
Chapter 95: Not Letting Flirting Interfere with Selling Books

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lin Wan'er felt a tickle along her back and had to giggle. Still, she managed to say, "If it were my parents…"

Fan Xian, who was enjoying the feeling of the girl in his arms, stopped suddenly. He looked at her seriously. "If it really were eldest princess and the prime minister, what would you do?" The two of them were still in contact with each other's bodies when he said that, which took away from the seriousness of the question.

After a long period of silence, Lin Wan'er stared bravely into his eyes, her hands clasped behind his neck. "Once I'm married to you, I will belong to the Fan household."

Fan Xian knew what she meant. While there was some lingering worry in their conversation during Fan Xian's nightly visits, he knew his fiancée wasn't overly close with the eldest princess because she was raised in the palace by Empress Dowager. Even so, upon hearing how much she was willing to give up, Fan Xian was so grateful that he felt embarrassed.

This young couple came from similar backgrounds and led similar lives, so they knew each other's hardships and pride. Because of that, they chose each other to spend the rest of their lives with from the moment their eyes met at the temple. How could the royal family care for such sentiments? Fan Xian gave this young maiden care and gentleness she never experienced before, while she, in this dark bedroom, provided solace to his fatigued spirit.

"When can you go outside?" Fan Xian embraced her.

Lin Wan'er leaned against his left shoulder, taking care not to touch his injury. Hearing Fan Xian's question, she answered, "I've been in the palace ever since I was little. I rarely get the chance to go outside, and that was only after my uncle gave me the authority as a ruler four years ago. And now that my body is weak…" She suddenly broke off. "Hey, don't you think it's inappropriate to be groping around all the time?"

That took Fan Xian by surprise, but only for a moment. He quietly giggled, "But I really like this feeling of groping around… Back to the topic, you need to move around and get some sunlight." Hearing him say he enjoyed groping made Lin Wan'er realize how absurd she had been for the past few nights, letting a young man lay next to her in the same bed. She helplessly blushed and said, "Then I'll go ask uncle tomorrow."

"Uncle?" Hearing such a familiar title made Fan Xian laugh, "Oh yes, our uncle is the greatest emperor under the heavens. With his word, you will become my wife."

Only now did Fan Xian remember the Imperial order from yesterday. After hearing about the order, Lin Wan'er learned that the young man next to her had been named the Functionary of Taichang Temple, meaning their marriage had been officially confirmed. Overjoyed, she couldn't help but blush again.

Fan Xian looked at her blush with a smile on his face. This girl was gentle and spirited, but also shy. He had always thought the girls in this world were like the ones from his previous life. He didn't think he would be climbing walls every night. And for a proper ruler like her, this was already a major event.

"Oh, by the way, when we first met in the temple, who were you with?"

"I was with His Majesty." Lin Wan'er replied curiously.

"Hm?" Thinking he passed by the royal prerogative without realizing it, Fan Xian couldn't help but have other thoughts. Since that guest was His Majesty the emperor, then the martial artist he traded blows with must be the lead guard from the palace. Fan Xian felt somewhat proud of the fact the encounter only left him tasting blood in his mouth and nothing more.

Seeing his expression change made Lin Wan'er curious. "What's wrong? Was it unexpected?"

"I can only blame myself for being stupid; I didn't think of that." Fan Xian smiled bitterly. "I always thought you would be with either Eldest Princess or Empress Dowager. Man, traveling in this world, it'd be a shame not to see His Majesty once."

"Although I don't know too much about the outside, I do know the Fan household is revered. It wouldn't be difficult for you to seek an audience with His Majesty. Besides…" The girl lowered her head in embarrassment, "After we get married, you would have to go see uncle anyway."

Hearing her mention marriage and seeing her charming shyness made Fan Xian's heart skip a beat. He sneakily snuck his left hand—which had been around Lin Wan'er's shoulder—downwards along her waist until it finally reached that soft and plump place. With his heart swaying, he squeezed his hand. The smooth firmness was just to his liking.

Lin Wan'er had previously been tolerating his presence because he presented himself as a well-mannered gentleman. For the past few days he didn't do anything too unreasonable. Not only did she trust him, but she even inexplicably felt a bit proud of him.

Never once did she think he would start lusting after her! Because of that, she initially did not respond to the fact her butt had just been squeezed. She stared at Fan Xian blankly for a moment and noticed the lust growing stronger in his eyes. Only now did she realize what just happened. Her entire face turned bright red and tried to pry off that perverted hand from her backside.

Fan Xian was too enamored by her ample hips and would not let go. He embraced her more tightly. As his right arm was still in no condition to do this, he decided… to use his legs. Hanging on to the girl like an oversized koala, he locked his lips with hers.

From the first touch, her lips were moist and warm.

They didn't part from each other for a while. Fan Xian felt refreshed and speechless, while Lin Wan'er was in a daze and on the verge of tears. She did in fact cry out from embarrassment. Looking at her, Fan Xian didn't know what to say. He forced a smile and tried to explain, "I couldn't control myself, I just couldn't."

"You're harassing me." Lin Wan'er wept. However, she kept her sobs low in order not to alarm the guards outside and the old nanny downstairs.

"How so?" Fan Xian felt greatly wronged. They would be husband and wife soon. What was wrong with getting a little intimate?

As if guessing what the young man was thinking, Lin Wan'er said with a pout, "There are still a few months until our marriage."

Fan Xian looked at her with a shady smile. "We've already spent so many nights together. What's the big deal?"

Lin Wan'er was afraid he would say that. She blushed yet again and started to hit him. Halfway through, however… she thought about his injuries and stopped. Unfortunately, while turning, she came in contact with something rather indecent. As gentle as she may be, she knew what just happened and no longer cared for Fan Xian's injuries. She forcefully pushed him off her bed.

"You should go back now. You're still wounded." She buried her face in the blankets, unable to look at Fan Xian.

Naturally, Fan Xian looked down. Feeling wronged, he told her, "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Lin Wan'er pulled down her blanket for a bit, exposing her rather pitiful face. She asked, "Don't you have actual business to do tomorrow?"

"Oh, that's right. The bookstore opens the day after tomorrow," Fan Xian recalled. The men from the Overwatch Council weren't back in the capital yet, so he wouldn't be able to investigate anything. In that case, it was better to take care of matters at hand. As the saying goes, sharpening your knife won't waste your time cutting. This could probably be considered one of Fan Xian's good points.

He dared not bully the girl any more than he already had, so he opened the window to leave. Moonlight spilled in, illuminating the maidservant who was sleeping close by. Seeing her sound asleep, Fan Xian let out a chuckle, wondering if she would get fat after sleeping like this for a few days.

Two days later, the bookstore officially opened. Dongchuan Road was crowded with people. Even the Imperial scholars ditched classes to come and see. The storefront was constructed out of high-class timber and the building was decorated by colorful lanterns. Furthermore, the entire store was garnished by the smell of new books. Eventually, however, too many people came, and the fragrance of books got replaced by the stench of sweat.

Half of those people were here to see Fan Xian. Everyone was curious about this illegitimate son who had just came to the capital a little over a month ago. How did he manage to become so influential in such a short period of time? They also wanted to know why a martial scholar like him would open up a bookstore. There were many lucrative trades in this world, and selling books was far from an ideal business.

Ever since his near-assassination, Fan Xian's view on life underwent a drastic change. He no longer had any intention of running this bookstore behind cover. He instead came out in the open and introduced himself and his brother as the owners. He also gave his bookstore a name, calling it "Danbo Bookstore". Its nameplate was calligraphed by King Jing himself and hung proudly above the front door.

The surrounding crowd pondered at the meaning of this name. Fan Xian explained that "Danbo" implied "sincerity", and meant "being worry-free without chasing fame or riches". He then threw out the quote "one can't be sincere without simple living, one can't have high aspirations without a peaceful state of mind" by Zhuge Liang. The crowd was shaken at the sound of this; even the crown prince was hearing this explanation for the first time and was shocked—he took this as a sign that they were confessing unwillingness to interfere with major affairs; obtaining safety by showing weakness.

Only Fan Ruoruo understood her brother. "Danbo" represented "wandering in Danzhou."

Seeing the crowd growing large and larger, Fan Xian began to sweat. He whispered to Ye the shopkeeper, "Those advertisements worked a bit too well. So many people have come on the first day."

The shopkeeper was no stranger to the term "advertisement" and chuckled. "It is known that the Dong family had Minster Cao's original copy. After 68 chapters, we are the only ones printing it. The fame of Story of the Stone alone is enough to attract this many people." He paused for a bit before chuckling again. "And of course, they're mainly here to see you; to see what a poet who could kill an eighth-ranked master looks like."

Fan Xian was taken aback and muttered, "I'm neither over two meters tall nor over two meters wide; what's there to see?"

Chapter 96: Danbo Bookstore

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whether Fan Xian wanted it or not, he was showered with congratulations. Perhaps they were seeking a rare opportunity to get closer to Minister Fan, or perhaps they knew that the Emperor had granted Fan Xian the title of Functionary of Taichang Temple and that someone in the palace was soon to be married. So they came from every department of the bureaucracy to gain face, all sending their subordinates with messages of congratulations. Even the estates of the princes sent people bearing gifts. Dongchuan Road was filled with sedan chairs, and the sound of praise sprang up everywhere, with gift boxes quickly filling up the drawing room.

The people on the street gathered round and watched in astonishment. For this much activity to be going on in a bookshop, this Fan Xian—a master of the pen and the sword—must have been a rare individual indeed, they thought. And the best part of the opening was that from that point on, Danbo Bookstore would never again be harassed by those shady figures from the criminal underworld, and rarely would there be troubles with officials either.

Fan Xian watched the situation calmly, cupping his hands in greeting to the customers, knowing that most of them had come for his father's sake. Fortunately, the bookstore itself was much too narrow, and the customers were not of great importance, so they only stayed for a brief chat, explained which house they represented, and went on their way. After those people left, there was still some doubt. Why were the members of the magnificent Fan family engaging in such a business? They must have known that it wasn't particularly prestigious work.

At that moment, Li Hongcheng, Crown Prince Jing, finally arrived. The people on the street who were aware of his identity all saluted him, and he returned it with warmth and none of the arrogance of a relative of the Emperor. His face was like the spring winds, and he looked particularly cultured.

"That Danbo Bookstore sure is something," said a couple of people on the street, curious as they watched him enter the store.

"Prince Jing's estate and the Fan family have always had good relations, didn't you know?" came the reply.

Seeing that he had arrived, Fan Xian felt slightly worried. He was gentle as a spring breeze, yet willing to compete with the Second Prince. What kind of person was the Second Prince? He smiled and shook his head and tried to get the whole thing out of his head. He stepped outside to greet him. He still wanted to have a simpler friendly relationship with Li Hongcheng.

After they had both gone inside the quiet store, Li Hongcheng looked at the decor and gasped in admiration. "It looks like you've spent quite a lot."

"Just 1,700 taels of silver," said Fan Xian, pouring him a cup of tea. "It's a small business, certainly not something that would catch the Crown Prince's eye."

Li Hongcheng accepted the tea, shaking his head. "The Fan family is skilled at making money. Every court bureaucrat knows that. It's just that Count Sinan makes money for the royal family, while you're making your own money. It's not the same at all."

Fan Xian laughed. "When you're making money, you always have to pay taxes to the state. Even if you keep some for yourself, you can't let it go to waste in your hands. If you go out and spend it, and you care about other people's businesses, then other people's businesses will do well. And the state will receive more in taxes. So no matter what sort of business it is, as long as it earns money, that money ultimately goes to the royal family, and ultimately goes back to the common people."

Li Hongcheng was a little confused, but it seemed like he understood. "That's quite a claim," he said in admiration, "but it seems to make a lot of sense. The state has always honored agriculture and restrained commerce, so I'm curious as to why you would engage in such a business. Perhaps you have no intention of following an official career."

Fan Xian felt embarrassed. In his previous life, before he had fallen ill, he had tried and failed his political economy exam a number of times. It was just idle chatter. Why did it now make a lot of sense? He suddenly stopped and changed the topic. "All right, no more talk of official careers. I've only written two works of doggerel, it's not like I'm preparing to give up straight after taking the imperial examinations."

Li Hongcheng had long been perturbed by Fan Xian's strength of character. He finally took out his fan in front of him again and began fanning his neck. He smiled. "If what you wrote was doggerel, how will the people at the Imperial College survive? Look, there must be a number of students outside who want to pay their respects to the poet Fan Xian. If it weren't for your family's servants blocking the way, it wouldn't be nearly so quiet in here."

Fan Xian looked anxious. "Those students from the Imperial College, some of them are old enough to be my grandpa, but they're still called students. It's really difficult to bear."

Li Hongcheng laughed and pointed his fan at him as he spoke. "Look at your face; so worried. Even if I'm teasing you, you always take it so seriously. You really are an interesting fellow."

Fan Xian rolled his eyes. What was interesting about him? "This time I must trouble the prince with a request," he said. "When may I visit your mansion and pay my respects to your father?" Li Hongcheng was taken aback. But then he realized that the young man did not know that he had already met his father. He smiled and decided not to mention it, preparing for the joke that he would later play on Fan Xian. "Whenever you'd like to visit. You don't need to have my permission."

Li Hongcheng, Crown Prince Jing, had always felt that Fan Xian seemed much older than his sixteen years suggested. It wasn't that he didn't care how he was perceived by others, but at the very least he was always exceptionally calm. He had always wanted to break that calmness. He clapped his hands together suddenly. "That's right, I forgot to congratulate you."

Fan Xian was taken aback. He wasn't sure what he had to be congratulated about.

Li Honcheng stood up. "Congratulations on being named Functionary of Taichang Temple. It is wonderful news. We should have some celebratory drinks."

Fan Xian laughed. "I would have thought you'd have known about it much earlier."

"Before it was just a rumor in the palace, but it wasn't the truth just then, so it didn't count."

It wasn't clear what Li Hongcheng was thinking. He suddenly frowned. At that moment he suddenly recalled something. He and the Second Prince had always assumed that the Fan family would not want to help either of them, nor would they support them, but his own side had overlooked an important issue. After Fan Xian was married, his wife would be the illegitimate daughter of the Prime Minister. It wasn't impossible... he slowly shifted his gaze.

"Si Lili has returned to the capital in custody," he suddenly said in a quiet voice. "Perhaps she can find out who those people from Northern Qi were colluding with."

Fan Xian hadn't thought that the Crown Prince was capable of thinking of so much so quickly. He was somewhat taken aback. He faked a smile. "I'm merely an ant. I would prefer that the nobles in the palace did not pay attention to me."

Li Hongcheng looked at him, knowing that this was not completely true. But he did not want to lay the matter bare. He smiled. "In short, much like that business with beating Guo Baokun, if there's ever anything you need me to do, don't hesitate to ask."

"Of course," replied Fan Xian humbly. Something else occurred to him and he changed the subject. "I was planning on opening a tofu store in the south of the city, would you be interested?"

Li Hongcheng was sipping his tea, and he almost swallowed it all. Battered and exhausted, he rearranged his clothes. "A tofu store might make a little money," he said happily. "A bookstore at least leaves you with the dregs of a literary reputation."

Fan Xian laughed and took no notice of him. He'd see how the prince felt when he could get fresh soy milk delivered to his manor. In Danzhou, he ate plenty of tofu, but because eating habits were different on the coast, soy milk was rarely consumed. After he had come to the capital, he drank it a few times, but always felt that there were too many dregs in it. He didn't know whether it was a question of craftsmanship or something else, so he had decided to improve on it.

Later that evening, Fan Sizhe got out of school and snuck through the back door. The last time he had been taught a lesson by Fan Xian, he had taught the same lesson to his classmates at school, and he felt good about it. So he didn't find going to school quite as arduous. But today was the opening of the bookshop, and everything from choosing the location to choosing the paper, employing the storekeeper and setting the prices, had all been his responsibility. He couldn't help but feel nervous, so he went as soon as he could.

When he entered the bookstore, he groaned that he had not been able to see the busy scene during the day, then he stuck his head into the accountant's office. Fan Xian sipped tea as he waited for him. After a while, Fan Sizhe strolled out, looking confused and innocent.

"What's wrong?" asked Fan Xian, surprised.

Fan Sizhe hemmed and hawed for a long while. Finally, he took a long breath and cursed. "We made even more money than we thought!"

"Huh? Is that so?" Fan Xian had imagined that on their first day, business would be decent, but he never thought it'd be like this. He looked at the accounting papers that his brother handed him, and his heart couldn't help but flutter. Leaving aside the 80 sets they'd sold of the edited version of Story of the Stone, the bustling crowds of scholars had even brought a number of historical classics from Wansong Hall.

Fan Xian counted it up on his fingers... Doing business definitely gave one a sense of accomplishment.

​"At today's opening, there were a lot of people we have connections with who came to flatter us. From now on it naturally won't be as good," Fan Xian warned Fan Sizhe. Looking at him, he clearly had dollar signs in his eyes.

Fan Sizhe swallowed some spittle, and looked at his older brother with an envious glare. "I know that. But you can sit in the bookstore every day. I have to sneak around. I'm really jealous."

Fan Xian couldn't help but laugh. "You really like being a businessman that much? Father's title will pass on to you. You'd best study hard. One day all of the royal family's money will be your responsibility."

"Then I'd have to become Minister of Revenue." Fan Sizhe's face was gloomy. "Father came third out of all the exam entrants, but he's still only an assistant minister. Everyone knows that that old high official has been lying about for years, but the royal court still won't promote father. As for me... at best, I might do okay in the exams, but I'm afraid that I won't even be able to get that far."

Fan Xian looked at his little brother, somewhat surprised. The boy might be unbearably stubborn at times, but he was unexpectedly shrewd when it came to the way he looked at things. He thought for a while. "If you love doing business, then do it. I'll talk to father."

Fan Sizhe looked at him with joy which suddenly turned to anxiety. "But what about mother?"

Fan Xian suddenly thought of Lady Liu, who he had not thought about in a while. Though Fan Manor seemed joyous and harmonious, who knew how much longer that would last?

Chapter 97: The Official's Suicide

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ushering Fan Sizhe out of the bookshop, Fan Xian had a sudden thought. He turned and spoke sincerely with Ye the shopkeeper. "Could you deal with the things we've talked about the past few days? I don't want too many people to know."

Although Shopkeeper Ye did not understand why his young boss was interested in the people who had plundered Qingyu Hall, he nodded in response. Those seventeen shopkeepers had long gotten used to life in the capital, following the orders of the princes' estates; although they had no way of doing their own business, they lived lives of riches and honor.

"Deal with what?" asked Fan Sizhe curiously.

"Do you know what Qingyu Hall is?

"Of course I do." This shopkeeper Ye was the one that Fan Sizhe had spent a large sum of money on to invite back. Of course he knew. "This is a shopkeeper from the former Ye family. I can go into business and have a team of capable people under me. It'll be better."

Fan Xian was surprised, and increasingly felt that he had been acting too cautiously. It seemed that the name of the Ye family had become ancient history, and that the people of the capital no longer saw it as taboo. When the carriage came to pick him up, he found that Ruoruo was sitting inside it. Fan Xian blamed himself. "If I'd known you were coming, I'd have left sooner." Fan Sizhe looked at his sister and felt an inexplicable fear. "I just came to look," he explained. "The business has nothing to do with me. Don't tell father."

Hearing this, a smile broke out across Ruoruo's cold face. "We are family," she said. "Who would want you to get in trouble?"

Dongchuan Road had quieted down after its noonday bustle. The Fan estate carriage rolled along toward the east side of the city with the family's three children inside it. The sun set in the west, and the carriage's shadow lengthened, spilling out onto the paving stones. Springing up from the tiny undulations of the paving stones, a slight chill seemed to struggle to escape from the slates, throwing itself into the fiery twilight.

There was one more thing. Fan Xian felt that his family life had been happy as of late. When one has grasped a few strands of happiness, one must hold on tight. So when it came to the attempt to assassinate him, Fan Jian—Count Sinan— was bound by his status as an official. It was not possible to find out the truth, so there was no choice but to endure it for the time being. And Fan Xian was a free and unfettered soul, so he had no misgivings.

In order to achieve the three goals that he had set for himself after his rebirth, he could not accept being in a dangerous environment. In his previous life, the United Nations had once said that people had the freedom to live without fear. Although Fan Xian did not understand politics, he thought that even if he had passed through to the next life, there had to be some sort of human rights.

Wang Qinian sat ashen-faced at a table. The building was a place rented with Fan family money before leaving the city; it was in an unremarkable location, where no one would pay any attention to it.

Fan Xian quickly gave him some tea. "My apologies."

He noticed that he was using formal language. Wang Qinian did not dare accept. It was his duty to report immediately. "As the master expected, as the group with Si Lili returned to the capital, they were intercepted on the road. But the state had prepared for that. The enemy was defeated. According to the master's instructions, after they came out of Cangzhou, the subordinates had followed the state's troops and were pretending to be highwaymen, but after their retreat they found evidence that they were soldiers."

Fan Xian was shocked. He wondered how soldiers could have gotten in. "Was it soldiers from the state capital or someone else?"

Wang Qinian thought for a moment. "We aren't sure. According to the master's instructions," he continued, "they were only tracking them, and finally found that the officer in charge had escaped to Wuzhou."


"Correct. That night that officer met with the army in Wuzhou." Wang Qinian suddenly thought of something else he had to explain. "There was someone else following them at that time," he hurriedly continued.


"Zong Zhui."

Fan Xian suddenly realized. "You were talking about him before. At the time, Zong Zhui was just as well-known as you. Didn't you say he was always by Director Chen's side?" Suddenly, he understood. It seemed just the same as him. The Overwatch Council had used Si Lili as a pretense to track down clues behind the scenes.

"Correct. That day I saw Director Chen's carriage from afar. The Black Knights were also there. If they weren't, they would have been unable to hold back the cavalry." Wang Qinian was somewhat uneasy as he asked. "Master Fan, since the state has already tracked them down, shall we continue?"

"Mm. Do not worry too much about them. Which official joined the army at Wuzhou?"

"Be careful. His surname is Fang and his given name is Xiu. He has no background; he is just a distant relative of General Fang of the city guard."

Fan Xian frowned as he thought. This official of the city guard had indeed acted disgracefully in this matter, but how could he dig himself out of this hole? Or rather, should he really dig himself out of this hole? If too many people were implicated, matters would come to a difficult end. Someone who had been commended by the palace for his bravery such as himself might be forced to play the role of someone else.

He sighed deeply. His lips went slightly pale. "When will Si Lili arrive?" he asked quietly.

"Tomorrow." Wang Qinian looked at him and suddenly opened his mouth to speak. "The Director will also return tomorrow. Master Fan, do you wish to ask the Director for advice first? Si Lili will face the death penalty."

"And Master Fei?"

"It seems he was not present."

Hearing that Fei Jie had not returned to the capital, Fan Xian felt slightly disappointed. But when he thought about Chen Pingping's imminent return to the capital, he was inexplicably worried—although his mother had single-handedly created the Overwatch Council, it had been many years, and men's hearts might have since changed. But the scene that he saw when he was reborn into this world and the careful teaching that he had received from Fei Jie had convinced Fan Xian that the Council was neither an enemy nor a friend... but they were their own people.

He felt like a bullied, motherless child after fighting with a group of strong older boys, a young child wiping away tears and thinking: screw you all, who would dare to bully me when I come to the capital?

At that moment, Wang Qinian suddenly laughed. "Congratulations, sir." It seemed that even someone who had just returned to the capital was aware of the news that Fan Xian being given the title of Functionary of Taichang Temple. But most people did not know the person inside the palace that he was to marry. Fan Xian had no choice but to smile. He said nothing.

There was a saying amongst the bureaucracy in the Kingdom of Qing: "There's nothing that the Overwatch Council can't find out; even if it's money hidden in a chamber pot." Fan Xian could believe it. His father hadn't found the slightest clue, but if there was anyone else left who could find out, it was Chen Pingping. For the purpose of safety, Fan Xian allowed Wang Qinian to temporarily cease his activities so he could gather some manpower. He closely followed every movement of the estate.

When Director Chen returned to the capital, the entire bureaucracy responded. The night they heard that Chen Pingping was to return, they were hurriedly called to the palace by official decree. They discussed matters long into the night as an already somewhat weary Director Chen returned to the capital. The civil and military officials envied how Director Chen remained a favorite of His Majesty. On the one hand, they silently cursed the old man for how his labors had led to sickness. They thought that he should retire.

When the Director was in the palace, the Overwatch Council's activities were meticulously carried out to the letter. Later that evening, a large team of Overwatch Council officials burst into the office of the city guard ferociously and began to search the premises, and another team headed directly to Fang's official residence.

Outside the official's residence stood a tall tree. Fan Xian firmly grabbed onto a branch. The zhenqi flowed slowly throughout his whole body, quietly fading into the many leaves as he hid himself among them. His eyes looked coolly upon the chaos inside the house.

Not long after, the activity ceased.

Disappointed-looking Overwatch Council officials came out of the manor. They carried with them a dispiriting sight: city guard official Fang had committed suicide to escape his punishment, just half an hour before the Council had arrived, by hanging himself from the roof beams.

Fan Xian sighed and waited for them to disperse, then slipped down from the tree. On the quiet street at night, his mind was preoccupied. Fang was a military general. Even if he had colluded with Northern Qi and had decided to kill himself after his plot was discovered, a knife to his own throat seemed a more appropriate method for a military man. Hanging was too much for a palace grievance. Perhaps he hadn't wanted to do it.

His heat skipped a beat, and he had no way of controlling it. He headed directly to the address that Wang Qinian had left. Wang's house was in the south of the city in an alley full of commoners. At night, old men would lie around outside to cool off and sip tea while their wives remained indoors. Fan Xian slipped away from the street unnoticed, found the right place, and disappeared into the shadows of the alleyway.

Although Wang Qinian was only a low-level official, he was still a member of the Council. The reason he had seemed so destitute after leaving his job was because all of his savings had been used to buy this house.

When Fan Xian entered, Wang Qinian was lovingly watching over his son with a large palm-leaf fan in one hand. He heard something unusual and turned his head sharply. When he saw Fan Xian's handsome face, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Shh!" Fan Xian gestured with his hands, and quietly moved into the peaceful space.

Wang Qinian did not think that his young master had come to discuss his performance during the day, but unexpectedly, he had come to find him immediately. "Master, what has happened?" he asked, filled with suspicion.

Fan Xian told him about Fang's suicide. Wang Qinian frowned. "You are quick indeed. It will be difficult to handle."

"Take me to the prison," said Fan Xian. "I want to see Si Lili."

"There's an ongoing investigation. If we get involved, won't it cause misunderstanding?" Wang Qinian was more thorough in his way of thinking than Fan Xian.

Fan Xian thought about it for a while. "Director Chen was summoned to the palace," he said grudgingly, "I'm worried something might have happened in the prison."

Wang Qinian wanted to establish the truth more firmly first. "Master," he said respectfully, "you don't want to dirty your hands with such matters. Let a subordinate take care of it."

Fan Xian shook his head. "Let's go together," he said. To tell the truth, he had always been curious about the prison of the Overwatch Council. Of course, he was also curious about Si Lili.

Night had already fallen upon the capital. The ink-black darkness was sprinkled with bright glowing lights, and the Liujing riverside looked magnificent, even more so than Wanong Alley. And in the darkest part of the pitch-black darkness was the Overwatch Council. That evening, Wang Qinian led a mysterious man, clad head to toe in dark-grey robes, into the prison of the Overwatch Council.

Chapter 98: Torturing a Frail Woman in the Celestial Prison

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Due to the Overwatch Council operating directly from the emperor's orders, the Celestial Prison was no longer located in the Ministry of Justice building, nor was it in the Supreme Court. It was located near the Council itself, right around the corner, to keep serious offenders behind bars. The security was exceptionally tight; due to its close proximity to the Council, if something happened, help would arrive immediately. Although Wang Qinian was no longer a part of the Council—on the surface, at least—he and Fan Xian were trusted by the guard thanks to Fan Xian's badge. Together the two of them entered the Celestial Prison.

The two iron doors opened silently; not the rusty creaking sound Fan Xian had been expecting. The guard on duty inspected the badge carefully before respectfully inviting the two inside. The guard then closed the doors from the outside.

Behind the iron doors was a long corridor. Dim oil lamps were lit on the walls on either side lit. The stone steps felt slightly damp and slippery, but there was not a single bit of moss, a sign that the place was carefully taken care of every day. As they proceeded, for every set distance they walked, they saw a warden. While those wardens didn't look to be too fearsome, Fan Xian eyed them carefully and discovered each one was a fourth-ranked official.

After walking for a while, the air became stale and musty, blending in with the dim lights. The environment was enough to make anyone feel sluggish, as if this place was no longer part of the world of living, but the underworld.

"Please show your official documents or permit." A head jailer with murky eyes looked at Wang Qinian.

Wang Qinian was very respectful towards this head jailer and gave him Fan Xian's badge. The head jailer had a very weathered look; the wrinkles on his face looked like ridges of dirt that had been washed over by water. Receiving the badge, he looked at Wang Qinian suspiciously. "Did you get a promotion, Wang?"

Wang Qinian politely moved aside, showing Fan Xian who had been hidden behind Wang Qinian's frame. "I'm accompanying His Highness today to investigate a case." The head jailer couldn't make out Fan Xian's face, but he nevertheless knew the significance of the badge in his hand. Nodding to show his permission, the head jailer took out his keys and opened the door next to him. With a gesture of his hand, he invited the two to proceed inside.

Fan Xian had a troubled expression. Would they be questioning Si Lili from behind a barrier? He didn't want to let too many people hear his voice, so he turned and winked at Wang Qinian.

Wang Qinian shook his head with a smile.

After the door behind them closed, Fan Xian expressed his curiosity. "Why are you afraid of him?" Wang Qinian replied with a bitter frown, "He was the former boss of the Seventh Bureau; spent his whole life watching over the prison. Even after he passed the age limit, he willingly came back to be the head jailer. He says he likes the smell of blood and gore here. Your Highness, how could I not be afraid of someone like that?"

Fan Xian shuddered. It seemed like this Overwatch Council was a nest full of freaks like that. What was his mother thinking, spending money to create this monster of an organization?

As they had asked for the directions previously, they easily found the cell holding Si Lili. Seeing the beauty inside the cage made Fan Xian frown. Despite being locked up in such a terrifying place, the frail woman was sitting calmly. At first, Fan Xian thought Northern Qi must have disciplined her well. But then he thought she wouldn't be that impressive, or else she wouldn't have attempted to escape the capital. Anyone more capable would have willingly submitted and dragged down some higher-ups with them in order to cause as much unrest in the Imperial court as possible.

Unbeknownst to Fan Xian, his theory was largely in agreement with the theory of the official who was in charge of bringing Si Lili back to the capital. He took off the grey robes from his head and looked at Si Lili while gently calling out, "Miss Lili."

Si Lili knew someone was there. She had just arrived back in the capital today; for her to be questioned so soon, she thought for a moment that she was quite important, so she intentionally showed a haughty expression. But to her surprise… it was the esteemed son from Fan Manor!

"Sir Fan?" Si Lili was beyond bewildered, but managed to keep herself from shouting out.

"Miss Si, it's been a few months since we bid farewell at the Drunken Immortal. I didn't think we would meet again, especially not under such circumstances." Back on the day when they shared a bed, they had been so intertwined. Back then, nothing would have made Fan Xian believe she was a spy from Northern Qi.

Si Lili thought of something as her expression darkened. She said, "I never imagined you would be so secretive."

Fan Xian sighed slightly. "Thin bamboo is reflected on the banks of the Yi River, just like the cold, crisp autumn night. If a crane were standing proudly by the side, it would be an incomparable scene. I suppose it was fate that brought us together, although I don't understand, how could you plot against my life?"

Fan Xian had quoted that Qian Weiyan poem in order to show his refinement. As Si Lili was a prolific courtesan in the capital, she had been adored by the public all her life as a woman of civil virtues. Due to that, Fan Xian believed she would have at least some virtue to her. His sigh was also intentional. It was his attempt to weaken the spy's mental defenses. Unexpectedly, Si Lili only lowered her head, seemingly unmoved.

Fan Xian sighed again. "Such a pretty woman; why choose to be a criminal?"

Si Lili gave him a charming smile. She was a pretty woman indeed, "Since you were able to come here to see me, you must command some status. We each serve our masters with our lives. What else is there to say?"

Fan Xian's display of civility had been all for naught. Smiling bitterly, he realized that not every woman would fall for that kind of show; he was being absurd by expecting results. Calming his nerves, he took out a small bottle.

Throwing the bottle through the bars, he said coldly, "It's poison. Eventually someone will come to force you to confess. If you don't want to suffer, take it." The bottle rolled on the straw on the ground before stopping next to Si Lili, who picked it up and gripped it tightly. She never imagined this gentle and endearing young man would turn into a demon in the blink of an eye, enticing her to kill herself.

If she was willing to die, she wouldn't have tried to escape the capital in the first place.

Fan Xian predicted this. Looking into her eyes, he said softly, "What? You tried to kill me, am I supposed to pamper you? Don't be ridiculous. Since I just provided you with an easy way out, why not be grateful? You're not worthy of being a spy if you're this afraid to die."

Si Lili gritted her teeth in anger and stood up. Her dark gaze pierced through the messy hair, focused on Fan Xian's face.

Fan Xian's face was at ease. "No need to talk more about life and death. You are no idiot; you knew even if you exposed whoever it was that conspired with Northern Qi, you would still die. That's why you'd rather say nothing."

Suddenly, Si Lili felt the young man's voice was getting more and more distant, more and more weightless, and more and more terrifying.

"I don't belong to the Imperial court, I purely wanted to find that person to exact my revenge."

"I want to make a deal with you."

"Other than trusting me, you have no other choice."

Fan Xian spoke without emotion, but his words were beyond chilling and got lower and lower. Eventually he sounded like he was talking to himself. "I'm reluctant to torture women. But you did try to kill me. Because I'm a proponent of women's rights, I believe men and women are equal, especially in this struggle of life and death."

He had been digging graves since he was a child; his refinement on the surface couldn't completely hide the chilling horror underneath which would occasionally burst out. Wang Qinian left to find the head jailer to prepare some torture tools without saying a word.

A woman's countless screams resounded throughout the Celestial Prison!

A long time later, Fan Xian looked at Si Lili, who was passed out on the pile of straw. Looking at the bloody pulp which used to be her fingers, Fan Xian showed no emotion. The one who did show emotion, however, was Wang Qinian, who had been standing nearby in silence. He didn't think such a refined young gentleman would be so unshaken at the sight of torture; he didn't know exactly how merciless Fan Xian could get under his gentle mask.

"In order for torture to be effective, you need to cycle at least once every five days," Wang Qinian swallowed nervously. He then explained in a low voice, "As we just saw, this Si Lili is new to this, which was how we managed to force some information out of her. But in the end, she is still disciplined. Once it involves information she must keep hidden—plus the unbearable pain— it's no wonder that she fainted."

By the time the frightening head jailer came, Fan Xian had already put on his grey robe and hid his face. As he started gathering up the torture tools, he said while shaking his head, "Your Young Highness, torture is also a trade. If you made her confess in such a short period of time, you would shame every one of us professionals."

In frustration, Fan Xian made may for the head jailer to leave. Once the head jailer was far away, he turned to Wang Qinian with a bitter smile. "I guess it's better to leave it to the professionals. Let's come by again after a few days to get an update. Judging by the guards, I don't think anyone will be able to sneak in to eliminate her." As they were about to leave, Si Lili woke up. Feeling the wounds on her hand, she let out a chilling scream. Back during her days on the entertainment boats, she had entertained countless men with her hands and lips. Today, those hands had been ruined, and those lips could only scream out.

Fan Xian stopped for a bit. He turned to look at Si Lili behind the bars.

Si Lili bit her bottom lip, all color drained from her face. Cold sweat drenched her hair, and her two eyes were like those of a wounded lioness. She stared at Fan Xian's face maliciously, as if wanting to imprint his appearance into her mind.

Fan Xian continued to stare at her, standing silently still. Taking the hint, Wang Qinian distanced himself.

"Take care of that bottle. Next time, if you really can't endure the torture, take it." Fan Xian tested her with death for the second time, his tone full of indifference.

This time, Si Lili cried out. She hatefully stared at Fan Xian with a gaze that was venomous without equal.

Chapter 99: Sweet Words

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The damp air, mixed with the fishy scent of blood, was beginning to ferment at the end of the corridor outside the prisoner's cell. The man and woman who had exchanged insincere affection in bed just a month ago had long since switched roles. Fan Xian looked at this miserable woman and frowned slightly. At first he had thought that she was the kind of woman that they wrote about in novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and that they could do wonderful things together, or that he could take her home like the poet Bai Juyi. Who would have thought that the story would end so hastily; before it had even started? But there was little to regret. Since she had wanted to kill him, if he had shown too much sympathy, as Fei Jie had warned him years ago, that would be extremely irresponsible, not just for himself but for those around him.

Their bitter glares met each other. "I think life is something you should grasp hold of if you can," explained Fan Xian calmly. "I gave you the poison, but you should know that your death would be of no benefit to me, so there's no need to look at me like that. I still pity you, but I don't feel guilty in the slightest. Your people crushed three of my guards' skulls like watermelons. Who would feel guilty about your death?"

He waved his hand. "Perhaps you don't believe me. I once despised Heaven, and thought that all the good things in life would always come to a miserable end. If hate was of any use, then my hate would have pierced a million holes in Heaven. So I finally understood, when you are still able to take control of your own health, you should be happy that you still have more days left to live."

Si Lili remained silent. She simply lifted her wounded hands to stop them from touching the rough grass on the floor.

"Think about it, Miss Si. No one's life is that important in this world," said Fan Xian calmly. "You are a subject of the Kingdom of Qing, but you are giving your life for Northern Qi. You're giving up so much. I don't think it's for the money, but for revenge. I don't know if the rumors about you in the capital are true, but if you want to do something about it, then you have to save your own life. And if you want to live, you're going to have to pay the price."

Si Lili suddenly lifted her head, though the light in her eyes had dimmed, like a fire burning deep within a tomb. She was never going to be willing to let it burn out. After a long time, she finally spoke through gritted teeth. "How can you make sure that I'll stay alive?"

Fan Xian was surprised. He knelt down beside her. "You came back to the capital today, and today I'm able to be here to investigate you in the Celestial Prison. You can guess at what my position is in the Overwatch Council."

Si Lili weakly shook her head. "Do you think I can believe you?"

"It has nothing to do with belief," said Fan Xian gently. "This is a gamble, but right now, you're only a passive part of it. Because you don't get to choose between life and death."

Si Lili's gaze wandered helplessly. It seemed like her emotions had gotten the best of her. For some reason, she turned to look at Fan Xian's handsome face. But when she thought of the night that the two had spent in the pleasure boat, an inexplicable hatred arose in her heart. Like a lunatic, she threw herself at him and spat in his face.

Fan Xian moved sideways to avoid it. He was astonished. It was clear that this woman was softening toward him. How could she suddenly act this way? He did not know that no matter whether it was in his previous life or in this one, no matter what their occupation, women's thoughts were elusive. They were as treacherous as the seafloor and as hard to get a hold of as climbing on rocks.

Fan Xian felt rather annoyed. His brow wrinkled tightly, and his face shifted from one expression to the next. It was unclear what he was thinking. He thought of the official who had killed himself the night before, and of the one in Wuzhou who he feared was already dead. He knew that this woman was ruthless and quick. If he wanted to capture the person who had really targeted him, it seemed he only had Si Lili's say-so to go on. If her confession came too late, he feared that the people linked to her would also be dead, or would have already escaped. And it seemed that there was not enough time to break down this Northern Qi spy using torture. Unfortunately, what Fan Xian needed now was time. Even if he tried to stall for time, who knew what might happen?

It looked like she wasn't going to say a word. Fan Xian felt somewhat dispirited. He stood up from the bars of the cell, seemingly ready to leave with Wang Qinian. Suddenly, he sighed deeply, and returned to the cell entrance, frowning. He looked at her coldly through the bars that separated them. Wang Qinian looked at him, astonished.

Fan Xian spoke in a quiet voice. "Tell me who did it, and I swear on my ancestors that I will let you go."

The response that greeted him was a deathly silence, but Fan Xian wasn't willing to give up. He looked at Si Lili, his gaze softening, looking over the bloody hands that she held over her chest.

The damp air of the Celestial Prison smelled like mold, and the bars that separated Fan Xian and Si Lili also appeared to have mold growing on them. After some time had passed, Si Lili was still biting her lower lip. She said nothing. Clearly she was struggling with some kind of pain deep in the bottom of her heart. The bottle of poison he had thrown her was made from green porcelain. She held it in her hands as she lay quietly on the dry grass. It seemed like it was letting off a strange smell.

Some time later, Fan Xian sighed, seemingly giving up. He moved closer to Si Lili. "The way you're holding your hands... you're like a cute little dog," he said.

Afterwards, Wang Qinian felt that Fan Xian must have been on edge for being able to poke fun at an enemy spy in that kind of situation. Fan Xian did not think so; it was something that he'd said without thinking. Of course, he did not know that this utterance would have an immediate result for him.

When Si Lili heard him mention a cute little dog, she was shocked.

To everyone's surprise, the spy began to giggle, and then burst out laughing. Her face changed, and it was unclear what she was thinking, but it seemed that she had relaxed. It seemed that after this fit of laughter, she had lain down all of her burdens. Her attitude became timid, and she began to plead for her life, gently and cautiously. It was like her body was floating in warm water, totally comfortable, and she clearly began to think of all the beautiful things in life.

She slowly lifted her head, and two words came from her pale, quivering lips: "Mr. Wu."

Hearing this, Fan Xian turned to Wang Qinian, shocked. Wang Qinian nodded to show that he'd heard the same thing. He let out a sigh of relief, and a faint excitement rose up in him. He reached into the cell, watched by a confused Si Lili, and retrieved the porcelain vial of poison from the dry grass. "Thank you," he said to her, and then turned and left.

Si Lili seemed to have understood something. She gripped the bars with her bloody hands and called out to him sadly as he left. "Don't forget. You swore on your ancestors."

After the thick steel door opened noiselessly, the prison of the Overwatch Council was plunged back into silence and darkness. The prisoners never lasted more than a few days in this place, and so there weren't many criminals left. Deep within the prison corridors came the faint yet clear sound of pitiful sobbing.

A moment later, a prison guard respectfully pushed a wheelchair out from a secret room. Chen Pingping sat in the chair, his eyes closed in rest. Suddenly, his eyes opened. "What do you think about the appointment I've made?" he asked.

He was asking about Fan Xian.

The prison guard thought for a moment. "He's ruthless," he replied. "But he's only half up to the task."

"Which half?"

"He might be ruthless in his methods, but deep down, he's a gentle young man."

Chen Pingping smiled. A look of admiration floated across his aged face. "That's fine, that's fine. A warm heart with ruthless methods is better than a ruthless heart with useless methods. At least he got the information out of Si Lili, even if it was by accident."

"What do we do with Si Lili?" asked the prison guard.

Chen Pingping thought for a moment. "We'll see," he said quietly. "If we can turn her into one of ours, then we should try. If that's not possible, then of course we'll have her killed."

"Do we not need to give that task to commissioner Fan?"

"I am preparing to give him this building, but as he still lacks the ability at the moment, there's no need for him to know too much."

"Yes sir," replied the guard. "Something is already being prepared."

Chen Pingping coughed. At the moment, the entire bureaucracy thought he was still being detained at the imperial palace. No one would have thought that he had come to the Celestial Prison. He coughed violently, and indicated to the guard that he wheeled out. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment. "Since Mr. Wu has already hounded that official Fang to death, I presume he has already left the city. I fear it's too late."

The guard shrugged. He was in charge of the affairs of the Seventh Bureau, and had always held the First Bureau in contempt for its ruthless efficiency. There was no pleasure in these sorts of matters. So he did not care whether or not they caught this Mr. Wu. He looked at the corridor with its high ceiling. "Mr. Director," he said with some grief, "you shouldn't eavesdrop next time. It's hard for you to move this wheelchair."

Chen Pingping smiled. He had come here as soon as he had left the imperial palace. He wanted to see his enemy's son for himself, to see what he was like, to see whether he had the ability to take on everything he had prepared for him. As for the assassination attempt on Niulan Street, he felt the same as Wu Zhu did. Nothing was important; everything was simply trivial. If Fan Xian had died that way, it wouldn't have been anything to worry about. And there was an important aspect to how Fan Xian had dealt with the matter.

It was a small test.

Fan Xian did not know this. He and Wang Qinian hurriedly left the Celestial Prison. Wang Qinian told him that Mister Wu was a well-known strategist within the capital who flitted between the Second Prince and the Crown Prince, seemingly without taking a clear side. But according to rumors, he was behind a number of incidents within the bureaucracy.

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows slightly. His handsome face darkened slightly. He knew that he was a wily old fox who would have covered all of his tracks. It was possible that he had already learned of all this and fled to some mountain to live in seclusion. This so-called master manipulator's favorite thing to do was to wait seven or eight years for things to die down, and then smugly emerge, continuing to play his evil tricks.

"How do we know that what Si Lili said was true?" asked Wang Qinian.

"It's simple," replied Fan Xian calmly. "If that Wu Bo'an is still in the capital, then it isn't him. If he has already fled, then it is him."

It was a simple judgment, and perhaps it was closest to the truth. There were too many matters in this world that men's stupid brains had made complicated.

"Don't tell me you're really going to set Si Lili free?" asked Wang Qinian, anxious. "Sir, you don't have the right to do that, and what's more..." Although members of the Overwatch Council had no respect for ghosts, they still had respect for their ancestors.

Fan Xian did not reply. The ancestors he had in this world bore little relation to him. He knew it would be difficult for him to show his face again, and told Wang Qinian to inform the First Bureau. Mu Tie knew his identity, and should believe what Wang Qinian had to say. As they parted, Fan Xian confirmed that the person they wanted was Wu Bo'an.

After things were sorted, Fan Xian slowly made his way back to Fan Manor, vaulted the wall, and quietly laid down in bed, waiting for the next day's news. After Wang Qinian entered the Council, he was surprised to find that his First Bureau colleagues were ready and waiting. Mu Tie smiled as he saw the shock on his face.

That night, there was no business in the capital. After Fan Xian returned to Fan Manor, he greeted everyone, then entered the secret room that he had requested from his father. He carefully retrieved a small leather bag, and pulled out the small green porcelain vial. The bottle was green and slightly bigger than other porcelain bottles, so it was enough to hold a little bit of sleeping gas—the kind he had used to loosen Si Lili's resolve before. Fan Xian had truly made use of a lot of skill. He took out a pottery jar from the corner and opened its lid. The strong smell of the sleeping gas almost made him feel dizzy.

He dipped the small porcelain bottle into the jar and refilled it. Fan Xian returned to his bedroom. His legs intertwining with the thin silk blanket, he fell into a somewhat restless sleep. The next day, Wang Qinian came to report to him. Somewhat ashamed, he told him that Wu Bo'an had already left the capital. He had already expected this, so he was not disappointed in the slightest.

Within nine kilometers of the capital there stood a manor. In the distance, one could see the snow-capped summit of the Cang Mountains. Even if it was already early summer, the air around the manor was cool and refreshing. The grapevines had already begun to sprout their leaves, and the vast, lush greenery was pleasing to the eye.

At that moment, Wu Bo'an—whom Fan Xian was painstakingly searching for—was sitting free and unfettered among the vines. When he saw the young man in front of him, he reproached him. "You shouldn't have come."

The young man was the second son of the Prime Minister, Lin Gong. He looked at Wu Bo'an and spoke with a tone of utmost courtesy. "Mr. Wu, you are about to be forced to leave the capital. I am here to send you off."

Chapter 100: The Vineyard Collapses

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wu Bo'an smiled slightly. He believed himself to be a key player in all things, and in calculating all of his affairs, people always assumed that he wavered between the Crown Prince and the Second Prince. But no one knew of his link to the Prime Minister. "It's too risky," he said reproachfully. "The Prime Minister does not know of our plans. If anyone were to find out, I fear your father would find it difficult to escape."

Lin Gong laughed sinisterly. "Sir, if you would hide yourself away in the Lao Mountains and wait for chaos to erupt in the capital, then the Crown Prince will know that he will only be able to depend on us, the Lin family, to stabilize the land."

"Correct." Wu Bo'an seemed anxious. "Ever since I heard news of the young lady's marriage, I have been unsure of whether the Eldest Princess was still capable of managing the treasury. The Empress seems rather indifferent."

From the incident with the Prime Minister's illegitimate daughter at the beginning of the year up to the latest attempt at currying favor, Wu Bo'an felt that His Majesty had caused the Prime Minister to greatly lose face. He feared that it was all part of a plan to ensure that the Crown Prince ascended the throne. Just as expected, the Crown Prince had begun to distance himself from the Prime Minister, and so the latest plot he had secretly hatched would not only kill Fan Xian in one stroke and temporarily stabilize the situation with the royal purse - it would also let forth a flurry of rumors regarding the Crown Prince, forcing the prince's estate to renew its close relationship with the office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister had objected to the plan from the beginning, but his second son had seemed particularly enthusiastic. The son and the master strategist had begun to plot in secret. Falsely claiming to be under the auspices of the Prime Minister, they had issued orders to the Fang brothers, long hidden within the armed forces - but to Wu Bo'an's surprise, Fan Xian had survived the terrible assault, and he had killed an eighth-level master who had left behind unerasable traces.

Although the situation was still under control, the official Fang had already been killed. Even if the Overwatch Council discovered that Wu Bo'an had been behind it, there was no way they could have detected any link to the Prime Minister. So Wu Bo'an told the Prime Minister's second son to make haste back to the capital.

Lin Gong smiled proudly. "I've already been running this manor for a long while. Even if the emperor's bodyguards or the Overwatch Council come, they'll find it very hard to get inside to capture anyone. Besides, all of our business has been carried out in secret. Who could even know that we were both here?"

Wu Bo'an thought for a moment. That was indeed the case. After putting his mind at ease, his deeply ingrained scholarly habits revealed themselves once again. He waved his paper fan toward the grapevine trellis above his head and laughed. "This grapevine trellis is very well-built, but it reminds me of a joke."

"What joke?"

"There was once this henpecked official. One day, he was scratched on the cheek by his wife. The next day he went to court, and the governor asked what had happened. The official replied awkwardly, Last night I was cooling off in the shade under the grapevine trellis when it collapsed, and it scratched my face.' The governor was angry, and chided him. 'This was that shrew of a wife of yours. Don't be so ridiculous. Quick, tell the bailiff and he will come find your wife.' At that moment, the governor's wife was eavesdropping on them. Angry, she burst into the court and began to chide the governor. The governor panicked and quickly said to the official, 'Run and save yourself, my grapevine trellis has also collapsed...'"

After telling the joke, the two men laughed out loud. The Prime Minister's second son, Lin Gong, had of course heard this joke before, but he had gleaned another meaning from the joke. Was Mr. Wu mocking his father for being henpecked? His mother had died prematurely... could it be that he was saying that the Prime Minister was afraid of the Eldest Princess?

Lin Gong felt angry.

At that moment, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow appear in the garden.

It was a blind man, his eyes covered with a length of black cloth, holding a rock drill with a point that dripped with blood.

Lin and Wu both stood up, startled. They knew that this man had slipped in silently, and that the highly skilled guards outside had already been murdered with his stone drill. When he realized that the guards had died without even making so much as a sound, Lin Gong's blood ran cold. "Who are you?" he shouted, filled with fear. "Tell me!"

Wu Zhu said nothing. Like a ghost, he rushed in from the garden.

Lin Gong screamed. He pulled the blade from his belt and threw it straight at him.

Wu Zhu moved to one side, dodging the blade. Wu Zhu was already standing right in front of his face. The two men were extremely close together. It was a strange-looking situation.

There was a thwack.

Blood dripped from the rock drill, which had sliced through into Lin Gong's back. He looked at the length of black cloth in front of him. His eyes were filled with fear and shock. He was the son of the Prime Minister. And this man had killed him without saying a word. The rock drill had pierced through his chest. With a final quiver, Wu Zhu drew it up across Lin Gong's body. It was a terrible sight.

With a tearing sound, Wu Zhu quietly withdrew the rock drill from Lin Gong's body. It seemed extremely unhurried, but he had already quickly moved three steps to the side, to avoid the spray of blood gushing out from his chest.

The rock drill had gone straight through Lin Gong's heart, and blood spurted from the hole in a beautiful arc.

Watching this bloody scene, Wu Bo'an turned pale, but his mouth remained rigidly shut, not making a single sound. He saw the cloth over the man's eyes and realized that he was blind, and decided to try to slip away.

Wu Zhu turned his head and "looked" at him.

Wu Bo'an was overcome with a sense of hopelessness, but he still maintained a bitter smile. He tried his utmost to steady his voice. "I'm not working for the Prime Minister! A warrior like you, giving your life for people...It doesn't seem like you have much of a future. My name is Wu Bo'an, I'm old, I have many friends in the capital, and if you've got the ambition, a fighter like you could..."His voice suddenly stopped, and with great difficulty, he lowered his head to look at the rock drill that had already pierced through his throat.

He didn't understand why this assassin didn't even want to hear what he had to say... he was a feeble scholar, and there was nothing threatening about him. And he had considered himself such an expert tactician, planning for everything, eloquent beyond compare. If this blind killer had just listened to what he had to say, he would not have murdered him - there were so many things he still wanted to do with his life; why did he have to die like this?

The death of Wu Bo'an, master manipulator, was a simple one.

In Wu Zhu's thirty years of life in this world, there was something he had never understood. No matter where they were from - whether it was Dongyi, Northern Wei, the capital, or here - every time he killed someone, they would talk incessantly right up until the end. The Lady had once said that "the point of the sword is always more powerful than words". Wu Zhu always thought he had understood that saying, but he never understood why no one else in the world did.

Wu Zhu withdrew the rock drill, and walked alone out of the garden.

After he had left, the grapevine trellis could no longer bear the force of Wu Zhu's murderous onslaught. With a crash, they collapsed, covering the two men's corpses in a mess of vines and bamboo.

Over the next few days, the Overwatch Council received no information. Mu Tie visited Fan Manor in attempt to butter up to them, but could say nothing of Wu Bo'an. The formidable master strategist had disappeared without a trace. Fan Xian seemed uneasy, so Mu Tie's hand on his thigh did not leave a good impression.

Count Sinan also secretly aided the search party, and yet they came up with nothing. After Wang Qinian reported, ashen-faced, that the operation had been a failure, Fan Xian had no choice but to rid his mind of the matter, forcibly turning his thoughts to the more-positive matters of his little sister, the bookshop, and chicken legs, waiting for the man with the black cloth on his face to do his work.

One afternoon, he brought Ruoruo and Sizhe along to pay a visit to Prince Jing's manor.

To his surprise, Prince Jing was not in the house. Crown Prince Li Hongcheng had no choice but to tell them. "Father has gone to the temple and said that the Empress Dowager wanted him to come."

Fan Xian laughed. He hadn't thought about the matter much. He went with Li Hongcheng under the awnings in the rear garden, eating melon seeds and chatting, avoiding the early summer heat. They were not strangers, so the young princess Roujia, the one who had once interested Fan Xian, was also there, and they did not refrain from saying anything. Fan Xian looked at the young girl, and could not help but feel a lingering fear. He had heard Ruoruo talking about the situation with Story of the Stone, and had once fantasized that once the princess knew that he was its author, she might fall in love with him at once.

But looking at Roujia, Fan Xian put a stop to that kind of thinking.

The princess was very pretty, with rosy red cheeks and a gentle and polite demeanor; she was perhaps the gentlest girl that Fan Xian had ever met in this world. But Fan Xian continued to turn his nose up at her, refusing to show her the slightest appreciation.

Because this princess was just turning twelve this year, she was an under-ripened fruit; she was a girl, not a young woman. Underneath the surface, Fan Xian felt some affection, but he was not fickle in love. As soon as he began to think about this twelve-year-old girl, he began to panic and tried to think of something else.

Who would have thought when that Princes Roujia's gaze met Fan Xian's as she sat obediently by Ruoruo's side, her eyes would sparkle with shyness, her thoughts would be muddled, and her heart would fill with panic?

The servants of the prince's manor took Fan Sizhe off to shoot arrows. Fan Xian and the Crown Prince chatted idly as the two girls quietly held their own conversation. Fan Xian felt awkward. Suddenly, he saw an official of the prince's palace hurriedly making his way toward them and whisper something into Li Hongcheng's ear. Li Hongcheng's face changed, and they turned their gazes to Fan Xian, looking doubtful.

"What is it?" Fan Xian looked at the awnings and smiled. " The grapevine trellises in your manor are so well-built. It reminds me of a joke."

The Crown Prince did not give him the chance to show off in front of the girls. With a serious look, he pulled him to one side and spoke in a quiet voice. " Something has happened."

Chapter 101: No Title

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What's the matter?" Fan Xian knew something was up, or else Li Hongcheng wouldn't be so tense. Regardless, he still forced a smile. "Did your grapevines not work out?"

On another note, despite already being old enough to marry, Li Hongcheng had yet to do so for unknown reasons.

"I don't have time to joke around," Li Hongcheng said with a dark expression, "There had been a double murder yesterday in a manor just at the foot of the mountains. Both Wu Bo'an and the second son of the prime minister died."

Fan Xian went pale with shock. "What?"

Li Hongcheng said, "You heard me right. Your future brother-in-law is dead."

Fan Xian, however, wasn't thinking about such complicated family relationships. This news made him panic somewhat. Wu Bo'an's death had been within his predictions, but… if this wasn't the work of Uncle, rather someone trying to eliminate all evidence, the second son of the prime minister wouldn't have been caught up in it. Fan Xian knew well enough that his status was far below his brother-in-law. Since he and Wu Bo'an died together, could it be that the one who plotted the assassination was…the father-in-law, the prime minister?

Fan Xian didn't hold much sentiment towards this brother-in-law he had never met. But thinking about it, Fan Xian couldn't help but be troubled. He calmed himself down and asked, "How did they die?"

Li Hongcheng described the crime scene. Because the manor was relatively secluded, normally a something like this wouldn't be discovered for a long time. However, on the third day, people came to deliver some orders and discovered the bodies. Because the victims were the son of the prime minister and Wu Bo'an, who had special status, the incident was reported—skipping the government building and Ministry of Justice and going directly to the palace.

King Jing was in the palace today and happened to hear the news. He asked the father-in-law he knew to pass it on to Fan Xian.

This suddenly hit Fan Xian; King Jing should know of his visit today. For King Jing to take the risk to deliver the news meant it must be important for Fan Xian to know. But why? Seeing Fan Xian's confusion, Li Hongcheng lowered his voice, "The Council is looking for Wu Bo'an because they heard he is related to your assassination attempt. And for him to die at a time like this, people might suspect you."

Fan Xian pretended to be frightened and waved his hand. "I've nothing to do with this mess. If the Council couldn't find him, how could I? If the prime minister believes I did it, how am I supposed to continue living?"

Li Hongcheng was convinced and let out a sigh of relief, "If you really did it, I had to reevaluate my opinions of you; I have to really be on your good side in the future."

Fan Xian and Li Hongcheng had gotten this familiar with each other by now. Fan Xian scolded jokingly, "What a rotten thing to say. I could only pray to heaven that the prime minister wouldn't link his son's death to me."

Li Hongcheng reassured him, "That shouldn't happen. Your words hold a lot of weight. You haven't been in the capital for too long, and there is no way you could catch someone who eluded even Director Chen. Even if he was caught, he wouldn't randomly start killing." He looked at Fan Xian seriously, "I believe you. I'm also going to speak to my father on your behalf; I think not even the prime minister would act irrationally."

Fan Xian sighed, "I'm just afraid that the prime minister would want to explain why his son was with Wu Bo'an. You should know that Wu Bo'an is connected to the spy from Northern Qi; he is a confirmed traitor."

Li Hongcheng nodded and spoke with slight worry, "It's just that the old prime minister lost a son. After suffering such a blow, if he were to be framed by the political enemies for having connections with Wu Bo'an, his life would most likely not be peaceful."

Fan Xian secretly gave the prince a look, thinking, "Aren't those 'political enemies' you and the second prince? Why speak as if this doesn't involve you?"

Leaving King Jing's manor on the Fan carriage, Fan Ruoruo noticed her brother had an uneasy expression. Worried, she asked him, "Do you feel unwell? Too much time under the sun?" Fan Sizhe also came over, giving Fan Xian his folding fan.

Fan Xian was a bit irritated and in a foul mood. He spat out, "None of your business!" Only after he said it did he realize it wasn't appropriate of him. With an uneasy smile, he explained, "Something really complicated came up; I really have to think on it. Don't worry about me for now."

Once back to the Fan manor, the first thing Fan Xian did was run to his father's book chamber. Fan Jian was not there; perhaps he had been summoned by the palace.

Fan Xian went back to his room, a bit unsettled. After sitting down at his desk, he discovered the back of his shirt was drenched in sweat. In truth, as soon as he heard Li Hongcheng describe the bodies, Fan Xian knew who the killer was; in this world, no one was more familiar with Wu Zhu's methods than him.

The night he found out Wu Bo'an's name, Fan Xian knew the man was as good as dead—however, he did not expect Lin Wan'er's second older brother to die too.

While no one knew how Wu Zhu found Wu Bo'an, it was regular practice for him to kill whoever plotted against Fan Xian's life. Wu Zhu was as strong as a grandmaster; in his eyes, he didn't care if a person was the son of the prime minister. In his eyes, everyone were merely flesh-and-blood bodies. As long as it could bring Fan Xian trouble, no one would was safe from Wu Zhu's iron stake.

The reason Fan Xian found it unsettling was because, if even King Jing suspected him, what would the prime minister think? He did want to avenge his bodyguards, not to mention Teng Zijing and himself; he also considered the one behind it all could be the prime minister, his future father-in-law. Even if the latter were true, Fan Xian would only kill Wu Bo'an as a warning. The death of Lin Wan'er's second brother was completely unexpected. The Lin family only had two sons, supposedly the eldest had some problems…

Thinking of Lin Wan'er gave Fan Xian a headache. Even though she grew up in the palace and wasn't that close with the rest her family, they were still siblings related by blood. That was an indisputable fact.

Fan Xian stood up and circled around his desk a couple times. By the time he focused his eyes, he decided to keep this from Wan'er for the rest of his life; he must never let her know it was his uncle who killed her brother.

Deep in the royal palace, there was only utmost solemnity. However, the room where the one with the most authority in the world resided wasn't as impressive as the land upon which he ruled. Incense gradually burned down, leaving behind only a pile of ash. The sun, descending eastwards, casted its light through the door, illuminating the floating puffs of willow seeds.

The room floor was paved in pale stone. To either side stood dozens of high-ranking government officials. There was no official court summon today, and this was not the Imperial court, but rather a side palace. The great emperor of Qing wasn't sitting high up on his dragon throne, but in an ordinary chair.

Today, the emperor was dressed in a casual blue-green outfit. He wore a gold silk belt decorated with dragons, and his jet-black hair was tied back tightly, although a few white strands shown through his sideburns. He sat leisurely on the chair, placing himself lower than the officials standing around him. But somehow, he still retained the same aura as if sitting at the top of the world, looking downwards at his retainers.

The political events had already been discussed. Only some senior and very important officials stayed behind.

Chen Pingping was the first one on the left. Because he was in a wheelchair, he was quite conspicuous. He hung his head, seemingly without much energy, to the point of almost falling asleep. The other officials present all knew he was His Majesty's number one aide, Director Chen. Due to his insights, he was exempt from the court summons. But this summon for today was mandatory.

The Prime Minister, Lin Ruofu, was the first one on the right. Because of his special circumstances, he too was seated, but on a round stool. Due to his robes being a bit long, he looked somewhat humorous. This notorious man had a nice complexion, his eyes were full of spirit. Only his slightly graying facial hair exposed his true age. He must had been very handsome in his younger days.

Today, his eyes were slightly red, and his lips a bit pale. It appeared that he had been weeping.

"My condolences, Prime Minister," the emperor said gently, his voice reverberating in the room. "You may rest a few days at home, so that you can… bid farewell to your child."

Lin Ruofu stood up and saluted in respect. With a strained voice, he said, "I wouldn't dare. This was merely about that son of mine; to trouble Your Majesty was already a crime."

The other officials too, offered their words of condolences, saying stuff like you can't bring the dead back to life, among other things.

Suddenly, Lin Ruofu raised his voice, "Your Majesty, pardon my disrespect, but I ask that Your Majesty seek justice on my behalf, for that dead child!" After saying so, he knelt down. This prime minister normally had a heart of stone, but even he nearly fainted upon hearing about the death of his second son. The old burying the young; how could he withstand such emotional trauma?

The emperor showed the most inconspicuous sign of a smile, but it went unnoticed, since no one dared stare His Majesty in the face. stare at His Majesty in the face, the expression went unnoticed. The emperor showed surprise at the prime minister's words. "It hasn't been too long since the young son of Fan household was attacked, and now came another violent crime. Of course, the capital will take care of it, rest assured. I promise to give you an answer… if anyone were to catch the criminal, they are to send them to the Ministry of Justice. If anything couldn't be worked out, then let Director Chen be in charge of dealing with it.

Although he appeared to be deeply asleep, Chen Pingping opened his eyes and replied with a smile.

There was a flash in Lin Ruofu's eyes, but only for an instant. He kowtowed to the emperor and didn't stand back up until the other officials urged him to.

The emperor looked at him calmly. The Qing Kingdom did not place too much importance on such formalities, and the emperor knew it was not easy being the prime minister. Suddenly, he frowned and asked, "There was involvement from Northern Qi in the previous case; that was to stir up the Imperial court. Could this case also involve foreign criminals? Has the security really fallen to such pitiful state? Send down the order, have Bei Sansi do an investigation."

He then scolded harshly, "Chen Pingping, you should be more mindful as the director! Have you forgotten your duties? Your home-visit this time dragged on for an entire month, and it took the death of several people to get you to come back!"

In front of the emperor's rage, the entire room was quiet.