Will You ... Me?

"What was so special about this formula that they did such terrible things because of it?" David came closer to Elena and wanted to take her hand again, but the girl did not react to his gesture. The man smirked in displeasure but did not insist.

"Hmm, I don't know. There were just a bunch of numbers in it," Elena answered, without going into details.

"And, did you memorize anything?" David continued to pull out the details from her.

Elena gazed at him intently, trying to understand what was hiding behind these lights, which periodically popped up in his bottomless brown eyes.

"No, nothing. I woke up abruptly, so I didn't remember anything," she answered his question.

"Hmmm, well, that's for the best. You don't need extra details, and this is not the most pleasant dream," David winked at her and patted her on the shoulder.

"By the way, I looked at your report. Very impressive. I was surprised that you managed to do so much work, given that you were busy in the evening," the man added and went to the desk, his coffee had cooled down a long time ago, but he didn't mind that the reason that distracted him was this pretty lady.

Elena smiled at him, "Yes, I'm such a good student," the girl followed David's example and brewed fresh tea for herself. In the end, this office was her second home at the Academy, and even the coffee that the young man was drinking at the moment was bought by her.

"Haha, right. You can't argue with this," David laughed, not taking his eyes off the girl's movements, "But tell me, please, why did you choose this topic for analysis? The World War II is a very sensitive issue. We still don't know much, including the exact number of deaths."

"I know. It's just that there are a lot of archival documents on this subject, and it was really interesting for me to analyze the actions of the leaders of the countries participating in the conflict." Elena answered him, feeling slightly surprised that David turned on the "teacher mode". She was pleased to know that it was possible to communicate with this person on more serious topics.

"Then answer the following question. In what language were the original sources, that you used for analysis, written? English, right?" Seeing that the girl was silent, David realized that the answer to his question was yes.

"Listen to me, Elena, if you do not know the language of the countries participating in the conflict, then you will always be limited only to the information that you receive in your native language. Imagine the following situation. A take over is taking place in a certain country. Its president is escaping to a neighboring country so that he is not killed.

The new illegal government accuses the neighbors of sheltering the now-former president and claims that this neighboring country is hiding the real criminal, and they only restored justice. Then they begin to blame the neighbors for all their troubles that have happened to them over the past 500 years. What do you think will the third country, observing this conflict from the outside, do?"

"Well, probably, it will demand compliance with international law?" the girl suggested.

"Well, no, my dear. The third country will analyze what party, in this situation, will be more profitable to use, and who is more profitable to sink. And its government will bring information to its citizens based on these considerations.

Therefore, when you watch TV and they tell you what a bad the country A is, it is constantly offending the country B, and in general it is offending everyone, remember that you are given this information exactly as it is beneficial to your country C.

So your opinion will be very easy to manipulate. And you may never know that in fact, it is your country C arranged this whole conflict so that then the government has an argument to spend taxpayers' money on military expenses, and not on salaries of such poor teachers like me," David sighed sadly and looked at the girl with the eyes of a lost kitten.

True, Rolex on his wrist said exactly the opposite though. And the whole appearance of the young man was far from the image of a "poor" teacher.

"Pffff, ha ha ha ha !!" Elena did not restrain herself and laughed out loud. "Oh goodness, Mr. Anderson, now I can believe that you know something and can teach," the girl did not expect to receive such a comprehensive lecture on the topic of her report.

"Baby, you are, apparently, seriously underestimating me," David answered her as if offended by her words.

"Well, judging by your logic, Mr. Anderson, you too cannot be objective enough when you talk about World War II. You do not speak the languages of the participating countries, do you?"

David's face lit up with a sly smile, he approached the girl and said with an important look, "My dear Elena, for your information, I am fluent in English, German and Russian. So I can be more than objective in this matter."

Elena opened her mouth in amazement. The man, pleased with his triumph, continued, "I am such a good teacher, right?" he quoted the girl's words which she said earlier and winked playfully.

'Gosh, what a Casanova. Flirting with me so openly and doesn't even blush,' Elena thought to herself, studying David's cunning face. The attention of this man was pleasing her much.

"Ah, yes, I wanted to ask you something," David opened his brown eyes as if he remembered something very important.

"What is it?" Elena asked and took a sip of tea.

"Will you marry me?"

"Pffff, khe-khe, WHAT?!" the girl choked on her drink and shouted out loud, shocked by such an unexpected question. "No, wait. Do you even understand what you're asking now? Doesn't it seem to you that the logic is somehow broken in the order of your actions?"

The man laughed out loud, the confused expression on Elena's face was worth to be taken a picture of and set as wallpaper on the main screen of the phone.

He took her hand and leaned on the back of the sofa, the girl silently watched as David played with her fingers with his hand, "Elena, you and I are both adults, so I won't go around the bush, but I'll say it straight," David looked up and looked at the girl,

"I liked you at first sight, even at Jason's birthday. And I liked you very much. And yesterday...," playful lights flashed in the man's eyes, and Elena's cheeks flashed with fire in return.

She will never ever drink strange drinks in a strange place! Never ever again! It's good that she had not lost her mind then, and David had the patience not to do anything stupid.

"Yesterday I realized that I can't just be someone who happens just to know you," the young man said in a slightly hoarse voice, and the girl felt the butterflies in her stomach waking up from his timbre, "The attraction between us is so strong that I can't, well I do not want to resist this feeling. Can you feel it too?"

Elena swallowed a lump, stepping up to her throat, David's direct and deep gaze captivated her body and mind. She did not consider herself a naive stupid girl and perfectly understood what such a relationship could lead to, but for the first time in her life she wanted to take a chance and touch this captivating flame.

Whether she was a moth flying to its death or the one who could extinguish this flame with a wave of her hand, she was not sure. But she could check this only by entering this game.

The girl nodded her head, and it did not escape her attention that the man exhaled with relief, waiting for her answer.

"Elena Lee, will you honor me and agree to date me?" David said.

"I agree," Elena answered and raised her hand up when David wanted to insert his word, "But I will warn you right away - do not even expect to force things, what happened yesterday was an accident. So don't even think-"

Before Elena could finish the sentence, David jumped up and squeezed her tightly in his arms, "Thank you," he whispered in her ear, and a wave of goosebumps covered the girl's body with a victorious march, "Don't worry, I will never force you to do things that you don't want," the young man whispered and kissed the corner of her lips with tenderness.

"But I do not promise not to make you want it as soon as possible," he added, his breath touching the girl's skin.

Elena noticed how his eyes fell on her lips, the tension in her body increased at the same second, as if they were like two magnets, attracted to each other with an unknown force. 'Whatever happens, happens,' she thought, closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

"You are so beautiful," the man whispered, and his lips touched her mouth. Millions of small sparks scattered across the girl's body, subordinating her to their power.

'Oh my god, it seems I just signed a contract with a demon,' a thought slipped into Elena's head, but she decided to think it over later and only plunged deeper into David's tight hug.