
Chapter 417: Announcing Verbal Orders In The Study

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Opposition was pointless. Admiral Chang Kun had been assassinated. Adding to that fact, when the black-clothed assassin had escaped, there was something strange going on among the naval archers. As the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, Fan Xian was the highest-ranking official on site and noblest person, coincidentally. Being in charge of the aftermath, he used this excuse to forcefully reject Dang Xiaobo's suggestion. Although the officers of the Jiaozhou Navy were fearful, there was nothing they could do.

In a moment, 300 provincial soldiers directly subordinate to the Jiaozhou Zhizhou imposingly surrounded the admiral's manor. The navy soldiers and archers originally stationed outside the perimeter looked at each other and, finally, on receiving Deputy General Dang's glance, gave up their weapons. For the moment, they were watched in the large garden in the back of the admiral's manor.

At this time, the Jiaozhou gates were closed. Another 200 provincial soldiers began to trace that black-clothed assassin. However, the officials and generals earlier had all watched Sir Fan junior battle that assassin. The thought, if Commissioner Fan could not hold down the assassin, what good was it to send out these provincial soldiers who only had normal martial ability?

Dang Xiaobo glanced at his disarmed subordinates and then looked at the provincial soldiers, who had finally turned the tables and were excitedly stationed outside the garden. A quickly hidden glimmer of cold flashed through his eyes. The admiral had died too strangely, and Sir Fan junior had come too strangely. Furthermore, after the Overwatch Council had arrived, the assassination had happened. The other party had used this major event to forcefully take away the weapons of the navy soldiers and moved the provincial guards to surround the admiral's manor. All these strange things meant that matters were not that simple.

It was not until now that Fan Xian let out a breath. As long as he trapped the important generals of the navy in the city, he had reached one of his goals.

This was a proper beheading tactic. First, he killed Chang Kun, who had the deepest manor of the Jiaozhou navy officials and held the highest official position, then he shut the various heads and brains of the navy into the admiral's manor. Even if the tens of thousands of navy soldiers were one giant dragon, at this time, the dragon had no head. Even if they made a clamor, they had lowered the damage to the lowest point.

For this goal, Fan Xian had truly worked very hard. Yan Bingyun was far away in Jingdou and could not help plan the details of this event, so the entire order of events was arranged by Fan Xian himself. Because of Jiaozhou navy's connection to the Junshang Conference, Fan Xian had been wary. He did not want to disturb the grass to startle the snake. Adding to the fact he was not very confident in his plan, he did not bring the people of the Qinian Unit. They were all his trusted aides. If something went wrong and they had to die with the Jiaozhou navy, Fan Xian could not give them up. He had come alone with the Shadow to cooperate with the Jiaozhou plan. If they really could not control the tens of thousands of people, he and the Shadow had enough power to lead the 400 Black Knights and ride away.

In order to ensure the surprise of the move, he had purposely spent a few more days in Wuzhou and used the excuse of visiting relatives in Danzhou to hide his true movements.

What he wanted was the element of surprise. If people on the Eldest Princess' side had come too, although he was a fake prince and Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, he could not wipe clean the Jiaozhou Navy.

This was a last resort. If they had investigated the case properly, even with the Overwatch Council's aid, Fan Xian would still not be able to find evidence to use against the cunning Chang Kun. Once the true martial force clashed and caused a mutiny, Fan Xian and the 400 Black Knights with him would not be able to defend against 10,000 soldiers face to face. Although the Overwatch Council had hidden members in Jiaozhou, other than the eight people with him, Fan Xian did not want to use them until it was the most important moment.

He slowly turned around and looked coldly at the navy generals behind him, whose faces were either the color of dirt or very angry. Laughing coldly, Fan Xian thought that since the Emperor had wanted him to steady Jiangnan and subdue the navy, most of these familiar faces had to die.

He knew that the Jiaozhou Navy couldn't have completely been controlled by Chang Kun alone. There had to be some generals and soldiers who were loyal to the court. When the Jiaozhou Navy had gone to the little island on the East Sea to silence everyone in spring, for this almost rebellious act, Chang Kun must have only dared to mobilize troops under his personal command. Tonight, he wanted to see clearly, of the navy generals standing in front of him, which were loyal and which were traitors.

As for the man called Dang Xiaobo, Fan Xian warmly said, "Deputy General Dang, how do you think this matter should be dealt with?"

Dang Xiaobo was panicking in his heart. He was calculating whether or not the trusted aide he had sent out had made it before the city gates were closed. Suddenly hearing this warmly asked question, his heart stuttered and he answered sorrowfully, "The admiral has unfortunately been assassinated. Everything is up you to decide…this matter is a major one, I think that an extra urgent post should be immediately sent to report this matter to Jingdou."

Although he said for Fan Xian to take charge, he kept saying this ought to be reported to Jingdou. As long as the news of the Jiaozhou admiral's death was immediately spread out, Fan Xian, being in Jiaozhou, would be hard put to avoid suspicion for simply being there. He would probably act more carefully when handling matters. Fan Xian understood the man's meaning and couldn't help but nod his head in approval, but he was thinking that if he had known there was such a talent in the Jiaozhou Navy, he would have taken him for himself rather than sending in Jichang to brave such danger.

However, Chang Kun had already died, so this case had to be investigated. Fan Xian knew that Dang Xiaobo was someone he had to get rid of immediately and made up his mind to not allow him to leave his side. He lightly said, "This is a serious matter, of course, it must be immediately reported to the Emperor, however…"

The direction of his words changed and drew the attention of everyone in the garden.

"The admiral has unluckily been killed by traitors," Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and said with incomparable chilliness. "Once this news gets out, I'm afraid it will shock the court and have a had effect on the people. Putting aside the court's dignity, even for the peace of the country, to prevent those sinister traitors outside the city from using this matter to cause mischief, this news must be suppressed…the Jiaozhou Navy and Overwatch Council will send a secret memorial to Jingdou at the same time to relate the whole story of tonight clearly to the court."

He coldly stared at the people. "But, within three days, if I hear that the Jiaozhou people have learned of the specifics of tonight and any negative rumors, don't blame me for being merciless."

The generals thought about it for a bit. Such handling of the matter indeed made sense, so they all nodded. Only Dang Xiaobo cried out bitterly in his heart. He gave meaningful looks to Admiral Chang's trusted aides. If the matter was handled as Fan Xian wanted, the outside world would not know what had happened in the admiral's manor, news inside and outside would be completely severed. Looking at the attitudes of the local Jiaozhou officials, he and the other navy generals were going to be like turtles in a container, nowhere to stick their mouths and no way to escape.

Not giving Dang Xiaobo too much time to think, Fan Xian coldly said, "Everyone, for such a thing to happen tonight…it's truly…" His brows did not affect a sorrowful expression, on the contrary, it was self-mockingly helpless. "None of us can escape responsibility. I'll have to trouble everyone to stay in this garden for a few days to wait for things to be cleared up."

Once this order went out, it was effectively putting the navy generals under house arrest.

Immediately following this was arranging the admiral's funeral matters. Fan Xian no longer interfered. He stood to the side to watch the navy generals sorrowfully handling the matter. He absolutely did not allow that Dang Xiaobo to leave his line of sight. As for the matter of purchasing, it could temporarily be put on pause. But looking at this scene with cold eyes, looking at Chang Kun's body that had already been lifted onto a bed, Fan Xian couldn't help being a bit distracted. This general was one of the old people from the Northern expedition all those years ago. From these generals' heartfelt sorrow, it was possible to see that Chang Kun's prestige in the military was very high while the washing of the little island on the East Sea with blood showed this person's ruthless' methods.

He had died just like this.

Fan Xian shook his head self-mockingly. His favorite quote from his previous life was, "Those who wield the pen will, in the end, not defeat those who wield the gun." No matter what schemes and plans, nothing was as useful as martial power. Of course, this required the martial power to be sufficiently strong. Plots and martial power each had their uses. His assassination of Chang Kun, just which side did that lean to?

Tossing these random thoughts from his head, he related to Jiaozhou Zhizhou Wu Gefei in a low voice some matters to pay attention to, then he led a few of the important figures of the navy generals along with Wu Gefei toward the meeting room in the back of the admiral's manor.

The meeting room was actually the study, however, the space was very large and the candle holders were very extravagant.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes like he had not seen the furnishings inside and sat down in the main seat, calling for the others to sit as well. Wu Gefei sat silently at Fan Xian's side. At this moment, the Jiaozhou Zhizhou had woken from the earlier shock and Fan Xian's trust, and felt that today's matter was indeed too startling.

The navy generals' expressions were even more complicated. They didn't know what Sir Fan junior would say.

"The Emperor had a secret edict…for Sir Chang Kun." Fan Xian sighed. Standing up, he took out a sealed letter from his clothes. Looking at it, he said, "However, as Sir Chang suddenly met an unfortunate end, this secret letter can only be read to you all."

Dang Xiaobo started. Raising his sleeve to wipe at the beads of sweat on his forehead, he didn't know whether it was because the weather was too hot or because he was sorrowful over his superior's death. In any case, his spirit was a bit tired, he said, sincerely, "Sir, it does not fit precedent."

Fan Xian's gaze flickered down and he lightly said, "Shut up, it is enough to keep your ears open."

Having already reached this point, what else was there to say? With Zhizhou Wu Gefei kneeling first, Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and knelt at the same time with the other two navy generals in front of Fan Xian.

Fan Xian glanced directly at the people kneeling in front him, coughing lightly, he said, "Imparting the Emperor's verbal orders, listen to each word carefully."

"Yes." The four people replied in unison.

"Chang Kun, it has been two years since we saw each other. I have three things I don't understand and cannot rest well. Turning it over and over, I had to speak directly to you to feel at ease, thus I have had Fan Xian come ask you face to face in my stead."

Fan Xian lowered his brows, reading. On this letter was written the Qing Emperor's own words that had been directly sent over from the Palace. It was truly a verbal order.

The four people below listening to this verbal order felt a chill run through their hearts. They could tell that when the Emperor had said these words, his mood had been very bad.

Particularly Dang Xiaobo felt that the sweat on his back had formed a small river only to hear Fan Xian' voice ring out coldly again.

"The first thing I do not understand, are you lacking for money? Have I neglected your official salary? Or is the manor that the capital gave you too small?

The second thing I do not understand, are you old and muddled? Back during our Northern expeditions, you were a clever fellow, how could you be so stupid now?

"The third thing I do not understand.."

Reading to here, Fan Xian paused slightly and sighed in his heart. Although the Qing Emperor was not in front of him at this moment, and Chang Kun, who was originally meant to hear this verbal order, had already been assassinated by him, Fan Xian still could feel a thread of the Qing Emperor's anger and strong disappointment.

The Admiral Chang Kun was a close official of the Qing Emperor when he went with him on the Northern expedition, otherwise, it was impossible for him to control such a military power like the Jiaozhou Navy alone. Jiaozhou controlled Dongyi to the North and Jiangnan to the South. It was very important.

But, such an official that the Emperor trusted without question had betrayed the Emperor and secretly sent out soldiers to help the Jiangnan Ming family and had massacred countless souls on the little island.

Fan Xian looked at the letter. Hs eyelids drooped weakly, quietly thinking that the Emperor was so hurt and disappointed because of the reason Director Chen had once said. What the Emperor could accept the least was someone he trusted betraying him and lying to him.

So, Chang Kun had to die, except the Emperor was still not satisfied and wanted to viciously scold him before he died. Unfortunately, Fan Xian did not have the desire to help the Emperor complete his wish.

He composed himself and continued to read.

"…your heart, has it been eaten by a dog? If you don't answer well, I will have Fan Xian take your body to feed it to the wild dogs on the Northern plains, that place where you had once risked life and limb with me. You know how those wild dogs love to bite at people's faces."

A sinister wind seemed to start up in the study after Fan Xian imparted the Emperor's verbal orders, cold and wet.

Jiaozhou Zhizhou Wu Gefei never thought that the Emperor's verbal orders would be this kind of content. He had no idea how Chang Kun had made the Emperor so mad, and so he could only gape with his large mouth to express confusion and shock.

The faces of the three high-ranking navy officials had already become very pale. Dang Xiaobo's back was still sweating, but it immediately became as piercing as ice water.

The three generals kept their heads on the ground and repeatedly kowtowed. They did not dare open their mouths to ask nor open their mouths to explain, Although the verbal orders had been vicious, they had not mentioned Chang Kun's specific crime.

The anger of the Emperor, although it was only on a piece of paper, was still not something these navy leaders could stand against.

Fan Xian had already slowly sat back down. He did not call for the four kneeling people to rise. Faintly he said, "Everything understood? Today, I had come to handle a case, the case was…Chang Kun's case. However, he had died ahead of time. It has really caught me by surprise."

Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and straightened his body. Without any fear, he gazed directly at Fan Xian's eyes and said, "Excuse me for being so bold as to dare to ask what case the Commissioner was handling by order of imperial edict? The admiral has performed meritorious services for the control and has worked hard guarding the borders. I truly do not understand what crime…I'm afraid that Jiaozhou is far away and the Emperor has been fooled by some evil base person…"

Fan Xian's gaze gradually became icy.

Dang Xiaobo's teeth were about to shatter before he managed to finish his words. "I hope the Commissioner will investigate carefully and give him justice. Do not chill the hearts of the tens of thousands of soldiers who work hard to guard the borders for the court!"

Fan Xian was silent. He only looked coldly at Dang Xiaobo's eyes.

After some silence, the atmosphere in the study immediately became tense.

"What crime?" Fan Xian icy cold voice broke through the silence. "Does colluding secretly with Dongyi not count as a crime? As a border guarding navy, secretly organizing the smuggling of palace treasury goods, does that count as a crime? Colluding with Jiangnan merchants to become bandits and create chaos…does that count as a crime?"

"Secretly moving the navy out of the harbor and killing people on an island in the sea to help traitors cover their traces…" Fan Xian voice grew angrier and angrier. He stared at Dang Xiaobo and said, "The daring of the Jiaozhou Navy…is truly very big. If these don't count as crimes, then what counts as a crime?"

He suddenly rose and looked at the four kneeling people with narrowed eyes. "You ask that the court not chill the hearts of tens and thousands of soldiers, but your actions are even more shameless than those bloodthirsty pirates. Are you not afraid of chilling the court's heart, of chilling the people's heart…of chilling the Emperor's heart?"

While Fan Xian was speaking vehemently, his gaze had actually been focused on the three navy generals of the four people. Dang Xiaobo still had an expression of devout loyalty and injustice while of the two other generals, one's gaze was shrinking while the other was shocked mixed with disbelief as if he had not known of the matter at all.

Fan Xian did not care whether or not this person's acting was first rate, there was time for testing later.

Dang Xiaobo said loudly and with great pain, "One can always trump up a charge against someone else. If the Overwatch Council wants to frame us, the navy, we will certainly not be content. The admiral's body is not yet cold, how could you have the heart to force us so?"

Fan Xian smiled coldly, "You want evidence?"

Dang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, even a beheading is only a bowl-sized wound. No matter what, I cannot die without understanding." As he said these righteous words, his heart was incomparably nervous. He wished desperately that the troops outside Jiaozhou would be able to receive the message, kill their way in, and scoop these navy generals out of the garden.

As for whether or not that counted as rebellion, he couldn't worry about that for now.

Chapter 418: A Night Of Drugging People But Not Killing Them

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian looked at him and said, "I am here to investigate the case. For such things as evidence, how can any be found if there isn't an investigation? However, you can rest assured, I am not stupid enough to shoulder the crime of privately killing a general."

Dang Xiaobo's heart suddenly chilled. Concerning the admiral's unusual death, he thought of a possibility that had not occurred to him before.

"The navy, for at least tonight, will not be entering the city," Fan Xian said. "I have one night of time to make you all confess."

Thinking of the Overwatch Council's rumored methods, the three navy generals couldn't help but feel their blood run cold. Dang Xiaobo's eyes were bulging. Staring at Fan Xian's eyes, he viciously said, "Are you planning to beat out a confession? Are you not afraid…"

"Of causing a mutiny?" Fan Xian rubbed his fingers. "If you have the ability to cause a mutiny, show me."

Although the words were spoken casually, he still felt some worry in his heart. He didn't know whether or not those 400 Black Knights could give him enough time. He had to purge the Jiaozhou Navy, but he also couldn't allow the most important town in Qing Kingdom to break out into chaos. He had to have the navy generals' confessions before daylight came. At the same time, he had to find the trustworthy generals and have them reassure the tens of thousands of soldiers outside the city.

This was truly a difficult problem.

Dang Xiaobo's face was deathly pale and flickered through a number of expressions. He seemed to be balancing the loss and gains of the matter. However, he knew that the city gates were now closed and the admiral's manor had already become isolated. If their own people wanted to rescue them, it was impossible for them to arrive immediately. To suffer at the hands of the Overwatch Council for a night, even immortals couldn't stand that.

However, there were still a dozen navy generals outside. Although those close navy soldiers had been relieved of their weapons, they still had battle power.

A glimmer of solemnness flashed through Dang Xiaobo's eyes. He finally saw clearly the young noble's true thoughts. In a slightly raspy voice, he clearly stated, "Sir did not come to Jiaozhou to investigate a case…rather, you are here to kill people."

Fan Xian lowered his head slightly. He didn't refute his words. He smiled slightly and said, "You're not completely wrong. The crimes I listed earlier, you know the truth in your heart. Even if heaven and earth do not know what you have done, someone still knows. It is an old account, and it's time to repay it today."

Dang Xiaobo lost hope. As Chang Kun's foremost confidant, he knew about the navy interfering in Jiangnan matters as well as the various secret acts against the court. He knew that it would be difficult for him to escape this, so he was determined to have one fight.

Fan Xian seemed to have seen the thoughts in the depths of his heart. Slowly, he said, "Touch me…and that's truly a rebellion."

Dang Xiaobo's expression changed again. Suddenly, he rose tall and angrily said, "Even if you are a prince, even if you are a ninth-level ace, if you want to beat out a confession…it's still impossible!"

As his words fell, he struck toward Fan Xian with one palm.

The person who had truly struck was the cowering general kneeling on the ground. This general had gotten a straight knife from somewhere. With a wild cry, he slashed toward Fan Xian's throat. His strike made the wind whistle. It held an aura of metallic blood that came from the military. It was very terrifying.

Dang Xiaobo, unexpectedly, flipped his body. With one palm raised in defense in front of his body, his entire body broke through the study's door. Escaping into the garden, he began to yell in a loud voice.

Fan Xian looked at the approaching knife with cold eyes. With the touch of his finger, he touched it to the general's wrist. His left hand flipped and lifted the desk beside him, easily throwing the heavy wooden table over.

With a muffled crash, the wooden table fell apart and woodchips flew everywhere. Fan Xian extended his hand into the flying pieces. When he drew it back, there was an extra knife.

Fresh blood poured out from the general's head and his arms were full of splintered wood. His head seemed to have been smashed into his shoulders.

The dying general gazed dumbstruck and speechlessly at Fan Xian in front of him. His brain buzzed and disturbed his last thoughts. He could not understand why the strike he had sent out only had the appearance of power. Where had all his internal strength cultivation gone? Even at this moment, he still did not know that there was a big problem with the wine he had drunk tonight.

Fan Xian did not even look at him. He only had the two people kneeling on the ground rise. Looking at Wu Gefei, he smiled gently and said, "You saw it all. I wanted to investigate the case, Deputy General Dang Xiaobo knew that his crimes had been revealed and showed the signs of his treachery in front of the might of heaven. He incited his subordinate to act violently to try and assassinate me."

He rambled on for a while. In reality, it was just to find a not very good excuse. Wu Gefei's teeth clattered. Unable to say a single word in his fear, he managed with great difficulty to nod his head.

Fan Xian nodded his head with satisfaction. His left hand flipped and plunged the knife in his hand into the chest of that general. Fresh blood sprayed out. The general gave a muffled groan and died.

By the time Fan Xian led Wu Gefei and the navy general, whose coloring was not very good, out into the garden, the situation in the garden was completely different from earlier. Amid Dang Xiaobo's random screeching and cries of slander, the navy generals waiting to be investigated in the garden had all gathered to one area. Their eyes were filled with caution and viciousness.

Dang Xiaobo had already made his announcement. He told his colleagues what the Overwatch Council was like, what the civil officials in the capital were like, the admiral's strange death, and that the Overwatch Council wanted to use this opportunity to capture people and to wipe out the navy generals in one fell swoop.

Some of the generals were confused. The Overwatch Council always had a good relationship with the military side. Although everyone in officialdom knew that the Overwatch Council was the most disgusting and shameless yamen in the world, but…why would the Overwatch Council want to defeat the Jiaozhou Navy? What good did this bring to Sir Fan junior? If Sir Fan junior was here today to take military power, then why did he only bring eight subordinates?

Some of the generals only half believed Dang Xiaobo's words. The guess that the court would secretly harm the admiral was too shocking a thought, however, the navy leaders still felt that tonight's atmosphere was not normal. The Overwatch Council people and Sir Fan junior must have had an agenda. Furthermore, there was the body of Chang Kun, who had led the navy for more than 10 years, still lying stiffly on the bed. In the back, the concubines were still sobbing.

Chang Kun had too many trusted aides among the Jiaozhou Navy. Although the situation was still not clear, a few generals had already taken hold of weapons in their hands and stood behind Dang Xiaobo. They all felt the danger. The admiral's manor had already been surrounded, and the city gates had already been closed. The navy soldiers in the harbor in the sea had no idea their leaders had essentially been put under house arrest in the city. If the Overwatch Council wanted to use this opportunity to kill people, this was the best situation.

Under the drive of the navy generals, the navy soldiers who had originally surrendered their weapons began to make a din and faced off against the Jiaozhou provincial soldiers. Step by step, they pushed forward. The situation appeared to be very tense.

It was only Fan Xian who was not nervous.

He coldly evaluated everyone in the garden. He furrowed his brows and said coldly, "What? Do you want to rebel?"

Fan Xian was a full powered Commissioner of the Overwatch Council. At this moment, his position as a Jiangnan Road imperial envoy had not yet been removed. As long as Jingdou did not have a new edict, no matter where he was, his words represented the might of the Qing Emperor. Even those as brave as the Jiaozhou Navy did not ignore this point.

Furthermore, everyone under heaven knew that this young and handsome nobility in front of them was actually a seed of the dragon.

The navy generals couldn't resist stealing a glance at Dang Xiaobo. They wanted to see how they should act next. Dang Xiaobo's buttocks were already sitting on the tiger's body. He knew that if he did not rebel, he would certainly be a ruined body by the end of the night. But, if he was to rebel, what excuse could he use?

"It's him! He killed the admiral!" Dang Xiaobo said wretchedly, smiling like he was crazy. "How there be such a coincidental thing in this world. The moment you, Commissioner Fan, arrived our old general died tragically for no reason…Sir Fan junior! You're truly ruthless…without evidence, you rashly killed a pillar of the nation. How will you explain yourself to the court in the future?"

Naturally, he did not know that Chang Kun had died at Fan Xian's hands. However, at this moment, he had to frame it in this way. Unexpectedly, it had actually aligned with the truth.

Fan Xian looked at him calmly and said, "The admiral's death…you know the reason for it the best. You're right, even if that assassin did not kill him, I…would have killed him."

A clamor rose in the garden. The navy generals looked with great anger at Fan Xian.

Fan Xian continued in a light voice, "Chang Kun betrayed his country. If he didn't commit suicide for his crimes, there would be someone who wanted to silence him. Deputy General Dang…" he ridiculed, "perhaps you were also involved? Otherwise, why would you be so scared? Why would you talk so irresponsibly?"

Dang Xiaobo knew that the other general had already died because of Fan Xian's hands. Feeling his heart grow colder, he gritted his teeth and said, "I still say the same. You can always trump up charges against someone."

Everyone in the garden was dumbstruck while Wu Gefei and that navy general who had already heard the Emperor's secret edict stood awkwardly not far behind Fan Xian.

Betray the country? The admiral betrayed the country?

"You want evidence?" Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and said. "Let me ask you. In March and April, did a fleet of ships and soldiers from the navy leave the port for a month?"

To the side, immediately someone remembered. At that time, the admiral had used the order for capturing bandits close to shore and framed it as an exercise maneuver.

While those trusted aides of Chang Kun who had been involved in this matter had faces the color of dirt. Thinking of the countless people killed on that little island, they unconsciously glanced toward Deputy General Dang Xiaobo again.

Dang Xiaobo laughed coldly, "Going out to sea to capture bandits is part of the navy's duties."

"Capturing bandits? Why has it still not been reported to the Bureau of Military Affairs?" Fan Xian asked with narrowed eyes. "Those pirates were the Ming family's private army. I went to Jiangnan by imperial edict to investigate the matter. If it were not for you silencing them, the Ming family would have long fallen…you are truly very daring to stand in opposition to the court. If this isn't rebellion, then what is it?"

"Evidence…" Dang Xiaobo cried out loudly.

"Is there really no evidence?" Fan Xian suddenly smiled very warmly. "There will always be loose mouths of the thousands of soldiers taken to the island, there will always be those who repent sincerely. Is there truly no one who remembers what that navy squadron did? The gold and treasures that you found on the island, they must have been the reward given to you by those people…do you think it is that easy to wash clean? Do you think that if you sell it, I won't be able to find where it came from?"

Without waiting for Dang Xiaobo to argue in front of the generals, Fan Xian spoke again coldly, "I also have a witness, however…do you want it at this?"

Dang Xiaobo shared a meaningful glance with a few of Chang Kun's trusted aides behind him. He knew that whether or not the court had evidence, in any case, the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council was here to kill. He set his heart and a wretched smile gradually grew on his face, "It's always that old trick of trying to frame us, then…let us all burn indiscriminately."

Immediately following that, he roared, "Brothers, the Overwatch Council killed the admiral. They are certain to kill us to keep us silent. Fight him to the end!"

Fan Xian watched this scene with the trace of a smile. All was silent outside the city, which meant that everything was under control. There was no harm in enjoying this a little more.

"Zhizhou Wu," he smiled warmly and said, "the court is looking at you."

Wu Gefei felt his heart clench. Chang Kun had already died, and he was a figure without a faction. He knew which team he should stand with. However, in the depths of his heart, he was still very worried about the tens of thousands of soldiers outside the city. Having spent many years under the pressure of the Jiaozhou Navy, he truly did not dare to clash head-on with the navy, however, looking at Fan Xian's warm but pressuring smile, he finally set his heart. In a stern voice, he called, "Where are the provincial soldiers? Keep an eye on those navy figures!"

The provincial soldiers, who slightly feared the Jiaozhou navy, heard the Zhizhou's shout and forced themselves to attention. They suppressed the navy soldiers who were beginning to stir. After a tussle, knife blades against fists, it was actually the provincial soldiers that injured a dozen people. Fortunately, there were a lot of people and nothing happened.

Meanwhile, Dang Xianbo had already taken a few of the generals who had been involved in the little island on the East Sea matter and charged toward Fan Xian with his knife drawn.

It was nothing more than your death or mine!

Even if you are a prince, you have to pay some price!

These navy generals had all been tested through fire and blood. They attacked powerfully. Even Fan Xian, a ninth-level ace, did not overly underestimate them. However, he did not make a move. He just coldly watched as the generals slowly fell down in front of him.

Dang Xiaobo already swept to Wu Gefei's side, preparing to use him as a hostage. He knew that no matter what, it would be impossible for him to curry favor from Fan Xian. To adapt so quickly and think so deeply, he was indeed an incredible figure.

Unfortunately, he was just like his colleagues. He raised his zhenqi and felt a stuffiness in his chest before his entire body softened.


Dang Xiaobo thought of the rumors of the Overwatch Council's methods and couldn't help feeling shocked.

Then, a knife was pushed through the right side of his chest. That pain made him curl up like a shrimp, lying limply in front of Wu Gefei.

Wu Gefei had been heavily scared by Dang Xiaobo's last struggle for life, and his legs felt a little weak.

The person that had stabbed Dang Xiaobo was one of the eight Overwatch Council agents that Fan Xian had brought into the admiral's manor. He was standing at the very end.

The agent withdrew his blood covered short knife and bowed to Fan Xian. Although silent, the hands were holding the hilt of the knife were trembling slightly, whether from fear or from excitement.

Fan Xian turned slightly, gazing at Dang Xiaobo, whose eyes were filled with venom, at his feet. Evenly, he said, "This person is called Qing Wa…he is the sole survivor from that little island on the East Sea. He has seen your true appearance. He is a witness. You won't survive."

Dang Xiaobo lost all hope, thinking, He had combed through the island multiple times. How could there still be a survivor?

The Overwatch Council agent that had been directly transferred from Jiangnan Suzhou to go undercover in Jiaozhou, Qing Wa, bowed once more to Fan Xian with slightly red eyes then retreated to stand by Zhizhou Wu.

Fan Xian turned around, coldly watching the provincial soldiers binding up the navy soldiers and gently nodded his head. The matters in the city had pretty much been completed, but what about matters outside the city?

The Emperor had sent him to Jiaozhou, but it was not to have him kill the 10,000 soldiers. He also did not have that power. After all, he was not his blind uncle. Purging the top levels of the navy and ensuring that the navy's military heart was stabilized, that was what was most important.

Just like being in Jiangnan, as an Emperor, stability was the most important thing to wish for.

Fan Xian took a deep breath. First, he killed Chang Kun, then he subdued the generals. From top to bottom, only this could ensure that the other party would not gather the strength of the military and proceed to counterattack. They only needed to put the control of the Jiaozhou Navy back into the court's hands. At this moment, they still needed these navy generals to make an appearance.

He gazed at those generals who had not participated in assassinating him and were keeping quiet out of fear. He couldn't stop himself frowning. Who was trustworthy among these people? Were there still any of Chang Kun's trusted aides left behind? Although the Overwatch Council's reports were very detailed, this involved people's hearts and tens of thousands of the Qing Kingdom's soldiers, so Fan Xian still found it difficult.

"Tonight's matter will have to trouble you all, generals," Fan Xian said sincerely. "With the court handling a case, even though the chief offender has been taken, there is always some paperwork. Who will come first to have a heart-to-heart with me?"

The generals' mouths were closed tightly. The gaze with which they looked at Fan Xian was complicated. The first was fear, second was anger, and the third was helplessness.

The admiral was dead, Deputy General Dang was heavily injured and uncertain whether alive or not, their longtime colleagues had been knocked out by the Overwatch Council's use of drugs, and the navy's soldiers had been bound up by those dogs. This sudden storm had shocked the navy generals to their core and brought forth incomparable anger and hatred.

They all understood what Sir Fan junior wanted to do. There were still ten thousand soldiers outside the city. If he didn't have these old bones go out to suppress them, if these navy soldiers knew what had happened in the city, it would certainly cause chaos.

The court definitely did not want Jiaozhou to have problems.

Thus, the court still needed these people.

This only left the navy generals with one reliable path: they had to bargain with Fan Xian. However, in front of everyone with the newly dead admiral, no navy general dared to brave the wrath of tens of thousands of people to come out and negotiate with Fan Xian.

Fan Xian immediately understood the reason and couldn't help smiling slightly. "Then, please return to your rooms to rest. In a while, I…will come personally to talk."

Finishing these words, he glanced at the old general that had listened to the Emperor's secret edict in the study, the third-ranked figure in the navy.

Chapter 419: Who Is Whose Man?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At dusk, the Jiaozhou city gates had long closed, so Fan Xian's last order was unnecessary. However, since such a major thing had happened, such a serious clash, Wu Gefei knew that it had to be handled carefully. Otherwise, if the tens of thousands navy soldiers fought their way into the city, then his life would be hard to preserve. He strictly ordered his trusted subordinate to watch from the gates and keep an eye on movements in the port.

At the same time, the Jiaozhou government bailiffs and provincial soldiers were carrying out a search in the city. Although the court was here to investigate the Jiaozhou Navy matter since the admiral was assassinated and had to find the assassin, they might also dig out some deeper secrets.

Wu Gefei hoped he would never come in contact with those terrifying secrets. He rubbed his slightly dry eyes and reported to Fan Xian the situation in the city as well as the movements outside in a rough voice.

Fan Xian nodded and was pleased with the speed at which this Zhizhou had reacted. Without the cooperation of Wu Gefei, if he wanted to control the admiral's manor and put all the generals under house arrest, it would be almost impossible.

He warmly encouraged the Zhizhou to go back and rest, but Wu Gefei repeatedly said that he did not dare, thinking, How could I go back and sleep when even a prince like you stays up the night? Furthermore, the situation in the manor was still uncertain, so no one knew what unexpected changes could happen in the long night.

Seeing Wu Gefei persisting in staying by his side, the corners of Fan Xian's mouth curved up into a smile. He lightly said, "Are you worried about what's happening outside the city?"

Wu Gefei started and shortly after gave a forced smile. "Admiral Chang Kun controlled the navy for more than 10 years. He has many trusted aides under his banner and also has a great reputation among the lower soldiers. Today, he died unusually while you have also put the upper-level officials under house arrest. If this matter travels to the port…there only needs to be a few inciting things, then those men will probably all begin to howl."

Fan Xian sighed. "I had originally thought to capture Chang Kun and have him come out to comfort the navy. Who would have thought he would be assassinated?" He smiled coldly. "The other party struck well. With this, they caused a massive divide between the court and the navy. It makes me rather embarrassed."

Naturally, all of this was bullsh*t. He killed Chang Kun. If Chang Kun had not died, it would have been impossible to subdue the navy. However, since he was framing someone, he had to do it to the end.

"What do we do next?" Wu Gefei inclined his body and asked tiredly. "The news can't always be hidden. Furthermore, with the court handling the case, the edict has to eventually be sent to the military."

Fan Xian sank into silence. He wasn't sure whether or not his plan would progress smoothly. In his original plan, first, he killed Chang Kun, then took down Chang Kun's trusted aids. He would use the Overwatch Council's methods to get hold of the first confession and then use the naval generals still loyal to the court to retake control of the situation. After which, he would search for evidence relating to the East Sea matter in the navy and make the case a solid one. He would use blood and steel to hold those naval soldiers who had other thoughts…

However, the problem now was among the navy generals. Who exactly should he trust? Oftentimes, the Overwatch Council's intelligence reports could not be completely trusted, at least, they were not as reliable as interacting in person.

In that instant, Fan Xian very much missed young master Yan far away in Jingdou. If Bingyun was at his side, he would certainly have laid out a perfect plan and wouldn't be like him, standing in the dark in the admiral's manor unsure of what to say to a group of navy generals.

Fan Xian sat down beside the rock table and slightly furrowed his brows. Making up his mind, he made a hand gesture to Qing Wa at his side.

Qing Wa quickly took his orders and went. No long after, waves of wretched and tragic cries rang out from the wood house at the back of the manor. For those who had shockingly good hearing, perhaps they could also hear the sound of a branding iron landing on human flesh and the cracking sound of bones breaking.

Wu Gefei's face was dirt colored. He knew the Overwatch Council had begun to use torture. Thinking of the rumors of the Overwatch Council methods that terrified even spirits, the Zhizhou's hands began to shake. However, he forced down his nervousness and fear and bravely suggested, "…Sir, this…perhaps is not appropriate."

Fan Xian understood his meaning. There were still a lot of naval people in the manor. If he used torture so openly, it might incite public anger. However, Fan Xian had this intention in mind.

Under both abuse and humiliation, the navy generals would either give out their final angry roar or be scared witless and reveal to him their deepest thoughts.

The matter would indeed develop as Wu Gefei feared. The navy generals placed under house arrests at the manor heard the repeated tragic cries and all walked out from their rooms, staring at Fan Xian with anger.

Fan Xian did even glance at them. "Ah, so you all haven't slept yet. Is there anything you would like to say?"

As he was talking, they suddenly heard a commotion start outside the manor. The sounds gradually traveled into the garden. Fan Xian frowned and asked, "What happened?"

It was already late into the night. The admiral's manor had long been well surrounded and the events at the birthday feast had already been sealed. Who was outside?

Wu Gefei wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered a bailiff to go have a look. After that bailiff came back, he reported with awkwardness, "It's the family of the generals."

Although the news had been sealed, since the navy had been stationed for many years in Jiaozhou, someone found a way to let out some of the news. Since it was very late, the wives and concubines were already naturally worried after discovering that their men had yet to return. When they received the rumored news, although not knowing whether it was true or false, they sent people to come collect them.

Fan Xian smiled and immediately thought of the representatives of the wealthy merchants and Jiangnan merchants he had left in the great hall. Indeed, the matter could not be hidden for long. He only hoped that after the city gates closed, the reaction from the port would be slower.

Wu Gefei looked awkwardly at Fan Xian while the expressions of the generals were somewhat complicated. They had also not thought that their women would be so daring, but they were also confused. Who had let out the news?

"Since there are people here to pick you all up, please return home."

Fan Xian's words shocked everyone present. Wasn't it a house arrest? How could they be released just like this?

Fan Xian lightly said, "I am investigating by order of an imperial edict. Since Dang Xiaobo has already died for his crimes and those evil spirits hiding among the navy have also jumped out, everyone else is only implicated. I will not make things difficult for you all."

The generals met each other's eyes, unable to believe what they were hearing was real.

"Go back," Fan Xian smiled slightly and said. "Although I am anxious to chat with you, it is not good to offend your various wives."

There were no proper wives in Jiaozhou; they were all concubines that the naval soldiers had taken or even just lovers. Fan Xian saying these words actually made the generals a bit awkward.

Suddenly, Dang Xiaobo and those people's wretched cries rang out again from within the wood house.

The women outside seemed to have heard it and led their family servants into a clamor.

For a moment, inside and outside of the admiral's manor was a lively din.

The generals left the manor with suspicions and unease, but they knew there was certain to be countless pairs of eyes in the city from the Overwatch Council staring at them. They shouldn't even think about communicating with the naval officers outside the city. Even if they managed it, it would be impossible to explain to the court later.

As for Fan Xian's final words, they landed deeply in the generals' hearts.

To chat…this would involve an order. The Commissioner was giving them a chance to return to the embrace of the court. It would depend on who would rush to do the right thing and come forward to bare his heart.

Each had their own ulterior motives; each with their own thoughts. The generals left.

Wu Gefei did not know what Fan Xian was thinking and couldn't ask too much, so he just increased the defenses around Jiaozhou. Before he left, he carefully said, "Sir, it is best to not be too intense."

Fan Xian nodded. Judging by Wu Gefei's behavior tonight, the Ministry of Revenue's evaluation of him had been on the low side. Perhaps it was because of the existence of Chang Kun that this Zhizhou was not able to demonstrate the standard that reflected this ability.

Fan Xian would not kill Dang Xiaobo. This was the biggest piece of evidence for the East Sea slaughter. He would eventually be escorted to Jingdou.

Even the women in Jiaozhou knew that the Overwatch Council had taken control of the admiral's manor. They knew about Admiral Chang Kun's death. They knew that the navy had taken heavy losses, They knew that their men's lives were in danger.

The news that Fan Xian could not suppress for long immediately spread into the ears of many people. Although it was the provincial soldier's under Wu Gefei who were guarding the city gates, the navy had their own channels. The man Dang Xiaobo sent out earlier successfully got through the seal. Following a small trail along the outside of the city, he quietly neared the port.

He looked at the flickering lights in the distant port and felt excited. Although he did not know that Dang Xiaobo had already been taken down by the Overwatch Council, he knew the navy was facing its greatest danger ever. As long as he could enter the camp and mobilize soldiers and take down the entire Jiaozhou, they would be able to ensure the generals' safety. As for how the latter matters should be handled, those were problems for the superiors to consider.

Unfortunately, when he was just hundreds of meters away from the naval camp, he suddenly felt the ground begin to shake. There was no sound, but there was someone behind him.

He turned his head back but he did not see people, he only saw a dozen horses covered in black armor. It was not until these horses came closer that he saw there were knights dressed completely in black clothing riding on the back of the horses.

In the dark of the night, the black armor reflected the dim light of the moon in the sky and seemed to carry a glimmer of death.

His pupils shrank and his body began to shake. These were the Black Knights, the Overwatch Council's Black Knights.

The head flew into the sky and fresh blood sprayed from the opening. It was not until the moment of his death that this naval officer began to feel his stupidity. Since the Overwatch Council was here to deal with the navy, how could they not bring the Black Knights feared by all under heaven?

Jing Ge's face was still covered by that silver mask. He glanced coldly at the body and nodded to the guard beside him.

The guard pulled on his reins and flipped away. Standing at the foot of the mountain, he made a few hand signals. However, it was so dark right now and the moonlight was so weak, who could see these orders?

After his hands dropped, on the low range between Jiaozhou and the naval port, it was suddenly like the woods after a rain. Rows of densely packed things grew out. Looking at it, it had a strange beauty.

They were all riders. Lines of neat black colored riders stood on the mountain, waiting as silently as spirits for their orders. Arrayed in a battle formation, they directly faced the distant naval campground.

The array did not move at all. It was unclear how these riders controlled their horses. There wasn't a single neigh, and the hooves did not even paw randomly at the ground.

The tens of thousands of naval soldiers seemed to not know a thing.

Leading his 10 hand-picked riders behind him, Jing Ge looked coldly in the direction of the naval camp. He suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Another moment."

The riders behind him hooked a foot through their stirrups and began to string their bows. They then slowly and uniformly pulled out their straight knives. Left-hand crossbow and right-hand knife, this was the Black Knights standard get up.

A glimmer of murder flashed between Jing Ge's brows. Following Fan Xian's orders, he was outside the city preventing the navy generals in the city from contacting the naval soldiers, but even he had not expected that the naval generals would react so quickly. At the same time, Dang Xiaobo had that naval officer leave the city, there were a number of other navy generals who had made the same decision.

Although the Black Knights had already killed seven people around this low mountain range, Jing Ge could not promise that none of the navy's people had gotten through this blockade and entered the navy camp.

Watching in the direction of the distant port, Jing Ge's eyes narrowed, the silver mask on his face carried a cold light. There was movement in the naval camp, and the lights were also brighter than before. It looked like the soldiers already knew about the news inside the city. There were currently a few generals fanning the flames and trying to entice the navy soldiers to attack Jiaozhou, to go rescue those long dead people and to have these soldiers go to their deaths.

Jing Ge waited silently for that moment. He knew that the navy wasn't of one mind At most, the other party would be able to mobilize 2,000 people. This was something the Commissioner had already calculated for.

Four hundred Black Knights were not enough to stand against 2,000 navy soldiers.

Jing Ge couldn't help but shake his head. They were all people of the Qing court and soldiers of the Qing court. He didn't actually want to slaughter the other party.

Fan Xian did not know about the tense situation outside the city, but he could guess. The navy should have already started moving. The Black Knights surprise attacks were second to none under heaven, particularly at night. No one should be able to be a threat to Jiaozhou. However, the night was already late. If by the time day came and he was still unable to have the navy generals go out to subdue people's hearts, it would probably be difficult to avoid an even larger rebellion.

While he worried for the Black Knights, he sat in the admiral's manor with a slight self-mocking smile waiting for the return of the generals.

It was the same as the ranking order. The first general to return to the manor was that third-ranking figure in the navy. This forty-something-year-old general straightforwardly knelt to Fan Xian and expressed his undying loyalty to the court, his incomparable pain and hatred toward Chang Kun's rebellious and traitorous actions, as well as his sympathy for the Commissioner's hard work in investigating this case through the night.

This expression made Fan Xian very happy. It did not waste all that he had done tonight and the mental attack he had planned for so long.

However, his later words made Fan Xian slightly angry. Although this general, surnamed He, had a relatively high position in the navy, he also admitted that in a situation without either Chang Kun or Dang Xiaobo, it would be a very difficult matter for him to completely control the navy.

What particularly made Fan Xian angry was that this General He directly expressed his unwillingness to be the first to step out. Under the current situation, whoever stood out first would certainly receive the navy soldiers' most direct resentment. If he wanted to have a leadership position in the future, it would be a very large problem.

Faced with this shameless old man, Fan Xian couldn't be overly fierce.

General He cried and sobbed, saying, "Sir, I have long followed the Great Prince on his western expeditions fighting the Hu people. I've only been in Jiaozhou for half a year. I truly do not know much about the navy's situation."

Fan Xian sighed in his heart. After all that, General He was one of the Great Prince's people. Although the Overwatch Council intelligence report had mentioned this, once this shameless man had exposed his identity, no matter what Fan Xian wanted, he had to give the Great Prince this face.

Following that, an endless broken stream of generals returned to the manor, expressing their loyalty to the Emperor and their greetings to Fan Xian. At the same time, they carefully took out the related evidence to explain where their faction stood.

None of these generals were Chang Kun's trusted aides or agents planted by the Eldest Princess in Jiaozhou. However, no one was willing to stand out to help Fan Xian resolve his difficulty because the matter was indeed too big. For the sake of their future prospects and their masters behind them, they were more willing to temporarily maintain their silence.

As for why they had come to talk to Fan Xian, it was nothing more than the fact they were scared that if Fan Xian became angry, they would be captured like Dang Xiaobo and be labelled with crimes such as colluding with bandits and betraying the country.

Each had their own factions and supports. Those whose supports in Jingdou had some connection, whether deep or shallow, with the Fan family, so Fan Xian had to give them some face.

Fan Xian didn't have to give the Eldest Princess or the Eastern Palace face, but he had to give these people face.

"Sir, I am Shao Renan's distant uncle."

"Sir, I am old master Qin's…"


When a deputy general in charge of logistics mysterious and awkwardly said, "Sir, my surname is Liu…" Fan Xian finally exploded. This was one of the three most powerful Qing navies?

He had never thought that the faction connections of one naval officer could be so complicated. Surnamed Liu? You have a connection to my step-mother's relatives. Why didn't you say so earlier? Fan Xian angrily chased this bastard out, but did not allow him to leave the manor since he was a roundabout relative. Even if you don't want to play the card of being a crafty scoundrel upon meeting, you have to play it!

For Fan Xian, the largest benefit was knowing that the military was not one cohesive unit. The internal factions were complicated. There were people from the Palace, people from the previous Prime Minister's manor, people from the old Qin family and people from the Hall of Governmental Affairs. None of them could be pushed too hard, but all of them were extremely sly. None were willing to jump out to be Fan Xian's knife.

In the end, Fan Xian picked two people to be his knives and at the same time allowed the last person to walk in.

He did not look at the person. Rather, he was just thinking his own thoughts. He couldn't help a thread of anger in his heart. In the end, of the two generals he had chosen, one was from Duke Liu's manor and the other was a connection from his father-in-law's past. In any case, these were the closest connections, so they couldn't escape.

Fan Xian smiled self-mockingly. The military had become like this: a place for those major figures in court to arrange employment. If it continued like this, even the military would become a cesspool of corruption. How much of the battle power that the Qing Kingdom had always been so proud of would remain? With such an army, how could they protect the boundaries and keep peace among the people?

Chang Kun was indeed not a good person, but what were these generals as well as the people behind them?

He looked at the last general with a gaze full of ridicule. He knew that the other party was an old general of the navy and had some measure of respect among the soldiers, however, he did not know which family he belonged to. He couldn't help mockingly saying, "May I ask which person in the court you have a past with? Prime Minister Lin? Shu the Scholar? Or the old master of the Qin family? Don't say it's the Director or that father of mine, I won't believe that."

Fan Xian sighed in his heart. Seeing the navy officers, he knew that if this continued, Qing Kingdom would truly have generals who knew nothing of the military and commanders who were not loyal. Soldiers were an important matter to a country. To have students and old friends scooping benefits from the military, how could these people be so shameless?

The general stood in front of Fan Xian. His expression tightened slightly, then he smiled slightly and said, "Young master, I am your person."

Fan Xian started and didn't say anything for a moment. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Whose person are you?"

The general's expression did not change, he smiled slightly and repeated, "I am your person."

Fan Xian sucked in a deep breath, an absurd feeling welling up in his heart. Earlier, he had been righteously and angrily criticizing the officials, how could a fist now smash into his own face?

However, he never had a trusted aide in the military. Chen Pingping and his father were closely watched by the Emperor. Even if they had placed someone in, they wouldn't not tell him. Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and evaluated the person in front of him. He couldn't help asking again, "Whose person are you exactly?"

The general repeated for the third time. "I am your person…" he said very respectfully. "I have nothing to do with anyone else. I am only your person."

Chapter 420: I Came From Faraway To Make Our Appointment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The oil lamp in the study flickered, and the room brightened then dimmed again. Fan Xian looked at the changing yellow light on the general's face. He narrowed his eyes and didn't speak for a while. An oil lamp flickering should be, according to Qing Kingdom's superstitions, a joyful thing. However, Fan Xian currently could not confirm this fact.

"Talk about your past and speak your thought."

Fan Xian slowly sucked in a breath and tried his best to make his expression softer.

"My name is Xu Maocai." The general smiled slightly and began to narrate his identity and connection to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian nodded. Such a normal name was indeed a necessary requirement for those who wanted to hide their identity. However, he did not know the other person had escaped the purge back then. He understood even less why the other person would choose this moment to show himself.

"Young master, I am not a person of the Fan manor or a person of the Overwatch Council," Xu Maocai calmly said. "I am a person of the Ye family. More accurately, I was the Mistress' person."

"You were one of the Quanzhou Navy?"

After confirming his guess, Fan Xian's brows did not relax.

"Correct," Xu Maocai replied. "Twenty years ago, I was an officer on a Quanzhou Navy ship. After the Quanzhou Navy was disbanded, it became the three large navies of today. I came to Jiaozhou and have stayed in the military until now."

Fan Xian knew the story of this part of history. It was connected to the Ye family, and a story that could never be ignored. That year, something happened in Jingdou and his mother was suddenly attacked in an isolated manor of Taiping. Uncle Wu Zhu only had time to pick up. Perhaps it was because of Fan Xian that Uncle Wu Zhu didn't use the might of one person to challenge the entire country…

The old Ye family in Jingdou was destroyed in one day. The problem was, the Ye family was not limited to just Jingdou. They had property in various provinces and roads. This kind of influence had already extended to all aspects of Qing Kingdom. The military was not an exception.

After the Emperor had come back to the court with Fan Jian and Chen Pingping had hurried back to the capital, the situation was already set. Other than revenge, the problem placed before the officials was how to deal with massive property the Ye family had left behind, as well as their influence.

Just as history recorded it, and just as Fan Xian knew, the Ye family's three large workshops were taken by the royal family and became the palace treasury that was now Qing Kingdom's economic lifeline. The shopkeepers of the Ye family were put under house arrest by the court, and the Ye family was thus pinned with the crime of rebellion.

Four years after the Jingdou incident, the Emperor led Chen Pingping and Fan Jian in a bloody counter-attack and revenge. He wiped out one-third of the noble families in Jingdou. He even went as far as to completely wipe out the empress' very powerful family. Yet, he was still unable to change some things, such as the Ye family's crime and how the Ye family was punished, because this matter was certainly related to that old woman in the Palace and involved the peace under heaven.

Ye Qingmei had died strangely and unjustly. In order to prevent a counterattack from the Ye family, the court had to carry out a purge on the Ye family and a screening of their inheritance. For the stability of Qing Kingdom, this was the only option. Judging from later developments, it looked like Chen Pingping and Fan Jian had implicitly consented to this point.

Thus, all the shopkeepers of the Qingyu Hall who were Ye members were allowed to struggle on whilst at death's door. Many years later, they were released to breathe the fresh air by the grown Fan Xian. However, the powers the Ye family had left in the court and military were mercilessly swept clean, leaving behind not a trace.

Because the Quanzhou Navy was once responsible for protecting the shipping of palace treasury goods, it was particularly saturated with the Ye family. From various perspectives, it could be said it was Ye Qingmei family's private army. Thus, in the purging after the incidence, the Quanzhou Navy was targeted first and merciless split by the court into three parts. After being secretly purged and stabilized, it became the present three navies of Qing Kingdom.

Every time he thought of the events of the past, the sinister fire that had long been suppressed in the depths of Fan Xian's heart began to rise. He knew that since Ye Qingmei had already died, those elders had to make this choice for the sake of the world's stability. If he was the Emperor, he was sure that he also wouldn't have been lenient. However, he was still uncomfortable and unhappy in his heart.

Seeing that Fan Xian's mind was starting to wander, the Quanzhou navy elder, Xu Maocai, gently coughed a few times.

Fan Xian's attention snapped back. He looked at General Xu with a complicated expression. Countless questions welled in his heart. How could this old member of the Ye family have survived the purge? How had he hidden his identity until today? The power of the Ye family had not died completely. However, most of the people were like the treasurers in the palace treasury…forgetting their past identity. After revealing themselves, they became a member of the court.

Xu Maocai was clearly not like this.

Fan Xian expressed his questions straightforwardly.

Xu Maocai replied even more straightforwardly, "I entered the navy too late. The Mistress had originally arranged for me to train for two years on the sea and then enter the Overwatch Council to help the Direction…however, as you know, some things happened later, so I never had the chance to connect with Director Chen. Very coincidentally or fortunately…I have survived until today."

"What you mean is if Chen Pingping knew you were someone of the Ye family, he would not tolerate you remaining in the military," Fan Xian said coldly.

Xu Maocai was slightly startled. After thinking for a moment, he slowly replied, "I don't know but my luck is already sufficient, so I wouldn't bet on it."

"What about my father?"

Xu Maocai knew that this young man was certainly not talking about the man on the dragon chair but Minister Fan of the Ministry of Revenue. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Matters back then were too strange, I…didn't dare trust anyone."

Didn't dare trust anyone. Although his tone was still calm, Fan Xian could hear a glimmer of coldness and disappointment in it. After the Jingdou incident, no one in the court had cried injustice for the old Ye family. Furthermore, the situation at that time was indeed too strange. As an agent of the Ye family, Xu Maocai always had suspicions in his heart as to just what role Chen Pingping and Fan Xian had played in the incident.

Fan Xian's expression still did not change. Instead, he smiled slightly and said, "I trust that you know my connection to the Ye family. However, I don't understand why you are telling me all this at this time."

This was a test, from the beginning of their chat to now, Fan Xian had not expressed anything that could be used by others against him.

Xu Maocai raised his head with confusion, looking at Fan Xian like he was looking at a stranger. He had suddenly forgotten, before today, he and Fan Xian were strangers.

"Young master, you are the Mistress' only flesh and blood," Xu Maocai said in a deep voice. "The Mistress' family property must be inherited by you and her revenge…as her son, naturally it also falls on your shoulders. I have no talent, but I am willing to serve."

Fan Xian was silent for a while before slowly saying, "According to what I know, the nobility that participated in that matter had all been killed 13 years ago by the wisdom of the Emperor, even though these shameless bandits had lived an extra four years. Revenge? Who should I find for revenge?

While Xu Maocai had hidden in the Jiaozhou Navy all these years, he did not know much about the movements in the upper echelons of the court. But very strangely, in this general's heart, he had a strong instinct that not all of the Ye family's foes had died. Furthermore, it was impossible they had all died so easily.

He said with slight worry, "This is a problem you need to think about."

Fan Xian was admiring of the man before him. Xu Maocai had not revealed any traces of himself to the court and now he was a high-ranking general in the Jiaozhou Navy. It was completely possible for him to continue his life in such contentment, to throw everything about the Ye family and the Mistress into the back of his mind, and just enjoy his position without needing to think about seeking revenge against the court for such a terrifying matter.

Furthermore, according to what he had said, when he entered the Ye family back then, it hadn't been for long. He had been just a young man in his early 20s.

Fan Xian remained unmoved and smiled slightly, "Why should I think about it?"

"You are a descendant of the Ye family." Xu Maocai's breathing seemed to have sped up a little as if he was slightly disappointed.

Fan Xian shook his head and said, "General, I respect your personal character but you seemed to have missed something. I am not only my mother's son; I also have a father."

Xu Maocai suddenly raised his head and stared coldly at Fan Xian's face. A moment later, disappointment, shock, understanding, surrender and various other complicated emotions appeared on his face. He smiled bitterly and said, "That's right, after all, you are a prince."

According to the way of the world, Fan Xian was a descendant of the Ye family but his more important identity was that of being the Emperor's illegitimate child. Particularly with the early death of Ye Qingmei, how could a person who had grown up under the secret gaze of the Royal Palace have much emotion toward a mother he had never met? If the target for the revenge of the Ye family was the court…would this prince be willing to rebel against his own family clan?

This society was still a pure patriarchal society.

Although Xu Maocai was disappointed, he was not too surprised. However, a bitter smile pulled up the corners of his lips. He thought to himself that he had endured for all these years, but today, after he had suddenly seen the flesh and blood of the Mistress, he could not resist any longer. However, he didn't know if what awaited him immediately was a silencing.

Unexpectedly, Fan Xian only warmly asked, "Since you understood my earlier words, then please tell me, why did you dare to come find me tonight?"

Xu Maocai did not understand why he would be asked this. After a moment of silence, he said, "Ever since the news spread, I had been secretly paying attention to news about you, following your actions…as well as thinking of ways to learn about what you've done these years after leaving Danzhou. Regardless of whether it was controlling the Overwatch Council or taking over the palace treasury, I always felt that your method and style of handling matters as well as the heart hidden away was very similar to the Mistress'. Thus, I chose to come see you."

Fan Xian couldn't resist a self-mocking smile. He did not know whether or not his mother had been so sinister and shameless in the past. However, to be able to create such a large family industry from nothing, it looked like she didn't shy away from tough methods. Furthermore, she could not escape suspicion from the deaths of the two Princes. As for the similar hearts that the sensitive Xu Maocai had found?

Both were time travelers from the edge of the world. They had met but why did they need to get to know each other?

Fan Xian smiled warmly, thinking, if you wanted to find two people whose thoughts were similar and could understand each other, there was probably only himself and Ye Qingmei. This kind of connection seemed every more miraculous than that of usual mother and sons. Perhaps they had lost some closeness in blood, but they had some extra closeness in spirit, and it was difficult to weaken.

This was something the Qing Emperor could not have guessed, even Fan Xian and Chen Pingping would not be able to imagine. The entire world would think it something impossible to understand. As a prince, why did Fan Xian have such deep emotions for a mother he had ever met, to the point that he had thrown far away the so-called family bonds of this world as well as the royal family?

As no one was able to understand the emotions between Fan Xian and Ye Qingming, so it was that the clever people in this world could not guess Fan Xian's true thoughts. However, at important moments in the future, some people would pay the price for this.

"Hong Changqing." Fan Xian did not continue his questions with Xu Maocai. Rather, he raised his voice slightly and called for a subordinate of the Overwatch Council.

Qing Wa, who had survived the desolate island and been fortunate enough for Fan Xian to take under his wing, came into the room. He originally had a name, but since he was now working beside Fan Xian, Fan Xian changed his name. It was also to make it easier for him to do things in the future. As for why he was called Hong Changqing, for one, this came from Fan Xian's memory of heroic figures from his previous life. Second, it was because ever since Hong Zhu was surnamed Hong, his luck had been very good.

"Be more alert," Fan Xian lowered his head and said. "Don't let anyone get within 10 steps of this room."

Hong Changqing took his order and left.

Xu Maocai looked with askance at Fan Xian.

Fan Xian gazed at him and smiled slightly. "At this time, you can take out your evidence to make me believe the connection between you and my mother."

Xu Maocai's heart leaped, he immediately understood what Fan Xian meant. A difficult-to-name excitement surged up in his heart. He licked his slightly drip lips and carefully took something out from his shoe and handed it to Fan Xian.

Since he dared to come to Fan Xian and name his allegiance, he definitely had the evidence to convince Fan Xian of his past.

Fan Xian held the metal bullet. In a flash, his mind wandered. As for that chest, the only people in the world who knew about it were himself and Uncle Wu Zhu. This bullet not only explained Xu Maocai's identity, it also plunged him into a daze. It was as if he had returned the seaside in Quanzhou all those years ago, when, for some reason, a young man just about to enter the navy had received the appreciation of the Ye Mistress and such a treasure.

The Emperor was looking for that chest. Chen Pingping was also looking for that chest. No one had ever found it.

"How did you get this?" Fan Xian's smile was a bit distant.

Perhaps, Xu Maocai was also thinking of past events. His eyes grew red, and he quietly said, "The Mistress was throwing this for fun beside the sea. I saw that it was delicately made and felt that it was a pity…"

Twenty years ago by the Quanzhou seaside, a beautiful and ageless woman was bored to death. She had taken out an M82 A1 bullet and threw it into the sea, hoping to hit a fish that was gradually sinking because of her beauty.

Beside her, the young man's face expressed his pity at this. The woman smiled and casually threw one to him to play with.

Yes, back then, the scene was just like this.

Fan Xian rose. Two of his fingers slowly rubbed the metal surface of the bullet feeling the sensation and lines that did not belong to this world and took a deep breath. In this instant, everyone else in the admiral's manor seemed to have disappeared. What Jiaozhou Navy? What Eldest Princess? What Junshang Conference? They all receded from his mind like sea foam.

He was only thinking of this bullet and the woman who played with this bullet. She had tilted her head and smiled. He thought perhaps he had rushed from so far away just so he could make his appointment with her?

Chapter 421: Entering The Sheep Herd

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The study door was closed tight just like how the mouths of idealistic gentlemen would never open in the face of torture.

Dang Xiaobo and others were being tortured in the back garden, but their mouths had long been gagged with smelling cloths so they did not make wretched cries.

Hong Changqing looked alertly around in the dark night. Leading the few bailiffs the Jiaozhou Zhizhou had sent over around the study, they prevented anyone else from nearing the room.

The study sank into a deathly silence. No one knew what Fan Xian and Xu Maocai were talking, discussing, debating, and fighting about inside.

Looking in by the faint candlelight seeping out, the expressions of the two people could be seen becoming more and more serious and a glimmer of coldness appearing in their eyes.

Fan Xian lowered his head slightly, the shadows on the two sides of his nose become very clear. In a light voice, he said, "This matter will end here."

Xue Maocai thought for a bit then nodded, "Yes, Sir."

The two people temporarily paused their conversation about the fast and the future. Xu Maocai forcefully suppressed his excitement and recovered his usual calm, changing Fan Xian's title from young master to Sir.

He knew that he and Fan Xian's conversation was an act of treason. If someone else found out what he and Fan Xian had talked about, he would be killed without a doubt. Fan Xian would also not have a pleasant future.

"We'll talk about the future in the future," Fan Xian said calmly. "What are we going to do about the problem at hand?"

Xu Maocai has already been in the Jiaozhou Navy 20 years. Starting from the very lowest level of a soldier, he had worked his way up step by step and endured until he had reached his present important general rank. Among the navy, he had connections that others could only hope to have. If Fan Xian had his help in dealing with the Jiaozhou Navy, it would certainly be much easier.

"I will go connect people in the military." Xu Maocai thought for a bit then said, "If you need someone to step out, I can try."

Fan Xian frowned in thought. If he was able to bring a large number of middle- to low-level officers to his side, things would go much better. Although the general from the old Qin family was not willing to step out, Xu Maocai was willing to help him. It would probably be much the same. However, after thinking for a bit, he shook his head and said, "Don't step out personally."

Xue Maocai looked at Fan Xian in some confusion.

Fan Xian said, "I don't anyone to find any problem…after all, you are of the Jiaozhou Navy. Since you have had this identity for all these years, there is no need to step out today."

Until it was a critical moment, this pawn of Fan Xian's in the military could not be exposed. For just a malformed arm like the Jiaozhou Navy, he certainly did not need to use the new sharp cleaver he gained with great difficulty along the way.

"However…help me think of some ideas of the lower levels of the navy," Fan Xian continued saying. "Influence those you can to at least have them be a bit more peaceful. After the sky brightens, I will go to the navy to announce the edict. I don't wish to be surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers.

Xu Maocai smiled and bowed. "Rest assured, actually, tonight, I think you have over-thought this matter."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Fan Xian raised his eyebrow, interested.

"You've underestimated the military's loyalty to the Emperor and the influence of the Emperor on the soldiers," Xue Maocai said peacefully. "Perhaps Chang Kun could single-handedly control one part of the navy, perhaps his trusted aids can incite those soldiers that do not know the truth…but under the current circumstances, Chang Kun is already dead while Dang Xiaobo and his people have been placed by you into jail. Regardless of whether they were soldiers or commoners, if they have the daring to move against an imperial envoy, then there needs to be a person taking the lead."

Xu Maocai continued, "If the sheep dare to rebel against the wolf, there has to be a wolf hiding among the herd of sheep."

Fan Xian' eyes lit up. Looking at Xu Maocai, he didn't speak for a moment. It was only now that he had found that the lucky person his mother had left behind indeed had a unique way of looking at problems.

"However, I am a foreign wolf," he smiled as he said, "while the old wolves in the navy love feathers."

Xu Maocai said lightly, "Escort them there, and they'll have to go…they also don't need to say anything. As long as they stand in the camp, the naval officers would naturally know their stance. If there are still people causing problems in the military, you could kill some of them."

"Kill to establish dominance?" Fan Xian frowned. "I am afraid of causing a rebellion. The iron stench of blood is shocking and pungent. It is easy for others to lose their heads."

Xu Maocai looked at him and smiled. In an even voice, he said, "Sir, the stench of blood will also easily make people fearful, particularly those lower level people who were not very brave to start with."

Although these words were said evenly, they carried a strange resentment. It was likely that 20 years ago when the Quanzhou Navy was being purged, this man had seen many people who had remained silent out of fear at the stench of blood and did not take any action.

Fan Xian thought for a bit then nodded his head.

Xu Maocai saw that the worry between his brows had not yet been removed and knew what he was worried about. After thinking for a moment, he probingly said, "Even if I don't step out today, I can try after this."

Try what? Naturally, it was to experience having the Jiaozhou Navy under Fan Xian's control. Given Xu Maocai's present experience and position, as long as he stood out a little in the navy case the court was investigating and showed his loyalty to the Emperor more purely, even if Fan Xian did not help him, there was still a great chance that he would be promoted to the admiral of the navy.

For Xu Maocai, this suggestion was not for his future career prospects. He was thinking that he could help Fan Xian obtain a powerful support.

However, Fan Xian only shook his head.

"I knew of your matter too late," he said. "Thus, I have no previous arrangements. The future of the Jiaozhou Navy has long been decided. After 10 days, the Bureau of Military affairs will take over. As for you…I will think of a way so you are not implicated and continue to live in Jiaozhou, however, the admiral's position is impossible.

Xu Maocai nodded. He knew that the future of the navy had already been decided by the court. Since Fan Xian did not know of his identity, of course, he had not made previous arrangements.

"The next admiral will be?"

"Qin Yi," Fan Xian slowly said. "Qin Heng's younger cousin."

Qin Heng was currently the head of the Jingdou garrison, the leading figure of the second generation of the old Qin family. While Fan Xian was in the capital, their relationship had been relatively harmonious.

However, Xu Maocai had only heard this name when his expression became a bit strange.

"What's wrong?" Fan Xian could see his worry and asked curiously.

"Why would the Emperor allow someone of the old Qin family to take over?" Xu Maocai frowned and said. "Even if the Ye family has now lost favor, there is more than just these two families in the military. There are a number of generals in the western expedition military that have been waiting a long time for an appropriate position."

"I also don't understand," Fan Xian smiled and replied. However, in his heart he thought that for such an important place as Jiaozhou, the Emperor would definitely choose his most trustworthy confidant to control it in order to avoid another Chang Kun incident.

Xu Maocai gazed at Fan Xian, wanting to speak then stopping. A moment later, he finally made up his mind and said, "The old Qin family is not that simple."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have any evidence, but I always felt that the Qin family is not that simple," Xu Maocai frowned and said. "As you know, the third-ranking person in the navy is that person from the Qin family. Chang Kun has meddled so much in the navy, leading thousands of soldiers down South, how could it have been without him knowing? Why did he never report it to the court? If he had talked to the old Qin family, yet they did not tell the Emperor…this matter is a bit strange."

Fan Xian became silent, carefully calculating the details he then said, "Thus you need to stay in Jiaozhou and keep an eye on the admiral that is about to arrive. I believe that the Qin family would not betray the Emperor because no matter how you look at it…there is no advantage to this at all."

Xu Maocai thought that this was indeed the logic. Right now, the Great Prince controlled the Imperial Army while the Ye family was now too terrified to make a sound after being scolded by the Emperor and could only keep their heads tucked away in Dingzhou raising horses. In the entire Qing Kingdom military, it was the Qin family whose reputation was the best. If they betrayed the Emperor, it would be impossible for them to obtain a higher position and glory.

The decisions in politics were the same as doing business. No one wanted to do those things that brought them no benefit.

"Go do what you need to do," Fan Xian smiled warmly. "Be careful of your safety. In the future, if I do not actively seek you out, don't do anything for me."

Xu Maocai smiled and rose. Walking to stand in front of Fan Xian, he knelt and respectfully kowtowed once. Without saying anything, he turned and left.

Looking at the departing figure of this 40-something-year-old general, Fan Xian placed his hands behind his back and narrowed his eyes. He knew that the other person's kowtow had been completely voluntary; he was probably incomparably happy. For something 20 years ago to come to fruition now…after all, there are not many 20 years in a lifetime. Yet, this person was able to wait for so long. It was truly a feat.

A faint glimmer of white rose in the distant horizon, Fan Xian watched it with narrowed eyes. His mind drifted somewhere else with tightly furrowed brows. He felt there was an additional thread of pressure on his heart and an added excitement. Rebellion was not something he would do, just like what Ye Qingmei had said in the letter all those years ago. Unite the world? She did not think it was worth doing, and Fan Xian also did not like to play these games. However, in the future, other than rebellion, there would always be many meaningful things to do such as living happily, having the person who just left live happily, and making some people live very unhappily.

At this moment, there was no clamor in the admiral's manor, there was only a surrounding silence. Many people were not sleeping, and the dawn had just arrived.

As the morning light gradually grew brighter, the closed Jiaozhou city gates were slowly pulled open. The provincial soldiers that had sealed the city for an entire night tiredly retreated, standing weakly to the two sides of the city gate. They used their gazes to send off a group leaving Jiaozhou heading toward the navy camp not far in the distance.

In the center of the group was Fan Xian. Riding on a horse, he had already changed into his official robes and was looking unusually luxurious and full of might. On his left was Hong Changqing, coldly holding the Imperial Sword granted by the Emperor. On his right, the Overwatch Council member held the golden yellow imperial edict.

In front, there were soldiers holding signs and puffing as they walked, behind him were a row of golden yellow umbrellas flying high.

Somehow they had found a musical band in Jiaozhou, which was blowing and banging gongs and drums. There was endlessly liveliness.

It was a simple honor guard for the imperial envoy. Fan Xian looked at it with cold eyes and couldn't help but smile in his heart. The Jiaozhou Zhizhou was indeed quite capable. In less than half a night, he had managed to rustle up all these things. However, why was the smell of makeup so strong on the musicians? Had he borrowed them from the brothels?

The honor guard of the imperial envoy had been left in Suzhou since Fan Xian had not thought he would use it beside the sea. However, since he was going to the navy to announce an edict, putting on such a show would always be beneficial. However, Fan Xian was a bit worried for Wu Gefei. Would this trickery make those old scholars in Jingdou unhappy?

All of the Jiaozhou officials and the innocent navy generals were following obediently behind Fan Xian. Judging by their expressions, it was impossible to tell whether these people were happy or sad. However, they had been up all night so very few were in a good mood.

The Jiaozhou people who had risen early had already vaguely learned of last night's incident from the breakfast stalls. They all flocked to the inside of the city gates to watch the scene. The brave commoners pointed at the imperial envoy's honor guard and spread the news that the young noble as beautiful as a girl on the big horse at the front was the Sir Fan junior of legend.

Fan Xian's reputation in the public was truly bright.

While the Jiaozhou Navy's reputation in the city was not very good.

It was unknown who began it, but the thousands of people around the city gates cried out, wishing for the imperial envoy's health. They then knelt down and bowed disorderly.

Looking at the black wave of people's heads, Fan Xian couldn't help feeling a bit dazed. Thinking of the words Xu Maocai had said in the early hours of the morning, only now did he understand that the people at the lowest level of society did indeed have an instinctual fear and respect for the lofty imperial envoy.

This knowledge did not make Fan Xian any more comfortable. He glanced unconsciously at Xu Maocai.

Xu Maocai put on a charming expression and smiled.

Unwillingly, Fan Xian waved his hand to stop the procession of the group. Pushing a warm smile onto his face, he dismounted under the escort of the officials and lightly approached the people outside the line. He warmly returned the greetings and respectfully helped up a few elderly people. He then exchanged a few pleasantries and repeated a few useless phrases such as the Emperor was well and everything was well before mounting his horse and starting the procession.

On the navy's training field, Fan Xian sat peacefully in the chair on the high stage looking down on the soldiers. The expressions of the soldiers were strange. They were either excited, angry, or fearful. However, all the gazes were flickering in the direction of the imperial envoy and officials on the stage.

Most of the navy soldiers already knew about last night's events. The timing had been too tight, so Chang Kun's trusted aides in the middle level did not have the opportunity to incite the emotions of the entire camp. They only led a group of soldiers in an attempt to enter the city and rescue people. However, this group had suddenly disappeared in the dark.

Thus, the navy soldiers were currently all a bit scared. They didn't know why the court had suddenly sent an imperial envoy. They also did not understand why Admiral Chang Kun and Deputy General Dang were not on the board. Were the rumors true?

Fan Xian looked down the stage at the moving heads with narrowed eyes. He found the blackness stretched all the way to the side of the port.

It was not until now that he felt a glimmer of worry. He had seen the Imperial Guards before, and the Black Knights were often at his side. Suddenly seeing tens of thousands of soldiers lined up neatly in front of him, only now did he feel the imposing manner the numbers brought. If these ten thousand soldiers were all his enemy, then he probably wouldn't be able to continue sitting on this stage.

The corners of Fan Xian's mouth twitched up in a self-mocking smile. He didn't seriously listen to the words of that third-ranked navy general. He was thinking his luck was pretty good to have found Xu Maocai in the navy. Although the emotions of the soldiers below the stage appeared to be a little unstable, there shouldn't be any big problems. Xu Maocai must have done a great deal of secret work after midnight.

Chang Kun was already dead, and Dang Xiaobo had been punished. Without anyone in the charge, no matter how bloodthirsty these soldiers were, they would not be able to do anything. Xu Maocai was right. He had overestimated the danger of the situation.

Fan Xian touched the thin paper tucked into his clothes. This was a confession written by a general that had participated in the East Sea matter. Dang Xiaobo had indeed been a tough one. Even after being beaten unconsciously, he still refused to open his mouth. However, not everyone in the military was this tough. Under the torture and forced confessions of the Overwatch Council, finally, someone had caved.

Having gotten the confession, he could act in the name of righteousness. Fan Xian was no longer worried about anything. He listened attentively to the general talking with dry enthusiasm.

The general was the one from the old Qin family. He originally had been unwilling to step out, but Fan Xian listened to Xu Maocai's suggestion and didn't even give him an opportunity. He simply shed pretense of cordiality and invited him to step out to admonish with an insincere smile. At the same time, he had given him the arduous task of announcing Dang Xiaobo's crimes.

Just as Fan Xian expected, when the general announced Dang Xiaobo's three great crimes, colluding with foreign enemies, privately communicating with sea bandits, and moving troops against orders, the soldiers below the stage began to shuffle around. The middle-level officers in particular began to show the first negative signs.

Fan Xian looked at this scene and slowly left his chair. Walking to the front of the stage, he gazed at the tens of thousands of soldiers below and warmly said, "I am Fan Xian, here by imperial edict."

He was not an immortal, so he didn't have the ability to have the entire scene sink into silence using just his gaze. However, his words were imbued with a thread of the Tyrannical zhenqi in his body. It felt out quickly, rising in spirals over the entire training ground and making the soldiers pause.

In this space, Fan Xian began to state his ostensible purpose. "Admiral Chang Kun was assassinated last night."

A clamor broke out below the stage. It was full of disbelieving discussion and shocked voices.

Jiaozhou Zhizhou Wu Gefei glanced worriedly at Sir Fan junior at the front of the stage. He had not approved of announcing the news to the entire navy together from the very beginning. They could have talked to each camp separately. He didn't know what Sir Fan junior was thinking.

Fan Xian gazed at the soldiers below the stage and slowly said, "Admiral Chang has been stationed in Jiaozhou for many years. He willingly lived in a miserable place in order to guard a border for his country. He was truly one of the pillars of the country. Each time the Emperor discussed him, he would sigh in praise that Admiral Chang was a merit to the country and that his loyalty was commendable."

The only three people who knew the inside story on the stage were silent. They had received the results of the case that Fan Xian would announce on behalf of the court earlier. However, the other officials and generals were immediately struck dumb upon hearing these words. Wasn't Sir Fan junior here to investigate Admiral Chang?

The soldiers below the stage were also gradually quieting down. They looked at the stage with confusion. Not a person had understood what the imperial envoy was saying.

With a glimmer of seriousness on his face, Fan Xian faintly said, "Heaven is blind for Admiral Chang to have died so early…it was those vicious evildoers. They actually dared to do such a wicked thing!"

His voice gradually became higher and filled with anger. His gaze was also filled with a ruthless sternness as if he wanted to find the true suspect from among the tens of thousands of soldiers standing below the stage.