
Chapter 417 - Cost Of Victory

"If I was still at the prime of my warrior days, this thing's head would have been dropped already!"

"Ha! At least, you are still better off than the rest of us, old fools. Our strengths have already declined to the mid-high ranks, while you are still at the Peak-rank Battle Master Realm!"

While the Venerable Shamans were getting frustrated over not being dealing enough damage, Chief Baskara recovered to his feet and shouted, "The Undead Battle Kings are only moving due to the Liches' power and will! We don't need to destroy it! We just need to exhaust its power with our Soul Weapons, and it will become inanimate once more!"

"Easier said than done, Boya! This thing hits you once, and it's all over for you!" A Venerable Shaman said while dodging a claw attack from the single-armed Undead Battle King.

Due to it also missing a leg, the single-armed Battle King lost its balance and fell to the ground.

"F*ck it up!" Another Venerable Shaman roared, taking the opportunity dish in a few slashes on the single-armed Battle King's back.

Two more joined the fray before a Venerable Shaman with a pickaxe as his Soul Weapon warned, "Watch out for the other one!"


The other Undead Battle King swiped one of three Venerable Shamans with its claws. Thanks to the prior warning, everyone managed to evade the attack in time.

However, one of them barely dodged the attack with a Limbo-style retreat, bending backward in an arc while the Undead Battle King's nails lightly grazed his wrinkly left cheeks.

"Woo, that was a close one! It almost got me!" The Venerable Shaman exclaimed excitedly in retreat. Dancing on the thin line between life and death in battle was exhilarating!


However, the Venerable Shaman's expression suddenly stiffened after a sharp electrifying pain shot up his back!

"Aiyo! I pulled my back! I'm too old for this sh*t!" The person collapsed to the down cursed in pain.

The other Venerable Shamans had a change in exchange as one of them shouted, "Quickly get back!"

"I got him!"

Chief Baskara's figure flashed next to the Venerable Shaman with the strained back and quickly dragged the elder to safety before one of the Undead Battle King could get to him.

The sudden movements sent another jolt of pain through the elder's back as the Venerable Shaman cried, "Woah--! Easy there, Baskara Boya! This Old Man can't take it!"

At the same time, an Undead Battle King's attack landed on the elder's original spot, shattering the ground apart with a deafening explosion!

Dirt and gravel flew into the air as the elder looked back and gulped as they drew further away from the area.

"Do you prefer to be a meat patty under that thing's hit? I can toss you back if that is what you want, Venerable Shaman." Chief Baskara said.

The elder with the strained back quickly shook his head and sigh, "Now you are just bullying this Old Man."

"Chief, the Tier 4 Demon-slaying Arrows are loaded and ready for firing!" A warrior shouted at the top of his lungs from the wall.

"I got it! Artillery Team, be ready to fire on my signal!" Chief Baskara shouted back to the walls before saying, "Venerable Shamans, please retreat first! I will lure them away!"

"Alright, be careful!"

The Venerable Shamans were all old. They were no longer capable of fighting drawn-out battles; thus, they quickly agreed.

After passing the Venerable Shaman with the strained back to them, Chief Baskara went ahead to grab the two Undead Battle Kings' attention.

Meanwhile, the two Liches continued to watch everything from afar. Nevertheless, their expressions were terrible to behold.

The turn of events has been far from desirable. Before their Undead Battle Kings could get close to the human settlement and play with the humans, they were already severely damaged by the human's deadly weapon of mass destruction.

"Darn it, these humans are not easy to deal with! Why is there such a huge disparity in their tribes?!"

"This human tribe is, after all, the one guarding the Death Passage. They would naturally not be weak if they can keep other demons at bay. We have lost big on this one. Even if we manage to harvest some more negative here, the amount is insignificant to the price paid in the process."

"...Right. Losing two Undead Battle Kings is a big loss! We can repair their bodies, but their quality will not be the same... We should consider retreating." The Lich said.

They were Greater Demons, but their personal battle prowess was not high. They were not the Battle Masters' opponents on their own.

"Retreating is good. If we don't pull them out now, there will be nothing left to pull out." The other Lich agreed.

The Undead Battle Kings were already missing a few limbs, and their undead flesh was scorched black. One of them even have their bones exposed at the waist and looked like they could snap in half, but that is still far from the case.

However, just as the Liches were about to issue the command to their Undead Battle Kings, a human's voice could be heard roaring powerfully, "Fire now!"

Twang! Twang!

The Artillery Team immediately fired the giant ballistas as ordered. Simultaneously, Chief Baskara broke away from the Undead Battle Kings and distanced himself as much as he could in a short instance!


Numerous Tier 4 Demon-slaying Arrows exploded on the two Battle Kings' broken bodies. Without any vision obstruction, everyone could see the blazing ball of hellfire enlarging from the impact point!

The power of Tier 4 Demon-slaying Arrows cannot be compared to Tier 5 Demon-slaying Arrows, but it was powerful enough to slaying Greater Demons and the like! The twin Liches' faceless expression plummeted at the sight of inferno before them.

"Accursed humans! They still had more of these wretched things!" The left Lich snarled venomously with a hint of fear. If the two Liches were hit by such weapons, they would be incinerated in body and soul!

Creatures of darkness and death alignment had a natural weakness against extreme Yang elements like fire, light, lightning, and life.

While Chief Baskara escaped early, the explosions still rapidly expanded, closing the distance between them.

"Oh, no! The chief is not going to make it!

"Watch out, chief!"

The warriors on the wall cried out concerns and warnings. Tier 4 Demon-slaying Arrows might not necessarily kill all Greater Demons with strong defenses, but it is more than enough to kill even Battle Kings if they took the hits directly!

After all, the human flesh is weak without Enchanted Equipment to protect them!


Chief Baskara growled in pain as the blazing hellfire reached him and contacted his back. His crimson armor protected him from direct contact, but the scorching high temperature still overheated the armor and burned his back!

It was only for a brief moment before the explosion reached its peak and stopped expanding. Chief Baskara was propelled forward by the force of the blast!

His body flew, bounced along the ground a few times before rolling towards the foot of the wall. His body did not stop until it hit the wall.

The Great Warriors immediately jumped down to fetch him after seeing their chief lying motionlessly.

They flipped him over to carry on one of their backs when they found out that the end of Chief Baskara's head was scorched terribly. All the hair had been reduced to ashes, and the skin was melted.

"The chief needs immediate medical attention! Where is the doctor?!"

"Pass him to me. He cannot be treated here. We need to bring him back to my place!" One of the six Venerable Shamans stepped forward and said to the Great Warrior.

He was the best doctor in the tribe! But even so, he was not a Shaman with unique healing abilities! He relied on his understanding of medicine to heal others!

"Yes, Venerable Shaman!" The Great Warrior complied and carefully handed the unconscious Chief Baskara over to the Venerable Shaman.

After they left, another Venerable Shaman stepped forward and loudly spoke, "Chief Baskara is gone, but the battle must go on! Load the next round of Tier 4 Demon-slaying Arrows!"

Everyone immediately busied themselves under the Venerable Shaman's order. Someone needed to take command, and the Venerable Shaman became that someone.

The tribe cannot be without a leader, especially during an important battle. Otherwise, the tribe would fall into chaos!

Eventually, the fire from the explosion died down, and the sight was clear again. The two Undead Battle Kings were seen in an even more broken-down state.

The actual damage paled in comparison to when they were hit by Tier 5 Demon-slaying Arrows. Even so, the Liches lost their will to continue fighting. They did not want their new toys to be destroyed, just like that.

"Cursed those humans! They are preparing to fire even more of those wretched bolts of fire!"

"Come back here, you, useless things! We are getting out of here!"

The Undead Battle Kings started to retreat back to the Liches awkwardly with their broken bodies after they were ordered.

"They're retreating!"

"We've won!"

The tribesmen watch them suddenly leave with surprise before they started breaking into cheers. However, another group was happy with the turn of events.

"But at what cost? We cannot let them leave! If they come back later, it will be even more troublesome! We must finish them here once and for all!" A Great Warrior said objectively.

A Venerable Shaman immediately rejected, "No! We cannot chase them. Pursuing a retreating enemy is never wise! Not only will we lose the advantage of our ballista, but we will also have to face the Liches."

"Liches are weak at combat, but they are still Greater Demons.. Push them too far, and we will suffer for it."

Chapter 418 - One Day Challenge Rule

The Crimsonfog Tribe's battle could be said to have ended in a big victory, considering their casualties were almost negligible. However, they had exhausted their strategic weapon against the Land of Darkness, and the fate of their chief is unknown.

It would take a long time to gather the resources needed to produce more Tier 5 Demon-slaying Arrows to equip the Death Passage.

As the warriors cleaned up the battlefield, the five remaining Venerable Shamans gathered around with pondering expressions. The future of their tribe looked grim.

"Venerable Shamans, the long-distance voice transmission pillar has received another message from the Darkmoon Tribe." A messenger came to report after failing to deliver the news to the chief.

"Oh? What kind of message did the Darkmoon Tribe send to us this time?" One of the Venerable Shamans asked.

"Chief Valencia of the Darkmoon Tribe has requested for the chiefs of the seven tribes to convene at Darkmoon Tribe for a summit; to discuss important matters concerning the future of the Seven Tribes Alliance and the Infertile Plains as a whole."

After the messenger finished speaking, the five Venerable Shamans glanced at each other with furrowed expressions.

"What do you all think the Darkmoon Tribe has to discuss that it would concern all seven tribes? Hm, it should be called the Six Tribes Alliance now that the Blackwind Tribe has become history." A Venerable Shaman said, unbothered by the destruction of the Blackwind Tribe.

"Six Tribes Alliance sounds good. The Blackwind Tribe has always been the weakest yet also the greediest out of the seven tribes. As for the matter of the summit... I cannot tell. Perhaps it has something to do with the Bone Calamity."

"If I recall correctly, it has not been long since the Bone Calamity started. The other four tribes on the eastern side of the Weeping Forest should still be busy dealing with it on their end. I doubt they will be free to attend the summit right now."

The Venerable Shaman speaking shortly turned to the messenger and asked, "What else did the Darkmoon Tribe say?"

"The summit will be held a week later, two days after the guesstimated end of the Bone Calamity. Those who want to attend, attend. Those who don't, don't. However, Darkmoon Tribe will not be held accountable for the future destruction of our tribes if we choose not to attend. Those were the words of Chief Valencia, Venerable Shamans." The messenger said respectfully.

The five Venerable Shamans frowned with deep thoughts. The strained-back Venerable Shaman spoke, "If it is that serious, I don't think the matter is about the Bone Calamity."

"If Baskara is awake, we could be asking for his opinion. We are quite old and don't concern ourselves with these matters anymore." A one-eyed Venerable Shaman sighed.

After a moment, another Venerable Shaman suggested, "Let us go check Baskara's condition first. Maybe Daal has already finished healing him."

The five Venerable Shamans quickly approved and headed to Venerable Shaman Daal's abode. Just as they arrive, they found a huge crowd gathering outside.

They thought the tribesmen were concerned about Chief Baskara and were waiting for his recovery outside. However, that was not the case. The tribesmen were divided into two groups and argued over a particular matter.

"Has your morals been fed to the demons?! What the hell are you people thinking at a time like this?! How dare you take advantage of Chief Baskara's weakness!" A young Peak-rank Warrior shouted.

On the opposite side of the young warrior's group was a group of much older tribesmen. They were all Great Warriors. The one at the front of them was even an Extremity-rank Great Warrior.

"Morals? I don't care about that. I only know that Chief Baskara is in a coma with no certainty of waking up while someone is needed to lead the tribe! I am thinking of the tribe's best interest!" The Extremity-rank Great Warrior said shamelessly.

The young Peak-rank Warrior sneered, "The tribe's best interest or YOUR best interest?"

"You—!" The Extremity-rank Great Warrior was immediately angered by the young warrior's blatant disrespect for him and said, "It seems that someone needs to teach you some manners and how to behave in front of your elders!"

"What, you want to get violent? Bring it! I might not be able to beat you, but that doesn't mean I have to be afraid of you! You won't get past me!" The young Peak-rank Warrior spoke and blocked the entrance.

The other young warriors also bravely blocked the entrance to the Venerable Shaman's abode alongside the young Peak-rank Warrior.

Just as the two sides were about to clash, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman within the group of five Venerable Shaman stepped forward and angrily roared with his commanding presence, "What is going on here?!"

His powerful voice shook the ground and startled the crowd into halting their steps.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman was the only Peak-rank Battle Master among the six Venerable Shamans in the tribe. When he is angry, it is enough to instill fear into people and command their obedience.

"V-Venerable Shamans!"

Both sides stopped to greet the five Venerable Shaman with slight shivering expressions, evidently shaken by the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's roar, which was unexpected like gunpowder suddenly exploding in their eyes.

"You speak!"

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman immediately singled out the Extremity-rank Great Warrior, who appeared to be the strongest person present in the crowd, to explain the situation to him.

"I… I…"

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior stuttered with trepidation and hesitation, causing the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's patience to be stretched thin quickly.

"I, what?! Answer the damn question properly!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman barked angrily before insulting, "Is it true that the more one ages, the more cowardly they become? Where is your courage!? Are you a warrior, or are you still a baby, sucking on your momma's tits?!"

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior's face was flushed red, but he could only lower his head with tightly clenched fists. He dared not to talk back to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman when he is angry.

At the side, the other four Venerable Shamans shook their heads and quietly thought with amusement, 'Old Mate One-Eyed is going at it again.'

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman had always been the one with the fiercest temper among them Venerable Shamans in the tribe.

Seeing the Extremity-rank Great Warrior not talking, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman turned to the young Peak-rank Warrior and said, "You, explain to me."

"Yes, Venerable Shaman!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior shivered slightly but still stepped forward to answer proudly. This was the difference between a person acting with a clear conscience and a person without it.

"After Venerable Shaman Daal took Chief Baskara inside to treat him, these men shortly arrived after to find trouble with the chief, saying they want to challenge Chief Baskara in the tribe's Battle Arena!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior had more to say, but the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stopped him there and turned his attention back onto the Extremity-rank Great Warrior.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman solemnly asked.

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior continued to have his head hung low in silence to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's question.

"What? You dare to act but not dare to admit it? And you still wanted to become the chief like this? Pathetic." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's gaze became serious, shouting, "Answer me! Did you or did you not issue a challenge to Chief Baskara!?"

"He did, Venerable Shaman!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior shouted.

However, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman raised his hand to stop the person from speaking further before stating in a grave tone, "I want to hear the answer from the person in question himself."

"Well? What is it? If you are not going to answer my question, then just run along back home to your momma."

Under the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's repeated insults and provocation, the Extremity-rank Great Warrior exploded, "Yes! So, what if I did!? Are you going to punish me for it?!"


The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman answered so flatly and calmly that the person became stunned and confused.

Even the group of young warriors were confused by the Venerable Shaman's answer. They thought that the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman had stepped forward to administer justice on behalf of Chief Baskara, but that does not seem to be the case.

"This person did not break any rules of the tribe, and the one-day challenge rule has always been a tradition of the tribe. This will not be changed and must be enforced. We will go see if Chief Baskara has recovered consciousness. If he is not awake to accept the challenge, then his position of chief shall be forfeited to this person."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman left those words before entering Venerable Shaman Daal's abode with the other four Venerable Shamans following behind him.

The group of young warriors immediately broke into an uproar, filled with indignant expressions due to the Venerable Shaman's words.

Sometime later, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman returned and unhappily stated, "Chief Baskara is indeed unable to wake up, so from henceforth, that person will be the new chief."

"What! But Venerable Shaman, we cannot accept this decision! Is there no justice?!" The young Peak-rank Warrior immediately objected.

"Even if you cannot accept it, you have to! It is the rule of the tribe! If you are not happy with it, then challenge him!"

"But I am not strong enough to beat him!"

"Then find someone who can beat him!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said before flicking his wrist and reentering the abode.

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior was excited.

However, he did not get to enjoy that excitement for long before another Extremity-rank Great Warrior arrived at the scene and barked, "I want to challenge you on the Battle Arena!"


Chapter 419 - Clearwater Tribe's Movements

Back in the Darkmoon Tribe.

Half an hour earlier, Leon and the others returned to the palace from the underground water supply cavern before Chief Valencia went and used the long-distance voice-transmission pillar to connect with the other tribes in the alliance.

After Chief Valencia waited some time for the other tribes to respond to her summit call, she headed back to the Great Hall, where Leon and the other two waited for her return to continue their discussion.

"When's the summit decided?" Asked Master Woodrow while seated on the left side's first seat. Leon sat beside him while Darlene stood behind him after going against his wish for her to sit on the other empty seat beside him.

"Seven days later. It should be ample time for them to finish off any unsettled businesses in their tribe and arrive for the summit. Only if they are coming, that is." Chief Valencia said.

"If they are coming?" Master Woodrow raised an eyebrow and asked, "Something like the Celestial Water Spark drying concerns everyone's fate. Did you not mention this to them?"

Chief Valencia shook her head.

"It's too bothersome to explain such a crucial yet sensitive topic to each tribe one by one, not to mention they might not believe it. I would only be wasting my time, in that case. It would be more convincing to get the spy to the secrets before inserting our own assumption."

"True. We, ourselves, did not believe it at first when Little Brother Leonhardt mentioned it. It was only after listening to his reasoning and thoughts that we became more convinced of such a possibility."

Master Woodrow rubbed his chin before asking, "How many ended up responding to it?"

"Only four. The Crimsonfog Tribe, the Fallen Star Tribe, and the Cold Raven Tribe will attend the summit. The Berserk Dragon Tribe said they will think about it. There is no need to mention the Blackwind Tribe. However, the last tribe, the Clearwater Tribe, did not give any response." Chief Valencia said.

Leon was not familiar with the seven tribes of the alliance; thus, he listened quietly to Chief Valencia and Master Woodrow converse.

"The Clearwater Tribe didn't? That's concerning. If I recall correctly, they were also situated quite close to the Black Swamp… Don't tell me something also happened to them like the Blackwind Tribe?" Master Woodrow asked with surprise.

Chief Valencia's expression furrowed slightly in thought before saying, "That shouldn't be the case. Unless something also happened to their Battle King Ancestors, the Clearwater Tribe would not fall that easy. Perhaps the Clearwater Tribe's chief is busy or away from the tribe—?"

"Speaking of which, the Crimsonfog Tribe's chief also did not respond. It was the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman from their tribe that responded in his stead. Seems like something also happened to Chief Baskara and their tribe."

"One-Eyed Venerable Shaman did? That's a surprise." Master Woodrow said.

Chief Valencia was confused by this statement.

"Why is that a surprise to you, Venerable Shaman Woodrow? Is there something about the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman that I do not know about? I do know that he is the Crimsonfog Tribe's best weaponsmith, but this shouldn't be it…"

"Hahaha, it's not strange that you do know not much about the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's history. You were still a toddler when he was making waves in the territory of the Seven Tribes Alliance." Master Woodrow chuckled slightly.

"Before he shattered his core and awakened his Shaman powers, becoming a master weaponsmith thereafter. He was an Extremity-rank Battle Master with only a thin step away from reaching the legendary Battle King Realm. If he had succeeded, the Crimsonfog Tribe would have welcomed their 4th Battle King and assumed the seven tribes' leadership position. Unfortunately, something happened, causing him to shatter his core early."

Chief Valencia soft gasp with amazement. Everyone who can achieve the Battle King Realm was a prodigy of their generation. Although the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman failed, it did not hinder her from having admiration and respect for such a figure.

Nevertheless, she was still confused and asks, "But what's surprising about this person responding to my voice transmission?"

"Well, you see, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman never assumes any managerial roles in the tribe nor participate in them, like never." Master Woodrow emphasized the last part.

Leon rubbed his thoughtfully and muttered, "Someone who never involves themself in the managerial activities went and respond to Chief Valencia's voice transmission in Chief Baskara's stead. One cannot help but what happened in the Crimsonfog Tribe to compel this person to assume the role."


Both Master Woodrow and Chief Valencia were also curious about what happened there.

After a short moment, Chief Valencia summoned a scout and assigned the person the mission to determine what happened at the Crimsonfog Tribe. It was quite a distance from the Darkmoon Tribe, but the scout accepted gladly without a trace of unwillingly and left.

Not even two breathes after the scout exited the Great Hall, another of warriors entered and greeted with a respectful gesture, "Chief Valencia."

"Venerable Shaman Woodrow."

"Er... Big--Young--Ahem, Divine Doctor Leonhardt."

They proceeded to greet the other two awkwardly, uncertain of which would be the appropriate form of address. Leon narrowed his eyes and commented, "Quite the unique title you got for me there."

"My apologies, Divine Doctor. I did not mean to offend you." The group leader said with his head lowered.

Leon waved his hand, nonchalantly, "No offense committed. Big Brother Leonhardt, Young Master Leonhardt, or Divine Doctor. Just pick whatever. No need to try and fuse them all."

At the same, Darlene giggled softly from behind Leon, taking delight in his plight and taunting him. Leon shortly conjured a palm of air from behind her and smacked her supple rear with his Divine Will.


Darlene immediately exclaimed and turned around to check who slapped her butt but failed to see anything. She became lost as to what could have hit her.

"What's wrong?" Leon turned around with surprise.

"S-Something hit my butt!"

"Oh? Who would dare do such a thing to you while in my presence?" Leon said defensively, but he could not hide the wicked grin on his face.

Darlene noticed this and pouted. She could not explain how Leon might have done it, but it must have been him. There was no other reason why her butt would be targeted.

"Ahem!" Chief Valencia coughed and asked the group leader, an Early-rank Great Warrior, "What have you come to report?"

"Reporting to Chief Valencia, we have finished the task of scouting the Black Swamp, as per your orders." The Early-rank Great Warrior stated.

"Oh." Chief Valencia nodded and glanced at the subtly glowing new Soul Weapon; a Tier 4 Bone Sword hung at the person's waist. "I see your trip has been quite fruitful. And what have you found out for me?"

"The entire Black Swamp's Outer Region disappeared."


"Yes. The cloud of darkness has receded, and even the black water has too. The entire outer region has been revealed. We have also spotted large numbers of tribesmen from the Clearwater Tribe exploring the area."

"Oh? The Clearwater Tribe?" Chief Valencia repeated with surprise. She exchanged a brief glance with Master Woodrow before asking the Early-rank Great Warrior, "Did you also spot their chief? And what about the inner region? Did you find anything on that?"

The Early-rank Great Warrior shook his head and said, "No, we did not get close enough to find out if the Clearwater Tribe's chief was among. Due to our party's limited strength, I did not dare risk my group members' lives to lead them too close to investigate. There were many Wraiths and Horned Demons in the area."

"I see. Alright, if you have nothing else for me, then you may return home with your group members to relax and entertain yourselves. I'll summon you when I have another task for your exploration group." Chief Valencia nodded before adding, "Oh, don't forget to collect your reward from the Mission Hall."

"Understood. Thank you, Chief Valencia!" The Early-rank Great Warrior and his group expressed their gratitude.

Shortly after they left, Leon asks, "Does Chief Valencia have any plans?"

"There's seven days until the summit. Until then, there are a few things I want to settle. Considering the Clearwater Tribe's movements, it seems like there is something good to be found in the Black Swamp. Such a good thing should not be missed by us. I will organize an expedition and lead it myself."

Chief Valencia shortly turned to Master Woodrow and said, "However, before that, let us gather the Venerable Shamans and pool together ancient book collections like we have discussed earlier, Venerable Shaman Woodrow."

"Of course. I was just waiting for you to say those words! I will go talk to those Old Fogies right now!" Master Woodrow responded with eagerness.

Ever since the ancestors created the Darkmoon Body Forging Method, the Darkmoon Tribe all enjoyed its benefits. However, it had always been Master Woodrow's greatest wish to improve this body forging method, which had not been modified and improved since its creation.

After Master Woodrow disappeared from the Great Hall, Chief Valencia said to Leon, "I heard that Little Brother Leonhardt is also proficient in the runic language. You will be joining us, won't you?"

"If Chief Valencia does not mind my presence, I will naturally be happy in joining you and the Venerable Shamans during the pooling of ancient book collections." Leon agreed.

"That's great! We will be relying on your profound knowledge to understand the secrets of the past."

"Chief Valencia has spoken too humbly."

Chapter 420 - A Lack Of Techniques

Sometime later, Chief Valencia left Leon and Darlene in the Great Hall. She shortly summoned the scout leader and inquired, "Has the last two rats been caught yet?"

"Apologies, chief. We have lost track of their movements. However, they should still be hiding somewhere within the tribe." The scout leader knelt in shame.

Chief Valencia's crumpled slightly, but she did not blame the scout leader for his incompetence. He was a Peak-rank Great Warrior.

"Those last two rats were Extremity-rank Great Warriors, weren't they? Request more help from the senior warriors if need be. I want this mattered concluded quickly. Once you catch them, cripple their limbs, and keep them in a state of unconsciousness. I want them alive for the summit seven days from now, is that understood?"

"Yes, chief!"

"Then go!"


Back in the Great Hall.

Shortly after Darlene watch Chief Valencia leave, she turned to Leon and asked, "How did you do that?"

Leon naturally knew what she was referring to. He began lifting a seat with his Divine Will in a demonstration for Darlene to see while confidently explaining, "All the Venerable Shamans can begin to do this to some extent. Nevertheless, whether they are as proficient as me as a different matter."

He was simply in a whole different league to the Venerable Shamans with his powerful soul at 220 points of soul strength.

Considering he could gain an additional 50-thousand jin worth of strength when he enhances his body with Divine Will, each point of soul strength could be said to grant him nearly 230 jin of physical force.

Furthermore, considering each Soul Enhancing Pill increases his soul strength by 20 points after ingestion, this was equivalent to an increase of more than 4500 jin of physical strength enhancement!

While this might seem like a lot, it was not much considering the frequency of ingesting soul pills to improve.

Seeing the culprit blatantly admit himself, Darlene pouted, "So, it WAS you!"

She immediately reached out and pinched Leon's waist. She used moderate strength, not enough to hurt Leon with his insane high defense. Nevertheless, he pretended to be in pain, "Aiyo~!"

"Che! That is so fake!"

This time, Darlene smacked him on the shoulders before stamping her feet to express her discontentment. It was rather cute, in Leon's opinion. He could not help but tease her more.

He pinched her soft cheeks and said, "Yo~ My little wife has become more and more daring these days. Do you wish to be punished?"

"So what if I do? How will you punish me?" Darlene pursed her lips and said coquettishly.


Leon cursed in his mind.

She was a damn demoness, daring to seduce him anywhere!

He immediately raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, I give up. Please don't tempt me anymore, or I might not be able to control myself. We need to think about the time and place for these things."

"What kind of things are you talking about exactly?" Darlene asks.

Leon's face crumpled with a shaking fist before he reached out and smacked her rear with a 'whack!'


"Still want to misbehave?" Leon asked with a half-joking, half-stern look.

Darlene rubbed her sore butt that did not hurt much due to Leon being lenient on his hit. She smiled flirtatiously and said, "Why don't you tell me? Should I misbehave or not?"



She was immediately met with another whack on her rear, albeit heavier, causing her to cry out in pain. Seeing Leon raise his hand again, she shivered.

"I'm sorry, hubby! I won't do it again!"

"That's better. Let us go pick up your sisters."

Darlene quickly nodded and wrapped her arms around one of his before Leon led them outside the Great Hall to find the 6 female servants with Void Bodies.

While walking around the palace, Darlene rubbed her rear slightly and complained, "Did you have to hit so hard?"

"You asked for it," Leon said.

Darlene immediately sulked.

Suddenly, Leon paused his steps. Darlene was confused and looked up before seeing a little girl in the distance gazing back at her—or rather, staring at Leon.

"Well, look who we have here?" Leon lowered himself and said, "Why don't you come over and say hi to your big brother?"

"Big Brother!"

Mia immediately broke into smiles and ran over excitedly before jumping into Leon's welcoming arms.

Leon picked her up and sat her on one of his shoulders.

"How have you been doing, living in this place? Has anyone been bullying my little sister?"

"There used to be, but not anymore after Aunty Valencia taught them all lesson. Now, they are afraid of being bullied by Mia." Mia clenched his fists and showed off her small biceps, trying to appear tough.

Leon smiled at the little girl's cute gesture and pinched her cheeks with his other hand before softly lecturing, "Don't bully the other kids too much if they don't deserve it, okay? There's nothing good about being a bully."

At the side, Darlene was surprised by their close interactions. She did not know when these two have become so close or did they already know each other?

Noticing Darlene's suspicion, Leon calmly said, "I'll explain another time."

Darlene acquiesced with a silent nod.

Suddenly, Mia began to cough. Leon glanced at her with worry and asked, "What's wrong, Mia? Are you not feeling well today?"

"It's just a regular cough, Big Brother. The doctors said it's nothing serious." Mia explained.

However, she started to cough even more heavily.

Leon immediately frowned and lowered her body before checking her pulse. There was no such thing as a regular cough without problems!

Leon recalled that Mia was a victim of organ trafficking. Although he managed to heal her, he was unable to recover a new kidney for her.

For a small child, who was still in the age of developing her body, this was quite detrimental to her health. Problems would naturally arise.

Considering they had been apart from each other for quite some time, Leon wondered how much Mia had been suffering such conditions.

After Leon inspected Mia's condition, he confirmed that the problem with Mia's health indeed stemmed from the missing kidney, but not entirely due to it.

Mia's body was weak compare to other kids her age. Her body was unable to cope with the Dark Continent's harsh environment, causing impurities to gather in her body without properly expunging as wastes from the body.

Unless Mia begins cultivation early to strengthen her body, staying in the Dark Continent will develop more severe health conditions in the long term.

His hand glowed with a gentle green light and provide Mia with a warm and soothing feeling, easing away the discomfort in her chest.

Sometime later, he asks, "How are you feeling now?"

"Mia feels very comfortable!" Mia answered. The slight crease on her forehead was relaxed.

"Just tell Big Brother if you feel unwell next time. Don't hide it, okay? Otherwise, Big Brother won't be able to help Mia feel better." Leon said.

"Mm! Sorry, Big Brother!"

Mia lowered her head sadly. Leon smiled and ruffled her hair while saying, "Don't worry. I am not blaming you."

Shortly after, he began to frown again.

He was thinking about Mia's condition. She needed to start her body cultivation; the sooner, the better.

However, the Darkmoon Tribe's [Darkmoon Body Forging Method] cannot only be practiced at the age of 13 and above. Younger children would not be able to bear the burden of the body forging method.

On the other hand, his [Hegemon of Primal Chaos] technique was too advanced for Mia. A slight mistake could rupture all her meridians and cripple her from cultivating.

In other words, he lacked a suitable method for Mia to practice.

Nevertheless, the seven Venerable Shamans and Chief Valencia were going to pool their ancient book collection together soon.

Perhaps he would not only be able to find more suitable methods for himself, but also for Mia to practice then.

"It seems we will have to delay our plans a bit. I wish to spend more time with Mia. Is that alright with you, little wifey?" Leon said to Darlene. Considering the chief was busy, it was an opportunity for him to meet the others.

She immediately shook her head and said, "I'm happy that you are putting my feelings into considerations, but you do not need to care too much about my opinions. When you want to do something, just do it."

"I see. Thank you." Leon nodded and said to Mia, "What do you want to play with Big Brother today?"

"Can I?" Mia's eyes lit up excitedly. After Leon gave the nod, she eagerly said, "Yeah!"


Leon smiled.

"But before that, let us go and see mother, shall we? Do you think she will be free and also want to see Big Brother?"

"Of course!" Mia answered. Shortly after, she hesitantly drew close and whispers in Leon's ears, "But… won't cause trouble for you, Big Brother? Aren't you trying to hide your identity?"

Mia took a few quick glimpses of Darlene warily.

Leon smiled and shook his head, "It won't. Big Brother is a very important person to the tribe right now. It won't affect Big Brother much and might work in Big Brother's favor instead."

"How so?"

Mia asked curiously, oblivious to the reasoning behind it. However, Leon shook his head without answering and ruffled her hair again.

"Let's talk about that later."

Meanwhile, Darlene was even more doubtful of Leon's identity. She knew she would learn the truth from Leon eventually. However, she was dying of curiosity.

It was like a strong itch that needed to be scratched.

Chapter 421 - Meeting Helen

In the innermost palace courtyard, Helen and the ex-disciples continued to cultivate under the Divine Demon Tree.

At this moment, Leon and Darlene arrived outside under Mia's lead.

However, the innermost courtyard was a tightly guarded place. Without earning the chief's trust or receiving her permission, no one could enter it. Leon was stopped by the servants guarding outside.

"I will go and call mom!" Mia said.

Leon nodded, "Alright. Try not to cause trouble, though."

"Mia knows! Mia is very sensible!" She said unhappily.

"Alright, alright. Big Brother was wrong, okay? Go on now."


Shortly after, the servants opened the gates for Mia to enter. In that brief moment, Leon was able to gaze inside. His eyes narrowed on the crimson tree with black leaves at the center.

From a single glance, he could tell that it was an extraordinary tree.

Nevertheless, the doors were shortly shut afterward, stopping for gazing at it further. He could only wait outside with Darlene.

"Do you know anything about that tree inside?" Leon asks Darlene, who chose to wait outside by his side.

She nodded and pulled Leon some distance away from the entrance to explain in a low voice, "That is Chief Valencia's most prized possession, the Divine Demon Tree. It belongs to a really rare breed of mutated trees, capable of producing an endless amount of Darkness Profound Energy for cultivation."

"Hmm… I see."

Leon hummed softly in thought. He could tell from a glance by the way the people were meditating below it and the strong Darkness Profound Energy emitting from the area.

But was it really rare, though? Where could the rest of the Darkness Profound Energy on the Dark Continent be coming from?

"Do you know where she got this tree from?" He inquired.

"Hmm…" Darlene pondered for a moment with a frowning look before she recalled something she heard and said, "I think it was found and brought back from the Land of Darkness by Chief Valencia's father, the previous chief."

"The Land of Darkness, huh?" Leon softly mused.

So, the Divine Demon Tree was procured straight from the land of demons.

This means that there was a possibility that it was not all that rare after all—it was only rare in the sense that the Darkmoon Tribe had only managed to obtain one of them.

Leon did not ponder long before the doors to the courtyard were opened again. The little girl was seen trying to drag their mother Helen out.

The face was unfamiliar to Leon. It was a younger face, but the aura and shape of the person were familiar to him.

He could tell that this was his mother, Helen, who spent 12 years raising him along with his father, Brian, back in the Capital's lower district.

Helen was rather nervous about being suddenly dragged out by her adopted daughter, saying that they would meet her son, whom she had not seen for a while. However, when she finally saw the person, she could not help but be stunned.

"You are…?" She asks hesitantly.

The appearance was mostly the same, but the tone of her son's complexion was utterly different from her memories. He was tanned.

Leon smiled at her and said, "What, you don't recognize your own son anymore?"

"Eh, well... you used to be... well, you know--whiter." Helen responded. after a moment, she shivered from realization and asks, "You still recognize me as your mother?"

Leon nodded and said, "Regardless of the reasons, you did raise me for 12 years after all."

Helen became emotional with watery eyes. She was afraid that her son would not recognize them anymore after learning the truth, but it turns out that they still have a place in his heart.

"This isn't the place to talk. Come with me." Helen wiped her eyes and spoke.

Leon nodded and followed his mother after picking up Mia. Darlene also followed behind them, but then Helen stopped. She glanced back at Darlene with doubt before turning to Leon.

"She is...?"

"My woman." Leon smiled wryly.

"Another one?" Helen looked at her son, speechlessly for a moment before saying, "You... Haiz, I don't know what to do with you. How many more women are you planning to have?"

"I don't know, really. Whatever happens, happens, I guess." Leon rubbed his head, awkwardly. It was not like he planned for this to happen. It just happens.

At this point, if Darlene had not figured out the relationship between these two people, then she would be an idiot.

It came as a great shock to her and completely caught her off guard. However, quickly recovered and muster up her courage, and stepped forward.

"H-Hello, mother. I am Darlene." She greeted nervously.

Helen gave Darlene a careful look before she nodded, "Mm. You're not bad."

It was a short comment, but it was enough for Darlene to be overjoyed, surprisingly. To be acknowledged by her hubby's mother, she could not be more relieved.

What she did not know was that Helen was only her hubby's adoptive mother. There were more surprises in store for her when she meets his parents.

Nevertheless, Darlene was surprised by their previous exchanged and looked at her hubby for answers.

"I have other women, as well. You are not the only one. Are you disappointed?" Leon admitted calmly.

Darlene shook her head and said, "No, someone as great as hubby is bound to have many women."

Despite saying this, there was still a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Nevertheless, she had expected this day would come sooner or later.

There are many warriors of both genders; there were typically fewer men than women in the tribe.

This is because women will get pregnant and give birth in the tribe while men head out to hunt outside. They were creatures prone to doing stupid sh*t to relieve boredom and had higher chances of getting themselves killed.

As such, it was customary for men to have many partners to balance out the differences in gender ratios. Otherwise, many women will probably die single.

Leon noticed Darlene's disappointment, but he said nothing. This was something all his women had to accept. He cannot be monopolized.

Sometime later, they arrived in Helen's room and sat around the round table.

"How are you finding this place, mother? Do you wish to return to the Human Domain? I can bring us back." Leon inquired after inspecting the simple room.

Helen shook her head and said, "No, Mother will stay here in the Darkmoon Tribe. This place is more to mother's liking."

Although Leon had already faintly guessed that his mother's answer would be like this, he could not understand why she would prefer this dark, barren place over the lush green lands.

He figured that it might be due to his mother's concerns about the threat of the Illusory Butterfly Sect and his other mother, Elizabeth. However, his mother shook his head when he brought this matter up.

"Although the land here is fraught with dangers all around, people put in their best efforts every day to live a fulfilling life. Chief Valencia wishes to vanquish the demons and open new lands for the people to live. It is also Mother's wish to help this person realize this dream."

The living conditions of the Human Domain was much better than the Dark Continent. However, she spent twelves year living in hiding there.

Meanwhile, the people here all face their life's challenges bravely and straightforward. She wanted to cultivate her courage to live like this while doing what she can to improve their living conditions.

"You might have also noticed this, son, but this place also contains deep heritage pertaining to the distant past. If we can unravel the secrets of that ancient period, perhaps we can learn something about the Cataclysm." Helen continued.

Leon was surprised.

He did not expect his mother to have such a noble goal. However, he frowned after a moment and asked, "What should I tell father?"

"Tell him that if he wants to stay in the Human Domain, then he can stay there. However, I will be staying here to work for my goal." Helen said. After a moment of silence, she added, "It seems that you will be going back soon. When do you plan on going, son?"

"I haven't decided yet, but quite soon. Possibly within the next two days. I've been away from the Capital for some time. It's time I head back and check on the kingdom. Everyone will probably lose their minds if I don't go back soon." Leon answered after some thought.

Helen nodded before asking Mia, "How about it, Mia? Would you like to stay here with your mother or go back to the Capital with your big brother?"

Mia looked back between Leon and Helen with indecisiveness.

She enjoyed the company of her big brother, but she had been together with her adoptive mother longer and had grown attached. Also, she made some friends in the tribe while she had no one back in the Crawford Kingdom.

"Mia… Mia wants everyone to be together." She said with her head lowered.

Leon rubbed the little girl's head and said, "Just stay here with mother. It will not be a forever goodbye. Once Big Brother builds a big Teleportation Array to connect the two lands, we will be able to visit each other whenever we want."

"Is that true?"

Mia's eye lit up excitedly.

Helen was surprised by her son's claim. He was competent. However, at the same time, she was a little concerned.

She did not mention it to avoid making things difficult for her son, but she knew that she would never be able to get along with Queen Elizabeth and King Heinrich.

The King and Queen can never forgive the people that took their son away from them. Thus, living in the Darkmoon Tribe was the most correct choice to make things easier between the two parties.

The group of three began to speak about miscellaneous topics relating to their experiences in the past few weeks while Darlene listened quietly at the side.

Leon took note of the time and suddenly got up.

"It's good to see you doing well, mother. However, it is time for Darlene and me to leave. We still have some matters to take care of."

Helen nodded and said, "Remember to visit mother whenever you are free."

"We will have to play another time, Mia," Leon said apologetically to the little girl. Although Mia was a bit disappointed, she was sensible enough not to make things difficult for Leon.

"Next time then! It's a promise!"

After they gave each other hugs, Leon left with Darlene.

Meanwhile, the seven Venerable Shamans and Chief Valencia were just finished gathering in the Great Hall.

Chapter 422 - Transcribing Ancient Techniques

"I think the Venerable Shamans should have heard from Venerable Shaman Woodrow why we have gathered here today." Chief Valencia while looking at everyone in the Great Hall.

The Venerable Shamans nodded.

"Don't waste any more time, Valencia. Let us begin immediately." Old Fjord said eagerly with his hands rubbing together.

Chief Valencia nodded and said, "Then let us all put our collections into the center."

After saying those words, Chief Valencia picked up the Tier 3 Interspatial Pouch attached to her waist. All the contents that she had collected from the vault earlier were shortly poured onto the ground.

The six Venerable Shamans followed suit also poured out the ancient book collections from their Interspatial Pouches.

In a short instance, the Great Hall's open center was immediately filled up with a mountain of glittering and shining books and scrolls dating back to the primordial era.

"Venerable Shamans, this is your area of expertise, so I will leave it to you all to sort these out." Chief Valencia said.

She was not proficient in the runic language like the Venerable Shamans were due to all her time being invested into cultivating the Darkmoon Tribe's Darkmoon Body Forging Method like a madman.

She would not have reached the Mid-rank Battle Master Realm in her 40's, otherwise. It was a realm where most warriors can only achieve in their senior years, typically around the age of 70 and above.

Within enough resources, a warrior can indeed reach the Battle Master Realm much sooner, but no sooner than 60 years of age.

Tribal chiefs are people capable of reaching the Battle Master Realm at 50 years of age, but few could reach it in their 40's like Chief Valencia.

Her cultivation was a testimony of the sheer effort and hard work she poured into cultivating her body.

"Just leave it to us."

The Venerable Shamans nodded at Chief Valencia's words and began scouring through the mountain of ancient books and scrolls.

Meanwhile, after Leon and Darlene left Helen's room, they were quickly spotted by servants searching for them. Not long after that, they were brought to the Great Hall, as per the chief's instruction.

"Oh? Looks like I was a bit late." Leon commented while stepping into the Great Hall. The Venerable Shamans had already started reading and sorting the ancient book collections.

Chief Valencia walked over and smiled, "Better late than never. We'll also be relying on Little Brother Leonhardt's knowledge to help us sort these out."

"Leave it to me."

Leon nodded and strolled over to the busy Venerable Shamans to join them. Darlene followed right behind Leon before she was stopped by Chief Valencia.

"No one else is allowed inside while Little Brother Leonhardt and Venerable Shamans are working." Chief Valencia stated after seeing Leon glanced back.

"Alright." Leon nodded and said to Darlene, "Wait for me outside."

Darlene curtsied and followed Chief Valencia outside. The Great Hall entrance was sealed with only Leon and the seven Venerable Shamans inside shortly after.

Leon suspected that Chief Valencia would inquire Darlene and the other servants about his previous whereabouts, but he simply shrugged.

It did not matter.

He shortly made his way over to the mountain of ancient books and scrolls before picking up an item carefully to inspect quietly.

No one greeted nor spoke a word.

Everyone was focused on translating the runic texts in their hands before making mental notes of it. It was clear that everyone was used to working alone.

Leon felt that this work efficiency was relatively low.

"Everyone, I have something to say." Leon suddenly said while closing the ancient book in his hand. It was already scanned and recorded in the [Archive] without anyone noticing it.

The Venerable Shamans shortly turned Leon with furrowed brows, displeased by his interruption of their thought processes.

"Oh? Little Brother Leonhardt. You're here. When did you arrive?" Master Woodrow greeted, followed Old Tailor asking, "What do you want to say, young friend?"

Only Old Tailor and Master Woodrow greeted him warmly.

"I've just arrived." Leon smiled to Master Woodrow before turning to the others and said, "I can see that everyone is used to working at their own pace. However, it will take forever to get through this mountain of books at this pace."

Old Tinker frowned and said, "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Naturally, we need to communicate. For example, this book in my hand is called the [Moon God's Cascading Steps], second volume. I know this, but do you all know this if I did not say so? What happens if someone finds the first volume but does not inform me? I would be wasting time searching for it in the pile."

"My suggestion is we stick a piece of paper on each of these books with their transcribed names and call it out after we are done. That way, we would know when someone else has the following volumes under the same name." Leon stated.

The Venerable Shamans began pondering his words with an understanding look. Their eyes widened slightly as they realized their current method was truly rigid and inefficient.

"Little Brother Leonhardt here offered an excellent suggestion. Let us follow his suggestion, shall we?" Old Hammer said to the other five Venerable Shamans.

The six quickly reached a unanimous agreement.

Sometime later, a few servants brought in stacks of paper and ink brushes for the Venerable Shamans to write on as they were instructed.

Leon and the Venerable Shamans quickly divided the items amongst themselves before getting back to transcribing the names of book and scroll.

The Darkmoon Tribe's ink and paper were not well developed. The paper was not white like the paper used in the Crawford Kingdom, but brown.

Nevertheless, Leon did not care about this and cut the big sheets of paper into small slips.

He grabbed a new ancient book and transcribed its name on the brown slip before saying, "Big Dipper Fist, first volume."

No one commented.

Thus, Leon placed the [Big Dipper Fist] First volume on an empty spot on the ground away from the big pile. Of course, he did not forget to scan the book and record it in the [Archive] covertly while he was holding it.

He proceeded to pick up another ancient book to transcribe.

On average, it took the Venerable Shamans three minutes to transcribe each book's name, while it only took Leon thirty seconds.

"Nirvana Heaven Finger Art, fifth volume."

"Ode of the Ice Phoenix, second volume."

"Divine Soul Mantra, ninth volume."

"Breath of the Dragon God Technique, first volume."

"Fire Emperor Blood Refining Method, third volume."

"Dragon God Bone Forging Method, first volume."

One by one, the books and scrolls had their titles written down and recorded. All manners of cultivations techniques for the soul, energy, and body were recorded down.

Law comprehension methods, breathing techniques, battle skills, and even weapon art; the pile contained a broad range of focus.

However, the broader the techniques, the less likely their complete volumes would be found in the big pile of ancient book collections.

Nevertheless, Leon did not lose heart and took the opportunity to record everything into the [Archive]. So long as he possesses the first volumes, the practice of the said method can be commenced.

"Earth God Heavy Sword Art, first volume."

"White Monarch Divine Eye Technique, first volume."

"Dragon God Inferno Heaven, third volume."

"Overlord Spear Art, first volume."

"Demon God Bone Refining Method, second volume."

"Everlasting Blood Mantra, first volume."

"Dragon God Bone Forging Method, second volume."

As the Venerable Shamans continued to call out one name after the other, few names began to overlap. At the same time, they were startled by the few demonic methods found in the midst.

Leon's eyes narrowed on a few methods listed.

[Overlord Spear Art.]

[Everlasting Blood Mantra.]

[Dragon God Bone Forging Method.]

The Overlord Spear Art; he had already obtained the second volume during his trip to Master Woodrow's Fragrant Tea Abode. Now that there was also the first volume, he can start practicing the technique all the way to the second volume!

[Everlasting Blood Mantra.]

He has also obtained this method previously. Unfortunately, it was the third volume. He was still missing the second volume. Nevertheless, he can start cultivating the first volume if he chooses.

However, he was not in a rush.

He can decide after finding all his possible options. [Everlasting Blood Mantra] might not be the best method for him, nor the most powerful method there was.

It was also a dual technique of energy cultivation and blood refining method. This might conflict with Leon's own energy cultivation method when he resumes energy cultivation.

[Dragon God Bone Forging Method.]

This method particularly sparked Leon's interest.

Dragons had always been viewed as revered and extremely powerful existences. For there to be a dragon god, it could be said to be the dragon among dragons.

'Is this a method specifically designed for the dragon race? Or can humans also practice this method? If possible, can humans really have dragon bones?'

Leon pondered silently.

Chapter 423 - Strong Dragon Heritage

Things were getting quite interesting.

The number of cultivation methods relating to dragons showing up was much more frequent than any other ancient heritage. Leon found this surprising.

Why was there a richer dragon heritage? Would there also be dragon carcasses hidden somewhere?

[Breath of the Dragon God Technique.]

[Dragon God Bone Forging Method.]

[Dragon God Inferno Heaven.]

The Venerable Shamans called out the names of cultivation techniques and battle skills every two minutes or so. The Dragon God Bone Forging Method had already been matched with its two volumes, while the others were still on a single volume.

Nevertheless, more dragon-related methods continue to appear more frequently amidst other methods over time.

"Roar of the Dragon King, first volume."

"Draconic Ruler of the Sky, second volume."

"Divine Empyrean Sutra, sixth volume."

"Fiery Dance of the Dragon King, seventh volume."

"Black Turtle Heavenly Guard, third volume."

"Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method, fourth volume."

The Venerable Shamans spoke consecutively. Leon widened his eyes after hearing a familiar name within the series.

[Black Turtle Heavenly Guard]!

Nevertheless, he already had the complete version memorized after being taught by Maya. He was simply surprised to hear it elsewhere; nothing more, and nothing less.

The [Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method] interested Leon greatly, for no other reason than it being a body forging method for consolidating the viscera.

According to the five phases of body forging mentioned within the [Godfiend Body Forging Method], consolidating the viscera was most important after flesh tempering, especially when living on the Dark Continent.

Consolidating the viscera has the benefit of fortifying the inner body, increasing one's lifespan, and granting heightened immunity against poison and diseases, leading to a healthy, strong body.

If Leon can complete the consolidating viscera phase, he would not have to worry about contracting any strange diseases from the Dark Continent and even drink poison as he wishes.

He might be hailed as a Divine Doctor and possess the method to all cures, but he was only as good as the medicine allowing him to be. If he contracted something only Tier 4 medicine and above can cure, then he would be screwed.

After the consolidating viscera phase, comes the bone forging phase. Bone forging leads to explosive growth in strength and inner body fortification after viscera consolidation, eliminating the final weakness in one's defense.

The blood refining phase comes next. Refining the blood leads to explosive improvement in one's speed, regenerative capabilities, and stamina.

If one had powerful blood, it was possible to never know exhaustion in battle, fighting forever until they suffer a fatal blow that cannot be recovered by their blood's regenerative capability.

The final phase was the most challenging phase within Body Cultivation, the cleansing marrow stage. The marrow cleansing heightens new blood productivity, granting more outstanding regenerative capabilities and an explosive increase in one's lifespan.

It was not farfetched to say that one can become near-immortal after completing the cleansing marrow phase. They will recover from any non-fatal injuries, including damages to the organs.

As long as the organs are not removed or utterly destroyed, they can be recovered to a perfect state even if they are damaged beyond recognition.

Generally, there is no order to completing the five phases. Any phase can be first or last, depending on the Body Cultivator's choice.

However, the cleansing marrow is usually left for last, even though completing the body forging phase would increase the difficulty of cleansing the marrow.

This is because Body Cultivators prioritize strength and defense above all else. Without strength, one would only be bullied to death by stronger opponents. On the other hand, if their defense is strong, they would not get hurt and need to heal in the first place.

Cleansing marrow would only become a priority when they are running low on lifespan.

While Leon and the six Venerable Shamans were transcribing in the Great Hall, things were getting heated in the Crimsonfog Tribe.

The Crimsonfog Tribe was similarly founded on a late rocky plateau.

At the tribe's center, where the colossal amphitheater was constructed, thousands of tribesmen gathered to watch two warriors battle on the Battle Arena.

One was the new chief, while the other was his challenger. Both were Extremity-rank Great Warriors of equal strength.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still choose to forfeit and give up now. Otherwise, neither of us will end well." The new chief, Blacktooth spoke.

The Battle Arena had no rules in fighting other than the fact that there can be no outside interference.

Due to injuries and even death was commonplace in the Battle Arena, both sides are free to employ whatever methods they wish.

The challenger pointed his Soul Weapon at the new chief and barked, "Less nonsense and let us fight! A morally lacking person like you will never be fit to be the tribe's chief!"

"And you are? You're not better than I am!" Blacktooth sneered.

The challenger's face darkened. He said with a deep tone, "What are you trying to say?!"

"Don't think that just because you are acting righteously that you will fool me! I know you wanted to be chief just as badly! However, you are more insidiously than I am! You waited for me to challenge Chief Baskara first and gather the tribe's hatred before you challenge me! You are just a hypocritic! At least I am upfront in my actions!" Blacktooth said contemptuously.

The thousands of tribesmen in the crowd began to whisper amongst themselves while pointing fingers in the challenger's direction. All sorts of disdainful remarks and jeers were hurled at him.

The challenger's face immediately flushed red with both rage and embarrassment before he roared, "You are talking nonsense! You are just trying to drag my reputation down with you!"

"Am I? Considering how quick you showed up to challenge me, you were definitely hiding nearby for the opportunity! Or am I wrong? Do you dare say that you weren't?!" Blacktooth accused.

The challenger was immediately livid. He had no way to refute because that had indeed been the case. He would be seen as someone untrustworthy if he denied it while admitting it would get him scorned.

Neither of the choices benefited him!

"Go, die!"

The challenger immediately lunged at Blacktooth with his Soul Weapon, an insidious-looking black scythe made of bones!

Blacktooth's gaze turned solemn.

He received the attack with his own Soul Weapon, a large, heavy sword made of bizarre red bones. It looked like crystals but felt like cold metal.


The two exchanged blows with equal strength and repelled each back several large steps on the Battle Arena. Despite the fact that their strengths were comparable, the challenger ended up taking a single step further than Blacktooth.

Evidently, Blacktooth had a more robust foundation—or rather, his body was more formidable due to refining other areas in his body that were not covered by their tribe's body forging method.

"Impossible! I don't believe you are stronger than me!"

The two people began to lunge at each other to exchange another round of blows. At the same time, the crowds were cheering loudly!

A small group cheered for the new chief, while another small group cheered for the challenger. However, the most significant portion of the crowd was actually cheering for both sides to f*ck each other up!

That's right!

Once the two warriors are grievously wounded and exhausted, another person will step up to challenge the winner regardless of who won!

Not many had the galls to be the first to slight Chief Baskara.

However, once someone committed the deed, everyone would not mind joining in and having a crack at becoming chief, even if it is only for one day!

On the Battle Arena, the two Extremity-rank Great continue to fight. Sparks emitted from their clash of Soul Weapons.

After exchanging dozens of strikes, shallow wounds began appearing on both their bodies. Once injuries occurred, it starts becoming more frequent!

Even so, both Extremity-rank Great Warriors were veteran fighters. Despite going at each other's necks, they were able to avoid lethal blows, albeit narrowly.

Suddenly, the situation changed drastically.

Blacktooth kicked the scythe-type Soul Weapon out of the challenger's grasp from an uncanny angle!

At the same time, the challenger's expression plummeted and immediately broke past Blacktooth's guard and grappled him, putting him into a chokehold from behind!

Shortly after that, the heavy sword-type Soul Weapon was also kicked away from Blacktooth's grasp while they tussled in close quarters!

Both Soul Weapons flew into the out-of-bound area outside Battle Arena, becoming usable for their ensuing battle. Stepping outside the Battle Arena was an automatic forfeit!

"Argh! You sneaky bastard!" Blacktooth roared after the other Extremity-rank Great Warrior jabbed at his open wounds.

He immediately delivered a punch to the person's face, resulting in a swollen black eye. Afterward, they began targeting each other's faces and wounds alternatively.

A victor was not decided until both contestants had their bodies battered with bruises and their faces swelled like pigs. They were both beaten black and blue.

In the end, the challenger lost in a contest of stamina.

After his strength was exhausted, Blacktooth took the chance to kick the person out of the Battle Arena. He spat an arrow of blood before wiping his mouth and raising his hand victoriously to the crowd.


There were no cheers. Just hundreds of challenge requests from both Peak-rank Great Warriors and other Extremity-rank Great Warriors!

"I want to challenge you, Blacktooth!"

"No, I challenged him first!"

"Piss off! I did!"

Listening to their challenge requests, Blacktooth snorted, "I've already completed my compulsory challenge! I don't need to accept any more challenges for the day. Come back and try again another day if you want to challenge me!"


Blacktooth dragged his battered body and left the Battle Arena amidst the crowd's jeers and taunts. He paid no need to it.

Now that he was chief, he needed to make every second count and cultivate all he can with the resources reserved for chiefs!

Chapter 424 - Depart For Darkmoon

Within the crowds gathered at the Crimsonfog Tribe's colossal amphitheater, there were senior warriors among them. These people were all elderly warriors with at least 70 years to their age. Not only that; they are all Battle Masters!

Senior warriors were warriors who shattered their cores and retired from the warrior career. Not all senior warriors were Battle Masters, and even less were lucky enough to become Shamans.

At this moment, they were simply watching everything unfold calmly. It was not that they were not interested in the chief position, but the fact that they had no right to compete for it. Warriors with shattered cores like them were no longer eligible for the position.

After Blacktooth collected his heavy sword-type Soul Weapon and left the area, the hype did not die down. Extremity-rank Great Warriors began challenging Extremity-rank Greater Warriors, and Peak-rank Great Warriors began challenging Peak-rank Great Warriors.

They knew that the Extremity-rank Great Warrior, Blacktooth, would only accept challenges once a day to try and keep his chief position for as long as possible.

As such, they had to beat down the other keen challengers to reduce their competitors.

"The nature of humans is quite ugly, but this kind of situation is not bad. Competitions like this will push these young warriors to work harder and grow faster. Our tribe will become stronger collectively as a result." Said a senior warrior.

Another senior warrior nodded in agreement before disagreeing, "However, that is only if the competition continues to be friendly and not take it too far. Crippling injuries and death will weaken our tribe instead."

"That is also true."

A senior warrior shortly stood up from his stone seat and barked towards the Battle Arena, "You brats better keep it friendly and not go too far! If I see you—"

"Alright, that's enough words." Another senior warrior pulled the person back down to his seat and said, "The younger generation knows what to do and not to do. If you try to control them too much, it will limit their growth instead."

"I guess you are right." The person said after some thought and no longer instructed the competing warriors.

Outside the colossal amphitheater, Blacktooth made his way directly to the chief palace. However, he bumped into a Venerable Shaman before reaching it.

"One-Eyed Venerable Shaman." Blacktooth greeted before inquiring hesitantly, "Are you going to stop me from entering the palace?"

"Me? No. I am here to inform you that Chief Valencia has initiated a summit summoning to discuss an important matter. It will be held seven days later at their Darkmoon Tribe, and I suggest that you attend it to figure out what is going on." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said calmly.

Blacktooth was shortly stunned by the Venerable Shaman's words before he quickly became overjoyed. Was this not the perfect excuse to get away from the tribe and avoid the challengers without forfeiting by default?

"If I decide to go, will the One-Eye Venerable Shaman also help me attend it? My strength is still inadequate. I'm afraid that I will lose face for the Crimsonfog Tribe if I attend alone." Blacktooth said sneakily.

He was just an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. He definitely had to bring at least one of the Venerable Shamans with him to face the other Battle Master chiefs calmly.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman pondered for a moment before he agreed, "Alright. I will come with you. When do you plan to set out?"

"How about we leave right away after I grab some stuff from the palace?" Chief Blacktooth suggested.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's expression immediately darkened as he understood the person's intention. Nevertheless, he had to praise the person for his craftiness. At least this person knows how to maximize his benefits.

"Alright. I will wait here. Go quickly!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman urged.

He did not stop Blacktooth from ransacking the palace. This was his right as the new chief. Everything in the palace belongs to the chief.

Blacktooth nodded excitedly and said, "Thank you, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman!"

He immediately rushed into the palace.

There were beautiful servants left and right, and even some of Chief Baskara's women were spotted. They were gorgeous beyond belief, and Blacktooth gazed at them covetously.

Nevertheless, he knew his limits. If he touched Chief Baskara's women, he would be doomed when the person recovers from his coma.

Blacktooth ignored the women and headed to the treasure vault. The moment he entered, his eyes lit up with greed.

'Truly worthy of being called the treasure vault. This place is brimming with treasures!' Blacktooth exclaimed in his mind.

Dark Crystals littered the place with several other items mixed in the lot. Boxes contained rare and exotic medicinal herbs from different regions, high-quality Soul Weapons, Enchanted Equipment, Enchanted Accessories, and numerous ancient books collected from the Land of Darkness.

None of the Soul Weapons, Enchanted Equipment, and Enchanted Accessories placed in the treasure vault were below Tier 4. There were dozens of Tier 4 items, while Tier 5 items were fewer but still present.

When Blacktooth gazed at these high-quality items then glanced at his own set of Tier 3 equipment, he felt like he was wearing pieces of trash.

He immediately switched out for the Tier 5 heavy sword-type Soul Weapon and grabbed some of Tier 4 to Tier 5 Enchanted Equipment.

Afterward, he found a higher quality Interspatial Pouch and filled it up with Dark Crystals. He did not take too much nor too little—about 50-thousand Dark Crystals; enough to last him a long while.

Sometime later, he reappeared before the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman with a satisfied look and said, "Let us go now, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman."

"Not yet. You cannot go yet." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stated with a solemn tone.

Blacktooth was taken aback and asked, "Why not?"

"You need to inform the tribe of your departure and reason, then arrange for the tribe to self-manage themselves during your absence. Do you think you can just leave irresponsibly without a word or commitment to your tribe? Being a chief is not a simple task."

"Eh, you're right, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman. I was inconsiderate just now. I will go inform the tribe now." Blacktooth wiped his sweat under the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's pressurizing gaze.

Shortly after, he returned to the colossal amphitheater, where most tribesmen were gathered to make his announcement.

After the tribesmen learned about the summit summoning, many tribesmen immediately voiced their eagerness to accompany Blacktooth on the trip to the Darkmoon Tribe.

Of course, all the Peak-rank Great Warriors and Extremity-rank Great Warriors volunteered so they can challenge Blacktooth the following day at the Darkmoon Tribe's Battle Arena when they arrive there.

Blacktooth naturally rejected them all, but at the same time, he could not just bring no one except himself and the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman on the trip.

As such, he accepted some Early-rank to Mid-rank Great Warriors along with a few dozen young Peak-rank Warriors to accompany him to the Darkmoon Tribe for the experience.

The group of roughly fifty tribesmen quickly made preparations for their departure after they were selected.

Sometime later, everyone gathered outside the gates of the Crimsonfog Tribe.

The One-Eye Venerable Shaman faced the other few Venerable Shamans seeing him off, and said, "Watch over the tribe while we are gone."

"Naturally." One the Venerable Shaman said before asking, "Do you really need to leave now? The Darkmoon Tribe is only a day's journey away, while the summit is seven days from now. There is no point arriving so early."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman immediately shook his head and disagreed with the Venerable Shaman's words. While it was true that they were leaving due to Chief Blacktooth's selfishness, there merits to arriving early at the Darkmoon Tribe.

"There is a point, actually. Considering the severity of Chief Valencia's tone in the voice transmission, I doubt that she is just an alarmist. It will do us good to learn about the potential threat as soon as possible. That way, we will be more prepared for what is to come." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said.

"Also, it's a good chance for our people to interact with other tribes and strengthen the relationship between the tribes in the alliance. If there truly is a problem threatening the Seven Tribes Alliance, unity will be the key to our survival."

The Venerable Shaman nodded with an understanding look.

"What you said makes a lot of sense. In that case, I think it will be good to bring these people along. Sonia is young, but her understanding of the runic language even puts me to shame. She will be useful for discussing matters relating to this topic with the Darkmoon Tribe's experts. As for these other three gents, perhaps the Darkmoon Tribe will have a method to remove their Exploding Secret Rune." The Venerable Shaman said.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman gazed with surprise at Ironfist and the other two Extremity-rank Great Warrior that recently defected to their tribe.

"It seems you have already had your own considerations. Alright, I bring them along." The One-Eyed Venerable agreed. Shortly after, he turned to Chief Blacktooth and asked, "That won't be a problem, right?"

Blacktooth looked at the three Extremity-rank Great Warrior with apprehension. It seemed like he did not really have a choice but to bring them along.

"There won't be any problem…" He said hesitantly.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman nodded approvingly and said, "Good. Let us be on our way then."

The group shortly departed for the Darkmoon Tribe.

Along the way, Ironfist walked up to Blacktooth and said, "Don't worry, I am not interested in challenging you for the chief position. The other two are also of the same opinion as me.. So, you can rest assured."

Chapter 425 - Truth Behind The Slumbering Battle Kings

Ironfist and the other two Extremity-rank Great Warriors were naturally self-aware of their own strengths and positions.

The chief position might be really appealing, but it was not worth offending everyone for it. The short-term benefits were not worth the price in the long term.

Once Chief Baskara recovers from his coma, Ironfist can expect many naughty kids to be spanked.

Darkmoon Tribe, Great Hall.

Leon and the six Venerable Shamans continued to transcribe the ancient book collection. Much more dragon-related heritage began to appear so frequently that they were allocated their own section in the Great Hall to be placed.

Of course, the one who volunteered to move the dragon-related books was Leon. And he did so shamelessly with an honest look, saying that the young had more energy and should naturally work harder when in truth, he was just scanning a copy of everything in the [Archive].

"Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method, first volume."

"Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method, second volume."

"Divine Empyrean Sutra, second volume."

"Roar of the Dragon King, third volume."

"Star God's Finger Art, second volume."

"Devil Emperor's Tome of Darkness, fourth volume."

Leon continued to hear dragon this and dragon that from the Venerable Shamans.

At the rate that they were going through the piles of ancient heritages, he estimated that there would at least be five completed volumes of techniques relating to dragons by the time they are done with it.

Dragon heritage aside, other techniques began making recurring appearances, such as the Star God's Finger Art, Divine Empyrean Sutra, and Devil Emperor's Tome of Darkness.

"Ice Phoenix's Frozen Calamity, first volume."

"Archaic Flesh Refining Technique, second volume."

"Everlasting Blood Mantra, second volume."

"Indestructible Bone Transformation Method, fourth volume."

At this point, Leon has heard at least one body forging method for each of the five phases pertaining to Body Cultivation. However, there did not seem to be a technique relating to tempering muscles and meridians.

This is because muscle tempering was included in the tempering flesh phase, while meridians were part of the consolidating viscera phase.

When Leon understood this point, he was relieved that he did not cultivate incorrectly when he tempered his meridians.

Nevertheless, it seemed that his meridians would undergo another round of tempering after he obtains a suitable consolidating viscera method.

Two hours quickly passed in the blink of an eye before Leon, and the six Venerable Shamans sorted out the mountain of ancient heritage, containing hundreds of books.

Each technique, method, and battle skills were neatly arranged into their own separate stack on the ground.

Not everything was techniques, methods, and battle skills. There were also a few diaries, maps, and even letters. These were placed in a miscellaneous section in the corner of the hall.

"Haiz, let us divide these books into two groups; the complete volumes and the incomplete volumes." Old Tailor said with a sigh.

Master Woodrow raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why do you sigh, Old Tailor? We are making good progress right now."

"Haiz…" Old Tailor shook his head and sighed again. After he cracked his stiff neck and said, "Maybe I am getting old. I'm getting a bit tired. It took us nearly two houses to transcribing the titles on these things. However, each title is only a few runic characters long. Can you imagine how long it will take us to translate the entire texts in each of them?"

"Each of these books contains at least hundreds to thousands of runic characters. I'm afraid it will take us a long while to finish translating them all." Old Hammer said with a startled expression.

"A year at the very least, I'd say." Master Woodrow commented.

"But this only if we are trying to translate everything. We just need to focus on one at a time. However, what do we focus on is the question. Do we work on the cultivation methods of ancient times, or do we work on the miscellaneous items and learn about our ancient past?"

"What does everyone think?" Old Tailor asked.

When this question was raised, everyone was immediately in favor of translating one of the ancient cultivation methods over learning history.

Learning history would satisfy their curiosity, but the ancient cultivation methods could improve the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method] and strengthen their tribe.

"How about you, Little Brother Leonhardt?" Master Woodrow turned to Leon, who did not insert an opinion.

"Me? I'm equally interested in both. I do not mind what we focus on." Leon said wryly. In truth, it did not care too much what the Venerable Shamans decided. He had taken his chance to scan everything he could.

"Fair enough."

Master Woodrow did not ask further.

The six Venerable Shamans gathered around to discuss which method to translate. There were numerous grand and imposing names, but they had to choose carefully.

The [Darkmoon Body Forging Method] was created after the Darkmoon Tribe's ancestor gain inspiration for several individual volumes of different techniques.

There were traces of energy cultivation and body forging methods pertaining to the consolidating viscera, forging bone, and tempering flesh phases within the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method].

While Leon listened to the Venerable Shamans discuss which techniques would best help them improve the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method], he gained a clearer understanding of the Darkmoon Tribe's body forging method.

It seemed that the Darkmoon Tribe's ancestors were aware that the godly techniques from ancient times cannot be practiced precisely as they were described due to the absence of Grandmist Energy.

As such, they took into account the abundance of Darkness Profound Energy in the Dark Continent when they created the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method].

Even so, the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method] was not without its flaws. It did not include the refining blood and cleansing marrow phase.

Furthermore, the consolidating viscera and tempering flesh phase were also shallow. Only the forging bone phase had great emphasis within the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method].

From this, Leon could see that while the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors could gain incredible strength from practicing the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method], their defense was not high like demonic beasts, nor did they enjoy longer lifespans.

'Most likely, warriors practicing the [Darkmoon Body Forging Method] do not live past 150 years. However, the Darkmoon Tribe still have two Battle King Ancestors that have lived a few hundred years… It seems they were put into a deep sleep in the Catacombs to preserve their diminished lifespans.'

Leon quietly pondered.

Deep sleep was not enough to stop the body from aging. There had to be deeper secrets hidden within the Catacombs that allowed the Battle King Ancestors to preserve their diminished lifespans.

'So, the reason the Darkmoon Tribe is reluctant to rely on their Battle King Ancestors is that the Battle King Ancestors will eventually exhaust their lifespans and die after waking up…'

The Battle Kings are the ultimate trump cards and fighting force of every tribe. Once they are gone, it is tough to recover from the loss due to the difficulty of reaching the Battle King Realm.

Suddenly, Leon recalled the story of the Blackwind Tribe's internal conflict.

'I supposed the Blackwind Tribe's Battle King Ancestors were not stupid to the point of fighting to the death and kill each other off. It seems the truth of the matter was that they died after exhausting their already diminishing lifespans.'

Leon understood.

Sometime later, the Venerable Shamans finally settled their decision on the [Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method]. This method had seven volumes, enough for everyone to work on a part each if they include Leonhardt.

Leon understood why they chose this method.

The consolidating viscera method could increase one's lifespan. However, he was not so sure if this would help much for the Battle King Ancestor's already depleted lifespans with one foot in the coffins.

Their body is aged, and their organs are already failing. Even if the technique successfully injects more lifespan into them, it would only be a small fraction compared to what younger warriors would enjoy if they practice it.

Furthermore, Darkness Profound Energy was ill-suited for the human body. Perhaps, it would shave away more life than it would give.

If the Venerable Shamans' goal were to extend the lives of the Battle King Ancestors, miracle life-extending elixirs and pills would do a better job.

If they aim to produce new Battle Kings, they should work on the energy cultivation aspect instead. Greater control over their energy core will reduce the chance of getting corrupted by Demonic Energy and undergoing Demon Possession.

In the end, these were just Leon's voiceless opinions. Even if he mentioned it, it was not like they could switch to a different energy source for Body Cultivation.

Darkness Profound Energy was still the core of their practice.

Moments later, they packed everything back into the Interspatial Pouches and headed outside, where Darlene and Chief Valencia waited with some servants guarding the entrance.

"How did it go?" Chief Valencia asked.

Old Tailor shook his head and said, "We've made some progress, but we still have a long way to go before we can produce something useful. Keep these locked away safely in the vault, Valencia."

Old Tailor proceeded to pass all the Interspatial Pouches to Chief Valencia. She was surprised by this, but after the Venerable Shamans informed her of the reason, she nodded.

Shortly after, Leon bid his leave and took Darlene to fetch the six female servants before heading back to the Barrenrock Courtyard together.

Leon was eager to find some time alone to browse the new contents in the [Archive].

Chapter 426 - The Consolidating Viscera Methods

After the six female servants were brought back to the Barrenrock Courtyard, they stuck close to each other while looking at Darlene and Leon with nervous expressions.

Chief Valencia had informed them that they would be serving a different master, but they did not know why the chief would just give them away like this. However, they seemed to have faintly guessed something after seeing Darlene close to their new master.

"There's plenty of rooms, so feel free to go help your sisters settle down. I will be meditating for a bit." Leon said to Darlene.


After Darlene nodded, Leon entered his room and closed the door before sitting on the bed and sending his consciousness into the [Archive].

Outside, the six female servants gazed at Darlene with doubt and suspicions. She was not the same person she was before. There was a subtle yet confident aura surrounding her.

"Do you know what is going on, Darlene? Why did the chief give us to Young Master Leonhardt? Was this really your doing?" One of the pretty female servants asked.

"That's right." Darlene admitted, "I wanted for us to be together again, so I mentioned my wish to Young Master Leonhardt—"

"How can you do that to us, Darlene? I thought we were close like sisters."

"Yeah! We were doing just fine, serving under Chief Valencia. Why did you drag us down with you?"

The female servants began accusing her with a look of betrayal.

"I didn't—" Darlene wanted to correct them, but she was interrupted.

"The Young Master also secretly look down on useless people like us who cannot cultivate, right? Everyone is like that!"

"What has the Young Master done to you? Does he treat you like a plaything? Is he going force himself on us and shame us like that too?"

"You're no longer chaste, are you? Ah, why did you do this to us, Darlene? Just why?"

"We are already lowly servants. We don't have anything except our beauty and chastity. If we lose our chastity, who would still want us? How can we still hope to find our future man, who would treat us right?"

"What was it like, Darlene? Was the Young Master rough? Did he ravage you like an animal?"

The female servants continued to question her with despairing looks. Darlene wanted to interrupt them several times, but she was not given a chance.

Although she understood the reason for their misunderstanding, she still did not like to hear them bad-mouthing her hubby. It made her frustrated and angry.

"That is enough, everyone! You're all overthinking it! It's not like that!" Darlene shouted angrily.

At the same time, the space around her began to warp and twist out of shapes. On the ground, the twigs were seen snapping, and the peddles cracking.

The six female servants all retreated in fear and stared at Darlene in shock and incomprehensibility of the phenomenon.

After a moment, the spatial distortion disappeared as if nothing had happened. However, the snapped twigs and cracked peddles on the ground were proof that something had indeed happened.

"Darlene… what was that just now? Did you do that?" One of the female servants asked.

Darlene nodded and said, "This is the result of Young Master Leonhardt teaching me how to cultivate. People with the Void Body like us are able to cultivate, and we are definitely not useless!"

The six female servants stare at Darlene with wide eyes, shocked and dumbfounded by the revelation. It seemed to have shattered their belief regarding people plagued with Void Bodies.

"I guess you have been holed up in the palace and have not heard the rumors spreading around the tribe. Everyone is talking about it now. You would know if you just go around and ask them about it." Darlene said to them.

"…Can you show us again, Darlene?" A female servant called Tia asked expectantly with a gulping expression.


Darlene quickly agreed.

After a few rounds of demonstrating the spatial ability, the six female servants concluded that Darlene's power was real—that their eyes were not playing tricks on them. The realization made them stare at Darlene in awe.

Seeing the shock and awe in her sisters' eyes, Darlene felt jittery and excited inside. She was filled with a sense of satisfaction and became smug.

"What kind of ability is this? How are you doing it, Darlene? What does it feel like? Will the Young Master also teach how to use this ability?" Another female servant inquired with excitement. Her name was Chana.

The other female servants also looked at Darlene eagerly, awaiting her answer. The previous apprehension in their heart was burned away by a fiery hope for the future—the future of cultivating!

Darlene curled her lips with amusement before saying, "According to Young Master Leonhardt, this spatial ability is supposedly inherent in people like us—people who possess the Void Body. This power lies dormant in all of us. We just must look inside ourselves and tap into it. It won't work if you do not believe in yourself."

Shortly after, Darlene could see all sorts of flustered and constipated expression on her sisters. At the same time, they performed strange and comical gestures to copy the same spatial ability she demonstrated earlier.


She gave a suppressed laugh.

"Why isn't it working? Are you making fun of us, Darlene?" Sienna complained unhappily with a small blush, embarrassed by her previous actions. She must have looked like a fool in Darlene's eyes.

Tia and the others also started to throw accusive gazes at Darlene.

Darlene waved her hands in denial while giggling, "Hahaha, don't look at me like that. Do you think it was easy to control this ability? The Young Master tied me to a stake and threw rocks at me mercilessly before I could use this ability! I couldn't even follow the rocks and thought it was my life flashing before my eyes!"

"Is that so?" Tia asked for confirmation. She shook her head shortly and requested with determination, "Please tie me to a stake and throw rocks at me too, Darlene! I want to be able to use this ability like you!"

"Let's leave that for later. Come, I'll show you all to your rooms!" Darlene said with a smile and gestured for them to follow her.

The six female servants did not carry much on their body—just a thin leather bag with a few sets of clothes. After they settled their stuff down into their new rooms, they quickly regathered back outside, in the courtyard.

Seeing her sisters so eager to learn from her, she felt like she has become the group's eldest sister. Her hubby once said that there was no issue with other people knowing about her spatial ability; thus, it should not be a problem for her to teach her sisters.

"There's six of you. How about you split into teams of two and practice with each other? There's already one stake in the ground, so we just need to stick another two in the ground and find some ropes." Darlene suggested.

Tia and the others quickly agreed and began busying themselves. They did not bother Darlene further and relied on themselves to find the materials.

Meanwhile, Leon was browsing through the [Archive] inside the Divine Book of Life's Whitespace. Everything had already been translated without Leon requesting Maya's help.

Maya was considerate enough to do it without being asked. At that moment, she was still lying on top of the book mountain in the Worldspace.

A holographic copy of an Old God's diary could be seen floating in the air in front of Maya's face. The pages flipped from time to time as Maya enjoyed her time reading the diary slowly.

Leon used the [Archive]'s feature to filter through the hundreds of new books with his mind to show only a specific type of category.

[Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Star God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Moon God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Ice Phoenix Consolidating Viscera Method] (Five volumes; incomplete)

[Void God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Five volumes; incomplete)

[Devil Emperor Consolidating Viscera Method] (Three volumes; incomplete)

[Demon King Consolidating Viscera Method] (Two volumes; incomplete)

A whole list of body forging methods for the consolidating viscera phase was shown to Leon. There were quite a few on the list. However, only three methods contained the completed volumes.

[Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method]

[Star God Consolidating Viscera Method]

[Moon God Consolidating Viscera Method]

"Just these three, huh?" Leon mused for a moment before deciding, "Let's take a look at this one first."

He reached out and selected the golden books containing the title 'Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method.' It sounded like the most powerful of the three methods.

Nevertheless, he was not in a rush to practice it. He was going to read the other two methods after, before he decides to pick out the most suitable method for him to practice.

He only picked the Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method first because it was the one that interested him most by just the title alone.