
Chapter 129 - Infiltrating

When night arrived, Leon headed towards a certain building top location with prime view of the Solaris family's estate. This was where the shadow guards were currently gathering, while keep watch over the target. Before night had arrived, he had took the time to stock up on recovery pills and ointments.

He was not weak anymore. He didn't have to act overly cautious, but it was never a bad idea to have some lifesaving measures. Although he might not need it for himself, others would.

The royal family had sent both the shadow guards and the palace guards to ensure the success of tonight's operation. The palace guard will surround and guard the premise, while the shadow guards will infiltrate inside the underground auction.

There was an important reason behind tonight's operation. The shadow guards have records of all the noble's crime, but it was hard to persecute them without evidence and certainly not right after they just helped the Capital tide over a disaster. It was like kicking someone after crossing the bridge.

However, it was a different story if they were caught red-handed. The royal family would occupy the moral high ground and be justified in their actions. They would not appear like overbearing tyrants in the public.

Due to a greater task of finding the entrance to the second floor of the vast underground world, Kasif was not the one placed in charge of tonight's operation, but the vice leader, Mark.

When Leon quietly and silently joined the group of fifty shadow guards on the building top, he was naturally not in his flashy royal attire, but his plain black attire. It made him looked like one of the shadow guards.

"Pshh, over here." A shadow guard noticed that someone had appeared beside him, hushed Leon to come closer with a whispering tone and simple hand gesture.

His action made Leon slightly bewildered as he wondered what this person was playing at. He brought his head closer to listen in on what the person had to say.

"Buddy, you're really late… but don't worry. If you stay quiet and low-key, the vice leader won't notice and punish you for your tardiness." The shadow guard whispered.

Leon looked this person strangely with wry amusement and said, "Don't tell me, you are also new and just came out of the training camp?"

"Hm? Yes, that's right. How do you know?" the shadow guard asked with a dubious expression. He thought it was strange enough that he couldn't recognize this newcomer. He didn't look like any of the seniors that left the training camp before him, but the person was also quite young and couldn't be his senior either.

"How do I know? Because you would know who I am, if you weren't." Leon said.

"Who you are? Aren't you also a shadow guard like me?" The shadow guard was surprised.

Seeing how clueless the shadow guard was, Leon just shook his head with a chuckle and strolled past the group towards the front, where the vice leader stood.

"Your highness." Mark saluted, before the rest followed suit.

The other shadow guards naturally weren't deaf. They simply decided to keep quiet and eavesdrop on their short conversation. They thought that the new guy was funny for not recognizing the prince.

The new shadow guard was obviously flabbergasted at the realization after hearing the vice leader's respectful salute.

'Oh my god, I just treated the prince so casually just now…' He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hoped his actions didn't offend the prince. The others just gave him a pat on the back in sympathy.

Leon didn't mind about this little episode and gestured for everyone to be at ease. He studied the Solaris family's home in the distance briefly, before asking, "What's the situation?"

"The security of the Solaris family is very lax, and all the guests are concealing their identities with masks and big coats, your highness." Mark answered, before continuing in further details, "Due to the secrecy of the event, the gatekeepers do not check for identification. There is no problem slipping in if we follow the crowd."

The vice leader's words cause Leon to crease his brows in thought. He already reviewed the Solaris family's information. These people were supposed to be very careful in concealing their crimes.

How could it be so easy to infiltrate the auction, unless there was nothing wrong with the auction and that it was just a privately held event?


Leon scrutinized the crowd passing the gates and suddenly discovered something.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Look at their attire. They all have the same symbol on their left sleeve. That symbol should what they are using as identification."

Startled, Mark took a careful look and it really seemed to be the case.

"This... I am ashamed of my poor judgement, your highness." Mark wore an awkward look. This was why Kasif had yet to hand over his position to Mark and retire, despite his old age. There was no capable leader.

Little did Kasif knew, it was entirely the Old man's fault. His grip on the shadow guards was so strong, they only knew how to follow his orders and not develop their own thinking. Their judgements were simple and lacked many considerations.

At this time, Kasif was unaware of what was transpiring on the surface and just continue exploring the first floor, in search of the entrance to the second floor with the elite group of shadow guards. They were tasked to find and seal the entrance swiftly.

The creatures on the second floor of the underground world was much stronger. It would not be good if they discover the absence of the first-floor dwellers and decide to move up the floor.


"We will sneak in, the old-fashion way." Leon said.

What was the old-fashion way? It was to enter silently without being seen. Naturally, they would not use the front gates that was guarded by the gatekeepers. Just hop over the wall instead.

They waited for all the guests to enter the building before making their move. As shadow guards, they were trained to be quick and subtle in their movements.

They easily slipped past the patrolling servants without be discovered and enter the Solaris family's home through the windows. Those that managed to fuck up and get discovered, quickly suppressed the patrolling servants before they could utter a single sound. Their bodies were hid in well-concealed bushes.

The process was never perfectly smooth like one would hope. Sean Solaris had been asleep all day, while his body was naturally recovering from his injuries. When he finally woke up, Leon's ghostly figure suddenly appeared in his room.

He widened his eyes in shock when he saw who it was. Before he could shout, Leon was already one step quicker and sealed both his voice and movements by shooting needles into his acupoints.

He wanted to shout, 'what do you want!?' but he couldn't. Sean was horrified by the inability to speak and move. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do anything. He was as helpless as a fish on the chopping board.

Leon was surprised to run into this enemy of his, but he soon recovered his expression. Before the Solaris family is finished, he will kill this person first. This person was the cause of their feud. The person shouldn't have tried to touch his girl.

"The father is dead, but the son is still alive. Why don't you go and join him now?" Leon whispered.

'Nooooo! I don't want to die!'

Sean wanted to scream out loud. Since the person dared to break into his home, the person would naturally dare to kill him! He did not doubt Leon's intention in the slightest. His whisper was like the devil asking for his soul! Cold and merciless!


His neck was snapped and ended his life just like that. Leon positioned the body properly on the bed and draped the blanket over and left after retrieving his needles.

From the onlooker's perspective, it would look like Sean Solaris was still sleeping quietly in bedroom.

Leon joined up with the rest of the shadow guards whom already found the entrance to the underground auction. They entered after removing the servants guarding the entrance.

The underground auction was unexpectedly spacious and well decorated. It didn't look much different to public auction held on the surface. There were seats filled all the way to the front where the stage was. Furthermore, there were private booths reserved for special guests.

It had the capacity to hold at least 200 people, but there were only 40-odd people present. The auction had already commenced as the person hosting the secret auction on the stage was the Old marquis of the Solaris family, Frederick Solar, Marquis Wyatt's father and Sean's grandfather.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next item on the list, we have a bottle of the Water of Absolute Nothingness. Where it came from, I shall not say. We all know what the Water of Absolute Nothingness can do so I won't elaborate on that. The starting pricing is 1,000,000 Craws. Each bid must be an increment of 100,000 Craws." Frederick Solaris said loud and clearly, as his voice reverberated from the stage.

When Leon heard this, he was startled.

How did they get their hands on the Water of Absolute Nothingness?

Chapter 130 - Fallen Angel

Frederick Solaris presented the murky color bottle of Water of Absolute Nothingness and the crowd got rowdy immediately.

"Oh my god! Very nice. The Solaris even managed to get their hands on the forbidden items."

The Water of Absolute Nothingness was a forbidden item and shouldn't have existed outside of the palace possession, but here it did.

No one knew how the Solaris family did it, but they do not care. What they do care is that they have to get it!

"I bid 2,000,000 Craws!" A noble roared immediately.



7,000,000... 9,000,000...

Very quickly, the bid price soon jumped to 21,000,000 Craws.

With 5,000,000 Craws, one can already buy a steam powered vehicle for themselves and yet here, they were willing to pay 4 steam powered vehicles worth for a small bottle of water! The word extravagance wasn't enough to describe these nobles.

Leon eyes bulged in shock. These nobles are either too rich or they have simply gone insane!

No! Take a step back, the Water of Absolute Nothingness was such an insidious poison. In the wrong hands, it was like hold a deadly weapon of mass destruction. One would be able to threaten and blackmail everyone with it.

These nobles are mostly like thinking if they get it, others would be afraid of them, but if they don't get it, they will have to be afraid of the one that gets it!

He, who has it, has the power! That is the true worth of the poison. Too bad none of the noble will be able to enjoy anything they buy tonight, and they will even lose their wealth and status. This was going to be a typical case of going for wool and come home shorn.

Leon locked eyes with the shadow guards and signaled them. They began to surround the underground auction and lockdown all possible escape.

One bottle of Water of Absolute Nothingness was enough to doom all these nobles present, but Leon and the shadow guards did not take action immediately. He wanted to know what other goods the auction has as it will all end up in the royal family's hands eventually.

"33,000,000 Craws! Going once... twice... and sold! To the gentlemen in Booth No.2!" Frederick Solaris said excitedly, before sending a servant to deliver the bottle to Booth No.2.

The auction continues to proceed, but the next few items weren't as exciting as the first items. However, they were indeed rare, nonetheless. There were rare herbs and metal not found anywhere on the market, but the items were basically useless, unless it was transformed by a grandmaster alchemist or blacksmith.

There weren't much problem requesting from an alchemist with the right price but asking a blacksmith from the Lancaster family was just plain suicide with their ill-gotten rare metal.

After the herbs and metal, were some slaves. The slaves were mainly young pretty girls of commoner background. They must have been captured during the chaos.

"Old Frederick, if you don't have any more good stuff, I will just head home early. You're even selling slaves now. How base." A nobleman said from one of the front seats.

"Hahaha, don't be impatient. There is only one item left and it doesn't have much practical use, but I promise it will definitely pique your interest!" Frederick Solaris said with a genial expression, but he was disdainful inwardly. That person was one of the few that bought a slave.

'Hmph! A manwhore posing as a saint!' He thought inwardly.

"Oh? Then I will stay and see. Hurry up and bring it out so we can see." The noblemen said with interest, unaware of the other party's thoughts.

Without further ado, Frederick Solaris clapped his hands to signal the servants to bring out the last item.

"This... is this a fallen angel!?"

Many noblemen and noblewomen stood up from their seats in astonishment, when the final item came out. Fallen angels... the servants of gods that fell from grace. They've the read stories about them, but they never expect to see one in the flesh.

On the stage, the servants had pushed a steel cage. Inside the cage was a young girl with one black feathered wing on her back. She was chained tightly to steel cage and had a pale complexion. There were bloodstains everywhere on her body, making her seem especially wretched and near-death. But even so, it was not enough to hide her beauty.

"This is a beastkin of the black crow lineage. How she ended up in the Human Domain and the Capital no less, no one knows. My family found her among the rubbles of the lower district, passed out. She is very strong, stronger than a 9th step Awakener. If you can bring her home and train her into an obedient slave, it is equivalent to having a peak powerhouse in the family. There is no starting price. You may begin bidding."

"So, it's not a fallen angel... no matter. I must still get her!"

The underground auction immediately erupted into a new fervor of bidding. The price quickly soared and broke past the 50,000,000 Craws threshold, but it did not stop there. Whether as a slave or for other purposes, these nobles were hellbent on obtaining the beastkin.

By coincidence or not, Leon and Lilith locked eyes with each other. He stared straight into her deep starry eyes and hers into his.

"Haih... this is no way to treat beautiful lady." Leon sighed inwardly at the tragic sight. Beautiful women were like heaven's gift that needed to be treasured.

Leon signaled the shadow guards to begin suppressing the nobles nearest to them.

"Nobody moves! You have all been caught redhandedly, engaging in the dealings of illegal goods. Surrender yourself or face the consequences!"

"Who the hell are you people? Which hole did you crawl out from, kid? How dare you ruin my auction!" Frederick Solaris roared, unaware of how powerful these intruders were. They had so many noble elites of their side. How can they lose?

"Resisting arrest is punishable by death!" Leon warned.

"Nonsense! Who said so!?" Frederick Solaris refuted. He knew if the authorities did come, the Solaris family won't have a good ending.

Leon flashed on stage like a phantom and lifted Frederick the same way he did with Marquis Wyatt, his son and coldly said, "I did."

"Y-You! How dare you! Die!" Frederick was enraged and tried to lash out a vicious kick at Leon's head.

"Courting death!"


Leon snapped his neck with his powerful grip, before Frederick could achieve his aim. Of course, he didn't forget to devour the fire seed and elevate himself to the peak 7th step Awakener Realm afterwards.

There were too many unrepentant and ignorant fools even when death stared them in the face. But it was these types of death seeking fools he needed to quickly increase his cultivation.

Leon faced the crowd and smacked his lips like he was not looking at people, but cultivation resources and asked, "Who else wants to resist?"

The nobles felt a chill run down their spines. Their life was as good as gone, if they surrender to this fiend. They still intended to resist.

Suddenly a noble from the Upper West District recognized him and exclaimed, "Y-Your... highness!"

When these two words were uttered, those who intended to resist, quickly gave up the thought and let it die in their stomachs with pale faces.

After seeing the strength of the palace guards previously, they don't have that kind of courage to oppose royalty.

Mark came forward and asked, "What are your orders, your highness?"

"Needless to say, take them all away and loot- confiscate everything." Leon said bluntly.

"Yes, your highness."

The nobles stared with wide eyes at the money they brought being slowly taken away. That's my money!

"Don't try anything funny. There are fifty palace guards waiting outside." Mark warned before pulling the nobles away with his men.

The amount of cash pooled together reached a staggering 800,000,000 Craws. The number was simply mind boggling. Their combined wealth was even higher than what Leon got from the Four Great Family, which only amount to 300,000,000 Craws. But to be fair, the comparison of wealth was between four and forty. It was clear which one was wealthier individually.

Leon suddenly drawn his black spear and sliced apart the steel cage and binding chains, before crouching down towards the young girl.

"What do you want?" Lilith said weakly with her guard up. She was startled by his actions.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person." Leon said with a gentle smile. He fetched a healing pill from his world space and tried to feed it to her.

However, Lilith had become very distrustful of humans after the torture she suffered by the Solaris family. Also, from what she had seen, this was a really bad person!

Lilith immediately bit his hands and made him wince in pain, but also unable to retract his hand.

"Argh! What are you, are dog? I'm trying to help you!" Leon barked irritably.

Startled, Lilith studied the pill and noticed it had healing properties. She swallowed the pill but didn't feel grateful for his help. In fact, she was angry at his first part and said with a pout, "Don't you dare insult my king!"

Leon wanted to faint. He wanted to say, 'What does it have to do with your king? Is your king a dog? How unreasonable.'

However, he just stomped his feet, ready to leave and said, "Whatever. I won't bother with you since you don't how to appreciate my kindness."

"Wait." Lilith gazed at the four new healing pills in front of her, before asking, "Why are you helping me? Aren't you afraid I will go around killing humans?"

Leon looked back and said, "Do I need a reason to help a beautiful woman in need? Have you ever killed any humans?"

"Well... no...not yet-"

"That's good enough to know." Leon cut her off and began walking away. He only took a few steps, when he picked up the sound of her struggling movements.

"Why are you trying to follow me?"

Lilith barely recovered even after swallowing all the pills given due to her strong physique and one-star equivalent cultivation. Thus, she wasn't able to move much.

"Are you just going to leave a helpless person like me here? If you're going to help someone, shouldn't you help them all the way?" Lilith complained.

Leon speechlessly walked back and picked her up in a princess hold. He secretly felt relieved however that his efforts weren't in vain.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I still think you are a really bad person."

Her words made him freeze briefly and break a sweat. Is this a beast's instincts or a woman's instinct? It was terrifying. He did have ulterior motives for helping her.

If he could befriend a beastkin, wouldn't he be able to get free information on the Wildlands?

Chapter 131 - Smell You From Miles Away

After the shadow guards left with the nobles, they handed them over to the palace guards and came back to capture all the Solaris family people and clean out the remaining items.

"What should we do with the slaves, your highness?" Mark asked, while giving the prince a weird look.

It was hot topic among palace guards and maids back in the royal palace regarding the prince's love affairs. He had broken all tradition of the royal family to have one wife.

The palace guards who managed to become couples with the maids, especially warned them to be weary if the prince.

"Send them to temporary camp and see if you can reunite them with their family. If it's not possible, see what they wish to do. If they want to become palace maids, they can." Leon said.

The palace was huge like a sect. They could use extra hands, especially after being saved, the young girls that would have become slaves and plaything for nobles, would only be filled with gratitude and be completely loyal to the royal family.

"Yes, your highness." Mark complied.

Leon continued to carry Lilith in a princess hold. She started to feel uncomfortable, since she was never held like this before.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked with a frown.

"Didn't you say I should help you all the way? I'm bringing you back home for further treatment."

Hearing these words, Lilith became skeptical. He was willing to treat her because she was beautiful. Maybe he was after her body?

Lilith hugged her body in alert and tried to read if he had any lascivious thoughts from his expression.

Leon felt her gaze and said with a smile, "I know I'm handsome, but you don't need to stare at me so hard."

Her stomach instantly churned and made an exaggerated retching expression.

"Bleurgh... don't be so narcissistic." Lilith frowned and said, "I don't like being carried like this. Put me on your back."

Who was she to command him? Leon naturally rejected, "No way. What if you try to bite me again? How can I defend against that? At least if I hold you like this, I can throw you, if you try to."

"Hmph! Petty!" Lilith harrumphed, before her heart soften with guilt when she saw his bleeding hand and asked, "Does it hurt?"

She may be extremely weakened, but the bite of an injure animal was still quite powerful.


"Oh... I'm sorry..." Lilith felt a greater sense of guilt when she heard his answer.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't help, but teased, "However, it won't hurt if you give it a kiss."

Lilith was momentarily dazed, before she pouted with anger, "Shameless! Rouge!"

"Hahaha... We're here now."

Leon decided to just laugh it off as they arrived at the palace. He ordered the maids to wash Lilith clean of all the dirt and bloodstains, before giving her a new set of clothes.

At the same time, he went to washed himself and change into a new set of royal attire. His old clothes were stained after carrying the bloodied Lilith.

There weren't suitable clothes for Lilith with her black feathered wing in the way. In the end, the maids found a long piece of silken cloth and wrapped it into a dress for her.

The two met some time later and Leon's eyes lit up at the sight. It was a feast for the eyes.

"You look like some princess. Very pretty." Leon praised.

"Hmph! Complimenting me, won't make me happy!" Lilith pouted, but she was feeling smug and proud inwardly. Her words contradicted her actual feelings.

She was called the little princess of the Desolate Crow Clan. However, she didn't mention this and even felt very gloomy at the thought of that clan. She left it with all her loyal followers and now her followers were all dead.

Sensing the depressing mood, he changed topic, "Come, let me finish treating your wounds."

Her wounds from being tortured had stopped bleeding, but it had not healed up and would leave scars if recovered naturally and she was still heavily injured internally from her fall, otherwise the Solaris family would have been no match for her.

Leon used the Golden Ointment and rubbed it on her wounds intermixed with his heavenly massage. She felt a wondrous sensation seeping throughout her body and involuntarily moaned in pleasure.

She was immediately stunned by her own lewd voice and felt anguish for being taken advantage of by his roguish hands. She wants to lash out in anger but upon seeing Leon's serious expression in treating her, she kept silent and was slightly dazed staring at his face.

His hands hadn't touch anywhere inappropriate and only focused solely on addressing the wounds on her body. He sealed up the wounds with the ointment and dredged her meridians with his massage to allow the blood to run smoothly.

They say, women find a man most attractive, when he is concentrating hard.

'Hmm... I guess he is a bit handsome...' Lilith inwardly thought.

Leon had a refreshing appearance in his royal attire with a regal air around him. It was different to his common black attire. Is this what it meant by 'clothes makes the man?'

BA-BUMP… Lilith felt her heart racing faster and felt embarrassed at the thought.

"Why did you come to the Human Domain? What do you plan to do after recovering?" Leon suddenly said after treating her external wounds.

Leon didn't have any discrimination against the beast race. There were plenty of Divine Beasts in the Divine Realm that could take on the human form. He had interacted with plenty and even know their beast language.

However, they were from two opposing sides, this was a question he still had to ask even though he felt that she wasn't a bad person.

"My king sent me to investigate the source of bad smell, but I don't think I can return to report." Lilith said sadly at the look of her remaining wing. She had lost her ability to fly.

Hearing the mention of the 'king' again, Leon involuntarily blurted, "The dog?"

"He's not a dog, okay? The king is a Transcendent wolf! Why do you keep insulting my king?" Lilith said in an angry, but not so angry manner. Whether intentionally or not, Leon had successfully shifted her mood.

"You were the first one to insult him. I asked if you were a dog, but you brought your king into it. If you didn't think your king is a dog, why bring him up in the first place?" Leon said with a flicker in his eyes. The more they talk, the more information he received.

"I-I… didn't…" Leon's words made her speechless. Subconsciously, she really did think that way! Her Desolate Crow Clan was even stronger than the Skysilver Tribe! But she ran away for a certain reason and decided to hide in the Skysilver Tribe. Since her own personal strength wasn't on par with Skysilver, she had to at least obey the ruler of the region. In truth, she wasn't at all loyal to the Skysilver Tribe. Now that she wasn't in the tribe, she could act more freely.

However, being caught out by Leon, she felt both embarrassed and aggrieved. She stamped her feet and said, "Wahh… you're bullying me!"

Her words left Leon rooted on the spot. Why was she acting like a child? The beast race in human form were typically much older than how they look, and Leon had been treating her as such. It was always a taboo to ask for a woman's age, so he couldn't determine her actual age.

However, Lilith wasn't the same as the beast race from the Divine Realm. She had both beast and human bloodline, and really looked her tender age of 16. She wasn't some old monster.

"Alright, take it as I'm afraid of you, alright? Don't cry. Anyway, I still have things to do. You can stay here until you recover." Leon bid his goodbye.

"Hmph! Go! Go, you bad person!"

Lilith was settled in a spare room in a separate guest courtyard, however when Leon left, there was complete shock written all over his face.

From what he just learnt; this Transcendent wolf could smell what happened in the Capital from all the way back in the Wildlands.

If Skysilver could read his thoughts, it would say, "That's right, human! This King can smell you from miles away! Revere me!

In the main square of each Upper District, a new announcement was posted on the notice board personally by a palace guard. The actions of a walking frame of metal would never go unnoticed and immediately attracted the crowd over to read the announcement on the board.

The announcement was brief, but it was enough to leave them shocked. Tomorrow morning at 8AM sharp, the royal family will be holding a trial in front of the palace gates to judge the final fate of 40 noble families, whom participated in an illegal underground auction, whereas the auction host, Solaris family will be all sentenced to death.

"How scary. I wonder which family are being judged. The Queen had already exit seclusion, yet they think they can still commit crimes right under her nose? They seriously don't know how the word 'death' is written."

"Hey man, what if your family is one of them?"

"You! Don't talk nonsense. My family has always been upright and adhered to the laws."

The person shrugged his shoulders and said,

"Well, we can only find out tomorrow."

Chapter 132 - Seeing Lynne

It had been two to three weeks since he last visited the Cromwell's villa and seen Lynne. He quite missed her.

When he arrived at the gates, the sturdy guards did not stop him. They have already recognized him as the Cromwell's son-in-law and allowed him easy passage.

"Boy, looks like you still remember to visit this Old man." Dwight was pleasantly surprised.

'But I didn't come to visit you. Who knows how much benefits you will try to reap out of me every time you see me.' Leon inwardly thought.

However, after looking around briefly, he asks, "How have you been, Old man?"

"Good... good of course... but... hehehe." Dwight rubbed his hands together and looked at Leon with expectant eyes.

Leon sighed helplessly as he handed over a bottle of awakening pills he had prepared beforehand, and said, "I've already given you the recipe. Can't you refine your own pills?"

"Yes… of course, I can. Except your pills are still of higher quality. What's the secret, boy?" Dwight asked without shame.

"Maybe better flame control?" Leon said lightly. He did not mention that higher quality herbs were also needed.

With one line, Dwight was immediately silenced with a downcast expression like he had just suffered a major blow. The Cromwell was a family of water-users. How the hell was he suppose improve his flame control?

"Anyway, Old man, where is Lynne?"

Dwight sat down on the couch and said absentmindedly, "Oh, she just went to her room not long ago. You should go see her. She had been missing you dearly."

Leon nodded, "Mm, I'll go see her now."

He left quickly, before Dwight recovered from the mental blow of not being able to improve flame control.

"Right-" When Dwight wanted to say something, the brat was already gone to see his granddaughter. He could only shake his head with a sigh.


These days, Lynne had been in very low spirits. The night Leon said he would visit her; he did not come. Instead, she only received news of big conflicts happening one after the other.

Leon had also stop attending the military training and infuriated the instructor as it was not what the representative should do. It was like he had completely disappeared.

She hadn't received any news of Leon and feared that something had happened to him. She was prohibited to leave the house during the chaos so there were many things she did not know. She couldn't stop worrying for Leon and missing him each passing day.

When she entered her room, she changed into her nightwear. The moment she laid down on her soft bed, she easily fell asleep due to the mental fatigue.

Leon entered her room silently and looked at the sleeping beauty with affectionate eyes. He felt a pang of guilt seeing the bags under her eyes.

He quietly slipped into her bed and embraced her from behind.

Lynne felt extremely comfortable like she was basking in mother nature's warm embrace. However as dual awakener and divine practitioner, her senses were greatly heightened after making progress in the technique, Leon bestowed her.

With her connection to the Ice Laws, her divine practice progressed smoothly and reach the 5th layer quickly. Relying on her senses, she knew that there was something wrong with this extremely comfortable and warm sensation.

It was like going to the magic toilet in your dream, needing to urinate. Extremely warm and relaxing, but then you wake up in shock to find out you have wet yourself.

Lynne was immediately roused awake and noticed there was a pair of arms wrapped around her.

"Who!?" She was alarmed greatly.

Leon intended to just sleep peacefully with Lynne in his arms and hadn't expect for her to wake up. He was startled, but soon a nefarious but playful thought entered his mind like a devil's whisper, and he acted on it immediately.

He covered her mouth and locked her body with his legs, before saying in deep unrecognizable voice, "Kekeke... little beauty, tonight, you are mine."

"Mmmm… noooo! Don't~!" Wide eyes with panic, Lynne wanted to scream, but her voice was muffled by the stranger's hand. How did this intruder get into her room!?

She wanted to resist when she couldn't recognize the person's voice behind her. However, her strength was inferior to the other party and couldn't break free. She could only helplessly watch as the stranger's hand slip under her nightwear, roaming her body and play with her white rabbits freely.

She was already in low spirit and low mental energy. Being forcefully assaulted by a stranger without being able to fight back, it didn't take long before she broke down as tears quickly swelled in her eyes.

"*Sniff* Leon... where are you... *sniff*"

Hearing her muffled cries, Leon's hands froze like they had been struck by lightning. A greater sense of guilt filled his heart. Aish... he was a true villain for making his own women cry.

"Sorry... I went too far... It's me." Leon said guiltily.

Leon removed his hands and loosen her restraints, before gently wiping her tears.

'Eh? It's me?'

Hearing that familiar voice and feeling the gentle caress on her face, her tears stopped flowing for a moment with suspicion. She turned her body over and saw his familiar face.

"Ahhh! So Hateful! Meanie! Bully! Rogue! Where have you been all this time?" Lynne was first angry, then began to weep and pound on his chest with her two balls of small fists.

"Sorry." Leon said a single word and allowed her to vent her grievance on him that didn't contain any real force behind them. Real men don't make excuses.

After a while, Lynne calmed down, but then she pouted at him angrily. He was calmly prepared for her tongue lashing as deserved it, but it didn't turn to be the kind of tongue lashing he expected.

He was taken by surprise when she started kissing him feverishly and inexperiencely. He quickly recovered and followed her rhythm, before taking over control of the rhythm. Her awkward tongue was like a little snake that thought it found it's prey until the prey turned into a ferocious dragon, while it transform into a meek and startled lamb.

Everything soon flowed naturally after...

Their clothes slipped away as their hearts and bodies melted into one and enjoyed a long steamy-hot and passionate battle that seemingly lasted an eternity, along with erotic moans and rocking beds. The room was soon painted pink and filled with the smell of love nectar.

With his heavenly techniques, Lynne was sent into a euphoric state filled with bliss and happiness.

He wanted to engrave himself on her heart so deeply, it would seemingly last as long as the sun and moon in the starry skies, leaving an unforgettable memory and ensure that no other man will ever be able to replace him in her heart.

The night was bound to be restless for everyone residing in the villa.

In another room downstairs, a couple was enjoying their own peace and tranquil rest after a long trip home from outside the Capital. They were Lynne's father and mother, Bromley and Hazel. They were called back to the Capital to handle the reconstruction project after Leon recommended the Cromwell family to take charge.

They haven't heard much about the prince, but they were excited find out the prince was still unmarried and of similar age to their daughter. They wanted to take the opportunity to play matchmake for the two when they meet the royal family tomorrow to discuss the details of the reconstruction project.

However, their hopes were dashed by the ruckus being caused upstairs.

"Who...which bastard is doing my daughter!? I'm...I'm going to kill him!" Bromley Cromwell shook with anger.

Hazel by his side did not have a good expression either as a gloomy aura filled the room. This wasn't the kind of thing they wanted to hear on the first day of their return.

Their marriage arrangement plans for their daughter was ruined and premarital sex was a taboo. If word got out, they would be reduced laughingstocks among the nobles.

Leaving the room, they noticed that Dwight was sitting on the stairway, smoking a long pipe calmly.

"Father, please move. I must kill that bastard!" Bromley gnashed his teeth.

"The rice has already been cooked. Do you want your daughter to become a widow?" Dwight said with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't accept it. I refuse to accept it. Why must you protect that scoundrel? Who is he?"

Bromley forcibly restrained his anger when talking to his father. Although their relationship wasn't good, Dwight was still his father.

"That is my grandson-in-law. I have already engaged them and it's nothing new in the circle of nobles." Dwight spoke with a proud smile.

"What!? How can you arrange my daughter's marriage without my consent!? Move! I must cripple that bastard!"

Bromley still had the slightest hope of pairing his daughter with the prince even if she was no longer pure. His daughter was after all a fine flower with no lack of suitors.

But since every knows his daughter is already engaged, would the Queen still accept if he was to break it!?

He was an ambitious man with boundaries. He wanted to elevate the Cromwell's status to be in-laws with the royalty family, but that short dream was dashed for good with no possible reparations.

Hearing his own son raised his voice at him, Dwight's expression turned steely cold and barked, "Go back! The children are having their fun! Are you really that interested in seeing your own daughter's body!? Beast! How did I raised you!? Whatever you want to say, leave it for tomorrow, understand! Hmph!"

"I… No, I don't... yes, father…"

Being barraged by his father's words, Bromley had no way to refute. If he insisted, it would mean he really was interested in seeing his own daughter's naked body.

He could only comply meekly and give up with a sigh, before retiring back to his room in low spirits with his wife.

Chapter 133 - Too Much Is Bad For The Body

The following morning, Leon woke up with Lynne nestled in his chest like a little kitten, while the smell of their love nectar still lingered in the air. It had been one crazy night, where they both surrendered themselves to carnal pleasure and vented their lust on each other.

A shade of redness was still noticeably seen on Lynne's rosy cheeks.

However, it was not the result of physically exerting and exhausting herself from last night's battle. There was not even a speck of fatigue on her blissfully sleeping face. Whatever fatigue there had been, it was all swept away and only the vibrant glow of a blossomed flower was left behind.

As he watches Lynne sleeping contentedly with eyes filled with affection, he couldn't help but move away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and give her a soft peck on the forehead.

Love was a profound feeling. It could simple, and it could be complex. It couldn't be explained in words, but nor was there a need to. One doesn't need to give reason to love and why they love. As long as two people enjoy each other's company, that was enough.

Life was simple to begin with, but people complicate it. Was there a need to?

Going back in time, he would never believe that he would have anything to do with the flower of the Cromwell family outside of the business relationship they shared.

However, by some twist of fate, they were brought together. Their story wasn't a romantic one that could be written down in storybooks, but he had to admit that she had already successfully left a mark on his heart, just as he did on hers.


The doors to the room was suddenly knocked, before a maid's voice be heard from outside, "Breakfast has been prepared, young miss and young master."

"I got it, thank you." Leon replied.

The shadows of the maid could be seen curtsying from outside, before she left. With how rowdy they were last night; everyone had heard it and the maid was too embarrassed to open the doors. The maid feared she might seeing something she shouldn't.

Lynne already had her eyes open by the time he checked back on her and it didn't seem like the look of someone that just woke up.

Leon pulled her cheeks and said, "If you were already awake, why were you pretending to be asleep, hmm?"

"Hehehe, if I wasn't asleep, you wouldn't have showered me with affection." Lynne said with a cute expression after being discovered and rubbed her cheeks on his chest.

Leon shook his head with a light chuckle at her answer and said wryly, "Get dressed, and we need to head down for breakfast with your family. Later, I also want to take you to meet my mother."

"Mmm. Okay~." Lynne nodded happily. Taking her to meet his mother was a sign of her importance within his heart. However, she was unaware that she wasn't meeting his adopted parents but the Queen.

She soon discovered something and said, "Huh? I broke through to the Body Tempering Realm 6th layer!"

She was pleasantly surprised to breakthrough to soon. It was getting harder and slower, the further she progressed her cultivation, but as a benefit of her physique, her awakener and divine cultivation was synchronized.

Thus, she broke through to the 6th step Awakener Realm at the same time. Leon had also noticed that his stagnant 1st step ice abilities had increased to the 3rd step.

"Mm, there would be benefits every time we copulate." Leon answered her doubts.

They didn't have a divine grade dual cultivation method, but their benefits weren't any less than one. His five-element body was heaven-defying, and it was only at the initial level. There were more abilities, Leon could only uncover them slowly.

His only regret was that he didn't have information to such abilities due to the incompleteness of the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

He started to suspect that it wasn't because the Divine Realm could only find the first part of the technique, but because the originator wasn't able to complete the creation of such a high-level technique.

When Leon finished his words, a visible blush appeared on her face.

"Then... we should do it more often?" Lynne suggested coquettishly, but got bumped on the head by Leon, "Ah!"

"Too much isn't good for the body. We have to give it time to recover and stabilize our realm." Said Leon.

"Oh... alright then..." Lynne said disappointedly, while rubbing her sore.

She wasn't such a shameless woman. She was still slightly reserved in public as a lady. It was only when they are alone, would she behave like a little nympho.

Men weren't the only ones with strong sexual desires, women could have them too. They were just better at abstaining than most men.

The two finished dressing their clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast. She hadn't notice last night, but seeing Leon's royal attire, she was quite startled.

Did he always look so good and charming? Or was this what it's like to love someone?


The moment Leon and Lynne sat down at the breakfast table, Bromley Cromwell roared, "Boy, you're not qualified sit here and certainly not worthy of my daughter! Leave my daughter at once and get lost!"


"Enough! He is more than qualified to sit here! Do you think you can reach the 8th step Awakener so soon if not for all the pills I sent you?" Dwight slammed the table furiously.

"F-Father... Those are two different matters! How can they be related in the same breath?" Bromley was startled by Dwight's strong reaction and said with puzzlement.

"Hmph! Two different matters? Who do you think refined those pills? Leon is the alchemist, who refined them of course! His skill is even higher than those grandmaster alchemists in the kingdom!"

"This... How...? Impossible..."

How humiliating was it for the Earl of the Cromwell family to apologize to his own son-in-law? If he knew Leon was the prince, he would not find it humiliating at all.

However, Leon wasn't planning to make things difficult for his father-in-law and said lightly, "It's fine. I am not offended. There's no need for uncle to apologize."

He was not going to hold Lynne's father accountable for his disrespect. It would only make him seem petty and a small man.

Dwight did not continue to speak, since his grandson-in-law was quite magnanimous and didn't pursue the matter. He began to admire the boy more.

Bromley was unwilling to apologize, but he was also startled by his father's words. That brat was an alchemist? Thinking back to the pills he recently took; they were indeed of much higher quality than the awakening pills he used to take in the past.

He felt a bit grateful to the brat for giving him a way out.

Earl Bromley was under the preconceived notion that no one could be a better son-in-law candidate than the prince. However, after putting his prejudice aside and study Leon carefully, he began to see him in a different light.

The brat was indeed not bad looking and had a certain charm and regal air to him. Not to mention, his father just said this brat was better than the grandmaster alchemists in the kingdom. Although it was unbelievable that a 17-year-old could achieve such heights, the pills don't lie.

"Hmm...? Boy, your attire is quite peculiar… It seems like..." Earl Bromley said with a mild change in tone.

After Bromley said this, everyone at the table began to study his attire more carefully.

"Isn't this what only royalty can wear? How can you wear this, boy?"

Startled, all eyes trained on Leon's face after this was said. Leon continued to enjoy his breakfast calmly, before he coughed awkwardly and stood up. *Ahem*

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Leon Crawford, the royal prince of this kingdom." Leon said and made an elegant bow.

Everyone's eyes bulged in shocked at his introduction, but quickly came to an understanding. No wonder he was so talented! He was the prince! They quickly addressed him properly, "Your highness!"

Bromley shaken and went one step further, staggering to his knees, saluted and apologized with utmost respect, "This one apologizes for his previous great disrespect towards your highness!"

It was not humiliating to bow to royalty.

"It's fine... quickly get up! I do not mind at all! Please drop the formality and treat me normally as you would a son-in-law." Leon quickly helped him up. He couldn't accept such formality.

"Right… right... a son-in-law… Hahaha! What a good son-in-law!"

Bromley suddenly laughed heartily. How unexpected! How unexpected indeed! The person he despised for doing his daughter last night, turned out to be the prince he wanted to engage his daughter to all along!

His eyes shined at the prospects of his dashed dream revitalizing and actually coming true. Inwardly, he thanked his lucky stars that the boy did not hear his hurling insults last night.

Lynne couldn't comprehend why her father had been so hostile to her man and was quite upset but seeing that they were make amends and willing to get along after settling whatever misunderstanding there was, her mood swiftly improved. She felt proud of the man she had chosen.

Dwight looked at Leon with gleaming eyes, making the latter will creeped out. It was uncertain, what he was thinking.

Hazel had been relatively quiet with a faintly tiresome expression. She was a 6th step Awakener and didn't have the same stamina as her husbands. In order to comfort her husband last night, she also let him ravage her crazily.

Nevertheless, Leon and the Cromwell family enjoyed the rest of their breakfast pleasantly. After finishing their breakfast, Leon asked for the parent's permission to take Lynne out. After receiving approval, he bid them farewell and took to the skies with Lynne in his arms.

It was fortunate that the Cromwell family had an early start to breakfast, or he may have missed the time of the trial.


Lynne screamed and hugged onto Leon tightly as they were flying. Her round white rabbits pressed against his chest and filled him with greater excitement. He flew even faster.

"Wahhh~ Don't you dare drop me!" Lynne threatened as she stuck to him with all her strength.

Leon hold onto her was firmly and laughed, "I would never!"

They arrived at the trial location shortly and found that the place was already crowded with people, while palace guards blocked them from coming too close and potentially affect proceeding of the trial.

A sonorous voice soon rang throughout the area.

"The trial will now commence!"

Chapter 134 - How Much For Your Life?

At the trial ground, the crowd was finally able to see the faces of the heads from the 40 noble families along with the Solaris family.

All 23 direct members of the Solaris family were tied at the forefront if the 40 other heads. They all wore lifeless expression as their cultivation were crippled and they have come to terms with their fate.

Among the 40 noble family heads caught in the illegal auction, there were 3 marquises, 10 earls, 12 counts and 15 barons. They were similarly tied, but they cultivation had not been crippled yet.

If they wish, they could break their binds, but no one was stupid enough to do that while they were in the presence of her majesty. The palace guards also surrounded them. There were no escape routes. The moment they showed the slightest intention to resist and escape, they would be mercilessly cut down.

The queen seated herself on the newly erected platform and swept the guilty nobles below with her piercing cold gaze.

They immediately felt a gargantuan pressure on their shoulders as they began to break into cold sweats. Even if the queen decided to kill them all now, no one would be able to stop her.

At the side of the queen, her palace maid, Lily stood by a table filled with reports, detailing each of their crimes

Elizabeth made a hand gesture for Lily to pick up the first report and begin reading.

"Solaris family have been captured for the illegal possession and selling of forbidden and illegal items, including but not limited to; slaves and the Water of Absolute Nothingness."

"In addition to last night's event, starting from 12 years ago, the Solaris family have…"

Lily recounted their crimes of last night, before continuing list 37 other crimes from as far as a decade ago, including; the abduction of young women, forced acquisition of businesses, forced purchases of goods at low price, and some killing of commoners from the Commoner Districts.

The Solaris family thought they had concealed all their crimes well, but some were still noticed and recorded down by the Shadow Guards.

They naturally committed much more than 37 crimes in the last decade, but the fact that the royal family knew so many of their evil deeds caused some shock to appear in their listless eyes.

They were prepared for death, but having their dirty work laid bare and feeling the unbearable stares of the crowd, they wish everything could just end quickly. Death was their release.

After Lily finished reading the report, Elizabeth stared at the Solaris family icily and said, "What do you have to say for yourselves?"


The Solaris family was eerily quiet. Many would normally beg for their life and fight for the chance to continue living. However, the Solaris family did not. They were determined to die.

The event of digging out and sharing all their secrets ensured that they would have a hard life even if they survived. They would rather die than be humiliated.

Seeing their silence, Elizabeth gave her judgement, "For the weight of their crimes, the Solaris family will be sentenced to death by decapitation!"

As she said this, swords immediately flew out from the sheaths of the palace guards and ruthlessly beheaded them all. Their heads flew as their bodies dropped. The flying swords flicked off the fresh dripping drop and returned to their sheaths quickly. She did not leave any room for further discussion.

In truth, when she asked what they had to say for themselves, it was just formality. She was already determined to kill them. To kill and make an example of the rest. Only this way, would the nobles be more fearful and easier to extort.


Lily began picking up the reports and reading out the noble families list of crimes, one after the other. The noble families weren't as headstrong as the Solaris family was, especially after watching them slaughtered merciless, their resolves were shaken, and their faces paled as they listen.

From the list of crimes, it wasn't just the family heads that had to bear the weight of their crimes. Their families were also implicated.

"Your majesty, please spare us! We know our wrong! We swear to never do evil again!" the family heads pleaded.

What was the use of their faces? As long as they can live, they were willing to do anything.

"Your words don't mean shit. Do you think your crimes can forgiven and escape your punishments easily just base on your words alone?" Elizabeth said icily, but then she added slyly, "However, I am willing to waive the death penalty for all of you, but how much are you willing to pay for your lives?"

From last night's operation, they had hauled in 800,000,000 Craws, but this was just the amount the family heads carried in notes with them to the auction. It wasn't all their wealth.


It was like an explosion had went off in their head, when they heard the Queen's words. How much are they willing to pay for their lives? Was this still a trial? They can bribe their Queen to receive a lighter sentence?

No, it is not a bribe, it was an extortion. Elizabeth was planning to extract every sum of money they had!

In the current Crawford Kingdom, her word means the law. Anything she say, goes.

The crowd was also dumbfounded by the Queen's words. Was the royal family lacking money? They began to discuss quietly among themselves.

The truth is the royal family really was lacking money. The cost to feed and accommodate 40,000 commoners was not a small amount.

In addition, they had to give extra benefits to the workforce and pay them wages. This was to motivate the commoners to earn back their wealth with their own hands.

But why did the royal treasury had to suffer the brunt of this expense? Maybe because the royal family were the rulers of this kingdom, and this was their responsibility. They can't just make their subjects work for free.

Actually, they could, but it would come with severe repercussions. It would be no different to slavery, which all other kingdoms have adapted.

However, they had already found the better option and didn't need to bear the brunt of the expense. Since a large portion of the Upper District's wealth came from the Lower District, they just had to rob the nobles and inject it back into the Lower District.

Although the buildings are all gone, the people are still alive. That is what matters. The kingdom can do without their structures, but it cannot do without its people. The people were the kingdom's foundation. So long as the foundation is there, they can rebuild it.

"Y-Your majesty, I am willing pay 15,000,00 Craws for life." A guilty nobleman said.

When one starts, the rest followed, each shouting their own price. The amount ranged between 10,000,000 Craws to 20,000,000 Craws. The amount tallied up was must less than the auction haul.

Elizabeth was displeased with their conservative and roared, "Are your lives only worth so little!? I guess the death penalty is still the better option!"

The guilty nobles trembled with fear and felt weak in their legs. How can they still be conservative with their wealth at this point?

"N-No, your majesty! I'm willing to pay… 40,000,000 Craw! No… all my wealth!" The nobleman cried bitterly.

He really just wanted to stop at 40,000,000 Craws, but when he saw the queen raised her brows into a frown, he dared not hold back anymore and pitched all his wealth.

"Very good! Your family must be among the crowd. Go ask someone to collect all of it and bring it to this Queen." Elizabeth ordered.

"Y-Yes, your majesty…"

The rest of them also followed suit and directed their family members to collect the money with bitter expressions. The Queen wouldn't let them go unless she robbed them clean. But between their money and their life, they knew which was more important.

Elizabeth waited patiently in her seat and two hours later, the money was brought. After calculating the amount, it tallied up to a grand total of 1,200,000,000 Craws. This was 50% higher than their last night's haul and should be more or less what they 40 noble families have.

"Very good. As promised, I will waive the death penalty for all of you."

The nobles sighed in relief after seeing her majesty's satisfied expression, but then they froze on her following words.

"However, you still have to be punished. Your cultivations will be crippled and your status as nobles are revoked. Thereby and henceforth, you and your family are all commoners."

The Queen's words weren't loud, but they were earthshaking! Since the founding of the kingdom, no noble family had ever had their noble status stripped before, let alone 40 families at once.

They all stood dumbly and lost as their hearts turned icy cold. The Queen was merciless and ruthless enough. She didn't give them any way out.

Even if they choose death now, it would be a meaningless one. Their wealth was already handed over to the royal family and they wouldn't be getting it back.

"AHHH!!!" They bellowed madly. Hopelessness! Despair! Regret! They felt it all.

Such was the price they had to pay for their crimes, but they had no one else to blame but themselves! If they didn't do stupid shit, it wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass!

Chapter 135 - Mining Rights

The trial was ending and the fate of forty noble families was soon to be sealed; to be stripped of their status and crippled cultivations.

Due to the crowdedness of the area, Leon had watched the trial with Lynne in his arms while they were floating in the air.

Seeing the nobles about to be crippled of their cultivation, Leon thought it would be a waste and said, "Let's go and meet my mother."

"W-W-What? Wait!" Lynne suddenly exclaimed. It had just came to her realization that they weren't meeting his adopted mother but his birth mother!

"What's wrong?" Leon asked with surprise.

"I-I'm not ready..." Lynne said anxiously. Her heart was not ready meet the Queen. Leon just smirked and continued forward.

"Nooo~! Stop!" Lynne started flailing in his arms and biting onto his shoulder like a cat that just got its tail stepped on, before pleading, "Please~!"

"If you keep moving so much, my hands might actually slip and drop you. Besides, my mother has already seen us." Leon said mischievously with a teasing tone.

"AH? Don't~!" When she heard that, she clung back onto him tightly like a frightened rabbit and asked unconfidently, "But what should I do? What if your mother doesn't like me?"

"Don't worry, my mother is actually really nice and gentle. She will like you for sure." Leon assured her.

'My mother dote on me so much. She would be overjoyed with anyone I bring home.' He inwardly thought.

Nice and gentle!? Who will believe that! Lynne was losing mind, but it was clear that this meeting was inevitable, so she didn't voice her complaint and be heard by the Queen. She didn't want to be disliked upon their first meeting.

She resigned to her fate and pouted meekly, "I hope so..."

Leon soon glided over and landed on the platform with Lynne in his arms, before he said, "Mother, please don't cripple their cultivation. Let me deal with them."

"Alright, son. Do as you wish." Elizabeth smiled then turned Lynne and said warmly, "You must be Lynne."

"Y-Yes, your majesty." Lynne answered courtly with distress.

Elizabeth continued to smile and said, "You can just call me aunty or mother like my son."

"Then… I will call you Aunty." Lynne said with a blush.

She couldn't bring herself to say mother on their first meeting and while still unmarried, but it won Elizabeth's approval.

She was so afraid of how the Queen would treat her, but it turned out her fears were unfounded. They faded like the receding shadows upon meeting the light of dawn.

Her man truly wasn't lying to her. The Queen really could be nice and warm, but it also depended on who she interacted with. She can be a saint to some and a devil to others.

Lynne was dazed by the Queen's elegance and grace.

The 40 noble families were looking down in despondency, when they suddenly heard someone pleading on their behalf. Their hopes reignited when the Queen accepted.

However, when they looked up, their hopes were crushed much more cruelly than the first time after seeing who it is. Their hopes were first lifted up then smashed back down to rock bottom. It was like kicking someone when they're down and rubbing salt over their wounds.

They all remembered how the prince devoured Frederick Solaris's source of cultivation after killing him. Was the same going to happen to them? They shivered at the thought. The Queen and prince were a pair of devils.

Leon walked over to the 40 heads and said, "Your cultivation will all be crippled, but I will be the one to do it. Nothing else has changed."

Despair gripped their hearts. Leon picked up his first victim and prepare to extract his source of cultivation, a water seed.

"M-Mercy, your highness." The victim pleaded timidly, but only received a cold merciless reply, "You won't die if you don't resist."

After undergoing the process a few times, Leon had gained some proficiency in extracting elemental seeds from the host without damaging their souls.

Among the 40 heads, there were 2 fire-users, 5 water-users, and 33 earth-users. He devoured all the Fireseeds and Waterseeds first after extracting them and successively broke through to 8th step fire abilities and 5th step ice abilities.

While looking at the remaining earth-users, he became a bit hesitant. He hadn't formed his Earthseed yet. Would he be able to absorb its energy?

When Leon grabbed the next victim to test the waters, it failed. The Earthseed didn't form, and the earth energy ran rampant in his body. He was forced to expel it.

Unwilling to waste so much cultivation resources, Leon extracted the rest of the 32 Earthseeds and dumped them all in his Worldspace.

Although, they energy would still scatter, it would be confined within the small independent space. At least, that was what he thought.

The Earthseeds didn't fully scatter throughout the Worldspace but conjoined together and transformed into a big singular blob of earth energy floating about. Leon felt glad that he made the right choice. He would be able to easily absorb the earth energy from the blob once he form his Earthseed.

"Son, you can take Lynne and show her around the palace. Mother needs to settle some business first." Said Elizabeth.

Leon nodded and took Lynne to the palace after the so-called trial ended.

"Let's go..." The ex-noble family members picked up their listless heads and left the area.

After today, every noble would think twice before committing another crime. This also means it would be harder for the royal family to have another excuse to rob nobles. Because they are not barbarians, they needed to occupy the moral high ground when they are extorting the nobles.

"Everyone don't leave yet. The trial has ended, but there's a business opportunity this queen wishes to discuss with you all. If you are interested, follow me to the Great Hall." Said Elizabeth. She left first without waiting for their answer.

They looked at the back view of the Queen with suspicion. Was the Queen eyeing their wealth too? To go or not to go? That is the question.

Eventually only half of the crowd made the decision to follow the Queen. However, it was the best choice they made.

The Queen gave them the mining rights to the 1st Underground Floor in exchange for 30% of their harvest. They further had the option of paying in the equivalent in cash, if they wish to retain the 30% harvest.

Although, the tax was quite high considering the royal family won't have to do and get to reap 30% of their income, they were still willing to accept the terms as every noble family always wanted to have a chance to send in their own mining team and unearth some treasures or relics of the ancient civilization

However, they were slightly disappointed that the main ancient ruin region under the Palace was still off-limits as well as the parasitic ponds, which didn't exist for long after Crazy Don reduced it all to nothing.

This was to ensure that no one would ever be able to get their hands on the pond water and make the Water of Absolute Nothingness again. It was a nightmarish existence to all cultivators. Even Crazy Don, as a Transcendent was not an exception.

When the other nobles caught wind of the royal family selling mining rights, they scurried to the Queen quickly to discuss the business. However, the condition the Queen gave them was no longer the same. The royal family demanded 50% of the harvest.


They silently cursed that the Queen had become like black-hearted merchants, eyeing their money, but they still accept the terms and condition.

This was the allure of the mineral-rich underground. With the restriction on metal lifted, they could finally work on some things they previously couldn't due to the lack of metal.

After one day, the original messy form of the rift had already been transformed into a flight of stone steps that lead all the way to the 1st Underground Floor.

Miners employed by the royal family had begun entering with their tools begin their first day on the job.

General tracks for minecarts on the underground had been set up and plenty of line shone down through the open space. Multitudes of glimmering lights sparkled on the underground floor and various metal deposits and strange crystals could be seen.

"First day on the job, I'm so excited to get started!" A middle-aged man hyped himself up.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

The miners swung their pickaxes, but due to their weak physical strength, only small chips and white marks could only be seen with each hit.


After a few swings, the middle-aged man's excitement was already replaced with solemnness.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

He swung with greater force, but there wasn't any noticeable improvement.

"F*ck! This isn't going to be fun!" The middle-aged man cursed.

"Hahaha, Old Book, you used to be a librarian that read all day. I'm afraid you won't be able to bare the hardship of a miner." Said another man, who seemed to be well-acquainted with the middle-aged man.

"Hmph! Who's unable to bear hardship!?"

*Clank* *Clank* *Clink*

"Aiyoo, my back... it hurts." Old Book complained after straining his back.

"What did I say? You don't even have the right swinging form. This is how you should swing a pickaxe." The man boasted and demonstrated.


A shockwave ran through his arms, down his leg and up his spine and made him froze in silence.


"Well? Old Cook, why aren't you saying anything?" Old Book asked.

Old Cook had his eyes closed and took a deep breath like he was enduring something, before he opens his eyes and said grumpily, "Nothing."

Taken aback, Old Book took a moment before he comprehended and laughed, "Hahaha! Serves you right for boasting! Just like the proverb; disaster starts from the mouth."

Their bodies were not physically trained, and they've only begun practicing the breathing technique for one day.

By estimation, if one had talents for cultivation, it would take at least week to breakthrough to the 1st layer of the Body Tempering Realm.

Chapter 136 - The Knot In Lina's Heart

"These are the building plans I have for the Lower District. I pray you will do a good job in completing the construction project without problems." Elizabeth said, she sat inside the Great Hall and gesture to her maid, Lily, to hand over the building plans.

"Yes, your majesty. Just leave it to us." Bromley accepted the task enthusiastically without checking the contents of the building plan the maid gave them.

"Mm, good. You may go." Elizabeth bid them to leave, after the task was handed over.

"Err... your majesty..." Bromley said hesitantly. He found it hard to bring up this matter in the presence of the Queen.

"What else is there? Is there a problem?" Elizabeth said with creased brows, not understand Bromley's hesitation.

"I... Err... We..." Bromley found it harder and harder to speak when he saw the Queen's frown deepened.

"I wonder if we can talk about marriage between our children. What do you think of our daughter, your majesty?" In the end, Hazel said. Men aren't reliable, she thought.

The prince and their daughter may be seeing each other and even taken the last step, but they were not at ease.

In this day and age, it was the parents that decides the marriage of their children. They are decision makers and had the final say.

If the Queen doesn't approve of their relationship, it would be their daughter that suffers a loss since she is no longer pure.

"Oh, so it's this matter. I have met your daughter. She is good. Very pretty. Quite suited for my son." Elizabeth nodded her head in approval as she said this. In fact, any girl would win her approval as long as they are pretty.

Bromley and Hazel heaved a sigh of relief when they heard this. It seems their daughter left a good impression on the Queen.

"Then about the marriage engagement our children..." Bromley pressed. He found the courage to continue on the topic after he found the Queen had no problem discussing it.

"There's not much to say about it. I agree." Elizabeth said.

"That's great! Thank you, your majesty." The Cromwell pair bowed to Elizabeth.

An engagement already exists between the prince and their daughter, but that was their Old man Dwight taking matters into his own hands. The Queen had not agreed to it then., but now she did. Everything was finally set in stone.

"No need for thanks. We will become in-laws. However, if my son wants to gift me 5 daughters-in-law then that's how many I will accept." Elizabeth said domineeringly, before advising, "You should be worrying about how to face the Lancaster family instead."

The more daughters-in-law she has, the more grandsons. The chances of their Crawford royal family line ending would be reduced to a bare minimum when there are many descendants.

The couple froze when their heard the Queen's words. They hadn't expect the Queen to dote her son to such degree. Worse, they had forgotten about the engagement between the Duke's daughter and the prince.

But then they thought, this shouldn't be a problem, right?

The Duke wouldn't for them for trouble, right? They sweated at the thought. Wasn't the Duke's daughter unhappy with the marriage anyway? How close was the Duke's daughter and the prince?

No matter close it is, it can't be closer than their daughter. After all their daughter already did that with the prince. Bromley felt smug about that thought then he froze.

When he found out the prince was doing his daughter, he was so angry. How can he be happy about it now? Bromley felt conflicted.

Bromley soon bid farewell to the Queen and pulled his wife away quickly.

"What's the matter, my husband? What's the rush?" Hazel asked with bewilderment.

Bromley didn't directly answer her but drew circles on her back, sending chills up her body.

Hazel blushed with both anger and amusement, she pouted, "Didn't we do all night? You already want to go again?"

Bromley was like an animal in heat that needed to vent, whenever he is frustrated.

"It can't be helped. You know... we only have a daughter all these years and daughters will eventually be married outside. Don't you want to give me an heir?" Bromley reasoned with some awkwardness.

"Then... should we go back?" Hazel said coquettishly. Bromley nodded rigorously and pulled his wife away.


"Wow, so this is what it looks like inside the palace." Lynne exclaimed, as Leon took her around.

"Yeah, it's not bad." Leon responded, before shaking his head and said, "Come, I'll take you to meet someone. I hope you two would be able to get along."

The palace was much better designed than any other structure in the kingdom, but it still falls short of what he had seen back in the Divine Realm.

Arriving at the Guest Courtyard, Leon quickly spotted Aria sitting in the open environment.

Leon was instantly entranced by the temperament and aura Aria exuded, while she was cultivating.

'So similar... really too similar..." Leon inwardly sighed woefully.

In his past life, he had slept with many women, but there was only one person he truly loved, his childhood friend, maid and sisterly Aria.

If his father, the Divine Medicine King was who he owed the most to, the second most would be Aria.

Because of Aria's talents in cultivation, she reached the Divine King Realm very quickly, while he was only a Divine Origin Realm at that time. She became the youngest Divine King in history, but no one knew of her prowess because she continued to be a low profiled maid for his family.

It was also because of her cultivation that set them apart because of his own weakness. She was like the sun in the sky, while he was just another pebble on the road. Their distance was too far apart and made him feel unworthy of her.

Although, he had the noble status as the son of the Divine Medicine King, it didn't account for much. The Divine Realm was a place, where the strong reigned supreme. As such, gossips would inevitably spread, and their reputation would be tarnished if something was to happen between them.

If a Divine King found a mortal to be his queen, there would some gossip, but many would accept it. However, if a Divine Queen finds a mortal as her consort, it was blasphemy. Such were the double standards of powerful men of the Divine Realm.

Thus, he never confessed his love, but he had a good brother he would consult all his problems and worries to. That was also the beginning of his fall from grace.

His 'good brother' suggested to visit brothel to build up his confidence as a solution to his problems, but that was also the same time he fell into the vicious cycle of debauchery after tasting the forbidden fruits.

Although Aria didn't mind, he felt he had betrayed her feelings and let her down. Their relationship became estranged after, and he would sink deeper into debauchery to drown his sorrow.

He knew he was building mistakes upon mistakes, but he continues to do it like one would continue to drink alcohol to drown their sorrow. He was a lost cause, a wreck.

It was only after his father taught him [Heart of Saint Mantra] and pulled him out of the vicious cycle, did his return to the right path. However, the mistakes were already committed, and he could no longer face Aria.

Looking back on his previous life, he was indeed a pathetic and cowardly person. Even now, he still was... but he's been constantly striving to improve himself and his breath of mind.

Humans were imperfect beings. They make mistakes, learn from them and grow. Making a mistake wasn't terrifying. Not being able to correct their mistake or learn from it, is.

On this note, he had come a long way. F*ck insecurities! F*ck cowardice! F*ck what other people thinks! A man should charge courageously and confidently into love and leave no lingering regrets.

Seeing Leon just standing there in deep melancholy, Lynne knitted her brows without understanding and asked, "Is this the person you wanted me to meet?"

"Yes." Leon snapped out of his reminiscence and answered, then said seriously, "I hope you both can become sisters and get along."

Hearing the solemnness in his tone, Lynne made a small pout, "That would depend on her."

She understood that she couldn't keep Leon to herself, but she was still slightly hurt. However, this was her choice like one would know they would get burnt, but they would still fly into the fire.

Aria opened her eyes, when she heard the tranquility of the courtyard disturbed by the voices. Her eyes brightened when she saw Leon. Her emotion did not fluctuate in the slightest at the sight of another woman by his side. As long as she still had a place in his heart, that was enough.

Leon smiled and pulled Lynne over, before making them hold hands and saying, "You are both my woman. I hope you two will be get along as sisters from now on."

Lynne was inwardly unwilling, but Aria just flashed her a warm welcoming smile with her pearly white teeth showing.

Although, Lynne couldn't see her full face, in terms of temperament, she already lost. As the say went, even if you don't like the person, you shouldn't punch a smiling face. It would only make her seem like a little woman. Lynne put on her own smile and shook her hands.

While this was happening, Lina watched everything unfold from inside her room with a complicated gaze.

Unexpectedly, the Saintess she met was also her love rival... but was what she felt towards Leon really love? Apart from a favorable impression and a gargantuan debt of gratitude, there was also a feud between their families.

Her father might not show any care on the surface, but she felt she was not doing her own family any justice to fall in love with the son of the person that put their family through so much misery and hardship. Thus, she felt very conflicted and wasn't sure what she wanted in life either.

"What's wrong, my daughter?" Robert asked with concern.

Sorting out her thoughts, she suddenly answered with determination, "I want to go on a journey to find my true self."

Her parents were immediately shocked by her words, but no matter how they ask, she was unwilling to disclose her reason.

Robert shook his head with a sigh and said, "If that's what you have decided, father will no longer stop you."

Lina nodded with eyes growing red, " Thank you, father. Thank you, mother."

Her parents had been her biggest worry, but now, their cultivation was already recovered. She could focus on herself without worry.

She began to prepare necessities for her journey, while parents lectured her on how to take care of herself.. After the preparations were done, she gave them three kowtows to show her filial piety, before she left.

Chapter 137 - Missing And Doubts

After letting the two ladies, Aria and Lynne meet, they seem to have come to some sort of tacit understanding that was beyond the realm of words and shooed him away. Not understanding the situation, Leon could only follow their wishes and leave with a wry smile.

He went to visit Mia and his adoptive parents but was unable to find them anywhere in the Guest Courtyard. He scrunched his brows as he thought it was too strange for them to be anywhere else at this time with their home in the Lower District gone.

It was even stranger that during the entire time they stayed in the palace, they refused to meet his birth mother strongly.

"Mother, have you seen my adoptive parents? They seem to have gone missing for some time now." Leon asked, after finding his mother in the Great Hall shortly after the Cromwell couple left.

Stunned by the abrupt question, Elizabeth responded anxiously, "They are missing? Son, are you suspecting it has something to do with mother?"

Hearing his mother's question, Leon shook his head, "No, mother, not at all. I don't believe you would do anything untoward to them without a clear reason. Before I reunited with mother, I had indeed been afraid that you would harm them. However, after meeting mother, I was sure that I was just overthinking things. Mother's love is as boundless as the ocean. You would never do something so stupid that it would make me hate you."

Elizabeth was touched by her son's unconditional trust in her and couldn't help but feel her eyes growing slightly wet.

However, she also didn't know whether to laugh or cry at some of his words. She had no idea that her son's impression of her, before they even met would be so bad.

To the outside, she was indeed a cold and merciless ruler, who view life as insignificant, but she became as such to protect herself and her husband.

The world was an unforgiving place and humans were indecipherable beings. They could never understand what truly lied in a person's heart.

"Son, although mother has no idea where they went, the shadow guards should know." Elizabeth said and made a simple summoning gesture.

"What orders do you have for us, your majesty?" The shadowguards answered her summon.

"I want to know, who is in charge of keeping watch over the Guest Courtyards?" Elizabeth inquired.

"That would be Eric's squad, your majesty." The shadowguard answered.

Hearing the shadowguard's answer, she didn't know who the heck Eric was and ordered, "Bring them to me!"

It was impossible for her to remember every Tom, Dick and Harry that works for the royal family, unless they were of notable importance.

"Right away, your majesty."

The shadowguard disappeared quickly, before coming back five minutes later with a group of five new shadowguards.

"Your majesty." Eric and his men greeted with utmost respect.

Elizabeth acknowledged their greeting, before she said, "The prince's adoptive parents and the adopted sister, Mia should have been living in the Guest Courtyard. Where did they go?"

"The prince's adoptive parents and little sister..." Eric began answering with easy, but then he froze and said, "Huh? That's weird... why can't I remember anything..."

Eric rubbed his head in puzzlement. Such a simple question that should have been easily answered, but he had no answers. Elizabeth and Leon frowned at the shadowguard's response.

"Have you been slacking on the job!? You can't even answer such a simple question!?" Elizabeth said with dissatisfaction, before pointing to another shadowguard, "You! Answer my question. Where did they go?"

Hearing the Queen's question directed at him, the shadowguard was surprised, before stepping forward with cupped fist and similarly said, "The prince's adoptive parents and little sister went... they went... t-they went..."

"Forget! You! Answer me!" Elizabeth felt her anger rising and pointed at another shadowguard.

Similarly, they all reacted the same way.

Elizabeth's patience was stretched thin and finally snapped, she oppressively bellowed, "Are you all putting on a show to fool this Queen!? What are you all playing at!? Memory loss!? Are you treating this Queen as an idiot!? If you know, you know! If you don't, you don't! Stop dawdling like a bunch of namby-pambys! You all had one job. One f*cking job!"

The Queen was completely infuriated. Eric and the shadowguards all paled from fright and felt in the knees. They kneeled in subservient positions and cried, "We don't dare, your majesty!"

Cold sweat trickled down their faces and backs with sheer terror like they weren't facing their sovereign, but the grim reaper. No… not right. Their sovereign was scarier than the grim reaper!

"Forget it, mother. They don't look like they are acting. I think their memories had been tempered with or erased." Leon said, with brows creased in deep thought after studying the shadowguard's genuine expressions.

Elizabeth nodded in agreement and said, "Hmph! All of you can get lost!"

The shadowguards immediately rejoiced like they had just been pardoned from the death sentence.

"Yes, right away! Thank you, your majesty! Thank you, your highness!" They thanked profusely, before scurrying off.

"This matter is too bizarre, and your adoptive parents are quite suspicious. Commoners don't have surnames unless they been conferred one and become an aristocrat or noble family." Elizabeth said, after the shadowguards left.

Although he didn't want to suspect his own adoptive parents, things had been too strange. He couldn't help but agree with his mother's words.

He recalled that after awakening his memories, he had called his adoptive parents 'foster father' and 'foster mother'.

He thought it was due the fresh memories of his past life, coupled with his conflicting and confused personalities that caused that result, but perhaps it was something else entirely.

Maybe a subconscious thought? But why? Coincidentally, the following day, adoptive parents got in trouble with gang members and got injured severely.

His adoptive parents had lived just fine up until that point and knew how to avoid trouble. Thus, it didn't make sense that they would resist the thug's tyranny on such a specific day because it just wasn't worth it.

Resisting the thug's demands was equivalent to asking to be beaten and if one was beaten severely, they wouldn't be able to work. If one couldn't work, they wouldn't be able to survive.

Thus, that event was highly dubious, but Leon didn't want to be suspicious of his adoptive parents. It was ungrateful of him to the people that raised him for a decade.

But now, bringing the matter back up, it was like his adoptive parents had purposely played the sentiment card to stir his sentiments.

"Mother, I hope you can order the shadowguards to keep an eye out for them and have them report to me directly, if they are found." Leon requested.

"You don't have to worry about, son. You will get firsthand information when they are found." Elizabeth assured, before turning to the shadows and said, "You've heard him."

The shadowguards in the shadows flickered in understanding and returned to stillness.

"Thank you, mother."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Bring my daughters-in-law over to the Inner Palace for dinner tonight. I still have not met that other one."

Leon was taken aback for a moment, before nodding, "Alright, mother."

After leaving Great Hall, Leon went to the other Guest Courtyard to check on the recovery of the beastkin. He was startled when he saw that her health seemed to have deteriorated.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look so sickly and lethargic?" Leon asked with shock as he made his way into Lilith's room, before frowning, "You haven't eaten anything since yesterday? Why didn't you ask a maid to send you food?"

Lilith was stunned by his words, before she looked at him with a wronged expression and pouted, "I am a beastkin and you are all humans. It's already good that you humans don't attack me in your territory. How can I be shameless and ask for food? I'd be counting my lucky stars, if your people didn't try to cook me and turn me into some exquisite poultry dish instead!"

The palace was guarded 9th step Awakeners. She didn't dare go anywhere in her weakened state.

Leon was speechless at her stubbornness. It was clear that she didn't think about asking someone to send her food and expected to be delivered without asking like she was still the princess of her Desolate Crow Clan.

Lilith had already lost a fair amount of blood and coupled with her wounds; her body required a large amount of nutrition in order for her body to recover well. But since she starved herself and lacked the nutrition, she was like a shriveled chicken with all its feathers plucked.

Leon glanced at her body and teased, "Such a skinny bird. Who would want to eat you?"

Lilith interpreted a different meaning from his words and blushed, "You lecher!"

"I..." Stunned, Leon rubbed his forehead and ruefully explained, "That's not what I mean."

However, Lilith was relentless and continued her attack with flushed cheeks, "Then what did you meant by those words!?"

Seeing her agitated state, Leon shook his head and said, "You must be famished. I'll get you some food."

He left to call a maid to send a big meal to their room as soon as possible. Watching Leon's backside view, Lilith's angry pout changed into a smile. It was refreshing experience, interacting with this human. Not tiring and cumbersome as interacting with other beasts.

In the Wildlands, it was the world of the strong. A true dog-eat-dog world filled with conflict at every corner outside the tribes.

They kill at the slightest disrespect, eat their meat and grow stronger.

Chapter 138 - Feeding The Sick

Sometime later, Leon return to Lilith's room with a food tray with 3 dishes; a bowl of congee, a plate of perfectly cooked venison from a deer beast and a bowl of nutritional soup.

Lilith could immediately smell the sweet aroma of food and involuntarily gulp as she eyed the items Leon carried on the tray.

Leon placed the food tray on the tea table and said, "Alright, quickly come over and eat, before it goes cold."

Lilith looked at him with another wronged expression and pouted, "You're bullying me. I'm too weak and hungry to move. Hmph hmph!"

How can it be as bad as she says? The girl was clearly exaggerating her condition, but since she was acting cute, he didn't mind not pointing it out and embarrass her.

Leon smiled lightly and pick up the bowl of congee with a spoon and brought to the bedside, before saying, "Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

She threw her tantrum to see how tolerant the human was, but she hadn't expect the human to willingly feed her. Lilith stared at Leon with her deep black eyes in a daze and asked, "Why are you so good to me?"

Leon scooped a spoonful of congee and brought it to her mouth and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"Why so mysterious? Of course, I want to hear the truth. Why would I want to hear a lie?" Said Lilith as she gulped the congee down obediently. The congee was slightly too hot and made her wince in pain. "Ahh!"

"Sorry." Leon blew on the next spoonful carefully to cool it down, before he continued, "The truth is I am a doctor and you are my patient. Nursing you back to health is my responsibility."

He refrained from telling the whole truth and only revealed part of it. He had to build up their relationship, before he could reveal this kind of truth. If it was revealed too early, it would run counter to his plans. She would never open up to him and tell him the secrets of the Wildlands such as their power structure and strengths, if that was to happen.

"Che! Such a boring answer. Never mind, I want to hear the lie now." Lilith said with dissatisfaction.

She carefully gulped down the second spoonful but realized it had been cooled to a perfect temperature. The human was meticulous in his actions. She was able to enjoy the taste of congee this second time. It had a distinctive taste of rice, enriched with subtle pieces of tender meat and near-perfect seasoning. It was quite delicious. Very mellow and easy to eat.

She wasn't sure if it was because of her hunger or the chef was an expert, but it compelled her to crave for more with each spoonful.

At the same time, she was touched and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being cared for. Her black wing made small flaps in contentment.

Leon continued to feed her as he put on a mischievous smile and whispered, "I want you."

His words had a magnetic and electrifying charm that made her heart thumped as her started to blush red. Remembering it was a lie, she pouted angrily, "Shameless! Hateful!"

Hearing her response, he smiled and said, "Since you have the energy to curse, you should have to problem feeding yourself."

"No!" Lilith immediately reject and said coyly, "I want you to keep feeding me."

"So unreasonable." Leon said, but found it hard the reject the wishes of a pretty lady.

Women were the most incomprehensible being known to men, a complete enigma. They can be the most unreasonable of creatures, but the are also the most understanding.

Lilith continue to flap her wing in delight with each spoonful. Human food was such a pleasurable experience and the person feeding her is nice too. Lilith sneaked a glance, while Leon was quietly blowing on the congee.


At the other end of the wall, Lilith was leaning against on the bed, it was coincidentally connected to Aria's room in the other Guest Court.

Aria and Lynne were seen plastering their ears on the walls trying to eavesdrop on the other side.

"Can you hear anything? I think I heard Leon and another female's voice." Lynne said with a pout.

Aria shook her head and gave up, "I can't hear anything."


A while ago, after Leon had just left them.

"Which one of these are your room, let's go there and talk." Lynne suggested. Aria nodded and pointed, "It's this one."

"Okay, let's go." Aria was pulled into her room by Lynne.

Since they were told to get along, they had to deepen their understanding of each other. None of them want to make Leon unhappy. When their happiness is also someone else's happiness, that was love.

Sitting on the bed, they did a quick introduction of each, before Lynne asked curiously, "You have a really nice voice, why do you cover your face?"

"Old habits. A pretty face brings endless troubles." Aria answered quietly.

'How pretty can she be that she had to hide her face?' Lynne thought simply. Because of her upbringing and background, she didn't understand the danger and suffering of beautiful women living in the Lower Districts.

Especially, someone with unparalleled beauty like Aria, who was a mute back then. If someone with wicked intentions forced themselves on her, she wouldn't have been able to scream even if she wanted to.

"Can I see?" Lynne asked.

There was a pause in Aria's response, before she nodded and removed her hair cover.

"*Gasp* So beautiful." Lynne exclaimed with astonishment and admiration. She had to admit, she was inferior in terms of beauty.

But beauty was relative. With the mystical beautifying effect of divine cultivation, she believes her beauty wouldn't be any less with time.

The two girls talked about how they met Leon and Aria brought how she already knew him since middle school and would always watch of him study.

"So, you were a stalker girl." Lynne exclaimed with surprise.

Aria wanted to spurt blood after suffering a second blow. She quickly covered up her face to hide her embarrassment.

"Ah! I'm so sorry... I didn't mean that in a bad way..." Lynne quickly apologized, but secretly she was jealous that Aria got to know Leon from such a young age.

However, after learning the rest of the story, Lynne felt guilty for her petty actions. She only had good will towards Aria afterwards. Aria was quite pitiful until she met Leon. Compared with Aria's story, her own story was considered shallow.

After learning about each other's backstory, they have become closer like sisters as Leon had hoped. They held hands and began to talk about random things.

"Hmm? Did you hear that? I think I heard Leon on the other side of this wall..." Lynne suddenly said, before adding with squinted eyes, "And another woman."

Aria was surprised, but she didn't express any opinions.

"Come, let's hear what they are talking about." Lynne suggested as she plastered her ear on the wall to eavesdrop.

Taken aback for a moment, Aria said, "It's not good to eavesdrop. We have to respect his privacy."

"But aren't you curious?" Lynne persuaded.

Indeed, Aria was curious. It didn't take much effort on Lynne's part to convince her. Aria soon let go of her reservation and also plastered herself on the wall to listen.

Unfortunately, the walls were too thick. They couldn't understand anything being discussed on the other side.


After Leon finished feeding Lilith, he tucked into bed and said, "I'll come back another time to check on your recovery."

Lilith nodded unwillingly. Leon was the only nice human she knew so far. It was also boring by holed up in the room all day by herself, but she understands that she couldn't possibly take up all of his time for herself.

When Leon returned to his courtyard, the personal guards were all sitting in one corner staring up at the skies and pondering on life. They couldn't keep up with the prince and gave up, resigning themselves to their fate if something happened to the prince.

But in any case, there shouldn't be anyone in the Capital that could harm the prince now.

Leon had sparred countless times with the guards by now and also learnt the Military Arts from them.

It was a good close combat technique, but it had its limitation. There was a limit to how much strength above the user can handle.

For example; a person may not be able to lift a steel beam, but they can still divert the direction of a falling beam. However, if it was a falling iron fortress, they would still have to jump out of the way in fear of their lives. They would only be crushed to death if they tried to deflect it.

However, having a close combat technique was better than none.

"Your highness." Howard and his brothers greeted.

Leon acknowledged their greeting with a nod and found himself a spot on the floor. He was just a thin line from reaching the 9th layer of Body Tempering Realm.

With a bit of cultivating, he would be able to reach it. He closed his eyes and began circulating his energy, while absorbing the 5 elements from the heaven and earth according to the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

As he had predicted, two hours later, he successfully achieved his breakthrough and reached the 9th Layer Body Tempering Realm.

Leon smiled with satisfaction. If this was in the past, he would not even spare a thought for such an insignificant achievement. But this was the world of Gaia, where spirit energy was sparse and divine cultivation was difficult to thrive. Every successful step forward should be celebrated.

There were also concerns with the other kingdoms, now that he met a demonic cultivator.. He had to grow as strong as possible to tide over whatever tumultuous waves the kingdom would soon face.