
Chapter 404: The Sword And The Edict

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Fan Xian finished reading the Council report, his eyes felt a bit dry and he couldn't resist cursing a few times in his heart. When he was little, his name and courtesy name had already been arranged by those people. Surname Fan, name Xian, and courtesy name An Zhi. Thinking of this now, this name was given to him by that Emperor in the Palace, only…ever since he had entered Jingdou, or more accurately speaking, after the spring imperial examination last year, when had he ever been unoccupied[JW1] ?

When he sometimes asked himself honestly, judging by the experience of two lives, Fan Xian had to come to a conclusion that he was not very happy with. The old Emperor in the Palace was actually quite good to him, although he knew that a large part of the reason the Emperor had given him so much power was because he needed the existence of someone like himself to use to balance the situation in court. Furthermore, he had indeed shown great ability in this area.

The royal family had always been heartless. For him to be where he was today, credit had to be given to his mother's favor. This meant that the Emperor did indeed have some father-son feelings for him—at least he wasn't like the Han Emperor, he was at least still alive and living better and better.

Fan Xian would not be infatuated with this glimmer of father-son emotion. He was amazingly clear-headed and calm. He was still somewhat angry at the Emperor for throwing him to Jiangnan and so much work at him, so many troublesome matters.

He was not a donkey…although Haitang seemed to enjoy ordering Sizhe around like one.

He rubbed his eyes and took out the long rectangular box from beside him and curiously ripped open the wax seal on the outside.

This was a gift Wang Qinian had carefully asked Xia Qifei to bring back. In the letter, it said it was to show respect to him but did not explain what it was.

The box slowly opened and revealed the true appearance of the thing inside. Fan Xian narrowed his eyes. It was a sword, a sword that did not appear to be unusual but a sense of great age emanated from its entire being.

Pulling out the long sword, he wrapped his right hand firmly around the hilt and slowly pulled. Without a sound, the blade of the sword left the sheath and emerged.

Like the snow on Cang Mountain, like the blue in North Lake, like the wind in Jiangnan, the clear and bright sword light rippled in the study. It was unbelievably warm but with a glimmer of bone-piercing cold enveloped within it.

Fan Xian expression shifted slightly. He saw the preciousness and sharpness of this sword. What particularly gave him secret joyful was that this kind of murderous intent within the warmness was similar to his own strange personality.

He lightly flexed his wrist and casually swung it a few times. He felt that the weight was very suitable as well. The blade of the sword swept out silently. It passed over the candle three times, and the candle did not move at all.

The weapons Fan Xian usually used were nothing but secret crossbows and the slim, pure black dagger in his boot. Although it was enough to kill with, he still did not have a suitable weapon, particularly if he was going to fight against true aces.

Since he had been stabbed by the Shadow, Fan Xian was fortunate in learning the secrets of the Sigu Sword. These days, he practiced single-mindedly, and it could be said he has had some small successes. That night he killed Yuang Jingmeng had already proved this point. With the Sigu Sword in his heart, Fan Xian had a growing desire to match it to a good sword.

When he killed Yuan Meng, it was Haitang who lent him a soft sword.

One could not live off a woman, and it was not good to always borrow a sword.

Fan Xian lightly flicked the edge of the sword and listened closely to the soft buzzing sound. He couldn't help but nod his head in approval. He considered this fawning of Lao Wang's well done.

Lifting the paper in the box, on it was written Wang Qinian's skillful supporting words. Full of fawning, it showed regret for peeking at his letter last year and talked about the history of the sword, which actually belonged to the last Emperor of the Wei Kingdom.

The Wei Kingdom had been defeated by the Qing Kingdom, and the fighting families took the opportunity to rise. The treasures in the Royal Palace had long been stolen away by the eunuchs and sold. This sword had since then fallen among the people to never be seen again. However, after 20 years, it finally resurfaced. After Wang Qinian heard, he had paid a hefty price to buy it and then carefully made some external changes before sending it to Jiangnan.

"So, it is an emperor's sword…" Fan Xian looked at this sword and smiled, yet he did not quite accept it in his heart. If this sword truly had an imperial aura, the Emperor of the Wei Kingdom would not have died back then.

However, immediately his brows furrowed together. Wang Qinian knew that he was the Emperor's illegitimate child. To spend a large sum to buy the Wei Emperor's sword and then send it to him from so far away, was this truly just an act to curry favor or was he using this sword to hint at something?

Fan Xian shook his head and sighed, thinking, A man like Wang Qinian who had a wife and daughter, how could he have such bravery? It should be him who was thinking too much.

He felt a bit uncomfortable in his heart. At heart, he was just like the Emperor; they were both suspicious people.

Blowing out the candle he left the study to sleep. Fan Xian couldn't resist muttering, "Zorro."

The study door closed, the moonlight was peaceful, and the candle broke into four pieces. One stuck to the surface of the table while the three others rolled without stopping.

Three days later, an Imperial Messenger arrived in Suzhou from Jingdou. The Imperial Messengers were not those eunuchs with wings, they were the eunuchs only responsible for bringing messages from the Emperor. They could not fly; they could only ride horses, so were naturally slower.

Hua Garden was cleaned until it looked like new. The courtyard had been swept, incense lit, and all related tasks completed. With Fan Xian as the head and the Third Prince beside him, everyone in the Overwatch Council Qinian Unit, as well as the Sixth Bureau guards and Tiger Guards, stood densely together. They all waited patiently in the front yard for the arrival of the imperial edict.

They were accepting the imperial edict. As the Sage girl of Northern Qi, it was not suitable for Haitang to be present, so she had left earlier.

However, Fan Xian and his people waited for a long time no one arrived. Fan Xian became somewhat irritated and called for someone to bring him a chair. He sat himself in the corridor and had Sisi shell pumpkin seeds beside him while he chatted casually with the Third Prince.

Deng Zi Yue moved closer to his ear with an awkward expression and said, "Sir, be careful, the wait is inevitable."

His gaze flicked over to the side.

Fan Xian knew what he wanted to say. His subordinates in the Overwatch Council did not matter, and the Third Prince was now firmly following him, but his insolent behavior did indeed seem a bit disrespectful of the Emperor's might. To the side there was also Gao Da and the other six Tiger Guards, there were also the Tiger Guards responsible for the Third Prince's safety. No one knew whether or not there were people among them sent by the Emperor to spy on him.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and did not say anything. In his Northern Qi trip, as well as this Jiangnan trip, it had always been Gao Da and the other six following him. The two sides had interacted happily, at least, they hadn't dragged him back and or done anything that made him uncomfortable. Recently, Fan Xian had purposely shown his true side to them.

He suspected that these seven people would be his personal bodyguards for life, so he might as well use endless small mistakes to have them become used to his future big mistakes.

Sometimes, people's hearts could not be bought, they could only be hooked. It was like this between men and women, and it was actually also like this between men.

As for the Third Prince's Tiger Guards, fortunately, they didn't make Fan Xian wait for too long. Following the sound of a canon outside, a few royal guards walked in first and then bowed a eunuch into the garden.

Fan Xian had stood long ago. He led the Third Prince forward by the hand and saluted deeply, then he quietly waited to listen to the imperial edict.

The eunuch, who had come to announce the imperial edict, was Eunuch Yao and an old acquaintance of Fan Xian's. The two met each other's eyes. Eunuch Yao knew that this young master was in a hurry. A chill ran through his heart, so he passed over the processes that he could and directly opened the double damask cloth edict. In a high voice, he began to announce the edict.

The contents of the imperial edict were just as Fan Xian expected. Some of the sentences within it were even matters that Fan Xian and the Emperor had already discussed and agreed on in their secret letters.

As the ruler of a country, the Emperor had to express shock and anger at the chaos in Jiangnan. The imperial edict seemed to have used severe language to harshly upbraid Fan Xian. In the imperial edict, there was not a single mention of the Ming family.

The glimmer of a smile flashed across the corner of his mouth as he knelt on the ground. This was as it should be. How could a mere wealthy family in Jiangnan affect the Emperor's heart? Although this time the incident had not been small and the people's blood letters had been sent to the capital, and a few corrupt officials even wanted to try the case before the Emperor in Jingdou, the Emperor's scolding of Fan Xian could be considered an accounting for all those under heaven.

However, the imperial edict, the court's official document, would certainly not mention the Ming family. It criticized Fan Xian for not handling matters carefully, but what matter was it? The court would not say a word on it. This was what was called politics.

It was only some scolding words and, of course, fined Fan Xian another year of salary. There were no other punishments.

Eunuch Yao's high pitched voice stopped. Everyone thanked the Emperor then rose. They then asked after the Emperor's health and such boring matters, after which Fan Xian finally accepted the imperial edict and handed it to an official behind him to store away.

"They fined my salary again?" Fan Xian couldn't resist muttering. "Father and I haven't been paid for the past few years, who is going to feed the family?"

He and the Third Prince walked in front. Eunuch Yao followed behind with his body bent forward, he walked with small steps and wore a fawning smile.

"Lao Yao…You have to return the silver to me, otherwise, I can only eat porridge."

Fan Xian jokingly scolded.

Eunuch Yao put on a bashful expression and walked forward a few steps. "Have mercy, everyone knows you are the best at making money…you've not been in Jiangnan for half a year and yet you've earned tens of millions of silver for the court. What use do you have for my loose change?"

As Eunuch Yao spoke, he silently cast his gaze briefly toward the Third Prince. Fan Xian's earlier joke could be a major issue or it could be nothing. In the past, the Fan family had indeed bribed these eunuchs thoroughly. Of course, he also knew that Fan Xian did not care all for his income.

However, he had made this joke in front of the Third Prince. Eunuch Yao knew that although this prince was young, his thoughts were complicated. He couldn't help but feel slightly afraid, but he saw in this glance that the Third Prince's expression was calm as if he had not heard anything. Then he thought, since Fan Xian dared to say such things in front of the Third Prince, then naturally he must have his reasons.

Eunuch Yao's heart stuttered. He knew that the guesses in the Palace were not wrong, the Third Prince and Sir Fan junior were indeed something.

"I don't have the daring to touch the silver earned for the court, are you…encouraging me to corruption?"

The three of them had already entered the middle hall. Fan Xian and the Third Prince each sat to the side of the main seat while Eunuch Yao stood to the side. Hearing these words, he gave a pained smile and said, "Sir Fan junior, please don't make jokes at my expense."

Fan Xian smiled and waved his hand, gesturing for him to sit.

Eunuch Yao immediately sat down. This long journey had indeed tired him out.

"I thought you would be able to arrive earlier. I had to wait for a while," Fan Xian said as he casually shelled pumpkin seeds.

The Third Prince was also imitating Fan Xian in shelling the pumpkin seeds.

Eunuch Yao stared and suddenly felt his vision blurring. The "brothers" on the high seat indeed looked very similar, only one was a large size and the other a small.

He quickly laughed companionably and explained, "We had indeed arrived at the inn outside the city last night, but according to the rules, we could only enter the city today…this imperial edict has two copies. I first went to the governor's manor and so came late. Please don't blame my legs for not being agile."

He carefully watched Fan Xian's expression and found that this powerful young, who was so red in court as to be purple, did not appear to be truly angry. Only then did he let go of his breath.

In reality, as the eunuch imparting the imperial edict, the eunuch was like the Emperor's mouthpiece and could arrogantly travel the seven Roads and provinces. Earlier in Xue Qing's manor, Jiangnan Governor Xue Qing had shown full respect to Eunuch Yao from the Palace. However, he could put on airs where he wanted, except here in Hua Garden Eunuch Yao would never dare do so.

Without even mentioning the fact that Fan Xian was an imperial envoy, just these two "princes" identity and Fan Xian's power was enough to make Eunuch Yao behave himself well.

"Of course I knew you have to go Governor Xue Qing's manor first," Fan Xian said with irritation. "Am I ignorant to even such basic etiquette?"

He shook his head and said, "What did the Emperor tell the governor?"

Eunuch Yao thought about it and said with difficulty, "…it's much the same as your edict."

"Oh? Xue Qing has also been fined a year's salary?" Fan Xian raised his head and asked with great interest, however, the tone of his words seemed to be heavy with schadenfreude.

Eunuch Yao chuckled and put up three fingers.

"Fined for three years? Now my heart feels more balanced." Fan Xian smiled and threw the shell of a pumpkin seed. "I did say that the Emperor is wise and kind. He would never have pitiful me carry all of the blame."

Eunuch Yan gave a forced smile, wondering how to continue the sentence.

Fortunately, Fan Xian immediately changed the topic and asked, "For such a long and difficult journey, why did someone as old as you come? Are there no young and capable eunuchs in the Palace?"

"Lao Dai had been training a few, but as you know, after that incident this matter has been delayed. Although, he has recently been moved back out of pity. This time, the imperial edict to Jiangnan was urgent, so naturally, I had to make the trip." Eunuch Yao sighed.

"Is Lao Dai alright?" Fan Xian asked.

Eunuch Yao smiled, "Thanks to your blessings, they are living quite well in the Palace."

The Qing Kingdom's Palace was not quite the same as that in history. From the beginning of this kingdom, they were very vigilant against eunuchs. After the previous Emperor took the throne 20 years ago, he further prevented eunuchs from interfering in state affairs, and the prohibition was very strict. It was difficult for eunuchs to have power, so they did not divide into multiple factions. On the contrary, these eunuchs knew that the circumstances were difficult and banded together.

Every time Fan Xian interacted with the eunuchs, he truly did not see them as strange and evil people. He treated them as usual; he did not purposely try to curry favor or humiliate them. He was not warm to their face, and then turn around and stab them in the back. With these actions, the eunuchs very much liked this young commissioner.

"As long as they are living well." Fan Xian couldn't help shaking his head. The eunuchs in Qing Kingdom did not have a bad record. These irregular people were indeed quite pitiful. Putting on a show of casualness, he said, "Lao Dai did not manage to train any…but, last year, that kid in the royal study, Hong Zhu, seemed to be quite clever."

"Hong Zhu…has already been moved to the Eastern Palace to be the deputy head eunuch. It was the Emperor's blessing." Eunuch Yao answered carefully as everyone in the Palace knew that Hong Zhu had been sent away from the royal study because Fan Xian has said some things in front of the Emperor. The rumor was that Hong Zhu had been blinded by greed and dared to extend his hand for a bribe from Sir Fan junior.

Fan Xian's expression darkened slightly. After thinking for a while, he sighed. "Perhaps it is for the best. It is not appropriate for someone too clever to serve the Emperor…not knowing when to push and when to retreat, not knowing when to stop."

Too clever? This was clearly an insult. Eunuch Yao thought that the rumours were indeed true. Hong Zhu didn't seem stupid, so how could he dare to provoke Sir Fan junior? It looked like that kid would not be able to rise again in the Palace.

After seeing off Eunuch Yao, Fan Xian led the Third Prince to the study. After a moment of silence, he quietly said, "Do you understand why?"

The Third Prince thought for a while. After all, was said and done, he was still young and didn't understand the reason within. He shook his head helplessly.

"Right now it is the end of spring and the beginning of summer." Fan Xian's eyelids lowered slightly as he talked. "We are about to go to Hangzhou. During the journey, I have to make a trip out. The Jiangnan matter has pretty much been set. At most…the Palace will leave you by my side for a year. That means, at the end of the year, we are sure to return to the capital. When the time comes to leave again, there will only be me and not you."

"Why?" The Third Prince asked with surprise.

"There is no why." Fan Xian smiled slightly. "In the eyes of some people, perhaps I have a sly and unkind aura. You are a proper prince of the heavenly bloodline. If you are with me for too long, you might be contaminated with some bad habits."

"But…" The Third Prince anxiously said, "following you to Jiangnan to learn was something father personally approved."

"Fa…the Emperor…" Fan Xian couldn't help but shake his head. "If the empress dowager misses her youngest grandchild, then the Emperor can only summon you back."

The Third Prince became silent. He knew that the empress dowager was not like other grandmother's. She did not particularly like her youngest grandson, rather, she preferred the Crown Prince and the Second Prince more.

"Which is to say," Fan Xian said, "from next year onwards, you will be alone in Jingdou and I…will not able to be by your side at all times."

The Third Prince raised his head and a ruthlessness, at odds with his childish face, appeared on face. "Sir, don't worry. I will live well and wait for your return."

"You're being childish again," Fan Xian smilingly scolded. "With the Emperor beside you, who would dare to do anything to you?"

He slowly said, "Only, from now on, you have to stand out…at least have the officials in court and the generals in the army know you and be used to you."

"Used to what?"

"Used to the fact that you are also a proper person and not just a snotty-nosed kid," Fan Xian said coldly. "Used to you…you are also a possibility."

The Third Prince had been with Fan Xian for half a year and was deeply admiring of this "elder brother" and felt that being beside Fan Xian was much more cheerful than the cold atmosphere in the Royal Palace. At such a young age, he could only trust and only wanted to trust the things Fan Xian said.

But he still asked, "Sir, shouldn't the first move be to silently endure? You once said, when the wood becomes a forest, the wind will surely destroy it."

"You are not yet a sky-reaching tree." Fan Xian smiled and rubbed the Third Prince's head, although this action was not respectful. "Since the Emperor had you come with me to Jiangnan, it is already impossible to hide you. Since it is impossible to hide…then I might as well stand up behind you and see what wind dares to blow at you."

The Third Prince scratched his head, not quite understanding.

"I want to send a message to Jingdou through Eunuch Yao's mouth." Fan Xian pulled back his hand and slowly closed his eyes. "You, are the person I chose."

The Third Prince suddenly screwed up his courage and said, "Even though the Crown Prince…but in the end, it is father's choice."

Fan Xian did not open his eyes, he only said quietly, "The Eldest Princess has chosen your second brother, and the empress dowager as chosen the Crown Prince. Although the Emperor has not chosen, in reality, many people have already begun to choose, what is one more?"

[JW1] The Xian character in his name means to be unoccupied, leisure, etc.

Chapter 405: This Matter Does Not Concern Romance

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The spring wind did not care about romance and neither did the summer wind. It was only the wet, clear, or humid air that continued their endless rolling. So, the people living in the air developed certain emotions due to the rolling of the heaven and earth.

"So what if you made it clear? Would the Qing Emperor just believe your stance?" she gazed at Fan Xian and said with a tinkling laugh. Haitang was wearing a light blue unlined garment. On the clothing was, stereotypically, sewn two large pockets and her hands were, stereotypically, tucked into the pockets.

Fan Xian slightly tilted his head. He understood what she meant. Having Eunuch Yao take every scene in Jiangnan back to Jingdou to have everyone in court know that he had chosen the Third Prince, this kind of practice of choosing before the Emperor was definitely not something Fan Xian would have done before.

However, things were not the same. Fan Xian held too much power in his hands, so he had to demonstrate to the Emperor that he had absolutely no interest in that throne.

The problem was as Haitang had said, why should the Emperor trust him? Just because of the Third Prince? After all, the Third Prince was still a child. If, after the Emperor passed, Fan Xian helped the Third Prince onto the throne, given the power in his hands and his background, at any moment he could set up the Third Prince as a figurehead and act as regent, ruling from behind a curtain or something like that.

"The Emperor is healthy and in his prime," Fan Xian lowered his head and quietly said. "The future is too far away, I can't always go on being a solitary official. Furthermore, he placed the Third Prince beside me. I am just going along with his intention, as for…what consequences will it create?"

His eyes narrowed and he looked at Shou Lake in front of him and light fog above the lake. He quietly said, "I have been thinking about a question for a long time."

Haitang yawned and covered her mouth, "What question?"

"The other reason I stood out this time was to give the two princes in the capital some pressure," Fan Xian said with a wide smile. The two princes he spoke of were the Crown Prince and the Second Prince. "I really do want to drive them to desperate action, otherwise with things moving so slowly, who knows high that mother-in-law of mine would be. Would she be as high as a few floors…"

He shook his head. "In any case, I don't want to wait anymore."

Haitang's heart thudded slightly. She glanced at him with her face away from him. "Are you truly going to lay out your cards…"

Fan Xian smiled and said, "I'm not done with the question yet. I want to force the two brothers to desperate action, but what about the Emperor? He had the Third Prince follow me to Jiangnan, so he must have expected the situation would develop like this. With the Third Prince involved and his attitude so ambiguous, how could the Crown Prince accept this? And now the Second Prince cannot go up or go down, and it is impossible for him to just give up…does our Emperor want to force his own son to rebel?"

Having explained his doubts, the coldness in his heart felt slightly better and flowed out with a sigh.

Haitang lowered her head and said, "Even though the royal family is merciless, in the end, he is a father, why would he manipulate his own son like this?"

Fan Xian nodded, "This is what I don't understand."

"Congratulations," Haitang suddenly opened her mouth and said.

Fan Xian was confused, "What is there to congratulate?"

"Since your thoughts are so similar to the Emperor's, then in the situation at the end of the year…naturally, you will win," Haitang said lightly.

Fan Xian thought for a moment then quietly said, "It seems that your confidence in my Emperor is even more ample than mine."

"Because you are a Southerner," Haitang said indifferently. "After you entered the capital, the Qing Emperor has always appeared somewhat taciturn, so you have not felt his terror. Back when he was just the Crown Prince, he had led the army three times on Northern expeditions. As a distant Qing Kingdom, he shattered the Wei Kingdom and made the other kingdoms keep quiet out of fear…such ruthless strategies and such terror. Standing on your side and considering this matter, naturally, I have a great deal of confidence in him."

"Your Emperor is a heroic ruler." Haitang very directly praised the Emperor of another kingdom. "For these two years, the lion has not been sleeping, he has only closed his eyes to digest the food in his stomach. But if someone truly dared to try and touch his position, his eyes would open and he would mercilessly tear his enemy to pieces."

Fan Xian became silent. "Actually…I understand. That is why I want me to do this thing, not him."

"After all is said and done, you are still a very sentimental person." Haitang gazed at him with a not-quite-there smile. "Although you usually like to hide your kindness under a veneer of selfishness, you are still a very sentimental person. If the Qing Emperor ends up striking out in anger, it is certain to be a bloodbath. You don't wish to see this scenario, so you want to do it yourself…to compress this destructive power of this matter to be as small as possible."

Fan Xian lowered his head and implicitly admitted this explanation. Regardless of how much hatred he had for Xinyang the Eldest Princess, the Crown Prince, and the Second Prince, after all, the Eldest Princess was Wan'er's mother and that loveable Ye Ling'er had now become the second imperial concubine. As for the fight for that chair, once it exploded, it was certain to bring disaster to the clan. In many ways, Fan Xian was a cold and emotionless person, but he still didn't want thousands of heads to hang above Jingdou and have their filthy blood wet the city walls.

That Second Prince, who was so similar to him, smiled so shyly. Would he be able to smile like that once he had been turned into just a head?

If the Emperor and himself won, what about the Ye family? What about Ye Ling'er?

For Fan Xian, these were all problems, but for that Emperor, none of these were problems. Thus Fan Xian strongly desired to be able to obtain the power to resolve this problem, but…

Haitang gently said, "You should know, you cannot resolve this problem by yourself. Your enemies have powers that are beyond what you can deal with. For those people, the Qing Emperor has his own plans and does not need you to do it in his place. Ultimately, right now you are just the sharpest sword in his hand, but he is the hand that holds the sword."

Fan Xian knew she was talking about the Junshang Conference and silently nodded his head.

"And there is also the empress dowager." Haitang smiled slightly.

Fan Xian saw a glimmer of sadness in her smile and couldn't resist muttering, "Both dowager empresses are very troublesome."

It was clear that Haitang did not wish to continue that pointless topic. Her gaze, unintentionally or not, landed on the ancient sword on his waist.

"Wang Qinian sent it," Fan Xian met her gaze and explained. "Apparently it was once the sword of the last Emperor of the Wei Kingdom."

Haitang's expression did not change as if she had long known of this sword's history. In a clear and cold voice, she said, "Be careful of causing too much discussion."

Fan Xian smiled. "Thanks for your reminder, I originally thought no one would recognize it."

Haitang lowered her head, thinking about something. A moment later, she faintly said, "The destruction of the Wei Kingdom was not even 30 years ago. Although Xiao En and Zhuang Mohan, the last two spiritual representation of the Wei Kingdom, have already passed, it has not been that many years. Right now, there are still many who remember the events of that time."

Fan Xian didn't know why Haitang's mood was strange but an absurd feeling welled in his heart. Today, it could be said the world was at peace; everywhere could be considered wealthy. Who would have thought, not even 20 years ago, it was a great battlefield. At that time, battles raged without end, countless people died, and one large kingdom was destroyed and two kingdoms were born. The green hills ran with blood, the yellow waves piled up the bodies, and countless white bones were heaped together. The major figures who now led the world on its path were both thus.

The two fell into silence, gazing dazedly at Shou Lake in front of them.

The lake was not the one in the Baoyue Brothel in Jingdou, it was the lake behind the Suzhou Baoyue Brothel. Last month, Fan Sizhe sent a letter to have the Jiangnan people began to dig the lake. It had taken a lot of manual labor, and they had forcibly doubled the size of Shou Lake. If one were to gaze out the back of the Baoyue Brothel, the beautiful scenery was at its peak.

However, the Baoyue Brothel had been half destroyed by that attack and was still busily being repaired. So, Fan Xian and Haitang were just coldly standing by the lakeside watching the fog appear and disappear, disperse and then convene again, as fickle as life itself.

"Your brothel is being repaired very slowly," Haitang seemed to say out of the blue.

"I can't be using Northern Qi's silver too blatantly right in front of you." Fan Xian smiled. "There is no rush to repair the building. I have transferred some professionals from the capital, and they're going to closely examine the sword mark in the building."

The so-called professionals were people of the Second and Third Bureaus. Since Baoyue Brothel's destroyed building was Ye Liuyun's first crime scene, Fan Xian hoped to be able to dig out some of the Great Grandmaster's true attack style from the aura of the sword mark to use in the future.

Haitang said, "I had a look already."

"Oh?" Fan Xian's eyes lit up. He knew that Haitang's experience with martial arts far exceeded his own, so she would certainly have some discoveries.

"Eight columns, cut through at the same time." Haitang recalled the fine marks in the building and couldn't hold back a sigh. "The other cracks were made only made by the sword will…you and I, if we wanted to cut through the columns, we would be able to just barely do it, but as for that kind of control of power, who knows how many months or years before we can come into contact with that kind of realm."

Fan Xian lowered his head and said, "In your opinion, given this kind of world-shaking strike, how many can Ye Liuyun use?"


Haitang very directly said, "That is under normal circumstances. If that old man is pushed to extremes, no one knows what miracles could happen."

It was indeed a miracle to be able to demonstrate the might of heaven and earth with a human's power.

"You really won't go with me?" Fan Xian faced the lake and let out a deep and turbid breath.

"Someone has to stay in Suzhou," Haitang smiled slightly and said. "Besides, you've shamelessly had the Eighth Bureau announce our relationship everywhere. If I really did go to Hangzhou, how do you plan on having me conduct myself? Even if you are a shameless person, you should at least be considerate of me."

It was a very direct resentment. Although said with a smile, Fan Xian had no means of blocking it.

He smiled slightly and said, "Then I'll be going."

Haitang slightly inclined her body and lightly said, "I won't see you out."

In the early morning of Suzhou, the fog on the lake welcomed the sunlight and quickly dispersed. This pair of young people, one man and one woman, did not say another word, they thus naturally split off and followed the lakeshore in different directions.

Leaving Suzhou did not take much time. Fan Xian had originally been prepared to live by West Lake in Hangzhou while in Jiangnan. It was only because the Ming family matter had become an unexpectedly thorny problem and many other unexpected problems that forced him to stay. Knowing they were going to move to Hangzhou, his subordinates had prepared everything long ago. Even the servants in Hua Garden made their preparations to leave under Sisi's leadership.

Fan Xian did not return Hua Garden to the salt merchant. Haitang was staying in Suzhou to keep an eye on the palace treasury transport company as well as the large amounts of silver in Zhaoshang money house, so needed a place to live. He also considerately left her a few average-looking but nimble servant girls.

Yang Jimei would not be tenderhearted about this garden, on the contrary, he was extremely happy.

On the farewell feast, Yang Jimei smugly sat below and didn't even hear what he said to the two high officials sitting above. He only felt that his ancestral tombs must have been amazing because, unbelievably, he was eating with the imperial envoy at the same table.

The meal didn't take much time. Governor Xue Qing, the usually rarely seen inspector-general, and Suzhou Zhizhou being investigated by the Overwatch Council, had come to send Fan Xian off. But because of the ruthless scene under the bamboo canopy that day on Dragon Rise festival, none of the various Jiangnan officials dared to bring any gifts.

Only Xue Qing prepared a precious gift without fear. The weight of the gift made even Fan Xian a bit shocked and speechless.

After the feast, Fan Xian and Xue Qing strolled in the garden. Fan Xian smiled and said, "Sir, spoiling your juniors like this…first, I am not worthy, second, how will I scold those Jiangnan Road officials in the future in good conscience?"

His words were a play on words.

Xue Qing only smilingly scolded, "It's not a gift, so you have to take it even if you don't want to."

Fan Xian was confused.

Xue Qing said in a clear voice, "Half the things inside are for Lady Lin, no, it should be Mistress Fan. It's is her first visit to Hangzhou, she certainly didn't bring enough things with her. This is prepared for her."

He continued, "The other half is to show respect to my teacher. I am long been busy in Suzhou with official affairs and have been unable to personally show my filial respect. I hope you will be able to take my regards."

Fan Xian smiled. A few days ago, he had told Xue Qing about his upcoming visit to Wuzhou and had written it in a letter to the Emperor. Only now did he remember that no matter what, Xue Qing was sure to prepare a weighty gift.

Having thought this through, he did not say any more on this topic. In a light voice, Fan Xian said, "While I am in Hangzhou, if you have any instructions, please feel free to write me."

"I dare not." Xue Qing said with a smile. "You are the imperial envoy. I dare not have any instructions, but there will always be troubles."

Fan Xian casually made some responses. He knew that Xue Qing had long been waiting for him to leave Suzhou but did not expose this.

Just as they were about to part, Xue Qing suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Sir Fan junior, there is one matter to which I have not found the answer."

"Please speak," Fan Xian replied.

Xue Qing was silent for a moment then said, "How…old exactly are you this year?"

Given his status as the Jiangnan Governor, he didn't use any polite phrasing. Rather, he directly used a senior's tone to ask. Fan Xian chuckled and said, "19."

Xue Qing was slightly startled. It matched rumors, yet on the contrary, he found it slightly unbelievable. He couldn't resist shaking his head with a bitter smile. "It is as they say, heroes are made young."

The imperial envoy having left the city, Hua Garden immediately became much quieter. Suzhou, which had been living under the powerful oppression of the Overwatch Council and Fan Xian, seemed to come alive within a day. Having confirmed that the Fan manor's black carriage had exited the city gates, the Suzhou people began to spread the news. Hot tears swam in the eyes. That treacherous official had finally left! Some people even began to light firecrackers.

That night, Jiangnan Road, particularly the officials of the Suzhou government, began to congratulate and celebrate. They celebrated each other not having been invited for tea at the Overwatch Council. As for those officials who had already fallen, no one spared them an extra glance.

Although Suzhou and Hangzhou were close, it was still impossible for Fan Xian to hear the firecrackers the Suzhou people lit to send off the pestilence demon. Although later, the Overwatch Council's secret reports did report it, he only dismissed it with a laugh.

The group of people settled down in the Peng family manor on the side of the West Lake in Hangzhou, returning to the time when they first reached Jiangnan. Before Fan Xian had even sat down, he asked, "Where is the Mistress at now?"

A subordinate reported, "There seemed to be some obstruction. She is still in Shazhou."

Fan Xian started slightly and a sense of unease welled in his heart. After thinking for a moment, he didn't say anything more. He just led the seven Tiger Guards and rode toward Shazhou.

Dusk was about to arrive. Because Fan Xian was worried about Wan'er, he had forgone his usual carriage and just rode here on horseback. As he entered Shazhou, he felt like his entire body was going to fall apart.

While his subordinates and the Tiger Guards behind him were also pale-faced, they almost collapsed with exhaustion on this swift one day journey.

A dozen fine horses shattered the silence of Shazhou in the darkness. They directly came to a stop outside of a manor. This manor was initially the Shazhou base of the Jiangnan water bandits. Now, it had long been taken for use by the Overwatch Council. After some repairs, it had, in name, become Fan Xian's private residence.

Fan Xian flipped off the horse. Without acknowledging the greetings of his subordinates at the door, he directly charged into the manor.

Just as he was about to mount the stone steps inside the manor, he saw a familiar face. It was the wife of the Teng family. Fan Xian furrowed his brows and asked, "What happened?"

"Young master?" A glimmer of surprised joy flashed through the eyes of the wife of the Teng family. "Why are you here? The Mistress is fine. She is just resting in her room."

However, Fan Xian did not believe her. Logically speaking, Wan'er should have reached Hangzhou today. If she was delayed, it must be because she wasn't feeling well. He urgently pushed open the door and entered, sweeping to her beside like a gust of wind. He waved his hand back and shut the wooden tightly with a gust of palm wind.

He gazed at the girl lying on the bed and looked the lines of exhaustion on that familiar and beautiful face. He couldn't help feeling a pang of pain and said, "If you're not feeling well, then travel slower."

Lin Wan'er smiled widely as she looked at him and said, "Should I go slower…so you'll have more time for fun?"

Fan Xian was startled and smiled. "Where do you get all these cheeky words." As they spoke, his finger was already lightly placed on her white-as-jade wrist and he began to take her pulse.

What Fan Xian was most worried about was Wan'er's body. She had lung disease for a number of years. Although in the last two years he had been carefully taking care of her and they also had the medicine teacher Fei Jie had personally mixed, Wan'er's body was simply weak. He was worried it could not endure the wind and chills of traveling.

With his finger lightly placed on Wan'er's wrist, Fan Xian's expression became gradually cautious. The feeling of touch particularly shocked him. How had Wan'er become so thin?

"You stopped taking the medicine?" Feeling that her pulse was different, Fan Xian drew his finger back like he had been shocked. He gazed at his wife with shock. His eyes filled with concern and confusion.

Lin Wan'er slowly drew her hand back and coughed lightly. Gazing at Fan Xian, she calmly said with a glimmer of determination and joy, "Yes, I stopped taking the medicine…before Ruoruo left, she brought Grandmaster Ku He to the manor to visit. Grandmaster Ku He said that Sir Fei's medicine is too powerful. If I want to have children, I must stop taking this medicine."

Chapter 406: Childishness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hearing Wan'er's words, Fan Xian's face immediately darkened. Remembering that his wife wasn't feeling well, he quickly pushed a warm smile on to his face. Smiling slightly he said, "Why think about what you can and cannot have? Sir Fei is my teacher and has watched me grow up from a young age. That medicine is something that the teacher brought over from Dongyi with great difficulty when we got married. How could he not understand the logic of powerful medicine being complementary? In this year, when you took the medicine, your body clearly improved. You can't stop taking it…you little silly egg."

Lin Wan'er smiled slightly. There was a trace of exhaustion in her smile and she said lightly, "Naturally, Teacher Fei's medicine is good, but…Grandmaster Ku He said…"

Without waiting for his wife to finish speaking, Fan Xian was already saying resolutely and decisively, "When it comes to fighting and debating martial arts, of course, Grandmaster Ku He is a leading figure in the world, but when speaking of diagnosing illness and taking medicine, he can't even compare to one pinky finger of teacher and myself. Listen to him? You might as well listen to a sow."

Although he controlled himself, Wan'er still heard the anger deep in his voice. She gently pulled his hand and said comfortingly, "Don't be angry. Although I stopped taking the medicine, the doctor has seen to me and said that the old illness is already gone. Only, I might be a bit bloated recently and so my body might be a bit weak."

Fan Xian shook his head. Half sitting on the bed, he held Wan'er in his arms and gently patted her shoulder, "Your body is the most important thing. Don't listen to what other people say."

Wan'er leaned into his embrace. After a moment of silence, she slowly said, "But…I really want to have a child."

Fan Xian was silent, thinking of something. A moment later, he said, "I don't want to be angry with you…but I want you to know that this matter is not up for discussion. As long as you are healthy, whether or not we have children, what does it matter?"

In this world, it was a great crime to not have descendants. Wan'er and Fan Xian had already been married a year and a half yet there had not been not a peep from her stomach. Wan'er often remembered this in her everyday life and felt unhappy. Yet, at this moment, hearing Fan Xian's powerful and resonating tone, she was momentarily shocked.

Wan'er emotions were complicated. It seemed that she should feel happy, yet there was a faint sorrow and some feelings of regret.

Fan Xian watched his wife's unhappy expression and couldn't help letting out a sigh. He extended a finger to rub gently between her brows and gently said, "In this world, there are many who stupidly think…that not being able to have children is the fault of the woman, but in reality, let me tell you, whether or not there are children is the business of the couple…I think, it is very likely that I have some kind of deficiency of semen disease. How is that related to you?"

This was a naughty hoke to comfort Wan'er but hearing this, Lin Wan'er was dumbfounded. She thought her husband really was thick skinned to say those words out loud, but she completely did not understand what illness Fan Xian was talking about. She only faintly understood that Fan Xian wanted to pull the blame onto himself and couldn't resist rolling her eyes. "What nonsense are you saying? Whether or not we have children? What does that have to do with the men?"

Fan Xian laughed out loud and said, "Who says it has nothing to do with them? Otherwise, you try to have Lao Yao and Lao Dai from the Palace have a few children?"

Lin Wan'er was shocked again.

Fan Xian continued with a smile, "Even the most profound Eunuch Hong, if you ask him to have children, he wouldn't be able to do it…thus, having children involves both the man and woman."

Lin Wan'er immediately recovered her spirit. Her cheeks flushed red and huffed, "The more you talk the more unreasonable it is."

Fan Xian contained his laughter and said seriously, "Then let's talk about something serious, you have to keep taking the medicine."

Lin Wan'er listened and made a sound of acknowledgment, but her eyes flashed. Fan Xian watched with his head lowered and couldn't stop a sigh in his heart. He knew he wouldn't be able to convince her. Wan'er, this girl, was usually very simple-minded and pleasant but sharp as ice within. However, when faced with an important matter involving her and Fan Xian, she was unusually stubborn.

The scientific logic that Fan Xian had spoken of, probably even the very unconventional Haitang wouldn't be able to believe it, so naturally, Wan'er was like this.

"Why must we have children?" Fan Xian held his wife tenderly and said gently. "Look at your life as a child in the Palace or think of my exile as a child to Danzhou and you will know. After you've had a child, you have to raise them. If you don't raise them well, it would have been better not to have had them in the first place."

Lin Wan'er lowered her head and pursed her lips. Very calmly and confidently, she disagreed, "We are not them. We can raise our child well."

Fan Xian felt a thread of helplessness. "But…if it is really because of me that we cannot have children, then we won't have any. It's not as important as your health."

Although Lin Wan'er felt warm, she still stubbornly shook her head. "I want a child."

Fan Xian said, with a headache, "Always this stubborn."

Lin Wan'er raised her head to look at him. Her long eyelashes lightly fluttered. "I want to have a child with you…this year, you've either been in Northern Qi or in Jiangnan, I'm very lonely…"

Although it was only part of the reason, hearing it still made thick remorse rise in Fan Xian's heart. He didn't know what to say.

The two of them hugged quietly. Perhaps incited because of their body temperature, Wan'er gently began to cough again. She didn't want Fan Xian to worry, so she did her bests to suppress it causing her face to flush bright red and become very pitiful. Fan Xian felt his heart twist and gently rubbed her chest. Comfortingly, he said, "Don't think so much. After we reach Hangzhou, I'll take of you carefully…as for Sir Fei's medicine, I'll analyze it carefully again. No matter what, you can't stop taking it."

Lin Wan'er raised her head and looked pitifully at him like a little cat.

Fan Xian set his face and put on a fiendish expression. "This matter is not up for discussion."

Lin Wan'er pouted with her full lips and rubbed her head on his chest.

Fan Xian sighed and began to massage her to relax her state of mind. As his hands rubbed in circles, he used a thread of the pure zhenqi of the Tianyi Dao. Wan'er only felt her body warm and her thoughts gradually clearing. The exhaustion in her body after the long journey became stronger and just like that, she peacefully fell asleep leaning on his body.

Fan Xian walked out of the bedroom. He stretched and eased his rigid limbs.

The wife of the Teng family approached and talked to him about what happened on the trip. As Fan Xian listened he nodded. It seemed like after leaving Jingdou and away from the surveillance of his father, Wan'er had begun to stop taking her medicine. This action could be said to be brave, but it could also be called impetuous.

However, Fan Xian could not feel an iota of anger. Although he still felt, in the depths of his heart, that Wan'er should care the most about her body as it was for the matter of children, how could he bear to let Wan'er be unhappy?

Ordering the wife of the Teng family to prepare the medicine usually used, she said, awkwardly, "If the Mistress won't take it, then what?"

Fan Xian lowered his head and thought for a bit. "After it's prepared, come tell me. I will give it to her."

Joy welled up in the Teng family's wife's face. After praising heaven a few times, she went in great spirits.

Arriving at the front hall, he was greeted by Deng Zi Yue, whom he had sent to Shazhou to pick up Wan'er. He gave him another run down of what happened on the trip. The Jiangnan water bandits were very well behaved, and there were also Jiangnan navy stationed here so Wan'er and her group had not run into any problems as they followed the river down.

Fan Xian nodded. He sat down and suddenly sighed, worry rose on his face.

Deng Zi Yue was slightly surprised, thinking, This commissioner, even when he was facing the Second Prince in Jingdou or when he was killing people in Jiangnan in the night, he had never shown such a grim expression, what had happened? He guessed in his heart that perhaps the battle for the position of the main wife in the Fan manor had already begun. This scared him and he became quiet and lowered his head, not saying anything.

Fan Xian had no idea what Deng Zi Yue was thinking, he was just remembering Wan'er's earlier words. Did Sir Fei's medicine…really have such severe side-effects?

Before he went from Danzhou to Jingdou to be married, before he met Wan'er at the Qing Temple, Fan Xian already knew that his wife had long had tuberculosis. This kind of illness, in this world, could practically be considered a terminal illness. However, when young men and women left, they also had endless courage to welcome future illness, so at that time, he only strongly suppressed that faint fear.

Fortunately, there was Sir Fei Jie. On the night of their marriage, Sir Fei returned from Dongyi with great difficulty and brought back a miracle medicine just for tuberculosis. The medicine was called Iced Smoke and took Sie Fei four years to acquire.

Four years before the wedding, there was already the rumor in the Palace of a marriage between the Fan and Lin families.

The medicine that had taken so much time and energy was indeed effective. Wan'er persisted in taking it. Each time, she only scraped a little off from that medicinal pill and use a medicinal soup to take it. Her body gradually improved, and she no longer coughed. The doctors in the Palace all agreed that the Princess' tuberculosis completely disappeared like a miracle.


"Tortoiseshell soaked in vinegar," Fan Xian recalled the ingredients in the medicinal pill, "foxglove, donkey-hide glue, beeswax…what do these have to do with having children?"

But he immediately remembered, on the night of his wedding, Fei Jie's expression as he spoke.

"After taking the medicine, all bedroom matters must stop for a month."

Naturally, this was a naughty joke, but recalling it now, Fan Xian found that his teacher did seem to have been hiding some important information. And later…Fan Xian always found it strange why Sir Fei Jie very rarely saw him as if the other party was hiding from something.

Was it to say…the true side-effects of the Iced Smoke was that it would damage the patient's ability to have children?

Sitting in the chair, Fan Xian couldn't help but shake his head. As long as Wan'er's illness could be cured, as long as the tuberculosis never came back, as long as she was healthy, what did it matter whether or not they could have children?

Speaking of which, in his previous life what Fan Xian found the most perplexing was that sometimes on TV or in novels the doctor of the delivery ward would have a very serious expression and come out of the delivery room to tell the pregnant woman's family that it was a difficult birth and they could only save one. Did they want to save the adult or the child?

Save the adult or the child? Did this need to be asked? Fan Xian had always thought this was the stupidest question, definitely stupid to the extreme.

Fan Xian was not stupid.

"Old bald donkey!" Fan Xian stared coldly at the stone tiles in front of him. A dark fire grew in his eyes and he said sinisterly, "You idiot!"

Deng Zi Yue started, he didn't understand the phrase "idiot" but it was clear that the commissioner was angry to the point of exploding. He quickly comforted, "Sir, calm down, calm down."

Fan Xian cursed explosively, "Calm the f*ck down!" He slammed down with his hand and shattered the table beside him. He cursed sinisterly, "That bastard old bald donkey, just what evil intentions does he have?"

Putting aside whether or not Sir Fei's medicine had side-effects, they had truly benefited Wan'er's body greatly. After she stopped taking the medicine, her body clearly became weaker. Who knew what would happen in the future? Wan'er had stopped taking the medicine because Ku He had exposed this matter…but why would Ku He do this?

Fan Xian did not believe that Ku He was a pure person who bemoaned the state of the universe and pitied the fate of mankind. Fan Xian believed that the matter of whether or not his wife could have children would not be so important to Ku He.

Each time he thought of the fact that Wan'er old illness had almost relapsed due to these words of Ku He's, Fan Xian's finger began to shake and his anger rose. He felt it difficult to suppress the urge to kill someone.

He rose with his eyes full of a sinister fire. He stared at Deng Zi Yue and said, "Send an order to Su Wenmao and Xia Qifei. Lower by one grade the goods being sent North this year!"

Deng Zi Yue gaped wondering what had just happened. In their deal with Northern Qi, both sides had been very happy this entire time. Suddenly this happened, it seemed that it would damage the big picture. He couldn't help but try to mediate. "Sir, although I don't know what has happened, if we lower the grade by one, that would mean that Northern Qi would lose hundreds of thousands liang of silver…this is a big matter."

Fan Xian knew that Deng Zi Yue was advising him not to let his personal grievances hurt the bigger picture. He smiled coldly and said, "I am a person who will get revenge if wronged. Someone doesn't want my family to be happy, so I will make his country not happy. To use a few hundred thousand liang in exchange for a dozen days of my wife coughing is already letting him off easy."

Deng Zi Yue heard the sinister chill in his voice and did not speak of again. He carefully asked, "Just what happened?"

Fan Xian did not reply.

"Sir, you said a bald donkey…what donkey is that?"

Fan Xian smiled coldly and said, "It is Ku He of Northern Qi, that hairless old donkey."

Deng Zi Yue was silent. He was so shocked he didn't dare say anything. He quietly thought that since the commissioner dared to curse out Sigu Jian—or perhaps it wasn't Sigu Jian—in the middle of the street, to curse Ku He as an old donkey in his own home at this time did not seem to be a big deal.

Fan Xian continued coldly, "Send a message to Wang Qinian, have him be ready to announce the news."

"Yes." Deng Zi Yue accepted his orders and asked, "What specification, around what time?"

"Specification?" Fan Xian narrowed his eyes. "Within three days, have everyone in Northern Qi know of a story and have the people believe in this story…as for what time, listen for my order."


If it wasn't for the fact that Ruoruo had gone to study under Ku he, Fan Xian wished he could have sent out the message of Ku He's oppressive actions today. Although he knew that this kind of rumor would not significantly damage Ku He's majestic reputation, he would not gain any true benefit from it. It definitely was not the best time to put out this information.

Fan Xian could not endure it. Since he could not kill Ku He, then he had to do something in revenge. Most of the time, Fan Xian appeared to be a dark and sinister person, but when it involved the people he cared about the most, he would be angry like a lion. Even though he knew he wouldn't get much out of it, or even suffer a loss, he would still roar to protect his territory.

No matter what Ku He was thinking, Wan'er had indeed stopped taking the medicine because of his words, so Fan Xian would certainly make sure Northern Qi and Ku He himself suffered some losses.

Perhaps it was a bit childish, but Fan Xian could still be considered a person because of this childishness.

Chapter 407: The Same Sky

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The big tree in the Shazhou side garden was very unfortunate. It had been used by Fan Xian, who was wielding the Emperor's sword, to let out his princely anger and had lost countless layers of bark. The young imperial envoy was indeed very angry, but it was also impossible for him to show an angry face in front of his wife. He also couldn't immediately charge to Shangjing in Northern Qi to curse his own sister's teacher, so he had to find some way to let out his anger.

Fan Xian was not one of those boring bosses that liked to hit and criticize his subordinates to relieve his stress. Coincidently, in his previous life, when he was lying in bed reading "The Reader," he had once read a heart-wrenching story and had cried buckets. In this life, he learned from the male protagonist in that story.

The love-struck male protagonist was often mistreated by his wife and had endured it for countless years. Always, in the middle of the night, he would slip out and smash trees beside the river, seeking from it some balance in his heart.

Fan Xian did not smash trees. He used proper Sigu Sword technique to carve at the trees. As he carved, he gritted his teeth tightly.

Once the trees had become old in one night, had their clothing completely shredded, and showed their petty and naked figures, Fan Xian and his group sat in the carriage and left, returning to the Peng manor beside West Lake.

There were a number of people waiting beside West Lake for the imperial envoy and Princess. Although it was not convenient for the Suzhou's two inspector generals to come personally, the Hangzhou Zhizhou that Fan Xian secretly approved of was not modest at all. He had closed off one-third of the long bank beside the West Lake for the convenience of the Fan family carriage entering. He also led a host of subordinates in, terrified that the two important figures felt any displeasure.

As for this fawning, Fan Xian very comfortable accepted it. After all, Wan'er's body was not well and indeed did need quiet. After everyone had gathered in the manor, Sisi and the Teng family wife helped Wan'er to go rest. Fan Xian took a moment to go see the Hangzhou Zhizhou and said a few warm words. However, the next day, he had Tiger Guard Gao Da block all of the officials' wives outside the back garden.

Mistress Fan was not seeing guests.

Wan'er gazed pitifully at Fan Xian, her brows had long knit together like weak willow leaves in the wind. Her eyes were full of tears and complaints, "Good husband, have mercy on me."

Fan Xian smiled. "Be good, drink the medicine, otherwise there will be spanking."

Wan'er had no choice; she could only bitterly drink the medicine. She couldn't resist sighing in her heart, thinking, Why was she so stupid? She had told Fan Xian all of the reasons but given his personality, of course, he would not allow her to do this. If she had known earlier, she might as well have not come to Jiangnan and secretly stopped taking the medicine in Jingdou.

Suddenly, she thought shyly, if she hadn't come down to Jiangnan, even if she did stop taking the medicine and removed the foreign matter from her body but…without him, how could she have a child?

Fan Xian was using a handkerchief and helping her wipe away the remnants of the medicine at the corners of her mouth. He suddenly saw the blush on his wife's cheeks and felt slightly startled. Not knowing what she was thinking in that little head of hers, he curiously teased, "Wife, why are you so embarrassed?"

Wan'er rolled her eyes at him and said huffily, "Not telling you."

She quickly changed the topic of conversation. She had come down to Jiangnan this time for two reasons, one was that it was already agreed upon last year. The second was an urgent matter that she needed to discuss with Fan Xian, and she would not feel at ease to have servants send this message.

Fan Xian saw her become serious. His brows tightened slightly. He leaned closer to hear his wife speaking quietly into his ear. His mood became more and more serious, but his face did not change at all. It was still very calm. He comforted and explained, "I wondered what the matter was for you to rush like this to Jiangnan…the elders in the Palace love to gossip about others, they don't understand much."

During their days in Jingdou, this young couple had a good tacit understanding of each other. They had once made clear—now that Wan'er was his wife, his woman—in such a complicated relationship, Fan Xian felt tenderness toward her and did not wish for her to be overly involved in sinister matters. Even if in Wan'er could help him greatly, for example, their pillow talk on the day the Great Prince had visited the Fan manor.

But speaking of this, Wan'er could not pretend that nothing was happening beside her. She also could not hide her eyes and pretend not to see her husband and her not-very-close mother draw their swords and ready their bows.

A girl's heart can be difficult to guess, but in this matter, she wanted to find a way to protect Fan Xian but not so that the two sides sunk into a situation that could not be salvaged. However, it was very difficult for Fan Xian to understand it, and it was the same for Wan'er.

She could only ask around carefully for information and help Fan Xian analyze the mysteries of those women's politics. She used her special identity and privilege of being able to enter and exit the Palace without obstruction to help Fan Xian far away in Jiangnan contact various people in the Palace, to remove what resistance she could.

Fan Xian knew about these things and that he could not stop her, so he could only let her be. Furthermore more, sometimes, he indeed needed Wan'er to act as a lubricant in between, just like that trip into the Palace after the spring examination incidence.

Because of Fan Xian's opposition, Wan'er's capabilities were not fully used. Her natural feels on politics and the matters in the Palace were suppressed, but this did not mean she did not understand these things. After she heard of that story in the Palace, she came to Jiangnan without hesitation.

Unlike what everyone had thought, the Mistress of the Fan manor had not come to Jiangnan to see that Northern Qi Sage girl called Duoduo. She had to remind Fan Xian of some things in person.

"The elders in the Palace…can have a large influence." Wan'er gazed at Fan Xian worriedly and gently said. "The empress dowager is the empress' aunt, their connection cannot be separated…the empress has arranged for someone to enter the Palace to read to the empress dowager the "Story of the Stone." Don't be careless about the danger hidden in this."

Fan Xian became silent and threads of anger surged through his heart. In the beginning, in Danzhou when he began to copy the "Story of the Stone," it was only to find a game for himself and Sisi, to find some joy for Ruoruo, and at the same time, fulfill his literary intentions. He had not thought too much of it. Although he knew that Lao Cao's words were indeed somewhat taboo during his time, thinking that this was a completely different country, a completely different world, how could it be taboo? So, he had been careless.

No one expected for his birth and his future to have had such large changes. Each word and line of "A Dream of Red Mansions"…seemed to be expressing his dissatisfaction and secret resentment, particularly that speech regarding Lady Qiao.

Anyone could have written this book, just not him. Now, everyone in the world believed that he had written this book.

The resentment in the novel seemed to be recounting his refusal to accept and his indignation at what happened to the Ye family back then. The empress had arranged for someone to enter the Palace to read the book to the old empress dowager. Given the empress dowager's sensitivity and suspicious mind, would she not think that he had disloyal thoughts?

In matters of the royal family, what was important was the heart. If the heart was suspicious, then the person was suspicious. If the heart was to be punished, then the person was to be punished.

Fan Xian thought about this quietly for a bit and found that this indeed was a problem he would have to face soon. If the empress dowager truly thought he felt dissatisfaction in his heart and wanted to redress the incidence of that year, then the old woman's temporary silence might not exist much longer. Qing Kingdom ruled through filial piety. If the empress dowager said anything, the Emperor would have to take some action.

However, it wasn't a big problem. Fan Xian had been in Jiangnan for many days, and his power had reached another level. These small waves did not scare him. He gently patted his wife's hand and said warmly, "Don't worry, even if that old woman is suspicious of me…so what? I haven't done anything. She can't just ask the Emperor to remove my post."

Wan'er laughed bitterly and couldn't help but shake her head. She used a finger to gently stroke the center of his brows and huffed, "That is my grandmother as well as your grandmother…how can you just call her old woman."

Fan Xian chuckled and said, "Speaking of which, when I saw you at the Qing Temple back then, I would never have guessed that you were actually my cousin."

"Hmm…I wonder who kept it from me this long," Lin Wan'er muttered with pouted lips.

Without waiting for Fan Xian to comfort her, Wan'er continued seriously, "Even if this matter is no trouble right now, but what about the matter of the Ming family? The waves of this case you started in Jiangnan has long reached Jingdou. Now, Song Shiren is truly famous. Since he dared to say that the heir does not have a natural right to inherit…this touched on a lot of people's bottom lines. Although Song Shiren is helping Xia Qifei fight this case, everyone in the capital knows that you are their supporter in the background, and they can't help but ask in their hearts…what exactly is our Sir Fan junior thinking?"

Fan Xian's eyebrows raised and he said, 'What can I be thinking about?"

Lin Wan'er gazed at him. "On the surface, it looks like you want to help Xia Qifei take back Ming family's property…will the empress dowager not be suspicious of you? Furthermore, there is still the trouble of the "Story of the Stone" earlier…combine the two together, and everyone will think that you want to take back the palace treasury."

"But to whom does the palace treasury belong to?"

"Who is the heir in our Palace?"

Lin Wan'er sighed. "The things you have done after coming to Jiangnan is truly putting yourself opposite the Crown Prince and even opposite the empress dowager."

Fan Xian was silent for a while, then decided to say his true thoughts. "You're right…but in reality, I am purposely creating this atmosphere to make the people in the Palace think I have disloyal intentions."

Lin Wan'er's parted her lips slightly in shock. She felt that such premature action did not seem like his personality.

"You came a few days late so you don't know that the Emperor had sent a eunuch to announce an edict." Fan Xian smiled slightly. "In a few days, the capital will know my stance that I am standing on the side of the Third Prince."

Lin Wan'er felt slightly confused and nervous. In a quiet voice, she said, "You want the Third Prince to join in the competition…but he is only a child."

"This child is remarkable." Fan Xian lowered his head and smiled slightly. "His abilities are not bad, furthermore, I am very confident in my ability to judge people and am also very confident in my ability as a teacher. No student of mine will be mediocre."

"But…you still haven't explained why you are creating the current atmosphere." Lin Wan'er furrowed her brows. If this situation is allowed to develop like this, the two dies would gradually lose any chance of reconciliation and it would force…she suddenly raised her head and stared in shock at Fan Xian. In a startled voice, she said, "You…are preparing to move against them?"

The bedroom became silent for a while. Fan Xian slowly nodded his head and said, in a quiet voice, "A lot of people ignored the empress and the Crown Prince, but they and I know very clearly that between our two sides, only one side can survive…right now, taking advantage of the fact that the Emperor still cares about me and values me, I am the hidden disaster."

Lin Wan'er's expression gradually became helplessly and dimmed. Although she knew that in battles amongst the royal family there was never room for any sentimentality, she still felt a chill when she thought of the fact that between her dearest husband and her elder brother, the Crown Prince, one of them had to die. Fan Xian's eyes were colder than his wife's thoughts, slowly and coldly, he said, "I don't want to kill, but they already killed people decades ago and now, it is impossible that they will let me go. Since it is so, I will finish this matter."

Lin Wan'er was silent for a long time then opened her mouth and said, "Then…what about her?"

The "her" was naturally the biggest problem lying between Fan Xian and his wife, that Eldest Princess who refused to be content with her lot.

Fan Xian's eyelids drooped slightly and he gently held Wan'er in his embrace. Warmly, he said, "The Emperor's thoughts are too deep. I won't try to understand them. Your mother's thoughts are also too big, and it's not for me to understand them…this is a battle between her and the Emperor. I only need to play a supporting role…I can't promise anything else, but I can promise you that I will not personally do anything to her."

Was this promise trustworthy?

"My uncle, the Emperor, has always treated me tenderly…" Lin Wan'er was like an injured little cat lying in Fan Xian's embrace. She spoke weakly, but her eyes gradually showed a misty color. If the Eldest Princess truly had the daring to do that thing then afterward, even though by means of Fan Xian's power and identity, Lin Wan'er would not be implicated, but…her identity in the royal family would become awkward and dangerous.

Fan Xian was silent. He knew that Wan'er sigh was the truth. After they were married, as they walked in the Palace, only then did he clearly feel that the Emperor was indeed very tender toward Wan'er. Her position in the Palace was indeed much higher than that of a usual princess. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing. The Emperor had married his favorite niece to his illegitimate child, was this also a compensation for him?

"Don't worry, it's all the elders' business," he smiled slightly and said. "Let them make a fuss."

Although his words were light, the contents were not. In the next year, if Qing Kingdom's dragon chair did not have a change of owner then there would be a bloodbath amongst the royal family. What would happen to Fan Xian and Wan'er, this young couple? If it was the former, Fan Xian believed that his whole family would be buried along with the Emperor. If it was the latter, how could Wan'er face it?

Fan Xian suddenly felt that forcing the other party to act ahead of time seemed to be a pointless thing, except, in order to protect himself and those around him, he had to do this.

"The old cripple should also be thinking like this, right? Hopefully, he will have some better ideas."

Fan Xian gently patted Wan'er's back. Looking out the window at the peaceful lake, at the green mountains, and the fishing boat at the willow branches, his thoughts floated to the far away Jingdou.

In the cold Palace in Jingdou, the servant girls and eunuchs walked silently. Occasionally, a young servant would let out a few laughs and quickly be harshly scolded by the elderly nannies. The rich spring had come to an end, and the beginnings of summer had arrived. The trees in the Palace were at their most luxurious, however, the people in the Palace still did not have a thread of relaxed freedom.

Guangxin Palace was once the Eldest Princess' residential palace. After the news of the Eldest Princess secretly communicating with Northern Qi and selling out a high-level Overwatch Council employee was exposed to the entire city via letters by Uncle Wuzhu, the supposedly most beautiful woman in the Qing Kingdom quietly retreated from the Jingdou political scene and went to the cold Li Palace.

Although she could still faintly influence the situation in the palace from the Li Palace in Xinyang, it was not as convenient as being in Jingdou. Thus, in the sixth year of the Qing calendar, she finally persuaded the empress dowager and moved back to Jingdou. The letter that had created such a stir had long disappeared into people's memories.

However, not long after she returned to Jingdou, the power of the Junshang Conference in Jiangnan revealed her, angrily, in front of her elder brother, the Emperor. Thus, the Emperor ordered to once again move into the Palace, nominally to gather the family, but in reality, it was close-distance surveillance.

However, after all, the Eldest Princess had operated in the Palace for a long time, she was also the empress dowager's favorite girl, and her relationship with the empress had always been very close, so still no one could stop her entering and leaving the Royal Palace. The tricks she had done in secret had also been successfully kept a secret from many people.

To make the Emperor feel at ease, she could not leave the Palace too much or be in too close contact with the officials below. So, her most common activity was talking with the empress dowager in the Palace and studying flower, bird, insect, or wood-patterned embroidery with the empress.

What she was embroidering was probably not cloth.

The situation in Jiangnan had settled. Regardless of whether or not the Eldest Princess Li Yunrui accepted it, admitted it, or felt bad about it. Ultimately, the Jiangnan she had operated for over 10 years had already been completely taken over by that "accomplished" son-in-law of hers.

The old Ming matriarch was dead, Great Master San Shi was dead, and the Ming family were keeping quiet out of fear. Under the combined suppression of Fan Xian and Xue Qing, the Jiangnan officialdom did not have much backlash. The trusted aides she had installed into the three large workshops in the palace treasury transport company had all been pulled out by Fan Xian. Although the letters from those officials were still respectful, under Fan Xian tyranny, they had no way to move.

The people's rage that had been stirred up with difficulty had, for some unknown reason, dispersed silently. Thus, the bloodletters from the people that had been delivered from so far away and the old scholars making a case in front of the Emperor became unrooted trees and could not be even a glimmer of a threat to the court.

"Fined their salary?" The Eldest Princess Li Yunrui narrowed her eyes, a glimmer of ridicule flashed through her beautiful almond-shaped eyes. "Do you think the Fan family has a need for this little bit of silver?"

Sitting beside her was the dignified and richly dressed empress. The empress smiled slightly and said, "The Emperor loves the Fan family dearly. The investigation into the Ministry of Revenue a few days ago, wasn't it also hastily wrapped up?"

The Eldest Princess smiled slightly. Her long eyelashes blinked delicately in a way far from in accordance with her age. With a slight smile, she said, "Minister Shang has credit in serving the country. How is he someone women like us can compare to?"

She sighed and said, "When it's all said and done, I don't have a son. I have a daughter that I'm not very close to. What's the point paying attention to all this? I think, when autumn arrives, I will ask mother to allow me to return to Xinyang to live."

The empress' heart thumped, and she secretly cursed this vixen for acting weak. She also realized that the other party was retreating to advance, however, in the current situation, if Li Yunrui actually threw up her hands and stopped, she and the Crown Prince would not be able to stand up against Fan Xian and the Third Prince's might. Of course, the empress was not an idiot. She knew that it was impossible for the Eldest Princess to surrender the power in her hand and leave like this. The other party said this only to gain the upper hand.

The empress' smile carried with it a glimmer of cautiousness that should definitely not have been there. "What are you talking about? Although I am just a stupid woman who knows nothing of the affairs of the country, even I know that you are a pillar of the country and have contributed to the Qing Kingdom in countless ways…if you go to Xinyan, the Emperor would be the first to disagree."

The two women's conversation still could not leave that chair. Only, in this kind of thing, before action was taken, no one dared to say anything too revealing.

The Eldest Princess was silent for a little while, then slowly opened her mouth and said, "Mother is getting old. It is very easy for her to be fooled by others."

The empress nodded her head and smiled slightly, "We'll go slowly."

The two fell into silence and raised their cups to sip the tea. The empress suddenly asked probingly, "I heard…Fan Xian has been doing well in Jiangnan, only recently a master suddenly arrived and destroyed half a building in Suzhou?"

The matter of a sword splitting half a building was not something that could be hidden for too long. It still traveled to Jingdou and into the Palace.

The Eldest Princess knew what the empress wanted to ask, but she refused to tell the truth to the other party. With a slightly prideful smile, she said, "I am not very clear about matters of the jianghu."

If there was a Great Grandmaster standing behind the Eldest Princess, then the empress would have a better idea of the position she should be in for their cooperation. Of course, this was a great boost to the empress' and the Crown Prince's determination.

Seeing that the Eldest Princess was not willing to speak openly, the empress cursed a few times in her heart and then made her farewells.

Looking at the desolate retreating figure of the mother of a nation, a glimmer of pity and disdain flashed through the Eldest Princess' eyes, thinking, Such a lowly role, yet they still want to share in the bounty. She truly did not know where that confidence came from.

It was impossible for the chief strategists of Xinyang, Huang Yi and Yuan Hongdao, to enter the Palace, so at this moment, the trusted aide beside the Eldest Princess was a eunuch. This eunuch stood to the side and quietly said the question in the Eldest Princess' heart, "The empress…does she not know this is…?"

"Asking a tiger of its own skin." The Eldest Princess said the words that her trusted aides could not say. She smiled coldly and said, "Even if I am the tiger, she can only stand on my side. Otherwise, if the Third Prince truly took the throne, at that time if Fan Xian wanted to avenge Ye Qingmei…who would help block?"

She slowly closed her eyes and said, "Her and I have temporarily shelved the problem of whether it should be Chengqian or the Second Prince…because she knows that if this succeeds, she cannot defeat me. She can only beg for survival."

"Over in Jiangnan?"

"There is no need to mind it anymore." The Eldest Princess sighed. "My son-in-law had made preparations before going to Jiangnan. Those bumpkins in Jiangnan are no match for him."

She shook her head. After her mind wandered for a while, she faintly said, "Thinking of it now, I had made a big mistake at the beginning. If there wasn't the Niulan Street incident, it would not be like this between Fan Xian and myself…if he stood on my side, who would stand against us in this world?"

Without waiting for the eunuch to reply, she laughed self-mockingly. "That is to indulge in a fantasy. If there was not this deep and unresolvable hatred between Fan Xian and myself, how could that brother of mine, the Emperor, dare to give him such powerful positions?"

The eunuch listened to the side and did not even dare breathe too loudly.

"I was wrong from the start." A glimmer of coldness and determination flashed across the Eldest Princess' beautiful face. "No matter how powerful Fan Xian was, he is pulled by strings from within the Palace. Why did I pay attention to this puppet? I should have focused on the person holding the strings."

Not far from Guangxin Palace, in Hanguang Palace, the empress dowager was half squinting with sleepiness. After all, she was getting old. Her focus was already not what it used to be, and her decisiveness in killing was also not what it used to be.

"Stop, stop." The old woman stopped the reading servant girl with loathing. Looking at the book the servant girl held, she didn't speak for a while.

"It's all a bunch of absurd nonsense, I don't understand how there could be so many in the streets who like to read it." An old nanny beside her said in a pleasing manner.

The empress dowager shook her head and said in a quiet voice a moment later, "Children…it's normal for them not to accept such things."

The old nanny didn't dare to say anything more.

A complicated emotion flashed through the empress dowager's eyes. Of course, she understood the empress' intentions in having her read the "Story of the Stone." Although she was very angry at Fan Xian's resentment, she was more furious about the empress' actions.

No matter what faults Fan Xian's mother had, Fan Xian was a child of the royal family. This is what the empress dowager considered the most important point.

"How long had it been since Chen'er left?" The empress dowager suddenly remembered her favorite granddaughter and asked the people beside her.

"The Princess should have already arrived in Hangzhou now."

"Hmm…I've been to Jiangnan, the scenery there isn't bad, but the women there are too presumptuous." The empress dowager furrowed her brows. "No matter how carefully the Fan family has prepared, it can't compare to the things in the Palace. Have some some things prepared to send to Jiangnan."

The old woman thought for a bit and then said, "Send a letter to ask Chen'er if she's settling well beside the West Lake. If she doesn't like it ,have her move in the temporary imperial residence in the mountain."

The old nanny quickly made a sound of acknowledgement.

Inside the royal study, the Qing Emperor, who had just concluded the royal discussion, rubbed tiredly between his brows and drank a mouthful of the warm ginseng tea. He looked outside the scenery that never seemed to change and furrowed his brows with some loathing.

"Hong Zhu…" The Emperor called unconsciously. Only after calling did he remember that Hong Zhu had been moved by him to the Eastern Palace for half a year. He couldn't him smiling self-mockingly.

"Your Majesty, do you have orders?" The eunuch beside him asked respectfully.

The Emperor shook his head and lightly coughed a few times. The echo of the cough bounced around the room. He couldn't help being startled, thinking, perhaps he was truly old. Hearing the echo of the coughs, he realized how lonely he was.

"Let's go to the little tower."

He swept up his dragon robe, straightened his chest, and walked out of the door. Behind him, the eunuch rushed to catch up and only managed to hear the Emperor sigh faintly, "When will I have time to visit Danzhou again?"

The Qing Kingdom this year was much the same as previous years. The Palace was still lonely and dirty. Outside the Palace was still lively, the court still competed, the Six Ministries still fought, and the Overwatch Council was still silent and sinister. Old Director Chen was still in the Chen Garden enjoying the singing and dancing, and Minister Fan was still busy in the Ministry of Revenue.

The people fought for survival. When they had the time, they looked for happy things to comfort their almost numb state of mind.

For example, the East family married a girl, an elderly died in the West family. The south side didn't flood this year, the west side seemed to be at war again. Sir Fan junior hadn't written any poetry. Had the Northern Qi Sage girl met the Mistress of the Fan family yet?

All the way down from Jingdou, in Jizhou where it was about to merge with the Yangtze River, the two sides of the river band was a bustling scene. The people repairing the banks worked hard like ants to move the sand and stones. This year, the Qing Kingdom's luck was pretty good. The spring flood had been much smaller than expected, and the national treasury's ample silver brought the river transport governor's yamen a great deal of confidence. Although each level skimmed some off the top, a lot of pay was still sent down, so the people's motivation to work was also much higher.

Yang Wanli's face was deeply suntanned and wore an outfit of rough cloth. His brows were locked tight as he stood under the bamboo canopy. Although the situation right now was good, the spring floods were the most terrifying thing. He bore a heavy burden having to supervise the distribution of the silver sent over secretly, so there was a great deal of pressure on his mind.

Although he didn't know anything about rushing repairs, the drainage divide, and such things, he still lowered his status and personally went to work. After a few continuous days of being exposed to the harsh sun, this disciple of the Fan clan finally washed away the final traces of a scholar and became a true official.

On the river bank, a number of people approached from the distance. They looked like officials from a different place.

From far away, that group of people began to tell at the bamboo canopy.

Yang Wanli lifted the front of his robe and wiped at the sweat on his face, gazing with confusion at that side. Finally, he saw clearly who was approaching and couldn't help stepping out of the canopy in surprised joy.

"Jichang? Jialin? How come you are here?" Yangli welcomed them with emotion and grabbed both of their hands.

The visitors were indeed Hou Jichang and Cheng Jialin of Fan Xian's four disciples. After the spring examinations, these two had been working in the outer provinces. Because of Fan Xian's care, as well as their own abilities, they had risen very quickly. In less than a year, they had already jumped up a few levels and crossed the first difficult threshold of the seventh-level.

However, the place where these were located was very far from Jizhou, so in Yang Wanli's surprise, he also couldn't help feeling it was unexpected.

Hou Jichang did not have the time to answer his question. He only grasped the callused hands and gazed at Yang Wanli's suntanned face. With great emotion, he said, "Master wrote us, he only said you have come to the river transport governor's yamen. I had not thought…it would be so harsh."

To one side, Cheng Jialing also began to sniffle.

Thinking of something, Yang Wanli chucked and then said seriously, "In the past, I only knew how to talk about state affairs, but after having direct contact with the people's matters, only then did I realize how difficult the lives of the people are…teacher had me come to repair the river, it is truly an act of trust and an education…only by personally experiencing this did I know that under teacher's seemingly indifferent expression there is actually a heart that worried for the country and its people."

The three of them became silent. It was Hou Jichang who broke the silence and slowly said, "According to the rumors, teacher was able to dominate that Northern Qi Sage girl because of that sentence he said in Northern Qi's Royal Palace."

Speaking of the Northern Qi Sage girl, Haitang, even though the three of them were Fan Xian's students, they still couldn't help secretly laughing.

Yang Wanli resisted his laughter and asked, "What sentence?"

Hou Jichang turned and gazed at the work on the river bank below his feet, gazed at the roaring Yangtze river not too far away and sighed. "The first concern was the affairs of state, enjoyment of pleasure comes later…I am thinking, perhaps we underestimated teacher at the beginning."

The three of them each though over this sentence in their hearts and a sense of respect was born.

"Teacher…although he has a cheeky appearance, he has a sincere heart." Yang Wanli thought of all he had heard and seen during these few months. He thought of the importance Fan Xian placed on the river transport and the changes that Fan Xian's arrival had brought, and he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Beside the bamboo canopy on the river bank, there were other officials from the river transport yamen. Hou Jichang noticed that Yang Wanli always used "teacher," and he couldn't help but lower his voice to remind him, "In front of outsiders, it's better to use 'sir' to prevent the court saying we are forming factions."

"Gentlemen make friends, not factions, but if we truly need to form factions, I am willing to be teacher's lackey." Yang Wanli smiled slightly, using a deep voice different to that in his past. "Everyone knows of the four disciples of the Fan family. As long as we are working for the benefit of the people, why should we care about the rumors?"

Hou Jichang was slightly startled, then laughed in a clear voice, "You're right, it is I who is being too meticulous. Wanli, it seems like you really have grown a lot in this half year. Following beside the teacher is indeed greatly beneficial for cultivating moral character and personality."

Cheng Jialin also said admiringly, "We are officials far away and you are in Jiangnan, who knew that teacher would go the Jiangnan."

Yang Wanli smiled. "I did not stay by the teacher for long, instead that guy Shi Chanli…if you go visit Suzhou, you'll know how much teacher has changed him."

Speaking until now, Yang Wanli only remembered to ask, "Where are you two going?"

Cheng Jialin smiled slightly and replied, "For this half year, teacher has been reorganizing the governance in Jiangnan and there had been a lot of empty position, so the Board of Appointments moved me to Suzhou."

Yang Wanli nodded his head happily. He knew that once Cheng Jialin went to Suzhou, he would certainly be of great help to Fan Xian.

"What about you?"

Hou Jichang smiled and said, "I am going to Jiaozhou to take the position of provost."

Yang Wanli was surprised, thinking, this kind of transfer could be considered a banishment. He didn't understand why Fan Xian would make such arrangements.

Hou Jichang also did not explain anything. He only knew that Sir Fan junior must have his reasons for having him go to Jiaozhou. According to what the teacher said in his letter, that kind of sinister future event, of the four of them, indeed only he could barely manage to do it.

"The first concern is the affairs of state?" Among the Jiangnan waterways on a large ship, Fan Xian was lying on a bamboo chair on the deck watching the multitude of stars in the sky. He couldn't help but sigh. "I came to this life to enjoy it. I am not here to worry about the country and its people."

In a night such as this, the large ship was traveling on the river and had long left Hangzhou.

They passed the heat for a month beside the West Lake. Fan Xian carried out a careful analysis on the medicine Fei Jie left and found, to his anger, that what Ku He said should be true. However, it seemed that Fei Jie was remorseful. He made no reply at all to Fan Xian's letter of invitation, who knew where that old pervert was hiding.

However, Wan'er continued to take the medicine so her body had gradually recovered to how it was initially, and Fan Xian's mood was much better. His hatred toward Northern Qi's Ku He had subsided greatly. As for things like having children, he wasn't in a rush to start with. He was not yet 20, what was the rush?

After everything had been settled in Jiangnan, he would take everyone beside him, board one of the large ships the navy provided, and begin a journey along Jiangnan's waterways.

The destination of the journey was none other than Wuzhou, Jiaozhou, and Danzhou.

At this time, it was deep in the night. Wan'er, the Third Prince, and all those people had long gone to sleep. On the quiet deck, there were only Fan Xian and Da Bao lying shoulder to shoulder. Even the Sixth Bureau swordsmen and the Tiger Guards who usually hid in the shadows had been sent away by Fan Xian.

Fan Xian couldn't sleep, and Da Bao had slept too much on the ship during the day and so could stay up for a bit. The two of them lay shoulder to shoulder, randomly talking as they ate Jiangnan's delicious desserts.

No one understood why Fan Xian would have such a great relationship with his idiotic uncle. Even Fan Xian could not explain why. Perhaps, it was only because when talking with Da Bao he can obtain a relaxation he never had before. There was no need to think of anything, there was no need to fear anything.

Furthermore, he didn't have to talk about politics, the world, right and wrong, black and white, good and evil, other's death or his own, the white jade workshop, or the stinking sewers. They only needed to talk about food and such simple and joyful things. For example, the stars that decorated the night dome above the ship.

The river wind blew warmly. The waves were not happy, and the large ship stopped in the middle of a nameless large lake. The reeds around them were far away, and there were no water birds singing at night annoyingly. It was completely quiet. The stars above were lonely and distant. Fan Xian looked at the stars above and said to Da Bao beside him, "What do you think are the stars in the sky?"

"Sesame." Da Bao used his large fat hands to gesture. "The moon…is a baked sesame cake, the stars…are sesame…Xiao Bao is right."

Xiao Bao was the second Lin young master that had died at Uncle Wuzhu's hands. Fan Xian's heart jumped and shortly after he smiled slightly. Pointing at the stars and moon, he said, "I don't know whether or not it's a bake sesame cake, I only know that this Qing Kingdom's sky also has a moon. It also has those stars, and what's more…it's very strange, the day also only has one sun."

For the sun to come out during the day and for the stars and moon to come out at night, this definitely couldn't be considered strange. Even children understood this common knowledge.

But Da Bao nodded seriously and said, "Xiao Xianxian, I also think it's very strange."

Fan Xian sighed and said, "Yea, it's very strange. I found out when I was just a little kid, this place…is also Earth."