
Chapter 387 - An Incident At The Lavatory

"Who indeed… Ahem, that is not important. You really cannot blame for this, alright? I did warn you…"

Leon coughed and attempted to placate Darlene. Unfortunately, starting a fire was easier than putting one out. No matter what he did to please her, it did not work.

He took out the food he took earlier, but Darlene did not have an appetite after sniffing his fart. He gave her a special message, but she simply shrugged his hands off.

"Hmph!" Darlene pouted grumpily.

Leon could only smile wryly.

Nevertheless, he enjoyed seeing this side of Darlene. Although she was defiant due to her anger, it was still better than being submissive and accommodating. She was becoming more of a lover and less of a servant.

"Alright, alright. Don't be mad anymore, okay? I was wrong—"


Leon stopped talking abruptly.

He held his queasy stomach that was building up for round two and warned, "Oh, no. It's going to come out again!"

Darlene had no time to angry. She immediately panicked when she heard his words and cried, "Go… go away!"

Leon clenched his rear and quickly fled the room. A female servant was just passing by when she was immediately stopped by him.

"Which way is the lavatory? Quick, answer me!" Leon urged with desperation like he would murder someone if they did not comply with his wish.

"Ah? Y-Yes!" The female was badly frightened before she pointed, "You just go straight down that path, turn left towards the outside, and it'll just be on the right!"


Leon attempted to rush for it as he felt the urge to chuck a big turd along with the gas building up inside of him. He felt like the two were working in sync to torment him.

'Dammit, exactly what did I eat wrong?!' He cussed in his mind. Clearly, something was not mixing well in his stomach.

At the same time, the female servant realized something and quickly exclaimed, "Oh, no! I accidentally gave the young master the directions to the female lavatory! I need to stop the young master. Young Master Leonhardt, wait—!"


Leon accidentally exerted himself, and hell's gate was squeezed open by the built-up gas inside of him, leaving a trail of noxious fumes in its wake.

The poor female servant chasing behind Leon quickly inhaled the horrendous smell and caused her complexion to quickly turn green from disgust and revulsion.


She gagged furiously and failed to stop the young master!

Sometime later, Leon's loud voice could be heard from inside the female's lavatory as he struggled to push the big turd out.

He felt like a mother hen trying to lay an oversized egg, where the surface was revealed but ended up getting stuck halfway!

And if he gave up on pushing it out, it would go back inside like a shy skunk that doesn't want to come out of its hole! It was the worse toilet experience he had since his reincarnation!

"Get out! Get out now!!"

"Begone, demon!"


Several female servants were attracted to the commotion and gathered outside the female lavatory before discussing and speculating the situation inside with concern.

"What's going on here?"

"Someone is fighting the demon inside!"

"How can there be a demon here?"

"Yeah, exactly. What would it be doing inside of a female lavatory?"

"I'm not too clear on the details, but listen to it! You can tell someone is fighting inside!"

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Inside the female lavatory, Leon banged on the sides of the walls as his complexion turned purple from constipation. Gas was still building up, but it was trapped inside due to the big turd blocking the backdoor.

"You damned stubborn ass demon! Begone at once!


However, to the outside, it sounded like an absolute battlefield inside! And it was! But not in the same sense that they were imagining!

"How did a demon sneak inside here? The person inside needs help! You can tell he is definitely fighting for his life!"

"What can we do? We are just talentless servants who cannot cultivate, and the chief is not present in the palace!"

"Quickly find some Great Warriors nearby and call them over to help!"

The female servants panicked for instructions. They were used to receiving orders and did not know how to make decisions for themselves.

The female servant that gave Leon the direction to the female lavatory wore a doubtful look as she knew the person needed to use the lavatory. Can this be anymore exaggerated?!

However, the violent tremors shaking the lavatory and ground made her think otherwise. Perhaps, there really is a demon inside!


There was a loud thud before everything subsequently went silent.

"Hold on, everyone. I think the battle ended! The noise stopped!" A female servant said.

The others turned back and looked at the park entrance on the female lavatory with apprehension. Who won?

Sometime later, Leon's figure could be seen exiting the lavatory with exhaustion written all over his face like he had just survived a great battle. It was the most difficult battle yet, but he was victorious!

"Young Master Leonhardt? You were the one fighting the demon? Where is the demon now? Is it dead yet?"

"What was the demon doing inside the female lavatory?"

The female servants quickly surrounded Leon and fired questions one after the other. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at the lavatory entrance with half droopy eyes.

'Female lavatory? No wonder it looked a bit strange inside.' He thought.

Suddenly, he felt awake as embarrassment exploded out from his chest, causing his lips to repeatedly twitched while he attempted to keep a calm demeanor.

After he got his feelings under control, he looked back at the female servants that were waiting for his answer and calmly said, "Don't worry. The demon has already been expelled."

"What kind of demon is it?"

"This demon is a—Hold on, ladies! You cannot go inside!" Leon was about to answer, but he interrupted himself to stop the female servants from trying to enter the lavatory.

"Eh? Is there a problem? Why can't we go inside?"

"This is because it's a smelly demon. You will not be able to survive its stench if you go it now." Leon tried to explain calmly, but he slightly jumped as he glanced at the entrance.

The smell of fart was formless and had no fixed shape or color, but it was like Leon could see its true appearance by the entrance in the form of a green spiritual demon. It looked wicked and full of maliciousness as it slowly encroached upon the outside world.

'Not good. I need to get out of here before they figure it out.' Leon decided.

"What kind of demon is a smelly demon? Does anyone know?"

"Nope! Never heard of them!"

"Ahh! What's that terrible smell!" The female servant closest to the entrance cried suddenly and attracted the attention of the other female servants.


Leon immediately took the opportunity to disappear from sight like a gust of wind as their sights were drawn away from him. He knew he would regret eating so much, but he did not think that it was going to be THAT bad.

"Oh, Lord! It smells so bad I want to faint! Young Master Albion was right. This smelly demon's stench is horrendous!"

"Hmm… this smell… it kind of smells like… well, you know. The thing we got to do when we go to the lavatory."

"Eh? Where did Young Master Leonhardt go?"

The female servants began to wonder.

Leon did not know that sometime after he fled the scene and washed his hands of the matter, the female cried with outrage from their discovery and had to call in a turd-collecting specialist to remove the source of abomination.

While the female servants were firmly repulsed by what they saw, the turd-collecting specialist looked at the piece of turd like it was a rare treasure. It was the size of a fist, weighed as heavy as 10-jin, and was rock hard like metal.

It was taken away to be studied and used as a great source of fuel after going through processing. If Leon knew this, he would have mixed feelings and not know whether to laugh or cry.

Within the Darkmoon Tribe, the turd excreted by Great Warriors and above is usually collected and processed as fuel sources for many things in the city.

If Leon gave it some thought, it would not be hard to figure out what the tribesmen are using to keep the flames in the Darkmoon Tribe brightly lit.

After returning to the guest room, Darlene glanced at him and went, "Hmph!" before turning to face the side. It was clear that she was still upset with him.

Leon simply smiled and wordlessly made his way over and suddenly picked her up like a princess.

"Ah! What do you want to do?" Darlene panicked and pounded on his chest weakly with her hands.

"We're leaving. I'm going to take you elsewhere." Leon stated and left the room with Darlene in his arms as such.

"Put me down! I can walk on my own!"

Chapter 388 - Training Darlene (1)

"You're quite the handful, aren't you?"

Darlene continued to struggle in Leon's arms, but shortly after he silenced her by sealing her soft lips with his own, her resistance grew weaker and weaker.

Leon pried open her cherry red lips and invaded inside with his tongue like a predator seeking its prey. The frightened rabbit inside the cave tried to escape, but it was caught and coiled by the snake.


As their tongue intertwined and exchanged a long passionate kiss, Darlene's body became weak and soft in Leon's arms.

"Finally feel like behaving?" Leon looked at the quiet Darlene, breathing haggardly after their lips parted.

"I have no choice. I can't win against you anyway." Darlene pursed her lips and said with a small blush. She nestled her head more comfortably against his chest and went silent after.

Leon grinned and took her away.

They left the palace and descended through the air from the top of the rocky plateau. The wind brushed against their faces and made Darlene's hair flutter in the wind as her heart thumped with a bit of nervousness and greater excitement.

'Is this what flying feels like?' She wondered.

Her hands subconsciously wrapped around Leon's neck and hugged him tightly in fear of falling as she looked at the distance to the ground.

Even so, she felt that shaman abilities were quite wondrous and incredible. She wondered if she could ever fly like this one day.

However, it was just a fleeting thought. She knew that she cannot cultivate and will never be able to achieve anything significant.

"Where are we going?" Darlene asked in a small voice like a timid mouse. It has been a while since she last left the rocky plateau area and return to the tribe's ground area. She silently hoped that they would not run into her old family.

"To the private courtyard that will become our future permanent residence," Leon answered.


Darlene uttered and did not comment further.

But shortly after, she began to wonder why her hubby wanted to take her there while her sisters in the palace are left behind.

Didn't her hubby say that the chief had agreed to him taking them away with her? Why is it just the two of them heading there now? Maybe her hubby wanted them to do 'it' in a place more private without anyone around?

Darlene blushed at her own thoughts and tightened her hold around Leon's neck. However, a weird smell shortly pervaded her nose and caused her expression to crumple.

"By the way, hubby."

"Hm? What is it?"

"You stink!"

Darlene pinched her nose cutely in disgust. Leon was taken aback and immediately said, "How can that be? I made sure to clean myself before I came back."

His rear still felt like it was on fire as he was sure as hell that he was suffering from hemorrhoids after the big turd tore open his backdoor and dropped like an air cannon, but he still wiped his rear and even conjured water to rinse himself.

'Did I not wipe properly?'

Leon began doubting himself.

"Not that. It's your skin that smells." Darlene explained and tried to peel herself away, but to no avail. They were still gliding through the air, and she did not want to fall.

"I see." Leon quickly understood what Darlene was referring to before asking, "Is it that bad?"

"Very bad. Too stinky!" Darlene fanned her nose.

Leon smiled wryly.

His skin's subtle bad smell came from the demonic beast excrement he found and used in his skin color changing cream. The scent will not be very noticeable with regular washing, but it is still present, nonetheless.

It seems that he would need to find some time to concoct a new cream to remove the bad smell permanently.

Sometime later, they landed directly inside the private courtyard. Despite that, Darlene continued to cling to Leon tightly.

"We've arrived," Leon stated in case she had yet to realize it. Darlene knew, but she was not in a hurry to stand.

"Why did you bring me here alone? Are we going to do 'that' here?" Darlene inquired with great blush and averted her eyes.

Leon shook his head and said, "Physical intimacy is good and all, but excessive indulgence is bad. I do not want our relationship to only be about using each other's bodies for carnal pleasure and satisfying our lust. We should look towards understanding each other better and improve our relationship on the spiritual level."

"Did hubby only bring me out here for us to talk?" Darlene asked with a look of doubt. They did not need to go all the way out here if it was just that, right?

"Ahem, no." Leon gave a dry cough and said, "Actually, I brought you here because the private open space is suitable for what I want to try and achieve."

Darlene continued to look at him with doubt before he continued to talk, "I once said that you will be able to cultivate, and I plan to make good on my words. But before that, I need to confirm something. Keep still for a second."

Darlene's heart lightly raced.

She had already come to terms with the fact that she cannot cultivate long ago, but can she really cultivate? It would be a really cruel thing to do if her hubby lifted her hopes up only to crush it back down more ruthlessly.

Darlene felt something strange enter her body as Leon used his divine sense to observe the situation inside her sea of consciousness.

As expected, there was a Seed of Spatial Law inside of Darlene. However, the Seed of Spatial Law was different from what Leon had imagined.

In fact, the Seed of Spatial Law was similar to the Black Vortex inside of his own sea of consciousness. It was a black hole that occupied the central region where the soul core should have been.

As Leon sent his divine sense closer, he could feel the power of attraction, pulling his spirit into the black hole. He was not sure if he would be able to extricate himself from the black hole if he were to enter it.

However, he did not need to go that far.

He could sense Darlene's soul core inside along with a large amount of Darkness Profound Energy. The black hole was the reason behind why Darlene could not cultivate.

All the Darkness Profound Energy used to train her body was swallowed by the black hole the moment they entered her body.

Leon did not know how this came to be, but he began to guess that this must be some sort of unique soul constitution. Even so, there was a bunch of Void Bodies in the Darkmoon Tribe. Does this mean that they also have this kind of soul constitution?

How can there be so many people with spatial alignment in one place? Perhaps, it has something to do with the Sky's Suppression being weaker in the Dark Continent and the hole in the southern sky?

Whatever the case was, it was not too important. What is important is he could sense great power sleeping inside of the black hole. If Darlene was able to tap into this dormant power, how strong can she become? He was curious to find out.

Shortly after, Leon retracted his divine sense.

"What was that just now, hubby? I feel like something just entered my body." Darlene said uncomfortably as she felt like her body had been strip bare with nothing to hide.

"I was using one of my many abilities to take a look inside you to confirm whether you can cultivate a different method," Leon stated.

"You have an ability that let you look inside my body?" Darlene blinked with a blank look before her complexion turned red from blushing. She coquettishly spouted, "H-Hubby is a big pervert."

Leon almost choked on his own saliva after hearing this. However, he can only accept it like a man and not make any excuse.

He scratched his cheek wryly and said, "Alright. Stand up now. Today will be the day you begin cultivation."

"Can I really? You're really not lying to me?" Darlene asked with watery eyes.

Leon nodded and said, "There is another method available to you. It won't be the same as what everyone else is cultivating, but it is not too late to start on that once you succeed in this alternative method."

Leon was not lying.

If Darlene can learn to control her blackhole and stop it from devouring everything, it should be possible for her to also practice the body cultivation method of the Darkmoon Tribe.

"Alright, let us begin immediately." He said.

"Is it like some sort of Shaman ability? What do I have to do, hubby?" Darlene asked with a bit of apprehension and doubt.

"It's similar but not quite the same. First, I need you to become aware that you already have the power of the Spatial Laws dwelling inside your body. I am going to help you learn how to use this power." Leon explained.

By now, he had already understood that Shamans are people with strong mental strength and the ability to move things with their minds.

They are people who have satisfied the prerequisite for becoming Spiritual Array Masters but have not embarked on the path due to the insufficiency of Spirit Energy in the atmosphere.

"I have the power of Spatial Laws? How come I don't know about this? How will you help me, hubby?"

Darlene's brows were wrinkled with confusion. At this point, everything Leon had told her seemed too incredulous and nonsensical.

Leon began picking rocks from the ground and said, "I'm going to help you learn using these."

Chapter 389 - Training Darlene (2)

"How are these rocks going to control my power over Spatial Laws? I don't even know what Spatial Laws is or what I can do with it… Don't tell me you are going to throw rocks at me?" Darlene asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'll be doing. I will be throwing these rocks at you, and you are not allowed to dodge them. There is nothing difficult to understand about Spatial Law. To manipulate it is to bend, twist, and distort space itself. At higher levels, you can expand, compress, or even tear it apart."

"You're kidding, right? You really want to throw rocks at me, hubby? That's so cruel… Do you really have the heart to do that to me?" Darlene asked with watery eyes.

She did not have the confidence at all. How can she just believe she can do something she had never done before, just because her hubby told her she can do it?

"I'm serious. Don't worry, I'm doing this for you. You'll forgive for this…" Leon continues to explain, "We won't start with anything difficult. I just need you to bend space and change the trajectory of the rocks I throw..."

"...If you don't want to get hit by them, that is." He added teasingly.

"Y-You're enjoying this, aren't you? Are you trying to make sport of me? Is it because I was grumpy? I'm sorry for being mad at you, okay? Let's not do this..." Darlene accused him in a trembling voice.

"No? How can I possibly enjoy doing such a cruel thing to you...?" Leon defended with a disbelieving expression, but the corners of his lips subtly lifted into an evil smile.

"Get ready. We'll start with a few practice rounds, then I'll aim them at you seriously, my dear." Leon warned after moving to a suitable spot some distance from Darlene with the rocks in his hands, readying for a throw.

"W-Wait! I'm not mentally prepared for this—Ah, I hate you—!"

Darlene screamed as she dodged the flying rocks.

Poof! Poof!

The walnut-sized rocks embedded themselves in the wall opposite of Leon like glue after he tossed them.

Darlene looked at the firmly embedded rocks with disbelief. Was her hubby trying to kill her? She shot Leon an angry look and snappishly said, "Are you crazy!? Why are you throwing them so hard?! What if you hit me?!"

"Why are you dodging the rocks? What if you get hit? It'll hurt a lot, you know?" Leon said with slightly furrowed brows.

"That's why I'm dodging them!"

Leon shook his head and said, "They were aimed to narrowly miss you. But if you try to dodge them, there's a much higher chance of them hitting you! You cannot use your body to dodge; you need to use your mind to bend the space."

"Let us start again, my dear." He stated.

After some time, Darlene unwillingly got back up and faced Leon directly on the opposite side of the courtyard. She mustered her courage and mentally prepared herself before she said, "Okay, I'm ready this time."

Her hubby was doing this for her own good. She needed to put in the effort too. If there is no will, there will be no change. If there is no change, then she will continue to remain the talentless and uncultivated person she always has been…

Poof! Poof!

Darlene ended up dodging the rocks once again when Leon tossed them. He looked at her said helplessly, "Why are you dodging them again? Are you trying to get hit, or do you simply not trust my aiming…? It defeats the purpose of this training if you only use your body to dodge, my dear."

"Of course, I trust you. But it is easier said than done! My body just reacted instinctively when I saw the rocks hurled at me." Darlene pouted.

Leon tapped his feet in thought and glanced around the courtyard for ideas. A few dead logs were lying around on the barren ground, both long and short ones. Also, there some items inside the bedrooms that he could use.

An idea was quickly formed inside his mind in a short instance as he gave Darlene an evil look and said, "I have an idea that can help you focus, but you are not going to like it."

"If I am not going to like it, then let's not try it." Darlene quickly said reflectively. She did not like the look in Leon's eyes.

"Hahaha, you don't have a choice in this matter." Leon chuckled sinisterly.

He walked over to the longest dead log and used his hand like a carving knife to chip away one of the log's end into a sharp point. Afterward, he brought it over to Darlene and stabbed it into the ground next to her like a stake before making his way off into one of the courtyard's room.

Darlene watched him work with curious eyes, not knowing what he was up to. But when he came out with a self-made rope sometime later and glanced at her, she understood his intention and felt a chill in her heart.

"No, absolutely not! Hubby, you cannot do that to me!"

Darlene immediately tried to make a break for the exit. However, she was no match for Leon's speed as she was quickly caught and slumped over one of his shoulders.


She threw kicks and punches at the empty air as she tried to resist and escape from Leon's grasp, but it was no use. She was quickly brought to the stake and had her hands and feet tied firmly.

"This is a bad idea! I don't want to do this anymore! Stop this at once, or I will really get mad. Wuwu… you are bullying me!" Darlene cried while she resisted and attempted to wiggle her way out of her binding.

Nevertheless, her efforts were futile. She was tightly bound to the stake like a lamb ready to be roasted on the spit.

"You'll forgive me for this."

"No, I won't!" Darlene said defiantly.

Leon smiled wryly in response and collected more rocks off the ground before getting into position and readied his hand.

"Remember, my dear, you need to imagine space being curved. But what's more important is the mind. You need to will for it to bend for it to work. Alright, here we go." Leon instructed and threw his rocks.

"Ahh, I hate you to death!" Darlene screamed as she saw the incoming projectile and instinctive closed her eyes.


The rocks zoomed past her and smashed into the walls with a poof! Shortly after, Darlene peeked one eye open and confirmed she was okay before opening the other.

"See? My throwing is very precise. These will not hit you…" Leon said, before cheekily adding, "But only if I don't want them to."

Despite being teased, Darlene felt a bit more confident after the last miss. She did not need to dodge after all.

She hummed and said, "Okay, I'll ready to try this time."

"That's a good girl."

Leon nodded and started throwing the rocks one after the other. The rocks zoomed past narrowly and still caused Darlene to half close her eyes.

But after several more shots, she became fully confident in Leon and even hummed as the rocks flew past. However, none of the rocks had curved in their trajectory.

"Are you even trying to curve the rocks?" Leon sighed.

Darlene giggled, "Hehe, I knew hubby would not have the heart to hit—Ahh, my forehead! Y-You hit me!"

Her forehead was struck by a slow rock as punishment. It was a feeble shot, but it still left her forehead swelling slightly, causing her eyes to tear.

"Yup, and I will continue hitting you from now on. If you don't want to be hit, you will have to make use of the power of Spatial Laws sleeping inside you." Leon stated.

He had been too lenient on her, causing her to grow complacent. It seems that she would not learn unless she suffers a little.

"Nooo, it hurts~! Wuwuu, Hubby is a big Meany." Darlene cried. All her built-up confidence was destroyed in a single hit. She did not doubt that Leon would really dare to hit her with rocks again.


Darlene screamed with horror as she watched the rock fly directly at her forehead again with wide eyes. It will definitely hurt badly if she cannot dodge it!

'Move! Move! Move!'

Darlene urged in her mind in that split second. She watched as space suddenly distort and curved the rock from its initial trajectory. Shortly after, she was ecstatic that the rock missed.

It was true! She can manipulate space!

"Hubby, I did it!" Darlene shouted with joy.

"Well done, my dear. Now, let us try it again." Leon spoke back to her with a light smile. In truth, he was the one who manipulated space to curve the rock.

Somewhere deep down, Darlene still did not believe she can manipulate space. As such, Leon was tricking her into firmly believing she can.. Only in that way will her Spatial Laws finally manifest itself.

Chapter 390 - Training Darlene (3)

In order to trick Darlene into believing she was the one distorting space to curve the rocks, Leon had purposely hidden the fact that he could also manipulate the Spatial Laws.

He could have chosen to demonstrate it to give Darlene a feel of what manipulating space was all about.

But if he had done so at the start, it would only prove that he can do it. It did not necessarily mean that she can too.

If she had such thoughts and failed, it would no longer be possible for him to trick her then. She would believe that every space distortion was caused by him and not her own abilities.

"Eh? Already? Since I manage to manipulate space, how about you let me off and let me practice on my own?" Darlene requested. She still had some fear of rocks being hurled at her.

Leon shook his head and denied, "No, you can practice on your own later when you become more proficient in manipulating space. Right now, it is still better to practice with rocks. My dear will improve quicker under pressure this way."

What a joke. If he did agree to her request, she would quickly find out that something is wrong when space remains unchanged.

He would not be able to trick her either, as it would be too difficult to guess how she wanted to manipulate space with such freedom. Only by practicing with throwing rocks could he guess how she would react and trick her accordingly.

"Hmm… fine. Hubby does have a point." Darlene unwillingly agreed. It was not like she had a choice to begin with. Feeling the uncomfortableness of being bound to the stake, she shortly requested, "Can hubby unbound me at least? I promise I won't try to run away."

"No. Just put up with it for now, my dear. It is all for your own good. Unbinding you now and returning freedom of movements to your body will lower the effectiveness of this training exercise." Leon denied her request again.

"Che, stingy."

Darlene pouted with puffed cheeks.

Leon smiled lightly.

"I'm going to aim for your forehead again, my dear. Try bending space to curve it to the left this time." Leon suggested before tossing the rock at said destination.

Darlene widened her eyes and saw the flying rock hurled at her forehead again before it was suddenly curved left due to spatial distortion.


The rock embedded into the left sidewall. Without turning her head to look, she snarled, "What do you have against my forehead? Don't bully my forehead! Why don't you aim somewhere else instead?! Can't you see how swollen my forehead is?!"

Leon looked at Darlene's forehead, and it was indeed a little red from being swollen even though he exerted a minuscule amount of strength and controlled the impact force with his abilities.

He softened up and said, "I can, but it will be harder for you, my dear. You see, if I aim for your forehead, the rock will be directly in your line of sight and allow you to react more clearly and decisively due to your alarmed state of mind."

"But if I aim elsewhere, it will not produce the same result. Perhaps, your mind will not be as alarmed and too slow to react. If that happens, the chance of you being hit will be greater. Are you sure that is what you want, my dear? It will hurt a lot, you know?"

Darlene became hesitant after listening to his explanation. However, she quickly rolled her eyes. She was nearly fooled by Leon.

"But at the very least, I reckon it would still be better than getting hit in the forehead if I fail to curve the rock!" Darlene argued.

If she was struck in the head at such velocity, her head might just crack open and kill her! Getting struck in the arm or leg painfully was much better compared to that!

"That won't happen!" Leon said confidently.

"Huh?" Darlene looked at Leon with doubt and asks, "And how can you be so sure about that?"

When Leon heard this question, he sweated.

Because he will distort space and curve the rock for her? He obviously cannot say such a thing. He would lose all her trust and destroy the confidence and belief she had built up so far.

"Because I believe in you!" Leon firmly said.


Darlene was immediately touched by his words and become emotional. Shortly after, her eyes were filled with determination before she said, "Since hubby believes in me so much. I will continue to do it!"

She was filled with fighting spirit. She had to live up to her hubby's expectations. Little did she know, she had been tricked all this time.

"That's the spirit."

Leon smiled warmly and secretly wiped his sweat. He had just dodged a bullet. He continued to hurl rocks at Darlene, while 'she' would manipulate the Spatial Law to curve the rocks left and right under his instruction.

After hurling numerous rocks, Leon began to frown and doubted if what they were doing was effective or not.

Although he can feel that Darlene had become very confident in her ability to manipulate space, he had yet to sense Darlene manipulate space for herself.

Just as he was about to stop the training exercise, something unexpected happened. The rock that was supposed to curve left suddenly curved right after space was distorted twice.

He immediately used Divine Will to reduce the velocity of the flying rock, but it was not enough to stop the inevitable from happening as the rock struck Darlene in the head.


Darlene gave a short scream before she was knocked off.

"Oh shit!"

Leon quickly rushed over and unbound her from the stake laying her body on the ground to check her condition.

The rock had narrowly missed her temple and struck slightly upper left of it, which was closer to the front part of her head.

The front part of the skull was the strongest compare to the other parts of it. Coupled with his quick reaction, the rock did not do much damage to Darlene.

In fact, the impact was so soft that there was not even any redness or bruising on Darlene's head. It was much weaker compared to the last one he struck her with on the forehead.

"Fortunately, there aren't any serious injuries, or rather, there are no injuries..." Leon confirmed that Darlene's life was not in danger. However, he was confused and slowly muttered, "But this is strange… The force should not have been great enough to knock Darlene out. Why did she pass out?"


Just as Leon was pondering this, Darlene's arm suddenly wrapped around his neck and pulled his face closer to hers before she opened eyes and smooched him on the left cheeks.

"Hehe, surprised?"

"Haiz, you have really given me a great scare just now." Leon sighed with relief, realizing he had been tricked by Darlene.

"It's your fault for bullying me. Did you really believe you can continue to track me without me realizing?" Darlene asked.

"When did you realized?"

"I began sensing that something was a bit off with the timing during the 10th shot, and after the following last three shots, my doubts were confirmed. It was only then that I realized you were manipulating space this whole time to trick me into believing it was me." Darlene explained.

"Do you blame me for tricking you?" Leon asked.

Darlene shook her head as she understood why he was doing it. It was to help her develop her belief in her own ability.

She looked at Leon lovingly and said, "No. Hubby is so good to me. I was able to awaken my ability in the end, thanks to you. Why would I blame you?"

"Still, you played a dangerous prank just now. If I had not reacted in time, you could have suffered serious head trauma. Do you believe that I will punish you for this?"

"Hehe, I believed that hubby would not let me suffer. How will hubby punish me?" Darlene giggled. She was not afraid of his punishment.

In fact, she daringly drew her head closer and blew warm breath on his neck while drawing circles on his chest with her finger to taunt him.

Leon felt her warmth and became aroused. However, he suppressed his lust and said, "The punishment can wait for later. How are you feeling? Can you manipulate space more freely now?"

Darlene was not sure. Thus, she reached out her hand and tested. Space was immediately twisted and bent according to her will.

This time, she was sure that this was her own power.


She nodded.

"That's good. You only need to work on improving this ability to become stronger in the future. Do you believe me now when I said you will be able to cultivate?"


Darlene nodded again and nestled her head against his chest, docilely with a palpitating heartbeat. Leon infused wood energy into his hand and rubbed her swollen forehead.

Shortly after the redness disappeared, Darlene let Leon picked her up like a princess and carried her into one of the bedrooms…

Chapter 391 - One Lick Wonder

As Leon carried Darlene inside the bedroom, Darlene continued to hug his neck. She turned her head and looked at Leon and asked seductively, "Why are you taking me inside? Is hubby planning to punish me in bed?"

"Since you guessed it, you better be prepared to be unable to get out of bed later, you little demoness!" Leon said with a grin.

A raging fire of lust has been burning inside of him under Darlene's repeated temptation and seduction. He will not be a man if he does not vent it all!

"Ooh~ I am so scared." Darlene giggled coquettishly with anticipation before she was abruptly tossed onto the straw bed with a thud.

Darlene was surprised by Leon's roughness before she at him with a playful expression and said, "A little rough, but I like it. Are you going to ravage me like an animal again, hubby?"

She leaned back on the bed, defenselessly with her legs crossed, and slightly raised her lower dress to reveal her accentuated curves and smooth skin in an enticing manner. She bit her lip and invited Leon like a true temptress.

"This damn seductress, watch how I'll do you!" Leon said. He undressed his lion-headed cloak, leather armor, and boots before pouncing on top of Darlene on the bed like an animal in heat.

Darlene's heartbeat rapidly with excitement as Leon tore apart her dress. This roughness was just like that night when she accidentally awakened the beast inside him.

She pictured Leon kissing her cherry lips and spread her legs before ramming his bulging hot rod inside her honey pot, but things took a strange turn when Leon suddenly straightened her up and flipped her body over.


Darlene suddenly found herself lying on her stomach on top of Leon's lap.

Her bare rear felt a little chilly from the wind brushing against its cheeks. The position felt wrong as she could feel his bulging rod pressing against her stomach, and a bad feeling suffused her heart.

"Hubby?" Darlene uttered with uncertainty and apprehension.


Leon slapped her rear, and the sudden pain immediately traveled through her body as she cried, "Ahhh!"

Pah! Pah! Pah!

"Ahh, ahh, ahhhh!"

Leon slapped her rear a couple more times, causing each cheek to swell with redness. Seeing the unevenness in the butt cheeks, Leon smacked the less swollen side to even it out.


"Ahh! Hubby, why are you doing this?" Darlene cried at the unexpected misfortune that had befallen her.

"What am I doing? What else am I doing? I am punishing you, of course! Do you know what you did wrong?" Leon spoke with haggard breathing as he had trouble suppressing his raging libido to teach Darlene a lesson.

"I-I-I shouldn't have tricked you?" Darlene guessed with an aggrieved expression.

"Wrong!" Leon answered and gave each of Darlene's butt cheeks another slap.

Pah! Pah!

"Ahh, ahhh! D-Don't hit my butt! I can't take it anymore!" Darlene cried.

Leon ignored her plea ruthlessly and asked again indifferently, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"W-What did I do wrong? Was it because I was mad earlier today? Didn't we get over that already?" Darlene guessed again.


Leon dished out another two slaps on the cheeks. For each incorrect answer, he would give her another two slaps: one for each cheek.

Pah! Pah!

"Ahh, Ahhh! Please, hubby! I don't know what I did wrong! Wuwuu… Please tell me!" Darlene cried pitifully.

"You don't know what you did wrong? You should know what you did wrong! Think harder."

Hearing her hubby say this, Darlene felt despair seeped into her heart. She was supposed to know what she did wrong? But she does not know what she wrong at all! Why was her hubby so upset?

Unable to figure out the answer, Darlene began breaking down into tears. Leon felt like someone was clenching his heart when he saw Darlene like this, but he knew he had to do this.

Even so, he knew that he could not push her too far. Perhaps, she really cannot figure out the answer even though it was so seemingly obvious.

Leon sighed deeply and softened his heart.

He coated his hands with a layer of wood energy before he began massaging Darlene's plump rear until the red swelling in each cheek slowly subsided.


Darlene let out an erotic moan as the comfort brought the cool, invigorating sensation of wood energy, and Leon's skillful massage gave her immeasurably pleasure.

Leon resisted the powerful urged to satisfy his bulging little brother that was about to rebel and gently flipped Darlene's body back to face him and looked her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Darlene said.

She did not know what she did wrong, but she knew it was not easy on her hubby either as he held back his carnal desires. This can be understood by his haggard breathing and rock-hard rod that is now pressing against her lower back.

The look in her hubby's eyes also made her feel guilty.

Leon shook his head and softly asked, "You really don't know what you did wrong?"

His question made her tremble as she feared being hit for getting the answer wrong again. However, the pleasure from her hubby's massage also made her yearn for it. Was she becoming a masochist?

Nevertheless, she tried to put those thoughts away temporarily and focus on the problem. She furrowed her brows until their formed deep creases but still could not figure out what she did wrong.

Leon understood this and reached out his hand to massage her brows for them to relax before he said, "I am upset because you did not value your life. It's fine to be playful. I don't mind if you trick me either. But it should not be done at the cost of your life."

"Do you know how close you were to death?" He asked.

Darlene shook her head and said, "I knew you would not let me suffer…"

"Even so, you should not put your life at risk like that. The slightest mistake could have cost you your life. You need to cherish your life more and not put yourself in these kinds of situations again. If you died, who do you think will be sad? Me." Leon said.

If he had reacted a little slower, and the rock hit a little lower to the left, it would have struck her temple and killed her instantly. No amount of divine medicine would be able to bring a dead person back to life.

That is why he is upset.

She was so afraid of getting hit by the rock. Why would she suddenly bend space the opposite way and sent the rock back at herself?

Darlene suddenly felt like a lump was stuck in her throat, and her heart felt a little heavy when she looked into his eyes. She did not expect to hold such great importance in her hubby's heart.

It made her feel rather guilty about the little scheme she planned on the night of the great feast when her hubby was dead drunk.

Although her little scheme ended up in failure and caused her to pay the ultimate price of losing her chastity, she did not feel so bad after everything that happened and even thought it was a blessing.

"Sorry, hubby. I was wrong." Darlene lowered her head against his chest.

"Forget it. As long as you understand now."


After they settled their problem, they enjoyed a moment of peace and quiet. However, it did not last long before Darlene felt her hubby rubbing his little brother against her back.

She got his lap and tuck her hair behind her ear before glancing over to the towering red rod that was completely swollen and appeared to be on its last leg after being suppressed for so long.

"Should I help this little brother out now? He looks like he needs a breather." Darlene asked with a giggle.

Leon smiled helplessly at her little joke and earnestly requested, "Please."


Darlene giggled again, seeing her hubby's cute and helpless expression. She reached out for the little brother with her hand and poke out her tongue to lick.

The moment they contacted, it was like the floodgates opening as Leon unleashed his load onto Darlene's face.


Darlene was startled as she did not expect so much to shoot out the moment, she gave it a licky licky. At the same time, Leon exhaled slowly like a deflating balloon, "Huuu…"

It was like he had returned to his virgin days back in the Divine Realm when he had his little brother touched by a woman for the first time and got too excited, he unloaded everything in one go. The woman was so dissatisfied she packed up her clothes and left right away.

Leon peeked at Darlene's expression and did not see any unhappiness after her initial surprise. She even swiped some of the Yang fluid on her face with a finger and placed it in her mouth.

His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he saw her frozen expression. However, Darlene recovered shortly and began drinking the rest of his Yang fluid with enthusiasm, not missing a single drop.

Leon looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Why do you make it look it's the best thing ever?"

"It's surprisingly delicious, like honey but better. Do you want to try some too, hubby?" Darlene swiped some remaining Yang fluid and offered.

Oh hell, naw!

Leon immediately backed off as quickly as he could with an aghasted expression.. Darlene giggled and slurped the last remaining trace like it was a treat after.

Chapter 392 - Fusing Spacetime Energy

"Hehe, look how startled you are. I was just kidding. I know men find it repulsive." Darlene said to Leon after seeing his startled look and giggled.

Shortly after, she slowly glanced down at Leon's still erected rod with a finger in her mouth and asked, "Hubby's little brother is still lively and wants to play. What does hubby think we should do?"

She gave Leon a very enticing look with mesmerizing eyes.

"You little temptress. It seems that if I don't do you, neither of us will be satisfied, huh!" Leon quickly pulled Darlene up from beside the bed before tossing her onto the bed and pouncing on top of her.

He might have ejaculated once, but his raging libido was still exceedingly high. In fact, it had barely dropped. His carnal desires had not been met; how can he be so easily satisfied?!

Not to mention, Darlene was like the reincarnation of the lust demon, tempting him with inviting gestures at every moment. How can any man calm down without going at it for at least a few hours after enduring this much temptation?!

"Ah, hubby, wait—Mmmmm!" Darlene immediately moaned euphorically after Leon rammed his rod into her honey pot, oozing with love nectar.

If she were not in heat, why would she keep sending seductive signals at her hubby to arouse him?

Her body squirmed and trembled with delight once her carnal desire was met. Her hubby unloaded at the first lick, and she climaxed at the first thrust.

Even then, that was not enough for them. It was like they had the energy to keep going for three days and three nights.

"Haa… Haa…"

Darlene breathed with shortness of breath as her heart was beating quickly. She wanted to say something, but Leon did not give her the opportunity to say it.

"Haa… Hubby… Haa… wait—Mmmm!"



Leon continued ravaging her flower garden and scatter her flower petals. He used his hands to play with her twin peak, giving them soft twists and squeezes from time to time as he explores every inch of her pristine body.

The intermittent exchange of pain and pleasure filled Darlene with an indescribable craving as they continue to lust for each other's body and sink into the depths of depravity.

"Haa… Haa… What is this feeling? Why does it feel so good~? It's even better than last time we did it~!" Darlene spoke with rapture.

"Let me take you to the world beyond that," Leon said.

He poked a few acupoints on both their bodies and raised both their sensitiveness to pleasure to a whole new level. Afterward, he flipped her on her stomach and took her from behind with a powerful thrust.

"Ahhhhhh~! How can there be such feeling~?"

Darlene whined with sheer bliss as she climaxed for the Nth time. Her body quivered with delight and softened with weakness before Yang fluids were poured into her love cave and reinvigorated her with renewed energy.

"Mmmm! It's this feeling again!"

Darlene squirmed in euphoria as Leon's warmth filled her body. She sensed the uniqueness of Leon's Yang fluid. There was just something about it that just drives her crazy.

When people go at it, they will eventually tire out from exhaustion. However, Leon's Yang fluid has rich vitality that contains a hint of rejuvenating effect, washing away Darlene's fatigue and empower her like aphrodisiacs.

She felt like she could keep going on forever. She had not experienced such wondrous feelings before after Leon used his secret technique. The pleasure that filled her body was on a whole different level to moments before.


She continued to moan with delight as Leon ravaged her.

As someone who practices the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos], Leon's body was bound to be different from others. He was on the path to forging a God Body.

After being remolded by pseudo-Grandmist Energy, his body has been changed on a fundamental level. Anything coming from his body would naturally be anything but ordinary.

Heck, it was quite possible for his turds to be worshipped as something divine one day.

He continued ramming his rod into Darlene from behind like an inexhaustible piston while pressing her down with his hands and felt the delicate skin of her back.

He proceeded to slide his hands past her back and grab hold of her twin rabbits, playing them and shape them as he pleases.


Darlene softly bit her lips to suppress her uncontrollable moans, but Leon's hands were like inescapable nets that bind her being to the sea of pleasure drowning her.

She could not escape the wave of pleasure brought to her by the touch of Leon's magical hands. They had suddenly become the hands of the pleasure god.

"So good~!"

After some time, Leon flipped her back and picked her up with her legs over his arms and his hot rod still deep inside her.

He could sense her body quiver with each of his movements as he brought her away from the bed. He pressed her against the walls and continued their business there.

He lowered one leg and held up the other as he sucked on her supple peaks and marked her body in his saliva.

"Haa… Haa… Hubby, I'm not clean."

Darlene wrapped her arms around her hubby's neck while she writhed with pleasure. Her eyes were filled with hearts while her rationale slipped away with time, but she managed to utter the words she wanted to say earlier.

She wanted to enjoy some passionate kisses with her hubby but knew that he would be repulsed by the Yang fluid she swallowed and ruin the mood they were sharing.

Leon glanced towards a large wooden tub of cold water on the other end of the room before picking her back up and carrying her over.

After he heated the way with his ability, he slowly slid Darlene into the tub of warm water before hopping in after her.

They enjoyed a long steamy session in the bath before they cleaned themselves and moved back onto the bed.

Darlene thought she could keep going for days, but she ended up passing out several hours later under Leon's relaxing massage. It was like the magic spell had suddenly ended.

Leon draped a fur blanket over her bare body and watch her sleep with content before he also laid down beside her and rested.

Although he was driven by lust, he knew when to stop. Under the sensitivity enhancement technique he used, they had climaxed many more times within a shorter period than they would have done at other regular times.

Any further, and they would be harming their bodies, not to mention his body did not have an endless supply of Yang fluid. His little brother had shriveled up like an empty husk.

Leon closed his eyes and entered his sea of consciousness.

The fervent session with Darlene was not only packed with lust and carnal desires. There were also benefits reaped from their exchange.

For example, he could feel that his Spatial Laws comprehension has increased ever so slightly. It appears that whenever he engages in intimate sexual intercourse, his body had a way of copying the law comprehensions from his partners.

Note that it was the ability to copy and not take. Thus, he was not harming his partner's law comprehension while he was enhancing his own.

On the other hand, Darlene benefited differently from Leon's body after she continuously ingested his Yang fluid.

Her skin could be glowing slightly as some sort of change was taking place inside her body and improving her body constitution.

The effect seemed better than standard dual cultivation. Leon could not imagine what sort of effect would be produced once he masters the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos] and attain his God Body.

Would he be able to share his divinity with his partners when they mate? Maybe his offspring will be born with incredible body constitution and talents for cultivation?

Whatever the case was, the goal was too far into the future for him to find out. He just needed to focus on improving himself continuously.

'Maybe I should find myself a super-strong female Transcendent and seduce her?' Leon seriously contemplated.

If he could mate with other women with high attainments in the comprehension of laws, his own law comprehension will most like jump by leaps and bounds.

After a moment, Leon smiled wryly.

How many Transcendents could there be? It would not be easy to find a strong female Transcendent, not to mention they would most likely be advanced in age and hard to seduce.

If he tried to hook up with such a person, would this not be the cultivation equivalent of finding himself a sugar mama?

Leon shook his head and got up to sit in a meditative position before closing his eyes again. He still needed to practice the next step of the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

He began to manipulate the laws and draw threads of Spatial Energy and Temporal Energy from the Black Vortex in his sea of consciousness before he began circulating them through his body according to the universal pathway recorded in the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

The two different threads of energy weaved around each other but refused to come in contact. But as Leon increased his circulation speed and completed the cycle one after another, the minuscule distance between the two energy of space and time, or spacetime energy, began to shorten and fused together to form a strand of new energy.

The new energy appears to also be a type of pseudo-Grandmist Energy.. However, it was slightly different from the one produced by the fusion of the five elements and even felt noticeably stronger.

Chapter 393 - Unwelcomed Visitors

The fusion of laws of higher orders will, no doubt, produce stronger energy. After the stage of mastering spacetime, there was still the stages of life and death, creation and destruction, and finally primal chaos.

Each stage will produce a type of pseudo-Grandmist, but the last stage, the stage of mastering primal chaos, required the fusion of the previous four stages to create True Grandmist Energy.

Leon furrowed slightly as he could not fathom the difficulty of this last step. Nevertheless, this was the untrodden path he had chosen.

He will see it through to the end.

'Should I try to fuse the two types of pseudo-Grandmist now? What will happen if I do?' Leon contemplated.

After a moment, he decided, 'I will try it.'

'But first, I will finish producing this stronger type of pseudo-Grandmist Energy. Since it was fused from the great laws of space and time, I will call it Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy to differentiate the two types of pseudo-Grandmist Energy.'

The universal laws were divided into four tiers based on their power. Starting from the lowest order to the highest order; they are primary, great, profound, and supreme.

The five elements were primary laws. Space and time were great laws, life and death were profound laws, and creation and destruction were supreme laws. However, the Nihility Law surpassed all of that and exists beyond.

If there was a higher tier, that would be where it belongs. However, it did not exist. It was non-existent, just like the law itself.

Sometime later, Leon finished converting all the Spatial Energy and Temporal Energy he had into Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy.

'Let us begin.'

Leon took out a few bottles of tier 3 recovery pills and prepared himself in case a mishap occurred during the experiment.

Afterward, he drew the two grey energy out from the Black Vortex in his sea of consciousness and circulated them through his meridian channels.

The two types of pseudo-Grandmist Energy shared remarkable similarities. The difference can be seen when they are lined up next to each other in contrast. Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy had a deeper shade of grey compared to normal pseudo-Grandmist Energy.

Leon increased the circulation speed, and the two types of energy drew closer and closer. At the moment of contact, the two types of energy were greatly repulsed as they rejected each other.

The types of energy spiraled out of control and wreaked havoc in his meridians, causing him great pain as he spat out an arrow of blood.

Moments later, he spat out another arrow of blood with a paled face before wiping the trace of blood on his lips with his hand.

'I overestimated myself.' Leon bitterly thought as he popped open a pill bottle and swallowed some tier 3 recovery pills to heal himself

Sure enough, the difficulty was exceedingly great as he expected. Fortunately, the repercussion of failure was not too serious, and he had only suffered some minor damages to the meridians.

If his meridians ruptured because of the energy's violent repulsion, he would have some trouble healing them. Thanks to the round of tempering he conducted on his meridians in the past, they did not break.

'Hmm… Maybe I can undergo another round of tempering with this stronger type of pseudo-Grandmist Energy?' Leon thought.

Once the possibility entered his mind, it settled like glue and gave him the urge to commence the tempering process right away.

However, he suppressed the urge.

'Haste makes waste. I am still in the middle of healing. It's not too late to temper my meridians after they are fully healed.' He decided.

Sometime later, there was a sudden knock on the entrance doors to the courtyard. Leon wondered who was visiting.

He got off the bed and fully equipped himself in his leather armor and lion-headed cloak before making his way over to receive the unexpected guest. He closed the doors to the bedroom on his way out.

However, before he arrived at the entrance and open the doors for the unexpected visitors, the other side blasted the doors open and entered forcefully.

Leon immediately paused and frowned at the broken doors that flew to his feet. Shortly after, his gaze slowly shifted upwards to observe the uninvited guests.

"Boy, you sure are quite courageous to make us wait and force me to invite myself in." An elderly warrior spoke. Another two middle-aged warriors stood behind the elderly person.

The elderly warrior had an unfamiliar face, but Leon recognized the other two people as warriors of the Darkmoon Tribe.

As such, he did not have to worry that these were spies from the Great Ironhawk Tribe, coming to kill or abduct him. Even so, the three unwelcome visitors did not seem to come with good intentions.

He was displeased by the elder's arrogant display of overbearingness to break into his private courtyard and talk to him like that upon their first meeting.

"Who are you?" Leon interrogated with a not-so-pleased tone.

A middle-aged warrior immediately stepped forward and barked, "Watch your tone, boy! You are talking to Lord Goldenfang."

Leon furrowed his brows when he heard this.

The strength of three uninvited guests was not to be looked down upon. From their vibrant aura and strong heartbeats, he guessed that the two middle-aged warriors were around the Mid-rank Great Warriors.

As for the elderly warrior, Leon could not see the depths of the person's strength. He was possibly a Peak-rank Great Warrior, or even stronger than that.

Nevertheless, Leon did not show any fear nor cower in the face of such strong opponents. He could even escape the pursuit of an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. What did he have to fear?

"And? Are we familiar with each other? Do you expect me to show you great respect after you rudely busted down my doors and entered uninvited?" Leon said his piece and crossed his arms with an impatient attitude.

The time it took him to get dressed and walk over to the entrance did not even exceed a dozen breaths, yet it was enough to make these people grow impatient and bust his door down.

The elder's status must be truly impressive. Otherwise, they were far, far too arrogant.

However, he thought he had already met all the important people in the Darkmoon Tribe. So, where did this old donkey crawl out from?

Where was he when everyone was fighting on the front line to defend their tribe from the Bone Calamity? Was his status above Chief Valencia and the Venerable Shamans? That did not seem likely.

"It seems you do not know who you are talking to." The other middle-aged warrior stepped forth with a threatening gaze and said, "Lord Goldenfang is an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. So, you better fix that attitude of yours, or I will fix it for you!"

"Only an Extremity-rank Great Warrior? And here I thought I was in the presence of a Battle Master with the way you are behaving. And so? What does this Extremity-rank Great Warrior want with me?" Leon asked nonchalantly, not taking the person's threat seriously.

He did not put a Mid-rank Great Warrior in his eyes, and neither was an Extremity-rank Great Warrior strong enough to garner respect from him.

"You! I'm going to break your legs—!"

"Enough!" Lord Goldenfang interrupted with a hand gesture and ordered the two middle-aged warriors, "You two may step back. I will deal with this."

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang!"

The two middle-aged warriors complied without complaint and respectfully retreated behind the elderly warrior. It was clear that the elderly warrior's status was very high in their hearts.

Shortly after, Lord Goldenfang stepped forward and stood before Leon with his tall build before looking down at him, full of arrogance and haughtiness.

"I am you to join our faction." Lord Goldenfang said.

Leon raised an eyebrow immediately as he understood why these people have come and sought him out. Word of him joining the tribe must have quickly spread. As such, he was now involved in the tribe's internal conflict between the factions.

However, the only people who should have known this information was Chief Valencia and Darlene. It was impossible for Darlene to have told someone else as they had been together the whole time. As such, it could only have been spread from Chief Valencia's side.

Perhaps the private courtyard owners got hold of the information and spread it when the chief dealt with them. He doubted that Chief Valencia herself would spread the word before making an official announcement.

"What if I refuse?" Leon looked up and said.

"Oh? You dare to refuse me? Do you even know who I am? Whose faction I represent in this tribe?" Lord Goldenfang said with slightly furrowed brows, not taking a liking to Leon's answer.

"You're representing the Beast Tamer Faction, no? There's a Goldeneye, a Goldenrod, and now there is a Goldenfang. You are their grandfather, I supposed." Leon said calmly with a hidden agenda.

Lord Goldenfang's dignified expression became slightly forced, and said, "No, I am not their grandfather."

"No?" Leon raised an eyebrow. His lips curved up into a mocking smile, and said, "Am I wrong? Don't tell me you are their great grandfather, or even great, great grandfather instead?"

"I am their father!" Lord Goldenfang corrected with a raised voice and glared at him.

However, Leon was not intimidated by the person's glare and even smiled back mockingly in response.

Chapter 394 - The Lurker

The elderly warrior and two middle-aged warriors had been too pompous and rude since they arrived.

Since that was the case, he should act as a proper host and receive them in kind by knocking them off their high pedestal and angering them to death.

Leon continued to antagonize the person by rubbing his chin thoughtfully and said, "Their father, eh? I heard of late bloomers, but you, you are something else, aren't you? When did you have your firstborn? In your 70's? Damn, that's pretty late, huh? Did you also rob the cradle while you were at it?"

Lord Goldenfang almost puked out blood from anger as Leon's words were like a vicious knife that slicing through his heart, hitting him where it hurts.

"Oh, shit. Don't tell me, it was actually true?" Leon asked with a sarcastically, shocked look.


It was like an explosion had erupted inside Lord Goldenfang's head as he was driven mad. As someone who enjoyed great prestige and used to looking down on others, he was not an enduring man who could tolerate being insulted by others of lower standing than him.

After receiving Leon's repeated taunts and provocation, Lord Goldenfang could no longer keep his dignified bearing and exploded with rage.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Lord Goldenfang roared and raised his hand, readying to slap Leon to death with a single blow. He could no longer tolerate his existence.

"Lord Goldenfang, you must not be rash! You can teach him a lesson, but you cannot kill him! If the chief finds out, a civil war will break out in our tribe!"

The two middle-aged warriors immediately held Lord Goldenfang back and persuaded him from acting rashly due to a moment of anger.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?! Back off at once!" Lord Goldenfang barked at his two subordinates, but they continued to hold onto him tightly.

"Lord Goldenfang, you cannot—"


Lord Goldenfang roared.

The two Mid-rank Great Warriors immediately realized that their Lord Goldenfang had calmed down slightly. If their Lord Goldenfang had truly lost his rationale due to anger, there was no way they would have been able to stop an Extremity-rank Great Warrior even if they joined hands together.

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang. Forgive us for our impudence." The two Mid-rank Great Warriors released their hold and retreated.


Lord Goldenfang dropped his arm quickly with frustration and glared at Leon venomously before he said, "You darn cheeky brat! It seems you have already decided to go against us, huh? Are you not afraid I will kill you?!"

"I was not interested in your internal dispute and didn't plan to get involved. However, since you did not put me in your eyes, why I act cordially to you, who disrespect me? Respect is earned, not given. So, don't throw your weight around here. Besides, you don't have the balls to kill me. If you did, you would have held your firstborn much sooner." Leon said satirically. He did not forget to throw a jag at Lord Goldenfang and hit him where it hurts.

"Y-Y-You… Arghhh!"

Lord Goldenfang pointed his trembling fingers at Leon with a flushed face and shook with so much anger, he ended up puking out an arrow of blood.

In the end, he was still an old man advanced in his years. He could not take so much stimulation and endure having his heart rate beating quickly.

This was why the elderly warriors like him did not participate in the battle against the Bone Calamity. Their hearts could not withstand the stress of high-pace battles.

"My Lord!"

The two Mid-rank Great Warriors rushed forward and caught Lord Goldenfang, who stumbled back weakly.

"Hold onto Lord Goldenfang for me. I must teach this brat a lesson! He is too arrogant and disrespectful to Lord Goldenfang!" Said one of the Great Warriors.

"Stop it. We cannot touch this person." Lord Goldenfang sighed weakly and explained, "Whether you touch or kill this person, it is all the same unless you are willing to make an enemy out of the entire tribe. Many people look at him favorably after he treated the wounded warriors. This includes people from our faction. He is famous right now. Just forget it and take me back now. This person cannot be used."

Lord Goldenfang thought someone as young as Leonhardt would be naïve and ignorant of his true worth, thus making it easy for him to coerce the person into joining his faction.

However, he had miscalculated. Leonhardt was a headstrong person who does not take kindly to threats and disrespect against him.

He should have consulted his sons and not acted on his own. He had also overestimated his waning prestige and become senile from old age.

His failure was well justified.

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang."

The Great Warrior retreated to the other side of Lord Goldenfang and helped carried him away without objection.

As Leon stood on the spot with his arms crossed and watched the two middle-aged warriors carry Lord Goldenfang away in defeat, he hollered, "Pussy!"

Lord Goldenfang's body immediately trembled agitatedly before his eyes rolled back and passed out. It was too much for him to bear.

"Dammit! Brat, you've pushed things too far! Even if I get expelled from the faction today, I must break both your legs and arms to teach you how to be humble and respectful to others!" The Great Warrior snapped.

"Don't let anger control you!" warned the other Great Warrior. However, it was too late.

The Mid-rank Great Warrior had already rushed towards Leon. He closed the distance between them instantly with a cold glint and aimed for Leon's legs with a horizontal sweeping kick.

Leon continued to watch the Mid-rank Great Warrior coldly with his arms crossed before he manipulated the Spatial Law and distorted the space around him.


The Mid-rank Great Warrior's sweeping kick was suddenly directed downward by the distorted space. The force of his kick destroyed the ground and sent rocks and dust flying everywhere, but also left his body wide open.

"Piss off!" Leon barked while making his move in that instance. All his abilities were channeled into his leg and sent a powerful push kick to the Mid-rank Great Warrior's stomach, blasting him away with the force of 100 thousand-jins.


The Mid-rank Great Warrior flew back like a cannonball, shot past the other middle-aged warrior and unconscious Lord Goldenfang, and flew outside the doorless entrance.

The person crashed through a few buildings and coughed up blood before trying to get up but failed to do so. He was taken down in one kick.

There was a sudden gasp elsewhere, and the other Mid-rank Great Warrior holding Lord Goldenfang shortly glanced back at Leon with shock.

He did not expect his mate to be taken down in a single blow. He knew Leonhardt was strong, but not THAT strong.

"Before teaching others how to be humble and respectful, you should look at yourself. Where were your humbleness and respect when you kicked down my door?" Leon sneered before tapping the broken ground beneath his feet.

The earth was shortly raised to patch up the small crater made by the Mid-rank Great Warrior earlier, and the barren ground was soon restored to its former state.

The Mid-rank Great Warrior carrying Lord Goldenfang was immediately startled and lowered his head in apology, "I apologize for the transgression we've caused against you today. I hope Young Master Leonhardt will be magnanimous and let us go."

Leon's abilities were too mysterious, and he also had the strength to one-shot a Mid-rank Great Warrior. The middle-aged warrior carrying Lord Goldenfang understood his situation and knew that they were utterly at Leon's mercy. He could escape, but not while carrying Lord Goldenfang.

"Sigh, whatever. Hurry up and get lost. Make sure you send someone to fix my door, understand?" Leon quickly waved and shooed them away.

"Thank you, Young Master Leonhardt."

Shortly after, the middle-aged warrior carried Lord Goldenfang away and picked up his fellow mate along the way.

Leon shook his head after they disappeared from sight.

These were the Beast Tamer Faction people who want to change the Dark Crystal's distribution in Chief Valencia's control and make Goldeneye their new chief?

They were a little too pathetic, no? Without being decisive and ruthless enough, they would not be able to achieve anything. Nothing can be done half-heartedly.

Nevertheless, even if they were committed, they never stood a chance anyway. They were too weak and did not have a single Battle Master.

"You can come out now." Leon calmly said to seemingly no one in sight. However, he was certain that someone had been watching nearby the whole time.


Chief Valencia jumped down from behind the top of the courtyard building and landed next to Leon before giving him a slightly awkward and apologetic look and asked, "Since when did you realize?"

"Since the start."

"The start?"

Chief Valencia's eyes were startled awake, not expecting this answer. She was confident that she had been very subtle in her arrival.

She thought Leonhardt only found out when she accidentally let out a gasp of surprise during his counter kick to the Mid-rank Great Warrior, but he had actually found out since the start? Did he have eyes at the back of his head?

"Can you tell me how you found out?" Chief Valencia asked.

Chapter 395 - An Expensive Gift

"I don't mind indulging your curiosity, but I hope Chief Valencia will not continue to play little tricks like this again. I do not like being used like this." Leon said impassively. He was slightly displeased with Chief Valencia's method.

He was not stupid. He understood that everything had been orchestrated by Chief Valencia. It was too strange that no one came to find out the situation even after hearing such a commotion in the private courtyard.

"You're right, Little Brother Leonhardt. I apologize for this. It won't happen again." Chief Valencia quickly acknowledged her mistake with a nod before asking, "Can you tell me how you found out now?"

Leon nodded.

"Actually, it was not hard to guess. It was not possible for the Beast Tamer Faction to get news of me joining the tribe so soon on the same day I joined, not unless you purposely divulged the information to them. Why would you do this, you might ask? I presumed that you understood the Beast Tamer Faction will learn the news sooner or later, so you made the best of this information to benefit your side."

"For example, finding a way to secretly deliver the news to someone important within the Beast Tamer Faction, whom you were also certain that they were going to displease me. This way, it will cause the relationship between the Beast Tamer Faction and me to not be harmonious and force me to lean towards your faction."

"If Lord Goldenfang had actually raised his hand against me, you would have mostly like intervened and stopped him from doing so. Thus, you had to be in a position that is close to me while not being found out by me but also convenient for you not to be suspected by me when you make your move. It just so happens that this courtyard building I'm standing close to is in line with the direction to your palace and presented the best hiding spot for you while you watch over the situation."

Leon gave a detailed explanation to Chief Valencia.

However, she still had some points she was uncertain about and asked, "But how can you be so sure that I was the one who divulged the news to Lord Goldenfang? If there were spies or the previous owner of this courtyard was a person of the Beast Tamer Faction, the news would have still easily reached Lord Goldenfang."

"Yes, I had thought about this point when Lord Goldenfang arrived abruptly with his people. However, I highly doubted that Chief Valencia was not aware of this fact when you were to purchase their property. Thus, I believe you had a level of certainty that the person would deliver the news to Lord Goldenfang without requiring you to expend much effort. You just needed to wait and reap the rewards." Leon explained.

"Did you think I would not find it strange that no one came to assess the situation here even after such a loud commotion? Who else but you can arrange this? Furthermore, Chief Valencia should not underestimate my senses. No one can escape my detection within a certain radius of me. Thus, I already knew the moment Chief Valencia arrived on my roof." Leon added.

Chief Valencia was astounded after she heard everything from him. She was awed by his level of deduction and shook her head ruefully.

Her little scheme had been seen right through.

Like the person had said, she should not continue to play these tricks on him. It was already a blessing that the person had decided to settle down in her tribe. She should kill all hopes of recruiting this person into her faction and not push her luck. Otherwise, the person might just get up and leave.

It should have already been clear that Leonhardt was a person who likes to be free and unfettered, considering the conditions he had set for joining. They can cooperate, but it is impossible to tie this person to her war chariot.

"Little Brother Leonhardt is very perceptive. I have made a fool of myself. Oh, right. Before I forget, this belongs to you now, Little Brother Leonhardt." Blurted Chief Valencia as she reached out and pass a small wooden tablet to Leon.

Leon accepted the wooden tablet and read "Barren rock Courtyard" on it before asking, "Is this the name of this property?"

"Yes, that's right." Chief Valencia nodded and said, "That wooden tablet serves as the property deed to this place and serves as your proof of ownership."


Leon was slightly surprised. He did not think that the Darkmoon Tribe would have something sophisticated like property deeds. It was his misimpression that the Darkmoon Tribe was primitive. In fact, they were quite developed in multiple areas. They only look primitive due to their way of living, which is forced upon them by the limited resources of the barren land they live in.

"How much did this thing cost for you to get it from the previous owners of this property?" Leon asked.

"Not too much, only 80 thousand Dark Crystals." Chief Valencia answered nonchalantly.

'Only 80 thousand Dark Crystals?'

Leon's lips twitched slightly.

That was four times greater than the amount he gained from the interspatial pouch he took from Old Tailor! How many top-quality Soul Weapon and Enchanted Equipment could he purchase with that amount of money?

Thus, he knew that although Chief Valencia appeared nonchalant about it, it was actually an astronomical amount of money spent. After all, the private property was just a place to stay. It might be close to the center of the tribe, but that was it. It had no practical value except saving a bit of time.

On the other hand, if these Dark Crystals had been invested into good Soul Weapon and Enchanted Equipment, it could mean saving one's life in their future battles.

"What is the market value of this place? Surely it is not worth 80 thousand Dark Crystals." Leon asked.

"Sure enough. Nothing gets past you, Little Brother Leonhardt. You even realized this. That's right, this property is only worth around 30 thousand Dark Crystals normally." Chief Valencia admitted.

"But the previous owners are part of the Beast Tamer Faction. It is only normal for them to ask for a sky-high price and try to milk as many Dark Crystals out of me as possible. However, I have given you my word that I would gift this property to you. You don't need to worry about the price. It is not enough to dent my wealth." Added Chief Valencia while waving it off nonchalantly.

After all, she was the chief of the tribe, and the Dark Crystal Mine belonged to her. She could have as many Dark Crystals as she wants. Even so, 80 thousand Dark Crystals was not a small amount. However, if this is all it takes to appease Leonhardt, it would be worth it.

No matter how Chief Valencia tried to play it off coolly, Leon could not help but frown at the astronomical amount of Dark Crystals. The price Chief Valencia paid for the property was almost tripled its market value!

This was a blatant robbery! The greed of the previous owners was simply insatiable!

"Then I will thank Chief Valencia for the generous gift." Leon expressed with a cupped fist gesture.

His impression of Chief Valencia had dropped slightly after the little trick she played on him, but it was still relatively good.

After all, even if Chief Valencia did not purposely attract attention to him, the Beast Tamer Faction would have eventually tried to sent other people to recruit him.

They did not care about him before, but now that he is part of their tribe, he was included in their dispute.

And the more he was involved with the Darkmoon Tribe, the more he realized that Chief Valencia was not as simple as he had assumed.

She was not just a powerful body cultivator, filled with muscles. She was also equipped with intelligence. It makes him wonder what else he was not aware of.

Chief Valencia was aware that even though the Beast Tamer Faction had no chance of succeeding in their campaign to invest all the Dark Crystals into nurturing the Dark Wyvern, she still had to expend some efforts to remove the problem peacefully.

Furthermore, the Beast Tamer Faction's existence was not entirely bad as it increases competition and stimulates the tribe's growth.

If she simply uses force to remove these dissidents from the tribe, she will lose the hearts and respect of many people and simply rule over them through fear. That was not what she wanted.

That is what a tyrant dictator would do, not a leader.

Leon could faintly guess that Chief Valencia was using a soft approach to neutralize the Beast Tamer Faction's growth, but he disagreed with her methods.

She would make a great leader during peaceful times, but chaotic times require more decisive and ruthless methods. At least, that is what he believes.

"Allow me to offer Chief Valencia some advice. However, it is up to Chief Valencia whether you want to consider it seriously or not. A pot mixture of poisonous insects can indeed produce a more poisonous insect, but fear the poisonous insect killing the poison master." Leon said profoundly.

'A pot mixture of poisonous insects can indeed produce a more poisonous insect, but fear the poisonous insect killing the poison master.'

Chief Valencia had a crumpled expression as she mulled over Leonhardt's words. Why did he suddenly mention this? What does he mean by it?

Chapter 396 - Massacre

Nevertheless, Leon did not intend to entertain her curiosity. It was up to Chief Valencia to figure this one out.

At the same time, he did not intend to wait for her to figure out the meaning behind his words. She can do it in her own time.

"There is something I've been meaning to ask; I wonder if Chief Valencia will be able to answer it?" Said Leon as he interrupted Chief Valencia's thoughts.

Chief Valencia raised an eyebrow at his roundabout way of talking and said, "If you don't tell me what it is, how will I know if I can answer it or not? Just out with it. What do you want to ask me?"

"I don't suppose your tribe has a library, does it?" Leon asked.

Chief Valencia rubbed her chin and began musing, "A library, huh?"

"Yes, a place where you keep a variety of books and allow for public viewing," Leon explained, thinking the term might be unfamiliar to her.

"Oh, we don't have a library." Chief Valencia stated forwardly.

Leon thought that might have been the case, but he was still disappointed to hear the answer directly from Chief Valencia.

Books were a good source of knowledge, recorded by those who walked the earth before them. He believed if there were any books in the Dark Continent, they would undoubtedly contain some useful knowledge. This could be seen by how knowledgeable the Venerable Shamans were in the study of runes.

Even though Chief Valencia said there was no library, Leon would not believe it if she said there was not even a private stash of books lying somewhere.

"If you do not care about the contents of the books but still interested in viewing them, I know what all the Venerable Shamans each have a private stash of them laying around in their homes. I, myself, also have a relatively large stash stored in the vault collecting dust. If Little Brother Leonhardt is interested, I can grant you access to it under a few conditions." Chief Valencia suddenly added.


Leon was pleasantly surprised to hear this. After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head and said, "There's no need to trouble Chief Valencia. I will go find one of the Venerable Shamans to ask."

"That's fine." Chief Valencia shrugged her shoulders, seeing that Leonhardt did not even bother to ask what the few conditions were to enter her vault. How many people would kill for a chance to take a look inside if there were presented the opportunity?

After a brief moment, she added, "However, the offer still stands in case you change your mind."

"I will keep that in mind. Then if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first." Leon said crisply, wanting to end their conversation so he could go seek out one of the Venerable Shamans.

Chief Valencia shook her head and said, "There isn't anything else. However, do be careful out on the streets. The rats hiding in the city have not all been caught yet. We are still in the process of figuring out what it is the Great Ironhawk Tribe is after by sending them here."

"I understand. Thank you for your concern."

Leon did a cupped fist salute to Chief Valencia before taking his leave. He stepped outside the doorless entrance and took a turn left before disappearing from Chief Valencia's sight.

Chief Valencia continued to glance at the doorless entrance after Leonhardt left. After some time, she observed the surroundings before turning around and entered the courtyard building's bedroom.

She walked up to the bed, where Darlene could be seen sleeping. She glanced at Darlene's peaceful expression with a nonchalant look before asking indifferently, "How long do you plan on sleeping?"

After these words were spoken, Darlene's peaceful expression disappeared as her eyes snapped open. She got up from the bed in her bare body without covering herself and respectfully greeted with a bow, "Chief Valencia."

Chief Valencia acknowledges her greeting with a nod before taking out a translucent stone from her interspatial pouch and toss it over to Darlene.

Darlene immediately caught it with both hands before she studied the object curiously with an idiomatic expression.

"What is this?" She asks.

"A voice-transmission tool. I don't think I need to tell you how to use one and why I'm giving it to you, right?" After seeing Darlene shake her head, Chief Valencia continued, "Keep it on you but out of sight at all times."

"Yes, chief."

Darlene answered.

Chief Valencia nodded approvingly before walking over and taking a seat on the bed, making herself at home by sitting comfortably with her muscular legs spread.

The smell of love nectar and Yang fluid pervaded the room, but it was predominantly concentrated on the bed.

Chief Valencia was no stranger to these smells, but her brows still wrinkled with discomfort when she smelt it. Nevertheless, she endured the discomfort and glanced at Darlene solemnly.

"Tell me everything you have discovered so far."

Crimsonfog Tribe.

Outside of the tribal chief's cultivation chamber, a few warriors could be seen pacing back and forth with a hint of urgency.

Some time ago, they received vital information from the Darkmoon Tribe via the long-range voice transmission pillar in their tribe.

However, due to their tribal chief untimely cultivation session, they could not relay the information until now.

As they paced back and forth for hours, they started to contemplate whether they should break into the tribal chief's cultivation chamber and risk angering their chief to deliver the information.

They had already reviewed the information and knew what must be done. However, it still ultimately required Chief Baskara to issue the order.

To make decisions on their own without the chief's express permission could be viewed as disrespect and disloyalty to the chief.

Suddenly, the doors to the cultivation chamber finally opened. Red mist oozed out from the room as Chief Baskara walked out topless while wiping his soaking sweat body with a towel.

The inside of the cultivation chamber was painted with a pink atmosphere as a few bare women laid exhausted on the bed.

"Hm? What are you all doing here at the door? Did something happen?" Asked Chief Baskara when he noticed the few warriors waiting for him with urgent looks.

"Something indeed did happen and requires your decision, my chief." Said a warrior.

Chief Baskara frowned after reading their expressions and said solemnly, "Tell me about it."

Blackwind Tribe Ruins.

Just on the outskirt of the tribe that fell into ruins, a few thousands of vagabond warriors arrived in scattered groups from different directions. They converged at a single point outside the ruins before they entered together.

"Hahaha, we are in luck this time. Look at all these Soul Weapons and Enchanted Equipment laying on the ground! Loot, we must loot everything before the others arrive! Go!" A vagabond ordered with joy. He appeared to be the leader of the group of 3000-odd vagabond warriors.

The vagabond warriors immediately rushed into the ruined tribe and scavenged for resources and treasures with avaricious eyes. Only a few hundred vagabonds remained behind and waited for the vagabond leader's special instruction.

"The rest of you, follow me. We will search for the tribe's catacombs. That is where the Blackwind Tribe's ancestors are laid to rest. The treasures they possessed when they were alive should be buried there with them!" Said the vagabond leader.

In truth, they were not real vagabonds. They were warriors from the Great Ironhawk Tribe, sent by the great tribal chief himself who saw the Bone Calamity as an opportunity to plunder the resources and treasures of the Seven Tribe Alliance!

"Yes, Big Brother Ironfist!"

The group of 500 Great Warriors made their way to the heart of the former Blackwind Tribe under Ironfist's lead. The entrance to the mines was found shortly after.

However, Ironfist frowned and halted the group at the entrance with a raised hand. The group of Great Warriors immediately looked at their leader with puzzled looks.

"Something is wrong here!" Loudly stated Ironfist.

"What did you discover, Big Brother Ironfist?" Asked a High-rank Great Warrior.

"Take a look at the edges of the mine. There are signs of a collapse, but there is a clear pathway leading deeper inside. Someone has arrived here before us!" Ironfist pointed at the clues on the edges.

"Does that mean that the treasures in the catacombs have already been looted? We were a step too late?" Another Great Warrior asked with a disappointed look.

"Not necessarily! There are so many high-quality Soul Weapons, Enchant Equipment, and accessories scattered everywhere. I do not believe that these people who arrived before us would not be interested in these things! They are most likely still inside. We don't know how many people they have, so we will set an ambush here and wait for them to come out!"

Once Ironfist decided, the Great Ironhawk Tribe's Great Warriors immediately got to work by warning the others before going into hiding nearby.

Sometime later, two figures shrouded in darkness could be seen exiting the mines. After taking a few steps outside, one of them paused and looked around with interest.

"Oh? Seems like some guests have arrived to offer themselves as sacrifices for our new pets. Go play with them!" Said the Lich on the left.

"You go play with them too." The Lich on the right added.

Two figures immediately shot past the two Liches from within the mine entrance's darkness and dived into the damaged buildings in the distance.

Shortly after, horrified screams were heard as the warriors in hiding were quickly found and slaughtered like helpless chickens.

It was a complete massacre.