
Chapter 91

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

When the secretary pressed a button on a remote, a hologram screen appeared to Ji Yoo's right. Shortly after, the screen showed Ethan, the Great Lord of the American Hunters' Institute, fuming with anger.

"I heard the news. It's a shame, " Ji Yoo said with a brief nod. At that point, Ethan, glaring piercingly at her, replied in a hostile tone, "At the scene, we found an ID that belonged to a Korean male, whose face matches the individual caught on our surveillance camera. Any thoughts?"

Staying calm and composed, Ji Yoo said, "I can assure you that the Central Institute was not involved in the recent attack in any capacity. We suspect that the attack was…"

"It was you people who disrespected us when we were there to help, wasn't it?"

Hearing that, a shadow cast over Ji Yoo's face.

"My apologies, from the bottom of my heart," Ji Yoo replied.

Scoffing condescendingly, Ethan said, "I was told that the leader of our support team, Callis, was assaulted by one of your local hunters. I demand every piece of information pertaining to this individual."

"It seems like you're letting your emotions cloud your judgment, Ethan," Ji Yoo said, looking straight into Ethan's eyes.

"What did you say?" Ethan asked, chuckling as if dumbfounded.

"I'll do you one better. It's classified information," Ji Yoo said.

"Classified, you say?"

"I'll send it your way. We'll talk again later after you've reviewed the file."

"If it proves to be a waste of my time, this won't end well for you."

"That won't happen," Ji Yoo said, ordering her secretary to send the data contained in the flash drive to the American Hunters' Institute. Sure enough, a look of shock washed over Ethan's face after looking through the file, which contained information on demons and the Tower of Demons.

"Is-is this real…?"

"I wish it wasn't. I would like to request a summit meeting as soon as possible."

"I'll let you know after discussing it with the board," Ethan replied, closing the laptop with a hardened look on his face.

When Min Sung returned to Korea through the Warp Gate, he was greeted by Ho Sung, who was clean cut.

"How was your trip, sir?" Ho Sung asked, smiling.

"It was a hassle to communicate. That guy we ran into in the labyrinth, I remember him wearing a watch that had an interpreting feature. Is that something I could get my hands on?"

"It sure is."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Min Sung asked, furrowing his brow.

"It wasn't commercialized until recently," Ho Sung replied nervously.

"Well, let's pick one up on the way home. Let Jang know that I'll be home soon," Min Sung said, stretching and walking out of the building.


Although watches that came with interpreting features were exorbitantly priced, Min Sung, having no sense of financial awareness, purchased the most expensive one on the market, which was priced at a whopping two hundred million won.

With the watch on his wrist, Min Sung had Ho Sung speak into it in a foreign language. Almost immediately, the watch interpreted what Ho Sung had said. As long as Min Sung was wearing the watch, the language barrier when traveling overseas would no longer be an issue.


After buying the watch, the champion returned to the car with Ho Sung. While getting in the driver's seat, Ho Sung asked, "Oh, sir? About the loot from your last labyrinth raid? It's all been taken care of now. I didn't see the need to get rid of the items sooner, so I took my time selling them at the highest possible prices. I've transferred every cent of it into your account since."

"What was the total?"

"Just over a billion won. I was lucky to come across a lot of wealthy folks who were willing to pay big money."

While Min Sung was nodding in affirmation, Ho Sung handed him a piece of paper and said, "Oh, and here's the receipt."

"Don't need it. I'm sure you got it right," Min Sung said, waving it away. Nodding, Ho Sung put the receipt in his chest pocket and started the car.

'Holy hell… If I took off with that kind of money, I would be living in a giant mansion with all the ladies and driving all sorts of supercars until the day I died,'


Ho Sung thought while driving. '… Assuming that the demons weren't actually a thing, that is. Wait, if we didn't have to worry about the demons, would I have taken off with Min Sung's money?'

Despite being well over level 800, which was high enough to make him an elite member of the Central Institute, Ho Sung simply couldn't reach an answer to his question.

'They say investment is the way to go to bring in more capital. What am I investing in here by following this guy around? Man, if it wasn't for those demons and their stupid tower, I could've just run off with that fat stack of cash,' he thought, sniffling. However, contrary to Ho Sung, Min Sung paid no attention to the exorbitant amount of money in his account.

'Man, is this guy even human?' Ho Sung asked himself. However, it wasn't long before the answer occurred to him, 'Of course not. He's a devil. A devil that eats other devils. Sigh, screw it. Just keep driving Ho Sung.'

When Min Sung opened the front door upon arriving at his house, a mouth-watering aroma came rushing at him like a wave. Having skipped breakfast to try the chef's cooking, Min Sung's hunger was well beyond his limit.

"Hello, lunch is ready," Woong, the private chef said to Min Sung and Ho Sung, still in his white chef coat. Responding with a brief nod, Min Sung went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and sat at the table, which was occupied only by a bowl of rice and some raw crabs marinated in soy sauce.

"Don't you need to age the crabs? Where'd you find the time to do that?" Min Sung asked, and the chef, with a warm smile on his face, replied, "It's from a batch that I've made previously. I thought I should give you a taste."

"I see," Min Sung said, looking down at the marinated crab curiously. Smiling subtly, Min Sung picked up his chopsticks. It was a dish that he had no recollection of ever having eaten.

'So, it's clearly a soy sauce base… Wouldn't that be too salty?' Min Sung wondered. Scooping a spoonful of the white rice up, he brought it up to his mouth and bit into a piece of marinated crab.

The shell broke with a crunch, and the deep, rich flavors rushed into the champion's mouth. Although quite salty, it was almost as sweet as honey, and there was no trace of fishiness whatsoever. It was clear that the dish was made using fresh crab. Then, while Min Sung was marveling over the dish, the chef took some rice from Min Sung's bowl, mixed it with the innards in the carapace of the crab, and served it to the champion. Scooping a spoonful of the concoction, Min Sung brought it up to his mouth.

"Oh!" Min Sung let out. The mixture of rice and the rich, buttery, and intensely salty innards of the marinated crab was exploding with flavors. With a look of shock on his face, Min Sung looked down at the crab's carapace, thinking, 'They say that a bowl of rice is never enough with these things.'

Sitting up straight, Min Sung started to eat at a faster pace, mixing more rice into yet another innards-filled carapace, biting into pieces of crab, constantly filling his mouth with rice. In a matter of minutes, his meal was over. Yet, the flavors still lingered in Min Sung's mouth.

'I didn't know marinated crab could be such an amazing dish. Is it always this good? … No, it has to be Jang's skill. He aged them properly and perfectly.'

"Jang," Min Sung called to the chef, who bowed politely. "That was an excellent lunch. It was an experience that'll linger in my mind for a long time."

At the champion's satisfied assessment, the chef smiled warmly. Letting out a small, satisfied sigh, Min Sung rose from his seat and said, "I'm looking forward to more of that caliber."

"Of course," the chef replied. Then, with a serious look on his face, he hesitated before saying, "Sir, I…" While the puzzled champion looked intently at him, the chef finished, "… have a request."

"Go on," Min Sung said, nodding affirmatively.

"I have a granddaughter and I was hoping that she could live with you."

"Doesn't she have parents?"

"They died when she was young."

"But why here?"

"I was told that there's going to be a calamity in the near future, which is one of the primary reasons why I decided to take this job as your private chef."

After brief contemplation, Min Sung looked intently at the chef and said, "So be it." Immediately, the chef looked up at the champion, who added, "But don't expect me to take care of her."

Hearing that, the chef smiled and bowed politely, saying, "That's more than I can ask for."

Then, Min Sung picked up a cup in order to make himself an iced Americano.

"Sir, allow me," the chef said, asking for the cup in Min Sung's hand. Since he had no reason to turn the chef's offer down, the champion handed the cup over to him and made his way to the living room. The enchanting experience of the marinated crab still lingered in his mind. After contemplating going back for seconds briefly, Min Sung practiced self-control by reminding himself that the lingering after-effect of a satisfying meal was part of the experience. Going out to the front yard instead, Min Sung closed his eyes to enjoy the warm sunlight, which was nonexistent in the Demonic Realm. Like a plant engaging in photosynthesis, the champion stood completely still and savored the warmth of the Sun and the aroma of nature in the yard. Shortly after, the chef brought the iced Americano to him. Sensing the chef's approach, Min Sung opened his eyes, took the coffee from the chef's hands, and drank it, enjoying the sensation of the iced coffee spreading through his body.

Sia Jang was the granddaughter of Woong Jang, Min Sung Kang's private chef. At the sweet age of twenty-four years old, she was a hundred-and-seventy centimeters tall and had the body proportions that women dreamed of having. Sporting long, straight hair that came down to her lower back, there was something distinctly Korean about her beauty. Her face was almost doll-like. Despite being rather small, her features were well defined to the point of being comparable to those of an elf. However, contrary to her striking beauty, her big, clear eyes were filled with a rebellious nature.

"Why do I have to live with a stranger?" she muttered, her cheeks puffed up, while dragging her luggage irritably. Arriving at the gate, she dropped her head, sighed heavily and said while shaking her head, "Grandpa, you are killing me!"

Then, with a determined look on her face, she rang the doorbell. Shortly after, the gate opened. Still looking disgruntled, she dragged the luggage the size of her body through the front yard.

Chapter 92

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl1"

The door opened shortly after Sia arrived at the doorway. After that, a man she had never met before came out to greet her. It was Ho Sung. Seeing the dazed look on his face, Sia became even more disgruntled.

"Is my grandpa in there?" she asked.

"Y-yeah! Come on in! You're Sia, right?" Ho Sung asked with some delay.

"What? Are we friends already?" Sia said, scoffing and walking past Ho Sung and into the house. "Grandpa, I'm here!"

Hearing his granddaughter's voice, the chef came out from the living room and greeted her. "There you are, my princess! You made it!" he said, hugging his granddaughter tightly and rubbing his cheek against hers.

"Ow! Grandpa! Your beard! OK! That's enough!"

Then, noticing the champion and Ho Sung looking at him, the chef let his granddaughter go, coughing.

"Say hello," the chef said, and Sia, nodding haphazardly, greeted Min Sung and Ho Sung, "Hi. Sia Jang."

"You can do better than that. Again," the chef said sternly. At which point, she reluctantly bowed to Min Sung and Ho Sung at a ninety-degree angle. Noticing the champion staring intently at her, Sia couldn't help but be intimidated by him.

'That guy's scary…'

Never had she seen anyone's eyes as cold as the champion's. Growing up, her beauty had always made her the favorite of her friends and family. Because of that, receiving a cold, heartless glare from another person was something she had yet accustom herself to. She felt like she was shrinking just by looking at the champion. Then, Min Sung put his empty coffee mug down quietly and returned to his room.

At which point, Sia breathed a sigh of relief, turned to her grandpa and begged desperately, "Grandpa? Do you think I can just live on my own instead?"

However, with a warm, gentle smile, the chef kneeled in front of his granddaughter, patted her on the shoulder and said, "These gentlemen will keep you safe. I trust that you'll get along with them."

"Yeah, yeah…" Sia muttered, shrugging, pouty-lipped. Stroking her hair, the chef laughed heartily.

After a brief stretch, Min Sung sat on his bed, feeling drowsy despite it being midday. Luckily, he was no longer in the Demonic Realm, which meant he could sleep in peace. Upon putting a blanket over himself, Min Sung felt his body becoming even heavier. Aside from eating, there was nothing like being able to sleep when he wanted and however long he wanted. Soon, the champion fell sound asleep.

With flaring nostrils, Ho Sung sat on the couch and stole a glance at Sia, who was watching the TV with her pale legs resting on the table. While the beauty of Ji Yoo Kim, the Great Lord of the Central Institute, was more western, the beauty of Sia, who was just as slender and voluptuous,

was much more eastern. It was almost impossible not to look at her. In addition, she was just the type Ho Sung was looking for.

'She was… Twenty-four, was she? OK. So, she's seven years younger than me. I guess that's a bit of an age gap… But then again, it's not like I'm twelve years older than her or anything either…'

"Uh, Mister? I can totally tell that you're checking me out. Gross."

"W-what are you talkin' about?!" Ho Sung replied, his face flushed red. Looking at Ho Sung, disdainfully, Sia shook with disgust and changed the channel on the TV.

'I get it. You're not easy. I like that,' Ho Sung thought while glancing at Sia. At that moment, taken aback by what was on the news, Ho Sung told Sia, "Wait, wait! Don't change the channel!"

While Sia gave Ho Sung a disgruntled look, the chef, who had since come out to the living room after having finished cleaning the kitchen, also watched the news with his arms crossed.

[There's been a strange phenomenon taking place across the globe. Dungeon Gates are disappearing into thin air. Let's hear it from our


reporters who are on the scene.]

Then, the screen transitioned to the reporter, who delivered the news that dungeon gates were disappearing while pointing toward the dungeon gate nearby. Sure enough, when the camera turned toward it, the dungeon gate started to turn translucent. It was similar to the time when the dungeon gates started appearing for the first time. At that mind-boggling sight, Ho Sung, Sia, and the chef stared at the TV in shock.

"That dungeon gate's disappearing in plain sight!" Sia said, overjoyed. However, contrary to her, Ho Sung and the chef couldn't share in her celebratory spirit. To them, the sudden change in the dungeon gates meant something much worse was about to happen.

With that, Ho Sung sprung up from his seat, startling Sia. Wearing a similar look to the one on Ho Sung's face, the chef also looked intently at him. Shortly after, Ho Sung made his way to the champion's room, knocked, and opened the door. However, there was something unusual about the champion.


Unlike his usual tendency to wake up at the sound of Ho Sung opening the door, Min Sung was still fast asleep. Getting closer to the champion, Ho Sung called for him in a slightly louder voice.

"Sir? Sir?"

The champion still remained sound asleep.

"Man, he's sleeping like a rock. Oh, I'm sure going all the way to Japan for a super-relaxing vacation was exhausting," Ho Sung muttered sarcastically. Then, after some brief contemplation, Ho Sung breathed a small sigh and reassured himself that the phenomenon on the news had been bound to happen sooner or later.

'I'll just wait till he wakes up,' he thought, coming out of the room quietly. While Sia gave him a puzzled look, the chef looked at Ho Sung as if asking what happened. To which, Ho Sung smiled bitterly and said, "He's sleeping like a rock. I say we give it some time."

Looking at her grandfather nodding with a serious look on his face, Sia furrowed her brow and asked, "Isn't it a good thing that dungeon gates are disappearing? Why's everyone so serious?"

Walking up to his oblivious granddaughter, the chef held her tightly, his eyes shaking like candlelight.

"… Grandpa?"

'Why isn't he waking up?' Ho Sung said to himself, scratching his eyebrows. Although the Sun was starting to set, Min Sung was still sound asleep.

'Did he come down with something?' Ho Sung thought apprehensively. Without the champion, it would be safe to assume that there would be no way to fight off the horde of demons that was about to sweep through the nation. Assuming that the demons were as strong as the champion had described, that is. Biting his nails anxiously, Ho Sung looked toward the champion's room, his apprehension growing more and more. Eventually…

'I have to wake him up. This is serious news. I have to wake him up even at the cost of getting beaten to death. He's not gonna wake up any time soon.'

Thinking that, Ho Sung went into the champion's room. Of course, the champion was still sound asleep. Having made up his mind to wake him up, Ho Sung grabbed Min Sung by the shoulder and shook him. However…

"Sir? Sir!"

Despite Ho Sung shaking him rather violently, the champion still remained fast asleep.

"What the hell's going on? It's not like I can kick him either. Agh! This is driving me nuts! Is he really sick with something?" Ho Sung asked, placing his hand on Min Sung's forehead to check for a fever. However, it felt neither hot nor cold. After that, Ho Sung placed his finger underneath the champion's nostrils. Min Sung was breathing just fine.

"Why isn't he waking up? Is he hibernating or something?" Ho Sung asked, sighing with frustration while brushing his hair up. "Not good. Not good."

With a frustrated and apprehensive look on his face, Ho Sung looked down at Min Sung, who was in a deep sleep and appeared more peaceful than ever. In the end, Ho Sung, clicking his tongue, walked out of the room.

"Is he still asleep?" the chef asked as he came out to the living room.

"Yep. I'm starting to think that he'll never wake up again."

"Young man, you do not joke about things like that!" the chef said sternly, At which point, Ho Sung rubbed his nose awkwardly.

"Where's your granddaughter?" he asked.

"She wanted to go out with her friends. I told her not to, so she just stormed off into her room."


"I think your phone has been going off for a while."

"Oh, my bad," Ho Sung replied, searching for his phone in a hurry. Then, finding the phone on the living room table, he turned the screen on. At which point, a series of unread messages appeared.

[Boss! All the dungeon gates are disappearing! What do we do!?]

[Are we gonna be jobless?]

[Nobody's telling us anything! Not even the government or the Institute! I'm going insane here!]

[Boss, we're gonna be begging on the streets soon, aren't we?]

[Do you think I should look into getting a certificate…?]

In the clan-exclusive group chat, the clansmen were expressing a great deal of fear and apprehension. Seeing that, Ho Sung wrote in the group chat:

[As long as dungeon gates are still around somewhere, people WILL have a reason to be afraid. So, don't do anything rash. Keep your head down and stay neutral.]

After that, the panic in the group chat started to die down. Putting his phone on silent, Ho Sung put the phone in his pocket and sighed heavily. Even if the Tower of Demons were to turn up, he couldn't possibly drag his clansmen there with a clear conscience. Should he choose to do so anyway, Ho Sung knew that it was going to be equivalent to leading them into a slaughterhouse.

The fact that hell was about to break on Earth made Ho Sung's heart race with apprehension. In the midst of that, Min Sung was still showing no signs of waking up, which only added to Ho Sung's worries.

'He can't sleep forever. He'll wake up,' Ho Sung said to himself, trying to stay optimistic. Walking out to the front yard, Ho Sung lit a cigarette. It was unusually chilly that day. Perhaps, the summer was coming to an end, or it was his fear of the impending future that made him feel cold. Looking out at the dusk-lit sky, Ho Sung smoked his cigarette.

Chapter 93

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Countless people across the globe came pouring out into the streets to witness the historic moment of dungeon gates disappearing into thin air. Looking up at the dungeon gates that were slowly turning translucent, some clapped, while some laughed or prayed. It seemed as if they were celebrating the long-awaited peace that was to come. However, contrary to the civilians, who no longer wanted to depend on hunters for safety, the disappearance of the dungeon gates was disconcerting news for those same hunters. Without dungeons, the hunters would surely become a thing of the past. Soon, the dungeon gate at the center of the crowd's attention disappeared completely. At which point, the crowd erupted into applause while the hunters dropped their heads.

Meanwhile, contrary to the rest of the world, where dungeon gates were disappearing, a black shape started to form above the waters by the Statue of Liberty. Resembling a black hole, the sphere grew bigger, blowing a violent gust of wind around it and causing the water around it to swell violently. Shortly after, the black hole started to elongate itself vertically and slowly take a tangible shape, eventually becoming what appeared to be a tower. The water still trashed around it violently.

At that ghastly sight, the cars and pedestrians stopped in their tracks, staring at it intently, stunned.

[This just in. An anomaly has occurred near the Statue of Liberty in New York. Following the worldwide disappearance of the dungeon gates, what appeared to be a sign of impending peace turned out to be a foreshadowing of something much worse. Let's take a look at the footage from one of our reporters.]

After that, the screen transitioned to a video clip showing a tower-shaped dungeon forming above the water. Lightning crackled, thunder flashed, and the water around it swelled violently like a tsunami, causing severe damage to the Statue of Liberty. The phenomena grew worse and more violent, showing no signs of letting up.

While watching the news, Ho Sung dropped his head and put his hand on his forehead. Although not exactly unexpected, seeing it with his own eyes in the news was much more frightening. With a dejected look on his face, Ho Sung rose from his seat and made his way to the champion's room, hoping that the champion would be awake. However, to his disappointment, Min Sung was still sound asleep. He had been like that for the last two days, in fact.

Frustrated, Ho Sung looked down at the champion, his cheeks twitching.

"C'mon, Sleeping Beauty! Wake up already!" Ho Sung said. However, despite Ho Sung's rude remark, Min Sung remained silent. "At this rate, he just might find the world around him in ruins when he wakes up."

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

'Who could that be? I don't think anybody's out,' Ho Sung thought, puzzled. When he checked the intercom, a woman of dazzling beauty appeared on the screen. It was Ji Yoo Kim. After Ho Sung pressed the button to let her in, the Great Lord came in through the door.

"Where's Mr. Kang?"


"… Come again?" Ji Yoo asked, blinking awkwardly while wondering if she had heard wrong.

"He's asleep. You know, like Snow White. It's been days. I don't know what's going on. He doesn't sleep that much usually."

Then, rushing past Ho Sung, Ji Yoo made her way to Min Sung's room and flung the door open. Sure enough, the champion was fast asleep, completely unaware of his surroundings. Perplexed, Ji You chuckled.

"Mr. Kang? Mr. Kang. Wake up," she said, shaking Min Sung by the shoulder. However, there was no response.

"What'd I tell you?" Ho Sung said, leaning against the doorpost.

"Is he sick?" Ji Yoo asked, looking down at the champion with concern.

"Last time I checked, he had no fever, and he was breathing just fine."

Hearing that, Ji Yoo sighed and took her phone out.

"Yes, is this the Central Hospital? Central Institute. I have a patient who needs medical attention. I need you to


send me some doctors. I'll give you the address."

Hanging up, Ji Yoo sent the hospital the address to the champion's house and looked down at the champion intently amid the heavy silence.

The black hole had shaped itself into a tower. Floating above the sea, the tower appeared to be entirely indestructible. In addition, the violent waves and thunderstorms surrounding the tower made it unapproachable.

The Sun fell, and there was rain. The American Hunters' Institute cut off all public access to the tower and strictly prohibited civilians from entering the premises. Because the residents nearby had to be evacuated from their homes, there was not a single living soul within the vicinity of the black tower. With all of its citizens evacuated, Manhattan looked as bleak as a ghost town. As the calamity drew nearer, the drearier the city became.

The doctors from the Central Hospital, which was the best hospital in the nations, arrived at the champion's house. Known for their surgery and neurology departments in particular, the staff was led by hunters with top-class healing abilities.

Greeting Ji Yoo, the doctors brought their equipment into the room and examined the champion's body, using both their healing abilities and medical prowess. The result turned out to be…

"We didn't find any issues. He's fine."

"Then, why has he been sleeping for so long? He's been sleeping for two days straight!" Ji Yoo said. Unable to look at the Great Lord in the eyes, the doctors shook their heads. Looking at the champion lying on the bed, Ji Yoo breathed a small sigh and called for Ho Sung.

"Give me a call when he wakes up," she said, and Ho Sung nodded affirmatively. At which point, she left the house with the doctors.

Ethan, the Great Lord of the American Hunters' Institute, hardened his face while watching the news. Although he had already received data regarding the phenomenon from Korea, the Great Lord hadn't bought into it. However, with the black tower having fully taken shape, the Great Lord had no choice but to work with the information at hand. Besides, the data from Korea seemed to be accurate.

Turning the TV off, Ethan returned to his desk. Massaging his temples, he immersed himself in deep thought about exploring the mysterious dungeon gate. Although his first choice was to send the investigation teams, there was something about the dungeon gate that sent chills down his spine.

'Can't hurt to give it some thought,' he thought, pressing the call button. Then, after a series of signal sounds, the screen showed the face of a certain individual. It was Ji Yoo Kim.

"We don't have much time, so I'll get straight to the point."

"By all means," Ji Yoo said politely and calmly.

"I was thinking the Central Institute could look into the black tower. What do you think?"

Hearing that, Ji Yoo furrowed her brow slightly and replied, "I'm afraid we're severely shorthanded. Also, this isn't just an ordinary investigation. This must be a joint effort with the rest of the world. It shouldn't fall exclusively to the US and Korea."

At Ji Yoo's response, a displeased look appeared on Ethan's face.

"The decision has already been made on our end. All I need from you is a yes or no," he said emphatically.

"Then, I'm afraid I can't help you, Ethan. It's much too risky, and we'll suffer tremendous casualties. Now, I'd like to emphasize once again that we have to reach out to the rest of the world…"

"I have more questions than answers at this point, but I know this much: the Central Institute is anything but reliable. We will NOT work with a country whose people seem to have no sense of responsibility and shame. In fact, from here on out, Korea will no longer have anything to do with us or benefit from us in any way."

"That is preposterous!" Ji Yoo let out. Then, hanging up before Ji Yoo had a chance to reply, Ethan rose from his seat, lit a cigarette and looked out the window.

'That prideful bitch,' he said to himself, scoffing as he thought of the Great Lord of the Central Institute.

Taking her silver-framed glasses off, Ji Yoo breathed a small sigh. It was clear what the US wanted. In fact, she saw right through Ethan's threat. For the sake of humanity, she, Ji Yoo, had no intention of falling for such a cheap trick.

'You gotta do better than that, Ethan,' she thought. Of course, things would have looked significantly different if the black tower had appeared in Korea as well. However, the tower only existed in Manhattan, which meant the burden of having to keep watch and anticipate a monster attack fell entirely on the US. Should things get dire, it was likely that the US would send an investigation team of their own. Should that team not make it out of the dungeon alive, only then, would the world respond by coming together. In the end, the only thing Korea could do as the smaller and weaker country, was to wait patiently and hope for the best.

Sitting on the couch, Ho Sung shook his leg nervously while scratching his Cupid's bow. It had been three days since the champion had fallen asleep. Yet, the champion still showed no signs of waking up, as if he had fallen into a coma. Dungeon gates across the globe had disappeared, and the Tower of Demons had appeared in the US since Min Sung had fallen asleep. At that point, there was nothing Ho Sung could do except hope that Min Sung would wake up soon.

At the same time, the champion's extended slumber also meant that now was the time to enjoy a happy, peaceful life. The moment Min Sung woke up, there was no doubt that he was going straight to the Tower of Demons, which meant Ho Sung would get dragged into a series of nightmarish torments that could very well be life-threatening.

'Maybe now is the only time I can finally get some rest. Besides, who knows if I'll even make it out of that tower alive?' Ho Sung thought, which led him to the thought, 'Maybe I should ask Sia out on a date. What have I got to lose?'

Just the thought of going on a date with her made Ho Sung's heart race with excitement.

'Gotta seize the moment,' Ho Sung said to himself with determination. Rising from the couch, Ho Sung stood in front of a mirror to straighten his hair and clothes and made his way upstairs, reminding himself, 'We're just watching a movie together, that's all.' Clenching his hand into a tight fist, Ho Sung stood in front of the door to Sia's room and knocked.

Chapter 94

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

'Knock, knock!'

After a series of knocks, the door opened, and Sia, who was in a tight, thin tank top, appeared before Ho Sung. Her top had a deep cut in the front, revealing her cleavage. Engrossed by the sight, Ho Sung stood in a daze, staring at her breasts with his mouth agape.

"What are you looking at?! Pervert!" Sia shouted, slapping Ho Sung across the face.

At which point, Ho Sung snapped out of it and said, "W-wait! Y-you've got it all wrong!"

After the door slammed shut, the sound of Sia locking the door could be heard coming from the other side.

"I was… gonna ask you if wanted to catch a movie or something…" Ho Sung murmured. Of course, there was no response from Sia's room. Dejected, Ho Sung made his way downstairs, thinking, 'Of course. She's way out of your league, man.'

Then, just as Ho Sung sat on the couch, sighing heavily, he heard a set of footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Sia, who came up behind Ho Sung and said, "Ey, mister."

"What?" Ho Sung asked, mustering up every bit of willpower not to look at her breasts.

"I heard you say something about a movie earlier. Did I hear that right?"

"I did, but don't worry about it. I'm sorry I bothered you," Ho Sung said bitterly. Hearing that, Sia contemplated briefly before staring intently at Ho Sung and saying, "Do you like me or something?"

While Ho Sung was caught off guard by her bluntness, Sia asked, "You're that hunter, right? I remember seeing you on TV."

When Ho Sung nodded affirmatively, she said, "My friends are dying to meet you. Who knows? I just might go to the movies with you if you go with me to hang out with them."

Hearing that, Ho Sung's eyes widened, and his breathing quickened.

"Or nooooot."

'This might be my chance!' he thought, and springing up from the couch, he replied to her, "O-of course! I'll go right now! We are leaving now, right?"

"Yeah, but you might wanna clean yourself up a little. You're starting to look like a bum. How about a shave?"

"You got it. I'll be right out," Ho Sung said, rushing into the bathroom. After seeing that, Sia messaged her friends with a haughty look on her face.

Min Sung found himself engulfed in utter darkness. However, it wasn't enough to put him in a panic as his reflexes and overall senses were much quicker than his sight.

'Where am I?' he asked himself, feeling slightly hazy.

It felt as though he had been abandoned in the middle of space. Then, while he was wondering if he was under some sort of spell, he saw a speck of light in the distance, which grew bigger and bigger. Eventually, the speck of light turned into a screen, and it played Min Sung's past like a movie. Standing completely still, the champion looked intently at the screen, which showed the moment of his birth, him playing with his childhood friends, his parents getting killed in that car accident, him growing up with his grandmother, and his grandfather's funeral. The movie lasted for quite a while, until it showed the part where Min Sung crossed over to the Demonic Realm, that is. Gaping darkness engulfed the surroundings, and a brief silence followed. At that moment, a light flashed out of nowhere, turning the dark surroundings into a bright, white void and revealing a figure. With well-groomed black hair and skin as pale as snow, the man looked quite young in appearance. Sitting on a wooden chair, the man looked at the champion and smiled subtly.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Min Sung asked, looking around.

"It's meaningless to ask about me or this place. What's important is that we're meeting each other for the first time."

Hearing that, Min Sung furrowed his brow and glared piercingly at the man. At that moment, a strange feeling washed


over the champion. At which point, he tried to open his inventory, but to no avail.

"Something tells me that I'm not under a spell. What, then? Am I dreaming?"

"That's right. Relaxing, isn't it?"

"Sure, until I saw you," Min Sung said, slightly disgruntled. At that point, the man in the wooden chair looked down and chuckled quietly. There was no trace of malice in his laugh.

"What are you? A god?" Min Sung asked, tilting his head.

"Me? A god? I wouldn't dare. I just had a few things I wanted to ask you," the man said, and Min Sung looked straight into his eyes as if telling him to keep going. Staring intently at the champion with deep, mysterious eyes, the man opened his mouth slowly and said, "You just saw your past unfold right before your eyes. How are you feeling?"

"It's not excitement, that's for sure," Min Sung said in a dull voice.

Nodding affirmatively, the man asked another question, "How about this? Do you still remember your time at the Demonic Realm vividly?"

At that moment, the man's eyes flashed blue, and the memories from the Demonic Realm started to rush into the champion's head at a frightening speed. With great amounts of information came great amounts of stress. At the sheer amount of information flooding into his mind, Min Sung staggered, falling on one knee with his hand on his forehead. From the moment he first arrived at the Demonic Realm to the fierce battles against the demons, it felt as though those memories were taking roots in Min Sung's mind all over again.

"Agh… Agh!" he let out, breathing heavily, his face turning red, and his eyes blood-shot as pain crept up his body, feeling too real for it to be a dream. It wasn't until every bit of his memory of the Demonic Realm was burned into the champion's mind that the pain subsided. After that, Min Sung glared at the man in the wooden chair with weak, sunken eyes. Rising from his seat slowly, the man smiled and said, "I'm not here to fight you. I just needed proof."

Although Min Sung couldn't stand the man's casual attitude, he had no experience fighting someone in a dream. On top of that, it felt as though his every movement was being controlled by the man. In other words, Min Sung was in a world that defied the very laws of physics. Seeing the glare in the champion's eyes, the man breathed a small sigh and said, "How disappointing. I thought you would know better than to harbor such harsh emotions toward me."

At that moment, Min Sung closed his eyes.

The Phantom Sword was the ability to actualize a sword in one's mind, and it wasn't until one reached the profound extremes of their martial arts that they were able to use it at their disposal. However, in a world of conscience, where the laws of physics were completely irrelevant, being able to use the Phantom Sword required one to dive beyond those extremes. In the champion's case, being away from the physical world also meant that he could tap into another level of the Phantom Sword. It was that small possibility that shaped Min Sung as a fighter, making him a champion.

Min Sung opened his eyes, which surged with bright aura. While the man stared at the champion in a daze, Min Sung imagined a sword, which started to take shape in front of his chest. Looking at the sharp, sturdy sword as he would a beautiful piece of art, the man smiled, impressed.

"Your very existence exceeds my expectations," the man said, charmed by the sword. However, that charm was short lived, as the champion sword came flying at him, flashing like lightning. The sword grazed past the man's shoulder, leaving a small cut. Instead of blood, what appeared to be shards of glass scattered in the air. Taken aback, the man looked toward the champion, only to discover that he was nowhere to be found. Appearing behind him, Min Sung swung the sword. However, the man disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"We'll meet again," the man's voice echoed throughout the void. Breathing heavily, Min Sung looked around in search of the man, but to no avail. The man was nowhere to be found, and no matter how long Min Sung walked, he couldn't see or sense the man's presence. After what felt like an eternity, darkness came and swallowed the white void once again. At the same moment, Min Sung felt his conscience fade.

Although entirely black and dark when it first appeared, a light started to emanate from the Tower of Demons from what appeared to be the ground floor. It seemed like only the first floor of the tower had opened up. However, the soaring height of the tower made it obvious that the first floor was only the beginning of a perilous adventure. Meanwhile, Ethan, the Great Lord of the American Institute, slammed his hand on the desk. The shattered pieces of the desk rained onto the ground. Unlike his expectations, the Central Institute was keeping quiet instead of begging for the American Hunters' Institute's help. Seeing right through the Central Institute's plan to make the US reach out to them for help, Ethan shouted angrily, "That bitch!"

'I can't just sit here. We have to make a move before the dungeon floor gets any higher,' he thought, springing up from his seat and calling to the Director of Investigations, who rushed into his room and saluted the Great Lord.

"Put together a team of second-class elites to investigate the dungeon."

Although appearing slightly taken aback by the Great Lord's command, the director regained his composure and said, "Right away, sir."

"Sweep the ground floor for now. Don't go any higher."

"Sir," the director replied, saluting the Great Lord and leaving the room. Still infuriated, Ethan looked out the window and bit down on his lower lip, the sound of his gritting teeth echoing throughout the room.

'You will pay for this. A hundred. No, a thousand fold.'

Mike, the second-class Director of Investigations, carried out the Great Lord's orders and put a team together. As the number of men gathered at the camp grew, Mike called for a meeting with the officers in order to devise a strategy to clear the ground floor of the tower. By the time the meeting was coming to an end, the process of forming a team also came to an end.

Opening the tent, Mike walked outside in order to inform his men of the strategy. At which point, the men immediately and simultaneously stood at attention.

Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

After arriving in Manhattan, the Class 2 Investigation Team stared nervously at the tower floating above the sea, their hearts beating like the waves breaking violently around it. The tower had a presence like nothing they had ever come across before, and the fear of the unknown suffocated the hunters. Noticing that, Mike, the team leader, broke the silence to encourage his men.

"Our job as the investigation team has never been and never will be an easy one. It will cost you your life sooner or later. However, who's to say that our sacrifice is meaningless? Do your damned best, and your legacy will bring your family and this country honor."

Hearing that, a look of determination washed over the members of the investigation team, replacing their fear.

"We travel by boat. Then, upon reaching point A, we abandon the boat and head straight to the ground floor. Stay within the area, and do not wander off," the team leader said to his men, who were warming up by stretching and hopping in place. Once ready, the hunters took out their weapons, ready to cut down any monsters that came their way. At that moment, the team leader said, "Go."

At the team leader's command, the hunters bolted toward the motorboat, which had been prepared ahead of time, and started sailing toward the black tower, where lightning crackled relentlessly. Upon reaching the designated area, the hunters jumped off the boat and swam toward the tower like seals. However, it wasn't long before they were hindered by the violent waves surging against them. The sheer force of them made it extremely difficult to swim through them. As the hunters started to grow weary, the team leader shouted through a megaphone item, "Keep up, men! Don't give up! You let up now, there's no coming back!"

Hearing the voice of the team leader, the hunters started swimming with everything they had. Bright lightning crackled above their heads. Eventually, having swum through the violent waves successfully, the hunters approached the tower cautiously at the team leader's signal. When they arrived at the entrance, a light started emanating out of the lowest part of the tower.

[Enter Tower (Y/N)]

A warm, friendly female voice very unlike the tower's ominous presence and appearance echoed from the tower. Signaling his men to be cautious, Mike, the team leader, tapped the Y button. When his men, including Mike himself, started to levitate toward the gate of the tower, the members of the investigation team brandished their weapons.

Upon receiving a report on the incoming hunters, the demon in charge of the ground floor identified their location using a crystal. Similar to the hunters, the dungeon system also informed the demons within the tower of their current situation.

'Hunters or not, you're all just humans,' the demon thought, grinning and revealing its long, sharp teeth, which glistened from the light emanating from the luminous crystals in the area.

Leading his men, Mike arrived at the ground floor of the tower. Unlike in labyrinths, there was no waiting room. Looking around, the team leader realized that he and his team were in a large hall, like that within a medieval castle. The ceiling was incredibly high and shrouded in darkness. Although the hunters were inside the tower by that point, looking up made them feel as though they were in another world, one where the sky was black. Using various items as light sources, the hunters moved onward slowly and cautiously, filming and studying the area carefully.

Killing monsters was not the only responsibility of the investigation team. In fact, their mission was to search the ground floor of the tower and study the monsters and elements of danger within it. Analyzing their surroundings with an array of S-grade items, the hunters looked for hidden mechanisms and rooms meticulously.

The sounds of footsteps echoed throughout the silent tower. The surroundings grew darker, and there were fewer and fewer windows the further in they went. Although the hunters' eyesight was significantly above average, the dark hindered them from moving any faster. After a while, the fear and apprehension of the hunters started to fade.

"Seems like this is just the starting floor."

"It appears so. Maybe a waiting room of sorts?"

"I don't think we'll come across any monsters until we reach the second floor."

At his subordinates' comments, Mike nodded briefly and replied, "From the outside, only the first floor was lit. I suppose that's not a bad thing since our mission was to search the ground floor from the start. Nevertheless, focus, and keep your guards up."

"Sir!" the hunters replied, looking much more relieved and at ease, anxious to go home to a delicious meal and an ice-cold beer. Of course, being professionals, the hunters remained vigilant. Having witnessed the deaths of their comrades countless times, they were well aware that their lives could end the moment they let their guards down. Searching the area, the investigation team picked up the pace. At that moment, Mike and his men felt chills running down their backs, so they stopped in their tracks and prepared for combat. However, contrary to their instincts, there was nothing visible. While the hunters remained baffled, a series of footsteps came out of nowhere, so the hunters pointed their weapons toward the sound, swallowing nervously. After that, hearing what sounded like a gust of wind, the hunters realized that they had been tricked. When they looked up with widened eyes, they saw dozens of blades coming down at them.

"Move!" Mike shouted, and the hunters backed away in a hurry while surrounding themselves with protective shields. However, they simply weren't fast enough. With the blades piercing through their arms, thighs, and even their heads, the agonizing screams of those who lived through it filled the once-silent hall.


Remaining calm, Mike looked for the suspect. However, the situation at hand was simply too dire. Despite being only at the first floor of the dungeon, the trap had left an eighth of the team wounded and incapacitated. Looking at his men in a bloody mess, Mike clenched his teeth tightly, thinking, 'It would be selfish to pull my men out now.'

The best course of action was to find and eliminate the target, and leave the tower as soon as possible. With a plan established, there was only one thing left to do: attack. Then, as Mike's eyes gleamed with determination, something fell at the center of the circle of hunters with a thunderous roar, creating a cloud of dust. After the dust cloud dissipated, the mysterious figure revealed itself to the hunters. Standing about five-meters tall, which wasn't exactly the tallest for a monster, the creature appeared to be humanoid. However, the only thing it had in common with humans was that it had a pair of arms and legs. Its face and skin were far from those of humans. With horns jutting out of its hairless head, the monster's skin looked like its head was covered in scorching ashes. Its eyes were blood red, and its sharp teeth shone like swords. Looking down at the hunters, who were on the ground, wounded and helpless, the monster chuckled ominously, smoke rising from its body. At the intimidating sight of the monster, Mike felt as though his legs were giving out. Its presence itself was more than enough to sap every bit of will to fight out of everyone.


"Screw this!"

The hunters cried out, running away from the demon, limping, only to be torn to pieces and have their heads ripped away from their bodies by the demon, who killed them like a child killing an insect. Unable to run away or defend themselves in any way, the hunters met their unfortunate demises.

The tower posed challenges incomparable to any of the labyrinths the team had ever been in.

'If this is what the first floor is like, how much worse is this going to be the higher we go up?' Mike thought, staring helplessly at his men being torn to shreds. The hopelessness of the situation led him to believe that he needed to get out of the tower alive, even if it came at the cost of the lives of his entire team.

'I'm terribly sorry, men, but I have to get out of here alive. It's the only way your sacrifices will be meaningful. I have to inform the Great Lord of what we found here.'



"S-sir… Aaaaaaaaaagh!"

The desperate cries for help mingled with the harrowing screams of the wounded and the dying. However, Mike gave his men the cold shoulder.

'I have to get out of here. Otherwise, our mission here will be in vain.'

Leaving behind the screams of his men, Mike ran frantically in search of the entrance. Unlike when him and his team were entering the tower, the entrance felt significantly farther away.

The only way to get out of the labyrinth was by clearing it. However, remembering that the system within the tower hadn't mentioned anything about how to leave it, a glimpse of hope sprouted within Mike. It was for that reason that Mike was attempting to escape the tower at the sacrifice of his team. Finally, upon reaching the entrance, Mike placed his foot on the magic circle. At which point, intense beams of light started emanating from it. However, when he looked back, he saw the demon wearing a ghastly grin. With that, Mike found himself getting surrounded by bright lights.

When he opened his eyes, he was in midair, falling into the water under the tower. The piercing coldness coiled around his body. Letting the wave carry him away, Mike stared blankly at the massive tower.

Chapter 96

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

"… Is that right?" Ethan said, groaning at the report of the second-class Director of Investigations, Mike. The director's report was just as shocking as his appearance, which was soaking wet, his eyes dim.

The news of the investigation team getting wiped out by one monster on the ground floor of the tower weighed down on Ethan's heart heavily. Realizing that Ji Yoo's proposition to form an alliance with the rest of the world was a sound one, Ethan groaned, put his hand on his throbbing forehead and muttered, "Damn it." From the look of it, it seemed like he had no choice but to organize a summit meeting as per Ji Yoo's request. A national crisis was at hand, and there was no time for big egos.

After disclosing a limited amount of information on the black tower to the world, the US organized an emergency Summit Meeting of Hunters. Among the Hunters' Institutes who agreed to attend, was Ji Yoo Kim, the Great Lord of the Central Institute in Korea.

Arriving at the Warp Gate building, Ji Yoo smiled as she got out of her car, thinking, 'So much for your threats, Ethan. You must be getting really desperate to invite us to the meeting. Well, there's not a whole lot of room for pride when your country's facing a catastrophe.'

Being greeted by the clerks who had rushed out of the building, Ji Yoo made her way inside.

Upon meeting Sia's friends, who stared at him with fascination as if looking at a celebrity, Ho Sung realized just how much older he was in comparison. However, contrary to her curious friends, Sia, fiddling with her phone, seemed to take no interest in Ho Sung.

'Man, what am I doing here when the world is falling apart?' he thought, feeling somewhat ashamed. However, the only and best time to make the most of his life was now: when the champion was sound asleep. Or so he thought. To his confusion, Ho Sung found himself feeling somewhat irresponsible, like a bedridden patient smoking a cigarette.

Although his initial thought had been to enjoy life to the fullest before the suicide mission that was the Tower of Demons, Ho Sung couldn't help but feel like he was avoiding his responsibilities.

'I should be preparing,' Ho Sung said to himself, which was the only thought occupying his mind.

"Hey, mister?" one of Sia's friends called to Ho Sung. At that point, Ho Sung snapped out of it and said, "Sorry. I better get going."

Hearing that, Sia, who had been staring at her phone, gave Ho Sung a puzzled look. Paying no attention to her, Ho Sung pushed his chair out and rose from his seat. Leaving the baffled Sia and her friends behind, Ho Sung walked out of the cafe. At that moment, Sia followed him outside, a disgruntled look on her face.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked.

Turning toward her, Ho Sung replied, "I shouldn't be out here, wasting time. Give me a call when Min Sung wakes up, yeah?"

With that, Ho Sung made his way to his car.

As the representatives of the participating countries entered the conference hall with serious looks on their faces, Ji Yoo put on a bluetooth headset. All conversations were being interpreted into different languages in real time by interpreters who were seated not too far from her. Soon, Ethan, the Great Master of the American Hunters' Institute walked into the conference hall. It was the first summit meeting since the appearance of the very first labyrinth about a decade ago. However, since everyone in the room had a record of clearing at least one labyrinth, there was not a single person who was shaken by the situation. With the exception of Ethan, that is, whose face was noticeably hardened.

'I don't know if I like the look on his face,' Ji Yoo thought. Sure enough, Ethan started off the meeting with a report that explained the hardened look on his face.

"In order to investigate the ground


floor of black tower, the American Institute sent in the Class-2 Investigation Team. As a result, we received a report that the entire team, with the exception of the team leader, had been wiped out. Our Director of Investigation here, who was the team leader at the time, was only able to return safely because of the sacrifices of his brave men."

At Ethan's opening statement, the conference hall sank into a tense silence. Although not a team made of top-elites, as the name suggested, the Class-2 Investigation Team was considered to be one of the most powerful and well-trained investigation teams in the world. Of course, the fact that a team of highly-trained hunters had been slaughtered in the black tower meant that the tower posed a threat beyond anybody's imagination. With a hardened expression, Ethan said into the microphone, "With that, I sincerely ask all the leaders here to consider deploying their top-tier hunters to Manhattan."

While the US choosing not to monopolize the tower could be seen as an opportunity for other countries to reap tremendous benefits, it was also reflective of the severity of the situation.

Looking around, Ji Yoo realized that China wasn't attending the summit meeting. Possessing some of the most powerful hunters in the world, the country's attitude appeared to be a speculative one.

'I guess some things just never change,' Ji Yoo said to herself, smiling bitterly.

"For those who are willing to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd sign and seal the document in front of me,' Ethan said directly. However, the limited amount of information brought out a lukewarm response from the leaders. At which point, Ethan, maintaining his stoic face, took the initiative to sign and seal the document himself.

"Countries who don't respond to this call will be cut off from all information pertaining to the black tower. Ladies and gentlemen, remember that our situation at hand is far more serious and difficult than when the very first labyrinth appeared," Ethan said, adding, "We'll resume the meeting in two hours. All missions and information pertaining to them will be set in motion and given to the participating countries after the document is signed. For those who are unwilling to contribute, I ask you to leave."

With that, Ethan rose from his seat and left the conference hall, and Ji Yoo, massaging her temple, watched him.

'Playing tough, are we?' she thought.

There had to be only one explanation for Ethan's attitude: greed. With China out of the picture, it was highly likely that the US would be leading the team of international allies.

'I guess I can't say that I'm surprised,' Ji Yoo thought.

Ultimately, Ethan's subtle threat to the world leaders turned out to be an effective one. The danger that was the black tower had provoked the leaders to join the US in conquering it. With the exception of China and after gaining the cooperation of the most well-known leaders in the world, Ethan had no reason to drag on any longer. Soon, the meeting moved on to the next stage: putting together an international assault team.

As the news reported on the black tower on live TV, the citizenry found relief in the fact that the tower was outside of Korea. However, that relief was short lived. With the news that the Central Institute was sending its elite force to participate in the investigation of the tower, a wave of apprehensive complaints started to pop up among the citizenry on social media.

"What happens to Korea when they're out there helping the US?"

"What if those dungeon gates start appearing again while the Institute is gone?!"

"C'mon! The US has all the military might they need! Do they really need our help?"

It wasn't long before the citizenry started acting on their complaints. Before long, a civic organization started a protest, demanding the Institute protect the country. However, despite the emphatic demands of the citizenry, the Institute dispatched its elite forces to the US as planned. Although the anxiety of the citizenry was at an all-time high, there were only two ways in which they could respond: either to grumble, or to hope that the soldiers made it back in one piece.

The reporters flashed their cameras unceasingly as elite hunters from across the globe started to arrive in Manhattan. After a while, the assembly area started to resemble a massive outdoor party as hunters in dazzling armor, weapons, and auras started to come together.

When all the hunters arrived, the number reached a whopping three hundred. It was a historic moment.

There was not a trace of fear to be found on the faces of the hunters. Because of their sheer number and the fact that each and every one of them was proud and confident in their skills, their morale was through the roof. Pride led one to have courage, and it was that courage that fueled an army, even without the help of a leader. However, there was one certain country who couldn't share in that same spirit. It was Korea. Finding it all too childish, Ji Yoo chuckled.

Disregarding the Korean hunters as if they were traitors, the hunters from across the globe, including the US, talked freely among themselves. It was as if they would forget all about the Central Institute when they joined combat. Their manners were no different from those of the teams of hunters who had arrived in Korea for the first time. To the rest of the world, Korea was considered to be a weaker country, and the misconception that a weak country like Korea had betrayed the US had led the Central Institute to be ostracized by the rest of the world.

"What are we, invisible? Why did they even invite us if they were gonna give us the cold shoulder the entire time?" the commander of the Central Institute grumbled, and Ji Yoo smiled bitterly at that.

"Ma'am, frankly, I don't see why we should stick around any longer. Besides, it won't reflect well on us back home," the commander said, and Ji Yoo nodded in agreement.

"It is true that there was tension between Korea and the US when we were dealing with a monster attack. Besides, one of ours really did injure one of theirs."

"But, ma'am…"

"That's not all. The Central Institute probably isn't the most trustworthy in the eyes of the world. Especially when we already declined the Americans' request to take part in investigating the black tower once."

"But, ma'am! Everything about that screams politics! In the end, we're the ones being bullied, but that doesn't mean we have to take it!"

"Let's not get too riled up and focus on what we can and must do instead," Ji Yoo said, looking at her soldiers.

"Do you have a plan?" the commander asked, and Ji Yoo stared at the tower calmly. Despite it being broad daylight, the sky was covered by dense thunderstorm clouds.

Chapter 97: Episode 97

"Just like you said, the hunters of other countries only think of us as shields."

As soon as the commander's face stiffened, Ji Yoo Kim continued,

"But I have no intention of doing what they want. Once we enter the tower, we'll only collect the information we need. Please deliver the message to the hunters that they shouldn't be greedy over certain items and that they should solely focus on obtaining information while keeping a safe distance."

The commander knitted his brows.

"They probably won't just leave them alone…"

"Just like the labyrinths, the tower will threaten mankind. No matter how powerful Ethan might be, he won't be able to mess with our hunters in front of the enemy. After all, the tower is a common goal for all of us."

"If that's the case…"

"We need to stay quiet. Tell our hunters not to provoke the hunters of the other countries and to not respond to them either."


The commander immediately headed out to deliver Ji Yoo Kim's message.

The hunters of the other countries stared at Ji Yoo Kim and the commander as if they were strange, but that was it.

After that, they began to send out the reporters.

From that point onward, no outsiders were allowed to enter.


The only floor in the tower with the lights on was the first floor. And according to the investigative team, there was only one monster inside.

Even so, the monster possessed great power, and it was likely that there were other hidden monsters inside as well.

The common goal of the hunters was to clear the first floor.

The sight of 300 hunters heading toward the tower was a grand spectacle.

As soon as they reached the target location, they dove into the ocean.

Splash, splash!

300 hunters swam to the tower.

The number was impressive.

Countless hunters began to enter the tower.


All 300 hunters successfully entered the first floor of the Black Tower.

There were concerns that there would be a limit on how many could enter, but they were luckily all able to go in.

The hunters squeezed out the excess water from their clothes and took out their weapons.

Ji Yoo Kim also took out her best weapon, which was the rapier.

At that moment, the American hunter master, Ethan, walked toward Ji Yoo Kim.

"What do you think about going in the front lines?"

Ji Yoo Kim looked around at the other hunters.

They were all watching her with cold looks on their faces as if they were telling her not to waste any more time and stand as their shield.

"What's the meaning of making us your front line, Ethan?"

Ethan scoffed.

"You should just be thankful for even being in the attacking force. Know your place."

It didn't sound like he was saying that because he really expected Korea to be in the front lines.

He simply wanted to put Korea in its place in front of everyone.

"Hmph! Korea does us harm let alone give us any help. You must've come here wanting to participate without doing anything, but how about you just turn back? You don't seem to have any motivation in the raid." Ethan said to Ji Yoo Kim with a scornful look.

Ji Yoo Kim felt her face grow red, and her insides burn up, but she looked away and caught her breath.

In response, Ethan laughed and turned around.

"The search teams of each country will split up to cover grounds. If you're scared, you should drop out now. Just remember not to go after the items of the tower."

As soon as Ethan gave the commands, all hunters except those of Korea set out.

Those orders were only decided and given


beforehand to all the other hunters besides those of Korea.

Only the Central Institute of Korea was unaware of this operation. After all, Korea didn't attend the meeting that took place at the assembly.

Actually, Ji Yoo Kim didn't even know there was a meeting.

The hunters of other countries snickered at the Korean hunters.

"They came here wanting a free meal."

"That's disgusting."

"What a smelly country."

"They call them hunters? Haha."

"Those scumbags."

The Korean hunters trembled in shame.

If Ji Yoo Kim hadn't ordered them to not react, they would have fought already.

All of the Korean hunters lowered their heads with flushed faces.

Considering the noble lives the hunters of the Central Institute lived, it was expected that they felt deeply ashamed.

The hunters of each country set out while the Korean hunters stayed back.

"… For your citizens, the future, and mankind, please hold out."

Ji Yoo Kim held down her emotions and told them coldly.

In response, the hunters forgot about their pride.


The maintainer of the 1st floor of the Black Tower.

Devil Borderer

He saw the many hunters entering the tower and simply laughed.

It appeared that the top hunters of the human world gathered, but in his eyes, they were simply prey.

That was how big the difference was between devils and humans.

However, there was one person that bothered him.

'Black Slaughterer.'

There were rumors going around that Black Slaughterer was in the human world.

According to the rumors, he recently killed a devil. Not just one, but two.

'Was it true…?'

Devil Borderer looked through the hunters, but he was unable to sense Black Slaughterer.

But for Black Slaughterer, hiding his whereabouts was an easy feat.

First of all… finding out if Black Slaughter really existed was the most important thing Devil Borderer had to do.

As Devil Borderer looked at the entrance, his eyes turned black.

As he lifted his long and slender hand, black and blue energies mixed together and flowed toward the entrance.


As a result of these magical powers, the energy turned into monsters on the first floor.

They were monsters that looked like dark ghosts, holding swords.

And within the swords were powers of Aura.

The dark ghosts pounced at the hunters.


The conversation stopped.

Despite there being 300 hunters, there were no sounds being made besides footsteps.

They all felt the same way.

They were afraid of letting their guards down and getting into trouble.

And that scary nightmare was just about to begin.


The entire first floor shook.

The 300 hunters were tense because of nervousness.

The investigative team went at the back, and the tankers replaced them.

The hunters with weapons stood behind the tankers.

As for the hunters with bows and arrows, they aimed at their enemies.

They began to see the monsters in front of them.

As soon as the hunters saw the dark ghosts, they prepared for battle.


In response to the order, the arrows were fired at the ghosts.

However, there was no use for the mission.

They were ghosts.

As soon as the arrows hit them, the ghosts disappeared into green smoke.

And in an instant, the dark ghosts passed through the ceiling and walls and attacked the hunters.

Despite having the best equipment, the hunters suffered considerable injuries.

Their necks got sliced off, and their legs and arms flew off.

However, there were so many hunters that the fight continued.

As soon as the hunters adjusted, they began taking out the ghosts one by one.

The battle continued for 10 minutes, and they were able to eliminate all of the dark ghosts.

However, the faces of the commanders looked serious.

According to America, an American search team was eliminated by just one monster.

Those dark ghosts couldn't have been the monster.

If that was the case, they were simply the monster of the 1st floor.

In the end, the monsters killed 20 hunters in total.

The hunters realized that their fight hadn't even begun.


People died.

Those of high ranks at that.

The hunters need some time to process it, and their arrows were pointed toward the Korean hunters.

It was clear that the hunters of the other countries were dying to attack the Korean hunters.

The commanders stepped up to stop it, but the damage was already done.

The sharp knife toward Korea spread wider.

"You've got to be kidding me. You wouldn't be saying that if your hunters were the ones that died."

"If you really want to care for the smaller countries, you should take over all of the searches."

The voices of dissatisfaction grew louder.

The hunters were growing more and more sensitive.


Devil Borderer was certain that Black Slaughterer was not within this group.

There was no reason for Black Slaughterer to be here without saying a word.

Was the rumor that Black Slaughterer was in the human world a lie?

Black Slaughterer definitely died in the Demonic Realm.

There was no way that a dead person would be in the human world.


As soon as his anxiousness died away, he expressed his relief.

Episode 98

Devil Borderer showed off impressive power right off the bat.

Even after being hit by the hunters, he wasn't swayed one bit.

He laughed as he ate the hunters alive, ripped their limbs off, and dismantled their waists.

The troop grew more and more unmotivated.


Screams could be heard from all four directions.

"Attack! It's just one monster! Don't be scared," one of the commanders yelled.

Steel of all colors was focused on Borderer.

Despite concentrating all forces, the attack didn't work on Borderer.

After realizing that there was no hope, the hunters went into despair.

Even the commanders began to give up.

But at that moment, wounds began forming on the devil's skin.

However, that was it.

Despite there only being one monster, they had no chance.

The number of hunters continued to decrease.


"Get out of here!"

In the end, the commanders ordered everyone to retreat.

As soon as Devil Borderer's mouth opened, dark sparks flew out and attacked the hunters' backs.

Before they could even take one more step, the hunters rotted due to Devil Borderer's breath.

The number of hunters decreased dramatically in an instant.

While the hunters died off one by one, some of the other hunters escaped through the exit.

Even while running away, the sounds of hunters dying could be heard.


Splash! Splash!

They left the tower and swam to the shore.

Without even having the energy to dry off, the hunters caught their breath.

Their attitude was entirely different from when they first entered the tower.

The faces of the hunters were filled with despair and hopelessness.


'What's going on here? Did they already come back?'

Ho Sung Lee, who arrived in Manhattan by plane, swallowed his dry saliva.

The current circumstances were runaway soldiers.

The place where the top hunters of the world gathered was the Manhattan assembly.

'But why are they in such bad shape?'

Besides the commanders, the hunters outside looked like they lost their minds.

And then Ho Sung Lee began to see injured soldiers.

Many of them had wounds all over their bodies, and some of them even had rotting or frozen body parts.

Although they were treated with magic, there was only so much they could do to wounds caused by a devil.

They knew devils were strong, but they didn't know they would be defeated on the first floor.

While Ho Sung Lee was clicking his tongue, Ji Yoo Kim was heading toward the tents.

Ho Sung Lee decided to wait for Ji Yoo Kim to come out again so that they could talk.


Inside the tents at the assembly.

The hunters didn't say a word to each other.

The air inside the tent was cold.

And at that moment…


Ji Yoo Kim entered.

The commanders looked at Ji Yoo Kim, and then their faces stiffened in anger.

"Who said you could come in here?"

American hunter master, Ethan, treated Ji Yoo Kim as if she was an outsider.

In response, Ji Yoo Kim looked him straight in the eyes.

"There's no time for that. We need China's help. If we put it off any longer…"

"What makes you think we don't already know that?"

The European commander, who looked like a Mafia head, refuted Ji Yoo Kim with his eyes.

It appeared difficult for them to exchange a normal conversation.

They were able to participate in attacking the tower thanks to the information they received, but that was it.

They had no interest in involving Korea.

Ji Yoo Kim sighed and left the tent.

Once she left, the tent grew still once more.

"We have no choice but to ask China for their cooperation," one commander remarked.

"Chinese hunters might be strong, but will they be able to clear the tower?"

Just as Ethan said, the top was much too difficult.

Even if China stepped up to help, the chances were slim.

Unless a miracle happened, mankind was about to face a huge crisis.


Ji Yoo Kim stared at the dark sky and the tower with a sad look on her face.

If Min Sung Kang woke up, would things be different?

While Ji Yoo Kim thought about Min Sung Kim, someone approached her.

When she turned around, it was someone she didn't expect.

"Ho Sung?"

Ji Yoo Kim called his name in surprise.

In response, Ho Sung greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, General Kim."

"Did Min Sung wake up yet?"

"… No."

In response to Ho Sung


Lee's sad response, Ji Yoo Kim couldn't help but express her disappointment.

She then laughed and continued,

"But what brings you here?"

Ho Sung Lee smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"Haha, the thing is… I don't' want to just sit around and do nothing. I know I won't be much help, but…"

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

"No, your efforts would be of value. I shouldn't have asked you that question in the first place."

"That's all right. So what happened? It doesn't look so good."

"Shall we go somewhere else?"

Ho Sung Lee accepted Ji Yoo Kim's proposal.


"… I-is that true?"

Ji Yoo Kim nodded.

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw in shock.

All hunters from around the world gathered besides those from China.

A large number of forces gathered just to clear the tower.

But… they were defeated on the first floor?

Even after hearing Ji Yoo Kim confirming it, it was hard for him to believe.

Out of the 300 soldiers that entered, only 150 remained.

"Of course, the top hunters are still alive. The ones who died were the lower-level hunters."

"What happens now? Are you going to attempt a second raid?"

Ho Sung Lee asked with a troubled look on his face.

"Nothing's for certain, but since a lot of harm was done from the first raid, we won't be acting harshly. It'll take some time."

Ho Sung Lee sighed and tilted his head.

"But why didn't China join in?"

"China… is the country with the most secrets in current society."

Kim Ji Yoo continued with a small laugh,

"But since this circumstance is an exception, China will definitely do something. We'll have to see."

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"I see."

"How's Min Sung? Is he hurt? I know he was fine when the doctor looked at him, but still."

"…I'm sure he's fine."

After seeing Ho Sung Lee smiling, Ji Yoo Kim smiled as well.

She sensed just how much Ho Sung Lee trusted Min Sung Kim.

'Please wake up already, Min Sung.'

Ji Yoo Kim prayed inside her head.

She believed that Ho Sung Lee felt the same way.


Min Sung slowly opened his eyes.

He had to blink a few times before he could see.

As soon as he got out of bed and drew the curtains, sunshine poured into the room.

He looked outside with squinted eyes and then walked into the living room.


Bowl cried out while grabbing onto his leg.

Min Sung brushed him off and got a glass of water.

He was very thirsty.

"How long was I asleep for?"

As soon as Min Sung put down his glass, Bowl stopped dancing.

"You were asleep for a week!"

He was asleep for a long time.

How could anyone sleep for a whole week?

Min Sung laughed. He made himself an Americano and then sat on the sofa.

He did a quick stretch and massaged his neck.

He was in bed for so long that his body felt stiff.

He took a sip from his coffee and turned on the TV with the remote Bowl handed him.

As soon as the TV turned on, the news reporter came on.

[The world troop failed at raiding the first floor of the tower in New York, Manhattan today. There are currently injured and deceased…]

Min Sung knitted his brows.

"What happened while I was asleep?"

Bowl tilted his head as if he had no idea.

"And why isn't anyone here?"

While Min Sung looked around him, the front door opened to Sia Jang entering.

When she saw Min Sung sitting on the sofa, she was shocked.

"You're up!"

Woong Jang ran over with a smile.

"What happened?"

Min Sung pointed at the news and questioned Jang Woong.

Jang Woong caught his breath before explaining everything that had happened.

After hearing the story, Min Sung closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Ho Sung told me to tell you to contact him as soon as you wake up."

Min Sung frowned and gestured for Bowl to hand him the phone.

Once Bowl wobbled back with the phone, Min Sung called Ho Sung.

There was a notification of an international call.

Min Sung looked at his phone in surprise and then started talking.

"Are you abroad?"

Sir! You're up! I knew you'd wake up!

" Where are you?"

I'm at the assembly in Manhattan.

"What are you doing there?"

Pardon? Oh, well… I just wanted to do something to help…

"Is there a devil in the tower?"

Yes, Sir. I think so. The top hunters from all around the world entered, but they were defeated on the 1st floor.

"I'll be right there. Wait for me."

Yes, Sir!

Min Sung hung up and finished his Americano.

Woong Jang stood beside him like a butler.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'll be fine once I do some warming up in Manhattan."

Woong Jang didn't understand.

"What do you mean…?"

"That tower. Are there more?"

Min Sung pointed at the Black Tower on the news.

Woong Jang dropped his jaw and stared at the TV screen.

"That… place?"


Min Sung questioned him back.

In response, Woong Jang laughed and shook his head.

"Never mind. Have a safe trip."

Min Sung waved his hand and got up.

Episode 99

Min Sung took the Warp Gate straight to New York.

There was quite a distance between the New York Warp gate and the Manhattan assembly. Since the Manhattan assembly was in a dangerous place, most taxis refused to go there, but he managed to find a way.

The employees of the Warp Gate introduced him to a driver.

As a result, Min Sung was able to head to Manhattan in no time.

Unlike Korea, New York's dark skies were pouring rain.

As he looked out the window, he could hear music on the radio.

The pleasant voice of a black man could be heard along with rhythmical music.

At that moment, Bowl crawled out of his pocket.

Bowl stood on top of Min Sung's thighs and shook his bottom to the music.

Min Sung, who usually didn't laugh at anything, chuckled at the sight.

On the other hand, the driver was in shock.

He dripped in cold sweat while doing his best to focus on driving.


"General Kim! The hunter is awake. He's on his way here."

In response to Ho Sung Lee's announcement, Ji Yoo Kim's face brightened up.

"Really? Did he really wake up?"

In response to Ji Yoo Kim's question, Ho Sung Lee nodded with a smile.

Ji Yoo Kim sighed out of relief and rubbed her chest.

"Phew. What a relief."

Kim Ji Yoo's face then stiffened.

"But if Min Sung is coming, won't there be chaos?"

"Maybe… But I'm sure the hunter will-"

Ho Sung Lee looked at the tower and continued,

"-solve this problem. Isn't that the most important thing?"

Ji Yoo Kim showed a small smile.

"Not even Min Sung Kang can take care of that tower on his…"


Ho Sung Lee refuted.

"The hunter will handle that horrible tower."

Ji Yoo Kim thought for a moment before showing a smile.

In the eyes of Ho Sung Lee wasn't a hint of doubt.

He was certain of what he was saying.


Ho Sung Lee could be seen running over from the car.

Once the car took off, Ho Sung Lee was in front of Min Sung.

"Sir! You're here."

Ho Sung Lee gave him a 90-degree bow.

Min Sung looked past Ho Sung Lee at the Black Tower and frowned.

"Only the first floor is open?"

Ho Sung Lee also glanced at the Black Tower and shook his head.

"Don't even. That devil is so strong that he killed over a hundred hunters already."

"Let's go."

"… Pardon?"

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung and questioned him.

"Let's go."


"The Black Tower. Where else?"

Min Sung put his hands in his pocket and led the way.



It wasn't like he didn't see it coming, but he didn't know he would head straight to the tower upon his arrival.

He felt as if he was riding a roller coaster despite being afraid of heights.

He felt his heart sink to the floor.

He should have been used to this feeling by now after hanging around Min Sung Kang, but their destination was the Black Tower of all places.

How could he be used to this?

Ho Sung Lee followed Min Sung in nervousness.


Min Sung got on the boat first.

As Ho Sung Lee followed him on, two hunters ran over.

"What do you think you're doing?"

They didn't get permission to use the boats.

While Ho Sung Lee stared at them blankly-

"Start the engine," Min Sung commanded.

In response, Ho Sung pulled the handle to the engine.


The engine started and the boat took off.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Are you trying to die? What are you doing?! Come back!"

The soldiers screamed from a distance.

But they simply watched them as the distance grew further.

Once the soldiers tired out, they shook their heads.

Ho Sung Lee stared on and then put a cigarette in his mouth.

"Since only the first floor is open, you'll probably be able to catch him. I'm talking about the devil."

"But you could die."

Min Sung answered calmly while staring into the ocean and the lightning above it.

Ho Sung Lee took a puff and nodded.

"You're right. I could die."

He smoked with a troubled look on his face before continuing.

"Sir, the waves are so calm. They were really rough earlier."

"I'm controlling them."

Ho Sung Lee looked up at Min Sung blankly.

"The waves?"





Ho Sung Lee laughed. He threw out his cigarette and got up.

They were approaching the tower.


Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee got sucked into the tower, and as soon as they opened their eyes again, they were inside the tower.

There was no waiting room.

The dungeon began as soon as they entered.

Min Sung walked around the inside of the tower as if it was his living room.

He didn't feel scared in the slightest bit.

On the other hand, Ho Sung Lee glanced around and kept his guard up.

Min Sung felt like something wasn't right.

The tower was empty and big.

That was the reason.

"Don't waste any more time and get out here."

Min Sung growled the words coldly.

The sound of his voice rang through the entire tower.



Devil Borderer gasped in shock.

He felt shivers up his spine.

"What was that sound?!"

He felt something frightful.

He then used his eye lens to check who it was.

It was two humans.

Did one of them say that?

The sound wasn't filled with a lot of power.

So why did his body respond so fearfully?

No way-

"Black Slaughterer?"

Devil Borderer gulped.

"No way… But let me check anyway."

Borderer lifted his hand with a nervous look on his face.

From his hand was a dark and blue force that entered his eye lens.


"Two crazies got on a boat and went to the tower."

In response to the subordinate's report, the commanders laughed.

"They must be crazy."

"It sounds like they just want to die. If that's the case, just leave them be."

"How could they think to…"

All of the commanders treated Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee like lunatics.

At that moment-

"Which country are the hunters from? Did you check?"

"It sounded like they were Korean."

Ethan laughed loudly.

"That country is ridiculous."

Ethan glanced at the subordinate and continued,

"Don't waste our time with useless reports like that."

"I apologize, Sir!"

The subordinate apologized and ran out of the tent.

The commanders within the tent dismissed the news of the two hunters and continued their meeting.


"This dungeon is different from all the other ones we've seen," Ho Sung Lee remarked.

Min Sung didn't bother responding.

He simply longed for a meal after a long slumber.

"Wherever we go, they all hide like cowards."

"You must be really famous, Sir. Even in Hell. Was your nickname Black Slaughterer? That's what the devil said last time."

"That's what they called me," Min Sung answered dryly as if it was no pleasant memory.

"Not even the world hunters could defeat one devil. So how many of them have you killed that you were given the nickname Slaughterer…"

Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

"Anyway, you're impressive."

While he clicked his tongue, Min Sung sensed something.

Something was approaching.

And Min Sung's senses were correct.

A dark figure appeared while holding a sword.

It was a monster that the Devil Borderer named "Dark Ghost".

The dark ghost attacked Min Sung with the sword.

In response, Min Sung took out his Orichalcum Sword from his items window.


A white force wrapped around the Orichalcum Sword.

"Are you kidding me…?"

Min Sung expressed his disappointment and threw his Orichalcum Sword around.


The force was thrown back at the dark ghosts and wrapped around them.

Bang, bang!


A strong wind rushed in.

The ground shattered and the walls cracked.

The bodies of the ghosts shattered into gold sand.

The dark ghosts that hit Min Sung's sword shattered right in front of his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee watched on while his hair blew in the wind with a blank look on his face.


'T-that's the Black Slaughterer!'

There was no doubt about it.

Devil Borderer began dripping in sweat.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He hadn't felt so nervous since a few years back when he faced off against a high-level devil.

"T-that's the Black Slaughterer. He's alive."

Once he saw his sword causing lightning and thunder, Devil Borderer was certain he was the "Black Slaughterer.

"What do I do? What do I do? I'm the only one on the first floor."

He trembled in fear.

His only thought was that he didn't want to go extinct.

"No! I don't want to go extinct!"

Devil Borderer grabbed his head with his hands.

Tremble, tremble!

He could feel his own body shaking.

His back and neck felt weak as if he had already been stabbed.

The rumors were true.

The rumors about two devils that died.

If that was true, he was going to die as well.

He had to think of a way.

A way to survive.

Devils fed off of death, pain, and chaos.

He jolted his eyes open.

He made his decision.

He decided how he could survive against the "Black Slaughterer".