1 - 14

Chapter 1

A tremendous power came to me one day.

A small one pyeong gos.h.i.+won. (Pyeong= A Korean unit of measurement. Gos.h.i.+won= small accommodation. Generally a cheap place for long term students to prepare for exams.)

A strange and broken body was found under the bed of my gos.h.i.+won.

It changed my life.

* * *

Chapter 1: Meeting the Corpse Under the Bed

That day, I came back from my part time job and lay down on the small bed in my gos.h.i.+won.

How long was I asleep?

Hwiiiing –

A cold wind blew out of nowhere.

It wasn't coming from my window, but underneath my bed.

"Why is cold wind coming from the bottom?"

Surely someone didn't drill a hole into the floor of my room. I had a strange feeling and looked below the mattress.


A close up view of a dead body!

I must have seen wrong.

"Why are you so surprised? Is this your first time seeing a corpse?"

The sunken eyes in the corpse flashed.

Unbelievable! A corpse was talking?

This was a dream! I thought it was a nightmare.

"Listen carefully. I don't know why, but the distant 'Hwanmong' dimension has chosen to grant you a power." (Hwanmong=empty dreams)

"Rather, who are you…?"

A corpse? Or a ghost?

However, the corpse ignored me and continued talking.

"Of course, you can refuse this power. Then the power of Hwanmong will leave and go to someone else. Do you refuse?"

At that moment, I fell into confusion.

A terrible corpse was saying this, so how could I accept such a bizarre situation? In addition, the corpse didn't even tell me what the power of Hwanmong was.

"Answer. If you don't reply then I will a.s.sume you have rejected it."

The corpse started to fade like it was disappearing.

In fact, I wanted it to disappear but I also wanted to hear more.

I was curious about the power of Hwanmong.

"What is the power of Hwanmong?"

The corpse gave a slight grin and appeared again.

"It is the purification of black magic."

"B-black magic?"

Black magic was something commonly seen in fantasy novels. A devil's magic or a dark magic gained through a contract with demons!

That was black magic. Those who used black magic would inevitably disappear to become the prey of the devil.

I didn't want such an unhappy fate.

'I will never choose it!'

Even if this was a dream, there was no way I could accept the corpse's offer. But the corpse seemed to read my thoughts and gave a bizarre smile.

"Keuk! You seem to be misunderstanding something. The power of Hwanmong is not what you are thinking. It is an independent power that has nothing to do with the devil. You can simply choose it."


"That's right. Of course, there will be a price for that choice."

"A price?"

"I will tell you what it is."

The eyes of the corpse flashed and a strange dice appeared in


the air.

A pentagonal dodecahedron dice with information on each side! Each pentagon was filled with unknown patterns.

"Throw it. Throw the dice and you will find the power."

Such a thing?

I threw the dice on the floor.

Tok! Toruruk…!

The dice stopped rolling.

But the dice blurred and a large coin appeared instead.

What was this coin?

I looked at the coin and saw the word 'Management' written on the front.

The corpse twisted its body and laughed.

"Management! You must be pretty desperate for money. Although it is understandable considering this cramped room."

"What does this mean?"

"It is literal. Right now, what you need most is money. An enormous amount of money! In other words, your heart is filled with desire to make a lot of money."

I couldn't deny the corpse's words.

It was obvious.

Honestly, was there anyone who disliked money? Especially someone like me who was stuck on the bottom in life.

"In other words, this power isn't given by chance. You have to eagerly desire to achieve it. You can become rich through this power."

Become rich! Just hearing those words made me feel better.

"Now only your choice is left. If you refuse then your memories will be erased and the power of Hwanmong won't come to find you again."


I was struggling.

This situation was obviously a dream. I would be naive to accept it as reality.

Still, the power to earn an enormous amount of money!

I was strangely attracted. Who wouldn't want to have a lot of money in this world? I couldn't carelessly refuse even if it was the temptation of the devil.

I looked at the corpse and suddenly asked.

"If I select it, the price… I would like to know what it is."

The corpse gave a strange smile and said.

"In return, you must complete 100 missions that will be given in the future."

"100 missions?"

"Yes. You will be free if you fulfill all of them. Of course, the power you are given won't disappear after that."

"Can I ask about the type of missions?"

"I don't know. Because the final purpose for the missions is different for each person."

"The final purpose?"

"That is probably the reason why the power of Hwanmong chose you."

"There was a reason?"

"Of course. Perform the missions if you want to know it. Everything will be revealed in the missions."

The corpse's answer rang through my mind. Everything would be revealed through the missions!

"Now, your decision. Will you embrace a new destiny? Or do you refuse?"

The decision was already made. Even if this was reality instead of a dream, my choice would still be the same.

"Embrace my new destiny."

"Good decision."

At that moment, the word 'War' appeared on the empty side of the coin.

Eerie red letters!

The corpse gave a strange smile.

"Kukukuk! Don't be surprised. Management is war! In the end, everything is war. You just have to win, but everything will be lost if you are defeated. In particular, defeat in the world of Hwanmong means certain death."

The coin I was clutching in my hands disappeared.

The corpse continued.

"Management, war! Unconditional victory! If you don't want to become a corpse like me, beholden to the power of Hwanmong, then listen to my words today and don't ever forget…"

He said and gradually dispersed.

He turned into a powder so fine that no traces were left behind.

Then he was gone.

At the same time, words appeared in front of my eyes.

Mission 1

-Gather black magic and open the door to Hwanmong.

-Compensation: Reconstruction of the flesh

It was none other than the first mission.

Of course, I thought this was still just a dream.

Chapter 2

"Ahh! Hah!"

Before he knew it, a day pa.s.sed since he met the corpse under the bed.

However, Kang-jun's daily life hadn't changed much. The power of Hwanmong and black magic remained in his head, so he thought it was just a dream.

After all, it was unbelievable that there would be a corpse under the bed of his gos.h.i.+won.

"Hah! Aang-!"

But what were these strange sounds? The moaning sounds were coming from the room next to him.

He knew that the gos.h.i.+won was divided into small part.i.tions. A gos.h.i.+won was a simple shack so there was no way it was soundproofed.

However, it was the middle of the day and the guy next door had brought his girlfriend over.

'd.a.m.n! I really don't want to hear these sounds. d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You should go to a motel. Or end it quickly! Please!'

At first, Kang-jun had placed his ear to the wall of the room to not miss even one small noise. But that only lasted a short time. It wasn't delightful eavesdropping on the love affair of others.


At that moment, something strange happened! The room next door became quieter. Usually they would be far from finished. No, it would just be the beginning. That guy had a lot of energy.

"Aw, what the? You're already done?"

A woman's voice mixed with complaint and disappointment could be heard.

"…Yes. All my power suddenly blew out. I'm sorry."

Kang-jun was surprised to hear the words from the next room. It was good because Kang-jun didn't want to hear anymore unpleasant moaning. However, it was certainly strange.

'Wait! Don't tell me this is the black magic power?'

But then Kang-jun shook his head.

'That is ridiculous. I have work in the evening so I should sleep a little bit.'

Kang-jun lay in bed and closed his eyes.

Then something flickered above his head.

[Black Magic Energy 3/100]

Unfortunately, he didn't see it as his eyes were closed and the words disappeared.

'd.a.m.n! If I try to sleep then that h.e.l.l will come again.'

He closed his eyes but couldn't sleep.

He felt restless.

It was due to the affection from the room next door. Doing it in the middle of the day!

Anyway, he somehow had to get to sleep. Especially if he wanted to work at night.

However, he closed his eyes but


couldn't sleep because he kept thinking all types of thoughts.

After approximately two hours of pretending?

"Ah! Hah!"


The uproar started again in the next room.

'Ah! Again?'

Kang-jun frowned.

Did he regain his energy? What a great guy! Kang-jun admitted it!

But now wasn't the time to admire such things.

'I can't stand it anymore!'

Kang-jun's eyes flashed open. He was going to yell at them to stop or go to a hotel.

'Please stop!'

However, the woman's voice rang out before Kang-jun could speak.

"Eung? What? It is already over?"

"Oh, s-sorry."

"What? You are weird today. Are you cheating on me these days?"

"No. My body just isn't good today. I'll drink carp juice."

"Bah! That's it! What juice?"

The atmosphere in the next room was abnormal.

Kang-jun sat there with a bemused expression. Why was this unusual thing happening?

It was silent but something strange was going on. Why did the guy next door keep on losing strength?

It happened twice.

Then Kang-jun's eyes shone.

'Yes! This can't be a coincidence.'

Once was a coincidence. But two consecutive incidents can't be a coincidence.

At that moment.

[Black Magic Energy 6/100]

'En? What's this?'

Welcome letters appeared in front of his eyes.

'Black magic energy?'

However, the words faded away.

Kang-jun's expression was blank.

'What was that just now?'

He saw something that looked like it came from a game and then it disappeared.

'Am I hallucinating?'

Maybe it was due to sleep deprivation.


Come to think of it, those words were familiar.

Black magic energy! That's right. The words from his dream last night.


Kang-jun's heart beat wildly. Maybe the black magic power phenomenon that happened last night was reality and not a dream.

"This is ridiculous. A futile delusion."

He couldn't think of it as a delusion no matter how odd.


Then Kang-jun sighed and shook his head.

'd.a.m.n! Well, okay. Let's say this is true and it is black magic. Then it shouldn't be used like this!'

He didn't want to absorb energy from womanizers.

'No. The abilities of black magic still aren't clear.'

Kang-jun used his imagination to think of various things it could be used for. Fantasy books made him try to feel for mana in order to chant spells.

'Status window!'

Kang-jun even tried to summon a status window. This was similar to a novel or a game.

'Huhu, if there really is black magic then I can't live like a fool.'

However, he tried this for a whole two hours.

It reached 8 p.m. and he no had results. He was now hungry. Besides, he had to go to work shortly.

Then it wasn't true. He was mistaken.

'Let's cook some ramyun.'

Kang-jun opened his door and left.

Chapter 3

Kang-jun worked at a convenience store from 9.50 p.m. to 7 a.m.

He would wash his body afterwards and then sleep for a little bit. He would wake up at approximately 5 p.m. He used that time to play games or watch TV before going back to work.

This boring routine was repeated from Monday to Friday.

In fact, he would make a lot more money if he found a job other than working at the convenience store part time. He had a little bit of strength. However, he was badly injured in one foot after a hit and run car accident so it wasn't easy for Kang-jun.

It was barely enough for the convenience store. Furthermore, hair loss started after the accident due to his mental strength worsening.

It was now 9.40 p.m. Kang-jun had finished eating ramyun and even took a shower.

Now it was time to go to work.

He wore a hat and left the gos.h.i.+won. The convenience store was 50 metres away.

However, men were busily moving as he arrived at the convenience store.

Had something happened?

A pretty girl in her early 20s called Choi Yuri was standing in front of the counter and frowning.

'I should ask Yuri what is going on.'

Then a woman dressed in a white suit got out of a black car in the parking lot.

"Oh! Kang-jun has come?"

"Yes, Boss!"

A lady in her late 40s, Lee Jeong-sook was the owner of the 24 hour convenience store and also a property owner. Land prices in Gangnam were quite expensive but she owned several other buildings. Therefore, her nature was difficult but she always treated Kang-jun relatively well.

Of course, it was because Kang-jun worked very hard. But today the atmosphere was somewhat strange.

"Kang-jun. Why don't you sit here?"

Lee Jeong-sook looked at Kang-jun with a businesslike expression and said.

"I am busy so I will talk quickly. The convenience store is suddenly closing. What can I do? Now you will need to find another job."


"Kang-jun is sincere so won't you do well wherever you go? This month's salary will be deposited tomorrow. Then, I am busy."

Lee Jeong-sook ended it with this.

Bang bang!

A loud car horn rang out.

"Ah, Honey! What are you doing? The children are hungry. I am also quite hungry."

The black foreign car parked in front of me.

"I understand. It is done now."

Lee Jeong-sook walked to the car and opened the door.

A man in his early 50s and wearing a suit was sitting in the driver's seat and there was a man and woman in their 20s sitting in the back. Lee Jeong-sook's family. Their clothing made it seem like the family was travelling somewhere.

Lee Jeong-sook wore her seat belt and asked the back.

"You guys are hungry? What should we eat?"

"Hanwoo beef rib



"Me too!"

"Hohoho. Really? Then I will feed you a lot. Honey! We will go to our home in Cheondamdong."

"Okay. It is great because it is open 24 hours."

The man stepped on the pedal.


Kang-jun looked after the disappearing car with a bemused expression.

'A house in Cheongdamdong?'

He heard it. A serving of Hanwoo beef rib eye cost more than 80,000 won. There were many people who ate it but Kang-jun didn't dare. The price of one serving was higher than what Kang-jun made in a day.

Those people who didn't have to worry about money could eat and play for the rest of their lives. They were born with golden spoons.

However, now Kang-jun didn't have a job and needed to worry about the cost of living in the next month.

"Kang-jun oppa!"

Suddenly a woman's voice was heard behind him. He turned around and saw Choi Yuri standing there.

"Yuri! What is going on?"

Choi Yuri shrugged at Kang-jun's question and pointed inside.

"Don't you know? The building was sold. The entire building will be turned into a plastic surgery clinic."

"What? Plastic surgery?"

"There has been quite a bit of talk about it. The new land owners are going to knock down the building and build the clinic."


"The money is in plastic surgery these days. One day I will make a lot of money and open one."

"You do that."

Kang-jun felt deflated.

'Now is not the time to be doing this. I need to look for a new job.'

He would search for part time work on the internet after returning to his gos.h.i.+won.

Just as Kang-jun neared the building that contained his gos.h.i.+won.

Someone grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey! Limp?"

Kang-jun stiffened and turned around.

There was a punk looking guy who gave off a rough impression.

Cho Sang-jin.

A punk who belonged to an underground group of gangsters that acted out of a karaoke bar. He always had a toxic att.i.tude towards Kang-jun.

Cho Sang-jin said with a laugh.

"Go to the convenience store and get me a packet of cigarettes."

"The convenience store isn't open."


"The convenience store is closed."

"Look at these brat? Do you hate buying me cigarettes now?"

It was a 24 hour convenience store that was even open on Lunar New Year and Chuseok (Korean thanksgiving).

"Or you will die."

"Go and check it out."

"Then go somewhere else to buy them. Is there only one convenience store?"

Kang-jun became frantic.

In fact, this had happened many times. The karaoke bar was located in the bas.e.m.e.nt of Kang-jun's gos.h.i.+won so he couldn't avoid running into them.

Meanwhile, Kang-jun just closed his eyes and obediently bought the cigarettes.

His strength was weak? That wasn't it.

Cho Sang-jin always threw a few punches but now Kang-jun was tired of it.

It wasn't easy to get a room for 250,000 won in this neighbourhood. However, now he needed to rethink things. The convenience store was closed so his chances of staying at the gos.h.i.+won also disappeared.

"Hey! What are you doing? Aren't you going to buy the cigarettes?"

"If you want to smoke then buy them yourself."

Cho Sang-jin had a dumbfounded expression at Kang-jun's sudden words.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What did you just say?"

"I said go and buy it yourself. Are you deaf?"

"f.u.c.k! This guy must have a death wish. You really will die…"

Cho Sang-jin raised his hands towards Kang-jun with a nasty expression.

But then something strange happened. Cho Sang-jin suddenly turned pale and he staggered.

"Ugh…! Why am I suddenly dizzy?"

He lost his balance and fell.

At the same time, a fantasy like sentence appeared in front of Kang-jun.

[Black Magic Energy 10/100]

[Filling up the black magic energy will open the door to Hwanmong.]

Chapter 4


Kang-jun's eyes widened with surprise. Meanwhile, the sentence had disappeared again.

'Unbelievable! It was real!'

Kang-jun was astonished and ran back to his gos.h.i.+won.


He closed the door and sighed.


Kang-jun sat down on his bed.


He needed to organize his thoughts. It was confusing but he could make a rough estimate of what happened.

'So I absorbed Cho Sang-jin's strength.'

It was similar to how he absorbed the energy of the guy in the room next door earlier.

'It seems obvious.'

Yes. Now he remembered clearly.

'Black Magic Energy 10/100'

The words had disappeared but they still remained in his memory.

'In other words, if I absorb black energy from someone and reach 100 points then the door to Hwanmong will open.'

No matter how much he thought, this was the only conclusion he came to.

Then the door to Hwanmong? He remembered it.

Mission 1.

-Gather black magic and open the door to Hwanmong.

-Compensation: Reconstruction of the flesh

It was the first of 100 missions that Kang-jun needed to do! In other words, if he completed the first mission then the door to Hwanmong would open.

'Ha. This was real?'

Kang-jun's heart was running wild as he pinched his cheeks.


Really painful.

'I pinched too hard.'

But this pain proved it was real and not a dream.

And at the same time, it meant that Kang-jun had a strange power. The power of black magic!

It was really possible?

Kang-jun jumped up.

'Yes. I want to check it again.'

He looked for someone to absorb power again. There were many people similar to Cho Sang-jin scattered around the streets at night.

Cho Sang-jin was sitting down with a troubled expression in front of the building and shouted as he saw Kang-jun.

"Hey! Limp! You come here! What did you say earlier?"

Kang-jun ignored him and walked past.

"Don't run away you X (censored swear word)! Are you coming over here?"

"Stop it, Cho Sang-jin."

"No, I would let that X go. Does he really want to go to h.e.l.l?"

However, Cho Sang-jin's rough face was pale.

He got up but staggered like he was going to collapse at any moment. Nevertheless, he still clung to his wicked actions.

"That X b.a.s.t.a.r.d needs to become my cigarette shuttle! Or else I will sell his organs."

Kang-jun became furious.

'Cigarette shuttle? What is with my organs?'

A cigarette shuttle. This meant Kang-jun had to constantly deliver cigarettes. It meant he needed to offer a cigarette whenever Cho Sang-jin needed it.

It was similar to always buying bread for spoiled students. He was like that once. But it was really terrible in the long term.

There was also talking about taking Kang-jun's organs and selling them.

Was that something a human could say? Even if he didn't like talking badly about other people, Cho Sang-jin was literally the sc.u.m of the human race.

'I can really see it.'

He had endured it for as long as possible. Did he need to have any more patience towards a person like that?

Of course not.

In that case, he would use his black magic! A misfortune that would happen not once but twice to Cho Sang-jin! Everything would be inflicted on him.

'Blame it on your dirty mouth, Cho Sang-jin.'



had figured out the method to absorb the strength of others.

A strong desire to curse the other person! In other words, he had to hate his opponent in order to trigger the black magic. It was just like when the guy next door lost energy or Cho Sang-jin suddenly staggered.

Of course, he needed to confirm it once again.

'Cho Sang-jin! You are not qualified to open your dirty mouth and speak. I will suck out your strength before you can open your mouth again.'

Kang-jun finished cursing Cho Sang-jin.

At that moment, like he expected.


Kang-jun's eyes eerily shone as he started at Cho Sang-jin.

[The strength of the target is too low.]

[The black magic energy is unable to be absorbed.]

[Instead, you can punish the target.]

[Would you like to consume 1 black magic energy to open the punishment field? Yes/No]

'What is this?'

Kang-jun was blank for a moment. It wasn't difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence that appeared in front of him.

He was certain that black magic would be triggered once he completed the curse. But Cho Sang-jin's energy was too low so the black magic energy couldn't be absorbed. It was probably due to that fact that Kang-jun had just recently absorbed energy from him.

Instead, he could punish Cho Sang-jin. What type of punishment was it?

'Anyway, yes!'

He was eager to further explore what it meant by punishment. In addition, he could refill the consumed black magic energy.

[1 black magic energy has been consumed.]

[The lowest grade punishment system has been opened.]


The surroundings started to become dark.

[Punishment Field]

-Rating: Lowest grade

-Duration: 1 minute.

The surrounding s.p.a.ce instantly became dark.

But this darkness wasn't normal.

He could miraculously see perfectly despite the complete darkness.

[This is a virtual s.p.a.ce created for punishment.]

[The real world won't be affected by what happens in here and the memory will remain with the target.]

'A virtual s.p.a.ce? Then nothing that happens here will affect reality?'

At that moment, someone appeared in front of him. A human looking around with a bewildered expression.

It was Cho Sang-jin.

Kang-jun finally realized what it meant by the punishment. This was a bizarre s.p.a.ce outside of reality.

A so-called virtual s.p.a.ce!

In addition, Cho Sang-jun was in front of him with a blank expression so Kang-jun knew the existence of this virtual s.p.a.ce was real. It meant the memory of what happened here would remain.

[Start the punishment!]

[If the punishment isn't sufficient then you will be cursed instead.]

[The field time left is 60 seconds.]

[The field time left is 59 seconds.]

He had no time to hesitate.


Kang-jun immediately walked towards Cho Sang-jin.

This was a virtual s.p.a.ce but he was still limping uncomfortably. On the other hand, Cho Sang-jin was standing still in this dark place because he couldn't see.

Then Kang-jun's two eyes shone in the darkness.

"Kukuk! This X cigarette shuttle! Do you want me to break your remaining leg? Or do you really want to be robbed of your organs?"

Cho Sang-jin still hadn't realized the situation he was facing. If he was wise, he would wonder about this strange s.p.a.ce and where Kang-jun was. Of course, even then he wouldn't be able to avoid the punishment.

No, if he was really wise then he wouldn't have touched Kang-jun from the very beginning.

Kang-jun was a taekwondo 3rd dan. It was impossible for him to do the dazzling kicks like before but he didn't need his feet.


Kang-jun quietly made a fist.

He hit Cho Sang-jin exactly in the nose.


The nose broke immediately.


Chapter 5

This was a lawless zone where rules didn't exist! There was only the punishment.

Cho Sang-jin flinched and took a step back.

"Wahh! W-wait a minute! L-let's speak…"

Nonsense! What was needed other than a good fist?

Kang-jun grabbed Cho Sang-jin's arm and bent back one of his fingers.


Cho Sang-jin's finger was broken.


Brutal techniques that were never used in a real duel. Kang-jun had never used such terrible techniques until now.

Kang-jun continued to bend back Cho Sang-jin's other fingers.

Wooduk! Ujijik!

"Kuaaak! Aaack! H-help me…"

He could hear the wailing screams but Kang-jun didn't stop.

He started furiously punching Cho Sang-jin.

Peok peok peok –

He hadn't exercised for a while but it was sufficient to crack Cho Sang-jin's face.

Was it too harsh? Of course, it really was harsh.

But what about it? This wasn't actually happening. It was only intended to cause fear. He had to strike terror in Cho Sang-jin. If he was scared then he wouldn't bother Kang-jun any further.

'Anyway, this is enough.'

He thought that ruining Cho Sang-jin's face and spirit was enough punishment. But the information that appeared in his field of vision was different from expected.

[The target has not received enough punishment.]

[The field time left is 10 seconds.]


Cho Sang-jin was currently in a state just before death. Yet it still wasn't enough punishment?

'It wants more? Don't tell me it wants me to kill him?'

No matter how bad they were, killing people? But he couldn't hesitate. If Cho Sang-jin didn't receive sufficient punishment then Kang-jun would be cursed.

'I'm not really killing someone.'

Kang-jun clenched his teeth and stared at Cho Sang-jin.

Cho Sang-jin's body was trembling from the pain. He could read the intentions in Kang-jun's eyes.

"Ehhh! H-help me…"

But Kang-jun just threw a punch with all his strength at Cho Sang-jun's head.


Until now, he had just been hitting recklessly. But now it had power. His fist fell down like lightning.

And that was the end.

Cho Sang-jin's body slumped down.


Kang-jun breathed out.

It was a terrible thing that he wouldn't have committed in reality.

Killing people.

'd.a.m.n! I am really glad this is a virtual s.p.a.ce.'

A punishment that required killing the target! It was a really terrible punishment.

[You have sufficiently punished Cho Sang-jin.]

[The field will shortly disappear.]


The surrounding s.p.a.ce started to distort.

[You have won the battle. However, the battle took place in the punishment field so you won't get any experience.]

[If you want to obtain experience and become stronger then open the door to Hwanmong.]

'The door to Hwanmong? Experience? Become stronger?'

The statement in front of Kang-jun disappeared again. Kang-jun realized what it meant quickly.

'So it means I can raise my level?'

It meant that gaining experience could raise his level. It was absurd but Kang-jun already took it for granted that the black magic was like a game.

'Level up!'

If so, that should be his priority.

He could level up like a game!


In the meantime, the punishment field faded and the original appearance returned.

The colourful nightlife of the city. And two people standing on the side of the street. They were Kang-jun and Cho Sang-jin.

The pale and horrified Cho Sang-jin was staring like he was seeing a ghost.

"S…spare me, hyung-nim…"

But Kang-jun just stared coldly at Cho Sang-jin. A solid finish was needed after the punishment. He reached out to Cho Sang-jin's shoulders and said.

"Don't tease me carelessly with that mouth.


If you spout any more bulls.h.i.+t then you really will die."

"…Yes, yes."

Cho Sang-jin started bowing nervously.

Tears and a runny nose! He seemed crazy.

'The punishment field isn't useless.'

He could take care of anyone like this in the future using the punishment field. Even if it was horrible, Kang-jun could do terrible things in the virtual s.p.a.ce that wasn't sanctioned in reality. However, it would cause the other party horror and fear. Those type of people would be subject to punishment.

Anyway, right now the most important thing was opening the door to Hwanmong! It was necessary to obtain 100 points of black magic energy.

His current black magic energy was 9/100.

He needed to collect 91 points. Usually he got 3~4 points at a time so he needed to absorb the energy of at least 30 people. However, black magic couldn't be used on just anyone.

Kang-jun wouldn't absorb it from good people without any sins.

'There is an overabundance of bad guys that I can collect black magic energy from.'

Kang-jun made a vow on how he used the black magic. If possible, only absorb the energy of bad guys! Of course, the criteria for bad actions might be unfair considering it was based on Kang-jun's subjective judgement.

'I should think three times before using black magic.'

He was busy thinking while walking.

"Kyaaak! Why are you doing this?"

"Hihihi! What's wrong?"

"Pretty girl, just drink with us."

Drunk men in their 20s were making a scene at pa.s.sing women.

"Sorry, I am busy."

"Ais.h.!.+ Why are you busy?"

The women wanted nothing to do with the reckless drunks.

In fact, this was a common scene in the streets at night. In the past, he had just ignored it. The situation would become more serious if he reported it to the police so he just left. If he tried to help then he would just suffer in vain.

But things were different now.

Limp. Limp.

Kang-jun silently limped towards the side of the drunk men. In the meantime, the drunks had been persistently annoying a smaller woman.

"Let's go together."

"Let go of me!"

Under the influence of alcohol, they thought all pretty girls were interested in them but that was further from the truth. And he said he would think about it three times. So he would give them one last chance.

Well, the conclusion was obvious.

Kang-jun looked at them with the eyes of a predator that found its prey and said.

"Stop and go home. The woman said no."

Then one of the men watching Kang-jun exclaimed.


"What did you say?"

"What on earth is this? It would be better if you stop drinking and go home. Standing over a woman like that makes you look really ugly."

"What? This crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Aren't you going to get lost?"

"What does this have to do with you? You lame b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"You are trying to interrupt with that stupid leg? Do you want to die?"

They reacted just like he expected. They had started off with s.e.xual hara.s.sment in the first place.

'These guys aren't eligible to drink. I will make them vomit out the drinks!'

An eerie light shone in Kang-jun's eyes.

And the man Kang-jun turned towards suddenly fell and started vomiting.

"Ooh! Why am I so dizzy? Kuweek!"

"Wuweeek -!"

"Uwek! A-aigoo! I am dying…!"

With a pale complexion and mouth aimed towards the ground, the men could no longer look tough.

[Black Magic Energy 12/100]

[Black Magic Energy 15/100]

The welcome words emerged in front of Kang-jun and confirmed that his black magic was filling up.

[Black Magic Energy 18/100]

[Filling up the black magic energy will open the door to Hwanmong.]

These words could only be seen by Kang-jun.

If other people saw words pop out of nowhere then they would be startled.

Chapter 6


"Wek! Aigoo! I-I will die…!"

The men vomiting on the floor hurriedly got up and disappeared.

After losing a few drinks, they realized what a shameful appearance they were showing.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me escape."

The woman said while respectfully bowing to Kang-jun.

Kang-jun's eyes widened with surprise.

Come to think of it, the woman's face was fantastic. Jewel like eyes and s.h.i.+ning hair! The moist, pink lips beneath the nose! The perfectly curved waist line!

It was no wonder why the drunks lost themselves.

Well, that wasn't important right now.

"What did I do? Anyway, I am quite busy."

"Wait a minute. Let me buy you some coffee for the help…"

"That's okay. Please be careful from now on. Many humans turn into dogs after drinking at night."

After saying that, Kang-jun moved away as swiftly as the wind.

The woman Yoo Seo-rin stared after him with a strange expression. She had thanked Kang-jun for his courageous actions. But was it normal to shrug that off from someone with her appearance? He just walked away like nothing had happened.

'An unusual person.'

Yoo Seo-rin looked at Kang-jun who was limping away.

On the other hand, Kang-jun was walking away as quickly as possible.

In fact, he inwardly thought it was a pity. It was a rare opportunity to drink coffee with a pretty girl. But right now he was in a hurry.

'I need to quickly gather black magic energy to open the door to Hwanmong.'

If he opened the door to Hwanmong then the first mission would be completed. He could also level up so it was the most important job right now.

How long did he walk thinking about it?

'This place is?'

It was the park. And the scene that Kang-jun's eyes caught!

High school students seemed to be engaged in a fight. No, it was more like one person was being hit than a fight.

Peok peok!



Three boys were being surrounded by 10 people and seemed to be in a serious situation at first glance.

"Hey you! What are you doing?"

Kang-jun stared screaming.

In fact, it wasn't easy to interfere in fights with bad students. Adults who tried to interfere would be badly beaten or even killed by the street youths.

Therefore, Kang-jun wouldn't have called the police even if both his legs were working. Of course, that was the Kang-jun yesterday. But now Kang-jun was different.

"Stop it quickly!"

Kang-jun yelled while approaching.

Then a few students turned and glared at Kang-jun.

"What is this brat saying?"


They were dumbfounded when they verified that Kang-jun was alone.

"Hey, hyung! Just go."

"This X! Meddling for nothing."

"If you don't want to get hit then get lost!"

"Kik! Look at his lame leg. What is he going to do with that?"

"Eh, he is just a stupid cripple!"

Kang-jun stiffened at this moment.

'These guys are the real thing.'

However, he had no intention of fighting. He didn't want to feel the punishment he had dealt out.


He couldn't just face one or two people. If he gathered black magic energy individually


then it would take too long to open the door to Hwanmong.

The mission was more important right now. Kang-jun used superhuman patience and refrained from replying.

Light flashed in his eyes.

The groups of students laughing suddenly stiffened like they had been struck by lightning.



It suddenly became quiet. The complexion of the students turned white but no noises could be heard.

What happened?

They couldn't move like their bodies had turned to stone. Their mouths couldn't open. Tongue and lips seemed paralyzed.


'Ugh! Mu mouth isn't moving!'

It gave them tremendous fear. It seemed like they would be mute with terror forever. They were in a terrible state where they couldn't even eat or drink water.

But there was even more.

They could only see darkness. Nothing was visible except darkness. In addition, there was no sound.

Following the attack, their hearing and vision would become paralyzed.

Petrification! The people felt like they had been turned to stone.

Ah, how could they live in this state? They would rather die.

Tears formed in their eyes but couldn't drop. They couldn't feel any of their senses.


Kang-jun clicked his tongue.

He was surprised as well. He just cursed them to stop the swearing but didn't know it would make their mouths numb.

No, their whole bodies became numb. The black magic energy seemed much stronger compared to when he absorbed energy from the drunks. As a result, he was like a person who was unprepared to bring cows into a slaughterhouse.

'Is it like a critical explosion?'

If this continued then he wouldn't even need the punishment field. Maybe they would really die?

'That's not it. A paralysis will loosen after a while.'

It was intuition. His instincts told him that. It was like he absorbed bizarre knowledge along with the black magic energy.

In other words, black magic granted temporary fear but it didn't do any actual harm!

[Black Magic Energy 53/100]

[Filling up the black magic energy will open the door to Hwanmong.]

Thanks to absorbing black magic from 13 people, his points went over the halfway mark.


"I-I can move my mouth."

"My body is moving!"

"Ah! My eyes can see again!"

The paralyzed students started moving again. But they panicked when they looked at Kang-jun. It seemed like they were looking at a ghost or monster.

It was a natural reaction.

Kang-jun stared at them and said.

"Why are you bullying other people? And cursing at me? Are you sure you have nothing to fear in this world?"

"I-I was wrong."

"I won't do it again."

The students flinched and answered. They were so intimidated it was difficult for them to stand up straight. Kang-jun didn't know if they heard his words or not. Would disciplining them do any good?

"You, 112! And the one next to you, 119! Call them."


"Call straight away! Don't you know what that means?"

"Ah, I know."

The frozen students took out their smartphones to call.

They were more afraid of Kang-jun so they felt relieved when he told them to call the police. In fact, it seemed like a better idea to be caught by the police.

"Tell the police what happened here when they arrive."


"I will check it. If you tell a lie then I will ensure you stay permanently in that state. Do you understand?"


Kang-jun glared at them furiously before leaving the park.

Eeeeng –

After a while, the siren sound of a police car came closer. He also heard the some of 119 emergency vehicles.

'They will take care of it.'

Kang-jun had finished what he needed to do.

The police and 119 emergency services would take care of the rest. They were meant to deal with things like this.

Chapter 7

Kang-jun continued to explore the streets, looking for people with darkness drifting from them.

After some time.

Kang-jun found a group of men standing in front of a large building. They gave off a rough impression and Kang-jun instantly guessed what they were.


In particular, the man in his early 30s and wearing a red suit had eyes as sharp as a knife.


He knew not to mess with him. Kang-jun could instinctively feel the strong skills of the man in the red suit.


But he had nothing to fear from gangsters.

Black magic was invincible. If black magic absorbed energy then they would be too weak to stand. Kang-jun stared at the man and immediately used black magic.

But the man was strangely fine.

At the same time, some messages appeared.

[The target has resisted.]

[Black magic energy has failed to be collected.]

Unbelievable! Resistance!

[People with excellent mental and physical skills will be able to resist.]

[Then you can open the battle field and compete in a fight against the target.]

[Large amounts of black magic energy can be absorbed if you win. However, you will be deprived of a large amount of black magic energy if you lose.]

[Would you like to open the battle field? Yes/No]

[Opening the battle field will consume 1 black magic energy.]

'Battle field?'

Victory meant collecting a lot of black magic energy while defeating meant losing a large amount! If so, he had to be really careful.

'No! He is an opponent that I can't beat right now.'

Fighting a losing battle was madness!

Kang-jun decided not to open the battle field.

At that moment.

He felt something strange? The red suited man was staring at Kang-jun.


Kang-jun turned quickly like nothing had happened but the other man walked towards him.

"You over there. Look at me for a moment."

Kang-jun stopped and turned his head.



The man looked Kang-jun up and down before saying.

"Check his body to see if there is a weapon."

"Yes, Hyung-nim."

Some men ran up and examined Kang-jun's clothes. They even made sure to remove his shoes.

"There is nothing, Hyung-nim."

Then the man in the red suit frowned. He seemed uncertain about something before asking Kang-jun again.

"What did you want?"


"Why were you staring at me?"

"I was looking, not staring."

"So why were you looking?"

The eyes of the man were cold as Kang-jun replied without any embarra.s.sment.

"I was just wondering if you were a celebrity."


"Your clothes are flashy and you have a handsome face. I apologize if I offended you."

The man's expression show that he thought it was absurd.

"Is that really the reason?"


"You are a lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Release him."

"Yes, Hyung-nim."

The man holding Kang-jun's arms released him.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Today you are lucky."

"If you do something like this again, your eyes will be pulled out."

Kang-jun turned


and limped away.

The man in the red suit laughed at the sight. He had felt an creepy yet worrisome feeling from Kang-jun.

'I stressed over a cripple. I must have been over-reacting.'

Meanwhile, Kang-jun placed a hand on his chest.

The man in the red suit didn't know about black magic but had obviously sensed something. As a result, he almost died. If he hadn't said those words about being a celebrity then it was likely his eyes would be plucked out and then he would be beaten.

'I need to be more careful about who I use black magic on in the future.'

This happened because he was too weak.

He needed to open the door to Hwanmong and raise his level. He would reach a level where he was strong enough to win again the red suited man.

'You will see soon. Bullying me. What? Pull out my eyes?'

Kang-jun memorized the faces of the red suited man and his henchmen. He would make them aware of it in the future. Today he wouldn't touch them.

Since then, Kang-jun only targeted those he was confident about as targets for the black magic.

He targeted the thugs and bullies as secretly as possible.

So after exploring the streets at night for a while?

[Black Magic Energy 100/100]

Before he knew it, all the black magic energy had been filled.

New messages immediately appeared in front of Kang-jun.

[Enough black magic energy has been gathered to open the door to Hwanmong.'

[The door to Hwanmong will open when you sleep.]


Kang-jun was puzzled by the unexpected words that appeared about the door to Hwanmong. What did it mean by the door opening when he slept?

Sleeping would open the door to Hwanmong. But why would it open when he slept?

'Come to think of it!'

Perhaps in his dreams?

Hwanmong! (Empty dream)! It made sense when thinking of the meaning of the word.

Kang-jun hurried back to his gos.h.i.+won. He washed himself and immediately lay on the bed.

But sleep didn't come easily.

It was 3 a.m. His normal routine meant he usually went to sleep at 9 a.m.

'It isn't easy trying to force myself to sleep. Maybe I should take a sleeping pill.'

It might be helpful to falling asleep. However, there was no where to buy sleeping pills this early in the morning.

'I don't know. I will close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.'

He pretended to sleep for a long time until it hit 5 a.m.

[The door to Hwanmong is open.]

[Mission 1 has been accomplished.]

The door to Hwanmong opened and the first mission was complete.

Kang-jun was surprised as he heard a voice.

Was this a dream? Reality?

'Then this place is…?'

Kang-jun instinctively felt like he was in his gos.h.i.+won.

A cramped room. But it was strangely empty. His single bed, desk and even TV couldn't be seen.

What was going on?

He was even wearing unfamiliar clothes. The mysterious clothes had a rough feeling as he touched it.

'What is this? Dream?'

Of course it was a dream.

Improbable things could happen in a dream.

Sure enough.

[You have to entered the world of Hwanmong.]

Chapter 8

The world of Hwamong?

Ah, somehow it happened. This was a dream, not reality. Not an ordinary dream but the world of Hwanmong!

[You will be given the reward for Mission 1.]

[The power of Hwanmong will reconstruct your body.]

He finally got the reward. What method would be used to reconstruct his body?


A mysterious light headed towards Kang-jun. The light revolved around Kang-jun's head down to his feet and then gradually disappeared.

[Your body has been successfully reconstructed.]

At the same time, Kang-jun felt an unknown vitality enter his body.

'What will I become?'

He somehow felt like his body was changing but he didn't know how it would turn out.

'Eh? Wait! My right foot is weird.'

Then Kang-jun was pleasantly surprised.

The posture he had been standing in changed. He normally put all his weight on his left foot and didn't force the right one. But now there was some weight on his right foot. It felt quite natural.


Don't tell me my leg returned to normal?

But there was even more.

Kang-jun instinctively raised a trembling hand to his head.


His head that was balding due to severe hair loss had all the hair grown back.

This was like a miracle. Even if this was a dream, no the world of Hwanmong, something huge was still happening.

[The power of Hwanmong will display your status.]

Lee Kang-jun

Lv.1 (Exp 00.00%)

[War] Beginner

Health: 150/150

Black Magic Energy: 0/100

'Level 1?'

It was like looking at a game status window. Naturally the status window displayed the status of Kang-jun, not a character in the game.

His capabilities for war was at the beginner level! His health was full but black magic energy was in an exhausted state. Perhaps it was because 100 points of black magic energy was consumed to open the door to Hwanmong.

'No stats?'

The information in the status window was too brief. But a new message appeared as soon as he had that thought.

[The power of Hwanmong has randomly generated your initial stats.]

Strength: 7

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 9

Good Luck: 1

Charisma: 0

[Strength, agility and intelligence will increase when every rise in level.

[Special conditions need to be achieved to increase good luck and charisma.]

[Have you decided on these stats? Or would you like Hwanmong to roll the dice to generate new stats?]

[There is a total of 3 chances for Hwanmong to roll the dice.]

'Hrmm. This?'

Kang-jun shook his head. His good luck and charisma was too low.

'A little more.'

Strength, agility and intelligence rose wih every level but it was important to keep in mind that good luck and charisma didn't.

'Then I need to wish for high good luck and charisma.'

Strength, agility and intelligence could be a little low. It might be hard to level up early due to this, but having high charisma and good luck would be more beneficial in the long term.


If there was a chance to roll the dice then he needed to take it.

"Roll the dice."

[Hwanmong will roll the dice.]

[New stats have been generated.]

Strength: 6

Agility: 12

Intelligence: 4

Good Luck: 2

Charisma: 1

[Would you like to roll the dice again? Yes/No]

[There were two more chances for Hwanmong to roll the dice.]

'This is too much.'

Agility increased, strength and intelligence fell and good luck and charisma only rose by 1.

There were still 2 chances.

"Roll the dice."

[New stats have been generated.]

Strength: 8

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 1

Good Luck: 8

Charisma: 0

[Would you like to roll the dice again? Yes/No]

[There is one more chance for Hwanmong to roll the dice.]


He had 8 good luck! Furthermore, strength and agility was 8!

It was good up to here. The problem was that charisma was at 0.

Kang-jun contemplated for a moment before shaking his head. Charisma was rare so he was certain to regret it later if he gave up on it now.

One last chance! Please! This time let good luck


and charisma come out!

"Roll the dice."

Kang-jun took a deep breath and shouted desperately.

[New stats have been generated.]

Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 2

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

[You have used all all opportunities for Hwanmong to roll the dice.]

[These stats will be confirmed.]

"This is it!"

Kang-jun was delighted. The most brilliant stats had emerged.

Charisma was 8 points! Good luck had 6 points so it also wasn't bad. Strength, agility and intelligence was low as a result but this was what Kang-jun wanted.

Lee Kang-jun

Lv.1 (Exp 00.00%)

[War] Beginner

Health: 90/90

Black Magic Energy: 0/160

Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 2

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

His status window reflected the new stats. Maximum health was reduced while maximum black magic energy rose.


A dark fog suddenly rose in the room.

[Now your reality and Hwanmong are connected to each other.]

[If you become stronger in Hwanmong then you will be stronger in reality.]

[At the same time, the wealth you acquire in reality will affect the world of Hwanmong.]

'They will influence each other?'

He already guessed that raising his level in Hwanmong meant he would become stronger in the real world.

But he never thought that making money in reality would have an effect here as well.

[This is Room 406 where you pay a 250,000 won contract in reality.]

[Room 406 is considered your territory in Hwanmong due to this.]

[Of course, this is only valid as long as you have a contract in reality.]


His room in the gos.h.i.+won was recognized as his territory!

It was like some type of dream.

[You can build a base at your territory.]

[Would you like to build a base at Room 406? Yes/No]

Of course he would build a base.

Kang-jun nodded without any hesitation.

"Okay! A base will be built."

[The base construction is in Stage 1.]

[Degree of Completion: 0%]

The black fog enveloped the room as the messages appeared and disappeared.

Kang-jun jumped with surprise.

'This! The door is gone!'

The door disappeared and it was pitch black.

[The enemy has started to notice you after the construction of the base started.]

[The attack has started.]

At that moment, he heard a chilling scream.


Ah, what was that sound?

Something was wailing in the darkness.

'What is coming?'

Anyway, it wasn't the time to be staring blankly.

Mission 2

-Stop the enemy from entering Room 406 while the base is being completed.

-Compensation: Experience

The second mission occurred at that moment.

Protect the base!

[Stage 1 of the base construction: 3%]

Kang-jun immediately searched around the room. Curiously, there was a 2m radius of bright light that surrounded Kang-jun as he moved.

Room 405. Room 407.

And there were rooms on either side. It was the structure of the gos.h.i.+won that Kang-jun was familiar with.

'I need to navigate a path in the darkness. If that is the case?'

Kang-jun used the approach of a PC game and quickly moved down the hallway of the gos.h.i.+won. It was a familiar building so the darkness wasn't too difficult.

"Heok! I'm out of breath."

In fact, Kang-jun moved much faster now that his feet were in a normal condition. But his body couldn't follow his thoughts.

In addition, his stamina was the same. He had exercised diligently since childhood but he ran out of breath just running down the corridor.

'It is due to my strength and agility.'

Kang-jun's overall physical abilities had waned. He knew his strength and agility would affect his ability to fight in the early stages.

But Kang-jun didn't regret his choices. He had worried over it when choosing. They would rise in the future when he gained levels, even if he started off slowly.

Anyway, the limited visibility was frustrating. Now he needed to figure out where the enemies were.

Kang-jun looked around nervously as he moved down the hallway.


He heard the scream again. At the same time, he heard a door opening.

Room 413.


Something was moving and causing crashes inside.

Blood red eyes glared between black hair. There was a sticky mucus flowing from the open mouth.

"Euh! What is that thing?'

Approximately 1 metres tall.

A monster with the body of a monkey and the head of a rat.

Chapter 9

New Beginning (1)

What was its true ident.i.ty?

A bizarre appearance couldn't possibly exist in reality.

"Kuaaaah! Kikikiki!"

It rushed up to Kang-jun with a club in its hand.

Hwing! Hwiing!

He had to avoid it in the narrow hallway. Then Kang-jun suddenly smiled.

'Wait! I don't need to avoid it. I can absorb its strength.'

The power that targeted thugs and bullies in reality! Naturally that ability would be effective here.

Kang-jun immediately glared at the rat head monkey. But there was an unexpected message.

[Invalid target.]

[The black magic energy is unable to be absorbed.]

"What? Why not?"

Why was it the wrong target?

However, now wasn't the time to be worrying about such things. The club was mercilessly heading towards him.

Kang-jun hurriedly stepped back. Then the rat head monkey gained more momentum and jumped at him.


It struck down with the club as it jumped into the air.

At that moment, Kang-jun's feet kicked at the rat head monkey's wrist that was holding the club. His right foot then struck the rat head monkey's abdomen.

Peok –


The rat head monkey screamed and ran back.

'No big deal.'

Kang-jun was still a taekwondo 3rd dan despite the sluggish state of his body. In particular, his two feet were now working so he was fine against the dwarf-sized monster. He couldn't absorb the black magic energy but could still attack it directly.


Then another rat head monkey popped out from Room 413.

Hwing! Sswiing!

A barrage of strikes from the club!

Kang-jun stepped back and avoided it.

The rat head monkey that jumped at him also came back.

A two against one situation!

Kang-jun didn't panic. He had panicked at first from their strange appearance.

However, the way they wielded the clubs was simple so they were only a small threat. It was like two elementary school children holding sticks. They also certainly had the build of elementary school children.


In the meantime, one of the rat head monkeys leapt into the air and brandished its club.


The club headed towards his head!

Kang-jun lightly bent his head and avoided it. He spun around at the same time and kicked out with his left foot.

Peok –

The left foot accurately hit the stomach of the rat head monkey.


This time the kick had all his weight in it. A blow that even adults would find difficult to tolerate!

Kang-jun turned his left foot again and aimed it at the other rat head monkey rus.h.i.+ng over.



One flew five metres while the other one was at Kang-jun's feet.

'It hasn't died yet.'

Kang-jun prepared again for another strike.

Bam! Bam bam!

Kang-jun's fist struck the head of the rat head monkey without any mercy.


[Experience has been gained.]

[3 nodes have been gained.]

Kang-jun confirmed that he received experience and ran towards the other rat head monkey without any delay.

Bam bam bam –


It collapsed after a few successive hits.

[Experience has been gained.]

[4 nodes have been gained.]

Just like


a game, he acquired experience from killing the monsters.

Lv.1 (Exp 20.00%)

He had 20% experience in his status window.

The rat head monkeys gave 10% experience each. It meant he would level up if he killed eight more.

'By the way, what are nodes?'

Kang-jun had acquired 7 nodes from getting rid of the rat head monkeys.

[Nodes are currency that is only available in the world of Hwanmong.]

[Gaining more nodes will allow you to wage war.]


He didn't need to make it complicated. Like a game, experience and money could be obtained from monsters. He would know how much value 7 nodes had later.


Kang-jun picked up one of the clubs that the rat head monkeys were holding.

'A weapon would be good to reduce my stamina consumption.'

70cm in length. The shape was reminiscent of a club.

'Light in weight but pretty hard.'

Fortunately, he managed to avoid being hit and didn't feel any pain.



Meanwhile, two rat head monkeys popped out.

'Again from Room 413! Why do they keep coming out from there?'

Was it a monster lair?

Wait! Did all of them use blunt weapons?

Piing –

The terrible sound of the wind separating.


An arrow was right before him! If Kang-jun hadn't tilted his head sideways then the arrow would have pierced the crown of his head.

Surprisingly, the rat head monkeys were holding bows in their hands.

'd.a.m.n! Shooting a bow!'

He was really lucky. He managed to avoid a flying arrow. Perhaps it was the power of good luck. If so, he did really well in making a decision to increase good luck.

But now wasn't the time to be pleased. Another rat head monkey had fired an arrow!

Piing –

This time he was too late and it pierced his left forearm, causing blood to pour down.

"Ugh! s.h.i.+t!"

Kang-jun trembled.

Why did he have to suffer a pain like this? How could he imagine being hit by an arrow? An arrow, not a sword!

His good luck didn't work twice in a row.


The pain from the arrow! Usually he didn't feel pain in his dreams, but this was Hwanmong. He would feel the same pain as reality.



Kang-jun staggered forward as the rat head monkeys prepared to fire arrows again.

'Euh! Those guys!'

Kang-jun clenched his teeth.

There was no time to hesitate. How could he be hit by more arrows?

Kang-jun suddenly remembered a saying.

'You will lose everything if you are defeated. In particular, defeat in the world of Hwanmong means certain death…!'

'Don't forget. If you don't want to become a corpse like me, beholden to the power of Hwanmong, then listen to my words today and don't ever forget…'

That's right. It wasn't a mere dream.

Death here would mean real death. He had goose b.u.mps just thinking about it.

"Oduk! I can't allow it."

Kang-jun ignored the pain in his left arm and wielded the club while rus.h.i.+ng forward.

Bam! Bam!



One person in the room!

The heads of the rat head monkeys were smashed.

[Experience has been gained.]

[4 nodes have been gained.]

[Experience has been gained.]

[4 nodes have been gained.]


Kang-jun breathed out.

Chapter 10

New Beginning (2)

'This club is very good.'

Thanks to the dice rolling, my agility and strength had plummeted downwards.

It wouldn't have been easy to defeat those monsters if not for the club.

Then Kang-jun frowned again.

He had forgotten for a while due to the tension.


The pain from his arrow-pierced arm was considerable.

Blood was pouring down.

"Euh! What should I do about this?"

Wouldn't the pain get worse without any first aid? However, he couldn't afford to do that because more rat head monkeys jumped out from Room 413.



The crimson eyes showed that there were at least three of them.

They were all holding clubs.


Kang-jun reflexively swung his club.


Kang-jun's club hit the head of a rat head monkey and it burst against the wall of the gos.h.i.+won.


The other rat head monkeys screamed and ran back.

[Experience has been gained.]

[3 nodes have been gained.]

Meanwhile, a rat head monkey on the other side swung its club at Kang-jun. Kang-jun hurriedly blocked it with his left arm.



A scream emerged from his mouth.

A bone seemed to have broken. His left arm was already in excruciating pain from the arrow. Now it was. .h.i.t with a club. It was disorienting.

But Kang-jun clenched his teeth and endured it. He had intentionally sacrificed his left arm. The club was being held by his right arm.



Kang-jun smashed the rat head monkey.

[Experience has been gained.]

[4 nodes have been gained.]

Experience and money.

But now wasn't the time to be happy. There was still one remaining.


Kang-jun's left foot instantly kicked the rat head monkey's chin.


The rat head monkey fell back.

Kang-jun took two steps forward and mercilessly struck.



He struck the rat head monkey so hard that there was a dent.

[Experience has been gained.]

[4 nodes have been gained.]

Kang-jun took deep breaths as he confirmed that there were no other enemies. Fortunately, there was none.

It was still too early to feel relieved. He didn't know if other rat head monkeys would emerge from the mysterious Room 413.

Dduk. Dduk.

Blood was flowing down from his left arm and soaked the floor.

Kang-jun's body shook from the pain.

"Euh! d.a.m.n! If this situation continues, I really might die."

Health: 47/90

His health had halved due to his left arm.

[Stage 1 of the base construction: 48%]

It was fortunate that his base was 48% complete. He just needed to somehow live long enough until it was finished.

'Just a little longer.'

Then Kang-jun's eyes noticed something.

'Eh? This?'

There was something s.h.i.+ning brightly next to the corpse of a rat head monkey.

A gla.s.s bottle containing a red liquid.

'What? Is is a potion?'

The form of a potion that he saw many times in games. He walked closer and picked it up.

[Minor Health Potion]

[Consuming it will restore 40 health points.]


Unbelievable! It really was a potion. It was also a health potion! Was this also due to his good luck stat?

Then why did he need to hesitate?

Snap! Snap!

Kang-jun immediately opened the cap and drank the potion.

Then something strange happened.

Suuuok –

The arrow lodged in his left arm was removed of its own accord and the wound instantly started to heal.

'My arm is fine.'

The sickening pain disappeared.

Apart from some slight throbbing, his arm felt almost normal.

Health: 87/90

Thanks to that, his health was almost completely restored.

'I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.'

Drinking a potion would spontaneously cause an arrow to fall out?

It was the type of lie that could happen in this world! It was possible because Hwanmong was the world of dreams.

Anyway, he was glad. It would have been awful if he needed get the wound treated at a hospital.

'Phew! I feel better now.'

I shuddered nervously just thinking of the pain.

'I have to be careful not to get hit by another arrow.'

Kang-jun glanced around sharply.



couldn't release his tension despite his health recovering. He needed to stay mentally aware until his base was completed.

'I don't know when they will turn up again.'

Sure enough.


Something suddenly came out from Room 413.


The sound pierced through the gos.h.i.+won.

'Euh! What? This?'

Kang-jun jumped with surprise.

The form was exactly the same as the rat head monkey. However, it was more than two metres in height.

'Is it the boss?'

Kang-jun was 178cm tall and the monster was even larger than him. None other than the boss of the rat head monkeys had appeared.


It opened its mouth and roared. The crimson eyes turned towards him.

"s.h.i.+t! Come!"

Kang-jun cried out while gripping the club tightly.

It was inevitable. A fight to the death!

Kung! Kung! Kung!

The oversized boss monkey brandished a big club.

Hwing! Hwiing!

It looked like a thick log!

Kang-jun nervously avoided it.

'One hit will be the end.'

Fortunately, this was a narrow corridor in the gos.h.i.+won. It wasn't easy to swing a long stick in the cramped corridor.

Kw.a.n.g! Kwakw.a.n.g!

The low ceilings and narrow walls of the corridor stopped the full power of the club.

Kang-jun quickly penetrated inside a gap.


Kang-jun hit its head, but the boss monkey didn't even nod.


It threw away the club and aimed both hands towards Kang-jun.


It happened in the blink of an eye.


Kang-jun quickly tumbled backwards.

His back ached.

'Euh! I almost died. An unbelievably fast b.a.s.t.a.r.d.'

No matter how much his agility was reduced by, it had really moved instantly.


Both hands swiftly headed towards him.


Kang-jun was prepared and avoided it before brandis.h.i.+ng his club.


Bam! Bam!

He struck the chest and head. But the boss monkey just grabbed the club Kang-jun was holding.


Kang-jun tried to pull but the club didn't budge.

Huge monster! But ignorant. It wasn't an opponent he could overcome with force.


The boss monkey threw away the club and just focused on using its power. And it tried to grab Kang-jun with both hands.

At that moment, Kang-jun's right foot kicked the abdomen of the boss.


At the same time, he rotated and his left foot struck the abdomen again.

Pak pak -!

The first attack was just a teaser while the second attack was real. A power with all his weight behind it.


The boss monkey staggered back one step.

Kang-jun didn't miss this opening.

Bam! Bam bam!

He unleashed a dizzying barrage of kicks to the side of the boss monster's face.


The brilliant taekwondo techniques! A mere monster couldn't withstand them.

The boss monster staggered back but didn't fall. Instead, both hands flashed forward and grabbed Kang-jun's right foot.


His foot was being held by a monster. There was a possibility of a broken leg.

Kang-jun nervously rotated his body and kicked the chin of the boss monster with his left foot.



The boss monkey's neck was then struck afterwards. It staggered back and released Kang-jun.

'A chance.'

Kang-jun kicked the chest of the rat head monkey boss.


The large frame fell backwards.

Kang-jun immediately picked up a club and mercilessly beat the head of the boss monkey.

Bam! Pajik!

'Ah, G.o.d!'

The club broke. Kang-jun quickly picked up another club.

In the meantime, the boss monkey was wriggling around and trying to get up.

Kang-jun desperately struck with the club.

Bam bam! Bam bam bam!

Now he had missed out on two chances.

He needed to get rid of it before it regained its spirit.

He couldn't allow it to counterattack.

Die! Die!



There was a loud popping sound as the rat head monkey boss screamed.

[Experience has been gained.]

[12 nodes have been gained.]

[Your level has risen.]

He did it. And finally!


Kang-jun cheered at the message stating he gained a level.

Level up!

The boss monster gave him a large amount of experience.

Lee Kang-jun

Lv.2 (Exp 05.00%)

[War] Beginner

Health: 110/110

Black Magic Energy: 0/170

Strength: 5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 3

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

His level increased, so strength, agility and intelligence increased by 1 point. But good luck and charisma were still the same.

'It is as described.'

Kang-jun smiled widely.

Unless a special event raised them, good luck and charisma were virtually fixed stats. It was a relief that he raised them ahead of time.

His body felt refreshed after the rise in strength, agility and intelligence. His physical condition and mental state were clear.

Looking at the status window, his maximum health and black magic energy also rose. Maximum health was restored but black magic energy remained intact at 0 points.

'What? Why isn't black magic energy charged?'

Levelling up recovered my health so why was black magic energy still the same?

A new message appeared at Kang-jun's question.

[Black magic energy will not be restored through levelling up.]

[You already know how to restore black magic energy.]

Of course he knew.

Black magic energy was filled by absorbing the strength of people in reality.

'What? Surely that isn't the only way?'

Then there was no way to fill up black magic energy in Hwanmong.

[Recovery of black magic energy is possible in Hwanmong, but it is not yet available for you.]

Fortunately, it wasn't impossible. It was possible if other conditions were met. He just didn't know what they were.

'Anyway, it can't be helped right now.'

Kang-jun examined the corpse of the boss monkey lying on the ground. Boss monsters tended to always drop something.

'Shouldn't there be at least one health potion?'

Not surprisingly, something s.h.i.+ny was near the right side of the boss!

'Oh! Indeed!'

An item. A rolled up scroll.

'What is this?'

He would know if he opened it. Kang-jun untied the strings of the scroll and rolled it open.


At that moment, a bright light came from the scroll.

[The ratians are small but fast and cunning. A giant rtian has outrageous strength…]

There were unknown messages.

[Minor knowledge about the ratians has been acquired.]

'Ratian? Minor knowledge?'

Kang-jun had a puzzled expression.

What was this?

[The minor knowledge about the ratians will be beneficial when facing them in the future.]

'Oh! It was like this?'

Kang-jun's complexion brightened.

The rat head monkeys were called 'ratians.' In other words, Kang-jun had gained knowledge about the ratians.

[Combat strength against the ratians has risen by 10%.]

[The likelihood of acquiring items from the ratians has risen by 5%.]

It was amazing.

Was it only limited to the ratians?

[In order to obtain more advanced knowledge, partic.i.p.ate in many battles against the ratians.]


It was minor knowledge so shouldn't there be knowledge of a higher grade? He would naturally learn as he fought the ratians.

'Are there any more ratians in there?'

Kang-jun grabbed the club and waited in front of Room 413.

'I will wait for


them to emerge and then swing at their faces.'

Doing so would make it easier to deal with the ratians. He would smash their heads as they came through the door and make them fall down.

But he waited for a long time and the door didn't open.

'What? Did they notice that I was waiting?'

Kang-jun briefly hesitated before carefully trying to open the door to Room 413. However, the door didn't budge.

A message surfaced at the same time.

[Entry is not permitted.]

[Make Room 413 your territory if you want to enter.]

Unlike Room 406, Kang-jun didn't pay a contract for Room 413.

In other words, Kang-jun needed to wake up and sign a contract with Room 413 if he wanted to enter. He would then only be able to enter Room 413 once he returned to Hwanmong.

'Crazy! Am I made of money?'

Kang-jun had saved in order to live in a 250,000 room at an affordable gos.h.i.+won. But now he needed to sign a contract with Room 406 and Room 413?

That was at least 500,000 won a month! If he had that money then he would be renting a good studio room.

Of course, he was a.n.a.lyzing it using common sense.

Reality and the world of Hwanmong were connected, but this was preposterous. But something favourable might happen if he made Room 413 his territory.

'It can't be helped right now. I'll just wait in front of it.'

Some time pa.s.sed.


The door to Room 413 finally opened and something came out.

An oversized rat head monkey! A giant ratian!


This was what he had been waiting for.

Bam bam!

Kang-jun swung his club at the giant ratian's head without mercy.


The giant ratian staggered around with a moan. Kang-jun didn't miss this chance and kicked both feet against the chest of the giant ratian.


The giant ratian fell backwards.

Kang-jun struck wildly with the club.

Bam bam! Bam bam bam –


The giant ratian gave a scream and slumped down.

[Experience has been gained.]

[12 nodes have been gained.]

The increased strength and agility from his level up! The synergy with the minor knowledge about the ratian!

Unlike earlier, Kang-jun found it relatively easier to deal with the giant ratian.

But Kang-jun stopped rejoicing and glared at Room 413. He knew there were ratians inside that hadn't come out yet.

Sure enough.


The door popped open and another giant ratian came out.

Bam! Bam bam!

Kang-jun knocked it down in exactly the same way and crushed its head.

[Experience has been gained.]

[14 nodes have been gained.]

Then something s.h.i.+ny fell next to the giant ratian.

'Oh! That is?'

He was looking at a thick book.

'It is written in Hangul.' (Korean alphabet)'

The t.i.tle of the book was written in Hangul so he could easily read it.

Draw In Customers (Inferior)

'Draw in customers?'

There was something like this? He was sure he read it incorrectly and looked again. However, nothing had changed.

'This is a real book?'

He never thought the giant ratian would drop a book. Did he need to read and study this book?

Kang-jun unconsciously opened the book.

At that moment.


A bright light poured from the book into Kang-jun's head.

Pasususu –

At the same time, the book turned into dust and scattered.

[Draw In Customers is a skill to make people interested in coming to take a look. This skill is useful in attracting customers to the goods or services provided…]

A lot of information pa.s.sed through his head at a high speed.

[The management skill Draw In Customers has been learnt.]

'Ohh! A skill!'

Kang-jun was delighted.

He opened the book without thinking and never thought he would acquire a skill. It was also a management skill!

'This can draw in customers?'

Then it would be a tremendous help when making money.

Right then, another welcome message appeared in his field of vision.

[Base construction: 100%]

[Room 406 has been completed.]


The base was completed.

Kang-jun turned and walked towards Room 406. A dazzling light was pouring from there.

[Mission 2 has been completed.]

[As a reward, enough experience will be given to increase your level…]

After the last message, Kang-jun's surroundings blurred into a dreamlike quality.


His vision was obscured and then he was lying in a completely different place.

"T-this is?"

A shabby single bed.

Kang-jun jumped up.

Room 406. A gos.h.i.+won room.

The ratian club he was holding in his hand had disappeared. He wore the clothes he had fallen asleep in.

"What? A dream?"

It really felt like a dream. Engaging in fierce fights with ratians and building a base was just like a dream to Kang-jun.

Of course, it was just the feel. He knew that the dream was actually the world of Hwanmong. And now he had returned to reality.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was 12.30 p.m. He had fallen asleep at 5 a.m. and got seven and a half hours of sleep.

The time he spent fighting the ratians pa.s.sed in reality as well.

"Hap! I slept well."

Kang-jun started stretching.

Apart from going to Hwanmong, his body got enough sleep so he felt very refreshed.

[The door to Hwanmong will open three days later.]

[100 black magic energy will be consumed so please fill it up before then.]

[Black Magic Energy 0/180]

'After three days?'

It wasn't held on a daily basis. On one hand, that was good news.

He gave up the advantage from levelling up, but dreaming about fighting every night was a terrible thing. It might vary in the future but three days was enough time to rest comfortably after a fierce battle.

Lee Kang-jun

Lv.3 (Exp 00.00%)

[Management] Beginner

Health: 130/130



Magic Energy: 0/180

Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 4

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

The status window floated on one side but it didn't interfere with his vision or cause any mental confusion. It felt natural.

He reached level 3 as compensation for the mission.


-Draw In Customers (Inferior): Consumes 10 black magic energy.

In addition, he had the Draw In Customers skill.

'10 black magic energy is needed.'

But at this moment, something else was more important to Kang-jun.

Both legs were fine! His reconstructed body and restored leg had stayed like this in reality.

Kang-jun jumped up.

Surely it wasn't still a dream? No. This was obviously not a dream. He knew it was true but it was still really hard to believe.

Kang-jun alternated between moving both legs aimlessly.

"Hahaha! It is working fine! Really okay!"

Tears flowed from Kang-jun's eyes as he screamed like a maniac.

One of his legs had been injured due to a hit and run accident. That leg had now returned to normal.

It had caused him much frustration in the meantime. He spent days wallowing in despair. But not anymore.

Both legs were working fine so he was happy. But there was even more.

Kang-jun stared at his head in the mirror.


Unbelievable! An impressed sound escaped his mouth.

He had started suffering hair loss after the hit and run accident. It had escalated in recent years and now he was almost bald. Anyone looking at his head from behind would be reminded of an elderly person.

Hair was regrowing on his head. Mysterious silver hair!

"Silver hair…?"

On a closer look, the silver hair had a band of azure through it. It looked like flour had been sprinkled over the jewellery.


Kang-jun couldn't stop laughing.

What happened?

Was this real?

'Kang-jun oppa! I told you not to take off your hat.'

'Oppa is tall and has a handsome face but your head is a little… Yes, why don't you wear a wig?'

'Wigs are made very well these days. Then women will like Oppa. I will introduce you to a friend of mine.'

'Just wear a wig.'

Many women had said these types of things to him. The women were trying to help but Kang-jun didn't find it comforting at all. Rather, it just caused a bigger wound. But now he didn't need to be hurt hearing it anymore.

No, there was no reason to hear such words. He had never seen anyone else with such mysterious silver hair.

'Isn't this too conspicuous?'

Silver hair would naturally get noticed. He felt the energy of a celebrity every time he looked at the hair. People pa.s.sing by would stare at him.

'd.a.m.n! I need to wear a hat again.'

Kang-jun had a bitter smile.

In fact, attracting people's attention everywhere wasn't a pleasant thing. There would be dislike, envy, admiration or even disgust in their eyes.

Still, Kang-jun decided not to wear a hat. He had lived wearing a hat like a criminal, so he didn't want to do it anymore.

The miraculous recovery of his leg! The mysterious silver hair that grew on his head.

It seemed like an unbelievable dream, but this was actually happening.

It wasn't a dream. It was reality.

But he couldn't just enjoy the situation. This wasn't a miracle.

Last night, he fought against monsters in the world of Hwanmong, and dying there meant permanent death.

It was the same in the future. If he didn't win in the world of Hwanmong then he would die immediately.

'Win! Unconditional victory! If you don't want to be a corpse like me…'

The corpse said.

'He was defeated.'

This was an important matter. Kang-jun wasn't sure why the corpse had the mission of giving the power of Hwanmong to him. But the corpse had clearly lost. And he turned into a corpse after losing.

'I can never become like him.'

He needed to win. In order to do that, more strength was needed. In other words, he needed to raise his level.

'First I need to fill the black magic energy.'

It stated that the door to Hwanmong would open in three days. However, he never knew what could happen, so it was better to fill it as quickly as possible.

'I should eat something before that.'

Kang-jun grabbed a bag and chopsticks and headed to the kitchen. Kang-jun was walking to the kitchen when he suddenly turned and looked at something.

Room 413.

The room the ratians kept pouring out of in Hwanmong. Why did they only come out from that room?

It was at that moment.

New words appeared in front of Kang-jun.

Mission 3

Turn Room 413 into a military barrack after making it your territory.

-Compensation: Experience


Kang-jun received the 3rd mission out of 100 that he needed to complete!

'Turning a territory into barracks?'

Of course, Kang-jun was well aware of what barracks were. Barracks were places where soldiers rested. But what was this mission to turn Room 413 into a barrack?

'd.a.m.n! How am I going to change it into a barrack?'

It would be easy once he got a contract for Room 413. He only needed to pay money. Then it would be Kang-jun's territory.

But this talk about barracks construction was nonsense. How was he going to turn a small room into a barrack?

'Ah, perhaps?'

Then Kang-jun was struck by a thought.

That's right.

The missions given were in conjunction with Hwanmong. In other words, the barrack wasn't something he needed to worry about here and now.

All Kang-jun needed to do in reality was form a contract for Room 413! So he would be able to create a military barrack when entering Hwanmong.

It was just like Room 406. In order to do this, Room 413 had to be empty. If someone else had a contract then he wouldn't be able to perform the mission.

'I should ask the manager.'

Kang-jun immediately walked towards the room


of the gos.h.i.+won manager.

'Not here?'

The manager was absent. He must have been busy with some things.

'I am hungry so I'll eat first.'

Then he would look for the manager again. Kang-jun headed towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was a joint place where people living in the gos.h.i.+won could use the sink, fridge and simple cooking appliances.

Someone else was already in the kitchen. A skinny young man in his 20s with a suspicious-looking face.

He was Kim Sang-min. Someone who worked overnight at the PC room on the 3rd floor of this building.

Kang-jun waved a bag of ramyun and said.

"Sang-min, if the water is boiling then please pour in a little more."

Then Sang-min asked with confusion.

"Who are you?"

He was being looked at like he was a stranger. The expression made it seem like Kang-jun was annoying him.

"What? What's with that expression? It might be annoying but I'm only asking you to pour in more water."

"Why are you talking so informally?"

Sang-min had an offended expression on his face. Kang-jun was outraged.

"What? Speak informally? Why? It's me, Lee Kang-jun."

Sang-min stared with a bemused expression. Then his eyes widened.

"Kang-jun hyung…? Is it really Kang-jun hyung?"

"Yes, that's right. Did you get some sleep yesterday? How could you not know me?"

"No, is that really Hyung's hair?"

"My hair?"

"Don't tell me that it is a wig?"

"What is a wig?"

"Look! The wig is the reason why I didn't recognize you. You look like a completely different person."

Wig on his head?

'Ah, that's right.'

Sang-min's reaction finally made sense to Kang-jun.

Kang-jun was the same Kang-jun as yesterday. He had been a cripple with a hat covering his balding head.

However, now his leg was fixed and he had silver hair so it was natural for Sang-min to not recognize him.

"Amazing! It doesn't look like a wig. I thought you were a celebrity. Where did you buy the wig?"

"Why? Are you going to buy it?"

Kang-jun grinned. Sang-min nodded with an envious expression.

"Yes. How much did you get it for?"

"One billion."

"Don't play around. One billion for a wig? And where would you get that kind of money?"

Kang-jun was staying at a 250,000 won gos.h.i.+won, so it was ridiculous that he would buy a wig for one billion won.

"Don't believe it then. Anyway, I'm hungry so boil the water quickly."

"I understand."

Kang-jun didn't bother saying it wasn't a wig. People would just think he was crazy if he told them that his body was reconstructed with the power of Hwanmong. Even he wouldn't believe it if he heard those words. It would be wiser to keep the special power to himself. Kang-jun had no intention of bragging about the power.

"Hyung, the ramyun is ready."

"Okay. Then I will take out the kimchi."

Kang-jun opened the fridge and took out the kimchi labelled with Room 406. It was a public refrigerator so everyone needed to label their own containers.

"This! The kimchi is all gone."

"Then take out mine."

"What room number?"

"Room 412."

Room 412? That was right next to Room 413. Kang-jun turned and looked at Sang-min.

"Is Room 413 empty right now?"

He had the room next door. The gos.h.i.+won wasn't soundproofed so noises like snoring or changing clothes could be heard.

"R-Room 413?"

Sang-min stiffened. Kang-jun nodded.

"Yes. I was wondering if it is empty right now."

"Do you want to move to that room? No way. Never go there."


Sang-min hesitated before saying to Kang-jun.

"There is a ghost in that room."

"What? A ghost?"

"The real thing. Even Manager hyung is scared to enter that room."

A small smile formed on Kang-jun's face.

"Then it is empty?"


There was a man in his 30s eating ramyun in the management office. Manager Kwon Myeong-cheol.

"Manager hyung, is Room 413 empty right now?"


Anyone would be upset if a stranger suddenly came in. Furthermore, the mention of Room 413.

He saw a ghost every time he went into that room. An eerie atmosphere whenever he needed to clean the room…he didn't want to be reminded of it.

"Do you know me?"

"Kang-jun. Lee Kang-jun from Room 406."

"Eh? Kang-jun? I see that it really is you. Did you replace your head? Wah! You look like a completely different person. Where did you buy the wig? How much?"

His face cramped with an expression of envy as he stared at Kang-jun.

This was already the second time. Just growing hair seemed to have made him into an entirely different person. But it didn't matter. He wouldn't be bothered. He had suffered over the past years due to the hair loss.

"Hey, how much is that wig?"

"The wig isn't important. Is Room 413 empty right now?"

"B-but why?"

"I'd like to sign a contract."

Myeong-cheol stiffened as he understood.

"Why? Is your current room uncomfortable? I can move you into a different room. Yes, that is possible."

"I'd like to share that room, not move into it."

"What? Two rooms? Do you have money left?"

Myeong-cheol stared at Kang-jun with an absurd expression on his face.

Even if he did have money, it would be better to move to another building rather than renting two rooms.

"I have just enough. I hear there is a ghost so give it to me for a cheaper price."

"Where did you hear about the ghost?"

"So there really is a ghost?"

"Ah, n-no. What ghost? It isn't like that."

Myeong-cheol finally remembered that he was the manager of the gos.h.i.+won.

This gos.h.i.+won was old and wasn't good compared to the other compet.i.tion in the area. The aging facilities matched the price. Therefore, he didn't understand why Kang-jun wanted to contract another room out of nowhere. But as the manager, it didn't matter. There was no reason to refuse the money.

"Do you really want the room? Then it will be another 250,000 won a month.

"The room is haunted. It would just continue to be empty. Can't you take off 100,000~150,000 won?"

Kang-jun was reluctantly signing a contract for another room due to


the mission. It would be nice if he could save as much money as possible.

"150,000 won? Do you want me to be fired? I can't give it to you for anything less than 200,000 won."

"200,000 won, call!"

Kang-jun was hoping for that price. Striking off 150,000 won was absurd. In fact, a discount of 50,000 won was amazing.

It only happened when there was a serious flaw in the room. But the room was in very good condition. It was more s.p.a.cious than Kang-jun's current Room 406 and very well ventilated. Yet he was given a discount of 50,000 won for this room.

'It must be haunted by a real ghost.'

Otherwise, that discount would absolutely never happen.

'It is great. Thanks to that, I've signed a cheaper contract.'

Was it because he obtained the power of cleansing black magic from Hwanmong? Kang-jun wouldn't be afraid even if a real ghost emerged.

"Eh? But isn't your leg injured?"

"I've been steadily going to rehabilitation."

"Really? That's great. Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

Kang-jun replied roughly. No matter how much he went to rehab, it would have been impossible for his leg to return to its original state.

However, other people wouldn't know such details. No, they wouldn't even care.

It was a miracle for Kang-jun but other people would just think it was due to rehab.

'Anyway, shall I fill up my black magic energy?'

Kang-jun exited the gos.h.i.+won.

Black Magic Energy: 0/180

He currently had 0/180 black magic energy, but he intended to fill it up today.

It was currently 2 p.m. Evening was still some time away.

However, evening wasn't the only time where he could absorb the strength of others. It was also possible during the day.

Bad people were more active at night, but there was still a relatively small number. They could be found in crowded places without any difficulty. People getting drunk or arguing with others.

Moreover, Kang-jun could now feel the aura of people to some extent. Was it because he reached level 3?

In other words, he could feel an aura of darkness around some people. A state where something was about to explode.

He didn't know the reason why they were in that state. It could be due to stress or anger. But it was highly likely that they were going to cause an incident!

Kang-jun secretly absorbed that energy. Now they wouldn't cause those incidents anymore. At least for today.

'This is called prior incident prevention.'

He was proud of the thought that he somehow prevented a terrible event.

Black Magic Energy: 180/180

By the time it was twilight, he had successfully filled up his black magic energy.

Now he would examine the management skill. A skill gained from killing a monster in Hwanmong.

Draw In Customers (Inferior): Consumes 10 black magic energy.

If Kang-jun fought monsters and raised his level in Hwanmong then he would learn management skills to make money in reality.

As much as possible! So that it would be beneficial for the missions.

If he had no money then a mission he couldn't complete might emerge.

'Where should I test this skill? Yes. That place.'

Kang-jun looked around before walking towards a lady selling tteokbokki and odeng in the area.