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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Prologue

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

The east wind blew in the moonlit night. As the lightning crackled, sprinkles of rain started to fall from the sky. Underneath it, was a man standing precariously on the edge of a cliff, staring at the horde of ash-colored demons, whose eyes glowed red like those of the man's.

As he backed away slowly, dirt fell into the gaping abyss behind him. A wave of dark emotions came washing over him. Surrounded by the horde, the man was in grave danger and appeared completely helpless. He was drenched in the blood of the demons he had slain up to that point, and having been poisoned during combat, the champion was growing increasingly exhausted. He was covered in deep wounds, on the verge of death. The fact that he was still standing was a miracle.

At that moment, the champion raised his sword up ever so slightly, and the horde of demons hesitated, trembling in terror. Then, the air fell silent, which was rather brief. However, it wasn't long before the horde of demons charged toward the weak champion, clenching their teeth as if trying to fight off their fear.

As he stood at the end of the world in his last moment, his turbulent life filled with hunger and thirst rushed past his mind like a film reel. The endless war had only made his already-difficult life even more like a living hell. Then, before he even had time to react, dozens of blades tore into the champion's flesh. His hand, with which he was holding a sword, fell lifelessly, and he fell down the cliff into the endless darkness. With his conscience fading, the champion stared up at the dark, ominous sky with lifeless eyes until his body scattered away like a flame.

The man opened his eyes slowly. Although it was quite bright, it didn't take long for his eyes to adjust to the light. First, came the ceiling, and that was followed by the familiar scenery of a contemporary room, modern in its design. As he found himself in the room he had lived in as a Korean citizen prior to crossing over to the Demonic Realm, questions started to flood into his mind. He was now in a place that had only existed in his fading memories. Lying in his bed, confused, the man sprang up as his conscience grasped reality. He was breathing heavily.

'My name…' he thought, struggling to remember. '… Min… Sung… Kang? Yes, that's it.'

An old memory had been dug into his brain like a sharp nail, and his memories became even more vivid at the sight of the posters of mysterious creatures on the walls. Before being summoned to the Demonic Realm, Min Sung had had a keen interest in the mysterious monsters that were appearing on the daily news. Naturally, seeing the creatures on TV for the first time had been quite a shocking, yet astounding experience, and that had been more than enough to captivate Min Sung. From then on, his daily life upon returning from school had mostly consisted of researching those monsters, on and offline, extensively until bedtime. Of course, he had done so while completely unaware of how helpful his research would be to his survival in the Demonic Realm.

One day, after he had woken up, he had found himself in a cave, and the very subjects of his research had started to appear right before his eyes. Weapons had appeared out of thin air, which ended up becoming essential tools with which he defended himself against the monsters. Remembering the traits and characteristics of the monsters, Min Sung had killed countless of the mysterious creatures in order to survive and move forward, eventually reaching the world outside of the dungeon. However, the champion had been greeted by a world that had looked nothing like Earth: the Demonic Realm. It had been in that world of unrelenting darkness that Min Sung had adapted and survived.

In that desolate land where there had not been a single blade of grass, Min Sung and the monsters had been the only living beings. There had never been a way out. Fighting for his life in the face of death had become his daily reality, and living off of the remains of the very monsters he had slain had become the new norm. Then, one day, a new threat had appeared out of nowhere: demons. Horned and with eyes blood-red, the demons exuded evil from their ash-colored skin, thirsty for blood and war. Although dealing with them individually was hardly a challenge, they were a tremendous threat as a group. Having had to fight against them regularly, Min Sung's life had been a miserable one, draining him both physically and emotionally. Eventually, the champion had met his demise on the edge of a cliff, or so he had thought. For some


reason, he was now seeing a place that had existed in his life a long time ago. What had happened?

'Am I… back? From the dead?' Min Sung asked himself, checking his body. He was still wearing the same clothes, which were stained all over with the blood of the demons. For some unknown reason, the wounds that had once covered his body were completely healed. Getting out of bed unhurriedly, Min Sung walked over to a wall in the room and touched it. It all felt too real for it to be a hallucination. It wasn't until he had done the same with the posters and his desk that he was convinced that he wasn't hallucinating.

'This is all real… I… really am back…'

While the realization dawned on him, the clock ticked away relentlessly, and his heart started to beat faster, as if about to jump out of his chest.

Upon coming out to the living room, Min Sung's gaze fixed on a certain place like an arrow. It was a portrait of his grandmother, who had been his only family, on the wall, smiling brightly. After staring intently at it for some time, Min Sung looked down at the TV stand underneath it and saw a torn up notebook. Upon picking it up, he dusted it off, opened it and realized that it was his grandmother's will, which, in summary, said that she still believed him to be alive. Then, after he looked up and stared intently at the portrait of his late grandmother, he looked back down at the letter, and a certain sentence from his grandmother's will flashed in his mind: 'Make sure not to skip meals.'

With a sticky noise, the refrigerator door opened, revealing its insides as a sour stench came wafting out. However, the smell paled in comparison to the stench of the freshly-killed monsters of which Min Sung had had to live off. In fact, the smell of the refrigerator was almost sweet in comparison.

As he was looking in the refrigerator, a certain item came into view.


… It was Spam: a canned smoked ham.

Taking it out of the refrigerator, Min Sung sat at the table with a pair of chopsticks and stared down at the can. From the moment he crossed over to the Demonic Realm, the champion had never stopped thinking about being able to eat real food. Needless to say, having to feed on dead carcasses was a pain that was bound to drive anybody insane, and it had taken a long time for it to become a habit for the champion. Now, having returned to Earth, Min Sung was staring down at the canful of smoked meat.

'Is this real life?' he thought and slowly opened the top of the can.


The greasy, fatty aroma of the meat rushed into his nose.

'This is beautiful,' Min Sung thought genuinely. The oily exterior of the ham was incredibly appetizing, making him swallow inadvertently. Picking up his chopsticks, he cut off a piece of Spam and put it into his mouth, and the aroma of the meat spread through his mouth as he chewed.

"Wow…!" Min Sung let out, enthralled by the fatty, salty flavors dancing in his mouth and wrapping around his tongue. It was out of this world. Although it was raw, it was a heavenly treat for a champion who had been living off of dead monsters.

At the realization that he now had the freedom to eat food that was even better than Spam, his heart thumped with excitement.

Min Sung walked into the bathroom in order to take a shower, his heart racing for yet another reason. The fact that he had returned to Earth was a miracle in and of itself. On top of that, being able to take a shower was an exciting development, to say the least. Although being drenched in blood had been completely normal in the Demonic Realm, things were completely different on Earth. He was back home. However…

'Clack! Clack!'

No matter how many times Min Sung turned the faucet, there was no water.

"The utility bill…!"

The bill had to be overdue, which explained the lack of water. Having returned home after a long time, adapting to the present was proving to be a challenge. In the end, Min Sung was forced to give up on showering. Then, just as he was about to walk out of the bathroom, he was startled by his reflection in the mirror, which somehow reminded him that he wasn't seeing things. His appearance in the mirror made it obvious that he had been to the Demonic Realm. His hair was long enough for others to mistake him for a woman, and his face was covered in a scraggly beard. It was almost hard to distinguish whether he was an ape or a person, and looking at himself in the mirror made him aware of his current appearance. Thankfully, it wasn't anything a shower and a shave couldn't fix.

"Wait… What is this thing?"

'Lv1 Min Sung Kang: Newbie'

There was a series of words floating above his head like a hologram. Although he tried to wave them away as he would a fly, it was no use.

'That's strange…' Min Sung thought as he opened the door and stepped outside. The front yard covered in weeds came into view. Walking through the yard, Min Sung looked around, hoping to find a newspaper since there was no electricity, which rendered the TV useless in bringing him up to date. Thankfully, there was a newspaper in front of his neighbor's house. Picking it up, Min Sung read through the words frantically, and shortly after, his face twisted into a scowl.

According to his memory, he had been running away from the demons for well over a century. However, according to the newspaper, it had been merely a decade since he had crossed over to the Demonic Realm. What was even more shocking was how much the world had changed. Much like the Demonic Realm, there were now dungeons on Earth, and within them, were monsters, which tended to come out of the dungeon without warning and attack any citizens nearby. Fortunately, Earth wasn't completely vulnerable to unpredictable attacks. Hunters were groups of fighters who were given superhuman strength and during the Monster Break in order to fight against those monsters and maintain balance and order on Earth.

If the world had become a place where monsters and hunters coexisted, Min Sung speculated that it should be an orderly place. However, the more he read the newspaper, the more it became clear that he was wrong. The world was dominated by hunters, and their power had long outgrown the government. Simply put, hunters were at the top of the food chain. Needless to say, the world was far from being balanced, and humanity was reverting back to its lawless age. Reading through the articles in the newspaper, Min Sung thought about what he had to do in order to live on.

Despite his incredible strength, the champion had no intention of being the savior of the world or of bringing the hunters to submission. His primitive instinct to live dictated his thoughts. After immersing himself in thought, Min Sung looked up and thought, 'I gotta go into a dungeon and make some money. I can't do anything while I'm broke. Besides, killing monsters is what I do.' Making money doing something he was good at was the most ideal scenario. Then, Min Sung returned home and ransacked the house in search of money. To his disappointment, however, there was no money anywhere. The only thing that was even remotely useful was his ID.

Taking off the bloodied clothes he was wearing, Min Sung put them in the hamper and opened his wardrobe. Thankfully, the clothes within it were still relatively clean. Although they were a little tight, he had no choice but to wear them until he could afford new clothes. With that, the champion left the house once again without a delay.

The streets were quiet. There was hardly anybody around aside from the cars zooming past occasionally and a handful of people who were armed to their teeth. 'So, those must be the hunters,' Min Sung thought. Then, stopping in his tracks, he immersed himself in thought again. Because he had no access to a phone or the internet, finding a dungeon was like looking for a needle in the haystack.

At that moment, a young man walking with a slouch and who appeared to be a hunter came into Min Sung's view. 'I should ask him,' Min Sung thought, and he said, "Hey, you there."

At the sound of Min Sung's voice, the young man, who was sporting a nose piercing, red hair and red skinny jeans, looked toward Min Sung unhurriedly.

Chapter 2

Translated by: Shawnsuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

"Where's the closest dungeon from here?" Min Sung asked. Chuckling as if finding his question absurd, the redheaded hunter asked, "You askin' me?"

"I don't see anybody else around," Min Sung replied, looking around.

At which point, the redhead chuckled yet again and said, "This hobo's acting like he's enlightened or something. Sigh… You just HAD to stop me and ruin my day," scratching his head while unsheathing a longsword and glaring fiercely at Min Sung.


The blade shone brightly in the sunlight.

Confused by the redhead's hostile behavior, Min Sung gave the hunter a puzzled look. With narrowed eyes, the hunter said, "You must be out of your damn mind speaking to an advanced hunter like me that way. Do you know who you're talkin' to? Do you not see my level? Oh, I get it. You don't value your life. Am I right?"

It wasn't until then that Min Sung looked up at the text floating above the hunter's head, which read:

'Lv39 Tae Yong Youn: An Appreciator of Fireworks'

"I need you to direct me to the nearest dungeon from here," Min Sung said.

At which point, a murderous glare appeared in the redhead's eyes, and he said, " You need me to do what?! Are you telling me what to do?! A newbie like you should be on your knees begging for your life by now! You just don't get it, do you?"

Amused by the redhead's attitude, Min Sung chuckled.

"You're laughing? Let's see who's laughing when there's a sword stuck through your body!" the redhead said, raising his sword above his head. At that moment, realizing that the hunter was fully intent on killing him, Min Sun swung his fist at the redhead, shattering the hunter's teeth. Eight, bloodied teeth fell on the ground, and the redhead backed away, staggering from the impact of the champion's punch. Though Min Sung didn't even use his full strength, the hunter seemed devastated, collapsing on the ground with his mouth in a bloody mess.

'I thought these were notorious outlaws, not some human trash? I didn't expect the guy to pull a sword on me for asking directions,' Min Sung thought. Chuckling and dumbfounded, he walked unhurriedly toward the redhead, who was bleeding profusely from his mouth. As the helpless hunter looked up at Min Sung with eyes filled with terror, the champion picked up the sword from the ground and stepped on the redhead's shoulder.

"Agh! P… pleath! I… I beh you! Don't hill me!" the redhead begged desperately, teary-eyed. At the sight of the so-called hunter missing his teeth and barely comprehensible, a wave of strange emotions came washing over the champion. It felt as though he had seen something he shouldn't have: a mere human, feeble in body and mind. Despite the great urge to kill him off, Min Sung managed, barely, not to act on it. Then, moving his foot away from the hunter's shoulder, the champion signaled to the hunter with his chin and said, "Dungeon. Now." At that moment, still trembling out of control, the redhead managed to bring himself up to his feet.

The dungeon looked like a UFO standing vertically, levitating about fifty meters above ground.

'This must be it,' Min Sung thought while looking around the building, which looked quite grand in person. For some reason, there was a cold, hostile tension in the air, as if a fight would break out at any given minute. It almost resembled the atmosphere around the thugs and gangsters that existed in Min Sung's memory of his old life.

There were other hunters, who were mostly in groups, around the dungeon. As Min Sung recalled from the newspaper he had read prior to arriving at the dungeon, those groups of hunters were referred to as 'clans.'

Waiting on standby around the dungeon, the clans' members conversed with each other, bought and/or sold weapons, exchanged information, or, finally, entered the dungeon. Because there was a limited amount of information at hand, Min Sung was reminded that it might take him a while before he got used to the new world he found himself in.

After looking around the dungeon, the champion made his way to the entrance in order to enter it. On his way, he glanced toward the redheaded hunter who had brought him to the dungeon. The hunter was busy talking to his fellow clan members, pointing toward the champion as he did. Ignoring him, Min Sung stood in a magic circle that appeared to be the entrance to the dungeon, asking himself, 'Do I just stand here?'

At that moment, a feminine, mechanical voice sounded out of nowhere.

[Welcome to your first dungeon.]

[Stage 1]

Then, a burst of laughter came from the surroundings.

"He must be new."

"Look at his hair and beard! Oh, he looks enlightened all right… an enlightened hobo! Hahahaha!"

"Stage 1! Man, I can't remember the last time I heard that!"

"Ain't he cute."

"I didn't know there were newbies still around."

"What's with his clothes though?"

Standing quietly at the entrance, Min Sung ignored the jeering and mocking around him intentionally. Otherwise, he would've killed them all in a matter of seconds.

Soon, the gate to the dungeon just above his head opened up, and the same mechanical voice said:

[Entering Dungeon]

To his surprise, Min Sung started to levitate, and before he knew it, he got sucked into the dungeon.

"Wait, are you telling me that newbie was the one who did


this to you? That hobo?" a charming looking man, who appeared to be in his early thirties, chuckled and asked the redheaded hunter, whose face seemed like it had caved in on itself. He was Ho Sung Lee, the head of the clan.

"T… tho… it wath that hunk who hunched me in the hathe…"

"What the hell's this idiot saying? Well, what are you all doing standing around!? Fix him! I can't understand a word he's saying!"

At Ho Sung's command, a clan member with a healing ability walked over and healed the redhead. Although most of his wounds had healed, only half of his teeth grew back. Making himself look like a victim, the redhead looked at Ho Sung, rubbed his sore chin and said, "He wasn't just an ordinary newbie! What kind of level 1 newbie knocks out a level 39 with a single punch!? Where the hell did this guy even come from!?"

Looking toward the dungeon, the head of the clan immersed himself in thought.

"Hey, boss, you don't think he's working for the Central Hunters Institute, do you? What if the institute showered him with legendary items to bring his stats up?" the redhead asked.

Looking at him with disdain, Ho Sung said, "Now, why would the institute waste its time and resources on some level 1 newbie?"

"Then, who do you think he is?" the redhead asked, looking stressed and puzzled at the same time. Meanwhile, greed started to fill Ho Sung's eyes.

"How the hell should I know? I'm sure he's got good gear and all, but at the end of the day, you can only fight so many opponents at once," he said with an evil smile on his face. "Tell everyone to get ready. We're following him as soon as he comes out."

At his command, the redhead hesitated as he remembered the champion who had knocked him out with a single punch. Nevertheless, with a determined look on his face, he nodded.

[Welcome to your first dungeon.]

[Stage 1]

[Kill monsters and earn experience points for rewards.]

The mechanical voice echoed throughout the dungeon.

'That's nifty,' Min Sung thought. At that moment, he felt his body lowering from midair and his feet touching the ground. At which point, the dark surroundings lit up at once, revealing a room made of gray marbles.

After looking around briefly, the champion stood in front of automatic glass doors, and the doors slid open to either side of him.

That dungeon's cutting edge system was far more advanced than those of the dungeons in the Demonic Realm. Impressed and curious, Min Sung kept walking forward. Upon exiting the gray room, a dark, narrow hallway, which was about thirty meters wide, appeared, sparsely lit by the dim red lights on the ceiling. The champion strode across the hallway without hesitation, and it wasn't long before he came across the very first monster in the Earth dungeon.

[Lv1 Small Slime]

Looking like a piece of chewed up gum, the slime crawled toward the champion. It looked almost too adorable to kill. In the end, after staring at it for a little while, Min Sung stomped on the monster.


The slime exploded like a balloon and scattered in all directions.

[Small Slime has been slain!]

[You've earned 230 experience points.]

Rubbing his feet across the ground to remove what was left of the slime, Min Sung kept on. Then, a few paces later, he came across yet another monster.

[Lv2 Young Goblin]

Fitting to its name, the goblin tilted its head from side to side, waving its axe at Min Sung as if trying to threaten him. Remaining unfazed, the champion stared intently at the creature, which started walking toward him, eventually charging at him with a strange squeal while swinging the axe.



Caught off guard by its axe bouncing off of Min Sung's thigh, the goblin started to swing at him repeatedly. Soon…

'Clunk! Clunk! Clank!'

… the blade of the ax shattered into pieces, leaving the goblin shocked and flabbergasted. As fear sank in, the creature started to shake. Nevertheless, the champion kicked the helpless creature as if it were a soccer ball, sending it into the air. Shortly after, the creature met its demise as it hit the wall, splattering blood all over the place.

[Young Goblin has been slain!]

[You've earned 320 experience points.]

[Level up!]

'… That's it? I barely did anything,' Min Sung thought. Sighing, the champion kept on. To his disappointment, none of the monsters in the dungeon posed any threat to him. After killing a few monsters and chucking them into the distance, he started to grow skeptical of the place. Although the dungeon had been designated for lower level hunters, there was a tremendous gap between it and the Demonic Realm, where he had had to fight desperately to survive.

'I better pick up the pace. There's no time to lose,' Min Sung thought.

"Hell, he's taking forever," Ho Sung let out while sitting in his oversized imported American car and spitting out the window. It had been five hours since the mysterious newbie had gone into the dungeon. The Sun was almost setting, and the Moon was about to come out.

"Maybe he's dead."

A beautiful girl sitting next to him in the car clung to Ho Sung, trying to charm him. However, he pushed her away annoyedly, and the girl stormed out of the car and with a furrowed brow and lit up a cigarette. At that moment, as he got out of the car scratching his head while staring at the dungeon, the mysterious newbie appeared in front of the dungeon. Only… something was different about him.

"Wait… What? Is that… the same guy?"

'Lv50 Min Sung Kang: Leveling Up at the Speed of Light.'

Blinking in confusion, Ho Sung rubbed his eyes several times, thinking that he was seeing things. However, no matter how many times he did so, the man who had once been a newbie was no longer.

'A level 1 newbie got to level 50 in just five hours?' the head of the clan asked himself. Although leveling up to fifty wasn't all that difficult, the man had still done so at a frightening speed. Flabbergasted, Ho Sung rolled his eyes. However, his anxiety dissipated quickly upon realizing that the average level of his clan members was close to 100.

Even equipped with legendary items from head to toe, it wasn't likely that a level 50 would stand against three or four level 100 hunters.

'Level 50… in five hours… What kind of gear do you have, anyway?' Ho Sung asked himself, the greed in his eyes deepening.

Upon exiting the dungeon, Min Sung looked at his item inventory with a smile. The dungeon system on Earth was rather interesting, and the fact that there was a feature like an item inventory made it more so. It was almost like playing a video game. Then, while he was looking at his inventory proudly, the champion tilted his head as he was struck by a question: 'Where do I sell all this?'

Because clearing a floor in the dungeon rewarded him with quite a few items, there was an impressive array of items in the inventory, including ones that looked quite valuable such as the 'Soul-imbued Goblin Tooth,' or those that seemed far from useful like the 'Thorn Bush.' The system really was like playing a video game.

Although the battles were lackluster, the fact that he got to enjoy his life instead of having to fight for survival was a tremendous blessing for Min Sung. With that, the champion redirected his attention to the surroundings. It seemed like the only way to find out how to dispose of the items was to ask the hunters around the area. Then, seeing a hunter who was watching him intently from afar by his large imported car, Min Sung walked toward him. When the champion stood in front of the hunter, he felt the hunter seemed quite nervous for some reason.

'Lv101 Ho Sung Lee: The Head of the Diamond Clan'

'The head of the clan… that's pretty self-explanatory,' Min Sung thought, then asked, "I need to know where I can sell the items I found in the dungeon for some cash. Can you tell me where to go?"

Looking up and down at the champion with wary eyes, Ho Sung put on a friendly smile, nodded and replied, "You see the booth there? Next to the dungeon? That's the place you're looking for."

Because it appeared to be an ordinary truck from the outside, it didn't cross Min Sung's mind that it could be a store.

"Thanks. Oh, and…" Min Sung dragged on, looking at Ho Sung, who stared at him with a nervous look. "Do you know any good restaurants around here?"

Caught off guard by Min Sung's serious tone, Ho Sung asked, "… Restaurants?"

"Yes, restaurants. Preferably Korean."

Chapter 3

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Flabbergasted, Ho Sung chuckled while his eyes shook.

"Well, if it has to be somewhere close by… there's a place called 'Bareum' in the alleyway by the convenience store near Non-Hyeon Station."

Picturing the place in his head, Min Sung smiled and said, "Sounds like a hole in the wall."

"Sure, you could say that, but home cooked family food is their specialty, so you won't find yourself getting tired of eating there anytime soon," Ho Sung said, clenching his lips upon realizing that he was blabbering, staring at Min Sung nervously.

"Thanks," the champion said genuinely and walked away, leaving Ho Sung, still dumbfounded, behind in order to sell his items. Standing in front of the truck, he saw a sign that read: 'Item Mania.' When he looked to the side, he saw an impressive array of items on display. They all looked about even at a glance. At that moment, a large, one-eyed man came out of the truck and asked, "You here to buy somethin'?"

"To sell, actually," Min Sung said, shaking his head.

Pointing at Min Sung with his chin, the man said, "Well, let's see what you got."

Opening his item inventory, Min Sung grabbed all of the items in it and placed them on the long wooden table in front of the truck. Then, as if expecting that, the man took his wallet out and handed Min Sung thirty-five thousand won. Taking the money from the man, the champion stared at the merchant, taken aback.

"… That's it?"

"What? You think I'm rippin' ya off?"

"No, it's just that it's a lot less than I thought."

"Look, Mr. Hunter. It seems to me that you don't really know the market these days. The item values have been plummeting. You won't make any money with anything you find below the thirtieth floor. What you brought here is mostly trash. I'm the one being generous here."

"So, how high up in the dungeon do I have to go to start finding things that are worth something?"

"Let's see… I'd say at least the fiftieth floor."

Looking cynically at Min Sung, who was nodding, the one-eyed man threw all the items on the table into a sack and got back into the truck.

'Well, I should be able to have a decent meal with this much,' Min Sung thought, looking down at the thirty-five thousand won in his hand. Remembering the restaurant the head of the Diamond Clan had recommended to him, the champion made haste.

"Is he… seriously on his way to eat?"

Still dumbfounded, Ho Sung scratched his cheek and licked his lips.

'What was it about him that made me so nervous? It's almost as if my body knows that it should be intimidated.'

He still couldn't make sense of the mysterious man. Although the man had reached level 50 at a frightening speed, the reality was that he was still at level 50. From level 50, leveling up became significantly more difficult, which meant there was a world of difference between hunters who were level 50 and level 100.

'Haha! I can't believe I was so tense in front of some level 50. I'm the head of a clan for crying out loud!' Ho Sung thought. Then, throwing the cigarette in his mouth out, he started following Min Sung while texting his entire clan the location of the restaurant. Soon, the highest-ranking hunters in the clan would gather. No matter how big or small the prey, hunters had to hunt earnestly and with all they had. It had been that very philosophy that had enabled the Diamond Clan to grow to its current size without getting caught by the Central Hunters' Institute.

'How did he become so powerful in such a short time? I might not know what happened in that dungeon, but I'm sure that he's equipped with nothing but legendary items,' Ho Sung thought with an evil smile on his face.

'Oh, you just wait. I'll make sure that you have nothing left when I'm done with you. Hehehe!'

Standing in front of the restaurant, Min Sung looked at the exterior with reverence. Although the place was tiny, it had a traditional-yet-classy look to it, and the fact that it was made entirely of wood accentuated the welcoming exterior even further.


Much like its exterior, the restaurant had a rather pleasant name. Though humble in size, it exuded tradition.

'I already feel good about this,' Min Sung thought. Something was telling him that upon walking into the restaurant, he'd


be greeted by an old, generous owner.

'This is it,' the champion said. Breathing slowly, he stepped into the restaurant through the wooden door. Aside from the blatantly pornographic calendar on the wall, the interior had a traditional Korean feel to it as well. There were six wooden tables, and in the kitchen, which was exposed, there was an old man, who was skinny but energetic, sporting a white mustache and a white chef's hat while preparing the ingredients. Even at a glance, it was clear that the owner took hygiene seriously.

"Welcome!" the old man greeted Min Sung with a bright smile. While the owner was washing his hands, Min Sung sat at a table and looked at the menu on the wall.

[Soybean Paste Stew]

[Kimchi Stew]

[Soft Tofu Stew]

[Stir-fried Pork]

[Grilled Mackerel]

[Stone Pot Bulgogi]

Min Sung was moved by what he saw. Although it was ordinary as far as menus in Korean restaurants went, much like he had expected, seeing it in person turned out to be much more impactful.

'What to eat…?' Min Sung asked himself. Seeing the items on the menu, he realized just how hungry he was. His mouth watered, and his back straightened inadvertently. Everything on the menu sounded delicious, which made it difficult for Min Sung to decide. While he was deep in thought, the owner of the restaurant walked out of the kitchen in order to bring his guest a jar of water and a cup.

"My! Look at your hair! And that beard! Quite the style you have going on there! Hahaha! It's got personality. I like that! I almost thought you were my age there! Hahaha!" the owner said. Seeing that his customer was completely preoccupied with the menu, the owner added, "Haha! You look like you're ready to eat!"

"Yes, sir. I'm starving," Min Sung said, his gaze still fixed on the menu as he nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure you are. Now, what's it gonna be?"

"They all sound amazing. I think I'm having trouble deciding."

"You know, I completely understand that. Take your time! Oh, and… you do have money, right…?" the owner asked, slightly wary. At which point, Min Sung took some crumpled up bills out of his pocket.

"Hahaha! Of course, you do! Take all the time you need!"

Laughing heartily, the owner returned to the kitchen humming. Meanwhile, having stared at the menu for quite some time, Min Sung crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. As difficult as it was to make a decision, it had to be done. In the end, with a hardened look on his face, he nodded.

"Sir," he called out to the owner while looking toward the kitchen.

Then, dusting his hands off, the owner came out of the kitchen and asked, "Did you make up your mind? What would you like?" Waiting patiently for Min Sung's reply with a smile on his face.

"I'd like a soybean paste stew and the stir-fried pork, please," Min Sung said.

"Haha! Why so serious? Wait a minute, that's two. The stir-fried pork comes with a side of seaweed soup with sea urchin. Are you sure about this?"

At the mention of the seaweed soup with sea urchin, Min Sung felt his mouth water even more.

"Yes. I can eat every bite," he said.

"My! You've got quite the appetite, haven't you? Hahahaha! Wait just a little bit. I have a batch of freshly steamed rice in the kitchen," the owner replied, rolling up his sleeves as he returned to the kitchen to start cooking.

Meanwhile, seeing the water, Min Sung was deeply moved once again. Never had he seen such clear water while in the Demonic Realm. As if the water there had been mixed with dirt, there had always been a yellow tinge to it. Even that had been hard to come by, which had forced the champion to cherish every drop. Naturally, clean drinking water was a dream come true for Min Sung. With shaky hands, he poured himself a cup. The sound of the water filling the cup was nothing short of a top-notch orchestra's performance.

'What a blessing,' Min Sung murmured, bringing the cup up to his mouth slowly. As the cold, insurmountably refreshing water came pouring into his mouth, it rehydrated his parched mouth.

'… Refreshing!' Min Sung said to himself. Having downed an entire cup in no time, he poured himself another without a delay. That time, pouring a bit quicker and less patiently. Upon filling the cup to the brim, the champion drank the entirety of its contents in a single gulp. After two cups of water, Min Sung carefully put the cup down on the table, breathing slowly, refreshed. It felt as though his heart had been washed clean.

'Who would've thought a cup of water could bring so much joy?' he asked himself. He almost couldn't believe he had been able to withstand the living hell that was the Demonic Realm for such a long time. At that moment, a loud sizzle came from the kitchen, and the champion's head jolted in the direction of the sound. The owner seemed to have started making the stir-fried pork, cooking the marinated meat with cuts of vegetables on the frying pan over a big fire.

Grasping the pan with his veiny left arm, the owner stirred the ingredients with the spatula in his other hand. The savory aroma came wafting from the kitchen and tickled Min Sung's nose, which was more than enough to make the champion antsy. The smell alone was unbelievably appetizing, and he realized that he had forgotten the smell of meat cooking. Moaning, the champion closed his eyes.

'… The smell is irresistible. This is far more dangerous than those demons,' Min Sung said to himself, clenching his hands into tight fists, trying to resist his appetite desperately with every bit of his willpower. Eventually, sensing the owner's presence, Min Sung opened his eyes and saw the old man bringing the food out from the kitchen. At which point, the champion's heart started to race, and his face flushed bright red. With a dull sound, the plates and bowls were placed on the table. First, the bowl of freshly steamed rice came into view, which had an enticing shine to it, followed by a steaming pot of soybean paste stew, and a plateful of stir-fried pork, complete with a bowl of seaweed soup with sea urchin. Min Sung couldn't have asked for a better meal.

Seeing the champion swallowing anxiously, the owner asked with genuine concern, "You don't look so good. Are you all right?"

"Yes, I am. It's just that… this looks out of this world," Min Sung replied, breathing heavily.

"Haha! You look and sound like somebody who hasn't eaten in days! …Wait, is that what actually happened here?"

Starvation couldn't describe the hunger Min Sung had to live with during his century-long stay in the Demonic Realm. At the sight of the real, home-cooked meal in front of him, the champion started choking up.

"Haha! Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in! Just try not to eat too fast. You don't wanna feel sick," the owner said with a warm smile before he returned to the kitchen.

Taking a spoon and a pair of chopsticks out of the utensil holder, the champion prepared himself for his very first meal since returning to Earth. At that moment…

'Drag, slam!'

The sliding door to the restaurant flung open violently.

Chapter 4

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Sensing a presence, Min Sung looked up at the person approaching him. It was Ho Sung Lee, the head of the Diamond Clan, who had directed the champion to the restaurant.

With a clear look of ill-intent, Ho Song grasped the champion's table with both of his hands and threw it into the air, catching Min Sung off guard.

"… !?"


While the food was still in the air, Ho Sung unsheathed his longsword, laughing evilly. At that moment, moving at an incredible speed, Min Sung retrieved every bit of his food, catching every drop of his stew with a stone pot in his left hand and every piece of the stir-fried pork with a plate in his right. The food that had once scattered in the air returned to its rightful place. After putting the pot and the plate on the table, Min Sung's gaze fixed on the seaweed soup with sea urchin, which was still in the air. Taking a bowl, he reached his hand out, snatched the soup and its content, and placed the bowl on the table, even retrieving every bit of the side dishes with his hands while he was at it. In a split second, the table was restored to its original state before it had been thrown into the air as if nothing had happened, complete with the still-steaming, freshly cooked dishes.

Shocked by what he had just seen, Ho Sung froze in place, blinking awkwardly.

"What do you think you're doing?" Min Sung said in a serene tone, glaring fiercely and piercingly at Ho Sung. At that moment, with a thunderous roar, the entire place started to quake.

'What the hell…?' Ho Sung thought, flabbergasted. Initially, his plan had been to provoke and drag Min Sung out of the restaurant. After all, the champion was merely a level 50. However, after witnessing the champion's incredible speed and experiencing his terrifying aura, Ho Sung found himself at a complete loss, breaking out in cold sweats, unable to breathe.

"Leave. Do NOT get between me and my meal," Min Sung said. Having acted against that rule, Ho Sung found himself fearing for his life. In the end, drenched in sweat, the head of the clan trudged out of the restaurant as if hypnotized. Only then, did the quaking start to subside. Looking back at the restaurant, Ho Sung brushed his hair up, his hand still shaking. Staring down at his hand soaked in sweat, he wiped it in a daze.


"We saw the whole place shaking. That's weird… Was it an earthquake or something? Wait a minute, did you already take care of him!?"

Still flabbergasted by his experience at the restaurant, the head of the clan stood as if unable to hear a thing. It wasn't until a certain clan member called out to him loudly that Ho Sung looked up at his ten, near-level 100 members.


"He… He really was about to start eating."



The faces of the clan members turned confused in unison.

"… A man's gotta eat even if it's his last day. Am I right?" Ho Sung said awkwardly and with a stiff expression on his face. Although dumbfounded by what he had said, the clansmen looked at each other and started to laugh.




"Yeah, that's right. It's just a meal. No need to be THAT heartless. Haha."

"Besides, it'll be his last supper."

"Hehe. You're so thoughtful, boss."

"Seriously! Even until recently, he was so ruthless."

Smiling awkwardly, Ho Sung looked at his clansmen and nodded. At that moment, a certain clansman asked, "Why are you sweating so much, though?" After he pointed it out, the rest of the group stared at Ho Sung curiously.

Swallowing nervously, the head of the clan looked toward the restaurant and said, "Is he really… level 50?"


"What are you talking about?"

"He is level 50. You just saw it."

Still looking nervous and tense, Ho Sung said, "Yeah, that I did. He was level 50, alright. Fifty…" and immersed himself in thought. Then, with a look of determination, he clenched his teeth and


said to himself, 'Yeah…! He's only level 50. I'm sure the earthquake back there was some useless skill that boosts morale. He's nothing! A nobody!'

"Get ready. We'll ambush him as soon as he comes out," the head of the clan said. At his command, the clan members looked toward the restaurant with evil smiles on their faces.

With his eyes closed, Min Sung inhaled slowly. As the aroma of the freshly cooked rice wafted gently, he smiled, opened his eyes unhurriedly, and started the meal he had been waiting for all these years. Picking up the chopsticks, the champion picked up a lump of white rice. He couldn't believe that he was actually eating rice again. 'Am I dreaming?' he asked himself while thinking he didn't ever want to wake up if he was. Then, he brought the lump of rice up to his mouth. The freshly cooked rice was soft, sweet, and it practically melted in his mouth. With a satisfied smile spreading across his face, Min Sung picked up a piece of stir-fried pork and put it in his mouth without a delay. The sweet, crunchy onions complimented the spicy, savory, and perfectly cooked pork, exploding with flavor. Then, before the flavors subsided, Min Sung brought up a spoonful of the seaweed soup with sea urchin. The pleasant, chewy texture of the seaweed and the aroma of the fresh, briny sea urchin made for yet another heavenly experience.


As the aroma of the soup faded away like the wind, the champion was reminded of just how much of a blessing it was to be alive. The flavors were to die for, and Min Sung simply couldn't think of anything better. Then, as a seasoned cucumber plate came into view, he reached for the dish, picked up a piece of cucumber with his chopsticks and brought it up to his mouth. Fresh and fragrant, the cucumber was quite refreshing. Because it had been freshly seasoned, the cucumber was firm and crunchy on the outside, yet soft on the inside.

'I can tell that everything's really fresh,' Min Sung thought as he went back for some more rice, picking up a bigger lump that time. Then, after putting pieces of the stir-fried pork into his mouth, the champion picked up a spoonful of the soybean paste stew with tofu squares and vegetables, which had soaked up the savory broth, mixed them with the rice, and put a spoonful of it into his mouth, finishing it off with a sip of the seaweed soup.


Along with the seaweed, the refreshing broth was the perfect palate cleanser, preventing his tongue from growing weary by washing the intense flavors away. Although he wanted to engorge himself with the dishes before him, Min Sung controlled himself, remembering that he could always come back for more.

'I don't have to live like a beast anymore.'

With that, the champion continued his meal in a composed, unhurried, and stylish manner.


"Yes! Coming!" the owner of the restaurant responded as he ran out of the kitchen, clasping his hands together politely, looking deathly pale while shaking out of control.

"I loved every bite. Dare I say, it's the best Korean food I've had in my life," Min Sung said. Caught off guard by the champion's unexpected compliment, the owner rolled his eyes and nodded with a cowardly smile on his face shortly after.

"I… I… I'm just glad that you enjoyed the food…"

"How much do I owe you?"

"That'll be fifteen thousand won," the owner said, looking cautiously at the champion. Out of the thirty-five thousand won he had made from selling his loot, Min Sung handed the owner a ten thousand won bill and a five thousand won bill.

"Thank you."

"Oh, no! The pleasure's mine! You take care now, hunter, sir."

With that, Min Sung opened the sliding door and exited the restaurant. When he walked outside, he saw the bright, moonlit sky, which was incomparably more beautiful than that of the Demonic Realm. Staring at it, he asked himself, 'When was the last time I looked up at the moon after stuffing myself with delicious food?' It had been a luxury in a world filled with war, bloodshed, and unrelenting darkness. However, Earth was a completely different place from the Demonic Realm, and the fact that he was no longer there still felt surreal. Unfortunately, his reminiscence was disrupted by a voice that came out of nowhere.

"So, how was your last meal?"

When Min Sung looked in the direction of the voice, he saw a group of eleven hunters armed to the teeth. By that point, it was obvious that they were targeting the champion. With a cynical look on his face, Min Sung furrowed his brow and asked, "My last meal?"

"That's right. Your very last meal. You see, this is where you're gonna be buried. Right here."

"You're gonna kill me?" Min Sung asked, chuckling quietly.

"But, I'm not a heartless man. I'll let you live if you hand over everything you have. I mean it."

Feeling full and sleepy, Min Sung looked at the group of hunters with dull eyes, thinking, 'I guess these guys are no different from the monsters in the Demonic Realm,' and added in a low, ominous voice, "You'll all be dead soon."





… The hunters burst out laughing.

"You? A level 50?! Hurt us?! Ahahahahaha!"

"Hahahaha! Ah, you're killing me. Seriously, that's cute."


Looking at them with disinterest, Min Sung said quietly, "Do your worst."

"Pfff! 'Do your worst.'"

"You've got guts for a newbie, I'll give you that."

At that, looking at them with cold, piercing eyes, the champion approached them and said, "Well?"

Unfazed, Ho Sung lit the cigarette in his mouth and said to his clansmen, "Show that arrogant pig who's in charge around here." At his command, the clansmen got in position to attack the champion, and a brown-haired hunter standing closest to Min Sung charged toward him. As the hunter swung his sword, the champion dodged by jolting his head away from the blade slightly, grabbed the hunter's arm, and twisted it.


With a dull sound, the hunter's arm bent in an awkward direction, and blood gushed out as the broken bone ripped through it. Then, came a piercing scream.


After the wounded hunter dropped his sword, Min Sung picked it up and swung it horizontally at the group of hunters charging at him. With a thunderous roar, the hunters fell lifelessly, cut in half at the waist, leaving Ho Sung as the only survivor.

Chapter 5

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl


The torsos of the nine level 100 hunters scattered all over with the champion's single swing. Then, Min Sung looked back at a certain hunter behind him, who was on the ground, moaning in pain with his arm twisted in an unnatural angle. While locking eyes with the terrified and helpless hunter, the champion walked toward him and slowly pushed the blade of his sword into the hunter's neck.

"Cough! Augh! Cough!"

As the blade gently pierced through the brown-haired man, blood poured out of the hunter's mouth like a fountain. Soon, there was no life left in his eyes. As the hunter's limbs hung lifelessly, Min Sung pulled the sword out of the dead hunter's neck and shook the blood off of it, splashing the dark-red liquid all over the ground.


Shocked by what he'd seen, Ho Sung's jaw dropped open, and the cigarette in his mouth fell out. Meanwhile, with the sword still in his hand, Min Sung walked toward the head of the clan unhurriedly.

"Who… who the hell are you…?"

Ignoring Ho Sung's question with an ice-cold look on his face, the champion kept moving toward the head of the clan. Then, just as Min Sung was about to drive the sword through him, Ho Sung fell to his knees, begging for his life with widened eyes and tightly clasped hands. However, the champion's expression turned even colder.

"P… Please. Don't kill me…!"

"You tried to kill me and take everything I had. And now, you want me to let you live?"

"Please! I'll do anything!"

"I don't need…"

"I'll be your servant! I'll give you everything I have, be it money, women, power, food! Anything you want! Please let me live!" Ho Sung begged with his head on the ground, terrified.

"Ho Sung Lee, the head of the Diamond Club," Min Sung said, sitting in front of Ho Sung, who was trembling out of control. A moment later, Ho Sung mustered up the courage to look up at the champion cautiously.

"… Food, you say?"

"I'm sor… Oh, yes! Yes! All the food you can possibly want! You will NOT be disappointed!"

At that moment, Min Sung drove his sword through one of Ho Sung's thighs without hesitation.

"Agh!" Ho Sung let out, his back arching from the extreme pain. Then, grabbing him by his cheeks, the champion locked eyes with the helpless clan head and said, "Ho Sung Lee."

"Ugh… Yes…?"

"What are you gonna do about the bodies?"

"We… we have guys specialized in that task. Agh! I… I'll make sure the place is clean as a whistle."

"Do you wanna live?"

"Yes. Please, I beg you."

"Then, you wait for me in front of the dungeon tomorrow morning."

At that moment, Ho Sung's face lit up.

"Yes, sir!" he said.

"If you don't, you're gonna beg me to kill you."

"Of… Of course. That goes without saying… You can count on me."

After looking around, Min Sung stood up unhurriedly and threw the sword to the side.


As Ho Sung dropped his head to the ground, shaking uncontrollably, Min Sung walked away leisurely.

Having no intention of going back home or resting, Min Sung went back to the dungeon. Currently, hunting and leveling up was his utmost priority. Also, he was in desperate need of money. In the Demonic Realm, taking short naps even after having stayed up for several days became a habit. Although he was in another world, where such extreme habits weren't always necessary, that habit remained the same. Besides, there was a more urgent matter at hand: the utility bill.

Opening his inventory, Min Sung stared at the one item that he hadn't sold to the merchant.

[Proof of Purchase: Grayed Dungeon 30th Floor Pass]

It had been one of the items he had earned after clearing the 29th floor of the dungeon. Because he had been planning on returning to the dungeon, he had kept the item in his inventory. Even the thought of going through the dungeon from the first floor was tedious, which made the floor pass even more valuable. Looking around the so-called Grayed Dungeon, the champion took the floor pass out of his pocket and tore it in two. Then, the surroundings started to contort, and the champion disappeared in midair in a split second.

Ho Sung stared at the majestic-yet-intimidating building made of black mithril, which was a mysterious substance found in dungeons. He was at the headquarters of a certain intelligence organization called 'Shadow Guild,' which was made up by individuals who were at least level 200. Licking his parched lips, Ho Sung paced back and forth anxiously around the building's entrance. Soon, a short man in a black suit sporting gray hair came out of the building.

'Lv412 Kyung Tae Oh: Supervisor of the Shadow Guild Headquarters'

The man's


level alone was incredibly intimidating. Although Ho Sung was the head of a clan himself, they were merely thugs who lingered in the streets by comparison.

"Kyung Tae! I'm sorry to bother you like this. I know you're a busy man."

The supervisor of the Shadow Guild looked down at Ho Sung with disdain and a furrowed brow. Swallowing his pride, Ho Sung suppressed his urge to curse his old friend. Growing up together, Ho Sung had always been the superior of the two. Whenever they had had to take turns to ride the rides at the playground, Ho Sung would always go first, and whenever Kyung Tae would complain and challenge that, Ho Sung would beat him to teach him a lesson.

The abusive friendship had continued well into their middle school years. However, things started to change when dungeon gates started to appear. After becoming a hunter able to train in the dungeon, Kyung Tae had started to grow at a frightening speed.

Having a reputation as a gifted supporter, Kyung Tae had the ability to locate monsters in the dungeon, even the ones hiding in blind spots. Soon, his ability to analyze the dungeon had made him one of the most highly sought after partners among the hunters.

Similarly to Kyung Tae, there existed a handful of gifted hunters whose power grew at an exponential rate, moving up by three or even four levels by the time an ordinary hunter would reach the next level. The world seemed to have always been an unfair place, with or without dungeons.

"I thought I told you not to wait for me around the entrance? Didn't I warn you that street thugs like you might get torn to pieces here?"

'Why you son of a bitch…!' Ho Sung said to himself. However, suppressing his anger, he forced himself to smile.

"Of course, you did! You see, I have something urgent to talk to you about…"

"Well, spill it. What's your business?" Kyung Tae asked irritably, crossing his arms.

"There's a freak on the loose."

"A freak, you say?" Kyung Tae asked, and Ho Sung nodded in confirmation.

"Fifty! What if I told you that a level 50 took out nine of my level 100 clansmen with a single blow?"

"A level 50? With a single blow…? You're joking, right?"

"I wish I was," Ho Sung replied, breaking out in cold sweats and clenching his teeth.

"That makes no sense. Levels are reference points for gauging an individual's minimum power. Unless… you're taking me for a fool, the supervisor of the headquarters of the Shadow Guild?"

"No, no! You've got it all wrong! Try to see things from my perspective. I'm risking my life coming here!"

"Well, what do you know about him?"

"His name is Min Sung Kang. He looked like he was in his mid to late twenties. He's at least 180 centimeters tall, black hair, and his eyes… those… eyes…"

"What about them?"

"It felt like they didn't belong to a human. In fact, it almost felt like I was staring into the eyes of the devil…" Ho Sung said, soaking in sweat as he described the champion's intimidating appearance. Wiping the sweat off his face, he swallowed nervously and kept on, "Something tells me that he's growing as fast as a Master. Initially, I thought it was his gear, but I was wrong. It turned out that his power had nothing to do with his equipment." At Ho Sung's description of the mysterious champion, Kyung Tae's expression grew harder. From the sound of it, the champion was far more powerful than Kyung Tae had expected. Master was the highest grade of hunters, above Semi-Master and Expert, and any grade above master was considered to be in the realm of absolute power, the Celestials.

'Master, huh?'

Ho Sung studied Kyung Tae, who seemed deep in thought.

'That freak won't stand a chance when the Shadow Guild, the biggest intelligence group around, is in the picture. I'll get them to start fighting and escape in the meantime!' Ho Sung thought.

"Anything else?" Kyung Tae asked.

"I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow morning."

"For?" Kyung Tae asked with a puzzled look, which turned into that of suspicion shortly after.

"I don't know. He never told me," Ho Sung replied.

"If you ask me, something's fishy."

"No! Whatever it is, it's not what you're thinking!" Ho Sung said in a hurry, and Kyung Tae replied, "Who do you think you're raising your voice at!? Do I still look like the pushover you used to walk all over!? Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you right here, right now!"

"Ha, haha! I must've not explained myself clearly. I was just frustrated that we weren't seeing eye to eye, you know? I didn't mean to raise my voice for any other reasons, I swear…"

"All right, whatever. Just get out of my sight," Kyung Tae said, sighing and looking at Ho Sung with disdain. Then, waving Ho Sung off as if shooing him away, the supervisor of Shadow Guild turned around without hesitation. Staring at Kyung Tae walking into the distance, Ho Sung remembered Min Sung's face and started shaking. Unrestricted by rank, the champion was impossible to read. His deep, dark eyes, in particular, were still haunting the head of the Diamond Clan. Then, looking around, Ho Sung swallowed nervously and left in a hurry.

As Min Sung kicked the ground, his body launched forward like a beam of light, piercing right through a giant spider. With an explosion, the spider's remains scattered in all directions like shrapnel.

[Giant Arachnid has been slain!]

[You've earned 1,200 experience points.]

[Congratulations! You're the first hunter to slay the Giant Arachnid with a single hit!]

[Achievement unlocked!]

['Arachnid Armor' has been rewarded.]

[Inventory Full.]

[You can't carry any more items.]

At that moment, a piece of armor with its name written in purple text spun in the air and fell to the ground. Items in purple meant that they were rare. The names of items above normal grade were shiny and written in color.

While basic items had white labels, purple labels indicated rare items, green, unique, red, legendary, and finally, gold, godly.

When Min Sung opened his inventory, he saw it was filled to the brim with various items. He was well acquainted with the dungeon by that point and he felt confident that he would be able to fill his inventory with rare items if he kept up the pace. Then, taking every single item labeled in white out, the champion threw them away. Although he was reluctant to do so, basic items weren't of much use, and they were obviously inefficient.

After placing the Arachnid Armor in his inventory, Min Sung moved forward. The feminine, mechanical voice echoing through the dungeon, and the text floating above and in front of him was still just as fascinating as the first time he saw it.

'How did they even come up with this?'

However, his curiosity was short lived for reasons similar to when one wondered how airplanes flew but never looked into it.

Besides, Min Sung didn't think that understanding the engineering behind the dungeon would help him understand the secrets of the demons or their realm. Neither did he care to know. He simply wanted to enjoy his ordinary life on Earth. At that moment, with a rustling sound, another giant spider crawled on the wall toward the champion. The moment Min Sung moved his fist, the spider exploded into a green shower of blood, its pieces scattering all over the dungeon.

Chapter 6

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

'Knock, knock.'

At the sound of the knock on the door, Kyung Tae Oh, the supervisor of the Shadow Guild Headquarters, looked up as he closed the file he had been reading.

"Ah! Come on in."

When the supervisor invited his guest in, a giant, massively muscular man walked into the office.

'Lv301 Yang Bong Koo: The Machete of Blood and Iron.'

Walking up to the supervisor, Yang Bong greeted him with a brief bow. Looking at the man, Kyung Tae smiled and said, "Been a while, Mr. Koo."


"Still a man of few words, I see."

"Give me an order."

"Getting right to the brass tacks, huh? All right, then. There's a person I need you to look into. His name is Min Sung Kang, and we're assuming him to be around level 50."

At the description of the champion, Yang Bong raised his eyebrow and asked, "Did you just say level 50?"

"Yes, you heard me right. His power seems to be growing at an exponential rate, and we're suspecting that he might be either a semi-master or a master grade hunter," Kyung Tae replied, winking while pushing his glasses up. Then, seeing as Yang Bong's expression started to harden after the second description of the champion, the supervisor added in a hurry, "Don't let that startle you, though. Even if he's a master, he couldn't possibly stand a chance against a level 301. This should be a walk in the park."


"Hell, who am I even talking to? At any rate, would you look into the guy? Make sure nobody knows that you're part of the Shadow Guild. As for compensation, I'll pay you five kilos of gold if you succeed. Of course, I won't ask for a deposit, either. What do you say? Are you up for this?"

Yang Bong nodded willingly.

"All right, then. We'll give you more details in the near future. Please be on standby."

After bowing to the supervisor, Yang Bong exited the office. Looking in the direction in which the hunter had gone out, Kyung Tae shook his head, clicking his tongue, and said, "I swear… He's just way too serious." With that, the supervisor resumed his work.

[199th Floor Cleared!]

[A Battle with the Final Boss Awaits You.]

[Moving Up to the Top Floor.]

'Am I at the end?' Min Sung asked himself. By the time he had filled two-thirds of his inventory with rare and unique items, the champion arrived at the top floor of the dungeon. With loud rumbles, the surroundings grew darker and darker. At that moment, small beams of light started to shine through the darkness. The light grew larger, and eventually, the surroundings became bright enough for Min Sung to be able to see within a five-meter radius. Then, a massive velvet door with monsters sculpted on it appeared before the champion's eyes. It was the door that led to the end of the Grayed Dungeon, where one had to face the final boss. Min Sung had long lost track of time killing monsters, and now, he was at the very last area of the dungeon. Breathing short breaths, the champion pushed the double-doors open slowly. With a loud rumble, the doors opened to either side, and the voice Min Sung was well acquainted with by that point echoed through the room.

[This is the Top Floor of Grayed Dungeon.]

[Welcome to the 200th Floor!]

[Entering the Room of the Sphinx, the Final Boss of the Dungeon.]

After looking around the room with marble floors, the champion walked toward the center of the room, where a series of therianthropic statues were lined up like on a chess board.

"Anytime now…" Min Sung said to himself, furrowing his brow. Then, just as he was starting to get annoyed, the floor started to quake with a thunderous roar. However, the champion remained unfazed, resting both of his hands on his sides, waiting impatiently for the so-called final boss to show up. The floor kept rumbling, which gave him the illusion that the entire room was distorting. Then, what looked like smog started to appear from the floor. Still unfazed, Min Sung waited for the


monster to appear, scratching his head, dying of boredom. At that moment, an enormous monster that had to be at least twenty meters tall appeared. It was the Sphinx, the last boss of the dungeon. Its eyes were burning bright red, and yellow smoke billowed out through its set of yellow, sparse teeth, through which drool that seemed like acid seeped out.

[You dare tread on my sacred ground, human?]

Looking up at the Sphinx, Min Sung smiled bitterly and said, "You're drooling."

[You will know fear when I'm done with you. I'll teach you what eternal suffering looks like.]

Then, the Sphinx slammed the staff in its hand on the floor, and with a loud boom, a magic circle appeared around it. The circle spewed flames that burned everything else around it in no time.

'This place isn't nearly as practical as it looks,' Min Sung thought, walking toward the flames and the monster leisurely. While the unsuspecting Sphinx raised its staff in order to strike the champion, Min Sung took a small dagger out of his inventory. Due to the monster's drool, using his bare hands was simply less appealing to the champion. Taking the rusty dagger, he swung it with force. At which point, with a thunderous roar, the monster's body started to crack, and the Sphinx exploded into pieces shortly after. As pieces of the monster's flesh and bones fell from above like rain, Min Sung dusted them off himself with the dagger in his hand.

[You've slain the Sphinx, the Final Boss of the Dungeon!]

[You've conquered the Dungeon!]

[Fastest to reach lv 150!]

[Fastest to slay the Final Boss.]

[New Record! X2]

[Achievement unlocked!]

[Advanced Treasure Chest Rewarded.]

[Ultimate Treasure Chest Rewarded for slaying the Sphinx.]

[Glowing Treasure Chest Rewarded for setting new record.]

[Title changed to 'First' for setting new record.]

At that moment, a golden light started to shine from all directions, and as the light faded, the surroundings changed to a place that looked like the dungeon's lobby. At the center of it, which felt slightly empty, there was a white, fluttering light that seemed like an exit. When Min Sung walked into it, the light grazed past the champion and illuminated the floor of the dungeon as it opened up like an elevator door. Much like the way he had entered the dungeon, the champion was lifted off the ground and brought down slowly. After about thirty seconds of levitating…


… Min Sung felt his feet touch the ground.

[You've successfully conquered the Grayed Dungeon.]

[Wishing you the best of luck, champion.]

After the best wishes from the mechanical voice, the dungeon filled with bright light sealed its entrance with a rumble. When Min Sung looked around, he realized that it was just before dawn. There was not a soul around the dungeon.

'I'll just have to ask Ho Sung when the Sun comes up,' the champion said to himself. Because Item Mania wasn't open yet, he had no choice but to wait until sunrise to sell his loot.

As Min Sung walked away from the dungeon, a certain man took out his phone and made a call as he watched the champion from behind.

"Yes?" the voice on the other end of the line asked.

"Mr. Oh, Min Sung Kang just came out of the dungeon."

"You'll hear from the executive team soon. Follow him."

"Yes, sir."

After hanging up, the man followed Min Sung hurriedly.

Min Sung looked up at the sign, which read Gangnam Sauna

His heart was racing at the thought of bathing. Staring at the sign, Min Sung realized that he was shaking with excitement. Swallowing anxiously, the champion walked slowly toward the counter, which looked nearly identical to his memory of what a sauna looked like in his childhood. Fitting of its dated appearance, the sauna had a rich history behind it. While he was looking around, preoccupied with reminiscing about his childhood, the lady behind the counter looked at him impatiently and puzzled. Then, her impatience and curiosity quickly turned into shock when she noticed the blood on his clothes. The text above a hunter's head wasn't visible to those who weren't hunters, which meant they couldn't see the hunter's name, level, or title.

"S-So… are you here for a bath? Haha," the lady asked in a shaky voice.

Min Sung had twenty thousand won left after dinner, which made him wonder if he could afford bathing at a bathhouse. However, his concern faded away quickly when he looked up at the sign that said:

[Bath: Five Thousand Won.]

It was rather cheap. In fact, it was as cheap as he remembered. Feeling relieved, Min Sung took the money out and said, "One adult man," which brought back even more childhood memories. He remembered having said the same exact phrase a very long time ago. Looking slightly nervous, the lady at the counter took his money, handed him a ticket and said, "The men's bath is on the second floor."

Nodding, Min Sung looked around. There were no elevators. Since the building wasn't all that high, the only way to move up and down between the floors was through the stairs. With the ticket in his hand, Min Sung walked up the stairs slowly. When he got to the second floor, he saw a sign that read, 'Men's Bath' in large, blue letters. Standing in front of the entrance, Min Sung felt like he was getting even sweatier. It was as though he was nervous. Breathing slowly, he pushed the door, which opened with little resistance. After taking his shoes off, he gave the ticket to an old man at the counter, who, at the very least, appeared to be in his eighties. Upon receiving the key from the old man, a childhood memory of being at a bathhouse flashed in Min Sung's mind. A subtle smile appeared on his face.

The atmosphere unique to bathhouses seemed to have survived the test of time. After looking around briefly, the champion bought himself a disposable razor blade and a towel. Then, checking the number on his key, he found the locker with the matching number in order to change out of his clothes. Since there were electronic locks installed on all of the lockers, all he needed to do to open his locker was to put the key next to the lock, which was fascinating to Min Sung. After staring at the key briefly, the champion took off his bloodied clothes, revealing his perfect, muscular body, which as also covered in countless scars. There was no fat to be found anywhere. Then, without a single piece of clothing on his body, the champion put all of his clothes in the locker, along with the change of clothes he had brought from home.

Chapter 7

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

After locking up his locker and putting the key around his wrist like he would a wristwatch, Min Sung chuckled at the reminder that he really was back on Earth. If he were to wake up in the Demonic Realm, he almost felt like he wouldn't be able to endure the harsh living conditions and would throw himself off the Dracaenian Cliff. The world he was in now was, simply put, sweet. Trying to forget the memories of the Demonic Realm desperately, Min Sung made his way to the sauna through the men's bathhouse.

Upon opening the door, the scent and humidity distinct to bathhouses came rushing at him, soaking into his face and chest. The ceiling was moist from the damp air. Min Sung looked around the bathhouse. He was the only person there, as it was too early for most people to be bathing.

'I can't believe I finally get to take a bath,' he thought with a satisfied smile on his face, his heart thumping with excitement. A tub bubbling with warm, clean water came into view. It looked almost like a place where a god or a goddess would bathe.

'OK, I need to stay calm. There are steps to be followed,' the champion reminded himself. Before going into the tub, he made his way toward the standing shower in order to wash up. He was about to shower with clean water for the first time in a century.

'A shower… Finally.'

When he turned the faucets, streams of water came spraying out of the showerhead, wetting his face and hair, running down his flawlessly proportionate body. The feeling of clear water washing down his hair, face, and body was a pleasure that he couldn't begin to describe with words. Breathing faster, he brushed his hair up and savored the moment.

'I can't remember the last time I took a shower,' he thought to himself. After standing in the shower for about five minutes, he looked into the mirror with the razor blade he had bought earlier, specifically, at his beard, which was soaking wet. Grabbing the strands of his wet beard, he started cutting without hesitation. Then, after soaping the lower half of his face, he started shaving. Soon, the face that had been hiding behind the scraggly beard appeared, revealing a chin line as sharp as the razor blade. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Min Sung rubbed his chin with his long, thin fingers. His nose was pronounced and well-shaped, and his dark, deep eyes gave him a nonchalant-yet-chic look. He had a look comparable to that of a sculpture. However, seeing a face much older than he remembered in the mirror, a strange emotion washed over the champion. After staring into the mirror intently, Min Sung let out a small sigh and turned around. At which point, the tub returned to view, lifting his spirits almost instantly.

'Now that I've showered, it's time to get in.'

Upon seeing the sign that read, 'Hot Bath,' Min Sung's expectations soared through the roof. He vaguely remembered playing with his friend in a tub similar to that. Next to the tub, was a sauna room that looked like a small cabin.

'Where to go first?' Min Sung asked himself. Then, after some brief contemplation, he made up his mind and went into the sauna. When he opened the door, he saw a man sitting there, watching the TV. However, seeing Min Sung, whose body was covered in scars, he waddled out of the sauna in a hurry. Meanwhile, Min Sung went into the room, sat down, and disabled

his elemental resistance, which regulated the outside temperature of his body. The process was almost like a chameleon changing its skin color


in order to blend into its surroundings. As soon as he disabled the ability, he felt a wave of heat wrap around his body.

'Ah… This is nice,' he said to himself, feeling relaxed, while his blood flowed through his body. It was a luxurious pleasure. Savoring the pleasant heat, Min Sung closed his eyes, smiled subtlely and…


… breathed out slowly. The temperature of the room turned his breath into hot air, which glazed through his arms and legs. Drops of sweat started to form all over his body. After some time, his body had heated up significantly, making him drip with sweat as he stood up. Looking toward the door, he reminded himself that his body would cool down in no time as soon as he stepped out of the sauna.

'Then, I'm going straight into that hot tub.'

Looking forward to going into the tub, he smiled and walked out of the sauna. As he had expected, his body cooled down almost instantly after he walked out, and the distinct scent of bathhouses rushed into his nose. Still sweaty from the sauna, Min Sung made his way to the hot tub without delay and went into the water. At which point, the warmth of the water surrounded his body immediately.

"Whew…!" he let out, feeling goosebumps all over his body. It felt as refreshing as a massage. Staring up at the ceiling from the tub, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. Nothing could've been better in that moment.

Having arrived at his destination, Yang Bong Koo cracked his neck. Nicknamed 'The Machete of Blood and Iron,' he was the most capable and fastest growing hunter in the Shadow Guild. Behind him, were about ten, soon-to-be level 200 hunters in black suits, who had been hired as interns by the Shadow Guild. Since one had to prove themselves to the guild in order to become an official member, the interns were burning with determination. Leading those interns, Yang Bong Koo walked through the bathhouse entrance stoically and went up the stairs toward the men's bathhouse. Peeking her head out, the lady at the counter furrowed her brow anxiously. Then, reaching the door to the men's bathhouse, Yang Bong Koo flung the door open and walked in. Startled by the nearly-dozen men walking in at once, the old man fell off his chair, trembling in fear. Then, one of the interns looked toward the old man and signaled with his chin for him to leave. At which point, the old man rushed out of there in his underwear and white tank top. Opening his inventory, Yang Bong took his infamous machete out.


Sixty centimeters long and five millimeters thick, a machete was a weapon typically used in jungle exploration. Having acquainted himself well with the weapon, Yang Bong's machete had become something more than a weapon for him: a defining symbol. Wielding his favorite weapon, he made his way toward the bathhouse. Upon arriving at the glass door, he swung the knife without hesitation, shattering the door to pieces. The shards of the glass door scattered about, leaving the entrance wide open. A man sitting in the hot tub became visible. Seeing as though he was showing his back to them, the man seemed completely unaware of the situation. At that moment…

'Lv 150 Min Sung Kang: The First.'

… Yang Bong's eyes shook upon seeing the text above the man's head. When he had first received the order, Yang Bong distinctly remembered his supervisor telling him that the target was level 50.

'When did he get to level 150? And how did he earn a unique title in such a short time?' Yang Bong asked himself. Caught off guard by what he saw, he took a moment to organize his thoughts and concluded that his supervisor might have had been referring to old data. Otherwise, it simply made no sense. Still, the fact that the target had a unique title bothered Yang Bong. The only way to earn the title 'The First' was by being the very first person to achieve something, which was anything but easy. On top of that, the fact that a no-name hunter was wearing that title only added to Yang Bong's confusion.

While curious, the hunter also became increasingly wary of the champion, realizing why his supervisor had suspected their target of being a Semi-Master or Master. Then, the champion looked back and locked eyes with Yang Bong, sending chills down the hunter's and the interns' spines. Breaking out into cold sweats, the hunter clenched his teeth and tightly squeezed the hand with which he held the machete. However, to his confusion, the champion looked away from them as if nothing had happened. Amid the suffocating silence, Yang Bong swallowed anxiously, asking himself, 'Who the hell is this guy? Is he really a master grade hunter? Do master grade hunters really have this much potential?'

Although the target was far more intimidating than Kyung Tae had described, the grade of a hunter referred strictly to their potential and growth rate. Besides, the target was still a mere level 150. Even if he really was a master, there existed a gap that he couldn't possibly overcome. At worst, the target would only possess a monstrous growth rate. In terms of power, there was an unmistakable difference between a level 150 and a level 301. Finally, Yang Bong, followed by the ten interns, walked toward his target confidently and stood right behind the champion. However, Min Sung neither looked back nor tried to defend himself.

'He sure is confident for a level 150,' Yang Bong said to himself, scoffing and thinking, 'You might think you're some hotshot for demolishing the Diamond Clan, but that won't get you very far against hunters like us.'

"You there," Yang Bong said, calling out to the champion, who was rubbing his sweaty face while exhaling.

"Get dressed. You're coming with us," the hunter said.

"And where might that be?" Min Sung asked.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"If I refuse?" Min Sung asked, chuckling.

"There will be blood."

"Blood, huh…" Min Sung said. Nodding, he stood up, and the water spilled out of the tub, revealing his back, which was covered in countless scars. The interns standing behind Yang Bong took their fighting stances, creating a cold, hostile tension. At that moment, the champion looked at them slowly and said to the unsuspecting hunters, "I'll take two roasted eggs and a soda."

(TL's Note: Roasted eggs and soda, particularly the lemon-lime variety, are some of the most popular snacks at Korean bathhouses/spas.)




As puzzled looks appeared on Yang Bong's and the interns' faces, Min Sung added with ice-cold eyes, "Bring them to me if you wanna live."

Chapter 8

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Provoked by Min Sung, Yang Bong's face twisted into a scowl.

"He must be out of his mind…! Sir, don't even bother. We'll take care of this," one of the interns said, and the other nine got in position for a fight.

Then, looking toward them, the hunter said, "Stop! He's not your match…"

Before Yang Bong had even finished his sentence, the interns charged toward the champion simultaneously. Caught off guard by how quickly things had escalated, the hunter looked at the interns and let out, "Damn it…!" It was too late. Sure enough, a series of sounds that sounded like tires exploding echoed through the bathhouse.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Spilling the water in the tub, the interns were sent flying across the bathhouse in all directions, and concrete debris fell from the ceiling.




In the blink of an eye, the ten interns were on the ground, vomiting blood and moaning in pain. Taken aback by the sight, Yang Bong looked toward Min Sun, who was standing completely still in the tub. The water swishing was the only proof that he had actually moved.

'What the…!? I didn't see him move a muscle!'

Despite being completely unarmed, the champion's movement was far beyond that of a level-150 hunter.

'Is he… a Celestial? No, that wouldn't make sense. Focus, Yang Bong Koo. Concentrate! Be confident!' Yang Bong thought, clenching his teeth and grasping his machete tightly, which started to glow blue. It was the Sword Aura, which was only accessible to hunters who were at least at level 200. The aura was energy imbued with magic. When applied to a bladed weapon, it immediately turned the weapon into a frightening thing that could cut into practically anything. Although the effect varied depending on the hunter's level, even the faintest of Sword Auras was often enough to put the opponent on edge. After all, concentrated magical energy contained enormous power. Should a normal person even graze past a blade imbued by an aura, they were bound to get mutilated.

Glaring at his target fiercely, Yang Bong squeezed the handle of his machete, and the blue aura around his weapon became more vivid. However, unfazed, Min Sung brushed his hair up and asked, "What's that supposed to be? A duster?"

"You just don't get it, do you? You won't be that calm when I'm through with you…!" Yang Bong said with a cold expression on his face. Then, with an explosive sound, the hunter leapt toward the champion. Staring at the hunter and the blue machete coming down on his head, Min Sung reached up and grabbed the blade with his thumb and index finger. Then, with a loud metallic noise…


… the machete snapped in two. At the unexpected development, Yang Bong's jaw dropped, and before he could even touch the water, Min Sung's fist landed on the hunter's side, breaking Yang Bong's ribs and sending him flying across the room.

With a loud thud, the giant fell to the floor and rolled across the bathhouse, coughing up blood by the entrance.

"Cough! Cough! Ugh!"

With his hands on his hips, Min Sung walked toward the hunter and looked down at him with disdain. Vomiting blood, Yang Bong looked up at the champion with bloodshot eyes and said, "How… How can a level 150 like you… catch a weapon with Sword Aura with bare hands…? Cough!"

"I'll take my two roasted eggs and a soda now."

"Are you mocking me?" Yang Bong asked, gritting his teeth.

Nevertheless, Min Sung looked at the wounded hunter, tilted his head and said, "I said two roasted eggs and a soda."

"Wait, you're serious…" Yang Bong said, bewildered. Looking up at Min Sung, who was furrowing his brow by that point, a dazed look appeared on the hunter's face. Then, swallowing nervously, he looked around, particularly at the interns, who were staring at him and nodding as if saying that he should bring the champion what he wanted. With a look of shame,


Yang Bong dropped his head.

With Yang Bong and the ten interns watching, Min Sung sat on the wooden bench after drying his hair and getting dressed. Then, he put an entire roasted egg into his mouth and started chewing, savoring the bouncy texture and the smoky aroma.

'Yes… It tastes just like how I remember it. Maybe I was just really hungry after the bath back then, but it tasted just as good,' he thought. Then, as he reminisced to his childhood, he swallowed the egg in his mouth, opened the can of soda and drank from it.

'Glug! Glug!'

The effervescent liquid tickled his tongue and throat, washing down the stuffiness of the egg yolk and filling his mouth with a pleasant sweetness.


Feeling refreshed, Min Sung took the second roasted egg and put it into his mouth. The bouncy texture of the roasted egg and its stuffy yolk followed by a sip of ice-cold soda was an unmatched combination. Then, without hesitation, he downed what was left of the soda in a single breath and slammed the can on the wooden bench. Meanwhile…


… Yang Bong Koo and the ten interns watched the champion quietly. Nevertheless, Min Sung rubbed his belly, glanced at them nonchalantly and left the locker room. At that moment, while the eleven were staring in his direction, a loud noise came out of nowhere.


It had sounded like an egg cracking, and Yang Bong Koo and the remaining interns looked toward the sound simultaneously to find an intern about to put a roasted egg into his mouth. Noticing the piercing gazes from the hunter and his fellow interns, that intern had no choice but to spit the egg out.

Upon arriving at 'Item Mania,' Min Sung took his loot out one by one. The more items the champion took out, the darker the merchant's expression grew. On top of that, the items Min Sung was pulling out were found only on the topmost floor of the Grayed Dungeon, which meant they were far from ordinary or common.

"All right! That's… that's quite enough," the merchant said, shaking his head while looking stumped. When Min Sung looked toward him, the merchant said, "This is all I can buy from you," and pulled only five items toward himself.

"Then, where can I sell the rest?" Min Sung asked the merchant with a puzzled look.

"You might wanna check out the Central Hunters' Institute. There should be a lot of merchants there."

"And how far is that from here?"

"About fifteen minutes by cab. Hold on," the merchant said, walked toward the driver's seat and came back shortly after. "Here. For your stuff."

At that moment, Min Sung looked down at his hand with widened eyes. Selling five of the most useless items in his inventory had brought him five million won. Astonished by the increase in item value, Min Sung put the money in his pocket and put the rest of the items back in his inventory.

'Now, where can I find myself a cab?' he thought to himself as he turned away from 'Item Mania.' Then, a certain man came into view, and the champion realized that there was no longer a need for a cab.

Blowing cigarette smoke through his nostrils, Ho Sung Lee, the head of the Diamond Clan, spat at the ground while shaking his leg anxiously.

'Kyung Tae would've sent an expert to find out more about that freak. What's taking him so long?' he thought with the cigarette still in his mouth. Then, feeling somebody tap against his shoulder, he flared up and said, "Who the hell…!" Upon looking back, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the floor.

'Lv150 Min Sung Kang: The First.'

To his surprise and misery, it was Min Sung Kang, whose level and title only added insult to injury.

'He got to level 150 in just a few days…? And that title! How the hell?!'

"S-sir! I… I've been waiting for you!" Ho Sung said, clasping his hands together politely and making up an excuse. Thought he had been waiting for his clansmen in order to recruit additional members, Ho Sung couldn't help but lie. Perhaps, it was fear, or maybe he felt pricked in the heart, which was thumping as if about to jump out of his chest.

"Start the car," Min Sung said, and without hesitation, Ho Sung ran to his car and opened the backseat door. As the champion got in the car, Ho Sung ran to the driver's seat as fast as he could and started the car in order to avoid his clansmen asking questions or saying anything that would get him in trouble.

Seeing that they were getting farther from the Grayed Dungeon, Ho Sung, feeling relieved, wiped the sweat off his face.

"I came across some goons earlier today. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Min Sung asked in passing while looking out the window.

"Of-of course, not! I would never do such a thing unless I was tryin' to get myself killed! Besides, I don't have that kind of power."

Staring out the window quietly, Min Sung felt the breeze on his face.

"So… where are you headed?" Ho Sung asked.

"The Central Hunters' Institute. I have some stuff to sell."

"Ah! I see! In that case, I know just the place. They're honest and offer an impressive selection."

Min Sung remained silent and watched the scenery pass by. Ho Sung swallowed nervously and drove faster.

Soon, Min Sung was brought to the merchant whom Ho Sung had mentioned, the Gangnam Exchange Center. Although it seemed quite run down on the outside, the interior was anything but. There was not a speck of dust in the building.

When Min Sung took his items out of his inventory, with the exception of a rare crystal dagger, Ho Sung stared at the impressive array of items with widened eyes. After crunching the numbers on a calculator, the owner nodded and said, "That comes out to four hundred million for ya."

Then, slamming a bag of cash on the table, he added, "You could make a lot more if you sold your loot to other hunters. Of course, it'll take much longer. So, do you still wanna do this?"

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung, who nodded affirmatively and said, "He has a reputation for being trustworthy. You can trust him."

After a moment thinking, Min Sung took the bag of cash. Slightly dazed by the amount of money he had made in a matter of days, he left the store.