midway.

"Thank you, sir! I was just happy that such a treasure was given to me. I will definitely work harder to prove my worth!"

Even though Kwak-Jung was smiling to Kang Chul-In, he was crying inwardly.

"Oh~ Very well then."

Kang Chul-In nodded, smiling.

"Oh, and..."

Kang Chul-In pointed towards Baruk Al-Yusuf.

"Cut him up, and make sure you preserve him well so I can bring his head back."

Kang Chul-In wasn't planning to take him to Earth alive.


If milord is reading this message, then something has happened to me. Also, it would mean that the alliance with Baruk Al-Yusuf has gone wrong.


If our alliance with Baruk Al-Yusuf didn't work out, milord might have to give the Esmerelda territory up.

That isn't good.

The Esmerelda territory is the heart of Pangaea.

We need to keep it in order to achieve milord's goals.


What milord needs right now is time. We need to buy time.

In order to make Kang Chul-In unable to touch Esmerelda, we need to shake him.

Milord also needs to make sure to take care of our internal affairs, and become an Overlord in the next Lord meetings. That is the shortcut of becoming free from Kang Chul-In's threat.

In my opinion, it is extremely difficult to shake Kang Chul-In in Pangaea.

However, South Korea is different.

Milord, shake South Korea!

Put South Korea into chaos!

South Korea's Galaxy Corporation is Kang Chul-In's source of money, so Kang Chul-In intervening in Esmerelda will be delayed once we cut off that source.

This one has a method.

Since this one has gotten the fan... (Skip)...


Until ready... (Skip)... Is in progress... (Skip)...

"Lee Gong-Myung!"

Holding the message that Lee Gong-Myung had left him, Alex Rothschild's body started to tremble.

"Good... I will buy time... So... please live... Please..."

Chapter 171: Pangaea World (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

"This is probably the biggest crisis you've ever faced, huh Rothschild?"

Inside his office, Kang Chul-In stared at the clone Rothschild's decapitated head, and thought of how he could screw Rothschild up.

Now was a good time if he wanted to catch Rothschild.

Not only had Alex Rothschild just fought a war for the Esmerelda territory, but he had also lost Lee Gong-Myung. He was basically crippled right now.

However, since they had just fought a big war up in the North, it was a bit of a stretch to ask his army to fight another war right away.

It was also too risky to create a small squad in order to sneak into the Cyamodus territory.

"How do I screw him up...? Hmm... Maybe... I can assassinate him by myself?"

Kang Chul-In turned his gaze towards the windows. It was as if he was going to jump out at any moment.


Startled, Alfred stopped Kang Chul-In before he could move.

From his experience, whenever Kang Chul-In had that look on his face, that window had always shattered, and bad things had always happened.

"Don't tell me that Milord is thinking of breaking into Alex Rothschild's territory alone?"

"Why not?"

"Milord, have you forgotten? Alex Rothschild can create puppets or clones of himself. Since we don't have a way of telling them apart, it is highly possible that Milord will fall in danger."

"Oh, right."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

"It'll probably be a fake, even if I kill him. Stupid cockroach."


At that moment.

"It's Timothy, Milord!"


"Can I come in?"

Kang Chul-In's face stiffened immediately.

Whenever Timothy came in, documents would pile up in front of his desk again. And after that?

He would have to spend the whole night looking through the documents.

"Milord~! I don't have documents! I have good news this time!"

At this unexpected news Kang Chul-In wondered for a moment whether Timothy was lying or not, but discarded the thought soon after.

"Come in."




As soon as Timothy came into the room, he congratulated Kang Chul-In with a happy expression.

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

"Sir Adrian... he has finally..."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, that's right! He has finally managed to mass-produce the 'hair-growth weeds'!"

It was incredible news.

This weed was the hope for the many bald people around the world and it was Kang Chul-In's way to rake in tons of money.

"Adrian has done something big this time. Make sure to give him 50,000 gold as a reward, and tell him that I was greatly satisfied... Actually, no, tell him to come to the castle soon so I can give him a medal of honor."

"Yes, Milord!"

Just like he did with James, Kang Chul-In rewarded subordinates well if they made a great contribution to the territory. Kang Chul-In thought that it would be good encouragement for the other subordinates to work harder.

"M-Milord...! Congratulations... Sob..."

Tears started to fill Alfred's eyes.

Now, and even before, Kang Chul-In had always been plagued by a lack of money, so he knew how much this meant for Kang Chul-In.

"Thanks, Alfred."

Kang Chul-In said.


"There will only be happy days from now. I promise that I won't fail like I did last time."

"Kuhuk... Yes, milord."

After calming down Alfred, Kang Chul-In quickly packed his stuff.

"First, I'll go back to Earth."

He had to visit Earth soon, anyway.

He had to go visit his mom and get the money from the bounties on the heads of Baruk Al-Yusuf and Abubakar.

In addition,

I'm sure that old man will be happy.

He needed to spread this good news to his business partner, Old Man Kwon. He was sure that Old Man Kwon would go crazy with happiness when he found out that they could finally mass-produce the 'Hair Bro'.


The first thing Kang Chul-In did when he got back to Earth was visit his mother, Park Sun-Ja.


Arshelly quickly embraced Park Sun-Ja when she saw her.

When she was with Park Sun-Ja, Arshelly became a normal girl, not the famed 'Princess of Laputa'.

"Oh~! My granddaughter is here?"


"Haha~! So cute."


Even though Arshelly and Park Sun-Ja weren't blood-related, their relationship was akin to that of an actual family.


"Yes, mother?"

"Have you been busy recently?"


"Come visit more often, Okay? I thought I would die waiting so long for you and my granddaughter to come."


Without making any excuses, Kang Chul-In apologized.

He couldn't tell her the truth.

How could he tell his mother that Arshelly had been kidnapped, and that he had to start a war because of that?

At times like these, it was better to go over it by just apologizing.

"Right, son."

Park Sun-Ja opened her mouth again.


"When are you going to send


my granddaughter to school?"


"She's so smart, so even if the other world is good, why not send her to school here?"

It made sense when he listened.

Although it would be different if Arshelly lived in Pangaea forever, it wasn't a bad idea to send her to school since she had already gotten used to the culture.

They would be able to send her back if need be using the 'recall stones' anyway.


Kang Chul-In asked Arshelly.

"I want to go!"


"I'm confident that I can study hard!"

Kang Chul-In was startled at Arshelly's quick response, but quickly realized that Arshelly had wanted to go to school from the very beginning.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


"Fine, I'll send you to school."

"Thanks, dad!"

Arshelly hugged Kang Chul-In.


"Kuhahaha! Finally, the mass production of the Hair Bro! Hahaha!"

Just like Kang Chul-In had expected, Old Man Kwon went crazy with happiness when he received the good news.

"Oh, and this."

Kang Chul-In handed a box towards Old Man Kwon.

"What's this?"

"The heads of some people."


"To be accurate, it contains the heads of Abubakar, and Baruk Al-Yusuf."


Old Man Kwon was startled.

"Even though I don't know that Abu-whatever... Did you just say Baruk Al Yusuf? That Arabian terrorist?"

"That's right."

"My god...!"

"There's a bunch of money on their heads. I want you to get that money for me."

"Ha... What to do with this? First, I need to talk with the government, then the U.S. Hmm... I think I can do it, but... I think it might take a while since I'm not used to doing things like this."

"I'll give you a month."

"Uh... Alright, I'll try. After all, what problem is this bounty when we can now mass-produce the Hair Bro?"

As expected, Old Man Kwon was quite useful.

"Right, how about my pet?"

"I'm still searching for a suitable one. Wait a little bit longer."

"Hmm... alright."

Although Old Man Kwon seemed quite depressed that he couldn't get his pet, he didn't continue to beg Kang Chul-In after hearing the news about the Hair Bro."

"Also, don't you think that doing a business based on the pets will be good?"

Old Man Kwon asked.

"Not really."


"I don't think it will be that good in terms of pure profit."


"Even though it looks good on paper, not all life on Pangaea is good. What if the monsters that the customer buys make a problem? It'll be hard to clean the mess up."

"I-Is that so...?"

"If it isn't an adventurer taking care of the Pangaean lifeforms, there will be some problems. I think it would be a waste of an adventurer to be doing something like petting animals."

"Hm... I guess that makes sense."

"If you understand, don't think of such stupid things and make sure you work on advertising the Hair Bro."

"Then how about a theme park? Where we have a theme park with life from Pangaea..."

"Are you crazy?"


"Didn't I tell you? It doesn't make sense that normal people would be able to take care of Pangaean..."

"Huh? But there's one that's already opening?"

Old Man Kwon spoke with a confused expression on his face.

"Pangaea World. Haven't you heard of it?"

At this, Kang Chul-In's face started to stiffen. Out of all the bullshit he had ever heard, this was the most innovative bullshit.

Soon after, Kang Chul-In looked up 'Pangaea World' on his phone.

[Report] Pangaea World Opening D-3

[Column] 5 Reasons Why Pangaea World is Amazing

[News/Lifestyle] This Coming Weekend, Pangaea World is Coming!

The media was extremely noisy about this.

-Mortel: I'm buying Pangaea World tickets~! Please sell them to me~!

-Gotgu: Honestly, going is a waste of money... (I wanna go too)...

-NorthWord: (Pic) I already got a ticket~! Nice!

-Kjy0904: The poor are crying...

-Bugcatcher: lol... it seems kinda like Jurassic Park... They even said there's a 40m snake... Lmao...

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even the World Community. The netizens were hot on the opening of this new 'Pangaea World'.


After looking through the news on his phone, Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.

He didn't think that there would be a madman that would think of opening this kind of theme park in a small place like South Korea.

"This damned theme park is going to open? In three days?"


"Old man, did you invest in this?"


Old Man Kwon shook his head.

"Even though they offered me... I didn't do anything before I could contact you. After all, I don't know anything about this stuff."

"Very good."


"Old man, you just nearly threw away your money."


"Just looking at the list of monsters... There's a 100% chance that they're going to lose money."

Kang Chul-In showed Old Man Kwon the pictures of the monsters that were on the list of Pangaea World.

"Hm... What about them?"

"Do you really think that these monsters will be satisfied with the food given to them?"


As if he realized something, Old Man Kwon clicked his fingers.

"Because they eat other things?"

"Exactly. Even though there are some monsters that are fine with the food that people feed them... There are also some monsters with weird appetites. Like this one."

Kang Chul-In pointed at a giant snake that looked like an anaconda from the movie Anaconda [1].

"Gorgatris, level 50 monster."


"It's a monster that has the 'Eye of Overdose'."

"'Eye of Overdose'? Do you get poisoned by just looking at it?"

"Only if you look at it head-on in it's eyes."

"Ah, that's why they put a blindfold on it."

"Even though that's quite smart of them... Do you know what its main source of food is?"


"Human meat."


"And not just this one. There aren't just one or two existences here that are difficult to take care of and they're going to run a theme park with these monsters? I guarantee that after a year, they'll be screwed."

"I-Is that so...? Good thing I didn't do anything stupid."

Old Man Kwon spoke, relieved. It was obvious that he would have lost all his money had he invested.

"Even though I don't know which idiot is doing this... They'll lose some money."

"Ah, president Moon?"

"President Moon?"

"Do you not know of the 'RiverMoon' group?"


The RiverMoon group was a company that had grown massively in around 2010, and was now one of the companies that represented Korean architecture companies.

"I heard that President Moon was the one that led the whole thing."


Kang Chul-In shook his head.

"I mean the person behind him."


"Think about it. There has to be someone that supplies these monsters from Pangaea."

"Aha! You mean an adventurer!"

"You're wrong."


As Kang Chul-In disagreed with everything he said, Old Man Kwon seemed quite depressed.

"I mean..."

Ignoring Old Man Kwon, Kang Chul-In continued.

"President Moon? There's a Lord that's behind that man."

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaconda_(film)

Chapter 172: Pangaea World (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

It wasn't possible for a normal adventurer to capture a level 50 Gorgatris alive.

It might be possible to kill it in a raid, but it would be impossible to capture it alive and bring it to Earth.

"How about if it's a giant guild or a clan?"

"Also impossible. There's a limit to adventurers. For example, is it possible for a caveman to kill a modern-day soldier?"

"That bad, huh...?"

"That's the difference between a Lord and an adventurer."

"Hm... Looking at you makes me believe that. President Moon, that cheeky old man... Looks like he's gotten himself a Lord as his partner? Maybe I should be a little more careful from now on."


"Don't we have a new competitor now unlike before when we were almost monopolizing South Korea?"

"Hmph, what competition?"

Kang Chul-In smirked.

"There is no competition for me."


"Who dares to?"



"Sometimes, it's not very good to be that confident."

As if he were talking from experience, Old Man Kwon gave advice.

"The world is wide, and there are many strong people. I, myself, also thought that I was definitely the strongest in South Korea. That changed when I met my sworn brother. Oh, I'm not saying that you should look down on yourself. I'm just saying that sometimes you need to know to lower yourself, and that you shouldn't look down on..."

"Old man."


"How many lords do you think are stronger than me?"

Kang Chul-In's sudden question startled Old Man Kwon.

"You mean your rank?"

Old Man Kwon seemed to speculate for quite a bit of time, and opened his mouth cautiously. He knew that Kang Chul-In was a Lord, but he didn't have any information on the Lord rankings.

"Maybe 15th...?"



"I'm 1st on the Overlord rankings."

"Huk...! You were an Overlord? A-And, you're ranked 1st?"

Old Man Kwon was extremely shocked.

He knew how strong Kang Chul-In was, but he didn't know that he would be the strongest.

"You disappoint me. I didn't think that I would need to tell you myself for you to know that."

Kang Chul-In spoke, his face stiff.

"N-No!! I-It's just a misunderstanding."

"No, I know how you think of me now."

"I told you, it was a mis..."

"Looks like I'll have to go look for a new partner. One that doesn't think lowly of me this time."

"N-No, it was my fault!"

Realizing he had made a mistake, Old Man Kwon begged.

"Huhu... Huhuhuhu..."

Old Man Kwon laughed embarrassedly, and tried to appease Kang Chul-In's anger.

"Hm... What can I do to make it so that you're not angry at me anymore?"

Old Man Kwon offered.

"If you can calm down, there's nothing I can't do. Come on, just tell me what you want. I'll do it for you."



"I don't have a Ferrari in my collection."

Old Man Kwon realized---


That he had been baited.

It was the 3rd time now, after having to give Kang Chul-In a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, and a Bugatti supersport.

"I-Is that so? Haha... There can't not be a Ferrari in your collection...! S-So, the model that you want...?"



Old Man Kwon was startled.

"P-Please forgive me this once... A LaFerrari is practically impossible to..."

"I thought I saw a LaFerrari in the parking lot? Are my eyes weird?"


"I need to guess whose car that is, then. I mean, the president of the company's car is a porsche, and someone else rides a LaFerrari? I wonder how great that person is, then, for them to..."

"Here you go."

With trembling hands, Old Man Kwon handed something towards Kang Chul-In. It was a car key, with the logo of Ferrari on it. Even though Old Man Kwon was a Porsche maniac, he also owned a LaFerrari.


Laughing, Kang Chul-In took the car key from the old man.

"Don't worry about Pangaea World. They'll die off soon enough."


Maybe because he had just been ripped off a LaFerrari, Old Man Kwon's voice was powerless.

"And also the competitors."

"Right... You're the 1st ranked Overlord, so you'll take care of them yourself."


Kang Chul-In added.

"You don't need to be so focused on monopolizing the market."


"Even though we are monopolizing the market right now, in the long-term it won't bring good benefits to us, or to the consumers. Sometimes, we need a running-mate in order to compete with us. And..."

Kang Chul-In added.

"There aren't any normal people that aim for a monopoly. All of them were human scum."

It was something sincere that came out from his heart, aimed at some other people.


A week passed.

-After the opening of the Pangaea World, an amazing average of 300,000 people have come to visit. It is said that there are at least 50,000 foreigners that have also come to look...

-The city of Seoul will place more police in order to protect the many people visiting Pangaea World, and would like to ask people to temporarily stop visiting Pangaea World.

Although South Korea and the world focused on Pangaea World, the Kang Chul-In family was quiet about it.

Since Pangaea was her hometown, Pangaea World was nothing to Arshelly. To her, the place called 'school' was far more interesting than Pangaea World.

Even though Park Sun-Ja was originally somewhat interested, she also stopped paying attention seeing that both Kang Chul-In and Arshelly didn't seem to care whatsoever.

I'll return in 2 days.

This was the first thing that Kang Chul-In thought as he opened the door to his house.

He was planning to take care of internal affairs, personal training, and also hunting for items.

Basically, it meant that he would throw away all


interest in hunting Rothschild down, and prepare for the upcoming dragon hunt.

I'll need to call that idiot.

Kang Chul-In thought of the pushover, Dorian.

"Wow! This is so tasty!"

He heard a somewhat familiar, and boisterous voice somewhere. It seemed that person was eating something.

"Oh, is it good?"

Park Sun-Ja's voice could also be heard.

"Yes, it's amazing!"

"Hohoho~! It makes me happy that Dorian likes it."

Speak of the Devil...

"Is it possible for me to visit here often?"

"Of course~! Actually, my son doesn't have many friends. Maybe it's because of his somewhat cold personality, but it would be great if you came to visit and take care of him."

"Pft... I knew it. That guy's personality is absolute tra---, I mean... s-sorry."

"No, it's alright. It's not like his personality has ever been good... But Dorian, please take care of him, and stay near him, okay?"

"Of course! Haha! Actually, even this time I helped Chul-In out a lot. That guy actually relies on me a lot, even though he doesn't seem to realise it. Hahaha!"

And Kang Chul-In's response to that---

Where does this idiot think he is?

Wasn't good.

"Ah~! This is really good. Amazing."

Not realizing that the Grim Reaper had come, Dorian continued to eat his gan-jang gejang, or soy crab.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Kang Chul-In growled.

"Oh, I'm eating. Kang Chul-In, your mother's cooking is amazing! Ah~! British food is absolutely terrible compared to this. Can you let me take some of the... Wait a minute..."


Finally discovering that Kang Chul-In was here, Dorian accidentally dropped the chopsticks and spoon he held.


Park Sun-Ja also had a startled expression on her face when she discovered Kang Chul-In.

"I'll go to the shop since I'm a little busy. You two have a nice time~!"

Park Sun-Ja quickly left.

She had betrayed Dorian.

"K-Kang Chul-In?"

"Absolute trash...? I didn't think that's what you thought of me."



Kang Chul-In grabbed the back of Dorian's neck, and spoke.

"Where do you think this is, for you to be taking food home?"

"W-Well... we're friends..."

"Soy crab... does that even fit a British person's tastes?"

"It tastes good. I mean, Britain's food is the world's verrrrrrrry worst."



"I need to have a conversation with you."

"U-Uh... Alright."

Without realizing what was in for him, poor Dorian followed Kang Chul-In.

10 minutes later.

"Sob... Sob..."

His eyes now completely swollen, Dorian licked his spoon while sobbing.

Seeing as how he could still eat after going through the 'mental training', it was obvious that Dorian was quite 'tanky'.

"H-How could you...?"

"Yeah, but who told you to come inside my house, take my food, and curse at me?"

"I mean...! We're friends... Huk... Sob... I, I-It hurts..."

"Stop eating. Have you been starved before or something?"

"So mean... Hmph..."

"Why are you even in Korea?"

"Oh, that?"

Suddenly laughing, Dorian took out a ticket from his pocket and shook it in front of Kang Chul-In's eyes. It was a VIP entrance ticket for Pangaea World.



"Huhu... I bought it for 450 USD on the black market."



"They say that no matter how expensive it is, you can get it for half the price."


"Stop being a pushover."


Realizing he had been tricked again, Dorian looked depressed.

"Not to mention,"

Speechless, Kang Chul-In looked at Dorian.

"Why are you even going there in the first place? You're a Lord, not an ordinary human."

"I mean, there could be some monsters or plants that even I don't know. I thought this could be of some help when I write my encyclopedia."

"That encyclopedia of yours..."

"Hmph! You were the one that told me you were interested in the first place to approach me!"

"I don't remember."

"Hmph! You liar!"

Dorian pouted.

"Anyway, I came just since I was on the way. So, you wanna go with me to Pangaea World the day after tomorr...? A... Aghhh!"

Noticing Kang Chul-In's terrifying expression, Dorian started to run for his life.


Two more days passed.

Kang Chul-In still wasn't interested in Pangaea World.


Riding in a supercar that had a V12 engine attached to it, Kang Chul-In raced through the road... this was not an accurate description.

Dammit, the traffic.

Seoul's traffic conditions were terrible for a supercar to race through freely.


While Kang Chul-In was bored, a random phone number called him.

"I don't need any mone---"

-It's me!

But unexpectedly, the one that called him was Dorian Explorer.

"What's up with this random phone number?"

-That's not the problem right now!

"Then what is?"

-Who made Pangaea World? Was it you?"

"I'm not interested in losing money."

Kang Chul-In cut off Dorian's words.

-Really? Then who was it?

"What do you mean by that?"

-This place--- It's amazing! There are even monsters that are level 60!

"Level 60?"

At that moment, Kang Chul-In was confused.

A level 60 monster, all of a sudden?

Was that the true capabilities of Pangaea World?

-It's amazing! There are a bunch of high-level monsters everywhere! Wow... they made this place really well. If it wasn't you, then who made this theme park? Is it a Lord that you know? If it is, can you introduce me to them? Please?

At that moment, Kang Chul-In nearly doubted Dorian's words.

A bunch of high-level monsters are there? Is that even possible?

Kang Chul-In had previously thought that it was at the level of a zoo, but apparently that wasn't the case.

It was obvious that the person behind Pangaea World was an extremely powerful and rich Lord that had completely prepared for this.

"Are you for real right now?'

-Yeah, I'm serious. There are even a lot of Level 50 monsters here! Wow... how did these people even manage to bring all of these monsters in here?

"I'm going."

-You're going to come?

"I need to take a look at it myself."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In immediately turned his car towards Yongsan, where Pangaea World was located.


South Korea wasn't a big market.

Listening to Dorian's words, it was clear that there was even more money used to build this 'Pangaea World' than he thought.

But no matter how much he thought about it, he thought that it was a waste of money.

He might be able to understand if this was built in the U.S, China, or even Japan, but South Korea? What was the reason?

He needed to take a look at it himself.


And luckily, the road started to clear up, allowing Kang Chul-In to accelerate.



Riding in a BMW i8, Kwak-Jung stared at the Ferrari that was in front of him, and snorted.

"Stupid Ferrari... Stupid rich people... They only know how to spend their money since they have good parents to take care of them!"

Kwak-Jung was angry, since he had been awarded the White Rain Fan instead of the Ferrari that he had desired so much. And now that he was looking at a Ferrari on the road, it had made him pissed.

"Brother, chase it!"

Kwak Jung-Mi, who was sitting next to him, said enthusiastically.

"Hey... that's a Ferrari."

Kwak-Jung spoke, depressed.

"With this car, I can only bite it's dust."

It was true.

Even though the i8 was a good car, it wasn't able to compare to a Ferrari in terms of speed.

"Brother! Is that the best you can do?"


"Brother, aren't you an adventurer?"

"W-Well, yeah..."

"Then aren't you supposed to be good at driving too?"

It made sense.

After all, an adventurer had better specs than a normal human: better vision, reaction speed, reflexes, and more.


"Chase it!"

"S-Should I?"

"You can do it!"

At Kwak Jung-Mi's cheer, Kwak-Jung grabbed the handle harder.

"Fine! Whatever, stupid Ferrari."

Since the car itself was lacking, Kwak-Jung tried to make up for it in terms of pure driving skill.

"Go, Kwak-Jung! I choose you!"

"...Am I a pokemon or something?"

"Go already! That person's already leaving!"

Kwak Jung-Mi shouted, pointing at the Ferrari.


Kwak-Jung started to chase the Ferrari.

Although, he had no idea that the person who was in that Ferrari would be someone he would regret chasing after.

Chapter 173: Pangaea World (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3

The battle of the i8 and the LaFerrari obviously ended with the LaFerrari emerging as the victor. Kwak-Jung followed the LaFerrari, unable to calm his anger.

He wanted to at least take a look at this 'rich boy' who drove the LaFerrari.

After chasing the owner of the Ferrari all the way to Pangaea World, Kwak-Jung checked who the owner of the car was and,

Oh... fuck. I am so screwed...


"So, it was you."

Kang Chul-In had a terrifying smile on his face.


"I didn't enjoy racing you."

"I-I'm sorry... I had no idea that it was you, Milord..."

"That's obvious..."

Kang Chul-In took a step towards Kwak-Jung.

"But still, I don't like your driving habits."

Kwak-Jung had tried to annoy and disturb Kang Chul-In by shining the car's headlights towards the Ferrari. This had pissed off Kang Chul-In, who believed in safe driving, at least in the city.

"I'm sorry..."

"Follow me."

"D-Don't tell me..."



Putting everything down, Kwak-Jung followed Kang Chul-In. Their destination... was behind the toilet stall of Pangaea World.

"I'll... be back soon."

"Uh... Okay, come back quick... I-I'll go home with the bus."

Kwak Jung-Mi, who had also been taught a lesson by Kang Chul-In before, quickly ran away and watched as her brother was dragged away.

10 minutes later.

"Sob sob... I won't ever... sob... Drive like that again..."

After getting some 'mental training' from Kang Chul-In, Kwak-Jung's mindset became clean once more.

"Safe driving, okay?"

"Yes... sob..."

"Even though you might not die since you're not an ordinary human, what fault do the others have? Will you be responsible for their deaths?"


Since it was true that he had made a mistake, Kwak-Jung had no choice but to apologize.


Hmph... To think that it would be Milord that emphasized 'safe driving'. Hmph!

Kang Chul-In's response was quite unexpected.

With Kang Chul-In's terrifying personality, one would expect him to breach all sorts of rules, such as ignoring the traffic signs, or going over the speed limit.

It wouldn't be strange if Kang Chul-In decided to drag someone out of their car if he got angry.

But instead of becoming angry at Kwak-Jung's dangerous driving, Kang Chul-In calmly drove his car.

It's strange that he's driving safely... Don't tell me, he's a driving beginner?

Even though Kwak-Jung thought of a bunch of different possibilities, he couldn't understand. It just didn't fit Kang Chul-In's image to be a beginner driver.

"Even though you're angry, don't go over the speed limit."


"Don't you have to think of your sister, too?"


"If you were fine, and your sister got injured, what would you do?"

At Kang Chul-In's words, Kwak-Jung was unable to reply. All he did was lower his head and realize his mistakes.

"My father,"

Kang Chul-In continued.

"Passed away because a drunk truck driver hit him."


"They said he died on the spot. Apparently, it was difficult to tell that it was him before they did a DNA test, since his body was so out of shape."

"I-Is that so...?"

"I'm not driving slow because I'm a bad driver or anything. And personally, I would be fine if I had a car accident. It's just that I try not to ruin other people's lives by making a mistake."

"Sorry, Milord... I didn't know..."

"It's fine now that you know."

"Yes, safe driving!"

"Actually, I don't think it's okay."


"I'll need to change your driving habits more 'personally'."


And thanks to this, Kwak-Jung had the "honor" of going through Kang Chul-In's mental training twice in one day.


After arriving to the front gate of Pangaea World, Kang Chul-In ordered Kwak-Jung to buy tickets off the black market.

"Yes, we've confirmed that you gave us 390 dollars."

The man that sold the tickets said, feeling quite satisfied.

"Here, two VVIP tickets."

Of course, the one that had to buy the tickets was Kwak-Jung.

"Hmph... so expensive."

"How much was it?"

"It was 195 dollars per ticket."

"It's cheap."

"What? Isn't it super expensive for one ticket for a theme park to be around 200 dollars? No matter how much I think of it, it's a fuc... I mean, nothing."

"Someone's bought one ticket at 450 dollars."

"Wow... what an idiot... Who was that?"

"It's the exact guy you're thinking of."


Kwak-Jung tilted his head in confusion at Kang Chul-In's words, but he would soon be able to tell who Kang Chul-In was referring to.

"Yo~! Kang Chul-In!"

Dorian waved his hands at them in front of the special entrance for the VVIP guests of Pangaea World.

"Hmph... So it was that idiot."

Realizing what Kang Chul-In meant, Kwak-Jung murmured.

"...What on earth are you wearing?"

Kang Chul-In stared at Dorian like he was a freak.

"What? Oh, this? Isn't it cute?"

Dorian pointed at his head, or to be accurate, the bunny-shaped hair band that


he was wearing. It seemed that he had 'dressed up' for the theme park, but it looked quite foolish to Kang Chul-In.


"Hmph! So boring."

"Shut up and lead the way."

"Lead the way? Where?"

"To where the high-level monsters are."

Even though the inside of Pangaea World was quite crowded, the Kang Chul-In party was able to get around quickly. It was because they got on the travel train that only VVIP visitors could get on.

"That's the one called a Gorgatris. It was the superstar of Pangaea World even before it opened."

Dorian said, pointing at the cage that contained the Gorgatris.

"That normally lives in the Southeast part of Pangaea."

Kang Chul-In said.

"Oh? You know those things too?"

"Well, only the basics."

"Wow~! As expected of Kang Chul-In. How about the other monsters?"

"I can guess if I look at them."

"Can't you explain that to me? I want to write that in my encyclopedia..."

"What will you do for me, then?"

"Me? Uh... You can have my body, if you want...? Sorry."

"I'm thinking of going hunting for items when I return, so help me."

"Oh? Alright."

"Then I will explain what I know to you."

After making a deal, Kang Chul-In looked at the cages that contained the monsters and told Dorian the details of each of the monsters.

"That's a Madhunter. They're demon type monsters, and they live on the north-side of Pangaea. That's a rare one... I'm surprised they captured that."


"Hmm... that's a Frozen Wolf. That's also from the north-side of Pangaea."

"It has nice fur!"

"That one lives on the southeastern side of Pangaea. The name... was Ignito, I believe."

"Hmm... Ignito... Ignito..."

"Wait, let me think."

Stopping his explanation, Kang Chul-In fell into thought.

It's impossible for someone to bring these monsters here, unless they're on the level of an Overlord... But what is their purpose? I don't think their purpose is to get money...

Due to the unexpected high-level monsters here, Kang Chul-In realized that the person behind Pangaea World was actually an Overlord.

And while Kang Chul-In was thinking,


As if he had also realized something, Kwak-Jung's face stiffened.



"This... There isn't just one place this came from. There are two Lords behind Pangaea World."

Kwak-Jung's face was filled with confidence.

"The reason?"

"Milord has told me."


"The place where these monsters came from are all the same. They're either from the north, or southeastern side of Pangaea. Even though monsters like the orc or the ogre are everywhere, that cannot be said for these high-level monsters."

At Kwak-Jung's explanation, Kang Chul-In started to think fiercely.

The north of Pangaea.

And the southeast.

The Lords that would dare to do these things, and were located there...


Kang Chul-In smirked.


"Those bastards."

"Have you figured something..."

"Alex Rothschild, and Albrecht Vilhelm."


"There are only those two if it's the North and the Southeast."

"But no matter how I think about it, I don't think their aim is to get money here..."

"I also agree."

"Then that means that there's a hidden meaning behind this..."

At that moment.

"Hmm... If even one of them manages to escape, it would be Jurassic Park [1] in real life. Wow... the world is a better place now... It's now a fantasy come true..."

Dorian murmured, without thinking.



But listening to this, Kang Chul-In and Kwak-Jung's head immediately turned to face Dorian.

"W-Why... Why are you guys..."

Dorian was startled.

"What did you just say?"

"What did you say?"

Kang Chul-In and Kwak-Jung asked Dorian at the same time.

"H-Huh? Steven Spielberg? Jurassic Park?"

And as soon as Dorian said that,

"We need to get off."

"Yes, we do."

Kang Chul-In and Kwak-Jung both jumped off the train at the same time.


Dorian was confused.


What Dorian said was true.

Pangaea World was Jurassic Park in real life.

Actually, it was even worse than that.

While in Jurassic Park, there were cloned dinosaurs that were able to escape, in Pangaea World, there were full-fledged monsters.


The strength of the dinosaurs if they were classified as monsters would be close to an ogre.

At best, maybe some were close to a Peacock Dragon?

Considering the fact that the dinosaurs did not have any special abilities, the Peacock Dragon was likely even stronger.

So, if the monsters of Pangaea here escaped...

The army would not be able to do anything, and Yongsan would become tainted with blood.


Kwak-Jung followed Kang Chul-In, who was running somewhere.

"Where are you going!?"

"I need to check something."


"Follow me."

And saying that, Kang Chul-In ran past the huge crowd of people, and went to the closest cage, where the Ignito was. The Ignito was a level 60 monster that looked like a golem covered in green flames.

"Excuse me."

...Was what Kang Chul-In said, before he pushed through the crowd to get closer to the cage.



"Hey, you bastard! Where are you...?"

"Stop pushing!"

Though the tourists cursed at Kang Chul-In, Kang Chul-In didn't stop. It was because he had to check something.

Don't tell me...

Now, in front of the cage, Kang Chul-In stretched his finger out towards the cage.

What he touched was the 'reinforced glass'.

According to the RiverMoon company that owned Pangaea World, this glass was also used by NASA.

Of course, it was bullshit.

The most important thing to keep a high-level monster inside a cage safely was to make sure that there was a powerful mage or wizard casting the 'reinforce' or 'restraint shackles' spells occasionally, not the material.

Pzzt, Pzzt!

Mana that was concentrated on Kang Chul-In's finger flowed into the glass.

The glass started to vibrate,


And a small crack appeared on the glass.

Even though the other tourists were not able to recognize it, Kang Chul-In could see the tiny crack that appeared.

"Crazy bastards."

And looking at what had happened, Kang Chul-In swore.

"M-Milord... Huk... Huk..."

Kwak-Jung also appeared in front of Kang Chul-In, panting.

"What... is it? Is there... something..."

"This is a ticking time bomb."


"The material over here is cracking even now. Give it 2-3 days? I guarantee that it'll crack by then."

"Ha... Then should we ask Nilus or the princess to come and chant magic in order to reinforce the material...?"

Even though Kwak-Jung proposed an idea,


Kang Chul-In quickly shot it down.

"I've heard that regarding spells of buffing or increasing hardness of material, the material will prioritize the first person's spell. And even if we manage to get rid of that spell, it's impossible to cast a spell over that material for the next 12 hours."


"Unless we have the person that casted the spell with us, it's impossible to fix."

"Which means..."

"3 days later, this cage will break."

The thing that they worried about most was about to come true.

[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107290/

Chapter 174: Response (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

He had to stop it.

Even though Kang Chul-In wasn't someone who loved his county, he couldn't just watch as the monsters rampaged around Seoul.

He had to stop them from doing this to protect his own money.

If a tragedy occurred in Pangaea World?

Galaxy Corporation, which also sold products from Pangaea, would be damaged severely.

It was obvious that this would cause all Pangaea-related businesses in South Korea to pay the price.

"Let's go."

"W-Where to?"

"I need to meet Old Man Kwon. We need to come up with a plan."


"Close your eyes."


Saying that, Kang Chul-In picked Kwak-Jung up and started to carry him on his shoulders before starting to run through the crowd.

He had decided to run with his feet instead of drive his car because of the messy traffic.


Terrified at their speed, Kwak-Jung began to scream.

"Just turn on T-Map!"

Kang Chul-In shouted.


"You're the navigation!"

Shouting that, Kang Chul-In began to jump over small buildings and run through bridges at a speed close to 200 kilometres per hour.

Thanks to that, Kwak-Jung had to turn on T-Map and act as a human navigation system.



I wanna take you to a gay bar!

I wanna take you to a gay bar!

I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar!

Wow!! [1]

"Hu... Hu..."

Like always, Old Man Kwon was listening to his music while working out.

His muscles bulged, as if they were going to pop out of his skin.

"Kuku... To think this is the body of an old man... I think I'll live for at least 50 more years!"

Old Man Kwon stared at himself and marveled.

It made sense.

At the age of 80, he was able to become super muscular, and was now full of vitality.

"Kuku...! I should go take a look at my baby after I wrap up soon..."

The 'baby' Old Man Kwon referred to was a famous actress in South Korea that was in her fifties.

"What should I do today for my love..."

While Old Man Kwon was thinking to himself, murmuring...


The glass on the 31st floor of the building cracked,


And Kang Chul-In appeared, carrying Kwak-Jung.

"Old man."

Kang Chul-In opened his mouth.


"Let's talk. This is something urgent."

"A-Alright... But..."

Old Man Kwon pointed at the window that was now cracked.

"Why did you leave the door and come through the..."

"...It's my bad habit."


"Anyway, we need to talk."


"W-What?! So you're saying that this Pangaea World is a ticking time bomb of sorts?"

"Yeah, you can even say it's a form of terrorism."

"Who is it? Who's doing that, even while wasting so much of their money in order to..."

Kang Chul-In suddenly smirked.

"What money? The money likely came out of the pocket of President Moon."

"...Are they trying to make sure the blame falls onto President Moon?"

"Most likely. If an accident occurs, the one who takes the blame will be President Moon."

"But, why are these people even doing that? Why?"

Old Man Kwon asked, confused.

"Because of me."


"What they're aiming for is me. Or to be accurate, my money on Earth."

"Hmm... so you're saying that they're doing this on Earth since they can't touch you in Pangaea? And they're trying to make our company fall so that you suffer..."

"So we need to stop them."

"Of course we do. What can I do for you?"

Old Man Kwon nodded.

"W-Well, I'll explain that."

Even though he was about to throw up due to his ride on Kang Chul-In, Kwak-Jung spoke.

"First, we need to give people a warning."

"A warning?"

"No matter whether the accident occurs or not, wouldn't the whole Pangaean industry take a big hit if the truth is revealed?"

"That's true."

"So, we need to give a warning to the media in order to minimize that damage."

"Hmm? Is that possible?"

"I'll work on that."

Saying that, Kwak-Jung smiled mysteriously. It was obvious he had something in plan.


"Good, very good!"

An old man in his 70s, President Moon Sung-Chul of the RiverMoon group, was looking at Pangaea World from afar, nodding his head.

Knock knock!



Director Kang of the Galaxy Corporation is here to see you."

From inside, he could hear the voice of his secretary calling out to him.

"Tell him to come in."

"Yes, president."

President Moon was confident.

Now that he had succeeded in opening Pangaea World, he believed that he was the 'boss' of this industry.

"Director Kang, was it? Come, sit here."

President Moon and Director Kang sat in front of each other, and began to talk.

"Just tell me what you want, bluntly. It's my style. So, what's the reason that President Kwon sent you?"

"A warning."


"Close Pangaea World immediately."

Hearing that this President Moon liked things being said bluntly, Kang Chul-In gladly complied.

"What? Close Pangaea World?"

At this ridiculous 'warning', President Moon involuntarily laughed.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course."

Kang Chul-In replied.

"I don't think you want to lose everything you have and end up in handcuffs."

"Ha! What do you mean by that?"

"The monsters will break out their cages and escape. Within 2 days."


"What do you think the monsters that escaped will do?"


What would occur after that was obvious.

If a major accident like that occurred, it would be practically impossible to contain.

"Since you know what I mean, close Pangaea World immediately. That's the only way for you to live."

However, President Moon's response was---

"Old Man Kwon sure talks a lot."


"Someone that's a former criminal dares to talk to me, Moon Sung-Chul, like that? Ha! I've never heard of such bullsh*t in my life!"

Of course, President Moon didn't believe what Kang Chul-In said.

"Hmph... Then show me some proof!"

President Moon shouted.

"What are you doing telling someone to close their business without any evidence!?"

"So... you want proof?"

"That's right!"

"Then take a look."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In began to walk towards the window.

"This is reinforced glass, right?"

Kang Chul-In asked.

"That's right."

"This looks like the same material that's used in Pangaea World, is that right?"


President Moon was a little startled.

It was a complete lie that this reinforced glass was what NASA used. They had just used glass that was a little stronger than normal bulletproof glass.

"As expected."

Kang Chul-In shot President Moon a thumbs up, smirking.

"As expected of a rich man in Korea, to not care about the safety of the people."

"Then try it!"

"Well then, let's take a look."

Said Kang Chul-In, as he threw a fist at the window.


With a terrifying noise.


The entire window cracked and was blasted away.


President Moon was terrified.

He didn't think that it would be possible for Kang Chul-In, who was a human, to blast away the reinforced glass like that.

"So, do you understand now? A human like me can do that, so just imagine what a monster can do!"

"Protect the president!!"

After the loud noises coming from inside the room, President Moon's personal guards rushed in and surrounded Kang Chul-In.

"Chase him out!!"

President Moon pointed at Kang Chul-In.

"Chase him out right now!"

This was President Moon's decision.

"Very well."

Instead of resisting, Kang Chul-In left the room.

Just like President Moon didn't like Kang Chul-In, Kang Chul-In himself didn't want to take another look at this rich and greedy man that didn't care about anything except for money.


That night.


Old Man Kwon was angry.

"Those damned bastards! How much did they take for them not to move at all?"

By 'bastards', Old Man Kwon was referring to the government officials.

Basically, Old Man Kwon had spent the whole day trying to stop the accident in Pangaea World from happening by meeting many government officials.

"Is no one moving?"

Kwak-Jung asked.

"Well, all the ones with power aren't."

"Sigh... Then it looks like there isn't a way to close Pangaea World legally..."

"Then... should we try terrorism or something?"

"...Old man, have you gone senile?"

Kwak-Jung asked, annoyed.

"What? Senile?! You damned..."


Suddenly, Kwak-Jung raged.

"Just think about it for a second!"


"Do you have any idea how bad of a temper Milord has? Huh?"

"W-Well... I know that he for sure doesn't have a good personality..."

"Milord is someone that kills thousands overnight if something goes wrong."

"T-Thousands?? H-He really kills them???"

"Yes, that's right."


"If it was that world, Milord would have just worked it all out through his brute strength. Do you know why a man like him is staying still?"


"It's because he believes there's a possibility for them to blame us."


"If we terrorize them, or do something to them physically, what would happen? Even though the tourists might not listen, the RiverMoon group could still blame it on us."

"Don't tell me... they would make us shoulder the blame if the monsters escape?"

"Yes, that's right."

Kwak-Jung nodded.

"Ha... then what do we have to..."

"Take a look at this."

Saying that, Kwak-Jung turned on the TV.

-With the opening of Pangaea World being extremely hot right now, we have gotten an expert that wants to warn the tourists of the dangers of Pangaea World.

As the anchor finished speaking, the camera turned towards the 'expert'.

-This is Director Kang of the Galaxy Corporation. Hello? Director Kang?


On the TV, Kang Chul-In answered the anchor with his typical emotionless voice.


Speechless, Old Man Kwon turned to look at Kwak-Jung.

"H-How did..."

"Isn't it fine if we warn them beforehand?"

"So you're trying to make it so that they can't turn the blame on anyone?"

"Yes, that's right."


-The 'reinforced glass' that is used in Pangaea World is actually not used in NASA as they claim, but is just normal bulletproof glass. It is something that definitely cannot guarantee the safety of...

While Kang Chul-In was speaking the truth on TV,


Someone was breaking the armrest of their chair in anger.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IslF_EyhMzg