
Chapter 426: A Letter On The Sea Breeze

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ever since his rebirth, or more accurately, ever since he moved from Danzhou to Jingdou, Fan Xian rode in a black carriage, wore black robes, held a black dagger, and walked in the dark. All over his body, inside and out, shone a blackness.

On the expansive blue sea, the ship was pure. The mast was tall, and the white sails were like the clean wings of a massive bird that seemed to be heading toward the white clouds on the horizon.

That cripple, Lieutenant Dan, had once tied himself to the mast and bitterly cursed about the injustices of this world to the rain and world-shaking waves.

Fan Xian was at the top of the mast at this moment, but did not have this feeling. After comparing Chen Pingping to his good friend Forrest Gump, he—wearing a light white shirt—narrowed his eyes slightly. Welcoming the morning sea, his thoughts and state of mind became as pure and joyful as a scene seen by chance.

To curse heaven and earth, to blame the gods and accuse others, to fight against the heaven and earth, to become a large "person" written with a pie and a na[JW1] , this was not the life desired by the selfish and death-fearing Fan Xian. He was greedily enjoying each moment of his rebirth. Wealth, beautiful women, and immense power were needed, and the occasional enjoyment of solitude was also needed.

After leaving Danzhou, although there were many amusing things that could be played with, each day was busy with schemes and plots, killing people, and preventing himself from being killed. It had been a long time since he enjoyed this kind of complete relaxation and emptiness of having nothing to think about

Without question, Fan Xian was the first little bourgeois in the Qing Kingdom. That mother of his was clearly of the 保尔[JW2] faction. So he was definitely not going to pass up a bourgeois opportunity like going out on the sea to enjoy the sea breeze, drink good wine like Chu Liuxiang, eat beef, and be like young master Xu in pretending he was the master of the boat. It was a pity that there were not many beauties in bikinis on this boat.

The boat broke through the waves leaving a thin, white trail on the surface of the blue sea. It seemed to narrowly pass by the red sun. On the mast, the young man waved his arms, moved his feet, and sang with his mouth. He was truly very like a monkey.

The sea breeze in the morning was actually a bit chilly. After Fan Xian yelled loudly a few times, the corner of his shirt blown by the wind felt a bit cold. He didn't feel very well everywhere on his body. Although his inner strength had been cultivated to the point where he didn't feel the heat or the cold, this kind of wetness was still uncomfortable. Only now did he know that there would always be a price for acting cool, so he somewhat resentfully prepared to return to the deck.

He still couldn't resist looking greedily again at the seemingly boundless sea as an unnamed desire surged into his heart. This kind of desire had begun to appear in his heart from last year, but he had never been able to accurately grasp just what it was. He had once discussed it with Haitang but still not manage to dig it out from his heart.

The wide and expansive sea outside the boat created a strange feeling within his heart that could never completely relax. He furrowed his forehead and spat out a gob of spit. It flew in an arc and fell far away into the ocean and made a few extra bubbles on the sea, adding a bit more pollution.

The navy officials and Overwatch Council on the deck below looked up at the scene. Over these few days, they had become used to the occasional deranged action the imperial envoy revealed. Although it was strange for the immortal poet of a generation and a powerful official to suddenly become a monkey, and one which only stood on the top of the mast gazing into the distance, everyone thought again and figured that since all geniuses would have their own unique eccentricities, it was understandable.

Fan Xian's action of spitting was seen by many of the people on the deck. A sailor couldn't help but sigh in admiration and said, "Even his spitting is handsome."

"Ooooo…ooooo…." A strange cry came from the top of the mast. "I am Tarzan[JW3]! I am Tarzan!"

The people on the deck looked at each other. The sailor who fawned earlier was indeed slightly more daring than normal people. He gathered his courage and asked the Overwatch Council official beside him, "Sir, what mountain is Mount Tai?"

The person he asked was Fan Xian's trusted aide Hong Changqing. He looked at him coldly and then turned his face away.

A wind picked up and with a gentle slap, a pair of bare feet landed firmly on the deck. A young man wearing a white unlined garment released the rope in his hand and yawned. Beside him were sailors who rushed forward to retie the rope.

Fan Xian had jumped down from the top of the mast.

Although they had seen this scene many times, many people on the deck couldn't help but be dumbstruck. How tall was this mast? How could Sir Fan junior so easily jump down?

The gaze with which Hong Changqing looked at Fan Xian was filled with worship. Everyone knew that Sir Fan junior was a rarely seen ace in the world, but they were unable to imagine that a true ace was this incredible.

Someone moved a deck chair over, and Fan Xian laid down on it like all the bones in his body had turned soft. His two feet were propped on the railing, letting the sea breeze clean his feet and feeling the sea breeze blow through his toes like the detailed and gentle massage of a lover. He sighed with contentment.

In his left hand, he held a cup of the wine that the palace treasury produced, which he slowly drank from. In his right hand, he gently held the broken skins of nuts and brought it to his mouth. The same regret once again rose in Fan Xian. If Wan'er or Sisi could be beside him, that would be good.

"Sir." Hong Changqing stood beside him opened his mouth to speak only to stop again. In the end, he couldn't resist, he lowered his voice and aside, "What mountain is Mount Tai?"

In this world, there were many famous peaks. However, no one had ever heard of Mount Tai. Hong Changqing gently said, "Is it tonight's secret order?"

Fan Xian was startled. He couldn't resist smiling and scolded, "What Mount Tai? There is a Dong Mountain though."

Suddenly, a sailor on the boat yelled in a high voice with a trace of excitement in his tone, "We've arrived at Dong Mountain!"

Fan Xian rose and walked with the excited officials of the Overwatch Council to the left railing of the boat, waiting for the appearance of the Dong Mountain. Fan Xian suddenly remembered for no reason that before he became sick in his previous life, he had once taken a boat the Three Gorges. As they were about to pass Goddess Peak, the travelers had also been excited like this.

At that time, Goddess Peak was hidden by clouds and rain of the Wushan county. They could only see the bedroom and did not see the goddess' naked body. It was a great pity.

Fortunately, today's weather was clear without a scrap of cloud in the sky. Dong Mountain did not hide his appearance.

The boat traveled north for a number of li, rounding its way around a patch of dark and dense beach before turning to the left with great difficulty. The people on the boat immediately felt their eyes light up. The usual scenery they had seen for many days suddenly disappeared and a mountain that stretched between heaven and earth filled everyone's eyes.

The great Dong Mountain!

It was a stone mountain. It seemed normal, but this stone mountain was enormous. It was countless meters tall, and the side facing the sea was an incomparably smooth precipice. There was not even a fine crack on the precipice. It was as smooth as a piece of jade, like a sky god had once used a mystical sword to split open this mountain.

Fan Xian looked at this scene and sucked in a cold breath. Given the power of his vision, he judged this mountain to be at least 2,000 meters tall. How could the cliff facing the sea be completely smooth? Although he was a pig when it came to geology, he knew that this marvel was rare to see.

The great Dong Mountain was actually not large. It was just tall and steep like a stone column, a very large stone column.

Since the side facing the sea was smooth, no one knew how many millennia the sea wind had battered at it without it showing any movement. There were no traces from the movement of any animal. Even those proud and untamable giant beasts were unable to build their homes on it.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes, thinking this place was indeed marvelous. Compared to the precipice of the Xi Mountain in Northern Qi it was more beautiful and more extreme.

While the side of the Dong Mountain facing away from the sea seemed to have very fertile soil, a verdant and lush wood grew on the mountain. It created the appearance of green and abundant woods.

One side was green, and one side was white. The two sides of the great Dong Mountain used these very different colors to adorn the world and formed a harmonious feeling like a piece of green jade becoming lighter. It was extremely beautiful.

Fan Xian couldn't resist sucking in another cold breath. He knew of the great Dong Mountain. In this world, there were two places referred to as Dong Mountain. One was in the west of Qing Kingdom, which was a small mountain. It was only because Qing Temple had a temple there and a few folk gods worshipped there, so it had some fame.

The other was on the border of the Eastern Sea, the famous great Dong Mountain known to all.

The great Dong Mountain was famous because of its marvelous structure and perfect scenery, and it produced the most flawless jade. Fan Xian remembered a year ago, during the birthday of the Northern Qi empress dowager, someone had offered delicate jade as tribute from the great Dong Mountain. After Qing Kingdom had won this piece of land during their Northern expedition, it had built another Qing Temple on Dong Mountain and strictly forbade jade mining. Thus, there was only stock jade from Dong Mountain on the market, and the price has grown more and more expensive.

Another reason the great Dong Mountain was famous was because of the Qing Emperor's edict. The incense smoke in the Qing Temple in the great Dong Mountain had already exceeded that of the Jingdou Qing Temple. One reason was that, after all, the Jingdou Qing Temple was closely guarded and commoners were often too afraid to go. This was not a problem at the Qing Temple in the great Dong Mountain. The second reason was that Qing Temple at the great Dong Mountain was truly miraculous. Many commoners who were too poor to see a doctor came to pray at the temple. Afterward, they would receive the blessing of the Temple and their serious illness would recover without being treated.

Two Dong Mountains. The mountain beside the sea was larger, more famous, and more miraculous, so everyone knew that the mountain before them was the great Dong Mountain while the one near Jingdou was known as the little Dong Mountain.

Although in his previous life Fan Xian was a materialist, in this life he was a staunch idealist. Looking at the precipice of the great Dong Mountain, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and once again felt as he did when he first entered a Qing Temple. Was there really a mysterious force that watched him?

Was it the temple?

He unconsciously shook his head.

Mountain trails could faintly be seen winding through the woods on the other side of the great Dong Mountain like a thin rope tightly binding that thick layer of green clothing around the naked body of the mountain.

Fan Xian's gaze was very powerful, so he could also see that on top of Dong Mountain was a black temple directly facing the sea below the cliff as well as the sun opposite it.

He unconsciously smiled. He wouldn't have to practice rock climbing on this precipice in the future, would he? This difficulty was a bit too extreme.

In a short time, the great Dong Mountain was left behind by the boat and thrown to the back of the heads of the people on the boat. Other than a few sighs admiration, no one said anything more and returned to their own stations.

Hong Changqing noticed that the imperial envoy seemed to be quieter than before. He only sat on the deck chair in a daze. For a lively and jumping monkey to suddenly turn back into a thinking monkey, something must have happened. He didn't dare ask. He only stood properly behind Fan Xian ready to hand over alcohol, fruits, and snacks.

"When will we reach Danzhou?" Fan Xian suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

Hong Changqing was startled and then went to ask a naval officer before coming back to reply, "Afternoon."

Fan Xian nodded and suddenly sighed.

Hong Changqing thought for a bit then hesitantly opened his mouth to ask, "Sir, why do you sigh?"

This time, it was Fan Xian who was startled. He was silent for a while and did not reply. He had discovered a funny, yet, also not funny reality. The trusted aides that accompanied him…no matter whether they were there from the start like Wang Qinian or came later like Deng Zi Yue and Su Wenmao, after following him for a while, they all seemed to be developing in the direction of a fall guy. Although, not everyone had talent like Lao Wang's.

For example the sentence, "Sir, why do you sigh?" Is it not very similar to that line, "Princess, why do you smile?"

Fan Xian forced a smile. He now understood the origin of this matter. These confidants tried to please him, not because of anything else, only because he was the princess. Unintentionally or not, they would fawn over him, cheer him up, and share his worries.

Thinking about it, it seemed like it was only Xiao Yan's attitude that was different from normal people.

Fan Xian smiled and followed Hong Changqing's words, saying, "Looking forward to going home, a common emotion."

He had lived in Danzhou for 16 years and had left for two. Suddenly about to go home, there would always be some strange emotions. He wondered how grandma was, whether or not the serving girls in the manor had married out, do the little yellow flowers on the cliff still bloom so faintly? After he left, was there still someone who stood on the roof and yelled loudly that it was raining and to take in the clothes? The hedonistic enemy he had dreamed in his childhood, had they had children? Dong'er, Dong'er, how is the tofu selling?

Hong Changqing chuckled, but he didn't understand what the Commissioner was timid about. He thought, You are already an important court official and you're returning to your hometown with the identity of an imperial envoy. You are certainly bringing honor to your ancestors. Wearing bright clothing and traveling by day, it would be incomparably joyful. Why was he worried like this?

Fan Xian glanced at him and asked, "Your hometown is in Quanzhou?"

"Yes, born and raised."

"Hmm, when you have time, find an opportunity to visit."


Two identities of the two people were different, naturally, they didn't have much to say. Fan Xian was silent for a while then said, "After getting onshore, immediately go get the Council reports from the last few days."

Hearing official matters being discussed, Hong Changqing's face immediately grew serious. He answered severely, "Yes."

In that split second, Fan Xian had ended the few days of leisurely travel on the sea early and recovered the role he was meant to play, once again hiding away his monkey-like self.

His thin lips pressed together slightly. There was no extra emotion on his handsome face.

"Send an order to Jiangnan. All methods to continue, but do not overdo it. Everything will be discussed after I return from the capital after the New Year."


"You'll follow beside me. Have the seven people from Jiaozhou go to Jiangnan to help Deng Zi Yue."


Fan Xian had taken all eight of the Overwatch Council members who had been exposed because the methods in punishing the Jiaozhou rebellion had been relatively rough, while the military was not yet purged, Fan Xian did not want his subordinates to endure such danger. That nephew generation person of the old Qin family had already taken over the Jiaozhou Navy. As for how to punish the more than a thousand soldiers who were involved in the rebellion and how to carry out a purge without inciting a major uproar, these were all problems that the old Qin family had to consider. Fan Xian didn't have to think about it anymore.

He was just worried about his student, Hou Jichang. Concerning the Jiaozhou Navy smuggling matter, Jichang couldn't do much. The problem was that Fan Xian had to leave him in Jiaozhou. The commendations from the court at the end of the year were all uniform. Jichang was sure to be promoted. Furthermore, with Wu Gefei in Jiaozhou, he should know how to handle it.

As for Xu Maocai…Fan Xian smiled slightly, Let him remain buried, he might be useful one day.

Finding that the Commissioner had once more sank into thought, Hong Changqing didn't disturb him and quietly waited to the side. Fan Xian suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "Are you very anxious to wipe out the Ming family?"

Ever since Hong Changqing had survived that little island, he had been lost in nightmares similar to that scenario. Suddenly hearing the Commissioner speak out loud the matter hidden deepest in his heart, his face blanched. He knelt down and said, "I don't dare interrupt your plan."

Fan Xian smiled slightly and said, "The Ming family…won't be jumping around for much longer."

He had invested so much time and effort into the trip down to Jiangnan. Although it seemed that the Ming family was still struggling on whilst at death's door, Fan Xian knew that after paying such a price, he had long wrapped a rope around the Ming family, just like the rope Ming Qingda wrapped around his mother's neck.

With the old Ming matriarch dead, that rope only needed to be tightened a little bit more. The Ming family was already dead. It just depended on when Fan Xian had the time to tighten it. Ming Qingcheng, the Fourth master, Zhaoshang, the palace treasury…Fan Xian was very pleased with his result.

In the afternoon, the boat rounded a patch of bend in the sea with silver sand. In the distance, they could see an inactive seaport. It was surrounded by seagulls dancing around. Under the distant setting sun, the surface of the sea rose and fell slightly like a golden wave. Under the golden wave, there were hidden currents of jade that were groups of fish.

Seeing those seagulls, Hong Changqing couldn't help but furrow his brows in annoyance.

Fan Xian rose, looking at the officials on the dock ready to welcome him and the Black Knights that had arrived before him in Danzhou to welcome him. He couldn't help but smile.

They had arrived in Danzhou. Their life in the sea had ended. Suddenly, Fan Xian had double the nostalgia and sighed with twice the feeling.

[JW1] "Pie" and "na" describe the two strokes that make up the word "person" in Chinese.

[JW2] It's unclear which faction this is. Google search says it is short for Paul.

[JW3]泰山 This could also be read as Mount Tai, the name of a mountain in China . It becomes relevant in the next sentence.

Chapter 427: Return Home With Honor (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As the boat with the white sail slowly moved along the bends of the shore toward the side, a small boat came from the direction of Danzhou. The little boat moved quickly and soon neared the large boat. The men on the boat made hand signals, and the two boats slowly came together.

The rope ladder was let down and a sweaty official climbed up, panting heavily.

Fan Xian had already changed into normal clothing and was currently pulling on his shoes. Unable to speak for the moment, he nodded to indicate for the official to speak.

The official wiped at the sweat on his forehead and said in a trembling voice, "I am the Dianli of Danzhou, here especially to welcome you back to your hometown."

Hearing these words, Fan Xian was slightly startled. He hadn't noticed the man's official robes earlier. Hearing the man say he was a Dianli, he couldn't help but be surprised.

He was not someone who liked to be flattered and fawned over, but he knew that for an Overwatch Council Commissioner and an imperial envoy to return home, the parent officials of Danzhou must feel very honored and would certainly do their best to curry favor with him. How come the Zhizhou did not come? Why was it a Dianli who came?

He unconsciously looked at the ant-like people on the dock and narrowed his eyes, "Where is the Zhizhou?"

It was only a casual question, however, it landed in the Danzhou Dianli's ears like thunder and scared him severely. With a tearful face, he said, "Sir received the message that Sir would be arriving. At this moment, he should be rushing to docks to welcome Sir. Sir shouldn't blame Sir, it is because…Sir didn't know that Sir would arrive so early."

This string of "sirs' confused even Fan Xian. Only after parsing it for a while did he understand. Danzhou had not thought his boat would arrive this quickly.

He smiled and said, "What is there to blame? I'm just returning home as a private individual. There is no need for such a grand welcome."

However, it was already a grand event on the dock. Fan Xian's vision was startling. He could faintly see people rushing to prepare the canopy, and there were more officials rushing toward this area. There were also a great deal of Danzhou commoners gathered there.

The Danzhou Dianli's heart eased slightly. He gathered his courage and raised his head to evaluate this major figure who had not returned to Danzhou in two years. He had been transferred to Danzhou after Fan Xian left, so he had only heard rumors from the strange young master in the Count's manor. In the officialdom, he heard even more stories these two years about the glorious works that Sir Fan junior had done in Jingdou and everywhere else. He had long been filled with curiosity about this important figure who hailed from Danzhou.

Indeed…he is a figure from heaven. The Dianli was startled by Fan Xian's appearance and immediately lowered his head to report the day's situation.

It turned out that Wan'er, the princess, who had taken the Third Prince and a group of people back to Danzhou, had startled the entire city. After Danzhou's seaport business failed, it had long become an isolated location. Although the Emperor conferred favor on it each year, reduced taxations, and the people were happy, who had ever seen such a grand event? This was the prince and princess.

Everyone guessed that since his wife and student had both returned, Sir Fan junior would also return. So, they had long begun to make preparations. However, they had not expected that Fan Xian would be handling matters in Jiaozhou. None of the officials or commoners had any idea when Fan Xian would arrive, so they had gradually relaxed their thoughts. Until today, when a troop of completely black riders suddenly appeared outside the city, went through the city defenses, and went directly to the dock to begin laying out defenses. Only then did the people guess that Sir Fan junior was about to arrive.

Time was too tight, thus, only the Dianli who had coincidentally learned of this matter had rushed over while the Danzhou Zhizhou and other officials were probably still in their manors avoiding the summer heat. They were probably hurriedly putting on clothes and rushing over.

The Danzhou Dianli was terrified that the provincial government wouldn't be ready in time and anger Fan Xian, so he had come quickly on a little boat to apologize humbly.

He carefully looked at Fan Xian's expression.

Fan Xian suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "How is the old woman?"

The Dianli smiled flatteringly and said, "She is very healthy. The Zhizhou often visits the manor to pay his respects."

"Hmm, Wan…hmm?" Fan Xian suddenly furrowed his brows.

The Dianli's heart jumped. He thought that this young master was finally about to begin expressing his displeasure at today's welcoming party. He was so scared, the amount of sweat on his back tripled in amount.

However, Hong Changqing, who was beside Fan Xian, understood that he was just suddenly confused, not sure how to refer to his wife in front of this official. So he smiled slightly and said, "Has the Mistress come?"

Fan Xian let out a breath and nodded. Although this Dianli in front of him was a low-ranking official, he had no reason to make him use Mistress to refer to Wan'er, although this Dianli would certainly be very willing to have Lin Wan'er as his grandmother[JW1] .

"Your wife is in the manor," the Dianli said carefully. "The old mistress is also in the manor. Today is very hot. I was worried that she would miss you and insist on coming to the dock to welcome you, so I haven't reported this to the manor yet."

Fan Xian nodded, pleased, and patted this Dianli with approval on the shoulder. It was also his intention to not have the Black Knights inform the manor. He was preparing to surprise the old mistress as well as some other people in the city.

The Dianli was overwhelmed by this show of favor.

"Have everyone on the dock disperse," Fan Xian smiled and said. "Lend me your little boat to use. I'll go back by myself later."

Since the old mistress and Wan'er had not come to the dock, he couldn't be bothered to go socialize with officials. It wouldn't be too late to talk with the Danzhou locals and elders later. Having experienced the uncomfortableness of sitting properly under the canopy in Suzhou, once was enough.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing these words, Hong Changqing and that Dianli said at the same time, "This cannot be done."

Hong Changqing was worried about Fan Xian's safety. After a moment of silence, Fan Xian smiled slightly and said, "Qing Wa, you haven't been with me for long. Remember in the future, you are a person of the Overwatch Council. Concerning my decisions, you just have to accept them. I can't get rid of those Tiger Guards the Emperor has granted me. Do you also want to stick to me and let not me have a moment of peace?"

Although his words were gentle, the meaning was heavy. Hong Changqing forced a smile and didn't say anymore.

The Danzhou Dianli said, with a bitter face, "Sir, although this side appears to be smooth beaches, the back is all precipices and cliffs. There is nowhere to go…you can only onshore from the dock. If you want to go for a walk and travel the mountain, it is best to wait for another day."

Fan Xian rose and tightened his clothes. He looked at the cliff being slowly left behind on the side of the boat. He looked at that incredibly familiar reef and couldn't help sighing in contentment. He asked, "Sir, I grew up in Danzhou. Would I not know the way home?"

Danzhou was not big. But, in the past few decades, it had produced a Minister of Revenue and an Emperor's wet-nurse. This was already glorious enough. Now, there was also an imperial envoy, and this imperial envoy had lived there until he was 16. In the past two years, all of the commoners in Danzhou had felt excited and happy about this. When socializing with people from neighboring provinces, they had an extra glimmer of confidence and pride.

The Black Knights of the Overwatch Council had come to the docks to lay down defenses. Although the people were scared, they also guessed that this major figure was about to return home, so they all crowded around. They wanted to see whether the young master of the Count manor who was as pretty as a girl had changed in appearance during these two years in Jingdou.

A matron holding a basket with eggs in it muttered loudly, "They said he was coming back after the New Year, but in the end, it wasn't a real person. This time it should be the real person, right?"

A person to the side smiled and said, "How can it not be the real person? Didn't you see that the Third Prince and the Lady Fan had both come back?"

Another person spoke spiritedly, "I wonder if Sir Fan has changed? When he went to Jingdou, who knows how many girls in Danzhou cried until their eyes were swollen."

That matron laughed loudly. "How can appearances just change like this?"

"I don't think it's impossible, even fathers can change just…"

Immediately, this unknown person was dragged into a small alley by the excited crowd and beaten.

After the slight awkwardness and silence, the Danzhou commoners gathered around the dock waiting for Fan Xian. They gradually turned the topic of their conversation back to Fan Xian himself and stories from the past.

"Do you remember, every time a hurricane came, young master Fan liked to stand on the roof at their manor and yell loudly for everyone to take back their laundry?"

Everyone laughed. Those young people who were close to Fan Xian in age couldn't help remembering many things from the past. At that time, Fan Xian was only the illegitimate child of the Count's manor. Occasionally, he would even mess around with the children in the streets. However, as they grew older and with their different identities, they had long become people of two worlds.

In the eyes of the young men, there was only admiration and some complicated emotion. Someone said in a small voice, "I've heard the imperial envoy tell a story."

His speaking voice was very small, and the contents of what he said would probably not be believed by most people. Most of the people unconsciously had their ears filter these words. Seeing no one acknowledging him in the group, the young man angrily said, "It's true…I still remember that it was a treasure hunting story."

Still, no one paid any attention to him. That matron with the basket of eggs said, full of amusement, "Speaking of our young master Fan, he is truly not like other people. Even as a child, he was obedient and well-behaved. There were also a few strange things. Every time he went onto the streets with the serving girls from the Count's manor, when did he ever let the serving girls carry things? Tch, tch, this master is truly very kind."

The discussions on the dock flew wildly with numerous stories. In a short time, the Danzhou Zhizhou, leading the other officials, arrived in a hurry. They were panting and tidying up their official's robes. Looking at the white-sailed boat that was about to reach the shore, they let out a breath in their hearts. They were happy that after all their rushing they had finally made it.

However, no one expected that the imperial envoy was not on the boat.

The Danzhou Dianli came down the ladder and faced the Zhizhou's angry gaze. With a tearful face, he said, "Sir left halfway. At this moment, he should have already returned to the manor."

The Zhizhou was shocked and glared at him. In his heart, he was anxious to get to the Count's manor. However, he didn't dare to leave at this moment because although the imperial envoy had disembarked, there were still a number of officials on the boat he had greet. In front of Fan Xian's trusted aides, he didn't dare be overly arrogant.

Hearing these words, the surrounding crowd couldn't help but yell in unison. They then shortly they began to complain, their tones full of pity.

Wearing the official robes of the Overwatch Council, Hong Changqing led a group of Overwatch Council secret agents off the boat and looked at the group of people on the dock. The crowd was swept by this cold gaze and immediately fell silent. Unexpectedly, Hong Changqing pushed a warm smile onto his face and said, "The Commissioner is distressed that everyone is being burned by the sun on the dock, so he thought of this unwilling idea. In future days, he will come out to meet with everyone."

He turned again and bowed to the Zhizhou and intimately said, "Sir truly did not wish to startle the local officials, so he accepts your kindness. However, please lead everyone back for now."

On a cliff not far outside Danzhou, there was a white figure energetically climbing up. Perhaps energetically is not an appropriate term because the white dot of a person on the rock face was climbing very easily, The tips of his toes pushed slightly, and his fingers curved slightly. HIs entire body was stuck against the wet and slippery rock face, moving up in a smooth curving line. It was impossible to tell it was difficult.

He seemed to be strangely familiar with this deserted cliff face filled with bird nests and moss. The route chosen was also incomparably precise. His hands and feet landed without a trace of hesitation like he knew where the protrusions were and where the crevices for his feet were.

There was no need to say more. It was Fan Xian, who had left the white-sailed boat.

Since he was a child, he had begun to climb this cliff under Wu Zhu's supervision until he was 16. A full 10 years he had spent on this cliff, so he was as familiar with each piece of grass and tree as the lines on his palm.

He hadn't climbed in two years, Fan Xian evened out his breathing and leaned close to the cliff he had not seen for a long time, to the seabirds and mud he had not seen for a long time, and climbed.

Before long, he was already standing on the highest cliff looking down at the waves slapping the rocks and the sight of Danzhou in the distance.

He turned and unintentionally saw a large group of blooming little yellow flowers. Other than the fact the flowers were blooming more, everything on top of the cliff seemed to be exactly the same as two years ago.

Fan Xian sighed and sat down. His feet dangled over the side of the dangerous and tall cliff. A faint worry and longing rose in his heart.

Uncle Wu Zhu was not here.

[JW1]少奶奶– Mistress

奶奶– grandmother

It's a play on words here also mocking the Dianli.

Chapter 428: Return Home With Honor (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sea breeze blew against Fan Xian's face, waking him from his thoughts. He sat in silence on this precipice and ran through all that had happened since his rebirth in. This was not only because he had thought of Uncle Wu Zhu, it was also because this familiar cliff top stirred his emotions.

Many years ago, it was on this cliff that the very young Fan Xian had, in front of Wu Zhu, sworn his three big wishes.

Have many, many children.

Write many, many books.

Have a very, very good life.

Uncle Wu Zhu summarized this as: Fan Xian needs many, many women, and to find many ghostwriters and many servants. So, he needed a lot of money and power, thus, the two of them went to Jingdou.

Up until now, Fan Xian had experienced a lot in his second life. Although he had not left much behind, he still did not have children, however, he was not in a rush. He didn't find a ghostwriter, but he had almost written A Dream of Red Mansions to its conclusion, copying poems in front of the palace and copying poems when meeting beauties. Without question, he had grown to become this world's greatest copycat.

As for money and power, Fan Xian had also obtained a great deal, but…a very, very good life?

He furrowed his brow and shook his head. People were never satisfied.

His reminiscing and summarizing did not take him very long. After confirming that Uncle Wu Zhu was not on the cliff, he very practically rolled up his pant legs and followed the familiar stone path between the cliffs, sweeping down like a bird.

The reason he did not rush to see the grandma after returning to Danzhou and instead came to the cliff was because Fan Xian had long been worried about Wu Zhu. Although in the past half-year, he had not shown a trace of concern in front of others—of course, not many people knew of Wu Zhu's existence—but in the depths of his heart, he was very worried.

Someday before he left Jingdou, in front of that pond that had frozen into a mirror in the Overwatch Council, Chen Pingping had told him the news that Wu Zhu had been injured.

The number of people in this world that could injure Wu Zhu could be counted on one hand. Last summer, in the battle between Ku He and Wu Zhu that no one knew about, Uncle Wu Zhu and Ku He each had to recover for months. This time…how long would Uncle Wu Zhu have to recover this time?

Fan Xian was already used to his blind uncle's appearances and disappearances, but thinking of Wu Zhu's strange injuries this time, he couldn't help but worry in his heart and feel that this matter was not that simple. After half a year without news, this made him a bit angry. Once he returned to Danzhou, he tried to find traces of Wu Zhu.

But Uncle Wu Zhu was not here. He also wondered how his injury was doing.

Under the cover of dusk, Fan Xian walked quietly alone into Danzhou. This was the place he had grown up in. He greedily breathed in the slightly salty and wet air. His mood became joyful and did not become salty and damp.

He walked past the city gates, the market, and wine stores. The day was becoming dark. No one noticed that this young man was the imperial envoy so eagerly anticipated by the people.

He walked along until he reached the outside of a junk shop. Fan Xian closed his eyes and listened, then he turned toward the alley, stepping on the moss that grew on the long unused path. He found a key from beside the dusty door, pushed opened the back door, and flashed inside.

The front and back halls of the junk shop were covered in dust. The goods on the shelves had perhaps long been stolen by thieves. There was only a cutting board left at the back. On it, the thin knife marks seemed to be telling the story of a young man chopping slices of radish.

Fan Xian chuckled. He walked forward and lifted the vegetable knife beside the cutting board and swung it a few times. This knife had been "presented" to him by Wu Zhu. When Uncle Wu Zhu sliced radishes, he never left marks on the cutting board. This was something he only barely managed to do in the future.

The taste of radishes in sorghum really was very good.

He hadn't taken that much time. When Fan Xian stood outside his own family's Count manor, the sun had not yet completely fallen behind the foot of the mountain to the back. The warm light still shone on the outside of the very lively Count manor.

Today was the day that the imperial envoy returned home to visit, so all the servants in the manor were busy, excited, and proud. Everyone's faces were like the two large red lanterns hanging outside the manor door, ruddy and high-spirited.

All the officials in Danzhou had long been politely sent away. As this moment, the person going through the manor door was the housekeeper.

Fan Xian stood with a smile at the door thinking of something as he looked at the familiar faces. There were a few unfamiliar faces as well. They had probably entered the manor within the last few years.

"Young man, don't stand at the door of the manor." A manager saw the white-clothed youth and said with furrowed brows, however, his tone was not very aggressive. Under the management of the old master, the manor had always kept strict family traditions and rarely were there cases of bullying the good.

Fan Xian forced a smile but before he could say anything, he heard a sharp cry from a shadow that cut right through the manor.


The sharp cry came from a young girl. Her face was bright red. She stared at Fan Xian outside of the door with bright eyes. She ran out quickly and almost tripped over the high threshold, scaring Fan Xian into quickly helping her up.

The girl drew back her hands like she was shocked. Twisting her hands together, she looked at Fan Xian but was so excited she couldn't speak. The manager outside was very curious. A few of the older people finally saw clearly Fan Xian's appearance in the dusky light and also let out a cry.

The girl finally woke from her daze. With her face bright red, she turned and yelled into the yard, "The young master is back!"


"The young master is back! Quick, go tell the old mistress!"

"Young master!"

Following the spread of this news, the Count's manor that was already filled with a joyful atmosphere immediately exploded. A thunder of footsteps moved outside, and countless people came to welcome Fan Xian home.

Fan Xian was already being led by the girl, under the careful escort of the managers, into the manor. Fan Xian looked at the shocked and fearful men behind him and jokingly scolded, "Do I not know what the path is? You can go back."

The people made a sound of acknowledgement and somewhat unwillingly retreated.

Fan Xian glanced at the girl beside him and felt she looked familiar. No matter what, he couldn't match her to a name. He couldn't resist smiling widely and asking, "What is your name? Are Xiao Qing and Xiao Ya still fine?"

The girl immediately felt hurt. The young master had left for less than two years, so how could he have forgotten her name? Listening to what her sisters said, the young master was always good master who cared for the serving girls ever since he was little. He was the kindest and politest. She couldn't resist glancing at Fan Xian gloomily and said, "Young master, sister Xiao Qing has already married, and sister Xiao Ya is still in the manor…I, I am Xiao Hong."

"Xiao Hong?" Fan Xian had already been quite impressed by this girl's gloomy glance. Hearing her name clearly at this moment, he almost tripped in his shock. He stared at the little girl's delicate appearance and still couldn't believe it. He couldn't resist sighing, "It's only been two years, how could you have already grown so big?"

As the saying goes, girls change 18 times between childhood and womanhood. When Fan Xian had left Danzhou, Xiao Hong had only been a 12-year-old tea girl. Now, she had become a big girl. Her figure was clear, and she had grown into her features. No wonder Fan Xian didn't recognize her at first.

Without waiting for the master and servant to exchange their feelings, they could hear a clamor rising from the west. The sound was like countless birds flying toward them.

Fan Xian's eyes were sharp. From far away, he saw that his Tiger Guards, Hong Changqing, and others had already landed in the back. From that, it was possible to see how anxious the girls in front of the array were.

A gust of perfumed air blew over. The girls of the manor stopped not far in front of Fan Xian. They looked at him with faces full of happiness and then sincerely bowed, "Greetings to young master!"

The girls' faces were mostly filled with joy and excitement, with the occasional flash of unhappiness at the two-year separation.

The housekeeper and servants of the manor also rushed forward from the back. Kneeling, they greeted Fan Xian.

For a moment, the garden was densely packed with over 20 kneeling people. Xiao Hong stood beside Fan Xian and didn't know what to do with herself. Finally, she recovered her wits and also knelt down.

Unexpectedly, Fan Xian pulled on her arm and laughingly scolded the serving girls in front of him that he had grown up with, "Everyone, get up! When I was home, I didn't like all this. How come after I've left for two years…you all dare to disobey my order?"

The girls all giggled and stood up. Surrounding Fan Xian, some asked solicitously about his well-being, some brought him tea and water, some used fans to fan him, and there were also those who took this opportunity to tidy his clothes and satisfy the emptiness after not being near the most perfect male in the world. Each had their own reasons, and they were numerous.

It was like being hugged in all directions when Fan Xian entered the back garden.

Fan Xian looked at the Tiger Guards and Hong Changqing who stood to the side with strange expressions and glared, thinking, I grew up among women. This kind of life is the most comfortable. What are you old men staring at?

Entering the back garden, who knew he would hear this sentence.

"What a scandal!"

The girls hanging onto Fan Xian giggled and let go. Fan Xian, drunk on the relaxed life he had been long separated from, quivered. The most sincerest smile rose on his face as he gazed toward the steps.

He saw an old woman full of nobility looking at him coldly while Wan'er was holding on the old woman's left arm with her face full of smiles. The Third Prince himself was holding the old woman's right hand, and Sisi was holding a large umbrella while hiding behind the old woman's back. She looked at Fan Xian with almost a smile as if to tell him…today, you are done for.

For an old woman to have such status, she could only be the Emperor's wet nurse. She had brought up an Emperor, a king, and a Minister. She had taught the Danzhou ancestors of a Commissioner as well as the grandmother of the Fan family.

Fan Xian looked at the old woman's benevolent and peaceful appearance. He couldn't contain the excitement in his heart. He let out a strange cry and was about to leap over.

Who knew that during his travel, the old woman suddenly coldly cried, "Stand still!"

Fan Xian was shocked and stood there dumbly. Staring at the grandma, he didn't know what wrong he had committed now.

The old woman slowly looked up and down at this grandson of hers that had left for two years without returning. Her gaze gradually moved down from Fan Xian's face. She confirmed that the kid still had all four limbs and had not destroyed his appearance. Only then did she nod her head with approval. However, when her gaze landed on Fan Xian's leg, her gaze became cold again.

"Go wash your feel. You're already such a grown person, yet you still don't pay attention to anything." The old woman scolded severely.

Fan Xian lowered his head and saw his mud covered feet. Only now did he remember that when he climbed the mountain, he had thrown his shoes away. He raised his head and said pitifully, "Grandmother…"

"Wash first."

As she finished speaking, the serving girls all laughed. Some brought Fan Xian a chair and others went to get hot water. They all helped Fan Xian wash his feet. Another serving girl went into a room and brought out a pair of shoes Fan Xian had worn a few years ago. She tilted her head and laughed, saying, "Young master, I don't know whether your feet have grown."

Fan Xian wore a put-upon expression and allowed them to tidy him up. Looking at Wan'er beside grandmother's unrestrained smile, he couldn't resist glaring. Wan'er stuck out her tongue and smiled cutely. Wan'er was very curious. Her husband was someone who feared neither heaven nor earth, but once he returned to Danzhou and met this old woman, why was he so scared?

After washing his feet and putting on his shoes, Fan Xian began to edge toward the steps with shifty-eyes.

The old woman saw his expression and knew that he was up to no good. She suddenly remembered the crazy action he had done the day he had left Danzhou and jumped in fright. She scolded with a serious face, "…what is this monkey going to do now?"

Monkey? To the side, Lin Wan'er and the Third Prince couldn't help but laugh again.

Normal male servants were not allowed into the back garden, so the housekeepers, servants, as well as the Tiger Guards and Hong Changqing, were all watching the show from outside. The people listening at the side could only think about how Fan Xian used to climb up and down on the roofs and rock gardens in the manor many years ago, while Hong Changqing thought of how the Commissioner bounced around on the white-sail boat and couldn't help but nod his head, thinking that the old woman's description was exactly on point.

Fan Xian smiled cheekily and edged closer to the steps. He could tell that the grandma was only being severe on the outside. He pressed closer with every step.

The old woman panicked. She pointed at Fan Xian and said, "Just stand there. Just stand there. Don't come closer."

As her words fell, Fan Xian had already leaped over. The skill of a ninth-level ace was indeed nothing to laugh at. They saw him pick up the old woman and plant a huge kiss on her cheek. With a smack, he kissed her loudly enough to make a sound.

There was joyful laughter inside and outside the garden.

"Grandmother, I've missed you so much," Fan Xian said sincerely. He saw earlier that the lines of his grandmother's face were deeper than two years ago, and she was also slightly thinner. For some reason, a faint sorrow welled in his heart.

He helped his grandmother into the room and had her sit down properly on a chair, then he knelt on the ground and formally greeted her again, kowtowing a solid three times.

"I heard you have another girl in Suzhou?"

After the grandmother and grandson had warmly talked for a while, the old woman suddenly changed the topic and caught Fan Xian off-guard.

Fan Xian suddenly raised his head only to see Wan'er's confusion. She probably also did not understand why the old woman was talking about. As for Sisi, she was even more innocent looking, showing that it was definitely not her who had said anything to the old woman.

Chapter 429: Grandson, Sister-In-Law, Husband And Wife, Ah…

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Suzhou?" Fan Xian chuckled and said to the grandmother. "What girl are you talking about? If we're speaking about girls, I built a Baoyue Brothel in Suzhou. The girls there are pretty good."

The old woman shook her head impatiently. "That is another matter, instead of being a proper official, you go into the romance business. Are you not afraid of losing face?"

Fan Xian did not feel like it was facing losing. He smiled widely and said, "That is second brother's business. I am just looking after it for him." After saying this, he glanced at the Third Prince sitting beside the old woman. A flash of awkwardness immediately appeared on the Third Prince's little face. He could not escape his connection to the initial Baoyue Brothel.

The old woman sighed. "Don't try to change the subject, you know who I am asking about."

Fan Xian became silent. Of course, he knew that grandmother was asking about Haitang. He and Haitang's matter had been spread everywhere under heaven, and grandmother was not one of those pure women whose ears did not listen to matters of the outside world. Of course, she knew the story. However, this matter already had some problems, and he really didn't know what to say in front of Wan'er's face. He raised his head and said with a warm smile, "Grandmother, don't listen to those rumors. Haitang being in Jiangnan is only to help me handle some matters."

Naturally, the old woman did not believe this and said suspiciously, "What is a Northern Qi person doing always being beside you? She isn't an ordinary girl."

Fan Xian's words dried up. He stole a glance at Wan'er and found that his wife's face was calm, but her little hands were gripping the corner of her sleeve. He couldn't help but force a laugh and turn toward his grandmother. "Don't misunderstand."

"Is it a misunderstanding?" The old woman looked at him with a not-quite-there smile. After all, there were still people in the hall at this moment, so she couldn't speak plainly. She only warmly said, "There are some things that should be done on the surface if they can be done on the surface…I greatly dislike hiding things. If it is honorable, then bring her home to let me have a look. If you don't have this intention, then be careful of your actions. After all, even though she isn't a person of Qing Kingdom, she is still a girl. She can't have her reputation destroyed just like this by you."

Fan Xian forced a smile.

"Did you hear me?" the old woman stared at him and asked.

Fan Xian sighed and nodded, thinking that this matter was not one of yes or no. His own shamelessness had indeed been seen through immediately by grandmother. As for Haitang, Lang Tiao had already gone to Suzhou. Given Haitang's personality, he was afraid that she wouldn't go against her teacher. Once she had returned to Northern Qi, it would be difficult to meet again, so there was no need to talk about future events in detail.

"I say, grandmother," he said with a pained expression. "I haven't been back for two years. Why are you scolding me the moment you see me? Can you wait for a bit and then do it?"

The old woman huffed coldly and said, "Do you know that you haven't been back in two years?" She glared at Fan Xian. The wrinkles on her face gradually relaxed, and she smilingly scolded, "When you arrived in Danzhou, you didn't even rush home. Where did you go play earlier? You're already at such an age, so how come you are still so insensible?"

Fan Xian understood. It turned out that his grandmother was jealous. He laughed and said, "I left the boat halfway to wander around."

Without waiting for her to speak, he took the opportunity to send out a meaningful gaze. The grandmother and grandson had lived together 16 years. How could they not know the thoughts the other was hiding? The old woman gently coughed and said, "It's getting late. Get ready to start the feats. I still have some things to say to An Zhi."

After saying this, she shakily stood up and prepared to bow to the Third Prince to play her role completely. The old woman was originally a wet nurse of the royal family and could be considered a family servant. She was especially particular about the divide between superiors and inferiors. Lin Wan'er was Fan Xian's wife now, so as the grandmother, she did not have to mind. However, with the Third Prince living in their home, she was careful to maintain etiquette.

However, her position was too special. The Third Prince always referred to himself as Fan Xian's student. How could he dare to accept a bow from this ancestor? The little kid's face fought until his face was bright red and dodged away with all his might, running for the door like his butt was on fire.

Fan Xian went forward and gently tugged on Wan'er's hand. He leaned close to her ear and said some things. Wan'er repeatedly nodded and, as asked, she led Sisi out of the door.

Left in the hall were only the old woman and Fan Xian, grandmother and grandson. Fan Xian brought over a little stool and sat beside her, just like in the past, to listen to a lecture properly.

Now that there were no more outsiders, the old woman's words were much more direct.

"That Haitang girl, how do you plan to deal with this?"

Fan Xian tilted his head in thought. Furrowing his brows, he said seriously, "It will be difficult to marry her in. Stall for time first and then see."

"Do you want to marry her?"

"Hmm…" Fan Xian hesitated. He always felt that he and Haitang were more friends than anything else. If he brought her home, he was afraid that this kind of feeling would change. "It'll depend on her. If she wants to marry, then I want to marry."

"It still that old saying, the Fan family is, after all, a great family, how could we let her drift alone outside?" The old woman gently coughed. "Since you like her, she'll eventually have to enter our home."

Fan Xian forced a smile. He thought that this matter was not something the Fan family could decide alone. Since grandmother had already set an edict, he could only do his best to carry it out. He used his palm to gently pat at grandmother's back, quietly transferring in a thread of Tianyi Dao's gentle zhenqi to help her take care of her body. He found, to his delight, that grandmother's body was quite good. Although she appeared older over these two years, there were still no signs of decline.

"However…even if she marries in, there has to be an order of superiority," The old woman suddenly said severely. "You cannot mistreat Wan'er. Originally, following my thoughts, I do not like Haitang, that girl. Being together with you without name or status, how proper is that?"

Fan Xian was silent. He knew that he had been busy with official affairs recently and had indeed neglected his wife a bit. Furthermore, Wan'er was a girl who appeared calm but was very meticulous in the depths of her heart. To say something clichéd, the higher Fan Xian's position, the less he wanted Wan'er to be involved in those shady affairs. It was unavoidable that Wan'er would lack some sense of true existence. That feeling was probably not very comfortable.

However, it could be seen that during these days in Danzhou, Wan'er had received the grandmother's great liking.

"Don't raise this matter anymore." The old woman looked at the grandson at her knee and sighed. She gently stroked his face and said, "Being in Jingdou these years must not have been easy…you know all about those things now, right?"

In reality, in the 16 years in Danzhou, Fan Xian and grandmother did not have any overly intimate actions. Fan Xian understood that this was because grandmother wanted to raise him as someone who was cold, severe, and hard so that he could be able to preserve his life in the future in Jingdou. The last time she was so gentle…when was it? It seemed that it was when he was still an infant. She had held him in the little tower and cried silently.

Fan Xian was a little lost in thought. It was also that night that he knew that other than Uncle Wu Zhu in this world, his grandmother was also good to him, heart and soul.

"I know." Fan Xian lowered his head. A moment later he smiled and sighed, "The question of my past is always so unexpected."

The old woman smiled slightly and said, "It has all already passed. I see that the Emperor still loves you tenderly."

Fan Xian was silent and did not reply. She had raised the Emperor of Qing Kingdom and was likely proud of this fact deep in her heart. However, it was clear that her words did not say everything. At least, it did not explain what she had said that night 18 years ago.

He slowly raised his head and looked at his grandmother's wrinkle-filled face and asked in a quiet voice, "Grandmother, my mother…how exactly did she die?"

The old woman was startled as if she had thought he would ask this question. After hesitating for a moment she slowly said, "Has your father not told you yet?"

Fan Xian smiled weakly. "Father has spoken of it, but I have always felt that matters couldn't have been so simple."

"Your mother was an incredible person," the old woman tenderly patted his cheeks and said. "I trust that the Emperor has already avenged her. As for whether or not any enemies had been missed, naturally…there is that guy to take care of it.

That guy was the person who fought with people daily back in King Cheng's manor.

Fan Xian smiled. It looked like his grandmother also did not know the details or, perhaps, she did not wish to tell him her guesses. Speaking of which, if it had been anyone else, he had already received sufficient compensation from the royal family. Why must he be stuck on whether something in the past had any loose ends?

"Sizhe…what kind of child is he?" The grandmother suddenly opened her mouth and asked.

Fan Xian was startled then shortly smiled again. Only now did he remember that ever since his brother's birth, he had lived in Jingdou. He had never even seen his grandmother's face. He chose his words carefully and slowly said, "Sizhe, ah…back then, perhaps he had run amok. As he has gotten older, his behavior is more appropriate."

"Oh, tell me about it." It was very clear that the old woman was interested in her one true grandson.

Fan Xian smiled and told her all of Sizhe's actions since he entered Jingdou. He didn't even hide anything related to the Baoyue Brothel. This story made the old woman's expression serious with an occasional smile.

"Are you saying…these two children run a brothel in Jingdou?" The old woman sighed, thinking, she really was old. There was no way for her to understand these children's thoughts. "But…the Third Prince is still so small."

"He is small but full of tricky ideas." Thinking of that matter, Fan Xian was filled with anger. He huffed coldly and said, "The Third Prince is not just a child."

The old woman smiled. "Sizhe is alone in the North. Is he doing well?"

Letters regularly came from Northern Qi, so Fan Xian knew very well his brother's life in the North. He comfortingly said, "Relax, I've arranged people to look out for him."

The old woman thought for a moment then worriedly said, "After all, it is a foreign country. If that Haitang girl were still in Shangjing, Northern Qi, perhaps it would be fine. But under the current circumstances…there isn't even anyone you trust in Northern Qi."

Fan Xian could not speak of his secret agreement with the little Emperor in Northern Qi. He thought for a while then said, "Relax, grandmother, isn't Ruoruo in Shangjing right now? She is now Grandmaster Ku He's last disciple, so the Northern Qi court has to give her some face. With her watching, Sizhe won't do anything outrageous."

Speaking of which, it was very strange. For the past two years, Fan Xian had exhausted every means to send his brother and sister to Northern Qi. Minister Fan had vaguely guessed at it but didn't expose it. It was clear that the old mistress did not think of that. She only smiled and said, "Speaking of Ruoruo, I wonder if her body is better?"

"She's great…there's no more yellow hair on her head[JW1] ." Fan Xian's mind suddenly spun. "Grandmother, come back with me to Jingdou this time…father misses you very much."

The old mistress was silent for a while and then slowly shook her head.

Fan Xian sighed. He didn't understand why she continued to live in Danzhou.

"Ruoruo is 17 or 18 now," the old mistress worriedly said, "yet she still isn't engaged. You broke her marriage with Hong Cheng. You have to keep an eye out for a family who has a good nature, good background, and can be trusted."

Fan Xian's chest thumped loudly and he said, "Since you have given me this task, I will certainly complete it well." His words sounded dependable, but he did not think like this in his heart. He thought that Ruoruo was still so young, so why should she rush to marry? It was better to see more and experience more. He thought like this but had completely forgotten that when he and Wan'er had married, they were barely older than children.

"As a big brother, you're doing very well," the old woman looked warmly at Fan Xian and said with approval. "You have managed them well. The Fan family is blessed. If your brother and sister accomplish anything in the future, it will be all due to your hard work."

Fan Xian's face turned red, thinking, What management did Ruoruo need with her icy intelligence? Sizhe's natural disposition had been forcefully twisted by him. At first, it was for his personal gain. As for strengths…even the Qingyu Hall shopkeepers admitted that Sizhe was a commercial genius.

The grandmother and son's secret conversation was reaching an end before the old woman hesitantly said, "What about that person? Did they come back with you this time?"

The old woman was asking about the blind boss who had been their neighbor for 16 years. Fan Xian started and then understood. With a pained face, he said, "I was going to ask you whether or not you've recently seen him come back?"

The old woman's face became severe. "So he is not with you…then your random running around, like this afternoon, is definitely not allowed anymore. Otherwise, if something happens, how will I explain things to the Emperor and your father?"

Fan Xian moved closer to his grandmother's ear and mysteriously said, "Relax, grandmother, I am now an ace of aces."

The old woman laughed involuntarily and covered her mouth, revealing some charm from many years past.

As they were speaking, someone came and reported that the feast had begun. With great implicit understanding, the grandmother and grandson looked at each other. Fan Xian held the old woman's arm as they walked out.

The person who came to give the message was the wife of the Teng family. She led the way with her head lowered.

Fan Xian looked at her back and suddenly opened his mouth to say, "Has Wan'er been drinking her medicine?"

The wife of the Teng family slightly turned her body and quietly reported, "The Mistress has been drinking her medicine on time and in the right proportions."

"Where is Da Bao? How come I haven't seen him today?" Fan Xian was confused, he hadn't seen Da Bao welcome him today.

"That husband of mine also came today. He didn't know you would be arriving early so he accompanied Master Lin out fishing on the sea," the wife of the Teng family said with a smile.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Teng Da also came? Have him come see me later."


The old mistress that Fan Xian had been supporting suddenly opened her mouth and said, "Wan'er has been taking a medicine lately, and I've been very curious what medicine it was. It smells very fragrant."

Fan Xian wondered whether or not he should tell her about this matter. After thinking for a little while, he ended up smiling warmly and, lowering his voice greatly, he told her about Wan'er's body and the matter of children.

The old woman was silent, but her expression seemed somewhat unpleasant. After a long while, she gently coughed and said, "The adult is the most important. You are both young, so there is no rush."

Fan Xian smiled calmly and said, "This is why I like grandmother best."

After the feast ended, he talked a little with Teng Da and asked him about the recent situation in Jingdou as well as the health of his father and Lady Liu. He also asked about news from the Jingdou marketplace that the Overwatch Council could not convenient contact. Fan Xian had a glimmer of tiredness early. After making his excuses to everyone and paying his respects to grandmother, he took Wan'er back to their bedroom.

This bedroom still looked as it did a few years ago. None of the furnishings had changed.

Fan Xian laid on the bed and slanted his eyes to look at Wan'er sitting beside the table playing with the candle flame. He could hear Sisi in the other room preparing hot water. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and said, "Xiao Bao, come here."

Wan'er turned her head and giggled while a glimmer of embarrassment flashed across her face. Glancing outside, she protested coquettishly, "Don't you know to be a little quieter?"

The so-called joys of the bedroom were not all matters between men and women, often it was in the small details. The so-called Xiao Bao was a secret signal between Fan Xian and Wan'er, a little detail, a little trick…Wan'er was Da Bao's sister so naturally, she was Xiao Bao[JW2] , as well as a little treasure.

After she had washed her face and rinsed her mouth, Sisi smiled and walked out. Just like in the past in Danzhou, she slept in a little bed in the other room.

The red candle was extinguished, and the Fan couple lay shoulder to shoulder on the bed. Wan'er was curled up like a little cat in Fan Xian's embrace. Her hands tightly grasped the unlined clothing of his chest. She grasped it with some strength as if afraid that somebody would run off.

"I've lain in this bed 16 years." Fan Xian's bright eyes were open in the dark. "Ever since I was little, I really liked sleeping. When it was time for a midday nap, I never need the serving girls to lull me to sleep. I would just sleep like this."

Wan'er made a small sound and looked at him.

Fan Xian lowered his head and gently kissed her pouty lips. Indistinctly, he said, "But I've always felt I've never woken up. How could I have married such a good and obedient wife like you? Am I still dreaming?"

Lin Wan'er clicked her teeth shut and bit him hard. Staring at him viciously, she said, "Say what you want to say."

[JW1] I think this phrase means "to have grown up."

[JW2] Literally means "little treasure."

Chapter 430: Mercy And Deep Running Still Waters[JW1] Are A Pair

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian winced and, with a suffering face, he stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his broken lip. He suddenly found that there was a trace of sweetness. Only now did he know that the anger Wan'er had been suppressing these days had completely exploded out in this one bite. He considered his words and carefully said, "I don't want to say anything else, I just think…you've suffered hardships these days."

Lin Wan'er turned in his embrace and indistinctly said, "What hardships?"

"I don't have time to spend with you." Fan Xian thought for a bit and then said, "And now, my sister and brother have both gone to Northern Qi, Ye Ling'er has married, and it's impossible for Ruo Jia to play with you…leaving Jingdou, going to Jiangnan, coming to Danzhou, I guess you don't even have some beside you to say private things to, besides, these are all unfamiliar places."

He hadn't even finished speaking when Lin Wan'er's big eyes were beginning to gradually mist over. She sighed gently and said, "You, ah…to say you have no heart, yet you know all of this. To say you have a heart, yet you can endure to treat me like this."

Hearing this, Fan Xian's heart was a bit chilled. He coughed and asked, "How have I treated you?"

"There is more you want to say?" Lin Wan'er gazed intently at his eyes.

Fan Xian thought for a bit and then nodded.

Lin Wan'er laughed coldly. "You're being shameless again. I've told you in Jingdou before, whatever you want to do, I won't stop you. In any case, these womanly words have no power. I just wish you could be more candid and let me know before things happen. No matter how useless I am in the present, I am still the senior daughter-in-law in the Fan family. There are some things you cannot hide from me."

"What are you talking about?" Fan Xian was faintly angry. "No matter what, you can't abandon yourself to self-pity. The Wan'er I like is a warm and cheeky girl…"

His words were only half spoken when he closed his mouth. On the contrary, Wan'er smiled sweetly and warmly said, "Why don't you keep lecturing?"

Fan Xian coughed and said, "Whether or not you believe it, I had no intention to say anything else today."

"Oh, is that so?" Lin Wan'er sighed. "Then when are you going to tell me the story of Haitang?"

Fan Xian was silent for a moment then said, "That's not the same, not the same." Saying this, he tightly hugged Wan'er, who had rolled over in a huff. One hand gently encircled her soft waist while he quietly said beside her ear, "We've been apart for a dozen days, so why talk about that?"

If it had been Haitang, or Ruoruo, women that had been influenced by Fan Xian's modern feminist ideas, at this time, they would probably have long kicked Fan Xian off the bed.

Although Wan'er had grown since a young age in the Palace and her entire mind was meticulous and deep, it was just on the matter of men and women that she had received the most traditional education. In a huffy voice, she said, "That girl's identity is different and already troublesome, but you had to do things your way. In the future, who knows what problems this will cause?"

Hearing this apparent concession, not only did Fan Xian's heart not relax, on the contrary, a faint regret welled up. People, especially men, if one said they did not love someone, that seemed to be untrue. But if one said he would love someone for their entire life and never look to the side, this was also a lie.

Admiring the jade on Dong Mountain and watching the sunset on Xi Mountain, was to do different things at different places. There was no need for anyone to lie to themselves and brainwash the world.

"However, you are at home all day with no one to play mahjong with you. It is indeed very boring." Fan Xian did not want to continue the topic because he had suddenly realized that with Haitang, her position still fell into the category of friend. That girl may not want to marry into the Fan family. What was the point of worrying about this early? Why make his wife worry along with him and be jealous of A, B, C things.

"The women in the Palace…do they not also pass their days like this?" Fan Xian's words touched on Lin Wan'er's true weakness deep in her heart and made her sigh endlessly.

She had grown up, ever since a young age, in the Palace. Her mother was an illustrious princess and her father was Prime Minister Lin. Unfortunately, she had been long locked in the Palace and had not seen her parents very many times. It was like she had been raised collectively by the women in the Palace. She was naturally smart and, having grown up in that atmosphere, also not exceptionally brilliant. But, at least she somewhat understood the machinations on the field of power. She believed her abilities should have been used more effectively.

However, for one, because of her connection to the Eldest Princess, Lin Wan'er had an antipathy for manipulation and scheming, but she would rather have peace. For two, because of the enmity between her husband and her mother, she wouldn't be able to find a suitable place to shine.

This was something she and Fan Xian had discussed a long time ago.

If a person cannot find a place in their surroundings, they will eventually feel a sense of loss. If she was a normal girl, then managing housework, being filial to her parents-in-law, serving her husband, and raising some children would be enough. But, Lin Wan'er's birth ensured that if she continued in such a normal life, she would always feel some regret in her heart. It was even more so since she could see many people beginning to shine around Fan Xian.

At one point, Lin Wan'er was ready to accept her fate. She was prepared to hold onto the wonderful memories of having children to transcend obstacles and work hard to have a child for Fan Xian, thus, tying her husband's heart to her side. That was why she had run the risk of stopping the medicine Fei Jie had given her.

Fan Xian was a tender and sensitive person, so he realized the deeper meaning of his wife's action. Of course, he knew the reason for the faint worry between his wife's brows these few months, but…he still had yet found a good solution.

Fan Sizhe's dream was in commerce, so Fan Xian could kick him to the North to smuggle. Ruoruo's dream was heavily influenced by Fan Xian, so Fan Xian could use up every method to have her become Ku He's disciple and walk far and see different people. However, Wan'er's…status was not the same. She was his wife, her dream…or to put it more clichéd, what path should she seek to achieve her value?

The spring examination case, as well as some later matters, made Fan Xian understand that Wan'er's specialty was indeed in the Palace, in planning. She could help him a great deal. However, the problem was he and Xinyan were like fire and water, so how could he let Wan'er be caught in the middle?

Fan Xian sighed and said, "If one day there is a day when swords clash, I really don't know what I should do."

Such naked words were rare between the couple. They had long avoided this matter. Lin Wan'er was silent for a while then said, "You know, I don't have too much feeling for my mother…but, after all, she is my mother."

"I understand." Fan Xian placed his nose against her hair and took a deep breath. "Believe me, at least I will never hurt you."

Would anyone believe these words?

Fan Xian suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Wan'er, it is indeed very boring to stay at home all day…I have some matters I want you to help me do, however, it might be hard work and mentally taxing."

Lin Wan'er widened her eyes with curiosity and turned her body so she was face to face with Fan Xian. "What matters?"

With a soft fragrance in his embrace, Fan Xian held his wife and couldn't resist rubbing her full body. He smiled and said, "You know I am a wealthy person."

"Of course." Lin Wan'er couldn't help but laugh and, turning her hand, slapped that wandering hand.

Fan Xian said seriously, "When I first went down to Jiangnan last year, I found that although Jiangnan was wealthy, in reality, there were still a great number of common people who did not have enough to wear and enough food to fill their stomachs. If even Jiangnan is like that, there is little need to talk about Jiangbei and those commoners in the middle of the Yangtze River that were flooded. Who knows how they are going to survive?"

Lin Wan'er asked curiously, "Did you say you already thought of a way to move the silver taken from the palace treasury to the River Transport Governor's yamen?"

"That is only one portion." Fan Xian thought about it and said, "You know more about the court than me. There are few officials there that can be trusted. If I put the silver into the court, even with the Overwatch Council and Yang Wanli watching it, what will flow away will still flow away…not to speak of others, at least the Fan and Liu families, as well as the Palace, will all take some from this cache of silver. So I was thinking…some things it is easier for us to do ourselves."

"What things?"

"Jiangnan really is rich. Those wealthy merchants can bring out tens of millions of liang of silver." Fan Xian smiled coldly. "Yet, there are still so many poor people…this is a problem of uneven distribution."

He sighed and continued, "I don't have any power to change this reality. I can only find some mediocre methods to improve it."

"You mean…" Lin Wan'er guessed her husband's thoughts and hesitantly said, "You are going to rob the rich to give to the poor?"

Fan Xian laughed out loud. He hadn't expected his noble-born wife to be able to use the pirate language often seen in novels. He couldn't resist sliding his knuckle down her perky nose.

Wan'er stuck out her tongue and giggled.

"But…it really is like robbing the rich and giving to the poor, right?"

Fan Xian thought for a bit then said seriously, "My thoughts are like this, in any case, we've scrapped so much silver from the palace treasury and officials, we have to think of some way to spend it. There is no way for our family to use all of it. As I said earlier, I don't want to go through the route of the court, but then how will we use this silver on the common people?"

Lin Wan'er made a noise of agreement and said, "In the past, the common thing to do is to open porridge shops and build charity schools. I remember when I was little, there was a disaster in the North, and all the refugees surged into Jingdou. A few major officials in the court asked the Emperor to send out troops to suppress them and have these refugees be scattered into the nearby provinces. However, the Emperor did not agree to this suggestion, rather he dismissed those major officials and opened the royal storage. That year, when they were giving out the porridge, the empress dowager even brought some of us from the Palace to ladle it out."

Fan Xian nodded. He had heard of this story. The Emperor wasn't an idiot, naturally, he knew how to handle the situation. He said, "Just handing out porridge on short notice isn't enough. Charity schools are also difficult to expand, so I have decided to put the money I have earned into a special organization so it can do charitable works for many years."

He lay on the thin blanket and waved his hand. "Poor students who have no money can come to our school to study. If they don't have food to eat, we will buy and give out rice. If they have no sprouts, we will give it to them. In any case, whatever the court has not thought of to do, we will do it all."

Seeing his confident expression, Lin Wan'er felt excited in her heart as well, but she immediately smiled bitterly and said, "Idiot, do you know how much silver this will cost?"

"Isn't money meant to be spent?" Fan Xian smiled. "The money I earn is from the court and merchants, and the court and the merchants get their money from the hands of the people. The so-called taking from the people to use for the people is based on this logic."

Hearing the words "taking from the people to use for the people," Lin Wan'er couldn't help her eyes lighting up. "These words are new but…they make sense."

Fan Xian lowered his head and looked at his wife's worshipful expression. For some reason, he thought of last year when he was in the royal palace in Shangjing, Northern Qi. The situation when Northern Qi's little Emperor and Haitang Duoduo had heard him say loudly, "The first concern are the affairs of state, and enjoying pleasure comes later," and couldn't help blushing a little with shame.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wan'er shook him seriously afterward and said, "It still won't work. Putting aside the face that this is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled no matter how much you throw in, you need to think some more based on this matter's influence. It is taboo to take something that is the concern of the court."

After Fan Xian thought for a while and then had a different idea. "Can it be done anonymously?"

Lin Wan'er stared at him like an idiot and said, "If it is done anonymously, how can it be done on such a large scale? It's not like you just want to save one province or one county. If they don't know it's a charitable action organized by you, will the local officials not quickly lower their mouths to this juicy meet and take a bite? Your name will have to appear."

Fan Xian thought that this logic was sound, however, he had to both show his name and not make the court mad, which was truly difficult to do.

Lin Wan'er suddenly opened her mouth and said, "What if…we used the Palace's name to do this? Using the empress dowager's name to do it. We don't need the nobles in the Palace to put out money. We can put up the money and have them carry this name. The court's face will be honored, and they will gain face. I believe that the Emperor will be happy too."

Fan Xian was startled and looked Wan'er for a long time without saying anything, thinking that was indeed the logic. If the people in the Palace made an appearance, it would certainly be much easier to carry out. Then this…wouldn't it be like the so-called Benevolent Assembly that he often saw in his previous life? Except the Qing Kingdom one would be new and certainly be much more ceremonious. However, since there was this beginning, there would always be some changes to the people's lives.

Lin Wan'er became interested and continued giving ideas. "No matter how rich you are, you can't spend like this. I think we have to rescue the urgent and not the poor. Our true focus should still be put on education and disaster relief, as for daily things…"

Having made it through halfway, she held her tongue. Fan Xian also held his tongue. The two of them looked at each other and then smiled together. In the smile was a glimmer of embarrassment and self-mockery.

As to just what they should do to better the lives of the people of Qing Kingdom or even the world, how could this couple born with golden spoons in their mouths truly know the details? They could offer some general comments. If they were truly talking about specifics, these two would run in circles around education and giving porridge.

After laughing for a while, Fan Xian said seriously, "We still have to do it. There are people who understand this. Yang Wanli was born poor. Once the riverbanks matter has let up, I'll call him back to the capital to talk.

The unconventional methods from his previous life flashed through his mind. Although things like the green sprout method appeared bright and neat, Fan Xian knew that he did not have the power to change the big picture. He thought to himself that he could only repair it. Although it was trivial and the changes couldn't be too big, it could make the common people's lives a bit easier.

Even if it was only a little, this thing could still be done.

In any case, Fan Xian didn't need to worry about it, he only needed to spend some money.

"I'll give this matter to you to handle." Fan Xian gazed at Wan'er with a smile.

Wan'er was startled and said, "Such a big matter, how could you just give it to me to do?"

"With you handling it, I am at ease," Fan Xian smiled and said. "Besides, if we want to pull the noble women in the Palace to have a share, without you making an appearance, how could it be done? To have the wives handling it, it would be less risky than me making an appearance. Don't say you won't do it."

"I'll do it." Lin Wan'er was overjoyed and excited. She finally had something to do. How could she pass up on this opportunity?

The couple talked a bit more and decided to get this thing up and running in a while. During this, Fan Xian couldn't help but say a few more beautiful lines like "giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching a man to wish," shocking Wan'er repeatedly. The couple talked endlessly and lost their intention to sleep.

"How long have you prepared for this matter?" Lin Wan'er buried her head in his chest and asked indistinctly.

Fan Xian slipped up for a moment. "Almost half a year."

Lin Wan'er looked at Fan Xian's handsome face and felt a glimmer of warmth deep in her heart. She knew that a large part of why Fan Xian was doing this was because of her.

In reality, from Fan Xian's perspective…he did it completely for Wan'er.

However, the couple in bed at this moment did not think that this organization, which had appeared on the spur of a moment, would later, because of the over-abundance of resources in Fan Xian's hands and by Wan'er's ability, gradually grow distance from their initial idea and change into an organization no one would have imagined—bringing great benefits to the world and Fan Xian himself.

"Don't put all the silver in one place," Lin Wan'er blinked her long lashes and said. "Although I don't understand anything about economics, seeing what you and Sizhe have done, it is clear that money can grow more money."

Fan Xian nodded. He would not bring hardship to himself by doing this. With his brother working in the North, Shi Chanli and Sang Wen doing the flesh business in the South, once that fortune entered the accounts from the money house, it would naturally become an active source. Seeing Wan'er recover her bright personality, knowing that she had become excited after having something do to, Fan Xian's heart was extremely happy. The matter he had thought so long about had finally achieved the desired effect. What made him the happiest was that, with this interruption, perhaps the family gossip would become even fainter.

However, things often do not go as desired.

Lin Wan'er bit her lip and said, "But you still haven't answered me about the matter we were talking about earlier."

Fan Xian was startled. He chuckled and embraced her warmly in his arms. He muttered indistinctly, "Relax, it won't happen again.'

Still that question. Which man's word could be trusted? As expected, Lin Wan'er did not really believe it. She glanced outside and quietly said, "Although Sisi has already entered the door, without a ceremony it will be difficult for her. I've already talked to grandmother. We'll organize it in a few days."

Fan Xian smiled and said, "You can do as you like. In any case, she grew up with me. She probably doesn't care about this."

The husband and wife talked in very low voices, but at this moment, coughing sounds came from the bed in the other room. The coughing was filled with embarrassment and anger.

Lin Wan'er gazed at Fan Xian and giggled, "Do you hear that? Who says she doesn't care?"

Fan Xian awkwardly patted her butt and said, "Usually this girl sleeps like a pig. Why is she so awake today?"

Speaking of sleeping like a pig, Lin Wan'er immediately thought of Siqi who had accompanied her in entering the Fan manor. She was her personal serving girl, back in the side garden. She had dozed every day keeping Fan Xian company. Even if she had performed no meritorious services, she at least put in hard work. Lin Wan'er furrowed her brows and said, "What about Siqi?"

Seeing Wan'er's expression, Fan Xian knew that this Mistress very much wanted her servant to also enter their household. However, Fan Xian was slightly afraid now of this matter and begged for mercy. "I think not, it's not like I sleep with many each night."

Wan'er glanced at him with faint displeasure.

After much trouble, the couple was finally tired. Fan Xian held his wife contently and said beside her ear, "I'm taking you somewhere tomorrow."

Lin Wan'er indistinctly said, "Danzhou is not big, I've already explored all of it…where else is there to go?"

First putting aside the Fan couple's one day trip, Fan Xian was quite busy for some time after returning to Danzhou. Receiving the familiar people from his past was quite the task. Where could he find time to go out? With the grandmother hosting, Sisi, who had an unexpected incident with Fan Xian on the boat in Jiangnan, was finally taken into the family without any mishaps. However, Sisi had long grown used to serving Fan Xian and could not accept this change in her role for a while. Her entire person seemed confused and unsure what to do.

As for this, everyone had long been mentally prepared. Sisi had grown up with Fan Xian, and their relationship was very good. Many in the manor still remembered that year when the 12-year-old Fan Xian had stood up for Sisi and beat the housekeeper from Jingdou bloody.

That housekeeper had left after being humiliated, and they never heard from him again. They had no idea where he went.

After Fan Xian went to Jingdou and Danzhou received news of his marriage, the old ancestor sent Sisi to Jingdou. Who didn't understand the meaning hidden in this? Everyone in the Jingdou and Danzhou manors knew that someday Sisi would enter the family. However, after it happened, although the girls in the Count's manor congratulated Sisi, they couldn't help feeling admiration and envy.

The old mistress gave Sisi a big red pack and then talked with her warmly for some time. Sisi was sobbing and, her eyes were red. Even Wan'er, standing to the side, was wiping her tears.

The next morning, the back door of the Fan manor was pulled open with a creak. Fan Xian pulled Sisi's hand and sneakily walked out of the door. He turned back to glance at the girl whose eyes were swollen like peaches and laughingly said, "Have I been bullying you or what?"

Sisi choked and glared at him. In this manor, only she dared to be so impudent with Fan Xian. She looked at the rising fog in Danzhou and the quiet street. She couldn't help asking curiously, "Young master, where are we going?"

See, she still couldn't change how she referred to him.

Fan Xian grabbed her hand and felt that it was indeed very exciting, as if it were a clandestine love affair, even though they had openly and publicly married yesterday. From this, it could be seen that men were indeed a very base animal.

A warm smile flashed across his face. "We are going to buy tofu to eat."

[JW1] The original phrase was "闷骚" which describes someone who appears plain and dull but when they become accustomed to the situation, their passion is difficult to imagine. Some have likened it to tsundere, but that is also not quite accurate.