344 - 352 END

Chapter 344: Chapter 344

The fancy steamed seafood showed off vibrant colors. Not even a professional photographer could capture it to do it justice.

That was how beautiful it looked in person.

Aside from the visuals, the smell of the steam from the steamed seafood was so deep that it was surprising.

Min Sung enjoyed the visual and scent before moving his chopsticks.

The reason why his chopsticks went to the octopus first was because it tasted the best when it was still hot and soft.

He brought the perfectly cooked octopus into his mouth just because it turned pink.

Om nom!

Min Sung chewed on the octopus and knitted his brows.

That was because he couldn't help but marvel at the flavor.

The octopus melted in his mouth. There were many restaurants that didn't know how to cook octopus perfectly, but this place was not one of them.

The octopus was perfectly cooked.

And the difference between being able to cook it properly and not was substantial.

And the marinade was delicious, so it was just a moment later that his chopsticks moved to the bean sprouts next.

Min Sung chewed on the fresh bean sprouts as he enjoyed the not so salty and delicious marinade that spread throughout his mouth.

And after that, he chewed on a piece of crab, and when the soft meat entered his mouth, he was touched.

Min Sung sighed in awe.

The fresh flavor of abalone.

And the main attraction of the steamed seafood was the shrimp.

When shrimp was in season and was cooked perfectly well, it almost tasted like a brand new type of seafood.

Most shrimp had hard shells and heads that were pointy.

But when the shrimp that was in season was cooked perfectly, it gave off a surprising flavor.

The head that most thought would be hard, melted inside one's mouth.

How was it possible for the head of a shrimp to melt inside the mouth?

That was why it was so shockingly delicious.

Since the head was this delicious, there was no need to even talk about the power of the body.

When he chewed it once, not only did he enjoy the flavor of the body, but the juices of the steamed seafood exploded, causing for a tsunami to overcome one's body.

On top of that, the spice caused one's mind to go blank.

A magic that allowed him to focus on the food.

This was the steamed seafood restaurant that Ho Sung Lee recommended.


No, the steamed seafood was so perfect that it couldn't be described with that one word alone.


The next morning at 10, Min Sung woke up. He drank some water and then opened the door to the yard before sitting down on the sofa.

Cold air came in, but Min Sung found it refreshing.

Min Sung listened to the birds as he took out his phone.

Ho Sung Lee texted him saying he sent mail, and once he checked the mailbox, he was able to find the documents that outlined what Ho Sung Lee found out about the hunter leaders.

The report detailed that the hunter leaders swept up the hunters involved in drug organizations and that they were now moving onto different countries.

It sounded like their threat worked well, seeing how they acted so quickly.

Min Sung threw his phone on the sofa and stepped out into the yard in his bare feet.

When he looked up, he saw the blue sky.

Min Sung enjoyed the sensation of dirt under his feet and enjoyed his leisure.


As soon as the news of Ho Sung Lee and the hunter leaders' plan to wipe out the drug organizations spread through the news, the organizations began to hide out of fear.

The organizations decided to stay low and then begin moving again as the interest of the hunter leaders died down.

Since the hunter leaders were aware of this as well, they grew restless… because that was not what Min Sung Kang wanted.

The reason why this happened was because the hunter leaders


didn't stay low.

"They've all hidden away," said Ho Sung Lee while shaking his head after entering Min Sung's house.

Min Sung, who was enjoying his coffee on the sofa, opened his mouth while keeping his eye on the nature documentary on TV.

"How many have died?" Min Sung asked.

"47. The others have all been arrested."

"Let them all go."

"… I'm sorry?" Ho Sung Lee asked as if he heard him wrong.

"What did you just…"

"Let them all go."


" Let them all go and then inform the media."

"Inform them of what?"

"That no one will be arrested anymore. Hunters will continue to receive support from the government, and if they find evidence that they were involved in drug crimes, they'll be killed instantly."

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

"Isn't that too harsh?"

"We can't just chase after them blindly forever."

Ho Sung Lee nodded at Min Sung's fierce eyes.

"Yes, Sir."

"And don't forget to keep an eye on the hunter leaders and the hunter team's hunters."

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung waved his hand.

Ho Sung Lee bowed and left Min Sung's house.


As soon as Ho Sung Lee delivered what Min Sung said to the hunter leaders through video chat, the hunter leaders sighed.

That was because they worked so hard to track them down and throw them in jail, so the command to let them free again made them feel discouraged.

"They're going to be killed immediately now? The governments are going to be so happy," grumbled the Russian hunter leader with a grimace.

It wasn't just the Russian hunter leader, but the same emotions showed on the other hunter leaders' faces as well.

While the dungeons were all gone, the sight of hunters disappearing left and right in the hands of Min Sung Kang was probably making the governments dance with joy.

That was because the government's authority could never defeat the hunters' force.

But once the number of hunters went down, that was a hint that a new generation would begin.

Seeing how the governments weren't the type to get involved, they were happy to see the hunters go down.

And the hunter leaders were unhappy about this.

That was because no hunter leader could like such a thing.

"Sirs, you're being recorded right now. What if Min Sung sees this?" Ho Sung Lee asked while looking at the hunter leaders with a straight face.

In response, the hunter leaders immediately went pale as if they saw a ghost.

They trembled in panic as soon as they heard the name 'Min Sung Kang.'

In the eyes of the citizens, the hunter leader of a country was no different from a hero and a myth.

But as soon as the black tower appeared along with Min Sung Kang, all of the attention shifted to him instead.

And as Min Sung Kang took all of the attention, the hunter leaders were soon treated as if they were has-beens who only wanted money and power.

And now that things were getting even harder for them, they felt wronged, but they had no choice but to bow down to Min Sung Kang.

"Get a hold of yourself. You can't forget who Min Sung Kang is. Let's end the meeting here. You'll have to yield quick and certain results."

Ho Sung Lee ended the call and put a cigarette in his mouth.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette through his nose and thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"I don't know. I need to rest."

Ho Sung Lee leaned back in his chair and continued to smoke.

"I'm so tired."

Ho Sung Lee spent a day that was just as busy as those of the hunter leaders.


Just as Ho Sung Lee ended his call with the hunter leaders, the American president, Frezie, was in the middle of a secret meeting in his penthouse suite in New York.

"We finally have our opportunity," said the American president, Frezie, with wide eyes.

In front of him was a screen, and within that screen were the presidents of other countries.

And on Frezie's face were emotions that he had been hiding all of this time.

And they weren't aware of what Frezie meant by the opportunity.

The ones who were the happiest were the presidents of England, France, and the head of state of China.

As politicians who always had to mind the hunters, this was their perfect opportunity and timing.

"If we plan it right, we'll be able to get rid of all of the hunters excluding Min Sung Kang," said Frezie with a smile.

If most hunters were wiped out and the only ones remaining were Min Sung Kang, Ho Sung Lee, and the hunter leaders, hunters were bound to be history and slowly disappear.

And that wasn't the only upside.

If the number of hunters decreased, it would become harder for them to make political moves.

That was because their influence would grow weaker as a result.

They were unable to give up on this upside, and for that reason, their opinions solidified through the video call.

"But if we make a mistake, we could end up like the hunter leaders. Don't you know what happened to them when they tried to get back at Min Sung Kang?"

In response to the American president, Frezie, the other presidents' faces turned nervous, but that only lasted a moment.

They were unable to pass up the opportunity to get rid of the hunters.

"So we must prepare well," said one president, and the others agreed.

"Let's start getting rid of those fools one by one."

In response to Frezie, the presidents smiled with satisfaction.

The presidents all shared the same feelings regarding their hostility toward how the hunters took over the world.

Chapter 345: Chapter 345

Each government in the world secretly dispatched an organization, and the role of that organization was to encourage the criminal acts of hunters.

They connected the hunters with a supplier who would sell them drugs at a cheap price and low commission.

They then spread all the information they had to the criminal hunters.

The information that was provided by the organization dispatched by the government had to do with how the hunter leaders were conducting their investigation.

The dispatched teams convinced them that there was nothing to be afraid of in order to take over.


The American hunter leader, Ethan, swung his sword, causing a hunter to fall onto the ground and be covered in blood.

Ethan's eyes were filled with stress as he looked down at the bloody body.

His subordinates minded Ethan and gulped.

The American hunter leader, Ethan, ground his teeth and tossed his sword to the side.



Half of the sword went through the wall.

"These damned rats…"

Ethan's face trembled.

No matter how many he killed, the number of drug organization hunters didn't go down.

It was hard to find them when they were hiding, and every time he killed a hunter, he regretted that he had to do this in the first place

And that applied to not only Ethan but the other hunter leaders as well.

But since it was Min Sung Kang's orders, they had no choice but to obey.

No matter how helpless he was in the situation, he still couldn't understand it.

What he couldn't understand was that after the media planted fear in their minds, they went ahead and killed every drug organization in sight, but the number of hunters involved with drugs didn't decrease.

Of course, the number of hunters in drug organization did go down, but after how much they had done, they should've already wiped all of them out.

But according to what he heard from other hunter leaders, their situation wasn't different from his either.

"Something's going on."

Ethan stared into the distance as his eyes turned cold.


In order to enjoy a simple lunch, Min Sung asked Chef Woong Jang for steak salad.

Since it was a salad, it didn't take long, and it came out instantly.

Min Sung sat at the table and picked up his fork.

He saw cubes of steak as well as fresh salad, and the sauce on top was made by Woong Jang himself.

Ready-made sauces didn't suit Min Sung's taste.

The most delicious sauce was the one made by Chef Woong Jang's skills.

The sauce that Ho Sung Lee made was also from Chef Woong Jang's recipe.


That was the sound of the fork stabbing into the salad.

It was a refreshing sound.

Min Sung's fork stabbed into both the salad and the steak.

He then took a big bite.

As he chewed on the crispy salad and the soft steak, he was amazed by Chef Woong's skill once more.

It wasn't easy to be amazed over and over, but Chef Woong Jang made that happen.

The sauce was unbelievable.

The taste of the salad wasn't all too different, but the difference was the sauce.

It was really good.

It was the kind of salad that could prove people wrong if they thought salad couldn't be that delicious.

It was sweet with a fragrant scent, and it produced a delicious salad.

On top of that, the soft steak as well as the scent of the meat satisfied his palate.

While he enjoyed his salad, he heard the front door open.

Following the sound of footsteps, Ho Sung Lee entered the kitchen.

"Sir, I have something to tell you."

Ho Sung Lee looked a little flushed.

Min Sung chewed on his delicious salad as he looked at Ho Sung Lee to ask what it was about.


Ho Sung Lee trailed off before he delivered his news.

"I feel like the government has intervened," said Ho Sung Lee with a sigh.

"The government? Central Institute?"

"No. Aside from Central Institute, I think all leaders including that of America worked together to reduce the number of hunters."

Min Sung laughed because it was so absurd.

"You don't believe me, do you? I didn't either."

Ho Sung Lee laughed as well.


Min Sung asked with his brows knitted.

"Since the hunters have been


above the governments all this time, it seems like they're taking this opportunity to get rid of the hunters and take hold of the power again."

"Any evidence?"

"Well, we caught one guy, but he killed himself."

"I trust your judgment. Are you sure or not?"

"I'm certain. Since they're even sharing secret information, we found some traces as well."

Min Sung nodded while chewing on his salad.

"I see."

"What should we do?"

"There's no need for you to do anything. I'll do it."


"That's right."

Min Sung finished his salad and steak, and after putting his dish and fork in the sink, he walked out to the living room.

"I'm leaving. Get the car ready."

Ho Sung Lee nodded with a nervous face.

"Yes, Sir."

He then turned around and left the house.


Min Sung got ready. He left the house and got into Ho Sung Lee's car.

As soon as Min Sung got in, Ho Sung Lee stepped on the gas pedal and took off.

"Where are we going?" Ho Sung Lee asked while glancing at Min Sung.


Min Sung then took out his phone and called the commander of Central Institute.

"Gather all of the presidents in one place. Use some threats if you need to."

Min Sung then hung up.

While Ho Sung Lee drove toward the Warp Gate, Min Sung enjoyed the scenery out the window.

Since it was winter, all he could see were bare branches of trees.


Since the Warp Gate was popularized, there was a lineup, but Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee skipped the line and used the VVIP Warp Gate to immediately cross over to America.

Upon arrival, there was a helicopter waiting not too far away.

Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee got into the helicopter.

Du du du du du!

Just as the helicopter ascended, he received a text from the commander of Central Institute, Ji Yoo Kim.

She informed him that each head of state would arrive in 30 minutes.


Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee landed on top of the building where they were to meet, and once getting downstairs to the VIP room, they waited for the heads of state while eating a banana.

20 minutes later.

They began to show their faces one by one.

The heads of state all minded Min Sung as they sat down.

Min Sung sat in his chair with his eyes closed and his arms crossed and waited for everyone to arrive.

Ho Sung Lee stood behind him glaring at everybody.

Once everybody arrived, Ho Sung Lee nodded at Min Sung.

"Sir, everyone has arrived."

Min Sung slowly opened his eyes.

Not a single head of state could handle his cold gaze.

They all dripped in a cold sweat and looked anxious while wondering why they were there.

They all looked nervous.

Min Sung sat up straight in his chair. He stretched and held his head up high.

Following a long silence, the sound of the heads of state gulping could be heard in the silent room.

The heads of the state fumbled in their chairs and waited for Min Sung to speak.

Min Sung smiled at them.

"Why did you do that if you're that scared?" Min Sung asked lightly.

He didn't hear a response.

They were too busy minding each other.

"Are you mute?" Min Sung asked in a heavy and cold manner.

He still didn't hear an answer, but the heads of the state continued to mind Min Sung with frozen faces and glanced from side to side.

In the midst of the suffocating atmosphere, the American president opened his mouth.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding. I don't know why you called us here, but we didn't do anything wrong…"

The American president shut his mouth as soon as Min Sung got up. He sensed his powerful presence, and his desire to kill.

Min Sung slowly walked toward the American president.

Unlike when he first stepped up with confidence, the American president cowered with a pale face, unable to breathe properly.

"I'm only going to ask you once. Is it true that the governments got involved to reduce the number of hunters?"

The American president looked at Min Sung and trembled his lips.

"N-n-no, Sir."

"If you lie, I'll kill you," Min Sung said in a low voice.

"Please spare me!"

The American president hid the back of his head with both his hands and laid his head on the table.

He was crying.

As soon as Min Sung looked back at the other heads of state, they immediately looked down.

Min Sung walked toward the glass window.

There were many reporters gathered outside.

"Should I just throw you out?"

Min Sung mumbled while looking out the window.

Ho Sung Lee flinched and approached him.

"Sir, that's…"

"I'm just kidding."

Ho Sung Lee sighed out of relief.

Min Sung looked back at the heads of the state and picked up his weapon.


The sword came out by Min Sung's hand along with lightning.

"I should just kill you all right here."

As soon as Min Sung said that, Ho Sung Lee hurriedly ran over to Min Sung.

"Sir, if the heads of the state die…"

"I'm just kidding. They can't die. Who's going to deal with the aftermath?"

Min Sung tossed his sword aside.

The table exploded in all directions, and the presidents rolled on the ground and groaned.

"I won't kill you, but I'll have to teach you a lesson."

Min Sung smiled down at the heads of the state on the ground.

Chapter 346: Chapter 346

As Ho Sung Lee watched Min Sung looking down at the presidents on the ground, he felt restless.

There were countless reporters outside.

Even if he was Min Sung Kang, threatening the lives of the countries' governments was enough to gain enemies.

Of course, he wouldn't care what other people said about him. As his assistant, Ho Sung Lee couldn't just sit back and watch it happen.

Ho Sung Lee believed that protecting his image was one of his duties.

"Sir, I think you should teach them a lesson without inflicting physical harm."

"Don't worry. I won't hurt them."

Once Ho Sung Lee heard Min Sung's answer, he felt a little relieved and stepped back.

Min Sung walked toward the presidents who were on the ground like frogs.

He then stood in the middle of them.

"I just want to live quietly and comfortably. I don't even want to get involved with politics, but I still have a sense of responsibility."

Min Sung wiped the smile off of his face and scanned them with a cold face as he continued.

"I'm saying I intend to take responsibility for the harm done due to my actions, but what annoys me is that that there are bastards who cross the line I've drawn. Just like you idiots."

The leaders all around Min Sung trembled.

Rather than fear, it was because their bodies suddenly felt a drop in temperature.

"You really don't know how to listen, do you?"

Just as the atmosphere turned scarier, the leaders lifted their heads one by one.

"We won't do it again!"

"It was a misunderstanding…!"

Min Sung looked at the head of state from Russia and laughed.


Once the Russian head of state realized his mistake, he squeezed his eyes shut.

Min Sung smiled coldly at him.

"People's nature doesn't change. I know that for certain, but there's something I know even better. That there is a solution."

The heads of state widened their fearful eyes.

Min Sung continued in a low voice, "When something shocking happens, a person can change. Just like how the hunter leaders changed. This will become a meaningful experience for you. It'll get rid of your greed."


White smoke flowed out of Min Sung's hands.

It almost looked like clouds and lightening, or white fog, and it even changed form in a bizarre way.

The heads of state dropped their jaws and trembled.

The air that came out of Min Sung's hands was scarier than a ghost.

"Uhhh… Ah… Agh!"

The strange air that came out of Min Sung's hands wrapped around the arms and legs of the heads of state like a snake.

And then screams could be heard.

Along with the pain of having their flesh getting ripped apart, their heads filled with nightmares.

Since they weren't hunters but rather just average human beings, Min Sung reduced the intensity. Just enough so that a human could endure it.

Min Sung made sure not to cross that line.

Since he fought off devils for 100 years, Min Sung was pretty much a master at torture.

So torturing average human beings was too easy.




The sound of crying and pleading filled the room.

But Min Sung didn't go easy on them and continued to induce pain for a long time.

The air that came out of Min Sung's hands ate their flesh and caused regeneration as if it was something that was alive.

And since the nightmares inside their heads felt like they would never be able to escape Hell, they just wanted to die.

But the punishment that Min Sung gave was that they couldn't die either.

Once Min Sung decided that it had been long enough, he withdrew his mysterious white air.

The heads of state shed tears and snot, and they coughed as they continued crying.

They were crying like babies.

"Shut up," said Min Sung coldly.

They covered their mouths with both hands and shrugged their shoulders.

"From now on, if any problem arises, I'll either go to the president or the hunter leader. The only ones I'll be dealing with are the ones at the top."

Min Sung's eyes filled with rage.

"So I'm teaching you a lesson. You won't die. You'll just have to frequent the hospital for psychiatric treatment. Let's do this again."

The heads of the


state looked at Min Sung and raised their hands.

"Please stop."

"We'll do anything you ask…"

"Please forgive us…"


Just as the strange air flowed out of Min Sung's hands.


They all tried to get up to run away, but their movements couldn't be faster than that of the air out of Min Sung's hands.

"The government should exist for its citizens. It's not for your own greed and power."


They screamed.

Min Sung stared into the distance and tilted his head.

"I can't always be the answer. But if something's really wrong, I have to take action. I'm a man with a conscience, you see."

While the heads of state wriggled around with flipped eyes as if they were dying away, Min Sung continued to speak with a smile, and Ho Sung Lee shook his head at that.

"Don't forget. I won't mess with anybody else. I'll only come after you."

Min Sung stressed while looking at them with cold eyes.


That was because going after the heads of state and the hunter leaders made it easier for him.

As long as he had control over the ones at the top, the rest would naturally follow suit.

Ho Sung Lee was in awe of his judgment.

"I'm impressed, Sir."

On their way back, Ho Sung Lee spoke with his hands on the wheel.

"Of what?" Min Sung asked while looking out the window.

"You take care of everything so quickly."

Min Sung laughed.

"That's because I have you guys."

"I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

"I have the Central Institute and you. I can do this because I have information."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly.

"You're too modest."


"You should eat."

"Where should we go?"

"Hm, I'll think of somewhere."


Min Sung's eyes remained outside the window.


He wanted to go to a good restaurant in America, but he didn't have much information and didn't crave American food, so Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee arrived at the Warp Gate and immediately crossed over to Japan.

That was because Min Sung agreed to the restaurant in Japan that Ho Sung Lee recommended.

As soon as they arrived in Japan, it was clear Min Sung was very popular.

People held up signs and cheered for Min Sung in Japan.

There were so many people that it was hard to get around by car.

It was so bad that they wondered if they could properly eat, but it was a relief that there were many famous restaurants in Japan.

They drove up a mountain and arrived at a restaurant.

It was a place that was attached to a Ryokan, so it was a beautiful place that would look like a movie if it snowed.

It was a Ryokan that was primarily a hot spring, but there was a separate restaurant beside it.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, the owner and employees who recognized him paid their respects.

The inside of the restaurant was clean, and the interior was very Japanese.

Even the small props and picture frames.

It was a very neat place, and the wooden theme of the interior made them feel warm in the winter, and despite the floors looking old, it didn't smell and simply gave off a warm vibe.

"I like it," said Min Sung as he scanned the interior.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I've always liked your recommendations, but I really like this place. It's the right place at the right time," said Min Sung with a gaze that was unusual.

Ho Sung Lee waited without a word so that he wouldn't disturb Min Sung from his admiration.

"Where should we sit?" Min Sung asked Ho Sung Lee.

"Over here."

Ho Sung Lee pointed at the table near the window.

They would be able to have their meal while looking out at the scenery.

Min Sung immediately took off his shoes and sat on the cushion with his legs crossed.

At that moment, a young employee brought their warm tea as well as menus.

After checking the menu, Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung.

"Let's order Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles and Don Deki."

"I know what Nagasaki is, but what's Don Deki?"

"It's pork with a sauce similar to teriyaki sauce. You can eat it with rice."

Min Sung nodded.


Ho Sung Lee made his order with the employee, and the order immediately went into the kitchen to tell the chef.

"Are you going to drink?"

"Just one drink," said Min Sung while looking out the window.

"Then I'll order something."

Ho Sung Lee got up from his seat to order some drinks, and he came back soon afterward.

The young employee brought over their alcohol and glasses.

Ho Sung Lee ordered Sake.

"They don't normally sell this one, but they let us buy it because of you."

Ho Sung Lee smiled and sat down.

Min Sung looked over at the kitchen.

A grandmother bowed to him.

Min Sung also greeted her back.

He then looked at the bottle on the table.

Since it was expensive, it was fancy and luxurious-looking.

'Quality Sake…'

Just as Min Sung had that thought, Ho Sung Lee immediately caught on and filled his glass.

"It's sake made of the remaining 23% after polishing 77% of the rice. It has been centrifuged as well. You'll like it."

Min Sung gave it a taste.

It was a clean taste.

It was so clean that he didn't taste anything.

When he took another sip, he tasted fruit, but that sweetness went away in a clean manner almost immediately.

The alcohol was surprising.

Chapter 347: Chapter 347

The alcohol was clean with a subtle scent, and it went perfectly with winter.

What would this clean feeling that embraced the cold taste like in the summer?

He had a feeling it would have a completely different vibe.

In that sense, the high-end sake gave him a romantic feeling.

"You seem to like it," Ho Sung Lee said with a smile.

"It's not bad. Actually…"

While Min Sung stared at the bottle with a smile, the server appeared with the food.

There were two orders of Don Deki as well as Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles.

"Let's eat," said Min Sung while picking up the spoon.

Ho Sung Lee nodded and picked up his.

First, Min Sung took a close look at the food.

Looking at the food closely before eating helped him to enjoy the food even more.

Enjoying food with his eyes was a part of Min Sung's process when it came to eating.

First, he took a look at the Don Deki.

On top of the cooked pork was a dark sauce, and on top of that were sliced onions as well as some green onions.

And beside it was sliced cabbage.

Also, the rice wasn't just normal rice, but it was rice that contained flying fish roe.

The visual was enough to make him gulp just by looking at it.

He couldn't hold it in anymore.

He had to eat.

Min Sung took a bite of the rice before bringing a piece of the pork with onion to his mouth.


Min Sung knitted his brows.

It wasn't because it was bad but because it was that good.

The pork was incredibly soft.

But the more important part was the sauce.

He felt as though he was tasting the tradition behind teriyaki sauce.

It was sweet yet unique.

And although he passed by it the first time, the taste of the flying fish roe rice was very interesting.

The way the rice chewed between his teeth was so beautiful that he couldn't leave it alone.

Min Sung placed the Don Deki sauce on top of the flying fish roe rice and tasted it again.

It was as he expected!

It was delicious.

After focusing on the Don Deki, Min Sung naturally moved on to the Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles.

It was steaming hot, and it looked as though it was in a commercial.

Min Sung put down his spoon and used the ladle to transfer some of the Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles to a different plate.

On top of the pale broth were vegetables, noodles, pork, squid, shrimp, shellfish, and cabbage, and it showed off an impactful visual.

Despite having enjoyed half of the Don Deki already, his appetite soared in front of the Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles.

In order to not miss the heat of the Nagasaki spicy seafood noodles, Min Sung immediately began to taste the thick noodles.

The noodles sucked into his mouth.

Upon swallowing, Min Sung's mouth let out hot steam.

The noodles were thick, soft, and chewy. And the broth gave off a deep flavor.

Was this the flavor of a Japanese master?

"Not bad."

Min Sung smiled and drank the broth.

After that, he put down the dish and looked out the window.

The scenery of the bare branches in winter suited the meal very much.


As soon as they finished their meal, they were served tea that would help with digestion. They explained that the tea went well with alcohol as well.

The warm tea made him feel as though he was being healed.

Drinking tea in a place like this made him feel comfortable.

After their meal, while they drank their tea at the table, which had already been cleared.

"Ho Sung," called Min Sung.

"Yes, Sir.

Ho Sung Lee put down his tea glass and looked at Min Sung.

"It'll probably be quiet from now on, right?"

"I think so. Since the national leaders and hunter leaders have experienced you, they probably won't get other thoughts."

"You take the lead until things calm down, and then pass it onto Central Institute. Also…"

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung and waited for his response.

"After that, you can live however you want," said Min Sung while looking out the window while sipping his tea.

"Are you saying…"

"Yeah. You're free."

Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"I've never thought I was being captive."

"Nevertheless, I also want to live on as just an average human being."

"An average human being? You?"

Ho Sung Lee tried to hold in his laughter, but when Min Sung glared at him, he fixed his face.

"Sir, I've been thinking. I need to set up a foundation, but I also want to do something else."

"What? Cooking?"

Ho Sung Lee smiled shyly.

"Yes. I want to set up a restaurant."

Min Sung scoffed.

It wasn't out of mockery but because it suited him well.

"Please come often. You won't be able to get a table once word gets out."

"You sure have confidence for no good reason."

Ho Sung Lee scratched his head.

"I can't deny that. I'm sorry I failed to meet your expectations."

Ho Sung Lee looked down at his tea and smiled bitterly.

"But your cooking wasn't bad. I enjoyed it."

In response, Ho Sung Lee opened his eyes wide and stared at Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee then smiled.

"I also enjoyed my time with you."

"But it's not over yet. So don't let your guard down."

"Of course."

"But… what are you going to sell?"

Min Sung asked Ho Sung Lee.

"Oh, for food?"


"I'm going to sell different food every day. I'll just make what I feel like."

Min Sung nodded.

"That's not a bad idea."

"I know how to make too many things to just


focus on one."

Ho Sung Lee flipped his head back and laughed loudly.

"I'll visit sometime," said Min Sung upon finishing his tea.

"Once you come once, you won't be able to stop. Huhuhuhu!"

"Let's go."

Min Sung sprung up.

Ho Sung Lee wiped his nose and proceeded to pay for the meal.


It was only after Min Sung taught the national leaders a lesson that the drug issue began to find control.

Dungeons were no longer appearing, and fewer hunters were getting involved with crimes, so citizens found stability again, and people were in even more awe of Min Sung.

But as time went on, the public's sentiments about Min Sung began to die down.

That was because while peace was being maintained, being a fan of Min Sung couldn't continue for much longer.

They began to get used to the democratic world.

And as a result, Min Sung was able to enjoy more peaceful days.

But he was still getting requests of interviews, so he had his phone on silent.

And since Central Institute was preventing anyone from bothering Min Sung from close up, he wasn't particularly uncomfortable.

He was able to live in peace for a long time.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Woong Jang approached and asked.

"No, I want to sleep. Also, from now on…"


"If you don't want to keep living here, you don't have to. In the time that you're not here, I'll just eat out."

"Yes, Sir," answered Woong Jang with a warm smile.

Min Sung nodded and laid in the bedroom.

He felt the soft sheets as he closed his eyes.

He felt comfortable.

Afternoon naps were the best.



Ho Sung Lee breathed out his cigarette with a smirk while looking into the distance and leaning on his car.

It had been one month since the duties related to the hunter leaders and national leaders were handed over to Central Institute.

In that short period of time, the problem of criminal drug organizations was pretty much resolved.

As the hunters, who were involved in crimes, slowly moved over to fulfill national public order duties, it was hard to see even a trace of any hunters getting involved with drugs.

Things had finally been resolved.

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly while enjoying the scenery.

Time had passed, but he still couldn't believe it.

He felt refreshed but sad at the same time.

Was that why?

Past memories passed through his mind all at once.

Ever since he met Min Sung Kang when he tried to steal his item.

Ho Sung Lee smirked.

He couldn't believe he tried to steal an item from him.

But as a result, he spent a spectacular time.

Ho Sung Lee smiled at his past memories. He remembered when he first met Bowl, and the times when he almost died. Also, the times when he was in awe of Min Sung's power.

He felt like his upcoming days would be no fun, but when he thought about it, it was also his chance to live a new life.

If it wasn't for this, he never would've thought about opening a restaurant.

But since it wasn't a matter that could be decided easily, he had just finished making up his mind.


His thoughts were still deep when he thought about it.

He talked to Woong Jang about starting a foundation, but as Min Sung had said, he made lots of mistakes.

Could he do both at once?

He had thought about it, but he still hadn't made up his mind.

He put out his cigarette, put on some music in the car, laid back, and fell deeply into thought.

He then made his decision.

He figured it was best to find someone who will manage the foundation for him.

"I should go to the shadow guild."

He couldn't waste any time.

Ho Sung Lee got back up. He put on his seatbelt and started his car.

Just as he set out to the shadow guild, he got a call.

"Huh? It's Commander Kim."

As soon as Ho Sung Lee saw who it was, he pressed the Bluetooth button.

"Yes, Commander Kim. It's me."

Ho Sung.

"Yes? What is it?"

Can you help me?

Chapter 348: Chapter 348

"If it's something I can help you with, I'll definitely do so. What is it?"

Well, it's not that something happened…"

"Just tell me. It's okay," said Ho Sung Lee while hiding his nervousness.

He couldn't help but feel nervous.

He was worried that something horrible might've happened.

It was a call from Commander Kim, and normally, that meant something big happened.

So the thing is… I was wondering…

"Haha, don't worry. Just say it."

I was wondering if you could look into Min Sung for me.

"What do you mean?"

So, um…

'What is this? Why is she so hesitant?'

I'm going back to Korea.

"Yes, I know. You're coming back tomorrow, right?"

Yes. So I was wondering if you could find out what kind of women Min Sung likes. You're the closet person to Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee went so blank that he almost got into an accident.

Ho Sung Lee quickly fixed his handle.

'So that's why she called?'

'Wow, she knows how to take initiative.'

"Haha, sure. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Also… please ask him what he thinks about me.

She wasn't the stern commander that he knew, but a woman who acted just her age.

She was a normal woman, who couldn't resist Min Sung's fatal charms, and Ho Sung Lee had to block his mouth from laughing.

"Okay. I'll find out and tell you tomorrow."

When are you free tomorrow?"

"I'll pick you up when you arrive."

You don't have to do that.

"No, I have no plans anyway. I'll see you tomorrow."

Okay. Thank you.

Upon hanging up, Ho Sung Lee put a cigarette in his mouth. He lowered the window and smiled bitterly.

"Sigh, I'm jealous. Why does Commander Kim like a psychopath like him anyway? I don't get it."

Ho Sung Lee smoked with anger.

"Am I helping Min Sung with his dating life now? Ugh, my life."

Ho Sung Lee grumbled but then smirked.

His life as a slave was still over.

He didn't regret his time with Min Sung. He felt a little sad that it ended, but he wasn't going to live his life with regret.

He had money, and he had things he wanted to do.

He was going to live a new life.

He had a hard time trying to assist Min Sung all this time.

It was a miserable life.

But now, he could walk his own path.

He could finally enjoy his own life.

When Min Sung Kang told him he was free for the first time, Ho Sung Lee couldn't get used to it, and he was unable to feel that it was real.

But as time went on, he could clearly see his freedom ahead of him, and that made his heart flutter.

Ho Sung Lee headed over to the shadow guild with a smile on his face

He had to look for someone to manage his foundation, and then he had to go to Min Sung to fulfill Commander Kim's request.

After that, he would look into a restaurant, think about the interior, and start on many matters of the preparation stage.

He had much to do.

And Ho Sung Lee didn't hate that he did.


He went grocery shopping at a market nearby.

After putting his groceries in the kitchen, he made a cup of coffee and entered the living room, and that was when he saw Bowl and Ssol, playing outside in the yard through the window.

Min Sung enjoyed his cup of coffee on the sofa before heading back to the kitchen while rolling up his sleeves.

Bowl and Ssol, who were playing out in the yard, entered and followed Min Sung everywhere.

While Min Sung washed his hands at the sink, Bowl and Ssol bickered and fought at the bottom of Min Sung's legs.

Min Sung ignored them and continued to do his work.

First, he took out a knife and sliced some ingredients.

Bowl and Ssol stopped fighting and clapped as soon as they saw it.

Upon preparing the ingredients, Min Sung measured them on a scale and began to boil the broth.

"Master, would you like more heat?"

Bowl asked.

"No, that's okay. Then I won't be able to time it."

Min Sung crossed his arms and nodded at his watch.

His watch would ring at a specified time.

'I have some time until then.'

'I'll prepare the other food in the meantime.'

Min Sung checked the other ingredients.

Woong Jang glanced into the kitchen with a pleased smile and returned quietly.

While Min Sung took out various mushrooms and vegetables, he heard the front door open.

It was Ho Sung Lee.

Bowl and Ssol ran over and stuck to his legs, but Ho Sung Lee ignored them and greeted Min Sung.

"I'm here, Sir. What are you doing?"

Ho Sung Lee greeted him and then stared at Min Sung in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Min Sung glared back.

"But Chef Jang is here. Why are you cooking?"

Min Sung washed the vegetables and after placing them back down, he answered, "Because I want to. Why else?"

Ho Sung Lee scratched his neck and nodded.

"I-I see."

"Try it when I'm finished."

Ho Sung Lee's face turned pale.

"Ha, haha… Oh no. I just ate."

Min Sung lifted his eyes and glared at Ho Sung Lee.

"I'll eat it," Ho Sung Lee said with a pale face.

"You're lying, aren't you?"

"A-about what?"

"That you're going to eat."

"Let me be honest, Sir. I'm scared."


"I almost died after eating the food you made at cooking class."

"But you didn't."

"That's not the point. It was painful."

"So you're saying you don't want to eat it?"

"No, I will… because I respect you."



Sung smiled at Ho Sung Lee.

And when Ho Sung Lee saw this, he got goosebumps.

"So what I'm trying to say is…"


He wanted to make up an excuse, but he couldn't think of anything.

"I'm sorry."

Min Sung scoffed at Ho Sung Lee.

"Just don't be shocked when you taste it later."

Min Sung shifted his focus back on his cooking.

He sounded confident, but all Ho Sung Lee could think about was how shocked he was going to be at how horrible the food was.


"Let's eat."

Min Sung set up the meal on the table and sat down first.

Ho Sung Lee sat down in a stiff manner.

Ho Sung Lee felt tense, but Min Sung didn't care about Ho Sung Lee's attitude and simply lifted his spoon.

Just as he was about to scoop up some rice, Min Sung put down his spoon and looked at Ho Sung Lee.

"Eat," said Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and looked down at the food.

The visual wasn't bad.

But he couldn't let his guard down because it was Min Sung Kang who made the food.

That was enough to be suspicious.

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly at the food.

"Why are you smiling?"

Min Sung asked.

"No reason."

Ho Sung Lee picked up his spoon.

It was foolish to have any expectations for Min Sung Kang's cooking.

He was better off trying it with full determination.

'I'll just go to the hospital and receive treatment afterward.'

That was what Ho Sung Lee thought as he looked at the food.

It was white rice, kimchi stew, and sausages.

Ho Sung Lee took a bite of the rice before tasting the kimchi stew.

He then jolted his eyes wide open.


Upon seeing Ho Sung Lee's reaction…

"How is it?"

Min Sung asked with hope.

"It's not good," Ho Sung Lee said with a smile.

Min Sung grimaced at Ho Sung Lee.

"Then why are you smiling?"

"Because this is a significant improvement!"

Ho Sung Lee shouted with excitement.

Min Sung crossed his arms, unable to understand.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It didn't poison me!! That's amazing."

"Why do you think it tastes bad?"

"I'm sorry? Well, the rice is hard, and the kimchi stew is too salty."

Min Sung fell deeply into thought as he looked down at the food that he made.

Following a moment of silence…

"I made the broth, and I even used the scale to measure the ingredients. Why is it bad?"

Upon seeing Min Sung think so seriously about his cooking, Ho Sung Lee sighed.

This man, who was always flawless, showed his only weakness when he cooked.

It was fascinating.

"That's because you skipped a few crucial steps."

"What is it?"

Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee with sharp eyes.

"First, when you make the rice, how much water you add is important. After putting your hand in, make sure the water comes up to your palm."

"What about the kimchi stew?"

"The broth isn't bad, but the kimchi isn't the right kind for stew, and you added too little broth. That's why it's salty."

"I see."

Min Sung stared down at his food with a serious face.

"But you've improved. I think you'll be able to make delicious food soon enough," said Ho Sung Lee with a joyful face


But Ho Sung Lee had no idea… what a big mistake he had made.

"I'd better make it again."

"I'm sorry?"

Min Sung threw the food into the sink.

Min Sung took out new ingredients from the fridge and began preparing them again.

Ho Sung Lee gulped as he watched Min Sung, who was now very sensitive.

Chapter 349: Chapter 349


Ho Sung Lee dripped in a cold sweat as he watched Min Sung cook.

While Min Sung focused on his cooking, Ho Sung Lee felt like he was dying.

It appeared that Min Sung intended to feed Ho Sung Lee his cooking until he was satisfied.

And that was horrifying.

"Try it."

Min Sung presented Ho Sung Lee with another attempt at his Kimchi stew.

Ho Sung Lee minded him as he tasted the Kimchi stew.

"It's not bad."

As soon as Ho Sung Lee answered with an awkward smile…

"You're lying," said Min Sung with resentful eyes.

"No, it's true. It's not bad."

Min Sung brought his own spoon. He tasted it and then threw the spoon into the sink with a grimace.

Ho Sung Lee was frozen and unable to breathe.

"Why is it so bad? I followed the recipe," grumbled Min Sung with negative energy.

"I have to try it again."

Min Sung got ready to make another Kimchi stew.

Just like that, he repeated the process 8 times, and all Ho Sung Lee could think about was his desire to escape Ho Sung Lee as soon as possible.


"It's perfect, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee sprung up and clapped.

But Min Sung ignored him and tasted it with his spoon.


Ho Sung Lee felt as though his soul was leaving his body as he watched Min Sung stare at his own Kimchi stew so seriously.

"It's really good," Ho Sung Lee said desperately.

"I'm not born to cook."

Min Sung threw his spoon into the sink. He made himself some coffee and entered the living room.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and began to do dishes.

'Why does Commander Kim like him so much?'

Ho Sung Lee laughed while doing dishes.

How could she like someone with his mediocre personality?

He couldn't understand it.

'I'm so much more attractive than he is.'

Bowl approached Ho Sung Lee as he did the dishes.

"Why are you laughing by yourself, son of a b*tch?"

Ho Sung Lee's forehead popped out veins.

"I ought to cook you into a stew. Watch it. I can beat you now…"

Ho Sung Lee spoke down to Bowl when he suddenly stopped.

That was because Bowl was now hanging onto Repone and flying around together in the living room.

Ho Sung Lee sighed while finishing the dishes, and then he went out into the yard and lit a cigarette.

"Sigh. How do I break it to Min Sung?"

Ho Sung Lee thought about how to bring it up while smoking, but he didn't have any good ideas.

"Yeah. It's not like I'm Cupid. I'm not cut out for this job."

In the end, Ho Sung Lee put out his cigarette. He threw it out. He brushed his teeth and then approached Min Sung on the couch.

"Sir, can we talk?"

Min Sung scanned Ho Sung Lee from top to bottom.

"What is it?"

At that moment, Ho Sung Lee wondered if talking about Ji Yoo Kim could make things worse since he was already so sensitive about his bad cooking.

'I shouldn't bring it up right now.'

Ho Sung Lee sat next to Min Sung.

"Sir, are you interested in women? I know you've yet to fully adjust to the human world after coming from the Demonic Realm, but you did say you wanted to live here. And now, there's no danger getting in the way either."


Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee, and as a result, Ho Sung Lee dripped in a cold sweat.

"Do you… have an ideal type?"


"Do you have no interest at all?"

"You need a beating, don't you?"

"No, Sir."


"I'm going to step out for a bit. Do you need me to do anything?"

"No," Min Sung answered while staring at the TV.

"Then I'll be back."

Ho Sung Lee stood up. He bowed and then rushed out.

He felt like he could lose his mouth if he stayed any longer.


Ho Sung Lee entered the Warp Gate building at the agreed-upon time.

There were still 20 minutes until Commander Kim would arrive.

He entered the building with a black mask and sunglasses, and he sat down on the sofa and listened to his music with earphones.

While waiting for Commander Kim, someone sat next to Ho Sung Lee.

And when he looked beside him, he was shocked.

It was a female celebrity, and she was the main member of a popular girl group.

"You're Ho Sung Lee, aren't you?"

She asked with twinkling eyes.

'How did she recognize me?'

While Ho Sung Lee was fascinated…

Snap! Snap!

The sound of cameras could be heard.

Reporters swarmed in.

The unexpected situation caused Ho Sung Lee to blink in shock.

"I just wanted to say hello. I'm sorry if I crossed the line."

The idol bowed to him in front of the reporters.

The reporters took even more photos.

Ho Sung Lee sighed.

Since Min Sung Kang had strong charisma, reporters, broadcasters, and entertainment personnel couldn't dare to approach him. But he was different.

They were determined to get something out of him.

Countless celebrities wanted to be involved in a scandal, and there were also countless humans who wanted to get close to him.

That was how impressive the position of the right-hand man of Min Sung Kang, who was the most powerful in the whole world, was.

For that reason, there were many bothersome things.

When he opened a box of apples someone gifted him, it was filled with cash.

And he was offered all the money and women that he wanted.

People were all burdensome.

He didn't know how she recognized him at the airport,


but the same went for this female singer.

It was possible she just wanted to say hello, but from Ho Sung Lee's stance, it was burdensome and uncomfortable for someone to greet him in a crowded place.

But since he wasn't a celebrity, he learned to be laid back about it.


Ho Sung Lee shook her hand and accepted her greeting.

"Agh! Ho Sung, can I have a photo?"

She asked for a photo for her social media.

If a photo of them were to be posted online, it would take over the online news followed by countless comments.

He was quite popular for someone who didn't appear on TV.

Ho Sung Lee had such thoughts as he took a photo with her phone.

While the idol singer posted the photo on social media, Ho Sung Lee lowered his mask. He took off his sunglasses and walked off.

It was time for Commander Kim to arrive, and at that moment, he saw her walking through the gate.

"Commander Kim, this way."

Ho Sung Lee shook his hand at Ji Yoo Kim.

The way she walked over with a suitcase while wearing a grey suit was beautiful.

It was as if a goddess was walking over, and she was much more beautiful than the idol singer.

'Why does such a beautiful woman want…'

As soon as Ho Sung Lee thought about talking to her about Min Sung Kang, he felt frustrated.

"Did I keep you waiting?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked.

"No, not at all."

As soon as he answered, the reporters swarmed in and began taking photos.

"Since it's too crowded here, shall we go to the VVIP coffee shop here?"

Ho Sung Lee asked, and Ji Yoo Kim nodded with a smile.

Ho Sung Lee glanced over at Ji Yoo Kim as they walked.

The way she smiled lightly with confidence as she greeted the reporters and cameras was beautiful.


"Did you really say that?"

Whenever Commander Kim, who was more beautiful than an actress on the red carpet, heard about Min Sung Kang, she immediately turned weak.

Ho Sung Lee didn't know how he was supposed to advise her on her dating life when she looked so shocked.

They were talking about Min Sung Kang.

He wanted to tell her to just forget about him, but he couldn't say that.

"I knew it would take some time," said Ji Yoo Kim.


"Yes. Do you think we can grow close if we meet up for food, chat, and spend more time together?"

Ho Sung Lee felt hopeless as he realized she was becoming a stalker.

"Yes. I think that could yield good results."


Ho Sung Lee had no choice but to give Ji Yoo Kim false hope.

How could he tell a woman in love the harsh reality?

And who knew?

Min Sung had changed a lot, and perhaps he could turn around with time.

Ho Sung Lee explained to her what kind of food Min Sung liked and hated.

Upon hearing everything, Ji Yoo Kim's face looked even heavier than before.

"I had a feeling, but he's a difficult man."

Ji Yoo Kim drank her coffee with a bitter smile.

"That's what I'm telling you."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly as well.

"Oh, yeah. And this…"

Ji Yoo Kim took out documents from her item window and pushed it to Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee checked the documents.

It was a report on the hunter leaders and hunters written by the Central Institute.

"Nothing big has happened so far. We'll give you a report like this every month. And if something urgent happens, we'll call you right away."

"Oh, I see. Thank you."

Commander Kim didn't call him just to get dating advice.

Ho Sung Lee heard from her that after watching the hunter leaders and watching on-site, they would be able to come up with a better monitoring system soon enough.

And while chatting with her, he also realized just how capable Central Institute was.

It wasn't long before he didn't have to interfere any further.

All preparations were complete.

Ho Sung Lee had a feeling it was time for him to open his restaurant.

His freedom was actually here.

Chapter 350: Chapter 350


He slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the red sky.

His body felt heavy.

Even if he was heavy, he normally would've been able to lift himself up easily, but for some reason, he couldn't.

His body was wet.

When he touched his body, he saw blood all over his hands.

As soon as he swallowed his saliva, his throat throbbed.


He coughed up blood.

When he looked around him, he realized he was lying down on the cold ground.

And when he looked up again, he saw dark devils smiling down at him.

'What's going on?'

He was killed by the devils and had returned to earth, so why was he lying down like this?

Memories from Earth.

'Was that all a dream?'

He continued to bleed.

The pain that hinted at becoming paralyzed hurt his body.

Meanwhile, the devils that were looking down at him began to leave.

During the silent night, only the sound of wind passed through his ears.

Min Sung laughed.

He had brought peace upon earth, and now that all that was left was peace and relaxation, he came back here?

For a moment, he thought he would rather just die, but Min Sung tried to move again anyway.

It appears that what the devil wanted was to destroy his heart completely.

But Min Sung had no intention of giving the devil what he wanted.

He got the wrong person.

If all of his time on earth was just a dream, that dream somewhat treated his heart, which was slowly dying away.

When he first fell into this pit, he wanted to give up on everything, but this time, it was different.

If all of those moments were nothing but a dream, he would embrace that dream in his heart…

Min Sung jolted his eyes wide open.

He would kill all of the devils that existed.

Min Sung clenched his teeth and got up despite feeling like he would break into a million pieces.

He wobbled as he got back up, using his trembling hands.

The pain was fresh.

He was bleeding all over.

He had lost so much blood that he couldn't get a hold of himself, and he breathed heavily while his steps were unstable. But Min Sung grabbed onto the bumpy wall and continued to walk forward.

He endured the vicious pain, and in the end, he was able to see a miracle.

It was spring water in the Demonic Realm, where nothing grew.

As soon as Min Sung saw that, he plopped down on his knees. He chugged down the water, and then lifted his head.


He shook off his wet hair and caught his breath.

Min Sung, who was still surprised that there was spring water in Devildom, looked at his body and thought about the reality.

His body was ripped apart with holes in it.

It appeared that the devils' weapons attacked his body.

'What do I do with these wounds?'

He couldn't fight off devils in his current state.

Min Sung thought about how to treat himself before smirking.

'I forgot for a moment.'

He had never received treatment in the Demonic Realm before.

He just had to wait until he healed naturally.

He never died as if he was cast by a curse, and although it was slow, he healed before he had to fight devils again.

Min Sung sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes.

He then focused his mind to control his magic energy.

His magic energy began to circulate within his body and treated it.

The spring water was very effective.

The spring water was almost like a potion that sped up the process.

The bleeding stopped, the wounds closed, and they began to heal.

In order for that to happen, a long time was required, but Min Sung didn't lose his focus during that time and solely focused on healing his body.

As a result, he was able to recover 80 percent of his body.

Since the remaining 20% took too long, he couldn't wait for it to finish.

But at this point, he was fully capable of moving his body and using his magic energy.

Min Sung got up and put his head in the spring water again.


Gulp, gulp!

He lifted his wet head and got up.

And Min Sung, who was going back the way he came, stood by the wall and looked up.

It was very high up, but now that Min Sung was recovered, it wasn't a problem.

He stepped back and leaped off of the ground.

Min Sung shot up. He landed on top of the wall and scanned around him.

He saw dried up trees, and all he could see was dead land all around him.

Min Sung looked down at the sword that the devil that he had killed held in his hand.

After stepping on the devil's corpse's arm, the hand opened and caused the sword to immediately fly over to Min Sung's hand.

Min Sung's eyes blazed up with rage as he began to move in order to chase down all of the devils.

The reason why he let the devils kill him at this wall the first time was because he was bored.

He was tired of living in the Demonic Realm forever.

But it was different this time.

He just had a sweet dream, and as a result, he had the will to kill devils again.

Min Sung intended to kill every last one of the devils in the Demonic Realm.

If a night hag had come to him and allowed him to have such a sweet dream, he wanted to meet her and say this, 'She made a mistake.'

Then he would kill the hag as well.

Since that dream made


him forget how to give up, he gained the strength to start all over again.

He wouldn't give up.

If such a thing called fate existed, devils would die in his hands, and the Demonic Realm would go extinct.

Min Sung clenched onto the sword and charged forward.

There was a rotting body smell in the midst of the hot wind.


'This is the real Demonic Realm.'

The memories of the Demonic Realm began to come back to him.

'I'll kill every last one of you.'

After Min Sung leaped off of the ground, he moved at a speed that no devil would be able to escape.

Min Sung dashed across the land as he thought, 'How do I still have the aura and power that I got on earth?'

Min Sung realized that his body still contained great power, and although he was able to understand it, he decided to solely focus on killing devils first.

Since he was fast, it wasn't hard to find the devils.

The devils, who were eating the monsters of the Demonic Realm, began running away after seeing Min Sung, but it was impossible for them to get away.


The sound of thunder rang, and the devils that were running away began to spill blood.

Killing devils was as easy as slicing slime.

With his current power, he could kill anything that existed in the Demonic Realm.

Min Sung tried using his reincarnation spell on one of the dead devils.

It was as he expected.

The devil came back to life and began to move.

When Min Sung saw this, he smiled and laughed.

As soon as he swung his sword, the devil's head went flying.

If he still had the same power, there was no need for him to look for devils himself.

Min Sung stabbed his sword into the ground and used his Aura.

When he did, the ground around the sword began to crack, and those cracks spread in all directions.

Min Sung intended to blow up the entire Demonic Realm.

And in response, the devils, who were afraid of the Demonic Realm's extinction, began charging over.

While the ground shook like an earthquake, he began to see the devils that were running or flying toward him.

Min Sung took his sword out of the ground and swung it.

Min Sung began to kill the devils with his sword in a way that did his reputation as the Black Slaughterer justice.

The devils, who were running toward Min Sung while screaming, looked like tiger moths flying into the fire.

The devils burned up into ashes as soon as they got close, and they all died without having to touch a hair on Min Sung's head.

Around Min Sung were piles of devils' bodies that looked like mountains.

It seemed like there was no end to the devils, but Min Sung was so powerful that he ultimately made the rest of them run away.

Min Sung chased down the devils and swung his sword.

The devils that were running away either got sliced or exploded.

Min Sung stepped on the dead devils as he looked around him with cold eyes.

There were so many devils on the ground that it was hard to see the actual ground.

Min Sung, who was covered in blood, moved some of the dead devils aside so that he could stab his sword into the ground.

But once the sword entered 1 centimeter into the ground, it wouldn't move further.

Min Sung looked up at the sky with his bloody face.

There was no doubt that it was the doing of a Dionysus God who was trying to protect the Demonic Realm.

"Balance? How could a trashy place like this ever establish a balance?"

Min Sung shouted up at the sky of the Demonic Realm to the Dionysus Gods.

But he didn't hear an answer.

The Dionysus Gods were still protecting the Demonic Realm from Min Sung's sword.

Min Sung clenched his teeth and smirked.

Min Sung was exhausted as he flipped his head back and looked at the sky again.

"If you want to protect the Demonic Realm, why aren't you taking my powers away?"

Min Sung continued as he looked up at the sky that gave no response.

"What do you want from me?"

Still nothing.

Min Sung walked on the devils' bodies.

He walked for quite some time without a focus in his eyes. And that was when he was able to step on flat ground.

In that state, Min Sung continued to walk without a purpose.

While walking without consciousness, Min Sung heard something.

In response, his eyes found their focus, and his feet stopped. He looked at where the sound came from.

There was a pit.

And when he looked down into the pit, there were 9 baby devils that resembled humans, and they hugged each other as they wriggled.

Min Sung's eyes teared up when he saw them.

As soon as Min Sung swung his sword at them, a white light blinded Min Sung's eyes.

Chapter 351: Chapter 351

As soon as Min Sung opened his eyes, he sprung up.

He breathed heavily. Rage radiated from Min Sung's eyes, and the desire to kill from his body was making the inside of his room a complete mess.

The blankets and bed got ripped apart, and the picture frame on the wall fell and the windows cracked.

Even the items on top of the table fell to the ground.

But Min Sung didn't see any of this, and he continued to breathe heavily while staring into space.

After a while, he scanned around him, and he finally realized that he had a horrible dream.

Min Sung laughed.

That was a dream?

Min Sung grinned.

After that, he continued to think about the Demonic Realm.

At that moment, the door opened.

When Min Sung looked toward it, Woong Jang was standing at the door.

Woong Jang looked at the room in surprise before looking at Min Sung.

"Are you all right?"

Min Sung wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"It's nothing."

"How is this nothing? You're sweating."

Min Sung got off the bed.

"I just had a bad dream."

"I see. Can I get you a cup of tea?"

Min Sung stopped in his tracks. He stared into the distance. He thought for a moment before he shook his head.

"I need to eat first," said Min Sung before he went into the living room.

Woong Jang looked at Min Sung with worried eyes and then hurried behind him.

Min Sung, who sat on the sofa in the living room, thought about his dream in the Demonic Realm.

That was because he had a reason to believe that it wasn't just an ordinary dream."

After a short thought, Woong Jang began to cook.

He rolled up his sleeves. He washed his hands. He put a towel on his shoulder and began cooking.

First, he put the broth that he had already made into a bowl, and after preparing the stew ingredients at high speed and adding them, he put the bowl on top of the fire and moved onto the next dish.

Woong Jang focused as he used a towel and both strong arms to grab the pot and began making the steamed dish.

After that, he took out the raw meat that was reserved, and at the same time, he proceeded with the vegetable dishes as well.

The speed at which he cooked was so fast and precise that if Ho Sung Lee had seen it, he would've felt inferior, and within his basic skills, his fancy skills shined.

He finished the dishes in no time, and after cleaning up the live abalone, it wasn't long before all of the completed dishes were placed on the table.

After setting them up to look nice, he nodded in approval.

Since Min Sung had a horrible dream, he made the dishes in hope that they would heal his heart.

Woong Jang caught his breath. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked into the living room.

Not long after his thoughts about the Demonic Realm, the meal was complete.

"It's ready, Sir."

In response to Woong Jang's calling, Min Sung headed to the kitchen.

There was fancy Korean food on the table.

Min Sung stared at the table before sitting down and picking up his spoon.

Was it because he dreamt about the Demonic Realm?

The food touched him in a different way today.

The menu was Korean food.

And the dishes were fancy.

Considering they were made in a short period of time, Min Sung realized just how skilled Woong Jang really was.

Braised short ribs, seasoned snails, raw beef, chilled jellyfish salad, and even soybean stew.

The various foods looked so delicious that he could tell how good they were just by looking at them.

Min Sung lifted the lid off of the rice bowl. He took a spoonful of rice and then picked up a piece of braised short rib and put it in his mouth.

The braised short ribs weren't chewy but soft, and they maintained their elasticity while the marinade filled his entire mouth.

As for the raw abalone, it was the flavor of cleanliness, and the enjoyment of the chewy texture that was felt with his teeth was slight, but it allowed the fresh scent to be delivered perfectly.

It entered his mouth softly and stimulated his tongue, and the jellyfish salad contained the power of Woong Jang that was hard to come by elsewhere.

The fresh and cold raw beef melted in his mouth, and the chewy snails and crispy pear and radish along with the marinade made for a fantastic flavor.

And he didn't know where the horseradish came from, but despite being winter, the scent of the horseradish was so strong in the soybean stew that he was able to enjoy the savory smell of the horseradish.

Thanks to the flavor of the soybean stew that combined green onions


and onions, Min Sung finished his bowl of rice in no time.

It tasted killer.

Min Sung smiled at Woong Jang and gave him a thumbs up.

Woong Jang sighed of relief and responded with a smile.

"Can I prepare you some dessert or coffee?"

Min Sung thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"I want a glass of alcohol. A strong one."

"Yes, Sir."

Once Min Sung entered the living room, Woong Jang took out an expensive whiskey and then made a snack.

Since he just finished a meal, he had to prepare something light to enjoy.

Min Sung went out in the yard in his bare feet and sat down on a bench to enjoy the dried-up tree.

Woong Jang came out with alcohol and a snack.

The cold weather wasn't a problem for Min Sung, but since Woong Jang was a regular human being, there was a worry that he could get sick.

But that didn't mean he could disturb his thoughts.

Woong Jang placed the alcohol and snack on the table next to the bench and excused himself.

After Woong Jang left, Min Sung, who was deep in thought, opened the bottle of alcohol and chugged it down.

Since it was a strong whiskey, he felt it burn as it went down his throat.

The alcohol made his head spin.

If he used his magic energy, he wouldn't feel so dizzy, but that defeated the purpose of drinking alcohol.

Min Sung continued to drink his whiskey.

He felt the warmth of the alcohol as he thought again and again.

He wondered why he had such a realistic dream.

After much thought, Min Sung had an idea.

He realized the cause of that dirty dream he had.

His disgusting feelings about the Dionysus Gods were deep-rooted in his heart.

The Dionysus Gods gave him power, and they allowed him to make the Demonic Realm almost go extinct, but that was it.

The Dionysus Gods stopped him from actually destroying the Demonic Realm in order to keep a balance.

As a result, the Demonic Realm didn't go extinct, and on the contrary, that meant that the Demonic Realm had the potential to start all over again.

That was the meaning of the 9 baby devils that he saw in his dream.

More devils would form again, and a Devil God would appear, and as a result, the Demonic Realm would be crawling with devils in no time.

That meant it wasn't over yet.

The regret that he couldn't completely end the Demonic Realm manifested in the form of a dream.

He had to end it.

No, even if he couldn't, he had to keep trying.

If the Dionysus Gods intended to use him as a janitor to clean up the Demonic Realm, they were wrong.

He wanted to show them with action that they made the wrong decision.

He didn't know what the end of the Demonic Realm meant to the Dionysus Gods, but he would never give up.

Min Sung wanted to see the end of the Demonic Realm, which was the closest yet furthest place in his life.

Even if the Dionysus Gods try to stop him, Min Sung would still see it to the end.

Min Sung placed the whiskey bottle on the table and controlled his magic energy.

As a result, the heaviness in his mind caused by the alcohol disappeared.

Min Sung then went inside and stepped into the shower.

He began showering with hot water.

He was determined to walk toward the end of the Demonic Realm in his most pure state.

He knew that what he wanted to do wouldn't end in a short period of time.

It would be one tiring day after another.

But he wouldn't stop until all of the living beings in the Demonic Realm were dead, and the Demonic realm came to extinction.

No matter how long it would take, he would see it to the end.

Min Sung left the shower and changed into his comfortable clothes.

He put on his shoes. He smoothed out his clothes and then shook off the water in his head.

There was no way Bowl, Ssol, or Repone didn't know Min Sung's feeling.

Bowl quickly entered Min Sung's pocket, and Ssol stood next to Min Sung with his gold pouch.

Repone sat on Ssol's shoulder.

At that moment, Woong Jang approached Min Sung.

"Are you going somewhere?"

Min Sung looked back at Woong Jang and nodded.

"It'll take a while. I don't know how long."

Min Sung looked toward the kitchen and smiled.

"I still have to eat, so it won't take that long."

Woong Jang had a feeling Min Sung was going somewhere far.

"Have a safe trip."

Woong Jang gave him a short greeting.

And Min Sung smiled lightly in response.

Min Sung took Bowl, Ssol, and Repone and left out into the back yard.

When he made a small hand gesture, the air ripped, and as the space widened, a gate that resembled a black hole formed.

While Woong Jang watched by, Min Sung didn't look back as he walked into the black space.

After a flash of white light, the space closed, and Min Sung disappeared.

While Woong Jang watched in sadness, he heard the sound of the doorbell.

Woong Jang checked the interphone and gasped.

He opened the door with a sad face.

It was Commander Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute.

"Where's Min Sung? Is he inside?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked while smiling with a pile of documents in her hands.

Woong Jang smiled at Ji Yoo Kim while feeling troubled.

"I wish you came earlier. It's too bad."

In response, Ji Yoo Kim tilted her head.

Woong Jang explained that Min Sung left and told her what he said before he left.

In response, Ji Yoo Kim dropped the documents.

Woong Jang tapped her on the shoulder as she hung her head in sadness.

"But he said it wouldn't take long, so don't be too sad…"

Ji Yoo Kim picked up the documents while sobbing, and after bowing to Woong Jang, she went back.

Woong Jang sighed as he watched Ji Yoo Kim leave.

"Min Sung really doesn't understand women."

Woong Jang smiled bitterly.

"Or more like he's not interested… I'm sure he will sooner or later."

Woong Jang had no doubt in his mind that Min Sung would return safely because Min Sung wasn't a weak man by any means.

Woong Jang stood in front of the door and smiled up at the blue sky.

"I'll wait for you, Sir."

Woong Jang then smiled toward the direction where Ji Yoo Kim left.

"And I hope you know that it's not just me here who's waiting for you."

Woong Jang then closed the door with a serious look on his face.

It was a sunny afternoon in the middle of winter.

Chapter 352: Chapter 352

1 year later.

The inside of the restaurant was bustling.

People were drinking wine and eating food underneath the gold lighting, and they were laughing and chatting with one another.

One of the factors that made a restaurant succeed was the vibe.

The conversations of customers couldn't ring loudly within a restaurant.

It had to be a warm and stable place, and in that sense, this restaurant was perfect.

The customers were in awe of the food as they chatted about the food, and they seemed satisfied with the food and enjoyed the experience.

Unlike the peaceful hall, the kitchen was like a war.

It was lunchtime, and Ho Sung Lee was leading a group of chefs, who were focused on making perfect dishes.

By the time Ho Sung Lee came into the kitchen, the head chef took over the position of the sous chef.

"Hey! You can't swing the pan like that!"

Ho Sung Lee screamed. He stole the pan and demonstrated how it should be done.

The man, who had his pan stolen, gulped, and upon taking it back, he focused so that he wouldn't make a mistake again.

Ho Sung Lee watched and nodded before moving on to the next person.

After checking all of the details, Ho Sung Lee called the head chef to tell him to prepare for a special customer before leaving the kitchen.


Ho Sung Lee left through the back door and sat in an old chair in the alleyway and smoked his cigarette while looking up at the blue sky.

"Nice weather."

Ho Sung Lee, who smoked while smirking, remembered that it had been a year since Min Sung had left and sighed.

"Why has he been in the Demonic Realm for so long? He loves eating three meals a day."

While Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly, the back door opened and one of the employees came out.

"Sir, we got a call. They'll be arriving a little earlier than expected."

"Really? Okay."

The employee excused himself, and Ho Sung Lee put out his cigarette and smoothed out his clothes.


Today's special VVIP guest was Commander Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute.

Inside the kitchen, which was tenser than ever, he watched the head chef cook.

Even if he was the head chef, he had to pay attention as it was a VVIP customer.

The server then took the completed dish and proceeded into the hall.

Ho Sung Lee watched Ji Yoo Kim and a business relation enjoy their food and caught his breath.

Only after checking their faces after tasting the food could Ho Sung Lee feel relieved and rest.


In response to an employee's calling, he turned around.

"Commander Kim asked that you join her at her table."

Ho Sung Lee glanced at Ji Yoo Kim's table. He thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Tell her I'm coming."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee took off his apron. He returned to his office. He put on his jacket and then returned to the hall.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee appeared in the big hall, the customers greeted him.

Ho Sung Lee answered them with a smile as he headed over to where Ji Yoo Kim was seated.

The man, who sat across from Ji Yoo Kim, got up and turned around as he buttoned up his jacket.

He was a good-looking man, wearing a luxurious suit with his forehead exposed.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sae Hoon Lee."

He offered a handshake, and Ho Sung Lee lightly shook his hand before sitting down.

Ji Yoo Kim smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry to bother you. You must be busy."

"It's not like I'm actually working myself."

Ji Yoo Kim smiled and tilted her head.

"From what I've heard, you direct the kitchen during important times."

Ho Sung Lee avoided Ji Yoo Kim's gaze. He coughed and looked at the man named Sae Hoon Lee.

"Who's this?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while pointing at the man.

In response, the man straightened his posture and opened his mouth.

"I've just been appointed. Let me introduce myself. I'm the new diplomat at Central Institute."

"Oh, I see."

Ho Sung Lee took turns looking at Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee. When he did, Ji Yoo Kim glared at him in a playful way.

"It looks like you've misunderstood something."

Ho Sung Lee laughed quietly.

"Of course not."

"Anyway, you seem to be doing really well for yourself."


"Wow, are you playing dumb with me?"

Ho Sung Lee scratched his head and smiled.

"Your foundation is huge now, and you're managing 7 restaurants now. And all of those restaurants are booked for the next 365 days. I think that's impressive after just a year."

Sae Hoon Lee jumped in.

"I agree. It was hard getting a reservation here, and I can see that it's very impressive. My girlfriend also praised this place."

Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"What are your future plans?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked.

Ho Sung Lee thought for a moment before smiling.

"I think I'll take a break. My business is stable now, and I have people I can trust. So I want to go traveling."

"Wow, lucky. I wish I could travel."

Ji Yoo Kim sounded sincerely jealous.

"Our great commander has so many responsibilities that she can't go anywhere."

And when Sae Hoon Lee made a joke, Ho Sung Lee laughed in agreement.

And Ji Yoo Kim gave them a gaze as if it wasn't fair.

"How are the governments, hunter leaders, and criminal organizations? Since Min Sung has been away for a while, they might get other thoughts."

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

"You know how Min Sung is. He left such a strong impression that everyone is simply carrying out their duties. The governments and hunter leaders are still butting heads, but it's not serious."

Ho Sung Lee nodded and sighed out of relief.

"In that case, I'll probably be able to travel with a peace of mind."

"How long will you be away for?"

"Hm, around 9 to 10 days?"

"Aw, come on. I thought you were going to go for a long time."

"Even when I come back, I plan to just check up on things and just live my own life."

"Can you really do that? You're a perfectionist."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly.

"Min Sung would go off if he heard that."

Ji Yoo Kim smiled.

"Min Sung had high standards, and you were the only one who could really assist him."

Ho Sung Lee thought of Min Sung and grimaced.

"I'm always lacking… in front of Min Sung."

"But you're the only one he trusts. I think that says it all."

Ho Sung Lee smiled as if he was comforted.

"Thank you."

Sae Hoon Lee filled Ho Sung Lee's glass with wine and offered a clink.

"I feel like I'm in a movie to be with two such incredible people. It's an honor."

Ji Yoo Kim lifted her glass and so did Ho Sung Lee.

After clinking glasses, Ho Sung Lee put the glass to his lips. But then…


He felt his phone vibrate.


Ho Sung Lee put down his wine glass and took out his phone.

And as soon as he checked the caller, he sprung up from his seat.

Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee looked at Ho Sung Lee in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked with surprised eyes.

"I-It's Min Sung."

"Min Sung?"

Ji Yoo Kim's voice got louder.

Ho Sung Lee gulped and answered the phone tensely.

"Yes, Sir. It's me. I'm sorry? Oh, I'm at my restaurant. I'm sorry? Where? I'll pick you up. I'm sorry? Oh… then I'll send you the address."

Ho Sung Lee hung up and blinked blankly.

"Is Min Sung coming here?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked while getting up.

Ho Sung Lee nodded while staring into space.

"He wants to have a meal," Ho Sung Lee said to himself.

Sae Hoon Lee also got up with a tense face.

"Then shouldn't you stop taking customers?"

In response to Sae Hoon Lee's question, Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

"He doesn't like that. I'm sorry, but I should return to the kitchen."

Ji Yoo Kim nodded with a bright face

"Sure. Go ahead."

Ho Sung Lee ran off to the kitchen.

And the chefs, who were cooking, stared at him as soon as he got in.


Ho Sung Lee clapped his hands.

The experienced chefs continued to cook while watching Ho Sung Lee.

"Min Sung Kang is coming to our restaurant right now."



response, all of the chefs looked nervous.

"Can you do a good job?"

"Yes, Sir!"

The chefs answered with urgent faces.

Ho Sung Lee nodded at the chefs.

"I believe in you."

"Yes, Sir!"

Ho Sung Lee checked the time.

It wouldn't be long before Min Sung Kang arrived.


Ji Yoo Kim, Sae Hoon, Lee, Ho Sung Lee, and the chefs waited for Min Sung Kang with great nervousness.

Meanwhile, a man opened the door and entered the large hall.

He had his long hair tied back and a long beard.

He wore a coat on top of a t-shirt, and he wore jeans and walkers that made him look like the most powerful man that Min Sung Kang was.

Sae Hoon Lee stared at him blankly, and Ji Yoo Kim looked at Min Sung with a face filled with emotion, and as for Ho Sung Lee, he went into the hall tensely and greeted Min Sung.

"Hello, Sir. Let me take you to your seat."

Ho Sung Lee hid his nervousness and smiled.

Min Sung scanned the restaurant with his hands in his pockets.

"Is this your restaurant?"

Min Sung asked.

"Yes, Sir," answered Ho Sung Lee nervously.

Min Sung nodded.

"Not bad."

"I have 6 other restaurants. Please visit when you have the time."

Min Sung smirked.

"Where do I sit?"

"Right this way."

Min Sung sat down in his seat with all eyes on him.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee passed him the menu.

"Give me what you're most confident in," said Min Sung without even looking at the menu.

Ho Sung Lee took the menu back with a determined face.

"I'll prepare it right away."

"And sit down while I eat."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee quickly headed into the kitchen.

At that moment, Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee approached Min Sung.

"Long time no see," Ji Yoo Kim greeted with a smile

Min Sung nodded and then glanced at Sae Hoon Lee.

Sae Hoon Lee greeted him in an upright position.

"I'm the new diplomat at Central Institute! My name is Sae Hoon Lee, Sir! I had the opportunity to come here thanks to Commander Kim. It's an honor to meet you, Sir!"

Sae Hoon Lee greeted him with respect.

As a result of Min Sung's strong gaze, Sae Hoon Lee dripped in sweat.

"Are you a couple?"

Min Sung asked.

Ji Yoo Kim smiled while her veins popped out on her forehead.

"Of course not. I'm only interested in you."

Min Sung drank his water without a response.

"Shall we eat together since we haven't seen each other in a while? We have to catch up," said Ji Yoo Kim.

"Up to you," Min Sung answered sharply.

Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee sat down at his table.

After that, Ji Yoo Kim called over an employee and ordered a bottle of wine.


All of the dishes were set up on the table.

Lobster, steak, and salad. It was fancy, yet simple.

That was Ho Sung Lee's specialty.

Min Sung smiled lightly and began his meal.

Ho Sung Lee sat down afterward.

"Does it suit your taste?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while gulping.

"This is my first meal in the human world in a year. Even soggy black bean noodles would taste good. But…"


"I can't deny that this is still good."

Ho Sung Lee felt relieved.

After finishing the meal, Min Sung wiped his mouth with a napkin. He drank some wine and then looked at the wine bottle as if he liked it.

"How did you survive like that for so long?"

Ho Sung Lee asked, and Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee focused on as if they were curious as well.

Min Sung put down the wine bottle and opened his mouth.

"I didn't do much. I just went around killing every living organism in the Demonic Realm."

Ho Sung Lee nodded at what he expected to hear.

"Anyway, Ho Sung," called Min Sung while drinking his water.


"You won't be able to come to your restaurant for the time being."

In response, Ho Sung Lee went blank before blinking his eyes quickly.

"… I'm sorry? Why not?"

"Because there's somewhere you need to go."


"You'll see when you get there."

Ho Sung Lee's face was overcome with anxiousness.

"The Demonic Realm?"


"Then where? Heaven?"

Min Sung glared at him.

He became more and more anxious.

"Sir, I don't know where this is, but I can't go! No, I'm free now! I'm not going. I'm going to go on vacation. 9 nights and 10 days. I'm going to travel the world."

"This is a vacation, too. A thrilling and enjoyable vacation."

Ho Sung Lee was so stressed that he was so aloof.

Ji Yoo Kim smiled and jumped in.

"Can I go on that trip, too?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked with a smile.

"I don't know if you can handle it, but if you want…"

Ho Sung Lee waved his hand to Ji Yoo Kim.

"Get a hold of yourself. This is no joke, seeing how Min Sung's speaking. You're making a mistake, Commander Kim."

"I'm going to go wherever Min Sung goes."

"Ugh, why are you being like that? Then count me out. You can just take Commander Kim."

"But she can't cook."


Ho Sung Lee sighed out of stress while Ji Yoo Kim and Sae Hoon Lee stared at Min Sung without any expression.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Min Sung smirked at Ho Sung Lee.

"Stop whining. You don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'll ask one last time. Are you coming or not?"

Min Sung asked with a smile.


Ho Sung Lee dropped his head and sighed.

And while Min Sung, Ji Yoo Kim, and Sae Hoon Lee exchanged glances.

Silence fell.

And then…

Ho Sung Lee bit down on his lip and lifted his head.

He then grinned.

And that smile was pure without an ounce of deceit as if he had been waiting for it all along.

(End of Three Meals of a Reincarnator)