David opened the laptop and showed a place on the map. "As I understand it, this is an abandoned factory warehouse. It is an industrial zone, and there are many buildings. We are very lucky that we know the exact location. At least Elena's phone is there."
Rick looked at the map attentively. "Got it. Are you ready?" he asked the head of the security group and received an affirmative reply from him. "Fine. Then move forward. How long will it take us to get there?"
"One hour, sir," answered the team leader.
'I hope the girls will be fine,' Rick thought, and a group of men left the Berne Group building.
. . .
"*Well, what do you offer for a bet? Just so you know, I am only interested in delicious food and martial arts. You can hardly surprise me with your cooking skills, considering where we are. As for the martial skills. Somehow I also have doubts about your competence. You are too young. Besides, you are the woman*," the guy grinned wickedly and looked at the girl with a feeling of complete superiority.
'Wow, he just told me everything I needed to know. I didn't even have to rack my brains about it,' Elena carefully examined the young man. Considering his age, he was not much superior to her physically, but she knew absolutely nothing about the level of his fighting skills. 'Well, I hope my experience in karate will help.'
"*I got you. What about karate? I used to study it a bit, so I can offer a little sparring. If I wrestle you down, you will let us out of this room. Deal?*"
"*And if the opposite happens? What should I ask you in return?*" The guy was absolutely sure of his success.
"*In case if you win, we will sit quietly and won't make a sound*," Elena replied.
"*Hmm, that sounds a bit boring, but so be it, I agree*."
Elena got up from the place where she was and stood in the center of the room.
"Elena, what is happening?" Corey began to worry, as it was obvious that the atmosphere in the room had become noticeably harder.
"Corey, don't worry, everything will be fine. Trust me." Elena encouraged her friend.
"Yes, Miss, trust your friend. She decided to entertain me a little bit," added the guy.
"Oh, as I could see it, you speak English, don't you?" Elena dragged all the attention of the young man to herself.
"Of course I do. I just wasn't even bothering. I do not like to strain myself if there isn't obvious need."
"Clear. Let's start, shall we? Be gentle with your older sister, ok?" Elena winked at him.
"Older? Who is older? I will soon be 20 years old, by the way. And you, probably, haven't even finished school yet, have you?" The guy laughed out loud.
'Somehow I don't know whether to be happy or to be upset about his comment ... Well, in this situation, if he considers me to be a little one, then it's even better,' she thought.
The young man made a sharp attack on Elena, forcing her to immediately go into defense. Dodging a few blows, Elena tried to hold the grip, but the guy turned out to be more agile.
'So, I understood his technique roughly, now it's time to go turn on the offensive mode' Elena analyzed the strategy and proceeded to fulfill her plan.
Dodging a few blows, Elena grabbed the young man's hand and abruptly pulled it behind her back, causing him to lose his balance. Making a sharp turn, Elena grabbed him from behind with her second hand and pressed his body to the floor with all her strength. Biting her knees into his back, she quickly pressed a few pain points on his body, causing the guy to cry out loud.
"Aggh, oh you piece of shit! What did you do?!" he tried to free himself from the captivity of the girl, but even the slightest movement caused him hellish pain.
"Boy, you better not move now. This technique is passed on from generation to generation in the Lee family, so you better listen to the elders," Elena replied.
"Who is the elder... Aah!!" the guy again shouted out loud because Elena pressed another point on his body.
"For your information, I am already 21. So you need to speak politely with your elders. Big Sis won't hurt you if you tell me how many people there are here and if they are armed, okay?"
"You won't get anything from me!"
"This is not the right answer," Elena pressed the pain point even harder, and the guy's body twisted with a wild spasm. "I will ask again: How many of you are here?"
"There is not anyone. Everyone has already left. Only I and Sensei are here, " the young man replied, tears came out on his face from the pain.
Elena's heart began to shrink from grief, she had never used these methods on a person before.
'Ok, no time to get sentimental,' she thought and returned to her questioning.
"What kind of Sensei? Where is he?"
"He will be here soon, and, believe me, this meeting will not bring you anything good," the guy wanted to laugh, but even this caused him a wild pain.
"Clear. Then we should hurry. Corey, let's go. And you," Elena addressed the young man, "I advise you not to move for at least fifteen minutes. Otherwise, you will not be able to walk normally for a week."
After these words, the girls left the room. Elena took Corey by the hand and led her along the long corridors. They tried to go as quietly as possible, but at the same time, they were hurrying to leave this unknown strange building.
"So, as far as I remember, there was one turn and there would be a way out," Elena carefully looked out from around the corner and made sure that there was no one in the next corridor and they could go further.
The girl stretched her hand back, "Corey, let's go." But her friend did not take her hand in return. "Corey?" Elena turned around and froze in horror.
Corey was standing with her eyes widely open from fear and was about to cry. Her mouth was closed by the hand of a man standing behind her. He was dressed in all black. There was a black mask on his face, and a lightning tattoo was clearly visible on his neck. In his other hand, he was holding a syringe, the needle of which was pointing to Corey's neck.
"You know what it is? Sure you want to go on? I am not holding you, but your friend... She will stay here ... forever," the man said in a cold voice, and Elena's heart sank at his words.
Of course, she immediately recognized this voice, this tattoo, and this syringe. She saw the consequences of this with her own eyes.
"Hmm, I see you decided to stay. This is a smart move." The man removed the syringe from Corey's neck and took off the black mask. A devilish smile lit up his face.
Cold gray eyes were staring at Elena. She looked carefully at his face, and a vague image popped up in her memory. The girl thought for a moment and came in even greater shock from her thoughts.
The man's gray eyes flashed with bright fire.
"Long time no see, E-le-na."