324 - 333

Chapter 324: Chapter 324

Ho Sung Lee felt like crying when he saw Min Sung.

How could he return so suddenly without warning?

Of course, since he was in the Demonic Realm, it couldn't be helped. But in any case, seeing how he was overwhelmed with so many emotions, he must've been having a hard time.

The thought that it was all over and he could now escape from the heavy burden of the position he was in made him feel free.

"Are you crying?" Min Sung asked as if he was annoyed.

"It's been hard."

"Stop crying. I'll kill you," said Min Sung with a straight face.

In response, Ho Sung Lee sucked in his tears.

"… Yes, Sir."

"Let's eat."

Min Sung entered the house.

Bowl and Repone realized that their master had returned.

Bowl shook his big head and ran over while Repone flapped his wings, and Ssol, who practically lived in the garden, ran over with grass all over his body.

Just like that, Bowl, Repone, and Ssol stuck onto Min Sung like glue.

With all three of them on his body, Min Sung went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out the water.

Chug! Chug! Chug!

He chugged all the water.

The taste of the clean water upon returning from the Demonic Realm was refreshing and delicious.

It felt as though the dust that accumulated in his body got washed away.


Just as Min Sung let out a sigh, Ho Sung Lee rolled up his sleeves and entered the kitchen.

"Is there anything you'd like to eat?" Ho Sung Lee asked with a bright face.

"Anything Korean."

Min Sung put down the water and headed to the living room with Bowl, Repone, and Ssol on his body.

While Ho Sung Lee prepared the food, Min Sung laid on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Since he was waiting for his food to be ready, Bowl, Repone, and Ssol also enjoyed a nap close to Min Sung.


"Sir, the food is ready!"

In response, Min Sung opened his eyes and got up.

He hadn't eaten anything during his time in the Demonic Realm. It felt like there was thunder inside his belly.

But he didn't let himself get excited.

Patience was not always necessary, but he was able to wait.

And the wait would result in fruits blooming from the tree.

He had starved significantly during his time in the Demonic Realm. Since he starved after eating so plentifully, he felt even more hungry.

Min Sung sat down at the table with great anticipation.

The meal Ho Sung Lee prepared was very fancy.

The grilled deodeok was the main, and beside it were grilled short rib patties and other side dishes.

He wondered when he had the time to make all of it.

Min Sung picked up his chopsticks and began his meal.

He took a bite of the rice before his chopsticks headed toward the main, which was the grilled deodeok.

He then immediately chewed on the grilled deodeok.

As soon as he did, Min Sung experienced an amazing scent.

The deodeok itself was very fragrant, and even the marinade was simple and delicious.

The grilled deodeok proved just how superior Korean food was.

Min Sung's chopsticks couldn't' stop.

That was because there were way too many side dishes.

The next dish Min Sung's chopsticks headed toward was the steamed stingray. It was very soft, and just by looking at it, it looked like it was soft, and it was true.

As soon as he put it in his mouth, it chewed softly, and then the stingray soon disappeared.

The next dish was kimchi, which he put on top of rice.

Min Sung looked down at it for a long time.

He suddenly felt very touched.

When he went to the Demonic Realm, he prepared himself to some extent.

He knew that it was possible he would never return, so he felt relieved that he actually came back.

And that was why the kimchi on top of the rice made him feel so touched.

He quickly wrapped the rice with the kimchi and put it into his mouth.

Om nom. Chomp.

The refreshing scent of the cabbage and the spicy red pepper flakes allowed him to experience the extreme beauty of Korea.

He added green onions and onions on top and ate another piece of the grilled deodeok.

No matter how many times he ate the grilled deodeok, he couldn't get sick of the scent.

Bracken, peppers, and strong seaweed soup, due to the deep flavors of the Korean meal, Min Sung


just had to get another bowl of rice.

Ho Sung Lee's food was still spectacular as ever.

It was near perfection.

It was as if Ho Sung Lee's skills got even better.


Min Sung went out to the yard in order to enjoy a little tea time after dinner, and Ho Sung Lee followed.

Min Sung, who drank his warm tea while drinking his warm coffee, looked at Ho Sung Lee and opened his mouth.

"Brief me," said Min Sung.

And in response, Ho Sung Lee informed him of everything that happened while he was in the Demonic Realm.

In order to brief Min Sung properly, Ho Sung Lee had written in his journal every day of everything that was happening.

For that reason, he reported in a smooth manner.

No matter how simple the information, there was a difference that preparation made, and in that sense, Ho Sung Lee's report was flawless.

Min Sung listened to the briefing and nodded.

"Good work."

In response, Ho Sung Lee sighed.

"Um, Sir."

Min Sung drank his hot Americano and sat down on the bench.

"Sat down."

Min Sung pointed at the seat next to him.

"That's all right."

Min Sung didn't refute any further.

"You want to ask me about the Demonic Realm, don't you?"

Ho Sung Lee's eyes sparkled.

Min Sung didn't hesitate to tell him about how he defeated Rucifer and Hellcard, but Ho Sung Lee's response was strong.

"Y-y-you obtained the great god's powers?"

"Yeah. But not anymore," replied Min Sung calmly.

"I-I see."

Ho Sung Lee's pupils shook from left to right.

Min Sung spoke as if it was no big deal, but the one listening couldn't feel the same way… because it almost sounded like an ancient myth.

But since it actually happened, it was surprising.

"Where's Woong Jang?"

"Oh, I let him know that you've returned, so he'll be back by late afternoon."


"But about what Ethan said about how more hunters will get involved with crimes."

"What about it?"

"Is there a way to prevent it?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"… I'm sorry?"

"That's what you and the hunter leaders should work out."

Ho Sung Lee froze up.

"… Me?"

"Then should I?"

"Yes… Well, I should do it, but you'll be the one making the decisions, right?"

"What kind of decisions?"

"About the issues."

Ho Sung Lee's face turned yellow as he watched Min Sung contemplate.

"You must. I felt so pressured that I had to make such big decisions while you were away. You have to take over the responsibility. That's what makes it meaningful."

"Do I have to? I don't want to be bothered," mumbled Min Sung while clicking his tongue.

"You must. They'll only listen to you. They won't listen to what a representative says. And rather than someone like me, I think the Central Institute's Commander Ji Yoo Kim…"

"Not her."

"Why not?" Ho Sung Lee asked as if he wasn't able to understand.

"I think it's better to leave it to someone dumb but knows how to act, rather than someone who's smart, but doesn't do anything about it."

"I'm thankful that you see me that way… Or am I? Anyway, what should we do from now on? Now that there are no dungeons or monsters, the hunters will soon resort to crimes when they lose their jobs."

"That's not for me to worry about. That's your problem. Like I said, all I do is make the decisions."

"Why me? There's the Central Institute. Won't they take care of anything as long as you ask?"

"I can't trust the Central Institute. They're corrupt, too. So you take care of it."

"Um, Sir. Then since you have money, please give me a helper. It's better to work it out with someone smart than struggle all by myself."

"You can do that as long as you don't make my surroundings noisy, but make sure you pick the right person."

"Thank you."

"Anything else?"

"… No, Sir."

"Then I'm going to get some rest."

Ho Sung Lee bowed and returned to the living room.

Ho Sung Lee plopped down on the couch and grabbed his face with both hands.

He thought things would become easier now that Min Sung Kang was back, but that was nothing but his false hope.

"I should still stay positive."

Now that he was back, all he had to do was follow orders.

And as for the difficult issues, he just had to employ smart minds.

'Yeah. I won't make this complicated.'

Ho Sung Lee nodded and immediately called Central Institute's Commander Ji Yoo Kim.


"You need someone smart and trustworthy?"

"Yes. I need to find someone who can help me find resolutions to the hunters who'll get involved with crimes later on."

"That's not difficult, but was that Min Sung's idea?"

"No. I didn't want to tell you this, but he said he can't trust the Central Insitute. So he told me to take care of it on my own. Sigh…"

Ho Sung Lee dropped his head and sighed.

Ji Yoo Kim looked at Ho Sung Lee and smiled.

"I'm sure you'll do a good job. You've done a good job so far, right?"

"Haha, that doesn't comfort me at all."

When Ho Sung Lee lifted his head again, Ji Yoo Kim flinched

That was because his eyes were covered in dark circles.

"I'm going to go for a smile."

By the time Ho Sung Lee struggled to get up, Ji Yoo Kim's phone rang.

Ji Yoo Kim answered the phone, and her face quickly turned stiff.

Ho Sung Lee watched Ji Yoo Kim look nervous.

And as soon as she hung up, she smiled bitterly at Ho Sung Lee.

"Ethan was right."

"… Have the hunters started acting already?"

Ji Yoo Kim nodded heavily.

Ho Sung Lee was then reminded of what Ethan told him.

That what was scarier than a powerful enemy was evil that wouldn't go away.

Chapter 325: Chapter 325


Ji Yoo Kim told him that the hunters of each hunter association withdrew and began to scatter in all directions.

Not only that, but she also said that the hunters were beginning to enter illegal industries in order to make money.

Ji Yoo Kim expressed that the hunter leaders were calm as if they saw it coming all along.

Ho Sung Lee immediately looked for Min Sung.

He then reported the update.

Min Sung, who was enjoying his coffee while looking out the window said, "It's snowing."

Min Sung was watching the snow with sparkling eyes as if he was a kid again.

Since he spent so much time in the Demonic Realm, it had been a long time since he had seen snow.

Ho Sung Lee didn't press him and quietly waited.

Min Sung admired the snow for a long time while drinking his coffee.

And a moment later, Min Sung opened his mouth.

"Call Commander Kim."

In response, Ho Sung Lee bowed and excused himself with his phone.

Before Min Sung could finish his coffee on the sofa, the doorbell rang.

Ho Sung Lee opened the front door, and Ji Yoo Kim entered the living room.

Min Sung stared at Ji Yoo Kim.

He was asking how she came so quickly with his eyes.

Ji Yoo Kim realized that and immediately answered, "I was nearby."

"Take a seat," said Min Sung while glancing over at the chair.

Ji Yoo Kim sat down in a formal manner.

Min Sung put down his cup. He looked at Ji Yoo Kim and asked, "How is it looking?"

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Not good."

"Tell me in more detail."

"You've heard that the drug dealers have held hands with the hunters, right?"

Min Sung nodded.

"The force of the hunters connected to the drug market is getting bigger. And as a result, many of the hunters are retiring from the association."

"I think there's a reason for everything. Why isn't the government or the hunter associations stopping them?"

"I'm sure the hunter leaders are contemplating it as well."

"What do you mean?"

Ji Yoo Kim smiled.

Her smile looked self-deprecating and full of criticism.

"The dungeons and monsters are gone, so what's the worth of the hunters?"

"I'm sure it plummeted, but you can't guarantee that the dungeons won't show up again."

"That's true, but what's important is you, Min Sung Kang."

"What about me?"

"Because you exist, they're no longer afraid of dungeons reappearing."

Min Sung nodded with understanding.


"That's what the hunter leaders are contemplating. Since they're not making profits from dungeons, the government is now treating them as if they're a burden."

"If that's what the hunter leaders are worried about, are they…"

Ji Yoo Kim nodded with a heavy face.

"They'll decide that they have no choice but to follow money."

"I understand. But the government must feel burdened by the fact that the hunter forces are getting bigger and bigger."

"I'm sure the government is making calculations as well. Meanwhile, the hunters are following the money already. As a result, the government is feeling restless."

"What about Korea?"

"Korea is a little better. Since the land is smaller, the crime rate is lower. Of course, they still exist. After all, such criminal forces existed even when there were dungeons."

Min Sung's eyes headed toward Ho Sung Lee.

"This is a headache in many aspects."

Ji Yoo Kim smiled bitterly without a word.

"Then is there a need for me to step up?" Min Sung asked with knitted brows.

He made it known that he didn't want to be bothered.

"Korea isn't free from this either."

"What do you mean?"

"When the government's support becomes weaker, the Korean hunters will also go abroad."

"And then?"

"When the hunter forces become solidified, they'll start fighting the government. They'll try to take over the government. It's an inevitable process."

Min Sung cupped his chin and sighed.

Ji Yoo Kim continued, "As you know, you can't stop the hunters with ordinary modern technology."

"Not only the monsters, but the hunters, too?"

"Yes. Their weak point is harm related to the Aura."

"Then the government don't stand a chance against the hunter forces."

"In order to fight against them, the government will have to obtain magical combat equipment, and since the dungeons are gone, that will come with astronomical expenses because a high premium will be added to the magic equipment."

"So in the end… a worldwide war of rebellion will spread?"


"Even when I'm here?"

Ji Yoo Kim nodded.

"Because they need money."

Min Sung sighed out of frustration.

"Then what do you think is the best solution?" Min Sung asked while looking at Ji Yoo Kim.

"This is just my opinion, since none of us know what will happen. Is


that okay?"

"I'll make the final decision. Just give me your opinion."

Ji Yoo Kim organized her thoughts. She looked up at Min Sung and opened her mouth.

"I think the solution is for you to rule over the hunters and control them."


"Call the heads of each country, force them to create jobs for their hunters, and for those who oppose, pressure them strongly with your abilities."

Min Sung smiled.

"That's intense."

"Is that a compliment?"

Min Sung stared at Ji Yoo Kim.

When the towers first appeared and Ji Yoo Kim was being swayed by the hunters from all around the world, he simply saw her as a scared little girl. But that wasn't the case anymore.

She was a leader who was able to move forward when given an opportunity.

He finally understood how she became the commander at such a young age.

"That's not a bad idea, but I think the hunters who already got a taste of money will continue to rebel. What do you think about that?"

"They will. But we have to stop them. That's something only you can do."

"Have you had dinner yet?"

In response, Ji Yoo Kim opened her eyes wide before smiling.

"No, not yet."

"Let's have dinner later. Before then, bring some data regarding the presidents from all over the world as well as the hunter leaders. I'll need a briefing during dinner. Can you do that?"

"Of course."

"Then I'll see you later."

Min Sung picked up his coffee cup and looked at Ho Sung Lee.

"Is this the best Luwak coffee?"

"It's not bad, but I can't say it's the best since it has to travel from its origin."

"Indonesia, right?"

"That's right."

"Are the warp gates still in working order?" Min Sung asked Ji Yoo Kim.

"Of course."

Min Sung nodded and passed his cup to Ho Sung Lee.

"Then I'll call you at dinner."


Ji Yoo Kim bowed and excused herself.

After Ji Yoo Kim left, Min Sung returned to Ho Sung Lee who was washing his cup.

"What would be good for dinner?"

"Since you've had Korean food, how about steak and wine? Since this is dinner with the commander, the atmosphere might be just right."

"Sounds good. Make a reservation."

"Should I book out the entire restaurant? You're speaking about important matters."

"No need. I don't want to disrupt other people's meals. And even if somebody hears what we say, it's not like anyone can stop me from making my decision."

Ho Sung Lee thought for a moment before nodding.

"That's true. Then I'll make the reservation. But Sir…"


Min Sung turned on his high-quality audio and looked through the list of songs as he asked back.

"Um… I don't know how to say this."

"Just get to the point. Don't drag it on."

"Hm… while I assisted you, I haven't been getting paid. So living has been quite difficult."

"Oh, that's true."

Min Sung laughed.

"Do you need money?"

"I do. I need to eat, buy clothes, and live. My bank account is minus," said Ho Sung Lee with a grimace.

"But aren't you in charge of my bank account anyway?"

"Yes, I am."

"You didn't use any?"

Ho Sung Lee frowned as if he was really annoyed.

"How could I spend your money?"

"Bring me your bank account number."

"Are you going to pay me from now on?"

"I told you to bring me your bank account number."

"Right now?"


Ho Sung Lee tilted his head.

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee went to his room. He wrote down his account number and brought it to Min Sung.

Min Sung got up with a piece of paper.

"How much money is in my account?" Min Sung asked Ho Sung Lee.

"Trillions of won."

Min Sung thought for a moment and then looked at Ho Sung Lee.

"Is there anything you want to do? Like, set up a restaurant?"

"I do. But there are many things I need to do for you. I'll do that when things slow down, and when I'm earning my own money."

Min Sung nodded.

"I'm going out. Give me my wallet and car keys."

Ho Sung Lee quickly brought over his wallet and car keys.

Min Sung left the house.

Bowl, Repone, and Ssol followed Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee watched Min Sung leave the house and tilted his head once more.


He threw his wallet and car keys onto the passenger seat and started the car.

Bowl, Ssol, and Repone were so excited to leave the house for once that they chatted loudly in the back seat.

Bowl talked to Repone in the Demonic language while Ssol just added some sounds here and there.


The expensive supercar made a loud exhaust sound.

In response, Bowl, Repone, and Ssol laughed with excitement.

Min Sung immediately started his car and called Commander Ji Yoo Kim.

Yes, Min Sung.

"I have a question for you."


"It's about Ho Sung."

Ho Sung?

"He worked for me without getting paid. It sounds like things have been tight for him."

Oh, really?"

Laughter could be heard.

Min Sung glared at Bowl, Repone, and Ssol, who were chatting loudly in the back seat.

Bowl, Repone, and Ssol all shut up at the same time.

Min Sung continued, "How much is an appropriate pay per month?"

Hm… I'm not sure. Is it urgent?

"I'm on my way to the bank. Just give me a number."


Ji Yoo Kim sounded surprised.

Min Sung answered in an awkward voice, "He's been working hard, so I need to pay him back. So…"

Wow! Ho Sung Lee will be so touched! Min Sung, you've changed a lot. You used to be so cold.

He heard laughter again, but this time it was louder.

Min Sung knitted his brow.

"Shut up and tell me how much."

Chapter 326: Chapter 326

Hm… I think it's best that you make the decision, but I'll send you information regarding the average cost of houses, cars, and the cost of living. I can send it to you before you get to the bank.


Min Sung hung up and looked ahead of him with annoyed eyes.

The traffic was horrible.

Since he brought out the most expensive sports car called a Ferrari, the driver's seat was uncomfortable and so was driving it.

He realized it could be much more comfortable to drive around the city in an SUV instead.

But since Min Sung had the intention to adjust to society, he sucked it up and kept going.

He couldn't give up just because something was bothersome.

There were many beautiful and delicious things in this world.

And in order to enjoy those things, he had to acclimate to the environment around him.

While he passed through a traffic zone, he saw people snapping pictures from all around.

Just as he was about to ask where the nearest bank was, he got a notification that he received a text message.

Min Sung checked his phone. The message contained the average cost of houses, cars, and the cost of living sent over by Central Institute.

While Min Sung read through it.

Honk, honk!

He heard the sound of honking from behind.

The car in front of him was far ahead.

He stepped on the accelerator, but he was hit with yet another congested area.

After much struggle, Min Sung finally discovered a bank.

He parked his car in front of the bank and got out.

'Is it this door?'

Min Sung walked toward the door that he perceived to be the main entrance and walked through.

He hadn't been to a bank in a really long time, but the system hadn't changed very much.

Once dungeons appeared and most of the technology shifted toward magic, technology pertaining to the economy came to a halt.

He stood in front of a machine in order to take a number.

He saw a button for transfers, so Min Sung touched it.

As soon as he did, a number printed out.

There were around 15 people ahead of him. After that was Min Sung's turn.

Since there were many people, it would take a long time.

In order to wait, Min Sung walked toward a crowd of people and made himself comfortable in a seat.

The people at the bank were unable to recognize that he was a famous person.

Min Sung crossed his arms and legs and waited for his turn.

'How bothersome…'

Min Sung knitted his brows.

He knew he had to get used to society, but once he got to the bank and waited, he couldn't have been more bored.

He wondered if he should've made Ho Sung Lee do it, but since he was already at the bank, he threw away such pathetic thoughts and waited for his turn.

At that moment, a grandmother passed by slowly.

The grandmother was spitting out unpleasant words as she always did and walked toward the window.

Just as she spoke to the teller and received her cash, a noisy sound came from toward the entrance.

The police were holding up both hands.

While Min Sung looked around with confused eyes, two men with blank masks were coming in with guns.


Women screamed from all directions, but it only lasted a while.

"Shut up and give me your money!"

One of the robbers screamed.

Min Sung sighed and looked at the robber.

Many thoughts crossed Min Sung's head.

One of them had to do with the fact that hunters lost their jobs once the dungeons disappeared.

The act of committing crimes for money after losing a job was a very simple thought process in Min Sung's mind, but he also wondered why it had to happen while he was there.

Since it was easy for hunters to get their hands on weapons, robbing a bank was a sure way to get some cash.

But the problem was that they didn't expect him to be at the bank they were going to rob.

What Ji Yoo Kim told him that she heard from Ethan came back to him.

They said that as soon as the dungeons disappeared, the hunters simply followed where the money went.

It was hard


to see this as a simple crime.

This was the recession of the hunters caused by the loss of hunters' jobs.

But a crime was a crime.

As soon as the robbers threatened the people with guns while Min Sung was watching, the tellers shed tears and began taking out all the cash.

The robbers grabbed the money and put them in their bags with wide eyes and curse words coming out of their lips.

The robbers then saw a grandmother trembling with her bag, so they snatched her bag away from her.

The grandmother tried to resist to keep her money, but it was impossible for her to beat young hunters with her strength.

The grandmother ended up falling to the ground.

Once Min Sung saw that, he slowly walked toward the robbers.

As soon as the robbers noticed Min Sung walking over, they jolted their eyes wide open.

They held up their guns as if they were about to shoot before they froze and stared at Min Sung's face.

The frozen robbers were unable to move and didn't even blink an eye.

All that was moving were their shaking pupils.

Min Sung glared at the robbers as if he didn't want to be bothered and gestured at their bags with his chin.

"Take it back out," said Min Sung.

The two robbers gulped.

"Take it out," said Min Sung in a lower voice.

Since they were utterly afraid, the robbers didn't have a choice but to take out the money.

The robbers began taking out the cash from their bags with trembling hands.

Min Sung saw them finish and stand with their hands behind their backs, and that was when Min Sung opened his mouth.

"I can understand you robbing."

Min Sung looked back at the grandmother.

"But don't you think you crossed a line?" Min Sung lifted his chin at the robbers and asked.

The robbers trembled and exchanged gazes.

It was as if they were exchanging their last words as they were prepared to die.

Upon seeing that, Min Sung punched the robber that pushed over the grandmother in the mouth.

Along with a loud noise, blood exploded.

As soon as he hit him a few more times, he wobbled and spit up blood.

The robber beside him stayed frozen still without even his eyes moving.

He was completely frozen in fear.

By the time one of the robbers were unable to hang on any more and plopped down on their knees, Min Sung took out a sword from his item window.

Just as he was about to kill the robber with emotionless eyes, he felt someone grab him by the pant leg.

When he looked down, he saw the grandmother grabbing his pant leg and shaking her head.

Looking at her reminded him of his own grandmother.

100 years was a long time.

It had been such a long time that he barely remembered her face, but he still remembered her image.

Min Sung stared down at the grandmother before putting the weapon back into his item window.

At that moment, the Central Institute soldiers arrived at the bank.

The hunters of Central Institute almost looked like a special forces unit.

They entered the bank with weapons and fought against the robbers along with Min Sung.

But once they checked Min Sung's face, they immediately paid their respects.

Min Sung sighed. He gave them a quick explanation of what happened, and then they took the robbers out.

Min Sung took the waiting number out from his pocket and then sat back down where he was originally.

Upon the storm's passing, the employees began cleaning up.

They counted the money that the robbers tried to take, and they cleaned up the blood from the floor.

Meanwhile, the grandmother approached Min Sung.

Min Sung stared back at her.

"Thank you, young man."

The grandmother smiled and limped out of the bank with her bag in her arms.

Min Sung watched until she was gone.

Seeing her slightly curved back brought back memories from his childhood.

What he saw was his own grandmother's backside.

Min Sung sighed deeply.

A sense of emptiness stabbed through his heart.

He had returned to the human world from the Demonic Realm, and he had trillions of won in his bank account, and not a single person in the world could mess with him, but none of that could fill the void in his heart.

That was the result of losing 100 years.

While he was deep in thought, the alarm from one of the windows woke him back up.

Min Sung checked the number on the window and realized that he still had to wait a while until it was his turn.

At that moment…

"Mr. Kang?"

When he looked beside him, the bank branch manager was standing there.

As soon as Min Sung looked at him questionably.

"Let me escort you to the VVIP room. Right this way."

The branch manager pointed toward the room that was labeled "VVIP."

Min Sung got up and entered the VVIP room.

He didn't realize that he could get VVIP treatment since he had a lot of money.

He entered the VVIP room and sat down on the fancy sofa.

The branch manager serviced Min Sung kindly.

"What can I help you with?"

The branch manager didn't even sit down and kneeled in front of Min Sung as he asked.

"Sit down."

Min Sung pointed at the sofa.

"Yes, Sir."

The branch manager didn't talk back and immediately sat down after straightening his clothes.

"I want to transfer money to this account," said Min Sung as he took out the piece of paper that had Ho Sung Lee's account number on it.

"Please make the transfer."

The branch manager smiled softly.

"Yes, Sir. How much would you like to transfer?"

In response, Min Sung thought for a moment before nodding.

"100 billion won."

In response to Min Sung's calm response, the branch manager was at a loss for words.

Chapter 327: Chapter 327

"What did you just say…?"

Despite having clearly heard it, the branch manager was so shocked by the amount that he asked again.

"100 billion won."

"Oh… I see. Sure, but there are some documents you need to fill out. Please wait here. Oh, is there anything else you need?"

"Set up an automatic transfer for 10 million won per month."

"Oh, sure."

The branch manager dripped in cold sweat as he got up.

He was still shocked by the large sum of money but walked over to bring the documents anyway.

Meanwhile, a female employee approached Min Sung and asked what beverage he wanted.

Min Sung shook his head to refuse a beverage and picked up a piece of candy from a bowl on the table.

It was mint candy.

The sweet flavor of the mint cleared his nostrils.

Min Sung waited while enjoying his candy until the branch manager returned.

"Um, Sir."

Min Sung looked at the branch manager who was dripping in sweat.

"I was just wondering. Are you transferring this money as an individual?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, but in that case…"

The branch manager explained the problems that could arise from transferring such a large sum of money, but it simply sounded like a business scheme to stop him from taking out such a large sum.

And even if there was a problem, he didn't want to worry about it.

"Let's just do it," Min Sung said in a cold voice, and the branch manager apologized and went back to pick up the documents.


Ho Sung Lee was in the middle of searching through the computer as to what reservation he should make for dinner.

After much thought, he found a restaurant, and he made a call to make a reservation.

Since Min Sung and Commander Kim would go there, he asked the restaurant to provide the best service, and the restaurant promised they would.

Once Ho Sung Lee finished making the reservation, Ho Sung Lee stretched. He turned off his computer and went into the living room with his phone.

At that moment…


He got a notification for a text message.

He naturally checked the text, but as soon as he read the text, he couldn't react in a natural manner.

That was because a number that was unbelievable was written in the text.

"100 billion won…?!"

Ho Sung Lee's eyes almost popped out.

No matter how many times he rubbed his eyes, the text still said 100 billion won."

"100 billion won…?"

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

After realizing that Min Sung gave him 100 billion won when he simply wanted a paycheck, he almost had to check if he peed his pants.

He couldn't believe it and went bank for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I'm rich now."

Ho Sung Lee burst into laughter again before he stared into space and blinked his eyes.

"But why don't I feel happy?"

Ho Sung Lee's awkwardly smiling face blinked as if his eyes were dry.

Was it because 100 billion won was too much?

But when he thought about it, that wasn't particularly the case.

He had assisted Min Sung Kang and did everything he asked, and he almost died a couple of times.

In that case, that amount of money might have been appropriate. But he also wondered what that meant.

He felt empty again.

Was this the kind of process that made him feel empty?

100 billion won, that was a crazy amount of money.

What could he do with it?

He could buy an entire house with it.

A fancy Gangnam apartment at that.

'Great. Or is it? But all I do is sleep at home.'

Since he had to follow Min Sung Kang everywhere, he wondered if there was a point in having a nice house.

'Should I invest?'

But he wasn't an investor. Then what was the point in buying an apartment?

Then what if he set up a restaurant instead?

No, he couldn't. He couldn't open a restaurant until he finished working for Min Sung Kang.

If he opened a restaurant, he would have to work, but he couldn't work right now. That was because he still worked for Min Sung Kang.

But he wasn't sad about it.

Since he would have to meet with the head of each country and deal with hunters connected to drug industries, there was no work more meaningful than that.

'Then what can I do?'


He could buy a nice watch, brand-name clothes, and drive a



But wouldn't he look obnoxious if he wore luxury clothes when Min Sung Kang didn't?

It was possible that he would appear on the news more than Min Sung Kang since he would follow his orders.

So if he wore expensive clothes, an expensive watch, and rode a supercar… he worried that people could shower him with malicious comments.

He wondered what was wrong with spending the money he had, but Ho Sung Lee actually didn't have much interest in luxury goods.

He simply worked hard to feed himself, and the only reason why he drove a foreign car was because he wanted to look scary.


If he really thought about it, he did want to be rich. But that was nothing but a sweet fantasy.

He had only survived until now because he followed all of Min Sung Kang's orders, and the compensation for that was 100 billion won.

Sense of accomplishment?

He felt no such thing, and spending his money on luxury goods wouldn't feel so sweet as a result.

After the ordeals he had gone through, the dream of becoming rich and living like one didn't excite him.

Was that why?

He felt empty again.

If his parents were still around, he would've spoiled them instead.

Just as he had that thought, the front door opened.

Chef Jang and Sia Jang were coming in.

"Long time no see, Ho Sung."


He saw Sia Jang looking brighter than usual next to Woong Jang, who was smiling softly.

When Ho Sung Lee stared at them, nearly in tears, Woong Jang looked at him with confused eyes while Sia Jang tilted her head.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Woong Jang asked with worried eyes.

"Yes. But it's not a bad thing."

"Why? What is it?" Sia Jang asked with half-worried and half-anxious eyes.

Sia Jang had a slight trauma. Since she was close to both Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee, she often heard horrible news.

She was probably worried that the devils were back to invade the human world.

But Ho Sung Lee told them that he asked Min Sung for a paycheck, and as a result, he received a text saying he received 100 billion won.

In response, Woong Jang dropped his jaw with surprise and tapped his back in congratulations while Sia Jang excitedly grabbed Ho Sung Lee's arm and asked him to buy her a designer bag.

Ho Sung Lee ignored Sia Jang and told Woong Jang how he really felt.

And in response, Woong Jang laughed.

"It sounds like you've aged, Ho Sung."

"Is that why? I feel like my life was a mess until just a year ago."

"If you don't know what to do, just stay still. Or you could donate the money."

"Donate the money?"

"Help those in need, but I'm not telling you to do it. The truth is, people don't donate just to help others. It helps the one donating as well. The healing of the heart. I know that might sound weird depending on your values."

Woong Jang laughed, and Ho Sung Lee looked blank as if someone hit his head with a hammer.

Sia Jang then hung onto him again.

"Please buy me a bag. Please? Please?"

Woong Jang sighed at his granddaughter, but he didn't talk her out of it and simply looked at her pitifully.

"Donating money is a good idea, but who knows what might happen in the future? I don't think I can donate all of it. After all, Min Sung doesn't have a good sense of money. No matter how much money you have, if you're not good with it… you know what happens."

Woong Jang laughed.

"Of course. So?"

Woong Jang asked Ho Sung Lee with interested eyes.

"Hm… Just in case Min Sung comes to me saying he ran out of money, maybe 50 billion won? I'll donate that much."

"Hm, Ho Sung, instead of giving it to someone else, why don't you start your own foundation?"


Ho Sung Lee blinked his eyes while scratching his neck.

"If you have your own foundation, not only will you have your money, but you can accept other donations as well. You can do something much bigger."

"A foundation under my name."

Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"It's a lot of pressure, but the thought of it makes me feel better. Haha, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it."

"Ho Sung."


"I felt something while watching you, but it might sound insulting to you."

"That's okay. Just say it."

"Don't look down on your own past. You were just having a hard time. And your circumstances led you down the wrong path. All you did was make a bad decision, so don't lower your own worth."

Ho Sung Lee stared into space.

Woong Jang continued, "You did a great thing, and many people are still watching. They're still cheering you on with respect. Don't dirty your present with your past. You're a good person."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly and shyly scratched his head.

"Haha, thank you. That's comforting to hear. I feel motivated now."

Ho Sung Lee shook Sia Jang off of his arm.

Sia Jang looked at Ho Sung Lee with discontent.

"I'll buy it for you."

In response, Sia Jang jumped up and down with her hands in the air.


In response to Ho Sung Lee's serious calling, Sia Jang held her breath and listened.

"I'm only buying it for you because of Chef Jang. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Chef Jang, I'll take Sia out for a little while. As for Min Sung, he has dinner plans with Commander Kim. But I don't know if he'll stop by at home first or go straight there."

"Okay. But Ho Sung, you don't have to buy her…"

"I'll buy you a present, too. I insist."

Ho Sung Lee walked off without waiting for an answer, and Sia Jang followed behind him.

Woong Jang watched while shaking his head with a smile.

Chapter 328: Chapter 328

Min Sung came back home from the bank.

As soon as he did, he saw Woong Jang for the first time in a while.

"You must've been through a lot," said Woong Jang with a warm smile.

"No, I haven't. Long time no see."

"I was late because I was abroad for a while. I apologize."

"No need."

"Ho Sung and Sia took a trip to the department store."

Just as Min Sung nodded and headed over to shower.

"Um, Sir."

Min Sung stopped and looked back at Woong Jang.

"Ho Sung is a good chef now, and now that the monsters are gone, I feel as though I'm inconveniencing you by staying here…"

"No. Ho Sung has improved at cooking, but there will be many errands to run. That's not a good enough reason. You can leave when you want to or if there's something else you'd like to do. I won't stop you."

"Not at all, Sir. Then as for my granddaughter…"

"Do as you wish. She can stay or go."

"Doesn't it make you uncomfortable?"

Min Sung knitted his brows and glared at Woong Jang.

"Don't look at me like that."

"I apologize."

Woong Jang smiled and bowed his head.

Min Sung stared into space and tilted his head.

"… She doesn't seem all bad."

Min Sung then headed to shower.

Meanwhile, Woong Jang watched by with a pleased smile on his face


"We don't have time. Hurry up and pick. I made a reservation at a restaurant, so I have to drop Min Sung off."

"Can you shut up for a second?" Sia Jang asked while looking at the designer bags on display as if she was possessed.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Sia Jang as if he couldn't understand. He sighed and then felt shy due to the eyes that were on him.

The employees as well as other female customers watched in jealousy, and it wasn't because he looked like a boyfriend who was buying her a bag.

It was because it was Ho Sung Lee, who was the most famous next to Min Sung Kang.

Ho Sung Lee felt uncomfortable, so he wanted Sia Jang to pick a bag as quickly as possible, and that was when she picked one.

"I want this one!"

Sia Jang smiled while posing in the mirror with the bag.

"How much is it?" Ho Sung Lee asked the employee.

"One moment. This item is 42 million won."

"Sigh… 42 million won?"

When he glared at Sia Jang, she looked back at him as if she was the kitty in Shrek.

Ho Sung Lee shook his head from side to side.

How could he spend 42 million won on a bag?

He couldn't believe such an expensive bag could exist.

Ho Sung Lee was in awe.

Despite having 100 billion won in his bank account, Ho Sung Lee was still scared when it came to money.



"You'd better be good to Chef Jang."

"Of course, I already am. I'll do even better. Don't worry."

Sia Jang shook her hands urging him to pay.


Ho Sung Lee paid with a sigh and continued moving to find a present for Chef Jang.

"What are you going to buy Grandpa? My grandpa is tall with a good physique, so a suit might look good… Huh?"

Sia Jang was surprised by the store that Ho Sung Lee entered.

[Patek Philippe]

"Those are watches. It's expensive here," mumbled Sia Jang as she followed Ho Sung Lee inside.

And when she saw the average price of a watch, she jolted her eyes wide open.

"Y-you're going to buy this for him?" Sia Jang stuttered while looking at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee didn't look at Sia Jang or even answer her, and after taking a look at the watches, he nodded.

When Ho Sung Lee was young, there was a time when he was interested in watches, and there was one watch that he always wondered about.

And among all of the models, the one Ho Sung Lee picked was the latest model.

"I'll take this one."

The employee began packing up at the watch in a respectful manner.

"How much is it?"

"It's 110 million won."

"Sure. Here you go."

Sia Jang dropped her jaw and stood frozen in place.

"1-110 million won?"

Sia Jang stared at the watch blankly as if she just saw a ghost.

"Why are you buying my grandpa such an expensive gift?"

"Because he's like my mentor."

Ho Sung Lee watched the watch being wrapped up as he smirked.

"Wow. I want to wear one too now. It's such a nice watch."

Sia Jang looked at Ho Sung Lee as if she


started to see him differently.

"You're so cool."


"You're so cool."

"I always was."

"I take it back."

Ho Sung Lee ignored Sia. He took the bag and left the store.

"You were so hesitant when you bought my bag, but you didn't even think twice about buying that watch."

"Hey, I"ll take that bag back."

"I'm sorry."

Sia Jang carried her bag containing her designer bag and walked as if she was dancing.

Ho Sung Lee couldn't hold back his smile while watching.


"This is for you, Chef."

Ho Sung Lee passed the paper bag to Chef Jang, and as soon as he saw the brand name on the bag, Woong Jang knitted his brows.

"I… can't accept this, Ho Sung."

Min Sung walked out of the kitchen and asked, "What is it?"

Min Sung plopped down on the sofa with a towel around his neck and opened a can of beer.

"It's a watch," replied Ho Sung Lee.

"Ho Sung, how can I accept such an expensive watch? If you're going to start your own foundation, you can't spend your money like this."

"This is my first and last bribe. This is my way of asking you to cook good food for Min Sung and take good care of me as well."

"I still can't take this."

"I won't back down. You have to take it. I wanted to spend some money for once."

"Then you have it. I can't wear that."

Woong Jang tried to give the bag back to Ho Sung Lee, but Ho Sung Lee refused, and they continued to pass it back and forth.

Sia Jang held the bag that Ho Sung Lee bought for her and walked toward the sofa where Min Sung sat down.

"Hello, Hero."

In response, Min Sung glanced over at Sia Jang.

"Just call me Min Sung. That made me cringe."

"Okay, Min Sung. Nothing scary will happen anymore, right?" Sia Jang asked with anticipation.

"Who knows?"

Min Sung answered coldly and turned on the TV with the remote control.

Sia Jang glared at Min Sung from the teasing.

"You're so mean. Why are you so cold all the time."

Sia Jang returned to Chef Woong and grumbled.

Woong Jang who was in the middle of fighting over the present tapped Sia Jang on the back.

"It's thanks to him that we're doing well and healthy, and your present is also from him."

Sia Jang stuck out her tongue.

"I know. Thank you for the bag. I'm going to go brag to my friends."

Sia Jang ran up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

"Phew, Ho Sung. Like I said, I can't take…"

"Chef Jang."

In response to Min Sung's calling, Woong Jang immediately went to Min Sung on the sofa.

"Yes, Sir."

"Just take it."


"You're not the one deciding on the worth, whether it's money or a present."

In response, Woong Jang smiled bitterly without a word.


Woong Jang gave up and accepted the paper bag from Ho Sung Lee.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

Ho Sung Lee flashed a smile and went to Min Sung.

"Sir, we have to leave in 30 minutes."

Min Sung answered by raising his hand.


Ho Sung Lee left the house with Min Sung in order to head to the restaurant.

"Commander Kim said she's already there."

"Why so early?" Min Sung asked while looking out the window.

"I guess you don't know. Commander Kim sees you as a business partner, so of course, she's there early. If she hadn't, I would've warned her ahead of time."

"Hm… You seem to be a lot more proactive after getting paid."

"That's a misunderstanding."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"I'm only giving you 10 million won per week from now on."

"Okay. Pardon? Pardon?"

The car shook for a moment.

"I-I apologize, Sir. But 10 million won? Per week?"



"Don't' you want it?"

"Of course, I do. But that's too much."

"Like I told Chef Jang, you don't get to decide your worth. That's up to me."

"Thank you, Sir!"

"As soon as I start transferring you 10 million won per week…"

Min Sung trailed off in thought, and in response, Ho Sung Lee's face turned pale.

"I'll prove that I'm worth that much with all my effort!"

"When it comes to monsters or the Demonic Realm, I let you off easy since you're just not strong enough."

Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee and continued, "But if you make an amateur mistake…"

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"I shall kill you myself and…"

"You come back to life anyway."

"T-that's true. Then I'll accept any punishment you give me."

"Do a good job."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee slowed down on the road.

"We're here."

When Ho Sung Lee stopped the car and got out, the valet employee ran over.

But Ho Sung Lee signaled at him to wait and opened the back door to the car.

Min Sung got out, and once the parking employee got in, Ho Sung Lee ran ahead of Min Sung and opened the door to the restaurant for him.

Min Sung walked into the restaurant.

Since they didn't rent out the whole restaurant, there were many customers, and as a result, the attention naturally shifted toward him.

Min Sung was under the spotlight, but he didn't care.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee was notified of the table that he reserved, and he escorted Min Sung to that table.

As soon as they got to the table, Ji Yoo Kim was waving with a smile in a red dress.

She was blindingly beautiful, but Min Sung sat down with a frown.

"What are you wearing? Are you on a blind date?"

In response, Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

Chapter 329: Chapter 329

"Please sit, Ho Sung," said Ji Yoo Kim.

"… Me too?"

"Aren't you the one who has to attend the events the most often?"

"I guess so."

Ho Sung Lee glanced at Min Sung, and in response, Min Sung gave him a look to tell him to sit down.

Ho Sung Lee pulled out a seat and sat down.

Ji Yoo Kim passed Min Sung a tablet containing the data that she had prepared.

When Min Sung accepted it but pushed it to the side, Ji Yoo Kim gave him a confused look.

"Let's talk after we eat."

Ji Yoo Kim laughed.

Ho Sung Lee lifted his hand, and in response, the manager in charge of the VVIP customers approached.

"Shall we prepare the menu that you've ordered?"

In response, Ho Sung Le nodded, and the manager paid his respects and excused himself.

"I also ordered a bottle of wine when I made the reservation. Shall I cancel it?" Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung and Ji Yoo Kim.

"I don't mind."

Ji Yoo Kim expressed that she was okay with either way and as for Min Sung…

"Of course not."

He never refused a recommendation.

Since it would take some time for the food to come out, he felt worried for a little while.

In the midst of the silence, Min Sung scanned the inside of the restaurant.

Enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant was a part of the experience.

The restaurant gave off a foreign vibe.

It was dark with gold lights twinkling on the ceiling.

And on top of the stage, a pianist was performing.

The sound of the calm music and the quiet conversations between the customers sounded like music of its own.

He could feel why Ho Sung Lee recommended the place even before trying their food.

"Not bad," said Min Sung, and Ho Sung Lee smiled out of relief.

"The restaurant is gorgeous. I feel like I'll come back."

Ji Yoo Kim smiled and scanned the restaurant as well.

"Commander Kim, do you have a boyfriend?"

In response to Ho Sung Lee's question, Ji Yoo Kim showed a bitter smile.

"No. I'm so busy with work that I can't find the time."

"Sigh. How unfortunate. You're so beautiful. But then again, I'm not sure if anyone would be good enough for you."

"You're so nice today."

"Haha, I mean it."

Ho Sung Lee glanced at Min Sung and continued,

"Min Sung, don't you think Commander Kim is beautiful?"

In response, Ji Yoo Kim watched Min Sung with a nervous face.

Min Sung stared at Ji Yoo Kim's face and opened his mouth.

"She's beautiful."

Min Sung's words were shocking.

That was because neither Ho Sung Lee nor Ji Yoo Kim imagined that such direct expression could come out of Min Sung's mouth.

Min Sung knitted his brows at Ho Sung Lee and Ji Yoo Kim who were frozen still.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Just hearing you say that surprised me. Does that mean you're interested in…"

Ji Yoo Kim jabbed Ho Sung Lee in the side in the middle of his question.

Ho Sung Lee shut up upon realizing his mistake, but the message had already been delivered.

"I can't say I'm not interested," answered Min Sung.

Chaos ensued the table.

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw while Ji Yoo Kim's face turned red while her mouth remained shut.

Min Sung knitted his brows and continued, "I'm talking in a business sense. What are you thinking?"

In response, Ji Yoo Kim realized the misunderstanding, and her face turned even redder.

"I-I need to go to the washroom."

Ji Yoo Kim quickly excused herself.

Ho Sung Lee glanced at Min Sung and sighed.

Ji Yoo Kim was the commander of the Central Institute as well as a goddess of Korea.

She was a righteous woman in power with beautiful visuals.

The gorgeous woman was obviously showing her interest, but Min Sung mustn't have caught on because he remained his distance.

Ho Sung Lee couldn't understand it.

As a man, how could he resist Ji Yoo Kim, who was beautiful with a warm heart?

Of course… all people had their different tastes, but he didn't understand when it came to Commander Kim.

She was that desirable.

"Sir, it looks like Commander Kim might be interested in you."

Min Sung glared his eyes at Ho Sung Lee.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What are you


trying to say?"

"No, I'm just saying you'd look good together."

"Stop the nonsense."

"… Yes, Sir."

When he looked to the side, he saw Ji Yoo Kim coming back with fixed makeup.

Because she looked so beautiful in her red dress, all men at the restaurant were staring at her.

Ji Yoo Kim sat down with a cough, and that was when the wine arrived.

The food came out shortly afterward.

Min Sung focused.

The dish that arrived on the table was the highest quality steak.

Before eating the meat, the three of them lifted their glasses to enjoy the wine.

There was no toast.

They simply lifted their glasses, and Min Sung took a sip of his wine.

By rolling his tongue, he could enjoy the heavy sloshing of the wine.

When he gulped it down, the bitter taste of grape remained at the tip of his tongue, and a long after-scent of the grape extended to his nose.

Min Sung put down his glass and picked up his fork and knife.

He used a small amount of Aura in order to slice the meat without much trouble. He then used his fork to put a piece into his mouth.

Om nom.

It chewed softly, and he could smell the sweet smell of the steak.

The more he chewed it, the stronger its scent.

The combination of the wine and steak was perfect for dinner.

There were other dishes on the table as well, but Min Sung focused solely on the main dish, which was the steak along with his wine.

The reason why he didn't eat a course meal was because rather than following a troublesome order, he just wanted to focus on one dish.

He was beginning to put quality over quantity as he got older.

It wasn't bad.

As time passed, he no longer felt traumatized from the Demonic Realm.

One who enjoyed food had to value quality.

Min Sung breathed in.

The feeling of food filling an empty tummy was an addictive feeling, and it gave him great satisfaction.

By the time Min Sung finished his meal, Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee finished as well.

"It's been a long time since we've eaten together like this," said Ji Yoo Kim with an awkward smile.

"I'm used to it."

Ho Sung Lee smiled at Ji Yoo Kim.

Meanwhile, Min Sung finished his meal and picked up the tablet beside him.

As soon as he touched the screen, he could immediately see the content.

Min Sung checked the information of key persons one by one as he drank the wine.

Min Sung finished reading the documents in 3 minutes and put down the tablet.

"Are you already finished?" Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung with surprised eyes.

"I read it slowly," Min Sung remarked, and he took another sip of his wine.

Min Sung had an unparalleled memory.

Since his ability to obtain information was similar to that of a machine when he focused, it was not surprising that his speed of reading documents was very quick.

He was so fast that others always wondered if he actually read it.

But if they knew who Min Sung Kang was, they would understand.

Even the hunters looked up to him, so no rational standards applied to him.

Ho Sung Lee was in awe, and Ji Yoo Kim also watched Min Sung with eyes of admiration.

But Min Sung didn't care and said what he wanted to.

"So the ones we need to control are the heads. The presidents and the hunter leaders, so my position is important. What do you think is a good way to control them?" Min Sung asked Ji Yoo Kim.

Min Sung's gaze always tended to pressure people.

Ji Yoo Kim sat up straight. She accepted his gaze and opened her mouth.

"You'll have to control the hunters all over the world. And in order to do that, you'll have to go over the hunters' stance with the presidents. That's what Central Institute thinks."

"Tell me in more detail."

"The governments and the hunter leaders need to come to an agreement. They need to come up with a hunter wage in the case that monsters do appear again. In order to prevent them from committing crimes."

"And the reason why the governments aren't doing that is because they don't think the dungeons will ever appear again."

"Until now, the governments were below the hunters in the power structure, so they must've decided that they didn't want to be controlled anymore and made their stance clear."

"Then the hunters will try to get maid more. Even if they set a wage, if it's lower than what they can make as criminals."

Ji Yoo Kim nodded.

"That's why you have to mediate."

"Can't they just use the hunters as police officers?"

"That's too burdensome."

"In what way?"

"Organizations of corrupt police officers will form, and that will ultimately threaten the government."

Min Sung clicked his tongue.

"It's a worry either way."

"It's a dilemma."

"That means we have to establish a wave between the governments and hunters and control the hunters so that they don't go astray. But I don't know. If the hunters just fool around, the citizens won't just let that happen."

"Yes. That's why the best way might be to form a hunter team in charge of crimes, and you'll be the one with the authority to control them overall."

"But what's the difference between that and police officers? They'll still form corrupt forces."

"The image, if public officials and crimes become intertwined, the citizens will no longer trust the government."

Min Sung laughed.

Chapter 330: Chapter 330

"We have no choice," Ji Yoo Kim said with a bitter smile, but Min Sung had no intention to agree with Ji Yoo Kim's thoughts or bring it to action.

"I'm not going to worry about that kind of stuff."

Ji Yoo Kim looked at Min Sung with a surprised face. Min Sung swallowed the rest of the wine that remained in his glass.

"What are you thinking of doing then?"

Ji Yoo Kim watched Min Sung with nervous eyes.


Min Sung thought for a moment before opening his mouth while looking at Ji Yoo Kim with cold eyes.

"We need to gather the presidents and hunter leaders in one place."

"And then?"

"Arrange a gathering. I'll take care of the rest."

Min Sung got up from his seat, and at the same time…

"That was a great steak and wine."

After his evaluation, he left the restaurant without looking back.

Ho Sung Lee watched Min Sung while letting out a long sigh.

He then looked at Ji Yoo Kim, and Ho Sung Lee felt a little embarrassed.

Min Sung was a hunter that he served, but Ho Sung Lee shook his head at the thought of how cold he was.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Ji Yoo Kim, and Ji Yoo Kim smiled after much thought.

"Shall we have another glass?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

Her face was smiling, but it was obvious to Ho Sung Lee that she was angry.


The next morning, Ji Yoo Kim had a headache from the alcohol. Since she had a low tolerance, she went overboard the night before.

And there was a reason.

'Arrange a meeting. I'll take care of the rest.' Min Sung's words were very hurtful to Ji Yoo Kim.

But she understood.

No, she had to.

The only reason why the world refound its peace was because he existed.

And since he was the most powerful human, everything he said was the law.

So since what he wanted to do wasn't even inhumane, he had no choice but to follow along.

However, as the commander of Central Insitute, she still couldn't help feeling anxious, worried, and afraid of Min Sung Kang's advance.

Rash decisions often led to wildfires, but he wasn't one who never listened to others.

He knew what to listen to.

'I have to trust him.'

Ji Yoo Kim clenched her fists. She dropped her head and let out a sigh.

"He's such a difficult person."

Ji Yoo Kim then laughed.

"I should get back to work."

Ji Yoo Kim got ready to do what she had to do.

Nothing was going to change by worrying about things she couldn't control.

Ji Yoo Kim entered a portal site and began writing emails.

After finishing the email, she dripped in cold sweat. She tilted her head and sighed out of nervousness.

Korea was less influential than many powerful nations.

So the fact that they now had control over the entire world was fascinating, hard to get used to, and she couldn't believe what she was writing as if this wasn't reality.

"I can't believe I'm writing this email."

Ji Yoo Kim smiled bitterly as she continued.


The email sent out by the commander of Central Institute was enough to flip countries upside down.

That was because historically, Korea asking for all presidents and hunter leaders to gather in one place was unheard of.

For that reason, each government and hunter association went into an emergency alert.

That was because they had to figure out Korea's intent and prepare for countermeasures.

But the email included a date when they would meet, and it also mentioned that if they didn't attend, there would be consequences.

"How dare Korea…"

"The governments and hunter leaders in one place?"

"What are they doing?"

The presidents and hunter leaders didn't hide their discomfort, but that didn't mean any of them intended to skip the event.

The date was exactly 3 days afterward.

The summon was forceful without any consideration of their schedules.


Min Sung took a bath. He changed into his pajamas and came out into the living room with a towel around his neck and asked for ice water.

Ho Sung Lee, who was nearby, immediately went to the kitchen and fetched him some ice water.


Min Sung drank his ice water while pointing at the sofa.

Ho Sung Lee sat down a little further away from Min Sung.

"There's something you must do," said Min Sung.

"I was actually getting antsy. Sounds like there's something I can finally do. What is it?"

Ho Sung Lee nodded as


if he was ready.

"Go to each country and see how the hunters involved in crimes are doing."

"Is that all?"

"Just see what they're up to. Also…"

Min Sung pointed to his face.

"Is a disguise possible?"

"Of course. Technology is impressive these days."

"And find out what they're thinking."

"Should I come when you call me? Or is there a day when I should return?"

"Come back when I call."

"Yes, Sir. Then I'll head out this afternoon. I'll let Chef Jang know as well, because he'll have to take care of your meals for the time being."

"Do that."

"I'll prepare then."

Ho Sung Lee excused himself and Min Sung took another sip of his ice water.

He liked the feeling of the cold and refreshing water flowing down his throat.

Min Sung leaned back on the sofa and thought about what he should talk about with the presidents and hunter leaders.

But he was unable to get a clear idea.

He had always lived by himself.

He killed monsters and devils all by himself in the Demonic World, so it hurt his head to think about things like this.

But if there was a problem, he had to solve it.

And if he was partly responsible, he had to get involved.

This was a burdensome position even for Min Sung, and as such, he already realized that 3 days was not enough.

But he did have a clear outline.

Forcefully using one's brain never resulted in good ideas. All he had to do was ask Central Institute to think about it.

But in that case, they would be passive and defensive, and Min Sung thought of that as a shortcut that was a waste of time.

Min Sung wanted to resolve things as quickly as possible.

Min Sung looked into the distance and put the glass to his lips.

The sound of ice clanging rang through the living room.


Du du du du du du!

He took the warp gate. He took the helicopter and arrived in Brazil near the landing area.

That was where the helicopter landed and Ho Sung Lee got out of the helicopter while feeling the strong wind of the propellers.

Ho Sung Lee had a completely different face due to his disguise.

He had already fabricated a new identity, and he also had a fabricated hunter license.

Ho Sung Lee, who got out of the helicopter, looked so different that no one would recognize him.

As soon as he left through the elevator doors, he saw a market street.

Min Sung walked through it while glancing around and then took out his phone.

On his phone was information he received from the Shadow Guild.

After checking a map specifying where the hunters involved in crimes were, he put his phone back into his pocket and walked quickly.

Once he got out of the market, Ho Sung Lee checked the license plate numbers on a row of cars and then proceeded toward a Mercedes SUV and pressed the button on his smart key.

Ho Sung Lee got into the car. He started it and stepped on the gas pedal.

Since he couldn't get caught by hunters in criminal organizations, he was nervous, but he was excited at the same time.

Ho Sung Lee thought back on his days with the Diamond Clan.

His past self probably wasn't too different from the hunters here in Brazil.

"I smell something familiar."

Ho Sung Lee lowered his window. He smiled and lit his cigarette.

Ho Sung Lee enjoyed the scenery like a tourist and smiled with his cigarette.


"Sir, dinner is ready," said Chef Jang.

Min Sung turned off the TV and went to the kitchen.

Dinner was prepared on the table.

Min Sung sat down with a smile.

"I haven't tried your cooking in a while."

"I'm not sure if it'll suit your taste."

"Of course, it will. Let's eat it together."

Min Sung pointed at the chair beside him.

"May I?"

Woong Jang smiled softly and sat down with his own bowl and spoon.

The main dish on the table was ox bone soup.

Today's dinner was plain yet not plain at all.

Since it was dinner made by Woong Jang himself, he could trust it completely.

But what was surprising was that Woong Jang made ox bone soup instead of something fancier.

Of course, he wasn't disappointed.

He was just a little surprised.

There were many fancy side dishes, but Min Sung couldn't take his eyes off of the ox bone soup.

What drew Min Sung's attention the most was always the main dish.

After all, side dishes were only there to make the main come alive.

Min Sung looked at the ox bone soup and gulped.

It was strange.

The broth of the ox bone soup looked like milk.

And the hot steam that came from it was very soft and sweet.

When he looked at the red radish Kimchi beside it, he felt his appetite going crazy.

And among the side dishes, there were thick slices of Korean sausages on a broad plate.

Woong Jang must've prepared it thinking it would go well with the ox bone soup.

Min Sung felt impatient.

He picked up his spoon and tasted the broth.

The deep taste of the broth almost possessed him.

The seasoning was just right, so he didn't have to add any more salt.

Min Sung put a piece of radish kimchi on some rice and put it into his mouth.

He chewed on it, and when he went for another spoonful of the broth, there was meat and noodles on his spoon.

He slurped them up along with the broth.

The hot and delicious meat and the soft noodles took him to Heaven.

The red radish Kimchi and the scent of the meat mixed together, and the hot broth was so deep that it made his chest feel refreshed.

It wouldn't take long before he finished the ox bone soup.

And the finishing touch was the Korean sausages.

Chapter 331: Chapter 331

It wasn't any ordinary Korean sausage.

It wasn't the cheap type that he had eaten when he was little.

The Korean sausages in front of Min Sung's eyes were different from ordinary Korean sausages that normally only contained noodles.

"What is this?" Min Sung asked.

"It's blood sausage," Jang Woong replied.

Blood sausages.

It was Korean sausages filled with meat, tofu, and eggs.

On the outside, it didn't look very delicious, but Min Sung felt curious and excited by the fact that they weren't the normal Korean sausages that contained noodles.

Min Sung moved his chopsticks toward the blood sausages.

As soon as one entered his mouth, Min Sung's body trembled.

Min Sung was so surprised by the new flavors that his pupils dilated.

It melted in his mouth, and the salty taste of the meat and the savory scent made him happy.

On top of that, the meat inside the Korean sausages felt as though they were scratching against his tongue.

It tasted so amazing that he was in awe.

Min Sung looked at Woong Jang with satisfied eyes.

"I'd better taste your Korean sausage soup next time. This is delicious."

"Yes, Sir."

Woong Jang smiled and joined him in the meal.

Min Sung nodded and put another piece of Korean sausage into his mouth in surprise, and he looked happy once again.


Ho Sung Lee opened his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee, who was lying down in the car, slowly got back up and scanned the outside of the windows with swollen eyes.

Since he arrived in the middle of the night, he decided to take a nap not too far from his destination.

A moment later, Ho Sung Lee started his car again and drank a bottle of water before taking off.

There was an area called 'X-HIT' nearby.

That area could only be accessed by hunters, and since they welcomed new hunters to join, it was a rough neighborhood.

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette and slowly moved toward the building surrounded by a metal fence.

That must've been X-HIT.

"What kind of name is X-HIT? It sounds like a wrestling name."

While Ho Sung Lee mumbled to himself while smoking, he saw the metal gates open, and two men approached his car with weapons in their hands.

Ho Sung Lee took out his hunter license with the cigarette still in his mouth.

The two hunters with unknown nationalities checked Ho Sung Lee's hunter license.

The two hunters compared the ID to Ho Sung Lee's face and then gestured for him to go inside.

Ho Sung Lee winked and entered X-HIT.

Ho Sung Lee saw low-rise houses and children running around as he raced down the road. He then tilted his head at the adults.

The place was crawling with drug addicts and hunters, but the place almost looked like just an average village.

'Are they the hunters' families?'

That was probably the case. It was rare for people with no relation to hunters to live in this area.

After all, it wasn't the safest place.

Even among the hunters in drug organizations, there were different cliques.

That was the organizational habit of human beings.

After racing through the dirt, Ho Sung Lee headed toward the destination that was indicated by the information given to him by the Shadow Guild.

In order to find out what they were like, he had to join their organization. That was the only way to truly find out how they were doing.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee reached the building, he threw his cigarette out the window.


After parking his car, he got out of the driver's seat.

The building was painted white on the outside, and there were some cracks here and there.

This shabby building was his first step to entering the criminal organization.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and began walking.

'I can't get caught.'

Ho Sung Lee controlled his mind and entered the building.

The building wasn't very big, the elevator only went to 5 levels, and the first level didn't even have a lobby.

When he entered through the entrance, he saw stairs leading to the basement, and there were also stairs going upstairs.

And in the middle of the stairs to the basement was a black man in his 20s playing a game on his phone with earphones in.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee approached the stairs to the basement, the black man looked up at HO Sung Lee.

When Ho Sung Lee stared down at him, the black man took out his earphones.

Ho Sung Lee pressed his language watch so that he could speak with


him no matter what language he was speaking.

"I came to join. Where can I go?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

The black man scanned Ho Sung Lee and then signaled him to go downstairs.

The black man put his earphones back in and opened the door for him.

Ho Sung Lee put his hands in his pockets and entered through the door, and that was when he was startled.

That was because the sight was different from what he expected.

He felt like he was looking at a fancy pub.

Red, blue, and orange interior along with gold lighting.

He saw hunters throwing darts, and while there were hunters enjoying drugs on one side, there were hunters enjoying gambling on the other.

Most of them were drinking beer or whiskey.

The image was completely different from Ho Sung Lee's expectation of a scary-looking place.

While he scanned around with surprised eyes, he sensed someone approaching from behind.

There was a woman with short silver hair, and she had a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, stranger."

Her husky voice was sexy.

She was wearing a knit tank top, so Ho Sung Lee's eyes went to her breast before he gulped.

She was a charming foreigner.


As soon as Ho Sung Lee offered a handshake with his fake name, she slowly took Ho Sung Lee's hand.

"I'm Anna."

She then stared at Ho Sung Lee and put a cigarette into her mouth.

"Do you have a lighter?" Anna asked.

Ho Sung Lee took out a lighter, and she leaned closer as if she wanted him to light it for her.

Ho Sung Lee lit her cigarette, and Anna breathed in while continuing to stare at Ho Sung Lee.


"Follow me."

Anna breathed out and turned around.

After scanning around him, Ho Sung Lee followed her.

They passed the crowds of people, and Ho Sung Lee arrived in front of a door that was labeled 'guest.'

After knocking, she entered through the door, and Ho Sung Lee also entered the guest room.

Inside the guest room was a muscular man with no shirt on who was laughing as if he was high on drugs.

What left a strong impression were the tattoos all over his body.

He watched Ho Sung Lee enter the room with lazy eyes and rubbed a white powder off of his nose.

"Welcome to X-HIT, my friend," the muscular man said.

Ho Sung Lee nodded and then scanned the room.

Inside the room was only the muscular man and Anna, and the room wasn't very big.

Ho Sung Lee met eyes with Anna with short silver hair, who escorted him to the room.

She drank whiskey and gave him a seductive smile.

"Hunter license," the tattooed man said with his hand out.

Ho Sung Lee handed him his fabricated ID. He felt nervous while doing so.

He felt as though his life was at risk.

After all, he was the underboss in the human world. If he happened to reveal his identity, problems could arise in fulfilling Min Sung Kang's command.

Close examinations were bound to reveal some kind of flaw.

For that reason, Ho Sung Lee felt nervous while watching the muscular man inspect his ID, but luckily, he didn't catch on.

"Sit down, my friend."

While leaning back on the sofa, he pointed at the seat next to him with his hand holding the ID.

Ho Sung Lee sat down.

The muscular man put down Ho Sung Lee's ID on the table in front of them.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee reached to grab it.

"Look here."

The muscular man leaned and glared at Ho Sung Lee.

He didn't look friendly.

Ho Sung Lee met eyes with the man with the ID in his hand.

The man stared at Ho Sung Lee and grinned.

"You have no fear… or greed."

Ho Sung Lee continued to look him in the eyes.

He felt nervous inside, but he didn't let it show.

When he thought about the hardships he endured with Min Sung Kang, this was nothing to be afraid of.

He just felt responsible for carrying out his mission.

Ho Sung Lee had been through a lot in his life.

"Why are you at X-HIT?" The man asked Ho Sung Lee.

"Money, that's the only reason," Ho Sung Lee replied.

Some time passed as they looked into each other's eyes.

Ho Sung Lee felt like it was a long time, but it actually wasn't long.

The man looked at Ho Sung Lee in the eyes and smirked.

"You have a lot of spunk for someone at a low level. I feel like you could become a great asset to the family."

The man leaned back on the sofa again and smiled.

The level on top of Ho Sung Lee's head was fabricated as well.

If he used an item, it wasn't hard to find out his real level, but no one went through all that trouble for no reason.

"Give it to him."

While the man put a cigarette in his mouth while staring at Ho Sung Lee, Anna, who escorted him here, brought Ho Sung Lee a necklace.

"This is a token proving that you're a part of X-HIT now."

The token was a necklace with a skull pendant with a crack across it.

Before Ho Sung Lee could put it on, the man opened his mouth.

"If you join our organization but then decide to go to another organization and hand them our information…"

The man's eyes grew cold.

"I'll chase you down until you die. That's our rule."

Ho Sung Lee stared at him and put the necklace around his neck.

The man looked at Ho Sung Lee with satisfaction and smiled.

"When do I start?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

The man put out his cigarette and sniffled his runny nose.

"Get used to X-HIT first by having some fun. That friend will help you out."

The man pointed at Anna with his chin and then got up from the sofa and entered the washroom.

Ho Sung Lee stared at Anna.

Anna gave him a charming smile, and Ho Sung Lee thought inside his head.

If it was back in his Diamond Clan days, he wouldn't have survived a week.


He felt like it was a dangerous place.

Chapter 332: Chapter 332

"Can I bring you some coffee? Or beer? Or whiskey?" Anna asked with seductive eyes.

If he could have it his way, he wanted to immediately start an R rated romance with her, but he had to hold back.

It could have been a trap, and more importantly, he was only at X-HIT because of Min Sung Kang's orders.

The mission came first.

He couldn't make any mistakes.

"Can I get a glass of water?"

Ho Sung Lee then put a cigarette in his mouth.

While he lit it up, Anna fetched him a glass of lukewarm water.

While he drank the water with much thought, Anna sat down close to Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee stared at her with confused eyes.

"I'll be the one to show you around X-HIT for the time being."

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

It appeared that once he became a member of X-HIT, he would be introduced to what kind of work he would do, and the one in charge of him was Anna.

"When can I start work?"

Ho Sung Lee believed that everything would begin once he asked that question, but he was mistaken.

Anna shook her head and said, "There's not much work to do. You can get paid for simply being a member here."

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"You look confused."

Anna looked at Ho Sung Lee with interest and continued.

According to her explanation, he could get his monthly pay just by being a member of the organization.

There were two roles for the hunters.

The first was to maintain the members of the drug organization.

Upon command, they would chase down a member who either betrayed, stole drugs, or obtained personal gains and kill them.

The second was war. Since X-HIT was one of many drug organizations, war was inevitable.

In order for the X-HIT boss to make more money and for the members to continue getting paid, they had to get rid of competition.

Ho Sung Lee was at a loss for words.

That was because considering the limited number of hunters, this system would inevitably make the number of hunters decrease dramatically.

What if another dungeon appeared and there weren't enough hunters?

Of course, Ho Sung Lee couldn't ask those questions to Anna.

They were all blinded by money.

That meant that money was more important than their future.

That was when he realized that at the center of the solution that could resolve the anxiousness of the future was Min Sung Kang.

Ho Sung Lee's mind went blank.

Anna leaned in closer.

"Hunters are popular among the ladies. They're strong and special. And for a specially charming man like you, I'm sure you'll get to meet many women within X-HIT. Many women want to date hunters."

It was almost as if a devil was whispering.

He had a feeling he knew about how the drug organizations controlled by hunters were really like.

Ho Sung Lee put a cigarette in his mouth with a blank face.

If there happened to be a drug war, did he have to participate in killing hunters? If he didn't go that far, it would be hard to obtain information.

There were limits to the information net of the Shadow Guild, so his job was to obtain the information that they couldn't get.

But if he didn't kill hunters in the war and got involved, it would be hard to go deep.

His head throbbed.


Time passed and the day came.

That morning, there was nothing different about Min Sung.

He got out of bed, drank some water, used his magic energy to clear his head, and then showered.

The time of the gathering was 11 AM, and since it was currently 7 AM, he had plenty of time.

As soon as he came out of the shower, Woong Jang was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and Sia Jang greeted him with toast in her mouth and left the house.

Just as he was about to enter the kitchen, he got a call from Ho Sung Lee.

Min Sung answered the phone and accepted a hot cup of coffee from Chef Jang.

Sir, it's me, Ho Sung.

"What is it?"

He sipped his hot Americano and went out to the garden. Unlike Brazil, he enjoyed the cold winter breeze and


continued the conversation.

Ho Sung Lee entered X-HIT as a member and delivered the information he found. There wasn't much useful information. They were just having fun and fooling around, but that itself meant something.

They were able to confirm how the organization functioned.

But there's a problem. I think there will be a war soon.

Ho Sung Lee expressed his troubles.

Although he was okay with securing information from within, Ho Sung Lee felt as though there was an issue with killing hunters.

"Find the head of X-HIT and bring him to me alive."

Like I said, in order to meet with the head, I have to gain trust within X-HIT. In order to do that, war is inevitable. Are you saying I should get involved with the war?

"Whether you kill them or let them live is up to you. Just bring the head to me. That's my order."

Min Sung hung up.

After enjoying the garden, he returned to the living room. At that moment…

"Sir, would you like to have breakfast?" Woong Jang asked.

Min Sung nodded, and after handing over his coffee cup, he moved into the kitchen.

After sitting down, Woong Jang placed a pot of soybean stew in front of him.

'I wonder how his soybean stew will taste.'

As soon as he sat down, Min Sung picked up his spoon to scoop up rice and some soybean soup.

When he tasted the soybean soup, he could taste that the seasoning was just right.

It was slightly sweet, but that was perfect for Min Sung's taste.

As for the tofu, they were cut into tiny cubes.

He put some tofu, crab, and green onion on top of some rice, mixed it together, and tasted it, allowing him to enjoy the taste of the soybean soup and rice together.

The tofu melted in his mouth while the salty taste of the soybean soup was deep.

Min Sung chewed on a pretty piece of egg roll while thinking about what to say to the presidents and hunter leaders before looking over at Woong Jang.

"Today's lunch will be outside."

"Yes, Sir. Then I shall reserve."

"No. I'll do that."

Woong Jang smiled.

"Yes, Sir."

Bowl poked out from beneath the table and climbed up on Min Sung's leg to his lap.

When Min Sung saw Bowl staring up at him, he took out a piece of magic stone from his item window and threw it up in the air.

Bowl leaped. He caught it with his mouth and then landed on the ground like a gymnast.


"One more bowl."

Min Sung pushed his empty rice bowl after finishing it all.

A delicious soybean stew had the power to empty rice bowls in an instant.

"You have an appetite today. You usually only have one bowl of rice," said Woong Jang while scooping more rice.

"Since I have to meet people I don't like today, I should fill my belly. If I get too sensitive, I might end up killing a few of them."

In response to Min Sung's cruel words, Woong Jang smiled warmly.

That was because he knew that with Min Sung's personality, he was all talk.

But what if Min Sung Kang was really angry?

Then words didn't matter.

… Because he only acted.

Woong Jang simply hoped that that moment would come at today's meeting.


Ho Sung Lee sat at the bar table and felt the urge to drink all of the alcohol that he could see.

Min Sung Kang told him… to make his own decisions.

Didn't that pretty much mean he should participate in the war?

Since he had known Min Sung Kang for a long time, he knew his personality better than anyone, but despite that fact, he felt troubled.

But Ho Sung Lee smirked anyway. He thought about how he was back when he was with the Diamond Clan, but that world wasn't so easy either.

It was cruel in that world as well. It was just that he changed his mind after seeing the bigger picture.

He compared the past to the present and felt confused about who he really was.

That was a very painful thing… because he had to think about the cruel past again.

Also, all he had done in the last 3 days was fool around.

"Damn it…"

While he mumbled to himself while looking in the distance, Anna sat down next to Ho Sung Lee.

"You seem down today. What's the matter?"

Ho Sung Lee licked his dry lips. He organized his thoughts and made his decision.

He couldn't let the situation control him.

If the road was closed, he had to open it.

Ho Sung Lee looked at her and opened his mouth.

"I want to meet with the head of X-HIT. How can I do that?"

"Why do you want to meet him?"

Her seductive face changed for the first time.

It was clear on her face that she had her guard up.

"I came here because I wanted to make money, so I don't want to make such petty money just to fool around."

"I don't think you're at a high enough level," said Anna coldly.

"My level might be low, but I'm good at my job."

"What can you do?"

"I can make the impossible possible."

Anna laughed.

"Are you saying you can use magic?"

"I can do even more than that. This is a type of business. Please introduce me to him."

"Like I said, you can't meet him at your current level."

"Does that mean I can meet him once my level is higher?"

"Meeting him isn't that simple."

Min Sung Kang told him to bring the head to him, but he didn't tell him how.

He also said he didn't want a commotion, but he couldn't satisfy all conditions if he wanted to get it done.

Ho Sung Lee decided to take on the risk and resolve this his own way.

Chapter 333: Chapter 333

"What if I have information that only the head of X-HIT should hear?"

What Ho Sung Lee said was impactful, and as a result, Anna's face turned stiff.

Her eyes and expression were cold, which Ho Sung Lee had never seen before.

"Hey, no need to look so scary. I'm not saying we should fight. I just want to show what I've got to offer."

Ho Sung Lee spoke to Anna with stable eyes.

Anna stared at Ho Sung Lee before turning her shoulders.

"Wait here."

She went into a crowd of people and disappeared somewhere.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee asked the bartender for a beer.

The bartender opened a bottle of beer for him, and Ho Sung Lee drank it while catching his breath.

That was when he sensed someone.

When he turned around, the crowd made way for someone, and that was when a group appeared between them.

They were all holding weapons.

Ho Sung Lee continued to drink his beer and put a cigarette in his mouth while staring at their hostility.

"Am I the target?"

Ho Sung Lee lit his cigarette, and Anna appeared from among them.

Ho Sung Lee scoffed and drank his beer while staring at her.

"If you were just acting, we'll kill you. But if you really do have valuable information, we won't. So tell us now," said Anna with cold eyes.

Ho Sung Lee gulped down his beer and slammed it down on the bar. He then let out a long sigh.

While Ho Sung Lee sighed with his head down, he heard the clanging sound of weapons.

When he heard that, Ho Sung Lee decided that he had no other choice.

What was done was done.

Given the current circumstances, it was going to be difficult to take things slowly.

In order to bring down the head as quickly as possible, he had to face it head-on.

But if he suddenly slowed down now, the head could feel suspicious and hide. In that case, he could miss the opportunity entirely.

'What should I do?'

While he wondered, he heard footsteps.

When he lifted his head, Anna as well as the hunters holding weapons were surrounding him.

It seemed as though they were ready to use their weapons at any moment.

"We can't give you very much time. Don't try anything funny and tell us right now."

"Bring me to your head. If not, something dangerous will happen to him. This is top information."

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette while looking at Anna.

Anna looked at Ho Sung Lee with pity and shook her head.

"Don't kill him."

In response to her hand gesture, the hunters began to use their fists.

At that moment…

As a result of the Aura that radiated from Ho Sung Lee's body, the hunters bounced off and landed on their butts as soon as they threw a punch.

Ho Sung Lee put out his cigarette on the bar table and brushed himself off.

"Let me repeat myself. This is top information. I suggest you report to him right now," said Ho Sung Lee to Anna.

Anna looked at her colleagues with a stiff face and looked back at Ho Sung Lee.

"Your level was fabricated."

Anna caught on right away.

The same went for the hunters on the ground.

At that moment…

"What's going on here?"

The muscular man from within the guest room appeared with a grimace on his face.

Anna whispered to him, and in response, the man scoffed and glared at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee looked at the man and pointed at the hunters who were wobbling back to their feet.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Once the man caught onto what happened, his face stiffened due to the confusion.

"Call the head. I have information that he needs to know."

"Who are you?" The muscular man asked Ho Sung Lee with this guard up.

"I told you. I came to make money," said Ho Sung Lee calmly.


In order to escort Min Sung to the meeting herself, Commander Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute was waiting in front of his house with a driver.

Min Sung came out of his house, and the driver opened the door for him.

As soon as he got into the car, he saw Commander Kim in a suit.

"Why are you staring


at me like that?"

In response, Ji Yoo Kim smiled.

"Just because."

"Well, stop it," said Min Sung while looking out the window.

"Min Sung."

Min Sung looked back at her with knitted brows.

"You know how impactful today's meeting will be, right?"

Min Sung smiled bitterly.

"I don't know. Is it that serious?"

"I trust you," said Ji Yoo Kim with a smile. Min Sung glanced at her and looked back at the window.

It was a winter day without a single cloud in sight.


The black head of X-HIT, Leight, was on the sofa in a large white house talking on the phone.

It was clear from Leight's face that he was very uncomfortable while speaking on the phone.

"Who the hell is he?" Leight asked with frustration.

We don't know who he is. His level is low, but his Aura is powerful. Should we take care of him here?

Leight thought for a moment and clicked his tongue.

"No, bring him here. Put Team A on him."

He then hung up the phone.

"He brought important information and came here to make money…?"

Leight smiled.

"But he fabricated his level?"

Leight stared into the distance and smoked his cigar.


Anna took the steering wheel.

Ho Sung Lee sat in the passenger seat, and behind their car were cars that were ridden by the members of X-HIT.

They were there just in case something happened. During their carried, Anna glanced over at Min Sung and tilted her head out of confusion.

"Who are you?"

In response, Ho Sung Lee smirked.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I came here to make money."

"Fabricating your level is no easy task and very expensive. What's your actual level? Actually…"

Anna smiled bitterly and continued, "Maybe it's more likely that you have no level at all."

She was referring to the Miscellaneous type, and Ho Sung Lee didn't refute her guess.

"I don't know why you came to X-HIT, but I suggest you don't cause any trouble. It's for the good of you as well as our future."

"How come?" Ho Sung Lee asked Anna.

"Just know that X-HIT is more powerful than you may think."

Ho Sung Lee laughed.

"I'll remember that."

"The government won't protect the hunters. They'll try to bring them down. And in order to prevent that, there needs to be a force. An organization that's outside of the hunter association. And that organization will protect the hunters."

"But fights between hunters will only reduce the number of hunters, and I feel like the government would like the fact that there will be fewer hunters."

"In order to protect one thing, we must sacrifice another."



He didn't agree very strongly, but there was no need to seem too negative about the drug hunter organization before meeting with the head.

After 30 minutes, they arrived in front of a house.

The metal gates opened, and they entered the large yard.

The cars behind them also followed like Vienna sausages.

The yard of the house was vast, but since this wasn't his first experience, Ho Sung Lee wasn't even that surprised.

He simply wanted to meet the head of X-HIT.

The car stopped, and Anna got out first. Ho Sung Lee got out as well and looked behind him.

He saw hunters with unknown levels as well as high levels coming out of the other cars.

'They're pretty strong'

Miscellaneous types were rare in Korea, but they seemed to be common in X-HIT.

Ho Sung Lee didn't have any detailed data about just how much force the higher-level hunters had as of yet.

'Ugh, I don't know. I'm sure I'll be fine.'

What was done was done.

It was too late to ask questions, and if a fight broke out, he had to fight.

Since he probably wouldn't follow willingly, fighting was probably inevitable.

'It'll take a while to bring him without killing him.'

While Ho Sung Lee smoked a cigarette outside the car, Anna approached.

"We need to check your item window. You have to leave everything here."

Ho Sung Lee opened his item window.

Anna possessed an expensive item that allowed her to check hunters' item windows.

She told him to take out all of his weapons.

"You'd better not take them. They're precious."

Anna accepted Ho Sung Lee's items without a response.

Since the sword was almost impossible to find, Anna was surprised when she saw the weapon that Ho Sung Lee had.

"This is all that I have. Are we good now? Can I go inside?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

After putting Ho Sung Lee's weapon away…

"Follow me."

… She led the way.

Ho Sung Lee took off hi slight jacket and threw it into his item window. Unlike the cold winter, Brazil was quite hot.

They entered through the doors to the luxurious house.

He saw the luxurious floors.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Grrr!"

And when he saw a hound on a leash, Ho Sung Lee flinched.

The hound looked like a dog, but it was actually a monster.

'What kind of hobby is raising monsters?'

'That's horrible.'

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and continued to follow Anna inside.

Behind Ho Sung Lee was the X-HIT hunters of Team A.

Since the house was large, they walked the long corridors for a while before they reached the living room.

He saw a black man who was drinking cognac while looking out the window.

A luxury t-shirt, a gold necklace, a gold bracelet, and lots of gold rings could be seen, and he was wearing a gold robe.

His style was vibrant.

The way Ho Sung Lee saw it, that was the head of X-HIT.