A quiet and sunny day was pleasing with its warmth. In the shade of green trees in the depths of the park, two people slowly walked along the way. One might think that they were on a date, but it was immediately obvious from their faces that something sad was the reason for their conversation.
"And how did it go? I can't even imagine what Elena feels like." Rick looked at the squirrels playing under the nearest tree, but even this sweet scene did not cause a sense of joy in him.
Corey sighed sadly, "Mr. Richards's funeral went quite smoothly, if I may say so, about the funeral. I didn't expect so many people to come. It turns out that the professor was, in fact, an outstanding specialist. It's a pity that such a professional left us being at the height of his career."
"Hmm, the situation is really extremely unpleasant," Rick put his arms around Corey and pulled her close to him.
"You know, Rick, I'm more worried about Elena. Considering her peculiarity, she had the hardest time. And this memory will always haunt her."
"What do you mean?"
Corey fell silent for a while and then continued in a quieter voice, "The fact is... well, it's not exactly a big secret, but Elena doesn't like to share it, so this information is not widely known. She has something of a photographic type memory. Once she sees or reads something, she instantly remembers it in the smallest detail."
"Seriously? Everything?" Rick was amazed at such a terrific ability.
"I was also very surprised when I first heard about it. But, imagine what it really is. Considering that she saw the moment of the murder with her own eyes, this scene was imprinted in her memory forever. Although, to be honest, I didn't I know how long she keeps the information in her memory." Corey looked very worried because it was her best friend.
"Now that you have told me everything in vivid detail, I understand what you mean. In this case, this ability greatly complicates her life. But, you know what? Here's what I think. Although I haven't known Elena for a long time, I can be sure in one thing - she is a strong and intelligent person. Therefore, don't worry about her, she will cope with everything. Moreover, she has serious support of my best friend." Rick winked at Corey and smiled slyly.
"What?" The girl's face glowed with delight. "You know something, am I right? Well, confess now!" She began to tickle Rick, which made him burst into loud laughter.
"Ahahaha, okay, okay. I give up! I will tell you everything!" The young man looked around, checking that no one was listening. Then he waved at Corey with his index finger, beckoning her to move closer. The man leaned toward her ear and whispered, "The thing is, Elena and David ... ask the rest from Elena herself." After he said that he kissed the girl on the cheek.
"Rick!" Corey was annoyed by his cunning deceit, but she was even more embarrassed by his unexpected gesture of tenderness.
The guy broke into a charming smile, and the girl's heart began to beat even harder.
Rick noticed a beautiful bench surrounded by bushes of scarlet roses nearby. 'Oh, this place will be just perfect!' the young man thought. He led the girl to the bench and asked her to sit down.
"Corey, please close your eyes and give me your hand."
The girl obediently closed her eyes and felt that a few more seconds and her heart would definitely jump out of her chest and start dancing salsa ... or rumba ... whatever, because it would be impossible to stop it.
Rick gently touched the girl's fingers, and she felt a wave of ecstasy run up her arm and envelop her body. Corey stopped her breathing, and all her tactile receptors focused in one place, turning off all other senses. She wanted only one thing - to feel the touch of his hands.
The man, in the meantime, touched her palm and went up to the side of her wrist. Corey felt something light touch her skin and remain on it.
"That's it. You can open your eyes."
The girl opened her eyes and saw an exquisite gold bracelet on her wrist, the air threads of which were interlaced with bright diamonds shining in the rays of the sun. It was so beautiful that Corey, mesmerized by its appearance, forgot where she was.
"Dear God, Rick! It is just awesome!" Corey looked from the bracelet to the young man and just now noticed that he was standing with his knees bent. She covered her mouth with her hand, unable to say anything further.
Her number 1 in the list of potential husbands, but to be honest, he was already number 1 in all her lists, stood in front of her in the position of a faithful knight, ready to say something to her. The girl froze in anticipation of his further actions.
Rick took her hand, gently touched her thin fingers with his lips and looked at the girl intently. Cory instantly had a lump stuck in her throat, and blood rushed to her face at a furious pace. 'God, not only is he in that pose. So he also decided to finally finish me with his languid eyes. A little more, and I finally lose my mind. This man is too great!'
While the girl's thoughts were rushing frantically through her head, Rick coughed slightly, noticing that her mind had obviously gone to the kingdom of boundless dreams, which made Corey tremble and immediately return to reality. The young man smiled and continued his speech.
"Dear Miss Williams, from the first second I saw you, I cannot think of anything else but you. I have these feelings for the first time in my life and I understand that random dates no longer suit me. Therefore, I, Rick Stein, ask for your permission to become my girlfriend, my darling. Do you agree to go out with me?"
Tears appeared in Corey's eyes. She assumed that this man was clearly not indifferent to her. But she could not even imagine that he confessed her about his feelings like this. It was so beautiful and fabulous; it was even more stunning than she thought. And the moment when she first saw him at Jason's birthday, even then her heart made the final decision.
"God, Rick, of course, I agree!" Corey burst into tears of happiness and rushed into the arms of a young man.
Rick tightly pressed her to him and covered her lips with a gentle and long kiss.