
Chapter 167 - Is This A Test?

Back in the Divine Realm, spirit energy had been the main source of energy used by Artificers to activate their runic inscriptions due to its versatile nature to transform accordingly. Furthermore, runic inscriptions had no requirements for user. Even ordinary people could use runic inscriptions because it did not need anyone to fuel it. It was capable of absorbing energy of heaven and earth to activate its effects.

However, there was clear difference between the runic inscriptions Leon knew and the runic inscriptions on levitation stones of this world. The runic inscriptions he knew had its runic lines filled with crystalized spirit energy, while the runic lines on levitation stones were devoid of such source of energy. It must be deriving its energy elsewhere.

"Do you have any other suggestions, Leon?" Amelia asked. It was clear that she valued Leon's opinion.

Although it seemed like Leon's suggestions were useless and there was no progress, it gave them a general direction to focus in. Perhaps, Leon had more inspirational suggestions for them. The Duke grumbled on one side as he cleaned his blackened face.

"Ahem, I need to take a look at the levitation stones, before coming up anymore ideas. I wonder if there's a spare one lying around the workshop for me to look at?" Leon asked with embarrassment.

"Hmph! There's no spare, but we do have some airships idling in the Capital's airspace. I will take you to see one in action." Ignis said.

"Be quick, I believe the airships were scheduled to depart for Blackrock City to collect supplies." Amelia reminded.

"Right. Let's go, boy. Make haste!" Ignis hushed.

Leon followed the Duke to the dock on the top floor. Two of the three airships in the Capital had already departed. Fortunately, the last airship had not departed yet and was still parked at the dock. However, it was getting ready to leave.

Under the Duke's orders, the airship's departure was delayed as they boarded the airship and headed to the main engine room, where the levitation stone was located.

"Well? Amazing isn't it?" Ignis grinned, before adding warily, "You can only look at it as is. I'm not taking it apart for you. It's not possible, so don't think about it."

They already wasted a levitation stone once when they tried dismantling it for study, they would not waste another. At least, not unless they had levitation stones to spare.

Looking at the Duke's expression, Leon shook his head with a small chuckle. He had no intention of asking such a request. There was no need to. He just needs to send out his divine sense and sweep the levitation stone to understand its structural layout in its entirety.

But he had to agree with the Duke, the active levitation stone was an eye opener compared to the inactive levitation stone he had only seen through pictures. Even in the Divine Realm, he had not seen so many runic inscriptions weaved together so skillfully to produce antigravitational effect.

From this, Leon could see that the ancient civilization's knowledge of runes was very advanced and sophisticated. The runic lines weren't filled with crystalized spirit energy, but it was conducive of energy. The runic lines in front of him was shimmering with the azure light of spirit energy, causing Leon to slightly salivate. The lack of spirit energy in this world was one of his biggest dilemmas.

When Leon swept the levitation stone with his divine sense, he was tempted by greed before he forcefully suppressed it. At the center of the levitation stone laid a spirit stone, the runic inscription's source of power.

Leon swept the levitation stone a few more times and committed its structure to memory. With the Lancaster's pace of research, they may not be able to replicate the levitation stone even after a few hundred years. The complexity of the interior exceeded his expectation.

It's best if he draws up the blueprint of levitation stone for the Lancasters and save themselves hundreds of years of time. However, there was another problem. They would still be lacking the spirit stones to activate the runes.

Leon could only hope that they would be able to excavate the spirit stones from the underground mines.

"Let's head back. I have seen everything."

The Duke shrugged at Leon's words and nodded. He couldn't understand what Leon meant by everything, but he didn't ask and just left thing as is. The boy probably wouldn't explain to him anyway.

In fact, the Duke's line of thinking was correct. Leon would not explain his divine sense abilities, but he would not let it stop him from using it either, allowing him to be shrouded in a layer of mystery. He would do what needs to be done for the development of the kingdom. Strengthening the country was a means of protection for himself and those around him against the unknown threats. There was also the demon race that he had not seen a shadow of.

"How was it? Do you have any suggestions after seeing the levitation stone in action?"

Amelia asked excitedly after seeing Leon and Ignis return. Levitation stone research making some headway was naturally something to be excited about. However, she was immediately disappointed when Leon shook his head.

"I need a pen and paper, lots of paper." Leon stated.

"Hm? What do you need so much paper for?" Her disappointment changed to puzzlement.

"You'll see." Leon said mysteriously.

"Well… alright."

Although Amelia was puzzled, she got someone to fetch Leon the pen and paper as he requested.

After receiving the pen and paper, Leon got himself a private room and got to work immediately. The pen in his hand blurred as it filled up one page after another. The task was not as easy as it sounded as Leon mentally dismantled the levitation stone in his mind and record it down in parts. It was test for his mental capabilities.

"There, it's done. Have a look and see if it would be useful." Leon said with some fatigue. After six hours of writing, he had finally record everything down on paper. He compiled the papers and stealthily slipped something under from his Worldspace before handing them over to Amelia. "I'll be heading back first. Take your time to study it."

Leon did not wait for a reply from the Lancasters before he left. His hand had grown sore from the hours of quick-paced writing.

Watching Leon's departing back view for a moment, Ignis turned to his wife and asked, "What did the boy give you?"

"This… is…"

Amelia glanced down at the first page and was startled. She instantly recognized parts of it as that of the levitation stones. Her expression soon turned to shock as she finished skimming through the first page. She wanted to move onto the next page, but she had difficulty holding such a thick stack of paper.

"Hold this for me."

She gave the bottom portion to Ignis to hold, before flipping through the pages one after another. Her expression underwent various changes before it settled on the expression of awe.

"This is incredible! Such great details! Is this the interior of the levitation stones!? Dear, did you take Leon to dismantle one of the airship's levitation stone?" Amelia exclaimed in amazement. However, her question did not receive any response from the Duke.

Did he not hear what she just said, or did he not care? Doesn't he understand the value of this stack of paper after what she just said!? However, she did not snap at her husband since she was in a good mood.

"Dear? What are you reading?"

Amelia removed her eyes from the stack of paper and glanced at her husband, whom appeared to be spellbound, immersed in his reading of what appears to be a cultivation manual. Ignis did snap out of it until he was shaken violently by Amelia's hands.

"Ah? What's up?"

"I said… what are you reading!? Were you deaf!? Why didn't you answer my questions?" Amelia said with a hint of annoyance.

Ignis gawked, before scratching his head wryly. "You can't blame me for this. That boy has given us a priceless treasure. We will not be able to repay this favor."

"Of course, I know it's a priceless treasure, but why do we need to repay Leon? The research is tied to the development of the kingdom. It's not strange for the boy to want to help since he is royalty. His accomplish is worthy of praise. What is this about repaying a favor?"

"Haiz… I'm talking about that. I'm talking about this. How can the chance to reach the legendary Transcendent Realm, not a great favor?" Ignis held up the manual in his hand.

It was the [Fiery God Manual] Leon practiced in his previously life. However, it wasn't exactly the same. It had undergone revision with the [Great Sky Refining Art] as reference to suit the cultivation path of Awakeners due to the lack of spirit energy to cultivate it.

"What? That manual has the method to reach the Transcendent Realm!?" Amelia widened her eyes and stared at the manual in Ignis's hands with great shock. The Transcendent Realm methods was what the royal family kept to stay in power. Could something like that be casually given away!? Was this a test!?

At the side, Rachel was dying of curiosity from the talk between her parents.. She wanted nothing more than to snatch the papers and manual out of her parent's hands for a look herself.

Chapter 168 - Mysterious Diviner

Leaving the workshop tower, Leon did not return to the palace immediately. It had been a week since he was gone. The pill store he bought should have finished its renovation. He decided to stop by and check it out.

"Young man, would you like to have your fortunes divined?" An Old fortune teller reached out when he saw Leon passing by.

Leon paused his steps and turned towards the source of the voice. He looked left and right before pointing to himself, before asking suspiciously, "Are you talking me?"

No shit, I am talking to you. Do you see anyone else here besides you? The Old fortune teller wanted to say, but he refrained from doing so and wore a humble smile. He did not want to lose a potential costumer.

"Yes, yes dear customer. Would you like to have your fortunes divined?" The Old fortune teller rubbed his hands and asked again.

"Heaven's secrets aren't so easy to divulge. Are you sure you can divine my fortune?" Leon asked doubtfully. In fact, he did not believe the fortune teller could divine his fortunes accurately.

Seeing the shady-looking store and the magic crystal ball, Leon immediately deemed the Old fortune teller as one of those ordinary fortune tellers in mortal cities that relied on spouting some hocus pocus nonsense to earn a living. They may sound profound but is actually vague and didn't mean anything. They don't really have the skills to predict the future.

Real divinations relied on skill, not tricks and luck. Without comprehension in any of the three mystic laws of destiny, fate and karma, how can it be considered true divinations?

"Hahaha, heaven's secret is like a forbidden fruit stowed away in a locked chest. Unless we have the key, it is impossible to see the whole picture. However, only some slight comprehension of the mystic laws is needed to peer through the keyhole and catch a glimpse of it."

"Oh?" Leon was caught by surprise and began evaluating the Old fortune teller seriously. "You know about the three mystic laws, Old man?"

Leon suddenly recalled a conversation he once had with Lina in the library. There was a group of people in the world that could read the stars to divine the world's fortune. Was this Old man one of them? Would he know more about the world than the ignorant mass?

"Hohoho…" The Old fortune teller chuckled while stroking his long white beard. "Wouldn't you find out after I divine your fortune? Come, take a seat."

Leon followed the Old fortune teller's gesture and sat in front of the crystal ball, before asking, "So how will you divine my fortune?"

He wasn't completely convinced that the Old man was proficient in the mystic laws. It was simply too hard to grasp. But of course, this wasn't the reason for Leon's doubts. There were all sorts of geniuses in the world. He wasn't so narrow-minded. The reason for his doubts was the crystal ball in front of him.

Wasn't these Diviners meant to read the stars? Why do they need a crystal ball like those other phony fortune tellers?

"A medium is needed to divine one's fortune. I would need an item on your body. Something infinitely closer to you, the better."

"Something infinitely closer to me, huh…?" Leon mentally repeated. The closest item on his body would be the Book of Life left behind by his father. It was his greatest treasure and also his greatest secret. There was no way he would take that out.

What else could he use? Hmm… Leon traced the Dragon Phoenix Jade on him. The Dragon Jade half had been on his body since he was a newborn. Although he didn't place any importance on it, it seemed to be tied to his destiny and could be said to be the next closest object on his body.

"Try this."

Leon handed the jade over. He was slightly curious of its origins. He still hadn't figured out what kind of jade it was. He was after all a doctor in his previous life. Not an antique master. He can't know everything.

After accepting the jade, the Old fortune teller placed it on top of the crystal ball before releasing the folded curtains around the storefront. The room was suddenly doused in perpetual darkness, but Leon did not panic and continued to sit comfortably with a placid expression. His divine sense was omnipotent and could see through the veil of darkness. If the fortune teller played any tricks, it would not be hidden from Leon.

However, there was no need for such concerns. The Old fortune teller was genuine and wholly interested in doing divinations for Leon with reasons unbeknownst to him.

Leon was soon colored with surprise when the supposedly ordinary crystal ball shined with luminescent lights and the world's constellation appeared on it.

"This… this is no ordinary crystal ball." Leon commented. It made sense why the Diviner uses the crystal ball if it reflects the real constellation of the world. The stars could not be seen during the day. Although the final brilliance of the day was receding with the setting sun, it was more than enough to still obscure the starry sky.

The fortune teller just smiled mysteriously at the comment and continued his star divination. The fortunate teller made some strange incantation gestures with his hands and the jade began to float, while the crystal ball rotated.

The means of a diviner was too mystical for Leon's understanding and left him speechless. He hadn't been able to sense the fortune teller's cultivation, as it appeared no different to an ordinary person. How was that possible that he could not sense it? Was the fortune teller cultivation-less? But he is clearly using mystical means. Was the fortune teller using runes? Arrays? Formations?

Leon frowned in thought. He could not see such things. Either it didn't exist, or the fortune teller was too skilled at concealing it from his prying eyes. Perhaps, the fortune teller had a means of concealing his own cultivation. There was also one other possibility, the fortune teller's cultivation was actually so high that it simply cannot be sensed, not even an obscured feeling.

Leon felt this was the most unlikely possibility. He hadn't heard of such a powerful being and for what reason the person approached him. He would rather believe it was the former possibility.

The fortune teller was unaware of Leon's complicated thoughts and continued his divination, murmuring incomprehensible words and calculated with his fingers.

Watching the gradually descending jade, Leon assumed it would land on one of the constellations, but which one would it be and what would it entail? Was it going to be the Dragon Constellation or the Phoenix Constellation? Or rather the major Leo Constellation that represents the lion?

He didn't have to wait long for the answer, but the answer was not something he had guessed. Even the fortune teller appeared surprised by the result. The jade had landed on a blank constellation, or rather it landed on the dark star.

The dark star was not a real star, but a black hole that devours all of creation. It also represents the unknown.

"What does this mean?" Leon asked.

The fortune teller frowned and resuming calculating his fingers, causing Leon to be speechless. What does it even mean to calculate one's fingers? What purpose does it serve?

The fortune teller did not seem to hear Leon's question as he was lost in his own thoughts.

"This is strange… too strange… how can it be the dark star constellation? The heavens have obscured the destiny of the dragon phoenix union… The fate of the desolate is uncertain and the darkness threatens to swallow everything. Does this unknown star represent a great change or the coming of a calamity?"

At the side, Leon's lips twitched. Are you trying to divine my fortune or the world's? Does my fortune even have anything to do with the world? But then again... maybe it really does! Hurry and answer my question!

The Old fortune teller soon shook his head and threw the jade back to Leon. "Young man, your fortunes is protected by the heavens. I cannot divine it."

His words made Leon's expression terrible. At least ordinary fortune tellers would spout some rubbish about his fortune, but this one didn't even tell his fortune and just simply tells him that it cannot be divined? So, was this fortune teller a con man after all? Was he going to be charged for the useless service now?

However, Leon did not get a chance to utter a word. He was shocked by what happened next. The fortune teller waved his hand and Leon was sent spinning out of the store by an unknown force.

"Ugh… what the hell, Old man?" Leon shook off his dizziness and hollered. "How dare you kick me out like…. Huh? Where did he go?"

Leon could not find the store nor the fortune teller. Everything had simply disappeared in thin air. All that could be seen in its place was an alleyway and the soft gust of wind carrying a trail of dust behind it.

Leon: (☉_☉)

He could not make sense of what just happened. There's no way a store could grow legs and run away… Did he just encounter a ghost or what? In the end, who the heck was that old fortune teller?

Chapter 169 - Something Big Is Happening!

Beyond the clouds in the skies above at a height of 6500 fts, a figure floated. The world would have been shocked greatly if they knew someone could actually bypass the suppression of the sky and fly to such heights.

The jade was something the figure left behind many years ago. It contained a great secret and could change humanity's eventual fate of extinction. The figure himself did not know what secret lies in the jade. The knowledge was something he gained through divination. but now the same divination failed him. Heaven's secrets have been obscured and the future was unknown.

"I have left the seed of hope and opportunity in that boy's hands. Whether he can grasp it or not is up to him now. The fate of humanity no longer has anything to do with me." The figure murmured. He took one last look before disappearing.

Leon did not discover the figure hidden in the clouds above. Dusting his rear, He was still dumbfounded by what happened. What kind of eccentric fortune teller was this? Can't divine my fortune? No problem. That's okay. He was cool with that but tossing him out was not cool. How did that darn fortune teller disappear so fast? Leon found it hard to believe, but the fortune teller may have been someone beyond the Transcendent Realm.

He felt so helpless and powerless when he was tossed. He still couldn't sense the fortune teller's cultivation, despite what happened. The power was absolute and inviolable. Leon had not been able to put up a shred of resistance at all. Since when did the world had someone like this?

"Fate of the Desolate is uncertain…" Leon mused over the fortune teller's previous words. "I have not seen the whole world, so I can't say for sure that Gaia is entirely scarce in spirit energy, but this continent definitely is. Perhaps, the Desolate in the Fortune teller's words was referring to this continent? Could he be from a different continent?"

He had once seen the largely blank map of the world. The continent they currently lived on only occupied one tenth of the space. There was bound to be at least one or two other continents out there, he speculated.

Leon had some faint guesses why his fortunes couldn't be divined. It may have something to do with his very existence. He was reborn in this world, but he was denizen of the Divine Realm. The concept of his transmigration was a mystery, but it can be said that he was regarded as a foreigner in this world, an abnormality.

Since his soul didn't originally belong to this world, his soul wouldn't be recorded and recognized by the world. Thus, when the fortune teller tried to peer through heaven's secrets and divine his fortune, the jade did not land on an existing constellation. It was like taking a roll call and calling out a name that wasn't on the list.

However, he was still able to practice the awakener's path that requires the world's recognition. That was something he couldn't put a finger on. Perhaps, there would be a problem when trying to make his breakthrough to Transcendent Realm.

Arriving at his pill store, Leon shook his head and decide to push these thoughts aside. He would tackle the problems as they come. There was an immediate problem in front of him. The pill store was opened for business when it shouldn't be, and it was selling pills that shouldn't be on the market.

They were All-Purpose Healing Pills and Golden Ointment. Leon found out after sweeping the entire store with his divine sense. They were Tier-1 Spirit Pills, but their quality was all at the trash rank. It wasn't fit for human consumption and would cause various health problems in the long run. Was this his disciple's doing?

Leon immediately shook his head at the thought. His newly accepted disciple Reginald shouldn't have known about the pill store. Reginald did not follow him to see the pill store after he bought it. He did not see his disciple in the store when he swept the entire place with his divine sense either.

Furthermore, his disciple should still be trying to digest all the knowledge he taught him. But there wasn't anyone else in the entire Capital that would know the recipe for his pills. Something must have happened to his disciple.

Leon didn't believe this was his disciple's doing, or at least not by his own will. His disciple was aware of his status and should have known better than to sell such trashy pills, which was detrimental to the people and the kingdom's development. It was an extremely stupid move that would offend him.

It seems he had to enter to investigate who the perpetrator was. Making up his mind, Leon stepped into the pill store.

"Hello esteemed customer, how may I help you?" One of the store clerks happily greeted.

"You are mistaken. I am not here to buy anything. I'm here for something else." Leon looked at the clerk strangely. Does this clerk not know this property belonged to him?

"This… then what business do you have here, sir?" The store clerk asked with bafflement. His initial enthusiasm was lost when he found out Leon didn't come to buy anything.

Looking at Leon's worn out black attire, the store clerk began to feel uneasy. He's not here to cause trouble, is he?

"This pill store belongs to me. Do I need a reason to be here?" Leon replied with nonchalance.

"Sir, if you are here to cause trouble, I will have to ask you to leave. Who doesn't know that this new establishment had been jointly opened by the Fischer and Primrose merchant associations?" The store clerk gesture for him to leave sternly, while refraining from losing his temper. Sure enough, this person was here to cause trouble!

The pill store had only been opened for a few days, it had grown with surging popularity under the influence of the two merchant associations and the demand of the market. Although the pills were low-end products, which were only effective on non-awakened people and negligible to Awakener, injuries weren't uncommon in hazardous workplaces like construction and mining. Even death was a possibility in such workplaces without safety measures.

Additionally, the Capital's human resources has been fully utilized. Every worker lost meant one less worker. The nobles would not be able to employ new workers unless they seek other cities, but there aren't many people who are willing to work so far from home unless very favorable conditions were offered, and neither were the nobles willing to accommodate such high expenses. As such, they had to care for their workers, which result in the pills being very sought after.

There was a constant flow of customers entering and leaving the premise of the pill store. They naturally overheard Leon's arrogant claims.

"Where did this ignorant kid come from? Does he think this is the Lower Districts, where the gangs could act unruly and lay claims to territories? Doesn't he know offending the Fischer and Primrose merchant associations is the same as offending all the associate noble families?"

"Hah… the way I see it, this arrogant kid must have thought his life was too boring and decided to come over and court death."

Such were the discussion on the truly ignorant mass as they did not bother hiding their contempt for Leon. However, there were also some nobles among the group of customers that displayed startled expressions upon seeing Leon. Something big was going to happen!

Some of these people had previously defended the western upper wall against the crawlers and seen the prince before. Since the prince said the store was his, it had to be his! Who dares to claim otherwise? The Primrose and Fischer merchant associations are too bold! They actually had the courage to step on the dragon's tail!

The few nobles kept their silence and looked forward to watching a good show.

Leon ignored the background discussion and continued to face the store clerk with indifference.

"The Primrose and Fischer merchant associations, was it? The Lucretius Merchant Association didn't participate, hm? Make sense. If the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations also knew who I am, they also wouldn't dare to offend me either, unless they don't want to do business in this kingdom anymore." Leon said with indifference.

"This… who are you? Even if you are someone with big background, you can't just wantonly claim other people's properties as your own, right?" The store clerk asked carefully. Leon's calm demeanor and words had instilled some doubts into him.

This pill store had been the prime location eyed by all three merchant associations for the longest of times. Each merchant association wanted the prime location for themselves and was non-negotiable. They were all rivals and didn't want anyone else to have it. However, the prime location ended up being bought by an outsider! A nobody! How can they allow this!?

When the prime location finished its renovation, the two merchant associations arrogantly thought that since no one came forward to open it for business, the person must have realized his mistake and didn't dare to. They concluded that it was just a matter of time before the owner present the title deed with an apology.

Thus, the merchant associations seized the prime location ahead of time and made concessions to enter a joint venture in operating the place, splitting the profits equally among them.

Of course, the store clerks didn't know any of this. They were just low-level workers and weren't privy to the details. As far as they were concerned, the owner of the prime location was jointly shared by the heads of the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations.

However, no one had expected that the Lucretius Merchant Association would take the initiative to reject the joint venture and withdraw all intentions on the prime location. Had the Lucretius Merchant Association gone stupid? Who doesn't want to make more money? What was Oliver Lucretius thinking?

Chapter 170 - You're Not Qualified

The Primrose and Fischer merchant associations weren't aware of the reasons why Oliver Lucretius decided to give up the prime location, but as far as they were concerned, it was better that way. You don't want to share the prime location? Good! More shares for us!

They weren't worried about offending the buyer of the prime location. They had done a rough background check on the buyer 'Leon Bradford' or rather, Vigo Primrose had done a rough background check. He was surprised when they found out the boy was a commoner. How could a commoner afford the properties in the Upper District?

Upon further investigation, he was no longer surprised and didn't place anymore importance on the boy. The boy was related to the Cromwell family through a marriage agreement. It was too easy for the wealthy Cromwell family to fund the boy.

Vigo Primrose was full of disdain when he received this information. Was this the source of the boy's arrogance that day? The boy was just a parasite leeching off the Cromwell's wealth. Without the Cromwell's backing, the boy was nothing. Just a commoner trying to worm his way into the upper class.

"Ptui!" Vigo spat on that thought.

What qualifications did a commoner have to marry the Cromwell family's flower? There better choices for a candidate; like his son for example. As long as he breaks the engagement, the commoner would no longer have any relations with the Cromwell family.

Coincidently, the Cromwell family was hosting a birthday banquet tonight to celebrate Dwight Cromwell turning 70. The exact time of the Normally, Dwight wouldn't care about it, but Bromley insisted. He was very happy that they had established a connection to the royal family and was planning to publicize it during the event.

Of course, Vigo Primrose didn't know any of this. Had he dug deeper; he would have learnt of Leon's identity. However, he did not and was too busy planning a marriage proposal for his son during the banquet.

The limited information on 'Leon Bradford' was handed over to Porter Fischer, the president of Fischer Merchant Association, before he had agreed to the joint venture. Of course, as the president of a merchant association, he did not easily trust the given information.

Although trust was the foundation of a merchant's success, it didn't go both ways. He couldn't trust others blindly. If he had done so, he would not have today's success.

Porter Fischer did his own investigation on the opponent, but the results were more or less the same as the information he received from Vigo Primrose. Seeing the information matched, Porter finally agreed to the joint venture. A high status was equal to strong power and provides a form of protection. If the commoner had a higher status, why would he hide it? Unless his head was kicked by a donkey?

As such, Porter Fischer didn't investigate too deeply. If he knew what kind of mess, he was getting himself into, he would have never agreed to it and withdrawn his intentions from the prime location just like the Oliver Lucretius had done.

Oliver Lucretius himself was stood by the windows of his office. He peered into the distance with a big grin. He had been notified when Leon entered the pill store. He assumed Vigo Primrose and Porter Fischer had similarly been notified. What kind reaction would Porter Fischer have when he finds out the truth the hard way? Would he go crazy and duke it out with Vigo Primrose? He would very much like to see it happen.

If the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations destroyed each other or get deported from the kingdom, his Lucretius Merchant Association would have no competitors and have monopoly of the Crawford Kingdom's market.

"Hahaha!" Oliver Lucretius laughed raucously. "One does not fear a godlike opponent, only a pig-like teammate!"

"President, what made you so happy?" A lady in neat office attire asked coquettishly.

"Hahaha…" Oliver shook his head and pulled his secretary over. "Come over here. Let's watch a good show."

"Robbing other people's property? You say some funny things. Does the Primrose and Fischer like to twist black and white? Why don't you open your eyes and see what this is?" Leon took out the title deed and showed it to the store clerk. The name 'Leon Bradford' was clearly imprinted on it.

"This... is the title deed to this property?" The store clerk widened his eyes surprise. However, it was only for a moment before he recovered his tough stance. He was just a low-level worker, but he was clear which side he stood on. Behind him was two giant merchant associations. "Sir, you won't be able to fool anyone by taking out a forged titled deed. I'm afraid we can't let you leave after seeing that. How can we do business if you damage our reputation like so?"

When these words were said, the contemptuous nobles began another round of discussion.

"So, it was a fake titled deed? Aiyo, this boy is quite the trickster. Had me worried for a second… No wait, this name…. isn't this the name of the Cromwell's son-in-law-to-be?"

"How can someone like that have a fake title deed? The Cromwell family has monopoly of the real estate business for god's sake!"

"The store clerk is lying! If the Cromwell family wanted, they could just gift him any property he wanted! There's no need to forge a title deed! They aren't lacking that bit of money."

"That's strange. There's no way the Cromwell family would have been oblivious to what was going on here. Is there Cromwell family plotting something against the merchant associations? Or was the title deed really forged?"

The contemptuous nobles grew worried and doubtful at the same time. They weren't afraid of Leon, but they had to be afraid of the Cromwell family behind him. The Cromwell family was much more powerful and of higher standing than their Baron-level and Count-level families.

They don't know who the prince was, but they had at least heard who the Cromwell's flower was engaged to. Would the boy take revenge against them for the slightest grievance? But if even the title deed can be forged, then the person may not be who he says he is.

However, without uncovering the truth and the false, the contemptuous noble no longer threw out careless remarks for fearing of bringing trouble to themselves. Disasters originates from the mouth.

Leon simply ignored the nobles. He did not spare them a single thought. Their words weren't able affect his state of mind. Given his identity, there shouldn't be a problem with his high-profile approach.

It's not his problem if the two merchant associations didn't know who they were dealing with. With their resources and network, it shouldn't have been difficult to figure out his identity. There was quite a number of nobles and commoners that already knew his identity at this point.

Did they offend him, despite knowing who he was? Or they were that stupid not to investigate him properly? He wasn't sure what the two merchant associations were thinking, but it was quite easy to ascertain the matter from exposing his name.

Seeing how the store clerk reacted to the name 'Leon Bradford', it was all too clear to him that it was the latter. The store clerk was just a low-level worker. He would not react that way if he knew. Of course, the merchant associations may have chosen to simply not inform their low-level workers in fear of them running away. But if they didn't know to begin with then the thought wouldn't even cross their mind.

"You want to keep me here? You're not qualified to deal with me. Call out your manager." Leon shook his head and said. The clerk had said some funny things. This much was considered damaging their reputation? Once he exposes their inferior and phony products, what reputation could they possibly have? However, he refrained from doing so. It was not the right time to lose all decorum.

When the store clerk heard Leon's question, his face flushed and inwardly groaned. The manager was very attentive. With the small commotion going on, the store manager should've already noticed and stepped forward to deal with it. However, since the store manager had yet to show up, it mean he wasn't around.


A laughter was suddenly heard from the store's entrance. The crowd turned and saw two new figures approaching. It was the store manager accompanying a figure of great importance to the pill store. It seems the store manager had disappeared before to inform this person.


All the store clerks greeted the figure respectably. As one had expected, it was Vigo Primrose, one of the two association presidents of the store.

Vigo acknowledged their greeting before shifting his gaze over to Leon with a big grin.

"Arrogant brat, do you still remember me? If you kowtow and handed over title deed as apology, I will spare your dog life." Vigo said smugly. "Did you think we could seize your property so smoothly if you were truly valued by the Cromwell family? You were just a shield. How could a commoner like you possibly be worthy to be the Cromwell's son-in-law?"

That being said, only Leon knew why the reason why the Cromwell family didn't take any action against the two merchant associations. The few nobles that were aware of his status also had some faint speculation and began looking at Vigo Primrose with pitiful gazes.

Offending the money-hungry royal family would not end well!

Chapter 171 - Pack Up The Trash And Leave

"You want me to kowtow and hand over my title deed?" Leon repeated with a strange undertone. "Do you even have the strength to compel me?"

In the world, the strong cared little for the laws and only strength reigns supreme. Thus, the two merchant associations didn't think much about their actions. As long as they didn't go overboard, who would care about the life of a commoner?

Unfortunately, even at this present time, Vigo was still unaware that he had provoked the one family, no one in the Crawford Kingdom should provoke.


When Vigo Primrose heard Leon's question, he retreated a step back in fear. That's right! Even if this brat was a commoner, he was a commoner that was stronger than him! Something doesn't add up! How can there be a commoner stronger than nobles? Without the resources and nurturing of a great noble family, it didn't make sense for someone so young to become so strong! It was impossible!

However, Vigo Primrose did not have time to think too deeply before a reassuring hand patted him on the shoulder.

"Teacher." Vigo uttered with surprise. Why was his teacher here? Did his teacher follow him secretly?

"Vigo, even though you are just a student under me, you are still the president of a merchant association. Where is the mental fortitude of one? How can you be so easily intimidated by a brat? Perhaps, it was wrong for your father to retire early and hand over his position to you. You're clearly not ready." Vigo's teacher shook his head with disappointment. He was a wizened old man, but his eyes carried wisdom. He was Grandmaster Cato, the second best alchemist in the Capital. "It was good that I came, otherwise you would have lost face for me. Stand to the side. I will deal with this."

"Yes, teacher." Vigo complied obediently with utmost respect.

His teacher wasn't just a grandmaster alchemist, he was a powerful awakener with the strength of seven stars. Not many knew about the star ranking system that exist between the Awakener Realm and the Transcendent Realm, but as a student of Grandmaster Cato, he was made aware while studying under his teacher.

Even Leon had to take the old man seriously as soon as the old man appeared. Others might not be able to gauge the cultivation of someone much more powerful than them, but Leon was able to with a simple sweep of his divine sense. Seven stars wasn't a level he could take lightly with his present strength.

As an alchemist, Grandmaster Cato dabbled with herbs on a daily routine. Over the years, his body developed a strong herbal scent. However, such herbal scent wasn't unique to him and was prominent among any named alchemists. As such, their status is easily recognized by their smell.

Grandmaster Cato scrutinized Leon, before he asked, "Are you the brazen brat that looked down on my alchemy?"

"If you are talking about the person that was outside the Primrose Merchant Association building a week ago, then indeed that person was I." Leon responded calmly. He gave the Old man a sweeping glance before he resumed browsing the pill store.

"Heh." Receiving his answer, Grandmaster Cato's expression was full of disdain. "You're just a kid still wet behind the ears. Do you think it is easy to become an alchemist? You don't even carry the herbal scent of one and yet you boast your alchemy is greater than mine? You're just a braggart, kid! Hmph!"

A strong wave of herbal scent washed over Leon and made him feel nauseous as he shook his head with a sickened expression.

One must know that even the strong herbal aroma of the second-floor treasury did not make his nauseous. There was no way, the herbal scent exuded from the Old man was on the same level. Thus, Leon had to be nauseous under a different reason.

However, Grandmaster Cato did not know this and didn't give him a chance to respond. Seeing Leon's nauseous expression and roaming eyes, he continued, "You can't even handle the herbal scent exuded from my body and you expect others to believe your alchemy is better than mine? Look at these pills and burn it into your eyes. They were all refined by me, something you will never be able to accomplish."

"I won't comment on the pill recipe's origin, but you are right. The pills are trash and the alchemist that refined it was an even bigger trash. There's no need for comparison. You win." Leon said with disgust.

So much good herbs had been wasted by this wastrel. How can Leon feel good knowing that? He already knew who refined the pills before the Grandmaster Cato even told him. He could smell the pill ingredients on the person's body.

Grandmaster Cato's expression became dark and immediately snarled, "Boy, do you believe that I won't slap you to death with this hand of mine!? What do you mean by those words? Don't think you can get out of this alive without explaining!"

"I meant exactly what I said. These pills might be good for healing, but its quality is so bad and contained too much pill toxin, it's not worth ingesting. Those who ingest it would only end up developing other illnesses. As such, it is no different to ingesting poison." Leon said calmly, before continuing in a condescending tone, "Do you think your alchemy skills are determined by the herbal scent you carry? That is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard in my life. Listen well, Old man, you've gotten it completely wrong."

"A strong herbal scent does not represent the alchemist's success. It only represents their incompetence. The herbal scent on your body is a result of your poor pill refining skills, allowing a majority of herbal essence to escape during the pill coagulation step. Hence, there's nothing wrong saying trash pill and trashier alchemist."

Grandmaster Cato's disdain was replaced with solemnness. He could not refute Leon's words. What the boy said was completely true. His alchemy skills had hit a bottleneck and began to deteriorate to a point where it wasn't strange if he went from second best to second worse instead.

That's why he went out of his way to flaunt his status and prestige when he felt that it was being attacked by a nobody. How much could a kid possibly know about alchemy? However, he was now regretting his life's choice. Who knew the kid actually knew a thing or two and could point out the flaws in his pills?

The crowd became busy once more when they saw Grandmaster Cato's silence and solemnness.

"Is it true? Had this place really been selling us such defective pills?"

"I think it is. I faintly recall one of my workers suffered a long gash after a simple fall in the mines. Although the wound healed up right away after he was treated, he said he didn't feel so good and began sick."

"Similar case happened over here too. I didn't think much about it, thinking it was due to the environment of the mines that made them fall sick, but now that I think about it, it must be due to the pills."

"Right, I didn't believe it either. I think it was the same for everyone. No one would believe that a pill that could heal so well would be so problematic."

Listening to the ongoing discussion, Grandmaster Cato no longer had the face to stay. He turned around and began to leave, but not after making one last ditch effort to save his face.

"I'm too lazy to deal with your nonsense, boy. However, it indeed wrong of the Primrose and Fischer Merchant Associations to seize your property as you are the legal owner of this establishment. As such, we'll be returning it to you."

"Teacher, we're leaving just like this?" Vigo Primrose followed and whispered. He was unreconciled with the turn of events. Does he have to give up on the prime location just like that?

"We can't deal with boy in front of so many people. It would only mean we are guilty. I will find a chance to deal with him in the future." Grandmaster Cato replied quietly.

"I'm afraid it might not be that easy. He doesn't seem to have a simple background. He seems very knowledgeable in alchemy and has high cultivation." Vigo said warily.

Grandmaster Cato sneered and linked his hands behind his back when he heard this. "What background could the brat have? In this era, you can gain all sorts of knowledge from the libraries; including alchemy. As long as you are willing to learn, instead of managing your merchant association all day, you would also be as knowledgeable as that brat. The only thing libraries don't have on alchemy are the pill recipes. Do you remember how the brat avoided the topic?"

Hearing his teacher's reminder, it really did seem to be the case. "But how do we explain his high cultivation?"

"That is the interesting part." Grandmaster Cato's lips rose into a cold smile. "I could smell traces of the mines on the boy's body. For a commoner from the mines to have such a high cultivation, it could only be one thing."

"The crystals?" Vigo was not stupid. Although, the news was suppressed and the Capital was on lockdown, allowing no one to leave, he was still able to get news of the gargantuan discovery through his wide network.

"Precisely. Stealing the crystals and secretly cultivating with it is capital offense. Wouldn't it be interesting if it was reported to the royal family?"

"So that was the case."

Vigo Primrose fell assured when he heard his teacher's explanation. He recalled that when he met the boy, the mining had already been underway. The boy must have been among the first, if not the first to discover the crystal's usage.

"Teacher, for this boy's matter, I hope you can let me deal with it." Vigo requested. He wanted to humiliate boy and see him suffer before ending his life.

"Well it doesn't matter." Grandmaster Cato no longer cared too much. The boy was already dead in his eyes. It was just a simple matter of when to report him to the royal family.

"Thank you, teacher."

Vigo Primrose quickly summoned a servant and sent the servant back to the pill store with an invitation. Vigo wanted to see the boy humiliated and despair before ending his insignificant life. He was after all the president of a merchant association. When had he ever been embarrassed by a brat before?

Considering the boy was wasting his time on the pill store instead of preparing to attend the birthday banquet, Vigo Primrose regained his confidence. It must be true that the Cromwell family didn't place any importance on the brat. Otherwise, how could he not know about such an upcoming important event? Not unless, the Cromwell family didn't inform him!

But how could this be blamed on Leon? It was natural for him to be unaware since he only just returned to the Capital not long ago. The Cromwell family had yet to receive news of his return, otherwise they would have sent someone to inform him.

"Everyone should stop buying these harmful pills and leave. The store is no longer open for business. However, it will be open a week later with genuine high-quality pills that will be effective to anyone. I can assure you with my title as Divine Doctor." Leon said after Vigo Primrose left with the grandmaster alchemist. He did not stop them. This was the best outcome possible. If a battle had erupted, it was hard to guess whether he could come out unscathed or not. It was only a pity that he couldn't deal with the two merchant associations right away.

"Then we will be bidding our farewell, your Highness." A minority of the nobles said respectfully with sweaty palms.

They had been filled with concerns when the powerful grandmaster alchemist appeared. If the grandmaster alchemist had decided to slap the prince to death, would the blame be on them for not stepping forward to defend the prince and announce his status? The Queen's rage would have easy to imagine but impossible to quell. They wouldn't be surprised if everyone present was slaughtered for it.

However, they were relieved that things did not take such a turn of events. They were slightly disappointed that they didn't get to see how the prince would deal with the two merchant associations thanks to the grandmaster alchemist's appearance.

The other nobles were shocked at the revelation when they heard the few nobles addressing the Leon as his highness and felt weak in the knees. Offending the prince was much worse than offending the Cromwell's son-in-law.

Carefully studying Leon's uncaring expression, they were relieved that the prince was not narrow-minded like the Primrose Merchant Association's president. After apologizing for their previously scornful remarks, they left one after another.

Soon all the customer left, leaving behind Leon and the uneasy store clerks, especially the clerk that talked Leon. He had been incredibly rude to the prince. What was going to become of him?

Leon made a sweeping glance at the pills on the shelves, before turning to them with an expressionless face.

"Your president already left. Why haven't you packed up the trash and leave yet?"

Chapter 172 - Invitation

"Why haven't you packed the trash and leave yet?"

When these words were uttered, all but one store clerk, began scurrying to pack and leave immediately. The remaining clerk stood rooted in the same spot with an unwilling expression.

"Erm…" Faced with Leon's rhetorical question, this clerk could no longer remain proud without his backing. "Sir… Your Highness… I am terribly sorry for failing to recognize your princely self. Please spare me. I am just a lowly character employed by the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations to work here. I had no idea this establishment was rightfully yours. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to accept the job!"

There was no evidence to prove Leon's princely status. However, since several nobles were willing acknowledge him as such, it must be true. With such a terrifying Queen as the ruler, the nobles wouldn't be so bored as to gamble with their life just play a prank on him, right?

But this prince of theirs was just too mean! If you are a freaking prince, can't you at least dress like one? Wasn't it normal for a prince to dress like a prince? If commoners suddenly become royalty, they wouldn't hold back in showing it off, right? Because if they weren't recognized, they would continued to be looked down on and bullied by nobles, right?

Does the prince like being treated like that or does he like looking for trouble…? It must be that… right!?

These were just thoughts he could only think to himself and not be said out loud. However, it wasn't important what he thought anyway. What was important was there was an opportunity right in front of him. It was up to him, whether he could grasp it or not.

If he could work for the prince and establish a close friendly relationship between them, it may be possible for him to rise from an ordinary person like him to rise and enter the upper class.

"Hehehe… Your Highness, I wonder if you would allow me to continue working here… It would be a great honor to work for your Highness." The clerk said with a mixture of fear and hope. He already offended the prince, but he hoped the prince wasn't a person who hold grudges against minor characters like him and let things pass. As the saying went; no discord, no concord.

However, the clerk must be dreaming if he thought things would go according to his wish. Leon felt the clerk's words were too hypocritical and his expression darkened immediately.

I had shown the title deed… but not only did this clerk not acknowledge it, he even tried to seize it! Now that he knows the prince is standing before him, he wants to switch side and work for me instead!? How could good life be that easy? I only have one word for such person;


Leon's loud and powerful voice shook the clerk to core. His hopes and ambition were crushed in a single instant. The prince's strong rejection was laced with coldness and killing intent. He did not understand what he had just done or said to provoke such strong hostility from the prince. However, the clerk no longer had the courage to linger around and fled the pill store in horror.

The clerk was like a stalk of grass that leans wherever the wind blows. Although, others might not praise this type of opportunist behavior, it was what any wise person would do; to join the side with the better prospect. The two merchant associations have offended the prince. Their days are numbered. Naturally, it was the right choice to find a bigger tree, and there was no bigger tree than the royal family in the Crawford Kingdom.

Capable leaders may be willing to accept this type of person because people with clear goals and interest are easy to be utilized by them. These types of people are the ones that would work wholeheartedly if it meant their goals and interest could be met.

But it was also this type of person, that Leon absolutely despise. When things go south, these would be the first people to betray him and he did not take kindly to betrayals.

When the store was devoid of people, Leon headed to the rooftop and summoned the nearby shadowguards hidden in the area.

"What orders do you have for us, your Highness?"

"I want you to dig up all crimes you have recorded on the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations and bring it back for my perusal. Also, I have recently accepted a disciple by the name of Reginald from the Graeme family. Find out his whereabouts. If the situation is dire, you are permitted to mobilize the entire force to save him." Leon instructed.

"We hear and obey."

The shadowguards departed from the rooftop shortly.

Leon could guess that before his disciple fell into his opponent's hand, his disciple had attempted to record the alchemy knowledge he transmitted, down on paper for fear of forgetting. This should be how Grandmaster Cato got his hands on the pill formula for his All-Purpose Healing Pill and Golden Ointment.

Also, Reginald could have relied on his status as the prince's disciple to save himself, but seeing that Primrose and Fischer were clueless, it showed that Reginald was loyal and trustworthy. Leon did not judge a person wrongly. Though, it also wouldn't have mattered if his disciple exposed his status to save himself since his identity wasn't some secret. In fact, it would have saved them a fair bit of trouble. But since his disciple had most likely suffered a fair bit for this trouble, it wouldn't be right if he as the master, didn't make the Primrose and Fischer bleed for it.

Returning to the ground floor, Leon discovered an uninvited guest.

"Who are you and what do you want? The store is no longer open for business." Leon stated.

"Sir, I am a servant of the Primrose family. My master has kindly sent me here to deliver this letter to you." The servant said humbly, but haughtiness could be faintly seen in his eyes. He was a proud servant of the Primrose family.

The Primrose family wasn't strong personally. The strongest Awakener in the family was Vigo and his old father. Both were only at the 7th step, however, as merchants, they had immeasurable wealth and connections to powerful people and families, which makes them a force to be reckoned with.

"What's this? A challenge letter?"

Leon accepted the letter with knitted brows. What was Vigo's intention? With his narrow-mindedness and animosity, he would not let Leon off after his attempt to embarrass and destroy their reputation.

A merchant's value was based on the people's trust in them. If it was lost, it was hard for them to do business. Vigo knew this, but he still allowed the sales of the pills because the defects of the pills and ointment weren't life threatening and slow acting. The life expectancy of an average person wasn't high to begin with and in a critical situation, the pills and ointment could indeed save a life.

Vigo and Porter love profits, but they weren't unscrupulous. The prices they set were very fair and affordable after weighing the pros and cons. They just didn't publicize the side effects of their products.

Normally, when people hear about the defects of a product, they would forget all about the good parts and deem it as a bad product overall. The validity of Leon's words wasn't proven in the end, but he left behind a seed of doubt. There was no need to prove it. It was just a matter of time before people find out.

However, what everyone didn't know was that it was the Primrose and Fischer's marketing plan to sell these trash-rank products. With two merchant association working together, there was a total of six grandmaster alchemists involved. It would be strange if the pills and ointment refined by all these grandmaster alchemists resulted in trash-rank qualities. There were low, mid and even high-rank pills in their inventory.

Their plan was to sell the lowest quality products first, before steadily introducing the higher quality products to maximize their profits. This was the general marketing strategy of any business enterprise; to control the pace of introducing newer, better and higher quality products.

But even the Primrose and Fischer merchant associations weren't aware that the trash-rank pills and ointment were all refined by Grandmaster Cato alone, which was why Grandmaster Cato wanted Leon dead, but couldn't do it openly.

"The order was to deliver the letter, and deliver the letter, I have. Thus, I shall take my leave. Why don't you open the letter and read it yourself, sir?"

The servant said haughtily as he faced the store exit and began leaving. Leon frowned at the servant's attitude. He planted a foot on the servants back and sent the him flying to the entrance

"Y-You! You dare kick me!?"

The servant roared in anger as he tried to get back up, but the crushing weight of Leon's cultivation pressure sudden bore down on him and forced him on his hands and knees.

"Know your place, servant!"

Regardless of his statuses, he was still a powerful cultivator and was no pushover. The servant was entitled to pay him the proper respects as expected of a person when they meet a stronger Awakener.

"Mercy, sir! I was blind! Please spare me!" The servant begged, while being drenched in cold sweat.

Dammit, what the hell was wrong with him? Or rather what the hell was wrong with the world? Even kids under 20 could become such powerful One-Star Awakener these days. Why didn't anyone inform him about this? What bad luck!

"Hmph! Get lost!" Leon released his cultivation pressure.

The servant thanked him quickly and profusely, before scurrying off in a disheveled manner.

Shortly after the pill store regain its tranquility, Leon opened the letter. Much to his surprise, it was not a challenge letter but an invitation, and to the Cromwell's banquet no less. Was this Vigo Primrose in a hurry to die?

"Since it's the Old man's birthday, I should prepare a gift." Leon mused. "A pill recipe will do for an alchemy fanatic like the Old man."

Leon wasn't fond of social gatherings, but given his relationship with the Cromwell family, he ought to make an appearance.

He was already planning to gift the Cromwell family some longevity blood, so it couldn't be used as a birthday present conveniently. The value was guaranteed but the thought would have been lacking.

After settling on which pill recipe to gift the Old man, Leon made his way to the Cromwell's estate.

"Let's see what this Vigo Primrose is playing at."

Chapter 173 - Gathering At The Banquet

The banquet being hosted by the Cromwell family was not a private event. Regardless of whether one arrived with an invitation letter or not, they would be welcomed all the same. All who came were guests.

As such, Bromley Cromwell, the organizer of the event did not send out many invitation letters and mainly spread the news. The few invitation letters were only sent out of respects for the influential figures in the Capital and those the Cromwell family share close business relationship with.

"Don't mind this Old man and just treat this like a normal social gathering, everyone." Dwight said from the seat of honor, before joking, "What is there to celebrate at this age? Becoming one step closer to the coffin?"

"Hahaha, you jest, Lord Dwight. You are still very much still lively and healthy. It shouldn't be a problem to live for another 20-30 years. Allow me to shamelessly take the first cup, wishing you live to a ripe old age." Vigo promptly downed his wine cup after stating.

"Hahaha…" Dwight chuckled, while stroking his beard in reminisce. Only members of the Cromwell family knew why he was in such good health this following year.

Who knew that a normal stroll for fresh air would result in a chance encounter with a commoner with peerless alchemy skill? And that commoner would also become the missing prince? Fate was a mysteriously thing. Dwight shook his head and did not make a comment on the topic. A pill that could remove impurities would send waves through the Capital. If Leon didn't plan make the pill's existence public, then he wouldn't say anything.

"It is unexpected to have the presidents of all three merchant associations attend our event. It is an honor." Bromley raised his own cup and spoke in his father's stead.

"We wouldn't dare. To be able to attend such a special occasion, the honor is ours. I wonder if the Lord Dwight is satisfied with our gifts?"

Porter Fischer and Oliver Lucretius raised their own cups in kind courteously, when they were mentioned.

"Sir Porter and Sir Oliver was meticulous in choosing the gift, knowing that my father is passionate about alchemy, you both chose unique spirit herbs. My father is definitely satisfied with the gift. Isn't that right, father?"

Dwight flashed a light smile at Bromley's question, neither admitting nor denying right away.

The gifts received by the three presidents were indeed valuable, but without the skills and right pill formula, these rare spirit herbs with unknown usage would only be as good as portraits and paintings; useless and only good for appreciating.

Only new pill formulas or actually with unique usage would move him. What was the point of gifting him something he couldn't use? A trace of unhappiness was hidden in Dwight's eyes.

Although, it seemed the three president's gift was out of good intentions, there were ulterior motives hidden underneath.

Who didn't know that out of the 10 grandmaster alchemists in the kingdom, 9 were associated with the three big merchant associations?

In the end, they were most likely expecting him to return the spirit herb with a request for one of the grandmaster alchemists to refine it. The three presidents wanted the Cromwell family to owe them a favor.

Of course, Dwight did not need to do this. He knew a better alchemist and that alchemist was even his grandson-in-law.

Although, Dwight understood the underlying intentions, he pretended he didn't and kept silence on the matter. It was not good to tear away all pretense. He didn't want to make trouble for his son, who had to shoulder the family business in his stead.

For the sake of etiquette, Dwight showed his appreciation for the three presidents''good intentions'.

"Thank for the great gifts. I will certainly put them to good use." Dwight said.

His words brought a smile to the three presidents.

The number people that attended the banquet was far fewer than what the Cromwell family had anticipated. Although there was still some time until the set time to start the banquet, the number of nobles attending had stopped some time ago.

With such an open event, it should have been an opportunity for the lower ranking nobles to come seeking to establish connections and business opportunities with the higher-ranking nobles at the banquet.

Unfortunately, the reality was different to one's expectations. The ones that actually attended were all magnates of the business world, with the exclusion of the royal family and ten grandmaster alchemists.

In addition to the presence of the three presidents of the merchant associations, who arrived with 6 associated Counts, there was Earl Nicholas Fletcher of the lumber business and Earl Zachary Stanford of the stone quarry business.

Apart from Steward Sebastian, who came representing the Lancaster family, everyone else came with their wives and children.

As an Awakener with strength on par with Marquises, no one was displeased with Steward Sebastian's attendance as a representative of the Lancaster family. He was well received as their peer and equal at banquet table, regardless of his status as a servant.

Earl Nicholas Fletcher and Earl Zachary Stanford both shared a close business relationship with Cromwell family. The raw building materials for all the Cromwell's construction projects came from the Fletcher family and Stanford family.

Soon, everyone in attendance had offered some form of congratulations and gifts. Unsurprisingly, they were also alchemy-related gifts, consisting of; Awakening Pills and rare herbs.

Naturally, the Cromwell family no longer cares for the flawed Awakening Pills, now that they have the revised True Awakening Pills, but it did not need to be mention. Up to this point, it was still unconfirmed whether the faulty pill recipe was a result of the demon's machination or not.

Bromley sighed with some disappointment. It appeared that the others had been scared away by this line up of magnates, who all sat at the same table. The wives and children of the attending nobles were separated to other tables

"It still early before the set time of the banquet, but it doesn't seem like anyone else will be coming." Bromley stated, before asking, "Shall we start the banquet early?"

"I concur."

Vigo's lips rose into a grin. The brat had not arrived yet, which Vigo thought was favorable to him. It would not look good to appear late.

Everyone else also nodded in agreement with Bromley's suggestion.

"Sebastian, inform the maids in the kitchen to bring out the food." Bromley ordered without much thought. However, it brought about two different response.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Oh?" Bromley patted his head. How come he never realized there were two Sebastians? Probably because he was rarely in the Capital? What a strange coincidence. He glanced at Steward Sebastian apologetically, "My apologies, Sir Sebastian. I was ordering my servant, Sebastian."

Steward Sebastian's lips twitched upon hearing this and focused his gaze on the servant by Bromley's side meaningfully.

"Your name is also Sebastian?"

"This lowly servant's name is indeed Sebastian, Lord Sebastian." The servant answered truthfully with a forced smile. Only he knew how nervous he was as he answered this.

Steward Sebastian's lips twitched again. It felt like he was being cursed as a lowly servant. He gave the servant a harsh glare.

The servant felt tremendous pressure from Steward Sebastian's glare and almost had a nervous breakdown on the spot. It was not his intention at all. How else was he meant to answer the question?

"Hahaha… Well this is quite the coincident." Bromley laughed, before saying, "Go do your task, Sebastia… Ahem… Sebas. To save us the confusion, I will call you that for now. That should be fine, right?"

"Y-Yes, my Lord. I'll go inform the kitchen right away!"

"Is there any problem with this arrangement, Sir Sebastian?" Bromley turned and asked.


When the servant left hurriedly, he sighed with melancholy at the same time. Aish… the life of a servant sure is difficult… His name couldn't even be acknowledged.

The food was quickly brought out by the maids and soon filled the tables with fine delicacies. As expected of a noble's meal, it was both sumptuous and elegantly arranged. Each dish was like a work of art.

"Everyone, please help yourself." Bromley gestured to the food on the table.

Vigo Primrose, who seemed to have been waiting for someone to arrive, spotted Leon approaching in the distance and began to smile evilly.

"Go now." Vigo whispered an order to his servant. The servant nodded and shortly left.

Underground Mines.

"Captain, a servant of the Primrose family is requesting to see you." A palace guard said.

"Hmm? What does a servant of those merchants want to see me for? A business proposition?"

Dylan immediately shook his head at the thought. Even if the Primrose Merchant Association was planning to expand into the mining business, they would be taking their business talk to the Queen, not here. A bribe sounded more like.

"No, Captain. The servant said he had a report to make." The palace guard answered.

"Oh? Since it's an official matter, I will go see him." Dylan said.

The underground mines were off-limits to those without a permit. Only those who were employed to work in the mines had a permit. As such, the servant of the Primrose family had to wait at the entrance.

"I heard you have a report to make. Let's hear it." Dylan said sternly.

The Captain's sternness and high cultivation made the servant feel pressured as he made his report as instructed by his lord, without any additional bullshit.

"Y-Yes. My lord instructed me to inform Captain Dylan that a commoner had stolen some of the heavenly crystals from the mines and managed to secretly it to the one-star level."

"What!" Captain Dylan was immediately in self-doubt. How was that possible? They had strict security. It was impossible for a commoner to sneak out of the mines with the heavenly crystals under their watch! He studied the servant's expression to determine whether there was any falsehood in the servant's words, but it didn't seem like the servant was lying. "What is the commoner's name?"

"Leon Bradford, Captain." The servant answered compliantly.

"Leon… Leon Bradford…? This name sounds very familiar… Where have I heard this?" Dylan pondered, before he was misled by his men.

"It's because its very similar to his highness's name, Captain. There is only a two-character difference in the name." A palace guard answered.

"I see. No wonder. Did we have someone like that in the mines before?" Dylan asked the palace guard.

The palace guard gawked before answering wryly, "Captain, there are literally thousands of miners. It's impossible to remember every one of their names. Not to mention, we only have the name list of those employed by the royal family and not the other noble families."

Dylan nodded. What the palace guard said made sense. Searching through all the name list would take too much.

If there was indeed a commoner at the strength at one-star level due to the heavenly crystals, it was indeed a serious crime and dereliction of his duty as the supervisor. It would reflect poorly on him. He had to apprehend the person first, before confirming the truth of the matter.

Dylan did not bother asking if the servant knew where the person was. Since he was ordered to make the report, he should know where the person in question is and what he looks like. He directly ordered,

"Take me to this person immediately!"

Chapter 174 - A Predestined Tragedy

By the time, Leon arrived at the banquet, the guests had already begun eating and chatting in an elegant manner for some time.

"Did I arrive late?"

Leon thought he was quite punctual. He had arrived at the banquet on the dot. At least, according to the time written in the letter. If Vigo Primrose purposely wrote the wrong time to embarrass him, Leon could only shrug his shoulders. It wouldn't be a surprise to see petty tricks coming from a narrowminded person.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The banquet starts at 6PM, but Vigo Primrose wrote down 6:30PM in the letter. In addition to the early start to the banquet, it made Leon appear really late to the party.

However, the fact that Vigo Primrose did not know Leon's identity meant that he had long severely underestimated the latter's importance.

The news of Leon's return had not reached the Cromwell family. Thus, Dwight and Bromley were pleasantly surprised the moment Leon appeared.

"Leon, my boy. You're--"

"Sir Bromley, this person must be your son-in-law." Vigo Primrose interrupted, before Bromley Cromwell could finish his words. "Pardon my rudeness. I did not mean to interrupt your words, but I cannot help but speak up the moment I saw this person. I feel that this person isn't putting your Cromwell family in his eyes at all."

"Oh?" The previous words Bromley prepared to say were killed in his stomach. Dwight also kept his silence as a profound light flashed in his eyes.

"It is already a good thing that this son-in-law of mine still made it to the banquet. He had been away from the Capital for a week. As such, we couldn't inform him of the banquet. Regardless of whether he puts us in his eyes or not, he is still my son-in-law and it could be considered an internal matter of our family. For you to say that in front of all our guests, it doesn't seem like you are giving our Cromwell family any face either, Sir Vigo." Bromley stated in a less welcoming tone.

Leon flashed him a wink to remind him not defend him. He wanted to see what Vigo Primrose intended to do. He was already aware that Vigo Primrose was planning to humiliate him the moment he arrived, but this couldn't be it.

Receiving Leon's signal, Bromley hid his displeasure with a smile and added, "What intentions do you have for saying this, Sir Vigo?"

Vigo Primrose was not facing Leon and missed their short exchange. Seeing Bromley's neutral attitude, Vigo became bolder like taking a mile when given an inch.

"Away from the Capital? I'm afraid it was more like this commoner had been slaving away in the mines for a week instead, Sir Bromley. Don't fall for the boy's lies and tricks. My teacher had already confirmed this. The boy had the smell of a miner." Vigo said, before adding, "It's an internal matter only if this commoner remains your son-in-law, Sir Bromley."

"What you mean is…"

"Dade, come over here." Vigo gestured to his son, who was sitting at a different table with his wife, before continuing, "What do you think of my son? He might be slightly older than your daughter, but I think they would make a good match. My son is already a 4th step Awakener and willing take over my position in the future. Also, the marriage union between our son and daughter would only benefit both our families."

Dwight and Bromley couldn't help but twitched their eyes. Vigo's meaning was clear. He implied an older partner was more suitable for Lynne because he was stronger and more capable to take care of her.

If it was a two months ago, Bromley might have considered it, but it would have still been rejected by Dwight if Lynne was unwilling.

But times have changed, they already found a good partner for Lynne, not to mention Lynne had reached a very high realm. Dade's 4th step cultivation was just trash in their eyes.

It was a pity that Vigo Primrose did not know that and spoke confidently with outdated ideals.

"You already know, my lord father has already set the engagement between Leon and my daughter. Are you asking us to break our word, Sir Vigo?" Bromley said sternly.

"Sir Bromley has spoken too seriously." Vigo Primrose continued to wear a confident smile. "We are all smart people here. I am aware that it was a fake engagement to prevent further marriage proposals at your doorstep. How could this commoner brat possibly be worthy of your daughter? For the sake of this marriage proposal, I have prepared another gift that you would find hard to refuse."

"Pft…" At the side, Oliver Lucretius couldn't fully contain his amusement and allowed a portion to escape his mouth. He thought, 'There are definitely smart people at this table, but this idiot is definitely not one of them!'

"Is there something funny about what I said, Sir Oliver?" Vigo Primrose said with displeasure.

"Hahaha… No, it's nothing." Oliver shook his head, before continuing, "However, I'm quite curious what kind of gift you have prepared, to give you such confidence."

"I'm also quite interested." Porter Fischer added. Under the table, his hand was clenched with sweat.

He had let his guard down. Although Fischer and Primrose were working together, they were not allies. If Primrose and Cromwell are bound by marriage, it would put his merchant association in an unfavorable position.

Dammit, he still hasn't settled the score with Vigo regarding the abandoning the pill store. It was unreliable to place his trust in Vigo Primrose. Opponent did not seem simple.

Suddenly, a servant of his Fischer family arrived by his side.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Porter whispered.

The servant nodded and passed over a more detailed background report. The exchange between Porter and his servant was short and casual. It did not arouse any suspicion.


Porter returned his focus to Vigo.

Vigo's lips curved upwards and snapped his fingers.

"Bring forward the special gift."

A special jadeite box was soon placed on the table by the servants. The opening of the jadeite box brought forth a wave of escaping cool mist and an exotic spirit herb was exposed to the eyes of all the onlookers.

"This is… the 7-Petal Frigid Agapanthus!?" The crowd exclaimed. No one expected the item sought the Queen would suddenly turn up here.

Leon, who had not uttered a word since his arrival, squinted his eyes. Went fishing for gold, but end up with diamond. To Leon, the herb was more important than procurring wealth. This was a rewarding trip.

"Are you crazy, Vigo!?" Dropping the formality, Porter jumped out and condemned him. "You've been keeping what the Queen had been looking for! Why haven't you handed it over yet! Have you gone stupid? The monetary reward isn't much, but a Queen's favor is priceless. You rather gift it away then to use it yourself?"

This person was irredeemable. It was a mistake for Fischer to have any relation with Primrose. If the Royal family knew Primrose found the herb they were looking for, but didn't hand it over, it would provoke their ire. The Queen's anger was to be feared. He did not want to be dragged down along with this person.

"Crazy? No, you are mistaken. I am very sane." Vigo said flatly. "The royal family is too difficult to contact. It's uncertain when the Queen will become reclusive again and the prince had not shown himself. There is not much business opportunity here, but if I gift it to Sir Bromley in exchange for a marriage alliance, it would be much more beneficial. I believe there are many areas where our families could cooperate. Isn't that right, Sir Bromley?"

Bromley and Dwight looked at Vigo with an amused yet peculiar expression. This would have indeed been a good way to try establishing a closer relationship with the Royal family. However, their Cromwell family have already succeeded in establishing a good relationship as their in-laws.

"Boy, what will you do after seeing this? "Bromley turned to Leon with a smile.

Being blatantly ignored, Vigo's face immediately soured. "Sir Bromley, why do you care for the opinions of a commoner!?"

Bromley closed his eyes in silence.

"That is indeed an interesting question. I cannot overlook this." Leon answered.

Being ignored not once, but twice, Vigo became furious. However, he directed his anger at Leon. He couldn't afford to offend the nobles.

"So, what if you can't overlook this!? You are just a lowly commoner! I would be worried about my own life, if I were you, Crystal Thief! I have already sent someone to notify the guards! That's right! I know you have stolen the heavenly crystals from the underground mine to cultivate!"


Oliver Lucretius slammed the table, before Leon could utter a word.

"I have tolerated you long enough, Vigo! How dare call his highness a lowly commoner and accuse him of stealing heavenly crystals! If his highness wishes, her majesty will gladly give him all the heavenly crystals in the kingdom…" Oliver stood out at this moment and righteously condemned.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Oliver!? This brat is just a…."

Leon pulled over a spare chair and seated himself with one leg over the other.

"Commoner, right? Vigo, you are too narrowminded. Before the palace guards arrives, I, Leon Crawford will give you one chance to admit your mistakes. The same applies to you, Porter." Leon stated. Since it was exposed, Leon no longer hid it.

"Your highness, this subject was blind to have offended you! Please have mercy!" Porter immediately dropped to his knees and pleaded with a pale face. He had just finished reading the report sent by his servant. Oh my god, I tried to steal the prince's property! I'm so dead!

After all this trouble, Leon decided to give them one chance as they were ignorant of his status. He was after their wealth and not their life. He had to show some mercy for the ignorant was not guilty.

"You are seeking death, brat! Dare to impersonate royalty!" Vigo barked. "Once the palace guards arrive, you're dead!"

Alas, some people are not afraid of death until they see the coffin.. It was a predestined tragedy.

Chapter 175 - Put Down The Knife

Half an hour prior to Leon's arrival.

"Your Highness, the information you inquired has been gathered."

A shadowguard handed over the report. Leon directly swept the report before ruminating through the collected information in his mind.

"Your Highness…?" The shadowguard repeated doubtfully, when Leon did not reach out for the report.

"I don't need it anymore. You may take it back." Leon opened his eyes and stated.

"Huh?" Although the shadowguard was confused, he recovered quickly. "Yes, your Highness."

Leon was quite surprised at how little information the report contained. There were no records of any serious crimes and only a few within the grey area. There was some information on the crimes of the associated nobles of the merchant association.

However, it was committed under personal interest and not the interest of the merchant association. As such, Leon couldn't really use this information to extort the merchants. There were even some merits of the presidents recorded.

They had hosted a few charity events to feed the hungry commoners of the Lower District. Whether it was an act of kindness or strategic move to raise their image, it had indeed saved lives.

Leon secretly noted to give Porter Fischer and Vigo Primrose a chance, but only one chance. There was a limit to one's mercy. After all, despite a fairly clean history, they have seized his property in his absence. That was without a doubt, a crime.

"How is the search progress on my disciple?" Leon asked.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Your disciple, Reginald has not been found yet." The shadowguard showed an apologetic expression.

Leon nodded. He wasn't expecting the shadowguards to produce any results so quickly and only asked on a whim.

"Continue the search."

"Yes, your Highness!"

The shadowguard disappeared shortly after.

"It would not be appropriate to attend the banquet in these clothes… Fortunately, there's still time until the banquet starts." Leon thought.

Leon visited a tailor and bought a few dozen sets of clothes to save himself from future inconvenience. His black attire has been slightly worn out from battles and the royal attire was too flashy for some occasions.

After dumping everything in the Worldspace, he went on his way.

Present time.

Despite Oliver's condemnation and Porter's plea, Vigo was not swayed in his belief. No one else had said anything either, but more importantly, the Cromwell family had not said anything.

If the brat was the prince, why would the Cromwell family do nothing about it?

"Seeking death?" Leon shook his head. "I'm afraid the one seeking death is you. Do not say that this prince did not give you chance. Alas, some people cannot accept the truth even after hearing it."

"Hmph! Just wait for the palace guards to arrive and all will be clear!" Vigo sniggered. He crossed his arms and sat arrogantly.

While making the Primrose family's servant lead the way, Captain Dylan of the palace guards became suspicious.

The path they were taking was leading to the Cromwell family's home and there was currently a banquet there. How could the crystal thief be there?

'Leon Bradford… Cromwell family… hm? Wasn't Bradford the surname of his highness when he was still living as a commoner?'

It suddenly dawned on him why the name was so familiar. He had just met his highness earlier in the day as well.

When they arrived at the banquet, Dylan immediately spotted Leon.

'Sure enough, it WAS his Highness!' Dylan confirmed. He immediately felt anger rising inside him. This servant must be tired of living! How dare he accused the prince of stealing!

Hmm no… the servant was just an informant. The real offender is the servant's master, the current head of Primrose family.

"Who among you is Vigo Primrose?"

Dylan swept through the people at the banquet with his cold gaze. He wasn't familiar with the people at the banquet. In the past 17 years, it was rare for the Royal Palace to receive a visitor even once in a blue moon. As such, he didn't recognize anyone.

But the opposite cannot be said for the others. Everyone recognized the captain of the palace guards immediately. The Underground Mines had been making waves in the kingdom. Its not hard to find out who the supervisor placed in charge of it.

"It is I, Captain Dylan."

Vigo's eyes lit up the moment Captain Dylan arrived and answered his question eagerly.

"You're the one who sent the servant to make the report?" Captain Dylan asked in a low tone.

"Yes, it was me."

"And where is the 'Commoner' who stole the heavenly crystals?"

"It is that brat!" Vigo pointed at the nonchalant Leon and answered. "Please be careful, Captain Dylan. That brat has reached the level of one star!"

A number of people immediately became amused, while the rest silently watched on with anticipation, not understanding what was happening.

Receiving his confirmation, Captain Dylan took a deep breath, before a chilly light flashed in his eyes.

"Arrest him!"

As soon as the orders were issued, two palace guards immediately appeared next to Vigo and restrained him. He was dumbfounded and easily brought in front of Dylan without resistance.

Faced with Captain Dylan's cold gaze, Vigo snapped out of his stupor.

"Captain Dylan, you caught the wrong person! I didn't say I was the crystal thief. I said that brat is the crystal thief!" Vigo tried pointing in Leon's direction, but his strength was no match for the palace guards. Not only was he unable to move an inch, it was taken as an act of resistance. The palace guards increased their strength and forced him on his knees.


A resounding slap was heard as Vigo grabbed his burning cheeks and looked up at the captain of the palace guards with anger. He felt humiliated.


"Do you think I'm stupid?" Dylan questioned coldly.

"No, of course not." Vigo immediately denied. Even if he thinks that way, he couldn't admit it. That was just asking for trouble. But why would the captain ask that?


Unfortunately, another resounding slap landed on Vigo's other cheek regardless of his answer. Why was he slapped again?!

"Then do you think I'm deaf!?"

Vigo was flabbergasted. Was this person mental!? Why is he so angry!? I should be the one angry!

"I don't understand…" Vigo said.

"You don't understand? Then let me make you understand!"


"Hmph! How dare you accuse the prince of stealing! Do you think the prince needs to steal!? How insolent!"


After dishing out several more slaps until he was satisfied, Dylan turned and saluted to Leon.

"Your highness, I apologize for not greeting you immediately. I couldn't ignore this person's insolence towards you."

Leon gestured for him to be at ease.


Vigo was in disbelief. The palace guards only take overs from the royal family! How could he not be aware of the reality at this point? However, the truth was something he could not accept.

"My teacher said that commoner stole heavenly crystals to cultivate! There's no way this brat could cultivate to such a high level using normal means!"

"So, your teacher was the origin of the accusation?" Dylan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"I… No… Yes…"

Vigo suddenly became fearful. He had the feeling his head would roll if his he didn't answer truthfully.

The crowd shook their heads. Such backward thinking. Now was an age of changes. One had to be openminded or they wouldn't be able to move forward.

Also, Vigo was too foolish. Not only did he failed to recognize his mistakes, he also dragged his teacher down.

"Your highness, please give the order. I will execute this animal and gather my men to apprehend the mastermind immediately!" Captain Dylan drew his sword and said.

"Why does everything have to involve killing? Don't tell me you've all been affected my mother's coldness?" Leon shook his head and stopped the palace guards with a hand gesture. "Put down the butcher's knife. I will handle this."

"Yes, your Highness." Dylan sheathed his sword and stepped back.

"I give you two choices. The first, you will surrender all your properties in the kingdom back to the royal family or second, you will turn over half the profits of your merchant association to the royal family annually. Also, you must release my disciple immediately. That is non-negotiable."

"I can live?" Vigo asked in surprise.

Leon nodded. He wasn't too interested in killing if he can't accumulate karmic virtues. He didn't know if killing someone with karmic virtue would deduct his own accumulation or not. He rather not take the risk.

The future was unpredictable and full of unknown dangers. He could use all the luck he can get.

Vigo blinked at the choices. Although it seemed like Leon have given two choices, there was really only one choice. How could be continue making money if he surrendered all his properties?

Also, the royal family hadn't collected any tax in 17 years, so the second option wasn't exactly too harsh. However, he didn't understand the last part.

"Who is your disciple if I may ask, Bra---Your Highness." Vigo asked carefully with doubts.

"Hm?" Leon raised an eyebrow. This person about to say brat again. Seeing Vigo's swollen face that looked like a balloon from excessive slapping, Leon decided to let it slide with a shrug of his shoulders. "My disciple is Reginald Graeme. Where else did you think the pill formulas came from?"

Vigo: "…"

Suddenly, Vigo felt like crying. Why was fate so cruel to him? That damn kid! If he had such a colossal backing like the prince, why did he not use it!? Vigo would have never touched that kid if he knew the kid's master was the prince!

Also, not only would he have not dared to offend the prince, he would have been bootlicking instead if he knew!

This was a disaster that could have been avoided!!!