Sexy, But Nothing Special.

A man left the hotel building, where the celebration was being held. It was a deep night outside. The screen of the phone flashed with light, the owner ran his finger over it and accepted the incoming call.

"Yes ... I found her ... No, she did not know. I think she remembers nothing. Or she only pretends, but the first one is more likely ... Understood. I will keep an eye on her... Hmm ... Even so? ... Well, then I am waiting for further instructions."

The man hung up and lit a cigarette. Taking a deep drag, he slowly exhaled the smoke from his lungs. In the light of the moon, an ominous smile gleamed on his face.

"Well, my little kitty, it seems it's time for us to play again. Huh, I'm already ecstatic just from one thought to contemplate your confused and shocked face!"

A loud laugh echoed in the silence of the night, and the black male silhouette moved away.

. . .

Two days later. Presidential Academy.

"Argh, it's Monday again! And again, two whole boring lectures with your favorite professor ... If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have chosen this course in my life", Corey sighed, stretching lazily on the table. "And Jason, as ill luck would have it, stayed at home to take a nap. If he were here at least I would have taken his PS Vita to play with."

"Well, well, no need to play cunning. Firstly, I always help you with tasks, and they are not so boring. Secondly, this course gives a lot of credits, so you actually get two in one. Even Melinda along with her brownnosers visits him. And you know what their IQ level is."

Corey looked from Elena to a group of three girls sitting close to them. They had a lively discussion. One of them was clearly the leader of the group, since all the attention of her friends was focused on her.

The girl with blond hair and bright makeup enthusiastically showed something in her phone. The other two continually opened their mouths, obviously exaggeratedly showing how shocked they were. Noticing that Corey was looking in their direction, she immediately changed her expression to a more arrogant one and turned away with ostentation.

"Psht, it's a hoot!" Corey sneered at the reaction of the girl, and decided to return to the dialogue with her friend. "Now listen, Elena, you never told me about your impression of the dance with David. Well, well, and how was it? Tell me, is he sexy too?"

"I guess. Nothing special" Elena replied barely audibly, but noticing Corey's skeptical look, she continued. "OK, OK. He is sexy. But the dance was like a dance, nothing special."

"Everything's clear with you gal pal," and Corey smiled slyly. "Heh, it's a pity that Rick also had to leave immediately after the dance. But never mind, we will catch up this thing tonight."

"What do you mean?" Elena worried, seeing the suspiciously contented face of her friend.

"You, me, Rick and David are going to the club together tonight!"

"WHAT?!" Elena screamed so loudly that all the people in the audience instantly turned in her direction.

"What did you just say?" Practically hissing, Elena repeated her question.

"Miss Lee, come to me, please." Professor Richards suddenly called out to her.

"Oh, yes, wait a second. And you... ", she again turned to Corey "... Don't even dare to think how to sneak away from the lecture." Elena threatened her and went to the professor...