
Chapter 125: Old and Vicious Shaoqing Xin

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Two days later, in Honglu Temple…

"The captives, that's the first thing we need to take care of." The rashness displayed by Xin Qiwu during the negotiations between the two countries had already disappeared. The shaoqing said emotionlessly, "Per His Majesty's orders, we must retrieve our captured soldiers at all cost. The rest are minor things. Why don't we concede on this point?"

Below, another official answered him, "The men from Northern Qi and its tribute nations that we've captured number over twenty-four hundred in total, while about a thousand of our men are being held captive. Going with His Majesty's order, we can get all our soldiers back, even if we trade two soldiers for one.

"Right." Xin Qiwu nodded; he was satisfied with his subordinate's rate of work. He then said, "As for the issue of redrawing the boarders, His Majesty was clear on that as well. We must not give up even an inch of the territories we've gained in battle. If Northern Qi want land, they must trade the plains of Qianlonggang."

Qianlonggang was situated to the northwest of Qing and was the only enclave connected to Qing. If Qing could take it back, then security would be ensured.

The lower-ranking officials recorded their superior. Someone said in irritation,, "But Northern Qi won't budge on the matter at the moment, almost as if they would fight to the death over it. They are willing to pay in money and horses, just not that piece of land.

The main registrar from the negotiations was obviously an impulsive one. He slapped the table and exclaimed, "We already have control over it! What would they have us do?! Give it back?!"

Xin Qiwu nodded. "While Sir Xiao is a bit direct, that's about the gist of it." He scanned his subordinates with a cold gaze and heavily put down the teacup in his hand. He said, "My fellow officials, do not forget: these lands were obtained by our brave soldiers through sword and spear, through blood and flesh. What those soldiers paid for with their lives we cannot give it back. As for ourselves? We're only talkers, so we cannot give up on the authority of Qing. We must struggle and bargain with the other side with however miniscule amount of silver we have to offer."

The person who spoke before continued, "Your Highness is absolutely right, but according to the secret reports by the Northern Qi envoys who went to the capital, the Northern Qi empress is beginning to reconcile with our emperor due to failures in the war. The empress's own younger brother had already been condemned and sent back. If we demand too much right now, relations with them may split again in the future; another war may break out, something His Majesty would not want. Everyone knows, if Northern Qi really is that united, it'll be like a centipede with a nasty bite."

"It's been too long since Northern Qi sent envoys to the capital. That report may not necessarily be useful." Xin Qiwu had a headache. While they had the advantage of home soil and being the winders, the other side was in their own capital. Taking advantage of the information network, which was not yet exterminated by the Imperial court, they could obtain firsthand intel regarding Qing's reactions. On the other hand, for Qing to obtain info regarding Northern Qi was very difficult.

Someone came forward with an idea, "Why don't we ask His Majesty to lend us the help of the Overwatch Council? Those from Northern Qi are tougher than what we have in the other organizations."

The various officials brightened up as they agreed. Even though they were all afraid of the Overwatch Council, they had no objections if it was to unleash this rabid dog upon an enemy. Unexpectedly, however, Xin Qiwu yelled out, "You think the main registry and I haven't thought of that?! The emperor wouldn't allow it, so what can I do? You want me to cry about it in His Majesty's sleeping quarters?"

The officials saw truth in that and calmed down. Deep inside, however, they all agreed, "If it's to obtain intel on Northern Qi, why not cry to him?"

The hall became quiet. Although the people of Qing all believed their nation to be one of the strongest, their emperor was still without a successor to the throne. Therefore, they couldn't help but live in the shadow of the great Northern Wei. Northern Wei, despite losing half its territory to Northern Qi, was still a terrifying force to be reckoned with should another war break out. Without any strong sources of persuasion, the negotiation seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

"I will go to the palace again tonight and seek His Majesty's opinion," Xin Qiwu said with a frown. He glanced down at Fan Xian, who had been sitting quietly. Despite being a deputy, Fan Xian certainly did not appear to be one. For the past few days, regardless of negotiations,, he always sat smiling, never saying a single word; no one knew what he was thinking. Xin Qiwu, under the orders of the prince, asked for Fan Xian in hopes of allowing him to establish some political authority. The brat had been obedient in not taking the spotlight so far, but sitting speechless was far from proper.

Xin Qiwu thought for a moment before asking gently, "Sir Fan, what are your thoughts on the matter?"

Fan Xian slightly tightened his fists in his sleeves, but his face remained calm. He replied, "I believe Northern Qi is merely bluffing. Suppose they really do have the strength to keep on fighting, they wouldn't be in a hurry to send their envoys."

The other officials all heard of this Sir Fan and his achievements in poetry and fighting. Furthermore, they had all admired the way Fan Xian seemingly stayed put for the past few days. Therefore, they were eager to hear what he was about to say. Unsurprisingly, they were disappointed after hearing Fan Xian tell them such generic things. Regardless, they couldn't do anything on the surface but agree.

However, Xin Qiwu believed Fan Xian was merely trying to appease everyone and be done with it. "You are absolutely right. But the intentions of the nations has been mixed. It's like each nation is its own entity, and occasionally emotions will get the better of reason. Deputy Fan, do you have any evidence?" Xin Qiwu believed Fan Xian had something which would surely impress the officials at Honglu Temple.

Fan Xian secretly admired Xin Qiwu for saying "each nation is its own entity." He thought about it for a moment before saying, "The key is Zhuang Mohan. We here all know what kind of reputation he has. If Northern Qi didn't really want to negotiate, they wouldn't pay the hefty price of including Zhuang Mohan in their envoy."

The officials at Honglu Temple were all from learned backgrounds, so of course they all knew who Zhuang Mohan was. After hearing Fan Xian's reasoning, they all realized that really was the case. But that wasn't persuasive enough.

Xin Qiwu frowned. "If only we know the reason for him being here. Perhaps that would help."

The case files from the Overwatch Council were clear on that. Zhuang Mohan came as part of the envoy because, first of all, the emperor and empress of Northern Qi wanted to lower themselves, and secondly, this Zhuang Mohan held a reputation as being a saint of sorts and wanted to mend the relationship between the nations, and third, because of as-yet-to-be-revealed personal reasons that Zhuang Mohan's hadn't revealed. While Fan Xian looked down on the demeanor of this "saint," he didn't underestimate him. However, he couldn't just explain these reasons to the officials either. He said quietly, "Perhaps there would be some clue if we could see him."

The official registrar shook his head, "As per custom, , normally you could only see someone like him during a royal banquet. If we were to request an audience, there would be nothing we could do should we be turned down." Suddenly, his eyes brightened. "However, since Deputy Fan's fame in poetry has already spread everywhere, you could arrange a poetry gathering. I don't believe Zhuang Mohan would refuse."

That startled Fan Xian. He had only plagiarized three poems, two of which were composed by Ruoruo; how can that spread "everywhere"? Fortunately, Xin Qiwu helped him out, "This Zhuang Mohan has always been known to be prideful; he was praised by poetry and essay and song, truly a prodigy. He wouldn't lower his pride just to see Deputy Fan. In my opinion, Northern Qi invited him for the royal banquet, where his reputation would be useful in persuading His Majesty."

That made sense to the officials.

After the meeting had been dismissed, Fan Xian took some time to show Sir Xin the files he and Ruoruo had "organized". Flipping through the papers, Xin Qiwu's eyes brightened, as he wasn't expecting Fan Xian to write such things. While the files contained certain absurdities, they more or less made sense in pointing out the current political situation in Northern Qi.

"Very good!" Xin Qiwu exclaimed. "With this, we could negotiate with more backbone. It's just that… Deputy Fan, why tell me all this in private?"

Seeing his superior's suspicion, Fan Xian smiled, "Some of the content is too preposterous. They are only what I think, so I dared not to share it in public. It would be more appropriate for only Your Highness to consider."

Unable to contain himself, Xin Qiwu began reading through the files while still standing in the hallway. Gradually, his brows knotted together. After a long time, he sighed, "Mister Fan, there are many things in here that not even the Imperial court knows."

Fan Xian felt a chill; he wasn't able to fool Xin Qiwu in the end. But what he had been through over the past decade—from Danzhou to the capital—steeled his demeanor. His smile remained unchanged, "I would not say anything unnecessary."

To feign understanding of something as unpredictable, such was the way of the civil official. As expected, Xin Qiwu did not question any further. Rather, he smiled warmly, "If the negotiation is a success, I shall personally write a recommendation to His Majesty to guarantee you a grand merit."

Fan Xian excused himself with a grin.

After Fan Xian had gone out of sight, the color on Xin Qiwu's face changed in a flash. He was close to the prince, and was therefore aware that Count Sinan held a portion of His Majesty's personal sovereignty, but this power has never showed itself in Qing's political stage, unless… Fan Jian used it now because of Fan Xian? Ultimately, Xin Qiwu did not connect Fan Xian with the Overwatch Council. It was, after all, His Majesty's personal organization, which not even the princes could interfere with, never mind the illegitimate son of a civil official.

Sitting in his sedan chair, Xin Qiwu propped up his chin, deep in thought. After the sedan chair had come to a stop, he stared at the tall, red palace walls and thought, "The prince was correct regarding the Fan household. We could only try to win them over, not try to beat them."

Chapter 126: Sincerity in the East Palace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There had been two factions in the East Palace: The one opposing Xin Qiwu believed that since Count Sinan was in good relations with King Jing and connected to the prime minister's family through Fan Xian's marriage, Prince Jing must be close to the second prince. As for the prime minister gradually distancing himself from the East Palace, it must mean that the Fan household was with the second prince's faction. Xin Shaoqing adamantly rejected the idea. To him, Fan Jian was not the type of official who could be swayed so easily by King Jing and the prime minister.

Deep inside the palace, Xin Qiwu prostrated in front of the book chamber with his butt in the air. Good thing his robe was long enough so that he didn't look too ridiculous.

"You may rise." The emperor's voice rang out from behind the curtain.

Xin Qiwu stood up, his arms by his side. He didn't dare move. He had been here a few times, but he still couldn't shake this feeling of pressure. He was sweating, either from the remaining summer heat or his own nervousness. Regardless, he didn't dare wipe away his sweat.

Behind the curtain came the sound of paper being put away. After a long period of silence, the emperor said, "There is logic and evidence, very good. Since those guys in the north wouldn't settle down, this is very good; you'll have to speak loudly for me."

Xin Qiwu replied in a bright voice, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

The emperor's voice suddenly had an odd tone to it. "You made Minister Fan's son your deputy?"

Xin Qiwu wasn't expecting the emperor to be so interested in Deputy Fan, and sweated a bit more. He answered respectfully, "Indeed."

The emperor seemed to be intrigued, "Oh, I had already appointed him the Functionary of Taichang Temple. Why did you move him to Honglu Temple?"

While the emperor was speaking in a gentle tone, Xin Qiwu was so nervous he could faint. Not daring to hide anything, he answered truthfully, "I had recently come to the East Palace to study per Your Majesty's orders. During that time, I talked with the prince regarding the envoy from Northern Qi. Since Fan Xian was involved with, and because of his reputation in the capital, I thought it would be best to have a scholar on our side as well. As Your Majesty knows, there's a certain Zhuang Mohan in Northern Qi's envoy."

"Hm." The emperor really admired this official's frankness . He was never afraid of people conspiring in the Imperial court, but those factions needed be made public. "You weren't wrong to do so. I leave all the authority over the matter to you today. Even if it's the prince, you do not have to ask for permission."

"Yes." The link between Xin Qiwu and the prince was never hidden from the emperor. After all, he was assigned specifically as a servant in the East Palace.

The emperor flipped through the files again. He seemed to frown slightly. "How did Fan Xian do?"

Xin Qiwu didn't dare steal Fan Xian's merit and answered honestly, "The files Your Majesty is reading right now was analyzed by Deputy Fan."


"Analyzed?" For some reason, the emperor's tone became slightly angry. "This is getting more and more absurd!"

Xin Qiwu was terrified; he didn't know why His Majesty became angry. But fortunately, it didn't appear to be related to negotiations. After Xin Qiwu withdrew from the book chamber, the emperor parted the curtain and walked out. There was a bitter smile that went along with the hint of anger on his intimidating face, as if to say, "It can't be helped". He ordered a servant, "Summon Chen Pingping to the palace."

This owner of Qing, a middle-aged man who held the most authority in the world, walked out of the book chamber. Standing in the hallway, he gazed up at the moon. He smiled and said to himself, "A sharp tool which could benefit the nation, instead of using it to help Honglu Temple, you used it as the stepping stool for a child. Chen Pingping, if I still don't tap you once or twice, you're really going to give my Council to that child as a plaything."

Just what caliber of a person was the emperor? From Fan Xian's files, he managed to immediately pick up the presence of the Overwatch Council. But his expression was no longer angry. Rather, he found it somewhat funny. Xin Qiwu seemed to be letting the prince win over the Fan household. The prince finally displayed some political wisdom, and His Majesty was a bit happy .

An intense quarrel was developing in the East Palace between Shaoqiang Xin Qiwu and Guo Baokun. The topic, of course, concerned the low-ranking Fan Xian. One could tell how intense the quarrel was from the look on their faces.

Xin Qiwu gave Guo Baokun a condescending look and said, "As a civil servant, I must obey His Majesty's wishes and aid the prince in his accomplishments. So for the time being, I need to find a few talented individuals. Functionary Fan Xian is famous in the capital and has a fine demeanor, and the Fan household is no stranger to the palace. The prince should accept such a distinguished individual instead of refusing over a certain someone's tantrum."

Guo Baokun laughed coldly, "You think I only remember that one time? Don't forget the relationship between the Fan manor and King Jing's manor. Fan Xian will soon become the son-in-law of the prime minister. Are you that unclear as to which side the prime minister leans?"

Xin Qiwu straightened out his neck and said, "I have no idea. I only know that there is only one emperor and one prince in Qing. Any thoughts of splitting into factions would be extremely stupid."

Xin Qiwu was not unskilled, and naturally, he knew the second prince was on the rise. But in terms of strategy, he still didn't view the second prince as a threat to the East Palace. Otherwise, it would be opening a door full of danger. As long as the prince acts properly and sticks to principles, there would be no enemies.

The prince who was sitting up high sighed. While lecherous and cowardly, he was by no means stupid. Deep down, he understood that, in the big picture, Xin Qiwu was correct. However, in term of politics, this was a life-and-death struggle. Even if he were to be careful, no one could guarantee that his two brothers wouldn't plot anything.

"It hasn't gotten to that point," the prince said, massaging the sides of his head. He then continued, albeit somewhat annoyed, "The palace is still ruled by one individual. Those ready to serve the Imperial court should have the same intention. As for my royal brothers, don't say any senseless things."

Such was the helpless situation in the palace. Even though they were impeding each other as much as they could, they couldn't say anything on the surface.

"And Fan Xian?" Guo Baokun wasn't willing to give up.

Xin Qiwu snorted, "Sir Guo, I believe you have been misjudging one thing."

"What is it?" The prince asked.

"Many officials, including you, grouped Fan household into the second prince's faction merely because of their relationship to King Jing. Is there any evidence to prove that? This time, orders came down from the East Palace to give Fan Xian a chance to really prove himself. If what you say is true, then Fan Xian would not accept in the first place." Xin Qiwu continued coldly, "Most importantly, Fan Xian is soon to become the prime minister's son-in-law. If your judgement is merely based on that, then you are being ridiculous."

"How would that be ridiculous?" Guo Baokun revealed a hint of venom in his eyes. "Both official and secret reports showed that the prime minister is splitting from the eldest princess. He is trying to remove the influences from the palace."

"As the prime minister, of course he shouldn't be influenced by forces in the palace." This wasn't appropriate for Xin Qiwu to say, and he realized that and apologized to the prince. The prince shook his head, signaling Xin Qiwu to continue.

"That is precisely the issue. Everyone knows the prime minister is splitting from the eldest princess… what does that have to do with the East Palace? Would that mean the prime minister is no longer loyal to His Majesty?"

The prince frowned, "However… recently, my aunt has been angry with the prime minister."

"Your Majesty, forgive my insolence… you must not change your view towards the prime minister just because of the eldest princess's mood."

The prince only frowned harder. "But…" He stopped. Taking the chance, Guo Baokun said coldly, "But if the prime minister is still the same, then why did he stop visiting the East Palace after court meetings?"

Xin Qiwu grinned with extreme self-confidence and replied, "I didn't deny anything having to do with that." Turning to the prince, he said, "Your Majesty, that is only an arrangement; it is still far from an actual competition of power. The real smart ones would follow the emperor closely to ensure their families' survival. The same applies to the prime minister. While he appears to be swaying between you and the second prince, he still has to obey His Majesty's wishes. If we want the prime minister on our side…" Xin Qi Wu inhaled deeply, "Fan Xian is the key. The prime minister doesn't have an actual son anymore; if Fan Xian proves to be the future of Lin Manor, and if we can win Fan Xian over, then the prime minister will surely change sides."

Guo Baokun warned, "Don't forget the relationship between Prince Jing and Fan Xian."

"And don't you forget whose subordinate was exposed by the investigation," said Xin Qiwu coldly To have set up an encounter between Fan Xian and the prince, he was certainly hoping the prince would recall the grudge from all those days ago and humiliate Fan Xian. Good thing His Majesty was wise and would not fall for such petty trick."

The prince smiled warmly.

"Why would he use such methods if the Fan household belonged to these factions?" Xin Qiwu then said, "I believe that, with Fan household's power, whatever's happening behind that incident will surely come to light. If it was really 'that person,' I'm afraid Fan Xian would hold a grudge, so for now, there is no need to worry where the Fan household stands."

The prince was somewhat moved. He said lightly, "If the Fan household is still being fooled, there is no harm in telling them."

"Winning over Fan Xian equals winning over both Fan and Lin Manors. Those are two great powers in the capital. Many years from now on, I believe the inner treasury will be run by that youngster." Xin Qiwu said quietly to the prince, "An eighth-ranked official like him could do more for the people than merely write a few poems."

Chapter 127: There Isn't a Single Trustworthy Person in the World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The prince calculated, obviously moved. After quite a while, he made his decision. "Very well. I'm going to give Fan Xian a chance. I hope he wouldn't disappoint us."

With this decision, Guo Baokun fell silent, while Xin Qiwu became excited. The prince felt he was being wise and generous. However, none of the three knew that the empress and the eldest princess tried to have Fan Xian killed. The real forces behind the East Palace had already clashed twice with the real forces behind Fan Xian; once in Danzhou, once on Niulan Street and beneath the Cang Mountains.

Even more unknown to them was that several years later, things would develop into unprecedented absurdity. The palace at night was always more secluded and darker than other places. It hid all truths and all who passed by. It also hid whatever the future held.


Backed by the Overwatch Council's reports, the negotiations over the next few days changed drastically. Northern Qi still tried to play their sticky tactics, dragging things on day after day in hopes of decreasing Qing's patience. They weren't expecting this shaoqing of Honglu Temple to unleash such intensity. During the next two days of deliberation, it was as if Xin Qiwu had turned into a mountain-splitting axe, chopping down the other party!

After three meetings, the problems regarding captives, tributes, and names were all solved. All that was left was also the most difficult—the issue regarding redrawing the borders.

As a deputy, Fan Xian had always overlooked this process. Nevertheless, he was very impressed by Xin Qiwu's ability to converse. Fan Xian really didn't expect anyone so close to the prince to be so ferocious. Not everyone in the East Palace deserved to be hit like Guo Baokun. Xin Qiwu, during his conversations and observations, felt surprised by Fan Xian's patience, which far surpassed that of his peers. The shaoqing felt he couldn't see through Fan Xian's character.

Overall, the negotiations went smoothly. Other than help from the Overwatch Council, Fan Xian didn't put in too much effort, and therefore didn't get his part of the merit. He was satisfied with his current life.

The bookstore was taken care off by the shopkeeper from Qingyu Hall, and Fan Sizhe often interacted with the accountant. Fan Xian didn't have to worry about any of that. As for his marriage in two months, the nannies of the Lin and Fan Manors would be busy taking care of that. Even Lady Liu liked the idea of Fan Xian being the emperor's fake son-in-law and was ready to be a stepmother. She knew that, once Fan Xian married the emperor's adopted daughter, he wouldn't threaten Fan Sizhe's position in the household.

On top of all that, there was also Lin Wan'er's status. Those old maidens often came to Fan Manor to speak of various things; once every few days, some would come to deliver some lady's wishes, making Count Sinan quite irritated. As for Fan Xian, who didn't know the formalities of the palace, he tried to get away from them as best as he could. Lin Wan'er and Ruoruo suffered as a result of having to clean up after him.

The second prince came twice on behalf of Prince Jing, who wanted to meet with Fan Xian, but Fan Xian was still hung up on when he happened to run into the eldest prince. Hoping for things to calm down a bit, Fan Xian kept pushing the meeting back until the end of the month. After all, the East Palace seemed to have changed its view on him. Not that he dared to refuse the invitation from one of the princes; rather, he dared not play around while still serving the country.

During those days, Fan Xian was only slightly worried about that Zhuang Mohan, who hadn't shown himself since, this in addition to the disciple of Sigu Sword from Dongyi. Respectively, they were at the top in civil and martial virtues, so why was the capital this quiet? Zhuang Mohan had been invited by the empress to stay in the palace for studies, which the head disciple of Sigu Sword stayed with Dongyi's envoy.

The one who got most of Fan Xian's attention was Yun Zhilan. Zhuang Mohan had done nothing to Fan Xian, but Yun Zhilan was after Fan Xian's life. However, since Yun Zhilan was far away outside the capital, Fan Xian believed himself to be relatively safe. After all, Yun Zhilan wouldn't be so stupid as to challenge him alone. The thing most prominent on his mind was the matter regarding a certain key.

He stared blankly at a black chest at night. The lock appeared to be made of brass. However, as much as he tried, he couldn't leave a single scratch on it with his think dagger, so the material must have been something unique. There appeared to be some other mechanism behind the keyhole, but without the key, Fan Xian had no idea what that mechanism even looked like.

Fan Xian had tried various means to get acquainted with the old eunuch Hong from the palace. However, he discovered something: While he had made a name for himself in the capital, he was still far from reaching the top. Both the eldest and second princes were trying to win him over for the sake of Fan and Lin manors; he himself wasn't worth the hassle. The palace itself didn't need to see civil servants, so he couldn't even go there.

Besides, it was inconvenient for Wan'er to enter the palace, so there wasn't anyone who could help Fan Xian. It would be extremely difficult for him to even get to know Hong Siyang, never mind getting him out of the palace like Wu Zhu said.

When the second prince visited on behalf of Prince Jing, he once asked through other people if he could get to know Hong Gonggong that way, but Li Hongcheng kept shaking his head. That old dog only lay around in the empress's palace; he would never venture out.

"It looks like we must change our plan." With a smack, Fan Xian kicked the chest back where it was. He looked at Wu Zhu who was standing in the corner, as though falling asleep, and said, "I have no way of making Hong Gonggong come outside the palace."

Wu Zhu slowly raised his head, "I can lure him out, or, you can try to find the key in the palace."

Fan Xian was greatly frightened. He was only above a fourth-rank, not yet a sixth-rank in martial arts. For him to sneak around the palace would mean certain death. But he squinted and thought the plan as being the most feasible at the moment. After all, while Wu Zhu said his "potential" was Level 3, he managed to kill Cheng Jiushu, meaning that Wu Zhu overestimated his assessment and thus underestimated Fan Xian's ability to use zhenqi. Of course, Fan Xian couldn't say that out loud.

"If it really is that risky, why must I find this key?" This question had been on Fan Xian's mind for a long time. "If it's just to satisfy curiosity, such risks aren't worth it."

"Don't you want to know what the Lady left you?"

"I do." Fan Xian sat with his head hung low. "But I believe that my mother wants me to live happily and safely. If something she left me were to put me in danger, perhaps, she would not want that."

Wu Zhu also hung his head low. The black blindfold seemed to blend into the night. While he wasn't "looking" at Fan Xian, Fan Xian could still feel a chill.

"You are satisfied with your current life."

Wu Zhu's voice was without emotions; he rarely used such rhetorical questions. Rather, he was stating a fact. Startled, Fan Xian thought back, especially on the summer days. He seemed to have been genuinely enjoying the riches and authority and stability of the life of a rich son.

"But you can't control your life." Wu Zhu continued coldly. "All that's in front of you is planned by Cheng Pingping and Fei Jian."

Fan Xian felt a chill in his heart as he understood what Wu Zhu meant. Despite living a second life and seeing the highs and lows of the world, Fan Xian was still having a hard time believing what Wu Zhu said. He lowered his voice and asked, "I can't trust even them?"

Wu Zhu's voice only got colder. "Trust no one; that's the way I do things."

"That would make life difficult." Fan Xian closed his eyes, as if trying to imitate a life in eternal darkness.

"What would you do after they die?" Wu Zhu rarely asked questions, but now that he did, he attacked Fan Xian's weakness.

Fan Xian frowned, "I understand."

Wu Zhu didn't care for his declaration and continued to speak in his expressionless voice, "What protects you isn't some secret plot, not authority, not anything. Only power can protect you; you must remember that."

Fan Xian stood up from beside his bed and respectfully saluted this servant, this teacher, this elder brother.

"I don't know what the Lady left you in that chest, but I do know that you must obtain the power to protect yourself, the power to make your enemies quake. Determination is a form of power itself, which is why I want to you find that key."

"Yes. I'll do it."

When Fan Xian raised his head, Wu Zhu had once again disappeared into the darkness. In over ten years, other than the time he remembered back on Fan Xian's mother, Wu Zhu rarely spoke this much.

Fan Xian realized what Wu Zhu meant. The prosperity of the capital eats away at the body and soul; it really created a hint of weakness in his calm and strength which he had polished from a young age. This was a warning, warning him not to rely on his family's authority and his mother's legacy. Even though he had been recently training hard with his zhenqi, trying to become familiar with the three poison needles on his body, it was as Wu Zhu said—his heart was no longer as resilient as when he was in Danzhou.

Only his own powers could protect everyone around him. A child without a mother is like a lone shoot of grass. However, even a long shoot of grass would need to grow out of the crack in the rock without caring for sunshine or rain. He would have to thrust his root deeper and make his stem sturdier. That's what Fan Xian would have to do.

Chapter 128: That Chilly Royal Palace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The eastern skies were already dyed red. From behind the still-sleeping clouds, the sun slowly crept up, casting its light upon the biggest building complex in the capital. The palace walls, which were even redder than the dusk, observed the crowd in the public square silently and terrifyingly. Fan Xian was among that crowd. He gazed up at the walls and gazed down at the gates, which reminded him of the mouth of a monster. He couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Like every other person in this world, Fan Xian viewed His Majesty with absolute awe. But awe did not equal complete obedience, neither did it represent a total lack of rebelliousness. On that, Fan Xian was different from others. The palace gatekeeper nodded a bit pridefully after checking everyone, and only then was Fan Xian allowed to walk in.

Today was full of formalities. The order came yesterday from the palace summoning the eighth-ranked functionary. Fan Xian was busy all night and was able to determine how many people would be present. Naturally, Fan Jian would not be there. There was a lack of women at Fan Manor, so the distant relatives in the capital from the great Fan clan all volunteered to accompany Fan Xian.

Fan Xian had never seen such a scene before, so Fan Jian denied the relatives their wishes. It was ultimately decided that the one to follow Fan Xian into the palace would be Lady Liu, Fan Ruoruo, and two old nannies. Those two nannies were from Fan Xian's grandmother's time in Danzhou. They knew well all the palace rules. The fact that Lady Liu agreed to come seemed to have been unexpected for Fan Xian. However, she had been keeping in touch with a few esteemed ones from the palace since she was young, so she was more than just a guest. With her by his side, Fan Xian's trip to the palace would likely be much smoother.

Light yet chaotic footsteps echoed through the tunnel. It was a long tunnel; even the sun at dusk could only illuminate half its length while the other half stayed exceptionally dark. A gust of cold wind blew in, forcing the people to close their eyes. It was merely September, but this wind gave them a taste of late autumn.

Fan Xian inconspicuously touched his belt and felt the few pills, which were smaller than soybeans. Feeling assured, he knew the security would be extremely tight, which was why before leaving the manor he hid his crossbow and dagger in his room. But what Wu Zhu told him had been carved into his memory. Even if the palace was the safest place in the world, Fan Xian still made sure he had some means to protect his own life.

Humans are strange animals. And when together, they form a strange herd. Walking beneath the quiet palace walls, their steps began to synchronize, rising at the same time, and falling at the same time. The young eunuch leading the way was no exception. The rhythm was like someone plucking a ukulele.

Fan Xian suddenly felt quite unpleasant and forced himself to break free from the synchronized footsteps. He pulled his sister's sleeve and said quietly, "I'm a bit nervous."

Fan Ruoruo smiled, trying to offer some encouragement. But that young eunuch turned around, displeased, and frowned at them. Lady Liu said gently, "The palace isn't like other places. Watch what you say."

The eunuch wasn't all that good-looking, and his frown only made him look worse. Hearing Lady Liu, he momentarily became full of himself. Where is this place? This is the royal palace, of course. Fan Xian forced a smile. Unexpectedly, Lady Liu continued, "But you don't need to be so nervous. I've been visiting this palace since I was little. Back then it was Eunuch Hong who led the way. Now that job is left to such youngsters. Oh, how time flies."

Hearing this, the young eunuch dared not act self-important anymore. He turned and quickened his pace. He thought he was only leading some commoners, not regular visitors.

The palace was massive. After exiting the tunnel, a large square greeted them. The morning sun was directly above Taijin Palace. Its yellow roof tiles glistened, and the roof was supported by great pillars. Its long stone steps resembled a white path leading to the Milky Way. The whole scene invoked extreme solemnness.

Fan Xian squinted at the buildings in front of him. Suddenly, he started to wonder if he had arrived in the Forbidden City. Perhaps because of that absurd thought, his nervousness died down ever so slightly. Afterwards, Fan Xian finally returned to his normal demeanor; the same he assumed when he first entered Fan Manor. With a bright smile, he looked around at the various palace girls and eunuchs. He occasionally looked up at the roof of some unknown building, wondering who lived there.

The young eunuch leading the way saw it all and shook his head. Lady Liu smiled faintly, as if it couldn't be helped. This young master was the fearless type after all.

The reason for today's visit was simple: a talented young man of such reputation was about to marry Chen'er. The ladies of the palace wanted to see what he looked like.

While the reason was simple, the process was beyond complex. The party from Fan Manor got up early to clean and dress themselves. Then they got to the palace just as the palace gates opened. After that, they waited in a room in the corner, waiting to be summoned by one of the ladies. They could wait, but those ladies from the palace weren't the type of people who would do the same.

And so, Fan Xian sat in the room by the corner, drinking high-class tea from the palace. Because he woke up so early, he felt drowsy. Lady Liu looked at him, and then stood up with a smile on her face. She said to the eunuch who had been leading the way, "Eunuch Hou, it's been some time." As she said it, she handed him a silver tael.

Watching this secretly, Fan Xian smiled. Such a method was sure to be the result of his father's influence; paving one's way with money.

That Eunuch Hou, however, made an uneasy expression. He said politely, "Madam Fan, you might as well slap me in the face. You grew up together with those masters in the palace. How can someone like me receive charity from you?" Lady Liu couldn't help but laugh, "It's merely a gift. What are you afraid of?"

Eunuch Hou chuckled, showing his wrinkles. He said quietly, "Those masters knew you are coming today, so they never had the intention to make you wait. Rest assured. It's only still too early. They're most likely getting washed up now. Please, have a seat."

Fan Xian's ears twitched as he heard the words "Madam Fan". It looked like the palace found out about the matter Lady Liu becoming Count Sinan's proper wife. Upon hearing that those in the palace were still getting ready for the morning, he smiled bitterly. He thought they were much too early.

It was wise of Count Sinan to let Lady Liu accompany Fan Xian. Long before the morning court began, the three members of the Fan family already entered the back palace. The two nannies waited outside. At least they had fine tea and water. They were used to these kinds of palace customs, so they knew how to stay occupied.


They first visited Yi Guipin. She was the birth mother of the current third prince, and she was a talented woman, which was how she came to receive the title of Guipin. Fan Xian was very well-behaved. He saluted her. He heard a gentle voice: "You may rise."

This Yi Guipin possessed a plain demeanor, but there was something more, something different from Fan Xian's expectations of her being graceful beyond words. Even more unexpectedly, Lady Liu began to tear up as she looked at Yi Guipin. After exchanging greetings, they both cast away formalities and held hands together without saying anything. Fan Xian looked at his sister confusedly, but Ruoruo's expression was calm and unsurprised.

Only after listening to them talk for a bit did Fan Xian learn that this Yi Guipin was Lady Liu's younger cousin!

Fan Xian was greatly shaken as he now realized how deep the Liu bloodline flowed. It was fortunate that he decided to try to appease her after coming to the capital, and that she had been rather kind to him. Had there been any serious conflict, who knows which side would end up dead!

"You never visit me." Yi Guipin wiped away her tears. "It's been four years; how could you leave me alone in the palace? Last time I went through all that trouble to get permission for you to come in, and you refused. I was so depressed."

A look of sadness flashed across Lady Liu's face. She stayed silent for a while before saying quietly, "It's my fault. It's all my fault."

She wasn't looking at Fan Xian at all, but Fan Xian noticed her slightly thin shoulders. Upon hearing "four years", he quickly thought back to the assassination attempt in Danzhou. According to what his father said, Lady Liu was only a scapegoat. The real culprits were the two women considered to be the "noblest" in the palace. Lady Liu hadn't been to the palace for four years. Could it be because of them?

"I'll visit often from now on." Lady Liu smiled warmly as she held Yi Guipin's hand. "I came today, didn't I?"

Yi Guipin laughed and said lightly, "If it weren't for your household's young master marrying the dearest girl in the palace, how could I possibly hope to see you?" She then turned towards Fan Xian and asked gently, "So, you are Fan Xian?"

Fan Xian quickly stood up and gave his friendliest smile. He greeted her, saying, "Aunt Liu, I have come to pay my respects."

That sentence was very inappropriate! The eunuchs and palace girls were all stunned. Even Lady Liu was taken aback, thinking "I'm not your mother." But Fan Xian continued to shamelessly build up this relationship, which happened to suit the tastes of Yi Guipin, who was tired of the formalities in the palace. Yi Guipin looked at Fan Xian with a bright smile. "I knew you were such a good child."

Chapter 129: The Imperial Concubines

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There were many things in this world that made no sense, but to be considered a good son after simply saying a few words struck the soon-to-be 17-year-old Fan Xian as particularly nonsensical. The royal palace was indeed greatly different compared to other places. The judgments of the lofty nobility always seemed very random, and relied on their own particular preferences.

Although Fan Xian was not aware of the family relation between Lady Liu and Yi Guipin, it did not stop him from realizing from Lin Wan'er's words that Yi Guipin was a most favored concubine. Otherwise, she could not have given birth to this eight-year-old prince, raised under the Emperor's instructions to cultivate himself mentally and spiritually and to avoid all things effeminate.

Chatting idly in the palace, Yi Guipin seemed to genuinely like Fan Xian, and she looked more and more pleased. Fan Xian was aware of the need to be tactful, and he told a few jokes that he remembered from his previous life, in response to which the palace hall suddenly erupted with the sound of laughter that tinkled like silver bells. Fan Xian discovered that the concubine Yi Guipin had a thoroughly open and candid temperament. He did not know how she could keep this kind of disposition within a palace where she could not show her face, and he felt a measure of surprise and appreciation for this.

After they had exchanged a few pleasantries, the sun had already risen. "And the Third Prince?" asked Lady Liu with a smile. Yi Guipin sighed. "That child is still utterly afraid of strangers. As soon as he awakes he withdraws to the back of the palace hall and refuses to come out. He can only be convinced to show his face when it's time to eat." Lady Liu tutted and laughed. "Of course, the Third Prince is still shy with us."

Despite the differences in their status, Lady Liu and Yi Guipin had a sisterly relationship, so their speech did not seem particularly formal. Yi Guipin extended a slender forefinger. The fingernail, painted a beautiful red color, was pointed at Fan Xian. "Isn't this one from your family shy too?"

At that moment, a bashful smile crept across Fan Xian's face as he responded to Guipin's words.

"Very well. Sister, will you and Ruoruo keep me company?" Yi Guipin was seemingly aware that Lady Liu did not wish to see the Empress and the Eldest Princess, and decided to ask her to stay a while as a guest. "Those ones in the palace would be happy if I simply had Xing'er lead Fan Xian inside."

Lady Liu's brow creased slightly, and she spoke with respect. "That will not be possible. Today we received an imperial command to enter the palace. I fear visiting concubine Guipin first will no doubt provoke the ire of the other consorts, so I must enter the place. To not visit the others would be disrespectful, I fear." Hearing this, Yi Guipin sniffed and cleared her throat. "I can see that you do not wish to go. The summons was for Fan Xian. Stay here and chat with me, I shall make sure that no one in the palace makes any thoughtless remarks."

Yi Guipin was a cheerful woman with a touch of naiveté. But in her anger she appeared very imposing, and so the entire palace would quiet down. Fan Xian cleared his throat. "Aunt... mistress, I am happy to go by myself. Stay with your cousin and talk a while."

Hearing him say this, Lady Liu agreed, and the palace girl named Xing'er escorted him out of the hall. Reminding him of some matters that he should take note of, and not seeming to notice that Fan Xian was giving her the cold shoulder, she spoke with a voice like a mosquito. "Everything in the palace has been put in order. Someone will be there to greet you at each palace, so you don't need to worry too much."

Fan Xian felt a shiver, and as he responded, he turned around to see that his little sister had followed him out and was looking at him with an encouraging expression. For some reason, he felt warmer. He smiled. "The mother-in-law meeting the son-in-law. The more people see of me, the more they like me, to say nothing of my own handsomeness. It cannot be very difficult to handle a few complaining women in the palace."

Once the Emperor's potential son-in-law had left Yi Guipin's room, Lady Liu had said a few words of warning to Fan Ruoruo, and then gone into an inner room with Guipin. Yi Guipin looked her faintly in the eye. "Four years ago I urged you not to listen to advice from the palaces. Now, Fan Xian still lives, but you put a chill in Count Sinan's heart. You are truly intelligent. Why did you get involved in such a mess?" Lady Liu was at a loss for words, and said nothing for a long while. Her expression gradually showed more and more hidden bitterness as she spoke softly. "You are aware, as mothers, must we not think of our children? The Third Prince is young, and you can still stay out of it. In a few years, perhaps you will understand why I made the mistake that I did then."

Xing'er was a fair-faced young girl, probably around 13 or 14 years old. As Fan Xian walked alongside her in the palace grounds, he found that she kept her head lowered. He couldn't help but ask. "Can you see where you're going?" Xing'er giggled, revealing her teeth like fragments of jade. "Master Fan, we do not talk within the palace." Fan Xian forced a smile and shook his head. He knew that palace customs were strict, but he had not imagined that even this young girl would be keeping to them so strictly.

Fan Xian followed behind Xing'er, looking over the clothes she wore as a palace maid. His gaze fell upon her still-undeveloped waist, and quickly moved to the buildings of the palace grounds. There was a smile on his face, but his mind moved quickly as he tried to commit all of the myriad paths and views to memory in preparation for the future.

They went through flowers and trees, stepping on stone and grass. The palace was large, but they would eventually reach their destination; although there were many halls, not was all of them were so great as to inspire awe. Looking on the quiet courtyards, Fan Xian sighed deeply, following Xing'er the palace maid. This was the residence of Concubine Shu, the mother of the Second Prince. It seemed that she was particularly fond of peace and quiet, and her courtyard was decorated simply yet elegantly. Save for a few blossoming trees, there were no other decorations. The path was covered by bamboo with hanging screens, which covered everything inside, but the hanging screens could not hide the smell of burning incense.

"I have come to pay my respects to the imperial consort."

"Master Fan, please be seated."

There were no unnecessary pleasantries. Fan Xian and Concubine Shu sat, separated by a hanging screen; there was no omen to it. Suddenly, Concubine Shu spoke in a clear voice. "Ten thousand sorrowful autumns always a guest. Master Fan, in your youth you spent most of your time in Danzhou. Could it be that you feel that you are merely a guest in the capital?"

Fan Xian was stunned. He answered firmly, and with this as a starting point, he sat and pontificated with the imperial consort; they spoke of countless verses of various scriptures, until they both found their mouths feeling parched, after which they said nothing, but felt a quiet, mutual understanding. Fan Xian had some lingering fears. He had not expected that the Second Prince's mother would be such an intelligent woman with such exceedingly ferocious knowledge. He almost found it difficult to deal with. He could not help but wonder what sort of princely son such a woman could have raised.

"Do not worry." Concubine Shu was a gentle sort, and through the bamboo hanging screen, Fan Xian could see a wooden hairclip on her head, its simple neatness quite incompatible with the ostentatious palace. "Wan'er has grown up in the palace. Before His Majesty adopted her as his daughter, we idle women treated her like she was one of our own. There is no one in the palace who does not feel a fondness for her. Seeing as you wish to marry this most precious jewel of the palace, we cannot help but watch carefully."

Fan Xian felt a trickle of cold sweat go down his back. Although he already had an understanding, only today did he really get a feel for his fiancée's position within the palace. Concubine Shu was gentle and mild, and seemed quite satisfied with Fan Xian's style of conversation. Having spent the midday with him, she allowed Fan Xian to leave, but before they separated, she spoke to him quietly. "In the palace we are fond of reading, and His Majesty has gathered some precious books for me. I have allowed the people of the palace to choose some of these precious books to copy. Master Fan, as you are now going to visit the other concubines, I shall have someone send one to Yi Guipin."

Fan Xian felt a shiver go down his spine. He knew that this was a generous gift; he knew that the imperial consort was sending this gift on behalf of the Second Prince. He did not say anything, and with a deep respect he departed.

After leaving Concubine Shu's courtyard, Fan Xian wiped the cold sweat from his brow. Xing'er, the palace made who acted as his guide, felt somewhat familiar with him, as she bounced along on tiptoe, she turned around to look at his face. "Are you not warm today?" she asked with curiosity.

Fan Xian forced a smile and shook his head. He had assumed that his visit to the palace today was a matter of etiquette; he had not expected to find himself even more nervous than if he were taking the imperial exams. He presumed that the concubines were curious as to who Lin Wan'er would be marrying, and so would want to look into Fan Xian's literary and martial abilities. Carrying on, the two came to the mother of the Great Prince, Ning the Talented. Fan Xian knew that although her status was not high, and was only the rank of "talented", he learned from Wan'er that this was because she was from Dongyi, and so Fan Xian took pains to show her the utmost respect.

Ning the Talented was approaching her forties, but she was still very attractive. Her face had the softness that women from Dongyi had. Over the past few years, the Great Prince had been fighting the barbarians on the western border. She had no other children, and inevitably felt somewhat lonely. Luckily, Lin Wan'er had frequently come to her palace to play, so her feelings toward Lin Wan'er were not the same as the other concubines. She regarded Fan Xian with her elegant, almond-shaped eyes and spoke coldly. "So you're Fan Xian." Fan Xian knew that this woman had saved the Emperor's life on the battlefield, and had raised a prince who was a fine warrior. She was indeed a formidable woman, but he felt no great surprise and replied calmly. "I am indeed, your grace."

"Hm." Ning the Talented looked Fan Xian up and down, and to his surprise she said very little. "Treat Wan'er well," she said coldly.

Fan Xian liked this feeling of efficiency. "Do not worry, your grace," he responded happily.

"What happened at Niulan Street was odd indeed," she said, taking measuring of him. "I cannot believe that you were capable of killing an eighth-level master," she harrumphed coldly. "You look so thin and weak. It does not look as if you had a martial upbringing." Fan Xian was taken aback. Could it be that just as he had triumphed as a scholar, he also had to triumph as a warrior? But she was a forty-year-old woman. There were differences between masters and servants, and differences between men and women. She would not go so far as to attempt to attack him, would she? "But since Ye Ling'er has admitted that she cannot match you, then I shall reluctantly accept it too. Very well, in that case, go along to the other palaces. Don't dawdle." Having said this, Ning the Talented said nothing more and ushered him outside.

Fan Xian rubbed the back of his head and stared at the closed wooden door. His Majesty was truly a fortunate man to be able lie next to such a colorful set of women. There was the cheerful and naive Yi Gupin, the gentle and smart Concubine Shu, and then there was the uncivilized Ning the Talented? But he had known beforehand that Concubine Shu had been a thoroughly intelligent woman. Perhaps Ning the Talented was coarse on the outside yet delicate on the inside. And then there was the enigmatic Empress. For His Majesty to live in harmony for so many years in the palace with all these women showed that the Emperor of Qing was a man of quite some skill.

To say the least, Fan Xian pondered whether or not he had such skills.

Chapter 130: My Hand Running Through Your Black Hair

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Still making his way through the palace, Fan Xian saw a number of the other concubines, said a few words to them and received their blessings, and could not help but feel rather bored. But he did not show it on his face in the slightest; this was the palace, and who could say which figure this or that eunuch reported to, or which palace maid, gathering willow branches, was someone's trusted confidant? If they had seen the frustration on his face, they would have relayed it to their masters, and their masters would whisper it into the Emperor's ear. And what then? Even if he had drunk tea and chatted with His Majesty, he could still find himself in trouble.

But when he thought of the figures he was about to visit, Fan Xian calmed himself. With some gloom and painstaking effort, he met their glances with smiles, as though he looked forward to meeting them. Yaohua Palace was much larger than the other palace courtyards. It clearly showed the status of the person who lived inside: the Empress of the Kingdom of Qing, mother of the nation.

Fan Xian had not expected his audience with the Empress to have concluded so simply.

The Empress had a gentle smile upon her face, and her words put Fan Xian at ease. Looking on the Empress's beautiful and noble features, with her eyes as serene as still ponds, Fan Xian responded with sincere respect. An absurd feeling welled up in his heart. The elegant and exquisite bearing of this woman put him at ease with every movement she made. And yet, four years ago, she had wanted him dead!

He kneeled before her, his forehead touching the floor as he kowtowed. Fan Xian left Yaohua Palace with an uneasy look on his face; his meeting with the Empress had begun simply and ended quickly. Since he could conceal his mood as if there were nothing out of the ordinary about it at all, the Empress, watching Fan Xian, felt not even the slightest unease. Fan Xian smiled; the corners of his mouth were slightly open, but his heart was cold. Perhaps he had overestimated his own importance; perhaps the attempt on his life four years ago was of little importance to the nobles of the palace.

He waited at the gate of Guangxin Palace, the court eunuch who had followed the whole time cautiously and solemnly behind him, not daring to utter a word. The palace maid Xing'er also stood out. She spoke in a low voice. "Please enter, Master Fan."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows. Was it not against custom for him to enter unescorted? If the Eldest Princess were to have him murdered, then who would intercede? Was that not what had happened to Lin Chong?[1] But he knew that there was nothing to be scared of now; the eunuchs and palace maids were afraid of the Eldest Princess for no reason, and nothing more.

The Eldest Princess, Li Yunrui, had a somewhat masculine name. But she was a weak and delicate person, so it was only a facade. She had many different positions: true controller of the royal purse, former lover of the Prime Minister. She was the most capable political advisor of the Prime Minister, she took precedence over the concubines, and she was the beloved daughter of the Empress Dowager.

And for Fan Xian, she held two more roles: first, she was his personal enemy who wanted him dead; second, she was also his future mother-in-law.

There was a chill through Guangxin Palace. By day, the palace gate would not be closed. Anyone who stood outside the gate could see the white plum blossoms planted within, the secluded and heat-loathing orchids, the yet-to-bloom daisies. Within the palace, one could see a number of white muslin curtains lightly fluttering; the whole thing had the purity and softness of some fairytale world. Fan Xian looked coldly upon it all. It was as if he had been infected by the atmosphere of the palace. A palace maid in her twenties appeared at the gate and gave a slight salute to Fan Xian.

Her eyelashes were long, and although her expression was cold, her words and her movements were still thoroughly polite as she respectfully welcomed Fan Xian inside the palace.

The white muslin took him somewhat by surprise as he walked through it. There was even more fine silk in Guangxin Palace than there had been in the rear garden of Prince Jing's mansion. There was something unusual about the decorations that surrounded him. It seemed inconsistent with the stately atmosphere of the palace; it was more like this was the bedchamber of a little girl. Behind the layers and layers of muslin curtains was a low daybed, upon which reclined a woman wearing a light pink cheongsam skirt, propping her chin up on her arms. Naturally, her waist showed slightly, and her countenance was picturesque, yet with a look of tender shyness.

This was the first time that Fan Xian had laid eyes on the Eldest Princess, his mother-in-law. And just like so many of the other times when people had first laid eyes on Li Yunrui, the Eldest Princess, he was stupefied, unsure whether the woman before him was real or whether she was a character from a painting, or some kind of water nymph.

The Eldest Princess was 30 years old, but she had the air of a shy 16-year-old maiden. Her countenance, and the long black hair that reached over her hands on the daybed, was enough to excite the yearnings of all the men in the world. Fan Xian was stunned. Sixteen years of training his mentality in Danzhou allowed him to remain calm in the face of this wondrous meeting, but he still could not deny that his mother-in-law, although she resembled Wan'er, was much more beautiful than her own daughter.

Though Fan Xian remained calm, he did not want to call her his mother-in-law; it seemed calling her this way would not be appropriate for a woman of her natural beauty. The Eldest Princess fixed Fan Xian with a look that seemed indecipherable; shyly provoking his affections, her delicate lips parted as she spoke. "Please take a seat. I have something of a headache."

Fan Xian looked around, slightly uncomfortable. The Eldest Princess was talking nonsense; in the entirety of the expansive Guangxin Palace, there was not a chair to be seen. In his bewilderment, he heard the Eldest Princess gently speak again. "Master Fan, I hear that you are an accomplished physician. Wan'er's health has improved greatly these past few days, all thanks to you."

Fan Xian quickly bowed in response. "Your Highness is mistaken in her praise. It is the imperial physicians who have seen to her with utmost care; I have simply suggested a few folk remedies."

"Oh?" The Eldest Princess extended her slender fingers and rubbed her temples, which turned red as she brushed them with her fingertips. "Is there a folk remedy for a migraine? My head has pained me so lately."

Fan Xian had heard from Wan'er that the Eldest Princess suffered from chronic headaches; he had also heard the Crown Prince mention it the last time he was on vacation at the country estate. But Fan Xian also took note of how the Eldest Princess was referring to him and to herself; with just these few words, she had seemed particularly affectionate toward him. Fan Xian smiled. "There are many different kinds of headache. My master's lessons were in themselves a kind of headache."

They were weak words, but amusing; the Eldest Princess smiled a weak and charming smile. Fan Xian knew that his connection to Fei Jie was no great secret within the capital, and there was no way he could conceal it from the Eldest Princess, so he decided it was best to bring it up.

"Is there really no way to treat it?" The Eldest Princess could speak of nothing else but headaches, and her face was filled with delicate weakness. "I have been in absolute agony for days."

Fan Xian lowered his gaze slightly and tried to calm his spirit. "I have studied a number of forms of massage. Although this would only treat the symptom and not the cause, it would have a comforting effect."

The Eldest Princess's eyes lit up. "Then try it, quickly," she said gently.

Fan Xian forced a smile. "I... don't know if that would be appropriate."

The Eldest Princess stifled a giggle. "Who would have thought that the renowned and talented Master Fan would be such a stickler for customs? Leaving aside the expedient treatment of maladies, in a few days you will be my son. What do you have to worry about?"

Fan Xian watched her maiden-like demeanor, and then remembered her true age. Such a thing would have brought about some feeling of disgust in him, but as he looked at her soft and smooth cheeks and her delicate brow, he found it hard to feel any antipathy. But when he heard the word "son", he felt a chill in his veins. His face remained calm as he responded. "How could I disobey the commands of my elders?"

A eunuch brought a copper basin filled with fresh water. Fan Xian carefully washed his hands and slowly came to the Eldest Princess's side. He sighed deeply and calmed himself, trying not to let his gaze fall on the slightly exposed pale skin of the nape of her neck beneath the Eldest Princess's long black hair. He steadily reached out his hands and placed them on her head.

His fingers ran through the Eldest Princess's hair, which ran gently past his fingertips, tickling them slightly.

Fan Xian thought it best to close his eyes, and imagine that he was just like Wu Zhu, his eyes covered by a length of black cloth, his fingertips feeling along the Eldest Princess's hairline, then moving gently upward, his thumbs pressing her temples, his forefingers rubbing her brow, confirming the position of the space between her eyebrows.

He pressed it forcefully. The Eldest Princess was apparently unprepared, and she groaned softly, unsure whether it was her headache or the pressure.

Fan Xian remained calm, relying on his knowledge of the acupuncture points of the human body, slowly and steadily rubbing her head. Every touch of Li Yunrui's head with his fingers was steady.

"Hm." The Eldest Princess frowned, unsure whether she was being rash. She hadn't expected this young man's hands to work so well. His fingers seemed to bring about a tiny flowing stream, which massaged at the source of her pain, and with each press of his fingers she loosened more and more. Her thoughts gradually relaxed, and she grew sleepy.

"Did Fei Jie teach you this too?" Her eyes were half closed, and she leant on the daybed, her crimson lips parted slightly, speaking without thinking.

"Master Fei taught me how to manipulate acupuncture points." Fan Xian's fingers were still smoothly and steadily moving across her flesh, and his voice did not tremble in the slightest. "But I learned this massage method myself." A long illness can turn a patient into a doctor, they say, and in his previous life, as he had lain in his sickbed, he had in the beginning fostered extravagant hopes of being able to stand up again one day. So that cute nurse had often helped him massage his feet and the rest of his body. Eventually he had given up hope, but he still remembered the methods of massage.

"It's rather nice," said the Eldest Princess as her eyes began to close under the young man's gentle, relaxing touch.

There was silence in Guangxin Palace. The Eldest Princess's eyes were shut, her long eyelashes rested on her fair skin, trembling slightly. Suddenly, she spoke. "If you are to marry Wan'er, you must forget that incident four years ago."

Fan Xian's fingers stopped moving, pausing on a point below her ears. It looked nothing out of the ordinary. But it was a potentially fatal acupuncture point.

[1] Lin Chong is a character in Water Margin, who is tricked into entering White Tiger Hall with a weapon in his possession and is arrested.

Chapter 131: The Rush Back to the Manor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It occurred only for only an instant, but Fan Xian quickly began moving again with a smile, though his voice sounded a bit surprised. "Four years ago?"

The eldest princess grinned, her lips forming an aesthetic curve, as if cursing the young man in secret. She changed the subject, asking, "When did Fei Jie began teaching you?"

Fan Xian knew she was probing him, his expression unchanged., "When I was little." It was a very vague answer, but due to the eldest princess's status, she couldn't pry any deeper. She gave a fake laugh and said, "If they didn't know Fei Jie is your teacher, I think many in the palace would never have realized how close the Fan household was to the Overwatch Council."

Fan Xian's grip began to relax, though he remained cautious with responses. "I'm not all clear on that either; maybe Father and Mister Fei knew each other in the past."

Eldest Princess said softly, "Of course they do. During the first northern campaign, your father and Fei Jie always followed Lord Brother into his military tent. It would be strange for them to not know each other. But I was still young back then, so you wouldn't know such things."

"It is as you say." Fan Xian knew better, so he only smiled and didn't say anything. But Eldest Princess seemed to have entered a chatty mood and asked, "How is your grandmother?"

"She is doing well."

"Oh, I haven't seen her in a long time," the eldest princess continued softly. "Back when I was little, your grandmother was my favorite. Whenever Elder Brother tried to bully me, she protected me."

Fan Xian thought to himself with a smile, "If grandmother knew you'd be trying to kill me now, she'd probably beat you to death with that stick back then."

" I believe Sir Fan has already explained to you in detail what His Majesty has intended." The eldest princess spoke on such serious topic with her sweet tone. The contrast made Fan Xian shudder.

Fan Xian frowned slightly without having the princess notice; he knew she was referring to the matter regarding the inner treasury. Playing dumb wouldn't help him now, so he said, smiling, "I await His Majesty's and Your Highness's arrangements."

"Oh? I heard you recently opened a bookstore and a tofu store in the capital." The eldest princess couldn't help but gave a beautiful smile. "Rich sons like you, most of them are useless, only knowing how to talk. They would never get things done. You can go into business to prepare for your future running the inner treasury; I admire this about you very much. Although I must say, the tofu shop just sounds like you're messing around."

Fan Xian could only chuckle; he didn't know how to respond to this.


"Truthfully, I want to kill you." The atmosphere had just gotten somewhat peaceful, but with such words, it immediately turned cold like the northern front, freezing everything in the palace. Even the white silken screens which were gently blowing drooped down.

Fan Xian still kept his smile, although he shifted back his feet into a steady stance from which he could quickly react.

The Overwatch Council already found out the relationship between Wu Boan and this woman. Since she tried to kill Fan Xian two times already, a third time wasn't impossible.

Of course, he came here on Imperial orders. No one should be crazy enough to do anything to him while in the palace. But ever since entering the palace of the eldest princess, her looks, along with her demeanor and her tone, gave Fan Xian chills.

The woman seemed insane!

At that moment, Fan Xian was still massaging the eldest princess's head. While she had ordered this, while he was to marry her daughter, there was still the difference between both men, as well as women the status between them. What if this woman framed him for a misdemeanor and had him executed? What could those who had his back do? He couldn't even save himself if that happened.

Fan Xian knew very well that in this world, the scariest ones were children, women, and the insane, because those three groups of people could not be dealt with using logic and could not be rationally analyzed. Furthermore, there was the danger of grave consequences. This extremely beautiful woman right now was all three combined.

While this vicious woman was highly aware, her actions were a bit childish, and her methods a bit crazy, making her more unique and terrifying than anyone else.

It was at that moment that a few palace girls walked in, all wearing tight-fitting, pomegranate-colored uniforms. Which their clothes accentuated their curves, the tightness also made it easy for them to move. There was something wrapped around their waists. To Fan Xian, who had been familiar with assassination techniques for over ten years while in Danzhou, he was able to recognize the flexible yet sharp belt-swords at the first glance!

However, his fingers still calmly massaged Eldest Princess just below her ears. He asked with a smile, "Why does Your Highness wish to kill me?"

"Many people believed I have the reason to kill you, a good reason at that." Eldest Princess's eyes remained closed, as if she didn't at all fear that Fan Xian would suddenly retaliate and kill her under his hands.

Fan Xian only half lowered his head and didn't respond, as if distracting himself by focusing on his fingers. Actually, up until now, his eyes too were shut.


Guangxin Palace was now silent enough that one could hear the ghost of a cat. The palace girls slowly walked up to the princess. Fan Xian still kept his eyes closed, only his head leaned just a tad to the right.

"Mister Fan, please clean your hands." From somewhere, the palace girls got him a wash basin of warm water and a towel.

Fan Xian opened his eyes and saluted the eldest princess, signaling his massage was over. He then thanked the palace girls with a smile and dipped his sore hands in the warm water. After drying them on the towel, he bowed. "Does Your Highness feel better?"

Eldest Princess Li Yunrui looked at Fan Xian with a forced smile, her weak gaze held a hint of cowardice. But Fan Xian knew, this woman was the most terrifying person in the world.

"Much better." Eldest Princess sat up straight and brushed her fingers through her hair. Half lowering her head, she said gently, "I never thought Wan'er's future husband had such a talent. Honestly, you make me… unwilling."

Fan Xian respectfully stood in silence, daring not to utter a single word. He knew that, facing a woman like her, anything he say would result in serious complications, therefore it's better to play the speechless role.

"You may leave, I'm getting bored." She then continued softly, "Tell Sister Liu I'm disappointed that she didn't come to see me today."

After Fan Xian respectfully made his exit, one of the palace girls who was closest to the eldest princess came forward and asked, "Princess, should we end him?"

"It was merely to entertain him, or else this life in the palace would be way too boring." the eldest princess stretched with the charm of a cat. "This young man really surpassed my expectations. He was able to endure and conceal very well, like he's thirty or forty years old."

The eldest princess didn't really want to kill him today. But seeing Fan Xian being cautious about every step while not exposing a single weak point made her ache. After all, she's the type of woman who viewed struggles as a game. From what Fan Xian could imagine, plus her status in the palace, had Fan Xian made a single misstep, she probably really would have ordered him killed.

The princess took a side glance at the palace door draped by white silk. She smiled strangely, thinking, "You tilted your head just as you were preparing to make a move. What did that mean? I am curious, Fan Xian… how did you grow up? Such a shame." No one knew what was a shame. Perhaps this woman felt bad for Fan Xian for postponing the inevitable?

Fan Xian grew up playing with poison, which was why he thought the eldest princess was a rare and virulent poison. She had proven to be with a most difficult opponent for him to deal with. Having come out of Guangxin Palace, he looked at the sleeping palace girl Xin'er and said coldly, "It's time to go back." Then he made his way back to Guipin Yi's palace. Amazingly, he didn't get lost.

Only now did Xin'er discover this Mister Fan's back was drenched in sweat, leaving a dark mark on his light azure shirt. He looked rather pathetic.

Having left the palace complex and gotten on the carriage, Fan Xian's face was a bit pale. He placed his hand on the pills in his belt and laughed at himself, not knowing whether he was simply being careful or cowardly. If the eldest princess really wanted him dead, why do it in Guangxin Palace?

"How did it go?" Fan Ruoruo looked at her brother with concern. There was no way for her to know how taxing the interaction in Guangxin Palace had been for Fan Xian. She thought he was simply tired from visiting the various Ladies.

Fan Xian shook his head with a smile and quickly delivered the Ladies' greetings to Lady Liu. He then hurriedly asked the carriage to return to the manor. Both Lady Liu and Ruoruo looked at him in curiosity, unable to understand why he was in such a hurry.

The carriage arrived at Fan Manor. Fan Xian apologized to Lady Liu first before taking a hold of Ruoruo's slightly cold hand and taking off with her towards the backyard. A short while later, they had sprinted to the book chamber.

Struggling to catch her breath, Fan Ruoruo managed to ask, "Brother… what… are you doing?"

Chapter 132: Startling News of Lord Yan in the North

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian had no time to explain. "I talk; you write," he ordered with a smile. There was no time to grind down an ink stick. He picked up a goose-feather brush, dipped it in ink, and gave it to his sister. He closed his eyes tight and began to recall all of the complicated and scattered pathways that he had taken through the imperial palace.

Fan Ruoruo's face got paler and paler as she wrote. The amount of effort Fan Xian was expending on recalling his memory also made him increasingly pale; both brother and sister turned white as a sheet. With difficulty, Fan Ruoruo traced out the pathways of the imperial palace. Finally, she couldn't stop herself from asking in a low voice, "Brother, you do know that this is conspiracy to treason, don't you?"

Fan Xian calmed himself and sat down on a chair, saying nothing for a long time. He had spent most of the day in the palace, swapping pleasantries with the nobles and committing its twisted pathways to memory, finally confronting the eldest princess; it had taken its toll on his mental state, and for a while, he could not rouse himself from his sluggishness.

He was naturally acquainted with the laws of the Kingdom of Qing, and he knew that the palace would not allow maps to be made of its buildings; this was to prevent anyone from attempting to break in in secret and get up to anything seditious. Fan Xian needed this map because he had already made a plan: that evening, he would sneak into the palace and find the key.

He could have taken the route that he took to sneak in and see Lin Wan'er, but it was too dangerous, and the path that the palace nobles walked was a different route to the one that Fan Xian had carefully planned. Even if Wu Zhu had told him how to do it, it would not work - if he had not personally walked through those hiding places behind the rocks in the garden and those blind spots among the flowering shrubs, he could not create the map he had created today, which he was fully satisfied with.

Fan Xian stood up and took his sister's drawing from the table. Although it had been hurried, he found that her penmanship was still meticulous, and he could not help but pat her on the head happily. "We're finished here," he said. "Let me take you to Yi Shiju for some seafood."

Fan Ruoruo, angered, snatched the map from his hand. "We're finished here? What's finished!? Do you know how serious this is? This won't do. I'm telling father."

Fan Xian laughed bitterly. The idea of the Emperor's inviolable sovereignty really did lodge itself deep in people's hearts. Of course, he also understood that his sister was deeply concerned for his safety and for the future of their family. If anyone had found out about this map they had secretly made of the palace, it could do great damage to the relationship between the Fan Manor and the royal family.

"Don't worry. I'll take a moment to hide this right away, and then I'll burn it. Nobody will know." Fan Xian smiled as he consoled his sister.

Anxious tears welled in Fan Ruoruo's eyes. "Brother, why do you want this map?"

Fan Xian sighed. He lowered his head to look his sister sincerely in the eye and spoke slowly and carefully. "Because there is something in the palace that I want."

"You want to go into the palace to steal..." Fan Ruoruo was so surprised that she wanted to shriek, but she quickly covered her mouth.

"Right, but it's not stealing," he said earnestly, "because it's something that belongs to me."

Fan Ruoruo shook herself from her shock, and quickly returned to her usual cool-headed intelligence. Judging the truth of the matter, she tried to stop her voice from shaking. "Is it... something to do with Lady Ye?"

Fan Xian smiled. "I can't hide it from you." Those few words were filled with mutual understanding between brother and sister. "There's no harm in telling you what kind of person your brother is," he continued, smiling. "Punching a seven-year-old child, kicking a 70-year-old man, standing on a grave mound and howling, people who refuse to obey me stand up, and as a result, no one dares to say a thing. Haha."

Ruoruo smiled, though a little uneasily. There was little that was amusing about her brother's joke, and she was still rather nervous. She knew that Fan Xian looked handsome and gentle but had a heart of ice, and could not be persuaded of anything. One could only let him do as he pleased and pray for him.

"In truth, I am quite selfish." Fan Xian saw the worry lines on her brow, and suddenly reflected on himself calmly. "Whenever there is something I am having trouble with by myself, I always want to tell you. It appears to be trust, but maybe it's really that I want to find someone to share the pressure with. But I never thought about it before. For you, the pressure is overwhelming, but at least I still have you to turn to. But who are you going to tell? And what? That my mother is Lady Ye? That I'm going to steal something from the palace."

Ruoruo looked at him, slightly distressed. "Trust and pressure cancel each other out. I would still prefer that my brother did not hide things from me."

The negotiations were still ongoing, and the work of demarcating the boundaries was extremely taxing. Originally, supported by Fan Xian's analysis, the officials of Honglu Temple had taken a hard line and had almost pressured the emissaries of Northern Qi into signing their agreement several times. But for some reason - perhaps something had happened within the Kingdom of Northern Qi - the emissaries of Northern Qi had shamelessly, even hysterically, backtracked. It seemed as if they were waiting for something.

This air of conspiracy was quickly ferreted out by the highly-experienced official Xin Qiwu of Honglu Temple. That afternoon, after the conclusion of another round of fruitless talks, he took hold of a teapot, glanced at Fan Xian, and indicated to him to follow him outside. All along the way, officials saluted the two of them respectfully. With some difficulty, they finally came to a quiet place. Xin Qiwu sighed, somewhat tired. "Master Fan, does something seem strange to you?"

Fan Xian had maintained the proper attitude for these negotiations, being there to learn and simply act as window dressing. But he had been involved since the beginning, after all, so something did seem strange about the behavior of the emissaries from Northern Qi. But if their counterparts had just gotten ahold of some sort of reliable bargaining chip, then they should have come out with it rather than dragging their heels in such an inappropriate fashion. He thought for a moment, and suddenly frowned. "Perhaps Northern Qi is now thinking of a way to obtain some bargaining chips in order to make things more convenient at the negotiating table."

Xin Qiwu looked at him and nodded. "I thought the same thing. So tonight, I am going to seek an audience with His Majesty and ask him to issue a decree ordering the Overwatch Council to assist Honglu Temple in our work. I won't rest easy until I can find out what Northern Qi is really thinking."

Fan Xian leant on the railing and squinted as he pondered. What was it that Northern Qi wanted? It didn't make sense. Suddenly, something occurred to him, and he thought about the Overwatch Council's spy network in Northern Qi. He thought of Yan Bingyun, who had been hidden away in Northern Qi for four years.

Xin Qiwu was unsure what Fan Xian was thinking. "I'll go to the palace this evening," he said, "but there is little I can get from them openly. Vice Envoy Fan, this time you can't avoid doing what you don't want to."

Fan Xian forced a smile. Xin Qiwu no doubt thought that his father had secretly helped him to get ahold of the dossier last time, but heaven knew that the power that his father secretly exercised on behalf of the Emperor was something that even he had never been in contact with. But thinking for a moment, he felt it really was necessary to ask. At least he could ensure that Yan Bingyun was safe in Northern Qi.

That night, in that hidden courtyard, Fan Xian summoned Wang Qinian and told him of Xin Qiwu's worries. The face that Wang Qinian made in response struck Fan Xian as something of an inauspicious sign.

"The Council has not received a letter by raven for eight days now," said Wang Qinian with a worried frown. "This is information that you should not know at your level." Fan Xian smiled and shook his head. "But I won't ask you how you know about it. I would just like you to remind the Council to ensure that things are safe in Northern Qi."

Wang Qinian shook his head. "All connections are singular. If one is severed, it is hard to restore it. What's more, Master Yan is head of the spies in Northern Qi. If anything happened to him, getting in touch with him again would be a problem.."

"Regardless, I would like you to remind him to stay safe." There was a slight coldness in Fan Xian's eyes. He did not like the prospect of leaving someone behind for the benefit of the nation, particularly Yan Bingyun, the son of a high official, hidden away for four years, having sacrificed so much. Fan Xian now saw himself as part of the Kingdom of the Qing, and part of the Overwatch Council. He found that he felt an involuntary admiration for Yan Bingyun, the spy that he had never met.

Fan Xian thought of something else. He looked at Wang Qinian with a calm gaze. "There is something I must do, but I can't go through the Council. I was hoping that you could help me."

Wang Qinian looked at his superior with some confusion.

"You can't report this to Director Chen," Fan Xian said calmly. But Wang Qinian heard the coldness behind it.

"Yes." With a word, Wang Qinian knew that he was placing his and his family's lives entirely in the hands of this seemingly gentle and yet utterly ruthless young man. As for the Council - Director Chen had ordered him to do everything that Master Fan said. He hadn't said anything else.

That evening, the sad news was confirmed. The overwhelming majority of the spy network that the Overwatch Council had installed in Northern Qi had thankfully managed to remain in place. But no one could have anticipated the spymaster Yan Bingyun would be captured alive by palace guards in a fabric shop in the capital of Northern Qi!

This sort of thing usually happened when an underling had opened their mouth and the network had been traced to the top. It was very rare to see a high-level spy arrested in such a fashion. For such a thing to happen, there was only one possibility - someone in the high ranks of the Kingdom of Qing had connections to a foreign country.

Of course, the news that Yan Bingyun had been captured could not be allowed to spread. Although it would no doubt bring about a great blow to the prestige of the Kingdom of Qing, it would not be in Northern Qi's interest to do so. Northern Qi needed to use this spymaster for their own benefit, not to merely strike a blow to the enemy's morale.

As far as the Qing bureaucracy knew, the son of Yan Ruohai, head of the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council, had died four years ago. No one knew that he had been dispatched to Northern Qi by the royal court.

Over the next few days, anyone who knew of the incident didn't sleep well at night

In a secret room in Honglu Temple, Xin Qiwu closed his eyes as he passed the piece of paper to Fan Xian. Fan Xian took it and looked over it. It was a painting of a thin cloud floating high above an icy plain. One of the emissaries had secretly slipped it into Xin Qiwu's hand during the negotiations that day. The look on his face as he did so had almost made Xin Qiwu want to take out one of the guard's swords and plunge it into him.

It was a painting of ice - bing, and a cloud - yun. It seemed that the emissaries had already received word, and were preparing to negotiate.