195 - 205

Chapter 195: Kang Chul-In vs Kaiforce (pt. 4)

Translator: Leyy3

It was almost sad to watch Kaiforce's struggles to get back to his sword form.

"Kuk... Ugh... Sob..."

Even while moaning in pain from the mana poured inside his brain by Kang Chul-In, Kaiforce continued to crawl towards his sword.

"Ugh... Kuk..."

Snot and tears falling down, Kaiforce tried his best to reach the sword.

Of course, Kang Chul-In didn't just watch.


Kang Chul-In kicked the sword away slightly.


Looking at this, Kaiforce's eyeballs seemed to bulge out from rage.

"Try a little harder."


"What're you doing? If you want to live, you better continue crawling."

Kang Chul-In's voice once again tickled Kaiforce's eardrums.


Kaiforce gritted his teeth.

Even though he wanted to curse, the pain didn't allow him to speak any proper words. The only thing that he could do was continue to crawl towards the sword.


"So, how do you feel?"

"Sob... sob... Aghhhhh!!!"

At that moment, a terrifying scream erupted from Kaiforce.

"P-Please... just once..."

"Once? Once what?"

"Please save... agh!!"


"I-I'm sor... I-I... agh... will swear... my allegiance..."


"Y-Yes... S-So... please..."


After thinking for a while,

"Is that so?"



"O-Of course!! A-Agh... P-Please..."



"I thought you were going to swear your allegiance."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Fine then, go get your sword."

"T-Thank you, sir!!"

After showing his thanks to Kang Chul-In, Kaiforce once again began to crawl towards the sword.

2 metres, 1 metre...


Just as Kaiforce's fingers were about to reach the sword, the sword went flying.


Kaiforce's face stiffened.

"Ah, oops."

Kang Chul-In said mockingly.

"I accidentally moved my foot."


"Sorry. Try harder."


Even though Kang Chul-In was obviously teasing and mocking him, there was nothing Kaiforce could do.

He knew that if he got angry here, it would get even worse.

"A-As you wish..."

Kaiforce began to crawl once more.

Forget the pride of an ancient demon and whatnot, he would lick Kang Chul-In's feet if he could live.

That was how terrifying the pain he was feeling was.

"Uu.... Please... Please..."

With a heart-wrenching scream, Kaiforce once again stretched his arm out towards his sword.

10 centimetres, that was how far he was from the sword. If he touched it, he would be able to escape from this terrible pain.

But... Kang Chul-In wasn't finished just there.



Kaiforce had to once again experience the sword being kicked away from him, just as he was about to touch it.

But that was just the start.


Tuk tuk,

Tuk tuk tuk!

Kang Chul-In continued to mock and tease Kaiforce several times after that, and the ancient demon had no choice but to grit his teeth.

"Ah, so close."

The 11th time this had happened, Kang Chul-In spoke while laughing evilly.

"Try a little hard..."



"You bastard!!!"

And finally, Kaiforce exploded, unable to remain calm anymore.

"You fucker!! You god-damned bastard!"



"You can still withstand the pain?"

"Y-You terrible person... you fucker... Kuhuk... Ugh..."

Even while crying and sobbing, Kaiforce continued to curse.

"To think you'd curse at me... I'm hurt."


"That was the last test..."



"As expected, what you said


about swearing your allegiance to me was just a lie, wasn't it?"

At Kang Chul-In's shamelessness, Kaiforce almost wanted to bite his tongue and suicide.

To say that it was a test, after doing this 11 times...

He hadn't ever met someone like this before.

"P-Please... forgive me... one more... opportunity."

"What, did you honestly think that I would be tricked by your words?"

At that moment, Kaiforce realized the truth.

Kang Chul-In had no intention of keeping him alive from the very beginning.

He was just planning on continuing to mock him in order to make him feel more pain.

"You... damned!!! Aghhh!!"

"It's feels good hearing you scream."

"You... will regret this... when the great Agnaga wake up..."


"Destruction... Huhu... Your land will fall... Your citizens will die... And the remaining survivors... will become slaves forever... Huhu..."

Kaiforce spoke.

Even though Kang Chul-In ignored everything he said.

"Kuk... Hahahahha!"

Kaiforce started to laugh maniacally.

"Sob... sob..."

And also began to cry soon after.

It's finally the end.

Looking at this, Kang Chul-In smirked.

He knew what this meant; acting like this meant that the person's mental state was about to completely collapse and that he was close to death.


As if proving Kang Chul-In's thoughts correct, demonic qi started to dissipate around Kaiforce's body and his body started to change from the shape of a demon to a human.


With a final scream, a black-purple current struggled, but disappeared soon after. This signified the riddance of Kaiforce's ego, and his true death.

-It's finished, master.

Mitra said.

-Kaiforce... the ancient demon is finally gone.

Is that so.

-Yes, master.

Then, that sword, is it trash now?

-Even though it still is a dangerous demonic sword, it won't be able to take over the body of a human ever again. And even though Kaiforce has died, it won't lose its powers since the evil energy is still there. It will become a good sword, albeit a hard one to handle.

That was good news.

Even though Mitra's effects were amazing, Kaiforce was better in battles where he had to kill.

"M-Mr. Chul-In?"

At that moment, Lee Chae-rin's voice could be heard.


Kang Chul-In looked back.


But... for some reason, Lee Chae-rin's expression was quite strange.

Her face was stiff, making one think that she was afraid.

"What is it?"



"Mr. Chul-In, you really..."


"Are a terrifying person."


"A human that tortures a demon... I thought Mr. Chul-In was the demon for a moment."

"...Anyway, can you take the body of that soldier and help me out of the dungeon?'

Kang Chul-In said, pointing at the dead body of Pluto.

"After all, we still have to give his body to his parents."

"Huh? What do you..."

When Lee Chae-rin was speaking.

"Uhh? Huh?!"

Kang Chul-In suddenly fell into Lee Chae-rin's arms. It wasn't something he had planned, but rather something that had happened because he was out of strength.

"M-Mr. Chul-in!!"

Shocked, Lee Chae-rin called out to Kang Chul-In, but Kang Chul-In remained still, asleep due to the aftereffects of Overdrive.


It was a week after that when Kang Chul-In's eyes finally opened.


What greeted Kang Chul-In was 3 women.

His mother, Park Sun-Ja.

His daughter, Arshelly.

And Overlord Lee Chae-rin.

All 3 of them had fallen asleep, their heads on the bed.

"Oh, milord!"

Kwak-Jung said in surprise, realizing Kang Chul-In had woken up.


Kang Chul-In shook his head.

Kang Chul-In slowly and cautiously got out of the bed.

Let's go outside.

Gesturing with his chin, Kang Chul-In went outside, Kwak-Jung following close behind.


"Yes, milord."

To think Kang Chul-In would ask about work right away... Kwak-Jung was almost sick of Kang Chul-In's workaholic attitude but still reported what had happened.

"Well, everything is over."

"And the idiots?"

"They're all resting in the room next to milord's."

"Are they alright?"


"Then how about Pangaea?'

"I haven't heard of anything special from Pangaea, but something has happened."

"What is it?"

"Kim Sung-hee has come back with some shocking information."


"Apparently Rothschild and Aleister have allied."

"Those damned bastards?"

"Yes, Rothschild used his brain well this time. So..."

Kwak-Jung began to explain the situation.

Chapter 196: A great shift in power (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

"Apparently, Rothschild went inside Aleister's territory."


"And not alone either. He went with his whole territory. What was it called again... Keanu Reeves [1] or something..."

"...You mean Cyamodus."

Kang Chul-in corrected Kwak-Jung's words.


"Yeah, there's no way that Rothschild would be having a war along with Keanu Reeves."


Mistaking the Cyamodus territory as the amazing actor Keanu Reeves, Kwak-Jung started to scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Anyway, it seems like that damned Rothschild managed to secure an alliance after going inside that skull-dude's territory."


"It seems like Rothschild made a deal."

"A deal?"


Kwak-Jung nodded.


Kwak-Jung started to explain the situation.



A giant turtle with a fortress on its back, Cyamodus, started to charge up red energy in its mouth.


Flames started to rise,


And one of Cyamodus's special moves, magma breath, hit the undead army head-on.

The effect was rather spectacular.

Flames covered the monsters, and the undead monsters that got hit were turned into ash.

Undead monsters were weak to the light and fire element from the very beginning when they were created, so they stood no chance.


Aleister, who was looking on from his emerald castle, screamed at this sight.

"M-My beautiful army..."

Hadn't he already lost his status as an Overlord due to a fire-based attack in Fox Valley?

This time around, a giant turtle started to breathe flames, killing all of his precious undead monsters. He felt like he was going to go crazy.

"If I lose this, then..."

It was obvious what would happen if Aleister lost this battle.

Even though a Lord was nothing without his territory, it was even worse for Aleister.

He was stuck in a situation where he couldn't even go back to Earth.

What could a lich, who had given up being a human, do if it went back to Earth? There was no place for him left on Earth.


At that moment, Aleister took out a black flute from inside his robe.

This item was an epic item called the 'Death Calling', and was his final card that was extremely effective against a single target, like that giant turtle.

Even though it was a single-use item, it was possible to hunt even a dragon if he used it.

"Get ready... damned Rothschild bastard..."

Gritting his teeth, Aleister put his dried-up lips towards the Death Calling.

-Overlord Aleister!

At that moment.

-How about we talk for a second?

Alex Rothschild's voice could be heard from far away since he used a magical tool to amplify his voice.


Right as he was about to use the Death Calling, Aleister stopped, astonished by Rothschild's words.

He had just invaded his territory randomly, and he was asking for a



It wasn't like they were playing or anything, so this infuriated Aleister.

"Bring the amplifier!"

Aleister shouted.

"Here, milord."


Kim Sung-hee, who had secretly come into the Deathwin territory under Kang Chul-In's orders, said.


Aleister responded.

-What do you mean, "talk"?! Why should I talk to someone who came here without any sort of notice and attacked my territory?

Aleister shouted, his voice steely.

-Sorry about that, Overlord Aleister!

Rothschild suddenly apologized.


-I'm sorry that I attacked your territory without saying anything beforehand.

"...What is he saying right now?"

Aleister was confused at what Rothschild was saying.

-What do you mean by that, Rothschild!?

-Well, it's exactly like what I said, Overlord Aleister!


-This is a war that I can't do anything about.

-What? You can't do anything about it? Do you honestly expect me to believe...

Even though Aleister was shouting, Rothschild interrupted him.

-Think of who's in the west of the Deathwin territory.


-Overlord Kang Chul-In, the strongest man in Pangaea right now.


-You remember what happened to Overlord Baruk Al-Yusuf, right? Why did that terrifying Anatolia territory fall? You remember who that Overlord who was ranked 2nd died to, right?


The news that Baruk Al-Yusuf had died to Kang Chul-In had long since spread through the Illusion Network.

-And... I need a wall. A tactical fortress--- someone to block Overlord Kang Chul-In while I gain strength.


Finally, Aleister realized Rothschild's intention.

-You do know that the territory you control is in the best position as defense against Kang Chul-In, right?

-Y-Yeah, I'm aware.

-Sorry for this, Overlord Aleister. I didn't have any bad or malicious intent against you. And anyway, this might be better for you.

-In what way?

-Do you really think that Kang Chul-In, that tyrant, would let you go easily? Even though I don't know why, your army looks very weak right now. I doubt he would let you go, especially when you're guaranteed to fall from the rank of Overlord.


At that moment, Aleister's face stiffened.

Just like what Rothschild had said, it seemed like there was no way that Kang Chul-In would really just let him go.

It wouldn't be strange even if Kang Chul-In decided to invade the Deathwin territory right now, considering its strategic value.

-What do you think would happen if you decide to ally with Kang Chul-In?


-If Kang Chul-In's army is inside your territory... I guarantee that your territory wouldn't really be under your control anymore.

-So, what do you want me to do then!? You want me to understand that you're invading since you're scared of Kang Chul-In?


-Then what, you want me to surrend...

-That's not it.


Aleister was truly beginning to feel confused.

-Ally with me.

Finally, Rothschild spoke.

-W-What?! Do you think I don't know that you're just going to station your army here and become the true controller of this territory? Shut up!

-That's not true.


-I'm different from Kang Chul-In.


-I won't put my army in your territory. After all, it's difficult for me to keep Esmerelda away from Albrecht Vilhelm without it.

-Then? What do you want...

-I will give you 250,000 gold.

-2... 250,000!?

-That's right. Won't you be able to rebuild your army, then?


Aleister was shocked.

250,000 gold... It was impossible for him not to be shocked by that huge sum of money.

-If you ally with me, I will lend you 1,000 of Lord Ludwig Hainel's Machine troops, along with 20,000 dead bodies given to me by Overlord Ao Xin. Oh, and Lord Atal Ramnuzan will also give 10,000 troops.

But the temptation didn't stop there; rather, it grew even stronger.

-And... I will also give you 4 banshees that are level 70, which I found in an ancient dungeon.

-B... Banshees?!

That was the final nail in the coffin.

As a man with necrophilia, the meaning that a level 70 banshee had was completely different after all.

[1] He's talking about this handsome angel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keanu_Reeves

Chapter 197: A great shift in power (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

-I... Is that really true? Will you really give me the banshees?

Aleister found it difficult to believe what Rothschild was saying.

-Of course. I'm not lying.

-Can I really believe what you're saying?

-Of course! I'll write a proper contract, and then I'll show all the Lords in Pangaea through the Illusion network. You'll believe me if I do that, right?

The Illusion network that was set up after the 1st Lord meetings became the main method of communication between Lords.

If Rothschild really went against the contract or deal that they signed, he would forever be remembered as trash and a liar.

That was even more so true because his previously 'kind' image had been somewhat destroyed by Kang Chul-In in the 1st Lord meetings.

-How about it? It won't be that difficult for you to become an Overlord again once you agree to my conditions.

-Are those conditions really it? You just want me to block Kang Chul-In, and that's it?

-Well, there are a few more...

-Of course...

-But they won't be that difficult for you to follow. You can make your decision again after I tell you the other conditions.

-I...Is that so? Then show me the new condi...

-But before that.


-I think it would be better if you got rid of that Korean bitch that's next to you. Let's talk alone.

Rothschild demanded that Aleister take Kim Sung-hee away.

-Why? This woman is my subordinate...

-Do you still not know? That woman is the daughter of the Gusung company in Korea. And... you do know that Kang Chul-In is Korean, right?


-Overlord Aleister. You've been watched by Overlord Kang Chul-In for the last couple of months.

At this, Aleister suddenly turned to look at Kim Sung-hee.

"Is that true?"

Kim Sung-hee was startled; she didn't know that Rothschild would be able to realize who she was.

"No, that's not true."

Even though Kim Sung-hee denied,

"Well... it doesn't really matter even if it's not true. I was going to make you into a banshee at some point anyway."


"Don't you think it's right for me to get rid of a potential source of danger, no matter how small it is?"

Saying that, blackish energy started to emerge from Aleister's hands.

"Huhu... become my beautiful undead soldier..."

Aleister activated his special ability, the touch of death, and ran towards Kim Sung-hee.


"...Yes, that's it."

Kwak-Jung finished his explanation.

"Even though we're not sure what extra conditions Rothschild came up with, the two of them have definitely allied together."

"So you're saying that while I was cleaning up the situation, he was doing this?"

"Yes, and to be honest... it wasn't a bad move from Rothschild. Even though Milord did gain some benefits, Rothschild was able to gain time, which is something that can't be bought even with money."

"Right. And Vilhelm?"

"He's quiet. It seems like he's solely focusing on building up his own forces in the North."

"Alright. And Kim Sung-hee? It seems like she escaped considering how she was able to get the news to us?"

"Well, she did escape, but... She isn't in a good condition right now."

"Where is she?"

"She's in the room that's next to Milord's."

"Let's go."

Kang Chul-In moved immediately.


Looking at Kim Sung-hee's condition, Kang Chul-In's face stiffened.

Skin that had almost turned completely black.

Purple lips, that seemed to have no vitality.

Eyes that seemed to have lost focus...

Kim Sung-hee looked as if she was no longer human.

"She has the undead virus."

"W-What is that?!"

"Basically, she's been infected by a magical disease that will turn her into an undead. It's kind of similar to the zombie virus..."


When he heard the words "zombie virus," Kwak-Jung ran towards the toilet that was nearby.



Kwak-Jung started to clean his hands crazily, using as much soap as he could. He looked terrified, scared that the virus would spread to him too.

"What are you doing?"

Kang Chul-In looked at Kwak-Jung like he was looking at an idiot.

"W-Wash your hands, Milord!! A disease that spreads can..."

"It doesn't spread."


"The undead virus doesn't spread."


"I told you, it's a magical disease. Have you seen something like a vampire virus spreading crazily?"

"I-Is that so?"

"Stop acting like a scaredy-cat, and come here."


Blushing in shame, Kwak-Jung quickly came and stood next to Kang Chul-In.

"What do you


think, Milord? I think..."

"It doesn't look very hopeful right now."

Kang Chul-In said, his eyes narrowing.

"She'll become an undead monster within a week or so."

"Ha... an undead, huh?"

"We'll have to move her to Pangaea. There's no way to save her on earth."

"Is it even possible to save her? Normally, in movies if you get bitten by a zombie or a vampire..."

"It's different for the undead virus. Since it's a magical disease, it will disappear naturally if the person that infected her dies."

"You mean Aleister?"


"Don't tell me, are you planning to kill Aleister within a week...?"

"I can't; that's impossible."

If he had the strength to be able to suddenly kill Aleister within a week, Kang Chul-In would have been able to conquer Pangaea already.

"Is there no other method?"

"Well... we can cure her with a medicine called the 'tear of purity', although it'll be extremely difficult to find an alchemist with that level of skill."


"But I'll save her, no matter what."

Kang Chul-In wasn't planning on letting Kim Sung-hee become an undead.

The reason why Kim Sung-hee had gone under Aleister was because of his promise that he would let her get stronger.

To ignore someone like her, who risked her life for him?

What servant would trust a lord who completely ignored and mistreated his subordinates?

The second Kang Chul-In throws Kim Sung-hee away is the moment the way that Kwak-Jung looks at him would change.

"Now, we're going back to Pangaea immediately."

Saying that,Kang Chul-In picked up Kim Sung-hee cautiously.


At that moment, the door to the room opened, and an old man appeared.

"Are you Kang Chul-In?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm Sung-hee's father."

This man was the owner of the Gusung group: president Kim Hyun-sung.

"Let's talk."


"I would like to have a chat with you, alone."

"Very well."

Kang Chul-In agreed to president Kim Hyun-sung's request.


After the short meeting with President Kim, Kang Chul-In immediately took Kim Sung-hee and returned to Pangaea.

"Milord, what did you talk about with President Kim?"

"You don't need to know."

But Kang Chul-In decided to ignore Kwak-Jung's question.

"Hmph... I am the strategist of the territory..."

"Trust me, you don't want to know unless you want to get hurt."


"It's nothing important, so don't be curious about it."


Ignoring the depressed Kwak-Jung, Kang Chul-In went towards the Lord's hall.

"Milord! You've come!"

There, Lucia greeted Kang Chul-In happily as always.

"I've heard that you've done a lot of things in your hometown, Milord!"

"So the news has already spread?"

"That's right, Milord! Milord's feats have already spread throughout the territory! The citizens have come to further respect you!"

The dead body of the Bone Dragon that had arrived in Laputa a few days ago was a kind of evidence to show how powerful Kang Chul-In was as a lord.

To think their Lord would hunt a Bone Dragon; it was truly an amazing feat.

"And the project?"

"Just like you've ordered, the magical engineers are currently working on creating the engines and cannons."

Kang Chul-In was planning to modify the Bone Dragon's body and make it into a bomber that flew across the sky.

"Oh? That quick?"

At the extreme speed of the project, Kang Chul-In smiled in satisfaction.

"Oh, and where's Alfred?"

"He should be outside taking care of the plants."

"Tell him to come to the hospital area."

"Yes, Milord."

After ordering Lucia, Kang Chul-In headed towards the hospital and was able to meet Alfred 10 minutes later.

"How is she?"

"Hmm... a lot of it has already spread; she'll become fully undead in 3 days."

3 days was much faster than the 1 week Kang Chul-In had estimated.

"And if you help?"

Kang Chul-In asked.

As a true vampire, Alfred had the ability to send his life force into someone else.

"Hmm... if I try my hardest, I think I can delay it up to 30 days."

"Then do that."


"I really need to save her."

"M-Milord... don't tell me you want to do the Blood Heal for 30 days..."

Alfred looked as if he was about to cry.

"Thanks. Alright, I'll be going now."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In ran away. He knew from experience that for these things, he had to run away quickly.

"...I would rather die."

Alfred murmured, about to have a mental breakdown.


"The officials of Laputa shall meet in an hour."

Kang Chul-In commanded. He was planning to conquer Aleister's Deathwin territory before he got any backup from Alex Rothschild.



Before the meeting started, Lucia quickly ran towards the Lord's hall and reported to Kang Chul-In.

"What is it?"

"Apparently, an envoy has come from Overlord Albrecht Vilhelm!"


"They're asking to meet with Milord."

"Don't tell me... Is it her?"

Kang Chul-In tilted his head.


"No, it's nothing. Let them in."

"Yes, Milord."

Lucia nodded, and Kang Chul-In was able to meet the envoy sent by Overlord Albrecht Vilhelm.

"Hello, sir."

The envoy was beautiful.

Glistening blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was a stereotypical example of a beautiful blonde woman.

It's been a while, Minerva.

Kang Chul-In knew who she was.

Why wouldn't he?


Otherwise known as the Queen of Diplomats.

She was such a terrifying diplomat that even Lee Gong-Myung would have to stay silent in front of her regarding diplomacy.

"I'm a subordinate to Overlord Albrecht Vilhelm, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the great Bifrost territory."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Lord Kang Chul-In."

"Stand up."


"Come closer."

Kang Chul-In motioned towards his throne.



Startled, Minerva asked.


A blackish light flashed before cutting through Minerva's neck.


Blood bursted out, dyeing the area near Kang Chul-In red.


Minerva's head rolled on the floor.




The officials of Laputa instantly froze.


Kwak-Jung shouted in shock.

Even though Kang Chul-In was famed for doing whatever he wanted, to think he would just cut off the head of an envoy who was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs in another territory...

"Request a call to Albrecht Vilhelm."

Laughing, Kang Chul-In ordered with a cold voice.

Chapter 198: A great shift in power (pt. 3)

Translator: Leyy3


Silence descended upon the Lord's hall of the Laputa territory.

Even though Kang Chul-In was quite famous for having a reckless and bad personality, he hadn't ever been this violent.

"M-Milord, may I say something?"

Kwak-Jung said.

"Very well."

Kang Chul-In nodded.

"W-Well... Uhh..."

"Speak more confidently."


"It's okay, I won't harm you."

Kang Chul-In said, laughing.

I bet he's shocked.

Kang Chul-In could tell what Kwak-Jung was thinking right now.

Even though Kang Chul-In had been quite reckless at times, he hadn't ever done something without thinking about it. He always thought about it for a while before carrying something out into action.

So, it made sense that Kwak-Jung and the other subordinates were shocked when Kang Chul-In killed the envoy that had come.

"Milord... even though there's no point in arguing since you've already killed that woman... If you kill a messenger that's come from another territory..."

"You're trying to say things like this can lead to wars, right?"


Kang Chul-In nodded.

Inwardly, Kwak-Jung started to scream.

Then why would you do that if you know what would happen? What were you thinking!?

"The way that other Lords look at me, not just Albrecht Vihelm, will change. Who else would send a messenger to me when I just chopped the head off of Albrecht Vilhelm's envoy?"

"...That's exactly what I was thinking."

As expected, Kang Chul-In knew exactly what he had done.

"But, it's not my fault."


"It's her fault."

Kang Chul-In pointed at Minerva's dead body.


Kwak-Jung went silent, unable to comprehend the meaning of Kang Chul-In's words.

"Well, who told her that she should be an envoy? It's a job where one can die easily, after all."


"It seems like there wasn't anyone that told her that she can easily lose her life."


Listening to these words, Kwak-Jung's body shook as he tried his absolute best to stay calm.

To be honest, what Kang Chul-In had said wasn't wrong.

From a long time ago, being a messenger and an envoy had high risks involved in it. Even in movies, there were many instances where the envoy or the messenger's head was cut off as a signal or meaning of declaring war.


Kwak-Jung had to give up.

"Well, I'm sure there's a hidden meaning behind Milord's..."

"No, not really."


"I just didn't like the way she looked. That's it."


"Anyway, just keep the head, and clean everything else up."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In sat back down on his throne as if nothing had occurred.

It was an unbelievable movement for someone that had just killed a beautiful woman because he felt like it.


Due to this, the subordinates and officials of Laputa were wondering why Kang Chul-In had just done that.

Is it a sort of warning?

I heard that Albrecht Vilhelm did something in Milord's hometown...

They were left with the conclusion that Kang Chul-In had done this because he was still angry at what Albrecht Vilhelm had done to his hometown, Seoul.


But Kang Chul-In didn't care about that.

Rather, he considered himself


lucky that he was able to get rid of Minerva like this.

It was an opportunity.

Sometimes, an extremely useful and resourceful diplomat could completely change and shift the balance of power.

After losing out on so many things and possible opportunities due to Minerva's tongue and abilities in his past life, Kang Chul-In couldn't let her live.

Why would someone let a possible source of threat in the future go when it had come straight to them?

Since he killed Minerva so early like this, it would definitely block some opportunities for Albrecht Vilhelm in the future.

And since he had the excuse that he had killed Minerva in revenge for what had happened in Seoul, no one would question further why he killed her.

"Oh, and what happened to calling Vilhelm?"

Kang Chul-In said to a soldier in charge of the communications.

"We're connecting right now, sir! Maybe 5 minutes... no, it's connected!"

"Bring the orb of illusion to the front of me now."

"Yes, Milord!"

Pzzt, Pzzt!

With a little static at the beginning,

-Overlord Kang Chul-In.

A hologram of Albrecht Vilhelm appeared in front of Kang Chul-In.


At the same time.

Within Aleister's Deathwin territory, terrifying and unspeakable things were occurring.

"Why aren't we entering at the same time, and instead going in at 1,000 people every hour?"

One of Overlord Ao Xin's soldiers, Robert, asked.

"Ahh, whatever. It's not like we can understand the thoughts of those above us."

"That's true, but..."

Even though what his friend said was right, Robert felt suspicious facing these somewhat strange orders.

Wasn't it strange?

Why would they split their forces when entering the territory? And enter one hour after the previous group entered?

Not only that, but the ones commanding them right now were people that he hadn't ever seen before.


"Do you really have to go this time around? I have a bad feeling..."

"Mother, how can I feed my family if I don't go out to battle, as a soldier?"


"It'll be fine. I'll be back soon."

Robert recalled the conversation he had with his mother before leaving.

Something's strange...

He didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Group 7!"

At that moment, the voice of the commander pierced Robert's ears.

"We're going to move into the Deathwin Territory soon! Everyone, get ready!"

"Yes, sir!"

1000 soldiers, including Robert, shouted in unison.

Ah, whatever. What's the worst that can happen, other than die?

That's right, a soldier was one that fought to the death for their territory.

A soldier shouldn't be afraid of death.



While thinking that, the bridge connecting where they were to the Deahtwin territory fell.

Bang... bang...

The sound of a thousand soldiers marching in unison reverberated throughout the area.


As the soldiers of group 7 made it over to the Deathwin territory, the castle door closed shut.


A giant net flew towards them, covering the soldiers.

"W-What is this?!"

"What is going on..."

Screams erupted throughout the area.

"Huhu... Welcome to the Deathwin territory, friends."

A skeleton spoke and greeted the soldiers.


By now the soldiers had realized that something was weird, but it was too late.


The ground started to collapse on them,


"S-Save me!!"

And the soldiers of group 7 fell down a massive hole.


"W-What is that?!"

"I-It's a ghoul!"


What awaited the soldiers down there were 6,000 undead monsters. These were the soldiers that had entered before them.


And just like his friends and fellow soldiers in Group 7, Robert fell to the Undead Soldiers. It was a tragic and unfair death.

"Huhu... quickly become mine, soldiers!!"

Looking at this, Aleister couldn't help but laugh crazily.

Ugh... I really can't do this...

Crazy... this is madness...

The commanders that had told the soldiers to go shivered in fright at their Overlord Ao Xin merely looking at this.

After all, how many Lords could simply throw away 10,000 of their soldiers like this?

"What are you doing?"

At that moment, Aleister spoke to the commanders of Group 7.



The commanders tilted their heads in confusion.

"Now, you get in there too."

Aleister laughed.


Soon after, the commanders despaired, looking at the undead monsters behind Aleister.

4 banshees, 30 death knights, as well as other undead monsters that they didn't even know the names of.

"I've heard that Overlord Ao Xin doesn't want any eyewitnesses. Goodbye."

Aleister said, laughing.

Chapter 199: A great shift in power (pt. 4)

Translator: Leyy3

"It's been a while, Overlord Albrecht Vilhelm."

Kang Chul-In laughed, smiling at his former enemy.

To be completely honest, Albrecht Vilhelm was a hundred times more dangerous and resourceful than Alex Rothschild.

Rothschild was someone who lived off of his family's ridiculous amount of money, and the help of Lee Gong-Myung's strategies.

Snake-like bastard...

But Albrecht Vilhelm was different.

Internal affairs, money, strategy. He was good at all of it.

"I've gotten your present well."

Kang Chul-In said, smirking.

"It was truly a good one."

-I never gave you a present though... Oh, if you're talking about the specialty of our territory that we sent this time...


Kang Chul-In interrupted.

"That was you."

"It's been a while, Overlord Albrecht Vilhelm."

Kang Chul-In laughed, smiling at his former enemy.

To be completely honest, Albrecht Vilhelm was a hundred times more dangerous and resourceful than Alex Rothschild.

Rothschild was someone who lived off of his family's ridiculous amount of money and the help of Lee Gong-Myung's strategies.

Snake-like bastard...

But Albrecht Vilhelm was different.

Internal affairs, money, and strategy. He was good at all of it.

"I've received your present well."

Kang Chul-In said, smirking.

"It was truly a good one."

-I never gave you a present though... Oh, if you're talking about the specialty of our territory that we sent this time...


Kang Chul-In interrupted.

"That was you."

-No, it wasn't.

"Are you really going to deny it, even when there's so much evidence?"

-Of course not.

Albrecht Vilhelm's expression didn't change at all.

-I think you're misunderstanding something, Overlord Kang Chul-In.

"Is that so?"

-Of course. Why would I touch the 1st ranked Overlord? What's good will happen for me if that happens?


-And if I were behind it, why would I send an envoy over to you? Minerva is the best, most trusted diplomat I have.

Even though Kang Chul-In nearly went speechless, he didn't show his anger.

"Is that so...? But..."


"How are you going to explain monsters that appeared in Seoul that are natives of your territory?"


"Or will you stop denying it if I write up a list of the monsters and send it to you?"

At these words, Albrecht Vilhelm's face stiffened.

My god... I knew I would get caught, but this quick?

He tried to deny it.

-Overlord Kang Chul-In, it really wasn't me.


-It seems like we've been played by Alex Rothschild's words.

Albrecht Vilhelm gave out an excuse that Kang Chul-In had already expected would come out.

"Still denying it, huh?"

-That's right. A few months ago, I got an offer from Alex Rothschild where I lent him some dungeons so that he could level up. I would give him places to fight in return for money. I...

"Stop with that bullshit, you crazy bastard."


"Who do you think you're lying to?"

Kang Chul-In swore.

-O... On what basis are you...

"Are you joking around with me?"


"You're saying that you lent him dungeons so that he can level up while you were having a dogfight with him over the Esmerelda territory?"



Kang Chul-In continued, remembering what happened in the past.

"How are you going to explain supporting Aleister, then? Your second wife, Fei Mei, is Ao Xin's little sister, right? The two of you, I bet you allied due to that marriage."

-How does that have to do with...

"Of course it has to do with it, you bastard."

Kang Chul-In growled.

"I heard that Ao Xin gave 10,000 soldiers over to Aleister's territory under the name of Alex Rothschild. You think I didn't know that?"


"Stop pretending even when you know everything. You were trying to block my way by using Alex Rothschild and Lee Gong-Myung. You also tried to use Overlord Ao Xin's troops that were given to Aleister to prevent me from expanding east."


"Even while fighting against Alex Rothschild, you were scared of me. And that was the same for Alex Rothschild."

At this point, it was difficult for Albrecht Vilhelm to continue and deny.

How... did he plant a spy or something?

Even though it made sense that Kang Chul-In could have heard of the fight over the Esmerelda territory through the news, that wasn't the case for the other things.

Where the monsters were from.

His marriage with Fei Mei, Ao Xin's little sister.

Helping Aleister.

As if I wouldn't know.

Looking at Vilhelm who was visibly taken aback, Kang Chul-In laughed.

"Well, here's my response to your present."


"I sent you a present."

At that moment, Albrecht Vilhelm's Bifrost territory received a box.

-What is this? Don't tell me it's a bomb...

"As if. What, are you scared or something? I mean... I guess if you're scared..."

-I'll open it.

Angered by Kang Chul-In's taunting, Vilhelm opened the box.


He was shocked.

-M... Minerva!

Because inside the box... was Minerva's head.


Dragonia Mountain range, otherwise known as the Himalayas of Pangaea.

At the highest peak, a black dragon was resting.


The dragon angrily breathed out flames, burning one side of the lair.

-What bastard...

The dragon had already been angry for a couple of months.

It was because some damned bastard had broken off the top of its lair, and ran away.

-Hu... since I'm awake anyway... Pinefly, on!

Feeling that it was almost fully awake and its body capabilities were at least at 90%, the black dragon turned the system of the cave on.

-Pinefly, ON!


A screen popped up in front of the dragon.

[Master, you've awoken.]

-How long was I asleep for?

[The time master has been asleep for is... 1001 years, 9 months, 21 days, 13 hours, 48 minutes and 3 seconds.]

-So, do you have the recorded screen for who or what hit the ceiling?

[There are 291,234 cases.]

As expected of the system, it had recorded everything that gave the lair even the tiniest bit of damage.

-Play the files. The one that made the rock fall on us.

[That's impossible.]


[Due to an error, that file cannot be played.]

-Why not?

[Due to a thousand years passing, the system has become weaker. In order to watch that specific video, there is a need to take a look at each file...]

-Then show me the latest...

[The order has been messed up for the recorded videos.]

-So... I have to look through 291,234 videos in order to see who did that? All of them?

[Yes, but if your luck is good, then the first video might...]

-Shut up, you useless system.

But the black dragon didn't give up.

-Whatever... I'll start today.

It was as expected for the black dragon, which was famed to have the worst and most violent personality out of all dragons.

-Then, what should I do with the remaining time?

The black dragon wondered.

[Why not go out and have some fun?]

The Pinefly system said.

-Hmm... that doesn't sound bad.

The dragon nodded.

It wasn't a bad idea to travel around the Pangaea continent since it had woken up anyway. After all, it could go through the videos whenever it was free.

-Fine, I'll do that then.

Saying that, the black dragon, or more accurately Desdemona's, body started to turn brighter.

It was the sign that it was going to [olymorph.

-No, it wasn't.

"Are you really going to deny it, even when there's so much evidence?"

-Of course not.

Albrecht Vilhelm's expression didn't change at all.

-I think you're misunderstanding something, Overlord Kang Chul-In.

"Is that so?"

-Of course. Why would I touch the 1st ranked Overlord? What's good for me if that happens?


-And if I were behind it, why would I send an envoy over to you? And Minerva is my best, most trusted diplomat I have.

Even though Kang Chul-In nearly went speechless, he didn't show his anger.

"Is that so... but..."


"How are you going to explain that the monsters that appeared in Seoul are natives of your territory?"


"Or will you stop denying it if I write a list, and send it to you?"

At these words, Albrecht Vilhelm's face stiffened.

My god... I knew I would get caught, but this quick?

And tried to deny it.

-Overlord Kang Chul-In, it really wasn't me.


-It seems like we've been played around by Alex Rothschild's words.

And Albrecht Vilhelm gave out an excuse that Kang Chul-In had already expected would come out.

"Still denying it, huh?"

-That's right. A few months ago, I got an offer from Alex Rothschild where I lend him some dungeons so that he can level up. It was that I give him places for him to fight, in return for money. I...

"Stop with that bullsh*t, you crazy bastard."


"Who do you think you're lying to?"

Kang Chul-In swore.

-O...On what basis are you...

"Are you joking around with me?"


"You're saying that you lent him dungeons so that he can level up, while you're having a dogfight with him over the Esmerelda territory?"



Kang Chul-In continued, remembering what happened in the past.

"How are you going to explain supporting Aleister then? Your second wife, Fei Mei is Ao Xin's little sister, right? The two of you, I bet you allied due to that marriage."

-How does that have to do with...

"Of course it has to do with it, you bastard."

Kang Chul-In growled.

"I heard that Ao Xin gave 10,000 soldiers over to Aleister's territory under the name of Alex Rothschild, you think I didn't know that?"


"Stop pretending, even when you know everything. You were trying to block my way by using Alex Rothschild and Lee Gong-Myung, as well as use Overlord Ao Xin's troops that were given to Aleister in order to block me from expanding east."


"Even while fighting against Alex Rothschild, you were scared of me. And that was the same for Alex Rothschild."

At this point, it was difficult for Albrecht Vilhelm to continue and deny.

How... did he plant a spy or something?

Even though it made sense that Kang Chul-In could have heard of the fight over the Esmerelda territory through news, it wasn't the case for other things.

Where the monsters were from.

His marriage with Fei Mei, Ao Xin's little sister.

Helping Aleister.

As if I didn't know.

Looking at Vilhelm who was visibly taken aback, Kang Chul-In laughed.

"Well, here's my response to your present."


"I sent you a present."

And at that moment, a box was sent over to Albrecht Vilhelm's Bifrost territory.

-What is this? Don't tell me it's a bomb...

"As if. What, are you scared or something? I mean... I guess if you're scared..."

-I'll open it.

Angered by Kang Chul-In's taunting, Vilhelm opened the box.



Was shocked.


Because inside the box... was Minerva's head.


In the Dragonia Mountain range, known as the Himalayas of Pangaea.

At the highest peak, a Black Dragon was resting.


The dragon angrily breathed out flames, burning one side of the lair.

-What bastard...

The dragon had already been angry for a couple of months.

It was because some damned bastard had broken the ceiling of its lair, and ran away.

-Hu... since I'm awake anyway... Pinefly, on!

Feeling that it was almost fully awake and its body capabilities were at least at 90%, the Black Dragon turned the system of the cave on.

-Pinefly, ON!

And at this, a screen popped up in front of the dragon.

[Master, you've woken.]

-How long was I asleep for?

[The time master has been asleep for is... 1001 years, 9 months, 21 days, 13 hours, 48 minutes and 3 seconds.]

-So, do you have the recorded screen for who or what hit the ceiling?

[There are 291,234 cases.]

As expected of the system, it had recorded everything that gave the lair even the tiniest bit of damage.

-Play the files. The one that made the rock fall on us.

[That's impossible.]


[Due to an error, that file cannot be played.]

-Why not?

[Due to the thousand years, the system has become weaker. In order to watch the specific video, there is a need to take a look at each file...]

-Then show me the latest...

[The time has been messed up for the recorded videos.]

-So... I have to look through 291,234 videos in order to see who did that? All of them?

[Yes, but if your luck is good, then the first video might...]

-Shut up, you useless system.

But the Black Dragon didn't give up.

-Whatever... I'll start from today.

It was as expected for the Black Dragon, which was famed to have the worst and most violent personality out of all dragons.

-Then what should I do with the remaining time?

The Black Dragon wondered.

[Why not go out and have some fun?]

The Pinefly system said.

-Hmm... that doesn't sound bad.

The dragon nodded.

It wasn't a bad idea to travel around the Pangaea continent since it had waken up anyway. After all, it could go through the videos whenever it was free.

-Fine, I'll do that then.

Saying that, the Black Dragon, or more accurately Desdemona, the Ancient Black Dragon's body's started to turn brighter.

It was the sign that it was going to Polymorph.

Chapter 200: The start of the war (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

-M... Minerva...

Albrecht Vilhelm murmured, as if he couldn't believe what he just saw.

No, rather than being unable to believe it, he didn't want to believe what he saw.

Minerva was Albrecht Vilhelm's favorite and most trusted subordinate.

The marriage with Fei Mei and the deal with Alex Rothschild to open up the dungeon gates within Seoul was done by her.

But now, she was dead.

As if showing that she didn't die very long ago, a shocked expression could clearly be seen on her face, and warm blood was still flowing down from her neck.

It was obvious that not even 10 minutes had passed since she had died.

-How could you treat the envoy of another territory like...?

"This is my answer to what you did to me, Albrecht Vilhelm. Did you honestly think that I would succumb to your stupid little tricks?" Kang Chul-In said with a cold voice.


Albrecht Vilhelm kept his silence.

Even though he was burning up inside, he couldn't express his anger outwardly now that Kang Chul-In had shown him the evidence.

-Looks like I don't have any more excuses.

Finally, Albrecht Vilhelm gave up.

-About the dungeon gates... I give my condolences.

"...You what?" Kang Chul-In snorted.

-I'm an Overlord. You don't expect me to apologize and say sorry to you, right? I am also fighting for the throne...

"Shut up."


"You should stop acting like a king already. You dare to call yourself an Overlord and say things like that, while you kill the innocent civilians of Seoul?"

The only reason Kang Chul-In was angry was that the civilians of Seoul had been endangered due to the dungeons.

Even in the past, when Kang Chul-In had been 10 times more ruthless and violent than he was now, he didn't like touching civilians. Now that they had just done that, it was obvious why Kang Chul-In had gotten angry.

"Don't try to act like it's okay just because you're a Lord."

-Isn't that a little harsh?

"No, I'm not being harsh enough."

-I'm sure that you'll regret your words.

Albrecht Vilhelm said, showing his true personality. Just like Kang Chul-In, he wasn't able to take insults sitting down.

-Anyway, I'll consider this a statement that we will no longer communicate.

"I'm so scared that my legs are shivering."

-Let's see how long you can last as 1st place on the rankings.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Kang Chul-In said, laughing.

Pzzt, pzzt!

After that, the call ended, and the hologram of Albrecht Vilhelm disappeared.

Soon after, angry voices could be heard in the Lord's hall of the Laputa territory.

"T-That bastard...!"

"How dare he threaten our Lord...!?"

Even though he was overly aggressive in killing Minerva, the officials were angered by Albrecht Vilhelm's behavior that seemed to belittle Kang Chul-In.

"Milord! We need to show that arrogant Vilhelm bastard our strength!!" Lucia shouted, her eyes filled with killing intent.

"Please send me to the front lines, Milord! This Drakan will bring back the head of that stupid Albrecht Vilhelm!!" Drakan also shouted, his golden eyes shining ferociously.

"Milord! I will also fight on


the front lines, just like against Baruk Al-Yusuf!!"

As if the money that Kang Chul-In had given him had helped, James spoke. His socks were no longer damaged.

Nilus and Podolski also joined in, asking to take Albrecht Vilhelm down.

The only one remaining cool-headed in this situation was Kwak-Jung.

"M-Milord..." Kwak-Jung cautiously spoke.


"This might seem a little rude, but you do know that it's impossible for us to..."

As he was Kwak-Jung was speaking,

"Shut up! Don't speak like that to our majesty!"

With Nilus's shout as a spark, the other officials of Laputa started to curse towards Kwak-Jung.

"Is that something to say, Strategist Kwak!?"

"Strategist Kwak, I'm disappointed!"

"...I'm telling you, we shouldn't do that..." Kwak-Jung murmured, depressed.

Was it because they were similar to their Lord, Kang Chul-In?

It seemed like the officials also had quite a bit of a temper.

"Everyone, quiet!"

"What Kwak-Jung said is right. It is true that Albrecht Vilhelm's territory is too far away. Though it's a shame, we'll have to prepare our revenge for another time."

Kang Chul-In quickly decided to defuse the situation.

"Yes, Milord!" The officials responded with vigor.

Like expected, it seems like the difference in charisma between Kwak-Jung and Kang Chul-In was quite huge.

"Instead, we'll go east and take out that trash, Aleister! That will be our first step to conquering the entirety of Pangaea!!"



The armrest of the throne in the Bifrost territory broke apart.

"Kang Chul-In... KANG CHUL-IN!!" As soon as the call with the Laputa territory ended, Albrecht Vilhelm shouted in rage.

"To Minerva... You dare!!"


Albrecht Vilhelm's body started to tremble in rage.

Even though he had resisted because he didn't want to look weak in front of Kang Chul-In, it was no longer possible to restrain himself from shouting in anger.

Even though a Lord managed the territory, there were still people who helped the Lord, working in the front lines.

To a Lord, the death of an extremely resourceful subordinate was like carving out their own flesh and bones.


The servants that were near Vilhelm couldn't open their mouths due to this abrupt disaster.

"Minerva... I will avenge you..."

Now completely his enemy, Vilhelm thought of Kang Chul-In and gritted his teeth.


Vilhelm shouted.

"Yes, Milord?" The servants of the Bifrost territory responded.

"Quickly take care of Minerva's head, and make sure it's ready for a proper burial. She'll be a hero of the territory even in death."


"And make sure to send a message to Laputa in order to get the rest of her body back. It doesn't matter how much gold it takes!"

To give her a proper burial and make her the hero of the territory... that was the best Albrecht Vilhelm could do for Minerva right now.


Actually, there was one more thing.

"We will send the 9th Division of Bifrost to the Deathwin territory within 2 hours. We'll also send them 6 magical cannons, as well as 6 months worth of supplies. Finally, contact Overlord Ao Xin and tell him to give 5,000 additional troops to the Deathwin territory."

5000 soldiers from the 9th Division of the Bifrost territory, as well as 5000 additional troops from Overlord Ao Xin. With these, it wouldn't be impossible for Aleister to not only block Kang Chul-In, but put pressure on him.


After the march east was decided, Kwak-Jung asked Kang Chul-In to have a meeting with him.

The reason was simple.

Even though the generals and officials of Laputa were powerful as well as loyal warriors, they weren't suited to talk to him about strategy.

"Milord, we'll have to hit quickly." Kwak-Jung said, in a desperate voice.

"And the reason for that?"

"Since we've provoked Vilhelm, he'll definitely respond. Even if he himself isn't angry at the death of his envoy, which he likely is, he'll definitely act against Milord to show that he wouldn't just take the death of his subordinate lying down."


"Yes, it's likely that he'll send around 5000 to 10000 troops to Aleister in order to pressure Milord."

"Then it'll be difficult if we don't finish Aleister off quickly. If Vilhelm's troops join in, the battle would become even harder for us."

"Yes, milord. But..." Kwak-Jung spoke again, an angry expression on his face.

"Who would've known that Rothschild was so good at setting things up? I didn't know he was so smart..."

Even though this plan had come from Lee Gong-Myung and not Alex Rothschild, it was impossible for Kang Chul-In and Kwak-Jung to know that.


That night.


Riding on the Altaica, Kang Chul-In led his army towards the eastern mountainous regions.

This was the signal and the start of the war that would later be known as the '18 Peak War.'

Overlord Kang Chul-In is leading 10,000 of the Laputa territory's soldiers and marching towards Overlord Aleister's Deathwin territory!

Chapter 201: The start of the war (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

The speed in which the Laputa soldiers marched towards the Deathwin territory was extremely quick.

If soldiers on Earth normally marched 4 to 6 kilometres an hour, the soldiers of Laputa marched at an extreme pace of over 9 kilometres an hour.

An army with good mobility can conquer the continent.

In Pangaea, where there weren't machines or methods of proper transportation, Kang Chul-In understood this point better than anyone else.

Due to this reason, Kang Chul-In stressed good mobility the most while training the soldiers of Laputa.

As a result, the soldiers of Laputa became what Kwak-Jung called 'professional walkers'.

"First, we need to take over this region." Kang Chul-In said, pointing at a certain place on a map.

"This is a mountainous region at a high altitude. It's otherwise known as the 18 peaks."

For a certain reason, it was quite a harsh name. [1]

"What kind of name...?" Kwak-Jung asked, looking astonished.

"Ssibal." Kang Chul-In swore.


"It literally means that."


"Hmm..." Kwak-Jung looked at the map for a while before opening his mouth again.

"Don't tell me... you mean that because it's extremely tiring, and there are 18 peaks, you said ssibal?"


"I wonder how bad it could be..."

"Well, adding to the fact that it's extremely high, there are rocky paths, swamps, and forests on the way."


"And finally..." Kang Chul-In said, looking at the other officials of Laputa.

"The enemies are being led by Overlord Aleister and his army is made of undead soldiers."


When they heard this, the faces of the officials stiffened.

Undead monsters didn't need to eat or drink.

They also didn't tire nor need to sleep.

They had the advantage of infinite stamina which humans didn't have.

Fighting against these undead monsters in a region like this would be extremely difficult.

"This is why we set out so early." Kang Chul-In continued to speak.

"It will be a much easier fight if we first take control of that area and advance from there so that we don't need to fight in that area."

Kwak-Jung and the other officials of Laputa couldn't help but gasp in astonishment.

"Wow... as expected of Milord!"

"What amazing thinking skills!"

Of course, the true reason why Kang Chul-In was able to make such decisions was because he knew the region of Ishtar like the back of his hand.

"From today, we will speed up." Kang Chul-In announced.


"Yes, Milord?"

"How long do you think it'll take to get to the 18 peaks?"

"It should take around 10 days."

"4 days."


"That's how long we will take to get there."

To be honest, it seemed like an impossible order.

The current speed in which they marched was already extremely fast, so it would be almost impossible to shorten the journey from 10 to 4 days.

"Milord, but..."

"We will get rid of some of the weight that we're carrying and continue."


"After all, it's early fall right now. Is there a real need for us to take tents when we can just sleep outside?"


"What a great decision!" What Kang Chul-In said made sense.

If they got rid of the tents they were carrying, the speed of their march could definitely be increased.

And it was September anyway.

Due to the good weather, it wasn't hard for them to sleep outside, even if they didn't have tents with them.

"It won't be too late to get the necessary supplies once we take control of the


18 peaks, so make sure to speed the process up."

"Yes, Milord!!" The officials of Laputa responded in unison.


In the Lord's hall of the Deathwin territory.

"Milord, Overlord Kang Chul-In's army has set off." Aleister's secretary and general of the 'Undying Army', Dullahan Quidor, announced.

"The size of their army?"

"It seems to be close to 10,000. They also have 4 magical cannons, as well as a monster regiment made up of ogres, trolls, minotaurs, and 6 magical weapons that seem to look like atlases."

"Hmm... Isn't that a little small for Overlord Kang Chul-In's army?"

What Aleister said was true.

In the case of Overlord Ao Xin and Lord Atal Ramanuzan, they both had an army of 60 to 70 thousand soldiers, and even Albrecht Vilhelm and Alex Rothschild had an army of 30,000.

But to think that the 1st Ranked Overlord, Kang Chul-In's, army only had 10,000 men? It seemed too small.

Of course, behind this was Kang Chul-In's thought of creating a small army made up of only elites.

"Hu... Well, that's good for me, I suppose." Aleister, without knowing the strengths of each soldier of Laputa, laughed.

"Even though Kang Chul-In's army might be powerful, it still won't be a match for my army of 50,000 undead monsters. I will win this war and keep my position as Overlord in the 2nd Lord Rankings."

Aleister was confident.

250,000 gold that Alex Rothschild had given him.

20,000 dead bodies that Overlord Ao Xin provided.

10,000 troops from Lord Atal Ramanuzan.

1,000 Machine soldiers from Lord Ludwig Heinel.

As well as 5,000 extra soldiers from both Albrecht Vilhelm and Ao Xin who would arrive within 3 weeks.

Adding this to Aleister's original army, they numbered at nearly 50,000 soldiers. They outnumbered Kang Chul-In's army 5 to 1.

"Quidor!" Aleister shouted, confidently.

"Yes, Milord?"

"Is the strategy that Rothschild gave us ready yet?"

"Everything is ready, sir."

"Huhu... Good. Kang Chul-In... Get ready for this!"

"Yes, sir."

"How long do you think it'll take for Kang Chul-In's army to get to the 18 peaks?"

"Hmm... Won't it take at least 10 days, Milord?"

"Hmm... 10 days. Alright. You take Atal Ramunzan's soldiers, and go wait there. Wait there, and ambush Kang Chul-In's army when they arrive!"

"Yes, Milord!" At Aleister's command, General Quidor immediately set out.

"Overlord Kang Chul-In..."

Aleister's dry lips were nearly stuck to his ears, as his grin grew wider and wider with each passing moment.

"Did you really think I'd just wait here for you to come? Kuku... If you really think that, then you'd better prepare for your army to be annihilated!!"

He had prepared a lot of things, enough for him to stay confident in fighting against Kang Chul-In who was ranked 1st.


After throwing out any unnecessary supplies, the Laputa army was able to advance at frightening speeds and make it to the 18 peaks within 4 days.

"Congratulations, Milord!" Kwak-Jung spoke.

"Congratulations, Milord!!"

"Congratulations, Milord!!"

Soon after, each official congratulated Kang Chul-In. It made sense that they did.

Their goal of conquering and taking over the 18 peaks were close to being finished. If they just marched for another hour, they would be able to set up bases on the 18 peaks.


But Kang Chul-In's expression didn't change.

"Milord, what is it?" Lucia asked.

"Something's strange."


"It's too easy."

"Well, isn't that because Milord's decision-making was so on point that the enemies couldn't respond?"

It was true that Kang Chul-In's decision was made extremely quickly and that the marching speed of the Laputa army was very fast.


Something feels strange.

Kang Chul-In didn't like the situation they were in.

His instincts were warning him, and that bothered him.


Kang Chul-In took out Laputa's soul core.


Looking at Kang Chul-In suddenly taking out a sword, the officials were shocked, but immediately came to their senses and realized that the reason behind it was to use the cosmic force.

-Will you activate the 'basic radar'? Yes / No


-The basic radar is being activated...

Using 2000 gold, Kang Chul-In used the Cosmic Force to scan around the 18 peaks as if he wouldn't let a single living thing get out unnoticed.

"Ah!!" Kwak-Jung pointed at one picture taken by the Cosmic Force, shouting.

"W-What is that!!"

Kang Chul-In and the other officials stared at the photo.

"...As expected." Kang Chul-In smirked, as if he knew that this would happen.

In the photo, it revealed soldiers waiting near the front of the 18 peaks.

"Milord, we need to hurry and enter." Kwak-Jung spoke.


But Kang Chul-In shook his head.

"If we go in here, we'll get decimated."

"What? But if the enemies take control of the 18 peaks before we do..."

"Their aim is to ambush us, not to take control of the 18 peaks."

"I-Is that so?"

"The 18 peaks have already been taken over."


"Look out how these guys are lined up. It looks as if they'll ambush us from left to right, but they don't look like they're lined up to take control of the peaks."

"But that doesn't mean that the 18 peaks have already been..."

"What you say makes sense." Kang Chul-In said, his eyes shining.

"Aleister, that bastard, found out how to use the 'tunnel'. It's suicide going inside the 18 peaks right now."

He could say this because he knew Aleister's abilities better than anyone.

[1] 18 in korean is pronounced as 'ship-pal', which sounds similar to the Korean swear word 'ssibal'.

Chapter 202: The start of the war (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

The 'tunnel' was a special ability of Aleister that helped undead monsters hide underground and ambush when he needed them to.

That's right... Aleister was extremely good at fighting through ambushing, using these tunnels of his.

Kang Chul-In remembered the time when he was allied with Aleister.

During the time when Kang Chul-In's Ishtar Coalition fought against Vilhelm's Gullveig Alliance on the Monocork plains, Aleister had completely wiped out four of the enemy's divisions using the tunnels.

"Then... you're saying that on the way to the 18 peaks, undead monsters are waiting underground?"

"There's an extremely high possibility of that."


"First, we take care of them." Kang Chul-In said, pointing at the picture taken by the Cosmic Force.

"The enemies don't know that we're here. Looking at them setting up right now, they probably weren't aware of our marching speed."

"Y-Yes, sir." Kwak-Jung agreed with what Kang Chul-In was saying.

The enemies were definitely unaware that the Laputa army was already here.

But even if they aren't aware, it's still likely that they would start to get into position for battle.

So luckily for Kang Chul-In's army, getting here faster had made the situation somewhat better.

"So, we take the soup now that the meat is already taken?"

"Yeah, we'll have to at least destroy that small part of their army. This is an opportunity."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In looked at the officials.


"Yes, Milord."

"Along with the cat-humans, go and take a look at the size of their army. Get back as fast as possible, and don't get caught."

"Under your command, Milord." Podolski answered, and left quickly.


This time, it was Nilus's turn.

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Split the mage division into three for me, and place them here, here and here. Wait in these 3 areas. When the time comes, I will signal you to attack, so wait for that."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

Next were the two most powerful generals of Laputa, Lucia and Drakan.

"Lucia and Drakan, you guys will lead 4000 soldiers each and wait here, and here."

Kang Chul-In ordered, pointing at the map.

"Yes, Milord!!"

"Leave it to us!"

Next was James.


"Yes, Milord."

"You wait here with the artillery and start to fire on the enemies when they come here. Understood?"

"Yes, Milord!!"

Finally, it was Kwak-Jung's turn.

"I will give you the 6 Flame Atlases and the monster division, as well as 2,000 soldiers."

The Flame Atlases were Atlases that were taken from the former Lord Franz, and had been further modified.

"Go this way, and wait here. And once the enemies come your way..."

"Set them afire?"

"That's right, turn them into ash."

"Huhu... Yes, I will definitely burn them up." Kwak-Jung answered, smirking.

"But, how about you, Milord...?"

"I'm thinking of hunting down the enemy commanders."

"Pft... I bet their throats are itching right now."

"Do I really even need to do that?" Kang Chul-In answered, also smirking.

"I wonder if there's someone worthy enough for me to personally fight."

"That's true, sir."

Even though it was an extremely arrogant thing to say, Kwak-Jung could only agree.

After all, the enemy had to be at least at the level of a Lord for Kang Chul-In to personally fight them.

Would there really be someone skilled enough within that large army for Kang Chul-In to personally fight?

Who could possibly beat Milord?

Kwak-Jung thought, believing that Kang Chul-In was invincible.


The 10,000 soldiers given by Atal Ramanuzan were split into two, and waited at the entrance of the 18 peaks to ambush.

"I will repeat what I said. The enemies are powerful." The female general on the


left-side, Adventurer Tagore, said.

"Yes, general."


Even though her commanders answered,

How many times is she going to say that?Isn't she bored of saying that already?

They were inwardly annoyed.

It was because they thought that their leader, Tagore, was being overly cautious, and was overestimating Kang Chul-In.

"Don't ever loosen your guard or underestimate them.

But it seemed like Tagore didn't care.

"Even though there are 4 to 5 days remaining for the estimated arrival of the enemies, we're going to have to fight against the strongest Overlord in Pangaea and an undefeated warrior in battle. Even though we do have the advantage in terrain, we can't dismiss the possibility that they will ambush us instead. We also have to think of the possibility that they're going to arrive faster than expected."

Astonishingly, Tagore was able to see through the current situation.

"And for that reason, we will increase the number of people who scout around and keep guard by 10 times, and increase the scouting range by 10 kilometres."

At this, the expressions of the commanders stiffened.

"Mmm... General?"

Unable to resist, a commander spoke out.

"I understand that you're trying to be cautious here."


"But isn't it a little over the top to increase the number of the scouts by 10 times and to increase the scouting area by 10 kilometres too?"

"Why so?"

"The general of the Deathwin territory, Quidor, said that the enemies only have 10,000 soldiers with them in total. But how about us? We have 5,000 soldiers with us, and we also have over 10,000 Undead Monsters that are waiting in ambush within the 18 peaks. We have a total of 20,000 soldiers waiting in ambush."

The other commanders also nodded their heads, as if they agreed.

"Even though Overlord Kang Chul-In is famed to be the strongest Overlord and his army is powerful, it is still true that our allied forces outnumber his army vastly. Isn't general being a little too cautious...?"



"Are you being serious right now!?"

Tagore shouted.

"Overlord Kang Chul-In is a monster that fought and went past 15,000 soldiers of the Anatolia Territory by himself. And the generals under him? The man called General James is a powerful warrior that was able to capture Baruk Al Yusuf in battle alive, and the Drakanoian general Drakan is also famed for his ferocity. Not only that! That woman called Lucia is able to fight Drakan for the title of the strongest person within Laputa!!"


"If we overestimate ourselves based on the fact that we outnumber..."

Just as Tagore was shouting...


"Laputa is here!!"

"Ready for battle!"

Soldiers that were outside started to shout.


At that moment, the commanders froze.

"D-Don't tell me..."

"W-What are you guys doing!?"

Tagore shouted.

"Go out quickly, and command the soldiers to fight against the enemies!"

"Yes, general!!"

The commanders that had ignored and underestimated the Laputa soldiers scrambled out like cockroaches outside the barrack.


"Where are you going, you bastards!? Even if you're going to go, leave your necks behind!! Kuhaha!!"

"Stop running!!"

The soldiers of Laputa flooded in like a horde of bulls.

"I won't let anyone escape!"

Lucia and Drakan also jumped in, showing their terrifying battle prowess.



A white tiger the size of a house jumped onto the battlefield, and started to mercilessly slaughter anything that was in its path.

And the person riding atop that tiger,

"Keep rampaging around, chicken!!"

Was Kang Chul-In.


Hearing the word 'chicken', the Altaica's ears drooped down, showing that it was depressed.

Even though the Altaica had taken some of the 'hair-growth weed' and restored its former glorious appearance, Kang Chul-In didn't forget when the tiger had been stripped naked by Lee Gong-Myung.


Ignoring the Altaica, Kang Chul-In continued to cut down everything, showing that his power wasn't just rumors.

"B-Back off!! We can only retreat now!"

Tagore shouted, trying to make the soldiers back off.

Currently, there was no other choice for the soldiers of Atal Ramanuzan.

Even though they were similar in number, the battle prowess of each soldier in the Laputa territory far exceeded the soldiers of Atal Ramanuzan.

We still have hope!!

Even in the worst of situations, there was still a ray of hope.

The problem was whether they were able to retreat to the 18 peaks or not.

If they succeeded?

Then 10,000 of Aleister's Undead Monsters would come out and ambush the soldiers of Laputa.

At that moment.

"General Tagore, hurry up and retreat! I will block the way!"

Someone came out and charged at Kang Chul-In. It was Ben Michaels, one of her subordinates.

"You dare!!"

Lucia blocked the way towards Kang Chul-In.

"If you want to get to Milord, you'll have to get past this Lucia!"

Saying that, Lucia tried to strike Aegis towards Ben Michaels. But...


With a large collision, Lucia was sent flying over 50 metres, before crash-landing on the ground.


Everyone looking was astonished.

"Ha... To send Secretary Lucia flying like that in one hit..."

Shock filled Drakan's yellow eyes.

"Overlord Kang Chul-In!"

But regardless of everyone's shock, Ben Michaels continued to run, and got in front of Kang Chul-In.

"This is it for you, Kang Chul-In!"

Shouting ferociously, Ben Michaels stared Kang Chul-In down.

"Honestly, I thought you were strong, but... to think that you were just an empty shell."

However, Kang Chul-In ignored him.

"Empty shell? You dare..."

"Shut up, and give me that bracelet that you're wearing."

Kang Chul-In didn't even look at Ben Michaels.

He only stared at the bracelet on the enemy in front of him.

Chapter 203:Trinity Impact

Translator: Leyy3

Kang Chul-In knew exactly where Ben Michael's strength came from.

Just looking at him, he didn't look strong, so it was obvious that his strength came from somewhere else if he was able to push Lucia back.

The Overpower Bracelet.

This item, the gold bracelet, was part of the 'Trinity Impact'.

The 'Trinity Impact' was made up of 3 accessories, which were the following:

-The symbol of strength, the 'Overpower Bracelet'.

-The symbol of speed, the 'Sonic Ring'.

-The symbol of amplification, the 'Amplifier Talisman'.

This Epic Item was the 'Overpower Bracelet', one of the 3 items that made up the Trinity Impact.

"To think I would see this item here..." Kang Chul-In said, smirking.

"W-What do you..." Ben Michaels was startled.

Eyes full of greed.

A smirk on his face.

In his eyes, Kang Chul-In looked like a predator looking at its prey.


Kang Chul-In pointed at the bracelet, and spoke.

"Give me that."


"If you give me that bracelet, I'll make sure that not much blood will be shed here."

Ben Michaels hadn't seen someone like this before.

To think that Kang Chul-In would try to steal his item in the midst of a war...

I need this item.

Of course, there was a reason behind this.

In the past, when he went exploring some ancient dungeons, he coincidentally stumbled upon what exactly would happen if he collected all three parts of the Trinity Impact. When he saw the effects, it was impossible for him not to be shocked.

The options were,

[Set item effects]

Trinity Impact: The physical & magic damage of 1 attack will be increased by 1000% / +50% Crit chance / +50% accuracy

-Cooldown: 8760 hours.


In the past, if Kang Chul-In had this item, it might have been possible to break a planet (if one exaggerated a bit).

When one of the parts to this ridiculous item seemed to come to him for free, it was impossible for Kang Chul-In to stay calm.

"Are you ignoring me right now?" Ben Michaels growled.

"Me?" But Kang Chul-In snorted, and continued.

"It seems like you're misunderstanding something here."


"Do you honestly think you're something because of your item? Listen here, you're just a toad that wants to eat the meat of a swan."


"So if you want to live, hand me that item, and get lost. Before I change my mind."

At this,


Ben Michaels's body started to shiver from humiliation.

He had pride as a warrior and subordinate of the Lord Atal Ramanuzan, but Kang Chul-In was just treating him like a child, kind of like a high-schooler bullying a little child.

"Huu... Overlord Kang Chul-In, immediately take out your sw..."

Pissed off, Ben Michaels opened his mouth. And...

With a flash, he had to experience his right arm that had the bracelet being chopped off.


Even though Ben Michaels couldn't believe what happened, that didn't change the reality.


Blood gushed out like a fountain from his chopped off arm.

"Kuk... you dare to ambush me...?"

"I thought you were going to tell me to take out my sword? Did I hear wrong?"


"Whatever, just die."

As soon as those words left Kang Chul-In's mouth, Kaiforce cut Ben Michaels in half.


Now separated into two pieces, Ben Michaels fell to the ground lifelessly.

"An unexpected harvest... maybe this is why I can't stop waging war."

Kang Chul-in thought it was quite fun, taking the prized item of the enemy once he killed them.

Kang Chul-In didn't take another look at Ben


Michaels's corpse. All he did was pick up the arm that held the Overpower Bracelet, and took the item.

[Epic] Overpower Bracelet

Durability: 100 / 100

Option 1: +250 Health

Option 2: +250 Mana

Option 3: +100 Strength

Overpower: Discharges the energy stored inside the bracelet, increasing the strength of the user.

+300% Strength for 10 minutes / +20% Destructive Capability against Physical / Magical attacks / +10% All stats for 10 minutes

Cooldown: 210 hours.

Even though it was like any other Epic Item in the fact that it evenly gave out stats, it wasn't an absolutely 'amazing' item.

Especially since the special option and skill 'Overpower' had a cooldown of 210 hours, which meant that the user couldn't use this skill again for a whole week.

"Well, whatever." Kang Chul-In didn't complain.

There was no reason to.

After all, he knew the person that owned the 'Sonic Ring' too.

That person would be famed as the 'strongest adventurer' and would also get the honorable title of 'Grand Swordmaster,' becoming one of Kang Chul-In's foes.

I'll get the Sonic Ring once I kill that person... so the problem now is the Talisman.

Even though he was lucky and got his hands on the Overpower Bracelet, he hadn't come across the Amplifier Talisman even in his previous life.

But even still, he couldn't give up on the item that could increase his destructive capabilities by 1000%, even if it was only temporary.


Whilst Kang Chul-In was thinking to himself, the soldiers of the Laputa army went speechless and stared at Kang Chul-In as if they were staring at a monster.

How terrifying of a person was this man?

To chop up the enemy into two pieces, before relaxedly taking the items that he wanted? Was this really something to do in the middle of the battlefield?

"What are you guys doing!?" Drakan's loud shout was the wake-up call for the soldiers that were staring at Kang Chul-In dumbfoundedly.

"Now isn't the time to be resting!! Push them back even further!"

"Yes, general!!" At Drakan's orders, the soldiers continued their pursuit of the running soldiers.


"Yes, Milord."

"Make sure to finish them off swiftly and return to the base-camp."


"Well then, see you later." Saying that, Kang Chul-In turned around...

"Stand up."

And held his hand out for Lucia to grab.

"Milord, I'm sorry for making such a fool out of myself in front of you..."

"No, it's okay." Kang Chul-In said.

"It was just because the artifact that he had was too powerful. It doesn't mean that you were weak."


"Aren't you fine anyway? He was just an empty shell who only knew to fight with his items."

What Kang Chul-In said was true.

If they properly fought, Ben Michaels would be able to push Lucia back for a short while, but that was it.

As soon as the 'Overpower' effect was turned off, there was a 100% chance that Lucia's shield would smash Ben Michaels's face in.

"Don't take it to heart. Remember, you are my secretary and warrior. You won't be stopped by something like this, right?"

"R-Right, Milord!!" Moved, Lucia tried to hold Kang Chul-In's hand and stand up,


But fell right back down, as her ankle ached.

"Hmm..." With a worried expression on his face, Kang Chul-In picked Lucia up.


"Be careful next time."

"Y-Yes..." Lucia answered, her voice tiny.

Her face was as red as a strawberry as she was being carried back to the base-camp.


"We're almost there!! A little bit more!" Tagore shouted, commanding the soldiers.

The situation was terrible for them, but it was good that the speed of the soldiers chasing them slowed down as if they were tired.



An explosion sounded, and...

Pzzt, Pzzt!

All sorts of magical spells started to appear in the sky.

"D-Don't tell me..." Tagore was astonished.

Because this meant that a barrage of magical attacks and spells had just been launched at them.

Kang Chul-In... what a terrifying man... He has actually guessed and predicted that we would run away this way, and stationed his magicians here! The chase had slowed down so that his allies wouldn't get hit by the attacks...


Tagore's body started to shiver involuntarily from fear.

It was obvious that this had been planned from the very beginning.


"D-Dodge it!!"

As a result, Atal Ramanuzan's soldiers started to run around, like a flock of headless chickens.

"Ahh..." Tagore murmured.

This was the end.

From behind them were soldiers of Laputa blocking their way, and from the sky, all sorts of spells were being hurled and launched at them.

"We're done for... we're completely done for..."

Tagore no longer encouraged her soldiers.

There was no need to retreat.

If the enemy had been this cautious and smart in their planning, there was a high possibility that they would meet up with another Laputa squadron, rather than the Undead army.


And that was exactly what happened.

From far away, Flame Atlases were charging towards them with wheels instead of feet, as well were 2000 more Laputa soldiers.

From the beginning there was no hope; they had fallen into an inescapable trap.

"Hmph, I'll give you a choice."

Riding on a Flame Atlas, Kwak-Jung spoke with a speaker.

"I'll give you 1 minute. Put all your weapons down and surrender, or you can be turned into mincemeat. It's your decision."

That was the moment that the remaining soldiers from Atal Ramunzan were neutralized.

Chapter 204: Laputa, Being Attacked (pt. 1)

Translator: Leyy3

"Hmm? What is it?" Listening to Quidor's jittering, Aleister's face started to stiffen.

"T...That... the soldiers of Atal Ramanuzan... have been..." Quidor said, his voice shaking.

"Dammit, what about those bastards?"

"T...They've been wiped out."

"...What?" Aleister found it difficult to believe what he had just heard.

How was it possible that 10,000 soldiers were wiped out while they were preparing for an ambush?

"Are you joking with me right now?"

"N, No sir!"

"You expect me to really believe that?"


"What, do Kang Chul-In's soldiers have wings or something? Are they bird-men? How did they get here so quickly?"

"They walked here."

"W-What?! They walked here?!"

"Yes, Milord."


"Apparently, they threw out the things that they didn't need and marched here as quickly as possible..."

"T-Those crazy bastards..."


"So... how about the ambush? How about my undead soldiers that were waiting in the tunnels?"

"O... Of course, they failed. Apparently, the enemies went right back in front of where the soldiers were ambushed... and there weren't even 100 soldiers that had been injured or killed."

"W...Wh...What!?" Aleister's body began to shake.


And from the enraged Half Lich's body, dark mana began to spread throughout the area.

"M... Milord...! Please calm down!"

"I already know that!"


"I know that it's not your fault that their marching speed was 3 or 4 times faster than what we expected."

"Yes, Milord."

Even though Aleister was extremely pissed off, he wasn't planning on blaming Quidor.

Even though he was evil, distrusted others, and played dirty, he still had the ability to make decisions and remain calm.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have become one of the 10 Overlords in the first place.

"So, the total amount of casualties?"

"The 5000 soldiers that were waiting on the left side have been completely annihilated, while there are 1500 survivors left on the other side."


"Even though it does seem like there are 1000 more survivors, it doesn't seem likely that they will return considering the fact that they didn't run towards us."

"So... you're saying that there are only 1500 survivors that have returned to us?"

"Yes, and almost half of them have been burned, so there are only 6 or 700 soldiers that can actually fight.

"Burned? Did they attack using fire?" At the words 'burned', Aleister's green eyes started to glow fiercely.

Almost all undead monsters were weak to fire, including himself. It was obvious that he reacted sensitively to this topic.

"Well, it couldn't be said that it was a proper, coordinated attack using fire as they just attached a flamethrower to their Atlases."

"Those damned bastards..." Aleister gritted his teeth.

"Just like Rothshchild said... if they brought in weapons like that, it's obvious that they were going to attack us from the very beginning. Isn't that right, Quidor?"

"Yes, Milord. Isn't that part of the reason he sent that spy here, Kim Sung-Hee?"

"Luckily enough though, we grabbed Rothschild's hand. If not, our territory would have likely fallen in Kang Chul-In's hands. To think that I tried to cooperate with him and make him some phantom steeds... Well, whatever." Aleister said, confident.

"Kang Chul-In... keep using that flamethrower


of yours. Let's see if it works!"

"Yes, Milord."

A man that led an Undead Army wasn't afraid of fire?

It was obvious that the reason he could say that was because he had something hidden up his sleeve.


"Yes, Milord?"

"Make sure that almost no soldiers remain here, and that all soldiers go to the 18 peaks."

"Is this for defense?"

"Yes, we just need to delay until Albrecht Vilhelm's soldiers get here. And then... huhuhu..."

"Yes, Milord!"

"Kang Chul-In... if I win this war... then I'll finally be able to get your body... I'll let you feel the honor of becoming the strongest undead warrior ever created... Huhuhu..." Aleister murmured, confident that he would definitely win this war as long he defended the 18 peaks.


After burning up the soldiers of Atal Ramanuzan, the soldiers of Laputa returned quickly to the base camp.


In the Laputa army's base-camp.

"A call has arrived from the Overlord of the Dorado Territory, Lee Chae-rin!"

A soldier reported to Kang Chul-In, who was sipping on whiskey as celebration for winning the skirmish.

"Lee Chae-rin?"

"Yes, Milord!"

"Then accept the call."

Around 2 or 3 minutes passed before Kang Chul-In was able to see Lee Chae-rin's hologram.

-Mr. Chul-In! How can you go to Pangaea without saying a word!

"I had some stuff to take care of."

-Ha... Well, that makes sense.

"What is it for you to call me? I'm kind of busy right now, since I'm in the middle of a war..."

-I sent reinforcements.

"Reinforcements? How many?"

-Only a few. I only sent 8 magical cannons and 10 archelons.

"...My god." Kang Chul-In was shocked.

Lee Chae-rin's reinforcements weren't 'only a few' like she said.

Even though it was true that the quantity of what she had sent was small, what mattered was the quality.

Magical Cannons were something that not even Lords could buy infinitely, as there was a limit depending on the status or the level of the Lord.

And she had sent 8 of those cannons?

This was better than any troop to Kang Chul-In who had to fight to conquer the 18 peaks.

On the other hand, archelons were level 60 water element monsters that looked like turtles that could shoot out water from their mouths.

"Is that alright with you? That isn't something to mention lightly."

-Well, it's peaceful around here and I'm the one with the biggest territory in this region. So there's almost no possibility that war will break out.

"Is that so... but how did you know to send reinforcements? I didn't even tell you that I was going to war."

-I mean, how could I not with all the rumors?


-I mean, I heard that the war was between Mr. Chul-In and an alliance against Mr. Chul-In.

"Ahh... so there were rumors in the Illusion Network?

-Yes, that's right.

"Well, thanks."

-No problem~!

"I will make sure to repay this debt one day."

-You're not lying, right?

"Of course."

-Hehe... I'll be waiting!

"...Do whatever you want."

-The reinforcements will arrive in 2-3 days, so wait until then! Well then, I'm off now! Good luck!


With that, the call ended, and Kang Chul-In turned around to face the people looking at him.


In front of Kang Chul-In were 20 captives and prisoners of war.

"Mmmm!! Mmmmm!!"

Tagore who had luckily survived tried to shout, but the gag in her mouth prevented her from saying anything.

"Release the gag."

Under Kang Chul-In's orders, soldiers came and took off Tagore's gag.

"Overlord Kang Chul-In!" Tagore shouted.

"Do you not know what manners are?"


"Even though I have lost in the battle, don't you think you should at least treat me like a human!!"


"I hadn't even dreamed that I would be wrapped up in such a perverted and weird way like that! If treating those who have lost battles like this is your weird fetish, then I can only say that you are a terrible Overlord!"

"...Damn it."

Kang Chul-In went speechless.

This wasn't what he had intended.

After getting used to Podolski's weird methods of tying people up, he hadn't felt that anything was strange.


And with that, the gazes of the officials of Laputa all headed towards one man in particular.

"Haha... Ha..."

The head and director of security in Laputa, Podolski, started to scratch the back of his head.


At the same time.

One airship was flying through the night-sky. The destination of the airship was the Laputa territory that Kang Chul-In controlled.

"Attacking behind his back like this..."

Standing in the airship, Alex Rothschild, or more accurately Alex Rothcshild's clone, murmured to himself.

"Do you think you can remain so tough when I shake your territory behind your back, Kang Chul-In?"

Terrifying killing intent flashed in the clone's eyes.

Chapter 205: Laputa, being attacked (pt. 2)

Translator: Leyy3

"About that..." Kang Chul-In spoke, somewhat embarrassed.

"Sorry, I apologize."


"That wasn't on my orders. It's just that there's a perverted subordinate of mine who likes to tie up people like that."

"...Can I trust that?"

"Of course."

And while Kang Chul-In and Tagore were having a 'serious' conversation, the officials,


It's because milord is used to it now too, pft...

Haha... Podolski...

All laughed inwardly.

"Anyway." Kang Chul-In changed the topic of the conversation.

"I'll give you a choice."

"What choice?"

"First, get executed."


"Second, become a prisoner of war, and I'll get ransom from your Lord. Or... become my subordinate. Oh, and if you become my subordinate, you will keep your position as the leader of a division. I will also pay you an increased 10% from your previous salary."


"Of course. Why would someone like me lie about this?"

"Well... Okay. But let me ask one thing."

Tagore asked.

"What is it?"

"Are you really planning on winning this war?"


"Ha! Do you even know what your enemies are..."

"Enough. I won't hear any more."


"The only thing that matters is whether or not you become my subordinate." Kang Chul-In spoke, stroking the sheath of Kaiforce.

It was a warning, meaning that he would kill her if she asked any more questions.


After pondering for a while,

"I'll become a prisoner of war, then."

Tagore decided to remain loyal to her Lord, Atal Ramanuzan.


Kang Chul-In nodded.

"Take the captives, and make them work as slaves until Atal Ramanuzan comes to discuss the ransom fee."

As soon as Kang Chul-In gave those orders, soldiers of Laputa came over, before dragging Tagore and her soldiers away.

"W-Wait!" Tagore shouted.

"I'm a military officer of a territory! Shouldn't you treat me a little bit..."


"You should treat me as a VIP..."

"Is that all?"


"If you're a prisoner of war, then just do what I tell you to do until you get back to your territory."

Saying that, Kang Chul-In motioned for the soldiers to take the prisoners away.


When they were taken away, Kang Chul-In opened his mouth once more.

"Yes, Milord."

"Take 1000 soldiers and go to the place where the battle occurred and then burn all of the corpses."

"...Sorry?" At this unexpected order, James froze.

Burn the corpses?

What did that mean?

"Who is the leader of the enemy?"


"Don't you think we should get rid of a possible source of danger?"

"As expected of Milord!" James gasped.

Kang Chul-In's foresight was truly great.

Overlord Aleister himself was an undead monster, as well as a necromancer. It definitely wasn't smart to give Aleister a bunch of corpses for free.

"And now, we will wait here until supplies arrive." After James left, Kang Chul-In spoke.

"We won't move until supplies, as well as the reinforcements from Overlord Lee Chae-rin, come. Understood?"

"Yes, Milord!"

"However, we will immediately go into battle when the supplies and the reinforcements come. Two days at the very least, and four days at most. So make sure to feed the soldiers well and let them rest."


The officials of Laputa responded energetically.


The airship of the Cyamodus territory that Alex Rothschild was on passed through the Deathwin territory and headed south.

"Milord, we're almost there." The captain of the ship reported to Alex Rothschild.

"How long?"

"We'll be on top of the Laputa territory within an hour, sir."


Alex Rothschild nodded his head.

"Tell the officials that we'll be having a quick meeting, and the soldiers to


prepare their parachutes since we'll be leaving soon."

"Yes, Milord."

"Oh, and..."

Rothschild added.

"In the case that we retreat, we will leave without the soldiers."


"Retreating to the Airship is only for saving important personnel like me and the other officials, so don't waste time trying to save many soldiers. Understood?"

"...Yes, Milord."

Even though the captain trembled inwardly at Alex Rothschild's ruthlessness, he didn't dare to comment on it.

That would mean the end of him.

After the tragedy that had befallen Lee Gong-Myung, Alex Rothschild had become a violent and absolutely merciless person.

His charming and princely atmosphere had disappeared, and what replaced that was the urge and desire for revenge on Kang Chul-In.


Two days passed.

"Milord, apparently the reinforcements and supplies will arrive within three hours."

"Three hours..."

Kang Chul-In pondered for a while.

"Then we will set out in six hours. Our aim is to conquer and take control over the 18 peaks."

"Should I tell that to the army?"

"Yeah, do that."

"Yes, Milord." The messenger immediately left Kang Chul-In's tent to spread that through the speaker.

Exactly six hours later.

Kang Chul-In led 4,000 soldiers, twelve magical cannons, the monster division, and four Flame Atlases towards the 18 peaks.

"We don't have time right now. So, we will quickly go to the 18 peaks and conquer it."

They needed to hurry.

Now that they didn't know when more reinforcements would arrive for the enemies, there was no reason to wait.

"Let's go!" Kang Chul-In led his generals, and started to march towards the 18 peaks.


But at that moment, a messenger shouted towards Kang Chul-In before running in front of him and kneeling.

"Milord, Milord! Please stop the march for a moment!"

"What is it?" Kang Chul-In asked, his face stiff.

"T-Trouble, sir!"

"What trouble?"

"W-Well... Milord, please don't be angry..."

"Just speak."

"Apparently, special forces led by Alex Rothschild have arrived in the Laputa territory, and they are wreaking havoc!"

At this report, Kang Chul-In's face started to darken.


"We keep going."

"M-Milord!" Shocked, Kwak-Jung tried to stop Kang Chul-In.

"We should at least send Secretary Lucia... We can spare a warp gate..."


Kang Chul-In shook his head with a determined expression.

"Today, we conquer at least 3 of the peaks. There is no retreat."

"But..." Kwak-Jung tried to stop Kang Chul-In. The same went for the other subordinates of Kang Chul-In.

"Have you forgotten!?" But to this, Kang Chul-In shouted.

"Don't be afraid! Butler Alfred is an existence to be feared, a true vampire! And not only that, my daughter Arshelly is also in the territory! Those bastards have come walking to their deaths!"

Even though Alfred was quite old now, he was still a true vampire.

And not only that, but Arshelly was a kid that had incomparable potential in magic, swordsmanship, and psychokinesis.

"T-That's right!" Realizing that Arshelly and Alfred were back there, Kwak-Jung smacked himself on the forehead.


"The princess was there!"

"Huhu... poor Rothschild..."

And as a result, the officials of Laputa began to laugh and feel bad for Rothschild.

After all, everything that Rothschild tried to do to Kang Chul-In hadn't worked before.

During the crisis on Earth, Kang Chul-In had gotten the Bone Dragon, gained levels, gained the popularity of the citizens of Korea, as well as Kaiforce. Now, Rotschild was trying to invade Laputa while Arshelly and Alfred were guarding the place... it seemed like there were many ways to suicide.

Daughter, I believe in you.

Kang Chul-In thought of Arshelly.

Even though he normally didn't want Arshelly to participate in battle, this was an exception.

"Let's go!" Kang Chul-In continued to walk towards the 18 peaks.


At the same time.

"Enemies! Enemies have come!"

"Block them!"

"Get ready for battle!"

Within the castle of Laputa, havoc was being wrecked.


Explosions occurred everywhere.


"S-Save me..."

The screaming of the Laputa soldiers didn't stop.



It wasn't much different for the maidservants.

Rothschild's forces began to slaughter anyone in their path.

"More, more!" His sword covered in dripping blood, Rothschild shouted.

"Kill them all!"

Alex Rothschild was relieving some of his anger on Kang Chul-In by killing his civilians.


More explosions sounded due to the 'mana bombs' thrown by Alex Rothschild's soldiers.

"Kang Chul-In... I'll turn your palace into nothingness today!!" Rothschild shouted once more, a crazed smile plastered on his face.

"Hu... look at you. Where do you think you are, you bastard? Huhu..."

At that moment.

"I didn't think that I'd see you within Milord's territory... to think that I'd live to see this sight..."

An old man wearing a tuxedo blocked the path of Alex Rothschild.

"What do you think you're going to do to me, old butler?" Alex Rothschild laughed at Alfred.

"Old butler? Huhu... Look at you... Huhuhu... Haha... Pft... KAKAKA..."

Alfred started with his signature warm laugh, before it started to suddenly escalate.

"Trash like you dares to insult a 'true bloodline' like me? Kuku..."

The voice was no longer that of an old man's.

It was the voice of a young Alfred, who had once fought to become the lord of all vampires!