
Chapter 171: The Powerful Minister Takes to the Road

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

None of the scholars paid much attention to Yang Wanli's strange behavior. Even the citizens of the capital passing by the riverbank barely gave him an odd glance, because this sort of thing was common in the capital, particularly when the results of the yearly civil service exams were posted. Next to the vermilion wall of the exam hall, there was always bound to be a few madmen.

The faces of the scholars on the bridge who had come to see the scroll varied greatly. Some were excited; others were disappointed. Those who had passed looked up at the sky and yelled; those who had failed sank to the ground, their heads hitting the floor. All kinds of facial expressions could be seen, and it was hard to say whether the whole thing was rather comical. Some of them howled miserably, clinging to the locust tree next to the vermilion wall and rubbing their faces against it until their cheeks were rubbed raw and bloody, leaving the other fellows to try to drag them reluctantly away. It was a thoroughly miserable sight.

The imperial exams were how the Kingdom of Qing chose its scholar-officials. Those who were not of high birth could not be awarded the special exam, so as far as the common-born scholars were concerned, the Emperor's proclamation after the civil service exams was the only way they could change their lives. This sort of pressure and power was enough to turn the most cultured and refined scholar into a deranged lunatic. Compared to some of the successful scholars who were frenziedly kowtowing toward Heaven to show their gratitude, Yang Wanli was practically reserved. He had only yelled twice.

Of course, this had only made the other three's silence more conspicuous.

They waited for Yang Wanli to calm down, and excitedly returned to the vermilion wall. Once the three of them had read over the whole proclamation, to their surprise, Shi Chanli's name was not on it. But Cheng Jialin's name had appeared on the final line, which lessened their feeling of despair.

Cheng Jialin couldn't hide his excitement, but looking at Shi Chanli's disappointed face, he tried as hard as he could not to let it show too much. "So you didn't make it this year," he said, comforting him. "There's always next year."

It was a well-worn platitude, but in these sorts of circumstances, it seems that it was the only thing he could say. Shi Chanli laughed bitterly, looking at the other crestfallen failed scholars around him. Trying his hardest to hearten himself, he laughed. "Out of four of us, three of us passed. That's really great. Comapred to the previous years' exams, this year the list is much fairer. As for me, I've got some thinking to do."

Hou Jichang nodded and gently patted Shi Chanli's shoulder. He knew that he was the most easygoing of the four of them, but he had still taken a hard blow today. Changing the topic, he smiled. "I don't know how young Master Fan did it, to protect so many people. From what I can see, the list of names is very different from last year. There are a lot more genuine talents, and a lot fewer incompetent fools who depend on their family backgrounds."

"It's probably got to do with the Overwatch Council looking into the exam hall scandal." They had walked to a quiet place further down by the riverside and sat down. They still kept their voices low, worried that they might cause trouble for their great benefactor Fan Xian.

Hou Jichang shook his head. "Although they arrested a great number of officials this time, apart from a handful of scholars from the south, no other scholars were caught. From that I presume that Master Fan Xian had already made his arrangements before the Overwatch Council had made their move." He shook his head, laughed bitterly, and sighed. Fan Xian really did have strong and stable footing if he could pull off such a strategy in the one of nation's great ceremonies. But it seemed that he had not been mistaken in his appraisal of Fan Xian. The list of names this time did seem much fairer.

The group also talked about matters in the capital. Quite a few officials had lost their posts over the past two days; everyone in the bureaucracy was afraid, and Fan Xian seemed to have great confidence in himself. At that moment Shi Chanli, who had been silent, spoke. "As I see it, Master Fan can't distance himself from the exposure of this scandal."

The other three were shocked, and muttered to each other. "If that's true, then Master Fan... is even more extraordinary than we thought."

Of course Fan Xian couldn't hide his connection to the exposure of the exam hall scandal, but the Overwatch Council had acted in a perfectly appropriate way. Although Guo You, Director of the Board of Rites, had fallen, the Eastern Palace had not suffered too much damage, so the Crown Prince could only have his suspicions about Fan Xian, and nothing more. And when it came to the list of successful exam candidates, of the ones that the Eastern Palace had demanded, three of them had succeded. Compared to the Great Prince and the Bureau of Military Affairs, it was already a good result.

Fan Xian sat in his study, looking at the copy of the list of names that Wang Qinian had brought him, and frowned. The capital had not been peaceful these past two days. Director-general Guo You, a chief examiner, and a supervisor had all been invited to "go out for tea" by the Overwatch Council, and he himself was a proctor; he had been the one who had been in charge of the crucial step of pasting over the names, and yet he had not had any trouble. Anyone who used their head could begin to guess.

But he was also quite happy. The students who he had supported - apart from Shi Chanli, whose temperament he had liked the most - had all managed to make their way onto the list of names. As for the results of the highest-level palace exams, that was dependent on the individual's luck; he had no way to help them too much there.

He left the study, and caught sight of a blue-green silhouette walking along. He yelped and prepared to run back into the study to hide. Who would have thought that his father would suddenly come to his own house today?

Fan Jian, Count Sinan, was now officially the Minister of Revenue. But there had been little change in his worried expression. He coldly pushed open the door to the study that his son had not quite managed to close in time and walked inside. "Did you go out last night?" he shouted in a stern voice.

Fan Xian forced a smile and bowed to his father. "Father," he replied, "it was raining last night, so I wanted to go out for a walk."

"You thought you could hide the fact that you went to Tongfu Tavern!"

Fan Jian sat down. Hearing his voice, Lin Wan'er hurried in from a side room, and quickly ordered a servant girl to serve her father-in-law some tea. Fan Jian looked at his daughter-in-law warmly and smiled. He waved a hand to indicate that she should go back to her room and rest. Then he turned to Fan Xian. "This business with the exam hall is linked to a number of very complicated affairs," he said in a voice as cold as ice. "You acted very rashly. I let you stay in the manor, and you hide yourself away from trials and hardships. Then yesterday you go to Tongfu Tavern to visit a group of scholars. Today their names appeared on the royal proclamation, where everyone can see them. How do you think this makes you look?"

Fan Xian smiled. "Though I am young, I borrowed the identity of a schoolmaster to see if the exam candidates were ordinary people. As for the proclamation... everyone knows how it works. There's no need to be concerned."

"But the Overwatch Council has been investigating the scandal, and the pretext for that was the slip of paper that you handed them," said Fan Jian coldly. "For your safety, if you really want to work for the benefit of the nation, then you shouldn't be placing your own men as third-rank exam candidates. If you only want to use the civil service exams to build up your on strength, then you shouldn't have betrayed Guo You."

Count Sinan looked at his young son for some time. Then he sighed. "No matter where you are, there are always rules – in the capital's bureaucracy even more so. There are clean officials and there are corrupt officials. There are ministers who slander others, and those who speak frankly before the Emperor. These are two entirely different paths. If you wish to be an official who speaks frankly, then you must not walk the path of the slanderer."

Hearing the way his father spoke, Fan Xian knew that the old man was angry. "I do not wish to be a minister who speaks frankly," he replied warmly. "Neither do I wish to slander others. I want to be a minister... with power."

Having said this, the air in the study suddenly seemed thick and cold. After a long time, Fan Jian finally spoke faintly. "A powerful minister? What kind of minister can be thought of as powerful?" He shook his head, and a strange smile floated across his face. "The Prime Minister has power, a father has power, Chen Pingping has power. But do you really believe that this kind of minister can be considered powerful?"

"They cannot," replied Fan Xian calmly, "because power lies in the hand of the Emperor."

"Then what sort of powerful minister do you want to be?"

"One with power in my hand, who has nothing to worry about." Fan Xian spoke sincerely. "I want to be a powerful minister whose life and death cannot be decided even by the family of the Emperor. I have the ability to protect myself, but not the ability to protect those around me. So I need power."

Fan Jian looked at his son. His worry showed in his eyes. Fan Xian could not help but laugh. The reason he had chosen to walk such a dangerous and dull path was naturally because of the darkness deep in his heart.

Some time later, there was a coldness in Fan Jian's eyes. "From now on, don't cause such trouble. Chen Pingping can protect you for a while, but he can't protect you forever. So I'm warning you, don't get too close to the Overwatch Council."

Fan Xian lowered his head as he received the advice. "I understand. Sometimes I need you to remind me, father." He knew that his father had always feared the consequences of him taking over the affairs of the Overwatch Council, but Fan Xian was not willing to renounce it.

Fan Jian slowly closed his eyes. "You have not handled matters well this time. Even if Guo Baokun speaks up in the palace - as you have guessed, the Guo family were on the Eldest Princess's side - you should not make a move yourself. If you had told me in advance, then – using the strengths of the Prime Minister and me – we could have used the pretext of the exam scandal to eliminate him, and would not be in such an impossible situation, like we are now."

Fan Xian knew that his father was right. He had taken a risk in getting the Overwatch Council to handle Minister Guo, and it could only bring about openness as a result. Nobody knew what could happen behind the scenes, as the initiative was with the Council. He thought for a moment before he spoke. "In truth, I was only doing the things I wanted to do."

It was perhaps a cheap feeling of righteousness that many people would hold in contempt, but Fan Xian still stuck to it. Now he was worried what Chen Pingping's plans would be.

Seemingly having guessed what his son was thinking, Fan Jian opened his eyes. There was a comfort in his gaze, with a hint of worry. "You can give up your delusions. Chen Pingping will no doubt let everyone know that the exposure of this scandal was the work of the eldest son of the Fan family."

Fan Xian laughed bitterly. He knew his father was right; Chen Pingping did not fear the Crown Prince in the Eastern Palace. So long as he allowed him to establish his own reputation, and so long as he let him draw closer to taking control of the Overwatch Council, then he could do anything.

Before he left his son in his study, Count Sinan spoke calmly. "Be more mature in your affairs from now on. You can keep this childish talk of being a powerful minister to yourself. You don't need to tell me."

Chapter 172: The Counterattack of the Capital Officials

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

One day near the end of February, a rumor began to circulate within the political circle in the capital. The Overwatch Council was able to act so swiftly and precisely all due to a blacklist. And that blacklist was provided to the council by this year's proctor, young Sir Fan who was also known as the "Poet Sage". Supposedly, Sir Fan Xian felt the misery of those diligent scholars and could not tolerate the amount of cheating that had been going on; he was angry at this infringement of justice, which was why he didn't mind stirring up the political circle, enraging those above him, and obtaining that blacklist.

It was an absurd rumor. With Fan Xian's legendary wisdom and courage, that list somehow became the darkest slip of paper in the capital, despite not being much of a secret to begin with. Fan Xian was able to recognize the intent of this with one glance; it was a rumor stirred up by those from the eighth bureau of the Overwatch Council.

As soon as the rumor came out, Fan Xian became a thorn in the foot of every official at the Board of Rites. On the other hand, however, his reputation in the eyes of the common people and scholars just increased a step higher. While the Imperial College and Tongwen Institute kept quiet so far, Fan Xian had now firmly become admired by all scholars.

Fan Xian adjusted his clothes and mocked himself. "Isn't this too new?" He then gently tapped his sister's face, which was full of worry. "What are you worried about? You brother belongs to the most powerful faction in Qing." His voice was light and his words strange. Ruoruo was only able to understand what he meant on the surface.

Lin Wan'er didn't hear him speak; not that she would have understood anyway. But she wasn't worried. With a warm smile, she tied the jade ruyi scepter--given by empress dowager—and some other accessories to her husband's belt. Pretending to dust them off, she said, "Come back early."

Just as Count Sinan said, Fan Xian was too immature in the way he did things, and he left behind many loose ends. Now that the rumor was out, the entire capital was shocked. All eyes were on Fan Xian. Those behind the cheating case, while they were weary of Fan Xian's background at first, were now gradually beginning to move. This morning, there were already some young imperial censors suspecting Fan Xian himself was involved in cheating and other immoral deeds.

Fan Xian was getting ready to go out. He had to go to the Ministry of Justice to be interrogated. Even though the cheating case was being investigated by the Overwatch Council, the officials who had suffered by the investigation didn't want the council to deal with Fan Xian. The Ministry of Justice wasn't very close with either the Prime Minister or Fan Jian.

Walking out of the courtyard, Sisi greeted him. "Have a good journey, Young Master." Staring at the maidservant whom he hasn't seen for a while, Fan Xian laughed. "We talked about this when we were younger, saying 'good journey' is bad luck." Sisi reconsidered. "Then, Young Master, please don't stay out too long."

"Okay. Make some millet porridge for me. Add some sweet chestnuts from Danzhou. I haven't eaten something you cooked in so long." Fan Xian suddenly turned to ask, "What's the progress on the things I told you to copy?"

Recently, Fan Xian didn't know what to do with Sisi, whom he had grown up with. He didn't want her to keep being a maidservant in Fan manor, so he asked her to help him copy books. Sisi rarely had a chance to talk to the young master in the past few days, so naturally she was a bit unsettled. Hearing her young master's question, she answered proudly, "I'm almost done."

"I see. Good." Fan Xian nodded and was on his way. He said to his wife and sister, "See? The maidservant I brought up is different than the rest. Ruoruo, she was much calmer than you are."

Slightly worried, Fan Ruoruo said, "That's because Sisi doesn't know how serious today is."

Serious indeed. By exposing this case, Fan Xian made many his enemy. Many officials at court wanted to sue him, disregarding their relationship with the Prime Minister and Count Sinan.

Walking out the front gate, the always quiet street was now crowded with people. The officials who had come to apprehend him had troubled expressions on their faces. They stood behind a stone lion, looking like thieves. Outside the gate was Fan Sizhe with a team of guards waving around broomsticks aggressively.

There were also common people who came after hearing that Fan Xian was to be interrogated; they already knew Fan Xian was behind the exposure of the cheating scandal. Being simple folks, they wouldn't think any deeper than that. To them, Fan Xian was learned and a genuinely good person. They all felt he had been wronged.

Standing at the front gate, Fan Xian looked at the crowd with a smile. Upon discovering most of the people were young scholars, he knew Chen Pingping's method was taking effect. In a low voice, he said to Teng Zijing, "Where are Shi Chanli and the other three?"

"Young Master, as per your orders, they're under the secret protection of Council agents. Sir Wang Qinian suggested that they be sent to King Jing so that those rotten officials at court wouldn't frame you. In my humble view, Young Master wouldn't want to link anything to Crown Prince Jing, so I refused."

Fan Xian looked at Teng Zijing in surprise; the bodyguard had foreseen a scenario Fan Xian hadn't. Sending those four to King Jing appeared to be a safe move, but in the eyes of the Eastern Palace, this case would no longer be about Fan Xian's sense of justice and His Majesty's wishes, but rather wanting to support the Second Prince and defeat the Crown Prince. If that happened, Fan Xian's relationship with the Eastern Palace would be torn beyond repair.

Seeing Fan Xian walk out made the crowd of scholars burst out in cheers. They rushed forward, shouting their firm admiration and support.

Fan Xian smiled and waved, like a superstar from his former life. He said quietly to Teng Zijing, "Scholars are too naïve; that's their biggest problem."

Teng Zijing chuckled and said nothing. Fan Xian suddenly laughed too. "If the opportunity arises in the future, will you become an official outside the capital? With some hard work, I think I can guarantee you a sixth or seventh-rank."

Teng Zijing was shocked. While he had read some books, he had been a bodyguard all his life. Why did Young Master Fan bring up becoming an official? He then immediately realized that the Young Master probably wanted to have trustworthy subordinates in various counties of Qing. He replied, "If you wish it."

"If I wish?" Fan Xian laughed, "It's a shame there's no Baling county in Qing."

Fan Xian's face was flawless. His smile was like sunshine, or a gentle breeze in spring. It calmed the hearts of all the scholars present. As the "Poet Sage", this was what he should look like.

Fan Xian then rubbed Fan Sizhe's head, and told him to not cause a ruckus. Finally, he greeted the officials from the Ministry of Justice and boarded his carriage.

The crowd gradually thinned. The scholars chased after the carriage. No one noticed another heavily guarded carriage departing from Fan Manor. That carriage was headed toward the palace, and in it sat Lin Wan'er. She had planned it out with Fan Xian last night. Today, she would go to the palace and explain things to everyone there in order to mediate a bit.

Fan Xian, meanwhile, walked to the main hall of the Ministry of Justice. The hall was a bit shaded, with wind rushing in. Despite it being spring, Fan Xian felt chilly. Even so, he smiled and saluted the three men sitting high above him, "It is an honor to see you again, my lords."

The spring examination cheating scandal was a major incident, and Fan Xian was heavily involved. Besides the Director of the Ministry of Justice, two high-ranking officials from the Supreme Court and the censorate also came. On both sides of the hall were the officials from the thirteen branches of the ministry. Together, they were a terrifying sight.

Fan Xian frowned when he received no reply to his greeting. A while later, there was the call to order. Director Han Zhiwei asked coldly, "You who are standing there; are you the fifth-ranked Fan Xian from Imperial College?"

Fan Xian was far from the newborn calf that had just entered the capital and responded to everything with a smile. He gave the director a look and replied blandly, "Yes, I am."

"You are summoned here today to answer some questions regarding the spring examination."

Fan Xian chuckled. "From my knowledge, the cheating scandal is being taken care of by the Overwatch Council. I didn't know the Ministry of Justice was also involved."

Hearing such a disrespectful comment, the three officials became angry. They knew the one standing before them was a big character—backed by a prime minister and a high minister. He had also won the hearts of the scholars because of this scandal. This Director Han Zhiwei of the Ministry of Justice always emphasized being just and impartial. He very much detested such spoiled fronts. "I am carrying out Imperial orders. Do not try to evade our questions."

Fan Xian shook his head, "I am not trying to evade anything. I really don't know why I have been summoned here. If it's about the details of the case, I must apologize in advance. The Overwatch Council set strict orders that I not disclose any details of the case before it's concluded."

The vice-minister of the Supreme Court chortled. "You won't even answer the Imperial court?"

"The Overwatch Council is a part of the Imperial court, and the Ministry of Justice is another part of the Imperial court." Fan Xian sighed. "You all must know that this case involves many people. I really don't know how to handle it. It's not explained in Qing's lawbook either."

Chapter 173: Debate

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As soon as he opened his mouth to retort, the three stately officials were at a loss. The three looked at each other, seeing their opponent's resentment. Fan Xian had had Guo You removed from his post with no regard to the rules. In truth, it had provoked the ire of many an official in the capital. Thankfully, the majority of officials did not dare do anything out of consideration of the Prime Minister and Minister Fan.

But these three officials each had their own backers, and each had their own interests and schemes.

Some time passed before Han Zhiwei, Minister of Justice, suddenly spoke coldly. "Yesterday, the imperial censor gave the order to impeach you, as you are aware, Mr. Fan."

"I know of the matter, but not in detail," replied Fan Xian calmly.

Han Zhiwei glared at him. "Fan Xian, do not be so arrogant simply because of your reputation as a talent and the support you have behind you. And do not presume that I will believe that you exposed this scandal simply out of dedication to the nation and its people. If you cannot explain clearly your despicable behavior regarding the civil service exams, then do not blame me for not treating you kindly."

Fan Xian frowned. "Sir, there are some problems with what you say. If I did anything during the exams, would I really be willing to take such a risk to bring this before the court? As for 'despicable', I could say the same for you."

"The audacity!" The three officials denounced him. In all their years in the capital, they had never seen such an arrogant youth. Han Zhiwei's whiskers shook as he reprimanded him. "Do not presume that all of the capital's officials fear those who stand behind you. I have headed the Ministry of Justice for eight years, and I stand on the side of righteousness, not your methods of flattery and threats."

Fan Xian laughed. "If you care about the truth in investigating this matter, then why are you so impassioned in discussing such things? I truly do not understand."

Han Zhiwei's anger turned to laughter. "Very well," he said, "then I ask you: on the 26th of February, did you or did you not visit the Tongfu Tavern?"

Fan Xian knew they were asking about that rainy day. He smiled. "That is correct."

"And did you or did you not meet with Yang Wanli and his three other associates?"

"That is correct."

"Before Yang Wanli entered the examination hall, did you or did you not whisper something to him?" "That is correct."

"You acted as proctor in that exam. Sealing examinee's names on their papers to prevent fraud is a great responsibility... so I ask you, did Yang Wanli enter the third rank of candidates?"

"That is correct."

"Outside the hall that day, many people have affirmed that they saw you catch Yang Wanli smuggling notes in with his clothing. Why did you allow him to enter the exam hall?"

Fan Xian smiled to himself. He had explained the silk robes to Wang Qinian, allowing Yang Wanli to be ruined. "That did not happen," he said, without the slightest hint of nerves.

"It didn't?" asked Han Zhiwei angrily.

"That is correct."

"Very well. Then I ask you: on that day outside the hall, many other candidates were caught carrying objects that would allow them to cheat. Did you still allow them to enter?"

Fan Xian trembled slightly. He knew that on the small end of the scale, this was not considered an issue, but if his opponent got hold of him, he would not let go. This was somewhat troublesome. But he remained unflustered in his reply. "That is correct."

"Very well." There was a flash of color in Han Zhiwei's sallow, haggard face as he glared at Fan Xian. "Since you have admitted to it," he said coldly, "we have no choice but to send you to prison, pending more detailed enquiry."

"What have I admitted to?" said Fan Xian, surprised.

Han Zhiwei frowned. "You have admitted everything that I have asked you. It is all clearly visible, fifth-rank Academician Fan Xian. As proctor of the civil service exams, you secretly colluded with candidate Yang Wanli to abuse your position for personal gain, ignoring the laws and decrees as well as the will of the Emperor. Your conduct was truly reckless."

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes at the minister. "To what have I confessed? Correct, on the 26th of February, I met Yang Wanli. That was because I appreciate his scholarship. At that time, the scandal had already been exposed. If I truly had contempt for the law, then how could I meet with him that day? And our meeting place was indeed the Tongfu Tavern, where many other scholars were gathered. Do you think I would not fear the gossip of others present?"

He smiled. "Since I dared to go, though I dare not say this proves the honesty of my intentions, how can you decide that I colluded with Yang Wanli on the basis of this? Sir, you know that the first time that I met Yang Wanli was outside the exam hall. If you are saying that I colluded with him in advance, that is a grave misaccuation."

"Then how do you explain your decision to allow him to enter the exam hall with smuggled notes?"

Fan Xian frowned. Too many people had seen it at the time. This was all because he had not taken the civil service exams seriously. His behavior had been truly arrogant. He had no choice but to shake his head. "Because I received orders from the Overwatch Council to observe corrupt officials within the exam hall, so it was no good to save a little only to lose a lot. As for the details of my reasoning, you may write to the Overwatch Council and ask that they explain the particulars."

Han Zhiwei groaned with anger. The Overwatch Council was the Emperor's own spy agency; how could he question it? The more he looked at Fan Xian's handsome face, the angrier he felt. He brandished his judge's rod, and called out in a loud voice: "Very well, since you are not willing to admit it—guards! Beat this shameless criminal for me!"

"There will be no beatings!"

Two people had shouted those words in the hall. One of them was a Commandant of Justice. He forced a smile as he tried to persuade the Minister of Justice that before them stood no ordinary son of a nobleman. Beating him was out of the question. The powerful people who stood behind him would find ways to teach them a lesson. Who would dare beat him for his crimes?

After Minister Han had calmed down, he recaleld that Fan Xian was not only the son-in-law of the Prime Minister and the son of a minister, but also a favorite official of the Emperor. As he worked in the Six Ministries, there was no way Han Zhiwei could not have known of Lin Wan'er's identity. After he had been roused by his colleagues, Han Zhiwei could not help but frown. If he really were to have Fan Xian beaten, he would have no choice but to explain it to the other nobles of the palace.

Shortly, after, the three officials were somewhat curious. Who was the other person who had shouted "there will be no beatings"? They looked down into the hall, and saw Fan Xian looking at them with an innocent face.

The Commandant of Justice was somewhat amused. He couldn't help but ask. "Why can there be no beatings?"

"I am from the family of a successful exam candidate. According to the law of the Kingdom of Qing, I need not kneel, and when questioned, I cannot be tortured arbitrarily. Thus, you cannot beat me. Otherwise, if a future imperial censor should take an interest and find that Minister Han has not observed the laws of the kingdom, then what does that mean for me?"

One of the officials investigating the case, Guo Zheng, from the censorate, was a distant relative of Guo You. He was the sort of person to take the initiative. Hearing the barbs in his opponent's words, he could not help but laugh coldly. "Master Fan, not only are you a talented scholar, but you are also very familiar with the law of the Kingdom of Qing," he said quietly. "But you should know that there are 15 great crimes mentioned in the legal commentary of the kingdom, for which we may disregard the customs you mentioned." The imperial censor naturally also did not truly dare to torture Fan Xian, but he was willing to use words to threaten him, taking out the officials' frustrations over the past few days.

Fan Xian shook his head, his face remaining innocent. "I still cannot be beaten."

Out of the three officials, the Commandant of Justice was the one who was least involved in the exam hall scandal. He could not help but feel curious. "Speaking of great crimes, young Master Fan, you are still not willing to argue for yourself. Why can you not be beaten in this court?"

Fan Xian was still playing with words. It would be better to bring up the tricks of the Overwatch Council. "The matter is classified," he replied earnestly. "I have not received authorization from the relevant office of the Overwatch Council, so I cannot speak in detail."

The investigation into the case was truly sullen. The three officials looked at each other, seeing the fear and anger in each others' eyes. If they couldn't beat him, then how could they get Fan Xian to confess? The masters who stood behind each of these officials wanted to see Fan Xian suffer. They saw no basis for allowing him to return home.

At that moment, a worried old man ran in through the curtain at the side of the room, and whispered something into Justice Minister Han Zhiwei's ear. Han Zhiwei's face suddenly changed. There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, but still a hint of visible fear.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes as he watched his face. The powerful zhenqi in his body began to circulate, but all he could make out in Han Zhiwei's reply was a few phrases, and among them were the words "Eastern Palace", spoken fiercely. He didn't know who had given him the information, nor what could have made the Minister of Justice so fearful.

At the same time, two pieces of paper were placed into the hands of imperial censor Guo Zheng and the Commandant of Justice. Guo Zheng looked at the paper, his face unmoved, while the Commandant of Justice's face betrayed slight shock. The Commandant thought for a moment, then stood up and cupped his hands in salute to the two officials. "I must answer the call of nature. Sirs, if you will investigate, I will return soon."

Fan Xian was shocked. What piece of paper could scare the Commandant of Justice so? Before he had come to the Ministry of Justice, Fan Xian had understood that the Minister of Justice seemed to be an equitable and incorruptible sort. But in truth, though he was the Eastern Palace's man, the Commandant of Justice was on very good terms with the Qin family in the Bureau of Military Affairs. And Guo Zheng, the imperial censor, had had some sort of unclear relationship with the Eldest Princess in his youth. If Fan Xian had not had the terrifying strength of the Overwatch Council at hand, he would not have known of such hidden relationships.

After a moment of consideration, there was a sudden shout in the hall. "Guards! Academician Fan Xian is causing chaos in the court! He is involved in the scandal. He has committed the 15 great crimes! Beat him!" Minister Han Zhiwei's face was contorted, and he seemed to have made a major decision.

The Commandant of Justice had already slipped away. It seemed he knew that there was about to be a dangerous situation, and his master did not wish to offend the Fan family and the Prime Minister. Fan Xian's eyes were cold as he glared at Han Zhiwei. "Minister, do you intend to have me confess under torture?"

There was viciousness in the eyes of Guo Zheng, the imperial censor. "Beat him!" he yelled.

Two staves smashed into Fan Xian's fragile shins. The thirteen offices of the Ministry of Justice were accustomed to doing this sort of thing. Staves were inelegant, but swift and fierce.

Fan Xian's face went white. He did not attempt to avoid them. There was a cracking sound. The pants on his legs did not shield him from the blow - it wasn't his shin bones that his broken, but the two staves that had cracked in the middle, leaving only splintered wood!

Chapter 174: Chaos in the Ministry of Justice

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian took a deep breath, and allowed the powerful zhenqi in his body to begin slowly circulating. His clothes began to ripple, and the ruyi scepter fastened to his waist, a gift from the Empress, began to flash. He looked coldly at the bailiffs of the 13 offices who surrounded him. He knew that today was not going to go as he had planned. As his opponents had dared not to allow the Prime Minister and his father to save face, and had indeed ordered people to beat him with staves. It was certainly simpler than using torture!

He took two steps forward, and kicked the two staves to pieces. He looked coldly at the two officials who tried to remain calm, and knew that he had made a huge mistake: he had forgotten about that madwoman, far away in her fiefdom of Xinyang. But he wasn't sure whether Han Zhiwei was involved in all that, and whether it was the Crown Prince who had been angered by his behavior, or the Empress who had learned of some terrifying things.

It had been some time since the incident at Niulan Street. The picture of Fan Xian that people in the capital had was one of a talented scholar-official. It seemed they had forgotten that he was an expert martial artist.

The people gathered in the courtroom were shocked. There was the sound of a knife being unsheathed, a terrifying sound, and countless blades were pointed toward Fan Xian, who stood proudly in the middle of the hall.

The punishment staves used by the 13 offices of the Ministry of Justice were specially made. The average seventh-level master, beaten with such staves, would cry out in pain. But no one knew how forceful the powerful zhenqi in Fan Xian's body was. He did not attempt to dodge the blows, but faced them, and the rods snapped in half!

The scene shocked the bailiffs of the Ministry of Justice. Now they finally remembered that this seemingly weak-looking scholar-official had once slit Cheng Jushu - the eighth-level master of Northern Qi - from belly to breast.

The dozen bailiffs unsheathed their swords, and in the cold hall of the Ministry of Justice, the sinister light glinted off them. They encircled Fan Xian. Fan Xian took two steps back, and the bailiffs, frightened, also took two steps back.

Fan Xian frowned as he looked at Han Zhiwei and Guo Zheng. "Have you considered the consequences of your rash decision?" he asked quietly.

Han Zhiwei and Guo Zheng's blood ran cold. Though the young man had spoken calmly, his words were sinister. Though Prime Minister Lin Ruofu's influence in the royal court had diminished in the wake of the incident with Wu Bo'an, he was still the head of the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Qing. On top of that was the Minister of Revenue, who was a childhood friend of His Majesty. Han Zhiwei felt a sudden regret. He should not have followed that nobleman's command.

Guo Zheng had been angered by Guo You's fall from power, and furthermore, he had the backing of the Eldest Princess. He knew that since this business had already started, it was not going to have a peaceful ending. He gritted his teeth. "I am investigating this case on the orders of the Emperor. What consequences will there be?"

Things had already gotten this far, and Han Zhiwei felt he had no leeway to back out. He steeled himself. "Very well, young Master Fan," he said coldly. "If you are willing to admit your involvement in the exam scandal, then we will not torture you. If you are not willing to confess, then in accordance with the laws of Qing, we may use torture."

Fan Xian pursed his lips and gazed at him with something like a smile that was not a smile. "15 great crimes..." He shook his head and sighed. "If I get the chance, I'm changing that law."

Who could change the law? Only the Emperor, of course. Thankfully, he spoke very quietly. Otherwise the others around him might have heard, and on the basis of his utterance, they would have executed the entire Fan family.

Han Zhiwei frowned. "Take this criminal official away!" As soon as he spoke, the bailiffs of the 13 offices encircled him, and in a whirl of blades, two knives were at Fan Xian's neck, forcing him to submit.

Fan Xian groaned. His hands shot out of his sleeves, soft but with unmatchable speed, turning to mist, attacking the wrists of the two bailiffs near him, quickly catching their fists and driving them back into their own torsos.

The series of moves was too quick for anyone to see clearly. A moment later, they heard the sound of snapping, a whacking sound, and cries of pain!

The snapping sound was the bailiffs' wrists, and the whacking sound was the sound of their blades being thrown into the air by zhenqi. They flew upward, and embedded deep into the corners of a Ministry of Justice plaque above the doorway which read "Just and Honorable". The two blades, stuck above the sun in the doorway, made it look like it had the horns of a demon!

And the bailiffs, who Fan Xian had pushed gently in the torso, both flew backward and fell onto two chairs, smashing them into pieces and letting out screams of pain.

Everyone was shocked. They did not imagine that Fan Xian's strength would be quite so great. Unthinkingly, they took a step back.

Guo Zheng was neither worried nor angry. He smiled as he gazed at Fan Xian. "Assaulting an officer of the court. Another crime."

Han Zhiwei understood his meaning. Whether they could use torture was a trifling matter. The more crimes they could saddle Fan Xian with, the better - the less he was willing to be restrained, and the more intensely he resisted, better still.

Guo Zheng smiled as he looked at Fan Xian. "Young Master Fan, be a little more honest. I know that you are a master of the pen and the sword. If you wished to escape the court of the Ministry of Justice, it would not be difficult. But... don't tell me that you wish to start a rebellion? That is treason against your father and your ruler." His finger lightly tapped the table. Thoroughly pleased with the current situation, he spoke softly. "Young Master Fan, should you rebel, your heart is filled with evil; if you do not rebel, then you will be tortured."

He had one more thing to say. "Should you wish to murder your way out of the Ministry of Justice, then go ahead, but it would be a pity... a pity indeed, for such an illustrious poetic master, an idol to the scholars, to become such a criminal, to cause such chaos in the government, and to drag your name through the mud."

Fan Xian looked at him calmly, then suddenly spoke. "Old man, you are scared."

He spoke from his experience of dissecting corpses every day when he was young. He thought of what Guo the censor had just said, which had the elegant manner of Stephen Chow in his film Hail the Judge in Fan Xian's past life. There was a cold glint in his eye that he immediately held back. He knew that he could not murder his way out of the Ministry of Justice, but he was not willing to submit to torture. All he could do was stall for time, until the people who supported him could react. "Killing my way out of the Ministry of Justice would be a great crime indeed. Very well, I shall chat with you both for a while."

Having said this, he went to the side and sat in a chair. His eyes drooping, he spoke gently. "If you wish to torture me, I shall resist. If you will not torture me, then I don't mind sitting here. Sirs, when your investigation is finished, please do inform me; I would like to return home for some rice porridge."

"The insolence!" cried Han Zhiwei. "Bring him to me!"

This was the third time that he had yelled in that day's investigation proceedings. There was no expression on Fan Xian's face. He gently tapped on the side table next to him, the zhenqi in his palm released as gently as a cloud. Suddenly, the wooden side table had smashed into countless pieces!

Then he looked at the bailiffs surrounding him. Brushed by his gentle gaze, they considered the terrifying power that young Master Fan had shown. These bailiffs from the thirteen offices, who usually did not fear even demons and gods, did not dare to take a step further!

Since the founding of the nation, there had never been such chaos within the halls of the Ministry of Justice. It didn't seem like something that could happen in reality. It seemed more like a scene from a drama that Fan Xian had seen glimpses of in his previous life and couldn't make sense of - the defendant calm in the midst of chaos, sitting on a wooden armchair, surrounded by bailiffs who did not dare to advance. The prisoner was not willing to murder his way out, and the others had no way of apprehending him.

In all of Fan Xian's life in this realm, the chairs and stools he had sat on had always, by chance, indicated his approach - possibly angry, or perhaps waiting to strike. In Danzhou, when he was 12 years old, he had stepped onto a stool to smack the second housekeeper in the face. The day he had entered the capital, he was underneath a side door, sitting in a wooden armchair, suppressing his anger, preparing to greet the daggers behind his father's wife's gentle words.

Today, in the great hall of the Ministry of Justice, he still sat calmly on the wooden armchair, his face tranquil as he looked at the two high officials who wanted to teach him a lesson with cudgels. He began to calculate who else, other than the Eldest Princess, might also be behind this.

The Ministry of Justice once more fell into a standoff. Looking at the bailiffs of the 13 offices who surrounded Fan Xian with their knives drawn, censor Guo was not worried. He knew that Treasury Minister Fan Jian and Prime Minister Lin Ruofu were being delayed by other matters today. They had plenty of time to wait for Yang Wanli to enter the court and give his testimony. He smiled. "Tomorrow I shall bring today's matters before His Majesty, and we shall see if you will still wield your father's influence so arrogantly. Do not presume I cannot charge you with your crimes. In a moment, Yang Wanli will arrive to testify. Minister Han still wants to see you detained. If you still dare to resist, then do not be surprised if we ask for an imperial decree declaring you guilty of treason."

"Master Guo," said Fan Xian calmly, "since both sides have dealt each other a blow today, then I wish to say that if there are problems with Yang Wanli, you should be prepared for what happens next."

This was a bare-faced threat. Since the founding of the Kingdom of Qing, Fan Xian was the first fifth-level official who had dared to threaten a minister of the royal court and an imperial censor in the court of the Ministry of Justice!

Sensing the danger behind Fan Xian's calm words, Han Zhiwei felt an inexplicable chill. The corner of his eye twitched ominously. "Fan Xian," he said coldly, "you should know that as an official of the court, you should not establish your strength with a sword. I look forward to seeing how you will end all this chaos in the Ministry of Justice today."

"The Ministry of Justice has tried in vain to obtain confession under torture," said Fan Xian calmly. "You are angered by Minister Guo's departure of his office mired in scandal, and are making a futile attempt to retaliate. I do not know what kind of officials you are. Tomorrow, I shall write a vast essay on today's affairs, and circulate it throughout the land. I shall show the people what the officials of the Kingdom of Qing are really like, and I shall also enlighten the Emperor. Who will the officials of the court listen to?"

"Say what you like," said Guo Zheng. He knew of Fan Xian's reputation, and such a thing was entirely possible. "If you knew the details of the scandal, why did you not report it to your superiors and allow the royal court to investigate and handle the case, rather than handling matters through the Overwatch Council? In brief, you are guilty of the crime of holding the royal court in contempt. I shall see how Minister Fan explains this matter to the royal court tomorrow!"

His words were menacing, and a sudden murderous intent flashed across Fan Xian's face. He stood up and fixed the two high officials with a cold stare. The bailiffs surrounding him tensed, and pointed their sharp blades toward Fan Xian's vital parts. As the dangerous situation unfolded, there was the sudden sound of Yan Ruohai's chilling voice from outside the Ministry of Justice. "The Overwatch Council has received an imperial decree. When have we ever needed to explain everything to an imperial censor?"

Fan Xian smiled, let out a sigh of relief, and shook his head. It was a pity that someone from the Council had not arrived sooner.

Chapter 175: Commissioner! Commissioner!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With hurried but orderly footsteps, Yan Ruohai—director of the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council—entered the Ministry of Justice. Behind him was a mob of the council's secret agents. They were quite intimidating.

Seeing the Overwatch Council putting up such a front, Guo Zheng didn't say much, "I didn't think Sir Yan would come to oversee the interrogation." Yan Ruohai, however, ignored the Imperial Censor. He only looked at the handsome youth sitting on the chair. Smiling, Yan Ruohai greeted him. "Yan Ruohai at your service. Young Mister Fan, we've met before."

Fan Xian stood up and smiled, "If you hadn't come, I'd have demolished the entire ministry and gone into exile." He was kidding, of course.

Han Zhiwei took a glance at Yan Ruohai and frowned. Why did the council come here to complicate things? He said, "Young Sir Fan is acting impetuously in a court of law, and he has struck several court officials. His crimes are so severe that I'm afraid he may not be able to leave the Ministry of Justice today—no matter who comes to save him. What's more, I have already sent out the order to apprehend over a thousand suspects, including Yang Wanli. As soon as they confess, everything about this case will come to light."

"There's no need for that," Yan Ruohai said. "The men you sent were all stopped by Sir Mu Tie of the council. They're having tea now. Minister, if you have time later, why not go and take your men back?"

The apprehenders had become the apprehended. The Ministry of Justice had been made a fool of today! Han Zhiwei pointed at Yan Ruohai and cursed out: "Since when do you have the right to interfere with my business? How dare you obstruct my orders?"

"The cheating scandal is being taken care of by our council. By His Majesty's wishes, the Ministry of Justice and Supreme Court are both assistants." Yan Ruohai looked around. After realizing the Commandant of Justice wasn't there, he smiled, "As assistants, you must do you jobs well. Including Yang Wanli, there are four people under the supervision of the council awaiting their sentences. We cannot hand them over. Yourmen are the unruly ones, Minister. What's wrong with Sir Mu inviting them to the Overwatch Council?"

Han Zhiwei said coldly, "Forget about the matter with Yang Wanli. It's just that, by the rules, the Ministry of Justice is to interrogate this Young Sir Fan first. And since he is standing here right now, you can talk all you want, but you shall not take him away."

Up until this moment, the three interrogators had no idea about Fan Xian's true relationship with the Overwatch Council. They thought the council was trying to shield him because he was working on the cheating case, and because Fei Jie was his teacher. That's why Han Zhiwei tried to pressure Yan Ruohai by bringing up rules. Yan Ruohai frowned as he saw Fan Xian was surrounded by the Ministry's men brandishing sabers. "How dare you disrespect Sir Fan like this?"

Realizing he had been ignored, Han Zhiwei became enraged, since Yan Ruohai was of a much lower rank. Han Zhiwei hadn't dealt with the Overwatch Council too often and was unaware of how haughty the officials from there could be.

Yan Ruohai frowned again. This time he saluted Han Zhiwei. "Minister Han, I respectfully ask for your understanding in having young Sir Fan returned."

Han Zhiwei thought things would get complicated as soon as he saw the Overwatch Council enter. His master probably wouldn't expect Cheng Pingping to interfere. But since things had already developed to this point, Han Zhiwei clenched his teeth, "The interrogation isn't over yet. How can I allow him to leave? Sir Yan… this is against regulation." Copying Guo Zheng, Han Zhiwei tried to cite regulation to pressure Yan Ruohai.

Yan Ruohai frowned for the third time and waved his hand.

Many grunts sounded in unison. There was a flurry of punches and kicks as the men of the ministry got knocked out cold before they had a chance to react. In terms of martial prowess, the Fourth Bureau was second only to the Fifth Bureau in the Overwatch Council. These low-level bailiffs never stood a chance.

Finding his surroundings had quiet down a bit, Fan Xian waved his sleeves and walked over to Yan Ruohai. "Sorry for the trouble. I thought only Wang Qinian would come."

Han Zhiwei erupted, "Such disregard for Imperial law – is your council trying to rebel? I will tell this to His Majesty tomorrow and have you all executed."

Yan Ruohai frowned for the fourth time. "By Imperial law, the officials of the council's Eighth Bureau only answer to the emperor. During times of emergency, they may even disregard the laws of Qing. Unless His Majesty wishes it, the other government branches may not conduct their own interrogations. Director, did you forget that?"

Guo Zheng mocked him. "Sir Yan, of course we wouldn't put you on trial. But what does Sir Fan have to do with the Overwatch Council? Nobody knows which eight officials are in the Eighth Bureau. Since when did Sir Fan became one of those eight officials? Just getting a position in the council takes five years… Sir Fan is seventeen. Did he start managing council business when he was twelve?"

No one would believe this, so Guo Zheng and Director Han weren't worried that Fan Xian would leave the Ministry of Justice that day. As soon as he took a step outside the building, he would be disregarding the laws of Qing, and that would be a grave offense. Along with all of the officials he had alienated, and not even the Prime Minister and Minister Fan could protect him. His Majesty would have no choice but to sentence him.

Yan Ruohai took a glance at Fan Xian and smiled warmly.

Fan Xian smiled in reply. He reached for his belt and took off the jade ruyi scepter and other accessories. He tossed them to one of the council agents. He then slowly took out a yellow, wooden plaque. The title "commissioner" was written on it.

He straightened his arm to show the plaque to Guo Zheng and Director Han, who straightened their necks to see it. After making out what the plaque said, they were shocked back to their seats. It was as if that wooden plaque had slapped them hard across the face.

Fan Xian shook his head while smiling. "May we meet again, my lords." After that, he and Yan Ruohai left under the guard of the council agents.

Guo Zheng's face turned pale, while Minister Han leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. Neither of them had expected Fan Xian to hold the position of a council commissioner!

What is a commissioner? It is a supreme existence above even the Eighth Bureau of the Overwatch Council; the council's most secretive position. The officials at court all had their guesses, but none of them guessed this legendarily secretive Commissioner would be the young Sir Fan full of poetry and sunshine!

"What do we do?" Han Zhiwei opened his eyes, showing a chilled gaze, "Unless His Majesty wills it, no one may interrogate the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council. You and I both knew there's no way His Majesty would grant such an order."

Guo Zheng frowned, looking at the departing crowd. "It's like an iron tortoise; there are no openings for us to make a move. But I am curious, why didn't Fan Xian reveal his status from the beginning? Why did he come here? Was he really not afraid we would lock him up before Yan Ruohai arrived?"

Director Han was puzzled by this also, but he was worried about something bigger. Since he could not eliminate Fan Xian from power today, it meant that he would be facing a great counterattack in the future. He sighed as he recalled Fan Xian saying "may we meet again". His sigh was bitter and fearful. He didn't know if those currently backing him up could protect him.

Outside the Hall of Justice, Fan Xian said calmly, "There was no need for such drama to force me to reveal my identity."

Yan Ruohai smiled. "Director Chen believes that since your identity must be made known to all in the capital, it's only natural to choose the correct location and time – and to reveal it using a most dramatic method. That was a great opportunity. All the scholars in the capital had gathered outside the Hall of Justice protesting on your behalf.

Fan Xian shook his head and said nothing. Today had been very risky. If whichever power was behind this really wanted to succeed, they would be sure to use even more vicious methods. If it weren't for his training in Cang Mountain, Fan Xian wouldn't so confident to act like that in a court.

"The Overwatch Council is a special organization, so its never had a good reputation." Yan Ruohai explained, "So Sir Director Chen wanted to establish and spread your name from this case. Having gained the support of the people, they would not fear you as the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council."

"I see… So it was just to build my image." Fan Xian inhaled deeply. He was still troubled by earlier developments. There would be a time to sort those out.

Yan Ruohai didn't understand that he meant. He returned the jade ruyi scepter and the other accessories to Fan Xian.

Feeling the scepter in his hand, Fan Xian suddenly said, "Wan'er is in the palace now explaining things to the prince. I also didn't think the prince lost too much face during this year's examination. Going by his temperament, he shouldn't react so strongly. Back in the Hall, Minister Han became vicious all of a sudden. Who in Eastern Palace is backing him?"

Yan Ruohai smiled. "If not the prince, then empress dowager."

"Empress dowager?" Fan Xian raised an eyebrow. He was starting to alienate more people. But he didn't know if empress dowager… was trying to deal with him due to the reason he feared the most. He gripped the jade scepter tightly and remembered it was given to him by empress dowager. He wanted to throw it away.

Yan Ruohai reminded him, "It's a gift from the palace. To dispose of it would be a capital crime."

Fan Xian laughed, "Thanks for the warning. But now that everyone knows I'm the Commissioner, who would dare question me?"

"Nobody in any of the administrative organizations, but there is still the palace." Yan Ruohai sighed. Knowing Fan Xian was younger than his son, Yan Ruohai patted the youth on the shoulder.

Fan Xian gratefully accepted the information and stated sincerely, "Please rest assured, Sir Yan. During the forthcoming trip to Northern Qi, I will surely bring back Brother Yan safely."

"Thank you."

Once outside the ministry gates, the surrounding commoners and scholars all burst into cheers, overjoyed that Sir Fan had walked out safely.

Fan Xian smiled at the crowd and thanked them. Now he understood why he had acted so arrogantly in the Hall of Justice. It was because he felt he had finally done something extremely right, just like that one part he read in a novel in his previous life: "What is justice? Justice is doing the right thing." He had done what he felt was right to do. It was a good feeling; a powerful feeling.

Chapter 176: The First Visit to the Manor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

News of the incident at the Ministry of Justice quickly spread through the city. The expected counterattack by the Overwatch Council, the Prime Minister, and Minister Fan against the Ministry of Justice and the Imperial Censorate had not immediately unfolded, contrary to the expectations of every bureaucrat.

And in the court exams, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qing had finally quietly shown his attitude. Fan Xian's preferred scholars had entered the 2nd rank of candidates. As for the first, second, and third place titles - zhuangyuan, bangyan, and tanhua respectively - they unsurprisingly went to scholars whose names had long been established. Fan Xian was well aware that these three names had appeared on those pieces of paper, and he had taken that step when he was sealing the names on the exam papers.

His Majesty clarified his position further on the exam hall scandal in the specific circumstances of the top-grade court examination. During a feast, the officials were extremely surprised to discover fifth-level academician Fan Xian of the Imperial College sitting somewhat coyly and uneasily before them, seated to the right of the Crown Prince and the Second Prince, smiling bashfully. It seemed that he had not been drinking that day, so he lacked the frenzy of the night in which he had spat out his 300 poems. He seemed a little uncomfortable with the acclaim of the masses.

After Fan Xian's chaos at the Ministry of Justice, the officials of the capital soon knew of his real identity, and moreover knew that the Overwatch Council were using it as a pretext to cause havoc, using Commissioner Fan Xian's extralegal status to completely tear into Justice Minister Han Zhiwei and Censor Guo Zheng. There was news that the palace had also kicked up a fuss.

The bureaucrats had always found it difficult to get a hold of the countless spies with the secretive position of Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, and to connect Fan Xian with a position that secretly held the lives of officials in their hands. But regardless, when the officials looked at Fan Xian anew, they saw not only a scholar-official and the son of a noble family with powerful backers, but for the first time, they had a sense of Fan Xian's true power.

After the court exams, the civil service exam hall scandal was still under the jurisdiction of the Overwatch Council, who were slowly and steadily investigating it. Commissioner Fan Xian had relaxed somewhat - he knew that people in the know had guessed that he was preparing to go abroad as ambassador in the next few days.

It was the third of March. After the court exams, the banquet, and the various other celebrations concluded, Yang Wanli, Hou Jichang, Cheng Jialin, and Shi Chanli - those four scholars whose luck had turned in an instant - finally had some spare time. They sat a little uneasily in a carriage, and came to the gate of Fan Manor, on a big avenue in the south of the city.

Yang Wanli lifted his head to look at the imposing gate of Fan Manor, and anxiously looked at the ferocious stone lions guarding the gate. "I'm kind of nervous," he mumbled.

Hou Jichang was the calmest of the four, but this was the first time he had ever been to such an opulent estate, and he was also somewhat nervous. He forced a smile. "We have all met young Master Fan before. Not only is he young and promising, he has an engaging tone of conversation, unlike the other repulsive officials of the court. What have we to worry about?"

By their side, Cheng Jialin muttered something indecipherable. They had all been harrassed by the Ministry of Justice and the Overwatch Council over the past few days. Theoretically, the court exams having concluded, they had all come to Fan Xian's door to pay their respects to him regardless. After that day in the Tongfu Tavern, the four skillful scholars had suddenly discovered that the terrifying Overwatch Council of the Kingdom of Qing were moving against them and against the bailiffs of the thirteen offices. It had almost scared them to death.

Shi Chanli's temperament was the most gentle and easygoing. This time he hadn't passed, so he seemed more relaxed than the other three. He laughed at them. "You look pretty worried to me. But I don't think it's the kind of worry that comes from paying respects to one's teacher. It's from discovering that young Master Fan has suddenly changed, and become a Commissioner of the Overwatch Council. There's a sense of dread. Am I right, brothers?"

Yang Wanli looked at the stone lions again, and laughed bitterly. "Who'd have thought that in the space of two days, the immortal poet Fan Xian would suddenly turn out to be one of the most powerful officials in the Overwatch Council? You know what a terrifying place the Overwatch Council is. The court officials have always been somewhat afraid of it. If young Master Fan is part of the Overwatch Council, then his reputation must be rather shocking."

"That's just the prejudice of ignorant commoners," said Shi Chanli, laughing. "You said it yourself in the Tongfu Tavern that day. It's a good thing that the Overwatch Council is monitoring officials." He turned to Hou Jichang, who seemed to have somewhat taken exception. "After Minister Guo was sent to prison, you toasted to the Overwatch Council. How come? Now we have discovered that our master is a high official in the Council, and you all want to keep a respectful distance like the rest of the common people?"

Yang Wanli sighed. "Everyone knows that the exam hall scandal came about as a result of young Master Fan's work. Only after did we understand that he was working for the Overwatch Council the entire time. With this act, not only did he contribute to our futures, but more importantly, he has helped every scholar in the land walk a more equitable path. Everyone is grateful. Even after they found out that he was a Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, there's not a scholar out there who would dare not to show him respect. As for us, there's nothing more to say. Even if Master Fan stays at the Overwatch Council for good, we should still follow him. There's no point discussing this anymore, Brother Shi; I've already made my decision.

Hou Jichang smiled. "You're right. But it's a pity that every person in a high post at the Overwatch Council, according to the customs of the court, can never become Prime Minister. It's a shame that young Master Fan is such a talented scholar."

At that moment Cheng Jialin seized the chance to butt in. "If Master Fan still has that status, then his career cannot develop too much further. I have heard that next year he will take control of the palace treasury, so if he can take up a post at the Overwatch Council, then it is not that much of a pity."

They all understood that he was talking about Fan Xian's status as "son-in-law of the Emperor". When they thought of their master, so many years younger than them, occupying so many different positions, they couldn't help but marvel at him. The four of them debated quietly outside the gate of Fan Manor for a long time. Finally, gathering their courage, they stepped inside, handing over the name cards that they had prepared a long while ago.

The gatekeeper at Fan Manor had been watching the four talented scholars, and with a suspicious look, he took their name cards, and realized that they were the four whose names that had been bandied around the capital for a while now. The servants of Fan Manor all knew that their young master had invited these four scholars, and here they were. They quickly invited them inside and waited on them, serving them tea.

The four of them knew that this was the custom of noble families - every guest who entered first had to be waited upon and served tea at the gate. To their surprise, a moment later, the gatekeeper came back to them, somewhat apologetic. "The young master has stepped out and is not currently in the manor. Sirs, would you like to leave a message for him, or come back another time?"

The four of them could not help but feel somewhat disappointed, but for some reason, they also felt relieved. At that moment, a sedan chair stopped by the side door. The gatekeeper hurried out to greet them. Out from the sedan chair stepped a solemn-looking middle-aged official, with soft and spirited eyes. As he walked through the gate, he stopped to look at the four scholars.

The gatekeeper, seeing that his master had stopped, began to introduce them, but his master waved his hand dismissively, turned to the four of them, and spoke calmly. "Which of you is Yang Wanli? Shi Chanli? Hou Jichang? Cheng Jialin?"

Hou Jichang was stunned. Not only had the man known their identities without asking, but he had asked their names without omitting a single one. It seemed that he did not wish for them to presume he favored any one of them over the others. Such an attentive-minded person must have been young Master Fan's father. He hurriedly bowed in respect. "I am Hou Jichang. It is an honor to meet you, Minister."

The other three finally realized that this official was young Master Fan's father, and they also hurriedly showed their respects.

Count Sinan smiled and looked at Hou Jichang, speaking with a small measure of praise. "It seems that Fan Xian chose well in his estimations. He is not currently here. But if you do not mind my prattling, I would like to invite you inside for a chat."

How should they address their master's father? Although all four scholars were rising stars in the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Qing, in the face of this wily old minister, they dared not say a word. They merely followed behind him obediently.

The ugliest building on Tianhe Avenue remained silent in the spring sunshine. The famous petals on either side of the road had yet to fall into the water. Because it was still early spring, the flowers had not yet bloomed; they were unwilling to part with their clothing and cast it into the waters.

The common people of the capital still stuck to their old customs, and kept far away from the Overwatch Council. The stone tablet outside the gate quietly watched them, as if it were saying "the Council watches over you, why are you so afraid?" There was no point asking why the common people feared the Overwatch Council, just as Yang Wanli and the other scholars did. People feared the secretive institution for no reason. Because there was no light in that office, it seemed to have only secrets and darkness.

Inside the square building of the Overwatch Council, the seven bureau chiefs sat soberly at a long table. They knew that today's discussions were particularly unusual, so they looked at the crippled Director at the head of the table with doubting glances. After the leader of the First Bureau, Zhu Ge, had killed himself in that very room, the First Bureau had been without a chief. Mu Tie was only leading it temporarily, so today there were seven people for the eight bureaus.

The door slid quietly open, but the seven most powerful people in the state machinery of the Kingdom of Qing naturally sensed it, and unthinking turned their heads around to look. Even Chen Pingping, sat at the head of the table, lifted his head to look, his eyes calm.

An old man with slightly brown eyes, messy hair, and a stooped posture entered the room.

Everyone was somewhat astounded. Seeing Fei Jie, someone spoke quietly. "Let's get this over with. Come in. Don't dawdle."

A young man appeared behind him, somewhat embarrassed. The young man was fair of face and friendly-looking, with a shy smile. He cupped his hands in respect and bowed to the leaders gathered around the table, speaking somewhat quietly and uneasily. "Hello, everyone. I am Fan Xian."

Chapter 177: The Real Overwatch Council

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the meeting room of the Overwatch Council, an awkward silence fell. No one had expected that this was how Commissioner Fan Xian would first show his face in the Council. In defiance of the customarily somber atmosphere of the Council, a moment later, some of them couldn't stop themselves from laughing.

Fan Xian smiled, cupped his hands in salute, and walked in. Of the seven formidable people in the room, he only recognized Yan Ruohai. The others were all unfamiliar. Thankfully, Fei Jie had been beside him all day. Otherwise, he would still have felt afraid and alone facing these spymasters who were feared throughout the Kingdom of Qing, if not the whole land.

At the head of the table, an old man sat in a wheelchair. His eyes were clear and cold, but he gazed at him warmly. For some reason, Fan Xian found himself sighing deeply. He slowly stepped forward. He had already recognized the old man. 16 years ago, when he had come to this world, he had seen him. In those 16 years, the old cripple's face seemed not to have changed at all.

Chen Pingping watched the young man come closer and closer to him, and a strange look of satisfaction floated across his face. Fan Xian was now next to him. Chen Pingping opened his arms. "My child, come here," he said gently.

Fan Xian slowly bent down, and softly leant his head on the old man's shoulder, slipping his body into his narrow, soft embrace.

Chen Pingping was very thin. Their bodies touched only gently, but Fan Xian could feel a warmth.

The young man and the old man embraced each other as if the spymasters of the Kingdom of Qing were not even there. It was a moment of impudence. Some time later, the two parted, and Fan Xian bowed respectfully. "It is an honor to meet you at last."

Chen Pingping suddenly gave a pointed laugh. It sounded like a happy one.

Save for Fei Jie, the other seven spymasters, who didn't know the facts of the situation, kept a respectful silence. But deep down, they were shocked. None of them knew that the commissioner and the always-distant Director had this sort of relationship.

Today was the first day that Fan Xian had entered the Overwatch Council officially in his status as commissioner, so the members of the eight bureaus had been waiting for him. After a round of quick introductions, Fan Xian sat quietly on a chair to Chen Pingping's left, and Fei Jie sat to his right.

"This is Fan Xian," said Chen Pingping calmly, looking at his subordinates. "From now on he is a commissioner of the Overwatch Council. Colleagues, I ask that you lend him your support."

In introducing the newest member of staff, Chen Pingping had never been so serious, and had never spoken so much, as he had today. The seven bureau chiefs all knew the weight of his words. They stood up, bowed toward Fan Xian, and said nothing more.

Ever since Fei Jie had begun tutoring him at the age of five, Fan Xian knew that he would have something to do with the secretive organization feared throughout the land and avoided by the common people. Especially after he learned of his mother's connection with the Council, he was even more aware of the fact that his relationship with the Council was to be a particularly special one.

When he was young, Fei Jie taught him about the structure and activities of the Council. After he had entered the capital, many things had happened in coordination with the Overwatch Council. Independent of the Council, he had organized Wang Qinian's team. Today, he listened to their official explanations, and gained a deeper understanding of the Overwatch Council.

The Overwatch Council was a spy agency directly subordinate to His Majesty the Emperor. Its authority existed outside the Six Ministries, and was not limited by the laws of the Kingdom of Qing, operating instead exclusively on the orders of the Emperor. It was split into eight bureaus. The First Bureau specialized in monitoring the bureaucracy in the capital, and had spies planted in each critical department. It was the most crucial bureau of the Council. The previous head was Zhu Ge, who had been secretly collaborating with the Eldest Princess, and had died some months ago. The Second Bureau was responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence and strategy, and devising plans for the Emperor and the military.

The Third Bureau was the one that Fan Xian felt closest to, because before his retirement, his teacher Fei Jie had been head of the Third Bureau. The Third Bureau specialized in manufacturing drugs, poisons, and all kinds of secret weapons. The knockout drops, poisons, and aphrodisiacs that Fan Xian kept on his person had been a result of the work of the Third Bureau.

The Fourth Bureau was Yan Ruohai's office. It specialized in monitoring the bureaucracy outside the capital, and the related work of intelligence gathering, investigation, and arrests. Its authority extended outside the national borders, and included Northern Qi and the City of Dongyi. In terms of the scope of its authority, it was the most powerful bureau next to the First Bureau.

The Fifth Bureau of the Overwatch Council had always been stationed outside the capital. It had been established on the orders of the Emperor, and comprised of the Black Knights, responsible for ensuring Chen Pingping's safety. When necessary, it could also travel long distances to mount a surprise cavalry attack. The daring raid behind enemy lines in Northern Wei to capture the spymaster Xiao En had been the Fifth Bureau's finest achievement. It could be said that from a martial point of view, the Fifth Bureau was the strongest section of the Overwatch Council.

The Sixth Bureau was the least well known, yet most fearsome of all the departments. Even Fan Xian, in all his time since entering the capital, had not made contact with the Sixth Bureau, because it was specialized in carrying out the work of secret assassinations. Of course, from another perspective, the Sixth Bureau was responsible for protecting those appointed by the Emperor.

The Seventh Bureau was responsible for interrogation of enemy prisoners. It was more specialized than the 13 offices of the Ministry of Justice. The unremarkable jailer at the Overwatch Council prison that Fan Xian had once laid eyes on had been the former head of the Seventh Bureau.

At the mention of the Eighth Bureau, Fan Xian saw that the middle-aged official wanted to laugh. Was it not the bureau that he had been in contact with the most? The Danbo Bookstore had made significant contributions to the Eighth Bureau. Though there were some usable connections, Seventh Ye the shopkeeper had still made sure to make his monthly contributions to the Eighth Bureau. Fan Xian felt that this office was similar to the Magistrates' Yamen of his previous world, though its power was greater and it was more independent.

After the cursory introductions had ended, the seven bureau heads needed no introduction from Fan Xian, as they were all very familiar with his resumé and his brilliance; indeed, the entire Kingdom of Qing knew. Besides, these seven spymasters were wily as foxes, fierce as wolves, and ferocious as tigers.

Of these seven spymasters, Fan Xian only recognized Yan Ruohai, though he was more interested in the heads of the Third and Sixth Bureaux, because during their introductions, the head of the Sixth Bureau had said he was acting on behalf of another. Fan Xian was curious. If not here, then where was the most feared assassin in all of the Kingdom of Qing?

As for his curiosity about the head of the Third Bureau, it was because of a boring aside from Fei Jie. This bureau head, surnamed Leng, had been a student of Fei Jie. Fan Xian presumed that, as a senior student of the same master, he should call him Brother Leng.

After the meeting had finished, Chief Leng of the Third Bureau and Yan Ruohai of the Fourth Bureau stayed behind. Fan Xian and Brother Leng chatted for a while, talking of poisons and concealed weapons with inevitable delight. Yan Ruohai watched them from the side, feeling his hair stand on end somewhat before he recalled that the Commissioner had been the last student of Fei Jie, and was a strange fellow who had grown up familiar with poisons. He didn't want to get too close to him.

Seeing the two of them talking happily, Fei Jie frowned. "I have long known what kind of person Xiao En is. I presume that after the diplomatic mission enters Northern Qi, he will demand that they wait at Wudu River for a month, where under the protection of Northern Qing, he will confirm that there is no poison remaining in his system. Only then will he send the hostage toward the capital. I cannot concoct a poison that will only take effect after a month's time. You two have been muttering amongst yourselves for a long time. What use is that?"

With a deep and mournful sigh, Fan Xian and Brother Leng, whom he had only just met bowed to each other and parted, knowing that Fei Jie was right.

Chen Pingping gently clapped his hands, getting the attention of the handful of people left in the room. "This journey to Northern Qi has four objectives," he said calmly.

Fan Xian sat down, listening earnestly.

"First, we must ensure that Yan Bingyun returns safely home to take up his post at the First Bureau. Second, after ensuring the success of the agreement between the two countries, immediately assassinate Xiao En." Chen Pingping spoke as if he were describing something completely normal. "Third, carry out Operation Red Sleeve. Documents containing details of this plan will be provided to you soon. Fourth, on the basis of the completion of the first three objectives, integrate into the spy network of Northern Qi, and ensure that there is no lag in intelligence gathering as a result of the departure of Yan Bingyun."

Four objectives, each more difficult than the last. Fan Xian's face was relatively calm, but he was secretly both excited and uneasy. Chen Pingping turned to Yan Ruohai, his face expressionless. "Prepare the necessary resources, and before Fan Xian leaves, give him a briefing."

Yan Ruohai nodded, turned, and left the room.

The only people left in the room were Fan Xian, Chen Pingping, and Fei Jie. After a moment of silence, Chen Pingping softly smoothed out the creases on the blanket covering his knees. A hint of a smile floated across his face as he looked at Fan Xian. "I believe, after having seen that name outside the Council, there are a great many things you should know."

" Wu Zhu told me a few things." Fan Xian smiled as he looked at the old cripple before him. His heart was filled with a number of complicated feelings. So much in his life had been arranged by him, but for some reason, Fan Xian did not feel a contradiction in his mood as any ordinary person would. Instead, he felt a strange kind of trust. It seemed as if the most terrifying official in the whole nation, who stood before him, deserved his trust.

This was his intuition, and Fan Xian had always trusted and honored his own intuition.

"Old Wu?" Chen Pingping closed his eyes and frowned. It seemed that he had sunk into some kind of memory. He suddenly spoke. "Are his memories any better?"

"Perhaps he remembers everything he should," Fan Xian said quietly, "and he has forgotten everything he does not want to remember."

Fei Jie cleared his throat and looked at his student. There was no need at all, in his opinion, to speak so mysteriously with the Director. He didn't like it one bit.

Chapter 178: A Shadow in the Mortal World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Pingping let out a sharp laugh. He rubbed his rough fingers together and asked, "Is Sir Wu in the capital now?" This was the question Fei Jie had asked on the day of Fan Xian's wedding. Fan Xian shook his head and answered as he had last time: "I hear he went south to look for Ye Liuyun. I don't know when he will return."

Somehow, Fan Xian felt like he could hear a person sighing somewhere in this room. He frowned and put his finger on the trigger of his crossbow—what the three of them were discussing now was too terrifying to be leaked. If someone were to eavesdrop, the result would be difficult to bear for both Fan Xian and Chen Pingping.

"You may come out." Noticing the movement in Fan Xian's sleeve. Chen Pingping explained, "I believe you must be intrigued as to who leads the Sixth Bureau."

As soon as he said that, a person—more precisely, a dark shadow—floated out of the darkness. Only when it got behind Chen Pingping could its figure be clearly seen. It was a figure dressed completely in black… The figure of someone extremely powerful.

Noticing the person's aura, Fan Xian's pupils contracted slightly as his entire body tensed up. Then he relaxed a bit as he remembered having seen this person before. Sixteen years ago, this same shadow stood atop of Chen Pingping's carriage and killed a mysterious sorcerer in mere seconds like a swooping eagle.

"He is the head of the Sixth Bureau. He doesn't see outsiders." Fei Jie explained with a smile. "Of course, you are not an outsider."

This leader of Qing's assassins did not speak; he stood silently behind Chen Pingping, as if not interested in Fan Xian at all. Chen Pingping's voice was a bit hoarse as he picked up where Fei Jie had left off: "Other than Sir Wu, he is the most terrifying assassin in the world. Naturally, he is also the best protector in the world. He is the reason I am still alive today."

The shadow bowed slightly, showing gratitude in response to the praise.

Looking at Fan Xian's eyes, Chen Pingping smiled, "This shadow here is an admirer and follower of Sir Wu. Many of his techniques he picked up at a young age from seeing and imitating Sir Wu. Hence why he was a bit disappointed after hearing you say that Sir Wu was not in the capital."

Fan Xian now looked at this shadow assassin differently. To be this strong by simply imitating Wu Zhu—what astounding talent!

And it also meant that blind Wu Zhu was even more horrifyingly strong.

Pushing Director Chen on his wheelchair, they made their way to the Overwatch Council's courtyard. The shadow disappeared in broad daylight. Following behind, Fan Xian felt strange. The strongest assassin of Qing really did act like Wu Zhu—whom he hadn't seen for many days. While Fan Xian wasn't worried, he still wanted to see the person dearest to him.

This was Fan Xian's first time entering the council's courtyard. It was a vast yard; there were no tall buildings within tens of meters around the walls. No one could see what was happening in the courtyard from the outside. Contrary to the outsiders' imaginations, the courtyard of the Overwatch Council was a beautiful place. There were lush green lawns, many tall trees providing shade, and wild flowers growing by paths paved with stone.

The other officials of the council traveled between the different buildings in silence. As they saw the black wheelchair, they all saluted in respect.

Fan Xian would frown occasionally after walking for a bit. Below those beautiful, artificial rocks, within the fresh green woods, there seemed to be hidden guards everywhere. The security of this place was even tighter than that of the palace.

"Familiarize yourself with this place; this courtyard will be yours soon." Cheng Pingping suddenly said that very casually, as if throwing a steamed bun at Fan Xian for him to eat.

Fan Xian's heart skipped a beat. While he knew about the arrangement, he was still unsettled by how nonchalantly the old cripple had said it.

Cheng Pingping turned and gave Fan Xian a look. Shaking his head, the old man sighed. Fan Xian didn't know why. The youth smiled and said, "I have a few questions."

"Let's hear them." Cheng Pingping, in his wheelchair, was beside a pond. The pond water was clear and the golden hue of swimming fish could be seen. Cheng Pingping gazed at the water.

"I've alienated many people because of this year's examination, but how come Imperial Censor Guo and Minister of Justice Han dared to make a move? Do they not fear the wraith of my father and the Prime Minister?" Fan Xian looked at Cheng Pingping's messy hair. "Moving on to the Eastern Palace, if it wasn't the prince's orders, then why is the empress plotting against me?"

Cheng Pingping didn't turn. He instead waved his hand. Fei Jie patted his student on the shoulder, praising his courage. Fei Jie then distanced himself from the pond.

Taking over Fei Jie's position, Fan Xian began to push the wheelchair alongside the pond. After a moment of silence, Cheng Pingping said, "Are you forcing me to spill everything?"

"You should at least tell me how much they know about us."

Cheng Pingping laughed sharply. "What a cautious youth you are. Looks like you've guessed some things, and you are afraid the empress is trying to deal with you over those things."

Fan Xian smiled. "Indeed. If the empress finds out about the things I guessed, it's only natural for her to act against me. That's the only reason I can think of. If it's true, then, with my current power, I cannot stand up against the Eastern Palace."

"Your enemies are all paper tigers," Chen Pingping suddenly said.

Fan Xian wasn't expecting to hear that term from the director, who then said, "That's what your mother used to say. She also said we must strategically take the enemy lightly and tactically take them seriously."

Fan Xian wanted to laugh. His mother didn't come up with that quote, but there was no way for the old cripple to know that.

Cheng Pingping smiled. "Your biggest problem right now is that you are overestimating your enemies strategically. You're even afraid of them. So you tend to find yourself getting tied up when you do things. Just the other day; even if you fought your way out of the Hall of Justice, do you think anyone would dare to hurt you? And when it comes to tactics, you consider too little. If it weren't for the Council cleaning up your mess, some of the things you've done after coming to the capital were enough to have you executed hundreds of times."

Fan Xian was speechless. Chen Pingping gently crossed his hands and said in a light voice, "Don't view the Eastern Palace as being too powerful. In all of Qing, there is no true power. That includes the Prime Minister and your father Fan Jian."

Fan Xian felt a bit enlightened. "Violence is true power, which is why only the military and the Overwatch Council are truly powerful."

Chen Pingping raised a hand and wagged his long, old finger. "Incorrect. In Qing, only one individual holds true power."

Fan Xian lowered his head. "His Majesty."

"Correct. His Majesty can ignore everything as long as he holds sovereignty over the military. His subjects may be causing all sorts of unrest, but he couldn't be bothered to even bat an eye."

Fan Xian chuckled. "A very leisurely emperor indeed."

Chen Pingping rubbed his dry hands and slowly said, "The Overwatch Council belongs to His Majesty. I'm only taking charge on his behalf. The same will be true of you in the future. You must remember that."

Fan Xian calmly stared at Chen Pingping, the leader of the Overwatch Council, Qing's special organization. He wondered whether to question the old man's legendary loyalty to the emperor.

The black wheelchair had been circling around the pond for a while. Perhaps the fish were tired of watching, as they sank and began to stir the sand on the bottom with their mouths.

The other officials of the Council were watching the Director and the newly-revealed Commissioner from a distance; none dared to go and interrupt their conversation. Suddenly, Cheng Pingping sighed. "Time flows fast. In the blink of an eye, your mother's son has grown so much."

Fan Xian did a double take. "Why 'your mother's son'? What kind of saying was that? Why not refer to me directly?" With a bitter smile, Fan Xian said, "I only regret that I don't know what my mother looked like."

Cheng Pingping smiled. "There is only one portrait of your mother , drawn in secret by a former national master. That master artist was almost killed by Sir Wu."

Fan Xian asked, "Could that portrait be in the palace?"

Cheng Pingping didn't answer him directly. He only said faintly, "As mentioned before, you don't need to worry too much about the Eastern Palace. The empress's power was reduced quite a bit by His Majesty over twelve years ago."

Fan Xian knew the story of the capital's bloody history. He frowned. "Why didn't His Majesty overthrow her?"

"She is still the mother of the Crown Prince, and she was liked by the empress dowager. Most importantly…" Cheng Pingping gave a fake smile. "Where would our emperor find another empress as powerless and unwise as she?"

Fan Xian felt a chill as he realized that this emperor really was no pushover—just as he had surmised. Fortunately, Cheng Pingping didn't know that was how Fan Xian described His Majesty. The director said gently, "Don't worry about your identity being revealed. The death of that infant sixteen years ago is an unchangeable fact in the eyes of the palace. The unwise empress ordered Minister Han to act against you because she was taking the Crown Prince's side. At the time she didn't know that you were the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council. She was merely angry at you for meeting the Second Prince on his boat."

Cheng Pingping then became slightly angry. "I believe Count Sinan told you not to get too close to those princes. Did you think the nobles in the capital wouldn't find out about you meeting the Second Prince on that boat?"

Fan Xian laughed nervously. He didn't think the empress was warning him because she feared the Second Prince. At the time, he really did believe she knew his true identity.