
Chapter 361: The Door Of The Palace Treasury

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was said that the 22nd day of the third month of the sixth year of the Qing calendar was a lucky day. So after Fan Xian arrived in Jiangnan, the first spring opening bidding of the palace treasury had been set for that date.

In the beautiful spring sunshine, a breeze brought warmth. The young Suzhou masters and girls all went out of the city for a walk. On the wide official roads, the not-yet grown grass was flattened by the birds startled into flight. The green hills and running streams outside the city became good places for men and women to meet. There was a light and wonderful atmosphere in the air.

Inside Suzhou, it was a different scene. About 250 meters toward the south of the Jiangnan governor's manor was the permanent government manor of the palace treasury transport company. Usually it was very strictly guarded since it was one of the main areas to defend. Today, there were soldiers walking up and down the two ends of the street, each with long spears in their hands. There were also yamen bailiffs looking spirited and alertly watching for disturbances in all directions of the sleepy spring atmosphere.

This entire area of the city had become strictly controlled.

Every year the palace treasury opened, the scene was like this. One reason was because all the giant merchants from various locations carried so much silver with them. Second, other than the officials of the transport company hosting the opening of the palace treasury, there were also eunuchs sent from the palace to watch the proceedings. The governor of Jiangnan Road would also arrive to listen. At times like this, there would always be a group of officials from the Imperial Censorate who did nothing all day. Today, there were too much silver and too many important officials gathered here, so safety was paramount.

Fortunately, Suzhou was next to the Yangtze River. The military strength of the Qing Kingdom was powerful, and there was not another power that dared to do any kind of testing. Even the thieves had long been chased out of the city.

It was the perfect time to collect money.

By convention, the transport company empties out a large courtyard. It was incomparably wide with a row of individual rooms along the two sides of the main hall. It was said that it was the examination center for Jiangnan students in an earlier dynasty. When the Qing Emperor was inspecting the palace treasury, he found these separated rooms ideal for bidding. Thus the location was set here, creating a tradition. Usually, the courtyard was left empty in the highest level region inside the city. It was lent to the governor's manor by the transport company as a place to manage accounts. It was only in March that it was returned to the transport company yamen.

The renovation and cleanup had started a dozen days ago, and now it was bright and clean.

Soldiers stood guard outside. Inside were a few normal looking guards standing beside the hall. The lighting inside the main hall was a bit dim, and the row of four imperial tutor chairs, placed behind the desk, could only faintly be seen.

When the Suzhou branch of the Jingdou South Street Xinfeng Restaurant had finished selling its jietang buns, the door to the courtyard finally opened.

The giant merchants from various locations did not rush. They walked up the stairs in great order and did not even look at the alert soldiers beside them. After a dozen years, they had long memorized the entire procedure.

Each merchant often represented a family behind them as well as a faction in the bureaucracy. The opening of the palace treasury was an important event, and so the representatives that had come today were all heads of their families. Only, there were not many people. These merchants all brought their long term servants and master of accounts, as well as chests and other tools relating to their accounts.

Walking at the head of the crowds was, of course, the representative of the Ming family.

Since the start of last year, the Ming family had placed much of its power into the hands of young master Ming Lanshi. The old Ming master rarely showed his face. However, today the crowd of merchants were shocked because the old master, Ming Qingda, had personally come to the courtyard.

Ming Qingda narrowed his tired eyes and raised his hands to greet various colleagues. He stroked his long beard and proudly walked through the door.

The Jiangnan merchant families informally considered the Ming family as its head. They quickly returned the greetings of the old master and followed behind him through the door. No one felt a thread of unease. s=Since it was the bidding of the palace treasury, of course it was the Ming family who went first. What everyone did not understand was why the Ming family was so cautious today, to the point of inviting out their old master.

Occasionally, someone would think of the newly arrived chief official of the transport company, that imperial envoy, and how the young master Ming had been secretly communicating non-stop with them all this month. Only then would they faintly realize that today's palace treasury bid might not go as smoothly as it had in the past. And it wouldn't be as beautiful and joyful as the spring sunshine.

The two rows of rooms under the eaves had long had names attached to them, and each family entered in order. The Ming family had been placed in the first room on the left hand size. It was a big room. They had they most people, a full 16 shopkeepers. Once they entered the room, servants arranged by the transport company came in with water and poured the tea. They handed out hot towels and delicately made pastries.

Although it was the government opening the bidding, they knew they had to look after these wealthy people well. Following the line that Fan Xian knew was said laughingly after previous biddings: If you want to kill the pig, of course you have to fatten it first.

Ming Qingda sat firmly in his chair. His narrowed eyes looked at the clear light outside pouring into the yard. Before he entered the yard, he had already communicated with the merchants with his eyes and knew that everyone was thinking the same thing. In front of benefits, no one wanted to anyone to inflate the price. Particularly these merchants did not dare to offend him.

Thinking of this point, Ming Qingda's heart finally felt slightly more at ease. In a low voice he asked, "How much longer?"

Ming Lanshi stood with proper etiquette behind his father. He lowered his body and said, "Almost." He stretched out a pair of white hands, bringing the tea to his father's side. The pair of hands were so clean, it was like they had never touched blood.

Ming Qingda nodded. Since the court was still using open bids, there was no one under heaven that had the wealth to fight against him. It shouldn't be too different from previous years, but for some reason, the corners of his mouth were dry. Perhaps as he was getting gradually older, his spirit was not as good.

Thinking of this point, a strange feeling welled up in the old master's heart. His mother was already at such an advanced age, why was her body still so healthy?

Ming Qingda subconsciously swept his gaze across and easily determined the families the rooms represented. Although he rarely entered the market place himself these years, the friendship of the older generation was still there. Today, it was all the second generations who had come from those families. They probably knew very well that of the 16 palace treasury lots, they could fight for the portion the Cui family had made available. As for the eight the Ming family were set on, they would certainly not touch them.

Only…the door to the last room under the eaves on the opposite side remained closed. He didn't know which family had handed in their bidding book but had yet to arrive

Ming Qingda drank a mouthful of tea to wet his throat and furrowed his brows. "Which family is B4? It's about to start. How come no one has arrived?"

Ming Lanshi was surprised and unable to answer. He had already investigated very thoroughly, so why was that room still closed?

Some kind of warning began to grow in Ming Qingda's heart. After Fan Xian had returned the 400,000 liang banknote, he had sunk into silence. Who knew what that imperial envoy was thinking. He glanced at his son, and said in a slight rage, "When doing things, they must be done perfectly. You haven't even checked the people properly. If something goes wrong in a moment, what do we do?"

Ming Lanshi's expression was slightly embarrassed. He could only admit his mistake. However, he was not satisfied. These people of wealthy and large families all had the same problem of their hearts and mouths not being aligned. He tentatively said, "Perhaps it is a salt merchant…they always do things strangely. Maybe they got greedy this time as well."

Ming Qingda's expression was dark. He shook his head and said, "It's not a salt merchant. One, they had given us their promise. Two, Sir Xue also promised me."

The master of the Ming family watched the empty room opposite. He stared at the tightly closed door and faint coldness exuding from the glass windows. A strong sense of unease welled up in his heart.

"It is such a waste this time." An advisor in the Jiangnan governor's study sighed. "The Cui family had left open six lots, but it is not convenient for us to interfere. We must watch as all that silver is once again divided by the Ming family and those wealthy local landlords. It is such a pity."

Sir Xue Qing's face bore a slight smile, but he didn't say anything.

The advisor sitting on his other side also had an expression of sorrow and said, "Yang Jimei has come by a few times these days. He is hoping that Sir will speak for him in front of Sir Fan junior…his family has been in the salt business for generations. Now he sees the palace treasury as a piece of fatty meat. He's very greedy."

Yang Jimei was the biggest salt merchant, or private salt merchant, around the two rivers. He had always carefully curried favor with the governor.

Xue Qing thought about it and then said with a smile, "Greedy? Who isn't greedy? Yang Jimei, that old bastard. That amazing Hua Garden…when I asked him for it, he just would not give it up. This time, he insisted on using my hand to gift it to Fan Xian as a residence. Am I not aware of what he is thinking? Is Sir Fan not aware in his heart?"

As the governor of Jiangnan, he controlled one seventh of the soldiers and civil administration. His power was very strong and solid, and he had many eyes and ears. Thinking of the matter, he couldn't stop a sigh and said, "Sir Fan has to give Yang Jimei some face in the future, but in this palace treasury matter…he has no chance."

The advisor asked curiously, "What exactly is the imperial envoy thinking? Of the six lots that are available, who is he preparing to hand them to?"

The smile on Xue Qing's face gradually faded. "This question does not even need to be asked. Since the Emperor has sent him to Jiangnan, he is preparing these six lots to be taken, naturally, by him."

He continued, smiling coldly, "Never mind those six. I think if the Ming family wants to keep their eight slots, it will be difficult."

The advisor pulled his brows together tightly and said, "We just don't know which family Sir Fan junior has chosen this time."

Xue Qing gave a mocking life. He was the leader of the Jiangnan area, so he knew about Fan Xian's doings. He smiled. "I fear none of you will be able to think of who he has chosen. This imperial envoy is quite incredible. He did not choose among the merchants for a representative, instead, he went to the wilderness to dig someone out. If those bastards dared to walk brazenly in Suzhou on a normal day, I would probably have to take them into prison and demand some tribute."

The advisor did not know the inside story, so gave an awkward laugh. He still could not let go of the matter. He asked, "Concerning the matter of opening the palace treasury, did the imperial envoy…speak to you about it?"

Following the conventions of officialdom, such a piece of meat like the palace treasury could not swallowed by the officials of one faction. No matter how arrogant Fan Xian was, he would still have to make a gesture to the governor. Xue Qing's position was special and deeply rooted in Jiangnan,

Xue Qing furrowed his brows slightly and shook his head. "Sir Fan junior has raised the matter. Despite his youth, his actions are very accommodating. Minister Fan and Director Chen have taught him well…however, I, most unfortunately, could only reject Sir Fan junior's kindness."

"Ah?" The advisor let out a startled sound. Reject the kindness? As long as Fan Xian made the offer, this little gesture was probably worth at least a few hundred thousand liang. When did the governor become so honest and possess such self-control? HaD he learned how to change his spots?

Xue Qing smiled self-deprecatingly. He stood and said, "Although we are close, we should still go early. Sir Fan junior is waiting in the courtyard, as well as that old white face[JW1] Guo Zheng. The eunuchs from the palace will also bring the edict. We should not be late."

He did not explain to the advisor, who was closer to him than his wife, why he rejected Fan Xian's kindness. Xue Qing knew that although the palace treasury appeared to be a competition between Fan Xian and the Eldest Princess, in reality, it represented a deeper layer of meaning. Those princes and which order they should be in had already begun to change into a thorny problem.

Xue Qing's identity did not allow him to pick a side too early, otherwise the Emperor would be angry, so it was not convenient for him to join in the palace treasury feast.

Under the protection of his guards, the Jiangnan governor left through the front door of his manor. Xue Qing subconsciously turned his head to look at the sign in front of his manor and was momentarily blinded by the newly risen sun. A strong sense of unease welled up in his heart. The Emperor had been strange these few years. Everyone under heaven was watching Jingdou, guessing what the future will hold With this kind of unrest, it was definitely not a good thing for the Qing court.

If the people's hearts are not set, what would the officials do?

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what exactly are you thinking?

The merchants who had come to bid were already seated and waiting in their rooms. However, the host of the event, Fan Xian, was slowly drinking tea. The person drinking and talking with him was one of the eunuchs from Jingdou.

The palace treasury was the property of the royal family. According to the rules, it needed to be supervised by both the Taichang Temple and inner court. As Fan Xian was an official of Taichang Temple, the temple did not trouble themselves to send another person to Suzhou. It also lessened problems for Fan Xian. However, the eunuch had come, which was troublesome.

"What you say makes sense." Fan Xian placed his tea bowl on the table and smiled slightly. "I also agree that is better to be silent than to act. Everything will be done with the same rules as previous years."

Eunuch Huang was from the Palace and had a very high rank, otherwise he would not have been given such an important assignment. He had a fat head and big ears; the flesh on his cheeks was all piled together. At he listened to Fan Xian speak, he gave an insincere smile and said, "With you hosting this event, I am at ease."

Eunuch Huang had long been deep in the inner Palace. Although he knew Fan Xian's name well, he thought that with a royal decree on his person, he was not particularly be afraid of the other. On the contrary, he had been in Suzhou for a number of days, yet Fan Xian had not invited him to his manor to talk. The reality of this neglect made him feel ill at ease in his heart.

In their earlier conversation, Eunuch Huang had brought Fan Xian a piece of had news. More accurately, he was passing on the empress dowager's verbal command. She wanted Fan Xian to host the palace treasury matter according to old rules and to not do anything rashly.

Do things rashly? According to old rules? Fan Xian laughed coldly in his heart. This naturally meant that what should be the Ming family's, should stay that way, and the rest he could do as he wished. It seemed like after the Eldest Princess returned to the capital, the empress dowager must have felt heart sore for her youngest daughter and pulled a long face to request such a big favor.

He understood that the empress dowager was warning him to not go too overboard when doing things. He had to leave the members of the royal family some live income to spend. Thinking to this point, Fan Xian couldn't resist wanting to smile. His Emperor was known as the Emperor of a generation, how come he was becoming more and more turned around as the years progressed? How was he allowing his old mother and sister to push his family business into his sons' manors?

Of course he knew that the Emperor was not a simple figure, but he was becoming more and more confused as to why the Emperor was creating such a turbulent situation.

"To bring great peace, there must first be chaos?" He unconsciously furrowed his brows and said out loud.

"What?" Eunuch Huang beside him asked.

"Nothing." Fan Xian smiled. "Thank you for passing on the edict."

Eunuch Huang coughed a few times and said with some pride, "It's only because the empress dowager trusts in one such as me, of course. I must also thank you for giving me such face."

Fan Xian did not comment. He only smiled and looked at Eunuch Huang's pig-like face. After a pause he said, "Your face?"

Eunuch Huang was startled.

Fan Xian smiled slightly and said, "Eunuch Huang, it is best if you put away those acts when you are in front of me. Lao Tao, Lao Dai, Lao Hou…know how to behave themselves better."

Eunuch Huang was angry but quickly became shocked. The three people Fan Xian had mentioned were all powerful eunuchs in the Palace. Although Lao Dai had since lost power, other than head eunuch Hong Zhu who was recently transferred to the Eastern Palace, Lao Tao and Lao Hou all had much more face than himself. Thus Fan Xian saying this was showing that even Eunuch Tao and Eunuch Hou were respectful in front of him.

Eunuch Huang was very shrewd. He drew back his anger and smiled instead. "As you say, Sir." In his heart, however, he lowered his estimation of Fan Xian. For a young and powerful official to plant enemies all around, he was unlikely to grow for long. Furthermore, he was someone close to the empress dowager, so his identity was a bit special.

Fan Xian gave a sly smile and said, "It is best if you behave yourself in Suzhou."

Eunuch Huang lowered his face. "From where do you speak?"[JW2]

"I'm speaking from Jingdou," Fan Xian said darkly. "I hate it the most when people use the empress dowager to suppress me. Other people may be afraid of you, but that does not include me. After you go back to the capital, you can say it where you like and then see what kind of situation it will be."

Eunuch Huang lifted his head in a rage. How dare an official be so disrespectful to the dowager empress? Do you really not want your life?

For Fan Xian to say this, he had to have his reasons. He kept his expression cold and shook his sleeves before turning past a side corridor to walk toward the main hall of the courtyard. He threw down one last sentence. "Figure out your own identity. Your surname is not Hong!"

Other than old Eunuch Hong, who else was would Fan Xian be wary off in that cold Royal Palace?

Fan Xian stood coldly on the stone steps in front of the main hall. The merchants in the rooms under the eaves on the two sides quickly came out and bowed to him in greeting.

He gaze was focused solely on the main entrance. He didn't even glance at the father and son of the Ming family in the first room closest to him.

The big door was pushed open with a creak.

A line of silent people walked in slowly. This line of people did not have the wealthy and noble air commonly seen on merchants; they also did not seem like officials. On the contrary, they were full of a sense of blood and wilderness.

With these people standing in the yard, it was like wolves had suddenly appeared in a flock of sheep. Like a pastry with a deer tail, it appeared out of place and abrupt.

Xia Qifei was wearing an outfit of light-green watered silk, yet it still did not hide the aura of blood on his body. Although his expression was calm, his narrowed eyes revealed a trace of excitement and nervousness.

Xia Qifei held his fist in one hand and greeted Fan Xian. "Sir, I have come late."

"Not late," Fan Xian said coldly. "It is fine as long as you are here."

The giant merchants of Jiangnan often had shady business dealings, and there were many areas where they depended on the power of the wilderness. Xia Qifei, as the head boss of the Jiangnan water bandits, actually had some secret dealings with these merchants, even those of the Ming family.

Thus, there were some people who had seen Xia Qifei's true appearance. He led his subordinates and brothers to stand in the yard and was immediately recognized by those with sharp eyes. The whispers gradually rose to become countless cries of shock.

Water bandits have come to the palace treasury to bid?

The giant merchants looked with faces full of fear at Xian Qifei in the yard. They couldn't resist turning their glances on Fan Xian standing on the stone steps. They could not understand what was happening.

Water bandits as merchants? Then what were these merchants to do? Were they to be mountain thieves? The way of the world…seems to have become very strange ever since the appearance of Sir Fan junior. It was very difficult to understand. What made these Jiangnan merchants most curious was that even if Xia Qifei had been robbing everywhere, how could he pull together so much silver? Since these Jiangnan water bandits already entered the doors of the palace treasury, they must have paid the safety deposit in full. If being a water bandit was so lucrative, then why did they bother slaving away at their businesses?

Ming Qingda, standing at the door of the room closest to the stone steps, narrowed his eyes and watched the last person enter the yard. In a quiet voice he asked, "Who is this person?"

"It should be Xia Qifei," Ming Lanshi leaned close to his father's ear to say. "The head boss of the Jiangnan water bandits. We've had some contact before, but I've never seen him in person. I don't know why he's here today to join in the action."

Ming Qingda's eyes were narrowed tightly. It was almost impossible to see the cold pupil inside. He only faintly said, "It seems…this person is the piece the imperial envoy buried ahead of time."

Xia Qifei slowly turned his head and met the gaze the master of the Ming family sent his way. He smiled slightly. The smile revealed an endless enmity and desire to devour blood.

The Seventh young master of the Ming family, whose mother was killed and his property stolen, finally, with the help of Fan Xian, had the opportunity to properly stand in the light and get his revenge.

[JW1]"老白脸" Translated literally, but have different meaning in Chinese slang.

[JW2]"钦差大人这是说的哪里话" Translated literally to better reflect the next line.

Chapter 362: The Bandits Of Room B4

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They didn't need to wait for long before the Jiangnan governor, Xue Qing, arrived in a hurry, and the Imperial Censorate, Guo Zheng, who had been dawdling in the back garden entered the front hall. Finally, he four officials of the four offices hosting and monitoring the palace treasury bidding were gathered together. Guo Zheng was no longer the well-regarded Imperial Censor of the left in the Imperial Censorate, but as the inspector of each Road, he still had a certain measure of power. The old hatred between him and Fan Xian had not been resolved. When they met, it was inevitably awkward. When the four officials greeted each other, it always seemed that Fan Xian's calm and cold gaze hid a few threads of danger.

Of the four officials gathered, Eunuch Huang represented the Palace; the Jiangnan governor, Xue Qing, represented the system of the court officials; the Imperial Censorate Guo Zhen represented Imperial Censor; and Fan Xian represented a number of powers, such as the palace transport company, Overwatch Council, and even the institution that managed the royal family, the Taichang Temple.

Everyone representing the court, represented the Emperor.

Fan Xian sat in the second chair and chatted with Xue Qing with a slight smile, however, he saw the situation today clearly. There were too many people watching this event. No matter who, no matter which power, it would be difficult for anyone to conduct deals under the table by themselves. The treasury palace opening procedure developed through history effectively promised fairness.

At least, the appearance of fairness. As long as merchants had money, they could all come and compete for the 16 slots to sell goods as an agent of the palace treasury.

He was thinking this way, and the other three were also thinking this way. Eunuch Huang met the eyes of Guo Zheng. Although they felt faintly uneasy, from their perspective, Fan Xian couldn't get up to any fancy tricks in front of all these people. They just had to ensure that the Ming family was able to obtain the same portion as previous years.

Eunuch and Imperial Censorate were, historically, two levels that stayed apart like fire and water. Today, they were standing in the same camp in mutual understanding. However, these two did not know much of the inside situation or pay sufficient attention to the last person to enter the palace treasury, Xia Qifei.

Xue Qing was not the same. He had the attitude of being in the theater. His face was peaceful as he watched the people beside the giant merchants. Those watching the show were not afraid of the stage being tall; they are always more relaxed than the performers.

This one show had a number of performers.

The thick door to the courtyard was slowly closed again. The soldiers and Overwatch Council officials outside pulled a tight defense. In the palace treasury bidding of previous years, it usually ended in just one day. However, according to court rules, merchants were allowed two days to call out prices.

There was an enormous banging sound.

Fan Xian smiled as he covered his ears. He watched the spring thunder outside the yard shoot across the sky. It headed for the doom of the sky and exploded beneath the shallow clouds. The sound was bright and crisp, and traveled to the ground some distance away. It startled the spirits of countless people.

The girls in the brothels who had been hard at work the previous night in Suzhou were awoken by the roar of thunder. They cursed out some filthy words, burrowed back into their blankets, and fell asleep. A child, who was taking money from his parents to buy candy, thought the heavens were scolding him for being disobedient and punishing him with the thunder. The child was reduced to sobs in fear. The black dog in the back garden, peeing on the old tree roots with its legs cocked, shivered in fright from the sound. His front legs hit the ground, and he buried his head into the furry bag, imitating an ostrich.

The humans' reactions were all different. This roar of thunder had other meanings in some people's ears. Regardless of whether they were advisors and shopkeepers of each family that had gathered on the docks to the north of Suzhou awaiting orders, or the Suzhou people discussing the matter of the palace treasury opening, everyone tilted their gaze toward the south side of the city. They looked toward the courtyard they could not see and knew that the palace treasury bidding had started.

The palace treasury bidding in the sixth year of the Qing calendar actually went extraordinarily unsmooth from the beginning.

First, the palace treasury transport company summarized the profits and losses of each merchant in the last year. Naturally, there was no lack of positive words. The deputy of the transport company responsible for the speech, Ma Jie, finally reported, very severely, the results of the court's investigation into the Cui family. This was a warning to all the merchants below the steps: Don't think that the court is not watching you all.

These were old regulations, and no one cared. When Ma Jie spoke of the specific lots of today's bidding, the courtyard exploded. The merchants all stood out to show their opposition. Even the four officials sitting in the main hall began to argue.

Because the transport company had suddenly decided the divide the original 16 lots into 34 small lots, and furthermore, bidding would no longer be bound together.

This change did not appear to be big, but for the merchants below, it was a completely unacceptable matter.

The reason was simple. Three months before bidding, these giant merchants of Jiangnan had began secret talks amongst themselves. They figured out the boundaries and territories between them. Each minded their own business to avoid damaging their relationships and raising prices that would damage their wealth. For example, the Lingnan Xiong family was sure to compete for the bid for the alcohol category to the North. While the Quanzhou Sun family wanted to have the right to sell porcelain goods overseas.

Although it appeared that everyone could still maintain their bottom line on the surface if they did as the transport company intended and split the 16 large lots into 34 small lots, after the eight large lots expected to belong to the Ming family—divided into two bound bids—were completely split apart, who knew whether or not there might be some merchant who suddenly became greedy and wanted to steal the Ming family's portion. After all, without being bound together, the highest earning lots did not seem to need too much silver.

Once someone made a move on the Ming family's portion, what would the Ming family do? They would certainly turn around and steal someone else's portion. This was determined by a merchant's natural pursuit of profit. The opening bidding of the palace treasury today was probably going to be a complete mess.

The Jiangnan merchants were most afraid of the chaos. The Ming family had already agreed that they would not interfere with the Cui family portion. These merchants could already eat many more bowls of meat, of course they didn't want anyone to disturb their plans.

In their eyes, the imperial envoy made such a change to achieve two simple goals. First, he wanted everyone to compete with bloodlust and raise the price. Second, he wanted to minimize the necessary deposit after dividing the lots into smaller amounts, so Xia Qifei, the last man to enter the yard, would be able to have a small share.

These sly merchants had already noticed that the silent B4 room was the imperial envoy's representative.

We can understand that you, the imperial envoy, wants to earn money, but you can't use these seemingly fair but actually poisonous methods!

"Sir Fan, this idea is not appropriate." Although Eunuch Huang had been severely humiliated by Fan Xian, he still appeared very steady and calm. His fat face squeezed into a smiling expression. "In the regulations of the previous years, 16 lots were just 16 lots. Why are they suddenly divided? This matter needs to be decided by the capital after all."

Fan Xian furrowed his brows and said some words.He then turned his head and said in a low voice to Xue Qing, "Governor, the split into finely divided lots without binding together would only give more people the privilege to enter the field…this will only benefit the court."

Xue Qing muttered irresolutely to himself. He appeared very awkward. "Although that could be said, it is no small matter. I think Sir Fan should report to the court. After the Palace has discussed it, it will not be too late to introduce it slowly next year."

Seeing that Xue Qing was also opposed, Fan Xian felt unhappy. Looking at the chaotic and loud merchants below, a thread of hate flashed through his mind. In reality, the true reason for preparing to divide the lots today had nothing to do with what the merchants were thinking.

These merchants were thinking that the six lots the Cui family had left behind were already in their pockets, and so they would not compete with the Ming family. But, in a moments, Xia Qifei would definitely swallow up the six lots of the Cui family, so these merchants could only eat the two pitiful lots. An intelligence report came earlier saying that the Lingnan Xiong family and Quanzhou Sun family had both prepared large amounts of silver this time and were gearing up to take over the Cui family route. In a moment, when they end up with nothing, these merchants were going to suffer great losses.

Because of the fall of the Cui family, there were three times more merchants at the palace treasury opening bid than previous years. Fan Xian had originally been thinking to let these merchants have at least a bite, and so had made the suggestion of finely dividing the lots. Unexpectedly, no one accepted his kindness. Although he knew this was because these merchants did not know what was going to happen in a moment, and that was why they opposed it so strongly. But Fan Xian still found it difficult to quash his feelings of sullenness.

He fought a bit more with Eunuch Huang and Guozheng beside him and explained things to them for a bit. He found that the merchants were still determined to do things by the convention of previous years. The other three officials were also hanging tight to the word "regulations" and did not dare to let go. Fan Xian finally decided to give up; the so-called retreat to advance. Sometimes things just happened this way.

Deputy Ma Jie awkwardly turned around and glanced at Fan Xian, who waved his hand to signal putting aside the idea.

The merchants were overjoyed .They all bowed to him, saying the imperial envoy was wise. Fan Xian looked at these merchants with coldness in his eyes, He couldn't help shaking his head. Just don't cry in a moment.

Xue Qing sat beside him and stroked his beard with a slight smile. His gaze was actually focused on the room closest to the main hall and the room furthest away. When the place was in an uproar earlier, the quietest were these two rooms. He knew that Xia Qifei was Fan Xian's man, but he didn't know from where Fan Xian had gotten the silver or how the Ming family planned to respond.

The bidding had not gone on for long when there were already merchants beginning to regret. The master of the Xiong family from Lingnan became the first pitiful man to almost cry.

The official of the palace treasury transport company stood high on the stone steps and called out the lots, and then each room began to bid. Naturally, the bidding could not be like bidding on girls at a brothel, calling out – 50 liang! 100 liang! When the court did things, there always had to be rules and regulations. If there was interest in a bid, for example, after the official had called out the lot, the cotton merchant of Bei Road would make a detailed calculation with the old shopkeeper he brought, taking into account last year's profits and current year's trends. Then he would he write a precise number on a piece of paper and seal it into a leather bag. This would then be taken by an official of the transport company at the bottom of the stairs and handed into the Flower Hall to the left of the main hall.

The merchants had three opportunities to make an offer, and it was all open bids. Thus, if someone called a higher price than oneself the first time, these merchants still had the opportunity to raise their price, with the third price prevailing. It was a simple principal of bidding—the highest bidder wins. Following this, the merchant that had won the bid had to at the first possible moment, whether in joy or in pain, bring out 40 percent as deposit to be handed into the Flower Hall. There were accountants of the transport company in the Flower Hall, as well as an old official of accounts who was brought in from the Ministry of Revenue in Jingdou. They were responsible for comparing the numbers each merchant family came up with as well as examining the banknote the winning merchant family handed in. It had been many years since a merchant family stupidly brought a dozen chests of silver to a bidding.

In reality, the palace treasury bidding was not all that different from the bidding on girls at brothels, only the girls of the palace treasury were slightly more expensive. Whether it was the merchants or the busy officials, they were no stranger to this scene.

As the officials were busily running around with the sealed envelopes of the various families, the Overwatch Council officials watched everything with alertness, preventing any, already difficult to happen, cases of fraud.

It was currently the bid for the alcohol category in the North, and the third time the prices had been called.

Xion Bailing, from the Xiong family in Lingnan, was the current master of the family. He wiped at the cold sweat on his forehead. Seeing the two previous offers made by his opposition, the muscles on his face twitched. He felt a bit like crying but did not have the tears. The Lingnan Xiong family always operated their business in the South of the Qing Kingdom. Due to reasons of territory and opportunity, they never had the chance to extend their feet into the North, so it was difficult to expand their business situation. Since the Cui family had fallen, it gave these merchants the chance to take the right to sell as agents of the palace treasury in the North. Thus, Xiong Bailing needed to obtain this bid. Earlier, the person who most vehemently rejected Fan Xian's finely divided lots was him.

Now he was starting to feel regret. He clearly already had his clan prepare sufficient silver, but in both the earlier bids, he had been forcefully pushed down.

Xiong Bailing's eyes were red and anger attacked his heart. If he couldn't take down this bid, it was not a matter of how much less money they would earn this year. Rather, it was that after the clan had gone around this giant mountain that was the Ming family, the steps of their army toward the North must be slowed. He truly hated the person who did not follow the rules and dared to compete with him for the bid to the bone. However, other than hatred, there was also plenty of fear. He knew that that person had the imperial envoy as their supporting mountain. But where did the other party get such much money?

"B4!" He glared with hatred toward the last and silent room in the back. Xia Qifei and his group in B4 had been very quiet. When making bids, they struck out ruthlessly. They also had some genius assisting them. They had calculated the profits of the right to sell alcohol in the North very clearly and made a good guess about the bottom line of his clan. The two previous times they had bid, each time was just a little ahead of his.

Xiong Bailing, for no discernible reason, felt a sense of defeat grow in his heart. Was he, from generations of merchants, not even as good as a bandit?

The old shopkeeper had an expression full of defeat. "Master, we can't add anymore. If we add more…then there is nothing to make."

"Straight for this price." Xiong Bailin made a hand gesture and made the decisive decision to burn his boats and ground his teeth together. "Being a bandit, he doesn't care about the money he stole…but there's no need to lose money to compete with me for business."

At this time, silence had fallen in the courtyard. It was the third time to bid. There was no one else participating. Everyone's gazes were on the Lingnan Xiong family and room B4.

Although Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng had some misgivings, they glanced at Fan Xian. They still did not take it seriously because this was just a small lot, so perhaps Fan Xian only wanted to skim some fat off the top. As long as it didn't hurt the Ming family and their own interests, it was fine.

Two officials took two leather envelopes from the two rooms and silently entered the Flower Hall.

Everyone waited nervously for the result. Although this lot was not the most lucrative of the 16, everyone in the courtyard had, at this time, begun to realize the strangeness of room B4. Thus, everyone wanted to know if room B4 was here to bid or was a prop of the imperial envoy to raise the price?

"Room B4, Xia family, 370,000 liang, wins…"

The transport company official responsible for announcing the lots stood on the stone steps and announced the results without expression. He announced it so movingly that the last word seemed to float, giving it a hint of the theater.

The yard sank into a deathly silence. It took a moment before the people seemed to awaken from this shock and cry out in shock at the sky-high price.

370,000 liang! It was only to sell alcohol to the North. If this was calculated against last year's figures, this price was certainly at a financial loss. The Lingnan Xiong family had bid 300,000 liang, which was already sacrificing everything for the bid. Who would have thought that they would still lose to room B4.

But after this incident, the merchants were clear on one truth. Xia Qifei was definitely not a prop of the imperial envoy here to raise prices. Rather, he was here to truly compete with them for business.

For a moment, no one knew whether this was a good or bad thing.

There soon came a muffled sound from the Lingnan Xiong family's room, as if something heavy had fallen from the chair onto the ground.

Everyone watched the room with lingering fear in their hearts.

The master of the Xiong family, Xiong Bailing, climbed up from the floor and grabbed a cup of cold tea with difficulty before throwing it down his throat. Breathing hard he said, "That rotten bastard…he actually bid 370,000 liang. A bandit is just a bandit. Even when doing business they are full of aggression. You really are something."

Fan Xian sat in the great chair in the main hall. He slightly lowered his head and was not happy in his heart about this price. This price was indeed too high. The first two rounds of bidding, Xia Qifei's side had bid beautifully, just managing to push down the Xiong family's a little. This last bid spent an extra 70,000 liang of silver.

No matter how much money he had, it couldn't be spent like this. He sighed in his heart, but he also knew that bidding this price was not Xia Qifei's decision. He himself had placed a few old and cunning officials from the Ministry of Revenue into room B4. They were experts that he had secretly asked for from his father in Jingdou. It seemed that those Ministry of Revenue officials still overestimated Lingnan Xiong family's determination.

In barely a moment, room B4 had taken out an embroidered box and handed it to the Flower Hall for inspection. It was indeed a full 150,000 liang bank note, issued by Taiping money house. The seal was true; all was fair.

Everyone knew that in the quiet room B4 sat a merchant among bandits, and a bandit among merchants. He would not give a whit about other's sentiments and face when competing for a bid. He would only be bloodthirsty and use his silver to crush people, and he did indeed have this much silver.

They just didn't know how many more bids the bandit in room B4 was going to compete for.

This development made all but the Ming family feel completely hopeless. Xia Qifei beautifully made use of the bandit's style. Using silver as knives and remarkable bids as fists, he forcefully cut a bloody path through the merchants surrounding him. Among the official on the stone steps announcements, embroidered boxes were endlessly handed into the Flower Hall. The people seemed to see countless beautiful sheaves of bank notes dancing through the air, and Xia Qifei holding a large knife and licentiously hooting out, "Who has more money than me?"

After two hours, other than missing one not very important small bid, Xia Qifei had won four bids in a row. Among these included three bids that were originally the Cui family's Northern route. Not only did he bring Xiong Bailing to the ground, he also slaughtered the Quanzhou Sun family until their faces were pale. The other merchants had fear struck into their hearts. It turned out they weren't here to compete for bids, rather they were here to watch the bandit slaughter people.

It was not until now that the merchants felt regret for not accepting Fan Xian's earlier suggestion. If the lots were split, there would still be a dozen large lots later. Even if the Ming family eyed them like tigers eyeing prey, they would have the opportunity to take some away.

They would rather compete with the Ming family and fall out with them, than go up against the bandit in room B4.

Fan Xian sat with a calm expression on the imperial tutor chair and chatted on and off with Xue Qing, but in his heart he resented Xia Qifei. This fun game of using money to crush people. Why was it never his own turn to make up and take the stage to do so? Instead Xia Qifei got all the fun.

Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng had already shaken off the shock from earlier. They met each other's eyes with a not-quite-there smile. They were thinking the same thing. Where…did all of this money of Fan Xian's come from? Perhaps that Minister of Revenue was not entirely clean.

The bidding for the fifth lot had begun. This was originally the Cui family's glassware products that were sent North.

The door to room B4 was pushed open again and another sealed leather envelope was handed out.

At this time, there were no more merchants that wanted to keep playing with this bandit, so they all stayed silent. They only hoped that the bandit would be able to eat his fill early.

It was at this moment, the door to the long strangely silent room A1 was pushed open. The Ming family, for some reason, was making an early move.

"I don't expect to win the bid, but we need to drag out the time. At least until the end of today," Ming Qingda closed his eyes to rest and said to his son beside him. "The other party has made their name. We need to be careful. Leave ourselves a full night to respond."

Ming Lanshi was silent. He knew that his father was beginning to worry about the seemingly bottomless amount of silver room B4 seemed to have and was preparing to raise more funds tonight.

Ming Qingda did not open his eyes, but he was thinking of the bandit in room B4. Why did he make him feel so uneasy?

That man named Xia Qifei, why did he look so familiar?

Chapter 363: Big Brother, Long Time No See

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hearing the news of the Ming family bidding, Fan Xian furrowed his brows as if he had not expected the other party to respond so quickly and shrewdly. However, his heart was still calm. This was something he had expected; the Ming family was not a pig waiting for slaughter. Although the events before them had happened suddenly, someone intelligent and scheming like Ming Qingda must have a decent method of response.

After Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng heard the news, their spirits were roused and long-seated buttocks finally shifted forward slightly. They listened to the sounds in the yard with anticipation.

Only Xue Qing remained as he was, unperturbed, savoring the fine tea in his bowl.

This was the fifth lot and it not one the Ming family wanted. However, they chose to make a bid now and take the initiative among all those who did not dare to act and push down a little on the arrogance of Xia Qifei and his group in room B4. There was also an even more important reason. They were using a traceless underhand method to drag out the time and slow down the proceedings.

Thus, this round of bidding was particularly unamusing, even boring. It was a far cry from the first exciting round when Xia Qifei and the Xiong family of Lingnan had targeted each other as if their knives clashed. It couldn't even compare to the previous few rounds.

The Ming family bid a very low price. There wasn't a shred of sincerity to be seen. Ming Qingda did not care about this. He watched with a smile as his son and the shopkeepers of his clan dawdled away the time.

One round of bidding took many quarters of an hour. The Ming family calculated accounts shakily like a beginner. They made bids as shyly as virgin maiden. When they handed over the leather envelope, they moved as inconveniently as a toothless old woman.

They dragged out time in any way possible. Their master went to the accounts room and cooperated with great tacit understanding. It indeed made everyone anxious with waiting, but they had no way of finding a problem. The transport company official responsible for making announcements was beginning to yawn on the stone steps. The bidding for the fifth lot still had not ended.

Xia Qifei's price had always been much higher than that of the Ming family's, but before the end of the third round of bidding, no one was allowed to skip to the next step.

The Jiangnan merchants began to chat and drink tea. These old foxes could all see what the old Ming master intended to do and knew that, for today, it would probably only be possible to reach the fifth lot.

The sun above them slowly but surely moved toward the west. The words and actions of the Ming family progressed slowly and sloppily. A little bird landed in the yard and looked curiously around at the yawning people. It did not seem to understand why everything in this yard was moving in slow motion.

The Ming family were not in a rush.

The Jiangnan merchants were not in a rush.

Jiangnan governor, Xue Qing, was even less of in a rush.

One wondered if the bandits in room B4 would be driven mad by this patient simmering of soup over a low heat. However, Fan Xian, under the careful scrutiny of the crowd, hid the sign of impatience between his brows. He was at peace in his heart, full of approval for the Ming family's shrewd patience and shameless methods.

The sun gradually approached the western mountains. It dragged out the shadow of the palace treasury manor's main door like a girl's long dress. The little bird on the stone step, that did not even find a strand of grass, raised its head to look around. Full of hidden bitterness, it chirruped a few times before spreading its wings and flying away.

Dong! The bright gong sounded. The firecrackers signaling the end of the palace treasury bidding did not sound because the third round of bidding on the fifth lot had just ended. Xia Qifei once again won against the Ming family with great difficulty and obtained the right to sell glassware in the North. The first day of the palace treasury's spring opening bidding was forced to end.

The merchant families in the yard let out a breath and stretched. They moped at their cold sweat with some lingering fear. Fortunately, the Ming family acted in the end and forcefully wasted the time. Otherwise, given vigor with which room B4 had started, who knew how many drops of soup would be left of the meaty 16 lots of the palace treasury?

Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng met each other's eyes and smiled joyfully. Xia Qifei's actions had indeed taken them by surprise. Fortunately the end dragged out, so the other party lost all of their imposing manner. The Ming family was sure to make suitable arrangements tonight for tomorrow's matters.

Fan Xian sat on the chair and raised his eyes over the tall wall of the large courtyard. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the smudge of red at the horizon, but could not see the setting sun.

In the courtyard, the cleanup and sealing of bids began. The banknotes and tools the merchants had brought in did not need to be taken out, partially for convenience but also for safety. Tonight, Jiangnan Road, the Overwatch Council, transport company and Suzhou government would work together to put up a defense. They would guard the palace treasury courtyard tightly. It could be said it was the safest place in the world.

The soldiers began to stick seals on the rooms along the corridor and outside the Flower Hall. The merchants had already come out and were standing in groups of three and five in the yard talking. Seeing the Ming family's old and young master coming out from room A1, everyone rushed over to greet and salute them. Everyone's speaking voices were quite low, but the talking point was the bandit in room B4.

Xia Qifei wore a somber expression and led his subordinates to stand by the wall closest to the front door. That area was in a patch of shadow.

As the people talked, they gazed over at the group of people in the shadows. They remembered the methods of the bandits and felt some fear in their hearts.

The four major officials in the main hall then walked out.

"Greetings Eunuch Huang.""Greetings Sir Xue Qing.""Sir Fan junior, you must leave a bite for me, ah."

The merchants suddenly swarmed up and circled the four officials in the center. Some offered greetings, and others offered their grievances. It was very lively. Fan Xian couldn't resist smiling. Seeing the slightly angry expression of Xiong Bailing, he comforted and then mocked, "There are still 11 lots. What are you all anxious about?"

The hearts of the representatives of each clan cried out bitterly, thinking, there were only 11 lots left. The Ming family were certain to obtain the eight lots that were bound together; there would be nothing left for themselves.

Fan Xian sighed again and said, "There are too few lots, some will always miss out. These are the court's rules. I can do nothing."

Hearing these words, the crowd immediately remembered Fan Xian's suggestion at the beginning. Hearing him say the word "rules," their eyes couldn't help lighting up. Xiong Bailing suddenly chuckled, and lowered his voice to say, "The rules…are they not set by people?"

These merchants did not manage to win any benefits today. Of course, they couldn't help developing a certain thirst for the lots tomorrow.

Ming Qingda, who had been standing outside the group watching coldly, furrowed his brows. He knew that the imperial envoy was quietly encouraging those merchants to compete with the Ming family for shares. He laughed coldly in his heart, but a light smiled remained on his face. Without the others noticing, he glanced at Eunuch Huang.

Eunuch Huang understood and cut into the conversation with a slight smile. "Everyone, I also think this way."

Everyone felt joyful. Even the representative of the Palace had agreed to the suggestion of finely dividing the lots, so it looked like this matter was doable. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Huang sighed and said, "It is unfortunate that the court's rules are thus, and no one dares to change them without authority. This matter will have to wait until I return to the capital and speak with the empress dowager and Emperor to persuade them on your behalf. I dare say, next year will certainly be better than this year."

Everyone paused with awkward expressions. They were cursing this castrated man for only knowing how to say pretty words.

As Fan Xian talked with the crowd, his mind was focused on the Ming family. He found that although the old master Ming had encountered sudden changes today, his mind remained clear and emotions unaffected. His judgements were still quick and accurate. Fan Xian couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Since they wanted to daze the Ming family, it seemed like the stakes needed to be raised.

After the sealing work was completed and defenses prepared, the great doors of the palace treasury courtyard were slowly pulled open for the second time that day. The fresh air on the street flowed into the yard, and shocked everyone's spirits. They decided to go home to discuss anew and come back again tomorrow to compete for lots. Since things had already reached this stage, regardless of the Ming family or the Fan family, they had to grab a few deals with which to do business.

The various giant merchants had already pieced together from Fan Xian's isolated phrases the intention of one of the powers at court. They were targeting the Ming family, using gains as a lure and power as a guide. The merchants began to drool over the Ming family they had never dared to clash against openly. The heads of the Lingnan Xiong family and Quanzhou Sun family, as well as a few other heads of large families, met each other's eyes and began to smile strangely. In their laughter, they agreed to eat together that night at Jiangnan Restaurant.

The crowd was secretly discussing stealing the Ming family's lots, so naturally they were paying attention to old master Ming's movements. He was talking with the imperial envoy. One old; one young. The two faces both wore a slight smile, and they looked incredibly close. No one was surprised. Officials and merchants were both extremely fake professions, so these superficial efforts were made.

As they were about to leave, the merchants saw the imperial envoy gesturing lightly with his hand and summoned over Xia Qifei, who had long been standing in the shadows.

The merchants all stopped from heading out of the door and looked curiously at the scene in front of them.

Fan Xian's expression was calm. He smiled shallowly as he looked at Xia Qifei. His hands were in front of him and made a gesture understood only by the two of them, yet his mouth said, "Sir Xia, today you have stepped into the limelight."

Xia Qifei smiled and raised his hand to salute in all directions. "It all depended on the other bosses' kindness."

No matter how much the merchant families hated him, they knew that the other party was a figure of the underworld. It was best not to offend him directly. Furthermore, it was clear that he was the imperial envoy's trusted aide. So, they returned a few superficial words saying, "Although Sir Xia does not make an appearance often, when he does it shocks everyone," and so on.

Ming Qingda narrowed his eyes at this enemy that suddenly appeared in front of him. "Master Xia, why your sudden interest in business?"

The space quieted down.

Xia Qifei lowered his head and only raised it slowly a while later. Looking at the master of a generation of the Ming family, he gave a sly smile and said, "Although I have long been on the jianghu, my family has been merchants for generations. Reaching my generation, no matter how useless I am, I will continue the mission my father left behind."

"Oh?" The lines around Ming Qingda's eyes crinkled fiercely. He asked tiredly, "So the Xia family is also one merchant family. I did not know they were itinerant traders of various regions, perhaps I have once had friendly relations with your father back in the day."

The merchants were all watching this scene with curiosity. Hearing these words, they were also curious as to what Xia Qifei's family originally did.

Xia Qifei peacefully gazed at Ming Qingda's face, one which still often appeared in his nightmares. An unknown emotion surged up in his heart. A moment later, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and he said peacefully, "Naturally there were friendly relations. My father was your father, how could Master Ming not know him?"

The people present did not quite understand those words. Xiong Bailing began unconsciously digging in his ears. Ming Qingda was slightly startled. He looked at Xia Qifei and did not say anything.

Although Xia Qifei did not understand why the imperial envoy had him reveal his identity early, standing again in front of someone of the Ming family had been his greatest wish. Today, his dream had come true, and his emotions were impossibly turbulent.

However, his expression remained calm.Only his right hand hidden in his sleeve beside his body was slightly shaking. He gazed at Ming Qingda and said clearly and lightly, but also slowly and coldly, "Big brother, it's been a dozen years since we met, Do you not recognize Seventh?"

Xia Qifei was the Seventh young master of the Ming family. The one rumored to originally be meant to inherit the Ming family property, but strangely disappeared in the end.

The Seventh young master of the Ming family!

The merchants stared in disbelief at Xia Qifei. It was like they had seen a demon crawl out of hell, a strange creature that should not exist in this world. How could it be? Although no one dared to discuss it, everyone could guess that it was the old matriarch of the Ming family and the old Ming master in front of them that had the Seventh young master killed. How could he be alive? And, how had he become the head boss of the Jiangnan water bandits?

Ming Qingda stared in a daze at Xia Qifei. He looked at the face before him a very long time. Suddenly, his body began to shake. He finally found a familiar shadow on that face. Back then—the young, inexperienced, and ignorant little brother, that slight and thin body that had been whipped viciously by him—that face that was filled with hatred and the thrill of revenge.


At this moment, Ming Lanshi's heart was unbelievably shocked and scared. He stared like an idiot at Xia Qifei, the uncle of the rumors. He saw that his father's body was swaying, and he quickly held him up.

In Ming Lanshi's view, the palace treasury courtyard was like an evil manor. It was not somewhere to linger. He helped his father, who seemed to have suddenly aged a great deal, and led the members of his clan toward the outside of the palace treasury courtyard.

The merchants were still staring with faces full of shock at Xia Qifei and discussing something in low voices.

When the Ming family had reached the front doors, out of everyone's expectations, Ming Qingda fought free of his son's grip, forced his body straight, and turned around.

His face was a bit pale, but he used his strong power of self-control to reply to the momentarily quiet. He gazed at Xia Qifei in the yard and serenely said, "Master Xia is joking. My poor seventh brother died unfortunately of an illness a dozen years ago. Please do not tell such jokes to stir up emotions in my old heart."

The merchants were silent. They knew that it was fortunate that the old Ming master had stood at this time and turned around to say these words. Otherwise, if, in their shock, they left the door unguarded and allowed this information to spread in all directions without it being refuted by the Ming family, this matter would become more and more difficult to control.

Fan Xian tilted his head slightly, looking at the old and tired master of the Ming family on the stone steps. He sighed in his heart. It's a pity, but very admirable.

Chapter 364: A Slight Change

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For Fan Xian, the pity was naturally for the fact that Ming Qingda did not lose his composure in front of the attack he had hidden for so long. It was admirable naturally for the same reasons.

Xia Qifei's true identity was definitely one of the best kept secrets in the world. The Ming family had no idea that the Seventh young master was still alive in this world. After being rescued by the old boss of the Jiangnan water bandits, he had become the group's leader. The Ming family even had some business interactions with the Jiangnan water bandits. If Ming Qingda knew about Xia Qifei's identity, he probably would have long thought of a way to get rid of him.

Today, faced with the ghost-like appearance of the Seventh young master, the master of the Ming family was only slightly astonished before at least recovering a superficial calm. This kind of ability to temper his emotions was indeed worthy of the leading millionaire of the Qing Kingdom, the master of a large Jiangnan family.

Although the Ming family had deep connections in Jingdou, they couldn't have known about this. Even for Fan Xian, it was after having decided this year's plans last autumn that he began to focus on the Ming family and start his research. Not until then did he find, in Jiangnan as a cohesive whole, this trace of a useful chink.

Of course, the credit for this goes to the current head of the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council, Yan Bingyun, and young his ability to summarize information, analyse intelligence reports, and meticulous pursue clues. It was this somewhat always unassuming high level official of the Overwatch Council that successfully dug out Xia Qifei's most secretive identity.

Without Yan Binyun helping Fan Xian lay the foundations, this trip to Jiangnan would certainly not have succeeded so smoothly.

The Ming family forced down the shock in their hearts and silently left the door of the palace treasury's courtyard behind, walking out onto the street sealed and locked by soldiers. A carriage had arrived earlier to pick them up and drove toward the Ming Garden outside of the city. Who knew how chaotic the Ming Garden would be tonight from the news of the Seventh young master's revival, and what kind of response the Ming family will come up with.

Fan Xian stood at the entrance of the courtyard and watched with a small smile as Ming family's carriage disappeared into the dusk.

The officials and Jiangnan merchants behind him saw this scene and felt an involuntary chill run through their hearts. They felt that the slight smile at the corner of the imperial envoy's lips appeared to be unbelievably chilly and cold-blooded.

The crowd could not resist sending a glance to Xia Qifei. They still seemed unable to connect the head bandit of the Jiangnan water bandits to the Seventh young master of the Ming family, who had been considered dead for many years. They knew that with the imperial envoy as a support and the will in the rumor from many years ago concerning the massive Ming family property, there would be quite a fight in future days. Although the Ming family could completely deny everything, this matter would always become intense.

As for the Jiangnan merchants, what benefit could they obtain from this?

The heads of the Lingnan Xiong family and Quanzhou Sun family met each other's eyes. They were both thinking of the gathering that night at Jiangnan Restaurant…should one more person be invited?

However, today's cards had been revealed suddenly, and the Jiangnan merchants were at a loss for the moment. Furthermore, if they stretched out a hand to Xia Qifei now, it might be overly forward. Besides, no one knew what Xia Qifei was thinking.

Fan Xian only knew that in the action report Yan Bingyun had drafted for him for his Jiangnan trip, he recommended a split approach. Attack the Ming family and be gentle with the rest of the merchants. Xia Qifei taking all these lots had already faintly forced the Jiangnan merchants to join together to begin competing with the Ming family tomorrow for scraps. Now that Xia Qifei's questionable identity was revealed, the Jiangnan merchants should be able to smell the plot and opportunity within.

Danger and opportunity always came in a pair, and merchants have a natural ability to take risks.

Thus, Fan Xia made a hand gesture toward Xia Qifei.

He then saw Xia Qifei approach Xiong Bailing and Sun Jixiang with a slight smile. He said something quietly to them under their slightly shocked gazes. The merchants all began to laugh gently as if talking about an amusing topic. Then, the crowd dispersed and left the large street.

Fan Xian turned back and said a few words to Xue Qing and Eunuch Huang. He took another glance at Guo Zheng, then left under the protection of the Tiger Guards. As he exited, he turned his head and swept his gaze across. He saw that although Xia Qifei was not leaving in the same direction as the merchants, he was sure that there should be a chair for Xia Qifei at the Jiangnan Restaurant gathering.

The Ming family had suffered losses and was being frenziedly attacked by Fan Xian. The two representatives backing the Ming family, Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng, did not seem agitated or to care. They smiled slightly at Governor Xue Qing and saluted him, then said a few more quiet words.

Xue Qing furrowed his brows slightly and shook his head. He placed both his hands behind his back, boarded his official sedan chair, and left.

At this moment, there was only Eunuch Huang and Guo Zheng left outside of the courtyard doors. They watched with narrowed eyes as the Jiangnan governor's sedan chair gradually made the turn before their expression immediately became uglier.

Guo Zheng said in a cold voice, "This governor does things much too carefully. What is scary about jointly signing a letter to the Emperor?"

Eunuch Huang chuckled. "Sir Guo, how many people in this world can be like you and carry righteousness on iron shoulders? Like last year in the hall of the Ministry of Justice, you were not afraid of noble power and strictly questioned Fan Xian. The Palace looks on this matter with great approval."

Guo Zheng smiled self-deprecatingly. "Don't bring that up."

Eunuch Huang calmed down and said in a quiet voice, "Xue Qing has always been deeply trusted by the Emperor. And in officialdom, he is smooth, evasive, and difficult to grasp. Fan Xian secretly having Xia Qifei come out to take the lots this time…as the Imperial Censorate, you could write of the rumors to the Emperor, but you have no way of getting actual evidence. Xue Qing would definitely not participate in this. My question earlier was only to test his attitude. As you know, the place I am looking at is not in Jiangnan."

Guo Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Naturally. Officials are forbidden from being involved in businesses. This rule of the court has been set for many years, but how many have actually followed it? Even if Xia Qifei is Fan Xian's pawn and we found solid evidence to bring to the court, the Emperor would probably just smile and be done with it. He has never cared in previous years. Now that Fan Xian is deep in royal favor, there would be even less of a problem."

Their gazes met again. Guo Zheng continued to smile and said, "Jiangnan's matter is always going to end in Jingdou. From where do you think Fan Xian got this much silver? Although we cannot investigate how the silver came to be in Jiangnan, we can still check whether or not the rooms that should be filled with silver…have now been emptied by the Fan family."

Eunuch Huang chuckled darkly and said, "The princes in the Palace also had this thought. We'll let the imperial envoy mess around in Jiangnan. In a few days, the capital is probably going to start checking the Ministry of Revenue."

Fan Xian stood in the study of the Hua Garden, leaning forward slightly to see the small hand holding the brush at the table seriously writing characters.

Among kids of this age, the Third Prince's characters were well-written. Graceful but not soft, the structure had strength yet was smooth on the outside. It concealed and did not reveal; it had strength but did not implement. Using the character to see the person, Fan Xian knew very well that this prince, who was so like his younger self with a constant shy smile on his face, was truly not a simple character. However, he was still very young, and there were many things he didn't see clearly.

Other than managing the Jiangnan matter, Fan Xian's most important work was carrying out his responsibilities as a siye of the Imperial Academy. He was responsible for the Third Prince's learning and cultivation. As for the Third Prince's learning, Xue Qi had kindly invited a famous Jiangnan scholar to give lessons to the Third Prince and had been kicked out of the door by the young master.

After Fan Xian returned to Suzhou and heard of this matter, he flew into a rage and led the Third Prince personally to the Jiangnan academy to apologize. He then coaxed the gentlemen to return to Hua Garden as tutors. Then, he locked the Third Prince in the study and viciously slapped the palm of his hand a few times.

When the ferrule landed on the palm of a hand, the sound was very crisp. Particularly when it landed on the palm of the Third Prince, the ferrule seemed more arrogant and proud.

By the time Xue Qing had heard of this matter and hurried over, the punishment had already been administered. The governor looked at the red-eyed but still obedient Third Prince and couldn't help feeling a shock in his heart. Although Fan Xian was personally appointed by the Emperor to be the prince's teacher, to actually strike out…Sir Fan junior's daring was indeed bigger than usual.

After this matter became well-known, the Jiangnan scholars uniformly showed approval that the imperial envoy was indeed worthy as the light of literary men to show such reverence for teachers and respect for learning. Fan Xian originally excellent reputation became even more beautiful.

What everyone didn't know was that Fan Xian teaching the Third Prince had nothing to do with the Emperor. It was purely because he didn't want to fail in the solemn duty Yi Guipin had entrusted to him.

"Your Highness, that's sufficient," Fan Xian said gently, looking at the Third Prince leaning on the table and writing.

"Teacher, there are still two pages left." The Third Prince turned his head in shock as if he didn't expect Fan Xian to be so gentle.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Your palm still hurts, right? You can make up for it tomorrow. You can rest today. Go out and play."

He rubbed the Third Prince's head; this action seemed overly intimate. Even as the teacher, logically speaking, he should remain lofty and not be casual with his words or smiles.

However, the Third Prince liked this. Perhaps the children who grew up in the palace were all somewhat touch-starved, whether it was on their bodies or in their hearts. The kid scrunched his eyes into a smile and saluted before running out of the room. He ran so quickly, one wondered what fun things waited for him in the Hua Garden[JW1] .

Watching the Third Prince leave, Fan Xian's heart felt empty for some reason. He began to miss his little brother, far away in Northern Qi's Shangjing. Wang Qinian had sent a letter saying Sizhe was busy taking control of the Cui family's routes to the North with the help of the Overwatch Council. However, Seventh Ye was unable to leave the control. It was a big matter and quite a lot of hard work for a youth to deal with.

As for why the Third Prince was so excited to leave, Fan Xian also knew the reason. He had instructed the Third Prince to hang around Haitang and ask to be apprenticed under the tutelage of Tianyi Dao. With his honor as a prince, Fan Xian figured that Ku He would not object too much. Even if this did not work out, having the Third Prince learn some martial arts from Haitang to protect himself and forcefully create a student-teacher reality was actually good for everyone. A knocking sound came from outside of the study and woke Fan Xian from his thoughts. He raised his head and looked out to see Shi Chanli had his head twisted to look at the garden while his fingers were unconsciously knocking on the door.

He couldn't resist laughing and said, "Come in. What is so interesting out there?"

Shi Chanli gave a pained smile and stepped into the room. "Teacher, only you would dare to let the Third Prince learn skills from Haitang…she is, after all, the sage girl of Northern Qi…if this matter gets back to the capital, it will probably cause even more trouble."

"What trouble?" Fan Xian smiled and said. "The Emperor has instructed me to take the Third Prince down to Jiangnan. Of course, I am going to teach him well. As for such things like martial arts, Haitang is a much more appropriate choice than me."

The two did not discuss this topic further. Shi Chanli had a pained expression and said, "Yang Jimei came here again and insisted on taking me out to eat."

Yang Jimei was the largest salt merchant among the two rivers region. The Hua Garden that Fan Xian was living in was made available by him. Fan Xian was aware that this salt merchant was someone close to Xue Qing, so he always gave him some face. Hearing Shi Chanli saying this, he knew that although Yang Jimei did not obtain any benefits this year, he had great expectations for the palace treasury next year.

He smiled and said, "This garden was originally his. If he wants to come see it, of course, we cannot stop him…this is him knowing that he can't fawn on me, so he is fawning on you. Just go eat. You'll be doing business in Jiangnan in the future too, so knowing a few of these local powers will always have benefits."

"Where is he preparing to take you?" Fan Xian asked.

"Jiangnan Restaurant."

The two most prestigious restaurants were the Jiangnan Restaurant and Zhuyuan Restaurant. When Fan Xian arrived in Suzhou, the welcome party of officials, led by Xue Qing, had been set at Jiangnan Restaurant. Now that the Ming family's Zhuyuang Restaurant had been half bought and half scared into the Third Prince's hands and preparing to be turned into a branch of the Baoyue Brothel, if Yang Jimei wanted to take someone out, it would have to be the Jiangnan Restaurant. Fan Xian thought that his question was a bit unnecessary.

He muttered to himself and then said, "Today the Jiangna merchants are sure to be gathering in Jiangnan Restaurant…the Ming family needs to deal with the matter of Xia Qifei and probably will not send someone to attend. Yang Jimei insists on inviting you out today. I'm sure he wants to use this opportunity to curry favor with the royal merchants. This opportunity…you can give it to Yang Jimei. When the time comes, lead him into the banquet."

Everyone one in Suzhou knew that the shopkeeper of Baoyue Brothel, Shi Chanli, was actually Fan Xian's trusted aide. Without Shi Chanli as the middle person, the royal merchants should be very happy to accept the arrival of Yang Jimei. Of course, Fan Xian was not only returning Yang Jimei and Xue Qing a favor, he also had other arrangements.

"At the banquet, keep your ears open wide," Fan Xian said. "With the Ming family absent, those royal merchants will not avoid you. Perhaps they will purposely use your ears to tell me about their plans for tomorrow."

Shi Chanli nodded, but still felt nervous. "Should I pay particular attention to Xia Qifei?"

Having stayed in place with Fan Xian for long, the usually hard-working scholar, who read the classics, had begun to habitually look at all the world through conspiratorial lenses. This question clearly showed that he did not particularly trust Xia Qifei.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Relax. Xia Qifei is a clever man. He wouldn't be stupid enough to betray me now; it would not be beneficial for him at all."

Shi Chanli gave an embarrassed smile and asked again, "Do you have any words you want me to bring to those Jiangnan royal merchants?"

"Hm…" Fan Xian lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "Just say that I support them acting without reservations. Even if they lose everything this year, next year I will compensate them."

He raised his head and warned, "Of course, you have to polish it slightly. Don't say it so explicitly."

Shi Chanli took his orders and prepared to leave when he suddenly remembered a matter Yang Jimei had mysteriously brought up. "Earlier Yang Jimei said that Jiangnan has an organization called Junshang Conference. Its powers are somewhat mysterious and unknown, so please be wary."

Fan Xian thought about it and felt that Junshang Conference was a very unfamiliar name. It seemed like the case files of the Overwatch Council did not have any records. He furrowed his brows and said, "Mysterious…does not necessary mean powerful. I know now."

After Shi Chanli left, Fan Xian's forehead tightened more and more. An organization that even he had not heard of. What exactly did it represent? He gave a call.

Gao Da, who had been standing guard outside the door, strode forward into the room. Recently, Fan Xian kept less and less of the things he did from him. One reason was that he was purposely using the Tiger Guards to show honesty to the person on the dragon chair in the capital. For another, he wanted to try the four words "moving people through emotions," to see whether or not it was possible to change these powerful Tiger Guards into truly "his people."

Fan Xian furrowed his brow and said to the head of the Sixth Bureau Swordsman, whom he had Gao Da call over, "How many are there still in Suzhou?"

This question was about the number of Sixth Bureau swordsmen. The Tiger Guards the Emperor had transferred over were limited. Some needed to stay beside Fan Xian, and some needed to stay with the Third Prince; they could not be moved. The swordsmen of the Sixth Bureau of the Overwatch Council were mostly being led by the Shadow all over Jiangnan, fighting with those aces Dongyi had sent over. Thus, the people that Fan Xian could mobilize were actually limited at this time.

"The Sixth Bureau still has seven people…there are a lot of Fourth Bureau investigators stationed in Suzhou province though," The subordinate replied.

The proper boss of the Qinian Unit, Wang Qinian, was in Northern Qi. Deng Zi Yue was in Jingdou, and Su Wenmao had been left by Fan Xian in North Min, in the three workshops of the palace treasury. Thus, this person was considered Fan Xian's most direct subordinate. Coincidentally, he was also from the Sixth Bureau back in the day, so he was the most knowledgeable person in the Qinian Unit about defense.

"Don't move the Fourth Bureau people," Fan Xian sighed and said. "They are not experts in fighting and killing. If one them gets hurts and Yan Bingyun finds out that I've been misusing his people, given his personality, who knows how he will react. After returning to the capital, I'll have to suffer a scolding."

Gao Da, who was listening to the side, and the member of the Qinian Unit both laughed.

The subordinate asked with puzzlement, "Sir, what are we doing today?"

"Protecting a person," Fan Xian said. "Take the Sixth Bureau swordsmen and get over to Jiangnan Restaurant. Find Xia Qifei and tell him directly that I have give him these guards. At the same time, tell him not to be suspicious. Once the palace treasury bidding matter is concluded, I will immediately take them back."

Don't use the people you suspect, and don't suspect the people you use. Whether or not Fan Xian had placed spies around Xia Qifei, no one knew. At least on the surface, other than the few old officials from the Ministry of Revenue, the Overwatch Council did not watch Xia Qifei's every move. This was how the two sides worked together, so Fan Xian's decision today to transfer people to Xia Qifei's side needed a bit of explanation.

The subordinate furrowed his brows and said, "Sir, if everyone is shifted over, what about you and the Third Prince?"

Fan Xian glanced at Gao Da and smiled confidently. "My safety will naturally be the concern of Sir Gao Da. Your duty is to ensure that before the palace treasury bidding, Xia Qifei is not harmed in anyway."

Hearing these words, Gao Da gripped the handle of his knife and saluted.

The subordinate did not continue to ask questions. He quietly accepted his orders and prepared to open the door to make the arrangements.

Fan Xian furrowed his brows and suddenly said, "Be careful."

The old Ming matriarch's mood seemed bad today. She didn't even touch the warm and nourishing pigeon soup she had every day. She sent it back to the little kitchen. The old Ming master and young master Ming went straight to the back garden after they returned from Suzhou and had not come out since.

The various uncles and nephews from each house had also received orders. Their faces were filled with worry as they crossed the Ming Garden's beautiful corridor and passed the lake and pavilion, heading toward the matriarch's garden. The confused serving girls and servants watched as the Fourth young master, who only liked to walk birds; the Third young master, who only liked to take concubines; and the Sixth young master, who only liked to practice with the martial masters and win prizes, all walk in a rush with unhappy faces. Usually, it was rare for the Ming family to gather together all their sons, but they were all here now and there was no explanation. What important thing had happened?

In a moment, the entire Ming Garden was enveloped in a nervous and tense atmosphere.

However, things like rumors also traveled much faster than the postal system the Qing Kingdom was very proud of. Before long, all the servants in the Ming Garden knew about the shocking news. It turned out that at today's palace treasury bidding there suddenly appeared an enemy who dared oppose the Ming family, and that enemy…was actually the Seventh young master rumored to have died many years ago.

The Ming family master of the previous generation had loved Seventh young master's mother the most. In his will, he seemed to have left much of the property to the tragic fated Seventh young master.

However, all these years have passed, and the Ming family had fallen into the pocket of the eldest son. What exactly would happen now with the sudden appearance of such a person?

"Everyone calm down."

The wrinkled-faced matriarch looked coldly at the hall filled with the Ming family men and felt a great rage welling up in her heart. These men became so panicked after running into such a small matter. How could she rest easy handing such a big family business over to them?

"Sister, to suddenly have such rumors appear…it's not the children's fault they are panicked."

Sitting beside the old matriarch was a concubine of the previous Ming family master. Since she had curried favor well with the wife, she had lived. She looked at the old matriarch's face and said in a trembling voice, "If that…Xia person really is Seventh, what are we going to do?"

[JW1]"明园" Original said Ming Garden, which was a typo.