
Chapter 646 - Two Choices

"This… We can talk about this…" Chief Blackdragon cracked a wry expression before saying, "You should know how important the Divine Doctor is to me."

"I do not have to fear the Demonic Possession, then I can push for Battle King Realm without worries," he said.

However, Chief Valencia continued to glare at him coldly and said, "And you think that the same doesn't apply for the rest of us? Does the Berserk Dragon Tribe think it is so powerful that it can look down on its allies and disrespect them now?"

"I apologize for this matter… I was not thinking straight due to the side effects of my tribe's Berserk Dragon Cultivation Method…"

"Do you think that can excuse you for attacking my esteemed guests—or anyone for that matter, Chief Blackdragon?" Chief Valencia pressed firmly.

"I… This Chief was not—"

"That's enough," the One-Eye Venerable Shaman interrupted with a wave of his hand and stated, "We are gathered to decide how to resolve the crisis before us. You can settle the problems between you two after."

"Yes, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman," Chief Blackdragon complied respectfully.

No matter what, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman was his senior and an Extremity-rank Battle Master.

He was not so arrogant that he would slight someone two ranks above his level.

"Young Master Leonhardt, you may proceed to speak—if it is alright with you," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman gestured politely to Leon.


Leon nodded.

Shortly after giving everyone a sweeping glance, he began to speak, "As you are all aware, I am not a local from around here, nor am from one of the neighboring regions—No, I am from much further away."

"I am from the Humain Domain, a place located on another continent and also a prince of an empire there, but enough of that for now. As it stands, two options are presented before you all."

Leon paused to give the Venerable Shaman and the tribal chiefs a look.

"The first choice is to surrender to the winning tribe at the central region and allows yourselves to live under the leadership of their hegemony," Leon stated.

"Out of the question!"

"Give us the second option."

Without surprises, the tribal chiefs and the One-Eye Venerable Shaman voiced their objections to the idea.

They did not even consider it.

If they had been unaware of the Black Warbear Tribe's grand scheme and had their water cut, causing them to become desperate, then perhaps, they may have considered.

However, since they were aware, they wanted to keep their dignity.

"Very well," Leon smiled lightly with a nod at their responses before he said, "The second choice is to work with me. I will provide you the water. I can even provide you better techniques to practice. In return, you must unite, rise, and become the hegemon of the Infertile Plains."

"If you go down this path, it will be a bloodied one. There will be resistance, and there will be death. Whether you rise or fall, it'll be a path of no return. And of course, a leader must be a elected among the Seven Tribe Alliance to lead everyone in this endeavor."

Leon stated afterward.


At his words, the tribal chiefs felt their blood boiling. Even the old flame in the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's heart felt like it was ignited.

Nevertheless, the elder scrutinized Leon's face before asking, "And who does Young Master Leonhardt think will be the most suitable leader in the Seven Tribe Alliance?"

Leon smiled.

Naturally, he believed that he, himself, should assume the leadership role and eventually swallow all the tribes under his banner, making them his people.

It would bolster the military might of the empire to a newfound peak.

"Of course, that is something for everyone in the Seven Tribe Alliance to decide on," Leon ultimately said while retaining a calm smile.

He did not nominate himself.

Haste would only make waste.

The tribes had their own egos and would not readily submit to his ruling, even if he managed to assume the leadership role.

He may have won the hearts of the Darkmoon Tribe, but the same cannot be said for the other tribes.

A hasty choice would only ruin the bigger picture.


The One-Eye Venerable Shaman stroked his beard with interest before nodding in approval.

He was impressed by Leonhardt's calm composure to make a clear and steady choice despite the obvious temptation and deep ambition hidden within the young man.

"We can decide on the leader of the alliance through friendly competition in the battle arena," Chief Blackdragon suggested.

"That seems like the best way to settle it," Chief Brightstar nodded before saying, "However, I'm more interested in what Young Master Leonhardt has to gain out of this by helping us?"

"True," Chief Nightraven shifted his gaze to Leon and said, "By the sound of it, the Human Domain is not lacking in resources and should have no trouble sustaining life. What is your intention, Young Master Leonhardt."

"Young Master Leonhardt is a hero with a noble heart," Chief Valencia stated firmly before asking with a frown, "Are you two doubting his good intentions and benevolence?"

"I do believe Young Master Leonhardt has some good intentions in helping us—don't get me wrong," Chief Nightraven shook his head before he said, "However, men, as humans, as people, are creatures governed by self-interest."

"I do not believe Young Master Leonhardt will be helping us out of complete selflessness and goodwill to our tribes," he stated.


Chief Valencia was angered.

What was this person thinking? Is he trying to offend the only person who could solve their predicament and shoo him away?

Nevertheless, Leon patted Chief Valencia's shoulders and stopped her with a shake of his head before reassuring her that it was alright.

"It's fine," he said.

Shortly after, he gazed back at the chiefs decisively without faltering and said, "While the Human Domain has good living conditions, it surrounding be threats all around, and with the arrival of the Cataclysm—comes the emergence of a new threat."

"I do admit there is some selfishness for my intention to help, but I can assure you, it is out of my desire for the continuation and prosperity of our human race," he stated.

Chapter 647 - Report And Speculations

"Although we do want to believe you, Young Master Leonhardt, we cannot expect us to place our trust in you—just based on your words alone, right?" Chief Nightraven stated before asking, "Let us talk about the water supply. How will you supply us water exactly?"

"For starters, the Human Domain does not lack in water. Not only do we have water, but we can also make water," Leon stated confidently with a smile.

His words immediately stunned everyone present.

"You can… make water, Young Master Leonhardt?" Chief Brightstar asked with surprise and a hint of doubt.

"Do you need a demonstration?" Leon smiled lightly before raising his hand, followed by ice condensing into shape before he tossed the block of ice to Chief Brightstar, "For you, take it."

"My ability is an order higher than ordinary water-users, but no needs me to tell them what they will get when the ice melts, right?"

Leon swept everyone a look.

Shortly after receiving their nods, he continued to speak, "Back in the Human Domain, there are quite a few water-users that can be brought over to produce water for your tribes."

"However, this is not a good solution. The water element in the Infertile Plains is not high, to begin with. I'm afraid that the amount of water production will be limited, and eventually, it will run dry," Leon stated.

"Since this method is not really viable, Young Master Leonhardt must have a better solution, no?" Chief Valencia asked.

"That goes without saying," Leon smiled and said, "Since there are abundant amounts of fresh water in the Human Domain, we simply need to establish a steady supply chain to transport the water to each tribe."

"Fortunately for everyone, I am pretty adept at runes and arrays. I can build a teleportation array in each tribe and connect it to the Human Domain, effectively solving the water problem. But even if can provide water for each of your tribe for years to come, it will not solve the bigger problem."

"Isn't water the biggest problem we are facing once the Celestial Water Spark runs out of power? What could be a bigger problem than that?" Chief Nightraven asked with a frown.

"Well, yes and no," Leon answered vaguely before explaining further, "I can provide water to the Seven Tribes Alliance, but not to the entire Infertile Plains. So in the end, the competition for hegemony will still continue, and all tribes will be forced to migrate eventually."

"What I can only do is stop your tribes from moving to the central region to the chaos early and give you all a chance to grow and compete for hegemony when the chaos is brought to you."

"Why would the chaos be brought to us if we cut our Water Veins and stop drawing water from the drying Celestial Water Spark?" Chief Blacktooth asked with a frown.

Everyone immediately looked at him like he was an idiot, causing him to be taken aback.


"The other tribes are not stupid. If they realized that your tribes can survive without the Celestial Water Spark's supply of water, then they will obviously realize we have our own source of water supply and come for us," Leon explained.


Chief Blacktooth finally understood.

"No wonder this choice will be a bloodied one. If we do not want to submit to the hegemon tribe, we can only be forced to fight for hegemony. There are no other options like staying neutral in this matter," Chief Nightraven muttered.

"Well, there is actually another option. You can still run away from the conflict of the Infertile Plains and move to my empire and become my subjects," Leon smiled before chuckling wryly, "Of course, I don't anyone here is in favor of this choice."

"And that you are not wrong, Young Master Leonhardt. Please forgive my previous unruly behavior," Chief Blackdragon pleaded before saying, "But now that we are pretty clear on our choices, I am more interested in how Young Master Leonhardt will make us stronger—"

"Chief Valencia! I bring urgent news from the scouts in the north!" A warrior suddenly rushed forward and interrupted Chief Blackdragon.

Chief Valencia immediately furrowed her brows before she barked, "Report!"

"Yes, chief! The scouts have spotted a group of foreign warriors approaching our tribe's borders in high profile!" The warrior reported.

"Sounds like they have come to pick a fight, and they are not bothering to conceal their movements—which means they are confident in their strength," Chief Valencia mused before she queried, "How many are coming? What are their numbers? And their strengths?"

"Due to the scouts suspecting the warriors to all be Battle Masters, they did not get too close. However, it is estimated to be around 50-100 of them," the warrior answered truthfully.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

"50-100…Battle Masters? Only the four strongest tribes of the central region could possibly mobilize so many Battle Masters… But why would they send so many over to the Darkmoon Tribe? Aren't they busy fighting each other?"

Chief Nightraven questioned with surprise.

"Perhaps they came to a temporary truce to assimilate as many tribes under their banner before they resuming their battle for hegemony?" Chief Brightstar guessed.

"I don't think it's that simple," Chief Valencia shook her head and said solemnly, "If we exclude the Battle King factors, 50-100 Battle Masters is enough to wipe out a tribe. I don't think they are coming to coerce us into submission…"

"It's probably the Black Warbear Tribe," Leon inputted his own guess before adding further, "If information was leaked to them somehow, only the Black Warbear Tribe would send so many Battle Masters over with the intention to silence us."

"But why would they do that?" Chief Brightstar frowned before asking, "What did the Darkmoon Tribe do to Black Warbear Tribe?"

"It's not what we did but what we found out," Chief Valencia realized Leonhardt's thoughts before she explained, "Think about it. If they found out that we knew about their scheme to cut off various tribe's Water Veins, they would be most afraid of us spreading the word."

"So they send Battle Masters to silence the Darkmoon Tribe before that happens, huh? Hmph, they're really looking down on us," Chief Blackdragon smiled coldly.

"The Black Warbear Tribe is even more arrogant than my Berserk Dragon Tribe. Do they really think it's easy to take out any of our tribes without Battle Kings on their side?"

Chapter 648 - Yeah, Let's Do It

"Whether it is arrogant confidence or foolhardiness, we will know once we confront them. Come, let us see what these Battle Masters will do," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman spoke.

"Hah, even if it is the Black Warbear Tribe, I would not be afraid of them. Our Seven Tribes Alliance isn't pushovers," Chief Brightstar chimed.

"Damn straight," Chief Blackdragon spat.

The tribes in the alliance may have their differences, but when facing outside threats, they are very united.

Nevertheless, Leon could not help but frown.

"Something is not right. The Black Warbear Tribe is, after all, one of the four reigning tribes of the central region. They shouldn't be stupid enough to challenge the Darkmoon Tribe without any Battle Kings," Leon said.

"Young Master Leonhardt speaks reason," Chief Nightraven furrowed his brows and said solemnly, "That was careless of us. Based on an incomplete report, we nearly underestimated the enemy. They are, after all, the Black Warbear Tribe."

"Right, there's a chance that they have Battle Kings hidden in their ranks," Chief Valencia nodded gravely and said, "It might be a rare occasion for us to be gathered, but it shouldn't be a reason for us to become complacent."

"It's good that we realized early. If we just meet the Black Warbear Tribe's warriors without any preparation, we will be at a disadvantage.

Several warriors smiled wryly.

They truly felt like they were invincible when the Seven Tribes Alliance is gathered together. The combined might of seven tribes was even superior to the reigning tribes.

Meanwhile, Leon fell silent in quiet contemplation and did not make any comments, eventually drawing several gazes onto his inconspicuous self after Duna yawned beside him.

The yip-yaps of the people gathered made her bored.

Her disinterested expression caught several glances at first, but no one spoke up as no one dared to antagonize the wielder of Destruction Law.

"Is there another problem, Young Master Leonhardt?" Chief Valencia asked.

"No, it's just that everything we say as we sit here is all mere speculation. If only we can have more detailed information on the enemy's intention," Leon shook his head before saying, "Battle Kings hiding among their ranks is one possibility. Another possibility is that they are coming for me."

The surrounding chiefs were stunned by his words.

"Why would they come for…" Chief Valencia slowly paused in realization.

"If the Black Warbear Tribe knows we are aware of their plans, then there's a chance that they also know about me," Leon stated before adding, "And if that is the case, it means there was an information leak."

"Are you implying someone from the tribe purposely leaked information to the enemy?" Chief Valencia frowned before stating, "That's impossible. I have a tight grasp on the information that flows in and out of the tribe."

"I don't want to doubt you, but when was the last hunt?"

"That would be five days ago."

"And who was on the hunting team that time?"

"That would be…"

As Chief Valencia recalled the members on the last hunting team, she suddenly fell silent with a gloomy look as if arriving at some unpleasant conclusion that displeased her.

"The troublesome group, huh?" Leon muttered softly.

Nevertheless, it was overheard by the Venerable Shaman and chiefs before the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman inquired, "What troublesome group are you talking about, Young Master Leonhardt? Is there a traitor in the Darkmoon Tribe?"

"What? A traitor?" Chief Blackdragon stood and spoke firmly, "Anyone who betrays their tribe must die a cruel death!"

"It's just a rival faction competing for Chief Valencia's position. I had some conflicts with their leaders," Leon mentioned casually before stating, "But even if the information was leaked by them, they can only be dealt with after we are done with the current problem before us."

"After all, what I said is just a guess in the end. We can only verify the truth from the enemy before we pass judgment. Otherwise, we would be killing off potentially innocent lives."

Despite what Leon said, he inwardly thought it would be for the best of the Darkmoon Tribe if they just uproot the Beast Tamer Faction.

Shortly after skimming over the matter, for the time being, the chiefs quickly reached an agreement to wait in the tribe for the Black Warbear Tribe's arrival rather than heading out to confront them.

At the same time, Chief Valencia sent out more scouts in hopes of gathering as much information they could on the enemy.

"Chief Valencia, you best make the preparations to wake up your Battle King Ancestors. If the enemy brought Battle Kings along, only your ancestors would be able to contend them," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman suggested.

"Yes, Venerable Shaman."

Chief Valencia complied willingly as she was already planning for it, knowing how much threat that Battle Kings pose.

Meanwhile, Leon suddenly stood up and said, "I will return to my courtyard first to make my own preparations."

"Alright," Chief Valencia nodded and said, "I will send someone to inform Young Master Leonhardt when the Black Warbear Tribe is about to arrive."

"Got it."

Shortly after Leon departed the Stonehenge with Duna, he took out a Tier-3 Spiritual Replenishment Pill and ingested it.

'Whatever happens, keeping my mental energy up will add a layer of protection,' Leon thought.

Mental energy was needed to use his trump cards.

"We finally get to leave that place. All that boring talk nearly drove me insane!" Duna complained as she kicked a pebble on the ground.

Leon smiled wryly and said, "You were the one who wanted to join the meeting, and yet you are complaining about it. The talk was a necessary step to understand that everyone in the Seven Tribe Alliance is on the same page—"

"Don't be so boring, Leon. I don't need your explanations. I am already done with all that talk," Duna hushed before she suddenly hugged his arm and spat, "I'm bored. Let's fuck."

Leon nearly staggered upon hearing her straightforward demand.

"Ahem, now is not the right time for something like…" Leon coughed with a gentlemanly pose, but seeing Duna's firm look, he suddenly changed his words, "Fuck it. You know what? Let's do it."

"We can finish quickly in the spiritual world."

Time flowed differently in there.

Chapter 649 - Lofty Aspiration And Ambition

"Welcome home, Young Master Leonhardt!"

"Welcome home, Young Master Leonhardt!"

Returning to Barrenrock Courtyard, the six maids stood in two lines of three and greeted Leon with a respectful bow.

At the same time, Darlene and Aria stood at the back and waited as if they had been expecting his arrival.

Leon acknowledged the maids' greeting with a nod before strolling past them and stopped in front of Aria and Darlene.

"How did the summit go?" Aria asked.

"I'd say it was going well, but a problem popped up midway," Leon shook his head and said, "A group of Battle Masters is heading to this tribe. Worst-case scenario, we will be fighting a big battle soon."

"Who might we be fighting?" Aria asked with surprise.

"It's likely to be the Black Warbear Tribe, one of the four strongest tribes in the Infertile Plains' central region. I'll fill you in on the detail later. Go pick a room and adjust your mental state, Aria. I will visit your room in a bit," Leon said and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Aria did not think much of his words and nodded, "Mm, alright. I'll see you in a bit."

Shortly after, Leon turned to Darlene and gave her a peck on the forehead after saying, "You too, Darlene. I'll visit you in a bit too to talk about…some things."

"I understand, hubby." Darlene's eyes flickered before she smiled knowingly.

Aria suddenly paused her steps as her expression wrinkled with doubt, wondering why Leon needed to visit them separately.

However, after she glanced back and saw Darlene's expression, she quickly realized Leon's intention for visiting.

She immediately blushed and hastened her steps—before pausing again to gaze at Duna suspiciously.

Duna gave a provocative smile before Aria snorted.

Before long, Aria and Darlene both disappeared into their selected rooms before Leon turned back to face the six maids.

"It seems none of you have managed to awaken yet," Leon stated after studying them.

Tia, Chana, Nora, Tess, Zoe, and Kiara all lowered their heads with shame for failing to live up to the young master's expectations.

"We apologize for our incompetence, Young Master Leonhardt!"

"Don't take it too harshly on yourselves," Leon immediately waved his hands for them to raise their heads before he casually said, "It's just a small matter. We'll talk more about this later. Just take it easy for now."

"Yes, Young Master Leonhardt," the six maids slightly bowed.

Shortly after, Leon grabbed Duna's arm and pulled her into an unoccupied bedroom.

Although he was a bit hopeful, he had expected none of the six maids to be able to awaken naturally within the week.

To accomplish awakening within the timeframe despite have zero knowledge of Awakening Cultivation prior, they would have needed to be cultivation geniuses.

Inside the bedroom, Duna immediately pushed Leon down on the bed and hopped on top with a condescending look.

"You want to eat three flowers consecutively? Do you think you will still have the strength after doing it with me?" Duna asked with narrowed eyes.

"Won't you know in a bit," Leon cracked a confident smile and said, "It won't be the same the previous times."

"Hmph, have you forgotten that your mental strength gets drained by doing it in my spiritual world? I really don't know where you are getting your confidence from," Duna snorted.

Fifteen minutes later, Duna collapsed on top of Leon's bare chest weakly with disbelief and confusion written over her face inside the spiritual world while Leon laid below with a refreshed look on his face.

"This doesn't make… sense!" Duna uttered weakly before looking up at Leon's confident smile with intense curiosity.

"How did you do it? How did you reverse the role and sap my mental strength instead?" Duna asked.

Leon responded with a silent smile.

He had been studying soul-related knowledge from [Archive] whenever he had a bit of time to spare for quite a while now.

Having made love with Duna in the spiritual world a few times, he had gained an understanding of how his mental strength was drained and managed to devise a technique through reverse engineering.

Not only does this technique preserve his mental strength, but it could also sap Duna's mental strength to replenish his own.

"I took your mental strength but also gave you True Grandmist Energy in return. I think this was a fair trade, don't you think?" Leon asked with a smile.

However, Duna was not satisfied with his response and pressed him for an answer while taking his little brother hostage with her firm grip.

"Tell me how!" Duna demanded.

Leon's lips twitched.

"I compiled all my knowledge on understanding the soul and devised a soul technique that could improve one's soul quality during spiritual intimacy. But as you can see, this technique is still incomplete at best," Leon explained.

Shortly after, he added further, "The main idea behind the technique was to wrestle our mental strength back and forth like a game of tug-of-war, which would, in turns, strengthen our mental strength."

"If this happened while we are both in peak mental states, there's a possibility that it could improve our soul. But as you know, I ended up robbing your mental strength instead," Leon said.

After hearing from Leon, Duna mustered her strength to pull herself up and gaze back at his face with great shock.

"You actually tried to create a true soul cultivation technique? Not only that, but it is also a dual cultivation technique?" Duna asked with disbelief.

She failed to keep calm and indifferent composure.

What she heard was simply too shocking and utterly ridiculous—yet at the same time, she wanted to see it come to fruition.

Since the birth of Primal Chaos, the world has seen the creation of many dual cultivation methods and soul cultivation methods.

But none had ever succeeded in creating a true soul cultivation method, let alone a true soul cultivation method through dual cultivation with one's soul.

Even if there are little hopes and chances of success, Leon's idea was fresh and had potential.

For the first time, Duna saw Leon's lofty aspiration and ambition.

Chapter 650 - Aria's Surprising Suggestion

"Let's go again. I can take a few more rounds. This technique is worth researching. If you can realize it, you would have accomplished something even the gods and devils of old could not."

As Duna spoke, she failed to muster the strength to get up from Leon's bare chest and stubbornly continued to try.

"No, your mental strength has already been depleted. Any more, and your soul will be harmed instead." Leon shook his head and rejected her.

As much as he wanted to continue, the pleasure was simply not worth the suffering the consequences.

"Tch!" Duna clicked her tongue and spat with narrowed eyes, "You drained my mental strength on purpose, so you can go play with your other two flowers, huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Leon responded with a smile before suddenly changing the topic with a solemn look, "How is Lumi? It's been some time since she last came out. I am beginning to worry that something is wrong."

Lumi used to be the more dominant persona between the two. It was not right for her to have disappeared for so long.

Leon could not help but feel something was amiss.

At the same time, Duna's eyelashes trembled with a slight change in expression before she spat with a frown, "Why? Sick of me already?"

"C'mon. You know that's not what I meant," Leon responded with a frown of his own before he asked with knitted brows, "Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"Nothing will happen to Lumi. After all, she is the host, and I am the freeloader. She is just sleeping to make up time for me, who did not have much chance to come out in the past 400 years," Duna said before stating coolly, "You worry too much."

Leon frowned again.

Nevertheless, he eventually sighed and nodded, "Perhaps, I am worrying too much."

"If there's a problem, you'll tell me, right?" Leon gazed at Duna seriously before he said, "There's nothing we can't solve together."

"Yeah, yeah." Duna uttered nonchalantly and waved him off, "If you're done here, then get lost to go play with your other two little flowers already. I'm tired and want to rest."

"Fine, but remember my words," Leon reminded.

His spiritual avatar eventually dispersed from the spiritual world and returned to his main body outside before he tucked Duna into bed and left.

Inside Aria's bedroom, she waited and waited, but Leon never came.

She thought she was quite a patient person, but knowing who Leon went to visit first, she lost her patience quickly despite only waiting less than ten minutes.

Just when she was about to stop thinking about it and just cultivate, the bedroom doors suddenly burst open before Leon barge into the room and locked the doors behind him shortly after.

"Aria, I've come for you. We finally have some time for ourselves. I hope you are prepared—"

Leon was full of smiles before he suddenly paused upon seeing her expression and exclaimed, "Oh, what do we have here? Could someone be jealous right now?"

"Who are you trying to say is being jeal—"

Aria did not get to finish her words before her lips were sealed by Leon's wolfish lips, causing only her muffled cry to be heard, following moans and a pinkish atmosphere painting the room shortly after.

The battle in bed quickly ended within five minutes before the battle of will began shortly after Leon injected himself inside Aria's spiritual world.

Half an hour quickly passed before an exhausted Aria collapsed on top of Leon's chest, her forehead filled with sweats in a similar fashion to Duna after having her mental strength.

"Was I always this tired?" Aria asked herself with puzzlement before apologizing with self-blame, "Sorry, hubby. We finally have time together, but I did not notice my mental energy was this low…"

"Don't be." Leon shook his head and said wryly, "I am actually to blame for your loss of mental strength. I am practicing a self-created dual cultivation soul technique that is still imperfect and requiring adjustment and improvement."

"Your mental strength was drained as a result of me practicing it to replenish my own mental strength, though it is not the core intent behind the technique," Leon explained.

"So, it was like that…" Aria was enlightened before she quickly knitted her brows and said, "But with my current state, I will not be able to assist in the battle later—should a fight break out."

"You won't need to, but thank you," Leon gave Aria a warm kiss on the forehead before he shook his head and said, "As long as I recover my mental strength, I have a certain level of confidence in resolving the threat even if an Early-rank Battle King were to intervene."

"How strong is an Early-rank Battle King?" Aria frowned with worry before asking, "It is comparable to Paragon?"

"No, it's not." Leon shook his head and said, "The Body Cultivation System here is a bit inferior and imperfect. An Early-rank Battle King's strength is only estimated to be around 5-million jin, which is only comparable to a Half-step Paragon at most."

"A Half-step Paragon is not someone easy to deal with either…" Aria was full of worries before mentioning, "Remember how dangerous the situation was when we faced the bloodline-awakening Three-Legged Golden Crow?"

"Relax, I have grown much stronger since that time. The situation will not become desperate like that time—provided that I recover enough mental strength to use my trump cards," Leon assured.

Nevertheless, Aria was not at ease and asked, "How much mental strength have your recovered?"

"After absorbing Darlene's mental strength, I should be around three-quarters," Leon answered after a short pause before he added, "However, three-quarters of my mental strength should be more than enough to use my trump cards freely for a while."

Aria frowned.

"What if you also absorb the mental strength from those six maids as well?" she inquired.

Leon was quickly stunned as his eyes slowly widened with surprise to hear such a suggestion coming from her.

"Have you forgotten that this is a dual cultivation technique? So even if it's just done in the spiritual world—No, it should be said that precisely because it is done in the spiritual world that it is the highest level of intimate interaction."

"Are you really letting your husband commit spiritual intimacy with six other women?" Leon asked with doubt and slight amusement.

Chapter 651 - Three Choices

It was incredulous to hear such words come from Aria's mouth.

Nevertheless, she shook her head.

"Although I don't like the space I occupy in your heart becoming smaller with each new sister you pick up, it's not as important as your life. I just want you to be safe," Aria stated emotionally.

As she held onto his body, Leon could feel her tremble with deep affection and concern.

"Aria…" Leon uttered gently.

Suddenly, Aria's eyes glazed over with a steely look before she instructed, "Still, this does not mean I am giving you permission to pick up girls as you want!"

"You have to make them aware that this is only a one-time thing and not an opportunity to start an intimate relationship with you. But, of course, the prerequisite is that they have to be willing to do it with you despite that."

"Ahem. Of course, of course…" Leon's expression turned awkward as he said wryly, "Why would I need more women in my life? Don't you think my plate is already full enough?"

"And yet you still stuff it with more fruits on top. You sure know how to enjoy yourself!" Aria spat with a grudging look before saying, "Even if you're not looking, the vixens are always looking for a chance to worm their way in!"

"Some things can't be helped, Aria. It just happens beyond my control," Leon said ruefully while scratching his head awkwardly.

"It's because you're soft-hearted that they believe they have a chance!" Aria stated before she eventually sighed helplessly, "But I can't blame you. Who can blame my husband for being too outstanding?"

"No matter how many there are, no one can shake your position in my heart, Aria."

"Psh, sweet-mouth!" Aria spat.

Nevertheless, it was evident that Aria was happy to hear such words from Leon as a small blush appeared on her cheeks.

Eventually, the two laid together on the snowy field of the spiritual world and felt each other's warmth as Leon began to fill Aria in on all he knew about the Dark Continent.

From the Darkmoon Tribe to the Seven Tribes Alliance, from the Infertile Plains to the Black Swamp, the Darkness Mountain, and Land of Darkness.

And finally, the Celestial Water Spark and competition for hegemony on the Infertile Plains.

Shortly after, Leon kissed Aria on the forehead and said right before exiting the spiritual world, "Just stay here obediently and rest. Leave everything to me."

"Be careful," Aria said with concern.


Leon nodded.

Sometime later, Leon left and departed the bedroom before Aria's eyes slowly opened and suddenly felt traces of True Grandmist Energy in her body.

"This energy…"

Meanwhile, Leon shortly arrived at Darlene's bedroom and entered before the erotic scene of Darlene lying naked on the bed in a seductive position with only a thin sheet covering her body made Leon have a nosebleed.

"My hubby, Darlene has been waiting for you~"


Leon exclaimed as his lively spirit was further invigorated, and the bulging dragon awakened like it was on steroids.

Darlene was a real nympho.

Without further adieu, Leon immediately pounced on Darlene and battled with her furiously. From the wooden bed to the stellar stars of her spiritual world, Leon rocked her silly and begging for mercy.

Amidst the heavy moans and dense pinkish atmosphere that could rival the eclipse of the crimson moon, Darlene eventually fell onto Leon's chest, exhausted, depleted of her energy.

Leon left the bedroom sometime later, looking a little shriveled as if he had all his essence sapped out of him.

However, his eyes were bright as his mental strength was further replenished, and close to making a full recovery.

He expected to be three-quarters recovered after Darlene, but he ended up being four-fifths from full recovery.

"Unexpectedly, Darlene had this much mental energy…" Leon muttered quietly as he closed the door on his way out.

Although the difference was not significant, it was still enough to surprise him.

"The Void Soul Constitution, huh? Seems like there is more to it than just simply granting extraordinary affinity to spatial elements," Leon mused thoughtfully.

Suddenly, his expression crumpled as he felt a slight pain in his little brother, causing him to sweat a little.

"A water tank can be reinforced to endure the blades and fire, but that won't increase its water reserve, huh? Hang in there, little one. My mental strength is nearly recovered."

As if his words encouraged it, his little brother began to stand up again—almost like it was giving him the thumbs up and saying it was good to go.

"Young Master Leonhardt."

The six maids quickly greeted Leon as he approached them before he gave them a nod in return.

"Are you going to provide us with further guidance on achieving our awakening now, Young Master Leonhardt?" Tia inquired.

The other five maids quickly perked their eyes and awaited Leon's answer eagerly.

Leon swept his gaze through them before he said, "For your awakening, there are three options I can give you. The first choice is that you continue to comprehend and awaken on your own. You can take as much time as you need to achieve it."

"The second choice is that I give you a True Awakening Pill. This will allow you to awaken quickly. However, relying on medicine isn't without its side effects. That being said, there are no severe side effects I am aware of—apart from the shortening of your lifespan if you overdose, that is."

"Lastly, the third choice is to sleep with me. With my body's unique constitution, it will allow you to awaken immediately after the deed and also provide a quick boost to your cultivation due to my own higher cultivation base."

"However, you need to understand that if you pick the third choice, it is only a mere transaction between us, nothing more and nothing less. I help you awaken and give you strength. In return, I will take your mental energy for myself."

After Tia and the five other maids listened, they wore thoughtful looks before Tess inquired curiously, "What happens after Young Master Leonhardt drains our mental energy?"

"Nothing much, really.. You will just be mentally exhausted for the following 24 hours," Leon stated before he calmly said, "Now make your decisions."

Chapter 652 - Lord Warmog

The six maids were taken aback.

Although their chastity was the only thing they had while they were still working in the place, it was not something that the tribesmen cherished apart from them.

Now, before them stands an opportunity for them to grow strong and stand tall among their fellow tribesmen without being looked down upon.

Their chastity pales in comparison to their lifelong wish.

On another note, the young master does not seem to benefit much from this deal, considering mental strength can be recovered with adequate rest.

Young Master Leonhardt was basically offering a free deal to help them grow.

Chana furrowed her brows thoughtfully for a moment before she voiced her doubts, "What do you need mental energy for, Young Master Leonhardt? You don't seem to gain much from this deal."

"If it was our bodies that you wanted, we will naturally belong to you. But that doesn't seem to be what you want. Thus, Chana is a little confused."

"You don't need to worry about that. You only need to know that I do have a use for it," Leon stated plainly without explaining further.

He did not want to seem manipulative and influence them but allowed them to make their choices freely.

After all, they were not his only options in the Darkmoon Tribe.

His lovely wife, Aria, had granted him free reign to sleep with whoever he wants as long as commitment and strings were attached.

In the blink of an eye, that little girl was already thinking and have the understanding of an empress.

Meanwhile, after the six maids glanced at each other for a moment, Zoe stepped forward and requested, "Please give us a moment to discuss among ourselves, Young Master Leonhardt."

"Alright, but make it quick," Leon agreed.

Shortly after, the six maids gathered in a circle to share their opinions and discuss their choices regarding awakening.

A short few minutes, they quickly gathered back in front of Leon before he casually asked, "Have you all made your choices?"

"Yes, Young Master Leonhardt! Please bestow your blessings onto us and turn us all into real women!" the six maids responded in unison.

Leon was immediately taken aback, not expecting all of them to pick the same choice and the third choice, no less.

Perhaps the oppression of being labeled useless was too great, or the competition and rivalry among them were too significant that no one wanted to lag behind the other.

"Alright," Leon nodded calmly after recovering his composure before he said, "Since you all made your choices, come with me to my room."

"Yes, Young Master Leonhardt!"

As six maids followed Leon, he silently prayed for his little brother to remain strong enough to awaken them all.

'Seems like I will need to refine medicine to nourish my Yang Essence in the future,' Leon silently thought as they arrived in front of the door to an empty bedroom.

Leon turned his head around before he suddenly asked, "Who wants to start first? The rest will wait outside as I help each of you awaken."

"Huh?" Chana exclaimed softly before she asked innocently, "Can't you help us all at the same time, Young Master Leonhardt?"

"I'm not some omnipotent god with three heads and six golden rods. So how am I supposed to help you all simultaneously?" Leon's lips twitched.

"Oh, right…"

Chana quickly realized the silliness of her question before she blushed with embarrassment.

However, shortly after, Nora gazed into Leon's eyes before she said with a smile, "Then, can we at least watch while you extend your help to each of us, Young Master Leonhardt? We are unfamiliar with the act and hoped to observe and study on the side."

"Well…" Leon's lips twitched again with hesitation before he ultimately shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly in response, "If none of you have a problem with it, then be my guest."

He was a man.

If they were not ashamed of being watched, why should he be?

"That's great!"

"Thank you for agreeing to our request, Young Master Leonhardt!"

The six maids eventually followed Leon into the bedroom before Kiara, the last of six maids, closed the door on her way in.

A few dozen miles north of Darkmoon Tribe, a group of warriors in high-quality leather armor trekked through the barren lands of the Infertile Plains.

"Lord Warmog, do we really need to bring so many Battle Masters for this trip?" a High-rank Battle Master asked.

"I know a temporary truce has been enforced, but if any of those tribes decide to break the truce, our Black Warbear Tribe will be helpless to defend against their sudden attack."

"And you only bring this up now, when we are just about to reach our destination?" the Extremity-rank Battle Master, Lord Warmog, responded casually.

"Although the Darkmoon Tribe is not among the strongest, they are not to be underestimated. After all, there's a reason why the Seven Tribes Alliance was able to defend the southern lands of the Infertile Plains from the demons."

"But remember, the goal of this trip is not to start a conflict with them. Our task is to invite that person back to our tribe, so reel in your arrogance and avoid antagonizing them. It won't benefit anyone if we make them feel threatened enough to wake up their Battle Kings."

Shortly after Lord Warmog spoke, the High-rank Battle Master slowly digested his words before he further mentioned, "But the Seven Tribes Alliance have just experienced the Bone Calamity. I'm afraid their losses are not small this time around."

"Perhaps, we only need to apply a bit of pressure, and they will quickly submit to our Black Warbear Tribe. The chief will surely reward us handsomely if we can bring that person along with the entire Seven Tribes Alliance's allegiance back with us!"

The High-rank Battle Master's eyes gradually lit up as he made his suggestion to the leader and strongest warrior of their expedition.

At his words, Lord Warmog was slightly tempted.

However, he quickly shook his head and firmly said, "Just stick to the mission and do nothing more nor nothing less.. Do you understand? We must not fail."

Chapter 653 - Black Warbear Tribe's Intention

"Alright, alright. Just stick to the mission, right? I understand," the High-rank Battle Master said.

"Good that you understand. If the information is true, we must do everything we can to win this person over," Lord Warmog said before adding, "And coercing his tribe is hardly the way to do it."

"But Warlak's words are worth considering. If the Seven Tribes Alliance is as strong as you claim, it will be huge merit if we can bring them under our banner, Lord Warmog." A Low-rank Battle Master inserted his opinion with a flicker of eagerness.

An Extremity-rank Battle Master like Lord Warmog might not get too excited with regards to rewards from the chief at level, but it was different for the rest of them who still had ways to go before reaching the apex of the Battle Master Realm.

Lord Warmog swept the group a look before he questioned them casually, "You are all thinking about the merit of subjugating the Seven Tribes Alliance?"

"Yes, Lord Warmog," another Low-rank Battle Master acknowledged with a nod before saying, "If we succeed, not only that it will be a huge boost to our tribe's strength, but the chief will most likely reward handsomely enough to promote our strength to a higher rank."

After seeing the look on everyone's faces, Lord Warmog shook his head and gave a soft sigh.

"This is why I am in charge," Lord Warmog stated before explaining, "You see, to receive the chief's handsome reward, you must first succeed."

"If we fail, not only would we not get any reward, we will also suffer the chief's wrath. And trust me, you don't want that to happen."

"How bad can it be?" the youngest Low-rank Battle Master in the group asked before saying, "No matter what, Battle Masters are the core strength of the Black Warbear Tribe."

"Right. We are needed for the fierce competition between tribes aiming for hegemony. The chief will not kill us for failing," another Battle Master added.

"You think death is the worse form of punishment? Wrong. Death is a release. The worse form of punishment is to beg for death but not have it," Lord Warmog said before stating, "None of you know how deep Chief Blackbear's cruelty runs. Trust me, his torture methods are not things you want to experience—Not now, not ever."

His solemn words quickly shook the hearts of the Battle Masters as they begin to weigh their options.

Was it worth the risk?

With the existence of the Demonic Possession, stepping into Battle Master Realm was like a race to reach the Battle King Realm.

If they ever want to reach the Battle King Realm in their lifetime and enjoy endless glory, they have to grab hold of every opportunity they can to promote their strength.

Thus, if they cower because of some risk, they were as good as having already lost the race.

As the Battle Masters thought, they agreed to strictly follow the mission on the surface while making their own plans in their hearts.

'Observe the situation first, then act accordingly.'


Sometime later, the Black Warbear Tribe's group of Battle Masters arrived at the Darkmoon Tribe and stopped 100 yards from its wall.

Chief Valencia, the other tribal chiefs, the Venerable Shamans, and all other abled Battle Masters in the tribe gathered on the wall as they anticipated the group's arrival.

"Who are you people, and why have you come to my Darkmoon Tribe? State your intentions!"

Chief Valencia's powerful and clear voice quickly rippled out, easily traversing the distance and into the ears of the Black Warbear Tribe.

"Only a Mid-rank Battle Master, huh?" a High-rank Battle Master gauged Chief Valencia's strength through her breath before commenting, "Our chief's strength is far greater than this."

"Right. It seems that the Darkmoon Tribe is not as strong as Lord Warmog claimed if their chief is only at the level of a Mid-rank Battle Master..."

"Enough chatter. Do not provoke the other side," Lord Warmog hushed before stepping forward from the group and answered clearly, "I am Lord Warmog, and we are warriors from the Black Warbear Tribe of Central Region!"

'Sure enough, it's the Black Warbear Tribe!'

Chief Valencia and the other tribal chiefs of the alliance narrowed their eyes dangerously in that instance.

"We've received reliable news that a Divine Doctor, who can cure the Demonic Possession, is currently residing in your tribe. Therefore, we came to invite this person back to the Black Warbear Tribe," Lord Warmog stated.

Chief Valencia and the other tribal chiefs' eyes flickered.

Once again, it was as they had suspected. There was an information leak and a traitor within the tribe—or at least, it was almost certainly the case.

"Such a powerful lineup of Battle Masters you have brought along to invite one person," Chief Valencia spoke with a sardonic tone before adding with ridicule, "Let's say there is a Divine Doctor in this tribe. What will you do if we refuse? Use force? Threaten to annihilate our tribe?"

"I can understand your concerns, but the Black Warbear Tribe will not resort to violence. We wish to negotiate with the Darkmoon Tribe peacefully and amicably," Lord Warmog stated before adding, "The heavy lineup of Battle Masters is for protection."

"The Black Warbear Tribe requires fifty Battle Masters for a sense of security when coming to ask for a person from my Darkmoon Tribe?"

"I did not know that the proud Black Warbear Tribe could be so insecure with their strength. Don't tell me that the Black Warbear Tribe is afraid of our little Darkmoon Tribe?"

The longer they spoke, the more certain Chief Valencia believed that the Black Warbear Tribe did not come with good intentions.

Nevertheless, her words angered the group as a hotheaded Low-rank Battle Master barked furiously, "Nonsense!"

"How can my great Black Warbear Tribe be afraid of a mere Darkmoon Tribe? The protection Lord Warmog spoke of is not for us but for the Divine Doctor!"

Being looked down on by the Darkmoon Tribe, none of the proud warriors from the Black Warbear Tribe was pleased.

Even Lord Warmog's expression was glum, but he remained cordial.

"The Black Warbear Tribe recognizes the importance of the Divine Doctor. Thus, should anything befall him during our escort, it will be a great loss for the entire Infertile Plains!"

Chapter 654 - The Sole Candidate For Hegemon Position

"The Black Warbear isn't here to fight. But if you continue to insult us, we are not afraid of starting one!"

The High-rank Battle Master, Warlak, shouted shortly after Lord Warmog spoke, causing the person to cast a disapproving gaze over.

However, Warlak gazed back at Lord Warmog and firmly said, "We might have a mission to complete, but it does not mean that we have to lower our heads to other tribes and disgrace our own tribe to achieve it!"

"That may be so, but I am in charge of negotiations here. It's not your turn to speak when I am speaking! Only speak when I give permission. Are we clear?"

Lord Warmog stated gravely while exerting the pressure of his Extremity-rank Battle Master Realm to oppress the group's rampant behaviors.

Perhaps, he had been too lenient with them that they had forgotten his authority and not take him seriously.

On the Darkmoon Tribe's wall, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman suggested, "Chief Valencia, you should stop antagonizing the Black Warbear Tribe and hear them out first. Their intention might be different from what we assumed."

"There's nothing to hear from these conniving bastards from Central Region. The Central Region had always been filled with selfish people who care for no one but themselves! Otherwise, our Seven Tribes Alliance would not be defending the south from the demons alone for so long!"

Chief Blackdragon interjected with a strong stance before Chief Valencia nodded in agreement.

"That's right. The Black Warbear Tribe attempted to destroy our Water Veins through covert means. It's not easy to forgive for that, regardless of their reasons."

"I didn't see we should forgive. I'm only stating that we should hear what they have to say first," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stated.

Not long after, Leon suddenly made his appearance on the wall before casually asking, "I'm not late, am I?"

"Not at all," Chief Valencia stated calmly before her nose shortly twitched, causing her lips to curve into a teasing smile. "Young Master Leonhardt sure knows how to enjoy yourself."

"Never mind that," Leon shook his head wryly before asking with a solemn look, "What's the current situation?"

Shortly after, Chief Valencia briefly filled Leon in on what he missed before he understood the gist of the situation.

The two sides eventually resumed their confrontation after Lord Warmog stated, "Before we continue, I ask where the Divine Doctor is? It should be the Divine Doctor's choice whether he wants to follow us back to the Black Warbear Tribe or not. Not yours, Chief Valencia."

"And what will you do after bringing the Divine Doctor to the Central Region? Gauge his secrets for yourself?"

Chief Valencia threw an accusatory glance at Lord Warmog in the distance and held Leon back before he could speak.

"If the Black Warbear Tribe wants treatment, they can come to our Darkmoon Tribe. There's no need for the Divine Doctor to travel all the way to the Black Warbear Tribe," she stated.

The tribal chiefs of the alliance nodded with approval before Chief Blackdragon spoke, "That's right. Does your Black Warbear Tribe think you can take a person from our Seven Tribes Alliance away as you please?"

"Our Seven Tribes Alliance aren't pushovers!" an Extremity-rank Great Warrior hollered from the wall, "Don't think that we will forgive the Black Warbear Tribe from trying to cut our Water Veins!"

"Is this the main reason for your dislike?" Lord Warmog's eyes flickered for a moment before apologizing solemnly, "For that, we are sorry. But since you were able to find out about that, you should also understand our Black Warbear Tribe's intention behind it."

"There's a big crisis that concerns the lives of all humans on the Infertile Plains, and that crisis is the depletion of the Celestial Water Spark, whom the Black Warbear Tribe has always been faithfully guarding!"

"You might not like the Black Warbear Tribe's methods, but it's our way of unifying the Infertiles Plains quickly and plan for our future! Nevertheless, the other three ruling tribes have caught on quickly and obstructed our plans of unification."

"Originally, there was no more hope for the people in the Infertile Plains. With the intense competition for hegemony between the ruling tribes, the Infertile Plains will not be unified before the Celestial Water Spark's power runs dry."

"However, the Divine Doctor's appearance has brought us new hope!"

As Lord Warmog admitted openly and spoke about the Black Warbear Tribe's matters, his eyes lit up brightly before gazing back at Chief Valencia on the wall intensely.

"You want to know why we must bring the Divine Doctor back to the Black Warbear Tribe? Well, I don't mind telling you that Chief Blackbear has the intention of crowning the Divine Doctor as the Hegemon of the Infertile Plains and provide him our full backing!" Lord Warmog stated.

Chief Valencia frowned, finding it hard to trust the words of someone from the Central Region before she turned to her fellow tribal chiefs and elders in the alliance and Leon for their opinions.

"What do you all think of this person's words?" Chief Valencia asked.

"The goal of the Black Warbear Tribe sounds very noble and righteous as if they are thinking for the best of everyone. If their chief plans to follow through with what they said, then this Chief Blackbear is someone with great foresight."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman commented.

"With Young Master Leonhardt's divine ability to treat the Demonic Possession, many Great Warriors and Battle Masters will want to join under his banner…" Chief Nightraven added.

"However, we must not forget that their conniving hearts hold a deep and selfish desire. And the words of a person from the Central Region cannot be easily trusted," the One-Eye Venerable Shaman reminded.

"Perhaps, the Black Warbear Tribe wants Young Master Leonhardt to represent them after ascending the Hegemon position so they can be the representative tribe after the unification?" Chief Brightstar guessed.

"If that's the case, why should it be them?" Chief Valencia questioned coolly before adding, "Why can't it be us?"

"We planned to compete for the representative leadership position of our Seven Tribes Alliance anyways, so why don't we just nominate Young Master Leonhardt and go one step further, pushing him to become the Hegemon of the Infertile Plains?"

Chief Valencia suggested.

Chapter 655 - Not A Tool For Politics

"That is a very good idea, Chief Valencia. First, however, we have to seek Young Master Leonhardt's opinion on this matter," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stated.

"The Venerable Shaman is right," Chief Brightstar nodded and said, "After all, this is the same as pushing Young Master Leonhardt into the fire pit."

"Once we spread the news of his ability across the Infertile Plains to rally warriors under our banner, we will also be putting Young Master into unprecedented danger," Chief Nightraven added.

Without a doubt, there will also be people that come with ill intents, seeking to capture Young Master Leonhardt for themselves while disregarding the Seven Tribes Alliance.

"What do you think, Young Master Leonhardt?"

Chief Valencia turned to Leon for an answer before he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders in response.

"It doesn't matter to me. We can proceed with this plan if you all decided so," Leon said.

The plan was dangerous but not life-threatening. However, the same cannot be said for the Seven Tribes Alliance.

They will be pitting themselves against the Black Warbear Tribe and all tribes that will come for him.

Leon smiled wryly as he thought of the original plan to bide their time and grow after a representative leader among the Seven Tribes Alliance was selected.

The chiefs all intended to battle for that position as they all wanted it. But when it comes to becoming a Hegemon, it can only be passed to him.

He will not be the only candidate competing for the Hegemon position, but he is the sole candidate who had a chance of unifying the Infertile Plains.

After Leon gave his answer, Chief Valencia nodded and turned her attention back to the Black Warbear Tribe's group of Battle Masters.

"Sorry to inform you, but the Divine Doctor will not be going anywhere. He already has the backing of our Seven Tribes Alliance, and we will help him become Hegemon," Chief Valencia stated coolly.

"Hm?" Lord Warmog frowned before he said, "You are making a mistake. Are you sure you want to turn us down without letting us see the Divine Doctor?"

"I am the Divine Doctor," Leon stepped forward and said impassively, "Since you have seen, you can leave now. Apologies for the wasted trip."

"You're the Divine Doctor?" Lord Warmog asked with astonishment.

Not to mention him, but the entire group of Battle Masters was also surprised, not expecting the Divine Doctor to appear so young.

Nevertheless, Lord Warmog did not believe it, thinking that a scapegoat had been used to fool them as the Darkmoon Tribe did not want them knowing who the Divine Doctor is.

"The Seven Tribes Alliance is very ambitious! Do you think you can protect the Divine Doctor and unite the Infertile Plains with your strength?" Lord Warmog questioned with his patience growing thin.

"At the very least, we have more Battle Kings on our side," Chief Valencia stated coolly.

Lord Warmog's expression shortly turned gloomy before he said, "It's true that with the combined forces of the Seven Tribes Alliance, you will have more Battle Kings than my Black Warbear Tribe. But only my Black Warbear Tribe."

"We still have the strength of ten other tribes under our ruling!" Lord Warmog stated coldly before adding, "Not to mention, Battle Kings are the Infertile Plains' core strength in defending against the demons!"

"I didn't know that the Seven Tribes Alliance is so desperate for fame and glory that they are willing to sacrifice their ancestors' time for it. The defenders of the south are only this much, huh?" Warlak commented loudly for Chief Valencia and the others to hear.

"Even the four ruling tribes of Central Region still show some restraint when competing for hegemony," Warlak mentioned before criticizing the Seven Tribes Alliance, "You people are going to cause unnecessary bloodshed and lose for the Infertile Plains!"

"We have to unite quickly while preserving our strength, so we can overcome any resistance during our migration into a more prosperous land! Unfortunately, however, it seems like the Seven Tribes Alliance doesn't care about the bigger picture!"

As Warlak spoke, Lord Warmog frowned but chose to remain silent without interrupting him.

They had to make the Seven Tribes Alliance understand that the utilization of Battle Kings does not benefit anyone and that they were not worthy enough to join the competition with their pitiful amount of Battle Masters.

Nevertheless, Leon continued to listen to the two sides exchanged a battle of words back and forth about which tribe was more worthy.

From the start, the so-called Hegemon position was only being treated as a figurehead by the Black Warbear Tribe while the real power still rests with them—that is, if he was to follow them back to their tribe.

Suddenly, Leon burst into a fit of laughter raucously and maniacally, quickly attracting everyone's attention before Lord Warmog and the other Black Warbear Tribe's Battle Master begin to frown with displeasure.

"What's so funny?"

Lord Warmog asked in a deep and threatening tone with furrowed brows while exerting the pressure of his aura.

Leon's laugh abruptly stopped after drawing their attention onto himself before his body rose into the air and floated forward.

"If I was going to be crowned Hegemon, you all need to understand that you will be serving me and not whichever tribe that wants to represent me!" Leon stated clearly.

"Go back and tell your chief that the Divine Doctor isn't someone that can be used as a tool for politics but someone with real power and should not be trifled with. If the Black Warbear Tribe wish to serve me, then show some sincerity."

Leon hovered in the air with a calm and collected countenance as he gazed down on Lord Warmog and the other Battle Masters indifferently.

"Are you threatening us?!" Warlak quickly barked in retaliation, "How the hell do you think you are to look down on us?!"

"You still don't know?" Leon shifted his gaze to Warlak and said coolly, "I suppose you are just a muscle brain.. Even though your group was looking for me, you still fail to believe it."

Chapter 656 - Shaman King's Successor

"Perhaps, only strength will convince you," Leon stated indifferently before raising his hand above his head and waving it down shortly after.


In that instance, a colossal pressure immediately weighed down on Lord Warmog and the Battle Masters, causing them to fail to stand upright as if gravity in the area had increased by many folds.

No, gravity really did increase.

The Black Warbear Tribe's Battle Masters was immediately shocked with incomprehensible looks as some of them were shortly planted into the ground like helpless lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

With their sheer physical strength, they could easily resist the pressure.

But the same cannot be said for their organs as they felt great strains on them, causing them to feel weak and lose all their strengths.

"What kind of power is this?" a Low-rank Battle Master muttered.

At the same time, the pathetic appearances of the Black Warbear Tribe's Battle Masters quickly alarmed Chief Valencia and the others on the wall.

"Is this Shamanic Powers?" Chief Valencia's eyes widened with astonishment.

She had seen that Young Master Leonhardt's strength had grown by leaps and bounds, but she did not expect the same applied to his shamanic powers.

His growth was simply too terrifying.

As everyone assumed that Leon's Shamanic Power came from having a colossal reserve of mental strength, they did not know that it was actually just borrowed strength from manipulating gravity with the Authority of Earth.

Still, the Authority of Earth was not an ability that Leon could clearly explain as he was still exploring its secrets and sources himself.

"Have mercy, Divine Doctor! We apologize for failing to recognize your esteemed self!" Lord Warmog pleaded for his men before saying, "We will make sure to deliver your message back to our chief!"


Leon retracted his hand before the pressure was lifted.

After regaining their freedom, the Battle Masters were shaken by Leon's means and did not dare to slight him.

However, there is always that one person in the group that does things differently.

"You bastard—!" Warlak roared furiously.

But before Warlak could make a move, he was slapped back into the ground by Lord Warmog, causing the ground to crack upon impact and knocked the person out cold.

Shortly after, Lord Warmog picked Warlak and placed him over his shoulders before he glanced back at Leon in the air.

"The message, I will deliver back to our chief," Lord Warmog stated before adding, "However, there is one thing you should know, Divine Doctor."

"Oh? And what is that?" Leon asked.

"Even if you succeed in unifying the Infertile Plains, the other tribes will only follow the most worthy and strongest tribe. Because, if the Battle God wanted the Hegemon position, it would never be your turn to take it," Lord Warmog said.

Shortly after, the Black Warbear Tribe's group of Battle Masters were ordered to leave with Lord Warmog, leaving behind a Leon with furrowed brows.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman shortly approached him before asking, "Are you thinking about what that person just said about the Battle God, Young Master Leonhardt?"

"Yes." Leon nodded.

"You don't need to worry about that too much. The Battle God has always been reclusive and never paid much attention to the affairs of the various tribes living on the plains. Only a large movement from the demons would stir the Battle God into action," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stated.

"I see…" Leon muttered.

"Still, Young Master Leonhardt has certainly surprised this old man. Who would have thought that Young Master Leonhardt's Shamanic Power would be even more terrifying than your Body Cultivation?"

"It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning…" Leon casually replied.

"Hahaha…" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman chuckled softly and said, "That small trick is enough to put all Shamans to shame, Young Master Leonhardt."

After all, if such a powerful ability was considered small, then other Shamans' abilities were just rubbish.

Leon smiled lightly without commenting.

Shortly after the two returned to the wall, Leon faced Chief Valencia and the others before he said, "The Black Warbear Tribe was surprisingly reasonable, but what that Warmog person said remains true."

"The Seven Tribes Alliance is very weak in terms of Battle Masters. As such, I will be transcribing special cultivation methods for the Seven Tribes Alliance to practice. This includes the same cultivation techniques that I am practicing—should you all wish for it."

"You can do that for us, Young Master Leonhardt?" Chief Blacktooth asked with shock, having experienced Leon's body defense firsthand.

Leon nodded calmly before he said, "After all, these techniques actually came from the Darkmoon Tribe's collection of primordial heritages. You can ask Chief Valencia for further details about this."

"Nevertheless, some of these cultivation methods are still incomplete. If your tribes can also pool in your collection of primordial heritages, we might reach some level of completion after translating them."

As everyone shifted their attention to Chief Valencia, she looked shocked while gazing back at Leon.

"Young Master Leonhardt managed to translate those ancient techniques from memory and practiced them to such heights within such a short time?"

"Chief Valencia won't blame me for secretly practicing them, right?"

Leon responded with a smile before Chief Valencia quickly shook her head and said, "Of course not. I was just astounded by your talents, Young Master Leonhardt."

"Let us talk more about this back at the Stonehenge," Chief Valencia shortly said in response to the various chiefs' inquisitive gazes.

"Given that we have refused the Black Warbear Tribe's demand, we do not have a lot of time until Young Master Leonhardt's abilities are known through the Infertile Plains since they most likely to spread the news for us."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman and the chiefs of the alliance quickly agreed with her suggestion before they departed from the wall.

Meanwhile, as the Black Warbear Tribe's Battle Masters headed home, a Low-rank Battle Master asked grudgingly, "Are we just going leave like this? What an uncomfortable feeling this is…"

"Endure it and suck it up. We have something more important to report back to the chief now," Lord Warmog's eyes flickered before he said, "The Shaman King's Successor has appeared."

"The Shaman King's Successor? Surely not, right…?"

The group of Battle Masters was stunned.

Chapter 657 - Chief Blackbear

"If that young man really was the Shaman King's Successor, then that means that time has come again for the…"

"Alright, that's enough. We shall only speak further in private. Let us quickly return and report back to the chief."

Shortly after Lord Warmog interrupted the Mid-rank Battle Master, the group began making haste back home.


It only took several hours to return to the Infertile Plains Central Region with their fast pace before a towering rocky cliff with a massive dark crevice in its center could be seen.

Numerous spots of red light within the darkness of the crevice revealed the inner space to be absolutely enormous.

It was the entrance to the Black Warbear Tribe, the tribe of cave dwellers.

Shortly after entering the big crack in the cliff, Lord Warmog headed to the tribal chief's cave directly, passing numerous other smaller caves and huts on the side of the expansive cave illuminated by glowing red stones embedded in its walls.

Only after Lord Warmog was granted entry was he allowed to enter the tribal chief's cave and meet the person.

"Chief Blackbear, I have returned." Lord Warmog greeted.

In front of him stood a topless man filled with body hair like a gorilla but his stature brimmed with power and authority as he held a goblet of red wine in hand.

"Did you bring the Divine Doctor?" Chief Blackbear narrowed his sharp eyes before cutting straight to the main topic.

Lord Warmog quickly dropped on one knee as he replied, "I did not, Chief Blackbear!"


The clay goblet immediately shattered under Chief Blackbear's grip before he shot a stern look at Chief Warmog and asked, "Then why have you come back?"

"I brought back important news, Chief Blackbear. News that is equally important as the Divine Doctor," Lord Warmog stated calmly without being intimidated.

"Oh?" Chief Blackbear studied Lord Warmog's expression for a moment before he said indifferently, "Let's hear it then."

"However, if the news doesn't satisfy me, then be prepared to be punished for failing the task. The Infertile Plains does not have a lot of time left."

"Trust me, Chief Blackbear. The news is absolutely something you want to know," Lord Warmog assured before saying, "The so-called Divine Doctor turned out to be the Shaman King's Successor, Chief."

Chief Blackbear's eyes immediately flickered.

Nevertheless, Chief Blackbear frowned shortly before asking gravely, "The Shaman King's Successor? How certain are you?"

"Very certain," Lord Warmog answered solemnly.

"With a wave of a hand, the Divine Doctor was able to suppress our entire group of Battle Masters with just his mental powers. In history, I've only heard of the Shaman King possessing such mental prowess and none other."

After Lord Warmog explained, Chief Blackbear contemplated before gazing outside with a distant look.

"So that time has come again, huh?" Chief Blackbear muttered.

"Throughout the history of the Dark Continent, the Shaman King had only made a single appearance 1000 years ago, but a single appearance was all the Shaman King needed to be recorded in history forever—the opening of the secret realm."

"Right." Lord Warmog nodded.

"The secret realm was said to be another world entirely, containing endless resources, treasures, and opportunities within. Even Celestial Sparks could be found if one was willing to look hard enough in its extreme environments. If we can find another Celestial Water Spark, the Infertile Plains will prosper for another few hundred years."

"However, every time the secret realm opens, it would spark great bloodshed and chaos between humans and demons as both sides compete for its riches. Perhaps this time, another Battle God will be born," Chief Blackbear guessed.

Shortly after, Chief Blackbear shifted his gaze back to Lord Warmog before he queried seriously, "You didn't do anything to offend the Shaman King's Successor, did you?"

"Who would dare?" Lord Warmog shook his head.

"The Shaman King's mental prowess is believed to be hereditary, passing down to each successor. With this kind of inherited power, one does not need to train to become strong and could easily suppress all Battle Kings."

"Every 100 subsequent years, the Shaman King's Successor would appear to open the secret realm, and each successor would also be different from the last. Many suspects that the previous hosts die after passing on the Shaman King's mental power."

"However, it does not matter even if that's true. What's important here is that the Shaman King's Successor is on the human side this time," Chief Blackbear stated.

Shortly after, Chief Blackbear called in his trusted confidante before he ordered, "Go spread the news that Shaman King's Successor has appeared in the Darkmoon Tribe and cancel all our current plans. The secret realm takes precedence over everything else."

"Yes, Chief Blackbear!" the trusted confidante complied.

Shortly after Lord Warmog watched the trusted confidante disappeared, he shifted his attention back to Chief Blackbear before asking, "Where do you think the secret realm will open this time, Chief?"

"Since the Shaman King's Successor appeared in the Darkmoon Tribe, I can only assume that it will be somewhere around there," Chief Blackbear said before frowning, "However, it is quite close to the demon's territory."

"Supposedly, the last two openings had both occurred in the demon's territory, and no one was aware of it until the secret realm closed. But, if it happens for a third time, it will be quite troublesome for us to enter," Lord Warmog mentioned with a frown.

"Right, we will have to fight our way through the hordes of demons if we want to enter," Chief Blackbear stated before wearing a pondering look.

"It was not like this in the previous openings before it. Thus, one cannot help but wonder if the opening to the secret realm is an object or artifact that can be moved."

"That is certainly a possibility… and not just a low possibility but a high one…"

"That's why we must be prepared," Chief Blackbear nodded and said, "We must cease all meaningless conflict and preserve our strength—not just our tribe's strength but the entire Infertile Plains."

Chapter 658 - Eternal Night Secret Realm

"We will need all hands on deck, huh?" Lord Warmog muttered before making a suggestion, "If that's the case, we should also spread the news outside the Infertile Plains—to the neighboring regions."

"I'm sure that they will also be interested even if they are living in more prosperous lands. After all, the demons reaping all the benefits from the secret realm does not spell good news for humanity."

"You've made a valid point," Chief Blackbear acknowledged before saying, "However, traveling to each region beyond the Infertile Plains is not exactly a short trip."

"And without enough weight behind our words, the people from those will not believe nor willing to join the secret realm. After all, humans are selfish and always like to leave problems to others to solve when it is too far out of their way."

"What if it's the Battle God Pavillion making the call to rally numbers for the secret realm?" Lord Warmog suggested.

"Battle God Pavillion, huh?" Chief Blackbear pondered thoughtfully before nodding, "That might be possible."

"Since you suggested it, I'll leave it to you to inform them."

"Sure, I'll make sure to complete the task this time, Chief."

Darkmoon Tribe

In the past several hours, much had happened in the tribe.

The summit concluded, and each attending tribe in the alliance returned to their respective tribes with the promises of bringing their primordial heritage collection over after Leon passed a few primordial techniques to them.

Only the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman chose to remain in the Darkmoon Tribe for a longer stay.

The core focus of most Body Cultivation Methods practiced by the warriors on the plains was centralized around the Bone-Forging Phase.

What Leon gave them were methods for Flesh-Tempering Phase and Blood-Refining Phase.

Still, even if he gave them the methods, the height of their own achievement will be limited by their efforts and talents.

Without access to True Grandmist Energy, they will never measure up to him.

When Chief Valencia received the practice methods for the first volume of the [Black Turtle Heavenly Guard], she disappeared inside her palace to commence training by the Divine Demon Tree.

Nevertheless, she did not neglect to spread the cultivation method among the tribesmen.

At the same time, Leon took the chance to visit his adoptive parents and Mia briefly before heading back to Barrenrock Courtyard.

However, he was interrupted midway.

"A moment of your time, please, Young Master Leonhardt," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman called out to him.

"Greetings, senior." Leon made a fist-palm salute to the elder before calmly asking, "What do you need from me?"

"You mentioned that you were not a local of the Infertile Plains, but someone from the Human Domain," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman spoke before asking, "However, I wonder if you have heard about the Shaman King and the Eternal Night Secret Realm?

"Shaman King? Eternal Night Secret Realm?"

Leon furrowed his brows together with a pondering look but had no recollection of such terms before shaking his head.

"Seems like Young Master Leonhardt isn't aware of these two matters then. Seems like I was just overthinking," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman seemed relieved before muttering, "It's great that you're not the…"

"The Shaman King?" Leon guessed.

Since the topic was brought up, Leon became quite interested.

However, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman shook his head and said, "Not the Shaman King, but the Shaman King's Successor."

"Oh? Can you tell me more about the Shaman King and Eternal Night Secret Realm, senior?"

"Of course."

After the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman agreed, the two moved to a more convenient place to talk and ended up choosing Master Woodrow's Fragrant Tea Abode.

Leon expected to meet Master Woodrow, but evidently, the person had also entered secluded training to research whether warriors with shattered Demon Cores could still practice other Body Cultivation Methods.

Shortly after their tea was served, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman began speaking from the first appearance of the Shaman King to the Eternal Night Secret Realm and its subsequent openings by the Shaman King's Successors.

However, no one rarely brought up the matter anymore due to the past two consecutive losses to the demons.

"I see. So, the Shaman King's Successor dies after opening the secret realm," Leon muttered before he abruptly paused with a sudden thought.

"Where does the Shaman King's Successor's inherited mental prowess go if they die before passing it onto the next successor?" Leon asked curiously.

"No one really knows, to be honest," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman smiled wryly at being unable to answer the question before adding, "To begin with, the Shaman King's mental prowess is a mystical power that no one understands."

"Nevertheless, some people have theorized that the Shaman King's mental prowess is an inferior version of Celestial Sparks. Once its powers are exhausted, it will return to heaven and earth to be recharged until it is ready to bind itself to the next successor."

"By some people, do you mean you, senior?" Leon asked with a smile.

"Ahem!" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's composure broke with an awkward cough before he vaguely said, "I may have contributed a small part in the conjecture."

Leon smiled slightly.

Nevertheless, the topic made him more curious about the Dark Continent's history.

Unlike the Desolate Continent—or rather, the Desolate Beast Continent, the Dark Continent had a longer recorded history.

He had learned about the Nova Empire of ten thousand years ago and the previous Cataclysm over 500 years ago, but everything in between was a blank slate as if it had been erased from the records of history.

However, after hearing parts of the Dark Continent's history, Leon could not help but feel that something momentous happened in between those two periods.

'Did someone purposely erased the records?' Leon pondered with a frown.

Eventually, Leon shook his head.

There was no point trying to figure it out on his own. Instead, it was better to just ask a more informed expert about the subject.

Leon's gaze gradually shifted back to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman before he asked, "Senior, how much do you know about this world's history? How far back does your knowledge extend?"

Chapter 659 - Revisiting The World's Core

"How much do I know and how far back, you ask?"

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman paused for a moment before he shook his head.

"This old man has read records of history dating back hundreds of thousand years ago, but the information is very incomplete—full of missing timeline in between. Still, if you ask me how much I know about history, Young Master Leonhardt could say that I know a lot. Or, I know nothing at all."

"Because the truth of the matter is unless we have lived through those times, no one truly knows what actually happened. Anything can be written about history. It can be altered to mislead, subvert black and white, or changed entirely."

"This old man can tell you what this old man knows, but this old man can only guarantee that the past couple hundred years of history that this old has lived is true. Anything beyond that is an uncertainty."

Shortly after, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman asked, "So, what does Young Master Leonhardt to hear about first?"

"Since senior has put it like that…" Leon smiled wryly and said, "I'd like to hear about the big events that happened in senior's life—if it's fine with senior, of course."

"Fair enough." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman nodded before muttering, "Now, where should I begin? Oh yes. We start with the Bone Calamity…"

In the following half-hour, Leon listened attentively to the One-Eye Venerable Shaman recount about the past Bone Calamities that occurred after rogue warriors took ancient bones from the burial ground in the Black Swamp.

Evidently, the humans did add their bones to the piles found throughout the Black Swamp when they first migrated to the Infertile Plains, but it only covered a tiny fraction of it.

The rest came from an ancient battlefield that occurred further down in history—in which no one really knew was the cause to spark such bloodshed.

Without the wisdom of the aged, the truth behind history will always remain vague and unknown.

Eventually, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman briefly mentioned the Starfall event before sharing his thoughts regarding the matter, bringing them back on the Eternal Night Secret Realm topic.

"The Starfall event? A fallen star that fell from the heavens and brought darkness to the land, huh?" Leon muttered thoughtfully with doubt.

Was it really a fallen star or just a large piece of space debris from a bygone era?

"In the past couple hundred years, this old man has observed and discovered that the darkness covering this land grows denser over time…" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman mentioned.

"However, this old man does not believe the Starfall event was the cause for its existence. At most, it was only the catalyst that sparked it. The darkness might have come from the Eternal Night Secret Realm."

"Is that how the secret realm got its name, senior?" Leon asked curiously.

He was just wondering about this.

However, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman shook his head and said, "The Eternal Night Secret Realm wasn't called the Eternal Night Secret Realm due to the dark clouds that blot out the skies of this continent, but because there is no sun there. It's a lightless place."

"I see…"

After some small chat, Leon eventually left the Fragrant Tea Abode and returned to Barrenrock Courtyard with a thoughtful look.

Upon his arrival, he swept the place with his divine sense before seeing that the three ladies and six maids were all deeply immersed in meditative cultivation.

As such, he chose not to disturb them.

'Only someone who lived through those times can tell the truth of those events…' Leon thought back on the One-Eye Venerable Shaman's words while picking a relatively clean spot to be seated in the open courtyard.

There was someone in mind that he could ask.

But whether that person or being was willing to communicate with him or not was a different matter entirely.

Nevertheless, it was worth a shot.

'I didn't expend much mental energy in the confrontation with the Black Warbear Tribe's people… I should use this chance to make another trip to that place…'

Shortly after, Leon closed his eyes and immersed his consciousness into the depths of the earth…

Under the Divine Demon Tree, Chief Valencia absorbed the Darkness Profound Energy from the tree and practiced the [Black Turtle Heavenly Guard]'s first volume.

Feeling the beneficial effects of the technique as her fleshly defense improved along with its strength, Chief Valencia's eyes flickered.

'It's so effective!'

Nevertheless, the so-called effectiveness was only a fraction of what Leon enjoyed when he cultivated with True Grandmist Energy.

In other parts of the Darkmoon Tribe, Warriors, Great Warriors, Battle Masters, and even the Venerable Shamans also similarly experienced the beneficial effects of cultivating higher-grade techniques.

But while it was a time of transformation for most people in the tribe, it was also a time of reckoning for others.


The wooden gates of the Golden family's courtyard were suddenly busted down with a strong kick!

Shortly after, several retired seniors at the Low-rank Battle Master Realm accompanied by a couple of dozen Great Warriors barged inside, alarming the Golden family.

"Whose place do you think this is? How dare you damage our property and barge in here like this!" a servant immediately criticized the group furiously.


Towards such words, one of the retired seniors responded with a tight slap across the servant's face, sending the person crashing into the wall.

The servant remained motionless afterward.

The rest of the servants and branch family members of the Golden family gathering in the courtyard were immediately shocked silly.

"The home of traitors do not need any respect nor mercy from this old man!" Lord Darkrig stated coldly before sweeping the Golden family's people a look.

Lord Goldenfang and his two sons, Goldeneye and Goldenrod, shortly arrived before Lord Goldenfang asked, "Brother Darkrig, what's the meaning of this? Is there some sort of misunderstanding?"

"By orders of Chief Valencia, the Golden family will be executed on the spot, no questions asked, for the crime of selling Young Master Leonhardt's information to the Black Warbear Tribe!" Lord Darkrig stated coldly.

The Golden family was immediately shocked!

Chapter 660 - Traitor And Execution

"Slander! This is pure hogshit! Since when did my Golden family sell Young Master Leonhardt's information to the Black Warbear Tribe?!" Lord Goldenfang immediately rebuked furiously.

"The Golden family may have some conflicts with Young Master Leonhardt in the past, but that does mean that would betray the enemy!"

"Hmph, I am not here to argue with you, Goldenfang. You best know what your Golden family did or didn't do!" Lord Darkrig snorted and said, "The chief has decreed all members of the Beast Tamer Faction be punished for the crimes of supporting traitors!"

"However, the chief is lenient. If you wish to be pardoned, take up your arms, slay a member of the Golden family, and prove your loyalty to the tribe!"

"This is outrageous! How utterly ridiculous and tyrannical! Chief Valencia just wants to get rid of opposition to secure her position! Can you follow such an oppressive leader?!" Goldenfang barked.

"I have always been loyal to the tribe and served it well, so why would Chief Valencia do this to us?" Goldeneye frowned and said, "Does Chief Valencia really want to wash the tribe in blood after all the losses we have incurred since the Bone Calamity?"

"No matter what you say, the truth of the matter is that information had been leaked to the Black Warbear Tribe, and the Darkmoon Tribe does not need dissonant factors in its mix!" Lord Darkrig stated firmly.

"In troubled times like this, the Darkmoon Tribe is required to be more united than ever. All who do not share our views are against us. Thus, even if you are innocent, you are still guilty!"

Shortly after, Lord Darkrig immediately laid down the order.

"Kill them!"


The weaker servants wailed in pain and despair as the Great Warriors immediately swooped in for the kill while the stronger ones resisted their onslaught.

"Since the chief wants the death of my Golden family, she will not have it easy! Raise your weapons and fight back! You're not allowed to fall until you take down at least one with you!" Lord Goldenfang rallied with his raised bone sword.

However, some servants and subordinates of the Golden family turned on each other, stabbing the loyal Golden family's people in the back for a chance at survival.

The group of executioners brought to their doorstep was too strong to resist!

"Bastards! How dare you betray my Golden family!" Goldenfang snarled furiously with a red face and protruding veins.

At the same time, Goldeneye hacked one of the traitorous servants to death before whistling to the sky to call his companion for help.


Goldeneye roared.

As the Dark Wyvern descended and the Golden family resisted strongly, Goldenrod stood rooted on the spot while gazing at the grim situation blankly.

With each passing moment, a servant or member of the family died.


Faced with a guilty conscience, his legs quickly gave way, causing him to drop on his knees before he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Father, Brother… I was the one who leaked the information to the Black Warbear Tribe…"

"It was you?!" Lord Goldenfang glared.

Lord Goldenfang thought the chief just wanted an excuse to get rid of their family, but as it turns out, the initial fault lies with their family all along!

The sheer look of surprise and betrayal on his face could be imagined.

"Arghhh! Why you do such a stupid thing?!" Lord Goldenfang roared and said, "Did you know that your foolish action has cost your brother's bright future and the lives of everyone in the family?!"

"Young Master Leonhardt's influence in the tribe was too strong despite his short stay. I… I thought that if he could be removed from the Darkmoon Tribe, it would be a great blow to Chief Valencia…" Goldenrod said hesitantly.

"But that doesn't mean you turn to the enemies for help! Arghh—!"

Lord Goldenfang was so mad, his old heart could not take it and abruptly stopped, causing him to collapse on the ground and eventually stopped breathing.

He died of excessive anger.

The head of the Golden family had grand ambition and plans for his family, but unfortunately, one of his sons was too incompetent to help him realize it.

"Father!" Goldeneye cried with red eyes.

His grief caused a slip in his concentration, causing him to immediately suffer a fatal blow from a High-rank Great Warrior and dropped on the ground.

Even the Dark Wyvern fell in battle shortly after its master.

The Golden family's strong resistance quickly died down as all its remaining members were eventually killed—whether by the executioner group or their own.

Goldenrod, who did not proactively resist, was the last to fall after he was beheaded.

"Haiz, what a loss…"

Lord Darkrig sighed at the Dark Wyvern's bloodied body after the battle ended before shortly shaking his head.

"Nevertheless, a single Dark Wyvern cannot be compared to the grace of Young Master Leonhardt."

Between the potential of one Battle King and the potential of many Battle Kings, it was clear which of the two was better for the tribe.

"Alright, quickly wrap up the place and report to the chief."

"Yes, Lord Darkrig!"

Barrenrock Courtyard

Meanwhile, Leon continued to meditate and sink his divine sense deeper and deeper into the earth until he felt the attractive force pull him through 162 floors and 18 layers of earth before bypassing the core's protective barrier.

Looking at the familiar scenery in the surrounding, Leon immediately knew that he had once again reached the mysterious core region—or so he believed it was.

The second World Tree, the slumbering stone golem and crack on the other side, the barrier, and bright lava beyond it.

He was certain it was the same place.

"Tch." Leon clicked his tongue and muttered, "I brought here so quickly, I failed to observe the deeper subterranean floors and layers again… I guess I will have to try and look even more carefully next time I visit…"

Shortly after, Leon fixed his sight on the direction of the female stone golem behind World Tree and began making his way over.

However, after a few steps, Leon suddenly paused.

"I really hope that before we can have a decent talk, I won't get blown back to the surface—or worse, get obliterated to death…"